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Mother Loves You Book Two Up Date 26-09-23

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151 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 much as you still live comfortably. Whatever you seek and get in this world give you instant gratification and happiness. So why do you have to put restrictions on yourselves? My dear children, can your true happiness be touched and proved at this present time? I don’t think I have to answer this question because there are many of you, my children, who offer your daily life to the Heavenly Father and let it go according to His will. Even in the most difficult time for you, a human being on this earth, you can stay calm if you have trust in the Lord. If you have been following the news, you will see a lot of your brothers and sisters suffering from the flood and being taken advantage of. Have you ever heard the song which some of you sing in the church,” Where there is love and mercy, God is there.”? What does it remind you of? “O Lord, rest upon me. You yourself command me to exercise the three degrees of mercy. The first: the act of mercy, of whatever kind. The second: the word of mercy - if I cannot carry out a work of mercy, I assist by my words. The third: Prayer - if I cannot show mercy by deeds or words, I can always do so by prayer. My prayer reaches out even there where I cannot reach out physically.” I hope the sound of this prayer is still echoing in your hearts. Use your heart to think about it again. How did you respond to this sound? Children, make this prayer alive in you. Do not let it be a prayer you read and do not let it stay in a book when you have finished praying. Stop complying with your own will to do something that does not help you to receive the salvation. Stop doing the things that will not heal you physically and spiritually. This is the thing I want to tell all of you today. May peace happen in every one of your heart,

152 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 True Heart In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai September 28, 2008, 2:55 – 3:25 a.m. My dear children, I thank all of you who tried to stay awake and have been praying with me up until now. Today I have seen several changes among you. Some of you came to have a chance to pray with me, but had to leave early because of pressing issues. I have sympathy for them and also admire their effort. That is all right. I do not want to see you having a hard time when coming to this place. Whatever you have done with your heart is what I want to see the most. Keep practicing with perseverance. One of these days you will definitely see the benefit of using your own heart. You will be able to differentiate the things that human beings do. You will see that if you use your true heart, the things you see might not be the same because you do not use your own interests to be the basis in judging them. It is like the way my Dearest Son showed His mercy for all of you. Oftentimes the hearts of human beings cannot forgive others, but the Lord forgave you and also gave you a chance to turn around and be good again. That is right. I want you to use your heart when asking the Lord every time you make a decision. If it is up to Him, what would the Lord do on a particular issue? Today several of you want to prove your faith by forcing me to perform a miracle for you to see. Is it not a miracle that you have been with me up until now? There is no need for you to bet yourselves against some of the issues. I truly understand your intention. Your thought process is childish even though you are old. Being childish, in this case, is not the nature of a child

153 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 but it is the lack of maturity in seeking and complying with the will of the Heavenly Father. My dear children, I do not chastise you. I believe that the Heavenly Father is also kind to you. I would like to thank those of you, in the last group, who have the firm belief and are able to give up your will to let it go according to the will of the Heavenly Father. Whatever you have done, my Dearest Son told me that it is like having compassion for Him. The Lord will never forget what you have done by using His heart. My dear children, today is another day that you have made me very happy. Thank you. Thank you very much. Spend time that you have left for today to call out your hearts. And you will know that only with your hearts you will be able to feel the precious blessing: peace in your own hearts. May peace happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth One Minute From Your Heart October 5, 2008, 9:35 – 11:35 a.m. My dear children, I would like to thank all of you who have the intention to do sacred activities to give me honor throughout this month. It is very kind of you to think like that. I want you to especially think about those who are poor, being taken advantage of, facing problems in their daily life, sick, about to die, and all of the poor souls. If you cannot help them with your actions and words, the prayers from your true heart from which you have the intention to say throughout this month will enable them to receive the mercy of the Heavenly Father. There is no need for you to worry, have trust in the Lord

154 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 and everything will be fine. Follow my Dearest Son who has set the example for you by treating your fellow human beings with love by kindly showing your good thoughts, good words, and good deeds toward them. There is no other happiness that can be compared with your happiness in seeing the ones you love happy. If you do everything with your true heart, you will not expect anything in return. Be a giver, not a taker, and you will understand that all kinds of happiness start in your own heart. You do not have to seek happiness from anywhere else. Start from those who are close to you: your family members. No need to search for anybody from anywhere else. Today have you thought good things for everyone in your family? Is there anyone in your family that whenever you think of him or her, you have only criticism and bad feeling for him or her? If you have this problem, don’t do anything yet. I want you to use your own heart pondering whether my Dearest Son will think like you in this situation and why the Lord does not want you to judge other people. Having a bad thought, even a tiny bit, for others will make your soul dirty. You are bringing the fire of anger to burn up your own heart. It will make your heart inflamed and unable to find peace. I would like to warn you that if you have this thought, realize that you are hurting your own soul and you are the one who brings sin to yourself. There is no benefit if your hands are holding a set of rosary and your mouth is praying when your heart is black and blind with sin. Your prayers will not be fruitful if you cannot get rid of this sin in your heart. I did not say anything new. It is the thing that you have overlooked. It is the easiest thing that you can do by yourself, but you cannot do it. How are you going to talk kindly and do good deeds for your brothers and sisters when you cannot control the thoughts from your own free will?

155 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, think about it. This thought is the cause of all the problems that happened. That is why I want you to go over yourselves whether today you have thought good things about your brothers and sisters with no exception. If you cannot do it the whole day, try for half a day. If you cannot do it for half a day, try for one hour. If you cannot do it in one hour, try for half an hour. If you cannot do it in half an hour, try for one minute. Only one minute from a pure heart that thinks good thing for your brothers and sisters. Can you calm your hearts and minds and give love, compassion, and goodwill for your brothers and sisters? I ask for only one minute from you. If you can abandon your will and think good things for your brothers and sisters, this one minute will be the most precious time that you can use your heart to send love, compassion and goodwill from your thought to your brothers and sisters. The more you give, the happier you will be. All right, the second lesson for today is talking nicely to your brothers and sisters, starting from your family members first. I also want you to talk nicely to yourself. Do not talk down to yourself and be mean to yourself, too. Do not talk sarcastically about yourself. Do not forget that you cannot recall every word that came out from your mouth. You must be accountable for every word you have said. Whenever you find yourself talking negatively about yourself, realize that you have fallen victim to anger. You are in the second step of bringing fire of sin to burn up your own soul. So stop what you are going to say and turn around to take care of your thought. Make your thought the starting point for love, compassion and good will for your own self first. I ask only one minute from you in each day. If you can use your true heart to control your thoughts to be full of love, compassion and goodwill, you can

156 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 gradually talk nicely to yourself and to your brothers and sisters with kind words that are full of love, compassion and goodwill, especially to your family members. Remember that if you want other people to talk to you nicely, you have to start talking nicely to them first. If you can do this, it will make your actions full of love, compassion and goodwill. It will definitely be what I have told you in the beginning: the action from your hands that hold the rosary and your mouth that pray from your true heart will be fruitful. Control your heart and mind firmly. I ask only one minute from you in each day. If you can do it, in the future you will know how plentiful the results of the prayers coming out from your true heart are. May peace happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother Homework From Mother Mary October 11, 2008, 11:50 p.m. – 1:25 a.m. My dear children, several of you who read my last message might have a hard time with what I told you. Several of you told yourselves that once in a while, it was okay to be scolded by me, and that was also fine with you. My dear children, my heart has only love and compassion for every one of you. Sometimes telling the whole truth, the way it is, might make several of you feel like you are being scolded by me. My dear children, if I do not tell you the truth, who else will do it? You have easily overlooked this problem without realization, right? All right, have you been putting what I told you to good use? I don’t mean

