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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 12:59:32

1914 February - To Dragma

Vol. IX, No. 2


The advantages of the college campus were thrown open to the girls, in-
cluding the use of the gymnasium, tennis courts, rowboats, art gallery and
college library.

The extension of a bid is a business transaction, and both parties should
be clearly and fully informed—especially in regard to the financial obligations.
I f this precaution is taken much future trouble will be avoided.—Rainbow of
Delta T a u Delta.

To Dragma


Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity

®abl* of (SnntPtttB

Almmtir 3asur

Directory of Officers

A Toast Vera Riebel 121
Convention 123
The Spirit of "After-Christmas"' . . . .Katharine Gordon, Kappa 129
Woman's Story of a Week in Jail . . Kate Doty, Nu, N. Y. Sun
Alumnae Intercollegiate Athletics . . . . Lillian Schordler, Alpha 139
The Kindergarten Isabelle Henderson. Sigma 144
Histories of our Alumnae Chapters 147

New York Alumna: Chapter 189
San Francisco Alumnae Chapter 197
Boston Alumnae Chapter 200
Lincoln Alumnae Chapter 220
Chicago Alumnae Chapter 222
Intimate Chat Concerning our Alumnae 223

Fellowship Announcements

Association of Collegiate Alumnae

Report of the Twelfth National Pan-Hellenic Congress

In Memoriam


Active Chapter Letters

Alumnae Chapter Letters

News of the Alumnae



News of the College and Greek World

Fraternity Expansion



Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '90, Andrew, Avenue, Uni-

versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, San Francisco, Cal.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N. J .


Grand President, Dorothy Noble Safford, 201 Wood St., Monroe, L a .
Grand Recording Secretary, Anna Estclle Many, 1325 Henry Clay Avenue,

New Orleans, La.
Grand Treasurer, Lillian Gertrude MacQuillin, 155 Angell Street, Churchill

House, Providence, R. L
Grand Vice-president, Edith Augusta Dietz, 217 West 105th Street, New York

Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , San Francisco, Cal.
Registrar, Gladys Courtian Britton (Mrs. John A., J r . ) , 425 Elwood Avenue,

Oakland. Cal.
Auditor, Ada Beatrice Donaldson, 1405 W. Church Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Examining Officer, Melita Skillen, Okanagan College, West Summerland, B. C ,

Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Ruth Capen Farmer, (Mrs. Walter),

Washburn, Wis.
Editor-in-Chief of To DKACMA, Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B.) 244

Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Calif.
Business Manager of To DRAGMA, Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave.,

East Oakland, Cal.


Delegate, Mrs. Carrie Green Campbell, 207 Allen Blvd., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mrs. J . H . Crann, A X ft, 610 Colorado St., Davenport, Iowa.


Editor-in-Chief, Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B . ) , 244 Alvarado Road,
Berkeley, Cal.

Business Manager, Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Assistant Business Manager, Margaret Henderson Dudley, 2655 Wakefield

Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Exchanges, Kate Brown Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Chapter Letters, Blanche Du Bois, San Leandro, Cal.


Alpha—Josephine Pratt, 64 Mahlsteadt Place, New Rochelle, N . Y .
Pi—Alice Ivy, 1556 Calhoun St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Elinor Byrns, 27 Cedar St., New York City, N . Y .

Omicron—Harriet Cone Greve, College of Women, Columbia, S. C .
Kappa—Iris Newton, Monroe, L a .
Zeta—Edna Spears, 630 North 6th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Rose Gardner, 1130 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Fern Thompson, Lizton, Ind.
Delta—Mrs. Maurice Keating, 244 Weston St., Waltham, Mass.
Gamma—Margaret June Kelley, Freedom, Maine.
Epsilon—Katherine Donlon, 227 Seymour Ave., Utica, N . Y .
Rho—Mrs. Carolyn Piper Dorr, Berwyn, 111.
Lambda—Alice Shinn, 638 Walsworth Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Iota—Lora Henion, Robinson, 111.
Tau—Bertha Marie Brechet, S. E . Minneapolis, Minn.


Alpha—Emma Burchcnal, 2790 Broadway, N . Y . Ave.,
Pi—Mrs. Geo. Purnell Whittington, Alexandria, L a .
Nu—Daisy Gans, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Omicron—Roberta Williams, 406 St. Charles St., Chattanooga, Tenn.

7 Kappa—Frances Alien. 1012 Federal Si.. Lynchburg. Yu.
4/Zeta—Helen Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.

Sigma—Blanche Ahlers, 2300 Divisidero St., San Francisco, Cal.
Theta—Mabel June Allen, 3311 Central Ave., Indianapolis.
Delta—Esther Ladd, 68 Brackenburg St., Maiden, Mass.
Gamma—Mary E l l a Chase, Tarrett School for Girls, 4707 Vincennes

Chicago, KB.
Epsilon—Mabel De Forest, 35 Fairview Ave., South Orange. N . J .
Rho—Julia Norton, 727 Foster St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Helen Dickinson, 1646 N . F a i r Oakes Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
Iota—Annetta Stephens Shute, 601 53rd S t , Chicago, 111.
Tau—Myrtle Wheeler, 1328 Keston St., St. Paul.


Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota.

New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumna?—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumna.—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumna:—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumna.'—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.


Alpha— Elsa Becker, 232 W. 137 St., New York City.
Pi—Delta Bancroft, 1231 Washington Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Elizabeth A. Smart, 55 Bentley Ave., Jersey City Heights, N . J .
Omicron—Mary A. Landy, Louisburg, Tenn.
Kappa—Linda Brame, College Park, V a .
Zeta—Rose Krause, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Kathleen Mains, 2037 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal.
Delta—Leslie Hooper, 124 Professor's Row, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Louise Bartlett, Orono, Maine.
Epsilon—Bertha Yerke, Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Ruby Rapp, 1114 Grant St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Lois Walton, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ethel Watts, 210 East John St., Champaign, 111.
Tau—Edith E . Goldsworthy, 421 6th St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.



r " Alpha—Maria Diaz de Villalvella, 536 W. 113 St., New York City, N . Y .

/ 13 — Pi—Margaret Foules, New Orleans, L a .

. ^ Nu—Alice Clark, 210 W. 21 St., New York City.

f Omicron—Mary Annie Landy, Barbara Blount Hall, U . of Tenn., Knoxville,

'' Tenn.

jI ^Kappa—Katherine Gordon, College Park, Virginia.

L I 3 —Zeta—Ruth Wheelock, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.

Y $T - Sigma—Mary DeWitt, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.
j I <f Theta—Florence Hughes, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, lnd.

^ (f '— Delta—Eleanor Bisbee, The Milestone, Arlington Heights, Mass.

j _ j L 2» Gamma—Louise Bartlett, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.

• - / %• — Epsilon—Ethel L . Cornell, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .

_ / "J — Rho—Edith Meers, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111.

_ ^ y —Lambda—Lois Walton, A O I I House, Leland Stanford University, Cal.

_ if — Iota—Mabel Jackson, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.

" ' 7 AiS S '^^Mdd C'HAF^TTRS ^ ^.


New Y o r k — E d i t h A. Dietz, 217 W . 105th St., New York City, N . Y .
San Francisco—Evelyn Morrill, 2525 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Providence—Louella F . Darling (Mrs. Lyman M . ) , 37 Kossuth St., Pawtucket,

R. I.

Boston—Clara R. Russell, 23 Hancock St., Winchester, Mass.
Lincoln—Viola C. Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Los Angeles—Alice Weyse, 2359 Thompson St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Chicago—Mildred H . MacDonald (Mrs. Wm.), 105 S. Austin Ave., Oak

Park, 111.






Secretary-Treasurer New York
Alumna; Chapter Alpha


To D R A G M A

VOL. I X FEBRUARY, 1914 No. 2

T o DRAGMA is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banfa, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.

T o DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and September.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.

Virginia Judy Esterly, Editor-in-Chief. Isabelle Henderson, Business


I have always liked to think of our fraternity as a beautiful, large
red rose, with petals close entwined. The golden heart of the flower
I have made symbolic of our motto, around which we all gather,
and to which we are bound in loving protection.


Come toast with me the red. red rose
That emblem of love so true;

It binds our hearts with a firmer bond,
And holds us fast to you.

And every time I look at the rose
I wish, my sisters, for you

That the rose may bring a message sweet,
Of friendship tried and true.

As the years go on and we go our way,
Let us keep our rose in view;

And live as close as the petals are.
To our motto ever true.




Dear Sister in A O I T :
With the prospect of our 1915 Grand Council meeting in mind,

the arrangements committee is now laying the foundation for many
plans which, it is hoped, will make the convention one long to be
remembered. Before our arrangements can take definite shape,
it is necessary to know approximately how many members will be
with us at that time. As can be readily understood, when we con-
sider the hundreds of organizations then convening here and the
thousands of visitors in San Francisco and all the near-by towns,
preparation for the housing of our guests must be made at an early
date. We are hoping for a large attendance, and extend to every
member of Alpha Omicron Pi an earnest invitation and the assur-
ance of a hearty welcome. But conditions are such that adequate
provision for guests cannot be arranged unless the committee has
a general idea in advance of the number of guests to be expected.
W i l l you then cut out the slip beneath, fill it in, and send it as
soon as possible to Rose Gardner, 1130 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley,
California? We are depending upon everyone for active interest
in the work of preparation, and will be grateful for any suggestions
you may have to offer.

Fraternally yours,
The Arrangement Committee.



How much we hear of the spirit of Christmas! I t is taken as a
subject for sermons preached in every Christian church at Christ-
mas time. In the newspapers there are editorials, in the Christmas
number of almost every magazine there are articles that have for
their titles "The Spirit of Christmas." And a wonderful subject it
is. Yet there is one other that is almost as beautiful, and about
which we hear little. Is there nothing to be said about the spirit
of "after-Christmas"? A feeling of love and goodwill that seems
to sweep over everything and to enter into everybody's heart, takes
hold of almost all of us at Christmas, even of those people who
are so unfortunate as to have lost most of their enthusiasm. I t is
this feeling that makes us speak a kind word to everyone we
meet and that makes us feel like emptying our pockets and giving
all we have to those who have not quite as much as we have. We
fill stockings and trim Christmas trees for the children of the slums,
we take our baskets to the almshouses, we send fuel and clothing
to the poor. We go away smiling as we think of the happiness
we have given and we go to sleep still smiling at the thought.
Yes, we have given help, and it is this joy of service that makes
us happy. The spirit of unselfish giving is the most beautiful
part of our celebration of our Lord's birth. I would not take away
anything from the nobleness of this Christmas giving, but this
in itself is not enough for us to do to keep the day that we Christians
hold closest to our hearts. We give our goods to feed the poor
during Christmas week, but what are they going to do the rest of
the year? We speak words of kindness and encouragement to our
neighbors at Christmas, but are we going to let them starve for
kind words all the other time? Shouldn't we rather keep the Christ-
mas spirit with us all year long and have Christmas as the end we
begin to work for at the beginning of the new year? I think
this thought might be our guiding-star to lead us through the year,
and then, like the other wise man in the story of Dr. Van Dyke, after
we had given our gifts of love and kindness as well as of material
things to those in need whom we met all along the roadside, we
should get a more perfect glimpse of the Master at the end of our
journey. The Spirit of Christmas means much now, but it would
mean infinitely more i f we kept our faces turned to this thought
throughout the year, as the wise men of old did to the Star of Beth-

K A T H A R I N E GORDON. Kappa.



