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way to english 6

Way To English - 6

Susan L. Pettitt Photography/Acervo da artista   Think about it! Na tirinha, os personagens falam sobre as habilidades de cada geração. O pai cita habilidades da sua geração que, na verdade, ele próprio não sabe colocar em prática, mas sua esposa sabe. Você acha que pessoas de diferentes gerações desenvolvem habilidades diferentes? Por quê? Na sua opinião, por que o homem não desenvolveu as habilidades citadas, mas sua esposa sim? 5 The words and expressions in the box below are from the text on the previous page. Use them to complete the following definitions. be (pretty) handy with  •  from scratch  •  like a. for example b. without any previous preparation or knowledge c. be (very) good at using something, especially a tool 6 Read the following dictionary entry and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. In”But my generation can do things yours can’t”, the verb can means “to know how to do something” (definition 2). “to have permission to do something” (definition 3). b. In “and canning fruits and vegetables.”, the word can means “a metal container for food or liquids.” “to preserve food by putting it in a can.” Language in Use Imperative 1 Read the text below and circle the verbs in the imperative. Observe as palavras e expressões em seu contexto de uso para inferir seus significados. tip Available at: <>. Accessed in: August 2014. Respect the animals The magnificent animals in the Zoo are wild and possess all their natural instincts. You are a guest in their home. They are sensitive and have feelings. PLEASE don't tap on glass, cross barriers, throw anything into exhibits, make excessive noise, tease or call out to them. If you see anyone doing so, please call (415) 753-7069 immediately. Review 4 149 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_148a152_Review4.indd 149 30/04/15 12:00

2 Complete each sign below with a verb from the following box. stop  •  remove  •  don’t feed  •  do not touch Can 3 We use can for different reasons. In the following sentences, write: (A) if can expresses ability; (B) if can expresses request; (C) if can expresses permission. a. Can you help me, please? b. I can speak a foreign language. c. Can I ask a question? d. Can I go to the toilet, please? e. Can you wait for me, please? f. Daniela Mercury can sing really well. 4 In each item below, put the words into the correct order to make sentences. a. you / What / do / can / ? b. play / you / Can / guitar / the / ? c. cook / My / can’t / father / . d. really / dance / can / well / She / . e. can / do / very / graffiti / They / well / . 5 Mark the picture below that refers to a sentence from exercise 4. Which sentence is it? PLEASE SHOES WARNING THE ANIMALS CAUTION FRAGILE EQUIPMENT DO NOT ENTER Pavel L Photo and Video/Shutterstock/Glow Images Diego Cervo/Shutterstock/Glow Images Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora 150 Units 7 & 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_148a152_Review4.indd 150 30/04/15 12:01

Time for Fun! It’s time to play “Where are the animals?” with a classmate. INSTRUCTIONS •   Encontre 10 animais na imagem abaixo. •   Complete o quadro com os nomes dos 10 animais em inglês. •   Ganha o jogo quem completar primeiro o quadro. Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Review 4 151 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_148a152_Review4.indd 151 30/04/15 12:01

Thinking about Learning What can I do now? Talk about animals and protests... Talk about abilities... Talk about different art forms... Use the Imperative... Use the modal verb can... Explore campaign posters... Explore comic strips... What words/expressions have I learned in units 7 and 8? Words/Expressions Words/Expressions in use What learning resources have I used in units 7 and 8? Dictionaries Glossary Language Reference in Context Extra reading Extra videos Vocabulary Corner Internet Other(s): What do I need to do in order to improve my learning? Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora with confidence well with some difficulty 152 Units 7 & 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_148a152_Review4.indd 152 30/04/15 12:01

Viewing Families through Art (Second Part) Na unidade 8, você falou sobre diferentes formas de arte. Leia a tarefa abaixo e siga as instruções para fazer a segunda parte do Project 2, Viewing Families through Art. TASK: After having selected different artworks (paintings, drawings, sculptures, graffitis, movies etc.) about families or created your own, it is time to organize and show them to the whole school community and the world! 1. Produce it! In groups, organize the works of art you selected and/or created in the first part of the project and review the basic information you wrote about each of them (title, author, year of production etc.). You can also write keywords (or sentences) to describe how families are presented in each artwork. 2. Share it locally! Organize an exhibition at your school to show what you and your classmates have done. Invite teachers, family members, friends, and other people from your community to get to know different ways of viewing families through different art forms. You can also promote a debate on the topic. 3. Share it globally! Take pictures of the exhibition. Use the Internet to share them with people all over the world and help them think about what a family is. 2B   Think about it! Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir.  Como você se sentiu ao pesquisar e/ou criar obras de arte retratando famílias?  Você se surpreendeu com a visão de família apresentada nessas obras? Por quê?  Como foi a organização da exposição na escola?  Como as pessoas reagiram à exposição?  Você faria alguma coisa de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê? Dennis Hallinan/Alamy/Glow Images Project 2B 153 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_153_Project2b.indd 153 30/04/15 11:53

