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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition


9 6 Give me that book! Give it to me!

give lend pass send show

After these verbs (give/lend etc.); there are
two possible structures:
give something to somebody

O I gave the keys to Sarah.

give somebody something

O I gave Sarah the keys.

give something to somebody

That's my book. Give something to somebody
These are Sue's keys. Can you give
give it to me.
Can you lent them to her?
1 send these flowers to your mother?
showed my car to a friend of mine.
Did you the money to Kate?
We've seen these photos. You them to us.

give somebody something

somebody something

Tom Give me that book. It's mine.
1 gave his mother some flowers.
lent Joe some money.
How much money did you lend him?
1 sent you an email. Did you get it?
showed us her holiday photos.
Nicola pass me the salt, please?
Can you

You can also say buy/get somebody something':

O I bought my mother some flowers. (= I bought some flowers for my mother.)

O I'm going to the shop. Can I get you anything? (= get anything for you)

You can say:

O I gave the keys to Sarah.

and I gave Sarah the keys.
(but not I gave to Sarah the keys)

O That's my book. Can you give it to me?
and Can you give me that book?

(but not Can you give to me that book?)

We prefer the first structure (give something to somebody) with it or them:

O I gave it to her. (not I gave her it)

O Here are the keys. Give them to your father, (not Give your father them)

202 ( it/him/them ecc. Unit 59 3


{ g p Mark had some things that he didn't want. He gave them to different people.


Write sentences beginning He gave . . . .

W hat did Mark do with the armchair? He g a ve jt to his brother..

W hat did he do with the tennis racket? He gave.............................................

W hat happened to the books? H e .........................................................

W hat about the lamp?............................................................................................................

W hat did he do with the pictures? .................................................................

And the ladder?...........................................................................................................................

You gave presents to your friends. You decided to give them the things in the pictures. Write a
sentence for each person.


Jv fa


tf * ^ 'j

1 1.gava.Paul,. 4 203
2 I gave................................
3 I ............................................ 65

Write questions beginning Can you give me ... ? / Can you pass me ... ? etc.

1 (you want the salt) (pass) C a n y o u p a e e m ^
2 (you need an umbrella) (lend) Can y o u .........................................................
3 (you want my address) (give) C a n .....................................................y o u r.
4 (you need twenty pounds) (lend) .............................................................................
5 (you want more information) (send) .............................................................................
6 (you want to see the letter) (show) .............................................................................

g up Which is right?

1 I gave to Sarah the keysr- / 1gave Sarah the keys. ( I gave Sarah the keys is right)
2 I'll lend to you some money if you want. / I'll lend you some money if you want.
3 Did you send the bill me? / Did you send the bill to me?
4 I want to buy for you a present. / 1want to buy you a present.
5 Can you pass to me the sugar, please? / Can you pass me the sugar, please?
6 This is Lisas bag. Can you give it to her? / Can you give her it?
7 I showed to the policeman my identity card. / 1showed the policeman my identity card.


97 and but or so because

and but or so because

We use these words (conjunctions) to join two sentences. They make one longer sentence from two
shorter sentences:

sentence A The car stopped. — — The driver got out. sentence B

The car stopped and the driver got out.


sentence A sentence B

We stayed at home and (we)* watched television. * It is not necessary to

M y sister is married and (she)* lives in London. repeat we' and she'.

He doesn't like her, and she doesn't like him.

1bought a sandwich, but 1didn't eat it.

It's a nice house, but it doesn't have a garden.

Do you want to go out, or are you too tired?

In lists, we use commas (,). We use and before the last thing:

O I got home, had something to eat, sat down in an armchair and fell asleep.

Karen is at work, Sue has gone shopping and Chris is playing football.

so (the result of something) sentence B

sentence A I opened the window,
he's very fit.
It was very hot, they haven't been to many places.
Joe does a lot of sport,
They don't like travelling,

because (the reason for something)

sentence A sentence B

1opened the window because it was very hot.
Joe can't come to the party because he's going away.
because she didn't have breakfast.
Lisa is hungry

Because is also possible at the beginning:
O Because it was very hot, I opened the window.

In these examples there is more than one conjunction:

O It was late and I was tired, so I went to bed.

I always enjoy visiting London, but I wouldn't like to live there because it's too big.

204 4( when/while/before etc. Unit 98 3


Write sentences. Choose from the boxes and use and/but/or.

I stayed at home. I didn't have your number.
i bought a sandwich. Shall I wait here?
I went to the window. I didn't eat it.
I wanted to phone you. I went by bus this morning.
I jum ped into the river. 4 watched-T-V -
I usually drive to work. I swam to the other side.
Do you want me to come with you? I looked out.

1 1stayed at.home and watchedJV;.......

2 1bought .but l.didn’t .a a t jt ..

3 I ..............................................................................

4 ...............................................................................................
5 ...............................................................................................

6 ................................................................................

7 ...............................................................................................

< 9 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use and/but/so/because.

lEnm iiaal !0 minutes
Good bye.

1 It was very h o t, s o M opanad
2 They couldn't play tennis...........................................
3 They went to the m useum ,......................................
4 Ben wasn't hungry,.........................................................
5 Helen was late ..................................................................
6 Sue sa id .................................................................................

Write sentences about what you did yesterday. Use and/but etc.

1 (and) In.thaavaning.l stayed ......

2 (because) l.M H .b ad .yary e a r l y ..........

3 (but) .....................................................................................................................

4 (and) .....................................................................................................................

5 (so) .....................................................................................................................

6 (because) .....................................................................................................................


98 When

When I went out, it was raining.
This sentence has two parts:

when I went out + it was raining

You can say:
O When I went out, it was raining, or
It was raining when I went out.

We write a comma (,) if When ... is at the beginning:
When you're tired, don't drive.

Don't drive when you're tired.

o Helen was 25 when she got married.
When Helen got married, she was 25.

We do the same in sentences with before/while/after:
Always look both ways before you cross the road.

Before you cross the road, always look both ways.
W hile I was waiting for the bus, it began to rain.

It began to rain while I was waiting for the bus.

o He never played football again after he broke his leg.
After he broke his leg, he never played football again.

When I am ... / When I go ... etc.

Next week Sarah is going to New York.
She has a friend, Lisa, who lives in New York,
but Lisa is also going away - to Mexico.
So they won't see each other in New York.

Lisa will be in Mexico when Sarah is in New York.

The time isfuture (next week) but we say:
... when Sarah is in New York.
(not when Sarah will be)



We use the present (I am / 1go etc.) with afuture meaning after when:
O When I get home this evening, I'm going to have a shower.
(not W hen I will get home)

O I can't talk to you now. I'll talk to you later when I have more time.

We do the same after before/while/after/until:
O Please close the window before you go out.
(not before you will go)
O Rachel is going to stay in our flat while we are away.
(not while we will be)
O I'll wait here until you come back.
(not until you will come back)

206 ( if and when Unit 99 until Unit 104 before/while/after Unit 105


g l l Write sentences beginning with when. Choose from the boxes.

When + I went out + I turned off the TV
I'm tired I always go to the same place
I knocked on the door there were no rooms
I go on holiday it was raining
the programme ended there was no answer
I got to the hotel I like to watch T V

1 W heni.want

2 ....................................................................

3 .............................................................................................................................................

4 .............................................................................................................................................

5 ......................................................................................................................

6 ......................................................................................................................

m i Complete the sentences. Choose from the box.

somebody broke into the house before they came here when they heard the news
before they crossed the road while they were away they didn't believe me
they went to live in New Zealand

They looked both w ays before th e y w
They were very surprised........................................................................
After they got m a rrie d ............................................................................
Their house was damaged in a sto rm ..............................................
Where did they live ....................................................................................
W hile we were asleep,...............................................................................
When I told them what happened,..................................................

which is right?

1 I stay- / 111 stay here until you come / vo ull come- back. ( Ill stay and you come are right)
2 I'm going to bed when I finish / HI finish my work.
3 We must do something before ids / it will be too late.
4 Helen is going away soon. I'm / 111 be very sad when she leaves / shellleave.
5 Don't go out yet. W ait until the rain stops /w ill stop.
6 We come / We'll come and visit you when we're / we'll be inEngland again.
7 When I come to see you tomorrow, I bring / I'll bring our holiday photos.
8 I'm going to Paris next week. I hope to see some friends of mine while I'm / I'll be there.
9 Let's go out for a walk before it gets / it will get dark.
10 I'm not ready yet. I tell / I'll tell you when I'm / I'll be ready.

| Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1 Can you close the window before you.qo o u t....................................................................................................
2 W hat are you going to do w h e n .....................................................................................................................................
3 W hen I have enough m oney,.................................. ..........................................................................................................
4 I'll wait for you w h ile ...............................................................................................................................................................
5 W hen I start my new jo b ,....................................................................................................................................................
6 Will you be here w h e n ..........................................................................................................................................................


Ifw e g o ... If you see... etc.

We'll get there more
quickly if we go by taxi

If can be at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle:

If at the beginning

If we go by bus, it will be cheaper,
If you don't hurry, you'll miss the train,
have something to eat.
If you're hungry, can you answer it, please?
If the phone rings,

if in the middle

It will be cheaper if we go by bus.
You'll miss the train if you don't hurry,
I'm going to the concert if I can get a ticket,
if I use your phone?
Is it O K

In conversation, we often use the if-part of the sentence alone:
'Are you going to the concert?' 'Yes, if I can get a ticket.'

If you see Ann tomorrow ... etc.

After if, we use the present (not will). We say 'if you see ...' (not if you will see):
If you see Ann tomorrow, can you ask her to call me?

O If I'm late this evening, don't wait for me. (not if I will be)
W hat shall we do if it rains? (not if it will rain)
If I don't feel well tomorrow, I'll stay at home.

if and when

If I go out = it is possible that I will go out, but I'm not sure:
a: Are you going out later?
b: Maybe. If I go out, I'll close the windows.

