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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition

Unit Who is she talking to? What is it like?
4 6 a (questions 3)

Jessica is talking to somebody.

Who is she talking to?

In questions beginning Who . . . I I W h a t... ? / Where ... ? / W hich ... ?, prepositions (to/from/with
etc.) usually go at the end:

O 'Where are you from?' 'I'm from Thailand.'
O 'Jack was afraid.' 'What was he afraid of?'
O 'Who do these books belong to?' 'They're mine.'
O 'Tom's father is in hospital.' 'Which hospital is he in?'
O 'Kate is going on holiday.' 'Who with?' / 'Who is she going with?'
O 'Can we talk?' 'Sure. W hat do you want to talk about?'
What's it like? / W hat are they like? etc.

W hat's it like? = W hat is it like?
What's it like? = tell me something
about it - is it good or bad big or
sm all old or new (etc.)?

very big. ^

When we say 'What is it like?' like is a preposition. It is not the verb like ('Do you like your new
house?' etc.).

O a: There's a new restaurant in our street.

b: What's it like? Is it good?
a : I don't know. I haven't eaten there yet.

o a : What's your new teacher like?

b: She's very good. We learn a lot.
O a : I met Nicola's parents yesterday.

b: Did you? W hat are they like?
a : They're very nice.
O a : Did you have a good holiday? W hat was the weather like?
b: It was lovely. It was sunny every day.

( questions 1-2 Units 44-45 what/which/how Unit 47 prepositions 4 Units 103-113


You want the missing information (XXXXX). Write questions with who or what.

1 ( T^e leccer is from X X X X X .)....( .... W h o js th e le ffie rfro m ? ...................................................................^

I)2 ( I'm looking for a X X X X X .) ( w h a t ......................... y o u ..........................................................................

3 f l went co che cinema wich X X X X X .) f ................................................................................................)
4 ( The fi Im was about X X X X X .)
I)( ..............................................................................................

5 ( I gave the money to X X X X X .) ( ..............................................................................................

6 f The book was written by XXXXX.~) (*............................................................................................... J l

1 ^ 3 1 Write questions about the people in the pictures. Use these verbs + a preposition:
go listen look talk talk wait

It was
vary good

1 W hojs.sheM 4 W h a t............
2 W h a t................... th e y ............................................................ 5 W h a t.............
3 W hich restaurant................................................................ 6 Which bus.

Write questions beginning Which ... ?

^ 2201 Y ° u want some information about another country. You ask somebody who has been there. Ask
questions with W hat is/are ... like?

1 (the roads) ............................................................................................................................
2 (the food) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
3 (the people) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
4 (the weather) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

Ask questions with W hat was/were ... like?

1 Your friend has just come back from holiday. Ask about the weather.
What was tha.waathar.lika?............................

2 Your friend has just come back from the cinema. Ask about the film.

3 Your friend has just finished an English course. Ask about the lessons.

4 Your friend has just come back from holiday. Ask about the hotel.

.................................................................................................................................................................................. 103

Unit What...? Which...? How...?

47 (questions 4)

What + noun(What colour ... ? / W hat kind ... ? etc.)

W hat colour is your car? W hat colour are your eyes?

W hat size is this shirt? O W hat make is your TV?

W hat time is it? O W hat day is it today?

What kind of job do you want?

(roWhat type of job ... ? / W hat sort of job ... ?)

What without a noun:
What's your favourite colour?
W hat do you want to do tonight?

Which + noun (things or people):
W hich train did you catch - the 9.50 or the 10.30?
W hich doctor did you see - Doctor Ellis, Doctor Gray or Doctor Hill?

We use which without a noun for things, not people:
W hich is bigger - Canada or Australia?

We use who for people (w ithout a noun):
Who is taller - Joe or Gary? (not W hich is taller?)

What or which?

We use which when we are thinking about a small number of possibilities (perhaps 2, 3 or 4):

O We can go this way or that way. ? 7 7or or or 7
Which way shall we go?
There are four umbrellas here. ••• •

W hich is yours? W H ICH ?

W hat is more general:
What's the capital of Argentina? (o f all the cities in Argentina)
W hat sort of music do you like? (of all kinds of music)

W hat colour are his eyes? (not W hich colour?)
Which colour do you prefer, pink or yellow?

O W hat is the longest river in the world?
Which is the longest river - the Mississippi, the Amazon or the Nile?

H o w ... ?

O 'How was the party last night?' 'It was great.'
O 'How do you usually go to work?' 'By bus.'

You can use how + adjective/adverb (how tall / how old / how often etc.):

How tall are you?' 'I'm 1 metre 70.'
big is the house?' 'Not very big.'
old is your mother?' 'She's 45.'
far is it from here to the airport?' 'Five kilometres.'
often do you use your car?' 'Every day.'
long have they been married?' 'Ten years.'
much was the meal?' 'Thirty pounds.'

104 4( questions Units 44-46 How long does it take? ->• Unit 48 which one(s) Unit 75 3


Write questions with what.

r \ N___________ a (make?)
1 I've got a new TV. (kind?)
2 1want a job. (time?)
3 1 bought a new sweater. Jk in d ? )

4 1 got up early this morning.

5 1 like music.

6V 1 want to buy7 a car.J

Complete the questions. Use W hich ... ?

C B 9 Write what/which/who.

1 W h at..... is that man's name? 7 ....................... is more expensive, meat or fish?
2 Which.....way shall we go? Left or right? 8 older, Liz or Steve?

3 You can have tea or coffee............................ 9 ....................... kind of camera have you got?

do you prefer? 10 a : I have three cameras.

4 ' is it today?' 'Friday.' b: do you use most?

5 This is a nice office............................. desk is yours? 11 .......................nationality are you?

6 your favourite sport?

G9 Complete the questions with How + adjective or adverb (high/long etc.).

CO Write questions with H o w ... ?

1 Are you 1 metre 70? 1.75? 1.80? How tail are you?

2 Is this box one kilogram? Two? Three? .......................

3 Are you 20 years old? 22? 25?......................... .......................

4 Did you spend £20? £30? £50? .......................

5 Do you watch T V every day? Once a week? Never?

6 Is it 1000 miles from Paris to Moscow? 1500? 2000?


Unit How long does it take ... ?


How long does it take from . . . to How long does it take by plane from New York to
/k It takes an hour.

" , >?


O How long does it take by train from London to Manchester?
It takes two hours by train from London to Manchester.

O How long does it take by car from your house to the station?
O It takes ten minutes by car from my house to the station.

How long does it take to do something?

does takes a week
did took a long time
will will take three hours

How long it take to ... ? long to

doesn't take

How long does it take to cross the Atlantic by ship?
'I came by train.' 'Did you? How long did it take (to get here)?'
How long will it take to get from here to the hotel?

It takes a long time to learn a language.
It doesn't take long to cook an omelette.
It won't take long to fix the computer.

How long does it take you to do something?

How long does it take you t o ... ?
did Tom
will them

takes me a week t o ...
It took Tom a long time
them three hours
will take

106 I started reading the book on Monday.
I finished it on Wednesday evening.

It took me three days to read it.

How long will it take me to learn to drive?
It takes Tom 20 minutes to get to work in the morning.
It took us an hour to do the shopping.
Did it take you a long time to find a job?
It will take me an hour to cook dinner.


Look at the pictures and write questions with How lo n g ... ?


1 by.plane fro

3 ............................................................................................................................................
4 ............................................................................................................................................

How long does it take to do these things? Write full sentences.

1 fly from your city/country to London ................
Ittpkpstw p.hpurotp.flyfm

2 fly from your city/country to New York

3 study to be a doctor in your country

4 walk from your home to the nearest shop

5 get from your home to the nearest airport

Write questions with How long did it take ... ?

1 (Jane found a job.)|pn0 .......................

2 (I walked to the station.) ..................................................................... y o u ....................................

3 (Tom painted the bathroom.) ...................................................................................................................

4 (I learnt to ski.) ...................................................................................................................

5 (They repaired the car.).......................................................................................................................................

Read the situations and write sentences with It t o o k . . . .

1 I read a book last week. I started reading it on Monday. I finished it three days later.

Ittppkm p.thrpp.daystp ...........................................................................................

2 We walked home last night. We left at 10 o'clock and we arrived home at 10.20.

3 I learnt to drive last year. I had my first driving lesson in January. I passed my driving test six
months later.

4 M ark drove to London yesterday. He left home at 7 o'clock and got to London at 10.

5 Lisa began looking for a job a long time ago. She got a job last week.

6 Write a sentence about yourself.

Unit Do you know where ... ?
I don't know w hat... etc


Do you know We say: Where is Paula?
where Paula \e

but Do you know where Paula is ?
(not Do you know where is Paula?)

In the same way we say:
I know

I don't know where Paula is.
Can you tell me

Compare: but who those people are
Do you know how old Nicola is
W ho are those people?
How old is Nicola? Can you tell me what time it is
W hat time is it?
Where can I go? where I can go
How much is this camera?
When are you going away? I know how much this camera is
Where have they gone? I don't know when you're going away
W hat was Kate wearing? I don't remember where they have gone
what Kate was wearing

Questions with do/does/did (present simple and past simple)

Where does he live ?

but Do you know where he lives ? (not Do you know where does he live?)


How do airplanes fly? but Do you know how airplanes fly
What does Jane want?
W hy did she go home? I don't know what Jane wants
Where did I put the key? I don't remember why she went home
where I put the key
I know

Questions beginning Is ... ? / Do . */ Can ... ? etc. (yes/no questions)


Is Jack at home? but Jack is at home
Have they got a car? ?
Do you know
if they've got a car

Can Ben swim? or Ben can swim

Do they live near here? I don't know whether they live near here
Did anybody see you? anybody saw you

You can use if or whether in these sentences:

O Do you know if they've got a car? or

Do you know whether they've got a car?

O I don't know if anybody saw me. or

I don't know whether anybody saw me.



