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Published by SEAMEO SEPS, 2022-07-24 22:18:20

The 21st Century Global Citizen Manual

The 21st Century Global Citizen Manual

Photo: DevianArt

Grandmaster Yoda is the grand teacher of Jedi.
Jedi is a positive energy, power of good, and the power
of simplicity which is not different much from sufficiency
but most people tend to think and do the opposite.
Practising the Jedi power is like practising self-suf-
ficiency. Yoda have said that you have to get rid of all
the previous knowledge which are the wrong and out-
dated information before you can store a new knowledge
and start learning again. Yoda also said that there is
only doing and not doing and there is no such things of
“trying to do.” The Jedi’s lesson is very powerful which
is why all learners must be aware of the darkness within
that could dominate the lessons. Just like the teaching
that says “Strength flows with the power, be careful of
the power of the dark side.”We all have a dark side and


a light side within us and these two sides are always
fighting each other in our minds.
Yoda teaches that “Fear is the path to the dark
side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate and
hate to pain, Pain Leads To the dark side. So change
your fear to a positive energy.” And when someone
was able to accomplish the Jedi lessons until they be-
come self-reliant and is able tohelp others, Yoda en-
courages them to keep teaching spreading the knowl-
edge. Yoda encourages the expansion of the power of
goodness, sufficiency, and most importantly, “May the
force be with You.”
Jedi important lessons are no different from
sufficiency. Only a few people would be interested to
learn and practising. There are only a few who will
work hard until they succeed. Once we become suc-
cessful, we don’t have to fear anyone. Do not depend
on anyone, but on yourself. Find freedom and your
true happiness.

Confucius taught that “Life is really
simple, but we insist on making it com-



Hans Hofmann, the German painter added that
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the
unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”

Oscar Wilde the Irish novelist said, “The best
way to enjoy your job is to imagine yourself

without one.”

Warren Buffett said, “The Happiest people do not necessarily
have the best things … They simply appreciate the things they
have.” This is a simple, self-sufficient person, therefore “Stop
chasing what your mind wants, and you will get what your soul


The Action Principles ... FROM OUR HAND
Work with new tools and skills

20. Understanding, Gaining Insight and Access,
and Engaging in Development

21. Solving Small Problems First: Think Macro,
Start Micro
22. Do Not be too Dogmatic About Theory While
Adhering to Simplicity
23. People Participation
24. Having Enough to Live on and to Live for
25. One-stop Service
26. Cheerfulness, Joyfulness, Eagerness,
Liveliness, Activeness and Energy As Major
Factors for Efficient Work
27. Victory of Development



Principles of action is to work with new tools and
skills that will lead you to professionalism.

By working with our same old methods and things
we are used too can be very outdated. Even though
our old skills and tools are still working effectively, but
the things around us are changing everyday. This re-
quires us new learning for new skills and knowledge to
adapt with these rapid changes of the world this could
mean the learning of new AI technologies or new in-
ventions. We can adapt our new and old knowledges
together and work with it harmoniously to go beyond
limitations and accusations of the others. Things that
might not have worked in the past could be working in
the future. With the new technologies and knowledge
today, it could have made the process of achievement
easier. But can we really leave our old knowledge and
skills behind to learn something new and better?



Avarta, the Scientist in Disguise
who Protects the Life and
Integrity of the Pandora

Engagement … Understand, approach, and devel-
op the code of conduct even though people might
not agree with you. There are failures that could
be repeated but it could also be a great start to a
new project with better development of plans and
ideas. Projects or plans that are self-conducted or
boss-conducted could lead to misunderstandings
and become unapproachable. We will come to a re-
alisation when we start working on it and things go
wrong which is when we could be starting to lose
our resources and budgets. This is why it is very
important that we will need to research on what we
are supposed to do with full understanding of the
assignment to avoid any risky outcome or loss.


