(even if not exact), as well as a magical item with an of storms were used to create Ogre Magi during the
infusion cost comparable to the spell’s cost. Second War (and to a lesser extent, the Third War). After
the war ended, they became reinfused with shamanistic
Resurrection Sickness. Spells that revive inflict magic to recall the lingering spirits of heroes back to life.
resurrection sickness. The target takes a -4 penalty to attack • Altar of Darkness. Built with dark magics in blighted
rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Whenever they take grounds, this structure serves as a channeling nexus for
a long rest, the penalty decreases by 1 point until it is the Scourge's dark restorative powers. When a hero falls
eliminated entirely. in battle, his essence may be recalled to this site, where it
is given new, unholy life. Altars of darkness are utilized by
RESURRECTION ALTARS the Forsaken and the Scourge.
• Altar of Elders. So powerful is the Night Elven bond with
Altars of resurrections are known center points of power, the Ancients, that even upon their death and the death of
usually built in intersections of lay energies or in hallowed their ancient allies, their life energies may be recalled, and
areas. It is these sites, once erected, that heroes may be their spirit made tangible in the waking world once again.
resurrected to do battle once again (for an offering of gold). For this to occur, a nexus must be constructed, a
To be restored via an Altar of Resurrection, a character must channeling place to collect and restore life energies. This
be at least of 5th level or higher and attune themselves with place is the altar of elders.
one altar (which takes a day of being less than 30 feet from
it, and costs nothing). The offering may be paid with coin, or IMMORTALS
with the sacrifice of any similarly-valued object (such as
breaking an ancestral blade, or the sacrifice of a being Immortals such as celestials and fiends (sometimes known
within two levels from the target). If a creature dies on a as outsiders), undead, and fey have different natures than
plane different from where its altar is located, it cannot be mortals such as humanoids, beasts, etc. and do not age or
revived by the altar. die of aging.
The Altar takes one hour to revive a creature whose spirit Additionally, outsiders cannot be destroyed unless killed
is called out to, and besides the offering and a sure way to under certain conditions.
identify the target, the target’s corpse is not required. The
resurrected creature appears unarmed, unarmored, and • They must be killed on their native plane (the Twisting
unclothed, and has no starting possessions. If the character Nether for demons, and the native realm for celestials), or
died while affected by a curse, they retain the curse, but their a plane heavily influenced by it, or
bodies are free from any nonmagical diseases or poisons.
The character is also at full hit points and mana, and retains • They must be gated in physically (via a gate or plane shift,
any prepared and set spells, and takes a penalty of -4 on all or similar effects) such as when the lich Kel’Thuzad
d20 checks. Each long rest removes -1 from this penalty invited the archdemonic Archimonde via a gate to Azeroth
until the penalty is wholly removed. during the Third War.
Summoning a character’s spirit this way costs 100 gold Few spellcasters know that outsiders do not die unless
per level of the target. Altars of Resurrection are in every under these conditions (most of those who do know are
Alliance, Horde, and Independent (see Scourge) city of warlocks who share this information sparingly). If a creature
populace 1,000 or higher, or any fort or citadel (but not is bonded without being invited or gated in, they reform as
every small military outpost), and is also attuned to its normal.
military and civil leaders. Access to the Altar is usually
restricted--as those who sabotage it undermine a great Due to the difficulties of killing demons under these
weapon. conditions, they are usually banished, trapped (either in
gems, or spell focuses such as by the Capture Essence spell,
The altar cannot resurrect a creature that is not dead, or or by spells such as Imprisonment), or imprisoned instead of
one not willing to return, or a creature that has already destroyed. In the case of the Capture Essence spell,
underwent a transformation that changed what it was (living ambitious spellcasters might even use the creature’s spirit to
being into an undead, or a demon), or a creature whose soul fuel infusions or to power engineering devices, though they
is stolen or trapped. run the risk the creature escapes.
• Altar of Kings. Made by materials provided by Kirin Tor to Forsaken and other intelligent undead is another special
serve the Alliance and her people, the Altar of Kings, acts case. So long as an undead is intelligent, it can be raised or
as a harness for the derelict life forces of fallen human revived by the normal raising spells (Revivify, Raise Dead,
champions (including their allies the dwarves and high and Resurrection). Unintelligent undead are usually ‘revived’
elves). The specifics of this building's magical properties by repeated animation.
are among the most guarded secrets in all human realms.
Some undead often have special conditions to destroy
• Altar of Storms. Used by the Orcish Horde and created by beyond resurrection. For example, liches can only be killed if
utilized elven runestones corrupted by fel magic, the altars their phylacteries are destroyed.
Although undead also require their body parts to be Intelligent undead usually appear in traumatic events that
available to be raised through these spells, it is easy to would cause their spirit to linger and return (executed
simply stitch body parts together with a sewing kit (or use unjustly, betrayed and killed by a loved one, died with
body parts from other corpses), although the undead’s head broken oaths or severe regrets, slain on unholy ground, etc.,
is a vital and irreplaceable part. as determined by the DM). Spellcasters may attempt to
replicate these circumstances with the Bind Undead spell.
The resurrection spell can, however, revert an undead
creature to living, so long as its soul is free, but only if it is Casting the bind spell on a corpse in an area that was
heightened to 9th level (also known as True Resurrection). significant to the person while alive may summon his spirit
to be bound as an undead. Animating and then binding a
Creating intelligent undead requires more than just human farmer in the ruins of a market he used to sell his
animating them; the Plague of Undeath was an unholy wares in, an elven farstrider in her archery range, or an orc
concoction suffused with necromantic and soul magics, and in his hut are all likely to return a sliver of the creature’s
animated by semi-sentient will. Created by the Lich King spirit, returning their mental attributes to normal. These
before the beginning of the Third War, the Plague of undead, if released from the binding, join the ranks of the
Undeath is the strongest and most reliable tool to create Forsaken.
intelligent undead (see equipment).
Fey. Fey slain reform in the Emerald Dream, but do not
Should the Lich King’s telepathic control of his undead regain physical bodies, such as the elder fey Cenarius.
minions waver (either by suffering damage to himself of the
Frozen Throne), there is a chance that these free-willed Constructs. Constructs are considered functionally
undead will summon back their spirits to their bodies, immortal, and can be fixed and recrafted by a character with
becoming intelligent undead—in many cases, joining the a sufficiently high proficiency in engineering, although they
ranks of the Forsaken. cannot be restored if missing critical components (subject to
joint DM-player adjudication).
ACTIONS IN COMBAT Different attacks, damaging spells, and other harmful effects
deal different types of damage. Damage types have no rules
ATTACK of their own, but other rules, such as damage resistance, rely
on the types. The damage types follow, with examples to
When using an action to make an attack, some abilities help a DM assign a damage type to a new effect.
(such as the Extra Attack feature or Haste) allow multiple
attacks. In this case, each attack is called a single attack Arcane. Arcane is pure magical energy focused into a
action. damaging form. Most effects that deal arcane damage are
spells, including magic missile and spiritual weapon. Effects
This conversion also makes use of several effects that that used to deal force damage deal arcane damage instead.
affect combat, such as strike and stance effects. The
character must choose to use their bonus action to fight Concussive. Concussive damage is half bludgeoning, half
(with an off-hand weapon or cast a spell or use an item) or to thunder. Most effects that deal concussive damage as fueled
use a strike effect if they have one. by explosives.
• Strikes and Shots. These are abilities or spells that Holy. Holy is a form of divine power focused to harm or
consume a bonus action to execute and grant an additional heal (if it also has the healing descriptor), such as a paladin’s
effect on the first successful attack (or a number of smite or a holy light spell. Most effects that deal holy
successful attacks, depending on the description). When damage are fueled by divine beings. Effects that used to deal
using a strike effect, the use of a bonus action prevents radiant damage deal holy damage instead.
using two-weapon fighting and use of off-hand natural
attacks. Any character using a strike or shot effect can Shadow. Shadow is the polar opposite of the holy light,
declare whether or not to use them for each attack action, and can also be used to harm or heal different creature
or to withhold the effect until before the end of the types, such as a death knight’s runic strike or death coil.
duration. Shot spells are strike spells, but are restricted to Most effects that deal shadow damage are fueled by dark
ranged weapons. beings such as void lords. Effects that used to deal necrotic
damage deal shadow damage instead.
• Stances. These are abilities or spells that restrict the
character’s movement, but grant the bonus so long as they Fel. Fel damage is a semi-sentient form of magic that
are conscious and acting. They usually require an action or suffuses and corrupts living beings, and are usually spells,
a bonus action to enter (depending on the description). such as a warlock’s orb of annihilation or a fiend’s explosive
Some stances require moving less than half a character’s death. Most effects that deal fel damage are fueled by fiends
maximum speed, while others require constant movement. or the lords of the Burning Legion. Effects that used to deal
necrotic damage and were of a demonic source deal fel
• Auras. These are abilities or spells that emit an aura damage instead.
centered on the character, reaching 15 feet away, and
typically remain for a few minutes. Auras require DAMAGE CLASS
concentration to maintain, and are therefore subject to
distraction, but they do not prevent the character from Often times, certain abilities describe damage classes.
concentrating on another effect at the same time. Physical damage includes bludgeoning, piecing, slashing
Elemental damage includes acid, cold, fire, and lightning.
A character can only benefit from aura at any given time Magic damage includes arcane, holy, shadow, thunder,
(their choice), and auras can usually counter other ones.
and fel.
DAMAGE AND HEALING Some damage effects deal one-half one damage and one-
Effects that deal holy damage and can heal the living give half another, such as concussive damage. In this case, divide
the option for the spellcaster to either heal or deal damage. the damage into its component halves before applying
The same goes for effects that deal shadow damage and resistances
heal (though it can only heal the undead or demons). These
spells have the [Healing] descriptor, or otherwise only harm.
For example, the Holy Light spell is a [healing] spell that
can deal holy damage. If targeting a living being, the caster
can choose to make it heal them instead. Death Coil is also a
[healing], though it can only heal the undead and demons,
while dealing shadow damage at the will of the caster to
other creatures.
CHAPTER 10: SPELLCASTING Spellcasting Ability
Depending on the character’s class or race, they may gain
Whether it comes in the form of a healer’s gentle touch or spellcasting abilities (also known as a caster level).
the wrath of a warlock’s fiery rain, magic is a way of life in Spellcasting can either be arcane (drawn from studying
Azeroth. For good or evil, magic has infiltrated the world esoterica, complex ley patterns, and ancient tomes and
and shows no sign of leaving. The dark siren call of the runes) or divine (drawn from revering and being granted
arcane and the gentle but firm tapping of divine energies powers from powerful entities, such as the Elven goddess
both color the world and affect its inhabitants. The way of Elune, the Holy Light, the Unholy Shadow, or the Lich
magic is often a dangerous road to travel, yet most set out King).
confidently on a journey that they do not expect to end in
doom. Regardless of source, merely gaining spellcasting
capabilities grants the character the ability to cast spells and
The path of the arcane magic user is dark and maintain a mana pool to fuel their powers. The spellcaster
questionable. Arcane power is undeniably the strongest needs to have spells readied and prepared, and also requires
magic branch; arcanists can command elements, monsters the mana necessary to fuel them.
and even undead with their power. It was the use of these
powers, however, that attracted the most destructive forces The character’s caster level is different from (but is
to Azeroth — not once, but many times in the past ten affected by) their character level and hit dice, and
thousand years. Even with history proving time and again determines access to new spell levels (representing mastery
that arcane use leads to damnation, there is no lack of of magic), while the spellcaster’s proficiency bonus
arrogant new arcanists on Azeroth who believe that they can determines the cost of magic spells and mana pool size
control the forces at work. Arcane magic users are usually (which represents their practical training).
high elves and humans. Demons are the masters of the
arcane, and the Lich King and his Scourge spellcasters are KNOWN AND PREPARED SPELLS
also talented.
The caster level of the spellcaster is determined by the
The path of the divine is less fraught with paradox and ability that grants spellcasting. Mages gain 1 caster level for
doom. Arcane casters call it the weaker path, while divine every level in the mage class, while paladins gain half the
casters calmly state that it is the subtler of the two. Focused normal rate. A spellcaster can only prepare spells if their
on support magic and healing, adherents of the divine can caster level is 1 or higher. The below table shows the spell
also call down the destructive forces of nature. Divine level accessed by caster level. Unlike with normal fractions,
practitioners are usually orcs, tauren or night elves. caster levels are rounded up at the point they are gained.
Ironforge dwarves and humans also have their divine magic
users. For example, the hunter’s spellcasting is at 0.5 a caster
level per level in hunter, but gain the Spellcasting feature at
This chapter introduces the mana system, and the level 2 (preventing spellcasting to be done at level 1). A level
mechanics that facilitate its function.
10 mage and level 10 hunter have caster levels of 10 and • 1st level: The first level of any spellcasting class
5, respectively, allowing the mage can access 5th level instantaneously grants a number of readied spells, such as
spells, and the hunter to access 3rd level spells. by gaining a grimoire, spellbook, libram (holy spellbook)
Merely having a high enough caster level is not enough to
begin casting, however; a character must also prepare and • Higher levels: When leveling up, the spellcaster gains 2
access the relevant spell. spells of any spell level they can cast. They are treated as if
they have spent their pastime performing research (see
PREPARED AND KNOWN SPELLS below or Discovery on chapter 4).
A character can prepare a total number of spells equal to • Scribing a Spell: Drawing new runes with rare inks,
their caster level plus their spellcasting attribute modifier. carving a dedication on a shaman totem, or reproducing a
These spells can be of any spell level the character can spell in a mage’s spellbook or scroll into another one all
access and cast (being of the required caster level and spell require acute understanding of spellcasting, time, and
list). materials. A character may add new spells into their
spellbook (or class equivalents) as a simple complexity
HEIGHTENING SPELLS crafting task that costs 50 gp per spell level they scribe (or
2 Infusion Dust per spell level).
A caster may cast a lower-level spell with additional mana as
if it were a few spell levels higher. This is termed • Research: A character can research and create their own
heightening. Spells that can be heightened gain various spell (effectively preparing a spell in their spell lists they
effects when they are heightened at specific spell levels. This could not find yet) by spending two weeks in research and
can only be done if the caster level of the spellcaster is high the cost of scribing the spell. This works exactly as the
enough to heighten the spell to said level. skill discovery ability (see chapter 4).
A character can always heighten a spell. In most cases, the • Tutelage: Spellcasters may gain spells directly from other
difference between one spell level and another is 1 mana spellcasters or magical beings such as celestials, fey,
point. demons, undead, or monstrosities. Tutelage costs the
same as scribing a new spell, or may be done for free in
For example, a 10th level paladin with 16 (+3) Spirit has a return for a service or fulfilling a quest.
caster level of 5, allowing him to prepare 8 spells, and
access up to 3rd level spells. He may prepare 2 3rd level Druids, shamans, and warlocks usually resort to being
spells, 3 2nd level spells, and 3 1st level spells, or any tutored by powerful beings (such as Cenarius taught
combination of which. If casting the 1st level Holy Light Malfurion Stormrage, the elementals taught Thrall, and
spell, the paladin may choose to heighten it to 3rd level demonic cults teach warlocks) in exchange for services
(costs 6 mana) instead of a 1st level spell (costs 4 mana) to (usually related to defeating their enemies or reducing their
heal 3d8 + 3 instead of 1d8 + 3. influence.
SPELL LEVEL TABLE Spell Level Accessed A conjured creature cannot tutor their conjurer, but a
1 (and cantrips if specified by class) bound creature can.
Caster Level
1 2 Subject to joint DM-Player adjudication, certain spells of
3 3 special power or significance (such as a Conjure spell, the
5 4 Holy Light, Divine Shield, and Revivify for Paladins; Conjure
7 5 Food and Water and Teleport for Mages; Elemental Shock
9 6 and Astral Recall (Teleportation Circle) for Shamans, etc.)
11 7 may be granted for free after a quest or as a reward instead
13 8 of requiring tutelage or being chosen.
15 9
ACCESSING SPELLS FROM 1ST LEVEL OR When gaining spellcasting ability, the character also gains a
HIGHER pool of mana points equal to their spellcasting ability score
(Intelligence for mages, charisma for paladins, etc.) plus
A spellcaster may ready any spell they can access (and have their proficiency bonus, as well as 1 per the highest-level
the required minimum caster level). This requires being spell they can cast.
tutored, praying for a spell, studying one, or finding spells in
scrolls or spellbooks. A spellcaster may always use a Mana is spent on casting spells, and spells fail when the
spellbook they find, or scribe the spell from a spellbook they mana pool doesn’t have enough mana for the spell (unless
don’t own to a spellbook they do own. the spell itself costs 0 mana).
There are several ways to gain access to and ready spells.
Caster Proficiency 0 (Cantrip) 1 Spell Level
Level Bonus 1 5 2 3 4 5 67 89
+2 1 5 ————————
1 +2 1 5 ————————
2 +2 1 5 6 ———————
3 +2 0 4 6 ———————
4 +3 0 4 5 6 ——————
5 +3 0 3 5 6 ——————
6 +3 0 3 5 6 7 —————
7 +3 0 2 5 6 7 —————
8 +4 0 2 3 5 6 7 ————
9 +4 0 2 3 5 6 7 ————
10 +4 0 2 3 4 6 7 8 ———
11 +4 0 1 3 4 6 7 8 ———
12 +5 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 ——
13 +5 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 ——
14 +5 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9—
15 +5 0 0 2 3 4 5 7 8 9—
16 +6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 89
17 +6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 89
18 +6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 89
19 +6 1 2 3 4 5 7 89
MANA COST OF SPELLS casting spells, or every per short rest. A character regains
all spent mana points after a full night’s rest.
The higher the spellcaster’s proficiency bonus and ability to • Mana Restorative Abilities (active). Abilities of powerful
channel magic, the lower the mana cost of spells. By default, spellcasting classes such as Invocation for mages, Ancient
every spell has a base cost of 6 mana minus the character’s Power for druids, and Desperate Prayer for priests all
proficiency bonus. Each spell level also costs 1 mana point restore mana, as well as certain spells (the warlock’s Life
for every spell level. Tap), items (Mana potions), and locations (Mana
fountains). Unless otherwise stated, a character can only
Cantrips cost half the cost for 1st level spells (round down, use mana restorative abilities once every hour (such as a
minimum 0) minus 1 (includes the bonus from minor spells drink from a mana potion or mana fountain).
below). • Mana Tap (active). Mana fountains can be found in the
wild or sometimes within temples and arcane sanctums
Minor Spells. At a certain point, spellcasters master (which are built around it). Ley lines intersect and react
handling mana to the point where they barely spend any for with pure waters, allowing those who drink it to regain
spells. All minor spells have their final cost reduced by 1 mana as if they rested for one hour (which requires an
(minimum 0). Minor spells include cantrips (already action), and those who remain around it increased clarity
included above), spells of a level 3 levels below the (+25% mana regeneration per hour when within 30 feet).
maximum accessed spell (already included above), strike Drinking from a mana fountain can be done only once per
(and shot), stance, and sigil spells, as well as casting the long rest (although the benefit to mana regeneration
same spell a second time the next round (deduction does not remains indefinitely).
stack for multiple castings).
An example of a mana fountain is the high elves’ Sunwell
For example, a 13th level spellcaster (proficiency +5) in Quel’Thalas (which, unlike normal mana fountains, grants
treats cantrips as if they cost no mana, and treats cantrips as the benefits within the city of Silvermoon, and not just when
if they cost 1 mana at levels 1 to 12. Repeat-casting a 5th in proximity), and the night elves’ Moonwells.
level spell costs 6 mana the first time, and 5 each time
afterwards. • Mana Vampirism (active). An obscure and often frowned-
upon practice is mana siphoning (commonly known as
REGENERATING MANA mana vampirism), allowing a character to regain mana by
feeding on another who has mana remaining as an action
A character regains spent mana through active methods or by touching them (with hands, fingers, or even by a kiss)
passive regeneration. and draining out their mana. This restores to the character
• Rest (passive). A character regains a number of mana CHAPTER 10: SPELLCASTING
points equal to their proficiency bonus per hour of not
up to one-half the target’s remaining mana pool (cannot determine your total caster level (0.5 for each level in
exceed the character’s normal mana maximum) by Paladin, 1 for each level in Priest, etc.) to learn your
drawing it out. The target must be helpless, willing, or maximum spell level. You may also make use of both spell
dead. lists, but only to the spell level you can access in either lists
(a level 1 Mage and level 10 Paladin cannot cast 3rd level
If the creature is helpless (asleep, paralyzed, etc.) but not mage spells). The mana is drawn from a single pool.
dead or willing, it is entitled a Stamina saving throw
(opposed to the drinker’s Stamina) to resist. When drained SPELLBOOKS
once, a creature cannot be drained again for 24 hours. If
done to an unwilling or dead target, vampirism could have a Spellbooks contain spells and casting formulae, and are
hidden and corruptive influence on the feeder (inflicting an required for a caster to have and prepare their spells in.
arcane disease, leaving a mark, or causing an addiction to After preparing a spell, referring to a spellbook is not
continue vampirism). required except to change the spell.
