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way to english 6

Way To English - 6

Looking Ahead 1 The website <> has invited its readers to respond to the question ÒWhat is your definition of a family?Ó. Read two definitions below and, in pairs, discuss the questions that follow. Extra Reading <> Extra Video <> NAgurl15 Family are the people that love you and care for you no matter when. Even if you aren’t blood related. TJMAXX101 A family is a group of loving characters who care about your dreams, your future, and your well-being. Available at: <>. Accessed in: August 2014. a. Você concorda com as definições acima? Por quê (não)? b. Como você definiria família? 2 Read the following text and, in small groups, discuss the questions below. TrUe friends ARE THE family we choose a. Você concorda com o texto? Para você, qual é a importância de uma verdadeira amizade? b. Você tem algum amigo que faz parte da sua família? Como ele(s) se relaciona(m) com os demais membros da sua família? What Is a Family? 99 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_086a099_Unit5.indd 99 30/04/15 11:31

Houses Around the World Rajesh Pattabiraman/Shutterstock/Glow Images Cesar Diniz/Pulsar Imagens Warming Up! Quais são os nomes dos tipos de moradias que aparecem nas fotos? Você sabe o nome de alguma delas em inglês? Qual o tipo de casa mais comum na sua região? 100  Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 100 30/04/15 11:34

• to talk about different types of houses and buildings • to learn how to use there is/there are • to explore descriptions of photographs • to establish connections with Geography, History and Arts Learning Objectives Michel Cecconi/Shutterstock/Glow Images Ingemar Edfalk/Matton Collection/Corbis/Latinstock João Prudente/Pulsar Imagens Leo Caldas/Pulsar Imagens 101 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 101 30/04/15 11:34

Before Reading 1 Do you live in a house or an apartment? 2 Take a look at the pictures, the title, the subtitle and the source of the following text. Then, match the columns below. a. The pictures show b. The first picture shows c. The second picture shows d. The text is from a book that shows marvellous houses across the world. the inside of a building in China. families outside their homes. a traditional type of Chinese residence. 3 Mark the words you expect to find in the text below. Use the Glossary, if necessary. house building America wall floor bedroom kitchen home beach igloo Reading Now read the text below to check your predictions. Note que os subtítulos ampliam e/ou detalham a ideia apresentada no título. tip Use seu conhecimento sobre o assunto do texto para fazer previsões sobre o que será lido. tip Não se preocupe em compreender todas as palavras de um texto. Nem sempre isso é necessário para você atingir seus objetivos de leitura. tip China Living Together in a Circle Deep in the mountains, there is a round building called a tulou. It is surrounded by a thick dirt wall. It is in the Fujian province of China. There are about three hundred people living in this tulou. It is very lively inside. Looking up, you can see a round circle of sky. The tulou has four floors. There are four communal staircases, and more than 200 rooms of about the same size. On the first floor, there are kitchens all in a row. The second floor has warehouses, where the harvest and the farm tools are kept. The long hall is where the children play. The third and fourth floors have bedrooms that are also used for study. Parents and children share one room. Adapted from: KOMATSU, Yoshio. Wonderful Houses Around the World. California: Shelter Publications, 2004, p. 6, 8. Michael Gotin/Easypix 102 Unit 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 102 30/04/15 11:34

a. 300 b. 200 c. 4 d. 3 rd and 4th Reading for General Comprehension Mark the correct statement about the text. The text describes a traditional type of Chinese rural residence. The text provides details about different types of Chinese houses. Reading for Detailed Comprehension 1 Match the columns below. a. What is a tulou? b. Where can you find it? c. Where do children play in a tulou? second foor floor and floors Language Note They have the same size × They have different sizes. The number of floors in a tulou. The approximate number of people living in a tulou. The floors in a tulou where people sleep and study. The number of rooms in a tulou. In the long hall. In the Fujian province of China. It is a round building surrounded by a thick dirt wall. 2 Write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. There are a lot of families living together in a tulou. b. The rooms in a tulou have different sizes. c. It is full of activity inside of a tulou. d. Parents and children sleep in the same room. 3 Each picture below refers to one or two floors in the tulou from page 102. Complete the gaps as in the following example. 4 What do the following numbers refer to? Match the columns below. Localizar números em um texto pode ajudar você a identificar informações específicas mais rapidamente. Busque compreender a que informação cada número se refere. tip Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Houses Around the World 103 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 103 30/04/15 11:34

Agrupar as palavras e expressões por campo semântico pode ajudar você a ampliar e fixar o vocabulário aprendido. tip Reading for Critical Thinking Discuss the questions below with your classmates. a. Um tulou é uma construção rural tradicional chinesa. Na sua opinião, é importante preservar as formas tradicionais de habitação de um povo? Por quê? b. Em sua cidade ou região, há algum tipo de residência tradicional? Qual/quais? Esse(s) tipo(s) de residência é/são respeitado(s) como expressão da cultura local? Ele(s) oferece(m) condições adequadas de moradia? c. No tulou apresentado no texto da página 102, moram centenas de pessoas em um ambiente animado e repleto de atividades. Na sua opinião, o que pode ajudar a promover a boa convivência na comunidade em que se mora? Vocabulary Study Parts of the House 22 1 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from the box below. Then, use the words to label the parts of the house. If necessary, use the Glossary. bathroom • kitchen • bedroom • dining room garage • stairs • garden • hall • living room hall Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora 104 Unit 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 104 30/04/15 11:34

2 Where are they? Complete the following sentences with words from exercise 1. She is in the . The kids are in the . The dog is in the . He is in the . 23 3 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 2. Furniture 4 Choose the items below that you can find in your bedroom. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. bed chair couch curtains desk lamp mirror pictures pillow rug shelf wardrobe 24 5 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from exercise 4. Now complete the Vocabulary Corner on page 162 with what you have learned. kungverylucky/ Shutterstock/Glow Images Image Source/Getty Images Inti St Clair/Blend Images/Getty Images Mediacolor's/Alamy/Glow Images [1] [1] Dan70/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [2] Photobac/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [3] Neamov/Shutterstock/Glow Images;[4] keantian/ Shutterstock/Glow Images; [5] Coprid/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [6] Marynka/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [7] Lasse Kristensen/ Shutterstock/Glow Images; [8] Africa Studio/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [9] ronstik/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [10] Africa Studio/ Shutterstock/Glow Images; [11] donatas1205/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [12] K. Miri Photography/Shutterstock/Glow Images [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [10] [11] [12] [6] [7] [8] Houses Around the World 105 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 105 30/04/15 11:34

1 Which part of the house do the photos above show? 2 Mark the correct statements about the texts. a. Alyssa and Jaime are from the same country. b. Both children live in an apartment. c. Jaime is an only child. d. The photos show two children living in very diverse situations. 3 Are there children living in very diverse situations in Brazil? 4 What is the meaning of the following words? Match the columns below. a. cousin b. shabby c. luxury d. twins Le@rning on the Web As fotos do texto acima fazem parte do projeto Where Children Sleep, do fotógrafo James Mollison. Para conhecer mais fotos do projeto, visite: < books/where-children-sleep>. (acesso em: setembro de 2014). Alyssa lives with her parents in Kentucky, USA. She is an only child but her grandmother, uncle, and orphaned cousin live close by. It is a beautiful, mountainous region known as Appalachia, but one of the poorest parts of America. Their small, shabby house is falling apart. Jaime is nine years old. He lives in a top-floor apartment on Fifth Avenue in New York. His parents also own luxury homes in Spain and in the Hamptons on Long Island. He has a younger brother and a sister who are twins. Para inferir o significado de palavras desconhecidas, observe o contexto em que elas são usadas. tip   Think about it! Os tipos de moradia podem variar bastante. Você tem curiosidade para saber como vivem jovens e crianças de outras regiões e países? Na sua opinião, o que podemos aprender com um projeto que reúne fotos de quartos de crianças e jovens de diferentes partes do mundo? Taking it Further Read the texts below and do exercises 1 and 2. Very expensive and beautiful things. Children who are born to the same mother at the same time. The child of your aunt or uncle. In a bad condition. Adapted from: MOLLISON, James. Where Children Sleep. London: Chris Boot, 2010. p. 40-41, 56-57. Reprodução/ <> Reprodução/ <> 106 Unit 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 106 30/04/15 11:34

