A lot of thought, effort, and money is invested in making the machines at a corrugated facility run properly. Everything from repairs to rou ne maintenance and upgrades and innova ons in equipment can do wonders for maximizing profit and minimizing down me. There is, however, an o en overlooked factor that has a detrimental impact on output efficiency, and it may be hiding in plain sight: the operators themselves. A Common Problem Most people in manufacturing, and corrugated specifically, are aware of some of the challenges facing their industry, based on employment trends: “the silver tsunami,” high turnover rate, and difficulty finding interested candidates. As b a by b o ome rs – wh o s l l ma ke u p a dispropor onately high percentage of the workforce in corrugated – re re in greater numbers and at a faster rate, a wealth of ins tu onal knowledge is leav ing the manufacturing floor along with them. This trend has been even further exacerbated by the fallout surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hastened re rement of employees of ages deemed to be higher risk by the CDC. This recent trend has expanded beyond boomers – there is a markedly higher turnover rate across genera ons over the past year plus, as people have begun to rethink their employment needs and goals. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturing opera ons were having a more difficult me en cing millennial and Gen-Z workers into roles at plants, on account of the hours, the heat and the dir ness of the facili es, and other differing genera onal sensibili es regarding employment. The trickle-down effect of these employment trends to the operator training is that there is o en a higher turnover rate of machine operators. Many companies may consider it to be more expensive and more me consuming to properly train operators, especially if they do not have confidence that they'll stay in the job for very long. So instead, they have previous or outgoing o p e r a t o rs tr a i n t h e ir r e p l a c eme n ts. Unfortunately, this turns machine opera on protocol into a proverbial game of “telephone,” where each trainee is receiving less and less informa on straight from the source. Operators may be fully capable of explaining and passing on the day to day opera on techniques, but in many cases, they have li le or even no experience dealing with certain types of issues that arise less frequently, many of which require specialized knowledge to rec fy. Worst of all, the trainees are generally new to this type of role, so they o en don't know what they don't know. This makes it difficult for them to ask the right ques ons or know how to address what problems may arise a er their trainer is long gone, when they are on their own. The Operator Holds The Power There are a lot of nuances and intricacies to corrugated opera ons that make them run Increasing Uptime - OEM OPERATOR TRAINING: The forgotten key to optimizing machine performance INDUSTRY UPDATES October - December 2022 | The Corrugator Most people in manufacturing, and corrugated specifically, are aware of some of the challenges facing their industry, based on employment trends “
properly. But a major problem comes from machine operators not being properly trained by OEMs. This problem o en flies under the radar because it is possible to operate machines on a basic or even intermediate level without a full training from an OEM. This may lull both the operator and the owners and managers of the facility into a false sense of security because daily opera ons will not likely suffer to the naked eye. However, without proper training, in many cases, while operators learn how to do the basics, they are not experienced in fine-tuning the process, which is essen al to unlocking maximum efficiency. This can lead to problems as natural wear and tear occurs on parts, as these novice operators do not know how to fine-tune machines or how to interpret the underlying causes of issues like jams-ups, compromised speed, or sub-standard end products. These operators also o en do not know the value of certain parts or components either, so it is not uncommon to see substandard prac ces, such as operators throwing print plates on the floor, not realizing that they are damaging equipment that costs thousands of dollars to repair. Worst of all, the lack of high-level opera onal knowledge means that output speed may not be maximized, or produc on quality may be sub-op mal. This means that operators are actually unwi ngly cos ng the business money by compromising margins, and although this may be impercep ble to the untrained eye, it has the poten al to leave thousands or even millions of dollars on the table annually. The telltale sign of untrained operators reveals itself when OEMs are on sight for repairs. O en mes, these OEMs will ask the machine operators ques ons about why a par cular component is on so ghtly, or why certain things are set up the way that they are, and the untrained operators simply do not know the answer. They commonly reply, “It's always been this way” or “It seemed to be running just fine, so I didn't want to mess with it.” The reality is that these operators are treading water in the deep end of the pool without ever having learned how to swim properly. Ev e n b e fo r e t h e COVID- 1 9 p a n d emi c , manufacturing opera ons were having a difficult me en cing millennial and Gen-Z workers into roles at plants. The Benefits of OEM Training At SUN, our technicians get fewer calls for OEM operator training than nearly any of our other services. Without understanding the benefits of the training or the risks and costs stemming from improper training, opera ons see the training as an unnecessary expense, and believe that they can save money by not paying for a full training. However, a full OEM training pays for itself because it empowers operators to make the machines run more efficiently and read and address the warning signs of underlying issues before they become major breakdowns or catastrophic failures – a double-edged sword that both costs money to fix and loses out on money while machines are down for repairs. These trainings go beyond simply turning a machine on and off, as they focus on teaching trainers the “why” behind certain more esoteric adjustments and more subtle warning signs of a machine that is under undue stress or performing at a substandard level. It is never too late for OEM training, even if a machine operator has been on the job for months or even years, because there is always room to learn more about t h e s e e l a b o ra te , p owe rf u l a n d h i g h l y customizable, and adaptable machines. To learn more about OEM training and how it can improve your opera ons, contact a SUN service representa ve. It is never too late for OEM training, even if a machine operator has been on the job for months or even years, because there is always room to learn more about these elaborate, powerful and highly customizable and adaptable machines. Source: Sun Automa on Group Increasing Uptime - OEM OPERATOR TRAINING: The forgotten key to optimizing machine performance INDUSTRY UPDATES October - December 2022 | The Corrugator
