have never really understood its meaning or significance.”
Austin jumped in the conversation. “There is going to
be a worldwide monetary system that this evil king is going
to control. For anyone to be compliant, they have to have a
mark on their right hand or forehead or have the number of
the beast to be able to buy or sell anything.”
Maria added, “Christians are not to accept the mark of
the beast. In the book of Revelation, John saw that many
Christians would end up being beheaded for not accepting
the mark of the beast.”
Landon shook his head as he said, “I finally have found
a huge hole in your story, Lowell.” Landon pointed his finger
at Lowell and said, “You’re wrong!”
Lowell looked a little surprised, but it was not the first
time he had been told such during a presentation. He calmly
waited for Landon to tell him why.
Landon paused for a moment to relish in the realization
that he had finally encountered an error in Lowell’s
presentation. “Lowell, there is no way the world is going
to allow some king in Iran to have control of a worldwide
monetary system! Take a look at Iran today! The other
countries would never buy into it!”
Lowell gave a little smile and replied, “Yes. I agree.
Today, Iran under the rule of Khamenei would never
stand a chance of convincing nations around the globe to
participate in a newly created worldwide monetary system
that Khamenei alone would control. However, that event is
poised to happen more around the time frame of 2030, give
< 77 >
or take five years or so. At that stage in time things are going
to be much more different than they are now. Your comment
leads to a good transition into talking about what happens so
that there is even a need for a new monetary system.”
Landon’s confident look turned to a blank stare as he
noted Lowell seemed to be prepared to obliterate his claim
that the world would never create a monetary system in
which a king in Iran would control.”
< 78 >
< 79 >
L owell asked the group, “How many of you have heard
of the sixth seal event?” He looked around to see the
wheels turning inside the heads of the group. Then he
added, “Be careful, if you raise your hand, I may ask you to
explain what the sixth seal is.” Everyone looked at Austin
who eventually shook his head.
Lowell explained, “The main reason for the need of
a new monetary system is due to the prophetic sixth seal
events as mentioned in Revelation chapter 6 verses 12 thru
17. Altogether, these events will be the worst worldwide
catastrophes known to man since the flood of Noah’s time.
However, unlike in Noah’s time when there were only eight
survivors, there will probably be billions of people who
will survive. Presently, we are living during the reign of
< 80 > < 80 >
the fourth king… these events happen during the reign of
the sixth king.” Lowell changed slides and said, “Read for
yourself how catastrophic the sixth seal events will be.”
Revelation 6:12-17
12 And I beheld when he had opened the
sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earth-
quake; and the sun became black as sack-
cloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Lowell asked, “What causes this massive earthquake
and such great pollution as to blacken out the sun? The next
verse seems to give us the answer… Bright objects hitting
the earth!”
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the
earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely
figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
“How bad will the earthquake be? The next verse tells
us that every mountain and island is moved out of their
places! Imagine the massive waves this will cause too!”
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll
when it is rolled together; and every moun-
tain and island were moved out of their
Lowell said, “To make sure that we understand that the
devastation is worldwide and is catastrophic, John added
the next verse, which indicates that all of humanity will be
< 81 >
seeking shelter.”
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great
men, and the rich men, and the chief cap-
tains, and the mighty men, and every bond-
man, and every free man, hid themselves in
the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Lowell commented, “Many people will think that
this is the time when Christ will return in power and glory.
However, these are the events of the sixth seal and there will
still be many events and years to come before the actual
return of Christ in power and glory.”
16 And said to the mountains and rocks,
Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him
that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath
of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come;
and who shall be able to stand?
Lowell looked around as the gravity of this information
began to settle upon their hearts and minds, “So, here we are,
and the fourth king is in power. The sixth seal events will
happen when the sixth king is in power. There are yet many
prophetic wars and events to come between now and then.
Plus our world will experience many other events not even
mentioned by the prophets. Many countries are struggling
financially. Here in the U.S., our very own government is
spending like there is no tomorrow… isn’t that interesting?”
Jose quickly asked, “Do you think they know?”
< 82 >
“I wouldn’t be surprised if some scientists know,”
Lowell replied. “I mean, take a look at the powerful
telescopes we have and the massive amount of money we
spend on searching out objects approaching the earth. No,
it wouldn’t surprise me at all if some scientists know, if the
president knows, or other members of the financially and
politically elite know. However, if they don’t…” Lowell
paused for a moment as he looked at the others, “sometime
in the coming months to few years…they will.”
Landon had a look on his face like he was trying to
remember something, “Isn’t NASA and the European Space
Agency working together to practice deflecting an asteroid?”
“They were.” Lowell answered, “That joint mission
was canceled. The ESA was to launch a spacecraft in 2020
and NASA was to launch theirs in 2021. The mission was to
hit an asteroid and change its course.”
“They gotta know!” Austin said with a convincing tone.
“Do you think this sixth seal event is why some of
the elite people are building underground bunkers?” Lacey
< 83 >
Austin added, “I read that the military has been building
massive underground facilities and transportation tunnels.”
Landon spoke up, “We all know NASA and the military
have their deep secret projects. But, if the sixth seal event
is truly going to happen, imagine the political power-plays
Lacey looked at Landon and with sarcasim said, “You
mean political favoritism, corruption, and lying is going to
get worse than it already is?”
Everyone quietly chuckled and then Sarah reasoned
out loud, “People in the US are so used to the government
being there to help in a crisis. Government can’t be there for
everyone in this event.”
Lacey agreed, “Yeah, no government bail-outs for the
sixth seal event. Our monetary system will be on life support
years before the event even happens.”
Austin added, “I agree. When the cat gets out of the bag
about the real threat of this event, the derivative market will
be toast, the stock market will be toast, and the economies
around the globe will be toast! The supply chain of food,
gas, medicine, and about everything else could come to a
Jose agreed and said, “Man, think of the high
unemployment, riots, lawlessness, and probably food,
energy, and other shortages.”
