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Published by Buletin Padu | Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum (PADU), 2024-06-05 04:51:42



e-PROSIDING PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN PENGAJIAN ASASI DANUMUM(PERSePADU 2019) ‘Transformasi Pendidikan dan Kesihatan Sejagat: Isu dan Cabaran’ 14 November 2019 Universiti Selangor, Shah Alam, Malaysia PENGURUSAN & PERNIAGAAN| LINGUISTIK & KESUSASTERAAN| TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT | PENDIDIKAN| KOMUNIKASI | SAINS| PENGAJIAN ISLAM | PENGAJIAN TAHFIZ DI IPT | SAINS SOSIALKESIHATAN | PSIKOLOGI | BAHASA Chief Editor: Dr. Nor Suhaila Yaacob Editors : Nadiah Zubbir Siti Amalina Ahmad Khairudin Wan Hazwani Wan Hamedi Hairin Nisa Meor Nordin Siti Aisyah Roslan Center for Foundation and General Studies (CFGS) Universiti Selangor

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019Cetakan Pertama 2019 Hak Cipta Terpelihara. Tiada bahagian daripada terbitan ini diterbitkansemula, disimpan untuk pengeluaran atau ditukarkan ke dalamsebarangbentuk atau dengan alat juga pun, sama ada dengan cara elektronik, bergambar serta rakaman dan sebagainya tanpa kebenaran bertulis daripadapihak, Center for Foundation and General Studies (CFGS), Universiti Selangor terlebih dahulu Diterbitkan oleh: Center for Foundation and General Studies (CFGS) Universiti Selangor Shah Alam Campus Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Section 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : +603-5522 3499 Laman Web: [email protected] e-proceeding: Centre for Foundation and General Studies (CFGS) Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: +03-32805152/53/54 Laman Web: [email protected] e-proceeding:

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019I Kata-Kata Aluan Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. kerana dengan limpah rahmat danizin-Nya,Persidangan Kebangsaan Pengajian Asasi dan Umum (PERSePADU) 2019dapat diadakandengan jayanya pada hari ini. Tahniah dan syabas kepada Jawatankuasa PersidangankhususnyaPusat Asasi dan Umum (PADU) di atas komitmen dalam menjayakan persidanganyangsangatbermanfaat ini. Selaras dengan slogan UNISEL sebagai “Peneraju Transformasi”, pelbagai usahatelahdansedang dijalankan bagi memastikan UNISEL berkembang maju tanpa meminggirkankualiti hidupdan kesihatan masyarakat. Menepati tema “Transformasi Pendidikan dan KesihatanSejagat;Isudan Cabaran” PERSePADU kali ini, UNISEL terlebih dahulu telah menjalankanpelbagai inisiatifdalam mengisi keperluan kesihatan secara amnya. Ini dapat dilihat menerusi usahamenghijaukankampus, mewujudkan taman herba, menaiktaraf kemudahan sukan dan sebagainyayangdilihatmampu memberi manfaat kepada seluruh warga kampus dan masyarakat setempat. Akhir kata, saya mengharapkan agar PERSePADU 2019 kali ini mampu memberikanimpakyangsangat positif kepada pembangunan dan pemeliharaan kesihatan secaratotal seterusnyamenghasilkan modal insan yang holistik dalam menjana kemajuan universiti, negeri dannegara.Sekian, terima kasih dan selamat bersidang. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Redzuan bin Othman Presiden dan Naib Canselor Universiti Selangor

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019II Pembuka Kata Sebuah kajian yang dijalankan pada tahun 2016 mensasarkan kira-kira 10peratusdaripadajumlah keseluruhan penduduk di Malaysia diramal mengalami penyakit mental menjelangtahun2020. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia pula merekodkan 1 dari 3 individu mengalami penyakitmental, menobatkan penyakit mental sebagai masalah kesihatan kedua tertinggi di Malaysia.Statistik ini bukan pengukur yang baik kepada negara dan isu ini memerlukan penyelesaianyangrealistik. Malahan, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah WanIsmail turutmenyuarakan kebimbangan beliau dan menyarankan satu dasar yang lebihterangkumuntukmenangani hal ini dalam ucapannya sempena Majlis Sambutan Hari KesihatanMental Sedunia2018. Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum (PADU), Universiti Selangor menyedari kepentinganpendidikan kesihatan mental dan mengambil langkah proaktif untuk menganjurkanPersidanganKebangsaan Pengajian Asasi dan Umum 2019 (PERSePADU 2019) bertemakan“TransformasiPendidikan dan Kesihatan sejagat; isu dan cabaran”. Persidangan ini menyediakanplatformterbaik untuk mempromosikan kesihatan mental, membincangkan isu-isu berkaitansecaraterbuka dan tanpa stigma bagi membuahkan beberapa resolusi berbentuk strategi penyelesaianterhadap isu-isu kritikal berkaitan kesihatan mental. Setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada jawatankuasapenganjurpersidangan yang begitu komited dalam menjayakan persidangan ini. Saya turut mengalu-alukankehadiran semua peserta yang berhimpun dalam PERSePADU 2019. Semogapersidanganinidapat memperkaya ilmu kesedaraan kesihatan mental selari dengan tujuandantemapersidangan. Akhir kalam, saya ingin memetik kata-kata daripada Dr. Firdaus Abdul Gani yangmerupakanSetiausaha Persatuan Psikiatri Malaysia (MPA), “Tiada kesihatan yang baik tanpakesihatanmental yang sejahtera”. Sekian, terima kasih. Prof. Madya Dr. Maegala A/P Nallapan Maniyam Dekan Dekan Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019III Mesej Pengarah Program Assalamualaikum wbt, Alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT atas izin dan limpah kurniaNyakami dapatmelaksanakan program ‘Persidangan Kebangsaan Pengajian Asasi dan Umum(PERSePADU)pada tahun 2019 dengan bertemakan Transformasi Pendidikan dan KesihatanSejagat: IsudanCabaran. Tema yang dipilih fokus kepada isu kesihatan mental yang sangat perludiambil tahudan di fahami oleh semua pihak bagi melahirkan masyarakat yang harmoni. PERSePADU 2019 merupakan program yang julung kalinya dikendalikan olehPusat PengajianAsasi dan Umum (PADU) bertujuan untuk mengumpul ahli akademik, pendidik, mahasiswaInstitusi Pengajian Tinggi, ahli badan professional daripada pelbagai bidang bagi menyalurkaninput dan hasil kajian mereka dalam program ini sekaligus menghasilkan penerbitane-proceedingdan jurnal. Jutaan penghargaan kepada pengurusan kanan UNISEL termasukparadekan,pengarah dan semua staf UNISEL atas sokongan yang diberikan samada secaralangsungdantidak langsung. Penghargaan khusus kepada semua staf PADU yang sangat komitedbagimemastikan program ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya. Program ini mendapat kerjasama yang sangat baik daripada pihak Universiti TenagaNasional(UNITEN) dan Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS). Tidak dilupakankepadarakan penaja kami Pusat Islam Unisel, Tabung Amanah Zakat UNITEN, LembagaZakat Selangor,Syarikat Karangkraf, Telaga Biru dan Hospital AVISENA. Semoga jalinan kerjasamaini dapatditeruskan di masa akan dating. Saya mengharapkan program PERSePADU 2019 ini akan memberikan impak positif danmanfaatkepada semua pihak yang terlibat. Sekian terima kasih, wassalam. Puan Hafiza Ab Hamid Pengarah Program PERSePADU 2019

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019IVLatar Belakang Program Persidangan Kebangsaan Pengajian Asasi dan Umum(PERSePADU)adalahpersidangan pertama yang julung kalinya di anjurkan oleh Pusat PengajianAsasidanUmum pada tahun 2019 ini. Persidangan ini dilaksanakan sebagai satulangkahproaktifdan galakan bagi membuat kajian akademik sekaligus sebagai pemangkinkepadaparapenyelidik dalam pelbagai peringkat untuk berkongsi penemuan baru sertamencari ideaidea penyelesaian yang tuntas pada masa kini. Objektif Program Menjalin kerjasama antara pemberi perkhidmatan dalampendidikanasas, danumum di Selangor khususnya dan Malaysia amnya. Saluran perbincangan antara para penyelidik, institusi, sarjana danpenggubal dasar dalam pendidikan. Mempamer dan berkongsi pencapaian pengurusan dan pelaksanaanpengajarandan pembelajaran (P&P) yang berkesan dalam pengajian asas danumum. Sasaran Program Peserta dan pembentang adalah terbuka kepada umum terdiri daripadaahli akademikdan para cendekiawan dalam pelbagai bidang yang berminat untuk berkongsi hasilpenyelidikan mereka. Jemputan khusus kepada semua guru-guru di Malaysia, khususnyadi Selangor.

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019V1. Kata-kata Aluan Presiden & Naib Canselor UNISEL I2. Pembuka Kata Dekan PADU II 3. Mesej Pengarah PERSePADU 2019 III 4. Latar Belakang dan Objektif Program 1V5. KERTAS KERJA PENUH PEMBENTANGAN 6. MODIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS FOROPTIMUM BIOMASS PRODUCTION OF RHODOCOCCUSUKMP- 5M Maegala Nallapan Maniyam1,2*, Anupriya Sundarajoo 2 ., Nor SuhailaYaacob 1,2 , Hazeeq Hazwan Azman 1,2 and Hasdianty Abdullah 3 1-37. EFFECT OF PHENOL CONCENTRATION ON THE GROWTHAND PHENOL DEGRADATION OF RHODOCOCCUS SP. Suhaila, Y., Hasdianty, A., Maegala, N.M., Kanchana, R., HazeeqH. H.,and M. Arbakariya. A. Nor 4-68. SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES USING Polygunumminus EXTRACT AND ANALYSIS OF THEIR ANTIMICROBIALPROPERTY Nadzirah Abu Samah, Abdul Latif Ibrahim, Salina Muhamad, Massuri Mahamudin and Rozila Alias 7-99. RAPID IDENTIFICATION OF PATOGENS GROWN ON CHROMOGENIC ORIENTATION MEDIA ISOLATED FROMHEALTHY GASTROINTESTINE TRACT (GIT) CHICKENRozila Alias, Thivyah Karunageran, Siti Nurfatehah Kamal, Faizal Riza Abu Hasan, Siti Hasmah Moktar, Yusmi Mohd Yunus, MohdNizam Lani, Norazah Mohammad Nawawi and Abdul Latif Ibrahim10-1210. PRELIMINARY EXTRACTION OF CHLOROPHYL A ANDBFROMMICROALGAE ISOLATED FROM SELANGOR SEA WATERNorazah Mohammad Nawawi, Saraswathy Selvakumar, NorasyiqinBakeri, Roshani Othman, Farah Nazuha Mansor 13-1511. APPLICATION OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS: A CASESTUDY ON JOBSTREET ADVERTISEMENT FOR SEASONEDACCOUNTANT IN MALAYSIA Siti Hawa Mohd Yusoff, Ilani Dayana Noor Azman, Shahida Abd.Latif dan Naeimah Mamat 16-1812. EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICETOWARDS BREAST CANCER SCREENING AMONGSTAFFIN19-21


E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019VII STUDENTS Jamilah Binti Kamis, Norhasbi Binti Abdul Samad, Lee SiewPheng, Salina Binti Rasli, Salbiah Hanum Mohd Hajali and Sylvia Ee FeePeing 23. MODEL PENGURUSAN PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSANISLAMIK STAF UNISEL Siti Amalina Ahmad Khairundin, Wan Yusnee Abdullah, Nadiah Zubbir, Hajar Opir dan Zaharudin Othman 52-5424. MODEL PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN PELAJAR DI UNISELWan Yusnee Abdullah, Ahmad Tarmizi Zakaria, Hajar Opir , Zaharudin Othman 55-5725. HUBUNGAN TRET PERSONALITI DENGAN TAHAP PENCAPAIAN AKADEMIK GURU PRAPERKHIDMATANUzzairah Nabila Ahmad Tazli,Muhammad Ghazawi Zulkarnain , Nurrul Huwaina Ridzuan Lotfi , Norazly Nordin 58-6026. KAJIAN MASALAH PENGUASAAN DAN PENGGUNAANBAHASA INGGERIS DALAM KALANGAN GURU PELATIHPENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK- KANAK UNIVERSITI SELANGORNurhusna binti Abdul Malek, Dr Md Rosli bin Haji Ismail, Irma Syuryani bt Jaswir, Fazlina binti Haji Ismail, Ng Ming Yip 61-6327. PENILAIAN REKABENTUK KURIKULUM PROGRAMBERDASARKAN DIMENSI LATIHAN MENGAJAR Syed Lamsah bin Syed Chear, Hafizah binti Khusni, Norsyahida binti Mat Nazir & Nurul Ain binti Ismail 64-6628. AN INTEGER PROGRAMMING APPROACH FOR LOCATINGPRESCHOOL OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITY IN KUALASELANGOR Hasnur Hidayah Kamaruddin; Khairil Bariyyah Hassan; Zuraini Ayop; Sharifah Zuraidah Syed Abdul Jalil 67-6929. NEEDS ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES(EAP) IN UNIVERSITY SELANGOR – THE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS Bashahriyah Bakar, Nadiah Zubir, Noor Fazzrienee JZ Nun RamlanHazrina Ab. Rahim, Che Manisah Mohd Kasim 70-7230. UNISEL FOUNDATION STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDINGTOWARDS PLAGIARISM AS AN ACADEMIC CRIME Nurshahirah binti Azman, Wan Hazwani binti Wan Hamedi, Nur Athirah Syuhada binti Hasni, Sakinah binti Mohamed Tajularifin. 73-7531. ENHANCING FOUNDATION STUDENT INTEREST IN MATHEMATICS THROUGH THE USE OF MATHEMATICS76-78

