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Mother Loves You Book Two Up Date 26-09-23

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51 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 together before me. May peace continue to be yours. Peace of heart has been brought to you and every one by the love and compassion that you have for each other. Every one of you who are here and somewhere else are brothers and sisters. Forgive others, even though they have hurt your feelings or if they are your enemy. They are also my children. If you remember this, brotherhood and sisterhood will spread out and they will finally bring peace to the world. Remember that human beings are brothers and sisters. Do not victimize each other or have ill will toward each other. How can I be happy when you, my children, make me see the division, lack of unity and fighting among you? My dear children, remember that every one of you are brothers and sisters in the Heavenly Father, of the same Father, the Father who is great and has equal love for every human being. My dear children, go home with His love. Spread His love with your actions. May peace belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother The Teaching of Mother Mary September 9, 2007, 12:06 – 12:40 a.m. My dear son, today you have confirmed your belief in front of your brothers and sisters. Today several of them who heard it immediately understood the meaning of it. Some of them are still confused and do not understand because they were so occupied with the questions that were asked in their hearts and did not thoroughly think about the content of my message. And there are several people who closed their hearts, and refused to listen to my voice.

52 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 It is all right. I already knew what would happen. If people with gentle and humble hearts practice what I taught, peace will happen in their own hearts. For those that do not understand but are eager to seek the knowledge and illumination, they will finally understand if they persevere and try hard. For those that got ears but act like they have none, they have sadly missed a chance to make spiritual progress. They might not know that they have used their own ego to deny my teaching. My dear children, my happiness is seeing peace in your hearts. Even though in real life you have many issues and problems, no one can take away the peace in your hearts. So, you must be a giver with a virtuous heart. Give with no exception. Give true love to your family, friends and relatives. If you can do it like this, peace will definitely be in your own heart. My son, today you are tired from your daily chores. Go to bed and rest. Think again about the activities that you plan to do tomorrow whether they will bring peace to you. If there is no peace, even though some people might ask you to do them, they are not the work that I want you to do. Son, may peace always belong to you. And may peace belong to every one of you my children. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother Peace in Your Heart September 16, 2007, 5:50 – 6:30 a.m. My dear children, be aware that any activity that makes you farther away from the love of the Heavenly Father, whether you realize it or not, is not the will of the Lord. As human beings, you always seek the reason to support whatever you have done to prove that it was right and just. And human beings often fall

53 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 into the trap of the evil spirit that confuses them to do the wrong thing and causes them to think to themselves that it is the right thing to do. My dear children, be aware that these things are going to happen day in and day out without any corrective action from you because you believe that you have chosen the right thing to do and it is the best course of action for that particular circumstance. So, I have to tell you not to really trust your own will. Do not judge and think for other people. The justice you choose to use on other people might not create peace for them and even for yourself. Trust in the will of the Heavenly Father. His love and mercy are timeless, no past or future. You will understand His love only by willingly putting to use the truth that my Dearest Son has revealed to you. You might think that it is too difficult for you to do, but I would like to ask you whether or not you have tried to put it to use with all your heart and soul. Do not say that you are weak and could not do it. And you are willing to give up this righteous effort to do whatever your will wants which is familiar and easy for you. By saying you are weak, are you willing to give up the kingdom of heaven? Today I would like to tell you that you can find peace in this world by abandoning everything and following my Dearest Son, and then you will always have peace in your heart. (Mother Mary’s messenger: the message for today is quite personal. Whoever opens up his heart will gain benefits from this message. Please be careful in passing it on to others.)

54 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Little Rabbit September 23, 2007, 4:10 – 5:40 a.m. My dear son, today should be the day that makes you happy because at this time your heart has been completely united with mine. Thank you very much for willingly abandoning your own will for me. I heard you talked last night that from now on you will not misbehave because I have raised you up too high for you to fall down again. The devotion and hope that other people have in your prayers make you unable to disappoint them. So, you willingly give up everything, including your body and soul which you have offered to me to take care of. Dear son, thank you very much. There are few people who give up their own comfort for others like this. This is the time I have been waiting for, waiting for your willingness. And I am very happy that you told me from your true heart. That is right, my dear son. People believe that your prayers are fruitful and I allow them to happen like that. It is not that I want to raise you higher up than others. They are the prayers coming out from pure heart, praying for others with no expectation to receive any reciprocation. This is the heart and soul of praying. If you have a stake in praying and wish to gain benefits for yourself, especially endless desires of human being, the prayers from this world will unable to bear fruit. Son, I thank you for knowing that you are not a holy person, but you do not want to disappoint those who come and seek help from you by behaving inappropriately. I thank you for your sacrifice. From now on you do not have to wait for me to contact you first because you have completely united with me. I am aware

55 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 of your thoughts, every one of them. If you talk to me in your heart, I will immediately reply to you. Dear son, how about getting rid of the laziness inside you first? It has been hiding inside you for quite some time because you were not careful. Now you are aware of it, right? This laziness is the one that has stopped everything without your realization. It is time for us, together, to cast it out from your soul. It blocked your thoughts, making you blind and did not know what to do. How long have you been stuck in the same place? From now on you will clearly see everything, because the darkness that covered your heart has been cast away. My dear son, you were like a fast rabbit, but after running for awhile you were careless and took a nap. At the present time my work that seems to be slow like a turtle is advancing with great speed. Wake up and rise before everything will be too late! My dear son, I have seen your effort and intention with all your heart and soul in arranging the prayers at Lamsai. Today I want you to use my heart to review it one more time. The prayers are for everyone, not only for you. Go over it one more time and identify the heart and soul of it and whether you have completely arranged the whole thing. I know that you are worried that on the 30th you will not be able to attend the Mass in the morning because you have to go to Saint Michael the Archangel Church at Rachaburi Province. It is okay to go, son. The father will be happy to see you and I myself want that to happen. It is true that a procession of my statue and offering flowers to me are paying homage to me. But you do not have to worry about that because I am not a statue for procession. And you have already offered your heart to me which is more precious than any flower or offering. I am with you, in your heart. How about we go to see the father together?

56 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Have you seen the change in the past couple days? Every time you picked up this notebook, you always received my message. You did not have to wait for me to contact you, correct? Always have a notebook handy in order for you to record your spiritual progression. I know what you are thinking. Son, do not worry about Adelia and the painting of me. I have already told you to pray for this. Everything will turn out okay. I recommend you brush up on your English. Soon you will need it. All right, dawn is coming. My Little Rabbit, it is time for you to run with me again. But this time you do not have to run fast like you used to because you will be tired and lose all of your energy. This time we are going to run together with firmness in the Heavenly Father’s love in which you will never get tired. May peace always belong to every one of you, I Will Always Be With You While You Pray the Rosary In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai September 30, 2007, 3:15 – 3: 35 a.m. (Mother Mary’s messenger: On September 29, 2007, there was a bus full of our brothers and sisters, about 79 of them, came from Korat to join us in praying together with Mother Mary. It is the largest crowd, a record, since I have been praying at this place. Tonight the front of the grotto was brightly lit up and water from the waterfall flew gently the entire time we were there. It was like a special greeting to our brothers and sisters who came to visit us. I would like to thank the elder brother who kindly helped us with the lights and made improvements in the front of the grotto. It has been raining heavily two days before our arrival. It was very warm

