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More and more people are agreeing!!!
"This is by far the very best insight on how Bible prophetic events of our day play out in general order."
Based on the prophetic events of our day as found in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.

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Published by lowell, 2018-10-16 12:02:43

The Prophetic Playbook Story - 2018 Edition_clone

More and more people are agreeing!!!
"This is by far the very best insight on how Bible prophetic events of our day play out in general order."
Based on the prophetic events of our day as found in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.

Keywords: Jesus Christ,revelation,Bible,prophecy,end-times


< 27 >

Austin whispered, “Praise God! The USA is referred to

in the Bible after all.”
“I have goose bumps all over my body!” Sarah said as
she rubbed her arms.
Lacey raised her hands in praise, “This is amazing!

Thank you Jesus!”
“Man, Lowell, you have done it! You have discovered
America in the Bible!” Jose says in amazement.
“And it’s talking about this very moment! This is

amazing!” Maria said.
Landon looked at everyone and said, “Good job Lowell.
You have gotten almost everyone here to drink the Kool-aid.
I’m not buying it yet brother. What else does Daniel chapter

11 say about the USA?”
Lowell shook his head, “Sorry Landon. That’s all I have
found in Daniel chapter 11 about the US.”
Landon looked at Lowell with a smirk on his face,

“With all that is written in the Bible, you only found these
few verses that talk about the US in our day?”
“No.” Lowell replied, “That’s all there is in Daniel
chapter 11.”

Austin didn’t give Landon a chance to respond, “Oh
man! You’ve got to spill the beans brother! Where else does
it talk about the US?”
Lowell looked around at his friends and noticed even

Landon was looking on in anticipation. Lowell softly
continued, “Daniel chapter 8.”

< 28 >




A ustin spoke-up, “Daniel chapter 8 is about a ram

and a goat that get in a fight.”
“That’s right.” Lowell replied and added,
“Do you remember what an angel told Daniel about the ram

and the goat?”
Landon chimed in, “Shoot to kill! They’ll make great
trophy mounts!”
Everyone chuckled.

Lowell looked at everyone with a little cautious smile,
yet remained serious, “Look over the next couple of slides
and tell me what you think.”
Landon rolled his eyes, “Here we go again! Why can’t

you just tell us? You’re torturing me!”

< 29 >

“Landon, show some appreciation!” Maria said in a

reprehending tone, “In just minutes Lowell has shown us
what others for centuries have missed and it’s relating to
the US going over and kicking butt on Khamenei. You, a
marine, of all people should appreciate the gravity of this

matter. Now Marine-up or shut-up!”
Sarah, Austin, Lacey, Jose, and Lowell laughed as
Lowell changed the slide to try and defuse the situation,
“O.K., take a look at this and let’s talk about it.”

< 30 >


Austin spoke-up, “Yeah, yeah, I’m remembering a little
about this now. Hey, man, I thought this happened like back
in King Alexander the Great time.”
“Well, it isn’t the first time someone has gotten

something wrong about the Bible.” Lowell said politely.
“So, who are the kings of Media and Persia?” Austin
asked in curiosity.

< 31 >

Lowell looked at his laptop, “Good question. You are

making me shuffle the slides around now.” There’s silence
for a few moments and then Lowell said, “As I’m moving
things around, let me ask: Do you see similarities in the
wording of chapter 8 verse four on the left side and chapter

11 verse three on the right?”
Lacey said, “Yeah, they both mention doing according
to his will, chapter 8 verse four says became great and
chapter 11 verse three says shall rule with great dominion.”

“You’re right.” Lowell said and then continued, “The
king of Persia referred to in Daniel chapter 8 verse 20 is
Khamenei, who is the same person as the fourth king referred
to in Daniel chapter 11.”

The second horn of the ram represents
a king of Media.

The first horn of the ram represents
a king of Persia, which is Khamenei.

< 32 >


< 33 >

“Then whose the king of Media?” Austin asked.

“That has baffled me for years.” Lowell replied as he
started to walk around the group. “Back in 2008 I thought
it might be Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, not to be
confused with Supreme Leader who has ultimate power in

Iran. I’ll show you who I think it is now.” Lowell changed
the slide, “For years I have been watching for signs of some
king in the ancient Media territory to become higher than
Khamenei. In recent years, Erdogan, the president of Turkey

has been on my radar screen. He reminds me of having a
Hitler type of personality. Part of Turkey is also a small part
of the ancient Media territory,”

Lowell looked at everyone and said, “Honestly, I have
had a hard time imagining anyone becoming higher than

Khamenei. He is extremely powerful in the Middle East.
However, amazingly, Erdogan, president of Turkey, did
become higher than Khamenei back on July 17th, of 2016.”

