Loa Spellcasting. Starting once gaining this archetype, you Starting on 15th level, you can wear the ultimate mask; the
access the shaman’s spell list. You do not gain the increased unnamed Dark Mask, and can spend two turns of invoking it
spellcasting capabilities or access to higher spell levels, but to manifest the strongest voodoo magic possible.
you add all shaman spells into your spell list (including
totems, healing spells, and elemental spells). When casting a At the end of the dance, a number of allies equal to your
spell derived from the shaman spell list and not the hunter Spirit modifier within 30 feet gain the benefits of the Divine
spell list, you spend 1 additional mana point to cast the spell. Shield spell. This needs concentration as the normal spell,
Your spellcasting otherwise follows the same rules as the and if you fail to maintain it, it fades from every target.
shaman class, although your totems (or spellbooks) are your Unlike the spell, you cannot target yourself.
You can channel this effect instead of merely
MASK MAGIC concentrating, during which the shield regains 5 hit points
per round of channeling. If you cannot maintain line of sight
Starting from 3rd level, you can wear various Rush'kah to your ally, the effect fades from them (but returns should
masks can provide blessings. It costs a bonus action to wear they return to your line of sight).
a mask, and each can be used once before a long rest.
• Legba Mask. This grants the shadow hunter the benefits of
the Paladin's Concentration Aura. Elven warriors trained to disrupt and contort magical
energies, the Spell Breakers are a valuable addition to the
• Lukou Mask. This mask allows you to add your Spirit Alliance, and work well in concert with the High Elven
modifier to the final number of hit points healed by your magically-focused military.
spells. This can be added to the final damage to undead
cured by your spells. This mask grants the benefit for one Spell Breakers can cast a small amount of spells, and
hour. mostly prefer abjurations such as Shield and Dispel Magic,
and evocations such as Arcane Missile, and Mana Burn.
• Shango Mask. The storm mask allows you to add your
Spirit modifier to the final number of damage points dealt This warrior martial archetype is restricted to elves,
by your lightning spells. This mask grants the benefit for commonly High Elves and Blood Elves.
one hour.
Starting from 7th level, you may multiple the casting time of
your spells by three via a magical (and often noisy) mask-
dance to heighten it by one spell level. This increase does
not stack with itself, and can increase the spell level beyond
your normal maximum.
If the spell cost an action, it costs 3 actions instead. If it
costs a minute, it costs 3 minutes. If it cost an hour, it costs
3 hours, etc., applying to ritual spells normally.
Starting at 11th level, you can add new masks to your
• Bwonsamdi Mask. You gain the ability to perform a
Crusader Strike as a paladin of your level, and can use
hunter or shaman spells. This ability remains for one hour.
• Ogoun Mask. You can cast the Polymorph spell as if you
had it set, although the spell can only turn hostile
creatures into frogs. This ability remains for one hour.
• Dambala Mask. The second twin of the Ogoun mask, you
can cast the Polymorph spell as if you had it set, although
the spell can only turn you into a snake. This ability
remains for one hour.
SPELLCASTING At 15th level, you may transfer a dispelled magical effect to
another eligible creature within 30 ft. as a free action. The
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial new target is entitled a saving throw, or you must succeed
prowess with the ability to cast spells. on an attack roll to affect them (as if you cast the initial
spell). This may be applied to sigil effects.
Cantrips. At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips
equal to your proficiency bonus. CONTROL SUMMONS
Preparing and Casting Spells. Each spell breaker level At 18th level, you may force a summoned creature to serve
provides you with 0.5 levels in a spellcasting class (or level 1 you and count you as an ally instead of sending it back to
at 3rd level). You follow the normal progression to unlock where it came from when you successfully dispel the magics
spell levels (see the table under the Mana section). You summoning it. This does not count versus creatures that are
prepare spells from the mage spell list, but only spells from not summoned by spells.
the abjuration, transmutation, or evocation schools. When
you reach 7th, 8th, 14, and 20 level in this class, you can WITCH DOCTOR (SHAMAN)
alter one existing spell to be a spell from any other magic
school. A curious blend of alchemy and shamanistic spirit magic,
witch doctors are most common among trolls, though few
Your spellcasting otherwise follows the same rules as the orcs take up the art, especially those who wish to broaden
mage class with regards to spellbooks, conjuring and their skill set with the power of alchemy. Skilled at not only
binding, and other concerns. Your spellcasting ability is simply brewing potions and alchemical goods, but also at
Intelligence. awakening the spirits of the ingredients that go into his
goods, a witch doctor at work can be unsettling. Between
SPELL RESISTANCE crooning and chanting to the herbs and animal parts that go
into their brew, shaking rattles to supposedly ‘wake up the
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the spirits’, to bursting into dance to appease them and make
ability to be exceptionally resistant to spells and spell-like them favor him, a witch doctor inspires fear, respect, and
abilities, gaining advantage versus all spells that allow for confusion.
spell resistance as you wish.
The witch doctor's arcane magical art is formed from the
If you succeed in saving against a spell with both saving ability to twist and turn nature through a crude yet effective
throws (the one granted by advantage as well as your normal science called juju.
one), you may use a reaction to absorb residual mana, Witch doctors teach that worthy trolls receive dominion over
gaining mana points equal to the spell’s level. This is a various aspects of nature upon their death - whether plants,
normal mana-restorative effect. weather, beasts, or even disease. When witch doctors exhibit
their supernatural powers to cure the sick, control nature, or
ABJURING KNIGHT assist in battle, it is said that ancestral spirits are riding
Starting at 7th level, you may cast the Dispel Magic spell
with half the normal mana cost (minimum 1), and always Witch doctors usually name their totems ‘Wards’, and use
have it prepared at your highest-level spell accessed. masks as their spellbooks.
You may also throw a two-bladed sword, treating it as a CHAPTER 3: CLASSES | SPECIAL AND RACIAL SPECIALIZATIONS
thrown weapon with a range of 10/30 feet. This may deliver
melee strikes at range, and the two-bladed sword returns
after the attack roll is resolved, but allowing for only one
melee strike every round.
At 10th level, whenever you dispel a magical effect from a
creature, you destroy 1 point of mana per spell level, dealing
2 arcane damage (as the Mana Burn spell). If you dispel an
effect from an ally, you may direct the mana-burning effect to
any hostile creature within 30 feet of you (though in this
case they are entitled a Spirit saving throw).
You may also cast Dispel Magic (as per Abjuring Knight)
as a strike effect (costing a bonus action after a successful
attack roll), as if you possessed the Spell Strike feat (if you
don’t already have it).
WITCH DOCTOR ART SPELLS When you reach level 17, you gain the Big Bad Voodoo
ability, as the shadow hunter ability of the same name.
Shaman Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, sleep BOUND COMPANIONS
3rd fear, unholy frenzy
5th banshee’s curse, blight Characters’ class abilities sometimes provide companions.
7th drain life, death ward Companions are creatures that have lower challenge rating
9th criple, eyebite than the character, and join the character in their
adventures free of charge.
These creatures do not grant XP when killed, and do not
Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Alchemy and the consume XP when fighting, but are effectively bound to the
Poisoner’s Kit. You can choose up to one alchemist spells to character who has the ability, leveling up with them in some
cast as a potion, and gain access to another alchemist spell capacity (gaining hit dice, ability score increases, etc., as
whenever you level up. These spells can only be made into detailed in the class entry).
potions (as if you were an alchemist).
The ability that provides the bound companion determines
CHANNEL ELEMENTS: VOODOO WITCHERY the creature type (usually beast), the CR, and whether the
companion gains special abilities.
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to re-awaken
fading magics. This can extend concentration spells one CONTROLLING THE COMPANION
more round, and reset the durations of an ending spell or
potion that ended or were prematurely dispelled. If the The companion obeys its master’s commands as best as it
duration ended normally, it regains half the duration it once can. It takes its turn on its master’s initiative.
had. This cannot affect instantaneous spells or spells with a
duration more than 24 hours. On the master’s turn, the companion can be verbally
commanded where to move (no action required by you) or
This usually involves dancing and waving fetishes at the what to do. If the creature has a special bond, the master
target. may or may not be able to command it telepathically,
depending on the bond’s description.
Bound companions otherwise act on their own, unless
Starting at 8th level, you gain proficiency in magically- given a clear command from their master, in which case
infused potions beyond regular science. You gain the they fulfill the command as best as they can.
following abilities.
The master is always aware of the bound companion’s
• Rage Mojo. You may change any potion you handle for normal course of action. If the master is incapacitated or
one minute to cause the target to become enraged, as the absent, the companion acts as it normally would, but also
berserker rage spell. protects its master and itself.
• Personalized Mojo. When creating potions, you can make For example, a hunter with a panther companion is
it personalized for one creature by mixing a part of them attacked in an ambush. The panther, if commanded to fight,
(hair, nail clippings, a tear, etc.) into it. This potion would normally attack the weakest enemy from behind. If
functions only for the target, and is treated as if heightened the hunter uses an attack to command the panther to fight in
one spell level (this can exceed your normal maximum sync with him, the panther obeys and fights as its master
spell level). wishes.
• Spirit Mojo. You can change any potion you have to
another potion you can make, so long as they have the
same quality. This can be done once per short rest.
• Shaka Mojo. This potion is imbued with the spirit of
excellence. When a shaka potion you made is used and
you roll for damage or healing, it deals the maximum effect
instead. You may have only one shaka mojo potion active
at any given time.
CHARACTER DETAILS character is Evil, the spirit loss remains until the character
pledges themselves to the Burning Legion and a
STANDARD LANGUAGES representative of them, serving them in a substantial way, in
which case the attribute is restored. This is a Curse effect.
Language Typical Script Special
Common Speakers Common Dailects: Gutterspeech Characters who gain access to Eredun through special
Humans, abilities (such as the warlock or demon hunter) do not suffer
Low worgen Common — from this curse.
Common Low races
Dwarven Runic — INSPIRATION
Draenei Dwarves Eredic Uncursed
Draenei, Inspiration is a rule the player can use to benefit them for
Draconic broken Runic — playing their character in a way that’s true to his or her
Elven Dragons Elven Dialects: Darnassian, personality traits, ideal, bond, and flaw (collectively known
Elves Thalassian, Naga as personality). By using inspiration, you can draw on a
Cursed personality trait (compassion for the downtrodden) to give
Eredun Fiends, Eredic you an edge in negotiating with the Beggar Prince. Or
warlocks — inspiration can let you call on your bond (local hero) to
Gnomish Gnomes Dwarven- defend of your home village against an enemy harming it.
Titan —
Goblin Goblins Common — GAINING INSPIRATION.
Orcish Orcs Common —
Ogre Ogres Ogre Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Gaining inspiration occurs when a character gives in to a
Kalimag Elementals, Runic Terran flaw or a bond and suffers a narrative or mechanical penalty
shamans — (also known as a Setback).
Taura-he Tauren Pictograms —
Titan Titans, earthen Runic Dialects for each troll A rogue with the flaw (I'm always in debt. I spend my ill-
Zandali Trolls Zandali subspecies gotten gains on decadent luxuries faster than I bring them
— in) can invoke it when attempting to negotiate a favor. In this
Pandaren Pandaren Pandaren case, the DM may rule that the opposing character
recognizes the character's flaw, and does not trust the
• Darnassian is spoken by night elves character enough to aid them, thereby depriving them of a
• Thalassian is spoken by Highborne, high elves, and blood helpful ally and forcing them to find another one or to make
due without aid.
• Nazja is spoken by naga. A debased sub-dialect of Nazja is Any mechanical penalties must be equivalent to the
benefit of inspiration (such as granting an enemy inspiration
Nerglish, the speech of murlocs. or disadvantage on a necessary skill check or saving throw).
• Kalimag has four distinct dialects for the prime
A character may also gain inspiration after suffering
elementals, such as Aquan for water elementals, Auran for significant penalties from a trait, ideal, or bond (such as
air elementals, Ignan for fire elementals, and Terran for losing a loved one who was their bond, or betraying their
earth elementals. ideal out of necessity or bitterness). If this occurs, a
• Low Common is spoken by furbolgs, gnolls, kobolds, character may choose to change one of their traits, ideals, or
ogres, and most humanoids or giants with low Intelligence. bonds.
• Gutterspeech is often known as the language of the
forsaken, and is a dialect of Common influenced by This is called character development, and rewards the
dwarven, low common, and a hint of Thieves’ Cant. Any player with Inspiration.
creature that knows one component language of
Gutterspeech can learn it with half the normal time of A character may have up to two inspirations active (one
learning a language. from normal inspiration, and one from character
• Orcish script is relatively new, and before adopting development).
Common, they used pictograms (as Taur-ahe uses today)
When inspired, a character can gain a bonus to performing
Demons of the Burning Legion speak the tongue of their actions that fit their traits, support their ideals, or aid their
kind, Eredun, which is a perversion of Titan using their own bonds. A character with inspiration may spend it to gain one
script. Any creature that is not also a fiend that deliberately of the following effects.
speaks Eredun without being also bound to demons, must
make a Spirit save every year (DC 15) or lose 1 point of • Advantage to a single saving throw, ability check, or attack
Spirit, and shift one step towards Lawful Evil. If the roll.
• Roll a 1d6, and add the result to one d20 roll or your AC BACKGROUND THEME
against one attack. You may declare this after you know
the result of the attack. • Scheme
• Temple
• Impose disadvantage to a single saving throw, ability • Defining event
check, or attack roll of a creature you can affect. • Specialty
• Routine
It is always advisable to consult with the DM and other Gains two of the list if specialized (soldiers get
players on how your traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws shelter/passage, and minor purchases against lower
synchronize with one another and your character concept, ranks/friendlies)
and to ensure that your character's personality is distinct • Free shelter/Passage
enough to gain and spend inspiration reliably in situations • Knows where information is (contact or research from a
where they are the narrative 'stars'. At the same time, it
should be infrequent enough to not prove disruptive to library)
normal gameplay (such as choosing to take a setback for • Free healing
inspiration). • Move double speed in specific terrain
• Food for up to 5 people per day
If you play a mage, for example, you may choose to adopt • Recognition/likeness
the background of a scholar and choose the following • Membership in an organization (political power or
Trait. I'm used to helping out those who aren’t as smart • Get away with minor purchases/offenses (pirate and
as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to
others. soldier)
• Automatic assistance (so long as it is not hazardous),
Ideal. Knowledge. The path to power and self-
improvement is through knowledge. includes contact for info, can deliver messages, based on
Bond. I've been searching my whole life for the answer to • Full false identity
a certain question.
Flaw. I can’t keep a secret to save my life, or anyone
else’s. You are employed in Dalaran, whether you are an agent of
the mage-court itself, a graduate, a mage-guard, or one of the
The aspects of the mage's personality synchronize well. If factions that rule the city. The magical city of Dalaran is
you allow a critical secret to slip (flaw), risking an ally's ruled by a council of mages, and is usually influenced by the
career or life, you gain Inspiration, which can possibly be interests of several factions. By the time of the Third War,
used to answer a question you spent your whole life studying there were the powerful Wizard’s Guild, and by the War of
If your ally loses their career or possibly even their life,
your character is traumatized enough to warrant character
development, changing your ideal from knowledge to either
power (Knowledge is the path to power and domination) or
friendship (depending on how you wish to handle the
character’s personality progression).
Due to changes to the inspiration mechanic (with joint
adjudication between player and DM), the below
backgrounds do not provide personality traits, bonds, ideals,
or flaws.
Languages or Tool Proficiencies (two and/or)
[A book, tool, a kit, a weapon, mule and cart, a trap],
appropriate clothes, [trinket/doodad/gift], belt pouch
containing 5-25 gp
the Lich King, the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant factions BACKGROUND THEME
dominated the political scene.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and one of the following skills of Your profession in service of the Sentinels affects your
outlook and focus, as well as grants you a specific type of
your choice (Deception, History, Investigation, Perception, equipment. You can roll on the following table to determine
Persuasion, or Stealth) your occupation, or choose one that best fits your character.
Languages: Two of your choice, or one language and one Wardens are the jailors of night elven society, and their
type of gaming set patience and doggedness in pursuing their escaped quarry is
Equipment: A set of violet common clothes and a belt pouch a thing of legend.
containing 15 gp
Your profession in service of the Kirin Tor affects your
outlook and focus, as well as grants you a specific type of
equipment. You can roll on the following table to determine
your occupation, or choose one that best fits your character.
d4 Origin d6 Origin
1 Graduate (writing tools; a bottle of ink, a letter opener, 1-3 Archer (longbow; a circlet of rank, and 2 hunting traps)
4-5 Huntress (moonglaive, a trophy of a fallen enemy, and a
and a quill, graduate’s staff)
2 Mage-guard (a simple weapon, and a signet of rank, and pet owl)
6 Warden (manacles, wanted sheets, and warden’s cloak--6
mage-guard uniform)
3 Faction Member (a signet ring of a mage faction, and a daggers are interwoven into the cloth)
fine cloak and silver clasp) BACKGROUND FEATURE
4 Warden (manacles, wanted sheets displaying rogue
Your origin may influence your background feature.
mages, and warden’s uniform)
• Agent of the Law. When you are in a civilized settlement,
BACKGROUND FEATURE you can receive reports on rogue spellcasters or
information on demon summonings. You are usually
Your origin may influence your background feature. recommended to keep the results of your investigation
secret and report back to your superiors. Wardens and
• Agent of the Law. When you are in a civilized settlement, huntresses often take this feature.
you can receive reports on rogue spellcasters or
information on demon summonings. You are usually • Military Rank. You have a military rank from your career
recommended to keep the results of your investigation as a soldier. Soldiers still loyal to your former military
secret and report back to your superiors. Wardens and organization still recognize your authority and influence,
mage-guards often take this feature. and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can
invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and
• Researcher. When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use.
lore, if you do not know that information, you often know You can also usually gain access to friendly military
where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this encampments and fortresses where your rank is
information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, recognized. Archers and huntresses often take this feature.
or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM
might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in
an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be
found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse
can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.
Graduates and faction members often take this feature.
You are part of the Night Elven Order of Sentinels, a
religious/military organization that protects and
preemptively destroys threats to the night elves and their
lands. The sentinels have several sub-orders.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion and one of the following skills
of your choice (Deception, Nature, History, Investigation,
Perception, Intimidation, or Stealth)
Languages: Two of your choice, or one language and one
type of gaming set
Equipment: A set of military clothes and a belt pouch
containing 15 gp
• Crime Doesn’t Pay. Pulling from your prior experiences d6 Origin
as a soldier, mercenary, or even an extensive time living 4-5 Hunters (longsword, a trophy of a fallen enemy, and an
the life pf a vigilante, you have the skills needed to wage a
kind of psychological battle against the criminal elements herbalism kit)
of society. When interrogating someone to glean 6 Seeker (shortsword, a travel cloak for camouflage in the
information about the location, motive, or operations of
their superiors, they will easily buckle under questioning forest, and a disguise kit)
and often times readily give up sensitive knowledge
without the need to press further. Any promises you make BACKGROUND FEATURE
concerning their fate in exchange for information you are
not obligated to keep, short of killing them. You can Your origin may influence your background feature.
coordinate this information with any authority in a city
you’re on amiable terms with, be it the guard or militia, • Agent of the Law. When you are in a civilized settlement,
your own old military unit, or even a sympatric temple's you can receive reports on rogue spellcasters or
leadership, provided the temple maintains soldiers of its information on demon summonings. You are usually
own. Wardens often take this feature. recommended to keep the results of your investigation
secret and report back to your superiors. Hunters and
FARSTRIDER seekers often take this feature.
You are part of the High Elven Order of Farstriders, a • Military Rank. You have a military rank from your career
paramilitary organization that is a similar reflection to the as a soldier. Soldiers still loyal to your former military
night elven Sentinels. After the destruction of Quel’Thalas, organization still recognize your authority and influence,
the Farstriders began diminishing in importance, especially and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can
after the blood elves’ newfound obsession with fel magic. invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and
Farstriders have the similar bonuses as sentinels, but requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use.
change the hunteress and warden to the ranger and seeker. You can also usually gain access to friendly military
Rangers form the scout and advanced skirmishing forces of encampments and fortresses where your rank is
Quel’Thalas, while seekers are specialized assassins who recognized. Archers, hunters, and seekers often take this
infiltrate enemy lands and perform dangerous missions. feature.