(2 1 Complete the sentences.

1 (H ow do airplanes fly?) Do you know
2 (Where does Susan work?) I don't k n o w ...............................................
3 (W hat did Peter say?) Do you rem em ber...................................
4 (W hy did he go home early?) I don't k n o w ...............................................
5 (W hat time does the meeting begin?) Do you kn o w ..............................................
6 (How did the accident happen?) I don't remember.....................................

Which is right?

1 Do you know what time 4s4t-/ it is? (Do you know what time it is? is right)
2 W hy are you / you are going away?
3 I don't know where are they / they are going.
4 Can you tell me where is the museum / the museum is?
5 Where do you want / you want to go for your holidays?
6 Do you know what do elephants eat / elephants eat?
7 I don't know how far is it / it is from the hotel to the station.

^ 2 2 1 Write questions with Do you know i f . Do you know.if^

1 (Have they got a car?) Do you k n o w ...................................................
2 (Are they married?)
3 (Does Sue know Bill?)
4 (Will Gary be here tomorrow?)
5 (Did he pass his exam?)

I Write questions beginning Do you k n o w ..

1 (W hat does Laura want?) ..Poyouknw

2 (Where is Paula?) Do.

3 (Is she working today?)

4 (W hat time does she start work?)

5 (Are the shops open tomorrow?)

6 (Where do Sarah and Jack live?)

7 (Did they go to Jane's party?)

^ j|Q | Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1 Do you know w h y t.b.a.bus w a s ja t e .
2 Do you know what tim e ................................
3 Excuse me; can you tell me w here...........
4 I don't know w h a t..............................................
5 Do you know if....................................................
6 Do you know how m u ch ..............................

Unit She said th at... He told me th at.,


Last week you went to a party. A lot of your friends Today you meet Paul. You tell him about the
were there. Here are some things they said to you: party. You tell Paul what your friends said:

CLARE m enjoying my new j o b j O Clare said that she was enjoying
father isn't welQ her new job.
am | —>was
is O She said that her father wasn't

SARAH O Sarah and Ben said that they
were going to buy a house.
I We're going to are —>were
^ ' buy a house.


KATE I have to leave early.^ have 1 •had O Peter said that he had to leave
My sister has has !
can could ear|y-
gone to Australia.
O He said that his sister had gone
f I can't find a job^J
to Australia.

O ^ate sa^ t^iat s^e couldn't find
a job.

STEVE phone you.} O Steve said that he would phone

* will —>would me.
RACHEL J I don't like my job. ) O Rachel said that she didn't like

fson doesn't her job.

* like school. O She said that her son didn't like

M,KE ( You look tired ") look —>looked school.
I feel fine. feel —>felt
etc. etc. O Mike said that I looked tired.
YOU (present) (past) O I said that I felt fine.

say ( —> said) tell (-> told)

O He said that he was tired. O He told me that he was tired.

(not He said me) (not He told that)

O W hat did she say to you? O W hat did she tell you?

(not say you) (not tell to you)

We say he said to me, I said to Ann etc. We say he told me, I told Ann etc.
(not 'he said me' 'I said Ann'). (not 'he told to me', 'I told to Ann').

110 You can say:

O He said that he was tired, or He said he was tired, (without that)

O Kate told me that she couldn't find a job. or Kate told me she couldn't find a job.

( I told you to ... ^ Unit S3


6 D Read what these people say and write sentences with He/She/They said (th a t). . . .
| ^ J 'v e lost my watch?^

...He said

ve>7 busy.}

^ f \ can't go to the party.^ J S< * 1 ^,/j've just come back from holiday.^

if \ have to go out^ 10 g°'ng tQ buV a guitar.^
^Jj'nn learning Russian.^ ^ ^/^We haven't got a k e y )

g g | y se the pictures to complete the sentences.

1 I met Clare last week. She sa id she was.enjoying.her n e w jp b .
2 Emma didn't want anything to eat. She sa id ...........................................
3 I wanted to borrow Mike's ladder, but he sa id ........................................
4 Hannah was invited to the party, but she sa id ........................................
5 Susan told me she didn't want the picture. She sa id .........................
6 Martin has just gone away on holiday. He said .....................................
7 I was looking for Robert. Nicola sa id ............................................................
8 'W hy did David stay at home?' 'He sa id ..................................................
9 'Has Mary gone out?' 'I think so. She sa id .............................................

C T i Write say/said or tell/told.

1 H e said. he was tired. 7 The wom an she was a reporter.

2 W hat did she you? 8 The wom an us she was a reporter.

3 Anna she didn't like Peter. 9 They asked me a lot of questions, but I

4 Jack me that you were ill. didn't............... them anything.

5 Please d o n 't Dan what happened. 10 They asked me a lot of questions, but I

6 Did Lu cy she would be late? didn't............... anything.

Unit work/working go/going do/doing


work/go/be ecc. (infinitive)

will/can/must etc. + infinitive:

O Anna will be here soon. Units 27-28
O Shall I open the window?

O I might phone you later. —>Unit 29

O May I sit here?

O I can't meet you tomorrow. Unit 30
□ Could you pass the salt, please?.

O It's late. I must go now. - » Unit 31

O You shouldn't work so hard. —>Unit 32

O Would you like some coffee? —» Unit 34

do/does/did + infinitive:

do/does o Do you work? Units 6-7
Unit 12
(present simple) O They don't work very hard.

O Helen doesn’t know many people.

o How much does it cost?

did O W hat time did the train leave?
(past simple)
O We didn’t sleep well.

to work / to go / to be etc. (to + infinitive)

(I'm) going t o ... o I'm going to play tennis tomorrow. - 4 Unit 26
o W hat are you going to do? -> Unit 33
- » Unit 52
(I) have to ... □ I have to go now. —> Unit 34
(I) want to ... —¥ Unit 36
o Everybody has to eat.
o Do you want to go out?
o They don't want to come with us.

(I) would like to ... □ I'd like to talk to you.
(I) used t o ...
o Would you like to go out?
o Dave used to work in a factory.

working/going/playing etc.

am/is/are + -ing O Please be quiet. I'm working. —>Units 3 - 4 ,8,2 5
(present continuous) O Tom isn’t working today.
O W hat time are you going out?
was/were + -ing
(past continuous) O It was raining, so we didn't go out. -> Units 13-14

O W hat were you doing at 11.30 yesterday?

f verbs 7to~ and -ing (I want to do / 1enjoy doing) -» Unit 52 go and -ing -» Unit 55


Complete the sentences. W rite :... phone Paul o r ... to phone Paul.

1 I'll phone Paul..................................................................... 6 Do you have

2 I'm going to.pho nePaul.............................................. 7 You sho uld ........

3 Can yo u Paul? 8 I w a n t.....................

4 Shall I .......................................................................................... ? 9 I m ig ht...................

5 I'd like.......................................................................................... 10 You m u st............

Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Sometimes you need the infinitive (work/go
etc.) and sometimes you need -mg (working/going etc.).

d o /d o in g g e t/ g e ttin g s le e p /sle e p ing w atch/w atching
eat/eating g o /g o in g stay/staying w ear/w earing
fly/flying liste n /liste n in g w ait/w aiting w ork/w orking

1 Please be quiet. I'm working......

2 I feel tired today. I didn 't sloop very well last night.

3 W hat time do you usually.........................................up in the morning?

4 'Where are y o u ?' 'To the office.'

5 Did y o u .......................................T V last night?

6 Look at that plane! It's........................................ very low.

7 You can turn off the radio. I'm n o t........................................ to it.

8 They didn 't....................................... anything because they weren't hungry.

9 My friends w e re for me when I arrived.

10 'Does Susan alw ays.......................................glasses?' 'No, only for reading.'

11 'W hat are y o u ........................................ tonight?' 'I'm home.'

g f i Put the verb in the correct form. Choose from:

the infinitive (work/go etc.) or
t o ... (to work / to go etc.) or
-ing (working/going etc.)

1 Shall I open............................. the window? (open)

2 It's late. I have.........................%Q.QQ. now. (go)

3 Amanda isn't...................................working this week. She's on holiday, (work)

4 I'm tired. I don't w a n t........................................ out. (go)

5 It m ight........................................................., so take an umbrella with you. (rain)

6 W hat time do you have tom orrow morning? (leave)

7 I'm sorry I can't........................................ you. (help)

8 My brother is a student. He's........................................physics, (study)

9 W ould you like........................................ on a trip round the world? (go)

10 When you saw Maria, what was sh e .........................................? (wear)

11 When you go to London, where are you going ? (stay)

12 I'm hungry. I m u st........................................ something to eat. (have)

13 'Where's Gary?' 'He's a bath.' (have)

14 I used ..................................................................a car, but I sold it last year, (have)

15 He spoke very quietly. I couldn't....................................... him. (hear)

16 You don't look well. I don't think you sho uld ........................................ to work today, (go)

17 I don't know what he said. I w asn't........................................ to him. (listen)

18 I missed the bus and h a d home, (walk)

19 I w a n t.............................................what happened, (know) You m u (tell)

20 May I ........................................ this book? (borrow)

Unit to ... (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)


verbs +to ... (I want to do)

want plan decide try +to ... (to do /to work /to be etc.)
hope expect offer forget
need promise refuse learn

O W hat do you want to do this evening?
O Its not very late. We don't need to go home yet.
O Tina has decided to sell her car.
O You forgot to switch off the light when you went out.
O My brother is learning to drive.
O I tried to read my book, but I was too tired.

verbs +-ing (I enjoy doing)

enjoy stop suggest +-ing (doing /working / beingetc)
mind finish

I enjoy dancing. (not enjoy to dance) ^1 enjoy dancing
I don't mind getting up early.
Has it stopped raining?
Sonia suggested going to the cinema.