< 34 >

Landon spoke-up, “That was about the time of the coup

“Yes.” Lowell acknowledged, “On July 15th, Erdogan
was in Marmaris, south-west Turkey, and there was a group
that tried to take control. Erdogan told the people to rise up

and don’t let it happen. He came back and quickly began
taking control again. So, on Friday the coup attempt began
and then on Sunday look what I read.”

< 35 >

Lacey rubbed her eyes in amazement. Jose jumped in

the air shouting in amazement, “Wow! Prophecy fulfilled!
Erdogan is higher than Khamenei!”
Austin gave Jose a high-five, “This is awesome!”
Sarah looked at Landon with a look of “So, what do

you say now?” and Maria holds her stomach as she took a
few deep breaths in and out.
Austin said with excitement, “And Khamenei was
diagnosed with stage four cancer in 2015, right?”

“As far as we know.” Lowell replied.
Landon spoke more congenial, “And what is Khamenei
and Erdogan supposed to do?”
Lacey answered, “Push to the north, west, and south.”

“Right.” Lowell said.
Landon thought for a moment and said, “I could make
a case that they have been doing that.”
“Absolutely.” Austin said with excitement and

continued, “This is prophecy in progress!”
Sarah put her hands on her head and said, “I’m still
trying to get my head wrapped around all this. I mean for
years I have been doubting the Bible and Christ coming back

and now... Now I’m blown away!”
Austin spoke with passion, “For decades it has felt like
Christians have been told to shut up and sit in the corner and
it seems like most have done exactly that! This is a game

changer for Christians! I can’t wait for Sunday!”
Landon pushed to move things along, “O.K., you have
my attention... For now. So, how does the US fit into Daniel

< 36 >

chapter 8?”

“Read over the next slide and tell me what you think.”
Lowell replied.

< 37 >

Jose looked confused as he said, “You got me. I’m not

getting it. Thought you said Grecia was the United States.
We don’t have a first king.”
Everyone agreed with Jose as they looked to Lowell for
an answer.

Lowell stepped back over by the TV. “Erdogan is not a
king either.”
“Poof!” Landon said enthusiastically, “Your theory is
debunked! Let’s call it a night!”

Lowell shook his head with a smile, “Perhaps the angel
is referring to the first king or president he is mentioning
regarding Grecia in this vision. Look at the next two slides
for the absolute sign as to who the first king refers to.”

< 38 >


Landon lifted up his cup of lemonade, “I do have to
admit. Trump is pushing Iran into a corner. Trump wants a
regime change. That’s one of the reasons why he has John

Bolton, Nikki Haley, and Mike Pompeo on his team. They
want a regime change in Iran too.”

< 39 >

Austin sat forward in his chair and pointed his figure at

the screen, “It’s not just Iran. To fulfill this prophecy Trump
would have to attack and remove Khamenei and the King
of Media which you think is Erdogan, president of Turkey.
That’s a major attack!”

Landon set his cup down, “I’m not seeing Turkey
getting tangled in a fight with the United States.”
Sarah looked a little unsure about the points made, “I
don’t see Trump all of the sudden launching an attack on

Iran and Turkey. Are you sure you got this right?”
Lowell replied “In Daniel chapter 11 verse 2 we read
that the fourth king ‘by his strength through his riches he
shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. And a mighty

king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and
do according to his will.’ To me, it sounds like the US is
going to do something in which Iran will be able to use to
convince everyone else we, the USA, was wrong for what

we did. As for Turkey, our relationship with Erdogan keeps
going lower.”
Lacey nodded, “I can see Trump doing something
stupid and getting all the other countries upset at us.”