157 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 to insult you. I asked you to start controlling your will with only one minute, a short duration, thinking good things for yourself and for your brothers and sisters, especially for your family members. If you can do it, you will be able to expand it to five minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour, and finally the whole day. It is up to your determination. Several of you have been successful in trying to control your will, but be very careful when you are in a group and there is a discussion about other people. You will be easily tempted into talking inappropriately about others. If you realize that you are about to talk about the thing that is dangerous to your soul, stop immediately and hurry up to get away from that conversation. You do not want to hear people talking negatively about you, right? If that is the case, why do you want to say the words that cause others to be in trouble, being scolded or looked at negatively? Do not use your experience to judge and be the standard in dealing with other people because each of you always has a good reason, according to his or her thought process, to back up what he or she does at a certain time. My dear children, whoever that is different from you is not always wrong. You are brothers and sisters. And you do not want anybody to judge you too, right? So today I want you not to say anything against true love. If you cannot control your will and about to say something full of venom from your mouth, think about the time that my Dearest Son asked a crowd whether anyone of them has never committed sins right before they were about to throw rocks at the person whom they thought a sinner. The Lord also said if there was a person free of sin in that crowd, let him be the first one to throw the rock at her. What is the lesson for you to learn from the rocks that were in the hands of the crowd ready to judge a person’s life?

158 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, think about it carefully. You do not hurt only other people, you are about to destroy your own souls by bringing the fire of anger to burn up yourselves too. Have you seen people arguing and fighting? If you have, look back at the way they both acted. Inappropriate words came out from their mouths without love and compassion. At that time, both of them have been completely conquered by the evil spirit, letting it instigate them and showing them hatred for each other. Were they happy at that time? Think about it. Today I want to ask those of you who know that you are not ready to talk kindly to other people to go over the one minute rule to think about good things to yourself and your brothers and sisters first. After you have mastered the one minute rule, practice talking kindly to yourself and your brothers and sisters, and especially your family members. The last thing I want to tell you today is to practice doing good deeds for other people after you have mastered thinking good things and talking kindly to other people. It does not require a lot of effort and resources. Doing good deeds with your true heart does not always need money. Never expect anything in return from whomever you have done good deeds for. Several of you have talked to yourselves with the intention for me to hear it too, “I saw a beggar and felt sorry for him and wanted to give him money, but I was not sure whether he was really in dire need and had to be a beggar. I was not sure whether he would try to trick me in order to get the money. So I did not give him the money.” If you really think like that, I want you to look at your first intention and find the reason why you changed your mind. Was there anything that blocked you from doing it? Nobody wants to be a beggar. Everybody has shame and embarrassment. There must be a reason that forced him to be one. If you do not have love for him, don’t pile on him by thinking negatively

159 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 toward him. It is true that some people take advantage of this matter, but it is not your job to judge them. Whatever good deed you do with compassion to those who do not deserve it, the blessing will return to you. Be happy with being a giver. You should be proud that today you have helped your brothers and sisters with a small portion of money from your pocket. You have not given up too much when compared to what you will receive from heaven. Your good deeds in this world are the precious treasure that you can bring with you when you return to our true home in heaven. The homework I want you to go over today is: Have you done good deeds with true love for at least one of your brothers and sisters? If the answer in your heart is “No”, I would like to tell you that the whole prayers you have been saying are not fruitful because true love has not happened in your heart. Please Listen to Me October 19, 2008, 11:55 a.m. – 1:03 p.m. My dear children, how is the homework that I want you to practice coming along? If you are constantly conscious of what you think, talk and do, let it come out with true love from your hearts, the confusion which used to happen by using your own will or by the evil spirit’s instigation will gradually disappear. You might tell me that you cannot accomplish everything in one day. My dear children, I have never expected you to be able to control your will at all times. But in each day, at least, you should be able to find a proper time to practice your heart and mind to dwell within the borders of love without difficulty. Practice just a little bit in each day. When you have accomplished the first step, the next step is up to you on whether you have enough

160 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 courage to move on. If you decide to give up your will, ask the Holy Spirit for His illumination and mercy to lighten up your heart in order for you to be aware of the evil spirit’s tricks which it has been using to attack you and block you from accomplishing the act of love in accordance with the will of the Heavenly Father. My dear children, please listen to me. What is happening in your homeland? What you have heard might not be the whole truth. Do not judge anybody. What you should think is how you will rectify the situation by yourselves. That’s right, what can you do with your bare hands? Don’t think too far out. Think of your own ability which you have inside you. Let the heart of love tell you what you have to do to heal your broken homeland. Let all of you really think about the effect that will affect every body in your homeland. Pride does not elevate your hearts and minds. The inability to compromise by some of you who want to hold on to power and prestige makes fellow countrymen who do not have any part in the struggle victims of this tragedy. Children, are you able to see whether this is the act for the love of your country as both sides have claimed? Think of your King and ponder why he did not side up with either one of these two sides. Let all of you really think about it. Do you know how deeply he is troubled by this tragedy? You will add more pain to him when you support either one of them. This is the land of Buddhism; sadly people do not use the precious teachings to solve the problems in the country. If you have been listening to what I have tried to tell you from the very beginning, every one of you will understand and know what to do, and how

161 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 to show your loyalty to your King as a Thai Catholic. This is not your homework from me. It will be your own willingness. From now on use your heart in everything you will do. May peace happen in every one of your heart, Your Compassionate Mother The Last Message for the Month of October In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai October 26, 2008, 3:03 – 3:28 a.m. My dear children, today you made me very happy. That is correct my children. All of your actions that you have done tonight you filtered them out from every one of your heart. When you started off, several of you did not know what to do but you kept trying together. And because of your united effort, it made your tonight’s prayer unique, unlike others. It was so unique that all of you could feel it, right? I would like to congratulate every one of you for this accomplishment. My dear children, remember the experience you received tonight. The sound of the power of love and devotion which all of you together have demonstrated is the sound that I have never heard from anywhere like this. No other groups have united their hearts as one like yours. This is what I have been trying to tell and teach you constantly. Finally, you understand and are able to put it to good use. Remember that only with your heart, you will be able to change any situation. And only with your heart, you will be able to feel the blessing of the Heavenly Father. Today my Dearest Son is very pleased with you. And because of that, the

162 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Lord kindly allowed every one of you to feel His love. My dear children, I especially thank all of you for joining your hearts and minds in sending the prayers, love, and goodwill to those who are in conflict in your homeland. That is correct. They really need the prayers because they are completely possessed by the evil spirit. The darkness in their hearts has covered the goodwill that several of their brothers and sisters offered to them. They ignored it completely. My dear children, remember my words: All of you are brothers and sisters. Do not judge others and you won’t be judged. Use your hearts to think of good things in order for you to talk good things. And, of course, when you start with thinking good things and talking good things, doing good deeds will be easy for you. My dear children, remember that only true love from your hearts will bring peace to your hearts and minds. When you have peace in your hearts and minds by thinking good things, you will share and spread this love so everybody will also have this peace like you. Today every one of you should feel that the path to peace is so easy, right? You just overlooked it in the past. From now on share the peace you have received today with your brothers and sisters. Once again, I congratulate you. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother The Answer From Mother Mary November 2, 2008, 5:40 – 6:45 a.m. My dear children, thank you for waiting for my message with anticipation and hope in order to receive the answer for which you have been waiting for. I thank you for offering your trust to me and letting me guide you.

