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Published by martymin, 2019-07-17 14:28:24

Bulldog 69 Yearbook

Bulldog 1969 copy 6-168

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Covered with snow
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams die
Life is a broken winged bird
That cannot fly

-Langston Hughes

Reprinted w ith perm ission of Mr. Steven Price, Alfred Knopf,
Inc., 501 M adison Avenue, N.Y., N.Y. C op yright 1932, renewed
by Langston Hughes, 1960.



Dedication. . .
F a c u lty ............
S e n io rs ..........
Activities . . . .
S p o rts .............
A d v e rtis e m e n t.................. 149
Last Will and Testament ..165

' *!
-. ^

Whenever a chronicle of this or
any class is published, there are
many whose essential contribu
tions are overlooked. We, the
class of 1969, herew ith express
our appreciation and give recog
nition to all those who work quiet
ly behind the more flam boyant
academ ic scene. In token of this
gratitude, we honor Mrs. Mary
Van Luven on her fortieth anni
versary of continuous service
and through her the unnamed
m ultitude of workers who have
maintained the services essential
to the daily operation of the aca
demic program.



It took a big man to fill the shoes of Mr. Kane and there is none
bigger than Mr. W illiam Blydenburgh. Returning from a past
job at N ottingham as A ssistant V ice -P rin cip a l in 1966, w ith a
stop as V ice -P rin cip a l at H enninger in 1967, Mr. Blydenburgh
has com e to N ottingham this year as its new p rin cip a l. He has
kept our fa culty in w orking o rde r and directe d our s ch o o l’s
activities as well as given attention to a greater freedom and
responsibility for the student body.

Mr. Ted Petroff is an old N ottingham ’er from way back. He was The th ird man on the a dm inistrative totum pole, is Mr. Lawrence
a faculty member and coach of the NHS football team through Goldberg. He has been promoted this year to the ranks of the
the 1965 school year. He comes to us from an adm inistrative o ffic e staff at N ottingham , where he is g aining experience in
post at H. W. Sm ith Jr. High School. We w elcom e his experience the com plex w orkings of a modern high school such as N otting
and g e n ia lity in dealing w ith a d m in istra tive duties. ham.


Mr. George Policano Mr. Dennis O’Neill

Miss Mary Frances Costello GUIDANCE

Whether it be concerning colleges, tests, or
course taking, and occasional dropping, the Gui
dance Departm ent is a vault of inform ation. For
th e ir many efforts, we all, A through Z, would like to
express our greatest thanks to Mr. O ’Neill, Miss
Costello, and Mr. Policano.


Miss Mary Chester Mr. W illiam Kinslow

M iss Floris W ilkinson Mr. Robert Gaw
8 Mrs. Jean Beattie

Mrs. Mary Alice Cregg Mr. Donald Patten

ENGLISH the works of such great authors as Shakespeare,
DEPARTMENT Steinbeck, Hawthorne, Shelley et al, as well as to
the unparalled excitement of learning mechanics
Though it be our native language the students and grammar.
of N.H.S. are indebted to the English Department
for their often successful attem pts to make us fluent
in English. This is done by exposing the student to

Mrs. Julianne Cordaro

Miss Terri Tarum


Mrs. Ethelea Pecola Mr. Francis M ulholland

Miss Barbara Brase


Mrs. Nancy Nevin Mr. Donald Schulenberg

Mr. Daniel Skinner Miss Francis L. Durkin


W orld History, A m erican History, A. P. A m e ri There are other parts we need to get. The purpose
can History, Great Issues and Practical Politics are of all these subjects is to gradually prepare the stu
a fa ir representation of the massive amount of ma dent to better face the problem s of the changing
terial which the Social Studies Department at world and to more fully understand our coun try’s
tem pts to im press upon the student in the short laws and government.
span of three years. Of course, th a t’s only part of it.

M iss T helm a D. T rotty Miss Katherine Sherwood

Mrs. Dorothy Maxwell

Mrs. Gretchen Hall

Mr. Thomas Reardon Mrs. Charles Stedman

Mrs. M argaret Blanchard

Mr. James Deegan


M athem atics is no longer used just so you
d o n ’t get robbed when grocery shopping. It’s uses
are infinite. Some students, having survived the
enigmas of geom etry and having deciphered the
reals and im aginaries of Math 11, m ight want to
take a c ra ck at Math 12X, after w hich they m ight
want to take a crack at . . .

Mr. Anthony Marino


Miss LuluBim a Eslaimen

Miss Kathleen Crouch

Miss Mary Smith Mr. John Macko, The Prince

Mrs. Carm elia Metosh, the Queen.


In o rd e r to broaden the h o ri
zons of the students there are vari
ous languages offered at N otting
ham. Many s t u d e n t s pursue
French, others Spanish, and still
others attempt to delve into the
classical past by taking Latin un
der the adamant rule of “ Regina.”

Mr. Richard Rorabeck, Senor Miss Murtaugh


Mr. David W ainio

Mrs. Beulah Durr

Mrs. Diane Rothman

Mrs. Suzanne Adams

Mr. George M ulvihill

Mr. Max Newman


Health, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are all
offered to the student at N ottingham in o rder to give
him a glim pse of our broad technological world.
In B iology we learn what we are; in C hem istry we
learn why we are what we are; and if we make it to
Physics 130, we learn why what we are does what
we do.

Mrs. Barbara Spector


Mr. Frederick Burns

ART iW S IW i ,t Ij


Mr. Burns develops the latent
and extant abilities of the cre
ative arts section of NHS. His
course teaches all the basics of
artistic technique and art his
tory, but allows the more ad
vanced student a free hand.
Many of the finer works of art
students are used to grace our


To guide the instrumental talents of those Nottingham students
who go out for band or orchestra in the co rre ct harm onious directions,
are Mr. lanotta and Maestro Feldman. Periodic m orning rehearsals
prepare Mr. lanotta’s band and Mr. Feldm an’s orchestra for school and
public concerts and exchange perform ances with other schools.

Miss Rigsbee is the d ire cto r of all four Nottingham choirs. She not
only prepares them for concerts at home and away, but also tries to ex
pose them to a substantial amount of music theory. This year, for the
firs t tim e the Junior-S enior choir w ill put on a m ajor w ork to be per
formed for the student body and parents.

Mr. John lanotta Mr. Martin Feldman

Mr. Dawson Mr. Chuck Bradbury


In Mr. S ta rk ’s absence Mr. B radbury has taken
over the jo b of head of this departm ent. In co op er
ation w ith Mr. Dawson for the boys and Mrs. D. and
Mrs. B.V.T. for the girls, the student body has m ain
tained or im proved its physical condition. This has
been done through such activities as volleyball,
soccer, basketball, football, wrestling, track, and
archery. The girls have had the privilege of having
Miss Ann Jam ison, a senior at SU, “ serve her tim e ”
as a student teacher.

Mrs. Lee DiStefano and Miss Ann Jamison Mrs. Bea VonTobel


Mr. Robert Crull Mr. W illiam Lombard


For those planning careers in engineering, a r
chitecture, drafting, carpentry, or industrial design,
or for those who just enjoy developing their manual
dexterity, Nottingham offers a wide range of Indus
trial Arts programs including: drafting, printing,
woodw orking, metal w orking, and electronics.

Mr. David Harney


Home Economics develops the skills that our
g irls w ill need in later life, if they plan to m arry and
raise a family. The program includes sewing, cook
ing, home and child care, dating, fam ily manage
ment, and psychology.

Mrs. Nina Ahler

Mr. Albert Wolf Mrs. Marion Swarzman


To give our finan cially oriented students an
opportunity to prepare for their exposure to the
business world, the Nottingham Business Depart
ment offers typing, Business Arithm etic and Law,
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Briefhand and other re
lated topics. They also gain experience by running
the school store, typing for the BULLDOG and man
aging the school’s banking records.