Maria said in a matter-of-fact tone, “You know, come to
think about it, Trump does kind of look like a goat.”
Everyone chuckled.
Jose added, “I wonder if there is a connection between

his name being “Trump” and he being called the horn of the
Lowell spoke-up, “Again, whoever is leading the

< 40 >

country that removes Khamenei and the other king from

power, that is the person referred to as the horn of the goat.”
“I’m sure going to be paying attention to what’s going
on in Iran and Turkey now.” Jose said.
Sarah looked at Lowell and said in a cross examining

voice, “So, if some other country attacks Iran and removes
Khamenei then that means the US is not Grecia?”
“I find it hard to think otherwise.” Lowell admitted.
Landon grinned, “We have a real make or break moment

coming real soon Lowell. Are you going to have egg on your
face or not?”
Austin nodded, “Yeah Lowell, if Khamenei is not taken
out by the United States your theory is wrong Bro.”

Lowell smiled at Landon and Austin, “Since 1925 to
2016, I see the book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation
having been correct on sixteen prophetic points. Now,
twenty-six prophetic points have happened or are in the

process of happening. More are in the news shaping up
to begin happening. There came a point to where I was
convinced the rest of those prophecies will play out unless
enough people and certain people repent and turn to Christ.

However, we really do have a literal make or break moment.
Look at the next slide.”

< 41 >


< 42 >

Everyone gasped in surprise!

Austin jumped forward in his chair and practically
yelled, “What! You’re kidding me!? The US splits into four
“I didn’t see that coming!” Lacey exclaimed.

Landon shook his head, “Even up to two years ago I
would have told you it couldn’t happen. Now, it’s obvious,
there are those who will not stop until they win with their
social agenda or we as a nation split.”

Jose nodded, “I’ve heard some people in California,
Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii want to split-off from the
United States.”
“I’ve heard conservatives say they wouldn’t mind if the

liberal states went their own way.” Lacey said.
Sarah was still looking at the slide with her mouth
open and a look of shock on her face, “Holy crap! Are you

Maria held her stomach, “Are you trying to send me
into labor?”
“It’s Trump that makes all this so believable. He’s the
wild card in all of this.” Landon reasoned.

“What do you think the four areas would be?” Maria
Lowell looked at the others, “I don’t know. I could see
the west coast being a socialistic country and the east coast

another socialistic country. I could see the Bible belt being a
conservative country as well as the Rocky Mountains area.
Time will tell.”

< 43 >

Lacey shook her head, “I’m going to have nightmares

“No kidding!” Sarah said.
Austin mumbled, “How am I going to tell my flock this

“Will it be a peaceful split-up or will there be a civil
war?” Jose wondered.
Landon gave his input, “I can see it resulting from
a number of different things or a combination of them

including some financial or deep state crisis.”
“Including scientific confirmation of the sixth seal
event.” Lowell said.
Landon quickly asked, “What’s that?”

“Something that is not on very many people’s radar
screen yet, it should be. I’ll show you as we go along.”
Lowell replied and then added, “Here are a few slides to
remind us what we have covered so far.”

Lowell showed the next slide, “Does this picture help
you remember what we talked about?”
Maria answered, “Yes. We’ve seen that John and Daniel
both referred to the same succession of eight kings leading

up to the return of Christ in power and glory.”
Sarah added, “Khamenei, is ruling today in Iran.”
Lacey spoke next, “He has terminal four cancer.”
Jose spoke-up, “In 2013 he was worth over $95 billion.

Far richer than the three before him.”
Austin cleared his throat and then said. “He’s to stir-up
all against the United States.”

< 44 >

“The US is going to come from the west with a major

air attack and kick his butt out of power. He’s probably killed
in the attack.” Landon said in a low tone.

John saw this Daniel saw this MAJOR

The 4th king of
the 8 kings is alive and
ruling as a king TODAY!
We know...
who he is,
what prophetic
he has done,
events he is
about to do,
and how
he will die!

Almost 4 down with 4 to go!

< 45 >

“Good.” Lowell said as he changed slides, “What does

this picture help you remember?”

Austin sat back in his chair as he said with a voice of
contempt towards Lowell, “You think the US is going to
split into four countries.”
“Guilty.” Lowell said and then added, “But why do I

think that?”
Jose answered, “Because Khamenei has stage four
cancer and he’s trying to turn everyone against the United

“Besides,” Lacey said, “What other country can fulfill
the decription of coming from the west on the face of the
whole earth and not touching the ground?”
“Yeah, I’m looking at it logically and prayerfully.”

Lowell said calmly and then added, “What else does this
picture remind you about?”
Landon answered, “When Khamenei is defeated his
kingdom is split into a kingdom of the south and a kingdom

of the north.”
Lowell nodded in agreement, “Good. Now tell me
about the ram and the goat.”