Auburn, N . Y., Nov. 14.—Miss Madeleine Zabriskie Doty, N u
Chapter of A O I I '02, lawyer and member of the State Commission
on Prison Reform, and Miss Elizabeth C. Watson, formerly in-
vestigator for the State Factory Commission, have come out of the
woman's prison here after spending nearly a week as convicts.

No one in the prison except Warden Rattigan and Head Matron
Leonard knew who they were. They were assigned to their cells as
forgers and went through all the unpleasant experiences of real

They had some unpleasant adventures. They were stripped and
bathed by a negress and had kerosene rubbed into their hair, much
of it trickling over their bodies. The first night it was cold and Miss
Doty demanded an extra blanket and was chided for wanting luxuries.
She did not get the blanket.

The food was good enough, but wretchedly cooked. The investi-
gators found, as Thomas Mott Osborne did, that the most depressing
thing about prison life is the lack of conversation. They were not
allowed to talk except fifteen minutes a day, when the matron gave
the signal.

Miss Doty and Miss Watson complained that the system is such as
to " f i l l one's heart with rage and hate."

Other things the investigators complained of were the allowance
of one tiny towel a week, one cup of water a day, insufficiency of bed
clothing and the absence of any mental recreation.

Miss Doty in relating her experience said:
"There are many things to say, but one of the most astonishing
to me was the fact that they expurgate such periodicals as the
Youth's Companion and the Christian Science Monitor. And, think
of it, they censor Dr. Lyman Abbott's Outlook.


"We entered the prison on the Monday night before election.
I was immediately conducted to a bathroom and was obliged to strip.
Everything, even to my hairpins, was taken from me. Then I was
told to get into a tub of water.

" I made an attempt to wash myself, but I was told to keep my
hands off. A negress, an inmate, then scrubbed me, my head as well
as my body, all in the same tub. The washcloth was a piece of an old

"A bottle of kerosene was produced and poured upon my hair
and rubbed in. A prison nightgown was given to me and I was con-


ducted to a cell barefooted and locked in. My hair was not dry and
was f u l l of kerosene.

" I t got on my pillow and on my hands and face, but I had to
endure it. I t was impossible to dry the hair because one small
towel, 16 by 36 inches, was the week's allowance.

" I was unable to eat a mouthful of breakfast, and in fact during
my entire stay I could eat nothing except bread and the oatmeal,
which we had only once. The rest of the food was ruined in the

" I do not think the material was necessarily bad, but the cooking
spoiled it. As election day is a holiday, all are locked in the cells.
At 11:30 o'clock, dinner was thrust into my cell, and when the
bread basket was passed I was told to take enough for supper as
well as for dinner.

"The supper that evening consisted solely of this additional bread
and a cup of water. Any bread not eaten was gathered up to be
served again.

"The windows in the cells are painted so that you cannot see
through them.


"The first night being cold, I asked for an extra blanket. For this
I was scolded. I was told I could take the rug off the floor and put
that over me.

"When the day matron arrived she scolded because I had asked
for a blanket, and told me I had better learn I was in prison and
could not have any 'luxuries.' The second morning I would have
done any work or have endured anything to get out of the ,cell for
one single minute, so it was a great relief to go out and empty my
slop jar.

" I did this to the best of my ability, but was yelled at during the
process, the matron saying: 'Don't you know how to empty a bowl?
Hain't you used to any of the decencies of life?'

" I never dared to make reply because I was trying to be a good
prisoner and feared the 'cooler.' Yet periodically all day long I
was scolded by the matron for having asked for the blanket and was
told that i f I did not behave better I would get the 'cooler.'

" I wish to say that I overheard the ward matron complaining to
the head matron of my having asked for the blanket, the latter say-
ing that of course any girl who needed an extra blanket should have

"We were allowed only one basin of water a day, so that i f you


took your bath in the morning you were obliged to wash in the
same water both at noon and then at night on returning from the

" I n the shop you drink at the sink and you have only one cup of
water a day in your cell. This must suffice for drink night and morn-
ing, and little is left for use in brushing your teeth.


" I was transferred Wednesday to ward 7, where the routine was
as follows:

"You rose at 6 :30, dressed, swept your cell, emptied the slop jars
and then had breakfast. It was eaten in an alcove off the main corri-

"We were not allowed to speak, to turn our heads or to smile.
The object was to get the food down as quickly as possible.

"After breakfast we marched to the shops, where we sat for ten
minutes doing nothing. Then we put on capes and fascinators
and marched for exercise around the oval in the yard for half an
hour. The same deadly silence prevailed.

"On returning to the shop we were put to work hemming blankets
and making mattresses. Little work was done because nobody took
any interest. So long as you kept busy and your eyes directly in front
of you, you were left alone.

"At 11:30 we marched back in the same oppressive silence
to our cells and were locked in until 12 o'clock, when we went to
the dining table in the alcove. Here we sat again absolutely silent,
eating as fast as possible. The time consumed averaged probably less
than fifteen minutes.

"Then back to our cells, doing nothing until 1 :30. At that time
we marched to the yard again for exercise, and at 2 o'clock we were
again in the shop to work in the same deadly monotony until 4:25.

"We all folded our arms and sat absolutely still for five or ten
minutes until the shop matron said, ' A l l right, girls,' which was the
signal that we were allowed to talk for fifteen minutes.

" I thought when I entered prison, that being thrown with the
type of offenders there I should hear vile language, but during my
five days I heard only one instance of a profane word.

"The inmates were friendly, whispering ' A l l right, kid, don't
worry.' One woman, who was next to mc and to whom I spoke, in-
quired about me and about my record.


" I told her that I was a forger and that I was in for a year.


She asked i f I was married or single and I said that I was single.
She asked me i f I wrote to my mother and I said yes.

"After that she was as considerate of me as any human being
could be. Her attitude was one of respect. This spirit of good
fellowship and decency I found on all sides of me.

"At 5 o'clock we marched back to our cells, where we found bread
and pickles, or bread and cheese and tea. After our supper things
were taken from us we were left for the night.

" I f you had reading to do you could do this until bedtime i f
you didn't mind ruining your eyes. The electric light was wholly
inadequate, being too high and too feeble to give sufficient light.

"Several girls I noticed were having trouble with their eyes. I
found my room so cold that almost immediately after supper I
went to bed to keep warm.

"The women convicts are cut off from every form of self-
expression. One's humanity is literally bottled up until it seems
as i f one would burst.

" A big jolly negress who was in the punishment cell from Satur-
day until Wednesday on bread and water was there because she
had 'sassed' one of the matrons. I am sure that the reason she
did it was simply because she could no longer stand this complete
and absolute suppression.

"The negress said: ' I was all right until I was bad. I don't
know why I did it. I just couldn't help it.'


" I wish to make it plain that the treatment the matrons give the
prisoners is due to the system. While some matrons have become com-
pletely hard and impossible, there are others who are kind and
friendly and under a different system would do everything they could
to help the convicts.

"The two matrons who helped us to dress and saw us off when
we left (they thought we left because we had a reversal of sentence)
were kindness itself and rejoiced to have us go. They kept saying
how glad they were and told us to take a fool's advice and never
get in again.

"The head matron is absolutely conscientious in carrying out the
present system. Whether she believes the system is right or not
I do not know, but she is abiding strictly by the letter of the law
as she sees it.

"Also of these things I am sure: That there is no g r a f t ; that
the cells are as clean as soap and water can make them, and that


there is no vermin. I intend no personal criticism. I t is directed
toward the system.

" I offered to submit my report to the head matron, but she did
not care to see it, saying that I could not in so brief a time have
learned anything that was worth while.

"My recommendations must be thoroughly threshed out by the
entire Prison Commission before being presented. This much I
will say personally: The prison system fills one's heart with rage
and hate.

" A l l one's best instincts of fellowship, love and decency are sup-
pressed, and one is reduced to the lowest form of existence.

"Prisons ought to reform. They ought to bring out the very high-
est feeling of the human being, the spirit of love and service.

" I f a woman desires clean physical habits and shows modesty
she should be encouraged in these desires. When she is willing to
work, the work she is fitted for should be found and she should be
allowed to work to her utmost capacity.

"When she wants to love and help her fellow prisoners there ought
to be some opportunity for such expression. There should be some
recreation, some play and some opportunity to talk.

" I do not know how many women in Auburn prison can be re-
formed. When a woman has gone through the mill it is hard to
turn back. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

"But I do know that the present system must send women out
worse than they went i n ; must send many of them out half crazed
and hating society.

"The system should be changed. 1 There should be adequate prison
appropriations to carry out these changes. The State prison for wom-
en should be moved into the country and the present building given
over to the men's prison to be used as a hospital.

" There must be money enough to see that the insane and defective
can Ife cared for in separate wards, that those i l l with tuberculosis
and other diseases can have open air and proper food and that some
with drug habits can receive proper treatment and be cured.

"Money should be provided to buy the decencies of life, towels,
bedding, clothes and food, besides money to provide for more at-
tendants. The attendants work twelve hours a day, which for such
labor is barbarous cruelty for both the attendant and the prisoner,
as the prisoner suffers from the fatigue of the attendant."

Miss Doty and Miss Watson both highly commend State Super-
intendent of Prisons John B. Riley. Miss Doty said:

"We want to thank Superintendent Riley. He told us to get the


truth about the situation among women prisoners and he offered the
fullest co-operation in a most commendable manner.

"He was in thorough sympathy with our work and we feel very
grateful to him because we are sure we obtained a point of view
that could have been obtained in no other way and that will assist
him in making reforms that he feels are needed. As there were
two of us our evidence is doubly strong."—From the New York Sun,
November 15.


Never an inkling of college athletics for alumna? was heard until
January, 1913, when an appeal was made to the directors of the
Alumna? Association of Barnard College for an official committee
to take charge of athletics for Barnard alumna?. Now athletics for
graduates of women's colleges is so popular and accepted a thing
in New York that few will believe that this wonderfully successful
and firmly established movement is in reality something less than
a year old.

