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Published by mudassir.islam, 2022-01-04 00:32:36

Computing E-Book Grade 4


Innovative Empowered
Designer Learner


Second Edition



D e v el oped By:

EdTech Department

The City School


Project Lead

General Manager Education Technology

Project Team

EDTECH Department


Regional Computing Curriculum Leaders

Group Head Office: 31 – Industrial Area, Guru Mangat Road,
Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.
Ph: +92 (42) 111 444 123

Fax: +92 (42) 35773065

The entire computing curriculum is mapped with the attainment levels of the
UK National Curriculum, ICDL and ISTE Student Standards 2017-2018.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any part by any

means at any time.

Creating a Document .....................................................................................................................9

1.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

1.2. Character Spacing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3. Line and Paragraph Spacing ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

1.4. Indentation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.5. Columns in a Document .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

1.6. Creating Tables in Word .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.7. Find and Replace Words ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

1.8. Document Views .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.9. Zoom In and Zoom Out ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
able of Contents
Let’s Present .......................................................................................................................................28

2.1. Getting Started with PowerPoint .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29

2.2. Working with Slides in PowerPoint ......................................................................................................................................................................... 30
2.3. Adding Pictures and Text ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34

2.4. Slide Transition ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
2.5. Slide Animation ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39

2.6. Inserting Media in PowerPoint .................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
2.7. Working with Hyperlinks ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45

2.8. Action Buttons .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
2.9. Viewing the Presentation ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51

Spreadsheet Formatting ...............................................................................................................54
T 3.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55

3.2. Adjusting Column Width ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55

3.3. Adjusting Row Height ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56

3.4. Modifying Rows and Columns ................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
3.5. Inserting Rows Within Dataset .................................................................................................................................................................................. 58
3.6. Inserting Columns Within Dataset .......................................................................................................................................................................... 59

3.7. Wrapping Text and Merging Cells .......................................................................................................................................................................... 60

3.8. Text Alignment ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
3.9. Using Formulas ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
3.10. Functions in Excel .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63

3.11. Formatting Decimal Places .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 69

3.12. Absolute and Relative Reference ............................................................................................................................................................................ 70

3.13. Autofill Tool ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 71

3.14. Data Analysis Using Charts .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 73
3.15. Getting Worksheet Ready for Print ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76

Collecting Information ...................................................................................................................80

4.1. Introduction to Databases ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 81
4.2. Getting Started with MS Access ................................................................................................................................................................................ 82

4.3. Datatypes in MS Access .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 83
4.4. Creating Database in MS Access ............................................................................................................................................................................. 84
able of Contents
4.5. Understanding Tables in MS Access ..................................................................................................................................................................... 86
4.6. Creating Tables in MS Access ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 87

4.7. Creating Forms and Reports in MS Access .................................................................................................................................................... 93

Modular Designing ..........................................................................................................................103
5.1. Getting Started with EDraw Max .............................................................................................................................................................................. 104

5.2. EDraw Max Interface .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 104
5.3. Creating and Arranging Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................................................ 110

5.4. Working with Document Themes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 112
5.5. Align, Distribute and Group ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 116

5.6. Inserting Text in a Shape ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 117
5.7. Inserting and Editing Backgrounds ....................................................................................................................................................................... 119
T 5.8. Working with Layers in EDraw Max ....................................................................................................................................................................... 123

5.9. Formatting Shapes .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 125

5.10. Aligning Artwork .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 134
5.11. Printing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136

Let’s Program .....................................................................................................................................142
6.1. What is a Computer Program .................................................................................................................................................................................... 143

6.2. What is Scratch ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 143
6.3. Scratch Interface ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144

6.4. Adding Sprite ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 147
6.5. Adding Background ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 148

6.6. Script Area ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 148
6.7. Sample Projects...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 154

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................ 142

What is ICTECH Computing?

The ICTech (Innovation in Curriculum through Technology) is based on the best practices

in learning and teaching with technology to improve higher order thinking skills of
students to prepare them for their future in a competitive global job market. In this

curriculum, technology is used as a tool to integrate 21st century competencies and
expertise such as communication, leadership, critical thinking, complex problem solving

and collaboration in different subjects.

