51 “How romantic, you stalkinmg me on your honemoon…so?” “I don’t like it, just like I did not like you doing it with that…” . Evelyn Pete, she was called Evelyn and you are an adult, you can say having sex... And your point? Because frankly dear I give zero fuck about whether you approve my sexlife or not…” “Want to carry on seeing you, he tried to kiss her but Tamara pushed him away EWWW! You out of your mind? You grab me out ATorri, where I m perfectly happy, fuck me over like that, take credit for my work, dump me, have me watched on holiday and come here to tell me you fancy secretly shagging me on the side? Mate want a fuck? go and fuck yourself! “Tell your little boyfriend he messing with the wrong guy.” “Tell him yourself said Tamara and tried to push trough but Pete pulled her back The door open and Kyle was there with Olga. “I guess your opportunity, Pete” Tamara said as she pushed him and walked up to Olga. “You ok, just found your communicator outside the door... and got Kyle...” “What did he want?” “he wanted the threaten you but looks like cat got his tongue” “I can take care of your cat...” Tamara went red
52 turned back and got Pete to the wall “you touch threaten my cat again and i will get you crap to the media!” “ok” said Pete as he backed up and looked quite timid eyeing uo Kyle “I m still waiting for that threat mate” he said casualy, “no rush really we have all the evening,” Olga: Yes mate I would not go in a dick measuring competition with him if I were you as you will loose. Am I right Tam? As the girls walked out Kyle walked up to Pete “what kind of men threatens a cat? Really pathetic!” “Kyle, you need to double check the Capricornus, as Pete might sabotage it.” Last night was a huge dance night in the beach. Tamara and Olga both went down. They both wear shorts and tank tops with their hair down as it was a 2000 party. Adrian was already at the dance enjoying the rhythm and completely giving himself to the music. He always loved music but had very little occasions to let himself go and just dance. He seen someone just like him completely loosing it to the music and giving a wonderful performance. It was Tamara... this girl just kept surprising her every time, and he started to really like her, she was a great a friend, and her fighting skills were quite amazing, as well as the dancing. He gave up hitting on her as the first attempts where completely unsuccessful
53 and she clearly preferred Kyle... who was obviously liked her back. But he decided he will dance with her... just to great opportunity. She was an amazing dancer and people actually stopped watched and cheered for them as they danced. Tamara also thought Olga dancing as she joined the party. They really had a fun time together... but then Kyle turned up. Tamara wanted to got back and dance with Adrian as that was clearly the safer choice but by then he was busy dancing with Olga... she looked at Kyle who was already looking at her... “not sure if it is a good idea...” she said as she stepped closer. “the entire holiday is a like a mindfield of emotions” he said she giggled “good job your an army captain, would be a really shit poet” A slow song came on.. Kyle put his arms around her waist as she put hers on his shoulder “i dont know how to dance to this” he admited Well everyone who knew died thousands of years ago she said as they swayed with music. Tamara felt relaxed as she rested her head on Kyles chest. They again felt really close to each other... the song ended Tamara got out of the hug and made sure to stay away Kyle for the rest of the night. Back on Earth they were preparing for a new mission, checking satellites in sector 450. Smidtbauer really done his best to give them the worst missions.
54 As the team prepared to take off on the Capricornus, they had a call saying Korminek coming on board wanting to talk to Kameron. Adrian had a worried look at Kyle: “maybe secret service rat you up.” he said With? “You know exactly with what.” Kyle actually blushed and Adrian started to laugh “miss perfect you really got you, didnt she? ... She is not here thoug...” “she had a meeting with Fork...” “about what?” Sliding door opened and there was Tamara. “Tamara Kowalsky reporting for duty” she said with a her usual emotionless face. Which made both Kyle and Adrian laugh. “Anything to report?” asked Kyle semi serious voice. “No... just do a thoural search in the ship... “ “Yes, we on it Tam.” reinsured Kyle “oh Korminek is coming on board so keep ypur heals on while he is on board and warn Olga about it too.” As he said the door opened and there stood Korminek “copy that captain I do that immidiatly” said Tamara and went to warn Olga fast, which was lucky as she was about to enter in flats and carrying coffee for Kyle and Adrian. Korminek looked at Kyle: “You seem to be working well together”
55 “yes general, we found lt Kowalsky a good addition to our team” “I heard you went to holiday together” “not exaclty but we did ended up on the same location” “You were dancing together?” “Is that against the rules?” “No...” “I dont see anything bad bonding coworkers out of work” “and she is cool” added Adrian “OK.... anyway I am here to ask a favour... I have a friend who is a script writer... you must hear of Mark Magathroneskin?” asked Korminek. “He wrote the Space Cowboys and the Rise of the Robots, yes, what about him?” Replied Kyle unsure where the conversation was going. “He is working on a new project based on your story about the AttOri and wants to watch you during action” Kyle just realised Korminek wanted this guy to join them on the mission. “I m seeing heaing to sector 450 to check satellites” said Kyle “Is he writing a for the next snooze fest?” “The epic check of Satelite 202” said Adrian with a grand gesture and a nod “ I can already see the headlines” “I thought it would be safe enough and you two could talk...”
56 Kyle was not sure what to say, he really did not want to take and entertain a script writer... “can I just talk to my crew before I answer?” he asked carefully. “its a hard no from me” said Adrian, and Kyle gave hima death glare “sure go ahead” I need to inspect the work of the start crew anyways. I would really appropriate it Kyle.” Kyle called a meeting and told the crew what he just heard. “What you think?” “not babysitting some egomaniac celebrity” said Adrian “it might be fun” said olga “its a very shitty mission, we could do it half asleep!” “or half drunk, but not with this fancy pantsy asshole on board” insisted Adrian. Erik? “I have a bad feeling” “See?!” jumped Adrian “Come on Ad he has bad feeling about coffee!” giggled Olga “well, coffee can turn bad” answered Adrian Ansel? “whatever, maybe it would help” Tamara? “I agree with Ansel it could help your care of reinstatment...” “i thought you liked us” blunted Adrian “I do... but I stand by my last report, you Elite
57 Float Material, that’s where you guys should be… and you are capable of making the right decision under difficult crcumtainces… its not the matter of do I like to spend time with you guys or not itss a calculated… “Holly Shit, Tam you could have just said yes I do.” Grunted Adrian “I think Erik was right about bad coffee, so go easy on it” Said Kyle giving another death glare to Adrien. “Ok, so majoroty agrees… it is ok if we letting this happen Great a prick on board. all we needed. Tamra headed to her cabin to change shoes, when Kyle caught up with her.”Tam... I mean Lieutenant... we checked everything, it seems in order, Olga even reviewed the tapes, and nobody tempered with the ship.”Tamara stared at Kyle with lots of questions inside her “Why are you telling me?” “I... thought with your anixety you would like to know, besides, you were the one warning me ... and we...” he felt really uncomfortable and felt he was blushing which made him feel even worse... “we are a ... uh ... team!” Tamara felt relived she was really worried he will say something really inappropriate. She wanted to answer but Kyle was walking away. “You ok?” she saidKyle turned back looking frustrated. “How can you just stand there like that?”