Mr. Robert Allen Mrs. Audrey Gerber


M iss H ortense S. Grewe Mrs. Dorothy Secreti Mrs. Jan Gwynn


The hub of the entire school, as we all know, is
the o ffice and the hub of the office is always located
wherever Miss Grewe and Mrs. Secreti happen to
be. Answering phones and doing the never-ending
c le ric a l w ork is only a sm all portion of th e ir job.
For these and many other things the Nottingham
student body thanks them.

The Nottingham Secretarial Staff would not
be com plete without Mrs. Gwynn and Mrs. Avakian.
Together they keep the guidance office in order.
If you get a chance, go in and see them at w ork;
but remember, no passes w ill be given out to get
you to class.

Mrs. Ann Sharpe

Mrs. Elizabeth Avakian


Mrs. Sharpe, our school nurse, repairs the sick and wounded
or com m its them to the com forts of home. She is also in charge
of annual physical exams for the entire school as well as all
sports teams.


r^ rn n a s '.'i


Bill S tru th e rs ................................................... President
Randy M a rs h a ll.....................................Vice-President
Suzanne B ir o n ............................................... Secretary
Carol A m ste rd a m .......................................... Treasurer


OF ’69

O ffic e rs

Jan Barenholtz .. ........P r e s id e n t
Carolyn Smith ... Vice-President
Dava Sagenkahn ........S e c re ta r y
Joe R e a g a n ........ ....... Treasurer


Mr. M ulholland Mrs. Blanchard



"B an the tanks!" "M u sic is the universal language ol
JV and Varsity football, Varsity base
ball, track, homeroom president, intra m ankind."
mural basketball, Spanish Club . . . Student C ouncil, Band, Orchestra, Latin
Club, French Club . , , flute, riding
"P a kis to n i" hopes to attend co lle g e in horses, tennis, guitar, piano, swimming
the M idwest. Pel peeve: Senorita's . . . Janet's plans include studying
Spanish Class . . . "U p to you !" abroad. Pet peeve: sittin g in the first
seat, firs t row . . . "O h, Mon Dieu!"


"To laugh and be merry is commen
surate with the cat's pto otie."
Varsity w restling and tennis, home
room president, Latin Club, GO
squad, p rin c ip a l’s cabinet, NHS Jazz
Quartet, S pirit of '69 . . . drums and
music, c o n tro llin g “ A rt” , talking to
“ W it" . . . “ Joe C higaudia" plans
to “ make it " in jazz club w ith Bunda
on sax. Pet peeve: losing a tennis
match to the “ O " jr. . . “ Lunched

The w orld state is inherent in the
U nited Nations as an oak tree is in "S anity, lik e money, to be w ell p re
an a co rn ." served, must be well concealed."
Varsity track, Student Council, Span JV and Varsity football, JV w restl
ish Club, Honor Society, treasurer of ing, Varsity baseball . . . movies,
FTA . . . fo llo w in g people and d riv girls, peace . . . “ M orey" plans c o l
ing them crazy, National Xylophone lege for TV and motion picture pro
sem i-finals . . . David plans a career duction, retirem ent at age 30, or
in architecture. Pet peeve: Lyncourt sooner. Pet peeve: Well alright,
bus, college interviews, Maddox . . . Bruce . . . D. P. Ah you goon! . . .
“ W hat's that Bake?" D.E.W., socks in French, smart stu
dents who are really dumb . . .
“ Why m e ?" . . . “ Menter, you big
je rk !" . . . “ No! I'm not draggin' the
C am a ro!"


"M o c k at your betters with an upward "K now ledge is hard to get; don't let it
c h in !" float by!"
Student Council, Junior class treasurer, Veep of AV, CBer . . . electronics, cars,
intramurals, BULLDOG staff . . . skiing,
B im ini, A. Bay, h ills id e streams, getting two-way radios . . . “ Mike plans to go
away from Syracuse, Ft. Lauderdale, to colleg e to become a disc jockey. Pet
olde r g irls fo r D.B.W., small hondas, peeve: too many guys and not enough
MG’s . . . Carol plans to attend college g irls . . . “ If at firs t you don’t succeed,
and m ajor in math. Pet peeve: boys d o n ’t try a g a in !"
who make fun of Honda 50's, J.M. . . “ I
need all the friends I can g e t!"



If you 're going to d w ell too much on "You are a star of the heaven of under
how righ t you are, y o u 'll end up being standing . . . "
w ro n g ." International Hogwash Inc . . . "Shiny
Brown’s " future plans are undecided.
Homeroom president. Student Council, "W hat a flu tie !" . . . "Shutup W innifred!"
Social Committee, Forum, BULLDOG . . . "T.S. E liot."
staff . . . art. history, dancing, riding
horses, w aterskiing . . . “ M o ll" hopes to
attend co lle g e in the M idw est. Pet peeve:
the "m in i-m a fia " of NHS . . . "T hat's not
my bag!"


"A ll that fashion demands is com "H e who talks also gawks."
posure and self-content." Junior Council, Student Council, Hon
Band . . . playing the tympani, crea or Society, FTA . . . golf, tennis, bowl
tive w riting, music, tennis, swimming, ing, trumpet, swimming, boating fish
traveling and learning about other ing . . . "B a k e " hopes to attend Sy
people, the sea, the outdoors, fish
ing . . . "L o e y " plans a year in Lon racuse University. Pet peeve: six cy
don, then Hampshire College fo l linder cars . . . "G aw k."
lowed by some kind of pu blic service.
Pet peeve, unkind people, being w ith
out energy . . . "Oh, rats!"


"G ood nature and a smile go a long " I sound my barbaric yalp over the
w a y ." rooftops of the w orld !"
Sophomore Choir, badminton . . . Football, w restling, V.P. of AZ. d rin k
sewing, swimming, messing around ing at hills id e . . . dumb girls . . .
in the water, cam ping at G.L., horo "B o tc h " plans to major in crim inal
scopes, fortune telling, watching investigation at OCC and then the
sports . . . "E m 's " plans include co l marines. Pet peeve: goody-goodies
lege to become a high school Eng coming to AZ parties . . . "H i, sweet
lish teacher. Pet peeve: fog, speed heart!"
ometers that don't work, end of
summer, leaving G.L. . . "R ig h t!"


"Y o u ca n ’t be be tter than everyone, so “ Pure and made apt for m ounting to the
don’t try to b e ." stars.”
Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, swimming, Satur SACB. reading poetry, picnicking, going
day night dates, driving, guitar . . . auto to colleg e . . . w alking barefoot in parks,
mechanics, fishing, records . . . " B ill" flying kites, lilacs, clim bing trees, watch
would like to join the state police. Pet ing stars, bicycling through countrysides,
peeve: Fords, girls who don’t mind their catching butterflies, w aterfalls . .
own business . . . "G oing to G riffin 's !" "K a th y " hopes to attend colleg e and
then to become a sorceress, spy, or a
college professor. Pet peeve: lost peo
ple who aren't trying to be found . .
"Listen to the w arm ."



We'd lay on our backs and smoke our " I have heard the m erm aid's singing."
pipes looking at the sky . . . no! a cloud
in it." Slumwork, Forum, m igrant unionization,
organizer for UFWA grape boycott,
P rincipal's cabinet, Forum, Varsity track founder and e d ito r of Organism, USA,
and soccer, JV football manager, News- Syracuse Repertory Theatre, teacher's
bowl, Jr. Class Advisory Council, Latin aide . . . w riting , being Indignant, art,
Club, Honor Society, OPUS, Band . . . literature, beauty, the old April chemis
boxing . . . "M ohim G anguly" plans to try . . . "J e ff" hopes to continue writing
attend college. Pet peeve: elections, and to establish another country. Pet
being w oken up in class by teachers . peeve: an ti-tru ths . . . "T h a t's kind of
"a b le to leap tall bu ild ings in a single rid ic u lo u s ."