When I go out = I'm going out (for sure):
a: Are you going out later?
b: Yes, I am. When I go out, I'll close the windows.

Compare when and if:
When I get home this evening, I'm going to have a shower.
If I'm late this evening, don't wait for me. (not When I'm late)
We're going to play tennis if it doesn't rain. (not when it doesn't rain)

208 4( when ^ Unit 98 if I had / if we w e n t... etc. Unit 100


W rite sentences beginning w ith if. Choose from the boxes.

-you don't hurry we can have lunch now

you pass the exam you can have them

you fail the exam 1can lend you some

If + you don't want this magazine _Ti_ you'll get a certificate
you want those pictures you'll be late

you're busy now I'll throw it away

you're hungry we can talk later

you need money you can do it again

[fypu don't hur^

If you pass....................................................
If .........................................................................

Which is right?

1 If I'm / 4'll be late this evening, don't wait for me. (fm is right)
2 Will you call me if I give / I'll give you my phone number?
3 If there is / will be a fire, the alarm will ring.
4 If I don't see you tomorrow morning, I call / I'll call you in the evening.
5 I'm / I'll be surprised if Michael and Jane get /w ill get married.
6 Do you go / Will you go to the party if they invite / they'll invite you?

j g g j Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1 I'm going to the concert if iQ ^ n .s e ta tic k e t......................................................
2 If you don't hurry, yp.ull.mi55 th e train...................................................................
3 I don't want to disturb you if .............................................................................................
4 If you go to bed early tonight,...........................................................................................
5 Turn the T V off if ......................................................................................................................
6 Tina won't pass her exams if ...............................................................................................
7 If I have time tom orrow ,.......................................................................................................
8 We can go to the beach tom orrow if ...........................................................................
9 I'll be surprised if ........................................................................................................................

g j j Write if or when.

1 !.f I'm late this evening, don't wait for me.
2 I'm going to do some shopping now. .......................I come back, we can have lunch.
3 I'm thinking of going to see Tom ............................I go, will you come with me?
4 ........................ you don't want to go out tonight, we can stay at home.
5 Is it O K .........................I close the window?
6 John is still at school............................. he leaves school, he wants to go to college.
7 Shall we have a picnic to m orro w ....................... the weather is good?
8 We're going to Madrid next week. We don't have anywhere to stay - we hope to find a hotel

we get there. I don't know what we'll d o .........................we don't find a room.

Unit If we w ent... etc.

100 If I had

Dan likes fast cars, but he doesn't have one.
He doesn't have enough money.

If he had the money, he would buy a fast car.

Usually had is past, but in this sentence had is DAN
not past. If he had the money = if he had the
money now (but he doesn't have it).

I had / knew / lived (etc.) I would ...
you w o u ld n 't...
you didn't have / didn't know (etc.) it c o u ld ...
If w ere..., they co u ld n 't...


they could ...,

You can say:
O If he had the money, he would buy a car.

or He would buy a car if he had the money.

I'd / she'd / they'd etc. = I would / she would / they would e tc .:
O I don't know the answer. If I knew the answer, I'd tell you.
O It's raining, so we're not going out. We'd get wet if we went out.

O Jane lives in a city. She likes cities. She wouldn't be happy if she lived in the country.
O If you didn't have a job, what would you do? (but you have a job)
O I'm sorry I can't help you. I'd help you if I could, (but I can't)

O if we had a car, we could travel more, (but we don't have a car, so we can't travel much)

If (I) was/were ... wouldn’t go out if I were you.J

You can say: if l/he/she/it was or
if l/he/she/it were

O It's not a very nice place. I wouldn't go there
if I were you. (or ... if I was you)

Q It would be nice if the weather was better.

( o r ... if the weather were better)
O W hat would Tom do if he were here?

(or ... if he was here)


if I have / if it is etc. if I had / if it was etc.
O I must go and see Helen. O I must go and see Helen.
If I have time, I will go today. If I had time, I would go today.
(= maybe I'll have time, so maybe (= I don't have time today, so I will
I'll go) not go)
O I like this jacket, but it's very expensive.
O I like that jacket. I'd buy it if it wasn't so expensive.
(= it is expensive, so I'm not going to
I'll buy it if it isn't too expensive. buy it)
(= maybe it will not be too expensive)
O I'd help you if I could, but I can't.
O I'll help you if I can. (= maybe I can)

210 f if we go / if I have / if I can etc. Unit 99



Complete the sentences.

1 I don't know the answer. If I knew the answer, I'd tell you.
2 I have a car. I couldn't travel very much if I didn’t have a car.

3 I don't want to go out. If I to go out, I'd go.

4 We don't have a key. If w e .............................................................. a key, we could get into the house.

5 I'm not hungry. I would have something to eat if I ................................................................ hungry.

6 Sue enjoys her work. She wouldn't do it if sh e

7 He can't speak any foreign languages. If h e ...................................................................... speakaforeign language,

perhaps he would get a better job.

8 You don't try hard enough. If y o u harder, you would have more success.

9 I have a lot to do today. If I much to do, we could go out.

m p Put the verb in the correct form.

1 If he had the money, he would buy a fast car. (he/have)

2 Jane likes living in a city. Sh e wouldn’t ba..happy if she lived in the country, (she/not/be)

3 If I wanted to learn Italian, to Italy. (I go)

4 I haven't told Helen what happened. She'd be angry if ....................................................................... (she/know)

5 If ...............................................................................a map, I could show you where I live, (we/have)

6 W hat would you do if ................................................................................a lot of money? (you/win)

7 It's not a very good hotel there if I were you. (I/not/stay)

8 If ...............................................................................nearer London, we would go there more often, (we/live)

9 It's a shame you have to go now. .................................................................... nice if you had more time, (it/be)

10 I'm not going to take the job. I'd take it if .............................................................................. better, (the salary/be)

11 I don't know anything about cars. If the car broke d o w n ,................................................................................what

to do. (I/not/know)

12 If you could change one thing in the world, w h a t............................................................................ ? (you/change)

Com plete the sentences. Choose from the box and put the verb in the correct form.

we (have) a bigger house it (be) a bit cheaper
we (buy) a bigger house the air (be) cleaner
we (have) some pictures on the wall I (watch) it
every day (be) the same I (be) bored

1 I'd buy that jacket if if. w as a bit ch ea p er........................................................................................................................
2 If there was a good film on T V tonight,................................................................................................................................
3 This room would be nicer if .........................................................................................................................................................
4 If there wasn't so much traffic,....................................................................................................................................................
5 Life would be boring if .....................................................................................................................................................................
6 If I had nothing to d o ,......................................................................................................................................................................
7 We could invite all our friends to stay if ................................................................................................................................
8 If we had more m oney,....................................................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas.

1 I'd be happier if ! could g e t a, b atterjo b ...........................................................................................................................
2 If I could go anywhere in the w o rld ,........................................................................................................................................
3 I wouldn't be very happy if ............................................................................................................................................................
4 I'd b u y............................................................... if ......................................................................................................................................
5 If I saw an accident in the street,................................................................................................................................................
6 The world would be a better place if ......................................................................................................................................

Unit a person w ho... a thing that/which ...
101 (relative clauses 1)

Mean speak six languages.




who is for people (not things):

A thief is a person who steals things, didn't give his name,
Do you know anybody who can play the piano? are very friendly.
who phoned
The man who work in the office
The people

that is for things or people:

iiiiii An airplane is a machine that flies. are very friendly.
■HH Emma lives in a house that is 400 years old.
The people that work in the office

You can use that for people, but who is more usual.

which is for things (not peo pie):

An airplane is a m achine which flies. (not a machine who ...)
Emma lives in a house which is 400 years old.

Do not use which for people:
Do you remember the woman who was playing the piano at the party?
(not the woman which ...)

212 4( who and which in questions Units 45,47 the people we met (relative clauses 2) Unit 102


Choose from the boxes and write sentences: A ... is a person who . . . . Use a dictionary if

a thief a dentist doesn't tell the truth is ill in hospital
a butcher a fool takes care of your teeth steals things
a musician a genius is very intelligent does stupid things
a patient a liar plays a musical instrument sells meat

1 A thief is a,^ajs thing.5,

2 A butcher is a person..........................................
3 A m usician.................................................................

5 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

6 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
7 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
8 .......................................................................................................

Make one sentence from two.
1 (A man phoned. He didn't give his name.)

The man who phonad didn’t giva his nama.

2 (A woman opened the door. She was wearing a yellow dress.)
The w o m an ................................................................................................................................................................a yellow dress.

3 (Some students took the exam. Most of them passed.)
Most of the students....................................................................................................................

4 (A policeman stopped our car. He wasn't very friendly.)
T h e ...........................................................................................................................................................

^ 2 ^ Write who or which.

1 I met a w o m an who can speak six languages.

2 What's the name of the m a n ...............................has just started work in your office?

3 What's the name of the river............................... flows through the town?

4 Where is the picture................................ was hanging on the wall?

5 Do you know anybody................................ wants to buy a car?

6 You always ask questions are difficult to answer.

7 I have a very good at repairing cars.

8 I think everybody went to the party enjoyed it very much.

9 W hy does he always wear clo thes................................ are too small for him?

2 2 E ) Right or wrong? Correct the mistakes.

1 A thief is a person which steals things............................................. ....parson.who a ta a ls

2 An airplane is a machine that flies. Q K ........................................

3 A coffee maker is a machine who makes coffee........................ ....................................................

4 What's happened to the money that was on the table? ....................................................

5 I don't like people which never stop talking................................ ....................................................

6 I know somebody that can help you....................................................................................................

7 I know somebody who works in that shop......................................................................................

8 Correct the sentences who are wrong.................................................................................................

9 M y neighbour bought a car who cost £40,000...............................................................................

Unit the people we met the hotel you stayed at
1 0 2 (relative clauses 2)

The man is carrying a bag. 2 sentences
It's very heavy.

The bag (that) he is carrying is very heavy.

.................... 1 sentence................ :......]

Kate won some money. 2 sentences
W hat is she going to do with it?

