I n the college world Mattie Woodworth has been chosen Black
Masque and Alfreda Powell a member of Silver Serpent. Ethel
Perkins is chairman of the cartoon staff of the Cornhusker, and Mar-
ion Hart, Maude Toomey, Eunice Baumann, and Emma Perry have
been elected members of class committees. Blanche Woodworth, one
of our freshman, was elected secretary of her class.
During last year A X O was installed at the university, so we
have nine national sororities here now.
Time has slipped by sooner than we expected, the six week's
period of quiet is over and we are rushing again. Zeta is more than
happy to pledge two more freshman to A O I I , Nellie Webb, of Lin-
coln, and Grace Gannon, of Missouri Valley, Iowa.
We hope this year may be a happy and prosperous one for our
sisters wherever they are found, but particularly do we wish success
to our new sister chapters in the East.
On the fourteenth of March, we gave an elaborate reception at
our chapter house, issuing about seven hundred invitations. The
house was decorated in pink and green. Ices, coffee, sandwiches and
cake were served from a table in the dining room, at which members
of the alumnae presided. An orchestra, hidden behind a bower of
greens played during the afternoon. I n the evening, after most of
the guests had left, those who had received special invitations re-
mained to spend several hours in dancing.
Near the end of last term, Martha Rice Furlong, U . C., '04,
entertained the entire chapter over the week end, at her country home
at Pleasanton. Hay rides and picnics were enjoyed to the fullest
extent, and many pleasant hours were spent picking great armfuls
of golden poppies, and seeing all the interesting things about the
large ranch.
Sigma chapter moved its residence from Durant Avenue to 2519
Hillegass Avenue, and began the year very auspiciously. During the
rushing season we gave two dances in honor of the freshmen. Be-
sides this, many other successful rushing affairs were given, and,
for whatever trouble it may have been, we feel amply repaid by the
freshmen girls we secured.
Pan-Hellenic is coming to the front, and is making itself felt
as a strong force for drawing the sorority and non-sorority girls
together. I t has planned a series of "open houses," one to be given
on the last Tuesday of every month. Three chapter houses entertain
at a time, and the guests, who include all college girls, go from one
chapter house to another, meeting the girls and enjoying light re-
freshments. A O I I , I I B $ and A A A entertained last month and
found the plan most successful.
This year we have begun the custom of having faculty dinners
at regular intervals. So far, we have entertained the president of
the university, his wife and the Dean of women one night, and, at
another time, two professors and their wives. I t is an excellent plan
for getting on a more personal and friendly basis with the instruct-
ors, and we are very enthusiastic about it.
The girls of Sigma chapter are all interested in the affairs of our
university, and have done all that they could to make a success of
whatever they have been interested in, and have undertaken to do.
Helen Bancroft, '10, has served on a number of Y. W. C. A.
committees; also on several Associated Women Students' committees.
She was on the Sophomore Hop and Junior Prom, committees, and
is now secretary of her class.
Carrie Bright, '10, has done work on several dance committees.
She is quite a musician, and has played her violin at several college
social affairs. On Sunday, October 4, she played to a large audience
in the Greek Theatre of the university.
Among our other musicians are Mildred and Minnette Stoddard,
'11, who have taken part in musical programs, playing duets on both
piano and mandolins. They are members of the University Mandolin
Grace Batz, '09, has served on several committees of the Y. W.
C. A., of which organization she is now treasurer; also on a num-
ber of Associated Woman Students' committees. She is a member
of the Prytanean Honor Society.
Rose Schmidt, '09, has been secretary of the English Club, vice-
president of the Mask and Dagger (dramatic honor society), vice-
president of the Prytanean (the junior and senior honor society). She
had the lead i n the English Club play, "The Cabinet Minister."
She was senior member of the social committee of the A. W. S., and
is on the staff of the California Occident.
Verna Ray, ex-'10, has left college and taken up the study of
kindergartening in San Francisco.
Geneva Watson, ex-'11, has entered East Bay Sanitarium, where
she is training to become a nurse.
The college '08-'09 will certainly be one of the brightest in the
history of Theta chapter. With thirteen of the old girls back this
fall, we had a very successful spike which lasted five weeks. Alpha O.
opened the party season of the "Spike" with a progressive din-
ner, entertaining twenty new girls. A number of old Theta girls
were back for the party. At ten o'clock, Monday, October 19, Theta
pledged seven fine girls, and from ten to twelve had "open house,"
following which dinner was served to all the chapter. We are proud
to introduce Pearl Wenger, Inez Gardner, Grace Norris, Estella
Montgomery, Loey Read, Leona Kelley and Fern Thompson.
We have eight girls at the chapter house and run our own dining
room, which was furnished by our birthday money.
Since you last heard from us, we have been very busy. Imme-
diately after the opening of the winter term last year, we entertained
the faculty ladies at an informal party, and later gave a formal party
for our town friends, faculty and students.
In February the college gave an "Athletic Carnival" and each
college organization was given a booth and asked to furnish some
form of amusement. We illustrated the Gibson pictures which took
greatly with the college people.
The greatest honor that has come to DePauw University lately
has fallen upon our president, Dr. Edwin H . Hughes, when he was
made bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church last spring. We
are glad to say DePauw has another new building on the campus, a
beautiful library, the g i f t of Andrew Carnegie. This building is
to be dedicated October 30, when all the bishops of the Methodist
Church will attend the services.
In March Anna May Stokley of Omicron spent a day with us and
in June, Ethel Carver, ex-'10, spent two days with Omicron.
In July several of the girls spent two weeks camping at Pine
Lake near the home of Mary Blair.
In August, Hazel McCoy entertained seven of Theta's girls at
her home in Greensburg.
Perhaps the greatest honor that can come to Theta is the presi-
dency of the Y. W. C. A. which is held this year by Margaret
Pyke, '09.
Bess Medbourn is studying elocution at Northwestern this year.
Irene Newman is attending Mrs. Blaker's Training School in
Cleo Ferguson is spending the winter in Arkansas for her health.
Of our last year's active girls, the following are teaching—Jennie
Farmer, Myrtle Spaulding, Florence Fields, Mabel Allen, Belle
McCready, and Delia Antrim.
Theta sends loving greetings to all Alpha's new chapters, new
as well as old.
This being our first letter, we have a great deal to say but we
hope that instead of running over our alloted space we will follow
the motto of "Multus in Parvo."
First of all we want to say how glad we are to greet all our
new sisters—"Here is our hand—with our heart in i t "
Our existence as Delta chapter begun April 13, 1908, when we
were initiated into A O I I . Our college year closed but a few weeks
after with commencement day, June 16, when we lost six seniors,
one of whom, Margaret Tupper, was vice-president of her class.
Several served on committees, and two of our girls, Esther Ladd and
Ethel Remele, made 4 > B K for themselves and us.
Soon after that, Alice Rich, '09, went to the convention in New
York, and brought us back most interesting accounts of our new sis-
ters to which we all listened, and when she had finished, like Oliver
Twist, we promptly asked "for more."
We had a house-party of two weeks this summer, in Maine where
we took a cottage by the sea. A good many of the girls went.
Those were gay days and gay doings—a merry ending to our year's
work. And there we all sang with a w i l l :
"Away with the tons
Of dusty old tomes,
Vive la A O I I . "
College opened this year on September 16, and found us with
sixteen active girls. Our rushing season was ushered in on September
19, by our "hoodoing" reception to the entire class of freshmen—a
custom of years, and one followed by the other two sororities.
The Pan-Hellenic rules, under which we were one season before,
gave us a month of "rushing." A l l invitations were to be sent on
October 15, and the answers received on October 17. Our season
was a triumphant one and it made us very glad to put the little
sheaf of wheat on eight splendid girls—Elinor O. Collins, Beatrice
L. Davis, Helen Harmon, Pearle Longley, Alice J. Spear, Edith M .
Vande Bogert, Edna C. Woodbury and Pauline Lamprey.
Initiation took place on Friday night, November 30, and it was a
most successful one in all things. Many of our alumnae were with
us to help celebrate. Among the alumnae who were present were
Martha Louise Atkinson, '00, Gladys Wells, '07, Mabel E. Jackson,
ex-'06, Esther V. Ladd, '08, Ethel P. Sturtevant, '07, Frida E.
Ungar, '07, Marion Rich, '07, A.M., '08, Gertrude E. Bartlett, '07,
Clara B. Russell, '04, Dorothy T. Brown, ex-'06, Josie B. Folsom,
'07, Eva Fulton, Mary A. Ingalls Lambert, '00, Mabel W. Taylor,
'05, Beatrice Fraser, Carolyn G. Fraser, '08, Emma R. Clough, ex-
'09, Blanche Jauett, '08, and Ethel M . Remele, '08. I t also gave
us much pleasure that a sister from Alpha chapter, Emma Birchenal,
was with us.
Although the year seems but begun, we are all busy and active.
Dora Thayer, Genevieve Haven and Gladys Graves, '09, are in the
senior play to be given in December. Addie Steinberg, '11, is sec-
retary of the sophomore class, and Pearl Longley of the class of 1912
is its vice-president. There are several of us busy on different com-
mittees. Helen Miller, Abbie Wellman, and Gladys Graves are
singing in the choir.
We shall look forward to To DRAGMA and welcome it warmly
as one of the means of communicating with our sisters near and far,
and as a very, very pleasant part of our sorority life.
From the beautiful Maine campus in the dear old "Pine Tree
State," Gamma sends heartiest greetings to her elder sisters.
I t was only on the sixteenth of April, 1908, that we were initiated
and installed as Gamma chapter of A O I I . I n the following June
we took in four new active members, but since then we have lost
by graduation, several of our ablest girls, and truest friends. We
were proud to claim the valedictorian of the graduating class as one
of our sisters. Although we feel keenly the leave-taking of these
girls, we are glad to say that things argue well for the future.
On Wednesday, October 7, we gave a "rushing" party for the
freshmen girls, among whom we expected to find good sorority mater-
ial, and in this we were not disappointed. Twelve girls—eleven
freshmen and one sophomore—are pledged to us, and by the initia-
tion of these we will have an enthusiastic chapter of twenty-four
girls. The pledges are: Margaret E. McManus, Margaret J. Kee-
ley, Helen Charlotte Worcester, Bangor, Me.; Emily M . Bartlett,
Miretta Bickford, Marion C. Estabrook, Margaret Flint, Mary
Russell, Carrie Luella Woodman, Orono, Me.; Edith Folsom, Still-
water, Me.; Hazel Mariner, Bradley, Me.; Bernice Rich, M i l -
ford, Me.
From a financial standpoint also, Gamma is in excellent condi-
tion. Although we have no chapter home, we are pleasantly situated
in the dormitory, Mt. Vernon House, and have our chapter room in
Wingate Hall.
Gamma extends a most cordial welcome to all who can arrange
to call at any time.
Half an hour ago I cleared my desk, filled a fountain pen, found
a tablet, and sat down to write up the Epsilon chapter of A O n .
Then I gazed across the valley waiting for Pegasus but he did not
come. Instead came Mnemosyne, strangely resembling the photo-
graph of Edith Dupre, and she has been sitting here ever since talk-
ing over last year, discussing our difficulties, rejoicing in our t r i -
umphs, and laughing at our jokes, till now the library clock calls
me back to the present and this blank tablet.
To begin at the beginning, the installation of Epsilon chapter
took place on Thursday evening, April 23, 1908, at the residence
of Mrs. Fred. J. Pritchard, 530 E. State Street, Ithaca, N . Y. Mrs.
George Vincent Mullan, Alpha, '98, Grand President of A O I I ,
conducted the service, and Miss Edith G. Dupre acted as sponsor
for the following initiates: Roberta Estella Pritchard, Anna Allen,
Catherine Moore Allen, Josephine Britton, Ethel Davis, Anna B.
Genung, Margaret Graham, Lottie M . Ketcham and Isabelle Stone.
After the installation, a business meeting was held, the following
officers being elected: president, Roberta Pritchard; vice-president,
Anna Genung; recording secretary, Catherine Allen; corresponding
secretary, Lottie Ketcham; treasurer, Anna Allen; members of the
Grand Council, Margaret Graham and Josephine Britton.
In May, Maria Woodhull Richards was elected to membership,
and the celebration closed our activities for the year.
Now who are we: Roberta Pritchard is working for her Ph.D. in
social science. Anna Allen, '09, spends her time pulling flowers to
pieces, and making cross sections of embryonic pigs. Her sister,
Catherine, '10, amuses herself and gains university credit roaming
about the gorges. She talks wisely on the subject of glaciers and
is an authority on lunches. Josephine Britton, graduate, sits in the
French seminary looking wise; we are all hoping that next year the
faculty will give her a Ph.D. Ethel Davis is trying to make a record
in languages. She speaks English, German, French, Spanish and
Italian equally badly. Anna Genung, '08, is another language
grind, with the accent on phonetics. Margaret Graham botanizes in
her sleep. Lottie Ketcham, '10, is the third of the modern language
trio, and Isabelle Stone, graduate, knows so much Greek she is
developing a classic profile.
Our activities and honors are numerous, especially our activities.
Anna Allen is interested in the "Sports and Pastimes," Cath-
erine is also a Sport and Pastime, besides being a member of the Sage
Dramatic Club, a member of the class committee, and a member of
the '10 Stunt Committee. Ethel Davis assists the Dante Club and
the Deutscher Verein to spread the appreciation of foreign literature,
Anna Genung is on the executive committee of the student govenment
association, and belongs to a few foreign language clubs. Isabelle
Stone, $ B K, is at present in Greece on a traveling fellowship, and
is devoting herself to inscriptions and postals. Josephine Britton,
* B K, is vice-president of the Graduate Club, and something in the
Spanish Club, just what she does not know. The rest of us are
waiting for honors.
The f a l l elections have not yet taken place, but our prospects are
particularly bright, and we hope for a goodly increase in numbers
very soon.
