4 Dear Reader, Our daughter, Adrienn Kun, had begun to write this story in 2020, under the alias of Rienneil Rosewater, during the inevitable period of isolation dictated by the pandemia. She had presented a short part to a publishing house and was encour-aged to publish it online or, later, as a book. Our daughter beamed with joy when she related her intention to devote herself to writing. We were happy to see ending of her seclusion, giving place to positive thinking and we were looking forward to witness her book published. She composed the first and second part, designed and painted also the sleeves but a spanner thrown in the works prevented her to complete her plan: her computer had failed and hindered her in getting access to the files. We agreed that, upon her return back to Hungary (she lived in England and decided to repatriate), my hus-band would help to conjure all the key data and her writings out of her computer. We promised to support her in pursuing all of her art related efforts.
5 Kedves Olvasó! Ezt a történetet 2020-ban a Covid-világjárvány bezártsági időszakában kezdte el lányunk, Kun Adrienn írni, Rienneil Rosewater írói néven. A történet egy kis részét megmutatta egy könyvkiadónak, ahol úgy gondolták, érdemes online megjelentetni, illetve később könyv formájában is kiadni. Lányunk örömmel újságolta nekünk a hírt. Azt is mondta, rájött, ezzel szeretne foglalkozni. Boldogok voltunk, hogy a bezártsági időt ilyen pozitív dologgal töltötte, mint az írás, és együtt örültünk vele a könyv kiadásának. A történet első és második részét elkészítette, megfestette, megtervezte a borítókat is, de már nem tudta teljesen befejezni, mert a technika ördöge nem engedte. A számítógépe elromlott, így nem tudott hozzáférni az írásához. Megbeszéltük, amikor hazajön, a férjem segít „kivarázsolni” a gépéből a fontos adatokat és minden írását. Megígértük, minden művészettel kapcsolatos tevékenységét segítjük. Nem említettem, Angliában élt, és úgy döntött hazaköltözik.
6 Dear Reader, accept fondly the writing of our daughter, in the form as it showed up in the computer. We did nor alter, amend or adjust a word because we under-stand she would not like any modification. We hereby publish, adhering to our promise and paying utmost respect to her original intentions, both books presented as we found them in the files. Please, accept this book with open heart and love because she can’t, any more, correct or edit it as to further spin the yarn of her book and life... Budapest, 24.03.2023 Her parents: Cecília Zsigár & László Kun
7 Kedves Olvasók, fogadjátok szeretettel lányunk írását, amit olyan formában láthattok, ahogy megtaláltuk a számítógépében. Semmit nem javítottunk, változtattunk, nem nyúltunk hozzá, mert tudjuk, hogy nem szeretné, ha belejavítana bárki is. Ígéretünket betartva, az Ő eredeti szándékát figyelembe véve, kiadjuk mindkét könyvet úgy, ahogy találtuk. Fogadjátok nyitott szívvel, olvassátok szeretettel, mert ő már nem tudja javítani, szerkeszteni, tovább fűzni könyve és az élete történetét… Budapest, 2023. 03. 24. A szülők: Zsigár Cecília, Kun László
8 Adrienn Kun, aka Rienneil Rosewater born in Budapest on 18.05.1981 – deceased in Bradford on 24.05.2022 In her age of three, she enumerated a number of professions and told: after having tried all these, I will select the one I really like and will do that. And she really did it. She attempted simultaneously many pursuits as early as her studies in general school: piano, sports, solfeggio, drawing, acting, English language course, as she wanted. During her high school years, she began to teach primary school pupils. At her age of 18, she told us she wanted to relieve us from her tuition expenses since she would be ashamed of being a burden to her parents. Finally, she unwillingly agreed to accept 500 forints (a humble amount in 1999) a month as pocket money and then, consented, with a laugh, to get such benefit each month. During her high school years, she coached younger ones and prepared them for graduation. Meanwhile, she wrote articles, worked as trainee in the local TV, worked in theater and got singing lessons. After graduation, she worked in many jobs but desired to return to England where she had spent three months during her academic period. She wanted to improve her knowledge before sitting to a language exam. Of course, she kept working as newsgirl and taught Hungarian to English people. She became infatuated with England. As of 2006, she lived in England and taught in private and public schools. She disliked her job as vice-princi-
9 Adrienn Kun, Rienneil Rosewater Budapest on 18.05.1981 – Bradford on 24.05.2022 Három éves volt, amikor felsorolt egy csomó szakmát és azt mondta: ha mindet kipróbáltam, kiválasztom mi az, amit a legjobban szeretek csinálni, és az leszek. És tényleg ezt tette. Sokszor, egyszerre több mindent csinált már az általános iskolában is. Zongorázni és sportolni járt, szolfézsra, rajzszakkörre, színjátszókörre és angolórára. Ő akarta. Már gimnazistaként elkezdett tanítani általános iskolásokat. 18 évesen elénk állt és közölte, nem kell, hogy mi fizessünk mindent, innét már ő tartja el magát. Szégyenlené, ha 18 évesen is a szülei állnák minden kiadását. Nagy nehezen egyezett bele abba, hogy havi 500 Ft zsebpénzt adjunk neki. Ezt minden hónap elején nagy nevetés közepette kérte. 1999-et irtunk, ekkor sem volt sok ez az összeg. Amíg főiskolára járt, gyerekeket korrepetált, érettségire készített fel, miközben a kerületi újságba írt cikkeket, tévénél gyakornokoskodott, színházban dolgozott, énekelni tanult. Diploma átvétele után sok helyen dolgozott, de vágyott vissza Angliába, ahol 3 hónapot töltött, még főiskolás korában. Azért ment, hogy tanuljon és a nyelvvizsgát könynyen meg tudja szerezni. Természetesen ott is dolgozott, újságot árult és angolokat tanított magyar nyelvre. Beleszeretett az országba.
