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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-01 15:17:36

1908 November - To Dragma

Vol. 4, No. 1


Wells, Lillian Katherine, Omicron '08.
P. High St., Chattanooga, Tenn.

Wherry, Edith Margaret, Sigma '07.
P. Claremont, Cal.

Wick, Jeannette .Magdalen, Alpha '04.
P. 417 West 144th St., New York City.

Williams, Mahel, Zeta '07.
P. 1445 C St., Lincoln, Neh.

Williams, Maude Elizabeth, Zeta '00.
P. 1445 C St., Lincoln, Neb.

Williams, Roberta Bright, Omicron '08.
P. Charles St., Chattanooga, Tenn.

Wilson, Alma Merrow, Pi '00. See Gimper.
Wilson, Harriet Elizabeth, Kappa '09.

P. Tuscola, 111.
Williams, Ruth, Kappa '10.

P. 2025 n t h Ave., South Birmingham, Ala.
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Winn, Adele Mathilde Mercier (Mrs. William Watkins), Pi '02.
P. 3600 Downey Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Withers, Virginia Reese, Pi '09.
T . 1236 Fourth St., New Orleans, La.
Woodard, Minnie, Kappa '06.
P. 61 Ferdinand Ave., Memphis. Tenn.
Woodworth, Mattie May, Zeta '09.
P. 1300 G St., Lincoln, Neb.
Wooley, Mary Beatrice Murray (Mrs. Price), Kappa '07.
P. Atlanta, Ga.
Wright, Mrs. John B., Zeta patroness.
P. 1421 H . St., Lincoln, Neb.
Wylie, Jennie Dwight, Alpha '09.
P. 10 West 96th St., New York City.
Wyman, Elizabeth Heywood, Alpha '98.
P. 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N . J.


Yates, Margaret Hall, Alpha '08.
P. 205 West 101st St., New York City.

Young, Mary Mitchell, Pi 'oo. See Menise.

To Dragma

Published by

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity

History of Randolph-Macon Woman's College 5
History of Kappa Chapter •7
Toast to Alpha Omicron Pi
Account of the Grand Council Meeting 8
Our New Chapters
Epsilon 11
A Vision
The Fraternity and the Individual 11
Rushing Problems in Alpha Omicron P i Colleges
Report of Seventh Inter-Sorority Conference 12
Meeting of the Deans of Women
Editorials '4
In Memoriam *5
Chapter Letters 19
Alumnae Chapter Letters 29
Alumnae Personals 36
News of the College and Greek-Letter World 37
Directory of Members 39




Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '98, Andrews Avenue, Uni-

versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenne, Hacken-

sack Heights, N. J .
Elizabeth Heywood Wymann, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .



Grand President, Jessie Ashley, 5 Nassau Street, New York City.

Grand Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Iverson Toms, 44 West
128th Street, New York City.

Grand Treasurer, Ruth Capen Farmer (Mrs. Walter), 24 Man-
chester Street, Nashua, N. H .

Grand Vice-President, Sue K . Gillean, 1625 Second Street, New Orleans, L a .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry, Overlook Avenue, Hackensach Height, N. J .
Registrar, Lillian G . MacQuillan, 87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R . I .
Auditor, Florence Parmalee, 72 West 124th Street, New York City.
Examining Officer, Kate B. Foster, 2026 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Carrie Green Campbell (Mrs. W m . ) ,

893 Brush Street, Detroit, Mich.
Editor of To DRAGMA, Viola C . Gray, 1527 So. 23 Street.. Lincoln, Neb.
Business Manager of T o D R A G M A , Helen Piper, 1731 D . Street, Lincoln, Neb.


Delegate, Lulu K . Bigelow (Mrs. C . G . ) , 172 So. Francisco, Chicago, 111.
Secretary, L . Pearle Green, K A 9 , 15 East Avenue, Ithaca, N . Y .


Jessie Hughan, Alpha, '98 Term Expires
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Alpha, '98 Life
Stella Stern Perry, Alpha, '98 Life
Elizabeth Wyman, Alpha, '98 Life
June, 1909
Adelaide Richardson '09 June, 1909
Elizabeth I . Toms, '06 June, 1910
Margaret Yates, '08
June, 1909
Nu June, 1909
June, 1910
Helen Raulett
Edith Prescott Ives, '05 June, 1909
Jessie Ashley, '02 June, 1909
June, 1910
Mary Hurt, '09 KAPPA
Elise Lamb, '06 June, 1909
lone Mathis Pi June, 1909
June, 1910
Rochelle Gachet, '09
Ernestine Bres, '06
Sue Gillean, '03


Janie Mayo, '09 June, 1909
Harriet Greve, '06 June, 1909
Lucretia Jordan, '08 June, 1910

ZETA June, 1909
June, 1909
Marion S . Hart, '09 June, 1910
Helen Piper
Luree Beemer June, 1909
June, 1909
SIGMA June, 1910

Rose Schmidt, '09 June, 1909
Kate Foster, '06 June, 1909
Grace McPherron, '05 June, 1910

THETA June, 1909
June, 1909
Margaret Pyke, '09 L June, 1910
Cora Frazier, '07
Frieda Pfafflin, '07 June, 1909
June, 1910
DELTA June, 1909

Alice Rich, '09 June, 1909
Ruth Capen Farmer, '02 June, 1909
Dora Bailey Lough June, 1910

GAMMA June, 1909

Florence Chase, '09 June, 1909
Florence Hanaburgh, '05
Lennie Copeland June, 1909

EPSILON June, 1909

Roberta Pritchard June, 1909
Josephine Britton
Margaret Graham


Jean Loomis Frame, '04


Kate Brown Foster, '06


Magdalen Cushing


Luella Darling


Katherine M. Reed


Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, V a .
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.

Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
New York Alumnae—New York City.
California Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .


Alpha—Jessie I . Cochran, 120 West 12th Street, New York City.
Nu—Helen Potter, 315 West 97th Street, New York City.
Kappa—May Wilcox, College Park, Va.
Omicron—Ailcy Kyle, 1617 Highland Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Pi—Virginia Withers, 1138 Washington Street, New Orleans, L a .
Zeta—Eunice Bauman, 745 South 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Mildred C . Stoddard, 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Lucy Allen, Box 268, Greencastle Ind.
Delta—Zilpah Wilde, Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Mary E . Chase, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Lottie E . Ketcham, 308 Farm Street, Ithaca, N . Y .
New York Alumnae—Mrs. James E . Lough, 2190 Andrews Avenue, University

Heights, New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Isa B. Henderson, 1128 10th Street, Sacremento, Cal.
Boston Alumnae—Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College, Mass.
Providence Alumnae—Mrs. Alanson D . Rose, 27 Fruit H i l l Avenue, Provi-

dence, R . I .
New Orleans Alumnae—Rochelle Gachet, 1640 Arabella Street, New Orleans, L a .



Alpha—Jessie Cockran, 120 West 12th Street, New York City.
Nu—Emma Calhoun Stephens, 847 West E n d Avenue, N . Y .
Pi—Dorothy Safford, Newcomb College, New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Myrtle Cunningham. Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Olgo Sheppard, R. M. W. C , College Park, Va.
Zeta—Ethel M. Perkins, 1644 Washington Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Grace E . Batz, 2517 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
.Theta—Ethel Fillette, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Gladys Waite, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Annie H . Gilbert, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Josephine Britton, Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .


New York Alumnae—Jean H . L . Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 155 East 72nd Street,
New York City.

San Francisco Alumnae—Kate B. Foster, 2026 Dwight Way.
Providence Alumnae—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A. D . ) , 25 Fruit H i l l Avenue,

Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Mary I . Lambert (Mrs. Fred D . ) , Box 42, Tufts College,

New Orleans Alumnae—Katherine M . Reed 4423 Pitt Street, New Orleans, L a .

To D R A G M A

VOL. I V . N O V E M B E R , 1908. No. I .

To D R A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February and
May. A l l matter for publication should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Viola C .
Gray, 1537 S. 33rd Street, Lincoln, Neb., not later than the first of the month
of issue.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; single copies,
thirty-five cents.


Randolph-Macon Woman's College has had a brief but brilliant
history. Its origin was a conception of Chancellor Smith of the
Randolph-Macon system in response to a proposition from the
business men of Lynchburg that a Randolph-Macon institution
should be located in their city. I n 1893 the college was opened with
thirty-six boarding students. I t was only a half building, but it
was a whole college. For from the first it was determined that the
requirements for the A . B . degree should equal those of the best
colleges for men. The thirty-six were given true college work and
required to measure up to the highest standards.

I n a few years the number of students increased, additional pro-
fessors were selected, the building was enlarged and a new Library
and Science H a l l were added. The sub-collegiate work was dis-
continued and the college gained a place among the fourteen classed
by the United States Commissioner of Education, in "Division A . "
of colleges for women in the United States. I n 1899 yet more
room was needed, and the buildings were completed according to
the original plan by the erection of the west wing. I n this were
domitory accommodations for about a hundred students and separate
laboratories for Physics, Biology, and Physchology. Here Dr.
Smith felt that he might rest. The original conception of a first-
grade college for two hundred boarding students with laboratories,
library, gymnasium, etc., offering a f u l l strong A . B . course equal
to the best open to men in Virginia, has been realized; and yet the
pressure continued. Lower classes were cut off, entrance require-
ments were raised, and the f u l l standards of the best northern col-
leges were set up, yet the demand for admission continued and grew
year by year. A l l available rooms in buildings near the college were
rented, and still each year a large number of applicants had to be
declined. Reluctantly Dr. Smith yielded to the spirit of the age,


his small college must go, Randolph-Macon Woman's College must
step forth into the arena of the great national colleges for women
and open her doors to all who wished to enter. And so, in 1903,
"East H a l l , " a dormitory accommodating one hundred students,
was added, and the college was launched upon larger seas. The
new dormitory was almost immediately filled. I n September, 1905,
every room was engaged and more than a hundred applicants had
to be refused consideration. The enrollment was stopped at three
hundred and fifty for lack of room, but the college was now fully
in the field and there could be no step backward; hence the trustees
determined to meet the demand and authorized "West H a l l , " a dupli-
cate of East Hall, to be begun in time for use September, 1906.

The wide and widening usefulness of the college attracted notice
and won friends. Miss Melissa Baker, of Baltimore, willed $7,000
for its work. Dr. Rolfe Millar, of Front Royal, established a
scholarship with a g i f t of $2,000; Major C. V. Winfree, of Lynch-
burg, Va., gave an Astronomical Observatory; Norfolk College
Alumnae established a scholarship with $1,500; and in February,
1906, Mr. Andrew Carnegie offered to erect a Science Hall i f other
friends would add $20,000 for the endowment fund. The offer"
was promptly accepted, the $20,000 was raised in sixty days, and
the building was occupied September, 1906. Immediately following
this gift, Mrs. Fannie M. Jones, of Lynchburg, a previous benefactor,
offered to erect a library building to match the Carnegie Hall. As
the increase of students required larger chapel space, in the summer
of 1906, that part of the building was enlarged to double its former
size. By the generous cooperation of many friends a large pipe organ
to be known as the Schehlmann Memorial Organ, in honor of Prof.
Louis Schehlmann, Professor of Music in the College from 1893 to
1903, was also installed in the new chapel.