154 Greetings Saying Hello: Hi, there. Hiya. Saying Goodbye: Bye bye. See you. Asking how people are: How are you (today)? I’m fine, . And you? Hey, up? Not much. Good evening! G’day (informal) = Good day Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora G’day Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 154 30/04/15 12:02

Vocabulary Corner 155 My favorite free-time activities are . watching movies Personal Interests Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora dancing doing judo f ying a kite playing the guitar playing the piano playing with friends riding a bike singing Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 155 30/04/15 12:02

156 Numbers Cardinal Numbers 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 5 6 7 8 eight 9 10 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 16 17 18 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 23 29 30 thirty 40 50 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a/one hundred I am years old. Ordinal Numbers 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th 6th 7th 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th 11th 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd 23rd 29th 30th thirtieth 40th 50th 60th sixtieth 70th seventieth 80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th a/one hundredth I’m in the grade. Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 156 30/04/15 12:02

Vocabulary Corner 157 Occupations dentist lawyer painter singer reporter computer programmer engineer farmer nurse politician Alex Valent/Shutterstock/Glow Images michaeljung/Shutterstock/Glow Images Dana Hursey/Masterlife/Latinstock KPG_Payless/Shutterstock/Glow Images Blend Images/Shutterstock/Glow Images bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock/Glow Images Uwe Umstätter/Masterlife/Latinstock Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images kurhan/Shutterstock/Glow Images michaeljung/Shutterstock/Glow Images Diego Cervo/Shutterstock/Glow Images John Roman/Alamy/Glow Images Kurt Fehlhauer/Alamy/Glow Images Annette Shaff/Shutterstock/Glow Images michaeljung/Shutterstock/Glow Images Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 157 30/04/15 12:03

158 scientist writer Country: Argentina Nationality: Argentinian, Argentine Country: Nationality: Country: Nationality: I want to be a/an . Countries and Nationalities My birthday is on (date). Months of the Year Creativa Images/Shutterstock/Glow Images Renato Soares/Pulsar Imagens rSnapshotPhotos/Shutterstock/Glow Images Images Thomas EyeDesign/Getty Images Arquivo da editora/Fonte: ONU Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 158 30/04/15 12:03

Vocabulary Corner 159 Country: Nationality: Country: England Nationality: English Country: Greece Nationality: Greek Country: Nationality: Country: Chile Nationality: Chilean Country: Nationality: Country: Nationality: Country: Mexico Nationality: Mexican Country: China Nationality: Chinese Country: Nationality: Country: Nationality: Country: New Zealand Nationality: New Zealander Country: Nationality: Country: Russia Nationality: Russian Country: Nationality: Arquivo da editora/Fonte: ONU Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 159 30/04/15 12:03

160 Country: Nationality: Country: Nationality: Physical Education Drama Music French School Subjects IÕm from . IÕm . My favorite school subject is Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/ Arquivo da editora Arquivo da editora/Fonte: ONU Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 160 30/04/15 12:03

Vocabulary Corner 161 Days of the Week M T W T F S S Family Members My favorite day of the week is . Sister Aunt Brother Uncle Cousin Me Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Galvão Bertazzi/ Arquivo da editora Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 161 30/04/15 12:03

162 Parts of the House kitchen cabinet table bookcase hall study chest of drawers Furniture [1] donatas1205/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [2] Neamov/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [3] Dan70/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [4] Coprid/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [5] Photobac/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [6] lynnette/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [7] ArtBitz/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [8] Neamov/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [9] Twin Design/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [10] K. Miri Photography/Shutterstock/Glow Images. Sergio Stakhnyk/Shutterstock/Glow Images Iriana Shiyan/Shutterstock/Glow Images Santiago Cornejo/Shutterstock/Glow Images Igorsky/Shutterstock/Glow Images Elena Elisseeva/Shutterstock/Glow Images Images Eviled/Shutterstock/Glow Images Mehmet Dilsiz/Shutterstock/Glow Images OlegD/Shutterstock/Glow Images ppa/Shutterstock/Glow Images [2] [1] [3] [7] [8] [9] [10] [4] [5] [6] Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 162 30/04/15 12:04

