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Published by mudassir.islam, 2022-01-04 00:32:36

Computing E-Book Grade 4

The City School 2021-2022

2.8. Viewing the Presentation

Once you have arranged your slides, you may want to play your presentation. This
is how you will present your slide show to an audience.

1. Click the Start From Beginning Let’s Present

command on the Quick Access
toolbar to see your presentation.

2. The presentation will appear in
full-screen mode.

3. You can advance to the next
slide by clicking your mouse or

pressing the spacebar on your

4. Alternatively, you can use the
arrow keys on your keyboard

to move forward or backwards
through the presentation.

5. Press the Esc key to exit presentation mode.

Quick Tip

You can also press the F5 key at the top of your keyboard to start
a presentation.


The City School 2021-2022

Let’s Review

1. PowerPoint is a computer program that allows you to create and show slides to

support a presentation.
2. Slides contain the information you will present to your audience.

3. A theme is a predefined combination of colours, fonts, and effects.
4. PowerPoint allows you to add effects to the text inside of a text box, which is known

as WordArt.
5. Slide transition is the visual effect that occurs when you move from one slide to the

6. MS PowerPoint allows you to add audio to your presentation such as background

music, sound effect or record narration.
7. PowerPoint allows you to insert a video onto a slide and play it during your

8. Hyperlinks and action buttons allow to link files and other slides within PowerPoint.

9. Hyperlinks have two basic parts: the address of the webpage, email address, or
other location they are linking to, and the display text (which can also be a picture

or shape).
10. Action buttons are built-in button shapes you can add to a presentation and set to

link to another slide, play a sound, or perform a similar action.
11. While viewing the presentation, you can switch between slides through arrow keys

on your keyboard, mouse click or by pressing space bar.

My Word Bank

Microsoft PowerPoint


Transition Multimedia content

Action button



Data Analysis-Application

Security Delivery Healthcare

Urban Planning Energy Consumption Travelling



Student Learning Outcomes

1. Familiarize with Excel Interface
2. Manipulate row height and column width to adjust data

3. Insert rows and columns within a data set
4. Format text within data cells

5. Save the worksheet
6. Open an existing worksheet

7. Use functions in Excel to perform different calculations
8. Use autofill tool to replicate the same function on multiple rows

9. Format decimal places within a cell.
10. Create graphs on selected dataset

11. Adjust page layout using margins and orientation for printing purpose
12. Configure printing parameters for printing the sheet (no. of copies, printer type,

number of pages and scaling)

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

Empowered Computational Creative
Learner Thinker Communicator

1a 1d 5b 5d 6d

The City School 2021-2022

3.1. Overview

Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to store,

organize, and analyze information.

3.2. Adjusting Column Width

The AutoFit feature will allow you to set a column’s width to
fit its content automatically.

1. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the white cross

becomes a double arrow .
2. Double-click the mouse. The column width will be changed automatically to fit the


3. You can also AutoFit the width for several columns at the same time. Simply select the
columns you want to AutoFit, then select the AutoFit Column Width command from the

Format drop-down menu on the Home tab.


The City School 2021-2022

3.3. Adjusting Row Height

1. Position the mouse over the row line so the white cross becomes a double arrow .
2. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the row height. Release the

mouse for the change to take effect.

3. To change the height of multiple rows, select the rows, then select Row Height from
Format drop-down menu on Home tab.

3. Enter the row height in the dialog box that appears and click OK for the change to take


The City School 2021-2022

3.4. Modifying Rows and Columns

Rather than resizing rows and columns individually, you can modify the height and
width of every row and column at the same time. This method allows you to set a

uniform size for every row and column in your worksheet. In our example, we will set
a uniform row height. Spreadsheet Formatting

1. Locate and click the Select All button just below the formula bar to select every

cell in the worksheet.
2. Position the mouse over the row line so the white cross becomes a double

arrow .
3. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the row height.

4. Release the mouse when you are satisfied with the new row height for the worksheet.


The City School 2021-2022

3.5. Inserting Rows Within Dataset

1. Select the row heading below where you want the new row to appear. For example, if
you want to insert a row between rows 7 and 8, select row 8.