< 46 >

Maria quickly spoke-up, “The horn of the goat could be

Trump. You said something about whoever is the president
of the US at the time when we attack and remove Khamenei
from power, that is the last president of the 50 United States.”
Lowell nodded again as Austin injected, “It’s not only

an attack on Iran. You think Erdogan is the second horn of
the ram and became higher than Khamenei in July of 2016.
You think the US will attack and remove both of them from

“At this point in time, that’s the way it looks to me.
Let’s see how things play out in the coming months.” Lowell
Sarah looked at the slide and said, “You sure make what

you say sound convincing.”
Lowell spoke with a sincere voice, “You’ve seen the
verses. If those words in the Bible are going to play out then
it’s wise that we try to understand how and when.”

Lacey replied, “I think we all appreciate you sharing
this with us.”
“Thanks Lacey.” Lowell said and then continued as he
changed the slide, “Everyone did a great job on reviewing

what was covered and so now, we are going to build on
what we have learned by talking about Daniel chapter 7 and
Queen Elizabeth II…”
“Let me guess…” Austin burst out, “She’s the woman

who sits on the beast!”
Everyone but Landon chuckled.
“I missed that joke.” Landon said, “What woman sits

< 47 >


Daniel Chapter 7

on the beast?”
Lowell shook his head and smiled. “No. Austin, She’s
not the woman that sits on the beast.” Lowell looked at

Landon, “In the book of Revelation we read about John
seeing a beast that has seven heads and ten horns and a
woman that sat upon the beast. An angel explained to John
that the woman on the beast represented a city that will one

day in the future reign over the kings of the earth. It’s very
important. I’ll explain more later as we go along. So, hang
with me. We’ll get to it. Right now, my interest is not so much
focused on Queen Elizabeth as it is on who will actually be

the next king.”
“Why?” Jose asked.

< 48 >


< 49 >






owell changed the slide and said, “Because Daniel,
chapter 7, talked about three kings that appear to

Llive until the return of Christ in power and glory.
Those three kings have their kingdoms taken from them.
However, the lives of the three kings are spared for a while.”

Austin perked up. “You think the king who replaces the
Queen will live to see the return of Christ?”
Lowell smiled. “Yes. I think so. In Daniel, chapter 7,
the first king is described as a lion with eagle wings. The
wings are plucked and he is made to stand on his feet. He is

given a man’s heart instead of a lion’s courageous heart. This

< 50 > < 50 >

king lives to see the return of Christ. I’m wondering if this is

the next king of England.”
“How old is she?” Maria asked.
“She turned ninety-two on April 21st of 2018,” Lowell

“I heard she wants William to be the next king,” Sarah
“I want to know who the bear is,” Jose said.
“That’s easy! The bear represents Russia!” Landon

“To be more correct, the bear represents a king who
lives to see the return of Christ and then has his kingdom
taken away. His life is prolonged for a season and a time. So,

the bear is a king over a country and he seems to come into
power after the lion king is in power.”
“So, Putin is the bear king?” Jose asked.
“Putin is not a king. Oh, wait! Neither is Erdogan.”

Landon interjected trying to blow a hole through Lowell’s
“You’re right, Landon. In March of 2018 Putin was re-
election and the lion king is not in power yet… as far as

we know. To fulfill the prophecy, Putin or some man would
be able to be in power until Christ returns. So, we need to
watch for Russia’s form of government to be changing in the
coming years to where Putin or someone else could rule for

a long time.”
“This just keeps getting more and more interesting!”
Austin said as he sat back and took it all in.

< 51 >


“What else do we know about the bear king?” Maria
“Oh! Get this!” Lowell said eagerly. “The bear king has

three ribs in his teeth and the three ribs tell the king to go and
devour much flesh!”
“I don’t get it. What’s the meaning behind the ribs?”

Lacey asked.

< 52 >

“I don’t know…” Landon said playfully and then

added, “but just the sound of it makes me hungry for some
nice juicy ribs!”
“Lacey, I have wondered about that myself for years! It
wasn’t until Russia took over Crimea that it started to make

sense.” Lowell said before being interrupted by Austin… “A
rib is part of a country!” Austin nearly shouted out.
“Yep. That’s what I’m thinking.” Lowell replied.
“So, one of three ribs are in the mouth of the bear

king?” Austin asked in a tone indicating that he thought he
was right.
“Perhaps… If Putin actually becomes the leader who
can rule until Christ returns,” Lowell clarified.