• Wanderer. You have an excellent memory for maps and
geography, and you can always recall the general layout of
terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In
addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and
up to five other people each day, provided that the land
offers berries, small game, water, and so forth. Archers
and seekers often take this feature.
You are part of the Forsaken’s order of Deathstalkers, an
elite guard that also doubles as a guild of assassins that
serve the Banshee Queen and her advisors. Rogues and
rangers that are part of the Deathstalkers are skilled
assassins who utilize their undead nature in conducting
infiltrations and assassinations (such as waiting underwater
for hours before leaping out for a kill, staking out a position
for days or even weeks without sleep, or tracking in hostile
terrains without tire or need to eat.
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Deception
Languages: One of your choice and proficiency in the
Poisoner’s Kit
Equipment: Shadowstalker dagger, poisoner’s kit, dark
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
Becoming a Deathstalker is a deadly mission in of itself. The
test given to prospective Deathstalkers usually tests their
patience, cunning, or strength, and are tailored to reveal the
limits applicant’s strengths and how far they will go for the
Banshee Queen and the Forsaken.
1 Assassinate an enemy of the Forsaken (Scarlet Crusader, STRANGLETHORN, UN'GORO CRATER)
Alliance spy, or a necromancer) Coming soon
2 Track and apprehend infiltrators to Forsaken society or
3 Deliver a critical message through hostile territory Coming soon
4 Retrieve the head of a fallen Deathstalker agent
5 Infiltrate, sabotage, or conduct reconnaissance on an CRUSADER (SCARLET, ARGENT DAWN)
enemy of the Forsaken Coming soon
6 Guard an ally of the Forsaken against assassination
without them realizing it RAVENHOLDT, SYNDICATE)
Military Rank. You have a military rank in the organization. THORIUM BROTHER (BROTHERHOOD)
Hidden agents loyal to the Deathstalkers or the Forsaken
recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you Coming soon
if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert
influence over other members and requisition simple CENARION CIRCLE
equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually
gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses Coming soon
where your rank is recognized.
Hidden shelters of the Deathstalkers are found all over the KAEL)
world in places where the Forsaken are active.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
EARTHEN RING Coming soon
Coming soon
ADVENTURING GEAR Cost Mass Properties
25 gp 2 lb. 2 pounds of gunpowder, or 12 uses
Gear Name 350 gp 20 lb. 20 pounds of gunpowder, or 120 uses
Powder Horn
Powder Keg 1 gp 1 lb. Firearm deals piercing damage
Ammunition 1 gp 1 lb. Firearm deals bludgeoning damage
Bullets (20) 12.5 gp 1 lb. Four pounds of coal grant 1 charge to steam devices
Pellets (20) 50 gp 1 lb. One battery grants 1 charge to electric devices (can refuel)
Fuel 50 gp 1 pint One pint grants 1 charge to oil/gas devices
Gas/Oil (Pint)
DESCRIPTION to burn brightly, shedding bright light in 30 feet for 1 round,
and dim light in the same radius for another round, before
Powder Horn. Carrying two pounds of gunpowder, this fire extinguishing. Exploding gunpowder cannot deal more than
and water-resistant horn is required almost always for a 10d6 at any time (with 10 pounds and upwards of mass), but
tinker on the go. its range does increase by 10 feet for every pound.
Powder Keg. Containing twenty pounds of gunpowder, Grappling Hook. Tether two creatures (or objects if the
this keg is very flammable, but it is a sure sight for sore rope attached to it is tied). If tethering two creatures, one
dwarven eyes. If exposed to flame, the barrel explodes for side can perform the shove action (instead pulling the
10d6 concussive damage in a 200 feet sphere, with a DC 10 creature closer on a successful check the same distance as
Agility save to half damage. If left exposed, the damage is the shove).
instead fire damage.
It is a ranged weapon attack to tether a creature or an
Gunpowder. Deals 1d6 fire damage to each creature in object with a grappling hook.
10 feet per 1 pound of mass. Setting an ounce of gunpowder
WEAPONS AND ARMOR Cost Effect Mass Properties
2 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Finesse, light
Weapon Name 10 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light
Attack Claws 1 gp 1d4 slashing
Bayonet 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning — Finesse, light, two-handed
Garrote Wire 10 gp 1d6 slashing 10 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Greathammer 15 gp 1d6 slashing
Moonglaive 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
Spiked Chain 5 gp 1d12 bludgeoning 10 lb. Finesse, heavy, reach, two-handed
Sword, two-bladed 10 gp 1d6 slashing 10 lb. Finesse
Syringe 15 gp 1/2 lb. Light
Totem, Tauren 10 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Warglaive 2 lb. Finesse, light
DESCRIPTION Garrote Wire. This weapon can be used to start a grapple
with an attack roll instead of using an Athletics check, but
Attack Claws. These claws may be attached to a hand, and suffers disadvantage to the roll if the target is aware of the
allow for a user to perform somatic components without attacker.
occupying the hand. They are usually favored by orcish
shamans who enter melee after conjuring elementals or Greathammer. This iconic paladin weapon is favored by
placing totems. This is a simple weapon, treated as a dagger. the Order of the Holy Light. A character proficient with
mauls is also proficient with greathammers after a week of
Bayonet. This dagger-like blade can be attached to a training.
firearm, allowing it to make melee weapon attacks. If
successfully making a melee attack, the user can shoot as a Moonglaive. This exotic weapon has three dagger-like
bonus action (which resolves as a Touch-Blast Strike). blades jutting from its sides. Uncommonly seen but easy to
train with, Moonglaives are favored by the night elves of When not attuned to any creature, they appear as
Kalimdor. This is a simple melee weapon. uncommon quality, but their power can be sensed by any
who identify them.
Spiked Chain. A 10-foot chain marked with a large hook,
this spiked chain is a dangerous and rare weapon to see in Character Item Rarity Effect
the battlefield. Level
1st Uncommon Item becomes +1 weapon
Sword, Two-Bladed. Typically used only by elven 3rd Uncommon Item becomes magical (if a weapon)
swordsmen of great agility, the two-bladed sword is almost 5th Rare Item becomes a +2 weapon or +1
iconic of the high elven military Two-bladed swords can be armor
used to attack as if using two weapons, despite being a 11th Very rare Item becomes a +3 weapon or +2
single weapon that is used with one hand. . A character armor
proficient with longswords is also proficient with two-bladed 17th Legendary Item becomes a +3 armor
swords after a week of training.
Death knights’ runeblades are always greater attunement
Syringe. This needle is specifically-designed to inject weapons.
injury poisons, plagues, and offensive potions into targets
who are stabbed with it. After a successful attack roll, you A character may only have one greater attuned item.
may use a bonus action to inject the target with the contents
of the syringe. ANNIHILATOR
Totem, Tauren. Large, unwieldy, but very intricately- Weapon (battleaxe), rare
made, tauren totems are iconic of the tauren peoples.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Warglaive. This night elf weapon is a crescent-shaped this magic weapon.
blade about 4 feet long with a hilt in the center of the back
edge. Demon hunters favor these weapons. A character Whenever this wicked-looking, dark purple battleaxe deals
proficient with shortswords is also proficient with damage to a creature benefitting from an armor bonus to
warglaives after a week of training. AC, it reduces their bonus to AC by 1 point. The penalty to
armor remains for until the target creature has a short rest.
Weapon (greataxe), rare
This axe is made out of arcanite, one of the hardest
Some items are known as ‘greater attunement’ items. These substances in existence (AC 23, immune to nonmagical
draw their power from the strength of their wielders, usually weapon damage, and has 30 hit points), and deals double
either due to requiring specific strength to unlock further damage to objects.
powers, or by tying their own power with that of their
wielder (see the below table). BLACK GRASP OF THE DESTROYER
Arcanite Reaper Wondrous item, uncommon
This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved into the knuckles
and the back of the hand. With a touch, this allows the user
to cast dispel magic (as the 3rd-level spell). This property
can't be used again until the next dawn.
Weapon (attack claws), very rare
You gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
magic weapon.
This weapon has 3 charges. When attuned to it, you can
expend 1 charge to cast the Haste spell for 3 rounds as a
bonus action.
The longbow regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
Can cast haste for up to 1 minute. Regains ability next
The Bladefist is a well-known example of orcish attack
claws. It is well known as the weapon of Kargath Bladefist,
Chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan and self-proclaimed
Warchief of the Fel Horde. This weapon can also be used as
a prosthetic.
BLIGHT bonus action, up to a maximum of ten minutes. The orb
creates an invisible magical sensor on the location it
Weapon (glaive), rare observes, which can be seen if observers can see invisibility
or have truesight, and cannot be attacked or interacted with
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with (though it can be dispelled as a 3rd level spell). Once used,
this magic weapon. this cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Upon a successful attack against a creature, you may DAWN'S EDGE
declare that the weapons’ blight ability activates as a bonus
action. If blight takes place, the target must succeed against Weapon (battleaxe), rare
a Stamina saving throw of 15 or be subject to a random
disease (as the contagion spell). This property can't be used You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
again until the next dawn. this magic weapon.
BOOK OF THE DEAD The battleaxe has 3 charges. While using it, you can use
an action and expend 1 charge to cast the Daylight spell
Wondrous item, rare (centered on the battleaxe), or a bonus action to ignore the
damage resistance of an undead or fiendish creature for 1
This ancient, musty tome is decorated with inlaid bones minute per charge expended. You may also cast the Detect
from various creatures. The cover and spine are made from Evil and Good spell as a bonus action by expending 1 charge
dried skin stretched and treated to remain flexible. The ink (the range increases to 60 feet).
used to write the magical words and runes inside is blood The battleaxe regains all charges by the next dawn.
drawn from the veins of living creatures killed as sacrifices
when the book was completed. Activating this book requires DEMONIC FIGURINE
tearing out its spine and destroying it utterly. When the
spine is torn, the pages disintegrate, and the spells bound in Wondrous item, legendary
the book are unleashed, animating up to two medium or
small skeleton or zombie warriors (equipped with shields This onyx figurine is told of in legends as powerful artifacts
and swords) and two medium or small skeleton archers send by the Burning Legion to pave the world for its
(equipped with bows and twenty arrows each). So long as inevitable return. Featuring a baleful demon with claws
you possess the spine, you may command the undead outstretched and a single hoof raised, the figurine can be
mentally with a bonus action as long as they are within 60 pointed to a creature, unleashing a ray of doom. This is
feet of you. This otherwise acts as a 5th level Animate treated as the Demonic Doom spell, and the figurine
Undead spell. After 24 hours, however, regardless of what maintains channeling until the entire duration has ended.
happens, the skeletons disintegrate and lie still, and the The figurine possesses malevolent cunning, and uses the
Book is utterly consumed. spell to wreak the most devastation it could before it is
ended. Destroying a figurine unleashes the Doomguard
You may attune yourself to the book and keep as a instantaneously for its full duration.
spellbook, in which case all necromancy spells written it
cost 1 less mana point when cast by you. DOOMHAMMER
BRAINSPLINTER Weapon (warhammer), uncommon (greater attunement)
Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement) Beyond the bonuses of the weapon upon attunement (see
Greater Attunement), the Elemental Tongue spell costs
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with instead one less point of mana. Also, this weapon is treated
this magic weapon. as a thrown weapon (20/60 feet).
When striking a spellcaster, the dagger’s damage lingers The Doomhammer is a powerful enormous hammer that
and disrupts concentration (DC 10 or half damage as was crafted long ago in a pool of elemental lava on the orc
normal) for 1d4 rounds after being hit. If hit again, the homeworld of Draenor. It is a namesake relic passed down
counter resets. Activating this quality costs a bonus action, from father to son, and was given to Thrall as a testament of
and is a strike effect. faith and honor during the salvation of the orcs. Although
the hilt of the hammer has been replaced, the actual
CRYSTAL BALL hammerhead itself, crafted of elementally-treated black
granite, has endured as a testament of the crafter's skill.
Wondrous item, uncommon
This sphere of green glass is inlaid with a golden base, and
may be pointed at a direction to see distant events up to a Armor (chainmail), rare (requires attunement)
mile away as clear as if one is adjacent to it. When activated,
the crystal ball may scry up to any point of sight within a You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this magic armor.
mile that you can see, or allows you to see an obvious By speaking the command word, you become ethereal (as
location that is unfamiliar to you and is obstructed by an
object (such as behind a corner, behind a door, below a if subject to the banishment spell). The banishment spell
trapdoor). This orb functions as long as you can expend a remains for full duration (one minute) unless the command
Felo’melorn GOREHOWL
word is spoken to cancel it. If the command word is not Weapon (greataxe), legendary (requires attunement)
spoken and the duration of one minute passes, you are
banished to the Twisting Nether, the realm of demons and You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
chaotic energy. This property of the armor can't be used this magic weapon.
again until the next dawn.
You may swing the axe as an action to cast the Fear spell.
FEARBREAKER Furthermore, once attuned to this axe, you may choose to
gain one of the following warrior talents:
Weapon (mace), very rare (requires attunement)
You gain +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this • Brutal Critical
magic weapon. • Weapon Mastery.
When attuned to and wielding this weapon, you may cast Gorehowl, the axe of Hellscream, has a heavy blade that is
the Fear Ward spell, treating the mace as the totem. Once notched and stained, with sharp, wicked curves. Small holes
used, this cannot be used again until the next dawn. dot the blade near the handle; when the wielder swings the
axe, air whistles through these holes. The sound keens over
FELO'MELORN the battlefield, magically strengthened and imbued with
otherworldly power. Gorehowl is one of Azeroth's most
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) feared and notorious weapons.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. HAMMER OF THE TITANS
This sword has 3 charges. While attuned to it, you can Weapon (greathammer), rare
expend 1 charge and cast any one of the following spells as
an action You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon.
• Flame Strike
• Elemental Tongue (Fire only) The greathammer may be swung hard at the ground as an
action. All creatures within 10 feet suffer the damage of a
Special. Felo'melorn can always be remade when normal attack and must pass a Strength saving throw of 15
destroyed, and gains an additional charge if destroyed by a or fall prone.
foe and reforged by who was attuned to it. It can have a
maximum number of charges equal to 6. HEARTHSTONE
If the blade itself is used to kill who it is attuned to, it loses
all extra charges and returns to its original number of Wondrous item, rare
This stone is given to every adventurer who leaves his city. A
Flamestrike in common, Felo’melorn is an ancient user may have only one hearthstone at any given time, and it
Highborne runeblade once wielded by Dath'Remar is attuned as a Teleport Circle. Requiring one minute to
Sunstrider, even before the War of the Ancients. It is activate, the hearthstone teleports the user to where they
rumored to have once been his favored weapon, and over last called home. When used, it takes a day to recharge. An
many generations was passed down through the Sunstrider adventurer may alter his hearthstone’s location to any
dynasty. During the Third War, Anasterian Sunstrider indoor building he has spent more than 24 hours in, which
wielded the sword in battle against Arthas Menethil, but replaces the teleport circle’s location.
Frostmourne severed the blade and he was defeated. Later,
Kael'thas Sunstrider, last of the Sunstrider line, recovered it Hearthstone
and had it reforged, with ‘magic, hatred and a burning need
of revenge.’
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a
This lion-emblazed horn grants (when blown as an action)
all creatures within 20 feet the benefits of a 3rd level A wand of minor power allows you to gain the benefits of the
paladin’s devotion aura for one hour. This does not stack Mystic Blast feat without gaining the feat itself. Each wand is
with a paladin’s aura, but may still cancel out a Death attuned to a specific energy type.
Knight’s Aura of Abandonment, and can be suppressed for 1
minute with a Dispel Magic spell if targeting the horn. After The common version of the wand deals one dice of
being used up to two times, it cannot be used again until the damage (1d6 fire, cold, lightning, or acid, or 1d4 holy,
next dawn. unholy, fel, or arcane). For each step of rarity, it deals an
additional dice (up to 5 dice at Legendary, as below).
Common 1 dice
Weapon (greathammer), uncommon (greater attunement) Uncommon 2 dice
Rare 3 dice
Beyond the bonuses of the weapon upon attunement (see Very Rare 4 dice
Greater Attunement), whenever you use this weapon for a Legendary 5 dice
Crusader's Strike, you may choose to grant yourself
resistance to any one damage type for one round. ORKENBLADE
This greathammer with a marble-white head and Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
mahogany shaft is infused with holy magic and consecrated
to be carried by paladins of the Order of the Silver Hand. It You gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
has the potential to grow stronger with the wielder. magic weapon.
MANA BLADE When attuned to and wielding this weapon, you gain the
Favored Enemy (Orcs) hunter talent.
Weapon (shortsword or dagger), rare
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. Weapon (longsword), rare
Upon a successful attack against a creature, you may You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
declare that the weapons’ mana burn ability (as a 3rd-level this magic weapon.
spell) activates as a bonus action as a [strike] effect. Once
used, this property cannot be used again until the next dawn. Upon a successful attack against a creature, you may
declare that the weapons’ phantom touch ability activates as
Mana blades are often used (and sought) by the enemies of a bonus action. If phantom touch takes place, the targeted
spellcasters and supernatural creatures such as demon- creature is subject to a Faerie Fire spell (centered on the
hunters, as the weapon’s mana burn ability can be used to creature only) for one minute. If affected once, the creature
cut out and burn out the eyes of a willing or helpless is immune against further uses for 24 hours.
creature blinds the creature permanently, and counts as the
prerequisite to qualify for the demon hunter archetype. PUZZLE BOX OF YOGG-SARON
MANA STONE Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, rare This cube of metallic-like material is actually a puzzle box.
Its sides can be manipulated by pushing and twisting,
This cerulean-blue semi-solid stone is nearly translucent, though it is unknown of anyone managed to solve it.
and shines with an internal blue light. While the stone is in
the possession of a caster, their passive mana regeneration The user may attempt a DC 25 Intelligence check to begin
(such as from resting) increases by 25% from all sources. cracking the puzzle box. Upon each success, the bearer of
the box gains an additional ability as they make significant
A mana stone might be crushed in a caster’s fist, restoring advancement to opening the puzzle-box. The user should
mana points as if the user rested for 4 hours (while applying record successes and failures simultaneously.
the normal benefit).
Successes Ability
These stones are said to be shards of enchanted 1 Can cast confusion 1/day
runestones that are dipped in mana fountains, but such
rumors are unsubstantiated, as the secret of creation is in 2 Advantage to saving throws versus mind-affecting
the elusive hands of the most talented infusionists. This is effects
treated as a non-consumable (although it can be consumed).
3 Gain +1 to your Intelligence score
4 Can cast mind blank 1/day
5 Gain +1 to your Intelligence score
6 Gain immunity to the Confusion effects, and has a
permanent tongues effect
Successes Ability QUEL’SERRAR
1 Afflicted with shoret-term madness whenever failing a
check to use the puzzle box Weapon (longsword), rare
2 Madness can only be supressed, but lesser restoration
no longer removes it You gain +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this
3 Take -1 to your Spirit score magic weapon.
4 Take disadvantage to saving throws versus illusions,
and suffers long-term madness when failing a check to While wielding this weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to AC
use the puzzle box instead (natural armor). This stacks with other sources of natural
5 Take -1 to your Spirit ccore armor. As a reaction, you may grant yourself spell resistance
6 Gain one indefinite madness (advantage to any saving throw) against a spell that targets
you. After benefitting three times from the spell resistance
Whenever attempting to solve the puzzle-box, the user property, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
hears one of the below quotes in their mind (as telepathy, Quel’Serrar, sometimes known as the Prismatic Blade,
was forged by dragons and granted to the night elves during
choose randomly). the War of the Ancients. Currently, it remains dull and
forgotten, though it can be reforged by heating in dragon-
d20 Verse fire, and being quenched in dragon blood (which gives it the
1 At the bottom of the ocean even light must die. reputation of being a dragon-slaying blade).
2 The silent, sleeping, staring houses in the backwoods always
dream. It would be merciful to tear them down. QUILEN STATUETTE
3 There is no sharp distinction between the real and the
unreal. Wondrous item, rare
4 Even death may die.
5 There is a little lamb lost in dark woods. You can use an action to hold the statuette aloft and speak
6 All places, all things have souls. All souls can be devoured. the command word. Doing so conjures a Quilen, as if you
7 What can change the nature of a man? had cast the animate constructs spell (spell level 5). The
8 Do you dream while you sleep or is it an escape from the statuette can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
horrors of reality?