I f you have li le kids, chances are you remember Alice and her Adventures in Wonderland. Remember the episode when Alice finds herself running faster and faster but staying in the same place? There's no doubt this wasn't Lewis Carroll's inten on, but this image is a perfect metaphor for modern marke ng. Even some 10 to 15 years ago, you could easily reach your growth goals through trade shows and referrals. Today, you'd be lucky to get the same ROI. It is what it is in 2022 - just the Red Queen's race. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to dismiss or cri cize tradi onal marke ng. It is s ll relevant for some industries and especially effec ve when used as a part of an integrated marke ng strategy. But in today's compe ve landscape, tradi onal marke ng alone is simply not enough. Manufacturers are no longer off the hook for digital. Today's manufacturers need new ideas that can help them serve markets like never before. Otherwise, they'll lose out on major business opportuni es in what has become a highly compe ve marketplace. Industrial companies have been relying on tradi onal marke ng for decades. It's been working very well, but now it's me to change. To keep growing, you need to establish a solid online presence for your manufacturing business - and you need a proven and measurable marke ng approach to make it happen. Digital Marke ng Strategies For Manufacturing It's a very simple rule: You have to acquire customers and you also need to retain them. Promote Your Manufacturing Business With Digital Marketing October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 47 MARKETING
Acquisi on and reten on are like two halves of a whole. If either one is missing, the growth is not happening. Both acquisi on and reten on need to become a focus of your marke ng and sales strategy, and it's impossible to succeed in this journey without going into digital. Below are a few things that worked well for our clients. View marke ng as an investment, not an expense. It's hard to measure direct ROI from a video explaining some produc on processes, but it will definitely influence someone at some point. By providing useful informa on consistently, you increase company value and build brand equity. This will inevitably lead to growth in the long term. Help your audience in their buyer's journey. According to Gartner, 77% of B2B buyers describe their latest purchase as complex or difficult. You can make it easier for them with content marke ng. By crea ng the content that is going to resonate with your audience, you educate them and inspire them to do business with you - not necessarily right now. Don't be afraid to get transparent. As you are ge ng started with content marke ng, you'll have to share some insights from behind the scenes. It might feel uncomfortable, but I wouldn't worry about it. If your compe ve advantage is that easy to steal and copy, then it's not a compe ve advantage. A er all, Elon Musk has been sharing everything he does and yet no one's been able to replicate SpaceX. No need to choose digital over tradi onal. As effec ve as digital inbound marke ng can be, you probably don't want to give up all of your tradi onal outbound marke ng strategies. A er all, you gained trac on by buying print ads, going to trade shows and offering free consulta ons and on-site inspec ons. You don't have to abandon those tac cs. Think about it. If someone sees an ad in an industry magazine but is not yet in the market to buy, what are the odds of them saving the ad and responding to it a few months later? Almost zero. The last thing you want is to find yourself trying all kinds of different things - online and offline - without having them work together within an integrated system. The same Gartner study from above says that B2B buyers spend only 17% of their me mee ng with poten al suppliers when considering a purchase. This means that your prospects are researching and evalua ng you before they ever contact you. There's a long and complex buying process they go through, so one men on in the print media or one digital ad may help, but are definitely not enough. The World Has Changed Digital marke ng is a big opportunity for manufacturers to increase ROI, gain a compe ve edge and adapt to changing consumer behavior. Combining it with tradi onal tools will result in predictable and scalable growth. And remember, many of your compe tors haven't bought into this strategy yet. By taking ac on now, you will get the upper hand. Source: Forbes (By Samuel Thimothy, VP -, an inbound marke ng agency, and co-founder of, the digital marke ng intelligence pla orm) Promote Your Manufacturing Business With Digital Marketing MARKETING 48 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator
Interna onal Paper's “Ohmega Conduc ve Ink + Touchcode” technology turns commodity boxes into interac ve smartphone experiences. H ones are smart, appliances are smart, and now corrugated boxes can be made smart, the result of a on-trend new product from Interna onal Paper developed in conjunc on with smart packaging enabler Touchcode. Called OHMEGA Conduc ve Ink + Touchcode, it represents the first me the la er's interac ve ink-based technology has been used with corrugated packaging. It starts with a unique code printed on a customer's package using IP's new custom Ohmega Conduc ve Ink. The eco-friendly ink uses the body's natural electricity as the primary power source to unlock a unique interac on on the touchscreen device once the end-user customer visits the associated website or opens the app; no third-party provider is needed. Users simply touch the code facedown onto the screen to unlock the brand-specified digital content. For IP's applica on, the ink-coded card is a perforated sec on inside the top box flap that's revealed upon opening. The customer punches out the card and places it against the smartphone screen. That seamless engagement opportunity for customers belies the two years' development behind it. Ka e Diley, innova on marke ng manager at IP, believes the ming is perfect for the introduc on. “The role of packaging in customer experience is increasingly valued by brands. There is also a need for greater security due to looming risk and growing costs of cyber threats. As ecommerce has boomed, the unboxing experience has become an expecta on. Ohmega offers a unique interac on with brands and delivers customized, exclusive content. It can be tailored to meet the exact requirements of a brand, which makes it