Sarah then chimed in, “That alone could probably cause
the death of tens of millions of people or more, years before
the actual sixth seal event even happens!”
< 84 >
Lacey added, “Think of all the poor people who are
dependent upon government checks! What will happen to
them if those checks stop coming?”
Austin spoke-up, “I can see so many things that could
trigger the split-up of the USA into the four nations.”
Lacey asked, “When do you think the six seal event
will happen?”
Lowell answered, “I’m guessing the sixth seal
earthquake happens during the “certain years” of when the
sixth king is in power, sometime around 2028 to 2033 is my
guess. I have little doubt that in the coming years there will
be scientists who will know the year and even the month.”
Maria spoke softly with great concern, “I thought you
said this is a good time to bring children into the world.”
“Maria,” Lowell said. “You are a Christian. You now
know about the sixth seal event. Over the coming days,
you will do your own due diligence to watch the videos
and prayerfully confirm this information, and ask Heavenly
Father what He wants you to do to prepare.”
Maria wiped the tears from her eyes as she nodded.
“I hope…” Lowell continued, “that over the coming
few years, all the world will have heard about the sixth seal
event before the scientific proof comes out.”
“Why?” Landon asked while wondering if Lowell had
something against those who were not Christians.
Lowell replied, “Because I’m hoping that will give
Christians more time to start making personal, community,
state, and national preparations so that when the scientific
< 85 >
proof does come out, there will be places better positioned
to handle the adjustments.”
“It’s not going to happen, Lowell,” Landon said. “The
whole world is not going to be prepared to handle this news
“You’re very likely right, Landon,” Lowell admitted.
“Let me ask,” Lowell paused as he looked around at everyone
there, “How many of you are going to watch the videos and
prayerfully consider if this is true?”
Everyone nodded except Landon.
Lowell then asked, “If you feel this could be true. Is
there anyway you are just going to be able to forget about it
and go on with life like things are going to continue the way
they have for the past decades?”
Marie spoke-up, “No.”
“Why?” Lowell asked.
Sarah answered, “Because news about current events
tying into the prophecies are going to keep reminding us of
what is coming our way.”
“Are we helpless?” Lowell asked.
“No.” Jose answered, “We have lots of choices right
“What do you mean?” Lowell asked.
“We can prepare. We can learn to be like the Amish
people. They have lived fine without electricity, cars, and
many modern things.” Jose responded.
Marie looked at Jose, “That’s pretty extreme.”
“It might come down to that.” Jose responded.
< 86 >
Lacey rubbed her hands through her hair, “O.K., let’s
try to think this through. In general order, what would we
expect to happen between now and the mark of the beast?”
Lacey looked at Lowell, “You think the mark of the beast
happens about 2033 right?”
“Give or take a few years, yes.” Lowell replied.
“Yeah, with all this new insight I have to completely
rethink my view of the future.” Sarah said and then added,
“A little review right now would be really helpful.”
< 87 >
owell looked at Lacey and then everyone else,
“Good idea Lacey and Sarah. This is a good time to
Lreview what we have talked about and think about
when what will happen.” Lowell looked at everyone, “What
do you think? What can we expect to happen soon?”
“Iran is getting everyone upset at us.” Jose answered.
Lowell looked at his laptop and click a slide, “Correct.
Daniel chapter 11 verse 2. The fourth king which we know
is Khamenei, is to stir-up all against Grecia, which is the
United States. That is happening.”
< 88 > < 88 >
Sarah pointed her finger at Lowell, “Iran and Turkey is
already pushing to the west, north, and south.”
“Yep.” Lowell answered as he looked at his laptop for a
moment, “Ah! Here’s that slide!”
< 89 >
< 90 >
Austin spoke next, “The US is to do a massive attack on
Iran and Turkey and remove their leaders.”
“Yes. The goat with the one horn between his eyes is
Trump. Khamenei is the first horn of the ram and Erdogan,
the president of Turkey is the second horn of the ram.”
Lowell said as he looked around the slides on his laptop,
“Here’s two good slides for that.”
< 91 >
< 92 >
“After Khamenei is gone there is to be a kingdom of the
north and a kingdom of the south.” Marie said.
“Good.” Lowell said as he found the next slide to click.
Daniel saw this
Lacey leaned forward, “Sometime soon you expect the
lion, bear, and leopard events to happen.”
“Nice.” Lowell said as he found the next slide to click.
< 93 >
Jose spoke with a concerned tone, “In the next few
years you expect scientific proof to come out about the sixth
seal event.”
“Yeah, that’s a big one.” Lowell replied in a somber
tone. “I don’t see the slide for that one. Let’s stop there for a
moment.” Lowell paused and then asked, “Do you think, if
we could get this information out fast now so that millions
of people could watch these prophecies actually play-out,
do you think a significant percentage of those people would
believe the split-up of the US would soon happen after that?”
Lacey nodded, “For sure! It might be fifteen percent to
seventy percent. But, out of millions of people, that would
be a lot of people.”
Austin spoke-up, “Imagine how many people after the
split-up of the US into four nations would believe the sixth
seal event would come!”
“However,” Jose interjected, “News and proof that the
sixth seal event is going to happen may come before the US
splits into four nations.”
“Good point.” Sarah said.
Maria asked in a quiet voice, “So, anytime after the US
attacks Iran things in the US could get worse?”
Lowell answered, “There’s no guarantees that things
will be rosy until sometime after the US attacks Iran.”
“O.K., right. I guess I meant; Can we expect things
to get bad or go from bad to worse sometime after the US
attacks Iran?” Maria asked in a tone revealing she knew her
words were poorly chosen.
