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Buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas 9

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Published by ssuriana530, 2022-02-09 20:50:16

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Buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas 9

Keywords: English

Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

3.12.18 Menjelaskan struktur teks pesan singkat
3.12.19 Menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan pesan singkat
3.12.20 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial pengumuman lisan
3.12.21 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial pengumuman tulis
3.12.22 Menjelaskan struktur teks pengumuman lisan
3.12.23 Menjelaskan struktur teks pengumuman tulis
3.12.24 Menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan pengumuman lisan
3.12.25 Menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan pengumuman tulis
3.12.26 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial pemberitahuan lisan
3.12.27 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial pemberitahuan tulis
3.12.28 Menjelaskan struktur teks pemberitahuan lisan
3.12.29 Menjelaskan struktur teks pemberitahuan tulis
3.12.30 Menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan pemberitahuan lisan
3.12.31 Menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan pemberitahuan tulis
3.12.32 Menjelaskan simple present tense
3.12.33 Menjelaskan present continuous tense
3.12.34 Menjelaskan passive voice

Indikator Kunci

3.12.35 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pesan singkat
3.12.36 Menentukan struktur teks beberapa pesan singkat
3.12.37 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pesan singkat
3.12.38 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pengumuman lisan
3.12.39 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pengumuman tulis
3.12.40 Menentukan struktur teks beberapa pengumuman lisan
3.12.41 Menentukan struktur teks beberapa pengumuman tulis
3.12.42 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pengumuman lisan
3.12.43 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pengumuman tulis
3.12.44 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pemberitahuan (notice) lisan


3.12.45 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pemberitahuan (notice)

3.12.46 Menentukan struktur teks beberapa pemberitahuan (notice)

3.12.47 Menentukan struktur teks beberapa pemberitahuan (notice)

3.12.48 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pemberitahuan (notice)

3.12.49 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa pemberitahuan (notice)

3.12.50 Menerapkan fungsi sosial pesan singkat tulis
3.12.51 Menerapkan struktur teks pesan singkat tulis
3.12.52 Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan pesan singkat tulis
3.12.53 Menerapkan fungsi sosial pengumuman lisan
3.12.54 Menerapkan fungsi sosial pengumuman tulis
3.12.55 Menerapkan struktur teks pengumuman lisan
3.12.56 Menerapkan struktur teks pengumuman tulis
3.12.57 Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan pengumuman lisan
3.12.58 Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan pengumuman tulis
3.12.59 Menerapkan fungsi sosial pemberitahuan (notice) lisan
3.12.60 Menerapkan fungsi sosial pemberitahuan (notice) tulis
3.12.61 Menerapkan struktur teks pemberitahuan (notice) lisan
3.12.62 Menerapkan struktur teks pemberitahuan (notice) tulis
3.12.63 Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan pemberitahuan (notice) lisan
3.12.64 Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan pemberitahuan (notice) tulis

Indikator Pengayaan
3.12.65 Menganalisis fungsi sosial pesan singkat sesuai konteks
3.12.66 Menganalisis struktur teks pesan singkat sesuai konteks
3.12.67 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan pesan singkat sesuai konteks


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

3.12.68 Menganalisis fungsi sosial pengumuman sesuai konteks
3.12.69 Menganalisis struktur teks pengumuman sesuai konteks
3.12.70 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan pengumuman sesuai konteks
3.12.71 Menganalisis fungsi sosial pemberitahuan (notice) sesuai konteks
3.12.72 Menganalisis struktur teks pemberitahuan (notice) sesuai konteks
3.12.73 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan pemberitahuan (notice) sesuai


4.12 Teks pesan singkat dan pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice).
4.12.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pesan singkat dan
pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) lisan dan tulis, sangat
pendek dan sederhana, terkait kegiatan sekolah.
4.12.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk pesan singkat dan
pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice), sangat pendek dan
sederhana, terkait kegiatan sekolah, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar
dan sesuai konteks.


