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Mother Loves You Book Two Up Date 26-09-23

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101 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 a good result if you cannot take care of your soul and make it strong before being in a hurry to lead the way for other people. Think about what has been causing you to stumble and stop doing what you should have done. When you find the truth, what should you do to rectify the problem? Son, don’t you know that the silence and idleness of yours is the result of the evil spirit that has sneaked into your heart and mind. It is growing in your soul without your realization, like a cancer of your soul. If you want to get rid of this cancer, you must find the real cause of it and fix it at that spot first. Do not waste your time at the tail end of it. My dear son, get up! Wake up! I will hold you so you can walk forward again. Do not worry about how far other people have passed you by. Stay in the present and heal your soul to strengthen it. Pay attention to what you have neglected to do and take care of your soul so that it may become strong first. When you are in the state of readiness, I will tell you what to do next. My dear children, at the final part of the Lenten season, if you have prepared yourselves well, you will see the result of your efforts which you have been doing all the time. For those of you who just woke up, try harder. Having a good intention is not enough; you must show it with actions that come from your true heart. At the present time what are you going to do to share the suffering and burden of this very heavy cross with my Dearest Son? Today is the day of remembering the joy of those who welcomed the Lord (Palm Sunday), but only a few days later, these people demanded that the Lord be crucified.

102 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, ask yourselves how many times have you been with these people? By allowing the situation like this to occur without fighting it, you are the one who demands that the Lord be crucified like they did. Are you happy to let me and my Dearest Son face this cruelty alone? I have not come to demand justice for my Dearest Son, because the Lord has an overwhelming love for all of you. When the Lord has given His love to you, He will never demand it back. It is up to you to realize and value His love for you. “Where there is charity and love, God is there.” Let all of you think about it. What are these words teaching and demanding from you? Children, remind yourselves: If you were the Lord and knew that soon you would die by a terrifying manner, why did you not run away to save your life? It is almost dawn. Son, get ready. Prep your soul to be in the state of readiness and really pay attention to today’s gospel. The Real Diamond of the Prayer March 24, 2008, 3:59 – 5:03 a.m. My dear children, I would like to praise you for your persistence in good preparation of your heart and mind throughout the 40 days of this Lenten season. You can offer this grace to the poor souls who have been waiting for your prayers and help from you. If you want to offer it for those who are facing

103 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 problems, physically, and spiritually, you can also do it because the good deeds you have been doing are not being collected for your next life only. My Dearest Son taught you to know love and sharing. Whatever action you have been doing for other people, you have been doing it for the Lord too. It should not be too hard and too much for you to prepare your heart and mind during the nine days before the Feast of Divine Mercy in order to receive the full blessing for your soul on that day. The life of a Christian is not only for doing sacred activities for particular purposes. The sacred activities should be something that you do constantly in your daily life. Each of you is a little candle shining brightly against the darkness at this present time. If you extinguish the light, the terrifying darkness will replace the light from the candle. Can you stand watching your loved ones face this darkness without knowing the path to salvation? This is the cross that you have to carry every day and there is not a day for you to abandon it. If you know this duty which you should do, and do constantly, this cross is not too heavy for you to carry. Do not do it only for your own salvation, but also do it to lead your loved ones to the path of salvation too. Be the witness of your faith to those around you so they will know the love of the Heavenly Father too. Your life might not be as comfortable as others’ in this world, but my dear children, the peace in your heart cannot be bought with money. The power of the sacred activities you have been doing will be a shield protecting you from the dark danger that is getting closer and closer.

104 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, today you might not see the result of your efforts. But when the darkness comes to visit, you will see your own light chasing away the darkness and completely extinguishing it. I want to take this opportunity to remind you again to pray from your heart. My dear children, do not bring human ways to use when praying and being in a hurry to complete a certain number of prayers and finishing it within your time limit. The value and beauty of a real diamond depends on the skill of the jeweler; by the same token, the grace of the prayer will be brightly shone by the prayer coming out from your true heart. May peace always and forever belong to every one of you. The Compassionate Mother In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai March 30, 2008, 3:00 – 3:45 a.m. My dear children, today is the first time that I heard your prayers coming together while I was giving you my message. It is a good beginning when we compare it with you being quiet and still. In the past, some of you sent your hearts to me. Some did not take advantage of this opportunity to think of me. Some talked to each other, killing time while waiting for my message. But today everything has changed. All of your hearts and minds were focused in prayer together. No one was being indifferent and wasted this special opportunity, like some did in the past. I was aware that every one of you sent your heart to me along with each word of your prayer. Today several of you came to me hoping to receive comfort. I saw you privately communicating to the Lord while you were asking for His help. My dear children that is the right thing for you to do. During that moment, the

105 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 unification of your hearts and minds produced the highest result. The success and failure of your plea depend on that moment. If you truly have trust in the Lord, everything is always possible. Today there are so many of you who come to be with the Heavenly Father together with me. I would like to thank that kindhearted person who made it possible for you to make a pilgrimage to this place. I would like to reconfirm that the flower of heaven is your blessing to feel me. If you have anything you want me to help you with, come and see me anytime in the church. I will wait for you there. My dear children, this morning before you leave this place, I would like to see you one more time in private. Leave all of your worries with me. You do not have to take them back with you. When you feel the flower of heaven, you will be comforted. I will always give you my encouragement. At a time like this, I hope you know the most important thing that you can do for peace to occur in your homeland. Today is the Feast of Divine Mercy, right? Doing sacred activities for today will have enough grace to soften the impact of the situations in your country. Children, it is up to your intentions if you want to offer your activities for today for peace to your relatives, friends, or your fellow countrymen. By your kind heart and good intention to do good deeds for others, all of your sins will be forgiven as promised by the Lord. My dear children, when you have arrived at your home, I want you to really think about your visit to this place. What have you learned? What made you happy? Children, you must remember how to do it and put it to good use in your daily life because this peace can always happen to you if you know how to bring the good things back to create benefits for your own souls.

106 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The last thing I want to tell you is to love each other just like my Dearest Son has taught you. May peace belong to all of you. Whoever possesses a kind heart will receive good things in return. Live in the present. By your trust in the Lord, you will have only peace in your life. Go with the love of the Heavenly Father The Anniversary of Mother Mary's Appearances In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai April 12, 2008, 10:30 – 10:51 a.m. My dear children, today is the day of joy. I would like to thank every one of you who has a kind heart and gives up your comfort to come and see me at this place. My dear children, in the midst of joy with those in heaven at this time, I bless every one of you to have peace in your heart every day. If you live your life according to the will of the Heavenly Father, you will receive much better things in heaven which is our real home and the place where the Lord has prepared them for all of you. Children, you do not have to believe in my messenger because he is only an ordinary human being. But I want you to really pay attention to the content of my messages coming through him. You must discern and do what you think is beneficial for your soul. For those of you who do good deeds and who are steadfast in practicing the sacred activities with your true heart, do not be afraid of anything. I will be with you and protect you, my most beloved children, from the dangers of all evil spirits. On this occasion, I want every one of you to hurry up and pray for peace in your homeland and every country in this world because nowadays humans’

107 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 minds are covered up by the evil spirits to see only their own benefits and power with no concern for their fellow countrymen’s welfare. My dear children, if you sacrifice a little bit of your time each day to pray in the time of grace which my Dearest Son has specially given to you, you will be able to help a lot of your brothers and sisters. Even though you cannot help them with your actions, your prayers together with those in heaven will be the most effective weapon in fighting the evil spirits. My dear children, it is time for you to go back to the church. Perform your duty today to the best of your ability. May peace always belong to every one of you. Mother Mary's Plea In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai April 27, 2008, 3:03 – 3:31 a.m. My dear children, today is another day that I am very happy because every one of you who has a kind heart especially took part in sending your hearts out with your prayers tonight. Your prayers and pleas really pleased the Heavenly Father. Even though you are a small number of people compared to the whole population of this country, your faith and devotion has not been diminished by the number of your group. On the contrary, you are like drops of refreshing water that nourish my heart just like the man who was healed by my Dearest Son along with others that came back alone to give thanksgiving to Him. He did not run away with joy and completely forgot the Lord. Even though it was only one person, it made the Lord happy. All of you made Him happy too. Today you have demonstrated to the Lord how much love and devotion you have for Him.

