Christopher Hitchens, the debat-
er and writer said, “I became a
journalist because I did not want
to rely on newspapers for informa-
And Oscar Wilde also said the same, “It is
a very sad thing that nowadays there is
so little useless information.”
Peter Morville, godfather of information management who
helps change the management of companies with business
information architecture. He said, “What we find changes who
we become.” Effective organizational development comes from
pure data, not speculation or use emotion.
Arthur Ashe, the Tennis Player who
Inspires Everyone to be Strong From
Inside and All the Younger Generation
Tennis Players
Inner Power … Explode from the inside. By knowing
what you have and able to extract it out from the
inside can help one become successful. Many of the
successful people starts from what is inside them.
They acknowledge their passions and their capabil-
ities. If we do it in the opposite way, following what
other told us to be or do, we would have not achieve
our goals. Moreover, we will not be able to find hap-
piness and freedom in our journey. This is why it is
very important to find your self and change your
ways of living from today.
Photo: Friday Reflections Photo: Town & Country Magazine
Arthur Ashe is a Black American tennis play-
er who faced a lot of pressure as they believe that
tennis was only a sport for the noble people in that
particular era. To face all the difficulties as a black
tennis player and compete in big competitions, Ashe
requires a lot of self-love and confidence within him
to face the obstacles. He was never mad at people
looking down on him, instead, he uses these words
to become a motivation to practice and win compe-
titions. Ashe has win three global competition which
made him realise that it all start from who you are
and use the talents and skills you have. Ashe always
shows that he is ready to face anything and he said
that fear shall not be an excuse to standstill but it
can be a motivation to fight for our win.
Vivian Greene, the American R&B
artist said, “Life is not about waiting
for the storms to pass. It’s about
learning how to dance in the rain.”
Anna Freud, the Austrian psychologist
- Sigmond Freud’s daughter said, “I
was always looking outside myself for
strength and confidence, but it comes
from within. It is there all the time.”
Maya Angelou, the colored American
poet and a chagemaker said,
“Nothing can dim the light which shines
from within.”
Mariah Carey, the famous American sing-
er said, “You really have to look inside
yourself and find your own inner strength,
and say, ‘I’m proud of what I am and who
I am.”
Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous archi-
tect similarly said, “Freedom is from
And impressionist master artist, Vincent Van
Gogh, painted his work from within. As has
been said, “I’m seeking, I’m striving, I’m in
it with all my heart.” Van Gogh’s paintings
represent a true inner explosion.
Vitidnan Rojanapanich,
SthuemFmiritsst oTfhaMi otounRteEavcehretshte
Follow the Right Sequence … Follow the steps is one
of the methods to work on tough tasks smoothly.
Another way to achieve the end goals we want is
to be imaginative and see your goals and pictures
then reflect back to plan each steps carefully. With
this method, we can see what we are suppose to do
and what we should avoid, who can we work with
and when should we work it. When we are able to
stabilise and plan our steps carefully, then it is time
to work diligently step by step.
Photo: Posttoday
Vitidnan Rojanapanich or Neung is the first
Thai man to achieve the summit of Mount Everest.
Neung is a creative and a director. He uses his dili-
gence and perseverance in planning and training for
his steps by climbing seven different summits, start-
ing from the easiest to the hardest ones. When he is
fully trained for summit climbings, gathered experi-
ences and has a healthy body, he is now ready for
Mount Everest.
At the beginning of the climb, a team of the
Thai air force who are capable of climbing summits
joined him. However, they faced snow storms and
couldn’t continue to climb for quite a while. Neung
was patient and wait for the right timing to continue
his climb. He then joins the Vietnam climber team and
move slowly step by step. He did well research on
the path and records the storms’ time and directions.
The paces Neung made was aligned to the storms.
He knew when to stop and when to continue. Finally,
he was able to achieve his goal by being at the top
of the summit and showing the Late King Rama 9
picture on top of his head to celebrate his victory
and achievement.
