Prophetic Playbook
2018 Edition
Lowell Taylor
You’ll have lots of questions.
Mark the pages, write down your questions, ask me.
Keep your book handy, I may refer you to it.
Wondering if this book is important?
Turn the page!
The first time you read the book be sure to read beginning to end.
Skipping around will more than likely confuse you.
Virtually everyone can feel and see our government, and our
society is in essence, going quickly down a river with lots of
rapids and we can hear the sound of waterfalls ahead.
Between now and about 2033 there are five critical
events (which I liken to waterfalls) I want to bring
to your attention.
First critical event is about a war. You will be reading about
it in chapter three. One thing that makes it so critical is that
it confirms we have the second critical event coming.
The second critical event is about the fate of the 50 United
States. You will read about it on pages 42 and 43.
The third critical event is news about the fourth critical
event which is the worst worldwide catastrophic event
since the flood of Noah’s time. You will read about the third
and fourth critical events in chapter seven.
The fifth critical event is the setup of the evil mark of the
beast monetary system. You will read about that on pages
111 to 115.
Here’s the great news: You , your family, and your loved
ones don’t have to stay in the river headed to disaster! As
you read the book you will see many of us can and will
have a bright future as we draw closer to Christ, learn about
the prophetic events of our day and we prayerfully work
with God to know what God would have us do to prepare
and prepare to help those not prepared.
You are in for a real treat as you discover the
abuntdantly rich, ever-so-important insightful
clues and answers covered in this short, rather
easy to read, engaging, powerfully informative,
uplifting, and motivating book.
Here is a list of over 50 of the many HUGE, MAJOR,
ASTONISHING and or significant Bible signs insights
discovered or pointed out.
1. John saw a succession of ____ kings leading up
to the return of Christ in power and glory. ................ 7
2. Daniel saw a succession of ____ kings leading up
to the return of Christ in power and glory. .............. 11
3. John and Daniel saw the same succession of ____
kings leading up to the return of Christ in power and
glory. .................................................................. 12-13
4. The ____ king gets the power, seat, and authority
of Satan and goes to fight Christ when Christ returns
in power and glory. .................................................. 14
5. The ____ king in the succession of ____ kings is
in power today. ................................................... 16-17
6. The country Persia in Daniel chapter 11 has been
identified as ______. .............................................. 20
7. The fourth king has been identified. ........... 20-21
8. The first king in the succession of _____ kings
has been identified. .................................................. 22
9. The second king in the succession of _____ kings
has been identified. .................................................. 22
10. The third king in the succession of _____ kings
has been identified. .................................................. 22
11. Daniel chapter ___ is the foundational chapter out
of all the Bible for understanding the general order of
the prophetic events of our day. .............................. 22
12. The ______ king has fulfilled Bible prophecy:
The ______ king is ____ ______ than the first ____
kings. .................................................................. 20-21
13. The _____ king is presently fulfilling the
prophecy of stirring up all against the realm of
_______. ............................................................ 24-28
14. The country Grecia in Daniel chapter 11 has been
identified as the ____. ........................................ 24-28
15. The country Persia in Daniel chapter 8 has been
identified as _____. ................................................. 20
16. The country Media in Daniel chapter 8 has been
identified as ______. .......................................... 34-38
17. President _________ of _________ has fulfilled
Bible prophecy. .................................................. 34-36
18. The two horns of the ram in Daniel chapter 8
has been identified as ________ _______ of Iran and
________ ________ of ________. .................... 31-36
19. ________ _________ of Iran and President
________ of _________ are fulfilling Bible prophecy
regarding the ram at this very moment. ............. 31-36
20. Grecia in Daniel chapter 8 has been identified as
the _____. .......................................................... 38-41
21. The goat and horn of the goat in Daniel chapter 8,
has been identified as _________ _______. ...... 38-41
22. The _____ is to attack _____ and ______ and
remove ________ ________ of _____ and ________
________ of _________ from power. ............... 38-40
23. When the ___ president (who attacks _____
and _______ and removes ________ ________ and
________ _________ from power) leaves office the
_____ will then split into _____ nations. ........... 42-43
24. When _____ splits into at least a kingdom of
the north and a kingdom of the south, the king of the
south includes the area of ______ and ______. 57-58
25. A prince of the king of the south will be the first
_____ of the kingdom of the ______. ..................... 58
26. The _____seal event, the worst worldwide
___________ event since the flood of Noah’s time, is
guessed to be coming about _____ to _____. .... 79-86
27. The _____ _______ system (the _____ of the
beast) gets setup after the _____ _____ _____. ...... 74
28. Mystery solved as to how after “_______ years”
the _______ king of the kingdom of the north builds
up a _______ army and still has “______ _______”. ..