W hat is Kate going to do with the money
(that) she won?

KATE .................... 1sentence...................

You can say:

O The bag that he is carrying ... or The bag he is carrying ... (with or without that)
O ... the money that Kate won? or ... the money Kate won?

You do not need that/who/which when it is the object:

subject verb object

The man was carrying a bag —>the bag (that) the man was carrying
Kate won some money —>the money (that) Kate won
You wanted some books —>the books (that) you wanted
We met some people —>the people (w ho) we met

O Did you find the books you wanted? (or ... the books that you wanted?)
O The people we met were very friendly, (or The people who we m e t ...)
O Everything I said was true, (or Everything that I said ...)

We say:

O The film we saw was very good, (not The film we saw it w a s ...)

Sometimes there is a preposition (to/in/at etc.) after the verb:

Eve is talking to a man. —» Do you know the man Eve is talking to?
We stayed at a hotel. —> The hotel we stayed at was near the station.
—> These are the books I told you about.
I told you about some books.

We say:
... the books I told you about (not the books I told you about them)

You can say '(a place) where ...;:
O The hotel where we stayed was near the station. (= The hotel we stayed a t ...)

You must use who/that/which when it is the subject (—> Unit 101):
O I met a woman who can speak six languages, (who is the subject)
O Jack was wearing a hat that was too big for him. (that is the subject)

214 [ 4a person who ..., a thing that/which ... (relative clauses 1) Unit 101


Make one sentence from two.

1 (H.eHleanypt.oypouk.5seoemnethpeictpuresj. cHavet yuou ^seen t.h..e..m...?.)..

2 (You gave me a pen. I've lost it.)
I've lost th e ........................................................................................

3 (Sue is wearing a jacket. I like it.)
I like th e ...............................................................................................

4 (I gave you some flowers. Where are they?)
Where are th e .................................................................................

5 (He told us a story. I didn't believe it.)

6 (You bought some oranges. How much were they?)
H o w ..........................................................................................................

I T C H Make one sentence from two.

1 (I was carrying a bag. It was very heavy.)
The bag Iw as.carrying w a s v e ry heavy..........................

2 (You cooked a meal. It was excellent.)
T h e ..................................................................................................................................

3 (I'm wearing shoes. They aren't very comfortable.)
The shoes....................................................................................................................

4 (W e invited some people to dinner. They didn’t come.)
T h e ..................................................................................................................................

m w t You ask your friend some questions. Complete the sentences.

1 Your friend stayed at a hotel. You ask:
What's the name o f th e .h p ta ly p u .5 ta y p d .a t................................

2 Your friend was talking to some people. You ask:
W ho are the people............................................................................................

3 Your friend was looking for some keys. You ask:
Did you find t h e ....................................................................................................

4 Your friend is going to a party. You ask:
Where is t h e ..............................................................................................................

5 Your friend was talking about a film. You ask:
What's the name o f ..............................................................................................

6 Your friend is listening to some music. You ask:
What's th a t................................................................................................................

7 Your friend applied for a job. You ask:
Did you g e t...............................................................................................................

Complete the questions. Use where.

1 John stayed at a hotel. You ask him:
Did you like 5.hp, hptel whera.ypu.stayp.d........................................

2 Sue had dinner in a restaurant. You ask her:
What's the name of the restaurant.............................................................

3 Sarah lives in a village. You ask her:
How big is t h e .........................................................................................................

4 Richard works in a factory. You ask him:
Where exactly is .....................................................................................................


103 at 8 o'clock on Monday in April


8 o'clock O I start work at 8 o'clock.
at 10.30 O TTie shops close at 5.30.

midnight etc.


Sunday(s) / Monday(s) etc. O Bye! I'll see you on Friday.
on 25 April / 6 June etc
O W hat do you usually do on
New Year's Day etc Sundays?

O The concert is on 22 November.


April/June etc I'm going on holiday in October.
in 2013/1988 e tc Emma was born in 1995.
The park is beautiful in spring.
summer/spring etc.

We say: Are you going away at the weekend?
I can't sleep at night.
at the weekend Where will you be at Christmas? (but on Christmas Day)
at night I'm going on holiday at the end of October.
at Christmas Are you busy at the moment?
at the end of ...
at the moment

in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening

O I always feel good in the morning.

□ Do you often go out in the evening?

on Monday morning / on Tuesday afternoon / on Friday evening / on Saturday night etc

O I'm meeting Jackie on Monday morning.
O Are you doing anything on Saturday night?

We do not use at/on/in before: O Are you going out this evening?
O We go on holiday every summer. Last summ er we
this ... (this morning / this week e tc)
last ... (last August / last week e tc) went to Canada.
n e x t... (next Monday / next week etc.)
every ... (every day / every week etc.) O I'm leaving next Monday.

(not on next Monday)

in five minutes / in a few days / in six weeks / in two years etc.

O Hurry! The train leaves in five minutes.

(= it leaves five minutes from now)
j Bye! I'll see you in a few days.

(= a few days from now)

now in five minutes

216 ( in/on/at (places) -» Units 106-107


mm Write at/on/in.

.on.. .6 June 9 ...... .24 September 13 Friday morning
10 ..... Thursday 14 Saturday night
in . the evening .11.45 15 night
11 ...... . Christmas Day 16 the end of the day
. half past two Christmas 17 .................the weekend
. Wednesday 12 the morning 18 winter
6 September

H Q P Write at/on/in.

1 Bye! See y o u o n Friday. 11 I often go aw ay the weekend.

2 Where were y o u 28 February? 12 I'm starting my new jo b .................3 July.

3 I got u p 8 o'clock this morning. 13 We often go to the b each summer.

4 I like getting up early the morning. 14 George isn't here................ the moment.

5 M y sister got m arried May. 15 Jane's birthday is ................. December.

6 Jessica and I first m e t................... 2006. 16 Do you w o rk Saturdays?

7 Did you go o u t ...............Tuesday? 17 The company started 1999.

8 Did you go o u t ...............Tuesday evening? 18 I like to look at the stars................ night.

9 Do you often go o u t the evening? 19 I'll send you the m o ney................. the end of

10 Let's m e et 7.30 tom orrow evening. the month.

Look at Lisa's diary for next week and complete the sentences.

Lisa is going to the cinem a on.W adnasday eyenjng..
She has to phone C h ris..................................................................
She isn't doing anything special.................................................
She's got a driving lesson...............................................................
She's going to a p arty.......................................................................
She's meeting S a m .............................................................................

Write sentences with in . . . . The train laavas in fiva minutes. . days.

1 It's 8.25 now. The train leaves at 8.30. M y ...
2 It's Monday today. I'll call you on Thursday. Tom .
3 Today is 14 June. M y exam is on 28 June.
4 It's 3 o'clock now. Tom will be here at 3.30.

Write at/on/in if necessary. Sometimes the sentence is already complete, and no word is

1 I'm going on ...... Friday. 7 W hat are you doing.............. the weekend?

2 I'm going Friday, (already complete) 8 I phone Robert every Sunday.

3 I always feel tire d the evening. 9 Shall we play tennis next Sunday?

4 Will you be at h o m e this evening? 10 I can't go to the p arty Sunday.

5 We went to France last summer. 11 I'm going out. I'll be b ack an hour.

6 Laura was b o rn ................. 1997. 12 I don't often go o u t ................night.

Unit from ... to until since for


from ... to ... from Monday to Friday

O We lived in Japan from 2003 to 2010. Monday Friday
O I work from Monday to Friday.

You can also say from ... until
O We lived in Japan from 2003 until 2010.

u n t il...

Friday They're going away tomorrow. until Friday
December They'll be away until Friday.
until 3 o'clock I went to bed early, but I wasn't tired.
I come back I read a book until 3 o'clock.
W ait here until I come back. Friday

You can also say till (= until):
O Wait here till I come back.

Compare: 'Until Monday.'
O 'How long will you be away?' 'On Monday.'
O 'When are you coming back?'

since + a time in the past (to now)

We use since after the present perfect (have been / have done etc.):

O Joe is in hospital. He has been

in hospital since Monday.

(= from Monday to now) since Monday

o Sue and Dave have been

married since 1998. Monday now

(= from 1998 to now)

O It has been raining since I arrived.

O We lived in Japan from 2003 to 2010.
We lived in Japan until 2010.
O Now we live in Canada. We came to Canada in 2010.
We have lived in Canada since 2010. (= from 2010 until now)

We use for (not since) + a period of time (three days / ten years etc.):
O Joe has been in hospital for three days. (not since three days)

for + a period of time

three days Gary stayed with us for
ten years
for three days. for three days
five minutes Monday
a long time I'm going away for Sunday Tuesday
a few weeks.

O I'm going away for the weekend.

O They've been married for ten years.

218 ( present perfect + for/since Units 18-19 present perfect (I have lived) and past simple (I lived) Unit 20 j


P T if Read the information and complete the sentences. Use from ... to / until / since.


now. I work in a hotel now. now.
I was a teacher
I lived in Canada now. I worked in a restaurant
I lived in France before before.
before. I came to Switzerland before. I started work as a

I came to England in in 2011. I started work in the journalist in 2008.
2009. J hotel in 2012. j

1 (Alex / Canada / 2001 2009) Alex lived !H Canada from 2 0 0 1 .to 2 0 0 9 ..............................
2 (Alex / Canada / —>2009) Alex lived in C anad a............................................................................ 2009
3 (Alex / England / 2009 —>) Alex has lived in England............................................................................
4 (Karen / France / —>2011) Karen lived in .....................................................................................................
5 (Karen / Switzerland / 2011 —>) Karen has lived in ............................................................................................
6 (Clare / a restaurant / 2010 —>2012) Clare w o rke d .........................................................2010.................................
7 (Clare / a hotel / 2012 —>) Clare has w o rke d .............................................................................................
8 (Adam / a teacher / 2002 —>2008) Adam was a ........................................................................................................
9 (Adam / a journalist / 2008 —>) Adam has b een................................................................................................

