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Published by Buletin Padu | Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum (PADU), 2024-06-05 04:51:42



138KAJIAN KEBOLEHLAKSANAAN DAN KEBOLEHINTEGRASIAN PENDIDIKANAL-QURAN DAN STEM DALAM KOKURIKULUM SEKOLAH MAAHADTAHFIZSAINS (MTS) Zahirrudin Idris * , Muhammad Nazir Mohammed Khalid dan Sahrul Izwan Sarwadi Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Penerapan pembelajaran STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) dalampendidikan al-Quran dapat menjadikan aktiviti pengajaran lebih dinamik, konstruktif, interaktif dan melahirkan pelajar yang lebih peka terhadap kompetensi STEM. Namun, sehingga kini, pendidikan STEM masih kurang diberi perhatian sedangkan al-Quran telahmenerangkan tentang STEM lebih 1400 tahun dahulu. Oleh itu, satu kajian kuantitatif telahdikendalikan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kesedaran di kalangan pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Sains (MTS) mengenai kebolehintegrasian antara pendidikan al-Quran dan STEM. Ia juga bertujuanuntuk melihat korelasi dalam menentukan kebolehlaksanaan pendidikan al-Quran dan STEMdengan menjadikan pelajar tingkatan 3, 4 dan 5 daripada 3 buah MTS di negeri Kelantansebagai responden bagi menjawab soal-selidik yang mengandungi dua konstruk utama iaitupengetahuan sebelum dan selepas Program Q-STEM-A. Kesan latihan STEMkepadapendidik juga menunjukkan peningkatan yang sangat besar dan signifikan terhadappengetahuan, pemahaman, kemahiran dan keyakinan diri pendidik melaksanakan Q-STEM-Adi MTS. Katakunci: STEM, Maahad Tahfiz Sains, Modul STEM, Al Quran Pengenalan Kepentingan matapelajaran Sains dan Matematik tidak perlu dipertikaikan lagi. Ia menjadi asas kepada banyak bidang lain. Menguasai kedua-duanya membolehkan seseorangmenguasai teknologi dan kejuruteraan yang penting dalam pembangunan dan kemajuansesebuah negara. Melihat kepada situasi di Malaysia, Mazlini Adnan et al., 2016 dalam kajiannya menegaskanbahawa hampir 60% pelajar gagal mencapai tanda aras minimum dalammatapelajaranMatematik, manakala lebih kurang 43% pelajar gagal mencapai tanda aras minimumdalammatapelajaran Sains. Pada masa yang sama, hasrat kerajaan Malaysia yang telah meletakkansasaran sebanyak 60% pelajar memilih bidang Sains masih gagal dicapai. Di peringkat antarabangsa pula, Malaysia telah jauh ketinggalan dalam program penilaian Sains danMatematik, seperti PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) dan TIMSS(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). Pada tahun 2012, purata skor Malaysia dalam PISA berada di bawah tahap standard purata, begitu juga dengan pancapaiandalam TIMSS (KPM 2013). Metodologi Bagi menjalankan kajian ini, satu program yang dinamakan Program Q-STEMtelahdilaksanakan di tiga buah sekolah Maahad Tahfiz Sains. Pemilihan sekolah-sekolah ini adalahberdasarkan kurikulum sekolah tersebut yang menekankan tahfiz dan sains tetapi kurangpendedahan kepada STEM. Ini ditambah lagi dengan kekangan makmal dan persekitaranyang kondusif untuk pembelajaran sains. Hasil penelitian dan temuramah juga mendapati