Structure of Book

Document Creation: advanced features of word processing and document creation
Let’s Present: using presentation software to create dynamic content
Spreadsheet Formatting: using spreadsheet tool to analyze, interprete and represent data

Collecting Information: using database tool to store, organize and retrive data

Modular Designing: using design tool to create artefacts
Let’s Program: learning to code and create applications using block-based programming

Book Features

Student Learning Outcomes

These appear at the start of each chapter and define the skills students will be equipped

with after completing the lesson.

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

These represent the ISTE student standards covered in each chapter. A complete

description of ISTE student standard can be found here.

Chapter Opener

These appear at the start of every chapter and are designed to grasp learners

attention related to the topic. Chapter openers consist of useful bits of information
related to the topic.


Checkpoints are learning bits that appear within the chapter at different stages to

reinforce the important learning concepts.

Food for Neurons

Food for neurons consist of fun facts or trending news about the topic. These appear
within each chapter.

Let’s Review

Each chapter ends with the key learning points that provide a complete overview of
the chapter.

Chapter Highlights

Key terms appearing throughout the chapter are highlighted to draw learner’s attention.

My Word Bank

Word bank appears at the end of each chapter and is the collection of technical words
used throughout the chapter.


Contains the important terminology covered in the book.

Types of Documents that

You can Create

Brochure Resume Report

Memo Inviation card Flyer

Creating a Document

Types of Documents that

You can Create

Student Learning Outcomes

After going through this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Change the character spacing on a word

2. Apply line and paragraph spacing
3. Apply indentation on paragraphs

4. Insert columns in a document

Brochure Resume Report 5. Insert tables in a document
6. Insert rows and columns in existing tables
7. Delete rows and columns from the table

8. Find and replace words
9. Change the view of the document

10. Zoom in and out within the document
11. Save and print the document

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

Empowered Creative

Memo Inviation card Flyer Learner Communicator

1a 1c 1d 6a 6b 6d

The City School 2021-2022

1.1. Overview

A Word Processor is a software that allows users to create, edit and print documents.
In the previous book, we learnt about the basics of word processing. In this chapter, we

will learn about the advanced word processing features of Microsoft Word.

1.2. Character Spacing

Kerning is the amount of space between each character that you type. Sometimes the
space between two characters is larger than others, which makes the word look uneven.

Here is the procedure to change the character spacing of any written word:

1. Select the text you want to format. Open the font dialog box launcher and select the
Advanced tab from the window that appears.


The City School 2021-2022

2. Click the Spacing list arrow, click an option, and
then specify a point size to expand or condense

spacing by the amount specified.
3. Click the Spacing list arrow, click an option, and

then specify a point size to expand or condense
spacing by the amount specified. Creating a Document

4. Click the Position list arrow, click an option, and
then specify a point size to raise or lower the

text relative to the baseline (bottom of the text).
5. Select the Kerning for fonts checkbox, and

then specify a point size.
6. To make the new formatting options the

default for all new Word documents, click Set
As Default, and then click Yes.

7. Click OK.

1.3. Line and Paragraph Spacing

The lines in all Word documents are single-spaced by default, which is appropriate for
letters and most documents. You can easily change your document line spacing to double

or 1.5 lines to allow extra space between every line. This is useful when you want to make
notes on a printed document.

Here is the procedure to change the line and
paragraph spacing:

1. Select the text you want to change.
Select Line Spacing option from the

Home tab.
2. To apply a new setting, click the number

you want.
3. To apply the setting you last used, click

the Line Spacing button.
4. To enter precise parameters, click Line

Spacing options, specify the line or paragraph settings you want, and then click OK.


The City School 2021-2022

5. To apply the setting you last used,

click Add Space Before Paragraph or
Add Space After Paragraph.

6. You can also open the Paragraph
window by selecting the text, press

the right-click button and select the
paragraph option. You can change

the line and paragraph spacing from
paragraph window as well.

Quick Tip

Select the text you want to change, Press Ctrl+1 for single-spacing, Ctrl+5 for
1.5 spacing, or Ctrl+2 for double-spacing.

