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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-06 15:00:38

1933 March - To Dragma

Vol. 28, No. 3


summer, as well as the lovely weather, Elizabeth Lamont ('32), and Margaret
people, anrl sports. Dorothy Watson, a Emanuel Watson ('27), to whom I am
former pledge, is living in Los Angeles indebted for much of the Chi Delta news
at the Biltmore Apartments, 330 South you have read.
Grand Avenue.
These are new addresses which some
Blanche Clark Waters ('27), whose of you may not have: Catherine Roff
address is 221 S. Washington, Casper, Clark ("27), 1244 Lafayette, Denver;
Wyoming, prepared a paper for the De- Grace Clarkson Gobble ( E x . '30), 49 S.
cember meeting of the Casper Panhellenic 8th, Brighton, Colo.; Frances Kimsey,
on Alpha Omicron Pi. Blanche is the 050 South Vine, Denver; Nell Scott, 244
AOIT delegate to that Panhellenic group. Albion, Denver; Hazel Lee Burroughs
C30), 2020 8th Avenue, Greeley, Colo.;
Jacqueminot roses should be given to Margaret Emanuel Watson ('27), 922
Lois Hobson Swope ("26), who has a 10th, Boulder, Colo.; Dorothy Foster
darling daughter, Nancy Jane, born No- ('29), 010 Hilts Avenue, West Los An-
vember 16. The first, to my knowledge, geles, Calif.; Effie L u Gleason Miles ('32),
of the AOn Chi Delta daughters. Lois 380 South Hudson Avenue, Apt. 5, Pasa-
has been doing case work for the un- dena, Calif.; Hesper Tucker Roberts
employment Relief Service, and may go ('30), Clayton, New Mexico; Mary
back to it for a part time position. Her Woods (Ex. '34), Del Norte, Colo.;
latest address is 3624 Pine Grove Avenue, Beulah Wylie Becker ('28), Boston, Mass.
Chicago. Constance Goodner Frost ('27),
is still in old Mexico at the same address. Please send any news to Eugena Wil-
kinson ('32), at 12 Main Street, Brighton,
I went down to the January Alumna? Colorado. Thank you!
meeting in Denver and saw Mary V.
Wells ("'30), Clara Tomaschoff (Ex. '33),

Beta Theta


News has been rather scarce lately, so Bob and heard much of little Louis'
this letter will be pretty lean, I'm afraid. progress though they did not see him.
However, Ellen MacLean ('28), sent me
a very attractive sketch of her new Ruth Dale ('32), was married to G .
"studio apartment" which is the upper Robert Watkins on November 12 and is
story of a very nice garage belonging now living in Waukegan, Illinois. We
to the new MacLean establishment at hear that Helen Miller Porter ('26), has
2301 Greenwood Street, Toledo. Ohio. another little girl, but cannot announce it
Ellen reported a very exciting and inter- as fact until we get more particulars.
esting summer spent in fixing it up as
her work-shop and living quarters. lone Perhaps you would like to hear of the
Agnew ('27), also sends news. She greatly girls who are still active in Alpha O
enjoyed her boat trip on the lakes last work. Lucille Bauernfeind ( E x . '31), is
summer and heartily recommends them vice president of the Indianapolis Alum-
for making one feel quite fit after a na; this year, and Gladys Hawickhorst is
long hard summer. This winter she has secretary. Frances Shera ('30), was treas-
been working hard at her Orphanage. urer, but found that her duties as a
Ruth Brown ('31), and Alice Hill ('31), teacher were too heavy to permit her
visited Eleanor Mills ( E x . '31), before to continue so Dorothy Boyle ('32), is
Christmas at North Manchester. They the new one. Last year also we were well
had a delightful visit with Eleanor and represented among the officers and com-
mittees of the Indianapolis Alumna;, and
many BO girls attend the meetings regu-

Alpha Pi

By C H R I S T I N E R I D G E L L

Kathryn Byers and Louise Worrel have bers of Alpha Pi chapter. She is teaching
just returned to St. Petersburg, Florida, public school music now at Southside
after spending two days with us here in Junior High School in St. Petersburg.
the chapter house. Louise graduated in Kathryn graduated last year and is doing
1029 and was one of the charter mem- cadet work at Westside Central Gram-