■H verbs +-ing or to ...

like love start continue +-ing (doing etc) or to ... (to do etc.)
prefer hate begin

Do you like getting up early? or Do you like to get up early?
I prefer travelling by car. or I prefer to travel by car.
Anna loves dancing, or Anna loves to dance.
I hate being late, or I hate to be late.
It started raining, or It started to rain.

would like to ... etc.

would like would love +to ... (to do /to work /to be etc.)
would prefer would hate

Amy would like to meet you.
I'dlove to go to Australia. (I'd =Iwould)
'Would you like to sit down?' 'No, I'dprefer to stand, thank you.'
I like this apartment. I wouldn't like to move.
I live in a small village. I'd hate to live in a big city.

114 1( would like -» Unit 34 I want you to ... ■» Unit 53 go + -ing ^ Unit 55 preposition + -ing ■» Unit 1J"*)


Put the verb in the right form, to ... or -ing. 8 The weather was nice, so I suggested
...............................for a walk by the river, (go)
I en jo y....dancing....... (dance)
W hat do you w a n t....To do ..... 9 Where's Ben? He prom ised...............................
tonight? (do) here on time, (be)
Bye! I h o p e again
soon, (see) 10 I'm not in a hurry. I don't mind
I learnt...............................when I was ................................. (wait)
five years old. (swim )
Have you finished...............................the 11 W hat have you decided...............................? (do)
kitchen? (clean) 12 Dan was angry and refused...............................
Where's Anna? I ne ed ...............................
her something, (ask) to me. (speak)
Do you en jo y...............................other 13 I'm tired. I w a n bed. (go)
countries? (visit) 14 I was very upset and started................................. (cry)
15 I'm tryin g................................. (work) Please

sto p ................................. (talk)

Complete the sentences using to ... or ■ing. Use these verbs: wait watch
go help lose rain read see send

1 'Have you ever been to Australia?' 'No, but I'd lo ve to .g o .....

2 Am y had a lot to do, so I offered....................................... her.

3 I'm surprised that you're here. I didn't e xp e ct........................................ you.

4 Kate has a lot of books. She enjoys.........................................

5 This ring was my grandmother's. Id

6 Don't forget us a postcard when you're on holiday.

7 I'm not going out until it stops.........................................

8 W hat shall we do this afternoon? W ould you like........................................ to the beach?

*9 When I'm tired in the evenings, I like........................................ TV.

10 'Shall we go now?' 'No, Id prefer........................................ a few minutes.'
£ £ ) Complete the answers to the questions.
Do you usually get up early?
Do you ever go to museums? Yes, I like t o g e t .up.early................................................................
Yes, I e njo y...................................................................................................
W ould you like to go to a No, I'm hungry. I'd prefer....................................................................
museum now?
to a restaurant.
Do you drive a lot? No, I don't like...........................................................................................
Have you ever been to New York? No, but I'd lo ve day.
Yes, I en jo y...................................................................................................
Do you often travel by train? I don't m in d ........................................................................., but a taxi
Shall we walk home or take a taxi?
would be quicker.

Complete these sentences. Write about yourself. Use to ... o r -ing. 115
I enjo y....................................................................................................................
I don't like ............................................................................................................
If it's a nice day tomorrow, I'd like .........................................................
When I'm on holiday, I like.......................................................................
I don't m in d ..........................................................................................., but.
I wouldn't like ....................................................................................................

-►Additional exercise 32 (page 268)

Unit I want you to ... I told you to

53 I want you to ...

The woman wants to go.

The man doesn't want the woman to go.
He wants her to stay.

We say:

I want you to do something

I want you to be happy. (not I want that you are happy)
They didn't want anybody to know their secret.
Do you want me to lend you some money?

We use would like in the same way:
Would you like me to lend you some money?

We also use this structure with: + somebody + to ...

ask Sue asked a friend to lend her some money.
tell I told you to be careful.
advise advise me to do?
expect What do you expect them to be here.
persuade I didn't persuaded Gary to come with us.
teach We am teaching my brother to swim.

I told you to ... / 1told you not to ...

(P o n ’t wait for me.^


—>Jane told me to wait for her. ■»Paul told Sue not to wait for him.

make and let

After make and let, we do not use to:
He's very funny. He makes me laugh. (not makes me to laugh)
A t school our teacher made us work very hard.
I didn't have my phone with me, so Sue let me use hers. (not let me to use)

You can say Let's ... (= Let us) when you want people to do things with you:
Come on! Let's dance.
'Do you want to go out tonight?' 'No, I'm tired. Let's stay at home.'

116 1 Unit 35 He told me th a t ... ^ Unit 50

( Let's...


Write sentences beginning I want you ... / 1don't want you ... / Do you want me .

1 (you must come with me) ..................................................
2 (listen carefully)
3 (please don't be angry) I w a n t...
4 (shall I wait for you?) I d o n 't....
5 (don't call me tonight) Do yo u .
6 (you must meet Sarah)

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

® r Comeonl Let’s ^ ® ( Where’s the station?^ ® ® (C a n you help m e ? ):

■ go to the cinema!
It’s a good fil.m.....


Dan persuaded .^.^ cinema........
I wanted to get to the station. A woman to ld .
Ben wasn't well. I advised.............................................
Laura had a lot of luggage. She asked...................
I was too busy to talk to Tom. I to ld .....................
I wanted to make a phone call. Paul le t..............
Sue is going to call me later. I to ld ..........................
Amy's mother taug h t......................................................

Complete these sentences with the verbs in the list. Sometimes to is necessary (to go / to wait
etc.); sometimes to is not necessary (go/wait etc.).

arrive borrow get go make repeat tell think wait

1 Please stay here. I don't want y o u To go yet.
2 I didn't hear what she said, so I asked h e r................................................ it.
3 'Shall we begin?' 'No, let's................................................ a few minutes.'
4 Are they already here? I expected th e m ................................................ much later.
5 Kevin's parents didn't want h im ................................................ married.
6 I want to stay here. You can't make m e ................................................ with you.
7 'Is that your bike?' 'No, it's John's. He let m e'
8 Rachel can't come to the party. She told m e
9 W ould you like a drink? W ould you like m e ...............................................some coffee?
10 'Kate doesn't like me.' 'W hat makes y o u ................................................ that?'



5 4 I went to the shop to ...

Paula wanted a newspaper, so she
went to the shop.

W hy did she go to the shop?
To get a newspaper.

She went to the shop to get a

to ... (to get / to see etc.) tells us why a person does something:
O 'W hy are you going out?' To buy some food.'
O Catherine went to the station to meet her friend.
O Sue turned on the television to watch the news.
O I'd like to go to Spain to learn Spanish.

money/time to (do something):
O We need some money to buy food.
O I haven't got time to watch television.

to ... and for ...

to + verb for + noun
(to get / to see etc.) (for a newspaper / for food etc.)

O I went to the shop to get a newspaper. O I went to the shop for a newspaper.
(not for get)
O They're going to Brazil for a holiday.
O They're going to Brazil to see their
friends. O We need some money for food.

O We need some money to buy food.

wait f o r ...
O Please wait for me.
O Are you waiting for the bus?

wait to (do something):
O Hurry up! I'm waiting to go.
O Are you waiting to see the doctor?

wait for (somebody/something) to ...
O The lights are red. You have to wait for them
to change.
O Are you waiting for the doctor to come?

118 They're waiting for the lights to

go to ... and go for ... -♦ Unit 55 something to eat / nothing to do etc. ^ Unit 79
enough + to/for ... -4 Unit 91 too + to/for 4 Unit 92


Q ) Write sentences beginning I went t o .... Choose from the boxes.

a coffee shop the station buy some vegetables get some medicine
the chemist the market + meet a friend get a train t icke t

1 [ w ent to th e s ta tio n to g e t a tra in tic k e t,..............................................................................................
2 I w e n t.......................................................................................................................................................................................
3 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences. Choose from the box.

to get some fresh air to read the newspaper to wake him up
to watch the news
to open this door to see who it was

1 I turned on the T V t o w atch th e news..........................................................................................................
2 Alice sat down in an arm chair..................................................................................................................................
3 Do I need a k ey...................................................................................................................................................................
4 I went for a walk by the river......................................................................................................................................
5 I knocked on the door of David's ro o m ..............................................................................................................
6 TTie doorbell rang, so I looked out of the w in d o w .......................................................................................

ggj Use your own ideas to finish these sentences. Use t o . . . .

1 I went to the sh o p to .Q etA D .§w sp a p er.........................................................................................................
2 I'm very busy. I don't have tim e ................................................................................................................................
3 I called A m y ...........................................................................................................................................................................
4 I'm going o u t .........................................................................................................................................................................
5 I borrowed some m o ney...............................................................................................................................................

Write to or for.

1 I went o u t t o get some bread.

2 We went to a restaurant.................have dinner.

3 Robert wants to go to university study economics.

4 I'm going to Lo ndo n an interview next week.

5 I'm going to Lo ndo n visit some friends of mine.

6 Do you have tim e a cup of coffee?

7 I got up late this morning. I didn't have tim e .................wash.

8 Everybody needs m oney live.

9 We didn't have any m o ney a taxi, so we walked home.

10 TTie office is very small. There's space o n ly a desk and chair.

11 a : Excuse me, are you w aitin g be served?

b: No, I'm already being served, thanks.

Complete these sentences. Choose from: the film / begin
it / t o arrive yo u /tell me them / change

1 We stopped at the lights and w aited fo r th em to. change.....................................................................
2 I sat down in the cinema and w aited ........................................................................................................................
3 We called an ambulance and w aited.........................................................................................................................
4 'Do you know what to do?' 'No, I'm w aiting....................................................................................................

go to ... (go to work / go to London / go to a concert etc) go to

W hat time do you usually go to work?
I'm going to China next week.
Sophie didn't want to go to the concert
'Where's Tom?' 'He's gone to bed.'
I went to the dentist yesterday.

go to sleep = start to sleep:
I was very tired and went to sleep quickly.

go home (without to)
I'm going home now. (not going to home)

go on

go on holiday We re going on holiday next week.
a trip Children often go on school trips.
a tour Workers at the airport have gone on strike.
a cruise (= they are refusing to work)

go for

go (somewhere) for a walk O 'Where's Emma?' 'She's gone for a walk.'
a run O Do you go for a run every morning?
a swim O The water looks nice. I'm going for a swim.
a drink O 1met Chris in town, so we went for coffee.
a meal O Shall we go out for a meal? 1 know a good restaurant.

go + -ing
We use go + -ing for many sports (swimming / skiing etc.) and also shopping.