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019VIII GAMES Khairil Bariyyah Hassan, Rahayu Md Khalid, Hasnur Hidayah Kamaruddin and Yeow Seuk Fei 32. THE RELATIONSHIP OF 21ST CENTURY SKILLS ON STUDENT’S ATTITUDE AND PERCEPTION TOWARDS STEMYusman Istihat, Norhasbi Abdul Samad, Salina Rasli, Muhamad Ilham Khalit 79-8133. KEBOLEHINTEGRASIAN PENDIDIKAN AL-QURAN DANSTEM: KAJIAN KESEDARAN DI KALANGAN PELAJAR MAAHADTAHFIZ SAINS Salina Muhamad, Muhammad Nazir, Zahirrudin Idris dan Sahrul Izwan Sapardi 82-8434. INOVASI DALAM PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARANTAHFIZDI UNIVERSITI TENAGA NASIONAL: TINJAUAN AWAL Amaluddin Arshad, Siti Salma Mohamad Shokri dan Syafawati Salihan 85-8735. AN ASSESSMENT OF CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGOFDOMAIN AND ZERO IN RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AMONGPRE- DEGREE STUDENTS Nabilah Mustapa, Raudzatul Fathiyah Mohd Said , and Raisnee Lumbihan 88-9036. EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEE’S EFFECTIVENESS IN HIGHEREDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEI): A CASE STUDY IN THEUNIVERSITY OF SELANGOR (UNISEL) Ng Ming Yip, Hamdan bin Dato’ Mohd Salleh, Nurdiyana binti Mohamad Yusof and Iswandi Harahap Burhanuddin 91-9337. MASALAH GANGSTERISME DALAM KALANGAN PELAJARINDIA DI DAERAH SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR. Parameswari Krishnan, Mohd Zaidi Mohd Hajazi, Gunasegaran Karuppannan, Jamilah Mustafa, Khatipah Abdul Ghani 94-9638. ASSESSMENT ON E-WASTE MANAGEMENT AWARENESSAMONG YOUNG ADULTS IN MALAYSIA Azar Fatiha Mohd Lud, Hasdianty Abdullah, Marini Ibrahim, Norhayati Mohd Amin1 and Hazeeq Hazwan Azman 97-9939. IMPAK PINJAMAN MIKRO KREDIT PERNIAGAAN HIJRAHSELANGOR TERHADAP POLITIK Irny Suzila Ishak, Hasliza Mohamad Ali, Nasruddin Md Rahim, Izwan Suhadak Ishak 100-10240. THE BEGINNING OF “UNSANGKARABLE” POLITICS INMALAYSIA: THE 2015 PERMATANG PAUH BY ELECTION 103-104


E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 2019X52. KAJIAN KEBOLEHLAKSANAAN DAN KEBOLEHINTEGRASIANPENDIDIKAN AL-QURAN DAN STEM DALAM KOKURIKULUMSEKOLAH MAAHAD TAHFIZ SAINS (MTS) Zahirrudin Idris, Muhammad Nazir Mohammed Khalid dan Sahrul Izwan Sarwadi 138-14053. CONVERSION OF GLUCOSE TO LACTIC ACID BY USING MICROWAVE TREATMENT Baarathyee Manogaran, Mohammad Syawal Mohammad Collin, SMShahrul Nizan Shikh Zahari, Muhammad Humaidi Mansor, Hasdianty Abdullah, Marini Ibrahim, Maegala Nallapan Maniyam, Nor Suhaila Yaacob, Hazeeq Hazwan Azman 141-14354. APPLICATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING METHOD: ACASESTUDY ON OPTIMIZATION OF COOKIES PRODUCTIONZuraini Ayop, Atha Maulana Rahim Abu Khoir. 144-14655. THE EFFECT OF MOTHERS’ AGE AND PARITY ON THE NEED OF EPISIOTOMY DURING CHILDBIRTHNaeimah Mamat; Nithya Naidu Gandi Naidu; Shahida Abd. Latif; Siti Hawa Mohd Yusoff. 147-149SENARAI JAWATANKUASA PERSEPADU 150-151PENGHARGAAN 152

1MODIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS FOR OPTIMUMBIOMASSPRODUCTION OF RHODOCOCCUS UKMP-5MMaegala Nallapan Maniyam1,2* , Anupriya Sundarajoo 2 ., Nor Suhaila Yaacob 1,2 , HazeeqHazwan Azman 1,2 and Hasdianty Abdullah 3 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 2 Institute of Bio-IT Selangor, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 3Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia *Correspondence Email: [email protected] Abstract Despite its toxicity, cyanide has been utilized in many industrial processes leading to thegeneration of voluminous effluents which necessitated treatment prior to discharge into theenvironment. However, the existing physical and chemical methods for cyanide-containingwastewater removal are incompetent due to reasons such as cost, generation of secondarypollutants and ineffective decontamination of cyanide complexes. Therefore, the development of biological method which can support complete detoxification at low costs is desired for treatment of cyanide-containing wastewater. Rhodococcus UKMP-5M exhibited the potential to detoxify cyanide due the presence of nitrile (organic cyanide) catabolismin its genomesequence. In the present study, the optimized culture conditions at temperature 30 °Cand pHvalue of 6.6 yielded maximized production of biomass for the detoxification cyanide. Thesefindings are highly significant since they accommodated the tropical temperature of Malaysiaand the alkaline nature of cyanide-containing wastewater which should be of great interest from an environmental and economic point of views. Keywords: Biomass, environmental factors, growth factors, optimization, Rhodococcus Introduction Rhodococcus species have remarkable ability to degrade many pollutants besides producingbiosurfactants or emulsifiers with beneficial applications. They are increasingly becomingmore valuable in the field of bioremediation and biotechnology. This is due to their indigenous property in contaminated sites and thus making them suitable to be usedas inocula for bioremediation (Hernandez et al., 2019). The metabolic diversity of Rhodococcus is more versatile than the pseudomonads with great persistent in the environment even thoughthey often demonstrate slow growth. In addition, catabolite repression is absent inRhododcoccus suggesting that pollutants like hydrocarbons, phenols and nitriles (organiccyanide) would be degraded even in the presence of more easily assimilable carbon sources (Kuyukina and Ivshina, 2019). Thus, it is only reasonable to capitalize on these locallyisolated Rhodococcus strains in cyanide bioremediation. Malaysia, with its rapid growthinindustrial sector could greatly benefit from this study since the utilization of biological methods in wastewater treatment is cost effective and most importantly environmentallyfriendly. Hence, in the present study, the culture conditions for optimal growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M were identified in order to produce maximum biomass to be usedas resting cells for the biodetoxification of cyanide in the future study. Materials and Methods Preparation of seed culture Rhodococcus UKMP-5M was kindly supplied by the Culture Collection Unit, Institute of BioIT Selangor, Universiti Selangor (Unisel). The inoculum was prepared in 50 mL medium

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 20192containing 8 g/L nutrient broth. A loop full of culture of Rhodococcus UKMP-5Mmaintainedroutinely on agar plate from glycerol stock was transferred aseptically into mediumand left toshake at 30 °C for 24 hours at an agitation of 160 rpm. The experiment was terminated whenthe optical density of the seed culture reached the range between 0.900 and 1.000. Optimization of nutritional and physical parameter The production medium consisting of 8 g/L nutrient broth was prepared in triplicate with50mL medium in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask each. Bacterial suspension amounting to 1 mL(2%v/v) from 24 hours old seed culture (0.900 to 1.000 at 600 nm) was inoculated into theproduction vessels. Control experiment was established in the absence of the cultures. Table 1shows the physical variables that were tested in order to maximize the growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M for the biodetoxification of cyanide. Table 1: Factors tested to obtain highest growth rate of Rhodococcus UKMP-5MAffecting Factors Variables Temperature (°C) 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 pH 5, 6, 6.6, 7, 8 and 9 Determination of cell density and dry cell weight The optical density in triplicate was measured using the spectrophotometer at a wavelengthof 600 nm against distilled water as the reference. The determination of dry cell weight followedthe protocols established Nallapan Maniyam et al. (2013). Statistical Analysis All experiments were carried out in triplicate and the data were analyzed by using SPSSversion 17.0. Comparison between groups was performed by using Duncan analysis (values with different letters in superscript are significantly different). A one-way ANOVAtest (95%confidence interval) was used to evaluate differences between groups and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results and Discussion At optimum temperature, all aspects of cell metabolism function at their finest whereby thecells were able to rapidly increase in size leading to efficient enzymatic systems. It was foundthat the ideal temperature for the cultivation of Rhodococcus UKMP-5Mwas at 30 °Cas supported by previous reports (Moradkhani et al., 2018), a feature of many bacteria isolatedfrom environmental habitats, generating an amount of 6.3222 g/L dry cell weight. Malaysiawith temperature ranging from 28 °C to 33 °C could greatly benefit from these findings sincemost actual cyanide bioremediation sites were operated at ambient temperature whichcoincided with the optimal growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M. The strain proliferatedreasonably well at 25 and 35 °C which corresponded to a biomass of 2.9889 and 2.5889 g/L, respectively as shown in Table 2. Rhodococcus UKMP-5M survived better in the temperaturerange between 25 °C and 35 °C implying the typical characteristics of a mesophile(Moradkhani et al., 2018). The growth reduced rather substantially at 20 and 40 °C resultinginmerely 0.5922 and 0.1033 g/L dry cell weight, respectively. The movement of molecules decelerated as the temperature was lowered suggesting the inability of enzymes to mediate inchemical reactions and eventually all activities were brought to a halt due to the viscosityof the cell interior. Meanwhile, at higher temperature, enzymes started to denature and the total affect was detrimental to cellular growth (Chalidah et al., 2018). In order to design an effective bioremediation strategy, identification of the pHoptimal for growth would be essential. The effect of initial pH on the growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5Mwas examined at 30 °C using stepwise addition of either 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 MNaOH. The strainproliferated rather well at a relatively wide pH range from 6 to 9 with maximal growth attainedat pH 6.6, the pH of the medium without any alteration resulting in 4.3222 g/L dry cell weight. Growth dramatically decreased outside this pH range although the bacteriumremained viable

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 20193with a biomass of 0.2556 and 0.2311 g/L respectively. This may be due to lowered stabilityof plasma membrane coupled with inhibited enzyme membrane as well as proteins transport (Shukor et al., 2009). It was rather apparent from Table 2 that the alkaline conditions appearedto encourage the cultivation of this isolate since it could tolerate higher pH considerablyas compared to that of acidic conditions, a distinct characteristic of an actinomycete (Moradkhani et al., 2018). It was also observed that Rhodococcus UKMP-5M exhibited highest growthat near neutral pH which was acknowledged by the fact that the cytoplasm in most bacteria has apH level of 7. Table 2: Effect of different culture conditions on the growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5MFactor Dry Cell Wight (g/L) Optical Density at 600 nmTemperature (°C) 20 25 30 35 40 0.5922 d ± 0.0136 2.9889 b ± 0.0215 6.3222 a ± 0.0016 2.5889 c ± 0.0011 0.1033 e ± 0.0119 0.480 d ± 0.002 1.338 b ± 0.000 1.849 a ± 0.001 0.992 c ± 0.000 0.229 e ± 0.001 pH 5 6 6.6 7 8 9 10 0.2556 e ± 0.036 2.6000 d ± 0.027 4.3222 a ± 0.019 3.9222 b ± 0.301 3.2889 c ± 0.121 2.3889 d ± 0.164 0.2311 e ± 0.088 0.348 e ± 0.02 1.240 d ± 0.01 1.616 a ± 0.00 1.466 b ± 0.01 1.373 c ± 0.01 1.184 d ± 0.01 0.251 e ± 0.00 Conclusion The discoveries from the present study indicated that the optimum temperature and pHfor maximized growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M was 30 °C and alkaline pHvalues, respectively which are beneficial for actual use in the biodetoxification of cyanide. This is because cyanide-containing wastewater is alkaline in pH and the optimumtemperature is fitting for tropical Malaysian climate with temperature ranging from 28 °C to 33 °C. References Chalidah, N., Khotimah, I. N., Hakim, A. R., Meata, B. A., Puspita, I. D., Nugraheni, P. S., &Pudjiraharti, S. 2018. Chitinase activity of Pseudomonas stutzeri PT5 in different fermentation condition. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencel(139): p. 012042. IOP Publishing. Hernández, M. A., Alvarez, H. M., Lanfranconi, M. P., Silva, R. A., Herrero, O. M., &Villalba, M. S. 2019. Central Metabolism of Species of the Genus Rhodococcus. InBiology of Rhodococcus (pp. 61-85). Springer, Cham. Kuyukina, M. S., & Ivshina, I. B. 2019. Bioremediation of Contaminated Environments Using Rhodococcus. In Biology of Rhodococcus 231-270. Springer, Cham. Maniyam, M. N., Sjahrir, F., Ibrahim, A. L., & Cass, A. E. 2013. Biodegradation of cyanideby acetonitrile-induced cells of Rhodococcus sp. UKMP-5M. The Journal of general andapplied microbiology, 59(6): 393-404. Moradkhani, M., Yaghmaei, S., & Nejad, Z. G. 2018. Biodegradation of cyanide under alkaline conditions by a strain of Pseudomonas putida isolated from gold mine soil andoptimization of process variables through response surface methodology (RSM). Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 62(3): 265-273. Shukor, M. Y., Gusmanizar, N., Ramli, J., Shamaan, N. A., MacCormack, W. P., &Syed, M. A. 2009. Isolation and characterization of an acrylamide-degrading Antarctic bacterium. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30(1): 107-112.

