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Published by Buletin Padu | Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum (PADU), 2024-06-05 04:51:42



38Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) 15 5.1 176 60.1 102 74.8Information on Interest Rates Low Level of Information on Interest Rates Moderate Level of Information on Interest Rates High Level of Information onInterest Rates Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) 31 10.6 118 40.3 144 49.1Information on Terms and Conditions on Repayment Low Level of Information on Terms and Conditions on Repayment Moderate Level of Information on Terms and Conditions on Repayment High Level of Information onTermsand Conditions onRepayment Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) 8 2.7 186 63.5 99 33.8Information on Leniency of Loan Provider Low Level of Information on Leniency of Loan Provider Moderate Level of Information on Leniency of Loan Provider High Level of InformationonLeniency of LoanProvider Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) Frequenc y Percent (%) 12 4.1 202 68.9 79 27Results and Discussion The above table shows UNISEL FBA student’s overall degree of satisfaction with their current loanprovider, information on application requirement, information on interest rates, information ontermsand conditions and information on leniency of loan provider. The results indicated that majorityof therespondents have a moderate level of current loan provider (75.8%). The respondents’ have a high level of information on loan applications requirement (74.8%). This wassupported by Woodhall (1988) states the need for “publicity campaigns to ensure widespreadunderstanding and acceptance of the principles of student loans and the importance of the obligationtorepay loans”. They also have high level of information on interest rates (49.1%). It means that students understandthat they have to pay more for equal monthly instalment if the interest rate is high. However, 40.3%of thestudent have a moderate level of information on interest rates and this shows that the students areunderestimating the impact of interest on loan repayment (King & Frisberg,2001) Meanwhile 63.6% have a moderate level of satisfaction in terms and conditions on loan repayment. Thishas been supported by Zainal et al (2012) which revealed that, students seem to have negative attitudestowards education loan repayment. Students are found not to prioritise their study loan repayment whenthe education loan was ranked at fifth after other types of expenses listed. Furthermore, most of the respondents have a moderate level of satisfactions towards the LeniencyofLoan Provider (68.9%). This shows that students want the loan provider to be more lenient towards theirloan repayment. For example, as stated in PTPTN offer letter, the loan can be converted to scholarshipifthe student achieved First Class Honour Degree. Therefore, the students might want PTPTNtoreducethe level of CGPA in order to be exempted in paying back the loan. Meanwhile PTPTNalsocanreschedule the loan repayment if the borrower is unable to pay their loan. Currently, the grace periodof6 months has been given to the students after they graduated. Even with the current leniency givenbyPTPTN, students demand more leniencies from PTPTN.

39Conclusion This research presented the result of the study that are useful in formulating a better education financingproduct which can give more benefit to the students without compromising the loan provider costsoffinancing. Furthermore, this study responded to the recent call to provide useful information towardsthestudents’ needs of loan and in formulating a better education loan product for them. References Dong, H.Y., & Wan, X.H. (2012). Higher education tuition and fees in China: Implications andimpactson affordability and educational equity. Current Issues in Education, 15 (1), 1-10. Joseph, M. and Joseph, B. (2000). Indonesian students’ perceptions of choice criteria in the selectionofa tertiary institution: Strategic implications. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(1), pp. 40- 44. Sabri, M. F. (2017). Geran Permudah Pembiayaan Pendidikan. Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved19September, 2017. Sidin, M.S., Hussin, S.R. & Tan, S.H. (2003). An exploratory study of factors influencing the collegechoice decision of undergraduate students in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Management Review, 8(3), pp. 259-280. Tin, P. B., Ismail, R., Othman, N. & Sulaiman, N. (2012). Globalization and the Factors InfluencingHouseholds’ Demand for Higher Education in Malaysia. International Journal of EducationandInformation Technologies, 3(6), pp. 269-278. Zhang, S., Greg, J., & Soukup, J. (2016). A Study of Rural Chinese Students’ Educational Expenses, Academic Performance, and Extracurricular Activities. Journal of Chinese Economics, 4(1), pp. 13–28.

40READINESS TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURIAL PRACTICES: AN ANALYSISOFENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG UNISEL STUDENTS Hairin Nisa Meor Nordin 1* and Norhasdalina Hasim2 1Center for Foundation and General Studies, University Selangor, Bestari Jaya, Selangor 2Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University Selangor, Shah Alam, Selangor *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this paper is to identify the main determinants of students’ readiness that most influenceon their entrepreneurial practices after their studies and to find out whether respondent’s backgroundhassubstantial relationship towards their readiness for entrepreneurial intention. The population comprisedof UNISEL students in Shah Alam and Bestari Jaya Campuses. Questionnaire survey was adoptedtocollect the primary data from the respondents whom they were randomly selected, total of 350questionnaires were distributed and 301 were managed to be collected. The study findings indicatepersonal attitude, perceived behavioral control, proactive personality and participation in entrepreneurial education have strong relationship toward entrepreneurial intention among UNISEL students. However, social norms revealed there is no relationship with students’ readiness to entrepreneurial intention. It issuggested to establish a mechanism in which students have relationship with successful entrepreneurssoas students closely been inspired by successful entrepreneurs. Keywords: Readiness; Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial intention Introduction Unemployment among graduates is one of crucial issues that faced by all developing countries that affect the country economic growth. Eduadvisor (2019) reported that every year, over 290,000studentsgraduate from institutions of higher learning in Malaysia, but only 1 out of 5 graduates remainunemployed, with the majority being degree holders. These graduates make up 35%of those whoareunemployed. As the number of graduates continues to climb each year, students are facingtoughcompetition amidst a shaky economy. Thus, entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economicdevelopment in a country where it creates job opportunities for fresh graduates in order toreduceunemployment. Unfortunately, graduates are unaware the importance of entrepreneurship skills whichare important for their career. In line with that, Ibrahim et al. (2015) supported that entrepreneurshipeducation as the enabler to boost students’ awareness about careers in the field of entrepreneurship. Therefore, to ensure intentions of choosing the entrepreneurship profession among students, awell-designed entrepreneurship education curriculum can ensure students readiness to embark intotheentrepreneurial practices. However, there are many other factors that determine the entrepreneurial intention among students that affect to their readiness in choosing entrepreneurship field as their career. This study attempts to explore the factors which are personal attitude, social norms, perceived behavioral control, proactive personality, participation in entrepreneurship education that lead to entrepreneurial Intention (EI). Methods All scales in this study were measured on seven-point Likert scales ranging from1 withstrongdisagreement to 7 with strong agreement. A seven Likert-scale method was used because of its accuracyand reliability (Sekaran, 2010). A review of the literature revealed different models testingtheEntrepreneurial Intentions (EI). Nevertheless, the theory of planned behavior provides a general framework to analyze the entrepreneurial intention of a person (Ajzen, 1991). Therefore, this model hasbeen used in this study. However, this research only used five items scale that originally developedbyAjzan (1991) to measure the Entrepreneurial Intention. Personal Attitude (PA) was measured usingfiveitems. Social Norm (SN) was measured using five items, Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) was

41measured using six items, Proactive Personality (PP) was measured using five items and ParticipationinEntrepreneurial Education (PEE) was measured using four items. Data were collected froma sampleof301 students in UNISEL. During the data collection process, the self-administered questionnaire, including a cover letter, was delivered to the respondents. The questionnaire included questions about six factors which are EI entrepreneurial Intentions (EI), Social Norms (SN), Personal Attitude (PA), Perceived Behavioral Control (PCB), Proactive Personality (PP) and Participation in EntrepreneurshipEducation (PEE). Out of 350 questionnaires, 301 questionnaires deemed usable for analysis witharesponse rate of 86%. Moreover, the instrument was internally consistent with positive Cronbach’sAlpha for six factors ranging from 0.823 to 0.930. Results and Discussion The findings indicated that the main determinants of students’ readiness that most influencetheEntrepreneurial Intention are Personal Attitude, Perceived Behavioral Control and ParticipationinEntrepreneurial Education. Table 1: Determinants of Readiness Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) -3.165 1.545 -2.048 .041Personal Attitude .559 .057 .453 9.792 .000Social Norms .041 .060 .030 .689 .492Behavioral Control .273 .050 .237 5.423 .000Proactive Personality .245 .072 .164 3.382 .001Participation in Entrepreneurship Education .176 .050 .146 3.522 .000a. Dependent Variable: Total_EI Based on the above result, respondents have high personal attitude towards Entrepreneurial Intention. They realized that entrepreneurship had more advantages than disadvantages and theyagreedentrepreneurship is attractive to be as their career. Meanwhile, the respondents agreed that theywereready and willing to choose entrepreneurship. Furthermore, respondents agreed curriculumthat beentaught in university had encouraged them to be involved in entrepreneurial field. Among the factors, Personal Attitude and Proactive Personality have a strong relationship wheretheresult shows in Table 2, that there is a significant (p-value = 0.000) positive correlation (r=0.556)between Proactive Personality and Personal Attitude. In other words, it shows as increase in ProactivePersonality, Personal Attitude will increase accordingly. Meaning to say, once students have theright attitude towards entrepreneurship, it will lead them to be proactive in identifying and seeking for goodideas and opportunities. Other positive relationship is between Proactive Personality and PerceivedBehavioral Control. It shows a strong relationship where (p-value = 0.000) and positive correlation(r=0.556) between these two factors. Hence, Proactive Personality and Perceived Behavioral Control rise positively. Therefore, when the students actively searching for ideas and opportunities it will make them ready to start and develop their entrepreneurial project.

42Table 2: Relationships Between Independent Variables Total_PA Total_SN Total_BC Total_PP Total_PEE Total_EI Total_PA Pearson Correlation 1 .453** .373** .556** .457** .711**Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000N 301 301 301 301 299 299Total_PP Pearson Correlation .556** .440** .556** 1 .350** .614**Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000N 301 301 301 301 299 299**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table 3: Relationship Between Gender and Independent Variables There is a significant different in mean of Perceived Behavioral Control between male and female wheremean of male (4.5778) is higher than female (4.2781). However, other factors are not significant different among gender. Conclusion The study indicates that UNISEL students’ readiness toward entrepreneurial intention are strong. However, the factor of Social Norms discloses there were low relationship towards entrepreneurial intention. Thus, it is suggested to establish a mechanism in which students have relationshipwithsuccessful entrepreneurs so as students closely been inspired with successful entrepreneurs, and this mayinfluence students to have intention to be entrepreneurs in their future. References Ajzen I (1991). The Theory of planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human DecisionProcess. 50(2), pp. 179–211 Ibrahim, W. N. A., Bakar, A. R., Asimiran, S., Mohamed, S., & Zakaria, N. S. (2015). Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions (TVET) In Malaysia. International EducationStudies, 8(12), 141.doi:10.5539/ies.v8n12p141 Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2010). Research methods for business: A skill-building approach (5th ed.). Haddington: John Wiley & Sons. gender N Mean Std. Deviation Mean_PA male 120 5.0983 1.16734 female 181 4.9337 1.11336 Mean_SN male 120 4.6367 1.11279 female 181 4.6983 .93918 Mean_BC male 120 4.5778 1.06575 female 181 4.2781 .96913 Mean_PP male 120 5.0417 .97357 female 181 4.8884 .91587 Mean_PEE male 118 5.0254 1.66967 female 181 5.2693 1.29649 Mean_EI male 120 4.8986 1.24746 female 179 4.6862 1.12281

43CAMEL CHARACTERISTICS, FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND STABILITYOFSELECTED ISLAMIC BANKING IN MALAYSIA Salina Rasli1* , Nor Hazwani Hassan 1 , Norhasbi Abdul Samad 2 , Salbiah HanumMohd Hajali1 andJamilah Kamis 1 1Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Selangor, 45000, Selangor, Malaysia 2Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, 45000, Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract In Malaysia, the remarkable performance and stability of Islamic subsidiaries of conventional banks has forefront leading in Islamic banking business. This study attempts to evaluate the determinants of financial performanceandstability in two full-fledged and two Islamic subsidiaries of conventional banks over a period of eight years (2010- 2017). In this study the profitability is the return on assets (ROA) and stability measures is z-score. The elementsof CAMEL framework is denotes as internal determinants by selecting the appropriate ratios of capital adequacy, asset quality, management competency, earning quality and liquidity through hand-collected information providedby the bank websites. Moreover, correlations and regression tests (FEM and GMM) are used to examinethecorrelations and significance of CAMEL as independent variables with financial performance and stabilityof Islamic banking. According to determinants of profitability, the assets quality, management efficiency, earningquality and liquidity of Islamic banks supported the return significantly. For stability, the financial stabilityindicators found to be strongly important to assets quality, management efficiency and liquidity. The findings of this paper may have thoughtful practical implications on the financial performance and stability analysis of Islamicbanking industry. This paper provide vision to the practitioner, regulator and researchers to increase knowledgeonhow CAMEL framework is been chosen for long period of time as a performance and stability factors for thebanking industry. Keywords: CAMEL; financial performance; financial stability; Islamic banking; Malaysia Introduction The Islamic banking industry has demonstrated growth and resilience in the more challenginginternational financial environment since it first emerged in the 1970's. Globally, Islamic finance assetsexperienced only 0.9% growth in assets to close at approximately USD 1.57 trillion and thus its shareinthe overall Islamic Financial Services Industry (IFSI) has slightly contracted to 71.7%at the endof 2018(Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), 2019). In practice, there is no difference betweenIslamicsubsidiaries and wholesome Islamic banks operating in Malaysia, as all of them are subject to thesameset of oversight and regulations, so much so that the products offered by all of themmeet the rigorousShari’ah requirements imposed by the Shari’ah Advisory Council at Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM). The only difference between the two is that the Islamic subsidiaries have conventional parents, bothdomestic (e.g. Maybank) and foreign (e.g. HSBC), whereas the wholesome Islamic banks are eitherstand-alone domestic banks (e.g. Bank Muamalat) or subsidiaries of foreign Islamic parents (e.g. Kuwait Finance House) (Ariff (2017). Thus, this study is carried out to explore the role of internal determinants like capital adequacy, assetsquality, management efficiency, earning quality and liquidity (CAMEL) framework and its associationwith performance and stability of the selected Islamic banks in Malaysia. Many researchers still questioning the issue whether Islamic banks performance and stability is affected by CAMELparameters (for example; Saif-Alyousfi, Saha, & Md-Rus, 2017); Abdul Karim, Alhabshi, Kassim, &Haron, 2018) . Prior researchers namely Alharthi (2017) engage such study with regards tothedeterminants of financial performance and stability. He has found that the bank financial performanceasmeasured by profitability and financial stability is a proxy of z-score was influenced by the internal characteristics of the bank. Hence, in order to fulfil the research gap above, we would investigatetheeffect of each internal character of independent variable to the banks’ performance and stability. Thestudy also to find out if the variables has significant influence or not. So it is necessary to knowtheanswer of some questions related to overall activities, performance and stability of the selectedIslamic

44banks such as (i) What factors would affect the performance and stability of full-fledged andIslamicsubsidiaries banks in Malaysia? (ii) What is the most significant factors that would affect theperformance and stability faced by full-fledged and Islamic subsidiaries banks in Malaysia? Thus, theseresearch questions will be the objective of this study. Methodology The data in this paper was gathered from bank website and hand-collected information in the annual report consist balance sheets and income statements represents the sources of the internal variablesofthe Islamic banks under sampled. This study assesses the determinants of performance and stabilityofbanks by using the CAMEL model. The five elements of CAMEL is represent as independent variablesand two dependent variables of ROA and Z-score is a proxy of profitability and stability respectively. Profitability variables and model The financial performance can represent as return on assets (ROA). The model for the profitabilitycanbe illustrated as follows: ROA = α + ß1CA1 + ß2 AQ1 + ß3 ME1 + ß4 ME2 + ß5 EQ1 + ß6 LQ1 + ß7 LQ2 + ɛit (1) Where: ROA points to the dependent variables of profitability ratios; α denotes the constant; βis theregression coefficient; CA1 is a proxy of capital adequacy; AQ1 is measure of assets quality; ME1andME2 are proxy of management efficiency; EQ1 represent earning quality and LQ1 and LQ2aretheliquidity. Stability variables and models The financial stability indicators in this study are Z-score. The model for the stability can be illustratedas follows: Z-score = α + ß1CA1 + ß2 AQ1 + ß3 ME1 + ß4 ME2 + ß5 EQ1 + ß6 LQ1 + ß7 LQ2 + ɛit (2) This study uses panel, or longitudinal data which have several advantages, such as greater degreesoffreedom, lower levels of collinearity, and improved efficiency of estimates. In addition, panel datahelpovercome the inherent multicollinearity between the independent variables. Therefore, this studyemploys the fixed effect method (FEM) and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to estimates therelationship between profitability and stability indicators and their determinants following recent studies(Javaid & Alalawi, 2018; Alharthi, 2017; Saif-Alyousfi, Saha, & Md-Rus, 2017). Findings and Discussion Table 1 presents result on the effects of CAMEL characteristics on financial performance and stabilityofthe Islamic banks in Malaysia. According to profitability, this study approves that the financial performance of all Islamic banks affected from some factors such as assets quality, management efficiency and liquidity under FEM model. The capital adequacy, assets quality and management efficiency has negative and significant relationship under GMM model. Regarding the stability, all Islamic banks were influenced by assets quality and management efficiency for the period 2010-2017both FEM and GMM model. Under full-fledged of Islamic banks, the result showthat management efficiency (ME2) has positive and significantly at the level significance of 10 %and 1%with financial performance under FEM and GMM model respectively. The assets quality has negative and significantlyinfluences on the stability of the Islamic banks (p <0.01). For the Islamic subsidiaries, the assets qualityand earning quality shows significantly at the 5% and 1% significance level in both respective model. For the stability, assets quality has negative relationship with p-value less than 10%under GMMmodel.