Photo: Pedestrian TV

Jake Sully, a veteran handicapped soldier was
chosen to be sent to a planet which contains very
valuable minerals and mines that is essential for sur-
vival of the human beings on earth. However, the
atmosphere of this Pandora planet is very dangerous
to the human beings which is why “avatars” were
created to be able to surpass the dangerous atmo-
sphere and live with the ruling tribe, Na’vi, the living
creatures on the planet. To be able to blend into the
community, Jake has to adapt himself in many ways
including creating trust with the people in the tribe.
Jake will never be able to achieve his mission without
the help of Neytiri, the princess of Na’vi. He devel-
ops a relationship with her and was able to gain trust
to go through all local missions and obstacles. We


might think that we are fully capable of understand-
ing others and know what they want. Just like Jake
in the Avatars, it took him a while to truly understand
what the people of his community including the Na’vi
wants. This requires a lot of patience to take each
step and start understanding and develop yourself to
your surroundings before approaching to your end

Ambrose, the saint of Milan said, “When in Rome, do as the
Romans do.” Learn and understand the people and local
culture, it will bring success.
Peter Drucker, the management guru
said, “The most important thing in
communication is hearing what isn’t
said.” We have to practice listening,
observing and questioning, reviewing,
questioning, and contradicting until we
see real information in every dimen-
sion. It is important to listen more than

Diogenes, the ancient Greek philos-
opher said, “We have two ears and
one tongue so that we would listen
more and talk less.” But most people

do the opposite.


Mike Paul said, “Trust, honesty,
humility, transparency and account-

ability are the building blocks of
a positive reputation. Trust is the
foundation of any relationship.”

Eileen Gray, the Irish architect said,
“To create one must first question
everything.” ... Understanding,
Gaining Insight and Access, and

Engaging in Development



Steve Jobs, the Person who Wants
to Change the Future Technologies

Starting with One Mobile Phone

Begin with a small step … take a look at the big pic-
ture and start fixing from the smaller details within it.
This can help us see things in a better perspective and
guide us to our succeeding path. The first step is very
important and it is not necessary to always start from
zero. We can always ask for help and tools from oth-
ers or develop from what has already been there to
grow into a better idea or outcome. By starting from
a small single step, it will not be too hard for us to
recover if we fail. And if our step became successful,
we can become more confident to take the next step
with a bigger success.



Steve Jobs is a changemaker of the technol-
ogy era of computers and mobile phones. He is the
starter of new innovations through mobile phones
and is the founder of the famous company, Apple
Inc. Jobs is a designer who has developed so many
new technologies and products that has extravagant
simple design with great functions that is easy to use.
Jobs sees the future in big pictures and start devel-
oping things from the smaller parts in his picture. He
believes in himself that he can create changes to this
world with just a mobile phone.
Today, Jobs has prove to us that he is one of
the most successful innovators and his dreams came
true. Our mobile phone these days are not only just


for communicating, but we can take pictures from
it, create a digital platform within it, use the bank-
ing systems, or owns a shopping space in our own
hands. Jobs has never aim to be the biggest compa-
ny but he aims to create the most valuable innova-
tive tool to create happiness for the people.

Neil Armstrong, the Apollo 11 astronaut
said on the moon, “This is one small step
for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Confucius said, “The man who
moves a mountain begins by car-

rying away small stones.”
Demosthenes, the Greek philosopher
said, “Small opportunities are often
the beginning of great enterprises.”


John F. Kennedy, the 35th Presi-
dent of the United States said,

“According to the ancient Chinese
proverb, A journey of a thousand

miles must begin with a single
Henry Ford once said, “There is safety
in small beginnings and there is unlim-
ited capital in the experience gained by



MacGyver, the Witty Detective
and a Swiss Knife that Easily

Solve Cases

Think outside the box … make things easy and simple
and does not only follow to what is in the books is
a great enough solution. Many scholars have been
writing their own solutions based on their experi-
ences in a particular time. However, to achieve the
success and work on failures in a different era, we
are still required to think on our own and develop
ideas by thinking outside the box with adaptability on
solutions and experiences we have learn. These can
become easier when we have common sense.