163 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, are you sure that the answer that I will give you in the way you want to hear it will be the virtuous one that you want? And if I do not give you the answer you want to hear, will you give up those activities you have been doing? My dear children, I am fully aware that you have already received the answer in your hearts, but you want a confirmation from me to guarantee that whatever you are going to decide upon has been decided by me. My dear children, if you think about it, you will know that I have already talked about this on several occasions. Do not feel bad and wonder why I do not answer your questions. Not answering your questions does not mean that I no longer love you. What have you learned from what I taught you through my messenger? Have you put my teachings to good use and make them alive in your daily life? At this time, I think it is the right moment for you to be aware of what I have taught you and start putting them to good use. Children, ask the Holy Spirit for His illumination and use my heart which I have given to you in making your decisions. I want to see the progression of your spiritual life. If you are afraid to move forward, how are you going to be self-reliant? Be confident that I will always be with you. And if you truly know and love me, you will know what I will choose to do with the thing you have been waiting to hear from me. Do not let human activities dictate heavenly activities. I have been hearing you constantly complain that you are afraid that whatever you want to do might be the devil’s trap which is so complicated and makes you unable to differentiate whether it is the Lord’s work or the devil’s. You are right in not making a hasty decision. If you see that the path in front of you is full of peace and tranquility, choose it.

164 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Do not get stuck with the human activities that are being piled up in front of you. It is true that you might be able to obtain a lot of things. But in order to acquire them, you might have lost peace in your heart or even your own soul. It is like a bad investment that you have already lost from the get-go. Do not see only the beauty of the stuff in front of you because underneath the beauty is a hidden poison. Thank you again for behaving like an innocent child with me. Whatever you want to do, you always wait for me to tell you. I am very happy that you trust me. Now is the time for you to walk through the darkness that has been covering every place. It is true that with your own eyes, you might not be able to see the way. But nothing can cover your heart if you call out for my heart, make it yours, and use it to cut through this darkness. Do not be afraid. I am always with you. I am waiting for your success in returning to our real home with gladness and joy. Here is the last thing I want to tell you today: You already have the most precious treasure with you. It is praying with love from your true heart. Put it to good use for yourself, friends, relatives, brothers, and sisters. May pace always belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Month of Remembering the Dead November 9, 2008, 4:16-5:08 a.m. My dear children, what will you learn from the activity of the month of remembering the poor souls and those who fell asleep? If you think only about praying specifically in this month for the souls of your ancestors, father, mother, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, souls in

165 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 purgatory, and souls that no one thinks of, I would like to tell you that it is not enough because those souls have been waiting for your prayers the whole year. Isn’t that right? I want you to think about it. If it is your soul, imagine how great the suffering will be for you while waiting for the whole year for this activity. Even though this is the month you have been waiting for, the prayers will not be as many as you expect because people only think of you when they have free time or before going to bed. Whatever activities they have been doing will not be reduced. They watch television, a necessity for them, more than adoring the Holy Sacrament. If this is the case, how are you going to say that you have special intentions for this month? If you love someone, you want to see him or her every day, right? If the person you love tells you that only in this month he or she will be able to see you and does not know exactly when, how great will your suffering be? Is this your true love? Do not forget that one day you will depart from this world, too. And you will be the one who waits with a small ray of hope that at least once a year some kindhearted people will send a prayer to you. I tell you this because I see a lot of you going to cemeteries because it is a duty of Christians. You go there so you can meet relatives and friends who are still alive. This is how you talk to yourself: I go there because I think that today I will find something I like and buy it and take it home. By the way, I have completely forgotten to pay the annual fee for the maintenance of the cemetery. How long has it been since I offered Mass for those who passed away? How warm will it be today? Last year the heat from the sun was so strong that it hurt my skin, this year I will not forget to apply sun lotion on my skin before going there. Have I already worn this dress? I do not want to wear the same dress; people might remember it from last year. And where

166 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 will I go to eat after this thing is over? My dear children, those poor souls also hear what you think but they do not have any power to persuade or bargain with you. They can only wait for your mercy. Have you ever thought how sad they are to endure this fate? That is why I ask you to pray for them in the one minute that I have made a request from you. Do not forget to pray for those poor souls who are waiting for your prayers in every minute and at all times. If you remember this in each day, many souls will be saved by your prayers. And they will never forget to pray for you when you have died. May peace always belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you What is the Present Time? November 16, 2008, 4:14 – 5:05 a.m. My dear children, what happened in the past has an effect in the present. And you cannot go back in the past to change what already happened and ended. So, do not get stuck in the past. It is true that the lesson from the past can be adapted and used in the present if you make the corrections as necessary. But something in the past that already happened and ended will never occur again. If you get stuck with it, it will have a ripple effect in your daily life. Be aware that you cannot do anything with whatever happened and ended in the past. That is why I told you to live in the present. If you do not know what the present means, I would like to tell you that it means right now and at this second. You are the Heavenly Father’s children. Are you aware that you have received such a high honor? Are you aware that you have to live in His love

167 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 at all times? That is the reason why the Lord is so sad when you do something against His love and it shows that you do not know true love. It is only the love for yourself, doing everything for your own benefits. The words spoken by you also respond to your thoughts which seek only the benefits for yourself. Taking advantage of others, lying, and talking down to people are crystallized by the thought that seek only your own benefits. Think about it, my dear children. If every one of you thinks like this only for a second, how are you going to have peace? Your anxiety will not go away until you get what you want and then it will keep coming back because you still want more and more. Human beings’ desire has no end. Do you see how you badly hurt your soul in that second? At a time like this I want you to make an evaluation of yourself, especially those who do not know true love. Control your heart and mind because every second of yours is so precious. If you are aware of this, your present time will not go to waste because you will choose to do what is best for your brothers and sisters with love as the Heavenly Father’s children. If all of you unite your hearts as one at this second, there will be no room for the evil spirit to come in and take away your peace. Remember this second is your present time. Whatever you do at this second will have an effect on the next one which is your future. So start at this second by thinking a good thing. May peace belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother

168 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 You Already Know This Stuff? November 23, 2008, 8:45 – 9:35 p.m. My dear son, I know that you want to ask me whether I have something to tell my other children. I would like to tell you that today I am not going to tell them anything new. It is not because I run out of ideas. I am aware that several people start to think that you (Mother Mary’s messenger) do not have anything else to write in order to lie to others because throughout last month and this month I have not changed my target. Silly human beings, do you think that you already know this stuff so there is no need for you to be taught again? Whatever that is too close to you, you cannot see it, right? Do you see your own nose? Even though it is on your face, if you do not look in a mirror, do you know what it looks like? All right, you arrogant human beings, if you think you already know this stuff, keep safeguarding it because it is the basic tool and foundation that will lead you to the path of salvation as taught by my Dearest Son. If you think you already know about it, tell me what I have taught you and whether you have been putting it to good use. You have been procrastinating or do not want to do it because you do not see the importance of it, right? But you have time for all other activities. You have time to talk bad about other people and really enjoy yourself when doing it. You have time to keep an eye on other people to see whether they will make mistakes. You have time to seek fleshly happiness. You have time to addictively watch your favorite programs on TV to the point of abandoning prayers. You have spent your time surfing the internet, seeking joy. All right, you already know the easy stuff I told you. But I also know that it is the last thing you will choose to do.