139mereka kekurangan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan sains dan matematik. Pemilihan sekolahini sebagai sampel kajian telah mendapat persetujuan daripada pihak sekolah. Kaedah rekabentuk tinjauan berupa kajian soal selidik telah digunakan bagi tujuanpengumpulan data dan maklumat. Responden yang dipilih bagi kajian ini adalah secara rawak, terdiri daripada pelajar yang berada di tingkatan 3, 4 dan 5 tanpa mengambil kira latar belakang, kelas dan pencapaian. Responden diberi penerangan tentang bagaimana untukmenjawab soalan soal selidik yang diedarkan dan impak bagi setiap jawapan yang diberikan. Saiz sampel yang diambil adalah secara puratanya seramai 164 orang responden. Terdapat 10 soalan dalam borang soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada responden. 4 soalanberada di bawah kategori pengetahuan, 4 soalan berada di bawah kategori sikap, danselebihnya adalah berkaitan dengan hasil keseluruhan program. Setiap kategori puladibahagikan kepada dua bahagian ataupun konstruk, iaitu sebelum dan selepas mengikuti Program Q-STEM. Responden perlu menjawab kesemua soalan yang diberikan. Ini bermaknamarkah penuh adalah 100, manakala markah terendah adalah 20. Ruangan komen turut disediakan di bahagian akhir soalan soal selidik. Faktor-faktor yang dikaji dalam kajian ini adalah berkaitan dengan pengetahuan dan sikapresponden terhadap Program Q-STEM yang dijalankan. Kesemua faktor ini dinilai denganmenggunakan skala Likert di mana skala 1 menggambarkan sangat tidak setuju manakala 5pula menggambarkan sangat setuju. Penilaian ini perlu dibuat untuk kedua-dua ruangansebelum dan selepas program bagi setiap faktor. Hasil kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakansistem mudah, iaitu Microsoft Excel. Hasil Kajian Hasil kajian terbahagi kepada dua konstruk utama iaitu sebelum dan selepas mengikuti Program Q-STEM. Setiap faktor akan dinilai berdasarkan dua konstruk tersebut bagi mengkaji keberkesanan program. Bagi memudahkan penilaian dibuat, skala Likert 1 dan2digabungkan menjadikannya sebagai tidak setuju manakala skala 4 dan 5 mewakili setuju. Skala Likert 3 yang mewakili ‘kurang pasti’ akan kekal seperti asalnya. Aspek pengetahuanmengandungi empat perkara ysng telah digariskan berkaitan dengan pengetahuan respondenterhadap ilmu STEM dan korelasinya dengan al-Quran seperti yang tertera dalamJadual 1 Jadual 1: Keberkesanan program terhadap aspek pengetahuan Perkara Sebelum Selepas Pengetahuan Tidak setuju Setuju Tidak setuju SetujuMempunyai pengetahuan dalam bidang yang dibincangkan 34% 44% 0%92%Menggunakan pengetahuan tersebut dalam pembelajaran 26% 29% 0%96%Mengajarkan pengetahuan tersebut kepada rakan sekelas 34% 19% 1%88%Menyebarkan pengetahuan tersebut kepada masyarakat 43% 15% 1%83%Dapatan yang kedua dalam kajian ini adalah berkaitan dengan sikap responden terhadapProgram Q-STEM yang membincangkan mengenai STEM dan korelasinya bersama al-Quran. Aspek sikap ini mengandungi empat perkara utama seperti yang tertera di dalamJadual 2.

140Jadual 2 Keberkesanan program terhadap aspek sikap Perkara Sebelum Selepas Sikap Tidak setuju Setuju Tidak setuju SetujuBerminat dengan program dan bidang yang dibincangkan 14% 49% 1%97%Yakin program ini dapat mengubah persepsi terhadap bidang ini 16% 39% 1%97%Ingin mengikuti lagi program sebegini 14% 40% 0%99%Mempromosikan program ini kepada rakan-rakan yang lain 22% 27% 0%83%Dapatan terakhir adalah berkaitan keberkesanan program terhadap hasil keseluruhan, yangmerangkumi 2 aspek yang dinilai seperti yang tertera di dalam Jadual 3. Jadual 3 Keberkesanan program terhadap hasil keseluruhan Perkara Sebelum Selepas Sikap Tidak setuju Setuju Tidak setuju SetujuSaya mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap program ini 14% 49% 0%98%Saya berpuas hati dengan keseluruhan perjalanan program 10% 48% 0%100%Kesimpulan Hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberi kesedaran tentang kepentingan penerapan STEMdalam kurikulum pendidikan; seterusnya membantu sekolah Tahfiz untuk membentukkurikulum baru yang mengandungi elemen STEM berintegrasikan al-Quran bagi proses PnP. Rujukan Bunyamin, M. A. H. (2015). Pendidikan STEM Bersepadu: Perspektif Global PerkembanganSemasa di Malaysia, dan Langkah Ke Hadapan. Buletin Persatuan Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik Johor. 25(1), 1-6. Mazlini Adnan, Aminah Ayob, Ong Eng Tek, Mohd Nasir Ibrahim, Noriah Ishak, JameyahSheriff. (2016). Memperkasa Pembangunan Modal Insan Malaysia di Peringkat Kanak- Kanak: Kajian Kebolehlaksanaan Dan Kebolehintegrasian Pendidikan STEMdalamKurikulum Permata Negara. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 12 (1), 29 – 36.