57 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 today, making the whole area that was wet completely dry. Unusually, there were a lot of mosquitoes at night but no one complained about it. Our hearts and minds were fully focused on Mother Mary. When we started to pray, several of us saw the moon with a halo around it that had the color of a brilliant and beautiful yellow. Sometimes there was a ray of light coming out from the moon. It was a delightful surprise. Before 3:00 a.m., several people saw the statue of Mother Mary in the grotto getting bigger and taller until they could clearly saw the color of gold inlaid on her shawl. Mother Mary bent her face down, looked at us and joined us in praying. And sometimes her face turned into the face of Lord Jesus. I did not see all of these things but I was happy for those that saw them. It was a blessing for them to see the miracles of Mother Mary. About 3:00 – 4: 00 a.m., the sky, which was heavily cloudy, opened up in a big circle and surrounded the moon with a halo around it. This time the halo was so big that it covered the whole area of the church. Whether it was a natural phenomenon or not, all of us were so glad to see it and thanked Mother Mary for giving us this wonderful moment to enjoy it. My dear children, I thank all of you for your goodwill, sacrificing your own comfort the entire day up until now to be with me. I would like to specifically thank Auntie Jongkol who made a sacrifice, giving you the chance and leading all of you to come and visit me here. Whatever Auntie Jongkol did for me, she will receive much more in return in heaven. Today you have seen the sacred activity started by a few people, some of whom have passed away, but now only a small number of them are still alive. All of you make them happy because from now on they will not worry that nobody will come to see me here at this place again. My dear children, this is the blessing from your own prayers. Even though there is no immediate result, your prayers made it happened. Is that right,

58 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 elders? Today there might be several changes, but you will clearly know whether the changes are good for you. I have constantly told my messenger to remind all of you who came here with good intent not to lose the good feeling you have received from it. Everything must be simple. And the heart and soul of praying is sending your true heart to unite with the prayers you say. Having time to be still so you can discern alone, or make a plea to me are beneficial to your own soul because when you are still, your mind is not scattered all over the place. Your prayers will come out from the depth of your heart, not just flowing along with the prayer. I know that several of you hope to have a healing from the sickness of your body. My dear children, there is no benefit for you to have good health if your soul is attached to the evil spirit or if you are to be its slave. Is having an opportunity to be here in front to me today not enough of a blessing for you? Not too many people have the same chance as you. I would like to ask you whether you have learned anything from here today. Whatever you see as a benefit, put it to use in your daily life. You do not have to wait until next month and start all over again. If what you think is the right thing to do and is beneficial for your soul, people around you or your friends, what are you waiting for? You can start doing good deeds by yourself. You do not have to wait for anybody to be an example for you to follow. If everyone waits like this, the world will never have peace. My dear children, several people want to know when Thailand, our homeland, will have peace. I would like to tell you, why don’t you make peace in your hearts first? If every one of you has peace, peace will spread out to those around you and, of course, peace and tranquility will happen in every place.

59 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I have told you several times that peace must first begin in your heart. Do you still remember that? Today we have gathered here to spend time together. Whatever makes you have peace, even though it is a little thing, it will begin to lead you to peace in other aspects of your life. Remember today’s lessons and make them fruitful. Then you will know these things are not too difficult beyond your ability to accomplish. My dear children, I bless your traveling for tomorrow for it will be in the eyes of the Heavenly Father. He will protect you from any harm. Do not forget to invite Saint Michael the Archangel to go with all of you. He will safely lead you to your destination. It is the right thing for you to go and celebrate with him in his honor. Do not worry about me here. The activities you have been doing are precious to me, more than any flower that has been offered to me. My dear children, if next month you cannot come and see me here, do not feel sad. I will always be with you while you pray the rosary. The rosary will bond your souls together. Thank you, thank you very much. May peace always belong to every one of you, Your Compassionate Mother

60 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Month of the Holy Rosary October 8, 2007, 11:38 p.m. – 12:20 a.m. My dear children, in this month of the Holy Rosary you should unite as one and pray for peace in your homeland, for it will be the right thing to do. Your pleas that are going through me, of course, will always be heard by the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son. Whatever comes out from your true heart always pleases the Lord. There is only a matter of whether it is appropriate to ask for something from the Lord. Oftentimes a human being goes along with his own will and asks the Lord to grant him whatever he wants. Children, you can think for yourself whether those things should have been asked for from the Lord. Some people refer to the saying “ask for it and you will receive”. So, some of you ask what you want without thinking whether it is appropriate. If you did not receive what you asked for, you complained that it was not right and why you have not received what you asked and wished for. So, I would like to warn you here and now to be very careful. If the things you ask for do not elevate your soul to be higher up, sometimes the response you will receive does not come from the will of the Heavenly Father. It is very dangerous because those things will make you obsessed with the desires of human wants by the persuasion of the evil spirit. Be careful of these traps. What Does the Flood Teach You? October 14, 2007, 5:30 – 6:20 a.m. My dear children, during the month of the Holy Rosary, how much effort did you spend on being perseverant in prayer for other people? Some of you said this month you would pay special attention to do sacred

61 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 activities and offer them for others. But when the time came, you did not do them, right? Why did you not do what you intended to do? How did postponement replace your good intention? How did your good intention turn into indifference? Several of you have given up your intent and did not pay attention to do sacred activities, far worse than previous months. Do you know why? This is the last age before the Lord’s justice will arrive. If you continue to be careless, what will happen when that day arrives? During this time, the evil spirit will try very hard to shift your attention away from the path of heaven. You are the one who chooses and decides to postpone the sacred activities, but you have time for the entertainments which you think are important to your life in this world. My dear children, if you are one of those people beware and realize how far you have been away from the path of heaven. You have missed the opportunity to join in prayer for peace in this world. Starting today, there will be a few days left for this special occasion. Children, ask for the illumination from the Holy Spirit because by your own willpower, you cannot withstand the power of the evil spirit that comes to lure you in every way it can to make you far away from the kingdom of heaven. The intensity will increase more and more until you, yourself, will be indifferent to the whole thing. Your goodwill will completely disappear and what left is seeing only your own comfort. This is the work of the devil. And you are willingly walking into its trap without self-awareness. When the unity has gone away, the power of sacred activities will not be able to withstand the malevolence of the evil spirit. It is like a flood that will

62 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 sweep you away from each other. If you are not in a safe haven, got nothing to hold on to, the disaster will strike at you with no warning. Children, remember that everything in this world has a cause and effect that can always teach you a lesson if you pay attention and think about it. If you realize that you have been swept away by the flood, hurry up to find a safe haven with a clear head to help yourself and lots of people who are also suffering by the flood. Children, this is not an easy task because you have to exert your strength to successfully withstand the current of the flood before you can help other people. My dear children, do not give up. Fight this evil spirit with the love from your heart. By your real intention, those in heaven will cheer you to triumph over the darkness in your heart. Remember, the evil spirit cannot harm you if you are unwilling to welcome it. My dear children, there are only a few days left. Unite as one to pray for peace in this world. May peace belong to every one of you, Your Compassionate Mother The Day of Continuous Prayer of the Holy Rosary October 21, 2007, 4:06 – 5:00 a.m. My dear children, I thank you for uniting with Christians around the world in prayer for peace yesterday. Even though many of you could not pray at a church close to you, you spent a portion of your daily life to pray for peace too. Thank you for your good intention. There is no church or temple greater than the church or temple in your own heart.