Note. Fiends such as demons always have mana pools for Tattoos. A character may tattoo spells onto their skins,
the purposes of mana-destructive effects such as Mana scales, or clothes to hold their spells besides normal
Burn, Detonate Mana, and Mana Vampirism. Creatures that spellbooks. This costs the same as normal scribed spells,
do not have mana (or do not use them) are normally immune and the creature's body is treated to be the spellbook. If
to the effects of such spells. Siphoning mana from fiends via killed or reduced to 0 hit points, one tattooed spell may be
vampirism usually causes the influence of Fel magic to too harmed and rendered unintelligible, and is lost (such as
appear on the target (causing green to invade the character’s if the damage dealt was acid or fire). This can be fixed by
coloration in skin, eye color, or even blood), and causing paying half the cost to scribe it. A medium character can
them to be more receptive to demonic influences (can take scribe up to 50 pages worth onto their skin (such as chest,
any form). arms, legs, etc.). For smaller creatures, the pages are halved,
and for larger creatures, the pages are doubled. A known
CASTING A SPELL spell-tattooist is the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage.
Spellcasting may be interrupted if the spellcaster is harmed WITHDRAWAL (OPTIONAL RULE)
while casting or channeling the spell (such as channeling or
stance spells, or when struck with a held action). This is Arcane magic is known to be addictive--and tapping into vast
called a distraction. energies more than once and losing it afterwards causes
severe mental and physical stress. High elves after the fall of
When hit this way, the spellcaster must succeed on a Quel’thalas are particularly susceptible to arcane
concentration check (Stamina saving throw), DC 10 or half withdrawal.
the damage dealt (whichever is higher) or the spell fails (and
the mana is spent uselessly). If cursed with this dreadful affliction, one must meditate
for thirty minutes every day (this does not contribute to short
This acts similarly to casting spells in situations that are rests), or else suffer disadvantage to their saving throws
difficult to cast spells in (such as while on being a storm- versus magic (and grant advantage towards any check to
tossed ship or while being distracted by wind and rain). affect them with an arcane spell), as their bodies begin draw
in any kind of mana, and reduce their maximum mana pool
MANA-LESS CASTING by 1 point. Meditation requires a Spirit score of 11 or higher,
or a DC 10 Spirit saving throw.
Resilient spellcasters can cast magic on nothing, channeling
the mana around them instead of their own. Attempting to If one’s maximum mana is reduced to 0 from this effect,
cast a spell without sufficient mana points left (or attempting they typically transform into mindless mana addicts, who
to cast a spell without spending mana at all) requires a relentlessly seek out mana fountains and similar restorative
Stamina saving throw to cast a spell. The DC is equal to 20 effects (such as potions) and gather there, viciously savaging
+ spell level. You take a penalty to the saving throw equal to anyone who seeks to take away their light (and are
half the amount of mana below 0. derogatorily known as mana junkies). Drawing mana and
restoring it actively, such as drinking from mana fountains,
If successful, the spell is cast, but count the mana cost potions of any type that contain arcane spells, and magical
against the current pool (this can reach a negative value, vampirism (see above) restores the addict’s maximum mana
increasing the DC). On a failure, the spellcaster suffers one pool to full after a long rest, and grants immunity against the
level of exhaustion. This level of exhaustion is only lifted effects of arcane withdrawal for a number of days equal to
when the spellcaster is at full mana points. their Stamina modifier.
MULTICLASSING Addiction to fel magic can also be represented by this rule.
Multiclassing in the World of Warcraft 5e RPG is similar to
its state in 5e; you add your levels in spellcasting together to
CHAPTER 11: SPELLS such as a bear’s primal roar, a paladin’s confident presence,
or an archmage’s proximity. These are known as aura
This chapter describes the most common spells in the bonuses, and do not stack with one another. Most aura
worlds Warcraft. The chapter begins with the spell lists of effects are spells, but are not necessarily.
the spellcasting classes. The remainder contains spell
descriptions, presented in alphabetical order by the name of
the spell.
Some classes have specific names for a spell. These
names are italicized next to the normal spell name.
Spells can be cast by any character who has access to
mana and a spell list. Whenever a class references being
able to cast spells from a specific spell list, refer to the
below list under the appropriate name.
Aura Effects. Certain effects grant bonuses to AC, attack,
or saving throws that are based off morale-based sources,
ALCHEMIST (ALC) Expeditious Retreat Gentle Repose ALC 4 (4TH LEVEL)
Explosion – Alchemical Hold
ALC 0 CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Invisibility Compulsion
Explosion Lesser Restoration Confusion
Acid Splash Faerie Fire Magic Weapon Death Ward
Blade Ward False Life Pass Without Trace Greater Invisibility
Create Bonfire Feather Fall - Bouncy Body Protection from Poison Polymorph
Disrupt Undead Fog Cloud Ray of Enfeeblement Stone Shape
Fire Bolt Elemental Armor See Invisibility Stone Skin
Guidance Grease Shatter
Light Heroism Silence ALC 5 (5TH LEVEL)
Minor Alchemy Hideous Laughter Spider Climb
Mending Identify Sticky Limbs Cone of Cold
Mold Earth Illusory Script Suggestion Cloudkill
Poison Spray Inner Fire Invigorating vapors Unholy Frenzy Creation
Produce Flame Jump Web Contagion
Frost Bolt Longstrider Zone of Truth Dominate
Shocking Grasp Magic Aura Dream
Spare the Dying Mutate ALC 3 (3RD LEVEL) Geas
Thunderclap Protection, Good/Evil Modify Memory
Vicious Mockery Purify Food/Drink Blight Mislead
Ray of Sickness Daylight Greater Restoration
ALC 1 (1ST LEVEL) Rejuvenation Death Ward Raise Dead
Sanctuary Deeper Darkness
Alarm Shield Dispel Magic ALC 6 (6TH LEVEL)
Bind Silent Image Feign Death
Burning Hands Sleep Fear Awaken
Cause Fear Shift Skill Gaseous Form Disintegrate
Command Thunderstorm Haste Flesh to Stone
Corpse Explosion Nondetection Globe, Invulnerability
Charm ALC 2 (2ND LEVEL) Plant Growth Heal
Color Spray Protection from Energy Heroes’ Feast
Conjure Alter Self Remove Curse Mass Suggestion
Chromatic Orb Aid – Increase Toughness Revivify True Seeing
Death Coil Berserker Rage Slow
Death Pact Blindness/Deafness Speak with Dead ALC 7 (7TH LEVEL)
Detect Poison/Disease Blur Stinking Cloud
Detect Magic Calm Emotions Sunbeam Etherealness
Disguise Self Continual Flame Vampiric Touch Firestorm
Dissonant Whispers Darkness Water Breathing Plane Shift
Endure Elements Darkvision
Entangling Roots Dragon Breath CHAPTER 11: SPELLS
Enhance Ability
Regenerate DKN 3 (3RD LEVEL) DRD 1 (1st level) Lunar Curse
Resurrection Absorb Elements Meld into Stone
Sequester Aura of Vitality Animal Friendship Plant Growth
Simulacrum Blinding Smite Aspect Array Protection from Energy
Crusader's Mantle Beast Bond Sleet Storm
ALC 8 (8TH LEVEL) Darkness Bind Speak with Plants
Dispel Magic Charm Spirit Infusion
Antimagic Field Elemental Weapon Conjure Water Breathing
Antipathy/Sympathy Magic Circle Create or Destroy Water Water Walk
Clone Remove Curse Detect Magic Wind Wall
Feeblemind Revivify Detect Poison and Disease Revivify
Horrid Wilting Telekinesis - Death Grip Earth Tremor Shooting Star
Incendiary Cloud Entangle Slumber
Mind Blank DKN 4 (4TH LEVEL) Entangling Roots Sunbeam
Fade Sunfire
ALC 9 (9TH LEVEL) Death Ward Faerie Fire
Drain Life Fog Cloud DRD 4 (4TH LEVEL)
Foresight Locate Creature Goodberry
Shapechange Staggering Smite Ice Knife Blight
Trap the Soul Strangulate Healing Word Confusion
True Polymorph Jump Control Water
DKN 5 (5TH LEVEL) Longstrider Detonate Mana
DEATH KNIGHT Mark of the Wild Freedom of Movement
(DKN) Banishing Smite Moonfire Giant Insect
Circle of Power Purify Food and Drink Grasping Vine
DKN 1 (1ST LEVEL) Cloudkill Speak with Animals Hallucinatory Terrain
Contagion Rejuvenation Ice Storm
Bane Cripple Resolve Locate Creature
Bind Destructive Wave Swipe and Shred Polymorph
Cause Fear Death and Decay Thunderstorm Stone Shape
Charm Dispel Evil and Good Stoneskin
Command Dominate DRD 2 (2ND LEVEL) Wall of Fire
Conjure Geas Watery Sphere
Death Coil Mass Revivify – Can only target Animal Messenger
Death Pact Barkskin DRD 5 (5TH LEVEL)
Detect Evil and Good intelligent undead Beast Sense
Detect Magic Mind Freeze Blink Step Antilife Shell
Detect Poison and Disease Raise Dead Darkvision Awaken
Divine Favor Teleportation Circle – Only to Dust Devil Commune with Nature
Heroism Earthbind Control Winds
Icy Touch circles made by Mages or Enhance Ability Contagion
Protection from Evil and Good Warlocks Find Traps Dominate
Purify Food and Drink Hallow/Unhallow Flame Blade Geas
Runic Array Flaming Sphere Greater Restoration
Searing Smite DRUID (DRD) Gust of Wind Insect Plague
Shield of Faith Heat Metal Maelstrom
Thunderous Smite DRD 0 CANTRIPS (LEVEL 0) Hold Raise Dead
Wrathful Smite Lesser Restoration Reincarnate
Create Bonfire Locate Animals or Plants Scrying
DKN 2 (2ND LEVEL) Control Flames Locate Object Starfall
Druidcraft Moonbeam Teleportation Circle – only to
Aid – Unholy Resolve Frostbite Pass without Trace
Branding Smite Guidance Protection from Poison natural glades
Capture Essence Gust Skywrite Tranquility
Corpse Explosion Magic Stone Spike Growth Tree Stride
Desecration Mending Tiger’s Maul Wall of Stone
Find Steed Mold Earth Warding Wind
Earth Shield ¬– Bone Shield Poison Spray DRD 6 (6TH LEVEL)
Hold Produce Flame DRD 3 (3RD LEVEL)
Lesser Restoration Resistance Bones of the earth
Locate Object Shape Water Call Lightning Find the Path
Magic Weapon Shillelagh Cyclone Heal
Protection from Poison Thorn Whip Daylight Heroes’ Feast
Unholy Frenzy Thunderclap Dispel Magic Move Earth
Zone of Truth Wrath Erupting Earth Transport via Plants
Feign Death Wall of Thorns
Wind Walk
DRD 7 (7TH LEVEL) True Strike Thunderstorm Frost Nova
Thunderclap Unseen Servant Gaseous Form
Fire Storm Witch Bolt Glyph of Warding
Mirage Arcane MGE 1 (1ST LEVEL) Haste
Plane Shift MGE 2 (2ND LEVEL) Hypnotic Pattern
Regenerate Alarm Tiny Hut
Resurrection Arcane Armor Alter Self Lightning Bolt
Reverse Gravity Arcane Missile Arcane Explosion Magic Circle
Teleport – only to natural glades Bind Arcane Lock Major Image
Whirlwind Burning Hands Banishment Minute Meteors
Catapult Berserker Rage Nondetection
DRD 8 (8TH LEVEL) Cause Fear Blindness/Deafness Phantom Steed
Charm Blink Step Protection from Energy
Animal Shapes Chromatic Orb Blur Remove Curse
Antipathy/Sympathy Color Spray Capture Essence Sending
Control Weather Conjure Cloud of Daggers Sleet Storm
Earthquake Comprehend Languages Continual Flame Slow
Feeblemind Create/Destroy Water - Can Crown of Madness Stinking Cloud
Sunburst Darkness Sunbeam
Tsunami create or destroy only one-half Darkvision Telekinesis
the normal quantity Detect Thoughts Tongues
DRD 9 (9TH LEVEL) Detect Magic Dragon Breath Vampiric Touch
Disguise Self Enlarge/Reduce Water Breathing
Foresight Earth Tremor Flaming Sphere
Shapechange Elemental Armor Freezing Sphere MGE 4 (4TH LEVEL)
Storm of Vengeance Expeditious Retreat Gentle Repose
Explosion Gust of Wind Arcane Barrage
MAGE (MGE) Fade Hold Arcane Eye
False Life Invisibility Black Tentacles
MGE 0 CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Feather Fall Knock Blight
Find Familiar Levitate Brilliance Aura
Acid Splash Frostfire Bolt Locate Object Confusion
Blade Ward Fog Cloud Magic Aura Control Water
Chill Touch Grease Magic Mouth Detonate Mana
Control Flames Ice knife Magic Weapon Dimension Door
Create Bonfire Icy Touch Mana Burn Drain Mana
Dancing Lights Identify Mirror Image Fabricate
Fire Bolt Illusory Script Mute Faithful Hound
Friends Jump Parasite Fire Shield
Gust Longstrider Phantasmal Force Globe of Invulnerability
Light Mage Armor Ray of Enfeeblement Greater Invisibility
Mage Hand Mana Shield Rope Trick Hallucinatory Terrain
Mending Protection from Scorching Ray Ice Block
Message Evil and Good See Invisibility Ice Storm
Minor Illusion Ray of Sickness Shadow Strike Inferno Blast
Poison Spray Shield Shatter Locate Creature
Prestidigitation Silent Image Snowball Swarm Phantasmal Killer
Frostbite Sleep Spider Climb Polymorph
Frost Bolt Hideous Laughter Suggestion Private Sanctum
Shocking Grasp Floating Disk Unholy Frenzy Resilient Sphere
Web Secret Chest
Stone Shape
MGE 3 (3RD LEVEL) Storm Sphere
Bestow Curse Wall of Fire
Blizzard MGE 5 (5TH LEVEL)
Counterspell Amplify Magic
Create Food and Water Animate Objects
Dispel Magic Arcane Orb
Fear CloudkilI
Feign Death Combustion
Fireball Cone of Cold
Fire Nova Contact Other Plane
Fly Creation
Cripple Maze HTR 3 (3RD LEVEL) Find Steed - Divine Steed
Death and Decay Mind Blank Hammer of Justice
Dominate Power Word Stun Conjure Barrage Hold - Repentance
Dream Sunburst Daylight Holy Shock
Flame Strike Telepathy Lightning Arrow Lesser Restoration
Geas Nondetection Locate Object
Hand MGE 9 (9TH LEVEL) Plant Growth Magic Weapon
Living Bomb Protection from Energy Protection from Poison
Legend Lore Astral Projection Speak with Plants Shackle Evil
Mind Freeze Foresight Revivify - Can only revive an Zone of Truth
Mislead Gate
Modify Memory Imprisonment animal companion PLD 3 (3RD LEVEL)
Passwall Meteor Swarm Water Breathing
Scrying Power Word Kill Water Walk Aura of Vitality
Seeming Prismatic Wall Wind Wall Blinding Smite
Telepathic Bond Shapechange Create Food and Water
Teleportation Circle Time Stop HTR 4 (4TH LEVEL) Crusader's Mantle
Wall of Force True Polymorph Daylight
Wall of Stone Weird Freedom of Movement Dispel Magic
Wish Grasping Vine Elemental Weapon
MGE 6 (6TH LEVEL) Locate Creature Holy Nova Holy Wrath
HUNTER (HTR) Stoneskin Magic Circle
Arcane Gate Remove Curse
Circle of Death HTR 1 (1ST LEVEL) HTR 5 (5TH LEVEL) Revivify - Redemption
Contingency Sunbeam
Disintegrate Absorb Elements Commune with Nature
Instant Summons Alarm Conjure Volley PLD 4 (4TH LEVEL)
Irresistible Dance Animal Friendship Dominate
Eyebite Aspect Array Raise Dead - Can only raise an Aura of Life
Flesh to Stone Beast Bond Aura of Purity
Guards and Wards Bind animal companion Death Ward
Mass Suggestion Charm Swift Quiver Locate Creature
Move Earth Conjure Tree Stride Staggering Smite
Possession Detect Magic
Programmed Illusion Detect Poison and Disease PALADIN (PLD) PLD 5 (5TH LEVEL)
True Seeing Ensnaring Strike
Wall of Ice Fade PLD 1 (1ST LEVEL) Banishing Smite
Fog Cloud Circle of Power
MGE 7 (7TH LEVEL) Goodberry Bind Destructive Wave
Hail of Thorns Bless Dispel Evil and Good
Arcane Sword Hunter’s Mark Charm Flame Strike
Etherealness Jump Command Geas
Finger of Death Longstrider Conjure Hallow/Unhallow
Forcecage Rejuvenation Detect Evil and Good Mass Revivify – True
Mirage Arcane Shot Array Detect Magic
Magnificent Mansion Speak with Animals Detect Poison and Disease Redemption
Plane Shift Divine Favor Raise Dead – Champions Arise
Prismatic Spray HTR 2 (2ND LEVEL) Flash of Light
Pyroblast Heroism PRIEST (PRS)
Project Image Animal Messenger Holy Light
Reverse Gravity Barkskin Protection from Evil and Good PRS 0 CANTRIPS (LEVEL 0)
Sequester Beast Sense Purify Food and Drink
Simulacrum Cordon of Arrows Renewing Light Guidance
Symbol Darkvision Seal Array Light
Teleport Find Traps Searing Smite Mending
Flare Shield of Faith Resistance
MGE 8 (8TH LEVEL) Hold Thunderous Smite Smite
Lesser Restoration Wrathful Smite Spare the Dying
Antimagic Field Locate Animals or Plants Thaumaturgy
Antipathy/Sympathy Locate Object PLD 2 (2ND LEVEL)
Clone Pass without Trace PRS 1 (1ST LEVEL)
Control Weather Protection from Poison Aid – Holy Resolve
Demiplane Shadow Strike Banishment Bane
Feeblemind Silence Blessing Array Bless
Horrid Wilting Spike Growth Branding Smite Bind
Incendiary Cloud Consecration Cause Fear
Denounce Charm
161 CHAPTER 11: SPELLS Divine Shield Command
Conjure PRS 3 (3RD LEVEL) Dominate Resistance
Create or Destroy Water Flame Strike Shocking Bolt
Death Coil Banshee’s Curse Geas Shocking Grasp
Death Pact Beacon of Hope Greater Restoration Shape Water
Detect Evil and Good Bestow Curse Hallow/Unhallow Thunderclap
Detect Magic Clairvoyance Mass Cure Wounds Hope of True Strike
Detect Poison and Disease Create Food and Water
Fade Daylight Healing SHM 1 (1ST LEVEL)
Fear Ward Dispel Magic Insect Plague
Flash of Light Feign Death Legend Lore Absorb Elements
Guiding Bolt Globe of Invulnerability ¬– Mass Revivify Animal Friendship ¬¬– Bestial
Holy Light Raise Dead
Inner Fire Antimagic Shell Scrying Grace
Mind Blast Glyph of Warding Vampiric Aura Aspect Array
Protection from Evil and Good Holy Nova Bind
Purify Food and Drink Lightwell PRS 6 (6TH LEVEL) Burning Hands
Sanctuary Magic Circle Charm
Shield of Faith Mass Healing Word Blade Barrier Conjure
Renewing Light Meld into Stone Find the Path Create or Destroy Water
Mind Flay Forbiddance Detect Magic
PRS 2 (2ND LEVEL) Protection from Energy Harm Detect Poison and Disease
Power Word Shield Heal Earth Tremor
Aid – Power Word Fortitude Psychic Terror Heroes’ Feast Elemental Shock
Augury Remove Curse Planar Ally Elemental Armor ¬– Lightning
Banishment Revivify True Seeing
Blindness/Deafness Sending Word of Recall Shield if choosing lightning
Calm Emotions Speak with Dead Entangle
Continual Flame Spirit Guardians PRS 7 (7TH LEVEL) Fear Ward
Denounce Sunbeam Feather Fall
Enhance Ability Tongues Divine Word Fog Cloud
Exorcism Water Walk Etherealness Healing Ward
Find Traps Fire Storm Hellish Rebuke
Gentle Repose PRS 4 (4TH LEVEL) Plane Shift Hex Array
Hold Regenerate Ice Knife
Holy Fire Control Water Resurrection Lightning Orbs
Lesser Restoration Death Ward Symbol Purify Food and Drink
Locate Object Detonate Mana Riptide
Mana Burn Divination PRS 8 (8TH LEVEL) Sanctuary
Mute Drain Life Sleep – Slumber Hex
Orb of Annihilation Freedom of Movement Antimagic Field Speak with Animals
Prayer of Healing Guardian of Faith Control Weather Spirit Strike
Protection from Poison Locate Creature Earthquake Shadow Bolt – Spirit Bolt or
Shackle Evil Mind Vision Holy Aura
Silence Stone Shape Shadow Shock (witch doctor
Spiritual Weapon PRS 9 (9TH LEVEL) or shadow hunter)
Warding Bond PRS 5 (5TH LEVEL) Shift Skill – Ancestor’s Memory
Unholy Frenzy Astral Projection Stasis Trap
Zone of Truth Commune Gate Thunderstorm
Contagion Mass Heal Witch Bolt - Sticky Lightning
Dispel Evil and Good SHAMAN (SHM) SHM 2 (2ND LEVEL)
SHM 0 CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Ancestral Guardians
Animal Messenger
Create Bonfire Banishment
Control Flames Barkskin
Blade Ward Berserker Rage ¬– Fury Hex
Fire Bolt Blessing Array – Only Blessing
Frost Bolt of Wisdom; named Blessing
Guidance of Water
Invoke Elements Calm Emotions – Ancestral
Light Calm
Magic Stone Capture Essence
Mending Curse of Agony – Hex of Pain
Message Continual Flame
Mold Earth Darkvision
Produce Flame Dragon Breath – Fire Breath
Dust Devil
Earthbind 162
Earth Shield Wind Wall Investiture of Stone WRK 1 (1ST LEVEL)
Earthen Grasp Investiture of Wind
Elemental Tongue SHM 4 (4TH LEVEL) Mana Tide Totem Absorb Elements
Enhance Ability Move Earth Alarm
