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Published by , 2019-09-18 02:19:39





























Do you ever wonder, if ghosts live on planet Earth and even haunt

people into miserable states of being, then ghosts must darn well live

on other planets too, and even haunt aliens into miserable states of

being, right? I think the whole phenomena of the existence of ghosts

is extremely odd to me. How in the world would an infinite soul not

have the capacity to move on from a physical lifetime? How would a

soul actually become confused and stuck in between worlds and not

even know how to let go or move on? I find it strange, but I also find

this to be very explainable, and as odd as it is, a very real thing that

can happen.

I will tell you, I have explored the ghost phenomena first hand. My

parents actually live in a house that is haunted. It’s not even an old

house, this home is less than 15 years old, but it was sitting for just

under three years without an inhabitant. I’m concluding the energy of

an uninhabited home is what drew the ghost in. Like attracts like,


and the feeling of an uninhabited home, it just gives you that stale

feeling, like stale or dead air, and it makes sense that dead energies

would be attracted to it.

I didn’t know anything about this ghost until I happened to experience

it while I was spending the night. I have three kids, and in one of

their spare bedrooms, the one I happened to occupy, there was a

trunk full of toys. I was probably 26 or 27 when this event took place,

so approximately 5 years ago. It was just me sleeping in that room on

this particular night. I remember waking up in the middle of the

night, and I just had this very strange eerie feeling that someone was

in the room with me. I brushed it off, like most eerie feelings I had at

that time, and I walked to the bathroom. That feeling just kept

following me. As I was washing my hands, I suddenly felt extremely

cold. It was an unnatural cold feeling. It’s not as if the air becomes

frigid, it’s more like a bone chilling feeling and there is nothing that

prompts it, you just feel ice cold out of nowhere. I was slightly

freaked out, to say the least, but I did my best to ignore it, and I went

to bed, still feeling rather on edge.


When I got to bed and was relaxing and beginning to comfortably fall

back to sleep, suddenly I heard a noise from the toy box. A

mechanical toy suddenly turned on, for no explainable reason, and

said, ‘Hello,’ to me. Of course it’s the toy that wants to have a

conversation. Of course that toy that can say, ‘Hello,’ starts talking to

me in the middle of the night after I just got freaked out in the

bathroom by what felt like eyes staring at me and an extremely bone

chilling feeling that scared the living daylights out of me. As my heart

was freaking out in my chest, I felt a relief in the fact that I happen to

be wearing one of my most special stones. It’s a moonstone, so it’s

pure white and it has a beautiful, foggy misty white color to it. It has

an energy that I’m very addicted to. I put my hand around my stone,

if only to calm myself down, and then the doll said, ‘Hello,’ again. It

said other things too, like, ‘How are you,’ and, ‘I love you.’

It was very hard to fall asleep, and I remember my dreams were filled

with very unusual images and information. I woke up several times in

the night to the same creepy feeling that someone was there staring at

me and trying to get my attention. It was a relief when the sun finally

came up. It’s so strange that the dark can be so good at playing tricks

on you, but the light seems to bring peace and comfort to everything.


Humans truly feel safe in what they can see and not in what they can’t

see. I remember that morning, telling my parents this story, which is

when I finally got the word that the house was haunted and I last

night was just a lovely little introduction to the household ghost. My

Dad piped up about how he had repainted all the walls before they

moved in, and the same bone chilling feeling visited him several times

while he was there alone. He never told my Mom, if only not to scare

her, and she ended up coming to him and mentioning that she though

the house was haunted. Human communication, I tell you!

When I was much younger, around 4 years old, my parents and my

sister and I lived in the basement of my grandparent’s old house,

which sat right next to a cemetery. My Mom could tell you a million

and one stories about ghosts she and her brothers saw in the house

while growing up. My sister had an incident where we all heard her

just screaming in her bedroom. She insisted she felt cold hands grab

her legs from underneath the bed. There were many times I felt I was

being watched in that house, but nothing ever bothered me, only that

feeling of being watched.


I think it’s amazing how many humans can relate to this feeling of

being watched, but the thought of life after death, or the thought of a

God existing is just down right impossible. It’s easy to believe in

ghosts but not so easy to make sense of what happens after you

die. If there is one thing I know, without even a question of a doubt,

it’s that we are all surrounded by and inhabited by the spirit

realm. This Earth, all planets, all stars, all living things in the

universe, all living things are possessed by all spiritual things, and all

dimensions from lowest physical to highest spiritual, they all existed

within and amongst each other. There really is no separation or

distance between realms. It’s completely odd. I do get this feeling at

times, it’s a very strong and real feeling, that the entire universe, and

all living things within it, that every expression of creation, spiritual

and physical, that it all exists within my heart. That everyone exists

within my heart and that I exist within everyone else’s heart. If my

soul is part of the whole of ALL souls and ALL souls are a part of my

soul, then this is 100% true. There is nowhere you have to go to find

the spirit world, all you have to do is look inside yourself . . . or there’s

always the haunted house idea!





All that being said in Part I, I will tell you a little bit more on this

subject and this little bit more was one of my very own past lives

where I became a ghost. I found this ghost phenomenon to be so

strange and so weird, I had to know whether I have been a ghost or

not in a past life, if only to understand how it could be possible. I did

discover a past life, it’s far too profound and I have contemplated not

sharing it, but what the hay, seems like now is as good a time as any,

so I will briefly describe the events.

So in this past life, I was one of several daughters to a ruling

power. We lived in South America. This was thousands of years ago,

when truly magical and unbelievable things were extremely normal.

