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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 12:59:32

1914 February - To Dragma

Vol. IX, No. 2


Drama Society all claim attention. She recently played the part of
Kathleen in a production of William Butler Yeats's "Kathleen-Ni-
Houhilan" given by the Western Drama Society at Carmel-by-the-Sea.
in which a number of Irish folk songs gave opportunity for her voice
to be appreciated.

Celeste La Coste Etcheverry, '05, has been giving all her attention
lately to the care of her husband in his illness. His recovery will
mean a resumption of her interests, some of which will be directed
to work for Grand Council.

Martha Rice Furlong, '04, visits Berkeley and the chapter house
occasionally from her home in Sacramento. She has a small son and

Cards were received very recently from Edna Garrett, '13, an-
nouncing her marriage to William Churchill Wetherbee. Her home
will be in Galesburg, Illinois.

Helen Bancroft Gove, '10, after her marriage and European trip,
has been busied with planning a new home in Oakland, where she and
her husband will soon be established.

Grace Batz Guyles, '09, has been, since her marriage, in Tacoma.
Washington, where her time is given to housekeeping and to a busy
social life.

Sarah Matthew Hackley, '08, is occupied by the duties of a house-
keeper and the care of her four-year-old son. She renews her frater-
nity associations at senior banquet and initiations, however, and is
interested in occasional meetings of the Y. W. C. A. alumnae of the
University of California.

Claire Hart McGill, '15, is another very recent bride, having an-
nounced her engagement at our last senior banquet. Her home is
in Oakland.

Netha Hall H i l l , '11, has moved from Berkeley to San Francisco,
and the trip combined with the care of a little son, has prevented her
attending alumna; meetings lately.

Una Call Jeffers has, since her marriage, made her home in Eng-
land, in Dorsetshire. No further news than this has been heard
of her.

Carrie Bright Kistler, '10, has continued since her marriage two
years ago, her interest in musical lines. She has lately been chairman
of the program committee at the Etude Club, a musical organization
in Berkeley, and is always much in demand. She and her husband
make occasional week-end trips to Santa Rosa, where Mr. and Mrs.
Kistler, Senior, have a ranch, but most of her time is spent at her
home in Berkeley.


Lucile Kistler Wagy, '11, has been leading a very original life
since her marriage about six months ago. Her home was first at Oil-
fields, where her husband's work was divided into two weeks of day
schedule and two weeks at night. During the latter his wife walked
over to the works each evening to visit him, going, as she writes,
"armed to the teeth like a movie heroine," and returning to bake
apple pies or write letters at ten thirty or so. Then the following
fortnight life resumed its normal program. Their home is now in

Mabel Lothrop Armstrong has been married but a short time and
has been living in Elko, Nevada.

Muriel Eastman Martin, '01, lives with her husband and three
children in Boise, Idaho. As Mr. Martin is in the ministry of the
Methodist Church, the time of his wife is devoted to the duties and
charities attendant on such a connection.

Wynne Meredith Harlowe, '13, has been married for a month and
is living in Spreckels, where her husband is connected with the
manufactories there. She is near enough to her former home in
Alameda to make occasional visits there and to the chapter house.

Edith Wherry Muckleston, '08, has attained considerable promi-
nence in the literary world. Besides contributions to the magazines
she has published a book, The Red Lantern, and will continue her
writing in addition to the keeping of her home, which is in Montreal.

Lillian Lowell Paine, '01, has changed her interests lately with
those of her husband. Formerly a civil engineer, he has taken up
farming, and both he and his wife are enthusiasts already. She has
a son who also claims her attention.

Dorothy Richardson Parkinson, '14, is the most recent of Sigma
brides, her wedding having occurred January twenty-first. I n spite
of the steady rain many of the chapter girls were there. Her home
is now in Sacramento.

Hazel Skinner Schnabel, '06, lives in Newcastle, where her home
and her two children occupy her time.