The summer of 1906 was made yet more busy by the erection
of a large steam laundry on the college grounds, which has proved
a great comfort. Thus in one year four large new buildings were added
and the chapel doubled in size. I t is easy to see that such rapid
development created a spirit of enthusiasm among the supporters of
the college. This was stimulated by equally striking progress in
other lines. The faculty kept pace with the increase in equipment.
Professor after professor was added, and the curriculum was en-
riched with additional effective courses. The college, too, began to
be known abroad, and the appreciation of outside educators increased
the confidence of friends at home. Such is the history of the past
fourteen years. I t has wrought a college strong and progressive,
and a faculty and student body f u l l of enthusiasm and confidence
for the future.







I n the spring of 1903 K a p p a Chapter of A O I I had its birth.
Mrs. Mullan and Miss Stern, of N e w York City, presided at the
installation, after which they entertained the new chapter at a
delightful luncheon. T h e charter members of K a p p a were Minne
Woodard, Grace Harris, Mary Echols and Elise Lamb. At this
time the fraternity question in college was a serious one, for beside
X Q and A A which were already here, K A and Z T A established
chapters almost simultaneously with A O n, and there were less than
two hundred students at Randolph-Macon. During the remainder
of the year, however, three girls were pledged and taken in, W i l l i e
Lee Hopson, Blanche Bradshaw, Laura Radford. Kappa felt and
made others realize that it was to have a real and positive existence.

I n the following year K a p p a was handicapped in two ways. I n
the first place the chapter was very small and further, no room could
be obtained. B u t faint heartedness is not a characteristic of A O n,
and so t r u l y d i d those who returned strive for K a p p a ' s interest, that
their efforts received greater rewards than they hoped for. Kappa's
members were leaders in social affairs, many made records in scholar-
ship, and the chapter as a whole was freely complimented as pos-
sessing true fraternity spirit.

A s great as was the advancement of the chapter in its short past,
greater attainments were reached in its future. I n February, 1905,
a chapter room was procured and daintly furnished in red and white.
Kappa's struggle to gain a firm standing were now over, and a bright
future lay before her. Another event took place during the spring
term which meant a great deal to the fraternities at R a n d o l p h -
Macon. I t was the establishing of the Pan-Hellenic Association.
T h e charter was signed by the X O, A A, Z T A, K A, A O I I and
2 2 2 which had been established here in 1904.

T h e history of K a p p a chapter for the past few years has been
b r i g h t a n d s u c c e s s f u l . F r o m the first its members have been m i n d f u l
not only of their duty as students, but they have gladly assumed social
obligation m a k i n g K a p p a ' s relation to the college w o r l d a n enviable
one. Above a l l A O I I at R a n d o l p h - M a c o n stands for unity and
love among its members. W i t h such ideals, w h i c h it strives to put
into practice in its daily life, K a p p a chapter expects in time to attain
to the f u l l realization of the teaching of A O I I .



A maiden stood in a college hall
And she wore a bow of red,
"What does it mean ?" a freshman asked,
And the maid shook a puzzled head;
"It means some nice times with the grandest girls!
I don't know what else," she said.

A maiden stood in a college hall
And she wore a jewelled pin.
"And what does it mean," said the nervy fresh.,
"Now that you've been taken in?"
"More than I thought," the maiden said,
With a slow, reflective grin.

A maiden went out from a college hall
Her college days gone by.
"And what did it mean ?" they asked her then,
She answered tenderly,
"The highest, noblest, dearest, and best,
Alpha Omicron Pi."



The annual meeting of the Grand Council, A O I I , was held in
New York City, on June 19, 20 and 22, 1908. The open meeting,
which has been a feature of all Grand Council sessions since 1904,
was omitted from the schedule of events, as its reason for existence
had disappeared with the decision to open the Grand Council busi-
ness sessions, for the first time in the history of the fraternity, to all
members of A O IT. Doubtless this step would have been taken long
since, had it not been for the difficulty of securing sufficiently large
rooms for the purpose, and, now that the experiment has once been
made and proven so successful, it is likely that a similar course will
be followed hereafter.

I n accordance with the instructions of the Grand Council at its
meeting of December, 1906, the Executive Committee had devised
and carried out a scheme for equalizing the expenses of the under-
graduate representatives of collegiate chapters, the outcome of which
was so satisfactory as to result in legislation providing for the per-
manent establishment of a similar system.

The first business session was held at Barnard College on the
morning of June 19, and was devoted entirely to the presentation
of reports of officers and chapters. I t was voted to send f u l l copies


of the more important reports, including those of Grand President
and Grand Treasurer, to all chapters together with the customary
f u l l report of the meeting. This session was followed by a luncheon,
after which all of the out-of-town delegates and many of the city
girls visited the historic home of Washington Irving at Irvington-on-

The hard work of the convention began on the morning of the
20, with the opening of the second session at the Washington Square
Building of New York University. The day was one of the hottest
of an unusually hot summer, but that did not prevent the members
of the Grand Council from working faithfully and constantly, with
only a short intermission for luncheon, until after five o'clock in
the vain hope of completing the business before them . I n the end
it became necessary to arrange for a third session on Monday, the 22.
The plan of breaking this all-day session by luncheon served in the
Nu Chapter room gave those who had never before visited this chap-
ter an opportunity of seeing its new famous "sky parlor." The N u
Chapter girls, in spite of their avowed preference for professional
careers, are famous cooks and hostesses, and the equipment of their
chapter home for offering feasts of food as well as of reason, is prob-
ably not surpassed i f it be equalled, in the abode of any other chapter.

Perhaps the chief social event i n connection with the Grand
Council meeting was the dinner at the Woman's University Club,
on Madison Square, on the evening of the 20. Here the trials and
heat of the day were forgotten i n the pleasure of renewing old
acquaintances and making new friends.

On Sunday afternoon, June 21, Mrs. James Everett Frame
(Jean Loomis), Alpha, '04, President of the New York Alumnae
Chapter, was informally at home to members of the fraternity, and
Mrs. James Edwin Lough (Dora Bailey), Delta, '98, Secretary of
the New York Alumnae Chapter, served a buffet supper for A O I I
members at her home in University Heights.

The final business session was held on Monday, June 22, at the
residence of Mrs. George Vincent Mullan (Helen St. Clair), Alpha,
'98, in University Heights. A t this session which began at ten o'clock
and ended at about half after three, the miscellaneous business of
the Grand Council was finally completed and the elections held. The
results of the elections are published elsewhere, and the details of
the other business can be learned by reference to the reports to chap-
ters. I t is therefore unnecessary here to do more than summarize
some of the more important steps taken by the Grand Council.

1. Charters have been granted to Alumnae Chapters at Provi-
dence, Boston, and New Orleans.


2. The Executive Committee has been reduced to three mem-
bers, viz., Grand President, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer.

3. The offices of Grand Recording Secretary and Grand Corre-
sponding Secretary have been combined, and a new officer, Grand
Registrar, has been given the duty of keeping fraternity rolls and
official copies of important documents.

4. Biennial meetings of the Grand Council have been sub-
stituted for annual meetings, the next stated meeting to be held on
the third Thursday in June, 1910. The place of meeting will be
announced by the Executive Committee several months before the
meeting, after considering applications of chapters wishing to have
the Grand Council meet with them.

5. A system of meeting expenses of stated meetings has been
adopted which will equalize the burden of chapters.

6. Provision has been made for publishing a history of the fra-
ternity in 1909 and in every twelfth year thereafter.

Most of these changes and regulations have been brought about
by changes in the By-Laws, but some few are effected by consti-
tutional amendment, subject to chapter ratification. The reasons for
the more radical changes are largely self-evident, and the subjects
are discussed in detail in the report of the Grand President, which,
as has already been said, has been ordered distributed to all chapters.

The recent Grand Council meeting, the last stated session of
that body since December, 1906, marked the end of a very successful
period of our fraternity history. What the eighteen months have
meant to the order in its inner life and development is known to all
who have kept at all in touch with the life of the national govern-
ment and of the chapters. To a certain extent this development is
reflected i n the growth which is apparent to the outside world;
we may well be proud of the fact that our roll of collegiate chap-
ters has been doubled during the year and a half, without any low-
ering of the high standard which has restrained us from seeking
rapid expansion. The increase in our roll of alumnae chapters from
one to five, shows that the fraternity has kept its hold upon the mem-
bers after college days, and that as the number of these "old girls"
increased in the larger centres, the need is felt for an organization
of alumnae which shall in itself be an integral part of the fraternity




On the morning of Thursday, A p r i l 16, 1908, we arrived in Ban-

gor early and were conducted to the home of our future Gamma chap-

ter. We spent the morning meeting the girls and viewing the build-

ings and grounds of the University of Maine. We were especially

glad to welcome Mrs. Balentine as a future sister and felt then as

now, that as long as she is there to watch over it, Gamma is in good


On the evening of April 16, the formal installation was held in

Bangor House, a hotel in Bangor. The active chapter was initiated

first and the alumnae afterward—thirty-two girls in all. The ini-

tiation was followed by a banquet. When we saw the dining room,

the attractive place cards decorated with Alpha flowers, and the

profusion of Alpha roses that decorated the table, we felt that A O I I

was being royally welcomed at Maine. This impression was strength-

ened by the cordial words of those who responded to the toasts.

Joanna Colcord as toastmistress, was especially happy in her re-

marks. Mrs. Balentine, in a few words of welcome to us and to

Alpha, made us again feel the privilege of her presence among us.

She said that the new relation, instead of taking her away from the

past, took her back to the days when the red rose was the emblem

of the society that later became Gamma of A 5 and now was Gamma

of A o n .

The next morning we spent in visiting with the girls and seeing

something of the college life. I n the afternoon the girls gave a tea

at the Mt. Vernon House at which we had the opportunity of meet-

ing the wives of several of the University professors. That evening

we were entertained very delightfully at dinner at Florence Harvey's

home, and later held a business meeting at the College to go over the

constitution and regulations with the chapter. Late in the evening

we left for Boston.

The girls at Maine have great cause to be happy and we hope that

membership in A O I I may in no way lessen it. They have a most

attractive dormitory which amounts almost to a fraternity house

since almost all the girls living there are Alphas. They have the

fine free air and restful scenery of the Maine country. They have

no competition in rushing as Alpha is the only society there. They

have the privilege of having Mrs. Balentine and Joanna Colcord

always there at the university, ready to help them. We wish Gamma

chapter a long and happy l i f e ! ELIZABETH I. TOMS.



The way it happened was this—last fall I went up to Cornell
to do a year of graduate work. I n passing, let me add that that
is a very interesting and delightful thing to do, and I recommend
it heartily to all my A O I I connections.