MacGyver is a detective who has a science
and physics background who solves many problems
that are not written in the scholars’ books. He is re-
quired to use his imagination and the knowledge he
has to be able to solve any cases or problems he was
facing. He often ended up using his only swiss knife
to invent tools or fight the villains. MacGyver believes
that with imagination, anything can happen.
“With a little bit of imagination, anything is possible”
… MacGyver


Bill Gates said, “I choose a lazy person
to do a hard job because a lazy person

will find
an easy way to do it”

Confucius said, “Keep it simple and
focus on what matters. Don’t let
yourself be overwhelmed.”

Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian de-
signer artist said, “Simplicity is the

ultimate sophistication.”

Deepak Chopra Indian sage
said, “Instead of thinking out-

side the box, get rid of the


Zaha Hadid, the progressive British
architect said, “There are 360 de-

grees, so why stick to one?”

Tony Stark Ironman said,
“Sometimes you gotta run before you

can walk”

These words show us that in real life, inventing, solv-
ing problems creatively must use imagination. Use
the truth according to the situation without having to
stick to textbooks ... and should keep things simple,

focusing on the essence.



Mahatma Gandhi, the One
who Brings Independency

Back to India

People participation… the power of harmony and unity
of work in the 21st century is very different from the
20th century. With technologies, we are able to contact
each other and gain collaboration from people around
the world. This could lead to the development of skills,
knowledge and innovative tools without being depen-
dent on the big organisations. To be able to accomplish
something, collaboration is required in the team of all
the stakeholders of the the particular plans or projects
because we all have different wants and needs. To
create the balance that is equal to everyone, without
causing misunderstanding among one another is an es-
sential lesson we need to learn and practice in the 21st



Mahatma Gandhi is an Indian politician and
activist who help free India from the dependency
of the United Kingdoms and has been acknowledge
as the greatest hero of India. He sees the equality
and racism among the society he’s living causing a
peaceful protest and understanding to help regain
India’s independency. Gandhi’s protest was not vio-
lent, but the British government has been trying to
stop him and destroy him.
The more accusations and trials from the Brit-
ish Government, the more suffering and problems
arise. The world began to turn down on the British
government and loses its trust. Many of the time
that Gandhi was captured, the people began to raise


violence and protest more. General Dyer from the
British government, couldn’t stand the protest any-
more causing him to order a big massacre on the
protestors. This has been a big issue to destroy the
British government’s reputation. The war within India
has been on going for 40 years until it receives its
independency in 1947.
But in 1948 Gandhi was assisnated which sad-
dened the entire country for he was the true saviour
who tried to protect the country and fight for their
rights. This incident of independency would not hap-
pen if Gandhi wasn’t able to gather the people to
fight with him just like what he said to his people “
be the change you wish to see in the world”.

Narendra Modi, the 14th Prime
Minister of India said, “People’s
participation is the essence of good


Kofi Annan, the UN secretary-general said,
“If we are to make poverty history, we
must have the active participation
of States, civil society and the private
sector, as well as individual volunteers.”


William J. Clinton, the 42nd President of the
United States said, “Though government

has an important role to play in meeting the
many challenges that remain before us, we

are coming to understand that no
organization, including government, will fully
succeed without the active participation of
each of us. Volunteers are vital to enabling
this country to live up to the true promise

of its heritage”

John F. Kennedy, the 35th Pres-
ident of the United States said,
“Partnership is not a posture but
a process-a continuous process
thatgrows stronger each year as we
devote ourselves to common tasks.”

Bill Gates, the American business-
man said, “Our success has really
been based on partnerships from

the very beginning.”



Mies van der Rohe, the Pioneer
of Modern Architecture, Simple

and Sufficient

Moderation… enough of food and living. The term of
moderation is very hard to describe because it varies
among people and the timing. Everyone should start
finding their own answers to find the inner balance
and a sense of moderation for the future. If we are
not able to answer on ourselves, we could start from
inspecting things that are not good enough for us,
what is missing or what is unnecessary. Being mod-
erate doesn’t mean we need to have less or have a
poor life. It rather means the comfortability of living
and the happiness we could find in ourselves to avoid
unnecessary passion or wants like the lessons of the
21st century skills.