Daisy Mansfield Shaw, '07, has been in Berkeley for the last year,
after a prolonged absence. She has renewed her attendance at the
chapter house, particularly at alumnae meetings. She has a little son.

Marian Crosett Strong, '13, has lived in Berkeley since her mar-
riage last year. She is a member whose interest does not flag, and
was one of the hostesses at the last meeting of the alumnae chapter.

Hilda Manning Thompson, '10, has been in the south since her
marriage and has not, in consequence, been able to keep up her
fraternity activity, except in the Los Angeles alumnae chapter. She
has a daughter, who claims her attention.


Mary Davis Waring, '10, surprised Sigma chapter by appearing
in meeting two weeks ago. She lives with her husband and little
son, in Sacramento, and her visit to the house was a pleasant sur-
prise to many of the alumna', who happened to be there.

Mildred Stoddard Winton, '11, was before her marriage a librarian
in the Merced library. Since her marriage she has devoted her time
to keeping house and to the care of her little son.

Helen Edson Wixon, '11, lives in Los Angeles, but nothing has
been learned concerning her life in general and interests in par-

Gertrude Davis Arnold, '04, has been in America lately with her
husband, who is on furlough, and two children. They are stationed
in Che Foo, China, where Mr. Arnold is American consul, and will
start for the Orient once more on March fourth. They have divided
their time while here between Sierra Madre and Berkeley, which
latter gives opportunity for visiting the chapter house.


Florence Alvarez, '11, teaches domestic science in the Los Angeles
schools. She is not connected with any one faculty, but visits the
various classes in the department.

Edith Dickinson, '11, divides her time between kindergarten work
at the Home Club, Oakland, in the morning, and the management of
the Thompkins playground in the afternoon.

Blanche Merry Du Bois, '03, teaches mathematics and domestic
science in the Alameda high school. She is frequently in attendance
at alumnae meetings, and is much interested in Sigma development.

Irene Flanagan, '12, last year started a very successful class in
combined physical culture and folk dancing. She has this season
changed her plan to social dancing, and has a number of classes in
the new dances.

Kate Foster, '02, teaches the receiving class in the Durant school.
She is fraternity examiner and it would be difficult to find a woman
whose interest in the whole fraternity is deeper or more constant.

Rose Gardner, '11, is tutoring in Latin at Miss Ransom's school
in Oakland and is a reader in the University of California. She
has recently announced her engagement to Ralph Marp, Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, ex-'11, and a member of the Acacia fraternity.

Jeannette Green, '05, teaches in Los Angeles.
Isabelle Henderson, '05, received the training for the work she is
doing in Chicago. I n the morning she teaches a kindergarten class
in Fruitvale, and in the afternoon tells stories in the Oakland


schools. She is also business manager of T o D R A G M A , so it is evi-
dent that she leads a very active life.

Helen Henry, '03, is registrar at Mills College. She is very active
in collegiate alumna' work, and is a member of the committee in
charge of the convention of that organization in 1915. She is another
alumna who, in spite of the distance that she has to come from Mills,
is often a visitor at the fraternity house. She is also taking a course
at the university with Professor Fryer, in the department of ori-
ental languages.

Margaret Hurley, '12, teaches in her home at Phoenix, Arizona.
She spent last summer at summer school in Berkeley and lived at the
chapter house.

Juanita Judy, '15, is teaching drawing at Benicia.
Mae Knight, '06, teaches music in Long Beach.
Blanch Lewis, '09, has the receiving grades at the Hawthorne
school in West Berkeley. As her home is near the chapter house,
she is able to visit meeting occasionally, and is much interested in
almnae work.

Eva Marty, '05, is in Nebraska, where she devotes her time to
settlement work.

Grace McPherron, '04, teaches in the Los Angeles high school.
Grace Moran, '10, teaches drawing in the Turlock school.
Evelyn Morrill, '09, teaches in Miss Randolph's school in Berke-
ley. She is president of the San Francisco alumnae chapter, and is
much interested in the active chapter's doings as well.

