The 21st Century
Global Citizenship Manual
Sukich Udindu
The 21st Century Global
Citizenship Manual
In the 21st Century, we often hear the word “sus-
tainability” in everything around us. The word sustainability,
sustainable development and the UN Sustainable Development
Goals are just beautiful words or it is important in the daily
life of the citizen in the 21st Century? How much do we un-
derstand sustainability? Do we understand the same? Does
individual sustainability have to be the same?
It is internationally recognized that the Sufficiency
Economy Philosophy (SEPS) is a guideline for the development
of human capital towards sustainable development. But how
much do we understand about sufficiency? We memorize the
terms and the three-ring chart, two terms, or we understand
the philosophy of sufficiency economy and apply it in our daily
Most people want to change the world, want to
change the factors around us in order for the world to step
into sustainability. But how many people will start by chang-
ing themselves? By understanding the principles of sufficiency,
starts with setting a new attitude, improve the way of thinking
and change their own behavior; what we call “3H - Heart Head
Hand: Heart, Brain and Two Hands” to create balance from
within and gradually expand the effect to people around the
family, at work, in the community and the society as a whole.
The book, the 21st Century Citizen Manual: Sufficiency
... Sustainability that the Organization of Ministers of Education
in Southeast Asia The Regional Center for Philosophy of Suf-
ficiency Economy (SEAMEO SEPS) together with the network
has organized to encourage the new generation, the world’s
citizen in the 21st Century to turn attention to “Sustainability”
and self-development with the principle of “Sufficiency.”
This book is not full of teachings and does not contain
answers or formulas the contrary. This book series is filled with
inspiration and questions for readers to think, explore, and
learn from experience. Try to look at life from a new perspec-
tive, finding your worth, life goal and a balanced lifestyle. Let’s
play with creativity, out-of-the-box create new in-
novations for a sustainable society. Most importantly, to create
happiness for yourself and the surrounding society, which is an
important feature of the citizen in the 21st Century “Sufficiency
... Sustainability”.
The 21st Century has arrived!
“The 21st century is the century of
knowledge. Knowledge, Science and
Education will have the power and
strength to embrace the entire uni-
verse.” … Narendra Modi
“We cannot meet 21st Century
challenges with a 20th Century
bureaucracy.” … Barack Obama
“The best way to create value in the
21st century is to connect Creativity
with Technology.” … Steve Jobs
“The only skill that will be important
in the 21st century is the skill of
learning new skills. Everything else
will become obsolete over time.” …
Peter Drucker
In the fast changing world, knowledge and skills are
quickly obsoleted. So, working successfully in this pres-
ent we must get rid of those obsolated knowledge.
Instead, adding new knowledge and skills to self.
The Royal Working Principles in this book is a secret of
working of the 21st Century Global Citizens.
“Sufficiency ... Sustainability”
The greatest threat to our planet …
is the belief that someone else will save it
The 27 Royal Working Principles
5 Essential Thinking to live Sufficiently
The Dharmic Principle ... FROM OUR HEART
1) Justice Bao, The Noble of Justice
2) Beauty and The Beast, the Beastly Prince who
Got Cursed from his Arrogance
3) Prince Mahajanaka, the Man who Has Perseverance to Swim
Across the Sea for 7 Days and 7 Nights to Meet Mekala
4) The Avengers, Together We Survive
5) Michelangelo, the Great Italian Artist who has been
Continually Creating Artworks for the Vatican.
And Rome wasn’t Built Within a Day.