Flame Blade Arcane Eye – Eye of Kilrogg Possession Bind
Flaming Sphere Blight Primordial Ward Burning Hands
Freezing Sphere Brilliance Aura – Mana Tide True Seeing Cause Fear
Gust of Wind Control Water Wind Walk Catapult
Heat Metal Divination - Spirit Visitations Word of Recall Chaos Bolt
Hold Earthbind Totem Charm
Lava Burst Elemental Bane SHM 7 (7TH LEVEL) Color Spray
Lesser Restoration Fire Shield Conjure
Locate Animals or Plants Freedom of Movement ¬– Divine Word Comprehend Languages
Locate Object Etherealness – Spirit Walk Demon Skin
Pass without Trace Grace of Air Fire Storm Detect Magic
Protection from Poison Healing Stream Plane Shift Detect Evil and Good
Pyrotechnics Ice Storm Pyroblast – Molten Blast Disguise Self
Scorching Ray - Fire Beam Locate Creature Regenerate Elemental Armor
See Invisibility – Ghost Sight Polymorph – Spirit Animal or Resurrection Expeditious Retreat
Shatter - Erosion Reverse Gravity – Upturned Explosion
Skywrite Ghost Wolf Fade
Spike Growth - Earth Spikes Resilient Sphere Solid Wind Earth False Life
Spiritual Weapon Stone Shape Windfury Tongue Totem Feather Fall
Totemic Recall Stoneskin Whirlwind Fog Cloud
Warding Wind Wall of Fire Grease
Wind Shear Watery Sphere SHM 8 (8TH LEVEL) Hellish Rebuke
Hex Array – Only Death Hex
SHM 3 (3RD LEVEL) SHM 5 (5TH LEVEL) Control Weather Icy Touch
Earthquake Identify
Bloodlust Commune Incendiary Cloud Illusory Script
Call Lightning Cone of Cold Sunburst Immolate
Conjure Elemental Totem Contact Other Plane Tsunami Jump
Clairvoyance – Far Sight Control Winds Longstrider
Curse of Elements – Elemental Curse of Shadows – Veil of SHM 9 (9TH LEVEL) Mage Armor
Mana Shield
Suffusion Shadows Astral Projection Mind Blast
Curse of Weakness – Dominate Foresight Protection from Evil and Good
Fire Nova Totem Gate Ray of Sickness
Weakening Hex Flame Strike Mass Heal Shadow Bolt
Cyclone Geas Meteor Swarm Shield
Daylight Greater Restoration Imprisonment Silent Image
Dispel Magic - Purge Hallow/Unhallow Storm of Vengeance Sleep
Elemental Shock Totem Mass Cure Wounds Hope of Hideous Laughter
Erupting earth WARLOCK (WRK) Floating Disk
Feign Death Healing Thunderstorm
Fireball Legend Lore WRK 0 CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Unseen Servant
Fire Nova Maelstrom Witch Bolt
Glyph of Warding Mass Revivify – Ancestral Vision Acid Splash
Lightning Bolt - Chain Lightning Raise Dead – Reincarnate Blade Ward WRK 2 (2ND LEVEL)
Lightning Storm Resistance Totem Chill Touch
Meld into Stone Scrying Control Flames Alter Self
Protection from Energy Spirit Link Totem Create Bonfire Arcane Explosion
Revivify – Ancestral Sight Spiritual Reincarnation Dancing Lights Arcane Lock
Remove Curse – Cleanse Spirit Teleportation Circle – Astral Fire Bolt Banishment
Sending Friends Blindness/Deafness
Sleet Storm Recall Gust Blink Step
Speak With Dead Tranquility Light Capture Essence
Spirit Guardians Transmute Rock Mage Hand Continual Flame
Spirit Infusion Wall of Stone Mending Crown of Madness
Spirit Link Windfury Tongue Message Curse of Agony
Sunbeam Minor Illusion Darkness
Tidal Wave SHM 6 (6TH LEVEL) Poison Spray Darkvision
Tongues Prestidigitation Detect Thoughts
Wall of Sand Bones of the Earth Frostbite Dragon Breath
Wall of Water Find the Path Frost Bolt Enlarge/Reduce
Water Breathing Forbiddance Shocking Grasp
Water Walk Heal True Strike
Healing Stream Totem
Heroes’ Feast
Investiture of Flame
Investiture of Ice
Exorcism Vampiric Touch WRK 6 (6TH LEVEL)
Flaming Sphere Water Breathing
Freezing Sphere Arcane Gate
Gentle Repose WRK 4 (4TH LEVEL) Circle of Death
Gust of Wind Contingency
Hold Arcane Eye – Eye of Kilrogg Disintegrate
Immolation Aura Black Tentacles Instant Summons
Knock Blight Irresistible Dance
Levitate Confusion Eyebite
Life Tap Control Water Flesh to Stone
Locate Object Detonate Mana Forbiddance
Magic Aura Dimension Door Guards and Wards
Magic Mouth Drain Life Mass Suggestion
Magic Weapon Drain Mana Possession
Mana Burn Divination Programmed Illusion
Mute Fire Shield True Seeing
Orb of Annihilation Globe of Invulnerability
Parasite Greater Invisibility WRK 7 (7TH LEVEL)
Pyrotechnics Hallucinatory Terrain
Ray of Enfeeblement Ice Block Arcane Sword
Rope Trick Ice Storm Etherealness
Scorching Ray Eye Beam – Can Inferno Blast Finger of Death
Locate Creature Fire Storm
deal Fel damage Phantasmal Killer Forcecage
See Invisibility Polymorph Mirage Arcane
Shadow Strike Private Sanctum Magnificent Mansion
Shackle Evil Resilient Sphere Plane Shift
Shadow Strike Secret Chest Prismatic Spray
Suggestion Soulshatter Project Image
Unholy Frenzy - Curse of Wall of Fire Pyroblast – Soul Fire
Reverse Gravity
Recklesseness WRK 5 (5TH LEVEL) Sequester
Web Simulacrum
Amplify Magic Symbol
WRK 3 (3RD LEVEL) Animate Objects Teleport
Arcane Orb
Bestow Curse CloudkilI WRK 8 (8TH LEVEL)
Blink Combustion
Carrion Swarm Cone of Cold Antimagic Field
Clairvoyance Contact Other Plane Antipathy/Sympathy
Curse of Elements Contagion Clone
Curse of Tongues Creation Control Weather
Curse of Weakness Cripple Demiplane
Dispel Magic Curse of Shadows Feeblemind
Fear Death and Decay Incendiary Cloud
Fireball Dominate Maze
Fire Nova Dream Mind Blank
Fly Flame Strike – Flame Crash Power Word Stun
Frost Nova Geas Sunburst
Gaseous Form Hand Telepathy
Glyph of Warding Living Bomb Trap the Soul
Haste Legend Lore
Hypnotic Pattern Mind Freeze WRK 9 (9TH LEVEL)
Magic Circle Mislead
Mind Flay – Shadow-Speech Modify Memory Astral Projection
Minute Meteors Passwall Demonic Doom
Nondetection Scrying Foresight
Phantom Steed Seeming Gate
Protection from Energy Soul Stone Imprisonment
Rain of Fire Soul Well Meteor Swarm
Remove Curse Telepathic Bond Power Word Kill
Sending Teleportation Circle Time Stop
Slow Wall of Force Weird
Spirit Link – Fel Bond Vampiric Aura Wish
Stinking Cloud
SPELL DESCRIPTIONS the caster’s bonus. Also, when heightening a totem based on
another spell (such as an Elemental Shock Totem, based on
Array. Spells with the array tag have several sub-spells. the Elemental Shock spell), heightening the totem acts as if
When preparing a spell with the array tag, you must choose heightening the spell for the same number of spell levels.
to prepare one spell of the array (each of which may have
their own spell levels and different effects). Some arrays give AMPLIFY MAGIC
circumstantial access to other spells. In this case,
heightening the spell in the array count as if heightening that 5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Blessings. This array includes beneficial spells that are Range: 60 feet (15-foot radius sphere)
activated by consuming half your movement, and may target Components: V, S
yourself or an ally. A creature can have only one blessing Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
active on them at any given time, with most blessings active You amplify magical effects in the area of effect. All spells
on a duration of five minutes (and are thus mostly useful for cast from or into the area of effect are heightened one spell
one encounter). These are considered beneficial spells. level. If the spell cannot be heightened (or if heightening has
no effect), it heals 25% more, damages 25% more, or
Channel. These spells are most demanding concentration remains for 25% longer.
spells, and require the investment of one action every round
to maintain the spell. If the caster cannot invest the required Dampen Magic. This spell may be reversely cast. If so, the
actions, the spell ends. Above the required action, the spells cast into or from the area of effect are counted one
spellcaster cannot move faster than half their speed. As for level lower (if eligible).
all concentration spells, this spell is broken if concentration
Sigil. These are spells that have an initial direct effect 2nd-level abjuration [sigil] [healing]
(and a diminished effect on a miss). After the initial effect,
the sigil ‘pulses’ every round afterwards, repeating the initial Casting Time: 1 action
effect every round. This requires a successful sigil roll. This Range: Touch (one creature)
is a spell attack roll against an AC of 10 + 1 for every spell Components: V, S
level (DC 12 for spell level 2, for example). A successful Duration: Up to one minute
check sustains the sigil and allows the initial effect to re- You conjure spirits to guard and advise the target in battle,
apply, while a failed check ends the spell prematurely. A sigil tapping into the target's ancestral bonds. The target regains
can be sustained to its maximum duration (usually a 2d4 hit points. At the beginning of every round, the caster
minute). A natural 20 on sustaining sigil effect sustains it for must succeed on a sigil roll to affect the target again.
two rounds (extending it beyond the normal duration, if
possible). Also, so long as this sigil is active, the target also takes 1
less point of damage from weapon and spell attacks and
Seals. These are personal spells (with a target of ‘you’) effects for that round. The reduction to damage is an aura
that are also cast as part of your movement (consumes base effect.
half movement, cannot be used if already spent). A creature
may be under the effects of one seal at any given time, and Constructs gain no benefit from this spell.
most seals have a duration of one minute. Seals may be Heightened. The healing increases by one dice per every
released (termed judgment or release), and impose the level above 2nd, and reduction to damage increases by one
additional effect specified under the spell. These are point per every two levels above 2nd.
considered beneficial spells. Only paladins may cast seals. Special. If the caster and the target share ancestry, the
Death Knights may cast seals, but only those marked as damage reduction increases by 1 point.
runic spells.
Shield. These spells benefit from several priestly abilities.
Totems. These relics cast specific spells they are imbued 1st-level abjuration
with as a reaction from the caster. Totems usually remain
for one minute, and require a reaction to activate each Casting Time: 1 action
round. They can be moved with a bonus action (maximum Range: Personal (Self)
speed is equal to the caster’s speed). Components: V, S, M (Focus crystal that costs 10 gp)
Totems have 7 AC, and hit points equal to double the level Duration: 1 hour
of the caster. Destroying a totem by reducing it to 0 hit A protective field guards you. Upon casting this spell, you
points deactivates the effect and dispels the spell as normal. may choose one magic school or energy type, and gain
Whenever the totem is subjected to a saving throw, they use advantage to all saves versus that school or resistance
versus that damage type for the duration of the spell.
You, however, gain disadvantage to saving throws that
belong to spells that another school (see table below), or
vulnerability to damage from its opposing type.
You cannot gain resistance to an effect you are already Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must succeed on
resistant to, but you can gain resistance to an effect you are a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from you
vulnerable against (becoming neutral). You cannot gain and knocked prone.
vulnerability to an effect you are immune to.
Heightened. The spell deals an extra 1d4+1 damage per
SCHOOL Opposing School every level above level 2.
School Divination ARCANE ORB
Abjuration Transmutation
Illusion Necromancy 5th-level evocation [totem]
Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
ENERGY Opposing Type Components: V, S
Cold Duration: 1 minute
Energy Type Lightning or thunder You create a swirling orb of magical force that periodically
Fire Shadow or fel expels arcane energy. When you cast this orb, you may use a
Acid reaction for it to emit an Arcane Explosion centered on the
Holy orb itself, as the spell Arcane Explosion.
Special. If you become vulnerable to a school, you gain ASPECT ARRAY
disadvantage to saving throws, and attackers that affect you
using that school or energy type have advantage to attacks 1st-level transmutation [array]
against you.
Casting Time: 1 action
Heightened. When cast as a level 6 spell, you gain Range: Personal (Self)
resistance to the damage type or advantage versus the Components: V, S
school chosen without gaining vulnerability or disadvantage Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
to the opposite type or school. You adopt yourself to an aspect of a beast or a terrain,
deriving power from your bond with the land or the spirits
ARCANE BARRAGE that reside there. You must recognize the creature or terrain
(or a comparable one) to adopt their aspect.
4th-level evocation
You gain one aspect from the below array.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet, (10-foot-radius sphere) • Chameleon (level 2). As the blur spell
Components: V, S • Cheetah (level 1). As the expeditious retreat spell
Duration: Instantaneous • Desolate Terrain (level 1). You have advantage against
You create two large glowing bursts of violet force, sending
them to a single enemy within the range. The two intertwine, travel hazards, and against exhaustion from forced
striking the enemy and creating an explosion of force, marches, starvation, and thirst
dealing 6d8+6 damage to the target. Furthermore, each • Eagle (level 2). You and one beast companion you have
creature in a 10-foot radius must make an Agility saving may score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
throw. A creature takes the same damage on a failed save, • Hawk (level 2). Ranged attacks at long range do not
and is pushed 5 feet away from the center of the blast, or impose disadvantage on your attack roll, and you reduce
half as much damage on a successful one (and is not cover one grade (from half-cover to none, three-quarters to
pushed). half-cover. This cannot reduce full cover).
• Lion (level 2). Whenever you and one ally stand in
Heightened. The spell deals an extra 1d8+1 damage per opposing sides from a target, both of you have advantage
every level above level 4. to attack rolls against them.
• Monkey (level 1). You gain climb speed equal to one-half
ARCANE EXPLOSION your normal speed.
• Mountain Terrain (level 1). You're acclimated to high
2nd-level evocation altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet.
• Rejuvenating Woods (level 1). You have advantage to any
Casting Time: 1 bonus action save maintain the rejuvenation or riptide spells on
Range: Self yourself.
Components: V • Shark (level 1). You gain swim speed equal to one-half
Duration: Instantaneous your normal speed.
You expel a tremendous burst of arcane energy. Each • Turtle (level 3). Whenever you take the Dodge action, you
creature and unattended object within 10 feet of you must also gain resistance to all weapon damage. If the target
make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d4 + 2 has disadvantage to attacking you from the Dodge action
arcane damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. CHAPTER 11: SPELLS
and fails to hit you with both rolls (one from the attack, and Duration: Up to 1 minute
another from the disadvantage), you may make an attack You suffuse the regretful curse of the banshee on a target
of opportunity against them. within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target.
• Terrain Adaption (level 1). As the arcane armor spell On a hit, the target takes 3d4 damage. The damage is half
(resists one energy damage, vulnerable to another). This shadow, and half thunder. At the beginning of every round,
covers volcanos (fire/cold), frozen poles (cold/fire), storm the caster must succeed on a sigil roll to affect the target
plains (lightning/acid), and corrosive swamps again.
(acid/lightning). This can be heightened as normal for
arcane armor, but can only cover elemental damage. Also, so long as the spell is active, the target must roll a d6
whenever they declare an action. On a result of a 2 or lower,
Heightened. For every spell level above the chosen the action fails. On a result of 3 or higher, the action takes
aspect’s level, you may grant the benefits to two allies. place as normal. This effect cannot trigger more than once
per round.
For example, heightening the Cheetah aspect to 3rd level
allows you to grant the bonus to up to 4 allies (often called If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the
Aspect of the Cheetah Pack). initial damage and has no other effect.
BANISHMENT Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per every
spell level above 3rd.
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet 2nd-level transmutation
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
One fiend or celestial you target must make a Charisma Range: 30 feet (one creature)
saving throw. On a failure, you shunt them with abjuration Components: V, S, M (a red napkin)
magic to a transitory state, causing them to become Duration: Special, up to 1 minute
ethereally unstable (becoming restrained, and gaining You cause one creature to go into a murderous rampage.
resistance to all damage). At the end of the duration (if you The target must succeed on a Stamina saving throw or else
were able to concentrate for an entire minute), they are gains the following benefits. A willing creature can choose to
banished to their original plane of existence. The creature fail on the saving throw.
may attempt a Strength saving throw at the beginning of its
turn every round to suppress the restrained condition for 1 • They have advantage on Strength Checks and Strength
round. saving throws.
Heightened. If heightened to level 4, you can target other • When they make a melee weapon Attack using Strength,
creatures as well as fiends and celestials. For every spell they gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to their
level above 4th, you may also target one additional creature proficiency bonus.
per spell level.
• They have Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
If the target is native to the plane of existence you’re on, slashing damage.
you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there,
the target is incapacitated instead of being ethereally • The target is treated as if distracted for the purposes of
unstable. The target remains there until the spell ends, at spellcasting (DC is equal to your spell DC).
which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the
nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. The rage ends early if the target is knocked unconscious,
or if their turn ends without being attacked or attacking a
If the target is native to a different plane of existence than hostile creature, or if not taking at least one point of damage
the one you’re on (such as a fiend or celestial), the target is in that turn.
banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home
plane once the saving throw fails. If the spell ends before 1 The benefits of this spell are not gained if the target is
minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left wearing heavy armor.
or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Otherwise, the target doesn't return. A creature affected by this spell makes another Stamina
saving throw at the end of its turn. On a successful save, the
BANSHEE’S CURSE effect ends for it. If the rage continues for more than two
rounds, the creature gains one level of exhaustion at the end
3rd-level necromancy [sigil] [curse] of the rage.
