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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-06 15:00:38

1933 March - To Dragma

Vol. 28, No. 3


of Alpha Oniicron Pi

Volume 28 Number 3


March 21 2
Like Alpha O I s the Rose Bush a Queen Among Her Peers 3
Briefs and Blackstone 5
Nine Menus a Day to Satisfy a Hospital Tray 8
Physiotherapy—A New Field for Hard Workers 11
The Towers of New Y o r k Overshadow Our Newest A l u m n * Chapters 12
Beauty Winner Is Talented Alpha O 15
Puppets Take Their Place in the Academy of Arts 16
29 Questions 23
What Our Fellowship Winners Are Doing 24
3 Weeks in Brittany—And Not One Receding Chin 30
A Letter from the "Clothesline" Committee 40
Janet and the Baron—or Native Daughter Goes Literary 42
Southern Hospitality Bids Y o u to Convention 45
The Quiet Corner 48
High in Campus Activities 51
Alpha O's in the Daily Press 52
Looking at Alpha O's 58
The Active Chapters 62
Directory of Officers 106

• M A R C H • 1933 •

^Alpha Omicron *Pi


ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. N u OMICRON LNOJ—Vaaderbilt Univer- ma
P i [ I I ] — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial sity, Nashville, Tenn.
College, New Orleans, L a . Psi [•]—University of Pennsylvania,
Nu [NJ—New York University, New Philadelphia, Pa. Send all editorial material to

York City. P H I [•]—University of Kansas, Law- WILMA SMITH LELAND
OMICRON [0]—University of Tennessee, rence, Kan.
313 Twelfth Street,
Knoxville, Tenn. OMEGA [Q]—Miami University, Oxford, Neenah, Wisconsin
KAPPA [K]—Randolph-Macon Woman's Ohio.
College, Lynchburg, Va. OMICRON P I [Oil]—University of Michi- ALICE CULLNANE
ZETA [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Box 262
coln, Neb. ALPHA SIGMA [AS]—University of Ore- Masonic Bldg.
SIGMA [ 2 ] — U n i v e r s i t y of California, gon, Eugene, Ore. State College, Pa.

Berkeley, Calif. X i [5]—University of Oklahoma, Nor- Subscription $15.
THETA [0]—DePauw University, Green- man, Okla.

castle, Ind. P I DELTA [ H A ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Mary-
BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive. land. College Park, Md.
DELTA [A]—Jackson College, Tufts Col-
TAU DELTA [TAJ—Birmingham-Southern
lege, Mass. College, Birmingham, Ala.
GAMMA [I*]—University of Maine,
KAPPA THETA [K0]—University of Cali-
Orono. Me. fornia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca,
N.Y. KAPPA OMICRON [KO]—Southwestern,
Memphis, Tenn.
RHO [P]—Northwestern University,
Evanston, 111. ALPHA RHO [AP]—Oregon Agricultural
College, CorvaDis, Ore.
LAMBDA [A]—Leland Stanford Univer-
sity, Palo Alto, Calif. C H I DELTA [ X A ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Colo-
rado, Boulder, Colo.
IOTA [I]—University of Illinois, Cham-
paign HI. BETA THETA [B6]—Butler University,
Indianapolis, Ind.
TAU [T]—University of Minnesota, Min-
neapolis, Minn. ALPHA P I [All]—Florida State College
for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
C H I [X]—Syracuse University, Syra-
cuse. N . Y . EPSILON ALPHA [EA]—Pennsylvania
State College. State College, Pa.
UPSILON [T]—University of Washing-
ton, Seattle, Wash. T H E T A E T A [ 6 H ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Cincin-
nati, Cincinnati, <>hio
Ntr KAPPA [NK]—Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, Tex. BETA T A U [BT]—University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ont.
BETA P H I [B*]—Indiana University,
Bloomington, Ind. ALPHA TAU [AT]—Denison University,
Granville, Ohio.
ETA JH]—University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wis. BETA KAPPA [ B K ] — U n i v e r s i t y of British
Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
ALPHA P H I [A+]—Montana State Col-
lege, Bozeman, Mont. ALPHA GAMMA [AH—Washington State
College, Pullman, Wash.


cisco, Calif. MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.
PROVIDENCE A L D M K E — P r o v i d e n c e , BIRMINGHAM ALUMNA — Birmingham,

Rhode Island. Ala.
Los ANGELES ALUMNA—Los Angeles, City, Okla.
CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, 111. cago, 111.
BLOOMINGTON A L U M N A — Bloomington.
La. CINCINNATI ALUMNA—Cincinnati, Ohio.
ANN ARBOR A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.
PORTLAND ALUMNA—Portland, Ore. Ind.
SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash. ST. LOUIS A L U M N A — S t Louis, Mo.
New Jersey.

Pa. County, N.Y.

<^March 21


Sticky poplar buds Flowers of the ash,
Golden in the sun Delicate, red orange,
High on barren boughs Massed among grey boughs
Promise of the spring Against the green of fir

Rows 0} willow flowers Mahoganied bark of spruce
Pendant threads to hold them Red twig on the maples
Yellow green anticipants Gleaming bits of mica
Of summer's vivid greenness Laurels, newly polished

Eastern blue of Vega
Northern in its coldness
Orange red Arcturus
Giving way to Vega

0 Ssth


<yf Queen ^Among Jfer 'Peers

An Inspiration Delivered at the Initiation Banquet

By B E T T Y M C N E I L , Alpha Phi

THE rose-bush, from which grows the rose, the Queen of Beauty
among flowers, is in her realm the most absolute monarch because
it is founded in her people's heart. Her supremacy has been ac-
knowledged, like Truth itself, always, everywhere, by all. This is similar
to our own dear Alpha Omicron Pi; we love it because it is founded in
our hearts. Over the country wide every chapter is acknowledged by
every sister.

The rose-bush, the foundation of this most beautiful flower, was
selected by Isaiah as the most beautiful image by which to tell man-
kind of their exodus from the Law to the Gospel, from fear to love.
His words were, "The wilderness shall blossom as a rose-bush." I n our
own, as in the older time, it is associated with acts and thoughts of
kindliness which should be fair and pure and fragrant as itself, in Alpha
Omicron Pi.

This, the fairest of all flowers, was dedicated to Venus, the fairest
of the goddesses; and the highest praise which they could offer to
beauty, was to assert its resemblance to the rose-bush. The highest praise
which we can offer to Alpha Omicron Pi is to assert its resemblance
to the rose-bush in so far as there is unity and lasting friendships.

How much of memory dwells amidst thy bloom,
Rose! ever wearing beauty for thy dower!
The initiation day, the festival, the home,
Thou hast thy part in each, thy stateliest flower.

The rose-bushes of all lands are to be found in the country, but
they are changed because of their inter-marriage with other noble fami-
lies making them more refined. The fairy, Cultivation, touches them with
her wand, and the bush blossoms, and now they move with a majestic
dignity in gorgeous yet graceful robes. Just as we in Alpha Omicron Pi
smile upon you according to your loyalty, not according to your appear-


ance or your income. By mingling with our sisters we become more re-
fined and loyalty is deep in our hearts.

Just as there are in the rose-gardens, a diversity yet a harmony of
colors among the rose-bushes, so there are in Alpha Omicron Pi an
essentially different variation of girls, but yet what a harmony there
is! A l l the girls with their glowing personalities not only work in har-
mony but educe and enhance each the other's beauty. And over all this
perfect unity, what a freshness, fragrance, purity, splendor!

No one who has ever looked over a rose-garden with its many col-
ored roses has ever felt the strings of his heart troubled, surging, over-
flowing; we are awed and the spirit is oppressed with a happiness which
it is unworthy, unable to apprehend and i t finds itself in tears; just
as we who are here tonight feel our hearts overflowing and we are
oppressed with a feeling of happiness which we are unable to apprehend.

Wherever the rose-bush is loved, there it will display its beauty.

There's a rose-bush looking in at the window
In every condition of life

In days of content and enjoyment
In hours with bitterness rife.

Where'er there's the smile of a true sister,
As bright as a beam from above,

'Tis the rose-bush looking in at the window,
And filling the dwelling with love.

We Sheltered Ones


We sheltered ones
Who laugh and sneer at those less fortunate—
Fallen women who walk the streets
Trudging hopelessly, endlessly. . . .
Brazen, haggard, worn. . . .
Beaten faces turned away from God.

Who are we to feel superior
Because we're skeltered,
Coddled, spoiled?
Rather should we bow with shame
Before those who fight so desperately
Hating us
Because we sneer
And credit ourselves for being good
We who could not help
Being sheltered ones.

MARCH, 1933





—and cBlackstone—

HE L E N ST. CLAIR M U L L A N ( A ) , one of the four Founders of
Alpha Omicron Pi has recently sent out notices announcing the
formation of the law firm of Mullan and Whelan. Her associate
in the firm is Dorothy Herod Whelan and their trial counsel is Daniel J.
O'Sullivan, Esq., formerly assistant district attorney of the County of
New York. Offices are at 149 Broadway, New York.

This announcement was not a suprise, coming as it did on the heels
of an interview given to Miss Dorothy Woolf and appearing in "Projec-
tions," a section in the Barnard College Alumnce Monthly. Let us quote:

"Women lawyers are in the same position as women doctors. They are still
unusual enough in their fields to be conspicuous and being women handicaps them,
but law is a much easier career for a woman to enter than it was in 1901." So spoke
Helen St. Clair Mullan, of the class of 1898, Barnard's first lawyer.

"I don't know that I should talk about prejudice against women lawyers,"
Mrs. Mullan continued. "If any of the people with whom I have come in contact


have been a prey to it, they have concealed it very well. I have never noticed it
especially in my own career, but there is no doubt that it does exist."

One can easily see why Mrs. Mullan has never encountered feeling against women
in her profession. Plump, good-natured, with an amused twinkle in her eyes, and a
smile constantly playing about her mouth, she is disarming and friendly. Easy-going
in her manner and conversation, she is neither militant nor self-assertive. Her black
hair brushed straight back and twisted in a knot at her neck, the simple black dress
she wore when I saw her, her office crowded with conventional office furniture and
devoid of any touch of personality except a couple of Chippendale-type chairs, all
seemed to indicate that she cares little about externals. Rather, she seems more
interested in people.

"How did I get started on my career?" she went on. "Well, shortly after I was
graduated from Barnard, Professor Isaac Franklin Russell, who conducted at New
York University what was known as the Women's L a w Class, sent word to me
that he had several scholarships at his disposal and would be glad to give me one
if I were interested. I had nothing special to do, so I decided to enter the class. A
prize, consisting of a scholarship for the full regular law course, was offered, and
another woman and I tied for it. B y this time I had become very interested
in the study of law. I had married and my husband was a lawyer. So I took as
my share of the prize the first year course in the L a w School. Then I won a scholar-
ship which carried me through the rest of the course. I received my degree in 1901
and was admitted to the bar the same year. Since then I have been practicing more
or less regularly."

I asked Mrs. Mullan what sort of work she had done.
"A little of almost everything," she replied, "but my work has been chiefly
in the real estate and income tax fields, as well as a considerable amount of Sur-
rogates' Court practice. I have always avoided court work. First I found it un-
congenial and later, from 1916 to 1929 when my husband was a Justice of the
Supreme Court, I made it a rule not to appear before that tribunal.

"Beyond deliberately avoiding litigation, except for drawing pleadings and writ-
ing briefs, the type of work I have done has depended on the demands made upon
me from time to time. M y husband was a specialist in the law of real property and
taxation and, in the early days of his private practice, I was frequently called upon
to do my bit, under his direction, at times when the office required extra assistance.

"As the office staff increased, these emergency calls became less frequent until
1913. Then the Federal Income Tax went into effect. Clients were clamoring for
advice, and everyone in the office was already overworked. Someone had to study
this new law and the task was assigned to me. I became the income tax expert for
the firm and thereafter I regularly devoted the first three months of each year to
income tax problems, although I rarely entered the office at other seasons. When
my husband went on the bench he turned over his law practice to Edwin H . Updike,
for whom I continued to handle the income tax work.

"Then the war came," Mrs. Mullan went on. "I've forgotten how many stars
there were on the office flag, but when Mr. Updike himself left on war service, I
promised to keep things going during his absence. Those were hectic days. Not only
did I have the law practice to look after, but there were many other things to
do—Liberty Loans, Red Cross, and Draft Board service. I worked day and night.

"When the war ended and Mr. Updike returned, I cleared out my desk and
hoped never to put foot in the office again. But my friends and the office itself
wouldn't let me forget it, and I found myself coming back more and more often.
For the last seven or eight years I have been very busy and since Judge Mullan's
death I have devoted practically all my time to my profession. Now, I imagine, I
shall probably stick to it for the rest of my life. I'd rather do that than a lot of
other things I can think of."

Mrs. Mullan smiled. When asked how she managed to combine her career with
running her home and bringing up two daughters, she laughed.

