Places to Stay ❮❮ 149
Omni Los will love camping out in Kimpton Hotel
Angeles Hotel at bunk beds and a sofa Palomar
California Plaza sleeper and will get their MAP C2 • 10740 Wilshire
MAP V4 • 251 S Olive St own amenities such as Blvd • 310-475-8711
• 213-617-3300 • www. TV, microwave, and fridge • www.hotelpalomar- • $$$ as well. • $$
Walk to Walt Disney Located in Westwood
Concert Hall, MOCA, Cal Mar Hotel Suites village, this family hotel
and other Downtown MAP A3 • 220 California allows you easy access to
landmarks from this Ave • 310-395-5555 shops, restaurants, and
modern hotel in the • No dis. access • No air theaters. It includes a
Financial District. conditioning • www. full-service restaurant,
Business rooms have • $$ bar, swimming pool, gym,
huge desks, office The flowery bedspreads and gift shop.
equipment, and supplies. and sofas may be stuck
in the 1980s, but you get Magic Castle Hotel
SLS Hotel an entire apartment for MAP P2 • 7025 Franklin
at Beverly Hills less money than a stan- Ave • 800-741-4915 • No
MAP L5 • 465 S La dard double anywhere dis. access • www.magic
Cienega Blvd • 310-247- else. Units face a land- • $$
0400 • www.slshotels. scaped pool. Located in Pennywise travelers
com/beverlyhills • $$$ a quiet residential street, love this hotel close to
Friendly and efficient Cal Mar is close to Santa Hollywood action. Units
staff, a business center Monica hip zones. Free vary in size but have full
with high-speed Internet parking is available. kitchens. Guests also
access, and meeting enjoy access to the nearby
rooms with assets such The Garland Magic Club.
as teleconferencing and MAP D1 • 4222 Vineland
video equipment are just Ave, North Hollywood Sheraton Universal
some of the great perks • 818-238-3759 • www. Hotel
of this Beverly Hills hotel. • $$ MAP D1 • 333 Universal
This hotel is conveniently Hollywood Dr • 818-980-
Family Hotels located close to Universal 1212 • www.starwood
and Motels Studios. Special children’s • $$
suites with bunk beds Although this property
Best Western Plus and play stations are can’t shake off the
Hollywood Hills available and breakfast institutional feel of a chain
MAP Q2 • 6141 Franklin is free for under 12s. hotel, its location next to
Ave • 323-464-5181 Facilities include an Universal Studios is a
• outdoor pool, a gym bonus.
• $ and tennis courts.
Other hotels may have Disney’s Grand
more stylish rooms, but Hotel Beverly Californian Hotel
the ones at this central Terrace MAP F4 • 1600 S
Hollywood property offer MAP K4 • 469 North Disneyland Dr • 714-956-
plenty of elbow space. Doheny Dr, Beverly Hills 6425 • www.disneyland.
The tiled pool and coffee • 310-274-8141 • www. com • $$$
shop are welcome assets. The price tag is a bit steep
• $$ at this 751-room resort
Portofino Inn Within walking distance designed in richly wooded
& Suites of Rodeo Drive and Craftsman style, but
MAP F4 • 1831 S Harbor Sunset Strip, this serene standard rooms sleep up
Blvd • 714-782-7600 hotel has a garden and to two adults and four
• www.portofinoinn pool area and provides kids, and it even has its • $ a welcome escape from own private entrance to
This spacious Anaheim the hustle and bustle of Disney’s California
hotel is great for wallet- the city. Ideally located Adventure™ theme park
watchers. The little ones for shopping and dining. (see pp38–9).
For a key to hotel price categories see p144
144-151_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 149 20/02/2017 15:18
150 ❯❯ Streetsmart
Loews Santa Monica Hollywood Sea Shore Motel
Beach Hotel Celebrity Hotel MAP B4 • 2637 Main St
MAP A3 • 1700 Ocean MAP P2 • 1775 Orchid • 310-392-2787 • www.
Ave • 310-458-6700 Ave • 323-850-6464 • $
• www.santamonica • www.hotelcelebrity. A Santa Monica budget • $$$ com • $ abode, it is perfect for
Very close to Santa Despite the name, those who favor location
Monica Pier and the celebrity encounters over luxury. Only two
beach, this large resort are exceedingly unlikely blocks from the beach, it
appeals to children, and in this budget gem, a is on trendy Main Street
is the definition of the stone’s throw away from with wonderful shopping
quintessential Californian Hollywood & Highland. and dining options.
retreat, offering special But the inviting burgundy
welcome kits, and free awning and Art Deco Stillwell Hotel
stays for under 18s. The lobby lead to nicely sized MAP T5 • 838 S Grand Ave
restaurant serves the rooms with walls with • 213-627-1151 • www.
best seafood that Santa cartoon-like murals. • $
Monica has to offer. Rates include a small One of the best bargains
breakfast as well as in Downtown LA, the
Budget Hotels on-site parking. Stillwell puts you within
and Hostels walking distance of the
Hollywood Orchid Staples Center. It’s in a
Beverly Laurel Suites Hotel well-restored early
Motor Hotel MAP P2 • 753 Orchid Ave 20th-century building and
MAP M4 • 8018 Beverly • 323-874-9678 • www. has a popular Indian
Blvd • 323-651-2441 • $ restaurant and a graceful
• No dis. access • $ This is an excellent base old-time cocktail lounge.
This 1950s-style motel of for those wanting to be
with a small, seasonal close to the action. Some USA Hostels
pool is within walking of the suites offer all the Hollywood
distance of the Farmers amenities you would MAP Q2 • 1624 Schrader
Market, Melrose Avenue, expect from a small Blvd • 323-462-3777
and the Beverly Center. apartment, complete with • • $
Framed art and cheerful a full kitchen, living room, Those traveling on a tight
bedspreads adorn the bedroom, and balconies. budget will find this
rooms. The downstairs The decor may be dated, friendly Hollywood hostel
diner, Swingers, is a but it’s all well kept and a good jumping-off place
popular spot (see p113). clean. The pool and for their explorations.