a more a rac ve solu on for specialized products.” Diley iden fies several of the biggest benefits: Unboxing. Unique unboxing experience that has consumers interac ng with brands' packaging is literally embedded in the box separate and above whatever is inside. Security. Access to a safe and secure pla orm that minimizes risk of spoofing, phishing, or counterfei ng, which is on the rise with exis ng methods such as a quick response (QR) code. Because the Ohmega Touchcode card cannot be copied or duplicated, Diley believes it presents a major advantage over QR codes. “Unfortunately, cybera acks are a costly threat to companies across the globe as well as their customers. However, with Ohmega you must have the card in hand, so it cannot be picked up by couponing sites as with QR codes. QR codes are easily created for free, but fraudsters are using them to open vic ms' bank accounts, install malware, and penetrate en re corporate networks.” Corrugated Boxes: The Next Frontier in Consumer Engagement October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 49 INDUSTRY UPDATES
Analy cs and customizable content. The use of an online dashboard to track, measure, and monitor customer engagement and the ability to push customized content based on demographic without the need to reprint or retool. Diley says that includes coupon applica ons, assembly instruc ons, service promo ons, loyalty programs, collectability items, and more. “We print the code and the customer dictates where that lands,” she says. “The customer creates content that they can change it at any me. For example, if our customer is Famous Footwear, people in New York are responding to winter boots, while people in Southern California are shopping sandals. The brand can send customized offers based on a par cular demographic — in this case, geography — to en ce them to convert. Addi onally, they can be running mul ple campaigns off the same URL at the same me.” Details on ink, costs, and status. The specific printed conduc ve ink pa ern ranges from three to five dots depending on the package size and security level desired. “Each customer campaign is designated by a specific dot pa ern and associated URL,” Diley explains. The conduc ve ink, which is available only in black, does not affect the box's recyclability, she adds. The cost for Ohmega is minimal. “In rela on to other digital marke ng methods, it's a frac on of the cost,” Diley says. Touchcode technology has been in the market, but IP's proprietary solu on was recently launched and is not yet in-market. “Customers who have heard of the product are thrilled, and we've had a number of ques ons about how this solu on could be customized for their brand and or product,” Diley discloses. “Customers are signing up, so it will be in the market soon!” For more informa on, watch the video below or visit h ps:// Source: Packaging Digest Corrugated Boxes: The Next Frontier in Consumer Engagement 50 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator INDUSTRY UPDATES
F EFCO (the European Federa on of Corrugated Cardboard Manufacturers) is launching its Climate Neutrality Roadmap conducted by Climact, an organiza on empowering governments and organiza ons to act on climate change. The roadmap describes how the corrugated cardboard sector is commi ed to achieving climate neutrality. It lays out milestones, plausible scenarios, required investments and necessary policy measures to reach this goal. The key findings show that the corrugated cardboard industry can reduce its carbon footprint emissions through ac ons directly within its control by 2050. F E FCO s ay s t h e ro a dma p responds to the EU Green Deal goal to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 80-95% by 2050. The European corrugated cardboard industry is “circular by nature” and has always been commi ed to environmentally sustainable growth. This new ambi on reflects the industry's efforts to preserve the environment and reduce GHG emissions. Becoming carbon neutral Eleni Despotou, director general at FEFCO, tells Packaging Insights that “FEFCO acknowledges the EU Green Deal, corrugated packaging is circular by nature, as it is 100% recyclable, designed to be recycled, with 88% average of recycling content. However, we understand the need to align the circular economy with climate neutrality.” “We have worked with our members for more than one and a half years to deeply look at the possibili es to decarbonize our products by 2050 and have been striving to put together a credible roadmap for climate neutrality for the corrugated industry.” The corrugated industry, as iden fied in the FEFCO roadmap, can reduce emissions by around 35% through material efficiency via be er design, energy efficiency and renewable energies. “The analysis showed that 55% of the carbon emissions are upstream emissions from paper produc on. If the roadmap is realized, corrugated will be carbon neutral by 2050. If it reaches 100%, then it may even become carbon nega ve,” asserts Despotou. Collec ve engagement of the wider value chain will enable corrugated cardboard to become carbon neutral, says FEFCO. Condi ons to be met Looking beyond direct ac on, collec ve engagement of the wider value chain will enable FEFCO's new roadmap aligns corrugated circular economy with climate neutrality October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 51 INTERNATIONAL NEWS
Corrugated Paper Corrugated Board Bursting Strength (BS) Edge Crush Test (ECT) Box Compression Test (BCT) Burst Factor (BF) Ring Crush Test (RCT) GSM
corrugated cardboard to become carbon neutral and even carbon nega ve. Notably, the bulk of the reduc ons must be achieved upstream, par cularly by reducing the climate footprint of paper produc on. The ambi ons of the corrugated cardboard sector's Climate Neutrality Roadmap can only be achieved if the following enabling condi ons are met: l A predictable and stable regulatory framework to steer investments. l The availability and affordability of climatefriendly energy carriers. l A n a d e q u a t e a n d r o b u st e n e r g y infrastructure. l Policies and measures to enable the decarboniza on of the paper sector. l Policies and measures to enable the decarboniza on of the transport sector. l Recycling policies to improve the quality of waste streams. Challenges to overcome Despotou explains that the possible challenges to be faced while striving to meet the condi ons laid out in the roadmap include maintaining industry compe veness and resilience and, in light of the current energy crisis, decarboniza on efforts and the need for investments. “Investments are needed to support the energy transi on and innova on. Furthermore, intensifying renewable energy produc on and building energy infrastructures must be realized.” “They can be overcome by poli cal will and measures in place suppor ng the transi on toward climate neutrality, for example, through suppor ve, enabling policies,” she says. Alex Manisty, chairman of the FEFCO Climate Neutrality Roadmap Steering Commi ee, adds that “The roadmap reflects a credible plan that can be implemented in the required meframe and shows the strong will of the industry to build a climate-neutral future for corrugated cardboard. Already the most recycled packaging material – with 88% recycled content – climate-neutral corrugated cardboard will enable sustainable global supply chains for the long-term.” Source: Packaging Insights FEFCO's new roadmap aligns corrugated circular economy with climate neutrality October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 53 INTERNATIONAL NEWS