This is all our news up to date; a baby's first year, you know, is
not eventful. Epsilon is healthy and happy, working hard to grow
and wax strong and enjoying it. And this rainy Sunday afternoon
she sends her love and greetings to all her sisters.
During the college year 1907-1908 the New York Alumnae chap-
ter held six business and social meetings, and at its annual meeting
in May initiated six new members: Helen Katherine Hoy, Nu, '03,
Helen Mildred Lewis Glenn, Alpha, '04, Elizabeth I . Toms, Alpha,
'06, Mrs. James E. Lough, Delta, Sp., and Mrs. E. F. Hanaberg,
Delta, '05. We gave a little lunch in their honor, and held also our
annual elections. Jean Loomis Frame (Mrs. J. E. Frame) was made
president; Edith Dietz, vice-president; Dorothy Lough (Mrs. J. E.
Lough), secretary-treasurer.
For the year 1908-1909 the new officers have taken up their work
with enthusiasm, and are planning for an interesting and profitable
year while suggesting the following program of dates and places
for meetings: Saturday, November 7, 3 P. M . , place, Mrs. J. E.
Frame's, 155 East 72nd Street; Saturday, January 16, 3 P. M . ,
place, Miss Edith Dietz, 217 West 105th Street; Saturday, March
13, 3 P. M . , place, Mrs. G. V. Mullan's, Andrews Avenue, Univer-
sity Heights; Saturday, May 1, (hour to be decided later) business
elections, place, Mrs. J. E. Lough's, 2190 Andrews Avenue, Univer-
sity Heights.
Also another meeting is to be held during the session of the
Grand Council in June at either N u or Alpha's chapter room.
Already quite a number of new girls, both recent graduates and
older alumnae have signified their intention of joining the chapter
this year; and we are hoping Florence Parmelee, Zeta, '07, who is
now in town, will bring the representation of Zeta chapter into our
The San Francisco Alumnae Chapter of A O I I is glad to send
you greetings from California; glad to know and to have you know
that the alumnae of Sigma have been able to form a chapter.
When a girl is graduated from the university, she feels that no
power on earth can lessen the interest she has taken and the absorp-
tion she has felt in her college life. I t has been her all in all. I n
fact, college is a miniature world. However, as she is gradually
drawn into the whirlpool of the world itself, her changed environ-
ment affects her outlook on life in general, and her chief interests of
college life slowly, but surely, fade into the dim past. Her new
work fills her life, after the first lonesomeness for college has worn
away, and she is so busy that she may be forgiven i f she sometimes
even seems to forget old friends.
However, after a year or two, this condition changes, for the
novelty of the new work has worn off. Then it is that the
girl thinks of her friends and the good times they had; of the hard
rushing they have accomplished; of their triumph when they have
been rewarded at the end of the season by acquiring their chosen
freshmen. Where are all the old friends?
I t is just at this period that the alumnae chapter is all in all to
our graduates from college. The girls who have worked and planned
together in university life and lived thus closely, have laid a founda-
tion for life-long friendship. The alumnae chapter builds on this
foundation, and, as the girls' interests broaden and expand, the
friendship and love deepen. The alumnae chapter, then, is the
means by which the girls are brought together to cement, as it were,
their former vows and friendship into an unbroken bond for life.
Of course the raison d'etre of the alumnae chapter is not entirely
selfish. A lively interest and sympathy is ever present for the active
chapter. The alumnae stand ready to help all they can; in rushing,
if possible, and are always willing to advise i f hard problems arise.
The alumnae of Sigma are therefore glad to feel that they are
organized, and the bond established both among themselves and be-
tween them and the active chapter.
We meet every sixth week at the A O TI house on Hillegass Ave-
nue in Berkeley. By meeting at the sorority house, the graduates of
years gone by and the active girls are able to become really acquainted
and the leaven of the A O I I spirit begins to work.
Active chapters of A O IT, make up your minds right now, that
you will have an alumnae chapter to work with you as long as pos-
sible; that you yourselves will be such good active members, that
there will be no doubt but that you will make interested alumnae
workers. That is the only way to succeed, for it takes the true spirit
of A O IT, and a memory of its object and pledge to make an
alumnae chapter the vital, working thing it should be.
I f it is impossible to form an alumnae chapter at present in your
own vicinity, we of Sigma can offer you a suggestion. Keep up the
interest of your graduates in the active chapter. To do this, we had
what we called a "Round Robin" letter. The letter was started by
the corresponding secretary of the active chapter, telling chapter
news of the new members, of social doings, etc. The Robin then
started on his rounds, and flew to each alumna in turn, each one of
whom added her mite of a letter before he returned to the home nest.
On the second trip, each one took out and destroyed her old letter,
replacing it with a new one. Only those, who have tried some such
plan, can imagine how our interest in each other and in sorority mat-
ters has been kept green.
What the San Francisco Alumnae Chapter hopes to do, and the
ideals it has before it, are felt by you all. Our heartiest good wishes
for success are sent by us to our sisters in A O IT.
The installation of the Providence Alumnae Chapter was held
on Thursday evening, October 10, at the home of Miss MacQuillan,
87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I .
Miss Alice Rich, president of the active chapter at Tufts Col-
lege, Boston, installed the chapter.
On Saturday, October 31, 1908, the Boston Alumnae Chapter of
A O IT was formally installed at the home of Helen A. Cook, 217
College Avenue, W. Somerville, Mass., by Alice Rich and Genevieve
Haven from the Delta chapter. After the installation and dinner,
a business meeting was held and the officers for the coming year
were elected.
Among other chapters to be represented in the Boston Alumnae
Association, are Gamma, by Agnes R. Burnham, and Maude B. Col-
cord, and Alpha, by Emma C. Birchenal.
Among the alumnae of Delta chapter are a number of girls who
for reason of geography have not yet been able to appear at T u f t s
for initiation. Their names and addresses are given below, in the
hope that some A O n's may chance to meet them somewhere and
make it possible for an initiation at some place other than T u f t s ;
Irnie Emma Allison, '02, Cherokee, Iowa; Sara L. Buxton, So. Man-
chester, Conn.; Mrs. Christine Sayles Elliott, 347 Prospect Street,
Willimontee, Conn.; Chary Grace Fickett, Gorham, Me.; Mrs.
Emma Paul Price, 202 Bernard Court, Madison, Wis., and Mrs.
Madge Anthony Reed, Maxon Road, Schenectady, N . Y.
Perhaps the easiest way for us to become acquainted with our new
sisters is to tell something of our past history, of our present occu-
pations and of our plans for the future, in the hope that it will elicit
comment and correspondence which will be helpful and entertaining.
To begin, a la David Copperfield, we were born, as an alumnae
organization in 1900. Since that time we have passed through var-
ious crises which have only served to bind us more closely together.
At present there are about sixty members in our chapter, but when
those who have not yet been able to come to initiations, have been
initiated into A O IT, our roll will be about seventy.
Our meetings are held on the last Saturday afternoon and even-
ing of each month, from September to June inclusive. The girls
are entertained at the homes of the members, in rotation, the secre-
tary each month sending out notices of the place of meeting. Each girl
replies to the hostess of the month, stating whether or not she expects
to attend. An acceptance involves the payment of a small tax col-
lected at the meeting with which the expense of the dinner is de-
frayed. Any one, failing to announce her coming, but appearing for
the dinner, is obliged to pay a fine, as a forfeit for carelessness. There
is much rivalry in the preparation of the menu. A bride is always
sure to have a large meeting as the interest in sampling her domestic
achievements is keen.
The main object of our organization has been to keep in touch
with one another, with the active chapter and with the college, and
to keep alive by reminiscence the spirit of those joyous days, when we
"rushed" and "were rushed," when we knew the world was glorious
and the goal a golden thing. And what have been our successes?
And why? A glance at our membership roll will answer this in
part. But this is not all. There are a few traditions which count
for something as a factor i n our success. I n and out of college, good
fellowship has been a fundamental element in our life. From the
time a freshman is initiated, yes, even pledged, she is taught the
meaning of fellowship, both by precept and example. Girls, who
can attend no more than one meeting a year, return with the same
zest and interest which manifested itself at the first reunion. On the
other hand girls who are within easy distance of college and to whom
a return would be no novelty whatsoever, are constant in their attend-
ance solely for the sake of fellowship. 'Tis a rendezvous where one
is sure to see some one who is companionable. The attendance is
not confined to the "old girls" or to the younger set, but is very
evenly distributed through all the classes from 1896 to 1908. Con-
sidering that we are so widely scattered and that marriage, which so
often interferes with previous interests of girls, has distracted the
attendance of a goodly number, we are rather proud of the size and
strength of our alumnae association.
The average attendance at meetings may be roughly estimated
from eighteen to twenty. At Christmas meetings, it has reached as
high as forty-five. I t often taxes the capacity of some of the houses
at our disposal. This added to the fact that the labor of prepara-
tion is considerable, has lead to the proposal, at frequent intervals,
to hold the meetings three times a year or quarterly at some caf6 or
hotel in Boston. This plan has always been voted down, as most of
the girls contend that the home atmosphere of the meetings is one
of the secrets of our success. I n time with the gradual increase in
numbers, some new scheme must be devised which will f u l f i l l our
sentimental as well as our physical needs.
From our early freshman days, a few cardinal virtues were im-
pressed upon us with reference to our relation with the outside world.
We must incur no indebtedness, which we were not prepared to meet;
and we must pay our bills promptly; we must circulate no scandal;
and we must learn how to be not only good fraternity girls in col-
lege, but good alumnae. Training has told, i f we may judge by
During the year we usually hold three joint meetings with the
active chapter. The meetings are purely social, though affairs of fra-
ternity life are usually discussed. While it has been the policy of
the alumnae not to interfere with the active chapter in its manage-
ment of affairs, usually some girl has lived near enough the college
to act in the capacity of adviser, i f any occasion arose for such ser-
vice. For some years, it has been a custom to send once a month an
alumna to address the active chapters on a subject of importance in
fraternity life or of general cultural value. This year, Mrs. Ethel
Fay Robinson, is scheduled for October, Mary W. Kingsley and Char-
lotte R. Lowell for December and February. Alumnae frequently
attend the regular Monday evening meetings of the active chapter, so
in a general way, we are always in touch with one another.
With the new conditions bound to come as a result of our new
system of alumnae organization, new problems will arise. Hitherto
all our energy has been spent for Tufts. When representatives
of other colleges are with us our outlook will naturally be broadened,
so that what the active chapter loses in one way it will gain in another.
We are all eager to know our new sisters in every college, and we
want you all to know that the alumnae of Delta chapter can always
be depended upon to do cheerfully and faithfully their share of the
work of the fraternity.
It is with great pleasure that I write the first official letter to
To DRAGMA of the new alumnae chapter that has been established
at Newcomb College. It is true that we are not regularly installed
but our organization is complete and it will not be long before we
have our charter.
The alumnae have long felt the need of being incorporated as a
chapter, because we realize more and more that in being banded to-
gether, we can be of much more service to the active girls and can
strengthen materially the interest of the sorority in college.
The active chapter has often expressed its appreciation of the
alumnae, especially the interest they showed and the great help they
gave at last seasons rushing.
The first organized meeting of the alumnae was held May 18.
1908, when a petition was drawn up by the sixteen members present,
to be formally incorporated as a chapter. This petition was sent to
the Grand Council in time for the June convention. Early in No-
vember a meeting will be held in the chapter room and steps taken
toward the early installation of the chapter.
Anna Boss, '05, has announced her engagement to Mr. Clarence
Campbell of Columbia.
Edith Fettretch, '05, announced her engagement.
Marie Josephine Ainsworth Marrin, '07, was married on the
twenty-sixth of October to Mr. Lorenzo Martinez Picabia, at the
church of St. Vincent de Paul, New York City.
Emma Lay is doing graduate work at Barnard.
Fannibelle Leland, '05, received her master's degree last June.
Kathleen Hurty, '07, is teaching biology in Erasmus H a l l High
School in Brooklyn.
Edith Burrows, '08, is teaching history in Washington Irving
High School in Tarrytown.
Mary Maxon, '08, is teaching i n a private school in Mt. Vernon.
Josephine Prahl, '08, is teaching in a downtown school in New
Mattie Ayres, '04, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Douglas Anderson
here in New Orleans. Pi chapter is trying to persuade her to be
a freshman again and begin college over.
Mary Colcock St. Clair has a little daughter. I t is needless to
say that Miss St. Clair is being brought up on A O I I principles.
We are delighted to have with us Carolyn Guyol Cook who will
make New Orleans her home for the next two years.
Pi chapter is proud to claim as her very own Edith Garland
Dupre, who received her M.A. at Cornell last year and founded
Epsilon chapter there at the same time. A t present she is teaching
at Lafayette, La.
Josie Handy is now living in Canada, and writes enthusiastically
of her new home.
Anna Many and Bess Lyon, both of '07, are living up to their
reputation for great achievements. Anna assisted in the department
of mathematics at college last year, and during the absence of Pro-
fessor Spencer took charge of all classes. During vacation she won
laurels at the tennis tournament in Atlanta, Ga. Bess is now assistant
professor of mathematics at the largest woman's college in Missis-
Mrs. Morse, '00, is now living in Covington, La.
Lily Mysing, '08, left for Europe directly after her graduation
in June and traveled all summer. She intended to remain i n Paris
for a year but was unable to do so, on account of illness in the fam-
ily. She is now at home and studying again at college.
Katherine M . Reed has recently returned after a seven month's
tour in the west.
Marguerite Saunders is still at her summer home in Wytheville,
Va., and will not return until December when she will make her
Last year our hopes were raised by the report that Mrs. Winn,
'02, would make her home i n New Orleans, but her plans are
changed and she will live in Arizona.