45Table 1: CAMEL characteristics, financial performance and stability Panel A: Full sample B: Full-fledged C: Islamic Subsidiaries Method FEM GMM FEM GMM FEM GMM ROA Z-score ROA Z-score ROA Z-score ROA Z-score ROA Z-score ROA Z-score (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) CA1 0.030 0.281 -0.066** -0.586** -0.037 -0.121 -0.028 -0.412* 0.022 0.218 0.014 -0.063 (1.18) (1.22) (-2.46) (-1.67) (-0.69) (-0.39) (-0.91) (-2.27) (0.93) (0.60) (0.58) (-0.07) AQ1 -0.406*** -2.437* -0.809*** -9.347* -0.728* -4.442** -0.241 -3.474*** -0.497* -4.166 -0.625*** -11.629** (-3.25) (-2.20) (-3.10) (-2.77) (-2.06) (-2.19) (-1.18) (-2.98) (-2.67) (-1.48) (-3.06) (-1.76) ME1 -0.047 -0.273 -0.215** -2.085** -0.448* -2.549** -0.450*** -3.553*** -0.097 -0.691 -0.041 -3.947 (-0.71) (-0.46) (-2.52) (-1.74) (-1.97) (-1.96) (-5.25) (-6.58) (-0.50) (-0.55) (-0.43) (-1.05) ME2 0.265*** 1.657*** 0.422*** 4.036*** 0.540** 3.321* 0.842*** 6.198*** -0.047 -1.308 -0.107 2.029 (4.78) (3.36) (3.77) (3.05) (3.48) (3.73) (9.38) (11.02) (-0.50) (-0.90) (-0.77) (0.33) EQ1 -0.005** -0.031 -0.005 -0.046 -0.004 -0.024 -0.015*** -0.063*** 0.014** 0.149 0.014* 0.105 (-1.70) (-1.15) (-1.03) (-0.66) (-0.73) (-0.64) (-3.96) (-2.69) (2.16) (1.49) (1.95) (0.26) LQ1 0.006* 0.043*** 0.004 0.008 -0.000 -0.008 0.006** 0.028 0.001 0.011 -0.001 -0.170 (2.85) (2.09) (0.90) (0.14) -0.13 (-0.22) (1.66) (1.20) (0.48) (0.20) (-0.14) (-0.29) LQ2 0.005** 0.032 0.002 -0.047 -0.020 -0.097 -0.023*** -0.242*** -0.001 -0.049 -0.002 -0.058 (1.75) (1.10) (0.68) (-0.81) (-1.11) (-0.93) (-3.23) (-5.25) (-0.55) (-0.95) (-0.58) (-0.51) Constant -0.374 3.073 0.218 -0.503 1.786 8.365 -0.014 12.334 0.016 11.687 -0.354 1.822 R 2 0.669 0.540 -- -- 0.811 0.858 -- -- 0.841 0.572 -- -- p-value 0.000 0.000 -- -- 0.990 0.051 -- -- 0.545 0.000 -- -- Obs 32 32 28 28 16 16 14 14 16 16 14 14 t-statistics in parentheses; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 Conclusion For profitability, this study concluded that Islamic banks in can improve their profits through focusingon enlarging banks’ assets and equity. Additionally, the results of this study indicated that stable banksare more profitable. For now, even after four decades, Islamic banking is still at the initial stageofproduct differentiation. All indications are that Islamic banks are likely to remain stuck in this infant stage for a much longer period than previously thought, given the current trends in the bankingindustry(Ariff, 2017). The performance of full-fledged Islamic banks found to be more efficient as comparedwith Islamic subsidiaries of conventional. All Islamic banks need to improve their quality of assetstomake a better profit from their investment (Samail et al. (2018). For stability, the financial stabilityindicators (z-score) found to be strongly important to each other. Asset quality supports the stabilitysignificantly but it could mislead banks’ stability and loan risk. References Abdul Karim, N., Alhabshi, S. J. S. M., Kassim, S., & Haron, R. (2018). Measuring bank stability: Acomparative analysis between Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia. Springer NatureSingapore Pte Ltd. Alharthi, M. (2017). Financial performance and stability in Islamic banks: Evidence fromGCCcountries. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14(4). Islamic Financial Services Board. (2019). Islamic Financial Services Industry Stability Report 2019. Javaid, S., & Alalawi, S. (2018). Performance and profitability of Islamic banks in Saudi Arabia: Anempirical analysis. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 8(1), 38–51. Saif-Alyousfi, A. Y. H., Saha, A., & Md-Rus, R. (2017). Profitability of Saudi commercial banks: Acomparative evaluation between domestic and foreign banks using capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, earning ability and liquidity parameters. International Journal of Economicsand Financial Issues, 7(2), 477–484. Samail, N. A., Zaidi, N. S., Mohamed, A. S., & Kamaruzaman, M. N. (2018). Determinants of financial performance of Islamic banking in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic ResearchinAccounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 8(4), 21–29.

46THE FACTORS OF COUNTERFEIT BEAUTY PRODUCTS PURCHASINGBEHAVIOUR AMONG WOMEN Nor Effuandy Pfordten 1* , Norhaila binti Sabli2 , Afiemiza Tini binti Radzali3 and Norhuda binti Sumali4 1Center for Foundation and General Studies, UNISEL, Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia 2Faculty of Business and Accountancy, UNISEL, 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 3Jalan Keruing 4C/4, Taman Keruing, 44200 Rasa, Selangor, Malaysia 4Jalan Jelatik, Bandar Petri Jaya, 81900 Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract In Malaysia, the beauty market is growing rapidly. However, there are people who gain profits bysellingfake cosmetics. Consumers, especially women, still buy it although they aware that the cosmetics arefake. Thus, this study aims to investigate the factors of counterfeit beauty products purchasing behaviouramong women by using the 4Ps of marketing mix theory. Keywords: counterfeit beauty products, product, price, place, promotion Introduction Beauty products and cosmetics are synonymous. According to Ministry of Health Malaysia official portal, cosmetic products are makeup products such as blushers, eye shadows and lipsticks for thepurpose of making someone look beautiful. At a regulatory control level, cosmetic products are definedas “any substance or preparation intended to be placed in contact with various external parts of thehuman body or with teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, with a viewexclusivelyormainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance and or correcting body odors andor protecting them or keeping them in good condition.” Therefore, cosmetic products are also includingpersonal care products such as soaps, shampoos and oral care. According to Doksil (2017), the cosmeticindustry around the world has been expanding in both developed and developing countries. The growthand evolution of this industry create the opportunity for those who are interested to promotetheircosmetic products in the business. Reseach Methodology There are two research designs that will be used for this research, which are descriptive researchdesignand causal research design or known as experimental design. Under the descriptive research design, cross-sectional study will be used in this research. This researchis meant to study for a specific demographic, which is a woman. Hence, the scope of this researchismade to focus on women from three sections in Shah Alam which are in Section 7, Section16, andSection 24. This research has a limited time period. Therefore, cross-sectional study is suitable tocollect the data as it can be collected in a fast rate. A causal research is a research approach where the researcher studies the cause and effect relationshipbetween variables in a study where one variable is believed to affect another. By investigatingthedependent variable and independent variables, the research will develop the hypothesis (MukeshKumaret al., 2013). A researcher can experiment on manipulating the hypothesized independent variablesonthe dependent variable and see the outcome, therefore making informed conclusion based onthedatacollected. The dependent variable for this research is the purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products, along with the independent variables which is based on McCarthy‟s 4Ps of marketing mix; product, price, place and promotion. Hence, the research will be made to test if the independent variablesaresignificant with the dependent variable.

47Findings This study is able to support the Theory of Marketing Mix about the effect of purchasing counterfeit beauty product among women. Table 1: Summary of the Research Questions and Hypotheses Research Question (RQ) Hypothesis Statement (H) Result RQ1: What are the factors of counterfeit beauty products purchasing behaviour among women? H1: There is a significant relationship between product and purchasing behaviour. H2: There is significant relationship between price and purchasing behaviour. H3: There is a significant relationship between place and purchasing behaviour. H4: There is no significant relationship between promotion and purchasing behaviour. The hypothesis statement of H1, H2 and H3 are supported while the hypothesis statement of H4 is not supported. RQ2: Which of the factor that contributes the most to the effect of counterfeit beauty products purchasing behaviour among women? Price (IV2) is the most factor that contributes the most to the effect of counterfeit beauty products purchasing behaviour among women. The first research objective is to investigate the factors of counterfeit beauty products purchasingbehaviour among women. From the 4Ps, only product, price and place have a significant relationshipwith purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products (DV) among women. As for promotionit hasno significant with the DV. The second objective of this research is to identify among the 4Ps, which factor contributes the most tothe counterfeit beauty products purchasing behavior among women and price turn out to be the factorthat contributes the most to the counterfeit beauty products purchasing behavior among women. Results and Discussion The first independent variable is product towards purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products. From the result, it shows that the hypothesis (H1) is supported as the p-value for product (IV1) is 0.001which is less than 0.05. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between product and purchasingbehaviour of counterfeit beauty products. The second independent variable is price towards purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products. The statement of hypothesis (H2) is supported as the p-value for price (IV2) is 0.000 which is less than0.05. Hence, there is a significant relationship between price and purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products. Besides that, the Beta value for price (IV2) is the highest among the other factors. Thisindicates that price is the factor contributes the most to counterfeit beauty products purchasing behaviouramong women. The third independent variable is place towards purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products. Through the regression analysis, the result shows that the hypothesis (H3) is also supported as thep-value for place (IV3) is 0.019 which is less than 0.05. This also means that there is a significant relationship between place and purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products. The fourth independent variable is promotion towards purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beautyproducts. From the result of the regression analysis, it is found that the hypothesis (H4) is not supportedbecause the p-value for promotion (IV4) is 0.704 which is more than 0.05. This indicates that thereisnosignificant relationship between promotion and purchasing behaviour of counterfeit beauty products.

48Conclusion This research presented the result of the study that there are only three indipendent variables that havesignificant relationship to counterfeit beauty products purchasing behaviour among women (dependent variable) which are product, price and place. Meanwhile, promotion has no significant relationshiptodependent variable. Among the four independent variables, price is the factor that contributes themost to dependent variable, as consumers prefer counterfeit products than the original products becausetheyare relatively a lot more cheaper. References Doksil, M. (2017, November 27). Korean beauty firm aims to be No.1 in Asean. Borneo Post Online. Retrieved from post-sabah/20171127/281672550255859 Iylia Adreena. (2018, March 18). The Fake Makeup Dilemma: Save A Few Ringgit or End UpSpending More Fixing Your Skin. Retrieved from a-few-ringgit-or-end-up-spending-more-fixing-your-skin Lal, R. (2016, August 9). Fake Make-up. The Fiji Times. Retrievedfrom fake-make-upLanuzo, L. (2015, June 9). Fake Cosmetics Online. Retrieved from Mukesh Kumar., Salim Abdul Talib., & Ramayah, T. (2013). Business Research Method, ShahAlam: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. Normairah Jamaluddin. (2017, June 26). Lambakan Kosmetik Tiruan di Internet Bahayakan Pengguna. Utusan Online. Retrieved from kosmetik-tiruan-di-internet-bahayakan-pengguna-1.496032 Parsons, S. (2018, June 4). Social media now contributes to 50% of counterfeit cosmetic sales. Retrievedfrom Zuliaty Zulkiffli. (2017, September 5). Trend Penggunaan Kosmetik Murah Membimbangkan.BH Online. Retrieved from /321547/trend-penggunaan-kosmetik-murah-membimbangka

49THE INFLUENCE OF MONEY ATTITUDE TOWARDS SPENDING BEHAVIOURAMONGUNIVERSITI SELANGOR (UNISEL) STUDENTS Jamilah Binti Kamis 1* , Norhasbi Binti Abdul Samad 2 , Lee Siew Pheng 1 , Salina Binti Rasli1 , SalbiahHanum Mohd Hajali1 and Sylvia Ee Fee Peing 1 1Faculty of Business and Accounting, Universiti Selangor, 40000 Selangor 2Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, 45600, Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract Nowadays, uncontrollable spending habit towards Malaysian young generations are becomingprogressively. They have tendency to have less value of money compared to the elder generationsinspending their money. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of moneyattitudefactors (power-prestige, retention-time and anxiety) as determinants of UNISEL students’ spendingbehaviours. This study is quantitative approach. The sample of this study consists of 130 students fromUNISEL Shah Alam and Bestari Jaya campuses. The result showed from regression analysis, therewereonly three factors of money attitude (power-prestige, retention-time and anxiety) have a significanceeffect on spending behaviour among UNISEL students. Anxiety is the most influential factor of moneyattitude towards spending behaviour among UNISEL students. Consequently, several suggestions havebeen put forward and it is hoped that it will assist students to manage their fund effectively. Keywords: Money attitude, spending behaviour, power-prestige, distrust-frugality, retention-timeandanxiety Introduction Nowadays, uncontrollable spending habit towards Malaysian young generations are becomingprogressively. They have a tendency to have less value of money compared to the elder generationsinspending their money. Mohammed, Alekam, Salniza, Salleh, & Sanuri, (2018) stated that since thecost of living in Malaysia has improved remarkably, the young generations enjoyed spending their moneyheavenly, therefore Malaysia faced changes in lifestyle and spending trend. Tatzel, (2003) believedthat money represents power or achievement may have irresponsible spending habits. Students mayinvolvein unsustainable spending behaviours. In consumer culture, attitude toward money is an important factorthat affects the purchase and spending behaviour of individual (Taneja, 2014). Other researchers alsoshows that money attitudes influence financial behaviour such as money spending and moneysaving(Nga & Yeoh (2015); Yamauchi & Templer (1982). Yamauchi and Templer (1982) developed a scaletomeasure money attitudes that highlighted some factors of money attitude will affect human spendingbehaviour. There are four dimensions of attitudes towards money (Yamauchi & Templer, 1982), first, power (power prestige), where money is seen to affect or attract other people and as a symbol of success. Second, anxiety, money is seen as a source of anxiety and a source of protection fromanxietyitself. Third, retention time, money used for future financial planning and monitoring of financial conditions. Fourth, distrust, finance-related doubts and lack of confidence in making efficient decisionsinpurchasing. From these four dimensions of money attitude, this study attempts to investigatetherelationship between money attitude factors and UNISEL students’ spending behaviour as well astoidentify the most influential money attitude factors affecting UNISEL students’ spending behaviour. Methodology This study is quantitative in nature. The population is comprised from UNISEL students in ShahAlamand Bestari Jaya campuses. There are either Malaysian and non-Malaysian students who are currentlystudying under the certificate, foundation/matriculation, diploma, bachelor’s degree, or post-graduatedegree program. For this research, the sample size is 130 respondents to answer the questionnaire. Thestudy focused on attitude toward money from four dimensions adopted from Money Attitude Scales

50(MAS) by Yamauchi and Templer (1982) namely; power/prestige, retention, distrust and anxiety. Oncethe primary data is collected through questionnaire survey, the SPSS version 20 used for thedataanalysis. Subsequently, correlation analysis will be utilized to check if a significant relationshipexistsbetween respondents’ money attitude factors and spending behaviour. Then, ANOVA(analysisofvariance) will be applied to examine if significant differences among these students. Finally, regressionanalysis is used to identify the most influential money attitude factors affecting respondents’ spendingbehaviour. Results and Discussion The results based on the UNISEL students for both campuses, in Shah Alam and Bestari Jaya whichconsists of 130 respondents. Table 1: Group Statistics I am currently enroll at: N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean spending SHAH ALAM 66 2.8232 .64553 .07946 BESTARI JAYA 64 2.8281 .59091 .07386 From Table 1, it shows that there is no significant level (more than 0.05) for both campuses studentstowards the spending behaviour. Table 2: ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 15.290 4 3.823 14.139 .000 b Residual 33.795 125 .270 Total 49.085 129 a. Dependent Variable: spending b. Predictors: (Constant), anxiety, retention, distrust, power ANOVA analysis is used in order to identify whether this model is significant or not to any research. Based on Table 2 above, it shown that this model is suitable for the research where there is a significant between the four factors of money attitude and spending behaviour. Table 3: Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.658 .284 5.836 .000power .246 .056 .354 4.380 .000distrust .024 .064 .029 .369 .713Retention time -.112 .054 -.159 -2.082 .039anxiety .255 .065 .328 3.908 .000

51a. Dependent Variable: spending Based on the above table, it revealed that there are three out of four factors of money attitudearecoefficient contribute to spending behaviour of the UNISEL students. There is power (.000), retentiontime (.039) and anxiety (.000) since it displayed that these variables are significant where the resultsshown less than 0.05. However, anxiety is the most influential factor of money attitude towardsspending behaviour which give the result of .255 or 25.5%. Table 4: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .558 a .312 .289 .51996 a. Predictors: (Constant), anxiety, retention, distrust, power Based on the overall result of this study (Table 4), it indicated that only 31.2%of these moneyattitudefactors that influence the spending behaviour of UNISEL students. There are 68.8%is not coveredfromthis research. Conclusion The recent study revealed that power, retention time and anxiety factors are correlated to UNISELstudents spending behaviour. However, anxiety is the most influential factor of money attitude amongthe UNISEL students’ spending behaviour. Finally, there will be no differences between thesetwocampuses students in terms of their spending behaviour. In this research, its covered only 31.2%factorsthat affecting the students’ spending behaviour, means that there are some other factors might influencemore on the students’ spending behaviour. Consequently, it is suggested to establish a mechanisminwhich students to manage their fund effectively, and this may influence students to properly managedtheir spending behaviour. REFERENCES Mohammed, J., Alekam, E., Salniza, M., Salleh, B., & Sanuri, S. (2018). The ef ect of family , peer, behavior , saving and spending behavior on financial literacy among young generations. 7, 309–323. Nga, K. H., & Yeoh, K. K. (2015). Affective, social and cognitive antecedents of attitude towards money among undergraduate students: A Malaysian study. Pertanika Journal of Social Scienceand Humanities, 23(May), 161–180. Taneja, R. (2014). Money Attitude: Impact of Socialization. (April 2014). Tatzel, M. (2003). The Art of Buying: Coming to Terms with Money and Materialism. Journal of Happiness Studies, 4(4), 405–435. Yamauchi, K. T., & Templer, D. J. (1982). The Development of a Money Attitude Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46(5), 522–528.