108 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 If you looked at the front of the grotto tonight, you might have seen the image of my Dearest Son’s face and wondered why He was so sad and why there were tears on His face too. My dear children, if you are a good shepherd, you are not going to be happy to see your sheep that you have been tenderly caring for to get lost and stuck in a bad place. The more you try to get them back, the harder they run away from you into the desert. When you see the disaster about to happen to them right in front of you, you must be really sad that you cannot help those lost sheep. This is a simple comparison to make you understand how much my Dearest Son suffers when He sees some of you go astray. My dear children, thank you. If you have not comforted Him, He will be very sad. If you have the desire to help the Lord during this month, I ask that you especially pray for all sinners in this world in order for them to receive illumination from the Lord and find the path to salvation just like how you have found it. There are only a few days left in this month, pray for those who want to harm your homeland and for peace to happen everywhere in this world, too. I would like to confirm that the prayers you are going to pray together with me will definitely please the Heavenly Father. My dear children, do your duty today to the best of your ability. Do not put your hope on the things that did not happen yet. You do not know what in the future will happen, and if it is the way you want it to happen. Stay in the present and do the best you can for today. Peace will be yours if you choose this path. Your trust in the Lord will bring peace to your heart. May peace always and forever belong to every one of you.

109 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Voice That Has Not Been Responded to May 17, 2008, 11:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. My dear children, do not be surprised that you have not been receiving my messages as often as you are used to and wondering whether I have abandoned you. Don’t worry. I have not abandoned you. What I told you is always in the present time. If you ponder and follow what I have been constantly telling you, you will know and understand deep in your heart that I am always close to you especially when you are in trouble, in dire need of necessities, and even when you are being tempted. Children, it is up to your hearts to choose what to do. And every time you chose to do the activity of the devil, haven’t you ever realized how much I suffered? I have told you in advance of the disasters that are about to happen and asked you to especially hurry up to pray and do penance. How many of you have been paying attention and doing what I have asked you to do? I tell you now that in the future the disasters will be more violent, a lot of people will die if human beings are not aware of the truth which I have been trying to disclose to all of you. I have been asking you to especially pray for peace in this world. Pray special prayers for priests, religious (men and women), lay evangelists, and those who are being severely persecuted at this time. My pleading voice has been scarcely responded to, so few responses that it is actually frightening. Perhaps my voice is like the sound of waves and wind which do not have any effect in your hearts. The problems facing you make you think of only yourself; what to do in order to be free from them. You do not care about those people who suffer, who are poor, who are sick and, worst, your family members whom you

110 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 should have taken care of before you take care of anybody else, and you have failed to take care of them. When everybody thinks like this, how will the world find peace? Has true love completely disappeared from your hearts? My dear children, what I have told you today is not new. I have told all of you from age to age. When are you going to understand? Love others like you love yourself. Treat others how you want them to treat you. Can you do these easy things for me? Do not talk with only hot air from your mouth. Do not constantly pray before me with all kinds of proposals and promises. Ask yourself whether you have been doing the things you constantly tell me or whether they are only the segments of a prayer. At this present time I want to see actions more than worthless words. If you truly love me as you have promised me, I ask that you show it in your actions. Do them to pay homage to the Heavenly Father. There is no need for others to know so they will praise you for your efforts. Do them for the Lord only. May peace always belong to every one of you. From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. The Sins of Humanity In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai May 24, 2008, 5:00 -5:45 p.m. My dear son, it is the right thing for you to come and visit me here as you were told by your sister. I have an important message to tell you: the

111 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 disasters which are about to happen have been quickly arriving and they are right in front of all of you now but you still cannot see and feel them. If the time for them to happen has arrived, everything will be too late. So I have to call you to come to this place in order for you to be alone with me. My dear children, you do not have much time left. Apologize to the Heavenly Father for all the things that human beings have done to anger Him. From now on you must do penances in atonement for your sins and for the sins of humanity. My warning has not been responded to. My children did not pay attention to what I have asked from them. I am very sad because the sins of humanity are coming back in response to their improper actions. It will be a cause for those who have forgotten to receive a lesson from the Heavenly Father. I know the will of the Lord well. He really loves His creations, but He had to make a decision to warn you with His own way when you do not listen and go astray. So what you have to do now is penances in atonement for the sins of humanity. Your penances will make the Lord realize the faithfulness you have for Him and the love you have for your brothers and sisters. My dear children, the terrible disasters are waiting before you. Nobody can stop them. Apologize to the Lord on behalf of humanity. This cleansing will happen soon. Only those with firm belief will be raised up high. And those who only care for worldly comforts and fleshly desires will be cleansed. My dear children, your last path to salvation is depending on my Dearest Son’s mercy. You know what you should do next, right? My dear children, join me in prayer with your true heart. I have already taught you the technique. Put it to good use. Praying in a hurry to complete four sets of the rosary is not what I have dictated. It is up to your willingness to do this sacred activity. It is useless if

112 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 you just want to pray to complete four sets of the rosary before 3:00 a.m. in order to get rid of your burden of praying. Children, you might have a question in your hearts of how you will know when the time for doing penances is over. Don’t worry. I myself will give you this good news. My dear children, pay attention in praying and doing penances in atonement for the sins of humanity because this is the only way to salvation that my Dearest Son has opened for you. Doing these sacred activities from your kind hearts together with those in heaven will be the only way to save a lot of human beings. My dear children, realize that the time of disasters is waiting before you now. You will pass through it only by your true belief. Pray for others to convert. Pray for those being persecuted. And give thanksgiving to the Lord for allowing me to come and give you this message before everything will be too late. May peace always belong to every one of you, From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. The Justice of God In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai May 25, 2008, 3:09 – 3:50 a.m.

113 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, I feel for every one of you who has been paying special attention in praying tonight. I would like to tell you that when you have realized what I disclosed to you and you have been doing the best you can at this present time, the special activities you did will not go to waste. Even though some of you were sleepy and have been nodding your heads and fighting to stay awake, you did not abandon what you have always done in the past. I thank each one of you for your kindness for tonight and thank you for not being discouraged and also for the wholehearted acceptance of what I have disclosed to you. My dear children, that is right. At this present time praying and doing penances are very important for the salvation of human race. What will happen in the near future is going to definitely happen, but you do not have to worry. The justice of God is always just. The Lord is always kind and He always gives a chance to those who have converted. At this time you are about to see His justice. I thank you for your faithfulness. The sound of your prayers, joined together with mine, can be heard by those in heaven. Do not worry. Do not be afraid. You need to be strong, don’t be discouraged and stand up straight in the midst of sinners. Everything will be done according to the will of the Lord. My dear children, be firm in doing good deeds and penances because these two things will save you. And at the same time, you will save others too. Remember my words well. There is only one path to salvation for all of you: the Divine Mercy of my Dearest Son. You will see and be the witnesses of His justice.

