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Published by i8apizza, 2021-05-22 23:41:20

World of Warcraft 5e RPG Conversion 3.0

Copy of World of Warcraft 5e RPG Conversion 3.0

APPENDIX A: CONDITIONS To choke a creature already grappled, the grappler must
spend all their movement to tighten their grip, thereby
There are several new conditions that are mechanically forcing the Stamina saving throw. This can be done multiple
useful. times so long as the target is still grappled.


Usually inflicted by cold spells, the chilled condition reduces When a creature cannot concentrate on spellcasting (such
the target’s primary movement speed by 10 feet. This as by being damaged, affected by specific spells, or abilities),
condition can stack if applied from different spells or they must succeed on a Stamina saving throw or lose the
abilities. If the target’s speed is reduced to 0, they are spell they are about to cast, channel, or concentrate on.
restrained until their speed is no longer 0, as ice coats their Effectively, this condition is inflicted whenever a spellcaster
body. is subject to one of the above conditions, and may negate it
with a successful saving throw.
The DC of the saving throw is equal to 10 or one-half
When a creature that needs to breathe barred from doing so damage dealt. If the condition was brought on by an ability,
by an attack (such as a grapple check to choke or the it is instead the ability DC (or 8 + proficiency + the relevant
strangulate spell), a creature is choking. While choking, the attribute modifier), and if inflicted by a spell, it is the spell
creature is silenced, and must succeed on a Stamina saving DC.
throw against the choker’s DC (8 + proficiency bonus +
Strength modifier) or instantly lose their remaining rounds SCORCHED
of breath. When a creature runs out of breath, it can survive
for an additional number of rounds equal to its Constitution Usually inflicted by fire spells, the scorched condition
modifier (minimum 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it reduces the target’s weapon damage by a number of points
drops to 0 hit points and is dying or knocked unconscious equal to 2 (or if brought on by a hostile creature, a number of
for one hour. Normally, a creature can hold their breath for damage points equal to their proficiency bonus).
number of rounds equal to their Stamina score.



Dozens of entities are revered in the Warcraft universe, some races personify their faiths in the form of a god, but
often forming cults, churches, and organizations around understand that their “god” is really just a symbol of their
central tenants. philosophical beliefs, not an actual being. Others, such as
Most races possess some sort of cultural faith that reflects Firelord Ragnaros, are seen by some to have achieved a god-
their values, fears, and hopes. Some worship gods or like status. The Warcraft universe does has powerful,
demigods as actual beings (either as a God, gods, or immortal beings, such as Elune, the Old Gods and the
demigods is debatable among the races themselves), while Titans, and their influence greatly affects the world.

Entity Alignment Class Symbol
Ancestor Worship Neutral Shaman A totem or a mask
Burning Legion Chaotic Evil Warlock Stylized green wings
Dragon Worshop Varies — Shadow of a dragon
Druidism and Elune Neutral Good Druid, moon priestesses Upwards crescent
Forgotten Shadow Chaotic Neutral Shadow priests A reverse holy mark
Holy Light Lawful Good Holy priests, paladins The holy mark
Lich King Lawful Evil Death priests, death knights Skull and runeblade
Titans Lawful Neutral — A Stylized blue rune
Void Lords, Old Gods Neutral Evil Mad shadow priests A black-violet sphere
Voode and Load — See description —

ANCESTOR WORSHIP Sargeras created it with the purpose of destroying all world-
souls in the universe in order to prevent the void lords from
TENANTS corrupting them, which would lead to the birth of a dark
titan, a being of unspeakable evil that would utterly
Ancestor worship has no set tenants save for that of dominate the universe.
individual ancestors, as just as some shamans negotiate
with the spirits and channel their ancestral echoes to utilize The Legion is responsible for the annihilation of countless
shamanistic abilities, so exist dark shamans who bind and species and some entire planets across the Great Dark
force the elements to do their bidding. Beyond, and it transcends all universes destroying their
possible worlds in the grand Burning Crusade. Thrice it has
REPRESENTATIVES invaded Azeroth, and was only beaten back at a terrible cost
every time. Much of Azeroth's history — including the First,
Elementals and spirit animals are often considered Second, and Third War — was due to the Legion's influence.
representatives of shamanism. It can be said that the Legion is Azeroth's nemesis, since it
caused the Sundering of Kalimdor, corrupted the orcs and
Shamanism intersects with ancestor worship on many sent them to invade Azeroth, created the Lich King, and was
levels, as the dance of the elements include the spirits of the source of most of Azeroth's scars. Finally, it should be
earth, fire, air, water, and life. noted that Azeroth is the only known planet that the Legion
has ever failed to conquer.
The Burning Legion believes that to purge the cosmos of all
life is better than to leave it ripped apart by the Void, for they Respect for the wilds, reverence of Wild Gods or Elune
believe no other force can stop the Void but they, and
despise all others. REPRESENTATIVES

REPRESENTATIVES Fey and beings from the Emerald Dream
Druidism and the Priesthood of Elune is a spiritual path:
The demons of the Burning Legion and other races so
suffused with fel magic that they are no different from firstly acknowledging and honoring each spirit as an
demons. individual life; secondly honoring the Wild Gods, which is
headed by the Moon Goddess Elune (known to the Tauren
The Burning Legion (simply the Legion or the Burning as Mu'sha), the only true deity on Azeroth. Druidism is
Shadow) is a vast, innumerable army of demons and
corrupted races who seek to destroy all life. The fallen Titan APPENDIX B: GODS OF THE WARCRAFT UNIVERSE


historically tied to worshipping Elune and the rest of the dedication takes years, and positivity prevents time eroding
Wild Gods, and both faiths are close enough to be an adherent’s will)
considered one.
The druids and priestesses seek guidance — or
interference — from the spirits, asking the small spirits for Naaru, providing healing and protection
small tasks and entreating Elune or one of the other wise The holy light whispers and grants power to those who
and powerful spirits of the forests for more significant tasks.
They see their forests as havens for living spirits, and as follow their ideals, regardless if they show the same
such are bound to defend them. It has become the highest alignment as the entity itself. In a dark world with few good
priority for the Cenarion Circle to heal the corruption of forces, the holy light is one of the few shining sources of
their precious forests caused by the demonic and undead goodness in the world, with its representatives.
invasion of the Third War. As the spirits have served them
for thousands of years, the druids seek to give back to the The Holy Mark is an upright line middling two half-circles
spirits by healing the very living woods. one pointing up, and one pointing down (or as the Celtic
Cross without the middle line).
The three virtues of the Forgotten Shadow are death (where
death is the gateway to ascension, but must be balanced The Lich King has no real tenants, but idolizing him as a
with life), compassion (though often reserved for other paragon of mastery over death led to the development of the
cultists, the forgotten shadow believes that bettering the self priesthood of the Forgotten Shadow. The Lich King himself
positively influences the universe in a positive cycle), and desires complete dominion over Azeroth and banishing the
ascension (where the follower of the forgotten shadow gains Burning Legion from it. Whether the army he builds is to
the power to transcend death, becoming invulnerable, stand against the Void Lords’ attempts to take over the
invincible and eternal. In essence, he becomes a god.) planet and conquer the world-spirit Azeroth for himself is
known only to him.
The cult is acknowledged only in the lands of the Forsaken.
The Cult of Forgotten Shadows (or Cult of the Forgotten The Scourge and the Cult of the Damned
Created initially as the precursor to an invasion by the
Shadow) is a group considered heretical by most, who
believe that dark energy practitioners are just as vital to the Burning Legion after their previous failures, the Scourge
survival of life and reality (which they call "the Shadow") as broke free from their demonic masters and aided in the
wielders of the Light. The cult preaches balance, mandating Legion’s defeat at Mount Hyjal in the Third War. Under the
that shadow priests must never forget the dangers of falling iron rule of the dread Lich King, a being formed of Ner’zhul
too deep into the dark energies they manipulate, for it is (the former orc shaman and warchief of the Shadowmoon
often too hard to find one's way back to the Shadow from clan) and Arthas Menethil (the former human paladin and
the deep reaches of the darkness. Those who upset the crown prince of Lordaeron), the Scourge built up their
balance end up mad, or worse, serving the Void Lords. power base on the Arctic continent of Northrend. Their
influence spreads throughout Northrend, as well as the
The Cult of Forgotten Shadow teaches that the Forsaken Plaguelands in northern Lordaeron and southern
of Azeroth were too weak to ascend. Their undead state is a Quel’Thalas, and even Kalimdor to a small degree. A
curse brought on by that weakness. Once the Forsaken learn
to master themselves and control the world around them,
they shake off that curse and become what they always
should have been.