141CONVERSION OF GLUCOSE TO LACTIC ACID BY USING MICROWAVE TREATMENT Baarathyee Manogaran 1 , Mohammad Syawal Mohammad Collin 1 , SM Shahrul Nizan ShikhZahari2 , Muhammad Humaidi Mansor 2 , Hasdianty Abdullah 1 , Marini Ibrahim1 , Maegala Nallapan Maniyam3 , Nor Suhaila Yaacob 3 , Hazeeq Hazwan Azman 1,3 1Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor 2Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan 3Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor Abstract Lignocellulosic biomass serves as feedstocks for biopolymers which could be applied in theindustrial applications like bioplastic. Bioplastics have attracted the attention as thealternative of traditional petroleum-based plastic. Bioplastics could be produced froma highlycrystalline polylactic acid (PLA) via lactic acid polymerization, originated fromlignocellulose derived glucose. Microwave treatment has been proposed as a methodtosynthesis PLA. In this study, glucose, potassium hydroxide and aluminium oxide were mixedand treated in the microwave at 180°C in 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes. The treated samples weretested with pH meter and Benedict Test. Based on this study, the microwave treatment at 180°C for 40 minutes gave the most promising result indicated by the lowest pHout of all samples at pH 9.5 and no colour change observed in the Benedict Test. The lowpHcouldbedue to the formation of potentially lactic acid with the Benedict Test result suggest the lackof glucose present after the treatment. The promising result could lead to the advancement of bioplastic production with competitive cost and sustainable resources. However, further product analysis on High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is essential tocharacterize the final product. Keywords: lignocellulosic biomass, bioplastic, lactic acid Introduction In 2015, worldwide annual construction of petroleum contained plastic increased toapproximately 304 billion kilograms (Mellinas et al., 2016). Fuel-based plastic is createdbyartificial organic compounds that can be discovered in nature which concerned the societytowards the production of plastics due to its environmental impact as it is difficult to degrade. The production of bioplastic from lignocellulosic biomass through biotechnological andchemical treatment is an alternative for traditional petroleum-based plastic products. Polylactic acid (PLA), one prominent bioplastic, via the polymerisation of lactic acid, originated from lignocellulose derived glucose. There are many available methods tobreakdown glucose into lactic acid either via biological or chemical methods. However, thequestion still remains whether the method is cost effective or simple to run. The study aims to demonstrate an approach to enhance the chemical process by usingminimum reagents with the simplest production method via microwave treatment. Theobjective of this work is to study the ability of microwave treatment in converting glucose tolactic acid determine the optimum duration of the treatment. Materials and Methods Materials D-Glucose-anyhydrous, potassium hydroxide and aluminium oxide are the reagents that involved under dry state condition. All of the materials including crucibles were derived from

142the Bioprocess Laboratory, Universiti Selangor. The microwave that was used in this studywas Panasonic NN-CT655M. Reagent Preparation Potassium hydroxide in pellet form was crushed to ease the process for precise weighing. 1.99g of glucose, 0.9 g of potassium hydroxide and 6.11 g of alumina were measured and addedinto the crucible. This step was repeated and the mixture was homogenized through stirringfor a minute. Microwave treatment Before heating, the microwave was preheated for 1 minute at 180°C and the crucibles wereplaced in the microwave and heated at 180°C for 10 minutes. This step was repeated at 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes with the same temperature. Product Analysis pH and Benedict test was conducted in this experiment to observe pH and the differences of the sample colour. 10 mL of distilled water was added prior to the pH test. For benedict test, benedict reagent was inserted into the sample and the test tubes was placed in boiling water bath for 3 to 5 minutes before the colour is observed. The colour indicator is shown as thetable below: Table 1: Colour indicator for Benedict test sample Colour Sugar Present No colour change Green Yellow Brick red No sugar present 0.1 to 1% 0.5 to 1% More than 2% Results and Discussions Figure 1: pH analysis of samples treated at 180°C According to Figure 1, the highest pH that has been achieved is 13.09 with sample irradiatedat 180°C for 10 minutes. The lowest pH that was recorded for this analysis is treatment at 180°C for 40 minutes (pH 9.50). The increase duration of treatment results in the pHdecrease. It is also suspected that the reduction in pH is due to the formation of lactic acid. Su-Yeon, Ji- Su, Sung and In (2017) reported during the fermentation of kimchi, the content of organicacids increases and sugar decreases as well as it pH. The lactic acid content increased and was discovered to be a major component to affect the pH. Table 2: Result of Benedict Test Temp (°C) 180 Time (mins) 10 20 30 40