Language in Use There is / There are Read the following fragments from page 102 and do exercises 1 and 2. I. “Deep in the mountains, there is a round building called a tulou.” II. “There are about three hundred people living in this tulou.” III. “There are four communal staircases…” IV. “On the first floor, there are kitchens all in a row.” 1 Mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. In fragment I, we use there is to talk about “the mountains”. “a round building”. b. In fragment II, we use there are to talk about “this tulou”. “about three hundred people”. c. In fragment IV, we use there are to talk about “kitchens”. “the first floor”. d. We use there is and there are to express possession. talk about things that exist. 2 Complete the statements below with plural or singular. a. We use there is with nouns in affirmative sentences. The contraction of there is is there’s. b. We use there are with nouns in affirmative sentences. You cannot contract there are. 3 The Anne Frank House is a famous building in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is a historic house and a museum. Take a look at the photograph of Anne Frank’s bedroom and complete the following sentences with there is or there are. a. two beds. b. a teddy bear on a chair. c. a desk under the shelf. d. a lot of pictures on the wall. Le@rning on the Web Para conhecer mais sobre a Casa de Anne Frank, visite: <>. (acesso em: outubro de 2014). Available at: < 250794272972647106/>. Accessed in: August 2014. Divulga•‹o/Anne Frank Stichting Karien Krijt • 43 weeks ago Anne Frank’s bedroom in the secret annex Pesquisar Curtir Website Enviar Houses Around the World 107 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 107 30/04/15 11:34 5 The texts below describe the houses in the pictures. Read and complete them with there is or there are. Use the Glossary if necessary. 4 Look at the photograph of Anne Frank’s bedroom again and make sentences about it as in the example below. Use expressions from the following box to help you. three chairs • a rug • a poster • books on the floor • on the wall • on the shelf • in the bedroom a. There are three chairs in the bedroom. . b. . c. .   Think about it! Anne Frank foi uma adolescente alemã de origem judaica, vítima do Holocausto – o assassinato em massa de cerca de seis milhões de judeus durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ela morreu aos quinze anos e se tornou mundialmente famosa com a publicação de seu diário, no qual escrevia as experiências do período em que sua família se escondeu da perseguição aos judeus. Na foto da página 107, vemos o quarto de Anne Frank, que ficava em um anexo secreto da casa. Por segurança, a porta para esse anexo foi escondida por uma estante de livros. Seu quarto se parece com o de Anne Frank? Como ela, você também tem um espaço para escrever e estudar? Akg-Images/Latinstock Georgian House, Bristol. six floors. (…) The third floor is at ground level and an entrance hall. Also, dining and breakfast rooms and a study. Below is a basement kitchen, laundry and housekeeper’s room. (...) Adapted from: < pin/193725221442876127/>. Accessed in: November 2014. Natalie Davis • 1 year ago Reprodu•ão/< pin/193725221442876127/> The interior of the home is everything one would expect from a Sports star such as Jeter. three floors, 7 bedrooms, and 9 bathrooms located throughout the mansion along with extravagant English-manor style décor and architecture. also a media room. Adapted from: < pin/26388347791047206/>. Accessed in: November 2014. Photos • 21 weeks ago Reprodu•ão/< pin/26388347791047206/> Curtir Website Enviar Curtir Website Enviar Pesquisar Pesquisar Anne Frank 108 Unit 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 108 30/04/15 11:34

6 Go back to exercise 5 and correct the false statements below as in the example. False statements about the first house: a. There is a dining room on the first floor. There isn’t a dining room on the first floor. / There is a dining room on the third floor. b. There are three floors in the house. There aren’t three floors in the house. / There are six floors in the house. c. There is a laundry on the third floor. False statement about the second house. d. There are two media rooms in the mansion. 7 Complete the statements below. a. We use (= there is not) with singular nouns in negative sentences. b. We use (= there are not) with plural nouns in negative sentences. 8 Do you know “A Encantada”, former house of aviation pioneer Alberto Santos Dumont? It is a museum, located in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro. Complete the following sentences about the house. Use there’s, there are, there isn’t or there aren’t. a. three floors in the house. b. modern books in the house, but there are a lot of rare books. c. Is there an electric shower in Santos Dumont’s house? No,  . There’s an alcohol-fueled heated shower of his own design. d. Are there regular stairs in the house? No, . They are designed in a curious way so that people must step first with their right foot to climb it. 9 Read the sentences from exercise 8 again. Then, complete the following statements with affirmative, interrogative, negative or short answers. a. In sentences, we use there isn’t / there aren’t. b. In sentences, we use there is / there are. c. In sentences, we use Is there / Are there. d. In , we use Yes, there is / there are or No, there isn’t / there aren’t. Marcos Mendes/Ag•ncia Estado Houses Around the World 109 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 109 30/04/15 11:34

10 Go back to page 106 and take another look at the photos of Alyssa and JaimeÕs bedrooms. In pairs, ask and answer questions as in the example below. Take turns. Student A: Is there a desk in Alyssa’s bedroom? Student B: No, there isn’t. Is there a desk in Jaime’s bedroom? Student A: Yes, there is. Prepositions of Place Go back to page 107, look at the photograph of Anne FrankÕs bedroom again and read the sentences below. Then, do exercises 11 and 12. There is a teddy bear on a chair. There is a desk under the shelf. There are two beds in the bedroom. 11 What do the words in bold from the box above express: place or time? 12 In pairs, try to infer the meaning of the words in bold. 13 The picture below shows a teenagerÕs bedroom. Read the following sentences to draw the missing items in the picture below. Use the Language Note box to help you. Observe as relações entre os elementos verbais e não verbais para inferir o significado de palavras desconhecidas. tip Language Note behind in front of on in next to between under Missing items: a. GUITAR: There is a guitar behind the bed. b. CAT: There is a cat in front of the chair. c. POSTER: There is a poster on the wall. d. CELL PHONE: There is a cell phone in the wardrobe. e. LAMP: There is a lamp next to the bed. f. BOOK: There is a book between the television and the video game. g. CD: There is a CD under the bed. Go to Language Reference in Context page 173. Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora 110 Unit 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 110 30/04/15 11:35