F ew things are as ubiquitous as the humble cardboard box. Reliable, durable, easily transportable, corrugated boxes have been around for over a century. However, with longevity comes challenges: its very familiarity means real innova on will require thinking that's – quite literally – outside the box. An astonishing 95 per cent of all products in the US ship in corrugated boxes Corrugated boxes already protect a vast range of product categories, while the ability to print designs enables effec ve product marke ng for retail display. The environmentally friendly image of corrugated boxes as a renewable resource, with high rates of recycling and reusability, have also contributed to their widespread use in shipping and transporta on of goods. The manufacture and produc on of corrugated materials is a $28 billion industry in the US. Over the past two decades, the industry has seen a significant amount of consolida on as companies have acted strategically to protect proprietary trade secrets and obtain new technologies by acquiring smaller rivals. Industry consolida on is rampant. Twenty years ago, the top four players accounted for 37 per cent of the domes c corrugated supply market. By 2013, they had a joint market share of 75 per cent. But this 'big fish eat li le fish' type of behaviour has had severe knock-on effects for technology innova ons within the corrugated space. In a commodity-based industry with slim profit ma r g i n s t h a t's h i g h l y s u s c e p b l e t o macroeconomic swings, corrugated suppliers con nually seek high levels of ver cal integra on to stay ahead of the compe on. Major corrugated producers like Interna onal Paper, the largest company of its kind in the world, are deeply integrated. They own the exis ng supply chain, including the land and mber required for raw materials, the paper mills and the conver ng plants required for producing the final corrugated carton. What does this mean for end-users of corrugated? While integra on benefits the big suppliers by providing greater control over the value chain and increasing their compe ve advantage over smaller, less integrated suppliers, it has a deleterious effect on the pace and quality of innova ons, especially those relevant to the end consumer. Compe on is a key driver of innova on as companies rou nely seek to differen ate themselves from their compe tors. But the lack of compe on leads to monopolies, Why reinventing corrugated cardboard demands thinking outside the box October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 57 INNOVATION
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which s fle innova on and technological advances. A recent search of the patent landscape for corrugated showed most new patent applica ons have focused on new methods and processes to increase manufacturing efficiencies and lower produc on costs. This is at the expense of designing new and improved func onality for corrugated materials. The lack of focus on the ne eds and te chni ca l requirements of corrugated's end users, and the stranglehold that producers have over the supply chain, is a clear indicator of the need for disrup on within the industry. Surely corrugated board is already the perfect packaging material? Corrugated is strong, inexpensive, renewably sourced and recyclable, just a few of the proper es that underpin its dominance of today's packaging market. But it's not a perfect material. Corrugated boxes are easy to stackin warehouses, distribu on centres and trucks. But stack height and stability have cost and safety implica ons. The height and stability of a stack relies on the Edge Compression Strength or Edge Crush Test (ECT) of the corrugated board. Changing rela ve humidity of the environment has a nega ve impact on the s ffness and integrity of the material and the strength of the box. In fact, under cyclic humidity condi ons, the life me of a corrugated cardboard box is one-fi h that of a box exposed to constant humidity levels. In real-world transit applica ons, goods move between environments many mes before arriving at their des na on. The inevitable exposure to changing humidity levels results in a loss of strength, collapsing stacks and damaged or lost goods, which results in higher costs for the end users. To avoid this, you need an alterna ve material that is lightweight and impervious to environmental fluctua ons. The truth behind corrugated recycling – it's good, but not great The environmentally-friendly image of corrugated paperboard has contributed significantly to its widespread use in the transport of goods globally, and recycling methods and processes have improved. In 2012, 91 per cent of used corrugated packaging in the US became new paper products, though only half of it went into the produc on of new corrugated containerboard. This is because the recycling of old corrugated containerboard (OCC) to pulp is hard on the cellulose fibres as they break, shorten and any new containerboard made with it is weaker. Materials made from 100% recycled sources yield a low-grade product used in less demanding applica ons, such as interior packaging, newsprint and other paper products. Addi onally, the recycling process is extremely labour and energy intensive, and the final product may not fully meet the technical requirements of the end users. To counter this, the manufacturing process typically uses at least 40 per cent of fibres direct from trees to provide the necessary strength. How do we innovate? Given the state of corrugated manufacturing and the control that suppliers have over the industry, the fastest way to innovate would seem to be to work directly with producers to target new and improved product func onality. The exis ng supply chain should work to develop product innova ons rapidly, leveraging the scale and manufacturing exper se of large producers to bring improved corrugated packaging materials to market and make a large-scale impact. Close interac on between manufacturers and corrugated end-users would be necessary to ensure that any new innova ons are relevant to the challenges that consumers currently face with exis ng paper-based packaging. Why reinventing corrugated cardboard demands thinking outside the box October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 61 INNOVATION