The three virtues of the Holy Light are respect (where one
must respect all that is, and the connections things share
with one another in the universe), compassion (as a follower
of the holy light believes that bettering the universe benefits
himself in return as a positive cycle), and tenacity (training
under the Holy Light that weeds out the unfaithful, for true


terrifying and insidious enemy, the Scourge remains VOID LORDS
perhaps the most dangerous threat to the world of Azeroth.
Polar opposite of the Holy Light
The virtues of titans are order (banishing chaos and
ordering the Great Dark Beyond), compassion (imbuing The Old Gods and their servants
their power and protecting lesser races until they reach their The void lords are monstrous entities composed of pure
full potential), and preservation (destroying corruptive
influences such as Old Gods, Void Lords, and demons of all shadow energy who dwell within the Void, a terrifying and
kinds). nightmarish outer realm. Merciless and cruel beyond
imagination, they seek only to twist reality into a realm of
REPRESENTATIVES eternal torment, and ultimately to devour all matter and
energy and the universe itself.
The creations of the Titans are usually considered their
representatives. Although most are missing in Azeroth, there However, only the most powerful of the void lords can
are yet relics left from the primordial days where Titans actually manifest in the physical universe, and only for
visited the planet. limited amounts of time for their energies quickly seep into
nothingness. They thus must consume untold amounts of
The titans are a race of colossal, planet-sized cosmic matter and energy to maintain their presence.
beings, composed of arcane magic and the primordial
matter from which the universe was born. They roamed In their struggle to impose dominion over reality, they
across the cosmos like walking worlds, imbued with the raw conflicted with the Titans, and, lacking the power to subdue
power of creation itself. The titans used this incredible force or dominate them, have targeted them in their infancy,
to find and awaken others of their kind. Hailing from the far corrupting still-sleeping World-souls. Void Lords send seeds
reaches of the cosmos, they shaped and brought life and of corruption and create servitor beings in other realms,
order to countless worlds across the Great Dark Beyond. creating the Old Gods, monstrous beings of ancient power
They were described as perfect and majestic beings who are that spread across a World-soul’s surface, eventually
akin to gods. Knowledge of them is very scarce, and there corrupting the Titan sleeping within into rising as a Dark
are more legends and theories of them than facts, with the Titan who serves the Void Lords.
only ones who have an inkling of their powers (or even their
existence) are beings the Titans directly interacted with eons VOODOO AND THE LOA
ago, such as the leaders of the Dragonflights, the Old Gods,
and the Titans’ creations (such as the Earthen). TENANTS

Unknown to most in Azeroth, the Titans are heavily tied to Voodoo is a type of nature worship, where sacrifices and
the cosmic force known as the arcane. In fact, it is their very cannibalism intertwine. It is a type of dark magic that keeps
lifeblood, for the original Well of Eternity, an enormous lake high reverence for nature and its wilds such as animals.
of volatile arcane energies, was literally the literal blood of While the practice can be dangerous, it is known to greatly
Azeroth's world-soul. They are also uniquely susceptible to benefit its practitioners. Trolls specifically, have always been
fel magic. A world-soul is the name given to the spirit of a followers of this ancient craft. Those trolls who practice the
titan. The first and most vulnerable stage of a titan's life, voodoo magics hold it to high regard and are a very
world-souls are powerful, nascent titan souls who originate important part of troll society. While it is a form of magic, it
as masses of energy spun out into the cosmos at the is only an extension of its masters, the Loa spirit
moment of its creation, eventually finding comfort in the
warmth of a sun. In time, a planet coalesces around the APPENDIX B: GODS OF THE WARCRAFT UNIVERSE
newly-formed world-soul, protecting it as it grows. These
nascent titan souls exist within the fiery cores of a small
number of worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark
Beyond; there they slumber for ages, suffusing the planets
they inhabit with Spirit energy as generations of life live and
die upon them, before eventually awakening as living worlds,
and emerging as titans. Azeroth is one such world, and the
titan within it is feared to possibly be the greatest titan of all,
should he awaken.


REPRESENTATIVES speculated that it has something to do with the amount and
type of magics they acquired during life.
Shadow Hunters, Troll High Priests (discipline priests), and
Witch Doctors There are several known Loa, including but not limited to
the following
Voodoo and Loa worship is a syncretic faith, mixing
elements of Druidism (following the Wild Gods, except • Hakkar the Blood God
Elune) and Ancestor Worship (venerating ancestors who are • Shirvallah, the Tiger.
now immortal in the Shadowlands, such as Bwonsamdi and • Rhunok, the Arctic Bear.
Lukou). • Lukou, Loa of Healing and Respite.
• Ogoun, Loa of War
Followers of the Loa and users of voodoo worship the • Dambala, Loa of serpents and treachery.
Wild Gods directly, except Elune, instead admiring the • Bwonsamdi, Loa of the cemeteries and the restful sleep of
savagery and viciousness of the ancient beings. All Wild
gods are Loa, but not all Loa are Wild gods, however, as the the dead.
Loa spirits such as Bwonsamdi and other various Loa • Shango, Controller of the Realm of Storms.
resembling spirits of trolls have no connection to the Wild • Zanza, worshiped by the Zandalar Tribe.
gods or the Emerald Dream. • Gonk the Great Hunter, is an ancient spirit Zandalarian

They are in fact, ancient and powerful troll ancestors that tales.
now live in the Shadow Lands. Not all trolls that die become
Loa. What makes a troll spirit a loa is a mystery, though it is





Light and Shadow are the most fundamental forces in The Great Dark Beyond represents the physical universe. It
existence. Although contradictory by their very nature, they is an infinite living realm composed of innumerable stars,
are bound together on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist worlds, and mortal civilizations.
without the other.
Azeroth – the world of Warcraft – is merely one of the
Pure Light and Shadow dwell in the realm outside the countless worlds drifting through the vast reaches of the
border of reality, but shades of their presence are found in Great Dark Beyond.
the physical universe. Light manifests as holy magic, while
Shadow (also referred to as “The Void”) manifests as Few beings have the ability to survive in the airless frozen
shadow magic. sky that is the Great Dark Beyond, but some have explored
these regions, namely the Draenei and the Titans.
It is possible to contact another world or civilization
The forces of Life and Death hold sway over every living across the Great Dark Beyond, usually with aid of the Gate
thing in the physical universe. The energies of Life, spell as if the world is on another plane of existence.
commonly known as nature magic, promote growth and
renewal in all things. Death, in the form of necromantic The Gate spell can also be made permanent to link two
magic, acts as a counterbalance to Life. It is an unavoidable worlds and planets (such as was done between Azeroth and
force that breeds despair in mortal hearts and pushes Draenor through the Black Gate), but this requires casting
everything toward a state of entropic decay and eventual the spell every day for one year. The DM may require
oblivion. additional prerequisites, such as construction of a physical
gate or a quest.
The forces of Order and Disorder govern the cosmic
systems of the physical universe. Order is most commonly An astral dimension that lies in parallel with the Great Dark
perceived in reality as arcane magic. This type of energy is Beyond, the Twisting Nether is a place where the forces of
innately volatile, and wielding it requires intense precision Light and Void bleed together, engulfing this realm in
and concentration. Conversely, Disorder is manifested as perpetual strife. At times, the volatile magics that pervade
highly destructive fel magic. This brutal and extremely the Twisting Nether intrude upon the physical universe,
addictive energy is fueled by drawing life from living beings. warping reality beyond measure.