Photo: Arquitecture en Acero

Mies van der Rohe has be named as a pioneer
of the modern architecture. Mies is someone after
the first world war to become interest in the new
unique findings of architecture and style just like the
Gothic or Classic era. He has created a new archi-
tecture style in the 20th century by using minimal-
istic simple and airy for the buildings. The materials
he often uses was steels and mirrors to create a
borderline. Mies aims to create an architecture that
is simple and minimal to organise the structure with
balance giving free spaces. Mies calls his architec-
ture “skins and bones”. Another famous saying by
Mies is “less is more” and “God is in the details.”


Frank Lloyd Wright, the architect of the same era whose
works are equally outstanding. There is also an additional
comment that “Less is more only when more is too much.”
and “Less is only more where more is no good.” It could be
interpreted that whether little or more is good only when ap-
propriate for the situation. What is fit and who’s fit? Probably

an important question for architects in that era.

Socrates, the ancient greek philoso-
pher of Athens said, “The secret of
happiness, you see, is not found in
seeking more, but in developing the

capacity to enjoy less.”



Men in Black (MIB),
the Only Alien Centre

One Service Centre… a centre that gathers
the design and management systems with unity.
Just like how we want to contact the officials, we
wouldn’t want to go to different places to work on
different documents. Instead, we prefer to go to a
one particular place to contact and get information
to avoid confusion. One best example is the call
center where we can have most of our problems
solved on hand at the moment.
In these days, there are so many new tools
and technologies that can help us solve our prob-
lems or communicate faster by ourselves fast and
efficiently. However, by working on our owns but
in a silo structure, will cause more confusion and
could have cause more negative impacts on the
organisations or even ourselves. Developing a new
way of service to help us in our daily lives is some-
thing the younger generation must learn.


Photo: Jonathan Rosenbaum

Men In Black has a very secretive mission to
protect and control the aliens from outer space to
be able to live with the human in peace. To travel
among planets must go through the control centre of
the MIB. The Centre is a very great example for it is
a one stop service that is fast, efficient and manage-
able centre that will help the MIB duties accomplish


Mahatma Gandhi said, “A custom-
er is the most important visitor on

our premises, he is not depen-
dent on us. We are dependent on

him.” Such an attitude, it’s the
service provider’s good attitude
with the customer as the center

and service with heart.

Scott Cook, the American billionaire, who
runs eBay and P&G said, “Instead of

focusing on the competition, focus on the

Bill Gates said, “Your most
unhappy customers are your
greatest source of learning.”


Jeff Bezos, the American billionaire and founder of Amazon
said, “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each

other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.”



Ben, the Man who Restores His
Own Happiness by Being an In-
tern in a Company and Create
Happiness and Success to His
Company and His Coworkers.

(The Intern)

Passion … filled with energy and happiness. We are
not sure that working with happiness creates energy
or working with your inner energy creates happiness.
But for the 21st century, we have so many options
that is easier for us to explore. We can be working in
various places, and not necessarily have to work from
nine to five in the evening. It is more important to be
disciplined and learn from your work. Your achieve-
ments are the measurements of success. Moreover,
it is important to find out what we love, what we are
passionate about and work with it.


Photo: Vogue

Ben Whittaker is a widower at the age of 70
realising that his life after retirement is very boring.
After he had lost his wife, he was living all by himself
and spend most of his time sipping coffees, attend-
ing funerals, playing golf or yoga, or even learn new
languages. However, he was not satisfied and wants
to return to the normal working life. He applies for
internship in a fashion website operated and founded
by Jules Austin. There he was able to find the values
of his life and his own happiness filling with new en-


Confucius said “Choose a job you
love and you will never have to

work a day in your life.”

Aristotle, the ancient Greek phi-
losopher said, “Pleasure in the job

puts perfection in the work.”

Vincent Van Gogh, the Dutch artist
also said, “What is done in love, is

done well.”

Steve Jobs, the genius of the technological world said, “Your
work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way
to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is Great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If
you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle. As
with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”



Ethan Hunt,
Nothing is Impossible
(Mission Impossible)

Victory … setting your goals and achieve it. The vic-
tory of work will come when we are able to achieve
the code of conduct from 1-26. In sports, we might
only aim for the victory by winning the game. We
would be doing anything, getting more advantages
of our components or even breaking the rules. But
these won’t be considered victory if we are doing it
wrongly. Many of the golfers has said that victory is
beautiful if we follow the rules and regulations, and
it is a great manner of sportsmanship making the
victory more valuable. The trophy at the end might
not be the only thing we need but the honor and
dignity is the true trophy.