Vocabulary Corner 163 Animals and Pets eagle hippo duck frog [6AP_f51_VC Ð foto de um gorila.] Photography/Shutterstock/Glow Images Shebeko/Shutterstock/Glow Images Aksenova Natalya/Shutterstock/ Glow Images AnetaPics/Shutterstock/Glow Images Igor Kovalenko/Shutterstock/Glow Images Andrzej Kubik/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Tom Reichner/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Lenor Ko/Shutterstock/Glow Images Natali Glado/Shutterstock /Glow Images D and D Photo Sudbury/Shutterstock/ Glow Images worananphoto/Shutterstock/Glow Images iredman/Shutterstock/Glow Images Zuzule/Shutterstock/Glow Images john michael evan potter/ Shutterstock/Glow Images KAMONRAT/Shutterstock/Glow Images MartinMaritz/Shutterstock/ Glow Images stock_shot/Shutterstock/Glow Images grass-lifeisgood/Shutterstock/Glow Images Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 163 30/04/15 12:05

164 Colors purple light green dark green whale zebra My favorite color is . Rob Hainer/Shutterstock/Glow Images Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Fiona Ayerst/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Skynavin/Shutterstock/Glow Images Miles Away Photography/ Shutterstock/Glow Images Member/Shutterstock/Glow Images Stephaniellen/Shutterstock/Glow Images dyoma/Shutterstock/Glow Images EBFoto/Shutterstock/Glow Images KAMONRAT/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Szasz-Fabian Jozsef/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Johan Swanepoel/Shutterstock/ Glow Image Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 164 30/04/15 12:07

Vocabulary Corner 165 ride a horse play the piano surf skate Abilities I can , but I canÕt . Gary S Chapman/Getty Images Natee K Jindakum/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Eddie Linssen/Alamy/Glow Images Ian Shaw/Alamy/Glow Images Maya Kruchankova/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Kzenon/Shutterstock/Glow Images Muellek Josef/Shutterstock/Glow Images Arieliona/Shutterstock/Glow Images Ahturner/Shutterstock/Glow Images Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock/Glow Images Ourania2005/Flickr Open/Getty Images Donald P Oehman/Shutterstock/ Glow Images lzf/Shutterstock/Glow Images Beata Jancsik/Shutterstock/Glow Images Jacek Chabraszewski/Shutterstock/ Glow Images dotshock/Shutterstock/Glow Images Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_154a165_Vocabulary Corner.indd 165 30/04/15 12:08

Subject Pronouns Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso dos subject pronouns you e I. SCHULZ, Charles. November, 2001. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. No segundo e no terceiro quadrinhos, you se refere ao ator para quem Sally escreve a carta. No terceiro quadrinho, I se refere a Sally. • Os subject pronouns correspondem, em português, aos pronomes pessoais do caso reto. “You are my favorite TV actor.” “I think you are grate.” Veja, no quadro a seguir, os subject pronouns. Subject Pronouns I you he she it we you they Verb to be: affirmative form Releia o texto acima e observe o uso do verb to be are. • Usamos o verb to be para expressar ser ou estar. “You are my favorite TV actor.” I am a student. She is happy. Veja, no quadro a seguir, a forma afirmativa do verb to be no presente. Forma afirmativa I am from Brazil. You are He / She / It is We / You / They are © 1984 Peanuts Worldwide LLC./ Dist. by Universal Uclick 166 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 166 30/04/15 12:14