114 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, be ready in every matter. Never let yourself fall victim to the devil and its minions because they are getting ready to herd those sinners who are not repentant into the kingdom of darkness. I could not stand seeing even one of you, my children, fall into their hands. My dear children, let my love and concern for you lead you to the path of the heaven dwellers. Don’t let my heart be broken more than this. My dear children, I will always stand beside you no matter what happens. Have trust in me. At this time I want you to pray and do penances for sinners. It is so sad that my love cannot prevent them from moving toward the disaster. May all of you dwell in peace, From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. The Time for Action June 1, 2008, 4:25 – 5:30 a.m. My dear children, the events that are happening around the world at this present time should make you realize what I have told you, right? You might not know how great this danger is. I ask that each one of you do more penances. Be aware that your penances will help soften up the impact of what will happen and will save lots of people from death. In each day you can always choose what penance you want to do. It is up to your real intention to choose in what manner you want to do it. Fasting, drinking only water, and eating a piece of bread are some of the choices that you can do with no difficulty. The key thing is you must show your real intention that you choose to do a certain penance for atonement of your sins and for all sinners’.

115 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father’s kind heart for His mercy in letting you live comfortably, and that you do not have to face the disasters and die like those people in other countries. Thank those with kind hearts who have done penances and prayed for each one of you in advance and still keep doing them for the salvation of lots of people. You have shown your love for others by your kind hearts. Even though it is a small group of Christians, the Heavenly Father has been aware of your actions and has been keeping an eye on you all the time. Don’t you know that your safety, up to this time, is the result of people who did penances and really prayed for all of you? I would like to remind you again that you do not have much time left. If you are being careless, soon you will see what you have not expected to happen in your homeland. The destruction, separation and death of lots of people are coming closer and closer. Do not forget what I told you: The Divine Mercy of my Dearest Son is the last path of your salvation. My dear children, come and seek shelter in His Divine Mercy before it is too late. Let every one of you reciprocate the love and concern which the king has for you by showing your actions. He is a king who is great in virtues and has been doing good deeds for the benefits and welfare of his people all the times. Let all of you listen to his warning. His love and concern for you are so great. But you might not know and understand how much he will be sorry if he cannot help his people. It is time for you to show your gratitude by your actions. Children, there is no point in wearing the yellow shirt to show your loyalty to the king but your mind only seeks the benefits for your own good. You can

116 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 lie to the whole world but you cannot lie to yourself. It is like making an elegant and expensive ornament to show other people that you love and have devotion to my Dearest Son and to me, but creating a façade like this cannot deceive the Heavenly Father. If you do not live in the path of salvation, when the darkness comes to visit, how are you going to be the small candle that will light up the path of salvation for others? Children, be aware of it. From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. Mother Mary's Last Warning June 8, 2008, 1:10 – 1:45 a.m. My dear children, I would like to thank all of you for your goodwill in spreading my message: the warning of the approaching disaster. I thank you for your enthusiasm, concern for your homeland’s situation and for the disaster that will happen in the near future. It is a blessing for those who believe without seeing with their own eyes. By the way you conduct yourself, doing penances and joining together in prayer as I asked you to do have made several people realized the truth which I had revealed to you. They have brought in the new technology to make a comparison to what I had told you in advance and came up with the same result. Sadly, you gave more trust to the prediction of the new technology. You paid attention to the stuff you can prove by technology more than my words. My dear children, let each one of you try to close his or her eyes and focus his or her mind on me. When your mind completely bonds with mine, I will show you the disaster which will happen. And you will not be able to close

117 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 your eyes to sleep again. The picture I see in front of me consists of separations, and lots of missing and dying people. I will do everything to protect all of you my children. For those of you who have a hardened heart, don’t you know how much you make me suffer? My dear children, are you reluctant to believe because you want to prove whether what I have told you is the truth? Do you want to take what I have told you to go through scientific process to make sure there is no lie in any part of it before you will believe me? If you are hesitant to do what I have told you, you will see the truth which you have been waiting to prove. When that time comes, it will be too late for everything. Doing penances is the only thing that will soften the impact of this disaster. You have not done enough penances. Do not be careless. My dear children, this is my last warning. When the weather is abnormal, you will see the danger from the sky. What will happen to you at that time? Now be aware of what I have told you. May peace happen in the heart of every one of you, From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. I Love You With All My Heart and Soul June 11, 2008, 6:40 – 7:00 p.m. My dear children, my duty to warn you is over. From now on I will only hope that one day you will understand the love and concern that I have for every one of you. Listen to the voice coming out from the deepest part of your heart because I will always be there with you. The love of the Heavenly Father that He has for His creations has never changed. But human hearts are constantly wishy-washy, changing, and

118 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 making no sense at all. And my Dearest Son thoroughly knows and understands the characteristic of every human being. If you realize what I have been repeatedly teaching you for a long time, you should know what you are supposed to do at this time. The most precious treasure of human being is the pureness of his own soul. Keep cleansing your soul all the times and do not forget your sinful friends, brothers, and sisters too. June 14, 2008, 5:30 - 6:18 a.m. The last thing I told you (Mother Mary’s messenger) that you forgot to write down was that every one of you needs to prepare himself or herself to be pure all the time by going to confession and receiving the Holy Communion as often as he or she can. Do penance and pray for the conversion of sinners because they are the only precious treasure that you can bring with you when the time for the Lord’s justice has arrived. May peace happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. The Path of Salvation June 22, 2008, 5:29 – 6:38 a.m. My dear children, I would like to give every one of you encouragement. To control your heart and mind, not to seek only worldly comforts, especially fleshly desires, is very hard for every one of you in this environment because the stuff surrounding you is increasingly putting pressure on you day by day. The happiness of human beings is decreasing day by day. And in this circumstance you will easily be a victim of the devil. He only needs to provide

119 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 a little suggestion and you, my children, will jump into the trap without hesitation. What you see as happiness before you is not real. It is the trap that will take you away from the path of those who seek peace of mind. Arrogance, the desire to be superior to other people, greed and seeking only fleshly desires make you not ready to cleanse your soul and to make it pure all the times. Look deeper into your heart and you will be shocked to see how dirty it is, not fitting to be a little temple for the Lord. It is inappropriate for you to welcome my Dearest Son with your dirty heart, especially when you receive the Holy Communion. You will gain the treasure of your soul only when you realize and feel sorry for your sins and make confession to a priest with full disclosure, hiding nothing. My dear children, think about the time you went to confession, in front of the Lord, and ask yourself how much truth you have told Him. The stuff that made you shameful and you hid it in your heart has not been able to escape from the eyes of the Lord. Is this the way you tell the Lord that you love Him? I hope all of you still remember what I told you: the world still needs lots of prayers and penances from you. How much time have you been spending on these tasks in each day? Start by having love in your own heart first. Think about it thoroughly and you will know how much you have neglected your soul and have made it dirty. If you cannot shine the light into your own heart, how are you going to be a little candle that will shine the light for other people? Do you know, my children, sometimes I felt like I was alone when I prayed with those in heaven for all of you in this world because there was only a little response from you all?