Leona Mudgett has been teaching at Huntington Beach in South-
ern California. Her engagement to Mr. Crawford, a Stanford man
much interested in entomology, has been announced.

Ethel Porter, '13, has been teaching a grammar school at Redding.
She has written the girls of her engagement to Frederick Cullom of
that city, and will be married in May.

Lilian Rice, '10, teaches mathematics in National City. She con-
tinues her work along artistic lines for her own enjoyment, and has
sent the girls of the chapter name cards and similar favors.

Mabel Robertson, '10, teaches in the grammar school at Salem,

Norma Singleton, '13, teaches in the Pacific Grove grammar
school. Her visit to the chapter house and to Berkeley just after the
game last year was a very welcome one to all the girls.

Helen Thayer, '14, though not yet a teacher, is studying in the
Normal School at Los Angeles and upon her graduation will teach,
as is Elizabeth H i l l , '15.


Geneva Watson, '11, teaches a kindergarten of her own in Fair
Oaks. She left college to enter Miss Grace Barnard's Kindergarten
Training School in Oakland, and has found the work very congenial.

Florence Weeks, '09, is director of girls' physical training in the
Fremont high school in Oakland. I t is interesting to note that this
is the only high school in the state in which physical training is

Grace Weeks, '12, will leave in March for Los Angeles, where she
will teach architectural design in the Polytechnic School. Until
recently she has been in the office of Miss Julia Morgan, a prominent
architect of San Francisco.

Helen Weeks, '06, is teaching mathematics and chemistry in Comp-


Viola Ahlers, '08, has been- assisting her father in his business.
She is chairman of the Sigma Building Fund committee, and has
put a great deal of earnest effort into the work.

Myrtle Anderson, '13, is in Los Angeles. She has been very much
occupied with the care of her brother whose health has not been good.

Evelyn Bancroft, '13, after one trip to Europe, has once more
been traveling through many of the European and Mediterranean

Emma Black, '13, has charge of finances for Grand Council in
1915. She is anticipating a possible trip to Europe in the future to
study social conditions.

Ethel Clarke, '04, is one of the most successful photographers in
San Francisco. She makes a specialty of children's portraiture, and
produces extremely artistic results.

Olive Cutter, '11, has been graduated from the California School
of Arts and Crafts, and is at present engaged in commercial art work
of various kinds—illustrating and the drawing of posters and maga-
zine covers, to be more explicit.

Lois Forsythe, '15, has left college for her home in Santa Rosa.
She has announced her engagement to Roscoe Bergland, a Phi Sigma
Kappa man of the University of California, and plans to be married

Elizabeth Johnson, '15, is doing library work at Sacramento.
Jennett Miller, '11, is studying music with a Mr. Giffen of San
Francisco and is doing choir and ensemble work in that city. She
is a more frequent visitor at the chapter house than any of the alum-
na; and is constantly ready with interest and support. She will have
charge of the program of Grand Council meeting.


Elaine Standish, '12, has returned from Honolulu, where she
spent five months or so. She has announced her engagement to
Dr. Andrew Massie, and will be married very shortly.

Minette Stoddard, '11, has taken the place of her sister in the
Carnegie Library in Merced, after a course of preparation in sum-
mer school last year. Previous to that she was in the government
service in Washington, D. C.

Rose Von Schmidt, '09, returned last summer from Boston, where
she had completed a course in dramatic art in the Noyes School
of Acting. She has taught for the past semester in the Oakland high
school, giving a course in expression, but has given this up and w i l l
devote her time to readings, a number of which she has already
given. She has announced her engagement to George Bell, '09, of
the University of California, and a member of the Phi Kappa Psi

Anna Weeks, '07, is in Milan, studying to cultivate her voice.
A number of the girls have not as yet found it necessary to take
up any definite "career," but are enjoying the opportunity that free-
dom from studies gives to become acquainted once more with their
families and homes. Of these Blanche Ahlers, '11, Roberta Boyd,
'09, Ethel Foskett, '14, Rita Keane, '14, Georgia Meredith, '13, and
Marjorie Morris, '15. A l l except the latter, who is too far distant,
find it possible to give time and attention to the fraternity and always
include the house in a visit to Berkeley.