Possessive Adjectives Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso dos possessive adjectives my, her, our e his. SCHULZ, Charles. October, 2010. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. No primeiro quadrinho, my se refere a quem fala e her se refere à irmã de quem fala. No quarto quadrinho, our se refere à menina que fala e à sua irmã e his se refere ao pai das meninas. • Usamos os possessive adjectives para indicar posse. Eles são usados antes de um substantivo ou um grupo nominal. “My name is 3” “this is my sister” “her name is 4” “our brother’s name is 5” “our last name is 95472” “our dad” “his head” Veja, no quadro a seguir, os possessive adjectives. Subject Pronouns I you he she it we you they Possessive Adjectives my your his her its our your their Extra Practice Complete the following sentences with am, are or is. a. Peanuts a popular comic strip. b. I a big fan of Peanuts. Its main characters Charlie Brown and Snoopy. c. Snoopy Charlie Brown’s dog. d. Charlie Brown has a little sister too. Her name Sally. e. Charlie Brown and Sally different from each other. © 1984 Peanuts Worldwide LLC./ Dist. by Universal Uclick Language Reference in Context 167 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 167 30/04/15 12:14

Extra Practice 1 Complete the following sentences. Use possessive adjectives. a. The comic strip Peanuts is very popular around the world. creator is Charles Schulz. b. Peanuts is about the life of Charlie Brown and dog, Snoopy. c. Lucy and brother, Linus, are characters in Peanuts. d. Peppermint Patty and Marcie are best friends. friendship is so beautiful! e. Marcie is bad at sports. favorite activity is reading. 2 Complete the following sentences about some characters from Peanuts. Use he’s or his. a. Linus is Lucy’s little brother. a sweet child. b. Schroeder is a musical genius. favorite musical instrument is the piano. c. Charlie Brown has a quiet, good friend. name is Franklin. d. Snoopy is Charlie Brown’s pet. an imaginative dog. e. Woodstock is a little yellow bird. friend is Snoopy. 3 Read the comic strip below and mark the correct items about it. DAVIS, Jim. May, 2014. Available at: <>. Accessed in: January 2015. a. In “Here’s his list of friends”, his refers to Jon. friends. b. Is Jon a popular person on the social network? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. 4 Complete the following sentences about the comic strip Garfield. Use he’s or his. a. Jim Davis is an American cartoonist. the creator of Garfield. b. The comic strip is about the life of the cat Garfield and owner, Jon Arbuckle. c. Garfield is an orange, lazy cat. also pessimistic and sarcastic. d. Jon has a dog too. name is Odie. © 1981 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick 168 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 168 30/04/15 12:14

Verb to be: negative and interrogative forms Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do verb to be. THAVES, Bob; THAVES, Tom. July 30, 2014. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. Na tirinha, o verb to be é usado na forma afirmativa (Õm) e na forma negativa (Õm not). Veja, nos quadros a seguir, as formas negativa e interrogativa do verb to be no presente. • Em frases negativas, usamos not depois do verb to be. ÒIÕm not a tree huggerÓ Forma negativa I am not from Brazil. You are He / She / It is We / You / They are • Em frases interrogativas, usamos o verb to be antes do sujeito. Is it a squirrel? Yes, it is. Forma interrogativa Am I from Brazil? Are you Is he / she / it Are we / you / they THAVES, Bob; THAVES, Tom. July 30, 2014. Available at: <>. Respostas curtas Afirmativa Negativa Yes, I am. No, I 'm not. you are. you aren't. he / she / it is. he / she / it isn't. we / you / they are. we / you / they aren't. (Õm not = am not; arenÕt = are not; isnÕt = is not) Extra Practice Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. a. Squirrels small animals, but they pets. b. squirrels intelligent creatures? Yes, they . © 2014 Thaves/Dist. by Universal Uclick Language Reference in Context 169 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 169 30/04/15 12:14

Question Words Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso de what. Available at: <>. Accessed in: August 2014. No cartaz, what Ž usado para perguntar o que faz parte do cachorro-quente. Outras question words s‹o usadas para fazer outros tipos de perguntas. • Usamos what para perguntar sobre coisas, fatos ou atividades. What is in your hot dog? What is your favorite food? • Usamos what time para perguntar sobre um hor‡rio/hor‡rios. What time is breakfast? What time is your English class? • Usamos where para perguntar sobre um lugar/lugares. Where are you from? Where is your school? • Usamos when para perguntar sobre uma data/datas. When is your birthday? When is Carnival? • Usamos who para perguntar sobre uma pessoa/pessoas. Who is your favorite singer? Who is your Portuguese teacher? Reprodu•‹o/<> 170 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 170 30/04/15 12:14