120 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Prep your soul to be in a state of readiness. Share love with your family members and those who are close to you. And do not forget the sinners who have not converted yet. I have heard only a small amount of prayers for these people. My dear children, I would like to tell you that your prayers frequently have turned into a bargain between you and me. You wanted everything to happen your way. Has your trust in the will of the Heavenly Father completely disappeared from your heart? Is that why you asked me like that? My dear children, it is time for you to prove yourself whether you want to choose and go through this difficult and narrow path that will lead to glory and to be with those in heaven. When your journey in this world ends, you will understand my warning with love and concern that I have for you. May peace happen in each one of your heart. We will meet in our real home. From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. Our Lady of Sorrows In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai June 29, 2008, 3:05 – 4:05 a.m. My dear children, today I would like to apologize on my messenger’s behalf because he could not be here and pray with you. I have told him on several occasions to take care of his health but he refused to listen. When he used his body too much and did not have enough time to rest, he started to get sick. Now he should realize that if he let

121 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 everything go the way it used to be, his body will not be able to respond to everything he wants from it. A good example that everyone can see clearly is what has happened to him tonight. My dear children, please forgive this stubborn son of mine. From now on there should be no recurrence of this incident because he will be more careful in keeping his body healthy at all times. I often had to let him learn from the mistakes he made himself. I hope this is also a lesson for all of you. Always keep your body healthy. Today the father asked me what this son of mine should do in regard to his health. I believe that he already has received the answer from me. My dear children, I thank all of you for your perseverance and devotion that you have for me, my Dearest Son, and the Heavenly Father. Be aware of that and let all of you constantly remember how precious your time is. You are not satisfied only saving yourself, right? If you realize this fact, I want you to think about how you spend your time on your daily activities. At a time like this how much precious time have you spent on the salvation of a large number of people? There is no need for me to tell you what will happen again, right? I know that several of you do not believe and refuse to accept my warning. The seven swords of my sorrows which I have revealed to my messenger today should make those who do not believe and refuse to accept my warning know and understand my suffering and sorrow. The love that a lot of you have spurned and do not care for causes me to accept the suffering in my heart which is too painful for any human being to endure. Let us think with a human mind about the love and concern of a mother for her children. If her love has not been reciprocated and unacknowledged, how great is her heartache?

122 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear children, even though we have the problem, we cannot terminate our relationship because I am your mother and you are my own children. I must persevere and continue to teach and warn you even though I do not see when you will understand what I have been trying to tell you. My children, you no longer have any time to waste. I ask that you always be in the state of readiness, especially in cleansing your souls to be pure. If you can do it, there is nothing for you to be afraid of. No matter what happens, you will totally be ready to handle it. What concerns me the most is the souls of a lot of you that have been enslaved by the evil spirits and have been doing a lot of things without the knowledge that you had fallen into their trap. They have been tricking you into fighting among yourselves, having no trust for each other, having jealousy, and not wanting to see others being better than you. This is their trap and you do not recognize it. Think about what happens to a lot of my children at this time. Being indifferent to the love of the Heavenly Father causes them to be away from the path of salvation. My dear children, do not let this age be the last one for human race. Pray more. Every second you pray and do penance for others, it will always be recorded and responded to. The Heavenly Father is waiting to hear your prayers. Your prayers joined together with mine that come from your true heart are always precious in the eyes of the Lord. Filthy clouds and fog have already covered the whole world. Let all of you be aware of this. Children, keep probing your hearts and cleansing your souls to be in the state of readiness all the time because when your journey in this world ends, you will have only gladness and joy in returning to your true home.

123 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I see a lot of you, my children, struggling and trying to fight death because you are still stuck with worldly comforts, entertainments, possessions, and what you call as fleshly pleasures. But nobody can fight the will of the Heavenly Father. Think about it. When that time comes, what will you have to offer to the Lord? So today, I would like to ask you to love each other more. Think of good things toward others and do good things to them because they are your own brothers, sisters and friends. Will you be happy when you come to our true home only to see you and me? Pray for the salvation of the sinners. Do penance for them. Even though you have chosen the difficult path, the result is the joy in your heart, which nothing can match, when you see your loved ones happy and when they meet you in our true home in heaven. May peace always belong to every one of you. From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. And because I love you, I willingly and joyfully accept the swords of sorrows. The Compassionate Mother July 2, 2008, 7: 15 – 8:25 a.m. My dear son, I fully understand and appreciate your eagerness in helping other people with your kindness. So I let you ask me what you wanted to know. The following is what I want to tell you. I thank you for holding on to me as your refuge and last hope. Your journey in this world has not been smooth since the very beginning and has made you feel discouraged and hopeless on several occasions.

124 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 My dear son, whenever you suffer deeply, know that you are being tested by your own mind. If you keep bringing problems and sadness into your brain, you will not find the solutions for them. For you, everything will be the end of the line. It will continue to increase the pressure on your mind. The cause of your current illness is the pressure which you have been constantly adding and putting on yourself. Son, have you ever seen a blind person who is also mute and deaf? A blind person will have a greater sense in touch and listening as a replacement for the loss of his sight. The deaf person cannot hear so he is unable to talk but the Heavenly Father has kindly given him a good sight and ability to communicate by other means as a replacement for his loss of hearing too. I told you this stuff because you are carrying the whole burden with no desire to let go of them and not letting yourself a chance to understand your own mind. So at this time you are like a deaf person who is also mute and blind. And you also blame yourself for being who you are. My dear son, don’t punish yourself. You cannot judge anybody, not even yourself. At this time ask yourself how much do you trust in the will of the Heavenly Father? That is all it takes to get the answer and know what you are missing. If you want my suggestion, I will give it to you. I would like to tell you to drop everything outside the temple in your heart because your mind is too scattered and does not have a room for the Holy Spirit to come in and bring wisdom to you. You must learn how to make your mind calm like a lake with no waves. Rest your tired brain and get into my Dearest Son’s river of love and mercy. His mercy is like fresh and pure water.

125 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Take this water to refresh your heart and mind. You will feel the joy in your heart when you abandon yourself and stay inside the temple in your heart. You might wonder what I have been telling you. Let me ask you, in return, what do you make of it? You often told me that you knew everything but the thing is, you pretended not to know what was occurring within your own mind. Son, I always understand your problems. Do not let the devil’s work have power over the virtues in your heart and mind. Look deeply into your heart and listen to the voice from there. Do not listen to the voice passing into your brain at this present time. I want you to make your mind still and calm for a period of time. Keep praying and uniting your heart with mine. At this time do not think only for yourself. Do as the saints do. First, do good things for the benefit and salvation of the many. Second, when you are under grace, ask the Holy Spirit for His illumination and for Him to dwell in the little temple in your heart. Ask for His advice in the serenity of your heart. By His wisdom, you will find the way to easily resolve all the problems facing you. I know that you want a clearer answer than the one I just gave you. But human beings do not value whatever they easily obtain; it will always be worthless in their eyes. So I want you to learn how to understand you own mind first. Do you know enough of yourself? I would like to remind you not to be in a hurry when making decisions because what you got might not be your true option. Solve problem by confronting it. I know that looking for a new job is not difficult for you because your mind

