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Published by glengoody15, 2019-10-17 08:40:22



Bad Nicknames You look like a lamp.
From Left to Right Rick “Bill Cosby Father" “Liberals share a commitment to aid the poor
Ekiund, John "I beat S um m it with two and the hungry." This quote from a Senior's G.S.
players" Manning, Mike “Renaissance m an” Government book pervades Miss Cylkowski's
Browne, Tom “T. Physics Master” Dooley, views and hat fetishes. The patriotic, strange garb
and Irma “Baby doll-sweet cheeks” Gazzillo. does not resemble the library (being neat).

Academics fad

Muscle Toning

that's a joke

Rules, skills, play, skill’s test, rule’s test, skills that can be learned in a gymnasium. abilities o f other people can be lessons
and fitness awards and on and on Yet not too many people can deny the value learned in one small space that can have
and on; such is the evolution of a dramatic effects on the yardage one gains
physical education class. Since full human P.E. on the fields o f life. The new co-ed classes at
development includes refining physical as BMHS have b ecom e more o f a learning ex­
well as mental abilities it seems logical that that teamwork can bring to one’s life. Learn­ perience for both groups o f individuals. Life
physical education at BMHS is an important ing one’s own abilities and appreciating the can be explored from new perspectives with
com ponent o f the curriculum. Many people, new learning experiences within a less
including som e students, frown upon the intensely competitive environment.

Lively and Challenging
Senior Smitty Smith seems to be walking off yards on the court while underclassmen
stand in awe. Phys Ed challenges the agility and prowess of students.
Not dressing out?
Lindsey Roscana and Ryan Egloff seem to have mixed signals on study hall/phys. ed.
Freshmen do have to adapt to the flexible schedule in high school. They probably will
grow to be healthy seniors someday.
Physically fit!
Mr. Spainhour gives thumbs up as he slides across the gym floor. The new Director of
Athletics continues to teach and coach, hoping to influence another aspect of human

124 Physical Education

GeatntdignegttintghiteRIsGcHoTo! p,

To create something that has a semblance nimble fingers, and non-restrictive blood vessels applause of a crowd despite their Olympic victo­
of permanence in this transitory world is (lest the phantoms overtake your cerebral parts.) ries won with pen and paper. Their sense of the
what students in journalism attempt to do. Pride in one’s work complimented by a sense of game of life draws them into creative endeavors
Perhaps that is why they react so strongly to the whose victories can be read about and appreci­
vision of their hours of labor strewn across a JOURNALISM ated in two, five or twenty years. They are keen
homeroom floor. For the students in journalism learners of life’s lesson in accepting valid crit­
this class is unusual for its content and for its satisfaction in a well written article, are som e­ icism. If they wish their article to be the best of
impact on the school community. It is within times rewarded in comments made by peers their ability level, they must learn to accept and
those hours of the days before publication that and teachers. These works rarely receive the appreciate the negative or positive comments of
the creative thoughts find a fleeting permanence their classmates. Only in such refining fires as
between the blue lines of note paper. T o write, to those found in room 213 could the class publish
proof, to rewrite, and to proof again demands the fine copy found in the Signet

Intense Scrutiny
Scot Boles, Robyn Fewell, Jenifer Qolizek, and John Hunter attempt to proof
someone’s writing. The Journalism class did publish some quality newspapers this

This is a product of Divine Providence.
Mr. Rivest proudly surveys the work of his Journalism class. The Editor-In-Chief,
Christy Byrum, looks on with her characteristic confidence and pride. If you look

really hard, the phrase “Miller Time!” is soon to be coined.

Dag gum it! I’m good!
President Will Shaw says as the blond bombshell, Anne Marie Wasilauskas looks on
with mystic beauty and a warm smile. Jason Dura makes yet another pass at the

famed Chareba "Boy Friend Killer" Cardwell.

Journalism 125

ontinuing to explore

Where humanoids fear to tread

What is science at Bish­ O f cou rse, the answ ers will To sum this up, one freshman dead, smelly things, the mix­
o p M cG u in ness, is it: vary as perceptions differ and said, “This past week we start­ ture o f different chemicals, and
as the scientific process goes ed a new chapter on atom s the labs where something real­
ly neat happens, w e all grow a
a ) M rs. S h e e t so’ nl.e cS­ c i e n c e and ele- little m ore, learn a little more,
and p r e p a r e a little m o re for
tures on the wonderful world of at BM HS be- m e n t s . ’’ our future as the leaders o f our
n a tio n , a n d th e e x a m p l e for
Chemistry. gins fresh- Th an kfu lly, o u r c h i l d r e n . M a y b e I am
rom an ticizing a seemingly
b ) Mr. E k iu n d ’ s d is c o u r s e on m a n year Science the mind de- sim ple thing, but . . . . maybe 1
a m d es p era te for something to
his life as a fa ther with really with P h y s ic a l ---------------------- --------------------- v e l o p s , a n d write.

unusual children, Science. eventually the

c ) Mr. D o o l e y ’s discussions o f T h e y b e g i n concepts of

nude Roman bathers, as only slow ly with sim ple co n cep ts, Physics are grasped by seniors,

Arch im edes knows how. so th e ir b ra in s w ill n ot g e t ready to take on the world.

d) All of these, fried. Through the dissection of

e) None of these.

