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Published by glengoody15, 2019-10-17 08:40:22



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What som e guys will do for a date. Jerry Cardenas and Ed Terrell fight over Laura Qendy. These juniors resort to neanderthal tactics for dating in the 90’s. The suitors
might be a little more successful if they used charm rather than brute force.

1991 K e y

Bishop McGuinness :p : in ; TH EROUGH

Memorial High
1730 Link Road
Winston-Salem, N.C.


■ ‘A ’• • #• • 1. . — _. ^

> ^ :;:in;the:kough

A Diamond in the Rough: An unpolished or in­ As a well formed and stabilized educational, and
experienced person who nonetheless shows spiritual place of learning, Bishop McQuinness High
som e promise in some held. A diamond as it School has been known to show students the aca­
com es from the mine needs cutting and polishing, demic, social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intel­
but it is potentially of great value; the expression lectual development within their own lives. Through
transferred easily to promising people. faculty, and their expertise in academics, the students
begin their true formation of who they really are. As the
— Rogers, James The Dictionary of Cliches year goes, many students acquaint themselves and
they gain friends that stay with them for a lifetime.
As freshmen come into BMHS they find them­ Sports, and the other after school curriculum (i.e.
selves lost in a world of upperclassmen. They clubs, tutoring, yearbook, etc.) are just a few of the
wander the hallways lost and looking at the top many organizations that Bishop McQuinness offers in
of the classroom doors to find the correct number that shaping the student Through the proper instruments
matches the one on the little gold plate, identical to the each student is able to find himself in a well structured
one on your schedule. Finally, with a sigh of hope they environment that encourages Jesus’ teachings and
walk into the classroom to find that the room has been values as well as a fine needle to stay with each person
switched and is presently filled with juniors. No need in their daily growth.
for them to be afraid to blush, because it's only the
beginning of what lies ahead. Through personal experiences that students are
brought into, the needle may be too fine, and some­
Each person, be it a freshman or a sophomore or times it may be too deep. As the only Catholic high
even a junior, has talent yet to be revealed. Fresh out of school in Winston-Salem, BMHS has dedicated itself
secondary high school, each student needs shaping, to form unique, individual diamonds, each different on
molding, and teaching. The value of each student is its own. We all have been chipped once, twice, or many
not yet visible until all the sides have been polished and times, but remember, one day each side will be per­
cut to precision. Many diamonds lay within the mine, fected, beginning with an initial polishing here. Some­
some have not yet been found. It is a long ride from the day the diamond within us will reflect our school
mine to the factory; on the way, many are lost, broken, motto: “ Praesis ut Prosis, ” meaning, "that they may
or even dropped; each too precious for this event to stand out.”

Picnic Partying STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!
Matt Underwood laughs at Freshmen as he Sylvia Qabalda, Patrick Daugherty, and Christine
and Bart Lopina, Kevin Spainhour, Chad Jacinto take time to study in study hall as they enjoy
Kupreanik, and John Wiggins relax at the the morning sun. Dedicated to work, and definitely
Bishop McQuinness picnic.
stuck to books!

“ I Pledge Allegiance to the, Gm . .
Student body president Will Shaw exerts his
authority. His presence at the podium and over
the loudspeaker is dominating.
Hail Ziggyl
Ziggy takes an introspective moment to make
plans for the future of BMHS. “McQuinness
Iguanas ... hmmmm."

A Diamond in the Rough

The Many Facets


“Amerikal What a place!”
Marcus Holmstrom thinks as Julie Ryu and
Shannon Reuter socialize after school. Life goes


“ Seen Any Real People?”
Mrs. McGuinn, don't worry, we have six more hours

of school. For all you do, this one's for you.
“ Burning Brain Cells!”

Sherian Lowery works diligently on a class
assignment For further enlightenment see



“ No, really. We are the yearbook staff.” Back; Jerry
Kontos, Shauna Winn, Jennifer Rasmussen, Geoffry
Woods, Mike Rossitch, Lynn Murphy, Gavin
Strickland, Stephanie Gavilan, Chanda Causer,
Melissa Linnemann and Adrian Marini. Front
Rebecca Rich, Sean Walsh, Farae Strickland, Keith
Hall, Christine Jacinto, Vickie Kokotos and Brian
Not present Cormac Warde, John Hunter, Chareba
Cardwell. Teleah Mickle. John McKelvy, Courtney

Table of Contents

of the Diamond


Don’t pull anything importantl As Alex Smith saves Use your heads. Rachael England, Tara Whalen, Me-
the ball he’s probably thinking, “Can I bank the ball off lissa Pihos, Heather Roy, and Susie Kwolkoski group
Churd’s head?” together to find a winning strategy.


(^Habla Espahol? Mrs. Shaw motions for a response
from her class. Brad Leatherbee seems too
enthralled with Spanish to respond.


Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer Advisor: Sister Kathleen Beatty
Rasmussen Copy Editors: John McKelvy
Sean Walsh
Assistant Editor: Jerry Kontos
Associate Editor: Shauna Winn

Table of Contents

What’s so interesting? What could it be? What is it? Whatever it is, it looks like Will Shaw, Erin Coyne, Paul Donohoe, Doug Frail,
Terry Rothstein, Matt McKean, Scott Whitehead, and Marcus Holmstrom sure find it interesting!


«• f •

♦» • » ** • ir j

Contrary to popular opinion, most demic year. Without the hardworking ' - 'C'l
students at Bishop McQuinness do people who put in long hours to get them
have a life. One person (probably a Each student adds off the ground, not a lot would happen
freshman) said, “It’s there." Actually, unlike new meaning to the around here. What a lot of people do not
the deadbeat quoted above, the typical phrase “Student realize though, is that people at Bishop do
Bishop student is anything but typical. He Life.” fun things as well. Take Brennan Raab and
or she is a unique individual with diverse Smitty Smith, who race sailboats com ­
interests who participates in several ac­ petitively. Courtney Gaillard won a contest
tivities, both in and out of school. From the and participated in a rock video with the
merely mundane to the exquisitely para­ Mickey Mouse Club. Who can forget Cath­
normal, each student adds new meaning to erine Collins, who likes to hang out with her
the phrase "Student Life." Whether going brother Bert? The following pages say one
to a Chess Club meeting on a Sunday night, thing: to borrow an old phrase, “Variety is
watching a thrilling Cross Country race, or the Spice of Life." Every student who goes
just hanging out in the parking lot Bishop to Bishop McQuinness makes his or her
students always have something to do. presence known in a unique way. Without
Some of the more interesting characters at this diversity of personalities, what would
school enjoy cruising Stratford, debating the school be? A hatching ground for white-
the morality of the Equal Rights Amend­ collar middle-class larval yuppies-to-be,
ment, and watching space cowboys fly. and who wants that? Only by broadening
Most of us are familiar with school activities our horizons and appreciating each other
like Prom, Bazaar, and pep rallies. These can we truly realize all of life’s facets.
events are the bread-and-butter of the aca-

Student Life

Its over your head! Jim Torok What Pep! Freshmen watch in rapt
suspends himself above, as silence as the cheerleaders work
Danny Rossi “ phones home” . out. The first Bishop pep rally was a
Are Jim’s feet slipping? smashing success!

Student Life

T i^ O U f td c Q\A/hd-


It is a time to love, a time to hate, it is also a time Eight weeks in the w oods would be unappeal­
to h an g arou nd all day and d o nothing. ing to some, but not to Gavin Strickland. This
Sum m er is filled with fun events and outdoor summer, Gavin worked at Lost Lake Scout Res­

excursions. There are no hom ework or teachers ervation in Lake Michigan. His day was spent

to bother your concentration on a new soap teaching fishing, wildlife, forestry, and astronomy.

opera. Most people travel to the beach, or up to Even as the assistant ecology director at the

the mountains, but these few individuals did eco lo gy center, he put on his c h e fs hat and

something out o f the ordinary. cooked for over 250 campers. Brian Halma had

Courtney Gaillard was in a Disney music video the ch ance to participate in the G overn or’s

with the pop group “Th e Party” who are presently School program in Laurinburg, H.C. — the East

working on their new album. She entered the division o f the summer school program. Spend­

contest and was chosen am ongst 9,000 other en­ ing his summer months away from home, he re­

tries. Included in the prize package was free air ceived insights on many college courses and an

fare and hotel accom m odations in Hermosa all around preview o f college. More importantly,

Beach, California. he met many wonderful people who will becom e

D ram a to o k A n n e F ergu so n s fan cy this a major part o f his high school and teenage

summ er as she participated in Governor’s School memories.

W est at Salem College. She performed The Had- Look forward to your summer, there might just

osoman of Chaillot and Sw eeney Agonistes be something waiting for you. But in the m ean­

along with 25 other members. The six fulfilling time, pull out that remote control or bathing suit,

weeks were not just fun and games, it was hard and enjoy that summer sun.

work too. Overall, Anne thought it was exciting

and enlightening.

Chicken anyone? Gavin Strickland is a happy cooker
as he prepares food for fellow campers. The
sunglasses are for style only.

Look Mom, I’m a star! Chase Hampton, Tiffini Hale,
Courtney Gaillard, Damon Pampalina, and Albert Fields
take time out of production to pose. This is the life!

Student Life

Magic In The Misty Highlands Nancy Sokal displays
clannish pride as a villager in Brigadoon, the
enchanted Scottish hamlet that exists for one day every
hundred years. She had the chance to use her voice
and dramatic talents.