Now write sentences with for.

10 (Alex / Canada) Alaxjiyedjn Canada fpr.ejghtyaars...
11 (Alex / England) Alex has lived in England...............................
12 (Karen / Switzerland) Karen h a s.................................................................
13 (Clare / a restaurant) Clare w o rke d .........................................................

14 (Clare / a hotel) Clare ............................................................................
15 (Adam / a teacher) A d a m .........................................................................
16 (Adam / a journalist) A d a m .........................................................................

Write until/since/for.

1 Sue and Dave have been m arried sin ce ..1998.

2 I was tired this morning. I stayed inb e d ................................10 o'clock.

3 We waited for S u e ............................. half an hour, but she didn't come.

4 'Have you just arrived?' 'No, I've been here.................................half past seven.'

5 'How long did you stay at the partylast night?'.........'........................... midnight.'

6 Dan and I are good friends. We have known each o th e r ten years.

7 I'm tired. I'm going to lie d o w n ................................ afew minutes.

8 Don't open the door of the tra in ...............................the train stops.

9 This is my house. I've lived here I was seven years old.

10 Jack has gone away. He'll be aw ay.................................Wednesday.

11 Next week I'm going to Paris..............................three days.

12 I usually finish work at 5.30, but sometimes I w o rk ...................six.

13 'How long have you known Anna?' '................................ we were at school together.'

14 Where have you been? I've been waiting for y o u ................................ twenty minutes.

1 0 5 Abefore after during while

before, during and after

before the film during the film after the film

O Everybody feels nervous before exams.

O I fell asleep during the film.
O We were tired after our visit to the museum.

before, while and after

mggm before we played while we were playing after we played
M- M: H I h
O Don't forget to close the window before you go out.
: mI : 1111
O I often fall asleep while I'm reading.

O They went home after they did the shopping.

during while and for

We use during + noun (during the film). We use while + verb (while I'm reading):

O We didn't speak during the meal.

but We didn't speak while we were eating (not during we were eating)

Use for (not during) + a period o f time (three days / two hours / a year etc.):

O We played tennis for two hours, (not during two hours)

O I lived in London for a year. (not during a year)

You can use before/after + -ing (before going / after eating etc.):

O I always have breakfast before going to work. (= before I go to work)

After doing the shopping, they went home. (= after they did)

We say before going (not before to go), after doing (not after to do) e tc .:
O Before eating the apple, I washed it carefully. (not before to eat)
G I started work after reading the newspaper. (not after to read)

past continuous (I was -ing) Units 13-14 before/after/while/when -fr Unit 98 for Unit 104
prepositions + -ing ^ Unit 112


Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes.

lunch the end they went to Australia
you're w aiting
after during + the concert th e exam
^ before w h ile
the course the night

1 Everybody was nervous before th e exam .............................................................................................................................
2 I usually work four hours in the morning, and another three ho urs.........................................................................
3 The film was really boring. We le ft...............................................................................................................................................
4 Anna went to evening classes to learn German. She learnt a lo t ...............................................................................
5 My aunt and uncle lived in Lo nd o n............................................... ..............................................................................................
6 a : Somebody broke a w in d o w .................................................................................................. Did you hear anything?

b: No, I was asleep all the time.
7 W ould you like to sit d o w n ............................................................................................................................................................... ?
8 a : Are you going h o m e .................................................................................. ?

b: Yes, I have to get up early tomorrow.

W rite during/while/for.

1 We didn't speak while we were eating.

2 We didn't speak during the meal.

3 Gary called ................................ you were out.

4 Am y went to Italy and stayed in R om e................................ five days.

5 I didn't check my em ail...............................I was away.

6 The students looked very bored.................................the lesson.

7 I fell out of b e d I was asleep.

8 Last night I watched T V ............................... three hours.

9 I don't usually watch T V ...............................the day.

10 Do you ever watch T V are having dinner?

Complete the sentences. Use -ing (doing, having etc.).

1 A fte r doing the shopping, they went home.

2 I felt sick after.......................................too much chocolate.

3 I'm going to ask you a question. Think carefully

4 I felt awful when I got up this morning. I felt better after........................................ a shower.

5 After my work, I left the office and went home.

6 Before........................................ to a foreign country, it's good to try and learn a little of the language.

W rite sentences with before + -ing and after + -ing.
1 They did the shopping. Then they went home.

A fte r doing, t h a s h p ^ ......................................................................................................................

2 John left school. Then he worked in a bookshop for two years.
John w o rked .............................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

3 I read for a few minutes. Then I went to sleep.
B e f o r e ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 We walked for three hours. We were very tired.
A fte r..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 Let's have a cup of coffee. Then we'll go out.
Let's ............................................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit in at on (places 1)

106 in

in a room in a garden
in a shop in a town
in a car in the city centre
in the water in Brazil

'Where's David?' In the kitchen. / In the garden. / In London.'
What's in that box / in that bag / in that cupboard?
Rachel works in a shop / in a bank / in a factory.
I went for a swim in the river / in the pool / in the sea.
Milan is in the north of Italy. Naples is in the south.
I live in a big city, but I'd like to live in the country.


at the bus stop at the door at the traffic lights at her desk

O There's somebody at the bus stop / at the door. at the top (of the page)
O The car is waiting at the traffic lights. n*=
0 Vicky is working at her desk.
at the bottom (of the page)
at the top / at the bottom / at the end (o f...):
O W rite your name at the top of the page.
O My house is at the end of the street.

on on a wall
on a door
on a shelf on the ceiling
on a plate
on a balcony etc.
on the floor


O There are some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall - stamp
O There are a lot of apples on those trees. envelope
O Don't sit on the grass. It's wet.
O There is a stamp on the envelope.

on a horse / on a bicycle / on a motorbike:
O W ho is that man on the motorbike?

222 ( the top / the bottom Unit 70 at/on/in (time) Unit 103 in/at/on (places) Unit 107


01m Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in/at/on.

CD (the kitchen) (D (the box) (D (the box) © (the wall)

(the bus stop) © (the field) (Z) (the balcony) GD (the pool)

© (the window) © (the table) 02) (the table)

Where is he? I.HTho kjTchan................................... 7 Where are they standing?
Where are the shoes? ..................................................... 8 Where is she swimming?
Where is the pen? ............................................................ 9 Where is he standing? ......
Where is the clock? ......................................................... 10 Where is the spider? ..........
Where is the bus? ............................................................. 11 Where is he sitting? ...........
Where are the horses? ................................................... 12 Where is she sitting? .........

Write in/at/on.

Don't s it on the grass. It's wet.

W hat do you have your bag?

Look! There's a m a n the roof. What's he doing?

There are a lot of fish .................this river.

O ur house is number 45 - the number is the door.

'Is the hospital near here?' 'Yes, turn le ft the traffic lights.'

It's difficult to p ark................. the centre of town. It's better to take the bus.

M y sister lives.................Brussels.

There's a small p ark the top of the hill.

I think I heard the doorbell. There's som ebody the door.

M unich is a large c ity .................the south of Germany.

There are a few sho ps.................the end of the street.

It's difficult to carry a lot of things a bike.

I looked at the list of names. My name w a s .................the bottom.

Unit on (places 2)


in O 'Where's Kate?' 'She's inbed.'
O David's father is ill. He's inhospital.
inbed O I like to look at the stars intheskyat night.
inhospital O What's the largest city intheworld?
inthe sky O I read about the accident inthe newspaper.
inthe world O You look sad inthis picture.
ina newspaper / ina book O Did you come here inyourcar?
ina photo(graph) / ina picture O There's a big tree inthe middleof the garden.
ina car / ina taxi
inthe middle (o f ...)

at O Will you be at home this evening?
O 'Where's Kate?' 'She's at work.'
at home O Helen is studying law at university.
at work / at school O I'll meet you at thestation, OK?
at university / at college O a : Where were you yesterday?
at the station / at the airport
at Lisa's (house) / at my sister's (house) / b: At mysister's.
O I saw Tom at thedoctor's.
at the doctor's / at the hairdresser's O There weren't many people at the party.


at a concert / at a party / at a football

match etc.

Often it is possible to use inor at for buildings (hotels, restaurants etc.):
O We stayed at a nice hotel, or We stayed ina nice hotel.


ona bus onthe first floor

ona bus / ona train / ona plane / O Did you come here onthe bus?
ona ship O The office is onthefirstfloor.
O I met Anna onthewayto work / ontheway home.
onthe ground floor / onthe first floor


onthe way (to ...) / onthe way home

224 ( in/at/on (places) 4 Unit 106 to/in/at Unit 108 on the left/right Unit 109


Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in/at/on.

CD (hospital) CD (th e airp o rt) (D (bed) © (a ship)

GD (the sky) © (a party) © (the doctor's) GD (th e second floor)

@5 (a taxi) (a wedding)

1 Where is she? ................. 7 Where is Steve? ................................................................
8 Where is the restaurant? .............................................
2 Where are they? ................................................................ 9 Where is she? .....................................................................
3 Where is he? ........................................................................ 10 Where are they? ...............................................................

4 Where are they? ....................................... .............. 11 Where are they? ....................................................
5 Where are the stars? ............................... ..............
12 Where are they? ...............................................................
6 Where are they? ............................................... .................

W rite in/at/on.

1 Helen is studying la w a t university.

2 There was a big tab le the middle of the room.

3 W hat is the longest river................the world?

4 Were there many people...............the concert last night?

5 Will you b e .................home tom orrow afternoon?

6 W ho is the m a n this photo? Do you know him?

7 Where are your children? Are th e y school?

8 Gary is coming by train. I'm going to meet h im the station.

9 Charlie is He had an operation yesterday.

10 How many pages are there this book?

11 Are you hungry after your journey?' 'No, I had something to e a t the train.'

12 I'm sorry I'm late. My car broke d o w n the way here.

13 'Is Tom here?' 'No, he's his friend's house.'

