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Published by glengoody15, 2019-10-17 08:40:22



;ome all ye faithful The 1990-1991 Student Council
'Irs. Kennedy explains the purpose and (From left to right) Back row: Brennan Raab, Alex Smith, Katie Shanahan, Tiffany Ricardo, Phil Lopina,
ssponsibilities of the student council officers, Chareba Cardwell, Jenny Kula, Dewayne Tinnin, Allen Gavilan, Carrie Maletta, Heather Walsh. Front row:
'resident Will Shaw then further explained the Kristin Baugh, Holly Piacentino, Shauna Winn, Jimmy Gardner, Kara Martin, Timothy Saintsing.
idividual duties of his office.


Brokers of Power?

Power for People!

At Bishop McGuinness, we have a Senior privileges. The other class pres­
group of our finest who, in the form idents play a role in making sure students
o f student elected officers, shape are satisfied and happy. Although these
the outcome o f our high school careers. chosen few are to lead their classes in ac­
With President Will Shaw at the helm o f the tivities, many students hardly ever hear
student Council, these students work for us, from their elected officials. Despite their
the BMHS students, by organizing events pestering for raffle money, the class repre­
such as spirit week, the bazaar, eighth sentatives are the closest to the people and
grade visitation day, and rockin’ dances. power. But let’s look at the bright side, isn’t
Also contributing greatly are the class pres­ it nice to have som e kind of say? Power to
idents. This includes Senior President Alex the people!
Smith, who was a driving force behind

Student Council 81

Leaders o f the pack

the government that governs
hest governs the least.

In early fall, four fine young men cally, the class officers were in­
and w om en from each class volved in selling M&M's for a fund
were elected by their peers to re­ raiser. They also planned various
present them as their class officers. dances and organized the an­
These class officers were of service nouncement o f the new BMHS ring
to the entire student body and pro­ style. The Sophom ore and Fresh­
vided their leadership to a number man officers were not challenged
o f activities run by each class. much this year, working mainly on
Generally, the duties o f the Pres­ the bazaar with the rest o f the offi­
ident are to help the Student Coun­ cers. Once again this year the offi­
cil run the various projects that the cers o f each class had the privilege
Council plans. The other officers o f working with the class advisors
were involved in working with the to guide them through their pro­
M inistry team and the class jects. These advisors deserve rec­
advisors to plan retreats. Th e ognition; Freshmen, Mr. O ’Meara,
Senior officers, in particular, par­ Sophomores, Mrs. Shaw, Juniors,
ticipated in planning Senior privi­ Mrs. Sheets, and Seniors, Mr. Bel­
leges. They were also involved in cher. Leadership and unity were
setting up the overnight retreat and expected by both the faculty and
the pizza days monthly. The Junior the student body. With this o p ­
year is one that most challenges portunity to direct each class in
class officers. Included in the mas­ several projects, most o f the offi­
sive amount o f work is the job of cers accepted this task and worked
putting the Prom together. Specifi- to make the school prosper.

Class Advisors
Mr. Belcher, Senior Class; Mrs. Sheets,
Junior Class; Mrs. Shaw, Sophomore
Class. Mr. O'Meara, Freshman Class
not pictured.

Junior Class Officers
Katie Shanahan, Anne Marie Wasilaus-
kas, Chad Kupreanik, and Zach Sharpe,
are real go-getters. They had plenty of
fund raisers to occupy their time.

82 Class Officers

Senior Class Officers
Susie Kwolkoski, Alex Smith, Tony Pietrantozzi, and Meredith Combs are an incred­
ible group of cool seniors. They look as though theyjust devoured the world and are
asking for seconds.

Sophomore Class Officers
Meg Smith, Tiffany Ricardo, Shannon McMahan and Lisa Sutton did a lot for their
class. Exactly what they did, no one knows but surely someone somewhere benefit-

Freshman Class Officers
Chris Giannopoulos, Danny Siegle, Philip Lopina and Stacey Reid though young,
showed a fair amount of leadership and may someday take the real power.

Class Officers 83

The Keys to Service.
Back: Jerry Kontos, Mark Weinman, Owen Calvert,
Craig Peterson, Chad Kupreanik, Bart Lopina, Patrick
Daugherty, Allen Gavilan, Adrian Marini, and Brian
Halma. 2nd row: Chris Goff, Am ber Roy, Katie
Shanahan, Egan Crover, Katherine Collins, Andrea
Barreto, Cormac Warde, Jennifer Rasmussen, and
Carrie Maletta 1st row: Kristina Miller, Kara Sasaki,
Nancy Sokal, Chanda Causer, Laura Gendy, Christine
Jacinto, Anne Marie Wasilauskas, and Heather Roy.