...... ' ' •- Prostrate to the higher mind. Adriana Agudela, Sean
Walsh, and Chareba Cardwell researched medicine
over summer break. They worked with neat stuff like
the AIDS virus and chick embryos.

This t-shirt has macho spelled all over it. Brian Halma
proudly displays his Governor's School t-shirt. Even
though the school might not have helped him
physically, the extent of his knowledge cannot be

Strike a pose! Anne Ferguson and the members of
the cast perform Sweeny Agonistes. Could Anne be
the next Madonna?

Summer Adventures

' . (/crc(//(/i Ga/n/fs L&ia/1 i/ierffta/i G)ona/ioe r ^ {//ez! ^Tq^er/ze^

' Many dreams come true and Live for the moment. You could Baby, you know I’m gonna leave It’s not my job.
' some have silver linings. I look step into the road tomorrow and you. Leave you when the summer — Jesse Helms
‘ for my dreams and a pocket full of — W H A M — you get hit by a comes along.
cement truck! Then you’d be
gold. sorry you put off your pleasures. — Led Zeppelin
— Robert Plant
— Calvin and Hobbes

Y<zia ,G7c//ta/t (S/zziz/zci/z ^ Izi/i JTo/zycz^ {Doiujf/zz,^ GFzm'/ ^ i/i/ie ^^/'azez'

It’s a question o f trust. It’s a ques­ Wish I didn’t know now what I Yesterday is over my shoulder, so Oh, I finally decided my future
tion of not letting what we built didn’t know then. I can’t look backward too long, lies beyond the yellow-brick
up crumble to dust. It is all o f there’s just too much to see wait­ road.
these things and more that keep — Bob Segar ing in front of me, and I know I
just can’t go wrong. — Elton John
us together.
— Depeche Mode — j immy Buffett

HU/Ziw/i fT n iz e r {m//v(ifta . {(/on/a ,Oer//a/\// O/aZ/'c ,Oa//,szc/i

W e have met a lot o f people Running just as fast as they can, 1believe in fate and destination. Sometimes the lights are shining
along the way, some just fading Ironman, lives again. So much o f that lies in our own on me other times 1 can barely
away. . . Others just grew up. . . hands. If you know what you see lately it occurs to me, what a
I don’t see the point in growing — Ozzy Osbourne want just go out and get it. long strange trip its been,
— Sammy Hagar — Grateful Dead
— Robert Plant


. ffu'/iac/<^7>aam ^iAo/>6(y 7/cor(/c f/((x/(/os' . (Ar/r/M i^/o/ 7/(o//n-sfroni

I still believe in love, I still be- It doesn’t take a majority to make The roots of education are bitter. Nemo salta sobrius. kcts
lieve in peace . . . Where there’s a rebellion; it takes only a few de- but the fruit is sweet.
life, there’s hope. termined leaders and a sound — Anonynuni'
cause. — Aristotle
— John Lennon k
— H.L. Mencken

[^ IV . .^^-5- .^ / yr.i-^ i’ ^ > ./ / / ^ L/)orr?^/m .^ ,/ a

i Intuitive greasepaint, drooling to T hat which does not kill us Give me where to stand, and I W e were bom before the wind oh
nil relate, all ot lite s mistakes, makes us stronger. will move the earth. so you n ger than the sun.
,« hitting in the face. Everyone was thought as one as
— Unknown — Archimedes
Jj — Ogre sail into the mystic.
— Van Morrison

'Jmw/ (.‘Vau/c . (A/cccc A'/'A/:/a:a/A>)cc/A/..//<(t//AA 'i[A^//ww0A)//o'n<Alij/A’aa/tnnccAA ^^aar/A/ec//AA))eccc GAm'-Uo/iAa' ^ (/uAomy

------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ . l/ (u Aa((hsAi/
Success is getting what you want. You only live once, but if you live My most fervent prayer is to be a By chance or by default we have
President who can make it pos- touched the spirit o f the times.
Happiness is wanting what you right, once is enough. sible for everybody in this land to _ Marthe and Francois Gribaud
get. — Unknown grow to manhood by loving his
country — not dying for it.
— Unknown
— Lyndon B. Johnson


^ fJ a tt/ie ta . (Ic ^ e a /i ^ c /c a /t ^ (//c //c //c . ff/cA /c C)/yr JJm // . f////w/y/

Beware my friends as you pass by. There is an art to flying, or rather In a time o f turbulence and . . and I am out’a here!!!
As you are now so once was I. As a knack. T hat knack lies in change, it is more true than ever — Dennis Miller
I am now so you must be. Prepare learning how to throw yourself at that knowledge is power.
my friends to follow me. the ground and miss.
— John F. Kennedy
— Dave Mustaine — Douglas Adams