< 94 >
Landon spoke up, “After a major victory like that, there
could be some optimism. The economy could see some
positives for a while.”
“You’re right Landon. I sure don’t know how it’s going
to play out over the next few years.” Lowell said and then
added, “Yet, how long do you think that positive economy
could last?”
“If Trump is to be the last President, wouldn’t the
best case scenario be until the end of Trump’s second term,
2024?” Landon replied.
“That would be nice.” Maria said in an upbeat voice.
“Many more years with a good economy to prepare
would be nice.” Lowell agreed and then added, “Yet, is it
“No.” Austin spoke in a firm tone.
“Why?” Lowell asked.
“Because, sometime, anytime after the US attacks Iran
and removes Khamenei the US is going to split into four
nations.” Austin said in a voice of reason.
Lowell asked, “So, if you were to guess... And I know
it’s only a guess. What year would you expect things to really
start to get bad economically?”
“2020!” Jose said, “I don’t think Trump will have a
second term.”
“2023 would be the max for me.” Sarah answered. “If
Trump does a good job with the economy I could see him
lasting part of the second term.”
Lowell asked, “Does anyone think it could be longer
< 95 >
that 2024? That would be about four to nine years before the
sixth seal event if my guess is right.”
Everyone shook their heads “No.” Except Landon.
Lowell then asked, “Assuming that things can go really
south before or by 2025, how does that help you now?”
Austin answered with a reflective tone, “Well, it’s not
like making a make or break decision now. I mean, as time
goes on in the coming months and current events begin
validating these prophecies happening, the more serious I
will get about preparations.”
“I agree.” Maria said, “I think it’s going to take time for
me to realize these things are really going to happen.”
“So, there’s time to move the right direction. Is that
what you mean?” Lowell asked.
“Yeah.” Maria answered.
Lowell then asked, “But, for the person who owns
a home on the beach a month before the sixth seal events
happen, they might be out of luck for getting a good asking
price on their home?”
Everyone chuckled and agreed.
Lowell then posed the next question, “Do you think
proof of the six seal event will trickle out or be announced
all at once?”
Landon answered with confidence, “They’ll trickle it
out. It softens the shock.”
Everyone seemed to agree.
Austin then added, “There’s the unknown. How long
will the news be trickled out before it becomes commonly
< 96 >
accepted knowledge? 2019? 2024? Who knows?!”
Everyone nodded.
Lowell looked at everyone, “Now that’s about the sixth
seal event. Let’s consider the split-up of the US. Will it
matter which of the four new nations you live in?”
Landon spoke with a devil’s advocate tone, “You know,
three of the new nations could be less than a few hundred
square miles. Nothing said they have to be one or more states
“Good point. Yet, will it matter which of the four new
nations you live in?” Lowell asked.
“You don’t want to be living on the coast regardless of
which nation it would be!” Sarah responded.
“Or on a fault.” Jose added.
“I wouldn’t be living in any of the new nations that are
socialist!” Lacey said in a firm tone.
“Why?” Lowell asked.
“Because!” Lacey said and then added, “When the
mark of the beast system is setup they would accept it and I
wouldn’t so they would be hunting me and my family down.
So, first indication I am in a country like that, I’m out of
there! Me and my family!”
“But, remember, the mark of the beast system isn’t
setup until about 2033, give or take a few years.” Lowell
replied playing the devil’s advocate.
Maria became animated with her response, “We were
just talking about things getting really bad financially by
about 2020 to 2024. How easy is it going to be to sell a house
< 97 >
after that? I think we might have to end up just walking away
from our homes by then.”
Austin spoke in a humble voice, “O.K., I’m getting
the picture. If the housing market is hot now and we find
ourselves in an area we know is going to be a bad situation
later, it’s best we sell high if we can.”
“But, pray about it first. Right Pastor?” Maria asked in
a rhetorical voice.
“Absolutely!” Austin replied. “God sometimes calls us
to stay in an unsafe place or go to unsafe places.”
“Insight from God is so important.” Lowell said and
then added “We have no idea how many objects are going
to hit the earth during the sixth seal event or where they will
hit. Yet, God does. I want his advise as to where it will be
“Amen! Excellent point Lowell.” Austin responded.
“I want you to think about this...” Lowell paused
and looked at everyone, “How would you like to live in a
community that is Christ centered that you feel God will
protect. A community which believes the prophetic events
will happen, is preparing to be self-reliant, and who really
care about each other and treat each other kindly? Just take
a moment and think of living in that community. Think of
waving and smiling at everyone and everyone waving and
smiling back.”
Sarah added, “We don’t judge people by if they go to
church or where they go to church. We just love helping and
being kind one to another.”
< 98 >
Jose then spoke-up, “But, most of us do love the
Lord! We believe he’s coming back! We see the prophecies
happening. We are excited to help each other make it to that
glorious day!”
Lacey smiled, “Yeah, I love it! We openly talk about
Christ. Schools teach out of the Bible. There is prayer in
school. During the Christmas season Merry Christmas is
spoken and seen throughout the community.”
“Oh yeah! Praise the Lord!” Austin said and then added,
“That’s a beautiful community!”
There’s a moment of silence as everyone is picturing
that community in their mind and then Austin remarked,
“We’re safe! I see we’re safe! We don’t have the mark of the
beast. God is blessing us like the House of Israel in Moses’
time. Wow! Just like back then, our enemies fear us because
of the miracles God performs to protect us. We have food.
We have clothes. We have each other. We have God and
happiness! Wow! What a beautiful place!”
Lowell then asked, “What type of national Government
would you like for that community?”
Sarah responded, “One a whole lot different than the
corrupt, overspending, never fixing, free-loading type we
have now!”