MARCH, 1933 103

mar School in St. Petersburg. We had a Orleans the past few years. Jeanette
letter from Ruth Bryan ('28), yesterday. Littig was married to John Ycager Hum-
Ruth is teaching in the city high school of phries on June 2, 1932, at the home of
Lakeland, Florida. She spent her Christ- her aunt in Tallahassee. She is living in
mas holidays in Havana, Cuba, and re- Magnolia Heights, Tallahassee. She is
ports a wonderful trip. Mrs. Harold Ty- taking a course at Florida State College for
ler (Martha McKnight '30), gave birth Women. Katherine Byers ('31), is visit-
to afinebaby girl on December o. She has ing Jenelle Spence ('34), in Washington,
been named Peggy Ann. Martha writes D . C . Jenelle is studying art in Washing-
that she will attend installation of the ton. Eloise Davis ('27), took a summer
Atlanta Alumna chapter. Kathryn course at Duke University. Juanita Van
Bremer Matson will be enroutc along D'Elden ('30), gave a large bridge party
her visit to the southern district chap- in Miami, during the Christmas holidays.
ters at the time and will officiate. Mar- All of the Miami alumna* attended. Julia
tha and her family are living in Atlanta. Gehan ('3! ), holds a position as one of
Mr. Tyler is doing work on The At- the dietitians here at Florida State. Helen
lanta Journal and has had some articles Davis also holds a dietetic position in
accepted by The, Saturday Evening Post. the college dining room. She often at-
tends our weekly chapter meeting with
Mrs. Ray Daniels ('30), surprised us Julia and Eloise Davis. Eloise is teach-
with a visit last week-end. As Dorothy ing here in Tallahassee at the Carolina
Trow Boyce, she married Mr. Daniels last Brevard Grammar School. Martha Crane
spring. They are living in Ocala, Florida, ('30), is teaching in Monticello, Florida's,
where Mr. Daniels is district manager high school. She makes frequent week-
of the Florida Power and Light Com- end visits with us. Mrs. Bert Williard
pany. We expect another short visit from (Rosebud DcMilly '30), is living in Talla-
them when they return from a short hassee with her husband. They have just
fishing trip down the west coast. Helen begun to keep house. Ruby Larson ('30),
Bisz ('30), is teaching in Miami. Florida, is teaching in the city high school at
at the Miami High School. Frostproof, Florida. Elizabeth Markey
("30), is at home with her family in Or-
Lcnore Alt man ('33), who was our lando. She writes that she is planning
chapter president for the first semester, a visit with us at spring initiation time.
graduated in February. She is living in Mrs. Leighton Denning (Lorcna Eaddy
Gainesville with her father and taking '28), is living in Daytona Beach with
up graduate work in history at the Uni- her husband. She is social correspondent
versity of Florida. She will attend the to the Daytona Beach News. Merle Mc-
annual Military Ball given by R.O.T.C. Dermis ('30), is teaching in Morgan,
men there in early March. Dorothy Cross Georgia.
Baker ('30), is making her home in
Tampa. She has been living in New

Epsilon Alpha


Madge and Marian Terwilliger ('31), Miriam Gaige ('32), spent six weeks
spent last summer at Cornell University. last summer as a counsellor at a Health
Marian is teaching her second year in Camp near Reading, Pennsylvania. Be-
the Junior-Senior High School at ginning on February 6, Mim started her
Bloomsburg, the twins' home town. training as a student dietitian at the Uni-
Madge is teaching foods in the Junior versity of Pennsylvania Graduate Hos-
High School at Pottstown, Pennsylvania. pital in Philadelphia, where she expects
Louise Hofteditz CM), followed up the to be located until next August. Helen
acquisition of her M.S. in psychology at Boyle Fischer ('29), has moved from
Penn State last August by attending the Greensboro, North Carolina, to 310 East
meetings of the American Psychological 25th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Association at Cornell University from
September 8-10. Wrhile there she heard Catherine Hayes ('32), and Elizabeth
about the Wolfe Fellowship in psychol- ('33), are having a sort of family re-
ogy at the University of Nebraska. If union at the Temple University School
you want to know more about psycho- of Medicine in Philadelphia. Betty en-
logical moments, write ''Hoffie'' at 614 tered in September and Kitty started
North 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. on her second year at the same time.
Mary Belle Zahn ('32), isn't allowing


the depression to blight her life. T o quote man ('32), and Elizabeth Martin ('32),
from her brief autobiographical sketch: are listed among potential teachers. Dur-
"Enforced to join the ranks of the un- ing Christmas week, Ruth Gilbert was
employed. As a stepping stone to my final a guest at Bibis Martin's home for a few
goal—that of government work, I am days, and some of the AOIl's gathered
now taking a course in shorthand and for bridge and a bit of chat. Gertrude
typing at a private school here in Wil- Bryant ('31), Miriam Gaige and Grace
liamsport. On the side, for extra money, Bergholz ('33), were there.
I am doing some tutoring, algebra,
mostly. Otherwise, the same old grind— Emaline Passmore Childs ('27), re-
eat, sleep, go to school, read, radio, tains her dignity as the wife of the high
dance, skate, write a letter, see a movie school principal at Eldrcd, Pennsylvania,
or play, play some bridge, and I forget by piecing quilts in her spare time. She
what else. I'll tell you a special secret has pieced four and quilled three of
just for your own enjoyment though. them this last year, which seem some-
I've been experiencing a bad case of thing like some kind of a record. Grace
hives, now in their 7lh week of war- Glance ('25), is still with the Bureau
fare. More fun! As a result, I am now of Entomology in Washington, working
a strict vegetarian for the present. That's with "bugs." She is hoping to have callers
all, I guess." next July. Grace lives at 1702 Summit
Place, N.W., Washington, D . C .
Notes on Teachers: Emma Jean Walser
('30), is still teaching German in the And now for a pertinent paragraph.
Hazleton (Perm.) Senior High School. Anne Nichols helped me in this notes
Mattie Jupenlaz ('28), is teaching Eng- gathering business, by addressing around
lish and home economics in the Liberty forty envelopes and enclosing forty self-
Vocational High School, Liberty, Penn- addressed post-cards of the regulation
sylvania. Ruth Gilbert ('32), teaches U . S. variety. So there was nothing for
home economics at the West End Avenue each of you Epsilon Alpha alumnae to do,
Junior High School in Lancaster, and but write a few sentences about yourself
likes her work. Grace Boyle ('23), con- on said card and drop it in the nearest
tinues her work as science teacher in the mail-box. Fifteen (15) of these cards
Freeland (Penn.) High School. Grace ex- were returned to me! The other twenty-
pects to attend the World's Fair next five of you are expected to write me five
summer and wants to know if any of the page letters in time for the September
Epsilon Alpha's arc going. G'adys Kauf- compilation. Don't forget!

