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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

Key to Exercises

4 worse 7 You have more money than 89.3 6 than
5 further them. / . .. than they have. 2 as 7 as
6 more difficult or harder 3 than 8 than
8 You can run faster than me. / 4 than
87.4 ... than I can. 5 as
3 taller
4 harder 9 You've been here longer than 89.4
5 more comfortable her. / . .. than she has. 2 Julia lives in the same street as
6 better
7 nicer 10 You got up earlier than them. / Laura.
8 heavier ... than they did. 3 Julia got up at the same time
9 more interested
10 warmer 11 You were more surprised as Andy.
11 better than him. / . .. than he was. 4 Andy's car is the same colour
12 bigger
13 more beautiful 88.3 as Laura's.
14 sharper 2 Jack's mother is much
15 more polite UNIT 90
16 worse younger than his father.
3 My camera cost a bit more 90.1
UNIT 88 2 C is longer than A.
than yours. / . . . than your
88.1 camera, or My camera was D is the longest.
3 Kate is taller than Ben. a bit more expensive than ... B is the shortest.
4 Kate starts work earlier than 4 I feel much better today 3 D is younger than C.
than yesterday. / . .. than I B is the youngest.
Ben. did yesterday. /... than I felt C is the oldest.
5 Ben works harder than Kate. yesterday. 4 D is more expensive than A.
6 Ben has more money than 5 It's a bit warmer today than C is the most expensive.
yesterday. / . .. than it was A is the cheapest.
Kate. / Ben has got more yesterday. 5 A is better than C.
m oney... 6 Sarah is a much better tennis A is the best.
7 Kate is a better driver than player than me. /. .. than I am. D is the worst.
Ben. or Sarah is much better at
8 Ben is more patient than Kate. tennis than me. /. .. than I am. 90.2
9 Ben is a better dancer than or Sarah plays tennis much 2 the happiest day
Kate. / Ben dances better better than me. /. .. than I do. 3 the best film
than Kate. 4 the most popular singer
10 Kate is more intelligent than UNIT 89 5 the worst mistake
Ben. 6 the prettiest village
11 Kate speaks French better 89.1 7 the coldest day
than Ben. / Kate speaks better 2 A is longer than B, but not as 8 the most boring person
French than Ben. / Kate's
French is better than Ben's. long as C. 90.3
12 Ben goes to the cinema more 3 C is heavier than A, but not 2 Everest is the highest
than Kate. / .. . more often
than Kate. as heavy as B. mountain in the world.
4 A is older than C, but not as 3-6
88.2 Brazil is the largest country in
2 You're older than her. / .. . old as B.
5 B has got more money than South America.
than she is. Alaska is the largest state in the
3 You work harder than me. / C; but not as much as A. or
... but less (money) than A. USA.
... than I do. 6 C works harder than A, but The Nile is the longest river in
4 You watch TV more than not as hard as B.
Africa. /. .. in the world.
him. /. .. than he does. 89.2 Jupiter is the largest planet in the
5 You're a better cook than me. / 2 Your room isn't as big as
solar system.
... than I am. or You cook mine. / . .. as my room.
better than me. / ... than I do. 3 I didn't get up as early as you. / UNIT 91
6 You know more people than
us. /. .. than we do. ... as you did. 91.1
4 They didn't play as well as us. / 2 enough chairs
3 enough paint
... as we did. 4 enough wind
5 You haven't been here as long

as me. / . . . as I have.
6 He isn't as nervous as her. /. ..

as she is.


Key to Exercises

91.2 5 OK UNIT 94
2 The car isn't big enough. 6 Jessica bought a present for
3 His legs aren't long enough. 94.1
4 He isn't strong enough. her friend, or Jessica bought 2 He always gets up early.
her friend a present. 3 He's/He is never late for
91.3 7 I drink three cups of coffee
3 old enough every day. work.
4 enough time 8 OK 4 He sometimes gets angry.
5 big enough 9 I borrowed fifty pounds from 5 He rarely goes swimming.
6 eat enough my brother. 6 He's/He is usually at home in
7 enough space
8 tired enough 93.2 the evenings.
9 practise enough 2 I got a new phone last week.
3 Paul finished his work quickly. 94.2
91.4 4 Emily doesn't speak French 2 Susan is always polite.
2 sharp enough to cut 3 I usually finish work at 5
3 warm enough to go very well.
4 enough bread to make 5 I did a lot of shopping o'clock.
5 well enough to win 4 Sarah has just started a new
6 enough time to read yesterday.
6 Do you know London well? job.
UNIT 92 7 We enjoyed the party very 5 I rarely go to bed before

92.1 much. midnight.
2 too heavy 8 I explained the problem 6 The bus isn't usually late.
3 too low 7 I don't often eat fish.
4 too fast carefully. 8 I will never forget what you
5 too big 9 We met some friends at the
6 too crowded said.
airport. 9 Have you ever lost your
92.2 8 enough 10 Did you buy that jacket in
3 enough 9 too passport?
4 too many 10 too many England? 10 Do you still work in the same
5 too 11 too much 11 We do the same thing every
6 enough place?
7 too much day. 11 They always stay in the same
12 I don't like football very
92.3 hotel.
3 It's too far. much. 12 Jane doesn't usually work on
4 It's too expensive.
5 It isn't/it's not big enough. 93.3 Saturdays.
6 It was too difficult. 2 I arrived at the hotel early. 13 Is Tina already here?
7 It isn't good enough. 3 Julia goes to Italy every year. 14 What do you usually have for
8 I'm too busy. 4 We have lived here since 1998.
9 It was too long. 5 Sue was born in London in breakfast?
15 I can never remember his
92.4 1990.
2 too early to go to bed 6 Paul didn't go to work name.
3 too young to get married
4 too dangerous to go out at yesterday. 94.3
7 Helen went to a wedding last 2 Yes, and I also speak French.
night 3 Yes, and I'm also hungry.
5 too late to phone Sue (now) weekend. 4 Yes, and I've also been to
6 too surprised to say anything 8 I had my breakfast in bed this
UNIT 93 morning. 5 Yes, and I also bought some
9 Amy is going to university in
93.1 books.
3 I like this picture very much. September.
4 Tom started his new job last 10 I saw a beautiful bird in the 94.4
1 They both play football.
week. garden this morning.
11 My parents have been to the They're/They are both
United States many times. TTiey've both got cars. / They
12 I left my umbrella in the both have cars.
2 They're/They are all married.
restaurant last night. They were all born in England.
13 Are you going to the cinema They all live in New York.

tomorrow evening?
14 I took the children to school

this morning.