126 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 can nullify everything, even when trying to get rid of the problem facing you. But what is the result that you will get after this action? Do you have a backup plan? My dear son, practice being still. Be still to probe your own heart and mind. Be still to clean and make improvement on the condition of your soul. Be still to pay homage to the Heavenly Father who dwells in the temple in your heart. Restore your trust in the Lord and do not fall into the devil’s trap again. Peace will happen in your heart only when you accept everything to go according to the will of the Heavenly Father. Look at me as an example. I am always happy when I do everything according to the will of the Lord. I will always love you. Thank you for remembering me in this time of your suffering. Your Compassionate Mother The Hidden Danger in Your Heart July 2, 2008, 11:00 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. My dear children, every time I contacted you through my messenger, I always gave you food for thought and warnings. If you have been following my messages and going over them constantly, you will easily see the important matters that I have been trying to impart on you. Ask yourself what you have learned from me. Is there anything that is beneficial to your life and soul? Today I would like to ask you to remind yourself in each day of how much you have been careful in not falling victim to the evil spirits. They have been working very hard to take you away from me. What you have been routinely overlooking is your heart. They use this

127 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 weakness to easily attack you because you keep looking out for the external attack and forgetting to take care of your soul. Realize how often you have opened up your heart to the evil spirits and accepted their invitations to commit sins that cause you to be indifferent to the path of salvation and that will lead you to gradually abandon sacred activities day by day. Look back and you will see how far you are away from where you once were. What makes you less perseverant and tolerant? And what makes you think of only yourself more and more? You say no to your true friend who is Love and Mercy. Be aware that this is the work of the devil and his minions, using the weakness in your heart to gradually destroy you without your realization. So before you talk or act, think about it really hard whether it is the act of true love or not. The Heavenly Father allows you to have freedom to do whatever you want because He really loves you and has mercy for you. If you appreciate what He gave you, how are you going to show Him your gratitude? My dear children, it is not too late. Pay attention and take care of your spiritual life because right now you are being torn apart and are unable to unite. The devil has been hiding inside you for a while. At this time you must be strong and fight your own heart. If you don’t do it, you will be completely possessed and will be the slave of the devil with your own consent. You are still weak and cannot help yourself. Do not forget that you will only be free from the devil’s grip by praying and doing penance. Fight for your own soul first. You are not strong enough to help other people. My dear children, the causes for the break up and the lack of the ability to advance the work of the Lord for those that devoted themselves to serve

128 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Him are their selfishness, arrogance, and lack of respect for each other. These are the tools that the devil tells each of them to use against one another in order to destroy all of them and make them unable to unite and advance the work of the Lord. Rest in order to take care of your soul. The war in your heart is very dangerous. You are getting lost. Stop and be aware of it. The path before you is full with the devil’s traps. Cleanse your soul to be pure. The Body and Blood of my Dearest Son are the only things that will protect you from the hidden danger in your heart at this time. And it is what I told you earlier about the darkness that has covered the whole world. The darkness that I mentioned is the darkness inside your own heart. Children, any sacred activity must come from each individual’s willingness. Do not treat it as a duty. And you cannot force anybody to do it if he or she does not want to comply. Children, accept this fact and start with having good things happen in your souls by thinking of good things and doing good deeds. I want to remind you again that the most dangerous enemy is your own strayed heart. May the love and mercy of the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son open up your heart to be aware of this danger. May peace happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, whose heart is full with overwhelming sorrow.

129 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Is Mother Mary the Real Thing? July 13, 2008, 5:00 -6:05 a.m. My dear children, at this time I am fully aware that there are several people waiting to see whether or not what I told you will actually happen. If nothing happens, they think that my messenger will tell everyone that it is the result of your prayers and penances. Children, do not think like that. My messenger will not say anything without my permission. He is willing to receive criticism from people that my message is not reliable, nothing happens. What is the evidence to prove that it is the real Blessed Virgin Mary? At Fatima and Lourdes, the Blessed Virgin Mary had the evidence to prove that it was her in order to make people believe in her, the real thing. Where can people get the evidence to prove that it is her at Lamsai? The message is meaningless, not knowing what will happen and when it will happen. The message says to get ready for it which anybody can say like that too. My dear children, I thank you for your good intention in wanting to prove to other people that it is really me. But don’t you know that your words make me very sad? Human hearts are very difficult to read. Human beings happily use their hearts as a measuring stick to judge the credibility of anything they encounter to please themselves. They will officially declare that as a person with intelligence and up to speed they can prove whether it is true or false. They are not ignorant people who believe everything other people telling them. This is a thought process of people with reasons, up to speed, and everything must be provable. My dear children, this is only an example of what are happening right now.

130 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Let me ask you this question, in response to yours: If you were me and heard about this stuff, how would you feel? Have my love and good will which I kept sending to you evaporated before they reached you? When did the trust that I have been instilling in you fall out of your hearts? My dear children, if you do not believe in me, I certainly cannot force your hearts and minds to believe in me. But would you please do not talk like this in order to destroy the hearts of those that believe in me and make them unsteady in their faith? Children, why do you want to know what date and time of the disaster, destruction and death of a lot of people that will happen in the future? If I tell you the way you want, you will have another doubt in your heart: How are you going to prove that on the date and time I told you those things will actually happen? My dear children, you are using human hearts to force me to do what you want. Children, do you know what is hiding inside your hearts? The evil spirit has successfully sneaked in your hearts and without your realization it is now using you as its tool to destroy the faith among you? Let me ask you this question, in response to yours: Is it better off that these things will not happen? Why do you want to see the disaster, destruction and death of a lot of people as a proof whether it is really me? Children, don’t you know that besides hurting my feeling terribly, you have put the pressure on those who have been in a hurry to pray and do penance in atonement for your sins? And this is why I told you that my duty to warn all human beings is over. From now on it is up to each of you to choose the path of salvation. The salvation in this case does not mean being saved from death. When my Dearest Son was born, He also died to redeem the human race. All the saints

131 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 and martyrs also died and even your ancestors died too. What makes you think that you will not die and be there to see other people die? O, human beings. You just don’t get it. If you do not love me like I love you, would you please do not use your hearts and minds to hurt each other like this? I can always endure the pain and suffering coming from you because I love you. But I cannot endure seeing the precious hearts of those who believe in me suffer and in pain. My dear children, please stop hurting each other. Do not be the tool of the evil spirit. You are being used by it to destroy each other. Its goal is to snatch away the salvation from the human race. Think about it and be aware that at this present time the war has already taken place in each and every one of your heart. You must first fight your own self and be victorious over your heart and mind. Then peace will happen in your heart. From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. The Little Lamb and the Wolf July 26, 2008, 11:25 p.m. – 12:35 a.m. My dear children, I thank you for your kindness and for paying attention in praying tonight. For the past couple months, my messenger could not be here to pray with you. Please forgive him. I am the one that did not allow him to come here because his health is not up to par and he is still unable to resume his old task. I know him well. If he comes here, he will not rest until Sunday morning. He will lose a lot of his energy in asking for the blessing of the Lord for the sick.