Photo: Matichon
Neung has been very inspiring to many peo-
ple in Thailand to achieve the same goals. They all
follow Neung’s step was able to accomplish on what
they desire. This leads to the very first Thai woman
to achieve the Summit, Dr. Napassaporn Chamnansit,
a dentist who uses only four years to achieve seven
summits in seven different continents. Dr. Napass-
aporn has been told by Neung that to plan well for
the trip and follow the steps. He told Dr. Napassaporn
that from the fourth level of the summit, just walk
straight up and told her that she is not only doing this
for herself but for the others too.
Having a well strategic plan and following the
steps is not only for climbing up the summits but
also for getting down for it requires a lot of strength
and motivation that has already been gone from the
climbing to the top. Many has said that climbing up
the summit was hard, but getting down safely was
Working step by step is very import-
ant. Quentin Tarantino, the famous
Hollywood film director said, “To me,
movies and music go hand in hand.
When I’m writing a script, one of the
first things I do is find the music I’m
going to play for the opening se-
C. S. Lewis, the British poet said,
“Put first things first and we get
second things thrown in: put
second things first & we lose both
first and second things.”
Peter Drucker, the Austrian modern
management guru said. “If there is
any one secret of effectiveness, it
is concentration. Effective execu-
tives do first things first and they
do one thing at a time.”
Stephen Covey, the American management guru and the author of
the book called 7 Habits of Effective Executives also said that “Most
of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time
on what is important.” He also mentioned, “Putting first things
first means organizing and executing around your most important
priorities. It is living and being driven by the principles you value
most, not by the agendas and forces surrounding you.” And the key
words of Steven that successful executives are always applied is the
saying that “Begin with the end in mind.”
Mark Zuckerber, founder of Facebooksuggested that “A simple rule
of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you
can actually make a lot of progress.” Just like your teacher’s advice.
That if there are multiple questions, read all the questions. Then
choose to finish the easy ones first. In addition to being able to do
it quickly, the more encouragement to do the next thing. And if the
time is not enough, we will have a greater number of successful
verses than choosing the difficult first, and can only do a few things
and maybe even flustered.
Kofi Annan, Former
Secretary-General of the United
Nations from 1997 to 2006
Social landscape … Even though we have the same
jobs or goals, we can still work on them differently
based on our community or culture at different tim-
ing. In the work process, there are still developments
and improvements required in each plan. Especially
within the 21st century, many experts tend to work
with different maps in their heads. Nowadays, infor-
mation and data are more accessible and detailed
with lots of connecting points. By being able to use
different maps at the right timing and situations, work
can become easier. The maps could be varied such
as social landscape maps, ecological maps, sustain-
ability maps, even consumer maps, and many more
to help us understand our environment and commu-
nity. Having different maps and information in hand
can help us create fast and efficient work plans, or
else we would face difficulties and will take more time
to our success.
Photo: The Bangkok Post
Kofi Annan is a Ghanian diplomat who serves
under the UN as secretary-general from 1997 to
2006. He is one of the greatest leaders of the UN
during the change of the centuries and during the
changes in economic developments to the informa-
tion age. However, the changes made in these years
have left the society’s and the environment’s devel-
opment behind. Kofi Annan has suggested the idea
of sustainable development based on the balance of
economy, society, and environment which developed
into the Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015).
Now, the goals have developed into Sustainable De-
velopment Goals (2016-2030).
Kofi Annan emphasizes the social landscape
development and valuing human beings, society, and
cultures. In 2016, Kofi Annan presented the UNDP
Human Development Lifetime Achievement Award to
His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the
9th of May 2006.
Margaret J. Wheatle, the American
writer said, “There is no power for
change greater than a community
discovering what it cares about.”
Gerald Causse, the French bishop said,
“Don’t look for new landscapes, use new
eyes to see what is already there.”
Eric Jensen, the American teacher
taught “We are social beings and our
brains grow in a social environment.”