Landon spoke with conviction, “Even without any of
the prophetic events our government has ruined our nation
with unsustainable debt of twenty trillion and growing. Then
there is the one hundred and fourteen trillion and growing
debt of unfunded liability from Social Security, Medicare,
< 99 >
and the rest. Our politicians have been getting votes by
buying people off with government programs. I have never
expected Social Security to be there when I retire. We need a
government that sticks to the basic principles of securing our
freedoms not Socialism. Socialism has never endured while
ensuring human rights and freedom.”
“Yeah,” Jose said, “About the first one-hundred and
forty years of our country we didn’t have all these social
programs. Now it’s obvious, we won’t have them in the
future. So, we can choose to adjust now or be forced to adjust
later. These programs are going down whether we like it or
not. We need a government which spends within its means
and leaves the people to help the people.”
Austin looked at Lowell, “You have told me many
times that our government is breaking two of the ten
commandments. They are coveting what others have and
they are making laws to legally steal what they want to take.
A government cannot force charity and for them to try is not
in the Constitution.”
Sarah tightened her fists “It’s all the pork-barrel
spending that makes me cringe.”
“The Federal Reserve is my pet peeve!” Lacey said
with a tone of disgust, “Creating money out of thin air!”
Give me a break! Our monetary system is as unsustainable
as our debt! It too would crash without the sixth seal event.
Let’s stay away from fake money!”
“Now you’re getting my blood boiling!” Maria said,
“Why can politicians go to Washington for one term and
< 100 >
get paid for the rest of their lives?” Maria looked around as
everyone agreed and then continued, “Why do we get stuck
with Obamacare and they get the best healthcare service for
the rest of their life?”
“You go girl!” Sarah shouted.
Maria continued, “Look what we have learned tonight!
Look what’s coming our way! Look at the hell hole these
politicians have put us in! And they... They got their big
fat pensions and great health care! Man, Praise God my
eyes have been opened tonight! I’m guilty! I’ve voted for
those who would support and expand social government
programs.” Maria then raised her hand, “But, God as my
witness! I will never vote for socialism never ever again!”
“Amen!” Jose, Lacey, and Austin said together.
Austin spoke up, “I’m guilty of supporting policies
that now, with this new insight, I can absolutely tell you is
wrong, unsustainable, and if we don’t prepare people for
what’s coming it’s going to come back to bite us! No man is
an island!”
Lowell spoke-up while Austin paused, “Thanks for
all of your thoughts and comments. I want you to keep that
awesome community in your mind as we now continue on.
When you envision the type of community we know will
sustain the future, remember, some assembly required!
What’s the alternative? What will it take? Is it worth it?”
Lowell step back towards the TV, “Christians worldwide
in the coming few years will learn of the prophetic events,
see some of the prophetic points happen, and come to
< 101 >
believe the sixth seal event is fast approaching. I hope they
will start to prepare themselves and others regardless of their
faith, religious preference, or lack thereof.” Lowell paused
for a moment and then continued, “Most countries are going
to accept the mark of the beast, and we, in the country of
freedom won’t, so more than likely, all the other countries
will refuse to buy from us and sell to us.”
Austin chipped in, “I bet many politicians today would
accept the mark of the beast system for our country.”
Lowell nodded, “We need to get this information out
to everyone we can including the politicians and candidates.
We need to ask the politicians and candidates to review it
and tell us what they think.”
“Oh, come on, Lowell!” Landon said. “Most politicians
treat Christianity like a plague! No way are you going to get
very many politicians to respond!”
“Man, mixing religion with politics! That’s been bad
Kool-Aid!” Jose said with a concerned look on his face.
Lacey spoke with conviction, “Our country was founded
on Judeo-Christian principles. God, Christ, the Bible, and
freedom was the foundation.”
Jose was quick to reply, “This isn’t 1776.”
Lacey didn’t let Jose say another word, “That’s right!
Now look at what’s coming our way! We need God in our
day just as they needed God in theirs. Look what we learned
tonight! We can accept it and work with God to prepare or
turn our back on God if we dare. You know where I stand.”
Landon looked at Lacey and Lowell and shrugged
< 102 >
his shoulders, “Say what you want, I don’t see candidates
running on a platform of the prophetic events including the
US splitting up into four nations and the sixth seal event.”
Austin looked at Landon and spoke with his strong
preacher’s tone voice, “That’s why non-Christians may
not be the best candidates. If politicians, Christian or non-
Christian ignore the prophetic events of our day they are
going to have a hard time convincing me they are the leaders
this country needs at this time and I hope they will get voted
“Don’t hold your breath! A religious platform has not
proven to be a solid base. It would be political suicide.”
Landon replied.
“Hold on.” Lowell said calmly, “Although I agree with
what you said Austin, it makes you and I sound like this is all
about forcing everyone to be a Christian or else. That’s the
furthest from my intentions. How about yours?”
“I’m not forcing anybody to become Christian.” Austin
“O.K., glad we agree on that.” Lowell responded and
then added, “To me, an important priority is to work with
God to get his insights into the future and with those insights
work to preserve everyone’s freedom and with that freedom
work together to improve lives and save lives.”
Austin nodded, “Brother, well said. That’s it. That’s
what this is about. Let’s face the facts that the entitlement
programs are going down. Let’s help one another. We have a
whole lot of helping to do.”
< 103 >
Sarah looked Lowell square in the eyes, “Could you
vote for a non-Christian?”
“Absolutely!” Lowell answered without hesitation,
“And I very likely already have. Over the years I have voted
for people in which I had no idea how they felt about God.”
Then Lowell looked around, “With that being said, I can tell
you that in the future I will do more vetting and prayerful
consideration because there’s a lot more at stake.”
Lacey looked intensely at Lowell. “You’ve been
thinking about this for years.” And then added with an
accusing tone, “You have a plan. What is it?”