2. Click the Insert command on the Home tab and select Insert Sheet Rows from the

drop-down menu. The new row will appear above the selected row (see image on

3. When inserting new rows, columns, or cells, you will see the Insert Options button next
to the inserted cells. This button allows you to choose how Excel formats these cells. By

default, Excel formats inserted rows with the same formatting as the cells in the row
above. To access more options, hover your mouse over the Insert Options button, then

click the drop-down arrow.


The City School 2021-2022

3.6. Inserting Columns Within Dataset

1. Select the column heading to the right of where you want the new column to

appear. For example, if you want to insert a column between columns D and E,
select column E. Spreadsheet Formatting

2. Click the Insert command on the Home tab and select Insert Sheet Rows from the

drop-down menu. The new row will appear above the selected row (see image on

Quick Tip

When inserting rows and columns, make sure you select the entire row or
column by clicking the heading. If you select only a cell in the row or column,

the Insert command will only insert a new cell.


The City School 2021-2022

3.7. Wrapping Text and Merging Cells

Whenever you have too much cell content to be Checkpoint
displayed in a single cell, you may decide to wrap the

text or merge the cell rather than resize a column. Excel is a spreadsheet program that
allows you to store, organize, and
Wrapping the text will automatically modify a cell’s analyze information.

row height, allowing cell contents to be displayed on The AutoFit feature will allow you to
set a column’s width to fit its content
multiple lines. Merging allows you to combine a cell automatically.

with adjacent empty cells to create one large cell.

Text Wrapping in a Cell

1. Select the cells you want to wrap. In this example, we will select the cells in column D.

2. Select the Wrap Text command on the Home tab. The text in the selected cells will be


The City School 2021-2022

Merge and Center

In our example below, we’ll merge cell A1 with cells B1:D1 to create a title heading for

our worksheet.

1. Select the cell range you want to merge. Select the Merge & Centre command Spreadsheet Formatting

on the Home tab.

2. The selected cells will be merged, and the text will be centred.


The City School 2021-2022

3.8. Text Alignment

By default, any text entered into your worksheet will be aligned to the bottom-left of a cell,
while any numbers will be aligned to the bottom right. Changing the alignment of your
cell content allows you to choose how the content is displayed in any cell, which can make

your cell content easier to read.

Horizontal Text Alignment

In our example below, we will modify the alignment of our title cell to create a more
polished look and further distinguish it from the rest of the worksheet.

Select the cell(s) you want to modify.

Then select one of the three horizontal
alignment commands on the Home

tab. In our example, we will choose
Centre Align. The text will realign.

Vertical Text Alignment

Select the cell(s) you want to modify.
Select one of the three vertical

alignment commands on the Home
tab. In our example, we will choose

Middle Align. The text will realign.


The City School 2021-2022

3.9. Using Formulas

One of the most powerful features in Excel is the ability to calculate numerical
information using formulas. Just like a calculator, Excel can add, subtract, multiply,
and divide.

Excel uses standard operators for formulas, such as a plus sign for addition (+), a Spreadsheet Formatting
minus sign for subtraction (-), an asterisk for multiplication (*) and a forward slash
for division (/). All formulas in Excel must begin with an equality sign (=). This is

because the cell contains, or is equal to, the formula and the value it calculates.

Cell Reference

While you can create simple formulas in Excel manually (for example, =2+2 or =5*5),
most of the time you will use cell addresses to create a formula. This is known as

making a cell reference. Using cell references will ensure that your formulas are always
accurate because you can change the value of referenced cells without having to

rewrite the formula.

3.10. Functions in Excel

A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in
a particular order. Excel includes many common functions that can be used to quickly

find the sum, average, count, maximum value, and minimum value for a range of cells.


The City School 2021-2022


The SUM function can be used to find the total of numbers entered in a range of cells. The

SUM function follows the following syntax:

=SUM (number1, [number2],

[number3], ...)