E-ISBN 978-967-17756-0-8 Persepadu 20194EFFECT OF PHENOL CONCENTRATION ON THE GROWTHANDPHENOL DEGRADATION OF RHODOCOCCUS SP. Nor Suhaila, Y1.2* ; Hasdianty, A3 ; Kanchana, R 1 ; Maegala, N.M1.2 ; Hazeeq H, H3 and M. Arbakariya, A4 1Institute Bio-IT Selangor, Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor 2Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, Jalan ZIrkon A7/A, Seksyen 7, 40000Shah Alam, Selangor 3Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 4Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia *Correspondence Email: [email protected] Abstract Biological method for phenol degradation was performed in this study using versatile strainof Rhodococcus sp. Experiment was conducted using 250 mL shake flask. The effect of phenol concentration on growth and phenol degradation were investigated. This study suggested that the strain was able to utilize phenol at concentration up to 0.9 g/L, whereby growthis inhibited at lower or high phenol concentration. Therefore, Rhodococcus sp. has potential tobe used in phenol containing waste as well as in bioremediation process. Keywords: Bioremediation, carbon source, degradation, optimization, phenol degradation, Rhodococcus sp., Introduction Chlorinated aromatic compounds pose one of the most serious contemporary environmental problems worldwide because they have been used in large quantities as herbicides, pesticides and solvents. In the 1980s, rapidly increasing environmental contamination raised concerns about health of ecosystems and humans and interest in biological methods of pollutioncleanup (bioremediation) (Martinkova et al., 2009). Phenol also is a reasonably commonwastewater contaminant which has been found to be either toxic or lethal to fish and most types of microorganisms at relatively low concentrations (Agarry et al., 2007). Due to thetoxicity effects and endocrine disrupting properties of phenolic compounds, their removal from water and wastewater has gained widespread global attention. Therefore, biodegradationof phenol at high concentration has been an interesting topics of research for many years (Bajaj et al., 2009) and phenol biodegradation has been chosen as a method to remediateenvironments contaminated by phenol, which is massively discharged fromuncontrolledindustrial waste disposal. Rhodococci may be naturally present in contaminated environment and are promising candidates for bioremediation (Martinkova et al., 2009). The genus Rhodococcus is Gram-positive aerobic bacteria, and is closely related to the other mycolicacid containing genera: Nocardia, Corynebacterium and Mycobacterium. Recent studies ontheir metabolic activities have shown rhodococci to be of important use in industrial, pharmaceutical and environmental biotechnology. Beside, it is also proving useful inpharmaceuticals as antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-tumor. Rhodococcus sp. P1 was also foundto degrade high phenol concentration. The objective of the present study was to evaluate theability of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M to degrade phenol. The effect of various phenol concentration on growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M and phenol degradation was investigated. The information gathered from all the experiments were used to study thegrowth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M and phenol degradation for subsequent experiments in thefuture.

5Material and Methods Microorganism and inoculum preparation The bacterium, Rhodococcus rubber (also known as Rhodococcus UKMP-5M) was usedthroughout this study. This bacterium was isolated from a petroleum contaminated soil at Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia and maintained at the UNISEL Culture CollectionCentre, Selangor, Malaysia. The bacterium from the stock culture was grown in nutrient brothfor 24 h and the culture was used as standard inoculums for all cultivation and degradationexperiments. Medium Liquid mineral salt medium (M1) consisted of (g/L): K2HPO4, 0.4; KH2PO4, 0.2; NaCl, 1; MgSO4 0.1; MnSO4 0.01; FeSO4H2O, 0.01; Na2MoO4.2H2O, 0.01; (NH4)2SO4, 0.4 and phenol, 0.1-1.3 was used in all cultivation and phenol degradation experiments. The initial pHvalueof the medium will be adjusted to 7.5 using 30 % NaOH before autoclaving and phenol will be filter sterilized using 0.2 µm regenerated cellulose membrane filter. The variables variedfor the cultivation experiments include phenol concentration and glucose concentration. Fermentation Batch fermentation in was carried out in 250 mL shake flask containing 100 mL medium. Medium was sterilised at 121 oC for 20 minutes. The medium was inoculated with 10 %(v/v) inoculum that was previously grown overnight on the nutrient broth medium(NB) to initiatethe cultivation and degradation of phenol. The flask was incubated at temperature 30 oConarotary shaker, agitated at 160 rpm. All fermentations were performed in triplicate and theresults were presented in average value. During the cultivation, 10 mL of culture samples were withdrawn at different time intervals for analysis of cell concentration and phenol degradation. Sample was analyzed for dry cell weight dan phenol degradation (APHA, 1998). Results and Discussion Ef ect of phenol concentration The cell growth and biodegradation of increasing phenol concentration was shown in Figures 1. Rhodococcus UKMP-5M fully degraded phenol in concentrations ranging from0.2 to 0.9g/L. Up to 0.7 g/L, phenol was completely degraded within one day cultivation. The rest of phenol concentration had taken up to 8 days or more to degrade. Although 0.9 mg/Lphenol was only degraded after 8 days of fermentation, but the Rhodococcus UKMP-5Mcells concentration was significantly the highest with maximum concentration of 0.27 g/Lcell. Bacterium in 1.3 g/L phenol was not degraded until 10 days of fermentation. Similar tocontrol experiment, cell growth of Rhodococcus was inhibited at the lowest and the highest concentration of phenol. With increasing amounts of phenol, lag-phases increased due tosubstrate inhibition by the toxic substrate phenol (Margesin et al., 2005). Results fromthis study indicated that the degradation of phenol was non-associated with growth of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M. Rhodococcus UKMP-5M was observed can tolerate up to 0.9 g/Lphenol, but the time taken was significantly longer for cultivation in 0.9 g/L phenol.

6Figure 1. Effect of phenol concentration on growth profile of Rhodococcus sp. and phenol degradation. Symbols: (◊) 0 g/L (control); (■) 0.2 g/L; (∆) 0.3 g/L; (□) 0.5g/L; (○) 0.7 g/L; (●) 0.9 g/L; (▲) 1.3 g/L Conclusion Rhodococcus sp. has demonstrated that it was capable to degrade phenol and the degradationrate was greatly affected by phenol concentration supplied to the culture. Only up to 700 g/Lphenol was degraded in 24 hours even though Rhodococcus sp. can tolerate up to 900 mg/Lphenol. Acknowledgements Thank you to Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia for supporting this project. References 1. APHA, 1998. Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.2thEdition. Method 5530. pp. 540-544. 2. Agary, S.E, Betiku, E. and Solomon, B.O. 2007. Inhibition Kinetics of Phenol Degradation by Binary Mixed Xulture from Continuous Culture and Wash-Out Data. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2(6): 1020-1026. 3. Bajaj, M., Gallert, C. and Winter, J. 2009. Phenol degradation kinetics of an aerobicmixed culture. Biochemical Engineering Journal 46: 205-209. 4. Margesin, R., Fonteyne, P.A. and Redl, B. 2005. Low-temperature Biodegradationof High Amounts of Phenol by Rhodococcus spp. and Basidiomycetous Yeasts. ResearchinMicrobiology 156 (2005): 68–75. 5. Martinkova, L., Uhnakova, B., Miroslav Patek, M., Nesvera, J. and Kren, V. 2009. Biodegradation potential of the genus Rhodococcus. Environment International 35: 162- 177.

7SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES USING Polygunum minus EXTRACTAND ANALYSIS OF THEIR ANTIMICROBIAL PROPERTY *Nadzirah Abu Samah 1,2* , Abdul Latif Ibrahim1 , Salina Muhamad 3 , Massuri Mahamudin 1 and RozilaAlias 1,2 1Institute of Bio-IT Selangor, Universiti Selangor, A7/A Jalan Zirkon, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 2Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia 3 Faculty of Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia *Correspondence Email: [email protected] Abstract Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing and promising field that makes best use of inert metalslike silver, gold and platinum to synthesize metallic nanoparticles with high potential forvarious applications. Among all metal nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) havemuchattention due to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) (strong absorption in the visible region), which can be easily observed by UV–visible spectrophotometer. This study aims to investigatean antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesize using Polygonumminusextract as a reducing agent and aqueous silver nitrate as a precursor. Based on the observation, the colorless reaction mixture slowly changed from yellowish green to reddish brownandfurther confirmed by surface plasmonic resonance (SPR) band at 440 nmusing UV–visiblespectroscopy indicating of reduction of silver ion after several minutes of reaction. The AgNPswas characterized by Field-emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) andEnergy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX). The observation of FE-SEMshowed the size of AgNPswas produced in range of 15 nm – 25 nm, while based on EDX, 82.6%of AgNPs weredetermined and strong peaks for silver (Ag). Three bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC 43300), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC15442)were chosen to be tested for this study. The morphological changes of bacterial cells treatedwith AgNPs were observed by FE-SEM and showed that the AgNPs has good antimicrobial properties against microorganisms and it is proven by low of MIC value. Thus, the abilityofAgNPs to release Ag ions is a key to their antimicrobial activity. Keywords: Silver Nanoparticles; Polygonum minus; green synthesis, antimicrobial Introduction Recent advancement in nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology has expanded our abilitytodesign and construct nano materials with targeting, therapeutic, and diagnostic functions. Thesemultifunctional materials have attracted our attention to be used as the promisingtool forselective bacteria sensing and therapy without the current drugs. The most effective vicinityofnanotechnology is the competence of modulating metals into their nano size (Jeevanandamet al., 2018) which offers unique approaches to probe and control a wide variety of biological andmedical processes that occur at nanometer length and is believed to have a successful collisionon biology and medicine (Zarina and Nanda, 2014). Owing to their high antibacterial properties, nanoparticles of silver, oxides of zinc, titanium, copper, and iron are the most commonlyusednanoparticles in antimicrobial studies. Furthermore, these nanoparticles have beenusedtodeliver other antimicrobial drugs to the site of pathological process (Gatto and Bardi, 2018). Metallic nanoparticles provide an attractive alternative to antibiotics in the pharmaceutical fieldby developing novel applications. The synthesis of nanomaterials of specific compositionandsize is a burgeoning area of materials science research. The properties of these materialsin

8applications as diverse as catalysis, sensors and medicine depend critically on the sizeandcomposition of the nanomaterial (Navya and Daima, 2016). Thus, researchers haveusedbiological synthesis, since this technique provides the particles with good control over thesizedistribution. The main reason for this may be that the processes devised by nature for thesynthesis of inorganic materials on nano- and micro- scales have contributedtothedevelopment of a relatively new and largely unexplored area of research based ongreenchemistry. Material and Methods Preparation of leaf extract 15g of Polygonum minus powder leaves were weighed and then 100ml of double distilledwaterwas added and boiled for 15 minutes at 100 oC. After cooling the extract was filteredusingWhatman No. 1 filter paper and store at 4 0C for further use. Green Synthesis of Plant Silver Nanoparticles and Characterization An accurate concentration of 0.1 M AgNO3 was prepared. By dissolving 3.058g of AgNO3 in 180ml ofdouble distilled water and stored in amber colored bottle to prevent auto oxidation of silver. Theconcentration was set for 0.1 M which was the optimum concentration of AgNPs to showthe smallest particles size according to our previous finding. The synthesis of AgNPs was carried out by added of 20 ml P. minus extract in 180 ml of 0.1 MaqueousAgNO3 solution. The mixture solution was stirred and heated at 80˚C. The color change of the solutionwas observed and recorded. UV-Vis spectrophotometer was used for the spectrometric analysistoconfirm the formation of AgNPs. To determine the time point of maximum production of AgNPs, theabsorption spectra of the sample was taken 300 – 700 nm using a UV-vis spectrophotometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Model Biomate 3 spectrophotometer). The deionized water was used as the blank. Proceed with collected of AgNPs, the solution was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 30 minutes. Theseparated nanoparticles settled at the bottom was collected and washed for three time withdoubledistilled water at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes of each sample. The collected AgNPs was dried in theovenat 60 oC for until achieve to the constant weight. The stabilized powder forms of the nanoparticles werestored for further characterization. Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) The minimum inhibitory concentration is defined as the lowest concentration able to inhibit anyvisible bacterial growth on the culture plates. This was determined from readings on the cultureplates after incubation. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of silver nanoparticles(Ag NPs) against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was determined accordingtothemicrodilution method of the CLSI M38-A2 using 96-well microtiter plates withsomemodifications (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute 2008). A broth microdilutionmethodwas recommended by CLSI as a general standard methodology for testing active compoundorcommercialized antimicrobial agent. Thus, this method was employed to analysed the MICof0.1 M, 0.01 M and 1 mM of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). Each well contained the 10µLofbacteria at a final concentration of 1.0 × 10 6 cells/mL, 100 µL of MH broth, and 100 µLof 0.1M, 0.01 M and 1 mM Ag NPs. Mueller Hinton (MH) broth without test agents was includedasan agent-free control, and MH broth was used as medium blank. All plates were incubatedinanaerobic incubator at 37 °C for 24 h, after which the growth was determinedspectrophotometrically at 550 nm by means of a microplate reader (PowerWave 200, Bio-TekInstruments, and Winooski, VT, USA). The data were reported as the median of at least 3independent tests. Determination of minimum bacteriacidal concentration (MBC) The MBCs were determined by spreading aliquots of 50 L from the well showing novisiblegrowth on MH agar plates. The lowest concentration with no visible growth was definedasthe

9MBC, indicating 99.5% killing of the original inoculum. Absence of viable growth following24 to 48 h incubation indicated the MBC of compound on the respective strains. Result And Discussion It is well known that AgNPs exhibit brown color in aqueous solution due to excitationofsurface Plasmon vibrations in AgNPs. In this experiment AgNPs were successfully synthesizedfrom the aqueous AgNO3 solution using P. minus extract in a continuously heated andstirredmixture. The formation of AgNPs was confirmed by change in the color of the solutionmixtureby the bioreduction of Ag + to Ag 0 (Khan et al., 2017). The colorless reaction mixture slowlychanged from yellowish green to reddish brown indicating of reduction of Ag ion after several minutes of reaction (Figure 1). Figure 1: The changes color of (a) Polygonum Minus Extract and (b) Synthesized of AgNPsMinimum inhibitory concentrations are important in diagnostic laboratories toconfirmresistance of microorganisms to an antimicrobial agent and also to monitor the activityof newantimicrobial agents. MIC is generally regarded as the most basic laboratory measurement ofthe activity of an antimicrobial agent against an organism. The MIC and MBCof AgNPstowards all six bacterial species showed variations (Table 1). The MICs of 0.1 Mof AgNPswere determined within the range of 31.25 to 100 µg/mL, while the MBC values werefrom62.5 to 100 µg/mL. For Pseudomona aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus the MBCswere found to be greater than 100 µg/mL Among the six bacterial species S. aureus wasthe most susceptible to the 0.1 M AgNPs. While the Bacillus subtilis showed a negativeresult with AgNPs. Table 1: MIC and MBC (µg/ml) inhibitory results of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) Compounds Antibacterial susceptibility test (µg/ml) a 1 2 3 4 5 6 MIC 50 50 100 50 31.25 >1000 MBC >100 100 >100 100 62.5 N.Da (1) Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 43300, (2) Salmonella typhi, (3) Pseudomonas aeruginosaATCC 15442, (4) Escherichia coli UPMC 25922, (5) Klebsiella, (6) Bacillus subtilisATCC®11774™ Conclusion In this study, the synthesized AgNPs using P. minus extract with AgNO3 aqueous were successfully produced. It can be conclude that plant extract being very ecofriendly, cost effective, promising a small size of molecule andaseffective antibacterial materials against various microorganism and this method is potentially exciting for the large- scale synthesis of nanoparticles. References Jeevanandam, J., Barhoum, A., Chan, Y. S., Dufresne, A. & Danquah, M. K. 2018. Review on Nanoparticles andNanostructured Materials: History, Sources, Toxicity and Regulations. Beilstein J Nanotechnol, 9, 1050–1074. Zarina, A. & Nanda, A. 2014. Combined Efficacy of Antibiotics and Biosynthesised Silver Nanoparticles fromStreptomyces Albaduncus. International Journal of PharmTech Research, 6, 1862-1869. Gatto , F. & Bardi, G. 2018. Metallic Nanoparticles: General Research Approaches to Immunological Characterization. Nanomaterials (Basel), 8(10),753.