“It’s simple,” Lowell said. “Inform the people. Some of
them will be on board with preparing themselves as well as
encouraging their communities, states, and nations to begin
Jose shrugged his shoulders. “What about the
“People, including politicians, who love freedom will
keep USA great or be a critical factor to its fate.” Lowell said.
“This is our golden opportunity, our awesome opportunity
moment! We use these insights about the prophetic events to
get good candidates elected who start making the right, hard
decisions or we don’t and if we don’t. . . Count on all hell
breaking loose!”
Jose looked puzzled. “How is it possible to get good
politicians in office?”
“One person and one vote after another.” Austin said.
Sarah added, “Why would a Christian even run for
< 104 >
election if they believed the US was going to split into four
“Jose, Sarah, because lives matter. Let me see if this
helps to answer that.” Lowell looked over at Austin and
asked, “Austin, do you think you might want to share this
information with your congregation?”
“I’m going to review the videos and if things check out,
I’ll be sharing it next week!” Austin said with a sincere look.
“Think this information might get the congregation
fired up?” Lowell asked.
“Heavens yes! They will be talking about it,” Austin
“Here’s something else that might help…” Lowell said
as he changed slides. “Here is a poster with 210 prophetic
points in general order.”
Everyone’s eyes opened wide as Austin said, “I’ll take
< 105 >
three hundred! Man, what a sermon that will make!”
Everyone commented about wanting to buy the poster
“Great! Let me tell you about it.” Lowell said. Then he
explained, “The difference between a prophetic event and a
prophetic point is simply this. An event will have a beginning
point. That’s one prophetic point. An event will typically
have an end point. There’s another prophetic point. John
and Daniel may have mentioned several points in between
too. So, looking at the prophetic points from the book of
Revelation and the book of Daniel relating to our day, 210
prophetic points are marked in general order on the poster.”
“Which prophetic point are we on now?” Austin asked.
Lowell paused as he noted everyone was waiting with
bated breath for the answer. “From 1925 to 2015 we were
on…” Lowell paused again like he was waiting for a drum
roll. “Number 15!”
“That’s it!” Austin exclaimed, as everyone else looked
disappointed too.
“Yep. That was it,” Lowell said. “However…” He
looked to make sure everyone was paying attention. “Since
2015 to August of 2018, we are up to 26 fulfilled or being
fulfilled! Now, over the next few months and years we are
going to go from number 26 to number 38!”
“What?” Austin said as the others looked equally
surprised. “This is the track record I have been waiting for!
Finally! Proof we are on track for Christ to come back!”
“Yeah, can you see why this is our golden opportunity?”
< 106 >
Lowell asked.
Lacey said, “Yeah, I get it. If people don’t believe the
information when we are on the prophetic point number
now, maybe they will somewhere along the way to prophetic
point number 38!”
Austin had to ask, “What about the US splitting up into
four nations?”
Lowell responded, “If the US is to split into four
nations, would you like all four nations to have a lot of
politicians who love freedom and will reject the mark of the
beast system?”
“Absolutely.” Austin answered, “I get it.”
“More than likely those new candidates won’t have
much funding or campaigning skills,” Landon countered.
“Here’s the difference… And this is very important…”
Lowell said. “As time goes on and more people learn
about this let’s encourage some of them who love freedom
to become candidates. Then, as more prophetic points are
Landon then interrupted and said, “The more the other
candidates are going to look really bad no matter how much
money they are throwing at the campaign. I get it. It’s a Hail
Mary play. It works if Christians learn about this information
and if the prophetic events happen. Otherwise, the plan fails.”
Jose nodded. “I can see why you call this the golden
opportunity. We have to act as if these prophetic points
are going to happen. If we don’t and the prophetic events
happen, millions of people will suffer and die. We would
< 107 >
also be at risk of not having enough like-minded politicians
to protect our freedom and protecting us from the evil
monetary system.”
Lacey asked, “Are there enough Christian voters to
make a difference?”
“Why do you think Trump won?” Austin said in a
rhetorical voice.
Lowell stepped back a couple of steps, “Here’s
something I think we can all agree on: Prior to Trump and
Clinton running in the election we didn’t see many signs of
them being devout Christians. Can we agree on that?’
Everyone nodded.
Lowell continued, “So, the 2016 election was not about
who was a devout Christian. Let’s put that off to the side.”
Lowell took a few steps towards Landon, “The voter
turn-out rate was about 58% for the 2016 election. One
research group reported about 58% of the eligible Christians
voted. Statistically that’s pretty high yet, obviously, there is
room for improvement.” Lowell then turned to Lacey, “The
report showed 7% of all the voters in the 2016 election were,
let’s say very devoted Christians, of that 7% group about
80% of them voted for Trump!”
“Wow! 80%!” Austin said with a voice of surprise.
“Yeah but it was only 7% of all the voters.” Jose noted.
“Right.” Lowell replied as he looked at Jose, “The next
group of Christians was not as hard core as the first group and
they represented about 24% of all the voters that voted. This
group voted about 56% for Trump and 35% for Clinton.”
< 108 >
Landon leaned back and pointed at Lowell and spoke
with a radio announcer’s voice, “Wait for it! Lowell is setting
us up. I feel it coming!”
“You’re right.” Lowell said as he looked at Landon,
“Get this, the report showed 43% of the people that voted
identified themselves as Christians yet Jesus isn’t important
in their lives. Now, this is what caught my attention: That
group voted just about 47%-47%!”
Maria was surprised, “They’re canceling out each
other’s vote!”
“Yeah.” Lowell softly replied, “Room for improvement.”
Jose reasoned, “We just need to share these insights
about the prophetic events of our day with everyone who
will listen.”
Landon looked at Lowell, “You know, Lowell, this is a
long shot. This never would have had a chance of working
at any other point in time. Yet, logically, the odds are a
thousand to one against you. Sorry to have to say this but,
you’re crazy if you think you can get this information out to
the millions or even to one million people here in the U.S..