1. Move the cell pointer to the cell (E2). Select SUM from the Autosum dropdown menu

available in the Functions tab.

2. Now enter the cell range B2:D2 within the two brackets appearing in the (E2) cell. The

cell range can also be given by using the mouse. Click on the starting cell (B2) of the
range and then drag the mouse to the last cell (D2) of the range, while holding down
the mouse button.


The City School 2021-2022

3. Press the enter key. You will then see the result of the function in cell E2. Spreadsheet Formatting

4. Now follow the same procedure to enter the formula in E3, E4 and E5 cells.


The Excel AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of supplied

=AVERAGE (number1,

[number2], ...)

The example below, calculates the average sale of the flowers sold in the months of
January, Feburary and March.


The City School 2021-2022


The Excel MIN function returns the smallest value from a supplied range of cell. The
syntax of the function is:

=MIN(number1, [number2], …)

Cell E5 of the following spreadsheet shows the Excel Min function, used to retrieve the

smallest value from the set of values in cells E2:E4.


The City School 2021-2022


The Excel MAX function returns the largest value from a supplied range of cells. The
syntax of the function is:

=MAX(number1, [number2], …) Spreadsheet Formatting

Cell E5 of the following spreadsheet shows the Excel Min function, used to retrieve the

smallest value from the set of values in cells E2:E4.

Quick Tip

Min and Max functions are also available in the Autosum dropdown menu

available in the Functions tab. You can use the same SUM function procedure
to insert the average function in a cell. The only difference is that you have

to select Min or Max function instead of SUM.


The COUNT function is used to calculate the number of cells that contain numbers, this
function ignores the text values between the cells and only calculates numeric values. The

COUNT function has the following syntax:

=COUNT (value1, [value2], ...)


The City School 2021-2022

1. Click the cell where you want to create the function, in this example, cell B13.

2. Enter formula =COUNT (B3:B12).
3. Another way of using the COUNT function is to enter the formula till =COUNT (and then
select the cell ranges manually using the mouse dragging.

4. Press enter and the answer will be 7.

5. COUNT formula ignores the value in B4, B8 and B12 because they are text values.


The NOW function in Excel is a formula that displays the current date and time. It is

automatically refreshed anytime the workbook is opened or a change is made.

=NOW( )


The City School 2021-2022


LEN function in Excel can be used to count the number of characters in a text
string and able to count letters, numbers, special characters, non-printable

characters, and all spaces from an excel cell. In simple words, LEN function is used
to calculate the length of a text in an excel cell. The LEN function has the following Spreadsheet Formatting


=LEN( )

In this LEN example, we are
calculating the length of the

given string or text in column 1
and apply the LEN function in

column 2, and it will calculate the
length of the Names provided in

column 1. It is important to note
that spaces are also counted as


3.11. Formatting Decimal Places

Let’s learn how to show fewer decimal
places in Excel without changing the

number itself. You can also round a

On the Home tab, in the Number group,
click the Decrease Decimal button



The City School 2021-2022

If you want to apply decimal places to a range of cell then follow this procedure:

1. Open your Excel spreadsheet that
contains the number of cells for which

you want to increase the number of
decimal places.

2. Click the Home tab at the top of the

3. Use your mouse to highlight all of the
cells for which you want to increase

the number of decimal places.
4. Click the Increase Decimal or Decrease Decimal button in the Number section of the

ribbon until your cells are displaying the desired number of decimal places.

3.12. Absolute and Relative Reference

Relative Reference is the cell reference. When you copy a cell that has a formula, the

formula changes automatically. The change depends on the relative position of rows and
columns. For example, type the contents of columns A and B below and in cell C2, type

=A2*B2. If you copy the formula A2*B2 to cell C3, it will become A3*B3.


The City School 2021-2022

An absolute reference is used when we want to keep a cell, a row or a column
constant when copying a formula. You have to declare it when you create the

formula by using the $ (dollar sign). This way you create an absolute reference
which doesn’t change when it’s copied or filled.