10RAPID IDENTIFICATION OF PATOGENS GROWN ON CHROMOGENIC ORIENTATIONMEDIA ISOLATED FROM HEALTHY GASTROINTESTINE TRACT (GIT) CHICKENRozila Alias 1,2* , Thivyah Karunageran 2 , Siti Nurfatehah Kamal2 , Faizal Riza Abu Hasan 5 , Siti HasmahMoktar 3 , , Yusmi Mohd Yunus 3 , Mohd Nizam Lani4 , Norazah Mohammad Nawawi1,2 and Abdul Latif Ibrahim2 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies,Universiti Selangor, Bestari Jaya, Kuala Selangor, Selangor. 2Institute of Bio-IT Selangor, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Zirkon, A/7A, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor. 3Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Bestari Jaya, Kuala Selangor, Selangor. 4Faculty of Food Science and Agrotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 5Geneflux Biosciences Sdn Bhd., G-1, Menara KLH, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor. *Correspondence Email: [email protected] Abstract Sustainable chicken meat production is an important to provide a safe and good quality proteinsourcesfor human as foods and nutritions. The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of chickens harbors a diverseandacomplex microbiota that plays a vital role in digestion and absorption of nutrients, immune systemdevelopment and pathogen exclusion. But however, the integrity, functionality and health of chickenguts depends on many factors, including environments, feed and the GIT microbiota. The symbioticinteractions between host and microorganisms is a fundamental to improve chicken healthandproduction. Recently, many research studies were carried out on the chicken GIT microbiota reliedonnew techniques either molecular or microbiological study. A new chromogenic plate medium, CHROMagar Orientation, was evaluated for use in this study to differentiate and presumptiveidentification of gram-negative bacilli and Enterococcus species by differentiating color on agar plates. The aims of this study are to isolate pathogens in five parts of GIT healthy chickens. Five chicken’sfarms were randomly selected in triplicate from each farms. Then the GIT was divided into fivepartsand the pathogens bacteria was isolated using a chromogenic agar. After the incubations, colonies ontheplates were counted and calculated its colony forming unit (cfu). From the results, three chickenfarmsgave a similar value of cfu/ml within the range 4.2626 to 4.1200. Then another two farms gave avalueof cfu/ml which are 0.9755 (local chicken farm) and 1.124 (broiler chicken farm). The chromogenicmedium was found to be facilitating easier visual by coloring detection of mixed bacterial isolatesespecially pathogens in sample cultures. Further, there is a need for better understanding of the chickenGIT function and microbiology that will provide us new opportunities for the improvement of chickenhealth, meats and egg productions. Keywords: chicken, GIT microbiota, Chromogenic media, pathogens Introduction A healthy gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is essential for efficient conversion of feed intoits basiccomponent for optimal nutrient absorption. The GIT has its function for digestive, absorptive, metabolic, immunological and endocrinological. Over the past two decades, this GITissuehasgained more interest in poultry production due to increasing demands for economic efficiency, animal welfare, food safety, reduction in environmental impacts, and a ban on or avoidanceofgrowth promotant antibiotic use (Edgar, 2019). Chromogenic agar offers a faster approachforidentification (ID) of pathogens from mixed cultures such as urine cultures. The present studyaims to presumptive identification bacteria isolated from GIT based on color discriminationandcolony morphology using Chromagar orientation plate.

11Materials and Methods Five chicken’s farms were selected randomly and triplicate GIT of healthy chickens were takenandproceed to isolate the microorganisms onto Chromogenic agar plates (CHROMagar Orientationplates). A serial dilution was prepared and GIT was divided into five parts which are trakea, duodenum, small intestine, colon and caesum. Then, the samples were spread onto chromogenic agar and incubatedat 35-37 oC for 16 to 24hr. Colonies with various colors and morphology appeared according to manufacturedinstruction as in Table 1 were counted and calculated for colony forming unit (CFU) value. Colony forming unit (CFU)/ml = number of colonies x dilution factor volume on plates (ml) Table 1: Guidelines for Presumptive Identification Based on Different Colony Colors Bacteria species Group Presumptive Bacteria species Colors and morphology KECS group (Blue-torquise) Klebsiella Medium-metalic-torquise blue to dark blue colonies Citrobacter Blue-purple colonies Enterococcus Blue-green small colonies S.marcencent Aqua Blue S. agalactiae Light blue-green to light blue, pinpoint to small colonies, with or without halos Ec (Pinkish) Escherichia coli Dark rose to pink, transparent colonies, medium to large size, with or without halos in the surrounding mediumS. saprophyticus Light pink to rose, small opaque colonies with or without halos PAS group (cream white) Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter S. aureus, S.epidermis, Providensia Cream to yellow or clearance, small colonies Results and Discussion Appearance of isolates on CHROMagar Orientation plates. A single colonies were grown on CHROMagar Orientation plates after 16 to 24 h incubation. Therewasa consistent color reaction observed for some species or genus, with discrepancies summarizedinTable1. The number of each colony with three colors (blue, pink and cream) were recorded to facilitatetheidentification of pathogens in mixed cultures. Colony forming unit (CFU/ml) was performed as inFigure1 in five different GIT parts and also overall CFU/ml as stated in Table 2. A few question surveywasalso asked to the owner farm related to antibiotic used and other management. Fromthe Figure1, CFU/ml value is higher in duodenum and caesum parts. Based on the results, three chicken farms haveasimilar value of Log10CFU/ml and Farm B and Farm C have the lowest value. The selected of pathogenswere streaked again to get a pure culture for further species identification (Table 3). This findingveryimportant as food safety has a risk to humans associated with poultry contaminated with pathogens that could contribute significantly to food-borne diseases in humans (Hald et al., 2016; Rouger et al., 2017; Edgar, 2019) specifically when animals reared for their meat are colonized by bacterial pathogens, thesepathogens can be spread to humans via the food chain (Tahiru et al., 2019). Unfortunately, thefood-borne bacterial pathogen risk to humans associated with poultry feed has not been given the desiredattention currently. Table 2: Estimation of Overall Average of Colony Forming Unit (CFU/ml) in GIT. No. Farms Location Chicken Overall Average of CFU/ml in GIT Log10 (CFU/ml) 1. A Kuala Pilah, N. Sembilan Local 4.2043 0.6237

122. B Kuala Pilah, N.Sembilan Local 0.9755 0.0107 3. C Meru, Klang, Selangor Broiler 1.1240 0.0507 4. D Kapar, Klang, Selangor Local 4.2652 0.6299 5. E Kuang, Rawang, Selangor Broiler 4.1200 0.6148 Figure 1: Microbial Count Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/ml in five parts of GIT fromchickenfarms. Conclusion ChromAgar Orientation medium was a good and fast discrimination presumptive of common speciesofpathogen bacteria from the mixed culture from GIT samples using direct plating.However, this findingwill further confirmation identification of species by biochemical and DNA sequencing. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank to Selangor’s State government for sponsored the research grant (GeranPenyelidikan Negeri Selangor), Universiti Selangor and the farmers cooperations. References Edgar, O Oviedo-Rondon. 2019. Holistic view of intestinal health in poultry. Journal of Animal FeedScience and Technology, Vol: 250: pg. 1-8 Hald, T., Aspinall, W., Devleesschauwer, B. 2016. World Health Organization estimates of the relativecontributions of food to the burden of disease due to selected foodborne hazards: Astructuredexpert elicitation. PLoS ONE, Vol. 11 (1). Article ID e0145839. Rouger, A., Tresse, O., and Zagorec, M. 2017. Bacterial contaminants of poultry meat: sources, species, and dynamics. Journal of Microorganisms. Vol. 5 (3). Article 50. Tahiru Mahami , Wellington Togby-Tetteh, Delali Isaac Kottoh, Leticia Amoakoah-Twum, Emmanuel Gasu, Sylvester Nana Yao Annan, Daniel Larbi, Isaac Adjei, and Abraham Adu-Gyamfi. 2019. Microbial Food Safety Risk to Humans Associated with Poultry Feed: The Role of Irradiation. Hindawi International Journal of Food Science. Article ID 6915736, 7 pages

13PRELIMINARY EXTRACTION OF CHLOROPHYL A AND B FROMMICROALGAEISOLATED FROM SELANGOR SEA WATER Norazah Mohammad Nawawi1,2* , Saraswathy Selvakumar 3 , Norasyiqin Bakeri2 ,Roshani Othman3 andFarah Nazuha Mansor 3 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia 2Institute of Bio-IT Selangor, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia 3Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract Microalgae are organisms found in marine and freshwater environments. the objective of this studywasto obtain the chlorophyll a and b pigment from the microalgae isolated froma marine sampleinSelangor. Chlorophyll a and b pigment were extracted from the sample by using methanol (99.5%), acetone (99.5%), and ethanol (95%) as the extraction solvents. Spectrophotometric analysis has beenused to analyze and quantify the pigments. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b content of acetone extractedsamples were higher than compared to ethanol and methanol. Total chlorophyll was obtained at 6.196ug/ml. Keywords: Microalgae; pigment; chlorophyll a; chlorophyll b; extraction Introduction Microalgae are unicellular which consists of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic. These aquatic algaewill be found in freshwater and marine systems which is 1-50 micrometer in diameter without anyrootsorleaves (Singh, Liu, & Sharma, 2013). According to estimation about 200,000 to 800,000 species inmanydifferent genera exist of which about 50,000 species are described (Marilum, 2019). Over 15,000novel compounds originating from algal biomass have been chemically determined. Microalgae containproteins, sterols, vitamins, pigments, carotenoids, and polysaccharides that can be extracted for furtherapplications such as biofuel production, pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industry. Algae consist of three major classes of photosynthetic pigments which are chlorophylls, carotenoid(carotenes and xanthophyll) and phycobilins. A primary pigment in microalgae which absorb blue andredwavelength and then transmits green light is chlorophyll. Environmental factors such as light intensity, temperature, pH and nutrient presence in culture medium affect the pigment production in microalgae(Begum et al., 2016). Suitable medium is needed to culture the microalgae. For the light intensity, sunlight or artificial light source can be used in culturing microalgae. Chlorophyll is one of the valuablebioactive compounds that can be extracted from microalgal biomass. Chlorophylls and its derivativesareessential as pharmaceutical and also is being used in cosmetics. They have some wound healingandanti-inflammatory properties so that they are being used widely in medicines (Ghosh et al., 2018). Chlorophylls have a wide range of applications due to its coloring effect, tissue growth-stimulatingeffect, antioxidant and ant mutagenic properties (Halim et al., 2010). Extraction solvents suchasmethanol (99.5%), ethanol (95%) and acetone (99.5%) were used in the extraction of pigment frommicroalgae. The degree of affinity to the chemical composition of the pigments is depended in choosingthe effective solvent. Materials and Methods The growth of microalgae was monitored regularly so that the microalgae were harvested whenthepigment content was the highest at the end of stationary phase (Ilavarasi et al., 2011). 5 mLsampleculture was withdrawn into 50 mL falcon tube. The cells were centrifuged at 7000 rpmfor 5 minutes. The upper part which is supernatant was removed. Before the centrifugation, the empty 50 mLof falcontube was weighed. The pelleted cells contained falcon tube was weighed after the centrifugation.

14Optimization of the extraction process was carried out using different solvents which were methanol (99.5%), acetone (99.5%) and ethanol (95%). The pellet was suspended in calculated volume of solvent by strong vortex mixing for 20 minutes. After the strong vortex mixing at high speed, the mixture of cell and solvent was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 1 minute. The supernatant was collected for furtherspectrophotometric analysis. Quantification of the pigment extracted was carried out by using composedequations (Henriques et al., 2007). Finally, statistical analysis was analyzed by one-way ANOVA(analysis of variance). The means comparisons significance was tested at P<0.05. Results and Discussion The regular observation was carried out frequently to ensure the growth of microalgae. After 5daysofthe inoculation, the microalgae culture was turned to be green in color. Based on the optical densitymeasurement, the growth rate of both microalgae gradually increased from 5th day to 25th day. Equationswere proposed to determine the concentration of the pigments by using specific absorption coefficient (Lichtenthaler, 1987). Organic solvents were used in the extraction of pigments from microalgae sample. Table 1 shows theconcentration of the pigments extracted by three different solvents which determined by usingthecomposed equation for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophylls. Table 1: The concentration of the pigments (μg/mL) extracted by Type of pigments Pigment concentration using acetone (99.5%) (μg/mL) Pigment concentration using methanol (99.5%) (μg/mL) Pigment concentration using ethanol (95%) (μg/mL) Chlorophyll a 3.39 ± 1.5 2.52 ± 1.8 2.45 ± 1.0 Chlorophyll b 3.30 ± 0.7 1.15 ± 1.0 1.50 ± 0.4 Total chlorophylls 6.255 ± 1.8 3.66 ± 2.6 3.98 ± 0.9 Based on Table 1, which shows the concentration calculated by equations and Beer’ law, theconcentration of chlorophyll b is quite lower than chlorophyll a. In pigmentation, microalgae showagreat diversity whereas different groups’ algae have different pigment composition as well. As pigmentsusually can be found in chromophores which is a specialized plastid, all major algal groups will haveminimum one pigment in their cells. Chlorophylls are the main pigments and being responsible for thegreen color of the algae. As a chlorine pigment, it is related to porphyrin which contains anironcompound (heme). Its chemical structure has the magnesium (Mg 2+ ) in the center of the ring. Of the three extraction solvents tested, for both samples, the best solvent for the extractionofchlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and phycoerythrin is acetone (99.5%). As a standard solvent for thechlorophylls extraction, it has given better result than the other two solvents because of its highinsolubility among the three solvents. One-way Anova was carried out for all type of solvents. Whencomparing the effect of solvent, it was determined that p-value is 0.802 > 0.05. So, there is no significant difference in the yield for three solvents. However, the data obtained important as the guide to optimizethe pigment extraction process from locally isolated microalgae. Conclusion This preliminary study indicated that the locally isolated microalgae have the potential to produce pigment. Acetone (99.5%) is the best solvent for the extraction of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll bfrommicroalgae isolated from Selangor seawater.