Indikator Pendukung Mengumpulkan pesan singkat sesuai konteks Mengumpulan pengumuman lisan video sesuai konteks Mengupulkan pegumuman tulis sesuai konteks Mengumpulkan pemberitahuan lisan video sesuai konteks Mengumpulkan pemberitahuan tulis sesuai konteks

Indikator Kunci Membuat kembali pesan singkat tertulis sederhana sesaui
konteks Membuat kembali pengumuman lisan sederhana sesuai
konteks Membuat kembali pengumuman tulis sederhana sesuai
konteks Membuat kembali pemeberitahuan lisan sederhana sesuai
konteks Membuat kembali pemberitahuan tulis sederhana sesuai

Indikator Pengayaan Melengkapi pesan singkat tertulis sederhana sesuai konteks Melengkapi pengumuman sekolah lisan sesuai konteks Melengkapi pengumuman sekolah tulis sesuai konteks Melengkapi pemberitahuan lisan kegiatan sekolah sesuai konteks Melengkapi pemberitahuan tulis kegiatan sekolah sesuai konteks Melengkapi pesan singkat sederhana sesuai konteks


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Indikator Penunjang Mengoreksi pesan singkat kegiatan sekolah sesuai konteks Mengoreksi pengumuman lisan kegiatan sekolah sesuai

konteks Mengoreksi pengumuman tulis kegiatan sekolah sesuai

konteks Mengoreksi pemberitahuan lisan kegiatan sekolah sesuai

konteks Mengoreksi pemberitahuan tulis kegiatan sekolah sesuai



ndikator Kunci Menyusun pesan singkat sederhana sesuai konteks Menyusun pengumuman lisan kegiatan sekolah sesuai konteks Menyusun pengumuman tulis kegiatan sekolah sesuai konteks Menyusun pemberitahuan lisan kegiatan sekolah sesuai konteks Menyusun pemberitahuan tulis kegiatan sekolah Mengirim pesan singkat kegiatan sekolah

Indikator Pengayaan Mengirim Pesan singkat sesuai konteks Memproduksi pengumuman lisan sesuai konteks melalui media

sosial Memproduksi pengumuman tulis sesuai konteks melalui media

sosial Memproduksi pemberitahuan lisan sesuai konteks melalui media

sosial Memproduksi pemberitahuan tulis melalui media sosial


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

A. Sub Bagian

Media dan cara berkomunikasi dapat beragam baik secara lisan maupun tulis,
diantaranya adalah pesan singkat, pengumuman, dan pemberitahuan.

Pesan singkat berbentuk teks pendek yang dapat disampaikan melaui SMA
(short message service) maupun media sosial lainnya. Pesan singkat juga
dapat dikirmkan melalui email elektronik sebagai pengingat. Sebagai contoh
pesan singkat dapat berupa pengingat kepada teman bahwa ada PR yang harus
dikumpulkan ketika masuk kelas.

Pengumuman dapat berupa pengumuman lisan maupun pengumuman tulis.
Pengumuman lisan dapat kita temukan di sekolah ketika guru pramuka
misalnya mengingatkan siswa-siswa untuk latihan pramuka. Sedangkan
pengumuman lisan dapat berupa pengumuman yang disampaikan oleh kepala
sekolah mengenai akhir tahun pembelajaran atau awal tahun pembelajaran
dan hal ini dapat disampaikan melalui selebaran yang diberikan kepada orang
tua murid atau ditempel di papan pengumuman atau majalah dinding.

Pemberitahuan dapat juga dilakukan secara lisan maupun tulis. Misalnya
ketika anak-anak keluar istirahat dan ada tumpahan air atau air tergenang.
Agar anak-anak tidak terpeleset atau jatuh makan ada petugas yang
memberitahukan agar anak-anak tidak melewati lantai basah tersebut. Cara
lain adalah petugas menempatkan pemberitahuan bahwa lantai basah, atau
licin agar anak-anak dapat mengambil jalan lain.

Jadi banyak ragam atau cara dalm berkomunikasi atau menyampaikan pesan
baik itu secara lisan maupun tulis, seperti tersebut diatas, melalui pesan
singkat, pengumuman, dan pemberitahuan. Yang perlu ditekankan juga bahwa


dalam melakukan pesan singkat, pengumuman, dan pemberitahuan maka
individu atau orang yang dituju untuk berkomunikasi jelas, isi dari pesan jelas,
singkat dan dapat dimengerti.
Dalam pelajaran ini siswa dapat diajak untuk lebih peka dan mengasah
kemampuan berbahasanya dalam menyampaikan pesan yang dimaksud agar
lawan bicara atau orang lain dapat memahami dan mengikuti. Kemampuan
berkomunikasi akan membantu siswa untuk memiliki kehidupan sosial yang
lebih baik dan mengasah nuraninya agar dapat bersimpati dan berempati
terdahap situasi orang lain.