14 Don't believe everything you se e the newspaper!

15 I walked to work, but I came h o m e the bus.


Unit to in at (places 3)

108 to
go/come/return/walk (etc) to
in/at (-» Units 106-107)
TO LONDON f be/stay/do something (e tc) in
We're going to London on Sunday. LONDON
I want to go to Italy next year.
We walked from my house to the Piccadilly Circus is in London.
centre of town. My brother lives in Italy.
O W hat time do you go to bed? The main shops are in the centre of
O I like reading in bed.

be/stay/do something (etc.) a t ...


4 km

O The bus is going to the airport. O The bus is at the airport.
O Karen didn't go to work yesterday.
O Sarah wasn't at work yesterday.
O I went to a party last night. O I met a lot of people at the party.
O Helen stayed at her brother's house
O You must come to our house.

home be/stay/do something (etc.) at home:
I'm staying at home tonight.
go/come/walk (e tc) home (w ithout to): Dan doesn't work in an office.
He works at home.
O I'm tired. I'm going home.

(not to home)
O Did you walk home?

arrive and get

arrive in a country or town (arrive in Italy / arrive in Paris etc.):
They arrived in this country last week. (not arrived to this country)

arrive at other places (arrive at the station / arrive at work etc.):
W hat time did you arrive at the hotel? (not arrive to the hotel)

get to (a place):
W hat time did you get to the hotel?

O W hat time did you get to Paris?

get home / arrive home (no preposition).
I was tired when I got home, or I was tired when I arrived home.

226 ( been to -» Unit 17 get (to ...) ^ Unit 56 in/at -» Units 106-107


W rite to or in.

1 I like reading in bed.

2 We're going............... Italy next month.

3 Sue is on holiday Italy at the moment.

4 I have to g o ................the hospital tomorrow.

5 I was tired so I stayed bed late.

6 W hat time do you usually g o bed?

7 Does this bus g o ................... the centre?

8 W ould you like to liv e another country?

W rite to or at if necessary. One sentence is already com plete, and no word is necessary.

1 Paula didn't g o t o yesterday.

2 I'm tired. I'm going r. home, (already complete)

3 Tina is not very well. She has g o n e ............. the doctor.

4 W ould you like to c o m e ................. a party on Saturday?

5 'Is Lisa home?' 'No, she's gone work.'

6 There were 20,000 people the football match.

7 W hy did you g o ............. home early last night?

8 A boy jumped into the river and sw a m the other side.

9 There were a lot of people w aiting............... the bus stop.

10 We had a good m eal........a restaurant,and then we went b ack.................................. the hotel.

W rite to, at or in if necessary. One sentence is already com plete,and no word is necessary.

1 I'm not going out this afternoon. I'm staying a t home.

2 We're going.................a concert tomorrow evening.

3 I w e n t...............New York last year.

4 How long did you stay New York?

5 Next year we hope to g o Canada to visit some friends.

6 Do you want to g o ............... the cinema this evening?

7 Did you park your c a r............... the station?

8 After the accident three people were taken hospital.

9 How often do you g o the dentist?

10 'Is Sarah here?' 'No, she's Helen's.'

11 M y house is the end of the street on the left.

12 I w e n t............... Maria's house, but she w asn't...................home.

13 There were no taxis, so wehad to w a lk home.

14 'W ho did you m e e t...............the party?' 'I didn't g o the party.'

W rite to, at or in if necessary. Sometimes the sentence is already com plete, and no word is

1 W hat time do you usually g e t work? 4 W hen did you arrive London?
2 W hat time do you usually g e t home?
3 W hat time did you arrive the party? 5 W hat time does the train g e t Paris?

6 We arrived home very late.

Complete these sentences about yourself. Use to/in/at.

1 A t 3 o'clock this morning I w a s i.Qbed...........................................................................................................................
2 Yesterday I w e n t..........................................................................................................................................................................
3 A t 11 o'clock yesterday morning I w a s ......................................................................................................................
4 One day I'd like to g o ......................................................................................................................................................
5 I don't like going..............................................................................................................................................................
6 A t 9 o'clock yesterday evening I w a s..............................................................................................................


1 0 9 Aunder, behind, opposite etc

next to / beside / between / in front of / behind

A! b! • n A is next to B. or A is beside B.
B is between A and C.
D is in front of B.
E is behind B.

A is on the left.
C is on the right.
B is in the middle (of the group).

opposite / in front of

A is sitting in front of E
A is sitting opposite C.
C is sitting opposite A.

by (= next to / beside)

O O ur house is by the sea. (= beside the sea)

O W ho is that man standing by the window?
O If you feel cold, why don't you sit by the fire?

by the window

rtf O The cat is under the table.
O The girl is standing under a tree.
under the table O I'm wearing a jacket under my coat.

above and below g g jjjg r. : The pictures are
m iM R above the shelves.
A A is above the line.
(= higher than the line) The shelves are
B is below the line. below the pictures.

(= lower than the line)

228 ( up/over/through etc. -» Unit 110 by ■» Unit 111


Where are the people in the picture? Complete the sentences.

ALAN BECKY CARL 1 Carl is standing....behind.... Frank.
2 Frank is sitting......................... Emma.
DANIELA FRANK 3 Emma is sitting....................... Becky.
4 Emma is sitting....................... Daniela and Frank.
5 Daniela is sitting..................... Emma.
6 Frank is sitting......................... Carl.
7 Alan is standing...................... Daniela.
8 Alan is standing...................... left.
9 Becky is standing................... ...........middle.

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

ij- _


1 The cat is under the table. 7 The switch is ...............................the window.
2 There is a big tree............................... the house. 8 The cupboard is .................................the sink.
3 The plane is flying...............................the clouds. 9 There are some shoes.................................the bed.
4 She is standing................................ the piano. 10 The plant is ...............................the piano.
5 The cinema is ............................... the right. 11 Paul is sitting...............................Fiona.
6 She's standing...............................the fridge. 12 In Britain people d rive .................................the left.

Write sentences about the picture.

PAUL S OFFICE THEATRE 1 (next to) js.n e xtto th a .b p p k sh o p ,...............
SUPERMARKET 2 (in front of) T h e .......................................................... in front of

3 (opposite)

4 (next to) ..

BOOKSHOP, 5 (above)
BANK 6 (between)


Unit up, over, through etc.


to O Jane is going to France next week. from
O We walked from the hotel to the station.
I O A lot of English words come from Latin. out of
into (in)
O We jum ped into the water. cv

O A man came out of the house and got off
into a car. ^ow n |

O W hy are you looking out of the window? round
O I took the old batteries out of the radio.
round the town
We say put something in ... (not usually into):
O I put new batteries in the radio. hospital
on O Don't put your feet on the table.
O Please take your feet off the table. bridge

O I'm going to hang some pictures on the wall.
O Be careful! Don't fall off your bike.

O We got on the bus in Princes Street.

\u p | O We walked up the hill to the house.
O Be careful! Don't fall down the stairs.

over O The plane flew over the mountains.
along O I jum ped over the wall into the garden.

O Some people say it is unlucky to walk under
a ladder.

O A bird flew into the room through a

O The old road goes through the village.
O The new road goes round the village.

O The bus stop is just round the corner.

O I walked round the town and took
some photographs.

You can also use around (= round):
O We walked around the town.

O I was walking along the road with my dog.
O Let's go for a walk along the river.
O The dog swam across the river.

past O They walked past me without speaking.
O a: Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital?

b: Go along this road, past the cinema,
under the bridge and the hospital is on
the left.

( get in/on etc. Unit 56 in/on Units 106-107 to Unit 108 fall off / run away etc. Unit 114 )


Somebody asks you how to get to a place.
You say which way to go. Look at the pictures
and write sentences beginning Go . . . .

...G O 'p a e t .. . the bridge. the the steps. -
the church. this street

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

The dog swam ...a c ro s s ....the river. 6 Suddenly a car came
A book fell .....................the shelf. 7 They d ro ve ....................
A plane flew ........................ the village. 8 They g o t.........................
A woman got ........................... the car. 9 The moon travels
A girl ra n ............. .................the road. 10 They g o t....................... t

Complete the sentences. Use over/from/into etc.

1 I lo oked.................................the window and watched the people in the street.

2 M y house is very near here. It's ju s t the corner.

3 'Where's my phone?' 'You put i t your bag.'

4 How far is i t the airport?

5 We w alked...............................the museum for an hour and saw a lot of interesting things.

6 You can put your c o a t.................................the back of the chair.

7 In tennis, you have to hit the b all.................................the net.

8 Silvia took a k e y.................................her bag and opened the door.

Unit at by with about

111 on Jane isn't at work this week. She's on holiday.
We watched the news on TV.
on holiday We listened to the news on the radio.
on television I spoke to Rachel on the phone last night.
on the radio The house is on fire! Call the fire brigade.
on the phone 'Was the train late?' 'No, it was on time.'
on fire
on time (= not late)


at (the age of) 21 / at 50 kilometres an hour / at 100 degrees e tc .:
O Lisa got married at 21. (o r... at the age of 21.)
O A car uses more petrol at 120 kilometres an hour than at 90.
O Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

by by bus

by car / by bus / by plane / by bike e tc .: on foot
O Do you like travelling by train? - thetitle
O Jane usually goes to work by bike. by
the writer
but on foot:
O You can't get there by car. You have to
go on foot. (= you have to walk)

a book by ... / a painting by ... / a piece of music
b y ... etc.:

O Have you read any books by Charles

O Who is that painting by? Picasso?

by after the passive (—» Unit 21):
O I was bitten by a dog.

with/without a man a woman
O Did you stay at a hotel or with friends? with a beard with glasses
O W ait for me. Please don't go without me.
O Do you like your coffee with or without milk?
O I cut the paper with a pair of scissors.

a man with a beard / a woman with glasses e tc .:
O Do you know that man with the beard?
O I'd like to have a house with a big garden.

Wm about

talk/speak/think/hear/know a b o u t...
O Some people talk about their work all the time.
O I don't know much about cars.

a book / a question / a programme / information (etc.) a b o u t...
O There was a programme about volcanoes on T V last night. Did you see it?