Francis Bacon, the British philosopher
said, “We cannot command Nature ex-
cept by obeying her.”
President Franklin D. Roosevelt said,
“A nation that destroys its soils
destroys itself. Forests are the lungs
of our land, purifying the air and
giving fresh strength to our people.”
Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of
the Tibetan people also said that
“It is our collective and individual
responsibility … to preserve and
tend to the world in which we all
Pablo Picasso,
the Great Artist
The Big Picture ... Look at the big picture to see the
organisation or the people to see that most of the
work was done to frame into smaller pictures. Many
of the works may have been done just for the sake
of working without end goals or reasons to be done.
We might even know who and when we can pass on
the projects. This affects the outcome of the work.
Practicing the viewing of bigger pictures can help us
see the details that we will need to develop and work
on the smaller details to align with our big picture
and end goals. This will lead us to better creative
thinking and explore new ideas to support our goals.
This will not only affect us on the personal level but
also the organisations.
Photo: Lightfield Studios
Picasso is one of the greatest, Spanish art-
ists in this world who is famous for his cubism
works. Picasso has been through many trials of
artworks from realistic images to contemporaries,
extraordinary, to be able to develop his own style
of work. His work is a very complex artwork that
reflects a lot of dimensions, lights and shadows,
mood and tone of the artist himself. He sees things
from many perspectives and gathers them into one
“big picture”, then illustrated them through brush-
es and colours to become an extravagant mas-
terpiece. We might find that his masterpieces are
weird and confusing, but if you look at them with
your heart, with a wider perspective, we will be
able to see what he wants to elaborate on in his
Vincent Van Gogh, another famous
painter said similarly, “Great things
are done by a series of small things
brought together.”
Sanford I. Weill, the American bank-
er and forrmer chairman of Citigroup
saied the same, “Details create the big
picture.” And it means we can’t ignore
details. If you want a complete holistic,
details of the sub-elements are equally
But sometimes, in order to get a per-
fect overview, we may need to over-
look the minor imperfections of the
subcomponent, as American politician
Suzanne Collins puts it in, “Eyes on
the forest, not on the trees.” Looking
at the big picture. Let the work come
out successfully and progress beauti-
fully. It’s more important to spot minor
imperfections in small jobs.
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin
Group said, “However tight things are,
you still need to have the big picture at
the forefront of your mind.”
Hans F Hansen, notorious footballer said, “Small mind
discussed the puzzle; Great minds study the picture.”
Wilfred Peterso, the American writer said,
“See it big, and keep it simple.”
There are still many professional athletes who need to
balance their overall victory with the result of losing and
winning in each sub-game.
Boris Becker, the German tennis player said,
“I was in the tennis bubble. I wasn’t thinking
about the big picture. I didn’t notice what
they said on television, I wasn’t reading any
papers. I had a coach and a manager, and
they kept me in the bubble.”
Kareem Abdul-Jabba, the bas-
ketball player said, “It’s hard for
young players to see the big pic-
ture. They just see three or four
years down the road.”
Pele, the legendary footballer. With more experience, he looks
at the bigger picture, he said, “I think I’ve always had the
shots. But in the past, I’ve suffe red too many mental lapses.
Now, I’m starting to get away from that and my mental disci-
pline and commitment to the game are much better. I think I’m
really taking a good look at the big picture. That’ s the differ-
ence between being around for the final or watching the final
from my sofa at home.”
Same as Tiger Woods, the professional golf player said “I have a
big-picture outlook, I am willing to fall, and I understand it’s
ok to fall, but I am going to get back up, I may take a step back,
but in the end, I am going to take a giant leap forward.”
And finally, after the number one golfer in the world The person
who suffered from life had caused his world rankings to drop con-
tinuously for many years. and never won any championship. Finally,
by looking at the big picture, have determination and perseverance,
Tiger Woods can come back to win the big event again in 2019.
Warren Buffet,
the Simple Life Billionaire
Simplicity … moderation, simpleness, efficiency and
work. Every work has its own limitations and budget.