“ Happiness is a by-product of an e f Patience is a necessity in keeping
fort to make someone else happy." your sanity."
Volleyball . . . swimming, tennis, rid Baseball, track, CITIZEN staff, Span
ing horses . . . “ M im i” plans to at ish Club, Junior C ouncil, Jun io r Prom
tend OCC. Pet peeve: a certain Committee, intramural basketball,
“ stranger” , Greyhound Buses, taking BULLDOG staff . . . guitar, football,
weekly trip s to Auburn at 9PM . . . baseball, records by Simon and Gar-
“ That’s cool, w here'd ya get it? ” funkel . . . “ J e ff" hopes to attend
colleg e and pursue a career in radio
and television. Pet peeve: Senorita's
class . . . “ Well, alright B ruce." . . .
“ Be weatherwise"


"N othing is m eritorious but virtue "Darn it"
and friendship and indeed, friend
ship is only a part of virtue." Girl watching . . . cars, skiing . . .

Latin Club, philosophy club, NCCA Jeff plans td go to drafting school.
. . . girls, geology, philosophy, mu
sic . . . “ Papa W es" plans to attend Pet peeve: wise sheriffs, Chevy own
college and then enter a seminary. ers . . . “ Say a k ill! ”
Pet peeve: the student-teacher re
lationship is always in danger . . .
“ To each his own . .


"The future can only bring hope m ixed " I t is refreshing to see a lady, not ju st a
with jo y and despair." w om a n."
W restling, Latin Club, CITIZEN staff . . .
football, guitar, pool . . . “ R ick” would Secretary of Student C ouncil, Jr. Class
like to attend a state co lleg e in New York
or O hio State to m ajor in business ad Secretary, Latin Club, Sophomore Coun
m inistration or pharmacy. Pet peeve: a l c il, Pep Squad, GO squad, Handbook
ways being at the end of the line in gym Committee . . . finding out about tonsils,
class. piano, skiing, candystriping . . . “ Susu"
plans a career in teaching or psychology.
28 “ I really do . . .“


“ I call to the seagull
Who dives to the waters
And catches his silver-fine
Dinner alone

Crying where are the footprints
That danced on these beache$
And the hands that cast wishes
That sink like a stone

My dreams with the seagulls fly
Out of reach out of cry."


“ Genius is the a b ility to escape Happiness is the essence of life ."
hard work." French Club, FTA, CYO president,
Student Council, Varsity track, pack CYO cheerleading, w orking for mus
in ’ it, tru ckin ’ it . . . skiing, swim cular dystrophy . . . sewing, driving
ming, soccer, tennis, surfing, the people crazy, eating, dancing . . .
boob tube . . . "J e rry ” plans to at "C h ris " plans to attend college and
tend college. Pet peeve: Spanish, major in special education. Pet
Discover, a do lla r an hour . . . " I f it peeve: Selma Schlisserman, getting
feels good, do it!" up early for D river’s Ed., people who
are afraid of what others think of
them . . . "Love it!" . . . "Y ou R at!"


“ . . then give to the w orld a ll you “ If I die tomorrow, I want to have
have, and the best w ill come back to lived a little today."
you . . . " W restling, soccer, Student Council,
Honor Society, Latin Club, G irl’s Lunch Patrol, ping pong . . . stamps,
collecting pennies, saving papers . . .
Choir, basketball . . . piano, skiing, "R ic k y " plans a career in p o litica l
swimming, sewing, tennis, reading science or law. Pet peeve: parties
. . . "B a rb " plans to attend college. that flo p . . . " I can’t hack th is ."
Pet peeve: chemistry lab and a Fri
day night dance . . . "Oh, really?"


“ Keep your face to the sunshine and " Remember: Today is the firs t day of the
you w ill never see the shadow ." rest of your life ."
French Club, Spanish Club, Intram ur BULLDOG photographer . . . sailing, ski
als, Skiing Club, exchange student in ing, photography, sketching . . . Bonnie
M exico . . . skiing, swimming, sewing, plans to attend school in Florida
flowers, tennis, letter w riting . . . "Cyn- commercial art. Pet peeve: Tente, black
d ie " plans to attend college and then to and blues, dirty feet.
become an a irlin e stewardess. Pet peeve:
sororities, 7th period Spanish III class 29

. . . "Ya know w hat?"


“ What's new, P ussycat?" "S he is a gallant creature, and com
Skating, swimming, boy watching . . . plete in m ind and feature. "
“ S a lly” plans on attending c o lle g e to Latin Club, Spanish Club, FTA, Student
m ajor in music . . . Pet peeve: boys who Council . . . water skiing, tutoring . . .
don't wear socks . . . “ All right, who put “ M e g" hopes to attend M iddlebury to
the bullet in the fu rn a c e ? " become a language teacher. Pet peeve:
Dud’s problems.


"N o act of kindness, no matter how " . . . Something's gained from living
sm all, is ever w asted." every day."
Latin Club, Student Council, Spirit
of '69, G irl’s C hoir . . . skiing, candy Honor society, NHS Singers, tutor
striping . . . “ B arb" plans a career ing, NSF, Latin Club, Spanish Club,
in nursing. Pet peeve: homeroom, Syracuse Chorale, G irl's Choir, Lit
driving to Manlius, Bon’s eating hab eracy Volunteers . . . weaving, sing
its . . . “ OK See ya later, B on." ing, laughing, making daisy chains,
skiing . . . “ Bev” plans to attend the
U niversity of Chicago, digging in
Mexico, and looking for a “ beach of
no footprints.” Pet peeve: homeroom
. . . Rag Mama!


"Beauty is a natural superiority." "The m ildest manners with the
JV and Varsity cheerleading, GO bravest m ind."
Squad, AFS, Student C ouncil, ju n io r
Council . . . camping, canoeing, Latin Club, tutoring, AFS . . . travel
mountain clim bing, drama, football ing, skiing, people-watching . . .
. . . “ Amy” plans to attend college. Paula’s future plans include college
Pet peeve: practicing the piano, bak and Europe. Pet peeve: school
ing for bake sales . . . “ Have you lunches . . . “ W hat's that whatche-
seen N ancy?" . . . “ I d o n ’t believe m acallit?”


"H e who knows, and knows he knows, "B e neither saint nor sophisticated,but
he is w ise—follow him ." a man."
Latin Club, Spanish Club, CYO, CYO JV and Varsity foo tball, Alpha Hi-Y, YCS,
basketball, JV basketball, track, intra CYO basketball, Ema Drama Club . . .
murals . . . fencing, quoits, baseball, skiing, visiting a next-door neighbor. . .
foo tb a ll, stamp co lle ctio n , driving 250 “ O .H .” plans on college, a career in
m iles a day . . . “ L u ig i” plans to attend law, the service, and then marriage to
Oswego State and m ajor in math. Pet B.J.M. Pet peeve: M.E., g irls that think
peeve: afternoons in R.B.'s English class, they're too good for boys the ir own age
truck driving, Chittenango Falls . . . . . . “ I'll never forget the time . . .“
“ Don't give me no gas.”



“ The sw eetest joy. the w ildest woe is “ Do you know the way to San Jose ?"
love." Secretary of Az, CYO . . . weight liftin g
spong diving, guitar, boxing . . . “ Cap"
FSA, choir, badminton . . . driving, sw im plans to attend San Jose State. Pet
ming. riding horses, hayrides. traveling peeve: sport cars, Spanish Rice.
. . . “ V a l" plans to attend business
school and then to marry a certain guy.
Pet peeve: 5'1” , w riting letters, long
distance, phone calls . . . “ W hat?”


Soccer, AFS, croquet . . . reading, “ Live for today, for tom orrow may
drama production . . . Marc plans never com e."
to study law. Pet peeve;embarrassing Choir, dancing . . . skiing, working,
questions. going down-the-hill, man-hunting . . .
“ D ee" plans to go to college for 2
years and then to enter airline
school. Pet peeve: NHS Snobs, study
halls, geometry, LeMoyne College
frosh, TR-4's, M.R., D.W. . . .“ Yeah,
you’ve got a case."