Casting Time: 1 action A creature cannot benefit from this spell more than once
Range: 60 feet per their own proficiency bonus per every long rest.
Components: V, S
1st-level abjuration [Ritual]
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (bond payment, see below) A bound creature shows recognizable signs of being
Duration: Special bonded, either by a mark, tattoo, chains, bracers (or any
You bind a creature from the type related to your form stated by DM-caster adjudication).
spellcasting list (see conjuring and binding under your class)
with a maximum Challenge equal to the spell's level. At the You can have multiple bonded creatures, but no more than
completion of casting, the target must make a Charisma double your level at the same time. Excess creatures are
saving throw. On a failed save, the target creature is bound automatically freed, and may choose to return to their
to serve you, either for the duration of a chosen task or a normal plane (of conjured) or remain in the plane they are
certain amount of time (minimum 24 hours). currently in. You are always aware of how tenuous your hold
is on your bound creatures and whether a creature breaks
The binding effect is not permanent, however. When free or not.
casting the binding spell, you may choose in which way the
bond will be broken between you and the servitor. Bond Payment. It is costly to establish a bond with a
creature. The creature requires a material component
• Bonded for a Task. The servitor learns of a task you give (determined by the DM, usually in relation to the creature's
it, and the bond breaks upon its completion (returning to type) equal in cost to 100 gp per Challenge of the creature,
its original form or native plane of existence). The creature which is consumed by the creature. If the creature was
is still bound to report its success before leaving by any bound for a duration instead of a task, the payment changes.
way it knows. If you are unavailable or they are unable to
report to you, they wait until it is certain that you will not BINDING COST Cost
return beyond reasonable doubt, at which point the spell 10% binding cost
ends normally. Examples of tasks are delivering a Duration 50% binding cost
message, helping you clear a dungeon, casting a spell, or 1 day 100% binding cost
providing information. 1 week 200% binding cost
1 month
• Duration of Time. If the creature is bound to serve for a 1 year
specific pre-determined duration (such as 1 day, week, or
year), and is automatically freed after the duration ends. It Creatures whose interests align with yours may halve or
may choose to remain longer, but it is otherwise freed waive the payment entirely. The payment is also influenced
from obedience. Examples of a duration is guarding you by the place and circumstances of bonding (a blessed place
for a time, providing council for a time, or providing a might reduce the cost of binding a Celestial). A creature
sustained service (such as scouting duties). already bound can still be subject to this spell, which
requires three opposed spellcasting checks to break the first
If the creature was summoned or created by another spell, binding (or repel the attempt).
it can also be bound (the creature is still entitled a saving
throw, although the creature must be within range for the Special. Bound undead retain their telepathic connection
entire casting time, and automatically dispels the Conjure as if conjured (within line of sight and 100 feet, whichever
spell). applies).
A bound creature is not treated as if conjured (can conjure Note. This spell is also known as enslave undead or
others if able, is not connected telepathically, nor enslave demons (when used against existing undead and
automatically friendly to you or your allies, nor can they be fiends, respectively), and Create Undead when used to bind
dispelled with dispel magic or similar effects), and is treated permanent undead.
as an independent character. They can die (granting XP to
whoever defeats them) and gain XP by themselves (allowing Heightening. The maximum Challenge of the creatures
them to level up, possibly beyond the ability of the binding the spell can bind is equal to that of the Conjure spell of the
spell to contain them). Despite the fact that they are not same level.
automatically friendly, they cannot refuse a direct order from
you, or take direct action against you. Depending on your
relationship with the servitor, the bound creature may
attempt to break free of the binding (either by convincing
you that it is in your best interests, or conspiring to hurt or
cripple you to force you to release the spell).
You can re-negotiate the terms of the binding by re-casting
the spell so long as it hasn't ended yet. If the terms become
more difficult, bonded creatures usually take this negatively.
2nd-level transmutation [Array, Blessing]
Casting Time: special (half movement)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 5 minutes
You gain one blessing of the below array.
• Blessing of Kings (level 4). You or any target creature
gains +2 to all d20 rolls until the duration of the spell ends.
This applies to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and
ability checks.
• Blessing of Might (level 2). You gain supernatural
awareness of the vulnerabilities in your enemies. You gain
+2 bonus to damage rolls. While under the benefits of this
blessing, your pupils dilate, but are not any more sensitive
to light than usual. This does not stack with Abandonment
Aura or similar effects.
• Blessing of Protection (level 3). This potent blessing
protects the target. The target gains the effect of a Divine
Shield spell. However, the spell ends for the target if they
attack or cast any spell.
• Blessing of Sacrifice (level 1). This potent blessing
creates a spiritual connection between you and the subject.
Each time the subject takes hit point damage, half of it
transfers to you. If you and the subject move out of range
of each other, the spell ends immediately. The halved
damage is not counted as if resistance, but does not stack
with it. The target and you must be within clear,
unobstructed vision and within 15 feet of one another.
• Blessing of Wisdom (level 2). This powerful blessing aids
spellcasters, aiding their mana expenditures in battle. For
the duration of the blessing, the base spell cost for spells
cast by the target cost 1 less mana (minimum 1).
Heightened. Blessing of Might. For each level above 2nd,
you add +1 to the damage roll increase, to a maximum of +5.
2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Personal
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You shunt yourself dimensionally, teleporting yourself to an
unoccupied spot in within 30 feet. You cannot teleport
yourself to an area you cannot see, or into an object.
You may also teleport others with you, but each additional
creatures halves the distance remaining, and must be within
touch range from you.
Special. This spell may also be cast as a reaction. In this
case, casting it when being hit gives you resistance to all
damage as well as teleports you.
3rd-level evocation [Channel] 2nd-level abjuration [Ritual]
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 150 feet, in a 15-feet-wide, 60-feet-high cylinder. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (crushed glass and water) Components: V, S, M (Focus crystal that costs 50 gp)
Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous, or ten minutes until discharge
You whisper the magic words, and a cold light emanates You draw an essence-capturing magic circle or seal that can
from your hands. A freezing cloud materializes 40 feet above remain up to ten minutes before discharging. While the seal
the target, raining down shards of ice and heavy snow, is active, any creature you designate that is reduced to 0 hit
dealing 4d6 points of damage in the area for every round of points within 10 feet of the seal (or any surface you inscribe
channeling. The damage is half cold, and half magical it upon) must make a Spirit saving throw or else have its
slashing damage. essence absorbed by the seal in question. The creature must
have a Challenge equal to or less than double the spell level.
The heavy snow and hail obscures all sight, including
darkvision, beyond 5 feet. The cloud can deal damage to Depending on the creature type, the focus crystal can
creatures flying under it as well, and imposes the same perform multiple things.
obscuration to sight to creatures below the cloud. As a
bonus action, you can move the cloud that calls down the Humanoid, Giants, Beast, Fey, Monstrosity, Dragon,
blizzard up to 30 feet. Undead: Soul Gems, which fuel Necromancy devices.
Undead can be consumed as Quintessence (see below).
Heightened. Per level above 3rd, add one dice of damage
per every spell level above 3rd level. Elemental: Elemental Gems, which fuel elemental-
powered devices
Outsiders: Quintessence, which can be consumed
3rd-level transmutation Construct, Plant, Ooze cannot be targeted by this spell.
If the spell is cast ritually with expending double the
Casting Time: 1 action normal mana cost, the target of the effect suffers
Range: 30 feet disadvantage to the essence-capturing, and any attempts to
Components: V, S, M (a drop of dried blood or sand) release the essence have disadvantage. A creature trapped
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute in the focus of the spell can be freed by destroying the focus
Choose a willing creature you can see within range. Until or by casting a raising spell (see resurrection under the
the spell ends, the target is immune to fear, has +2 to AC, introduction).
advantage on Agility saving throws, and can make an Quintessence restores 1d6 hit points or 2 mana points per
additional action on each of its turns, and gains temporary Challenge of the absorbed creature. This is a mana-
hit points equal to your spellcasting modifier. restorative effect that imparts incredible pain to the trapped
creature. Once consumed, the creature can still be
This action can only be used for the attack (one weapon resurrected, but suffers double the normal resurrection
attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use Object action. sickness (or 1 point of resurrection sickness if revived by
When the spell ends, the target can’t move or take actions other means).
until after its next turn. Heightened. The maximum Challenge rating of the
creature whose essence is imprisoned is double the spell
4th-level transmutation [Aura] CARRION SWARM
Casting Time: 1 action 3rd-level evocation [sigil]
Range: 15- foot-radius sphere, centered on you
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 minute Range: Personal (Self)
You surround yourself with a pulsing aura of cerulean Components: V, S, M (a corpse or egg of a beetle, spider, or
energy. This aura grants crystalline thought to any two allied
spellcasters in range and empowers them to cast their spells other vermin)
with less effort. Duration: Up to 1 minute
You release a torrent of poisonous spiders, beetles and other
For the duration of the aura, and so long as a creature is vermin from hand to bite and infest your opponents. Each
both friendly and within range, the mana spell cost for spells creature in a 30-foot cone must make a Stamina saving
cast is reduced by 1 (minimum 0). throw, or take 3d8 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Heightened. For each two spell levels above 4th, you may successful saving throw.
benefit two additional allied spellcasters, and lower the
mana cost by an additional point.
At the beginning of every round, the caster must succeed each other when you target them. You can instead choose to
on a sigil roll to affect the targets again (even if they are no target one additional creature type to the charm spell
longer within the normal range). instead (Charm Person at level 2 can be Charm Person and
Also, as long as the spell is active for that target, they are
considered poisoned until the beginning of their turn in the COMBUSTION
next round.
5th-level evocation
Whenever a creature dies while being poisoned by this
spell, a carrion beetle is conjured where they once stood Casting Time: 1 action
(exploding from the corpse). The DM has the carrion Range: 60 feet
beetle’s statistics. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per every You invoke a combustion in a target within range. Make a
spell level above 3rd. ranged spell attack on a target within range. On a success,
the target combusts, suffering 8d8 fire damage.
Special. If you are a corporeal undead, you may target one
creature that suffers under this sigil, and transfer some of If the target is already subject to an active sigil spell, you
their lost life force to you. You regain hit points equal to one- may cause up to two sigils to pulse at once (as if two rounds
half the damage dealt by the spell in the same round. have passed, no check required).
CHAOS BOLT If the target is already burning, they take triple the normal
fire damage and suffer one level of exhaustion instead
1st-level evocation (Stamina saving throw halves the extra damage and negates
the exhaustion).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the
Components: V, S initial damage and has no other effect.
Duration: Instantaneous then 1 round
You throw a greenish-violet bolt of crackling chaotic CONSECRATION/DESECRATION
energies. Make a ranged spell attack on a target within
range. Targets struck by this bolt suffer 2d8 fel damage. 2nd-level evocation
If the target is already subjected to an active sigil spell, you Casting Time: 1 action
may force the target to suffer a sigil pulse as if one round Range: 30 feet
passed (does not require a sigil roll to maintain). Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Heightened. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of You call upon the Holy Light to sanctify an area of a 15-foot
2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 2d8 for each sphere, dealing 2d8 holy damage to all enemies of the Holy
slot level above 2nd. Light within this area of effect. If the enemy is a fiend or
undead, they take 50% extra damage and also move at half
Special. This spell costs half mana. normal speed.
CHARM Creatures aligned to or who follow the Light take no
damage. Creatures that are neutral to it take half damage.
1st-level enchantment For the duration of the spell, the area of effect is treated as
hallowed (as per the spell Hallow/Unhallow, but cannot bind
Casting Time: 1 action an extra effect to the area).
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Special. When cast by a Death Knight or a priest that
Duration: 1 hour follows the Lich King or demonic forces (such as high-level
You attempt to charm one creature you can see within acolytes), this deals shadow damage and increased damage
range. When preparing this spell, you can choose to be able to celestials and those who directly channel the Holy Light,
to charm your creature type, beasts, or one creature type and is called Desecration instead.
your class can bind (see binding under spellcasting).
Heightened. The damage increases by 1d8 per level.
It must make a Spirit saving throw, and does so with
advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails CONJURE
it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your
companions do something harmful to it. The charmed 1st-level conjuration, or Transmutation (if Constructs or
creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the Plants), or Necromancy (if Undead)
spell ends it knows it has been charmed. This only affects
the creature type specified by the spell (a Charm Undead Casting Time: 1 hour (or 1 action if animal, fey, or plant)
cannot also charm a humanoid). Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a focus related to the creature, see
Heightened. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature material component below).
for each slot level above 1st. They must be within 30 ft. of Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You summon a specific creature from the type tied to your original object stood and attempt to reform the focus
spellcasting list (see conjuring and binding under your (though it might look damaged).
Heightened. The spell’s strength increases with its spell
The creature appears in an unoccupied space you can see level (as noted in the description).
in range, and is friendly to you and your companions for the
duration. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own Note. The conjured creature is not an actual creature, but
turns. The creature can telepathically understand any is more a spell construct (formed of magic, ectoplasm, or
command, and will execute them (no action required by temporarily bonded to the realm). Killing it does not reward
you), obeying any command given, so long as they don’t XP or hurt it in any real way. If you wish to conjure a
violate its alignment or nature. If you don’t issue any permanent ally, see the Bind spell.
commands to the creature, it defends itself from hostile
creatures but otherwise takes no actions. The telepathy only Special. Sometimes, you may conjure a creature with a
functions if you maintain line of sight to the creature and higher Challenge value than the normal maximum. If you
remain within 100 feet. establish contact with a specific creature (such as entering a
contract with a fiend, hearing a wraith, or hearing the
The creature chosen can have a maximum Challenge answer of a celestial to a prayer), and they are willing to be
value of 1/2 per spell level. You may also divide the conjured, you may call upon the specific target regardless of
Challenge value between multiple creatures (such as spell level. This requires casting the spell as a ritual (with a
doubling the number of creatures and dividing the value by special material component), and the creature must succeed
2, or tripling and dividing by 3, etc., to a minimum of on a Spirit saving throw to successfully be conjured. The
Challenge 1/8). Dispelling one creature dispels the entire saving throw DC is equal to 20. If the creature fails, it cannot
spell, however. attempt another entry until 24 hours pass.
A conjured creature cannot conjure others even if they This is exceedingly rare, and usually done only at the
have spells that normally allow them to, and despite them creature’s behest.
obeying their conjurer’s commands, they take their own
actions and are controlled by the DM when not told specific CORPSE EXPLOSION
instructions (such as which spells or ability to use, etc.).
2nd-level necromancy
Once the duration of the spell ends or the creature is
reduced to 0 hit points, it dissipates or becomes inanimate Casting Time: 1 bonus action
and resumes the object’s original purpose. If your Range: 30 feet
concentration breaks before the duration ends, the creature Components: S
becomes independent in its actions, and is controlled by the Duration: Instantaneous
DM (typically, undead and elementals rampage, constructs You suffuse a nearby corpse or an undead creature that
and plants act like the objects of their focus, fey and animals serves you (conjured, but not bonded) with unholy energies,
defend themselves and seek refuge, and celestials and fiends filling it with so much corruption that it explodes then and
promote their far-reaching aims). An independent creature there. A creature in the affected area can make an Agility
must be controlled again by casting the spell again (or saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they take 4d8
controlling it by other means, such as the Charm or damage and are poisoned for one minute. The damage is
Dominate spell), else it remains until the duration ends. half poison, and half shadow. On a successful saving throw,
they take half damage and are not poisoned.
Material Component. The spell requires a material
component or focus that is related to the conjured creature. An exploded corpse is desecrated and difficult to raise or
A holy book or drop of blood for celestials and fiends, animate, and requires that they be healed up to half the
respectively, burning incense, phosphorous, a drop of water, damage dealt by corpse explosion. A corpse cannot be
or a patch of earth for air, fire, water, and earth elementals, targeted more than once with the same spell.
and a corpse, table, or plant to be the focus of an undead,
construct, or plant creature. Heightened. You may deal an additional 2d6 damage per
every spell level above 2nd.
The focus object may not be harder than iron,
sophisticated in design (such as a gadget or vehicle), hold CRIPPLE
anything within (such as a chest), or nailed into place (such
as a door or treehouse). It must be at least as large as the 5th-level necromancy
construct, undead, or plant (although the undead can be
formed of body parts of multiple creatures). Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet.
If the creature destroyed is a plant or construct, the Components: V, S
magical energies draw the remains back to where the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
You cripple any living target within range. Make a ranged
spell attack. On a success, the target takes -2 to AC and to 172
Agility saving throws, can’t use its reactions, and may make
either an action or a bonus action every turn (not both).
Regardless of the creature’s abilities, it may only make one
melee or ranged attack on its turn, and they deal only half
damage with weapon attacks that use Strength or Agility.
If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time
of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn’t
take effect until the creature’s next turn, and the creature
must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it
can’t, the spell is wasted. At the end of each of the target’s
turns, it can make a Stamina saving throw against the spell.
On a success, the spell ends.
2nd-level necromancy [sigil] [curse]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You curse one living target within range with searing agony,
setting their nervous system ablaze. Make a ranged spell
attack against the target. On a hit, the target suffers 2d4 fel
damage. At the beginning of every round, the caster must
succeed on a sigil roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target is treated as if
they gained a level of exhaustion for one round (even if they
are normally immune to the condition, so long as they are
living) until the beginning of their turn in the next round. If
the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the initial
damage and has no other effect.
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per every
level above 2nd.
Special. Whenever the sigil roll succeeds, the target takes
1d4 additional damage the next round. This can stack.
3rd-level necromancy [curse]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Upon casting this spell, you must succeed on a ranged touch
attack to affect a target within range. On a successful hit, you
may curse them with vulnerability to the elements. The
target takes half (50%) extra damage from spells that deal
any type of elemental damage, or one type of magic damage
(choose one).
5th-level necromancy [curse]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Upon casting this spell, you must succeed on a ranged touch
attack to affect a target within range. On a successful hit, you
may curse them with the inability to quickly heal. The target
receives only half (-50%) the normal amount of healing from
spells and effects that restore hit points. This includes the cyclone, falling out of it and halving fall damage. The
regeneration and similar effects, doubling the duration creature cannot otherwise move away, unless they can fly
between healing (alternatively, halving the healing gained). and succeed in an Acrobatics check against your spell DC,
or manage to latch onto a nearby surface and succeed on an
Alternatively, this spell can weaken the target’s mana Athletics check. If they attempt to cast spells, they are
restoration, affecting mana points instead. treated as if distracted, and all attacks made by them are
made with concealment from the winds. Only one creature
CURSE OF TONGUES can be held by the cyclone at any given time.
3rd-level necromancy [curse] You may use your action to drop the original target
creature and lift another one, or to toss the creature.
Casting time 1 action
Range: 60 feet Dropping a Creature. Dropping a creature forces the
Components: V, S original target to suffer fall damage from its midair height
Duration: 1 hour (15 feet for medium creatures, or 1d6 fall damage) and
You target one target within range with the curse of tongues, subjects another within the cyclone’s area of effect to being
stealing their voice and causing them to speak in no other lifted by the cyclone.
language than the dark tongue of Eredun. On a failed Spirit
saving throw, the target is cursed, causing them to speak Tossing a Creature. Tossing a creature with cyclone’s full
only Eredun. power raises them to the maximum height (30 feet for
medium creatures) and drops them from that height to any
Any spell that has a verbal component requires double the area within 15 feet away. A successful Agility saving throw
normal time to cast. If the target is a good-aligned character, when hurled halves the fall damage and drops the creature
they take 1 point of Psychic damage whenever they speak at any chosen point between the target area and the
Eredun. This damage is inflicted once per round of speech. cyclone’s area.
Special. Due to the effect being temporary, there is no risk As a bonus action, you can move the cyclone up to 30 feet.
of losing Spirit points by being forced to speak in Eredun. Special. Depending on the creature’s size, the cyclone’s
Creatures that can speak uncorrupted Eredun are immune strength is affected.
to the effects of this spell. Using an action to toss the target instead doubles their
midair height (to the maximum height allowed by the spell)
CURSE OF WEAKNESS for every action spent.