I was from the first, naturally interested in Cornell fraternity
life and I began straightway to ask a. hundred questions. I found
out that none of the girls' fraternities had houses at Cornell except
the A *'s who were experimenting in that direction for the first
time. The other fraternities (and when I use that word, I mean
feminine "frats") all had their headquarters at Sage, the dormitory
for the women of the University.

There were, previous to the coming of A O IT, the K's, the @'s,
the A 3»'s, and the A T's, with an average membership of about 18
including graduate students.

The fraternities have no room, or rooms, devoted to their use;
they hold their meetings in the most suitable apartments that any
of their members have to offer. A pennant or two tacked up on the
wall, and the room is transformed into a veritable sanctorum.

At the time of my appearance at Cornell this was a general feel-
ing in and out of the fraternities that there was no place for another
frat in the University. However, as I have said, there were in exist-
ence four fraternities numbering not more than 20 members each,
and, as there were at least 400 women on the campus, I felt that this
was a splendid time for Alpha

To be sure, there is no end to the clubs that exist among the
barbarians; I never dreamed that there could be so many thriving
organizations of this nature in one college

A t first glance, an observer might think that these clubs could
not interfere with the growth of fraternities, but upon a closer
acquaintance with the conditions at Cornell, he would come to under-
stand the power exercised by these societies over their various mem-
bers I t happens, but seldom, that a girl who has pledged her faith
to one of these barbarian organizations, will ignore her club to join
a frat* I t is not my belief that the fraternities often try to lure
such a person from her earlier associations

During all the time that A O IT was coming into life at Cornell,
there was a deal of excitement in the air about outside fraternities
that were trying to wedge their way into the university There was
a special crowd of girls whom we knew were banded together for
the same purpose as were we

The interesting part about this set was that they had grown out
of the same circle of congenial spirits, from which we had drawn
our prospective A O n's


Before there had been any thought of new fraternities, these

two crowds of girls had combined to form a thoroughly merry band.

Soon there arose two "Grads" each fired with the secret purpose of

establishing a chapter of her fraternity at Cornell. Naturally as

these would-be founders began to work at about the same time, there

followed a regular hit and miss affray. Some of the kindred spirits

went over to the enemy, but most of them came over to A O I I ,

nearly all of them having been asked by either or both parties.

This was one of the many perplexities that beset the pioneers of

Alpha's Epsilon chapter. Gradually, however, despite all odds they

grew in numbers, until nine strong, they sent in a petition to Alpha,

seeking entrance within her ranks.

The weeks between the departure of our petition and the news

of its favorable acceptance were truly times that try men's souls.

There was no end to the fears that perhaps Alpha would not con-

sider us strong enough in numbers etc., etc., and further more there

was an authentic report to the effect that certain chapters were un-

decided about admitting us because of the predominance of the

masculine element at Cornell, and so on through a regular calendar

of dreadful possibilities.

The time came when Mrs. Mullan appeared to look us over.

We were all so enthusiastic that she couldn't help being impressed,

though, to be sure she was tantalizingly non-committal, however after

her visit we seemed to take a new lease on l i f e ; from there on it

was comparatively easy sailing, but our suspence was still keyed

rather high until we received the glad tidings that Alpha had seen

fit to admit us to her ranks.

Then followed a period of general rejoicing and an enthusiastic

planning for "the installation." I t was finally agreed that it should

occur sometime early in April, and for that purpose Mrs. Mullan

came up to pay us a second visit.

Accordingly on April 7 we were formally initiated and installed

under the name of Epsilon chapter. I n about another month we

held our first initiation to take in Maria Richards, who brought our

numbers up to eleven.

When the time came for the meeting of the Cornell Pan-Hellenic

League, Alpha was invited to send her delegates and with this formal

recognition of the existence of her Epsilon chapter, she became an

important factor among the Cornell "frats."

The outlook for the coming session is fine; Alpha has a strong

and faithful following at Cornell.

I extend my congratulations to A O IT on having won such a band

of staunch and loyal champions. Edith Dupre, Pi, '04.



The watch 'twixt eve and morn is passed,
And darkness presses 'round,
No jewelled constellations glow,
No ray of light, no sound.

I look above the dreary waste
Of night where all is still,
And ask, "Does not one single star
Survive the morning's chill?"

A voice replied, indeed a voice,
No accents of a dream:
"Thine eyes were dim but now are bright,
Behold, thy symbols gleam."

A moment, and a vision came
Twas Alpha's burning star
That radiates and quivers
With a message from afar.

And as her never-tiring star
Illumines darkest night,
We cherish Alpha's interests,
Symbol of life and light.




Several years ago, I heard the Dean of a college say, "Oh! you
speak of your particular fraternity as i f it was different from any
other, as i f you had a basis of selection of your members. I f you
could see it from the outside, you would see that all fraternities are
alike, and that you know nothing about the girls you take, at least,
nothing that really amounts to anything, and that they know nothing
of you."

This is the extreme view-point, but it brings to mind the ine-
vitable question—what is a fraternity or sorority?

According to the Century Dictionary, a "fraternity is defined,
1, the relationship of a brother; 2, the mutual interest and affection
that is characteristic of the fraternal relation; brotherly regard and
sympathy for others; regardless of relationship by blood; 3, the
derived meaning, a body of men associated by some natural tie, as
of common interest or character, "

The word "sorority" does not appear.
To a freshman the region of secret societies is an unexplored
country. By this I mean the average freshman, and not the girl who
has come from a school where the so-called high school "frater-
nities" flourish, nor the girl who has a sister who is a member of a
college Greek-letter society. To this new comer, there is no way of
distinguishing between the relative merits of various organizations
except through a personal fancy. There is no basis for a reasonable
choice, largely because no fraternity woman has come out fairly
in print as to what a fraternity is, either from a morbid fear of telling
something that she should not, or from the mistaken idea that any-
thing that tends to lessen the mystery surrounding these organizations
militates against their power. From a long experience as a fraternity
woman, who has seen class after class of girls in various colleges,
under many and diverse conditions, I say unhesitatingly, that in
justice both to the fraternity and to the individual, that some state-
ment ought to be made, as to what a fraternity is, what it should
bring to its members, and in turn, what its members should bring to it.

The definition given by the Century seems to contain the pith
of the matter. First, it should be "the relationship of a brother."
But I hear you say that there are brothers who bear toward each
other a feeling that is not to be emulated. Granted, and so there
may be fraternity members who do not have a fondness for each
other, but this is not typical; it is not the general condition, which
by its preponderance, has given the connotation to the terms "brother"
and "fraternity." I t is rather the feeling that has given rise to the


second definition, "the mutual interest and affection that is char-
acteristic of the fraternal relation; brotherly regard and sympathy
for others." A fraternity is founded upon just that—mutual in-
terest, interest in the welfare of its members, in what they do, what
they think, plan, strive for, and, more than all else, in what they are.
There is always this interest, and it has the saving grace of being
an interest that is dominated by affection. The fraternity takes a
girl unto itself and offers her its affectionate regard and sympathy.
I t is not watching her with merely a critical eye, quick to see her
errors; it is looking at her with a great pride in her successes and a
genuine desire to help her to avoid mistakes. There is no influence
in college that cares more vitally for a girl's best interests than her
fraternity; and this "regardless of relationship by blood." I will
go even farther and add "regardless of differences in religion, home
training, in fact, of pretty nearly everything."

The normally constituted fraternity, exclusive of its particular
characteristics, endeavors to supply its members with the elements
which, taken in connection with her college course, will tend to give
her the most perfectly rounded development. There are certain
things that the college does not do, that it does not pretend to do,
that it would not be in its province to do. But these things are
within the scope of the fraternity. The college offers courses that
broaden a girl's outlook, that make her wake up perhaps to her
deficiences. The college points the way, but it is often the older
fraternity sister who has the practical blazing of the trail to do for
the eager but incompetent freshman. I have seen, within the limits
of my personal experience, girls unselfishly devoting their time, their
energy and their money to help a younger girl and with a whole-
souled joy in the feeling that they could do it. I have seen women,
long graduated from college, with demands on their time, their
strength and resources, come to fraternity girls and ask i f there was
anything that they could do to help. This loyalty has been bred by
something strong, something true, something worth while.

The fraternity brings all this to the new girl. The question im-
mediately arises—"What ought a girl to bring to the fraternity?"
The very first thing is interest. No fraternity can expect loyalty
from a neophyte, unless she has an active interest, a desire to ally
herself with the particular organization. I do not pretend to even
theorize as to the basis on which a freshman makes a choice in the
matter; the mental processes of the majority of new students are
too involved for easy solution. But I insist that she be interested,
or that she does not join. Lukewarmness is the bane of any or-

I f she is interested enough to become a member, she ought to


show a willingness to adapt herself to new conditions, to take the
first step toward an open mind, a readiness to be taught. She ought
to familiarize herself with the general principles of the society, with
its particular customs, for these matters, which may seem of minor
importance, all go to grounding her in adapting herself to sur-
roundings, hold her interest and develop the loyalty that is the strong
bond among fraternity sisters. I t is safe to say that many a victory
has been won by devotion to a principle, and it is equally safe to
say that every fraternity is founded on some principle, devotion
to which will win many a hard battle for a girl whether in college
or in after years, when the larger and more vital issues are at stake.

Naturally, as everywhere, there must be a division of labor. To
the new girl I say most emphatically, do your part; you will be
very glad afterward that you did it, and you will get a vast deal of
pleasure in the doing of it, i f you go at it with the right spirit. The
officers of the local chapter to which you belong have been elected to
their positions, because they were, in the minds of the girls who had
known and lived with them, the persons specially fitted to carry on
successfully the work of each particular office. Give to these girls
your help, by being loyal and never petty. They have your welfare
at heart. Do not make it hard for them by adopting a critical atti-
tude. I do not mean by this that everybody ought always to think
in the same way on all questions, nor that because an officer thinks
differently from an individual, that the individual ought to subside
and not give utterance to her belief or opinion. We all agree in the
right of the minority to be heard and the right of the majority to
rule, but state your case fairly with no personalities, no pettiness.
Be too jealous of your principles to lower them.

And now there is one problem, the solution of which is almost
always said to rest with the new girl—that is the matter of dropping
out of college before graduation. I have seen a great deal of it,
because I come from a college where this is an ever present evil. The
statement is often made that no girl drops out of college except
for lack of funds. But, within my experience, this has not been the
case. The more usual causes have been a lack of interest in gen-
eral, dread of some dull or difficult course, or the strong appeal made
by a social career.