Take my advice: Save your time and your money and go
home. You’ve been at this since 1998 and look where it’s
gotten you.”
Sarah slapped Landon across his back as she blurted
out, “Holy crap!”
Everyone laughed.
Lowell tried to stop laughing, “Landon, it is a long shot.
And yes, I’ve been at this since 1998 and over the years you
< 109 >
all know I have made books, DVD’s, websites, and have
talked to many pastors, candidates, politicians, and their staff.
And admittedly, there has been little progress to show for it.
However, I didn’t have all the insights in 1998 compared to
what I have now. It’s been a line-upon-line process.” Lowell
looked at everyone and continued, “Finally, in just the past
little while, I can tell you, this is gaining traction. Current
events are now happening to where more and more people
are believing John and Daniel. Is it a long shot for someone
like me to share this with even a million people? Yes. Yet,
God is guiding me to some wonderful people and some
wonderful people to me. I can’t do this alone. This needs to
be a team effort with God.”
“I don’t see any other good choice,” Jose said.
Lacey shook her head and added, “And think of all the
poor people dependent on the government who would perish
because of the actions of those politicians refusing to do the
right thing and change course. Oh, that would be horrible!
We have to let them know. We have to prepare to help them!”
Lowell looked at Lacey and the others. “Yes we do. We
need to step up and start making preparations for Christians
and Non-Christians alike.”
Austin looked at Landon, “This really is about restoring
freedom so each of us can live how we want.”
Lowell looked at Maria who was wiping away teardrops.
Lowell spoke while looking directly at her, “Maria, I really
hope this information is going to get out there.” Lowell took
a step toward her and continued, “I really hope we turn away
< 110 >
from caring so much about things and start caring more about
using things to help others.” He took another step closer to
her. “I hope we have strong Christian communities like we
talked about a few minutes ago.
And think about it. These children are going to have a
chance to be alive to witness the return of Christ in power
and glory! That is priceless! And you are giving Elijah that
chance! God bless you!”
Maria wiped the tears that were flowing from her eyes.
“Yes. As Christians gather and love and serve God, He will
bless us like the house of Israel. I believe that, Lowell. Thank
you! I can just picture those communities so full of love for
God and each other. They are going to be beautiful places.
I see my kids happy, so happy there. I see Jesus coming
to greet them when he returns. Oh, I see it so clearly now.
Thank you! This truly is a unique and wonderful time to
bring children into the world.”
Everyone was speechless for a moment as Lowell
walked back over by the TV. Sarah again reached over and
held Maria’s hand as she said, “O.K., Lowell, What’s next?”
Lowell chuckled, “We were trying to review in general
order what was going to happen leading up to the mark of
the beast but, religion and politics kept getting in the way!”
Everyone chuckled.
“For the sake of time, we’re moving on and we will
talk about religion, politics, weather, and more.” Lowell said
with a smile and then added, “Don’t worry, the poster has
210 prophetic points listed in general order.”
< 111 >
arah reached over and held Maria’s hand as she
said, “O.K., Lowell, what happens after the certain
“Well, let’s stay on the certain years for a moment
longer,” Lowell said as he changed the slide. “Connections
are made between the book of Revelation and the book of
Daniel showing that two kings convince many of the people
around the world that they, the people around the world,
should build a monetary system which will be controlled by
the king who had the deadly wound and yet lived.”
< 112 > < 112 >
“Now remember…” Lowell said. “These three kings
are all the same person.”
Same person!
< 113 >
Sarah asked, “What are those seven things at the bottom
of the city?”
“Those are seven mountains on which the city sits,”
Lowell answered. “An angel told John that this city will reign
over the kings of the earth. The city may exist. However, the
time when it reigns over the kings of the earth is when this
monetary system is set up and that happens sometime when
the sixth king is in power.”
“How can one city reign over all the kings of the earth?”
Landon asked.
Austin quickly responded, “Because in that city is
where all the buying and selling transaction settlements take
place. It’s the hub.”
“That is a lot of power the kings give to this one king
and that one city,” Landon replied.
“Good point, Landon,” Lowell said. “Which means
that the kings around the world must have had a measure of
confidence that the sixth king, who would be controlling the
monetary system, would be fair and would use that control
to ensure peace between nations. Otherwise I don’t think the
kings would have supported the worldwide monetary system,
let alone enable their people to build the infrastructure for
the worldwide monetary system.”
Sarah had a curious look on her face. “Does that mean
the sixth king, after having the deadly wound and being
healed, comes off to people as being this super nice guy who
is tired of war and wants world peace? Is that why all the
kings trust him with the power of the monetary system?”
< 114 >
Lowell nodded and said, “That is what makes sense to
me, Sarah. By the time the worldwide monetary system is
being set up, the sixth seal event would have happened. Prior
to that, this king of the north would have had many tens of
thousands of his people killed by the army of the king of the
south. Prior to that, when his father was king, the king of
the south had taken the king of the north’s vessels of silver
and gold. The kingdom of the north would be in bad shape. I
can just image the two kings trying to convince the world to
build this worldwide monetary system for this sixth king to
control—not because he is so powerful, because he wasn’t,
not because he was so rich, because he wasn’t that either—
his father had vessels of silver and gold taken. So, why else
would the two kings try and convince all the other kings
and all the people around the world to give the power of
the worldwide monetary system to this sixth king unless he
came across as someone for peace and fairness and a person
you can trust?”
“O.K., I see what you mean. I can go along with that,”
Sarah said.
“It’s going to be interesting to know how it really plays
out,” Lowell remarked. “I’m just glad we have as much
information as we do so we can make preparations to avoid
the worldwide monetary system like the plague that it really
Maria added, “And after the sixth seal event when the
other countries refuse to buy from us or sell to us because
we don’t accept the mark of the beast, we need to be in a
< 115 >
position where we don’t need them.”