Great, Wonderful . . .
Cinder all the excitement of Mrs. Sheet's Physical Science Class, Brian Egloff, Julie
Ryu, and Maria Lewis learn atomic structure. Just like electrons they find their niche
in the academic program.
Santa Claus, the American Rag, and Mr, Dooley
As Mr. Dooley devastates his students with his latest quiz and his age old look of
despair, he explains how Archimedes discovered a new scientific principle while in
the ancient Roman bath on buoyant forces of water, soon running through the
streets, proclaiming, ' Eurreeka ... 1have it. ”

126 Science

Top Ten

1. Eklund
2. Hippocrates
3. Darwin
4. Einstein
5. Sheets
6. Galileo
7. Mendel
8. Dooley
9. Aristotle
10. Newton

Bad to the Bone
The Science Department offers the
bare necessities of intelligence. This
is your brain, this is your body, this is
you in science class.

Decomposers are at the bottom of the food chain and ... did 1ever tell you
about the time I worked at Hardees? Oh, and did I tell you what happened to
Chris at school yesterday ..."

aktng Faith Concrete

Religion Classes Give Students
Perspective and Teach Lessons for Life

B ishop M cGuinness. being one of the in their pursuit of knowledge within the field of Sophomores. In this class. Mr. Carter instructs World Religions, also taught by Sister Kathy, the
three Catholic high schools in (North beliefs system of the seven major religions of'
Carolina, was founded in 1959 so that religion, dedicated teachers with a willingness to his pupils on the Church's teachings about the world are taught. Sacraments is a review of
Christian values and the traditions of a Catholicism for students who will soon be Con-.
Catholic education would be made available to share personal experiences are needed. At Bish­ everyday life and decision making. Juniors and firmed. Faith and Marriage both directs students-
the people of Winston-Salem. Over the years, in the way of faith and relationships. All of the
the school continues to attract a student body op McGuinness, these roles are filled by Sister Seniors, who have a choice of religious courses courses provide valuable lessons that have
whose diversity of faiths adds a richness to the practical applications in the lives of students. Sr.
theology classes. It is in those classes that one Kathleen Beatty. Mr. may opt for Social Kathy hopes that. “Through the courses that are
finds the Christian values in life constantly being here their faith will be enriched and become an.
applied. In courses, such as Bible. Morality. Gerard Carter, and J u s t ic e , w hich is active part of their lives." with such dedicated:
Social Ju stice, and World Religions, students teachers this most certainly happens at Bishop
can appreciate that the diversity of religious Mr. Tony O ’ M eara. taught by Sister McGuinness.
denominations can add to one’s understanding
of other philosophies. In order to guide students Freshm en find a Religion Kathy. This class not
myriad of challenges only gives the stu ­

in Bible class, adept­ dents an overview of

ly taught by Mr. social problems, but

O ’Meara. This course also gives them a

gives students a familiarity with Scripture as well hands-on experience in carrying out practical

as its practical application in the modern world. solutions to these problems. This year they col­

Christian Morality is the course of study for lect food, clothing, and money for the poor. In

The Don Juan of the Religion Department.

Mr. O'Meara shows off his Christmas sombrero and poncho to his World Religions |,
class. His style and charisma make his classes exciting and unique.

Restate Your Question.
Mr. Carter is perplexed by a student's question, "Was Jesus the anti-Christ?” . It's
quite a challenge to teach morality to Sophomores.
The Oppressed American.
Sister Kathy and Haney Sokal review and debate discrimination against women in
American society. This is one of the many issues discussed in social justice class.

128 Theology

Cultural Awareness
Knowing the difference between marble and plaster

Psychologists have divided stress left brain a ctivity m o re taken at least one semester of an architect. At BMHS he has
aspects o f the brain into had the chance to learn skills
two parts. Th ese areas than the right. However, at Bish­ art. Th e departments goal is to such as drafting and stained
influence a person’s mind in dif­ glass work. Keith Hall a ppreci­
ferent ways. The left brain c o n ­ o p M c Q u i n n e s s , c r e a t i v i t y is promote cultural awareness and ates the art department as well.
trols logical aspects o f personali­ “The art department is a Mecca
ty, whereas the right brain con- prized as well. __________________ to re cog n ize o f creation which is waiting for
«;trols creativity. A person will its existence to be recognized by
usually have one dominant side L e d b y Mr. those stu­ the greater BMHS community.”
of their personality, meaning that Clearly, the art department is a
they use one half o f their brain B r o w n e a n d --------- dents with great asset to Bishop McGuin-
more than the other. Throughout ness.
the history of creation, teachers Sister Irma, the ART creative and
art department __________________ artistic tal­

gives students a ents. In

perspective on some cases,

life different taking art

than that p r e s e n t e d by usual will influence a student’s career

c o u r s e s . E v e r y g r a d u a te has plans. Brennan Raab plans to be

Molding and shaping young minds This looks interesting
Mr. Browne explains the fundamentals The students in Fine Arts examine the
and various concepts of the arts. His invisible image on the wall. Everyone
students take notes so they won’t miss looks intensely and is sure to remember
any important details. every line and mark on the picture.

And this . . .
Mr. Browne uncovers yet another
treasure to be his Fine Arts class. The
excitement just radiates off all in the

Fine Arts 129

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