The demand for an authoritative alumna? athletic committee arose
because a certain group of Barnard alumna?, especially active in
athletics in undergraduate days, found that business hours were de-
priving them of their accustomed share of athletic exercise after
graduation. They looked high and low for a place which would meet
their needs for recreation, but found nothing which would offer them
exercise at times when they could take it, and more particularly,
which would offer it under inexpensive, congenial conditions. So
they decided to create a place for themselves, and asked the Barnard
Alumna? Association to appoint a committee to do this authoritatively.
Permission was readily granted, and within less than a week the
Barnard Alumna? Committee on Athletics was created, with the
object of arranging athletic activities for Barnard graduates outside
of business hours.

Teachers' College (a part of Columbia University) which has a
splendidly equipped gymnasium, was appealed to. The authorities
there received the idea with great zest, and offered specially low
terms whereby Barnard alumna? might use parts of the gymnasium
on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, when the building was open for
the regular extension work which the University carries on. The
Barnard committee sent out cards announcing its plans to a select
number of Barnard alumna?, and as a result gathered a group of per-
haps thirty enthusiasts who came from all corners of the city and


its suburbs on Tuesday and Thursday nights for handball, basket
ball, swimming, bowling or gymnasium work.

This work continued until the Gymnasium closed in May, and
the Committee, elated at its success, at once began to work out its
plans on a larger scale. The first step was to carry all of its acti-
vities out of doors, and to keep them there until the winter weather
set in. To this end it advertised summer tennis on the Barnard courts,
Saturday afternoon hockey and baseball on the campus, and even
made arrangements for outdoor horseback riding in a very informal

A l l of this took place last year, and served as an introduction
to the committee's present work, which is by far the most popular
college enterprise ever undertaken.

Its plans for indoor evening work at Thompson Gymnasium
proved so popular during the winter of 1913 that the Committee
decided, during the present winter, to abandon its work in connec-
tion with the general extension evenings, which were open to all,
and to arrange instead an evening which should be open exclusively
to a closed group of college alumnae. A t first it was planned to in-
clude only Barnard alumnae, but the Committee was quick to see
the attractiveness of establishing a big intercollegiate alumnae ath-
letic center, and then and there decided to work out its plans alojig
intercollegiate lines.

Thompson Gymnasium authorities were again appealed to, and
again responded with great enthusiasm, and finally the Alumnae
Committee on Athletics was able to announce that for a fee of five
dollars per member, the gymnasium would be open on Monday
evenings, from November to the beginning of April, exclusively
to college graduates who wanted to come there for basket ball,
bowling, gymnastics, handball and swimming. Dancing—esthetic
and folk—was also added, and has proved to be the greatest at-
traction of all.

The response to this announcement was overwhelming, and in a
very few days the Chairman was swamped with applications for
membership. • People wanted to join because of the chance for ex-
ercise in congenial company ; because they wanted the opportunity
to meet alumnae from other colleges, and most of all because they
wanted a place where, after working hours, they could get away
from business into another atmosphere, and relax. Applications
were received from almost five hundred alumnae, but lack of accom-
modations made it necessary to restrict the number of members to
110, admitted on a strictly "first come, first served" basis. The


final list includes alumnae from almost twenty colleges, among which
are Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Smith, Vassar, Mt. Holyoke, Wells,
Wellesley, Wesleyan, Adelphi, Goucher, Randolph-Macon, Oberlin,
Brown, Michigan, Cornell. Palmira. Iowa State and the University
of Wisconsin!

This group is now well organized, and the Committee is at pres-
ent arranging a series of intercollegiate basket ball and water polo
teams. A great many players who were athletic "stars" in college
days are taking part, and the games are particularly enjoyable be-
cause intercollegiate sports for women have not been possible until
this time, due to faculty rulings for undergraduates.

In addition to the Monday alumnae athletic evenings, the Committee
made arrangements this winter with one of the leading New York
academies to conduct a class in horseback riding on Tuesday evenings
throughout the indoor season. For a fee of ten dollars each mem-
ber has the privilege of eight two-hour rides, and this fee has in-
cluded instruction. The ring is used on Fridays by alumnae
exclusively. The exceptionally low rates, and the fact that girls
are able to ride in middy blouses and bloomers instead of habits,
have attracted a great many alumnae from all colleges who have pre-
viously been unable to ride because of the expense. The evening's
work includes general riding, drill, polo, basket ball on horseback
and games of all kinds. The first intercollegiate games of basket
ball on horseback ever played—by men or women—will be played
off this winter!

Plans for next year are extensive—they must be because of the
demand. Three general evenings and two riding evenings will
probably be run during the coming winter. The more immediate
spring plans, however, include every possible form o f ' outdoor
exercise—horseback riding, hockey, tennis, baseball, basket ball, and
perhaps even a series of week-end hikes!

A l l of this work is being carried on chiefly for college women
who are in business. They, particularly, feel the lack of play,
which was so important an element in undergraduate days. There
are of course any number of centers where women can find exercise,
but a college woman loves to play with college women, and the com-
mittee is trying to provide a center where this will be possible—
where a graduate can get away from the business atmosphere in
which she works and get back into the old college spirit of play.
The committee's list includes graduates from 1885 through 1913.
and counts among its members teachers, clerks, artists, architects,
social workers, musicians, private secretaries with salaries ranging



from $600 to $2000 or more a year, literary novices, experienced
editors, laboratory assistants and so forth—as fascinating and in-
teresting a group as one would want to find. And the spirit in which
they come together cannot be duplicated anywhere.

The undertaking has certainly been worth the endless effort spent
in launching it. The plan, which was originated by Barnard alum-
na? and carried on at first as a small, purely local affair, has grown
in less than a year to immense proportions. Its possibilities, still
undeveloped, are enormous. Summer camps, sleighing and skating
parties, horseback excursions, all-day hikes—these are only a few of
the more immediately possible developments. A t the end of it all,
of course, lies the formation of a huge college women's athletic club,
with branches in every large city in the United States.

Acorns, however, have never been known to produce oak trees
over night, and the Committee at present is more than gratified at
the progress of things, realizing that the seed it has planted has
already sent forth a sprout so healthy and flourishing that an ex-
ceptionally wonderful, sturdy oak is bound to follow soon.

L I L L I A N SCHORDLER, Alpha '11.



When I was a little girl, I remember of being asked what I was
going to be when I grew up. My answer was, " I am going to be
a wonderful artist, and i f I cannot be that, I want to be a kinder-
garter." An officious older one smiled at those present, and said,
"You mean a kindergart«tr." I was paralyzed at my blunder, and
if they had asked me what a "kindergarter" was—our little moun-
tain town offering no such opportunities—I am sure I would have
fainted away. I t was as vague to me as an artist—the result of his
labor was a picture—a kindergarten had something to do with the
delights and joys of little children and I am sure the only result
I had ever heard mentioned was a "paper chain."

My career through college showed me too truly, I never could
aspire to such heights as being a "picture artist." And for some un-
accountable reason, "paper-chains" began to hang around and I
became a kindergartner.

As it is always best to state one's platform in advance, I must
announce mine, kindergarten has meant more to me and has done
more for me, I am sure, than anything else I could have taken up.

The training course is broad, it deals with educational principles,
it delves into art and music, it trains the hand to mold in clay, to
paint, to cut, to tear; it trains the brain to build, to invent—but
most of all through its agencies of songs, stories, games, and materi-
als, it teaches one to know a little child.

The kindergarten is a little social community—the kindergartner,
the mediator—the children, the citizens; wrong is punished, right
stands guard. They build a city in the sand-box, with the school,
the church, the government buildings, the homes, the bakery, the
carpenter-shop, all the trade-shops; they are doing with their own
hands what they see with their eyes, that " i n the world's work, each
must help."

That the kindergarten is good for the child has always been em-
phasized but the good that it does for the kindergartner is manifold.
The trusting, loving adoration smoothes out the rough and stony
paths and it simply makes you want to be what the children think
you are, and it is worth while trying. I t rounds out a girl's l i f e ;
she can not be a snob nor a prude, she finds herself becoming an
unaffected natural girl, and within her comes the first blossoming of
true motherhood.

She is always searching for something new, she reads much, she
lives with nature, she studies pictures and music—all art; she inter-


ests herself in the community life, its workshops, factories, and
homes. A l l this knowledge she needs must have as a background
to simplify the workings and beauties of the great-world-we-live-in.
Last but not least she "verily must become as a little child."

In recent years, Madame Montessori through her Children's
Houses, has shown to all who are interested in children, what is
being done in Rome for children younger than the kindergarten age,
though indeed she goes beyond it. A limited number of graduate
kindergartners was privileged last summer in Berkeley to study
under Miss Grace Barnard, who after her return from studying in
Rome under Madame Montessori, opened the first training class
in America of Montessori Methods. We also had a practice class,
where we applied the principles and found out too truly that unless
allied with kindergarten, its educational value to the child would
be wanting. I believe Miss Barnard is now writing a book, so I
hesitate to say many things, and Madam Montessori, herself, is in
America. Still people will have Montessori and those who tutor
small children must of necessity cull out the good. One must be
trained for it—yet first—be a kindergartner.

The kindergarten was the originator of organized and directed
plays and games. Was it because of its worth here that play grad-
ually spread until we now have Playgrounds and Playground Work-
ers? A playground is a large kindergarten, indeed, we still have
the little ones with sand and clay, songs and games; the intermediate
ones, too old for this and too young for team work and the older ones
in basket ball and baseball and Camp Fires.

The Camp Fire movement started in New York through the good
offices of Doctor Gulick. Its object is to "add the power of organ-
ization and the charm of romance to health, work, and play." I t
need not be necessarily in a playground; we have them in the
churches, Y. W C. A.'s and the schools. The certificate of guardi-
anship bears this motto:

"Thou art the Guardian. I t shall be thy task
To keep the newly kindled fire alight,
To know the earth, the sea, the stars above.
Hold happiness ; seek beauty ; follow right;
Offer a friendly hand to all who ask;
And day by day,

Lead sister feet along the golden way—
The road that leads to work, and health, and love."


I f Doctor Gulick, for he signs the certificate, had touched me with
a sword saying; " I dub thee a Knight," I would not have felt more
knighted than when I received this; it thrilled me to noble thoughts
and deeds, jet I seemed most unworthy.

The girls wear rings, hold ceremonial meetings wearing their
ceremonial costumes, and work for hours in health, home craft,
nature lore, camp craft, business and patriotism—for each honor
there is given a special colored bead.

A guardian must necessarily give a great deal of thought and
preparation to the meetings and activities by "enlarging ideals and
inspiring efforts." As much as she gives to the girls just that
much and more will the girls do and make in their return.

To come back to the playground work, the hours are long; from
nine in the morning until six at night (when schools are having
vacations or holidays and on Saturdays) with a broken hour at noon
for lunch. Well, often I have felt like a worn out accordion,
from umpiring a baseball game to playing jacks—the next minute
carrying on a folk dance then bandaging an injured victim; hold-
ing a national celebration for the neighborhood or having social
evenings. A l l this makes up each day, each week, each month and
always the accordion, however worn out it may be, can manage to
play one more tune. These might sound like trials but they are not,
for one turns to each new thing with zest and joy. The qualifications
necessary? The spirit of play, a good constitution, an abundance
of humor and diplomacy and trained experience. I do not add
being a kindergartner, but such a training is of material benefit to
a playground worker.