There was a temple where sacrifices took place. Nobody was harmed,

only their souls were removed from their bodies through a very sacred

ritual. In this lifetime, I was able to move spirits from human bodies

and place them into physical statues. These were clay objects I made


myself, and these statues then became animated with a soul and they

became infinite, immortal beings. This lifetime is extremely profound

in what took place and it sure points a very disappointing finger at the

ability of the human mind today to make sense of the historical

past. We are pathetic in what we understand of the mysteries of the

ancient world. Because humans don’t want to believe in mysticism or

an infinite universe in a legitimately magical way, then everything has

to be limited to human science, which fits us snuggly inside the

confines of a tupperware container.

At the end of this life, there was a dual between myself and my sister,

in who was most powerful and would then become the next ruler. A

very unpredictable event then took place, unpredictable, even to our

very souls and to destiny itself. We were all destroyed, myself, my

sister, and our father, in a very catastrophic event. There was a

sudden volcanic eruption, the temple and the entire village were

smothered in ash, we were ALL suffocated, not just us three, but the

entire civilization. In that temple, the souls of myself, my sister, and

my father, we were trapped and we suffered a great misery as ghosts

in what would be like an infinite dark prison. Eventually angels came

and released us.


So now we’re at our conscious human awareness of the present time,

where in my soul, to this very day, I still don’t feel like I’ve ever left

that temple. I still feel like I’m a part of it still. Before I discovered

this lifetime, I had a habit of becoming very sensitive over news of

sacred temples that get vandalized, looted, people just destroying the

sacred grounds, and particularly temples in Mexico, Central America,

and South America. I have always had this strange feeling like my

soul was inside of one of those temples and it made me very angry

how people show their respects to our ancient ones. Now that I can

make sense of this, I feel a sense of freedom from that lifetime, but I

do long to find that temple, which is still buried under volcanic ash,

somewhere in South America. I have such a strong attachment to this

whole thing, specifically the key words ‘sacred temple’ and location

being ‘South America,’ I feel almost certain if I took a journey there I

would somehow find it again. Sometimes I do feel strongly I will run

into this lifetime again, somewhere down the road. It will collide again

with my life today, if only to pay homage to who and what I once

was. Sometimes you need this in life. It’s like an event taking place in

today’s lifetime and somehow a part of that event circles back to you

some years later, if only for you to reassess your feelings or

relationship with something that had profound meaning to you in the



Anyway, possessed dolls, entirely real. I know this because I once

placed souls inside of statues at one time in ancient history. Being

stuck in between physical and spiritual worlds, entirely real, only

because I too was once a ghost. It has to do with a profound death

event and the confusion of the event itself. I know this isn’t the only

explanation to ghosts, but it’s one explanation. And people who,

‘Exorcise the Demon.’ People who help these ghosts, ‘Find the

Light.’ There is no coincidence that human beings who play these

roles today, their souls are actually driven to helping souls find the

other side again. There’s a lot of reason to be thankful for that.

Anyway, Part I and II read together just feel like a bunch of hodge-

podge ghost stories, but all of this I tell you is true. Even today

though, I still find it to be an extremely odd phenomena, but I do

know that this is a very real phenomena. It’s just more proof in the

existence of a soul, and the existence of other realms, the physical and

spiritual, and clearly some realm there in between.






What kind of update can I provide at this point in time? The spirit

world has taken more of a back seat to my real world life, although it’s

perfectly there and as real as it ever was before. 2015 has definitely

started, and nothing will remain the same for any of us as we continue

forward on our journey. The message has been clear to me, once you

step beyond the invisible line that was 2014 to 2015, you made an

agreement with the universe to alter your entire ego and persona as a

human being on the planet Earth. Nothing will ever be the same. It’s

called the expression of love. It’s becoming entirely more real and

undeniable to me.

Certain alterations I’ve come to experience (just one tiny one for

starters). I absolutely cannot physically, mentally, or emotionally

tolerate violence or expressions of anger. It instantly makes me want

to cry and cover my ears, and then do whatever I can to get as far


away from it as possible. This is just me, imagine if we were all feeling

this way, the entire planet would undergo an instant transformation

away from wars of all kinds and into an ultimate expression of pure

and energetic love. I would love to think this response within me has

caught on like the plague with all other human beings on the planet,

but I have a feeling I’m a little more sensitive and receptive. It just

happens to be the form I chose to take and then the masses of

previous lifetimes that are still a part of my soul and my memories,

and these help to make me a little more receptive as well, only

because I’ve been there and done that so many times.

I’ve been reading a lot lately about 2015 and all the different

perspectives that are all about the same. Humanity has hit a year in

history where we will super transform into ultimate loving beings and

the planet is now saved. At least that’s how I read it. It appears I

have the same message, but I want to share something a little more,

because not everybody on this planet is happy, and not everybody on

this planet is experiencing amazing transformations, or at least

sensing them taking place. So I will tell you this. So much in this

world happens right under our noses. It’s like oxygen, who would

have thought it was there, and yet that invisible stuff is full of exactly


what we need to survive. We can’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t

there, and that it doesn’t exist right under our noses. The energetic

changes are a lot like this. I’m saying that because even I get irritated

when I read about the joyous future of mankind when I’m still feeling

the pains and sorrows of yesterday. My reality hasn’t transformed

into the light of heaven, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t on its

way. Everything is always happening at just the right time and in just

the right way and it will always happen as it is meant to, whatever

that experience may be, terrible or amazing, it is correct. So just go

with it. 2015 is most definitely the start of a more beautiful and more

heavenly future for mankind, this I can tell you is true. It’s sort of

like magnets, you put two magnets together, either they will repel each

other or attract each other. The feeling of today is like magnetic

energy that is attracting people to come together in a more loving way,

as if the magnets have changed directions and instead of there being

repelling energy and separation and boundaries and war, there is

attraction to come together and share love. That’s the feeling I get.