.......................................... 120 (see 112-114, 119-121)
29. The main hub of the _____ ________ system will
be in a _____ that sits on ______ mountains. ....... 113
30. The dreadful and terrible king in Daniel chapter
__ has been identified to be the same person as the __
king in Revelation chapter 17:10, and the _____ head
of the seven headed beast in Revelation chapter 13
which had a _____ _______ yet lived. .................. 112
31. The ____ horns of the “another beast” in
Revelation chapter 13 are identified as _____. One of
the two kings has been identified as the person who
becomes the king identified as the “_____ _____” in
Daniel chapter 8. ............................................ 135-144
32. The “_____ _____” king in Daniel chapter 8 will
be a king from one of the _____ nations from the
former _____. He is not one of the four initial leaders
of those nations. ............................................. 135-144
33. The ____ horns of the “another beast” in
Revelation chapter 13 are identified as _____. One of
the two kings has been identified as the person who
becomes the king identified as the “_____ _____” in
Daniel chapter 7. ............................................ 135-144
34. The mystery is solved regarding the phrase in
Revelation chapter 17 verse 8: “the beast that ____,
and is ____, and yet ___.” ............................. 144-148
35. The meaning of “sanctuary of ________” from
Daniel chapters 7 and 11 is identified. ........... 157-159
36. The meaning of “_____ sacrifice” from Daniel
chapters 7 and 11 is identified. ............... 158-159, 163
37. The mystery is solved as to when the ____ king
gets the power, seat, and authority of Satan. ......... 160
38. The mystery is solved as to where the ____ king
gets the weapons to use to attack people and make
them feel they have been _____ by a _______. .... 160
39. Mystery is solved as to why the ____ king would
want the power, seat, and authority of ______. .... 162
40. Mystery solved: Why the ______ king says not to
_____ the trees, grass, or any green thing. .... 162-163
41. Mystery solved: What is the “abomination that
maketh _________”. ............................................. 165
42. Mystery of where the ___ king gets an army
of “two hundred thousand thousand” (two hundred
million if literal). ............................................ 165-167
43. Mystery solved as to when the evil __________
system and the city on ___ mountains is destroyed. ....
........................................................................ 167-168
44. Insight as to why the destruction of the evil
_______ system is good news for Christians. ....... 171
45. Mystery of when the first of ______ last plagues
is poured out. ................................................. 171-172
46. Insight as to why the seven last _______ could be
considered good news for Christians. ..........................
................................................. 171-173, 175-182, 184
47. Insight as to when the army of “two hundred
thousand thousand” (two hundred million if literal)
will kill ______ of the population. ................ 171-173
48. Insight as to why the _____ of “two hundred
thousand thousand” (two hundred million if literal)
may not be a major threat to Christians. ........ 171-173
49. Insight as to when the ____ witnesses begin their
ministry. ......................................................... 175-176
50. Mystery solved as to what plagues the two
________ smite the earth with. ............................. 176
51. Mystery solved: What is meant by Christ saying
“...And except those days shall be ________, there
should no flesh be ______...” (Matthew 24:21). ... 179
52. Mystery solved as to who is one of the two
_________. ............................................................ 185
53. Interesting insight! Three kings in Daniel chapter
7 will soon begin to reign if some aren’t already. It
appears all three kings will live to see the return of
Christ and then, they will have their ________ taken
away and yet their _____ will be prolonged. ........ 190
As you can see there are a lot of insights to be gained in
this story which brings out factual insights.
However, the list above are those HUGE, MAJOR,
ASTONISHING and or significant Bible signs insights
discovered or pointed out in the book. There are many more
besides those. for example: In addition to Daniel chapter
11 being the foundational chapters, I have found Daniel
chapters 7 and 8 to also be foundational chapters.
Plus, we haven’t even begun to consider the insights gained
in the other Bible prophetic events of our day.
Be sure to go to:
Here’s an interesting visual validation note:
In 2013 I printed a 210
Prophetic Points poster. Has happened
At that time in 2013, we Is happening now
were on green number 15. July
From 1925 to: 2013 2018
Now, in September of 2018... 1. 13.
look where we are! 2. 14.
3. 15.
4. 16.
5. 17.
6. 18.
7. 19.
8. 20.
9. 21.
10. 22.
11. 23.
12. 24.
Numbers 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 are knocking at our door!
I’m on to something! Something big! Really, really big!