When I was taking the ccurse at the "Chicago Training School
for Playground Workers," one of the directors, who was herself
a kindergartner, a notable settlement worker and one of Chicago's
first social playground workers, made a most interesting state-
ment. She said that a head resident in one of the settlements
told her that she would select, without hesitation, a trained kinder-
gartner for any position in the settlement from manual-training to
the social worker or friendly visitor, would select her in preference
to a college graduate. A kindergartner has the ability to adapt her-
self to conditions and the training and experience given her are
varied and along many lines.

Settlement work is f u l l of interest and charm. The position of
Social Worker seemed most interesting—and truth to tell, the social
worker was a kindergartner in the very settlement I am thinking of.

I am going to close on story telling, for I , being a kindergartner,


found my interest in this. And after the devious paths I have trod,
I think I have found my desire. Story telling is one of the higher
arts, lost long ago, and but now being revived. As it is with all
arts, there are few real artists—and i f you once hear a true one
like Mrs. Gudrun Thorne-Thomsen of Chicago, you will have ex-
perienced that soul-satisfying joy that artists imbue one with.

Telling a story seems the easiest thing in the world—to the ones
who are listening: they do not guess at the long weary hours spent
over the preparation of one story, the reducing and amplifying, the
knowing it so well one can play with it, for one never memorizes
a story. Then there is the fitting in of oneself to the atmosphere—
from soaring to the sublime heights of an epic, to the recounting of
a humorous folk tale.

I t must be handled as artistically and well as a pianist her
musical selection, or a vocalist, her song. Every tale has its partic-
ular interpretation, and its best is from the hands of an artist. The
story teller looks for her stories from the best in literature, she is
always searching. There is a wide and varied field before her, the
folk lore of all countries, the fairy tales, fables, and legends,
the epics, the books of master-writers. Always is she selecting with
the thought uppermost in her mind—that of the culture value to the

An earnest story teller devotes many hours of hard work to study
and research, and then there is the long and often tedious prepara-
tion of the story—but the compensation is well worth all the effort
spent. For to gather children around you and see the very soul
shining in their faces and intense eyes—Oh, well, there is nothing
so beautiful as being a story teller!

I S A B E L L E H E N D E R S O N . . Sigma ' 0 5 .



R e c o r d i n g Secretary of Boston
.Minima- C h a p t e r

lelta i (micron


M ( • : - . I '.! A< l I . W . M > i > i ; i RY G E N E V I E V E L O U I S E rosni<;K
I lelta
1 reasurei






In the spring of 1 9 0 5 a group of the alumnae of Alpha and N u
chapters, feeling that they might in time lose touch with fraternity
affairs unless some more direct connection than one dependent on
a sufficiently burdened active chapter secretary were devised; peti-
tioned Grand Council for a charter for a New York Alumnae Chap-
ter. They felt that such a graduate organization would have the
added advantage of bringing the alumnae of Alpha and N u more
closely together. I t now serves a third purpose. A t the time the
charter was granted, the membership of A O I I was comparatively
small, and we met few sisters from distant chapters except at con-
vention time, and our connection with other chapters was so purely
official that members from other parts of the country visited or
studied here without coming in touch with sisters from either
New York chapter. I t is now the duty of the secretary to get from
To D R A G M A or other sources, the names and addresses of members
of other chapters visiting or residing in or around New York
and invite them to join the chapter or to attend meetings whenever
possible. Then, too, the undergraduate members felt the need for
alumnae guidance in college and fraternity affairs, and with an
alumnae organization which would keep more up-to-date records of
change of address and movements of graduates than an active
chapter secretary could do, they hoped to increase alumnae attendance
at Pan-Hellenic meetings, rushing parties, initiations and general
college functions. This has proved to be the case.

The first alumnae chapter meeting was held at the home of Miss
Jessie Ashley. A l l eligible members of the classes of 1 9 0 2 and 1 9 0 4
at Barnard, as well as many alumnae of the New York University
Law School Chapter signified their desire for membership in an
alumnae chapter, and swore to the By-laws of the chapter. I t was
decided to hold four meetings a year, on alternate months from
November to May. The object of the chapter, as set forth in the
By-laws, was to continue the social intercourse between associate
members of A O I I to keep members in helpful touch with under-
graduate chapters, and to promote the interests of these chapters.
Soon after the merging of Delta Sigma and Alpha in 1 9 0 8 , the
chapter had the pleasure of initiating Mrs. Lough of Delta chapter,
and Mrs. Hanabergh of Gamma into fraternity membership. These
two sisters were the first Alphas from outside of New York that
we had the privilege of meeting as fellow workers. Mrs. Lough


served as secretary-treasurer and president, and both actives and
alumna? have pleasant memories of meetings held at her lovely
home on University Heights.

As the chapter increased in size, and the interest of the older
alumna; grew, the number of meetings was increased from four to
seven, and they were held regularly on the first Saturday of the
month from November to June. I n this way out-of-town members
could plan in advance to make their shopping or theatre engage-
ments coincide with meeting days. This plan greatly increased the

Roused by an appeal from Alpha chapter for more support and
encouragement in the face of a college situation of increasing diffi-
culty, the alumna: chapter, in the fall of 1911, decided to ask two
undergraduate members to attend each alumna? meeting, to present a
report of chapter needs, ways in which the chapter or individual might
be helpful, and a bulletin of college and chapter affairs at which
graduate attendance was desirable. This plan has been put into
operation with great benefit to both chapters, and the social or
business and executive powers of "grads" has been utilized by the
more inxeperienced actives. Only the overwrought and heckled
actives of the present Barnard chapter know what support Mrs.
Mullan was to them in the trying meetings of the Fraternity I n -
vestigation Committee last spring.

Until this year, the New York Alumna? Chapter has confined its
activities to fraternity affairs. Meetings in the form of luncheons
or tea-parties, are held at the homes of members, or at either N u
or Alpha chapter's rooms. They are largely social in character,
most of the discussion is informal, as is inevitable where the first-
comers have left before those detained by business have arrived.
There is much gossip of sisters now living in Chicago, Boston or
St. Louis, comparison of "jobs" by the business or professional mem-
bers and discussion of babies and their training by the fond mothers.
At least once a year a luncheon is held to which all the alumna?
and actives are invited. This usually takes place at some cozy tea-
room. Attendance at meetings varies from four—on Saturdays
when the Concert or Opera bills are specially alluring, or Prince-
ton played Yale—to twenty. The average is about twelve.

Spurred by the enthusiasm of our Grand President, the alumna?
decided this fall to take up some philanthropic work, and a com-
mittee was appointed to find some organization that needed such help
as we could give. Believing that members would be more interested
in the support of an institution they could work for, visit, or at least


get first-hand reports of, than one to which they would contribute
money only, the committee chose the Manhattan Day Nursery. I t
is a small nursery near Barnard College, supported mainly by people
interested in the Speyer School, which is the practice school of
Teachers' College. At the December meeting, which was preceded by
a supper at which the actives were hostesses, we cut and hemmed a
hundred and fifty cheese-cloth handkerchiefs. The matron of the nur-
sery said this was her most pressing need.

The present fraternity situation at Barnard has made the need
for an active, effective alumna? chapter greater than ever. Although
Alpha chapter has received a charter permitting it to continue for
two years, it cannot increase its membership—and the final outcome
of the situation is uncertain. It may be that it will devolve upon
N u and the New York Alumna? Chapters to keep the Alpha spirit
alive. We earnestly hope not, but we must prepare for such an event
by increasing our membership, strengthening our bonds with the
fraternity at large, and devoting the energy and time that has been
given to Alpha chapter, to "Charity" in its narrower sense.

E. H . D.


Shortly after Alpha Beta Sigma was granted a charter of Alpha
Omicron Pi as Sigma chapter, in February 1907, here alumna: were in-
itiated into Alpha Omicron Pi. A majority of these alumna" lived in
San Francisco or in its vicinity and they at onCe began planning to
form an alumna* chapter. In May, 1908 a charter was granted to
them and they became the San Francisco Alumna? Chapter. At
first there were just ten members, and of course they were all Sig-
ma Alumna?, for Sigma was the only chapter on the Pacific Coast,
at that time, and none of our eastern sisters were out here.

During the first year, meetings were held at the discretion of
the President. Then it was decided to have five meetings a year
and the dates of these meetings were decided by the chapter. The
meetings consisted of a business meeting, followed by a social hour,
during which the members "gossiped" and partook of refreshments
served by the hostesses for the afternoon. Most of the time for these
first two years was spent in perfecting the organization of the
chapter, in drawing up by-laws, and in trying to solve the thousand
and one problems which were constantly arising. And in every way,
efforts were made to assist Sigma chapter, especially after the chapter


house was partially destroyed by fire and most of the girls lost
practically everything they possessed.

The chapter grew rapidly. Its membership soon increased from ten
to almost twenty. Then Lambda chapter was installed and soon we
had the pleasure of adding to our number several of the Lambda
alumna? who live in Oakland, Berkeley, or San Francisco. About
this time, too, Mrs. Chapman, of Delta chapter came to Berkeley
to live and we welcomed our first Eastern sister. I t is hard to tell
how greatly we were benefited by these additions, for they gained us
new and valued friends, and at the same time broadened our life as
a chapter. Hitherto it had been hard, at times, to realize that we
were anything but Sigma Alumna?, but now we became Alpha Omicron
Pi Alumna? in every way, and as such our interests and our aims were
sure to become wider and more far reaching. And this broadening
of our views and of our desires and ambitions has steadily increased,
aided by association with and suggestions from members of other
chapters and by our growing knowledge of our Fraternity itself.

Wlith the growth of the chapter the question of a meeting place
presented itself. At first the meetings were held at the homes of
the different members. Then it became the custom to hold most of
the meetings at the Sigma chapter house in Berkeley, with an oc-
casional meeting at the home of one of the members. We found this
plan to work to perfection, for although we are the San Francisco
alumna? chapter a majority live on "this side of the Bay" and the
house seemed to be convenient for all. The number of the meetings
was soon increased from five to nine, to be held the first Saturday of
every month, with the exception of the three summer months. A
year ago the girls decided that they enjoyed the meetings so much
that they would continue them during the summer. We tried the
experiment last summer and found it very successful, although the
meetings were smaller than usual. So now we meet once a month
and I'm sure all of us look forward to the meetings, and regret
having to miss a single one.