Moving on though, I wanted to tell you some things I’ve discovered,

and who knows, maybe I’ve already mentioned this. I can’t really

remember where I left off, it’s been such a gap in time. Well, I will tell

you, Emerald the Horseman, I have come to an amazing discovery


about him, and about the other beings that have visited me. This is

important because it confirms the reality that the past is as ever

present as the present and even the future, which can be difficult to

believe. It’s only difficult to believe because we all want to believe we

are entirely in control over our fate and the destiny of our lives. We

actually are, there are just a billion possibilities to how that road will

be followed. It’s never just one, but infinite possibilities. Let’s not

think too hard about this because it always squashes my brain to

think that I’m a physical form experiencing a billion physical moments

in the future and in the past and even in the present and I have

absolutely no awareness of this or understanding, it freaks me

out. These could be experienced in a dream state, like the mind of the

universe is dreaming all of these possibilities, but the thing about

dreams, they are far more real than you could possibly image. They

manifest, and that is the truth!

So I will tell you now about what I discovered. I discovered that

Emerald and the strange lizard creature and the Thor like man, and

then the blue/black panther creature (I don’t think I mentioned that

one) but I found out that all of these expressions are all other forms of

Avery the Human Alien, from other times and places. I discovered this


in December. (I’m still not 100% sure on the panther creature, that

one I discovered the first part of January). But all of this has been on

my mind lately, only because I heard Avery tell me this morning that

there are more Avery’s he wants to introduce me to. I have been

contemplating what those forms could be, and I’ve been contemplating

what time actually is, which everything proves that time is really just

an illusion of the mind. All of this information is important that I’m

telling you, and I want to tell you something else along the same

lines. So I often connect with a previous self of mine, a persona where

I was completely amazing and capable of doing unimaginable

things. This persona is still alive in time and space and hears me. I

call it my ‘egg self’ because she looks like humpty dumpty – like an

egg person with human skin and eyes and lips. I love this self, she

takes such good care of me. When I call for her to help me, it’s an

instantaneous feeling of energy, it paralyzes me and entraps me in

this super peaceful state of pure harmony and joy. Avery has this

same capability. It only last about 20 seconds. The feeling is unusual

and amazing.

It’s good for humanity to realize what is possible, that there are no

boundaries to what you can experience in your life today. It’s also


amazing to realize there many, MANY forms that exist in the universe

and you can connect with any one of them, from any time, dimension,

or place. The forms that exist in the universe are not just humans,

and some of these forms are well aware of our planet and what exists

here, whether those beings are observing from a distance or are

actually physically here. And there really are alien spaceships

hanging out around Earth right now as we speak. There are even

aliens living on the planet right now as we speak, they just happen to

blend in extremely well and I have a feeling some of them are here, but

somehow invisible to our eyes. I’m telling you this now because it’s

important to remember there are infinite ways to experience life and

infinite forms you can experience life in. I find it amazing and special

and I get to being so curious about all the different expressions and

faces the universe desires to have. All the different Avery’s, or

Abbey’s, or You’s that could possibly exist. We are all reflections of

the universe, just another face of the grand inventor. You have to

realize how special you are, nobody else will be exactly like you. It’s

just like no two snowflakes are exactly the same. It seems impossible,

but it’s true. No two snowflakes will ever be the same, not even twins

are perfectly identical. It’s all good to remember these many things. It

helps expand the mind and expand our reality and experience of life.


I can feel a change in the wind and the 2015 energy is definitely

empowering. I’m ready for sunnier days, so I remind myself about

transformative energy. That it exists and it’s real and it’s happening

right under my nose, even if I can’t see it. That everything happens at

exactly at the right time and place. I also like to remember about my

egg-self and Avery and that there is nothing separating a loving bond

that is always there, no matter what the distance or in what

dimension or time. I’m sharing all of this because it’s important for

humanity to realize that amazing energy changes are taking place, and

2015 is the start of something new. I’m sharing this too because the

2015 energy can be experienced in many different ways, it’s not just a

perfect world as of yet. It’s important that we all learn to expand our

minds and perceptions, love does this, interactions with people we’ve

never met does this, life experiences we’ve never had, and making a

choice to think differently, to turn our idea of what is possible upside

down and then dream that much bigger and then take it one step

further and know in your heart that all things are possible.

So that’s what I have for today, and hopefully more to come soon!





I wanted to tell you about a new visitor. I mentioned this was going to

happen the last time I wrote, that Avery would be introducing me to

his other forms, at least that’s what he told me. As a side note, our

soul is infinite and in infinity there is no such thing as past, present,

and future, all moments are taking place simultaneously, so any

physical form that Avery’s soul has ever inhabited, it’s existence in

any time and place is just as real as our understanding of the present

moment. Also, our souls are infinite and do have the capacity to

reside within more than one physical form at a time.

All that being said, I can tell you that I have officially met a praying

mantis creature. I had read about them, and from what I’ve read, it

hasn’t always been the best outcome between human beings and

praying mantis creatures. And I often thought the idea of a giant stick

bug approaching me was slightly terrifying, so it seemed to make

sense that Praying Mantis creatures would be up to no good. Well, I


have cheerful news, this is completely incorrect, so I’m going to

describe the praying mantis creature I met and tell you what they are

like. I also want to mention too, that I’m definitely convinced that not

all praying mantis creatures are bad, just like not all human beings

are bad. It seems to depend on the soul and the soul memories and

current life experience memories, and then also the physical form.

Some alien forms, their natural instincts and emotional

understandings are not the same as humans, so they would be

inclined to do things we would see are bad. But also, if we just look at

our human species, some physical forms were not created with

balance and can be more prone to hostility than gentility, so it’s not

always a soul thing. Just think about people who have had a spike go

through their brain and survive. You hear stories about the most

pious people turning into complete assholes, and all it takes is one

random physical event. It’s hard saying what all praying mantis

creatures are like, but this one I met this week has convinced me that

some of them are definitely amazing and good.