1.4. Indentation

Adding indentation to text adds structure to your
document by allowing you to separate

information. Whether you’d like to move a single line
or an entire paragraph, you can use the tab selector

and the horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents. Every year the U.S. uses
nearly 3.7 million tons of
Word allows to indent the first line of a paragraph paper – that is more than

(called a first-line indent) as books do to distinguish 700 billion sheets
paragraphs. Indent the second and subsequent

lines of a paragraph from the left margin (called a hanging indent) to create a properly
formatted bibliography. Indent the entire paragraph any amount from the left and right

margins (called left indents and right indents) to separate quoted passages.

Indent using Tab Key

A quick way to indent a text/paragraph is to use the Tab key as per your requirement.

This will create a first-line indent of 1/2 inch.


The City School 2021-2022

1. Place the insertion point at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to
Creating a Document

2. Press the Tab key. On the ruler, you should see the first-line indent marker move
to the right by 1/2 inch. The first line of the paragraph will be indented.

Quick Tip

If you cannot see the ruler, select the View tab, then click the checkbox next to


Indent Markers

In some cases, you may want to have more control over indents. Word provides indent

markers that allow you to indent paragraphs to the location you want. The indent markers
are located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and they provide several indenting options:


The City School 2021-2022

First line indent: the first line of a paragraph is indented
more than the other lines in the paragraph.

Hanging indent: when the first line is not indented while all

the subsequent lines of the paragraph are indented from
the left margin of the page.

Right Indent: indents the paragraph on the right by the
amount you choose.

Left Indent: moves both the first-line indent and hanging
indent markers at the same time (this will indent all lines in a


Follow the steps below to indent using indent markers

1. Place the insertion point

anywhere in the paragraph
you want to indent or select

one or more paragraphs.
2. Click, hold, and drag the

desired indent marker. In
our example, we will click,

hold, and drag the left indent
marker. A live preview of

the indent will appear in the

3. Release the mouse. The paragraphs will be indented.


The City School 2021-2022

1.5. Columns in a Document

Sometimes the information you include in your document is best displayed in
columns. Not only can columns help improve readability, but some types of
documents—like newspaper articles, newsletters, and flyers—are often written in

column format. Word also allows you to adjust your columns by adding column Creating a Document


1. Select the text you want to format. Select the Page Layout tab, then click the
Columns command. A drop-down menu will appear. From here, select the number

of columns you want to add to the document.

2. After you have selected the number of columns, your text in the document will format



The City School 2021-2022

3. To remove column formatting, place the insertion point anywhere in the columns, then
click the Columns command on the Page Layout tab. Select One from the dropdown
menu that appears.

4. Your column choices aren’t limited to the drop-down Checkpoint
menu that appears. Select More Columns... at the
Kerning is the amount of space
bottom of the menu to access the Columns dialogue between each character that you type.
box. Click the arrows next to the Number of columns: Indentation adds structure to the

to adjust the number of columns. document by separating information.


The City School 2021-2022

1.6. Creating Tables in Word

A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables are useful for various
tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data. In Word, you can

create a blank table, convert text to a table, and apply a variety of styles and
formats to existing tables. Creating a Document

1. Place your insertion point where you want the table to appear, then select the

Insert tab. Click the Table command.

2. A drop-down menu containing a grid of squares will appear. Hover the mouse over the

grid to select the number of columns and rows in the table.


The City School 2021-2022

3. Alternatively, you can create using Insert Table option. Here you can enter the number

of rows and columns you want in your table.

4. You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table to add text.

Quick Tip

To move the insertion point to the next cell, press the Tab key while typing.

If the insertion point is in the last cell, pressing the Tab key will automatically
create a new row.


The City School 2021-2022

Insert Rows and Columns in an Existing Table
Creating a Document

1. Hover the mouse near the location where you want to add a row or column, then
click the plus sign that appears. A new row or column will appear in the table.

2. Alternatively, you can right-click the table, then hover the mouse over Insert to

see the various row and column options.

Delete Rows and Columns from a Table

1. Place the insertion point in the row or column you want to delete.

2. Right-click the mouse, then select Delete Cells... from the menu that appears.


The City School 2021-2022

3. A dialogue box will appear. Select Delete entire row or Delete entire column, then click

4. The column or row will be deleted.

1.7. Find and Replace Words

When you’re working with longer documents, it can be difficult and time consuming to
locate a specific word or phrase. Word can automatically search your document using the

Find feature, and it allows you to quickly change words or phrases using Replace.