For example, small and tiny creatures are lifted 20 and 30
3rd-level necromancy [curse] feet into the air once caught by the cyclone, respectively,
while large creatures are only lifted 10 feet. If tossing a tiny
Casting Time: 1 action creature, it is sent instantaneously, while a large creature
Range: 60 feet needs an additional round to toss them 30 feet away (one
Components: V, S round to elevate them to 20 feet, and another to elevate
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour them to 30 and toss them).
Upon casting this spell, you must succeed on a ranged touch
attack to affect a target. On a successful hit, you may curse Size Midair Height
them with weakness. The target deals only half damage with Tiny 30 ft.
weapon and spells attacks (indirect damage such as sigils, Small 20 ft.
bleeding effects, and other abilities are unaffected). Medium 15 ft.
Large 10 ft.
CYCLONE Huge 5 ft.
3rd-level evocation Heightened. You may target another creature in your
cyclone effect and increase the midair height by 5 feet per
Casting Time: 1 action every two spell levels above 3rd. All creatures must be at
Range: 60 feet, in a 10-feet-wide, 30-foot-high cylinder. least 10 feet within reach of one another to be affected in an
Components: V, S ongoing cyclone effect. Tossing or dropping a creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute requires an action for each target.
You target one creature in the area to be affected by a
powerful cyclone of rising winds. The creature, once DEATH AND DECAY
affected, is entitled an Agility saving throw to be unaffected
and be moved out of the cylinder radius (to any direction 5th-level necromancy [Channel]
chosen). If the character cannot move away, it is affected
regardless, but takes half damage from any falls or cyclone Casting Time: 1 action
damage. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a dead rose)
The creature targeted rises vertically so long as you are
concentrating on the spell, and remains in the middle of the
cyclone (15 feet in the air). At the end of each round, the
creature may make another Agility saving throw to escape
Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minutes Duration: 1 hour
Negative energy infuses a cylinder 15 feet side 60 feet high. You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and
Living creatures age rapidly, as skin sags and flesh sloughs until the spell ends, the target’s skin becomes ragged and
off bones. Structures wither and collapse, suffering the solid.
effects of decades within few seconds. All living creatures
and structures in the area take 6d6 points of shadow The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier,
damage per round of channeling, and move at half speed. and gains 3 temporary hit points for the duration of the spell.
Each creature can make a Stamina saving throw to half So long as at least 1 temporary hit point remains, you have
damage dealt. vulnerability against holy damage.
The spell deals normal damage to any structure in contact The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss
with the ground when the spell is cast, and every round until the spell as an action.
the spell ends. See Chapter 8: Adventurers for structure
damage. Heightened. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
2nd level or higher, a target’s temporary hit points increases
Heightened. The spell deals an additional 1d6 for every by an additional 3 for each slot level above 1st.
spell level above 5th.
9th-level conjuration [sigil]
1st-level necromancy [healing]
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: 30 feet Components: V, S
Components: V, S Duration: Up to 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous You curse the target with a terrible fate as fel-fire begins to
Invoking the power of death, you bring the living closer to burn them from the inside-out. Make a ranged spell attack
the end, and invigoration to the unholy or undead. The against any target within range. The target suffers 9d6 fel
creature you target regains a number of hit points equal to damage, and is suffused with fel-fire for one minute. At the
1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier if they are undead or beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil
fiends. If you target a living or celestial creature, they take roll to affect the target again.
damage equal to the hit points they would normally gain as
shadow damage. If you target an unwilling creature, you Also, so long as the spell is active, the spell has advantage
require a ranged spell attack. to any check to avoid being dispelled.
Constructs gain no effect from this spell. If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the
Heightened. The healing increases by 1d8 per level initial damage and has no other effect.
above 1st.
If the creature dies while under the effects of demonic
DEATH PACT doom, its corpse is destroyed, and a column of fire appears,
dealing the original sigil damage in 10 feet, centered on the
1st-level necromancy corpse. A doomguard is conjured on the spot of its death,
and it remains for a minute. The DM has the Doomguard's
Casting Time: 1 action statistics. By default, it is uncontrolled, requiring the Charm
Range: 30 feet or Dominate Fiends spell to control.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Special. A doomguard is only summoned if the targeted
You siphon death magic from an allied undead or fiendish creature is of CR 2 or higher.
creature within range. The target loses 10 hit points, which
you regain as hit points. The target (if intelligent) is entitled DENOUNCE
a Spirit saving throw to negate this effect. If the creature is
reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed as normal for its type. 2nd-level abjuration
Alternatively, you may gain 2 mana points instead. If the
spell is cast for mana, it costs none by itself. Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature
within range is hit with a critical hit
Heightened. For each level above 1st, you may drain 10
additional hit points per level or 2 extra mana points. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
DEMON SKIN Duration: Instantaneous
You may cast this spell as a reaction against any creature hit
1st-level conjuration with a critical hit. Make a ranged spell attack against the
attacker. On a success, their hit then is no longer a critical
Casting Time: 1 action hit.
Range: Personal (Self)
Components: V, S, M (grounded tooth dust) Heightened. If heightened to 4th level, this spell costs
half mana.
Detonate Mana are friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the
4th-level evocation saving throw.
Casting Time: 1 action While the target is dominated, you have a telepathic link
Range: 30 feet with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of
Components: V, S existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue
Duration: Instantaneous commands to the creature while you are conscious (no
You target an area with a 10-foot sphere of black-purple anti- action required), which it does its best to obey. You can
magic. Where the sphere explodes, all creatures that can use specify a simple and general course of action, such as Attack
mana lose 1d4+1 mana points, and take 2 arcane damage that creature, Run over there, or Fetch that object. If the
for every mana point lost. creature completes the order and doesn't receive further
direction from you, it defends and preserves itself to the best
If the creature loses more than 3 mana points this way, of its ability.
they are subjected to a dispel magic effect (spell level equal
to the Detonate Mana spell level – 2). You can use your action to take total and precise control of
the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes
Heightened. The number of mana points drained only the actions you choose, and doesn't do anything that
increases by 1d4 points per every three levels above 4 (2d4 you don't allow it to do. During this time you can also cause
at level 7). the creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use
your own reaction as well.
Special. Demons always have active mana, and can
always be targeted with mana burn. If they have no mana, Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Spirit
they still take 2 points of arcane damage per potential mana saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw succeeds,
burn point. the spell ends. This only affects the creature type specified
by the spell (a Dominate Undead cannot also dominate a
DIVINE SHIELD humanoid).
2nd-level abjuration Special. If choosing to affect beasts, the spell’s level is
decreased to 4th level instead, as their minds are more
Casting Time: 1 action malleable.
Range: Personal (Self)
Components: V, S Heightened. When you heighten this to a 6th-level spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute slot, the maximum duration becomes 10 minutes. This
You raise your hand, and are protected by the grace of the increases to 1 hour to 8 hours on 7th and 8th spell slots.
Holy Light. A powerful shielding ward protects you, granting
you 4d6 temporary hit points so long as you concentrate. You can instead choose to target one additional creature
Furthermore, the temporary hit points can also be spent to type to the dominate spell instead (Dominate Person at level
absorb spells (3 hit points per spell level). 6 can be Dominate Person and Elementals).
If the shield manages to absorb all damage from an effect DRAIN LIFE
or absorb a spell, you are protected against any secondary
effects (as if immune). 4th-level necromancy [Channel]
The spell cannot be overwhelmed with one attack. If Casting Time: 1 action
reduced to 0 temporary hit points with one attack, the spell Range: 60 feet
ends with 1 hit point instead. This can occur only once for Components: V, S
every instance of the spell being cast. Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minute
You can siphon life force from others to heal your wounds by
Heightened. For every spell level above 2nd, the number tethering their life-force to yours, causing a stream of life-
of temporary hit points increases by 2d6. force to surge. Make a spell attack against a creature within
60 feet. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 fel damage, and you
DOMINATE regain hit points equal to half the amount of fel damage
dealt. The stream of life may be blocked by losing line of
5th-level enchantment sight or effect, or moving at least 60 feet away from the
target, at which case the spell is dispelled. Medium
Casting Time: 1 action creatures or smaller cannot block the stream, but Large
Range: 60 feet creatures generally do, as well as anything that blocks
Components: V, S magical vision or effect (such as a sheet of lead, etc.).
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You attempt to beguile a creature you can see within range. Heightened. When you cast this spell using a
When preparing this spell, you can choose to be able to spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4
dominate humanoids, beasts, or one creature type your class for each slot level above 4th.
can bind (see binding under spellcasting).
It must succeed on a Spirit saving throw or be dominated
by you for the duration (as Charm). If you or creatures that
DRAIN MANA as the spell Earthbind. The totem automatically
concentrates on any target you choose.
4th-level necromancy [Channel]
This totem otherwise functions as all other totem spells.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet EARTH SHIELD
Components: V, S
Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minute 2nd-level transmutation [sigil]
You shoot your hand forward, and drain mana from your
target, drawing it out from their eyes, nose, and mouth in Casting Time: 1 action
blue rope-like streams. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
The target of this spell loses 2d6 mana points every round, Duration: Up to 1 minute
while you gain half the mana taken. The stream may be You conjure a shield of earth to guard and protect a creature
blocked by losing line of sight or effect (as Drain Life), at within range. The target gains resistance against the first
which case the spell is dispelled. Creatures the caster’s size weapon attack they take in a combat round. At the beginning
or smaller cannot block the stream, but creatures larger of every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil roll to
than they generally do. Mana restored this way cannot affect the target again.
exceed your maximum mana points.
Also, so long as this sigil is active, the target also gains a
You may also use this to push a number of your own mana +2 bonus to their AC. The reduction to damage is an aura
points to the target at the rate of 1d6 per round channeled. effect.
Heightened. You increase the mana stolen by 1 mana Heightened. For each spell level above 2nd, you gain
point for every spell level, and the healing appropriately resistance to another attack taken in the same combat
(minimum 1). round.
2nd-level evocation 1st-level abjuration
Casting time 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (an object struck by the element)
Duration: Instantaneous, plus concentration (up to 1 Duration: 1 hour
A protective magical field surrounds you, manifesting as a
minute) spectral element. You can choose to make the armor Fire,
You target any flying or air-bound creature within range, Frost, or Lightning.
bringing the creature crashing down to the ground. The
target must pass a Strength or Agility saving throw (its You gain 5 temporary hit points for the duration of the
choice) or else loses altitude at a rate of 40 feet per round. If spell. If a creature hits you with a weapon or spell attack
the creature hits the ground as a result of this spell, they while these hit points remain, they may manifest one of the
take the normal amount of damage from falling (as if falling following effects:
that distance). The caster can steer the target to fall to any
point within 30 feet when casting this spell. After the • All. The attacker take 1 point of elemental per point of
creature falls to the ground, the caster can maintain damage they deal (maximum equal to the remaining
concentration to keep it earthbound, reducing its fly speed to temporary hit points). The target must be within melee
0 so long as the creature fails to make its save. reach.
The targeted creature can use an action to break out of • All. You may gain resistance against the damage (only if
this effect and attempt to pass a Strength or Agility saving the armor’s element matches the damaging element). This
throw. If it succeeds, it regains its full fly speed. If the target reduces the temporary hit points by 5.
is larger than the caster, they have advantage on their saving
throw. • Frost or Lightning only. The target is chilled for one
• Fire only. Target is scorched for one round.
4th-level evocation [totem]
Heightened. The temporary hit points increase by 5 for
Casting Time: 1 action every level above 1st.
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute
Once you place this totem, you may use a reaction to target 1st-level evocation
any creature within 90 feet of it with the effect of Earthbind,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous, plus 1 round
You send a resounding burst of elemental energy, dealing
2d8 damage from any of the elemental damage. Depending
on the element, the target is affected by the following, until
the beginning of their turn in the next round. With a
successful Stamina saving throw, the target resists the
secondary effect, and halves the initial damage.
• Storm (lightning). The target takes disadvantage to attack
• Earth (acid). The target is pushed 10 feet in any direction
you choose.
• Fire (fire). The target is scorched for one round.
• Frost (cold). The target is chilled for one round.
Heightened. The initial damage increases by 2d8 per
level above 1st.
Special. This spell costs 1 less mana point than normal
for its spell level.
Elemental Shock Totem
3rd-level abjuration [totem]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
Once you place this totem, you may use a reaction to target
any creature within 30 feet of it with a blast of elemental
energy, as the spell Elemental Shock.
This totem otherwise functions as all other totem spells.
Special. This spell costs 1 less mana point than normal for
its spell level.
2nd-level evocation [Strike]
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute, or two uses (whichever comes first)
You may apply this strike to any melee weapon attack. This
deals additional 2d6 damage, chosen from any type of
elemental damage. This deals an additional effect as
Elemental Shock.
Heightened. You deal an additional 1d6 elemental
damage or one additional use from any of the above
elements per level above 2nd.
1st-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
By targeting one creature within range, you sprout thorny
vines and weeds that constrict on them. The creature must
succeed on a Strength saving throw or else be restrained by
the entangling weeds so long as you concentrate. While the
creature is restrained, they take 1d4 damage every round
(the type is either piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning).
They may use an action every round to make a Strength Any creature you touch is heavily obscured from all viewers
check against your DC again. On a success, it frees itself, for one minute, or until they attack a creature.
and the plants wilt away.
Heightened. The damage dealt increases by 1d4 per level
above 1st and can entangle another creature within 5 feet. 1st-level abjuration [totem]
EXORCISM Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15 feet
2nd-level evocation Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action Once you place this totem, it emits an aura with a reaction.
Range: 30 feet This aura spreads in a 15-foot pulse, granting all allies
Components: V, S advantages to saving throws versus fear effects.
Duration: Instantaneous
You call upon the Holy Light (or forcefully expel fel or FIRE NOVA
shadow magic from the target) to harm fiends or undead.
Make a ranged spell attack. If the target is a fiend or undead, 3rd-level evocation
they take 4d10 holy damage.
Casting Time: 1 action
If the target is a creature under a possession or Range: Personal (self)
possession spell by an undead or fiend, only the possessing Components: V, S
creature takes the damage, and the victim may re-roll Duration: Instantaneous
against the possession effect with advantage. You release a burst of flame in the area, creating a burning
sphere centered on you, igniting the very air around you. Any
If the target is charmed or dominated by an undead or creature within a 20-foot radius sphere suffer 8d6 fire
fiend, or is a conjured or bound undead, the target creature damage, and are entitled an Agility saving throw to half
may (instead of being damaged) have the spell dispelled if it damage. The heat spreads around corners.
is of a spell level 2nd or lower. If higher, you must succeed
on a spellcasting ability check against a DC of 10 + spell If a target struck by this spell has been harmed by the
level. Elemental Shock (Fire) or Firebolt spells and failed their
saving throw to half damage, they take extra damage equal
Heightened. The damage increases by 2d10 for each to the spell level on the start of their round, and are
spell level above 2nd. scorched for one round.
EXPLOSION Heightened. When cast from a 4th level spell slot or
higher, the initial damage increases by 1d6 per spell level
1st-level evocation above 3rd.
Casting Time: 1 action FIRE NOVA TOTEM
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (empty egg shell) 5th-level evocation [totem]
Duration: Instantaneous, or up to 3 rounds
You draw power into the focus, and then release it to Casting Time: 1 action
explode either instantaneously or delayed for up to three Range: 30 feet
rounds. This explosion deals 2d6 concussive damage in a Components: V, S
10-foot radius sphere and knocks them prone. This also Duration: 1 minute
deals 1 additional point of ‘splash’ damage per dice to all Once you place this totem, you may use a reaction to have it
areas 5 feet from the blast. If the targets can pass an Agility release the effects of a 3rd level Fire Nova, as the spell of the
saving throw, the damage is halved and they are not same name. Neither you nor your totems can be harmed by
knocked prone. this ability.
Heightened. For each level above 1st, you add an FLARE
additional 1d6 damage (and one additional point of splash
damage). 2nd-level evocation
Special. When preparing the spell, you can instead make Casting Time: 1 action
the explosion deal fire, cold, lightning, or acid damage. Range: Maximum range of ranged weapon
Components: V, S, M (ranged weapon)
FADE Duration: 1 minute
You shoot a blazing projectile that arcs through the air, to
1st-level illusion any point within range. the projectile sheds medium light for
its active duration, removing most conditions that allow a
Casting Time: 1 action creature to hide and revealing what is in the location (such
Range: Touch as darkness or light mist). This spell dispels a 10-foot cube
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
of fog or mist (or attempts to as dispel magic, if a Fog Cloud (average 70), only a level 8 Freezing Sphere (average 72)
spell is at its level or higher). can freeze a surface of lava.
1st-level evocation [healing] 3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action or reaction, which you take Casting Time: 1 action
when a creature in range is hit with an attack, or an Range: 150 feet
undead or fiend moves within range. Components: V, S, M (drop of water)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60 feet You release a burst of frost in the area, creating a freezing
Components: V, S blast centered on you, igniting the very air around you. Any
Duration: Instantaneous creature within a 20-foot radius sphere suffer 8d6 cold
A creature of your choice that you can see is healed 1d4 + damage and the chilled condition, and are entitled an Agility
your spellcasting modifier. If the target is an undead or saving throw to half damage (a successful save negates the
fiendish creature, the target takes the damage specified as condition). The cold spreads around corners.
Holy damage. This has no effect on constructs.
Heightened. The damage increases by 1d6 for each level
If you target an unwilling creature, you require a ranged above 3rd.
spell attack.
Heightened. The healing increases by 1d4 for each level
above 1st. 1st-level evocation
FREEZING SPHERE Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
2nd-level evocation Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous, plus 3 rounds
Casting Time: 1 action You shoot a bolt of blue fire and red ice at a single enemy
Range: 30 feet within range. Make a ranged spell attack, and on a success,
Components: V, S, M (small crystal sphere) the target takes 2d6 damage. The damage is half fire, and
Duration: Instantaneous, or up to 1 minute. half cold. The target is also chilled for three rounds.
You create a frigid globe of transparent blue ice brimming
with elemental energies. Once you cast this spell, you can Heightened. The damage increases by 1d6 fire and 1d6
retain the globe or throw it up to the range of the spell, frost each.
causing it to explode in a 10-foot radius sphere. The
explosion releases a burst of numbing cold. All creatures in GLOBE OF INVULNERABILITY
the area must succeed on a Stamina saving throw or take
4d8 cold damage in the area on a failed saving throw, or half 4th-level abjuration
the normal amount passing the save. If the globe strikes a
body of water or a liquid with similar freezing points, the Casting Time: 1 action
spell freezes the liquid within its active radius to a depth of 6 Range: Self
inches for 1 minute. Creatures that were swimming or that Components: V, S, M (a glass or crystal bead that shatters
were in the water at the moment must succeed on an
additional Strength saving throw as an action versus your when the spell ends)
spell DC or be restrained. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into
You can throw the sphere further than the spell's normal existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the
range by retaining it and releasing it via a sling with an duration.
attack action (up to the sling's normal range). After 1 minute
of being conjured, the sphere shatters. Any spell of 3rd level or lower cast from outside the
barrier can't affect creatures or objects within it, unless the
Heightened. When cast from a level 3 spell slot, the spell is cast using a higher level spell slot.
damage increases by 2d8 per level above 3rd. When
heightened to 4th level, the range increases to 100 feet, and Such a spell can target creatures and objects within the
the radius increases to 20 feet. When heightened to 6th barrier, but the spell has no effect on them. Similarly, the
level, the range increases to 300 feet, and the radius area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected
increases to 30 feet. When heightened to 8th level, the range by such spells.
increases to 400 feet, and the radius increases to 40 feet.
Heightened. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Special. The spell can freeze damaging surfaces (such as 5th level or higher, the barrier blocks spells of one level
fires and liquids) that deal less damage on average than the higher for each slot level above 4th.
spell itself. Since lava deals 20d6 points of fire damage
HAMMER OF JUSTICE throws. If it fails on two saving throws, it cannot attempt re-
entry for one week.