Why reinventing corrugated cardboard demands thinking outside the box However, the economics of the situa on are not in favour of the consumer, and supply-chain iner a is great. It's possible to create innova ve products but pu ng them into an exis ng capital-intensive supply chain isn't cheap and the amount of capital investment required is one of the challenges preven ng innova on. The limited op ons consumers have when it comes to sourcing inexpensive secondary packaging means that suppliers have no immediate mo va on to invest in anything but their own cost-reduc on ini a ves, which further hinders innova on. Despite this, we are seeing small entrepreneurial efforts like GreenBox and the Rapid Packaging Container, where innova ve designs seek to enhance the func onality of exis ng boxes made from corrugated materials, thus increasing the value proposi on to consumers. Thinking even more outside the box… Boxes do four things for us: they are containers, they protect contents from various threats, they ma ke h a n d l i n g g o o d s e a s y a n d t h e y communicate informa on. Real out-of-the-box thinking starts with recognising that we s ll need to provide these fundamental func ons, but not necessarily in the rectangular, prismoid boxes we currently know. A radical innova on would be to reinvent the supply chain, or parts of it. For example, eliminate corrugated materials altogether and contain/protect/enable/communicate via different mechanisms, or the same mechanisms with new materials. The development of novel materials that circumvent the common disadvantages of corrugated materials, while retaining their lightweight and sustainable characteris cs, would create a significant disrup on in a stagnant industry. Already we are seeing a gradual shi towards the use of reusable plas c containers (RPCs) to transport certain goods such as fruits and vegetables. These containers provide superior protec on by means of greater stacking strength and enhanced durability, as they are impervious to changing environmental condi ons. The ability to reuse an RPC mul ple mes drama cally changes its value proposi on, reducing its carbon footprint without requiring the construc on of an en rely new box each me you need one. New material start-ups like Aeroclay, UFP Technologies, Ecova ve and Biome3D are all ac vely seeking to disrupt tradi onal packaging methods with the development of innova ve materials, which are sustainably sourced and have an emphasis on biodegradability. One par cularly exci ng example is the plantbased bioplas c designed for use in 3D prin ng applica ons. This flexible thin-film material is food safe, has excellent thermal resistance and is completely biodegradable, making it an interes ng candidate in the hunt for alterna ve packaging materials. The rise of automated 3D prin ng, in conjunc on with moulded fibre packaging and these new, sustainable materials, points towards a promising future for the packaging industry. We can and should try to make innova ve new boxes Corrugated paperboard materials made their debut in the late 19th century while they took off as transport packaging materials at the start of the 20th, but most innova ons since have been incremental. The corrugated medium is a mature technology si ng at the very top of its technology S-curve – meaning the focus is on produc on costs rather than improved overall box value. The leap to a new technology S-curve is essen al if companies are to con nue to compete in today's rapidly changing economy and provide value to 21st century consumers. Source: www.paconsul INNOVATION 62 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator
C orrugated packaging and prin ng have come a long way in recent years. Although durable during shipping, corrugated substrates are spongy and can be easily crushed during an indelicate prin ng process. As a result, businesses once had to se le for product shipping and display boxes printed with dull, low-resolu on images and text that were less appealing to consumers. Today's advanced technologies and materials have revolu onized corrugated packaging prin ng. Thanks to these advances, plus the everincreasing capabili es of flexo, brands can simultaneously use corrugated product boxes to increase product visibility and promote a brand's awareness. This is, of course, in addi on to benefi ng from the material's combina on of lightness and durability, which is ideal for shipping. The variety of available processes and materials have created several methods for prin ng on corrugated material. Types of prin ng on corrugated boxes include: l Flexography (flexo) l Offset lithography (litho) l Screen prin ng l Digital prin ng Due to its versa lity, flexographic prin ng has become one of the most commonly u lized. What Is Flexo Prin ng? In Flexo prin ng, an imaged sleeve, cylinder, or plate applies graphics or text onto a substrate. Flexo printers use image carriers made from elastomers or other polymer materials. These image carriers have raised areas that depict your artwork and are adhered to rolling cylinders. Ink is metered directly onto the image carrier, by another cylinder called an anilox. As the image carrier cylinder rotates, it transfers the image onto a moving substrate. Ultimate Guide to Corrugated Packaging Printing With Flexo October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 63 PRINTING
Flexo works well for prin ng directly onto corrugated, or onto another substrate, which is later laminated to the final product. A speedy prin ng process, flexo uses quick-drying inks and works on many types of absorbent and non-absorbent materials. Thanks to its versa lity, resilience, and quick print mes, flexo is widely considered the best prin ng op on for highvolume custom corrugated jobs. Examples of corrugated products appropriate for flexo prin ng include: l Shipping boxes l Pre-printed liner board l In-store displays l Subscrip on boxes l Jewelry boxes l Point of purchase displays l Clothing boxes l Bakery boxes Corrugated Packaging Prin ng Methods There are two primary methods to flexo print on corrugated materials: l Direct prin ng l Pre-prin ng As its name suggests, direct prin ng prints directly onto the corrugated final product. Pre-prin ng prints onto a smoother substrate, which is then laminated to the final product. Flexo prin ng's versa le image carriers easily handle either method. Key Considera ons for Corrugated Packaging Prin ng With Flexo The most important components to consider in corrugated packaging design include: l Artwork specifica ons l Setup considera ons l Ink type l Image carrier