S teel-coloured flame w hirling “ You are the music w hile the music
through a void la s ts ."
Choir, Student Council, CYO, candy-
On a sunless-November afternoon striping . . . skiing, swimming, mo
of my mind dern dance. . . “ Case" plans to at
tend a ju n io r colleg e in New England.
The aphony o f my dead dreams Pet peeve: waiting for weekends . . .
As inconsequential as broken sea “ Huhhhhh!"



“ Beauty is the c h ild of love." “ One w ill not deny one's love."
* JV cheerleading, Red Cross Club, Li- Basketball intramurals, flying lessons,
I brary Club, Student Council, intramurals W illy Pathons, people . . . "C hever"
plans to attend college and then to
. . . skiing, shopping, SDC, playing taxi, write. Pet peeve: pettiness . . . “ That's
[ Dave, weekend trip s in VW's . . . Doreen a lrig h t!"
f plans to attend junio r college and then
( enter an airlin e career. Pet peeve: bad 31
t tempers, people who don't sm ile . . .
' “ Are ya ready?" . . . “ Need a rid e ? " . . .
* “ Come on!"


Take tim e to he lp and enjoy frie n d s— it
is the source of happiness; take tim e to
laug h— it is the singing that helps life 's
lo a d ."

Choir, NHS Singers, homeroom secre
tary, FNC . . . can dystripin g, church
c h o ir soloist, BYF, piano and organ,
FDC . . . "C h ris ” plans to attend nursing
school. Pet peeve: social clim bers,
G irls' Locker Room . . . "Y ou're rig h t!"


"B lack is beautiful . . . "
President of Lambda Kappa Mu, Soul
Generation, G irls’ Choir . . . co lle ct
ing odds and ends, dancing, other
people, traveling, money . . . "A m os"
plans to go to business school to
become a secretary. Pet peeve:

hunkies . . . "D ig it!"


" The one and only . . . " "W hat's a nice kid like me doing
Jay and being w ith Jay . . . " D " in a place like this? "
Astronomy Club, Math Club, C IT I
plans to attend CCBI and to marry ZEN, Chess Club, School Store,
Jay. Pet peeve: Blaine, people who Rod and Gun Club . . . chess, tennis,
think they’re it . . . "D o me no fa risk, ping-pong, R.M.V., bike-riding,
vors!” sabotage, swimming . . . "J e ff"p la n s
to e n list in the Army. Pet peeve: N ib
bles and frip s . . . "O h, my virgin
e a rs !" . . . "D o n ’t to u c h !"


Come what, come may—lim e and the Ask not what you r country can do for
hour runs through the roughest day." you, ask what you can do for your
Soccer, drums, guitar, organ, tambou country."
rine . . . “ T.D." . . . Pet peeve: the B el
mont Hotel . . . “ Sweating B or T ." D isruption of Student C ouncil, lunch rev
olution . . . Ibid, Ibid, Ibid, and other
32 things . . . "V e ry 's " future includes be
com ing a pa cifist. He intends to return
the w orld to its one good old day. Pet
peeve: My fellow Notts. I come to you
tonight w ith a heavy heart . . . "D oes it
really m atter???"


"T o say that a man is an idea list is "The ones who live are the ones who
merely to say that he is a man." struggle."
French Club. Latin Club. CITIZEN staff Choir, Junior Council . . . traveling, fo o l
. . . skiing, riding a snow-m obile . . . ing around . . . Ed plans to attend either
“ B ob" plans to attend college. Pet Oswego or NYU to become a history
peeve: 6:45 AM and riding buses . . . teacher. Pet peeve: bake sales, horse-
“ Ya can't have everything!"
meat . . . “ Ya rig h t!"


"T he times they are a changin’ . . . " " I have but one life to live . . ."
Transferred from Southwestern Cen "W im m en", books, sports, cars . . .
tral High School, intramural basket John plans to attend colleg e in Bos
ball, Trench Club, Varsity polo, The ton. Pet peeve: the library . . . "I
Brass . . . motorpsycho nightmaring,
skiing, w orking on the s till, fo lk g u i don’t give a darn!"
tar, polo . . . "B ra s s " plans to attend
colleg e and to pursue a career in
com munications. Pet peeve: shallow
people, chuckles . . . “ A in't it the


"Success is yours if you only strive

for it."
DECA, FSA, sewing, cooking, read
ing, boys . . . “ Deenie Baby" plans
to attend business school and then
become a secretary. Pet peeve: peo
ple with big mouths and dragon
breaths . . . “ Sorry 'bout that."


"N ever leave that till tomorrow which "Thy habitation is the heart!"
Latin Club, Spanish Club . . . playing
you can do today." on everybody's nerves, ridin g horses,
Red Cross Club, AV, Psychology class skiing, traveling, piano, skipping school
. . . snorkeling, guitar, driving, football . . . "D u b s ” hopes to attend S.U. Pet
. . . “ D ruck" plans to m ajor in engineer peeve: the Shinks, m em orizing words to
ing in colle g e . Pet peeve: getting an songs, rolling r’s , . . “ You're ignorant!"
swers to a test from the test itself . . . "I
don't believe it!"


“ W ithout m usic life would be a m is "A friend in need is a friend in deed."
take." Soccer, Lunch Patrol, Red Cross, Stu
dent C ouncil, swim team, Pi Phi Mu,
All-State, A ll-C ity, All-County O rches CYO . . . Friday and Saturday nights with
tras; Honor Society, Student Council, N.F. “ A l" plans to go to colleg e for
CITIZEN . . . fashion illustration, music, law. Pet peeve: a closed room with a
golf, drama, people, sleeping . . “ Barb" g irl you ca n 't stand . . . “ So what are ya
plans to attend college . . . “ Hiya!”
d o in g ? "


"P eople always think more of you
when you have naturally curly ha ir."
Choir, FTA, CYO cheerleading . . .
swimming, skiing, piano. . . “ Susie"
plans to attend colleg e in elem entary
education. Pet peeve: 6'4“ basket
ball players, “ I’m just a kid, what
do I know." . . . CBA . . . “ Higgins,
I'm crazy, I just know it!"


“ To look up and not down, to look “ / w ould rather s it on a pum pkin and
forw ard and not back, to look out have it a ll to m yself than to be
and not in, to lend a ha nd." crow ded on a velvet c u s h io n ."
A ll-C ity Band, All-State Sectional, Student Council Veep, Latin Club,
All-State Conference, band, orches GO squad, Lunch Patrol, choir, Red
tra, Senior Class Play conductor, Cross Club, Forum, USA, P rincipal's
Pro Art, Syracuse Symphony . . . Cabinet . . .talks with good friends,
records . . . George plans to major long walks in the morning, soaking
in music and to go into symphony up the sun . . . Marcia plans to at
work. Pet peeve: homeroom . . . tend a state college and become a
“ Good one!" specialized teacher. Pet peeve: in
sincere people . . . “ This is tru e ."


" I never made a mistake in my life. I "L ife is just a cherr of bow iies."
thought I did once, but l was w rong." Junior Council, Student Council, Art
Red Cross Club, Latin Club, Forum, Club, CITIZEN and BULLDOG, intra
CITIZEN, Spanish Club . . . flying and murals . . . sewing, reading, skiing . . .
M exico . . . “ M arg" plans to go to co l "M a rM a r" plans to m ajor in history in
lege and to enter the Peace Corps. Pet
peeve: Dallas Airport, groovy toes . . . co lle g e Pet peeve: 3:45 bus transfers,
“ Ah, ye s!" . . . "Y ou're rig h t!" reading directions . . . “ What adding
do n g !" . . . “ T.O. everybody."


“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away." “ Be more than what you are, be so much
Choir, NHS Singers, homeroom presi more the m an.’ ’
dent, football manager, football trainer, Varsity baseball and foo tball, CYO ath le
BULLDOG, bowling league, intramural tic director, CYO basketball, City Youth
basketball . . . bowling, chess, water- Council . . . girls, sports, reading, swim
skiing, football, Buicks, managing . . . ming . . . “ A ce“ plans to go to college
“ Doc E gor" plans a career in ath letic to m ajor in accounting or law. “ When
therapy. Pet peeve: neighbors, football the going gets tough, the tough get
players, Plymouths, M other's Sweetie
P ie . . . “ Go, see the coach!" g o in g ."