Among the debutants last winter were Andree Provosty, '06,
Ernestine Bres, '06, and Lily Mysing, '08. Each had her share of
honors at the Carnival balls, which are social events here and it is
not too much to say that these three were the most attractive
I n the early part of last April the marriage of Mildred Norton
and Mr. George Abbott Waterman was quietly celebrated at the
home of the bride's mother. Only relatives were present, and imme-
diately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Waterman left for Pen-
sacola, Fla., where they are now making their home.
Invitations have been issued to the wedding of Edna Lyman
Reed, '03, to Mr. Marcellus Seabrook Whaley, on Thursday, De-
cember 17, at five o'clock, in Newcomb Chapel, New Orleans.
Jessie Ashley, '02, who for a few months was acting president
of the New York Alumnae, is now, as is well known, Grand Presi-
dent, successor to Helen Mullan.
Jessie Ashley, '02, and Helen Ranlett, '09, were delegates to the
annual convention of the National Equal Suffrage League held in
Buffalo in October.
Helen K . Hoy, '03, who is practicing law with Hoy, Martin &
Burnet (Margaret M . Burnet, Nu, '01), at 2 Rector Street, N . Y.,
has since May been acting as associate counsel to Governor Hughes'
Charter Revision Commission, which is framing the new charter
for Greater New York. The commissions report will probably be
made to the legislature in February, 1909.
Elinor Byrns, '07, is chairman of the membership committee of
the collegiate branch of the Equal Suffrage League. Bertha Rem-
baugh is corresponding secretary and Elizabeth Pope treasurer, all
of which shows the very active interest taken by N u girls in this
subject, so shortly to gain the attention of the nation at large.
In opposition to this tendency of thought, an unusual number,
three in fact, have been married during the summer, Emma Shaw
Calhoun, '07, on June 18 to Mr. Willis Clarke Stephens, Emma
Jane Miller, ex-'07, on June 20, to Mr. Wilbur Sarp, and Helen
Hoy, '02, to Mr. Harold D. Greeley.
On August 29, 1908, Miss Hoy and Mr. Harold Dudley Greeley
were married in New York by Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer and Dr.
John L . Elliott, leaders of the Ethical Culture Society. During
their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Greeley were guests of Mary
Ingalls Lambert, Delta, and her husband, at their camp "Acanthias,"
at South Harpswell. They are "at home" on first Saturday even-
ings throughout the winter at 526 West 122nd Street. A O I I sisters
please take notice.
Daisy Gaus, '04, is slowly recovering from the severe attack of
nervous prostration which she suffered last year.
In June Florence Bruning, '07, and Helen Porter, '08, passed
their N. Y . bar examinations, and have been admitted to practice.
Both are doing post-graduate work in the law school this year.
Laura Booth, '04, is studying again this year at Ann Arbor.
Helen Ranlett spent the summer traveling through Norway with
a party of friends.
Madeline Doty, '02, is spending this year abroad with Ida
Raub, '02.
Rose Garland spent the winter of '07-'08 in Egypt.
Lucretia H . Jordan, '08, is teaching French in Sullius College,
Bristol, Tenn.
Kathleen Douthat, '07, is teaching school in Nashville, at Radnoe
Omicron has had several weddings since the last issue of To
DRAGMA—the first of these was in February when Emma Carhart
Albers was married to Mr. James O'Connor Hunt. The next was that
of Katherine O'Key Gresham to Mr. Randolph Burton Harrison.
The last of these took place September 16 and was that of Dorothy
Greve to Mr. Milton Jarnigan. Mr. Jarnigan is an old U. of T.
man and is now connected with the University of Georgia.
Harriette Williams, '11, has a position in the public schools of
Harriette Greve, '06, spent the summer traveling in Europe.
Mattie G. Ayres is visiting in New Orleans.
Lillian Wells, '08, and Harriette Williams, '11, were with us
for our first initiation.
Roberta Williams, '08, Queenie McConnell, '07, Harriette Green,
'06, and Mrs. Milton Jarnigan, nee Dorothy Greve, '05, paid us a
short visit in October.
Ailcy Kyle Powel, '04, is spending the winter in Chattanooga.
Lucile Sanderson, '10, and Ruth Williams, '10, are at school in
Washington, D. C.
Katherine Nelson, '09, is at home in Winchester, Ky. She is
studying music and taking gymnasium at Kentucky Wesleyan Col-
lege, and is captain of a basketball team.
Three Kappa girls were married this summer. Willie Lee Hop-
son in July; Huella Bedford, '07, to Beverly Reid Thurman in July;
Lillian Donovan, '08, to Arthur Chapman. Clarice Watkins, '09,
is to be married in November.
Virginia Lee Nunn, '09, is at home in Frankfort, Ky.
Lillie Belle Roberts, '10, is at the Crittenden School in New York
City. She is specializing in voice and piano music.
Louise Nolan, '08, is at home in Jacksonville, Fla.
Tebie Wannamaker, '10, is now attending Converse College at
Spartansburg, S. C.
I n the teaching world we have only one girl, Margaret Basker-
ville, '08.
Lola Wannamaker, '08, is at home in Orangeburg, S. C.
Kappa has another baby. This time it is a boy, Richard Yates,
Jr., son of Laura Radford Yates.
One of our girls, Agalice McCaw, '08, has recently had the sor-
row of losing her father.
On September 15, 1907, Ethel Haynes, '06, was married to Dr.
D. Donald Skeen.
Jessie Mae Mosher, special, and Dr. Harry Wigton were mar-
ried December 19, 1907, at the home of the bride. Dr. Wigton is
first assistant at the State Hospital for the Insane, located at Lin-
coln, which makes it possible for Mrs. Wigton to continue her
associations with the chapter.
Lila Marie Le Gore and Charles David Ritchie were married
June 10, 1908, and are now living in their new home at McCook, Neb.
Nellie Ornsbee Kitchen and Dr. John Arthur James, of Spring-
field, Mo., were married September 9, 1908.
Pauline Clarissa Burkitt was married to Dr. Amoral Reynolds
on November 18, 1908, at her sister's home. Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds
will spend the winter in Chicago, while Dr. Reynolds does post-
graduate work.
On December 9, 1908, occurred the marriage of Luree Beemer
to Mr. Frederick Beaumont. They will be at home after January
first, at Madrid, Neb.
Bessie Chambers, ex-'10, is teaching in one of the grade schools
of Omaha.
Viola Gray, '02, is teaching in the Lincoln High School.
Annie Jones, ex-'07, is taking full work in the U. of N. Conser-
vatory of Music and will be graduated in June.
Edna King, '07, is teaching in Aberdeen, S. Dak.
This winter Allene McAechron, '05, is teaching in the high school
at Ashland, Neb.
Elizabeth Mitchell, special, will be graduated from Oberlin Col-
lege this spring. She has been taking the kindergarten course.
Florence Parmelee, '08, is doing Y. W. C. A. work in New York
Laura Rhodes, '08, is teaching German in the Fremont High
School, Fremont, Neb.
Edna Spears, '05, teaches Algebra at the Lincoln Academy, which
takes the place of a university preparatory school.
Grace Trigg, '06, is again the secretary of the Y . W. C. A. of
Trenton, N. J .
Katherine Sterling, '04, is instructor in German in the high
school at Seattle, Wash.
Elsie and Jennie Piper, '04, are teaching this year in the Hastings
High School, Hastings, Neb.
On June 8, 1908, there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunter
(Emma Schrieber, '06), a boy.
Zeta has another birth to record, that of a daughter, Harriet
Lucile, to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Cheney (Vernie Barnum, '07).
Helen Piper has charge of the kindergartens in one of Lincoln's
grade schools.
Nelle Bridenbaugh, '08, is assisting in kindergarten work in one
of the Lincoln schools.
Maude Williams, ex-'06, is assisting with the laboratory work in
the domestic science department of the University of Nebraska.
Alma Birkner, ex-'11, is spending a year with an aunt in Ger-
many. She is kept busy with private lessons in German and French,
and Pedagogy at the University in Erlangen, Bavaria.
The birth of Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Muriel Eastman Mar-
tin, '01, and Rev. Wilsie Martin, is recent news.
During the early fall, Sigma initiated two more girls, members
of our local A B 2 , who have not been in Berkeley since the chapter
of A O II was established in the University of California. They were
Gertrude Davis Arnold and Hattie Fish Backus.
Mrs. Arnold sailed with her young son on August 25 to rejoin
her husband in Amoy, China. Mr. Arnold was formerly American
consul at Formosa, but has recently been advanced to that position
in Amoy.
Mrs. Backus has returned to Smuggler, Colo., where her husband
has mining interests.
Isa Henderson, '04, has gone to Sacremento, Cal., to engage in
kindergarten work.
Helen Henry, '02, has left high school work and accepted a
position in Mills College near Oakland, Cal.
In June Hazel Skinner, '06, was married to Mr. Carl Schnabel,
of Newcastle, Cal.
On Tuesday, September 15, Bernice McNeal, '07, was married to
Mr. O. B. Bryant, '06. Mr. Bryant was a © A X and is now con-
nected with the agricultural department of the Government, being
stationed at Cheyenne, Wyo.
On Thursday, October 1, Sarah Matthew, '08, was married to
Mr. Philip Hackley. Mr. Hackley is engaged in the real estate
business in Berkeley, so we are all rejoicing that we will have Mrs.
Hackley in our alumnae chapter.
Lucretia Loring, ex-'10, was married June 10, at Plymouth, Ind.,
to Erich Adomeit and will make her future home in Cleveland.
Mary Duncan, '08, is teaching in New Augusta, Ind., and Pearl
Maze, '08, in Linton, Ind. Goldie Hoffman, '08, is Principal of
Roachdale High School.
Delia Wintrode, '03, and Earla Mills, '05, are teaching in Gary,
Bertha Walker, '05, is spending the winter in California.
Frieda Pfafflin, '07, spent the summer traveling with her mother
through the western states. She is teaching this winter in Wisconsin.
Cora Frazier, '07, is again teaching in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Grace Dixon Lawton, ex-'08, was married early in June to Mr.
George Hubbard, of New Haven. Her new home is to be in New
Edith M. Brown, '05, was married on July 27, to Mr. Curtis
Howard Winters. They have gone to Whitinsville, Mass., to live.
Of last year's class, Mary C. Dalbear, '08, is teaching in St.
Louis, Mo.
Carolyn T . Fraser is temporarily doing secretarial work for the
library of Harvard Law School. Her home address is 29 Marathon
Street, Arlington, Mass.
Blanche I . Jouett is teaching in Marshfield, Mass.
Esther E . Ladd, '08, is teaching in E . Bridgewater, Mass.
Margaret Tupper, '08, is teaching at Derby Line, Vt.
Martha Louise Atkinson, '00, made a short visit this fall with
the active chapter and with Mrs. Mary A. Ingalls Lambert, '00.
Mrs. Blance Bruce Bryne's latest address is "Rougeley," Win-
chester, Mass.
Mrs. Louise Eames Burroge's second child is a boy, born the last
of August.
Gertrude E . Bartlett is teaching again in the Westford Academy
at Westford, Mass.
Bertha Bray, '04, is still teacher of French and German in the
Cohasset High School, Cohasset, Mass. Her home address is Pro-
fessor's Row, Tufts College, Mass.
Dorothy Temple Brown, ex-'06, is to give a concert in Arnchester,
Mass., November 11. She will be assisted by other artists.
Mrs. Florence Walker Connell, '04, has returned from Florida
and is living in W. Somerville. Mr. Connell is an instructor in the
Normal Training School at Cambridge, Mass.
Mrs. Elizabeth Russell Chapman, '02, Delta, was initiated into
A O II at our California chapter this fall.
Dr. L . Maud Carvell, '99, is president of the Old Powder House
Club in Somerville, an organization of business and professional
women. Besides practicing, she is also continuing her work as in-
structor of physical training for women in Tufts College. Dr.
Carvell is alumnae adviser for Delta chapter.
Isabel Hall Coombs, '08, has recently taken unto herself a hus-
band, Warren Robert Healey. Part of the honeymoon was spent in
New York City with Katherine Stebbins, '98. Mrs. Healey will be
"at home" Wednesdays in January.
Magdalen M. Cushing, ex-'04, Ethel Davis, '00, and Mary W.
Kingsley, '03, are among the recent arrivals from Europe.
Magdalen M. Cushing is president of the Boston Alumnae Asso-
Mary W. Kingsley, '03, recently addressed the Medford Woman's
Club on her travels in Europe. Miss Kingsley has spent the last
year in Europe with her family, it being Professor Kingsley's sab-
batical year.
Mrs. Ruth Capen Farmer, '02, has taken a house in Nashua, N.
H . , and will go to housekeeping at once. Mrs. Farmer was elected
Grand Treasurer of A O II at the June Grand Council Meeting.
Mrs. Edith Kinne Hapgood's address is Highlands, Mass. Mr.
Hapgood has changed from the Mechanic Arts High School, Boston,
to the Girls' High School, Boston, where he is assistant master.
The new library at Tufts is occupied for the first time this fall.
It was given to the college through the efforts of the late President
Capen, by Mrs. Carnegie, and is known as the Eaton Memorial L i -
brary. Blanche Heard Hooper, '04, and Gladys Wells, '07, are first
and second assistants respectively, the latter having been added to
the staff this fall.
Mrs. Mary A. Ingalls Lambert is taking her A.M. this year in
English. She is also assisting Professor Lambert in the Biological
Laboratory. At her camp "Acanthias," at South Harpswell, Maine,
she entertained during the summer the following A O I I sisters:
Katherine Stebbins, Delta, Elizabeth I. Toms, Mrs. Helen K. Hoy
Greeley, Nu, and Mr. Greeley for the first two weeks of their honey-
moon. Gladys Wells, '07, and Alice Buckman, ex-'09, and Dr.
Carvell, Delta, with the Delta active chapter house party.
Mrs. Dora Bailey Lough, ex-'98, is treasurer of the N. Y .
Alumnae Chapter.