169 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 All right, my children. I see several of you are starting to deny this fact. I will stop and wait for you at this place. Whenever you accept the fact and remember me, know that I will always wait for you. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Contemplative Prayer In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai November 29, 2008, 4:20 – 4:59 p.m. My dear children, I have to come and see you before the normal time because I got a special activity to tell you ahead of tonight’s prayer. Don’t be surprised. I am not only here at 3:00 a.m. I am always with you whether you are awake or asleep at night. I am also with you when you pray or do something else. It is up to you whether you have time for me and prepare a place in your heart for me or not. The activities for today will be changed to fit the occasion. We will start with focusing your minds in cleansing your souls in order for you to use your minds in prayer tonight. Today there is a need for you to start the contemplative prayer because the situations in your homeland cause anxiety and lack of peace in your hearts. Today I ask every one of you to pay special attention when using the contemplative prayer together because the situations in your homeland that are getting worse. You might wonder why the Heavenly Father allows these situations to happen in your homeland and why He allows the different opinions to cause a big gap that causes division among some of your fellow countrymen and is very hard to reconcile. There is also a lack of gratitude for your beloved king’s generosity and

170 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 kindness. At this time their hearts are completely dark. They do not recognize his prominent position in your society and homeland. They see only their goal which they want to accomplish. That is why I really want to ask you to join your hearts and minds when doing the contemplative prayer to ask for the Heavenly Father and My Dearest Son’s mercy by using my name. I will stay in your midst tonight. I will pray with you. All the guardian angels, heavenly messengers and holy people will also join you in prayer too. This is the time of crisis in your homeland. Only your prayers will be able to solve or soften the impact of this crisis. Come, my dear children. Let’s pray together for your country and for comforting your king because at this time his heart is crying with sadness. Are you aware of that? Today do not forget to offer Thailand to me. The intentions that you want to use in praying the rosary should be for peace in your homeland, safety of the king, royal family, and relatives, and also for love and forgiveness for the groups which have conflicting opinion and those who take advantage of this situation. Remember that the people who take advantage of this situation do not side up with any group. They come to rake in the benefits from your homeland in the time that there is no unity among yourselves. My dear children, my teaching is always in the present and up to date. Have you thought good things, talked good things and done good things for yourself, friends, and relatives today, right at this moment and at this second. There is no discrimination and division in the Heavenly Father’s people because all of you are brothers and sisters. The most important thing for you to watch out at this time is your own will. May peace belong to every one of you,

171 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Little Box of Love December 14, 2008, 4:49 – 5:45 a.m. My dear children, right now it is cold and you are sleeping comfortably in your beds. Give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for kindly allowing you to live comfortably with nothing to worry about. If you have compassion for others, pray for those in poverty because they do not have food to eat all the time. They have to skip meals and sometimes they have to eat only rice and drink water to go along with it. They don’t do these things because they want to do penance or they are in a retreat to raise up their hearts and souls. They do these things because they are poor. Meanwhile, you have money to lavishly buy food and other things, buying them because you want to, even though there is no need for you to obtain them and keep them in your possession. You gladly spend money on them. You know how to choose good things that you like to please yourselves, making you happy. My dear children, do you know your wild spending can help a big number of your brothers and sisters? If you do not believe me, save the money you want to wildly spend in each day. Within a month you will see how much money you have. If you can do like this, you will be able to help those in need with this money. Make it a gift for them so they will be encouraged and have the will to survive with honesty, not with treachery. This will be the precious present that you can offer to your Baby Jesus. The Lord was born in poverty to teach you love and sharing. It is not too late for you, from today to the last day of this month, to start

172 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 saving the money from your wild spending and put it in a little box to help the poor and less fortunate on New Year’s Day. You will be the happiest person because you give them help with love and with no expectation to receive anything in return. If you can do like this, it is like helping my Dearest Son. He will reciprocate your kindness a thousand fold. This is your blessing for the New Year, but you have to fight to get this blessing by restraining yourself and not spending money wildly on food and other things in order to save the money and put it in the little box of love. You will know and understand how much you love the Lord. You will recognize this fact when you see yourself willingly stopping your wild spending. You can give this little box of love to the poor or even your own family member whom you have been neglecting and whom you have never told him or her that you loved him or her and offered your goodwill to him or her. Don’t worry too much; give this little box of love to whomever you think deserves it. One person is good enough. You will not be able to help everyone. If each of you can do like this on New Year’s Day, the number of the poor who will receive help will be the same number of you who do it. The happiness in your heart will be unmatched by anything else. That person might not know how to speak with sweet words to show his or her gratitude. So, look deeply into that person’s eyes, they will tell you that he or she really thanks you for your kindness. Look in your family and find out whom you have been neglecting before searching for the poor whom you have known or seen. If you do not find that person, make a donation with this little box to anyone who deserves your love on the New Year’s Day. Then you will understand that giving with no expectation to receive anything in return will reward you more than you give.

173 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 This is your New Year’s blessing. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Precious Gift December 22, 2008, 12: 45 – 1:10 p.m. My dear children, there are only a few days left before the important day that all of you have been waiting for. Keep cleansing your hearts to be pure and bright and make them ready to be the dwelling place of Baby Jesus. The Lord does not call for your wild spending and luxury. On the contrary, He wants to see each and every one of you preparing your heart and soul to be in the state of readiness. This will be the most precious gift from your own sacrifice that you can offer to Him. Do not forget to share your love with your brothers and sisters. Even though they are not Christians, they are also your brothers and sisters. If you see anyone of them deserves your help, give the little box of love to him or her. There is no need for you to buy anything for him or her with that money. Let him or her see that the little box has your love which you have been filling it up every day for him or her. This love cannot be calculated in worldly value. Give it to the person who deserves it. If you can do this, you can do it for Baby Jesus too. In the midst of this extremely cold weather, there will only be the warmth of love that you have for each other. This is the real atmosphere of celebration. You do not have to worry about the amount of money in the little box, too little or too much. If it comes from your real intention, it will always be a precious gift for the Lord. During this time if you gladly restrain yourself and abandon your will to

174 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 make sacrifices for those in need, the sick, and your own family members whom you have been neglecting, your actions will be praise worthy for those in heaven who will be joyful and happy for your generosity and kindness. Let the love for your brothers and sister be a sacrifice and service in order for them, whom you love, to be happy. You will be joyful when you see your loved ones happy. You will go through several obstacles in this New Year, do not be careless. If you know and understand this fact, I would like you to be in the state of readiness at all times. You will be able to safely go through anything that comes into your life. My dear children, do not be careless. May peace belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Activities of Love In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai December 27, 2008, 2:46 – 3:15 a.m. My dear children, I thank you for your kindness in constantly coming and being here with me at this place. Today several things have changed to fit the occasion. Do not get wrapped up in the same routine or pattern because returning to our real home in heaven does not have a fixed routine or pattern. The real simplicity coming out from your true feelings will bring you peace and serenity of your soul. Today you have demonstrated that when your good will has been combined as one it led you to successfully overcome the obstacles. Children, remember well the event of today. What you have done today is a proof by itself that your readiness will always be fruitful. In uniting your