Parking and Wi-Fi are rooftop sundeck are Rates include hot drinks,
charged extra. definite perks and this pancakes for breakfast,
place offers good value. linen, and lockers.
Highland Gardens
Hotel Safari Inn Farmer’s
MAP P2 • 7047 Franklin MAP D1 • 1911 W Olive Daughter Hotel
Ave • 323-850-0536 Ave • 818-845-8586 • MAP M5 • 115 S Fairfax
• www.highlandgardens • $ Ave • 800-334-1658 • $ Easily recognized by its • www.farmersdaughter
A large pool and tropical classic neon sign, this • $$
garden give this hotel retro motel is nothing The “price is right” at
near the Walk of Fame short of iconic. Rooms are this motel opposite the
an old-Hollywood decked out in peach and Original Farmers Market
atmosphere. Rooms blue and some offer a full and CBS, which explains
are basic, with fridges kitchen for convenience. its popularity with game-
and complimentary Close to Universal, NBC, show contestants taping
Wi-Fi. Rates also and Warner Bros Studios, at the TV studio. The staff
include hot drinks in with specific packages will organize tickets if
the lobby, parking, and offered that include studio you’d like to be part of
Continental breakfast. tours and other privileges. the audience.
144-151_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 150 20/02/2017 15:18
Places to Stay ❮❮ 151
Inn at Venice Beach rooms of this Spanish property has a private
MAP B6 • 327 Mediterranean home is moviescreening room,
Washington Blvd • 310- unique. The hosts whip parlor, dining room,
821-2557 • No dis. access up amazing breakfasts. outdoor pool, kitchen, and
• www.innatvenicebeach. dance/exercise room to
com • $$ Bissell House go with the traditionally
The beach beckons MAP E1 • 201 Orange decorated rooms. Free
outside this small hotel Grove Ave • 626-441- parking and WiFi.
on the border of Venice 3535 • No dis. access
and Marina del Rey. • Venice Beach House
Rooms offer moderate • $$ MAP A6 • 15 30th Ave
comforts and a cheerful This stately 1887 Victorian • 310-823-1966 • www.
decor. Breakfast included. home has a prestigious
address on Pasadena’s • $$
B&Bs famed “Millionaire’s Built in 1911 by relatives
Row.” A sedate, grown of Venice founder Abbot
Elaine’s Hollywood up atmosphere reigns in Kinney (see p122), this
Bed & Breakfast the elegant public areas delightful inn is a witness
MAP N2 • 1616 N Sierra and all eight cozy rooms. to Venice history. A quiet
Bonita • 323-850-0766 oasis, it allows you to
• No dis. access • No Channel Road Inn retreat to the comforts of
credit cards • www. MAP C2 • 219 W Channel cozy, antiquefilled rooms
elaineshollywoodbedand Rd • 310-459-1920 after a busy day at the • $ • www.channelroad beach or in town.
This beautifully restored • $$
1910 bungalow has two A NeoColonial home Inn on Mt. Ada
rooms available and is built in 1915, it is clad in MAP D7 • 398 Wrigley
located in a quiet neigh wooden shingles and sits Rd • 310-510-2030
borhood. Elaine’s is a on the northern edge of • No dis. access • No air
perfect base for exploring Santa Monica. Each room conditioning • www.
Hollywood and its has different perks such • $$$
gracious hosts will help as fireplaces, lovely four Live it up in the grandeur
you plan your outings. poster beds, patios, of William Wrigley’s
soaking tubs, or a view. former hilltop mansion on
Malibu Bella Vista Catalina Island. Standard
MAP A2 • 25786 Piuma Dockside Boat & Bed rates include breakfast,
Rd • 818-591-9255 • No MAP E4 • 316 E Shoreline a light lunch, evening
dis. access • www.malibu Dr • 562-436-3111 • No champagne reception, • $ dis. access • Limited air and the use of a golf car,
Nestled in Malibu Canyon, conditioning • www. so that you can explore
the ranchstyle Bella • $$ around town.
Vista is ideally located just A unique getaway, this
minutes from the beach floating B&B has on offer Inn at Playa del Rey
and good hiking trails. a fully equipped sailboat, MAP B7 • 435 Culver Blvd
Spa facilities are available motor yacht, and even a • 310-574-1920 • www.
and the excellent Saddle Chinese junk. Boats are
Peak Lodge gourmet moored in Long Beach’s • $$$
restaurant is close. Rainbow Harbor; enjoy This modern, breezy B&B
views of the Queen Mary. is close to the ocean and
The Secret Garden Marina del Rey, and
MAP M2 • 8039 Selma Hollywood Bed overlooks the Ballona
Ave • 323-656-3888 & Breakfast Wetlands Ecological
• Dis. access in one room MAP N2 • 1701 N Orange Reserve. Some rooms
• Air conditioning is Grove Ave • 323-874- have Jacuzzis and
limited • www. 8017 • www.hollywood fireplaces. Close to LAX • $ • $$ airport, the B&B also
Just steps from Sunset Located in a residential offers free parking and
Strip, each of the five area, this quiet sixroom bicycle rental.