58 Tamara understood what he meant, he was honest, uncomfortable, still have flesh backs to the holiday and has opposite to her has no way to hide feelings. She let her pokerface go and chuckled “You kind of wish you had my training” “Yes, I am a guy i not suppose to ...” “blush?””shit that was visible” Tammara laughed.”take it as a yes” “Kyle, there is nothing wrong having emotion, its human. That is lesson number one, in that training. Number two guys have to they conditioned more to hide them but they instead chanel it to negative emotions like you reflected frustration because you couldnt read me. Yes, we are a team, so I will not manipulate you immotionally, but wearing this uniform i need to carry out what i do or my method collapses. So if you want to talk about what happened during on holiday we can, but not at work... I dont mind you calling me Tamara, its fine you all on first name basis, it makes me feel more included. I take my work seriously so i will put saftey and procedure in front of any personal feelings I might or might not have.” As she said that she looked at kyle and unintetionally blushed, as she observed his grin she chuckled again “gues my training is not that good...” “Nothing wrong with having emotions” repeated Kyle with a straight face then grinned with a very cheeky smile. “We really not good together” she said with as she shook her head with a soft laughter.
59 Kyle stepped closer leaed forward and looked her in the eyes “I disagree, Lieutenant”. She had to clos her eyes to divert from the tensions she felt like sparks everywhere, stepped away looked back smiling shakingf her head. He was just standing there grinning, because he knew exactly how she felt… She was surprised how much kyle can get under her skin and how she totally loosing her wall the more closer they feel to each other, and the fact that he just jokes takes the edge makes her feel even more comfortable which makes he literally loosing all her professionalism... Their moment was disturbed when Olga announced on the tannoy: “Our celberity guest is getting on board” “Yes, i m dsuting the red carpet” they heard Adrian Relieved, Tamara started to laugh “you need to do something about him” “I ve tired, its hopless, but by all means take commend and put him in the naughty step” Kyle went back to the bridge and Tamara decided to meditate for ten minutes as she really really needed to get Kyle out of her head. She was really annoyed with herself, she usually had no problems hide feeling, The only exception was wher she was undercover with the Attori… Lisa was the last one who got under her skin this much… Kyle asked Ansel to show Mark Magathroneskin around and asked Adrian to take over his duties. He really should have asked Adrian as technically
60 he was the one with no duty on this mission but he wanted to keep the guest away from sarcastic remarks as much as possible. Mar Mark Magathroneskin was tall and very good looking he entered the door and found Kyle, Olga and Ansel on the bridge. “Hello, I m your unwanted stowaway for the trip.” He said with and emberassed smile. “Welcome abroad, this is Lt Olga Hegel, and Lt Ansel Axel, he will be your host for the fisrt 12 hours. I m Kyle... “Thanks Captain, I dont think there is anyone who would not know the legendary Kyle Christopher Kameron” he said “I am Huge fan and really greatful I can be in the same ship with you and your crew, and really dont want to get in the way, I would love to learn though so if Lt Ansel would not mind to show me some ... I dont know ... what do you do?” “mainly advenced match and calculation and observing algorythms and” started to explain Ansel with great enthusiasm “i think you lost him with Maths” said Olga as she watched Marks face go from cheery to worried. “sorry lt, maths was never my table” “Oh Olga is much better in the area then me... she really should have my job...” he realised he should not said that. Mark stared at Olga ans Ansel and was really surprised ny the blant statment, was used to more brownnosing the system, then somone just blantly
61 saying its not fair to not choose the less talented male over a more talented female. “I see, yes I keep trying to showcase it in my movies, but the censors dont like it, and yes most my movies are codirected by April, but to be fair she does the heavy lifting but cant give her the credit.” Ansel felt a bit lighter about his statment. Mark tried to take his eyes off Olga but was just really amazed by her beauty, she was so pretty, raven hair and gray eyes. She was fairly short but really pretty. Olga usually hated to be stared, however when she noticed MArk staring she slighly blushed and smiled “Can I help you Mr Magathroneskin?” “sorry, i was staring that obvious... I m just ... you so beautiful… I seen you on pictures but I thought they airbrushed you… as you looked perfect but… you looki like that now…” Kyle was gettin unconfortable Olga hated when guys ogled her and he knew it “Maybe Ansel could show you the launch” “sorry Lt Kameron, did not mean to objectify you crew… I am just …” Adrian arrived with his coffee saying a cheery Hi to Mark when they were introduced. olga laughed “ I think I want to hear more, its not every day i get complimented form someone who hangs with movie stars” “fair does Olga” he turned to Mark “i have no objection if she does not mind. Olga walked up to
62 him and pat him on the shoulder “he is like a big brother” he announced as he walked out with Ansel and Olga.Kyle felt a bit strange by that, but they did know each other forever... “Dude” he heard Adrian “did she just FRIENDZONED you?” “Yes, I think so!” Said Kyle with confusion. “Wow! Go get first aid that must sting your ego like hell!” Tamara was sitting in the launch when the trio entered. she stood up and very formally introduced herself.” “Does Kyle Kameron collects beauiful people in board... seriously its like i handpicked you all in a casting, even you Ansel, you are like someone I would audience for the surpringly hot dork” Olga laughed “he is, isnt he? Kyle makes us work out a lot, hence the good physic, and Tamara is just very beautiful.” “thats my point you all are, Adrian, you girls, Ansel... Kyle... how about Erik pls tell me he is ugly!” “Well you have to ask my wife” said Erik who entered during the last sentence. They all laughed. Mark introduced himself as he looked at the tall blonde with green eyes...”well if space patrol does not work for you guys give me a call I give you all a lead role” he joked. The first 2 days of mission was rather uneventful, Mark shadowed Ansel or Olga and they were teach-
63 ing him how to do very basic staff like space observation or simple navigational tasks. Olga found herself really liking the attention she got from the tall handsome filmmaker. She noticed that it bothers Kyle which made her feel good, she was moving on from being reomantically attached to him and hoping one day will be together, but it was nice to see hi jelous. She knew it was petty and needless, but it still felt good. She watched him for years dating women and kind of keeping her on the side. They were friends but Kyle was well aware that Olga kept herself available for him... and she thought he might realise one day she likes her... but then Tamara turned up, and he witnessed Kyle acting very differnently arround her, he never seen him like that around any other women. He was a terrible womaniser, but he never had a second date. The only woman he slept with him and remained in contact was her. But then Tamara came in the picture... Olga really tried to hate her, but she couldnt. She was really nice to her, and they became very good friends. Olga headed for a coffee and found Tamara there having a break.”Hey” Olga greeted Tamara. “Hello, did lost Mark?” she asked. “Its nice to get attention” admited Olga feeling the bitterness towards Kyle constant attention towards someone else. “I am sorry Olga” “For?” “Kyle, i know you like him...”