Perhaps I may be pardoned i f I cite my own case. A t the end
of my sophomore year, I wanted to leave the university, from a com-
bination of all these reasons. The newness of college life had, in a
way, worn off; there were facing me two required courses that I
detested, junior history and argumentation; and there was the pros-
pect of a very delightful winter ahead i f I was free to enjoy it. I
pleaded with my father to allow me to give up my work. He was


opposed to the idea, but I rather fancy that parental opposition
might have met the reception that it so often does, had not my frater-
nity girls taken up the matter. At first they stormed, then they tried
to "make me see commonsense," then they pleaded; finally they
brought up the argument that I was hurting the fraternity by my

As I recall their statements, they were somewhat like this—"If
you leave college, everybody will say, T don't believe that society
amounts to very much, for there's one of their girls dropping out
already.' You cannot be with us. really, you cannot live with us,
no more theatre parties gotten up on the spur of the moment on a
rainy afternoon, because you will be where we cannot reach you;
you will get out of touch sooner than you realize. You ought to
stay in college and help the frat, it can give you everything that you
will get outside and lots of things that you won't. You won't gain
anything by leaving and you will lose a lot and wish you were back."

Then those girls artfully reawakened my interest, first in them-
selves, then in the fraternity—that little group of intimates—then in
the college. They told me how different it would be to them, how
different it would be to me, until they made me want to come back.
They ridiculed the terrors of junior history and argumentation. I
believe that one of them even offered to write my briefs for me,
though I afterward learned that she had never had the course. But
the point is that they theorized, and then volunteered practical help.
Finally they implied that I didn't dare to come back. Of course,
I came.

This theme, with variations, can be made to do effective work, i f
you keep it up without ceasing. Don't let the victim rest, don't let
her escape, watch even her smallest wriggle toward freedom. She
won't make a dash for it, i f you cleverly circumvent her initial
struggles. Make the fraternity and the college so attractive that
she will want to stay.

And one last word to the fraternity in general—new girls, old
girls, undergraduates and alumnae, keep strength within your organi-
zation. Work together for the good of A O I I , in your connection
with it as an individual, in your relation to your chapter, and in
your relation and that of your chapter to the general government.


Providence Alumnae.



The primary object of rushing should be the furthering of ac-
quaintance between members of a fraternity and new students or
prospective members, so as to enable each to decide more correctly
whether they wish to become bound for life to the other. The prin-
cipal evil in the rushing conditions in most colleges is that this
object is lost sight of in an intense rivalry between the various fra-
ternities over supposedly desirable material. No chapter can ever
attain great strength without harmony within itself and this har-
monious feeling cannot be engendered unless new members are chosen
each year for congeniality first, not because some other fraternity has
rushed the same girls and can be shown unsuccessful, nor solely
because family position or wealth of certain girls may help the stand-
ing of the chapter.

To this end, as late a pledge-day as possible, agreed upon by all
chapters in a college, seems to be the most desirable factor. Allowing
a new student a semester or a year to become acquainted with college
conditions, and with college students in general before she allies her-
self with any one group would make her a stronger member for the
fraternity she chooses by developing her individuality. This also
gives the chapters who are considering her in the light of a prospect-
ive member a chance to see what she can make of herself; and
whether or not she will add strength to their membership in person-
ality and popularity as well as congeniality.

But the late pledge-day develops other rushing evils. Naturally
any chapter that has decided upon a certain girl as eligible does not
want to give any other chapter a chance to become first in her affec-
tions. Parties given for the sake of "becoming acquainted" are apt
to develop much elaborateness in order to make a better impression
than those given by rival chapters. A l l this requires much time and
forethought on the part of hard-working members, not to mention
financial outlay beyond the bounds of simplicity supposed to be
observed by school girls.

Strange to say, girls are supposed to go to college to obtain an
education, with social pleasures and fraternity associations as inci-
dentals rather than vice versa. Where the rushing season is long and
rushing functions elaborate and numerous it leaves the loyal frater-
nity girl little time to do justice to her studies or her health, besides
the strain which anxiety of mind inflicts upon both rusher and
rushee. This necessitates stringent rules regarding the number and
simplicity of rushing parties to be at all successful, but these in
turn are difficult to carry out to the letter


Something has been accomplished in the safe guarding of rushing
evils by the agreement of all fraternities represented in the Inter-
Sorority Conference, or National Pan-Hellenic Conference, not to
pledge before matriculation. Formerly, girls pledged while in high
school, often at a very tender age, found themselves at a great disad-
vantage when they reached college by being deprived of the f u l l
power of choosing. Many pledges were broken, causing hard feel-
ings which could easily have been avoided by a little less haste.
This was also responsible for a great many floating pledges. By the
Pan-Hellenic agreement, a girl must at least be a bona fide student
in college before she can be asked to give her word to become a mem-
ber of any national fraternity.

The difficulties attendant upon rushing can scarcely be solved
by any universal legislation further than matriculation day pledging,
on account of the varience in local conditions. The larger the num-
ber of fraternities and of girls attending college, the harder it is
to obtain uniform rules for all chapters in the school which can be
kept, without doing injustice to either the fraternities themselves or
the rushees.

In the following lists of rules observed in the various colleges
in which A O I I is located, it is interesting to note the successful
plans for accomplishing the desired result under different conditions.
Where faculty rulings control the situation, the laws are apt to be
more faithfully carried out, even though they may not always seen
the fairest to the girls themselves. On the whole, however, coopera-
tion of the faculty with the fraternities in striving to eliminate the
evils of rushing will, in the opinion of many, eventually prove the
most successful. I n many colleges rushing has become so complicated
that the faculty has used its authority to force certain rules upon the
fraternities. Now i f the local Pan-Hellenic Associations could in
every case invite the assistance of their faculty by representation in
their association, and i f a capable representative were chosen, it
would often relieve the most tense situations by thus providing an
impartial judge and adviser. This might also forestall any forced
action by an unfriendly faculty which would be certain to result
unfavorably to the fraternities.

The plan now in use at Nebraska should have especial attention
as it tends to combine the good points of both the early and late
pledge-days. A council is formed by an active and alumnae delegate
from each fraternity constituting one vote, and a woman of the fac-
ulty is elected chairman by a majority of the fraternities. This
year rushing was allowed from Monday to Thursday of registration
week, leaving a period of three days before the opening of school
to allow the girls to rest and settle down to Work. From then until


the middle of November (for a few days) no rushing is allowed, so
that there is no excuse for fraternity work interfering with school
work. No pledge can be initiated until the end of the first semester,
and not then i f delinquent or carrying less than twelve hours work.
This does much toward raising the standards of scholarship, as any
girl pledged and not initiated is shown to the whole school as a
delinquent. I t also inspires the new girls to work for their initia-
tion, as well as establish them in scholarly habits in their first year.
The main objection to this plan is that the early pledging does not
allow the furthering of acquaintance and time for consideration on
the part of new girls, but on the other hand, it does not interfere
with the fraternity house problem (where there are no dormitories)
and satisfies each fraternity enough to do away with the anxiety
fostered by a late pledge-day.

Barnard College now has pledge-day in April of the Sophomore
year. This is a faculty ruling evidently for the purpose of doing
away with rushing. So far, howeer, it seems only to have elongated
the rushing season as rushing is just as hard as when freshman-
pledge-day was observed, and there are two classes to rush instead
of one. Restrictions as to the amount of rushing are almost abso-
lutely necessary with such a late pledge-day. A t Newcomb several
experiments have been tried. Last year's plan of having no rush-
ing or pledging until the end of the first semester, and then only for
two weeks, tended to so congest all the rushing for the year, that a
sophomore pledge-day has been adopted, that is, matriculation day
of the sophomore year. The Pan-Hellenic has a member of the fac-
ulty as an advisory member, but not with the power given to the
chairman of the Nebraska Inter-Sorority Council.

The Pan-Hellenic at Cornell University has shortened the rush-
ing season from the entire first semester last year to the middle of
November this year, as some of the fraternities felt the strain of a
rushing period of that length.

Tufts College and DePauw University have October pledge-
days. I n the latter, each fraternity is allowed one "function,"
and the different representatives in Pan-Hellenic draw for dates.

A l l attempts at regulating rushing and experiments with late
pledge-days are as yet so young that it can hardly be judged which
plan is best. That all conditions are far from ideal is only too evi-
dent. Time alone can remedy the evils, and then only as long as
each local Pan-Hellenic and each individual fraternity strives for
the good of the whole.

The rules on rushing in the colleges in which A O I I is interested
are here submitted in the hope that they may prove not only interest-
ing but helpful and suggestive in the way of good points which might


be copied, and of bad ones to be avoided. I t is urged that all these
be read and discussed by each chapter with a view to improving her
own Pan-Hellenic organization in this respect.

L U L A K I N G BIGELOW, Zeta, ' 0 4


We, the undersigned chapters, believing a Pan-Hellenic Com-
pact to be for the good of the Greek world in Barnard College, do
hereby through our delegates assembled in meeting severally pledge
ourselves to abide by the following articles:

Art. I , Sec. 1. Pledge-day shall be the first Monday in A p r i l of
sophomore year; i f there shall be no college on the first Monday of
April, it shall be the first day on which college meets after the first

Sec. 2. There shall be no intercourse between fraternity girls
and rushees on the day preceding pledge-day.

Art. I I . I t shall be considered dishonorable for a fraternity
member, active or alumnae to speak disparagingly of another fra-
ternity or of one of its members to a rushee.

Art. I l l , Sec. 1. A fraternity girl active or alumnae shall not
entertain over night during the summer any member of the incoming
sophomore class.

Sec. I I . This shall be interpreted to include previously non-
matriculated sophomores.

Art. I V . There shall be no sub-rosa pledging.
Art. V, Sec. 1. There shall be no mention of fraternity matters
with freshmen and sophomores except by way of designating the
fraternity in issuing written invitations, and no avoidable discussion
with non-fraternity upper classmen except on Student Council and
about Student Council matters.
Sec. 2. Fraternities shall discourage in every respect rushing for
their own fraternity by non-fraternity girls.
Art. V I . A l l rumors of violations of this compact must be
reported immediately to Pan-Hellenic.


Pan-Hellenic rulings on pledge-day are:
1. That invitations be sent to sophomores who have completed
their freshman year at Newcomb not earlier than the day after
matriculation, the answers to be received three days after the send-
ing of the invitations.
2. That girls entering Newcomb as sophomores or above that
grade be sent invitations three college months after their matricu-
lation, answers to be received three days later.


3. That individual members of fraternities may have free com-
munication with all college students during the freshman year.

4. That there shall be absolutely no communication whatsoever
between members of a fraternity and the candidate from the opening
day of college of the candidate's second year until the invitations
have been answered.

5. That no candidate may be apprised of the official vote of
fraternity except by official invitation.


Alpha Omicron Pi is the only girl's fraternity.



Pan-Hellenic rules on rushing.
1. Pledge-day for 1908 was October 3.
2. Uniform invitations were sent out on the same day.
3. Only regular freshmen were allowed to be pledged.
4. Members of fraternities were forbidden to talk about their
own or any other fraternity to prospective members.
No restrictions were made as to number or cost of rushing parties


Inter-Sorority Council rules, 1908-1909. Adopted May 28,

1. No student who is delinquent may be pledged or initiated.
2. A l l girls, except seniors, having less than twelve hours credit
earned in the University of Nebraska shall be considered matriculates.