For a key to hotel price categories see p144
144-151_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 151 20/02/2017 15:18
152 ❯❯ General Index
Page numbers in bold refer Avila, Francisco 25 Bookstores 55, 56, 60, 96, 125
to main entries. Avila Adobe 25 Borofsky, Jonathan, Molecule
Man 82
A B Boulle, André-Charles 16
Abalone Cove 123 B&Bs 143, 151 Bow, Clara 117
Abbot Kinney Boulevard 7, 69 Balboa Island 130, 131 Bradbury Building 7, 49, 79
The Abduction of Europa Ball, Lucille 117 Bradley, Tom 47
(Rembrandt) 17 Baltimore, David 92 Brando, Marlon 63
Academy Museum of Motion Banking 140 Breakfast in Bed (Cassatt) 31
Pictures 23 Banning, Phineas 47 Brennan, Walter 63
Accessories shops 112, 118 Bar 1200 55 Brewery Arts Complex 88
Accommodations 143, 144–51 Bar Marmont 54, 109, 110 Broad Museum 6, 7, 80
ACME Comedy Theater 65 Barneys New York 55 Broadway Historic Theater
The Adoration of the Magi Barnsdall, Aline 101 District 81
(Mantegna) 16 Bars and clubs Bronson Caves (Griffith Park)
Affleck, Ben 15, 55 Hollywood 102 35
Air travel 136, 137 places to see and be seen Bruggen, Coosje van 49
Allen, Terry 82 54–5 Budget hotels 150–51
Alys, Francis 21 Sunset Strip 110 Budget tips 71
América Tropical (Siqueiros) 24 Baseball 87 Buffalo 43
American Cinematheque 60 Basketball 55, 124 Bullocks Wilshire Building 88
Amusement parks see Beaches 52–3 Bunker Hill Steps 79, 81
Theme and amusement hotels 147–8 Burden, Chris 23
parks safety 138 Bus travel 136, 137
Andaz West Hollywood 14 Beckett, Welton 101 Business hotels 148–9
Angelino Heights 85 Bel-Air see Beverly Hills,
Aniston, Jennifer 54 Westwood, and Bel-Air C
Apple Store 96 Bellows, George 20 Cabrillo Beach 53
Arbuckle, Fatty 61 Belushi, John 15, 61 Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 58
Architecture Benny, Jack 117 Cafés see Bars and clubs;
Art Deco on the Miracle Bergamot Station Arts Center Restaurants
Mile 23 122 Calder, Alexander 51, 82
Downtown 81 Beverly Hills Civic Center 115 California Adventure
Getty Center 19 Beverly Hills Hotel 114, 146 (Disneyland Resort) 7,
landmarks 48–9 Beverly Hills, Westwood, and 38–9
Venice Boardwalk 124 Bel-Air 114–19 California African American
ArcLight Cinemas 62 A Tour of Stars’ Homes 117 Museum 86, 87
Around Downtown 84–9 map 114–15 California Institute of
Exploring Exposition Park places to eat 119 Technology (CalTech) 92–3
in a Day 87 Rodeo Drive shops 118 California Science Center 58,
map 84 sights 114–17 70, 86, 87
places to eat 98 Bicycling 126, 131, 137 Imax Theater 62, 87
sights 84–8 Biddy Mason: A Passage California Screamin’
Art galleries (commercial) Through Time (Saar/de (California Adventure ) 38
Chung King Road galleries Bretteville) 82 The Calydonian Boar Hunt
79 Big Red Cars (The (Rubens) 17
Laguna Beach 132 Huntington) 31 The Canterbury Tales
West Hollywood and Big Thunder Mountain (Chaucer) 29
Midtown 108, 111 Railroad (Disneyland) 36 El Capitan Theatre 13, 63, 101
see also Museums and Billboards, giant (Sunset Capitol Records Tower 13
galleries Strip) 14 Car rental 71, 136
Artist’s Garden at Vétheuil Bing Theater at LACMA 63 Car travel 136
(Monet) 94 Blessing of the Animals (Politi) Carlos III of Spain 24, 46
Astronaut Ellison S’ Onizuka 24 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 111
Memorial 82 Blue Boy (Gainsborough) 30 Casino Point Dive Park
ATMs 140 Bob Baker Marionette (Catalina Island) 43
Audiences Unlimited 61 Theater 59 Cassatt, Mary 20, 31
Autry Museum of the Bogart, Humphrey 15, 102 Catalina Country Club 43
American West 34 Bolsa Chica Ecological Catalina Island 11, 42–3, 123
Avalon 42 Reserve 129 Cathedrals
Avalon Casino (Catalina Bono 55 Cathedral of our Lady of
Island) 42 Boogie boarding 126 Angels 6, 49, 78, 79
Aviation industry 46–7 Book Soup 55 St. Sophia Cathedral 86
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 152 20/02/2017 15:18
General Index ❮❮ 153
Cell phones 140 Concerts, free 71 Downtown (cont.)