Plurals Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso de plurals. SCHULZ, Charles. November, 2006. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. Na tirinha, encontramos v‡rios substantivos no plural. Cats Ž a forma plural de cat. Horses Ž a forma plural de horse. Animals Ž a forma plural de animal. People Ž a forma plural de person. Veja, no quadro a seguir, as regras ortogr‡ficas para formar o plural de substantivos. Regras ortográficas para substantivos no plural Exemplos A maioria dos substantivos: substantivo + s cat → cats horse → horses animal → animals toy → toys Substantivos terminados em s, z, x, sh, ch, ss: substantivo + es gas → gases waltz → waltzes fox → foxes wish → wishes watch → watches kiss → kisses Substantivos terminados em consoante + y: substantivo - y + ies story → stories city → cities activity → activities Substantivos terminados em f ou fe: substantivo - f ou fe + ves life → lives half → halves calf → calves wife → wives Substantivos com plural irregular: person → people child → children man → men woman → women Extra Practice 1 Match the columns below. a. Where is your school? Physical Education. b. What is your favorite school subject? March 10th . c. What time is your Physical Education class? ItÕs in Rio Vermelho, Salvador. d. Who is your Physical Education teacher? 9:00. e. When is the first school assembly? Carol Dias. 2 In each item below, put the words into the correct order to make questions. a. movie / is / What / favorite / your / ? b. your / favorite / Who / actress / is / ? c. she / is / from / Where / ? d. her / When / birthday / is / ? © 1984 Peanuts Worldwide LLC./ Dist. by Universal Uclick Language Reference in Context 171 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 171 30/04/15 12:14

Extra Practice 1 Rewrite the following sentences as in the example below. a. The baby of a cat is a kitten. A cat’s baby is a kitten. b. The baby of a horse is a foal. c. The baby of a dog is a puppy. d. The name of his dog is Snoopy. e. The name of his owner is Charlie Brown. 2 Write the plurals of the following words. a. baby b. kitten c. puppy d. owner 3 Who are they? Look at the following pictures and write sentences as in the example below. Angélica and Luciano Huck Gilberto Gil and Preta Gil Fernanda Montenegro and Fernanda Torres a. He’s Luciano Huck. Who’s she? She’s Angélica. She’s Luciano Huck’s wife. b. He’s Gilberto Gil. Who’s she? c. The woman on the left is Fernanda Montenegro. Who is the woman on the right? Genitive Case (’s) Releia a tirinha da página anterior e observe o uso do Ôs (em dog’s life). • Usamos o genitive case (Õs) para indicar posse. O termo usado antes de Õs se refere a que ou quem possui e o termo usado após Õs se refere ao elemento possuído. “A dog’s life is a lonely life.” (= The life of a dog is a lonely life.) Snoopy is Charlie Brown’s dog. (= Snoopy is the dog of Charlie Brown.) His sister’s name is Sally. (= The name of his sister is Sally.) Jo‹o Cordeiro Jr/Folhapress Bruna Prado/Futura Press çlvaro Riveros/Futura Press 172 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 172 30/04/15 12:14

There is/There are Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso de there isnÕt. ANDERSON, Mark. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. No cartum, there isnÕt Ž usado para indicar que n‹o existe um joystick na sala de aula. • Usamos there is/there are para indicar que algo existe. Eles correspondem, em portugu•s, ao verbo existir. Em frases afirmativas, usamos there is para singular e there are para plural. There is a blackboard in the classroom. There are a lot of students in the classroom. • Em frases negativas, usamos there isnÕt para singular e there arenÕt para plural. ÒThere isn’t a joystick.Ó There aren’t any pictures on the wall. • Em frases interrogativas, usamos Is there (singular) ou Are there (plural) antes do sujeito. Is there a computer lab in your school? Are there posters in your classroom? Prepositions of Place in on under behind in front of next to between Mark Anderson/Andertoons Cartoon Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Language Reference in Context 173 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 173 30/04/15 12:14