10 pal and soon returned to active teaching. She attended training college in England and graduated as Montessori (AMI) teacher. She attended the University of Cambridge to learn pediatric psychology. Meanwhile, she acquired 17 qualifications in various disciplines related to teaching. One of them qualified her to teach springboard jumping. During her last five years, she enthusiastically attended to autistic children in a special school She adoringly edified autistic children in a special school. She was loved and respected by the youngsters, the parents and her colleagues. During her leisure time, she painted, drew, wrote, pursued sports and excursions, took photos, composed and sang songs and wrote blogs. Her creations published via the Internet won her invitations from galleries in London and Leeds. She worked as professional interpreter, as well. She had always been merry, smiling and optimist. She was solicitous of helping others and raised donations also by running. In the last case, her school sent two truckload donations to help children in Ukraine. While in hospital, she told how odd it was that she had to be attended after her incessant efforts made to help others. Budapest, 03.04.2023 Cecília Zsigár and László Kun, parents
11 2006-tól Angliában élt, magán és állami óvódában és iskolában tanított. Igazgató helyettes is volt, de azt nem szerette, hiányzott neki a tanítás, így ez rövid ideig tartott. Angliában végezte el az óvó- és tanítóképzőt, Montessori–pedagógus végzettséget szerzett. A cambridge-i egyetemen gyermekpszichológiát tanult, miközben tanításhoz kapcsolódó több végzettséget is szerzett, például trambulin-oktatásról szól az egyik a 17 oklevélből. Az utolsó öt évben autista gyerekeket foglalkozott egy speciális iskolában, amit imádott. A gyerekek is őt, a szülőkkel és a kollegákkal együtt nagyon szerették, becsülték. Szabadidejében festett, rajzolt, írt, sportolt, kirándult, fotózott, dalokat szerzett és énekelte azokat, és blogolt. Több internetes felületen közzétette alkotásait, így hívták meg kiállítani londoni és leeds-i galériákba. Hivatásos tolmács is volt. Mindig vidám volt, nevetős és optimista. Fontos volt számára hogy segítsen, ezért sokszor gyűjtött pénzt, adományt akár futással is. (Utoljára az iskolájával 2 kamionnyi adományt küldtek ukrán gyerekeknek.) A kórházban volt, amikor azt mondta, annyira furcsa, hogy most nekem segítenek, pedig mindig én segítettem mindenkin. Budapest 2023. 04. 03. Zsigár Cecília és Kun László, szülők
– This story sets in the future, in a time, when mankind is one nation. The totalitarian New Earth Empire, who colonised space and moved all the cities under Earth’s oceans, controls most of the known universe. Interstellar travel, is used daily by its citizens; and space ships, faster then light, fly to all destinations. One of the fastest is the Capricornus 6, which travels to the edges of the known galaxies to protect the interest of mankind.
13 Chapter 1 Space Flight to Paradise Episode 1 – Bumpy Starts As Tamara woke up, she felt a turbulence of different emotions. She was less upset about Pete cancelling their wedding; very angry how Fork handled the situation: having the audacity to tell her, that she may go on a trip SHE purchased! …Additionally started to feel excited! She was going away for a holiday to a tropical planet. Honeymoon or not; it’s a Tropical Paradise, and she worked hard enough to deserve a rest. She is going on that trip! Got the tickets, packed the bags and called the space port, and asked if it would be ok to take her cat instead of her fiancé. The spaceline took a while to answer but eventually agreed as long as the cat contained. Arriving to the spaceport with luggage and her cat in a carrier, she was informed by the spacestress that she would be bumped down to economy from first class, as it was requested by Colonel Fork. Therefore Ser Kyle would not get a seat, but have to travel in the luggage container!
14 Feeling her anger building up, Tamara took a deep breath and explained: “Thank you for informing me, however, I bought my ticket, I am here as a civilian; and colonel Fork has no business to tell me, or a commercial spaceline in this matter, how I should travel out of work.” The spacestess, looked slightly annoyed, but had seen that Tamara made a perfectly valid point. Decisions like this were usually down to the captain anyway. She wanted no trouble. Passenger, who paid for first class should be seated so; but she will not mess with a Colonel, from the Secret Service! That was just scary and dangerous. So she went to talk to the captain. As she stepped in the captain’s launch, she apologised; she knew well, that the captain hated entitled passengers. He looked up smiled at her and asked: “Let me guess, someone demanding first class, again?” She smiled back and nodded. Captain signed and asked: “Where is the ticket for?” “To first class... but Colonel Fork told to bump her down...” as she explained she felt how wrong this sounded… yet she felt very scared… Captain was staring at her with disbelief: “Wait,,… what… Secret Service instructed you? What’s the Secret Service got to do with us?” “Don’t know!” She said. “It is strange, please come and help!” “Let me see the papers... Lt Tamaraw Kowasky...”
15 as he looked he realised she purchased the tickets and paid from her private account. Kowalsky sounded familiar... from Kameron’s crew! “She works with Kyle Kameron! They just stopped an alien invasion!” He thought. “I m not asking her, to travel on second class! Especially, not with a first class tickets she paid for!” He said out loud. Spacetess nodded, but felt uneasy: “What about the colonels instruction?” The captain did not feel easy hearing such name… not a good move to get to the wrong side of secret service! “Colonel Fork is not the one to mess with... “ he added slowly… “OK, assign her the guest cabin, reserved for my family’s use, and give her first class service. If the data base we bumped her down! Give her a bad seat on paper. Make sure the same happens on the way back! If needed, I talk to other captains.” “Very good, Captain. She also has some animal with her... a cat...” “...a cat?... How the hell did she get one?... Ask permission to visit her during flight! I want to meet the cat!” He exclaimed with child like excitement. He always wanted to see a cat, but they were extinct in the New Earth Empire.
16 Episode 2 – Flying Tamara had a fairly enjoyable trip. Ser Kyle got used to the new place and was happily purring on her lap most of the time. The captain popped in and required about Ser Kyle, several times. She appreciated his attention. Her feelings towards space flights changed, her fear seemed more manageable. She could feel some discomfort due to being anxious (sweaty hands, heavy chest etc), but overall a commercial flight was nothing compare to Space Patrol with Kameron. Furthermore she was looking forward spending 2 weeks alone in a Tropical Paradise. Funny enough, she kept thinking about Kyle, the time he spent teaching her to fly the ship, and how that actually helped her overcoming the fear. How those lessons made her way more relaxed about being in space… and how she had a pleasant time on the Capricornus… She got annoyed herself! She shouldn’t think about WORK on the way to her Honeymoon! She tried to concentrate other things but she just kept thinking of the last weeks with Kameron’s crew. So she got her playpod out and started to play games to take her mind of everything.