2nd-level evocation [Strike]
Second, you can bind an extra effect to the area. Choose
Casting Time: 1 bonus action the effect from the following list, or choose an effect offered
Range: melee by the DM. Some of these effects apply to creatures in the
Components: V area; you can designate whether the effect applies to all
Duration: 1 minute, or two uses (whichever comes first) creatures, creatures that follow a specific deity or leader, or
You may apply this strike to any melee weapon attack. On a creatures of a specific sort, such as orcs or trolls. When a
successful damage roll, the target of this ability must creature that would be affected enters the spell’s area for the
succeed on a Stamina saving throw or else be stunned until first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it can make a
the beginning of their turn in the next round. Charisma saving throw. On a success, the creature ignores
the extra effect until it leaves the area.
• Bloom (Ancient power only). The area blooms of plant
2nd-level evocation [Strike] life. It gains 4 cp worth of herbalism and alchemy
materials, or can support large trees. This can be even
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature is used in hostile environments (such as deserts or in the
reduced to below one-half hit points Outland), but it is more easily dispelled (dispeller gains
advantage to dispel).
Range: 60 feet
Components: V • Blight (Unholy only). The area is blighted to kill plants
Duration: Instantaneous and corrupt all life. It loses three-quarters of all herbalism
Make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature within and alchemy materials, and sterilizes the land (as if salted).
60 feet as if they were in melee range. A spectral version of In a blighted area, undead can rest and restore hit dice
your weapon flies ahead and strikes the foe at a distance, normally without using magic or special abilities (such as
dealing damage equal to your normal melee attack, plus an cannibalism or vampirism). Binding undead in an area of
additional 2d8 thunder damage. blight costs only one-half the normal cost.
Heightened. The extra thunder damage increases by 1d8 • Blessed (Holy only). The area is blessed to provide all
for each level above 2nd. allied creatures with the benefits of the Bless spell
(useable up to three times at any given 24 hours).
• Courage. Affected creatures can’t be frightened while in
5th-level evocation the area from any source.
Casting time 24 hours • Darkness. Darkness fills the area. Normal light, as well as
Range: Touch magical light created by spells of a lower level than the slot
Components: V, S, M (500 gp in oils and incense, which the you used to cast this spell, can’t illuminate the area.
spell consumes) • Daylight. Bright light fills the area. Magical darkness
Duration: Until dispelled created by spells of a lower level than the slot you used to
You touch a point and infuse an area around it with holy (or cast this spell can’t extinguish the light.
unholy, ancient, or elemental) power. The area can have a
radius up to 60 feet, and the spell fails if the radius includes • Energy Protection. Affected creatures in the area have
an area already under the effect a hallow spell. Depending resistance to one damage type of your choice, except for
on your casting class, you can rely on one power. You may bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
repeat a hallowing on another area within the radius of the
original hallow, in which case the chained spell costs less • Energy Vulnerability. Affected creatures in the area have
materials (15 CP per 60 feet of hallowed ground). vulnerability to one damage type of your choice, except for
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
Druids rely on the power of ancients; priests can rely on
holy or unholy power; paladins rely on holy power; death • Elemental Activity (Elemental power only). The
knights rely on unholy power; and shamans rely on hallowed area is attuned to elementals. It is treated as an
elemental power. The affected area is subject to the inverted magic circle, but only for the purposes of binding
following effects. elementals. If convinced to perform a task that serves the
elemental powers, you gain advantage to Charisma checks
First, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead (chosen to convince them, and the gold cost for the spell is reduced
by the caster) can’t enter the area, nor can such creatures by three-fourths.
charm, frighten, or possess creatures within it. Any creature
charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature is no • Everlasting Rest. Dead bodies interred in the area can’t
longer charmed, frightened, or possessed upon entering the be turned into undead.
area. You can exclude one or more of those types of
creatures from this effect. If such barred creature attempts • Extradimensional Interference. Affected creatures can’t
to enter the area, it must succeed on three Charisma saving move or travel using teleportation or by extradimensional
or interplanar means so long as they are within the area.
• Fear. Affected creatures are frightened while in the area. Components: V, S
• Silence. No sound can emanate from within the area, and Duration: Instantaneous
You inflict one hex of the below array.
no sound can reach into it. Tongues. Affected creatures
can communicate with any other creature in the area, even • Bone Lock (level 3). As the slow spell.
if they don’t share a common language. • Death Hex (level 1). You place a curse on a creature that
Special. When hallowing inside a building, the spell’s you can see within range. Until the spell ends, you deal an
effects are limited by it, becoming a shapeable spell. So long extra 1d6 shadow damage to the target whenever you hit it
as the spell’s area of effect fills at least half the building, it with an attack. Also, choose one ability when you cast the
can be treated as affecting all of it. spell. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made
with the chosen ability.
HEALING STREAM • Dream Eat (level 2). You can deal 2d6 psychic damage to
a sleeping target per spell level, healing one-half the
4th-level evocation [healing] damage you deal. If the target dies from this, they are
instead trapped in eternal sleep (this is treated as a curse
Casting Time: 1 action effect. Breaking the curse awakens the target normally).
Range: 60 feet • Fortune (level 1). As the Bless spell.
Components: V, S • Love Hex (level 1). As the Charm spell, but can affect any
Duration: Instantaneous creature type, so long as that finds you attractive.
You may target a single creature with a chained healing • Misfortune (level 1). As the Bane spell.
spell. The target is healed 6d8 hit points, and the spell’s • Spell Steal Hex (level 5). As the Spell Steal spell. This
effects are then transferred (and diminished) to another still requires you to prepare the Dispel Magic spell.
creature you choose within 30 feet of the original target. The
secondary target heals 4d8 hit points, and the effect arcs Heightened. Death Hex. When you cast this spell using a
again, losing two dice for each target after the first. This spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your
spell has no effect on constructs and undead. concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your
Heightened. The healing increases by 1d8 for each level concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.
above 4th.
2nd-level enchantment
6th-level evocation [totem] [healing]
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a small, straight piece of iron)
Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You attempt to hold a creature you can see within range.
Once you place this totem, you may use your reaction every When preparing this spell, you can choose to be able to hold
round to cause it to emit healing energies as the spell one creature type your class can bind (see binding under
Healing Stream, restoring 8d6 hit point per round to all spellcasting).
creatures within 30 feet. This healing acts exactly as normal
healing from the Healing Stream spell. It must make a Spirit saving throw. If it fails, it is
paralyzed until the spell ends. At the end of each of its turns,
HEALING WARD the target can make another saving throw. On a success, the
spell ends on the target.
1st-level evocation [totem] [healing]
Special. If choosing to exclusively affect beasts, the spell’s
Casting Time: 1 action level is decreased to 1st level instead, as their minds are
Range: 30 feet more malleable.
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Heightened. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Once you place this totem, you may use your reaction every 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional creature
round to cause it to emit healing energies, restoring 1 hit for each slot level above 3rd. They must be within 30 ft. of
point per round to all creatures within 30 feet. This healing each other when you target them. You can instead choose to
acts exactly as normal healing from the Holy Light spell. target an additional creature type to the hold spell instead
(Hold Person at level 2 can be Hold Person and Elementals
Heightened. The ward heals one additional hit point, or at level 3).
remains for one additional minute per spell level.
1st-level transmutation [array]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
2nd-level evocation [sigil] 2nd-level evocation [healing]
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
A blast of holy fire burns a creature within range, creating a You release a burst of energy that heals or harms.
pulsing blaze within their very spirit that throws off their
aim. You may target a creature as a ranged spell attack. On a
success, it either regains 2d8 hit points, or is dealt the same
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the amount of Holy damage. This can only heal the living. On a
target is affected by the holy fire, taking 2d4 holy damage. At ranged dice result of 18 to 20, this is considered a critical hit
the beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a and either heals or harms double normal damage. If the
sigil roll to affect the target again. caster has the Holy Vision ability, the attack is a critical hit
on a dice result of 16-20.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target takes double
damage against any Smite spell you cast. If the ranged spell Constructs gain no benefit from this spell.
attack misses, the spell deals half the initial damage and has Heightened. The healing increases by 1d8 per two levels
no other effect. above 2nd.
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per every ICE BLOCK
level above 2nd.
4th-level abjuration
Special. This may be cast as unholy fire, dealing shadow
damage instead. Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are
targeted with an attack or harmful effect.
Range: Personal (Self)
1st-level evocation [healing] Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action You become encased in a block of ice, protecting you from
Range: 30 feet damage. A thick block of ice protects you, granting you 6d6
Components: V, S temporary hit points so long as you channel the spell.
Duration: Instantaneous Furthermore, you gain resistance to all types of damage but
With the grace of the Holy Light, you bring life to the living, fire, as well as immunity to cold damage.
and harm to the unsanctified. The creature you target
regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your If the block manages to absorb all damage from an effect,
spellcasting ability modifier. If you target an undead or a you are protected against any secondary effects (as if
fiend with this ability, they take Holy damage equal to the hit immune).
points they would normally gain. If you target an unwilling
creature, you require a ranged spell attack. While encased in ice and concentrating, you are
incapacitated. When the ice is destroyed or when you cease
Constructs gain no benefit from this spell. channeling, you may cast any spell as a bonus action or a
Heightened. The healing increases by 1d8 per level reaction (so long as its normal casting time is 1 action or
above 1st. quicker).
3rd-level evocation 1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal (Self) Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
You release a burst of holy energy a 30-foot radius sphere. You reach forward, freezing your target’s joints and breath.
All living allies are healed 3d8 hit points, while all living Make a melee spell attack against a creature you touch. If
enemies take 3d4 Holy damage. you succeed, the target takes 3d6 cold damage, and is
chilled for one round.
Creatures harmed by this spell are entitled a Spirit saving
throw to half damage. The light spreads around corners. IMMOLATION AURA
Fiends and undead take the damage in d8 instead of d4.
2nd-level evocation [Aura]
Heightened. The healing increases by 1d8, and the
damage by 1d4 for each level above 3rd. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal (Self)
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You surround yourself with a burning green fire that reaches
5 feet away (unlike normal auras). For the duration of the
aura, any creature that attacks you with a weapon in reach of
the aura or who begins its round within range takes 2d6 fire
damage, with an Agility save to halve damage.
You may also use a bonus action on your turn to add half
your total fire damage to any of your attacks. The latter
effect is a strike effect.
Heightened. The damage dealt by your aura increases by
1d6 per level above 2nd.
1st-level evocation [sigil]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You infuse your target with flickering green hellfire. Make a
ranged spell attack against a creature within range.
On a hit, the target is affected by the spell, taking 1d6
damage. This damage is treated as both fire and fel. At the
beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil
roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target suffers -4 to
the first saving throw they make until the beginning of their
turn in the next round. If the ranged spell attack misses, the
spell deals half the initial damage and has no other effect.
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per spell
level above 1st.
4th-level evocation [sigil]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You infuse your target with pure arcane flame. Make a
ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit,
the target is affected by the spell, taking 4d6 fire damage. At
the beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a
sigil roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the blast from the spell
target's splashes on the area around the target. All creatures
adjacent to the target take half the initial damage the target
takes. If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half
the initial damage and has no other effect.
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per spell
level above 4th.
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Five minutes regain up to one-fourth your maximum mana points. You
The benevolent holy light burns within a creature within may benefit from this spell only once every hour, as a mana-
range. The creature is empowered to do great deeds. The restorative effect.
creature gains +1 to damage rolls, and their armor increases
by 1. This is an aura bonus. Special. This spell does not cost mana.
Heightened. You can increase the bonus to AC and LIGHTNING BOLT
damage rolls by +1 each for every two levels above 1st.
3rd-level evocation
INVOKE ELEMENTS Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal (Self), 100-foot line, or 100 feet (one
Evocation cantrip
creature), see description
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber,
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S crystal, or glass)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
You can create one of the following effects: A stroke of lightning forming a line of 100 feet long and 5
feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Each
You create a tiny, harmless illusion that predicts the creature in the line must make an Agility saving throw. A
weather for the next 24 hours; your voice booms three times creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half
as loud; you conjure a spark of lightning or flame that can as much damage on a successful one.
light or snuff a small campfire, torch, or candle; cause such
flames to flicker and change color for 1 minute; you cause Alternatively, you may cause the lightning bolt to lance
harmless tremors for 1 minute; you chill, warm, a small and jump between multiple targets instead of affecting
amount of liquid, or freeze it for 1 minute. creatures in a line. The spell affects up to two targets within
150 feet. Creatures struck by this take the damage as
You can have up to three of these 1-minute effects active at normal.
The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that
LAVA BURST aren’t being worn or carried.
2nd-level evocation [sigil] Heightened. When cast from a 4th level spell slot or
higher, the damage increases by 1d6 per spell slot above
Casting Time: 1 action 3rd.
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S If casting the spell to leap between targets, the spell can
Duration: Up to 1 minute affect an additional target per every two levels heightened
You blast your target with sticky elemental lava. Make a above 3rd (3 at 5th, 4 at 7th, and 5 at 9th).
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target is
affected by the spell, taking 2d6 fire damage. At the LIGHTNING ORBS
beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a spell
attack roll to affect the target again. 1st-level evocation
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target suffers Casting Time: 1 action
additional half damage (+50%) from any Elemental Shock Range: 30 feet
spell you cast. If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell Components: V, S, M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber,
deals half the initial damage and has no other effect.
crystal, or glass)
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per spell Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
level above 2nd. You conjure orbs of lightning to surround a creature within
range. Any object or creature that starts its turn within 5 feet
Special. If the victim of this spell is targeted with any of the creature or comes within that range is affected by the
water or cold spell or effect, the lava solidifies, inflicting a lightning orbs on a failed Agility saving throw, taking 1d8
slow effect instead of increased vulnerability to elemental lightning damage, and can’t take reactions until their next
shock spells. turn.
LIFE TAP The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that
aren’t being worn or carried.
2nd-level necromancy
Heightened. The damage increases by 1d8 per every two
Casting Time: 1 action spell slots above 2nd.
Range: Personal (Self)
Components: V, S, M (Drop of the caster’s blood) LIGHTNING STORM
Duration: Instantaneous
You draw a drop of blood, and sacrifice your life-force for 3rd-level evocation
mana. You lose one-fourth your maximum hit points and
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal (Self)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous LUNAR CURSE
You release a storm of lightning in the area, electrifying the
very air around you in a burst of lightning. Any creature 3rd-level necromancy [curse]
within a 20-foot radius sphere suffers 8d6 lightning damage,
and are entitled an Agility saving throw to half damage. The Casting Time: 1 action
lightning creeps around corners, and does not harm the Range: Touch
character's totems. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
All targets harmed by this spell that have failed their saves You touch a humanoid to imbue a sliver of the lunar curse
to half damage have a 50% chance to either be pushed back within them. If the creature fails on a Spirit saving throw
10 feet or lose their reactions for their round. and you maintain concentration and line of sight to it for up
to 1 minute, the creature is cursed to turn into a were-
Heightened. When cast from a 4th level spell slot or creature (such as a Worgen or werewolf).
higher, the initial damage increases by 1d6 per spell slot
above 3rd. The cursed creature begins suffering psychological
torment and their body begins their transfiguration. For
LIGHTWELL three days, they will avoid gatherings of their same kind. At
this stage, a break curse can reverse the spell if the target
3rd-level evocation [totem] [healing] can succeed on a spellcasting check versus your own, or one
dispel magic for each of the three days of transformation.
Casting Time: 1 action Otherwise, this moves to the third stage.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S At the end of the three days, the target's transformation
Duration: 5 minutes will be complete, and they will become Worgen (or any were-
You call down a well of light for ten minutes that lands on creature chosen by you). Initially-transformed Worgen
the five-foot square specified. Whenever a creature touches cannot transform back to humans (or their original creature
the lightwell, you may use your reaction to heal them 1d8 + type) until after 1 week of rampaging violence (though they
spellcasting modifier in hit points. This is treated as a Holy may attempt a Wisdom saving throw once every day to end
Light spell (level 1). A single creature cannot benefit from the rampage).
the lightwell more than three times before they require a
Heightened. The lightwell remains for five more minutes 2nd-level evocation
more per every spell level above 3rd, to a maximum of 30
minutes, and the spell level of the Holy Light spell increases Casting Time: 1 action
by one level per level heightened. Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
LIVING BOMB Duration: Instantaneous
You target a creature that has mana within 30 feet. A ray of
5th-level evocation [sigil] black-purple anti-magic leaps out, and strikes the target,
draining them of mana. You must make a ranged spell
Casting Time: 1 action attack with the ray. On a success, the target loses 1d4+1
Range: 60 feet mana points. For every mana point lost, the target takes two
Components: V, S points of arcane damage.
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You infuse your target with a seed of arcane fire or frost in The target is entitled a Spirit saving throw. On a success,
the target’s chest cavity (or comparable part of their body). the mana and hit points lost are halved.
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, an
elemental bomb nests into the target, dealing 5d6 fire or Heightened. The number of mana points drained
cold damage. At the beginning of every round, the caster increases by 1d4 points per every three levels above 2 (2d4
must succeed on a sigil roll to affect the target again. at level 5, 3d4 at level 8).
Also, so long as the spell is active, the damage from the Special. Demons always have active mana, and can
spell is added up to a total pool of damage. If the spell ends always be targeted with mana burn. If they have no mana,
without being dispelled, the target (and every creature within they still take 2 points of arcane damage.
10 feet away) suffer the total damage dealt by the spell again
(Stamina saving throw halves the damage for the target, and MANA SHIELD
Agility save halves for those adjacent).
1st-level abjuration
If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the
initial damage and has no other effect. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal (Self)
Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per spell Components: V, S, M (a sapphire worth at least 10 gp,
level above 5th.
which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 hour
You raise a transparent blue shield of force. This effect MIND BLAST
remains only so long as you have at least 1 mana point in
your pool. For every 2 points of damage you take that are not 1st-level evocation [sigil]
internal (such as from starvation), you may sacrifice 1 mana
point to negate. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Effects that target your mana pool do so directly. This Components: V, S
cannot reduce the damage below half the original damage Duration: Up to 1 minute
dealt. You concentrate, searing your enemy’s mind with a surge of
psychic energy that causes it to reel internally. Make a
Heightened. A single mana point can absorb 1 additional ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit,
hit point per every three levels above 1 (3 hit points per the target takes 1d4 psychic damage. At the beginning of
mana at spell level 4, and 4 hit points per mana point at level every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil roll to affect
8). the target again.
Special. This spell does not cost mana to cast. Also, so long as the spell is active, the target has
disadvantage to their next skill check until the beginning of
MANA TIDE TOTEM the next round.
6th-level transmutation [totem] If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the
initial damage and has no other effect.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Heightened. The damage increases by one dice per spell
Components: V, S level above 1st.
Duration: 1 minute
Once you place this totem, you may use a reaction to have it MIND FLAY
release the effects of a 7rd level Brilliance Aura (or Mana
Tide), as the spell of the same name. This totem otherwise 3rd-level evocation [sigil]
functions as all other totem spells.
Casting Time: 1 action
MARK OF THE WILD Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
1st-level transmutation Duration: Up to 1 minute
You focus your mental powers into creating a nexus of
Casting time 1 action damaging psychic power in your enemy’s mind. Make a
Range: 30 feet ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit,
Components: V, S, M (a piece of bark or leaf) the target takes 3d4 psychic damage. At the beginning of
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil roll to affect
You bless a creature with the mark of the wild. Whenever the target again.
the creature makes an attack roll or saving throw before the
spell ends, they can roll 1d4 and add the value to their Also, so long as the spell is active, the target is slowed
result. Alternatively, when subject to elemental damage, they until the beginning of their turn in the next round. If the
can roll 1d4 and reduce the value from the damage they ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the initial
take. damage and has no other effect.
MASS REVIVIFY Heightened. The damage taken increases by one dice per
every level above 3rd.
5th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Range: 30 feet 5th-level abjuration
Components: V, S, M (diamonds or alchemical reagents
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a
worth 300 gp per target, which the spell consumes) creature within 60 feet casting a spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Choose up to 6 targets within 30 feet of a point you choose Range: 60 feet
within range. Each creature that has died within the last Components: S
minute returns to life with 1 hit point. Duration: Instantaneous, plus Concentration for up to 1
This spell can't return to life a creature that has died of old minute
age, nor can it restore any missing body parts. You attempt to interrupt the creature by freezing its tongue
in its place, and its hands from performing the spell’s
Special. This spell can target any creature type except gestures.