Despite being addictive when exposed to it over long Fiends and Celestials originate from the Twisting Nether,
periods, arcane magic is also highly structured and more which is known to Humans and other adherents to the Holy
inclined to transmutation more than evocation, making it a Light as Heaven or Hell (depending on the region in the
force of building, as opposed to fel, which is a force of unexplored realm).
The Emerald Dream is an ethereal realm of spirits and
The elements of fire, air, earth, and water serve as the basic untamed nature that exists alongside the world of Azeroth.
building blocks of all matter in the physical universe. Incredible beings known as the keepers forged the Emerald
Shamanic cultures have long sought to live in harmony with, Dream to act as a map for the evolutionary path of Azeroth’s
or assert dominion over, the elements. To do so, they call flora and fauna. The two realms are bound as one: as life
upon the primordial forces of Spirit and Decay. Those who ebbs and flows across the physical world, the spiritual
seek to bring balance to the elements rely on Spirits energies that saturate the Emerald Dream keep pace with it.
(sometimes referred to as the “fifth element” by shaman, or
“chi” by monks). This life-giving force interconnects and Although tied to the physical world, the Emerald Dream is
binds all things in existence as one. Decay is the tool of a place that most mortal minds will find alien and surreal.
shamans or witch doctors seeking to subjugate and But some of those minds, by channeling druidic magic, can
weaponized the elements or Loa themselves. enter a state of dreaming and consciously navigate the
Emerald Dream. Their thoughts can also shape and
influence portions of this verdant spirit realm, but the 206
imprint that these dreamers leave behind is never
permanent, and can be contested by other dreamwalkers.

In the dreamways, time and distance are mutable. Spirits
flow like the living winds though lush tracks of constantly
shifting primordial woodlands. What appears tangible one


moment becomes intangible the next; seemingly physical universe. Many believe that mortal souls are drawn
impermeable landmarks transform in the blink of an eye. into this dark place at the point of death, where they remain
forever after. Still others hope that their souls will go to a
THE SHADOWLANDS brighter place, rather than language for eternity within the
cold confines of the Shadowlands.
Like the Emerald Dream, the Shadowlands are tangentially
linked to the world of Azeroth. Yet whereas the Emerald Undead spellcasters (especially necromancers and liches)
Dream represents life, the Shadowlands represent death. are familiar with the Shadowlands, and the Lich King is
They are nightmarish realms of decay, labyrinthine spiritual suspected to have explored the realm multiple times,
planes teeming with the souls of the dead who have passed drawing strange creatures from it to serve him, and binding
from the world of the living. them to his service.

The origins of the Shadowlands remain uncertain, but
they have existed ever since mortal life first arose in the


APPENDIX D: CLASSES IN LORE joining the secretive Grand Apothecary Society of Undercity,
and few choose to take the path of the mutant, becoming
Due to natural affinities, historic inclinations, and cultural undead monstrosities.
reasons, each race in Azeroth has certain ways to approach
each class, archetype, and talent choice. GNOMES

ALC: ALCHEMISTS Gnomes compete for dominance with goblins over alchemy.
Gnome alchemists primarily choose to support their allies
DRAENEI with healing and battlefield support potions. To gnomes,
alchemy is a long game that emphasizes preparation for
Draenei alchemists are often support-based, and although every contingency, survivability, and sustainability. Gnomes
they are few in number and influence, are appreciated for usually take the path of the transmutor.
what they could lend to war efforts, especially healing or
exorcism potions. Draenei often take the construct GOBLINS
homunculi, crafting constructs that appear as Elekk, the
draenei racial mount. Goblins find themselves the kings of the alchemical
profession. A goblin alchemist takes advantage of explosion
DWARVES potions to scatter their enemies and destroy their
fortifications, and mutation potions to empower homunculi
Ironforge dwarves appreciate the flexibility potions serve. and their allies. Goblins often take the path of the mutant or
Ironforge dwarf alchemists often use potions to support the transmutor.
their allies and scatter their foes, such as the explosion and
mold earth potions. In many cases, dwarves who take the HUMANS
alchemist class mix their craft with brewery, making beer-
potions that have the distinct taste, but without the Human alchemists usually share the perception of power
intoxicating effect that might jeopardize allies’ safety in war. and mystery with mages. Isolated hermits may follow the
Ironforge dwarves often take the homunculus weird science, path of the mutant, while more studious ones take the path
choosing to craft constructs that also look like mechanical of the transmutor.
Dark Iron dwarves are excellent alchemists, and usually
focus on fire-based offensive and support potions. Their Orc traditions of alchemy are rare, but an increasing amount
volcanic homeland (Blackrock Mountain and the of orcs studied troll alchemy from witch doctors. Orcs often
surrounding areas) provide many nodes for alchemy. Dark take the path of the mutant.
irons often choose the explosive potions weird science
(choosing fire). PANDAREN

ELVES Pandaren traditions of alchemical discovery are well-
entrenched, and almost always follow the path of the
Night Elves of Kalimdor do not have a strong tradition of transmutor. Such potions often have tasty twist, or touch of
alchemy, preferring to instead rely on divine magics for alcohol in them, as the tradition of alchemy with pandaren
support. In other cases, night elven alchemists often choose originates from the culture’s appreciation to fine drink.
spells that appear on the hunter or druid spell lists.

High Elves and Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas often treat
alchemy as an inferior art to arcane magic, but would be
foolish to discount its flexibility. Whether they be mana,
healing, or revivifying potions, High and Blood Elves respect
alchemy—at least as a tool.


Forsaken alchemy is more than an economic commodity or
a frivolity—it is the origin of their suffering. As most
Forsaken were created after succumbing to the Lich King’s
dreaded Undead Plague, most see alchemy as a tool that
could make or break them. Being undead, Forsaken
alchemists find surviving failed experiments easier, should
they explode into poisonous fumes (only so long as the
poisons or diseases are not magical in nature). Forsaken
alchemists are always in demand, as healing does not come
easily to the dead. Most choose to join the apothecary path,


TAUREN lifetime of suffering caused them to make and break more
oaths and bonds than one could normally do with one
Tauren traditions of alchemy are very rare, but a few are lifetime. Those who do not adopt such an outlook are usually
exploring this new art, and usually take the path of the intensely spiritual, seeing their constant brushes with the
transmutor. afterlife as a message to them.


Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls have ancient traditions of Humans were the original and first Death Knights. Arthas
mixing shamanistic powers and alchemy as shamanistic Menethil, the once crown prince of Lordaeron and Lich King
witch doctors. Taking the voodoo out of the potion is hard, was the first human Death Knight to adopt the mantle by
but possible. Forest troll alchemists usually take the choice. Many paladins traveled to Northrend to possibly
transmutor or mutant paths, and they soon develop their hunt down the mystery of the undead plague after it
own aura of mystery and ‘get-out-of-de-way-I’m-brewin’. devastated the Eastern Kingdoms, though few managed to
survive the journey, and many succumbed to the same dark
WORGEN path Arthas followed, choosing to serve their once crown-
prince and breaking their holy oaths.
Worgen history of alchemy is still new, but is rapidly
developing as Wargen alchemists attempt to find a way to lift ORCS
their curse. Worgens’ sporadic inclinations often lead them
to take the mutant path, however. Orc tradition in being Death Knights is shrouded in mystery
and myth. Originally, the wicked warlock Gul’dan bound the
DKN: DEATH KNIGHTS souls of the Shadow Council (warlocks that once served
him) into the corpses of the strongest knights of Stormwind
The first death knights were made by the orc warlock during the beginnings of the Second War, granting the
Gul’dan, creating them by bonding the dead knights of undead creatures scepters of power, first among which was
Stormwind with the spirits of his Shadow Council warlocks. Teron Gorefiend. These orc spirits bound in human bodies
Mounted on skeletal steeds and bearing scepters of power, have a stronger tradition of warlock and fel magic than most
they served as terrible foes who scattered the Grand Death Knights, and it shows in their list of chosen spells;
Alliance with their horrific powers. taking spells that intersect and cross over from the Warlock
and Death Knight spell lists.
Second and third generation of death knights in lore were
introduced during the Second War and during the War of TROLLS
the Lich King—these are undead who were trained and
cursed by the dark blade Frostmourne to carry out the Lich Ice Trolls death knights are the only type of Troll familiar
King’s will. with the art. Due to powerful ice troll witch doctor magics
and potions (which conferred protection against the undead
Humans, especially former paladins, make up the most of plague) and a strong Ice Troll state of Zul’Drak in Northrend
Death Knight orders. (which protected against repeated Scourge incursions and
starvation tactics), the Scourge was unable to fully conquer
DRAENEI them until the War of the Lich King took place. However, the

Draenei Death Knights are new, as per the War of the Lich
King, being third-generation Death Knights. Their
previously-holy powers become tainted and lost, gaining a
necromantic twist instead.