Key to Exercises

U N IT 95 5 He gave them to Robert. 97.3
6 He gave it to a neighbour. Example answers:
2 Do you still live in Clare 96.2 3 I went to the cinema, but the
2 I gave Joanna a plant.
Street? 3 I gave Richard a tie. film wasn't very good.
3 Are you still a student? 4 I gave Emma some chocolates /
4 Have you still got a 4 I went to a cafe andmet
a box of chocolates.
motorbike? / Do you still have 5 I gave Rachel some flowers / some friends of mine.
a motorbike? 5 There was a film on television,
5 Do you still go to the cinema a bunch of flowers.
a lot? 6 I gave Kevin a wallet. soI watched it.
6 Do you still want to be a
teacher? 96.3 6 I got up in the middle of the
2 Can you lend me an umbrella?
95.2 3 Can you give me your address? night because I couldn't
2 He was looking for a job. 4 Can you lend me twenty
He's/He is still looking (for a pounds?
job). 5 Can you send me more UNIT 98
He hasn't found a job yet.
3 She was asleep. information? 98.1
She's/She is still asleep. 6 Can you show me the letter? 2 When I'm tired, I like to watch
She hasn't woken up yet. /
She isn't awake yet. or She 96.4 TV.
hasn't got up yet. / She isn't 2 lend you some money 3 When I knocked on the door,
up yet. 3 send the bill to me
4 They were having dinner. / 4 buy you a present there was no answer.
They were eating. 5 pass me the sugar 4 When I go on holiday, I
They're/They are still having 6 give it to her
dinner. /. .. still eating. 7 showed the policeman my always go to the same place.
They haven't finished (dinner) 5 When the programme ended,
yet. / They haven't finished identity card
eating yet. I turned off the TV.
UNIT 97 6 When I got to the hotel, there
2 Is Helen here yet? or Has 97.1 were no rooms.
3 I went to the window and (I)
Helen arrived/come yet? 98.2
3 Have you got your (exam) looked out. 2 when they heard the news
4 I wanted to phone you, but I 3 they went to live in New
results yet? / Have you had
y o ur ... / Have you received didn't have your number. Zealand
y o u r ... 5 I jumped into the river and (I) 4 while they were away
4 Have you decided where to 5 before they came here
go yet? / Do you know where swam to the other side. 6 somebody broke into the
you're going yet? 6 I usually drive to work, but I
95.4 went by bus this morning. 7 they didn't believe me
3 She's/She has already gone/ 7 Do you want me to come
left. with you, or shall I wait here? 2 I finish
4 I've already got one. / 1already 3 it's
97.2 4 I'll be ... she leaves
have one. Example answers: 5 stops
5 I've/I have already paid (it). 2 because it was raining. / 6 We'll co m e ... we're
6 he already knows. 7 I'll bring
because the weather was bad. 8 I'm
UNIT 96 3 but it was closed. 9 it gets
4 so he didn't eat anything. / so 10 I'll tell ...I'm
2 He gave it to Gary. he didn't want anything to 98.4
3 He gave them to Sarah. eat. Example answers:
4 He gave it to his sister. 5 because there was a lot of 2 you finish your work
traffic. / because the traffic 3 I'm going to buy a motorbike
was bad. 4 you get ready
6 Sue said goodbye, got into 5 I won't have much free time
her car and drove off/away. 6 I come back


Key to Exercises

UNIT 99 6 you won 101.3
7 I wouldn't stay 2 who
99.1 8 we lived 3 which
2 If you pass the exam, you'll 9 It would be 4 which
10 the salary was/were 5 who
get a certificate. 11 I wouldn't know 6 which
3 If you fail the exam, you can 12 would you change 7 who
8 who
do it again. 100.3 9 which
4 If you don't want this 2 I'd watch it / 1would watch it
3 we had some pictures on the that is also correct in all these
magazine, I'll throw it away. sentences.
5 If you want those pictures, wall
4 the air would be cleaner 101.4
you can have them. 5 every day was/were the same 3 ... a machine that/which
6 If you're busy now, we can 6 I'd be bored / 1would be
makes coffee.
talk later. bored 4 OK (which is also correct)
7 If you're hungry, we can have 7 we had a bigger house / we 5 ... people who/that never

lunch now. bought a bigger house stop talking.
8 If you need money, I can lend 8 we would/could buy a bigger 6 OK (who is also correct)
7 OK (that is also correct)
you some. house or 8 ... the sentences that/which
we would/could have a
99.2 bigger house are wrong.
2 I give 9 ... a car that/which cost
3 is 100.4
4 I'll call Example answers: £40,000.
5 I'll be... get 2 I'd go to Antarctica
6 Will you go ... they invite 3 I didn't have any friends UNIT 102
4 I'd buy a house if I had
99.3 102.1
Example answers: enough money. 2 I've lost the pen you gave me.
3 ... you're busy. 5 I'd try and help 3 I like the jacket Sue is wearing.
4 ... you'll feel better in the 6 there were no guns 4 Where are the flowers I gave

morning. UNIT 101 you?
5 ... you're not watching it. 5 I didn't believe the story he
6 ... she doesn't study. 101.1
7 ... I'll go and see Chris. 2 A butcher is a person who told us.
8 ... the weather is good. 6 How much were the oranges
9 ... it rains today. sells meat.
3 A musician is a person who you bought?
2 When plays a musical instrument. 102.2
3 If 4 A patient is a person who is ill 2 The meal you cooked was
4 If
5 if in hospital. excellent.
6 When 5 A dentist is a person who 3 The shoes I'm wearing aren't
7 if
8 when ... if takes care of your teeth. very comfortable.
6 A fool is a person who does 4 The people we invited to
UNIT 100
stupid things. dinner didn't come.
100.1 7 A genius is a person who is
3 wanted 102.3
4 had very intelligent. 2 Who are the people you were
5 were/was 8 A liar is a person who doesn't
6 didn't enjoy talking to?
7 could tell the truth. 3 Did you find the keys you
8 tried
9 didn't have 101.2 were looking for?
2 The woman who opened the 4 Where is the party you're
3 I'd go / 1would go door was wearing a yellow going to?
4 she knew dress. 5 What's the name of the film
5 we had 3 Most of the students who
took the exam passed (it). you were talking about?
306 4 The policeman who stopped 6 What's that music you're
our car wasn't very friendly.
listening to?
7 Did you get the job you

applied for?