143Based on table 2, the 10 minute sample turns brick red, indicating the presence of large sugar content while no colour change observed for 40 minute sample, suggesting the lackof reducing sugar present. This test revealed the increase reduction of glucose content with theprolong duration of microwave treatment. Conclusion The product analysis revealed the most promising result after microwave treatment of 180°Cfor 40 minutes. This condition resulted in the highest pH reduction with benedict test indicates the absence of glucose. This could be due to the fully conversion of glucose intolactic acid. Further analysis on High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is recommended to characterize the final product. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates theability of microwave treatment in converting glucose into lactic acid, the substrate of polylactic acid bioplastic. The promising result could lead to the advancement of bioplasticproduction with competitive cost and sustainable resources. References Epane, G., Laquerre, J. C., Wadouchi, A, & Marek, D. (2010). Microwave-assistedconversion of D-glucose into lactic acid under solvent-free conditions. Green Chemistry, 12, 502-506. Karastogianni, S., Girousi, S., & Sotiropoulos, S. (2016). pH: principle and measurement. TheEncyclopedia of Food and Health,4, 333-338. Mellinas, C., Valdes, A, Ramos,M., Burgos, N., Carrigos, M. C., &Jiminez, A. (2016). Activeedible films: current state and future trends. Journal of Applied Sciences, 123. Su-Yeon, Y., Ji-Su, Y., Sung, H. K, & In, M. H. (2017). Changes in the physicochemical quality characteristics of cabbage kimchi with respect to storage conditions. Journal of FoodQuality, 2017, 1-7.

144APPLICATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING METHOD: A CASE STUDYONOPTIMIZATION OF COOKIES PRODUCTION Zuraini Ayop* and Atha Maulana Rahim Abu Khoir. Department of Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Bestari Jaya, Selangor. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract This paper shows the application of linear programming approach to solve optimizationproblem faced by a cookies shop. Data were collected from the shop with five types of cookies and ingredients. Based on the costs of raw materials, the maximum profit that wouldaccrue to the shop given the product mix was determined. Result obtained fromsoftwareLINDO showed that the shop should produce 22 bottles of conflake cookies, 50 bottles of Samprit cookies, 25 bottles of chocolate chip cookies, 50 bottles nut cookies and 96 bottles Badam cookies in order to increase 57.79% of current profit. Keywords: Optimization; Linear programming; Cookies production. Introduction Production planning is important in manufacturing industry especially to meet the demandof products, to avoid waste of raw materials and to gain profit. This study was chosen to comeup with solutions to problems which occur in a cookies shop. The shop faces excess resources every time they produce the cookies even during festive seasons. They always foundthemselves with extra resources such as corn flour, pineapple jams and a fewkilos of breadcrumbs in the end of festive seasons. They also face a problem where their completedproducts did not meet the customers’ demand. Both of these problems lead to waste of resources while reducing the actual profit they could have gained. The outcomes of this research hopefully will help the cookies shop to determined the number of cookies theyshould produce in order to optimize their resources and maximize profit. Materials and Methods To start the project, data of ingredients and costs of each cookie is collected. There are 5 types of cookies produced by the shop and 14 types of igredients. From the data collected, linear programming model is developed. The data and model are as follows. LP MODEL Let V = The number of Cornflake Chip cookies should be produced W = The number of Samprit cookies should be produced X = The number of Chocolate Chip cookies should be produced Y = The number of Cookie Nut cookies should be produced Z = The number of Badam cookies should be produce