64 “and i know he likes you...” Admited Olga sadly as she sat down, she felt like crying for a second so quickly added “ and i cannot even fucking hate you for it because we friends” “That”s good I really would not like you to hate me, dont want to be those cliche women in movies who fight over a guy” “well, now you say it we have a box session later” Tamara shook her hand and laughed and Olga joined her. Adrian came in with a bored expression “this mission is so boring!” “well maybe you should quit playing games in your cabin and come out and help” “sure mum, btw where did you leave your celberity boyfriend?!” “Kyle teaching him to fly the ship” After 2 weeks of boring tasks in zone 450, Mark felt like an additional part of the crew. He listened well, and was able to carry out tasks for setisfactory results. They were finishing the last satellite, when Mark realised the mission is nearly over and he will miss the crew a lot, especially Olga. They grew pretty close to each other and he just did not want his time end on the board of the Capricornus. “Captain Kyle” he started knowing well, addressing him like that annoyed him “could I fly one on the Arks? I just want to feel what would it be like alone on a ship flying towards nothing.”There are like 15 habiatable planets around so not exactly
65 edge of nothing” snirled Adrian.”Besides you never would be alone it is against a some rule...” Olga lokked at Tamra for hel”Article 652 Health and SAfethy in Space” she added”Yes I think that is a definate no” answered Kyle “it is agaist protocol for a reson, noone flies an ark alone and especially not one without training. Lt Kowalsky was shown how to fly the ark yet she is not allowed to do it by herself, until she passes her test.””I dont think I want to...””You should Tam, its safer” said Erik with a reinsureing voice “We know you dont like it but you really should take the exam.”Mark nodded but decided he will find a way, but went with the converation “Tamara dont like ... what?””Space travel” said olga withouth thinking and wished she would have bit her tongue. She got really close to MArk let her guards down and found heerself telling him things she should not be telling. “Its ok Olga its not a secret” said Tamara to ease the tension. “Mark possibly knows that Secret Service does not care much about personal preferences when they appoint you. Kyle, do you think it would be beneficial?””Definatly, it is much safer if you can fly the ship.”Tamara took a deep breath “put me forward then” she said. Mark was looking for an opportunity to sneak out to one of the Arks, he knew they can be launched manually from the hangar. So was looking for an opportunity shake everyone off and “steal” an ark. Kyle sent everyone for a rest except himself and Adrian who were on duty doing the administration to the
66 satellite checks, the work was boring and time consuming so they will be entertained for a while and he could sneak into the hangar and take one of the Arks. He bumped into Tamara on the corridor, she was wearing a hoodie as most of crew was dressing casual when off duty. “Hey, Tam” he said smiling. “Hey Mark, whats up?” she smiled back. Mark was always amazed how pretty she was. He really grew close to Olga... “You off duty as well?” “Yes, Kyle sent most of us offduty” she answered casually, I m off to the gym, if you fancey to join.... “Who is on duty?” the question came quite sudden and his body language shown eagerness then usual. Made Tamara slightly suspicious, he secret service skills suggested he need this information for something.”Are you asking if Olga is in duty?” she asked in a flirty was so he will not get suspicios of her questioning him .Body language told it had nothing to do with Olga and the pause was suggestiong he needs to consider the next sentesce so he does have something to hide. “Uhmmm... was just wondering if they needed a coffee...”He is not bad at the game thought Tamara, she flirtashously tapped his shouldes “aww, you so sweet... Its Kyle and Adrian, so Lattes one no sugar and one with threee! Its so nice to meet you I always thought celebrities were like stuck up and egotestic....” She had to was trying not
67 to throw herself to much at him to make a move, but enough to feel confident and reviel more... “you so beautiful” he said as he stepped closet straking her face. shit she over did it. She tilted her head slighlt to trap his hand with her shoulder as face as she maintained eye contact and smiled. She looked like she really wanted him at the minute and then given hin the complate cold shower: “I thought you fancied Olga” It worked, Mark got really confused stepped back as Tamaras hold over her hand became less tight. “I....””she is beautiful...” “ummm....” “Its ok you dont have to make a choice we just you know... friends?” she said as she offered him a way out, hoping he will take it. “Sure...” “ITs just fun she said in againg with a very flirty smile, and slowly walked away, with emphesized over the top sexy walk like a runway model. Mark was just standing there really confused over pretty much everything but knowing now he needs to make those drink otherwise it will get suspicious. One the corridor door shut Tamara flirt smile and cat walk disapeared as she hurried to the bridge. “Kyle, MArk is up to something.” “Like” asked Adian “Dont know buthe was acting strange, he will bring some coffee so just try to... keep an eye... sorry dont have much”
68 Kyle was quite surprised by Tamara, and he wondered if she was so long with Secret Service to have paranoid thoughs. “OK... thanks...” he said. Tamara got the hint that he did not take this seriously so instead of going to her cabin she headed to the launch hoping to spend more time with Mark. The drinks were in the launch but MArk was nowhere. Tamara asked Paia for the whereabout of MArk but Paia was offline. she headed back to the bridge, bumping to Adrian at the door. “Mark made us coffee and told me to come and get it”. She was now runnign to the bridge. “Kyle Paia is offline” “What? PAia system report” “Sysytems online reboot succesfull” Kyle started to get an uneasy feeling “Who gave order for rebout?” Tamara asked “MArk” “Location for MArk?” “Hangar” “shit! jumped Kyle up wanting to run” No i go you stay on the bridge... until Adiran comes back” “Ok, go” Tamara run to the hangar door but was closed try to open but couldnt “PAIA, open the door” “I m afraid that is not possible”
69 “I m LT Kowalsky by article 102 I am giving you a prioroty order to” “Lieutenant, the pressure difference makes me unable to open the door, if I would do that that would went most life support to space and I would compromise your safety as well. “Shit” “Connect me with Mark record converstion... MArk this is Lt Kowalsky, I order you not to so this, you are compromising your safety and others on the ship. If you go ahead I will have no choice but to arrest you and put you in hybernation for the rest of the journey. Please close the bay doors leave the ark and return to the corridor.MArk heard the message his heart was pumping, he never felt so alive in his live he just became like Kameron a real space cowboy. He pressed the supported launch button and shoot Ark 1 out to space. “See you soon Tam, just take it for a spin and come back.”Tamara slammed the wall in her annoynce. Kyle came running... “Alarm went off... the pod door””HE stole ark 1 and went for a spin””shit... should have listen... I did not take you warning serious...””Not surprised I have nothing but a hunge””PAIA remind me to listen to Tamaras hunge”Tamara smiled but then burried her face in her hands...”Kyle this is bad... not even sure what to advice...””Hey, its ok, its just some idiot trying to prove he is a big boy...””He is an idiot in our care and... he has important friend... you will never get reinstat-
70 ed... “ Kyle shook his head as he watched the obviously upset Tamara.”wow... didnt realse you care so much...” he smiled”oh stop this smug shit... you know i do....””really... I thought you were knocked off your feet by grand teft space ship Mark?””Omg... you jealous... “ Tamra couldnt hep what laugh... “shouldnt we do something?””My cabin is just around the corner””Whatever i meant...””The ark is automated Adrian possible controlling it already... soon he will be back and he can impress all the girls with his big story... so lets just get back where we were...””no lets not, besides you cant even decide if you jelouse about me or Olga and sorry but not good enough””you said you were not interested anyway, so why is that matter...””Because i dont want to spaend 5 years running after a guy who fucks everything in his way”Now thats a bit unfair they heard Adiran he never fucked a table or a corps””Adrian, I got this thank you... How long have you been there?””since she you told her about your cabin... i wanted to watch you burn... unfortunetly have no popcorn to go with the show... By the i put ark 1 on a croise course, he will has a nice controlled trip and should return in 20 mins””- Good job mate, but pls try to be less creepy in future””Why? its funny”Tamara chuckled. “He has a point”about?”table shagging, I think you should find one and...””Kyle, Lt Kowalsky just gave you a priority order so go screw a table””You both are beyond help” she rushed to the bride to look at control pannels, she considerred reporting it but was worried about