To Find Text

1. From the Home tab, click the Find command.

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+F on your

2. The Navigation pane will appear on the left side of

the screen. Type the text you want to find in the field
at the top of the navigation pane. In our example,

we’ll type the word we’re looking for.


The City School 2021-2022

3. If the text is found in the document, it will be highlighted in yellow and a preview
Creating a Document
of the results will appear in the navigation pane. Alternatively, you can click one

of the results below the arrows to jump to it.

4. When you are finished, click the X to close the navigation pane. The highlight will


To Replace Text

At times, you may discover that you have made a mistake repeatedly throughout your
document— such as misspelling a person’s name—or that you need to exchange a

particular word or phrase for another.
You can use Word’s Find and Replace feature to quickly make changes. In our example,

we will use Find and Replace to change the title of a magazine so it is abbreviated.


The City School 2021-2022

1. From the Home tab, click the Replace command. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+H on
your keyboard.

2. Type the text you want to find in the Find what: field. Type the text you want to replace
it within the Replace with: field. Then click Find Next.

3. Word will find the first instance of the text and highlight it in grey. Review the text to

make sure you want to replace it. In our example, the text is part of the title of the
paper and does not need to be replaced. We’ll click Find Next again to jump to the next



The City School 2021-2022

4. The text will be replaced. When you’re done, click Close or Cancel to close the
Creating a Document
dialog box.

Quick Tip

You can also access the Find and Replace command by pressing Ctrl+H on

your keyboard.

1.8. Document Views

Microsoft Word has a variety of viewing options that Checkpoint
change how your document is displayed. You can

choose to view your document in Read Mode, Print A table is a grid of cells arranged in
rows and columns.
Layout, or Web Layout. These views can be useful for Word can automatically search your
document using the Find feature, and
various tasks, especially if you are planning to print the it allows you to quickly change words
or phrases using Replace.

Read Mode is optimized for reading a document on the computer screen. In Full
Screen Reading view, you also have the option of seeing the document as it would

appear on a printed page.


The City School 2021-2022

Print Layout is the default layout and the one you see most often.

Web Layout is suitable if you are designing a web page in Word. Web Layout view

shows how your document will look like a web page.

1.9. Zoom In and Zoom Out

Zoom allows you to view the document closer or farther away. The document can be

displayed as One Page, Multiple Pages or Page Width (Document page displayed on
the whole screen). When your document is zoomed in or out in Microsoft Word, it will

not affect the size at which the document prints. It will only affect the size at which it is
displayed on your screen.

1. Open your document in Microsoft Word. Click the View tab at the top of the window


The City School 2021-2022

2. Click the Zoom button in the Zoom section of the navigational ribbon. Note that
Creating a Document
you can also select to click the 100% button to return to the default zoom level.

3. Select one of the preset zoom options, or click inside of the Percent field and manually
specify the zoom amount. Click OK after you are done to apply your selected zoom



The City School 2021-2022

Let’s Review

1. Kerning is the amount of space between each character that you type. Sometimes
the space between two characters is larger than others, which makes the word look

2. The lines in all Word documents are single-spaced by default. Presentation Design Tips

3. Indentation adds structure to the document by separating the information
4. Tab creates a first line indent of ½ inch

5. Indent markers that allow to indent paragraphs to the location you want.
6. When the first line is not indented while all the subsequent lines of the paragraph are

indented from the left margin of the page is called Hanging Indent.
7. A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns.

8. The Find feature allows to search the document whereas the Replace feature allows
you to quickly change words or phrases.

9. Read Mode is optimized for reading a document on the computer screen.
10. Print Layout is the default layout and the one you see most often.

11. Web Layout is suitable if you are designing a web page in Word. Web Layout view Use design Use consistent font Do not use a lot
shows how your document will look like a web page.
template and colours of text

My Word Bank!