52MODEL PENGURUSAN PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN ISLAMIKSTAF UNISELSiti Amalina Ahmad Khairundin 1* , Wan Yusnee Abdullah 1 , Nadiah Zubbir 1 , Hajar Opir 2 danZaharudin Othman 3 1Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Seksyen 7 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor. 2Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 3Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Pejabat Timbalan Menteri, Aras 6, Blok E4/5 Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62668 Putrajaya. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Konsep Pembangunan Modal Insan yang menjadi asas kepada pencapaian kesejahteraandankebahagiaan hidup insan boleh dilihat dari sudut ilmu, akidah, ibadah, anggota, rohani danakhlak. Bagaimanapun, konsep yang menunjangi model pengurusan pembangunan modal insan di UNISELtidak dapat dipersembahkan dengan jelas. Ini kerana, ketiadaan dokumen atau rujukan utamayangmenjadi dasar kepada model tersebut. Meskipun begitu, sumber-sumber rujukan luar diambil sebagai model dalam melaksanakan pengurusan model pembangunan insan staf di UNISEL dan tidakbersifat islamik. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini ditulis bertujuan membahaskan konsep Islamyang mendasari pembangunan modal insan. Penulisan ini juga menghurai kesesuaian model ini terhadap staf, dengancara menganalisis pendapat sarjana barat dan Islam terhadap pengurusan pembangunan modal insan. Hasil kajian mendapati matlamat pembangunan modal insan menurut sarjana barat adalah sejajar dengankehendak syarak dan juga terdapat peluang untuk mengemukakan dan seterusnya, melaksanakanmodel pengurusan pembangunan modal insan islamik staf di UNISEL. Kajian ini penting kerana ianyadapat menyumbang kepada idea pembinaan kerangka model pengurusan pembangunan modal insanislamikstaf kepada pihak yang terlibat sejajar dengan visi dan misi UNISEL. Kata kunci: model, pengurusan, pembangunan modal insan Pendahuluan Pengurusan pembangunan insan staf adalah amat perlu diambil cakna dalam memacu transformasi UNISEL serta melahirkan staf yang berdaya saing. Oleh itu, satu sistem atau model yang komprehensifperlu dihasilkan bagi mengurus staf dengan efektif dan kompeten. Perspektif pengkaji-pengkaji ini telah mencorakkan definisi yang pelbagai terhadap pembangunaninsan. Haryati, Sharifah & Zakila (2009) mendapati bahawa konsep pembangunan modal insan merupakansebahagian daripada konsep pembangunan insan (pembangunan manusia) yang lebih besar, yangsudahdiiktiraf dan diguna pakai oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu sejak tahun 1990. MuhammadHisham bin Mohamad (2005) juga melihat modal insan (human capital) sebagai pembangunansumbermanusia.Objektif kajian ini adalah: 3. Mengenalpasti konsep pengurusan pembangunan modal insan menurut perspektif Islam. 4. Mengenalpasti pengurusan pembangunan modal insan staf yang holistik. 5. Membina model pengurusan pembangunan modal insan islamik staf. Kaedah kajian Reka bentuk kajian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Kaedah penyelidikan yang digunakanadalah kajian kepustakaan dan kajian kes atau lapangan. 1. Kaedah pengumpulan data Kajian kepustakaan

53Kajian kepustakaan digunakan dalam memahami apakah aspek pengurusan yang cemerlangdenganmenilai dan memilih model pengurusan yang boleh diadaptasi serta menjadi benchmark atau model yangdiguna pakai dalam kajian. Disamping itu, kaedah ini juga digunakan untuk menambah nilai pemahaman terhadapkonseppembangunan insan menurut persepektif Islam, khususnya kepada staf, yang bersifat holistik dansinergi. Ciri dan elemen yang releven yang boleh dipraktikkan dalam pembangunan insan kepada staf turut diambil kira. Metod ini juga digunakan dalam membantu pembinaan model sistem pengurusan pembangunaninsanislamik staf di UNISEL yang boleh menarik perhatian dan diguna pakai oleh organisasi, agensi danIPTdi Selangor Kajian lapangan Melalui kaedah ini, beberapa sampel responden telah disenaraikan berdasarkan ciri-ciri seperti penglibatan secara langsung dengan pengurusan pembangunan modal insan staf di UNISEL. Kaedahini menggunakan teknik persampelan berasaskan tujuan pertimbangan (purposive). Metod temubual juga dijadikan instrumen dalam kaedah pengumpulan data kajian ini. Teknikyangdigunakan adalah temubual mendalam separa struktur kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat secara langsungdengan pengurusan pembangunan modal insan staf di UNISEL. Langkah pertama kajian ini adalah membuat temujanji dan menemubual mantan PengarahInstitut Latihan dan Kepimpinan (ILKU) UNISEL, Encik Mohd Razaki Abdullah, pada 25 April 2019. Temubual yang dijalankan mendapat respon positif daripada beliau. Antara soalan yang diajukan adalah: a. Apakah model pengurusan yang menjadi rujukan dalam programatauaktiviti pembangunan modal insan staf di UNISEL? b. Apakah bentuk program atau aktiviti yang melibatkan model pengurusan pembangunanmodal insan staf di UNISEL? c. Siapakah yang terlibat dalam merangka dan melaksana programatau aktiviti yangberunsurkan pembangunan modal insan staf di UNISEL? d. Apakah maklum balas yang diterima oleh pihak ILKU daripada staf yang merupakanpesertadalam program atau aktiviti yang dilaksanakan? e. Apakah tindakan lanjutan yang diambil selepas sesuatu programatau aktiviti yangmelibatkan aplikasi model pengurusan pembangunan modal insan dilaksanakan? 2. Kaedah analisis data Data yang telah dikumpul dengan menggunakan kaedah kepustakaan dan lapangan. Seterusnya data-datayang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan metod komparatif, tematik, dan deskriptif dalammenghuraikanperbandingan di antara model pengurusan pembangunan modal insan menurut sarjana barat danIslam. Aplikasi Atlas.ti digunakan untuk membantu menganalisis dapatan yang telah dikumpul. Perbincangan Secara keseluruhan, dunia perniagaan global masa kini berhadapan dengan cabaran yang kompetitifsehingga kehendak sesebuah organisasi untuk memaksimakan kemampuan modal insan adalahkritikal. Kesannya, organisasi tidak menjadikan pelaksanaan pelbagai program pembangunan modal insansebagai satu pilihan, malah lebih kepada menjamin kelamgsungan perniagaan jangka panjangdankelestarian perniagaan dan pentadbiran. Namun begitu, asas pembentukan kemajuan sesebuahnegaraperlu bersandar kepada konsep pembangunan modal insan. Sepertimana kajian Norain &Noriah(2012)yang membuktikan bahawa pelaksanaan pembangunan modal insan dalam aspek pendidikan danlatihan

54menjadi antara indikasi yang signifikan kepada kesediaan bekalan sumber manusia yang berilmudanberkemahiran di sesuatu kawasan. Tambahan pula, pernyataan ini disokong oleh Baharom & Mohamad (2009) yang melihat pembangunanmodal insan sebagai satu perkara yang perlu diasah kerana ianya penting dalammenentukankerberdayasaingan dan keberdayatahanan sesebuah negara terutamanya dalam era ekonomi sejagat yangberasaskan ilmu, serta berteraskan sains dan teknologi. Malahan, Fitzsimons (1999) melihat pembangunan modal insan sebagai indikasi utama pencapaian ekonomi dengan melihat pekerja sebagai modal manusia yang akan mendokong peralihan teknologi, penyelidikan dan pembaharuan, danpeningkatan pengeluaran dan daya saing. Bagi mencapai perkara tersebut, UNISEL sebagai subjek dalam kajian ini perlu memastikan staf yangberkhidmat mempunyai ilmu, kemahiran dan kompetensi untuk berperanan secara berkesan dalamduniapentadbiran yang kompleks dan sentiasa berubah. Kesimpulan Kesimpulannya, sistem pengurusan pembangunan modal insan yang berteraskan Islamyang mencakupi domain kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor, khususnya kepada staf akademik dan bukan akademik, masihbelum lengkap sepenuhnya. Kajian-kajian yang sedia ada boleh dijadikan landasan dan asas denganpenambahbaikan ke arah membina sistem pengurusan pembangunan modal insan dalamkajian ini. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga menekankan amalan pembangunan modal insan kakitangan tetapdalamUNISEL dan mengenalpasti prospek serta mengemukakan cadangan model pengurusan pembangunanmodal insan berteraskan prinsip-prinsip pengurusan Islam. Rujukan Baharom Mohamad & Mohamad Johdi Salleh. 2009. Pembangunan Modal Insan Sebagai SatuPelaburan Penting Dalam Konteks Pembinaan Negara. Dalam Prosiding Seminar PembangunanModal Insan 2009, Tema: Kecemerlangan Modal Insan (pp. 1-17). Kelantan: Chepa. Fitzsimons, P. 1999. Human Capital Theory and Education. Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. Haryati Shafii, Sharifah Meryam Shareh Musa & Zakila Abd Rahman. 2009. Pembangunan Modal InsanKe Arah Meningkatkan Kualiti Hidup Masyarakat. Dalam International Conference onHumanCapital Development (ICONHCD 2009) (pp. 1 – 8). Pahang: Kuantan. Norain Mat Lazim & Nooriah Yusof. 2012. Universiti, Pembangunan Modal Insan Dan PenumpuanRuang Komuniti Berpendidikan Tinggi Di Malaysia: Suatu Ulasan Kritis. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 7 (2).

55MODEL PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN PELAJAR DI UNISELWan Yusnee Abdullah 1*, Ahmad Tarmizi Zakaria 1* , Hajar Opir 2 dan Zaharudin Othman3 1 Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Seksyen 7 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor. 2 Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 3 Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Pejabat Timbalan Menteri, Aras 6, Blok E4/5 Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62668 Putrajaya. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Pembangunan modal insan merupakan wahana penting dalam membentuk individu yang berkualiti. Iamampu melahirkan mahasiswa yang mempunyai daya intelektual yang mapan, berkemahirantinggi, berakhlak mulia, jatidiri yang unggul, kompeten dan inovatif. Ironinya, terdapat segelintir pelajar yangtidak mampu menyeimbangkan pembangunanan modal insan dalam kehidupan mereka sehinggasegelintir pelajar memiliki daya intelektual yang tinggi namun tidak mampu bersosial dan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat sekitar. Manakala sebaliknya sebahagian daripada mereka mampu berinteraksi dengan masyarakat dengan baik namun daya intelektual mereka berada ditahap yang rendah. Dalamkonteks pembangunan negara pembangunan insan yang seimbang dan bersifat holistikyangmerangkumi domain kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor amat diperlukan. Walaupun terdapat pelbagai model pembangunan modal insan yang telah dipelopori oleh para intelektual, namun, kajianpembangunan modal insan yang khusus kepada pelajar peringkat Instituti Pengajian Tinggi Swasta(IPTS) masih belum ditemui. Malah pembangunan modal insan yang berorientasikan perspektif Islammasih kurang dibincangkan. Justeru, kajian ini akan memberi tumpuan terhadap modal insandalamkalangan pelajar dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif berasaskan analisa kandungan dan temubual. Kajian yang dijalankan ini sangat signifikan untuk diselidiki kerana bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti pembangunan modal insan pelajar secara holistik sesuai dengan acuan Islam. Kata kunci: model; pembangunan modal insan; pelajar Pendahuluan Pembangunan modal insan adalah pembangunan yang memusatkan kepada manusia sebagai agenpembangunan (Mahbub ul Haq, 1955). Dalam mewujudkan pelaksanaan pembangunan modal insan, manusia dibahagikan kepada empat komponen penting iaitu kesaksamaan, produktiviti, pemerkasaandan kelestraiaan (Haq dan Ishak, 1999). Namun konsep ini masih bersifat fizikal dan kosong dari aspekruhnya. Oleh itu, bagi menjayakan pembangunan modal insan yang lebih ideal dan bersifat holistiksemua komponen penting yang memaknai insan hendaklah diintegrasikan secara seimbang(Abdul Rahman (2003). Terdapat pelbagai model pembangunan modal insan yang telah dipelopori oleh para intelektual dari multi dimensi berlatarbelakang bidang pendidikan, rasa dan agama. Model Kecerdasan Pelbagai (Multiple Intelligence) menggetengahkan lapan kecerdasan yang pelbagai sebagai pendekatan individuyang memberi reaksi dalam cara yang berbeza terhadap jenis kandungan yang berbeza (HowardGardner, 1983). Model Multi-Dimensional Perspectives of Holistic Education pula memberi fokus terhadapenamdimensi pemikiran ekspresi yang digunapakai dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Secara umumnyakedua-dua model ini memberi perhatian kepada aspek daya kognitif (taakul akal) (Nava, 2000). Model SAVI pula merupakan model pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan deria berasaskansomatik, auditori, visual dan intelek (Dave Meier, 2000). Manakala Model Integrasi HolistikDalamLatihan Perguruan Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional menekankan faktor teori, amali, praktikal danemosi yang mengintegrasikan metodologi dalam melaksanakan agama yang abstrak dan tetapdenganamalan Pendidikan dan Vokasional (PTV) (Aripin, Hamzah, Othman dan Norihan, 2011).