Key to Exercises

102.4 9 - (already complete) 105.2
2 What's the name of the 10 on 3 while
11 in 4 for
restaurant where you had 12 at 5 while
dinner? * American speakers say 'on the 6 during
3 How big is the village where weekend' 7 while
you live? 8 for
4 Where exactly is the factory UNIT 104 9 during
where you work? 10 while

UNIT 103 104.1 105.3
2 Alex lived in Canada until 2 eating
103.1 3 answering
2009. 4 having/taking
3 at 11 at 3 Alex has lived in England 5 finishing/doing
6 going/travelling
4 on 12 in since 2009.
4 Karen lived in France until 105.4
5 in 13 on 2 John worked in a bookshop
6 in 14 on 5 Karen has lived in Switzerland for two years after leaving
7 on 15 at since 2011. 3 Before going to sleep, I read
6 Clare worked in a restaurant for a few minutes.
8 on 16 at 4 After walking for three hours,
from 2010 to 2012. we were very tired.
9 at 17 at* 7 Clare has worked in a hotel 5 Let's have a cup of coffee
before going out.
10 on 18 in since 2012.
8 Adam was a teacher from UNIT 106
* American speakers say 'on the
2002 to 2008. 106.1
weekend' 9 Adam has been a journalist 2 In the box.
3 On the box.
103.2 since 2008. 4 On the wall.
11 Alex has lived in England for 5 At the bus stop.
2 on 11 at* 6 In the field.
... years. 7 On the balcony.
3 at 12 on 12 Karen has lived in Switzerland 8 In the pool.
9 At the window.
4 in 13 in f o r ... years. 10 On the ceiling.
13 Clare worked in a restaurant 11 On the table.
5 in 14 at 12 At the table.
for two years.
6 in 15 in 14 Clare has worked in a hotel 106.2
2 in
7 on 16 on f o r ... years. 3 on
15 Adam was a teacher for six 4 in
8 on 17 in 5 on
years. 6 at
9 in 18 at 16 Adam has been a journalist 7 in
8 in
10 at 19 at f o r ... years. 9 at
10 at
* American speakers say 'on the 11 in
12 at
weekend' 13 on
14 at
103.3 104.2 9 since 15 on the wall in the living room
2 on Friday 2 until 10 until
3 on Monday 3 for 11 for 307
4 at 4 o'clock on Thursday 4 since 12 until
5 Until 13 Since
(afternoon) / on Thursday 6 for 14 for
(afternoon) at 4 o'clock 7 for
5 on Saturday evening 8 until
6 at 2.30 on Tuesday
(afternoon) / on Tuesday
(afternoon) at 2.30

103.4 UNIT 105
2 I'll call you in three days.
3 My exam is intwo weeks. 105.1
4 Tom will be herein half an 2 after lunch
3 before the end
hour. / . . . in 30 minutes. 4 during the course
5 before they went to Australia
103.5 6 during the night
3 in 7 while you're waiting
4 - (already complete) 8 after the concert
5 - (already complete)
6 in
7 at*
8 - (already complete)

Key to Exercises

UNIT 107 108.4 UNIT 110
1 to
107.1 2 - (already complete) 110.1
2 At the airport. 3 at 2 Go under the bridge.
3 In bed 4 in 3 Go up the hill.
4 On a ship. 5 to 4 Go down the steps.
5 In the sky. 6 - (already complete) 5 Go along this street.
6 At a party. 6 Go into the hotel.
7 At the doctor's. 108.5 7 Go past the hotel.
8 On the second floor. Example answers: 8 Go out of the hotel.
9 At work. 2 to work 9 Go over the bridge.
10 On a plane. 3 at work 10 Go through the park.
11 In a taxi. 4 to Canada
12 At a wedding. 5 to parties 110.2
6 at a friend's house 2 off
107.2 9 in 3 over
2 in 10 in UNIT 109 4 out of
3 in 11 on 5 across
4 at 12 on 109.1 6 round/around
5 at 13 at 2 next to / beside / by 7 through
6 in 14 in 3 in front of 8 on
7 at 15 on 4 between 9 round/around
8 at 5 next to / beside / by 10 into the house through a
6 in front of
UNIT 108 7 behind window
8 on the left
108.1 6 to 9 in the middle 110.3
2 to 7 to 1 out of
3 in 8 in 109.2 2 round/around
4 to 2 behind 3 in
5 in 3 above 4 from here to the airport
4 in front of 5 round/around
108.2 5 on 6 on/over
3 to 6 by / next to / beside 7 over
4 to 7 below / under 8 out of/from
5 at home ... to work 8 above
6 at 9 under UNIT 111
7 - (already complete) 10 by / next to / beside
8 to 11 opposite 111.1
9 at 12 on 2 on time
10 at a restaurant... to the hotel 3 on holiday
109.3 4 on the phone
108.3 2 The fountain is in front of the 5 on TV
2 to
3 to theatre. 111.2
4 in 3 The bank/bookshop is 2 by
5 to 3 with
6 to opposite the theatre, or 4 about
7 at Paul's office is opposite the 5 on
8 to theatre, or The theatre is 6 by
9 to opposite... 7 at
10 at 4 The bank/bookshop/ 8 on
11 at supermarket is next to ... 9 with
12 to Maria's house ... at home 5 Paul's office is above the 10 about grammar by Vera P. Bull
13 - (already complete) bookshop.
14 meet at the party... go to the 6 The bookshop is between the 111.3 6 by
bank and the supermarket. 1 with 7 on
party 2 without 8 with
3 by 9 at
4 about 10 by
5 at