232 ( by Units 21, 63,109 at/on Units 103,106-107 preposition + -ing ^ Unit 112


Complete the sentences. Use on + these words:
holiday the phone the radio T V time

1 We heard the n e w s Qn t h e ra d lo .....

2 Please don't be late. Try to be here........................................................................
3 I won't be here next week. I'm going........................................................................
4 'Did you see Linda?' 'No, but I talked to h e r.........................................................................'
5 'W hat's........................................................................this evening?' 'Nothing that I want to watch.'

Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with at/by/with etc.

1 I cut the pap er..with.....a pair of 6 She's listening to some m u sic Mozart.

scissors. 7 The plane is flying 600 miles an hour.

2 She usually goes to w o rk car. 8 They're holiday.

3 W ho is the w o m a n short hair? 9 Do you know the m an sunglasses?

4 They are talking.............. the weather. 10 He's reading a b o o k .................grammar

5 The car is fire. Vera P. Bull.

Complete the sentences. Use at/by/with etc.

1 In tennis, you hit the b all.................a racket.

2 It's cold today. Don't go o u t .................a coat.

3 Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth are plays William Shakespeare.

4 Do you know anything computers?

5 My grandmother d ie d .................the age of 98.

6 How long does it take from New York to Los Angeles plane?

7 I didn't go to the football match, but I watched i t .................TV.

8 M y house is the o n e the red door on the right.

9 These trains are very fast. They can travel very high speeds.

10 I don't use my car very often. I prefer to g o bike.

11 Can you give me some inform ation............... hotels in this town?

12 I was arrested two policemen and taken to the police station.

13 TTie buses here are very good. ITiey're nearly alw ays time.

14 W hat would you like to d rin k your meal?

15 We travelled from Paris to M o sco w ................train.

16 The museum has some paintings Rembrandt.

Unit afraid of ..., good a t ... etc.
of/at/for etc. (prepositions) + -ing
afraidof... /goodat... etc. (adjective + preposition)



ppp. O Are you afraidofdogs?

afraidof... /scaredof...

mm angry with so m ebo dy O W hy are you angrywith me? W hat have I done?
angryabout something O Are you angryabout last night? (= something that
different from... happened last night)
■ or differentto ...
■ jj| O Lisa is very different from(or to) her sister.
MMi fedupwith ...
O I'm fedupwith my job. I want to do something different.
■MMI full of
goodat... (= I've had enough of my job)
* interestedin...
marriedto ... O The room was full ofpeople.
O Are you goodat maths?
nice/kindofsomebody to ... O I'm not interestedinsport.
be nice/kindtosomebody O Sue is marriedtoa dentist. (= her husband is a dentist)

sorryabout a situation O It was kindofyou to help us. Thank you very much.
sorryfor/about doing something O David is very friendly. He's always very niceto me.

be/feel sorryforsomebody O I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm sorryabout that.
O I'm sorryfor/about not phoning you yesterday.

(or I'm sorry I didn't phone you)

O I feel sorryforthem. They are in a very difficult situation.

of/at/for(etc.) + -ing

i|H P After a preposition (of/at/foretc.), a verb ends in -ing:

i n i ■jggaMBgffi I'm not very good at telling stories.
Are you fed up with doing the same thing every day?
'i not phoning you yesterday.
I'm sorry for helping me.
Thank you for buying a new car.
M ark is thinking of saying goodbye. (= he didn't say goodbye)
Tom left without doing the shopping, they went home.


234 ( before/after -ing ^ Unit 105 think about/of-» Unit 113 3


Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with of/with/in etc.

I speak German,

Spanish ...

1 He's afraid o f dogs. 4 She's very g o o d languages.
2 She's interested science.
3 She's m arried 5 He's fed u p the weather.
a footballer.
6 a: Can I help you?

b: Thanks, that's very k in d you.

Complete the sentences with in/of/with etc.

1 I'm not interested in sport.
2 I'm not very g o o d ....................... sport.
3 I like Sarah. She's always very k in d
4 I'm so rry....................... your broken window. It was an accident.
5 He's very brave. He isn't scared.........................anything.
6 It was very n ice ....................... Jane to let us stay in her apartment.
7 Life today is very 50 years ago.
8 Are you interested.........................politics?
9 I feel so rry.........................her, but I can't help her.
10 Chris was angry.........................what happened.
11 These boxes are very heavy. They are fu ll.........................books.
12 I'm so rry....................... getting yesterday.

Complete the sentences.

1 I'm not v e ry Q Qodat te K n g stories, (good/tell)

2 I wanted to go to the cinema, but Paula w asn't............................................................................... (interested/go)

3 Sue isn't v e ry up in the morning, (good/get)

4 Let's go! I'm ................................................................................................ (fed up / wait)

5 I'm ............................................................................................... you up in the middle of the night, (sorry/wake)

6 Sorry I'm late! .................................................................................................. (thankyou / wait)

Complete the sentences. Use without -ing.

1 (Tom left / he didn't say goodbye) Tom laft. without saying goodbye.

2 (Sue walked past me / she didn't speak)

Sue w alked .......................................................................

3 (Don't do anything / ask me first)

D o n't...................................................................................

4 (I went out / 1didn't lock the door)

I .............................................................,....

Write sentences about yourself.

(interested) I’mj

(scared) I'm ...................................................

(not very good) I'm n o t..........................................

(not interested)

(fed up)

Unit listen to ..., look at ,. etc. (verb + preposition)


ask (somebody) f o r ... O Don't ask me for money. I don't have any.
belong to ...
happen to ... O This house doesn't belong to me. (= it's not mine)
listen to ...
talk to somebody (a b o u t...) O I can't find my phone. What's happened to it?
speak to somebody (a b o u t...) O Listen to this music. It's great.
thank somebody f o r ... O Did you talk to Paul about the problem?
think ab o u t... or think of O Id like to speak to the manager, please.
O Thank you very much for your help.
wait f o r ... O He never thinks about (or of) other people.
O M ark is thinking of (or about) buying a car.
O Wait for me. I'm nearly ready.

Note that we say call/phone/text/email somebody (no preposition):

O I have to phone my parents today.

(not phone to my parents)
O Shall I text you or email you?

look at / look for / look after O He's looking at his watch.
look a t ... O Look at these flowers! They're beautiful.

look f o r ... O W hy are you looking at me like that?
(= try to find)
O She's lost her key. She's looking for it.
O I'm looking for Sarah. Have you seen her?

look a fte r ... O When Emily is at work, a friend of hers
(= take care of, keep safe) looks after her children.

O Don't lose this book. Look after it.
(= Keep it safe.)


We say depend on ... (not it depends of)

O a: Do you like eating in restaurants?

b: Sometimes. It depends on the restaurant,

You can say it depends what/where/how (etc.) with or without on:

O a: Do you want to come out with us?

b: It depends where you're going, or It depends on where you're going.

236 ( wait -» Unit 54 preposition + -ing ^ Unit 112 )


Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with to/for/at etc.

1 She's looking & her watch. 4 Paul is talking...................Jane.
5 They're looking...................a picture.
2 He's listening the radio. 6 Sue is looking...................Tom.

3 They're w aiting...............a taxi.

Complete the sentences with to/for/about etc. Two sentences are already complete, and no word
is necessary.

1 Thank you very m u c h fo r your help.

2 This isn't my umbrella. It belongs a friend of mine.

3 I saw Steve, but I didn't speak him.

4 Don't forget to pho ne your mother tonight.

5 Thank you the present. It was lovely.

6 W hat happened..................Ella last night? W hy didn't she come to the party?

7 We're thinking.................going to Australia next year.

8 We asked the w aiter coffee, but he brought us tea.

9 'Do you like reading books?' 'It depends the book.'

10 John was talking, but nobody was listening what he was saying.

11 We w aited Karen until 2 o'clock, but she didn't come.

12 I te xte d Lisa to tell her I would be late.

13 He's alone all day. He never ta lk s anybody.

14 'How much does it cost to stay at this hotel?' 'It depends............... the type of room.'

15 Catherine is thinking changing her job.

Complete these sentences. Use at/for/after.

1 I looked.........................the letter, but I didn't read it carefully.

2 W hen you are ill, you need somebody to lo o k ....................... you.

3 Excuse me, I'm looking.........................Hill Street. Is it near here?

4 Bye! Have a great holiday and lo o k ....................... yourself.

5 I want to take a picture of you. Please lo o k .........................the camera and smile.

6 Ben is looking a job. He wants to work in a hotel.

Answer these questions with It depends . . . .

\\ .___________________________________ yL
!t depends ^
Do you want to go out with us? jt.dapend5 .pn tha.nestaurant....
Do you like eating in restaurants?
It depends...................................................
Do you enjoy watching TV?
Can you do something for me? I t ........................................................................
Are you going away this weekend?
Can you lend me some money?

114 go in, fall off, run away etc.
(phrasal verbs 1)

A phrasal verb is a verb (go/look/be etc.) + in/out/up/down etc

O I waited outside the shop. I didn't go in. O I went to the window and looked out.
O The car stopped and a woman got out.
O Sarah opened the door of the car and (= out of the car)
got in. (= into the car) FALL OFF



O The bus came, and I got on. IO Be careful! Don't fall off.
tup down

O He stood up and left the room. O The picture fell down.
O I usually get up early. (= get out of
O W ould you like to sit down?
bed) O Lie down on the floor.
O We looked up at the stars in the sky.
away or off co


O The thief ran away, (or ... ran off) O Go away and don't come back!
O Emma got into the car and drove away.
O We went out for dinner and then went
( o r ... drove off) back to our hotel.
be/go away (= in/to another place)
Oc*.be back
O Tom has gone away for a few days. O Tom is away. He'll be back on Monday.
round (or around)

O ITie wall wasn't very high, so we O Somebody shouted my name, so I

climbed over. looked round (or around).
Turn over and look at the next page. O We went for a long walk. After an hour

we turned round (or around) and
went back.