I go shopping
he is going swimming
we went sailing
they have gone skiing
she wants to go jogging etc.

Are you going shopping this afternoon?
It's a nice day. Let's go swimming.
(or Let's go for a swim.)
Richard has a small boat and he often goes sailing.
I went jogging before breakfast this morning.


Write to/on/for where necessary.

1 I'm China next week.

2 Richard oftengoes... z sailing, (no preposition)

3 Sue w e n t............. M exico last year.

4 Jack goes............. jogging every morning.

5 I'm going o u t............. a walk. Do you want to come?

6 I'm tired because I w e n t bed very late last night.

7 Mark is Italy next week.

8 The weather was warm and the river was clean, so we w e n t a swim.

9 The taxi drivers w e n t................. strike when I was in New York.

10 Let's g o the cinema this evening.

11 It's late. I have to g o .................home now.

12 W ould you like to g o a tour of the city?

13 Shall we go o u t ............... dinner this evening?

14 M y parents are going a cruise this summer.

m i Use the pictures to complete the sentences. Use go/goes/going/went + -ing.

CD often every day @ next m onth (D yesterday


Richard has a boat. He o fte n A Q essafiing

Last Saturday Emily w e n t................................................................................

Dan every day.

Jessica is going on holiday next month. She is .....................................

Peter is going out later. He has t o ................................................................

Sarah................................................................................after work yesterday.

Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. Use to/on/for if necessary.

a swim holiday Portugal shopping sleep
a walk home riding skiing university

The water looks nice. Let's g o fo r a sw im ......

After leaving school, Tina w e n t where she studied psychology.

I'm going...................................................................... now. I have to buy a few things.

I was very tired last night. I sat down in an armchair and w e n t........................................................................

I wasn't enjoying the party, so I w e n t........................................................................early.

We live near the mountains. In winter we g o ........................................................................most weekends.

Robert has got a horse. He goes...................................................................... a lot.

The weather is nice. Shall we g o ........................................................................along the river?

a : Are you going........................................................................soon?

b: Yes, next month. We're going We've never been there before.

Unit get


get + noun = receive, buy, find etc you get it
you d o n't have something
you h ave it

O I go t an email from Sam this morning. (= receive)

O I like your sweater. Where did you get it? (= buy)
O It's hard to get a job at the moment? (= find)

O 'Is Lisa here?' 'Yes, I'll get her for you.'

also get a b u s / a tra in / a ta xi (= take a bus/train etc.):
O 'Did you walk here?' 'No, I got the bus.'

g et h u n g ry / get c o ld / g et tire d etc. (get + adjective) - become:
you get hungry

you're n o t h u n g ry ^ you are hungry

O If you don't eat, you get h ung ry.

O Drink your coffee. It's g e ttin g cold.

I'm sorry your mother is ill. I hope she g ets b e tte r soon.
O It was raining very hard. We didn't have an umbrella, so we g ot very w et.

also get m a rrie d O Nicola and Frank are g e ttin g m a rrie d soon.
get d re sse d (= put your clothes on) O I got up and g ot d re sse d quickly.
get lo st (= lose your way) O We didn't have a map, so we go t lost.

get to a place = arrive: get to
O I usually get to w o rk before 8.30. (= arrive at work)
O We left London at 10 o'clock and go t to M a n c h e ste r
at 12.45.

get here/there (without to):

O How did you get here? By bus?

get hom e (without to):
O W hat time did you get h o m e last night?

get in/out/on/off

get in (a car) get o u t (of a car) get on get off

(a bus / a train / a plane)

O Kate got in th e c a r and drove away. (You can also say: Kate got in to the car and ...)
O A car stopped and a man got out. (but A man got out o f th e car.)
O We g o t o n th e b us outside the hotel and g o t o ff in Church Street.

122 ( get to -» Unit 108 in/out/on/off -» Units 110,114 get up -» Unit 114 get o n -» Appendix 6


Complete these sentences. Use get/gets and choose from the box.

a doctor a lot of rain a taxi my em ail the job
a ticket some milk your boots
a good salary a new laptop

1 Did y o u Q etm yem a\\ ? | sent it a week ago.

2 Where did y o u ? They're very nice.

3 Quick! This man is ill. We need t o ................................................................................................

4 I don't want to walk home. Let's................................................................................................

5 Tom has an interview tomorrow. I hope h e ................................................................................................

6 When you go to the shop, can y o u ............................................................................................... ?

7 'Are you going to the concert?' 'Yes, if I c a n ................................................................................................'

8 Helen has got a well-paid job. S h e ................................................................................................

9 The weather is horrible here in winter. W e ................................................................................................

10 I'm going t o ................................................................................................. Theone I have is too slow.

Complete these sentences. Use getting + these words:
cold dark late married ready

1 Drink your coffee. It's g^tt|ng.cpjd......

2 Turn on the light. It's................................................................................................

3 'I'm ............................................................................................... next week.' 'Really? Congratulations!'

4 'Where's Karen?' 'She's............................................................................................... to go out.'

5 It's It's time to go home.

Complete the sentences. Use get/gets/got + these words: wet
angry better hungry lost married old

1 If you don't eat, y o u g e t hungry......
2 Don't go out in the rain. Yo u'll................................................................................................
3 My brother................................................................................................last year. His wife's name is Sarah.
4 M ark is always very calm. He never................................................................................................
5 We tried to find the hotel, but w e ................................................................................................
6 Everybody wants to stay young, but we a ll................................................................................................
7 Yesterday the weather wasn't so good at first, but i t .................................................................................

during the day.

Write sentences with I le ft ... and got to . . . .

1 home / 7.30 —>work / 8.15 .........................................................................
Ik ft.h p m ^

2 London /10.15 —>Bristol /11.45
I left London at 10.15 a n d ...........................................................................................................................................

3 the party /11.15 —> home / midnight

4 Write a sentence about yourself.
I le ft............................................................

gg Write got in / got out of / got on / got off.

1 K a te g o t .in the car and drove away.
2 I ................................................................the bus and walked to my house from the bus stop.
3 Isabel.............................................................. the car, shut the door and went into a shop.
4 I made a stupid mistake. I .............................................................. the wrong train.

Unit do and make

57 Do is a general word for actions:
O W hat are you doing this evening? (not W hat are you making?)

O 'Shall I open the window?' 'No, it's O K. I'll do it.'

O Rachel's job is very boring. She does the same thing every day.
I did a lot of things yesterday.

W hat do you do? = What's your job?:
O 'What do you do?' 'I work in a bank.'

Make = produce/create. For example:


She's making coffee. He has made a cake. in t i It was made in China.

They make umbrellas.

I Compare do and make:
I did a lot yesterday. I cleaned my room, I wrote some letters and I made a cake.
a : W hat do you do in your free time? Sport? Reading? Hobbies?
b: I make clothes. I make dresses and jackets. I also make toys for my children.

Expressions with do O I'm doing my driving test next week.
o John has just done a training course.
an exam / a test o O ur children have to do a lot of homework.
a course o I hate doing housework, especially cleaning.
homework o Sue, could you do me a favour?
do o I go for a run and do exercises every morning.
somebody a favour
an exercise

also do the shopping / do the washing / do the washing-up / do the ironing / do the cooking etc.

O I did the washing but I didn't do the shopping.

Expressions with make

make a mistake O I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
an appointment O I need to make an appointment to see the doctor.
a phone call O Excuse me, I have to make a phone call.
a list o Have you made a shopping list?
a noise o It's late. Don't make a noise.
a bed o Sometimes I forget to make my bed in the morning.

We say make a film but take a photo / take a picture:

When was this film made?

but O When was this photo taken?

124 ( do/does/did (negatives and questions) ■» Units 43-44 make somebody do something Unit 53 )


Write make/making/made or do/doing/did/done.

1 'Shall I open the window?' 'No, it's O K. I'll d o it.'

2 W hat did y o u ........................................ at the weekend? Did you go away?

3 Do you know how t o ........................................ bread?

4 Paper is .........................................from wood.

5 Richard didn't help me. He sac in an armchair a n d ........................................ nothing.

6 'What do yo u ?' 'I’m a doctor.'

7 I asked you to clean the bathroom. Have y o u

8 'W hat do th e y ........................................ in that factory?’ 'Shoes.'

9 I'm some coffee. W ould you like some?

10 W hy are you angry with me? I didn’t ........................................ anything wrong.

11 ‘W hat are y o u ........................................ tom orrow afternoon?' 'I'm working.'

G9 W hat are these people doing?

1 He'sm akings, acke. 6

2 T h e y ........................................................................................... 7

3 H e ............................................................................................... 8
4 ....................................................................................................... 9

5 10

Write make or do in the correct form.

1 I h a te doing housework, especially cleaning.

2 W hy do you alw ays........................................ the same mistake?

3 ‘Can y o u ........................................ me a favour?’ ‘It depends what it is.’

4 'Have y o u ........................................ your homework?’ 'Not yet.'