Learn more about the 2018 edition poster at:
The Prophetic Playbook Story
2018 Edition version 1
© 2018 by Lowell Taylor
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced
or transmitted or stored in any form or by any means - electronic,
mechanical, recording, or other processes without written permission
from author.
Lowell Taylor, P. O. Box 7622, Mesa, AZ 85216
This is a fictional story to help bring out factual insights.
ISNB: 978-1-928705-10-9 (Softcover)
Dedicated to:
The glory of
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Ghost.
May we use this insight to draw closer to God
who is lovingly anxious to save, guide, and inspire us.
Enjoy your journey of learning about the
Bible prophetic events of our day.
You’ll have lots of questions.
Mark the pages, write down your questions, ask me.
Keep your book handy, I may refer you to it.
Wondering if this book is important?
Look at the list of discoveries!
The first time you read the book be sure to read beginning to end.
Skipping around will more than likely confuse you.
Virtually everyone can feel and see our government, and our
society is in essence, going quickly down a river with lots of
rapids and we can hear the sound of waterfalls ahead.
Between now and about 2033 there are five critical
events (which I liken to waterfalls) I want to bring
to your attention.
First critical event is about a war. You will be reading about
it in chapter three. One thing that makes it so critical is that
it confirms we have the second critical event coming.
The second critical event is about the fate of the 50 United
States. You will read about it on pages 42 and 43.
The third critical event is news about the fourth critical
event which is the worst worldwide catastrophic event
since the flood of Noah’s time. You will read about the third
and fourth critical events in chapter seven.
The fifth critical event is the setup of the evil mark of the
beast monetary system. You will read about that on pages
111 to 115.
Here’s the great news: You , your family, and your loved
ones don’t have to stay in the river headed to disaster! As
you read the book you will see many of us can and will
have a bright future as we draw closer to Christ, learn about
the prophetic events of our day and we prayerfully work
with God to know what God would have us do to prepare
and prepare to help those not prepared.
GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME....................................... VII
SUCCESSION OF EIGHT KINGS ..................................... 1
SUCCESSION OF EIGHT KINGS ................................... 19
THE FIRST KING OF GRECIA ....................................... 29
DANIEL CHAPTER 7 ...................................................... 49
ONE OF THE GRECIA AREAS ....................................... 63
< V >
THE SIXTH KING ........................................................... 69
THE SIXTH SEAL EVENT ........................................................ 79
RETHINKING OUR FUTURE ............................................... 87
THE END OF THE SIXTH KING .......................................... 111
THE SEVENTH AND EIGHTH KINGS ................................ 135
GETS SATAN’S POWER ......................................................... 157
THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES ............................................... 175
ABOUT THE AUTHOR....................................................... 195
< VI >
Get your head in the game!
Over the next little while as you read this short
story you are going to learn amazing insights about many
prophetic events. You will see for yourself that United States
of America is referenced in the Bible regarding this very
moment in time. I’m going to spill the beans! And the reason
is simple, it’s because I know how critically important this
information is for you, your family, and the world.
You’ll see for yourself life in the future is going to be
uniquely different compared to the past several decades.
You will see God is inviting us to work with Him. God
wants devoted Christians who work with Him to serve others
and to build communities prepared to handle the prophetic
challenges ahead. This story shows that if we accept God’s
invitation the future is not all gloom and doom. Here’s the
catch... some assembly required!
Please read this powerful story in a prayerful manner.
Experience a feast for your faith in God and then encourage
others to do the same. Let’s fan the flames of the Spirit of
God and inspire a worldwide “Draw Closer to Christ” revival
and a desire for a better understanding of our situation in our
lives and in the world. We need it!
< VII >
Now, just imagine being at the airport standing in line
to get on the plane. A family of five in front of you are happy.
The mother and two daughters are wearing swimsuits under
their long thin designer shirts. The father and son have long
tank-top shirts on. They are all wearing flip-flops and each
of them is holding a small bag which holds towels and a few
other items for the beach. They are all clean and the clothes
are fresh. It’s obvious they are on their way to a relaxed
family vacation.
It’s January, and for a moment you let your mind
wander and feel relaxed as you picture the family in front of
you having so much fun on some wonderful beach where the
water is warm and clear. Then, as the line moves forward you
hear the person checking tickets speak into the microphone
and you hear exactly what you had expected them to say:
“Now boarding flight 1153 non-stop to beautiful Anchorage,
Just as you might have a tendency to ask the parents
if they are sure they know where they are going and if they
have the proper things they need for a trip to a location that is
very cold in January, I too am asking you and everyone I can
to consider where we are going and if you are prepared for
the journey? And by this I mean your personal and physical
journey that could save your family’s life?