11 about 14 with 7 of/about Key to Exercises
12 by 15 by 8 for
13 on 16 by 9 on UNIT 115
10 to 115.1
UNIT 112 11 for 2 She took off her hat. or She
12 - (already complete)
112.1 5 with 13 to took her hat off.
2 in 6 of 14 on 3 He put down his bag. or He
3 to 15 of/about
4 at put his bag down.
4 She picked up the magazine.
112.2 113.3 4 after
2 at 1 at 5 at or She picked the magazine
3 to 2 after 6 for up.
4 about 3 for 5 He put on his sunglasses, or
5 of He put his sunglasses on.
6 of 113.4 6 She turned off the tap. or
7 from/to ( You can also say Example answers: She turned the tap off.
3 It depends on the 115.2
different than ...) 2 He put his jacket on.
8 in programme. He put it on.
9 for 4 It depends (on) what it is. 3 She took off her glasses.
10 about 5 It depends on the weather. She took them off.
11 of 6 It depends (on) how much 4 I picked the phone up.
12 for/about getting angry with I picked it up.
you want. 5 They gave the key back.
you They gave it back.
UNIT 114 6 We turned off the lights.
We turned them off.
112.3 114.1 115.3
2 interested in going 2 went in 2 take it back
3 good at getting 3 looked up 3 picked them up
4 fed up with waiting 4 rode off/away 4 switched it off
5 sorry for/about waking 5 turned round/around 5 bring them back
6 Thank you for waiting. 6 got off 115.4
7 sat down 3 knocked over
112.4 8 got out 4 look it up
2 Sue walked past me without 5 throw them away
114.2 6 tried on
speaking. 2 away 7 showed me round
3 Don't do anything without 3 round/around 8 gave it up or gave up (without
4 going o u t ... be back it)
asking me first. 5 down 9 fill it in
4 I went out without locking 6 over 10 put your cigarette out
7 back
the door. 8 in 309
9 up
112.5 10 going away ... coming back
Example answers:
2 I'm scared of the dark. 114.3
3 I'm not very good at drawing. 2 Hold on
4 I'm not interested in cars. 3 slowed down
5 I'm fed up with living here. 4 takes off
5 getting on
UNIT 113 6 speak up
7 broken down
113.1 5 at 8 fall over / fall down
2 to 6 for 9 carry on
3 for 10 gave up
4 to 11 went off

2 to
3 to
4 - (already complete)
5 for
6 to

Key to Additional exercises

1 1 Are you married? 10
3 Kate is a doctor. Where do you live? 2 went
4 The children are asleep. Have you got any children? 3 found
5 Gary isn't hungry. or Do you have any 4 was
6 The books aren't on the table. children? 5 had
7 The hotel is near the station. How old is she? 6 told
8 The bus isn't full. 7 gave
2 How old are you? 8 were
2 What do you do? / Where do 9 thought
3 she's / she is you work? / What's your job? 10 invited/asked
4 Where are Do you like/enjoy your job?
5 Is he Have you got a car? or Do 11
6 It's / It is you have a car? 3 He was good at sport.
7 I'm / 1am or No, I'm not. Do you (usually) go to work 4 He played football.
by car? 5 He didn't work hard at
I'm a student.
8 What colour is 3 What's his name? / What's he school.
9 Is it called? 6 He had a lot of friends.
10 Are you What does he do? / What's 7 He didn't have a bike.
11 How much are they? his job? 8 He wasn't a quiet child.
Does he live/work in London?
3 12
3 He's/He is having a shower. 7 3 How long were you there? /
4 Are the children playing? 4 Sonia is 32 years old.
5 Is it raining? 5 I've got two sisters, or I How long did you stay there?
6 They're/They are coming 4 Did you like/enjoy
have two sisters.
now. 6 We often watch TV in the Amsterdam?
7 Why are you standing here? 5 Where did you stay?
evening. 6 Was the weather good?
I'm/I am waiting for 7 Amy never wears a hat. 7 When did you get/come
somebody. 8 A bicycle has got two wheels.
4 or ... has two wheels.
4 Sam doesn't want 9 These flowers are beautiful. 13
5 Do you want 10 Emma speaks German very 3 I forgot
6 Does Helen live 4 did you get
7 Sarah knows well. 5 I didn't speak
8 I don't travel 6 Did you have
9 do you usually get up 8 7 he didn't go
10 They don't go out 3 are you cooking 8 she arrived
11 Tom always finishes 4 plays 9 did Robert live
12 does Jessica do ... She works 5 I'm going 10 The meal didn't cost
6 It's raining
5 7 I don't watch 14
3 She's/She is a student. 8 we're looking 2 were working
4 She hasn't got a car. or She 9 do you pronounce 3 opened
4 rang ... was cooking
doesn't have a car. 9 5 heard... looked
5 She goes out a lot. 2 we go 6 was looking ... happened
6 She's got/She has got a lot of 3 is shining 7 wasn't reading ... was
4 are you going
friends, or She has a lot of 5 do you go watching
friends. 6 She writes 8 didn't read
7 She doesn't like London. 7 I never read 9 finished ... paid ... left
8 She likes dancing. 8 They're watching 10 saw ... was walking ... was
9 She isn't/She's not interested 9 She's talking
in sport. 10 do you usually have waiting
11 He's visiting
310 12 I don't drink 15
3 is playing
4 gave
5 doesn't like

Key to Additional exercises

6 did your parents go 7 was 24
7 saw ... was driving 8 didn't see 1 was damaged ... be knocked
8 Do you watch 9 left
9 were you doing 10 's/has been down
10 goes 11 was 2 was built... is used ... is being
11 m/am trying 12 've/have never i
12 didn't sleep painted
20 3 is called ... be called ... was
16 3 He's/He has already gone.
3 it's/it has just finished/ended. 4 she left at 4 o'clock. changed
4 l've/l have found them, or 5 How many times have you 4 have been made ... are

I've got them. been there? produced
5 I haven't read it. 6 I haven't decided yet.
6 Have you seen her? 7 It was on the table last night. 25
7 I've/I have had enough. 8 I've eaten there a few times. 2 is visited
8 Have you (ever) been to 9 What time did they arrive? 3 were damaged
4 be built
Sweden? 21 5 is being cleaned
9 We've/We have (just) been 1 When was the last time? or 6 be forgotten
7 has already been done
to the cinema. When did you go the last 8 be kept
10 They've/They have gone to a time? 9 Have you ever been bitten
2 How long have you had it? 10 was stolen
party. I bought/got it yesterday.
11 He's/He has (just) woken up. 3 How long have you lived 26
12 How long have you lived there / have you been there / 2 My car was stolen last week.
have you been living there? 3 All the bananas have been
here? or ... have you been Before that we lived in Mill
living here? Road. eaten.
13 we've/we have known each How long did you live in Mill 4 The machine will be repaired.
other for a long time. Road? 5 We're/We are being watched.
14 It's/It has been raining all day. 4 How long have you worked 6 The housework has to be
or It has rained all day. or there / have you been
It has been horrible/bad all working there? done.
day. What did you do before that?
I was a taxi driver, or I 27
17 worked as a taxi driver. 3 pushed
3 's/has been 4 was pushed
4 for 22 5 has taken
5 since Example answers: 6 is being repaired
6 has he lived / has he been / 2 I didn't go out last night. 7 invented
3 I was at work yesterday 8 was the camera invented
has he been living 9 have been washed or were
7 for afternoon.
8 've/have been 4 I went to a party a few days washed
10 I've/I have washed them, or
18 ago.
Example answers: 5 It was my birthday last week. I washed them.
3 I've just started this exercise. 6 I went to America last year. 11 did they send or have they
4 I've met Sarah a few times.
5 I haven't had lunch yet. 23 9C sent
6 I've never been to Australia. 2B 10 D 12 be sent
7 I've lived here since I was 3D 11 A
4A 12 C 28
born. 5A 13 B 2B 8B
8 I've lived here for three years. 6D 14 C 3A 9B
7C 15 A 4 C 10 A
19 8B 5 B 11 B
3 bought/got 6 C 12 C
4 went 7C
5 've/have read or read
've/have finished with
6 haven't started (it) or