3. During matriculation week, rushing and pledging, with the
following restrictions shall be allowed.

/ . Each sorority may entertain in a simple way from Monday,
September 14, to Thursday, September 17 inclusive. On Tuesday,
September 15, no entertainment shall be given till after 7 p. m.

2. No sorority girl shall accompany a matriculate while regis-

j. The entertainments shall be given at private homes. The
refreshments shall consist of not more than three articles of food.

4. There shall be no further rushing of matriculates by either
active or alumna members until after the mid-semester examinations.
There shall be no further pledging of matriculates t i l l after the
mid-semester reports are received. No matriculate shall be initiated
until the end of the semester. During the interval, between mid-
semester examinations and mid-semester reports, rushing shall be


5. No matriculate that is carrying less than twelve hours work
shall be pledged to a sorority. No matriculate that is carrying less
than twelve hours shall be initiated into a sorority. A regular music
student, carrying less than twelve hours may be initiated, on gaining
the consent of the council.

6. No student rushed in violation of these rules shall be pledged
until one year from date of such violation. No student pledged in
violation of these rules shall be initiated until one year from the date
of such violation. Any sorority in violation of these rules rushing
a girl that may later be pledged to another than the offending soro-
rity, shall be punished by postponing all initiations one month for
each offense.

7. Any violation of these rules shall be reported to the chairman
of the Inter-Sorority Council. Such complaints must be written and
signed by the complaining sorority.

8. A l l written complaints shall be investigated by the Chairman
of the Inter-Sorority Council and referred to the Council at her dis-
cretion. Any questions arising that are not covered by these rules
shall be referred to the Council.

9. Matriculates who have been bidden during matriculation
week and whose answers have not been given, may be pledged before
the mid-semester reports, i f their names have been filed with the
Chairman of the Inter-Sorority Council by September 18, 8 a. m.
Evidence of eligibility of matriculates and students must be fur-
nished the Chairman of the Inter-Sorority Council by September 18,
8 a. m., or after the mid-semester examinations.

I t is urged that every rushee be given a copy of these rules, before
being pledged.


Pan-Hellenic rules, 1908-1909. (Freshman Registration on
August 14 and 15.)

t. Freshman Registration Day shall be pledge day, and the
following rules shall govern the rushing for the ensuing three weeks
binding alumnae and pledges as well as active members.

2. There shall be no rushing after 6 :00 p. m. on Monday and
Thursday, nor after 11.00 a. m. on Sunday.

3. No rushing at luncheon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and

4. Freshmen may be dated at any time for the first week end-
ing Thursday night, August 20, later dates may not be made until
Tuesday morning, August 18.

5. Campus rushing between 8:00 a. m. and 5 :00 p. m. shall
be restricted to one girl from each fraternity with one or more


6. There shall be but one formal dance during rushing season;
formal dance defined as one having more than one piece of music
and more than one course for refreshments.

7. There shall be no dinners or luncheons outside of the chap-
ter house or the house of a member.

8. There shall be no formal teas during rushing season; a
formal tea defined as one having professional music and formal in-

9. Special dispensations may be granted by three-fourths vote
of Pan-Hellenic.

10. The penalty for breaking any Pan-Hellenic rule shall be
the cancelling of all dates with freshmen for not more than two days
decided by the vote of three-fourths of Pan-Hellenic sitting as a court.


Inter-Sorority rules for 1908-1909:

1. Pledge-day shall be Monday, October 19.
2. New girls may be taken to sorority houses but it is understood
that nothing in the nature of spike party or picnic is to be given.

3. Members of a sorority, alumnae and inactive girls included,
shall not under any circumstances talk to new girls of sorority affairs,
nor shall they have others speak to them of sorority affairs.

4. No sorority girl shall take a new girl to Church, Chapel ser-
vices, or to meals either at the dormitories, chapter houses, or else-

5. Study hours shall be strictly kept. This rule does not forbid
attendance upon athletic events. Study hours are from 1 :30 to
4:30; 7 :00 to 9 :30.

6. Dates for walks with new students are not forbidden; but it
is understood that these dates shall be made by a member chosen by
each sorority and that there shall not be more than two such dates
made with any new student for any week by each sorority.

7. There shall be no carriages used, either by active or alumnae
members; nor shall new students be met at the trains or assisted in
matriculation, save by committees regularly appointed by the Young
Woman's Christian Association.

8. Each sorority shall be allowed one informal function.
9. No date shall be made with new students more than three
days in advance of the event for which the date is made—save in
the issuance of invitations to the functions named in rule 8.

10. I t is understood that the above rules do not forbid the solicit-
ing of students who were enrolled in the college department at least
two terms last year or the affiliation of students initiated into a
sorority at another institution.


11. Old girls shall have no Sunday dates with new girls. Two
old girls may take one new girl, or four old girls may take two new
girls, or two new girls may go walking with one old girl.

12. The sororities becoming parties to this agreement acknowledge
themselves bound to observe faithfully the spirit, as well as the let-
ter, of the above rules, to that end that the members of the various
societies and the new students may become acquainted with each
other in perfectly normal ways.


Rules of the Pan-Hellenic Association:
Article I . No sorority shall ask a girl to join, or in any way
indicate that she may expect to be asked, until the morning mail
of October 15, 1908.
Article I I , Sec. 1. Sorority matters shall not be discussed with
the rushee from the morning mail of October 15, 1908, until after
chapel the following Friday.
Sec. 2. No sorority shall make an engagement with a rushee for
said Friday which shall make the rushee inaccessible to another
Article I I I , Sec. 1. No sorority shall receive a pledge, or indica-
tion of such pledge, until the following Saturday.
Sec. 2. As soon as a girl pledges herself, the sorority pledge
insignia shall be worn visibly.
Article I V . I t shall be considered dishonorable for a sorority
member, active or alumnae, to speak disparagingly of another sorority,
or of one of its members.
Article V—On H i l l Parties—Sec 1. Student Government limits
shall be observed as H i l l limits.
Sec. 2. Only two parties a week may be given by each sorority.
Sec. 3. Two sorority girls and one freshman, and more than
one class of food, or any beverage except water, shall constitute a
Article V I — O f f H i l l Parties—Sec. 1. Only one party a week of
any kind may be given by each sorority.
Sec. 2. Two sorority girls and one freshman shall constitute
a party.
Article V I I . No freshman may stay over night two consecutive
times in a room with a girl of the same sorority.
Article V I I I . A printed copy of these rules shall be given on
Registration Day to every entering woman student.


Alpha Omicron Pi is the only girl's fraternity but does not pledge
until November in order to know their freshmen.



Pan-Hellenic Contract.

We, the undersigned fraternities of Cornell University in order
to bring about and preserve a friendly inter-fraternity spirit, and to
limit the evils of rushing, do hereby promise to observe the following
rules and regulations, from September 21 through November 14,

1. Invitations shall be written according to the following form,
and mailed by the Pan-Hellenic committee in the 10 o'clock mail,
November 12, 1908:—

My dear Miss :

You have been elected to membership in chapter

of fraternity. You are requested to send your written

answer not later than 5 o'clock, November 14, 1908. I f you should
desire further information before deciding definitely, you may ans-
wer conditionally, requesting one interview with any one girl of the

fraternity. With the exception of this interview, there shall be no

intercourse between fraternity and non-fraternity girls until the
answer is received. The return of this invitation will be considered
a negative answer.

(Signed) Chapter of Fraternity.

2. The interview with entering girls shall be limited to giving
information desired by the entering girl concerning the fraternity.
There shall be no urging or helping the entering girls to decide.

3. There shall be no discussion or voluntary mention of frater-
nities with entering girls.

4. The fraternities shall unite in entertaining all entering girls
once in any form desired.

5. Each fraternity shall be allowed to give one large party, with
all members present.

6. Each fraternity shall be allowed to give three small parties.
Small parties to mean that only four members of the fraternity may
be present.

7. A l l dates for entertainments shall be decided by lot in Pan-

8. Small parties shall end at 10:30 p. m. Fraternity girls
shall not go to or remain in entering girl's room after 10 p. m., nor
encourage any entering girl to remain in her room after 10 p. m., or
allow her to stay all night.

9. There shall be no intercourse between entering girls and fra-
ternity girls on Mondays and Thursdays. This does not apply to
dancing in the gymnasium. There shall be no intercourse between


entering girls and fraternity girls during the last three days of this
contract, including dancing in the gymnasium.

10. Chaperonage—A fraternity girl may act as chaperone, i f
invited by an entering girl, all expense to be borne by the entering
girl. Chaperonage only extends to those things covered by Self-
Government rules.

11. Driving, horseback riding, automobiling, rowing, sailing,
canoeing on Cayuga, golf-playing and rushing with men are abso-
lutely eliminated.

12. Dances shall not be engaged until the intermission preceding
the dance desired. No fraternity girl shall dance more than one
dance with any entering girl on the same night. No two girls of
the same fraternity shall dance two dances in succession with the
same entering girl.

13. No fraternity girl shall accompany any entering girl to or
from any form of entertainment given by any faculty or town
friends. This applies to teas, receptions, theatre parties, calling,
except as a small party.

14. Fraternity girls may accept invitations from entering girls,

not prohibited by other rules of this contract.

15. I n cases of necessity, entering girls may be asked to sit at

fraternity table for the year.

16. Girls, who are pledged to any fraternity shall be bound by
the rules of this contract, except that they may be counted as guests
at all entertainments.

17. Sisters of fraternity girls shall be treated like other entering

18. During the fall term of rushing, the Pan-Hellenic Associa-

tion shall meet once a week, with juniors as silent members.

19. Alumnae are to be bound by the same rules.

20. For breaking of these rules, the penalty shall be the forfeiture

of one of the small parties. Four senior members of Pan-Hellenic

must agree as to imposing the penalty. Offender shall be given a

hearing. (Signed)






The Seventh Intersorority Conference was called to order Friday,
September 11, 1908, at 3 p. m., by Miss A. W. Lytle, H B $ , presid-
ing officer. Miss L . P. Green, K A ©, acted as Secretary.

The following delegates presented credentials and were duly

n B Miss A. W. Lytle* State Normal School, Lewiston, Idaho.
K A 0—Miss L. P. Green, 15 East Avenue, Ithaca, N . Y.
K K Miss Edith Stoner, 1529 Wabash Avenue, Kansas City,
A T—Miss Margarethe Sheppard, 225 Greenwood Boulevard,
Evanston, 111.

A Mrs. C. A. McElroy, 153 East Fifty-fourth Street, Chi-

cago, 111.
T $ B—Miss Laura Hutchins, Marengo, 111.
A X fl—Mrs. Richard Tennant, 824 South F i f t h Street, Terre

Haute, Ind.
A A A—Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, 755 Greenleaf Avenue, Rogers

Park, Chicago, I I I .