63 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 That is right, my dear children. If you pray without your real heart, your prayer will not be fruitful because I do not watch how many sets of rosary you have prayed. There is no benefit in praying if there is no true love. My dear children, what I have warned you is still real. There are a lot of you who have been blinded and denied by the evil spirit to do any good deed. Even my name is not in their hearts. Some of you have been molded to see only their own comfort in activities of this world. Some of you say let them acquire wealth for their children first and then they will come to God with great devotion. Some of you say let them be richer first so they will have money to do sacred activities as they wish. Some of you say they are not ready because there are several things needed to be accomplished first. And the worst is the thought of moving forward to seek only the worldly entertainments. There will be no prayer or even a thought of me at those places. My dear children, I have already told you that these things are your own choosing. By the instigation of the evil spirit, you enjoy them more than doing sacred activities and with no realization that you have completely fallen victim to it. It is very sad that my warning could not produce any result in your heart. How can I stand watching you walk towards the disaster? Is there anything else for me to do to win your hearts back? Don’t you see the path you have chosen is not the path of heaven? If my warning has produced some results in your heart, it is not too late for you to start now. Postponement is not good for your eternal life. My Dearest Son has already revealed the road to salvation for all of you. It is up to you to decide and willingly make a journey with Him. My dear children, the last lost sheep is always precious to the Lord. Pay

64 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 attention, exert your full strength and break free from the trap of the evil spirit. Lost sheep, come back home so you will have peace in this world and eternal life in heaven Do Not Procrastinate to Do Good Deeds In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai October 28, 2007, 3:08 – 3:37 a.m. My dear children, during the last part of the month of the Holy Rosary, I want you to hurry up and pray more just like on the day you united to pray together with your brothers and sisters around the world. The fruit of your prayer depends on your unity. Praying does not depend on uniting to pray together for just one day. You can do it every day. There were a lot of fruits of the prayers in the past. You are aware of them too, right? Dear children, your procrastinations have caused you to lose several golden opportunities to do good deeds. I have seen the real intention of every one of you who came to me today. Even though it is only a few of you, you have shown me the power of your devotion. Several of you who could not make it here tonight have sent their hearts to join in prayer with you at the same time you have prayed here. So, the number of people is not a problem in prayer. That is right. Today it is I who made all of you realize that I have been in your midst. So, today is a good opportunity for you to easily send your hearts to me. Would you please spend the rest of the time to be with the Heavenly Father with me because He is so kind to let me come here and stay with you? Today has the atmosphere of the warmth of the family, shared with every

65 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 one of you and me. My dear children, whatever you tell me tonight, the Heavenly Father will listen with full attention. I thank you for being devoted to my Dearest Son and to the work you will offer to Him from your true intention. You cannot fake your intentions or any other things in front of Him. You will definitely receive rewards in heaven in return for whatever you have done for Him and in His name because He is pleased with the sacrifices every one of you has made. When I heard the plea from all of you asking me to take care of the king and his sister, I was very happy that you have shown gratitude for their kindness. It is the right thing for you to unite and pray together for the two of them because they have done great things for your homeland. The person who is not grateful for their kindness must have a sinful heart. Those in heaven are not pleased with that. Children, ask yourself what can you do to reciprocate their kindness? Soon this year will be gone. You might have a resolution to do something good for yourself next year. Having a thought like that is good but how do you know whether you will be alive and have the New Year? When you have an idea to do a good deed, why do you procrastinate? Make up your mind and do it now. When the time that you have originally planned and postponed to do it arrives, the work you have done will already be fruitful. Do not wait to start in next year. It is not only for my benefit that you hurry up and do those good deeds. It will be beneficial for every one of you to live together in peace. All of you have been calling for peace, right? Now the opportunity is here, why don’t you grasp it for the success of your goal which is peace and tranquility for all? My dear children, today you have an opportunity to spend a long while with me. Think what you will do with this time. My dear children, I am waiting for an answer from every one of you.

66 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Prayer From True Heart November 4, 2007, 12:45 – 1:10 a.m. My dear son, it is I, the Son of God. Today I have been with you and saw your intention to pray and do penance to the best of your ability, even though tonight you were alone. I thank you for paying full attention when you sang to give praise to my Mother. And while you prayed my prayer, you could feel my suffering. You have seen the marks of the whip that hit both of my arms with no mercy. And finally both of my arms were stretched out and nailed to the cross. They were heavy. I was so tired and I suffered terribly. But I could not take them down; I had to withstand the pain and suffering for all of you in order for the work given to me to be completely finished. This is only a tiny portion of the pain and suffering that I allowed you to feel. If it is more than this, you would have been dead already. Now do you understand what your duty is? I do not expect you to do great things. Just do anything for me; even a little thing will please my Father. Remember, the prayer from a true heart is very precious. When you think along with every word of the prayer you will clearly understand the meaning of it. Now you understand the real way to pray. Continue to practice. When the right time arrives, you will see the benefit of your prayers. Go to bed. It is not the time for you to see my Mother.

67 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Wakeful Servant Waits for the Master November 4, 2007, 5:10 – 5:30 a.m. My dear children, if you have been observing, you would know that lately I have been warning you to be in the state of readiness all the time, especially in prepping your mind and soul to be in the grace of the Heavenly Father. If you have been thoroughly following me, you will understand why I prepared you to be in the state of readiness all the time and not to be careless just like a wakeful servant waiting for the return of the master. You never know when your Master will return. Have you prepared everything? If you follow the news, you will see the events in this world at the present time are full of destruction committed by human beings to hurt other human beings. The intensity of the violence is increasing more and more every day. There is also the threat of natural disasters of which you cannot foresee. Children, do not be careless. Even though these things have not been heading in your direction yet, do not be careless. If you are not careful and ready when these things arrive, what will you do? November 5, 2007, 3:54 p.m. Today I want you to go over the Daily Prayer of the Divine Mercy and remind yourself of the promise to the Lord of what you would like to do to give praise and honor to Him. There are several sacred activities that you can choose to do. Daily Prayer (From the Diary of Saint Faustina #163) O Most Holy Trinity! As many times as I breathe, as many times as my hearts beat, as many times as my blood pulsates through my body, so many thousand times do I want to glorify Your mercy. I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy and to be Your living

68 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 reflection, O Lord. May the greatest of all divine attributes, that of Your unfathomable mercy, pass through my heart and soul to my neighbors. Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances, but look for what is beautiful in my neighbors’ souls and come to their rescue. Help me, O Lord, that my ears may be merciful, so that I may give heed to my neighbors’ needs and not be indifferent to their pains and moanings. Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful, so that I should never speak negatively of my neighbors, but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all. Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful and filled with good deeds, so that I may do only good to my neighbors and take upon myself the more difficult and toilsome tasks. Help me, that my feet may be merciful, so that I may hurry to assist my neighbor, overcoming my own fatigue and weariness. My true rest is in the service of my neighbors. Help me, O Lord, that my heart may be merciful so that I myself may feel all the sufferings of my neighbors. I will refuse my heart to no one. I will be sincere even with those who, I know, will abuse my kindness. And I will lock myself up in the most merciful Heart of Jesus. I will bear my own suffering in silence. May Your mercy, O Lord, rest upon me. You Yourself command me to exercise the three degrees of mercy. The first: the act of mercy, of whatever kind. The second: the word of mercy - if I cannot carry out a work of mercy, I will assist by my words. The third: prayer - if I cannot show mercy be deeds or words, I can always do so by prayer. My prayer reaches out even where I cannot reach out physically. O my Jesus, transform me into Yourself, for you can do all things. Amen. Joining the Pilgrimage - Taize Prayer November 11, 2007, 12: 15 – 12:50 a.m. My dear son, thank you for your willingness to share my pain and suffering. Is there any other human being who will accept this excruciating pain and suffering to give me comfort?