71 the consequences to the crew... she realised that is so not like her... she thought once its over she will talk to kyle and decide what will be the best to put in the ship diary, as she tried to supress the voice telling her that she starting to lie for him... she was very frustrated, especially of the fact that joke or not she actually did want to go to with Kyle to his cabin.... She was sitting at observation watching Ark one going on a straing line very controlled. Kyle and Adrian came back and Kyle placed a tea in front of her”Sorry Tam, I am an asshole””Noted” MArk felt his heart pumping in his ears, he felt the adrenalin flooding his body and excitment of this new experience taking over every single part of his body. He never felt so alive, the ship was under his control as it slowly drifted into the darkness of space. The ark Paia confirmed the route and assisted his take off (most ships could work fully or partially automated). He set off for an 2 hrs cruise around the area wanted to have a closer look at the planet and its 4 moons nearlby. After 30 minutes he noticed the Ark was changing course and heading towards Capricornus. “PAIA, why are you changing dicerction?””Prioroty Order from Lt Torrino. 30 Mins cruise approaching but returning before we get into high orbit of Laurel 2. Order is not to be overwritten or modified.””PAIA assited flight more off””Mark, you will have no assistance and you not quilified as a pilot I m afraid I will have to refuse your request.”
72 Mark watched as Laurel 2 gets furthere behind and decided he will disaable PAIA, he might not be a tech wizard but he coulg just use one of the crew emergency lazer gun to disable it. He got the gun out of the armory draw. “Mark, may i warn you that shooting on board can risk your safety, you may demage important controls like”Mart aimed at PAIA communication light and took a shot. “Atmos filted demaged. Suitable air without recycling is 5 mins. I suggest you slow your breathing as we too far from both Capricornus or a suitable planet. Searching for suggestion, distress signal sent” There is a Moon nearby only 7 minutes away, by then you should only experience light head ache I would advise you to put shileds up on landing as it is a preison colony. PAia what is the moon called? Anubis 4. Chill ran through Marks spine, that was one of the touchest prison planet. Only the ones with no hope of rehibilitation was sent to here. There are no guerds there either. Inmates put into hybernation pods sent down to the mercy of those who already there. Noone knows what happens in there. Escape is impossible you only can fly in as it has a magnetic field which locks you in and you will not be able to leave without a long code only known by high ranking officers.... and he is heading there! and will have to open his door to let air on
73 Mark Satrted to panic as the Ark adjusted its route and headed to the prison moon. He felt the warms as they burnt through the athmosphere, luckily PAIA reminded him to switch shields up as Atmos is offline. As he landed he seen groups of people approaching, it looked maddening, they were half naked wear long beard and all of them carried strange large opbject - possibly as weapons. They straight away started tp bombard his ship with stones. He asked PAIA how long will the shield last and got quite nervour when he heard the answer Due to mutliple system failer due to shooting the panel energy circulation is ineffective, shileds will be 100% for 6 hrs.... He was screwed. He really regreted to take the ship! “Kyle, MArks ship went offcourse!” Reported Tamara “Adrian, go and wake the rest of the crew up this might not end well” Warning lights started to flash as the energerncy messgae came in “Capriconus 6 its PAIA ARK 1, multiple system failer, Atmos is offlive remaining Air 7 minutes, tehre is no safe way to reach Capricornus, tehre is no trained pilot on board to follow protocol therefor i m going to land Ark 1 on nearest celectial body capable of life support, which is Anubis 4.”
74 Negative hold position, tell Mark about the medical oxygen or instruct him to put space suit on and we go and get him estamed arrival 8 minutes. Over Negative Capricornus, Mark is not quilified to use such equipment safely, i need to get him to a planet with breathable athmosphere. OVER “PAIA.... shit... Tamara what do we no f Anubis 4?” “Hard core prison planet for the worst criminals... no guerds anarchy. You not allowed to land there, if you do you could be court marshalled....””we need to get that idiot.””yes i know... how did the Ark malfunction””its not possible he must have dameged it on purpose, Arks are designed to sustain you for months... i dont know... even if i risk landing i dont know the code to leave the planets magnetic lock...””i do””what?””I ... had a mission nearby and was entrusted with it as we had an agent in trying to infiltrate a radical... who turned out to be just some nutty relegious phanatics worhipping gas people or something like that” she added. “BTW thats off record””- this hole shit is””agreed, lets get out of this shit...” Kyle directed the Ship to a lower orbit to the moon. Nealy crew was present trying to work out possiblities of saving MArk. “I want the to see we here and he is not alone” he added “Adrian get warpons ready in case we need to demonstrate force!””Already, done””Great work, Olga...””she is not here yet” said Ansel”Premission to go check on her?” asked Tamara”Granted, Ansel take over observation”
75 Tamara headed to Olgas location she got from PAia, she was in the launch, as she seen Tamara she quickly wiped her tears, her eyes and nose were red and puffy, she was definatly crying. Tamara sat down “He will be fine, we will find a way... “”There is no way pff anubis 4...””Olga I know the code, Kyle never leaves a man behind” “I got him in so much shit...” “you did?””I knew he will take the ark he told me, he wanted to take me for a ride but i refused... i should have...” “should have could have would have but you didnt... focus on now” “but... i ...””yes, you made the wrong decision... humans do that, how you can make it better so wash your face ger off your ass and help” “Kyle wont forgive me...” “then he is an asshole and a hypocrite”Olga looked at her puzzled “Kyle is not exactly someone who makes choices based on rational thinking and facts, he is a hotheaded asswipe who does shit because he wants to... you just did exactly that... so he can just suck it up... now for the last time get your shit together and help, before you guys all get to marshal court” Olga washed her face and they headed down to control room. As they stepped in she looked at Kyle and burst out in tears,”It ok we get your boyfriend back” he meant it as a reinsurance but did feel the annoyance in his voice as he said as he yet again felt jelous. Olga ran out crying” Nice one, Captian. Go
76 and talk to her” instructed Tamara sharply”Have bigger fish to fry then Olgas heartache””I can order you to do so...dont you get it... you need to talk to her... right now she is incapable to do her duty... for goodness sake go talk to here we good here””OK... right guys, captain bossy pants in command while i go and talk to olga about feelings...” Olga was sitting in the corridor crying”is he really that special?” he heard Kyles voice “Why are you jelous after years not giving a crap for years?” “I do give a crap just thought it would mess up the team integrity... which kind of was right” “but you dont love me” “I do Olga I love you… you guys are like family to me and i do not like that slime ball around you... you deserve someone better in my view... but i m an ass it should be up to you... and you are right have no place to be jelous... and should have not made you think there should be something ... “You like her more...” “I like her a completely different way... maybe if I wouldnt be so scared years ago to get involved with you in a serious way we could have had a chance” he sat down next to her “ i did have feelings for you similar i have for Tamara now, but was scared and did not want it to come in the way... and i neither wanted to let you or myself moved on... so sticked with one night stands... and i am really sorry if i hurt you, kid... you and these guys are my family and i could not live without any of you.”