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S om ed ay w e ’ ll fin d it, the There is a force in the universe In complete darkness we are all You can’t leave footprints in the til^
the same. It is only our knowl- nlplj
rainbow connection, the lovers, that makes things happen, and edge and wisdom that separates sands o f time if you are always itu
us. %
the dreamers and me. all you have to do is get in touch sitting your butt, and who want'
— Janet Jackson 1814
— “ Kermit” the frog with it. to leave buttprints in the sandsol

— Chevy Chase time? — Unknown



f/Y anr f/Y i'/iM je <k tm /i/ Hf^/Z/Za/// rZZ/aw . (/e.xxi/u/fr iZ^oZZ/'m/ <J/m /Zx

Just because I grow my hair long 1 like the dreams o f the future There are many bad things that W ild King, Legend, Living Cas­
and play in a rockin’ band, old better than the history o f the happen in this world, let us not anova, 1 walk in the party starts
folks are always tellin’ me, “ Son, past. overlook the good. — 1 walk out the party’s over.
why don’t you grow up and be a
man . . . ” — Thomas Jefferson — Bono Vox — Whodini

— Tesla


■ ’Khiy/te ri/nit/i ficof/ ijSm/// i/la/te/'i ^q/y/or ^/)cM er ^C (oq/y/ic x^/i/iui

Faith is believing in what you Many dreams come true and The frontiers are not east or west, God grant me the serenity to ac- »
know ain’t so is! some have silver linings. I live for north or south, but whenever a
my dream and a pocket full o f man Frontts a fact. cept things 1 cannot change, iil'i
Anonymous gold.
— Henry CDavid Thoreau Courage to change the things I itl
— Led Zeppelin
can, and Wisdom to know the 'b

difference. fia

— Unknown

. {/q/y ^ty/t/u' ///u/crfoooi/ Jew/ lArZ/fcA’ 'U l r M ^/i'e //a y . (///tc '(fW A /ay

Everything looks impossible for I’m the pinnacle, that means 1 Dreams don’t mean nothing un- It was the best o f times, it was the (]u
reign supreme, and I ’ m no- less you’re strong enough to fight worst o f times, it was the age ol b
the people who never try any- torious. I’ll crush you like a jelly- for them and make them come wisdom, it was the age of foolish-
bean. I’m BAD. true. You’ve gotta hold on to ness, it was the epoch o f belief, it
thing. yourself. was the epoch o f incredulity. . •”
L.L. Cool J
Jean-Louis Etienne — Bruce Springsteen — Charles Dickens


^(h'c/iae/r fcoll ^M^/ute/ieac/ L&m / fTlofi/U jf

It Time goes on, people touch and W e made it through the cold. It is not how you play the game, (Terry moved from Winston-
k they are gone. There wasn’t too This freezin’ heart is gettin’ old. it’s how you win it. Salem in September.)
k much we missed, and we’ll smile N ext year I’ll head out for the
(I when we recall, we had it all for coast. Say boys, I think that calls — Beastie Boys
for a toast, yea.
just a moment.
ii — Unknown — Sammy Hagar

(Aa/A'la Gea'/ia (uin/w e//

(Charlita left last year to attend a
New England Boarding school.)

GNIOR In mid-October, several teachers of
senior courses began to notice the signs
of a well known disease spreading
9 throughout the class. The disease, known
T as Senior Stress Syndrome (SSS), is easily
R Term Papers recogn izable by its diverse sym ptom s.
Exams These include frequent absences, blood­
FaHh Papers shot eyes, listlessness, fatigue, and bouts of
Jobs tearfulness. No one thing can be pinpoint­
SATs ed as the cause o f this problem; rather it is
the combination o f college applications,
different course loads, and outside pres­
sures that produce the stress. “ 1feel like 1
need to scream. All 1want to do is get the

G Appb'caHons hell out o f here,” said Christy Byrum. Many
Car InsOfranee seniors have outside jobs, and seniors are
Sports Practice often called upon to fill leadership roles in
Yearbook sports and clubs, which only worsen the ill­
ness. Luckily, the dangerous part does not
Deadlines last long. In February, the disease pro­

a c t ’s gressed into its advanced form, called Se-

Prom Dates nioritis. Symptoms o f this include a com ­

W in terim plete release o f responsibility, a laissez-faire \earh ook
College attitude toward schoolwork, and much
merrymaking. ‘‘It doesn’t bother me — if I Talk, Write, Talk, Draw, Talk . . .
Rejections fail, 1 fail,” said Antonio Rahman. THE Jennifer Rasmussen takes a break from speaking with
Broken Relations SEHIOR WHO WROTE THIS DOES H O T parents at Open House to plan a page in the yearbook.



Using your mind
Mr. Dooley challenges the seniors not to memorize but
to think. By the intellectual looks on their faces, he has

Bumper to bumper
With no AAA in sight, senior Kevin Hoeing helps An­
gela Jefferson jump start her car. This is one of the
many events that portray the senior community ser­

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