132 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 It is true that the blessing does not come from him, but he must be a good and strong conductor. Nobody can heal a lot of people without the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Think about it. Can you do it with your bare hands? Some of you have received the blessing through his unshakable heart and mind, even though he is not here with you, because of his love and concern for you. I could not stop him from sending his heart and mind to be in your midst. Tonight you, my dear children, have come to be especially close to me. I heard the pleas from several of you who wanted to really feel my touch. If you have prepared your souls well enough, I will allow it to happen the way you wished in order to confirm that my messenger has nothing to do with what is going to happen here. Your faith will make you feel me even though my messenger is not here with you. What I want to tell you is to be strong and fight hard against the temptations from the evil spirits. At this present time they choose to attack your weak points hoping to cause lukewarm feeling in your hearts in order for you not to do good deeds. My dear children, you must be fully aware of their intentions. Realize that you are being tempted by an evil spirit if the stuff that comes out from your own idea has been diverted from its original purpose. The evil spirits really know the weakness of each of you. They will use this weakness to destroy you. Their ultimate goal is to destroy your faith and sacred activities because if you do not have these two things, you will go with the flow of this world which is being covertly manipulated by them. They hate love and that is why they are the enemy of the Heavenly Father. They will do everything to make you far away from the Lord. That is why I want every one of you to really think before you speak or act. Besides the thought that pops up in your brain, your heart should be used to discern

133 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 whether this is the act of love for your fellow human beings. If your heart tells you that it is not appropriate, stop that thought so you will not say anything that will cause division and you will not do anything that will block the flow of love. The reason why I keep saying this over and over is because if you cannot defeat your heart and mind, you will be like a little lamb that is unable to slip through the eyes of the wolf that keeps hunting for the weak. It might not eat you right away, but it will feed you to be fat so later on you will be its delicious meal. My dear children, be careful. If you are not strong and unable to unite your strength, the age of decline will arrive because everyone will think only for himself or herself. Love will evaporate from human hearts. And what is left? I do not have to tell you the meaning of “love one another, just as I have loved you” and what it means to you, right? Think about it. All right, it is the time for you to receive my message. Lastly, I would like to tell you that today I have been in your midst. Let all of you keep the event of tonight in your hearts because I will follow you and protect you with my own heart. May peace happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul.

134 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Pray for Yourself August 3, 2008, 7:40 – 8:45 a.m. My dear children, nowadays the virtue of being a human is ceaselessly falling deeper and deeper in decline. Oftentimes you wondered how a person could do something terrible in the incidents that have occurred. Why was he or she so cruel unlike a human being? Children, this is the result of opening up your hearts to let the evil spirits come in and have control over your souls. The sense of what is right and wrong has completely gone from your hearts. Only the desire to seek benefits for yourselves remains in your hearts. You can do everything, including taking small advantage of your relatives and friends in order to make you feel superior to them by overlooking their sincerity and willingness to do those things for you. I want you to think about this: If every one of you just wants to seek his or her benefits, no sacrifice and no kindness, how are you going to live in this world? You are also being taken advantage of by other people. Dissatisfaction, anger, and the feeling of not wanting to see other people better off than you will freely get into your hearts. And you are not even aware that this is the work of the evil spirits that have come in and completely took control of them. At this moment be aware that they want to see the destruction of human race. If you are not strong, you will easily fall victim to them. Several times you have acted without thinking about it. When a thought occurred in your brain, you let go of yourself and did something wrong because at that moment the evil spirit lured you into thinking that it was okay to do it. It could find a reason to counter your belief and virtue in your heart, making you seek happiness from other people’s suffering. It is the happiness that makes me and my Dearest Son very sad. Children,

135 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 do you still think that it is normal for every human being to act like that? At this time I want you to be aware of it. Keep cleansing your own heart every day. Keep checking whether today you have done something against the love that you should have for your relatives and friends, and some activity that blocked the love of the Heavenly Father from getting in and growing in your soul. My little lambs, be aware of it. The path of salvation is waiting before you. Have trust and follow the example that my Dearest Son has shown to all of you. Having good intention, by itself, is not enough. Unite your hearts and minds in prayer. I will always join you in prayer. Never abandon this sacred activity because the path in front of you is so dark. You must light up the fire of love to shine inside yourself first in order for you to be able to share this light and shine on the path for your relatives and friends. If every one of you can do like this, the little candles will be able to chase away this darkness. Children, if you have been paying attention today, you will know that I did not mention doing penance again because I know your hearts and minds. Once you heard me talking about praying, you expected me to mention doing penance as I always did. My dear children, I do not hold it against you because pride is the original sin of every one of you. Several of you have complained that I ask too much of you. Praying is already a big burden for some of you. My dear children, do prayers really cause your hearts and minds to tumble? Is it too much of an effort for you to sacrifice a little bit of your time to pray? If your time is so precious, I would like to ask you what kind of activity you have spent that time on and whether it was worth it. Think about it. Doing penance is a spiritual goodwill. If you do not have a strong desire to do it, don’t do it just for the sake of doing it because it will not bear fruit. And

136 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 you will make a complaint to me that you have done it and why nothing gets better. My dear children, do not lie to yourselves. If you are unwilling to do it, don’t do it with false intentions. The Heavenly Father sees everything in your hearts. Stop hurting His feelings. Do not turn into the tool of the evil spirit. It has been secretly manipulating all of you to do wrong things against the love of the Lord. Children, today I want you to sacrifice a little bit of your time to pray. You do not have to do it specifically for other people but do it so your souls will be cleansed and they will be little candles that give light for you to chase away the darkness that covers everywhere. It is for your own self, my dear children. Pray. Today several of you are no longer strong enough to lend your strength to other people. Revive your own spiritual life first because I do not want to see the destruction of human race which is quickly approaching. Children, you must stand up with your strong souls because this world is in need of your cooperation to fight the dark danger which all of you are facing now. I would like to thank you, those of my children, who have kind hearts and have always been doing what I asked of you. Your prayers joined with the holy ones’ have stabilized the situation, preventing it from getting worse. Be proud. Even though you cannot change everything, you have abandoned your will and let everything go according to the will of the Heavenly Father. This is your victory that those in heaven rejoice. Even a little thing that you do with true love in this world is always worthy of the praise from those in heaven. My dear children, keep doing it. You will be glad when it is time for you to come back to our true home in heaven.

137 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 May peace happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. The Gift for Mother Mary August 10, 2008, 4:00 – 5:54 a.m. My dear children, at this time the sacred activities that you have united to do with your true hearts are gradually being fruitful. There were only a few of you who had real intention to do them, but the result is for every human being. Several of you claimed that they have participated in these sacred activities, but in reality they have done nothing. My dear children, even now you still lie and give deceitful information. Instead of turning around and uniting with others to do sacred activities, you take this opportunity to make yourselves look good. Don’t you know that those in heaven see everything? Are you not ashamed? Whatever is good, you want to be a part of it. Whatever is hard, you do not even want to think about it. And that is why I told you on several occasions to keep cleansing yourselves every day. Search your souls and really think whether today you have done anything to anger the Heavenly Father. And on the same token, whether today you will think of good things and do good deeds for your brothers and sisters with love. How many of you have put it to use? If you are still busy with human activities, you will never find serenity. My dear children, be the giver, not the taker. The joy of seeing others happy is the happiness in your own souls which you cannot find anything to replace it.

138 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I hope that what I told you today will touch your barren hearts. Stop because you will never be able to keep up with every flow of this world. Human hearts have endless desire. Be still and think about it and you will see whatever you are trying to get will not give you real happiness. You will never be able to feel peace in your own hearts. This month is the month you want to give me special homage. If you really want to do that, I ask that you think of other people too. Do not think of only yourselves. There is still time for you throughout the month to do good deeds to be the gift for me. Can you sacrifice a little bit of your time each day to do good deeds according to your ability? Do not tell me the excuse of not having time which the evil spirit keeps telling you. My dear children, be aware and see the truth that at this time how far you are away from the path of salvation. If you pretend not to know and keep going forward with the evil spirit’s persuasion, you might not know where your journey will end. My dear children, you might have asked yourselves why I have asked too much of you. What I asked of you is not for my own benefit. It is for your own good. You can choose to do several kinds of sacred activities. Even a short prayer for others coming out from your true heart is already a joy for those in heaven. I do not need flowers or accessories that are beautiful in the eyes of human beings. There is no benefit for you to seek those things for me if your hearts are dark without true love that you should have for your brothers and sisters. Joining together to pray and do sacred activities just for the sake of doing them do not have any effect. Do not pretend to be pious in order for others to give you praise.