Word processing Indent marker

Find and Replace
Print layout

Web layout Highlight key

Rows Use effects but Use images to
don’t overuse highlight ideas where points in

Read layout them possible presentation
Line spacing


Presentation Design Tips

Use design Use consistent font Do not use a lot

template and colours of text

Use effects but Use images to Highlight key

don’t overuse highlight ideas where points in

them possible presentation

Let’s Present

Student Learning Outcomes

After going through this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Apply the theme to the presentation and use variety of font styles and colours

2. Insert text including WordArt and pictures in a slide
3. Save the presentation

4. Open a saved the presentation
5. Work with transitions and animations in PowerPoint

6. Insert an audio file in a slide
7. Associate a picture with an audio file

8. Insert a video file in a slide
9. Apply styles on inserted video

10. Change the order of slides
11. Insert action buttons on slides

12. Apply hyperlinks on the text
13. Preview the presentation

14. Print multiple slides on a single page

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

Empowered Knowledge Creative
Learner Constructor Communicator

1a 1c 1d 3c 6a 6b 6d

The City School 2021-2022

2.1. Getting Started with PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a computer program that allows you to

create and show slides to support a presentation. You
can combine text, graphics and multimedia content

to create professional presentations. PowerPoint
presentations are made up of a series of slides. Slides

contain the information you will present to your
audience. This might include text, pictures, and charts.

Microsoft PowerPoint Interface

When you open PowerPoint for the first time, the Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll
be able to create a new presentation, choose a template, and access your recently edited

presentations. From the Start Screen, locate and select Blank Presentation to access the
PowerPoint interface.


The City School 2021-2022

1. Ribbon: contains all of the commands you will need to perform common tasks in
PowerPoint. It has multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands.

2. Quick access toolbar: lets you access common commands no matter which tab is

3. Tell me: this box works like a search bar to help you quickly find tools or commands
you want to use.

4. Microsoft account: you can access your Microsoft account information, view your

profile, and switch accounts.
5. Slide navigation pane: allows you to view and organize the slides in your presentation.
6. Slide pane: allows you to view and edit the selected slide.

7. Slide number indicator: allows you to quickly see the total number of slides in your

presentation, as well as which slide you are viewing.
8. Notes: allows to add notes to your current slide. Often called speaker notes, they can
help you deliver or prepare for your presentation.

9. Comments: Reviewers can leave comments on any slide. Click Comments to view

comments for the current slide.
10. Zoom control: Click and drag the slider to use the zoom control. The number to the
right of the slider reflects the zoom percentage.

2.2. Working with Slides in PowerPoint

Every PowerPoint presentation is composed of a series of slides. To begin creating a slide

show, you’ll need to know the basics of working with slides.

Inserting New Slide in PowerPoint

Whenever you start a new presentation, it will contain one slide with the Title Slide layout.

You can insert as many slides as you need from a variety of layouts. Here is the procedure

to add new slide in your presentation.


The City School 2021-2022

1. From the Home tab, click the bottom half of the New Slide command. Choose the

desired slide layout from the menu that appears.

Let’s Present

2. The new slide will appear. Click any placeholder and begin typing to add text. You can
also click an icon to add other types of content, such as a picture or a chart.


The City School 2021-2022

3. To change the layout of an existing slide, right click the slide and select Layout from the
menu and choose the desired layout.

Using Slide Themes

A theme is a predefined combination of colours, fonts, and

effects. Different themes also use different slide layouts.

You can choose from a variety of new themes at any time,
giving your entire presentation a consistent, professional
look. Themes can be applied or changed at any time.

Here is the procedure to apply a theme on slide or


1. Select the Design tab on the Ribbon, then locate the Themes group. Each image

represents a theme. Click the More drop-down arrow to see all available themes.


The City School 2021-2022

2. Select the desired theme. The theme will be applied to the entire presentation. To
apply a different theme, simply select it from the Design tab.

Let’s Present

Duplicating Slides

If you want to copy and paste a slide quickly, you

can duplicate it. To duplicate slides, select the
slide you want to duplicate, right-click the mouse,

and choose Duplicate Slide from the menu that
appears. You can also duplicate multiple slides at

once by selecting them first.

Changing Slide Order

It is easy to change the order of your slides.

Just click, hold, and drag the desired slide
in the Slide Navigation pane to the desired


Deleting a Slide

If you want to remove a slide from your presentation, you can delete it. Simply select the
slide you want to delete, then press the Delete or Backspace key on your keyboard.