77 “Kyle i did something really shitty” “ok, worse then playing your best friends for years and jepodising her happiness?” “I might just got you court mashelled” “Lietenant, you do know we do that on Mondays, but it’s a Tuesday so will never forgive you” Olga smiled and put her head on Klyes shouldr he pulled her in to a hug Gon on spit your big betrayel out. “I knew he will take the Ark, he asked me to go with him and i refused” Olga I m so sorry... please forgive me... on my defence i am an emotionally immatutre dickhead with a huge ego and deep blue eyes” “what?””Oh you accidently sent me Tamaras diary as well with the hecked files. and since i m a dickhead i took a peek. stopped after that. But its a fair observation. BTW he calls me captain reckless.She is right.He kissed her forhead: Did i fuck up for good or can we be friends, i dont want to loose you ever... so why not me? ages ago why did you?Kyle thought it was really the wrong time but as she looked in her beautiful gray eyes filled with tears of desperation he decided he will tell her:I was terriefied of losing you, i thought you were way out of my league as you were too smart and beautiful to settle with me... by the look of it was a mistake... and i m sorry...Olga kissed his cheek “you never gonna lose me because we are friends... you are like family to me as well” she moved back look in his eye and said: Thanks for
78 being honest, I really appritiate it. now lets go and save my boyfriend....” “you not mad?” “Olga, the whole shit happened because I was mad… so yes I am a bit … but not angry with you… next time… tell me ok…” When they returned to teh bridge Ansel filled Kyle up with the progression. PAIA analised the planet 11 million inmates, most armed with primitice weapons made of stone and wood, some made of metal. “Incoming call” reported Ansel as Olga was about to take over. Olga slid in the chair. “i put it on the screen you will see them but they wont see us””Good plan, lieutenant said Tamara moving out of the captains chair letting him take over.”This is Capricornus Space Patrol, who am I talking to””I am Jo REd and we gonna skin you little mate in that pod alive””Jo, may I remind you the capricornus have fire power to take your planet out?”But you wont as that would take your mate out, innit?””OK i make it easier, you tell me what you want and we see what we can do.””I want women””Negative, Jo you not their type””Nah not your women, not that desperate, we dont want to fuck pigs, we want the real deal get us some sex robots.””OK Jo, that is something that we can arrange we age going to get you your women I m expecting my friend be in a fairly good condition by the time i m back ither wise i might take your missarable planet out of existence. “
79 OK, Adrian you Olga and Ansel stay here and keep this dickheads away use wapons if necessary. Erik, Tamara and I going to go to the Laurel and get some of their sex robots. Tamara I need you to negotiate as they possibly will want something for them, also need you to find gray areas in law. Tamara rolled her eyes and laughed a little inside herself, as Kyle was a terrible influence of her. She was actually about to help him in this insain plan, instead of reporting it and letting it be picked up by the system (which possible would end with the death of Mark, which none of them wanted) They got in the ark and set off.. “what a mess” sighed Erik as they left the Capricornus. As they approached the Laurel they got a video message. “this is the Laurel, we advise the unknown space craft heading towards us not to enter our atmosphere, as the planet is under quaranten” “this is ARK 2 from Capricornus 6 we requesting premission as we need urgent assistance” said Kyle “what kind of outbreak, why is not in the system” “Premission grandted we will assist you, advise you to wear space suit, as we cannot guarantee your safety otherwise.” Erik kept thinking he heard that voice before. As they landed in a closed hanger the entire room was sprayed with disinfectant. They got off wear-
80 ing theri space suit and headed to the control room where they found a group of very beautiful similar looking women in miner uniforms. “I am Cp. Kyle Kameron” he said as he looked for someone in charged. “Captain stood up one of the Robots I am Grace... I took charge once all miners were sick. they all in hybernation pods and we still waiting for assitance from the New Earth Empire” “Grace... you did not state your full name or... status... and why are you have no portective gears on?” said Kyle as he was very confused. Tamara stepped forward “Captain, they androids... they dont have full names... Grace, I m Lt Tamrara Kowalsky from the secret Service thank you for filling us in , for how long have you had this situation?” “a year exactly from yesterday” “Have you reported it?” asked Erik “Of course you can access our log” as she said it the information popped up on all monitors “I reprogrammed the system so I can telekinetically link to it” explained grace. That is very impressive, said Tamara. She flicked through the data. So why did you get no help? asked Kyle No information on that said Grace I am very concerned about the humans. Kyle they constracted Grace to pose as humans and carry out the mining.