Thcta Eta


Theta Eta alumna; seem to be school- Thcta Eta's first president, Frances
minded—Alice Diehl, Dorothy Kratzer Yost O'Reilly, is back in Cincinnati after
and Ruby Doench are doing graduate being away for three years. T w o of the
work, the latter two on scholarships; founders of Theta E t a have won distinc-
Margaret Humphries, Aimey Hehcr. tion in the public eye: Lucile Newton has
Marjorie, Hollcnburg, are back complet- been elected to the Executive Counsel of
ing work on Bachelors'; while Evlin the Child Care Institutions of South-
Kester, Nelle Fitzsimmons, Ruth Har- west Ohio; Gertrude Bucher is the only
gott, and Edith Krumme are teaching. woman member of the Engineers Society.
Vera Hesterburg is taking a business She is affiliated with the Dayton chap-
course. Dorothy Bchymer has been doing ter.
social work at the General Hospital.
Do send me news of yourself!

Beta Tau


The Beta Tau Alumna? Club is now ers, Billie Boltcn (who is studying music
an active organization. A couple of weeks this year), Helen Crosby, Billie Wright
ago they held a bridge, and the proceeds and myself (at College of Education),
are to be used to purchase a gift of sil- and Lila Arrovvsmith. Winnifred Bar-
ver for the active chapter. The members low has gone home to Havelock for a bit
in town include Jessie Grant, Alice Rog- of a rest. We were delighted to have

MARCH, 1933 105

Betty Monoghan (OH), over from Ham- married and living in Brandon, Mani-
ilton for the bridge. Jean and Isabel toba, has a baby. We wish she were nearer
Fraser were in from Tottenham, too. to us.

Doris Freeman is home in Tottenham Three of the girls arc doing pupil
this winter. Elsie Sumner has a posi- dietetic work in hospitals. Katharine
tion as librarian at the University of Gleeson is at Harper's in Detroit; Nancy
Western Ontario in London, and a smart Drummond at Johns Hopkins in Balti-
coup6. Betty Potter is home in St. Cath- more; and Alice Grant at the General
erines, and Douglas Milne in Hamilton. in Montreal. Donalda McCharles is
Flora Goddard, who you remember is living in Vancouver.

Alpha Tau

By J A N E H . S C U L L Y , Acting Editor

Since the last alumna; notes Denison's University. Since fourteen of last year's
annual "Homecoming" week-end has pro- actives did not return to school this year,
vided a chance for reunion at the active our list of alumna; has been greatly en-
chapter house. Among those gathered larged. Of the class of '34, Betty Baxter
around the festal board at dinner on is at Ohio Northern; Anne Dickerson
Saturday, October 14, were Grace (Bon- and Ann Grant at Ohio State; Bea Handy
ham) Livingston, Allieret (Chrysler) at Western Reserve and Barbara Daniels
Morrow, Mary (Case) Amner ('28), at the University of Akron. Carolyn
Mariellcn Hoffman ('28), Jessie Hard- Bellamy is at home. Harriet Johnson and
man ('28), Virginia Wilson ('29), Fern Elnora Shirk of '35 arc also at home.
Channell ('30), Antoinette Shaw ('30), Genevieve Kloppenburg (Ex. '34), and
Irma Hudson ('31), Jane Scully ('31), Helen Lawson (Ex. '32), arc both in Co-
Marian Mohr ('32), Lurabclle David- lumbus and appeared at several of the
son ('32), Elnora Shirk (Ex. '35), and rush parties.
our two transfers to Miami University,
Dotty Barr ( E x . '34), and Jeanette Hol- Jane Scully ('31), spent the fall having
lingworth (Ex. '35). Marjorie Rapp and an appendicitis operation and recuperat-
Martha McCray of '31 were able to get ing with two visits to Granville and one
over for the football game and "Monty" in New York with Betty Jackson ('31),
(Montgomery) Moore ('30), was seen and Dotty Weichman ('31). She reports
about town. We enjoyed hearing all the with great glee that she fell into a job
gossip and visiting with the actives, who after Christmas—teaching secretarial
entertained with speeches and songs. subjects at Fairmont School in Washing-
ton. She is enjoying week-ends at home
The members of the class of '32 arc and the meetings with the Washing-
busy this year with school and jobs— ton Alumnae chapter.
recent reports say that Marian Mohr is
selling hats in one of Lima's department The Granville-Newark alumna en-
stores; Doris Palmer is at the New York joyed so much meeting Mrs. Matson in
School of Social Service; and, Lurabellc October. They entertained her at dinner
Davidson is doing graduate work at Ohio at the Granville Inn during her all too-
brief visit to the active chapter.