5 I need to see the dentist, but I haven't........................................ an appointment.

6 I'm ........................................ a course in photography at the moment. It’s very good.

7 The last time I ........................................ an exam was ten years ago.

8 How many phone calls did y o u .......................................yesterday?

9 W hen you've finished Exercise 1, you c a n .........................................Exercise 2.

10 There's something wrong with the car. The engine is a strange noise.

11 It was a bad mistake. It was the worst mistake I've ever.........................................

12 Let's........................................ a list of all the things we have t o

Unit have


have and have got

I have (something) or I've got (something) = it is mine:
O I have a new car. or I've got a new car.
O Sue has long hair, or Sue has got long hair.
O Do they have any children? or Have they got any children?
O Tom doesn't have a job. or Tom hasn't got a job.
O How much time do you have? or How much time have you got?


I have a headache / (a) toothache / a pain (in my leg etc.)
I've got a cold / a cough / a sore throat / a temperature / flu etc.

O I have a headache, or I've got a headache.
O Do you have a cold? or Have you got a cold?

The past is I had (without got) / 1didn't have / Did you have? e tc .:
O When I first met Sue, she had short hair.
O He didn't have any money because he didn't have a job.
O Did you have enough time to do everything you wanted?

have breakfast / have a shower etc.

In these expressions have = eat/drink/take etc. You can't use 'have got'.

have breakfast / lunch / dinner O 'Where's Lisa?' 'She's having lunch.'
a meal / a sandwich / a pizza etc. O I don't usually have breakfast.
a cup of coffee / a glass of milk etc. O I had three cups of coffee this morning.
something to eat/drink
O 'Have a biscuit!' 'Oh, thank you.'

We also use have (not have got) in these expressions:

have a bath / a shower O I had a shower this morning.
a rest / a holiday / a party
a nice time / a good trip / fun etc. O We're having a party next week. You must come.
a walk / a swim / a game (of tennis etc.)
a dream / an accident O Enjoy your holiday. Have a nice time!
a baby
a look (at something) O Did you have a good time in Tokyo?

O Sandra has just had a baby.
O Can I have a look at your magazine?


Have or have got
O I have / I've got a new shower. It's very good.

Have (not have got)
O I have a shower every morning.
(not I've got a shower every morning)

O a : Where's Paul?

b: He's having a shower.
(= he's washing now)

126 4[ I have / I've got -» Unit 9 I've (done) (present perfect) Units 15-18 I have to ... ■» Unit 33 )


Write the correct form of have or have got.

1 1.didn’t hava time to do the shopping yesterday. drive.' (I / not / have)
2 ' H as Lis^..gQtXQKQQesXi^.h^y^Ji a car?' 'No, she can't (Lisa / have?)
3 He can't open the door. .....................................................a key. (he / not / have)
(Gary / have)
4 ...................................................... a cold last week. He's better now. (you / have?)
(we / not / have)
5 What's wrong? ................................................................a headache? (she / not / have)
(you / have?)
6 We wanted to go by taxi, b u t................................................................enough money.

7 Laura is very busy much free time.

8 .............................................................. any problems when you were on holiday?

m i What are these people doing? Choose from the list: a rest
a bath breakfast a cup of tea dinner a good time

1 They’re haying.braakfaot,......................................... 4 They
2 S h e ................................................................................................ 5 .............
3 H e ................................................................................................. 6... .........................................................................................................

What do you say in these situations? Use have.

1 Emily is going on holiday. W hat do you say to her before she goes?
Have a!...............................................................................................................................................................

2 You meet Clare at the airport. She has just got off her plane. Ask her about the flight.
D j d y o u h a ^ ^ .................................................................................................................................

3 Tom is going on a long trip. W hat do you say to him before he leaves?

4 It's Monday morning. You are at work. Ask Paula about her weekend.

5 Paul has just come home after playing tennis with a friend. Ask him about the game.

6 Rachel is going out this evening. W hat do you say to her before she goes?

7 M ark has just returned from holiday. Ask him about his holiday.

ggggp Complete the sentences. Use have/had and choose from the list.

an accident a glass of water a look a walk a party something to eat

1 W e had a .p a rty a few weeks ago. We invited 50 people.
2 'Shall w e ..............................................................................................?' 'No, I'm not hungry.'
3 I was thirsty, so I ................................................................................................
4 I like to get up early a n d ..............................................................................................before breakfast.
5 Tina is a very good driver. She has never................................................................................................
6 There's something wrong with the engine of my car. Can y o u it?


5 9 |/me he/him they/them etc.


subject I we you he she they
her them
object me us you him

subject I know Tom. Tom knows me. object
I We know Tom. Tom knows us. me
You know Tom. Tom knows you. us
we He knows Tom. Tom knows him. you
you She knows Tom. Tom knows her. him
They know Tom. Tom knows them. her
he them

(k 's nice. I like ^ t )

subject it
object it

O I don't want this book. You can have it.

O I don't want these books. You can have them.

O Kate never drinks milk. She doesn't like it

O I never go to parties. I don't like them.

We use me/her/them etc. (object) after a preposition (for/to/with etc):
O Tinis letter isn't for me. It's for you.
O W ho is that woman? W hy are you looking at her?

O We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us?
O Sue and Kevin are going to the cinema. Do you want to go with them?
O 'Where's the newspaper?' 'You're sitting on it.'

give it/them to ...

O I want that book. Please give it to me.

O Robert needs these books. Can you give them to him, please?


128 ( my/his/their etc. Unit 60 Give me that book / Give it to me Unit 96


Complete the sentences with him/her/them.

1 I don't know those girls. Do you k n o w th e m ?
2 I don't know that man. Do you k n o w ........................................ ?
3 I don't know those people. Do you k n o w ...................................
4 I don't know David's wife. Do you k n o w ......................................
5 I don't know M r Stevens. Do you k n o w .......................................
6 I don't know Sarah's parents. Do you k n o w ...............................
7 I don't know the woman in the black coat. Do you know

Complete the sentences. Use l/me/you/she/her etc.

I want to see her, b u t sh e doesn't want to se e tne....

I_________________1 I

They want to see me, b u t....................................... don't want to see

She wants to see him, b u t...................................... doesn’t want to see

We want to see them, b u t......................................don't want to se e .......

He wants to see us, b u t.......................................don’t want to see

They want to see her, b u t.......................................doesn't want to see

I want to see them, b u t...................................... don’t want to see

You want to see her, b u t .......................................doesn’t want to se e ....

Write sentences beginning I like . . . , I don’t like ... or Do you lik e ... ?

don’t eat tomatoes [don't like them
George is a very nice man. I like
This jacket isn’t very nice. I don’t

This is my new car. D o..................

Mrs Clark is not very friendly. I .....
These are my new shoes....................

Complete the sentences. Use l/me/he/him etc.

1 W ho is that woman? W hy are you looking a t her.....

2 'Do you know that man?' Yes, I work with

3 Where are the tickets? I can't fin d .........................................

4 I can't find my keys. Where are........................................ ?

5 We're going out. You can come w ith ....................................

6 I've got a new motorbike. Do you want to se e ...............

7 Maria likes music............................................. plays the piano.

8 I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid o f.........................................

9 I'm talking to you. Please listen t o .........................................

10 Where is Anna? I want to talk t o .........................................

11 You can have these CDs. I don't w a n t.........................................

12 M y brother has a new job, b u t doesn't like very much.

C om plete the sentences.

1 I need that book. Can y o u give .m e.
2 He wants the key. Can you give........................
3 She wants the keys. Can y o u ...............................
4 I need my bag. Can y o u .........................................
5 They want the money. Can y o u ........................
6 We want the pictures. Can y o u ..........................



6 0 my/his/their etc.


my u m b rella)(o ur umbrella) (y o u r umbrella^ (h is umbrella) (h e r umbrella their umbrella

1 my 1 like my house.
we our We like our house.
you your You like your house.
he his He likes his house.
she —» her She likes her house.
they —> their They like their house.

it —» its Oxford (= it) is famous for its university.

We use my/your/his etc. + noun:

my hands his new car her parents

our clothes your best friend their room

his/her/their ANDY MR AND

her car % his bike their son ^B|
(= Amy's car)

her husband 0k his sister their daughter
(= Amy's

her children his parents their children A
(= Amy's -

its and it's

its Oxford is famous for its university.
it's (= it is) I like Oxford. It's a nice place. (= It is a nice place.)

130 [ mine/yours etc. -» Unit 61 l/me/my/mine ■» Unit 62 D


Complete the sentences in the same way. 4 He's going to w a sh .......
5 They're going to w a sh .
1 I'm going to w a sh !T!y hand s...... 6 Are you going to wash .
2 She's going to w a sh ..............................................hands.
3 We're going to w a sh .........................................................

Complete the sentences in the same way. 5 I ..................... . parents.
6 Jo h n ................
1 H e lives w |th .h js.p a re n ts......
2 They live w ith ...................................................... parents. 7 Do you live.
3 W e ..............................................................................parents. 8 Most children .
4 Martina lives..........................................................................

Look at the family tree, and complete the sentences with his/her/their.

"U K 1 I saw Sarah w ith h e r husband, Philip.
SARAH = PHILIP 2 I saw Laura and Steve w ith .........................children.
3 I saw Steve w ith .........................wife, Laura.
'TfltfVtr & 4 I saw Ben w ith, Will.
5 I saw Laura w ith, Will.
BEN t it 6 I saw Sarah and Philip w ith ........................son, Will.
7 I saw Laura w ith .........................parents.
WILL 8 I saw Beth and Robert w ith .......................parents.




Write my/our/your/his/her/their/its.

1 Do you like your job?

2 I know M r Watson, but I don't k n o w .........................wife.

3 Alice and Tom live in London............................son lives in Australia.

4 We're going to have a party. W e’re going to invite a ll.........................friends.

5 Anna is going out w ith friends this evening.

6 I like tennis. It's favourite sport.

7 'Is th a t....................... car?' 'No, I don't have a car.’