“ Tell me the cause; I know there is “ Art thou lonely, o' my brother?
a woman in it."
Freshman cross-country, intramurals, Share thy little with an othe r!"
public speaking, CYO basketball, Intram urals, Varsity track, CYO bas
Varsity baseball . . . CYO, baseball, ketball, Booster Club, Skiing Club,
football, basketball, girls . . . “ Bob" Veep, of the Legion of Mary . . .
plans to attend colleg e to m ajor in sports, Bob Dylan, Simon and Gar-
business adm inistration. Pet peeve: funkle . . . “ C urly" would like to at
sitting in Mr. Deegan's study hall, tend college and then teach. Pet
certain baseball coaches . . . “ Are peeve: people who make fun of
you kiddin g?" others . . . “ Take it easy, will ya?“


“ You can’t condemn a man for try “ Don't ever be anything you don’t
in g ."
Varsity soccer, JV, Varsity basket re a lly want to be or y o u 'll never be
ball, golf, Student C ouncil, Red Cross
Club, Honor Society, GO Squad, happy." A
Veep, of the B.O.'s, Sergeant at
Gamma Sigma, intramurals, tw irling
Arms Committee . . . “ C huck" plans
to attend college and to pursue a pizzas at Cozmo’s . . . riding cycles,
business career. Pet peeve: g irls in
p ig ta ils . . . “ Sure you w ill." skiing, hot cars, looking for B7's,

Friday n ig h t. . . John plans to attend

college in the South and enter the

business field. Pet peeve: Honda,

phony people, bad dough . . . “ Get

a friend!"


“ For most men, life is a search for the "T o know happiness is to liv e !"
proper manila envelope in which to get Choir, Latin Club, intramural volleyball,
basketball, badminton . . . piano, sail
themselves file d ." ing, swimming, sewing, getting the most
French Club, Student Council, Literary out of life . . . “ G r e f plans to attend
Club . . . skiing, reading, theater, mu coliege and to be a speech therapist.
sic . . . Marcia plans to attend college. Pet peeve: gym lockers, a certain 2nd
Pet peeve: the im p ra ctica lity of a 24 rush . . . “ What a p a in !"

hour day . . . “ Marcia . . . M ar-C -I-A!“ 35


“ Such sweet com pulsion doth in “ A man is as big as his shadow."
music lie ." Varsity football manager, intramural
Band, orchestra, All-State Sectional, basketball . . . hot cars, slow cars,
All-County, All-C ity, Pro Art, BULL any cars, football, basketball, skiing,
DOG staff, French Club, Brass Q uin car racing . . . “ Foxy Lady" plans on
an engineering co lle g e or the Army.
tet, Senior Class Play . . . drawing, Pet peeve: punching out certain
sewing, languages, reading . doctors, Red Road Runners, a
N ancy’s plans include college. Pet blonde . . . “ No sympathy F ried
peeve: Bernardo . . . “ What am I m a n!”
gonna d o ? " . . . “ I think I'm dying."


“ He lives, no fear, doubtless in “ Thoughtless of beauty, she was
everything he knows." beauty's se lf."
Student Council, Chess Club, Cycl
ing Club, AYH, Restoration M im eo Student Council, homeroom officer,
graph Service, Organism . . . bicycl Latin Club, lunch patrol, g irl's sports
ing, politics, mimeographing; honest,
responsible, representative govern . . . reading, squishy, interior dec
ment . . . W alley plans to attend RPI orating . . . “ G lo r's " plans include
or Case for engineering. Pet peeve: college for interior design or teach
people who run meetings without ing.
knowing parliamentary procedure . . .
“ Mr. Veep, there is a motion on the
flo o r!”


“ You can't build a reputation on what "W e are a ll in the gutter, but some of
you are going to do." us are looking at the stars."
Varsity football, basketball intramurals Student Council, Latin Club, orchestra,
. . . bowling, swimming . . . Ben plans RMS Organism . . . sailing, swimming,
to attend co lle g e in New York State. Pet cam ping, touch fo o tball, Cape Cod in
peeve: people who don’t give sympathy the summertime . . . “ P ete" plans to at
. . . “ Don't m ess!" tend a small liberal arts college, hopeful
ly Haverford. Pet peeve: chemistry,
36 squirt guns, weary homeroom teachers

. "A g a in th a t's only part of it, in
terms of it."


Band, volleyball . . . football, all out
door sports, cars . . . “ Per” plans to
join the Marines, and buy a certain car.
Pet peeve: football teams without spirit
. . . “ Your score.”


“ The m ilde st manners and the ge ntl “ If music be the food of love, play
est heart.” on.”
Volleyball, badminton . . . dance, Sing-Out Syracuse, All-C ity Choir,
swimming, sewing . . . Ann's plans NHS Singers, mixed choir, homeroom
include c o lleg e with a m ajor in secretary, badminton, bowling, bas
dance. Pet peeve: G irl’s locker room
ketball . . . singing, music, skiing,
. . . “ Really” . Sub Deb Club . . . “ Ver” plans to

attend a business college. Pet peeve:
“ W iggly eyes” , bus rides to Notre
Dame. . . “ Take a w alk!” . . . “ He’s

the berries!”


"We must be free or die ."
DECA Club . . . guitar, drums, broil
ing steaks over a large fire, co lle c t
ing salamanders . . . Ron's plans in
clude attending the University of
Florida w ith a m ajor in business ad
m inistration and then w inding up
married. Pet peeve: people who
don't know what they're doing, telling
people who know what to do how to
do something . . . “ That's it" . . .

“ 9 out of 10 tim e s .”

"T h e lazy man gets around the sun as
q u ickly as the busy on e." "Each man is ju s tifie d in his individual
JV football, Varsity tennis, AV, ski patrol, ity."
Varsity Club . . . skiing, breathing, beat Work . . . care, going to the Bank to add
ing J.A., love - n - love, photography to my account . . . " E ffie " plans to go
. . . Mac plans to attend college where to California. Pet peeve: unnecessary
there is snow. Pet peeve: Uhh . , . “ My people and the Draft with Uncle Sam
game H eff." . . . “ Keep the fa ith !”



“ As ye sow, so shall ye reap . . ." "B e lte r short and sweet than long and
Tennis, soccer, Latin Club, Band . . .
swimming, sailing, skiing, . . . “ Jim " la x ."
plans to attend a liberal arts college. Pet Student Council, Honor Society, Choir,
peeve: running laps, puns . . . “ oooohh GO Squad, AFS exchange student to
. . . N o!" Japan, Latin C lub . . . w orking with the

blind, tutoring, USV pres., religious stud
ies . . . Paula plans to attend college
and then teach the blind. Pet peeve: Say-


“ It doesn't matter what you believe “ Exuberance is beauty!"
as long as you're sincere." French Club, volleyball, basketball
Red Cross Club, Upstate Med. Cent
er Teens, Art Club, G irl’s Bowling . . . skiing, Nurse’s Aide . . . Gail
Team, badminton, intram urals, FSA plans to attend colleg e in Boston.
. . . sewing, skiing, swimming . . . Pet peeve: trips to N and M., blue
corvettes, French II . . . “ Y ou’re
“ S te l" hopes to attend college and kidding ?“
then work as a medical secretary.
Pet peeve: immature people, g irl's
lockerroom , buses, H.L. L L L “ Are
you kidding?".


“ Know ledge is the action of the “ But a gentleman doesn’t make love
s o u l." like a—"
Honor Society, Spanish Club, Art Varsity Club, Track and Field, w restl
Club, FTA, volleyb all, intram urals, ing, Band . . . art, drama, psychol
national and regional USY . . . p o ogy, football . . . Doug plans to at
etry, reading, keeping busy, thinking, tend college as a hum anities major.
traveling, Judaic studies . . . M arti’s Pet peeve: indecision, I think . . .
plans include college with a major “ W hat’s there to be serious ab o u t? "
in special ed. Pet peeve: “ Impos
sible Dreams", mail, long distance
phone calls, saying goodbye . . .
“ Happiness A lways!"