Night Elves that were forced into servitude often eschew
heavy armor and rely on stealth, or choose to be battle-
archers, drawing shortsword runeblades only to end
wounded enemies.

High Elves and Blood Elves forced into servitude to the
Lich King are usually the embittered remnants of the
citizens of Quel’Thalas slain in Arthas’s march to conquer
Silvermoon during the Third War (making most of them
second or third-generation death knights). Such elves are
usually thought to be dead by their surviving families.


Forsaken Death Knights personify tragedy and spiritual
misfortune; slain and raised to the service of the Lich King
once, and then bonded to the Frozen Throne once more,
Forsaken death knights are bitter, cynical individuals whose


Lich King crippled their numbers, suffusing many trolls with razing of Silvermoon by the Scourge, though should these
necromantic magic. A few ice troll death knights emerged exceptional elves survive, their knowledge and touch with
from this, often wandering the wastes half-mad. nature will surely help heal the land from the unholy blight
the Scourge left.
Forsaken and Humans traditions in druidism are primitive
Wildhammer Dwarves have a minor tradition in druidism, and mostly faded, usually reserved for village wise-folk in
but they usually lean to shamanism instead. Those who do Tirisfal Glades before the Third War devastated Lordaeron.
take this path often choose to adopt a gryphon as a flying Should these mysterious druids survive both Arthas’s
form, and a wolverine for a ground form. undoing of their homeland and the following Forsaken
conquest of the land, they might have many things to share
ELVES with the world. Those who have survived to become
Forsaken are often known as blight druids—mysterious
Night Elves were the first druids, learning from Cenarius, figures who eschew shapeshifting and focus on alchemical
the demigod son of Elune (the goddess of the moon) and remedies to ailments that affect the dead.
Malorne (the Ancient stag-god, bound to earth). The first of
such students is the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage (and his TAUREN
twin brother, the wayward Illidan). It was through Malfurion
Stormrage was druidism introduced into night elves as a Tauren druids have a complex history. It is believed that
cultural and religious movement, and it was druidism which Tauren learned druidism from Cenarius the same way Night
was a strong weapon that was ultimately instrumental in Elves did, with Cenarius appearing to them in a different
stopping the Burning Legion from conquering Azeroth in the form, with the tauren Xarantaur possibly being an earlier
War of the Ancients ten-thousand years before the First War student than Malfurion Stormrage. However, due to tauren
even started. Night elf druids draw from a powerful and nomadic lifestyles, several calamities that decimated their
ancient tradition, as druids have been awakened from numbers in Kalimdor, and a propensity for adopting
enchanted slumber during the Third War to fight once more shamanistic traditions and ancestor-worship, druidism faded
against the Legion and its demon pawns. over the millennia. Tauren druids are adept shapeshifters to
large creatures, and often cast druid spells that deal
Night elven druids fall into distinct orders, depending on elemental damage.
which wildshape form they prefer: the Druids of the Claw
(bears), Talon (stormcrows), Fang (snakes), Antler (stags), TROLLS
and the Pack (or Scythe, wolves).
Forest Troll and Ice Troll druids are connected with the Loa
High Elf tradition of druids is hidden and often confused in a way different than Witch Doctors or Shadow Hunters.
for esoteric arcane techniques. Finding spiritual connection Whereas the two channel their semi-divine powers, druids
with their distant night elven brethren after the high elves’ (or shapeshifters) channel their animal forms.
exile, high elf druids aided in crafting and raising the
Runestones that protected the forests of Quel’Thalas against WORGEN
the sight of the Burning Legion. Circles of high elf druidism
are most likely faded or dead following the conquest and Worgen traditions in druidism are new, taught by Night
Elves once the Worgen chose to join the Alliance to temper
their natural shapeshifting tendencies with distinct druidic 210
traditions thousands of years old.



Ironforge Dwarf traditions are usually sharpshooting,
eschewing magical talents and substituting them with
precision dwarven engineering. Animal companions of
dwarves are usually those found in the high altitudes of
Khaz Modan, such as bears or boars.

Wildhammer Dwarves who take the path of the hunter
often join the gryphon riders—adopting a gryphon as an
animal companion once they acquire an egg and are
powerful enough to assert control over the fiercely
independent creatures. Wielding stormhammers (see magic
items) or taking the Heroic Throw talent, these hunters clear


the skies of any threat to the Alliance, be they ground forces, evolving their scouting traditions from Draenor. Animal
troll bat riders, or even dragons. companions for orcs are usually boars.


Night Elf hunters usually join the ranks of the army, Forsaken hunters are often known as dark rangers.
especially the respected Sentinels as archers or huntresses Reflections to Quel’Thalas’s Farstriders just as a Death
(who employ thrown moonglaives (see equipment). Animal Knights to a Paladin, these hunters adopt elven traditions
companions of night elves are usually saber cats (who also with a deathly twist, employing poisons, conjuring undead
double as combat mounts). via black arrows, preparing spells such as Silence and
taking talents like the Suffused Arrows, Terrifying Tracker,
High Elf and Blood Elf hunters with special skills join the Essence Touch, Iron Willed Hunter, or Magic-User’s
ranks of the ancient and prestigious Farstrider order, led by Nemesis, these dark rangers are a terror to enemies of the
the Ranger-General of Silvermoon (often kept in House Forsaken who find easily themselves all alone or separated
Windrunner). Silent and adept in deploying guerrilla tactics, from their allies. Forsaken animal companions are usually
these rangers have guarded the forests of Quel’Thalas wildlife who carry mundane plagues the Forsaken is
against its many foes ever since the exile of High Elves from immune to.
Kalimdor. Slipping as ghosts between the woods, dancing a
deadly dance with troll hunters, be they axe-throwers or HUMANS AND WORGEN
headhunters, Farstriders are always a sight to sore Elven
eyes. The most renowned ranger-general is Sylvannas Human and Worgen traditions usually follow elven or
Windrunner. dwarven traditions.

Chosen talents are usually suffused arrows, primeval TAUREN
awareness, favored terrain (forests), dread ambusher, and
master of tactics, or talents that help infiltration and Tauren have been masters of the hunt since the dawn of the
sabotage of enemy ranks. Animal companions of night elves world. Such tauren are usually known as plains walkers, and
are usually dragonhawks (who often double as flying employ thrown spears (taking the Heroic Throw talent).
mounts), or none at all as the hunter relies on themselves or
their allies instead. TROLLS

GNOMES Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls traditions are either
headhunting, axe-throwing, or even bat-riding. Headhunters
Gnomes and Goblins often become sharpshooters due to are spear-throwers who often rely on rage carrying them
their natural aptitude for engineered weapons. Animal through thick and thin, releasing spears or setting traps
companions are usually eschewed due to proficiency with from the shadows or behind the cover of trees. Axe-throwers
engineering, taking constructs instead, or a vicious raptor in are more versatile, using handaxes as melee and ranged
case of goblins. weapons, favoring their versatility, often taking the Leap
talent). Animal companions for trolls are usually raptors
ORCS drawn from distant isles.