Qreek J^etter >JA(ews

Fireside economy parties are gaining ond. Contributions were given to the Red
popularity with Greckletter organizations Cross for distribution to the needy.
on many campuses. These affairs, a
money-saving movement, have just been Just a few of the fraternities boasting
sanctioned by the interfraternity council new homes since the opening of the fall
at the University of Minnesota. The pop- semester are Alpha Sigma Phi at Carnegie
ular social function has been given vari- Tech, Alabama, and West Virginia, Kappa
ous names at various schools, but retains Sigma at Dickinson, and Kappa Delta
its similarity of radios instead of orches- Rho at Michigan, Theta Chi at the Uni-
tras and bridge in place of dinner dances. versity of Washington. Sororities to
change their residences this semester are
Delta Gamma sorority won the old Phi Mu at Alabama, Alpha X i Delta at
clothes collection contest sponsored by Ohio University, Delta Delta Delta at
the Butler Collegian prior to the Christ- Texas, Zeta Tau Alpha at Northwestern,
mas holidays. Alpha Chi Omega was sec- Delta Zeta at Illinois and DePauw.

106 To D R A G M A

1 OF mate.

<yllpha Omicron Ti (fraternity

Founded at Barnard College, New York City, January 2, 1897

Masonic Building, Box 262, State College, Pa.
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B<t>.
Assistant Registrar—Mrs. Edward J . Nichols, K.

Jessie Wallace Hughan, A , 171 West 12th Street. New York, N . Y .
Mrs. George V. Mullan, A, 149 Broadway, New York, N . Y .
Mrs. George H . Perry, A , 9 St. Luke s Place, New York, N . Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J .


Grand President—Mrs. Franklyn H . Matson, T, 881 Fairmont Avenue, St. Paul,

Grand Vice President—Mr?. Verne W. McKinney, A, 528 North Formosa Avenue.
Los Angeles, Calif.

Grand Secretary—Mis. Arthur K . Anderson, B4>, 127 South Sparks Street, State
College, Pa.

Grand Treasurer—Helen Haller, ft, 2138 L a Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
Grand Historian—Mrs. George H . Perry, A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N . Y .
Assistant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge


Extension Officer—Mrs. George B . Baskervill Jr., K, Arlington Hall, Pennsylvania
Station, Washington, D.C.

Examining Officer—Mrs. Eugene H . Johnson, TA, 2165 South 16th Avenue, Bir-
mingham, Ala.

Editor of To DRAGMA—Mrs. Leland F . Leland, T, 313 12th Street, Neenah, Wis.


Chairman—Mrs. Edward D . Prince, Webster City, Iowa.

AOII Panhellenic Delegate—Mrs. Ernst Glantzberg, 35 Claremont Avenue, New
York, N.Y.


Atlantic District (N, A, T, E , X , E A ) — M r s . G . Rowland Collins, N, 302 West
12th Street, New York, N . Y .

Southern District ( K , 0, An, DA)—Mrs. John B. Bailey, 0, Kingston Pike Heights,
Knoxville, Tenn.

South Central District ( n . TA, NO, K O , N K ) — M r s . Edward G . Surgeon, NK,
5625 McComas Avenue, Dallas, Tex.

Ohio Valley District ( 6 , B#, ft, B 6 , G H , A T ) — M r s . Theodore P. Marbaugh, B#,
5826 Winthrop Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.

Great Lakes District (P, T, I I , O n , B T , I ) — M r s . Silas Spengler, H , 342 Park
Street, Menasha, Wis.

MARCH, 1933

Mid-Western District (Z, #, S , XA)—Mrs. Harry W. Lansing, Z, 1454 Washington
Street, Lincoln, Neb.

Pacific District ( S , A, K G ) — M r s . Michel H . Etcheverry, 2 , 3233 Jackson Street.
San Francisco, Calif.

Pacific Northivest District (T, A * , A S , AP, B K , A r ) — M r s . Martin Norgore, E ,
3403 West 71st Street, Seattle, Wash.


Atlantic District (New York, Boston, Providence, Bangor, Philadelphia, Syracuse.
Rochester, New Jersey, Buffalo. Westchester)—Alice J . Spear, A, 32 Pierce Street,
Hyde Park, Mass.

Southern District (Knoxville. Lynchburg, Washington, Atlanta, Baltimore)—Mrs.
W. Goodridge Sale, Jr., K, Welch, W.Ya.

South Central District (New Orleans, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Dallas)—
Louise Church, I I , 1719 Valence Street, New Orleans, L a .

Ohio Valley District (Indianapolis, Cleveland, Bloomington, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne,
Dayton)—Mrs. Lester A. Smith, 4>, 126 Berkeley Road, Indianapolis, Ind.

