Williams, Roberta Bright, Omicron, '08.
P. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Williams, Ruth, Kappa, '10.
P. 2025 n t h Avenue, South Birmingham, Ala.
T . R. M. W. C , College Park, Va.
Williams, Harriet Aiken, Theta, '11.
P. 406 St. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Wilson, Alma Merrow, Pi, '00. See Gimper.
Winn, Adale Matilda Mercier (Mrs. William Walter), P i , '02.
P. 936 Carolton Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Wintrode, Delle, Theta, '03.
P. Andrews, Ind.
Withers, Virginia Ruse, Pi, '09.
P. Greensboro, Ala.
T . 1236 4th Street, New Orleans, L a .
Wonson, Martha Roat (Mrs. Waverley), Delta, '98.
P. 129 Beech Street, Roslindale, Mass.
Woodbury, Edna, Delta, '12.
P. 9 Howe Street, Somerville, Mass.
T . Tufts College, Mass.
Woodman, Carrie Luella, Gamma, '12.
P. Orono, Me.
Woodard, Minnie, Kappa, '06.
P. 61 Ferdinand Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
Woodworth, Mattie May, Zeta, '09.
P. 1300 G Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Wooley, Beatrice Mary Murry (Mrs. Price), Kappa, '07.
P. Atlanta, Ga.
Worcester, Helen Charlotte, Gamma, Hi.
P. Bangor, Me.
Worthen, Carrie L . , Delta, '99.
P. Yonle Street, Melrose, Mass.
Wylie, Jennie Dwight, Alpha, '09.
P. 10 West 96th Street, New York City.
Wyman, Elizabeth Heywood, Alpha, '98.
P. 4 5 6 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N. J .
Yates, Margaret Hall, Alpha, '08.
P. 205 West 101st Street, New York City.
Young, Mary Mitchell, P i , '00. See Menise.
Young, Mary Kathleen, Gamma, '11.
P. Greenville Junction, Me.
Kindly send all additions and corrections for directory to Helen M. Piper,
1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
To Dragma
Published by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Slabl* of OhmtettiB
History of University of Nebraska 103
History of Zeta Chapter l<>5
Toast to Alpha Omicron Pi 7i o
College Customs 7i o
Installation of Delta 111
The Use of the Black Ball "3
Sorority Examinations "5
National Pan-Hellenic Conference "6
National Pan-Hellenic Achievements in Seven Years . . . . 118
Announcements 120
Editorials 121
Chapter Letters 3I 2
Alumnae Chapter Letters J33
Announcements .... 136
Weddings *3°
Births '37
Exchanges J3^
Alumnae Personals x39
News of the College and Greek Letter World 143
T o D R A G M A is published at 165-167 Main Street Street Menasha, Wis., by
George Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Application has been made for
entry at the Postoffice at Menasha, Wis., as second-class matter.