" I don't know that I ever worked it out," she answered. "My practice at first
was more or less casual. Later, when it was heavier, my children were still little,
and I was fortunate in being able to have plenty of competent help to look after
them. Adolescents need more personal companionship with their parents, I think,

MARCH, 1933 7

and when my daughters reached that period, I had thought that I would retire and

give all my time to the family. But I wasn't able to stay out of the office very long,

so I just fitted things in as best I could. As my work involved little litigation and

no court attendance, my working hours were elastic enough to make this arrange-

ment possible. ...

"Laymen seem to think that lawyers spend their time in the criminal and

divorce courts. As a matter of fact, most lawyers never enter a criminal court—

the practice there is left almost entirely to specialists. Very few offices handle matri-

monial cases, except perhaps for some regular client of long standing whose request

cannot very well be denied. Y o u say that you should think practice in the children's

court would be particularly attractive to women. Perhaps it would be so, were it

not for the matter of dollars and cents. Income from such practice would be largely

non-existent. Legal services in such cases must perforce be supplied from public

funds or by the various welfare organizations.

"Not litigation," Mrs. Mullan explained, "but its avoidance is now and always
has been the chief business of the lawyer. He must see that his clients are correctly
and fully advised as to their rights and duties in their various human relationships,
and that their agreements are so drawn that the client may not constantly be in-
volved in controversies. The great mass of law work in New York today has no
connection whatever with litigation except indirectly, in preventing it. Many of our
ablest attorneys never enter a courtroom and, in some instances, have never tried
a case or argued a motion.

"Litigation at best, except in cases involving very large amounts, is a lucrative
occupation only for the trial counsel. Just before and during the trial he gives his
undivided attention to the matter which, however, is prepared and briefed for him
in advance by the attorneys of record. The latter, in the ordinary case, would not
dare to bill their clients at any reasonable rate for the time they and their staffs
spend, after preparing the case and entering it on the calendar of the court, in
watching its position on that calendar sometimes for years and, when it finally
appears on the horizon, reviewing again the forgotten details, hunting up witnesses
who have scattered and perhaps died, and hanging around the courts for weeks and
sometimes for months, so that there may be no default when the case is finally
called for trial.

"Women, it seems to me, are far less handicapped in office work than in the
courtroom where some judges and perhaps all juries still persist in regarding them
as curiosities. I couldn't be bothered with court work but I like the academic side
of law—it is engrossing and stimulating. No two situations are ever exactly alike.
Each new case brings the attorney intimate knowledge of some phase, new to him,
of the complex network of human relationships that we call civilization. That in
itself is a liberal education.

"Irrespective of changes by statute, the law is never static. Practically every
change and development in our social, industrial and business organization brings
with it the necessity for sharper definition of the relatively few underlying principles
upon which the English Common L a w is based. There is nothing monotonous about
it. I should think many women would like the law as a profession. I know I do."

"The American ^cholar" sponsors Qontest

IT W I L L be to the credit of yourself and your fraternity, and incidentally restore
the jingle to your pocket, if you will write an essay for The American Scholar,
the quarterly journal published by Phi Beta Kappa for all interested in intellectual
life. The essay should consist of about 2000 words on any subject of general interest
to educated readers. I t should be scholarly but not technical, and must be well
written. All essays accepted by the Editorial Board of The American Scholar will be
printed as main articles with the name of the author's college and fraternity indicated,
and an honorarium of $25 will be paid the author. This journal will have the privilege
of reprinting any such article and of publishing any essay which The American Scholar
finds unsuited to its use. Your essay should reach the editor of The American Scholar,
145 West 55th Street, New York, New York, by the end of March.


n mi

- -.


The Syracuse Memorial Hospital accommodates two hundred fatients whose nourishment
is Marcia Rosbrook's concern.

SEEING that a thousand tempting meals are served each day, meals
designed to cajole the appetite of the i l l and convalescing, is a
large order, especially in having individual services arrive piping
hot and on time in nearly two hundred rooms as well as in cafeteria and
dining room. But Marcia Rosbrook of Chi chapter manages the task
serenely at Syracuse Memorial Hospital.

Administrative dietitian is the title of the position which Marcia is
filling briskly and efficiently in the new towering hospital whch is part
of the health center of Syracuse. Here is a job which is overflowing
with responsibility. First of all comes the supervision of the entire dietary
department. This means being in charge not only of the huge kitchens
gleaming with monel equipment, but also the cafeteria for the nurses,
the special diet kitchen, the nourishment room and the milk room where
the baby formulas are prepared. I n addition is the task of planning
menus which will bring health and strength to the two hundred and
seventy-five patients usually registered. And sick people need variety
in their food. Last comes the duty of purchasing and ordering all the
food supplies for the institution.

Marcia's workshop is a pleasant place, this mammoth kitchen with
red-tiled floor and walls of tiles in warm soft tans. The latest improve-
ments in equipment are found there—tables and sinks that shine with
monel and white enamel. The giant meat slicer gives a splash of red.

MARCH, 1933 9


zjl 'Day to ^atisfy
Jfospital Tray

By E M I L Y T A R B E L L , Chi Marcia's kitchens, diet rooms, salad serv-
ices, bake shop are perfections in mod.

im equipment and sanitation.

There are electric mixing machines, bread slicers and even a machine
that would bring joy to the heart of every housewife, for it peels po-
tatoes. The stock pots for soup, even larger than the iron pots in which
maple sugar is boiled in the New England sugar bushes, are steam-
jacketed. So are the cereal pots, in which enormous quantities of cereal
may be cooked as though in a double boiler. There is a special cooker
for vegetables and a gigantic chopper in which bread or onions may be

Surrounding the main kitchen are the rooms for special services. The
salads are made in a separate room, one side of which opens into the
kitchen. Here, too, the ice-cream is mixed and frozen. There is a bake
shop with cupboard shelves laden with appetizing cakes and cookies, and
a room where the vegetables are prepared.

Monel is used lavishly in the dish-washing room. The electric ma-
chine enshrined there not only washes but rinses the dishes. A silver
burnisher through which all the silver passes each week is part of the

The hospital has central food service. All the trays are set up in the
kitchen ready for delivery to the wards or individual rooms. The three
tier carriers that glide easily on heavy rubber-tired wheels have a ca-
pacity of twelve trays each. These carriers are heated merely by connect-
ing each one with the nearest electric plug so that the food may be kept
hot on the individual trays. To insure further that the foods shall be


properly hot when served, hot water plates are used. I n these a por-
celain plate rests upon a silver basin filled with steaming water.

Fresh linen is put on the trays three times a day. I n small holders are
placed cards of various colors to indicate whether a particular service
is to be a soft diet, a light diet, whether salt and pepper are to be added
or not. I f special dishes are desired for particular patients, those requests
are placed in the holders when the trays are returned to the kitchen.
Several attractive patterns of dishes are used, the product of one of the
local potteries.

In the special diet kitchen approximately sixteen different varia-
tions of the regular menu are prepared daily to suit the needs of special
cases. Thus trays are arranged on which the contents are salt-free. Others
are fat-free. A number are planned for anemia, for obesity, for diabetes,
for nephritis, for the gastric-ulcer cases. An assistant dietitian and three
nurses work here.

Egg nogs, chocolate milk, and orange juice are among the bever-
ages prepared in the nourishment room and sent in huge pitchers three
times a day to the various floors where they are served individually.

In the milk room three hundred bottles of baby formula are put
up each day. A sterilizer for the bottles, a refrigerator, electric plates,
and the usual polished tables comprise the equipment.

Three different diets are planned for the main kitchen for each meal—
regular, soft, and light. Here is a sample of what Marcia has for a regu-
lar diet for one day. Breakfast: Toast, oatmeal, coffee, Tokay grapes;
dinner: Chicken soup, roast beef, Franconia potatoes, lima beans, let-
tuce with French dressing, floating island; supper: Cream of mushroom
soup, croutons, gelatine vegetable salad, canned pears, pecan cookies.

In addition to planning for the numerous patients, she serves the
members of the hospital staff with meals. The student nurses, graduate
nurses on private duty, and the office workers—more than two hun-
dred in all—eat in the cafeteria in the building. The small dining room
has waitress service for the supervisors, dietitians, internes, and mem-
bers of the training school staff. These rooms are attractive with cool
green walls and long chintz curtains flowered in pink and white.

Two assistant dietitians help Marcia. One has charge of the cafeteria
and teaches classes in the spick-and-span foods laboratory which ac-
commodates twenty-four students. The second dietitian oversees the spe-
cial diet and the milk room. Thirty-two additional people are employed in
the kitchens. This number does not include the students from the Home
Economics College who avail themselves of the opportunity of securing
institution experience. Classes from Home Economics frequently come to

Purchasing the food Marcia seems to think a simple matter. The
size of the orders that she places are rather breath-taking. Weekly she
needs three hundred pounds of butter, fourteen hundred quarts of milk,
five hundred loaves of bread. Ordinarily she orders three hundred pounds
of fowl for Sunday. She patronizes local merchants. Most of the canned
goods are ordered by contract once a year.

(Continued on page 14)



^4 3\ew Cfield for

J-fard ^Workers

By C A R O L Y N W O L T E R

Alpha Gamma

Lydia Weber has
found success in


ON M Y return trip from Washington, D.C. last summer, I had the
pleasure of stopping over for several days with Lydia Weber, an
Alpha Gamma sister, in Denver, Colorado.
After graduation from W.S.C. in June '31, Lydia was fortunate in
receiving an appointment to the graduate training course in Physio-
therapy at Walter Reed General hospital, Washington, D.C. Every year
the Army Medical center appoints between ten and eighteen girls who
have received B.S. degrees in physical education in the United States.

The school opened on October 1, and after eight months of hard
study and much practical work, fourteen of the seventeen who entered,
were graduated. Of the fourteen to graduate eight were retained and
given appointments in the government general hospitals.

Lydia was president of her class at Walter Reed, and a short time
after graduation was transferred to Fitzsimons General hospital in Den-
ver, which is the largest government hospital, having a capacity of 1800

One of my first questions was, "Now just what kind of work do
you do?" to which Lydia replied, " I am a reconstruction aide in physio-
therapy—in other words I give physiotherapy treatments."

Physiotherapy is the treatment of diseases and condition by physical
means working in conjunction with physicians and surgeons. This in-
cludes: hydrotherapy; heliotherapy; thermotherapy; electrotherapy;
massage; and therapeutic exercises.

Her work is very fascinating and never lacks interest. I t doesn't get
monotonous as every day brings new patients and new treatments. I t
is so encouraging to actually see the great improvement in the patients.

She works six and one-half hours each day with Saturday afternoons
and all holidays off. Then after four o'clock her time is free to do as she
chooses (no exams to make out or no papers to correct)!


133"1 1. New Jersey
If ( and

.it ^11173 2 I S 1 1 > • 2. Westchester
J f 431 I and

3. B a l t i m o r e

13 1 More than 50 loyal
Alpha O's are char-
ter members in
three new alumnte
chapters installed
on the Atlantic sea-
board, almost, we
might say, in sight
of the towers of
New York, that
fabulous city of 100
story skyscrapers
and fabled wealth.


The Towers of

N e w Jersey Installed on December 10


DECEMBER 10 was a red letter day for New Jersey Alpha Omi-
cron Pi's for on that day the New Jersey Alumnae chapter was in-
stalled by a Founder at the home of a Founder. Thirty-one Alpha
Omicron Pi's gathered at the lovely home of Miss Elizabeth Heywood
Wyman ( A ) , in Glen Ridge and were installed by Mrs. George H .
Perry ( A ) .

MARCH, 1933 13

After the installation ceremony, delightful refreshments were served
by Gertrude Koch and Helen Neuhanes.

The charter members of New Jersey Alumnas chapter are: Gertrude Haak, N;
Gertrude Koch, X ; Thelma Mitchell, X ; Helen Neuhanes, X ; Kathryn Wasserman,
A; Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A ; Margaret Proche Eglin, N ; Frances Carter, X ;
Marian Oline, B<I>; Dorothy Catlam, N ; Mildred LaDue, N ; Ruth Carpenter; Norma
Caches, I I ; Lucile Burton, N; Doris Schumacher, Z ; May Fauts, I I A ; Marian
Headrich, K ; Mildred Olsen, X ; Agnes Rood, X ; Mary Shacketon, E ; Elma Lee
Smith, B * ; Frances Dykes, Z ; Edith Brauen, T; Zilpah Wilde, A ; Alice Wakefield,
A; Ednige Dragonetti, E ; Katherine Van Home, A ; Irene Lcrctti, T; Elizabeth
Jackson, A T ; Dorothy Stout, N; LaRue Crosnan,

We have our meetings the third Saturday of the month at the homes
of members.