Syntax Description Spreadsheet Formatting

$E$1 Cell reference will not update while copying or filling

$E1 Only the row reference will update and the column remains the

E$1 Only column reference will update and row remains same

Quick Tip

If you want to quickly add an absolute reference to a cell reference in a

formula you can do so by pressing the F4 button on your keyboard while
your cursor is on that cell reference in the formula.

3.13. Autofill Tool

Formulae and functions can be copied
to different cells to avoid wasting time

on typing them repeatedly. Look at the Checkpoint
following worksheet which has been

prepared in Microsoft Excel. AutoFill is a Wrapping automatically modifies a
cell’s row height, to fit the content on
function of Excel to automatically fill in the multiple lines.

next value in the next cell. To create an Merging allows you to combine a cell
AutoFill, you have to hold down the right with adjacent empty cells to create
one large cell.
button on the cell and move the cursor
horizontally or vertically then release the

button. After releasing the button, the AutoFill value will be automatically filled into the cell.


The City School 2021-2022

The function =SUM(B2:D2) has been applied to cell E2. This will give the total marks of the
first student. To obtain the total marks of the second student, the function =SUM(B3:D3)

should be applied. The functions to obtain total marks of the other students, will be in the
same format and order.

Let’s now see how the function that is applied to cell E2 can be copied to cells E3, E4 and

1. Move the cell pointer to cell E2 where the

function has already been applied. Now
move the cursor to the lower-right corner

of cell E2. You will notice a change to the
cell pointer. The pointer will turn into a thick

black cross.
2. When you see the black cross, click and

drag down the mouse to the last cell (E5)
of the range for the function to be applied

to. The function will then be applied to the
selected cells.

Excel provides some predefined AutoFill such as day, month, number etc.


The City School 2021-2022

Open an Excel sheet and enter any day, month or number and hold down right

button and move horizontally or vertically. The next value will be automatically
filled in. Spreadsheet Formatting

3.14. Data Analysis Using Charts

Charts allow you to illustrate your workbook

data graphically, which makes it easy to visualize

comparisons and trends. Excel has several different
types of charts, allowing you to choose the one that
best fits your data. To use charts effectively, you’ll

need to understand how different charts are used.

• Column charts use vertical bars to

represent data. They can work with
many different types of data, but they

are most frequently used for comparing

• Line charts are ideal for showing trends.
The data points are connected with lines,

making it easy to see whether values
are increasing or decreasing over time.

They are used when you have data that
are connected, and to show trends, for

example, average night time temperature in each month of the year.
• Pie charts make it easy to compare proportions. Each value is shown as a slice of the

pie, so it is easy to see which values make up the percentage of a whole. You might, for
example, want to show how a budget had been spent on different items in a particular



The City School 2021-2022

• Bar charts work just like column charts, but they use horizontal bars instead of vertical
bars. Example data might include things like the number of people who preferred each

of Chinese takeaways, Indian takeaways and fish and chips.

In addition to chart types, you will need to understand how to read a chart. Charts contain
several different elements or parts, that can help you interpret the data.

Inserting Chart in Excel

1. Select the cells you want to chart, including the column titles and row labels. These cells

will be the source data for the chart. In our example, we will select cells A1:D6.

2. From the Insert tab, click the desired Chart command. In our example, we will select



The City School 2021-2022

3. Choose the desired chart type from the drop-down menu. The selected chart

will be inserted in the worksheet. Spreadsheet Formatting

4. If you are not sure which type of chart to use, the Recommended Charts
command will suggest several different charts based on the source data.

Excel allows you to add chart elements such as chart titles, legends, and data labels;

to make your chart easier to read. To add a chart element, click the Add Chart Element
command on the Design tab, then choose the desired element from the drop-down menu.


The City School 2021-2022

3.16. Getting Worksheet Ready for Print

Setting Page Orientation

1. Click the Page Layout tab on the

2. Select the Orientation command, then
choose either Portrait or Landscape

from the dropdown menu.