Charlotte Raymond Lowell, '03, is teaching commercial branches
in the Waburn High School again this year.
Mrs. Harriet Roberts Moses, and Mr. Moses have returned from
their trip in the West and are visiting Mrs. Roberts at Medford Hill-
side, Mass.
Monica G. Pipe, '01, is chairman of the committee of arrange-
ments for the annual luncheon of the Association of Tufts Alumnae,
always held in Boston the Saturday after Christmas.
Marion Rich took.her A.M. in Economics last June. At present
she is at home on account of the ill health of her mother.
Katherine Stebbins, '98, is a graduate nurse from the Roosevelt
Hospital and is prepared to act professionally for all her friends
who may be in need of such services. She belongs to the New York
alumnae chapter. Ethel P. Sturtevant, '07, is an instructor in the
secretarial course at Simmons College Boston; among her pupils is
Emma C. Burchenal, Alpha.
The next alumnae meeting will be with Mrs. Myra Fairbank
Taylor, School Street, Belmont, Mass.
Gladys Wells, '07, took a six weeks library course at Simmons
College Summer School. She also was a member of the active chap-
ter house-party at South Harpswell last summer.
Grace Wheeler is teaching in Winthrop, Mass., this year.
Carrie L. Warthen has recently married Roger Hodges.
Edith N. Aiken, '07, has an excellent position as teacher in the
high school of Brewer, Me.
Marion Balentine, '07, was married on August 12, 1908, to Mr.
L. J . Reed, a member of the faculty at the University of Maine.
Anna C. Bean, '08, and Alice B. Farnsworth, '08, both hold
responsible positions as teachers in high schools.
Mildred Mansfield, '07, fills an important place on the teaching
staff of Cherryfield Academy.
Joanna C. Colcord, '06, is one of the assistant chemists at the
Maine Agricultural Experiment Station.
Lennie P. Copeland, '04, and M. Cecilia Rice, '02, also have good
positions in Bangor High School.
Maude B. Colcord, '06, is employed in the Loring reading room
as librarian for the Plymouth Cordage Co., Plymouth, Mass.
A O II will appreciate the placing of the following names on the
exchange list of other fraternity publications: Grand President,
Miss Jessie Ashley, 5 Nassau Street, New York City; Grand Re-
cording Secretary, Miss Elizabeth L Toms, 44 West 128th Street,
New York City; Editor, Viola C. Gray, 1527 S. 23rd Street, Lincoln,
Neb.; Inter-Sorority Delegate, Mrs. C. G. Bigelow, 172 So. Fran-
cisco Street, Chicago, 111.
We wish to acknowledge the receipt of the following magazines:
April, 1908, Mask of K * ; May, Eluesis of X Q ; Key of K K T ;
Alpha X i Delta of A E A; K A 0 Quarterly; June, Parchment of
S I X ; July, Anchora of A T ; November, Arrow of II B $ ; A *
Quarterly; Trident of A A A.
Last year 2 X entered the University of Utah.
A T A has installed a chapter at the University of Washington,
The national convention of r $ B was held at Ann Arbor, Mich.,
in the early part of November.
The Illinois chapter of T B II is the first chapter of an honorary
fraternity to rent a chapter house.—Alpha Phi Quarterly.
The Illinois Wesleyan chapter of K K T has pledged $1,000 to
the university as a permanent scholarship fund.—The Key.
A 2 A has changed its colors to crimson and silver, and has
adopted the saphire as the official jewel.—Ida Shaw Martin's Soror-
ity Handbook.
$ M T has adopted Pearls and Turquoises as jewels and as in-
signia Shield, Crescent, Torch, X X V I I I . — I d a Shaw Martin's Soror-
ity Handbook.
II B $ has adopted as its official pledge pin an arrow head of
dull gold with the Greek letter B in burnished gold.—Ida Shaw Mar-
tin's Sorority Handbook.
The alumnae of the California chapter K K T maintain a schol-
arship "for some active member who would otherwise be obliged to
leave college."—The Key.
Each member of the active chapter of A O II will in the future
wear a piece of red ribbon under her fraternity pin on the day that
a new chapter of the fraternity is installed.
The Nebraska chapter of * A T, a fraternity whose interests are
along the line of debating and public speaking, has elected to its
honorary membership, Hon. William Jennings Bryan.
A A * has adopted as the official flag a rectangle of white sur-
mounted by a diamond of light blue, having two stars and the soror-
ity letters in white.—Ida Shaw Martin's Sorority Handbook.
The total number of buildings on the campus of the University
of Nebraska is twelve, including the new engineering building,
which is in process of construction and which it is estimated will
cost $125,000.
The pledge pin of A O II, which is a gold sheaf is to be made a
little larger, and to be changed to a clasp pin instead of a stick
pin. It is to bear the fraternity letters A O II raised in gold across
the binding of the sheaf.
X 2 X , a sorority with but two chapters, one in Kentucky State
College, Lexington, Ky., has just purchased a chapter house. This
is the first chapter house in that state to be owned by any fraternity
or sorority.—The Phi Gamma Delta.
K A 0 has adopted as its official pledge pin a small diamond
shield divided diagonally into two triangles, one of gold, the other of
black enamel. The national flag is a large one of silk in black and
gold and bearing the sorority's coat of arms.—Ida Shaw Martin's
Sorority Handbook.
At Nebraska an attempt has been made to break down that bar-
rier which arises between fraternity and non-fraternity people. It
is now the prevailing custom to invite to all the formal fraternity
parties at least one representative from every sorority and fraternity,
and one or more non-fraternity people.
A German fraternity, <I> X, has lately been founded at Illinois.
It is to become national, with the chapter at Illinois as the Alpha,
or governing body. The membership will probably consist of college
men of German descent or men connected with the German depart-
ments in colleges and universities.—The Rainbow of A T A.
There are enrolled at the University of Nebraska this year thirty-
four hundred and fifty-four students, fifteen hundred of whom are
women. Of this number not more than two hundred are fraternity
women. The faculty numbers two hundred and sixty-five members.
2 2 2 has adopted as its national flag a banner of purple crossed
from left to right with a white band bearing the sorority letters in
purple. In the upper corner is a white triangle and in the lower a
white circle. The pledge pin is an indented triangle of gold super-
imposed upon a gold circle.—Ida Shaw Martin's Sorority Handbook.
The University of Maine has an imposing new Agricultural Hall
which has just been completed and which consists of three full
stories, with a good basement. Its exterior of red brick is trimmed
with sandstone, and presents an imposing appearance. It contains
laboratories, lecture halls, recitation rooms and a museum. From its
top one may obtain a fine view of the university campus and the sur-
rounding country.
Several changes in names of schools have occurred, Southwestern
Baptist University having become Union University, and Kentucky
University having assumed its old name of Transylvania University
The word Kentucky is now used to designate the State University
(formerly known as Kentucky State College.)—Ida Shaw Martin's
A A A has adopted as a badge for its honorary members a laurel
wreath of gold surmounted by a triangle bordered with fifteen pearls
and three diamonds, this in turn being surmounted by a triangle of
black enamel bearing a Delta of gold in each corner. The sorority
is to publish a secret annual to be known as The Trireme,—Ida Shaw
Martin's Sorority Hand Book.
As creditable additions to the campus of the University of Maine,
the visitor notes the new A T A house built in the old colonial style,
and the massive appearance of the * H K house, one of the largest on
the campus. The two expensive buildings bring the number of fra-
ternity houses at the University of Maine up to eleven, every one
of which is of equal interest and value.
The present senior class at the University of Nebraska, and a
great many alumni are interested in bringing about the adoption of
a university pin which shall serve as a class pin as well. The object
of making the class pin uniform, with the exception of the year of
the class which will necessarily differ, is to enable the graduates of
former years to recognize those of recent years. It is also hoped that
the pin will serve as a testimonial of the good work of the institution
by the number of graduates wearing it.
K K T has changed its method of ordering badges, all orders now
being sent to official jewelers through one member of the sorority
known as the Custodian of the Badge. The sorority had formerly
three grades of dismissal: Honorable Dismissal, Dismissal, and
Expulsion. The recent convention decided on two grades—Dismissal
and Dismissal on Request, the former where the initiative is taken
by the chapter, the latter when granted upon the request of the one
dismissed.—Ida Shaw Martin's Sorority Handbook.
X O has adopted pearls and diamonds as official jewels. The
national banner is made up of five vertical bars, three of cardinal, two
of straw color, broadly banded at the top with a bar of cardinal
bearing a white carnation of five petals, each with five points. The
official floating flag bears the same device on a field of straw color,
which is in turn bordered with a band of cardinal. As a special mark
of distinction the sorority has authorized the use by founders and
grand officers of a gold ring ornamented with the sorority monogram,
owl and carnation. The last conference laid special stress upon the
Feasts of Eleusinia, to be held April 5 and October 5.—Ida Shaw
Martin's Sorority Handbook.
Mud on Wheels—Doubt and distrust will not bring triumphs.
The girl who joins a sorority and then begins to find fault with
its management, criticizes its officers and otherwise to create doubt and
distrust among members and non-members is to be pitied for lack
of horse-sense. She wants the sorority to get results—but every-
thing she does and says has a tendency to prevent the thing she most
desires. It fact she is herself an obstacle in the way of progress, a
stumbling block to her sorority. Good results for any sorority are
never obtained by girls of this character. The girls who get results
are the girls who have confidence in themselves, in their fellowmen
and in those who are trying to improve the conditions of their soror-
ity. These girls prove their faith by their works, and win their goal
by striving for it. They are the power which makes the wheels
move forward. The knockers who do nothing but doubt and com-
plain, are just so much mud on the wheels.—The Parchment, S I X .
Charter grants among the sororities during the past year are as
A X O—Baker, Colorado, Nebraska.
A A <$—Lawrence.
A T A—DePauw, Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota.
A O II—Cornell, DePauw, Maine, Tufts.
A 2 A—Chevy Chase, Randolph-Macon. Omit Fairmont, Lewis-
A H A—Kentucky.
B 2 O—Brenau, Central.
X O—Florida.
A A A—Colby, DePauw, Transylvania.
A T—Adelphi.
K A 0—Washington State.
K A—Illinois Wesleyan, Iowa State College, Northwestern.
$ M—Southwestern, Tennessee.
* M T—Emerson College of Oratory, New England Conservatory.
2 K—Brown, Denver.
2 2 2—Lewisburg, Searcy, Woman's College withdrawn.
Z $—Toronto.
Z T A—Richmond charter withdrawn.—Ida Shaw Martin's Soror-
ity Handbook.
Sorority statictics, as arranged by Edwards, Haldeman & Co.,
Jewelers, Detroit, Mich.:
FRATERNITY Member- A. Ch. Date College Magazine
ship Pounded Pounded
24 Garnet & White
Men 9792 12 1832 Hamilton The Palm
Alpba Delta Phi 902 59 1895 Trinity
Alpha Chi Rho 72 1865 V. M. I. Beta Theta Pi
Alpha Tau Omega 8280 20 1839 Miami Year Book
Beta Theta Pi 15698 18 1854
Chi Phi 4624 42 1841 Princeton Purple & Gold
Chi Psi 4719 11 1844 Union The Quarterly
Delta Kappa Epsilon.. 15229 8 1827 Yale
Delta Phi 3512 1847 Union The Quarterly
Delta Psi 3187 8 1901 Rainbow
Delta Sigma Phi 50 1859 Columbia
Delta Tau Delta 412 37 1834 C. C. N. Y . The Quarterly
Delta Upsilon 8529 50 1865 Journal
Kappa Alpha (S) 9000 1825 Bethany
Kappa Alpha (N) 8128 7 1869 Williams Caduceus
Kappa Sigma 1701 76 1901 W. & L . The Scroll
Omega Pi Alpha 8500 1848 Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Delta Theta 8 1848 Union The Shield
Phi Gamma Delta 412 71 1852 U . of V a . News Letter
Phi Kappa Psi 15761 57 1850 C. C. N. Y . The Signet
Phi Kappa Sigma 11000 43 1873 Shield & Diamond
Phi Sigma Kappa 10500 26 1868 — Miami The Record
Pi Kappa Alpha 23 1833 \V. & J. The Quarterly
Psi Upsilon 3750 30 1856 W. & J. The Delta
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 2600 22 1855 U . of Pa.
Sigma Chi 2875 70 1869 Mass. A. C. Journal
Sigma Nu 11428 57 1827 U . of V a . The Quarterly
Sigma Phi 13062 59 1901
Sigma Phi Epsilon 8760 1856 Union The Shield
Theta Chi 7420 8 1848 U . of Ala.
Theta Delta Chi 2802 22 1870 The Lyre
Theta Nu Epsilon 1000 1846 Miami Adelphean
Zeta Psi 2 V. M. L To Dragma
510 26 The Quarterly
Women. 5433 50 Union Alpha X i Delta
Alpha Chi Omega 20000 22 Richmond Beta Sigma Omicron
Alpha Delta Phi 6434 14 Norwich The Eleuses
Alpha Omicron Pi 1240 The Trident
Alpha Phi 1000 8 Union The Anchora
Alpha X i Delta 10 Wesleyan The Crescent
Beta Sigma Omicron. 605 12 C. C. N. Y. Kappa Alpha Theta
Chi Omega 1689 13
Delta Delta Delta 1885 DePauw Angelos
Delta Gamma 600 9 1851 Ga. Wesleyan The Key
Gamma Phi Beta 550 22 1897 The Arrow
Kappa Alpha Theta.. 1258 26 1872 Barnard The Triangle
Kappa Delta 2000 19 1893 Syracuse The Themis
Kappa Kappa Gamma 2394 12 1888 Lombard
Pi Beta Phi 1522 29 1895 U . of Mo.
Sigma Kappa 3860 12 1888 U . of Ark.
Sigma Sigma Sigma.. 426 33 1873 Boston Univ.
Zeta Tau Alpha 4720 38 1874 U . of Miss.