15References Begum, H., Yusoff, F. M. D., Banerjee, S., Khatoon, H. & Shariff, M. 2016. Availability and Utilizationof Pigments from Microalgae. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(13). Ghosh, P., Das, P., Mukherjee, R., Banik, S., Karmakar, S. & Chatterjee, S. 2018. ExtractionandQuantification of Pigments From Indian Traditional. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 9(7), 3052–3059. Halim, R., Hosikian, A., Lim, S. & Danquah, M. K. 2010. Chlorophyll extraction frommicroalgae: Areview on the process engineering aspects. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2209–2222. Henriques, M., Silva, A. & Rocha, J. 2007a. Extraction and quantification of pigments froma marinemicroalga: a simple and reproducible method. Communicating Current Research and Educational Topics and Trends in Applied Microbiology, 586–593. Ilavarasi, A., Mubarakali, D., Praveenkumar, R., Baldev, E. & Thajuddin, N. 2011. Optimizationofvarious growth media to freshwater microalgae for biomass production. Biotechnology, 10(6), 540–545. Lichtenthaler, H. K. 1987. Chlorophylls and Carotenoids: Pigments of Photosynthetic Biomembranes. Methods in Enzymology, 148(C), 350–382. Marilum, M. C. & Products, M. S. 2019. Essential Science: Why algae may be the superfood of 2017, 1–2. Singh, B., Liu, Y. & Sharma, Y. C. 2013. Synthesis of biodiesel/bio-oil frommicroalgae. Biotechnological Applications of Microalgae: Biodiesel and Value-Added Products, 6(126), 99–112.

16APPLICATION OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS: A CASE STUDY ONJOBSTREETADVERTISEMENT FOR SEASONED ACCOUNTANT IN MALAYSIASiti Hawa Mohd Yusoff*, Ilani Dayana Noor Azman, Shahida Abd.Latif and Naeimah Mamat Department of Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, JalanTimur Tambahan, 47000 Bestari Jaya, Selangor. *Correspoding Email: [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the credibility of online job advertisement which is Jobstreet by investigating the relationship of salary posted with years of experience required and type of companyin Malaysia for seasoned accountant. 200 samples of job posted in Jobstreet have been collectedrangingfrom four types of company which are Accounting, Consulting, Property Management, andManufacturing. Using a nonparametric method of regression analysis (Theil Sen Estimator), this studyfound that the salary posted in Jobstreet advertisement and the years of experience requiredfor aseasoned accountant has a positive correlation and significant relationship with each other. Also, basedon the nonparametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis Test), the study showed that there is not enough evidence to support that there is a significant relationship between the type of companyandthesalary of a seasoned accountant. Keywords: Jobstreet; Kruskal-Wallis Test; Nonparametric Statistics; Theil Sen Estimator. Introduction Online hiring or e-hiring is the main sources for employer to attract the right candidate for thejobnowadays. According to (The Star Online, 2017, Nov 2), online hiring activity in Malaysia, has recordeda 7% growth comparing to September 2016. This online hiring or e-hiring has transformed the humanresources activity such as talent acquisitions and recruitment with the rise of internet technologyinthepast decades. As reported by the News Straits Times, 2019 saw a decline of 7%in online hiringactivityin its first quarter; both January and February, (NST, 2019, March 29). Despite having numerouspromising advantages over traditional recruitment practices, in one respect, according to (Kuhn&Skuterud, 2000), there is a serious disadvantage of e-recruitment which is that online hiring channel hasbeen found to be a less credible sources as compared to other traditional recruitment channels suchascampus interviews, career fairs and newspaper advertisements The credibility issues are a majorshortcoming of online recruitment website as it will have significant impact on the jobseekerspreferences. Hence, this study will focus on the credibility issues of online job advertisementsbylooking into some of the factors that affecting salary that has been advertised. Materials and Methods To start the project, 200 data of accountant job advertisement posted are collected in Jobstreet website. These job advertisements provide the details on salary, years of experience required, size of companyand type of industry. The focus in this study is on the seasoned accountant job advertisement inMalaysia and also the job advertisement posted directly by the employer. Four type of big companyhasbeen chosen which accounting, manufacturing, consulting and property management. In this project, experiment has been conducted to identify the salary against with several factors that affecting thedata. The analysis was carred out by using nonparametric statistics test since the data was not normallydistributed. Spearman’s rank correlation was used to measure relationship between two variables. TheKruskal-Wallis test was used to assess for significant differences on a continuous dependent variablebya categorical independent variable with two or more groups. While, the Theil Sen Estimator usedtoestimate a linear trend.

17Results and Discussion Data presented in Table 1 describe the salary of the data set. From Table 1, it can be deduced that salarygroup between RM 2000 - RM 3000 has the highest percentage with 46% , followed by RM1000- RM2000 with 24% , RM 3000 - RM 4000 with 20% . The lowest salary group is RM4000 - RM5000with10%. Also, among the 200 sample, the minimum salary is found to be RM1800 and the maximumsalary is RM 5000. Table 1: Data Description of Salary Salary (RM) Frequency Percentage (%) 1000-2000 49 24.00 2000-3000 93 46.00 3000-4000 39 20.00 4000-5000 19 10.00 The variable year of experience is described and presented in Table 2. It was found that alargemajority of the year of experience is 3 years which has the highest percentage of 33%. It is followedbythe 1 year of experience that accounted 60%, 2 years of experienced with percentage of 20%, 5yearsofexperienced with 11% and the lowest percentage 4 years of experience which has 6%. Table 2: Data Descriptive of Year of Experience Year of Experience Frequency Percentage (%) 1 60 30.00 2 41 20.00 3 66 33.00 4 12 6.00 5 21 11.00 The four types of companies in this study are accounting, property management, consultingandmanufacturing. In Figure 1, the highest count of the type company is manufacturing, followedbyconsulting, accounting and lowest count is property management. Figure 1: There are four types of companies, which are property management, manufacturing, consulting and accounting. Next, to determine the relationship between salary and years of experience, Spearman’scorrelation was used. Based on the result, it is found that the rho, = 0.7059. This indicates that thevariable salary has a strong positive relationship with year of experience. Then, a linear regressionmodel based on median is developed using Theil-Sen estimator. Based on the result it can be concludedthat the variable year of experience has a significant difference on salary with p-value 0.05. It canbe

18modeled as ܽ ܽ ܽ ݎ￾ݕݕ ൌ ݕݕͷ Ͳܽ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ . The estimated linear regressionequation indicated that the number of salary is expected to increase by 500 when the number of yearsofexperience increases by 1 year. While the analysis by Kruskal-Wallis test on salary and type of companyobserved that the p-value > 0.05, indicates not have sufficient evidence to conclude significant relationship between the type of company and the salary of a seasoned accountant. Conclusion The recent study indicated that there is a significant relationship between the salary and yearsofexperience required. Also, there is not enough evidence to support that there is a significant relationshipbetween the type of company and the salary of a seasoned accountant. References Kuhn, P., & Skuterud, M. (2000). Job Search Methods: Internet versus Traditional. MonthlyLab. Rev., 123, 3. NST. (2019, March 29). New Straits Times. Retrieved from Malaysia's online hiring off to a sluggishstart in 2019: The Star Online. (2017, Nov 2). Online hiring on the rise in Malaysia. Retrieved fromThe Star Online: malaysia/

19EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE TOWARDS BREASTCANCER SCREENING AMONG STAFF IN SELANGOR UNIVERSITYMardhiyati Mohd Yunus 1* , Sawal Marsait1 , Abdullah Mohd Noh 1 , Siti Zurina Mat Noor 1 , NorhafizahZahari1 and Azman Ariffin 2 1Medical Imaging Division, Health Sciences Department, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Shah Alam, Malaysia2 Statistics Division, Science and Biotechnology Department, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Bestari Jaya, Malaysia *Correspondence Email: [email protected] Abstract In Malaysia, the numbers of breast cancer cases are lower as compared to other country but, themortality rate due to late detection of breast cancer is higher. Breast cancer screening plays major rolefor early detection of breast cancer. Therefore, people need know about Breast Self-Examination(BSE), mammography and Clinical Breast Examination (CBE). Evaluation of knowledge, attitude andpracticeof breast cancer screening among Selangor University staff was done using descriptive surveyandobservational method. 91 samples were selected randomly using simple random sampling method. Theyneed to answer self-administered e-survey questionnaires. Then, two qualified observers were observedtheir ability to palpate the lumps with correct counting number of lumps on the breast phantomandusing proper BSE techniques based on Likert scale. Mean age of respondents was 2.26 ± 0.697with58.2% aged 31 to 40 years. 44% of them have Master degree background with the mean 4.21±1.243. Majority of 53.9% respondents have medium level of BSE knowledge while 58.2%of themhavehighknowledge on mammography. Majority 64.6% of respondents feel somewhat confident on palpatingthelump, 41.8% feel confident in counting number of lumps and 54.4% was not confident on usingpropertechnique on BSE. Mean response on the ability to feel the lumps is (3.11 ± 0.62), ability to palpatethenumber of lump is (3.34 ± 0.96) and using proper techniques of BSE is (2.38 ± 0.74). 97.8%agreedthat BSE is necessary to check any abnormalities in the breast (88.8%) and good to practice (93.4%). 71.4%of them have done BSE before with majority 53.8% started at the age of 26-35 years old. 41.9%offemale respondents done their mammography because of having family members with breast cancer. 38.5% respond that mammography is costly and 30.8% said it is very painful to be done. In conclusion, majority of the respondents were able to palpate and count the lumps on the breast phantombut not that confident in using proper BSE techniques. Keywords: Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; Breast Cancer Screening Introduction In a year of 2003 alone, 3738 new cases of malignant tumor or malignant mass were reportedtotheNational Cancer Registration (NCR) of Malaysia and it is estimated that 1 out of every 20 womeninMalaysia may develop breast cancer in their lifetime (Yip, Taib, & Mohamed, 2006). In an effort toreduce its mortality rate, early detection through exercising multiple trial of mammography screeningisvery important (Park, Franken, Garg, Fajardo, & Niklason, 2007). It is very important to motivate patient to come for mammography screening in the early detection of breast cancer. A reduction in breast cancermortality is the primary goal of breast cancer screening (Franca, Kaaks, & Vainio, 2002). The central ideaof the screening is that the prognosis of an individual cancer may change from deadly to curablebydetecting it earlier. Other than mammographyas a screening tool for detecting breast cancer, BSELSOplays a crucial role for younger women who do not undergo other forms of breast cancer screeningmethods, and it has a special place for all women in increasing breast awareness. As mention (Karayurt, Ozmen, & Cetinkaya, 2008) the adolescent is a time of quick change that provides teaching opportunitiesto form health behaviours into adulthood. Therefore, this research is purposely to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice toward breast cancer among staff in Selangor University.

20Materials and Methods Descriptive survey design and observation method was used in this study. The research was performedin Selangor University (UNISEL). 79 participants were randomly selected among male and femalestaffincluding academician and non academician. The sample size was calculated using formular with95%confidence level adopted from the textbook of Basic Statistics: A Modern Approach. Each participant answered a self-administered questionnaires via e-survey. The questionnaire was designed inEnglishlanguage. Permission has been granted from the original author and has been validated. Thequestionnaires are considered as primary data which is designed to evaluate information suchas: (1)Demographic characteristic of the respondents such as gender, age, marital status and education(2) Thelevel knowledge of participants about BSE and mammography (3) The attitude of the participants towardBSE and mammography (4) The practices of participantstowardsBSE, mammogramand CBE. After theyhave done their e-survey, participants were given a chance to do BSE on breast phantomprovidedtothem. Phantom that is used were shown in Figure 1.0. Figure 1.0: The BSE breast phantom. Two qualified observers was selected to observe the ability of respondents to palpate the lumps withcorrect counting number of lumps on the breast phantom and using proper BSE techniques basedonLikert scale. Finally, Descriptive statistics was obtained for all the variables in the study using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) version 20.0. Statistical analysis was analysedby Pearson Correlation to find the relationship between level of knowledge, attitude and practice of BSE, mammography and CBE with demographic factors and followed by Chi-square Test to comparethelevel of BSE practice on breast phantom between gender and faculties. The means comparisonssignificance was tested at P<0.05. Results and Discussion Mean age of respondents was 2.26 ± 0.697 with 58.2% aged 31 to 40 years. 44%of themhave Masterdegree background with the mean 4.21±1.243. Majority of 53.9% respondents have mediumlevel ofBSE knowledge while 58.2% of them have high knowledge on mammography.

21Table 1: Descriptive analysis of BSE practice on breast phantom. Majority 64.6% of respondents feel somewhat confident on palpating the lump, 41.8%feel confident incounting number of lumps and 54.4% was not confident on using proper technique on BSE. BasedonTable 1, the mean response on the ability to feel the lumps is (3.11 ± 0.62), ability to palpate the numberof lump is (3.34 ± 0.96) and using proper techniques of BSE is (2.38 ± 0.74). There are no significant different between the ability to feel the lumps, the ability to count number ofpalpated lumps and the ability to use proper BSE technique between faculty and gender factors (pvalues> 0.05). None (0%) of the participant was very confident in feeling the lump and also using proper BSEtechnique. This shown that education on practicing BSE technique is required. 97.8%agreed that BSEisnecessary to check any abnormalities in the breast (88.8%) and good to practice (93.4%). 71.4%of themhave done BSE before with majority 53.8% started at the age of 26-35 years old. 41.9%of femalerespondents done their mammography because of having family members with breast cancer. 38.5%respond that mammography is costly and 30.8% said it is very painful. Conclusion In conclusion, majority of the respondents were able to palpate and count the lumps on the breast phantom but not that confident in using proper BSE techniques. References Franca, Bianchini, Kaaks, Rudolf, & Vainio, Harri. (2002). Overweight, obesity, and cancer risk. . Thelancet oncology, 3(9), 565-574. Karayurt, O, Ozmen, D, & Cetinkaya, A. C. . (2008). Awareness of breast cancer risk factors andpractice of breast self examination among high school students in Turkey. BMC public health, 8, 359. Park, Franken, Garg, Fajardo, & Niklason. (2007). Breast tomosynthesis:present considerations andfuture applications. Radiographics 27, 231–240. Yip, Cheng Har, Taib, Nur Aishah Mohd, & Mohamed, Ibraham. (2006). Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Malaysia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 7, 369-374.