238 ( get Unit 56 put on / take off etc. (phrasal verbs 2) Unit 115 more phrasal verbs Appendix 6 )


itm Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use these verbs + in/out/up etc.

got got looked looked rode sat turned went

1 I went to the window a n d looked o u t 5 | said hello, and h e .........................
2 The door was open, so w e ........................................... 6 The bus stopped, and sh e ........
3 He heard a plane, so h e ................................................. 7 There was a free seat, so sh e ...
4 She got on her bike a n d ................................................ 8 A car stopped, and two men .

^ Compl et e the sentences. Use out/away/back etc.

1 'W hat happened to the picture on the wall?' 'Itfe ll... down........ ;

2 W ait a minute. Don't g o .............................. I want toask yousomething.

3 Lisa heard a noise behind her, so she see what it was.

4 I'm to do some shopping. I'llb e at 5 o'clock.

5 I'm feeling very tired. I'm going to lie ................................on the sofa.

6 W hen you have read this page, tu rn ................................and read the other side.

7 M ark is from Canada. He lives in London now, but he wants to g o to Canada.

8 We haven't got a key to the house, so we can't g e t.................................

9 I was very tired this morning.I couldn't g e t...............................

10 a : W hen are you going.................................?

b: On the 5th. And I'm com ing on the 24th.

Before you do this exercise, study the verbs in Appendix 6 (page 250). Complete the sentences.
Choose a verb from the box + on/off/up etc. If necessary, put the verb into the correct form.

break fall give hold speak wake + on/off/up/down/over
carry get go slow take

1 I went to sleep at 10 o'clock a n d woke .up at 8 o'clock the next morning.
2 'It's time to go.' '................................................................................a minute. I'm not ready yet.'
3 The tra in ................................................................................and finally stopped.
4 I like flying, but I'm always nervous when the plane................................................................................
5 How are your children? How are th e y school?
6 It's difficult to hear you. Can y o u .....................................................................a little?
7 This car isn't very good. It h a s................................................................................many times.
8 When babies try to walk, they som etim es................................................................................
9 The hotel isn't far from here. If y o u ................................................................................along this road, you'll see it

on the left.
10 I tried to find a job, but I ................................................................................ It was impossible.
11 The fire alarm .............................................................................. and everyone had to leave the building.

Unit put on your shoes put your shoes on
115 (phrasal verbs 2)

Sometimes a phrasal verb (put on / take off e tc) has an object For example:

verb object verb object
put on your coat
takeoff your shoes

You can say: You can say:
put on your coat take off your shoes

or put your coat on or take your shoes off

But it/them (pronouns) always go before on/off e t c : take them off (not take off them)
put it on (not put on it)

O It was cold, so I put on my coat. O I'm going to take off my shoes.
or ... I put my coat on. or ... take my shoes off.

O Here's your coat. Put it on. O Your shoes are dirty. Take them off.

Some more phrasal verbs + object:

turn on / turn off (lights, machines, taps etc.):

O It was dark, so I turned on the light.
or ... I turned the light on.

O I don't want to watch this programme.
You can turn it off.

also switch on / switch off (lights, machines etc.):
O I switched on the light and switched off the television,

pick up / put down: PICK UP

O Those are my keys on the floor.
Can you pick them up for me?

O I stopped reading and put my book
or ... put down my book.

bring back / take back / give back / put back: BRING BACK

O You can take my umbrella, but please
bring it back.

O I took my new sweater back to the
shop. It was too small for me.

O I've got Rachel's keys. I have to give them
back to her.

O I read the letter and then put it back in
the envelope.

240 4[ go in / fall off etc. (phrasal verbs 1) Unit 114 more phrasal verbs + object Appendix 7


Look at the pictures. What did these people do?

1 H e turned on the light 4 She.
5 He
2 S h e ............................................................................................... 6 S h e .........................................
3 H e .................................................................................................

You can write these sentences in three different ways. Complete the table.

I turned on the radio. I turned the radio on. I turned it on.
He put on his jacket.
She.. He. He.
She took her glasses off.
picked up the phone.
They gave back the key.

We turned the lights off.

Complete the sentences. Use these verbs with it or them,
bring back pick up switch off take back turn o rr

1 I wanted to watch something on TV, so I Turned j t on
2 My new lamp doesn't work. I'm going t o the shop.
3 There were some gloves on the floor, so I .............................................................................. and put them on

the table.
4 The heating was on but it was too warm, so I ................................................................................
5 Thank you for lending me these books. I won't forget t o ................................................................................

Before you do this exercise, study the verbs in Appendix 7(page 251).Complete the sentences.
Use a verb from the box. Sometimes you will also need touse it/them/me.

fill in knock down look up show round turn down
put out throw away try on
give up knock over

1 T h e y knocked a lot of houses down when they built the new road.
2 That music is very loud. Can y o u Turn j t down ?
3 I ..................................................................... a glass and broke it.
4 'W hat does this word mean?' 'W hy don't y o u ........................................................................?'
5 I want to keep these magazines. Please d o n't.......................................................................
6 I ..................................................................... a pair of shoes inthe shop, but I didn't buy them.
7 I visited a school last week. One of the teachers........................................................................
8 'Do you play the piano?' 'No, I started to learn, but I ................................................................... after a month.
9 Somebody gave me a form and told me t o ........................................................................
10 Smoking isn't allowed here. Please........................................ your cigarette..........................................


Appendix 1

Active and passive

present active passive
O We make butter from milk. O Butter is made from milk.
simple Somebody cleans these rooms These rooms are cleaned every day.
every day.
I am never invited to parties.
People never invite me to parties.
O How is butter made?
O How do they make butter?
O Somebody stole my car last week. Q M y car was stolen last week.
O Somebody stole my keys yesterday.
O They didn't invite me to the party. O My keys were stolen yesterday.
O When did they build these houses? O I wasn't invited to the party.
O When were these houses built?

present G ITiey are building a new airport at Q A new airport is being built at the
continuous the moment. (= it isn't finished) moment.

past 3 They are building some new houses O Some new houses are being built
near the river. near the river.

O When I was here a few years ago, O When I was here a few years ago, a

they were building a new airport. new airport was being built
(= it wasn't finished at that time)

present O Look! They have painted the door. O Look! The door has been painted.
perfect O These shirts are clean. Somebody O These shirts are clean. They have

past has washed them. been washed.
O Somebody has stolen my cat O My car has been stolen.

Tina said that somebody had stolen O Tina said that her car had been
her car.

will / can / must / have to etc. passive

active O TTie office will be cleaned tomorrow.
o The office must be cleaned.
o Somebody will clean the office tomorrow. o I think you'll be invited to the party.
o Somebody must clean the office. o My watch can't be repaired.
o I think they'll invite you to the party. o This sweater should be washed by hand.
o They can't repair my watch.
o You should wash this sweater by hand.

o They are going to build a new airport. o A new airport is going to be built.
o Somebody has to wash these clothes. o These clothes have to be washed.
o They had to take the injured man to o The injured man had to be taken to

hospital. hospital.


Appendix 2
List of irregular verbs (—>Unit 24)

infinitive past simple past participle infinitive past simple past participle

be was/were been let let let
beat beat beaten lie lay lain
become became become light lit lit
begin began begun lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
blow blew blown mean meant meant
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
buy bought bought read (reed)* read (red)* read (red)*
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come rise rose risen
cost cost cost run ran run
cut cut cut say said said
do did done see saw seen
draw drew drawn sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen show showed shown
feel felt felt shut shut shut
fight fought fought sing sang sung
find found found sit sat sat
flew flown sleep slept slept
fly forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken
forget got got spend spent spent
get gave given stand stood stood
give went gone steal stole stolen
grew grown swim swam swum
go hung hung take took taken
grow had had teach taught taught
hang heard heard tear tore torn
have hid hidden tell told told
hear hit hit think thought thought
hide held held throw threw thrown
hit hurt hurt understand understood understood
hold kept kept wake woke woken
hurt knew known wear wore worn
keep left left win won won
know lent lent write wrote written
lend * pronunciation

Some verbs can be regular (-ed) or irregular (-t):

infinitive past simple / past participle infinitive past simple / past participle
burn burned or burnt learn learned or learnt
dream dreamed or dreamt smell smelled or smelt


Appendix 3

Irregular verbs in groups

The past simple and past participle are the same: The past simple and past participle are different:

cost -> cost let —> let break broke broken
cut —> cut put —> put choose chose chosen
hit shut —» shut speak —> spoke spoken
hurt hit steal stole stolen
-> hurt wake -> woke woken

lend —> lent lose lost drive —> drove driven
send -> sent shoot —> shot ride -» rode ridden
spend -> spent get rise -> rose risen
build —> built light -> got write written
sit -> lit wrote
—» sat beat beaten
bite —> beat bitten
burn -> burnt keep kept hide —> bit hidden
learn —> learnt sleep slept —> hid
smell —> smelt

feel —> felt eat —> ate eaten
leave —> left fall fell fallen
meet forget forgot forgotten
dream met give given
mean —> dreamt (dremt)* see -> gave seen
take saw taken
meant (ment)* took

bring —> brought (brort)* blow —> blew blown
buy -» bought (bort)* grow -> grew grown
fight —> fought (fort)* know -> knew known
think —> thought (thort)* throw -> threw thrown
fly —> flew flown
catch —» caught (kort)* draw drawn
show drew shown
teach taught (tort)* -> showed

sell —> sold
tell —> told

find found begin —> began begun
have -> had drink —> drank drunk
hear -> heard swim —> swam swum
hold -> held
read -> read (red)* ring -> rang rung
say -> said (sed)* sing -> sang sung

pay —> paid run -> ran run
make —> made

stand —> stood come came come

understand —> understood become —> became become

* pronunciation

Appendix 4
Short forms (he's / I'd / don't etc.)