Here’s the big difference between our situation and the
family of five mentioned in the story above; The family of
five can decide wearing swim suits in Anchorage Alaska in
January is not a good idea and they can change flights, cancel
< VIII >
their trip all together, or any number of different options. In
our situation, time “is” our flight. We are already heading
into the future and there are prophetic events happening
right this very second and more coming our way.
The Prophetic Playbook Story is a story about seven
people of various backgrounds and various backgrounds
of beliefs who are talking about the prophetic events that
have happened, are happening now, and will happen in the
future. You will see their different dynamics play out as they
come to grips with the challenging times happening now and
those challenges coming our way. Do we have any hope of a
bright future? Enjoy this engaging, powerfully informative,
and thought provoking journey of the prophetic events of
our day.
Imagine knowing key points about the future and
being guided by God to take action to have the necessities
and some comforts of life for you and your family. How
priceless is that? There is no price you can put on for the
peace of mind that comes from knowing and feeling you have
turned your life over to God, that you have prepared as he
has directed you, and you have day to day life under control
knowing come what may you have done it God’s way. That’s
being spiritually centered. You have that oneness with God.
You can have the tools you need for your journey in that
oneness and come out on the other side feeling closer than
ever before to God and his plans for the future. Your future.
In essence, I see so many people, Christians and non-
Christians alike, who are symbolically dressed in swimsuits
< IX >
heading to Alaska in the wintertime with little more than just
a towel in their hand. I want to change that. I just have to
mention where we are going and give some suggestions. Any
normal person is going to be heartbroken over the suffering
we will witness in the prophetic future. While, we can’t
force anyone to prepare and we can’t take care of everyone,
knowledge of where we are going and what we need for our
prophetic future is vital. We need to do all we can to prepare
and prepare for our future including and to take care of all
we can.
Be sure to read all the way to the end. Enjoy!
< X >
Portions of this chart will be referred to in the story.
Just remember:
The scriptures are the key... not the chart. The chart is to
help you remember the scriptures. And... the Holy Ghost is
the key to the scriptures. Keep a prayer in your heart.
hrist will return in power and glory,” Lowell said
with a smile and a voice of confidence to Landon
Cand Sarah as they sat outside in comfortable lawn
chairs in the backyard of their home. It was one of those
early fall late afternoons with a cool gentle breeze. Two big
trees provided perfect shade over the patio with a fire pit
around where they sat.
Landon was 6’2”, slender and well built. He barely fit
the lawn chair he was sitting in. His short blond hair was
still wet from his swim in the pool. He snapped back quickly
with a friendly yet stern tone. “You’ve been telling me that
for years! And you know I don’t believe in Christ. Am I some
special project you are determined to convert?”
Lowell had instigated the conversation about Christ. A
few days earlier, Lowell had asked if he could meet with
them and a few of their friends. He wanted to present a quick
overview of the prophetic events of our day in general order
leading up to the return of Christ in power and glory. As
you might imagine, Landon was not enthusiastic about the
< 1 >
lecture to come. However, Sarah liked to know what others
thought about the signs of the times and loved to hang out
with her friends.
Even though Landon and Lowell didn’t see eye to
eye about Jesus, they were very good friends and Lowell
had caught Landon at a good moment. Sarah’s insistence
that they hear what Lowell had to say made it a done deal.
However, when the moment had arrived for Lowell to talk
about prophetic events, Landon slipped back into his grouchy
mood of wanting nothing to do with “Christ” talk.
Sarah finished filling seven cups with fresh-squeezed
lemonade made with lemons from their trees. Her friends
always looked forward to this special treat. Sarah was 5’9”
and had beautiful olive skin that complemented her slender
body. She leaned over toward Landon and gave him a kiss
on the cheek while pushing back her long brown hair. “You
used to believe in Christ,” she said, tenderly.
Landon looked intensely into Sarah’s blue eyes. “Don’t
go there, Sarah. You haven’t been to church in years, my
Just then Austin and Lacey walked through the sliding
glass door to the patio. Austin was a gentleman and opened
the door for his lovely wife, Lacey. She was 5’4” and a
lovely dark-haired Asian-American. Her hair glistened in
the sunlight. At 6’, Austin was a very handsome African-
American who was slightly heavy set, but he wore it well.
He smiled and waved to all of his friends.
“Sarah, it sounds like you need to come to church this
< 2 >
Sunday,” Austin said with a grin.