Great Lakes District (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago South
Shore, Madison, Ann Arbor)—Mrs. William S. Thomson, A, 926 Forest Ave.,
Evanston, 111.

Mid-Western District (Lincoln, Kansas City, Omaha, Oklahoma City, Denver, Tulsa,
St. Louis)—Elsie Ford Piper, Z, 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.

Pacific District (San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego)—Mrs. Walter A. English,
A , 502 North Plymouth Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

Pacific Northwest District (Portland, Seattle)—Roma Whisnant, A S , Route 2, Box
14, Portland, Ore.

Alabama—Mrs. Walter B. Rountree, NO, 216 2nd Street, Thomas Station, Birming-
ham, Ala.

California—Mrs. Walter A. English, A, 502 North Plymouth Boulevard, Los Angeles,
Calif.)—Ass't.—Mrs. Alfred L . Ricconi, S , 1755 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran-
cisco, Calif. ?

Canada (Eastern, Foreign)—Jessie I . Grant, B T , Apt. 107, 2 Sultan Street, T o -
ronto, Ont., Canada.

Canada (Western)—Kathleen Cumming, B K , 4446 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver,
B.C., Canada.

Georgia (Florida, North and South Carolina)—H. Elizabeth MacQuiston, NK, 1896
Wycliff Road, N.W.. Atlanta, Ga.

Illinois—Mrs. E . P. Willerton, I , 2803 Knoxville, Peoria, 111.
Indiana (Kentucky)—Mrs. A. L . Eichenseher, B * , 2940 Oliver Street, Fort Wayne,

Kansas (Missouri) —
Louisiana (Arkansas, Mississippi)—Mrs. P. B. Pedrick, I I , 5673 West E n d Boule-

vard, New Orleans, L a .
Maine (New Hampshire, Vermont)—Ruth Meservey, T, 44 Webster Avenue, North,

Bangor, Me.
Maryland (Delaware, District of Columbia)—Ruth Miles, IIA, 7542 Alaska Avenue,

Washington, D . C .
Massachusetts (Connecticut, Rhode Island)—Jeanne W. Relyea, A, 18 Bainbridge

Road, West Hartford, Conn.
Michigan—Mrs. George R . Snider, on, 11950 Ohio Avenue, Detroit, Mich.
Minnesota—Irene Fraser, T, 1214 22nd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minn.
Montana (North and South Dakota, Wyoming)—Mrs. Harold Lowman, A#, Box

834, Poison, Mont.
Nebraska (Iowa)—Mrs. Donald Gorton, Z, 3432 South Street, Lincoln, Neb.
New York City (New Jersey)—Mrs. Edward Mitchell, X , 9 Berkeley Place, Rad-

burn, N.J.
New York (Exclusive of New York City)—Mrs. W. P. Van Wagenen, O i l , 186

Summit Drive, Rochester, N.Y.
Ohio—Mrs. William Segar, ft, 1931 Benson Drive, Dayton, Ohio.
Oklahoma (Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona)—Mrs. Warren H . E d -

wards, S , 1220 West 39th, Oklahoma City, Okla.

108 To D R A G M A

Oregon (Idaho)—Elizabeth Plummer, AS, Ontario, Ore.
Pennsylvania—Mrs. Floyd T. Crawford, E, 930 Hiland Avenue, Coraopolis, Pa.
Tennessee—Mary B. Allison, NO, 1109B 18th Avenue South, Nashville, Term.
Texas—Mrs. Allen Flythe, NK, 4524 Edmondson, Dallas, Tex.
Virginia (West Virginia)—Mrs. W. Goodridge Sale Jr., K, Welch, W.Va.
Washington—Margaret V. Evans, T, 602 32nd Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Wisconsin—Mrs. Fred H . Domer, ©, 1107 East Knapp Street, Milwaukee, Wis.


Pi President—Phyllis Gampher.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
President—Marietta Griffen, 1418 Sev-
enth Street, New Orleans, La. IOTA
House Address—704 South Mathews
Meetings—Mondays at 4:30.
Street, Urbana, 111.
Nu President—Katherine Altorfer.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
House Address—118 Waverley Place,
New York, N.Y. LAMBDA
Mailing Address—Box 1367, Stanford
President—Dorothy Roth.
Meetings-—Mondays at 6:00. University, Calif.
President—Eunice H . Force.
OMICRON Meetings—Mondays.

President—Helen Camp, 1900 Clinch TAU
Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. House Address—1121 5th Street S.E.,

Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Minneapolis, Minn.
President—Dorothy Verrell.
KAPPA Meetings—Mondays at 5 :30.

President—Lida Duke Stokes, R . - M . W . C ,
Lynchburg, Va.

Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00.

House Address—1541 S Street, Lincoln, House Address—603 University Avenue,

Neb. Syracuse, N.Y.
President—Lucille Hitchcock. Presidettt—Hazel Jordan.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Meetings—Monday evenings.