Listening and Speaking 1 Museums usually offer audio guides for visitors in different languages. An audio guide provides a recorded spoken commentary to a visitor attraction. Are there any museums that offer audio guides in your city/town? 25 2 Listen to part of a recording included in an audio guide from The Anne Frank House. Which room of the house is being described? Com base na descrição que ouviu, planeje o que vai dizer sobre seu cômodo favorito. Para orientar sua fala, faça um desenho do cômodo e liste os itens de vocabulário necessários para a descrição. Depois, faça a descrição para um colega e peça a ele para desenhar o cômodo. Finalmente, discutam se a descrição foi bem entendida e como ela poderia ser melhorada. tip Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia os itens do exercício para conhecer as informações solicitadas. Você deverá prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. Faça isso em todos os exercícios de compreensão oral. tip Não se preocupe em entender todas as palavras e todas as informações do áudio. O objetivo do exercício 2 é identificar qual cômodo está sendo descrito. tip 25 3 Listen to the recording again and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The room described is the only place in the house with a mirror. hot water. b. People in the secret annex get hot water for their baths on Sundays. Saturdays. c. They make strawberry jam together. chocolate cakes together. 25 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. 5 In your opinion, is every house a home? What makes a house into a home? 26 6 Which room of your house is your favorite? Describe it to a classmate. Before you start, listen to another person talking about her favorite room and notice what to include in your description. My bedroom is my favorite room. It isn’t big and I share it with my sister, but I like it very much. There are a lot of posters of our favorite singers on the wall. There are two beds, a small TV, a computer, a wardrobe and lots of books. 7 It is time to talk about your favorite room to the whole class. Allard Bovenberg/Anne Frank Stichting Allard Bovenberg/Anne Frank Stichting Houses Around the World 111 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 111 30/04/15 11:35

Writing In this unit, you have read short descriptions of photographs on page 108. These descriptions can be found on online pinboards, which are online collections (“boards”) of visual bookmarks (“pins”). Users of online pinboards can upload, save, sort, and manage images through collections. Users can also write short texts to describe the images. People use online pinboards, such as those at <>, for different purposes: to develop a project, to plan a trip, to save and share favorite pictures, articles and recipes etc. 1 In pairs, write a short description of a selected photo to share your personal views on it. You and your classmate can select a photo of a building (a historic house, a modern/famous building in your region etc.) or a photo of a part of a building (a house’s bedroom, a museum pavement etc.). Step by Step 1. Decide what building (or part of a building) you want to describe. Take a picture of it or search for one on the Internet. 2. Start your description by saying the name of the building. 3. Mention some important details about it (number of floors, rooms, pieces of furniture etc.). 4. Exchange descriptions with classmates and discuss the texts. 5. Make the necessary corrections. 6. Create the final version of the description. Writing Context Before writing your text, complete the following paragraph describing the elements of the writing context. You and a are going to write a short description of a selected photo in order to describe a (or a part of a building). You are going to use an tone. Your text can be published on a traditional school or on an online pinboard so that other classmates and the whole school community can read it. Ao revisar a descrição, considere, por exemplo:   objetivo: As informações estão adequadas ao objetivo do texto?   conteúdo: As informações estão corretas e completas?   ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente?   imagem: A foto está nítida e com uma boa resolução? Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus colegas. tip 2 It’s time to organize the pictures and the descriptions of the whole class and collaboratively create an online pinboard at <>. You can organize the descriptions by a central topic (famous buildings in the world, historic houses etc.) or by region (different cities, neighborhoods in your city etc.). You can also print the texts and arrange them on a traditional school board. 112 Unit 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 112 30/04/15 11:35

Looking Ahead Get to know another kidÕs bedroom from the project ÒWhere Children SleepÓ by James Mollison. Read the text below, talk to a classmate and answer the following questions. Use the Glossary, if necessary. a. Onde e com quem Hamdi mora? b. Que cômodos há no apartamento do menino? Com base na foto que acompanha o texto, como você descreveria o quarto dele? c. Para o pai de Hamdi, como o menino pode ter melhores oportunidades na vida? d. Na sua opinião, o lugar em que Hamdi mora é favorável para que ele possa se dedicar aos estudos e ser uma criança saudável? Por quê? e. Hamdi é um menino que estuda e enfrenta grandes dificuldades. Para você, quais características pessoais são fundamentais para vencer obstáculos como os de Hamdi? Extra Reading <> <> Extra Videos <> <> Language Note sibling = brother or sister Fotos: Reprodução/<> Hamdi lives in a block of flats with his parents and five siblings, in a Palestinian refugee camp on the edge of Bethlehem, West Bank. Their flat has a sitting area, a kitchen and three bedrooms. Hamdi is thirteen years old and attends a boys’ school where his father hopes he will study hard enough to gain a degree, to give him better opportunities than his father had. Adapted from: MOLLISON, James. Where Children Sleep. London: Chris Boot, 2010, p. 92-93. Houses Around the World 113 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_100a113_Unit6.indd 113 30/04/15 11:35

Reading 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its picture and structure. Then, match the columns below. a. The text is… b. The author of the text is… c. The audience of the text is... d. The text is from… a book of poems. a poem. kids in general. Mary Ann Hoberman. Now read the text below and do exercises 2 and 3. 2 Mark the following statement that refers to the main idea of the text. The boy is not part of the girls’ family. The three girls are part of the boy’s family. 3 Complete the sentences below with half, whole or step. a. A -sister is the daughter from an earlier marriage of your stepmother or stepfather. b. A -sister has either the same mother or the same father as you. c. A -sister has the same mother and the same father as you. Language Note step-sister or stepsister (irmã de criação) stepbrother or stepbrother (irmão de criação) 5 & 6 Half whole-step I have a half-sister I have a whole-sister I have a step-sister That adds up to three. I am a half-brother I am a whole-brother I am a step-brother There’s just one of me! From: HOBERMAN, Mary Ann. Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers: a collection of family poems. New York: Hachette Book Group Inc., 2001. p. 21. Ilustra•‹o Marylin Hafner/Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 114 Units 5 & 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_114a118_Review3.indd 114 5/11/15 9:50 AM

Language in Use Plurals 1 Read the following text and complete it with the plural form of the words in parentheses. What Makes a Family? ‘What is a family?’ is a common question for many (child) living on a planet filled with diversity. (adult) need to be equipped to answer this question and prepared to respond. (child) often wonder if their family is a real family because it might not fit into the cultural norm. All too often (girl) and (boy) imagine the “average family” consists of a mom and dad and (brother) and (sister) living together. Yet, in today’s world, this is not necessarily the case. Economic or social life (situation) can create a need for (grandparent) to raise their children’s children. Other (family) include a single parent, perhaps through the death or abandonment of one parent. If (family) have same sex-parents, (kid) may have two (mom) or two (dad). Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. 2 Talk to a classmate about the text from exercise 1. In your opinion, what makes a family? Genitive Case (’s) 3 Go back to page 90 and take a look at Cosmo's family tree again. Then, answer the questions below as in the example that follows. Apoie-se em vocabulário já conhecido (como children, brothers) e em palavras parecidas com o português (como diversity, abandonment) para compreender melhor o texto. tip a. Who’s Papa Cosmo? He is Cosmo’s father. b. Who’s Mama Cosma? c. Who’s Wanda? d. Who’s Poof? e. Who are Grandpa Gonzo and Grandma Cosma? Frederator Studios e Billionfold Studios/Nelvana Review 3 115 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_114a118_Review3.indd 115 30/04/15 11:37