9 Look around. They will all betray you. Flee screaming into This statuette, carved during the brief reign of Mogu
the black forest. emperor Kang of Pandaria, was part of an experiment to
10 In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep. bind Quilen servants in small stones. This experiment was
11 Y'knath k'th'rygg k'yi mrr'ungha gr'mula. abandoned as the Quilen thus bound were greatly
12 The void sucks at your soul. It is content to feast slowly. diminished in power and thus deemed unworthy.
13 The drowned god's heart is black ice.
14 It is standing right behind you. Do not move. Do not RELIC OF POWER
15 Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
that watches from the outside.
In the sunken city, he lays dreaming. Relics are items that hold minor abilities that strengthen
16 Open me! Open me! Open me! Then only will you know specific spells the relic is attuned to. Relics can always
peace. double spellbooks or similar manuals (such as totems, idols,
17 You resist. You cling to your life as if it actually matters. You etc.). Relics must be carried to convey their bonus.
will learn.
18 The tortured spirits of your ancestors cling to you, Bones Relic. The earth shield spell remains for double
screaming in silence. Apparently they are quite numerous. the normal duration.
19 Beneath the shadow of the darkened spire, there is no light,
no mercy, only void, and the chaos within. Corpses Relic. The corpse explosion spell costs half
20 You will all be alone in the end. mana, and does not affect you or your allies.
Quel’Serrar Cosmic Relic. The moonfire and sunfire spells cost one
less mana point.
Despair Relic. The rune array spell costs one less mana
Divinity Relic. The flash of light spell one less mana
Claw Relic. You may add your Spirit modifier to damage
rolls with strike spells on the druid spell list
Crying Wind Relic. The carrion swarm spell costs half
Eternal Rest Relic. The consecration spell costs half
normal mana, and restrains fiends and undead who failed
their saving throws for one round.
Guarded Evil Relic. The death coil spell grants temporary
hit points equal to your Spirit modifier to whoever it heals
for one hour
Grace Relic. The dispel magic spell has advantage to SAGEBLADE
dispel necromancy and conjuration spells
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
Health Relic. The rejuvenation spell costs one less mana
point You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon.
Hope Relic. The seal array spell costs one less mana
point While wielding this shortsword, you may use your
Intelligence or Charisma to attack and damage rolls with the
Impact Relic. The elemental shock spell costs one less sageblade instead of Strength or Dexterity. You may also
mana point gain the benefit of the Spell Strike feat for up to three times.
The Spell Strike property can’t be used again until the next
Inner Passion Relic. The holy fire spell costs half mana dawn.
Lifebringer Relic. The holy light spell costs half mana
Righteous Relic. The holy fire spells remains for double SARONITE MINDCRUSHER
the normal duration
Solar Relic. The sunfire and sunbeam spells cost half Weapon (mace), rare
Steamcaller Relic. The healing stream spell costs half You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
mana this magic weapon.
Storm Relic. The lightning bolt and lightning storm spells
cost half mana You may declare a mind crushing strike, dealing 1 point of
Surging Seas Relic. The riptide spell costs one less mana mana burn for every 4 points of damage dealt. This
point otherwise acts as the mana burn spell. This only functions
Vengeful Heart Relic. The death coil spell costs half against arcane spellcasters and fiends. This is a strike effect
mana that costs a bonus action, and can be used 3 times before it
Walking Dead Relic. The animate undead spell retains can’t be used again until the next sundown.
telepathic communication up to ten times the normal
Wracking Relic. The holy nova and exorcism spells cost
half normal mana Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement)
ROYAL SWORD OF STORMWIND You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon.
Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)
It also has the following additional properties. When one
You gain +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this of these properties is used, it can't be used again until the
magic weapon. next dawn.
Once attuned to this greatsword, you may gain the Flame. While wielding this weapon, you may brandish it
Inspiring Leader feat (regardless of your actual Charisma at any area within 100 feet, causing a column of fire to rise
score). A creature can benefit from the temporary hit points up, as per the Flame Strike spell.
granted by this feat twice before a short rest.
Scorch Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using
This blade had only one bearer—the general of the scimitar, you can cause the target to take an extra 2d6
Stormwind, who was the Lion of Azeroth, Sir Anduin fire damage. This is a strike effect that costs a bonus action.
Lothar. The blade was broken during his climactic battle
against Orgrim Doomahammer, and the pieces of the blade Searing Blitz. Before you attack with the scimitar, you
were then carried by his second-in-command, the paladin may declare a searing blitz. When you move, you gain +2 to
Turalyon, who still retains the pieces. AC versus attacks of opportunity, and leave a trail of
lingering flame behind you. This trail can have a maximum
RUNESPEAR length of half your speed, acts as normal fire, and deals 1d6
fire damage to creatures moving through it. It remains for
Weapon (halberd), very rare (requires attunement) one minute, and is 5-feet wide and 5-feet high.
You gain +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this SPELL SHIELD AMULET
magic weapon.
Wondrous item, uncommon
While attuned to this weapon, you may increase your
Stamina score by 2 (maximum 22). This acts as a 3rd-level counterspell spell, but the effect
must include you as a target. Once used, it cannot be used
This halberd was wielded by the chief of Bloodhoof again until the next dawn.
Tauren, and remains as a symbol of their tenacity and will.
Weapon (staff), very rare (requires attunement by a druid, Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)
mage, shaman, or warlock) You gain +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this
magic weapon.
You have resistance to fire damage while you hold this
magic staff. If you already have resistance, you are immune This longbow has 6 charges. While attuned to it, you can
to fire damage. expend 1 charge and cast any one of the following spells as a
shot spell
The staff has 10 Charges. While holding it, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its Charges to cast one of the • black arrow (2 charges)
following Spells from it, using your spell save DC: Burning • searing shot (1 charge)
Hands (1 charge), Fireball (3 charges), or Wall of Fire (4 • tranquilizing shot (1 charge)
charges). • viper shot (1 charge)
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended Charges daily at dawn. The longbow regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff Dath'Remar Sunstrider, the ancestor of Kael'thas
blackens, crumbles into cinders, and is destroyed. Sunstrider, owned this bow in ages past. It was passed
down through the generations until finally given to Sylvanas
Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan was the leader of the Dark Windrunner, Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas, with whom it
Iron dwarves during the War of the Three Hammers. When still remains.
he lost Ironforge to the Bronzebeard clan, Thaurissan
retreated to the Redridge Mountains and founded a city in THE PLANAR EDGE
his name. In a desperate attempt to defeat his enemies,
Thaurissan accidentally summoned the demigod Ragnaros, Weapon (battleaxe), very rare (requires attunement)
which resulted in the sorcerer-thane's immediate death and
the formation of the volcanic peak of Blackrock Mountain. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon.
While wielding it, you can use it to cast the gate spell as an
Weapon (maul), very rare (requires attunement) action, and it remains open for 2d4 rounds. This property of
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the battleaxe can't be used again until the next dawn.
this magic weapon. TIRIOSH, NIGHTMARE OF AGES
This weapon can be perfected into Sulfuras, Hand of
Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
Ragnaros, a legendary weapon (see below).
You gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
Weapon (maul), legendary (requires attunement) With an action, you can split this dagger into two identical
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with daggers to be used by you.
this magic weapon.
Once attuned to this dagger, you gain the ability to climb
It also has the following additional properties. When one faster than normal; climbing no longer costs you extra
of these properties is used, it can't be used again until the movement. In addition, when you make a running jump, the
next dawn. distance you cover increases by a number of feet equal to
your Dexterity modifier. You also reduce any fall damage
Pyroblast. You may cast the Pyroblast spell (while you take by 25 damage.
channeling, the hammer increases in brightness).
This dagger looks like a monstrous fang. When twisted in
Immolation Aura. You may cast the Immolation Aura a specific way, it breaks into two identical thinner blades.
spell (spell level 5). This does not require concentration, and
continues until its full duration ends. TROL'KALAR
Elemental Tongue. You may cast the Elemental Tongue Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
(Fire). This deals 3d6 damage upon a hit, and can be used
up to 3 times before this property is considered to be used You gain +1 attack and damage rolls made with this magic
once. weapon.
This can be created by obtaining the Eye of Sulfuras, a Once attuned to this longsword, you may choose to gain
Sulfuron ingot, and the smithing plans that show the the Mortal Strike warrior ability.
hammer’s internal construction with the Sulfuron Hammer,
and passing a DC 20 skill check with smith’s tools. The dread sword known as the Trol'kalar (troll slayer, in
the ancient tongue), was first known to be wielded by
Strom's most capable warlord, Lord Ignaeus Trollbane,
during the Troll Wars. After the war and with the departure
of Thoradin's ruling descendants the Trollbane family
ascended to the throne. The Trol'kalar image changed by
also becoming a true emblem of power in that region, being
rightly wielded only by the direct descendants of Lord spheres exist, each with different powers drawn upon the ley
Ignaeus as a symbol of rulership over the glorious Kingdom line's attunements. Legend has it the orb siphons a portion
of Stromgarde. of the essence of every evil outsider slain by its owner. The
orb draws on the essence of these demons for its own
TRUESILVER CHAMPION powers, the spirits writhing in torment within it for all
eternity. The truth of the matter, however, is that there are
Weapon (greatsword), rare (requires attunement) simply powerful arcane tools, sometimes known as
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this mooncrystals in Quel’Thalas. The Blood Mage Prince
magic weapon. While holding this weapon, you may utter Kael'thas Sunstrider is known to have the largest collection
the inscription upon the blade, granting you 15 temporary on Verdant Spheres, possessing the Attunement, Fire, and
hit points. Once this feature is used, it cannot be used again Demonic Drain spheres.
until the next dawn.
When inactive, they appear to be fist-sized orbs of opaque
Twin Blades of glass. When activated by a caster's command, they burst into
Azzinoth flame of a color attuned to the user and hover above their
heads. Some casters prefer to disguise them behind an
TWIN BLADES OF AZZINOTH illusion, however, or keep them inactive until needed. When
you use an action to toss one of these spheres into the air,
Weapon (warglaive), rarity varies (greater attunement) the sphere orbits your head at a distance of 1d3 feet and
Beyond the bonuses of the weapon upon attunement (see confers a benefit to you. Thereafter, another creature must
Greater Attunement), whenever you cast the Mage Armor use an action to grasp or net the stone to separate it from
spell, you gain 1 additional point of AC. you, either by making a successful attack roll against AC 24
or a successful DC 24 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. You can
The most well-known twin-blade is that that once use an action to seize and stow the stone, ending its effect.
belonged to the doom guard Azzinoth, whose blades were
claimed by Illidan Stormrage. Twin-blades are warglaives A stone has AC 24, 10 hit points, and resistance to all
employed by demonic felguards, and are specifically created damage. It is considered to be an object that is being worn
to increase in power with the demon. As demon hunters while it orbits your head, and is thus only subject to being
often count as demons, twin-blades can increase in power in damaged when it is specifically targeted.
the hands of demon hunters as well.
Absorption (Very Rare). You can use your reaction to
VAL’ANYR, HAMMER OF ANCIENT KINGS cancel a spell of 4th level or lower cast by a creature you can
see and targeting only you.
Weapon (mace), very rare
You gain +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this Once the stone has canceled 20 levels of spells, it burns
magic weapon. out and loses its magic. If you are targeted by a spell whose
You may the Power Word Shield spell as a bonus action, but level is higher than the number of spell levels the stone has
only at a range of touch, or to a target of a healing spell you left, the stone can't cancel it.
Agility (Very Rare). Your Agility score increases by 2, to a
VERDANT SPHERE maximum of 20.
Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement) Attunement (Very Rare). You can attune yourself to two
Verdant spheres are mana stones attuned to ley lines to the other infused items. This sphere itself does not require
point of drawing power from them. Many types of verdant attunement.
Awareness (Rare). You can't be surprised.
Demonic Drain (Rare). Draining mana from demons
grants double the normal mana amount possible.
Fortitude (Very Rare). Your Stamina score increases by
2, to a maximum of 20.
Fire (Very Rare). The area of your fire spells are doubled.
Frost (Very Rare). The area of your cold spells are
Greater Absorption (Legendary). You can use your
reaction to cancel a spell of 8th level or lower cast by a
creature you can see and targeting only you. Once the stone
has canceled 50 levels of spells, it burns out and loses its
magic. If you are targeted by a spell whose level is higher
than the number of spell levels the stone has left, the stone
can't cancel it.
Insight (Very Rare). Your Spirit score increases by 2, to a ARTIFACTS
maximum of 20.
Intellect (Very Rare). Your Intelligence score increases
by 2, to a maximum of 20. Weapon (staff), artifact (requires attunement)
Leadership (Very Rare). Your Charisma score increases This staff can be wielded as a magical quarterstaff that
by 2, to a maximum of 20. grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it.
Mastery (Legendary). Your proficiency bonus increases The staff has 50 charges. It regains 4d6+2 expended
by 1. charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a
d20. On a 1, the ancient wood that keeps the Anathema and
Protection (Rare). You gain a +1 bonus to AC. Benediction heads away from one another crumble, and the
Regeneration (Legendary). You regain 15 hit points at two gravitate towards one another, before clashing, and
the end of each hour, provided that you have at least 1 hit disappearing. On a 20, the staff regains 1d6 charges. After
point. one year of disappearing, the staff re-forms elsewhere in
Reserve (Rare). This sphere spells cast into it, holding Azeroth with full charges.
them until you use them. It can store up to 3 levels worth of
spells at a time. When found, it contains 1d4 - 1 levels of Strike of the Cursed and Blessed. When you hit with a
stored spells chosen by the DM. melee attack using the staff and use 1 charge, you can
Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 3rd level into expend 1 charge to cause one of the two opposing heads to
the sphere by touching it as the spell is cast. The spell has strike. If choosing Anathema, the staff deals an extra 2d8
no effect, other than to be stored in the sphere. If the sphere shadow damage to any target it hits. If choosing
can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The Benediction, the staff instead deals 2d8 holy damage to any
level of the spell determines how much space it uses. target it hits. This is a strike effect and requires a bonus
The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack action to activate as normal.
bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is
otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from Channel Divinity. You can use 3 charges to regain a use
the sphere is no longer stored in it, freeing up space. of your channel divinity ability (if you have it). This can be
Strength (Very Rare). Your Strength score increases by used once until the next dawn.
2, to a maximum of 20.
Sustenance (Rare). You don't need to eat or drink. Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to
expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following
VOODOO DOLL spells from it, using your spell save DC: death ward (4
charges), finger of death (7 charges), holy aura (8 charges),
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by any holy nova (heightened to 4th level; 4 charges), holy light
spellcaster who can cast Speak with Dead) (heightened to 4th level; 4 charges), death coil (heightened
to 4th level; 4 charges), animate undead (heightened to 4th
A voodoo doll seems innocent, but it is actually a house of a level; 4 charges), Dispel Magic (3 charges), protection from
Hexer spirit. Hexer spirits bound to a voodoo doll are evil and good (1 charge), hallow/unhallow.
servitors to whoever is attuned to the doll, serving them in
return for favors. Anathema
A voodoo doll may be attuned with a target with one hour Benediction
of contact with a remaining body part or piece (such as a
finger, hair, or fingernail). So long as the target does not
take the measures to end the bond (such as by replacing the
finger or removing a hand, cutting all their hair, or clipping
all their fingernails, as determined by the DM), the Hexer
spirit is always aware of where the target is, as if under the
effects of a Locate Creature spell.
The Hexer spirit can be allowed to leave the voodoo doll to
use its Carry Voodoo power, which allows the owner of the
doll to cast a spell for the Hexer to carry. The DM has the
Hexer Spirit’s statistics (Monster Manual).
Wondrous item, rare
The wearer of this amulet may transform into a wisp for up
to 1 minute. This is a polymorph effect. This property of the
amulet can’t be used again until the next sundown. The DM
has the wisp’s statistics.
ATIESH, GREATSTAFF OF THE GUARDIAN Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian is a powerful staff passed
down through the line of the Guardians of Tirisfal up until
Weapon (staff), artifact (requires attunement) and including Medivh, the last Guardian. It is currently
wielded by Medivh's former apprentice, Khadgar. The staff
This staff can be wielded as a magical quarterstaff that was born from the "seed of hate" and grants its wielder
grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. If "power unending". It was passed down by each Guardian of
attuned to Atiesh, you may use an action to summon it to Tirisfal to its successor. This ancient wooden staff has a red
your possession, regardless of where it currently is (this acts sash tied to the head, on which a raven was sculpted.
as a plane shift spell).
The staff has 50 charges. It regains 4d6+2 expended
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement)
d20. On a 1, the staff temporarily loses its powers for until
the next dawn and becomes a +1 magical quarterstaff. This greatsword can be wielded as a magical greatsword
that grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. It
Guardian Magic. While attuned to the artifact, any spell scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and deals an extra
you cast is treated as heightened by one level, and you gain 2d10 slashing damage to undead.
advantage to all dealings with outsiders, fey, undead, and
elementals. If the sword isn't bathed in blood within 1 minute of being
drawn from its scabbard, its wielder must make a DC 15
Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to Charisma saving throw. On a successful save, the wielder
expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following take 3d6 psychic damage. On a failed save, the wielder is
spells from it, using your spell save DC: fear (3 charges), dominated by the Lich King (either via the spirit of Ner’Zhul
gate (9 charges; opens to anywhere, or Karazhan if or by the blade’s own consciousness which serves it), as if by
unspecified), glyph of warding (can heighten to any level; 1 the dominate monster spell, and the sword demands that it
charge per level), phantom steed (3 charges), plane shift (7 be used to serve the Scourge. The spell effect ends when the
charges), Polymorph (4 charges), private sanctum sword's demand is met.
(heightened to 6th level; 6 charges)
Soul Stealer. The sword traps the souls of the dead. You
Watchers. While attuned to this artifact, ravens are drawn gain the Blood Death Knight’s Blood Strike ability. If this
to you and often remain close, observing and warning you of strike reduces the target to 0 hit points, it also steals the soul
any dangers they can notice. of the target, and retains it in the blade (as the Capture
Essence spell, level 10, or CR 20). The sword can contain up
Destroying the Staff. The only way to destroy the staff is to 200 CR in the blade. You have advantage to any roll to
either to have it cloven in two by a Titan’s weapon, affected keep the souls imprisoned in the sword.
by the elemental attacks of the four Elemental Lords of
Azeroth for one entire day, being consumed by an Old God While attuned to the artifact, any necromancy or
for one hour, or being targeted with an archdemon’s spell (if abjuration spell you cast is treated as heightened by one
said spell is 9th level or higher). The destruction of the staff level, and you gain advantage to all dealings with undead.
breaks it into forty-two pieces (the head, tail, and forty
shards), and curses it to be bound with a powerful demon Spells. While the sword is on your person, you can use an
(Atiesh, the Hand of Sargaras; treat as an Eredar Warlock). action to cast one of the following spells (saving throw 18)
If the staff’s pieces are ever brought together again, the from it: enslave undead (level 5), death coil (level 5), or
demon arises to kill the collector and retrieve the staff to his finger of death. Once you use the sword to cast a spell, you
demon master. can't cast that spell again from it until the next midnight.
You can also cast speak with dead at will any corpse or use
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the spell to speak to any soul trapped in the blade (forcing
the Guardian them to speak what they know).
Telepathic Speech. While the sword is on your person,
you have a telepathic bond with the Lich King, and he is able
to target you for any enchantment or necromancy spells
(such as dominate person, possession, or animate undead).
If you are the Lich King, your telepathic bond extends to
anyone who willingly serves you (including enslaved and
animated undead).
Sentience. Frostmourne is a sentient lawful evil weapon THORIDAL, THE STARS’ FURY
with an Intelligence of 15, a Spirit of 13, and a Charisma of
16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Weapon (longbow), artifact (requires attunement)
Personality. The sword's purpose is to serve the Lich This bow can be wielded as a magic longbow that grants a
King wholly and fully. Killing the enemies of the scourge +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it.
(members of the Alliance or Horde, followers of the Holy
Light, and the Burning Legion if the Lich King wills it), Thoridal can generate its own spectral arrows when used
serving the Cult of the Damned, and slaying servants of good to attack, or can use normal arrows.
all help fulfill this goal.