So the interaction with this creature was mental and visual. It took

place in my mind, but also projected outward and into my room, and I

could also feel its feelings and form. We all have a doorway in our


mind, it’s called the third eye. You can use it to communicate with

anyone you want to in the universe, and in any time and place. You

could even talk to Hitler if you wanted to, but that’s only if he has an

awareness of this form of communication. Human beings have been

dummied down so we aren’t fully aware of what comes naturally to a

majority of species throughout the universe, and I’m almost certain

that even animals use their third eye to communicate. But moving

along, I met the praying mantis at the usual hour when most matters

of weirdness take place. The first interaction happened around 4 am

in the morning. This is the hour when I’m in a sleepy, relaxed, and

non-judgmental state. I woke with no explanation and began

contemplating the praying mantis alien. I must have sensed there

was a connection building as I suddenly spoke in my mind. The

clarity and sound was not what I expected, it was loud, I can’t even

recall exactly what I said, but it was in response to a sensation I had

that this creature was trying to talk to me. I said something in the

effect of, “I will only speak to you if your intentions are good and kind,

I choose not to speak to creatures who wish to harm me.” It was

baffling what came next. It was an amazing feeling of extreme

kindness, gentility, and patience. I was astounded by it; it felt like

pure peacefulness, coziness, and harmony of some astounding kind. I


felt no fear at all. I felt so peaceful and relaxed that I really

disconnected with the sensation of being human, I actually felt like I

was inside the praying mantis. I really couldn’t tell there was any

separation between my mind and body and the praying mantis mind

and body.

He showed me a field, it was full of dark green grass, about knee

height, and speckled with flowers and one of them I saw had red

petals. There was a forest of trees on one side of the field and in the

distance was a mountain range. The purity and cleanliness of this

natural world was unimaginable. I’m sure you can still find it in

places on Earth, but I’m not used to knowing what a pristine natural

world feels like or looks like. I remembered thinking about how I’ve

seen praying mantis insects at Grays Lake, and there was one

summer, I found several of them blending in with the green stems of

different flowered bushes. This field made me think of that.

One thing I can tell you about alien communication, advanced alien

communication does not take words to make statements. They use

images and feelings to create messages. I didn’t need the praying

mantis to say a word for me to have a very clear understanding of its


beauty and kindness and goodness. I will tell you, it did have very

large eyes and like an upside down triangle shaped head with

antennas or feelers, the mouth was definitely insect like. They do

have a type of tongue. I can tell you this because I really did feel like I

was a praying mantis for a brief time. This creature had amazing

beautiful wings that it fluttered, I wasn’t expecting that, I didn’t even

know the praying mantis had wings. During this interaction, the

image morphed and it seemed as though there are different versions of

this form. Like some could be more man-like with a praying mantis

shaped face and some can be far more insect-like. It seems as though

they all have wings. When they are happy, they flutter them, at least

that was my impression. It’s sort of like their version of laughter or,

where we would hoot and holler and jump up and down in excitement

and joy, it would be one of those moments when they would flutter

their wings as an expression of joy.

This creature has visited me several more times. I’m far less

uncomfortable about its form, in fact, I see it as incredibly beautiful. I

think it’s because of the goodness that comes from it, it would be

impossible to see it as ugly, because it is so pure and pristine and

kind, just like the natural world it showed me. Praying Mantis Man


did share something unexpected with me though. I’m going to try to

share it with you. It showed me how all actions on the minuscule

level also take place on the major level. All things have a mirrored

reaction that continues to take place on scales from tiny to extremely

large. Its like a continuous ripple that never stops going, from a

puddle, into a pond, into a lake, into the ocean, it just keeps

going. For instance, we all have cells that make up our bodies, that

would be in the micro level. Then we are all people that inhabit the

Earth, that would be the next level, and then there are planets and

stars that make up the universe. All of these levels are living

bodies. It doesn’t seem that way, but it really is that way. The clarity

of this message was astounding, and for me to try and put it into

words is so difficult. I’m actually not using the example the praying

mantis man gave me, because the example he gave me isn’t exactly

something you tell other people. Only because it’s not a human way

of explaining things, but it seems to be the best way of explaining it,

so I’m going to tell you, regardless of what you will think of me. The

praying mantis man shared a few images and feelings, it shared what

was a simultaneous feeling and image of pure ecstasy and he showed

me how this feeling and image has a mirrored response on the micro

and macro level. It showed me how the universe is created in the


same way that babies are created. The birth of the universe, actually

takes place through sexual intercourse from species across the entire

universe. I’m serious. Every orgasm that is ever had by any physical

form in the universe, has a mirrored physical response on the macro

level in space. It literally looks like the grand finale at the best 4 of

july fireworks you’ve ever seen, then times that by like 1 million. It

literally looked like that, like explosions of beautiful fireworks taking

place on the macro level, in space. This sounds really stupid, but

that same thing happens when a man releases inside of a woman,

these were the unexpected images that were shared by the Praying

Mantis Man, I am 100 million percent not weird and serious.

Now, just think, if that is true, human beings need to spend way more

time making love, it has such a powerful impactful and amazing

response in the universe, and that is what the praying mantis man

showed me. There was so much information involved with this

message so I’m going to tell you a little more. And I really hate to

break the joy of these images, but I’m going to, because we need to

bring it all back into focus on our human sexuality, because what

primarily exists on this planet is rape, the deformation of our sexual

organs in both men and women, 80% of our day is going to school,


studying, or working a full time job and being a parent, or being a

drug or alcohol abuser. So little time is focused on being pure and

sharing love and loving interactions with each other. Then there is so

much focus on perfecting your human form so you are either starving

yourself, over eating, or exercising way too much, or drinking, and it

doesn’t matter which bracket you fall in, 90% of all humans are not

satisfied with their physical forms. This also creates unbalanced

sexual relationships. You have to remember, the praying mantis man

showed me how all actions on the micro level, have simultaneous

reactions on the macro level. It’s like karma, whatever you give in this

lifetime, you receive in the next lifetime. Everything is constantly

acting and reacting everywhere. The most purest form of ecstasy is

an orgasm, and the birth of an orgasm also takes place in the universe

at the same simultaneous moment, and what happens on the micro

level also happens on the macro level and it is absolutely

unimaginably astounding an incredible.