5190 1870 Syracuse
420 3 1897 DePauw
330 5 1870 V. S. N. S.
506 1867 Monmouth
1874 Monmouth
1898 Colby
V. S. N. S.
V . S. N. S.
Don't "send greetings to sister chapters." Your letter is a greeting.
Don't tell the Fraternity about the campus in spring time. Every
campus has its quota of "budding trees, green grass and singing
Don't say, "We beg to introduce Brother Smith to the Fraternity
at large." He needs no introduction.
Don't say, "Smith journeyed across the burning sands of Malta
Land and is now a full-fledged wearer of the glittering pin of old
Alpha Tau Omega." If you say "John Smith was initiated on June
1st" the Fraternity will know what you mean.
Don't say that "Brother Smith resigned from the Chapter." He
never resigns. He may leave, die or be expelled—but he never
Don't say "Brother So and So." We are all brothers—and
Palm space is valuable.
Don't say, "Smith is captain of the football team." Tell us which
Smith. Give his first or Christian name if he has one.
Don't write, "In college affairs our brothers are holding the high
standard that has always characterized Alpha Tau Omega." It isn't
necessary. The Fraternity knows that—otherwise your charter would
have been withdrawn.
Don't send "best wishes to sister chapters." Use the Western
Union service if you must do it. Nobody ever reads it in the Palm.
Don't say "three jolly good fellows have recently ridden 'Old
Billy.' " To start with it isn't true. Besides, why not say "initiated?"
Don't say, "We have the finest chapter in the institution." Some-
body may deny it. If you must say it, be sure your Palm taxes are
paid in full.
Don't say, "on the 16th," there are twelve dates of that number in
a year.
Don't "extend a hearty invitation to call." Any one within hail-
ing distance will call as a matter of course.
Don't let the editor do your punctuating. He's a little shy on
English Grammar and might do you an injustice.
Don't compel the compositor to guess at your proper names. He
is a poor guesser.
Don't use the Egyptian system of chirography. Use a typewriter
if you can't write a legible hand.
Don't tell us what a grand Fraternity A T O is. We all know it.
Besides, it's not original.
Finally, don't forget to tell the facts. Be enthusiastic but not
bombastic. Tell all the chapter has done and enjoyed. Tell all your
members have done and achieved. But leave something for the read-
er's imagination. I f you present the facts he can pass judgment upon
your standing.—Quoted from Palm of Alpha Tau Omega by the
Shield of Theta Delta Chi.
November, 1908
Adonieit, Lucretia Loring (Mrs. Eric), Theta, 'io.
*P- 953 Clark Avenue, Cottonwood, Ohio.
Ahlers, Viola Emily, Sigma, '08, See Hunt.
Aiken, Edith Nora, Gamma, '07.
P. Brever, Me.
T. Sangerville, Me.
Albers, Emma Carhart, Omicron, '05.
P. Henley Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Alderman, Madge, Zeta, Spec.
P. Corona, Cal.
Allen Anna Epsilon.
P. 812 Auburn Avenue, Buffalo, N . Y.
T. Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y.
Allen, Catherine Moore, Epsilon.
P. 812 Auburn Avenue, Buffalo, N . Y.
T. Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y.
Allen, Lucy Estile, Theta, '08.
P. 11 Water Street, Greencastle, Ind.
Allen, Ruth, Alpha, '09.
P. 206 Midland Avenue, Montclair, N. J.
Allen, Mabel June, Theta, '11.
P. 2151 N . New Jersey Street, Indianapolis, Ind.
T. 435 Andrews Avenue, Greencastle, Ind.
Alvares, Florence, Sigma, '11.
P. 2801 Ellsworth Street, Berkley, Cal.
Anderson, Helen Beatrice, Alpha, '05.
P. 400 West 151st Street, New York City.
Antern, Elizabeth Dell, Theta, '11.
P. Royal Center, Ind.
T. 506 S. Locust Street, Greencastle, Ind.
Arnold, Blanche Hammett, Nu Grad., (deceased).
Arnold, Gertrude Davis (Mrs.), Sigma.
P. Amoy, China.
Aron, Beatrice Marguerite, Alpha, '09.
P. Liberty Road, Englewood, N . J.
Arthur, Helen, Nu, '01.
P. 220 Broadway, New York City.
Ashley, Jessie, Nu, '02.
P. 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Atkinson, Martha Louise, Delta, '00.
P. Laconia, N . H .
Ayres, Mattie Garland, Pi, '04.
P. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
*P and T indicate "Permanent" and "Temporary" addresses respectively.
Baker, Theodora W. (Mrs. Frank C ) , Nu, '08.
P. 691 East 22d Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Balintine, Elizabeth Abbot (Mrs. Walter), Gamma Spec.
P. Orona, Me.
Balintine, Marion, Gamma, '07, See Reed.
Bancroft, Helen Davis, Sigma, '10.
P. 1940 Summit Street, Oakland, Cal.
Barnum, Laverna Pollard, Zeta, '07. See Cheney.
Baskerville, Margaret Lewis, Kappa, '08.
P. Herando and Linden Streets, Memphis, Tenn.
T. R. M . W. C, College Park, Va.
Bartlett, Gertrude Elizabeth, Delta, '07.
P. Kingston, N . H .
Bartlett, Emily, Gamma, '12.
P. Orono, Me.
Batz, Grace Fay, Sigma, '09.
P. 825 Chester Avenue, Bakerfield, Cal.
T. 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Bauman, Eunice, Zeta, '10.
P. West Point, Neb.
T. 74s S. 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Bauman, Minnia Gussie, Zeta Spec.
P. West Point, Neb.
Beaumont, Luree Beemer (Mrs. F.), Zeta Spec.
P. Madrid, Neb.
Bean, Ida May, Gamma Spec.
P. 51 Center Street, Oldtown, Me.
Bedford, Huella Grover, Kappa, '07.
P. 1056 College Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
Beemer, Luree, Zeta Spec. See Beaumont.
Bennet, Emma, Zeta Spec.
P. 1526 S. 21st Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Bickford, Miretta, Gamma, '12.
Orono, Me.
Bickford, Katharine Neal, Delta, ' n .
P. Danver, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Birkner, Alma, Zeta, '09.
P. 27 and N Street, Lincoln, Neb.
T. 12 Brucker Straffa, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany.
Biglow, Lulu Ellis King (Mrs. Clifford G.), Zeta, '04.
P. 172 So. Francisco Street, Chicago, 111.
Blair, Mary, Theta, '10.
P. 1024 Madison, La Port, Ind.
Boardman, Esther Carver, Sigma, '07.
P. Immaculate Heart Academy, Hollywood, Angeles, Cal.
Booth, Laura, Nu, '04.
P. 29 East 29th Street, New York City.
Boss, Anna Marie, Alpha, '05.
P. 14 West 95th Street, New York City.
Bowen, Minnie Alma, Theta, '08.
P. Purmanville, Ind.
Boyce, Florence Bessie, Nu, '05. See Bryant.
Boyd, Roberta Bliss, Sigma, '09.
P. Yuba City, Cal.
T. 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Boyton, Beth, Zeta, '11.
P. 510 S. 28th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Brackett, Mary Morrell, Alpha, '99.
P. 604 West 115th Street, New York City.
Bradshaw, Blanche Claracy, Kappa, '06.
P. High Point, N. C.
Bramhall, Helen Hilliard (Mrs. Otis H . ) , Delta, '09.
P. 86 Cleveland Street, Cambridge, Mass.
Bratt, Frances, Zeta, '07. See Groman.
Bray, Bertha, Delta, '04.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
T. Cohasset, Mass.
Bres, Io Leigh, Pi, '00. See Moise.
Bres, Nell, Pi, '07.
P. 1427 Calhoun Street, New Orleans, La.
Bres, Marie Ernestine, Pi, '06.
P. 2223 Milan Street, New Orleans, La.
Bridenbaugh, Nell, Zeta, '08.
P. 2344 R Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Bright, Carrie Maxwell, Sigma, '10.
P. 2040 Cedar Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Britton, Josephine, Grad., Epsilon.
P. 610 Benson Street, Comdon, N . J.
T. Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y.
Brobie, Eleanor Elizabeth Van Cott (Mrs. Orrin Lawrence)
Alpha, '02.
P. 36 Fiske Avenue, West New Brighten, Staten Island,
New York City.
Brooks, Marion I . , Delta, '10.
P. 23 Baker Street, Maiden, Mass.
Brown, Dorothy Temple, Delta, '06.
P. "Hillcrest," Winchester, Mass.
Brown, Florence Evelyn, Gamma, '11.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Brown, Sarah Ellen, Gamma, '08.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Buchanan, Laura Finney, Zeta, '06. See Schockey.
Buchanan, Mary Hart, Omicron, '10.
P. Granada, Miss.
Buckman, Alice Adeline, Delta, '09.
T. 69 Curtis, West Somerville, Mass.
Bumps, Imogene Martha, Gamma, ' n .
P. Dexter, Me.
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Burchenal, Emma Howells, Alpha, '07.
P. The Grafton, 2708 Broadway, New York City.
Burd, Adelma Helena, Nu, '03.
P. 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Burkitt, Pauline Clarissa, Zeta, '09. See Reynolds.
Burnet, Margaret May, Nu, *oi.
P. Madison, New Jersey.
Bnrnham, Agnes Rowena, Gamma, 'oo.
P. Oldtown, Me.
T. South Braintree, Mass.
Burrage, Louise Eames (Mrs. Alvah), Delta, '06.
P. Reading, Mass.
Borrows, Edith Marie, Alpha, '08.
P. 25 Neperan Road, Tarrytown, New York.
Bulter, Ella Lilian, Kappa, '06.
P. 315 Fifth Street, Lynchburg, Va.
Bryne, Julia, Pi, '07.
P. 1619 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.
T. Bronssard, La.
Bryne, Blanche Bruce (Mrs. John), Delta, '03.
P. 120 Curtis Street, Tufts College, Mass.
Bryns, Elinor, Nu, '07.
P. 17 Madison Square North, New York City.
Bussel, Edith Mae, Gamma, '02.
P. 140 Center Street, Oldtown, Mass.
Caldwell, Harriett Moore, Omicron, '07.
P. 408 Main Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Caldwell, Katherine, Omicron, '07.
P. 408 Main Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Calhoun, Emma Shaw, Nu, '07.
P. 847 West End Avenue, New York City.
Campbell, Mary Rebecca, Kappa, '11.
T. College Park, Va.
Campbell, Carrie Green (Mrs. William), Gamma, '96.
P. 893 Brush Street, Detroit, Mich.
Carter, Helen Burt Sandridge (Mrs. Thomas), Pi Grad.
P. 108 Wesley Hall, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Carter, Helen Torret Gurley (Mrs. Charles Cosgreve), Pi, '07.
P. Hammond, La.
Carr, Cleora Mae, Gamma, '03.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Carvell, Dr. Lizzie Maude, Delta, '99.
P. 28 Highland Avenue, Somerville, Mass.
Carver, Ethel, Theta, '09.
P. Kockville, Ind.
Caulkins, Edith, Omicron, '08.
P. 503 West Vine Avenue, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Caunell, Florence Walker (Mrs.), Delta, '04.
P. Orchard Street, West Somerville, Mass.
Chadwell, Elizabeth Willard, Alpha, '07. See Pitney.
Chambers, Bessie Mae, Zeta, '10.
P. 2962 North 25th Street, Omaha, Neb.
Chase, Mary Ella, Delta, '09.
P. Blue H i l l , Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Chase, Florence Polleys, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Cheney, Leverna Barnum, Zeta.
P. Edison, Neb.
Cherry, Frances Geraldine, Kappa, '08.
P. Halls, Tenn.
Clark, Florence Tray, (Mrs. Walter Rockwell), Delta, '09.
P. 774 Williams Street, Bridgeport, Conn.
Clark, Florence Rachel, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
T. R. M . W. C. College, Park, Va.
Clark, Margaret Elizabeth, Alpha, '02. See Summer.
Clark, Ethel Browning, Sigma.
?• 3323 Sacremanto Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Charlton, Ruby Deliah, Zeta, '07.
P. 2122 R Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Cleland, Clara Murry (Mrs. James Edward), Kappa, '08.
P. Lynchburg, Va.
Clough, Emma Rosalie, Delta, '09.
P. Emery Street, Tufts College, Mass.
Cochran, Jessie Isabelle, Alpha, '09.
P. 120 West 12th Street, New York City.
Coddington, Elizabeth Cadmus, Alpha, '02.
P. 38 Hamilton Avenue, Passaic, N . J.
Colcock, Mary Rugeby, Pi, '02. See Sinclair.
Colcord, Joanna Caver, Gamma, '06.
P. Seaport, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Colcord, Maude Brown, Gamma, '06.
P. Seaport, Me.
T. Presque Isle, Me.
Conant, Bessie Scott (Mrs. Fredrick B.), Alpha, '05.
P. 282 Lafayette Avenue, Passaic, N . J.
Conchman, Jess, Theta, '10.
P. Farmersburg, Ind.
T. Woman's Hall, Greencastle, Ind.
Cook, Caroline Gayol (Mrs. Abner), Pi, '09.
P. 134 Ceder Street, Hot Springs, Ark.
Cook, Helen, Delta, '03.
P. 217 College Avenue, West Somerville, Mass.
Copland, Lennie Pheobe, Gamma, '04.
P. 236 French Street, Bangor, Me.
Covell, Maude Evelyn (Mrs. Louis E.), '02.
P. Providence, R. I .
Cothren, Marion Benedict (Mrs. Frank Howard), Nu Spec.
P. 173 S. Oxford Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Courtain, Gladys Dewey, Sigma, '10.
P. 2642 Derby Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Crippen, Josephine, Pi, '02.
1537 Thalia Street, New Orleans, La.
Cunningham, Myrtle, Omicron, '12.