17 Chapter 2 Planet Retro Marimoon 2 was a moon orbiting planet Marioos, in a solar system, with Reagal, a blue star, in the centre. The planet and it’s 2 moons where in the habitable zone. Marioos. Just like every successfully terraformed planet, Marioos was used for farming with underwater cities. Marinoon 1 had some floating cities as it was used only for mining, so terraformation was unnecessary. Marimoon 2 was originally planned to became a farmland as well. However terraformation caused glass house effect, therefore the planet become very hot, with rich vegetation; eventually becaming a tropical Moon. Seeing the potential, a billionaire bought it; and turned it into a old Earth style tropical holiday destination for tourists. Using its lush lands to grow food, which was rare in Earth Empire, he made the spot, quite desirable for those, who felt nostalgia for the pre-climate catastrophe Earth. The terraformation device was kept as used to control the climate, creating a paradise, with weather working like clockwork. Scientist agreed to this as it was given a good opportunity to observe a terraform device in action paid by independent sources.
18 The moon still required constant weather control, so Tourist can enjoy the weather. Rains were forecasted accurately and activities were planned with the knowledge the weather will be ideal. Marimoon 2’s success with terraformation was giving hope to the rest of the Empire, as well as, scientist a job, to discover the secret of it’s success… Terraformation failed in so many places… yet here it worked so perfectly they even could dictate the wheather... All adding to the mystery of the perfect place where everything just works perfectly… Besides the blue light, the white sand, warm beaches and palm trees, resembled pre-climate catastrophy Earth. It was truly like a time travel back to the past. As it was the perfect man made paradise, it was advertised heavily as the nostalgic Retro Place to be. Expensive, but bringing millions of tourists, who wanted to experience times before everything went wrong on Earth. As Tamara got out of the space ship, the hot air hit her. The sensation of fresh air was not something she would experience a lot (excepts her mission in the AtOrri). She nearly forgot, how overwhelmingly nice it was, to feel direct starlight on her skin. The sensation of warm wind on her face felt amazing; she felt content of her choice to go on holiday as she walked towards the hotel. Since her trip to the AtOrri (where movies and old music from pre-catastrophe Earth is very popular), Tamara became obsessed with old Earth culture,
19 and really wanted to come there and see the “Planet Retro”; as they advertised it everywhere. She was looking forward to get lost in the experience.... Finally, she was there! 2 weeks in paradise like tropical planet! She was amazed by the likeness. It was spectacular and beautiful. Astonished by Reagal’s heat, she was heading towards check in. The blue and white massive Sun reminded her of a massive shiny snow ball, yet it radiated heat out just like the Sun. She knew that blue stars are the hottest, but the blue light looked very strange for her eyes, as most planets she visited had the similar yellow sun, except the Nepool, which orbited a Red Giant. As she walked into the building carrying Ser Kyle in a basket, she suddenly realised she should be here with Pete… she felt sadness for a second… Feeling tears coming to her eyes, she but took a deep breath; using all her secret service training to she gained control over her emotions; and by the time she made it to the front desk she was smiling. Episode 3 – Day one in Paradise Tamara headed to the beach. As she walked along the shore bare feet, she felt the warm sand between her toes, it felt amazing. Her mind was wondering... She tried hard to forgot about the betrayal, being pushed aside professionally and as a bride, her fi-
20 ancé marrying someone else... Pete taking credit of her achievements... Feeling like being punished for crimes she never committed... Placing her on the Capricornus with Kameron instead of the diplomatic promotion she wanted... she actually didn’t mind it that much... as she liked working with the crew... The discovery of the Ghost (new enemy of mankind) was significant... and Kyle was... “Oh damn it!” she thought. “Why I am thinking about Kyle Kameron....no! Why i m thing of… work in here?” She was trying really hard to not think about Kyle and focus on being on holiday, but he was just kind of in her mind for some reason... she smiled and shook her head a little and thought: “Oh.. well, at least, Kameron would not take credit of my work...” At this point, she had enough of thinking, so she decided, she will cool off and go for a swim. Tourists were advised not to swim in the sea, as the marine life was still in development. So she headed to the large pool near the beach. (Her balcony had a pool in her room, but she wanted to have a go with those inflatable toys she saw.) The water felt like silk as she submerged into it. Cool, but pleasant in the warm sun. It felt incredible. She started jumping up and down letting herself enjoy the present and finally let her thoughts go, as she played with an inflatable dolphine. She really enjoyed being in the pool, was so much fun
21 the sensation was wonderful and she completely lost her self awareness as she just kept pouncing like a baby dolphin. Episode 2 – Surprise Barely self conscious, Tamara was lost splashing in the pool, trying to jump on an inflatable doughnut, giggling. When she managed to get on, got nice and comfy and floated around for a while. Her tummy started to burn a bit so she covered it with an inflatable dolphin. She just hugged it, and closed her eyes as she, floated. It was amazing she could feel the warm sun and the coolness of the water on her body at the same time. She started to feel thirsty and wanted a retro cocktail like in old films. So tried to direct the doughnut towards the pool side... ended up bumping into a tall guy’s muscled chest, accidentally even touching him; she muttered “sorry”, as she tried to float away; feeling amusement and embarrassment. As she tried to control the doughnut and get pass splashing with her hands, she was stopped by the guy calling out “Tamara?” She thought as she recognised the voice, but wondered where from, she tried to sit up and look towards him, but he was towards the sun and it was blinding and only could see the silhouette.. yes very attractive… lot of muscles but
22 lean... she was trying to focus... but was not used to floties so she lost balance again and went underwater. She quickly got up still and tired to remove her wet hair out of face... she was scared open her eyes and look though, because her special service skills kicked in and she just figured who ‘s voice she heard... “crap, hope I m wrong!... I need to be wrong this just cant be… “ she thought as she slowly opened her eye and seen... Yes, it was sodding Kyle Kameron... But… no it cant be... she looked down and pulled the dolphins in front of herself... and hugged it as she suddenly felt really self conscious how little the cherry pattern retro bikini covered. As she looked back up she realised IT CAN BE as she was looking at him. She just stared in surprise... (at his six pack) for way longer then should... when she finally managed to look up at his actual face she realised.... he was checking her out too… “Captain...” But she could not finish the sentence. Cameron just realised the girl in cherry retro bikini, who he was staring for ages and was about to ask for a dink, was infect Tamara. He felt surprised… and anger. How dare they send her here to spy on him on holiday? “Why did they send you? I am on holiday.... I thought we had an understanding, I though you were... OK!”