A E A—Mrs. J. R. Leib, 1271 W. Washington Street, Spring-

field, 111.
X —Miss Jobelle Holcombe, Fayetteville, Ark.
2 K — Mrs. K . B. Miller, 379 East Fifty-sixth Street, Chicago,

A O II—Mrs. C. G. Bigelow, 172 South Francisco Street, Chi-

cago, 111.
The minutes of the Sixth Intersorority Conference were read and

Each delegate presented a report upon the action of her frater-

nity on subjects in Intersorority interest; Pan-Hellenic difficulties
and suggestions for future Intersorority cooperation.

Motion carried that the chair appoint a committee on recommen-
dations to which all recommendations in reports should be referred.
Committee—Miss Sheppard, A T; Miss Stoner, K K T .

Then followed the report of Miss Smith, D B $ , Secretary of the
Conference, 1907-08. Her summary of the year's work follows:
I. Secretary's Report.

During the year just closing, the advance in inter-fraternity rela-
tions has been manifest in two noteworthy instances. First, no com-


plaint or Pan-Hellenic difficulty has been brought to the notice of
the Secretary of the Intersorority Conference for investigation. Sec-
ond, no group of chapters has applied for admission to the Con-

Eight hundred copies of the report of the Sixth Intersorority
Conference were printed and distributed.

Soon after the Sixth Conference, the Pan-Hellenic Association
of Michigan sent to the Secretary a statement of the position of
Sorosis, together with a request for special dispensation. The Sec-
retary sent to the Grand Presidents the following query: "Are you
willing to grant a special dispensation to your chapter at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, allowing them to pledge senior high school
girls?" A l l eight Grand Presidents concerned agreed to grant the
dispensation f o r the college year 1907-08. The Pan-Hellenic at
Michigan was then notified that a special dispensation was granted
it until the Seventh Intersorority Conference convened.

Representatives of the Intersorority Conference were invited to
meet with the Conference of Deans of Women in State Universities
for one session, Friday afternoon, December 20. Each fraternity
was notified of the meeting and sent a representative when possible
(A report of this joint meeting appears elsewhere in this report.)

The question of pledge day seems by no means settled, some
schools which have had a late pledge day even agreeing to try matri-
culation day for next year. I n view of the difference of opinion upon
this question and considering how thoroughly the matter has been
discussed, one' delegate makes a timely suggestion that attention be
turned to the amelioration of faulty conditions common to all fra-

According to the direction of the Sixth Conference, Miss Thomp-
son compiled and distributed a report on the present condition of
Pan-Hellenics in the United States, a most valuable article for the
use of all chapters.

Later a letter was written to inform alumnae more definitely in
regard to the purposes of Intersorority. Four hundred copies of this
were printed and distributed.

As directed by the Sixth Conference, the Secretary has printed
200 blanks for presenting matters for the vote of Grand Presidents.

The Secretary has had constant demand for the names of sec-
retaries of Pan-Hellenics. She had printed 500 blanks to be filled
with name, address and fraternity of Pan-Hellenic secretary. These
blanks were sent to colleges and returned so that there is now on file
for the use of the incoming Secretary a complete list of Pan-Hellenic

The manner of exchange of magazines has proven unsatisfactory.


Motion carried to accept the report of the Intersorority Secretary.


This session was called to order at 9 :30 a. m., Saturday, Septem-
ber 12, 1908.

/ . Pan-Hellenic at Wisconsin.

K K T, the committee on Pan-Hellenic conditions at Wisconsin
State University, continued by the Sixth Conference, reported as

Since Wisconsin State University is providing adequate super-
vised homes for its women students, and, since Interscholastic has
been abolished, there is no pressing reason for continuing to pledge
preparatory students at Wisconsin. Moreover, some fraternity chap-
ters there do not desire to pledge preparatory students any more
The Wisconsin Pan-Hellenic has presented no petition for renewal
of its expired dispensation.

In view of this report, the Seventh Intersorority Conference is
proud to announce that hence forth Wisconsin fraternity chapters
will conform to the Intersorority Conference rule prohibiting the
pledging of non-matriculates.

2. Pan-Hellenics.

The committee upon present condition of Pan-Hellenics presented
its report—which was printed and distributed to the Conference
fraternities early in 1908. Attention was called to the fact that
the variation in time of opening of our colleges—from August first to
October first—results in some cases in longer campacts than the
report's enumeration by date of pledge day makes evident.

Motion carried to accept this report with hearty appreciation of
Miss Thompson's fine work.

j. Intersorority Conference Constitution.

A O I I reported an affirmative vote upon the proposed constitution.
As all the other represented fraternities had endorsed this constitu-
tion at the time of the Sixth Conference, a motion was carried that
the official organization for Intersorority Conference shall be the
constitution as printed in report of the Sixth Conference.

4. Pan-Hellenic at Michigan.
A petition for a renewal of its special dispensation to pledge pre-

paratory students was presented by the Michigan State University

Since the local Sorosis continues to Tefuse to cooperate i n the
abolishment of such pledging, it was deemed expedient that this


dispensation be renewed, in order not to handicap the nationals at

Motion carried that this Conference recommend to the Grand
Presidents of fraternities represented at Michigan State University,
that a dispensation be granted to the Michigan Pan-Hellenic for
one year, provided only seniors in the high schools be pledged and
the pledge be withdrawn i f the pledged girl does not enter the Uni-
versity one year from September following the pledging; this dis-
pensation to expire September, 1909.

Motion carried that the Intersorority Conference Secretary convey
to the Michigan Pan-Hellenic our sincere congratulations upon the
progress of Pan-Hellenic ideas in its University.

5. Exchange of Fraternity Magazines.

This subject was fully discussed. There was unanimous agree-
ment that the present plan of exchange is unsatisfactory and that the
ideal plan of exchange with all chapters is impractical because of
expense. I t was reported that the chapters of some fraternities
subscribe for the magazines of other fraternities, and also that some
Pan-Hellenics do the same. The following action was taken con-
cerning exchanges:

Carried that the Intersorority Conference Secretary prepare a
journal exchange list, said list to include three national officers of
each Intersorority Conference fraternity (these three officials, in each
case, to be designated by their fraternity), and the delegates to the
Intersorority Conference. This official exchange list is to be sent
each fraternity editor, who shall be responsible for the mailing of
her magazine to all addresses on the list.

Motion carried that each fraternity editor put the library of
every University, where her fraternity is represented, on her mailing
list and notify her chapters of these fraternity libraries; this library
exchange to supplant the former Pan-Hellenic exchange.

Carried that each fraternity editor be asked to keep an accurate
list during 1908-09 of the subscriptions received from Pan-Hellenics
and from chapters of other fraternities, and, through her Intersoror-
ity delegate, submit a report of the same to the next Intersorority
Conference. Each fraternity is asked to suggest to its chapters the
value of subscribing for other fraternity magazines.

6. Dean's Conference.

The following report from the Conference of Intersorority dele-
gates with Deans of Women in December, 1907, was submitted:

The Deans of Women of State Universities were in substantial
agreement on the following topics of interest to fraternity women:


Chaperones.—The office should be dignified by better definition,
and more authority. One way of doing this is to make the chaperone
a member of the committee of the chapter, whose duty it is to for-
mulate suitable house rules, and to secure their observance. Such
a committee should be of great assistance to a chapter in determining
its social activities, etc.

Rushing.—This way of recruiting the chapters is deplored. Soph-
omore pledging is approved, and a scholarship standard of eligibility
is advocated.

Parties.—The use of University buildings for parties is advised
wherever this is possible, as opposed to clubs and halls not located
on the campus.

Scholarship.—The practice of some fraternities in securing from
the Deans periodic reports of individual grades for each chapter is
believed to encourage scholarship.

Visiting Delegates.—The Deans are glad to meet these ladies,
and welcome conferences with them early in their visits to their
respective chapters.

This report was followed by a discussion of chapter houses and
chaperones. Mrs. Tennant reported her list of eligible chaperones
as very small, but that, i f a small salary was connected with the
position, more chaperones would be available.

Motion carried that the president appoint a committee to consider
with Deans of Women the position of the fraternity chaperone in
college life, also the functions and qualifications of chaperone. Com-
mittee : A X fi, T $ B, X ft.

Adjourned for the annual luncheon of Intersorority Conference
delegates. The luncheon was at the College club, which kindly
gave us the use of their rooms for our last session.


The session opened with a continuation of the discussion of the
meeting of fraternity women and Deans. Particular attention was
called to the fact that the Deans had concurred with former Inter-
sorority Conferences in recommending a Sophomore pledge day.

Motion carried that the Seventh Intersorority Conference again
urge a late pledge day, preferably a Sophomore pledge day.

The committee on recommendations then presented its report,
which included all recommendations from delegates reports to the
first session.

y. Pan-Hellenic Recommendations.

The following recommendations are submitted to local Pan-
Hellenics with the request that each Pan-Hellenic give them careful


consideration, and, as far as practical, adopt the principles of each

a. Every Pan-Hellenic MUST conform to the by-law that re-
quires each fraternity chapter to be represented in Pan-Hellenics by
one active and ONE ALUMNA member. I t is urged that alumnae
be chosen with great care. Women several years out of college, who
are in close touch with their University's and their chapter's life, and
in sympathy with Intersorority Conference ideas and work—upon
which they should be well informed—should be chosen for these
positions. A long tenure of office for efficient alumnae members is
also deemed advisable.

b. Pan-Hellenics are urged to adopt a rule requiring definite
scholarship attainment in the University, as a qualification for eli-
gibility to fraternity membership.

c. We recommend to Pan-Hellenics that they endeavor to restrict
the expense, number and duration of social functions and engage-
ments by woman's fraternities as far as is compatible with local con-

d. We suggest that Pan-Hellenics be careful not to create
feeling between fraternity and non-fraternity college women through
too many or through inopportune Pan-Hellenic meetings and func-

e. Pan-Hellenics are urged to avoid all public press notoriety
and to endeavor always to keep the respect of their University and
town communities.

/. We strongly recommend that each Pan-Hellenic have some
general meetings to which A L L fraternity members are invited and al-
lowed to take part in discussions—meetings to read and discuss
Intersorority Conference reports; shortcomings of our last compact;
effects of a Sophomore pledge day in our colleges, etc.

g. Since at the University of Wisconsin an organization of the
resident alumnae of all fraternities has proved most helpful in solv-
ing fraternity and university problems concerning rushing, social
life, etc., it is the concensus of opinion in this Conference that a
similar organization would prove helpful in every University where
fraternities are represented. I t is therefore suggested that in each
Pan-Hellenic the alumnae members take the initiative in forming
such an organization for their college.