This is why planning and strategies are very import-
ant. However, a too complex plan can lead to disas-
ter, and it could be out of hand and overboard. Hav-
ing the idea of simple circular thinking that is friendly
to the environment and to your own wallet could be
one of the easiest living ways that we could practice.
Even though your wants and needs might not align
with the simplicity in living, it is better to practice this
way of living to create the safest environment which
can bring in happiness and sufficiency into our lives.
Photo: CNBC
Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors
in the shares and stocks that is very successful and
had become one of the greatest billionaires on this
earth. Buffet has a different way of viewing things
compared to many other billionaires. He doesn’t look
at the short-term benefits that could come fast, in-
stead, he pays more attention to the longer-term
investments that could bring him more value rather
than just money or the stocks he owns. Buffet has
once mentioned that the price iis the amount you
have to pay but the value is something you will get.
Sometimes, his actions reversed the financial trends
but ended up bringing him more revenue than the
rest. Buffet has also said that the risk is more on
what you work on what you don’t know about.
With his simple lifestyle, he has been doing a
lot of savings that require a lot of patience. But it
doesn’t stop with that, Buffet is also a very atten-
tive man who loves to read and explore more bits
of knowledge on his own. He said that also learned
a lot from his mistakes and failures. With his expe-
riences, it made him become aware of all of his in-
vestments and make smarter choices. Even though
Buffet has become one of the most successful bil-
lionaires on earth, he still follows the simplicity of
living with sufficiency and moderation. Today, Buffet
is still living in the same old house he bought, using
the old car that he has been using for a while, living
a simple life and give to those who are in need. He
always taught us that if we are the lucky 1% of this
earth, we must save the other 99% too.
Another example of econimi-
cal amd simple life is Mahadma
Ghandi once said, “Live simply so
that others may simply live.”
Frank Lloyd Wright, the great architect said,
“Simplicity and Repose are qualities that
measure the true value of any work of art.”
Naoto Fukasawa Japanese designer said, “Minimalism is about
creating complete harmony and not about making simple.”
But designing or doing something simple always against the
mainstream of society that most people tend to like some-
thing big more than necessary It is very difficult to do anything
against the current, as the famous physicist Albert Einstein
said.“It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move
in the opposite direction.”
Elon Musk,
the Billionaire who Sacrifices
His Own Profit for the Future of
this World
Loss is gain … The loss he faces is our profit. Looking
at the loss of profits in financial terms could not be a
great measurement of the qualities or efficiencies of
the success of the future. There are lots of trade-ins
required in order to get what we want. This can be
seen in many younger generations who built start-
ups that are creative and environmentally friendly. It
doesn’t take them long to attract people to see the
values of the business, including the investors.
Photo: PM News Nigeria
Elon Musk is a beserk American businessman.
He often thinks of something that is beyond futuris-
tic. Before, he has been look down by many people
for his work and ideas not till when he proves himself
and become successful. Now, he has been gathering
many investors and sponsors for his plans and proj-
At first, it was very hard for him to even seek
supporters who see the way he sees things. He gave
in all he had and faced the loss from it. But when
he becomes successful, this is where he gained back
what he lost. His projects have been very useful for
mankind’s future and nothing has ever stopped him
from it.
Loss is gain similarly to Chinese Proverb,
“No pain … No gain”
Woodrow Wilson, the 28th Presi-
dent of the United States said, “I
would rather lose in a cause that
will someday win, than win in a
cause that will someday lose.”
Donald Trump, the 45th President
of the United States said, “Some-
times by losing a battle, you find
a new way to win the war.”
Thomas Fuller, the British historian said,
“One that would have the fruit must
climb the tree.”
Dejan Stojanovic, the Austrian goal-
keeper said, “What you gain here,
you lose on the other side.” It prob-
ably means nothing comes for free.