“What’s the sermon this Sunday, Pastor?” Sarah asked
Austin looked around the beautiful backyard, which
included two orange trees, a lemon tree, and a grapefruit
tree. The brightly colored flowers along the edge of the short
green turf grass captivated his attention. “Faith in Christ,”
Austin replied.
“Nope! Got it! I’m good,” Sarah said politely.
Landon looked at Lacey and said, “Lacey, I don’t know
how you put up with all of the pastor’s Jesus stuff.”
Lacey gave Landon a silly look as she mussed his wet
hair. Lacey and Austin greeted the others with quick hugs
and then sat down in lawn chairs. Immediately they reached
for their cold glasses of fresh lemonade. Before taking a sip
Lacey commented, “Aren’t we a unique set of friends?”
“Yes we are,” Sarah said as she gently laced her fingers
through Lacey’s for a moment.
Two more people made their way to the backyard, and
Lowell noted, “And we are even more unique now that Jose
and Maria are here.”
Jose and Maria, who looked like she could have a baby
at any moment, came into the backyard and were warmly
welcomed by everyone.
Maria waddled over to the group with one hand
steadying her belly. Her petite, bloated body showed obvious
discomfort. Her long black hair was swaying and blowing in
the gentle cool breeze. Her beautiful big Spanish brown eyes
< 3 >
revealed the discomfort she was feeling. Her light-brown
colored skin radiated in the sunlight as she walked over to
the others in the cool shade.
Jose walked to the side of Maria. He stood 5’9” and
weighed 190 pounds. He had a muscle-ripped body that was
a very sharp contrast to his wife’s bulging, uncomfortable
condition. Jose’s dark brown eyes and dark Spanish skin
contrasted warmly to his wife’s. They looked like a perfectly
matched couple even with Maria’s pregnant condition.
As Maria situated herself in a lawn chair, Lacey came
over, gently rubbed Maria’s huge pregnant belly and said,
“Maria, when are you ever going to have this baby? Elijah
“Yes, Elijah. I don’t know what he is waiting for. I’m
a week over due. They are going to induce me tomorrow. I
am so done with being this huge and uncomfortable.” Maria
looked around and then asked, “Sarah, where are your kids?”
Sarah quickly responded, “Oh, they are at Grandma’s.
We are picking them up after our little visit here.”
Lowell took the cue. “And because of everyone’s busy
schedule, we better get started.”
“Go ahead! Torture me! I still won’t believe!” Landon
said, closing his mind for what was to come.
Lowell shook his head at Landon and smiled. “Thank
you, Landon and Sarah, for allowing us to meet here at
your beautiful home. And to answer your earlier question,
Landon, you know everyone here but you loves Jesus. One
day we hope you will too. In the meantime, we have a future
< 4 >
to prepare for and those of us who are Christians need to
look ahead. Although you do not believe in Christ yet, you
have great abilities to help your family and others in the days
ahead. So thanks for hanging out with us while we talk about
the prophetic events of our day.”
Landon politely nodded and then Lacey spoke up,
“By the way, I watched your videos online about the book
of Daniel and the book of Revelation. They were very
informative. I’ve been trying to get the busy pastor here to
take a look too.”
Austin chimed in, “I’ve been busy. I’ll get to it.”
“Being busy is one of the reasons I’ve asked you to meet
today,” Lowell said and smiled again. “I wanted to share
with you why this is our golden opportunity, an awesome
moment that we as Christians have been waiting for.”
“What moment is that?” Sarah asked.
“The moment we can be better united in working with
Christ to make greater things happen in our own lives. This
works for a better society, economy, and government so we
can get through the challenges coming our way,” Lowell
“I like it already,” Austin replied with a nod.
“Just what we need!” Sarah said.
Maria’s soft voice brought Jose to reach over and cover
the hand she already had protectively over her baby in her
belly. “I’ve been concerned for the future lately; my baby’s
future. Things are bad compared to when we were children.”
Lowell used the remote to turn on the large eighty-five-
< 5 >
inch screen TV that was perfectly positioned in the backyard.
“I hope this quick overview will help you to see there is a
bright future for many Christians and encourage you to learn
about the prophetic events of our day. This is a great time to
bring little ones into the world. Let’s get started and you’ll
soon see why.”
Landon rolled his eyes. “Lowell, there is no way
everyone is going to become Christians and all just get along
like buddy-buddies. It’s not going to happen!”