Suffused Arrows. When you expend an arrow to attack
Destroying the Sword. The sword is destroyed should the with Thoridal, it deals an additional 1d8 arcane damage on a
Lich King himself be destroyed by fel or holy magic, and if it hit, even when the arrow has its own special effect (such as
is targeted with a wish spell and a Charisma check an Arrow of Slaying).
contested with the Charisma of the sword.
Spectral Arrows. If you do not use a projectile, the bow
The sword must be within 30 feet of the creature, or the creates its own spectral ammunition. The attack deals extra
spell fails. If the sword wins the contest, nothing happens, damage equal to your Charisma modifier on a hit, and half
and the wish spell is wasted. If the sword loses the contest, the damage dealt is arcane damage. Spectral arrows are
it is destroyed. white and translucent, and whoever sees it in flight at first
believes it is a shooting star.
The shards of a destroyed Frostmourne can be used to
forge Shadowmourne. Arrowsmith. Whoever is attuned to Thoridal can craft
magical arrows as if they were infusionists (using their own
Shadowmourne can take the form of a greatsword, proficiency bonus for Infusion), though the arrows are
longsword, greathammer, or greataxe. Its rarity decreases to designed to be used exclusively by the bow.
Legendary (and thus can be destroyed without special
conditions), its personality changes to follow the crafter’s, The legendary bow resonates with the power of the
and loses the following features: Telepathic Speech and Sunwell. The origins and history of the weapon remain a
Soul Stealer, but retains all other features (bonus to attack mystery.
and damage, spells, sentience, and magical weapon status).
Frostmourne is a powerful blade crafted by demons on the
orders of Archimonde, bound with Ner’Zhul’s spirit into a Weapon (longsword), requires attunement
shard of ice, and then hurled as a comet onto the highest
peak of Icecrown, Azeroth’s Roof of the World. Its greatest This bow can be wielded as a magic longsword that grants a
(and only) wielder was Prince Arthas, now known as the +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. While wielding
Lich King after his mental union with Ner’Zhul. this longsword, you have resistance to lightning and thunder
Frostmourne, as much as the Lich King, is the ruler of damage.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is the
This blue-gray runeblade has a steel skull fixed into the legendary sword once wielded by Thunderaan, Prince of Air.
guard, and a tough leather grip, and the runes across the The prince, son of Al'Akir the Windlord, was attacked by
width of the sword give hints of the thousands of tortured Ragnaros the Firelord, in an attempt to heighten the already
souls imprisoned in the wicked soul-stealing blade. The relic impressive power that the fire elemental held.
of the master of the dead, it holds great power over them.
Ragnaros succeeded; however, Thunderaan's power could
not be completely taken into his form. What remained of
Thunderaan was placed in a talisman of elemental binding,
which was broken into two pieces. The pieces were then
given to the Firelord's two lieutenants, Baron Geddon and
Garr, respectively the left and right halves. These two halves
are known as the [Bindings of the Windseeker].
Thori’dal, the Stars’ Thunderfury, Blessed
Fury Blade of the
Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement) Armor (leather), variant (requires attunement), pieces
(Armor, gloves, boot, belt)
This sword can be wielded as a magic greatsword that
grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. Any Uncommon. If possessing one set piece, dim light doesn’t
undead destroyed by this sword is burnt to ash, utterly impose disadvantage on your Spirit (Perception) checks
destroying the corpse. The weapon’s additional damage is relying on sight.
treated as fire or holy damage (whichever is most beneficial).
Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, climbing
Ashen Strike. If this blade slays an undead spellcaster doesn’t halve your speed, and you can make a running long
who has bonded (or animated) undead, the spells are jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 feet on
instantaneously dispelled, destroying the undead bonded to foot, rather than 10 feet.
them instead of setting them loose.
Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, you may cast the
Light-Blessed Sight. While attuned to this blade, you have Fade spell at will, or the Invisibility spell three times before
the benefits of true seeing against undead, but only to the the power of the armor is expended, replenishing after the
range of 30 feet. next sundown.
During the assault on Blackrock Spire in the Second War, Commonly worn by commanders of the Defias
Highlord Mograine of the Silver Hand claimed a mysterious Brotherhood, this suit of dark armor is ideal camouflage for
dark crystal from a dead orc warlock. The crystal was the skulking rogues. The Defias set is a suit of black leather
"living embodiment of shadow," and originated from armor that completely covers the wearer’s body, save for her
Draenor. Upon touching it, Mograine's hand became tainted, fingers and face – the latter is usually hidden behind one of
his hand becoming like that of an undead's, which could not the brotherhood’s trademark red scarves.
be healed. It was soon realized that the crystal could be
purified when subjected to the Holy Light, absorbing it to CENARION RAIMENT
become a crystal of purity. Set into a greatsword and forged
by King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge, it became a Armor (studded leather), variant (requires attunement),
weapon to strike down and cripple the relentless onslaught pieces (Vestments, helm, bracers, belt)
of the Undead Scourge in Lordaeron. Although it succeeded
in containing the Scourge's efforts to spread south Uncommon. If possessing one set piece, other creatures
throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, its true strength can don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of
possibly rival that of Frostmourne. being hidden from you.
ARMOR SETS Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, you may use
the druid’s wild shape ability as a 2nd level druid. If you
Armor sets are found as treasure, although they can be already have the wild shape ability, you may use wild shape
crafted. In case of crafting, the character must be able to one more time per rest, or gain one Blessed Beast feral wild
craft a full set (at the highest rarity). shape option to benefit from one wild shape attempt (chosen
once attuned to the armor).
For example, a druid who wishes to craft the Cenarion
Raiment must possess the materials and ability to craft Very
Rare armor (the rarity of the entire set).
Cenarion Raiment
Blackened Defias
Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, the horns of the JUDGMENT ARMOR
raiment remain in wild shape, granting you a natural attack
that deals 2d6 damage. Before going into a wild shape, you Armor (plate), variant (requires attunement), pieces (Plate,
can designate three spells to be cast upon your horns, which crown, bindings, belt)
can then either be discharged as per the Spell Strike feat on Uncommon. If possessing one set piece, you have a +5
the target of your natural attack or be cast by touching the bonus to your passive Spirit (Perception) and passive
target with your horns. After exiting a wild shape, your next Intelligence (Investigation) scores.
conjure (plants) spells costs half normal mana.
Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, you may cast
Created in Moonglade by the druids of the Cenarion the Bless or Aid spells up to three times (total of both spells)
Circle, the Cenarion raiment is worn by some of its most before the power of the armor is expended (an, replenishing
powerful champions as they strive to protect and preserve after the next sundown. If you already have the spell readied,
nature against the unnatural forces that threaten it. The you may instead cast the spell for half normal cost so long as
Cenarion raiment features a thick brown leather robe you wear the armor.
covered in leaves and other symbols of nature – most
prominently the sticks and leaves protruding from the Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, you may cast the
wearer’s shoulders and the antlers resting upon his head. Arcane Armor spell up to three times before the power of
the armor is expended, replenishing after the next sundown.
MAGISTER REGALIA The spell is heightened to 6th level and remains for one
hour. You also have the constant benefits of the bless and
Armor (cloth), variant (requires attunement), pieces (Robe, aid (3rd-level; or +10 to your maximum hit points) spells
crown, mantle, bindings) active.
Uncommon. If possessing one set piece, your spell save DC
and spell attack bonus each increase by 2. Though the Silver Hand is a noble establishment, there
comes a time when pleasantries must end and justice must
Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, if you aren't be done. The commanding, faceless aspect of justice and
wearing armor, your base Armor Class is 15 + your judgement is represented by this armor, which is worn by
Dexterity modifier. paladins acting as inquisitors and executioners as they
deliver sentence upon the enemy.
Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, you have
advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical Clad in black, red, and gold, paladins in this full-body
effects. armor cut an imposing figure. The armor is a combination of
both cloth and leather for easier movement as well as metal
These enchanted vestments were originally fashioned by plates to protect vital areas. Each piece is ornately detailed
the master craftsmen of the Kirin Tor, the reigning magical with some sort of imagery that represents justice.
council of Dalaran before the Third War. Only Dalaran's
most elite archmagi are deemed worthy to don this PLAGUEHEART RAIMENT
astonishing attire.
Armor (cloth), variant (requires attunement), pieces (Robe,
The Regalia itself is crafted of fine crimson silk, purple circlet and mask, gloves, sandals)
velvet, and gold cord. Its belt has emeralds within, and the
robes are set with a single emerald above the heart. Within Uncommon. If possessing one set piece, your spells that
the flared sleeves lies space for small pouches of spell requires you to make an attack roll have their ranges
components. To retrieve and manipulate these spell doubled.
components, the gloves are open-fingered.
Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, and can exert
an aura of necrosis as a 6th-level death knight.
Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, you have the SILVER HAND BLESSED PLATE
constant effects of Water Breathing, Darkvision, and Demon
Skin (3rd-level; or 9 temporary hit points), except that you do Armor (plate), variant (requires attunement), pieces (Plate,
not need to breathe at all. The Demon Skin spell’s gauntlets, greaves, belt)
temporary hit points replenish once per hour.
Uncommon. If possessing one set piece, you may treat the
Originally designed by Burning Legion mad scientists, this Sunbeam spell as a 2nd level spell. It is always prepared so
colorful set is known to be worn by agents of the Legion who long as you wear the armor.
deal with biological and chemical warfare, as well as living
members of the Cult of the Damned that need protection Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, you gain 30
from the Scourge’s plague. While designed as protective temporary hit points at the beginning of every day. These
gear, as a result of its origins, the gear collects and stores temporary hit points may only be used to reduce damage to
plagues within itself, offering these plagues as an added your maximum hit points (such as by the draining attacks of
level of defense. undead), and do not apply against normal damage.
This unusual, chaotic-looking armor features patterns of Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, when you heal a
black, orange, yellow, and bright green. Curved spines creature with a Holy Light spell or Lay on Hands, a radiant
protrude from the shoulders, and the wearer’s face is burst of light protects them. Hostile creatures within 5 feet
obscured by a strange, bug-eyed mask. of a creature healed by this spell must make an Agility
saving throw or be blinded for 1 round. If the hostile
ROBES OF THE VIOLET CITADEL creatures are fiends or undead, they may instead take holy
damage equal to 1 point per paladin level (your choice).
Armor (cloth), variant (requires attunement), pieces (Robe,
skullcap or hood, gloves, boots) This set of armor is worn by the Knights of the Silver
Hand in battle, this armor is blessed by the Holy Light to aid
Uncommon. You have advantage on Stamina saving throws the righteous men and women of the Order against evil
that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell influences. Made of steel and silver and gold, and mantled
when you take damage. with a blue cloak, the knights of the order fight with the full
righteous cause of the Alliance.
Rare. If possessing two to three set pieces, you have the
constant benefits of Mage Armor, and you gain 10 temporary ENHANCEMENTS
hit points at the beginning of every day.
Weapons and armors may be enhanced with the secret
Very Rare. If possessing all set pieces, you always have knowledge of infusionists. Enhancements can be applied to
the spells Blizzard (3rd level), Blink Step (2nd level) and any weapon, and take up one step of rarity. An infusionist
Conjure Elemental spells prepared (choose one elemental, can stack many different enhancements on a single weapon
spell is 3rd level) and cast either of them three times before or armor, increasing the bonus.
the next sundown. This costs the same for the difference between the two steps
of rarity.
The robes of the magi of the Magical Kingdom of Dalaran
are scholars, rulers, and forces that fight evils such as the SINGLE-USE ENHANCEMENTS.
Burning Legion, the Scourge, and even renegade mages
within their own ranks. The Robes of the Violet Citadel are Temporary enhancements to weapons or ammunition can
suffused with magical powers that support and protect the also be infused to contain a strike or shot effect if it is
magi that earned the right to wear them. prepared specifically to hold it with the Infusion skill.
These violet robes are threaded with gold and blue that Ammunition are treated as both consumables and
have high collars, and a black skullcap lined with silver ammunition (enchanting 10 pieces of ammunition costs one-
thread (or a wide hood for female magi). fourth the normal cost of the same quality).
Robes of the Silver Hand
Violet Citadel Blessed Plate
Despite the names below, ammunition infusions can be perfecting the cut (if already cut). A failed check reduces cost
used interchangeably between ammunition such as arrows, by 10%.
crossbow bolts, bullets, and more. Ammunition infusions
fade after a successful hit.
For the purposes of spellcasting ability rolls for strike
effects, treat the bonus as +4.
Single use enhancements may be stored into stones or
gems, which can be sold by themselves.
Enhancement Name Rarity Properties
Storm Weapon
+1 Extra thunder damage, returns
Ricochet Weapon
+1 Extra lightning damage, can
Infusion Rarity Shot
Arcane Uncommon Shot [Arcane Shot]; +1d3 arcane damage,
dispel magic (1st level)
Fire Uncommon Shot [Searing]; +1d6 fire damage POTIONS/ALCHEMY
Black Rare Shot [Black Arrow]; +3d4 shadow These items replace the alchemical mixtures in the Player’s
Handbook. All potions (regardless of form) weigh 1 pound
damage, animate undead i (unless the container is heavier), and can be used by
imbibing or pouring on a creature or object (whichever
Sleep Uncommon Shot [Tranquilizing Shot]; or 5d8 hit points applies better). They can be used at touch range (imbibing or
of sleep pouring), or thrown (range 20/60 feet).
STORM WEAPON Potion Forms. Some potions take different forms, such as
bombs, medicine pills, lotions, spray bottles, sticks, or
Weapon (thrown weapons), one step amulet-like icons that crumble to release their essence. In all
such circumstances, they act the same as potions so long as
This weapon deals one extra point thunder damage per they weigh the same (1 pound or heavier), can be applied by
rarity grade on impact. When thrown, the storm weapon one way, and used at touch or thrown range (20/60 feet).
hammer returns at the same round, and may be used again
with another attack action. Wildhammer dwarves often
enhance their light hammers with this enhancement.
Weapon (thrown weapons), one step
This weapon can be thrown to ricochet off one target and Potion Name Quality Spell (Level)
into another. Each ricochet can be used to make an attack Alarm Stick Common alarm (1st level)
against another target by spending an attack action (either Alchemist’s Acid Common (1/2) acid splash (cantrip)
by a bonus action if the weapon is light, by being hasted or Alchemist’s Fire Common (1/2) fire bolt (cantrip)
under similar effect, or if possessing the extra attack Alchemist’s Frost Common (1/2) frost bolt (cantrip)
feature). This ricochet can attack another creature within Antimagic Potion Rare
range of the first target, or return to the user’s hand. Elemental Armor Common globe of invulnerability
The weapon may ricochet once per rarity grade. Night False Life Spray elemental armor (1st level)
elven huntresses often enhance their moonglaives with this Healing Potion
weapon. Healing Potion, Common false life (1st level)
major Common holy light (1st level)
Healing Potion, Common holy light (2nd level)
SKILL PRODUCTS Heroism Pill Uncommon holy light (3rd level)
Life Potion
The products below are created by skill use, except infusion Light Stick Common heroism (1st level)
(which is detailed under treasures above). Mana Potion Uncommon revivify (3rd level)
Mind Scream Common (1/2) light (cantrip)
JEWELCRAFTING Spray Special drain mana (4th level)
Mutation Potion Common (1/2) vicious mockery (cantrip)
Artisan tools that focus on jewelcrafting can create gems Poison Spray
and crystalline objects such as soul gems, which are used in Rejuvenation Pill Common mutate (one mutation)
various spells (such as the Capture Essence spell) Skill Lotion Common (1/2) poison spray (cantrip)
Sparing Potion Common rejuvenation (1st level)
A character may use these tools to identify gemlike Smoke Bomb Common shift skill (1st level)
magical objects, or pass a DC 20 gemcutting check and Common (1/2) spare the dying (cantrip)
increase worked gem value by 20% by cutting it (if raw) or Common fog cloud (1st level)
DESCRIPTIONS Light Stick. By using this potion, a bright glow emits,
shining brightly for 20 feet, and dimly for 20 feet beyond
Alarm Stick. By using this potion, you become mentally
aware of any creature of a size of Tiny or larger entering a that. This remains for 1 hour.
20-foot cube. Your awareness reaches up to 1 mile. The Mana Potion. By using this blue potion, the character
imbiber can designate creatures that do not trigger the
alarm. regains mana points.
• Minor: Uncommon, restores mana as if you rested for 1
Alchemist’s Acid. By using this potion, up to two
creatures or objects within 5 feet of one another take 1d6 hour.
acid damage. • Moderate: Rare, restores mana as if you rested for 2
The damage increases by 1d6 per every five levels of hours.
Alchemist. • Greater: Very Rare, restores mana as if you rested for 3
Alchemist’s Fire. By using this potion, the creature or hours.
object takes 1d10 fire damage. If an object is unattended Mind Scream Spray. By using this potion, the creature
and flammable, it catches on fire. takes 1d4 psychic damage, and suffers disadvantage to their
next attack.
The damage increases by 1d10 per every five levels of Mutation Potion. By using this potion, the character gains
Alchemist. one mutation from the Mutate spell. This remains for ten
Alchemist’s Frost. By using this potion, the creature or Rejuvenation Pill. By using this potion, the creature
object takes 1d8 cold damage and suffers the chilled regains 1d4 hit points. At the beginning of the creature’s
condition for one round. turn the next round, they must succeed on a Stamina saving
throw to regain another 1d4 hit points, and is resistant to
The damage increases by 1d8 per every five levels of poison damage, or can suppress one level of exhaustion until
Alchemist. the beginning of their turn the next round. This can be
repeated up to one minute.
Antimagic Potion. By using this potion, a barrier arises Skill Lotion. By using this potion, the creature’s skill
on the creature and up to 10 feet from it, blocking spells becomes greater, gaining a bonus to a single skill check
with a spell level of 3 or less. This remains for one minute. • Minor: Common, +2
• Moderate: Uncommon, +3
Elemental Armor Icon. By using this potion, a protective • Greater: Rare, +4
sheet of the elements surrounds the target, acting as the • Supreme: Very rare, +5
Elemental Armor spell for up to 1 hour or until the spell’s • Legendary: Legendary, +6
benefit is consumed (whichever comes first). Sparing Potion. By using this potion, a creature that has
0 hit points becomes stable. This has no effect on undead or
False Life Spray. By using this potion, the character gains constructs.
1d4 + 4 temporary hit points that remain for one hour.
Healing Potion. By using this potion, character regains
1d8 + 4 hit points (if living), or takes 1d8 + 4 holy damage (if
undead or fiend).
Life Potion. By using this potion, the creature is revived to
life and restored to 1 hit point. This must be used within a
minute of death, and does not work against creatures that
died of old age, and cannot restore body parts.
Smoke Bomb. By using this potion, a 20-foot-radius CRIPPLING POISON
sphere of fog arises from the point of use. The sphere
spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It Injury, uncommon
lasts for 1d6x10 minutes (30 minutes) or until a wind of
moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
disperses it. Stamina saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The
Poisoned creature is slowed as the spell of the same name.
POISONS AND PLAGUES On a successful saving throw (made only once per turn), the
poison ends.
This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing
Poisons can be weaponized and employed in battle, usually deathweed (a natural herb) and essence of pain (a magical
by holding them in containers and releasing them to form component derived from blood of weak demons).
clouds (if inhaled), coating them with weapons (if injury), or
any other method as detailed under the poisoner’s kit (see PARALYTIC POISON
Injury, uncommon
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
Inhaled, common Stamina saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a Poisoned creature is paralyzed as the Hold spell. On a
Stamina saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage. At the successful saving throw (made only once per turn), the
beginning of their turn every round the poison remains poison ends.
active, the character takes 7 (2d6) poison damage again, and
is treated as if poisoned until the beginning of their turn the This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing
next round. On a successful saving throw, the poison ends. deathweed (a natural herb) and dust of decay (a magical
component derived from cremated undead).
This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing
deathweed (a natural herb) and essence of death (a magical SERPENT VENOM
component derived from the corpses of burnt undead).
Injury, uncommon
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
Stamina saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
This is a mundane natural poison, created from drawing
poison from a snake’s venom sacs. The rarity affects the
venom’s power.
Rarity Damage
Common 1d6
Uncommon 3d6
Rare 5d6
Very Rare 7d6
Legendary 9d6
Injury, rare
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
Stamina saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The
Poisoned creature recovers only one-half the normal amount
of healing from spells and effects that restore hit points. This
includes regeneration and similar effects, doubling the
duration between healing (alternatively, halving the healing
This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing
deathweed (a natural herb) and essence of agony (a magical
component derived from blood of strong demons).