haven't begun (it)


Key to Exercises 13 I'll send 9 a headache
14 you're having 10 remember names (- )
1 I stayed 15 are working / have been 11 the next train
did you do
I watched working 12 send emails (- )
Are you going 16 he had 13 the garden
I'm going 17 he needs
are you going to see 18 We've been 14 the Majestic Hotel
I don't know. I haven't 19 We got 15 ill last week ( - ) . . . to work (- )
decided 20 seeing 16 the highest mountain in the
21 I liked
2 have you been 22 we went world
We arrived 23 we left 17 to the radio ... having
are you staying / are you 24 had
going to stay 25 he wasn't injured breakfast (- )
do you like 26 was damaged
we're having 27 We've changed / We changed 18 like sport ( - ) . . . is basketball
28 we're leaving
3 I'm going ... Do you want 29 We're staying / We're going (-)
are you going 19 a doctor... an art teacher
Have you ever eaten to stay / We'll stay
I've been ... I went 30 flying 20 the second flo o r... the top
31 That will be / That's going to of the stairs... on the right
4 I've lost... Have you seen
You were wearing ... I came be 21 After dinner
I'm not wearing 32 finished
Have you looked / Did 33 I'll let watched TV (- )
you look 34 we get 22 a wonderful holiday in the
I’ll go 35 are looking
36 We're going south of France (- )
30 37 we'll send
1 we met 35 12 at
2 we sat / we were sitting 32 11 B 2 in 13 at
3 We didn't know 2A 12 A 3 on 14 in
4 we became 3B 13 C 4 at 15 at
5 we liked 4C 14 B 5 on 16 on
6 we spent 5B 15 C 6 in 17 by
7 We left 6C 16 A 7 since 18 for.. . on
8 we meet 7B 17 C 8 on 19 t o ... in
9 has been 8A 18 B 9 by 20 a t ... in
10 she's working 9C 10 in
11 She's coming 10 A 11 for
12 she comes
13 we'll have / we're going to 33
2 a car
have 3 the fridge
14 It will be 4 a teacher
5 school
31 6 the cinema
2 we're staying 7 a taxi
3 we enjoyed 8 the piano
4 We watched 9 cars
5 slept 10 the same
6 I don't sleep
7 we're not doing / we're not 34
4 a horse
going to do or we aren't 5 The sky
doing / we aren't going to do 6 a tourist
8 we're going 7 for lunch (- )
9 to see 8 the first President of the
10 We haven't decided
11 wants United States
12 to go


Key to Study guide

Present Verb forms Questions

1.1 B 5.1 D 10.1 D
1.2 A 5.2 B 10.2 D
1.3 C 10.3 A
1.4 A Future 10.4 A
1.5 C ,D 10.5 B
1.6 B 6.1 A 10.6 D
1.7 D 6.2 A 10.7 B
1.8 C 6.3 C 10.8 A
1.9 C 6.4 A, B 10.9 CE
1.10 A 6.5 B 10.10 C
1.11 C 6.6 C 10.11 A
1.12 A 6.7 D 10.12 A, C
1.13 D 6.8 C
1.14 C 6.9 B Reported speech
1.15 A
1.16 D Modals, imperative etc. 11.1 E
1.17 C ,D 11.2 A, B, D
1.18 A, D 7.1 C, D
7.2 A, C -ing and t o ...
Past 7.3 A
7.4 D 12.1 B
2.1 B 7.5 B 12.2 D
2.2 E 7.6 E 12.3 B
2.3 D 7.7 B, D 12.4 C
2.4 B 7.8 D 12.5 B, C
2.5 A 7.9 C 12.6 C
2.6 D 7.10 C 12.7 A
2.7 A 7.11 A 12.8 D
2.8 C 7.12 E
2.9 C Go, get, do, make and have
There and it
Present perfect 13.1 A, D
8.1 B 13.2 C
3.1 B, E 8.2 E 13.3 C ,D
3.2 D 8.3 A 13.4 A, D
3.3 B 8.4 A 13.5 B
3.4 D 8.5 B 13.6 D
3.5 E
3.6 B Auxiliary verbs Pronouns and possessives

c3.7 A 9.1 C 14.1 A
9.2 A 14.2 C
3.8 9.3 C 14.3 D
3.9 D 9.4 B 14.4 B
3.10 E 9.5 B 14.5 B, C
9.6 C 14.6 A
Passive 9.7 D 14.7 E
14.8 A
4.1 D 14.9 D
4.2 C 14.10 C
4.3 E
4.4 A
4.5 A


Key to Study Guide

A and the Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions

15.1 C 17.1 A 20.1 D
15.2 B 17.2 C 20.2 E
15.3 A, C 17.3 C 20.3 C ,D
15.4 17.4 D 20.4 B
15.5 A 17.5 B 20.5 A, D
15.6 D 17.6 B 20.6 A
15.7 C 17.7 A, C 20.7 B
15.8 B 17.8 E 20.8 C
15.9 B 17.9 A 20.9 B
15.10 E 17.10 B 20.10 D
15.11 D 17.11 D 20.11 D
15.12 B 17.12 A 20.12 A
15.13 A 17.13 D 20.13 C
15.14 17.14 C 20.14 D
20.15 A
Determiners and pronouns Word order 20.16 E
20.17 C
16.1 C 18.1 B 20.18 B
16.2 C 18.2 C 20.19 D
16.3 B 18.3 B 20.20 D
16.4 B 18.4 A
16.5 C 18.5 A, D
16.6 A, C
16.7 D Conjunctior Phrasal verbs
16.8 B, D
16.9 A 19.1 C 21.1 C
16.10 B 19.2 A 21.2 A, B
16.11 E 19.3 D 21.3 B
16.12 B, D 19.4 E
16.13 A 19.5 B,C
16.14 A, B 19.6 A, B
16.15 D 19.7 B, D
16.16 A, C 19.8 A
16.17 D
16.18 B
16.19 A