56Walau bagaimanapun, model-model pembangunan modal insan tersebut masih lagi terfokus kepadaelemen-elemen tertentu sehingga memerlukan suatu model pembangunan modal insan yangbaruberorientasikan perspektif Islam yang mampu untuk melahirkan pelajar yang seimbang dan holistik. Melalui kajian ini terdapat pelbagai objektif yang boleh dicapai bagi menghasilkan model pembangunanpelajar yang mapan. Antara objektif kajian ini ialah: I. Mengenalpasti konsep pembangunan modal Insan menurut persepektif Islam. II. Mengenalpasti pembangunan modal insan pelajar yang holistik. III. Membina model pembangunan modal insan pelajar. Kaedah kajian Bagi mencapai sasaran objektif yang ditetapkan, kaedah kualitatif digunakan dalamkajian ini. Justeruuntuk mendapatkan maklumat yang sahih dan terperinci, kajian ini menggunakan kajian perpustakaanbahan-bahan primeri berbentuk penulisan dan penerbitan seperti buku, jurnal, latihan ilmiah, tesissarjana dan Ijazah Kehormat (PhD). Ia bertujuan untuk memahami konsep pembangunan modal insanmenurut perspektif Islam yang bersifat holistik dan sinergi yang mencakupi elemen kognitif, afektif danpsikomotor. Kajian perpustakaan ini juga digunakan bagi membentuk kriteria khusus sebagai elemenpembangunan modal insan yang boleh dipraktikkan dan diukur sehingga mampu membina model pembangunan modal insan pelajar di UNISEL yang boleh digunapakai oleh organisasi, agensi danIPTlain di Selangor. Bagi mendapatkan maklumat yang lebih akurat dan asli yang boleh dipercayai, kajian ini menggunakanpendekatan kajian lapangan berbentuk temubual kumpulan pakar dalam menilai pembentukanmodel pembangunan insan pelajar. Kajian ini juga menggunakan kaedah analisis data kualitatif denganmenggunakan perisian ATLAS.ti bagi mendapatkan keputusan dengan cepat, tepat dan memuaskan. Perbincangan Penulisan dan kajian berkaitan tajuk kajian ini boleh dilihat dari beberapa artikel yang ditulis olehparasarjana. Kajian Ab. Aziz Yusof dan Mutiara Dwi Sari (2017) menyorot berkaitan kepentinganpembangunan modal insan dalam menentukan aras kualiti masyarakat, negara dan organisasi. Iamenjelaskan perlunya keseimbangan antara aspek material dan non material khususnya dalampembinaan kemanusiaan yang bersifat holistik. Penekanan elemen software (pembentukan sikapdannilai) berbanding hardware (fizikal atau kemahiran) sangat signifikan demi mencapai matlamat matlamat pembangunan. Ini diperkukuhkan oleh kajian Zulkifli Mohd Yusof (2015) yang menjelaskanpembangunan modal insan merupakan integrasi secara bersepadu antara intelek dan keperibadian. Kajian pembangunan modal insan berkaitan fungsi institusi sebagai wahana melahirkan generasi masadepan dilakukan oleh Norain Mat Lazim dan Nooriah Yusof (2012). Namun penyelidikan ini tertumpukepada aspek infrastruktur seiring dengan perkembangan keperluan sumber tenaga di sampingkerelevenan pendemokrasian pendidikan yang mengambilkira populasi setempat. Hasil dapatanmenunjukkan terdapat kolerasi antara kemajuan sesebuah negeri dengan taburan institut pengajiantinggi (IPT). Manakala Norhasni Zainal Abidin (2014) pula mengkaji peranan pentadbir IPT bagi memastikanpembangunan modal insan mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan berpaksikan latihan pengkhususandankepakaran. Kedua-kedua kajian ini melihat dari sudut perancangan. Kajian Nurul Haerani Mohamad, Ahmad Esa, Zalina Aishah Hj Abd Aziz (2014) juga mengkaji pembangunan modal insan di IPT namun skop kajiannya memberi fokus kepada aktiviti kokurikulumbertunjangkan pendekatan holistik merangkumi komponen jasmani, emosi, rohani, intelektual dansahsiah. Namun ia hanya mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada pembangunanholistikmelalui aktiviti kokurikulum.

57Secara umumnya belum ada kajian yang khusus untuk membina model pembangunan modal insankepada pelajar di institut pengajian tinggi swasta (IPTS) yang menggunapakai acuan Islamsepenuhnya. Kajian-kajian yang telah dijalankan akan menjadi asas kukuh bagi membina model yang bersifat holistikdan bersepadu menurut paradigma Islam. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil kajian yang diperoleh daripada kajian-kajian di atas dapat disimpulkanbahawapembangunan insan yang bersifat holistik dan seimbang berasaskan perspektif Islamsangat signifikan. Ia mampu melahirkan pelajar yang berkualiti akademik dan sakhsiah. Rujukan Aripin, M.A., Hamzah, R., Othman, M. Z. & Norihan, I.S. (2011). Modul Integrasi HolistikDalamLatihan Perguruan Pendidikan Teknik Dan Vokasional DiFakulti Pendidikan UTM. Prosiding SeminarMajlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan IPTA 2011. Universiti Putra Malaysia. Ab. Aziz Yusof dan Mutiara Dwi Sari. (2017). Universiti, Pembangunan Modal Insan Dan PenumpuanRuang Komuniti Berpendidikan Tinggi Di Malaysia: Suatu Ulasan Kritis. Journal of Sosial ScienceandHumanities. Vol.7, No. 2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Mohd. Arip bin Hj Kasmo, “Pembangunan Insan Melalui Pendekatan Al-Quran Dan Sains : MembinaKeyakinan Muslim Terhadap Al-Quran Menerusi PASAQ”, Jurnal Akademi Sains IslamMalaysia(ASASI), j. 16, Bandar Baru Bangi: PST Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. Ramon Gallegos Nava. (2010). Being in unity with the spiritual intelligence Trilogy I. International Foundation for Holistic Education, Guadalajara. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff. (2015). Keseimbangan modal insan/human capital development dalammembangun masyarakat holistik dari kacamata al-Quran. Kertas kerja yang dibentangkandalamSeminar al-Quran. Anjuran Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang pada 13hb Jun 2015.

58HUBUNGAN TRET PERSONALITI DENGAN TAHAP PENCAPAIAN AKADEMIKGURU PRAPERKHIDMATAN Uzzairah Nabila Ahmad Tazli*, Muhammad Ghazawi Zulkarnain, Nurrul Huwaina Ridzuan Lotfi danNorazly Nordin Department of Early Childhood Education, Universiti Selangor, 45600 Bestari Jaya Selangor Faculty of Education and Science Sosial *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti hubungan antara tret personaliti dengan tahap pencapaianakademik guru pra perkhidmatan di Universiti Selangor (Unisel). Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 70orang guru pra perkhidmatan program Diploma Pendidikan (Pengajian Prasekolah) semester tujuhambilan Ogos 2016. Data dikumpul melalui soal selidik Neuroticism Extraversion Openness (NEO) Personality Inventory (PI)-Revised (R). Analisis deskriptif iaitu frekuensi dan peratus digunakanuntuk analisis taburan. Sementara itu, analisis Chi Square digunakan untuk mengkaji korelasi antaratret personaliti dengan tahap pencapaian akademik guru praperkhidmatan. Data dianalisis denganmenggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Dapatan deskriptif menunjukkan guru pra perkhidmatan memiliki personaliti yang sesuai dengan ciri-ciri seorangguruiaitu agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion dan neuroticism. Bagi tret Neuroticism berada pada tahap paling rendah antara kelima-lima tret tersebut. Dapatan kajianmenunjukkan tiada hubungan yang signifikan antara tret personaliti dengan tahap pencapaianakademik guru praperkdimatan Unisel. Melalui kajian ini, diharap pentadbiran institusi pendidikanseperti Unisel serta tadika perlu mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan ujian-ujian personaliti seperti NEO-PI-R, untuk mengenalpasti tret personaliti guru pra perkhidmatan dalamprosesmerekrut guru-guru baru. Kata kunci: Tret personaliti, pencapaian akademik, guru praperkhidmatan, personaliti Pengenalan Isu personaliti adalah perkara paling utama dalam pemilihan kerjaya yang difikirkan serasi bagi diri seseorang individu (Zulelawati & Yusni Zaini, 2015). Selain kemahiran dan pengetahuan, gurujugaperlu melengkapkan diri dengan personaliti guru yang baik agar ianya mampu merangsang minat murid untuk mendekati ilmu pelajaran. Personaliti boleh dijadikan sebagai peramal dalammenilai keberkesanan pengajaran (Norhaiza, 2015). Personaliti pendidik yang hebat boleh mendatangkanimpak yang mendalam terhadap proses belajar pelajar, hal ini kerana personaliti yang menarik mampumembuatkan guru menjadi idola kepada pelajar mereka. Menurut Abdul (2008), guru berkesanmerupakan seorang guru yang mempunyai nurani yang lembut serta mampu mendatangkan impakdari sudut personaliti dan menghasilkan suatu perubahan tingkah laku positif kepada pelajarnya(melalui Zulelawati & Yusni Zaini, 2015, p. 174). Oleh itu, personaliti seseorang guru sangat kuat pengaruhnya kepada para pelajar dan mampu memberi impak kepada tingkah laku pelajarnya. Menurut Khairul Anuar (2012), kerjaya dalam sektor pendidikan ini adalah satu pekerjaan yangmemiliki peranan tersendiri dalam melahirkan generasi akan datang. Disebabkan itu, personaliti seharusnya menjadi salah satu perkara yang perlu diambil kira sebelum guru keluar berkhidmat dalamindustri pendidikan khususnya prasekolah dan pendidikan awal kanak-kanak.

59Metodologi Kajian ini merupakan kajian berbentuk kuantitatif serta berbentuk kajian korelasi iaitu mengkaji hubungan antara dua perkaitan. Dalam pemilihan responden untuk kajian ini pula kaedah persampelanbertujuan telah digunakan di mana penyelidik menggunakan pelajar semester akhir dalamjurusanDiploma Pendidikan (Pengajian Prasekolah) sahaja kerana personaliti mereka yang dilihat lebihdominan boleh dilihat kerana telah mengikuti selama tujuh semester pengajian. Instrumen yangdigunakan dalam kajian iaitu trait personaliti Neuroticism Extraversion Openness (NEO) PersonalityInventory (PI)-Revised (R) yang telahpun dibangunkan oleh Costa & McCrae (1992) danditerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Melayu oleh Haziq Azree dan Zalipah (2015). Soal selidik demografi juga digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana latar belakang dan skor akademik pelajar. Data yang telah dikumpul ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan program Statistical Packages For Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 for Windows. Setiap jawapan yang diberikan oleh responden melalui borangkaji selidik telah dikira secara sistematik dengan menggunakan indikator NEO- PI-R. Data terkumpul jugatelah dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik diskriptif iaitu peratus dan frekuensi untuk menjawabobjektif kajian. Dapatan kajian dan perbincangan Daripada Jadual 4.3 menunjukkan jenis personaliti yang paling dominan adalah agreeablenesssebanyak 41.4% atau frekuensi seramai 29 orang responden. 28 orang atau 40%orang respondendominan kepada personaliti openness. Tret personaliti conscientiousness adalah sebanyak 10%atau7orang responden. Tret personaliti extraversion seramai 4 orang iaitu 5.7%. Tret personaliti seterusnyaadalah neuroticism sebanyak 2.9% atau 2 orang responden yang juga disebut sebagai gangguan emosi. Jadual 4.3 Tret personaliti guru pra perkhidmatan Tret personaliti Frekuensi Peratus Agreebleness 29 41.4 Openness 28 40 Conscientiousness 7 10 Extraversion 4 5.7 Neuroticism 2 2.9 Jadual 4.4 menunjukkan tahap prestasi akademik guru pra perkhidmatan Diploma PendidikanPrasekolah Unisel ambilan Ogos 2016. Seramai 5 orang atau 7.1% guru pra perkhidmatan mencapai PNGK dalam kategori 3.75 hingga 4.00 iaitu cemerlang. Seramai 60 orang atau 85.7%gurupraperkhidmatan mencapai PNGK 3.00-3.74 iaitu baik. 5 orang atau 7.1% guru pra perkhidmatan beradadalam kategori PNGK 2.0-2.99 iaitu memuaskan. Hal ini menunjukkan 92.8% guru pra perkhidmatanUnisel memperolehi pencapaian akademik yang baik dan cemerlang. Jadual 4.4 Purata nilai gred terkumpul guru pra perkhidmatan Hasil daripada analisis tersebut, mendapati keputusan ujian Chi Square adalah 3.339 denganarassignifikan 0.911. Nilai signifikan lebih besar daripada 0.05 iaitu [х²(8, N=70) = 3.339, p>.911] menunjukkan tidak signifikan. Tahap pencapaian akademik (PNGK) Frekuensi Peratus 3.75-4.00 (Cemerlang) 5 7.1 3.00-3.74 (Baik) 60 85.7 2.00-2.99 (Memuaskan) 5 7.1 0.00-1.99 (Kurang memuaskan) 0 0 Jumlah 70 100

60Jadual 4.5 Dapatan Ujian Chi-Square Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 3.339 a 8 .911 Likelihood Ratio 5.051 8 .752 Linear-by-Linear Association .000 1 1.000 N of Valid Cases 70 Dapatan kajian yang menunjukkan personaliti dominan adalah agreeableness yang sememangnyasinonim dan sesuai dengan kerjaya seorang guru. Sebaliknya, personaliti yang paling kurang dimiliki oleh guru pra perkhidmatan adalah neuroticism atau gangguan emosi. Peratusan paling tinggi tahappencapaian akademik guru pra perkhidmatan Unisel berada di tahap baik iaitu antara 3.00 hingga 3.74. Dapatan menunjukkan tiada hubungan yang signifikan antara personaliti dengan tahap pencapaianakademik guru pra perkhidmatan Unisel. Kesimpulan Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa guru pra perkhidmatan Unisel kebanyakannya mempunyai personaliti yang sesuai sebagai guru iaitu agrebleness dan openness. Tahap pencapaian akademik majoriti responden berada di tahap yang baik. Dapatan menunjukkan tiada hubungan yang signifikan antarapersonaliti dengan tahap pencapaian akademik guru pra perkhidmatan Unisel. Rujukan Zulelawati Bujang &Yusni Zaini Yusof. 2015. Trait personaliti dan hubungan dengan prestasi akademik bakal guru di sebuah institusi latihan perguruan. Jurnal bitara edisi khas (psikologi kaunseling) Vol. 8 Nohaiza Tahir. 2015. Hubungan personaliti guru terhadap kemahiran proses sains pelajar. (Sarjana Pendidikan Teknikal, Sekolah Tun Hussein Onn, 2015) Abdul Muqsith Ahmad. 2015. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perbezaan pencapaian akademik pelajar l epasan diploma politeknik dan matrikulasi terhadap subjek kejuruteraan.Tesis sarjana. Retrievedfrom Khairul Anuar A.Rahman. 2012. Disposisi Guru Berkesan: Personaliti dan Kemahiran Jurnal Komunikasi. Akademika 82(2). 37-44 Haziq Azree Yazid & Zalipah Ibrahim. 2015. Pembinaan dan kesahan modul memburu impian dalammeningkatkan kesedaran kerjaya dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah. Tesis Sarjana

61KAJIAN MASALAH PENGUASAAN DAN PENGGUNAAN BAHASA INGGERIS DALAMKALANGAN GURU PELATIH PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK- KANAKUNIVERSITI SELANGOR Nurhusna binti Abdul Malek 1*, Dr Md Rosli bin Haji Ismail1, Irma Syuryani bt Jaswir 1 , Fazlina binti Haji Ismail1 , Ng Ming Yip 2 1Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Universiti Selangor, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Malaysia 2Center for Foundation and General Studies, UNISEL, Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email:[email protected] Abstrak Tugas utama sesebuah universiti ataupun institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) bukan sahaja melahirkangraduan yang cemerlang dalam bidang akademik dan mempunyai kepakaran teknikal sahaja malahpihak universiti juga perlu memastikan bahawa graduan yang dilahirkan berkebolehan tinggi danmempunyai pelbagai kemahiran supaya dapat bersaing dalam dunia pekerjaan sebenar kelak. Sehubungan dengan itu kajian ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru pelatih jurusan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak sepanjang 9 minggu menjalani latihanmengajar di taska. Sampel kajian adalah seramai 100 orang yang terdiri daripada pelajar tahun 4bidangPendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak di Universiti Selangor yang telah menjalani latihan mengajar padasesi 2018/2019. Alat kajian yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 22 item. Datayang diperolehi seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan peratusan. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajianmendapati kebanyakan guru menghadapi masalah penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dalampengajaran. Untuk mengatasi dan mengurangkan masalah tersebut di masa akan datang beberapa cadangantelahdikemukakan. Katakunci: masalah, guru pelatih, Bahasa Inggeris, latihan mengajar Pengenalan Bahasa Inggeris merupakan bahasa utama di negara-negara Barat seperti United Kingdom, AmerikaSyarikat, di negara-negara Komanwel termasuk Australia dan Kanada, dan juga di bekas koloni British yang lain. Tugas utama sesebuah universiti ataupun institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) adalahmelahirkan bakal graduan yang cemerlang akademiknya dan dilengkapi ciri-ciri kemahiran insaniahyang diperlukan oleh negara (Basri et al., 2012). Menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh MohdTaib, (2008), sekitar 377 juta orang menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa ibunda dalampertuturanmanakala selebihnya pula menjadikannya sebagai bahasa kedua. Oleh yang demikian, penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dalam silibus pembelajaran Malaysia telahlamadipraktikkan secara formal seawal peringkat pendidikan prasekolah lagi (Siti Hamin et al., 2008). Pelajaran bahasa Inggeris ini adalah wajib bagi peringkat pendidikan sekolah rendah sehinggaperingkat menengah. Malah, bahasa Inggeris juga merupakan medium utama yang digunakandalamproses pembelajaran di kebanyakan kolej dan IPT. Penguasaan bahasa Inggeris telah menjadi satuisupenting dalam pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia (Musa et al., 2012). Instrumen dan Kaedah Kajian ini berbentuk deskriptif iaitu menganalisis data menggunakan kaedah statistik asas kekerapandan peratus untuk menerangkan jumlah kekerapan setiap ciri pemboleh ubah. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kajian ini statistik asas peratusan digunakan. Data-data mengenai persoalan kajian diperolehmelalui kaedah soal selidik. Sampel data bagi kajian ini terdiri daripada 100 orang pelajar yangmewakili pelajar praktikal Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, Fakulti Pendidikandan Sains Sosial.