Gambar 1 Pesan Singkat

Gambar 2 Pengumuman


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

A. Sub Bagian

Pada bagian ini akan dibahas soal-soal UN tahun 2016 sampai dengan tahun
Kelas: VIII, KD 3.12:
Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks khusus dalam bentuk pesan singkat dan pengumuman/ pemberitahuan
(notice), dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Tahun Soal: 2016 (P1)
Nomor Soal: 1,2,3, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16
The following text is for questions 1 to 3

Due to extreme weather, our school is closing 4 hours earlier, at 11.00
a.m. If you pick up your chile, please be at school no later than 10.30 a.m.
Buses will follow their normal routes.
2. 1. Why will the school be closing earlier?
3. A. There are fewer school activities.
4. B. There is a threat of terrible weather.
5. C. Parents want to pick up their children soon.
6. D. School buses have new routes and schedules.
7. 2. What time will classes be over


8. A. 10.30 a.m.
9. B. 11.00 a.m.
10. C. 03.00 p.m.
11. D. 04.00 p.m
12. 3. “Due to extreme weather, …….”
13. The underlined word is closest in meaning to ……
14. A. mild
15. B. warm
16. C. pleasant
17. D. Severe
The following text is for questions 10 to 12

10. What is the announcement about?
A. Semester holiday.
B. Neighbour’s pet.
C. Writing project
D. Picture description

11. What should the students do during their holiday?
A. Doing project of descriptive text.
B. Describing the first day of semester.


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

C. Being away from school.
D. Taking pictures of a pet.
12. “You have to submit it on the first day ……”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ……
A. Bring
B. Collect
C. Take
D. Send
The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

15. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield?
A. Mr. Andrew
B. Mr. Winfield.
C. Andrew’s secretary.
D. The secretary of Mr. Winfield.

16. From the text we know that. Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to …. Of the
A. ask the place
B. fix the date


C. ask information about
D. Clarify the postponement
Tahun Soal: 2016 (P2)
Nomor Soal: 1,2,3
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

1. Why are Monday classes suspended?
A. Because of electricity problem.
B. Because of the governor’s visit.
C. To commemorate governor’s birthday.
D. To get information from RIS office.

2. How can students get more details about the school suspension?
A. Send an email to the governor.
B. Contact the school office.
C. Read the announcement
D. Welcome the governor.

3. “All classes on Monday (4 April) are suspended”.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…..
A. continued
B. combined


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

C. cxplained
D. postponed
Tahun Soal: 2016 (P3)
Nomor Soal: 1,2,3
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

1. According to the text, 23 March is commemorated as ……
A. Choir Day anniversary
B. the school’s principal
C. the school anniversary
D. Ms. Andini’s special day

2. To whom should we meet to get detailed information?
A. The principal.
B. Ms. Andini.
C. The winning team.
D. The students of SMP Bintang Kejora.

3. “Three winning teams will be awarded cash prize and thropies”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…..


A. Given
B. Asked
C. Covered
D. delivered


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Tahun Soal: 2017 (P3)
Nomor Soal: 1,2
The text below is for questions 1 and 2

All students are required to attend the Indonesia’s Independence Day
ceremony on Wednesday 17, August 2016 at 7 A.M. at the school
yard. Please wear your white-blue uniform complete with all
Vice Principal.

1. Why does the school issue this notice?
A. to ask students to attend the Independence Day ceremony
B. to inform about Indonesia’s Independence Day.
C. to tell the students when the Indonesia’s Independence Day is
D. to invite students to contribute in the Indonesia’s Independence Day

2. What must students do in regard with the notice?
A. pay attention to the notice
B. fill all the requirements
C. wear tie and cap
D. send regard to the principal

The following text is for questions 3 to 5


In celebration of youth art month
Bina Prestasi elementary school
The 5th Annual Students Art Exhibition
We invite all students to participate in
one of the following programs:

 Fine art
 Musical Performance
 Dance performance
Please contact your teachers or register
to [email protected]

3. Where does the school publish that announcement?
A. to inform about youth art month
B. to ask students’ participations
C. to present “creations”
D. to contact their art teachers.