“ A true friendship is a priceless thing." "A s happy a man as any In the world, for
S p irit of 69, Spanish Club, Student C oun the whole w orld seems to sm ile upon
cil, BULLDOG selling staff, Jr. Class Ad him ."
visory Council . . . driving, daily hot-
fudge sundaes, drama, riding horses, JV and Varsity football, Student Coun
aqua-skiing, Spain . . . “ B o n " plans to c il, Choir, NHS Singers, Sr. Choir pres.,
attend co lle g e to m ajor in special ed. Veep, of Aronian Society, Co-chairman
Pet peeve: diets, big ears, “ love-hand of W inter W eekend . . . foo tball, tennis,
le s ", Barb's driving . . . “ Pick ya up la bowling, Debbe . . . "B ra d " plans to at
ter, Barb." tend colleg e as a science m ajor.



“ A friend is the first one to step in after "N othing can bring you peace but your
the whole w o rld has stepped o u t." s e lf."

Canteen com mittee. Junior Council, Art Student Council, Honor Society, gym
Club. French Club . . . driving and mu nastics, tennis, Pi Phi Mu, Junior A chieve
sic . . . "P a ttie " is undecided about her ment . . . mountain clim bing, guitar, ski
future plans. Pet peeve: com plainers ing, tw iddling, the Pack . . . "G ranny"
and "R ab bits” . . . "B ut honey . . ." plans to attend college, maybe Cornell.
"W hy?" . . . "S eriously!" Pet peeve: being Best Man at w eddings
. . . "Too obscene!"


Intramural basket team, CITIZEN " Nothing can cure the soul but the
staff . . . baseball, football, basket senses, ju s t as nothing can cure the
ball . . . Robert plans on a career in senses but the s o u l."
Teaching dancing. Pompeiian Play
law and politics. Pet peeve: ers, SMT, Town and Country Players,
"W o u ld n ’t it be nice if the school Metro Musical Theater . . . interior
caught up with the tim e ? " . . . (as
told by his father). "M ay the good decoration, dancing, reading, acting,
Lord help me to keep my big mouth languages . . . "N ic k y " hopes to
shut." use her language background to
travel w hile in the business field. Pet
peeve: no chocolate m ilk; long,
straight hair . . . "Caiga M uerto!"
. . . "Manage Diavolo!"


" Exuberance is beauty." " There is nothing good or bad but
Student Council, Latin Club, Art Club, thinking makes it so."
JV and Varsity cheerleading, church Golf, Jr. Council, bowling, Spirit of
activities, volunteer work . . . sew '69, Newsbowl, CITIZEN staff, intra
ing, swimming . . . "S ahara" plans murals, Evil Konevil Committee . . .
to attend college and then teach. Pet basketball, sailing, ping-pong, bowl
peeve: 3 letter men, butterflies . . .
"W ho?" ing, skiing . . . "J e ff" plans to at
tend a large university. Pet peeve:
a ball at 2 AM w ith T.S., Mulvi fo l
lowing my match, "You lost again?"
wire fences . . . "Hey Charlie, how
about those Dodgers?"


"There are eyes, in no other man, that " The m ilde st manners with the bravest
shine quite as strong, or dream quite as m ind."
free." Band, All-County, All-State Sectional,
Gymnastics, Forum, Art Club, Junior Senior Class Play, Honor Society, Forum,
Achievement . , . tropical fish, having BULLDOG staff, French Club, Literary
parties in C om stock Park . . . “ W illy Poe Club, G irls' Bowling League, intramural
C h illy " plans to attend S.U. to m ajor in skiing . . . sewing, swimming, music,
physical education. Pet peeve: four years skiing, reading . . . "S h e ll" plans to at
of French I . . . “ What a gaph!" tend college and then law school. Pet
peeve: the g irls' locker room.



"Ju st outside my wisdom are words for
Student C ouncil, AFS, Latin Club, Prin
c ip a l's C abinet, C ITIZEN, GO Squad,
S p irit of 69, county church group presi
dent . . . reading, swimming, people,
acting . . . “ M eba” wants to major in
psychology and get a “ bod.” Pet peeve:
cem eteries at m idnight, boring teachers
. . . “ G i’me a break!!’ ’


"F riendship! mysterious cement of "Success begins with a fellow 's
the sou l: Sw eet'ner o f life , and w ill— i t ’s a ll in the state o f m in d ."
solder of society!" Red Cross, gym nastics . . . tennis,
Pep Squad . . . swimming, football skiing, skating, albums . . . Mary
. . . “ B unnie" plans to attend c o l plans to be a secretary. Pet peeve:
people asking what my age is . . .
lege and then get married. Pet peeve: “ Good G od!" . . . “ Sure enough."
people separating themselves from
each other . . . “ Aw S hill."


"Everything that moves in the dark "W hat is the worth of anything but
is not Santa C laus." for the happiness 'tw ill b rin g?"
JV football, Varsity baseball, intra
murals, Push-on Israel, Lunch Patrol. Jr. Council, Art Club, intramurals,
GSO . . . sleeping, baseball, m ock volleyball, BULLDOG, Safety Coun
ing m.f., weekends at Sandy Pond cil, Spanish Club . . . skiing, sailing,
. . . "C .R ." plans to attend South sky diving, horseback riding, boys
ern Illin o is to major in dentistry. . . . “ C. R abb its" plans to become
Pet peeve: 5 A.M., Fat Sasson, lan an elem entary school teacher. Pet
guages . . . "The h - you a re!"
peeve: disappearing cars, mornings,
“ Crackers" . . . “ But honey!" . . .
“ Oh!”


"T he only thing to fear is fear its e lf." E ditor of BULLDOG '69, varsity gym
JV and Varsity baseball and basketball nastics, and too many other activities
. . . h. hunting, pa in ting, w alking on
water, skiing . . . "M ik e ” plans to at . . . “ B ill’s’’ future.plans include medi
tend Northeastern. Pet peeve: people cal school aid then the invention of a
who talk about other people . . . "H ow car that runs on peanut o il . . . “ Oh,
about tha t!" . . . "Casta connubial.” baby!” . . . “ Pass the eraser, Amy."

40 . . . “ Char, ask me if I care." . . .
etc. . . .


“ Deep in the hart of Dixie . .
AV Club, Forestry Outpost, Latin Club,
Bristol Labs Outpost, MYF, scuba diving,

Science Seminar, Chess Club . . . elec
tronics, diving, photography, rocketry,
Latin, books . . . “ Dear Hart” plans to
attend college. Pet peeve: J.C. . . .
“ More power to you ?”


“ Happiness is w alking barefoot in
the grass."
Choir, Latin Club, badminton . . .
big-game hunting, skiing, riding
horses, the group at G.L., switching
signs, stalling cars, body painting,
driving, going through stop signs
. . . “ C hris” plans to attend college
to m ajor in special education. Pet
peeve: Buffalo, Italian boys, leav
ing G.L., gray falcons, people at A.J.
. . . “ O h!"


“ The bigger the package, the better “ There is no other m iracle greater
the p rize ." than m yse lf."
JV and Varsity football, Varsity w restl DECA, G irls ’ Choir, Experim ent in
ing, track and field, intramurals . . . Movements, Soul Generation, track
swimming, football, w eightlifting, bas
ketball . . . “ Marty” plans to attend and fie ld . . . fellows, parties, money,
college or enter the service. Pet modeling, and a challenging career
peeve: being so big, the Rat . . . . . . Elayna's plans include attending
“ Oh, yeah!" Howard University for business ad
ministration. Pet peeve: phony girls

. . . “ You better believe it!" . . .
“ I t ’s got to be m e llo w ."