There is / There are Read the comic strip below and do exercises 4-6. SCOTT, Jerry; BORGMAN, Jim. July, 2014. Available at: < comics/july-26-2014/>. Accessed in: September 2014. 4 Mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The teenager is in the bedroom. living room. b. In this room, everything is in the right place; tidy. in a state of confusion; messy. 5 Complete the following sentences about the teenager’s room. Use there is or there are. a. an electric guitar in his room. b. a lot of posters on the wall. c. a cactus by the window. d. clothes on the floor. e. an amplifier by the window. Prepositions of Place 6 Go back to the comic strip and complete the following sentences about the teenager’s room. Use the prepositions in the box below. between  •  in (x 2)  •  on (x 2) a. There are a lot of posters the wall. b. There is a tennis racket the room. c. There are clothes the chest of drawers. d. There are some pens the desk. e. The teenager’s head is two pillows.   Think about it! Uma instalação é uma manifestação artística em que a obra é composta de elementos organizados em um ambiente e caracteriza-se pela desconstrução de espaços e conceitos. Na tirinha, a mãe sugere que ela e o marido passem a ver o filho como uma instalação artística (an art installation) em vez de um adolescente bagunceiro (a messy teenager). Na sua opinião, por que ela dá essa sugestão? Qual ideia sobre o que são instalações artísticas parece ter inspirado a sugestão da mãe? Zits e ZoŽ & ZezŽ © 2015 King Features Syndicate/Ipress 116 Units 5 & 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_114a118_Review3.indd 116 30/04/15 11:38

YOUR CHART YOUR CLASSMATEÕS CHART Time for Fun! It’s time to play the board game “Battleship” with a classmate. INSTRUCTIONS On your chart hide: You can hide them: Useful language: a ship a submarine a battleship 1 unit long 2 units long 3 units long horizontally vertically diagonally Yes, that’s a hit! Sorry, that’s a miss! •   Indique uma posição no tabuleiro (letra e número) para tentar acertar as embarcações do seu colega. Revezem-se nos “tiros” até uma frota ser totalmente abatida. •   Marque seus “tiros” no tabuleiro da direita (YOUR CLASSMATE’S CHART). •   Para cada embarcação que seu colega atingir, diga uma palavra em inglês relacionada a um tema já estudado (family, furniture ou parts of the house). Ele deverá formar uma frase com essa palavra. •   O vencedor da batalha naval é aquele que atingir todas as embarcações do colega primeiro. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F G H Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Review 3 117 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_114a118_Review3.indd 117 30/04/15 11:38

Thinking about Learning What can I do now? Talk about families… Talk about possessions... Talk about different types of houses and buildings... Use the genitive case ( ’s)... Use there is / there are... Use the nouns in the plural... Explore acrostic poems... Explore descriptions of photographs... What words/expressions have I learned in units 5 and 6? Words/Expressions Words/Expressions in use What learning resources have I used in units 5 and 6? Dictionaries Glossary Language Reference in Context Extra reading Extra videos Vocabulary Corner Internet Other(s): What do I need to do in order to improve my learning? Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora with confidence well with some difficulty 118 Units 5 & 6 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_114a118_Review3.indd 118 30/04/15 11:38

Viewing Families through Art (First Part) Na unidade 5 você falou sobre famílias. Observe como as fotos abaixo mostram famílias representadas através de diferentes formas de arte e leia a tarefa abaixo para fazer a primeira parte do Project 2, Viewing Families through Art. TASK: In small groups, search for different artworks (paintings, drawings, sculptures, graffitis, movies etc.) that show families through different perspectives. You can also create your own work of art to show your views on families. Identify each item by writing down its title, the name of its author and the year of production. 2A Go to page 153 for the second part of this project. In this part of the project, it is only necessary to select or create works of art about families and write down some basic information to identify them. Later, you are going to use them to organize an art exhibition. Kubko/Shutterstock/Glow Images Bob Ainsworth/Getty Images OSGEMEOS/Acervo dos artistas DeAgostini/Getty Images Project 2A 119 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_119_Project2a.indd 119 30/04/15 11:42

HELP US HELP US Save the Animals! Warming Up! Qual a relação entre as imagens e a expressão “Help Us”? Quem está pedindo ajuda? Por quê? 120  Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 120 30/04/15 11:46

• to talk about animals and protests • to learn how to use the Imperative • to explore campaign posters • to establish connections with Science, Arts and Portuguese Learning Objectives Porco: FooTToo/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Zebra: Johan Swanepoel/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Urso: Erik Mandre/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Raposa: fotografi e4you/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Macaco: EBFoto/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Panda: nelik/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Tigre: KAMONRAT/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Urso polar: Nagel Photography/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Hipopótamo: Mighty Sequoia Studio/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Gato: 8th.creator/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Foca: Ulrike Jordan/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Rinoceronte: AndChisPhoto/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Elefante: 630ben/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Pata de elefante: Lodimup/Shutterstock/Glow Images 121 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 121 30/04/15 11:46

Observe o leiaute do texto, ou seja, a organização visual dos elementos verbais (palavras) e não verbais (cores, tipos de fonte, imagens etc.) na página. tip Available at: < name=companion-animals#foobox-1/8/MettaAbuseAd_English_72. jpg?20131018073600>. Accessed in: August 2014. Divulgação/<> Before Reading 1 Do you have a pet? In your opinion, what things do you consider necessary for a pet to live? Choose words from the box below. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. attention food love respect space water 2 Take a look at the layout, the pictures and the source of the following text. Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The text is a magazine cover. a campaign poster. b. The organization responsible for the text is Metta World Peace. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). c. The target audience of the text is children only. people in general. 3 Circle the verbs you expect to find in the text below. protect • save • adopt • speak up • contact • guard reading Now read the text below to check your predictions. It takes only a moment to speak up for an animal in need. If you see a dog left outdoors on a chain, a lost or stray animal wandering in the street, a dog locked inside a hot car, on any other form of cruelty or neglect, speak up! Contact your local authorities or peta2 for assistence. It takes only a moment to speak up for an animal in need. If you see a dog left outdoors on a chain, a lost or stray animal wandering in the street, a dog locked inside a hot car, on any other form of cruelty or neglect, speak up! Contact your local authorities or peta2 for assistence. 122 Unit 7 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 122 30/04/15 11:46

Reading for General Comprehension What is the main objective of the text? To encourage people to adopt dogs. To encourage people to report animal cruelty. Reading for Detailed Comprehension 1 Who are they? Match the columns below. a. Metta World Peace a rescued dog with a happy ending. b. Athena a famous American professional basketball player. 2 Match the fragments below (a-c) to the following pictures. a. “a dog left outdoors on a chain” b. “a lost or stray animal wandering in the street” c. “a dog locked inside a hot car” 3 The words and expressions in the box below are from the text on page 122. Use them to complete the following definitions as in the example. report • guard • a stray animal • speak up for • neglect a. report to inform a person in authority about a recent event, especially an accident or crime b. an animal separated from home and lost c. to protect a person, an animal or something from attack or danger d. when you do not give enough attention to a person, an animal or something; negligence e. to say what you think freely in order to support or defend a person, an animal or something Observe o contexto para inferir o significado de palavras desconhecidas. Apoie-se também em palavras parecidas com o português. tip Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Save the Animals! 123 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 123 30/04/15 11:46