Of Alice Washburn Lorenz, whose name appears in the list of
Sigma members, I have no information.

R O S E G A R D N E R , Sigma.


Delta chapter's alumna? roll call is headed by the name of Mary
Grace Pickett. Miss Fickett was graduated from the Bridgewater
Normal School and taught a short time before entering Tufts in the
class of '97. She completed her college work in three years and
took her A.B. degree in '96. The following year she became a teacher
in the Gorham, Maine, Normal School where she still is. I n 1912
she went abroad and in June 1913 received her A. M . degree at
Columbia. Miss Fickett speaks often at teachers' conventions, is
very successful in her work and has written several text books for
use in elementary schools. As the founder of the local fraternity,
which became Delta chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, she is held in
respectful and loving regard by all members of the chapter.


The class of '97 has but two living members, Louise Russell A t -
wood, A. B. and Helen Brown Keating, A. B. (Mrs. Maurice G.)

Miss Atwood is interested i n the Medford Woman's Club and
last year served on the social committee of the association of Tufts
alumna?, of which she is a member. She lives with her father in
Medford, Mass. and her outside interests are but supplementary to
her duties as home-keeper.

Frances Crocker Gifford, A. B. '98, taught for a while after gradu-
ation and then took the librarian's course at Simmons College. After
completing this course, she was until this year assistant librarian at
the Boston Athenaeum. Her mother's i l l health has made it neces-
sary for her to give up her position and she is now a home keeper and
lives with her father and mother at Provincetown, Mass.

Beatrice Alexandra Grant, A . B . '98, <E> B K, after her graduation
taught in Bedford, Mass., and later became the head of the Latin de-
partment in the Woburn high school. September 14 of this year she
was married to Morris Carter and is now traveling abroad.

Instead of completing her course at College, Maidelle Cummings
de Lewandowski went abroad to study music for two years. After
there she met Dr. de Lewandowski whom she later married. After
her return she taught for a while, but since her marriage has given
all her time to her music. She is the violinist in a concert company
and a member of the Professional Woman's League.

Before her marriage Ethel Bartlett Hayward '98 (Mrs. D. B . ) ,
taught in Natick, Mass. She has two children, Helen Bartlett and
Mary Baxter, is interested in the Parent-Teachers' Association, is a
member of the association of Tufts alumnae and one of the most
interested workers in the Boston alumnae chapter.

Katharine Louise Stebbins, A . B . '98, took a course in nursing at
the Roosevelt Hospital in New York, after she received her degree
at Tufts. She is now connected with the Research Laboratory at
the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City.

Dora Bailey Lough, '98, lives in New York City, is.interested in
her home and children and is a member of the New York alumna?
association of Alpha Omicron Pi.

Martha Root Monson, '98 home keeper, is interested in golf and
social clubs.

Lizzie Maud Carvill, A.B. '99, M . D . '05. Dr. Carvill was gradu-
ated from Dr. Sargent's School for Physical Culture before she
entered Tufts. She has offices at 101 Newbury St., Boston, and
at her home in Somerville, is ophthalmologist of the N . E. Hospital
for Women and Children, director of physical education at Jackson


College and a member of the state committee of the Progressive
Party of Massachusetts. With all this Dr. Carvill finds time to be
actively interested in the Boston alumna? chapter and the association
of Tufts alumnae.

Mary Helen Eaton, '99, is a graduate of Worcester Normal School
and, after taking a special course in Tufts, taught for a while in a
private school in Arlington, Mass. and later in Woburn, Mass. She
was obliged to give up her teaching to care for an invalid father and
is now living in Hartford, Conn.

After her college days, Carrie Worthen Hodges, '99, taught
physical culture in Newport, R. I . , and later in the East Boston
high school. Since her marriage to Roger Hodges, she has devoted
her time to her home and children.