81 So they got the sex robots to pose as humans and work? Asked kyle with astonighment I pefer the term pleasurebot, but yes they did, that exacly. “Sorry, I didnt mean...” “Its ok, no worries” “You look very convincing...” said Tamra i mean “Yes we look, and feel as women” we were a new prototype. so much so that the visur effected us too, cousing skin rash and some other minor issues on our biosyntetic bodies. Tamara read the log and was gettin more and more concerned. The virus started after they opened an new chamber in the mine where they found some remain of alien life. Soon later some miners got sick and died, but the ones who survived became extreamly violent, the virus seemed to effect the brain speech went to basics and empathy went non existent as it destroyed neurons on the frontal lobe. The sufferes became raging wildling who attacked others and raped and murdered and eaten each other. Grace decided to interfere and used a sedative drug airborne in the station then they put all survivors to hybernation pads, and reported it to Earth Empire. They got a message from Fork asking to take over the mines and if someone aproaches pretend to be humans, and their cooperation is crusial for the New Earth Empire. “wow Grace this is heavy, how you guys coping? i mean emotionally, i can see you
82 doing a great job and fulfilling all duty.””You talking to me as if i was human””According to the report you feel and react as one, and my observation was the same””We doing ok, I still have some flashed of bad memories for the day when this started to happen”Tamara was quite surprised “flashes? You experiencing bad memories coming back?””Yes” said Grace and looked upset.”wow, you have like PTSD?” asked KyleGrace internally accessed the meaning of the word via the netwok”afirmative she said”Thats amazing” said Tamara. “you really evolved!”Tamra seen they also producing the pleasurebot in here on the planet. “So you running the whole planet, no Humans?””no, but we make sure we disinfect the girls before boarding them on ships... But anyway how can we assist you? Your ship has no mulfunction...””A member of a crew accidentlly landed on Anubis 4, the prison planet, they told us we get them some pleasurebots or they kill him...” said Kyle as he was wondeing what he can promise to the robot in return.”We happy to assist how many pleasurebots would you require?” Kyle thought it was way to easy.”Why would you help us like that” “Robots shall aid humans in any situation” quated Tamara “Yes” smiled Grace. “ I volunteer, Marilyn will take charge and I will go with you with two volunteers.”
83 Tamara was shocked “why? you know what is waiting for you there?” “I rather go and send one of the newgils to such a traumatic experience” Kyle suddenly felt really bad.... “wait Grace we cant do this, you said you have feelings you will be repeatedly raped” “Thats are prior function” said Grace and she seemed sad. “This is wrong” “Captain your crew is in trouble we will help” Kyle was walking up and down thinking he just cannot deliver these girls to Anubis “Kyle” said Erik “I dont like this either makes my sking crawl” “We might be able to trick them...” said Tamara “with my device... Great. Grace returned with 2 other girls. “This is Sandra and Naomi” she said they all were wearing now fashionable clothing and high hills. “we ready to go” The hangar again disindected them before they stepped into the Ark. Tamarabot On the Capricornus they were getting ready to execute the plan, Tamara and Grace changed cloths, and Tamara was going to pretend she is one of the robots whilst simulating the 3 girls on Anubis but they will all get on the ship and leave the illusion will disappear once they are in the air. Simple.
84 They were about to land when Ansel made the call: “Anubis 4…we got what you wanted get our crew member ready for the swap.” There was no anwer Tamara felt uneasy so she gave Olga another device similar to her, Olga something is not right this can make you disappear if you want to all you have to do is imagine you disappear. Captain… you should hide one weapon in the bridge just in case.” Kyle had a bad feeling too… he followed the advice “Tamara you don’t have to …” “Its fine, concentrate on the saving Mark not on me” They landed on the moon where there was no space ship landed for 100 years. Tamara had the chills something felt really wrong. The radio now called them and it was a new voice, sounding cold calculated and vely calm, chillingly calm. Tamara had goose bumps by listening to them. This man meant cusiness and their deal will be way more complicated. “unless you want your friend dead, you all come out unarmed, your friend was kind enough to tell us the exact number of the crew, so come out and bring your weapons, no tricks as I know you both have one small laser guns so I m exepecting all of that.” Tamara looked at Kyle “I have a plan a Captain, so just follow it we have two extra weapons from Grace… so lets just play dumb…and deliver us, and I will create a diversrion… and we can get Mark back on board…”
85 “Agreed… are you sure you want to go in a robot?” “Well, you all think I can pass one so lets put it to the test… Grace you still ok to do this? “Yes, if that saves that man’s life.” “we good Captain” They got off the ship. And put their guns in front of their feet except Tamara, who hide hers with the device and created a vision of one on the ground. “Welcome to Anubis 4 I am your host Luther Cole” he said in a very cold sarcastic tone. Tamara felt more and more uneasy by the minute. He looked at the crew. “Yes he did say you all pretty… “a blonde in secret service… unbelievable…” said a another guy, he looked tall, skinny but strong and had the same dead inside impression but looked more hatefull and passionate “I thought you don’t have enough brain to peel a potatoe…” he said as he was staring at Grace. “Most potetoes are sold peeled, besides the skin is eidable” “shut up slut, noone asked you” said he said “now take it easy Brian” said Luther with a chilling smile. “they are our guest. They here for a reson.” Yes said Kyle, we got your robots “oh we not those stupid crooks who bothered about such workdly things…” smiled Luthor “we want to go and meet our Gods” Tamara knew they were in deep shit
86 Crooks she can manage. They easy to manipulate by their need but religious fanatics are another story. As they all surrounded them Luther used a floating device to rise above and started his speech “My friend, just like our profet told us these sinners arrives to give us the Ark to the reach the promise land of the Gas People” Kyle started to getting the chills as well… they cant mean the Ghost… noone is that stupid…. “The Gas People were waiting for our arrival for a long time so we can go there and became one of them. We will decend into god like being because we are the chosen ones…” “Are you fucking nuts?” – Asked Adrian… “Gas People? Are the made of faírts or something?” Brian walked up to him and punched him “You will learn respect” he shouted as he spat on Adrian who was now on the ground. Grace tired to calm the situation: “we brought you those robots” Luther smiled “ we do not care about the pleasure of the flesh because the Gas People will give us great unworldly joy when we arrive.” Arrive where? She asked “to the GIA 451 galaxy” Olga felt her knee going jelly like as she started to shake “Kyle that’s where the Ghost is origanet, they want to take us to the Ghost.”
87 No, not you, you not worthy… laughed Brian Only the ones chosen by profet can reach the paradise wolrd of the Gas Pople “you do realize there is no oxygen in this paradise wold?” asked Klye but the anwer was another punch from brian which force pushed him to the ground next toAdrian “Sinners will not see the light, just like our profet said” “So you just planning taking the ship and leaving us here? Asked Kyle No, I am planning to kill you leave the women and take the ship “You are disgusting” shouted Adrian as he got kicked in the head by Brian “There is a miscalculated aspect” said Grace. “Pardon me Lietenant?” “There are many checkpoints from here to there if the Capricornus goes off course they will call you, especially heading to that location, and if there is no answer they will just shout you out in the edge of known space…” Then we will be the marrys of our mission screamed brian as the others shouted and enthusastcally… “yes, but you will be dead noneof the less” said grace again “ if you take us on board we can help you get there and they wont realize we heading that way unsless its too late”
88 Luther stared at Grace… “you would help us?” “I rather help then die it’s an easy calculation” said Grace. “Can robots seek the light of the Gas people? Asked Tamara Luther looked at her with a pearcing look, but only see curiousity “The profet says all who help the cause of the holly war against the evil human system can seek the light” the crawed loudly cheered as Tamara stepped next to Luther and exclaimed in a monton voice “ people made me to be used ad thrown away I seek the light the Gas People can bring…” Kyle realized what she was doing…”Luther, he said, you know who we are?” “Kyle Kameron…” “You know how many times the Empire fucked me over when I done nothing but saving their ass constantly… maybe we could negotiate a better deal with the Gas People, I would love to hear what your profet gotta say… look at us, Olga who should be my engineer but she cant because she is a woman, me who does nothing but works for them and they give me a BAVBYSITTER… I am happy to take you there and lie to those bastards, they wont see it coming…” Luther was suspicious by then Brian and the crowed shouted the light comes Gas People as the Tamara and Kyle and the rest of the crew joined in.