It’s the SADD Clublll
Back: Kasia Prybylo, Meredith Combs, Alice bail,
Christine Werner, Tara Whalen, Lise Anderson, Mel­
issa Pihos, Paul Donohoe, Liz Folger, Doug Frail, De-
wayne Tinnin, Tony Pietrantozzi, Scotty Whitehead,
Adriana Agudelo, Chareba Cardwell, Jason Dura, Bill
Frazer, Owen Calvert, and Mark Weinman. Third row:
Jimmy Kontos, Karen Housenecht, Brian Sheridan,
Nick Verano, Kevin Spainhour, Tiffany Ricardo, Meg
Smith, Karen Reidy, Lucy Abbott, Katie Shanahan,
Vanessa Hermann, Lynn Murphy, Brian Lewis,
Brennan Raab, Alex Smith, and Bobby Hodges. 2nd
row: Chad Sealy, Corbin Russell, Mike Ballseiper, Jerry
Kontos, Bart Lopina, Gavin Strickland, Joanna Pub-
antz, Megan Carswell, Holly Piacintino, Beth Frazer,
and Dean Mundy. 1st row: David Hellinger, Mr. Dan
Spainhour, Lina Fleihan, Mike Rossitch, Chris Bettis,
and Matt Underwood.

/\ /•\/ SADD/Key Clubs

The Master Key. And behind door number threeil
Heather Roy rules supreme over her dedicated clan. Anne Marie Wasilauskas displays her modeling
With the power to unlock doors to new abilities by showing the contents of the freezer. This
experiences, she leads the way for others to walk year, the Key Club collected money for the turkeys
into new dimensions of their lives. given to the needy at Thanksgiving.

The SchooVs Two Service Clubs Are

Opening Doors

From the very beginning of the 1990-1991 expertly served the customers at the BMHS
school year at BMHS, the Key Club was Italian Night. Overall this year was as productive
very active in serving the community. as one could have hoped it could be. The
Once again, Mr. Belcher offered his leadership Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) were
to the club. Assisting him were the officers o f the quite active as well. Along with Mr. Spainhour,
club: President Heather Roy, Vice-President the officers. President Adriana Agudelo, Vice-
Christine Jacinto, Secretary Am ber Roy, Trea­ President Matt Underwood, Secretary Mike
surer Chad Kupreanik, and Sergeant-At-Arms Rossitch, and Co-Treasurers Paul Donohoe and
Bart Lopina. S om e of the activities that they Chris Bettis, led SADD to another productive
planned included organizing a turkey fund to year. They sold candy to raise m oney for the
assist needy families and collecting money dur­ treasury and also participated in a conference at
ing the Tootsie Roll Drive for the Knights o f C o­ the Greensboro for Student Athletes Detest
lumbus to help retarded children during the Drugs. Along with these activities SADD also
Christmas season. They also sold Christmas found time to make posters to try to persuade
trees to help the Kiwanis Club collect money for people not to drink and drive. Hopefully they will
worthy causes, they brightened many childrens' make a difference in som eon e’s life.
Christmases by collecting toys, and they also

SADD/Key Clubs 85

Ministry Thanks For Sharing With Os
Jason Dura watches as Father Hunt celebrates Eucharist. This mass was to cel­
This yearns Ministry Team
Was More Active Than Ever ebrate the induction of this year's Eucharistic Ministers.

After a year's hiatus, the benefits will attempt to create
Ministry team returned to greater awareness o f the gospel
BMHS. Under the leader­ message. The team was re­
ship o f Sister irma Gazzillo, the sponsible for planning Eucha­
team w orked providing a ristic celebration s, special
number o f religious activities prayer services, class retreat
for the student body. Actively days, and projects for student
participating and som etimes involvement. The opening of
taking the initiative, som e school found the Bishop com ­
m embers o f the Social Justice munity celebrating the liturgy
class did an excellent job of with Monseigneur McSweeny.
making the students aware of In the fall. Father Hunt com ­
special collections for the less missioned a group of Seniors
fo r t u n a t e p e o p l e in th e as Eucharistic ministers. As the
Winston-Salem community. It year progressed, there were
was often a challenge to re­ special services for Martin
instate traditions o f the past. Luther King, Jr.’s birthday and
The drives for clothing, canned for peace in the midst of war.
goods, and toys for Christmas The team and those students
did not get total support. who participated constantly re­
Hopefully the spirit o f c o m ­ mind us of our call to be fol­
munity service will be improved lowers of Jesus in all that we do.
upon this year so that next year


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Father Rooster Checks Out His Chicks l)K)
Cade Coleman, Patrick Elworthy, Chris Bettis, and Jerry Cardenas pose after roof­
ing the house for Habitat for Humanity. 1know this was for a great cause, but 1
thought roofers were tan and muscular.


On the Edge
Yes, Teleah Mickle is doing manual labor. She gets down to paint those hard to
reach places.

86 Ministry Team

1990-91 Eucharist Ministers
Sean Walsh, Adriana Agudelo, Heather Roy, Dan Green, Angela Jefferson, Jennifer

Goliszek, Julie Olenick, and Jason Dura,

Ministry Team 87

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