23 Tamara did acknowledge that Cameron was attractive, actually very attractive (he just looked amazing). Nice arms, lovely strong chest, six pack and he was very handsome too. “Ok girl, calm down, you are a secret agent, you have self control!” She thought slightly embarrassed. As she tried every single trick from her training and found completely had no control, as she kept looking at him... and liking what she saw. She blushed like a teenager... It was equally funny that he was having a rage fit over her presence. She could tell it from his blush and posture, that in fact he is in shock and he also finds her attractive and he just like her just kept looking whilst tried hard not to…”OK, at least I could still read people”, She thought as she tried to gain control over her senses.. Tamara looked at his red face about to blow a rage fit and started to laugh. Cameron got so shocked by that he stayed quite. She felt a bit uncomfortable in her cherry pattern retro style bikini from the 2020s, which she bought today in the “flee market”, with matching shoes and skirt to put on... She took another deep breath, gathered her secret service chill and asked how he was. She could see hows his anger took him again as he turned beetroot red but stayed silent and just stared at her. Looking at him, with the entire awkwardness of the situation she just giggled again and said: “Hey... I am… surprised… to see you too.”
24 “No shit, Lieutenant!” Exclaimed Kyle with some relief and disbelief… “really did not expect to see you, either!” “Well.. Surprise...” she added awkwardly. She thought she will try a joke to ease things“If I new I would have wore my service bikini!” Kameron finally laughed: “Yes, you definatly… You looked so ... different!” “Well... so do you...” She said and found her eyes wander again... Trying to stop herself she tried some small talk: “Its a nice holiday destination, isn’t it?” She could see Kyle going angry so quickly added “Captain, my job has many rules and I cannot really be myself... trust me I was not expecting you either... I am on holiday...” “I can see that...” he muttered. “Yes, but maybe if you would be kind enough to talk to my face, I mean, you have a lovely body too, but maybe keep it together, I think we can do that?” “Shit... Tamara, sorry... you caught me off guard.” “Like you said Captain, no shit!” she felt as her gaze wanders again... and seen him do the same. They both blushed and looked away “This is so inappropriate!” she exclaimed. “Sorry, did I offend your dounuts?” He tried a silly joke to get the edge of the situation. Tamara looked at her boobs blushing. Cameron pointed towards the floaty she was holding trying to clear what he said. Tamara started to laugh “Captain...I am...”
25 “Lieutenant please, we cleared this, we both on Holiday, or are you…?” “What? No I m not here to watch you… blimey… no… you not a foreign threat… and if you were they would send someone you don’t know… seriously I thought I would put this one on to come and watch you?” “It looks good! Definatly got my attention was about to ask you for a drink when I realised…” “Holly shit… I m binning it!” “Soory did not mean to make you feel bad Lieutenant… Or can I call you Tam?” “Why you ask you called me that before?!” Asked Tamara, as she starting to feel less awkward... “Was drunk and fully dressed!” said Kyle with a cheeky grim. “Please, Don’t go there!” She exclaimed in a firm cold voice to regain some control, as she could actually enjoy where this was going.... “Wasn’t gonna...” smiled Kyle as he started to quite enjoy their flirty banter. “You kind of are...” she whispered... There was a huge uncomfortable silence, as they stared in each other eyes. The air felt sparkling around them and they both felt how strong attraction. Tamara closed her eyes and tried to go blank, but couldn’t. Kyle could feel how uncomfortable she was, so he quickly said: “Ok guilty, but you should have wore that service bikini!... for professional reasons., ac-
26 cording to article whatever regarding flirting in the pool!” he joked to take the edge of the moment. Tamara couldn’t help but laughed as she stepped back; and took a deep breath. “Indeed...” she tried to get her cool back, but words just popped out of her mouth: “I m surprised you even noticed my dolphin, I thought my boobs blocked your view!” She blushed and regretted straight away. “I beg your pardon...” Reacted Kyle quickly. “Tam... that’s sound a bit rich from someone, checking me out soooo baaad.” “I wasn’t” she lied and blushed. “Oh... You so were! And shouldn’t you be better at lying, Ms Secret Service?” “Ok Captian... Its Lietenanat Secret Service and you are very attractive, I acknowledge that”. She was bright red, when she looked and Kameron with begging eyes “ok why don’t we get out of the pool put something on so we can think straight... and start the conversation again?” “Tam, you really lost me on the putting something on part...” He felt a dolphin hitting him, he pushed it away looked up, but Tamara disappeared. He felt bad and got out of the pool looking for her… but she was gone.
27 Episode 1 – Uncomfortable silence He felt embarrassed and a bit guilty. He really should not talk to her like that.... the flirting was too much... but she looked so... alive... and responded… ok flirted back…. Suddenly he wanted to know again why she was there... what if they did REALLY sent her to spy on him on holiday? Tamara really wished she could just teleport back home, as she hastily put her towel around her grabbed her things and ran in the lift. She got in and pressed the button but a family came last minute and the door opened again. She seen Kyle looking for her, he spotted her and ran shouted hold the lift. The dad smiled and pressed the hold button. There was real uncomfortable silence as the lift went up, the kid pressed every single button so they stopping on every level.... the family finally got out on level 4. Was possible the longest awkward silence they ever experienced. Kyle was about to say something, but she waved “no”, get her watch out pressed a button looked at him and said: “Now you can talk!” “What did you do?” Inquired Kyle as he was truly intrigued by the watch “Jammed signal so they noone can listen in”
28 “Secret service has such device?” Kyle was surprised as he never hear of such technology, and he was used to be watched 24/7. “No, but I do.” Said Tamara. “What you want form me, Kameron? ...Please I am so uncomfortable, trust me last person I thought I bump today was you, this suppose to be my honey moon, I feel crap as it is don’t make it harder for me...” She looked sincere and upset. Kyle was surprised how much she just reviled about herself. Again all his anger was gone, all was left is empathy, attraction and the urge to take her to his arm and comfort her. He did see how uncomfortable she was though, so he resisted that urge. “Ok, please tell me if they sent you?” He asked, but he knew the answer, and regretted saying it straight away. Now, Tamara was getting angry, was he even listening? “Yes they said go have a honey moon with Kyle! We obviously married, by the holy ghost as the witness...:” “Shit Tam, I was... a …sorry… Ok.... you are right, asking that was a dickmove! I am sorry.” He looked sincere. “Its ok.” She said as she got hotel key card out, swiped it and pressed penthouse. The lift was going up without stopping. “Tamara, why are you taking me to your room?” Asked Kyle confused.