8. Fraternity Recommendations.

The following recommendations are submitted to each frater-
nity with the strong hope that each Grand President will urge their
adoption in the policies of her fraternity:

a. That each fraternity hold its Intersorority delegate respon-


sible for the distribution of Intersorority Conference reports and
papers, and also for instructing chapters as to the use of the same.

b. That each fraternity include in its chapter examinations a
question concerning the present procedure and possible penalty in
case of the breaking of a Pan-Hellenic contract.

c. That each fraternity, with ideals of honor and faith in the
integrity of others, emphasize these points in the policy of its

d. That each fraternity devise a method of informing its alum-
nae of Intersorority Conference principles and policies, so that an
alumna teaching in a preparatory school will not thoughtlessly take
steps that will disrupt years of cordial feeling between her chapter
and other fraternities in her Alma Mater.

e. That each fraternity instruct its visiting delegate to impress
upon the chapters the need not of a higher standard of scholarship
than they already possess, but a high standard irrespective of their
present standing.

/. That each fraternity endeavor to make the position of chap-
erone in its chapter houses one of definite duties, powers and dignity.
That i f possible, the positions be filled by alumnae of experience and

g. Intersorority Recommendations.

The following recommendations were adopted by the Seventh
Intersorority Conference:

a. That a committee be appointed to investigate the "no rush-
ing policy" of the famous societies of Yale and Harvard. Commit-
tee: A * and 2 K.

b. That an enumeration of concrete results of Intersorority be
printed in each fraternity magazine. This enumeration to be com-
piled by the Secretary of Intersorority to insure uniformity. Frater-
nity editors are also urged to give prominence and active, continued
support to Intersorority Conference interests.

c. That a committee be appointed to draw up an interfraternity
code concerning the dismissal of members, withdrawing of invita-
tions, breaking of pledges. Committee: X O, A H A, and A A A .

d. That the name of this Conference be changed to National
Pan-Hellenic Conference.

e. That a committee be appointed which shall make the 1907-08
Letter to alumnae organizations the basis for a similar letter this
fall. Committee: K K T, A O I I , A A A.

A vote of thanks was given the College club for courtesies ex-

Some desultory discussion followed upon the situation of frater-


nities at Barnard; written replies to invitations to join a fraternity;

need of constant effort to keep fraternity women informed on Inter-

sorority Conference matters; high school fraternities; indefiniteness

of Pan-Hellenic constitutions; fraternity presidents as delegates to

Intersorority; and plans for the next Conference.

Motion carried to assess each fraternity five dollars ($5.00) for

Intersorority Conference expenses, each delegate to instruct her

Grand Treasurer to send the assessment direct to the Conference


The Intersorority Conference was declared adjourned until Sep-

tember, 1909. L. PEARLE GREEN, K A 0,

Secretary of Seventh Intersorority Conference.


The Deans of Women of State Universities in Conference at

Chicago, December 18, 19 and 20, were in substantial agreement on

the following topics of interest to fraternity women.

Chaperones: The office should be dignified by a better definition

and more authority. One way of doing this is to make the chaperone

a member of the committee of the chapter, whose duty it is to for-

mulate suitable house rules, and to secure their observance. Such a

committee should be of great assistance to a chapter in determining

its social activities, etc.

Rushing: This way of recruiting the chapters is deplored, Soph-

omore pledging is approved, and a scholarship standard of eligibility

is advocated.

Parties: The use of university buildings for parties is advised

wherever this is possible as opposed to clubs and halls not located

on the campus.

Scholarship: The practice of some fraternities in securing from

the Deans, periodic reports of individual grades for each chapter is

believed to encourage scholarship.

Visiting Delegates: The Deans are glad to meet these ladies,

and welcome conferences with them early in their visits to their

respective chapters. Reported by MRS. WOODWARD,

Adviser of Women,

University of Wisconsin..



We realize that "O Hamlet! what a falling off was there!"
from the last editor to the present. The realization of our inex-
perience and mistakes has caused us to plead for pardon and char-
itable criticism from all Alphas. So much confusion has resulted
from the changes in the membership of the fraternity and the man-
agement of the magazine since the last issue, that many of our errors
are unavoidable. We shall be grateful to our readers for pointing
out to us our inaccuracies. We wish to thank our sisters for the
assistance they have so willingly and cheerfully given, without
which, this issue would not now be before you.

We most cordially welcome into our midst three new chapters,
Delta, Gamma and Epsilon, but our growth and strength are not
limited to active chapters. We have three new and well organized
alumnae chapters to introduce and to feel proud of. I n our re-
joicing we have not lost sight of the freshmen, who have chosen
Alpha for their ideal fraternity. We need all of you for a strong
and well rounded growth, and it is our hope that you may always
be as loyal to the spirit of our fraternity and as proud of us, as
we are proud of you.

We wish to call attention again to the Sorority Handbook by
Ida Shaw Martin. Too much praise cannot be given this little
book. Besides being interesting reading matter, it is a reference book
on sororities that every one should, yes, ought to have. No one
will deny that a sorority examination is a good thing. How much
more intelligently we can talk of our sorority after learning thor-
oughly all there is to know about it. How much more interesting is
the sorority, when we understand its conditions and possibilities!
I f it is a good thing to know about our own fraternity, why will it
not be equally helpful to know about the others? Has it ever
occurred to us that we shall become narrow and unprogressive, unless
we acquaint ourselves with the strides that the other sororities and
fraternities are making? How can we feel satisfied with our own
endeavors when we are ignorant of what is going on around us?
The snail moves, so does the hare. The disparity in their speed is
the more evident when they are moving side by side. Let us not
consider that we are the hare and feel satisfied, until we have ac-
quainted ourselves with the progress of our rivals in the Greek
world, and compared it with our own. The fraternity examination


of the future could be made more helpful even, than it has been in
the past, by calling for discussions of fraternity topics in general,
rather than upon our own fraternity in particular. The best source
of such information is the Handbook. This is not entirely a plea
for the Handbook, but that we may become broader Greeks, as well.
De Luxe edition, one dollar per copy. College editions, seventy-
five cents. Address, Iveagh Park, Bay State Road, Canton, Mass.

We do not believe we are overstepping our authority in printing
the following clipping, which, we hope will find you all interested.
May the Christmas stamp find its way into the homes of every A O E

The Christmas stamp affords every one of us a chance to do a
little good this holiday season. I t is described by the Cincinnati
Times-Star as a tiny red-and-white penny thing with a cheery greet-
ing and a cross among holly leaves upon it. The stamp while it is
not good for postage, may be affixed to all envelopes and packages.
For every one sold, a cent accrues to the Red Cross society for the
campaign against tuberculosis in the state wherein the sale was made.

The idea, which originated in Denmark, was last winter adopted
in the state of Delaware and in the city of Philadelphia. I n Dela-
ware, 50,000 stamps were sold within one week. Nor was the money
side the biggest part of it. The people who invested in the stamps
became curious as to their purpose. They had supposed tuberculosis
was something that could not be avoided, or cured. Now they know
differently, and are enlisted in the great army of enlightenment that
some day, perhaps, is to stamp out the white pest.

I n Philadelphia nearly 400,000 of the stamps were sold, netting
$3,000 for the work. This year the stamps probably will be placed
on sale in many of the western states. They can be purchased at cost
of the National Red Cross society at Washington. Department
stores, toy shops, and other emporiums that profit by the holiday
trade, can, i f they so desire, obtain a stock of these stamps for their

To DRAGMA wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, as
well as prosperous New Year!

We have reluctantly sent this material to the printer, since it
does not contain the account of the installation of Delta. The ar-
ticle was promised, but has failed to arrive. The editor promises that
you shall have it in the next issue, i f the material is forthcoming.



In the death of Alice R. Spears, Zeta Chapter mourns for one of
its most beloved and most zealous workers. Since the founding of
the chapter she has been closely allied with all active work, and has
left a place vacant there, as well as in the hearts of all her sisters
that can never be filled by another.

At the time that Zeta Chapter was established Alice was out of
school, and so was not among the charter members, but was pledged
then and was initiated the following year. From that time she has
held many important offices in the fraternity, in 1904 being chapter
treasurer, in 1905, a member of the Pan-Hellenic association, and in
1906 and 1907, corresponding secretary, in which capacity she be-
came known to many of our sister chapters.

Although kept at home by a long illness her keen interest i n fra-
ternity circles never lessened, and she was constantly appealed to by
the active girls for help and advice.

Her sunny disposition, her brilliant intellect and wit were a
source of constant pleasure to all, and while she has gone to be a
member of the silent chapter, her work and influence will still live
on among her devoted Zeta sisters.




In making a retrospect for the past year, Alpha chapter feels at
a disadvantage. The introduction of new rushing rules, which put
pledge day at the end of sophomore year, prevented our taking in
any underclassmen during the year. We felt as i f pledge day were
some dimly future date, and we seemed to be working for an in-
definite end. The prospect of losing eight seniors by graduation
in June, with the addition of no new members to take their places
was anything but encouraging to the rest of the chapter.

In spite of all these drawbacks we were quite as active as ever
in every way. We gave three dances during the year—one in Novem-
ber, one during Christmas week and one in April. Alpha dances are
always successes and these were no exceptions. We had one rush
party of some sort every month and sometimes oftener. For these
parties, our apartment proved most convenient and attractive.

I n college affairs we were no less active. Alpha was represented
in the junior show, " I f I Were King," and in the undergraduate
play, which was the "Taming of the Shrew." Adelaide Richardson,
'09, had Katherine's, and Jessie Cochran, '09, Bianca's role. I n the
Spanish play given by the Spanish society of Columbia, Josephine
Prahl, '08, had a part. Margaret Yates, '08, Mary Maxon, '08,
Edith Burrows, '08, and Josephine Prahl, '08, all took part in the
senior show given in the early part of the year. This year, Vora
Jaques, '10, and Hazel Wayt, '10, both have important parts in the
junior play, "Monsieur Beaucaire." Adelaide Richardson, '09, was
chairman of the senior entertainment committee this year. The en-
tertainment was a circus with the usual clowns, elephants, lions,
peanuts, pink lemonade, etc.

In Y. W. C. A. work Alpha has held her own. Last year Jennie
Wylie, '09, was chairman of the chapel committee, and this year she
is chairman of the reception committee. Jessie Cochran held the
office last year.

As for class offices last year Mary Maxon, '08, Adelaide Rich-
ardson, '09, Jennie Wylie, '09, and Hetty Dean, '10, all held class
offices. This year, Vora Jaques, '10, and Jessie Cochran, '09, are
class secretaries, and Mary Maxon is alumnae secretary.

At class day this year, Margaret Yates, '08, was statistician.
Evelyn Macdonald, '08, was elected to * B K.

Alice Allan, '09, who was transferred from Vassar last year and
whom we initiated into Alpha in the early part of the year, has re-
turned to Vassar this year.


Eugenia C. Lee has announced her engagement to Mr. Waldo

Putnam Druley, a graduate from Annapolis.
Lora R. Sweeney was initiated into the fraternity this fall.


Here we are again back at college. Is it not inspiring to feel
the hearty grip again? So much has happened since we last met in
the pages of To DRAGMA that it is difficult to find ourselves.