22PROTOTAIP APLIKASI REALITI MAYA PANORAMA UNISELSEBAGAI ALAT BANTU PEMASARAN Mohd Noor Rizal Bin Arbain * , Norhayati Binti Mohd Amin dan Norzita Binti Duriat Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Persekitaran maya merupakan suatu kaedah bagi manusia untuk membayangkan, memanipulasi danberinteraksi dengan komputer atau telefon pintar. Dalam erti kata lain, pengguna dapat merasakankehadiran dirinya dalam sesuatu persekitaran tiruan. Pada masa kini, persekitaran realiti maya (virtual reality/VR) digunakan untuk pelbagai tujuan seperti mewujudkan lawatan maya dari muzium, monumen, kedai, bandar atau menunjukkan adegan peristiwa dalam 360 darjah persekitaran. Cabaran utama dalampembangunan persekitaran ini adalah untuk melibatkan pengunjung dan cuba untuk menyampaikansituasi sama seolah-olah ia berada di dalam persekitaran sebenar. Dengan persaingan pertumbuhanbilangan di antara IPTS dan UA yang semakin mencabar, pelbagai usaha dan cara untuk menambahkanbilangan pelajar. Dengan itu objektif kajian ini adalah untuk memberi prospek gambaran awal KampusUNISEL Bestari Jaya dalam suasana sebenar atau nyata, menyampaikan maklumat tentang kemudahan-kemudahan yang terdapat di UNISEL melalui teknologi realiti maya dan membangunkan satuaplikasi mudah alih (mobile) panorama UNISEL dalam realiti maya sebagai alat bantu pemasaran UNISEL. Antara kaedah penyelidikan yang digunapakai dalam kajian ini adalah melalui penggunaanModel ADDIE untuk pembangunan perisian yang terdiri daripada fasa Analysis (Analisis), Design(Rekabentuk), Development (Pembangunan), Implementation (Perlaksanaan) dan Evaluation (Penilaian). Hasil daripada kajian projek penyelidikan ini akan dapat membangunkan satu aplikasi pemasaranmudahalih yang dapat membantu menggambarkan suasana UNISEL yang sebenar dengan lebih mudahdanjelas kepada orang ramai secara realiti maya seperti keadaan kampus, kemudahan yang disediakandansebagai satu platform promosi dalam meningkatkan ekonomi UNISEL sebagai sebuah destinasi perlancongan pendidikan pada masa hadapan terutama di Kampus UNISEL Bestari Jaya. Kata kunci: Realiti maya, Panorama, Pelancongan Pendidikan, Pemasaran. Pengenalan Dengan persaingan pertumbuhan bilangan di antara IPTS dan UA yang semakin mencabar, pelbagai usaha dan cara untuk menambahkan bilangan pelajar. Selari dengan objektif projek yang dicadangkan, di antara kepentingan projek ini adalah untuk membantu strategi pemasaran dan imej korporat UNISELdengan lebih berkesan dan meluas melalui teknologi ICT. Selain itu, aplikasi mudah alih ini jugadapat membantu memaparkan UNISEL yang sebenar dengan lebih mudah dan jelas kepada orang ramai secararealiti maya dari sudut suasana kampus dan kemudahan yang disediakan. Menerusi aplikasi mudah alih ini, ia dilihat sebagai satu platform dalam meningkatkan ekonomi UNISEL sebagai sebuah destinasi perlancongan pendidikan dimana UNISEL mampu menyediakanpelbagai kemudahan untuk menjayakan pelbagai aktiviti program di dalam kampus UNISELBestari jaya seperti aktiviti sukan , seminar, pameran, hari terbuka dan sebagainya yang dapat menarikpengunjung datang ke UNISEL. Kaedah Penyelidikan 1. Kaedah Pembangunan Perisian Model ADDIE merupakan antara model rekabentuk instruksi yang sering menjadi asas kepada model-model rekabentuk instruksi yang lain. Secara amnya, model ADDIE (Rosset, 1987) terdiri daripadafasa

23Analysis (Analisis), Design (Rekabentuk), Development (Pembangunan), Implementation (Perlaksanaan)dan Evaluation (Penilaian). Rajah 1: Model ADDIE 2. Kaedah Penyelidikan a) Sumber Data Primer: Pengumpulan Data daripada Temubual b) Sumber Data Sekunder: Pengumpulan Data daripada Jurnal, Buku Elektronik, dan lamanwebyang sahih. Keputusan dan Perbincangan Rajah 2 Berdasarkan Rajah 2, tinjauan temubual ke atas 12 orang kakitangan akademik UNISEL yang hadir keSeminar “Research Talk” yang dianjurkan oleh Unit Penyelidikan Pusat Pengajian Asasi danUmumpada Semester April 2019 yang lalu mendapati 100% peratus bersetuju bahawa sebagai staf UNISELamat memerlukan satu applikasi mobile atau android application yang boleh digunakanuntukmemperkenalkan atau mempromosikan UNISEL kepada orang awam ketika menjalankanaktiviti pemasaran di luar. Berikut adalah antara pandangan atau maklumbalas tentang aplikasi realiti maya untuk UNISEL: 1. Memudahkan penjelasan kepada prospek 2. Pelanggan dapat melihat secara VR (Virtual Reality) keadaan dan kondusi UNISELdi kampustanpa perlu datang melawat 3. Memudahkan orang ramai lebih kenal dengan UNISEL secara maya dan realiti 4. Mudah kepada pelawat dan agenda pemasaran UNISEL

245. Memudahkan menyampaikan maklumat sehingga memperkenalkan UNISEL kepada orangawam. 6. Bagus untuk perkembangan UNISEL 7. Dapat bantu memberikan gambaran suasana dan fasiliti di UNISEL. Dalammasa yangsama, boleh memberikan gambaran keberjayaan bidang IT di UNISEL dan menarik minat pelajar 8. Memudahkan masyarakat luar menggambarkan suasana UNISEL 9. Sangat membantu sebagai salah satu strategi pemasaran 10. Memudahkan staf untuk memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan UNISEL denganlebihmenyeluruh agar orang awam dapat melihat keadaan sebenar kampus UNISEL dan sekali gusmeyakinkan orang awam fasiliti dan persekitaran pembelajaran di dalamkampus yangsangat selesa serta kondusif. 11. Projek ini sangat penting untuk dibangunkan kerana boleh digunakan oleh semua orangyangberminat melihat suasana kampus dan fasiliti di UNISEL. Selain itu, prototaip ini akanmenarikminat pelajar masuk ke UNISEL. Kesimpulan Hasil utama daripada penyelidikan ini adalah untuk membangunkan alat bantu bagi mempromosikanUNISEL kepada para pelajar dari sekolah menengah serta membantu pengguna merasakandanmenggambarkan lebih banyak persekitaran sebenar UNISEL. Ia juga membantu penyelidikuntukmempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai membangunan aplikasi realiti maya (virtual reality/VR). Rujukan Aukstakalnis, S. & Blatner, D. (1992). Silicon Mirage-The Art and Science of Virtual Reality. Peachpit Press, Inc. Berg, L. P., & Vance, J. M. (2016). Industry use of virtual reality in product design and manufacturing: asurvey. Virtual Reality, 1-17. Costa, F., Pereira, J. P., & Castro, A. (2013). Visualization and Manipulation of Informationin3DImmersive Environments. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Advances in InformationSystems and Technologies, 1041-1051,doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36981-0_99. Create 360-Degree Panoramic 3D Virtual Tour in 3 Easy Steps. (2010). Didapatkan November 12, 2016, daripada Kalawsky, R. S. (1996). Exploiting virtual reality techniques in education and training. Technological issues, Technical Report (AGOCG). Advanced VR Research Technology. UK Xiao, D. Y. (2000). Experiencing the library in a panorama virtual reality environment. Library Hi Tech, 18(2), 177-184. Zakirah Othman. (2002). Persekitaran Maya Berasaskan Teknik Permodelan Autocad DanImej Fotografi. Universiti Utara Malaysia.

25KEBERKESANAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI DALAMPEMBELAJARAN DI PUSAT MATRIKULASI KUIS Nurul Nadirah Zakaria 1* , Muhammad Fansuri Mohd Zahari1 dan Mohd Azrul Sulaiman 2 1Pusat Matrikulasi, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Bandar Seri Putra, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia 2Bahagian Teknologi Maklumat, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Bandar Seri Putra, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia Abstrak Kajian ini membincangkan keberkesanan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalampengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) di Pusat Matrikulasi KUIS. Penggunaan teknologi secara berkesandalam pendidikan tinggi adalah penting untuk menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti tinggi danmenyediakan pelajar untuk cabaran abad ke-21. Teknologi kini mempunyai potensi untuk memainkanperanan penting dalam pembangunan dan kemunculan sistem pendidikan. Objektif kajian ini adalahmengkaji pengetahuan dan penerimaan pelajar terhadap teknologi cloud storage khususnya di kelasmakmal bagi subjek Introduction to Computer. Kajian ini, menggunakan borang kaji selidikkepadapelajar-pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUIS yang mengambil subjek Introduction to Computer Sesi I2019/2020. Pembinaan soal kaji selidik ini menggunakan Google Forms dan diedarkan kepada pelajar-pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUIS yang terpilih. Sejumlah 72 orang responden yang menjawab soal selidikyang disediakan. Hasil dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan kebanyakan pelajar dalamera teknologi masakini masih belum mahir dalam teknologi cloud storage. Oleh itu, penyelidik menyarankan penggunaanteknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran dijalankan secara teratur meningkatkankeberkesanan dalam pelaksanaan proses P&P dan hasil belajar pelajar serta kualiti pelajar secaraindividu dari segi penggunaan teknologi lebih tepat dan berguna. Kata Kunci: Teknologi Informasi, Komunikasi, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Pendahuluan Keperluan dan gaya hidup masyarakat masa kini dengan perkembangan dalampelbagai bidangterutamanya teknologi. Perubahan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran berpaksikan perubahan teknologi yang semakin canggih (Husain, C.,2014). Ia menjadi jelas menunjukkan kaedah tradisional tidakmampumenangani keperluan pendidikan tinggi di mana penekanannya adalah pada pengalaman pembelajarandan hasil pembelajaran yang lebih tinggi yang menuntut perubahan pengetahuan dan komunikasi berasaskan masyarakat (Păceşilă, M., 2006). Kesan daripada kehadiran revolusi industri 4.0 dari sudut pendidikan pula akan menyaksikan penggunaan telefon pintar mahupun komputer riba akan digunakansecara meluas (Nurul et al., 2018). Arus perubahan teknologi komunikasi dari konvensional hinggamoden dan semua dalam bentuk digital. Kajian-Kajian Lepas Kehadiran media sosial sebagai kesan daripada pembangunan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi memang luar biasa. Kehadiran media sosial ternyata kesan perubahan cara berkomunikasi dari konvensional menjadi moden dan semua digital, tetapi juga menyebabkan komunikasi berterusanmenjadi lebih berkesan (Setiadi, A., 2016). Dalam kajian Husain C. (2014), penyelidik menganalisisserta memaparkan bagaimana pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalampembelajarandi SMA Muhammadiyah Tarakan, Indonesia. Hasil kajian ini, penyelidik mendapati penggunaaninternet masih terhad untuk mencari maklumat. Manakala kajian Wu, J. et al. (2010) melihat cloud storage sebagai infrastruktur pengkomputeranawan. Cloud storage mempunyai kelebihan dari segi kewangan dan keselamatan. Pengkomputeranawan(cloud computing) telah telah berkembang dalam pelbagai bidang, dengannya potensi untukmenyediakan persekitaran perkhidmatan yang dipertingkat bersama dengan kelebihan skalabilitas,

26fleksibiliti, kebolehaksesan, kebolehpercayaan, dan prestasi tinggi semasa mengurangkan kos operasi yang berkaitan dengan Teknologi Maklumat (Pocatilu, P., 2010). Banyak universiti telah mengakui potensi manfaat memanfaatkan pengkomputeran awan antara sebabnya ekonomi, serta untuk pengajarandan perkongsian data yang lebih maju (Mircea, M., & Andreescu, A. I., 2011). Metodologi Kajian ini, menggunakan borang kaji selidik kepada pelajar-pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUISyangmengambil subjek Introduction to Computer Sesi I 2019/2020. Kajian ini mengunakan kaedahstatistikdeskriptif di dalam penganalisisan data. Kajian ini menumpukan kepada pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUISyang terdiri daripada program Asasi Pengajian Islam, Asasi Pengurusan, Pengajian Asas Teknologi Maklumat, Asasi Bahasa Arab dan Asasi Komunikasi bagi Sesi I 2019/2020. Pembinaan soal kaji selidik ini menggunakan Google Forms dan diedarkan kepada pelajar-pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUISyang terpilih. Dapatan Kajian Sejumlah 72 orang responden yang menjawab soal selidik yang disediakan. Dapatan kajianini menunjukkan seramai 51.4% responden merupakan pelajar perempuan manakala 48.6%pelajar lelaki. Kebanyakan responden berusia di antara 18 - 23 tahun daripada pengajian Asasi PengajianIslamsemester 1. Keseluruhan pelajar pernah mendengari tentang teknologi cloud storage. 93.1%daripadamereka yang mengetahui teknologi tersebut. Sebanyak 69.4% bersetuju bahawa teknologi cloudstoragemerupakan satu aplikasi yang dapat menyimpan dalam bentuk digital dan 81.9%respondenpulabersetuju bahawa aplikasi cloud storage pengguna akan dapat menjimatkan masa dan wangringgit berbanding dengan penggunaan penyimpanan secara fizikal (USB drive, external hardisk). Seramai 68.1% responden mempunyai pengalaman menggunakan aplikasi cloud storage sebelummasukkePusat Matrikulasi KUIS. 75% responden juga bersetuju bahawa teknologi cloud storage sangat sesuai di aplikasikan di dalam P&P pada masa kini. Subjek Introduction to Computer merupakan subjekwajibbagi pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUIS. Dalam silibus subjek ini juga dimuatkan dengan topik berkaitanpenyimpanan yang terkandung di antaranya cloud storage. Seramai 77.8% responden berasa terujasekiranya P&P bagi Introduction to Computer menggunakan teknologi cloud storage. Selainitu, sebanyak 73.6% responden bersetuju bahawa teknologi cloud storage dapat memberikan manfaat khususnya kepada mereka. Antaranya dari segi kaedah penyimpanan data yang mudah malahantidakmelibatkan duit untuk menggunakannya. Kesimpulan Pelajar Pusat Matrikulasi KUIS sedar bahawa teknologi cloud storage merupakan teknologi penyimpanan dalam bentuk digital masa kini. Hasil dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan kebanyakanpelajardalam era teknologi masa kini masih belum mahir dalam teknologi cloud storage. Oleh itu, penyelidikmenyarankan penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran dijalankansecarateratur kerana ia dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan dalam pelaksanaan proses P&P dan hasil belajarpelajar serta kualiti pelajar secara individu dari segi penggunaan teknologi lebih tepat dan berguna. Rujukan Husain, C. 2014. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran di SMAMuhammadiyah Tarakan. Jurnal Kebijakan dan Pengembangan Pendidikan, 2(2). Mircea, M., & Andreescu, A. I. 2011. Using cloud computing in higher education: A strategy toimproveagility in the current financial crisis. Communications of the IBIMA. Nurul Nadirah Zakaria, Muhammad Fansuri Mohd Zahari & Mohd Azrul Sulaiman. 2018. PenggunaanGoogle Forms Sebagai Alat Bantu Mengajar Di Peringkat Asasi. E-Prosiding 3rd National Pre-university Seminar 2018. Tapak sesawang Păceşilă, M. 2006. The impact of moving to knowledge based economy in the public sector. Management & Marketing-Craiova, (1), 113-118.