Imperative Leia os textos a seguir e observe o uso do imperative. Extra Practice In each item below, put the words into the correct order to make sentences. a. science / is / there / lab / a / in / school / my / . b. our / are / lot / there / books / a / of / library / in / . c. in / computers / there / are / school / your / ? d. isn’t / school / a / club / my / in / book / there / . e. there / a / under / desk / is / book / your / ? f. is / to / school / supermarket / next / our / there / a / . Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. Available at: < gallery/dont-text-and-drive/dtd_bb_large.jpg>. Accessed in: September 2014. No primeiro texto, o imperative é usado em “Stop. Look. Listen.” para alertar pedestres. No segundo texto, o imperative é usado em “Don’t text and drive.” para alertar motoristas. • Podemos usar o imperative para dar dicas, conselhos, alertas, ordens e instruções. Save the animals. “Don’t text and drive.” “Stop. Look. Listen.” Read the text again. • Em frases negativas no imperativo, usamos don’t ou do not antes do verbo principal. Don’t take photos here. Do not feed the animals. Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora 174 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 174 30/04/15 12:14

Extra Practice 1 Match the columns below. QUIET PLEASE DonÕt use Mobile WARNING BEWARE OF DOG DO NOT ENTER a. b. c. d. It means “Be careful. There is a dangerous dog around.” It means “You are not authorized to get in.” It means “It is prohibited to use cell phones.” It means “Please, be silent.” 2 Read the following rules of the Assam State Zoo, in India, and complete them with the verb forms in the box below. USE • DO NOT CARRY • DO NOT SMOKE • CO-OPERATE a. with the staff for security check. b. the toilet. c. any food items inside the Zoo. d. inside the Zoo. Available at: <>. Accessed in: January 2015. Veja, nos quadros a seguir, as formas afirmativa e negativa do imperative. Forma afirmativa Save a life. Adopt an animal. Forma negativa Don’t feed the animals. take photos here. Can Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do verbo modal can. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. Brian Crane/Acervo do cartunista Banco de imagens/ Arquivo da editora Language Reference in Context 175 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 175 30/04/15 12:14

No segundo quadrinho, can se refere ˆ capacidade que a gera•‹o do ser humano tem de fazer coisas que a gera•‹o da filha n‹o tem. No terceiro quadrinho, can’t indica que o ser humano n‹o tem capacidade de fazer essas coisas. • Podemos usar o verbo modal can para indicar: Ð capacidade. “my generation can do things yours can’t” She can speak English very well. Ð permiss‹o. Can I go to the toilet, please? Can I ask a question? • Em frases negativas, usamos can’t ou cannot. “you can’t do any of those things” I can’t speak Italian. • Em frases interrogativas, usamos can antes do sujeito. Can you play the guitar? Veja, nos quadros a seguir, a forma interrogativa do verbo modal can e as respostas curtas. Forma interrogativa Can I you he she use modern technology? it we you they Respostas curtas Afirmativa Negativa Yes, I you he she can. No, I you he she can’t. it we you they it we you they Extra Practice Read the following sentences and write (A) if can expresses ability or (B) if can expresses permission. a. Can you speak English fluently? b. You can ask a question now. c. The girls can dance really well. d. Can I go home, please? e. Her grandfather can cook delicious dishes. f. Can I join your group? Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora 176 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_166a176_Language reference.indd 176 30/04/15 12:14

PHRV DICIONÁRIO OXFORD ESCOLAR: para estudantes brasileiros de inglês. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. p. 585. Este glossário apresenta uma seleção de palavras e expressões utilizadas no livro, acompanhadas do sentido com que são utilizadas nele. Algumas dessas palavras podem ser utilizadas em mais de um sentido. 1 Para você entender melhor como usar o glossário, observe o uso da palavra own em dois trechos da unidade 6. • His parents also own luxury homes in Spain and in the Hamptons on Long Island. (page 106, text, Taking it Further, unit 6) • There’s an alcohol-fueled heated shower of his own design. (page 109, exercise 8c, Language in Use, unit 6) Procure own no glossário e responda: a. Qual o melhor significado para a ocorrência da palavra na página 106? b. E na página 109? Para saber mais sobre as palavras que se encontram no glossário ou para consultar outras, use um dicionário. 2 Agora, veja a mesma palavra em um dicionário bilíngue e responda: a. Quais as possíveis classes gramaticais de own? b. Como se diz “completamente só” em inglês? c. Quais informações sobre os verbetes podem ser encontradas neste dicionário? classe gramatical definição em inglês transcrição fonética expressões com o verbete exemplos de uso em frases Glossary 177 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 177 30/04/15 12:17