Before her marriage Louise Belom Norcross (Mrs. J. S.) '99,
A.B., 3> B K, taught in the high school in Hudson, Mass. She is
a director of the Reading College Club and has two children.

Anna Lucy Morton, B.S. '99, was known to the girls of her time
as Peter Peary of the Frozen North. ' After her graduation she
taught in the Hingham high school for a while and then took up
her work as an engraver, in which she is now engaged.

In 1900 Madge Agnes Anthony, now Mrs. Walter H . Reed, re-
ceived both A.B. and A . M . degrees and made $ B K . Like most of
the members of her class, she was active in the social life of the
college. Before her marriage she taught in the North Adams high
school and afterwards lived in Schenectady, N . Y., where she was
president of the Schenectady College Club. She now lives in Wis-
consin and has one son, Anthony.

Martha Louise Atkinson, A. B. '00, is teaching in the Laconia,
N . H . , high school.

Ethel Davis, A . B . '00, went abroad after her graduation and is
now employed by the N . E. Tel. & Tel. Co. in the statistical depart-
ment and is a member of the association of Tufts alumna? and a
number of social clubs.

Ethel Lincoln Fay, A. B. '00, $ B K, married Thomas P. Robinson
soon after her graduation. She lives in Wilmington, Mass. and
devotes her time to her home and children.

The year after her graduation, Ethel Bryant Harmon Wood
(Mrs. E. H . ) , A.B.'00, $ B K , spent in Europe, most of the time
in Munich, where she attended lectures in the university. Upon her
return she taught for four years at Stafford Springs, Conn. I n 1906
she married Edward H . Wood, who died in 1908. For three years
Mrs. Wood has been teaching English in the Arlington high school.
She has one son, George Harmon Wood.


Mary Ingalls Lambert, A.B. '00, taught in the Auburn, Me., high
school before her marriage to Fred E. Lambert, Ph.D., Professor of
Botany at Tufts College. Dr. and Mrs. Lambert spent his sabbatical
year in Europe, staying the greater part of the time in Freiburg and
Naples. Mrs. Lambert is a member of the College Club, the associ-
ation of Tufts alumna?, is interested in suffrage and has one daughter,
Elizabeth Allen.

Edith K i nne Hapgood, A.B. '01, (Mrs. Ernest O.), lives in
Newton Highlands and is devoted to her home and family of three

Monica G. Pipe, A.B. '01, is a clerk in the Probate Court of
Middlesex County, a member of the Sononia Club of Somerville, is
interested in the association of Tufts alumnae and has served on its
social committee. During 1911-12, 1912-13 she filled the position
of alumnae advisor to Delta chapter very acceptably.

Helen Adelaide Cook, '01, is home keeper and teacher of the

Another home keeper is Nina Rice Estabrook (Mrs. F. B.). '01
who lives at West Newton, Mass. and has two children.

Before her marriage Ruth Capen Farmer, A.B. '02,(Mrs. Walter
H . ) , gave readings before women's clubs. She was Grand Treasurer
of Alpha Omicron Pi, 1908-10, Grand President 1912-14 and at
present is chairman of the committee on new chapters. The ability
she has shown in the positions she has held in the fraternity is too
well known to need comment. She was the first president of the
association of Tufts alumna?, is a member of the D. A. R. and has
one son, Elmer Capen Farmer.

Emma Paul Price, A. B. '02, (Mrs. William H . ) , is now in Japan
with her husband, who is connected with Yale University. She ex-
pects to stay there three years.

Elizabeth Russell Chapman (Mrs. Charles), A.B. '02, lives in
Berkeley, Cal. She has recently returned from a year's stay in
Spain, where her son, Seville, was born at Seville.

Blanche Bruce Bryne, A. B. '03, (Mrs. John), is a home keeper.
She is interested in the association of Tuft's alumna?, is secretary of
her class and belongs to the Winchester Woman's Suffrage League.
She has one son.