As writer Zion Lee wrote, “Everybody wants happiness, and
nobody wants pain, but you can’t
have a rainbow without a little rain.”
Kenji Miyazawa, the Japanese philoso-
pher said, “We must embrace pain and
burn it as fuel for our journey.”
Christine Lagarde, the French pol-
itician said, “All stakeholders must
participate in the gains and losses
of any particular situation.”
Greta Thunberg,
the Young Inspiring
Environmental Activist
Active Citizenship & Volunteering Spirit … cultivates
the idea of public thinking and being a good citizen
who creates changes and development for a better
future. We need to be attentive and volunteer to
work with different networks in society. The younger
generation should not just wait or always become
a follower. In this generation, everyone shall have
the volunteering heart that can bring out goods and
changes through voices and connections of networks
of like-minded people. And with technologies, ev-
eryone can build a new digital platform that can be
globalised and attract more like-minded people to
work for the world.
Photo: Blogs@NTU
Greta Thunberg is an incredible Swedish young
girl who stands up and fights the global warming
problem by inspiring people to come out and become
aware of the environmental problems. Greta often
said to her fellow friends and community that she
doesn’t want all of us to live on hope but she wants
us to become aware of what is coming and fight
for what is right. Silence and ignorance is the worst
thing we could do for this earth.
Greta is a very bold and straight-forward
young lady who is not afraid of using her words to
speak out unlike any of the adults who uses compro-
mising sweet words but never have anything done
for this world.
Greta believe that there is not much time for
us and the world and no one is too young or small for
creating change. Greta has convinced her family to
change their behaviours on their lifestyle and influ-
enced her classmates and teachers to do the same.
She has come out to the public, with her friends to
protest for changes on the environmental policies
from the government. Her actions does not only in-
fluenced her friends, but has inspired many other
students and people from other countries to do the
Roald Dahl, the short story writ-
er and Norwegian descent wrote,
“Somewhere inside all of us is the
power to change the world.”
Martin Luther King, Jr., the colored African
fighter said, “Life’s most persistent and ur-
gent question is, ‘What are you doing for
Bill Gate, the American Billion-
aire said, “Is the rich world
aware of how four billion of
the six billion live? If we
were aware, we would want
to help out, we’d want to get
Albert Pike, the American Judge said,
“What we have done for ourselves
alone dies with us; what we have
done for others and the world remains
and is immortal.”
Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President
of the United States said, “This country
will not be a good place for any of us to
live in unless we make it a good place for
all of us to live in.”
Marie Osmond, the American pop
singer said, “Being of service to
others is what brings true happi-
Mother Teresa also said that doing
good and having a public mind, you
don’t have to do anything big. Do as
you have, she said, “If you can’t feed
a hundred people, then feed just one.”
Sir Isaac Newton, the Scientist
who Changes the World
Ecosystem… Using the nature to save the nature it-
self. It is essential to learn how nature and the eco-
system works because everything in this world is re-
lated and reliable on one another. When something
is missing or something has been changing, it could
affect the whole process and relations of each indi-
vidual things causing disturbance and changes in the
environment. This is why we must be cautious about
this chain reaction caused by global warming, natural
disaster, or pandemics for it is crucial obstacle and
Photo: InsideHook
Sir Isaac Newton is a scientist, a naturalist, and
an influential philosopher in his era. He had changed
many mindsets with the idea of nature and uses sci-
entific thinking methods. He sees movements of na-
ture and he found the law of gravity, together with
the movements of stars and the planet systems.
Nature is always surrounding us through
sights, hearings, and physical contacts which is why
we might have overlook the importance of what is
always around us.
Albert Einstein once said,
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand
everything better.”
Frank Lloyd Wright said,
“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.
It will never fail you.”
Jacob Bronowski, the Polish mathematician
said, “Man masters nature not by force, but
by understanding.”
John Muir, the Scottish Father
of the Conservation Forest said,
“In every walk with nature, one
receives far more than he seeks.”