69 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I have seen your real intention and willingness to ask for a share of my pain and suffering from your true heart. My pain and suffering are not the same like yours in this world. They are the pain and suffering that come from not being able to protect you, my children, from joining the evil spirit and joyfully commit mortal sins. You do not know the pure love that my Dearest Son has given to each and every one of you. Why do human beings deny this most precious and special love and willingly choose to do the opposite of the eternal goodness for short lasting, fleshly, joy? Do you gladly exchange the path to heaven for this temporary joy? My dear children, my heart suffers bitterly when you abandoned my love. Have you heard what my Dearest Son has said when He responded to your question? He has only love to give you. He does not hold you against the sins you have committed, instead He just looks for your true heart. My dear children, it is the Lord’s greatest kindness that He does not hold you against the sins you have committed. He told you that He has only love for you, right? When you understand His will, trust Him. There is no other way to go to heaven, only His way. My dear children, spend the rest of your life gaining the most benefit out of everything you do. Do not forget to pray for peace in this world, too. I am listening to your prayers. This is your important mission. May peace always belong to every one of you. I will protect you at all times.

70 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 When Mother Mary Comes to Teach November 14, 2007, 3:38 – 4:40 a.m. My dear children you might be surprised to see me today, and not on Saturday as usual. The day and time of this world are not the mechanism that dictates when I will come to see you. It is up to the readiness of my messenger’s soul. When he is in the state of grace, his mind will always be able to listen to my voice, regardless of place and time. I woke you up at this time because it is the will of my Dearest Son to have you awake so you may pray for your fellow human beings. With His mercy there is no penance better than praying from your true heart. You will see the great love that human beings should have for one another if you meditate on each word of the prayer. This is His will. If you give this love to one another, peace will appear in your heart. You do not have to seek for it anywhere else. The second reason I woke you up is praying for peace in this world. Last Saturday you went to visit me at Saint Michael the Archangel Church at Don Krabueng in the sacred room that houses the tabernacle. Do you remember what you asked me what to do if you wanted to voluntarily lighten up this burden? I told you to pay attention to the large number of your brothers and sisters in this world who are suffering from being victimized. My dear children, pray together so peace will happen in this world soon. Even with only a prayer from one of you, my Dearest Son will be pleased and the Heavenly Father will listen to your prayer, too. Do you still remember what I taught you? Be a small candle that shines in the darkness. Even though it is only a candle, you can be the light shining for your friends and relatives. If all of you light up the candle of this prayer, imagine how bright the world will be. My dear children, you will be safe from disasters by your own actions. At

71 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 this time, do not think only for your own comfort and benefits. You cannot escape the destructions of this flood by yourself. All of you must unite to be a human wall to fight this flood of destructions together. You must really exert your strength, not taking advantage of each other, in order to succeed. I want you to really remember your brothers and sisters who are being victimized at this time. For you who have a good life, you might not understand living with the uncertainty of whether you will make it back to your own birthplace again once you step out of your home. Those of you that follow the news, you might say what a pity when you see those who suffer. Let me ask you, what have you done for them, your brothers and sisters, after the news program? Your daily chore, job, relaxation, and entertainment have covered up the compassion in your heart. You do not even have a tiny bit of time to pray for your brothers and sisters. You make excuses that you do not have time to do good deeds, that you are too busy. When the day of justice arrives, what kind of answers do you expect to receive from my Dearest Son? Today I want you to go over the Daily Prayer of the Divine Mercy. What did you promise the Lord to do? There are several sacred activities that you can choose to do. Let me ask you, have you been putting the Daily Prayer to use? Is it only an article that once you have read you forget about it and do not pay attention to it just like leaving after Mass on Sunday and forgetting what the father has taught you in the homily? Once a week, you have only an hour to come and give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father at the Mass. Let me ask you, have you spent this time to gain the most benefit for your soul? Why can’t you stay with the Lord a little longer? Talk to Him and give thanksgiving to Him for His mercy in letting you have a good life for the whole week. I only see the rush from you to get away from His temple so you can take

72 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 care of your own business which you think is more important than staying with Him and giving Him thanksgiving for His kindness. Children, do you know how the Lord feels when He, the Father who loves His children the most, sees you in a hurry to leave Him and not even thank Him for His kindness? How will He, the Father, feel? Children, think about it. Miracle on a Night With a Full Moon In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai November 25, 2007, 3:24 – 3:50 a.m. Tonight is a night with a full moon, the moon is very pretty. But we are so sad to know that today our older brothers and sisters from Chanthaburi province got involved in an automobile accident and are hospitalized, instead of coming to see Mother Mary. It was 12:32 a.m. when I heard Mother Mary told me that she was in our midst now. While we were praying, I kept watching the different phases of the moon. The moonlight changed from yellow to brilliant blue and around the moon I saw a bright light that looked like a blue neon light. Sometimes there were beams of light coming out from the moon and forming into something that looked like a cross, shining brightly in the sky with the moon in the center of the sky. When we took a break from prayer, I told everyone to look at the moon. Several of our brothers and sisters saw the face of the Compassionate Mother in the moon. All of us got so excited that Mother Mary allowed us to see this miracle. Several of our brothers and sisters saw the face of Mother Mary’s statue

73 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 in the grotto getting darker and then changed into the face of Saint Joseph. And Saint Joseph’s face got darker and changed into the face of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Italy. Even though I was not blessed to see this, I truly believe that they actually saw it. I took several pictures of the moon and asked Mother Mary to do something for other people to see so they will convert and more people will come to see her at this place. I took about 30 pictures, but only one of them special than the rest. This picture shows the moon with brilliant purple moonlight and above the moon there was another moon. It was very strange because when I took the picture, there was no light that could bounce the reflection of the moon into my camera. And while I was taking the picture, I did not see the second moon. Later on, we took a look at the picture from the computer and everyone agreed that the second moon was in fact the face of Mother Mary. Even though it was not very clear, we could see her shawl and the shape of her face. Since then, I have been asking Mother Mary what to do with this picture.

74 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I want everyone to see this picture so he or she will not have to make a pilgrimage to other countries to ask Mother Mary for blessings because she is already here with us in Thailand. The following is Mother Mary’s message given to us at 3:24-3:50 a.m. My dear children, I would like to tell you that right in the middle of your joy and excitement, what you saw happen was caused by your own faith with all your heart and soul. I have been in your midst for quite some time. And my messenger was fully aware of my presence but he did not tell you so your praying tonight will be peaceful and with no distraction. Children, I accept all of your prayers tonight to offer to the Heavenly Father who is your Father. The accident that happened today has prevented my children from Chanthaburi to come and see me as they wished. Throughout the past 19 years, there was not a single month that they did not come and see me here. Now it is my turn to go and visit every one of them who got involved in the accident. Let all of you accept the will of the Heavenly Father. If you have trust in the Lord and offer your pain, suffering, and illness to Him for atonement of your sins and others’, the pain, suffering, and illness will be a precious blessing that you can offer to whomever you want to, even for the souls that are suffering excruciatingly. I thank you for your kindness in giving help or offering a Mass for your brothers and sisters who are suffering from pain and illness right away. I would like to tell you that tonight the blessing from the Heavenly Father will be sent to every one of my children who are hurt and suffering from pain and illness. Thank you very much for your unity for tonight. Children, it is the right thing to do. You are brothers and sisters. It is all right for you to love and care

75 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 for each other. My dear children, at this time I still insist that you pray together for peace in this world. Without your prayers, the world will fall into the darkness of evil. I do not think I can stand watching you fall into the eternal darkness that can be compared to the side of the moon that is always in the darkness and is extremely cold. You do not want your brothers, sisters and even you, yourself, fall into that situation, right? Pass the word that this is my plea to all of you. Pray together for peace in this world and to get rid of the evil that is covering everywhere. My dear children, the world really needs your prayers. Pass the word around. Only your prayers will help solve bad situations. I love you very much. Even though you might not know my love or my Dearest Son’s love or even the Heavenly Father’s love, I confirm here and now that the Lord has only love to give you. What are you going to do to reciprocate His endless kindness? I love you. May peace always belong to every one of you. Getting Ready to Celebrate the Christmas Season December 6, 2007, 4:37 – 4:59 a.m. My dear children, Christmas season is around the corner. What have you done to get ready for it? By the love of the Heavenly Father, He sent His most Beloved Son from heaven to be born as a human being on earth. And by love, my Dearest Son sacrificed even His own life to redeem human race from their sins.