Injury, uncommon
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
Stamina saving throw or take 5 (2d4) psychic damage. At
the beginning of every round the poison remains active, the
character takes 5 (2d4) psychic damage again, and is hit points below 1, but if the creature dies and the disease
distracted. The DC of the distraction is 10 + ½ the damage remains uncured, it rises as an undead creature bound to
dealt by this poison. On a successful saving throw, the the service of the Lich King as if the Bind spell was cast on
poison ends. it.
This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing If succeeding on three saving throws, the disease becomes
deathweed (a natural herb) and essence of mana (a magical latent, but does not fade away. So long as the disease
component derived from blood of spellcasters). remains, the reduction to maximum hit points cannot be
removed, and it can be awakened again by another dose of
TRUTH SERUM the plague. This disease, despite being ingested, corrupts
the air and earth it affects, affecting any exposed food with
Uncommon, ingested the plague. When particles of the plague fall on the earth,
strange fungus grows, giving a hint to the disease’s origin.
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC This land is considered blighted (as per the
11 Stamina saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. Hallow/Unhallow spell, although the land is not also
The Poisoned creature can't knowingly speak a lie, as if unhallowed).
under the effect of a Zone of Truth spell.
The plague can be suppressed with the lesser restoration
This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing spell or a restoration spell, and the reduction to maximum
peacebloom (a natural herb) and essence of mana (a magical hit points can also be removed with the greater restoration
component derived from blood of spellcasters). spell, but the plague cannot be cured save by a wish spell or
the divine intervention ability (if it opposes that of the semi-
DISEASES divine Lich King).
CRYPT FEVER This is a magical manufactured disease, created by an
unknown fungus and suffused with necromantic magic. So
Common, contact far, only the Cult of the Damned (or those who infiltrated its
alchemist and necromancer ranks) know how to make it.
Any creature that is affected by this disease suffers a
weakened immune system, and must succeed on a DC 13
Stamina saving throw against disease or become poisoned
until this disease is cured.
So long as the creature is poisoned, they a -2 penalty to all
saving throws against disease and poison effects, and suffers
two additional points of poison damage if inflicted by any
disease or poison.
Symptoms manifest 2d4 hours after infection and include
fever and coughing, and while in the grips of this disease,
victims’ skins pale.
Any creature comes into touch contact with an infected
creature once they begin showing their symptoms must
make a DC 8 Stamina saving throw or also become infected
with this disease. Once a creature succeeds on this save, it is
immune to being infected from that particular infected
creature for 24 hours.
At the end of each long rest, an infected creature can
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a successful
save, the penalty to saving throws and additional poison
damage taken is reduced by 1 point. When the effect drops
to 0, the creature recovers from the disease.
Rare, ingested
Any creature that is affected by this disease must succeed on
a DC 15 Stamina saving throw against disease or become
poisoned until the disease is cured.
Every 24 hours that elapse while poisoned, the target
must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit point
maximum by 3 (1d6) on a failure. This is considered a
poison effect, and resistance against poison halves the
reduction. The disease cannot reduce the target’s maximum
Stores sell grenades, mines, and rockets as if the designer’s
Int modifier is +2.
EXPLOSIVES Quality Damage Mass Properties
Legendary 4d6 6 lb. 6:5 EP: 20 ft. sphere (disadvantage 1 round), reliable
Name Common 1d6 3 lb. 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere (thunderstorm)
Bomb, big one Common 1d6/1d10 1 lb. 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (firebolt)
Bomb, stun Uncommon 1d6 3 lb. 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere, (fog cloud, 1 minute.)
Bomb, fire Common 1 1 lb. 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (disadvantage 1 round)
Bomb, smoke Uncommon 2d6 3 lb. 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere (push 10 feet)
Bomb, flash Common 2d6 2 lb. 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere
Concussive mine Uncommon 3d6 3 lb. 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere
Grenade, hand Common 2d6 3 lb. 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere (sapper)
Grenade, heavy Common 2d6 2 lb. 2 EP: 5 ft. sphere (sapper)
Mortar shell Common 2d6 2 lb. 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere
Mine, breach Rare 4d6 5 lb. 5 EP: 20 ft. sphere
Mine, default Rare 4d6 5 lb. 5 EP: 20 ft. sphere (sapper)
Mine, goblin Common 2d6 2 lb. 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.)
Mine, sapper Common 1d6 2 lb. 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.), firework
Rocket, default Rare 1d6 5 lb. 5 EP: 25 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.), (sapper)
Rocket, fire Common 2d6 2 lb. 2 EP: 5 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.) (water)
Rocket, siege
FIREARMS Quality Damage Ammunition Mass Properties
Uncommon 2d8 2
Name Common 2d6 2 15 lb. 3 EP: Heavy, two-handed (scattershot, 15 ft.)
Blunderbuss Common 1d10 1 15 lb. 2 EP: Medium, two-handed (200/800)
Boomstick Common 1d8 1 15 lb. 2 EP: Heavy, two-handed (80/320)
Crossbow, auto Rare 3d8 3 5 lb. 2 EP: Medium, two-handed (80/320), (silent)
Crossbow, air Rare 3d8 3
Gun, machine Common 2d4 2 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy, two handed, (automatic 30 ft.)
Longrifle Uncommon 2d4 6 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy, two-handed (400/1,600); (sniper)
Pistol, flintlock Rare 4d12 1 5 lb. 2 EP: Light, one-handed (150/600)
Pistol, revolver Rare 2d8 2 5 lb. 4:3 EP: Light, one-handed (150/600), reliable
Siege canon 50 lb. 3 EP: Heavy (400/1,600), (Siege)
Sniper rifle 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy, two-handed (400/1,600); (silent, sniper)
FIREARMS Rarity Mass Properties
Name Common 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level mana burn, arcane crystal
Antimagic ray Rare 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level prestidigitation, mechanical
Army knife Common 15 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level swipe and shred,
Auto-factory Common 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level swipe and Shred, Oil
Buzz saw Common 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level catapult
Caltrop bomb Common (1/2) 15 lb. 2 EP: Heavy gadget; 1st level burning hands, fire crystal
Flamethrower Common 5 lb. 1 EP: Light gadget; 0 level light, fire crystal or battery
Flashlight Common 15 lb. 2 EP; Heavy gadget; 1st level fog cloud, air crystal
Fog machine Rare 15 lb. 2 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level freezing sphere, ice crystal
Frost gun Legendary 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level ice knife, battery
Ice canon Common 15 lb. 6 EP: Heavy gadget; 3rd level revivify, soul gem
Jumper cables Common 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level alarm, mechanical
Locator Rare 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level charm person, mechanical
Mind remote Rare 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level catapult, oil; quick use
Mortar Legendary 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level catapult, mechanical
Pulley gun Rare 15 lb. 6 EP: Heavy gadget; 3rd level fly, fire crystal or oil
Rocket Boots Rare 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level catapult, Oil; quick use
Launcher, rocket Common 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level catapult, Oil; Multiple
Launcher, cluster Common 10 lb. 2 EP: Medium gadget; 1st level absorb elements, Mechanical
Reflective cylinder Common 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level command, battery
Remote Legendary 5 lb. 2 EP: Light gadget; 1st level jump, mechanical
Spring boots Rare 15 lb. 6 EP: Heavy gadget; 3rd level sunbeam, fire crystal
Sun gun Common 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy gadget; 2nd level catapult, Oil
Trap launcher 10 lb. 2 EP: Medium gadget; 1st level catapult, mechanical
Water gun
Traps are often-hostile gadgets that perform a single use CONSTRUCTS Challenge
(and are thus priced as consumables). They can be deployed Rating Properties
and primed with an action, and they become active after Construct 4 Construct
being primed by one round. Whenever a creature moves to Battle chicken
10 feet or closer to a trap, it triggers and discharges its Combat armor 1 Construct (mecha/suit)
effect. The DCs are equal to that of a device. Glaive thrower
Gyrocopter 1 Construct(vehicle, push)
Once used, fixing a trap costs half the time and gold to
make them. Rip tire 1 Construct(vehicle, requires
Shredder proficiency +3)
TRAPS Steam engine
Turret 1/4 Carries explosives
Trap Name Quality Mass Properties
Zeppelin 2 Construct (mecha)
Freezing Common 1 lb. 2 EP: Freezes target (one
2 Construct(vehicle)
trap minute), deals 1d4 cold damage 1/4 Shoots firearms/crossbows
Oil slick Common 1 lb. 2 EP: Makes the ground (requires remote)
3 Construct (vehicle)
trap slippery for one minute DESCRIPTIONS
Immolation Rare 2 lb. 4 EP: Burns the target with Antimagic Ray. When used, this wand-like gun shoots a
purple anti-magic ray. If this strikes a spellcaster, it burns
trap intense flames 1d4 mana points from them, as per the spell Mana Burn.
Elementals required for the anti-magic ray device are pure
Wagon Common 1 lb. 2 EP: Deals 1d8 damage and mana elementals (such as mana wyrms and arcane
clamp restrains.
Army Knife. When used, this device summons all tools an
adventurer needs, such as a hammer, a pair of scissors, etc.,
just short of Alchemy and Poisoning tools, and includes 60
feet of spider-silk rope. It requires a minute to summon up a
single use of this army knife, and fifteen to return one charge
in (which is independent from the fifteen minutes it takes to otherwise acts as a gadget that replicates the Druid’s Swipe
recharge it). It may also deal damage as a normal dagger. and Shred spell.
Auto-Factory. Usually employed by goblin tinkers in war, Concussive Mine. When used, this mine explodes for 2d6
this large object unfolds to resemble a horse-sized factory. concussive damage, and pushes away creatures harmed by
The whirrs and whistles inside are indicative of some it up to 10 feet away from the center of the blast. If exploding
process within. The factory remains active for 2d4 minutes, under a creature, it may push them upwards, causing them
and churns out a Challenge 1/4 construct (Mechanostrider to take additional fall damage (and dropping prone
statistics) once every five rounds. The constructs conjured normally).
by the auto-factory are controlled by the user of the device,
but the user can command only one construct every round, Caltrop Bomb. When used, this box releases a four bags
while the others repeat the same action given to them until of caltrops into the air to fall over an area within 30 feet,
the factory stops working. The auto-factory is costly, filling a 10-foot square area. Any creature that enters the
however. For each construct created, the factory requires area must succeed on a DC 15 Agility saving throw or stop
one vial of phlogiston, and 5 lb. (or 50 gp) of raw materials. moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature
regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by
Blunderbuss. A larger, heavier, and easier-to-use 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at half speed
boomstick, the Blunderbuss can be altered to shoot a cone doesn't need to make the saving throw. Once used, this can
of bullets in a 15-foot cone, dealing 2d8 damage, with an be refilled with replacement caltrops. There is a 75% chance
Agility save to half. As Blunderbusses do not require attack that a used bag of caltrops can be used again.
rolls (though still requiring an attack action), they do not
require proficiency to use, and can be used while adjacent to Crossbow, Auto. This crossbow acts as a heavy crossbow
an enemy without penalty. A Blunderbuss is also known in that deals 1d10 piercing damage. This does not have the
some circles as a scattergun. loading quality.
Bomb, Big One. This powerful bomb deals 5d6 Crossbow, Air. This crossbow acts as a light crossbow
concussive damage in a 20-foot sphere, and imposes that deals 1d8 piercing damage. It is silent when shot.
disadvantage for all rolls to creatures targeted by it for one
round. A successful saving throw halves damage and Flamethrower. The flamethrower can be aimed and used
negates the disadvantage. with an action. If no malfunction occurs, it releases a 15-foot
cone of flames. Targets in the cone must make an Agility
Bomb, Concussion. This bomb deals 1d6 concussive saving throw. On a failed save, the targets take 3d6 points of
damage and a shockwave in 10 feet. Creatures in range of fire damage, or half the amount on a successful save. The
the shockwave take an extra 1d6 are pushed 10 feet away flames ignite any flammable objects in the area that are not
from the area of the explosion, as are unsecured objects. being worn or carried.
The bomb’s boom can be easily heard out to 300 feet. A
successful save halves both damage rolls, and are moved Flashbang. This bomb deals no concussive damage, but
back only half normal distance. imposes disadvantage for all rolls to creatures affected by it
for one round with an explosion of light and noise. A
Bomb, Fire. This bomb deals 1d6 concussive damage in successful saving throw negates the condition.
10 feet, and on its direct target, it deals an additional 1d10
fire damage. If the target is an object, it sets it on fire. This Flashlight. The flashlight can be aimed and activated with
bonus damage targets only the original target, or the 5-foot an action. If no malfunction occurs, it emits a 20-foor radius
square the bomb was thrown at. glow of bright light, and emits 20 feet of dim light after that.
If directed, it turns instead into a cone with a range of 60
Bomb, Smoke. This bomb deals 1d6 concussive damage feet of bright light, and 60 feet of dim light afterwards. A
in 10 feet, and it creates a 10-foot radius sphere of fog. This charge is used once per hour.
fog heavily obscures the area for one minute, or until a
moderate or greater wind disperses it. Fog Machine. When used, this box creates a billowing
sphere-shaped cloud of fog that spreads on a 20-foot radius.
Boomstick. Known as a favored dwarven weapon, The area is heavily obscured, and it remains for an hour or
boomsticks are intricately designed with special markings to until a moderate or stronger wind disperses it (10 mph+).
denote the company, issue date, and a small piece of war The cloud of fog is centered on the fog machine, or can be
advice in dwarven. shot out as a large cloud to appear in another area 120 feet
away. This is fueled by a tapped air elemental spirit or an
Buzz Saw. This gadget can be used by any character elemental air crystal.
proficient with a shortsword. This weapon (when active and
consuming 1 charge for Phlogiston), deals 2d6 slashing Freezing Trap. This trap unleashes a super-compressed
damage (plus the user’s Strength or Agility as normal) blast of cold that freezes the triggering creature for one
instead of the normal damage for a shortsword, and target minute, and deals 1d4 cold damage to them. While frozen,
has disadvantage to attack rolls for one round. This the target is restrained. A successful Stamina save halves
the damage dealt, and reduces the restraint for one round. A
creature may use its action to break the ice.
Frost Gun. The frost gun can be used with an action, Launcher, Rocket. This heavy machine is typically set on
creating a brilliant blue freezing ray up to 30 feet away that the user’s shoulder. When loaded with a pint of oil and an
creates a 10-foot radius explosion of frozen air to emit from explosive of any kind, it launches it further than its normal
the location of the ray's impact. All creatures hit by the ray range, increasing its original range by 90 feet. This applies
or in the explosion's radius must succeed on a Stamina to the maximum range it can launch. On impact, any
saving throw or else take 4d8 points of cold damage, or half explosive deals an additional 2d6 concussive damage atop
of that on a successful saving throw. If the ray or the radius the normal damage. A launcher may be loaded with up to
strikes or includes a body of water or a liquid with similar eight pints of oil, and may be used again in 1d4 rounds. If
freezing points, the ray freezes the liquid within its active used for a mine, it can be planted instead of exploding.
radius to a depth of 6 inches for 1 minute. Creatures that
were swimming or that were in the water at the moment Launcher, Cluster. This heavy machine is typically set on
must succeed on an additional Strength saving throw as an the floor before the user. When loaded with a pint of oil and
action against the DC of the device or be restrained. After 1 up to four explosives, it launches them all within their
minute of being conjured, the ice shatters. normal range with a single action. This applies to all
explosives. A cluster launcher adds +1d6 concussive
Gun, Machine. This gun deals 3d8 piercing damage to damage per explosive used. A cluster launcher may be
any number of creatures standing in a 5-foot wide line 30 loaded with up to eight pints of oil or phlogiston, and may be
feet away. This requires an Agility save to half damage. used again in a minute.
Machine guns do not require training to use.
Locator. This eye-like gadget can sense creatures that
Grenade, Hand. This grenade may be thrown within 30 approach within 20 feet of its position whenever a creature
feet. On the area of impact, it deals 2d6 concussive damage of the size Tiny or larger enters. The locator, once activated,
in a 10-foot sphere. It requires a DC 12 save to half damage. remains active for 2d4 hours, and has a chance to
malfunction at the end of each hour. The locator may either
Ice Cannon. This mini-cannon shoots a large shard of let out an audible alarm that can be heard clearly within 60
frost that deals 1d10 piercing damage in 60 feet. On the area feet, or send a single mental ping to the one who set it up.
of impact, the shard explodes, dealing 3d6 cold damage to
all creatures in 5 feet from the point, with an Agility save to Longrifle. Favored of the iconic dwarven sniper, longrifles
half damage. have great range, great damage, and great practical use.
They are however expensive, and difficult to deploy ideally.
Immolation Trap. This trap burns the triggering creature
for one minute, dealing 2d6 fire damage. Over the next Mind Remote. This strange-looking hat has a hypnotic
minute, whenever the creature starts its turn, it must roll a pattern attached to it. When the gadget is active, the mind
d20. On a 9 or lower, the effect triggers again, dealing an remote can focus on any person within 30 feet. They must
additional 1d6 damage or giving them disadvantage to any make a Spirit save or else be charmed for one hour, or until
next d20 roll. After triggering twice, the trap’s effects ends. you or your companions do something harmful to it. It gains
advantage to the save if you or your companions are
Jumper Cables. This backpack may be hooked up with harming it. It takes a minute of tinkering to provide another
any creature that died within one minute. If activated up another charge for the gadget.
without an issue, the creature is revived, and returned to life
with 1 hit point and no mana. This cannot return a creature Mine, Breaching. This is a breaching charge that may be
that died of old age. This gadget requires 300 gold pieces’ attached to a door or a wall. This deals 4d6 concussive
worth of focus crystals per use of activation. damage to structures and objects (typically destroying them),
and 1d6 damage to any creature within 5 feet of the 1d6 points of the absorbed damage to the target of the user's
explosion radius. It requires a DC 12 save to half damage. attack. The character must be able to use their hands or
This comes with a free delayed fuse (1d4 rounds until similar limbs to deploy the cylinder.
Remote. This small machine can activate any mine,
Mine, Default. This mine triggers whenever any creature gadget, or construct that is keyed to it. Keying a
appears within its area of explosion. If a creature comes that technological device to a remote takes one minute and a DC
close, it explodes, dealing 2d6 concussive damage to it and 10 Engineering check. Using a remote is a bonus action on
any creature within 10 feet. It requires a DC 12 save to half the creature’s round, or a reaction outside their round. Each
damage. use consumes one charge of battery power, and the remote
can hold up to eight batteries and triggered devices at any
Mine, Goblin. This mine triggers whenever any creature given time. A remote can activate any device it is bonded to
appears within its area of explosion. If a creature comes that as long as both of them are within 150 feet of each other.
close, it explodes, dealing 4d6 concussive damage to it and This effect can penetrate barriers, but 2 feet of rock, 2
any creature within 20 feet. It requires a DC 15 save to half inches of common metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. It
damage. tied to an explosive that normally explodes on impact, it can
hold the explosive until the remote is used (effectively, the
Mortar. This heavy machine is typically set on the floor. bomb is waiting for the signal).
When loaded with a pint of oil and a bomb or grenade, it
launches it further than a normal creature could, for an arc Rocket, Default. This rocket may be aimed and shot to
up to 90 feet away, and 30 feet high. When the bomb lands, any creature within 60-120 feet. On impact, it deals 2d6
it explodes as typical for its type. On the 5-foot square area concussive damage to the target and to any creature or item
of impact, however, the bomb lands with a powerful 10 feet close to it. It requires a DC 12 save to half damage.
explosion, adding 2d6 concussive damage to the bomb’s
normal damage. A mortar may be loaded with up to eight Rocket, Siege. This rocket is designed to drill and destroy
pints of oil, and may be used again after 1d4 rounds. fortifications. Upon impact, it deals 10d6 concussive
damage to the target and to any creatures and items close to
Oil Slick. Trap This trap spews slippery oil in a 10-foot them (typically destroying them). As it is designed against
radius, rendering it into difficult terrain for one minute. Each objects and structures, it deals only 2d6 damage to
creature who enters, is within the radius when the trap is creatures.
triggered, or ends their turn in this area must make an
Agility save or fall prone. Rocket Boots. These heavy boots strapped with a small
backpack may be activated with an action. Per use, this
Pistol, Flintlock. Known as a good backup weapon, the consumes one pint of oil, and gives the user a flying speed of
flintlock pistol does not deal a lot of damage compared to its 60 feet, usable for one minute. At the end of the duration,
heavier counterparts, but both can be used easily (as they the user falls unless they are on solid ground. The device
are light weapons). cools down for one minute after it stops being used. The
backpack can hold up to eight pints of oil for the rocket
Pistol, Revolver. A great backup weapon, the revolver boots.
balances good damage with a great ammunition reserve.