8 I want to contact Maria. Do you k n o w .........................number?

9 Do you think most people are happy in

10 I'm going to w a sh before I go out.

11 This is a beautiful tree leaves are a beautiful colour.

12 John has a brother and a sister. ....................... brother is 25, a n d sister is 21.

Complete the sentences. Use my/his/their etc. with these words:
coat homework house husband -jo b key name

1 James doesn't e n jo y h isjo b it's not very interesting.
2 I can't get in. I don't have........................................................................
3 Sally is married............................................................................ works in a bank.
4 Please take o ff................................................ .'...................... and sit down.
5 'W hat are the children doing?' 'They're do ing ....................................................................... .'
6 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, but I don't k n o w .........................................................................'
7 We live in Barton at the end on the left.


Whose is this? It s mine/yours/hers etc.

( ours )

1 my mine It's my money. It's mine.
we —> our —> ours It's our money. It's ours.
you -> yours It's your money. It's yours.
he your —> his It's his money. It's his.
she —> his —> hers It's her money. It's hers.
they —> her —> theirs It's their money. It's theirs.
—> their

We use my/your etc. + noun (my hands / your book etc.):
My hands are cold.

O Is this your book?
O Helen gave me her umbrella.
O It s their problem, not our problem.

We use mine/yours etc. without a noun:
Q Is this book mine or yours? (= my book or your book)
I didn't have an umbrella, so Sarah gave me hers. (= her umbrella)
O It's their problem, not ours. (= not our problem)

O We went in our car, and they went in theirs. (= their car)

You can use his with or without a noun:
Is this his cam era or hers?' It's his.'

a friend of mine / a friend of his / some friends of yours etc.

O I went out to meet a friend of mine. (not a friend of me)
O Tom was in the restaurant with a friend of his. (not a friend of him)
O Are those people friends of yours? (not friends of you)

Whose ..?
Whose phone is this? (= Is it your phone? his phone? my phone? etc.)

You can use whose with or without a noun:

Whose money7 is this? \1 Its mine. IWKr f
Whose is this? J

Whose shoes are these? 1 ^ ,.,
\ Theyre Johns.
Whose are these? J

[ my/his/their etc. -» Unit 60 l/me/my/mine ■» Unit 62 Kate's camera / my brother's car Unit 64 J


Complete the sentences with mine/yours etc. 5 It's their house. It's......................
6 They're your books. They're
1 It's your money. It's yo u rs....................................... 7 They're my glasses. They're....
2 It's my bag. It's.................................................................... 8 It's his coat. It's..............................
3 It's our car. It's.....................................................................
4 They're her shoes. They're..........................................

Choose the right word.

1 It's their/ theirs problem, not -eu^/ours. (theirand ours are right)
2 This is a nice camera. Is it vour/yours?
3 That's not mv/mine umbrella. M y/M ine is black.
4 Whose books are these? Your/Yours or mv/mine?
5 Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
6 M y/M ine room is bigger than her/hers.
7 They have two children, but I don't know their/theirs names.
8 Can we use your washing machine? Our/Ours isn't working.

^ Q Q I C ° m plete these sentences. Use friend(s) of mine/yours etc.

I went to the cinema with a friend o f mjne
They went on holiday with so m e frie n d s o f theirs...
She's going out with a friend........................................................
We had dinner with so m e ............................................................
I played tennis with a .......................................................................
Tom is going to meet a ...................................................................
Do you know those people? Are th e y ..................................

Look at the pictures. What are the people saying?

m ...




i see him, but he can't see me.

i give me your
number, and I'll
give you mine.

I etc. me etc my etc. mine etc.
(-> Unit 59) (—>Unit 60) (—>Unit 61)
A (-> Unit 59)
I know Tom. Tom knows me. It's my car. It's mine.

J We know Tom. Tom knows us. It's our car. It's ours.
m You know Tom. It's yours.
Tom knows you. It's your car.

He knows Tom. Tom knows him. It's his car. It's his.

She knows Tom. Tom knows her. It's her car. It's hers.
It's theirs.
90 They know Tom. Tom knows them. It's their car.

Study these examples: 3
O 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, I know him, but I can't remember his name.'
O She was very pleased because we invited her to stay with us at our house.

O a: Where are the children? Have you seen them?

b: Yes, they are playing with their friends in the park.
That's my pen. Can you give it to me, please?
O Is this your umbrella?' No, it's yours.'
He didn't have an umbrella, so she gave him hers. (= she gave her umbrella to him)
O I'm going out with a friend of mine this evening. (not a friend of me)

4C myself/yourself etc. Unit 63 Give me that book / Give it to me Unit 96


^jj | | Answer the questions in the same way.


Yes, I know him ,.but] can’t... Yes, I k n o w but I can't
remember his name
rem em ber.................................................

® (D o you know me?^

Yes, I ., but Yes, I . ., but
. names.

Complete the sentences in the same way.

1 We invited h e r to s t a y with u s .a t our house......
2 He invited us to stay w ith ................................................ at his house.
3 They invited me to stay w ith ....................................................................................................... house.
4 I invited them to stay....................................................................................................... house.
5 She invited us to stay....................................................................................................... house.
6 Did you invite h im ....................................................................................................... house?

^ 2 9 1 Com plete the sentences in the same way.

1 I gave h im MY phone number, a n d he gave me h is
2 I gave h e r w y phone number, and she gave m e ................................................................
3 He gave m e h is phone number, and I gave................................................................
4 We gave th e m ....................... phone number, and they gave...........................................................
5 She gave h im ....................... phone number, and he gave..................................................................
6 You gave u s number, and we gave.................................................................
7 They gave y o u number, and you gave.............................................................

m Write him/her/yours etc.

1 Where's Amanda? Have you seen her ?
2 Where are my keys? Where did I p u t.......................?
3 This book belongs to Ben. Can you give it t o ....................... ?
4 We don't see .........................neighbours much. They're not at home very often.
5 'I can't find my phone. Can I u se ....................... ?' 'Yes, of course.'
6 We're going to the cinema. W hy don't you come w ith ........................ ?
7 Did your sister pass.........................exams?
8 Some people talk a b o u t....................... work all the time.
9 Last night I went out for a meal with a friend o f .........................


6 3 myself/yourself/themselves etc.

Wm- • i ^Help yourself! w m jg
i vm They're enjoying themselves.

He's looking at himself

I —> me —> myself o I looked at myself in the mirror.
he - * him —> himself o He cut himself with a knife.
she -> her -> herself o She fell off her bike, but she didn't hurt herself.
o Please help yourself, (one person)
you _7^ you _7^<>[ yourself o Please help yourselves, (two or more people)
o We had a good holiday. We enjoyed ourselves.
we -> us [ yourselves o They had a nice time. They enjoyed themselves.
they —> them ourselves


me/him/them etc myself/himself/themselves etc.

She is looking at him He is looking at himself r--«ssjg g
I_____________________ I I_______________________ I
n vs the same person
different people

O You never talk to me. ) Sometimes I talk to myself
i They paid for themselves.
I didn't pay for them.
I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? Be careful. Don't hurt yourself.

by myself / by yourself e tc = alone:
I went on holiday by myself. (= I went alone)

) 'Was she with friends?' 'No, she was by herself'

each other
Kate and Helen are good friends. They know each other well. (= Kate knows Helen / Helen
knows Kate)
Paul and I live near each other. (= he lives near me / 1live near him)

Compare each other and -selves:



O James and Sue looked at each other. James and Sue looked at themselves.
(= he looked at her, she looked at him) (= he looked at himself, she looked at

136 ( me/him/them etc. 4 Unit 59


t f s w i Complete the sentences with myself/yourself etc.

1 He looked a t M y s e lf jn the mirror.
2 I'm not angry with you. I'm angry w ith .................................................
3 Karen had a good time in Australia. She enjoyed.................................................
4 My friends had a good time in Australia. They enjoyed.................................................
5 I picked up a very hot plate and b u rn t.................................................
6 He never thinks about other people. He only thinks ab o u t.................................................
7 I want to know more about you. Tell me ab o u t................................................. (one person)
8 Goodbye! Have a good trip and take care o f ................................................ ! (two people)

^ 2 5 1 Write sentences with by myself / by yourself etc.

1 I went on holiday alone. I wenton hoJU^

2 When I saw him, he was alone. W hen I saw him, h e ........................

3 Don't go out alone. D o n't.......................................................

4 I went to the cinema alone. I ........................................................

5 My sister lives alone. M y sister...........

6 Many people live alone. Many people.

Write sentences with each other.


Complete the sentences. Use:

each other or ourselves/yourselves/themselves or us/you/them

1 Paul and I live near each o th e r ......

2 W ho are those people? Do you k n o w them ?

3 You can help Tom, and Tom can help you. So you and Tom can he lp .....................................

4 There's food in the kitchen. If you and Chris are hungry, you can help .....................................

5 We didn't go to Emily's party. She didn't invite .................................................

6 When we go on holiday, we always e njo y.................................................

7 Helen and Jane were at school together, but they never se e ................................................ now.

8 Karen and I are very good friends. We've k n o w n for a long time.

9 'Did you see Sam and Laura at the party?' 'Yes, but I didn't speak t o .....................................

10 Many people talk t o ................................................ when they're alone.


6 4 -’s (Kate’s camera / my brother's car etc.)

KATE MY BROTHER jthe manager's office
(his or her o ff ce)
Kate's camera my brother's car
(her camera) (his car)

We normally use -'s for people:

O I stayed at my sister's house. (not the house of my sister)
O Have you met Mr Black's wife? (not the wife of M r Black)

O Are you going to James's party?
O Paul is a man's name. Paula is a woman's name.

You can use -'s w ithout a noun after it:

O Sophie's hair is longer than Kate's. (= Kates hair)
O 'Whose umbrella is this?' 'It's my mother's.' (= my mother's umbrella)
O 'Where were you last night?' 'I was at Paul's.' (= Paul's house)

friend's and friends'

my friend's house = one friend my friends' house = two or more friends
(= his house or her house) (= their house)

We w rite 's after We w rite ' after
friend/student/mother etc. (singular): friends/students/parents etc. (plural):

my mother's car (one mother) my parents' car (two parents)
my father's car (one father)

138 We use o f ... for things, places e tc .:

O Look at the roof of that building. (not that building's roof)
O We didn't see the beginning of the film. (not the film's beginning)
O What's the name of this village?