Cemeteries 35, 71, 100, 117 Constable, John 30 A Day in Downtown 79
Central Library 80 Consulates 138, 139 map 76–7
Cézanne, Paul 91 Copley, John Singleton 31 places to eat 83
Young Italian Woman at a Coppola, Francis Ford 116 public art 82
Table 17 Corporate Head (Allen/Levine) sights 77–82
Chandler, Harry 24, 99 82 Downtown Art Walk 70
Channel Islands National Cosmetics 96 Downtown Arts District 80
Park 73 Craft & Folk Art Museum Drives 72–3
Chaplin, Charlie 15, 47, 62, 101 (CAFAM) 108 Drug stores 139
Charles F. Lummis Home & Craftsman houses 29, 57, 93, Dubuffet, Jean 82
Garden 86–7 95 Duncan-Irwin House 95
Charles Sumner Greene Crane, Cheryl 117 Dürer, Albrecht 18
House 95 Crawford, Cindy 55
Chateau Marmont 15, 54, 145 Credit & debit cards 140 E
Chaucer, Geoffrey 29 Crime 139 Eagle-Headed Deity 22
Chemosphere 49 Crosby, Bing 107 Earthquakes 47
Chiat/Day Building 49 Crossroads of the World 101 Eastern Columbia Building
Chic and hip hotels 146–7 Crowds (Disneyland) 40 81
Children Crystal Cove State Park 129 Echigo 66, 113
attractions for 58–9 Currency 140 Egyptian Theatre 13, 60, 62,
Disneyland 40, 59 Customs regulations 138 101
Chimborazo (Church) 31 Electric Tram (Getty Center)
Chinatown 78, 79 D 18
Chinese American Museum 25 Da Vinci, Leonardo 18 Electrical appliances 141
Christ’s Entry into Brussels Dana, Richard Henry 130 Ensor, James 17
(Ensor) 17 Dana Point 130 Entwistle, Peggy 99
Chung King Road galleries 79 Dance clubs (Hollywood) 102 Exotic Landscape (Rousseau)
Church, Frederic 31 Davis, Bette 35 94
Churches Day trips 72–3 Exposition Park 87
Angelus Temple 88 Day-Lewis, Daniel 63 Rose Garden 50
Plaza Catholic Church 24–5 De Bretteville, Sheila 82
Serra Chapel 130–31 De Mille, Cecil B. 12, 99, 100, F
Wayfarer’s Chapel 123 107 Factor, Max 13
Cimarusti, Michael 66 De Palma, Brian 49 Fairbanks, Douglas Jr. 100
Cinefamily 62 Dean, James 15, 34 Fairbanks, Douglas Sr. 12, 47,
Cinemark 18 & XD 62 Degas, Edgar 91 100, 114
Cinerama Dome 62, 101 Little Dancer Aged Fourteen Falk, Peter 117
Citrin, Josiah 67 94 Family hotels 149–50
City Hall 77 Department stores 23, 55, 141 Farmers Market 7, 69, 107,
City Hall (Pasadena) 93 Depp, Johnny 15, 54, 107 109
CityWalk (Universal Studios) 32 Derrah, Robert 101 Fashion District 80
Clark, William Andrews Jr. Diaz, Cameron 33 FASTPASS (Disneyland) 40
88, 100 DiCaprio, Leonardo 55 Festival of Arts and Pageant
Clooney, George 54 DiMaggio, Joe 15 of the Masters (Laguna
Clooney, Rosemary 117 Disabled travelers 139 Beach) 132
Clothing Discounts 71 Fine, Jud 82
actors’ 60 Disney, Walt 41, 63 Fine Arts Building 81
Disneyland 40 Disneyland Resort 7, 11, Fireworks (Disneyland) 37
Fashion District 80 36–41, 59 Fishburne, Lawrence 101
places to see and be seen California Adventure 7, Fishing 126
54–5 38–9 Fleiss, Heidi 61
stores 68–9, 96, 112, 118, 125 hotels 40, 149 Flower Day (Rivera) 22
Coastal Orange County 128–33 practical tips 40, 71 Flower Market 80
A Day in Balboa 131 Walt Disney’s vision 41 Flynn, Errol 51, 61
art experiences in Laguna Diving & snorkeling (Catalina Food shops 125
Beach 132 Island) 42, 43 Football 90, 91
map 128 Dodger Stadium 87 Ford Amphitheatre 64
places to eat 133 Doheny, Edward 47, 50 Forest Lawn Memorial Park –
sights 129–31 Dolby Theatre 13, 63, 65 Hollywood Hills 35
Coca-Cola Bottling Plant 81 Dolphins 129, 130 Four Arches (Calder) 82
Cole House 95 Domingo, Plácido 64 Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture
Colorado Street Bridge 93 Doo Dah Parade 92 Garden 51, 116
The Comedy & Magic Club 65 Douglas, Donald 46 Fred Segal 54, 68, 112
Comedy clubs 65 Downtown 76–83 Free attractions 70–71
Comedy Store 65, 109 architecture 81 Freeth, George 47
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 153 23/03/2017 14:13
154 ❯❯ General Index
Harrison, Rex 117 The Huntington 6, 7, 11, 31,
G Haunted Mansion 50, 91
Gable, Clark 12 (Disneyland) 36 Huntington Beach 129
Gainsborough, Thomas 30 Hawks House 95
Gamble, David & Mary 49 Health 138 I
Gamble House 49, 93, 95 Hefner, Hugh 100, 117 The Ice House 65
Gandhi, Mahatma 51 Hemingway, Ernest 98, 101, Immigration 138
Garbo, Greta 117 103 The Improv 65
Gardner, Ava 117 Hendrix, Jimi 15 In the Woods at Giverny
Gas stations 71 Hepburn, Audrey 118 (Monet) 20
Gay & lesbian community 108 Hepburn, Katherine 63 Indiana Jones Adventure™
Gehry, Frank 48, 49, 64, 78, Heritage Square Museum 84 (Disneyland) 37
91, 124 Hermosa Beach 53, 123, 147 Inline skating 126
Gershwin, George 65 Hiking 70, 126, 129 Insurance 138
Gershwin, Ira 117 Hirai, Isao 82 Internet 140
Getty, J. Paul 16 Hiroshige 91 iO West 65
Getty Center 10, 16–19, 48, Historic Hollywood Boulevard Irises (Van Gogh) 16
70, 116–17 6, 7, 10, 12–13, 99 Irwin, Robert 18
architecture 19 Historic hotels 145–6 Isozaki, Arata 78
Family Room 59 History 46–7 Itineraries
itineraries 6, 7 Hockney, David 12, 22–3 A Day at the Beach 123
Getty Villa 17 Hokusai 91 A Day in Balboa 131
Giacometti, Alberto 18 Hollyhock House 49, 101 A Day in Hollywood 109
Gilmore family 107 Hollywood 98–103 A Day with the Stars 101
Go Los Angeles Card 71 A Day with the Stars 101 A Tour of Stars’ Homes 117
Goya, Francisco de 91 bars & dance clubs 102 A Day in Downtown 79
Grable, Betty 12 connections 60–61 Exploring Exposition Park
Graham, Robert 81, 82 Golden Age 46 in a Day 87
Grammy Museum 80 map 98 Exploring Historic
The Grand Canal, Venice places to eat 103 Pasadena 93
(Turner) 30 sights 99–101 Four Days in Los Angeles 7
Grand Central Market 7, 79 Hollywood & Highland 13, 63, Two Days in Los Angeles 6
Grant, Hugh 61 69, 99 see also Tours
Greek Theatre (Griffith Park) Hollywood Boulevard see It’s Tough to Be a Bug!