Fitting and Scaling

In some cases, you may need to make small
adjustments from the Print pane to fit your

workbook content neatly onto a printed page.
The Print pane includes several tools to help The estimated amount of

fit and scale your content, such as scaling and data on the internet created
page margins. daily will be 463 exabytes* in
If some of your content is being cut off by * an exabyte is 1,000 bytes to the sixth power.
the printer, you can use scaling to fit your

workbook to the page automatically.

1. Select the desired option from the
Scaling drop-down menu. In our

example, we will select Fit Sheet on
One Page.

2. The worksheet will be condensed to
fit onto a single page. When you are

satisfied with the scaling, click Print.


The City School 2021-2022

Printing Worksheet

1. Select the File tab. Backstage view will

appear. Select Print. The Print pane will

2. Navigate to the Print pane, then select the Spreadsheet Formatting
desired printer.

3. Enter the number of copies you wish to

4. Select Print. The Print pane will appear.
5. Click Print.


The City School 2021-2022

Let’s Review

1. Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to store, organize, and analyze

2. The AutoFit feature will allow you to set a column’s width to fit its content

3. Wrapping the text will automatically modify a cell’s row height, allowing cell contents
to be displayed on multiple lines.

4. Merging allows you to combine a cell with adjacent empty cells to create one large cell.
5. Excel manipulates numerical information using formulas.

6. A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a
particular order.

7. An absolute reference is used when we want to keep a cell, a row or a column constant
when copying a formula.

8. Column charts use vertical bars to represent data
9. Line charts are ideal for showing trends

10. Pie charts make it easy to compare proportions
11. Bar charts use horizontal bars to represent data.

12. Fit Sheet on One Page allows the worksheet to be condensed to fit onto a single page

My Word Bank

Autofill Cell reference
Microsoft Excel Autofit

Merge and center
Line chart Absolute reference

Relative reference
Pie chart

Column chart Page orientation
Bar chart


Practical Uses of


Online Television Personal Cloud
Streaming Storage Sports

Finances Government Social Media

eCommerce Healthcare Weather

Collecting Information

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the concept and purpose of database.
2. Create a database through the wizard.

3. Creation of a table.
4. Working with data fields and types.

5. Create a form through the wizard.
6. Modify the form in Design mode.

7. Data entry and modification through the form.
8. Create a report through the wizard.

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

Empowered Computational Creative

Learner Thinker Communicator

1a 1d 5b 6d

The City School 2021-2022

4.1. Introduction to Databases

Database, also called electronic database, is any collection of data, or information,

that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. Databases
are structured to facilitate the storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in

conjunction with various data-processing operations.


Retrieval Deletion


A database is made up of fields and records. Each item of data or column in a database is

called a field. Each row in a database is called a record.


The City School 2021-2022

4.2. Getting Started with MS Access

Microsoft Access is a database management system

(DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational
Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user

interface and software-development tools. Access is an
easy-to-use tool for creating business applications either

from templates or from scratch. With its rich and intuitive
design tools, Access can help in creating appealing and

highly functional applications in a minimal amount of time.


The City School 2021-2022

1. Quick access toolbar: lets you access common commands no matter which tab is

selected. You can customize the commands depending on your preference.
2. Ribbon: contains all of the commands you will need to perform common tasks in

Access. It has multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands.
3. Tell me box: works like a search bar to help you quickly find tools or commands Collecting Information

you want to use.
4. Microsoft account: from here you can access your Microsoft account information,

view your profile and switch accounts.
5. Navigation pane: displays all of the objects contained in your database. The

objects are grouped by type. Double-click an object to open it.
6. Documents tab bar: all open objects are displayed in tabs on the document tabs

bar. To view an object, click its tab.
7. Record navigation bar: allows you to navigate records one at a time. Click the

arrows to navigate through the records. You can jump to a specific record by
typing its ID number into the box.

8. Record search box: allows to search for any term in the current object. The first
result will be selected automatically. To navigate through additional results, press

the Enter key on your keyboard.