House Address—2311 Prospect Avenue, House Address—1906 East 45th Street,

Berkeley, Calif. Seattle, Wash.
President—Jane Rea. President—Frances Maxson.
Meetings—Mondays. Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00.

President—Irma Sigler, AOII Box,
House Address—AOII House, Greencas-
tle, Ind. S.M.U., Dallas, Tex.
Meetings—Monday at 7 :00 at 3529 Mc-
President—Mary Jo Enochs.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Farlin.

President—Elinor Clark, Stratton Hall, House Address—703 East 7th Street,

Tufts College, Mass. Bloomington, Ind.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:15. President—Mildred Frazee.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
President—Marion S. Dickson. Balentine ETA Street,
House Address—636 Langdon
Hall. Orono, Me.
Meetings—Mondays. Madison, Wis.
President—Sarah Rogers.
EPSJLON M eetings—Mondays.
House Address—The Knoll, Ithaca, N.Y.
President—Ethel Kellinger. ALPHA P H I
Meetings—Sunday evenings.
House Address—119 South 6th Street,
RHO Bozeman, Mont.
House Address—626 Emerson Street,
President—Margaret Winters.
Evanston. IU. Meetings—Tuesday evenings.

MARCH, 1933 109

N u OMICRON Meetings—Fridays at 2:30.
President—Sue Lanier, 1921 West End
Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. House Address—560 Madison Street,
Meetings—Saturday afternoons.
Corvallis, Ore.
Psi President—Mary Lou Collins.
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :30.
House Address—3412 Sansom Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. C H I DELTA
House Address—1015 15th Street, Boul-
President—Vivian Falk.
Meetings—Monday evenings. der, Colo.
President—Alice Wolter.
PHI Meetings—Mondays.

House Address—1144 Louisiana Street, BETA THETA
Lawrence, Kan. House Address—714 Berkeley Road, In-

President—Anita Munford. dianapolis, Ind.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. President—Charlotte Peele.
Meetings—Wednesdays at 7:30.
President—Phyllis Jaycox, Hepburn Hall, House Address—AOII House, Tallahas-
Oxford, Ohio.
see, Fla.
Meetings—Wednesday evenings. President—Evelyn Pilkington.
Meetings—Mondays at 9:00.
House Address—1052 Baldwin Avenue, EPSTLON ALPHA
House Address—AOII House, State Col-
Ann Arbor, Mich.
President—Adcle Ewing. lege, Pa.
Meetings—Monday evenings. President—Elizabeth Preston.
Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
House Address—1680 Alder Street, Eu- THETA ETA
President—Marjorie Dewey, 200 Hill-
gene, Ore.
President—Edith Sinnett. crest Drive, Wyoming, Cincinnati,
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Ohio.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:30.
President—Mildred Hurst, Los Dones House Address—Apt. 107, 2 Sultan
Apts., Norman, Okla.
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. President—Margaret MacNiven
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
Pi DELTA College
House Address—AOII House,
Park, Md. President—Frances Bingham,
President—Marian Bates.
Meetings—Tuesdays at 7:00. Hall, Granville, Ohio.
Meetings—Monday afternoons.
President—Alice Burton, 2511 Aberdeen BETA KAPPA
President—F. Mary Latta, 1325 15th
Road, Birmingham, Ala.
Meetings—Every other Wednesday at Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C., Can-
supper. Meetings—First and third Tuesday of
KAPPA THETA month at 4:30.

House Address—894 Hilgard, West Los ALPHA GAMMA
Angeles, Calif. House Address—1407 Opal Street, Pull-

President—Henrietta Blanc. man, Wash.
Meetings—Mondays. President—Carolyn Wolters.

President—Elizabeth Ann Mahan, 434
North McLean, Memphis, Tenn.


President—Eloise Tessier, N , 136 Madi-
President—Delight Frederick, 2, 2929
son Street, Brooklyn, N . Y . Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, Calif.
Meetings—Arranged by Executive Com-
Meetings—First Monday of month.


PROVIDENCE Meetings—First Monday of month at
President—Mrs. Alanson D. Rose, B, 27 7:30.

Fruit Hill Avenue, Providence, R . I . LYNCHBURG
Meetings—Second Saturday of month,
President—Mrs. Holcombe Adams, K, 4
October to June. Princeton Circle, Lynchburg, Va.