I did not expect praying mantis man to show me this, and the

information took 10 seconds or less for him to tell me all of this in a

few images and emotions. I was so overwhelmed, it really was the

most powerful message I’d ever had. It is clearly an important


message for today and all of humanity because so much of the energy

we express in the world doesn’t come close to daily orgasms and it

needs to. It’s not just about the birth of the universe, it’s about the

birth of joy in every single one of us and the universe is affected by our

misery, it seriously is. I think that’s why I needed this message, so I

could share it with people, because I really believe species across the

universe and the universe itself can feel the energy we give off and it

feels like living in a garbage dump world, when it could really feel like

a beautiful pristine field of natural beauty. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got

for now.





I want to share some past life memories that I’ve had recently, along

with some interlinking thoughts. These are about reptilian shape-

shifters, which I’ve been contemplating the reptilian phenomenon

more actively as of late. I will start by telling you the first memory

that came to me, this happened maybe two years ago, and I brushed it

off as a weird imaginary experience, but after what I saw last night,

I’m convinced there is nothing delusional about what I saw or felt a

few years ago, that it truly was a real memory.

So in the first memory, I saw several women in a dimly lit room, what

would be six women, all naked. I was not only seeing these images,

but was also experiencing them as though I were there as one of these

women. Entering the room were six men, all in their lizard form, also

naked. In my vision, I am aware we are to be paired and mated, and

the expectation is for each woman to become impregnated, and then

bare a child that would be born with the sacred DNA that is both


human and lizard. The feeling of being in this role was somewhat

terrifying, but at the same time, it was considered an honor to be

chosen for that role as a female. It was incredibly sacred what was

taking place, an intermixing of DNA was entirely the sensation I had

backing this vision. When I came out of it and back to reality, I wasn’t

entirely sure why I was daydreaming about being naked with lizard

men, but looking back now, I’m starting to grasp these ‘daydreams’

are actually real visions of previous life experiences. That being said, I

wanted to tell you the second memory that came to me, this memory

is from a lifetime in Egypt.

In this second memory, I was a female again, playing an extremely

similar role, but this time the fear was not there at all. I was

considered a Goddess to play such a role as to intermix with the

reptilian species. This was very, very real. What I learned from this

memory was that in Egypt, there truly were lizard forms walking

around like everyday humans, and it was so commonplace that

nobody questioned or feared it, although it wasn’t entirely understood

why they were there, but a bond did develop between the humans and

the lizards, that was very clear. In the vision, I saw myself in a very

elegant room in what would be an Egyptian palace. There was a


handsome man looking out a balcony. His form briefly changed from

man to lizard and then back to man again. As I was looking at him

my gaze averted to a crib next to the bed where I was. There was a

baby inside that I picked up and held. This baby looked entirely

human, but inside I knew it was both human and lizard, and I felt joy

in this and proud to have born a child of this kind. The vision was

brief but it filled me with a great deal of joy. I can tell I was truly

happy in this lifetime, and from that memory I came to understand

that reptilians were once an active part of Egypt at one time, and not

in a terrifying way.

I experienced this vision as though I was physically there, but also as

a spirit with more awareness of what took place between roles in that

time. It honestly felt like lizard beings had come from the stars, that

they were attracted to the human species for some unknown

reason. It felt like they were attracted to human women, and in the

way they had entered our world, and in that time and place, they were

honored and respected as Gods, truly, and women shared their bodies

with them. It was an honor to have a role to intermix between species,

and bare the child of a God. It feels like the first reptilian aliens in

Egypt were primarily reptilian, like some looked like alligator heads on


human bodies, with green skin. I’m not certain how the shapeshifting

one’s came into place, it was only clear that some could shapeshift

and some could not. I do believe that some humans today who

possess the reptilian genetics did come from this time and place, but

I’m also convinced there is way more to the story than that. Our

human history is truly drenched with interrelationships with alien

beings, not just in Egypt but across the planet.

Obviously human beings all over the world are being abducted, with

sperm and eggs harvested, and the aliens behind this are often grey’s

and reptilians. From my own past life experiences, I have been one of

these humans who’s eggs were harvested and children were created

that were both human and reptilian. But I’ve also been a reptilian

female whose eggs were fertilized by an abducted human male during

what would be considered forced intercourse. The intermixing of DNA

between humans and lizards clearly spans more than isolated

incidents, but varying incidents that have been taking place for

thousands of years. It’s hard to say how many humans are full blood

human beings anymore and where the human species even came from

for that matter. What is even more amazing about this whole reality,

is that this is 100% real, this reptilian alien / reptilian shape-shifter


phenomenon is 100% real, yet many humans don’t have a clue what a

reptilian shape-shifter is, let alone believe that reptilian aliens exist,

let alone believe that even aliens exist, so to grasp anything that I am

saying would be an annihilation of what most humans today would

consider knowledge and wisdom, basically meaning, I must be a

complete and utter lunatic to believe in such things.