89 They all got a member of the Gas People Clan signed to watch them expect Tamara and the two other girls they were sent to continuously make food and drinks for the remaining 54 people in Hangar where the Arks usually are. Luckily, this space cruisers are designed to create and recycle air and sintetise food so they had no problem with resources shortage. Luther signed Abigor to watch the girls. Abigor seemed tame compare to the other klan memebers. He was rather polite to Tamara and the rest of the team most of the girls most of the time and did not seem that brain washed either. He was mainly polite to Tamara and the girls, reinsuring them that the Gas People will treat them well once they got there and all the sexual harassment will stop. Olga was feeling really uneasy with Brain constantly on her back. He asked many questions and he was creepy and she could feel him staring at her legs and lips and chest as she was trying to show him how to do Space Observation. As she was staring at the monitor looking busy but really doing not much – the whole crew was doing things as slow as possible – she noticed she had visions of the girls, sandwiches and could here Abidor’s voice. She concentrated and asked herself “am I seeing what Tamara does?” “Yes, Olga you are I am was trying to reach out for ages” she heard her voice inside her head
90 She jumped up “holly cow” she screamed and realized she just called out loud “Captain, I need the bathroom I think I m getting my period and just…” “sure Lietenant, take your time” Kyle said knowing that she was up for something” “I thought women get injections to stop…” “Luther, I don’t question my staff about things like that medication is not always 100% we both know that… besides… what if she is lying what will she do in the toilet strangle you with loo paper???? You think that’s her evil plan? She will take you and another 60 people out with tampons and a plunger?” Luther looked at both of them “Brian, go with her.” “I insist my crew to have the dignity to be left alone in the toilet” said Kyle struggling not to lose it. Luther nodded “let her go in the cubical by herself” When she was finally alone she called out “Tam, “ she called out whispering “I m here” she heard the voice inside your head “don’t answer out loud just think” “how?” “it’s the device I was trying to call out to you and finally realized how to do it, I concentrate on you call out your name inside your head and then starting to see what you see…” “I saw your hands…” “yes I saw the monitor too… what is the plan?” “I don’t know Kyle is making him talk a lot about the Ghost and he gives him all the details about we were mistreated by the Empire2
91 “Yes can you ask Grace to do the same…” “don’t know how…” “she can access files… “ “like heck her?” “well you hecked my secret service files…” “how do you know?” “not important.. you good at this…” “Kyle is delaying everything we going slowest as can but still we will get there soon” “how soon” “8 hrs” “so they will be tired” “so will we…” “try to take a break” Olga got out the bathroom and headed back to the bridge “Captain, I m not well may I request a s short break?” Kyle looked at Luther he nodded. Brian will accompany you to the launch. “thanks” she said. “I just check something out before I do she said and typed something in her pad” “Kyle it looks all clear, I think you done a good job avoiding decection she said. She looked at Grace “you ok Tamara?” Grace was telling her with disbelief “Yes… I am … Ok.” “Lt Kowalsky, you will get tired from so much standing come sit down” Grace walked to the seat next to Kyle and sat down.
92 “I hope the Gas People have more honor then the secret service” she said “what do you mean?” asked Olga on her way out. “Well, I was promised a diplomatic mission if I am successfully collect intelligence on the AttOri and here I am… babysitting a manchild” she said with resent in her voice. Luther looked at Grace with curiocity then started to preach “you see my children, the Empire messes us all even the ones who blindly follow them and sin in their name… even the one ones like Tamara or Kyle”! “They never let me to retire” butted in Erik. “Don’t you worry my children the Gas People will wash your sins away and will bring you enlighten!” Kyle had to really control himself not to laugh. Olga headed to the launch went to the corner took a sleeping pill and set her alarm for 4 hrs later. She woke up and saw Tamara the girls and Abidor. Brian was not there, she felt relieved. She sat up and started to drink coffee that Tamara gave to her. Tamara was starting to feel a bit unwell as she did not drink or eat or rest or been to the loo for hours as a robot none of those should happen. “Abidor” strarted Olga “tell me about the Gas People profet” “He found as through the computer and gave us visions of their world and the utopia we will be”
93 “You were right Tamara heard Olgas thoughts “they have similar technology!” “So how long have you been on Anubis?” she asked “35 years” “that’s long” “what did you do before conviction?” “robotics” he said “oh…you know they came over a lot since then they can even imitate bodily functions! Grace show her have some water” Tamara went and drank a glass, she felt better. “that’s amazing” said Abidor “will se unrinate? “yes but it will be still water” said Melanie. “we are designed to cater for all sexual pleasure and some guys like… kinky things “ she added as she went and drank a glass of water as well. “would you like to observe me peeing?” she asked. “no… that was never my thing…” Tamara noticed how said he sounded, she reached out to Olga and asked her to access Anubis files and see why he was there.” Olga went to the entertainment monitor “do you mind if I just check where we are?” she asked. “No it’s a inner circuit you cannot access outer files” Olga really struggled not to smile, she accessed the files Tamara asked for and sent a coded message to Space Patrol “we heading to an unown destination with hostiles on board if we pass any further then Secort 508 destroy our space caft immidietly.