175 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 hearts as one, even though you are far away from each other and have different ways of praying, your united prayers will always be heard by the Heavenly Father if you cut down on your ego in order to unite your hearts while you pray. On this occasion, I would like to ask every one of you to cut down on your ego so you will have time and room in your heart for the Heavenly Father’s activities of love. Pay attention to the significance of every human being because he or she is your brother or sister. You might have never known or met them but if you look deeply into each of their hearts you will see their longing for love, friendship, and compassion for each other. Will you deny the feeling of being so grateful when you receive love, friendship, and understanding without asking for them? If you understand this fact, do not hesitate or wait for other people to ask for your compassion. Do not be possessive and stingy with your compassion. The more you give, the more you will receive in return. Do not forget that happiness from your heart cannot be bought. You will get it only when you cut down on your ego and pay more attention to your brothers and sisters. Be a giver because being a receiver all the time will make you unappreciative of the value of true love. You will block the beauty of love by your own will. Several people are waiting for your love in this New Year. If you pay attention to even one person, you will see the result of love growing beautifully in your heart. Your generosity does not have to be handing out money all the times. Using kind words to cheer them up, helping them with physical activities or even praying from your kind heart are the most precious gift in the eyes of the Heavenly Father. Children, keep reminding yourselves whether today you have shown your love for your brothers and sisters. Do not wait for them to ask for it because when you are the giver, you have already reciprocated the love of the

176 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Heavenly Father. The Lord has never been possessive with His love for you, right? If you are aware of this fact, look around and see whether you have been neglecting anyone of your family members who are close to you. You do not have to look far. Do not use your will to make a decision that he or she is doing fine. And he or she does not need your compassion and without it he or she is OK. Think about your own feelings. Even though you are not in need, you still search for love, right? And why do you think that person or this person does not need your love? If you are stingy when giving love to other people but crazy about doing what your heart desires, how are you going to find real peace? Have a new resolution. Your short prayers in this New Year will make the situations around the world better than you expect. Share and spread your love to your brothers and sisters and those who are waiting for love and understanding around the world at this time. Pray for them first because you also need the prayers from your family, relatives, and friends. Several of you still do not understand why you have to use the Contemplative Prayer when you pray: it is difficult and unnecessary because you got your own way of praying. Do not build a castle and wall to surround your soul. Turn around and look at your soul to see how far you have been away from the Heavenly Father’s love. The best way for you to get back to being close to the Lord again is to open up your heart and return to simplicity with your true will. Get rid of the props. Human beings use their hearts and minds to create rules and regulations in order to please themselves. And they claim the way they do things will please the Heavenly Father the most. Did the Lord tell you, human beings, that it is the way He wants?

177 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Pay attention to the temple in your soul. You must know how to take care of it and make it beautiful all the time. The easiest way for you to do so is to turn around and pay attention to your own spiritual life. Using the Contemplative Prayer will be the foundation for you to get close to the Heavenly Father’s love, which is the best way. Children, remember that the Lord does not look at beauty from outside; He looks at what is hidden in your hearts. The simpler you are, the more you will get close to the Lord. Practice how to use the heart of your soul. It is not as hard as you think. If you try a couple times and quit, it means you use your own will to deny yourself the best way to get close to the Heavenly Father’s love. Have the Lord ever refused to give His love to you? Ask your own heart. If you really ponder what I have told you today, you will understand how to obtain happiness and have peace in your heart in the midst of crises this New Year. My dear children, do not be careless. This New Year will have several things to make you worried. If you do not have peace in your heart, you will suffer by all the problems facing you. May peace belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you A Warning From Mother Mary In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai January 25, 2009, 2:20 – 3:10 a.m. My dear children, I hope that you do not think that I have been pushy with you. What I taught and warned you will benefit you in the future. Do not reduce your effort when praying. You probably do not realize how valuable your prayers are.

178 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Several of you who came here today might experience problems in life. But you came because you have trust in me and believe that I will find a way for you to receive comfort. I thank you for having trust in me. I would like to remind you that regardless of how the problem happened or whoever was the cause of the problem, look at the problem with justice in your heart. Put yourself in his or her shoes. When he or she made the decision to do something, he or she thought that it was the right choice before doing it even though it might not make you happy about it. If you look at other people with justice in your heart, you will always understand them and give them another chance. There is nobody who wants to make mistakes and do things against others. Do not use your own thought process to judge other people because your experiences and what you are used to do cannot always be the standard when judging others. Be just and impartial and give other people chances to make up even though they might have done something wrong in your eyes. If you do not give them another chance, how are they going to prove themselves to you that they are also good and decent people? My dear children, remember the justice and leniency of the Heavenly Father. The Lord always gives you another chance, over and over again. And you still make mistakes, over and over again. Has the Lord ever told you that enough is enough and would not give you another chance to make up for your mistakes? If you know and understand the kindness of the Lord well, share His love which He gives to you to other people too regardless of whether that person has upset you or you are not happy with him or her. It is not your duty to judge whether he or she deserves to receive the love of the Lord because he or she is wrong or has made mistakes. You must learn how to forgive. When you know how to forgive, your heart

179 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 will have peace and serenity. These are the blessings that you will receive if you learn and understand how to live under the love of the Lord. Several of you wonder what happened to me lately. You have not received my weekly messages. Let me make it clear to you that I do not have to give my message to you every week. The week I did not give my new message to you should be the time for you to go over the old messages, a big collection of my teachings which I have given you. Have you put all of them to good use? Is there anything you have not put to good use? Is there anything that when you tried, it has not worked out yet and what is the reason for the failure? Do you thoroughly understand how to put all of my teachings to good use? One of the most important reasons why you did not receive my messages is my messenger’s heath. He was not in the condition to receive them. He did not commit any sin nor did evil things. For a while he was not healthy enough to do my work. Now everything is back to normal. Do not worry; nobody can stop me if that work is the will of the Heavenly Father. Your Chosen Path February 9, 2009, 6:30 – 7:00 a.m. My dear children, how are you? Have you spent time lately to review the whole thing I taught you? If you have followed what I taught you and put them to good use, you would know that during the time I did not teach you anything new, you could not completely comply with all of them. Have you ever asked yourself why you failed? Religion and ethics are always the last things you think about because you have so many things you have to pay more attention to in your daily life. But you forget that the foundation of living your life is peace in your heart.

180 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Comparatively, if you can build a strong immune system, no matter what comes into your life, you will be able to move on firmly. I teach you to trust the Lord, but it does not mean that you do not have to do anything and just wait to receive His help. You must make today, right now and at this second, to be your best. My children, let all of you be aware that the cause of the problems that happened to you is your unresponsiveness with the love of the Heavenly Father. You responded with your own free will. Is that the case? You kept this love for yourself and did not share it with others. Is that the case? I have taught you this thing on several occasions. There is no need for me to repeat it again, right? Do not forget to find time in each day to practice what I taught you to improve your spiritual life. I have taught you in great details on what you should do. If you just scan my messages to acknowledge them but do not put them to good use, all of my teachings will go to waste. Do you only want to know what I will tell you today? Think about it. If you do not have a strong spiritual life in the present world, you will not be able to survive and be safe from all evils and activities of the devil. It is the time for you to seriously put all of my teachings to good use. My dear children, you should realize by now that I have prepared you for this task for a long time. Now everything is up to you to choose the path you want. I cannot force your will. Whatever will happen to you, accept the fact that you have chosen it. I will always give you encouragement. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you

181 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 What Happened to You? February 19, 2009, 9:40 – 9:55 a.m. My dear children, how much have you paid attention to your spiritual life in each day that went by? Have you been keeping your mind empty and did not do any constructive thing? Be aware that you are constantly fighting yourself. It is true that not doing anything might not be a mistake, but you have not made any progression on your spiritual life. You are not staying in the same place; you are falling behind because those who are serious about this have been doing it and making more progression than you. Do not be content with where you are at. Never be careless. Even though you do not compete against anybody, you must compete against yourself. At this present time how much progression have you made from the first day you have learned from me? If you cannot answer this question, you must think really hard and find out what happened to your life. Are Human Beings Really Weak? February 20, 2009, 4:02 – 4:55 a.m. My dear children, the time for prayer and self-denial is getting close. If you follow the Church’s guidance, you still have plenty of time to get ready. I am really puzzled why human beings have to choose a certain day to do good deeds. If it is not the designated day, will your good deeds go to waste?