Landon played the devil’s advocate and asked, “What if
I want to be part of the monetary system?”
Sarah gave Landon a piercing look and with a stern
voice said, “Then you will have to go alone. The Christian
communities won’t accept it and I’m not going to where they
do accept it because I don’t feel like getting beheaded and I
certainly won’t subject our kids or our grandkids to that kind
of danger!”
Landon smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I know the law
of happiness… A happy wife… a happy life!”
Everyone smiled and Lacey attempted to get the
conversation back on track by exclaiming, “I can sure see
why it is so important to have awesome candidates and to
support and elect them. The government can and is holding
us back. They are going the wrong direction and dragging us
with them.”
“Amen!” Austin said as he reached over and rubbed
Lacey’s shoulder. “It’s time to stop voting Democrat or
Republican and start voting for those for Christ, for preparing
for the prophetic events, and freedom regardless of their
Lowell added, “That’s right! We have a small window
of time to get the right politicians in play to get them to loosen
up on permits and regulations and allow we the people to do
what we do best! Work, build, and invent. We need to be
ready for the influx of Christians who are bound to arrive in
the coming years.”
< 116 >
Jose added, “Yeah, we have to help our Christian
brothers and sisters. At the same time it’s a good thing for us
too, right? We are building greater numbers of supporters to
protect us from those hunting us down and there is strength
in numbers, right?”
Austin chimed in, “Yes there is and I can envision
Christians from all walks of life coming. Doctors, nurses,
software and hardware skilled people, farmers, craftsmen,
tradesmen, and you name it. We will have awesome additions
to our country.”
Landon spoke up with a grin, “Thanks for not mentioning
lawyers. We don’t need another single one of those!”
Everyone chuckled and a look of concern flooded
Sarah’s face, “We can’t afford all those people coming over
here and dipping into our government assistance programs.”
Jose spoke with a voice of reason, “Sarah, whether we
like it or not, those programs are going down! If not sooner,
for sure not long after the scientific proof comes out about
the sixth seal event coming.”
Austin added, “We are going to have to transition from
depending on the government to take care of others’ needs
to where we are doing a better job at helping each other and
helping ourselves become more self reliant. We have to be
wiser with our money.”
Landon looked at everyone and said, “So, let me get
this straight, you Christians push to elect strong Christian
candidates who, like what Trump is doing, will open the
flood gates for non-government jobs, a roaring economy,
< 117 >
and in addition, a society that works to help each other so if
or when the government can’t or won’t help, everything is
in place so that we, the people, can and will? Plus, you will
elect those who will actually reduce the national debt! Hey!
That sounds like the resilient country I want! Count me in!
I’d vote for that! And I’m not even a Christian!”
“Good!” Lowell said with an optimistic smile. “We can
use all the votes we can get! O.K., time to move on.”
“Wow!” Landon said in a voice of amazement, “Politics
and religion jelling together! I didn’t see that coming!
Lowell, with what you have put together, if it continues to
play out, I can sure see how you Christians can make politics
and Christianity come together in an unstoppable way.”
He changed the slide just as Maria interrupted and
said, “It’s hard for me to stop thinking about the tens of
millions of elderly people and poor people that would die if
government checks stop coming without warning, without
time to prepare, without an economy where the working
people had enough extra to help others out of the goodness
of their hearts. We have to let people know what’s coming!”
“Yes we do, Maria. Yes we do,” Lowell said. “O.K.,
let’s get back on track.” Lowell moved closer to the TV.
“The sixth seal event has happened, now John has shown
that there will be no wind that will blow on the earth, nor the
sea, nor on any tree until a hundred and forty-four thousand
servants of God have been sealed by at least five angels. In
Revelation, chapter 7, we read that the hundred and forty-
four thousand are from the twelve tribes of Israel and that
< 118 >
they are around the throne of God when this happens,
meaning that they have likely already passed on.”
Austin tried to assimilate what that all meant and said,
“That means the sixth seal event is so massive that it may
even stop the air from circulating in the jet stream! Wow!
How long will we go without wind?”
“I don’t know,” Lowell said.
Austin shook his head and said, “Do you know what
that means?”
Lowell answered, “Yep.”
Austin reasoned, “When there is no wind, the clouds
that form over the ocean don’t blow over the land and that
means no rain! Drought! Famine! Starvation! Death! If it
lasts long enough!”
“Aren’t you glad we have time to prepare?” Lowell
“We’ve got to take this seriously!” Austin said.
“Tell me about the hundred and forty-four thousand,”
Sarah said.
“The Bible doesn’t say much about them. As we go
along, you will see that they meet again on Mount Zion. I
believe they are on assignment to gather Christians to places
< 119 >
of safety. You’ll see why as we go along,” Lowell answered.
“And talking about moving along, let’s talk about the two
kings who have convinced kings and people around the
world to build a monetary system in which the sixth king
will have most of the control. However, other kings who
convince the people seem to be in leadership positions over
the monetary system as well. The other kings I am referring
to are the kings we have talked about earlier, the lion king,
the bear king, and the leopard king.
< 120 >
“For a certain number of years, things seem to be going
along just fine for those who have accepted the mark of the
beast. The kings are happy and wealthy because the people
are working and making money. Everyone seems to be
happy. The merchants for the most part are happy too because
business is business. And the sixth king and the kingdom
of the north are very happy because the sixth king gets a
piece of the pie from what everyone buys or sells. Oh, and
don’t forget how happy the two kings must be! You know,
the two kings who convinced the world to trust the sixth
king and build the monetary system that he, the sixth king,
will control. I’m sure those two kings and their countries are
pleased with their earnings as well. Oh sure, there have been
many Christians who were caught being non-compliant with
the monetary system. However, they were dealt with fairly
quickly, and then the day comes…” Lowell said and then
took a deep breath. “The day comes when the sixth king who
had been building up a great army and still has much riches
left over, decides to attack the kingdom of the south.”