Orcs of the Horde first learned the ways of the hunter from The Shadow Hunter archetype is one trolls often takes to
forest trolls on Lordaeron, or developed such skills from cement their authority by tapping into shamanistic and
ancestral magic touched and tempered with Loa power.



Draenei mages are well-respected, often employed in war
efforts to raise up abjurations and ward off demons or
capture them (via banishment, magic circle, and capture
essence), as well as supporting and empowering allied
troops and debilitating enemies (via time magic such as
haste or slow) and employing dimensional magic such as
plane shift to lead charges. Such mages often take the
arcane specialization.


Dwarves have a weak tradition in arcane magic, except the
odd infusionist-focused crafter (often known as runemages).
Among Dark Iron dwarves, however, their natural
inclination to fire magic and their elemental overlords’


hatred to demons lead them to adopting arcane magic to GOBLINS
burn and debilitate their foes, often taking the fire
specialization. Goblin mages are inclined to adopt the fire specialization
and choice transmutation spells, often adopting such spells
ELVES into potion forms. Although goblins are relatively new to
accessing arcane power, they adopt it with zeal, usually
Night Elves have long since shunned arcane magic for what employing such magics to gain an edge over rivals in
it has done to the world, and due to it being the beacon that business and politics.
attracted the attentions of the Burning Legion. Night Elves
who answered the call to master the arcane arts are known, HUMANS
however, such as Illidan Stormrage, who walked the page of
the mage, then warlock, then demon hunter. The Highborne, Human mages have founded the city of Dalaran, and make
an ancient faction of Night Elves who refused to abandon some of the most distinguished and powerful mages of
the art after the conclusion of the War of the Ancients were Azeroth. Although high elves perfected the study of magic,
exiled by the great druid Malfurion Stormrage. These elves humans institutionalized it, founding Dalaran to be a neutral
have sailed across the sea to a new land, and named it observer in the use of magic. Powerful organizations such as
Quel’Thalas, slowly changing in appearance to become High the mysterious Guardians of Tirisfal, Tirisgarde, and the
Elves. Council of the Six protected Azeroth from the Burning
Legion, Guardians, and regulated arcane magic,
High Elves may not have invented arcane magic, but they respectively, aided with the wisdoms learned by the tales the
did invent organized study and utilization of it. It was the High Elves gave regarding the War of the Ancients. Human
High Elves who taught humanity to wield magic, and high mages array across all specializations, and few study
elven mages are known as the authors of many (if not nearly specific schools of magic in a more focused way. Diversity in
all) ancient spellbooks and treatises on mysterious ley approaching the arcane is the rule, not the exception with
magic. High elven mages often look down upon other humans.
spellcasters and employ pure arcane spells with pride (such
as arcane missile, mana burn, detonate mana, and teleport), ORCS AND TROLLS
and are overwhelmingly of the arcane specialization.
Orc and Troll mages are very few, as orcs with the aptitude
Blood Elves who survived the coming of Arthas and the for spellcasting often lean towards shamanism (for divine) or
Scourging of Quel’Thalas have grown embittered indeed; warlock (for arcane).
the scourge’s necromantic magics has sullied their land and
slew 90% of their populace, scarring their homeland. Many
mages have abandoned their old magics, taking up fel magic
and becoming Warlocks instead. Those few who didn’t are
known as magisters, and act similarly in fashion as how high
elves acted, though focusing more on destruction than


Forsaken mages who take the path of the school of
necromancy are often ostracized as Lich-Kings-to-be,
causing many Forsaken mages to take the frost or arcane
specialization (if not turning to the Warlock’s fel magics). In
most cases, however, Forsaken mages take a supporting
role in Forsaken armies, slowing down and debilitating their


Gnomes who take the path of the mage adopt high elven
practices in working the arcane, finding themselves well
suited (and possibly even poised to surpass the old masters).
Gnome mages see little conflict in the idea of mixing magic
and engineering, and are often the pioneers in arcane
technologies, such as crafting arcane golems, magical
sensors, and other technologies.


MNK: MONKS serious monks may eschew alcohol for tea, or see it as a way
to connect to their subconscious.
Monks who take the brewmaster tradition often take the
Brew Mastery feat to augment their versatility. WORGEN

DWARVES Worgen are unusual monks, who learned to exercise better
control over their Worgen shape, and hopefully weaken the
Dwarves monks are few and far in between, but are often curse enough to suppress it.
temped to join the ranks of Brewmasters, regardless of clan,
once the wandering monk Chen Stormstout challenged the PLD: PALADINS
great Dwarven brewer Grimbooze Thunderbrew into a
brewing contest. This amicable interaction initiated many DRAENEI
dwarves into the idea of unarmed combat, and once Chen
left, began exploring the idea of being a monk in a wholly Draenei who walk the righteous path of the paladin have
organic way. When Chen returned to aid King Magni done so for tens of thousands of years. Nearly immortal with
Bronzebeard fight in the Third War against the Scourge, the aid of the blessed Naaru, Draenei paladins have fought
more dwarves tested their new traditions of monkhood the Burning Legion across countless battlefields, and are an
against Chen’s, enriching both the dwarven and pandaren inspiration to their allies and a terror to their enemies.
schools of monkhood. Draenei paladins often take the Holy or Retribution paths.


Human who took up the monk class usually learned the path Dwarves who take up paladinhood are universally Ironforge
from the dwarves. dwarves, as the tradition of the Holy Light is powerful
among their people, despite new discoveries of their Titan
ORCS origins. Most dwarven paladins belong to the Order of the
Silver Hand.
Orc monks are few—Orgrimmar’s beginning was aided by
the wandering Brewmaster Chen Stormstout, and few orcs ELVES
have taken up the golly monk’s path.
Elves who take the holy vows are only High Elves or Blood
PANDAREN Elves. Although High Elves have membership in the Silver
Hand, having retained their ties with the Alliance as the
Pandaren are the original monks of the Warcraft universe, priestly brethren despite Quel’Thalas’s distance, Blood
learning a combat dance to train themselves to revolt Elves are a weapon of necessity. Following the re-opening of
against their oppressive Mogu overlords, Pandaren the Dark Portal, newly Horde-aligned Quel’Thalas has
managed to overcome and overthrow their oppressors, and attacked and defeated a Draenei garrison, capturing the
ushered in a golden age where reason, gentleness, and Naaru M’uru. To feed their mana addition, the elves began
reflection dominated Pandaria for 10,000 years. Pandaren to drain mana from it, but Magister Astalor Bloodsworn felt
monks usually join the powerful Shado-Pan, and these often- this was not the true potential of their treasure; he drained
holy power from the Naaru, and granted it to blood elf
warriors, turning them into paladins. Lady Liadrin, a former
priestess of the Holy Light found this development
intriguing, and volunteered to be the first of the Blood
Knights. The order became an elite force in the army of
Silvermoon, despite the consternations of the few remaining
faithful and traditional elements of blood elven society
(especially the Farstriders). Employing red ranseurs (treat
as a pike), Blood Knights fight alongside spellbreakers,
farstriders, and magisters to protect Quel’Thalas, although
they believe the Light has forsaken them.