BOSTON Meetings—Fourth Tuesday of month.
President—Mrs. Ray Eldridge, A, 108
Tappan Street, Brooklyn, Mass. President—Mrs. F. M . Brotherhood, £ ,
1705 Lanier Place, Washington, D.C.
LINCOLN Meetings—Third Thursday of month.
President—Mrs. Floyd Ryman, Z , 2350
South 48th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Meetings—Second Saturday noon, Octo- President—Mrs. Cullen Thomas, K, 6601
Hunters Glen Road, Dallas, Tex.
ber to June.
Meetings—First Friday of month at
Los ANCELES noon.
President—Mrs. Otis V. Collin, A , Box
403, Manhattan Beach, Calif. President—Marie Cambell, 5444
Meetings—Fourth Saturday of month, Lansdowne Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.
Meetings—First Saturday of month.
September to May.
CHICAGO Presidents-Ruth Ellcdge, * , 4044 Balti-
President—Mrs. Donald Bowman, H ,
more, Kansas City, Mo.
1031 Thetcher Avenue, River Forest, Meetings—Second Tuesday of month.
Meetings—By arrangement. OMAHA
President—Mrs. William F. Shuman, Z,
President—Mrs. Leo Gardner, I , 4830 2209 Spencer Street, Omaha, Neb.
Meetings—First Saturday of month.
College Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.
Meetings— SYRACUSE
President— Grace Stowell, X, 514 Claren-
President—Gladys Renshaw, IT, 3369 don Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Meetings—Last Friday of month.
State Street Drive, New Orleans, La.
Meetings—First Wednesday of month. DETROIT
President—Doris Kuhn, Oil, 739 Law-
President—Mrs. Arthur Regan, T, Mur- rence, Detroit, Mich.
Meetings—First Monday of month at
ray Avenue, Interlachen Park, Minne-
apolis, Minn. 7 :30.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each
President—Mrs. D. G. Faulkner, NO,
President—Mrs. E. M . Dunham, T, 203 Johnsonian Apts., Nashville, Tenn.
Meetings— Second Saturday of month.
Main Street, Orono, Me.
Meetings—Third Saturday of month CLEVELAND
President—Mrs. W . H . Burlingame, Oil,
from September to June.
3650 Daleford Road, Shaker Heights,
PORTLAND Cleveland, O.
President—Catherine Mayhew, AS, 871 Meetings—Alternate third Monday eve-
nings and Saturday noon luncheons of
Montgomery Drive, Portland, Ore. month.
Meetings—Second Thursday evening of
month, October to June. President—Ellen Goodman, KO, 1366

SEATTLE Carr Street, Memphis, Tenn.
President—Mrs. C. K. Weidner T, 4516 Meetings—Last Wednesday of month,

West Hill Street, Seattle, Wash. 3:30.
Meetings—Second Monday of month at MILWAUKEE

chapter house, 8:00. President—Mrs. Robert Ewens, H, 5906
North Kent Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
President—Lucy Morgan, O, 2424 Kings-

ton Pike, Knoxville, Term.

MARCH, 1933 111

Meetings—First Tuesday of month, FORT WAYNE
7:30. President—Nelle Covalt, B<&, 4010 South
Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, Ind.
President—Mrs. Cecil Hackney, TA, 711 Meetings—Second Monday of month.
9th Avenue West, Birmingham, Ala.
Meetings—Second Saturday of month, President—Mrs. Earl Gauger, I , 7208
1:00 in TA room.
Tulane, St. Louis, Mo.
OKLAHOMA CITY Meetings—Luncheon, second Monday of
President—Mrs. Warren H. Edwards, S,
1220 Northwest 39th Street, Okla- ROCHESTER
homa City, Okla.
Meetings—Second Thursday of month. President—Mrs. J . S. Lawrence, NO, 210
Wilshire Road, Rochester, N.Y.
President—Mrs. R . R . Weissmiller, Z , Meetings—Third Monday evening of
6806 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, 111. DAYTON
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at
President—Mrs. Richard Lowes, ft, R.R.
6:30. 2, Box 270, Dayton, Ohio.
Meetings—First Friday of month.
President—Mrs. Gilbert Bach, P, 2316
Kendall, Madison, Wis. SAN DIEGO
President—Mrs. Frank Heilman, A , 1728
Meetings—Second Wednesday of month
at 6:30 at Memorial Union Bldg. Lewis, San Diego, Calif.
BLOOMINGTON Meetings—Fourth Thursday of month.

President—Mis. Robert Ellis, B*, Wash- NEW JERSEY
ington Terrace Apts., Bloomington, President—Mrs. Edward Mitchell, X, 9
Berkeley Place. Radburn, N J .
Meetings—Second and fourth Wednes- Meetings—
days of month.
DENVER President—L. Dale Davis, E, 134 West
President—Frances Kimsey, XA, 959
Eagle Street, Buffalo, N.Y.
South Vine Street, Denver, Colo. Meetings—
Meetings—Second Monday evening of
month. President—Mrs. John T. Miller, H, 485
Gramatan Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
President—Mrs. E. H. Tiemeyer, eH,
1255 Oberlin Boulevard, Bond Hill, ATLANTA
Cincinnati, Ohio. President—Mrs. John M . Nichols, Jr.,

Meetings—Second Thursday of month. NK, 1S06 Wvcliff Road. N.W.. Atlanta,
President—Mrs. Gale M . Bergman, I , BALTIMORE
President—Mrs. Roger Whiteford, ITA,
255 East 29th Street, Tulsa, Okla.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at 3500 Clifton Avenue, Baltimore, Md.

2 :00.

President—Mrs. E. G. Wiedman, I , 206
South Washington Street, Ypsilanti,

Meetings—First Tuesday of month.


Committees on National Work Southern—
I . Fellowship Award—H o n o r a r y
Chairman, Grand Vice President; South Central—Gladys Anne Ren-
Chairman, Mrs. John W. Gil- shaw, LT, 3369 State Street Drive,
more, 2, Box 437, Davis, Calif. New Orleans, La.