4.3. Datatypes in MS Access

Every field in a table has properties and these properties define the field’s characteristics
and behaviour. The most important property for a field is its data type. A field’s data type

determines what kind of data it can store. MS Access supports different types of data,
each with a specific purpose. Here are some of the most common data types you will find

used in a typical Microsoft Access database.


The City School 2021-2022

Types of Data Description
Short Text Text or combinations of text and numbers, including numbers that

do not require calculating (e.g. phone numbers).
Long Text Lengthy text or combinations of text and numbers.

Number Numeric data used in mathematical calculations.

Date/Time Date and time values for the years 100 through 9999.

Currency Currency values and numeric data used in mathematical

calculations involving data with one to four decimal places.
AutoNumber A unique sequential (incremented by 1) number or random

number assigned by Microsoft Access whenever a new record is
added to a table.

Yes/No Yes and No values and fields that contain only one of two values
(Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off).

4.4. Creating Database in MS Access

1. To create a database from a template, we first need to open MS Access. Select Blank
desktop database.


The City School 2021-2022

2. After selecting a template related to your requirements, enter a name in the File

Name field. You can also specify another location for your file if you want and
save it with your relevant name. Collecting Information

3. Access will create a new blank database and will open up the table which is also
completely blank.


The City School 2021-2022

4.5. Understanding Tables in MS Access

All tables are composed of horizontal

rows and vertical columns, with small
rectangles called cells in the places

where rows and columns intersect. In
Access, rows and columns are referred

to as records and fields respectively.

A field is a way of organizing information by type. Whereas, A record is one unit of
information. Every cell on a given row is part of that row’s record.

Each record has its own ID number. Within a table, each ID number is unique to its record

and refers to all of the information within that record. The ID number for a record cannot
be changed.


The City School 2021-2022

4.6. Creating Tables in MS Access

When you create a database, you

store your data in tables. You should
always start your design of a database

by creating all of its tables and then Checkpoint Collecting Information
creating any other object. Before you

create tables, carefully consider your Database, also called electronic
requirements and determine all the database, any collection of data, or
tables that you need. Create the first Column in a database is called a field.
table that will store the basic contact Each row in a database is called a
information concerning the employees
as shown in the following table:

Field Name Data Type

EmployeeID Autonumber

FirstName Short Text

LastName Short Text

Address-1 Short Text

Address-2 Short Text

City Short Text

State Short Text

Zip Short Text

Phone Short Text

Phone Type Short Text


The City School 2021-2022

The table can be created in two ways:

Creating table through Design View tab

1. Right click Table 1 in the navigation pane and select Design View.

2. Access will prompt you to save the table first. Enter a suitable name for your table.


The City School 2021-2022

3. Once in Design View, enter the field name and its respective data type. Once we

type the field name MS Access will automatically assign the short text data type to
the field which can be modified as per our requirement from the drop-down menu. Collecting Information

4. Switch to Datasheet View to have look at your table. It is important to save your table
at this stage.

Excel vs Access
MS Excel is used to make graphs, charts, histograms and perform complext

calculations where as MS Access is database management tool, used to store
and manipulate data.


The City School 2021-2022

5. The ID field is created in every table by default. To change the name of the ID field to
EmployeeID, click Name and Caption option.

Creating table through Datasheet View

You can directly enter table field name from the datasheet view in Access.

1. To add a new field, double click Click to Add button on the table.

2. Once you double click Click to Add, a drop down list will appear, prompting you to
select the datatype for your field. For the present example, select Short Text.


The City School 2021-2022

3. After selecting the data type, enter the required field name. Enter FirstName as the
field name for the given example. Collecting Information

4. After entering the field names, you can now enter records in the table.

Adding Data in Table

There are three ways to add a new record to a table:

1. In the Records group on the Home
tab, click the New command.


The City School 2021-2022

2. On the Record Navigation bar at the bottom of the window, click the New record

3. Begin typing in the row below your last added record.

Saving a Record

Access is designed to save records

automatically. After you enter a record,
you can either select a different record or
close the object, and Access will save the


1. Select the Home tab, and locate the
Records group.
2. Click the Save command. The record

will be saved.