One of the chief aims of the chapter has been to keep the alumna?
in closer touch with the active chapters, here in California, and we
have found several ways of doing this. Once a year a party is
given for the freshmen of Sigma and Lambda chapters, and it is a
great pleasure to meet the younger girls who will some day, we hope,
become members of our chapter. Last year we adopted the plan of
entertaining the seniors of both chapters at a luncheon held in
San Francisco, and we feel that it is a very successful one. And
last spring we descended upon Lambda chapter in a body and spent


the week-end getting acquainted with the girls and seeing their new
house, and we came away wishing that Lambda was at Berkeley, too,
so that we could see much more of the girls.

The last year has been a most important one for the chapter. We
have adopted rituals for the installation of officers and for the initia-
tion of members, and feel that this has helped materially in perfecting
our organization. And for the first time we have endeavored to
extend our sphere of usefulness beyond the Fraternity itself. So
far our efforts have been very humble ones, but we think that this
is a question which is of interest to the whole Fraternity and es-
pecially to the alumna? chapters and hope to see interest aroused
and progress made in this work in every chapter. The appointing
of a Committee on Alumna? Work is a step in this direction and we
are hoping for splendid results from it. Last, but not least, the
chapter has had the pleasure and benefit of the presence of Margaret
Sumner and Mrs. Perry at many of its meetings. Mrs. Sumner has
been with us for almost two years, and we regret exceedingly that
she is to move to Southern California before long. Mrs. Perry will,
of course, be here until after the Exposition and we hope to see
her often.

And, speaking of the Exposition, I must tell you that we are al-
ready planning for the Convention to be held out here that summer.
We are looking forward to welcoming just as many of our Alpha
Omicron Pi sisters as can possibly come and hope that the double
attraction of Convention and Exposition will bring you all to San
Francisco at that time.

Best wishes to all the chapters, active and alumna?, for an ex-
ceedingly prosperous year.


President San Francisco Alumna; Chapter.


In writing a history of Boston Alumna? Chapter it is necessary to
go back several years before our admission into Alpha Omicron Pi.
When in 1908 we were admitted to this Fraternity, we had been in
existence nearly ten years, two years as alumna? of Alpha Delta
Sigma, a local at Tufts, and seven years as a very flourishing chapter
of Delta Sigma, a smaller National with chapters at Brown Uni-
versity and the University of Maine.

In 1895 Alpha Delta Sigma, to which we owe so much, was
founded by Grace Fickett, '96, and in the f a l l of 1899 the girls just


out of college decided to form an alumna? chapter. A number of
girls met at the home of Maude Carvill, '99, for this purpose, and
the new chapter, or association as it was called, was formed in
November, 1899, with Maude Carvill as the first president. Since
that time, our history has been one of steady growth and expansion.

For the first few years the object of the chapter was chiefly social,
although its main purpose was to keep in touch with the active chap-
ter, and to encourage a deeper interest in the college among its
members. Meetings were held once a month at the homes of dif-
ferent girls and were in charge of a committee who served a collation
at its own expense. There was not much business then, but one of
our present by-laws which dates from the earliest days of our chapter
relates to the giving of the chapter wedding present, a cast or
photograph of the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and today as we
see this beautiful g i f t adorning the homes of so many of our alumna?
we seem very closely united to the earlier days of our chapter.

I n 1901 when our active chapter, with a local at Brown Uni-
versity, formed a small national fraternity under the name of Delta
Sigma, with Georgia Hodgdon, '97, as first Grand President, our
alumna: chapter continued substantially unchanged, except that we
then became an alumna? chapter of Delta Sigma. We continued to
meet once a month at the girls' homes, but owing to our rapidly
increasing numbers a nominal charge of twenty-five cents to cover
the expense of the collation was made for each girl who attended,
which charge of course was entirely apart from our annual dues.

From that time on, our meetings were particularly pleasant, and I
am sure those of us who were fortunate enough to be alumna; at
that time will never forget them. We met on the last Friday of
the month in the afternoon, some of the girls coming as early as three
o'clock with their sewing, and others arriving from time to time
until six o'clock when supper was served. A short business meeting
was usually held before supper, and everybody was expected to re-
main into the evening.

The girl at whose home the meeting was held picked her com-
mittee to help her, and in spite of the work we certainly all enjoyed
serving on those committees. I think about fifteen on an average
used to attend those meetings. A little later we changed the day
from Friday to Saturday, as it seemed to suit the convenience of more
of the girls, many of whom were teaching at a distance and could
not get home in time to attend the Friday meetings, and then the
attendance began to increase.

How proud and happy we were in the spring of 1908 when we


learned that Alpha Omicron Pi was going to take in our whole
alumna; chapter! We numbered between fifty and sixty at that time,
a goodly number to be assimilated by the new fraternity.

One of the first changes we made soon after our admission was
giving up holding our meetings at the girls' homes. Our numbers
had now so increased that it was getting to be too much of an under-
taking for one of the girls each month to prepare for so many, so we
decided to find some other way of meeting. I n the f a l l of 1909 we
began to hold our meetings in Boston at the Delft Tea Room. As
these meetings were substantially the same as we now hold, I will
describe them.

We meet just before six o'clock the last Saturday of each month
from September to May inclusive. Dinner at fifty cents a plate is
served promptly at six o'clock, after we have had an opportunity
for social greetings. After the tables are cleared we hold our busi-
ness meeting, which lasts usually until about half past eight, when
there is a further chance for greetings, and after a short time the
girls slowly depart.

I n the spring of 1909 we voted to give an annual scholarship of
$50 to the college, to be awarded each year to that senior—not neces-
sarily an Alpha Omicron Pi girl—who at the end of her junior year
has completed her prescribed work with the highest standing. We
hope to be able to increase this amount to a full scholarship before
very long.

About the same time we started a students' aid fund to help girls
in our active chapter. About $100 was subscribed by our alumna?
to this fund. I n our college where the tuition alone irrespective of
any other expense is $125 this fund has proved of great assistance
to many of our girls, and it has been managed in such a way that
none of the girls except one or two of the officers ever know to whom
any of it is loaned. This acts as a permanent fund, as it has been
loaned and returned in small amounts many times, and at present
is almost entirely repaid.

We also in January 1909 contributed two dollars to the National
Child Labor Committee, which we have done every year since then.

In 1912 when a new house dormitory was opened at college, we
furnished one of the rooms as a guest-room in memory of our de-
ceased members, Georgia Hodgdon, '97, Grace Lane. '99, Kate
Cousens Hodges, '99, Myrtle Hanson, '02, and Alice Priest, '05.
This is distinctly an Alpha Omicron Pi room. I t is adorned with
numerous fraternity banners, all the linen is embroidered with the
fraternity letters, and there is to be a plate inscribed with the names


of these girls whose memory we hold so dear. I t has been used
quite as much by others outside the fraternity as by our own alumna?
and guests. On the visit of our Grand President last spring, we
were honored by having her occupy this room.

I n the f a l l of 1912 we had to give up meeting at the Delft Tea
Room, as it was no longer open Saturday evenings. After investi-
gating many other places we decided to go to the Womens' Educa-
tional & Industrial Union, where we held our meetings until last
Thanksgiving. I n December we went back to the Delft Tea Room,
which is now open Saturday, and we hope to continue holding our
meetings there.

At one of our meetings each year we entertain the active chapter,
and this is a gala event. I t is held at the home of one of the girls,
and is usually an afternoon and evening affair. No special form of
entertainment, with the exception of a spread, is provided, but we
devote the time to becoming better acquainted with our active chapter.

We now have a membership of 104, of whom about 80 are in
good standing. As many are away teaching or engaged in other
work, and many have moved to other parts of the country, the average
attendance at our meetings is about thirty, but it is by no means the
same thirty who come every month, although of course there are a
few who come regularly. There is scarcely a meeting at which there
are not one of two who cannot be present more than once a year.
Occasionally also, alumnae from other chapters attend. There is a
very strong feeling of loyalty among our members, and when we
engage in any new undertaking we can count on at least twice that
number to share the responsibility of it. Many who cannot come
to one of our meetings for years at a time pay their dues regularly.

Our chief aim has always been to be of some real assistance to our
college and our fraternity, and to lend our support to all worthy
causes in which either is interested. When the question of definite
alumna; work came up last fall we felt that we could do more useful
work by keeping in close touch with our active chapter and helping
it maintain its high standard than by engaging in any outside enter-

C L A R A R. R U S S E L L , '04.

The alumnae girls in Lincoln had been meeting occasionally for a
social good time, but we found this was not keeping us in touch with
our active chapter nor our national organization. We decided a
permanent organization was necessary so applied for a charter.



The charter was granted at the Convention of 1910 and the
Lincoln Alumna? Chapter was installed the following Christmas at
the active chapter house. There were ten members initiated at this
time. We now have fifteen members paying dues and our average
attendance at the monthly meeting is from twelve to fourteen. Dur-
ing the holidays when our girls who teach are at home, we often have
eighteen or twenty present.

We meet the last Saturday of each month at the home of some
member who volunteers to do the entertaining and the refreshments
are left to the judgment of the hostess. The girls usually bring
their own work unless there is something to be done for the active
chapter. Just at present we are hemming napkins and tablecloths
that were Christmas gifts to the chapter house from the alumnae

We have a short business meeting sometime during the afternoon.
Our president, Viola Grey, finds it a difficult task to stop the chatting
of the married members about their babies. We are very proud
of our kindergarten that assembles each meeting with their mothers.

We give one party during the rushing season to help out the
active girls and meet with them once each year for dinner at the
chapter house.

We have not yet done any social settlement work as a chapter but
many of our girls are interested in this work independently of the
fraternity. We have this line of work in mind and possibly will lie
able to tell you something more definite about it in the future.

We have found our alumnae organization has filled a long felt
want and recommend it to other alumnae Alpha Omicrons wherever
there are enough to form a chapter however small.


That the Chicago Alumnae Chapter exists today is due chiefly
to the efforts of Lula King Bigelow, Zeta. As she had kept in touch
with names and addresses of Alpha Omicron Pi alumnae, it was she
who called us together for our installation. Our chapter was in-
stalled by Dorothy Noble Safford, October 26, 1911, at the horns of
Carolyn Dorr, Berwyn, Illinois. Only five of us were there but
we were filled with so much enthusiasm that we had no doubts
as to the future of our chapter. Mrs. Bigelow was elected our
first president.

Using the first year as a precedent for annual events, our year's
schedule was arranged early this fall. We meet each month and
combine business and pleasure.


At the September, 1913, meeting, held at the home of Merva
Dolsen Hennings, we initiated Vera Riebel, Rho. The question of
definite alumnae work was brought up and the scholarship idea was

In October we had a short business meeting in the Rho chapter
room, following the Pan-Hellenic luncheon at Evanston.

During the Thanksgiving vacation we met at one of the down-
town hotels and made scrapbooks for the children's wards in hos-
pitals. They were later taken to a home for diseased and crippled

On January 2, 1914, the chapter celebrated Founders' Day with
a luncheon at the home of Marie Vick, Evanston. I t was decided
to start a membership campaign as there are now as many more
Alpha Omicron Pi Alumna? in the vicinity of Chicago as we number
in our chapter. Mere notices of the meetings have failed to gain
their presence, so we are hoping that a concentrated attack on the
part of our committee will bring better results.