Atlantic—Jessie Wallace Hughan, A , Ohio Valley—Martha Jaques, ft,

171 West 12th Street, New York, 315 East Race Street, Oxford,


Great Lakes—Albertina Maslen, OTC, Atlantic—Mrs. R. H. Rignall, X,
2496 La Salle Gardens, South, De- 459 Noble Street, Bridgeport,
troit, Mich. Conn.
Mid-Western—Viola Gray, Z, 1527
South 23rd Street, Lincoln, Neb. Southern—Mrs. E . Arthur Beavens,
HA, 216 10th Street S.E., Wash-
Pacific—Mrs. Lewis A. Kistler, 2 , ington, D.C.
1046 South Wilton, Los Angeles, South Central—Catherine Under-
Calif. wood, K O , 232 Jones Street,
Pacific Northwest— Memphis, Tenn.
Ohio Valley—Mrs. R. P. Austin, I ,
II. Social Service.—Honorary Chair- Hagerstown, Ind.
man—Grand Vice President;
Chairman, Mrs. E . C. Franco- Mid-Western—Eleanor Rench, H,
Ferreira, P, 1340 Glen Lake Ave- 5544 Chamberlain, St. Louis, Mo.
nue, Chicago, 111. Vera RiebeL, P,
1541 East 60th Street, Chicago, Great Lakes—Mrs. Henry H. Ers-
111. Mrs. W. C. Drummond, A*, kine, I, 7051 Oglesby Avenue,
610 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Chicago, 111.
111. Joana Colcord, T, 130 East
22nd Street, New York, N.Y. Pacific—Mrs. Charles J . Crary, 2 ,
601 Coleridge Ave., Palo Alto, Cal.

Pacific Northwest—Elsie Jones. AP,
3630 Merges Drive, N.E., Port-
Extension Committee land, Ore.
Chairman, Extension Officer.
Atlantic—Mrs. M. Edgerton Deuel, Committee on Nomination
E , 195 Genesee Street, Geneva, Chairman, Elizabeth Heywood Wy-
N.Y. man, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen
Southern—Mary Broughton, K, 38 Ridge, N.J.
12th Street N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Members, Alumnae Superintendents.
South Central—Mrs. W. Jolley
Carr, H, Gulfport, Miss. Committee on Jewelry
Ohio Valley—Mrs. Charles A.
Keener, P, 402 Michigan Avenue, Chairman, Mrs. George H. Perry,
Urbana, 111. A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York.

Great Lakes—Frances Barrett, Oil, Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, 171 West
7811 Reuter, Dearborn, Mich. 12 th Street, New York, N.Y.

Mid-Western—Mrs. Ernest Bihler, Trustees of Anniversary Endowment
Z, 4201 North 22nd Street, Oma- Fund
ha, Neb. Chairman, Mrs. George V. Mullan,
A, 149 Broadway, New York,
Pacific—Virginia Clay, KG, 342 N.Y. Term expires June, 1933.
South Cochran, Los Angeles. Josephine S. Pratt, A, 250 East
105th Street, New York, N.Y.
Pacific Northwest—Catherine May- Term expires June, 1935.
hew, AS, 871 Montgomery Drive,
Portland, Ore.

Committee on Rituals and Traditions Mrs. Kenneth Cole, 2 , 121 West
Chairman—Mrs. George H. Perry, 11th Street, New York, N.Y.
A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York. Term expires June, 1937.

Life Members: The Founders, Laura
Hurd, 4756 University Way, Col- Constitutional Revision Committee
lege Center, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Chairman, Grand Secretary, Execu-
John Gilmorc, Box 437, Davis, tive Committee, Registrar, Assist-
Calif. ant Registrar.

Scholarship Officer Song Committee
Mrs. Edward J . Nichols, K, Central Chairman, Janet M. Howry, T,
Office, State College, Pa. 1664 Van Buren Street, St. Paul.
Dorothy Jane Hines, T, 500 Fry
Committee on Examination Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Chairman—Examining Officer.


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W e need the following copies of our official magazine to complete our office
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if you have copies listed below (or any early numbers) and w i l l send them
to us:

Vol. I V , 1908-09, Nos. 2 and 3 Vol. X I I I , 1917-18, Not. 1, 2, 3, 4
V o l . V , Nov., 1909, No. 1 Vol. X I V , May, 1919, No. 3
Vol. V I , 1910-11, Nos. 1, 2, 3 V o l . X V , 1920, Nos. 2, 4
Vol. V I I , 1911-12, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 V o l . X V I , Nov., 1920, No. 1
Vol. V I I I , 1912-13, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4 Vol. X V I I , Feb., 1922, No. 3
V o l . I X , 1913-14, Nos. 1, 2 Vol. X X , Nov., 1924, No. 2
Vol. X , 1914-15, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 Vol. X X I , Feb., 1926, No. 3
Vol. X X I I I , 1927-28, Nos. 2, 2
Vol. X I , 1915-16, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Vol. X I I , 1916-17, Nos. I , 2, 3, 4

Mail at once to

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office


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