Westchester Group Installed February 23

By H E L E N P I E R C E M U N R O , Tau

T HE Westchester Alumna; chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed
by Edith Ramsay Collins, Atlantic District Superintendent, Thurs-
day evening, February 23, 1933, at the Heathcote Inn in Scarsdale,
New York. Nineteen charter members from the four corners of West-
chester, four loyal guests from New Jersey Alumnae chapter and one from
Alpha as well as Edith Collins from New York made up the group who sat
down to a traditional A O n dinner preceding installation. Those gathered
around the table decorated with the familiar red candles and roses, so dear
to all were, as follows: Angeline Bennett, N ; Myrtle Munson Ciccarelli, X ;
Frances Bollard Dykes, Z ; Cecile Iselin Feer, N ; Florence Parmalee Hill,
Z ; Mary Louise Anderson Hingsberg, N ; Lora Bailey Lough, A ; Eva
Adams Miller, H ; Helen Pierce Munro, T; Barbara Anderson Moses, A ;
Florence Baker Nichols, X ; Beatrice Purdy, N ; Priscilla Sawyer Ross,
T; Margaret Doyle Stevning, T; Gertrude Bartlett Wilson, A ; Mildred
Wheeler, H A ; Ruth Dibben, X ; Anne Jane Hughes Jander, N ; Emma
Burchenal, A ; Matilda Petri Olrich, X ; Mildred Stewart La Due, N ;

Our ^A(elvest Alumnae Chapters

May Fontes, I 1 A ; Irma Corlies, H ; Thelma Roberts Mitchell, X ; Edith
Ramsay Collins, N .

After dinner our president, Eva Adams Miller, spoke a few words of
greeting, recalling the rapid growth of the Westchester Alumnae chapter
since its first meeting in mid-November to the installation on February
23. Notes of best wishes were read from Alice Cullnane, Edith Anderson
and Eva Marty who due to illness was unable to attend. Following Mrs.
Miller, Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Mitchell, our Metropolitan District chair-
man of Alumnae, spoke briefly and brought us greetings from Mrs. Perry
and regrets at her not being present.


After dinner was over we all returned to a private suite where the in-
stallation ceremony took place. At the next meeting in March a program
will be worked out for the rest of the year. A hearty welcome is extended
to all to come and visit this live and very active Alumnae chapter of

Baltimore Alumnae Installed in February


THE installation of Baltimore Alumna* Chapter was the occasion of
a most enjoyable evening on Saturday, February 18, at the Hidden
Garden Tea House.
I t was our great privilege to have with us three Grand Officers—
Kathryn Bremer Matson ( T ) , Grand President; Edith Huntington An-
derson (B$), Grand Secretary; and Mamie Hurt Baskervill ( K ) , Exten-
sion Officer.

The ritual conducted by Mrs. Matson was most impressive and the
banquet delightful. The officers and members installed were: Edith Burn-
side Whiteford (ITA), president; Charlotte Buckey Clemson (HA), vice
president; Virginia Bogeles ( K ) , secretary; Josephine Blandford (ITA),
editor to To DRAGMA; Margaret Dudley ( 0 ) , historian; and, Frances
Lemen Knight (riA), publicity.

Although, at present, many of our members are Pi Delta girls, we
are confident that many other AOII's living in Baltimore will rally round
as time goes on. We know that a number were unable to be present due
to the change from the March date set for installation.

The Washington Alumnae chapter sent a cordial greeting by tele-
graph and Pi Delta a personal greeting through Sue Short, Virginia
Cronin and Norma Pearsons.

3\ine ^Mentis <yt Day

(Continued from page 10)

The receiving room for bulky goods is conveniently placed near the
truck entrance. There are refrigerators for the milk, for the meat, for
perishable vegetables and an ice-box for the fish.

Marcia's office, a business-like austere room that bespeaks efficiency,
is across the corridor from the kitchen. Her living quarters are on the
fourth floor. From her heights she overlooks what appears to be a mighty
forest, in reality the residential streets of the city hidden beneath hun-
dreds of tree-tops. Beyond, the spires, towers and jutting roofs of the
business section appear.

Despite her many duties at Memorial Marcia still finds time for Al-
pha Omicron Pi. She has been president of the Syracuse Alumna* chap-
ter, alumna adviser for Chi, and still serves as president of the Board
of Directors of the Corporation of Chi chapter. But no matter what her
official capacity invariably the girls still continue to turn to Marcia in
moments of perplexity. Do the pipes leak? Call Marcia. Is the dean
coming to tea? Call Marcia. Is there a report that doesn't balance? Call
Marcia. Marcia never fails us.

MARCH, 1933 15

(Beauty Winner 3s Talented\Alpha 0

Being a reprint
f r o m the Mary-

land yearbook

N HIS selection of
the most attractive

girl on the campus
through the contest
sponsored by the Old
Line, the Maryland stu-
dent proves he is a true
connoisseur of beauty.
The worthy recipient of
this honor is the attractive, vivacious, entertaining Mary Stallings.

Miss Stallings is a sophomore in the college of Arts and Sciences,
Alpha Omicron Pi, member of the Footlight Club, M.C.A. Cabinet, and
the Freshman's Woman Honor Society.

She has had many rather thrilling experiences, the most thrilling of
which is probably her kidnapping case. Her mother, often an agent for
the government in narcotic cases, has come into contact with all sorts
of people, and possibly from some of these came an anonymous threat
on Mary's life. The alternative was an immense ransom. The messages
were quite illiterate, crude writing, misspelling, and the entire Stallings
family was thrown into a panic. A special policeman was detailed to
watch over Mary and he stayed within call for over a week. She could
have no dates and could not even step outside the house until the law
had decided all danger past. Save the excitement, nothing ever happened.

Another time she received a sum of money from an anoymous bene-
factor. He said that he had known her mother, hoped Mary would be
like her, and wanted Mary to buy some trinket with the money.

Although Mary would like to study law when she finishes her course
here, she hasn't definitely decided the direction of her career. She is
fond of musical comedies, waffles with syrup, and would like to write
a column for the Old Line.


^Puppets Take Their 'Place


• A puppet class at
Camp Lake Lure dis
plays its work before
the open air theatre
BBS designed and super
Vised by Plurbt
Pax ton (K).

By P H C E B E P A X T O N , Kappa

In the Alumna: Bulletin of Randolph-Macon Woman's College

SATURDAY has come again. And how quickly Saturday makes her
entrance when one is constantly creating a program that must be
ready to present on Saturday. Let us suppose that it is Saturday
with all the freedom and glamour so dear to a school child's heart. You
are in the lobby of the Stable Playhouse chatting with two of the Puppet
Show committee members who have arrived at half past ten o'clock in
time to take up tickets and usher the children into the theatre. You
are sitting by a large round table (there is no formal box office at the
Puppet Theatre), which is covered with an India print and probably
honoured by a bowl of dahlias. I t is time for the children to begin mak-
ing their appearance. Soon automobiles drive up and stop at the gate
entrance over which hangs a conspicuous sign:


The Stable is difficult to find even if one has been there before, and

MARCH, 1933

Sn the ^Academy of <^Arts



I'ha-bc pulls the
strings and her ma
rioncttcs dance. The
picture was taken at

the studio in the
Stable Playhouse.

so in order to make it easy several large beaver board clowns holding
signs, "This way to the Puppet Show" have been placed at various
points on the Art School lawn. A crowd of children are on the drive-
way—some clinging to their nurse's skirts, some proudly leading others
clutching a handful of season tickets, all eager-eyed and hopeful. They
are coming into the lobby and the theatre begins to take on its enchant-
ing atmosphere of excitement and glad anticipation. The children look
adorable, dressed in the most entrancing of outfits. "Mother, are we going
to see a clog show?" asks one little girl who looks like Goldilocks herself.
"No, my dear, we are going to see some little dolls, not dogs," is the
reassuring answer. There is a flush of questions to those taking up
tickets. "When is it going to begin? What is the name of the show? How
long will it last?" Then there is always the rush for the front row. The
theatre seats only one hundred people; and for the morning performance


it is usually packed by eleven o'clock. At the afternoon performance we
begin to add extra chairs by two-twenty o'clock for the two-thirty per-
formance. The crowd is waiting. I t is composed mostly of impatient
happy children, but there are always many mothers, a few nurses, and
five or six men who are honest enough to admit that they enjoy puppet
shows. Grown people attend the first performances using the children
as an excuse. Then they come again (sometimes borrowing a friend's
child) because they enjoy it themselves. I t is hard to determine just who
has a better time—the children who enjoy the show, or the grown-ups
who enjoy the response of the children. I t is time for the show to begin.
The house lights dim; the big curtain parts; the puppet theatre lights
go on, and the musical overture begins. I t is the breathless moment be-
fore the magic spell is cast over the audience. What will the hour hold?

What has the puppeteer been doing all this time? Weeks before the
opening performance of a new season she has selected the program of
plays. I f she is unable to find dramatizations of the stories she has se-
lected she must write the plays herself. Materials must be selected and
bought. Puppets, scenery, and stage properties must be designed and
made. The lines must be learned and the play rehearsed. For weeks
there is constant typing, carving, sewing, ironing; tacking, sawing, glue-
ing, painting, fitting—and goodness knows what else—going on in the
workshop. When all of the dolls, scenery, and properties are ready, re-
hearsals begin. There must be a place for everything and everything
must be in its place in order to assure a smooth performance. Weeks of
rehearsal are required in order to make the lines become second nature
and the characters and voices well fixed in the puppeteer's mind. The
day of the opening performance the puppeteer can relax and assure her-
self that the main idea is to entertain and that when once you have a
clutch on your audience it is very easy to warm them up to the per-
formance. No matter what happens the children will be pleased. Now
the magic hour has arrived. The guignols, face downward, are hanging
by pegs. The outside curtain rolls up gradually and reaches the prosce-
nium arch just as the music stops. Now for a quick opening of the inside
curtain. The first character to appear is none other than Bibi—the clown
—who greets his audience with a merry "Hello!" They answer "Hello!"
He tells them the name of the show and how glad he is to see all of his
friends again, sometimes calling them by name. I f the play is a short
one he may be persuaded to do a few tricks; if not, he makes his exit
and the play itself begins. For one short hour the children weep with
Snow White, hiss the wicked Queen, and giggle at the silly dwarfs. Often
children have actually bawled when they were told that the play was
over. The children have learned that the play is never over until " B i b i "
crawls out just as the curtain lowers to ask them how they liked the
show and whom they liked best. He announces the next play then says
goodbye. Many children beg to be admitted back stage after the show
is over. I f the puppeteers are not too exhausted they will show them a
few dolls. This is not a good practise, however, for it tends toward break-
ing the illusion. The puppeteer has memorized her lines and the direc-

M A R C H , 1933

Be• -



The Stable Playhouse at llu Memphis Academy of Arts is the scene of cycles of
puppet plays presented by Plurbe's puppets each season.

tor usually knows the entire play. With every performance, however,
the play shows new development. The lines and pieces of business are
added according to the inspiration of the moment.

People invariably ask me how I happened to take up the study of
puppets and whv I chose it as a career. Often I have replied . . . "because
I didn't have anything else to do." I f by chance they were really in-
terested I would be perfectly frank and tell them the whole story.

I n the fall of 1927 after my graduation from college I visited my
sister and her husband in Cleveland, Ohio. M y brother-in-law is the
assistant director of the Cleveland Playhouse, a theatre that has reached
the heights in the art form of the drama. While I was there I was closely
associated with the theatre and also with the Cleveland Museum of
Art. Mrs. Helen Joseph's puppet studio occupied a small room in the
theatre building. My sisler assisted Mrs. Joseph in giving performances
with her puppets. The performances were given in schools, clubs,
churches, private homes and at the Playhouse once a month. There
were no restrictions for me at the Playhouse and I was free to browse
among the beautiful books in the library, to help with the sewing of
costumes, to attend rehearsals and performances of the plays, and to
inspect the puppets and properties in the puppet studio. I was exposed
to the most stimulating of artistic atmospheres.

I had been interested sub-consciously in puppets during my college
life, and when I met a real puppet craftsman, such as Mrs. Joseph, with
studio, puppets, performances, and all, it seemed as though I were al-
ready half way started on my career as a puppeteer. I attended every
performance of Helen Joseph's puppets, helped the puppeteers to set up


the theatre and to pack i t away at the close of the engagement. Most of
the time I sat with the children in the audience. The puppet theatre
was small; for a part of the time, however, I was admitted back-stage
and there gained another perspective of the performance. Twice they
let me juggle the four dwarfs in Snow White and twice they let me work
the dog in a short curtain-raiser act. I lost no time in talcing mental
notes and before I left Cleveland I made a written record of the impor-
tant details. I asked people at the Playhouse how to make papier-mache
masks and what kind of wood was best suited for wood-carving. I told
my sister all of my plans. Together we selected a play—a story to
dramatize—and we chose Little Black Sambo. She suggested that I use
the attic of my home in Greenville, Mississippi, as my theatre. She rilled
me full of self-confidence and assured me that I could do puppets as
well as anyone i f I would just work. That was all I needed. Before I
left Cleveland I had carved eight puppet hands, and as I was going home
on the train I wrote the first act of Sambo.