6) Trevor Mckinney, the Student who Inspires a Goodwill
Movement (Pay it Forward)
The Mindset Principles ... FROM OUR HEAD
7) Hercule Poirot, the Detective that Use the Search
Analyze Data Systematically to Close the Case
8) Arthur Ashe, the Tennis Player who Inspires Everyone to be
Strong from Inside and All the Younger Generation
Tennis Players
9) Vitidnan Rojanapanich, the First Thai to Reach the
Summits of Mount Everest
10) Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations
11) Pablo Picasso, the Great Artist
12) Warren Buffet, the Simple Life Billionaire
13) Elon Musk, the Billionaire who Sacrifices His Own
Profit for the Future of this World
14) Greta Thunberg, the Young Inspiring Environmental Activist
15) Sir Isaac Newton, the Scientist who Changes the World
16) Thanos, the Destroyer for the New World
17) Simba, the Lion that Sacrificing Happiness in the Small Forest
to Reclaim the Throne Restore the Integrity of the Forest
(The Lion King)
18) Chuck Nolan, the Survivor on a Desert Island (Cast Away)
19) Yoda, the Practitioner of Wisdom, Inner Power, and Good
The Action Principles ... FROM OUR HAND
20) Avarta, the Scientist in Disguise who Protects
the Life and Integrity of the Pandora
21) Steve Jobs, the Person who Wants to Change
the Future Technologies Starting with One Mobile Phone
22) MacGyver, the Witty Detective and a Swiss Knife that
Easily Solve Cases
23) Mahatma Gandhi, the One who Brings Independency
Back to India
24) Mies van der Rohe, the Pioneer of Modern Architecture,
Simple and Sufficient
25) Men in Black (MIB), the Only Alien Centre
26) Ben, the Man who Restores His Own Happiness by Being
an Intern in a Company and Create Happiness and Success
to His Company and His Coworkers (The Intern)
27) Ethan Hunt, Nothing is Impossible (Mission Impossible)
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy
Sustainable Development Goal
THE 27 Royal Working Principles
1 Honesty, Integrity and Sincerity 2 Humbleness
3 Perseverance 5 Always Giving Without
4 Knowing, Loving and Uniting Expecting Anything in Return
6 Happiness in Doing Good Things
for Others
7 Systematic Study of Information,
and Working with Well-rounded
8 Explosion from
9 Development According
A 13 Our Loss is Our Gain
C 10 Topographical
D and Sociological
11 Holistic Approach 12 Economy and Simplicity
with Maximum Benefits
27 Victory of Development
26 Cheerfulness, Joyfulness, Eagerness,
Liveliness, Activeness and Energy
23 People Participation
24 Having Enough to 25 One-stop Service
Live on and to Live for
22 Do Not be too Dogmatic 21 Solving Small Prob-
About Theory While Adhering lems First: Think Macro,
to Simplicity Start Micro
20 Understanding, Gaining Insight and
Access, and Engaging in Development
19 Sufficiency Economy
18 Self-supporting
15 Using Nature to Cure Nature
17 Common Interest
before Self-Interest
14 PLANTING OF FORESTS 16 Using Vice to Defeat Vice
Think it! Do it!
Form book “THE HEAD” suggested ways to
reshape our thoughts to catchup with the changes
in this 21st century by giving us five important ad-
vices for a sustainable success.
5 Essential Ways of Thinking to live
1. Inside Out Thinking
2. Holistic Thinking
3. Logical Thinking
4. Outward Thinking
5. Positive Thinking
When we are able to reshape our thoughts
and mind, we also need to reshape our actions for
our own success. We’ve encountered many “how-
to” books written by notable academic scholars or
writers who combined their knowledge, philosophies,
and experiences. We have been learning ways we
could adapt this information but overlooked the “ac-
tions” we could be making which requires reading,
thinking, understanding, and acting for further de-
velopments in our daily lives.
3 Parts of the 27 Royal Working Principles
The Dharmic Principle ... FROM OUR HEART
The Mindset Principles ... FROM OUR HEAD
The Action Principles ... FROM OUR HAND
The act of work with the 27 philosophies of
heart, head, and hand connects with each other in
many dimensions with dynamics that is never ending
depending on the situation and period of time.
This book receives its inspiration from His Roy-
al Working Principles which are clever and deep in
theories and universal for analyzing and expanding its
fundamental knowledge which are easier to under-
stand, approach and act for the work of the younger
generation. There are so many aspiring stories from
people around the world who has similar approach
with the His royal work principles that have become
In our daily lives, when we try to accomplish
our tasks, we tend to follow these royal work prin-
ciples without realising. When we are able to un-
derstand the principles deeply and could be able to
practice it regularly, success will also follow us easily.
In this fast-paced generation, by working with His
royal work principles, could make our life simpler and
more comfortable with happiness and sufficiency.
Moreover, our natural habits from work could also
help our society and environment around us become
more balance and develop into a more sustainable
and sufficient 21st century future.