A about: sobre, a respeito de achieve: atingir, alcançar add: adicionar, acrescentar ⇨ add up to: totalizar address: endereço; endereçar, dirigir-se a afraid: temeroso, com medo after: depois (de) almost: quase alongside: ao lado (de) already: já also: também ambassador: embaixador another: (um) outro assembly: reunião matinal; assembleia attend: comparecer a aunt: tia average: média; médio B barrier: barreira basement: porão bear: urso ⇨ teddy bear: ursinho de pelúcia become: tornar(-se) before: antes (de) behave: comportar-se believe: crer, acreditar below: abaixo between: entre beware: tomar cuidado birth: nascimento blood: sangue board game: jogo de tabuleiro bone: osso both: ambos breastfeed: amamentar bright: brilhante bug: inseto building: edifício, prédio; construção busy: ocupado, atarefado buy: comprar by hand: à mão C cake: bolo calf: bezerro candy: doce capital: capital; maiúscula care: cuidado ⇨ under the care of: sob os cuidados de carry on: continuar, seguir em frente catchy: que pega fácil; fácil de memorizar chain: corrente character: personagem chart: quadro cherry: cereja climb: subir; escalar close: perto, próximo; fechar(-se) ⇨ close by: perto college: faculdade column: coluna comic strip: tirinha communal: comum concept: conceito confidence: confiança cook: cozinhar cookbook: livro de culinária country: país cousin: primo(a) cover: capa cow: vaca crayon: giz de cera cross: atravessar; cruzar D daily: diário dawn: madrugada ⇨ the break of dawn: o raiar do dia death: morte decrease: diminuir 178 Glossary Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 178 30/04/15 12:17

deep: fundo, profundo; muito profundo degree: diploma design: desenhar, criar detail: detalhe dirt: sujeira; terra dish: prato drawing: desenho dream: sonho; sonhar dribble: driblar E each: cada easily: facilmente edge: borda; margem either: qualquer um dos dois embarass: constranger, envergonhar entertain: entreter entry: entrada establish: estabelecer even though: apesar de exchange: trocar F fairy: fada fall: cair ⇨ fall apart: desfazer-se; fazer-se em pedaços farewell: despedida farm: fazenda feed: alimentar feel: sentir female: feminino fill in: completar find: encontrar ⇨ find out: descobrir fit: caber flag: bandeira foal: potro following: a seguir, seguinte foot: pé ⇨ feet (pl): pés foreign: estrangeiro(a) former: antigo, anterior forward: para frente; jogador atacante ⇨ look foward to: aguardar, esperar (ansiosamente) free: livre friendly: amigável friendship: amizade fudge: caramelo, doce de leite funny: engraçado G gadget: aparelho, dispositivo gain: ganhar, obter gap: lacuna go: ir ⇨ go on: continuar, seguir em frente ⇨ go out: sair; apagar-se goal: objetivo goalkeeper: goleiro grape: uva great: ótimo; muito greeting: saudação ground: solo, chão, terra ⇨ ground level: andar térreo grow: crescer; cultivar ⇨ grow up: crescer guest: convidado; hóspede H hall: corredor; entrada handy: hábil happiness: felicidade hard: duro harvest: colheita headline: manchete heated: aquecido height: altura help: ajudar Glossary 179 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 179 30/04/15 12:17

hope: esperar household: doméstico housekeeper: governanta hug: abraço; abraçar I illiterate: analfabeto, iletrado impairment: deficiência increase: aumentar; subir interview: entrevista; entrevistar introduce: apresentar invite: convidar J jam: geleia judge: juiz; jurado jump: pular K keep: manter keep calm: manter-se calmo key: chave; fundamental kind: tipo kite: pipa kitten: gatinho(a) know: saber; conhecer L label: rotular landscape: paisagem last: último late: atrasado; tarde lately: ultimamente laundry: lavanderia law: lei learn: aprender learning: aprendizagem left: esquerdo librarian: bibliotecário lively: animado lock: trancar M magazine: revista main: principal major: principal male: masculino man: homem manage: gerenciar match: relacionar, correlacionar media: meios de comunicação messy: bagunçado midfielder: jogador meio de campo might: poder (ser que) miserable: triste, infeliz miss: perder missing: que falta moon: lua N neglectful: negligente nephew: sobrinho newspaper: jornal next: próximo nice: legal, agradável nobody: ninguém noise: barulho non-profit: sem fins lucrativos O office: escritório often: com frequência, frequentemente only: apenas other: outro(s) 180 Glossary Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 180 30/04/15 12:17