Human have a strong tradition to hold up to. Archbishop
Alonsus Faol perceived that the pious Clerics of Northshire,
who suffered such terrible attrition in the First War, were ill-
suited for the dangers of combat. Along with many of the
surviving priests, he sought those of only the greatest virtue
among the knighthood of Lordaeron and tutored them in the
ways of holy magic, or sought out priests with strong
physiques and combat training. Led by Uther the


Lightbringer, it rested upon these paladins — christened the TAUREN
Knights of the Silver Hand — to heal the wounds sustained
in combat and to restore faith in the promise of freedom Tauren paladins are something of a curiosity—some would
from orcish tyranny. The Order of the Silver Hand suffered explain their origins as druids who followed the sun rather
greatly in the Third War: Lordaeron, the spiritual heart of than the moon, and some would point to ancient traditions
humanity fell; Prince Arthas Menethil, one of the most lost even to Tauren, who once heard the whispers of the
promising paladins betrayed the order and disbanded it; the Holy Light eons ago. Although few druids can explain the
remaining knights splintered and either fell to extremism intricacies of the origin of their strength, tauren paladins
(forming the Scarlet Crusade), forsook their vows and joined exist regardless, channeling light drawn from the sun.
their once-brother (became Death Knights in service to the Suffused with divine powers, these warriors are known as
Scourge), or were scattered to help as much as they could in Sunwalkers.
a broken world. Despite this, the Order found a new home in
Stormwind, and will stand fast and faithful—once they PRS: PRIESTS
protected all Mankind against the demonic-driven Horde,
now they will stand to protect all Life. DRAENEI

FORSAKEN Draenei have been worshipers of the Light for at least as
long as they have known the Naaru, and draw their wisdom
Forsaken who once walked the path of the Light could not and power from them, becoming the first known race that
channel holy power without feeling immense pain—a stark has adopted the holy priesthood. The most well-known
difference from the serenity and comfort it once provided. draenei priest is the prophet Velen.
Few such individuals continue down such a path, often
forsaking it for the path of the warrior or adopting to their DWARVES
tragic fate and becoming death knights.
Ironforge dwarves that followed the Holy Light were many
before the Third War and the recent discoveries of the 214
Titans, the possible fathers of the dwarves. Despite an
apparent conflict of faith (as the Titans wielded pure arcane
rather than divine might), dwarf priests remain as pillars of
order in their respective societies.

Wildhammer dwarves lean more towards shamanism, but
may take up the discipline priesthood once they learn of the
balance between Light and Shadow.

Dark Iron dwarves, should they turn to faith, often choose
to heed the echoes of the Void and become Shadow Priests,
due to the history of Elemental (and thus Old God) dominion
over their peoples.


Night Elves of Kalimdor have a ten-thousand year old
tradition of a female-only priesthood, the Sisterhood of
Elune. Night elf priestesses of this sisterhood are proficient
archers and support their allies from a distance, raining
arrows and spells into enemy ranks, and supporting allies
who fall back.

High Elves of Quel’Thalas who never left the priesthood
remained true to their former human and dwarven allies,
despite the high elves' official departure from the Alliance
following the Second War. Many altruistic priests of
Quel'Thalas refused to abandon their roles as healers and
agreed to remain in Lordaeron, despite the edicts from their
reclusive masters in Silvermoon. After the Third War, many
joined holy orders such as the Scarlet or Argent Crusades.
High elf priests often take the Holy specialty.

Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas who have taken up the
moniker and the thirst for vengeance still wield the Light
due to their burning conviction. Although their experience
and knowledge of the Holy Light aided Silvermoon (now
Horde-aligned) to capture and drain holy magic from the


Naaru to empower their Blood Knight brothers, their Humans have heard the whisperings of the Holy Light eons
conviction never wavered in the righteousness of their cause ago, and tapped into this power, forming cults around its
(though their methods still invokes doubt in many cases). study, and then instituted churches. Expressions that signal
the Holy Light’s dominion over human mentality makes
FORSAKEN itself shown with the farewell expression, ‘Light be with
you’, or the curse ‘Light burn you!’. Such priests take the
Forsaken who once followed the tenets of the Holy Light path of the Holy priesthood.
altered their philosophy upon their transformation. Most
Forsaken have abandoned religion, just as they believe it Few humans who are sensitive to such whispers heard the
abandoned them. Some still adhere to their old faiths, such Void instead, joining the elusive Shadow priesthood. These
as the Holy Light. Priests of the Holy Light in particular men and women feel drawn to join dark orders such as the
struggle to reconcile the philosophy that guided their life apocalyptic Cult of the Twilight Hammer to bring darkness
with their unfortunate new condition. Some balance their to Azeroth, but are not compelled to. Should they master
old beliefs with their new forms, but most Forsaken priests theses shadowy psychic powers, shadow priests can gain
belong to The Cult of Forgotten Shadow, adopting the strength as manipulators and controllers of nations.
shadow priesthood. Lost and hurt, these priests founded a Disillusioned and power-hungry priests, as well as those
new religion based on a self-centered version of their former who fear age and loss of beauty may turn to the Cult of the
faith. This philosophy centers around self-empowerment and Damned (previously, the Brotherhood of Eternal Life). These
a desire to balance life with death. One darker path a few priests join the ranks of the damned as death priests who
Forsaken have taken secretly is the death priesthood, either serve the Lich King in return for eternal life and to escape a
of willingness to sacrifice anything for survival, lingering dark afterlife.
loyalties to the Lich King, or another secretive purpose.
Death priests in Forsaken society are often obliterated once ORCS
discovered, as few Forsaken wish to relinquish their wills
again to the Dark Lord of the Dead. Orc priesthoods are uncommon, as shamanism is closer to
their cultural traditions. Cultists who hear the call of the
GNOMES Lich King or the echoes of the Void join the death or shadow
priesthoods, respectively.
Gnomes approach the Holy Light differently, but with no
less devotion. PANDAREN

GOBLINS Pandaren practices show they have an understanding of the
Holy Light. They, like some practitioners of the faith, believe
Goblins priests are uncommon, and their culture’s in peaceful resolutions at all times. Their clerics emphasize
inclination to seek out power and influence often leads them the control of negative emotions like fear, sorrow, anger,
to adopt the discipline or shadow priesthoods. fury, or any other form of emotional turmoil. The clerics of
this race do in fact refer to the power they wield as "the
HUMANS Light." Although their inclinations align with holy
priesthoods, Pandaren priests are few, and shamanism is
Humans formed the Clerics of Northshire, human priests more common.
who served the kingdom of Stormwind during the First War.

Tauren priesthoods are relatively new and mysterious
institutions, as shamanism is more entrenched and
established. These priests tap into the Sun for divine power,
drawing from the Holy Light of creation, becoming part of
the holy priesthoods.


Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls, much like the witch doctors of
troll tribes, are comprised of spiritual advisers and
caretakers. With trolls being naturally superstitious and
spiritual, it allows the various troll priests to manipulate the
spiritual energy of the world in order to either heal or harm
their targets. The Loa (semi-divine animal spirits) have
elements of Light and Shadow within them, leaving the troll
priests who draw their power from them to be of the
discipline priesthood. Tapping into darker voodoo magic,


however, reaches into the Void, treating the priest as of the Frozen Throne end with a knife in the dark. Deathstalkers
shadow priesthood. are Forsaken rogues who take up the assassination
specialization and focus on poisons and ambushing, and
WORGEN often employ high elven or blood elven ambush tactics.

Worgen history of any priesthood is still new, and follows GNOMES AND GOBLINS
their human origins.
Gnomes and Goblins who take up the rogue path usually
RGE: ROGUES take the assassination rogue and employ poisons (usually
inhaled) and explosives or alchemical products, respectively.
DRAENEI Taking the reliable talent and flash bomber talents to aid
them to avoid malfunctions and quickly deploy or use
Draenei rogues are few and far in between except among potions.
the Broken—who lean towards the subtlety specialization,
due to shadow or fel influence on them. HUMANS AND WORGEN

DWARVES Humans and Worgen who take up the rogue path are usually
agents of a guild or state (such as the SI:7 of Stormwind, the
Ironforge dwarves who take up the rogue class often serve Defias Brotherhood, the Syndicate, or Ravenholdt). Humans
as elite scouts or infiltrators, taking the assassination trained by other races usually adopt their paths (such as a
specialization, or the outlaw if sailors on airships or one of human who was raised by high elves or dwarves), but their
the Alliance’s naval fleets. diversity leads to them being equally adept at taking any
role. Outlaw human rogues are often swashbucklers upon
Wildhammer dwarves who take up the rogue class often the high seas or highwaymen. Worgen who take up this path
take the outlaw specialization, serving as ambushers and often utilize their alternate forms to serve as terror troops
scouts in the highlands, often taking the hunter talent who slay stragglers in a dramatic or terrifying way.
favored terrain (hills)
Dark Iron dwarves who take up the rogue class act as
Ironforge dwarves in this respect, but also lean towards Orc rogue traditions are not unheard of, but are rare, usually
employing poisons and traps and talents such as the flash either taking the outlaw or assassination specializations.
bomber, and hunter’s dread ambusher. Garona Halforcen is perhaps the most famous half-orc
assassin, who slew King Llayne of Stormwind, sealing
ELVES humanity’s defeat in the famous war. Orc rogues usually
operate in cells, and take talents that would support one
Night Elves who take the rogue path are either advanced another and aid in infiltration (such as master of tactics and
scouts that serve the Sentinels, or one of the mysterious
Wardens, who hunt and capture enemies of the Night Elves. APPENDIX D: CLASSES IN LORE
Sentinels who do not take the hunter class take the
assassination specialization. Wardens take up the subtlety
specialization, and prepare spells that would incapacitate
and capture their quarries (such as shadow strike), evade
their enemies (blink step), and talents that would help
initiate and escape combat (fan of knives, hunter’s dread
ambusher, and leap).