Very reliable. Siege Cannon. This huge-sized piece of artillery can blast
through walls like paper (dealing double damage to objects,
Pulley Gun. This hand-cannon can shoot one to two ropes effectively 8d12, or 52 damage). This acts as a huge rifle,
at opposite ends. Each rope has a hook at its end, and each and increases in dice to d12. Due to its size, it must be
extend to up to 90 feet per action of use. If the hooks target mounted on a solid surface, and cannot be carried.
an object, they attach to it, and can carry up to 140 pounds
of weight. If the hook targets a creature, they take 3d8 Sniper Rifle. A moderately powerful and long-range
piercing damage, and the hooks are destroyed. A pulley gun precision silenced weapon.
has a wheel for transport along the ropes, and allows for
movement at a rate of 60 feet per round either up or down Spring Boots. These pair of springy boots triples your
the ropes’ ends. A pulley gun that shoots one rope but can be jumping distance for 1 minute per use.
used twice is known as a mechanical grappling hook.
Sun Gun. The sun-gun can be focused and used with an
Reflective Cylinder. The reflective cylinder is a 2-foot action. If no malfunction occurs, it releases a foot beam of
long, 8-inch thick cylinder that is usually strapped to the brilliant and wholesome light that sears all targets in a 30-
back of the user, and is attached to a winding mechanism in foot long 5-foot wide line for 1d4 rounds. Every round, all
the user's hand. The cylinder can be deployed as a reaction creatures that are within the light must make a Stamina
when the user takes elemental damage, unfurling and saving throw. On a failed save, the targets take 3d8 points of
countering the elemental damage with a sheet of specially- holy damage and is blinded until the beginning of your next
treated and reinforced glass. The user gains resistance to turn, or half the amount of damage on a successful save.
the elemental damage, and the next time the user hits with a Undead and oozes suffer disadvantage to this save. At the
melee attack on the next turn, the reflective cylinder reflects beginning of your round, you may redirect the light normally.
This sheds bright light for 30 feet and dim light for the next
30 feet after that. The light is treated as sunlight.
Torpedo. This rocket is designed to be used underwater
in a more compact explosion. Upon impact, it deals 2d6
concussive damage to the target and to any creatures and
items close to them in a 5-foot radius sphere.
Trap Launcher. This heavy machine can lob a trap to up
to 90 feet, priming the trap on the point of impact. The trap
launcher may be loaded with up to eight pints of oil, and may
be used again after a cooldown of one minute.
Wagon Clamp. This trap clamps down on the triggering
creature or vehicle for one minute, dealing 1d8 piercing
damage to the wheel (possibly breaking it). While captured,
the target is restrained. A successful Stamina save by the
vehicle or creature halves the damage dealt and reduces the
restraint for one round. A creature may use its action to
open the clamp. Most wooden wheels have 5 (2d4) hit
points. This costs 10 gp, weighs 1 lb., and requires 2 EP.
This is usually used to destroy vehicle wheels, but can be
employed as bear traps.
Water Gun. The water pump is a 2-foot long, 8-inch thick
cylinder that can hold up to 3 gallons of any liquid (or 16
quarts). The water pump can be used with an action to
release one quart of liquid in a line up to 90 feet away,
stopping at impact with the first object. The target must
succeed on an Agility saving throw or else take 1d8
bludgeoning damage on a failed save and a secondary effect
depending on the liquid. A successful save halves the initial
damage and negates the secondary effect.
• Water. If the liquid is water, attack also extinguishes
flames. Fire-based creatures or those vulnerable to water
take double damage from this and do not employ any
resistances towards this damage.
• Oil. If the liquid is oil or another flammable liquid, the user
may use a bonus action to set the liquid on fire as it is
released (necessitating another malfunction check), setting
the liquid is set aflame (regardless of malfunction). Targets
who failed their save take 1d6 fire damage and are ignited
until they extinguish the flame with an action and a
successful Agility save (taking an additional 1d6 points of
damage per round until they pass a DC equal to the
gadget's DC).
• Contaminated Water. If the liquid is a contaminated water
or liquid (such as sewage water), the target must also save
versus any contact, injury, or ingested poison or disease
that is carried by the water. If using sewage water, the
target is most likely to be contaminated by Crypt Fever,
Filth Fever, Slimy Doom, and Blinding Sickness (see
Contagion for details, duration 7 days), although other
diseases or poisons may be built into the waters.
MULTICLASSING normal downtime training to learn a new language or
training with a set of tools (takes 250 days, and costs 1 gp
Multiclassing in Warcraft works as in core 5e. per day), although the DM may reduce the time to train
There are many instances in lore where a character has dramatically with a quest or event (subject to shared
training in two distinct classes (such as the legendary
paladin Uther Lightbringer, who, having trained as a knight, FEATS
adding the experience of a priest before being called a
paladin). Multiclassing is a viable tool to replicate special STRIKE FEATS
classes, concepts, or characters who seem to have abilities
from several classes. These are effects that modify a successful attack roll and
cost a bonus action. If a strike effect calls for a saving throw,
For instance, the night elven Wardens and high elven the DC is equal to 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength (or
Farstriders seem to be both rogues and hunters. Agility if using a finesse or light weapon).
Tauren chieftains also seem to be both warriors with BREW MASTERY
minor affinity to shamanism.
Prerequisites: Ki
Demon hunters may also augment their tracking abilities
by taking a level in hunter, just as enhancement shamans You gain proficiency in brewer supplies.
may augment their martial power by taking a level in warrior Also, if you have the Ki feature, you may imbue a pint of
and choosing specific talents.
drink (alcohol, tea, or any other brew) with a measure of
CHANGING CLASSES your Ki, reducing your current and maximum Ki pool by the
amount of points you use.
Several classes intersect in theme with others. A character
may change their class to another one near them after The drink is suffused with your power, and confers a
accomplishing a quest and undergoing character benefit to whoever drinks it. Drinking a brew is a bonus
development. action, and grants one of the below benefits for eight hours,
until they take a long rest, or until they make use of three
CHANGING CLASSES New Class uses of the effect (whichever comes first). After the drink is
Death knight consumed, your Ki maximum is restored to normal (and can
Old Class Warlock rest to regain the lost Ki). A creature cannot benefit from
Paladin more than one brew at any given time, and cannot benefit if
Shaman and Mage they do not require drink or food to stay alive, or if they
cannot reasonably process drinks. The brew can also be
ATTRIBUTE CHANGE force-consumed with a melee unarmed attack or as part of a
grapple check.
Changing from a casting class to another with a different
spellcasting ability score also affects the creature’s mental You gain one brew recipe per proficiency bonus.
• Fortifying Brew (1 Ki point). All creatures who drink this
If you have different spellcasting ability scores, you may brew increase their maximum hit points by 1 per monk
move up to 4 ability score points from the old class’s level (max is equal to double the imbiber’s original hit
spellcasting ability score to the new class’s spellcasting points). If the character later suffers from a reduction to
ability score. The old attribute cannot end up lower than 8, maximum hit points, it is reduced from the benefit of
or higher than 18 (before applying increases from race, Fortifying Brew first. This benefit ends if the creature is
class, feats, etc.). The ability score total that can be changed reduced to 0 hit points. This does not stack with Aid spell.
is 4 (or one-half the character’s total level from the old class,
whichever is higher) • Elusive Brew (1 Ki point). All creatures who drink this
brew can use a reaction to perform the Dodge action.
For example, turning from a shaman to a warlock, for
instance, drains Spirit and bolsters Charisma as Fel magic • Dizzying Haze (1 Ki point). All creatures who drink this
suffuses the shaman’s being. If the shaman (16 Spirit, 12 brew suffer from light obstruction to perception, and lose
Charisma) chooses to start turning her back on the elements 10 feet of speed for one minute. The creature can make a
and kneeling to the Burning Legion, her journey to Stamina saving throw to negate the obstruction to vision
becoming a Warlock begins, moving up to 4 points from and negate the reduction to speed. If targeted with a fire
Spirit to Charisma (for a total of 12 Spirit, 16 Charisma). If spell or effect, the creature is set on fire, taking 1d4 fire
the shaman was level 20, she can move up to 10 points damage on the start of each of its turns until they use an
instead (10 Spirit, 18 Charisma, as Charisma cannot be action to set it out. This requires an Agility saving throw
higher than 18 before modifications are applied).
Changing from a class to another in downtime is also
viable, as is changing a talent chosen. This is resolved as
against your ki DC. Unlike most brews, the benefit of this cannot make use of this ability unless you are no longer
brew can be used once. exhausted. The damage’s type is chosen by you upon gaining
• Mana Tea (2 Ki). All creatures who drink this brew can this feat, and can be Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire. This may
regain 2 Ki, or 2 points of mana. As normal mana be used with the Spell Strike feat.
regeneration effects, this effect has a cooldown of an hour
(even if used for Ki). Unlike most brews, the benefits of Special. You may instead deal fel, thunder, unholy, or holy
this brew can be used once. damage with your Mystic Blast, but it deals 1d4 damage
• Thunder Focus Tea (2 Ki). All creatures who drink this instead per spell level, and you must be able to cast a spell
brew reduce the mana or Ki cost for area-of-effect and with the aforementioned descriptors.
multi-target spells by 1 point.
• Tigereye Brew (1 Ki). All creatures who drink this brew IMPROVED REGENERATION
can add their Spirit bonus to melee weapon damage rolls.
• Ki Guard Brew (2 Ki). All creatures who drink this brew Prerequisite: Troll, Stamina of 13 or higher
take 2 less points of damage from weapon attack rolls.
This does not stack with the Paladin’s Devotion Aura and • Increase your stamina score by 1 to a maximum of 20.
similar effects. • You regain 1 hit point at the end of each hour, provided
You may brew and imbue as much drinks as your Ki you have at least 1 hit point.
allows, though the ki dissipates naturally over the course of • You regenerate lost limbs in three days instead of one
three days. This is considered a ki feature, and has the same
DC to resist. week, unless they were taken willingly (such as to escape
bonds), or if they are cauterized.
Prerequisite: Four or more caster levels, Intelligence 15 or
higher When you make a melee or ranged attack, you may use the
strike’s bonus action to apply the effects of a direct-target
You gain proficiency with the infusion skill and can make spell to the struck creature. The spell targets the creature
infused items. struck, and cannot target anyone else, such as you, an area,
or an adjacent creature. The creature is still entitled a saving
MAGICAL SUFFUSION throw if the spell allows it, but if the spell targets AC, the
effect does not call for another roll.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane or divine spells, access to
cantrips This is declared before the strike is made, and a spell that
is designated to discharge is lost harmlessly if the attack
You gain increased proficiency with cantrips. Your cantrips fails. This cannot be applied to a strike spell.
count as if you are 4 levels higher to determine the damage
dealt with them. SPELL STANCE [STANCE]
Cantrips also never cost mana for you. You may cast a single spell as part of entering this stance.
So long as you remain in the stance, the spell remains
MYSTIC BLAST active. The spell requires the normal mana cost or
resources, but its casting time is folded into entering the
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane or divine spells stance so long as it has a casting time of one action or
You can make a ranged spell attack as an action, dealing
1d6 damage per maximum spell level you can access. This The spell must have a target of (self) or touch and can
damage can be dealt to creatures within 30 ft. target one allied creature (you are always your own ally).
Examples are Holy Light, See Invisibility, Haste, Tongues,
This does not cost mana, and can be done at will as a Mutate, Shield, and most generally 'buff' spells.
supernatural ability, so long as you have at least 1 mana per
d6 of damage. If you are exhausted from low mana, you This feat can be used once every five minutes.
To better facilitate and replicate the ability to craft, mine, The DM may impose additional requirements, such as
and refine materials into weapons, there are a few changes requiring an elemental crystal for a firethrower (elemental
to the skill system, by including Gathering and Refining engine) or a blueprint of a normal vehicle to make a similar
skills. design.
Making new spells, alchemical formulae, and blueprints for
engineering are all highly complicated tasks. It takes 2 Items have cost to create in Crafting Points, scaling with its
weeks to study a new spell, formula, or blueprint, and quality or rarity. 1 crafting point roughly corresponds to 25
requires an amount of gold pieces dedicated for research gp.
equal to 50 x spell level (if a spell or alchemical formula), or
75 x Engineering Points invested (if a blueprint).
Item Quality Crafting Cost Proficiency 1 Spell Level 2 EP 3 Max. CR
Common 20 points +0 0 (cantrip) 1 1/2
Uncommon 80 points +2 (apprentice) 1-2 2 2
Rare 320 points +3 (journeyman) 3-4 3 3
Very Rare 1,280 points +4 (expert) 5-6 4 4
Legendary 4 5,120 points +5 (artisan) 7-8 5 5
Artifact 20,480 points +6 (master) 9+ 6 6
The cost of larger objects increases the cost by x2 per size category.
1 Consumables (scrolls, explosives, potions, etc.) cost 1/4th the cost of an item of their rarity (or one quality grade lower than their current
2 Caster level is equal to the crafting class level (or hit dice, depending on proficiency's source)
3 Engineering Points spent
4 Legendary and above items usually also requires a quest to attune it to some magical source, such as the High Elven Sunwell, the
Scourge's Frozen Throne, an elemental plane's lord, or the Night Elves' World Tree. This is subject to the DM's discretion. Artifacts also
usually require a lengthy quest that might alter the setting as a whole, and are usually infused by creatures of great power.
Note that Potions of Healing (of all types) are exempt from
the normal rules creating alchemical items, costing 50g (or
2 crafting points) for the normal potion of healing (restores
2d4 + 2 hit points).
Any skill that reasonably allows for the identification,
collection, and preservation of raw materials may be used to
gather raw materials. These raw materials have a value that
may be declared after the check is finished. Any resource-
rich area may be considered a resource node that may be
used to harvest raw materials from harvesting nodes, from
on the field, or from special monsters.
Gathering skills provides crafting points (CP), useable for
alchemy (AP), engineering (EP), Infusion (IP), or other skills.
Crafting potions consumes alchemy points (usually in the
form of herbs, creature body parts, etc.), while engineering
consumes minerals, wires, etc.
Example For example, a 1st level warrior proficient in mining tools,
for example, can spend a day in a minor node (an iron mine),
Skill Ability Task Performed harvesting 20 CP after working. If not rich enough to qualify
as a node, this acts instead as harvesting on the field (such
Alchemy Intelligence Collects alchemical reagents, vials, as scraping poor-quality iron, see below).
Engineering Intelligence Collects pipes, gears, spanners, and This use allows the user to gather materials over time. This
is markedly less efficient than extracting from a node. The
nuts and bolts user can spend one day in gathering. The results of a
gathering raw materials effort are judged jointly by the DM
Herbalism Spirit Collects herbs, cultivates and identifies and the harvester, who decide upon what kind of general
materials you acquired, judging by the environment,
plants, general horticulture. resources, and skill used.
Mining Spirit Collects metals, identifies metals and
minerals, and general mining.
Skinning Spirit Collects hides, skins, and identifies
quality of leather.
A DM is recommended to place minor and major nodes on Proficiency CP/day CP/week
the game map or reference it to important areas. As nodes, +2 — ¼
they usually attract attention of other characters and +3 1/3 2
creatures, such as golems and spellcasters in places where +4 1 6
infusion points are, and fey and druids where alchemical +5 4 25
points are. Engineering points (or appropriate base +6 15 100
materials) can be drawn from mines or mining nodes, where
kobolds, miners, and dwarves live, or are generated For example, a 5th level druid proficient in herbalism
workshops. Nodes can be rewards for quests, and can be tools, for example, can spend a week on harvesting minerals
referenced in-character. from assorted herb locations or from small gardens, gaining
2 CP after working. This allows the druid to make a
MINOR NODE Common potion (costs 5 CP) every three weeks, but a
material of Rare quality (or appropriate for the druid’s level)
Gain 20 crafting points every nearly 4 years (or 1 rare potion every year).
Minor nodes are minor one-use harvesting deposits. These If in an enchanted grove, this acts as a node (see above),
are usually expended and replenish slowly over time or with and has much better yield (although field gathering is not
DM discretion, but also include minor pools of mana, minor restricted).
lay lines (for ID), a small to medium busy engineering
workshop or junkyard (for ED), or a copse or forest grove MONSTER NODES
filled with alchemical plants (for AP). Most nodes take a day
to harvest materials from. Some monsters act as nodes. A monster that is harvested
for a particular body part has the rest of its body parts
MODERATE NODE damaged in the attempts to extract value.
If harvesting a consumable (such as a poison), one dose can
Gain 80 crafting points (replenish every month) be created per hit dice with no cost. A monster that can be
harvested usually shows signs of it, and are listed as below
Moderate nodes include centers of power such as mana (although a DM can add more). A single monster of the
fountains or a lay line intersection (for ID), a large below proficiency can provide CP for a number of items of
engineering workshop or junkyard (for ED), and an the below listed quality.
alchemical ingredient farm or a grove. Moderate nodes
attract great attention, and in most settings, are limited to a Willing Harvest. A creature may choose to donate their
total of ten nodes. blood or replaceable body parts for the purposes of
Major Node: Gain 320 crafting points (replenish every harvesting crafting points, but can only donate up to 1/20th
month) their normal maximum every month, or their CP value once
every two years. Doing this on extended durations causes
Major nodes are usually sparse, rarely appearing more exhaustion (even if the creature is normally immune to the
than five known instances. This includes the literal center of condition).
ley lines on a planet, a major mine system that accesses
extremely rare metals, or the center of an ancient, magical Harvester Level. If the harvester’s proficiency is less than
forest blessed by the fey and gods. the target monster’s, this requires a DC 20 skill check, or
half the materials are lost, and the character can make
Major nodes are either seats of powers for major another attempt (each time halving, until it can provide only
organizations, or are a battlefield for major powers to 1 CP).
contest over.
Examples are Tower of Karazan, the Sunwell, the Tree of
Eternity, Blackrock Spire, and the Maelstrom for Infusion
Creatures with a CR less than 1/2 do not count towards SCAVENGING MATERIALS
harvesting, unless they are especially valuable (as
adjudicated by the DM). A crafter can also harvest the materials from an item they
The crafter gains 1/2 the crafting cost of broken-down
Monster CP Common Uncommon Rare Rare Legendary items. This is called diffusion dust (for Infusion points),
dismantled materials (for Engineering points), or
+2 5 1/4 — —— — deconstructed reagents (for Alchemy points).
+3 20 1 1/4 — — — This process is a simple complexity task (1 hour). At the
end of the duration, the item is destroyed, and the crafter
+4 80 4 1 1/4 — — gains half the CP invested to create it.
+5 160 8 4 1 1/4 — In the case of legendary objects and artifacts, normal
diffusion does not work, and the item must be destroyed as
+6 320 16 8 41 ¼ per the normal listed process for that item.
Dragons. Dragon CP can create Armor (from leather or INFUSION DRAIN
bone), weapons (for bone weapons), alchemy mixtures
(enchanted dragon blood), and fire-based infusions Upon the destruction of a legendary item or artifact, it has a
50% chance of dropping infusion dust relevant, even if not
Constructs. Constructs CP can create armor (from intentionally diffused. Attuned items cannot be diffused
plating), weapons, engineering devices (any), and infusion unless their attuned character is slain, or when the
matrixes (if the construct had magical ability or a magical attunement is willingly surrendered (a mental non-action),
engine) unless the infusionist can succeed on 3 opposed Spirit
saving throws against the owner. This check can be done
Fey/Fiend/Celestial. Fey CP can create alchemy mixtures once per year against a single character.
(enchanted blood or tears), and infusions
Disenchanting legendary or artifact items also usually
For example, a 15th level dragon, when slain, provides requires a quest or a journey to where the item was created,
160 CP worth of materials. An alchemist drawing from its subject to DM discretion.
corpse can create 8 common, 4 uncommon, 1 rare, or
materials enough for 1/4 the cost of a very rare item (or four
times that in potions).