The Dharmic Principle ... FROM OUR HEART
To work with a new heart
1. Honesty, Integrity and Sincerity
2. Humbleness
3. Perseverance
4. Knowing, Loving and Uniting
5. Always Giving Without Expecting
Anything in Return
6. Happiness in Doing Good Things for
Working with a new heart and adapt it with a
new soul of sufficiency that is deep inside us might
be hard to understand and unapproachable. Howev-
er, these principles become the roots of our behavior
and personalities. If our unbalanced heart is going
extremely to either sides of actions, it is a must to
change our heart to do what is right for our better
and sustainable future. Even though it is very hard …
Justice Bao,
the Noble of Justice
Integrity … is to work with honest, trustworthy, and
sincerity without letting any negative influences to
dominate oneself. Honesty is the foundation of acting
right and will never let you down. Sometimes, it is
also known as good governance.
Photo: มตชิ นสดุ สัปดาห์
Justice Bao is a government officer who is
famous of his own honesty and upright to fight for
all the injustice within the society. He is a reliable
noble man who brings equality to his people and
brings development to the government system to be
more righteous and flexible basing on the benefits of
his people and the society. The story of Justice Bao
has been inscribed into books, novels, fictions, and
many more. Most of us could have remember him as
a judge in Dongqin with a dark face and a crescent
moon tattoo on his forehead. In some districts, the
people praised the Justice Bao as some angel of jus-
Honesty and sincerity are some living guidelines
of many successful people such as
Benjamin Franklin, the famous
philosopher and one of the great-
est man in U.S.A. has stated that,
“Honesty is the best policy.”
William Shakespeare, the
famous writer has written
that, “No legacy is so rich
as honesty.”
John Lennon, the famous musi-
cian said, “Being honest might
not get you a lot of friends, but
it will always get you the right
Mark Twain, the man who has
been accepted as the very first
true writers of U.S.A has written
that “If you tell the truth you don’t
have to remember anything.”
Louis Kahn, the famous architecture
said, “Architecture is the reaching out
for the truth.”
And when we take a look at Pinocchio, it had taught us that
“A lie keeps growing and growing until it has plain as the nose
on your face”. In the reality, other than fighting on justice and
the negativities inside ourselves, we also have to face with
the society and risk with it to grow and become confident and
stand with morals.
Beauty and The Beast,
the Beastly Prince who Got
Cursed from his Arrogance
Humble… always be humble and have good man-
ners, speak wisely, and be sincere. Don’t become
arrogant and take advantages on others by using
power to oppress them. The more power you have
the more you have to act less and simple to gain
trust and love from everyone. This is the method to
achieve for a successful leader.
Handsome prince who is arrogant, aggressive,
doesn’t bow down to anyone, overlooks, doesn’t
care about the people on the street. He refused the
request of the humble beggar, not knowing that the
beggar was a witch in disguise. The witch cursed him
turning into a beast. Until the prince understands
love, sweetness, humility to transform into a prince
again. But he must get through those before all the
roses the witch gave them wither, otherwise the
prince will become a beast forever.
Humbleness is an important weapon to win
people’s hearts and lead to success.
“If you want the cooperation of humans
around you, you must make them
feel they are important, and you do that
by being genuine and humble.”
... Nelson Mandela
“A great man always willing to be little”
... Ralph Waldo Emerson
EF Schumacher is a German progressive
economist who influences the thinking outside
the box of global economists. He emphasizes
microeconomics on the individual, household,
and community levels, saying that community
is extremely important. And there are stories
about self-sufficiency and self-reliance that
he has compiled in a great book called “Small
is Beautiful” which has been widely read and
used around the world.
Richard Branson, businessman and a
fpunder of Virgin Group Company said,
“Respect is how to treat everyone,
not just those you want to impress.”
Mark Zuckerberg, a billionaire and CEO
of Facebook said, “Successful people
only have two things on their lips:
1. Silence and 2. Smile.”
Lady Gaga, a famous pop artist said,
“I’ve been searching for ways to
heal myself … I’ve found that kind-
ness is the best way.”