When I arrived at home I went into seclusion and finished writing
the play. M y workshop was in the attic, and I began making puppets
with a hammer, saw, glue, clay, cotton cloth, and paper. I t was all new
to me. Never had I seriously studied art; nevertheless I was confident
that I could make puppets. I would see no obstacles in the path. A l l
that I could see was the finished project; the puppets, the theatre, and
the attic full of children. This I kept in mind until the opening date.
After Snow White's mask had been finished—however crude it may
look today—I knew that everything would work out all right. I sold
the idea to a friend and she agreed to assist me with the performances.
I worked on the dolls in the mornings and held rehearsals in the after-
noons. We set a definite date for the opening of the theatre. I drew a
plan for the theatre, bought the lumber, and hired a carpenter to build
it. Flood lights had to be made and wired, and so I hired the tinner and
electrician for that job. There were myriads of things to be done and
the handicaps were many including a severe cut I gave my hand while
carving Prince Charming's head. We painted on the walls of the theatre
scenes from Mother Goose and favorite Fairy Tales. All of the obstacles
were overcome and on March 10, 1928, one hundred children responded
to an announcement which read:


the opening of a P U P P E T T H E A T R E

at her home, in the A T T I C
315 South Broadway, Greenville, Miss.



Two Performances 11 A.M.-3:30 P.M.
Saturday, March 10, 1928
Admission: 25 cents

We had slightly miscalculated our abilities with regard to time and
at 10:30 A.M., March 10, we were still sewing beards on dwarfs while
fifty children restlessly waited at the foot of the attic stairs. The per-

M A R C H , 1933 21

formances were successful. I shall never forget the thrill. I t was good
to know that the first step of the project was done and successfully done.
We planned a crowded program for the spring and presented Little
Black Sambo, Alt Baba and the Forty Thieves, Red Riding Hood, and
Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We had a portable theatre built and
with the new theatre came more possibilities. We made engagements to
present plays in two neighboring towns. We opened the fall season with
Rumpelstiltskin, and followed this with Aladdin and the Wonderful
Lamp. These plays were presented in the schools all over the Mississippi
Delta and finally wound up in Memphis. We gave plays in public schools
and private schools, and made a wonderful contract with Lowenstein's
to present shows there every day for three weeks. This engagement
lasted until Christmas. After Christmas I went to Cleveland where I
studied the history of puppets, met distinguished puppeteers, among
whom were Mrs. Winifred H . Mills, Miss Louise M . Dunn, Ellen Von
Valkenburg, William Duncan, and Edward Mabley, discussed problems
and exchanged ideas with them. I saw a great many puppet shows and
returned to Greenville with added inspiration. I spent the spring filling
engagements in Mississippi and Tennessee and also did laboratory work
making marionettes. I n the fall of 1929 we opened the third season of
the Attic Theatre with Faust—The Comical Tragedy or Tragical
Comedy. We filled return engagements in Mississippi and Tennessee
with the guignol theatre. Then in the spring of 1930 we experimented
with marionettes.

I taught guignol construction, marionette construction, and puppet-
play presentation at a summer camp that year. The scouts at Juliette
Low were good pupils and have written me of the puppet work they
are doing in their troops at home.

I t was thrilling to open the fourth season in Greenville with a new
type of puppet—the marionette—and we gave Jack and the Beanstalk,
a favorite play. We went to Memphis to get engagements, but met with
little success. Everyone crawled under the table when we mentioned a
guarantee. They objected strenuously to the business proposition which
we considered to be fair enough for any organization to meet. The
school principals liked the plays and dolls, but we couldn't come to

My coffers were getting to the point where I could see the pictures
painted on the bottom. I thought of another plan—puppets and theatres
for children. "Why shouldn't people buy them for Christmas presents?"
I asked myself. I went into the business, stuffing dolls and painting
beaver board, working night and day. Several people bought them in
Memphis and I sold a good many in Greenville. I t was fun to make
them, but I couldn't sell them for a price that would justify the work
and time spent in making them. I was anxious to get back to my theatre

One day I went to the James Lee Memorial Academy of Arts in
Memphis. I talked with the director, told her my educational and ar-
tistic background, and proposed plans for a department of puppets in


the school and offered a program of plays to be presented in The Stable
Playhouse—a part of the school property. I f they were not able to offer
me a proposition in the school, I wanted to make arrangements with
them to allow me the use of the Stable as a place to present my plays.
The director liked my ideas and advised me to write the board a formal
letter including the points we had discussed. After Christmas the plans
went through, and I received a message from the director stating that
they would grant me the use of the Stable and in addition would giye»
me a committee of interested workers who would manage the business.*
They hoped also to make it possible for me to develop a puppet depart-
ment in the school. The offer was thrilling and, of course, I accepted.
The Art school as a background would give me what I needed most—a
chance to study modeling. After Christmas I met with the committee
and planned with them to open a five weeks' season in The Playhouse
April 4, 1931. I went again to Cleveland where I studied costume design
and drawing, and browsed about in the museums. I saw many wonderful
plays, the most thrilling of which was Electro, with Marika Cotopoli in
the title role. While I was there I solicited gift shops asking them to
buy my children's theatres and puppets. Eastman & Bolton gave me
an order.

The season in Memphis at the Stable Playhouse was a marked suc-
cess. I t was a joy to have a group of people to push the performances
and assure the public that there was something good in the form of
entertainment for their children to see. The Academy asked me to
lecture on the History of Puppets, and I did so both at the Playhouse
and over station W M C . We played to a packed house for every per-
formance of Jack and the Beanstalk, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,
Little Black Sambo, Aladdin, and Faust. Then I directed a small group
of students, teaching them guignol construction. The session at the
Academy was so successful and the work so congenial that I made an-
other contract with them to present another group of plays for the fall
season. I went to the Lake Lure camp for girls, Lake Lure', North Caro-
lina in the summer, taught Puppets, and presented a performance with
my own dolls every week.

When I returned to Memphis the depression had set in and prospects
looked gloomy. Since the committee assured me that people would con-
tinue to come to the shows, however, we proceeded with our plans for
new productions. There was grand excitement on the opening date.
Reporters from various newspapers came out. Photographers were busy
taking pictures of children both outside and inside the theatre. The
season ticket sale surpassed our hopes and the cash customers came in
large parties. Rumpelstiltskin made a big hit, and for all the perform-
ances that followed we had crowded houses. We closed with a marionette
show—Cinderella—and will open another series of plays in March.
In that series we are planning to include Pandora's Box and possibly
The Story of the Khinegold with Wagnerian music. At this point
we are busy filling engagements with schools, churches, parties, and

(Continued on page 39)

29 Questions

T P E A R L E G R E E N , Kappa Alpha Theta, asks twenty-nine pertinent questions
Y j . in her publicity written for National Panhellenic Congress that should be well
discussed by chapters before Convention in the summer. Many of them will
arise in round tables at that time, and if they are well thought out before, the

results of the discussions will be of value.

* **

Two types of questions confront the fraternity world today: those becoming
acute through the gradual shift of college emphasis and customs during the last
decade; those created by the present unusual economic conditions.

Those created by present economic conditions are being solved on most
campuses by careful economies and co-operative effort. Where student bodies are
much reduced in size, and large new houses are only partially clear of debt,
solution is less sure.

Are there too many fraternities represented on some campuses? At the Inter-
fraternity conference meeting Thanksgiving week-end. it was asserted that a
field was overcrowded in a state university if more than 55% of the students
were fraternity men, in a privately endowed college the maximum might be 75%.
Would similar percentages hold for women students? I f these percentages are
even approximately correct, how about the policy of those colleges which demand
—"fraternity affiliations for every student who wants such connections"?

Have fraternities been too critical in their selection of members? Visiting
fraternity officers often wonder why this and that outstanding student is not a
fraternity member. It may be by choice, but, if so, what is wrong with the
chapters on that campus that they do not attract such students? Where a
freshman delegation is too small, aren't there desirable girls in other classes who
would strengthen a chapter? How meet the problem of the girl who wants to
join but "can't afford to now"? Wouldn't a fund to meet such situations be a
better alumna; gift than the usual new house furnishings? Wouldn't the omission
of one chapter dance provide such a fund?

But when we begin to cut down on chapter activities we become a party
to more unemployment, as one campus found out recently. I n a glow of en-
thusiasm Panhellenic decided that each house could help tide over the shortage in
its budget by the girls waiting on themselv es at table, and by substituting victrola
and radio for the usual orchestra at dances. But, countered the university, then
what will happen to the sixty student waiters who are depending on that work
for their living expenses this year? and to the thirty men who are paying their
way through college by playing in college orchestras? To what extent have chap-
ters become their brothers keepers? Is it a square deal, to follow the style set
by business and economize at the expense of the other student?

How is fraternity life to be adjusted to meet changing college conditions?
What changes, you ask ? The great increase in two year students of two classes:
those transferring from junior colleges, those dismissed with a certificate at the
end of sophomore year as not qualified to profit by further years in college. The
trend, not even halted by depression days, toward the building of more and more
dormitories. The rule that all freshmen must live in dormitory. The limit placed
on number of students and the rigidly enforced selective process.

What shall be the scholarship goal of a fraternity? High rank as a group, or
real intellectual interests? What on campus and in fraternity is most conducive
to fine scholarship? How about the chapter house tutor system? Would a change
in chaperon qualifications bring into the chapter houses college trained women
whose presence would stimulate finer intellectual standards?

What is the best housing plan for a college? Or, is the l>est plan for one
college, the worst for another? How can fraternity practices be adapted to such
a best plan? Should there be a limit on cost of a chapter house? Should there
be a limit on number a house is built to accommodate? Should residents in such
a house be strictly limited to that number? Who is to control living conditions
and costs in chapter houses? Which is best for the college, a Commons, or dining
rooms in individual houses? Where chapter houses are impracticable or for-
bidden, is the preferred plan chapter lodges, or fraternity rooms in a woman's
building or union?

We have no panacea to offer for any of these problems. We do have con-
fidence that by study and discussion the fraternity women can solve them all.
And so—we present them as vital material for chapter meeting programs, and,
we hope, as a preliminary step toward the solution of twenty-nine questions.

yr^4 T

cy/ T(esume

Jessie Ellen Ashworth, 1932 Fellowship win- ofzAlpha 0
ner, is studying at Yenching University in Cfellows' *Work


J ESSIE E L L E N ASHWORTH ( r '29), was awarded the Ruth Capen
Farmer Fellowship for the pursuit of graduate work during 1932-
1933. She is studying in China at Yenching University at present.
Of her plans she writes,

"Primarily, I wish to study international relations in the Orient, particularly
of China with Russia and Japan, in order to understand more thoroughly American
diplomacy in the Far East, as it affects and is affected by these powers. As a corol-
lary of this, and because it is an important factor in international relations, I wish to
learn as much as possible of the Chinese character and culture. After completing
work for the Ph.D. degree, I hope to secure a position in an American college or
university in the department of Political Science or of History and International
relations, with American Diplomacy as my especial field. Although from the point
of view of American foreign policy the Pacific and F a r East is one of the most
important regions of the world, its study has been greatly neglected by American
colleges and universities. It seems to me that it is very desirable to create a greater
interest in this field, and it is in order that I may interpret China and Japan more
vividly and more accurately to my classes that I wish to study at Yenching."

The Graduate Fellowship Committee, in selecting Jessie Ashworth
as a successful applicant for the Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship, felt
that she had chosen a significant piece of work, and that she possesses
unusual qualifications for success in that field. Jessie's work at the Uni-
versity of Maine left a trail of extremely high grades. Her transcript
shows three semesters when nothing but straight A work was done. No
grade below B appears. University honors came to her in form of The
Central District Alumni Scholarship (1926-27); The Trustee Under-
graduate Scholarship (1927-28); 1928, she was elected to membership
in $ K $ ; in 1929, $BK claimed her; she was awarded General Honors
and Departmental Honors on June 10, 1929. I n 1931 she replaced Miss
Buchan as head of the Sociology department at the University of Maine,
Miss Buchan transferring to Smith College.

Our (^fellowship Winners
zjlre 'Doing!

By W I L M A S M I T H
1 L E L A N D , Tau


On the approach of the award of the first Lillian MacQuillin Mc-
Causland Fellowship, it may be of interest for us to review our fellow-
ships from their beginnings. The first award of $500 was made in 1924
to Thelma Brumfield ( E ) , who studied medicine and was for a time
the only woman on the faculty in the Medical School at the University
of Virginia. Whittle Springs Convention in 1923 had recreated this Fel-
lowship. I n 1925 the Fellowship was awarded to Wilkie Hughes (B<J>),
whose interest was in nursing. At present she is at Butterworth Hos-
pital in Grand Rapids, Michigan; her capacity is probably as head of
the training school for such was her position at New England Hospital
for Women and Children in Boston.