4. What can students present in the art exhibition?
A. poetry reading
B. paintings
C. story telling
D. garage sale

5. “the 5th annual students art exhibition.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ……..
A. once a year
B. twice a year
C. three times a year
D. four times a year


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

The following text is for questions 6 to 8.

Approaching the summer holiday 2017, Bintang Prestasi secondary
school is organizing “Youth Summer Camp”

We invite all students to this program.

When : 3-10 July 2017

Place : Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur

Programs : Outdoor games, sports, camping

Should you interested in joining this program, please register yourself
to Mr. Surya Priatna.

*you should present your parents’ concent when registering.



6. What is the announcement about?
A. school’s invitation
B. school’s registration
C. summer holiday
D. summer camp

7. What should students do if they want to join the program?
A. confirm the invitation
B. ask parents’ permission
C. go to Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur
D. practice some sports

8. We know from the announcement that the program …… for one week.
A. survives
B. lasts
C. changes


D. starts
Tahun Soal: 2018 (P1), Nomor Soal: 4 s.d. 14

4. The text is mainly about …….. available day and time for ‘angklung’
music practice
A. saying
B. finding
C. collecting
D. announcing

5. What would happen if all members texted the available day and time
through WA group?
A. The preparation of angklung music made.
B. The procedure of the anklung music practice is set.
C. The result of the day and time to practice is cancelled.
D. The process of deciding time and day to practice is started.


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices


Tahun Soal: 2018 (P1),
Nomor Soal: 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

9. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To ask Rizky to visit grandfather.
B. To ask Rizky to go to airport soon.
C. To inform Rizky to be ready to the funeral.
D. To inform Rizky that grandfather had passed away.

10. Why are they going to Wonogiri soon?
A. They plan to attend the funeral.
B. They want to go together.
C. Their grandfather passed away.
D. Their mom already bought the tickets.

11. “We are going to leave for Wonogiri ……. “
The word ‘we’ refers to …..
A. Nanda and his Father
B. Nanda, Rizky, and his mom
C. Rizky, Nanda, and his father
D. Rizky, Nanda, and the parents.


B. Sub Bagian

Not available


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

A. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

Ada beberapa aktifitas yang dapat dilakukan dengan pesan pendek,
pengumuman, dan pemberitahuan.

Aktivitas 1

2. Guru memberikan lembar KWL ke siswa.
3. Siswa mengisi bagian K dan W

What you KNOW What you WANT to What you
LEARNED 4.Secara


berkelompok, brainstorming dengan siswa apa yang mereka ketahui
tentang pesan pendek, pengumuman, dan pemberitahuan yang mereka
temui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
5. Siswa berdiskusi mengenai tujuan dari pesan pendek, pengumuman, dan
6. Guru memberikan contoh pada masing-masing kelompok teks pendek,
pegumuman, dan pemberitahuan.
7. Guru menugaskan dalam kelompok fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan dari teks tersebut.
8. Siswa mendiskusikan sumber/media belajar di masing-masing kelompok
9. Siswa/kelompok mengemukakan ke kelas apa yang mereka ketahui
tentang pesan pendek, pengumuman, dan pemberitahuan beserta tujuan
dari pesan pendek, pengumuman dan pemberitahuan.
10. Siswa menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
yang mereka miliki.


11. Kelompok/siswa memberikan masukan dan pendapat mereka terhadap
hasil diskusi kelompok lain.

12. Guru melakukan wrap up; definisi teks pendek, pengumuman, dan
pemberitahuan, jenis (lisan/tulisan) dan tujuannya dengan mengambil
contoh pada kegiatan sehari-hari.

Aktivitas 2


1. Siswa bekerja dalam kelompok.
2. Guru memberi latihan beberapa teks pesan pendek, pengumuman, dan

pemberitahuan kepada siswa
3. Siswa menjabarkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari

teks-teks contoh tersebut.
4. Siswa menjelas fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

teks yang mereka sudah diskusikan ke kelas dengan aktifitas window
shopping dengan menggunakan informan
5. Siswa kembali ke kelompok dengan informasi yang didapat dari beberapa
kelompok lain.
6. Siswa mendiskusikan hasil temuan di kelompok masing-masing
7. Siswa mempresentasikan/memberikan masukan kepada kepompok lain.
8. Siswa membandingkan teks yang telah dipresentasikan oleh masing-
masing kelompok
9. Guru melakukan wrap up dan mengapresiasi siswa


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Due to teacher training program of Guru Hebat Foundation, all students
will be free on Friday, 13th of April 2019 and do their study at home.
The class will be conducted as usual on the next day. We appologize for
the inconvenience. Thank you.
Head of Curriculum
SMP Hebat.
My lovely children,
Mommy is away for some work and sorry for not being able to be with
you all in few days. I’ll be home by this Friday. Take care and mommy
loves you all.