145Table 1: Cookies ingredients (in kg) V W X Y ZProfit 5 5 8 5 8 Limitation Ingredients (kg) Planta 0 0.20000 0 0 0 10 Butter 0.11539 0 0.10000 0 0.10417 15 Wheat Flour 0.19231 0.04167 0.16667 0.20000 0.12500 40 Corn Flour 0.01923 0.04167 0 0 0 10 Self-Raising Flour 0 0.01250 0 0 0 5 Caster Sugar 0.01923 0.04167 0.06667 0.04000 0.04167 20 Cornflake 0.11539 0 0 0 0 6 Choc chip 0 0 0.03333 0 0 5 Whole Almond 0 0 0 0 0.02083 2 Almond Nib 0 0 0.03333 0 0 6 Ground Nuts 0 0 0 0.12000 0 6 Coco Powder 0 0 0.00833 0 0 0.5 Chocolate Emulco 0 0 0 0 0.00156 1 Egg 0.00923 0.01000 0.02000 0.01200 0 1.8 Complete LP Model Max 5 V + 5 W + 8 X + 5 Y + 8 Z Subject to 0.2 W ≤ 10 0.11538 V + 0.1 X + 0.10417 Z ≤ 15 0.19231 V + 0.04167 W + 0.16667 X + 0.2 Y + 0.125 Z≤ 40 0.01923 V + 0.04167 W ≤ 10 0.0125 W ≤ 5 0.019231 V + 0.04167 W + 0.06667 X + 0.04 Y + 0.04167 Z≤ 20 0.115385 V ≤ 6 0.03333 X ≤ 5 0.02083 Z ≤ 2 0.03333 X ≤ 6 0.12 Y ≤ 6 0.00833 X ≤ 0.5 0.00156 Z ≤ 1 0.009231 V + 0.01 W + 0.02 X + 0.012 Y ≤ 1.8 V , W , X , Y , Z ≥ 0 Results and Discussion A result is obtained from LINDO software. The results are as follows. V = 22 , W = 50, X = 25, Y = 50, Z = 96 Based on the result, the company should produce 22 bottles of conflake cookies, 50 bottles of Samprit cookies, 25 bottles of chocolate chip cookies, 50 bottles nut cookies and 96 bottles Badam cookies. This will produce a maximum profit ofRM1576.

146Conclusion These results showed the best production plan to utilize the available resources optimallywhich justify that the objectives of this study have been achieved successfully. This shows that Linear Programming is the best approach to achieve the best production planning for companies. References Khan, I. U., Bajuri, N. H., & Jadoon, I. A. (2011). Optimal Production Planning For ICI Pakistan Using Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 7. Lord, M. S., Bazardeh, S. M., Khoshnood, S., Mahmoodi, N., Rasht-Abadi, F. Q., &Mohammadi, M.-o.-S. O. (2013). Linear Programming & Optimizing the Resources. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 5.