P. 636 Mississippi Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
T. Barbara Blount Hall, Uni. of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Curdy, Anne Richardson Hall (Mrs. Robert James).
P. 2544 Forest Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.
Cushing, Mary Magdalen, Delta, '04.
P. 168 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass.
Cutter, Olive Eastman, Sigma, ' n .
P. 2260 Grove Street, Oakland, Cal.
Damon, Corris Mabel, Zeta, '04. See Peake.
Damon, Lucy Edna, Zeta, '07.
P. Mason City, Iowa.
Darling, Louella Dennis Fifield (Mrs. Lyman Morse), ' o i .
P. 37 Kossuth Street, Pawtucket, R. I .
Davis, Beatrice L., Delta, '11.
Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass.
Davis, Ethel, Delta, '00.
P. Yasmouthport, Mass.
Davis, Ethel, Epsilon, '09.
P. 77 Congress Street, Bradford, Pa.
Davis, Mary Adeline, Sigma, '10.
P. 3749 S. Figiera Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
T. 2619 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Davies, Marion, Kappa, ' f j .
P. Magnolia, Ark.
T. College Park, Va.
Day, Alice Hooker, Nu, '04.
P. 28 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Dean, Hetty Anna, Alpha, '10.
P. Little Silver, N . J.
T. 521 West I 2 2 d Street, New York City.
Devalon, Esther, Zeta, '11.
P. 2213 Locust Street, Omaha, Neb.
T. 745 S. 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Dickson, Agnes Lillian, Alpha, '99.
P. 52 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, N . J.
Deitz, Edith Augusta, Alpha, '05.
P. 217 West 105th Street, New York City.
Dillingham, Alice, Nu, '05.
P. Englewood, N . J.
Dolbar, Mary Elizabeth, Delta, '08.
P. 134 Professor's Row, Tufts College, Mass.
Donaldson, Ada Beatrice, Kappa, '09.
P. Morristown, Tenn.
T. College Park, Va.
Donovan, Lillian, Kappa, '08.
P. Macon, Ga.
Doty, Madeline Zabriskie, Nu, '02.
P. 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Douthat, Kathleen, Omicron, '07.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
T. Radnea College, Knoxville, Tenn.
Drew, George Mary, Alpha, '99.
P. 342 Gregory Avenue, West Orange, N . J.
T. The Noble Institute, Anniston, Ala.
Du Bois, Blanche Merry, Sigma, '03.
P. 922 LaFayette Street, Alameda, Cal.
Dudley, Margaret Henderson (Mrs. Clark DeWitt), Sigma,
P. 2156 Market Street, Oakland, Cal.
Care of Miss Ida Henderson.
Duncan, Mary Martin, Theta, '08.
P. Greenfield, Ind.
T. New Augusta, Ind.
Dupre, Cleveland Genevieve, Pi, '04.
P. Opelousas, La.
T. Lake Charles, La.
Dupre, Edith Garland, Pi, 'oo.
P. Opelousas, La.
T. 311 Oak Street, Ithaca, N . Y.
Dupre, Mary Lilybel, Pi, '07.
P. Opelousas, La.
T. Marksville, La.
Durbin, Florence, Zeta, '08.
P. Melvin, Iowa.
Durbin, Cora, Zeta, '08.
P. Melvin, Iowa.
Earle, Ruth, Alpha, '02. See Lawrence.
Eastman, Catherine Crystal, Nu, '07.
P. Elmira, N . Y.
T. 10 Wooster Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Eaton, Mary Helen, Delta, '99.
P. North Woburn, Mass.
Echols, Grace Carolyn Harris (Mrs. Dyke S.), Kappa, '06.
P. Decatur, Ala.
Echols, Mary, Kappa, '06. See Elliot.
Edmunds, Jessie Mary, Omicron Spec.
P. Middlebrook Pike, Tenn. R. F. D. 7.
T. Knoxville, Tenn.
Edson, Helen Adele, Sigma, '11.
P. 64 Hamilton Place, Oakland, Cal.
Elliman, Margaret Grote, Alpha, '02. See Henry.
Elliott, Mary Echols (Mrs. Council B.), Kappa, '06.
P. Decatur, Ala.
Eastabrook, Nina Rice (Mrs. F. B.), Delta, '01.
P. Mechanic Street, Marlboro, Mass.
Etcheverry, Celeste La Caste, Sigma, '05.
P. 1890 Devisadero Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Farmer, Mary Jennie, Theta, '10.
P. Greencastle, Ind.
Farmer, Ruth Capen (Mrs. Walter), Delta, '02.
P. 61 Franklin Street, Nashua, N . H .
Farnworth, Alice Belle, Gamma, '08.
P. East Sullivan, Me.
Fay, Margaret, Delta, '04.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Fee, Mary Evangeline, Theta, '11.
P. Clarksburg, Ind.
Ferguson, Cleo Lillian, Theta, '10.
P. Rockville, Ind.
Fettretch, Edith Berrell, Alpha, '05.
P- 335 West 88th Street, New York City.
Fitsgerald, Elise Eunice, Gamma, '07.
P. Oldtown, Mass.
Fields, Florence, Theta, '11.
P. 125 E. Wiley Street, Bluffton, Ind.
Flint, Margaret, Gamma, '12.
P. Orono, Me.
Folsom, Jane Burbank, Delta, '07.
P. 35 College Avenue, Medford, Mass.
Folsom, Edith, Gamma, '12.
P. Stillwater, Me.
Foodick, Genevieve Louise, Delta, '10.
P. 17 Grand View Avenue, Somerville, Mass.
Forkner, May Harriet, Theta, '11.
P. Redkey, Ind.
T. Alpha Omicron Pi House, Greencastle, Ind.
Foster, Kate Brown, Sigma, '02.
P. 2026 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Frame, Jane Herring Loomis (Mrs. James Everett), Alpha,
P. 155 East 72d Street, New York City.
Frances, Sallie Woodard, Omicron, '05.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Fraser, Beatrice Maud, Delta, '07.
P. Marathon Street, Arlington, Mass.
Frazer, Cora Ellen, Theta, '07.
P. Hillsboro, Ind.
T. Ardmore, Okla.
Fraser, Carolyn G., Delta, '08.
P. 39 Marathon Street, Arlington, Mass.
Frazer, Flora Olive, Theta, '10.
P. Hillsboro, Ind.
Frere, Mary Temperence, Pi, '01.
P. Franklin, La.
T. 1623 Carrolton Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Fulton, Eva Anna, Delta, '10.
P. Ferry Street, Maiden, Mass.
Fuller, Flora Todd (Mrs. Bert Cornelius), Nu, '03.
P. Unadilla, N . Y.
Furlong, Martha Rice (Mrs. Herbert W. F.), Sigma.
P. Pleasanton, Cal.
Gachet, Rochelle Rodd, Pi, '09.
P. 1640 Arabella Street, New Orleans, La.
Ganman, Edee Dakin, Gamma, '03.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Garland, Olive Rosamond, Nu, '02.
P. 277 Broadway, New York City.
Gaus, Daisy, Nu, '04.
P. 497 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Genung, Anna Belle, Epsilon, '09.
P. Ithaca, N . Y.
Gibson, Anna Williamson, Omicron, '07.
P. Cor. 7th and Chestnut Streets, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Gifford, Frances Crocker, Delta, '98.
P. 10J/2 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.
Gilbert, Annie Hadley, Gamma, '11.
P. Old Orchard, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Gillean, Sue Katherine, Pi, '03.
P. 1625 Second Street, New Orleans, La.
Gimper, Alma Werrow Wilson (Mrs. Earle H . ) , Pi, '00.
P. 1116 So. Ash Street, Spokane, Wash.
Glenn, Helen Mildred Lewis, Alpha, '04.
T. Hotel Regent, Sherman Square, New York City.
Glidden, Bernice Evelyn, Delta, '10.
P. 25 Emerson, West Medford, Mass.
Gookin, Nina Jackson, Omicron, '03.
P. Reidsville, N . C.
Gorman, Frances Bratt (Mrs. Bernard D.), Zeta.
P. Genea, Neb.
Graham, Margaret, Epsilon, '08.
P. Westchester, New York City.
Grant, Beatrice Alexander, Delta, '98.
P. Worburn, Mass.
Graves, Gladys Alpha, Delta, '09.
P. Worcester, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Gray, Viola Clark, Zeta, '02.
P. 1527 S. 23rd Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Green, Jeanette, Sigma.
P. 1936 Toberman Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Gresham, Katherine Okey, Omicron, '07. See Harrison.
Greve, Dorothy, Omicron, '06. See Jarnigan.
Greve, Harriet Cone, Omicron, '06.
P. 636 Douglass Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Guyol, Carolyn Beuregard, Pi, '09. See Cook.
Gurley, Helen Torry, Pi, '07. See Carter.
Hall, Alice Richardson, Alpha, '98. See Curdy.
Hall, Netha Alibe, Sigma, '11.
P. 960 Fourth Avenue, Oakland, Cal.
Hamlin, Emily, Gamma, '01.
P. Orono, Me.
Hanaburg, Florence Baline (Mrs. Emory), Gamma, '05.
Handy, Josie, Pi, '07.
P. 1720 Valence Street, New Orleans, La.
Handy, Caroline Ballou Vose (Mrs. Russel Howard), '04.
P. Manville, R. I .
Hardie, Florence May Sanders (Mrs. Eben), Pi, '05.
P. 815 Pine Street, New Orleans, La.
Hapgood, Edith Kime (Mrs. Ernest G.), Delta, '01.
P. 19 Forest Street, Newton Center, Mass.
Harmon, Helen, Delta, '12.
P. 114 Curtis Street, W. Somerville, Mass.
Harpham, Edna May, Zeta Spec.
P. 1546 South 22nd Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Harris, Grace Carolyn, Kappa, '06. See Echols.
Harrison, Katherine Gresham (Mrs. Randolph Burtan),
Omicron, '07.
P. Church Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Hart, Marion Smith, Zeta, '09.
P. 2632 Elmwood Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.
T. 745 South 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Harvey, Florence Evalyn, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Hascall, Florence King, Nu, '02.
P. n o East 16th Street, New York City.
Haven, Genevieve Marie, Delta, '09.
P. 69 Curtis Street, West Somerville, Mass.
Haynes, Ethel, Zeta, '06. See Skeen.
Haywood, Ethel Bartlett (Mrs. D . B.), Delta, '98.
P. East Baintree, Mass.
Hazlett, Helen Savage (Mrs. Richard), Theta, '09.
P. Elm Street, Greencastle, Ind.
Healey, Isabelle Combs (Mrs.)
P. 13 Park Avenue, Winchester, Mass.
Henderson, Isabelle, Sigma, '03.
P. 2150 Markett Street, Oakland, Cal.
Henry, Helen Natalie, Sigma, '03.
P. Box 84, Dinuba, Cal.
Henry, Margaret Grote Elliman (Mrs. James Buchanan),
Alpha, '02.
P. Care F. P. Freeman & Co., 25 Broad St., New York City.
Herick, Anterise L. Donsens (Mrs. Joseph L. S.), Gamma, 'oo.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Heiring, Edith Mary, Theta, '08.
P. New Harmony, Ind.
Hincks, Antense L. Consens (Mrs. Joseph L. S.), Gamma, '00.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Holden, Eleanor San ford, Alpha, '06.
P. Madsen, N . J.
Hooper, Blanche Heard, Delta, '04.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Hopson, Willie Lee, Kappa, '06.
P. Quitman, Ga.
Howard, Lillian Alica Katherine, Alpha, '06. See Perry.
Hprn, Irma, Theta, '11.
P. 314 Washington Avenue, Greenville, Ohio.
T. A. O. House, Greencastle, Ind.
Howe, Eva Marie, Pi, '04.
P. 1620 Josephine Street, New Orleans, La.
Hoy, Helen Katherine, Nu, '03 (Mrs.)
P. 569 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Huffman, Goldie Ellen, Theta, '08.
P. 807 E. Washington Street, Greencastle, Ind.
T. Roachdale, Ind.
Hughan, Ethel Margaret, Alpha, '04.
P. 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, Alpha, '98.
P. 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Hulbert, Edythe Josephina, Alpha Grad.
P. 64 West 68th Street, New York City.
Hunt, Emma Carhart Alhres (Mrs. James O'Connor), Omicron,'05.
P. West Cumberland Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Hunt, Minn Elois, Omicron, '02.
P. 509 East H i l l Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Hunter, Emma Schrieber (Mrs. Frederick M . ) , Zeta, '07.
P. Norfolk, Neb.
Huntington, Frances Willard, Gamma, '00.
P. 64 Tudor Street, Lynn, Mass.
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Hurt, Mary Neal, Kappa, '09.
P. Charlotte, N . C.
T. R. M. W. C, College Park, Va.
Hurty, Kathleen Elizabeth, Alpha, '07.
P. 44 West 106 Street, New York City.
Ives, Edith Prescott (Mrs. Frederick Augustus), Nu, '05.
P. 145 West 123rd Street, New York City.
Ivy, Alice Palfery, Pi, '03.
P. 1556 Calhoun Street, New Orleans, La.
Jackson, Mabel, Delta, '06.
P. Lexington, Mass.
Jacques, Laura, Theta, ' n .
P. 822 Pearl Street, Columbus, Ind.
T. Ladies Hall, Greencastle, Ind.
Jacques, Mary Voorhes, Alpha, '10.
P. 112 West Jersey Street, Elizabeth, N . J.
James, Nellie Kicthen (Mrs.)
Springfield, Mo.
Jarnigan, Dorothy Greve (Mrs. Miltin), Omicron, '05.
P. University of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.
Johnson, Lucette Pitney, Alpha, '07.
P. 43 Maple Avenue, Morristown, N . J.
T. Harcourt Place School, Gambiar, Ohio.
Jones, Annie Elizabeth, Zeta, '07.
P. 1700 B Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Jones, Jennie Florence Preston (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin),
Alpha, '01.