4 Answer each question below with a fragment from the text. a. How long does it take to speak up for an animal in need? b. What can people do to report animal abuse? 5 Creators of campaign posters usually use different strategies to catch the reader’s attention. Read the items below and mark the strategies used in the campaign poster on page 122. a. The use of the imperative (“report”, “guard”, “contact”). b. The use of proper names (“Metta World Peace”, “Athena”). c. The use of headlines and catchy phrases (“Report animal abuse”, “Guard the home team”). d. The use of different font sizes. e. The use of beautiful images.   Think about it! O pôster mostra um astro do basquete americano e faz um jogo de palavras com uma expressão usada no mundo esportivo. Nos esportes, o home team é o “time da casa”. Em sua opinião, a quem se refere a expressão “home team” na frase “Guard the home team” usada no pôster? Você acha que o uso de jogos de palavras ajuda a chamar a atenção para um pôster? Você já observou esse recurso em outros pôsteres em inglês ou em português? Reading for Critical Thinking Discuss the questions below with your classmates. a. O pôster da página 122 foi publicado por uma organização não governamental chamada PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Em sua opinião, é importante as pessoas se organizarem para lutar em defesa dos animais? Por quê? b. O texto pede que as pessoas denunciem situações de negligência ou crueldade com animais. No local onde você mora, o que as pessoas costumam fazer diante desse tipo de situação? Elas denunciam, tentam ajudar o animal ou ignoram o fato? c. Em sua opinião, o que deveria ser feito para evitar que animais sejam maltratados? DVARG/Shutterstock/Glow Images 124 Unit 7 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 124 30/04/15 11:46

Vocabulary Study Animals and Pets 1 A pet (or companion animal) is an animal that people keep in their home for companionship or protection. Which animals listed below can be pets? Choose items from the following list. bear canary cat chicken dog goldfish hamster lion macaw rabbit shark turtle 27 2 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from exercise 1. 3 Complete the chart below with words from exercise 1. Animal Groups Examples of animals a. birds: canary, , b. fish: goldfish, c. mammals: bear, , , , , d. reptile: Agrupar as palavras e expressões por campo semântico pode ajudar você a ampliar e fixar o vocabulário aprendido. tip Urso: Erik Mandre/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Passáro: grass-lifeisgood/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Gato: Shebeko/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Galo: Aksenova Natalya/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Cachorro: AnetaPics/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Peixe: KAMONRAT/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Hamster: stock_shot/Shutterstock/ Glow Images; Leão: Rob Hainer/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Arara: Stephaniellen/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Coelho: Szasz-Fabian Jozsef/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Tubarão: Fiona Ayerst/Shutterstock/Glow Images; Tartaruga: Member/Shutterstock/Glow Images Save the Animals! 125 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 125 30/04/15 11:46

4 Get to know other animals! Find 12 words for animals in the word search below. Then, write down the words in the gaps as in the example. Use the words from the following box to help you. alligator • cow • giraffe • gorilla • tiger • snake • penguin • elephant • horse • monkey • dolphin • pig HUNP ENGU I N OTSDOL PH I N R I AMONK E YQ SGKB I AP I GH E E SMB J C OWH HRE L EPHANT G I RAF F EXNN I AL L I GATOR I GOR I L LAAO ESNAKEPYNF alligator 28 5 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from exercise 4. 6 Complete the chart below with words from exercise 4. Animal Groups Examples of animals a. birds: b. mammals: , , , , , , , , c. reptiles: , Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora • cow • giraffe • gorilla • tiger • snake • penguin 126 Unit 7 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 126 30/04/15 11:46

7 Ask a classmate the questions below and answer them. Take turns. a. What is your favorite animal? b. In your opinion, what animals are cute? What animals are dangerous? Taking it Further 1 Take a look at the dog in the picture below. What kind of dog is it? Attack dog. Guide dog. Police dog. Read the text below and do exercises 2 and 3. Apoie-se em vocabulário já conhecido (children, dog) e em palavras parecidas com o português (positive, opportunities) para compreender melhor o texto. tip Now complete the Vocabulary Corner on page 163 with what you have learned. Le@rning on the Web Para saber mais sobre a organização de caridade britânica The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (conhecida como “Guide Dogs”), visite: <www. guidedogs.> (acesso em: outubro de 2014). Observe o contexto para inferir o significado de palavras desconhecidas. tip Children and young people Growing up with Guide Dogs Providing a young person with a guide dog can have a life-long effect, increasing their confidence and self-esteem and giving them a positive start to adult life and all its opportunities. That’s why we don’t have a minimum age for guide dog ownership. (...) 2 Mark the correct statements about Kelly Cronin and her guide dog Holly. Kelly Cronin is a young girl with a visual impairment. There is no support for Kelly to reach her potential. Her guide dog provides her with mobility and independence. 3 Complete the following sentences about the text. Use expressions from the text as in the example below. a. Guide Dogs is an association in the United Kingdom that helps people with a visual impairment . b. They don’t have a minimum age for children to have . c. Guide dogs can help young people increase their .   Think about it! O texto fala da importância de dar às pessoas com deficiência visual o apoio de que elas precisam para desenvolver todo seu potencial. Além de um cão-guia, que outros tipos de apoio podem ser dados aos deficientes visuais? FACT There are around 30,000 children and young people in the UK who have a visual impairment. Many of them are not getting the support they need to reach their potential. Divulga•‹o/<> “Thanks to Holly I can go where I want, when I want, and that feels incredible. I’ll always be grateful to Guide Dogs for their support.” Kelly Cronin and her guide dog Holly Available at: < Annual-review-changing-lives-2013.pdf>. Accessed in: August 2014. (fragment) Save the Animals! 127 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 127 30/04/15 11:46

Language in Use Imperative 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 122. Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. “Report animal abuse.” “Guard the home team.” “Contact your local authorities…” a. In all fragments the verbs in bold (“report”, “guard”, “contact”) are used to encourage people to stop animal cruelty. describe people’s habits involving animal abuse. b. The sentence “Guard the home team.” is equivalent to “Attack the home team.” “Protect the home team.” c. The verbs in bold are in the Imperative. Present Simple tense. Read the following text and do exercises 2-5. Available at: <>. Accessed in: March 2015. Divulga•‹o/<> Each year, 6 to 8 million animals enter shelters in need of a home. Save a homeless dog or cat—always adopt and never buy. Each year, 6 to 8 million animals enter shelters in need of a home. Save a homeless dog or cat—always adopt and never buy. 128 Unit 7 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 128 30/04/15 11:46

2 Mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The main objective of this text is to encourage people to adopt a pet. report animal abuse. b. “Save a Life” refers to abandoned children. homeless dogs and cats. c. The fragment “always adopt and never buy” is equivalent to “don’t adopt and buy.” “adopt and don’t buy.” d. In “Don’t Buy”, don’t is used to emphasize a suggestion. form the negative imperative. 3 Find verbs in the Imperative in the text. 4 Compare the text on this page with the one on page 122. Then, mark the correct statements about them. Both texts are campaign posters. Both texts have the same objective. The organization responsible for both texts is PETA. The creators of both texts use strategies to catch the reader’s attention. Read these two signs and do exercises 5 and 6. DangEr DO nOT CrOSS THE BarriEr PLEaSE DOn'T FEED THE aniMaLS Thank You Zoo Management 5 Where can you find the signs above? 6 Mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The imperative is used in the signs to make visitors offers. to make suggestions to visitors. b. The sign “Please don’t feed the animals” means “It is prohibited to give food to the animals.” “The zoo recommends giving food to the animals.” c. The sign “Do not cross the barrier” is equivalent to “Cross the barrier.” “Don’t cross the barrier.” Le@rning on the Web Para saber mais sobre a organização não governamental PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), visite: <www.peta. org> e <www.> (acesso em: outubro de 2014). Quando usamos o imperativo, incluir please é uma forma bem-educada de pedir para alguém fazer alguma coisa. tip Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora Save the Animals! 129 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 129 30/04/15 11:46