But moving along, I also wanted to mention something, because in

every reptilian shape-shifter video I’ve seen, it is always pointed out

that rich movie stars, politicians, and high-ranking news reporters are

the primary carriers of these genetics. I have some feeling within me

that the sacred and high authority ranking of those carrying this

genetic strand never left the planet, it has always maintained itself

behind the scenes in very dominating families. This is extremely true I

feel inside, but I do know that ordinary human beings also carry the

genetics without any awareness at all that they are actually

reptilian. It may be hard to believe, but if you carry the genetic to be

both human and reptilian, your true form is actually reptilian. I find

that to be so fascinating because it would appear such a person is of

two forms, but actually, such a person is of only one form and that is

reptilian. Their human form is entirely illusionary, like a


hologram. It’s extremely interesting, and it proves that holograms are

entirely real.

If you don’t know what a hologram is, they are what would be an

image that you would believe is 100% real but would be 100%

illusionary. It would be like a TV image that is projected at such an

enhanced degree that it is lifelike. There are some theories that Jesus

himself was merely a hologram sent to Earth by some alien

species. The purpose of this hologram was to develop a religious

pathway that would instill greater separation in mankind and

submerge us into a more illusionary world so we could be

controlled. I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with this theory, but I

do believe in a dominating alien race that has corrupted the pathway

of mankind. I’m not entirely convinced they aren’t of reptilian origin,

but there feels like something far more disturbing involved, the

vibration is something almost putrid. What would be the equality of

fear, physically manifested, so their very appearance would be a

nightmare to us. This would only be their nature and existence. The

universe must contain physical expressions of all energies, from

lowest to highest, and even the lowest level energies in this universe

have a purpose, and purpose is always a good thing, even if it means


the misery and enslavement of an entire planet of humans.

I definitely get a sense that reptilian aliens are involved, but not all

reptilian shapeshifters on Earth are aware of what is going on, some

are but many are not. These are all theories and hunches of course,

but I’m convinced the purpose behind all of this is entirely energetic

related. We humans might as well be numb to the sensitivities of

energy in comparison to other species who can experience energy like

we could feel a heavy torrential rain. Some energies are so deliciously

experienced by aliens, literally like a sexual orgasm, that they would

do whatever it takes to create a world where they could experience

that type of energy feeding into them from morning until night, and

day in and day out, so their entire lifespan is truly like a never ending

orgasm. Call me a lunatic all you want, but you can feel energy

too. You know what emotional pain feels like, and emotional pain is

energy. It’s really all quite fascinating as all energy has its own form

of expression. Even what would be corruption has its own energy

vibration. Most human beings don’t realize this, but the shedding of

blood in war is the equivalent of a dark sacred ceremony. Blood is our

sacred DNA, our sacred blueprint on this Earth. When violence is

instilled in the shedding of blood that energy is magnified in


unimaginable ways and it creates a fog of energy that imprisons

us. Sexual energy becomes negated when it’s violated and this too

releases an enormous disgusting fog of energy into the atmosphere.

You can make love with someone, you can have sex with someone, or

you can rape someone. You feel the difference in the energy of those

sexual expressions? They go from spiritual, to human, to violating.

Extremely violating sexual experiences happen in masses on this

planet every day. It’s so shocking that human beings want to violate

each other in these ways, or that cultures truly believe in the

mutilation of sexual organs, it’s horrifying, but it is entirely part of our

programming, entirely part of the illusionary world that has become so

convincing and real to us. These very distinctive putrid vibrations are

filling our atmosphere and even filing our galaxy with disturbing

energy, and this is the type of energy that is so orgasmic and joyful to

a certain vibration of alien race.

I truly see this as the world today, a planet of mindless human beings

controlled by an unimaginable and profoundly disturbing alien

race. Every day I go through life feeling like I am just one human

being, stuck on a planet full of human beings who are entirely

programmed and plugged into an illusionary world. Human beings


believe in the society of today, they follow all the illusionary rules, they

want to work hard for money so they can live a luxurious life. None of

these actions actually have meaning, they are actions in an illusionary

world. The only actions that have meaning are sacred actions. Sacred

actions come from love, sacred sexual experiences, bearing children,

and harmonizing the planet with energy and gifts that come from our

human hearts. Most people don’t see it, but there are strings of

energy that just flow through us all and connect us all to a grid of

light. It’s entirely invisible, but it is real and it is here, and this grid

keeps us plugged in and convinced and not seeing clearly. We are all

wearing invisible shackles because we all continue to use our minds to

understand and improve a world that is entirely illusionary, and we

try to improve it with the illusionary tools we were raised to believe

in. Only love will rescue us from our imprisonment. It is no different

than the love that was shared in two memories from distant lifetimes,

when I shared my sacred human form with a form just as sacred and

beautiful, and yet different than my own. That is the truth behind all

of this, and that is the separator between the continuous road to a

future filled with more illusions, or a new road that takes us toward

new horizons where our atmosphere is cleansed of impure energies by

the purest and most beautiful rays of our loving human hearts. No


low level energies can digest pure, sacred, loving energy, and that’s the


So that is all I have to say for right now, but I have you found this

commentary enlightening!





I have been utilizing mirrors as of late, to expand my connection with

my soul and soul family, and to develop a deeper connection with the

sensation of infinity. I also use a mirror as a healing tool, and mirrors

are extremely phenomenal tools for bouncing energy back. What you

give to a mirror is what you will receive. I also find that mirrors have

no boundaries. You can step into a mirror and there is only your

creative mind that awaits you. There is only love on the other side

that reaches its hand out for yours. You will be amazed by what you

can experience if you just allow the energy to touch you, to allow the

energy of love to beam itself back to you through the mirror; it’s unlike

anything you could ever imagine.