Aktivitas 3

1. Guru meminta siswa bekerja berpasangan
2. Siswa mencari teks atau membuat teks pesan pendek, pengumuman dan pemberitahuan.
3. Siswa menuliskan tujuan, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks yang

mereka bahas.
4. Siswa memberikan hasil kerjanya kepada pasangan lain
5. Siswa memeriksa hasil pekerjaan pasangan/kelompok lain
6. Siswa mengembalikan pekerjaan ke pasangan asal.
7. Guru memeriksa pemahaman siswa mengenai teks pesan pendek, pengumuman, dan

8. Guru melakukan wrap up
9. Siswa mengisi lembar KWL (L)
10.Guru menarik Lembar KWL

What you KNOW What you WANT to What you



B. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

Setelah kegiatan, peserta didik mampu:

a. Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa teks short message, announcement, dan notice.
b. Menentukan struktur teks beberapa short message, announcement, dan notice.
c. Menentukan unsur kebahasaan beberapa short message, announcement, dan notice.
d. menganalisis fungsi sosial beberapa teks short message, announcement, dan notice.
e. menganalisis struktur teks beberapa short message, announcement, dan notice.
f. menganalisis unsur kebahasaan beberapa short message, announcement, dan notice.


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Lembar Kerja 1
Direction: Read the text below, then fill in the blanks.

Hi Kak,
Please call mommy if you have finished your class. I will order Gojeg for you.
Love you

1. The text above is a(an) ____________________________
2. The purpose of the text is __________________________
3. The writer of the text will order Gojeg for his/her mom probably

because _______________________________________________
4. If I don’t have a phone with me and I want to order Gojeg, I

5. People nowadays prefer texting to calling probably because

Lembar Kerja 2
Read the following text, then answer the questions

For Your Attention!
The meeting will start in 10 minutes. To all attendees please conclude
your dinner and proceed to Parahyangan Room on the Third Floor.
Thank You

1. What type of text is is?


2. Who is probably the writer of the text?
3. What is the possible reason for the writer to write the text?
4. Where are the attendees at the moment?
5. Is the meeting in the morning, afternoon, or evening? How do you

6. Where is the meeting most probably taking place?
7. If you are invited in a meeting, such as OSIS meeting, is it important to

come on time? Why or why not.
8. Why do people have a meeting?

Lembar Kerja 3

Pay attention to the notice below, then answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the purpose of the notice?
2. Who is the notice for?
3. Why is the notice background color red, not green, or yellow?
4. Where can you possibly see the notice?
5. What are probably the reasons why visitors may not feed the animals?
6. Why do you think visitors like to feed the animals?
7. Please write down five other places where you can see notices.
8. If you want to make a notice to ask people not to horn in your housing complex at

night, what are you going to write below it?


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

C. Bahan Bacaan

Bahan Bacaan 1

1.1 Definition

Short message is a written piece of information that you give to other
people. The short message can be in a form of traditional written message
or like todays form of messages which are electronic message; email and
social media, such as WhatsApp, messenger, SMS etc.

1.2 Function

The function of the short message is to send message to intended person
with a short on concise message, while the content is clear and understood
by other people. You might want to write a letter if you need to talk longer
but if you just need to leave a short message you can use this type of

1.3 Structure

The structure of a short message should consist of:
1) the addressee, the one who accept the message. For example: Dear

Afifah, Hi Hady, etc.
2) contain, what the message is. For example, you have promised your

friend to have a group work, but then something come up. Therefore,


you need to inform your friend that you cannot come, or you will come
late to that group work.
3) and the sender, who send the message. You used to write your name on
the message but later if you send your message using electronic device
such as mobile phone which can save your number in others’ device
you might not need to write your name. Otherwise, you need to write
your name.