overall: geral, total own: pr—prio(a)(s); possuir, ter ownership: propriedade P panel: quadrinho (de hist—ria em quadrinhos) pass by: passar (por) peace-loving: pac’fico peanut: amendoim perhaps: talvez pet: animal de estima•‹o picture: fotografia, figura place: lugar plus: mais poetry: poesia poor: pobre popcorn: pipoca power: poder; luz, eletricidade prediction: previs‹o print: impresso provide: oferecer puppy: cachorrinho(a) purpose: prop—sito, objetivo Q quick: r‡pido R rain: chuva; chover raise: criar raspberry: framboesa reach: alcan•ar reader: leitor recipe: receita recording: grava•‹o relative: relativo; parente report: relatar; denunciar rescue: resgatar, salvar resource: recurso reveal: revelar rhyme: rima; rimar ride: andar de; montar a right: direita; direito role: papel room: c™modo; lugar, espa•o round: redondo; ao redor row: linha, fileira ⇨ in a row: enfileirado ruler: governante run: estender-se; correr S school board: mural escolar scratch: arranhar(-se) ⇨ from scratch: (come•ar) do zero screen: tela self-esteem: autoestima send: enviar sensitive: sens’vel sew: costurar shabby: surrado, em mau estado share: compartilhar shelter: abrigo, refœgio shoe: sapato sibling: irm‹(o) side: lado sky: cŽu soap opera: novela soda (pop): refrigerante someone: alguŽm sort: classificar source: fonte spell: soletrar spread: espalhar staircase: escada stay up: ficar acordado step: passo; pisar strange: estranho; esquisito Glossary 181 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 181 30/04/15 12:17

strawberry: morango stray: perdido(a); solto(a) strength: força; ponto forte style: estilo summer: verão sun: sol support: apoiar; sustentar surround: cercar, rodear sympathizer: simpatizante sweet: meigo, gentil T tap: bater levemente tease: provocar; importunar teenager: adolescente theme: tema then: depois, em seguida thick: grosso thought: pensamento through: através de, por throughout: por todo, durante todo throw: arremessar; jogar tidy: arrumado time: tempo toilet: banheiro too: muito, demais tool: ferramenta true: verdade try: tentar twin: gêmeo(a) U uncle: tio V value: valorizar; valor W waltz: valsa want: querer warehouse: armazém warning: advertência watch: assistir way: forma, maneira; caminho weekly: semanal well-being: bem-estar whether: se whistle: assobiar wild: selvagem winter: inverno wish: desejo; desejar without: sem wolf: lobo woman: mulher worldwide: pelo mundo todo writer: escritor Y yet: ainda; contudo 182 Glossary Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 182 30/04/15 12:17

Este índice remissivo aponta os tópicos gramaticais trabalhados nos quatro livros da coleção. Os tópicos trabalhados neste livro são indicados pelo número da página. Os tópicos trabalhados nos livros do 7o , 8o e 9o anos remetem apenas a esses livros. adverbs of frequency 7 o comparatives 8 o spelling rules for comparative adjectives 8o conditional sentences 9 o first conditional 9o second conditional 9o countable and uncontable nouns 7o expressions of quantity 7o Future with will 8 o genitive case 94 Imperative 128; 7o modal verbs 142; 7o ; 9o can 142; 7o must, have to, should 9o passive voice 9 o Past Continuous 8 o Past Simple 8 o ; 9o to be (was/were) 8o ; 9o regular verbs 8o ; 9o irregular verbs 8o ; 9o and Past Continuous 8o and Present Perfect 9o plurals 93 prepositions of place 110 Present Continuous 7 o spelling rules for verbs in the -ing form 7o Present Perfect 9 o and Past Simple 9o irregular verbs 9o since/for 9o Present Simple 7 o ; 8o and Present Continuous 7o ; 8o spelling rules for verbs in the 3rd person singular 7o pronouns 26, 39; 7o ; 8o object pronouns 7 o possessive adjectives 39 reflexive pronouns 9o relative pronouns 9o subject pronouns 26 question words 75; 7o superlatives 8 o spelling rules for superlative adjectives 8o there is/there are 107; 7o verb to be 26, 57, 73; 7o affirmative form 26 interrogative form 57 negative form 57 Index 183 WTE_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_177a184_finais.indd 183 13/05/15 16:07

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