Henry Hull and Helen Claire are the charming couple in "Springtime for Henry:


Convention in Minneapolis in 1925 created the first Alpha Omicron

Pi Fellowship of $500 to be awarded to non-members. The first recipient

was Marjorie Ruth Clark, University of California, who was studying

at the Sorbonne when the Fellowship was awarded.

The same year, 1926, the Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship was

awarded to Achsa Bean ( r ) , but, being unable to accept it, Mary Arden

Young (Q), used it to complete her studies in Social Service. Mary is at

Hull House in Chicago now.

In 1927, Helen Claire Rosenstihl was granted the non-member fel-

lowship. She was a Kappa Delta at Randolph-Macon Woman's College.

Since insufficient applications were received for the Ruth Capen

Farmer Fellowship that year, Seattle Convention thought it wise to

increase the sum of the fellowships to $1000 each and to award them

in alternate years, beginning with the Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship

in 1928. Ella Roberts was the successful applicant, and she pro-

ceeded to the medical school at University of Pennsylvania.

In 1929, Jessie lone Palmer received the non-member fellowship and

pursued her studies in Latin at the University of Michigan. She failed

to respond to a letter inquiring about her work of late so we can give

you no information as to her successes.

In 1930, the Ruth Capen Farmer Fellow was Eloise Keefer (Z),

who went to the University of Wisconsin to study foreign relations. At

present she is still studying and doing some instructional work.

Amanda T. Bradley of Birmingham-Southern University was the

last non-member Fellow. Of her work she write most charmingly and with

such graciousness:

"It was indeed a wonderful year! I worked under Professor John Livingston
Lowes (the man who, an English Cantabrigian has assured us, is the 'greatest
scholar America has produced') I can hardly wait to get back to Radcliffe and com-
plete my work towards the Ph.D.

"Economic circumstances made it necessary for me to work this year. I am
teaching English at St. Catherine's—a very old (Episcopal) school for girls, in Rich-
mond, i am charmed with the school—with Richmond—with Virginia, and feel sure
I could not have found a more delightful spot in which to mark the time which needs
must elapse before I can set my economic house in order and hie me back to Widener
Library in Cambridge.

" I look forward to dedicating my thesis to AOII, when it is published. It is to be
on 'The Epistolary Convention in English Literature,'—showing the influence of the
letters of the classical period (such as those of Cicero) upon the letters of the Re-
naissance—and the letters of the Renaissance, via Italian and French letters, upon
the writers of so-called 'familiar letters' in the English language.

"To AOII—individually and collectively—please convey my grateful affection."

Convention in 1931 created the new Lillian MacQuillin McCausland
Fellowship and its first honoree will be announced late in the spring.
So Alpha Omicron Pi now offers three Fellowships of $1000 each. The
Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship for non-members, given through A.A.U.W.;
the Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship and the Lillian MacQuillin McCaus-
land Fellowship. The field of graduate work is not limited. They are for
"women who plan study or research in humanitarian lines with a view
of practical service."

At the 1931 Convention the question of the value of the non-member

MARCH, 1933 27

fellowship arose. Thinking that such a question might again arise, it
has been your editor's privilege to correspond with all but one of the
non-member fellows. You have read about Miss Bradley's work. Miss
Clark's thesis is most interesting, and we quote from a letter telling of
her present work.

"At that time, when the Fellowship was granted to me, I had already been
one year in France, enrolled in the Sorbonne. The Fellowship made it possible for me
to stay a second year and complete the collection of material for a doctoral disserta-
tion on the labor movement in France. I returned in August, 1927, to the University
of California, as graduate student and teaching fellow in Economics, and received
my doctor's degree from that institution in 1928. M y study of the French labor
movement was published, in 1930, in the economics series of the University of Cali-
fornia. I am sending you a copy under separate cover.

"In 1928, I came to the University of Nebraska as associate research professor
in the economics of the home. I n the years 1928-1931 I completed and published
a number of studies on household economics and standards of living, based on field
work in Nebraska. In addition I published articles in the Journal of Political
Economy, and Journal of Home Economics, and local Nebraska papers.

"In 1931 I was granted a Social Science Research Fellowship for study in
Mexico, where I remained from September, 1931, to January, 1933. I have just re-
turned to the University of Nebraska, from which institution I was granted a leave of
absence for the year and a half I spent in Mexico. I am at the present preparing
the manuscript for a book on the organized labor movement in Mexico, which I hope
to publish within the present year."

One of our most interesting non-member fellows is Helen Claire
Rosenstihl now known on Broadway as Helen Claire. Miss Claire tells
in such interesting detail of her experiences since she first went to New
York with our aid that we'll quote her letter in full.

"By means of your Fellowship I was able to come to New York in order to ob-
tain an M A . degree in Psychology. During the fall, shortly after I had attended
my first class at Columbia University, I was awarded a scholarship at the Feagin
School of Dramatic Art. Therefore, while completing work on the degree, I
began the dramatic training. At first the two interests seemed to go hand in hand.
Then I found that I must choose between tliem, and the theatre won. After I
had received the degree from Columbia I continued my studies for the theatre
by means of a second scholarship at the Feagin School, by assisting in the de-
partment of Speech and Dramatics at Columbia University, and by teaching drama-
tics in a finishing school in New York and at the other extreme—in a settlement
in the Bowery.

"While still in school, I decided that I must have a real part in the theatre,
but found that lack of experience and knowledge of how it was done handicapped
me even more than I had feared. Since I admired the policy of the Civic Repertory
Theatre in producing really good plays within reach of an avid public, I applied
for a part with Miss Le Galliene's company. Of course there was no place for an in-
experienced but hopeful amateur. Nothing daunted, I applied for a job as usher,
only to find that the students of the Civic Repertory School were on the wait-
ing list of ushers. However, my name went down at the end of the list of appli-

"Easter vacation came, and with it plans for a short visit to the Catskills with
some Randolph-Macon girls who were in New York. The day before our departure,
I had a call to usher at the Civic Repertory that night. Of course my trip was
cancelled, and I began at once to be initiated into the seemingly simple but in
reality rather difficult art of ushering patrons into a theatre. Many and varied
were my experiences. In the very few hours of my career as usher, I made enough
interesting observations to fill a small volume.

"Within three days after I began to usher ( I was still attending school and
teaching dramatics all day), I was rewarded by just such a coincidence as I had


dreamed of. 'Peter Pan' was to be taken on the road later in the spring, and since
the little boys were too young to go with the company, they were looking for
girls to play the parts. Scores of applicants had come from booking agents, dramatic
schools, and from everywhere. The principle qualification seemed to be a boyish
figure, youthful voice, and vitality.

"After getting all the people seated in my section during the matinee, I went
backstage to see Miss Le Galliene. It was a terrifying few moments, wondering
whether I had a chance of even trying for the part. The fates were kind, and I
was granted a reading of the part on the following day. And then I was given my
first part printed as "sides," and rehearsals took the place of ushering. I played in
New York with the company before the other girls were given the boys' parts, and
then commuted to Philadelphia, from New York, so as not to miss classes or
performances. The school drew the line when I announced my intention of flying
to Boston from New York for each performance. I had to leave 'Peter Pan' for

"Then came the fall, and that bogey 'job-hunting.' After a very amusing ex-
perience with a company which turned out to be merely an illusion in the mind of
the producer, I was given my first part on Broadway—that of Romo in 'Michael
and Mary,' in which Henry Hull and Edith Barrett were starred. I was fortunate
indeed to work under the direction of Charles Hopkins and with such excellent actors
and charming people as those who made up the cast of the Milne play. I shall always
be grateful for such an initiation into the theatre. The play ran for more than six
months and closed in June. The following day I went to the north shore of Mas-
sachusetts for a summer of stock in a very beautiful resort, where I worked hard
playing all sorts of parts in very bad plays, learned a great deal, made some pleas-
ant friendships, and had more fun than I had imagined possible.

"Then came another season—that is, another fall—and with it a part in 'School
Girl,' in which I played Janet Livingston. I t was during the run of this short-
lived play that Stuart Walker's New York representative offered me a part in his
Cincinnati Company. Therefore, after a short Christmas holiday with my parents,
I journeyed to Cincinnati and the most fortunate association that I could have
found—that with Stuart Walker. His great talents as director, his intelligence and un-
derstanding and kind help were boundless. At the end of the season, he cast me as
Norma in 'Coquette,' the part created so magnificently by Helen Hayes in New
York. The weeks of rehearsal and playing in 'Coquette' were among the happiest
I had ever spent. Mother and Dad came up from Alabama for the event, and
we had a beautiful time.

"A call from New York at the end of the season in Cincinnati brought me
east again. I went into rehearsal in John Galsworthy's 'The R o o f which Mr. Hop-
kins was to produce. Due to his illness and other events, rehearsals were cancelled
after a few days and I went to Alabama for a few weeks of rest.

"Shortly after my arrival there, I had a telegram asking me to be at Dennis
Cape Cod, for rehearsals within the next few days. Mother and I quickly packed,
made reservations, and left a puzzled father and husband for another few weeks of
loneliness, or perhaps rest.

"The Cape Playhouse that summer boasted such stars as Grace George, Crystal
Heme, Judith Anderson, Violet Henning, Edith Barrett, Earle Larrimore, Tom
Powers, Sir Guy Standing, and many others. The plays presented included 'Strange
Interlude,' 'The First Mrs. Frazer,' 'Let Us Be Gay,' 'Mrs. Moonlight,' and others.
I played several different types of parts and studied the players as much as pos-
sible. They were most kind, suggesting a reading or a gesture which would be more
effective, offering a hint as to make-up, even leading something to help a costume's au-
thenticity. It was a glorious summer.

"Grace George had a play which was tried out in Dennis at the end of the sum-
mer. I was cast in the New York company and rehearsed during the early fall
months. The play tried out in the cities around New York, but never came in.

"There followed a winter of radio work—playing on the Radio Guild, K 7 , S R O ,
Sherlock Holmes, and other programs. Radio technique was quite different from
that of the stage, and very interesting.

"During the winter I also assisted in the dramatic department at Sarah Lawrence
College in Bronxville, New York. I t was fascinating work. The students were un-

MARCH, 1933 29

usually intelligent and talented girls who presented many plays, designed their own
costumes and settings and executed them with a proficiency greater than that of
some professionals I have seen.

" I helped with the productions of 'Cradle Song' and the gala out-of-door
production of 'Iphegenia in Tauris' which was done on the campus on a June
night before an enthusiastic audience of several hundred people.

"During last summer I played leads in Charles Hopkins's company in Hunting-
ton, L . I . in such plays as 'Coquette,' 'The Dover Road,' 'Springtime for Henry,'
'The Bride the Sun Shines On,' 'The Cat and the Canary' and 'Strictly Dishon-
orable.' I n September I went to Provincetown, Cape Cod for the try-out of 'Num-
ber Nine Pine Street,' the story of the Lizzie Borden murder, which will soon be
produced in New York.

"In October, I went into rehearsal for 'Springtime for Henry' in which I
played on tour with Henry Hull. In November I went into rehearsal in 'Girls in
Uniform,' the play from which the German film 'Maedchen in Uniform' was made.

"After the incredibly short New York run of 'Girls in Uniform,' I went into
the cast of 'Honeymoon' in which I am now playing Joan, the young bride.

" I do hope that some of the AOII's in New York will come to see the play,
or any play in which I have a part, at any time."

"Perhaps you have heard some of the 'Charlie Chan' radio programs sponsored
by the Standard Oil Company on W J Z . I played Julie O'Neil in "The Black Camel'
on that series. Very recently I played Evelyn in the Charlie Chan program from
W J Z and Titania in "Sherwood" for the Radio Guild.

"Please thank the AOII's for me. Their kindness has made possible the things
I have told you above, and I shall be eternally grateful. I wish that I could ex-
press my heartfelt gratitude to each one who made the fellowship possible.

" ' I s it worthwhile?' T o my mind it is a wonderful contribution which, if it
benefits the development of even one of the many people you help, it is many
times more than 'worthwhile.' "

Judging from the enthusiastic letters of these three non-members,
we should feel thrice-blest, for judging from their works, our Fellows
have been wisely chosen.

Helen Claire is a Kap-
pa Delta and was our
Fellozvship recipient in



J 'Weeks in 'Brittany —

The statue of Christ is borne by young


Ste. Parbe wears a gold crown, a red vet
I'Ct robe and carries a ncwlx mlded bunch

of flowers.

By J O S E P H I N E S. P R A T T , Alpha

ALA gauche Normande, a la droite Bretagne," standing on the high
terrace at Mont St. Michel, the handsome guide swung his arm
over the horizon. A war veteran, he wore the ribbon of the Croix
de Guerre with two palms and three stars, and three other ribbons
which I did not recognize.