A banquet for our husbands and friends will be held February 14
at the Palmer House, Chicago, at which we are expecting as jolly
a time as we had last year.

I n April we will lunch down town with the active girls of Rho,
while the March and May meetings will be social afternoons at the
girls' homes. We call no formal meetings during the summer, but
occasionally there are little, hastily planned picnics at which a few
at least are able to be present.

We have endeavored to hold our meetings often enough and with
sufficient variety in form to retain the interest of our members. We
now have a membership of seventeen, representing five active chap-

Although we have done nothing startling in our year and a half
of life as an alumnae chapter, still we feel that we have made a
start as a real working unit of Alpha Omicron Pi, since we took the
first step in the action which will result in our 1915 Convention at
San Francisco.

M I L D R E D E. M A C D O N A L D .






Helen Beatrice Anderson is active in the capacity of Social Secre-

Mary Brackett is teaching.
Emma Burchenal is Secretary of the New York Board of Educa-

tion, is a writer of some standing and is interested in playground

Edith Burrows is teaching. She has written and published some
charming plays for children.

Esther Burgess has gone to live in Paris. Everyone who was
at the last convention will send a winged wish for happiness after

Jessie Cochran is with the Century Publishing Company.
Elizabeth Coddington is doing editorial work in the New York
office of Ginn & Co.
Agnes Dickson is Chairman of the Committee on Employment,
Associated Alumnae of Barnard College. She is an active member
of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.
Edith Dietz is teaching a class of foreigners in a New York pub-
lic school.
George Drew is teaching.
Jean Frame is Vice-president of the Associate Alumnae of Barnard
College and is active in Y. W. C. A. work.
Jessie Hughan, Socialist, is author of two important books, "The
Facts of Socialism," and "American Socialism of the Present Day."
Kathleen Hurty is teaching biology in a New York high school.
She is secretary of the New York Teachers' Biology Association.
Vera Jaques is teaching Latin.
Elizabeth Jones is also teaching.
Lucetta Johnson is teaching history and has an M . A. degree of
Ruth Lawrence is Secretary of the Associate Alumnae of Barnard
Evelyn MacDonald is studying art.
Helen Mullan is active in civic work. She is a member of the
advisory committee to the Mayor's Commission of Markets, New
York City, 1912-13. She is chairman of the local school board; is


a member of the New York Bar and was President of the Associate
Alumnee of Barnard College, 1912-13.

Stella Stern Perry is the author of a number of children's books.
She is active in child labor and civic work. Her new book, "When
Mother Lets Us Act" (Moffat, Yard & Co.) is recently on the mar-
ket and during the last month Stoke's Co. accepted another book to
appear in 1914.

Josephine Pratt is a bacteriologist and is doing important labor-
atory work in the New York Department of Health. She is chairman
of the Reunion Committee of the Associate Alumnas of Barnard.

Adelaide Richardson is secretary to the Dean of graduate work.
Columbia University.

Beatrice Ritch and Hester Rusk are teaching.
Florence Sanville is secretary of the Consumers' League, Phila-
delphia. She investigated the conditions in the Pennsylvania Silk
Mills and has published magazine articles on her work.

Mildred Schlesinger, chemist, is working at Columbia University
on a grant from the Carnegie Institute.

Lillian Schoedler is secretary of the Intercollegiate Bureau of
Occupations of New York City, and organizer and chairman of
the Intercollegiate Alumna? Athletic Association in New York. She
is also waiting impatiently for Alpha Omicron Pi songs. She is
chairman of the song committee. Disciples of Orpheus, bestir
yourselves! Lillian Schoedler is well fitted for this work. I t was
she who started and established the "Sing Song," the interclass
song contest, now a popular Barnard institution—among numerous
other activities of which she was the motive spirit.

Anna Thorp is head of the English department of the Hacken-
sack High School.

Elizabeth Toms is secretary to Borough president, New York City.
Viola Turck is research assistant at the chemical laboratory of Bar-
nard College.
Katherine Van Horn and Hazel Wayt are teaching.

Jeanette Wick is circulation manager of John Martin's House.
She is a partner of Ann Watkins, the well-known author's agent,
and has just returned from Europe where she went to interview dis-
tinguished authors in the interest of her firm.

Elizabeth Wyman is teaching English.
Margaret Kutner, A '12. takes the love of many with her to her
new home in Berlin.
Madeleine Zabriskie Doty, N '02, is well known as a worker and
writer in the field of social welfare.


Sue Gillean, P '03, is making her influence felt in New Orleans,
in behalf of better conditions for working women and children.

Bertha Rembaugh, N '04, is becoming distinguished among New
York attorneys, particularly for her superior work in the Surrogate's

Frances W. Marshall, N graduate, is assistant editor of St.
Nicholas, a position in which she has—and uses—the opportunity
to spread a beautiful influence.


Those who are married and living in New Orleans are: Eva
Howe Coutry, A. B . ; Nell Bres Eustis, A. B . ; Lily Mysing Fair-
child, A. B. j Flora Sanders Hardie, A. B . ; Josie Crippen King,
A. B . ; Ernestine Bres McLellan, Art School; Leigh Bres Moise,
A. B., also a D. A. R ; Blythe White Rand; Mary Colcock Sinclair,
A. B . ; Lilian Gung Stanton; Eliska Provosty Tobin; Marguerite
Cope Wood.

Married and living out of New Orleans: Alice B. Sandidge
Carter, grad. Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn.; Helen Gurley
Carter, Hammond, La.; Mary Frire Caffry, Franklin, La. j Caroline
Guyve Cook, Hot Springs, A r k . ; Bess Lyon Cox, A. B., Columbus,
Miss.; Bert Lewis Davis, A. B., Huntington, W. Va.; Marguerite
Saunders Davis, A. B., East Van Lear, K y . ; Alma Wilson Gimper,
A. B., Los Angeles, Cal.; Laura O'Niell Himel, A. B., Franklin,
La.; Cleveland Dupre McNees, A. B., she has taught six years
after graduation and is now living in Baton Rouge, La.; Mary.
Young Menise, A. B., Meridian, Miss.; Mattie Ayres Newman,
A. B., Little Rock, A r k . ; Bertha Meader Patton, A. B., Greenville,
Miss.; Josie Handy Sutherland, A. B., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;
Mildred Norton Waterman, A. B., Baton Rouge, La.; Andre Pro-
vosty Walker, A. B., Chicago, 111.; Edna Reed Whalley, A. B.,
Columbia, S. C.; Mary Thomas Whittington, A. B., Alexandria, La.;
Adele Mercier Winn, Los Angeles, Cal.

Teachers: Julia Byrne, graduate of A r t School, now teaching in
Durant College, Durant, Okla.; Edith Dupre, A. B., received her
M. A. at Cornell—has studied at Johns Hopkins—has taught in
Tennessee and is now teaching English and French at the South-
western Louisiana Industrial Institute in Lafayette, La.; Lily Dupre,
A. B. has taught in Opelousas, Alexandria, Marksville, La., and is
now teaching in Lutcher, La.—Latin, Mathematics and French;
Emily Freret, graduate of Art School, teacher of Art in Catholic


School of New Orleans, has written papers on subjects of A r t ;
Rochelle Gachet, A. B., is teaching mathematics in Alabama State
College for Girls, Montevallo, Ala.; Sue Gillean, A. B., received
her M . A. at Tulane University, teaches in Newcomb High School,
is president of Consumers' league in New Orleans, has written paper
on the "Investigation of Negro Schools," and is an active worker in
Newcomb Alumnae ; Anna Many, A. B., received her M . A. at Tulane
University, fellowship at Newcomb (mathematics) and is an active
worker in Y. W. C. A. and Newcomb Alumna?; she was elected Grand
Recording Secretary of A O I I at 1912 convention; Katherine Rees, A.
B., is teaching at Coker College, Hartsville, S. C.; Dorothy Safford,
A. B., is teaching in Monroe, La., and was elected Grand President
of A O I I at 1912 convention; Virginia Withers, A. B., is teaching
in Montevallo, Ala.


The following are those who do not teach, nor have they husband
and children to consume their time but they are busy at home with
many things which do not sound important in print: Betsey Dupre,
A. B., the last to join the alumnae ranks, expects to spend this winter
in Washington, D. C , with her brother who is a Louisiana Congress-
man ; Lucia Frierson is living in Columbus, Miss.; Alice P. Ivy, A.
B. , is Working Associate in the "Girls' Friendly Society" and is inter-
ested in several other organizations; Innis Morris, A. B., has taken
Domestic Science course at Newcomb and is I I chapter's society belle;
Mary Pierce is living in Sarasota, Fla.; Cora Spearing is a student at
the School of Music (vocal), at Newcomb—she also attends art


"Do not be worried because you have not great virtues," says
Henry Ward Beecher, "only have enough of little virtues and com-
mon fidelities and you need not mourn because you are neither a
hero nor a saint." So I am allowing that to comfort me, because
Omicron's alumnee have never set the world on fire, and so far as
I know there isn't a hero or a saint in the lot of us. Like the im-
mortal Patty, we are merely "good and beautiful and bright."

Probably the only one of us to win real distinction is Dorothy
Greve Jarnigan. Besides being the wife of a distinguished young
professor at the University of Georgia, and mother of two irresis-
tible youngsters, she is a perfectly good authoress! To those of us
acquainted with her brilliant career at Tennessee, and familiar with
her clever letters, it was no surprise that Dorothy developed into a


literary personage, finding a cordial reception in the best periodicals
for her wonderful stories. She declares that she has no fads, no
accomplishments, and no conversation except such as relates to the
propriety of spanking, or the comparative values of cereals and meat
extracts in infant nutrition.

Then there is Lucretia Jordan Bickley, daughter of Tennessee's
Dean Emeritus, and heir to a large part of his executive ability.
We persist in believing she married and moved back to Knoxville
for the laudable purpose of "binding up the actives' cut fingers"
(the quotation marks are Dorothy SafFord's). Yes, indeed she is a
suffragist, but just at present she is more absorbed in the Better
Babies Contest. There's a reason! Dainty, accomplished, versa-
tile—she is a bundle of enthusiasms, and everybody's able assistant.
She is deeply interested in the social service problem, is a member of
the City Missions Board and of St. John's Friendly Society, and
does visiting and club work under their auspices. Her chief laurels,
however, came from the splendid work she did as a member of the
Woman's Board of the National Conservation Exposition.

May Stokeley went into Y. W. C. A. work immediately after
graduation, and pretty little Mary Buchanan became a real White
Linen Nurse (the "noble expression" was no trouble at a l l ) . But
the great rank and file of what Omicron pleases to call the "bloomin'
alumnae" are teaching. I t wasn't pretty of whoever said, "Of course" !