Tabel 1 Struktur Teks Naratif

Structure Examples

adressee Dear Hady,

Hi Afifah,

Hello Agus,

Dear Ms. Park,

Content I need to pick your sister up at
school. The house door will be lock.
Please tell Ms. Mar to find the key in
the usual place.

Mommy will be away for some work.
Please call me if you have something
to talk about.

Sender Mom


Your brother


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Love, Mom.

1.4 Feature

Language features usually used in announcement text are simple present
tense and simple future tense. For example:

Bahan Bacaan 2


2.1 Definition
Announcement is a short functional text which consist of facts, event, or
intentions, which are delivered in oral or written.

2.2 Function
The function of announcement is to let everyone know what has happened
and what will happen in the future. Information will give information to
public or just to small number of us.

2.3 Structure
There are some important parts of announcement that should be
understood by the user or the person who will give an announcement
1) The title of Announcement
There is a title for an announcement but sometimes people do not put
a title. The title of the announcement will tell the audience or reader
what the announcement about.


For example: “Open Day”, Enterpreneur Day”, “English Speech Contest”,
“Saturday-Sunday Super Camp”
2) Day, Date, and time
Day, date, and time will inform when the event, for instance, take place.
For example:
Day : Wednesday
Date : 17th of August 2020
Time : 09.00 am
3) Place
The statement of place of event will tell the reader where the event take
For example: Sport Hall, Meeting Room, Scout Camp
4) Contact Person
The contact person name and number usually stated so that the
audience or reader who are interested in the event will be easier to
know or join the event.
For example: Hafiz, class 7A

Phone number: 0123456789
5) Addressee

The addressee is the subject to whom the announcement for.
For example: To All Students, To All Camps Participants, To All Parents.

2.4 Features


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Language features usually used in announcement text are simple present
tense and simple future tense. For example:
 Due to some technical problems, the show will be postponed....
 We apologize for the inconvenience
 There will be a meeting on ....
 Please come on time and...

Bahan Bacaan 3

1.1 Definition

Notice is a piece of information that gives pople understanding on a situation.
Notice can be in a form of command, caution, information and prohibition

1.2 Function

 Commad is a kind of notice that instruct people to do something. These are
the samples.


 Information is a kind of notice that gives warning to people to not do
something or cautious toward the notice. For example:

 Prohibition is kind of notice that warns people not to do the thing shown on
it, for example:

1.3 Feature

The language feature that usually use in a notice is simple present tense as
seen in the example above; “Silence, please. Exam in progress”, “wet floor”, or
“staff only”.


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

A. Pembahasan Soal-soal

Soal-soal yang dibahas di bawah ini merupakan soal-soal UN dari tahun 2016
sampai dengan tahun 2018

Tahun Soal: 2016 (P1)

Nomor Soal: 1,2,3, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16

Untuk soal no 1 s.d. 3


Due to extreme weather, our school is closing 4 hours earlier, at 11.00 a.m.
if you pick up your child, please be at school no later than 10.30 a.m. Buses
will follow their normal routes.

1. Why is the school closing earlier?
A. There are fewer activities.
B. There is a threat of terrible weather.
C. Parents want to pick up their children soon.
D. School buses have new routes and schedules

Pada pertanyaan ini, jawaban dapat ditemukan dengan cepat dan mudah.
Level yang digunakan dalam pertanyaan ini merupakan level identifikasi
(C1) yang merupakan level kognitif terbawah.

2. What time will classes be over?
A. 10.30 a.m.
B. 11.00 a.m.
C. 03.00 p.m


D. 04.00 p.m
Soal diatas juga merupakan soal dengan tingkat kognitif terendah yaitu C1.
Yang perlu diingat adalah dalam membuat soal tidak salah mencantumkan
soal dengan tingkat kognitif rendah namun tidak terlalu banyak.
3. “Due to extreme weather, ...”
A. mild
B. warm
C. pleasant
D. severe
Dalam soal Ini siswa ditanya pemahamannya mengenai satu kata atau
vocabulary. Soal seperti ini tidak memerlukan murid untuk memahami
teks secara keseluruhan, cukup dengan memperhatikan kata tertentu saja
kemudian menentukan persamaan arti katanya dengan pilihan yang ada.