“If, if, if… We are so close to knowing some really
vitally important information!” Austin remarked.
“You’re right. The next few months and years are going
to shed prophetic light on some really amazing things. We

must act as if the prophetic events will be fulfilled or else we
won’t be prepared for the consequences that will inevitably
follow once they are fulfilled,” Lowell said with a voice of

“The plot thickens!” Sarah said with a mysterious tone
in her voice.
Maria adjusted her uncomfortable body and said, “O.K.,
let’s move this along. This is good stuff, Lowell! Who is the

“I don’t know where the leopard king will be from yet.
However, the leopard king also seems to live until the return

< 53 >

of Christ in power and glory.

We are not told which country
the leopard king will rule over.
We are told that dominion was
given to this leopard beast and

at some point the leopard beast
will also have four heads. So, it
is possible that there will be four
other kings after the leopard

king.” Lowell continued, “With
the likelihood of countries and
kingdoms falling and some new
ones rising during the coming

years, we will need to be on the
lookout for a king that matches
the description of the leopard

< 54 >

“How about the fourth beast, the dreadful and terrible

one on the slide?” Maria asked.
Lowell smiled with an expression as to say, “Aaahhh!
There is a good amount of information on this one!”

Lowell straightened up and said, “John and Daniel have
given us a lot of information about this one person described

in Daniel, chapter 7, as the fourth beast. He is referred to in
Revelation chapters13 and 17 and also in Daniel, chapters
7 and 11. God wanted us to know about this “dreadful and
terrible” person. During the beginning reign of this dreadful

and terrible beast king, the evil monetary system is set up in
a city that sits on seven mountains. This occurs during the
time of the sixth king in the succession of eight kings.”
Austin interrupted and remarked with an excited “ah

ha!” voice. “Man, I have been wondering when the mark of
the beast thing was going to happen! It’s during the time of
the sixth king, huh?”

< 55 >


“Yep!” Lowell said. “This is the time when people will

have a mark in their hand or forehead in order to legally buy
or sell anything. This is the time in which many Christians
will be beheaded because they will not accept the mark of

the beast.”
“All Christians will be beheaded?” Lacey asked with a
deeply concerned voice.

“No!” Lowell said. “Logically, there will be places that
people who love freedom and reject the evil monetary system

< 56 >

will have formed as places of peace and refuge especially

here in at least one of the four areas which was the U.S.”
“Is our government going to be hunting us down?” Jose
Lowell pointed his finger at Jose and said, “That’s a

good question, Jose!” Lowell took a few steps back toward
the TV. “And we have jumped from the end of the fourth
king to the reign of the sixth king. We need to go back to
the end of the fourth king and add in additional information

leading up to the reign of the sixth king.”
Jose scratched his head. “Man, I had no idea there was
so much information in the Bible pertaining to our current
state of affairs as well as the near future.”

Lowell brought up the next slide and said, “There is a
lot more pertinent information than most people realize and
it will be really helpful as we truly begin to realize it and use
it.” Then Lowell continued, “A lot of prophetic events will

happen during the end of the fourth king and the rule of the
fifth king. We have just covered the lion king, the bear king,
and the leopard king. We briefly touched upon the great and
terrible fourth beast. We have talked about the first king of

Grecia defeating Khamenei within the coming few years.”

< 57 >

Landon quickly interjected with a concerned look on

his face, “Yeah, if this stuff is true the first king of Grecia is
Trump. But, that’s a big ‘If’.”
Austin quickly followed up and said, “Last year, I
would have said ‘Maybe. Maybe not.’ But now, yeah, Trump

is in Bible prophecy.”
“I’ll watch to see.” Landon replied in a quiet voice.
Lowell changed the slide. “From Daniel, chapter 11,
we learn that after the fourth king is defeated, two areas

are referenced; a kingdom of the north and a kingdom of
the south. Perhaps these are the areas the fourth king ends
up controlling, influencing, or fighting in before being

“Remember in Daniel, chapter 8, we are told Persia
(Iran) and Media (Turkey) will push to the west, north, and
south. We are not told all the countries they will control or
heavily influence.”

“But they don’t push to the east?” Maria asked.
“Pushing to the east is not mentioned,” Lowell replied.