29 “I don’t know what the fuck I m doing, KYLE, but I tell you what... I could do with a drink, and so could you!” The lift door opened and she stepped out, Kyle was tempted to follow but paused. Tamara turned around “Coming then?” she asked. He was very surprised, but stepped out and followed her. The apartment looked amazing, it had a huge living room with a gym corner, windowwalls to the balcony, which had view of the pool and she had a glass pool in the end of the balcony, so if you were in there you were floating above everything in glass bubble filled with water... “wow your dolphin could do a right splash there...” “I think I left it at the pool!” Realised Tamara. “That’s child abandonment.” Joked Kyle. Tamara smiled went to the drink cabinet and got some glasses out... “what would you like?” Kyle looked at her with longing in his eye “to drink... i mean...” “What you got?” “Champagne, Whiskey...” “Ooo lets have some whiskey, can I have it with ice.” “If that helps you cool down... yes!” Kyle smiled and took the drink, they were standing rather close to one another. He got really close to her and whispered in her ear “you should get some ice, too!” Tamara looked at him with wide eyes and asked: “Kyle what we doing?” She was so close he could feel faint sent of perfume on her hair. She looked so beautiful and he really wanted to kiss her, and had the feeling
30 she wanted that too... He wanted to gently stroke her face, but stepped back instead. “I don’t know, Lieutenant!” He said. He used official term on purpose. “Lieutenant?” She smiled how ridiculous being official sounded in this situation. “If I call you Tam now, I m afraid I would ... “ he did not finish the sentence. Tamara stepped closer and looked up: “You would what, Captain Kamraron?” Kyle looked at her lips and wanted to kiss her even more, he moved in to do so and she closed her eyes he pulled her in a hug and kissed her forehead instead... he really needed to control himself as she smelt amazing. “Tam”, he whispered “we really cant do this... “ She put her arms around his neck and put buried her face in his chest as she whispered “I know.... but.... I want to...” “Me too...” Said Kyle. .”..but I don’t want you in trouble....” Tamara giggled and stepped back: “I wouldn’t be, I am a ‘sleeping agent’ I can use sex, if I judge to help my mission, to gather information or motivate… in this situation would be a gray area, but would get away with it... you… in the other hand… would be though, as it is against your code of conduct...” She realised how selfish this would be and headed to the bathroom to deescalate the situation. “Bet you even know the fucking article...” added Kyle trying to do the same...
31 “Yes, the matter of fact I do know and it is referred as sexual relations, but maybe it should be called your version, it’s more literal this way. “ She said as she put a robe, grabbed a second one as she sat on the sofa. She looked at him and smiled: “I do not want you in trouble... I think... I like you... “she blushed... “I mean ...as a human…” she realized that sounded really silly, she tried to think but was struggling to justify what she just said in a less sensational way. “…And enjoy working with you.” She added clumsily. “That’s good job.” Smiled Kyle as he observed Tamara getting a panicky over what she said there was something entertaining seeing her (the one who often was referred as the ice queen trying blushing and being emberassed). “I mean I m glad you like me as a human… I don’t want you to like me as a bear or some shit…” It had it effect to lighter the mood as Tamara chuckled a bit. Kyle took a sip from his drink and felt the alcohol starting to numb him… “Well if you didn’t pull away you could be enjoying my company even more... not sure we can call it work though...” He looked at Tamara who was blushed again staring at him… so he stopped as he realised he went to far and did not want to wind her up. “I bet I would.” She agreed with a laugh . “You know you can sit down, no article to ban that!” “Tam, you so different... like I did not recognise you…. Your posrture your movements ...
32 everything....” He said as he sat on an armchair away from her. “We learn how to suppress our personal trait and be blank… on holiday, I can be … well I am… myself.” “You should be yourself more often... I can’t get enough of you...” Tamara enjoyed the compliment way too much. “OK. I need another drink!”she said as she walked to the fridge and poured another 2 huge glasses of whisky on the ice and handed one to Kyle. “Is this smart?” he asked staring at her. “Nope” she said and took a sip. Kyle downed the drink walked up to her took her glass and put it down, he looked at her and touched her hair, it was so soft, she moved closer and smiled he very gently touched her cheek as their lips moved closer... They nearly kissed when a very shard buzz disturbed them. Tamara stepped out of the situation like she just woken up from some dream... “wtf I m doing” she asked herself.. “acting like some hormonal fangirl...” she went to answer the device by the time she got there she nearly got her cool back completely. She set down on the bed and pressed receive was just an update about some new regulations so she closed it. Trying to gain control over her emptions she got up picked the second robe and throw it to Kyle “put it on, so I can think”. Kyle chuckled. Realising how awkward can this get if they carry on... he put the robe on. Tamara
33 closed the window and put the AC on. He turned around trying to think anything but how charming he finds her. When he thought he was ready he turned back and seen her on the sofa looking at him smiling... she was so exceptionally beautiful... damn ... from all the holiday destination why did they both get here? He was looking around trying to find something to talk about when he seen a small graceful creature making his way into the room… it was a cat. Kyle actually never seen one before, they were extinct on Earth and most of the colonies… it was really hard to find one. He looked in shock couldn’t say anything just pointed at him. Tamara went and picked him up. “Hey baby, this is mummy’s friend from work” she said in a pet voice. Kyle was not sure what was more surprising the cold agent who never lost her cool during an alien invasion talking in baby voice to an animal referring herself as “mummy” or that he was in her room… “That’s my cat.” She finally stated. “Yes, Ansel said you had one, he was very impressed you managed to get one” he acknowledged as he walked around in the room. She scooped the creature up. “come sit down and let him smell your hand” she instructed. The cat looked scared first but eventually let Kyle to stroke him. He felt amazing was soft and surprisingly smelt good, just like Tamara... “he smells nice!” he exclaimed with surprise.