Last winter we were very busy and very gay. The college girl's
business is very much the same the world over so I will not be
bromidic. As to gayety, our first attempt to make life pleasant was a
tea for our patronesses. On that memorable occasion the weather
was not all that is expected of the sunny south, but we had a jolly
time notwithstanding. Let Pi chapter advise her scattered sisters
to create some delightful patronesses like her own and then enjoy
life. A series of teas followed this one, and then we conceived the
idea of a baby party for the second generation of Pi chapter. The
Christmas tree and animal crackers were thoroughly enjoyed by the
guests and hostesses. A t this time the Santa Claus spirit reigned
supreme so we had another jollification for ourselves.

Directly after mid-year exams we were hurled into a most exten-
sive system of rushing. For two weeks there was a whirl of teas,
dinners, parties, and cotillions, at the end of which every one was in
a state of collapse. I t would be very satisfying to tell you of our
new sisters, but to inspire envy is not our motto, so without more ado
we will introduce to you Mary Reeder Thomas, Blythe White, and
Mary Temperence Frere, all of 1911. After the pledging of these
most attractive freshmen the alumnae and patronesses gave us a
delightful surprise (?) party. There was oyster stew, Virginia reel,
congratulations, and much ado. I t was great.

For awhile after this we settled down to the quiet enjoyment of
various honors. Among which was the possession of three class
presidents: Virginia Withers, '08, Mae Priece, '10, and May Thomas,
'11. The calm was broken by Lily Mysing, who appeared in cap
and gown, with the announcement that she expected to graduate in
June. She had been '08 but had decided to bridge the threatened
break in Pi's line of seniors, which began in 1900 and has continued
ever since. To this purpose, she had been making up work for some
time. Commencement went off in a blaze of glory for Pi, since Vir-
ginia Withers and Rochelle Gachet won the two English essay prizes.

This year began most delightfully for we were all welcomed back
with a surprise. During the summer Rochelle Gachet had com-
pleted the most grewsome border of stencilled skulls in our rooms
and had made several additions to the furnishings. Our chapter is


small in numbers but strong in spirit. Mary Pearce who was forced
to go home last year on account of i l l health is living here and taking
her usual active part in chapter work. Sus Gillean, '03, is teaching
at Newcomb and is the life of the chapter. Rochelle Gachet, '09,
is editor-in-chief for Newcomb on the University Weekly; May
Thomas is vice-president of ' 1 1 ; Innes Morris is chairman of the
Y. W. C. A. intercollegiate committee, and Dorothy Safford, '10,
is chairman of the social committee of Y. W. C. A. I t is better not
to speak of the various clubs to which each belong for the question
will arise, "When do the Newcomb girls study?" I t is difficult for an
outsider to understand the fulness of a Newcomb girl's life, for in
almost all other colleges social interests are divided among a large
number of girls. Newcomb "is a small college but there are those
who love it." Every girl so enthusiastically supports her Alma Mater
that she engages in every phase of college activity. And so the
whirl has begun and the Pi girls are in it, but neither work nor play
can make us forget the others of greater A O I I


Nu chapter lost two girls through graduation, Eve Radtke and
Helen Potter, though both are back this year doing undergraduate
work, as is Florence Bruning, '07, who together with Helen Ranlett,
Edith Cothren and Virginia Meyers constitute the active part of the
chapter this winter.

Edith Cothren was a special student in 1906, after which she
dropped out until this year, when she has returned and enrolled as
a regular first year student in line for her LL.B. in 1909.

On June 15 the chapter had its annual spring dinner followed by
the election of officers at the N . Y. Yacht Club House, 86th Street and
Riverside Drive. Helen Ranlett is president, Virginia Meyers, vice-
president, Helen Potter, secretary, and Florence Bruning, treasurer.

On October 4 we met again in the fraternity rooms for our fall
reunion. Sixteen were present at the spread at 6 o'clock, when plans
were made for work this winter.


Omicron has to announce the smallest chapter that we have had
in several years. The session opened with five old girls, and on
October 10 we- initiated Marjorie Hewitt Pease, of Johnson City,

Our large sister chapters may think it strange that we have so
few members, but perhaps they will better understand when we
tell them that this year there are only fifty-four girls in the univer-


sity and four sororities. But even i f we are weak in numbers, we
are strong in fraternity spirit and sisterly love.

Our chapter has been very quiet socially this year, not yet having
recovered from several large receptions given last year. One of these
in February was in honor of Inez Cunningham from Memphis, who
was visiting her sister, Myrtle. The wives of several members of the
faculty entertained for Omicron and several small affairs were given
by the members of the chapter

Our only graduate in June, 1908, was Lucretia Howe Jordan.
This year we have two seniors, Janie and Laura Swift Mayo.

We are using as a frat. room this year one of the rooms in Bar-
bara Blount H a l l , the home for women. I t is furnished as far as
possible in red, and although too small for entertaining, has already
been the scene of several informal gatherings.

A chapter of * M was installed in our university last spring and
has already made for itself a place in the college life.

We had the pleasure of having with us for a few days last June,
Sister Ethel Carver, from Theta chapter.

Omicron extends her greetings to our three new chapters, and
gives them a hearty welcome to the ranks of A O n .


Kappa chapter opened the college year with nine active members,
three seniors, two juniors, two sophomores, and two specials, and
since that time has secured six new members, Margaret Bullitt, '11,
Elizabeth Webber, Eleanor Somerville, Gladys Trabue, Helen
O'Rear, and Mary Vaden, all regular freshmen. Kappa is proud,
and justly so we think, of its initiates for they are all girls desirable
not only for the reason that they will promote congeniality within
the chapter, but further because they are thoroughly capable of up-
holding Kappa's standard in college and of making others aware of
our high ideals.

Kappa gave its annual "rushing" luncheon at the Carrol Hotel
on the twenty-fifth of September. There were present besides the
nine old Kappa girls and our advisory member, ten freshmen.

During "rushing season" Lola Wannamaker, '08, visited our
advisory member, Mrs. Clara Murray Cleland, who lives very near
the college. She spent part of her time as Kappa's guest, and was
an indispensable aid to us in rushing.

The regular initiation banquet was given on Saturday, the fifth
of November.

Mamie Hurt, '09, is chairman of the Student Committee, presi-
dent of the Boat Club, and a member of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet.
In athletics, Kappa is represented by Ada Donaldson, '09, Olga


Sheppard, '09, Margaret Bullitt, '11, and Eleanor Somerville, '12,
who play on their class basketball teams. Ada Donaldson is also
business manager of the senior class, statistics editor of the
Helianthus, and stage manager of the Dramatic Club. Margaret
Bullitt is secretary of the sophomore class. May Wilcox is on the
Y. W. C. A. cabinet.

On Thursday, the fifth of November, we gave an afternoon tea
in honor of lone Mathis, who is now a guest of Kappa.

Bernice Sheppard, special, who was in school at Columbia, Mo.,

last year, has returned to Randolph-Macon. We are indeed glad to

have her with us again. v


It is a chilly wintry day, and we, of Zeta, are sitting about a
cheery, crackling fire in our chapter house. How we wish you could
drop in on us!

I t is not yet time for a light and as I shut my eyes and think
back it does not seem long since the beginning of last year, when we
were so happy in pledging ten of the best freshman in school. Helen
Stiener, Essibelle Rohman, Nettie Chapline and Maude Toomey
are with us now, but Ruth Meek and Elna Nissen, and Gertrude and
Edith Swain are at home this year. Beth Boynton is traveling in
California for her health. Gertrude Moehler is now living in Den-
ver, but we expect her back to her fraternity home soon.

What f u n we had too, at the informal dances we gave here at
the house. You see, dancing parties at our own house were a novelty
to us last year, and we particularly enjoyed them.

A little later in the year Esther Devalon and Emma Perry
pledged to Alpha. I can see too, the girls as they looked on the
night of our formal party. Aside from the banquet, I think the
annual dance is the happiest time of the year. Our patrons and
patronesses, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Seacrest
and Mrs. Raymond were with us, and a great many alumnae were
back. We have saved a clipping from a local paper which we
shall quote:

"The fame of the decorative art of the A O I I sorority spread
over town Friday, and a good many people visited Walsh Hall be-
fore the party came off that evening. The hall and adjoining par-
lors were found to have been transformed with beautiful effects,
quite different from anything seen at previous parties. The ball
room was like a fairyland grotto. Silver tinsel and white frosted
leaves which formed the screene to the walls and ceiling, made the
room glisten as though the palace of Jack Frost. The musicians


on the stage were completely hidden behind an exquisite bower of
white foliage, before which was placed a huge white lily which slowly
unfolded its petals, disclosing the sorority emblem in electric lights.
During the evening the lights of different colors were thrown on the
frost like decorations of the room. The parlors and refreshment
rooms were bowers of poppies in various shades from pink to red.
At some distance below the ceiling was stretched a lattice of green
through which poppies by the thousands were caught. A two course
supper was served at small tables decorated with red roses and red
candles in crystal sticks. About fifty-five couples attended."

During the year, there were several Pan-Hellenic dances, to
which the Alphas always went in great numbers. Another one of
the college activities in which Zeta took a keen interest, was the
"County Fair." This is an annual event, in which all the sororities
participate, and which consists of entertainments of various sorts
and refreshment booths. The proceeds from the various forms of
entertainments and refreshments are given to the Y. W. C. A. Our
contribution was a Japanese drill and cleared for us a neat little sum.

We had our regular initiation in February, and soon afterward
pledged Cora and Florence Durbin, of Malvern, Iowa, and Alma
Birkner, of Lincoln We closed the year with our sixth annual ban-
quet, when fifty-five active and alumnae girls were seated about one
long table

We had had a prosperous and enthusiastic year in both frater-
nity and college work. Nell Bridenbaugh and Laura Rhodes were
members of Black Masque, and Winifred Fraters of Silver Serpent.
Mattie Woodworth played on the 'varsity basketball team, and Mar-
ion Hart was junior member of the Cornhusker staff. The Corn-
husker is our annual college publication. Nearly all the other girls
served on class committees, and Laura Rhodes won $ D K honors.

This does not seem long ago and yet here we are with our mid-sem-
ester examinations over, and well started on a new as well as inter-
esting college and fraternity year. Our four days of torture more
commonly known as "Rush Week," gave us eight splendid freshman,
so we feel well repaid for any trouble and worry it may have caused
us. Martha Bell, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Mabel Salmon and Laura Peter-
son, of Omaha; Gisela Birkner, Janet Ramie, Blanche Woodworth,
and Lorence Emery, of Lincoln; and Ella Toomey, of Spearfish,
S. Dak., donned the red of Alpha O.

We had six parties this year during rush week; a dance and ama-
teur play, a musicale, candle light, Japanese tea and a house-warming.

According to rushing rules there must be six weeks of quiet, after
registration week is over, so Zeta settled down to her college and
social duties. We have had one dance this year which was given
in honor of our freshman, at the Temple on Hallowe'en night.

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