139 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Maintaining your status does not have any benefits if all of you still close the doors of your hearts, not opening them up to welcome my Dearest Son who has been knocking and calling you again and again. My dear children, I have always been with you. At the time you were doing shameful acts before me, I had to turn my face away from those sad scenes. You did not even listen to my warning in your hearts, giving you caution of what you were doing. I saw the fire of sin burning up your souls right in front of me, but you mistook it as happiness. My little lambs, you are still naïve and not aware of the evil spirits’ intention. They keep looking for a way to destroy your path of salvation all the time, every second. You might not know how many times in each day you have been their victim and tool. They bring you the excuses and exemptions to the rules to lure you that the way to be a good Christian is not as difficult as before because you can constantly adapt to the flow of this world. My dear children, if you are still the slaves of activities of this world, you will never understand the true meaning of a “faithful servant” when you say it before the departed souls. Finally, I would like to thank every one of you who has a kind heart and has always been sacrificing your own comfort to come and join others in doing sacred activities. I would like to reconfirm that your voices have been heard by your Father in heaven. He is pleased and has let me come in your midst to give you encouragement in making war with these evil spirits. May peace happen in every one of your heart. If you have the intention to offer this month to honor me, I want you to do good deeds to pay homage to your king. Do you know how sad and discouraged he was when you were fighting to gain benefits only for yourselves? If every one of you stops fighting and starts uniting for him, it will be a wondrous medicine for him.

140 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Reciprocate his love for all of you by loving your brothers and sisters with all your heart and soul. A Bouquet of Flowers for Mother Mary August 17, 2008, 5:20 – 6:30 a.m. My dear children, thank you for the special preparation of your hearts and minds on the day of my ascension to heaven. Several of you might be very tired from helping the church in getting ready for this celebration too. Whatever you do with goodwill will always be precious to me, even a little thing. I do not look at the quantity but at the quality coming out from your hearts. There is not much time left before the end of this month. If every one of you has a real intention to do special sacred activities to be a bouquet of flowers of your souls for me, I want you to really go over your hearts and minds. When you wake up in the morning and before you do anything, ask for the illumination and guidance from the Holy Spirit so all of the activities for that day will go according to the will of the Heavenly Father. You will be careful not to hurt other people’s feeling by your words. You will not be a cause of ill feeling for your relatives and friends. You might also want to sacrifice a little bit of your time to pray for priests, religious (male and female) and those who work for the Church. Do not forget your brothers and sisters who are still in sin, those who are hungry and being taken advantage of, those who really need prayers, and especially the sick who are about to die. Do not forget to offer your love and goodwill to all of the poor souls, too. If you can do this every day, it will be like a bouquet of beautiful flowers

141 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 which you have decorated with your pure hearts and souls. Every night before you go to bed, sacrifice a little bit of your time to go over whether you have done anything to anger the Heavenly Father. If you have done something to anger the Lord, hurry up to apologize to Him and correct the mistakes and shortcomings the next day. Live in the present and carry on with your duties as a Christian the best you can every day. If you can do this, you will be a person who is in the state of readiness at all times. Children, never be careless. Besides the damage that you can see in this world, carelessness will cause the unclean spots in your souls. Remember my food for thought well: Who will deserve to receive more rewards, between the person that has been in the state of readiness and later was careless or the person who has been careless and later was in the state of readiness? My dear children, think about it thoroughly. Do not jump to the conclusion by the way it was written because the evil spirit keeps distracting your feeling from what is right and wrong all the time. It will persuade you to be careless first and then you will receive the big reward after your conversion. Children, do not forget my teaching: Live in the present. If you are not in the state of readiness at this time, how do you know whether you will have time to convert in the future? Wake up, my little rabbits. Your carelessness has already caused you a lot of time. Do not be arrogant, thinking that you can catch up with the turtles that have been slowly traveling far ahead of you. Do not forget that the path ahead of you is full of traps and snares which the evil spirits have laid out for you. The path ahead of you is not as smooth as you think. My dear children, you can feel true happiness in this world which is inside your own hearts. Keep going over yourselves to be in the state of readiness and peace will happen for every one of you.

142 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul. Live in the Present August 24, 2008, 7:10 – 8:30 a.m. My dear children, having trust in the will of the Heavenly Father is very important for every one of you because all human activities make your hearts and minds to not have peace and tranquility. Having trust in the Lord will enable you to live in the present with happiness because you do not have to worry about what will happen in the future. A lot of human beings are worried about what has not happened yet. Children, how do you know that what you expect and wish will happen in the future? How will your life in the present get affected by anxiety and fear that you seek and put into your hearts and minds? If you have true faith, you will not be afraid of anything. The Heavenly Father will always choose the best thing for you if you are willing to let everything go according to His will. Do the best you can for today. This is the opportunity for you to be ready in every situation. If you have prepared the best you can for today, you have nothing to worry about. I would like to reemphasize that you need to live in the present. If you are in the state of readiness in this world and have fully prepared your souls, there is nothing for you to be afraid of. Give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for His kindness in allowing you to live today. If you pay attention and think about the stuff coming into your daily life, you will realize that most of them are the result of you not being ready in the present.

143 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 I have not taught you to live in the past; not getting stuck with happy and sad events because these things already happened and they are the past. Children, why do you bring the sad events to make your lives in the present sad? And why do you think of the happy events in the past and waste the time in present? The reason I told you is to let you know that your journey in this world is very short. If you are being careless and not in the state of readiness, what will happen to your next day? If there is no next day for you, you cannot go back and rectify the mistakes in the past. Is your time in the present sufficient for the new beginning after the end of your journey in this world? My Dearest Son is the best example of being ready all the time in the present. The future events did not bother Him. So, I would like to see all of you be aware of what the Lord had shown you during the time that He lived like a human being in this world. What has His poverty taught you? What have His mercy and true love taught you? What have you learned from His facing the truth and accepting the excruciating pain and suffering? What does the effect of His example in accepting the will of the Heavenly Father have in your present life? There is no need for me to say anything anymore because everything is already complete by itself. My dear children, do not use the human mind to decipher my message. If you used my heart in reading this message from the very beginning, peace and tranquility should already have happened in every one of your heart. Your Compassionate Mother

144 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 What Have You Seen in the Emptiness? In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai August 31, 2008, 3:05 – 3:45 a.m. My dear children, all of your intentions tonight are the same; you want peace and tranquility to happen in your homeland soon. I heard several of you asking my messenger what would happen next. Children, he does not know the answer. What you should do the most is to unite your hearts and minds with me in prayer for the Heavenly Father’s mercy to let everything go according to His will, not according to the will of any group or any fraction. Even children can see what is happening now is not the real struggle for the nation. I am quite concerned with the health of your king. He has been bombarded with bad news. Don’t you wonder why he stays at Klai Kang Won Palace (“Far from Worries”), Huahin District? He stays there to get away from all the worries caused by those people. If you are aware of this problem, as Christians, what can you do to make the situation better? Is your trust in the Lord sufficient enough for you to be firm in this circumstance? If you have true faith, follow your conscience. There is no division or fraction inside your conscience. What is good for every one of you is the thing you want, not for yourselves or for particular individuals or groups. From now on people will be easily persuaded. Logic and reasons will not be used. Oftentimes the person who speaks first is the righteous one. But is it true?