34 “Oh yes, he jumps in the shower with me... he is very playful and loves water. Trying to get a second one, a mate for him, so we can have cats again on Earth, they really good at controlling rodents” rats where an ongoing problem in the underwater cities and every time they came up with a solution, the rats became immune to poison or outsmarted devices. “Really? Why don’t we use them?” “I did suggest in my mission report, but did not seem to go far” she smiled but looked sad. “So, in AtOrri they use cats for pest control?” he asked curiously and was also relived they found a topic to focus on. “Yes”, she nodded,” they actually multiply rather fast, they can have 2 litters a year with 5 to ten kittens, so... there is a lots of cats... and not many rats...” “Are they carry diseases?” “Significantly less then rats.” “How did you... manage to catch one?” Then he realised and went back on it “Unless it is classified.” “Well... kind of it is... I was in undercover and the person I lived with had cats one was Ser Kyle the other was called Lotte....” “Seriously?!” Kyle was quite shocked to hear. “Yes, she was a fan of you I think....” They looked at each other... Tamara was completely losing a battle, every bit of her logic screamed don’t do this, and every bit of her body just wanted him more... Kyle felt very strong attraction as well so tried to distract her: “So he is named after…”
35 “You” she said, “its very ironic, I suppose…” They laughed and looked at each other again… wanting way more then talking…. “Is that not weird pretending you care about someone?” Kyle asked with curiosity but regretted it straight away as you could tell how uncomfortable she looked… and how judgmental he sounded. Tamra looked devastated for a moment, Kyle had the feeling she done way more then pretending to care. “I DID care...” she admitted. “What was he like?” he asked just being curious now. “SHE was nice…lovely actually” she said as she blushed again. “She? Wow... is that not ... illegal...” Tamara looked shocked did not take Kyle for someone judgmental… so she explained. “It is illegal in the New Earth Republic, AtOrri was not part of it, Their establishment is a coalition of 6 Humanoid Spices, and no they don’t have rules about who to love… they more open minded…” “That’s very progressive…. I feel bad kicking their ass now!” Said Kyle with amazment, he learnt about the AttOri as the big bad enemy of the Empire… “Oh don’t,… that actually helped. Before that battle they looked New Empire as a unintelligent pests infiltrating their planets. They never even thought we were intelligent enough … until they seen De Vyrs and your tactical thinking and the level of
36 technology... so basically your actions, especially you decision not to shoot them out after taking out their shields and weapon system and called for peace, made them rethink what humans capable of and made them citizens of AtOrri. So after that Independent Human Colonies were able to join and enjoy the freedom of their lifestyle....”She realized she gave a bit too much away how much she enjoyed their culture… that was bortherline treason what she just said… she looked at Klye there was no judgment he just looked curious… so she carried on. “You and Lotte are heros there for the humans. That’s Why Evelyn named him Ser Kyle, after you….” She revieled way too much what she should not say to anyone… “Kyle this is all…classified…. I should not… and what I said is ….” “Hey, Tam, I never give up any of my teams secrets ok… and what you said… you do know me I m not the one who blindly follow rules… well… I do not follow rules most of the times… that’s why they appointed you to keep me in lines… I m more hang up of your cat named after me it’s a common name but its ...” “Its weird as hell…” she added.. Emotions overrun her body from the memories of the mission… “Lady Lotte remained with Evelyn. She sent Kyle after me to Earth after she found out I was there to spy.” She said quickly trying not to be upset. “You never told her?” “I wish, I did not have a chance. I was taken out without a goodbye.” She had tears in her eyes. I ....
37 Wanted to stay there ... sent my last report and stated I wish to retire and stay.... remained for a week... Pete came and told me it was unnatural... and I was betraying my world... as an agent and as a woman... and we should get married and... I should return. So I did.... When I was boarding a ship an AtOrri police came up to me and said he had a message form Evelyn it was Ser Kyle in a box, with a piece of paper saying “I don’t need your lying pussy”. ... “ she paused as a tear rolled down her cheek... as wondered why is she telling him this. She felt devastated... she came back from somewhere where she was happy to this ... more tears rushed into her eyes. He felt Kyle putting his arm around her, pulling her into a hug comforting her.. which was nice, she cried on his shoulder for a minute, when she realised she really should not be doing that... “Sorry I m making your robe dirty...” “Technically, Its your robe... “ he said in a gentle voice wiping her tears away. “By the way... Pete is an asshole...” “He is...” “Is there no way to go back? I could drop you off next mission...” “To Pete?” “No! to Evelyn, can you not seek asylum? Tamara looked at him he was serious. “That would be treaon from my part. You would get in huge trouble, I was told staying there is deserting, you would aiding a deserter”
38 “I love trouble, it’s my middle name!” Tamara laughed, she really appreciated his offer, but she did not want to get him in trouble or mess up trading relations between the nations.” I couldn’t Evelyn deserves better then someone who betrayed her like that... besides... it would cause a shit storm… in your life and your crew…” “Well, I used to storms, besides you were doing your job... sure she can see that…” “No, I betrayed her for leaving her for marrying Pete and pretending to agree, that it was nothing more just a job...” “Tam, do you prefer women?” “I think… I prefer both..” she said. She picked up the whiskey poured and down it. I never actually admitted this to anyone.” Wondering why she admitted this she exclaimed: “I am completely wasted!” As their eye meet again they felt the air sparkling around… Tamara nod her head and was about to give in… “I should go!” Said Kyle whilst feeling the urge to stay. “Why don’t you have dinner with me and Adrian?” Tamara stared at him… feeling how much they playing with fire… she nodded… Kyle walked out confused and with turbulence of feelings towards her. Tamara fall on the bed muttering “shit” to the pillow... this was very confusing and inappropriate and possible the most fun she had for a long time! As she was falling asleep, she was wandering why did she tell Kyle so much about herself. She had very disturbing dreams. Seeing Evelyn, getting