94 “Tam, I sent a message2 “yes I have heard your thought…” “Ok just checking Abidor now… he is a gender traitor… OMG they sent him there for homosexuality… bit harsh” “keep calm… deep breath” Olgas was visually distressed and upset. Abidor went to have a look but just see a star map. “what happened?” “we close and I m just a bit… scared” said Olga. “Abidor… why were you sent to Anubis?” “I was a very wicked man with unpure thoughts but the Gas People healed me.” “Healed you from what?” “unpure thoughts” “wow” said Olga slowly “they sound awesome! I have those thoughts about Kyle… and Mark as well. Do you think they could help me?” “they will clean us all from the sins!” Coffee time said Tarama holding up a tray full of brews. Yes I radio it to Luther. They entered the Bridge “Olga can you get the hangar pressure low enough to make it impossible to open the door but keep enough life support so they don’t die?” “I try” she thought as she walked to the panel and reprogrammed it, simultaneously silencing Paia so she wont ask question out loud, and overrighting safetly warning which should happen in case of emergency such as like that. She dropped the air
95 pressure so drastically that most of them were unconscious within seconds then slightly pumped it back so they survive. Also jammed their signal so even if they try to radio theu wont be able to talk anyone but Paia, who was directed not to respond. “done” Tamara walked up to Luther. “Olga get one gun!” “Quite a perfect little bot” said Brian checking out Tamara “boss why don’t we have a last party with the girls.. before we get all those sins wipe… I would not mind some more so they can give me for forgiving…” Olga felt her skin crawl and saw one of the crooks trying to grab her and Abidos stepping between. “get out of the way you filth, what you done there is no forgivness at least rape is natural” He was about to grab Olga but she disappeared. “where is that slut gun?” “the Gas People got her under their protection” exclaimed Tamara. They all stared at her. Brian now was heading towards her “they wont save you they know you nothing but scrapped metal” Luther pulled a gun out and held it to Graces head. “if Lt Hegel does not return I m going to shoot the spy bitch.” The lights went off in the cabin and music started with disco lights. Luther looked very engry his face was bright red and you could see the veins in his neck. “What the fuck is going on?” he shouted. Tamara achived to
96 make him loose the temper. Tamara jumped on the table, she was now wearing a long white gown and had light around her like an old picture in church. “The Gas People heard your call for party and given you the holly disco” she exclaimed. Brian was furious this robot chick mocking their belief got his gun “ a robot slut will not mock my devotion to my gods…” he felt someone behind her and felt the laser hitting his nerves as he collapsed and was parpalised. Luther was paranoidly pointing the gun from Tamara to Grace and Klye why were all just standing there unarmed. “The Gas People stroke down the fasle profet she exclaimed with her eyes wide and arms towards the ceiling. Another guy collapsed, Luther grabbed the radio and tried to call for backup. “Its to late the Gas People sent the sinners to sleep to see the enlighment” she exclaimed as another one collapsed paralised there was only Luther Abidor and one more still standing. Henrik felt someone passing him he could not see but grabbed and pulled. Olga became visible as Henrik got a knife to her throat. “Big mistake” Tamara explain “they hide her for purporse you shell suffer for that!” “Olga, when you ready whiggle out” she herad in her head.
97 Henrik felt his armed pulled away from Olga by an unseen force. “What the fuck he shouted as he felt something invisible holding him Olga whiggled out and disappeared” “Get out of the room and get to a computer” she heard Tamaras voice, so she did. “The Gas People will protect the chosen one from harm and hide her from the guilty” she said. Luther now was holding a gun to Kyles head. “Tam” she heard “they conscious and overriding your system “ hurry” she heard. She got nervous and lost control for a minute her white dressed vision diapeared and her real self with the gun became visible. “How the fuck can a metal slut do this?!” exclaimed Luther. “I am Lt Kowalsky from the secret service this game is over I suggest you lower your gun and I might show you mercy.” She said in a cold tone. “I thought she was a robot” said the bewielded Luther “welcome to the fucking club, we have Tshits said Adrian The door opened and 10 crooks came in Kyle wanted to shoot but realized he had flowers in his hand he threw it. Giving Kyle a chance to fight him. Tamara ran into the crowed and one by one diabled them with Taiki, Adrian and the rest went to help. After about ten minutes of fighting the bridge was theirs again everyone from Anubis was either
98 paralised or unconscious except Abidor who was just standing there with his arms up. Luther was pretending to be unconscious he realized those flowvers must be a mirage just like fake Tamra was so bent reached for it and aimed at it to Tamara. He felt a hit on his head and collapsed back. It was Abidor. “Thank you” said Tamara. “Everyone ok?2 asked Kyle “where is Olga? “I am in the launch don’t leave the bridge I had to vent athmosphere to disable the rest of them on the corridors.” “What about Mark?” “oh I told him to lock himself in the loo” he is safe. I also called Space patrol they know we were redirected and gained control back. “thanks Olga” Tamara looked very pale and unwell and set down. She felt very faint. “I am sorry captain I kind of used all my presents to create that mirage and communicate with Olga, may I rest please” “you have done great Tam” “I go get her food and drink said Melanie” she did not eat or drink the whole time… Abidor looked really sad “I m sorry we put you through this captain. I had a look in your files about the Ghosts on Olgas computer… whatever the empire is they nothing compare to them… I am very embarrassed… but that’s my life story. I guess you will kill me now?
99 “so far we did not kill anyone why should we start with you when you just saved a member of my crew.” “oh… I see… so what you going to ? “I am not a murdered, I will hibernate the bosses and the rest will remain in the hangar under low pressure until we arrive back to Anubis 4.” Kyle can I talk to you? Came is Olga We cant take Abidor back he is an innecent man. Kyle look puzzled “he was in Anubis He is gay. So they sent him there for no parole What? For that? Abidor… what did you do? Im a gender traitor. So you gay? They said that term was forbidden. Yes Empire likes forbidding fun stuff… so you didn’t actually harm anyone I hamed my partner made him astray from women Was it consentual? Well, I thought but in the camp thy told me…. Blimey… how long you been in Anubis for this? 35 year… Ok we not taking you back there! We will drop you off in an outer colony where you can live… but please don’t preach them about the Gas People… M gets kidnapped by inmates, gang of inmate, who wants sex robots gas people woship fanatics take over they demand the Capricornus, Kyle and Tamara play along saying they were mistreated
100 by secret service and space patrol and they want to take part of it and let them on board and take off with them towards the edge of civilisation but not with full speeed to win time. Adrian and Olga chimes in with stories how they were discriminated bexouse of their race and sex. they eventually overpower them and hand them over to the Space Patrol ship waiting for them in an arranged place negotiated by olga. They hand all but one the guy who were convented for homosexuality and they take them and the robots to an outer Atori planet where Tam reunite with her ex . they have a heart to heart and she tells her she was secret service as well and was placed therye to obsrve her. She tell her that there are Atori agents on Earth. She gives her the cure for the Space Maddness to cure the miners. The Capricornus calls the Space PArtol and finds out they taken the miners out (most of them some disappeares). Back on Capricornus Kyle and Tamara has a heart to heart and he comforts Tamara as she is a bit upset, things heating up between them. Kyle are you not afraid Tamara would be out of your league? A Saturn size planet directed towards Earth by the Ghost, they manage to blow it but by destroying the ship. Ended up in the ark heading to the Marwel (heavily damaged as they confronted and taken out the the Ghost observer ship). Ark1 makes it, Ark two gets disabled by space mine by the ghosts and Kyle and Tamara have to space walk across without a space suit.