Bretagne! does it not have an alluring sound?
But to begin at the beginning of our trip, in Xormandy. We landed
at Havre on a glorious Sunday afternoon, the third of July. We spent
the night in Havre, and found it not entirely without interest, port
though it is. Monday morning at 8 A.M. we took the steamer "Felix
Faure" for Rouen. The Seine winds in and out, making twists that would
shame a corkscrew, first through alluvial plains, very verdant, with
cattle drinking at the water's edge, then high chalk cliffs which can be
seen for miles off, later dense forests, stretching for miles, vivid greens
broken by patches of flaming yellow broom. There are a few small
villages, most of them not more than a mile of water front, and perhaps
two or three streets deep, which appear like the back drop of a stage,
of only one dimension. Scattered at intervals between the villages are
farms, on many of which were trees red with cherries, the Normandy
cherries we were to revel in later in Paris. Here and there was a manu-

MARCH, 1933 31

And <y\ot One ^ceding Qhin

On the rocks ill Mont St. Michel

- Li



- A young Brctonnc looks on with reverence.

facturing town, ugly and unattractive. They reminded me of the mill
towns in our southern states. They appeared most incongruous against
a background of the ruins of the Abbey of Jumierges or the Chateau of
Robert le Diable. An excellent lunch with our first taste of vin rouge
was served on the boat.

Rouen was reached about 2 P.M., early enough for an afternoon
view of the Cathedral, and the beautiful church of St. Ouen, the patron
of the city. Four years ago when I first visited this church, I experi-
enced one of the thrills of my life, one of these unexplainable thrills
which every one feels at times. A second visit was no disappointment. In
the morning a second visit to both churches enabled us to see the sun
through the east windows. I n the Cathedral, no one should miss climb-
ing the thirteenth century staircase to the treasury, to see the red in one
of the Gobelin tapestries hung there, another unexplained thrill. I n the
afternoon, we had time to visit the exquisite Palais de Justice, with its
carved ceiling, and the various places connected with Jeanne d'Arc, be-
fore taking the train for Paris.

Paris in time for dinner, but I am not going to stop to discuss Paris.
You will surely visit it, and probably know already what you want to
see. I f you care to know, my favorite spots are the Ste. Chapelle, the
Musee Cluny, the Musee Carnavalet, and the Lido, recreation place
de luxe on the Champs Elysees.


So we will hurry on to St. Malo, our first Breton town. Stay at the
Hotel d'Universe et Chateaubriand, one portion of which is the house
where Chateaubriand died, and from which his tomb on an island may
be seen. Ask for a room with a view of the sea; pay a little more i f
necessary and take a corner room. I f you must count closely, eat choco-
late and roll for lunch, but do not miss the views from these corner
rooms. The one on the top floor is the best, and worth the complicated
trip up stairs and around corners—once you learn the proper turnings.
I t is impossible to go to bed. The sun sets, a ball of red over the Chan-
nel, the moon rises out of the twilight about 10 P.M., and if you are as
lucky as we were, the northern lights will flash soon after. The harbor
lights glow, some steady, red or white, others flash at intervals, from
the Island of Jersey on the east to Cap Frehel on the west. On the
left, up the ramparts, the houses make a "set" which reminds one of
Meistersinger, and it seems as if every minute the actors will appear.
What matter if i t is twelve o'clock, and we leave for Mont St. Michel
early in the morning?

Mont St. Michel is too much for me to describe, it is a veritable
dream castle. You have seen pictures, which tell you all that can be
told, for the rest one must see it. Lunch at Mere Poulards. I t may cost
more than some others, but what is $1.25 for a table in the pleasant
July sun, overlooking the sands to Avranche, with its glorious cathedral
atop a hill. For the actual lunch there are hors d'ceuvres, including a
slice, a slice of pate de foie gras, lobsters, omelette, lamb from the salt
marshes, green peas, cheese and fruit, all tempered with vin rouge.

The great drawback to traveling in Brittany is the difficulty of train
connections. The Breton is a home loving person who sees little use
in gadding about. He is also very clannish and not particularly inter-
ested in what happens in other towns, and has not bothered much
about where the railroads go. So to get from St. Malo to Lannion, our
next stop, we had to cover two sides of a triangle and change twice.
From Dol to St. Brieuc, about an hour and a half, we had to ride third
class, sitting on hard wooden seats. However, we met a charming young
man, aged six, in a black and white checked gingham pinafore over his
blue flannel suit for protection, who ate an artichoke most of the way,
throwing the leaves out of the window as he finished.

Lannion is a small town near the coast, which in itself is not particu-
larly interesting, but which serves as a base for some charming trips.
I f train travel is rather difficult and boring, bus travel is quite the
reverse, and to be recommended whenever possible. And it is usually
possible. On reaching any town, visit promptly the Syndicat d'lnitia-

JOSEPHINE S. PRATT (A '07), 135 West 183rd St., New York, N.Y., is one of
the leading bacteriologists of New York City, and is connected with the Fifth
Avenue Hospital. She was at one time president of the Bacteriological Association
of New York. She teaches in the evening department of Hunter College. She is
Treasurer of Students' Loan Committee of Barnard Alumna Association.

MARCH, 1933 33


Sardine boats in the Bay of Douarcnee.

tive for information about bus excursions and connections for other
towns. Our bus trip to Tregastel was one of the most amusing. We
arrived at the bus station about ten minutes early for our trip, a wise
precaution by the way, for the busses are usually crowded. The bus
was occupied by an old lady, a huge bundle, and a small black and
tan dog. Being very fond of dogs, I at once made friends with her. She
jumped upon my lap, and on the seat next me, and in front. Each time
the old lady ordered her down. The bus began to fill, and the little dog
wound around on the floor, between people's legs. After we started,
every seat full, the man behind me reached down and with an exclama-
tion fished up the pup from under his seat. Madame le Chein made
herself comfortable and went to sleep. Ten minutes after a Breton bus
starts, every one is a friend of every one else. We were included by
smiles, even though we could not understand the rapid chatter from one
end of the bus to the other. When we had gone considerable distance,
the old lady got out, with her bundle, but ignoring the dog. Had she
forgotten her? When we started from the station, we had noticed a
youth, nearly toothless but with an engaging smile, who seemed to be
official starter. Shortly after the old lady got out, the youth appeared,
popped his head in the window and said " A h K i k i . " Instantly the pup
woke up all attention, that was her master. At every stop after that I
watched, and whenever K i k i heard his voice, her little head would go
up, ready to answer his call. The old lady's agitation had been for the
clothes of the passengers who would sit on the seats. She did not believe
in dogs on seats. When we reached Tregastel, the pup wiggled herself
out and ran to her master, who lifted her high into the air. Seeing me


smile he said "C'est jolie, n'est pas?" (All one need say to please a Breton
about his country is "C'est tres jolie.") When we started back, neither
K i k i or her master were to be seen. A little way down the road we
stopped, honked violently, and the toothless youth came out from a
cottage, laughing and talking, waving a roll, stuffed with ham. He kissed
one old lady on both cheeks, hugged another, chucked a young girl
under the chin, and we were off, but without K i k i . At each stop, the
youth got off, went in an inn or cottage, coming out with food, or in
one case a glass of beer. I t was a joyous trip, and quite characteristic
of many others. The next day we took the same bus to another beach.
This time K i k i made the round trip with us, sitting on my lap one way,
and on my friend's the other.

We went from Lannion to Morlaix by bus, along the coast, shining
clear in the early morning sun (we left Lannion at 7:30 A.M.!) then
turned south inland, past fields of artichokes and onions. Here and
there were huge spots of the gorgeous broom, patches of sun amidst the

Morlaix is an excellent headquarters for excursions, and the ac-
commodations at the Hotel de l'Europe most pleasant. A tidal river runs
under the city, its valley spanned by a long high and beautifully arched
viaduct. Over this runs the Brest-Paris line, and it is a bit uncanny to
watch the trains from the hotel window. Most rooms have a balcony,
on which we spent most of our time, watching the people pass, the
women wearing the odd "fish tail" coiffe of the town. The hair is screwed
into a knot, sticking out at the back, and the coiffe drawn over it. There
are several lovely half timbered houses of the sixteenth century, one
of which is said to have been occupied by La Duchesse Anne. I t is now
a tea and gift shop, with lovely old Breton furniture and costumes. I t
has a central well, with a beautiful carved staircase, built around a
single piece of wood, going all the way to the roof. I n a narrow street
nearby is another of these houses, now used by a shoemaker, who dis-
plays his sabots outside. We bought a pair, quite upsetting monsieur
by saying any size would do. I f you love antiques, you will find it hard
to leave Morlaix, for there are some very lovely ones here. I shall always
regret a copper lustre bowl which I did not buy.

From Morlaix there are many local busses to charming places which
can easily be made in a day. The tiny village of St. Jean du Droigt, with
its beautiful Renaissance church is well worth a visit. Only don't be-
lieve the sign, "English Spoken Here," on the window of the only hotel.
We went in for lunch, and as the maid showed us the way to the dining
room, she turned and ran up the hall, her list slippers flapping, calling,
"Jeanne, Jeanne, trois Americaines." We are still wondering how she
knew we were Americans and not English.

The church at St. Jean du Droigt, so named because it owns a
portion of a finger of St. John the Baptist, is extremely beautiful with
a fountain and two ossuaries, those curious structures seen in so many
Breton churchyards, formerly used to harbor bodies waiting for burial.
A walk around the village and peeps into the cottages will give you

MARCH, 1933 35

glimpses of real Breton interiors, many with lovely old wood furniture,
quaint old clocks, and shining brass and copper.

There is a good and very inexpensive bus line from Morlaix to
Quimper, which is the best way of getting to that fascinating old place.
I t is possible to make the round trip in one day, but don't. Plan to
spend at least a week-end in Quimper, to see the Saturday market. The
bus route crosses two mountain ridges, le Montagne Noire and le Mon-
tagne d'Arree. The scenery is most varied, soft verdant fields and farms
give way to wild bleak moorland and peat bogs. Frequently, if one goes
in July as we did, one sees the broom, waving over the fields like tongues
of flame. Some of the villages are tiny, others of fair size. The bus
carries mail and parcels of all sorts, and at each stop, the inhabitants
come out to claim their goods. Perhaps you will be fortunate enough
to have the driver collect a pair of shoes in one town to take to the
cobbler in another, or receive a message from a young man to his
mother a few towns off. A few people will make the whole trip, but most
will go only a short distance. A l l will try to talk to you, and be very
sympathetic with your halting French. Just smile, wave your hand at
the country in general and say, "Tres jolie," and you have made a
friend. Most of the women wear the costume of the country, black
dresses, of heavy woolen material, some trimmed with velvet, some plain,
often with an elaborately fitted waist and full sleeves, and a very full
skirt. They wear an apron, black on ordinary days, gay colored and
embroidered for Sundays and fetes. In some towns, a wide pleated ruff
is worn, in others a smaller lace collar, in some neither, in still others,
shawls are worn. Then on their heads they wear coiffes. I f you can re-
sist them, you certainly have no eye for the artistic. They are white
caps of lace, linen or net, from extremely simple types to the very com-
plicated. For feasts they are beautifully embroidered by hand. Each
village has its own coiffe, and one soon gets to recognize the community
from which the wearer comes. On the day we left Paris on our home-
ward trip, a woman came into the railway station as we were waiting
for the boat train. M y friend and I turned to each other simultaneously
and said "Quimper." The men wear high crowned beaver hats, with wide
velvet ribbon around the crown, hanging down the back in long stream-
ers and held in place with a large silver buckle. I t seems incredible, but
these costumes are seen constantly in the streets and in busses. I t is
just like living in a play. By all means go to High Mass in some Breton
village. Sit quite far back, and look at the white coiffes of the women,
you will have a memory that will last forever, and give you pleasure
many times over.

In front of the Cathedral at Quimper is a large square where on
Wednesdays and Saturdays, the market is established. Booths are set
up for the sale of everything from nails to horse collars made of straw.
Some things are charming, some suggest Woolworth at its worst. One
may find "seconds" of the Quimper pottery at very low prices, often
with only a slight blemish. By the high iron fence around the cathedral,
two frightful old hags had set up a second-hand dress shop, and hung


the dresses on the spikes. Can you imagine anything more incongruous
than a flaming red dress hanging on the fence of a cathedral?

A few blocks away is the closed market where one may find any
kind of food, a row of old women sitting on low stools, each with loaves
of fresh butter, stamped with her mark, covered with a clean napkin.
Nearby is another row of old women with live chickens and ducks sit-
ting quietly on their laps, with the utmost decorum. A dog passes, looks
at the fowl which return his glance, all in silence. No bad manners
among Breton animals. At one side of the market are the flower stands
where I bought a bunch of sweet peas for two cents, and a huge bunch
of fresh lavender flowers which made all my luggage fragrant. A t the
back are the fish stalls where there are many strange sorts of sea food.
In another section of the town is the cattle market, where the men con-
gregate, and one may see the male costume in its glory.