182 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 If you keep practicing in doing good deeds, little by little, you will have enough grace to help you do them without too much effort on the designated day. On several occasions you did not prepare yourself well. When that important day came, you had all kinds of excuses about why you were not ready and you asked the Lord to do the good deeds on the other day. Human beings always find a reason to excuse themselves from their obligations. Let me ask you, where is your real intention? Why do you change your mind when you have already decided what to do? The Heavenly Father thoroughly understands this kind of behavior. Human beings always make an excuse that they are weak when they commit sins. “Lord, have mercy on us because we have committed sins.” Why do you, human beings, have so much energy to accomplish whatever that makes you glad and willing as fast as you can? For example: falling into sins. Even though you know they are sins but you are still glad and willing, spending all of your energy to fall into them. Are human beings really weak? Treachery should be the proper word that human beings use to describe this kind of excuse. You have chosen to be weak at that time even though you were not, right? My dear children, be aware of where you get this kind of treachery from. Why do you use it against the person who understands you and loves you the most? Look at it with justice in your heart. If this kind of thing happens to you, even though it might be insignificant, you are not going to tolerate it, right? You will use your own will to say that don’t do this kind of thing to you, right? So why do you force this thing on the person who loves you the most and tell him to accept it?

183 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Remember my words well. Do not make any excuse that you are weak again because you possess enormous energy and strength. It is up to your will to choose what you want to do. The violent situations caused by human beings will be less and less. Use your energy and strength to regain peace and harmony. The volatile situations in the world will not make your heart and mind shakier than before. Do not find another scapegoat for you again because you are the one who chooses what to do with your will, whether to be a leader or a follower. At a time like this, I choose to speak to you with a few words and right to the point before you lose your patience in reading my message. You are the one who chooses to allow me, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to talk with a few words, right? Okay, I have talked with a few words. Are you going to listen to me now? From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you You Have Arrived at the Right Path In front of Holy Family Church, Lamsai February 22, 2009, 3:10 – 3:32 a.m. My dear children, today is another day of joy and gladness. Let all of you give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for His kindness in giving you this special occasion. What are the joys? The first joy for today: two priests came to join all of you in praying even though they came at different time. This kind of thing does not often happen, right?

184 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Second joy for today: praying together of yours is different than other times. You can point out the difference between them, right? You have correctly spent your energy the way it should be so your prayers were able to reach inside every one of your heart, right? (Mother Mary’s messenger: it is the unity of every one in prayer, filtering out from the heart that is full with love in every word of the prayer). The third joy for today: the teaching and sharing of the fathers, two times, for all of you tonight. What have you learned from them? How much have you remembered from the teaching and sharing from them? It is truly a special occasion that it happens like this. You should have already seen how great the power of your unity is in singing praise to the Heavenly Father. Today the Lord kindly let the fathers to come and give solutions to several things that have been troubling you and you did not have a chance to ask other priests for help. Are you not surprised that all of a sudden the two priests showed up and joined you in prayer? My dear children, there is no such thing as coincidence. You and the fathers have chosen to be here. When all of you who have been seeking peace and kingdom of heaven met, everything that happened today was full with joy and happiness. Today is a gift from heaven for every one of you who has a kind heart. Soon all of you will start focusing your heart and mind and doing penance to make atonement for every one’s sins, including yours. Let all of you remember the words of the fathers: you do not do it for anybody. You do it for you. When you understand the great love of the Heavenly Father, you will know that there is no other joy that can replace the joy of being aware that your task has been done with love wholeheartedly. So this task is no longer

185 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 an agony for you. This task is the joy and gladness that you will do for those whom you love the most to make them happy. Just like I told you, do not get stuck with the date and time. Doing good deeds does not need to wait for a certain day and time. If you do them now, you will not have to exert a lot of energy to do them when that day has arrived. What does Lenten Season mean to you? What is your goal for this Lenten Season? If you are not sure, it is a good opportunity for you to be enlightened by the fathers. The fathers truly brought joy and gladness to you tonight. Bring this experience back with you and constantly put it to good use. You have arrived at the right path. May peace belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you Is Tomorrow Not Too Late? March 1, 2009, 5:10 -6:10 a.m. My dear children, what does death teach you? Today several of you went to the Mass of Remembrance for your departed relatives and friends. Have you ever asked yourself what kind of lessons their deaths teach you? One day you will die too. Have you been preparing yourself well for this event? You do not know when it will be your last day. Age is not always the factor. When it is time for you, it will happen even though you are still young. So you should not be careless.

186 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 How hard have you been preparing for the return to your real home? What does Lenten Season mean to your Christian life? Have you been preparing yourself well in every day? Do not get stuck with the words “Tomorrow is not too late.” If you wait for tomorrow, what will happen to today? Are you going to let it go to waste? I saw several of you picking up the small cylinders to put money in from the church. Do you really understand the purpose of this task? Several of you have not picked up the cylinders yet. Some of you took them home and let them sit there with no action. I saw only the emptiness inside them, no money. Your daily chores must really occupy you so you do not have time for the actions of love, sacrifice and sharing. Is that right? This is the drought which is happening. I don’t have to tell you where it happens at, right? My dear children, the activities of heaven must happen from your own willingness. Nobody can force you. I have been watching you and constantly sending you the messages. You might not realize how sad I am with the word “Tomorrow” of yours. May peace always belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Indifference of Human Beings March 8, 2009, 12:30 – 1:38 a.m. Little Peter, it has been a long while since I called you by this name. Today I saw your good intention the whole time. You have been doing my work tirelessly. Take care of your health, okay? I do not want to see you get sick again.

187 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Today you have felt that emotion again. Rereading my messages with several topics that got stuck in your heart and mind caused you to cry. I saw your tears which you were unable to control. My dear son, it is not only you that cries. I sometimes cry too, not able to control my tears. Human beings’ forgetfulness, sins, and mistakes have caused me to cry countless times. Little Peter, presently I use you as my messenger to give my messages to my other beloved children. I sometimes don’t feel well too. I am only a lowly human being who receives the Heavenly Father’s mercy. I am not God that several of you human beings have misunderstood. By being a human being, I have received the permission from the Heavenly Father to communicate with you. My dear children, the thing that makes me the most worried about you is being used to sins and lack of compassion in your hearts. You might say you don’t understand what I am talking about. Nowadays you are good people, not doing any harmful things to others. Why do I talk to you like this again? Do you remember what we talked about at the end of last month? Think about it. What is the percentage of your intention you have left? You should have spent this time to be more still and go over your conscience more than before. What kind of result do you have? My dear children, at first you seemed to listen to me, why are you now being indifferent more than before? My dear children, have you checked yourselves and wondered what happened to your lives at this present time? Don’t blame anything, children. Everything is up to you. If you do not give permission and your heart not willing to give in, the devil’s work will not be able to have power over you. Think about it really hard whether you have tried your best.