Warning BEWarE OF DOg   Think about it! Na primeira placa, qual palavra é usada em fonte maior? Com que objetivo? Na segunda placa, que palavras são usadas pela gerência do estabelecimento para se dirigir ao leitor de forma bem-educada? Na sua opinião, que recursos devem ser usados em uma placa para chamar a atenção do leitor? 7 We use the imperative for different reasons. Match some of the uses of the imperative (a-d) to the texts below as in the example. a. To give orders or instructions. b. To give warnings. c. To ask people to do things. d. To wish things. A partir dos exemplos, faça inferências para compreender as diferentes formas de uso do imperativo. tip go to Language reference in Context on page 174. 8 Which text from exercise 7 is a campaign poster? 9 Read the following rules of the Assam State Zoo, in India, and complete them with the verb forms from the box below. DO NOT CROSS • SHOW • KEEP • DO NOT FEED a. your ticket at the time of entry. b. your children with you all the time while inside the Zoo. c. or try to feed the stray animals. d. the barrier. From: <>. Accessed in: August 2014. Text 1 Text 2 Text 4 Available at: <>. Accessed in: August 2014. Available at: <>. Accessed in: March 2015. Available at: < category/ip/page/3/>. Accessed in: August 2014. Divulga•‹o/<> 2014 Mimi and Eunice Text 3 Marish/Shutterstock/Glow Images © 1984 Peanuts Worldwide LLC./ Dist. by Universal Uclick 130 Unit 7 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 130 30/04/15 11:46

Listening and Speaking 1 In your opinion, is it important to treat animals with respect? If so, how can we do it? 29 2 Listen to a radio public service announcement (PSA) recorded by Ingrid Newkirk, an English animal rights activist. Then, mark the correct item that answers each question below. a. How many companies do not use animals in product testing? 60 600 b. What organization does Ingrid Newkirk mention? World Wildlife Fund (WWF). People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). c. Where is it located? It’s in Norfolk, Virginia 23510. It’s in Norfolk, Virginia 23158. 29 3 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 2. 4 According to Ingrid Newkirk, which items below do compa nies still test on animals? Para identificar informações específicas, preste atenção nas palavras- -chave, nos substantivos próprios e nos números. tip Ingrid Newkirk 5 Are you in favor or against animal testing? Why? 6 It is time to create your own PSA about animal rights! In small groups, prepare a short speech and present it to the whole class. You can also record and share it with other people. Before you start, read the suggestions below. You can include: a. Ideas to help people save animals; b. The organization you support (PETA, WWF, Projeto Tamar etc.). Use the Imperative. Examples: Adopt animals. / Do not pollute the environment. / Protect sea turtles around the world. / Contact PETA. / Support Projeto Tamar. / Take action. Reprodução/Wikimedia Commons Konstantin Faraktinov/Shutterstock/Glow Images r.classen/Shutterstock/Glow Images Sebastian Duda/Shutterstock/Glow Images Save the Animals! 131 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 131 30/04/15 11:46

Writing In this unit you have read campaign posters on pages 122, 127 and 128. Campaign posters deliver persuasive messages about a topic. They usually have eye-catching images and a slogan or a headline message. Sometimes there is also a short text to provide some additional relevant information. You can find other examples of campaign posters at <>. 1 In small groups (of three or four students), make a campaign poster to encourage people to protect animals. The text can be about pet adoption, animal rights, a protest against animal tests etc. Writing Context Before writing your text, complete the following paragraph describing the elements of the writing context. You and two or three are going to write a in order to encourage people to protect . You are going to use a persuasive tone. Your text can be published on a traditional school or on the Internet so the other classmates and the whole school community can read it. Step by Step 1. Decide what to write about. What do you want people to do? 2. Think about your target audience (students, teacher, local community etc.) so that you can tailor your text to that audience. 3. Brainstorm for ideas. Think of ideas for slogans, images, colors, fonts and overall messages. 4. Choose the size of your poster (e.g. A4 paper). 5. Look for potential images and choose a memorable one. A beautiful image can give you ideas for a slogan. 6. Define your slogan or headline message. It should be no longer than eight to ten words. 7. Below the slogan, you can add some other relevant information in a smaller font size. But don’t use too much text. Try to keep your poster visual. 8. Make the first version of your campaign poster. Try to place the slogan, text and images in an eye-catching configuration. 9. Exchange campaign posters with classmates and discuss the texts. 10. Make the necessary corrections. 11. Create the final version of your campaign poster by hand or use a computer to design it. 2 It’s time to share your campaign poster with your classmates and other people. You can put it up on a school board or publish it on the Internet (a blog, the school’s website, a non-profit organization’s website etc.). Ao revisar os cartazes, considere, por exemplo:   objetivo: O cartaz está adequado ao público- -alvo e ao seu objetivo?   leiaute: A distribuição dos elementos verbais e não verbais está equilibrada?   imagens: As imagens estão relacionadas ao texto e o tornam mais atraente?   cores: As cores usadas despertam interesse sem prejudicar a leitura?   tipo e tamanho da fonte: O texto está legível a distância?   slogan: O slogan transmite a ideia central do texto e chama a atenção do leitor?   ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente? Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus colegas. tip 132 Unit 7 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 132 30/04/15 11:46

Looking ahead Read the campaign poster below and, in small groups, discuss the following questions about animals. Available at: < name=general-animal-rights#foobox-1/2/AllAnimals2.jpg? 20131017065550>. Accessed in: August 2014. a. Você concorda com o cartaz acima? Por quê? b. Na sua opinião, o que significa, na prática, ter compaixão pelos animais? c. Quais animais você conhece que estão em risco de extinção? O que pode ser feito para salvar essas espécies ameaçadas? d. O que você acha do uso de animais em experimentos científicos? Justifique sua resposta. e. Na sua opinião, em quais casos é aceitável ter um animal de estimação em casa? Justifique sua resposta. Extra reading <> <> <> <> Extra Videos <> <> <> Divulga•‹o/<> Save the Animals! 133 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_120a133_Unit7.indd 133 30/04/15 11:47

Exploring Different Art Forms Warming Up! Nas fotos, vemos diferentes formas de arte. Quais são elas? Você conhece os autores de algumas delas? Quais outras formas de arte você conhece? Por meio de qual(is) delas você geralmente se expressa? © Muniz, Vik/Licenciado por AUTVIS, Brasil, 2014. AISA - Everett/Shutterstock/Glow Images 134  Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 134 30/04/15 11:48

• to talk about different forms of art • to talk about abilities • to learn how to use the modal verb can • to explore comic strips Learning Objectives Cedida por Tarsila Educa•‹o/<> Weinstein Gallery/Associated Press/Glow Images Carlos Junior/Folhapress Igor Bulgarin/Shutterstock/Glow Images DrimaFilm/Shutterstock/Glow Images 135 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 135 30/04/15 11:48

Before Reading 1 The following pictures illustrate four different forms in art. Match the forms of art (a-d) to the pictures. 2 Take a look at the structure and the pictures in the following text. Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The text is a cartoon. a comic strip. b. The characters are school friends. members of a family. c. The kids express themselves through drawings. graffiti. 3 Mark the words you expect to find in the text. Use the Glossary if necessary. art camera crayon photograph picture Reading Now read the text below to check your predictions. KIRKMAN, Rick; SCOTT, Jerry. December 27, 2009. Available at: < store/add.php?iid=42412>. Accessed in: August 2014. Ao ler histórias em quadrinhos, observe as relações entre os elementos verbais e não verbais. tip a. drawing b. sculpture c. painting d. photography Caio Mazzilli/Arquivo da editora Reprodução/Museu do Louvre, Paris, França Fabio Braga/Folhapress PeJo/Shutterstock/Glow Images Zits e Zoé & Zezé © 2015 King Features Syndicate/Ipress 136 Unit 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 136 30/04/15 11:48