Photo: Daily Mail

Ethan hunt is a spy from a secret organisation
to get rid the villains and protect this world. In every
mission, the organisation will send him secret mission
in different methods and will be gone within 5 sec-
onds. Ethan has a choice to accept or the decline
the mission. If he accepts the mission, he can choose
his own team to work on the mission. However, if
any of his team or himself got caught, the govern-
ment will not have any responsibility on it. Most of
his missions are dangerous and difficult which is why
it is called “mission impossible”. But with his skills
in analysatiion and systematic, creative thinking, he
was able to think outside the box and go through all
obstacles he face. Ethan sees the benefits of the so-
ciety more than himself and fought with his own dark
side to overcome all fears. He was able to gather
unity and teamwork with his team and gains victory.


This is a great example of what could happen if we
follow the 27 working principles. We will also be able
to achieve any victories and achievement with suc-
cess just like in the Mission Impossible.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder
said, “People don’t care about what
you say, they care about what you


Tony Stark Ironman said,
“Cowards never start, the weak
never finish, and the winner never


Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady,
British Prime Minister said, ‘The de-
sire to win is born in most of us. The

will to win is a matter of training.
The manner of winning is a matter of



Muhammad Ali, the World Boxing
Champion said, “Champions aren’t
made in the gyms. Champions are
made from some- thing they have
deep inside them-a desire, a dream,

a vision.”

Various victories and achievements at work come from
inspiration of principles and guidelines that are already
guided in this book. When learning deep understand-
ing and then lead to further development, it will lead
to success, sustainability and sufficiency ... which is an

important guide in becoming the world’s citizen in
the 21st century.




The Principles of working for the 21st century is the

conduct of thoughts and actions that are inspired
by the Late King Rama the 9th.

The 27 principles of working is an inspiration
and motivation from the Royal Principles of Working
of the Late King Rama 9 who has gathered pieces
of information for those who are interested to learn-
ing new skills and knowledge, develop themselves
and grow. This working principles are globalize and
timeless which is why we can see many good lessons
from the Greek-Roman to the present days in every
country and every industry. Those who are success-
ful has this working principles in them one way or the
other… How about us? Do we have it?


What is Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP)?
SEP is the philosophy that His Majesty King Rama IX
guided a new way of living for the Thai people for
a long time. His Majesty had tried himself. When it
succeeded, His Majesty published the principle as a
model for the people. This new approach started be-
fore the economic crisis, but the people became in-
terested in times of hardship during a crisis. During
that period, His Majesty extended the meaning of the
philosophy and brought it into practicality in a wide
range. To focus on people to live a sustainable, sta-
ble, and safe life under various changes that occur
according to globalization. His Majesty also gave the
meaning in English as Sufficiency Economy, as said on
December 23, 2011.


The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is an im-
portant guideline for the living and practice of people
at all levels. It is a way of thinking, a behavior, and a
development approach with people and communities
at the center. All of which will lead to sustainable de-

Sustainable Development or SDGs is a devel-
opment goal and framework to achieve nationally
and internationally created by the UN for sustain-
ability. The goals were presented and has been a
replacement of the Millennium Development Goals
which expires in 2015. The SDGs were directed to
for the intention to be achieve from 2015 to 2030
with 17 different goals and 247 indicators.


Thailand has its national development frame-
work that has the SEP as the basis to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals. The philosophy bas-
es on the principles of local wisdom and integrity as
well as maintaining balance by following the middle
path with reasonableness and prudence according to
the concept of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
The focus of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is
sustainability, and it is a key principle of Thailand’s
National Economic and Social Development Plan since


Follow various stories about the royal work from
Chaipattana Foundation
Office Of The Royal Development Projects Board
Office of the National Economic and Social Develop-
ment Council
Website: และ https://sdgs.nesdc.
Thailand Sustainable Development Foundation


Soitheast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
Regional Centre for Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Sustainability

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