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Published by zoltan.kemeny.41, 2023-05-02 10:41:44

Under the Blue Sky


101 “I cant do it” said Tamara with fear in her voice. “you go and leave me here.”I never left anyone behind, not starting with you.””You come back for me””Tam we gonna blow a hole on the ark observation window, there will be no athmosphere, your only chance to come with me.””i could lock myself in the loo!””there is no time” Pete tries comes to annoy Tamara Tamara teacher Adrian and Kyle for some Secret service fight technique Olga arrives and and Tamara confronts her about hacking secret service files, she gives he a decive capable of mind control and confess she never slept with anyone she did not want to and invented the device with PaIA, she tells about a male collauge, who introduced the prototype and how he was killed on mission straight after and the technology never went anywhere (they on purpose gave a faulty one in). Olga gets curious and hacks in realising it was Fork sending male collague on mission impossible to die and he was told to date Tamara to gain information about the technology, which he failed. Tamra is disgusted and ask Olga to help to improve the design and make one for Kyle as well as it might help to stop the Ghost When Pete finds out he starts helping Tam and the crew Kyle and Tamara make out until recovery crew turn up Tamara pretend she is telling him off when

102 they walk in, they walk out together and Kyle tells Tamara to be at Officers launch for a drink. Mission with writer on board to accidently end up on a prison colony, Tam and Olg using technology to free themselves with the support of a xonvict convicted for being gay with no parole, tam kicks some ass and they free to go and take Paul and leave them on a nearby moon sending message to Tamara’s ex to notify the AtOri

103 Mission: given another shit one to collect dead satelits, but they informed there is a neurtron star heading to earth what they destroy bye creating an instable black hole for 30 seconds which destroys the neutron Star just outside the Solar system. They blew their ship to do so. They board Marvel save Lotte and crew and return to Earth. Kyle thinks he will be given his old job back, so asks Tamara out who tells him he is naiv to think this. Tam is right the Government kept it as secret and failed to even decide what action to do 24 hrs before diseaster. Kyle is told they cannot give his old job back as officially this did not happen and he needs to face further sanctions as the cover story o f loosing his ship is him being reckless (Petes idea) Pete tells Tamara as he is possessive Tamara tells him to get lost she return to marvel to tell Kyle what was the decision he is upset, and tells her that he takes it as a no to dinner Tamara walks up to him and kissed him and tells him it’s a rain check.

104 Adrienn Kun, aka Rienneil Rosewater, born in Budapest on 18.05.1981 – deceased in Bradford on 24.05.2022 In her age of three, she enumerated a number of professions and told: after having tried all these, I will select the one I really like and will do that. And she really did it. She attempted simultaneously many pursuits as early as her studies in general school: piano, sports, solfeggio, drawing, acting, English language course, as she wanted. Kun Adrienn, Rienneil Rosewater Budapest, 1981. május 18. – Bradford, 2022. május 24. Három éves volt, amikor felsorolt egy csomó szakmát és azt mondta: ha mindet kipróbáltam, kiválasztom mi az, amit a legjobban szeretek csinálni, és az leszek. És tényleg ez t tette. Sokszor, egyszerre több mindent csinált már az általános iskolában is. Zongorázni és sportolni járt, szolfézsra, rajzszakkörre, színjátszókörre és angolórára. Ő akarta.

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