O Do you know the cause of the problem?

O You can sit in the back of the car.

O Madrid is the capital of Spain.

( mine/yours etc. Unit 61 whose . . . ?- » Unit 61 -;s (he's / Kate's etc.) Appendix 4^5


Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences about the people in the family.

1 Brian is ....Hajan’s ................husband.

HELEN * • * = « BRIAN 2 Sarah is Daniels m othar
Ok I
3 Helen is .................... .............. wife.

4 James is Sarahs

01 5 James is ...................................uncle.

0? 6 Sarah is ..................... ............. wife.
7 Helen is Daniels

JAMES SARAH 8 Sarah is James's

9 Paul is ........................ husband.

DANIEL 10 Paul is Daniel's
Helen and Brian are married.
They have a son, James, and a daughter, Sarah. 11 Daniel is ................... ...............nephew.
Sarah is married to Paul.
Sarah and Paul have a son, Daniel.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use one word only.

And this?
W hose is this? 5 *0 And this?
J U And these?
Alices........... 6 66 nAdthese?

Whose is this?

Are these sentences OK? Change them where necessary.

1 I stayed at the house of my sister. thy.sistar’s. housa
2 W hat is the name of this village? OK

3 Do you like the colour of this coat?

4 Do you have the phone number of Simon?

5 The job of my brother is very interesting.

6 Write your name at the top of the page.

7 For me, the morning is the best part of the day.

8 The favourite colour of Paula is blue.

9 When is the birthday of your mother?

10 The house of my parents isn't very big.

11 The walls of this house are very thin.

12 The car stopped at the end of the street.

13 Are you Roing to the party of Silvia next week?

14 The manager of the hotel is not here at the moment


6 5 a/an...
.. ±

He's got a camera. She's waiting for a taxi. It's a beautiful day.

a ... = one thing or person:
Rachel works in a bank. (not in bank)
Can I ask a question? (not ask question)
I don't have a job at the moment.

) There's a woman at the bus stop.

an (not a) before a/e/i/o/u:
Do you want an apple or a banana?
I'm going to buy a hat and an umbrella.
There was an interesting programme on T V last night.

also an hour (h is not pronounced: an Xour)
but a university (pronounced yuniversity)

a European country (pronounced yuropean)

another (= an + other) is one word:
Can I have another cup of coffee?

We use a/an ... when we say what a thing or a person is. For example:
The sun is a star.

O Football is a game.

C Dallas is a city in Texas.
A mouse is an animal. It's a small animal.

O Joe is a very nice person.

We use a/an ... for jobs e tc .:
( J a : What's your job?
b: I'm a dentist. (not I'm dentist)
'W hat does M ark do?' 'He's an engineer.'
W ould you like to be a teacher?
Beethoven was a composer.
Picasso was a famous painter.
Are you a student?

140 c a car / some money (countable/uncountable) Units 67-68 a and the Unit 69


Write a or an. 4 airport . university
5 new airport . hour
1 an old book 6 organisation economic problem
2 window
3 horse

What are these things? Choose from the box.

UKjIyI fuj fruit mountain river musical instrument
flower game planet tool vegetable

1 A duck is a bird. 6 Saturn is ...............
2 A carrot is ................. 7 A banana is ........
3 Tennis is ..................... 8 The Amazon is.
4 A hammer is ........... 9 A rose is ...............
5 Everest is ...................................................................................... 10A trumpet is .......

What are their jobs? Choose from the list and complete the sentences,

architect -dentist- shop assistant photographer
nurse taxi driver


help you?

1 She’s a d e n tist........................................................ 5
And you? I'm .
2 He's.
3 She...
4 ...........

Write sentences. Choose from the two boxes. Use a/an where necessary.

I want to ask you Rebecca works in old house artist
Tom never wears Jane wants to learn party q u estio n-
I can't ride Mike lives in bookshop foreign language
My brother is This evening I'm going to hat bike

1 want to ask you a..quastion.,..




The plural of a noun is usually -s: %

singular (= one) —> plural (= two or more) i some flowers
a flower —> some flowers
a train —» two trains a flower

one week —> a few weeks
a nice place —» some nice places
this student —> these students

Spelling (—>Appendix 5):

-s / -sh / -ch / -x -> -es bus —>buses dish —>dishes
also church —>churches box boxes
potato —>potatoes tomato —>tomatoes

-y -> -ies baby —» babies dictionary —>dictionaries party —>parties
d a y —>days monkey —>monkeys boy —>boys
but -ay / -ey / -oy -ys

-f / -fe —> -ves shelf —>shelves knife -> knives wife —>wives

These things are plural

scissors glasses trousers jeans shorts tights pyjamas

O Do you wear glasses?
O Where are the scissors? I need them.

You can also say a pair of scissors / a pair of trousers / a pair of pyjamas e tc .:
O I need a new pair of jeans, or I need some new jeans, (not a new jeans)

Some plurals do not end in -s: one foot —>two feet that sheep —>those sheep
a tooth —>all my teeth a fish —» a lo t offish
this man —>these men a mouse some mice
a woman —>some women
a child —>many children

also a person two people / some people / a lot of people e tc .:
O She's a nice person.

but O They are nice people, (not nice persons)

People is plural (= they), so we say people are / people have e tc .:
O A lot of people speak English, (not speaks)
O I like the people here. They are very friendly.

Police is plural:

O The police want to talk to anybody who saw the accident, (not The police wants)


m Write the plural.

1 flower flo w e rs 5 umbrella ....... 9 family
2 boat
3 woman 6 address 10 foot
4 city
7 knife 11 holiday

..... 8 sandwich ........................................ 12 potato

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.


1 There are a lot o f sheep in the field. 4 Lucy has t w o .................................

2 Gary is cleaning h is................................. 5 There are a lot o f in the river.

3 There are th ree................................ at the bus stop. 6 T h e ................................ are falling from the tree.

j?P Are these sentences OK? Change the sentences where necessary.

1 I'm going to buy some flowers. OK
2 I need ajiew jeans. ..l.naed a.newpajir ofjeans. OR...


3 It's a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. ....................

4 There was a woman in the car with two mens..............................

5 Sheep eat grass...................................................................................................

6 David is married and has three childs............................. .....................

7 Most of my friend are student..................................................................

8 He put on his pyjama and went to bed..............................................

9 We went fishing, but we didn't catch many fish...........................

10 Do you know many persons in this town? .....................

11 I like your trouser. Where did you get it? .....................

12 The town centre is usually full of tourist. .....................

13 I don't like mice. I'm afraid of them. .....................

14 This scissor isn't very sharp. .....................

Which is right? Complete the sentences.

1 It's a nice place. Many people QQ there on holiday. go or goes?
is or are?
2 Some people always late.
don't or doesn't?
3 The new city hall is not a beautiful building. Most watch or watches?
was or were? it. live or lives?
Do or Does?
4 A lot of people................................ T V every day. is or are?
it or them?
5 Three people...............................injured in the accident. a or some?

6 How many people............................... in that house?

7 ................................ the police know the cause of the explosion?

8 The p o lice...............................looking for the stolen car.

9 I need my glasses, but I can't fin d .................................

10 I'm going to b u jeans today.

Unit a bottle / some water
(countable/uncountable 1)
A noun can be countable or uncountable. (a) house (a) key (an) idea (an) accident
MMM Countable nouns
For example: (a) car (a) man (a) bottle

You can use one/two/three (etc.) + countable nouns (you can count them): lli

A AA it f■'■i ‘ < -
one bottle two bottles three men
four houses

Countable nouns can be singular (= one) or plural (= two or more):

singular a car the car my car etc.

p/ura/ cars two cars the cars some cars many cars etc

O I've got a car.
O New cars are very expensive.
O There aren't many cars in the car park.

You can't use the singular (car/bottle/key etc.) alone. You need a/an:
O We can't get into the house w ithout a key. (not without key)

Uncountable nouns
For example: water air rice salt plastic money music tennis

water salt

water salt m< 'nJ $ 9


You can't say one/two/three (etc.) + these things: one-water- two musics

Uncountable nouns have only one form:
money the money my money some money much money etc.

O I've got some money.
O There isn't much money in the box.
O 'Money isn't everything.

You can't use a/an + uncountable nouns: X money X music X water

But you can say a piece o f ... / a bottle o f ... etc. + uncountable noun:

a bottle of water a carton of milk a bar of chocolate
a piece of cheese a bottle of perfume a piece of music
a bowl of rice a cup of coffee a game of tennis

144 f a/an 4 Unit 65 countable/uncountable 2 4 Unit 68


What are these things? Some are countable and some are uncountable. Write a/an if necessary.
The names of these things are:

bucket envelope money sand toothbrush wallet
eSS Jug spoon toothpaste water

It's salt... It's a spoon.. It's. It’s.


It's. It's. It's. It's.

© 0O



It's It's. It's. ■J

ran Some of these sentences are OK, but some need a/an. Write a/an where necessary.

1 \J don't have watch a w atch ............... 9 Jamaica is island................
2 Do you like cheese? Q E........................... 10 I don't need key. ............
3 I never wear hat....................................... 11 Everybody needs food.
4 Are you looking for job? .................................. 12 I've got good idea............
5 Kate doesn't eat meat....................................... 13 Can you drive car? ....................................
6 Kate eats apple every day. ................................... 14 Do you want cup of coffee? ..............
7 I'm going to party tonight........................................ 15 I don't like coffee w ithout milk...........
8 Music is wonderful thing........................................ 16 Don't go out without umbrella..........

What are these things? Write a ... o f ... for each picture. Use the words in the boxes.