10. What is the announcement about?
A. Semester holiday
B. Neighbour’s pet
C. Writing project
D. Picture description


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Pada pertanyaan diatas siswa dituntut memahami teks, akan tetapi
pertanyaan yang ada masih pada level identifikasi (C1).
11. What should the student do during their holiday?
A. Doing project of desctiptive text
B. Describing the first day of semester
C. Being away from school
D. Taking pictures of a pet

Soal ini juga masih setipe dengan soal sebelumnya yang mencakup
level kognitif rendah.

12. You have to submit it on the first day...”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Bring
B. Collect
C. Take
D. Send
Dalam soal Ini siswa ditanya pemahamannya mengenai satu kata atau
vocabulary. Soal seperti ini tidak memerlukan murid untuk memahami
teks secara keseluruhan, cukup dengan memperhatikan kata tertentu
saja kemudian menentukan persamaan arti katanya dengan pilihan
yang ada.


15. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield?
A. Andrew
B. Mr. Winfield
C. Andrew’s secretary
D. The secretary of Mr. Winfield

Siswa dituntut untuk memahami teks dengan lebih seksama, jika tidak
mereka akan mungkin menjawan dengan respon yang salah. Soal seperti
ini sedikit mengecoh siwa tapi jika pemahaman siswa sudah jelas
mengenai teks maka mereka akan dapat menjawab dengan mudah,
apalagi jika mereka memahami struktur dari teks tersebut.

16. From the text we know that Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to ... of the meeting.
A. Ask the place
B. Fix the date
C. Ask information about
D. Clarify the postponement

Soal ini memerlukan pemahaman yang lebih lanjut, dimana siswa dharus
menganalisa isi teks. Bagi siswa yang memahami kata convey akan lebih
mudah menjawab pertanyaan akan tetapi bagi siswa yang belum paham
akan kata tersebut maka harus mengartikan teks sesuai konteks.


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Untuk soal-soal selanjutnya dari soal UN ini memiliki pola pertanyaan yang
sama, sehingga pembahasan akan serupa. Soal-soal yang terdapat pada bagian
pembahasan soal ini merupakan soal UN dengan pola yang sama, walaupun
dengan soal yang berbeda. Misalnya, soal 1 s.d. 5 untuk soal UN 2016 tipe A
akan setipe dengan soal UN 2016 tipe B, walaupun soalnya atau
pertanyaannya tidak sama.
Tahun Soal: 2016 (P2)
Nomor Soal: 1,2,3, 15, 16
The following text is for questions 1 to 3

1. Why are Monday classes suspended?
A. Because of electricity problem
B. Because of the governor’s visit
C. To commemorate governor’s visit
D. To get more information from RIS office

2. How can students get more details about the school suspension?
A. Send an email to the governor
B. Contact the school office


C. Read the announcement
D. Welcome the governor
3. All classes on Monday (4 April) are “suspended”
The uderlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. continued
B. combined
C. explained
D. postponed
The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

15. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield?
A. Andrew
B. Mr. Winfield
C. Andrew’s secretary
D. The secretary of Mr. Winfield

16. From the text we know that Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to ... of the
A. Ask the place


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

B. Fix the date
C. Ask information about
D. Clarify the posponement
Tahun Soal: 2016 (P3)
Nomor Soal: 1,2,3, 15, 16
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

1. According to the text, 23 March is commemorated as ...
A. Choir Day anniversary
B. The school’s principal birthday
C. The school anniversary
D. Ms. Andini’s special day

2. To whom should we meet to get the detailed information?
A. The principal
B. Ms. Andini
C. The winning team


D. The students of SMP Bintang Kejora
3. ‘Three winning teams will be awarded cash prize and trapiches”

A. Given
B. Asked
C. Covered
D. Delivered
The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

15. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield?
A. Andrew
B. Mr. Winfield
C. Andrew’s secretary
D. The secretary of Mr. Winfield

16. From the text we know that Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to ... of the
A. Ask the place
B. Fix the date
C. Ask information about
D. Clarify the posponement


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

Tahun Soal: 2017 (P3)
Nomor Soal: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

1. Why does the school issue this notice?
A. To ask students to attend the Independence Day ceremony
B. To inform about Indonesia Independence Day
C. To tell students when the Indonesia Independence Day is
D. To invite students to contribute in the Indonesia Independence Day

2. What must students do in regard to the notice?
A. Pay attention to the notice
B. Fill all the requirements
C. Wear tie and cap
D. Wend regard to the vice princople