Reading for General Comprehension Complete the following statement about the text with words from the box below. art • humor • poetry • school The purpose of the text is to entertain its readers. It can help us discuss the concept of by using . Reading for Detailed Comprehension 1 Mark the correct statements about the text. a. The little girl likes drawing. b. She helps her little brother to draw. c. The little boy is a professional artist. 2 When the girl says “They like anything if you call it art.”, what does she suggest? The parents think the boy is a great artist. The parents like the boy’s drawing because it is a form of personal expression. 3 Complete each sentence below with a word from the text. a. is the little boy. b. The kids use to draw. c. The little boy is not good at . 4 What does the little girl say to encourage her brother to draw? Mark all the correct items below. “Go on. Try it.” “More.” “Keep going.” “Good.” “Now watch.” 5 You can usually find the following features in comic strips. Mark the items that you can find in the text on page 136. a. The use of speech bubbles. b. The use of thought bubbles. c. The use of onomatopoeia. d. The use of a humorous tone. Language Note be good at I’m good at Art. I’m not good at Geography.   Think about it! O uso do humor é uma característica comum das histórias em quadrinhos. No último quadrinho da história da página 136, ao descobrir que as pessoas valorizam os trabalhos de arte, o menino tem a ideia de passar a fazer seus trabalhos de Matemática com giz de cera. Qual parece ser a intenção dele com isso? Você achou a ideia engraçada? Você acha que ela pode realmente dar certo? Exploring Different Art Forms 137 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 137 30/04/15 11:48

1 What colors can you find in this painting? The words below can help you. Reading for Critical Thinking Discuss the questions with your classmates: a. Na história em quadrinhos da página 136, a menina acredita que seus pais gostam de qualquer coisa que é apresentada como arte. Ela parece ter uma visão clara sobre o que é arte? Por quê? b. Na sua opinião, todas as pessoas têm a mesma opinião sobre o que pode ser considerado arte? E para você, o que é arte? c. Você acredita que as diferentes formas de arte devem ser valorizadas pela sociedade? Por quê? Vocabulary Study Colors Look at the following work of art by Romero Britto, Colors of Brazil. Then, do exercises 1-4. Colors of Brazil. 1996. Romero Britto. Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 90 inches. 30 2 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from exercise 1. 3 How can you describe the painting above? abstract colorful contemporary vibrant white black purple green blue yellow gray brown orange pink red violet   Think about it! Romero Britto (Recife, 6 de outubro de 1963) é um pintor, escultor e serígrafo brasileiro radicado em Miami, nos Estados Unidos. Ele começou sua carreira aos 18 anos em Pernambuco e, atualmente, é um dos mais premiados pintores brasileiros. Suas obras são conhecidas por sua alegria e cor. Vários colecionadores e admiradores chamam suas obras de “arte da cura”. Em sua opinião, a arte pode servir para fins terapêuticos? Romero Britto/Acervo do artista 138 Unit 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 138 30/04/15 11:48

whistle Abilities 6 What can the people in the following pictures do? Use the words and expressions from the box below to complete the gaps as in the example. whistle • swim • draw • paint • sing • fly a kite • dance ride a bike • cook • speak English • play the guitar • play soccer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Primary + Primary = Secondary 4 Do you like this type of painting? 5 What happens if you combine the following colors? Complete each gap below with the name of the correct color. Then, use a crayon to color each white rectangle. yellow orange green red blue yellow [1] Ourania2005/Flickr Open/Getty Images; [2] Natee K Jindakum/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [3] Arieliona/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [4] Donald P Oehman/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [5] dotshock/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [6] Maya Kruchankova/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [7] Eddie Linssen/Alamy/Glow Images; [8] Jacek Chabraszewski/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [9] Kzenon/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [10] Ian Shaw/Alamy/Glow Images; [11] Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock/Glow Images; [12] Muellek Josef/Shutterstock/Glow Images Exploring Different Art Forms 139 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 139 30/04/15 11:48

31 7 Now listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 6. Then, listen to the recording again and repeat the words and expressions. 8 What can you do? Choose abilities from exercise 6 to complete the sentence below. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. I can . 9 Complete the following diagrams with the words and expressions in the box below. a horse • a picture • the tango • the piano • Portuguese • ‘Happy Birthday’ Estude combina•›es poss’veis de palavras que costumam ser usadas em ingl•s para aumentar seu vocabul‡rio e utiliz‡-las em seus textos. Organizar palavras e express›es por campo sem‰ntico tambŽm pode ajudar voc• a ampliar e fixar o vocabul‡rio aprendido. tip Taking it Further The following text is about Joey Kane, a boy who has a lot of abilities. Read it and do exercises 1-3. Fa•a previs›es sobre o texto a partir do t’tulo, do subt’tulo, da imagem e do seu conhecimento prŽvio sobre o assunto. tip N‹o se preocupe em compreender todas as palavras de um texto. Nem sempre isso Ž necess‡rio para voc• atingir seus objetivos de leitura. tip EVERYTHING I CAN DO Living with Down Syndrome Joey Kane One special thing about me is that I have Down syndrome. Down syndrome means having an extra chromosome in my body. It’s the way I was born. (...) Some people think that because I have Down syndrome I can’t do what other people can do. But that is not true. Everyone can share their talents, even if they have Down syndrome. My theme song is “Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)” (...). I can do things that other people can do even though I have a disability. I can swim, play basketball, play Ping-Pong, be good at Math and give hugs to people. I can go to college, but I need to qualify for accommodations because of my learning disability. (...) People can look at me and know that I have Down syndrome. But they don’t see me as having Down syndrome. They see me as myself. (...) From: AMERICA MAGAZINE. Volume 209, number 2, July 15-22, 2013, p. 22. (fragment) speak English ride a bike sing a song draw a house dance to the music Now complete the Vocabulary Corner on page 164 with what you have learned. play soccer / the guitar Joey Kane/America Press Inc. 140 Unit 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 140 30/04/15 11:48

1 What can Joey do? Choose the pictures below that refer to Joey’s abilities. 2 Write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. Joey has a learning disability. b. In Joey’s opinion, he can’t do what other people can do. c. In his opinion, everybody can share their talents.   Think about it! Como Joey explica, a síndrome de Down é um distúrbio genético produzido pela presença de um cromossomo a mais. De acordo com o último parágrafo do texto, as pessoas não veem Joey como “alguém que tem síndrome de Down”, mas como a pessoa que ele é. O que você acha da atitude das pessoas que convivem com ele? E da sua postura em relação à síndrome de Down? Na sua opinião, o que contribui para que Joey tenha essa confiança em si mesmo? Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora X X Exploring Different Art Forms 141 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 141 30/04/15 11:48

Language in Use Can 1 Read the fragments below from the text “Everything I can do” on page 140. Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. I. “... I canÕt do what other people can do” II. “I can do things that other people can do...” III. “I can swim, play basketball, play Ping-Pong...” a. The fragment “I can swim, play basketball, play Ping-Pong...” is equivalent to “I love to swim, play basketball, play Ping-Pong...”. “I am able to swim, play basketball, play Ping-Pong...”. b. In the fragments above, the verb can expresses ability. possibility. c. The negative form of the verb can is used in fragment I. fragment II. d. We use can or can’t before the main verb. after the main verb. 2 Look at the people in the following pictures. What are their artistic talents? Complete the sentences below as in the example. Use the subtitles to help you. Language Note can’t = cannot Os Gêmeos can do graffiti together. Pierre Soulages beautifully. Deborah Colker really well. Stevie Wonder and sing very well. Tessanne Chin well. Mario Testino pretty well. Brazilian graffiti artists Os Gêmeos French painter Pierre Soulages Brazilian dancer Deborah Colker American musician Stevie Wonder Jamaican singer Tessanne Chin Peruvian fashion photographer Mario Testino A partir dos exemplos, faça inferências para compreender regras de uso da língua inglesa. tip Tyler Golden/NBC/Getty Images RogŽrio Cassimiro/Folhapress Raquel Cunha/Folhapress Adam Berry/Getty Images Josh Brasted/Getty Images Patrick Aventurier/Getty Images 142 Unit 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 142 30/04/15 11:49