“It’s hard to be humble … when you’re
as great as I’m.” ... Muhammed Ali
Being humble doesn’t mean weak. As it is said that “Be
strong but not rude … be kind but not weak … be bold
but not bully … be humble but not timid … be proud but
not arrogant”
Prince Mahajanaka,
the Man who Has Persever-
ance to Swim Across the Sea
for 7 Days and 7 Nights to
Meet Mekala
Perseverance… determined with perseverance, build
the habit of patience and tolerance, and does not
avoid work and responsibility. It requires one to work
diligently and continuously without giving up even
though there are mistakes and failures. Fix yourself
and develop to achieve your success. One who does
not give up will never fail.
Prince Mahajanaka is a story from the series
of Jataka tales or the Ten Great Birth Stories of the
Buddha. The story of Mahajanka when he sails out
and faced a great storm causing his ship to sink and
drown his men leaving Prince Mahajanaka the only
person to survive the storm. The prince tries to re-
store his ship, but it was beyond impossible, so he
decided to let go. The prince swam across the sea
through waves and tough winds for seven days and
night with perseverance until he meets Mekala. He
received a dharma puzzle from her and was able to
answer it having Mekala to save his life by carrying
him to the shore. Prince Mahajanaka was a great
example for those who have perseverance and does
not give up even though he couldn’t see the light at
the end.
In the reality, if we lack perseverance, many
things in this world would have not been dis-
covered. No developments will be made and the
world wouldn’t have reach to its current position.
As Thomas Edison, a scientist inventor
inventing the light bulb Giving light to
the world said, “I have not failed … I just
found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous American
architect said, “Talent is good … Prac-
tice is better … Passion is best.” Fill the
fuel to perseverance.
Winston Churchill, a former Prime Min-
ister of the United Kingdom. The fighter
who never gave up and lead the country
through the World War with a prestigious
victory. He said, “Never, never, never,
never give up.” and encouraged the Brit-
ish during the war.
In France, Napoleon Bonaparte, states-
man and army leader who never give up
Until having occupied various kingdoms
throughout Europe and was crowned
Emperor of France during that time. He
taught that in being a fighter the word
can’t never in his army, as the saying
goes, “Impossible is a word to be found
only in the dictionary of foo ls.”
Jack Ma, a Chinese businessman who fights
with his bare hands to becoming a world-
class billionaire said, “Never give up …
Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but
the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.”
Be patient, work with perseverance.
And in the detective film, a spie named 007 who has a license
to kill the villains, he is determined to complete various mis-
sions, no matter how difficult it is. James Bond once said, “I
don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m done.”
The Avengers,
Together We Survive
Partnership … Unity. We all wanted freedom and in-
dependency in our own ways. However, by working
in teams does require a lot of adaption in actions,
thoughts, mindset, or even the pace of working to
create harmony and blend with each other in team.
We are all require to lower down our ego and change
our heart to achieve success. Like the saying “If you
want to go fast, you go alone. But if you want to go
far, you have to go as a team.”
The Avengers is a superhero team that gath-
ers themselves to protect the world. Each one of
them are special in their own ways. They all have dif-
ferent skills and talents. Most of them are capable in
working on their own and are very independent. But
there are times they are required to work with each
other. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they har-
monise just like other normal people. When there are
disasters destroying the world, the super heros are
called to join the team and fight the villains. With uni-
ty and teamwork, they were able to gain victory and
stop the villains who are trying to invade the world,
bringing back peace and balance the human once
Working in team is very important
Like Steve Jobs, the inventor of Apple,
“Great things in business are never done
by one person, they’re done by a team of
people.” At Apple, success lies in team-
Isaac Newton, the naturalist and
the English philosopher said, “If I
have seen further, it is by stand-
ing on the shoulders of giants.” Or
connect to each other high which
can’t make by one person.
Mahatma Gandhi, India’s leader, peace
holder Ahimsa, also said, “Unity to be
real must stand the severest strain
without breaking.”
Aesop, an ancient Greek storyteller
also said, “United we stand, divided
we fall.” And there are many immortal
tales about unity that he has written.
J.K. Rowling, British novelist, the author
of Harry Potter has written, “We are
only as strong as we are united, as weak
as we are divided.” And there are sev-
eral chapters in Harry Potter that echo
this statement.