62Instrumen soal selidik ini dibina daripada instrumen soal selidik kajian lain dan diubahsuai sedikit bagi menjawab objektif kajian. Soal selidik ini dibentuk menggunakan kaedah soalan tertutup. Teknikini digunakan bagi memudahkan responden membuat pilihan jawapan yang tepat. Borang soal selidikmengandungi soalan yang dibahagi kepada dua bahagian iaitu Bahagian A dan Bahagian B. BahagianA menjurus kepada soalan berkaitan demografi manakala Bahagian B pula mengandungi soalanberkaitan tahap penguasaan dan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris. Bahagian ini terbahagi kepada tiga aspek, iaitu, pertama: tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris, kedua: tahap keyakinan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris, dan ketiga: pengaruh persekitaran terhadap penggunaan bahasa Inggeris. Keputusan dan Perbincangan Jadual 1, 2 dan 3 di bawah menunjukkan hasil analisis yang telah dijalankan ke atas persoalan kajian. Iabertujuan untuk mengetahui tahap penguasaan, penggunaan dan pengaruh persekitaran terhadappenggunaan bahasa Inggeris bagi guru pelatih Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, Unisel. Konstruk: Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Jadual 1: Analisis Maklumbalas Responden Terhadap Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Tahap Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Kekerapan Peratus Rendah 4 5.4 Sederhana 57 77.0 Tinggi 13 17.6 Tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori iaitu rendah, sederhana dantinggi. Secara keseluruhannya melalui analisis yang telah dijalankan, didapati majoriti subjek mempunyai tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang sederhana iaitu 77.0 peratus (57 orang). Manakala padatahappenguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang tinggi ialah 17.6 peratus (13 orang). Hanya 5.4 peratus (4orang)sahaja yang mempunyai tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang rendah. Konstruk: Keyakinan Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Jadual 2: Analisis Maklumbalas Responden Terhadap Keyakinan Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Tahap Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Kekerapan Peratus Rendah 4 5.4 Sederhana 60 81.1 Tinggi 10 13.5 Tahap keyakinan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori iaitu rendah, sederhanadan tinggi. Secara keseluruhannya melalui analisis yang telah dijalankan, didapati majoriti subjekmempunyai tahap keyakinan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris yang sederhana iaitu 81.1 peratus (60orang). Manakala pada tahap keyakinan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris yang tinggi ialah 13.5 peratus (10orang). Hanya 5.4 peratus (4 orang) sahaja yang mempunyai tahap keyakinan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yangrendah.

63Konstruk: Pengaruh Persekitaran Terhadap Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Jadual 3: Analisis Maklumbalas Responden Terhadap Pengaruh Persekitaran Terhadap PenggunaanBahasa Inggeris Tahap Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Kekerapan Peratus Rendah 6 8.1 Sederhana 31 41.9 Tinggi 37 50.0 Jadual 3 menunjukkan tahap pengaruh persekitaran terhadap penggunaan bahasa Inggeris. Secarakeseluruhannya melalui analisis yang telah dijalankan, didapati majoriti subjek mempunyai tahappengaruh persekitaran terhadap penggunaan bahasa Inggeris yang tinggi iaitu 50.0 peratus (37orang). Manakala pada tahap penggunaan bahasa Inggeris yang sederhana ialah 41.9 peratus (31 orang). Hanya8.1 peratus (6 orang) sahaja yang menunjukkan tahap pengaruh persekitaran yang rendah. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan dapatan kajian. Dapat disimpulkan bahawa penguasaan dan penggunaan bahasa Inggerisdalam kalangan guru pelatih pelajar Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak di Unisel berada pada tahapsederhana. Mereka masih menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dengan terhad semasa berbincangdalamkumpulan, berasa tertekan setiap kali bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris dan pihak taska dan tadikatidakmenggunakan bahasa Inggeris dalam pertuturan. Ini dapat dibuktikan melalui nilai min terendahyangdiperolehi daripada setiap item yang dikemukakan. Rujukan Basri, N. E. A., Zain, S. M., Jaafar, O., Basri, H., & Suja, F. 2012. Introduction to environmental engineering: A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Enhance Environmental Awarenessamong Civil Engineering Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 60: 36-41. Mohd Taib Dora. 2008. Kemahiran Insaniah: 7 Kompotensi Unggul Mahasiswa. Penerbit: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia. Musa, N. C., Koo, Y. L., & Azman, H. 2012. Exploring English Language Learning and TeachinginMalaysia. GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies 12(1): 35-51. Siti Hamin Stapa, Tg Nor Rizan Tg Mohd Maasum, Rosniah Mustaffa & Saadiyah Darus. 2008. Workpalce Written Literacy and Its Effect on the Curriculum. GEMA OnlineTM. Journal of Language Studies 8(1): 23-33.

64PENILAIAN REKABENTUK KURIKULUM PROGRAM BERDASARKANDIMENSI LATIHAN MENGAJAR Syed Lamsah bin Syed Chear*, Hafizah binti Khusni, Norsyahida binti Mat Nazir dan Nurul Ain binti Ismail Fakulti Pendidikan dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 47000 Bestari Jaya, Selangor [email protected] *Corresponding Email:[email protected] Abstrak Persaingan merebut kedudukan universiti terbaik dan tekanan untuk memenuhi keperluan industri dan kebolehpasaran graduan menuntut universiti mengemaskini struktur kurikulumagar seiringperkembangan semasa. Kursus pengajian asas dan umum yang menjadi teras kepada penerapannilai kemahiran insaniah (soft-skills) turut tidak terkecuali. Objektif kajian ini adalah untukmenilai pencapaian objektif pembelajaran program (PEO) khususnya bagi aspek kemahiraninsaniah berdasarkan dimensi latihan mengajar. Ianya diukur berdasarkan tahap kesediaan(keyakinan) pelajar menjalani latihan mengajar dan penilaian prestasi. Responden terdiri daripadapelajar program pendidikan yang menjalani latihan mengajar selama 8 - 14 minggu di institusi pendidikan terpilih. Pencapaian PEO adalah secara “analysis gap” iaitu perbandingan antarapengalaman pembelajaran (PB) berbanding tahap keyakinan terhadap keupayaan diri untukmenjalani latihan mengajar (KP). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat gap KP-PB yang lebihtinggi pada domain pengetahuan dan ia mencadangkan agar fakulti mengemaskini struktur kurikulum program, manakala gap KP-PB yang lebih rendah pada domain kemahiran mengajar mencadangkan agar fakulti mengkaji kesesuaian aktiviti latihan mengajar dan pembangunankemahiran insaniah yang didedahkan kepada para pelajar. Institusi perlu lebih rasional terhadappenetapan objektif program (PEO) dan pencapaian hasil pembelajaran serta berani melangkaui standard program yang disediakan oleh pihak berwajib. Kata-kunci: pengalaman pembelajaran, keyakinan latihan mengajar, penilaian kurikulumPengenalan Pengangguran belia di Malaysia mencecah 10.7% pada tahun 2015 berbanding 3.1%kadar pengangguran negara (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2017). Kadar belia berpendidikan tinggi menganggur 15.3% lebih tinggi berbanding 9.8% belia tanpa pendidikan tertiari. Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT) perlu mengambil langkah proaktif untuk memastikan kurikulumprogram sejajaran dengan keperluan industri bagi menjamin kebolehpasaran dan kebolehgajiangraduan. Pelbagai model boleh digunakan untuk menilai kurikulum (Borg & Gall, 1983; Madaus, 1983; Smith, 1994: Worthen & Sanders, 1973). Model yang baik adalah yang bersesuaian dengankehendak penilai, matlamat dan tujuan penilaian. Dalam bidang perguruan, latihan mengajar merupakan peringkat terakhir praperkhidmatan sebelum guru-guru pelatih ditempatkan kesekolah. Keberkesanan latihan mengajar mendapat perhatian ramai pengkaji tempatan mencakupi skop peranan guru pembimbing (Noor Azlan & Mei, 2011), impak penyeliaan praktikum(Ruhani, 2012), cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi guru pelatih (Goh & Matthews, 2011) serta isu-isuberkaitan kualiti program (Mohd Fuad, Naemas & Mohd Hilmi, 2014). Objektif kajian ini adalahuntuk mengukur pencapaian objektif program berdasarkan dimensi latihan mengajar. Persoalan- persoalan yang ingin dijawab adalah:-

65(i) Bagaimanakah tahap kesediaan pelajar untuk menjalani latihan mengajar? (ii) Adakah pengalaman pembelajaran di institusi berjaya menyediakan pelajar untukmenjalani latihan mengajar? (iii) Bagaimana maklumbalas pelajar dapat digunakan untuk pemurniaan kurikulum? Kaedah Kajian Data kajian (maklumbalas pelajar) diperolehi melalui borang soal selidik yang diberi kepadapelajar semasa taklimat praktikum sebelum penempatan ke sekolah. Tahap kesediaan pelajar diukur berdasarkan empat domain iaitu pengetahuan tentang kandungan kursus, kemahiranmerancang dan melaksanakan pengajaran, kemahiran kokurikulum, dan kemahiran insaniah. Prestasi pelajar merujuk kepada gred kursus yang diberikan oleh guru pembimbing (industri). Dapatan Kajian dan Perbincangan Tahap keyakinan pelajar untuk menjalani praktikum adalah sederhana. Kesediaan tertinggi padadomain mengurus aktiviti kokurikulum (3.70), manakala sahsiah & personaliti diri (3.61), kemahiran mengajar (3.59), dan mengurus rutin harian (3.56). Pengalaman pembelajarandi institusi juga sederhana. Pendedahan terbaik berkaitan pembentukan sahsiah & personaliti (3.89) diikuti mengurus rutin harian (3.86), pengetahuan (3.56) dan mengurus aktiviti kokurikulum(3.25). Jadual 1. Perbandingan persepsi pelajar terhadap pengalaman pembelajaran dan kesediaan menjalani latihan mengajar (pada skala 1 – 5)

66Kesimpulan Rajah 1 menunjukkan terdapat gap lebih tinggi KP-PB pada domain pengetahuan dan mengurus aktiviti kokurikulum, manakala nilai lebih rendah pada domain kemahiran mengajar, mengurus rutin harian dan penampilan (sahsiah & personaliti). Gap sebegini menunjukkan para pelajar bersedia daripada aspek pengetahuan dan kemahiran mengurus aktiviti kokurikulumsebaliknyamereka tidak yakin memiliki kemahiran mengajar, menampilkan diri di sekolah serta membuat persediaan untuk menjalani pratikum. Maklumbalas ini memberi petunjuk kepada institusi untukmemperhalusi rekabentuk dan struktur kurikulum bagi melahirkan graduan sepertimanadiperlukan di industri. Rujukan Bank Negara Malaysia (2017). Laporan tahunan 2016. Prospek dan dasar pada tahun 2017. Muat-turun daripada, W. R. & Gall, M. D. (1983). Educational research: An introduction. New York: LongmanInc. Goh, P. S., & Matthews, B. (2011). Listening to the concerns of student teachers in Malaysiaduring teaching practice. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 3(3), 92 – 103. Madaus, G. F. (1983). The courts, validity and minimum competency testing. Boston: Kluwer- njhoff. Mohd Fuad, Naemas & Mohd Hilmi. (2014). Praktikum di sekolah: Realiti menujuprofessionalisme. Penerbitan Multimedia. Noor Azlan, A. A., & Mei, L.W. (2011). Bimbingan oleh guru pembimbing kepada guru pelatihUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia. Journal of Educational Psychology and Counselling, 59 –76. Ruhani, M. M. (2012). Impact of the supervisory relationship on trainee development. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(18), 168 – 177. Smith, M. F. (1994). Evaluation: Review of the past, preview of the future. Evaluation Practice, 15, 215-227. Worthen, B. R., & Sanders, J. R. (1973). Educational evaluation. Theory and practice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

67AN INTEGER PROGRAMMING APPROACH FOR LOCATING PRESCHOOLOFCHILDREN WITH DISABILITY IN KUALA SELANGOR Hasnur Hidayah Kamaruddin 1* , Khairil Bariyyah Hassan 1 Zuraini Ayop 2 and Sharifah Zuraidah Syed Abdul Jalil2 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor. 2 Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract Early childhood is the most rapid period of development in human’s life. It is a period of great opportunity as it forms the basis of intelligence, personality, social behavior, and physical development. This made early childhood education crucial for all children whether the childrenwith or without disability. However, there are many challenges faced by the disabled childrentostart their early education in mainstream preschools. It can cause by insufficient of disabledfriendly facilities, inadequate well-trained teachers and lack of social support. Therefore, thespecial school is needed to these disabled children to ease their learning process. The aimof this study is to locate the potential preschool areas according to the distance in between the mukims of Kuala Selangor. The expected outcome will supposedly suggest on how many preschools neededfor children with disability in this province. An integer programming approach is usedinconstructing the numerical model and output created by LINGO software. Keywords: Integer programming, Preschool of Disabled Children, Kuala Selangor. Introduction Children with disabilities have their right to obtain early education as non-disabled children. Regardless their individual strengths and weaknesses, some of them have hopes and expectations to achieve qualifications and skills in life. Therefore, quality early education programme reallymakes a difference in the lives of young children with disabilities and their families (Gargiulo&Kilgo, 2014). Besides, having early special education will help them to gain confidence andcontrol over their own lives. Special education during preschool or kindergartens fordisabilities is believed to meet the developmental needs of the children especially those whoare experiencing developmental delays. Findings of Bendova, Cechackova, & Sadkova (2014) shows that the pre-school children cannot be treated as a homogeneous group. It is because the wide range of disability experience, as well as the diversity of early childhood education and care services, makes it difficult to drawbroadconclusions about early education of the disabled children. Children with special educational needs learn in different ways and different speeds. They also differ in their family backgrounds as therefore important not to make conclusions only on the basis of their belonging to the language, culture, social or ethnic origin. Therefore, the challenge is to develop models that allowthechildren with special needs receive services according to the individual needs of the preschoolers and their family. In addition, the challenge can also cause by insufficient of disabled-friendly facilities, inadequatewell trained teacher and lack of social support. Hence, the special school is needed to thesedisabled children to ease their learning process. Six preschools or kindergartens for disabled

68children have been introduced by the Malaysian government in closing ceremony of conferenceentitled ‘Incheon Strategy 2013-2022: A New Decade for Persons with Disabilities in Malaysia(“Enam taska khas untuk OKU”, 2013). As there is still a small number of the institution, choosing the right location of the preschool or kindergartens become a critical issue to the parents or guardians to ensure the benefits of affected household is optimized. Determination of where tolocate potential preschools or kindergartens in a given area has been an important criterion to thestrategic planning of development for a new school. The aim for this study is to locate thepotential preschool area within reasonable distance from the child’s home, so that every special children have an opportunity to receive an early education. Materials and Methods Integer programming is a branch of mathematical programming or optimization. Ageneral mathematical programming problem can be stated as max (1) where f is called the objective function and it is a function defined on S, and S is the so-calledconstraint set or admissible set. Every x S is called a feasible solution. Moreover, if there is xsuch that for all x S, then is called an optimal solution to (1). The goal of mathematical programmingis to establish if an optimal solution exists and to find one, or all, optimal solutions. As relatedtothis study, the preschool should be built if the result shows 1 and 0 otherwise. There are several types of data needed to identify the number of preschool for special childrenwhich has a reasonable distance from the child’s home. Data for person with disabilityis provided by Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Kuala Selangor. The details includes individual’s address, date of birth, type of disability, date of disability card application and date of acceptance. From the given data, researchers form a statistics of disabled person with regards of their age, disability type, gender and living area. From the statistics, preschool students are identified anddetail of these children is highlighted. The objective function is to minimize the number of preschool for children with disability tobebuilt, whereby the constraint is the locations of preschool that can reach each mukimin 20minutes. The model had searched for an optimal solution using a zero one integer programming. min z = ݎ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ subject to ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ (mukim 1) ൌ ൌ ൌ (mukim 2) ൌ ൌ (mukim 3) ൌ (mukim 4) ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ (mukim 5) ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ (mukim 6) ൌ ൌ (mukim 7) ൌ ൌ ൌ (mukim 8) ൌ (mukim 9) t

69Then, the coding was programmed using LINGO 18.0. This software helps to formulate linear and nonlinear problems quickly in a highly readable form. LINGO's modeling language allows user to express models in a straightforward manner using summations and subscripted variables. Results and Discussion Based on the output presented, this service most likely can simplify the extreme demands placedon every families of children with delays or disabilities. The results obtained in this study shows that two preschools for disabled children are needed in the district of Kuala Selangor. Thelocations indicated by the LINGO software are mukim Bestari Jaya (X2) and mukimKualaSelangor (X5). It indicates that these preschools can serve disabled children at a maximumdistance of 20 kilometers (equivalent at average of 20 minutes) driving from their residential areas. Preschool in Bestari Jaya will probably give an early education opportunity for childrenwith disability near its surrounding areas as well as children from mukim Ijok, Kuala Selangor, Pasangan and Ulu Tinggi. Meanwhile, preschool in Kuala Selangor will serve this special children nearby and neighborhood areas such as Api-api, Bestari Jaya, Jeram, Pasangan, TanjongKarang and Ujong Permatang. The average 20 minutes of travelling time is chosen as it is themaximum time allocated by the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministryof Housing and Local Government in considering a development of new school. Figure 1: Potential preschool location based on suggestion mukim in Kuala Selangor Conclusion This result therefore should raise awareness and contribute in the development of continuumservice delivery option for disabled children. Consequently, it will improve the education systemin promoting the right of every individual to enjoy access of education without discriminationor exclusion. This study is not limited only to the location of preschools, but also to other publicfacilities like police stations, fire stations and others. References Bendová, P., Čecháčková, M., & Šádková, L. 2014. Inclusive education of pre-school childrenwith special educational needs in kindergartens. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 112, 1014-1021. Enam taska khas untuk OKU. 2013, July 3. Borneo Post Online. Retrieved from Gargiulo, R.M.&Kilgo, J. L. 2014. An Introduction to Young Children with Special Needs: BirthTrough Age Eight. Fourth Edition. Cencage Learning, Wadsworth.