Constructs, Celestials, or Fiends.
If the caster is casting a spell of 5th level or lower, they
automatically fail, and the target is silenced (as the spell
Mute), and Deafened (as Deafness). If they are casting a
spell of 6th level or higher, make an ability check using your
spellcasting ability versus a DC of 10 + spell’s level. On a
success, the creature’s spell fails and is silenced as per the Also, if the target is shapeshifting, or is under the effects of
spell Mute. This spell effect can remain for as long as you a polymorph spell or comparable effect, they must make a
concentrate. saving throw whenever they take the damage or else revert
to their normal form. This cannot overwhelm curse effects
Heightened. The interrupted spell is automatic if the unless Moonfire is cast from a level 5 spell slot.
spell’s level is less than or equal to Mind Freeze’s level.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target takes -4 to
MIND VISION their saving throws against the Sunfire spell. If the ranged
spell attack misses, the spell deals half the initial damage
4th-level divination and has no other effect.
Casting Time: 1 action Heightened. The damage taken increases by one dice per
Range: 60 feet every level above 1st.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute MUTATE
You focus your mental powers into seeing through the
target’s eyes, hearing through their ears, and sensing 1st-level transmutation [array]
through them. This can be negated on a successful Spirit
saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target shares all Casting Time: 1 action
images, sounds, words and sensory messages they receive Range: Touch
with you. Components: V, S, M (hair, nail clip, or a piece of the
You may (so long as the spell is active) attempt to charm target’s body)
or dominate the target with another spell, and both spells Duration: 10 minutes
can be concentrated on at the same time. You transmute the touched target to gain one of the below
mutations. You can choose one of the following mutations in
At the beginning of the target’s turn every round, they may the array.
attempt another Spirit saving throw to end this effect.
• Adhesive. The target becomes stickier. They gain
MINOR ALCHEMY advantage to grapple checks and checks related to
climbing or holding.
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action • Ability Score Boost. The target gains +2 to one attribute,
Range: Touch but -2 to the opposite attribute. Strength is opposed to
Components: V, S Intelligence, Agility to Spirit, and Stamina to Charisma.
Duration: 1 hour
You can temporarily alter the physical properties of one • Bite. The target gains a bite melee weapon attack. Bite is
nonmagical object, changing it from one substance into treated as a light natural attack, and deals piercing
another. You perform a special alchemical procedure on one damage as a dagger of the target’s size (1d4 for medium
object composed entirely of wood, stone (but not a creatures).
gemstone), iron, copper, or silver, transforming it into a
different one of those materials. • Claws. This is treated as Bite, but instead deals slashing
damage, and is treated as a shortsword of the target’s size
For each 10 minutes you spend performing the procedure, (1d6 for medium creatures).
you can transform up to 1 cubic foot of material. After 1
hour, the material reverts to its original substance. The • Longer Limbs. One of the target’s limbs lengthen. This
residual effects of alchemy can be noticed with a successful increases the target’s reach by 5 feet for attack rolls done
Intelligence check with Alchemist’s Supplies, or a through that limb (bite, kick, armed melee attacks, etc.) or
Perception check. movement speed (if legs or tails) by 10 feet.
MOONFIRE • Resistant Skin. The target gains energy resistance 5
against one energy type.
1st-level evocation [sigil]
• Thicker Skin. The target gains a natural armor bonus
Casting Time: 1 action equal to +2. This does not stack with normal armor.
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S • Sensitive Eyes. The target’s eyes become more sensitive.
Duration: Up to 1 minute They gain darkvision 60 feet, or increase the range of
You call down a 5-foot wide, 30-foot high cylinder of astral existing darkvision by 30 feet.
moonlight that suffuse the target’s very core. Make a ranged
spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 Heighten. You can increase the bonus to attribute
holy damage. At the beginning of every round, the caster mutation or armor by +1 for every spell level above 1st level,
must succeed on a sigil roll to affect the target again. or energy resistance by 5 points above level 1. Alternatively,
you may add another mutation for every two spell levels this
is heightened.
2nd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You target a creature within range, forcing it to make a
Spirit saving throw. If it fails, the target is isolated from all
sound, causing it to be silenced and deafened. This prevents
it from performing the verbal components of spells, and
rendering it immune to Thunder damage and effects of a
spell equal to the spell’s level or lower.
Heightened. You may target another creature within 30
feet of the original target for every spell levels above 2nd (2
creatures at level 4, 3 at level 6, and 4 at level 8).
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 50 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You throw a crackling sphere of black and purple energy at a
target or 5-foot-intersection in range. This requires a ranged
spell attack against a primary target or 5-foot square. The
orb deals 4d6 points of fel damage on the target (or target 5-
The target’s maximum hit points is reduced by one-half
damage dealt by this spell. After being affected once by this,
the creature cannot be affected by reduction to maximum hit
points until 24 hours pass.
Creatures within 5 feet of the impact take half the fel
damage and their hit points are not reduced (Agility saving
throw halves the damage).
If targeting an object or a structure (such as a wall), the
spell deals triple normal damage, and ignores hardness.
Heightened. You may increase both the initial and
secondary damage by 1d6 per level above 2nd.
2nd-level conjuration [sigil]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You summon a parasitic conjured creature into the target.
Make a ranged spell attack against any creature within
range. The target suffers 2d6 poison damage. At the
beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil
roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target is treated as if
If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half the
initial damage and has no other effect.
If the creature dies while under the effects of parasite, its PSYCHIC HORROR
poisonous fume arises from the corpse, dealing 2d6 damage
in 10 feet, centered on the corpse. The parasite is 3rd-level illusion
summoned on the spot of its death, and it remains for a
minute, as if you conjured it. You can implant any creature Casting Time: 1 action
that as part of the spell so long as it is one size category Range: Personal (Self)
smaller than the target, and if the conjure spell you refer to Components: V, S
is lower than the parasite spell in spell level. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You project a phantasmal current of fear all around you,
Heightened. The damage increases by 1d6 per spell level creating a blast of mental energy. Each creature within a 20-
above 2nd. foot radius sphere centered on you must succeed on a Spirit
saving throw or drop whatever they are holding and become
POWER WORD SHIELD frightened for the duration. While frightened, the creature
can only use the Dash action to move away from you by the
3rd-level abjuration safest route available to it unless there is nowhere to move.
If the creature ends its turn in a location where it does not
Casting Time: 1 action have line of sight to you, they can make a Spirit saving
Range: 30 feet throw. On a successful save, the spell ends for that creature.
Components: V, S
Duration: One hour PYROBLAST
The utterance of the holy word of shielding grants any one
ally within range 15 temporary hit points. A creature can 7th-level evocation [Channel]
benefit from this Power Word only once for any given hour.
Casting Time: 1 action
Heightened. Increase the temporary hit points gained by Components: V, S
this spell by 10 points per level above 3rd. Range: 150 feet
Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minute
POLYMORPH You raise your hands, creating and channeling a ball of
yellow-gold flames that gradually increases in size,
4th-level transmutation brightness, and power. You can unleash the Pyroblast at the
same round, in which case it will deal 12d6 fire damage in a
Casting Time: 1 action 20-foot sphere. It may be channeled however (using an
Range: 60 feet action and no extra mana). For each action invested, you add
Components: V, S, M (a caterpillar cocoon) 1d6 fire damage to the damage dealt (up to a maximum
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour equal to 150% of the base damage, or 18d6 for 7th level).
This spell transforms a creature that you can see within
range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a Each creature in the area of effect must make a successful
Spirit saving throw to avoid the effect. The spell has no Agility saving throw to half damage. The fire damages
effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren’t
being worn or carried.
The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the
target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any Heightened. Increase the base damage by 1d6 for each
beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the level above 7th, increasing the maximum possible damage.
target's (or the target's level, if it doesn't have a challenge
rating). The target's game statistics, including mental ability Special. Some effects count as a round of channeling for a
scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It pyroblast spell.
retains its alignment and personality.
The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it
reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the 3rd-level evocation [Channel]
percentage of hit points its old form ended with (for
example, ending the spell at ½ hit points would leave the Casting Time: 1 action
target with half their normal hit points). If the spell ended Range: 150 feet, in a 15-feet-wide, 60-feet-high cylinder.
from the target’s hit points being reduced to 0 or below, the Components: V, S, M (crushed glass and water)
target reverts back with 1 hit point. You whisper the magic words, and a hot, red light emanates
from your hands. A burning cloud materializes 40 feet above
The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the the target, raining down meteorites and clumps of fire,
nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take dealing 4d6 points of damage in the area for every round of
any other action that requires hands or speech. channeling. The damage is half fire, and half magical
bludgeoning damage.
The target's gear melds into the new form. The creature
can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its The rain sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in
equipment. the area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as
lead, gold, copper, silver or bronze.
The cloud can deal damage to creatures flying under it as Duration: Up to 1 minute
well, and imposes the same obscuration to sight to creatures You place a mark of the light on the target within range,
below the cloud. As a bonus action, you can move the cloud suffusing them with holy power. The target regains 1d4 hit
that calls down the rain of fire up to 30 feet. points. If you target an undead or a fiend with this ability,
they take Holy damage equal to the hit points they would
Heightened. Per level above 3rd, add one dice of damage normally gain. If you target an unwilling creature, you
per every spell level above 3rd level. require a ranged spell attack. At the beginning of every
round, the caster must succeed on a sigil roll to affect the
RAISE DEAD target again.
5th-level necromancy Also, so long as the spell is active, the first creature that
attacks the target has disadvantage to the attack roll. This
Casting Time: 1 hour bonus remains until the beginning of the target's next turn.
Range: touch
Components: V, S, M (a diamond or alchemical reagents Constructs gain no benefit from this spell.
Heightened. The healing taken increases by one dice per
worth 500 gp, which the spell consumes) every level above 2nd.
Duration: Instantaneous
You return a dead (or destroyed intelligent undead) creature RESISTANCE TOTEM
you touch to life, provided that it has been dead no longer
than 10 days. The creature returns to life with 1 hit point. 5th-level evocation [totem]
This spell also neutralizes any poison and cures Casting Time: 1 action
nonmagical Diseases that affected the creature at the time it Range: 30 feet
died. This spell doesn't, however, remove magical Diseases, Components: V, S
curses, or similar effects, if these aren't first removed prior Duration: 1 minute
to casting the spell, they take effect when the creature Once you place this totem, you may use a reaction target any
returns to life. creature within 30 feet and grant them resistance to one
elemental type in response to an attack (choose between
This spell closes all mortal wounds, but it doesn't restore acid, fire, cold, lightning, and thunder).
missing body parts.
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target
suffers from resurrection sickness (see resurrection under 1st-level transmutation [Stance]
chapter 1: introduction).
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are
REJUVENATION subjected to forced movement
1st-level evocation [sigil] [healing] Components: S
Range: Personal (Self)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute, or one use (whichever comes first)
Range: 60 feet You enter a stance that represents the swaying reeds in the
Components: V, S face of a storm. When you are subject to physical forced
Duration: Up to 1 minute movement (such as being pushed, knocked prone, or
With the grace of the nature, you envelop one living creature tripped), you can use this stance to gain advantage to any
within range with a blessing that rapidly closes wounds and check (or an opposed Strength check if no check is
rejuvenates the target. The target regains 1d4 hit points. At available). If you successfully remain unmoved, you gain an
the beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a attack of opportunity against them or may cast a cantrip.
sigil roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell sigil is active, the target also
gains resistance to poison damage, or suppresses one level 7th-level necromancy
of exhaustion until the beginning of their turn the next
round. Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (a diamond or alchemical reagents
Constructs gain no benefit from this spell.
Heightened. The healing taken increases by one dice per worth 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
every level above 2nd. This acts as the Raise Dead spell, but you can raise a dead
Special. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or below, creature that has been dead for no more than 100 years, that
they automatically stabilize. didn't die of old age, and that isn't Undead. The character
returns to life with all its hit points.
Unlike Raise Dead, this spell restores any missing body
1st-level evocation [sigil] [healing] parts, including ones that are required for survival (heart,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target Also, so long as the spell is active, one spell that affects the
suffers from resurrection sickness as per Raise Dead. target in the next round is subject to a dispel attempt (as if a
Dispel Magic spell was 1st level) if you spend a reaction.
Casting this spell to restore life to a creature that has been
dead for one year or longer taxes you greatly. Until you Constructs gain no benefit from this spell.
finish a Long Rest, you can't cast Spells again, and you have Heightened. The healing taken increases by one dice per
disadvantage on all Attack rolls, Ability Checks, and saving every level above 2nd. The effective level of the dispel magic
throws. also increases by one level.
Heightened. By heightening Resurrection two levels (to RUNIC ARRAY
level 9), it becomes True Resurrection. The material
component increases to 25,000 gp, and the spell becomes 1st-level necromancy [array, rune, Strike]
stronger as per the following:
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
• The target cannot have been dead for more than 300 Range: Personal (any melee weapon)
years. Components: V
Duration: 1 minute or one strike per level
• The target does not suffer from resurrection sickness. You gain one rune of the below array. If any spell of this
• You do not suffer a penalty for casting the spell, regardless array is used, you may release the rune, granting you the
benefit of a runic strike as if you sacrificed mana for a spell
of how long the creature has been dead. of the rune you chose
• The spell does not need a corpse, and can create a new
• Plague Rune (DKN 1). You may apply this strike to infect
body if the old is unavailable (although this requires the target with the blood or icy plague. This attack deals
knowing the target’s name). +1d6 poison or cold damage (your choice), and target must
• If the target is an intelligent undead and their soul is free succeed on a Stamina saving throw or be poisoned for 1
and willing to be targeted (not imprisoned, compelled, or minute.
currently animated), the spell creates a new living body for
them, effectively returning their creature type to their • Blood Rune (DKN 2). While under the effects of this rune,
original (humanoid if a Forsaken). the first attack you make in a round against a living target
• You have advantage to attempting to free an imprisoned deals 2 extra points of fire or fel damage.
soul if you are attempting a true resurrection.
• Frozen Waste Rune (DKN 1). Any weapon you wield
REVIVIFY deals 2 extra points of cold or shadow damage on your
first attack with it each round.
3rd-level necromancy
• Vampiric Rune (DKN 2). After you make this attack, you
Casting Time: 1 action regain a number of hit points equal to the total damage you
Range: Touch dealt. You may grant this healing to any ally within 30 feet.
Components: V, S, M (diamonds or alchemical reagents This has no effect on constructs.
worth 300 gp, which the spell consumes) • Worm Rune (DKN 4). While under the effects of this rune,
Duration: Instantaneous your strikes infuse the enemy with a virulent magical
You touch a creature that has died within the last minute. ailment that spawns a worm under the target’s skin. A
That creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell can't living target suffers 2d6 damage for every round so long as
return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it the rune is active from bleeding. If the target loses at least
restore any missing body parts. 10 hit points from the bleeding, the worms increase in
size, and form a visible tumor under the target’s skin. At
Special. This spell can target any creature type except this point, releasing the rune has an additional effect.
Constructs, Celestials, or Fiends.
Release. Releasing the rune has the following effect when
RIPTIDE released.
1st-level evocation [sigil] [healing] • Blood Rune. If releasing the rune with a Runic Strike, the
target takes bleed damage equal the rune’s bonus damage
Casting Time: 1 action for one minute. A successful Stamina save halves the
Range: 60 feet damage and the duration.
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute • Frozen Wastes Rune. The target of the Death Knight’s
You may target a living creature within range with a curative Runic Strike instantly suffers 4 extra points of cold and
blast of waters. The target regains 1d4 hit points. If you shadow damage, the target is chilled for one round.
target an undead or a fiend with this ability, they take holy
damage equal to the hit points they would normally gain. If • Worms Rune. If the target suffers at least 10 damage, the
you target an unwilling creature, you require a ranged spell tumor explodes, dealing 5d6 shadow damage to the target
attack. At the beginning of every round, the caster must and healing all undead creatures and harming all living
succeed on a sigil roll to affect the target again.
creatures within 30 feet of the targeted creature evenly. SHACKLE EVIL
The damage healed is equal to the bleed damage taken,
and the target (and affected creatures) are entitled a saving 2nd-level necromancy
throw to halve the damage taken.
Casting Time: 1 action
Heightened. Devouring Plague. The base damage Range: 60 feet
increases by 1d6 damage per level above 1st. Components: V, S, M (a dip of holy water or a bone)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Heightened. Blood and Frozen Wastes. The damage Choose any two undead or fiends that you can see within
taken per hit increases by 2 per spell level. range. The targets must succeed on a Spirit saving throw or
be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of their
SEAL ARRAY turns, the targets can make another Spirit saving throw. On
a success, the spell ends for the target.
1st-level transmutation [seal]
This otherwise acts as the Hold spell, but can only affect
Casting Time: special (half movement) undead and fiends, and may hold double the normal amount
Range: Personal (Self) of creatures.
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Heightened. You can target an additional undead or
You gain one seal of the below array. If any spell of this array fiendish creature for each level above 3rd. The targets must
is used, you may release the seal, granting you the benefit of be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
a crusader strike as if you sacrificed mana for a spell of the
seal you chose SHADOW BOLT
• Seal of Insight (level 3). While under the effects of this 1st-level evocation
seal, each time you strike an opponent in melee, you
reduce the mana cost of your paladin spells by 1 mana Casting Time: 1 action
(minimum 1) for the next round. This does not stack with Range: 60 feet
other mana-reduction effects. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous then 1 round
• Seal of Justice (level 2). While under the effects of this You shoot a blast of shadowy energy at a creature within
seal, each time you strike an opponent in melee, you range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. Targets
reduce their speed by 10 feet. This penalty stacks, and is struck by this bolt suffer 2d8 shadow damage.
removed after 1 round.
If the target is already subjected to an active sigil spell, you
• Seal of Light (level 2). While under the effects of this seal, may force the target to suffer a sigil pulse as if one round
each time you strike an opponent in melee, you heal +2 hit passed (does not require a sigil roll to maintain).
points. You may halve the amount of hit points gained and
grant them to any ally within 30 feet. Heightened. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 2d8 for each
• Seal of Righteousness (level 1). Any weapon you wield slot level above 2nd.
deals +2 of holy or fire damage on your first attack with it
each round. This is an aura bonus. Special. This spell costs half mana.
Release. Seal of Insight. The reduction to mana costs of SHADOW STRIKE
your paladin spells remains for one round per round of
activity of the seal. 2nd-level evocation [sigil]
Release. Seal of Light. You (or any ally within 30 feet) Casting Time: 1 action
regain 1d8 hit points. Components: V, S, M (knife)
Range: 60 feet
Release. Seal of Righteousness. The target of the Duration: Up to 1 minute
Paladin’s Crusader Strike instantly suffers 4 holy or fire A shimmering black knife streaks forward and strikes one
damage. creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against
the target. On a hit, the target suffers 2d4 shadow damage.
Heightened. Seal of Light. The value of healing increases At the beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on
by 2 per level above 2nd. Upon releasing the seal, you regain a sigil roll to affect the target again.
an additional 1d8 hit points per level as well.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target is treated as if
Heightened. Seal of Righteousness. The target instantly they are blinded against you until the beginning of their turn
suffers extra 1d8 Holy damage, atop the normal damage the next round. If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell
they take. deals half the initial damage and has no other effect. If the
creature dies while under the effects of shadow strike, you
are aware of their general location to up to one mile.
Note. Despite the name, Shadow Strike is not a strike
Heightened. The damage taken increases by one dice per Special. This spell requires line of sight to the sky,
every level above 2nd. although it does not require a specific time. If the spell is
cast at night, the shooting star deals the half damage as holy
SHIFT SKILL instead of arcane.
1st-level transmutation SHOT ARRAY
Casting Time: 1 action 1st-level transmutation [shot]
Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V
Duration: 10 minutes Duration: 1 minute or two arrows per spell level (whichever
You imbue a creature with a measure of your skill. The
target gains a bonus to a single skill equal to your is sooner)
proficiency bonus (up to +2). This does not stack with an You gain one shot of the below array.
existing proficiency bonus.