Bob Marley, Jamaican singer, the pio-
neer of reggae music wrote the song,
“Let’s get together and feel all right.”
It is a very harmonious and colorful
music genre.
And another well-known musician, John Lennon and the
Beatles, wrote many songs about love and unity, for example,
“Imagin,” with a line singing ...
“You may say that I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. I
hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will be as one.”
Such a beautiful and timeless song of all time.
Michelangelo, the Great Italian
Artist who has been Continu-
ally Creating Artworks for the
Vatican. And Rome wasn’t Built
Within a Day.
Continuity … Many of the failures happens when one
has given up on task they are doing or not being able
to work continuously due to boredom or negativities
they face while working. The way out in winning is to
stay patient, have perseverance with positive think-
ing that everything will come out as fine. This is the
way of thinking of many successful leaders, innova-
tors, and achievers in this world.
Michelangelo is an artist and an architect in
the Renaissance period from Italy. He has devoted
himself to religious practices and art by designing
the architecture in Rome and Vatican and numerous
master art pieces and statues. At first, he thought
that his work is small but gradually works with it for
years until it became an empire of artworks. Now,
Michelangelo’s artworks has become beautiful and
timeless and many people from around the world had
came to the Vatican and Rome to see these beauties.
His work has also inspired many younger generation
artists around the world.
British statesman, Winston Churchill,
said “Continuous effort … not strength
or intelligent … is the key to unlocking.
our potential.”
Michael Porter, modern manage-
ment guru and famous university
professors agreed on that “The
ability to change constantly and
effectively is made easier by
high-level continuity.”
Colored tennis player, Arthur Ashe
said, “Success is a journey, not a
destination. The doing is often more
important than the outcome.”
Max De Pree, an American busi-
nessman and owner of furniture
company has also said, “Change
without continuity is chaos. Conti-
nuity without change is sloth and
very risky.”
Pauline R Kezer, a University Lecturer and
an American politicians mentioned about
continuity very well said, “Continuity gives
us roots; change gives us branches, let-
ting us stretch and grow and reach new
But doing something continuously, many
people tend to fail, may discourage and
give up first. But those who are determined
will not stop, as Batman, the Dark Knight
likes to ask, “Why do we fall? … So that we
can learn to pick ourselves back up.”
In the modern world, we don’t just learn to
not fall. But we learn to fall safely without
hurting much. And has the ability to get up
Nelson Mandela, a South African
leader. He had long fought for democ-
racy. He had to go through a lot of
hardships until finally success. He was
regarded as a great leader. He once
said, “It always seems impossible until
it’s done.” That would mean nothing is
impossible, if we are diligent and con-
tinually dedicated to doing it.
Trevor Mckinney,
the Student who Inspires a
Goodwill Movement
(Pay it Forward)
Find happiness through the giving for others. We all
have the idea of doing something good for society
in our hearts, just depending on how deep they are
inside. Most of us have been through the situation
of choosing our own benefits or social benefits. It is
tough choice for it clings on to our personal emotions
and not everyone will be making the same choices.
To adapt ourselves for social goods is something we
must practice regularly. We need to bring out the
positives inside ourselves to be able to sacrifice our
own benefits for all. This can bring smiles to the soci-
ety from whom we helped or worked with. Moreover,
we will get the chance to see our true self and values
together with finding the true happiness from giving.
Photo: South China Morning Post
Trevor is a middle school student who receives
a task from his social class’ teacher to find a way to
make this world better. We might have think how can
an eleven years old kid change the world. But Trevor
works and tries hard until he found a way of “pay it
forward”. The idea of “pay it forward” is to do good
and give to three different people and ask the three
to continue the giving to the other three, having it
to continue. When Trevor presented in his class, his
classmates made fun of him. But at the end when
people start to follow the idea of pay it forward and
continues it, the idea became wildly known across
the country and many have been appreciating him.
The movie “Pay it Forward”, is an inspiring
movie for many people around the world to start
doing public good services and the movie contains
many valuable lessons like “simple ideas can create
a generous change”. And for the ideas from Trevor
made the public good services approachable by just
starting with giving out to others without expecting
anything back, and have them continue to do the
In the real world, without perseverance,
things in the world would not be discovered.