70NEEDS ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES (EAP) INUNIVERSITY SELANGOR – THE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS Bashahriyah Bakar 1* , Nadiah Zubir 1 , Noor Fazzrienee JZ Nun Ramlan 1 Hazrina Ab. Rahim1 , Che Manisah Mohd Kasim2, 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor , 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor 2 Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti Selangor , 47000 Bestari Jaya, Selangor [email protected] *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a specialised field of study which is currently taught inmost tertiary institutions. The primary objectives are to develop academic literacies as well as toimprove the students’ language skills and proficiency. In order to achieve the objectives; it is important that the process of needs analysis is conducted. Through needs analysis, actions canbetaken to refine the syllabus, improve the approach of teaching and cater to the affective needs of the students. This study examines the needs of 119 students of English for Academis Purposes (EAP) in Unisel. It is conducted in order to identify the students’ opinions toward the languagecomponent and skills that they have to learn, the students’ preferred learning styles and strategies and the students’ affective perspectives toward learning English. Responses fromstudents wereobtained by administering questionnaires. The results indicate that students opined that the most challenging component is grammar, writing and speaking. However, they consider speakingas the most important skill but listening is the least important skills. On the other hand, the students possess motivation and optimism towards learning English. It is hope that the findings of this study will assist the instructors and the authorities to refine the syllabus or change their approachin the teaching of EAP in Unisel. Keywords: English for Academic Purposes (EAP); Needs Analysis Introduction Education is a commodity as most universities are currently tailoring their programmes to cater tothe needs of the globalised world. This is to ensure that our students are well equipped with themarket-driven hard skills as well as the soft skills needed by prospective employers. Besides that, the Internet has made the information about the programmes of studies widely accessible and has attracted more international students to choose to study in Malaysia. Therefore, it is currentlyacommon scenario among instructors (lecturers) to conduct classes for multiracial students fromvarious nationalities. These are some of the factors that have contributed to the importance of learning English language at tertiary levels. One of the fields of English language teaching at tertiary levels is known as English for AcademicPurposes (EAP). The purpose of EAP is to enable students to function effectively in their academic programme of study at tertiary levels.The emergence of EAP was due to the awareness that students come from various backgrounds with different needs, different attitude, motivation, and different learning strategies (de Chazal, 2018). Therefore, needs analysis is crucial in order to determine the needs for which a learner or groupof learners requires a language and arranging the needs according to priorities…[it] makes use of both subjective and objective information (Richards et al.,1992 as cited in Jordan R.R., 2009).

71Needs assessment should be considered as an on-going process designed to gather and analyseinformation about the target language needs of learnrs in an existing or proposed setting andtofind out whether the program’s objectives and the learners’ requirements are being achieved andfor planning the learners’ and the programs’ future directions and making informed decisions (Purpura & King, 2003; Saantopietro & Peyton, 1991 as cited in Eslami, 2010). Moiinvaziri (2014) had conducted a needs analysis to identify the undergraduate students’ opinions on what they need to learn, their preferred learning styles, their attitudes, motivation andinterest in learning in a General English compulsory course taught in Islamic Azad University. Similar study was done by Eslami.Z (2010) who found that students greatly need to increase their general proficiency in English. Students’ low level of language proficiency was perceived to be asignificantly more important problems by students in social science, engineering and medicine. Limited vocabulary, slow reading speed, poor listening, speaking, writing and readingcomprehension, boring classes, access to the Internet and lack of instructors’ emphasis on the useof the Internet was ranked highly by the majority of the students. In Unisel, the teaching of EAP is conducted by offering 2 levels of courses for Diploma students. The courses are Proficiency English 1 and Proficiency English 2. Meanwhile, at Bachelor degreelevel, students learn EAP only during their first semester which is taught in Technical English1course. In Technical English 1 course, students have to master all the four skills within the limitedtime and the lecturers have to juggle with the needs to teach the students all the four skills andat the same time to prepare the students for exam. Generally, students’ achievements in the previous semesters show that most students face difficulties in all the skills – reading, writing, listeningand speaking skills. Realising this problems in the teaching of Academic English in Unisel; therefore it is important to identify the needs of the students’ and their perceptions towards theteaching of English for Academic Purposes in Unisel. Therefore, the study will address the following questions: 1) What are the students’ opinions toward the language component and skills they have tolearn? 2) What are the students’ preferred learning styles and strategies? 3) What are the students’ affective perspectives toward learning English? Materials and Methods The respondents consisted of 119 undergraduate students who are learning EAP in their Technical English 1 class. Their major of study is management, human resources, accountancy, finance andhealth science. The quantitative method is used to collect the data. The questionnaire is developedby Sihong (2007). The questionnaire consisted of four parts. The first part is concerned with thedemography (age, gender, race and etc.) of the respondents. The second part is to identify thelearners’ views toward what they need to learn. The third part investigates the learners’ preferredlearning styles and strategies. The final part is known as an affective perspective that investigates the learners motivation, attitude and interest toward learning English.

72Results and Discussion In general, students have the necessary attitude and motivation to learn English but there are somecomponents of the syllabus which they found challenging such as grammar, vocabularies, writingand speaking. The lack of facilities also have contributed to demotivation and the ignorance of lecturers towards their individual preference of learning strategies have unfortunately createdemotivation in putting effort towards independent learning. Conclusion This study on needs analysis of the students in EAP classes is one of the steps to listen to thestudents’ voice in what they need from the learning of EAP in Unisel. The findings will be veryuseful in order to help the instructors to design the syllabus and to take the right approachinteaching EAP to a multiracial Malaysians as well as foreign students from various nationalities. References 1. De Chazal, E. (2018), English for Academic Purposes. Oxford University Press: China 2. Eslami, Z (2010), Teachers’ Voice vs. Students’ Voice: A needs Analysis Approach to Englishfor Academic Purposes in Iran, Retrieved on 21 January 2018 via 3. Jordan, R.R. (2009), English for Academic Purpose : A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers, Cambridge University Press: UK. 4. Moiinvaziri, M. (2014), Students’ Voice: A Needs Analysis of University General EnglishCourse in Iran, GEMA Online Journal of language Studies, Vol. 14(1), February 2014.

73UNISEL FOUNDATION STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING TOWARDS PLAGIARISMAS AN ACADEMIC CRIME Nurshahirah binti Azman * , Wan Hazwani binti Wan Hamedi, Nur Athirah Syuhada binti Hasni and Sakinah binti Mohamed Tajularifin . Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600Bestari Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract Plagiarism issues still continues to occur despite the heavy attention paid on it. This current studyaims to find the significant between students’ understanding towards plagiarismand gender, semester of studies and academic performance, to examine students’ understanding towards plagiarism and to identify students’ sources of information. A questionnaire was distributed onanonline platform to 163 UNISEL foundation students. Findings revealed that there are insignificant relationships between students’ understanding towards plagiarism and gender, semester of studies and academic performance. Findings also revealed that students have a poor understandingof what actually constitutes the acts of plagiarism. Keywords: plagiarism; understanding; university foundation year students; Introduction Plagiarism is one of the major concerns in academic field as it affects the quality of the students. The advancement of Internet technology results in the increasing number of plagiarismas students find it easy to just copy without putting their own ideas in it. With these students comingout fresh from secondary school and is still at the beginning phase of tertiary education, they arestill unfamiliar with the need to properly cite others’ works while producing their own. Hence, it is important to identify the students’ level of understanding of the act of plagiarismso that relevant authorities can take necessary actions. The objectives of this study is to find thesignificant relationship between students’ understanding towards plagiarism and gender, semester of studies and academic performance, to examine students’ understanding towards plagiarismandto identify students’ sources of information. Materials and Methods A quantitative study was carried out at the University of Selangor, Bestari Jaya campus toinvestigate the Foundation Students’ understanding towards plagiarism. The 3-section surveyquestionnaire used was adapted from Marshall and Garry (2006) and Singh (2015). The first section focuses on the respondents’ demographic information. The second section requires respondents to identify the plagiarism and non-plagiarism acts. The third section identifies students’ source of information on plagiarism. The survey questionnaire was administered onlineand opened for a week, targeting the foundation year students from the Centre for Foundation andGeneral Studies (CFGS). A total of 163 responses were collected. The data were then analysedusing SPSS 22.0 to obtain the results. Results and Discussion According to Table 1, the analysis of the data revealed that there is not significant relationshipbetween students’ understanding towards plagiarism and their gender, semester of study andacademic achievement.

74Table 1: Students’ Understanding towards Plagiarism According to Gender, Semester of Study and Academic Achievement Understanding Towards PlagiarismGender Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .056 .480 .163 Semester of Study Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .150 .055 .163 Academic Achievement Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .006 .938 .163 Based on Table 1, it shows that there is an insignificant positive relationship between students’ understanding towards plagiarism and gender (r=0.056, p>0.05), semester of study (r=0.150, p>0.05) and their academic performance (r=-0.006, p>0.938). This result revealed that none of these factors (gender, semester of study, academic achievement) contribute to the students’ level of understanding towards plagiarism. Next, the students’ understanding towards plagiarism is examined. Table 2: Students’ Understanding towards Plagiarism Items SD D Total (%) A SA Total (%) 1. Copying the words from another source without appropriate reference or acknowledgement. 7.4 20.9 28 35.6 36.2 72 2. Copying words from another source with an acknowledgement. 23.2 27 50 30.1 19.6 50 3. Resubmitting an assignment that was submitted in one course for assessment in another course 15.3 25.8 41 32.5 26.4 59 4. Creating a new piece of work structured according to a documentation standard, by referring to existing work of the same type 23.3 28.2 56 36.2 12.3 49 5. Copying the organization or structure of another piece of work without appropriate reference or acknowledgement 14.7 19 34 27.6 38.7 66 6. Changing the words of material from another piece of work and presenting it as your own 16 21.5 38 35.6 27 63 7. Buying a complete piece of work in order to submit it for an assignment. 12.9 25.2 38 27.6 34.4 62 8. Copying the ideas from another piece of work without appropriate reference or acknowledgement 9.2 22.7 32 27 41.1 68 9. Copying a website and putting your own words and name into the content part of the pages 12.3 22.7 35 36.2 28.8 65 10. Creating a new piece of work on the same theme as an existing one but in a new context and without copying the existing one 35.6 16.6 52 29.4 18.4 48 11. Quoting from an existing piece of work with a reference to the source 33.1 21.5 55 32.5 12.9 45 12. Copying short sentences (less than 50 words) from another source without appropriate reference or acknowledgement 9.2 30.7 40 39.9 20.2 60

75The highlighted items in Table 2 are non-plagiarism acts as indicated by Marshall and Garry(2006), while the others are plagiarism acts. Based on the table above, almost half of therespondents could not correctly identify items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 as plagiarismacts. This is ahuge concern, since it means that almost half of the students still do not possess the necessaryunderstanding on what actually constitutes an act of plagiarism. Meanwhile, by looking at items 2, 4, 10 and 11 which are non-plagiarism acts, we can see that half of the respondents actuallyidentify them as plagiarism acts. This shows that students cannot properly identify any plagiarismact correctly. Next, Table 3 shows the sources of information the students use to obtain information onplagiarism. The result displayed several concerning issues. Table 3: Sources for Obtaining Information on Plagiarism Item Sources YES NO N % N %1 Never been taught/told about plagiarism 70 43 93 57 2 Course lecturers/teachers 74 45 89 55 3 Friends/other students 66 41 97 59 4 Books/magazine 42 26 121 74 5 The Internet 70 43 93 57 It is important to note that about half of the respondents (57%) indicated that they have never been taught or told about plagiarism, which is in accordance to their inability to identifyplagiarism acts. Also, only about half of the respondents agreed that their courselecturers/teachers provided information about plagiarism (45%), which is related to the students’ lack of knowledge on plagiarism in class. It is worth to add that the lecturers are the best source toeducate and create awareness among university students on the importance of academic integrity(Singh, 2015). Besides, it was also found that friends and other students (41%), as well as books/magazines (26%) and the Internet (43%) also did not provide much help in giving requiredinformation on plagiarism. Conclusion Major findings revealed that the students’ level of understanding towards plagiarism is not influenced bytheir gender, semester of study and academic performance, which could indicate that it is actually due totheir own lack of knowledge about it. About half of the respondents failed to tell apart the acts that are of plagiarism, and the ones that are not. This might happen because more than half of them have never beentaught or told about plagiarism, and many other sources of information were claimed as unhelpful. It couldbe concluded that plagiarism is still rampant among foundation year students. References Ehrich, J., Howard, S. J., Mu, C., & Bokosmaty, S. 2016. A Comparison of Chinese and AustralianUniversity Students' Attitudes towards Plagiarism. Studies in Higher Education, 41(2): 231-246. Manjet, K. 2015. Malaysian Public University Students’ Attitude towards Plagiarism. Journal of Language and Communication. 2(2): 133-145. Manjeet, K. and Malini, G. 2018. Understanding Plagiarism from the Lens of First Year Tertiary Level Students. Pertanika Journal Social Sciences & Humanities. 26 (T): 159-177. Marshall, S., & Garry, M. 2005. How Well Do Students Really Understand Plagiarism. Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) (pp. 457-467).