< 58 >

Lowell added, “What we are told is that the king of the

south will be from Egypt and the king of the north will be
one of his princes. So, as time goes on, watch what’s going
on in Egypt. By the way, Israel is part of the kingdom of the
south as well, which is interesting.”

“Well that is rather interesting!” Landon said, “That
means the control of power is going from Khamenei, who
is a Shiite, to two Egyptians who are Sunni. Interesting. . .”
“Very good point, Landon,” Lowell said and added,

“and all this will happen over the next few years.”
Austin spoke up, “Didn’t you say earlier that the first
king of Grecia will defeat Khamenei and then that will usher
in an era of peace in the Middle East?”

“Nice segue, Austin,” Lowell said. “My guess is there
will still be conflict in the Middle East. However, from
Daniel chapter 11 we are not told about any other wars

< 59 >

occuring in the Middle East until years later when the king

of the south sends one of his daughters to the king of the
north to make an agreement. The king of the north ends up
killing the king of the south’s daughter, the king of the south,
and part of his army.”

“Why would that cause a war?” Sarah asked sarcastically.
Everyone chuckled and the mood became a little lighter.
“Moving on,” Lowell said. “Although there will be no
prophetic wars in the Middle East from the time of the death

of Khamenei up to the time of the king’s daughter being
killed just mentioned, there still could be wars and conflicts
in the Middle East. It’s possible that John and Daniel just did
not mention any others.”

“However…” Lowell added as he changed the slide,
“between now and the time when the daughter of the king
of the south goes to make an agreement with the king of the

north, the prophetic events of the lion king coming into power

and losing dominance, the bear king coming into power and
devouring much flesh, and the leopard king coming into
power and gaining dominion, those will likely have all been

< 60 >

fulfilled. Remember, with the passage of time, they will all

play a particular role in the unfolding of the prophetic events.
It seems that they all live until Christ returns at which point
they lose their kingdoms, yet it appears that all of their lives
are prolonged.”

< 61 >

Lacey commented, “I’ve never seen this information

put together like this before. This is remarkable!”
Austin asked, “When do the rest of the prophetic events
from the book of Revelation come into play? You are talking
about events that cover a time span which extends far into

the future and other than the first five kings, you haven’t
mentioned anything from the book of Revelation. You did
mention the mark of the beast, but you said that series of
events happens during the reign of the sixth king.”

“You’re right,” Lowell said. “Other than the angel
telling John, ‘And there are seven kings: five are fallen,’ and
little or nothing is mentioned in the book of Revelation that
has recently happened or will happen until the sixth king is

in power.”
“So, that’s why us pastors have been getting so many
things wrong,” Austin said with a voice of understanding.
Lowell nodded. “Yes, unfortunately, for centuries there

have been Christian leaders and scholars who have claimed
certain prophetic events from the book of Revelation had
happened when in reality they haven’t. We aren’t there yet.
We have a ways to go.”

Austin looked a lot more relaxed as he noted, “You
know, Lowell, what you’re saying makes a whole lot of
sense. Every week I try and find something in the news that
I can somehow tie in with the book of Revelation. And you

know what, over the years, it has never panned out. Now I
know why.”
“And now you know that prophetic events are

< 62 >

happening,” Lowell said. “However, other than John writing

that the angel told him the first five are fallen, the current
prophetic information happening is from the book of Daniel.
You got it!” Lowell then gave Austin a smirk. “And I’m glad
you’re in a little better mood.”

Austin immediately made a sour looking face, “Oh
man! Don’t tell me you are going to talk about Grecia being
the US again!”

< 63 >






owell changed the slide and said, “Here’s an
interesting note about Grecia. It looks like years

Llater after Grecia has split up into four kingdoms,
there will eventually
be a king that Daniel

calls a “little horn”
king that will come
out of one of the four
kingdoms. We aren’t
told which one.”

< 64 > < 64 >

“However,” Lowell said as he changed the slide, “one

of the interesting things about this little horn king is that he
eventually becomes...”
“The anti-Christ!” Austin shouts in amazement.
“Yes.” Lowell says and adds, “The eighth king who

goes to fight against Christ.”

The 8th
king goes
to ght

< 65 >

Landon looked puzzled. “You mean a king from an

American area will become a king over a Muslim area?”
“Wow!” Lowell exclaimed in a voice of surprise.
“You’re sharp, Landon! You’re right on.”
“Is he Muslim?” Landon asked.