No one developed anything new. The pros-
perity of the world may not come as far as
Anne Frank is a young German girl of
Jewish descent, immigrated to the Neth-
erlands during World War II. She hide in
a secret room in father’s office building,
hidden for many years until finally being
betrayed and was captured by the Nazis.
And later died in a concentration camp.
She wrote a diary and was later published.
At that time she wrote, “No one has ever
become poor by giving.”
German physicist, Albert Einstein theo-
rized that “It is every man’s obligation
to put back into the world at least the
equivalent of what he takes out of it.”
John D. Rockefeller Jr., the American
billionaire said, “Think of giving not as
a duty but as a privilege.”
Mahatma Gandhi, the Great Man
of India said, “The best way to find
yourself, is to lose yourself in the
service of others.”
Booker T. Washington, a colored American
philosopher, “Those who are happiest are
those who do the most for others.”
There are many such sayings. In the book about the inspira-
tion for happiness. The development of happiness, including
having scenes in movies and dramas that we always see and
see through our eyes. Therefore, the joy of benefiting others is
immortal and is a motto of every minute of work. as the saying
of Winston S. Churchill that “We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.”
The Mindset Principles ... FROM OUR HEAD
Work with a new brain chip
7. Systematic Study of Information, and
Working with Well-rounded Knowledge
8. Explosion from Within
9. Development According to Steps
10. Topographical and Sociological Approach
11. Holistic Approach
12. Economy and Simplicity with Maximum
13. Our Loss is Our Gain
14. Planting Forests in the People’s Hearts
15. Using Nature to Cure Nature
16. Using Vice to Defeat Vice
17. Common Interest Before Self-Interest
18. Self-Supporting
19. Sufficiency Economy
Mindset … work with a new brain chip. Adapt
your thoughts and your lives will be change
The chip in our brain is like the chip in the
computer that needs to be upgraded regularly to
become up to date. The chip in our brain controls
our actions of us, affecting our behaviours and our
decision making. To make a choice, our brains will
have to go through a process of rational and logi-
cal thinking, and sometimes using emotions, switch-
ing back and forth for the best option. This process
inside our brain can be very confusing not work-
able due to the old information we have inside. We
need to regularly upgrade ourselves and the chip
inside our brains to stay update while keeping our
old knowledge and skills inside. This process is just
required to delete what is outdated and ineffective
for our solution-making skill to be able to adapt and
user-friendly for the the users in the 21st century. …
But is changing our thoughts and mindset easy like
upgrading computer chips?
Hercule Poirot, the Detective
that Use the Search Analyze
Data Systematically to Close
the Case
Systematic Thinking … Research the information sys-
tematically with professional mindset. There are dif-
ferences between experts and amateurs which are
the capability in using the information to work and
being able to research deeply in every dimension.
This can help create a database that is systematic
and easy to analyse and plan out strategically to
achieve success.
Anyone who loves to read fictional novels about
murders or thrillers must have read “Murder on the
Orient Express” or “Death on the Nile”, and many
other novels written by Agatha Cristie. Many of her
novels contains Hercule Poirot as the main protago-
nist, the great detective. Poirot is a very disciplined
man who works systematically. He is a good observer
and often see things that are out of place. Poirot has
the ability to gather information and do research in
order to close each cases. He also has the ability to
connect the dots in the mysteries and clues he found
step by step. Poirot believes that if one has the ability
to guess, he can close the case. But to work profes-
sionally as a detective he rarely guess but uses his
eyes, ears, brain, and other necessary tools.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, the Austrian lo-
gician Philosophical Investigation said,
“The problems are solved, not by giving
new information, but by arranging what
we have known since long.”
Albert Einstein, the famous physicist also
briefly stated that “Information is not
knowledge.” It may be interpreted as, to
gain knowledge, it must start from col-
lecting information systematically. Don’t
jump to the conclusion that you have
information and you will have knowledge.
Geoffrey Moore, the American corporate
manager said, “Without big data, you are
blind and deaf and in the middle of a free-
way.” It’s very dangerous.
Sean Rad, a co-founder of dating
app, Tinder, said “Data beats emo-
tions.” So, data-based matches are
more likely to be successful than just
a profile picture.