In spoken English we usually pronounce 'I am' as one word. The short form (I'm) is a way of writing


I am —> I'm o
it is —> it's o
they have -4 they've o


W hen we write short forms, we u se ' (an apostrophe):
IX m —H 'm h e ^ -^ h e 's you M ve —» you've she M il - 4 she'll

am -> 'm I'm

is -> 's he's she's it's

are —> 're we're you're they're

have —> 've I've we've you've they've

has -> 's he's she's it's

had 'd I'd he'd she'd we'd you'd they'd

will - » 'II I'll he'll she'll we'll you'll they'll

would -> 'd I'd he'd she'd we'd you'd they'd

O I've got some new shoes.
O W e'll probably go out this evening.
O It's 10 o'clock. You're late again.

's = is or has:
O She's going out this evening, (she's going = she is going)
O She's gone out. (she's gone = she has gone)

'd = would or had:
O a : W hat w ould you like to eat?
b: I'd like a salad please. (I'd like = I would like)

O I told the police that I'd lost my passport. (I'd lost = I had lost)

Do not use 'm/'s/'d etc. at the end of a sentence (—» Unit 40):

O 'Are you tired?' 'Yes, I am.' (not Yes, I'm.)

O She isn't tired, but he is. (not he's)

c> We use short forms with l/you/he/she etc., but you can use short forms (especially's) with other
words too:

O Who's your favourite singer? (= who is)

O What's the time? (= what is)

O There's a big tree in the garden. (= there is)

O My sister's working in London. (= my sister is working)

O Paul's gone out. (= Paul has gone out)
O W hat colour's your car? (= W hat colour is your car?)


Negative short forms (—>Unit 43):

isn't (= is not) don't (= do not) can't (= cannot)
aren't (= are not) doesn't (= does not) couldn't (= could not)
wasn't (= was not) didn't (= did not) won't (= will not)
weren't (= were not) wouldn't (= would not)
hasn't (= has not) shouldn't (= should not)
haven't (= have not) mustn't (= must not)
hadn't (= had not)

O We went to her house, but she wasn't at home.
O 'Where's David?' 'I don't know. I haven't seen him.'
O You work all the time. You shouldn't work so hard.
O I won't be here tomorrow. (= I will not)

's (apostrophe + s)

's can mean different things:

(1) 's = is or has (—>section 4.2 of this appendix)

O It's raining. (= It is raining)
O It's stopped raining. (= It has stopped)

(2) let's = let us (—>Units 35, 53)
O It's a lovely day. Let's go out. (= Let us go out.)

(3) Kate's camera = her camera
my brother's car = his car
the manager's office = his/her office etc.
(—>Unit 64)

O Kate's camera was very expensive. (Kate's camera = her camera)
□ Kate's a very good photographer. (Kate's = Kate is)
O Kate's got a new camera. (Kate's got = Kate has got)

Appendix 5


Words + -s and -es (birds/watches etc)

noun + s (plural) (—>Unit 66)

bird —>birds mistake —>mistakes hotel —» hotels
remember —>remembers
verb + s (he/she/it -s) (- » Unit 5)

think —» thinks live —>lives


+ es after -s / -sh / -ch / -x

bus —>buses pass —> passes address —>addresses
finish —>finishes
dish —>dishes wash —>washes sandwich —>sandwiches

watch —>watches teach —>teaches

box —> boxes

also tomato —>tomatoes
potato —» potatoes go —>goes
do —>does

-f / -fe —» -ves knife —>knives but roof —> roofs
shelf —» shelves

Words ending in -y (baby —> babies / study —» studied etc.)

-y —>-ies

study —» studies (not studys) family —> families (not familys)
baby —>babies
story —>stories city —» cities fly —>flies

try —>tries marry —> marries

-y —>-ied (—>Unit 11)

study —>studied (not studyed)

try —>tried marry —» married copy —>copied

-y -ier/-iest (-> Units 87, 90) lucky —> luckier/luckiest
easy —» easier/easiest (not easyer/easyest) funny —> funnier/funniest
happy —> happier/happiest
heavy —>heavier/heaviest

-y —>-ily (—>Unit 86)

e a s y >easily (not easyly)

happy —» happily heavy —>heavily lucky —>luckily

y does not change to i if the ending is -ay/-ey/-oy/-uy: buy —» buys key —>keys
holiday —>holidays (not holidaies)
enjoy —>enjoys/enjoyed stay —>stays/stayed

but said pay —>paid (irregular verbs)


Appendix 5


Verbs that end in -e (m ake/write/drive etc.) —>-Xing: dance —>dancing
make —>making write —>w riting come —» com ing

Verbs that end in -ie —>-ying: tie —>tying
lie —>lying die —>dying

stop —>stopped big —> bigger etc

Vowels and consonants: l mnprstwy
Vowel letters: a e i o u

Consonant letters: b c d f g k

Sometimes a word ends in a vowel + a consonant. For example: stop, big get.
Before -ing/-ed/-er/-est, p/g/t etc. become pp/gg/tt etc.

For example:

stop V+C P -> PP stopping stopped V = vowel
run ST O P n —> nn running C = consonant
get t -» tt getting biggest
swim RU N m —» mm sw im m ing hottest
big G ET bigger thinnest
hot SW 1 M g ^gg hotter
thin B 1G t tt thinner
HO T n —> nn
TH 1 N

This does not happen
(1) if the word ends in two consonant letters (C + C):

help C+C helping helped
work HE L P working, worked
fast WO R K faster fastest

(2) if the word ends in two vowel letters + a consonant letter (V + V + C):

need V+V+C needing needed
wait NEED waiting waited
cheap WAIT cheaper cheapest

(3) in longer words (two syllables or more) if the last part of the word is not stressed:

happen stress
visit HAP-pen —> happening/happened (not happenned)

remember V IS-it —> visiting/visited
re-M EM -ber —> remembering/remembered

but pre-FER (stress at the end) —>preferring/preferred
prefer be-GIN (stress at the end) —>beginning

(4) if the word ends in -y or -w. (A t the end of words, y and w are not consonants.)
enjoy —>enjoying/enjoyed snow —» snowing/snowed few fewer/fewest

Appendix 6
Phrasal verbs (take off / give up etc.)

This is a list of some important phrasal verbs (—» Unit 114).

on carry on = continue
O Don't stop working. Carry on. (= continue working)
O a : Excuse me, where is the station?
b: Carry on along this road and turn right at the lights. (= Continue alo n g ...)

also go on / walk on / drive on etc. = continue going!waMngldriving etc.
O Don't stop here. Drive on.

come on = be quick
O Come on! Everybody is waiting for you.

get on = manage (in a job, at school, in an exam etc.)
O How was your exam? How did you get on?
(= how did you do?)

hold on = wait TAKE OFF
O Can you hold on a minute? (= can you wait?)

off take off = leave the ground (for planes)
O The plane took off 20 minutes late, but
arrived on time.

go off = explode (a bomb etc.) or ring (an alarm, GO OFF
an alarm clock etc.)

O A bomb went off and caused a lot of damage.
O A car alarm goes off if somebody tries to break into the car.

up give up = stop trying
O I know it's difficult, but don't give up.
(= don't stop trying)

grow up = become an adult GROW UP
O W hat does your son want to do when he grows up?

hurry up = do something more quickly
O Hurry up! We haven't got much time.

speak up = speak more loudly WAKE UP
O I can't hear you. Can you speak up, please?

wake up = stop sleeping
O I often wake up in the middle of the night.

wash up = wash the plates etc. after a meal WASH UP
O Do you want me to wash up?
( o r ... to do the washing-up?)

down slow down = go more slowly
O You're driving too fast. Slowdown!

break down = stop working (for cars, machines etc.) BREAK DOWN
O Sue was very late because her car broke down.

over fall over = lose your balance
O I fell over because my shoes were too big for me.


Appendix 7 Phrasal verbs + object
(put out a fire / give up your job etc.)

This is a list of some important phrasal verbs + object (—>Unit 115).

in/out fill in / fill o u t a form = complete aform
O Can you fill in th is fo rm , please? or
Can you fill o u t th is fo rm , please?

o u t p u t o u t a fire, a cigarette etc. put out

O The fire brigade arrived and p u t th e fire o u t

cro ss o u t a mistake, a word etc. CROSS OUT
O If you make a mistake, cro ss it out.

on try on clothes = put on clothes to see if they fit you
O (in a shop) This is a nice jacket. Shall I try it on?

up give up something = stop doing it
O Sue gave up h e r jo b when her baby was born. (= she stopped working)
O 'Are you still learning Italian?' 'No, I gave it up.'

lo o k up a word in a dictionary etc.
O I didn't know the meaning of the word, so I lo o k e d it u p in a dictionary.

tu rn up the TV, radio, music, heating etc. = make it louder or warmer
O Can you tu rn th e ra d io up? I can't hear it.

w ak e up somebody who is sleeping
O I have to get up early tomorrow. Can you w ak e m e u p at 6.30?

down k n o c k d o w n a building = demolish it
O They are going to k n o c k d o w n the school
and build a new one.

tu rn d o w n the TV, radio, music, heating etc.
= make it more quiet or less warm

O The music is too loud. Can you tu rn it d o w n ?

over k n o c k o v e r a cup, a glass, a person etc.
O Be careful. Don't k n o c k y o u r c u p over.
O There was an accident at the end of the road. ‘r> # > KNOCK OVER Or
A man was k n o ck e d o v e r by a car. KNOCK DOWN
(or A man was k n o ck e d d o w n by a car.) TT


away th ro w aw ay rubbish, things you don't want
O These apples are bad. Shall I th ro w th e m aw ay?
O Don't th ro w a w a y th a t p ictu re . I want it.

p u t something aw ay = put it in the place where you usually keep it
O After they finished playing, the children p u t th e ir to ys away.

back p ay somebody b a ck = give back money that you borrowed
O Thank you for lending me the money. I'll p ay yo u b a ck next week.

ro u n d / sh o w somebody r o u n d /a ro u n d = take somebody on a tour o f a place

around O We visited a factory last week. The manager sh o w e d us round.


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