76 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Children, it is okay to take this opportunity to celebrate and be joyful. But if you have been getting ready to celebrate the Christmas Season by sacrificing your own comfort to offer true love to your brothers and sisters who are suffering, it is the preparation of your heart and soul that is the centerpiece of joy of those in heaven because you have been giving love to each other on this occasion. So, I want it to be a special occasion for all of you to do good deeds and to get ready for the rebirth of my Dearest Son again. You have been patiently waiting the whole year to celebrate this important day. My dear children, be aware of how great the love of the Heavenly Father is. Keep studying and trying to understand His love. When you fully understand His love, you will know yourself, that true happiness is not worldly assets, money, or fame. True happiness occurs when you are willingly accepting the will of the Heavenly Father in your daily life. You will have only trust for the Lord and His love will protect you from all evil spirits. You will have only peace in your heart when you trust the Lord. May peace always belong to you. I will be waiting for your return to our home in heaven, every one of you. The Arrival of the Statue of the Compassionate Mother at Lamsai In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai December 9, 2007, 8:25 – 8:50 a.m. My dear children, today I am very happy that a kindhearted person had paid for the making of my statue and offered it to me with great devotion so those of you that do not know me will know me and come to see me here.

77 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Your prayers going through me at this place will be especially listened to by the Heavenly Father. Just have trust in Him with all your heart and soul. There is no father who can abandon his own children. Son, I thank you for willingly representing those who have devoted themselves to me by paying respect and thanking that kindhearted person who paid for my statue on their behalf. My dear son, because of your true love, you have brought the blessing of my Dearest Son to the family of that kindhearted person. Thank you for your sacrifice. And by your perseverance, your soul will never fall again. It is a blessing for those who believe and trust in the Lord because He will never abandon His children. Even at the hour of their death, should they think of Him, they will die in His grace and in the midst of joy emanating from those in heaven. My dear children, let me end today’s meeting. I have seen you happy and joyful to come and see me here. I will accompany you home so you will make it there safely. I love you.

78 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Feast Day of the Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon, Thailand December 16, 2007, 2:03 – 3:25 a.m. My dear children, throughout the whole day I have seen your goodwill, love, and devotion for the Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon. I also saw your unity when you united your hearts as one at the Mass yesterday. I would like to especially thank you for your united prayers that you offered for the souls of those who lost their lives or got hurt in the accident while traveling to Songkhon to join all of you to celebrate the feast day of the Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon. My dear children, there is a cause and effect for everything. Do not blame the Heavenly Father for allowing this to happen. My children, how great is your willingness to accept His will? I tell you this because you will never know when your Master will return. I tell you in advance so you will always be in the state of readiness and will not being careless. When the Lord wants one of you to go before Him, you will definitely be there. Dear children, you cannot escape or change His will. Let everyone of you always remember this accident as a reminder for yourself. You cannot foresee the future. Keep asking yourself whether you are ready to see the Heavenly Father when He calls you. The hearts and minds of human beings, in reality, are not free from the Seven Deadly Sins even though my Dearest Son sacrificed His life for all of humanity.

79 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The evil spirits have been working very hard inside every one of you by using lies and traps to lure you into being intoxicated and blind and not able to see that some of the activities are actually one of the Seven Deadly Sins which you are used to doing, and that you always overlook the importance of it because you cannot sort out whether one of them is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and whether one is not. So, I want you to pray more and thoroughly look at the sins you have committed each day by using the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Let all of you do it in order to prep your souls to be cleansed and deserving to receive the Body of Lord Jesus to come in and dwell in the little temple in your hearts, befitting to His glory and might. The evil spirits will command and force you to forget the sins you have committed in each day, and will cause you to not feel sorry about your sins. My Dearest Son questioned some people in the past whether anyone of them has ever committed a sin when they were about to judge another person with their own will. How did it turn out? Was there anybody hanging around to punish the person he thought has committed a terrible crime? There was nobody that has never committed a sin, right? The Lord forgave that person with His merciful heart and told that person,” Go, and sin no more.” Do you still remember this teaching of the Lord? When you ask the Holy Spirit for the illumination in each day to let you understand the will of the Heavenly Father, you will know what you have done against the will of the Lord for that particular day. Even though it is a minor thing in your eyes, you cannot hide it from the eyes of the Lord. Why can’t you go to a confession and ask for the forgiveness of the Lord? Do you think it is appropriate for those of you who do not keep cleaning up the temple in your heart? Everywhere you look is dirty, and yet you use it as a dwelling place for the mighty king of all?

80 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Never listen to the persuasion of the evil spirits that keep telling you, “It is all right.” You will get used to it as time goes by and think these little things you have committed against the will of the Lord are not sins. It is a very sad subject for those in heaven. Several of you, my children, have been doing like this until it is an old habit. And you think you are free from sins when you go to receive the body of Lord Jesus, my Dearest Son, with joy. And you do not even know what the Lord has been complaining to you about your behavior. My dear children, the path to heaven is difficult and you must always exert your strength to fight the evil spirits. If you truly understand the love of my Dearest Son, do you think you can willingly hurt His feeling? Is there not a word of apology from your true heart when He gives you a chance to see Him in the confessional? Why are you so reluctant to tell Him the truth with sincerity and simplicity just like when you tell your own father? Why do you have to hide the truth and are afraid to tell Him the whole truth even though you know that He knows and sees everything? Do not get stuck with the image of a human being performing his duty as a priest in a confessional. That time is the best time for you to apologize to the Lord and tell Him how much you love Him. That is all it takes. His broken heart will be rejuvenated. And the Lord will always be ready to forgive every one of you His children with His endless love. My dear children, going to confession is still necessary for every one of you. Your soul is like fine linen that gets dirty. If you do not keep cleaning it up, in what kind of condition will it be? If you can see the cloth of your soul, you will not want to touch this dirty linen. Why are you so proud to walk elegantly in front of people and offer this dirty cloth of your soul to the Lord? How dare you to welcome your king with this rag?

81 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I tell you this because I want you to prep your mind to be in the state of readiness in every aspect, especially your soul, for the upcoming rebirth of my Dearest Son. If you really love Him just like you say in the prayers coming out from your mouth every day, let all of you show it with your actions. Only the actions that come from your true heart will be the medicine that can heal the wounds in His heart. My dear children, do you have enough understanding of the love of my Dearest Son? At this moment, it is not too late to start all over again to reciprocate His love and mercy. My dear children, yesterday I heard your prayers before the Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon. Several of you have received a response in your minds for what you asked for. I would like to tell you that these things will materialize if you have trust in the will of the Heavenly Father. Your pleas going through the Seven Blessed Martyrs will always be especially heard by the Lord. Do not forget that trust and true love when combined with devotion that you have for the Seven Blessed Martyrs, will make miracles happen, but everything will still be done according to the will of the Heavenly Father.