“You’re 100% right, Landon,” Lowell said as he loaded
the slideshow to play on the TV. “Not everyone is going to
believe in Christ anytime soon and not everyone is going to
want to be friendly. I also think people like you are going to
be friendlier to be around than some of the Christians. I think
we would all agree the more good people we can surround
ourselves with, the better. That is one of the main things I
hope this information helps with—helping people to become
grounded in being the best, kindest, most helpful people they
can be for the challenging times ahead.”
Jose raised his cup of lemonade as if he was making a
toast. “Bro, glad you said that. I was wondering if you were
trying to start a Christians against everyone else crusade.
You’re cool. I get it. It’s those for peace protecting everyone
against those who aren’t.”
Lowell clicked to the first slide. “You got it, Jose.
We want peace as well as a good society, economy, and
Lowell then stood up, walked closer to the TV, and
< 6 >
turned facing everyone. “O.K. We begin!” Lowell pointed to
the TV. “A significant breakthrough was the understanding
of what John recorded in the book of Revelation. He saw a
succession of eight kings leading up to the return of Christ in
power and glory. So, if we are anywhere close to the return
of Christ in power and glory, one of these eight kings is
ruling today.”
John saw this
< 7 >
“In the commentaries I’ve read, most of those kings
were born, ruled, and died long ago,” Austin said curiously.
“Yeah, I know,” Lowell said. “That misinformation has
caused a lot of bad speculation. Many people have stopped
going to church or even believing in Christ because of bad
information like that.”
Landon tilted his head to the right as he asked
sarcastically, “Are you talking about me and my wife?”
“And probably hundreds of millions like you,” Lowell
said while changing to the next slide. “Let’s read what John
wrote about these eight kings. This is from Revelation 17,
verses 10 and 11.
“And there are seven kings: five are fallen,
and one is, and the other is not yet come;
and when he cometh, he must continue a
short space. And the beast that was, and
is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the
seven, and goeth into perdition. ”
Jose squinted his eyes and questioned Lowell, “Hey
man, how do you know these kings lead up to Christ’s
< 8 >
“Fair question, Jose,” The best quick answer is found in
Revelation 19:20 which says,
“And the beast was taken, and with him the
false prophet that wrought miracles before
him, with which he deceived them that had
received the mark of the beast, and them
that worshipped his image. These both were
cast alive into a lake of fire burning with
Lowell continued, “That will happen when Christ
returns in power and glory.”
“Yeah, that’s right!” Jose said with a little excitement in
his voice, “Revelation chapter 19! That’s when Christ comes
down from heaven riding a white horse and wipes out the
army gathered to fight him. O.K., bro, just checking,”
< 9 >
Lowell changed the slide and said, “Another
breakthrough came in understanding that the prophet Daniel
also saw a succession of many kings leading up to the return
of Christ in power and glory.”
< 10 >
Daniel saw this
< 11 >
Lowell noticed he had everyone’s interest including
Landon’s and watched everyone’s faces in anticipation of
the surprise they would have in the next slide “Within the
group of many kings that Daniel saw, there is a succession
of eight kings.” He changed the slide.
Jose made the connection “Whoa! Bro.! You mean to
tell me that both John and Daniel saw the same eight kings?
Are you serious?”
Everyone except Landon was looking at each other,
eyes open wide. Their faces held the expression of surprise
as they seemingly asked each other, “Are you seeing what
I’m seeing?”
“Yep!” Lowell said smiling “They saw the same eight
kings leading up to the return of Christ in power and glory.”
Maria shrugged her shoulders. “That sends chills down
my spine!”
“Were John and Daniel alive at the same time?” Sarah
Lowell shook his head. “No, Daniel recorded his
information about six hundred years before John even had
his vision.”
“Wow!” Sarah responded. “Two prophets about six
centuries apart, actually seeing the same eight kings relating
to our day. That must have been an important message.”
Lowell continued, “You’re right. It was and is a very
important message and Daniel gave us the most details about
the first seven kings. The book of Revelation gave us key
information mostly about the sixth king and the eighth king.”
< 12 >
John saw this Daniel saw this
Two different coaches
teaching the same play!
< 13 >
Lacey raised her hand “So, the eighth king is evil?”
“Yes!” Lowell replied. “The eighth king gets the power,
seat, and authority of Satan, and goes to fight against Christ.”
Austin leaned forward. “Let me guess, you think it’s
Trump right?” Everyone chuckled and then Austin cut Lowell
off from answering. “Almost every week I have to listen to
someone from my congregation say something about Trump,
Putin, or Obama being the anti-Christ. It drives me crazy! I
can’t get involved in politics! I’d lose half my congregation
< 14 >
and half my paycheck! You know what I mean?”
“Well, good news! Trump, Putin, or Obama is not the
eighth king,” Lowell assured Austin and the others.