By now the smell and sight of food had made us hungry so we re-
traced our steps to the Cathedral square and lunched " A u Relais Coren-
tin," an old inn dating from the days of the stage coach. Always famous
for its food, it keeps up the tradition. Order "homard a l'Americaine,"
and feast on a marvelous lobster dish. The lobsters are boiled, cut in
pieces and covered with a sauce of heavenly flavor. Finish with crepe
Bretonne, and you have had a meal to remember.

Quimper is another center for excursions, and whatever you do, go
to Douarenez. On the way there you will stop at the church of St. Tugan,
near Audierne. I t is a tiny church dedicated to the Breton saint who
protects animals and humans from rabies. There you can buy for about
two cents a small key which will protect your dog. I advise you to buy
several, for many of your dog-loving friends will want one.

Douarenez will be reached about 4:30 in the afternoon, when the
boats are getting ready to go out for the night's work. The sailors, short
stocky men with devil-may-care expressions, wear denim trousers and
jumpers of a henna color, with rather large full berets, which they pull
to a sort of peak at the angle which is most becoming. The denim is
henna when new, but salt water, sun and the vigorous washing of the
women have faded it to all shades of coral. Of course, the clothes get
holes or wear thin, and the thrifty Breton wife must mend them. This
she does with new or pieces of suits which are still fairly strong, in a
symmetrical pattern. I f the right sleeve is worn, madame puts in a
patch on that sleeve and an identical one on the other. Often one sees
a suit with several patches, always artistically arranged, of two or three
shades. Can you imagine a hundred of these figures, scurrying about,
in a clear, silver sunlight? Many carry baskets, with a loaf of bread
and a bottle of wine for the night's refreshment. I n the bay are the
boats, hull generally blue, with salmon-colored sails. From the masts,
spread out over the stern, are hung the sardine nets to dry. They are
blue, the blue of seawater, and incredibly delicate, so that the sardines
do not see them easily. I n the background are green hills, with white
buildings, and over all a clear blue sky. We could agree with our chauf-
fer who said softly, " I have been to Naples, and this is more beautiful."

M A R C H , 1933 37

I t is at Douarenez that Tristan is said to have landed, when fleeing
from Cornwall, and where Isolde found him on his deathbed, and also
the Bay of Douarenez is said to cover the sunken city of Is. One is
ready to believe any legend, such is its spell.

But the climax, the bon bouche, of our trip was St. Poldede Leon
and the pardon of Ste. Barbe at Roscoff. The Breton pardons or feasts
in honor of a saint are one of the charms of Brittany. The patron saint
of Brittany is Ste. Anne, the mother of the Virgin. Tradition says she
was born in Brittany of a noble family. I l l treated by her husband, she
escaped, and miraculously landed in Palestine, where shortly after her
daughter was born. There are several pardons held annually in her
honor, notably at Ste. Anne d'Auray, and Ste. Anne de Palud to which
thousands of pilgrims go from all over Brittany. There are many Breton
saints who are not recognized by Rome, and many quaint legends, a
naive mixture of fact and fancy, about them. Every church, which means
every town, has delightful wooden statues of the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries of its patron or favorite. St. Hubert and St. Corneille with their
cattle, St. Tugan with his key, St. Ives with his law books, St. Pol with
his fish or bell and many others, all charming.

Ste. Barbe is the patron of Roscoff, a village on a rocky peninsula,
out into the Channel. I t is a center for shipping onions and artichokes to
England, for the Gulf Stream puts in here, and gives Roscoff and the
nearby towns a mild climate which permits of three crops yearly. Ste.
Barbe protects especially from lightning, and on the Sunday nearest
the 18th of July yearly "unless it rains" as an onion merchant "who
spoke very good English " told us, her feast is held.

The chapel of Ste. Barbe is a tiny stucco building, barely twenty-
five feet square, high up on a rocky promontory. Below stretch two
large fields. I n one, on the Sunday of the pardon, was erected a huge
pile of dry gorse, topped with a bunch of flowers, tied with wide pink
ribbon. I n front of the chapel was a gaily decorated altar. We found a
vantage point just below the altar, where we could look down on the
crowd of white coiffed women, and men with beaver hats. Rapidly the
fields filled, and presently the priests came from the chapel to the
altar. They began to chant a litany, a very simple tune, of a haunting
tenderness. The kneeling people responded, in rapt devotion. Soon
the procession, led by a crucifer and two small acolytes in red cas-
socks and lace-trimmed surplices, with several priests, started. They
continued to chant, led by a giant of a man, with a voice which re-
sounded across the bay. Down the side of the hill they came, the people
separating to form a lane for them to pass, to the field where the gorse
pile stood. They went around three times, the chant continuing, then
one priest l i t a torch and in an instant the pile was ablaze, with a
gorgeous clear, yellow flame, leaping high into the air, then clouds
of greyish-yellow smoke. The procession returned to the chapel, and
the first part of the feast was over.

Leaving the hill, we went with the crowd, along the sea wall, and
here found ourselves plunged into another world, a truly mundane one.


By the side of the sea wall, as close together as possible were drawn
up caravans, many belonging to gypsies, and stands, with wheels of
fortune for the shoddiest sort of prizes and the saddest looking gro-
ceries. Two men megaphoned songs which we could not understand,
but which delighted the crowd. A little further on was the most vil-
lainous whirligig swing I have ever seen, apparently built to outrage
every sensation. Under many of the wagons were chickens, tied by a
string around one leg. One wagon had two beautiful Cocker spaniel
puppies, under another an old beagle hound nursed two pups in a box,
and several cats looked complacently on the passing crowd. The in-
teriors of these wagons were wonderfully compact, and far cleaner in
appearance than one would have supposed, but had we really attended
a beautiful service ten minutes before?

On Monday we went over to the chapel still earlier, hoping to
get into the building, but even then the crowd was too big for us to
get more than a glimpse. All I could see was that the walls were panelled
in wood, and that many ship models hung from the ceiling as votive
offerings. This day, the procession came from the church, away off
across the bay. After the service there, the bells rang, and were an-
swered by that of Ste. Barbe. Several times the bells spoke to each
other across the water, then in the distance we could see the banners.
The crowd was dense, quiet and reverent as in a cathedral. On came the
procession, finally passing us, to go to the altar in front of the chapel.
Again the beautiful litany, then a fairly long sermon in Breton, the
litany again, and the procession reformed to return to the church with
its banners, images and relics. The Pardon of Ste. Barbe was over.

I wish I could give you a better impression of its beauty, reverence
and devotion. Both Sunday and Monday were glorious days, com-
fortably warm, clear sunshine of that wonderful, silver quality which
we do not have in this country, with a gentle breeze. On the bay on
either side of us, small boats scurried along, and in the distance the
afternoon sun picked out white houses, churches, and lighthouses.

St. Pol de Leon is five miles from Roscoff, and we stayed there be-
cause of its beautiful chapel of the Kreisker and cathedral. They are
considered the most beautiful in Brittany. Beautiful they are, but as
I see the lacy spires of the chapel in my mind, I shall always remem-
ber the artichokes of St. Pol. The bushes grow five to six feet high,
with a leaf spread nearly as great, topped with the flowers, which have
a purplish tinge. Our room at the Hotel de France overlooked the
garden. On our first afternoon there, as we sat looking out over the
bay, we saw a maid pick three artichokes, two large, one small. "Oh,"
said my friend, " I hope I don't get the small one." When we went to
dinner, there were no artichokes on the menu, only string beans, my
pet aversion, and almost a daily dish in France. Presently the maid
brought all three artichokes to us. Evidently our late arrival had neces-
sitated an addition to the quantity of food. Later we thanked Madame,
saying how fond we were of that particular vegetable. "You would like
them toute les jours," said she. We said we would, so for five days,

MARCH, 1933 39

we feasted on artichokes. And people say the Bretons are rude and un-

Go to Brittany some day, with a friendly spirit. There is much to
admire there, much of beauty, in its scenery, its architecture, its cos-
tumes, the looks and character of its people. One day my friend said
suddenly, " I have not seen a receding chin since I came to Brittany."
I t is true. There are none in the province. The Breton is an uncon-
quered race. He became a part of France because his rulers, La Duchesse
Anne, in particular, said it was the best thing for him, not because the
kings of France overcame him. His origin is Celtic, and it is still ap-
parent in his features and his language. He has kept to himself, and
is proud of his background. Our onion merchant in Roscoff told us
his family had lived there for three hundred years. And he was a simple
peasant. The country has cast a spell over me, and has over nearly
everyone I know who has been there. The only objection I have is that
I spend my days planning how I may soon return to "Bretagne."

Tuppets Take Tlace in Art Academy

(Continued from page 22)

clubs. After Christmas we are planning to make a tour of the Mississippi
coast. When I am not soliciting prospects or filling engagements I am
busy making puppets (wrapped in cellophane) to send to Cleveland
where Eastman & Bolton and Halle Brothers sell them. I have hopes
of getting them on the market in New York.

Puppeteering is a very fascinating occupation and it is convenient
to be able to set your own working hours. The main difficulty is trying
to get away from work. I t is highly stimulating. Every branch of the
theatre is represented from playwriting to interpretation of characters
in the performance. I f one would be a good puppeteer one must study
and work as well as learn how to manage people tactfully. Some day
I hope to publish a book of my plays and also tell why I think puppet
shows are good, for children especially. The facts show that puppet
shows have a good influence. Wherever we have performed we have
left an interested group. They have been inspired to write their own
plays, make the puppets, and present their plays. Examples may be
found in Greenville and Greenwood, Mississippi, and Memphis and
Nashville, Tennessee. I t is a marvelous medium of entertainment for
the child and offers unlimited possibilities for originality and expression
of personality.

I trust that this account will not seem too glowing. I t is intended to
be a bare outline of my experiences with puppets. M y assistant and I
have worked and studied hard. What we have achieved, however, rep-
resents only an approach to a good beginning and we consider that we
have by no means reached the highest degree of perfection as craftsmen
or as puppeteers. There is always hope and there is always the future.


8 TT8

• \


~4 m

Cjfirom the "Qlothesline" Qommittee




. . . •" February 9, 1933

J» Chicago. Illinois

UST to refresh your memories as to how the "The Clothesline Com-

mittee" has been spending its time and energy, I wish to remind you

first that in October, letters were sent to the alumnae chapters asking

that all used woolen clothing that was still in good condition be gath-

ered and sent to Bland Morrow for our "adopted" Alpha Omicron Pi

children in the Kentucky mountains. Then in November, under the

name of "Chairman for Santa Claus in Kentucky," letters were mailed

to the active chapters suggesting that each group send a box of Christ-

mas toys for our wee girls and boys in Kentucky.

No doubt the active chapters are wondering what has become of the

MARCH, 1933 41

"Chairman for Santa Claus in Kentucky" and the alumna chapters are
thinking that the "Clothesline Committee" has absconded with the nice
warm woolen clothing that the various chapters sent. I t has been im-
possible, on account of illness, to send an individual thank you.

From the letters that I received from both actives and alumnae the
spirit of real love for all humanity emanated. I t is hard to express how
deeply thrilled, how greatly awed, and how profoundly thankful these
letters made me feel—to think that during these times, when so many
people have become bitter about their losses our girls show the lovely
spirit of helpfulness and sincere regard; not only did they offer to do
their share, but they asked if there was not something more that they
could do.

In reading the following report, let us keep in mind that many
active and alumnae chapters are not only co-operating faithfully with
our national work, but that they are doing a great deal of local charity
during this period of stress. I n some cases, where an active or alumna;
chapter could not send a box to Kentucky, three dollars were donated
for a pair of shoes.

ACTIVE CHAPTERS: box Nu Kappa box and $4.00
Pi $3.00 Eta $3.00
Omicron $30.00* Alpha Phi box
•Kappa $3.00 Nu Omicron $3.00t
Sigma box Omega $3.00f
Theta box Omicron Pi $3.00
Delta $3.00 Xi box
Gamma box Alpha Rho $3.00
Rho box Beta Theta box
Lambda box and $3.00f Epsilon Alpha box
Iota box Alpha Tau box
Tail box
Chi box tEvidently sent to Bland Morrow

* Kappa chapter at Randolph-Macon College deserves special men-
tion as its members sent thirty dollars for the shoe fund.


Syracuse box of clothing Chicago South Shore . two boxes of cloth-
San Francisco box of clothing Madison ing and $5.00
Boston box of clothing Dayton
Detroit box of clothing box of clothing
Nashville box of clothing and $6.00
and $1.00 $3.00
box of clothing
By the time you read this there ought to be
at least six boxes more, sent to Kentucky
from alumna; chapters.

From this report of the splendid response to our letters, I am sure

that you will all agree that the idea of alumnae chapters sending warm

clothing and the active chapters sending the Christmas boxes ought to

become an annual "habit."

The "Clothesline Committee" and "Chairman for Santa Claus in

Kentucky" sends a great big T H A N K Y O U to all the alumnae and active

chapters for their hearty co-operation.