Should the same dragon decide to donate some of their
blood, they could donate up to 8 CP (enough for a common
potion or two common poisons) instantly, or 96 points over
the year (for a rare item).
Any skill that can create a product out of materials is Item 10 minutes DC
classified as a production skill. The time it takes to make a Very simple item (stick) 5
product and the raw materials it takes depends on the cost Simple item (simple weapon) 1 hour 10
of the item and its complexity. Moderate item (martial weapon, light armor) 15
Complex item (medium armor, lock) 1 day 20
Most production skills require proficiency in the tools Highly complex item (heavy armor) 25
used (such as blacksmith’s tools), but some are given to or 1 week
restricted by race or class only (such as Engineering or
Alchemy). Proficiency in a skill infers proficiency with its 2 weeks
Per stage above highly complex (or Highly Complex II,
Example Skill Ability Task Performed etc.), the time doubles per increment (1 month, 2 months, 3
months, etc.), although the DC does not increase.
Blacksmithing Intelligence Creates weapons, armor, and
Crafting takes the specified time, cut down to the nearest
metallic trinkets ten minutes.
Herbalism Spirit Creates minor potions from In the above example, the first-level rogue (if proficient
with smith’s tools), can begin to forge a dagger (simple
herbalism weapon) if she has access to all the tools she needs (the DM
may possibly require a forge to smelt raw iron into ingots).
Infusion Intelligence Creates infusion matrixes that are As a simple complexity item, it would take her one day if she
has all the required materials and succeeds on a DC 10
applied on weapons, etc. Crafting check.
Jewelcrafting Spirit Creates jewelry
Leatherworking Spirit Creates leather-based items and
Tailoring Spirit Creates cloth-based items (such as
clothes, boots, and hats) PORODUCTION TOOLS
Tool Ability Score Task Performed
Alchemy Intelligence
Creates potions, elixirs, and
Engineering Intelligence concoctions
Infusion Intelligence Creates constructs, gadgets,
firearms, and bombs
Poisoner’s Kit Intelligence
Creates infusion matrixes that are
applied o weaons, etc.
Creates poisons and plagues
CRAFTING RULES Also sometimes known as an alchemy kit or the alchemy
skill, alchemy is used to create potions and similar
Crafting takes four components: consumables.
• Time roughly equivalent to the complexity of the end Potions are magical items that are created by the Alchemy
product. skill, and they are brews that contain the power of a spell
within them. The alchemist can infuse any spell they can
• Raw materials equal to one-third that of the end product. cast into a potion as a Crafting check if they possess
• Proficiency with the tools (or skill) relevant. Alchemy. This requires the ability to cast the spell in
• Success on the Crafting check. question, such as by knowing and preparing it.
At the end of the allotted crafting time, and if the check is This consumes the mana required as normal. A spell with
successful, the user crafts the item in question. the ritual tag must be cast normally to be made into a potion.
Alchemists do not need to spend mana to prepare spells.
If you do not normally have access to magic spells, but
have an effective spellcaster level (or caster level) due to an
ability or feat, you may choose which spell list to access for
your alchemical potions. If you have neither (such as by
training to gain proficiency in alchemy supplies), you treat
your caster level as 1.
Prerequisites. Alchemy requires at least 1 level in a
spellcasting class or an Intelligence of 15 or higher, and
proficiency in the skill. The Alchemist class is always
proficient in alchemy.
Activation. Drinking a potion, coating it on the user, or Imbibed potions do not require concentration (even if they
breaking a container holding it is a Use Object action on the originally required it), but one creature cannot benefit from
behalf of the user that provokes a reaction. If a spell, it has more than one such demanding potion. In effect, ingesting a
the same targeting requirements, although the trigger of potion is treated as concentrating on it, and if drinking
activation is usually drinking the potion or throwing it as an another potion that demands concentration, the newer one
improvised weapon (20/60). As an improvised weapon, a takes precedence and dispels the effects of the old one that
character cannot add their proficiency bonus to the attack required concentration.
roll unless they are trained in alchemy (or herbalism). If the
potion’s effect is single-target damaging spell, and the potion Special. Herbalism. Being proficient in an herbalism kit
thrown on an area, it becomes an area of effect spell counts as if an alchemist kit, but you may choose up to two
(successful Agility save halves the damage) for one target. alchemical formulae to learn. These still must be written
down (and usually stored in a book or notes). You are not
For Example, an Alchemist’s Fire potion contains the Fire counted as if proficient when it comes to other alchemical
Bolt cantrip; it deals 1d10 fire damage to a creature that is formulae.
splashed with, drinks, or is targeted by throwing the
alchemy vial. If the Alchemist’s Fire potion is instead thrown INFUSION KIT
on an area where a creature stands (instead of being
targeted with an attack roll), it is entitled an Agility save to The infusion skill allows for the infusion, diffusion, and
half damage. manipulation of magical items via infusion dust. A magical
item, when created, requires investing crafting: Infusion
Note. If the spell the potion replicates has a longer casting Dust (ID) to reach a level of rarity (from Common,
time than 1 minute, then it takes time for the mixture to Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Legendary, or Artifact).
activate equal to half the casting time.
Prerequisites. Infusion requires at least 5 levels in a
Creation. See the Item Creation table under Skills. spellcasting class and an Intelligence of 15 or higher to
Concentration Spells. The duration of a potion with a become proficient with. You can use the Infusionist feat to
duration of concentration depends on its final concentration gain access to the Infusion Skill.
Original Concentration Duration Potion Duration Rarity Complexity
Up to 1 minute 2d4 rounds Common Very Simple
Up to 10 minutes 2d4 x 10 rounds Uncommon Simple
Up to 1 hour 2d4 x 10 minutes Rare Moderate
And so on… Very Rare Complex
Legendary and artifact Highly Complex
An infusionist requires the formula for an infusion matrix, For Example: A tinker shoots with an Uncommon quality
which can be discovered, rewarded, or found. Infusing an rifle (EP 3), dealing 3d8 damage. If his attack roll is between
item costs the CP for an item of its complexity. If it is a 1 and 3, the device malfunctions, gaining the condition,
consumable (such as a scroll), its cost is divided by 10 as increasing the malfunction rate to 1-6. If the tinker uses the
normal. device again (either out of desperation or confidence of a
good roll) and results in a 1-6 on a d20, it backfires or jams.
Special. A death knight's runeblade rarity automatically
increases with his level. Upon reaching 5th level, the blade Saving Throw. The saving throw for technological devices
becomes uncommon in quality, rare at level 10, etc. Upon (if one is called for) is equal to 8 + proficiency bonus invested
reaching 20th level, the runeblade may reach Legendary + Intelligence (of user, or +2 if generic).
quality if the Lich King allows it. Typically, the Lich King will
elevate only one runeblade to legendary quality until it is Using Technological Devices. Devices can be used
destroyed. automatically if one knows how to use them (point and
shoot, press a button, etc.) as a Use Object action unless the
ENGINEERING KIT device describes otherwise. All devices also have a have a
chance to malfunction when activating.
Engineering allows for one to create technological devices.
Such devices are non-magical items that are created with Using a bomb or firearm is treated like using weapons of
the Engineering skill, and are classified into five groups, the same type.
according to general type, which are Bombs, Firearms,
Gadgets, Constructs, and Mecha. Most engineering items Device Complexity Cost
deal concussive damage.
Bombs/rockets/mines Simple As a consumable of
Prerequisites. Engineering requires at least 1 tinker level the same rarity
or an Intelligence of 15 or higher to become proficient with Firearm Moderate
the skill. A character that creates an engineering device is As an item of the
always proficient with it so long as they pass the Intelligence gadget As potions same rarity
requirements. Construct/mecha Very complex
As potions
Creating a Technological Device. When designing an
engineered item, the final cost, DC, and effects of the item As per CR (see Item
depend entirely on the amount of Engineering Points Creation Costs)
invested, which have a maximum equal to the user’s
Proficiency bonus. A character may willingly spend less than Concentration Spells. The duration of a gadget with a
their maximum engineering points to lower the cost (and duration of concentration depends on its final concentration
thus the difficulty of resisting the device). duration.
Devices have an effective rarity equal to the number of Original Concentration Duration Gadget Duration
Engineering Points invested into them (see the Item Up to 1 minute 2d4 rounds
Creation Cost table above). Expertise does not increase the Up to 10 minutes 2d4 x 10 rounds
amount of engineering points derived from the skill. Up to 1 hour 2d4 x 10 minutes
And so on…
Malfunction Rate. The malfunction rate is a dice result
(without modifiers) from 1 to the number of EP invested in Charges. Charges depend on energy sources. By default,
the device. A natural 1 is the minimum malfunction rate. the energy source is mechanical (clockwork, springs, etc.).
Effectively, the more advanced the device, the higher the See Energy Sources below for reference.
chance for a malfunction. Tinkers can lower this by
spending points, or with certain abilities. Technological Modifications. An Engineering Point may
be spent to add a different effect instead of increasing the
When a device first malfunctions, it gains the scope (damage if firearm or explosive, hit dice if construct or
malfunctioned condition. mecha, or maximum spell replicated if a gadget).
Malfunctioned Condition. The item can still be used Reliable Device (1 EP). The device’s function is controlled.
again, but its malfunction rate doubles. If a malfunctioned Its malfunction rating is reduced by 1 points for each EP
device malfunctions again, it has a serious drawback invested. This modification also does not increase the
(detailed under malfunction below), either breaking entirely malfunction rating.
(becoming useless), backfiring, or losing all its charges.
Furthermore, each device group has their own
This condition can be removed with one hour of work or at modifications.
the end of a short rest by a character who is familiar with the
device’s operation (such as one who has a schematic or Alternatively, an Engineering Point may be gained in
blueprint) or is proficient with engineering and the weapon. exchange for a penalty on the item (usually to offset a bonus
to a particular area). With technological modifications, a
character can decrease the radius of an explosive but
increase its damage (or vice versa). These are listed under
each technological device.
BOMBS • Rocket Form. In rocket form, using a rocket takes an
action and a ranged weapon attack roll (using Intelligence
Examples. The Big One, hand grenades, goblin land mines, as normal). The rocket’s range is 60/120 feet, and is
siege rockets, siege breaching charge otherwise treated as a thrown weapon, not a projectile
weapon. Its other properties (such as explosion radius,
Also known as explosives by default, these are light Agility save, and weight) does not otherwise change. When
thrown weapons that have a range of 30/90 ft. a rocket reaches its maximum range, it explodes
regardless of whether it reached its target or not.
Explosives call for a saving throw at the point of impact,
and require a successful activation check (to check for USING EXPLOSIVES
malfunction). They affect a 10-ft square radius, and call for
an Agility saving throw to halve the damage dealt. A bomb Explosives are engineered devices, and require an attack to
can be heard clearly up to 100 feet away. use.
Bombs deal 1d6 concussive damage per proficiency bonus Depending on the fuse of a bomb, they can explode on
invested to craft (minimum 1 point). Bombs may be thrown various times.
indirectly, or placed as a mine, or crafted into a rocket. A
bomb weighs 1 pound per proficiency bonus it was crafted • Instantaneous fuse. The grenade explodes at the end of
of. A bomb may be designed to send shrapnel, in which case its user’s turn
it deals half slashing damage instead of half bludgeoning
damage. If a bomb explodes near another bomb, they both • Delayed fuse. The grenade explodes after 1d4 rounds,
set off, and the damage stacks (up to triple damage and starting at the end of the user’s turn.
• Long fuse. The grenade explodes after one minute,
BOMB FORMS starting at the end of the user’s turn.
• Grenade Form. A thrown bomb is treated as a thrown A character may also make fuses that are predesigned to
improvised weapon for all intents and purposes. This explode after a specific number of rounds (determined at the
choice is made during crafting, and does not have a cost. time of crafting). Changing a fuse costs a bonus action.
Depending on the fuse, they can explode on later dates. By
default, an instantaneous fuse has the grenade explode at Plant Explosives. Explosives can be planted on targets
the end of the user’s current turn. (with Sleight of Hand opposed to Perception) and activated
If launched from a gadget, the range of the bomb increase normally (usually employing fuses to provide time enough to
escape). Saves made against explosives successfully planted
by the gadget’s own modifier or spell. This is called a on a creature have disadvantage to the target’s saving throw
Grenade Launcher or a Mortar. if they were not seen.
• Mine Form. In mine form, it takes an action to prime in an
Malfunction. On a second malfunction with a bomb or
adjacent 5-foot square, and triggers on any creature that mine (or attack roll with a rocket), there is a chance for each
moves atop it, blowing up. A mine can be seen and (roll 1d6).
disabled with a Perception and Thieves’ Tools check equal
to the saving throw DC. A mine is counted as a trap for all Roll Effect
mechanical purposes. 1-2 The explosive does not explode
3-4 Delayed explosion (1d4 rounds)
5-6 Explosive splashes in the wrong direction (see splash
Splash. Roll a 1d8. Clockwise, each number represents a
direction (1 represents forward, 5, backwards, 3 on the right,
7 on the left). The explosive flies off to that direction instead
of its original direction.
Careful Explosion (1 EP). The explosive’s (any type)
damage can be controlled. It can exclude a number of 5-foot
squares equal to 2 + your intelligence modifier, and can be
designated by the user before the damage is rolled.
Water (1 EP). The explosive is waterproofed, and does
not extinguish in water, and can be used underwater
normally. This is usually joined with the Focused Explosive
modification to retain damage at the expense of range.
Firework (1 EP). The explosive (any type) releases a
sharp whistle and a ringing blast. Suffering damage from
this explosive and failing the saving throw to halve damage bonus action to shoot the firearm, and you do not take
has a chance to either blind or deafen the targets (50% disadvantage from shooting in melee. If the melee attack
chance for both) for 1 minute. A successful saving throw successfully hit the target, the firearm attack is made with
negates the additional effect. advantage.
Sapper (1 EP). The explosive (any type) deals double Malfunction. On a second malfunction with an attack roll
damage to structures, but half to creatures (constructs are with a firearm, it has one of the two effects, with a chance
creatures for this purpose). for each (roll 1d6).
Special Effect (1 EP). The explosive (any type) may Roll Effect
manifest a 0-level spell (or half a spell level per engineering 1-3 The firearm jams, requiring a minute to clean it out
point spent). If this is an area of effect, it takes place in its 4-6 The gunpowder inside explodes, dealing the firearm’s
original spell area or in the area of effect of the bomb
(whichever is shorter). If it is a direct effect, it targets the normal damage in a 10-foot-sphere, centered on the
space the bomb was tossed only. firearm itself. The user and any affected creature may
perform an Agility check against the device DC for half
Widened Explosion (1 EP). The explosive (any type) damage. The damage dealt is half fire, half bludgeoning,
explosive radius increases by 10 meters per engineering and the firearm takes the same damage (and does not
point spent. apply resistance of any type).
Focused Explosive (-1 EP). The explosive (bomb or mine) MODIFICATIONS
area of effect is reduced to a single 5 foot-square.
Scattershot (1 EP). The firearm deals damage in a cone
FIREARMS instead of a direct attack (and therefore does not suffer from
disadvantage when used while in melee, and does not
Examples. Heavy and medium rifles, boomstick, siege require proficiency). The damage is in a 15’ Cone per
cannons, and sniper rifles. Proficiency bonus spent on this ability. This uses two bullets
or pellets per shot. A shot calls for an Agility saving throw
These are ranged ammunition weapons with a range of (DC 8 + Proficiency + Intelligence) for half damage. The user
(200/800) if medium or heavy, and (150/600) if light. They may spend another proficiency bonus to double the cone’s
come in light, medium, and heavy varieties. They require range instead of increasing damage.
bullets for ammunition, which act as normal ammunition.
Automatic Fire (1 EP). The firearm deals damage in a
A firearm has a capacity of 1 bullet per Proficiency bonus line instead of a direct attack (and therefore does not suffer
it was crafted with, before having to be reloaded with the use from disadvantage when used in melee, and does not
of one action per bullet. A firearm gives as much sound as require proficiency). The damage is in a 5-foot wide line with
an explosive when it is used. length equal to the firearm’s initial range. This uses three
bullets or pellets. A shot calls for an Agility saving throw (DC
Firearms deal 1d6 piercing damage per proficiency bonus 8 + Proficiency + Intelligence) for half damage. After dealing
if medium. If light, they deal 1d4 piercing damage. If heavy, damage to a maximum of six targets (or two per bullet
they deal 1d8 piercing damage. spent), the rest suffer no additional damage.
If the gun uses pellets instead of bullets, it deals Repeating/Revolving (1 EP). The firearm gains +4 to its
bludgeoning damage. ammo capacity. This modification does not decrease its
initial capacity, but does decrease damage as normal.
Firearms require reloading with gunpowder and
ammunition (cost of each is detailed under equipment). A Silent (1 EP). The firearm’s sound is muffled, and
firearm weighs 5 pounds if a light weapon, 10 if medium, imposes no penalty to the user’s Stealth check when used.
and 15 if heavy.
Sniper (1 EP). The firearm’s range doubles.
Special. Crossbows are similar to firearms, using Water (1 EP). The firearm is waterproofed, and does not
mechanical (clockwork) engines. The reload property counts extinguish in water, and can be used underwater normally.
as a charge. By default, crossbows do not have malfunction This reduces the firearm’s range by half, however.
chances, however, but can be upgraded as firearms (gaining
malfunction chances as normal). Crossbows start with 1 GADGETS
Examples. Mind remote (gnomish), rocket boots (goblin),
USING FIREARMS pulley gun, and rocket launcher.
Firearms are treated as normal ranged ammunition These technological devices act like items that replicate
weapons, and require an action to use (or a bonus action if spells. Gadgets have (upon creation) eight charges of said
light). A character using a firearm can also take a special spell that can be discharged by the same action it takes to
attack called a Touch-Blast Strike. discharge the spell. Each discharge consumes one charge.
Touch-Blast Strike. When making a melee attack with a Casting a spell through a gadget is not counted as a real
firearm ready (such as fighting with a saber and then spell, and thus is not subject to effects dependent on magic
shooting, or stabbing with a bayonet and then firing), you
may declare a touch-blast strike. In this case, you may use a
type, schools, and can be used against creatures immune to fixing a construct is a moderate task, and heals 1d8 hit
magic. points + engineering proficiency per CP invested in it.
A gadget may store one spell level every two Engineering CONSTRUCTS AND DRIVERS
Points invested (maximum 3rd level spells), and requires
one minute of cool down between uses. Mecha, Suits, and vehicles require drivers. It takes a bonus
action and 5 ft. of movement to enter or leave a mecha
A gadget’s properties and charges depend on its energy (besides the action to start and the warming up time). A
source, which must be chosen during creation (such as driver can control a mecha, suit, or vehicle directly instead of
electricity, gas/oil, mechanic, etc. their own character. When the user performs an action from
within the mecha or moves, the action is performed instead
Special. If the spell replicated by the gadget has a range by the mecha (using the mecha’s proficiency bonus,
or target of self or personal, or grants or affects movement Strength score, movement speed, and abilities) instead of
speed (such as fly or feather fall), the gadget must also be that of the pilot’s own, except with ranged attacks,
worn on a harness, which is treated as leather armor. One spellcasting, and skill checks (which use the driver’s
cannot wear both a harness and armor heavier than light, bonuses).
and a harness can hold one gadget (which must be changed
and re-aligned with 3 rounds of work before being switched). Vehicles and Mecha can deal melee damage (slam or ram)
equal to 1d8 per Proficiency of creation (plus its Strength as
If a spell is a touch spell that may also target other normal). This is treated as a longsword of the same size
creatures, creating it as a harness increases the spell’s (1d6 for small, 2d6 for large, etc.).
duration by 25% instead.
A construct can be deactivated with the same action to
Malfunction. On a second malfunction with the activation activate it.
roll with a gadget, it is either drained or overheated. There is
a chance for each (roll 1d4). For example, a Dwarven siege engine driver can use his
bonus action to use the engine’s ability to shoot anti-air
Roll Effect rockets, or use his own action to either shoot the siege
1-2 The device loses 1d4 charges. If this reduction takes it to engine’s cannons or peer out of the siege engine and shoot
their personal rifle.