76ENHANCING FOUNDATION STUDENT INTEREST IN MATHEMATICS THROUGHTHE USE OF MATHEMATICS GAMES Khairil Bariyyah Hassan 1* , Rahayu Md Khalid 1 , Hasnur Hidayah Kamaruddin 1 and YeowSeukFei2 1Centre for Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, 45600, Selangor, Malaysia 2Faculty of Engineering and Life Science, Universiti Selangor, 45600, Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract The aim of the study was to examine student’s performance in understanding related topics inMathematics subject and determines the effectiveness of Mathematic games towards students’ attitude. Experimental research design with prequiz and postquiz was applied in this study. Theparticipants, which included 50 foundation students which are from Foundation in Science, Foundation in Information Technology and Foundation in Management students. They weredivided into several small groups and the games which are Number Race, Linear Equation Puzzleand Number Base Maze that are related to Real Number System, Linear Equation and Number Base respectively. There were also another three games which are Number Hunt, Math Dice andFraction Race to enhance their basic algebra operations. Each group was given the quizes after finished lecture on related topics. These studies carried out two phases; a prequiz on a traditional teaching method and a postquiz on playing the games. For collecting data, the quiz marks of bothphases were collected and together with the questionnaire Likert type attitudes towards mathematics game scale were used. As a result, the quiz achievement after play the games werepositively increased. On the other hand, the students’ attitudes towards mathematics subject alsoreceived a positive feedback. Keywords: Mathematics; game-based learning; Mathematics games; education tools; Introduction Game can be described as an activity that have characteristics such as fun or pleasure, has specificduration and place, governed by rules, non-productive and has sense of uncertainty and fictitious. Educational game is an integrated of game and educational concepts that used for teaching andlearning purposes. In Malaysia, the number of students who took science streamin secondaryschool shows decline trend from year to year. Due to that, the government had take the issues seriously by implementing various initiatives to help students in mastering Mathematics subject and hence, encourage them to enter science stream class in secondary school. The reasons student not interested with mathematics because of their belief that mathematics is adifficult and boring subject. They also feel not confidence to solve mathematical problembecausethey unable to memorize the rules, the laws and related formula. These bad attitutes towards mathematics remains unchanged until they continue their study in higher institution. In order tochange the bad attitutes or perception towards mathematics among Foundation students, thelecturer should be more creative and innovative in term of their teaching method by change theenvironment of the class. In this paper, the game based learning method was used by mathematics lecturer as teachingaided tools in teaching mathematics for the Foundation Year student in Unisel. The objective of

77this study is to compare the performance of students’ comprehension about certain topics byusing traditional learning method and game-based learning method through the pre and post test respectively. Other than that, this study also aims to evaluate the effectiveness of game-basedlearning towards students’ attitutes. Materials and Methods There are five games that were used in this experiment; The Number Race, Linear EquationPuzzle, Number Base Maze, Number Dice and Fraction Race. The Number Race is a board gamethat related to real number system topics consist of six subsets of real number such as natural number, prime number, whole number, integers, rational number and irrational number. This game can enhance the memory of student because in order to play the game the student shouldmemorize the definition and also the elements for each subset of the real number. Linear Equation Puzzle game consists of four pieces of puzzle to be combined together, whereeach piece of puzzle contain two systems of linear equations to be solved. Number Base Maze is a game that contain number base problem to be solve by each group of two students. Meanwhile, Number Dice is a game that contains multiplication and division of numbers and Fraction Racecontains addition of fractions. To examine the students’ comprehension on certain topics in mathematics, the data werecollected with pre and post test. Meanwhile, a Likert scale attitutes’ questionnaires were usedtocollect the attitutes data of the respondent. The experiment has divided into two phases; Phase 1and Phase 2. In Phase 1, the traditional teaching method was used in the class. After lecture session end, therespondents were given pre test questions that consist of several structured questions relatedtocertain topics in mathematics to be answered within 20 to 30 minutes. Then, the pre test was collected and the marks of each respondent were recorded. In Phase 2, the game based teaching method was used in the class on the other day. The students in the class were divided into five small groups. Each group plays the different game and then thegroup has to change the game with other group so that each group plays all the five game. Theparticipants were given 1 hour and 30 minutes to play all the game. After the game session end, the participant has to answer the post test question that consists of the same several structuredquestions as the post test. The respondent also given the Likert scale attitutes’ questionnaires. Then, the post test was collected together with the questionnaires and then the marks of eachrespondent were recorded. In this experiment, an experimental research design with pre and post test and Likert’s scalequestionnaires were used. The survey data were analyzed with a paired samples t‐test to comparethe mean score for students’ attitudes toward mathematics using traditional based learningmethod and games based learning method. Results and Discussion The effectiveness of Mathematics games was studied through the activities. Data on a total of 50students was collected and it was found that 82% students agreed on that these games increasedtheir level of motivation to study Mathematics. In addition, 81% students agreed that these games enhance their understanding towards Mathematics subject. Futhermore, prequiz and postquizmarks have a significant different. It shows that by using game-based learning in study

78Mathematics helped to increase students performance compared using traditional teachingmethod. Table 1: Paired Samples Test between Gender and Interest of Fun Learning Correlation Sig. Pair 1 Gender & Interest in Study Mathematics .509 .003 Pair 2 Gender & Game-Based Learning .530 .002 Gender of the students was significantly related to the effectiveness of Mathematics Games because male and female have different view on it. Table 1 show that the correlation betweengender and interest in study Mathematics together with gender and game-based learning. Byusing paired samples statistics, both p-values are less than 0.05; conclude that there was asignificant difference in the gender of students who like a fun learning in study Mathematics. Table 2: Paired Samples Test between Programs towards Performance in Mathematic Subject Sig. 2-tailed) Mean Difference Program Foundation in Science 0.109 -.58333 Foundation in Information technology Foundation in Management 0.138 0.764 -.58333 -.58333 Table 2 shows the paired sample test between foundation programs towards performance inMathematics Subject. The p-value of each programs is greater than 0.05 which means that there is no significant different between students background and their performance in Mathematics. It is proved that background of the students’ science, information technology or management does not affect the result of the study. They enjoyed studying this subject through mathematical games. Nevertheless, the students gave a positive feedback whereby they want have a mathematical games after finish each topic. Conclusion The study reported in this paper is one of efforts to increase interest of studying Mathematics among Foundation students. Although this was a small case study, it did reveal some illuminatingdata around the question of how game-based learning influenced students interest in learningMathemaatics. Based on observation, through out the activities found that students create a goodteamwork with their group members by discuss and teach each other in completing the games. Inother ways, it helps increasing their level of self-confident and motivation in learning this subject. Indirectly, the games also help lecturers develop more effective teaching techniques. As overall, this game-based learning received a positive feedback from the students. They hope that this kindof games will be doing for each topic in Mathematics subject. References Willacy, H., & Calder, N. (2017). Making mathematics learning more engaging for students in healthschools through the use of apps. Education Sciences, 7(2), 48. Çelik, H. C. (2018). The Effects of Activity Based Learning on Sixth Grade Students’ Achievement andAttitudes towards Mathematics Activities. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science andTechnology Education, 14(5), 1963-1977.Mahmoudi, H., Koushafar, M., Saribagloo, J. A., &Pashavi, G. (2015). The effect of computer games on speed, attention and consistency of learning mathematics among students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 176, 419-424. Ogochukwu, N. V. (2010). Enhancing students interest in mathematics via multimedia presentation. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 3(7), 107-113.

79THE RELATIONSHIP OF 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS ON STUDENT’S ATTITUDEANDPERCEPTION TOWARDS STEM Yusman Istihat1* , Norhasbi Abdul Samad 2 , Salina Rasli3 and Muhamad IlhamKhalit1 1 Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences. Universiti Selangor, 45600, Selangor, Malaysia 2Centre of Foundation and General Studies, Universiti Selangor, 45600, Selangor, Malaysia 3Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Selangor, 45000, Selangor, Malaysia *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstract Nowadays Malaysian’s student shown a low number of taking science stream such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in secondary school. The aimof this studyis to determine student’s interest in STEM starting from secondary school. This research analyses the role of 21st Century skills on student’s attitude towards STEM. The samples in this studyconsisted of 110 secondary students in Selangor. The Problem Based Learning and quantitativeapproaches were used to analyse the data. The result showed from regression analysis, there was only significance effect between 21 st century skills on student’s attitude towards Engineering andTechnology compared to Science and Mathematics. Meanwhile, the Pearson Coefficient Correlation analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between 21 st century skills onstudent perceptions towards teacher’s attitude in Mathematics. Therefore, the implementingcommittee, development of appropriate policies, and the involvement of industry such as fromprivate and government should take into consideration as an agent to promote STEM. Keywords: STEM; 21 st Century skills; attitude; perception; motorized glider Introduction Nowadays Malaysian’s student shown a low number of taking science stream such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in secondary school. The Ministryof Education Malaysia introduce STEM education plan in a more comprehensive manner with theobjective to the Malaysian aspirations to be a fully developed and industrialized nation. There arevarious strategies to strengthen the subjects in Science, Technology, Engineering andMathematics (STEM) stated in The National Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (PPPM2013-2025). Consequently, the formulation of the Standard Secondary School Curriculum(SSSC) has comprehensively described STEM as part of the school curriculum design. In 2018, Anjarwati, Sajidan & Prayitno proposed that the development module based on Problem-based Learningactivities could motivate students in solving and identifying the problems. As a result, this method would encourage students to have creative thinking and imaginative ideas. Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) indicated that attitude towards STEM is one of the important elements in nurturing the interest of student in STEM (Razali, Talib, Manaf, & Hassan, 2018). Inaddition, Karahan and Roehrig (2017); Saxton et al. (2014); Meng, Idris, Eu and Daud (2013) highlighted that a positive attitude towards STEM must be carried out during the secondaryschool because the students realised the advantages of learning science curriculumthat benefit thestudent’s future need. The purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship between 21st Century Skills on students’ attitude towards STEM and to examine the 21st century skills onstudents' perception towards teacher’s attitude in STEM.

80Research Methodology The research methodology in this study involves project based and quantitative approach. Thestudy was conducted among students in Form 4 and 5 from 20 schools fromfour district inSelangor namely Kuala Selangor, Petaling, Klang and Sabak Bernam. The students involvedintournament held under UNISEL Eagle RC Club are responsible to design and create small scalemotorized glider. The gilder was designed in an aerodynamic and this design made the glider flyeasily without using the assistance of motor at certain high level. After completing the tournament, the questionnaires were distributed to 150 students but only 110 questionnaires can be used for data analysis. Basically, the questionnaire asked about their attitude towards STEMthat thestudents in representing their school. Reliability test was conducted by using Cronbach’s Alpha and a value of more than 0.60 indicatethat the questionnaire is reliable and valid. Table 1 presents the results that all the variables is reliable with more than 0.60 such as 21 st Century Skills (0.883), student attitude towards Mathematics (0.683), Science (0.865), Engineering and Technology (0.916) Table 1: Reliability Test using Cronbach’s Alpha for the construct No Construct No of items Cronbach's Alpha1. Students Attitude towards Maths 9 0.683 2. Students Attitude towards Science 10 0.865 3. Students Attitude towards Engineering and Technology 10 0.916 4. 21 st Century Skills 11 0.883 40 In order to determine the relationship between the dependent variables (21 st Century Skills) andthe independent variable (students’ attitude towards STEM), multiple linear regression techniquewas utilized. This technique of analysis analyse the relationship between the dependent variables and its predictor based on ordinary least square method. Finally, Pearson Correlation is usedtomeasure the strength of the relationship between two variables is at medium level as definedbyAlias (1997). Pearson Correlation coefficient applied in this study to measure the relationshipof 21st century skills on students' perception towards teacher’s attitude in STEM. Results and Discussion In order to measure the relationship between the dependent and independent variables, multiplelinear regression was utilized. Based on Table 2 the model depicted as below: 21 st century skills = 3.431–0.105(Maths)+ 0.100(Science)+0.259(Engineering Technology) It shows that as increase 1 unit in Mathematics variable the 21 st century skill will decrease about 0.105 score in average. Science, engineering and technology are remained fixed. The table belowshows the regression model developed. Table 2: The relationship of 21 st Century Skills on student attitude on ST The result from the analysis shows that the student attitude on engineering and technology (p-

81value= 0.000) has only a significance effect on 21 st Century Skills among student comparedtostudent attitude towards mathematics and science. Table 3: The relationship of 21 st Century Skills on student’s perception towards teacher’s attitude in STEM Based on the Table 3, the result revealed that there is a significant (p-value=0.006) negativecorrelation (r=-0.263) between 21 st century skills on student’s perception towards teachers’ attitude in mathematics. However, there is a significant (p-value=0.000) positive correlation(r=0.363) between 21 st century skills and teacher’s attitude in science. Meanwhile, there is asignificant (p-value=0.000) positive correlation (r=0.350) between 21 st century skills andteacher’s attitude in engineering and technology at 1% level of significance. In conclusion, when increase in teachers’ attitude towards Science, Engineering and technology, student’s perception in 21 st century skill will be increasing. Even though, teacher who haveinterest on teaching mathematics but student have not performed in mathematics’ problemsolving. Conclusion Based on the research it is found that the Problem-Based Learning module of the development model of motorized glider is one of the alternative ways to improve the skills of creative thinkingof students. Teachers play important role to improve students’ creative thinking skills withproblem-solving activities as needed to promote students in STEM field. Besides that, thedevelopment of appropriate policies, and the involvement of industry such as fromprivate andgovernment agency should take into consideration as an agent to promote STEM. References Anjarwati, P. G. P., Sajidan, & Prayitno, B. A. (2018). Problem-Based Learning Module of Environmental Changes to Enhance Students’ Creative Thinking Skill. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology &BiologyEducation, 10(2), 313-319 Karahan, E., & Roehrig, G. (2017). Secondary school students’ understanding of science and their socioscientific reasoning. Research in Science Education, 47(4), 755-782. Meng, C. C., Idris, N., Eu, L. K., & Daud, M. F. (2013). Secondary School Assessment Practices in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Related Subjects. Journal of Mathematics Education, 6(2), 58–69. Razali, F., Talib, O., Manaf, U. K. A., & Hassan, S. A. (2018). Students Attitude towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Developing Career Aspiration. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 962-976. Saxton, E., Burns, R., Holveck, S., Kelley, S., Prince, D., Rigelman, N., & Skinner, E. A. (2014). Acommon measurement system for K-12 STEM education: Adopting an educational evaluation methodologythat elevates theoretical foundations and systems thinking. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 40, 18-35.

82KEBOLEHINTEGRASIAN PENDIDIKAN AL-QURAN DAN STEM: KAJIAN KESEDARAN DI KALANGAN PELAJAR MAAHAD TAHFIZ SAINSSalina Muhamad 1* , Muhammad Nazir 2 , Zahirrudin Idris 2 dan Sahrul Izwan Sapardi2 1Jabatan Kejuruteraan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Sains Hayat, Universiti Selangor 2Pusat Pengajian Asasi dan Umum, Universiti Selangor *Emel : [email protected] *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Penerapan pembelajaran STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) dalampendidikan al-Quran dapat menjadikan aktiviti pengajaran lebih dinamik, konstruktif, interaktif dan melahirkan pelajar yang lebih peka terhadap kompetensi STEM. Namun, sehingga kini, perkara tersebut masih kurang diberi perhatian. Oleh itu, satu kajian kuantitatif telah dikendalikanmelalui Program Q-STEM untuk mengenal pasti tahap kesedaran di kalangan pelajar MaahadTahfiz Sains mengenai kebolehintegrasian antara pendidikan al-Quran dan STEM. Ia jugabertujuan untuk melihat korelasi dalam menentukan kebolehlaksanaan pendidikan al-Quran danSTEM dengan menjadikan pelajar tingkatan 3, 4 dan 5 daripada 3 buah Maahad Tahfiz Sains sebagai responden bagi menjawab soal-selidik yang mengandungi dua konstruk utama iaitupengetahuan sebelum dan selepas mengikuti Program Q-STEM. Dapatan kajian menunjukkanpeningkatan yang signifikan dan respon yang positif terhadap aspek pengetahuan, sikap, dankeyakinan diri para pelajar. Sebelum mengikuti Program Q-STEM, seramai 51%pelajar tidakmempunyai minat dan pengetahuan terhadap STEM (termasuk yang tidak pasti), manakala 49%mempunyai sedikit minat dan pengetahuan terhadap STEM. Dapatan ini menggambarkan betaparendahnya tahap kesedaran di kalangan pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Sains terhadap kebolehintegrasianpendidikan al-Quran dan STEM. Namun, setelah mengikuti Program Q-STEM, peningkatanterhadap minat dan sikap hampir mencecah 97%. Ini jelas menunjukkan betapa perlunya satumodul untuk dibangunkan bagi membantu tenaga pengajar untuk mengintegrasikan pendidikanal-Quran dan STEM ke dalam kurikulum sedia ada. Kata kunci: al-Quran; STEM; tahfiz Pengenalan Kepentingan matapelajaran Sains dan Matematik tidak perlu dipertikaikan lagi. Ia menjadi asas kepada banyak bidang lain seperti perubatan, aero angkasa, arkitek dan sebagainya lagi. Menguasai kedua-duanya membolehkan seseorang menguasai teknologi dan kejuruteraan yangpenting dalam pembangunan dan kemajuan sesebuah negara. Melihat kepada situasi di Malaysia, Mazlini Adnan et al. (2016) dalam kajiannya menegaskanbahawa hampir 60% pelajar gagal mencapai tanda aras minimum dalam matapelajaran Matematik, manakala lebih kurang 43% pelajar gagal mencapai tanda aras minimum dalammatapelajaranSains. Di peringkat antarabangsa pula, Malaysia telah jauh ketinggalan dalam programpenilaianSains dan Matematik, seperti PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) dan TIMSS(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). Pada tahun 2012, purata skor Malaysiadalam PISA berada di bawah tahap standard purata, begitu juga dengan pancapaian dalamTIMSS(KPM 2013). Selaras dengan itu, pelbagai pendekatan pembaharuan telah dijalankan di peringkat sekolah bagi menarik perhatian pelajar untuk lebih meminati matapelajaran Sains dan Matematik. Salah satu