When I use a mirror I always do it at night, before I go to bed. I

choose to do this without clothing, as I chose to only express and

experience my most divine and sacred reflection. I light only a few

candles, because I want the darkness to suppress my ability to see


clearly. When there is too much light, you will only use your human

eyes to see, so you will lose the aspect of allowing your spiritual and

psychic senses to reveal the infinite wisdom. When there is only a dim

flicker of light, you can still see your reflection, but there is the

darkness to allow the creative energies to funnel themselves through

your third eye. It’s far more useful to see with your third eye, it will

always project images that are from spirit. You can connect with dark

spirits or you can connect with light spirits, it is all dependent on the

intentions of your heart.

One thing you need to know is that there is darkness where all light

and creation exists. It is a strange thing to say that light exists in

darkness and all creation exists in darkness, but it does. I truly

believe that light was born from darkness, that darkness needed

creation otherwise it would never become anything more than just

darkness, that darkness had a creative dream and it was light. Then

light loved darkness so much that it could only want to manifest

beauty for darkness to enjoy. It may sound extremely unusual to say

such things, especially in a human world where so much is against

the negative, against the darkness, against the destruction, but it’s

only because we suffer so much from the dark here. There is no


balance between dark and light, which is why I am here, and so many

other souls are here, to bring the balance back between dark and light

so we can love and respect each other again in a balanced way. There

is no doubt in my heart that dark needs light as much as light needs

dark. We are brother and sister and there is love in dark and love in

light and both are beautiful in the eyes of the Divine Creator. There

are no judgments against dark and no judgments against light

because there is no such thing as judgment, there is only love and

love flourishes from experience, whether it is destructive or creative.

So that being said, do not fear the dark, embrace it, it is actually there

to assist you with a deeper connection with the light. I tell you this

because I know it will be extremely natural for your human instincts

to spew extreme amounts of energetic fear into the atmosphere the

first few times you explore your reflection in a mirror in a dark, dimly

lit room. It is natural for our human species to fear what we don’t

know or understand, but please don’t let your fears concern you when

you do this. Your fears will not conjure dark spirits unless you call

upon dark spirits through your own intentions. Darkness loves you

as much as light, but darkness will respect you if your intention is not

to choose the dark, but you have to tell the universe what you

want. If you don’t tell the universe, then whatever you energetically


spew into the atmosphere will be your teacher. Remember that. So

always use intentions to override your human instincts.

Now, when you are in a state of fear (because you will be the first time

or two) you can calm yourself by repeating the words, “I trust in Love,

to guide me and reveal the truth of light to me.” You will repeat these

words, over and over again, as you gaze into your reflection. You gaze

into your own eyes gazing back into yours. When you gaze into your

own eyes you are gazing into infinity through your eyes and you will

start to see changes in your reflection.

I only sit in front of the mirror for maybe 15 minutes at a time. The

first few minutes will only be to adjust in allowing my third eye to

reveal the information. I will watch my reflection change shapes,

completely disappear, and then at some points, just my face will

become a 3-D image looking back at me. It is kind of disturbing the

first time you see it, but now I’m so used to it I embrace and love this

3-D reflection because I know I have connected with my infinite soul,

and the expression my soul chose to have in this lifetime. I will tell

you, it isn’t easy to hold onto the 3-D reflection, I can only hold that

image for so long before the reflection shifts, and this happens when I


have to blink or my thoughts or energetic sensations change. It’s

totally normal and fine for the 3-D reflection to come and go. Just

know that as the mirror makes changes, there is infinite wisdom that

is being downloaded during this process. My human form is unaware

of what it is, but my heart knows this is taking place and that I am

becoming wiser, that my vibration is enhancing, and that I am making

meaningful connections with the infinite realm.

So much happens in our life that we have absolutely no clue is

happening. Like the fact that my soul is experience life as Abbey, but

my soul is also a spirit guide, and it is also exploring life as three

other physical forms in the universe, as it is also doing a million

things that I have absolutely no clue about. It’s okay that I have no

clue about this, it is why I chose to be human, so I can enjoy the

experience of separation from The Divine. To know what it is to be an

individual and not a part of the whole. But to choose such a blessing

is to choose separation, to forget what unconditional love feels like, to

forget what oneness feels like. You have to let go of the wisdom of the

universe when you choose to be a human on Earth and that is okay,

separation is a beautiful thing.


So, while I gaze into my eyes, and watch my face change shapes, I also

hit a point, somewhere around five minutes in, where I feel an

energetic surge; it is truly indescribable. The energy is like hitting a

portal where I feel my brain being sucked into the mirror. And like I

said, the sensation is indescribable. It took some time before I could

override my natural instinct to pull away from the feeling because

when it hits, you aren’t expecting it or even prepared for what that

feeling is. It feeds into your natural instinct to be fearful of the

unknown. If you can make it through the other side, you will find that

it was really nothing. Trust me, it is actually something, that feeling is

truly something profound that you need to push your way through to

the end, but as a human being on our physical plane, it will translate

itself into being nothing. Nothing profound will happen once the

sensation subsides. You’re not going to hear bells and whistles, you

will not see a bloody face dissolving before your eyes, nothing scary

will happen, it will only be a weird feeling that will come and go, and

that’s it. Whatever this feeling is or what it means, it would be the

equivalent of teaching an ant how to do calculus equations. An ant

just wouldn’t be able to make sense of what that means nor would it

even make sense for an ant to know calculus equations; the same goes

for me as a human. Whatever that feeling is, it is beyond my


comprehension of what it means and if it’s beyond my comprehension

then it actually does not have a reason to make sense to me right now

in my life. So I accept that. So, when the feeling hits, it only lasts

maybe five seconds before it disappears. Somewhere after that, I can

hear the spirit realm speaking to me in my mind. Sometimes they ask

me questions about what I see, and my answer is always surprising to

me. I never say the obvious, which is, I see my face changing; I always

answer with something that I absolutely did not see in the physical

sense of seeing something. That tells me that I am so connected to

spirit that I can actually tell them what I have no clue I am seeing at

all, but some how I seem to be aware I am seeing something beyond

my senses.