82 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 You cannot ask for everything you want, especially for human activities. You will receive those things when you are in the state of grace and what you ask for is not against the will of the Lord. My dear children, several of you met Mother Agnes (one of the Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon) yesterday. Know that it is the answer from heaven. Everything will be like that when you willingly surrender everything at the feet of the Heavenly Father. I want you to remember the words I am about to tell you and to say them constantly. Let every word come out from your true heart. “Jesus, I trust in You” From me, Your Mother, and the Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon The Day We Have Been Waiting for December 23, 2007, 5:08 – 5:36 a.m. My dear children, have you been putting what I told you to good use? There is not much time left. Have you cleaned up your souls? Are you busy getting ready to celebrate Christmas Day with worldly activities and entertainments instead of looking at your heart and mind to see whether you are ready in every aspect to offer yourself as a precious gift to Baby Jesus who is going to be born again? The Lord was born into poverty and in a manger. He does not want you to spend too much time or most of your time decorating your home to be beautiful to welcome Him. There is no benefit for you if your soul has not been cleansed to be clean and pure. Your pure soul is the most precious gift to the Lord.

83 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 If you think getting ready to celebrate for fun is important for this special day, I ask you to save your energy and money you will spend on it to help those who are poor and have difficulty making ends meet or help the sick and give encouragement to them, for they are also my children. It will be a joyful and worthy cause in the eyes of those in heaven. My dear children, your time on earth is very short. How hard have you prepared your souls to be in the state of readiness? Children, never be careless. Be ready at all times. When your Father calls you to meet Him, you will have only joy when returning to your most beloved Father. My dear children, I will wait to welcome you with those in heaven with great joy when you return to our home in heaven. May peace belong to every one of you. I bless you. The Blessing for New Year From Mother Mary In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai December 28, 2007, 5:08 – 5: 36 a.m. My dear children, today I am very happy that every one of you has been patient and has joined me in prayer up until now. What I see in your hearts is the goodwill to pray for other people. Periodically, I have to tell you about the proper way to pray because I love you. (Mother Mary’s messenger: Tonight Mother Mary taught us how to pray together, slowly and with no hurry. She also joined us in prayer, too. Whoever realized that he prayed too fast or too slow should have listened to the majority and adjusted his speed in unity. The prayers must come from a true heart and with love.)

84 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I would like to take your prayers and offer them to the Heavenly Father. I have to keep reminding you that the prayers coming from true heart, united, will have tremendous power. My children, I remind you because I love you and have affection for every one of you. On this occasion I bless you to be in the state of grace, have good health, and to be good citizens for your homeland. Do you know that your prayers throughout the night are very valuable to your own country? Remember, only true love will make your prayers fruitful. Unite your hearts as one. Even though you might not pray together in the same place, your true intention will unite all of you as one. Praying for your homeland will definitely be responded by the Heavenly Father. Children, trust in the Lord. His mercy is endless. May peace always belong to every one of you, Your Mother My Inner Thoughts January 8, 2008, 4:47 – 5:16 a.m. My dear son, I understand your feelings. Do not be afraid of being pushed back. I will always be with you. I will share your pain and will suffer alongside you. Today I want you to tell the father to stop ordering copies of my image because it will cause division and will be a barrier among you my children. I am fully aware that every time the father read my message to all of you, that some of you did not accept it in their hearts. They do not believe that I can communicate with human beings in this time and age. They do not show their skepticism because they do not want to hurt the father’s feeling.

85 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 There is no benefit for them to receive my painting because they have been denying my messages in their hearts and they have never said the prayers I gave them. My dear children, the kindhearted person who paid money to make my statue wants all of you to know me, come to see me, ask for my help, and make this place a pilgrimage destination for you instead of traveling to other countries and spending a lot of money and time. My dear children, know that I am waiting for you to come and see me at this place. I am very happy to see my children from other provinces to come and see me, unlike those of my children who can come and see me with ease but cannot find the time and are afraid of the hardship of joining me in prayer at this place. So, I ask you to tell the father to stop ordering copies of my image. Whatever is too easy to obtain will not be appreciated. My dear children, if you really want to meet me, come and see me at this place. There is no benefit for you to have my image decorating your home when you have never thought of me. And you also disregard the prayer I gave you for the benefit of your souls. Son, wait a little while. There will be a kindhearted person who will print copies of my image and will distribute them along with the prayer again. And this time I want you to send them to the rural and far away towns or villages, especially in the areas of the three southern provinces that my children are being persecuted and victimized so they can send their hearts to me at this place. Every plea from you going through my prayer that I gave you will always be heard by the Heavenly Father. Let all of you have trust in the Lord. There is no father who can abandon his most beloved children.

86 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Lord will give you the most assistance in cleansing your souls to be pure, not with worldly activities. You will receive help for worldly activities when He sees fit. My dear children, be aware that your journey on this earth is very short. What have you done to prepare yourself for eternal life? True happiness is in your own heart. If you seek it, you will find it. May peace always belong to every one of you, Your Mother Explanation of the Offering Prayer to the Compassionate Mother (Please also read the note at the end of this message) January 13, 2008, 3:00 – 4:08 a.m. My dear children, I know that several of you have been waiting for my message with great interest. It is not for knowing what I will tell you but for the joy of knowing that I still love and care for all of you. Son, at this time I have to wake you up from your comfortable bed to receive my message because you told me that if I have anything I want to pass on to my other children through you, you will be happy to do it. My dear son, thank you very much for sacrificing yourself for others.

87 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Currently, there is a child of mine waiting for the offering prayer of herself to me as recommended by the father. I am going to tell you and I want you to write it down for this special purpose. Offering Prayer to the Compassionate Mother Compassionate Mother, I offer you my life and my soul. Please protect and purify my soul so it will be worthy for you to dwell in. Come, dearest Mother. Please come and dwell in my heart so that I can follow your footsteps and place all of my trust in you wholeheartedly. May everything be done to me according to the will of the Heavenly Father. Please make me accept everything with humility and serenity and surrender everything to whatever the Heavenly Father mercifully desires of me. Here and now I offer my life and my soul to unite with you, Mother. Please transform and purify my soul so it will be clean and pure to serve our Lord. Amen. My dear children, after finishing the offering prayer to me, I want you to say the Hail Holy Queen, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. If you pray like this, I will always be happy to join you in your trials and tribulations and have a share of your happiness and sorrow. I would like to tell you in advance that this prayer is only for those of you who really need special help from me because you must have real intention to offer yourself to me by doing Novenas continuously for nine days. On the last day of the Novenas you must pay attention to clean your soul by going to confession and receive the Holy Communion.