27Pocatilu, P. 2010. Cloud computing benefits for e-learning solutions. Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2(1), 9. Setiadi, A. 2016. Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Efektifitas Komunikasi. Cakrawala-Jurnal Humaniora, 16(2). Wu, J., Ping, L., Ge, X., Wang, Y., & Fu, J. 2010. Cloud storage as the infrastructure of cloudcomputing. In 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Cognitive Informatics(pp. 380-383). IEEE.

28THE POVERTY OF EQUALITY: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF HARRISONBERGERON Muhamad Farid Abdul Latiff 1 and Hannah Suraiya Feisal2 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, 45600, Selangor, Malaysia2Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiafaridlatif Abstract This paper makes a Critical Discourse Analysis of how Vonnegut (1961) represents power in HarrisonBergeron, a dystopian-science fiction short story that tries to achieve equality through authoritarianandcruel means. Fairclough’s (1992, 2009) Dialectical-Relational Approach was employed as the theoretical framework. The TRANSITIVITY analysis following (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) reveals thebackgrounding of actor by the author as to hide the agency and dismiss it fromany formofaccountability and responsibility. On interdiscursivity, the two dominant topoi identifiedarethediscourse of media and discourse of law. Keywords: Dialectical-Relational Approach; TRANSITIVITY; interdiscursivity; CDA Introduction In the science fiction story of Harrison Bergeron (Vonnegut, 1961), everyone has been made equal. Vonnegut imagines a future where equality is achievable, but only through cruel, authoritarian means–as a way to level the playing field, those considered to have extraordinary abilities, whether it is tobestronger, smarter, better looking, more talented than others, are made to wear handicaps in order toexhaust and stamp out their abilities. It is 2081, and everyone is equal, not just before the law, but beforeGod as well. With the introduction of the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, thelaw has been mandated so as to justify the use of brutal force on the innocent citizens of this dystopiansociety. At first read, the story might seem like a ridiculous exaggeration, but after a critical analysis, Harrison Bergeron reveals how policies that appear well-intentioned can have disastrous effectsonsociety. Materials and Methods This qualitative study is aimed at investigating how power is represented in Vonnegut’s HarrisonBergeron, and in order to represent the data in the most comprehensive of ways, Dialectical-Relational Approach (DRA) from Norman Fairclough (1992, 2009) was employed in the analysis. Fairclough’s(1992, 2009) DRA consists of three dimensions: 1. Description This stage is concerned with the formal properties (linguistic features) of the text. 2. Interpretation This stage is concerned with the relationship between text and interaction. 3. Explanation This stage is concerned with the “relationship between interaction and social context – with the social determination of the processes of production and interpretation, and their social effects” (Fairclough1989, p. 26).

29Figure 1: Representation of Fairclough’s diagram of “social theory of discourse” (Fairclough, 1992: 73) Fairclough emphasizes close textual analysis as being the main apparatus to finding critique in ideology, but to perform an analysis close to the text, Fairclough has adopted Halliday’s TRANSITIVITYtoSystemic Functional Linguistics (Wodak & Meyer, 2009). The approach originated by Michael Hallidayis what the study will draw upon. For the TRANSITIVITY analysis, the Processes included were Material, Mental, Relational, Verbal, and Behavioral. The Existential Process was not analyzed as it examinestheexistence of things, which does not help to answer the research question. The frequency of all processeswas calculated to display an overview of processes throughout the short story. The primary focus wasonthe conflicts present in the social setting of the story, and the elements of power, resistance, dominancethat exist alongside the story’s corrupted notion of equality were also analyzed. Results and Discussion This part of the paper presents and analyzes the findings of the study. The first part of the studyfocuseson the textual analysis by examining the different processes occurred in the text by using TRANSITIVITYas the analytical tool. The second part of the analysis focuses on the discursive practices present inthestory. The final part of the analysis focuses on the social practice where we examine the short storyfroma macro perspective. Textual Analysis Table 1: Percentage of distribution of processes Processes Percentage Material 40% Mental 37.8% Relational 13.33% Verbal 6.77% Behavioral 2.22% Total 100% TRANSITIVITY analysis is employed to answer the research question: How does the author represent power in the short story? Table 1 indicates the frequency of the distribution of processes in theshort story. Material Process marks the highest frequency of 40%, followed by Mental Process of 37.8%. Thehigher the frequency of processes implies ‘the main types of process in the TRANSITIVITYsystem’(Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014). The findings show that Material Process and Mental Process arethemost dominant processes occurred in the short story. The other processes namely Relational Processshows a percentage of 13.33%, Verbal Process with 6.77%, and subsequently Behavioral Processof2.22%. These Processes prove to be secondary processes to the dominant processes in whichtheyare‘not so clearly set apart, but nevertheless recognizable in the grammar as intermediate betweenthedifferent pairs – i.e: Behavioral: Material + Mental’ (Halliday & Matthiessen 2014).

30Interdiscursivity The two dominant discourses present in “Harrison Bergeron” are the discourse of media, and discourseof law. The media is used as a megaphone to society’s thoughts and worldview. Discourse of law, however, is one of the main components that makes this society tick. General Diana Moon Glampersuses her professional authority, as well as the authority held above all society, to keep theminplace. When she shoots Harrison and his Empress at the end of the book, she is upholding the Amendmentstothe Constitution, and the rebels are rightly taken out. When George is asked by Hazel to remove someofthe lead weights padlocked around his neck, he cites the law of the authority as a reason not to doso. Conclusion Society should not put on a pedestal the ideology of making people equal in every aspect. References Andina-Díaz, A. (2007). Reinforcement vs. Change: The Political Influence of the Media. Public Choice, 131(1/2), 65-81. Bourdieu, P. (1998). On Television, translated by Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson. New York: The NewPress. Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and social change. London: Polity Press. Fairclough, N. (2001). Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research. In Wodak, R., & Meyer, M. (Eds), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (pp. 121-138). London: SagePublications. Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C. M. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (3rd ed.). London: Arnold. van Dijk, J., & Poell, T. (2013). Understanding Social Media Logic. Media and Communication, 1(1), 2-14.

31THE USE OF HEDGES IN ACADEMIC WRITING: A COMPARATIVE STUDYBETWEENNATIVE WRITERS AND MALAY WRITERS OF ENGLISHSakinah binti Mohamad @ Md.Som* Kolej Pengajian Islam Johor (MARSAH), Jalan Heman, Kampung Aman Larkin, 80350 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Ta’zim *Correspondig Email: [email protected] Abstract Hedges are one of the crucial elements of metadiscourse device which contribute to effective academicwriting. It is used by academic writers to express doubts and certainty on ideas or informationbeingproposed. Incorporating this device in research articles can help writers to modify the assertions theymake and tone down uncertain or potentially risky claims (Hyland, 2000). Despite the importance of thisdevice in academic articles, previous researches have indicated that second language users of Englishfind it troublesome to use appropriate hedges in academic writing due to lack of exposure, cultural influences and different writing styles. Hence second language writers often face difficulties toexpressthemselves in English when incorporating this device in their writing. This study compares the useofhedges in humanity-based academic articles written by native and non-native Malay writers of English. Based on a corpus of 40 research articles, 20 research articles were written by Malay writers of English, and another 20 research articles were written by native writers of English, the overall, rhetorical andcategorical distribution of hedges were calculated across the four rhetorical sections (Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion) of the research articles. The findings may have some implications whenit comes to teaching academic writing, especially to second language learners. Keywords: Hedges, metadiscourse, academic writing, research articles Introduction Writing in academic research articles are seen as the most appropriate platforms providedforacademicians in order to largely engage with their audience. This platform is used to engagewithreaders on new knowledge and perspectives found from previous studies, which may likely to support oroppose previous findings. In order to produce good quality research articles, academic writers shouldbeable to provide their potential readers with a tentative analysis of their collected data, while offeringalternative interpretations by the readers. One significant way to achieve this is through the correct useof lexical devices; functioning as hedges in writing. Incorporating this element in research articles helpto indicate a writer’s confidence in the propositional information they supply to the readers. Hedges, such as suggest, seem and appear are devices which hold on to the propositional informationof thewriter, allowing their information to be presented as an opinion rather than a fact (Hyland, 1998). Sincethe academic world is widely dominated by English language, writers from other languages see theurgeto also publish their research articles in English, in order to contribute to the research world whileat thesame time gaining access to other disciplinary network. Hence, this demands for urgencyuponathorough research into foreign academicians’ written discourse of English, placing special attentiontodifferent aspects of metadiscourse found in their academic texts. As metadiscourse focuses onthewaywriters portray themselves in their writing, particularly when they want to indicate their attitude towardsthe idea being proposed to readers, the study of metadiscourse helps to trace how writing becomesacommunicative and social tool to engage writers with their audience. Here, hedges are seen as a crucial element in writing as it functions to assist writers in formulating the judgement on claims beingmade. Thus, there is a need to explore how non-native writers of English propose their assertions intheirEnglish written academic discourse. The study aims to achieve the following objectives: 1. To identify the frequency of the use of hedges in academic writing written by native andMalaywriters of English

322. To examine the differences in the use of hedges in academic writing by native and Malaywritersof English Materials and Methods To determine the frequency of devices which act as hedges, a list of such items was takenfromDontcheva-Navratilova (2016). She adopted the list of items from Hyland (2005), selecting words whichconsist of the most frequent hedges found in journals of Applied Linguistics and DiscourseandInteraction in Hyland’s study. This framework is suitable for this study as it focuses on humanities-based articles, particularly on journals in the fields of language, linguistics and communication. Additional list of items which consist of the most common hedges “found in a 500,000 word corpusofacademic research articles from eight disciplines” (Hyland, 2000: 182-183) were also incorporatedinthis study. Although there are abundance of linguistic devices that can function as hedges, this studyfocuses only on “epistemic lexical items that can be interpreted as modifying the degree of authorial certainty and confidence, which is regarded as the most frequent realizations of hedges and boosters”(Dontcheva-Navratilova, 2016: 168). In this study, the lexical devices expressing hedges are classifiedinto five grammatical classes as done by Holmes (1988) which are modal verbs, lexical verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns. Clusters of hedges such as ‘may seem’ is considered as one occurrence of therespective discourse. The table below specifies the hedging devices that will be analyzed in this study. Categories and lists of hedges NO. CATEGORY HEDGES 1. Modal Verbs may, might, could would 2. Lexical Verbs appear, argue, assume, indicate, seem, suggest, speculate, tend 3. Adverbs frequently, often, probably, possibly, usually 4. Adjectives likely, possible, probable 5. Nouns possibility, probability Results and Discussion Overall, we can see that there are similarities and differences in the way that the native writers andMalay writers of English employ this interactional metadiscourse device to persuade their intendedreadership to accept their views and claims. The similarities concern the categorical distributionofhedges between both sets of writers where modal verbs are highly used as a formof hedges. As for themodal verbs, it is common for native writers to use the modal verb may as a formof hedging devicetoconvey politeness and vagueness in making claims. On the contrary, Malay writers of English prefer touse the modal verb would the highest which is quite rare in academic writing as previous studies foundthat the use of would is the least commonly found type of hedges in academic writing (Hyland, 1998, Vartalla, 2001). This is also supported by Butler (1990:159) where his study found only two out of 21occurrences of would in scientifically-oriented writing (in Vartalla, 2001). The apparent differences found between native and Malay journals are the distribution of hedges acrossfour rhetorical sections of the academic articles. In Malay journals, the highest use of hedgingdeviceswas found in the Result sections. On the other hand, native journals showed the highest frequencyofhedging device in the Discussion sections. The reasons for this seem to stem fromculturallydrivenrhetorical preferences and the constraint of using English as an additional language.