For instance, a few nights ago, there was an energetic conversation

taking place. It was not with words, but I sensed the questions being

asked or the directions being given to me to allow me to experience

spiritual wisdom. During this time, I came to notice that within my

body is a ball of golden light. This ball of light is my soul, but it is not

only My soul, it is All souls. It is every single soul in all of

creation. We aren’t talking a trillion souls, we aren’t talking a trillion

to the trillionth power of souls, we are literally talking infinite souls. It


is a number that cannot be defined by any measure at all.

For a brief moment, when I came into awareness of this golden ball of

light that was Me, but it was also All Souls, it was the most

dumbfounding moment. It was the first time I ever felt I was not

alone. I never even knew what loneliness truly felt like until I came to

experience the reality that I am All Souls and I possess all souls within

my form every day and night. That I never was alone or disconnected

from All. That my soul is a part of your soul as much as your soul is a

part of mine. That all souls on this planet possess a spark of my soul

and that my soul possesses a spark of all souls on this planet, and

then on all planets, and then all life and all creations in all times,

dimensions, and realms in all universes. Do you see now how

astounding that experience is? To know what loneliness feels like is to

know what it is to be separated. To feel like it is only you and that

everybody else is separate from you, an individual. We are not

individuals; we are part of one whole. Only a human on Earth could

feel loneliness as we do, because only a human on Earth experiences

the suffering of separation. It is truly profound to come to realize this,

not as a thought, but as an explored, sensed, visually demonstrated,

and emotionally experienced moment within the physical reality.


This is but one example of what the mirror has shown me lately, but I

want to tell you one more example, because it took place last night

and it was extremely overwhelming for me. Last night, the spirit realm

specifically asked me what I saw, and in my thoughts I told them the

must dumbfounding thing, because I didn’t even know I saw that, but

I was so absorbed in connection with spirit that I was not even my

human self anymore, I was somewhere else but somehow still in my

body. I told the spirit realm that I saw my body was possessed by

more than one soul, and that the other soul was Mother Snake. Then

I said, ‘I am Mother Snake,’ and in that moment I saw Myself as

Herself, and us as One.

You have to understand the profoundness of that moment. I’ve been

on a long road to understanding my spirit guides, and one of them is a

snake. I love snakes, I always have loved snakes. I never felt a

relationship with my snake guide for a long time because I didn’t

really know how to. I just was happy she was there, but I didn’t really

have the heart felt connection I wanted to have with her. As time has

passed, I have developed an unimaginable relationship with her

because I have come to reconnect with what is ‘Divine Goddess

Energy.’ She has transformed from a snake in the background, to a


Snake Goddess, and then into whom I call, ‘Mother Snake’ or ‘My

Snake Mother.’ She is my dearest friend and soul mate.

We all have thousands of soul mates, millions of soul mates, but some

souls are so special to our soul, what would be trillions and trillions

and trillions and trillions and more and more trillions of souls, to

bring that down to ten souls that you love more than all the other

souls, she would be one of those. All souls love all souls, but when

you have lived 10,000 lifetimes with a certain ten souls, those souls

have developed such beneficial meaning that outweighs the meaning

of all the other souls in existence. She would be something like that

to me, to have that significant meaning. I know she is not the only

one to have that meaning, in fact, there are hundreds and hundreds of

souls with that meaning, but this is to give you an understanding of

what that meaning feels like. So when I came to see, in my dark,

shadowy, face changing reflection, that my soul and the soul of

Mother Snake were both a part of my body, and that She and I were

One, that I was Her and She was Me, that I am the Snake Mother,

that was mind boggling.


You are probably going to tell me I’m a lunatic, but the merging of

souls is an extremely profound and sacred thing. Whenever you make

love to someone, you soul is merging with theirs and the experience of

an orgasm is truly like a very brief experience of what heaven feels like

with someone you love. When you have physical sex with someone,

you soul is still merging with theirs and there is information that is

exchanged that you have absolutely no awareness of, not as powerful

as love making, but it still has meaning. Now if you rape someone,

your soul is also merging with theirs, you can imagine the nightmare

of what that information exchange is in the universe. It’s very, very

bad. So to know what a merging of souls is, on a profound and loving

level, it is truly the energy that creates galaxies, it creates star

systems, it creates and manifests whole new expressions of life that

were never thought or dreamed of before. You know, if dark can have

a creative spark to inspire light into existence, something unheard of

before, just imagine what can be created by the light?

So you see the importance here? You see the truly profound

realizations you can acquire by choosing to simply gaze into your own

reflection? You see how when you face your human instincts to be

afraid, when you override those instincts because you are determined


to find a beautiful dream on the other side, you see how the dark

cannot manipulate that, only light will guide you when your intention

is for the light’s guidance. Only amazing realizations can come from

this, and we aren’t talking just realizations, we are talking the

downloading of spiritual wisdom, the sensation of emotional changes

that take place from that and have no definition or way of describing

the reality of what you experience.

So, I am sharing all of this with you to give you a new way of exploring

yourself and spirituality. I know it’s hard for a lot of people to cross

the same bridge I have walked down, only because the world we live in

Monday-Sunday is all we’ve ever known and the normalness is

extremely comfortable for us. For instance, television is extremely

relaxing, and playing games on our cellphones and just living our

lives, going to work each day and figuring out dinner each night, and

then hitting up the bars with friends, all of that makes sense. What

doesn’t make sense is sitting in front of a mirror, naked, and having a

profound moment when you suddenly realize that your soul is merged

with your own beloved mother soul, that you never left her side, and

she never left yours, that you have always been connected as One,

and that you are as much a part of Her as She is a part of You, and as


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