“ The diffe ren ce between love and hate “ N ot to the strong is the battle nor to
is understanding the sw ift is the race, but tim e and c ir
Latin Club, Spanish Club, track, CYO cumstance happen to them a ll."
Latin Club, Spanish Club, Student Coun
cheerleading, Honor Society . . . candy- c il . . . swim m ing, D rivers’ Ed., skiing
striping, piano . . . Rosemary plans to . . . “ R obin” plans to attend college,
attend nursing school. Pet peeve: 5th then . . .? Pet peeve: organizing rides,
period study halls, Ouija boards, self- G.T.A., Michigan . . . “ Listen, Mar,
centered people . . . “ I ’ve got to start w e ’ve got to have a p la n ."
acting more sensible . . . tom orrow !"


" Beauty is Ihe mark God sets upon "H u m o r is gravity con cealed behind the
v irtu e ." je st."
JV and Varsity foo tb a ll, JV and Varsity
Library Club, G irl's C hoir, FSA, bow l basketball, lacrosse, Student Council,
ing . . . skiing, sewing, knitting . . Latin Club, GO Squad . . . "H o o p " plans
to attend co lleg e and m ajor in architec
Diane plans to become a medical sec ture or ed. Pet peeve: Lou's, A's, "Jicks
retary. and Ticks".


"N ever drink water when you can “ Beauty, the sm ile of God; Music,
drink w ine." His voice."
Skiing, going to A2 parties, dooring Syracuse Little Theater, Syracuse
CBA guys, skipping school, her 327 Choral, dancing . . . theater and
. . . "D o d ie " plans to attend college W.B. Katie hopes to study all aspects
in Boston and stewardess school. of theater and to spend the rest of
Pet peeve: the pool hall and getting her life w ith W.B. Pet peeve: fillin g
the car . . . “ Give me a b reak!” out crazy question sheets.


. . . When you are joyous, look "H is lim bs were cast in manly mold,
deep into your heart and you shall tor hardy sports or contest bold ."
find it is only that which has given JV and Varsity football, JV basket
you sorrow that is giving you jo y ." ball, Varsity wrestling and baseball,
Student C ouncil, Forum, USA, News- Student Council, homeroom presi
bowl, S pirit of 69, Organism, track, dent and secretary, Red Cross Club.
Upstate Medical . . . skiing, travel Lunch Patrol . . . “ Ing ie" plans to
ing, and talking . . . Jerri plans to attend college.
study in Europe and then pursue a
career in sociolo gy and language.
Pet peeve: long and dirty curly haired
boys, short pants, and loafers . . .
“ That’s true to o !" . . . “ Milujem ta.“


"La ugh and the w orld laughs with you; "S pontaneous wisdom breathed by truth
cry and you must not have understood
the jo k e ." breathed by cheerfulness."
Swim Team, Forum, Band, Evel Knievel Varsity soccer, Newsbowl, Spanish Club,
Fan Club . . . music (guitar and kan), 3 yrs. in FLD's homeroom, Forum . . .
motor racing, poetry, dramatic arts . . .
“ K n ic k " plans to m ajor in English and pool, tidd ly-w inks, cam ping in . . . “ The
Drama in c o lleg e . . . “ It’s a flu te from K id " plans to v is it my Uncle Sam, then
Thailand." raising a fam ily with kids and the whole
bit. Pet peeve: Super Uke, Friday's fish,
42 Math!! . . . “ R ight!"


"A n education is the only way to free Pep Squad, Swim Team. Latin Club.
dom of thought." Honor Society President, Tennis Team.
FTA, Forum . . . skipping Latin . . .
Jr. Class Council. Student Council. Up “ Simon Frappe" wants to be a fireman
state Medical Center Team, Soul Genera . . . “ Bieup!!"
tion . . . chess, sports, swimming, trom

bone. DOM. TV. food, reading, politics,
soul music . . . “ R abbitt" plans to at
tend S.U. Pet peeve: flow er power .
“ What's happening?''


" I f at first you don't succeed; try and
try again."

A cappella Choir . . . singing, danc
ing, being around people . . . “ Sweet-

thin g" would like to attend college
and then become a secretary . . .
“ You have got to have an understand
in g ."


" Peace of the grave and lig h t of the "W ithhold no sacrifice, grudge no
sun." toil, seek no sordid gain, fear no
JV cheerleading, volleyball and bad foe."
minton, Student Council, Forum, W orking on cars and liftin g weights
AFS, Art Club . . . sailing, sewing, . . . “ J im " plans to attend the G.W.
skiing, tennis . . . “ The Fox" plans Tech. Center or Chrysler School.
to attend colleg e and m ajor in s c i Pet peeve: Plymouth with shackles
ence and math. Pet peeve: IBM test
forms . . . “ I'm a live!" and tired out po lice cars . . . “ Can
it, it's all over!"


"The difference between love and hate "L ife is a festival only to the w is e ."
is understanding." Lunch Patrol, gymnastics, intramurals,
French Club, AV. choir, bowling . . . The Pack . . . waterskiing, marbles,
golf, tennis, bowling, baseball, basket w alking the streets in Ocean City . . .
ball, football, sailing, swimming, leather- “ Rosebud" plans to attend Arizona or
craft, DeMolay . . . “ R on" plans to ma Buffalo State. Pet peeve: 16-year-old
jo r in architectu re at Kent State or In d i girls with the minds of 13-year-olds, try
ana. Pet peeve: teachers during exams, ing to act 21 . . . “ Im' stum ped!"

French tests, cake crumbs on shoulders 43
. . . “ Never in do u b t."


"A sm ile is worth a m illion dollars and The Wayfarer,
it doesn't cost a cent." P erceiving the pathway to truth,
Honor Society, Latin Club, French Club, Was struck w ith astonishm ent.
intramural volleyball and basketball . . . It was thickly grown with weeds.
horseback riding, tennis, swimming, "H a ," he said,
bow ling, ukulele . . . “ S h a ri" plans to " I see that no one has passed here
go on to co lleg e and major in math or “ In a long tim e."
French. Pet peeve: people who are a l Later he saw that each weed
ways late, lunch . . . “ Just forget it!" Was a singu lar knife.

"W e ll" he mumbled at last,
"D oubtless there are other roads."

Stephen Crane


"En nu moet jy je mond digt houden." "S ilence of tongue does not mean
Student C ouncil, Co-Chairman of GO silence of m ind."
Squad, Pep Squad, Junior Class Ad Student C ouncil, Red Cross, GAA,
visory Council, Const. Revision Up-state Med. Center Group, French
Comm., track, S pirit of 69, Student Club, AFS . . . horseback riding and
Faculty Advisory Comm., Veep of showing, swimming, skiing, tennis
MYF . . . Swimming, skiing, and a . . . “ Kerky” plans to go to college
certain girl . . . “ Schuyler C ronk" and study veterinary medicine. Pet
peeve: g irls ' locker room and being
plans to attend college and study in Ed's classes.
dentistry. Pet peeve: “ M argaret” ,
people who don’t like Dutchman . . .
“ Uhhh, very w e lll" . . . “ Ya, you're
c lo s e !"


"A nd think you can direct the course "Laughter is a sm ile that exploded."
of love, for love, if it finds you All G irls ’ Choir, French Club, Latin
worthy, directs your course."
Business Editor of BULLDOG, Trea Club, candy striping, YCS, Sing-Out,
surer of Honor Society, Pep Squad, JA . . . singing, sewing, walking,
Pres, of CYAC, Thanksgiving play
prod. . . . drama, blowing bubbles, palm reading . . . “ D ebbie" plans
being a volunteer worker with the college and then the navy. Pet peeve:
Ute Indians, laughing, crying, flying people who never sm ile, sittin g in
kites . . . “ D o c" plans to let he who the front seat of a certain Math 11
deserves to drink from the ocean of class . . . “ Son of a gu n!"

life fill his cup from my stream.

"W hat I am and what I can be are two
diffe ren t th in g s— but what I want to be
is m yself."
G irl’s Choir, Red Cross Club, Spanish
Club, M uscular Dystrophy Camp, State
Music S ectionals . . . babysitting, study
ing voice at SU, piano, candy striping,
S ing-out Syracuse, ukulele . . . Abby
hopes to attend Case-Western University
and major in social work with specializa
tion in child care. Pet peeve: not know

ing everyone that knows me!