34, 64 Historic Hollywood (California Adventure ) 38
Green Pleasure Pier Boulevard It’s a Wrap! 60
(Catalina Island) 42 Hollywood Bowl 64, 71, 100 The Ivy 54, 113
Greene, Charles & Henry 29, Hollywood Forever Cemetery
31, 49, 93, 95 100 J
Greystone Mansion & Hollywood Heritage Museum Jackson, Peter 32
Gardens 50 99 Jagger, Mick 15
Griffith, D.W. 47 Hollywood High School 101 James Culbertson House 95
Griffith, Griffith Jenkins 34 Hollywood Museum 13 Japanese American National
Griffith Observatory & The Hollywood Roosevelt Museum 78, 80
Planetarium 35, 70, 74–5 12, 63, 101, 145 Jewelry District 80
Griffith Park 7, 11, 34–5, 50 Hollywood Sign 6, 70, 99, 100, Jewelry shops 112, 118, 125
Griffith Park & Southern 101 Jody Maroni’s Sausage
Railroad 35 Homeware shops 96, 112, 125 Kingdom 7, 123, 124
Grizzly River Run (California Hopper, Edward, The Long Joplin, Janis 15
Adventure ) 38 Leg 30 Jurassic Park – The Ride
The Groundlings 65 Horsley, David & William 46 (Universal Studios) 33
The Grove 69, 107, 109 Hostels 143, 150
Guardians of the Galaxy – Hotels K
Mission BREAKOUT! beach 147–8 Kandinsky, Wassily 22
(California Adventure ) 39 budget 150–51 Kayaking 126
Gutenberg Bible 29 business 148–9 Kearny, Stephen Watts 47
chic and hip 146–7 Keaton, Buster 35
H Disney 40, 149 Keaton, Diane 117
HaHa Café 65 family 149–50 Kennedy, John F. 49, 114
Hale, George E. 93 historic charmers 145–6 Kennedy, Robert F. 47, 114
Hale House 84 luxury 144–5 Kidman, Nicole 54
Halsted House 95 rates & booking 143 King, B.B. 64
Hammer, Armand 116 Hower, Winslow 20 King, Rodney 47
Hang-gliding 126 Hughes, Howard 15, 114 King Kong (Universal Studios)
Hardware stores 96 Huntington, Henry E. 28, 29, 32
Haring, Keith 111 50, 91 Kinney, Abbot 122, 124
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 154 20/02/2017 15:18
General Index ❮❮ 155
Knott’s Berry Farm 72 Madonna and Child with Book Miracle Mile 23
Koreatown 87 (Raphael) 94 Miró, Joan 18, 82
The Magdalene with the Mission San Buenaventura 73
L Smoking Flame (La Tour) 22 Mission San Fernando Rey de
LA Aqueduct 46 Magritte, René 21 España 72
La Brea Tar Pits 71, 109 Main Library (Pasadena) 93 Mission San Gabriel Arcangel
LA Lakers 55 Main Street (Santa Monica) 7, 72
L.A. Live Sports and 69 Mission San Juan Capistrano
Entertainment District 79 boutiques 125 130–31
LA Riots 47 MAK Center for Arts and MOCA Geffen Contemporary
La Tour, Georges de, The Architecture 48 80
Magdalene with the Smoking Malaga Cove 123 Modern Rome, Campo Vecchio
Flame 22 Malibu Adamson House 121, (Turner) 17
Laemmle, Carl 32 123 Molecule Man (Borofsky) 82
Laguna Beach 130 Malibu Lagoon State Beach 52 Moneo, Rafael 49
art experiences 132 Malls 69, 107, 118 Monet, Claude 17, 91, 94, 116
Lam, Wilfredo 21 Manhattan Beach 53, 123 In the Woods at Giverny 20
Lancaster, Burt 117 Mansfield, Jane 100 Monroe, Marilyn 12, 15, 102,
Larry Edmunds Bookshop 60 Mantegna, Andrea 16 117
Lasky, Jesse 99 Mapplethorpe, Robert 111 Montana Avenue 68
Lassie 12 Margaret Herrick Library 61 Moore, Henry 18
The Last Bookstore 56 Mariachi Plaza 88 Motels 143, 149–50
The Laugh Factory 65, 109 Marina del Rey 122, 123 Movies
Lautner, John 49 Marine Avenue (Balboa A Day with the Stars 101
Lawrence, Thomas, Pinkie 30 Island) 130, 131 A Tour of Stars’ Homes 117
Leetag, Edgar 56 Markets history 46, 47
Levine, Philip 82 Farmers Market 7, 69, 107, Hollywood connections
Lichtenstein, Roy 78, 111 109 60–61
Light rail 137 Flower Market 80 movie theaters 62–3
Lipchitz, Jacques, Peace on Grand Central Market 7, 79 Walt Disney 41
Earth 82 El Mercado 88 Mulholland, William 46, 47, 72
Little Dancer Aged Fourteen Mercado La Paloma 87 Mulholland Drive 72
(Degas) 94 Marston’s 6, 93, 97 Mulholland Drive (Hockney)
Little Tokyo 78 Martin, Steve 117 22–3
Long Beach Aquarium of the Marx, Groucho 100 Murals 24, 124
Pacific 58 Marx Brothers 12 Murphy, Eddie 33, 55
The Long Leg (Hopper) 30 Mason, Biddy 82 Muscle Beach Venice 53, 124
Lopez, Jennifer 55 El Matador Beach 52 Museums and galleries
Los Angeles Convention Matisse, Henri 21 Academy Museum of
Center 79 Matsuhisa 67, 119 Motion Pictures 23
Los Angeles County Museum Matterhorn Bobsleds Autry Museum of the
of Art (LACMA) 7, 10, (Disneyland) 36 American West 34
20–23, 107, 109 Maude 67 Boone Gallery (The
Bing Theater 63 May Company Building 23 Huntington) 29
free concerts 71 Meier, Richard 16, 19, 48, 116 The Broad 6, 7, 80
Los Angeles International Mélisse 67 California African American
Airport 48, 136, 137 Melrose Avenue 7, 68, 108, Museum 86, 87
Los Angeles Maritime 109 California Science Center
Museum 57 shops 112 58, 70, 86, 87
Los Angeles Memorial Merry-Go-Round (Griffith Catalina Island Museum 43