Comic strip 1 THAVES, Bob; THAVES, Tom. June 25, 2014. Available at: < frankandernest/2014/06/25>. Accessed in: August 2014. Comic strip 2 DAVIS, Jim. November, 2012. Available at: <>. Accessed in: August 2014. Comic strip 3 JOHNSTON, Lynn. For better or for worse. October 11, 2010. Available at: <>. Accessed in: August 2014.   Think about it! As tirinhas costumam se caracterizar pela presença do humor. Para isso, muitos recursos podem ser usados, como um jogo de palavras, uma fala ou reação inesperada etc. Na tirinha 1, por exemplo, a expressão phonographic memory (memória fonográfica) faz referência a qual expressão conhecida? Qual das tirinhas do exercício 4 você acha mais engraçada? Por quê? 3 What can you and your friends do? What can’t you and your friends do? Complete the following sentences. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. a. I can and , but I can’t or . b. My best friend can and , but . c. can , but . d. . 4 We use can for different reasons. Match some of the uses of can (A-C) to the comic strips below. A. To express ability. B. To ask for permission. C. To make a request. © 2010 Lynn Johnston Prod., Inc / Dist. by Universal Uclick © 2014 Thaves/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick © 2012 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick Exploring Different Art Forms 143 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 143 30/04/15 11:49

5 Go back to exercise 4 and focus on comic strips 2 and 3. Then, complete the statement below with before or after. In interrogative sentences, we use can the subject. For example, “Can you come here?”; “Can I play?”. Listening and Speaking 1 Do you like paintings? Mark your favorite themes below. Animals Landscapes Monsters Nature People 32 2 Listen to a podcast about an art exhibition and choose the painting that best illustrates the artist’s style. Podcast é um arquivo digital de áudio que se encontra disponível na Internet. Os conteúdos podem variar bastante, mas é comum haver depoimentos, entrevistas, dicas, instruções e/ ou comentários em geral. tip Go to Language Reference in Context on page 175. Pete Fowler/Acervo do artista prudkov/Shutterstock/Glow Images 144 Unit 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 144 30/04/15 11:49

32 3 Listen to the recording again and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The exhibition is about nature. monsters. b. The paintings are crazy and creative. colorful and abstract. c. The artist Pete Fowler is American. British. d. His inspiration for his work comes from people. movies. 32 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. 5 What is your opinion about Pete Fowler’s ideas for his paintings? 6 Interview your classmates to find out about their artistic abilities. Complete the following chart with your classmates’ names when their answer is affirmative. Take turns as in the example below. Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia os itens do exercício para conhecer as informações solicitadas. Você deverá prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. tip Language Note Yep = Yes Nope = No cool = great = = awesome 7 What is the most popular artistic ability in exercise 6? Student A: Can you draw? Student B: Yep. And you? Student A: Nope, I can’t. What things can you draw? Student B: Cars! Student A: Cool. Can you paint? Find someone who can... ClassmatesÕ names ... draw. ... paint. ... sing. ... write poems. ... play a musical instrument. ... ... ... Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Exploring Different Art Forms 145 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 145 30/04/15 11:49

Writing In this unit you have read several comic strips on pages 136 and 143. A comic strip is a sequence of drawings in panels that tells a story or a single panel that describes a situation with humor. By using illustrations, comic strips can express ideas that cannot be expressed through words alone. 1 Read the comic strip below and compare it to the first comic strip on page 143. Notice that both texts are about the same topic and have similar characteristics. What are they? Talk to a classmate about them. THAVES, Bob; THAVES, Tom. May 24, 1997. Available at: < frankandernest/1997/05/24>. Accessed in: August 2014. 2 Create a single panel comic strip to illustrate an ability you have. Your comic strip can also be about a talent that a friend or a person you admire has. Be careful to do it in a humorous way without embarrassing anyone. Do not write real names. Step by Step 1. Decide what to write about. It can be about an ability or talent you have. If you prefer, your comic strip can be about a friend or a person you admire. 2. Plan your comic strip first and think of the situation you are going to describe. 3. Imagine what the characters are saying or thinking and write it down. You can use speech or thought bubbles. 4. Make drawings to describe the situation. Add colors to your comic strip. 5. Exchange comic strips with classmates and discuss the texts. Talk about how you feel when you read them. 6. Make the necessary corrections. 7. Make a final version of your comic strip. Writing Context Before writing your text, complete the following paragraph describing the elements of the writing context. You are going to write a single panel in order to illustrate an ability or a a person has (you, a friend or someone you admire). You are going to use a humorous tone. Your text can be published on a traditional school or on the Internet so that other classmates and the whole school community can read it. Ao revisar a tirinha, considere, por exemplo:   objetivo: A tirinha está adequada ao seu objetivo?   linguagem verbo-visual: As imagens e o texto estão bem integrados?   cores: As cores usadas ajudam a despertar o interesse do leitor?   ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente? Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus colegas. tip 3 It’s time to share your comic strip with your classmates and other people. You can use one of the online resources to create and publish your comic strip: <>; <>. © 1997 Thaves/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick 146 Unit 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 146 30/04/15 11:49

Looking Ahead 1 Take a look at the pictures below and, in small groups, discuss the following questions about them. Observe as possíveis referências e relações entre diferentes obras de arte para compreendê- -las melhor. tip a. Qual dos quadros acima serviu de inspiração para a criação dos demais? b. Essa obra de arte tem sido recriada por vários artistas. Na sua opinião, por que isso tem acontecido? c. O que os quadros têm em comum? O que eles têm de diferente? d. Para você, qual das recriações é a mais criativa? Por quê? 2 Se voc• fosse Leonardo da Vinci, como seria sua Mona Lisa? Fa•a a sua pr—pria releitura da obra e compartilhe com seus colegas. Extra Reading <> (Forms of Art) <> (Art Movements) <> Extra Video <> Reprodução/Museu do Louvre, Paris, França. Art Collection of the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Colombia. Samara Pereira de Araújo/Acervo da artista Divulgação/Fox Broadcasting Company The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) by Leonardo da Vinci, 1503-1506 Mona Lisa Simpson Mona Lisa Nordestina Mona Lisa by Fernando Botero, 1978. Exploring Different Art Forms 147 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_134a147_Unit8.indd 147 30/04/15 11:49

Reading 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure and pictures. Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. The text is a cartoon. a comic strip. b. The characters are probably relatives. strangers. 2 Now read the text below to check your predictions. Available at: <>. Accessed in: September 2014. 3 What is the relationship between the characters in the text above? 4 Write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. According to the man, his generation can use modern technology easily. b. The man can cook and sew clothes. c. The man can’t do things that his wife can. 7 & 8 Brian Crane/Acervo do cartunista 148 Units 7 & 8 Apple_Ingles_Vol6_PNLD2017_148a152_Review4.indd 148 30/04/15 12:00

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