88 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 You must have real intention and do not say this prayer pointlessly and unnecessarily because it is the vow that you will offer to me. You will not be able to take this prayer back and you will definitely follow my footsteps every day until you die. Before using this prayer, ask yourself to be sure whether you are ready for it? If you are not sure, do not use this prayer because you will not be able to get rid of the vow that you will offer to me for the rest of your life. You might lose the comfort of this world but your soul will always be with me and forever. May peace always belong to every one of you, Your Compassionate Mother (Mother Mary’s messenger: Several brothers and sisters have been asking me why this Offering Prayer to the Compassionate Mother has too many restrictions. Here is the deal: Mother Mary gave this prayer to a sick person whom a well-wisher wanted her to get better by asking help from a person who deals with magic which is contradictory to the Christian belief. Whoever decides to ask for help from Mother Mary must have trust in her. Asking for her help is not just another option to pick and choose from. I have asked a priest for advice on this matter. He told me that if a person really wants to say this prayer for a special purpose in order to offer himself or herself to Mother Mary, he or she can say this prayer every day and follows it with a set of the Holy Rosary in asking Mother Mary to help cleanse his or her soul. That person will know in his or her heart when it is the right time to completely offer himself or herself to Mother Mary. The most important thing is his or her real intention.) The War of Souls

89 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 January 20, 2008, 4:30 – 6:00 a.m. My dear children, several bad things happen in this word at this present time. The evil spirits have come to destroy you in every way. You fall into their traps and willingly go along with them because of greed, power, fame, money, and not wanting to see other people better than you. And the most shameful thing is children and the youth of the nation being used for sex and are being lured to be obsessive with this despicable sin. If you got time, think about what caused these events that happens around you at this present time. The violence that has been occurring is getting worse and worse every day. There are only a few of you my children who realize how much the world really needs more prayers. What you have been doing together will not go to waste. The love for your fellow human beings and the good deeds you have been trying to do will be the shield that will protect you from the evil spirits. And, at the same time, the grace of God inside you will spread out to those around you. And that is why I keep telling you to unite as one. Uniting as one to pray has enough power to repel the wave of destruction of the human race. Be aware of how deep you have fallen into the traps of the evil spirits each day. If you really think about it, you will notice that those who are pious also have the same problem. The division in the group is caused by those who hold on to his or her own ideas and opinions, and does not want to see other people become better than himself or herself. That is the trap that the evil spirits will use to destroy their unity. It is very sad that my children who are the main force that is fighting the evil spirits have willingly become their tool. They have been blinded by the evil spirits from seeing the truth. And day by day they have been falling deeper and deeper into the destruction of their own souls.

90 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Every sin you have committed, even a tiny one, makes those in heaven sad. I hope you still remember what I told you: your soul is like fine linen. Think thoroughly about what happens to the condition of your fine linen at this present time. Soon it will be the season of remembrance of the suffering and death of my Dearest Son. Keep maintaining and cleaning your soul to be pure at all times, and the cloth of your soul will be brightly clean in conjunction with the day of remembrance of my Dearest Son’s resurrection. For some of you my children who have been devoting themselves to serve the Heavenly Father as His servants, at the present time they are being heavily attacked by the evil spirits inside and outside their own souls. Let all of you join together in special prayer for them because I see some of them have given up and willingly gone along with whatever the evil spirits commanded them to do in exchange for the comfort of this world. I have been hearing your voice, my Christian children, who are eager to willingly work with me to pay homage to my Dearest Son and the Heavenly Father. Let all of you who are devoted to me realize that you have already stood up to fight the evil spirits. This is the war of souls that you must face. My dear children, do not be afraid of the attacks by the evil spirits. Listen carefully to the voice of your own soul. The Holy Spirit will lead your way and I will always be with you in every situation. Keep marching forward in the light of the Holy Spirit. My dear children, regardless of how heavy your cross carrying is, I will hold you up so that you will make it to your destination. You will receive a reward that is more than a thousandfold increase in heaven for all the pains you have suffered in this world.

91 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Come, my dear children, we will carry this cross together. From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. Mother's Concern In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai January 28, 2008, 2:55 -3:30 a.m. My dear children, I want to particularly thank every one of you for giving up your comfort to come and pray in front of this grotto. My dear children, I know that each of you has a different purpose for today. Some of you come to give thanksgiving, some to pray for others, and some to ask for my special help. I have already acknowledged every purpose you have in mind. For those of you who have pain and sadness in your heart, offer them to me at this place. When you go home, do not bring them back with you. Don’t worry. If you have trust in me like I have trust in the Heavenly Father, no anxiety can have influence over your daily life. You should have heard, on several occasions that the Lord even takes care of the birds, and every hair on your head has already been counted by Him. If you let everything go according to the will of the Heavenly Father, you should not be worried about anything. Everything has been dictated for each of you in advance. You will learn about life in order for you to be stronger. Do not complain why you were born and how this cross is too heavy for you to carry. Children, look at the other people around you at this place. Every one also has problems, no exceptions. Do not be combative. If you

92 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 accept and let everything that happens to you to go according to the will of the Heavenly Father, He will take care of you. Have trust in the Lord. For those of you who want my special help, today you have already practiced how to pray the offering prayer to me. I cannot force your heart and mind and that is why I give you an opportunity to choose whether to call out to me or not. Ask your own heart. My dear children, everything that happened in your life was the result of your own action. You chose to do it. So, if you want to be free, you have to choose to be free. Ask your heart whether at this moment you are ready to completely live under my care. Whenever you have made up your mind and decided to call out to me, pray that special prayer and follow what I have already prescribed to you so that you may clean up your soul and make it pure. Dear children, for your own good, make up your mind. What I told you last week is what is happening in this world at this present time. I told you so you will unite your hearts as one. Children, pray together for this mission. By your prayers, and if they please the Heavenly Father, everything will turn out well. Children, ask your own heart at this time, how much have you prepared yourself for this mission? If you have not thought about doing it, I would like to tell you to not let anything pass by which will only cause you to feel sorry afterwards. The opportunity is still yours. Take advantage of it. Pray for our Church. Pray for the priests and religious. Pray for the poor and needy. Pray for those who are being victimized. This world still needs a lot of prayers. Do not be indifferent. From me, Your Mother. Today I was very pleased with the way you prayed.

93 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The 150th Anniversary of the Lourdes Apparitions (2-11 February 2008) February 3, 2008, 3: 59 – 5:00 a.m. My dear children, there are several things that happened in this world that you cannot explain. If it was good and beneficial to you, you called it a miracle. If it was so malevolent beyond your imagination and you could not find the cause of it, what would you call it? There are several words that human beings use to call it: a catastrophe, a disaster, a curse and even a “Judgment of God,” your own Heavenly Father. The reason I said it like this is because I have seen all the events which are about to happen in this world at the present time. You will face the events that human beings describe using the last term of the aforementioned list: “Judgment of God”. (Human beings blame the Lord for being the cause of these events). These approaching events make several of you my children struggle right now to be safe and away from them. By the desire to be safe, you can do anything; even abandoning your faith to seek the work of the evil spirits which you think will help you. I do not teach you to give up and lose hope, or let everything go with no direction. I tell you right now that if you truly trust and accept the will of the Heavenly Father, your prayers will make Him hear your pleas. My dear children, I will always be with you everywhere that there is a prayer, even in a matter of seconds when you think that you are alone and nobody can help you. If the prayer comes out from your true heart, a miracle can happen at any time. It will begin in the middle of your own heart.