188 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Stop thinking that whatever you think, whatever you ignore or whatever you do nobody sees or knows about it. I want you to go over your conscience before going to bed so you will know your true self and particularly when you go to receive the Holy Communion. Have you done a good job going over your conscience? Your indifference teaches you that it is okay not to really cleanse your soul from sins and not to really feel sorry for committing the sins because that is what other people do. I have the feeling that whatever the majority of people do is the right course of action and it then becomes a standard for all of you. This is my uneasy feeling. I am aware of the issue, I understand the whole thing and I give you another chance, but how many of you realize and understand the trust that I have for you my beloved children? Children, think about it. If your love and goodwill have not been reciprocated and there was no reaction to your teaching, do you think those who do this thing to you have been listening to you? I have communicated with you the way human beings do. I hope you realize how much I love you. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you Where is "Thank You"? March 15, 2009, 2:25 – 3:13 a.m. Little Peter, thank you for waking up right away when I called you. The last couple days you had tirelessly represented your family in going to join in prayer for those who departed because your feelings told you that one day your mother’s time to depart will arrive too.

189 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I know that you had the good intention to do several things to ease the pain and sorrow for the family of those who departed, but it was not the right time and you did not want to reveal yourself and cause others to have an uneasy feeling so you stayed still in peace and serenity. And it was the right thing to do. Only heal those who need help. Don’t do it because you feel sorry for them. You must look at the situation at that moment too. You might have a conflict in your heart, but this blessing is not yours. So you cannot use it according to your will. If you are aware of this fact, you will know that not everyone needs this kind of healing. The most important thing is the hearts of those who need healing must be open and crying out for help. They must have the real intention to change themselves and keep their promise as a thanksgiving for the kindness of the Heavenly Father who gives them His mercy. Several of them have no devotion to the Lord. They just want the comfort from Him. When they have received His help, they go back to live their old way of life. They are like the lepers who did not come back to give thanksgiving to the Lord who healed them and gave them His love (Luke 17:11-19: Lord Jesus heals ten men with leprosy.) I bring this up because human beings have the tendency to forget to say “thank you” all the time. When they have received help and comfort, they are not grateful for the blessing given to them by the Lord. Saying “Thank you” does not cost you anything. You will receive precious things for your heart and mind in return when you say it, but you are so stingy with saying it to the Lord. Each day you have received several blessings from the Heavenly Father with different variety. How many times that you have realized this fact and did not forget to say “Thank you” to the Lord from your true feeling? This

190 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Lenten Season is a good opportunity for you to go over whatever you have forgotten to do. May peace belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you Convert Now March 22, 2009, 1:25 – 3:25 a.m. My Little Peter, I would like to thank you for trying to show the power of prayer from your heart. The hymns that you sang yesterday really touched those who heard them. It was the right thing to do. Because of your sincerity, everybody could feel it. The hardened hearts turned soft. There is no need for you to make an invitation and advertisement. By being yourself with no pretension, everyone will be able to understand the peace and serenity of prayer by themselves. This is what I have been teaching you. You have demonstrated that you were able to make it come alive by really doing it. You did not let my teachings end at the messages that you have recorded. You are living my teachings for other people to see. Your humility and simplicity will be an example that others will see too. It is true that you still have lots of human nature, but you know how to choose and control yourself to be in a good frame of mind. You do not let yourself go along with human beings’ excuse that you are weak and then choose to do whatever you want. Little Peter, thank you very much. When it was crucial, you turned out to be a pillar of rock.

191 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Today I would like to pass the word to all of my beloved children: for all of you, I look only at your present to see what your intention is. Whatever happened in the past has already done. You cannot make any corrections or go back again. Your present will affect your future. Today have you prepared your present well? Do not make an excuse with me that you are weak because whenever you have chosen to do something, you got energy, courage, conviction and you accept the consequence of your action. Do you think you were weak at that time? If you do not change yourself during this Lenten Season and continue to behave like you always did in the past, you do not really understand the purpose of the Lenten Season. You do not have to compare yourself with other people. Compare yourself with your own self whether today you have done anything different from yesterday. Have you done anything at this hour to advance your spiritual life, to make it better? Have you chosen what to do at this second? I know that several of you had the intention to really do sacred activities. You set your goal and hope high like what the saints aimed for. But when the time came, you could not do it and made excuses that you are sinners and weak. And you apologized for the failure. I fully understand your feelings. I do not ask you to restrain yourself like the way the saints do. You still do not really know the love of the Heavenly Father so you do not understand why all the saints have made tremendous sacrifices and abandoned their will to serve the Lord. I just want you to really know yourself, understand your strength and capability, and choose to do what is possible to make it happen in your real life today. And that will be enough for me. Each day you have plenty of time. How do you manage your time? How many hours have you wasted? How many hours have you spent on

192 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 entertaining yourself? How many hours have you joyfully spent on talking negatively about other people? By the time that you had left to think about sacred activities which you thought you would do, you told me there was no time for today, not even for prayer. So you thought about it before going to bed. When you woke up in the morning, you were in a hurry to take care of your daily chores. There was no time for you to give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father who kindly let you live today so you would give praise to Him and share His love with your brothers and sisters. If you have not done anything beneficial for your soul in this Lenten Season, wake up from this slumber. I know you can do it. Do not procrastinate. You are the one that chooses to do, or not to do, sacred activities. Not having time is an excuse. It is you who chooses what to do and not do what you don’t like. My dear children, try to really understand the meaning and purpose of Lenten Season and you will receive a lot of benefits for your own souls. I have seen several of you receive the Holy Communion with hardened hearts. You did not even clean up the sins in your souls. Receiving the Holy Communion is reserved for those who have prepared their hearts and minds well. Were you embarrassed in front of other people for not receiving the Holy Communion? Were you not embarrassed in front of my Dearest Son when you received Him and asked Him to dwell in the abandoned temple of yours? What happened to going over your conscience and recognizing the sins you have committed in each day? The little sins you have committed each day make you get used to them and feel that they are not sins anymore, right? Subsequently, many of you have nothing to confess at the confession with the priest. You even forgot to do your penance, did not pay attention to

193 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 it. You were in a hurry to leave the confessional because you felt embarrassed in front of those who have been waiting in the line. My dear children, this is what happening at this moment and you are getting used to it. If you do not fix the problem now, how are you going to face the Lord when your time has arrived? Convert now and peace will happen in your heart. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you The Last Message for "Mother Loves You, Book Two" In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai March 28, 2009 Mother Mary’s messenger: I would like to take this opportunity to tell all of you what happened so all of you will feel like you were there with us too. It was not easy for us who decided to go to pray at Lamsai. Some of us had to charter a bus from their own province and some had to catch a bus and then transferred several times until they made it to Lamsai. Lamsai does not have any restaurant and market that is open 24/7. We had to bring our own food and even our own water. A kindergarten classroom was our place to stay and we were happy just to sit on the floor and rest before going to pray with Mother Mary. There were also many obstacles that we had to overcome, e.g., those who are close to us and family members who disagreed with us for going to Lamsai to pray. Several of us were accused of being gullible.