P. 67 South Prospect Street, South Orange, N . J.
Jones, Gertrude, Gamma, '06.
P. Corina, Me.
Jones, Mary Eileen, Kappa, '06.
P. Anderson, S. C.
Jordan, Edith Luella, Gamma, '10.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Jordan, Lucrette Howe, Omicron, '08.
P. Knoxville, Tenn.
T. Sullin's College, Bristol, Va.
Jowett, Blanche Isabelle, Delta, '08.
P. 56 Irving Street, West Medford, Mass.
Jung, Lillian Marie, Pi, '08.
P. 1409 Louisiana Ave., New Orleans, La.
Keating, Helen Brown (Mrs. Maurice), Delta, '97.
P. 44 Weston Street, Waltham, Mass.
Kelley, Clara Avis, Theta, '10.
P. 206 West Franklin Street, Greencastle, Ind.
Ketcham, Lottie Moore,
P. Box 81, Laurel, Md.
T. 325 East State Street, Ithaca, N . Y.
Kiefer, Louise B., Theta, '09.
P. 123 N . Jackson Street, Greencastle, Ind.
Kimball, E. Genevieve, Sigma.
P. Heraldburg, Cal.
T. 1722 Benvenue Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
King, Delia, Kappa, '11.
P. Waycross, Ga.
T. College Park Va.
King, Edna Browning, Zeta, '07.
P. 1115 Woods Street, Lincoln, Neb.
T. Aberdeen, S. D.
King, Lulu Ellis, Zeta, '04. See Biglow.
Kistler, Lucille Ella, Sigma, '11.
P. 1511 Walnut Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Kitchen, Nellie Ornisbee, Zeta Spec. See James.
Knight, Mae Isabelle, Sigma.
P- 337 Cedar Street, Long Beach, Cal.
Knight, Mattie Grover, Gamma, '09.
P. Deer Isle, Me. R. F. D. 32.
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Kreidler, Jessie, Zeta.
P. Fullerton, Neb.
Kuster, Una Call (Mrs. Edward Gerherd), Sigma.
P. 3612 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Kyle, Ailsy, Omicron, '11.
P. Highland Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Ladd, Esther Evelyn, Delta, '08.
P. 66 Brackenbery Street, Maiden, Mass.
Lamb, Sara Emma, Alpha, '08.
P. 2137 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Lambert, Mary Ingells (Mrs. Fred D . ) , Delta.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Lamprey, Pauline, Delta, '11.
P. 11 Fulton Street, Medford, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Lauton, Grace Dixon.
Lay, Sara Emma, Alpha, '07.
P. 2127 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Lawrence, Ruth Earle (Mrs. Richard Wesley), Alpha, '02.
P. 2519 Sedgwick Ave., University Heights, New York City.
Learell, Jessie Reade, Theta, '10.
P. Winchester, Ind.
T. Albany, Ind.
Le Gore, Lila Marie, Zeta Spec. See Ritchie.
Lee, Eugenia Converse, Alpha Spec.
P. Stafford Springs, Conn.
T. 1230 Amsterdam Avenue, New York City.
Lee, Katherine Marie, Zeta Spec.
P. 1945 E Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Leland, Fannibelle, Alpha, '05.
T. Hotel Wolcott, 4 West 31st Street, New York City.
Levering, Mary Bessie, Theta, '09.
P. 607 So. Center Street, Terre Haute, Ind.
T. Woman's Hall, Greencastle, Ind.
Lewis, Blanche Olive, Sigma, '09.
P. San Jose, Cal.
Lewis, Leonora Roberta, Pi, '04.
P. Ocean Springs, Miss.
Little, May, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Ark.
T. College Park, Va.
Loomis, Jean Herring, Alpha, '04. See Frame.
Longley, Pearle, Delta, '12.
P. Wenchester, Mass.
Loring, Lucreta Franes, Theta, '10. See Adonieit.
Lorenze, Alice Washburn (Mrs. George B.), Sigma, '05.
P. 1826 G Street, Sacramento, Cal.
Lowell, Charlotte Raymond, Delta, '03.
P. Somerville, Mass.
Lough, Dora Bailey (Mrs. James), Delta, '98.
P. 2190 Andrews Ave., University Heights, New York City.
Lyon, Elizabeth Barringer, Pi, '07.
P. 602 College Street, Clarkville, Tenn.
T. I . I . & C, Columbus, Miss.
McCaw, Marie Agalice, Kappa, '08.
P. Yorkville, S. C.
McConnell, Queenie, Omicron, '07.
P. 517 Fifth Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
McCoy, Hazel, Theta, '11.
P. Greensburg, Ind.
McCready, Cora Belle, Theta, ' U .
P. Royal Center, Ind.
McCausland, Elise Emeline, '09.
P. 233 Midway Street, Providence, R. I .
McEachron, N . Allene, Zeta, '05.
P. 2821 North 18th Avenue, Omaha, Neb.
McKeen, Helen Josephine, Nu, '07.
P. 136 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
McManes, Margaret, Gamma, '11.
P. Bangor, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
McNeal, Berenice, Sigma, '07.
P. Winters, Cal.
McPherron, Grace, Sigma, '04.
P. 1016 Orange Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
MacQuillian, Lillian Gertrude, '99.
P. 87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I .
Macdonald, Evelyn Blunt, Alpha Spec.
P. 431 Riverside Drive, New York City.
Mabry, Lucie Mabelle, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
Manchester, Alice Howard, '05.
P. 82 Olney Street, Providence, R. I .
Manning, Cora Hilda, Sigma, '10.
P. 2706 Central Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.
Mansfield, Daisy Julia, Sigma, '07.
P. Mt. Tabor Station, Portland, Ore.
Mansfield, Mildred Charlotte, Gamma, '07.
P. Orono, Me.
Many, Anna Estelle, Pi, '07.
P. 1325 Henry Clay Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Mariner, Hazel, Gamma, '12.
P. Milford, Me.
Marrin, Marie Josephine Ainsworth, Alpha, '07.
P. 1233 West 45th Street, New York City.
Marshall, Frances Worstell (Mrs. Clinton Gregory), Nu Grad.
P. 155 West 58th Street, New York City.
Martin, Muriel Eastman (Mrs. William M . ) , Sigma, '01.
P. 2259 Central Avenue, Alameda, Cal.
Marty, Eva Alia, Sigma, '06.
P. 6431 Harvard Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Mathis, lone Augusta, Kappa Spec.
P. 1210 Madsen Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
Mathews, Wingate, Kappa, '10.
P. Oak Hall, Va.
T. College Park, Va.
Matthew, Sarah Wheat, Sigma, '08.
P. 2009 Lincoln Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Maxon, Mary, Alpha, '08.
P. 239 South Tenth Avenue, Mount Vernon, N . Y.
Mayo, Janie, Omicron, '08.
P. 721 Eleanor Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Mayo, Laura Swift, Omicron, '09.
P. 721 Eleanor Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Maze, Pearl White, Theta, '08.
P. 125 Washington Street, Greencastle, Ind.
T. 49 Fifth Street N . E., Linden, Ind.
Meader, Bertha Estelle, Pi, '99. See Patton.
Medbourne, Bessie Emily, Theta, '09.
P. Culver, Ind.
T. 1644 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, 111.
Menise, Mary Young (Mrs. John), Pi.
P. Meridian, Miss.
Mercier, Adele Wathilde, Pi, '02. See Winn.
Metcalf, Felicia Leigh, Omicron, '08.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Millar, Emma Jane, Nu, '07.
P. 127 Riverside Drive, New York City.
Miller, Flora, Sigma, '05.
Los Angeles, Cal.
Miller, Helen Marie, Delta, '08.
P. Walden, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Mills, Earla, Theta, '06.
P. Andrews, Ind.
Mitchell, Elizabeth Eleanor, Zeta Spec.
P. Omaha, Neb.
T. Oberlin, Ohio.
Mohler, Gertrude, Zeta.
P. Denver, Colo.
Moise, Lo Liegh Bres (Mrs. Harold Alexander), Pi, '00.
P. 2208 Milan Street, New Orleans, La.
Moore, Martha Wickam, Alpha, 'oa.
P. 76 Passaic Avenue, Passaic, N . J.
Morrill, Evelyn Margaret, Sigma, '09.
P. 2622 Haste Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Morris, Innes, Pi, '10.
P. 1637 Palmer Ave., New Orleans, La.
Moses, Harriet Roberts (Mrs.), Delta, '04.
P. Box 34, Middleton, Mass.
Mosher, Jessie May, Zeta Spec. See Wigton.
Moss, Elizabeth Jackson, Nu, '05.
P. 306 East 120th Street, New York City.
Mullan, Helen St. Clair (Mrs. George Vincent), Alpha, '98.
P. Andrews Avenue, University Heights, New York City.
Murray, Clara May, Kappa, '08. See Cleland.
Murray, Mary Beatrice, Kappa, '07. See Wooley.
Myers, Priscella N . , Nu, '09.
P. Fulton, New York.
T. Woman's Hall, Greencastle, Ind.
Mysing, Lily Anna, Pi, '09.
P. 1319 Felicity Street, New Orleans, La.
Nelson, Bessie Louise Swan (Mrs. Arthur Mandeville), Alpha,'04.
P. 422 Homestead Avenue, Mount Vernon, N . Y.
Nelson, Katherine Baxtin, Kappa, '09.
P. Winchester, Ky.
Newman, Irene Belle, Theta, '10.
P. 612 East 13th Street, Indianapolis, Ind.
Nickerson, Abigail Waldo (Mrs. N . G., Jr.), Delta, '05.
P. 63 Prospect Street, Wallaster, Mass.
Nolan, Sarah Louise, Kappa, '08.
P. Jacksonville, Fla.
T. R. M. W. C. College Park, Va.
Norcross, Louise Bellows (Mrs. Joseph), Delta, '99.
P. 31 Woburn Street, Reading, Mass.
Norman, Mary Marguerite, Pi, '06.
P. 3811 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Norton, Mildred, Pi, '05. See Waterman.
Nunn, Virginia Lee, Kappa, '09.
P. Frankfort, Ky.
O'Neill, Laura Isabelle, Pi, '02.
P. Baldwin, La.
Orevill, Helen Willard, Gamma, '11.
P. Milltown, Mass.
Paine, Lillian Lowell (Mrs. Frederick C ) , Sigma, '02.
P. Box 34, Sonoma, Cal.
Parkerson, May Sterling, Pi, '03.
P. 2912 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.
Parmelee, Florence Mathewson, Zeta, '08.
P. 1924 Corber Street, Omaha, Neb.
T. 72 West 124th Street, New York City.
Patton, Bertha Estelle Merder (Mrs. Avery), Pi, '99.
P. Greenville, S. C.
Peake, Corris Damon (Mrs. Edmund James), Zeta, '04.
P. Barrington, 111.
Pearce, Mary, Pi, 'io.
P. Punta Gorda, British Honduras, Central America.
T. 1420 8th Street, New Orleans, La.
Pease, Marj orie Hewett, Omicron, '12.
P. Johnson City, Tenn.
Perkins, Ethel Marie, Zeta, '10.
P. 1644 Washington, Lincoln, Neb.
Perrin, Olga Helen, Gamma Spec.
P. Oakland, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Perry, Emma, Zeta, '09.
2537 P. Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Perry, Estelle M., Gamma, '06.
P. North Castine, Me.
Perry, Lillian Alice Catherine Howard (Mrs. Francis Tiffany),
Alpha, '06.
P. 45 St. Mark's Place, New Brighton, Staten Island, New
York City.
Perry, Stella George Stern (Mrs. Geroge Hough), Alpha, '98.
P. Overlook Avenue, Hackensack Heights, N . J.
Pfafflin, Frieda, Theta, '07.
P. Wawatosa, Wisconsin.
Philbrook, Beulah Frances, Gamma, ' i t .
P. Sondford, Me.
Pierce, Maude Elizabeth, Zeta Spec.
P. 745 S. 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Pilsbury, Marguerite Dorothy, Gamma, '08.
P. 4 Court Street, Belfast, Me.
Pipe, Monica, Delta, '01.
P. Chandler Street, Somerville, Me.
Piper, Elsie Ford, Zeta, '04.
P. 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Piper, Jennie Louise, Zeta, '04.
P. 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Piper, Helen M., Zeta Spec.
P. 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Pithey, Elizabeth Willard Chadwell (Mrs. Frederick Veron),
Alpha, '07.
P. Morristown, N . J.
Pollak, Wilma Vera, Alpha, '02.
P. 1730 Broadway, New York City.
Pope, Elizabeth Sophia, Nu, '06.
P. 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Potter, Helen, Nu, '08.
P. 315 West 97th Street, New York City.
Potter, Mary Grosvenor, Nu, '07.
P. 500 West 121st Street, New York City.
Powell, Ailsie Kyle, Omicron, '02.
P. Rogerville, Tenn.
T. Young's College, Thomasville, Ga.
Powell, Alfreda, Zeta, '10.
P. 2424 B Street, South Omaha, Neb.
T. 745 South 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Powell, Mildred Louise, Gamma, '99.
P. Orono, Me.
Powell, Mabel, Gamma, '05.
P. Orono, Me.
T. Ipswich, Mass.
Prahl, Josephine Anna, Alpha, '08.
P. 180th and Fort Washington Avenue, New York City.
Pratt, Josephine Southworth, Alpha, '07.
P. 11 Locust Avenue, New Rochelle, N . Y.
Prentiss, Mildred Louise, Gamma, '11.
P. 11 Washington Street, Brever, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Prescott, Jennie May Perry (Mrs. H . S.), '05.
P. Manville, R. I . R. F. D. No. 1.
Preston, Jennie Florence, Alpha, '11, See Jones.
Pritchard, Roberta Estelle (Mrs. Fred J.), Epsilon Grad.
P. 520 East State Street, Ithaca, N . Y.
Provosty, Andree Jeanne, Pi, '06.