The king of the north attacks
the kingdom of the south and
takes over a portion of the
kingdom of the south.
(Dan. 11:15-17)
< 121 >
Landon responded in a voice with a little surprise, “I
though he wanted peace?”
“I’m guessing that’s what most of the other kings and
people who had helped build the monetary system thought
too,” Lowell said. “I mean, which king and what people
would want to build a monetary system so that some other
king from another country could control it and make a lot of
money to build up an army to come and then attack you?”
Landon shook his head. “Yeah, that doesn’t make sense.
No one would do that.”
“Ah!” Austin said with his eyes wide open and a smile
on his face. “So, you’re connecting the dots and coming to
your own conclusion as to why the kings and people would
have built the monetary system for the sixth king to control
and make so much money off of it!”
“Exactly!” Lowell said.
Austin replied as everyone was nodding in agreement,
“It makes sense to me!”
“Good!” Lowell said. “Let me know if you come up
with another viable scenario.”
Landon looked deep in thought. “Can you imagine how
ticked off many of the other kings and people are going to be
when they see the sixth king attack another county? They’ll
know they can’t stop him because he controls the monetary
system over every country on earth that is compliant! Man!
They’re going to be as angry as hell at that sixth king!”
Jose asked, “You know the two kings that helped
convince the world to make the monetary system? Can’t
< 122 >
those two kings do anything to stop the sixth king?”
“Great question, Jose,” Lowell responded. “For
whatever reason they don’t and you can imagine how the rest
of the world feels about that! Here they had trusted these two
kings and the sixth king and now all three of the kings have
let them down and it’s about to get a lot worse! However,
one thing I need to mention before we continue with the
sixth king is the sounding of the seven trumpet angels. Has
anyone heard about the seven trumpet angels in the book of
“They prepare the way for the return of Christ,” Austin
“You’re right, Austin,” Lowell said. “Do you remember
what happens with the sounding of the first trumpet angel?”
Austin shook his head.
Lowell showed the next slide. “This is pretty exciting.
This event happens sometime after the sixth seal event.”
Lowell looked around and asked, “Has anyone heard of hail
with fire?”
< 123 >
Everyone shook their heads. “No.”
“It happened back when Moses was trying to get the
pharaoh to let Israel go,” Lowell said.
Austin chimed in, “Oh yeah! God sent down hail upon
the Egyptians and God protected the Israelites.”
“Yeah!” Lowell said with a smile. “And some of the
crops and animals of the Egyptians where destroyed too.”
Maria said smiling, “I remember that from the old Ten
Commandments movie with Charlton Heston.”
Jose asked with a look of shock, “A third of the trees
and all the grass will be burned? Is that worldwide?”
Lowell answered, “We will find out. I think we will
know months if not years in advance if this will be worldwide
unless the sixth seal events has caused too much damage to
the necessary scientific machines that would help determine
Landon pondered out loud. “Wow! A third of the trees
burned! The sixth seal event and now this? What is Al Gore
going to say about all this?”
“So, here’s the question…” Lowell said. “Do you think
God can protect those who love and serve him?”
“Of course!” Lacey replied.
“By this time…” Lowell said while he looked around at
everyone. “The mark of the beast is in place. Many Christians
are being cast out or imprisoned and or being beheaded!”
Lowell paused and continued to make eye contact with the
group. Then he remarked, “Do you think God is unhappy
about that?”
< 124 >
Everyone nodded. “Yes.”
Lowell grinned big when he asked, “Isn’t it exciting
to know that the first trumpet event is not to hurt you but is
meant to send a strong message to the non-believers to stop
killing Christians and turn to Christ?”
Maria was the first to respond as the rest of them quietly
talked to each other. “That’s really exciting! I thought we
would all end up injured or killed by the events spoken of in
the book of Revelation.”
Lowell replied, “I was really excited to learn that too!”
Lowell then pointed at the TV as he changed the slide.
“Now, it’s a really good guess that the first trumpet angel
sounds during the time when the sixth king is in power.
However, with the second, third, and fourth trumpet angels,
I’m assuming they also happen during the time when the
sixth king is in power.”
Austin asked, “What is meant by the silence in heaven?”
Lowell answered, “I had a very strong impression that
John was seeing everyone in heaven silently waiting for the
space of about thirty minutes in anticipation of Heavenly
Father and Jesus to give the signal for the sounding of the first
trumpet. This is the official beginning of the preparations for
the return of Christ in power and glory. It’s a big moment in
heaven!” Lowell then changed the slide and said, “With the
sounding of the second trumpet angel one-third of the sea is
destroyed.” Lowell looked around and asked, “Do you think
we have a good chance of avoiding being hurt by that?”
Everyone looked and agreed that they would be safe.
< 125 >
Lowell commented, “It’s going to be interesting to see
how this is fulfilled and how bad it really is. However, in
case you don’t already know, God pretty much destroys the
earth before Christ comes back. So, we know what to expect
and we know that when Christ returns, the world will be as
good or better than it was when Adam and Eve were in the
Garden of Eden.”
Lowell changed the slide and said, “With the sounding
of the third trumpet angel, a third of the rivers and fountains
are poisoned by an object that hits or passes by earth.”
Austin couldn’t resist. He interrupted by saying, “That’s
wormwood! Man, many people are going to die because they
drink that contaminated water!”
“That’s what John said.” And then Lowell asked, “Since
one-third of the rivers and fountains are destroyed do you
think there is a chance that God will bless us so that not all
of our rivers and fountains are destroyed?”
Everyone agreed and then Lowell changed the slide.
“With the sounding of the fourth trumpet angel a third of the
< 126 >