The numbers are unit numbers (not anybody/anyone/anything 76D, beside 109A
page numbers). 78-79 best 90B
better 87D
a/an 65 anywhere 79 between 109A
a and some 67-68 apostrophe (I'm, it's etc.) bit (a bit older/bigger etc.) 88D
a/an and the 69 born 21C
Appendix 4 both 82
about 111E apostrophe's (my brother's car) 64
above 109E are see am/is/are word order 94
active and passive Appendix 1 around 110,114-115, Appendix 7 but 97
across 110 arrive 108C by 111C
adjectives 85 articles (a/an/the) 65-73
by after the passive (I was bitten by
adjectives and adverbs (quick/ a/an 65,67-68 a dog.) 21D
quickly) 86 a/an and the 69
the 70-73 by myself/ by yourself etc. 63C
comparatives (older / more as (not as ... as) 89 by (= beside) 109C
expensive) 87-89 ask
as/c somebody to ... 53B can/can't 30
superlatives (the oldest / the most tfs/c somebodyfor ... 113A comparative (older / more expensive
expensive) 90 at
at 8 o'clock / at night etc. 103 etc.) 87-89
get + adjective (get tired etc.) 56B at the bus stop / at work etc. conditional (if...)
possessive adjectives (my/your/her
106-107 if I d o ... 99
etc.) 60,62 at and to 108 if I d id ... 100
something!anybody etc. + adjective at the age o f... 111B conjunctions 97-100
auxiliary verbs 23, 40-42 and/but/or/so/because 97
79C away when,/before,/while/after/until 98
adjectives + preposition (afraid of run away / throw away etc. (phrasal if 99-100
continue (continue to ... or continue
etc.) 112A verbs) 114-115, Appendix 7
adverbs 86 -ing) 52C
back contractions (short forms - I'm, it's,
word order (alwaysI usuallyI often come back/give back etc. (phrasal
etc.) 94 you've etc.) Appendix 4
verbs) 114-115, Appendix 7 could/couldn't 30C-D
advise (advise somebody to ...) 53B be (infinitive of am/is/are) countable and uncountable nouns
afraid (of) 112A
after 98,105 am/is/are 1-2 67-68
ago 19B am/is/are + -ing (present
all depend (on) 113C
continuous) 3-4, 23A, 25, 51C did
all and every etc. 80 was/were 10
all (of) 81 was/were + -ing (past continuous) didn't in negatives 12, 23D, 40C,
word order 94 43B, 51A
along 110 13, 23A, 51C
already 95C have/has been (present perfect) did in questions 12, 23D, 40C, 44B,
already + present perfect 16B 51A
word order 94 15-18
also (word order) 94 passive 21-22, Appendix 1 different (from) 112A
always will be 27 direct speech and reported speech
always + present simple 5C because 97
word order 94 been 50
am/is/are 1-2 have/has been (present perfect) do and make 57
am/is/are -ing (present continuous)
15-18 don't/doesn't in negatives 6, 23D,
3-4, 23A, 25, 51C been and gone 17C 40C, 43B, 51A
there is / there are 37 there has/have been 38B
an see a before 98,105 do/does in questions 7 ,23D, 40C,
and 97 begin (begin to ... or begin -ing) 52C 44B, 51A
angry (with/about) 112A behind 109A
another 65B belong (to) 113A don't go / don'tfall etc.
any below 109E (imperative) 35B
any and some 76
not + any 77 down 110
any and no 77
any (of) 81 sit down / put down etc. (phrasal
verbs) 114-115, Appendix 6-7

during 105


Index give if 99-100
give something to somebody / give if we go / ifyou see etc. 99
each other 63D somebody something 96 if and when 99C
either give up / give back etc. (phrasal if I had / if we went 100
verbs) 115, Appendix 6-7 Do you know if ... ? 49C
either and too 42A
either (of) 82 go 55 imperative (do this / don't do that
embedded questions (Do you know go -ing (go swimming etc.) 55D etc.) 35
go home / go to work / go to the
what... ? etc.) 49 cinema 71 in
end (at the end of) 103B, 106B go in I go back etc. (phrasal verbs) in April / in summer etc. 103
enjoy 114 in a room / in hospital etc. 106—
enjoy-ing 52B going to (I'm going to do something) infive minutes / in three years etc.
enjoy myself/yourself etc. 63A 26 103E
enough 91 /Viand to 108
enough and too 92D gone and been 17C put something in 110
ever good go in/fill in etc. (phrasal verbs)
Have you ever... ? 17 114-115, Appendix 7
superlative + ever 90E good and well 86D
word order 94 good at 112A infinitive (do/see/play etc.)
every 80 got infinitive (do/see etc.) and to +
everybody/everyone/ past of get 11C, 56 infinitive (to do /to see etc.) 51,
everything/everywhere 80C have/has got 9, 58A 53
expect 52A; 53B can/will/should etc. + infinitive
had 51A
far pastoftoai/e 11C verbs + to + infinitive (I want to go
Howfar is it? 39A, 47D etc.) 51B, 52-53
far -^further 87B had to 33B infinitive and -ing (do/doing etc.)
He said he had (done something) 51-52
fast 86C I went to the shop to buy ...
fed up (with) 112A 50, Appendix 1.1 (infinitive for purpose) 54
few /a few 84 happen (to) 113A infinitive andfo r ... 54B
finish (finish -ing) 52B hard 86C adjective + infinitive (it's easy to
for has see have ...) 39B
for ten minutes I for three years etc. hate 52C-D something to eat / nowhere to go
have 9,58 etc. 79D
for and to ... 54B have got / has got 9, 58A -ing (doing/playing/going etc.)
gofor a walk etc. 55C have done / have been etc. (present am/is/are + -ing (present
for and during 105C continuous) 3 -4 ,23A, 25, 51C
from 104A, 110 perfect) 15-18, 23C was/were + -ing (past continuous)
front (infront of) 109A-B have to 33 13, 23A, 51C
full (of) 112A have a nice time / havefun etc. -ing and infinitive (do/doing etc.)
further 87B 51-52
future 25-28 35A verbs + -ing (enjoy -ing etc.)
I'm working tomorrow, (present there has/have been 38B 52B-C
have breakfast / have a shower etc. go -ing (go swimming etc.) 55D
continuous) 25 prepositions + -ing 105D, 112B
The concert starts at 7.30. (present 58B
her 59-60,62 interested (in) 112A
simple) 25C hers 61-62 into 110
(I'm) going to (do something) 26 herself 63 irregular verbs 11C, 24B, Appendix
will 27-28 him 59, 62
shall 27D, 28C himself 63 2-3
future after when/before/while etc. his 60-62 is see am/is/are
holiday (on holiday) 55B, 111A it 39, 59B
98B home 55A, 71A, 108B
future after if 99B it is and there is 37B, 39A
get home 56C, 108C it's and its 60C
geographical names with and how 47 its 60
without the 73
How long have you ... ? (present just
gerund see-ing perfect) 18 just + present perfect 16A
get 56 word order 94
how big?/ how old?/ howfar? etc.
get to (a place) 56C, 108C 47D
get on /get up etc. (phrasal verbs)
How long does it take? 48
114, Appendix 6 how much? / how many? 83A