P. 2936 Esplanade Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Provosty, Eliska Paule, Pi, '05. See Tobin.
Pyke, Margaret Learning, Theta, '09.
P. Romney, Ind.
T. Florence Hall, Greencastle, Ind.
Quackenbos, Mary Grace (Mrs. Henry Forrest), Nu, '03.
P. 3 F i f t h Avenue, New York City.
Radford, Laura Gray, Kappa, '06.
P. 199 Harrison Street, Lynchburg, Va.
Radtke, Eva Pauline, Nu, '07.
P. 213 Prospect Avenue, Mount Veron, N . Y.
Ramsey, Margaret, Kappa, '11.
P. Canden, Ark.
T. College Park, Va.
Rankin, Jessie Swain (Mrs. Semoe), Omicron, '06.
P. Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Ranlett, Helen, Nu.
P. 29 East 29th Street, New York City.
Rauh, Ida, Nu, '02.
P. 68 Washington Square S., New York City.
Rawls, Bernice Margaret, Zeta, '10.
P. 708 Adams Street, Creston, Iowa.
Ray, Verna Margaret, Sigma, '10.
P. 2154 Blake Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Reed, Edna Lyman, Pi, '00.
P. 4423 Pitt Street, New Orleans, La.
Reed, Katherine Marguerite, Pi, '00.
P. 4423 Pitt Street, New Orleans, La.
Reed, Marion Balentine (Mrs. Lowell Jacob), Gamma, '07.
P. Orono, Me.
Rembaugh, Bertha, Nu, '04.
P. 44 Poplar Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
T. 1 Broadway, New York City.
Reynolds, Pauline Burkitt (Mrs. C. A . ) , Zeta Spec.
P. Lincoln, Neb.
Remele, Ethel Mason, Delta, '08.
P. 56 Irving Street, West Medford, Mass.
Rextrow, Jennie Mildred, Delta, '10.
P. North Andover, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Rhodes, Laura Alida, Zeta, '08.
P. 2621 Charles Street, Omaha. Neb.
T. Fremont, Neb.
Rice, Frances Martin (Mrs.), Nu Grad.
P. 515 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Rice, Lillian Jeanette, Sigma, '10.
National City, Cal.
T. 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Rice, Marie Cecelia, Gamma, '02.
P. 136 Court Street, Bangor, Me.
Rich, Alice Matilda, Delta, '09.
P. 17 Lawrence Street, Chelsa, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Rich, Bernice, Gamma, '12.
P. Bradley, Me.
Rich, Marion, Delta, '07.
P. 17 Lawrence Street, Chelsa, Mass.
Richardson, Adelaide A., Alpha, '07.
P. 1105 Jennings Street, New York City.
Richardson, Irene Clara, Gamma, '09.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Richards, Maria W., Epsilon, '08.
P. 2 West 95th Street, New York City.
Roberts, Lillie Belle, Kappa, '10.
P. Valdosia, Ga.
T. R. M . W. C , College Park, Va.
Robertson, Mabelle Pearl, Sigma, '10.
P. 1132 Center Street, Salem, Oregon.
T. 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Robinson, Esther Tay (Mrs. Thomas), Delta, '00.
Robinson, Elizabeth Devereux, Alpha, '08.
P. Andrews Avenue University Heights, New York City.
Roper, Grace Candace, Zeta, '06.
P. 1732 Ryons Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Roper, Mabelle Alice, Zeta, '04.
P. 1732 Ryons Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Rose, Helen Maude Eddie (Mrs. Alanson Decatur), '99.
P. 25 Fruit Hill Avenue, Providence, R. I .
Rothchild, Sadie Frances, Nu, '04.
1215 Madison Avenue, New York City.
Russell, Mary, Gamma, '12.
P. Orono, Me.
Russell, Clara Rebecca, Delta, '04.
P. 182 Cambridge Street, Winchester, Mass.
St. Clair, Helen, Alpha, '98. See Mullan.
Safford, Dorothy Noble, Pi, '10.
P. 1306 Webster Street, New Orleans, La.
Salley, Helen Wilson, Kappa, '10.
Orangeburg, S. C.
Sanders, Flora May, Pi, '05. See Hardie.
Sanderson, Lucille Ferguson, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
T. R. M . W. C, College Park, Va.
Sandidge, Alice Burt, Pi. Grad. See Carter.
Sanville, Florence Lucas, Alpha, '01.
P. 113 Cleveden Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Saunders, Margaret Augusta, Pi, '07.
P. 2925 Coliseum Street, New Orleans, La.
Savage, Helen E., Theta, '09. See Hazlett.
Sawyer, Mildred Beatrice, Delta, ' n .
P. 22 Baker Street, Maiden, Mass.
Shaw, Christine Myrtle, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Shaw, Cora Mae, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Shaw, Mattie Grover, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Schmidt, Rose Everallyn, Sigma, '09.
P. 1031 San Antonia Avenue, Alameda, Cal.
Schramm, Ethel Bell, Alpha, '07.
P. 527 West 124th Street, New York City.
Schreiber, Emma Estelle, Zeta, '06. See Hunter.
Schultz, Florence Elizabeth, Sigma, '09.
P. 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Scott, Bessie Trinble, Alpha, '05. See Conant.
Sercomb, Margaret Grace, Alpha, '05.
P- 539 Terrace Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Sheldon, Helen Sherman, '05.
P. 1158 Westminster Street, Providence, R. I .
Sheppard, Bernice Fairfax, Kappa, '10.
Texarkana, Texas.
Sheppard, Olga Degraphenreide, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
T . R. M. W. C , College Park, V a .
Shockey, Laura Buchanan (Mrs. George Curtis), Zeta, '06.
P. 619 17th Avenue, Melrose Park, 111.
Shorley, Marion Christine, Delta, '11.
P. 19 Bellevue Street, Winthrop, Mass.
Shreve, Ada Ruth, Sigma.
P. 2911 Deacon Street, Berkeley, Cal.
T . Antioch, Cal.
Silberhorn, Rosina Josephine, Nu Spec.
P. 89 Midland Avenue, Mount Clair, N . J .
Sinclair, Mary Colcock (Mrs. F . W . ) , Pi, '02.
P. Cor. Joseph and Hurst Street, New Orleans, L a .
Skeen, Ethel Haynes (Mrs. Don), Zeta, '06.
P. Omaha, Neb. See Thomson.
Skinner, Hazel Anna, Sigma.
P. Marysville, Cal.
Smith, Alice Van Woert, Alpha, '05.
Smith, Genevieve, Kappa, '07.
P. Selma, Ala.
Smith, Holmes Mary, Omicron, '07.
P. Obian, Tenn.
Smith, Lida Knowles (Mrs. Ramsford), Gamma, '03.
P. Presque Isle, Me.
Smith, Wallace Angeline, Omicron, '07.
P. Obian, Tenn.
Spaulding, Maida Myrtle, Theta, '11.
P. Monroeville, Ind.
T . Gasport, Ind.
Spear, Alice J . , Delta, '11.
P. Start House, Tufts College, Mass.
Spears, Alice Rebecca, Zeta, '04 (deceased).
Spears, Margaret Edna, Zeta, '05.
P. 630 North 16th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Stafford, Edna Mae, Theta, '10.
P. Albany, Ind.
Stafford, Ruth Jane, Theta, '10.
P. Albany, Ind.
T. A. O. House, Greencastle, Ind.
Sterling, Katherine Grace, Zeta, '04.
P. Parker, S. D.
Stern, Stella George, Alpha, '98. See Perry.
Steward, Helen Farwell, Gamma, '09.
P. Skowlegan, Me.
Stoddard, Minette Lee, Sigma, '11.
P. 713 20th Street, Merced, Cal.
T . 1925 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Stoddard, Mildred Comins, Sigma, '00.
P. 713 20th Street, Merced, C a l .
Stokely, Anna May, Omicron, '06.
Dandridge, Tenn.
Stone, Isabelle, Epsilon Grad.
Needham, Mass.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .
Sumner, Margaret Elizabeth Clark (Mrs. Francis Bertody).
Alpha, '02.
P. Woodshole, Mass.
Swain, Gertrude, Zeta Spec.
P. Geeley Center, Neb.
Swain, Pearl Clayton (Mrs. John), Gamma, '99.
P. Bent Avenue, Maynard, Mass.
Swan, Bessie Louise, Alpha, '04. See Nelson.
Swann, Jessie, Omicron, '06. See Rankin.
Sturtevant, Ethel Powys, Delta, '07.
P. Columbus Avenue, Somerville, Mass.
Stebbein, Katherine Louise, Delta, '98.
P. 347 West 57th Street, New York City.
Steinburg, Antonia Adeline, Delta, '11.
P. Webster, Mass.
T. Tufts College, Mass.
Symmes, Gertrude Locke, Delta, '05.
Tate, Edith May, Gamma, '07.
Terment, Julia Kinne (Mrs. John H . ) , Delta, '05.
P. Foxboro, Mass.
Taylor, Mabelle Woodbury, Delta, '05.
P. Webster, Mass.
Thayer, Cora Hudson, Delta, '09.
P. Chelsa, Mass.
T . Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass.
Thomas, Mary Reeder, Delta, '08.
P. Lexington, Mass.
Thompson, E v a , Theta, '09.
P. Versailles, Ind.
T . 435 East Andrews Street, Greencastle, I n d .
Thomson, Alice Van Woert Smith (Mrs. William Sterart),
Alpha, '05.
P. 4039 Delmar Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
Thorpe, Anna Frances Muroel, Alpha, '05.
P. 732 East 26th Street, Patterson, N . Y .
Tillette, Mary Ethel, Theta Spec.
P. Peru, Ind. R. F . D . No. 8.
T . 435 East Anderson Street, Greencastle, Ind.
Toben, Eliska Paule Provosty (Mrs. John Francis), Pi, '05.
Toms, Elizabeth Iverson, Alpha, '06.
P. 44 West 128th Street, New York City.
Trigg, Emily Winferd, Zeta Spec.
P. 1817 Sewell Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Trigg, Grace Miriam, Zeta, '06.
P. 1817 Sewell Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Tupper, Margaret Christy, Delta, '08.
P. Lexington, Mass.
Tufts, Elsie, Delta, '03.
P. 1 Boylston Terrace, West Medford, Mass.
VanCott, Eleanor Elizabeth, Alpha, '02. See Brodie.
Van Duerson, Helen Tewkesbury, Alpha, '04.
P. Terrytown, N. Y .
Van Home, Katherine, Alpha, '00.
P. Miller Road, Morristown, N . J .
T . 4 Rue de Chevreuse, Paris, France.
Waggoner, Laura Moore, Omicron, '08.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Waggoner, Lois LaFayette, Omicron, '05.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Waite, Edna, Zeta, '09.
P. McCook, Neb.
Waite, Gladys Marie, Delta, '10.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Walker, Bertha Bennett, Theta, '05.
P. San Dimas, Cal.
Walker, Annie Laurie, Kappa, 'it.
P. Waycross, Ga.
T . College Park, Va.
Wallace, Charlotte Jane, Zeta Spec.
1320 So. 16th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Watson, Bernice Emily (Mrs. Walter), Gamma Spec.
Augusta, Me.
Wannamaker, Anna Ellen, Kappa, '10.
P. Orange burg, S. C.
T . R . M. W. O , College Park, V a .
Wannamaker, Lola Matilda, Kappa, '08.
P. Orangeburg, S. C .
Waters, Winfred, Zeta, '09.
P. Stanford, Neb.
Waterman, Mildred Norton (Mrs.)
P. Pensacola, Fla.
Watkins, Clarice, Kappa, '09.
P- 2933 Avenue G . , Birmingham, Ala.
Watkins, Daisy Cummings, Kappa, '10.
P. 2933 Avenue G . , Birmingham, Ala.
Watson, Geneva Elizabeth, Sigma, '11.
P . 2404 Dana Street, Berkeley, C a l .
Watkins, Julia Cooper, Alpha, '00.
P. Pleasant Street, Springfield, Mass.
Wayt, Hazel Irene, Alpha, '10.
P. 45 Woolsey Street, Astoria, Long Island, N . Y .
Webber, Mary Frances, Gamma, '06.
Water Works, State Street, Bangor, Me.
Weld, Edith Clair, Gamma, ' n .
P. Oldtown, Me.
Weeks, Anna, Sigma, '09.
P. Alhambra, Cal.
Weeks, Florence Elizabeth, Sigma, '09.
P. 1615 23rd Avenue, Oakland, Cal.
Weeks, Helen Foss, Sigma.
P. Alhambra, Cal.
Wellman, Addy, Delta, '10.
T . Start House, Tufts College, Mass.
Wells, Lillian Katherine, Omicron, '08.
P. High Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Wells, Gladys, Delta, '07.
P . 91 Perkins Street, Somerville, Mass.
T. Troy, N. Y .
Wherry, Edith Margaret, Sigma, '07.
P. Clarmont, Cal.
White, Ellen Blyth, Pi, '11.
P. Alexander, L a .
T . 1230 Washington Street, New Orleans, L a .
Whitaker, Gladys Philbrook, Theta,
P. 209 West Washington, Martinville, Ind.
T. A. O. P. House, Greencastle, Ind.
Wick, Jeanette Magdalen, Alpha, '04.
P. 417 West 144th Street, New York City.
Wigton, Jessie Mosher (Mrs. Harrison), Zeta Spec.
P. State Hospital, Lincoln, Neb.
Wilcox, May, Kappa Spec.
P. Fitzgerald, Ga.
T . College Park, V a .
Wilde, Zelpah, Delta, ' n .
P. West Medford, Mass.
Williams, Abby Allen, Delta, '09.
P. Westminster, West, Vt.
Williams, Harriet Aiken, Omicron, '12.
P . 406 St. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
T . Barbara Blount Hall, Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Williams, Mabel, Zeta, '07.
P. 1445 C Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Williams, Maude Elizabeth, Zeta, '06.
P. 1445 C Street, Lincoln, Neb.