Four of our girls specialized in Domestic Science and are teaching
that fascinating study this winter—B. Armstrong at the East Ten-
nessee State Normal. Janie Peavy in Texas, Alice Hayes in the
Nashville schools and Helen Kennedy at the Knoxville High School.

Some of us are right far from home. Harriet Greve is teaching
in the College of Women, Columbia, S. C. She ought to be writing
this, but she isn't. Felicia Metcalf is teaching in Yazoo City, Miss.
I t does sound wild, doesn't it? However, she assures us earnestly
that it is not. Laura Swift Mayo is instructor in history in the
quaint old Tennessee town of Greenville. Kathleen Douthat and
Jess McFarland are teaching away from home, but Martha Lou Jones
has a splendid position in Memphis which is practically next door
to her own town. Minn Elois Hunt and Edith Caulkins in Knox-
ville, Lillian Wells and Harriette and Roberta Williams in Chatta-
nooga, are wrestling with Young America on their native heaths.

Omicron chapter is indebted to Lillian for many a place card, for
she has an artistic bent which has received every encouragement.
She has taken up china-painting in earnest this winter, but she is
also "rolling and whipping" with a fervor that looks a bit sus-


picious. I f you want to know Harriette's particular fad, it is danc-
ing. She is going in for the new dances vigorously (appropriate
word!) what time she isn't planning additional features to a wonder-
f u l trip she is to take this summer.

As for Roberta, conglomerate is the only word to characterize her
interests. She teachers school—and likes it. She's a pillar of the
church—having done everything but preach. She has specialized
in story-telling, and frequently conducts the Story Hour at the
Union and the Public Library. She can't be restrained from the
indulgence of her rhyming propensities, and she has a passionate
interest in politics—though without the faintest, remotest, suspicion
of a desire to vote.

We used to worry in the good old days because so few Omicron
girls seemed to marry, but we are acquiring a truly creditable list
now. Three of our girls married this winter—Ailcy Kyle Peet. who
is at 92 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass.; Berenice Taylor Herbst,
in San Benito, Texas, and Marjorie Pease King who is at home in
Buffalo, N . Y.

In addition to these we have: Jess Swann Rankin, who is in-
habiting a beautiful ante-bellum mansion, which still cherishes real
Yankee cannon balls in its interesting anatomy; Myrtle Cunningham
Tompkins, who "had no idea there was so much pleasure to be
found in quiet domesticity," and whose struggles to rear George
Wythe, Jr., "according to Hoyle" frequently fill us with unholy
mirth! Queenie McConnell Owensby and Emma Albers Hunt, who
are bringing up new members for Omicron's ranks; Jess Edmunds
Cromer recently become possessed of "the prettiest bungalow in
Des Moines"; Kate Gresham Harrison, whose marriage fortunately
did not interfere with her musical career; and some five or six
others of whom, because of distance and other extenuating circum-
stances, I know little except names and addresses.

We've our ladies of leisure too. Dear Mary Rust, who is spend-
ing her first year out of school in Nova Scotia, and Louise Wiley,
who is having a prolonged visit in New England as a reward for all
the honors she carried off last June. There's Hattie and Katherine
Caldwell, who are chiefly concerned with Woman's Club work, and
Anna Gibson whose most telling club work is done in her beloved
golf. And I must mention Blossom Swift who is flitting about this
winter from one delightful house party to another, all the way
from Texas to Washington, D. C.; and Mary Powell who uses her
leisure to good purpose, being a devoted worker in the St. Paul's
Episcopal Church in Chattanooga.


So you see Omicron's alumme are just normal, happy creatures,
living and loving, working and playing—and dying of curiosity as
to what the rest of you are doing!


Omicron, '08.


lone Mailers Adams is busy making a home for husband and dear
little daughter.

Francis Maurice Allen, though living with her parents out in town,
spends lots of her time with us, having lost none of her interest in
A O I I . She is developing her great musical talent.

Laura Argne—can you imagine dear, jolly, old Laura as a "school
ma'am"? Well that's what she is doing anyway.

Anna Fields Atkinson has also joined the flock of school teachers,
but she is having a grand time, too—and we scarcely see how she
has much time to teach.

Margaret Luois Baskerville is teaching at the Mississippi Indus-
trial Institute and College.

Clarice Watkins Berry is a home maker.
Linda Rosalie Best, our next bride, will become Mrs. William
Terry on the thirty-first of December. I t will be almost an A O I I
wedding—Courtenay Chatham, maid of honor, Mary Craig Cren-
shaw and Margaret Bonner Bently, matrons of honor, and Ruby
Toombs and Ethel Terry, bridesmaids. We wish Mr. and Mrs.
Terry much happiness.

"Tootsie" is just staying at home and having a good time.
Blanche Laracy Bradshaw is just enjoying life from all we hear.
Ella Lillian Butler—we are always glad to see Ella but as we
are always so busy going to school and she teaching, we do not have
that pleasure often.
Margaret Bullit Camblos. Margaret was Kappa's last bride and
we know she made a beautiful one too. She became Mrs. James
Lyle Camblos on November the twenty-seventh.
Lillian Donovan Chapman. Home maker, very much interested
in clubs and charitable work.

Flora Rachael Clark. A l l we hear of Flora is that she is enjoy-
ing life greatly.

Clara Murray Cleland. Though Clara is busy making a happy
home for Jim she has not forgotten us and we certainly appreciate
hearing from her.

Lucy Mabry Cleveland. Home maker.


Genevieve Smith Creagh. Home maker.

Mary Craig Crenshaw. Mary is just as happy as can be with
Hal and their dear little baby girl.

Marion Davies. No news.
Ada Beatrice Donaldson. Ada is a dear little "school ma'am."
Virginia Nunn Kady. Home maker and still an interested A O IT.
Virginia and George are very happy over the "new arrival."
Annie Kate Gilbert has recently been elected president of the Texas
Randolph-Macon Alumnse. She is certainly having a most enjoyable
time—her first winter home.
Laidye Virginia Hardy. Laidye V. has given us no official warn-
ing but we hear that she is about to change her name. She says
though that she is just staying at home and having a grand time.
Bernice Sheppard Heard. Bernice Bryant and little Olga are
our pets and we all love to go to their charming home.
Marion Virginia Hearne. Marion is keeping house for her father
and brothers.
Marjorie Robbins Hicks. Marjorie left us just after Christmas
last year and since that time has travelled abroad. She is now at
home and having a wonderful time—her first winter out.
Greyson Hoofnagle. Greyson has also joined the ranks of teach-
Mary Campbell Jackson. Home maker.
Annie Leland Lunne. We're proud of every one of our Texas
girls and of Leland especially in the social line. She had a most
exciting time last winter and is doing exactly the same this year.
Annie Linn. Annie is an instructor in Sargent School and is
very interested in her work.
May Little. Just having a wonderful time.
Katherine March. Katherine, though very much in love and busy
planning her wedding, is very interested in Kappa and we appre-
ciate more than we can say her long letter.
Delia King Pettibone. Delia is keeping house in Easton, Pa.,
and is one of the happiest people on earth.
Eileen Jones Marshall. Home maker.
Bessie Masten. Bessie is working hard at Chicago University for
her A. M . She is having a good time too, from all reports.
Iris Ross Newton. Iris is our chapter editor and has kept in
close touch with Kappa ever since she left us. Just now she is do-
ing society in Monroe.
Minnie Woodard New. Minnie is one of our charter members
as well as one of our latest brides.


Margaret Ramsay. We saw Margaret last when she visited us

last year. She is still very interested in Kappa.

Lillie Belle Roberts. Enjoying life in Valdosta.

Helen Wilson Salley. Living with her parents.

Helen O. Rear Sanfley. Helen has a most exciting time. Her

husband is a military man and makes flying trips all over the world

taking Helen around with him. Just now he is making trial flights

in war aeroplanes at Annapolis.

Lucile Sanderson Sheppard. We often hear of Lucile from Ber-

nice whose brother she married. Mr. Sheppard is a prominent Sen-

ator from Texas and Lucile is quite capable of holding up the social

end of the line.

Eleanor Somerville. Eleanor has been having the best kind of a

time in society ever since she left college. Just now she is visiting

in Macon, Ga.

Olive Summerlin. Olive has spent the last few years studying

in Baltimore.

Eleanor Lee Terry. Eleanor has been one of our most successful

teachers. A t present she is teaching in the State Normal School

in Radford, Va.

Olga Sheppard Thomas. Olga was married last spring and since

that time has been traveling in Europe. She passed through Lynch-

burg the other day and some of us caught a glimpse of her.

Marva Thompson. Marva has been flitting about having a good

time since she left college, but she is going to settle down and do

a little teaching this year.

Maude Thompson. Just like her—having a good time.

Huella Bedford Thurman. Busy as a bee with her husband and

little son.

Mary Lewis Vaden. Mary is another one of our school ma'ams—

trying her best to be stern and dignified.

Nannie Porter Vaden. Another teacher who is very popular with

her scholars.

Annie Laurie Walker. At home having a good time.

Wingate Matthews Walker. We hear that Winnie is keeping house

in an adorable little bungalow. Here's wishing her all the luck

in the world.

Lulu Matilda Wannamaker. Very busy teaching school.

Elizabeth Boswell Webber. We hear of Elizabeth every now

and then and always the same report—very popular and thinking

of nothing but society. »

Mary Wilcox. Living quietly at home.


Ruth Williams. Playing society in Birmingham.
Willie Hopson Williams. Busy with her home making.
Mary Murray Wooley. Another happy home maker.
Juno Esquiline Wright. We haven't received any official warning
from Juno yet but we hear that she is planning to change her name.
Laura Radford Yates. Laura has the sweetest little home and
two most adorable boys.


The majority of Zeta's alumna? has followed that greatest of all
profession—Home making, and there are a heartening number of
Zeta children.

Luree Breemer Beaumont is the mother of three lovely children,
a daughter and two sons. She is an active member in the Lincoln
alumna? chapter.

Mabel Williams Beachley has a little baby daughter and is an
enthusiastic fraternity worker.

Lulu King Bigelow has made herself known to many outside of
her own chapter by her strenuous work for A O I I in a national way.
She has for many years represented us in Pan-Hellenic.