145 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The devil is blocking you from seeing the truth. Your sense of right and wrong will gradually disappear and what will remain are your own interests and stubbornness, no compromise and forgiveness. Children, why do you keep bringing fire of anxiety and despair into your hearts every day? These events have been occurring and reoccurring again and again. Haven’t you learned from them? Alright, I am aware that several of you do not know what to do next because your actions and activities have been blocked by obstacles. Children, you might not know that in your failures, something good comes out of them if you know what to look for and choose to make it beneficial for your lives. Lastly, I want to tell you that the future of your homeland depends on your actions. My Dearest Son once asked a man, what has he seen in the emptiness? Today the Lord’s question comes up again: What have you seen in the emptiness? My dear children, can you give me an answer? Children, ask the Holy Spirit for His illumination in order for you to understand this divine mystery. May peace always happen in every one of your heart, From me, Your Mother, the Mother of All Nations A Message From Mother Mary on Her Birthday September 8, 2008, 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. My dear children, my message for you today is a little bit late from the normal time. The reason for this is due to the readiness of my messenger’s heart and mind. Whenever he is not ready, he will not be able to be still and receive the message from me.

146 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 Today I want to particularly talk about my children who have anxiety and pain in their hearts. I want all of you to realize that in pain and suffering, you will also feel lonely and abandoned. You think that no one is able to help you, right? As a human being you still hope and wish that whatever you have expected will materialize and rescue you in the nick of time. But at this present time you still live with the emptiness, right? I want those who have anxiety and pain in their hearts to realize that they have to be self-reliant. Accept the truth and still their hearts and minds. When you are still, go over the problem and see what you can do with your own ability at this present time to make it better. My dear children, don’t be discouraged. Forget the word “if” because it is your own will, wanting to make things happen the way you want even though you know it will not happen. You still want to lie to yourselves and wish unrealistically in order for you to feel that this is not the end of the rope if everything happens the way you want. My dear children, how many times have you asked for the illumination of the Holy Spirit when you were discouraged and faced the failures and really asked for the mercy of my Dearest Son and the Heavenly Father without asking to let everything happen the way you wanted? My dear children, most of your pleas have a restriction for the Lord to give you what you want. Don’t you know with whom you are bargaining with? The Lord knows everything. Do you think that the Lord does not know what you want? The anxiety in your hearts causes you not to be still and cannot find peace of mind. Do you think whatever you ask from the Lord, which is not compatible with His will, will happen the way you want? I would like to see you stand in the path of truth and realize that if you

147 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 have trust in the Lord, anxiety and fear will gradually disappear from your hearts and minds. Gather your wits and think about how to solve the problem at this present time to the best of your ability first. Believe that everything for you has already been dictated in advance. Give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father who kindly gives this suffering to you. What have you learned from it? Is there anything good for your spiritual life? Think about it and you will understand that Christian life must depend on the truth. The truth never dies and it has always stayed side by side with this world. Be brave to face the truth and realize that the Heavenly Father has never abandoned anyone of His children. Take courage, you will receive help from the Lord when the time is right. Have trust in Him. Your Compassionate Mother A Retreat at Tabor Retreat Center September 13, 2008, 5:07 – 6:04 a.m. My dear children, I thank both of you for your devotion and determination in getting up and joining me in prayer. It is right for you to use your hearts in screening the prayers, not just praying with your mouths. This is what I have been trying to teach you all the time. Now you should understand what the difference it has made. The sounds of your prayers are very powerful. Continue to practice because your prayers will make those who depend on them receive responses from the Heavenly Father.

148 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 If it is possible, I want you to gradually teach praying from the heart to your brothers and sisters. Every time you teach, ask for the blessings of the Holy Spirit to make you understand the divine mystery of the prayers in order for you to better explain to them and make them understand more. That is correct. I woke you up to practice on this particular task. I know that you are going to ask me about the lady with great enthusiasm who wanted to spread my messages to other churches. I would like to thank her for her generosity. My dear son, don’t worry. I have my own way to make things happen when the time is right. You do not have to make a decision for me. Tell that kindhearted lady that she was right in getting ready to collect all the information to be the testimony of my appearances at Lamsai. I am willing to let you consult with the Bishop on this matter. Be obedient to him. Listen to him like you listen to your father, regardless of what kind of opinions and remarks he has for you on this matter. If he wants to see you, my messenger, in private, I will let you go and see him. I want to reconfirm that I have never been an aggressor and trespasser because humility and good manner will not let me behave like that. If you study and understand my life well, you will clearly know this fact. If you have carefully observed my appearances in the past, you will know that none of those who saw me made any demand for the investigation to authenticate my appearances. It is all about faith, by word of mouth from large crowds. Their voice has caused the investigation to happen. I hope you understand what I have said. Your love and devotion for me will continue to mold you to be an obedient and polite son of mine. Son, never use your human heart to make any decision on behalf of the Heavenly Father. When your time of peace at this place ends and you have to go back to

149 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 your worldly life, bring the experience you have received from this place with you and always practice on it. My dear children, do not waste my plan and preparation. Go back home and be the light shining in the darkness. May the love and mercy of the Heavenly Father allow the four of you to have peace in your hearts. From me, Your Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth A Short Warning From Mother Mary September 14, 2008, 5:40 – 6:05 a.m. Once again, I would like to tell you to let everything go the way I planned to. Do not let anybody tell you what to do with my appearances at Lamsai again because I do not give any importance to the affirmation by human beings that it is me who really appear here. What is important to me is nurturing and teaching all of you to know the nature of true love. The Heavenly Father has an abundant mercy for all of you. That is why the Lord gave me the opportunities to come and meet you who are being more captivated by the luxury and fleshly desires day by day. My children, you are being deceived by the devil to make you hate and hurt each other. What will happen to you when there is no love in this world? The darkness is approaching closer and closer. My voice might be the last ray of light for you to come to this realization. My dear children, convert. There is nothing I can do except to ask you through my messenger.

150 Mother Loves You – Book Two Finalized: July 9, 2019 The Heavenly Father loves you very much. The Lord gives you freedom in everything. Let all of you think about it. Look for the beautiful things in this world and all the things He gives to each of you with His love. Currently, what are you looking for? Why do you overlook these precious treasures? Live in the present, see the truth and be joyful with the blessings the Lord has given to each of you. Everything depends on your heart. If you know how to properly use it, you will know that true peace is in your own heart. Today’s message is a short warning from me to every one of you. May the mercy of the Heavenly Father enable you to receive the illumination for eternal life. From me, Your Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth Mother Mary's Concern September 21, 2008, 6:50 – 8:00 a.m. My dear children, in reality, I do not have to come and see you every week. I come here every week because I have a big concern for the majority of you who have hardened hearts and do not listen to everything I have told you. My voice might not be as sweet as the sound of enticements of this world and fleshly desires which you are seeking. My voice warns you to cut down on worldly stuff and do things that requires your determination, endurance, and perseverance which cannot be compared to whatever you want to do with your own will. Oftentimes, I heard you asking yourselves why you had to do it and make it a burden for you because other people who do not do it as hard and as

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