39 chased by Pete, being in a Solar Storm on a space ship.... hearing alarms beeping. She opened her eyes. The beeping was real, she could hear it. Front desks was calling reporting she had a visitor. She told them it must have been a mistake and went for a shower with slight annoyance, she was still groggy. She noticed text from Kyle repeating the requests to have dinner with them. “Oh what the hell! Why not?” she thought. Put on a retro dress, as it was 1950s night and went down to the bar. Episode 2 – Dinner She went down to sub level 19. The bar and restaurant was a replica of the 1950s American diners. She even dressed for occasion choosing a pale pink a-line dress called the “Sandra D experience”. There was some story to dress as well and movie and music to watch, but she was a bit to absent minded to pay attention to history. So she picked it as she thought it the tight fitted top part and the large skirt complemented her figure. New Earth Empire does not give women a lot of chance for self impression, she was longing for the time in the AttOrri where she could dress that way, and had a variety to chose from. This place reminded her being there… When she arrived was shown to the table by a waiter impersonating Elvis Presley. Kyle and Adrian
40 were wearing period suits and looked really funny in them, in a very attractive way… especially Kyle… She had to gain control over emotions again…. She walked to the table. While she greeted the, she was really had to concentrate trying to keep a straight face… Adrian thought that Kyle always had very good taste in women, but this one was unusually pretty as he watched Tamara approaching them. They both stood up and Adrian realised that Kyle is not introducing him... They were just having a moment smiling at each other, after Kyle blushed and told her he was glad she would come... And he still hasnt been introduced… He felt very akward. “Hey!” he said finally, “I m Adrian.” The girl finally looked at him and acknowledged his present. “Yes, Lieutenant, I know.” she said. “Time to have some more champagne I guess.” she said as giggled as they sat down. Adrian was seriously trying to remember where they could have me….t thinking of all the ladies they recently chatted up the last month... but she did seemed familiar, he took a sip of his champagne as he took a second a look... he suddenly realised... in shock he forgot how to swallow properly and he was coughing as Champaign poured out of his nose “Holly Shit it”s Tamara!” he exclaimed. Tamara and Kyle exchanged a look and laughed at the reaction. “You should have warned him!” scolded Tamara shaking her head.
41 “I would not want to miss this epic reaction!” Kyle explained. “Talking about epic reaction… you should have seen your face in the pool!” She patted Adrians back and asked if he was OK. Adrian felt uncomfortable in the beginning of dinner but slowly warmed up towards Tamara… she was quite a charming dinner partner, easy to talk to, fun loving and had a great sense of humour… However he did feel like the third wheel... Especially, when music started to play and him and Kyle had a dance together… He was also worried that this flirting between them will have consequences… It was not his place to say anything though… they were adults… even though they acted like two awkward teenagers in a prom during that dance….they did look like rather enjoying each other company… but just was not sure how to express it… So he decided to give them some privacy… Kyle offered to walk Tamara to the lift. They spent the last hour talking about, and Kyle was fascinated about Tamara’s knowledge about Old Earth music, and he was very surprised when she told him she could sing. Tamara found it curious that Kyle was a very strong swimmer and they both had the underwater training... “Kyle, I better go up, we have been standing, here talking for over an hour…” she smiled at him, as she they looked in each other eyes. “Tam...”
42 “I could invite you up.” She said softly with a half smile, as she know exactly what he was about to say… Kyle shook his head as she just read her mind. He stepped closer. She didnt move. He felt again really tempted to kiss her, was not sure though so he reached out of her hand, and she took it… as they awkwardly shook hands… it was a very funny how they both struggled… Tamara giggled shook her head, as she put her other arms around his neck. “its better if I wish you good night... however…” she paused and continued “…I really wish …we would have met at the pool as strangers and I could just invite you up without consequences or…feeling guilty!” Kyle put his arms around her waist and held her for a minute. Tamara felt overwhelmed with emotions. She knew she had to stop herself, so she quickly gave Kyle a kiss on his cheek and wished goodnight, as she pulled out of the hug. Tried to step away realising they still holding hands. “Can I have my hand back?” She asked playfully. “What id I say no?” “Then i guess I have to invite you up...” said Tamara giving in. Kyle laughed stepped towards her and kissed her in the neck “See i can play this too, now good night”. Tamara laughed as she stepped out of this second hug. Pressed the button smiled and said “Your loss” as the door closed…
43 Kyle just stood their staring at the closed door… thinking yes… so as she… Episode 3 – Olga’s surprise As the plane landed on the paradise planet, Olga looked out of the window trying to trying to crack what made this planet work. When she heard that Kyle and Adrian arrived there for a holiday she decided to join them as she wanted to look at the data of terraformation. Of course Erik and Ansel joined her as they were curious about it, too. Also it was a family and pet friendly place, so Ansel was finally take his wife to a holiday. They haded to hotel and checked in. Olga got a texed from Kyle saying they could come up to the penthouse suite. Olga shook her head, dropped her things off, got changed and headed up. As she walked in he found Adrian sunbathing with a very attractive lady... who looked like... no SHE WAS Tamara... Olga looked at Kyle and mouthed “WTF?” She turned to Tamara and greeted her “Hey!” she said, “now this is what I call surprise!” “Tell me about it” she heard the answer “I cannot even go to my honeymoon without you guys following me, we just missing Erik and Ansel now!” “Oh they on the way,” giggled Olga. “Ok, you need to tell me what is going on!”
44 They actually had a rather nice day together. Tamara’s balcony was a private see through pool, which they enjoyed. She was teaching them how to hold their breath underwater for over 5 minutes. Kyle got really good at it and managed to stay down as long as she did, even got into a bit of competition which ended with both of them being rather light headed and dizzy. Luckily Olga was there to stop them carrying on…. Adrian decided to show off her moves, when he stumbled over the privet gym with the punch bag. He was practising high kicks to show off. “Look at this I bet you don’t do this in the secret service” he said as he lost balance and accidently kicked the bag with his toes. Collapsing in pain. “Yes… I m pretty sure they do not do that anywhere!” said Olga as she tried not to laugh. Tamara sat opposite to Adrian pulling his shoes off checking for fracture. “you were lucky, it seems fine!” “I was about to tell you that I could beat up any secret agent with my sick moves.” He said. “Well maybe try to show me your sick moves before half a bottle of whiskey in the sun!” “Yes, that’s sounds like a plan.” Sighed Adrian, with embarrassment. He went off for a nap, but came back in the afternoon in gym gear and tod Tamara to do her worse. Tamara took the challenge. Within 10 seconds Adrian was on the floor in a hold. Although he was a quite decent fighter, Tamara’s speed and strength really surprised him.