• Arcane Shot (level 2). Your shots are transformed into
Heightened. For every spell level above 1st, the bonus missiles made of pure force, dealing their damage in
you can grant increases by +1 (maximum +6 at spell level 4). arcane damage, plus an additional 1d3 points of arcane
damage. If the creature you successfully shoot has the
SHOCKING BOLT benefits of a beneficial spell, it is also subjected to a 1st-
level Dispel Magic spell. This allows you to remove 0-level
Evocation cantrip spells, and must make an ability check versus a spell level
Casting Time: 1 action of 1 or above). This dispel effect cannot dispel a spell level
Range: 60 feet higher than that of Arcane Shot.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous • Black Arrow (level 3). Your shots are transformed into
You release a blast of lightning towards any creature or missiles made of unholy energy. The shot deals an
object within range. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the additional 3d4 points of shadow damage to the target. If a
target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and there is a 25% creature is killed by this strike (or if most of the damage it
chance they cannot use their reaction for that round. took was shadow damage from this spell), they are
animated as per the spell Animate Dead (spell level 1).
When you reach 5th level, you can release two blasts of This raises the target from the fresh corpse. The killed
lightning at the same time. When you reach 11th and 17th creature is not raised if they are normally immune to the
level, you can release 3 and 4 blasts at the same time, effect. Knowledge of this shot is typically a secret, and is
respectively. Each blast can target the same target or others usually used by the Forsaken, the Scourge, and ruthless
within 30 feet of one another. independents.
SHOOTING STAR • Concussive Shot (level 2). Your arrows are destructively
concussive. Targets hit by this shot spell must make a
3rd-level evocation Stamina saving throw or else take two of the following
penalties until the end of their next round (the penalty is
Casting Time: 3 rounds chosen by you).
Range: 1 mile • Speed is halved.
Components: V, S • Target takes -2 to AC and Agility saving throws.
Duration: Instantaneous • Target cannot take reactions.
You point to the open sky, and bring your finger down in the • Can use either an action or bonus action, and cannot
span of 3 rounds, tracing a bright shooting star of pure make more than one attack every round.
energy to fall from the heavens. Choose one point you can • If casting a spell, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell
see within range from the start of casting to the end (which doesn’t take effect until the creature’s next turn, and the
must be the same point during casting). Each creature in a creature must use its action on said turn to complete the
10-foot radius sphere at the point of impact must make an spell.
Agility saving throw as a shooting star blazes down to smash
into the area. On a failed saving throw, a creature or object • Counter Shot (level 1). You may use your reaction to
struck by the star takes 5d6 damage. The damage is half shoot a creature attempting to cast a spell. This deals
arcane, and half magical bludgeoning damage. On a damage normally, and imposes disadvantage on checks to
successful saving throw, the creature takes half damage. concentrate on the spell when taking damage.
The area struck has debris of the shooting star (which is • Scorpid Shot (level 2). Your arrow is enchanted with a
difficult terrain and is made of no special material). The venomous agent. If you strike an enemy with this hit, they
debris sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius for 1 hour before are poisoned. The effect remains for one minute. On a
cooling down. successful Stamina saving throw, the enemy negates this
Heightened. When heightened to level 5, you summon an
additional shooting star for every two spell levels above 3rd.
• Searing Shot (level 1). Your shots are infused with Heightened. Venom Shot. You roll an additional 1d8
searing flame. They deal +1d6 fire damage. poison damage per level above 1st.
• Stopping Shot (level 1). If you use this shot as a held Heightened. Venom Shot. For every level above 2nd, you
action, this deals damage normally, and reduces the deal an additional 1d2 mana damage.
creature’s move speed to 0. On a successful Stamina
saving throw, their speed is instead reduced by half. Heightened. Wyvern Shot. You roll an additional 1d4
points per level above 3rd.
• Tranquilizing Shot (level 1). Your shot are enhanced with
a sleeping agent. If you strike an enemy with this hit, roll SLUMBER
5d8. If the total number is equal to or less than the target’s
current hit points, they fall unconscious for one minute. A 3rd-level enchantment
sleeper may be awakened if taking damage or when
targeted with an action (like shaking or slapping them). Casting Time: 1 action
Undead and creatures immune to being charmed are Range: Touch
immune to this effect. A creature may roll a Stamina Components: V, S
saving throw to reduce the duration of sleep to one round. Duration: Up to 24 hours.
This spell sends a willing creature that can sleep into
• Venom Shot (level 1). Your arrow is enchanted with a magical sleep. The caster may designate up to three
poisonous agent. If you strike an enemy with this hit, you conditions to cause the sleeper to wake up (such as after 24
deal an additional 1d8 poison damage. This damage is hours, when a horn is blown, etc.), but only conditions the
halved on a successful Stamina saving throw. sleeping target would be able to perceive should they be
• Viper Shot (level 1). Your arrow is enchanted with an
anti-magic agent. If you strike an enemy with this hit, they While resting this way, the sleeper does not age, and all
lose 1d2 mana points. For every mana point lost, the target poisons, curses, and diseases are suspended (they continue
takes 2 points of arcane damage. This damage is halved on acting once you awaken).
a successful Spirit saving throw.
Heightened. When you cast this spell using a higher level
• Wing Clip Shot (level 2). Your arrow is enchanted to spell slot, the maximum duration increases, according to the
strike a creature’s hamstring or movement joint. If you below.
strike an enemy with this hit, they take an additional +1d6 24 hours, 10 days, 30 days, 1 year and a day, 20 years, 200
damage, have their speed reduced by 10 feet, and can’t years.
take reactions until the start of their next turn.
• Wyvern Shot (level 3). Your arrow is enchanted with a
debilitative agent. If you strike an enemy with this hit, you 5th-level necromancy
reduce the target’s maximum hit points by 3d4 for one
hour. This damage to hit points is halved on a successful Casting Time: 1 action
Stamina saving throw. A creature cannot be affected by Range: Personal (Self)
this more than once at any given hour, and when the Components: V, S
duration ends, their maximum is restored. If a creature’s Duration: 1 hour
maximum is reduced below their current hit points, the Once you cast this spell, you create a crystal-like green stone
excess is treated as temporary hit points (if the maximum that resembles a heart. You may grant other creatures a soul
is restored, these temporary hit points return to be actual stone with each casting.
hit points).
Heightened. Arcane Shot. The strike’s damage increases
by 1d3 and the dispel magic effect increases by 1 level per
level above 2nd.
Heightened. Black Shot. The strike’s damage increases
by 1d4 per each spell level beyond 3rd. The spell level also
increases by 1.
Heightened. Concussive Shot. The duration remains for
one round more per level above 2nd. At the end of the
target’s round, they are entitled another save to end the
concussive effect.
Heightened. Searing Shot. The shot deals +1d6 damage
(chosen during casting) per level above 1st.
Heightened. Tranquilizing Shot. You roll an additional
2d8 of tranquilizer per level above 1st.
A creature that possesses a soul stone can restore an ongoing spell effect. You can cast this spell normally
themselves to life for up to 1 minute after they die, as if by without spending mana within the next 12 hours or until you
the Revivify spell. take a long rest, whichever comes first.
Heightened. You create an additional soul stone for each To steal a 5th level spell, the creature must fail on a Spirit
casting per level above 5th. saving throw, and you must succeed on a dispel attempt (see
the Dispel Magic spell)
Special. A creature benefitting from a soul stone takes -1
to all rolls until they take a long rest (stacks up to -5, after You may only hold on to one stolen spell at a time. If you
which the soul stone does not function). You cannot cast this cast this spell again before using a stolen spell, that spell is
spell more than once in a single 24 hours period. replaced with the spell you steal then.
SOUL WELL Special. You can only prepare this spell if you also have a
Dispel Magic spell prepared two levels lower than the Spell
5th-level conjuration [Ritual] Steal.
Casting Time: 1 action Heightened. You automatically succeed in stealing spells
Range: Self (5 mile radius sphere) lower 1 level than the Spell Steal spell. Increasing the Spell
Components: V, S Steal’s level allows you to steal spell effects of higher level.
Duration: 1 hour
You create a soul-well, which links any creature who has a SPIRIT INFUSION
soul stone to you. If a creature dies within a 5-mile radius of
the well, it is revived via soul stone spell, and are teleported 3rd-level transmutation
to the Soul Well, emerging from it without their gear (and
typically covered with a coat of ectoplasm). This is a Casting time 1 action
teleportation effect, and it is blocked by normal spells that Range: Personal (Self)
prevent teleportation. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Heightened. For each spell level above 5th, the range of You infuse yourself with a totemic spirit. Choose one of the
the soul well increases by 1 mile. three spirits below, and you gain the chosen benefit for as
long as you concentrate on the spell. Unlike most
SOULSHATTER concentration spells, this can be concentrated with along
with another.
4th-level enchantment
• Bear. You gain climb speed of 10 feet per round, deal 1d6
Casting time 1 action damage with your melee unarmed attack, and gain 2d6
Range: 60 feet temporary hit points.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute • Eagle. You double your normal movement speed and
You release a wave of regret and sorrow that washes over jumping distance, and constantly benefit from the Feather
everyone in the area, imposing a heavy feeling of depression Fall spell
and sorrow. All targets within a 20-foot sphere must make a
Charisma saving throw or else lose its ability to feel • Wolf. You also gain +3 to melee damage rolls per ally
motivated or compelled to fight, causing them to stop adjacent to the target (maximum equal to spell level), and
fighting. This spell suppresses fear and charmed effects, as your allies gain +2 to attack rolls versus one target you
well as all morale bonuses until the spell ends, causing the engage with. This is an aura bonus.
targets to become indifferent to everyone else. If the targets
witness their friends or allies being harmed by you or your Heightened. For each spell level above 3rd, the
allies, they gain another saving throw versus this effect, but maximum duration of the spell increases by 2 minutes.
will otherwise remain as it was.
3rd-level abjuration
5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action (if reaction is not triggered), or Range: 30 feet
reaction, which you take when you see a creature within Components: V, S
60 feet casting a spell. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You may target up to four creatures within 30 feet of one
Range: 30 feet another with this spell (yourself included), and all of which
Components: V, S are deeply linked in a network of abjuration magics.
Duration: Instantaneous plus 12 Hours Whenever one of the linked creatures is damaged, they
You attempt to steal the magic of a spell from a creature as it share up to 5 hit points of damage taken by one of the
is releasing it. If the creature is casting a spell of 4th level or creatures in the spirit link among the rest, distributing the
lower and fails a Spirit saving throw, you steal the spell or damage evenly amongst them all. This requires one reaction
every round to activate, though the damage is totaled before This spell may be detected as if a normal active spell (via
distributed. detect magic or abilities that detect magical auras). If the
spell is dispelled, you die as if you didn’t return to your body.
The damage, once shared, is considered untyped damage,
which bypasses immunities, vulnerabilities, and resistances. Special. This spell does not cost mana to initially cast.
If any ally is reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends
prematurely. STARFALL
Heightened. You can share an additional 5 hit points per 5th-level evocation [Channel]
two spell levels above 3rd.
Casting Time: 1 action
SPIRIT LINK TOTEM Range: Personal (Self)
Components: V, S
5th-level conjuration [totem] Duration: Channel, up to 10 minutes
You point to the open sky, calling down a cylinder of normal
Casting Time: 1 action light centered on you, 60 feet wide, and 100 feet high.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S At the beginning of every round where you channel the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour spell (the first round does not count), choose any two points
You plant the totem in the ground anywhere within 30 feet. within the cylinder. Each creature in a 10-foot radius sphere
All willing allies are linked with the Spirit Link spell, up to a at the point of impact must make an Agility saving throw as
maximum of one creature per spell level. Whenever a a shooting star blazes down to smash into the area. On a
creature is damaged, you may use your reaction to share the failed saving throw, a creature or object struck by the star
damage taken among the rest. You may use an action to takes 5d6 damage. The damage is half arcane, and half
change the targets of the spirit link. magical bludgeoning damage. On a successful saving throw,
the creature takes half damage.
This spell otherwise acts as a totemic version of Spirit
Link. Special. This spell requires line of sight to the sky,
although it does not require a specific time. If the spell is
Special. Unlike most totem spells, this is a concentration cast at night, the shooting star deals additional holy damage
effect. instead of arcane damage.
SPIRIT STRIKE Heightened. When heightened to level 7, you can call
three meteors instead of two. This increases by one meteor
1st-level evocation [strike] for every 2 spell levels beyond 7th (3 at level 7, 4 at level 9).
Components: V, S STASIS TRAP
Duration: 1 minute, or one use (whichever comes first)
You may apply this strike to any melee natural unarmed 1st-level conjuration [totem]
attack. You may choose one aspect to strike as.
Casting Time: 1 action
• Bear. You may initiate a grapple as part of the strike. Range: 30 feet
• Eagle. Your movement after this strike does not provoke Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
attacks of opportunity. You plant the totem in the ground anywhere within 30 feet.
• Wolf. You may (as a bonus action) knock the target prone It is visible for 1 round, before becoming invisible for the
rest of its duration (gaining advantage to Stealth, with a
if they fail an Agility saving throw. Stealth bonus equal to yours). Once invisible, it is effectively
active. If a creature moves within 10 feet of the totem during
SPIRITUAL REINCARNATION its activity, you are notified of the presence, and you are
aware of their creature type and direction of movement (but
5th-level conjuration nothing more).
Casting Time: 10 minutes If you use your reaction to send the mental command, the
Range: Personal (Self) totem explodes into a shower of sparks easily seen from up
Components: V, S, M (rare oils and herbs or alchemical to a mile, lighting up the totem and the area for one round.
All creatures 10 feet away from the totem must make an
reagents worth 500 gp, which the spell consumes). Agility saving throw or be stunned until the beginning of
Duration: Instantaneous, plus up to 1 minute their turn the next round.
After you cast this spell, your soul is tethered to your body
beyond the limited scope of death. Heightened. The trap remains for ten more minutes
more per every level, to a maximum of 100 minutes.
If you die afterwards, you may spend mana equal to half
the cost of this spell level to keep your soul tethered around
your corpse for up to 1 minute. So long as your soul is
tethered this way, you can return to your body and revive it
(as the spell revivify).
If you do not return to your body within the minute of
tethering, the spell ends, and you die normally.
4th-level necromancy 3rd-level evocation [sigil]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V, S, M (Leaf of any plant)
Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The Duration: Instantaneous, plus one minute
target must succeed on a Stamina saving throw or be You call down a beam of brilliant sunlight that suffuses the
paralyzed and lifted ten feet above the ground for the target’s being. Make a ranged spell attack against the target.
duration. On each of their turns, the target may make On a hit, the target takes 3d4 arcane damage. At the
another saving throw. On a success, the spell ends for the beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil
target, and they drop without taking falling damage. While roll to affect the target again.
the creature is paralyzed this way, they are also choking. Also, so long as the spell is active, the target takes -4 to their
saving throws against the Moonfire spell, as well as any fire
After the spell’s effects end, the target is affected by the spell. If the ranged spell attack misses, the spell deals half
Mute spell for one round per round of complete the initial damage and has no other effect.
SUNBEAM Heightened. The damage taken increases by one dice per
every level above 1st.
3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action SWIPE AND SHRED
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a lens) 1st-level evocation [strike]
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
A beam of brilliant light flashes out from a brilliant mote in Components: V, S
your hand in a 5-feet-wide, 30-feet long line. Each creature in Duration: 1 minute, or one use (whichever comes first)
the line must make a Stamina saving throw. On a failed You may apply this strike to any melee natural unarmed
save, a creature takes 3d8 Holy damage and is blinded until attack. This deals additional 1d6 damage, and the target
your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much suffers disadvantage to attack rolls for one round.
damage and isn’t blinded by this spell. Undead and oozes
have disadvantage on his saving throw. You can alter the Heightened. You deal an additional 1d6 damage per spell
line of radiance as an action on the beginning of any turn level above 2nd.
until the spell ends. Your hand emits bright light in a 30-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The light is TELEKINESIS
treated as sunlight.
3rd-level transmutation
Heightened. The spell’s reach increases by 10 feet per
spell level above 3rd, and increases in damage by 1d8 per Casting Time: 1 action
spell level. Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You can manipulate creatures or objects within range with
your mind. If attempting to move a creature, make an ability
check with your spellcasting ability opposed by the
creature's Strength check. If you win, you can move the
creature up to 15 feet, and the creature is restrained. You
can move an unattended object up to 500 lb. up to 15 feet
within the range of this spell.
You can channel this spell to suspend a creature in mid-
air, or to damage it every round by constricting (dealing 1d6
per spell level). If the target is larger than you, it has
advantage to the saving throw.
Special. Death Knights usually call this spell Death Grip,
and mages and warlocks often use this spell to restrain and
bring down aerial creatures (calling it Aerial Shackles
Heightened. Per every 2 levels above 3rd level, you
increase the spell's range by 30 feet, speed of movement by
15 feet per round, and the maximum mass of moved objects
by 500 lb.
TIGER'S MAUL the spell. When the spell ends, the target can’t move or take
actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps
2nd-level transmutation [strike] over it.
Components: V, S VAMPIRIC AURA
Duration: 1 minute, or two uses (whichever comes first)
You may apply this strike to any melee natural unarmed 5th-level transmutation [Aura]
attack. This deals additional 2d6 damage, and allows you to
make an attack roll to trip the target. If the creature is Casting Time: 1 action
already prone by this ability, it provokes an attack of Range: 15 foot-radius sphere, centered on you
opportunity from you (and only you) when it stands up. Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
Heightened. You deal an additional 1d6 damage per level You surround yourself with a pulsing aura of crimson
above 2nd. energy. This aura grants a ghoulish hunger to all friendly
creatures around you and empowers them to invigorate
TOTEMIC RECALL themselves on the blood of the enemy.
2nd-level evocation For the duration of the aura, and so long as a creature is
both friendly and within range, the creature regains your
Casting Time: 1 action spellcasting modifier in hit points whenever they
Range: Personal (Self) successfully damage a living creature.
Components: V, S, M (splinter of wood)
Duration: Instantaneous The benefits of this spell may be used once per round per
You may recall any and all of your totems within 60 feet. You every creature.
regain mana equal to 1 per totem recalled.
Special. This spell does not cost mana to cast.
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature
5th-level evocation [channel] within range casts on or concentrates on a spell or uses a
ranged attack.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal (Self) Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a live rose) Components: S
Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
A healing rain infuses the area around you in a cylinder 15 You release shearing line of wind towards any creature that
feet wide, and 60 feet high. Living creatures within the is the process of casting or concentrating on a spell. Make a
cylinder heal rapidly, and seem to grow younger and ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 slashing
healthier. All living and natural creatures (including natural damage, and they must succeed on an opposed spell attack
structures) in the area are healed 2d4 points of damage per or concentration check (you gain advantage to your attempt,
round of channeling. Undead and constructs gain no benefit or may impose disadvantage on theirs) or else lose their
from Tranquility. spell.
UNHOLY FRENZY If the spell's level is lower than the Wind Shear spell,
success is automatic.
2nd level] 2nd level necromancy
Heightened. For each spell level above 2nd, the initial
Casting Time: 1 action blast increases in damage by 1d8.
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The caster imbues his target with the endurance and energy 5th-level evocation [Strike]
of the undead. The transmuted creature moves and acts
quicker than normal. Choose a creature that you can see Components: V, S
within range. Until the spell ends, the target’s speed is Duration: 1 minute, or five uses (whichever comes first)
doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Over the next minute, whenever your turn starts (including
Agility saving throws, and it gains an additional action on this turn), you must roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, you may
each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the make another attack with the same action.
Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or
Use an Object action. Heightened. The required result to trigger the extra
attack is 1 point less on the d20 for every spell level above
For each round of acting under the spell, the target of this 5th, to a minimum of an 11 on the d20 or higher.
spell takes 3 (1d6) points of damage. This damage bypasses
resistances, and is untyped. A Stamina may be rolled, but a
successful save removes both the benefits and penalties of
7th-level evocation [totem] Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 60 feet
Range: 30 feet Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 minute You release a blast of nature magic towards any creature or
Once you place this totem, it emits an aura with a reaction. object within range. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the
This aura spreads in a 15-foot pulse, granting all allies the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning, slashing, or lightning damage
effect of a Windfury tongue (second attack on a 15 or higher (choose one), and you can cast entangling roots for half
on a d20). normal mana with a bonus action if targeting the same
The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).