316 l/you/he/she etc. (personal
pronouns) 59,62


kind (kind to somebody / kind of must 31 ours 61-62
somebody) 112A mustn't 31C ourselves 63
know (Do you know where...? ) 49 must and should 32E
must and have to 33D out of 110
learn (learn to ...) 52A my/your/his etc. (possessive go out / put out etc. (phrasal verbs)
left (on the left) 109A
lend (lend something to somebody) adjectives) 60,62 114-115, Appendix 6-7
myself/yourself etc. (reflexive over 110
less 88C pronouns) 63 climb over / knock over (phrasal
let 53D verbs) 114-115, Appendix 6-7
let's (let's go / let's dance etc) 35C, need
don't need to ... 31D pair (a pair o f...) 66B
53D need to ... 52A passive 21-22, 23B, Appendix 1
like (What is it like?) 46B
like (verb) negatives 43 present simple (is done) and past
negative questions 44C simple (was done) 21
would like 34, 52D, 53A no and none 77
do you like? and would you like? not + any 77-78 present continuous (is being done)
and present perfect (has been
34C neither done) 22
like t o ... or like -ing 52C Neither am I / Neither do I etc. 42B
listen (to) 113A neither (of) 82 will/can/must (etc.) be done
little / a little 84 Appendix 1.2
look never
look + adjective (look tired etc.) never + present simple 5C past (Co past the cinema ...) 110
never + present perfect 17B past continuous (was/were + -ing)
85C word order 94
look at/for/after 113B 13-14, 23A,51C
lot (a lot o f...) 83 next to 109A past continuous (I was doing) and
love 52C-D nice (nice to somebody / nice of
past simple (I did) 14
make 57 somebody) 112A past continuous passive Appendix
make somebody do something 53D no (no money / nofriends etc.)
make and do 57 1.1
77A-B, 81B past participle (cleaned,/done,/seen
many nobody/no-one/nothing 78-79
many and much 83 etc.) 24A
not as many (as) 89B no-one and none 77C present perfect (I have cleaned) 15,
too many 92C none 77B-C,81B-C
nor (Nor am I / Nor do I etc.) 42B 23C
married nouns (countable and uncountable) passive (the room was cleaned)
married to 112A
get married 56B 67-68 21-22, 23B, Appendix 1
nowhere 79 regular (cleaned) and irregular
may 29D
me/you/him etc (personal of (seen) 24B, Appendix 2-3
the roof of the building etc. 64C past perfect
pronouns) 59,62 the... of... 73E
middle (in the middle of) 107A, He said he had (done something) 50
off 110 active and passive Appendix 1.1
109A get off/ turn off etc. (phrasal verbs) past simple (did/cleaned/saw etc.)
might 29 114-115, Appendix 6
mind (I don't mind -ing) 52B 11-12
mine/yours/hers etc (possessive offer (to do something) 52A negative (didn't...) 12,43B
often questions (did... ?) 12,44B
pronouns) 61-62 was/were 10
modal verbs (will/can/might etc.) often + present simple 5C regular (cleaned) and irregular verbs
word order 94
27-34, 51A on (saw) 11B-C, Appendix 2-3
more 87C, 88 on Monday / on 25 April etc. 103 past simple + ago 19B
most on the table / on the wall 106-107 past simple (I did) and present
on the left/right 109A
most (of) 81 on holiday / on television etc. 111A perfect (I have done) 20
the most expensive / the most go on (holiday/ a trip etc.) 55B past simple (I did) and past
get on / put on etc. (phrasal verbs)
difficult etc. 90 continuous (I was doing) 14
much 114-115, Appendix 6-7 past simple passive (the room was
one/ones 75
much and many 83 opposite 109B cleaned) 21,23B, Appendix 1.1
much bigger / much more expensive or 97A-B if+ past simple (if I had / if we
ought to 32F
88D our 60,62 went) 100
not as much (as) 89B people 66C-D
too much 92C personal pronouns (l/me/you etc.)

persuade (persuade somebody to

...) 53B



phrasal verbs (get up / put on etc.) present perfect (I have done) and reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself
114-115, Appendix 6-7 past simple (I did) 20 etc.) 63

plural (cup —>cups / man —>men present perfect passive 22B, regular and irregular verbs 11, 24,
etc.) 66 Appendix 1.1 Appendix 2-3

police (plural) 66D regular and irregular verbs 15B, 24, relative clauses 101-102
possessive adjectives Appendix 2-3 relative pronouns (who/which/that)

(my/your/his etc.) 60,62 present simple (I work / she works 101-102
possessive pronouns etc.) 5-7, 23D reply questions (Have you? / Are