Coliseum 87 Park) 35 Chinese American Museum
Los Angeles Zoo 34, 59 Metro 137 25
Los Feliz 100 art 56 Craft & Folk Art Museum
Lost property 139 Michael, George 61 (CAFAM) 108
Lover’s Cove (Catalina Island) Michael’s 67 free entry 71
42 Mickey Mouse Getty Center 6–7, 10, 48, 70,
Lummis, Charles 85, 86–7 hidden Mickeys 40 116–17
Luxury hotels 144–5 meeting 36 Getty Villa 17
Mickey’s Fun Wheel Grammy Museum 80
M (California Adventure ) Heritage Square Museum
McCormack, John 51 38–9 84
MacDonald, Richard 132 Microsoft Theater 65 Hollywood Heritage
Madame Tussaud’s Midtown see West Hollywood Museum 99
Hollywood 101 and Midtown Hollywood Museum 13
Madonna and Child (van der Millennium Biltmore Hotel The Huntington 6, 11,
Weyden) 30 79, 81, 145 28–31, 91
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 155 20/02/2017 15:18
156 ❯❯ General Index
Museums and galleries (cont.) Nixon Presidential Library Parks and gardens (cont.)
Japanese American and Museum 73 Japanese Garden (The
National Museum 78, 80 Nobu Matsuhisa 67 Huntington) 28
Laguna Art Museum 132 Northridge Earthquake North Vista (The
Laguna College of Art and (1994) 47 Huntington) 28
Design Gallery 132 Norton Simon Museum 91, Palisades Park 51, 123
Los Angeles County 93, 94 Rose Garden (Exposition
Museum of Art (LACMA) 7, The Novo 79 Park) 50
10, 20–23, 107, 109 The Nuart Theatre 63 Rose Garden (The
Los Angeles Maritime Huntington) 6, 28
Museum 57 O Runyon Canyon Park 51
Madame Tussaud’s Off the beaten path 56–7 Self-Realization Fellowship
Hollywood 101 Oil industry 47 Lake Shrine 51
MOCA Geffen Old Bank District 81 South Coast Botanic
Contemporary 80 Old Plaza 24 Garden 123
Museum of Contemporary Old Plaza Firehouse 25 Virginia Robinson Gardens 50
Art (MOCA) 6, 78, 79 Old Town Pasadena 68, 93 Wrigley Mansion & Gardens
Museum of Jurassic Oldenburg, Claes 49 50, 92
Technology 57 Olvera Street 24, 79 Wrigley Memorial &
Museum of Latin American Opening hours 141 Botanic Gardens (Catalina
Art 56 Orange County 128–33 Island) 42
Museum of Tolerance 117 Orozco, José Clemente 21 see also Theme and
Natural History Museum Oscars 13, 63, 65 amusement parks
58, 85, 87 Otis, Harrison Gray 47 Pasadena 90–97
Nixon Presidential Library Outdoor pursuits (Santa Craftsman houses by
and Museum 73 Monica Bay) 126 Greene & Greene 95
Norton Simon Museum 91, Oviatt Building 81 Exploring Historic
93, 94 Pasadena 93
Pacific Asia Museum 91 P map 90–91
Page Museum at the La Pacific Asia Museum 91 Norton Simon Museum
Brea Tar Pits 109 Pacific Design Center (PDC) artworks 94
Pasadena Museum of 109 places to eat 97
California Art 93 Pacific Theatres at The Grove shopping in Old Pasadena
Petersen Automotive 62 96
Museum 108, 109 Page Museum at the La Brea sights 91–5
Ronald Reagan Presidential Tar Pits 109 Pasadena Civic Center 92
Library and Museum 73 Paley Center for Media 19, Pasadena Museum of
Santa Monica Art Museum 116 California Art 93
122 Palisades Park 51, 123 Passes 71, 137
Southwest Museum of the Palos Verdes Peninsula 123 Passports 138, 139
American Indian 85 Pantages Theatre 12, 63, 64 Patina 66
Travel Town Museum 34 Parades (Disneyland) 37 Payne, Edgar 132
UCLA Hammer Museum Paradise Cove 123 Peace on Earth (Lipchitz) 82
116 Paramount Ranch 57 Pelli, Cesar 109
Velveteria 56 Paramount Studios 99 Pereira and Luckman 48
Wells Fargo History tour 61, 99 Performing arts venues 64–5
Museum 80 Parking 71, 136, 137 Pershing Square 79
Music Center 64, 79 Parks and gardens 50–51 Personal security 139
Musso & Frank Grill 12, 101, Camellia Garden (The Petersen Automotive
103 Huntington) 28 Museum 108, 109
Myers, Mike 33 Central Garden (Getty Phoenix, River 15
Center) 18 Picasso, Pablo 21, 94
N Charles F. Lummis Home & Pickford, Mary 47
Natural History Museum 58, Garden 86–7 Picnics 71
85, 87 Chinese Garden (The Pico, Pio 25
Nature Center at Avalon Huntington) 26–7, 28 Pico House 25
Canyon (Catalina Island) 43 Desert Garden (The Pierce Brothers Westwood
Nestor Film Company 46 Huntington) 6, 28 Village Memorial Park 117
Neutra, Richard 100 Exposition Park 50, 87 Pinkie (Lawrence) 30
Neve, Felipe de 46, 47 Franklin D. Murphy Pirates of the Caribbean
Newport Beach 129, 130 Sculpture Garden 51, 116 (Disneyland) 36
Newspapers 140–41 Greystone Mansion & Places to see and be seen
Nicholas Canyon Beach 52 Gardens 50 54–5
Nicholson, Grace 91 Griffith Park 7, 11, 34–5, 50 Point Vicente 123
Nicholson, Jack 55, 63 The Huntington 6, 7, 11, Politi, Leo 24
Nixon, Richard 73 28–9, 50 Pollock, Jackson 78
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 156 23/03/2017 14:13
General Index ❮❮ 157
Portrait of Mrs Edward L. Davis The Rose Bowl 90, 91 Shopping (cont.)