94 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 You might be surprised that I did not mention any kind of magic. If your mind is calm and peaceful, you will not be affected by the things that happen. And if you stay still with the Lord, you will not be afraid of anything. This is a good opportunity for all of you. Pray with me. Even in the place that you cannot see my grotto, my statue and my painting, you only need to send your heart to me from anywhere you are, and I will be there with you and ready to offer your prayer to the Heavenly Father. My dear children, I am not a magician, but the Heavenly Father is especially kind to me. Every prayer of yours coming through me will receive a special treatment from the Heavenly Father similar to the way He treats me. Get the most benefit out of this golden opportunity. My dear children, pray harder and pray more often whenever you have a chance. Do not forget that this world still needs a lot of prayers. Don’t be too concerned about taking care of yourself. If you really understand true love, you will always sacrifice your own comfort for others. If you willingly pray for others first, there will be others who will pray for you too. It is like a little link of a chain that connects to one another in a complete circle. And with this unity, it will have enough power to withstand any catastrophe. Let all of you be full of confidence that whenever there is a prayer, I will always be there to pray with you. Children, take this special opportunity to pray for those who are poor, those who face crises with no way out, those who suffer because of illness, and also for peace in this world. If you can do this, miracles will happen first in your hearts. May peace always belong to every one of you. The Sower

95 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 February 11, 2008, 8:45 – 9:27 a.m. My dear children, lately all of you have been enthusiastic in doing good deeds, and cleaning up your souls to be pure in order to ask for the blessings of the Lord. I would like to tell you that these sacred activities should have been done by you at all times, not only for this special occasion. What is the benefit for you when this time has gone by and you went back to your old lifestyle? Remember that the Heavenly Father always has mercy for you, not at a certain time or period, and by the same token, but the Lord has been watching you, His children, with concern at all times too. My dear children, do not pretend to do these sacred things in order to receive the salvation for only today. If you have a real intention to start a new life, today is not too late for you. The opportunity will always be yours. If you want to have a good harvest, you must first choose the seed and then prepare the land for it. You will not have good harvest if you do not keep watering and pruning after you have sowed the seed. When your Master comes to visit you, what will you have to offer Him? A few days of taking care of the seed is not enough time to force it to yield a good harvest. By the same token, your soul will not be clean and will not bear good and beautiful fruit if you do not take care of it at all times. But at this time you find just a piece of linen to cover your soul and hope it will please the Lord. Do you think the Lord will see only the outward appearance of your soul? If you thoroughly understand this matter, I want you to know that it is never too late to start a new life. I will gladly be at your side and will walk with you when you have surrendered yourself to the Lord, accepted every mistake you have made, and are ready to get up again in order to walk forward with steadiness.

96 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Your real intention will make your soul grow and produce good and beautiful fruit that is worthy to offer to the Lord when He comes to visit you. My dear children, there is no shortcut for the path to salvation. You must exert all your strength to overcome obstacles in your way to get into this narrow path. If you have endurance and perseverance, you will finally reach the Kingdom of Heaven. My dear children do not give up. I will always be with you. Divine Mercy In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai February 24, 2008, 2:40 – 3:16 a.m. My dear children, what I told you is not for killing time. It was my wish to hear your voice from your true heart. (Mother Mary’s messenger: Tonight we had 30 minutes of free time before 3:00 a.m. so Mother Mary told us to spend that time communicating with her in private.) I would like to thank several of you who accepted my invitation. Let all of you remember that the suffering that you have received did not come from God, your Heavenly Father, all the time. Some of them were the results of your actions in the past, but you did not pay attention to them because you were used to doing them and did not realize that later on they might cause bad things to happen to you. My dear children have trust in the Lord and me. I have chosen to come and be in the midst of you today to hear your issues and concerns. Your suffering is also mine, too. There is no mother who does not willingly help her children in a dire situation. I am your mother and I will help you. The Heavenly Father will

97 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 kindly allow me to solve the issues and concerns and provide help to you right away on some of your pleas going through me. But there are several things that are beyond my capability. I have to offer your pleas to the Heavenly Father because He is the Creator and has the highest authority. When you offer your hope to me, I ask that you also have trust in the Lord too. There is nothing that the Lord cannot see. I would like to remind all of you that your pleas will be fruitful only when you have trust in Him. And the most important objective is to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you so you will be able to begin solving the issues and concerns by yourself first. If you keep reminding yourself like this, you will see that there will be several occasions that you will solve your problems by merely asking for the Holy Spirit’s illumination and by your own real intention. All right, it is now 3:00 a.m. Let all of you start to pray the “3:00 p.m. Prayer.” I would like to thank every one of you for your faith. My Dearest Son is pleased that you have listened to what I told you. If you spend this time to pray for others or for the good of all people, when the drops of water from your devotion have filled up the glass of your faith, miracles will definitely happen all the time. I would like to thank every one of you who has been chosen by the Lord to pray for this mission and has responded to His invitation. You will know in your heart why you have to wake up to pray at night and which prayer to use at that particular time. For those of you who have not been chosen do not feel bad about it. You can choose to do it by your own will. 3:00 p.m. is the special time that the Lord kindly gives to you. If you know how to spend this time of salvation wisely, you will be able to help a lot of people by using your own short prayer.

98 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, I want you to especially clean up your souls during this Lenten season in order for you to rise from the death of this world alongside my Dearest Son. Pass the word around that I am pleased with my statue which was made by a kindhearted person to honor me. I will always be there to listen to your pleas. From now on that golden rose of heaven will be the place that you can always feel me. May peace always belong to every one of you. Do Not Procrastinate March 1, 2008, 3:46 – 4:43 a.m. My dear children, my intention is to tell you to go over what I disclosed to you, and to check how much you have been putting them to good use because there are several things in the world at the present time that will lure you to go with the flow and make you far away from the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are aware of this issue and understand the whole thing, do not be careless and do not procrastinate again. Do not wait for tomorrow to begin with what you have intended to do because that tomorrow might not come. Is there an obstacle that keeps you from doing it today? If you think today you are not ready, when will you be ready? My dear children, live in the present. If you want to do something, start doing it now because your tomorrow might never come. Children, do not be careless. How many times are there in your life that you have realized it was too late for you to do something because you did not do it in a timely manner? Think about it and you will see that the

99 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 damages have occurred on several occasions because of your lack of perseverance. Children, begin by showing love for yourself first. If you love yourself, what will you do to take care of your body and soul? When love appears in your soul, you will choose to do the best thing for yourself and you will have peace in your heart. With this true love, you will understand and know how to share it with other people so they too will have peace in their hearts. If you can do like this, you will be able to stand firmly, not going with the flow of this world at the present time which will cause you to go astray again. May peace always belong to every one of you, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother Prayer for Peace March 9, 2008, 11:00 – 11:20 a.m. My dear children, I would like to thank the father for giving me this opportunity to give you a message at this time. I want to tell you to do a lot more sacred activities during the Lenten season because the world at the present time only follows the path of destruction, especially that of your souls. If you have been listening to the news from your homeland, you will see the path of your future is very dark. But your prayers, together with mine, will help make everything better if you pray from your true heart. Let all of

100 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 you keep praying for peace in your country and other countries around the world. Do not be discouraged. Your prayers will always be heard in heaven. Do not throw away the opportunities given to you. Let all of you be in the state of readiness at all times. And your trust in the Lord will always give you peace. My message is now complete. Wake Up! March 16, 2008, 4:02 – 5:59 a.m. My dear son, what I am about to tell you is just not for you. It might benefit other human beings too. You have been allowing your soul to get hurt without your realization. Letting time go to waste is not good. It is true that you have been so tired and that you have no energy to do anything, but it does not mean that you have to stop doing what you do routinely. You might need rest in the beginning but it does not mean you have to rest all the time. Do not be carless like the rabbit again. Your carelessness caused you to miss valuable opportunities. The people who did not do what you did are passing you by. And you are stuck at the same place. Son, wake up! If you realize the truth of this matter, even though it might be a little late, it is not too late to start again at the present time. When you wake up, you do not have to be in a hurry to jump ahead of other people in a flash. Just get up, stand firmly and walk forward together with me. There is no need for you to compete with anybody. If you want to be a winner, win your own heart and mind first. It will be a danger instead of

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