materials l Number of image carriers needed Careful considera on of these corrugated prin ng ps will help you budget for product packaging and prin ng costs, design your artwork, and select an ideal prin ng method. Flexo Color Guide for Prin ng Inks on Corrugated · When flexo prin ng on corrugated boxes, each color requires a different image carrier. A four-color print requires four image carriers. Remember to consider the cost of color when designing your artwork. Factor in the price of purchasing and se ng up mul ple image carriers, and inks, into your packaging budget. l In cases when you are prin ng directly on corrugated, it may be difficult – not impossible – to produce some effects, such as gradients and nts. When preparing an artwork file for direct flexo corrugated prin ng, the aid of a professional designer may help you achieve quality results. l When selec ng colors for your design, consider the color of your substrate, as ink will appear either darker or lighter when applied to a brown or white surface. l It is recommended to keep the graphics simple with flexography printed directly on corrugated. With direct prin ng methods, photo-finished images can be difficult to accurately render. l The higher the grade and the finer the flu ng of the corrugated you select, the superior the registra on and quality of your print work. l If you are prin ng onto a smooth substrate and then lamina ng that onto your final product (pre-prin ng), you will be able to render more complex designs. l When finalizing your design, remember that new graphics require new prin ng image Ultimate Guide to Corrugated Packaging Printing With Flexo October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 67 PRINTING
Ultimate Guide to Corrugated Packaging Printing With Flexo carriers. To reduce costs, love your package design before purchasing image carriers. Ink Choices for Flexo Prin ng on Corrugated Choosing the right ink for your project seems like a no-brainer, but ensuring that you have the right ink for your specific project will help you avoid poor print results and costly re-works. Different types of flexographic inks will work well on different corrugated produc ts. Ink compa bility depends on the surface tension of the substrate and the rest of the ink chain. With the highest surface tension of all, waterbased inks are commonly used for corrugated substrates. Flexo Image Carrier Choice Flexographic image carriers are generally composed of two different materials: l Elastomer l Photopolymer Both image carrier fabrica ons have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, but printers typically prefer elastomer image carriers for most corrugated prin ng jobs. Not only is the elastomer manufacturing process very environmentally-friendly, these image carriers also feature superior ink transfer and resiliency -- making them more cost-effec ve for the high-volume print jobs required in packaging. Corrugated Packing Prin ng – Yes, It Can Be Done With Flexo! Whether you choose to render high-quality, photo-like images with a pre-prin ng flexographic process or decide to print graphic designs directly onto your corrugated packages, flexo can work for you. With its versa le capabili es, me-tested processes, and durable prin ng materials, flexo can render your company, brand, and products in stunning color, while building consumer trust and brand recogni on for years to come. Source: Luminite PRINTING 70 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator
T he corrugated packaging market is growing quickly, helped by the explosion of e-commerce and developments in digital prin ng technologies. The global corrugated packaging market is growing faster than expected, confounding some predic ons that forecast a slowdown in corrugated consump on. A downturn in demand in China and the banning of contaminated recycled paper stocks has not fully materialised. Smithers new report - The F u t u r e o f C o r r u g a t e d Packaging to 2023 - offers exclusive analysis on how this market is increasing, growing around 3.7% annually to reach $300 billion in 2023. The report also reveals that the electrical goods end-use sector will see the highest levels of growth. E-commerce E-commerce retail sales are con nuing to rocket, with es mates of around 20% annual growth in e-commerce trade in Europe. Globa l onl ine s a les a re expected to be over $5.5 trillion in 2023. This will have a profound impact on packaging demand, especially in the corrugated industry as it represents 80% of demand in e-commerce. The increasingly complex logis cs chain for direct to consumer del i ver y – ecommerce packages are expected to be handled up to 20 mes or more during standard distribu on – means there is new demand for cost-effec ve secondary corrugated board packaging. Demands from brand owners are now being felt by the conver ng industry as many brands now require the secondary pack to carry their image into the home, not just the retail outlet. This increases the need for converters to produce highFive key trends that are changing the future of the corrugated packaging market October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 71 INDUSTRY UPDATE
quality graphic designs on the shippers themselves. Fit-to-product Born out of e-commerce has been the advent of fit-to-product (FtP) or box-on-demand systems, driven in par cular by the needs of dedicated ecommerce sellers such as Amazon and Staples. This technology enables the produc on of customised secondary packaging based on the exact size of the product being packed, including irregular shapes. For the end-user this eliminates the need for large inventories of standard-sized boxes which o en require copious amounts of filler material. As FtP pla orms become more popular, there will be more demand for boards sold as fanfold, as well as finishing equipment, such as printers, that can operate with them. Major moves are being undertaken to capitalise on this growth market. WestRock for example acquired Plymouth Packaging. Based in Michigan it derives 70% of its sales from its BoD systems and corrugated fanfold, together with its equity interest in Panotec and exclusive right to distribute Panotec's equipment in the US and Canada. Sustainability Corrugated board is proving popular in packaging as sustainability becomes a more important issue across the value chain – it is easy to recycle and the pulp and paper industry is already adept at conver ng these into new genera ons of containerboard. These quali es mean there has been a rise in popularity of corrugated protec ve formats over polymer based alterna ves, such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) foams. While lightweigh ng of board has long been affec ng the corrugated industry, rightweigh ng, and rightsizing are playing an increasingly important role