The German novelist, Johan Wolf-
gang von Goethe said, “In nature,
we never see anything isolated, but
everything in connection with some-
thing else which is before it, beside
it, under it, and over it.”
Vincent Van Gogh, the Dutch artist also suggested that
“Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to un-
derstand art more and more.”
Thanos, the Destroyer for the
New World
Devil Advocate … using evil to fight with evil. If we un-
derstand how nature work, we might find that things we
thought were evil could be the saviour that protects us
from other evil things. This is also how it works in the
nature of the ecosystem by getting rid of the plants or
animals that are destroying the ecosystem in that partic-
ular area. Some plants that spread fast and destroy oth-
er plants shall be destroyed by the so-called villains in
nature. If nothing could stop what is exploiting the sys-
tem, it will create unbalance and damage to nature itself.
This also works with the human world. We might see
someone act as the villain of the group without realising
that he or she is actually helping the group to get back
on track. This type of feeling is mostly caused by our
boss who wants us to get our work done and will use his
power to kill unnecessary ideas and push the team to do
something better. We can also see that many younger
generation CEOs who are very berserk with work leading
his company to go beyond its limitations.
Thanos is a destroyer who uses evil to destroy
evil. He believes that this world is not sustaining and
there are too many people using too many resourc-
es more than necessary. He sees that if this doesn’t
stop, the world will become a disaster and be destroyed
which is why he came up with the idea of getting rid of
half the world. Thanos believes that if half of the world
is gone, the other half can live in sustainability. And if
he accomplishes what he wants, he said that the world
will be able to live like how it suppose to be. Thanos is
a very daring villain that believes in a new way of bal-
ancing this world by destroying half of it. Even though
he is one of the most despiteful villains, if we could see
and understand how Thanos sees the world we will see
the unbalance and negativities caused by the humans.
But is he really sacrificing the world for the better?
Alfred Hitchcock, the Horror film director
said, “The more successful the villains,
the more successful the picture”
Batman, the guardian of Gotham City said, “Sometimes it’s only
madness that only makes us what we are,” and the mighty
villain Joker, responds, “Wrath gives us great power. But if not
careful It will burn us to microscopic.” And he also said, “Your
anger gives you great power, but if you let it, it will destroy
Simba, the Lion that Sacrificing
Happiness in the Small Forest
to Reclaim the Throne Restore
the Integrity of the Forest
(The Lion King)
Sacrifice … The social benefits shall come before oneself
and this is the one way to success in the 21st century.
If we only think about ourselves, the world will face its
disaster and it will be too late for all of us to join in and
help. The resources will not be enough, waste will be
all over, and there will be no limitations on consumption
creating inequalities and disruptions in society and the
environment. We, the younger generations can not just
stay still like what the older generations did before. We
will need to sacrifice our own wants and needs includ-
ing our comfortabilities in living to protect our world.
Examples can be using canvas totes instead of plastic
bags for groceries or bringing your own water bottles
to work, reducing the use of single-use plastics. With
these mini actions, it can be a great pathway to pre-
vent any negative outcomes for our future world. At
the end, we will also be able to live in a sustaining and
Photo: Worldland Magazine
Simba is the son of the ruler, Mufasa, the great-
est of all animals in the wild. Mufasa was such a great
king and ruler who brings peace, harmony, and justice
to the land. When Simba was accused of killing his own
father and have him ran away from home, Scar, Mu-
fasa’s brother took the throne for himself. He starts to
take advantages of his own fellows and only thinks of
himself. The land that has always been harmoniously
peaceful and loving was destroyed by the selfishness of
the ruler.
On the other side, Simba has met many friends
while he was on his journey who taught him to live in
the present, leave his worries behind and find happiness
in his life, singing, ”Hakuna Matata”.