The City School 2021-2022

2.3. Adding Pictures and Text

Inserting Pictures

Adding pictures can make your presentations more interesting and engaging. You can
insert a picture from a file on your computer onto any slide. Here is the procedure to add
images to your slide(s).

1. Select the Insert tab, then click the Pictures command in the Images group.

2. A dialogue box will appear. Locate and select the desired image file, then click Insert.

The picture will appear on the currently selected slide.


The City School 2021-2022

3. You can also click the Pictures command in a placeholder to insert images.

Let’s Present

Adjusting Images on Slide

Once you have inserted a picture, you may
want to move it to a different location on

the slide or change its size. PowerPoint
makes it easy to arrange pictures in your

presentation. Before you can modify a
picture, you will need to select it.

Simply click to select a picture. A solid line
will appear around a selected picture.


The City School 2021-2022

Resizing Images

Click and drag the corner sizing handles until the picture is the desired size. The

corner sizing handles will resize a picture while preserving its original aspect ratio
(see image on left). If you use the side sizing handles, the image will become
distorted (see image on right).

Rotating an Image

Click and drag the arrow above an

image to rotate it right or left. Hold
the Shift key on your keyboard

when rotating an image to limit the
rotation angle.

Moving an Image

Click and drag to move a picture to
a new location on a slide.


The City School 2021-2022


PowerPoint allows you to add effects

to the text inside of a text box, which
is known as WordArt. Types of effects

you can add are the same as the ones Let’s Present
you can add to shapes and text boxes

(shadow, bevel, etc.). However, with
WordArt, you can also change the text

to give it a wavy, slanted, or inflated look. A WordArt Style will automatically
apply several effects to your text at once. You can then refine the look of your

text by adding or modifying text effects.

To apply WordArt style, select a text box, or select some text inside of the text box. On
the Format tab, click the More drop-down arrow in the WordArt Styles group. Select the

desired style from the WordArt style list.


The City School 2021-2022

2.4. Slide Transition

A transition can be as simple as fading to the next slide or as flashy as an eye-catching

effect. PowerPoint makes it easy to apply transitions to some or all of your slides, giving
your presentation an exciting and attractive look.

Add Transition between Slides

Here is the procedure to add transitions between slides:

1. Select the desired slide from the Slide Navigation pane. This is the slide that will appear

after the transition.

2. Click the Transitions tab, then locate the Transition to This Slide group. By default,
None is applied to each slide.


The City School 2021-2022

3. You can use the Apply To All command in the Timing group to apply the same

transition to all slides in your presentation. Keep in mind that this will modify any
Let’s Present
other transitions you’ve applied.

2.5. Slide Animation

In PowerPoint, you can animate text and objects such as clip art, shapes, and
pictures. There are four types of animations: Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion



The City School 2021-2022

To apply animation to the objects in your presentation, follow the steps below:

1. Select the object you want to animate. On the Animations tab, select your desired
animation from the Animation group.

2. The effect will apply to the object. the order of animation can be viewed by clicking
the Animation Pane (see image on the left). In the Slide pane, a star symbol also will

appear next to the slide.

3. To delete an animation, select the animation from the Animation Pane and press the

Delete key on your keyboard.


The City School 2021-2022

2.5. Inserting Media in PowerPoint

Inserting Audio

MS PowerPoint allows you to add audio to your presentation. For example,
you could add background music to one slide, a sound effect to another, and Let’s Present
even record your own narration or commentary. You can then edit the audio to

customize it for your presentation.

1. From the Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow, then select Audio on My

2. Locate and select the desired audio file, then click Insert. The audio file will be added to
the slide.


The City School 2021-2022

By default, an audio file will appear as a speaker icon in the slide. If you want, you can

change the icon to a different picture.

1. Select the audio file, then click the Format tab. Click the Change Picture command.

2. The Insert Pictures dialogue box will appear. Checkpoint

Click Browse to select a file from your computer.
Slides contain the information you will
Alternatively, you can use the online image search present to your audience.

tools to locate an image online. In our example, we A theme is a predefined combination of
will click Browse. colours, fonts, and effects.
PowerPoint allows you to add effects to
the text inside of a text box, which is
known as WordArt.