147THE EFFECT OF MOTHERS’ AGE AND PARITY ON THE NEED OF EPISIOTOMY DURING CHILDBIRTHNaeimah Mamat*, Nithya Naidu Gandi Naidu, Shahida Abd. Latif and Siti Hawa Mohd Yusoff. Department of Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor, Bestari Jaya, Selangor. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract Purpose of this research is to understand the factors may cause the need of episiotomyprocedure on mothers during the childbirth. Age of the mother and the number of parity werevariables to be considered in this studies which were assumed to be a factor that decided thenecessity of episiotomy during childbirth. The data were collected fromObstetrics andGynecology Department, Hospital Sultan Ismail. The respondents were in the age range of 16to 40 with first child to fifth child. To analyze the data, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) andPearson Correlation were used. Using ANOVA, it shows there is a significant difference inthe mean of age group and need of episiotomy indicating the age group of mother do relatethe need of episiotomy. Other than that, the Pearson Correlation shows there is a negativecorrelation between number of parity and the need of episiotomy. The findings werediscussed within the specific context in relation to previous and relevant studies. Keywords: ANOVA; correlation; episiotomy. Introduction Episiotomy is a minor surgery on a women’s perineum (vagina) during the process of childdelivery. The perineum is the area between the vagina and the anus. It is made up of skin andmuscle. During an episiotomy, an incision is made in the perineum. (Lucey JR, Sept 2015). The basic idea of episiotomy is to ease the process of childbirth and to avoid uncontrollabletear over the perineum. Based on the circulars released in 2008 regarding episiotomyinMalaysia, the rate of episiotomy practiced in Malaysia is between 15%- 47%among thehospitals with the facilities of specialist and consultants in comparison to hospitals without these facilities where the rate is higher, approximately 50%. Episiotomy is routinely practicedon primigravida (mother of first child) almost 57% in hospitals with specialists and 70%inhospitals without specialist. Other indications for episiotomy are breech delivery, instrumental delivery (such as vacuum or forceps delivery) or in prolonged second stage of labor and based on the clinicians’ clinical judgments. .Materials and Methods Purpose of this research is to understand the factors may cause the need of episiotomyprocedure on mothers during the childbirth. Age of the mother and the number of parity werevariables to be considered in this studies which were assume to be a factor that decided thenecessity of episiotomy during childbirth. The data was collected fromObstetrics andGynecology Department within 147 mothers who delivered in Hospital Sultan Ismail in3weeks time. The respondent was in the age range of 16 to 40 with first child to fifth child. Todetermine the difference in the mean of age group and need of episiotomy, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted. Other than that, to test the relationship between thenumber of parity and need of episiotomy, Pearson Correlation was conducted as well.

148Results and Discussion Based on Table 1 and Figure 1, the respondent was distributed into two categories (i) mothers who had episiotomy while delivery (ii) mothers who had not gone through episiotomy duringvaginal delivery. As per the data collected, in Hospital Sultan Ismail, respondent whoundergone episiotomy with vaginal delivery is 47 (31.97%) and who does not undergoneepisiotomy is 100 respondents (68.03%). The medical council has released circular stated that episiotomy should be done under 30% which in this study shows slightly higher that the fixedpercentage. Table 1. Percentage of Respondents By Episiotomy done Episiotomy Frequency Percentage Yes 47 31.97%No 100 68.03%Total 147 100.00%Figure 1. Distribution of Respondents By Episiotomy done. Table 2. Anova Among Age Group and Episiotomy ANOVA of Squared Deviations from Group Means Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F AGE 4 0.8802 0.22 7.91 <.0001 Error 142 3.9516 0.0278 Based on the Table 2 above, the p-value is less than 0.0001. Since the p-value is less than the5% significant levels, thus it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the agegroup on episiotomy.

149Table 3. Relationship Between Parity and the Need of Episiotomy using Pearsoncorrelation. Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 147 PARITY EPISIOTOMY PARITY 1 -0.61754 <.0001 EPISIOTOMY -0.61754 1 <.0001 Table 3. shows the Pearson Correlation Coefficients. The coefficient measures the strengthand direction of the linear relationship between the two variables: Number of Parity andEpisiotomy. The variable Number of Parity and Episiotomy have a linear relation in r equal to-0.61754. This indicates that there is negative linear relation between the Number of parityand Episiotomy where when the the number of parity increases the need of episiotomydecreases. Conclusion The average percentage of the episiotomy done overall in particular hospital was slightlyhigher (31.97%) than the bar set by Malaysian Medical Council (30%). There is a significant difference among the age group and the need of episiotomy indicatingthat the age group does effects the need of episiotomy. The parity and need of episiotomy has negative correlation. Therefore, when the number of parity increases the need of episiotomy decreases. It can be interpreted that the needof episiotomy during vaginal delivery for mothers with first parity is more. .References C.E. Enyindah, P.O. Fiebai, S.E. Anya, A.O.Okpani . Episiotomy and perineal trauma prevalence and obstetric risk factors in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Medicine, 16 (3) (2007), pp. 242-245 D.N. Samarasekera, M.T. Bekhit, J.P. Preston, C.T. Speakman Risk factors for anal sphincter disruption during child birth, Langenbecks Arch Surg, 394 (2009), pp. 535 538 Wu LC, Malhotra R, Allen JC Jr, Lie D, Tan TC, Ostbye T Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Dec; 288(6):1249-56. Risk factors and midwife-reported reasons for episiotomy in women undergoing normal vaginal delivery.