“I really don’t know,” Lowell replied. “We will have
to wait and see. However, within about fourteen years we
should know.”
“Is that when you think Christ will come back?” Lacey

“Oh no!” Lowell said. “This little horn king in the
Grecia area and the sixth king in the kingdom of the north
area will be in power about then. Christ will not return in

power and glory until sometime after the little horn king in
the Grecia area becomes the eighth king in the kingdom of
the north area.”
Lacey looked curiously at Lowell and asked, “So, when

do you think Christ is coming back?”
“When all the prophetic events leading up to the return
of Christ in power and glory have all been fulfilled as
promised,” Lowell answered.

“Nice answer but, really, when do you think that will
be?” Lacey persistently asked.
“I would guess in the 2040s to the 2050s,” Lowell

“That’s a long time!” Lacey said. “I have felt it will be
much sooner.”
“You and millions of others may feel it will be sooner.

< 66 >

Keep in mind that approximately over the past two thousand

years, probably hundreds of millions of people or billions
have had a feeling that Christ would be coming back soon.
Many of those people have died long ago thinking he was
coming back very soon. It’s one of the concerning problems

we have in our society now. There are still some pastors
who preach that Christ is coming back soon. A few have
given dates that have come and gone. Consequently, tens of
millions of people have given up on going to church in part

because they aren’t seeing any real evidence of the prophetic
events actually happening. And again, it’s really not your
fault and it’s really not the pastor’s fault. So many people
including pastors have been so anxious for the return of

Christ that they fell victum to false interpretations and false
signs of the times.
Lacey looked a little depressed as she responded, “Well,
you’re right… I guess I just need to let this soak in a little

longer. It’s a lot of new information.”
Lowell nodded. “Yes, it is. And I’m not showing you a
lot of scriptures that you can verify. I’m telling you what they
say and I’m putting things in general order to help you get a

glimps of the big picture. Over the next few weeks, I think
you are going to really enjoy going through the videos on website about the book of Daniel
and the book of Revelation. There you will see the scriptures,

read the scriptures, and hear me read the scriptures. You will
be verifying the information for yourself. That’s when it
really becomes exhilarating to you… When you learn it and

< 67 >

confirm it for yourself so that no one can mislead you about

it again.”
Lacey nodded in agreement as Jose spoke up, “Are
you kidding? The next few weeks? I’m going to rip through
those videos sooner than that!”

“Awesome!” Lowell said. “I look forward to hearing
what you think. Let’s continue!”
Lowell looked at the slides on his laptop and said,
“Looks like we got a little off-topic. Let me review a slide

with you and then we will pick things up from there.”
Lowell changed the slide and said, “As I mentioned,
after the death of Khamenei and the creation of the kingdom
of the north and the kingdom of the south, my guess is there

will still be conflict in the Middle East. However, from
Daniel chapter 11 we are not told about any other wars
occurring in the Middle East until years later when the king
of the south sends one of his daughters to the king of the

north to make an agreement. The king of the north ends up
killing the king of the south’s daughter, the king of the south,
and part of his army.”

< 68 >

“Do you have a slide that shows the verses you are

talking about?” Austin asked.
“Maybe.” Lowell said as he looked over the slides.
“Yes. Here ya go.”

Austin took a moment to read it and said, “You’re spot

on Lowell. That’s what I get out of it too. The daughter’s
killed, her father the king is killed, and the army with them
are killed.”
“Glad we agree. Taking the verses at face value has

really helped me make the connections.” Lowell replied.

< 69 >





L owell changed the slide and said, “Now, after the king

of the north has killed the king of the south and a
portion of his army, as well as the king of the south’s
daughter, how do you think the people in the kingdom of the
south feel? Maybe just a little upset?”

Everyone nodded and a few mumbled some comments.
Lacey said, “Of course!”

< 70 > < 70 >

Lowell said, “Well, look what happens on the next slide.