Spanish Club, Lunch Patrol, swimming "B revity is the soul of w it."
sleeping, drivin g the car, playing the Trips to Canton, Gamma Sigma, swim
ming, skiing, sailing, scuba diving . . .
guitar . . . Craig plans to become a ma architectural and engineering drafting,
rine biologist. Pet peeve: senility, cer Chris . . . Peter plans to attend college
tain people asking for aides, people with and then pursue a career in engineering
the same last name . . . “ What fo r? " or architecture. Pet peeve: all male
French teachers . . . “ Yeah, rig h t!"


"S ile n ce is the perfect herald of jo y ." To him whose elastic and vigorous
Gymnastics, French Club, Red Cross, thought keeps pace with the sun the
Art Club . . . cooking, walking . . . day is perpetual m orning."
“ S her" plans to m ajor in home. ec. C ross-country, track, Spanish Club,
in colle g e . Pet peeve: crowded halls Pres, of Area CYO, Lunch Patrol,
. . . “ That’s tru e !” intramurals . . . skiing, golf, money,

Mother’s history class . . . “ Londie"
plans to attend college. Pet peeve:
dirty sweat suits, CBA gym shorts,
chocolate milk and Kane sugar . . .

“ Yes, I have a R o lls."


“ There is a pleasure sure in being “ Set forth fhe wine and the dice and
mad which none but madmen know." perish who think of tom orrow ."
Red Cross, Jr. Council, Student Latin Club, intramurals, Corridor
C ouncil, Pep Squad, GO Squad, La Guide, ba sketba ll. . . football, swim
tin Club, Spanish Club, BULLDOG ming . . . “ Dave" plans to attend
staff, soccer, volleyball . . . wash B.U. for law. Pet peeve: C.P.O.'s,
ing the car and cleaning the house talk, of Newburg, and Ma's chapter
. . . “ M other" plans to attend c o l surveys . . . “ That shirt’s dude!"
lege. Pet peeve: being in so many
sports, A.K. singing, serving food . . .
“ I don't get it."


Assistant Director of the Thanksgiving "Every genuine work of art has as much
Play, Spanish Club, N ational M erit, Hon reason fo r being as the earth and sun ."
or Society, lab volunteer . . . reading, Bowling, intram urals, Ski Club, choir,
swimming, making Harvard bags, taping, CITIZEN staff, Art Club, Spanish Club,
records, w riting . . . Elaine plans to at Student Council . . . sculpture, fishing,
tend colleg e and m ajor in biology. Pet painting, P.G.F. . . . “ J o " plans to major
peeve: my com plicated last name . . . in Fine A rts at B.U. or S.U. Pet peeve:
"Just a second." raccoons on the roof, "T he Haunting
C ry ". . . “ I’m just not gonna worry about



"The wise man neglects nol the body " I t 's w onderful, that le e lin ', believe
tor the mind, but develops bo th." me . .
Intram ural sports, golf, Student Council,
Homeroom president, A ll-C ity Student choir, Nottingham Singers, . . , skiing,
Council, paperback book store, Trea playing guitar, singing, sports . . . "Rob
surer Student Council, Forum, Latin Club, b ie " plans to attend college. Pet peeve:
JV cross country, gymnastics, Varsity trying to grow sideburns . . . “ What a
Club, band, BULLDOG, Honor Society dude."
. . . reading magazines, contra bass
clarinet, rowing, ruins, artifacts, sw im
ming, diving, movies . . . "M ik e " plans
on college and pre-med school. Pet
peeve: mispronounced Latin . . . "Pares
cum paribus faci Ilime congregantur."


“ Music is w ell said to be the speech
of angels."
Varsity tennis and soccer, Latin Club,
orchestra, A ll-C ity orchestra, Red
Cross Club, Treasurer of the B.O.'s
. . . music, skiing . . . "R o n -' plans
to go to colleg e fo r E ngineering. Pet
peeve: Latin . . . "I'm Ron, that's


“ People who need people are the
luckiest people in the w orld."
BULLDOG co-editor, Honor Society
secretary, Latin Club Veep, Student
Council, choir, Nottingham Singers,
S pirit of '69 secretary, gymnastics,
Y.O.U. drama group, Thanksgiving
play . . . piano, guitar, Almondeos,
people, travel, the theater . . .
"C har's future plans include some
thing w ild and w onderful . . . Pet
peeve: Latin Club costumes, cast
parties . . . “ I’m tire d !"


“ A fool on the h ill overlooking a ll." “ Lacta alea e s t ( T h e die is cast.)
Sing-out Syracuse, Student Council, Honor Society, Forum, Latin Club, Safe
choir, Literary Club, CITIZEN, sports, ty C ouncil, choir, RMS Organism, indoor
GAA, BULLDOG, Pep Squad, lunch pa track, intram urals . . . football, water
trol . . . Pratts Falls and kites, SDC, s k i
ing, laughing, boating, follow ing the sun, skiing, skateboarding, tennis . . . "Jim "
teaching Sunday school, and a Tall plans include Liberal A rts at a small col
GSM . . . "B o b b y" plans to go to a girls lege and a yellow '69 C orvette . . . Pet
school and then enter interior decorating peeve: Caesar, C icero, and V ergil, being
or a large gymnasium . . . Pet peeve: called John . . . "Have fun!" . . . "De
being asked "w hen are you getting your stroyed!"
c a r " . . . a pact with GSM.



“ I believe the firs t recipe to farm well
is to be ric h ."
Latin Club, GO Squad, Red Cross, Intra
mural Basketball . . . basketball, foo t
ball, Bridgeport, Dewitt & MA . . .
“ Itch y" plans to attend colleg e in Boston
and go on to Law School. Pet peeve:

MA . . . “ I'm so weary."


“ The pattern never alters until the “ To be more than I am would be a
lie ."
rat dies."
Varsity and JV football, gymnastics, Outside interest in NSC, chess,
intramurals, Latin Club . . . picking Am erican Youth Hostel, RMS . . .
up S.U. freshmen, body surfing, up cycling, sailing, listening to the
side down basket weaving, touch
(football), b-t-hing out Egor! . . . DOORS, doing calculus homework
“ B ob" plans to attend college, grad . . . “ C h ris " plans on college and
uate and become a billionaire. Pet ultim ately a career in abstruse math
peeve: the rat’s grass drills, 2nd. ematics or political activism. Pet
and 7th. periods . . . “ What tim e 's peeve: not being able to find a
this class over?" . . . “ S traight!" bridge “ fo u rth " . . . “ Y ou’ve got
flie s in your eyes!"


“ Man is the only animal that blushes “ A sm ile is worth a m illion dollars
—or needs to." and doesn't cost a cent."
Gymnastics, Track, Basketball, Arch Art Club, GAA, Spanish Club, Vol
ery, Choir, Spanish Club . . . Sing- leyball, Basketball, Ski Club . . .
Out Syracuse, photography, water- skiing, swimming, sewing, candy
skiing, in te rio r decorating, ESSP striping . . . Bonnie plans to attend
. . . “ G eorge" plans to attend Brock- college. Pet peeve: castle at Wells

port to m ajor in physical education. . . . “ Really?’’
Pet peeve: having her name m is
spelled, last year’s C.H, “ U ncle
Tommy" . . . “ Hey, U gly!"


Choir, golf team, bowling, lunch patrol, “ Sweet is pleasure after pa in ."
intramural basketball, work . . . golf, Art Club, Lunch Patrol . . . clockw atch
bowling, tennis, listening to the radio, ing, sewing, skiing, candy striping, lis
baseball, basketball . . . “ J e ff" plans tening to Hendrix, swimming, driving,
to attend co lle g e and m ajor in business collecting records, tennis, dancing . . .
education. Pet peeve: homework. “ Nanni G oat" plans to attend college.
Pet peeve: tom atoes, group no. 1, white
socks . . . “ Hit me with it!!”


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