The City School 2021-2022

4.7. Creating Forms and Reports in MS Access

Forms in Access

Forms in Access are like display cases in

stores that make it easier to view or get the Collecting Information
items that you want. MS Access is not just a

database software, it also gives us the liberty Every second 60,000 search
queries are performed on
to use it as a software solution for business Google and 1.2 trillion

organizations. In order to fulfil this purpose searches per year.
forms are an essential part where a user can

access or enter the relevant records in a database. Since forms are objects through
which you or other users can add, edit, or display the data stored in your Access

desktop database, the design of your form is an important aspect.

Creating Forms

There are a few methods you can use to create forms in Access. One of the common and
convenient ways to create a form is with a wizard.

1. Open your Database and go to the Create tab. In the Forms group, in the upper right-

hand corner, you will see the Form Wizard button. Click on that button to launch the
Form Wizard


The City School 2021-2022

2. On this first screen in the wizard, you can select fields that you want to display on your

form, and you can choose from fields between multiple table or a query. Let us assume
we want to simply have a quick form that we are going to use for data entry for our

employee information. From the Tables/Queries drop-down list, select tblEmployees
table. Click on the double arrow to move all the fields at once and click next.

3. After clicking next, the Form Wizard will ask for the layout that we would like for our
form. We have the columnar, tabular, datasheet and justified layouts. We will choose

the columnar layout here and then click Next.


The City School 2021-2022

4. On the next window, we need to give a title to our form i.e. EmployeeForm. Once
you have given your form a title, there will be two more options below by which

you can open the form to see what that form looks like, or you can begin entering
information into your table. Alternatively, you can choose the option to modify the

form’s design. Choose the first option to open the form to view or enter information Collecting Information
and click Finish.

5. Take a look at the following image. This is what form looks like. This is a single item
form, meaning one record is displayed at a time and further down you can see the

navigation buttons , which is telling us that this is displaying the record 1 of 5. If you
click on button it will move to the next record. If you want to jump to the very last

record in that form or that table, use the button right beside that right arrow that’s
the last record button. If you want to add new employee information, press button

to add a record.


The City School 2021-2022

Reports in Access

Reports offer a way to view, format, and summarize the information in your Microsoft

Access database. For example, you can create a simple report of phone numbers for all
your contacts.

1. Open your Database and go to the Create tab. In the report group, in the upper right-

hand corner, you will see the Report Wizard button.

2. Click on that button to launch the Report Wizard.

3. On this first screen in the wizard, you can select fields that you want to list on your

report, and you can choose from fields from more than one table or a query. Let

us assume we want to generate a report of our records which are available in two
different tables. This report will consist of employee ID, First name, Last Name,
city, phone and StartSalary. First five fields are from tbleEmployee and one field of

StartSalary from tblHRData. After adding five fields from tbleEmployee change the

table to tblHRData and add StartSalary field. In the next step select the by tblHRData
option and click next.


The City School 2021-2022 Collecting Information

4. In this window you can sort the fields as per the preference needed for the report and
click next, options for sorting these fields are limited to four.


The City School 2021-2022

5. There would be a checkbox below these settings indicating Adjust the field width so
all fields fit on a page. Keep this option checked as it will automatically adjust all the

placement smartly and properly.

6. In the next window name your report as per your preference, below this option you will
see an option for preview and modification select the Preview option and click finish.


The City School 2021-2022

7. This would be the output of your report. As you can see the Employee ID heading

is somehow left out. This can be fixed using the design view mode. Collecting Information

8. To access the design view mode right Checkpoint

click on the tblEmployee Report Tab and
click on 2nd last option of design view. A record is one unit of information.

From this option, you can resize the fields Access forms allow to add, edit, or
display the data stored in the Access
of First Name and Lastname a little short database.

to adjust Employee ID field like a text box Reports offer a way to view, format,
and summarize the information in your
in MS Word. Microsoft Access database.


The City School 2021-2022

9. Save and close the report and reopen it from the object menu on the left.


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