Maria looked at Lowell with a little scowl on her face.
“You’re not going to pick on my Pope Francis are you?”
“Nope, Maria. He’s not one of the eight kings either,”
Lowell replied.
Sarah looked confused. “Then who is the eighth king?”
Lowell smiled. “We have not discovered who the eighth
king is yet.”
Maria sounded confused. “I thought…” Then her
face lit up. “Ooohhh! Austin jumped the gun when he was
wondering if Trump, Putin, or Obama was the anti-Christ.”
“Yep. Austin got us a little off track there,” Lowell said.
“Sorry folks,” Austin admitted. “O.K., Lowell, tell us
which of the eight kings is ruling today?”
Lowell looked at everyone. “Take a guess. I’ve already
told you it’s not the eighth king so you only have seven to
choose from. Which one of the seven do you think is ruling
“Number seven!” Maria guessed.
“Six!” Jose shouted. Austin spoke up, “I’ll go with
number six too.”
“I have no idea,” Sarah said in a soft voice.
Lowell looked at Sarah “Oh, come on: just take a
“None!” Landon said in a rebellious tone.
Sarah swayed hesitantly back and forth to the left and
< 15 >
right “Oh, what the heck. I’ll pick number four.”
Lowell looked at the last person holding out. “Lacey?”
“I’ll say number five,” Lacey said with a little confidence
in her voice.
Lowell took a couple of steps forward and in a mild
voice replied, “Imagine if the vast majority of Christians
knew without a doubt what the correct answer was. Wouldn’t
that be awesome?”
Everyone but Landon nodded their heads. “Yes.”
Maria broke the moment of silence. “Don’t be teasing a
pregnant woman now, Lowell. You come clean with us right
now! Which king is ruling today?”
Everyone smiled at Maria and then looked at Lowell
and they waited for his response. It didn’t take long.
Lowell pointed his finger at Sarah and proclaimed,
“You’re right, Sarah! We are on the fourth king! We almost
have four down with four to go!”
“That’s it?” Austin said in disappointment. “Man, I
thought Christ would be comin’ back real soon. Here I’ve
been preachin’ like He’s comin’ back in the next few years.
Man, I’ve got some serious egg on my face!”
“I’m surprised we aren’t on the eighth king,” Jose said
with a disappointed tone.
“Man, are you sure, Lowell?” Austin said as he was
trying to wrap his head around the news.
“Yes, Austin, I’m sure,” Lowell said with an absolute
voice. Then he continued, “And you may have egg on your
face right now but, you are going to look awesome when you
< 16 >
preach the truth and time proves you right.”
“I’ve been preaching wrong!” Austin said with a greater
sense of disappointment.
“It’s really not your fault,” Lowell replied. “For about
two thousand years people have been getting it wrong. There
John saw this Daniel saw this MAJOR
The 4th king of
the 8 kings is alive and
ruling as a king TODAY!
We know...
who he is,
what prophetic
he has done,
events he is
about to do,
and how
he will die!
Almost 4 down with 4 to go!
< 17 >
are many commentaries on the book of Revelation as well as
the book of Daniel, yet, I haven’t seen one which made this
< 18 >
owell looked at everyone and then continued,
“None of you had a clue as to which of the eight
Lkings is ruling today.” Everyone had a look of
agreement on their faces. Lowell continued, “After about two
thousand years, until we had made that connection about the
succession of eight kings we were just as clueless as the rest
of the world about them. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your
fault. I haven’t seen a Bible scholar make the connection!”
Lowell walked back a few steps closer to the TV.
“However, now that you know about the succession of eight
kings, it is vital for you to learn the right answers and use
them to do the right thing.”
Lacey spoke up, “How do you know the fourth king is
ruling today? Who is he? Where is he?”
< 19 >
“Great questions, Lacey,” Lowell replied. “Daniel,
chapter 11, combined with a December 2013 Reuters report
along with current events absolutely confirms we are on
the fourth king. Let’s touch on some highlights real quick.”
Lowell took a deep breath and continued, “In Daniel chapter
11, verse 2, Daniel wrote ‘And now will I show thee the
truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia.’
Lowell stopped for a moment and then asked, “Where is
Persia today?”
Daniel chapter 11
2 And now will I shew thee the truth.
Behold, there shall stand up yet three
kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be
far richer than they all...
“Iran,” Landon quickly replied.
“That’s correct, My Iraqi Freedom two tour Marine
hero! Thanks again for your service.”
Landon tipped his head in acknowledgment.