(mine/yours/his etc.) 61-62 negative (don’t/doesn't) 6, 43B you?) 41A
prefer 52C-D questions (do/does ... ?) 7, 44B reported speech
prepositions 103-113 present simple + always/usually/
He said that... / He told me that
at/on/in (time) 103 never etc. 5C ... 50
for/since 19,104 present simple (I do) and present
until 104A-B He told me to ... 53B-C
before,/after/'during/while 105 continuous (I am doing) 8 right (on the right) 109A
in/at/on (places) 106-107 present simple passive (the room is round 110
to/in/at (places) 108
on 103,106-107,109A, 111A cleaned) 21,23B, Appendix 1.1 turn round / show round (phrasal
at 103,106-108,111B present simple for the future (1he verbs) 114-115, Appendix 7
under/behind/opposite etc.
concert starts at 7.30.) 25C 's (apostrophe's) 64, Appendix 4.5
(position) 109 present simple after when/while same 70B, 89E
up/over/through etc. (movement) say/said
etc. 98B
110 present simple after if 99B He said that... (reported speech)
by 109C, 111C promise (promise to ...) 52A 50
with/without 111D, 112B pronouns
about 111E personal pronouns (l/me/you etc.) say and tell 50B
prepositions + -ing (in -ing /without scared (of) 112A
59,62 shall 27D, 28C
-ing etc.) 105D, 112B possessive pronouns (mine/yours short forms (I’m / it’s /you've etc.)
adjective + prepositions (afraid of
etc.) 61-62 Appendix 4
etc.) 112A reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself should 32
verb + preposition (listen to / wait simple past see past simple
for etc.) 113 etc.) 63 simple present see present simple
prepositions at the end (Who is she one/ones 75 since 19A, 104C
relative pronouns (who/which/that) singular and plural (flower —>
talking to?) 46
prepositions in relative clauses (the 101-102 flowers) 66
put so
man she is talking to) 102B
present continuous (am/is/are + put something in ... 110 so am I / so do I etc. 42B
put on / put out etc. (phrasal verbs) I was tired, so I went to bed. 97
-ing) 3-4, 23A, 51C some
negative (I'm not -ing) 3 115, Appendix 7 some and a/an 67-68
questions (are you -ing?) 4 some and any 76
present continuous (I am doing) questions 44-47 some (of) 81
am/is/are...? 2 somebody/someone/
and present simple (I do) 8 do/does ... ? (present simple) 7, something/somewhere 76, 79
present continuous passive 22A, 44B sometimes
d id... ? (past simple) 12, 44B sometimes + present simple 5C
Appendix 1.1 Why don’t ... ? / Why isn’t ... ? etc. word order 94
present continuous for the future 44C sorry (sorry about and sorryfor)
Who saw you? / Who did you see?
(What are you doing tomorrow?) 45 112A
25 preposition at the end (Who is she speak (to) 113A
present perfect (I have done) talking to?) 46 spelling Appendix 5
15-20, 23C What / Which / How... ? 47 start (start t o ... and start -ing) 52C
present perfect +just 16A How long does it take? 48 still 95
present perfect + already 16B Do you know where... ? (embedded
present perfect +yet 16C, 95B questions) 49 word order 94
Have you ever... ? 17 reply questions (Have you? / Are stop (stop -ing) 52B
gone and been 17C you? etc.) 41A suggest (suggest -ing) 52B
How long have you ... ? 18 question tags (... do you? I ... isn’t it? superlative (the biggest / the most
present perfect +for/since 18-19 etc.) 41B
present perfect continuous (I have expensive etc.) 90
been -ing) 18B



tags (question tags) 41B to well 86D
take (How long does it take?) 48 time 104A were see was
talk (to) 113A places 108,110 what
tell/told g o to ... 55A, 108A
get to ... 56C, 108C W hat... ? and Who ... ? 45C
He told me that... 50 W hat... like? 46B
tell and say 50B to + infinitive (to go / to be etc.) W h a t...? 47
Can you tell me where... ? 49A see infinitive W hat... ? and Which ... ? 47C
He told me to ... 53B-C when 98
tenses too 92 when and if 99C
active and passive Appendix 1.1 too and either 42A whether 49C
present continuous (I am doing) which
turn (turn round / turn on etc.) W hich...? 47
3-4, 23A, 25, 51C (phrasal verbs) 114-115, Appendix Which ... ? and W hat... ? 47C
present simple (I do) 5-7, 23D, 25C Which one/ones? 75B
past simple (I did) 11-12,14, 20, 7 a thing which ... (relative clauses)

23D uncountable nouns 101
past continuous (I was doing) (salt/water/music etc.) 67-68 while 98,105
13-14, 23A, 51C under 109D, 110
present perfect (I have done) until 98B, 104A-B W ho... ? 45
up 110 a person who ... (relative clauses)
15-20, 23C
be/have/do in present and past get up / pick up etc. (phrasal verbs) 101
114-115, Appendix 6-7 whose (Whose is this?) 61D
tenses 23 will 27-28
than 88-89 us 59,62
that 74 used (I used to ...) 36 will and shall 27D, 28C
usually won't 27A
He said that... (reported speech) there will be 38C
50C usually + present simple 5C with/without 111D
word order 94 with/without + -ing 112B
that and this 74 won't (= will not) 27A
a thing that... (relative clauses) verbs word order
present tenses 1-9, 23, 25 questions 44-46
101 past tenses 10-14, 20, 23 present continuous questions 4B
the 69-73 present perfect 15-20,23 present simple questions 7B
passive 21-22, Appendix 1 past simple questions 12D
the and a/an 69 regular and irregular verbs 24, passive 21-22
the same 70B Appendix 2-3 Do you know where ...? (embedded
the sun / the sky etc. 70C future 25-28
the cinema / the theatre / the bank modal verbs (will,/can,/should etc.) questions) 49
27-34, 51A verb + object 93A
etc. 71B negatives 43 place and time 93B
flowers / theflowers 72 questions 44-47 always/usually/often etc. 94
the in names of places 73 reported speech 50 after give/lend/send etc 96
the biggest / the most expensive verbs + -ing 51-52 worse 87D
verbs + to ... (infinitive) 51-53 worst 90B
etc. 90 verbs + preposition (look at / speak would
their 60,62 to etc.) 113 I’d like / would you like? 34
theirs 61,62 phrasal verbs (get up / put on etc.) would like/love etc. 52D
them 59,62 114-115, Appendix 6-7 He would buy a car if he had the
themselves 63
there wait (for) 54C, 113A money. 100
there is/are 37 yet 95B
there was/were 38A want to... 52A yet + present perfect 16C
there has/have been 38B want somebody to ... 53A
there will be 38C was/were 10 you 59,62
there is and it is 37B was/were + -ing (past continuous) your 60,62
these 74 yours 61-62
think (think about / think of) 113A 13, 23A, 51C yourself/yourselves 63
this 74 was/were done (passive) 21,23B
those 74 there was/were 38A
through 110 if I was/were... 100B
till (= until) 104B


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