High Elves and Blood Elves who take up the rogue path
often take up the subtlety or assassination specializations,
focusing on talents that have an ambushing or magical
theme (hunter’s dread ambusher, cloak of shadows).


Forsaken who take up the rogue class often take the
Lightslayer path, extinguishing light wherever they find it —
specifically, the followers of the Holy Light. The lightslayer
embraces the teachings of the Forgotten Shadow and
develops personal power by slaying their hated foes.
Embracing the subtlety path and chosen hunter talents
(favored enemy, scarred hunter, fading shadow, hunter’s
sense, and primeval disruption), these fanatical assassins
put out the Holy Light to make way for the Forsaken’s way
of life. Since the awakening of the Lich King, a few
Lightslayers have joined the Scourge, hunting in the
darkness and making many moves against the Lord of the


master of intrigue). Strength-based orc rogues are also focus more on invoking ancestral spirits and communicating
sometimes sought for as bouncers in goblin towns. with them.


Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls traditions in the rogue class are Goblins who take up the shaman’s path often see it as a
used in parallel with the hunter class—aiding in infiltration, challenge. Lacking traditional spiritualism, goblins make use
scouting, poisoning, and intimidation of their foes. of sharp tongues and quick wit to negotiate their way to
power. Often employed in driving ships faster by invoking air
SHM: SHAMANS spirits or healing a particularly accident-prone cartel boss,
goblin shamans walk a very thin line between profiteering
DRAENEI from their craft and the demands of spirits (although many
goblins are fond to discover that their natural predilection
Draenei shamans are common among the Broken, as many towards exploding things sets well with fire spirits).
turned to follow the elements after losing their connection
with the Holy Light, with Elder Akama being prime. A few Often called planar dealers, goblin shamans are too
unbroken Draenei may also take up the shaman path, often shrewd by half for one who is unprepared to deal with them.
walking down the Enhancement path, and employing the
use of two weapons (usually hammers or axes) and ORCS
channeling fire or lightning through their strikes.
Orc tradition in shamanism is wholly original and has a very
DWARVES long history. On Draenor, (now Outland) the orcs were
shamanistic and practiced ancestral worship. Elemental
Wildhammer dwarves who take up the shaman class are influence on Draenor was significant, and orcish shamans
very common, and often invoke not only elemental power, found the strength in the elements to bring down ogre high
but also tapping into ancestral magic. Due to dwarves’ society, becoming free to dominate the land. Ever since the
affinity with earth magic (being descendent from Earthen), Burning Legion turned its eye on Draenor, however,
the path of the shaman comes easy to them when shamanism began to dwindle and weaken. Some of the most
conversing with earth spirits, and is similarly easy to vilified orcs were once shaman; Zuluhed the Whacked,
negotiate with air spirits, as Wildhammer dwarves balance Ner'zhul (now the Lich King), and even Gul'dan (the first
both being Wildhammer and being dwarf. Orcish warlock) were all shaman. The archdemon Kil'jaeden
distorted the shaman's connection with their spirits in the
ELVES sacred mountain of Oshu'gun, taking on the form of the
shaman's ancestors to convince them that the Draenei were
Night Elves who take the shaman path are very rare, but are enemies. The ensuing massacres upon several draenei
not wholly ignored. Often serving as guardians to crypts and hunting parties offended the spirits, who eventually denied
meditators to ancestors, their presence has become more the shaman their powers. Driven
pronounced following the Third War, when Night Elves lost
their immortality, and when many of them were slain during Cut off from their elemental powers, former shaman
the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Often called night elf witches, turned to the powers of the Burning Legion, becoming
these shamans eschew displays of elemental might, and warlocks (though many tried to hang onto their roots, it was
impossible), and were used as pawns to invade Azeroth,
bringing forth the First War.

Shamanism in the orcs was all but nonexistent until
Thrall, son of the deceased Durotan and future chieftain of
the Frostwolf clan, grabbed hold of the reins of Warchief of
the New Horde. This ushered in a new generation of
shamanism, breaking the crippling lethargy of the captive
orcs while outlawing the dark magic of the Burning Legion.
At the time of the internment camps, "shaman" was a
derogatory term for someone who told fantastical and
unbelievable stories. Shamanism is now in good repute,
though, as the New Horde was led for a long time by Thrall,
a shaman of great power.

Orcish shamans are often spread across Elemental and
Enhancement specializations, and ones who frequently
employ divinations (such as Clairvoyance, or Far Sight as
known for shamans) are known as Far Seers, a name that
transcends the limits of race. Orc shamans often employ


spells such as Bloodlust, Elemental Armor (preferring often sacrificing power for sustainable use. Well-known
Lightning Shield), Dispel Magic (or Purge), as well as gnomish inventions are the gyrocopter, mind remote, and
Earthquake. the army knife.


Pandaren shamans are not unknown, but not particularly Goblin rivalries with gnomes usually centers around
many. Pandaren have affinities to all elements, but earth and innovations in alchemy and engineering. Usually taking the
water most strongly, and this is reflected in the spells a bomber or gadgeteer path, these goblin tinkers prefer
Pandaren shaman prepares. grandiose projects and spectacular explosions. Well-known
goblin inventions are the shredder mecha, jumper cables,
TAUREN and rocket boots.

Tauren shamans are almost universally known as Spirit FORSAKEN
Walkers, taking the Restoration path and focusing on
divinations and abjurations. Forsaken tinkers are uncommon, but not unknown. Working
with necromancy engines and similar weird sciences with
TROLLS fellow alchemists, these tinkers are known for several
innovations that reach beyond the grave. Well-known
Troll shamans are very common. It is unknown to the forsaken inventions include the reflective cylinder and the
shamans of other races if the semi-divine Loa act as spirits a meat wagon vehicle.
shaman must negotiate with, as troll shamans have several
unique powers, taking the Witch Doctor path. A witch HUMANS
doctor’s invocations are closer to that of a priest’s prayers; a
witch doctor can strike lightning into their foes with the Human tinkers are not common, and usually gather in guilds
power granted by the Loa Storm-God Shango, and aid allies and organizations where funding is available. Human
by mending their wounds with the might of the Loa Healing- tinkers of Stormwind may have been wronged enough to
God Lokou. They would also have to be clever, cunning and
ruthless in order to save their tribe, or stop anyone who APPENDIX D: CLASSES IN LORE
came in their tribe’s way.