45 “Wow,” he said “I bet people you fight really dont know what hit them!” he groaned. “well in your case the floor and me… I guess” chuckled Tamara as she helped him up. “Are you ok, did I hurt you?” “Yes you bruised my ego bad” he moaned. “I teach you that move and some basic Tiaik Art (which was a mixed marshal art for special agents), if you want… I noticed Kyle got you all on strict work out routines on duty, so you all in all right physics to train!” she said. Adrian seemed keen as he always wanted to learn. The entire week was spent mainly in the penthouse where they were sunbathing and generally enjoying each others company. One afternoon Tamara and Olga were launching on the chairs in the sun. It was a rare occasion that it was just two of them so Tamara took a deep breath and said: “We need to talk, Olga” “You like Kyle... fine, I…. don’t think I stand a chance... anyway... “ “Ohh…” Tamara was shocked was she that obvious? “Thanks for saying that, yes... it would have not be ideal... to get in the way... of our friendship. I ... never understood girls being against each other ... when...” “When its hard enough to fight them, we should not fight each other!” Finished Olga with a relived smile they were on the same page. She did like Kyle,
46 however it was not Tamar’s fault how Kyle felt or behaved toward her.” “Anyway…” sighed again Tamara, “I wanted to talk about something else... I knew you hacked the secret service to access my file.” Olga got frightened, Tamara saw the reaction “Just here me out Olga... this is completely off record, I am saying this, because I trust you, I knew, it was you, because it must have been you ...Erik or Ansel have no skills to do so... so you possible very aware of all the filth we have to do...” Olga felt her skin crawl from the thought of those files containing the gross sexual harassment females agents put through during their training. “I am going to confess something... I never actually done any of me sexual exams...” Olga stared at her “I have seen it in your...sorry carry on” “My friend and I created a device like a radio… which radiates waves similar to brain waves and capable of tricking others to think certain things happen when they do not… it makes you see, feel taste and experience things, it filters what you receive as information…” “Like mind control?” “Kind of… like watch my hair” as she said her hair turned from blonde to ginger. Olga was freaking out. “The secret service has such technology? They have mind control?!” “No – but I do...I developed it with a friend in Uni…. my mentor Forks wife found out and wanted
47 me to keep it away from management as she was afraid it would be a power grab and its potentially super dangerous, she said she had a plan when and how to hand it in...” “So you developed mind control… and used it … to skip giving blow jobs?” “Yes… can you blame me…I was 15 and I would have to perform it on the 45 year old Fork in a present of 2 witness... yes!” “That’s kind of badass... so you never slept with anyone on duty?” “Not unless I wanted to...” “Ok sorry carry on... Why telling me?” “My friend, who helped me to make it, died on mission and I m not as good with programming... and we need this technology.... all of us… plus I think the ghost uses something very similar… remember when they came… did you experience a slight strange head ache? “Yes… stress…” “That’s what I thought, until I used it recently and realised my technology have the same the same side effect a strange numbing pins and needles in the …” “front lobe… holly shit … yes! Ok! What do you need me to do?!” “I need more of those devices for all of you…” “I don’t think Kyle would .... want to force... “No of course of not .... don’t think Kyle need help with his game…” Tamara actually laughed. “this has nothing to do with that. “
48 “I saw in the report that Ansel and Erik described as suffering form head ache while on the station... I mean recall that minute they flew... by did you try anything to stop them? “No, I just watched and my hand felt heavy... you think they have your technology?” “No but I think they have something similar, and its only a matter of time they use it.” “but its off record so you giving it to people who you trust... I m not sure who to trust in the Serice… I wanted to ask you to help me to look up some files there too… I m not sure what is going on… but I think there is some corruption going on… and I requested a meeting with General Hannan. I trust him… I find it a bit strange that Kyle ended up here… where I was … too much coincident…” “You think Kyle is stalking you?” “no I think someone set him up… all of us… I know it does not make sense… it’s a hunch and Olga this is dangerous if you agree… this can get you killed…” “Tam I work with Kyle… I m not that easy to kill… he…” “Yes, he should have Trouble as a middle name instead of Christopher!” That’s fine Olga, but involve as little as you can, also I need your program what you used to get into secret service files. Why? “Fork’s wife died right after that conversation... I just need to have a look... its just a feeling.”
49 “I can do that for you” “Olga i want no trace back to you. this is dangerous, they will kill you as they smile at you... i will do it without letting it lead back to you....” She handed her a watch, it jams signal and creates a fake footage, use it when you talk about it. They always listen. “Girl, you wild!” said Olga as she laughed. The reast of the holiday went really pleasent. They mostly spent their time in the penthouse or at beach, near the pools. Olga and Tamara spent a lot of time together and became quite good friends, and Kyle and Tamara was trining really hard to avoid each other which was very akward as they, really liked each others company. The holiday went on rather pleasant. Last evening they spent at the bar dancing and drinking. Tamara decided to fix her make up. It was the 80s dance night so they all had crazy looking hair and dresses on. Tamra’s hair was massive sticking all up like she would have been electrocuted herself. Chapter 5 Last day of holiday
50 On the way of the restroom someone jumped her and dragged her to service corridor. She was completely unprepared for this. She was about to call out and scream when she recognised her attacker it was Pete. She pushed him off and asked “shouldn’t you be enjoying your honeymoor?” she was surprised how drunk he sounded. “What the hell you see in him? Or that slut you hooked up with?” “What? You jealous? I thought I was yesterday news… and you everything is hankydori with Debussy or whatever her name is...” “You are drunk!” “Oh yes,” giggled Tamara “all that special service training really worth it…how observant of you to notice… no shit… someone looking with crazy hair who spent the afternoon drinink champagne and just downed a double whiskey… yes I might be slightly tipsy… so I guess you can tell it to the booze police! You are really the crème of the crop of the service I m so glad I could offer my services to you to excel otherwise…. you would be fucked! Shit I said that out loud, didn’t i?” She was giggling at this point. Seeing how angry Pete got she quickly added “Now tell me what do you want and then kindly piss off, as I m going to go back and drink, as this is my last night on holiday.” “I had eyes on you and they told me you warming up to Kameron…”