150Senarai Jawatankuasa PERSePADU 2019 Penasihat 1 : Prof. Madya Dr. Maegala a/p Nallapan ManiyamPenasihat 2 : Dr. Hazeeq Hazwan Bin Azman Pengarah : Pn. Hafiza Ab Hamid Timb. Pengarah : Pn. Rozila Bt Alias Setiausaha : Dr. Norazah Bt Mohammad Nawawi Timb. Setiausaha : Pn. Norhasbi Bt Abdul Samad Bendahari : En. Mohd Noor Rizal Bin Arbain Timb. Bendahari I : Pn. Sakinah Bt Tajularifin Timb. Bendahari II : Pn. Rahayu Bin Md Khalid 1. Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Ketua: Dr. Nor Suhaila Bt Yaacob Ahli Jawatankuasa: Cik Nadiah Bt Zubbir Cik Siti Aisyah Bt Roslan Pn. Wan Hazwani Bt Wan Hamedi Cik Siti Amalina Bt Ahmad Khairundin Pn. Hairin Nisa Bt Meor Nordin 2. Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Dan Tajaan Ketua: Dr. Mohd Norazwan Bin A. Bakar Ahli Jawatankuasa: En. Mohd Firdaus Bin Khalid Pn. Murni Salina Bt Saharudin En. Shariful Bin Kamarudin En. Ng Ming Yip Ts. Muhammad Nazir Bin Mohamed Khalid 3. Jawatankuasa Pendaftaran Dan Sambutan Ketua: Pn. Noor Fazzrienee Bt JZ Nun Ramlan Ahli Jawatankuasa: Pn. Wan Yusnee Bt Abdullah Pn. Siti Rahayu Bt Hassan Pn. Norazlina Hanim Bt. Shamsudin 4. Jawatankuasa Protokol Dan Pengurusan Majlis Ketua: En. Norhisyam Bin Mat Sout Ahli Jawatankuasa: Pn. Mumtazah Bt Narowi En. Muhamad Wazir Bin Muslat En. Mohd Adlin Bin Salleh En. Mohd Farez Bin Mohamad Taib En. Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Zakaria En. Iswandi Harahap Bin Burhanudin Cik Ann Sofee Bt Razali Cik Hasliza Bt Mohamad Ali Pn. Munira Bt Abd Manap

151Pn. Nor Nadia Bt Zulkapli En. Muhammad Nashriq Bin Ismail Cik Noriza Bt Abas 5. Jawatankuasa Cenderahati dan Sijil Ketua: Pn. Khairil Bariyyah Bt Hassan Ahli Jawatankuasa: Pn. Hasnur Hidayah Bt Kamaruddin Cik Azar Fatiha Bt Mohd Lud Pn. Normawati @Nadzirah Bt Abu Samah Pn. Ai’syah Bt Abd Mutalib 6. Jawatankuasa Jamuan Ketua: En. Shahrizat Bin Said Ahli Jawatankuasa: Pn. Hazrina Bt Ab. Rahim Cik Norazila Bt Juli Pn. Wan Aida Azura Bt Wan Abdullah Pn.Uzaimah bt Ahmad Nizam 7. Jawatankuasa Logistik &Teknikal Ketua: En. Khairul Firdaus Bin Ne’matullah Ahli Jawatankuasa: En. Nor Effuandy Pfordten Bin Md Salleh En. Mohamad Nor Hafizan Bin Mat Aris En. Ishak Bin Muhamad (Ketua) Tuan Badli Shah Bin T. Jusoh Cik Bashahriyah Bt Bakar 8. Jawatankuasa Media, Fotografi Dan Publisiti Ketua: Cik Nurshahirah Bt Azman Ahli Jawatankuasa: Pn. Norhayati Bt Mohd Amin Pn. Norzita Bt Duriat Cik Nur Athirah Syuhada Bt Hasni Ts. Sahrul Izwan Bin Sarwadi Ts. Zahiruddin Bin Idris

152Penghargaan Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua peserta yang menyertai PersidanganKebangsaan Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum 2019 (PERSePADU 2019). Semogapersidangan ini akan dapat terus memugar budaya penyelidikan dalamkalanganwarga CFGS khususnya serta semua pihak.

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