The following text is for questions 3 to 5

In celebration of youth art month
Bina Prestasi elementary school
The 5th Annual Students Art Exhibition
We invite all students to participate in
one of the following programs:

 Fine art
 Musical Performance
 Dance performance
Please contact your teachers or register
to [email protected]

3. Why does the school publish that announcement?
A. To inform about youth art month
B. To ask students’ participations
C. To present “creation”
D. To contact their art teacher

4. What can students present in the art expedition?
A. Poetry reading
B. Paintings
C. Story telling
D. Garage sale

5. “the 5th annual students art exhbition.”


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

The underlined work is closest in meaning to ....
A. Once a year
B. Twice a year
C. Three times a year
D. Four times a year

The following text is for questions 6 to 8

Approaching the summer holiday 2017, Bintang Prestasi secondary
school is organizing “Youth Summer Camp”

We invite all students to this program.

When : 3-10 July 2017

Place : Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur

Programs : Outdoor games, sports, camping

Should you interested in joining this program, please register yourself
to Mr. Surya Priatna.

*you should present your parents’ concent when registering.



6. What is the announcement about?
A. School’s invitation
B. School’s registration
C. Summer holiday
D. Summer camp

7. What should students do if they want to join the program?
A. Confirm the invitation
B. Ask parent’s permission
C. Go to Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur


D. Practice some sport
8. We know from the announcement that the program ... for one week.

A. Survives
B. Lasts
C. Changes
D. starts

4. the text is mainly about ... available day and time for angklung music
A. saying
B. finding
C. collecting
D. announcing

5. what should happen if all the members texted the available day and
time through WA group?
A. The preparation of angklung mucis is made
B. The procedure of the anglung music practice is set
C. The result of the day and time to practice is canceled
D. The process of deciding time and day to practice is started


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

6. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To announce the programs to celebrate the National Education Day
B. To invite students for watching the English contest
C. To explain how to join the speech English contest
D. To develop the students’ skill in English

7. What should the students do to participate in the program?
A. Contact the program coordinator
B. Watch some good English contest
C. Support only interesting programs
D. Come to school before 07.30 a.m.

8. The objective of the programs is to develop students’ skill in English
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. Step
B. Goal
C. Tool
D. Material


9. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
A. To ask for forgiveness for being upset.
B. To tell when they visit their grandma.
C. To inform what they will do on the next year.
D. To inform the cancellation of visiting grandma.

10. What was their plan for the Lebaran day this year?
A. Cancelling their visit to grandma.
B. Gathering in Ramdan’s house.
C. Having lebaran day together.
D. Visiting their grandma

11. “I promise we will do next time.” The underlined world refers to ....
A. Ramdan and his father.
B. Ramdan and his grandma.
C. Ramdan’s father and grandma.
D. Ramdan’s grandma and his father


Unit Pembelajaran
Short Messages, Announcement, and Notices

12. What is the text mainly about?
A. The unavailability of the new school shoes
B. The permission of using old uniform
C. The procedure of wearing clothes
D. The obligation of wearing ID

13. While wearing their old black shoes, the students ....
A. Have to save their money to buy the new ones at local store.
B. Can change their black shoes with the new ones
C. Have to wait until the new school shoes are available
D. Must find a way to buy new school shoes

14. The text is addressed to ....
A. All pree school students
B. All primary school students
C. Pre school and primary school parents
D. Pre school and primary school guardian only

Tahun Soal: 2018 (P1),

Nomor Soal: 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

4. What is the topic of the text above?
A. Asking someone to pick up


B. Reminding someone’s promise
C. Making an appointment to meet
D. Giving explanation the location to meet

5. what will Maya do after her class over?
A. Remind Leo for visiting
B. Wait for her friend, Leo
C. Be on time at Leo’s school
D. Go to Leo’s school

9. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To ask Rizky to visit grandfather
B. To ask Rizky to go to airport soon
C. To inform Rizky to be ready to the funeral
D. To inform Rizky that grandfather had passed away.

10. Why are they going to Wonogiri soon?
A. They plan to attend the funeral
B. They want to go together
C. Their grandfather passed away
D. Their mom already bought the ticket

11. “We are going to leave for Wonogiri ...”
The word ‘we’ refers to ....


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