194 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I would like to pay my respect to those who have been coming to Lamsai to pray for over the last 20 years. Without Mother Mary’s love, there is no way for them to make it to Lamsai. Today we arrived at Lamsai before 3:00 p.m. The vicinity around the church is under construction and beautification, including the area in front of Mother Mary’s grotto. Some of the trees have been cut down or trimmed to improve the view and visibility. It was very warm because there was no more shade from the big tree close to the grotto. There was a little bit of shade in front of Mother Mary’s grotto for us to squeeze in and avoid the sun which was getting really hot at that time. And several of us had to use umbrellas to protect ourselves from the sun. There was nothing to provide comfort for us. We had to sit on the concrete floor in front of Mother Mary’s grotto. I saw several of us sweating heavily, but no one made any complaints about the weather and the sun because everyone was focusing his or her heart and mind in praying with Mother Mary. I would like to give praise to the group of the faithful from Ratchaburi, Chantaburi, and Bangkok who have been praying in front of the grotto long before 3:00 p.m. If they do not really love Mother Mary, there is no way for them to persevere like that. I was blessed to join them in praying the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows. Unfortunately, we had to raise our voice to compete with the noise of the machine working on the road in that area. Finally, the machine was shut down because the workers stopped working on that portion of the road. While we were praying the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows at the 4th Sorrow (Mother Mary meets Lord Jesus carrying His cross), I was so sad and wanted to cry. Then I heard the familiar voice of Mother Mary talking to me. March 28, 2009, 3:55 – 4:00 p.m.

195 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, I would like to thank all of you for your perseverance in paying attention to pray in front of me at this time. I see the kindness and goodwill in every one of you. Even though it is very warm, you will receive comfort. You do not expect to receive any accommodation, right? The comfort will happen in your hearts. Thank you for praying the Seven Sorrows of mine and sharing the suffering with me. Your pleas through praying the Rosary will be especially blessed by me. I thank every one of you. May all of you always live in the Heavenly Father’s peace and love, From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you Mother Mary’s messenger: I have recorded and read the whole message to every one of us. All of us (almost 20) felt that Mother Mary was there with us. The following is a recap of the recollection of those who were there, including me. If I wrote down all the names, the list would be a very long one. All of us saw the statue of Mother Mary coming alive. Her face and cheeks were pink and were very pretty. Today Mother Mary was so beautiful that I could not take my eyes off her. Her eyes that usually looked up at heaven were looking down at every one of us. No matter where we stood, Mom seemed to look straight at us individually. There were tears in her eyes. She seemed to tell us that she was so happy to see us coming and paying attention in praying in front of her. It was about 5:00 p.m. when Mr. Chayen Rangubpai (Maew) saw the bright light constantly emitting from Mother Mary. Mr. Vatcharin Kittyanon saw Mother Mary opening her mouth to pray with us and sometimes she smiled at us too. Ms. Panida Pornprasit who is a newcomer saw tears rolling down Mom’s cheeks. Mom stayed with us until sunset. The vicinity around Mother Mary’s

196 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 grotto was getting dark, but there were still golden rays shining brightly from Mom in order for Mrs. Maria Teamchan Voravatpreecha to see her. It was really the time that we received the blessing of peace in our hearts from Mother Mary. We kept singing praises to Mom and the Heavenly Father until it was time for the evening Mass. We got back to pray together again around 9:00 p.m., but it was unfortunate that we could not get closer to Mom to pray with her because there was no light in front of the grotto. It was also inconvenient for several of our elders. So we decided to sit and pray in front of the church, facing the grotto. While we were getting ready to pray, a kindhearted person lighted up more of the candles in front of the grotto. So we were able to see inside the grotto. We gathered and stayed together with ease. There was no obstacle that kept us away from Mom. It was about midnight, while we were praying the prayer of offering ourselves to the Compassionate Mother, “Come Dear Mother…”, when I saw Mom walking from the grotto to us. She stopped at the front yard of the church, looking at us with concern and mercy just like what I saw from her statue inside the church. Her face was beautiful, calm, and kind. She taught all of us while each one of us was pleading for her blessing in private. I told every one of us what she taught, but I did not record it. So I had to ask them what it was when we took a break from prayer to make sure I got it right. Here is Mother Mary’s message: When you are in front of me, do not hide anything from me. Get rid of your ego and let everything go according to the will of the Heavenly Father. For those of you who have bargained with me when you asked for my help, I want you to think about it. We stopped praying at 3:00 a.m. of Sunday morning in order for me to record Mom’s message again. Mom is truly our Mom. Every word she talked to us was the kind word used between a Mother and her children. She warned and taught us with

197 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 true love from her heart. She did not criticize us for our mistakes, but gave us another chance and explained the facts to us so we would understand the whole thing. The following is her message: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 3:00 – 3:30 a.m. My dear children, the gladness and joy would not happen if your activities for today did not come from your sincere hearts. I have been living with you all these times and know you better than you know yourself, but I have never bragged about it. I want all of you to have a pure heart in order for you to be receptive to only the good things. If you look at me as an example and follow my footsteps, your life will be full of peace. Today I have been staying with you and joining every one of you in prayer. If today you have really opened up your hearts, I will accept your prayers with gladness. What I want to see in you is sincerity. Your true heart will be the driving force to make peace and harmony happen in this world. Today all of you have been trying to pray with discipline throughout the whole day. Even though today you did not spend this valuable time to send your hearts to me, to talk to me and to ask me for my advice, I am not going to criticize you because you did not know what to do at this particular time. The time of grace and holiness is not often granted by the Heavenly Father. I feel bad that you were not aware of it. My dear children, I love you very much. This is the last message for this month. It is the message I want to gracefully close out “Mother Loves You, Book Two.” My dear children, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to always remember that the time of heaven is so precious. Know how to spend this valuable time to gain the most benefits out of it. If you spend this time to go over your hearts and souls or to pray for other people, don’t you think it will make this time more valuable? Children, try to understand and open up your hearts to feel the love of the

198 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Heavenly Father for every human being and you will know that the love of human beings is not true love because it is the love that responds to their own desires. Know your heart and mind so you will not be the victim of the evil spirits which are constantly trying to lure you to go astray. My dear children, remember that the way of the Heavenly Father always makes you to have peace and serenity in your hearts. Be careful and be aware of the tricks of the evil spirits because sometimes they use the name of the Lord to confuse you. Ask the Lord for the truth and you will feel the real peace. From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you Mother Mary’s messenger: After reading Mom’s message to everyone, I asked them whether they wanted to stop praying or to pray another set of the Holy Rosary for those that needed help. The whole group chose to pray. So, Mother Mary told us to use the Five Glorious Mysteries when we pray the Holy Rosary, asking her to offer our plea to the Heavenly Father to have mercy for our beloved king, royal family and relatives; our brothers and sisters around the world to have peace in their family, society and country; those who cause unrest in our homeland and innocent people who have suffered, been injured or died from the violent situation in the southern part of our country; souls in the purgatory and the souls that nobody thinks of. When we started praying, I saw Mother Mary also start praying along with us. I saw her lips opening and closing in perfect timing with every word we prayed. And here is what she told us: My dear children, remember that I will always pray along with you on every word you pray. I told all of us what Mom had told me which made all of us got encouraged and paid more attention. Because we knew that whatever word that we would pray, we would pray with Mom at the same time. This prayer will be holy, coming out from our true hearts. This praying was the most beautiful praying I have ever heard. I was so overwhelmed with emotion. I did not know what to do, after a second or two

199 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I decided to lie down, paying homage and giving thanksgiving to Mother Mary who has been kindly staying with us all these times. Then I cried with happiness and joy. No one knew why I cried. Dear brothers and sisters, I hope that you who have a chance to read “Mother Loves You, Book Two” all the way up to these final words will understand that Mom really loves us. END OF MOTHER LOVES YOU (BOOK TWO)

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