Maybelle Roper Bryant is the mother of two charming children.
Nettie Chapline Campbell is an interested and interesting member
of society and is active in her sorority alumna? work.
Maude Williams Heck. Mr. Heck recently resigned his position
in the University of Colorado Springs to accept a similar position in
science in Raleigh of North Carolina. At Colorado Springs Maude
was an interested member of the Faculty Women's Club. No doubt
she will also be interested in the same kind of a club in Raleigh.
The proud mother of a beautiful little son.
Mattie Woodworth Higgins is a member of the Pan-Hellenic Asso-
ciation at Omaha, and recently elected to the office of secretary-treas-
Emma Schreiber Hunter, as wife of the superintendent of Lin-
coln public schools, has many duties to perform in the social life of
Lincoln, which" she does in her own charming and capable way. I n
addition to her many social duties Emma spends* a great deal of time
in Y. W. C. A. and social service work. She is much interested in
the Neighborhood House, a settlement among the German-Russians
which has done a great work with that element in Lincoln.
Florence Parmelee H i l l , while in school, became interested in social
service and Y. W. C. A. work. After leaving school she became a


worker in the extention department of Y. W. C. A. in New York,
working among factory girls. Her democratic spirit and breadth of
mind and tactful and sympathetic nature made her very successful in
wielding a good influence over those with whom she worked. The
next two years were spent in the same work in Iola, Kansas, and
Peoria, Illinois. She was married to Dr. Robert J. H i l l in Sep-
tember. Dr. H i l l holds a chair in sociology in Union College. Flor-
ence still is active in Y. W. C. A. work and all social service
finds her ready to help.

"For the cause that lacks assistance,
For the wrong that needs resistance.
For the future in the distance,
For the good that she may do."

Lucy Damon Keeler is the mother of two charming boys.
Laura Rhoades McCutcheon has a little son, Hugh Rhoades.
Nina Troyer Mitchell has kept up an active interest in Tau

Allene McEachron Muman is the mother of a darling baby daugh-

Corris Damon Peake has three children, two sons and one daugh-
ter. She is a member of the Chicago alumna? chapter and is inter-
ested in the active work of both Rho and Zeta. I t is very interesting
to visit Corris in her home. Mr. Peake being the manager of a large
agriculture experiment farm.

Blanche Woodworth Potter is sometimes better known as the
mother of " B i l l y Bentley Potter."

Alma Birkner Rawlings is the present secretary of the Lincoln
alumna? chapter.

Pauline C. Burkett Reynolds is the member of several social clubs
and is an active member of Lincoln alumna? chapter.

Lila Le Gore Ritchie. Lila is the member of several of the prom-
inent social and fraternal organizations of McCook. A member of
the "Shakespeare" club and the Woman's Club.

Grace Trigg Schoell. After leaving school Grace went in
Y. W. C. A. and l>egan her work among factory girls at Trenton,
New Jersey- Her large sympathy and faithful work made Lincoln
glad to have her return to her own Y. W. C. A. and she then started
organized extension work in Lincoln. The work here became
Grace's whole thought and the girls' clubs and organizations which
grew out of her efforts speak highly of her energy and purpose. The
alumna? chapter who shared her interest in her work missed her very
much when she married and went east last spring.


Katherine Sterling Ross has a little daughter.
Laura Buchanan Shockey is an enthusiastic member of the Chi-
cago chapter.

Eunice Bauman Stueffer was married in December and has gone
to Cleveland to make her future home.

Ethel Perkins Warner is the proud mother of a little girl.
Zeta has a further list of those who are doing the work of the
world in home-building about whom we can find nothing more

Grace Burr Winnette, Jessie Mosher Wigton, Madge Alderman
West, Emma Perry Thayer, Esther Devalon Smith, Ethel Haynes
Skeen, Edith Taylor Sadler, Vera H i l l Phillips, Beth Boynton
Phelps, Gertrude Mohler Krajicek, Nellie Kitchen James, Charlotte
Wallace Graham, Helen Westover Grainger, Minnie Bauman Force,
Mabel Ritchie Fordyce, Sarah Herrington Froyd, Francis Bratt Gor-
man, Leta Thompson Ericson, Alefreda Powell Fredericks, Lorene
Emery Davis, Rose Krause Chase, Laverna Barnum Cheney and
Ella Toomey Anderson.


Zeta's physical culture teachers include Martha Bell, Miriam Car-
ter, Amanda Clement, who is instructor in physical education in the
Y. W. C. A. at La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Mabel Salmon is instructor in physical education in the Y. W. C. A.
of Springfield, Missouri.

Nell Briden Baugh is teaching in the public high school at Has-
tings, Nebraska.

Stella Butler is supervisor of Music in Adiron, Iowa.
Katherine Follmer is also teaching.
Grace Gammon is teaching in a high school.
Viola Clark Gray is teaching in the Lincoln high school. Presi-
dent of the Lincoln alumna? chapter, of which as usual she is a most
enthusiastic member. Viola is very active along educational lines.
This year she attended the National Educational Association at
Salt Lake City, of which she brought home interesting reports. Viola
is much interested in the girls' clubs of the high school.

Edna Browning King is teaching English in Byron, 111.
Amy Koutz is an educator in grade work in the McCook public
schools. She is also an enthusiastic member of the Faculty Club.
Has specialized and done special work in domestic science.
Jessie Gertrude Kreidler is an educator in grade work in Lincoln
public schools. Just now she is out of school because of the poor
health of her mother.


Katherine Mary Lee is a Kindergartner and is interested in
Social Service work in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Elizabeth E. Mitchell is also a kindergartner, being director
of kindergarten in one of the public schools of South Omaha.

Florence Amelia Nombalais is teaching in the Crawford high

Meta Nunemaker is also teaching and is especially interested in

Elsie Ford Piper is an educator in Latin in Wayne State Normal,
also Preceptress of Terrace Hall, a young ladies' hall in connection
with school. She has just returned from a visit to Porto Rico, and
is much interested in the educational work in our Tropical Island.

Helen M . Piper is living with her parents. She is a teacher in
Lincoln public schools, being the director of the Everett kindergarten.

Jennie Louise Piper is teaching in the University of Porto Rico,
engaged as Critic Teacher in the training school. She is enthusi-
astic over the life in the Tropics and is particularly interested in the
training and development of the children of one of the most beauti-
f u l and productive islands of the U . S. She believes in a great f u -
ture for Porto Rico.

Janet Ramey is the principal of the high school at Greenleaf, Kan-

Mary Salome Schwertley is teaching languages and science in the
Odell high school.

Grace Candance Roper is teaching English in Kearney high school,
Nebraska. She is especially interested along the lines of elocution
and expression.

Margaret Edna Spears is teaching mathematics in the South Oma-
ha high school.

Maude Toomey is also teaching.
Hazel Vera Williams is living with her mother, and is teaching
mathematics in the high school at Ponca, Neb.
Alvina Caroline Zumervinkel is principal of the Utica high school
(Neb.), and is interested in girls' clubs.
Winnifred Waters is teaching English in the Lyons high school.


Among those who have the good fortune and leisure to live at
home are Breta Evelyn Diehl, Cora Durbin, Florence Durbin, Helen
Harper, Georgiana Jeffrey, Janet McAllister, Lois Nesbit, Elna
Nissen, Laura Peterson, Frederique Caroline Stenger, Isabelle Tyson,
Martha Walbon, Rutli Ada Wheelock, and Eloise Harker.

Edith Hall is an active member of society.


Emma Bennett is interested in art and china painting and is a mem-
ber of social clubs, and of the Lincoln alumnae chapter.

Helen Fitzgerald is also an enthusiastic social club member, and
is active in the Lincoln alumnae chapter.

Leila Lynne Gilcrest is spending the winter on her father's ranch
in Colorado.

Anabel Good has been doing postgraduate work in the University
of Nebraska. She is especially interested in languages, Latin being
a favorite. At present she is spending the winter in California with
her mother.

Edna Mae Harpham has just returned from a trip to the Panama
Canal where she was the guest of Gov. and Mrs. Metcalf. Edna is
etremely enthusiastic over her trip, the work of the canal and the
tropics and has given us several interesting reports at alumna? meet-

Marion Smith Hart is interested in art and music. Marion has
appeared in a number of recitals in Kansas City since her graduation
from college. She has also done social service work.

Hannah Lucile Johnson was recently made the head of the art
department of Townsend's Studio.

Annie Elizabeth Jones is interested particularly in music. She is
a very active member of the "Matinee Musical," one of the best
musical clubs of Lincoln. In her different recitals Annie has not
only gained a reputation as a finished pianist, but also as a whistler
of rare ability. Annie has done a great deal of work in interest of
working girl clubs and Y. VV. C. A. both industrial and social.
She is also much interested in children's organization having been
active in making the lives of- children in the Orthopedic Hospital
more happy and cheerful.

Essa Belle Roman is interested especially in music and is a social

Kathleen Ryan is teaching music.
Helen Steiner is an active society member.
Gertrude Swain is at present travelling in the South.
Emily Winnifred Trigg is especially interested in art.
Edna Waite is a member of the Woman's Club, the Shakespeare
Club, and several other social clubs of McCook, Nebraska.
Helen Mae Webb is interested in artistic photography.
Mildred Anna Butterworth is spending the winter in the South.
Ruby Deliah Charlton is the librarian at Cleveland, Ohio.
Edith Swain is one of the youngest and most active workers in the
Equal Franchise league in Nebraska. She has established and


equipped rest and reading rooms for women in her part of Nebraska
where such comforts for tired travelers is little known.



Hattie Pish Bachus, ' 0 6 , is living in Butte, Montana. She has a
small daughter. Her visits to the chapter house have been enjoyed
by the girls and her interest is constant.

Flora Miller Beach, also '06, lives in Los Angeles, where she keeps
house for her husband and little girl.

Ada Shreve Belshaw, '05, has a home in Antioch.
Genevieve Kimball Bingham, '07, with her husband and small son
and daughter, has a very attractive home in Oakland. The San
Francisco alumna? chapter remember pleasantly a meeting at which
she was hostess last year.

Gladys Curtain Britton, '10, is a "married lady" whose work for
Alpha Omicron in general and Sigma chapter in particular is as
active as ever. She is registrar of the fraternity, and will have
charge of plans for the entertainment of Grand Council in 1915.

Bernice McNeal Bryant, ' 0 7 , has just moved into a new home
built for the Bryant family, which includes a son and daughter, in

Esther Boardman Busby, '07, whose husband, it is interesting to
note, was, before their marriage, her guardian, lives in Chicago. Sig-
ma has lately heard of the birth of a daughter.

Verna Ray de Long, ' 1 0 , lives with her husband, son and baby
daughter on a ranch about eight miles from Santa Rosa. Their ex-
periences during the heavy rains have been unique, to sav the least.
Mr. de Long, for instance, travels in a boat for over a mile to mail
letters, and the country around them seems to be thoroughly inun-
dated. Although farm life was new to each of them three vears ago,
it has been very successful and has proven to have many attractions.

Margaret Henderson Dudley, ' 0 3 , is another alumna in whom
Sigma always finds interest and support. She has just completed a
year as president of the San Francisco alumna' chapter and is con-
stantly planning for Alpha Omicron's welfare in chapter extension
and other lines. She has two children, a son and a daughter, who
are very popular at the chapter house, where they occasionally appear.

Virginia Judy Esterly, ' 0 6 , has a number of varied inter-
ests. Her home, in the hills of Claremont, her small daughter, her
work as editor of T o D R A G M A . . and her membership in the Western

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