Draenei who take up the tinker class are well-versed in the
gadgeteer path, either due to creating and maintaining
crystalline Naaru technology, or through the creation of
powerful defensive turrets. Draenei tinkers often pair up
with mages to fuel their arcane-engine devices, and are
widely considered to be the innovators behind this


Dwarves are the first tinkers of Azeroth, having advanced
from normal blacksmithing to crafting the first firearms and
explosives. Wildhammer dwarves shirk from these
disruptive technologies, but Ironforge and Dark Iron
dwarves both maintain them and utilize them on large


Elves do not often take up the tinker path, most preferring to
follow the path of the arcane or nature magic to fulfill their


Gnomes learned engineering from the dwarves, and
surpassed their teachers. Most gnomes take the gadgeteer
path, maintaining scouting vehicles or protective suits such
as the Gnomish Combat Suit and employing rocket-
launchers. Gnome tinkers prefer efficiency and reliability,


turn to serving the Defias Brotherhood, which managed to ORCS
infiltrate most tinker guilds in Stormwind.
Orc tradition in the warlock class are well-ingrained;
WRK: WARLOCKS Gul’dan was the first orc warlock, and it was his lust for
power that was his greatest strength and weakness. Orc
DRAENEI warlocks often follow the destruction or affliction paths, and
usually shun the demonology path, having well-recognized
Draenei warlocks are few and isolated individuals, as the the dangers of allowing demons to get too close.
heavy prejudice against the use of fel magic makes such
activities subject to immediate scrutiny and investigation. TROLLS
Draenei, the exiled ones, fled their homeland Argus once
two of its three political leaders took the path of warlock Trolls who take the warlock path are few and far in between,
magic (Kil’jaeden and Archimonde, although Velen aided the as those with spellcasting aptitude often take the path of the
others escape). Draenei warlocks who accept the taint priest or witch doctor instead.
change in appearance and increase in size, becoming Eredar
warlocks. Most Eredar warlocks take the path of WAR: WARRIORS
destruction, although a few take the path of demonology.
Draenei natural affinities lead many to adopt the paladin
Night Elves have an ill experience with fel magic; those who class rather than the warrior class. A few however
took up the path either abandoned it entirely under threat of distinguish themselves as pure warriors, often leading the
death or became demon hunters instead, such as Illidan charge and raising banners, guiding their allies with
Stormrage. powerful shouts and opening up enemies’ ranks with talents
such as shout, and heroic leap. A few draenei gladiators
High Elves have compunctions regarding fel magic, and remain from the days of imprisonment by the orcs—those
rightly fear and shun it, preferring traditional arcane magic, who retain their talents often tap into inner reserves of
either for its root in their culture, fear, or distrust of the strength by using the fury talent, and obliterate enemies by
chaotic magics. employing hammer and axe.

Blood Elves make common warlocks, especially after the DWARF
destruction of the Sunwell, the font of the high elves’ arcane
magic. Many blood elves who once walked the path of the Ironforge dwarves who take up the warrior path often end
mage abandoned it to walk the path of the destruction up taking the mountain king specialization. In most cases,
warlock, naming themselves blood mages. however, Ironforge dwarves choose talents that increase
their survivability and deal damage in an area.
Wildhammer dwarves who take the warrior path are often
Gnomes and Goblin warlocks are often inconspicuous, for known as highlanders, taking the arms specialization and
many underestimate their small statures and assume focusing on talents that increase their survivability and
weakness. To compensate, gnome and goblin warlocks often mobility, often also taking the favored enemy or favored
take the demonology or destruction paths. terrain talents.


Forsaken warlocks are very common, often taking the
affliction path to whittle down their foes and cripple them in
battle. The Dreadlords, agents of the Burning Legion have
found common cause with the forsaken in fighting the Lich
King once he turned his back on the Legion, and when one
such dreadlord (the demon Varimathras) was bound by the
forsaken leader Sylvannas Windrunner, the demonic powers
of the fel were freely given by the dreadlord adviser of the
Banshee Queen.


Humans who walk the warlock path are often failed students
of mage academies who yearn for an easy route to power, or
especially brilliant ones who believe they might succeed
where other warlocks have failed.


Dark Iron dwarves who take the path of the warrior are Orcs
often vanguards of the armies of Blackrock Mountain, taking Orcs warriors often take up the arms specialization, and
the protection specialization and protecting allies. choose a series of talents that are often referred to as
blademaster (as high elven blademasters). Other warriors
ELVES prefer a more brutal fighting style by channeling their
natural reserves of fury, taking talents that augment it as
Night Elves who take the warrior path often take up the bow brutal critical, persistent rage, and reckless attack, and often
or greatsword and choose talents that aid their allies and taking up the fury specialization. Orc mounted warriors
slow their foes, such as the hamstring talent and chosen include orcish raiders, whose hit and run tactics and
abilities from the hunter talent list. Night elven warriors proficient use of nets is a professional harassing force.
often take up the arms specialization, such as Commander
Jerod Shadowsong, although due to the natural affinities of TROLLS
night elves towards nature, most take the hunter path
instead. Trolls of every type are well-known warriors, often
channeling their reserves of fury as the orcs, but adopting
High Elves and Blood Elves who take the warrior path the fury specialization and utilizing axes instead. The
often end up as spellbreakers (taking the specialization of survivability of troll berserkers is legendary, and many take a
the same name) or blademasters (agile combatants who take few hunter talents such as dread ambusher and favored
up talents that grant them mobility and versatility, such as terrain, as well as favored enemy to make a deadly hunter-
wind walk, weapon mastery, retaliation, and heroic leap, warrior hybrid.
similar to orcish blademasters, though traditions are
definitely from different origin). WORGEN

GNOMES AND GOBLINS Worgen warriors are new, but are well-respected for their
viciousness. Employing their natural weapons means most
Gnomes and Goblins make for rare warriors, and often take worgen warriors are capable of combat when deprived of
the path of the rogue or hunter instead. The few daring who their weapons, and most worgen take talents that increase
decide to defy the limitations of their stature often adopt their damage and mobility.
‘dirty fighting’ techniques, such as choosing certain talents
from the various talent lists, such as heroic leap, insightful
combatant, and dread ambusher.


Forsaken warriors are common and spread across multiple
specializations. They usually adopt talents that increase
their power at the expense of their safety, such as reckless
attack, rage, and heroic leap, as Forsaken can naturally heal
themselves faster than others with cannibalize. Forsaken
warriors are also adept at ambushing, either by lying in wait
underground or underwater, and often take the dread
ambusher talent as well.


Human warriors often take the arms or protection
specialization, and most prefer the action surge talent for its
flexibility. One of the most well-recognized human warriors
hail from Stormwind, such as King Varian Wrynn. Human
mounted warriors include various orders such as the
Knights of Stormwind, whose ability to run down enemies
was instrumental in granting humanity the edge in several



Arthas: Rise of the Lich King [Book] / auth. Golden The Sundering [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A. // War of
Christie. - 2009. the Ancients Trilogy. - 2005.

Beyond the Dark Portal [Book] / auth. Rosenberg Aaron The Well of Eternity [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A. // War
and Golden Christie. - 2008. of the Ancients Trilogy. - 2004.

Cycle of Hatred [Book] / auth. DeCandido Keith R.A.. - Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects [Book] / auth. Golden
2006. Christie. - 2011.

Dawn of the Aspects [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - Tides of Darkness [Book] / auth. Rosenberg Aaron. - 2007.
Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde [Book] / auth. Stackpole
Day of the Dragon [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - 2001. Michael. - 2013.

Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War [Book] / auth. Golden War Crimes [Book] / auth. Golden Christie. - 2014.
Christie. - 2012.
World of Warcraft Chronicle [Book] / auth. Blizzard
Lord of the Clans [Book] / auth. Golden Christie. - 2001. Entertainment. - 2016. - Vol. 1.

Night of the Dragon [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - World of Warcraft Chronicle [Book] / auth. Blizzard
2008. Entertainment. - 2017. - Vol. 2.

Of Blood and Honor [Book] / auth. Metzen Chris. - 2001. World of Warcraft Chronicle [Book] / auth. Blizzard
Entertainment. - 2018. - Vol. 3.
Rise of the Horde [Book] / auth. Golden Christie. - 2006.
World of Warcraft: Wolfheart [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard
Stormrage [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - 2010. A.. - 2011.

The Demon Soul [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A. // War of World of Warcraft; Illidan [Book] / auth. King William. -
the Ancients Trilogy. - 2004. 2016.

The Last Guardian [Book] / auth. Grubb Jeff. - 2002.


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