© ©©

bar cup loaf bread milk tea
paper water
bowl glass piece + chocolate soup wood

Ccii Iv/i i jar piece honey

a carton of milk 4 7
3 .. 5 .. 8


Unit a cake / some cake / some cakes an apple
6 8 a(countable/uncountable 2)
some apples
a/an and some
some cheese or
a/an + singular countable nouns (car/apple/shoe etc): a piece of cheese

O I need a new car.

O Would you like an apple?

some + plural countable nouns (cars/apples/shoes etc):

O I need some new shoes.

O Would you like some apples?

some + uncountable nouns (water/money/music etc):
O I need some water.

O Would you like some cheese?

(or Would you like a piece of cheese?)

Compare a and some:

O Nicola bought a hat, some shoes and some perfume.
O I read a newspaper, made some phone calls, and listened to some music.

M any nouns are sometimes countable and sometimes uncountable. For example:

a cake 0

some cake or a piece of cake

a chicken some chickens some chicken or a piece of chicken

Compare a paper (= a newspaper) and some paper:
I want something to read. I'm going to buy a paper.

but I want to make a shopping list. I need some paper / a piece of paper, (not a paper)

Be careful with:
advice bread furniture hair information news weather work

These nouns are usually uncountable. So you can't say a/an ... i, and they can't be

plural ( advices, furnitures etc.).

O Can I talk to you? I need some advice, (not an advice)

I'm going to buy some bread, (not a bread)

O They've got some nice furniture in their house, (not furnitures)
O Silvia has very long hair, (not hairs)

Where can I get some information about hotels here? (not informations)

Listen! I've just had some good news, (not a good news)

It's nice weather today, (not a nice weather)

'Do you like your job?' 'Yes, but it's hard work.' (not a hard work)

We say a job (but not a work):
) I've got a new job. (not a new work)

4( countable/uncountable 1 Unit 67 some and any Unit 76


What can you see in these pictures? Use a or some.


Write sentences with Would you like a ... ? or Would you like some ... ?

(m I© a some ^ .............................. 4 ?
2 W ould you like................................................................... ? 5 ?

3 W ould ?6

Write a/an or some.

1 Iread a book and listened t o pom

2 Ineed money. I want to b u

3 We m et interesting people at the party.

4 I'm going to o p e n window to g e t.............. fresh air.

5 Rachel didn't eat much for lunch - o n ly ............... apple a n d bread.
beautiful trees.
6 We live in big house. There's nice garden w ith
7 I'm going to make a table. First I n eed wood.

8 Listen to me carefully. I'm going to give y o u ...............advice.

9 Iwant to make a list of things to do. I nee d paper an d

Which is right?

1 I'm going to buy some new shoe/shoes, (shoes is right)
2 M ark has brown eve/eves.
3 Paula has short black hair/hairs.
4 The tour guide gave us some information/informations about the city.
5 We're going to buy some new chair/chairs.
6 We're going to buy some new furniture/furnitures.
7 It's hard to find a work/job at the moment.
8 We had wonderful weather / a wonderful weather when we were on holiday.

Unit the

6 9 a/an and the


Can you open ,
a window?
Can you op
the window?

There are three windows here, There is only one window here -
a window - window 1 or 2 or 3 the window.

O I've got a car. O I'm going to clean the car tomorrow.
(there are many cars and I've got one)
(= my car)
O Can I ask a question? (there are many Can you repeat the question, please?
(= the question that you asked)
questions - can I ask one?) J We enjoyed our holiday. The hotel
O Is there a hotel near here? (there are was very nice. (= our hotei)
Paris is the capital of France.
many hotels - is there one near here?) (there is only one capital of France)
Lisa is the youngest student in her
O Paris is an interesting city, (there are class, (there is only one youngest
student in her class)
many interesting cities and Paris is one)
O Lisa is a student.

(there are many students and Lisa
is one)

Compare a and the:

O I bought a jacket and a shirt . The jacket was cheap, but the shirt was expensive.

(= the jacket and the shirt that I bought)

We say the ... when it is clear which thing or person we mean. For example:

the door / the ceiling / the floor / the carpet / the light etc. (o f a room)
the roof / the garden / the kitchen / the bathroom etc. (o f a house)
the centre / the station / the airport / the town hall etc. (o f a town)

'Where's Tom? 'In the kitchen.'
(= the kitchen of this house or flat)
Turn off the light and close the door.
( - the light and the door of the room)
Do you live far from the centre?

the centre of your town)
I'd like to speak to the manager, please.
(= the manager of this shop etc.)

148 ( a/an Unit 65 the Units 70-73


W rite a/an or the.

1 We enjoyed our trip hotel was very nice.

2 'Can I a sk a question?' 'Sure. W hat do you want to know?'

3 You look very tired.- You n eed holiday.

4 'Where's Tom?' 'He's in ............... garden.'

5 Eve is interesting person. You should meet her.

6 a : Excuse me, can you tell me how to get t o city centre?

b: Yes, go straight on and then ta k e next turning left.

7 a : Shall we go out fo r meal this evening?

b: Yes, that's.................good idea.

8 It's nice morning. Let's go fo r walk.

9 Amanda is ..................student. W hen she finishes her studies, she wants to b e journalist. She

lives with two friends in apartment near college where she is studying....................

apartment is small, but she likes it.

10 Peter and Mary have two children, boy an d girl......................boy is seven years old, and

girl is three. Peter works in factory. Mary doesn't have job at the moment.

Complete the sentences. Use a or the + these words:
airport cup dictionary door floor picture

These sentences are not correct. Put in a/an or the where necessary.

1 Don't forget to tujm^offlight when you go out...................... ....Turn off^ht.
2 Enjoy your trip, and don't forget to send me postcard...................................................
3 W hat is name of this village?...........................................................................................................
4 Canada is very big country...............................................................................................................
5 W hat is largest city in Canada?......................................................... .............................................
6 I like this room, but I don't like colour of carpet.................................................................
7 'Are you OK?' 'No, I've got headache.'...................................................................................
8 We live in old house near station.................................................................................................
9 W hat is name of director of film we saw last night? .............................................


th e ...

We use the when it is clear which thing or person we mean:

O W hat is the name of this street? (there is only one name)
O W ho is the best player in your team? (there is only one best player)
O Can you tell me the time, please? (= the time now)
O M y office is on the first floor. (= the first floor of the building)

Don't forget the:
O Do you live near the city centre? (not near city centre)
O Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? (not where is nearest...)

the s a m e ...
O We live in the same street. (not in same street)

O Are these two books different?' 'No, they're the same.' (not they're same)

We say:
the sun / the moon / the world / the sky / the sea / the country

O The sky is blue and the sun is shining.
O Do you live in a town or in the country?

the police / the fire brigade / the army (of a city, country e tc)
O My brother is a soldier. He's in the army.
O W hat do you think of the police? Do they do a good job?

the top / the end / the middle / the left etc.

O Write your name at the top of the page. the left the right
the bottom
O My house is at the end of the street.

O The table is in the middle of the room.

O Do you drive on the right or on the left in your country?

(play) the piano / the guitar / the trum pet etc. (musical instruments)

O Paula is learning to play the piano.

the radio

%O I listen to the radio a lot.
the internet
O W hat do you use the internet for?

150 We do not use the with:

television / T V

O I watch T V a lot.

O What's on television tonight?
but Can you turn off the TV? (= the T V set)

breakfast / lunch / dinner

O W hat did you have for breakfast? (not the breakfast)
O Dinner is ready!

next / last + week/month/year/summer/Monday etc.
O I'm not working next week, (not the next week)
O Did you have a holiday last summer? (not the last summer)

4( a/an and the ■» Unit 69 the Units 71-73 the oldest / the most expensive etc. Unit 90


^ Put in the where necessary. Write 'OK' if the sentence is already correct.

1 W hat is name of this street?......................................................................The. name........................

2 What's on T V tonight? O K ........................................

3 O ur apartment is on second floor.........................................................................................................

4 Would you like to go to moon?......................................................... ....................................................

5 W hich is best hotel in this town?...................................................... ....................................................

6 W hat time is lunch?................................................................................... ....................................................

7 How far is it to city centre?

8 We're going away at end of May........................................................ ....................................................

9 W hat are you doing next weekend?................................................ ....................................................

10 I didn't like her first time I met her........................................................................................................

11 I'm going out after dinner....................................................................... ....................................................

12 It's easy to get information from internet..................................... ....................................................

13 My sister got married last month...................................................... ....................................................

14 My dictionary is on top shelf on right............................................ ....................................................

15 We live in country about ten miles from nearest town...........................................................

Complete the sentences. Use the same + these words:
age colour problem street time

1 I live in North Street and you live in North Street. We live in T h a .sa m e .stra e t.
2 I arrived at 8.30 and you arrived at 8.30. We arrived a t ...........................................................
3 James is 25 and Sue is 25. James and Sue a re .................................................................................
4 My shirt is dark blue and so is my jacket. M y shirt and jacket are ...................................
5 I have no money and you have no money. We have..............................................................

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the if necessary.

I® ®
I Lisa Black
I Paul Roberts

C krls Stone

mRebecca W atso n mlm

S arah Kelly

Tom H o w a r d s

1 The sun is shining. 4 He's w atching......................................
2 She's playing
3 They're having 5Th ey'resw im m in g in ....

6Tom'snameisa t ......................... of the list.

Complete these sentences. Choose from the list. Use the if necessary,
capital d inne r police lunch middle name sky TV

1 We h a d djnner at a restaurant last night.
2 We stayed at a very nice hotel, but I don't rem em ber.................................................................
3 ................................................................ is very clear tonight. You can see all the stars.
4 Sometimes there are some good films o n ................................................................ late at night.
5 Somebody was trying to break into the shop, so I called ................................................................
6 Tokyo is .............................................................. of Japan.
7 'W hat did you have fo r................................................................?' 'A salad.'
8 I woke up in ................................................................of the night.

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