Yours in Alpha Omicron Pi,

VERA R I E B E L , Chairman ROBERTA WOOD, Secretary

JANET WEISSMILLER (Gather, mend, repack,

MAUDE NOLTE }and remail clothing

H E L E N E R S K I N E , Keeper of Statistics

Janet Janet Mart i n Haron
stopped writing to
think and Florence
Summerbell, her
Kappa Theta sister,
caught her in the


and the

or <J\(ative Daughter Qoes J^iterary

By F L O R E N C E S U M M E R B E L L , Kappa Theta
ME A N I N G that our own Jan, who is writing with Baron Von
Reichenberg, is strictly a home product of our dear 'unusual
weather" California. And that's something these days! Natives

are hard to find. This one Janet Martin, authoress, is not the apathetic

kind one would expect to find, but looks as though she just breezed in

from Ireland, or Russia, or both.

Anyway, after a career at a country high school, she jumped into

MARCH, 1933 43

active life at U.C.L.A., and "jumped" is what I mean, because this girl
is an active person in no ordinary sense of the word. Her first wise step
was to pledge Alpha O. Think what we would have missed had she gone
her Auntie's fraternity. She didn't want to be just another relative. ( I ' m
one so I can talk!) She wanted to do things herself, and that's what
she did when she became feature editor of the Bruin, the university daily.
And that wasn't all. She was a steady and interesting contributor to the
Claw, school magazine, not only with her clever writing, but with
sketches to boot. Or get out your To DRAGMAS and you'll find more of
her literary artistry. And, oh, yes, the pen is not her only talent! She
draws, paints, plays jazz and a mean game of tennis, to say nothing
of the fact that horse-back riding is one of latest loves, and that she
intends some day to be world's champion horse woman. (Since this went
to press, she has probably succumbed to the noble sport and latest smart
fad of bicycling.)

This girl with the breezy air and refreshing repartee has interviewed
many famous people (a fascinating sport, by the way) among whom
we find Jim Tully, Artur Rodzinski, Charles Starrett, and Rupert Hughes.
Whenever she gets discouraged with her chosen profession she says she
needs only to think of Rupert Hughes who received no less than six
thousand rejection slips before he made a name.

Janet graduated only last June with a degree in history, and is now
social secretary and co-worker with Baron Frederick von Reichenberg,
historian and political economist, a grand start for her first year out of
college. They have already done a story for the movies, and find that
they work well together, because her rapid and entertaining style snaps
up his more pedantic way of writing.

This man, former Chamberlain of the Imperial Court of Austria,
has studied Metternich for twenty-five years, and is now working on a
two volume book about him. Janet is working on it with him, and Put-
nam Publishing Company is anxiously awaiting its completion.

This tall slender girl with the big blue starry eyes and genial smile
is the kind who drops in after a tennis match or horseback ride with a
quart of ice cream for an afternoon snack. She's the kind who is ready
to do anything promising on the spur of the moment. Her sense of humor
is immense: she's the kind who kills you with laughter; whereas many
writers can't converse, this girl rattles off at a speedy pace, and is sure
to have a new expression at every meeting. She's the unconventional
kind who wants a suede coat instead of a diamond for her engagement
ring. She's the kind who concentrates on things that interest her. She's
the kind who reads so carefully and observes so closely that she could
imitate, " I tank I go home," in the style of any famous author. She's
the kind who has an answer before the question's out. She's the kind who
sits down of an afternoon and water colors off about eight or ten vivid
pictures, and all the children of her own mind. She's an addition to any
party, loves cats, is very frank, and asks for a second cup if she wants
one. She loves classical music, can talk about composers, yet plays a
wicked "Rhapsody in Blue." She's the kind who has plugged, is plugging,
and will plug, not to cease until her name is written in the annals of
"Who's Who, or What Now?" among writers.

Arlington Hall offers an ideal environment for 1933 Convention—strict privacy, ample means of entertainment and the
Nation's Capital for sight-seers.

Washington's Monument towers above the cherry blossoms along the Potomac.

Southern Jfospitality

Itids you to Convention

By G E N E W R I G H T , Publicity Chairman
W HETHER you're from the West, Midwest, South, or New Eng-
land, and used to mountain scenery, tropical luxuriance, or the
sea coast, you'll love old colonial Virginia, and our beautiful

capital city. (Really, we think just as much of it as you from Florida

and California think of your native lands.) I f you've never been to a

Convention, or if you think you won't be able to attend all of them in

your time, put Washington first on the list. Here are some of the reasons:

Arlington Hall has all the beauty of Troutdale, the 1931 Conven-

tion site, though i t isn't as large. Moreover, it's going to be all ours for

a week. You and your friends, and you always make many of them

at an Alpha O convention, can plan functions not on the regular calendar,

and no one will object. Perhaps i t will be a pajama party for your dis-

trict or your end of the hall, or just informal visits in other rooms.

Imagine trying to find someone in a hotel, when the doors are all shut,

and you can't read the convention badge.

M y first thoughts when I visited Arlington Hall centered on a tiny


lake at the foot of the slope before the Hall. Even though it was coated
with ice, so that I could barely see the water lilies under the arched
bridge, I pictured AOLTs, tired from an exciting day, canoeing on it. M y
thoughts materialized, too, for I was told there will be three canoes for
our use.

When you leave the lake, and enter the main building through tall,
stately columns, you see several beautiful drawing rooms, in which you'll
make your first acquaintance with convention, at a tea given by the
Washington Alumna? chapter.

From these rooms lead corridors, and a stairway to the rooms some
of you will occupy. All of the rooms are arranged in suites of two with
bath between. They are furnished with two single beds, two dressers, and
are unusually large. Every room is an outside room, with an inspiring
view, and plenty of fresh air. Since the buildings are situated in a
wooded campus of one hundred acres, i t is certain to be cooler and
more private than most places we could secure.

All the buildings except the gymnasium are connected with a covered
corridor made into a sunparlor. There is a post office where each of you
will have a box (that will be a popular place). A room near there, on
the first floor, will be made into an exhibit room. Don't forget to make
that a popular room, too. There Mrs. Perry will proudly exhibit the
proof of AOII progress. There is also a pressing room, so don't worry
about your packing. A beauty parlor will be established in one of the
rooms, also, for your convenience.

We mustn't forget to visit the dining-room on this tour. I t is a large
room opening on the ground level, with French doors and a porch out-
side. Here a trained dietitian arranges the menus, and two southern
Negro cooks will keep up the tradition of AOII Convention meals. Break-
fast is from 8:00 to 9:00, and I ' l l bet all of you change your plans about
sleeping late when you have tasted Virginia cooking. There will be a
piano there, so we can have singing between courses. Brush up on your
college and fraternity songs. What fun we always have hearing other
college songs, and learning new fraternity songs. We couldn't be so
friendly in a hotel, but isn't it something to look forward to here?

I n the courtyard behind the Hall are paths and shrubbery, in the
midst of which is a fountain and a gold fish pond. One of the paths
leads to the gymnasium. A peek into the first floor reminds me to urge
you to bring your bathing suit. Yes, there's an indoor pool, and con-
venient showers. Upstairs is the gym where we'll hold meetings and
probably have the dance. There are large windows which can be left
open, and we'll still have privacy. Only the tree tops can look in. At
one end there's a platform to be used for stunts or speakers. There are
a number of small rooms also. Can you imagine a more convenient spot?

Again Arlington Hall scores—in the sports line! I f you like horse-
back riding, you'll have a chance here. There are paths near the school,
along the river, and in the parks of Washington. Horses are available,
so you won't have to give up your hobby while you're here.

On Hains Point, just ten minutes from Arlington Hall, there's a

M A R C H , 1933 47

golf course bordered by water on three sides. No matter what hole you're
playing, you can still see boats of all kinds, and feel the breeze from
the river.

The tennis players will have a chance to try their skill in competition.
Libby Nicholson, of Kappa and Washington Alumna? Chapters, will
manage a tournament to be played on the Arlington Hall courts.

July 4, a swimming meet is scheduled. Are you a future A o n

Some of the other features on the program are a tea, a model initia-
tion, a talk on our National Social Service work by Bland Morrow and
Mrs. Breckinridge, stunt night and hostess night, a Panhellenic tea honor-
ing representatives of National Panhellenic Congress Sororities, and
Washington Panhellenic representatives, the candle-lighting service,
memorial service, and story-telling by Mrs. Perry. There will be a ban-
quet at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, the hotel where former
Vice President Charles Curtis, made his home, and a dance at Arlington
Hall. I n addition, nearly every day, there are sightseeing trips, one of
them to include a picnic on the river banks.

Greater than any of these inducements is a chance to meet all four
of our Founders; the first time, I believe, that all have attended Con-
vention. I ' m sure I ' m anxious to meet Jessie Wallace Hughan, who has
always been teaching when we held Convention, and to see again Mrs.
Perry, Miss Wyman, and Mrs. Mullan.

If you have never heard Mrs. Perry tell of the founding of Alpha 0,
and the first experiences of Alpha chapter, you'll love it. And if you've
heard it twenty times, you'll break an engagement with your one and
only to sit at her feet with mouth open and adoring eyes. Maybe the
Founders will put on a stunt, as they usually do.

Remember those hours we've spent learning the names and locations
of the chapters, and the names of officers? That will be all changed when
you've met real people. You'll never forget the girl from Cornell, who
belongs to Epsilon chapter, or the Nu Kappa delegate you'll write to.
And how can you forget the new officers when you see them elected and

This convention will not be expensive. Room and board at Arlington
Hall are $25 for the week. The registration fee is §5, including tips, ban-
quet ticket, AOUizette subscription, as usual. The charges for the sight-
seeing tours will depend on the number of girls going on them, but they
will not be high. The registration fee for active chapter delegates will be
$3. For those going by train, Dorothy Duncan is planning a special car
or so out of Chicago, so plan to take it. What more could one desire for a
perfect vacation—good company, good food, pleasant surroundings, a
reasonable cost!

A fitting way to wind up your trip is to see more of the historical
and interesting places in the East. The May issue will contain suggestions
of Post-Convention trips. Perhaps you have something in mind, and
would like details. Write now for all the information you want.

mm •1



By MILDRED E . W I L L I A M S , Alpha Pi

I have a golden acacia spray moon,

In a burnished copper jar . . .
I have the warmth of a summer
I have a song and a star.

My heart finds no other words for its tune, though you have been days from me.
The hawthorn boughs distill the scent of a flowered acacia tree.
Lilacs blur in blossomed lanes, hollyhocks grow in the garden,
And the breeze that stirs acacia leaves shatters my roses at Arden.

Outside wind thuds sodden apples,
And wet dusk cries for a star . . .
But I have a golden acacia spray
In a burnished copper jar.

"Blue "Poplars

By MILDRED E . W I L L I A M S , Alpha Pi

Blue poplars lean their silhouettes
Against a moonlit sky,
A few stars flicker through the leaves
To catch the songs they cry.

You loved my poplar trees,
Blue poplars . . . slim and tall—
/ close my shutters lest their shadows
Fall upon my wall.

"By J^ilith

By M I L D R E D E . W I L L I A M S , Alpha Pi

Eve is a fool—
From my cave under
A mimosa tree,
I watch her plant cabbages
While I dry my hair
In the morning sun.

MARCH, 1933 40

// she planted lilies rows,
In between her cabbage

He would not come,

Sick for beauty,

To my door.

Yes, Eve is a fool—
Yet Adam tills her field
For only cabbages. . . .


By E D I T H ADAMS M C F E R R E N , Phi

1 often read "Peter and Wendy"
When I was quite young in my years.

When Peter asked, "Do you believe in
The Fairies?" I answered, "The dears."
I shut my eyes tight
And with childish delight
I cried, "Tinker Bell, oh, I do!"

Each time I read letters from you, dear,

When I had reached twenty or so,
You wrote, "Do you love and believe me?"

I always replied, "Dear, you know."
I felt you were true
And was happy with you;
My heart throbbed, "I do, oh, I dot"

I've often read letters and books too,
But now I smile sadly to see
That you were as fickle as wood sprites;
Belief is for youth fancy-free.

Yet—sometimes at night,

As hot tears dim my sight,
I dream of the fairies and you.

Ode to a Towselhead

By K I T T U C K E R , Upsilon

Dirty little urchin selling papers in the street—
Frail little towselhead that I chanced to meet.
Crying out the headlines to people rushing past,
Giving free your smiles—Oh, long may they last.

What do you think of as time hurries by?
Are you always bright and cheerful?
Do you sometimes fret and cry?

Do you ever think of beauty, of friendship and of love?
Do you find some consolation in that vast blue dome above?
Do you dream of joy and laughter,
Do you try to win the game,

That Father Time is captain of with rules he won't explain?

Do you think of things you hope to Iiave few.
And great things you will do,
When you've finished selling papers
And your daily work is through?

May your friends be ever faithfid and your sorrows
Frail little towselhead . . . here's luck to you.

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