One day, Simba met Nala, a female lioness, who
helps Simba get back on track by sacrificing his own
happiness at the moment and to return and face
the problems. Simba needs to go save his own land
and protect the wild from the evil rulers by taking
the throne back. Even Rafiki, his teacher, convinced
him to do the same through legendary stories of the
rulers and told him that the past could be hurtful
and you can always runaway from it or learn from
it. Simba who was always trying to run away needs
to choose either to save his own happiness or save
the nation. What choice do you think Simba should
Napoleon Hill, the American writer said,
“Great achievement is usually born of
great sacrifice, and is never the result
of selfishness.”
Joseph Campbell, the American pro-
fessor said, “A hero is someone who
has given his or her life to something
bigger than oneself.”
Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President
of the United States said, “Loyal-
ty means nothing unless it has at
its heart the absolute principle of
Abdu’l-Bahá, the Persian philosopher
taught that “To attain eternal hap-
piness, one must suffer. He who has
reached the state of self-sacrifice has
true joy. Temporal joy will vanish.”
Chuck Nolan,
the Survivor on a Desert Island
(Cast Away)
Self-Reliance… be independent. This is could be a
reversed thinking from many people but being too
dependent can give you nothing. Being independent
and self-reliant can help us go through many obsta-
cles. In 1997, when there was a Tom Yam Kung cri-
sis, many of us returned to our own roots and live a
simple life. Many of us have learned how to become
more self-reliant and survive on our own. Now, in the
21st century, we see many signs of crisis coming to
us in the near future. Those who have practised the
self-reliance way of living together with sustainability
and sufficiency way of living is having a higher rate of
surviving through any obstacles than the rest.
Photo: Pinterest
Chuck Nolan is an executive of a logistic com-
pany who needs to travel to solve problems with
the company’s inventory. However, while on his trip,
the plane crashed but he survived and was able
to manage to get on a deserted island by himself.
For years, his only friend was a volleyball which he
named it Wilson. Nolan has been living in a life where
he is always being dependent on his co-workers or
technologies. When the time comes that he needs to
live on his own and survive without the necessities
it made him realise that he needs to be patient, be
hardworking, be self-reliant, and start learning about
his own environment rather than himself. Finally, he
was able to find a survival way to flee himself from
the island and got saved back to his home. He told
the stories to the others and realized that he will not
be able to survive if he was not independent enough.
Napoleon Bon aparte, the French
emperor said, “If you want a thing
done well, do it yourself.”
Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian spiritu-
al leader said, “Everyone wants to be
strong and self-sufficient, but few are
willing to put in the work necessary to
achieve worthy goals.”
Bruce Lee, the kung fu fight-
er said, “Only the self-sufficient
stand-alone … most people follow
the crowd and imitate.”
William Matthews, the American mu-
sician said, “The difficulties, hardships
and trials of life, the obstacles ... are
positive blessings. They knit the mus-
cles more firmly and teach self-reli-
Lisa Murkowski, the American politician
said, “Freedom comes from strength
and self-reliance”
Ezra Taft Benson, the American farmer
“An almost forgotten means of eco-
nomic self-reliance is the home produc-
tion of food. We are too accustomed to
going to stores and purchasing what we
Jack Ma, the illionaire and Chinese
businessman said that “If no one helps
you, don’t be surprise … If someone
helps you, that’s unusual.”
Aristotle, the ancient greek philoso-
pher said, “Happiness belongs to
the self-sufficient.”
No matter what nationality, religion, or part of the
world, they agreed that self-reliance will give us free-
dom and truly happy.
Yoda, the Practitioner of
Wisdom, Inner Power,
and Good
Sufficient … sufficiency and moderation are very es-
sential to us. The context of the terms varies among
us. Most of the time our brains tend to have us think
about what we want which can be unnecessary and
are aroused through passions of unending wants and
needs. If we could create a sufficiency mindset for
ourselves, we will be able to understand the value
of things around us and use them effectively for our
own happiness. This requires us to be happy with
what we have and never take advantage of anyone.
The sufficiency mindset is like a barrier that can bring
us light and protect us from the darkness within our-
selves, just like the Jedi’s lessons.