“So, Daniel started by talking about the first three kings
of the succession of eight kings, and other than telling us
that they are from Persia, Daniel tells us nothing about them.
However, he does make a comparison about the first three
kings to the fourth king. Daniel said that the fourth king
would be far richer than the first three kings. Who is the
supreme leader of Iran today?”
“Ayatollah Khamenei,” Landon quickly answered.
< 20 >
“Right again Landon! Any idea how much more wealth
Khamenei has accumulated compared to the three kings
preceding him?” Lowell asked the group.
Everyone looked around to see who knew the answer as
Lacey finally chimed in, “Tell us.”
“Look at this!” Lowell said as he brought up the next
slide revealing Khamenei is worth over $95 billion, while
the first three were only worth maybe a few billion apiece.
Everyone’s eyes opened widely as they saw the vast
amount of wealth Khamenei had accumulated compared to
the other three kings.
Maybe $1B to $3B
Maybe $1B to $3B
Maybe $1B to $3B
Over $95B!
Khamenei is
“far richer” than the
first three kings!
Jose’s mouth dropped wide open and then muttered, “I
had no idea!”
Lowell continued, “Yeah, over $95 billion! And that
was in 2013!”
“He’s obviously a lot richer than that now.” Landon
< 21 >
Lowell nodded in agreement as he continued, “The
third king was Ayatollah Khomeini. He ruled from 1979 to
1989 when he died. The second king was Shah Mohammed
Reza Pahlavi. He took over when his father was forced out
of power in 1941, and he ruled until 1979 until Khomeini
forced him out. The first king was Reza Shah Pahlavi who
ruled from 1925 to 1941. By the way, Persia was renamed
Iran in 1935.”
Landon spoke up with a voice of skepticism and said,
“If true, that’s a track record stretching over 95 years!”
“And if true, then the rest of the prophecies of Daniel
chapter 11 will play out. We aren’t talking crystal ball stuff,
we are talking God given prophecy!” Lowell answered.
“I can’t remember much about Daniel chapter 11,”
Austin admitted.
Lowell smiled at Austin. “You will love it! Out of all
the books in the Bible, Daniel chapter 11 is undoubtedly the
foundational chapter for understanding the general order of
prophetic events leading up to the return of Christ.”
“Come on, Pastor! Everyone knows that!” Sarah said
with sarcasm.
“Yeah, even I knew that!” Jose quipped with a sarcastic
“Why?” Lacey asked.
Lowell continued, “Because no other chapter out
of all the Bible A) Covers such a vast amount of time
B) With as much significant detail C) All in chronological
order D) Without any major time gaps.
< 22 >
“Daniel, chapter 11, covers the time span of 1925 to the
return of Christ in power and glory. During that time span,
there is always a prophetic person living and/or prophetic
event happening without any major time gaps.
“We know we cannot be any further than the fourth king
because looking at Daniel chapter 11, we can see that the
prophetic events of the end of the fourth king are shaping up
to happen. Plus, the prophetic events of the fifth king have
not happened. The prophetic events of the sixth, seventh,
and eighth kings have not happened either. However, Daniel
said that the fourth king would be richer than the first three
kings and that has happened.”
“This is serious stuff!” Austin said with almost a
Sarah looked intensely at Lowell. “Lowell, if this is
true, it’s going to change the world as we know it!”
“Only if the world hears about it,” Maria added.
Lacey spoke like a prosecutor. “You just said that events
of the end of the fourth king are shaping up to happen. What
are they?”
“Very attentive, Lacey,” Lowell said before getting
“Who’s Grecia?” Landon asked.
Lowell walked over to his cup of lemonade on the table,
“Tell you what, you look at the next slide and you tell me.”
Austin said in a thoughtful tone, “So, the fourth king is
Khamenei. Who is Khamenei stirring up everyone against?”
Landon looked at Lowell to judge his reaction, “For the
< 23 >
past several years, Khamenei has been ripping the U.S.. But
we are not called Grecia.”
Sarah also looked at Lowell who had not shown any
response to Landon’s comment, “Maybe this event is still in
the future.”
Maria looked at the next slide, “It doesn’t look like it
can be too much in the future because in March of 2015
doctors expected Khamenei to be dead by about March of
“Well, that just goes to show you, you can’t believe
< 24 >
everything you read in the Bible!” Landon said with a cocky
< 25 >
“Why would we be called Grecia?” Jose asked,
obviously confused.
Sarah also spoke in a soft tone, “We have to be Grecia.
But why would Daniel call us Grecia?”
Lowell changed the slide and immediately everyone
gasped in surprise!
< 26 >