-1 charge, the gadget cannot be used until it regains full
charges Note. A vehicle with no inborn engineering mechanisms
3-4 The device’s cool down is one hour (or short rest). that warrant a challenge rating, such as ships or carts, are
not considered constructs, but are considered items instead.
Special. Constructs have their own air supply if designed
Quick Use (1 EP). The gadget may be used again within for air or underwater (or if specified so). This increases the
1d4 rounds instead of an entire minute. cost of construction by 25%, but allows enough air for four
hours if at full capacity.
Long Cooldown (-1 EP). The gadget requires a day to cool
down. This cannot be used with quick use. For example, a large submarine can hold enough air for
four hours to two medium creatures or one large creature
Low Charge (-1 EP). The gadget can contain only one (which treats it as a suit). If only one medium creature drives
charge. the submarine (or two small creatures), the air supply is
double as long, and remains for eight hours. If one small
CONSTRUCTS creature, they exhaust the air supply in sixteen hours.
Examples. Golems, Robots, Mecha and Vehicles Malfunction. On a second malfunction with an activation
roll with a construct (regardless of type), it either shuts
Constructs activate for one hour per charge. Constructs down, is haywire, burns fuel, or runs slowly (roll a d4).
require an action to activate (and 1 minute of the construct
warming up), or be programmed to begin activation with a Roll Effect
contingency (such as when an enemy enters a laboratory, if a 1 Construct remains inactive, and locks down until one
remote control button is clicked, etc.) hour passes.
2 Construct activates normally, but is hostile to anything
These act like creatures of the construct type. They obey in sight (until restarted), or cannot target any creature (if
those who hold control over them (or who drive them for a mecha).
mecha and vehicles). Constructs have eight charges, each 3 The construct is active, but burns fuel at double normal
used for one hour. The construct may have one CR per rate (until restarted).
Engineering Point spent, and may be custom-built from any 4 The construct is active, but be slowed (as the spell)
construct in the monster manual. Constructs take orders (until restarted).
when the user communicates it to them via touching and/or
manipulating knobs/controls on them, or otherwise issuing a Constructs consume one charge per hour of activation.
spoken command when adjacent to them. Constructs may behave independently, or when controlled
by the user (in the latter case, it is treated as a mount).
The DC of any ability used by a construct is equal to 8 +
Proficiency + Intelligence.
A construct’s properties and charges also depend on its
energy source (see Energy Sources below). Healing and
MODIFICATIONS Arcane/Mana Engine (Mana). The device is powered by a
combination of mana-focusing lenses and raw arcane
Quick Startup (1 EP). The construct takes one round to energies. So long as enough mana is in the device, it is
activate. active. A charge consumes 1 point of mana per EP of the
device. The focusing lens can usually hold enough mana for
Special Movement (1 EP). The construct can swim, three uses. Mana can be invested by linking a caster’s
climb, or fly (minimum Proficiency +4). See below the manaflow to the device, which begins feeding off his own
speeds granted. mana reserves. After establishing the connection, a caster
may invest up to half their maximum mana. After severing
Proficiency Speed the connection, the caster’s own mana circulation is
+2 — disrupted, and requires a Spellcasting check (spellcasting
+3 15 attribute modifier plus proficiency bonus) with a DC equal to
+4 30 the amount of mana invested into the device. On a failed
+5 60 check, the character cannot cast spells for an hour. A device
+6 90 cannot feed off the mana signatures of two different casters,
and must expend all its charges first.
Special. The engineer may reduce the existing land speed
by 5 feet to add it to special movement, up to a minimum Combustion (Oil/Gas/Powder). The device is powered by
land speed of 0 feet. combustion. So long as fuel remains in the tank, the device
is active. A charge is gained by one pint of liquid oil,
CONSTRUCTS: MECHA phlogiston, or gas. A device’s tank is usually large enough
for eight pints (a gallon). Gas and oil are usually kept in
A user within a mecha or suit gains ¾ cover versus any traveling tanks. A pint of gas or vial of phlogiston usually
attack from outside, but takes 1/4 the damage suffered by costs 50 gold. For the purposes of energy sources, firearms
the mecha. If the damage cannot harm the mecha and and bombs use combustion, but two ounces of gunpowder
bypasses it (such as psychic damage), it deals full damage to per use for firearms, and one pound per bombs. You do not
the user if it has line of sight and effect. have to pay an additional cost with bombs, but must supply
gunpowder and bullets (or pellets) for firearms.
The mecha cannot be smaller than its user. A mecha’s
properties and charges depend on its energy source. The Electricity (Batteries). The device is powered by
user does not benefit from any damage or condition batteries. A charge is gained per single battery. So long as
resistances or immunities the mecha has, and may be enough charges remain in the device, it is active.
targeted (though the user still benefits from 1/4 damage
shield). Any single battery functions for one hour before expiring.
A single battery costs 50 gold, and weighs one pound, and
CONSTRUCTS: VEHICLES can store up to 1 charge. Batteries are tiny items made of
iron, and have the appropriate statistics. A battery can be
Some siege weapons can’t normally move (and are charged by electricity spells (in which case recharging it acts
designated by Push), and others require fuel as mecha. as a mana engine). Granting an electrical engine more
Vehicles may deal siege damage or normal damage charges than its maximum automatically causes a
(declared during creation). Siege damage falls under normal malfunction.
categories of nonmagical slashing/bludgeoning, etc., but if
designated as siege attacks, it deals double damage to Elemental (Spirits). The device is powered by elemental
structures, and half to creatures. Vehicles may mount spirits (of any Challenge), with one charge per Challenge
rockets, firearms, and offensive and defensive gadgets, but rating. Only a called or natural elemental can be used (not a
they are all external (and thus have a chance to be stolen or conjured or temporary one), usually trapped in a Capture
targeted). The user (or any fellow riders) may make use of Essence spell’s focus). The device regenerates charges as
these resources as their actions as if the item is within reach the elemental rests (1d4 per day, cannot exceed maximum
(such as mounting firearms for an ally to use). charge). A trapped elemental calls out for creatures that can
aid them (such as Shamans and witch doctors), and typically
A mech/vehicle still requires actions to reload, but if the pledge aid or reward for being released (though they are
vehicle has other occupants, they may instead use their under no compulsion to actually fulfill their promise).
actions to reload, leaving the shooter free to use the firearm
constantly the next round. Mechanical (Clockwork/Springs). The device is powered
by springs, gears, and clockwork mechanisms. A charge is
ENERGY SOURCES gained by winding the mechanism designated in the device
or creature. It is a very simple task to grant one charge. If
A device’s energy source determines how often it can the gadget is damaged, or if the construct or mecha suffer a
recharge, how it malfunctions, and various other traits. critical hit, it loses one charge.
Alchemical Engine (Potions). The device is powered by
alchemical powers. The engine consumes one dose of potion
to activate the device. The engine grants 5 charges per
quality of the potion (potion of alarm would grant 5 charges).
Necromancy (Souls). The device is powered by a Rarity Complexity
necromantic crystal (of any Challenge rating chosen), with Common Very Simple
one charge per point of Challenge (maximum 10). Uncommon Simple
Necromancy souls are stored in soul gems (created via the Rare Moderate
Capture Essence spell). The device does not naturally Very Rare Complex
regenerate charges, but it regains charges if it kills (or Legendary and artifact Highly Complex
reduces to 0 hit points) any living creature directly (charges
regained equal to half the target’s Challenge or level, cannot Using Poisons. Applying poisons is a Use Object action if
be applied to single-use devices). Soul gems can be broken they are not used as weapons. If applied to a weapon,
either manually or by attempting to revive the characters poisons retain potency for one minute or until used. Poisons
trapped within them. are applicable to up to three hits. A creature multiple times
with a single poison suffers disadvantage to the saving throw
Most necromancy devices have a backup engine (usually of the poison.
mechanical or electricity).
Depending on the vector of the poison, it takes different
Steam (Coal). The device is powered by steam-power. A shapes.
charge is gained by burning coal (or any similar, slow-
burning material). • Cracking eggshells made of pottery or porcelain delivers
inhaled poisons (treat as potions in regards to range, with
A steam-powered device requires a small furnace (either a 10-foot radius cloud), and are treated as improvised
within it, as a mecha or construct, or outside it if a gadget), weapons.
and four pounds of coal grants one charge over five minutes
of burning. A gadget may be charged by steam-power, and • Applying poisons to a door handle delivers contact
not directly powered by it, following the same rules. When poisons.
charging a device, the furnace may be resupplied with coal
until all charges are set. The furnace can hold up to thirty- • Applying poisons to the tip of an arrow or within a syringe
two pounds of coal (enough for 8 hours). delivers injury poisons.
POISONER’S KIT • Applying poisons to a bowl or cooked meal delivers
ingested poisons.
A character proficient with a poisoner’s kit may gain
immunity to any disease or poison they know how to create The default DC of each poison is 13, although proficient
by subjecting themselves to it and surviving the ordeal. This have DCs (8 + proficiency + Intelligence modifier).
requires three survivals of the poisoning or the disease, and
no more than three times over the course of a year. A poison Crafting poisons requires proficiency in a poisoner’s kit
or disease must be recovered from naturally to count and materials. Poisons can be crafted using alchemical
towards immunity. crafting points of the same components, or ingredients of
the same cost (such as coming across 100 gp worth of a
lesser demon’s blood, or 200 gp worth of deathweed). Their
cost is that of a consumable under the appropriate rarity
(see item creation costs in CP).
CHAPTER 8: ADVENTURING until day breaks, before they return to their normal lives.
An insight check (DC 17) followed with an arcana check
BETWEEN ADVENTURES (DC 20) reveals that one of the children is a level 3 shadow
priest and has charmed the rest, and is hearing the
LOCATIONS AND SETTLEMENTS whispers of an ancient being beyond the western seas,
somewhere in south Kalimdor.
Just as creatures, locations and settlements have statistics. • Gnoll Raid (South and Southwest): One Westfall brigade,
These statistics detail the population of the settlement, its led by a knight fighting one squad of Riverpaw gnolls.
size, military, and common encounters in it. Alternatively, 1d6 gnolls skulk the countryside heading
back or to a farmstead at the edge of Goldshire or a small
Using the location sheet, a DM can use the encounters village.
(whether they be events, combat, or traps) and give structure • Defias Wagon Clamp (any road): The Defias Brotherhood
to exploring it. Characters may also harvest resources from set a wagon clamp trap here to cripple traveling wagons.
an area (as per the rules above). • Wandering Boss: Hogger (gnoll warrior 3) and 1d6 gnolls
• Murloc Attack (near water only): Two murlocs hide in the
SAMPLE LOCATION: ELWYNN FOREST thrushes, throwing a net at the most mobile-looking
opponent and attack them with their spears and harpoons,
Location: East of Stormwind, middle-south Eastern intent on dragging the corpse back home for seasoning.
Kingdoms • Wildlife: 1d6 wolves roam the land, searching for easy
prey. Instead, the encounter could feature 1d4 very
Terrain Type: Forest aggressive boars.
Resources: Echo Ridge Mine (uncommon iron node), 2
miles of unoccupied farmland
Riverpaw Marauder Extraordinaire
Hogger is a powerful gnoll who has a deserved reputation of
Elwynn lies below the southern foothills of Blackrock depravity and strength. He is a 3rd level gnoll warrior with
Mountain. The forest is a labyrinthine mixture of rushing the following focuses
rivers, various lakes, gold mines, and forests of
magnificent trees and lush glades. Its rich farmland is a Talent (rage), fighting style (great weapon fighting) and
result of frequent rains. Recently several of the lakes have archetype (arms).
been found to be inhabited by hostile murlocs. Stormwind
City itself sits proudly in the northwestern hills of the Hogger carries an uncommon-quality magical +1 battleaxe
region, its gates opening down onto the Forest. East of that looks like a cleaver. Retrieving proof of killing Hogger
Stormwind and behind a thick wall lies the peaceful yields 100 gp in bounty.
Northshire Valley and its Abbey.
• Goldshire (Largest settlement, Kingdom of Stormwind) DAMAGING STRONGHOLDS
• Northshire Abbey. Abbey stronghold, led by Brother
Each 10 x 10 foot section (whether it be wall, room, or door)
Samuel (paladin 2) and Priestess Anetta (priest 2) of a stronghold can be damaged. It has AC and hit points
• Northshire vine fields. This farmland is 2 miles large, but relevant to its material, and is immune to poison and psychic
is occupied by the Defias brotherhood, who drove off the
farmers. Reducing a section to 0 hit points destroys it and might
• Echo Ridge Mine. This abandoned mine is infested with a cause connected sections to buckle and collapse at the DM’s
tribe of 1d10 x 10 kobolds. discretion (usually if the attacker has the plans of the
• Thunder Falls. This waterfall has an abandoned cottage stronghold or is knowledgeable of masonry, such as having
nearby, and is a good destination for a picnic. proficiency with the relevant artisan tool). A destroyed
section suppresses a stronghold function (such as punching
ENCOUNTERS (ROLL ONCE PER EXPLORATION ROUND): into a storage room or prison wall, exposing the contents or
releasing prisoners, respectively).
• Defias Thugs. 1d4 Defias Brotherhood cutpurses or
watchmen A stronghold can be damaged with one spell that affects
all sections in the spell’s area. If the effect or spell affects
• Blackrock Raiders (North and Northeast): 1d4 Orc
clansmen raiding the edges of Northshire
• Creepy Children (Goldshire only): 2d4 children walk in
curious sync with one another, and at some nights when
they believe no-one is watching, they gather in a random
inn room in Goldshire, draw a pentagram, and stare at it
only one side of the stronghold (such as from the outside), commanders open multiple points of entry to overwhelm
add all hit points together, with the damage causing an and demoralize defenders.
indent equal to the amount of increments of damage
compared to inches. Damage
Therefore, a cottage made of wood that is enveloped in the Weapon per Minute Stone (1 ft. Thick) Wood (1 ft. Thick)
area of an Earthquake or Death and Decay spell applies its 2 minutes 1 minute 6 rounds
damage to all sections; possibly bringing down the Ballista* 160 9 rounds
stronghold with the single spell. If attacking with a Fire Bolt 1 minute 7 rounds
spell cast by an 11th level spellcaster (3d10, average of 16 Cannon* 440 7 rounds
damage), however, every two hits cause 32 damage, 1 minute 4 rounds 1 minute 2 rounds
equivalent to 1 inch of wood burnt out. Trebuchet* 440 2 minutes 1 minute 6 rounds
Mangonel* 270
Ram 160
Material AC Hit Points per Wall (1 foot) Damage * With these weapons, it is assumed the attacker has a full crew
Stone 17 Inch 360 Threshhold to maintain one attack per round (crew ranging from 3 to 5 for 3
Wood 25 300 to 5 actions each, see the individual descriptions of siege
30 10 weapons in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 256). Without a
full crew for the siege weapon, the damage takes longer (five
25 5 times the normal time for trebuchets, for example).
With spells like death and decay and earthquake, it typically Collapsing Buildings. A collapsing structure damages
takes one minute of damage to reduce a building’s floor to
rubble with this spell (average of 21 damage per round for nearby creatures within half the structure’s height. Said
death and decay and 50 per round for earthquake, before
comparing to the Damage Threshold). creatures must make an Agility saving throw or else take
SIEGE WEAPONS AND BOMBARDMENT 5d6 bludgeoning damage, and is knocked prone, and is
Siege weapons take a number of rounds on average, to buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
destroy or breach a wall section. Setting up siege weapons is
therefore a critical step that stronghold defenders must check as an action to escape. The DM can adjust the DC
prevent, such as by sending outriders to harry or defeat the
crew, sabotage with thieves’ tools, use their own siege higher or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On a
weapons, building the stronghold in marshy terrain or
behind moats, or preparing (or digging) tunnels that end successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and
behind enemy lines. The below chart assumes average
damage, and walls one foot thick. Interior walls are half as doesn’t fall prone or become buried. The DM can waive the
thick (and take half the time to destroy).
damage entirely and entrap a character in a small area that
Note. This assumes concentrated bombardment on the
same 10 by 10 foot section. Usually in war, attacking has not caved in, though this still requires the above check to
Vehicles that move without their own power (such as being
pushed or dragged by muscle or wind) are not constructs at
all, and are treated as normal vehicles in the Dungeon
Master’s Guide. Siege weapons that are not attached to
constructs must also be driven this way.
Engines may be added to a non-construct vehicle or siege
weapon, altering its speed and reducing the crew required to
move it. Engines are considered gadgets.
Type Cost Speed Crew/ Passengers Cargo AC HP Threshold
3 mph 30/60 250 tons 17 600 20
Juggernaut 40,000 gp
VEHICLE AND SIEGE WEAPON ENGINES A character can perform these activities with a 1-day
Engines are uncommon-quality devices, and count as 10
crew members if medium-sized, cost 5,000 gp, and consume • Finding a resource node is usually easy and within plain
fuel as a construct (in 1-hour increments) sight, such as a grove with uncommon herbs or a vein with
special minerals. If they are not recognized, searching for
For each size category larger, they count as 10 more crew them (such as via prospecting) takes a day for each 1-mile
members, cost an additional 5,000 gp, and consume double square, and may require a Spirit check with the
the same fuel per size category. Creating an engine is a appropriate tool proficiency.
complexity 4 task (28 days).
• Gather materials from a resource node (see harvesting
ADVENTURING SCALES under gathering skills)
This is the scale appropriate for combat and adventuring
(wherein a round is 6 seconds), other scales become more RESURRECTION
appropriate with different activities to help manage and
organize the players’ times. Resurrection in the Warcraft universe’s lore is a contentious
subject; player characters can be revived, but important
EXPLORATION NPCs usually die permanently.
When exploring a region (such as the tunnels of Ironforge, Resurrection is possible and expensive, although several
the woods of Quel’Thalas or Zul’Aman), unmapped factors make it easier, and some make it impossible.
dungeons (such as the Deadmines or Blackrock Mountain),
or • Intact Corpse. An intact corpse is required for
resurrection with the following spells: Revivify (3rd level),
1 minute or 1 hour rounds. The DM may decide to work and Raise Dead (5th level). Missing body parts are not
on 1 minute rounds (if the region is small, densely restored with these spells, and an armless corpse becomes
populated, or if the characters have high movement speeds an armless raised character. If the limb is required for life
or are mounted) 1 hour rounds (if the region is large, (such as a head), the resurrection fails.
sparsely populated, or if the characters are on foot), or 1 day
rounds (if the activities take long, but not longer than • Free Soul. Some spells and effects trap the soul, such as
moderate-complexity tasks). the Imprisonment spell (9th level), or the Capture Essence
spell (minimum 2nd level). Being alive also prevents
Overland travel usually takes place while using returning to life, as the soul is technically trapped in the
exploration rounds. body it inhabits. An animated undead is treated as an
imprisoned soul. A trapped soul must be freed before
The below rules supplant those in the Dungeon Master’s resurrected (such as breaking the imprisonment spell,
Guide destroying the capture essence focus, or destroying an
animated undead).
A character can perform these activities with a 1-minute If a soul is trapped in a focus (such as the Capture Essence
action. spell or a soul-stealing sword), the one who casts the spell
or evokes the effect must contest their spellcasting
• Cast a spell with a casting time of 1 minute attribute with the target. On a success of two out of three
• Carefully search a moderate area (such as a room or rolls, the focus that traps the soul is broken and the soul is
freed. Focuses that can be broken this way are explicitly
hallway, roughly 20x20 feet) for secret rooms, doors, or stated to be subject to this effect.
traps. Exploring a smaller section or a trap takes one
action as normal. • Willing Target. The target must be willing to return. Some
characters, upon a fulfilled life, find that they cannot (or
A character can perform these activities with a 1-hour are unwilling) to be revived. This cancels the spell without
action. consuming any material components.
• Cast a spell with a casting time of 1 hour • Material Components. Spells that raise the dead require
• Take a short rest. expensive material components, such as diamonds (or
their dust), alchemical reagents, or anything that can stand
For eight hours, a character can take a long rest. At the in for the price. For example, a cherished wedding band
end of every hour, the following occurs: can pay the price of the spell if it has a comparable price
• One torch is fully exhausted
• One-sixth of a lantern’s oil is burnt out
• Carefully search a large area (such as a large room or
small structure) for secret rooms, doors, or traps.
• A random encounter occurs (as appropriate for the region)