and Her Son, Livingston Ross, A.W. 23 Rodeo Drive 118
Davis (Sargent) 22 Rousseau, Henri 94 streets 68–9
Portrait of a Peasant (Van Royce Hall 65 Shows (Disneyland) 37
Gogh) 94 Rubens, Peter Paul 17 Shrek 4-D™ (Universal
Postal services 140, 141 Runyon Canyon Park 51 Studios) 33
Presley, Elvis 12 Ryder, Winona 61 Shrine Auditorium 63, 88
La Promenade (Renoir) 17 Siegel, Bugsy 15, 117
Providence 66 S Sierra Madre 57
Public art 82, 132 Saar, Betye 82, 111 Silver Lake 100
Public transportation 136–7 Safety Simpson, O.J. 61
Puck, Wolfgang 54 personal security 139 The Simpsons Ride™
El Pueblo de Los Angeles 6, travel safety advice 138, 139 (Universal Studios) 32
7, 10, 24–5, 77, 79 Sailing 122, 126 Sinatra, Frank 117
Puppets 59 Samuel French Theatre & Single lines (Disneyland) 40
Film Bookshop 60 Siqueiros, David Alfaro 24
Q San Antonio Winery 85 Six Flags Magic Mountain 72
Queen Mary 73 San Clemente 128, 129 Skirball, Jack 115
Quinn, Anthony 117 San Fernando Valley 72 Skirball Cultural Center 115
Santa Barbara 73 Smoking 139
R Santa Monica 7, 120, 121–3 Soarin’ Around the World
Radiator Springs Racers Santa Monica Art Museum 122 (California Adventure ) 39
(California Adventure ) 39 Santa Monica Bay 120–27 Sony Pictures Studio Tour 61
Radio 140–41 map 120–21 Source Figure (Graham) 82
Rail travel 136, 137 outdoor pursuits 123, 126 South Bay 123
arrival of the railroad 46 places to eat 127 South Coast Botanic Garden
Rainbow Bar & Grill 15, 110 sights 121–3 123
Ranney House 95 unique Main Street Southern Pacific Railroad 31,
Raphael 94 boutiques 125 46
Ray, Man 18 Venice Boardwalk Souvenirs (Disneyland) 40
Reagan, Ronald 73 attractions 124 Space Mountain (Disneyland)
Redondo Beach 52, 123 Santa Monica Beach 53 37
Rembrandt 17, 91, 94 Santa Monica Mountains 72 Spago Beverly Hills 54, 67,
Renoir, Auguste 17, 91 Santa Monica Pier 53, 59, 119
Restaurants 66–7, 142–3 121, 123 Spine (Fine) 82
Around Downtown 89 Santa Ynez 73 Splash Mountain (Disneyland)
Beverly Hills, Westwood, Santee Alley 69 37
and Bel-Air 119 Sargent, John Singer 22 Splichal, Joachim 66
Coastal Orange County 133 Sawdust Art Festival (Laguna Stammheim Missal 18
Downtown 83 Beach) 132 Standing Warrior 22
Getty Center 18 Scandals 61 Stanwyck, Barbara 107
Hollywood 103 Schindler House 48 Staples Center 55, 79
Pasadena 97 Schindler, Rudolph 48 Star Tours – The Adventure
places to see and be seen Schoonhoven, Terry 82 Continues (Disneyland) 37
54–5 Schwab’s Pharmacy, Site of 15 Stark, Ray & Fran 18
Santa Monica Bay 127 Seal Beach 129 Sterling, Christine 24
West Hollywood and Self-Help Graphics & Arts 88 Stewart, Jimmy 117
Midtown 113 Self-Portrait (Rembrandt) 94 Still Life with Lemons,
Revenge of The Mummy – Self-Realization Fellowship Oranges, and a Rose
The Ride 3-D (Universal Lake Shrine 51 (Zurbarán) 94
Studios) 33 Selvaggio, Piero 67 Stompanato, Johnny 117
Riots 47 Senior discounts 71 Stone, Curtis 67
Rivera, Diego 22 Sepulveda, Eloisa 24 Street performers 124
Roberts, Julia 15 Sepulveda House 24 Subway 137
Robertson Boulevard 68 Serra, Junípero 47, 130 Sunset Boulevard 14, 15
Rodeo Drive 6, 68, 115 Shiva as the Lord of Dance 23 Sunset Plaza 14
shops 118 Shiva and Parvati 94 Sunset Strip 6, 10, 107, 109
Rodia, Simon 56 Shopping 142 Sunset Strip Tattoo 15
Rodin, Auguste 51, 91 Getty Center 18 Sunset Tower Hotel 15, 146
Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin Main Street (Santa Monica) Surfing 125, 126, 129
(Disneyland) 36 125 Surfrider Beach 52, 123
Rogers, Will 114 malls 69 Swedenborg, Emanuel 123
Ronald Reagan Presidential Melrose Avenue 112
Library and Museum 73 Old Pasadena 96 T
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 57 places to see and be seen Tate, Sharon 61
Rose, Guy 111 54–5 Taxis 137
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 157 20/02/2017 15:18
158 ❯❯ General Index
TCL Chinese Theatre 6, 8–9, Universal Studios Hollywood West Hollywood and Midtown
12, 63, 99, 101 7, 11, 32–3, 58 (cont.)