Someone who is a relative of the daughter of the king of the
south becomes the new king of the south and this new king
of the south gathers an army and goes to battle the kingdom
of the north for revenge. And the king of the south is very

successful! In Daniel 11, verses 7-9 we read: ‘But out of a
branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate, which
shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress
of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and

shall prevail. And shall also carry captives into Egypt their
gods, with their princes, and with their precious vessels of
silver and of gold. He shall continue more years than the
king of the north. So the king of the south shall come into his

kingdom, and shall return into his own land.’”
Landon had a victorious face. “Now that’s a message
the kingdom of the north won’t forget any time soon!”
Lacey asked, “Does the king of the north nuke the south

Lowell responded, “Surprisingly, we don’t read of any
retaliation from this first king of the north. All we are told is
that the king of the south will live more years than the king

of the north. It sounds like the king of the north learned his

< 71 >

lesson about messing with this king of the south.

Maria suggested, “Maybe the king of the south used
the princes they captured from the kingdom of the north as
a bargaining chip. You know, like if you attack us again, we
will kill them.”

Landon complimented Maria, “Good point, Maria!”
“Yes it is,” Lowell said. “What’s interesting about that
thinking is this. After the death of the fifth king, who is the
first king of the north, one of his sons leads an army of the

kingdom of the north to attack the kingdom of the south and
then returns to the kingdom of the north. There is no mention
of them bringing back the princes. However, he does become
the next king of the north.”

“Hmmm,” Maria says.

< 72 >

Austin anxiously spoke up, “He’s the sixth king! The

mark of the beast is setup!”
“Yes and no,” Lowell said. “He is the sixth king.
However, the mark of the beast is not setup yet.”
Jose spoke confidently, “Man, you know the king of the

south is going to do some more serious butt-kicking now!
He’s going to teach that new king of the north a lesson!”
“Yep. You’re right, Jose. However, there is a twist,”
Lowell responded. “The king of the south gathered his army

and traveled to the kingdom of the north. The king of the
north knew the army was coming, so the king of the north
gathered his big army and got ready. By the end of the battle
the king of the south’s army killed ‘many tens of thousands’

of the king of the north’s people.”
“I knew it!” Jose said in a rather loud voice with a look
of ‘I told you so!’

“Now, here’s the twist…” Lowell said with a slight
pause. “Daniel wrote that even though the king of the south’s

‘heart shall be lifted up’, or in other words encouraged by
his success, the king of the south shall not be strengthened
by it.”

< 73 >

“What!” Jose said with a puzzled look on his face.

“How can he not be strengthened by it?”
Landon scratched his blond head and had a puzzled
look as well. He asked Lowell, “Did Daniel say why?”
“He did a little,” Lowell replied. “Something happened

during “certain years” to allow the king of the north to have
an army bigger than before and still have many riches left
Everyone looked puzzled over that comment.

Landon broke the silence, “It takes a fortune to build
up a massive army! He builds up a massive army and still
has a fortune left over? I don’t get it! Does he do that in fifty

“My guess is four or five years,” Lowell responded.
Austin still looked confused, “I’m guessing the mark
of the beast has something to do with it. Does Daniel say

anything about that during this time?”
Lowell shook his head and said, “No, Daniel only
comments about the building up of the army and the “much

< 74 >

riches” still left over after the “certain years”. Daniel stays

focused on the battles pretty much the whole chapter.”
Austin exclaimed, “Then the mark of the beast could
have happened during the “certain years” and Daniel just
didn’t expound on it!”

“You are exactly right, Austin,” Lowell said with a little
smile. “Daniel chapter 11 covers the time span of 1925 to the
return of Christ in power and glory. So, logically, think about

all the other prophetic events mentioned in the Bible that
will be fulfilled in our day. Even though Daniel chapter 11
may not mention those other prophetic events in the Bible,
they will still inevitably happen.”

Lacey’s face lit up. “And this was the logical place
where the mark of the beast would fit in!”
“Yes,” Lowell confirmed. “And by the way, in
Revelation chapter 13, we read that the mark of the beast is

set up during the time of the head, which is a king, who had
a deadly wound, but still survived. That’s the sixth king. He
could have received the deadly wound during the time span

< 75 >

when the king of the south’s army kills tens of thousands of

the people from the kingdom of the north.”
“Nice connection, Lowell!” Austin said with a smile.

During this attack is when the king
of the south kills tens of thousands
of the people from the kingdom of
the north. (Dan. 11:12)

Also during this attack is likely the
time when the king of the north (the
sixth king) gets the deadly wound
and yet lives as mentioned in
Revelation 13:3,12,14.

Sarah still looked puzzled. “What exactly is the mark
of the beast you keep talking about? I’ve heard it before but

< 76 >

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