83pembaharuan yang telah diperkenalkan ialah pendekatan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Matlamat utama STEM diperkenalkan adalah untukmengadunkan pengintegrasian Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik dalamproses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (pnp) di samping memupuk minat pelajar kepada matapelajarantersebut (Muhammad Abd Hadi, 2015). Walau bagaimanapun, pendekatan STEM ini tidak dijalankan secara meyuluruh sehingga kesekolah-sekolah aliran agama mahupun tahfiz. Kajian menunjukkan pelajar di sekolah tahfizkurang menerima pendedahan tentang pendidikan STEM sedangkan mereka juga merupakananak bangsa yang akan meneraju negara ini suatu masa nanti. Untuk itu, satu programyangdinamakan program Q-STEM telah dijalankan di beberapa buah sekolah Maahad Tahfiz Sains yang terpilih untuk memberi pendedahan tentang kepentingan STEM dalam kurikulumdan proses pnp. Di samping itu, program ini turut mengenengahkan kebolehintegrasian al-Quran danpendidikan STEM memandangkan mereka terdiri daripada para hafiz dan hafizah. Di akhir program, borang soal selidik diedarkan bertujuan untuk menilai dan mengkaji secara kuantitatif keberkesanan Program Q-STEM dan tahap kesedaran pendidikan STEMdan al-Quran dalamkurikulum pendidikan mereka. Metodologi Bagi menjalankan kajian ini, satu program yang dinamakan Program Q-STEMtelah dilaksanakandi tiga buah sekolah Maahad Tahfiz Sains. Pemilihan sekolah-sekolah ini adalah berdasarkankurikulum sekolah tersebut yang menekankan tahfiz dan sains tetapi kurang pendedahan kepadaSTEM. Ini ditambah lagi dengan kekangan makmal dan persekitaran yang tidak kondusif untukpembelajaran sains. Hasil penelitian dan temuramah juga mendapati mereka kekurangan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan sains dan matematik. Pemilihan sekolah ini sebagai sampel kajian telahmendapat persetujuan daripada pihak sekolah. Kaedah rekabentuk tinjauan berupa kajian soal selidik telah digunakan bagi tujuan pengumpulandata dan maklumat. Responden yang dipilih bagi kajian ini adalah secara rawak, terdiri daripadapelajar yang berada di tingkatan 3, 4 dan 5 tanpa mengambil kira latar belakang, kelas danpencapaian. Responden diberi penerangan tentang bagaimana untuk menjawab soalan soal selidikyang diedarkan dan impak bagi setiap jawapan yang diberikan. Saiz sampel yang diambil adalahsecara puratanya seramai 164 orang responden. Hasil kajian dan perbincangan Hasil kajian terbahagi kepada dua konstruk utama iaitu sebelum dan selepas mengikuti ProgramQ-STEM. Setiap faktor akan dinilai berdasarkan dua konstruk tersebut bagi mengkaji keberkesanan program dan kebolehintegrasian antara al-Quran dan STEM. Bagi memudahkanpenilaian dibuat, skala Likert 1 dan 2 digabungkan menjadikannya sebagai tidak setuju manakalaskala 4 dan 5 mewakili setuju. Skala Likert 3 yang mewakili ‘kurang pasti’ akan kekal seperti asalnya. Keberkesanan program terhadap aspek pengetahuan Seperti yang dipaparkan di dalam Jadual 1, sebelum mengikuti Program Q-STEM, keputusankajian bagi perkara yang pertama iaitu mempunyai pengetahuan dalam bidang yang dibincangkan, hanya 44% responden sahaja yang bersetuju. Peningkatan yang jelas sebanyak 48%menjadikannya sebagai 92% bersetuju bahawa mereka mempunyai pengetahuan tentang perkarayang dibincangkan setelah mengikuti Program Q-STEM. Bagi perkara yang kedua iaitumenggunakan pengetahuan tersebut dalam pembelajaran, perbezaan yang jelas turut dapat dilihat antara sebelum program dengan selepas program. Ini juga dapat dilihat bagi perkara ketiga dankeempat di mana masing-masing mencatatkan skor sebanyak 88% dan 83%. Keberkesanan program terhadap aspek sikap Aspek sikap ini mengandungi empat perkara utama seperti yang tertera di dalamJadual 2. Bagi perkara yang pertama, responden ditanyakan mengenai minat terhadap program dan bidang yang

84dibincangkan. Hampir kesemua responden (97%) bersetuju tentang perkara ini selepas mengikuti Program Q-STEM. Begitu juga dengan perkara yang kedua. 97% responden yakin bahawaprogram ini telah mengubah persepsi mereka terhadap bidang STEM dan korelasinya denganal- Quran. Jadual 1: Keberkesanan program terhadap aspek pengetahuan Perkara Sebelum Selepas Pengetahuan Tidak setuju Setuju Tidak setuju SetujuMempunyai pengetahuan dalam bidang yang dibincangkan 34% 44% 0%92%Menggunakan pengetahuan tersebut dalam pembelajaran 26% 29% 0%96%Mengajarkan pengetahuan tersebut kepada rakan sekelas 34% 19% 1%88%Menyebarkan pengetahuan tersebut kepada masyarakat 43% 15% 1%83%Jadual 2: Keberkesanan program terhadap aspek sikap Perkara Sebelum Selepas Sikap Tidak setuju Setuju Tidak setuju SetujuBerminat dengan program dan bidang yang dibincangkan 14% 49% 1%97%Yakin program ini dapat mengubah persepsi terhadap bidang ini 16% 39% 1%97%Ingin mengikuti lagi program sebegini 14% 40% 0%99%Mempromosikan program ini kepada rakan-rakan yang lain 22% 27% 0%83%Kesimpulan Kajian yang dilaksanakan di 3 buah Maahad Tahfiz Sains membuktikan bahawa kesedaranterhadap kebolehintegrasisan antara al-Quran dan STEM berada di tahap yang rendah. Walaubagaimanapun, selepas mengikuti Program Q-STEM ini, didapati skor terhadap aspekpengetahuan dan sikap meningkat secara mendadak. Jika pelajar-pelajar ini sangat menunjukkanminat yang tinggi terhadap program sebegini, maka adalah dianggarkan kebolehintegrasian antaraal-Quran dan STEM dapat dilaksanakan di Maahad Tahfiz Sains seterusnya dilebarkan lagi keinstitusi pendidikan yang lain. Ini perlulah dilakukan dengan bimbingan yang betul bersertamodul pengajaran yang tepat. Rujukan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), 2013. Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013- 2025, KPM, Kuala Lumpur Mazlini Adnan, Aminah Ayob, Ong Eng Tek, Mohd Nasir Ibrahim, Noriah Ishak, JamayahSheriff, 2016. Memperkasa pembangunan modal insan Malaysia di peringkat kanak-kanak: Kajian kebolehlaksanaan dan kebolehintegrasian pendidikan STEMdalamkurikulumPERMATA Negara. Malaysian Journal of society and Space, 12, 29-36 Muhammad Abd Hadi, 2015. Pendidikan STEM Bersepadu: Perspektif Global, PerkembanganSemasa Di Malaysia, dan Langkah Kehadapan. Buletin Persatuan Pendidikan Sains danMatematik Johor

85INOVASI DALAM PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN TAHFIZ DI UNIVERSITI TENAGA NASIONAL: TINJAUAN AWAL Amaluddin Arshad*, Siti Salma Mohamad Shokri dan Syafawati Salihan Kolej Ekonomi Tenaga dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Tenaga Nasional *Corresponding Email: [email protected] Abstrak Kajian ini adalah berkenaan tinjauan awal inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran tahfiz di peringkat Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). Pengajian tahfiz secara umumnya dikenali dengan pengajaran yang tradisional dan statik, tidak seperti pengajian aliran lain. Namun, di UNITEN, pengajaran dan pembelajaran tahfiz turut melalui perubahan mengikut perkembanganteknologi terkini dan berusaha berjalan seiring dengan inisiatif yang dikelolakan di bawah Pusat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (TLC) UNITEN. Metod kajian ini adalah tertumpu kepadapelaksanaan pembelajaran subjek-subjek dalam pengajian tahfiz. Hasil dari kajian ini didapati ianya memberi impak positif kepada pelajar di samping penemuan kaedah pengajaran baru yanglebih variasi dan efektif. Kata kunci: Inovasi, Pengajaran dan pembelajaran Tahfiz, Blended Learning Pengenalan Pengajian Tahfiz di Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) merupakan programbersepadudi antara aliran sains dan tahfiz Al-Quran. Bermula dengan program Pensijilan Tahfiz al-QuranJAKIM-UNITEN yang dijalankan dengan kerjasama pihak Jabatan Kemajuan IslamMalaysia(JAKIM), program ini diperluaskan bukan hanya dalam bidang sains, namun UNITENjugamenawarkan program tahfiz dengan pengurusan iaitu Diploma in Corporate Management Tahfiz (DCMT). Seiring dengan perkembangan pendidikan semasa, pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) tahfiz di UNITEN juga melalui proses integrasi di antara pengajian tahfiz tradisional dankontemporari. Usaha ini digerakkan dengan beberapa inisiatif di bawah kelolaan Pusat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran UNITEN (TLC), dengan tumpuan yang diberikan kepada tigaelemen utama iaitu blended learning, problem-based learning (PBL) dan flipped classroomteaching. Kajian ini menumpukan kepada pelaksanaan metod blended learning dalamusahamembentuk PdP pengajian tahfiz yang lebih efektif dan menarik di samping sesuai denganperkembangan dan kehendak pembelajaran semasa. Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tahfiz Kurikulum Tahfiz di UNITEN merupakan kurikulum bersepadu yang menggabungkan di antaraelemen Tahfiz al-Quran dengan bidang profesional. Justeru, pelaksanaan kurikulumtahfizdisesuaikan menerusi beberapa inisiatif, antaranya penyelarasan jadual, penyusunan programberorientasikan tahfiz serta pemantauan aktiviti dan penglibatan pelajar. a.Penyelarasan jadual b.Penyusunan program berorientasikan tahfiz c.Pemantauan aktiviti dan penglibatan pelajar d.Konstruk Pembangunan Al-Quran Penyelarasan Jadual Antara faktor utama sistem pembelajaran ini dapat berjalan dengan baik ialah penyusunanjadual. Pihak Pendaftar akan membina satu seksyen khas bagi semua subjek yang diambil oleh para pelajar dan diletakkan waktu selepas jam 11 pagi. Hal ini adalah kerana semuapelajar Tahfiz diwajibkan untuk menghadiri kelas Al-Quran pada sebelah pagi pada jam8-11

86pagi. Penyusunan jadual ini khusus kepada semua pelajar Tahfiz sama ada di peringkat asasi, diploma ataupun ijazah. Penyusunan Program Berorientasikan Tahfiz Dalam usaha untuk memastikan keseimbangan dan kecemerlangan pelajar, beberapa pendekatanmelalui program-program berorientasikan tahfiz telah dirangka dan dilaksanakan. Antaranya, Kem Huffaz Profesional, Daurah Al-Quran, halaqah mura’ajah pelajar, mentor-menti Al-Quran, kelas tasmi’ tambahan, Quran Intensive Week serta beberapa program lain. Program-programini disusun mengikut kesesuaian dan kehendak semasa para pelajar. Pemantauan aktiviti dan Penglibatan Pelajar Pemantauan pelajar merangkumi kebajikan, penginapan, kewangan dan kaunseling. Pelajar tahfizdiberi galakan untuk melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam aktivit-aktiviti khususnya yang dapat meningkatkan potensi diri sebagai seorang huffaz. Contohnya pertandingan Tilawah dan HafazanAl-Quran di peringkat universiti, daerah, negeri dan kebangsaan serta kem kepimpinan peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Konstruk Pembangunan Al-Quran Kurikulum tahfiz UNITEN dibina dengan penekanan diberikan kepada tiga elemen utama iaitubacaan al-Quran, hafazan al-Quran dan kefahaman al-Quran. Ini bertepatan dengan pendapat Mohamad Marzuqi Abd. Rahim (2008) bahawa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran tahfiz al- Quran merangkumi talaqqi, iadah, pengujian mingguan, penulisan ayat, pemahaman ayat dankemahiran penggunaan bahan bantuan mengajar. Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Tahfiz melalui Blended Learning Seiring dengan perubahan dan perkembangan semasa melalui pembangunan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT), dunia pendidikan juga harus berjalan mengikut keperluan semasa ini. UNITEN sangat komited dan menggalakkan para pensyarah melakukan inovasi dalampengajarandan pembelajaran melalui pelaksanaan blended learning. Pelbagai kursus secara berkaladianjurkan oleh TLC dalam memastikan para pensyarah bergerak mengikut peredaran pendidikansemasa. Inovasi bermaksud idea, amalan atau bahan yang boleh membawa pembaharuan kepadaseseorang individu atau sistem sosial (Yusuf Hashim, 1994). Blended Learning (BL) merujukkepada “program pendidikan yang menggabungkan media digital dalam talian dengan kaedahpembelajaran tradisional”. Pembelajaran teradun (blended learning) adalah amalan pengajaranyang menggabungkan mod pengajaran bersemuka secara tradisional dengan mod teknologi atas talian berkaitan dengan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (UKM, 2016). Pendekatan BL ini sesuai dengan pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar iaitu pelajar boleh mengawal kadar pembelajarandi samping mengendalikan pembelajaran melalui media digital dalam talian. Ia juga bagi memaksimumkan keberkesanan sesi pembelajaran di dalam dan luar kelas (Laborda, 2014). Matlamat BL ini adalah mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran iaitumenggabungkan kaedah tradisional dengan kaedah dalam talian menggunakan alat seperti sistempengurusan pembelajaran atau dikenali sebagai learning management system (LMS), tanpapengurangan yang signifikan kepada masa yang diberikan secara bersemuka di dalamkelas. Galakan universiti melaksanakan PdP melalui BL, mamacu pengajian tahfiz di UNITENuntukmenerapkannya di dalam pengendalian kelas hafazan Al-Quran dan beberapa subjek di bawahkursus yang ditawarkan. Tinjauan Pelaksanaan BL Inisiatif yang dikemukakan melalui BL adalah dengan menggunakan LMS iaitu perisian Moodle. Berikut adalah beberapa aktiviti yang diaplikasikan menerusi Moodle:

87a. Memuatnaik Bahan Kursus b. Audio-visual c. Penilaian berterusan d. Aktiviti atas talian (online) Memuatnaik Bahan Kursus Setiap semester, para pensyarah akan mengemaskini maklumat berkaitan kursus melalui Moodle. Pelajar boleh mendapatkan bahan-bahan yang berkaitan dengan kursus yang diambil samadapanduan kursus, nota, slaid pengajaran, jurnal, peta minda serta bahan-bahan berkaitan. Audio-Visual Melalui Moodle, pensyarah boleh memuatnaik video rakaman pensyarah atau tenaga pengajar berpengalaman menggunakan Panapto, Youtube, Powtoon untuk tontonan pelajar sebagai aktiviti luar kelas. Selain itu, pelajar juga dikehendaki memuatnaik rakaman suara atau video sebagai tugasan untuk dinilai. Penilaian Berterusan Penilaian berterusan seperti kuiz, tugasan individu atau berkumpulan, ujian juga dilaksanakanmenggunakan beberapa instrumen berasaskan teknologi. Ianya juga menambah daya aktif danpenglibatan pelajar semasa kelas. Aktiviti atas talian (online) PdP tahfiz turut menggunakan beberapa aplikasi atas talian dalam usaha menarik minat pelajar menerusi bahan kursus yang pelbagai. Antaranya Kahoot, Padlet, Coggle, Mentimeter. Kesimpulan Melalui kepelbagaian inisiatif yang ditawarkan Pusat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran UNITEN(TLC), penambahbaikan terhadap proses PdP Tahfiz tidak hanya tertumpu kepada BL, malahanaktiviti berteraskan problem-based learning (PBL), flipped teaching dan active learning dapat diterapkan. Inovasi dalam PDP tahfiz di UNITEN melalui BL masih lagi baru dan memerlukanpenambahbaikan bagi memastikan ianya menepati standart pengajaran dan pembelajaran masakini disamping mengekalkan sistem pembelajaran tradisional yang merupakan teras utamapengajian Tahfiz. Rujukan Ahmad Bazlin Ahmad Hilmi, Zulkarnain Zakaria, Mahiz Spawi, 2017. Pembinaan Modul Al- Quran Untuk Pelajar Pintar Berbakat: Model Permata Insan. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), Vol.1, no.1 (2017),, eISSN24621714. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari ISSN 2289 6325 Bil. 15 2017 (Julai) 61 Laborda, J.G. (2014). Essentials for Blended Learning. British Journal of Educational Technology(Vol. 45). Mohamad Marzuqi Abd. Rahim,2008. Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Hafazan Al-Quran: SuatuKajian Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Zon Tengah. Tanjung Mali: Fakulti Sains Kognitif danPembangunan Manusia: UPSI Muhammad Hafizan Abd. Hamid, Hamdi Ishak,2019, Huffaz Profesional di Universiti TenagaNasional (UNITEN): Satu Pengenalan. Al-Qanatir International Journal of IslamicStudies, Vol.13, No.1, January Issue Yusuf Hashim, (1995). Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Inovasi Pendidikan. Pendidik danPendidikan, Jld. 13, 1994/95.

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