33Conclusion Despite the differences found, the general findings indicate that the level of English proficiencyofMalaysian writers is not dissimilar, and the gap between the groups is not too large, not to the point that it causes major confusion. Still, there is room for improvement for Malaysian academic writers, especially in terms of appropriate word choice when using the categorical features of hedges acrossrhetorical sections of academic articles. References Dontcheva-Navratilova, O. (2016). Cross-cultural variation in the use of hedges and boostersinacademic discourse. Prague Journal of English Studies. Volume 5, No. 1. Farrokhi, F. & Emami,S. (2008). Hedges and Boosters in Academic Writing: Native vs. Non-NativeResearch Articles in Applied Linguistics and Engineering. The Journal of Applied Linguistics. Vol.1, No.2. Spring 2008. Giner, D. & Vazquez, I. (2008). Beyond Mood and Modality: Epistemic Modality Markers as hedges inresearch article. A cross-disciplinary study. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 21. (2008): 171–190 Hashemi, M. & Shirdazi, D. (2016). The Use of Hedging in Discussion Sections of Applied LinguisticsResearch Articles with Varied Research Methods. The Journal of Teaching Language Skills(JTLS). 35 (1). Page 31-56 Hyland, K (2005). Metadiscourse: Exploring interaction in writing. London: Continuuum. Hyland, K. (1998). Hedging in scientific research articles. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Hyland, K. (1996b). Writing without conviction? Hedging in science research articles. AppliedLinguistics, 17 (4), 433-454. Rezanejad, A. & Lari, Z. (2015). A Cross-cultural Analysis of the Use of Hedging Devices in ScientificResearch Articles, 6(6), 1384-1392. Salichah, I. Irawati, E. & Basthomi, Y. (2015). Hedges and Boosters in Undergraduate Students’Research Articles, 3(2), 154-160. Samaie, M., Khosravian, F., & Boghayeri, M. (2014). The Frequency and Types of Hedges in ResearchArticles Introductions by Persian and English Native Authors. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 1678-1685.

34SIFAT KESEDARAN FONOLOGI DAN PERANAN ARTIKULASI DALAMKOMUNIKASIBAHASA MELAYU PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAKAbu Bakar Mohd Sheikh* dan Said Darkasi Fakulti Pendidikan dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Selangor *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Sifat kesedaran fonologi dan peranan artikulasi dalam komunikasi bahasa Melayu pendidikanawal kanak-kanak merupakan fenomena sosial. Justeru, wujud masalah daripada segi variasi sifat kesedaranfonologi, hubungannya dengan faktor artikulasi, faktor jelas, konsisten, faktor bunyi artikulasi, danfaktor memahami bahasa arahan daripada segi kesedaran fonologi dalam kalangan murid berumur limatahun hingga enam tahun yang belajar di tadika. Metodologi kajian ini menggunakan reka bentukKaedah Campuran, iaitu pendekatan berurutan, iaitu kajian kuantitatif dahulu kemudian baru diikuti olehkajian kualitatif. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa wujud hubungan yang signifikanpositifrendah (iaitu nilai r = 0. 18) antara sifat kesedaran fonologi dengan peranan artikulasi atau sebutanyangbetul dalam kalangan murid. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa murid melakukan dengan hampir betul tugasan konsep perkataan pertuturan, tugasan kesedaran struktur suku kata, tugasan kesedaranrima, tugasan penggantian fonem, dan tugasan kesedaran fonemik. Selain itu, kajian ini menunjukkanbahawadaripada segi peranan artikulasi, murid menuturkan dengan hampir betul bunyi vokal, bunyi konsonan, dan bunyi diftong. Kajian ini juga mencadangkan kajian lanjutan pada masa akan datang. Kata kunci: Kesedaran fonologi, peranan artikulasi, fenomena makna, fenomena keadaan Pengenalan Pemikiran dan bahasa adalah berkembang secara bebas bermula dengan dipengaruhi olehsosial. Manakala bahasa ialah satu corak komunikasi, lisan, tulisan, dan isyarat yang berdasarkansistemlambang. Komponen-komponen bahasa adalah fonologi, iaitu bahasa berdasarkan bunyi, morfemiaiturantai bunyi yang lengkapkan perkataan, sintaksis iaitu perkataan disambung dijadikan ayat, semantikiaitu makna perkataan dan penggunaan, dan pragmatik iaitu perkataan digunakan semasa komunikasi. Daripada segi sosial, ia menjadi suatu fenomena. Memandangkan bahawa kesedaran fonologi merupakan aspek bahasa yang penting dalamkomunikasi bahasa Melayu, maka wujud masalah daripada segi variasi sifat kesedaran fonologi, hubungannyadengan faktor artikulasi atau sebutan yang betul (Phillips, Clancy-Menchetti, & Lonigan, 2008), faktorjelas, konsisten, dan tidak terkecuali bunyi artikulasi (Jordan, 2002), dan faktor memahami bahasaarahan daripada segi kesedaran fonologi dalam kalangan murid yang belajar di prasekolah, yangmanapenyelidik akan mengkajinya dalam kajian ini. Oleh sebab masalah itu, penyelidik menjalankan kajian berdasarkan objektif kajian seperti yangberikut, iaitu untuk mencari hubungan antara sifat kesedaran fonologi dengan peranan artikulasi atausebutanyang betul dalam kalangan murid. Selain itu, kajian ini juga untuk menganalisis makna yang signifikantentang keadaan sifat kesedaran fonologi dalam kalangan murid. Akhir sekali, kajian ini untuk mengenal pasti keadaan umum tentang peranan artikulasi atau sebutan yang betul supaya bunyi boleh dinamakansecara tepat dalam kalangan murid berumur lima tahun hingga enam tahun yang belajar di tadika. Sorotan Literatur Fonologi ialah cabang ilmu bahasa yang mengkaji tersebut (Nik Safiah Karim dan Wan Malini Ahmad, 2006). Menurut Goay Teck Chong, Choo Say Tee dan Zainuddin Ahmad (2006), fonologi ialahcabangilmu bahasa yang mengkaji bunyi-bunyi yang berfungsi dalam sesuatu bahasa, yakni bunyi yangdigunakan dalam komunikasi. Manakala kesedaran fonologi ialah sensitiviti kepada struktur bunyi

35bahasa. Ia menuntut keupayaan untuk mengubah perhatian seseorang kepada bunyi dalambahasalisansementara itu beralih daripada maknanya (Yopp & Yopp, 2009). Pada hakikatnya, penguasaan bahasa kanak-kanak lima tahun lebih tinggi daripada kanak-kanakberumur empat dan tiga tahun yang dipengaruhi oleh ketidakseimbangan penyusunan bahagian-bahagianlinguistik dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa mereka (Anida Sarudin, Dahlia Janan, Zulkifli Osman, Ahmad Khair Mohd Noor, 2016). Selain itu, daripada segi kesedaran fonologi di bilikdarjah tadika, guru-guru tadika mempunyai persepsi mengenai kepentingan dan penggunaanarahankesedaran fonologi. Manakala guru-guru tadika menganggap bahawa kesedaran fonologi adalahketaraberhubung dengan menjadi kemahiran membaca yang diajarkan di tadika, strategi pencegahanuntukmembaca pemerolehan, dan mempunyai peranan dalam arahan bukan formal yang bersifat tidakformal (Margaret, 2010). Selanjutnya, Linda, Franz, dan Dorothee (2013) mengatakan bahawa latar belakang penghijrahan, umurkanak-kanak, kecerdasan kanak-kanak, ibu yang merokok semasa kehamilan, kesukaran bahasa, iaitukecacatan ungkapan perkataan, defisit tatabahasa, dan gagap, dan menonton televisyen ialah pengaruhterhadap kesedaran fonologi. Juga, Chew Fong Peng (2016) mengatakan bahawa terdapat masalahpembelajaran bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan murid Cina sekolah rendah. Murid-murid Cina seringmelakukan kesalahan sebutan fonem (‘m”, “n”, “l”, dan “r”) dan konsonan bergabung (“sy”, “ny”dan“ng”). Metodologi Dalam kajian ini, penyelidik menggunakan Kaedah Campuran, iaitu penyelidik menggunakanpendekatan berurutan, iaitu kajian kuantitatif dahulu kemudian baru diikuti oleh kajian kualitatif. . Hal ini kerana Creswell (2009) menyatakan bahawa reka bentuk ini popular dalam kalangan penyelidik. Datakuantitatif digunakan untuk mengesan hubungan antara sifat kesedaran fonologi dengan perananartikulasi dalam kalangan murid prasekolah dan juga untuk mengesan perbezaan sifat kesedaranfonologi dalam kalangan pelbagai ras murid prasekolah. Penyelidik menggunakan dua jenis alat ukuran bagi mengumpul data kuantitatif kajian ini. Senarai Semak Berskala Likert untuk mengukur sifat kesedaran fonologi. Manakala Ujian Pencapaianuntukmengukur peranan artikulasi dalam kalangan pelbagai ras murid prasekolah. Penyelidikakanmenggunakan analisis statistik inferens iaitu pekali Korelasi Pearson untuk mengenal pasti hubunganantara sifat kesedaran fonologi dengan peranan artikulasi dalam kala Populasi kajian ini ialah semua murid yang berumur 5 - 6 tahun, lelaki dan perempuan, pelbagai ras dankaum dan sedang belajar di prasekolah kerajaan dan prasekolah swasta di Daerah Kuala Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Penyelidik menggunakan teknik pensampelan kuota. Jadi, penyelidikmenggunakan 400 orang kanak-kanak yang menepati ciri-ciri demografi sebagai peserta kajian. Manakala ciri-ciri demografi itu ialah jenis sekolah dan lokasi sekolah. Kemudian, penyelidik masukkedalam komuniti dan menggunakan strategi perekrutan sesuai dengan lokasi, budaya, dan populasi kajian, untuk mencari peserta kajian yang memenuhi kriteria ini, sehingga penyelidik memenuhi kuotayangditetapkan. Dapatan Kajian Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa wujud hubungan yang signifikan positif rendah (iaitu nilai r =0. 18) antara sifat kesedaran fonologi dengan peranan artikulasi atau sebutan yang betul dalamkalanganmurid berumur lima tahun hingga enam tahun yang belajar di tadika (Borg, Gall dan Gall, 1983). Dapatan kajian ini juaga mendapati bahawa murid melakukan dengan hampir betul tugasankonsepperkataan pertuturan, tugasan kesedaran struktur suku kata, tugasan kesedaran rima, tugasan penggantianfonem, dan tugasan kesedaran fonemik.

36Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa daripada segi peranan artikulasi, murid menuturkan denganhampirbetul bunyi vokal, bunyi konsonan, dan bunyi diftong. Perbincangan Dan Kesimpulan Kesimpulannya, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa wujud hubungan yang signifikan positif rendahantarasifat kesedaran fonologi dengan peranan artikulasi atau sebutan yang betul dalamkalanganmurid. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa murid melakukan dengan hampir betul tugasan konsep perkataanpertuturan, tugasan kesedaran struktur suku kata, tugasan kesedaran rima, tugasan penggantianfonem, dan tugasan kesedaran fonemik. Selain itu, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa daripada segi perananartikulasi, murid menuturkan dengan hampir betul bunyi vokal, bunyi konsonan, dan bunyi diftong. Kajian ini juga mencadangkan kajian lanjutan pada masa akan datang. Rujukan Anida Sarudin, Dahlia Janan, Zulkifli Osman & Ahmad Khair Mohd Noor. 2016. PenguasaanbahasaMelayu kanak-kanak prasekolah berdasarkan inventori penilaian kesedaran terancang. International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL). Diperoleh semula daripada Borg W., Gall J., & Gall M.D. 1983. Applying educational research. A practical guide (3rded.). London, United Kingdom: Longman. Chew Fong Peng. 2016. Masalah pembelajaran bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan murid Cina sekolahrendah. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Melayu, 6, ( 2), 22-26 . Creswell. 2009. Research design qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. USA: Sage Publications. Goay Teck Chong, Choo Say Tee & Zainuddin Ahmad. 2006. Fonologi bahasa Melayu kertas 1. Ipoh: Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Linda, P. F., Franz, P. & Dorothee, M. 2013. Kesedaran fonologi: Faktor pengaruh. Jurnal PenyelidikanPendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Eropah, Vol. 21, 1, 11-18. Margaret, D. 2010. Phonological awareness in the kindergarten classroom: How do teachers perceivethis essential link from oral communication to reading skill development. (Dissertationfor theDegree Doctor of Education, Liberty University). Diperoleh semula daripada Nik Safiah Karim & Wan Malini Ahmad. 2006. Fonologi bahasa Melayu STPM. Ipoh: Penerbit FajarBakti Sdn. Bhd.

37THE FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS SATISFACTION TOWARDS SELECTIONOFEDUCATION LOAN Nor Effuandy Pfordten 1* , Norhaila binti Sabli2 , Dr. Norasekin binti Ab Rashid 2 and Salbiah Hanumbinti Mohd Hajali2 1Center for Foundation and General Studies, UNISEL, Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia 2Faculty of Business and Accountancy, UNISEL, 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract The increasing cost in education occurs everywhere. Most of the household income was spent oneducation. The financial aids offered by the higher learning institution is one of the five important attributes expected from the institution. Thus, students who receive financial assistance awards aremorelikely to enter higher education institutions. Furthermore, the factors influencing students’ satisfactiontowards the selection of education loan also need to make known in order to understand the problemsand solution for them. Keywords: education loan, interest rate, term and condition of education loan, liniency Introduction The education cost is expected to rise due to the increase in cost of living. At the moment, IPTAstudent’s funding around RM4,000 to RM5,000 on yearly basis for their education fees andfor fouryears’ fees is around RM6,000 to RM20,000 depend on the course taken by the student. For IPTS education fees is more expensive which is around RM48,000 to RM72,000 for themtoholdthe degree. The figures will expect to increase as the inflation rate also increases according toSabri (2017). The way out for them is to have funding for their higher education. However, as there is limitedsource of funding for higher education expenditure, sometimes it is hard to fulfil the needs for everyhigher learning candidate to get the best chance of funding their higher education expenses. Reseach Methodology Both exploratory and descriptive designs were employed in the current study because theysuit thenature of this study and its specific objectives. The selection of exploratory design is because of theambiguous research problem and very limited availability of evidence to formulate empiricallytestablehypotheses. Meanwhile, descriptive design will facilitate the researcher in answering the questionsofwhat are the main factors contribute to the satisfaction and selection of current education loanandthecross-sectional design was the only feasible alternative, because time constraints made the adoptionoflongitudinal design is not likely, if not impossible. Findings Variable Distribution of Variable Levels Current Loan Provider Low Level of Current Loan Provider Moderate Level of Current Loan Provider High Level of Current Loan Provider Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) 15 5.1 222 75.8 56 19.1Information on Loan Application Requirement Low Level of Information on Application Requirement Moderate Level of Information on Application Requirement High Level of InformationonApplicationRequirement

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