Telephones 140 University of California, Los Sunset Strip bars & clubs
Television 140–41 Angeles (UCLA) 104–5, 116 110
show audiences 70 University of Southern West Third Street 69
Temple, Shirley 63 California (USC) 87, 88 The Western Brothers (Copley)
Theaters Untitled Improvisation III 31
comedy 65 (Kandinsky) 22 Westin Bonaventure Hotel 81
movie 62–3 Upright Citizens Brigade Westwood see Beverly Hills,
performing arts venues Theatre 65 Westwood, and Bel-Air
64–5 Urban Light (Burden) 23 Weyden, Rogier van der 30
tickets 71 Urth Caffè 55 Whales 129, 130
Theatricum Botanicum 64 US Bank Tower 81 Wheatstacks, Snow Effect,
Theme and amusement US–Mexican War 46 Morning (Monet) 17
parks Whisky a Go-Go 15, 110
Disneyland Resort 7, 11, V White Sisters House 95
36–41 Valentino 67 Wildlife
Knott’s Berry Farm 72 Valentino, Rudolph 62, 100 Bolsa Chica Ecological
Newport Fun Zone 131 Van Gogh, Vincent Reserve 129
Pacific Park (Santa Monica) Irises 16 Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 58
59, 121 Portrait of a Peasant 94 Catalina Island 42
Six Flags Magic Mountain Van Rossem-Neill House 95 Long Beach Aquarium of
72 Vasquez Rocks 57 the Pacific 58
Universal Studios Velveteria 56 Los Angeles Zoo 34, 59
Hollywood 7, 11, 32–3 Venice Beach 44–5, 53 Nature Center at Avalon
Theme Building at Los Venice Boardwalk 7, 122, Canyon (Catalina Island) 43
Angeles International 123 William Andrews Clark
Airport 48 attractions 124 Memorial Library 88
Third Street Promenade 68, Venice Canals 122 Wilshire Boulevard 23
121 Venice Pier 124 The Wiltern 88
Throop, Amos G. 92–3 Ventura 73 Windsurfing 126
Tickets View on the Stour near Windward Avenue 124
budget tips 71 Dedham (Constable) 30 Wine
public transportation 137 Viper Room 15, 54, 107, 110 San Antonio Winery 85
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista 94 Virginia Robinson Gardens 50 Wine Country 73
Time difference 141 Visas 138, 139 “Witch’s House” 117
TMZ Hollywood Tour 60 The Wizarding World of Harry
Torres-Garcia, Joaquin 21 W Potter (Universal Studios) 33
Tourist information 142, 143 Walk of Fame 12, 13, 99 Woman with a Book (Picasso)
Tournament of the Roses 90, Walking 137 94
91, 92 Walt Disney Concert Hall 6, 7, Women travelers 139
Tours 48, 64, 78, 79 Wood, Natalie 117
drives and day trips 72–3 Warhol, Andy 78, 111 World of Color (California
movie 60–61 Warner Bros Tour 60 Adventure ) 39
trips and tours 142, 143 Washington, Denzel 55 Wright, Frank Lloyd 79, 92,
see also Itineraries Water, drinking 139 100, 123
Toy Story Midway Mania! Water Grill 66, 83 Anderton Court 115, 118
(California Adventure ) 38 Water World (Universal Hollyhock House 49, 101
Travel Studios) 33 Wrigley, William Jr. 42, 50
getting there & around 136–7 Watts Riots (1965) 47 Wrigley Mansion & Gardens
safety advice 138, 139 Watts Tower 56 50, 92
Travel Town Museum 34 Wayne, John 117 Wrigley Memorial & Botanic
Traveler (Schoonhoven) 82 Weather 141 Gardens (Catalina Island) 42
The Triumph of Virtue and Wells Fargo Court 82 Wyland, Robert 132
Nobility over Ignorance Wells Fargo History Museum Wyman, George 49
(Tiepolo) 94 80
Trolleys 31 Wendt, William 132 Y
Turner, J.M.W. 17, 30 West Hollywood and Midtown Yama and Yami 22
Turner, Lana 61, 117 106–13 Young Italian Woman at a Table
Twelve Months of the Year 107 A Day in Hollywood 109 (Cézanne) 17
Two Harbors (Catalina Island) art galleries 111
43 map 106 Z
places to eat 113 Zappa, Frank 117
U shops on Melrose Avenue Zuma Beach 52, 123
UCLA Hammer Museum 116 112 Zurbarán, Francisco de 94
Union Station 77, 79 sights 107–9
152-158_Top_10_Los_Angeles.indd 158 20/02/2017 15:18
Acknowledgments ❮❮ 159
Author Border Grill Restaurant: 127cr.
Catherine Gerber has observed and documented California Science Center Foundation: 58cl.
the evolution of Los Angeles in both word and University of Southern California: USC University
image for decades. She remains fascinated by her Communications 88b.
adopted home’s ability to continuously and
unapologetically reinvent itself. Her work has Caro Bambino: 125ca.
appeared in books, newspapers, and magazines The Cinefamily at the Silent Movie Theater: 62cla.
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Additional contributor Content Program: 16cr, 16bl, 17tl, 17cr, 18bc.
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Publishing Director Georgina Dee 41b; © Disney•Pixar 38tl; Matt Stroshayne 39t.
Publisher Vivien Antwi Distant Lands—A Traveler’s Bookstore &
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