in this market, not only in response to consumer demand for efficient packaging, but also in response to the logis cs chain's adop on of dimensional weight (DIM) pricing. In some instances subs tu ng to a heavier board grade can have a beneficial impact overall as it allows for the elimina on of addi onal protec ve elements, The desire to minimise the volume of air being shipped within all delivery channels means that in some instances there have been significant cost increases. For example a 32-pack of toilet rolls costs an es mated 37% more to ship using charges based on dimensions, rather than simple weight. Lightweigh ng has been par cularly successful in Western Europe, where box weights are now typically about 80% of US weights. The importance of lightweigh ng will con nue to be felt over the coming years as retailers look to save costs as well as appealing to end users. Retail changes Retail-ready packaging has established itself as a major cost saver for retailers, especially in Western Europe. This ongoing profit pressure is providing an impetus to use more retail ready formats as a labour-saving solu on, as it is es mated that these secondary packaging formats can reduce shelf restocking and handling costs by up to 50%. It is also par cularly popular with sales into convenience stores or discount retailers such as Aldi and Walmart. For brands it gives the added bonus of giving them greater control over the presenta on of their goods within the retail space. The expansion of e-commerce trade into the grocery sector is likely to have a slight impact on retail-ready packaging use as online sales do not require these pack types. Corrugated cases will s ll be used to ship goods to an online retailers warehouse or 'fulfilment centre' but these do not need to be retail-ready formats. The emergence of subscrip on box and meal kit services – which offer direct-to-consumer delivery of specialist food using a weekly or monthly Five key trends that are changing the future of the corrugated packaging market INDUSTRY UPDATE 74 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator
ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Cover Gate Fold 80 & 81 38 68 & 69 6 & 7 10 75 56 84 & 85 64 & 65 Back Cover 41 Inside Back Cover 14 & 15 66 58 59 08 24 54 40 AGSP Impax Corp. AGSP Impax Corp. Arjun industries B.R.D. Manufacturing Company BKG Rolls Dongfang Precision Dicar (Saurashtra Systopack Pvt.Ltd.) Emba Erhardt + Leimer (India) Pvt. Ltd. Flotech Machineries Pvt. Ltd. Ganesh Dietech Gromotech Agrochem Pvt Ltd Guangdong Fosber Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd Gum Corru Hotron Heaters Pvt. Ltd. InSun Co InSun TaoKwong Kar k Heaters K D Labs Industries Pvt. Ltd. Kohima Tools Lian Tee Name of the Company Page No. Name of the Company Page No. Linux Machines Incorpora on Mark Engineering Services MetaChem Paints & Adhesives Pvt. Ltd. Nexxgen Pap-Tech Engineers & Associates Prime Wires Pvt. Ltd. Puredex Radiant Electro Heat Radiant Hea ng Systems Sanjay Adhesives Shree Guru Kripa Shree Krishna Engineering Works SK Packaging Sond Engineering Works SUN-UP (India) Machinery Co. Pvt. Ltd SUN-UP (India) Packaging Machinery Co. Pvt. Ltd Super Cut Engineer Pvt Ltd Super Shear Line Vijay Chemicals Vijay Maru Print Pack Machineries (VMPPM) WICMA 86 28 60 32 & 33 18 22 55 45 44 36 42 90 & 91 72 & 73 95 2 & 3 Inside Front Cover & 1 79 76 & 77 37 26 52
Five key trends that are changing the future of the corrugated packaging market subscrip on – are providing some new opportunity for corrugated board suppliers with delivery-friendly formats containing goods within a die-cut interior. Digital prin ng advancements As the digital print market matures, the corrugated sector, while s ll in its infancy, has developed a growing appe te for adop on of the process, and systems are now being developed to address the demands of the high-volume liner and post-print markets. The flexibility of run-lengths, savings in set-up costs, the ability to personalise either rela ng to brands, regions, stores or individuals, and the level of quality now available through the latest technologies all combine to create a 'perfect storm' of growth opportuni es for converters and printers. Brand owners are recognising the opportuni es to grow dwindling brand loyalty through greater engagement with their customer base provided by these technological developments, and industry leaders see packaging as an important component in the crea on of a memorable shopping experience that users will want to share via social media, which can drive marke ng, encourage repeat business and a ract new customers. Source: Smithers 78 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator INDUSTRY UPDATE
C onitex Sonoco receives a lot of interest in our popular LoadRunner® corrugated pallet. Our patented core technology sets the LoadRunner® apart from the compe on in strength and resistance to moisture so it's no wonder that so many companies are interested in the LoadRunner's superior design. However, there are some factors to consider when deciding if a corrugated pallet will work for your produc on, storage and handling environment. Let's take a look at some common challenges to determine if corrugated pallets will work for you. 1. My product is stored outside or in standing water Extremely wet condi ons will not work for a corrugated pallet. Our corrugated pallet is able to withstand high moisture environments like those found in the condi oning process for tex le yarn and the high humidity environment of a cargo container, but the LoadRunner® is not meant to be used in outdoor environments, in standing water or with products that leak liquids onto the pallet. Our an -wicking cores are able to withstand the moisture, but the top (and bo om) deck of the pallet and the runners will delaminate and eventually fail. We do not recommend the LoadRunner® for use in wet environments. Will it work? NO. 2. We (or our customers) use open racking The strength of our LoadRunner® corrugated pallet exists in our super strong core technology. These cores are spaced evenly within the pallet's corrugated runners and are designed to share the weight of an evenly distributed weight load across the top deck of the pallet. Unfortunately, without any support across the center of the pallet, the weight of the load cannot be evenly distributed which causes a corrugated pallet to fail in open rack storage. (Open racking is a storage system that does not contain any shelving or structural support across the center of the storage system. See photo for reference.) However, it is possible to use a wood pallet to support corrugated pallets in an open racking system allowing you to s ll take advantage of the many benefits of a corrugated pallet. Will it work? POSSIBLY. 3. We use an automa c packaging line with open conveyors Similar to the issue men oned with open racking, with an open conveyor system a corrugated pallet Will Corrugated Pallets Work for Me INNOVATION 82 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator
must have even structural support below the width of the pallet so it will not work on an open conveyor unless you use a wood pallet or plywood to evenly support the width of the corrugated pallet. The LoadRunner® works well with a standard roller system or a supported conveyor system. Will it work? POSSIBLY. 4. Our warehouse staff could be a professional demoli on team I will never forget the me we brought a sample corrugated pallet to a prospec ve customer and the warehouse manager took his size 14 boot and jumped on the unsupported sec on of the top deck between the runners. A er a resounding “POP!” of the material, he looked thoroughly pleased with his demonstra on, much to the horror of their packaging engineer and purchasing manager, and said “These things won't work!” Your warehouse team should be trained on the proper handling and intended use of a corrugated pallet. Slewing, bumping or sliding the pallet with a forkli rather than picking the pallet up with the forks, standing on unsupported sec ons or over-handling the pallet can cause the pallet to prematurely fail. However, properly handled corrugated pallets can be reused mul ple mes when care is exercised throughout the handling, storage and shipping process. Will it work? NOT WITHOUT TRAINING. 5. Our packaged product's weight is not evenly distributed or shi s during handling If your product shi s a lot during handling or is unevenly distributed a corrugated pallet may not be a great fit for you. There are obvious sec ons for any pallet that will be weaker than the supported runner sec on. The weight of your packaged product should rest securely on our sturdy cores and should be evenly distributed. We customize each pallet to our customer's specific applica on and our pallet design engineers take this into considera on when determining the placement of the runners/cores on the pallet. Our pallets have been tested by Virginia Tech's Center for Unit Load Design and performed favorably against ASTM D1185 tes ng standards. Will it work? NO. 6. I ship largely LTL shipments Theore cally, there is nothing wrong with how the LoadRunner® will perform during transport. However, with LTL shipments, the frequent handling can be a contribu ng factor for pallet failure. With full truckload shipments the shipment isn't typically reconfigured or switched to a new truck, etc., so the pallet is less likely to be mishandled during transport. With LTL shipments the pallets are at the mercy of the carrier and how careful they are with handling. Will it work? POSSIBLE, BUT NOT IDEAL 7. I need an extremely large pallet Our corrugated pallets are manufactured on a pallet assembly machine we call PAM. PAM provides automated assembly capabili es to 60” x 60”. Anything larger than 60” requires hand assembly which begins to impact the price of the pallet. Can we make larger corrugated pallets? Yes and we are happy to do so. Custom pallets are our specialty. Will it work? YES 8. I need to stack my pallets LoadRunner® corrugated pallets are stackable. The number of units high will depend upon the product load placed on the pallet and weight distribu on on a case by case basis. No pun intended. Will it work? YES These are some of the most common challenges we find when determining if our LoadRunner® corrugated pallet is a poten al fit for any new opportunity but there are always a combina on of factors to consider Source: Conitex Will Corrugated Pallets Work for Me October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 83 INNOVATION
Put the Seal of Quality on Your Packaging Comprehensive range of Testing Equipments for measuring : Bursting Strength Box Compression Edge Crush Ring Crush GSM / Substance Puncture Resistance Water Absorption (Cobb) Moisture Content Tensile Strength Rub Proofness Tear Strength Stiffness Strength Caliper Thickness Drop Resistance Vibration Resistance Trust Linux Compression Tester Plot No. 3, Ahad Industrial Complex, Near Bharat Gears Ltd., Bholenath Nagar, P. O. Dawla, Mumbra, Thane - 400612 Cell No.: 09372483174 / 09372486781 / 09867318700 / 09867318847 Tel. No.: 08879147556 / 08879497458 / 08879497468 Instrumental in Your Success Super Model Clamp N Print Model Double Head Model Micro Print Model Bursting Strength Testers Bursting Strength is a widely used measure of resistance to rupture in various packaging materials like Paper, Paperboard, Corrugated board, Nonwovens, Textiles, Geotextiles, Films, Tissues etc. Email: [email protected] Linux Machines Incorporation
A WestRock Company (Bolsa de Valores de Nova York: WRK), a leading provider of sustainable paper and packaging solu ons, earned six awards for packaging design excellence during the 79th annual North American Paperboard Packaging Compe on, sponsored by the Paperboard Packaging Council and held October 26 in Aus n, Texas. WestRock won the pres gious Folding Carton of the Year award for Sco sh Leader's Moonchild Whisky Limited Edi on package, which uses WestRock FoilKote® to reflect the brand's bold, premium look, and re culated varnish and rounded emboss to enhance the tac le experience. This is the second me the WestRock team has received industry recogni on for this package, which was also named a Pla num Winner at the European Carton Excellence Awards in September. “It is a great honor to be recognized by the Paperboard Packaging Council for our innova ve designs,” said Sam Shoemaker, president, Consumer Packaging at WestRock. “Our boldly innova ve teams work with customers to achieve their business objec ves, resul ng in packaging solu ons that combine though ul design with strategic purpose, whether that is improving the sustainability of their packaging, helping their brands stand out on shelf – or both.” Entries are judged by a jury of packaging professionals and recognize best-in-class innova ve and sustainable packaging designs in the North American folding carton industry. The complete list includes: l Sco sh Leader Moonchild Whisky Limited Edi on, Folding Carton of the Year l Remy Mar n XO Extra Old Cognac, Gold Award l Recipe Unlimited Swiss Chalet Takeout Cartons and Trays, Excellence Award in Sustainability l WestRock EverGrow™ Grape Tomato Punnet with Kroger, Excellence Award in Sustainability l WhistlePig The Boss Hog® VIII Lapulapu's Pacific, Excellence Award l Fun Wine® Variety Pack, Excellence Award WestRock Acknowledged for Innovative Design Excellence by Paperboard Packaging Council 2022 INTERNATIONAL NEWS October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 87 Company Received Six Awards at Annual Paperboard Packaging Compe on, Including Folding Carton of the Year.