The City School 2021-2022

3. Locate and select the desired picture, then click Insert. The icon will change to

the new picture.

Let’s Present

Inserting Video

PowerPoint allows you to insert a video onto a slide and play it during your
presentation. This is a great way to make your presentation more engaging for your

audience. You can even edit the video within PowerPoint and customize its appearance.

1. From the Insert tab, click the Video drop-down arrow, then select Video on My PC.

2. Locate and select the desired video file, then click Insert. The video will be added to the



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Applying Styles to Video

1. Select the video, then click the Format tab on the Ribbon. In the Video Styles group,

click the More drop-down arrow to display available video styles.

2. Select the desired style. The new style will be applied to the video.

Quick Tip

Try not to use more than six words per line. More space between lines

will make them easier to read.


The City School 2021-2022

2.6. Working with Hyperlinks

Whenever you use the Internet, you
use hyperlinks to navigate from one
webpage to another. If you want to

include a web address or email address Let’s Present

in your PowerPoint presentation, you According to research, 47%
of presenters put in more
can choose to format it as a hyperlink than 8 hours into designing
so a person can easily click it. It is also their presentations.

possible to link to files and other slides

within a presentation. It is easy to do all of this using two tools: hyperlinks and action
Hyperlinks have two basic parts: the address of the webpage, email address, or

other location they are linking to, and the display text (which can also be a picture or

shape). To insert hyperlink in the slide, follow the steps below:

1. Select the image or text you want to make a hyperlink. Right-click the selected

text or image, then click Hyperlink.


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2. The Insert Hyperlink dialogue box will open. You can also get this dialogue box from
the Insert tab by clicking Hyperlink. Type the address you want to link to into the

Address field. Click OK. The text or image you selected will now be a hyperlink to the
web address.

3. If you selected text, the words will appear in the Text to display field at the top. You can
change this text if you want.

4. To remove hyperlink, Right-click the hyperlink. Click Remove Hyperlink.


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Insert Hyperlink to Another Slide

1. Right-click the selected text or image, then click Hyperlink. The Insert Hyperlink
Let’s Present
dialogue box will appear. On the left side of the dialogue box, click Place in this

2. A list of the other slides in your presentation will appear. Click the name of the slide

you want to link to. Click OK. The text or image will now be a hyperlink to the slide you

2.7. Action Buttons

Another tool you can use to connect to a webpage, file, email address, or slide is called
an action button. Action buttons are built-in button shapes you can add to a presentation

and set to link to another slide, play a sound, or perform a similar action. When someone


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clicks or moves over the button, the selected action will occur. Action buttons can do many
of the same things as hyperlinks.

You can insert action buttons on one slide at a time, or you can insert an action button
that will show up on every slide. The second option can be useful if you want every slide

to link back to a specific slide, like the title page or table of contents. To insert an Action

1. Click the Insert tab. Click the Shapes command in the Illustrations group. A drop-down

menu will appear with the action buttons located at the very bottom.

2. Insert the button onto the slide by clicking the desired location. The Action Settings

dialogue box will appear. Select the Mouse Click or Mouse Over tab. Selecting the

Mouse Click tab means the action button will perform its action only when clicked.
Selecting the Mouse Over tab will make the action button perform its action when you
move the mouse over it.


The City School 2021-2022

3. In the Action on click section, select Hyperlink to: then click the drop-down

arrow and choose an option from the menu. Check the Play Sound box if you
want a sound to play when the action button is clicked. Select a sound from the
Let’s Present
drop-down menu, or select Other sound to use a sound file on your computer.

Edit an Action Button

1. Select the action button and

click the Insert tab.
2. In the Links group, click the

Action command. The Actions
Settings dialogue box will

3. Edit the action or hyperlink.

Click OK.


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Changing Appearance of an Action Button

1. Select the action button. Click the Format tab. To change the button style or colour, use
the tools in the Shape Styles group.

2. To change the shape of the action button, click
Edit Shape in the Insert Shapes group. Select a Action buttons are used to connect to a
webpage, file, email address, or slide.
new shape from the drop-down menu. Slide transition is the visual effect that
occurs when you move from one slide
to the next.
Animation is applied to individual
elements on a slide.


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