Mary Winship Kingsley, A.B. and A . M . '03, * B K, studied at
Bryn Mawr for two years after receiving her degrees at Tufts and
later took a course in dramatics at Radcliffe. She has been abroad
a number of times and was in Sicily at the time of the earthquake.
She has lectured to women's clubs, has written several short stories


and a number of articles for the Boston Transcript. She also wrote
the words for the "Rose and the Ring," an operetta given by the
Jackson girls in 1912. She is a member of the association of Tufts
alumna? and the Boston College Club.

Charlotte R. Lowell, A.B. '03, played on the '03 basket ball team
while in college, was associate editor of Tufts Weekly and in the cast
of Comus. After her graduation, she was assistant in the Somerville
public library for three years, was graduated from the Fisher Busi-
ness College in 1907 and since then has been teaching commercial
branches in the Woburn high school. In 1912 Charlotte took a course
in physical culture at the Harvard Summer School and last summer
took a course in Spanish at the summer school of the University of
Porto Rico, Rio Piediac, Porto Rico.

Isabel Coombs Healey, A.B. '03 (Mrs. Warren A . ) . Suppose

we let Isabel speak for herself:

My name was Coombs—it now is Healey
I have a daughter—Eleanor.
The Healeys own a small house—in it
I find duties and joys galore.
I'm a Unitarian—suffragette,
A member of a club or two.
And so you see, I ' m very busy.
I always have a lot to do.

Ruth Harmon, '03, married Melville S. Munro, June 5, 1907 and
devotes her time to her home and son.

Elsie Tufts, '03, is private secretary and bookkeeper for the Fresh
Pond Ice Co., is a member of the association of Tufts alumna?
and is auditor for the Boston alumna? association of Alpha Omicron

When Bertha Bray, '04, A.B., was in college she was class secre-
tary for four years, on the class executive committee four years,
treasurer of the A l l Around Club, assistant editor of the Broum and
Blue and captain of the '04 basket ball team. Since her graduation
she has been teaching in the Somerville high school.

Since her graduation Blanche Hooper, '04, A. B., has been As-
sistant Librarian at Tufts College. I n 1905 she edited a history
of A 2, and served A O I I as Grand Secretary from 1910-12. She
is a member of the Association of Tufts Alumna? and has served on
several important committees.

Clara R. Russell, A. B. '04, studied at the Peruin Shorthand
School after receiving her degree and is now Private Secretary to
James H . Fahey, a lawyer in Boston, Mass. She is a member of the


Association of Tufts Alumnae, has been Corresponding Secretary of
the Boston Alumna; chapter of A O n and since 1912 has been our

Florence Walker Caunell, A. B. '04 (Mrs. W. S.), served on the
Dramatic Committee of the A l l Around Club. While in college
sang for four years in the college choir, and taught for three years
after graduation. I n 1907 she married Mr. Caunell, has one daugh-
ter, Ruth, and is Vice-president of the Association of Tufts Alumnae.

Magdalen Cushing, '04, left college during her junior year. She
lives in Jamaica Plain and is very busy socially.

Margaret Fay, '04, home keeper and violinist.

Harriet Roberts Moses, '04 A. B., $ B K, home keeper, living in
Glencoe, 111. Has three children, Harriet, Ruth and Elizabeth.

Sara Burton Field (Mrs. Charles), A. B., * B K, '05, entered with
the class of '06 but completed her work in three years. She studied
abroad a year after she received her degree and then taught until
her marriage. She has two children and lives in Long Meadow, a
suburb of Springfield, Mass.

Mabelle Taylor Bodge (Mrs. Harold H . ) , A. B. '05, home keeper.
Mrs. Bodge has one daughter, Barbara, is interested in the Arlington
Heights branch of the Sunshine Club and is Alumnae Advisor for
Delta chapter of A O I I .

Myra Fairbanks Taylor (Mrs. Amos) went to Tufts two years and
then entered the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics from which
she was graduated in 1905. She is now a home keeper and has one
son, Amos L., Jr.

Abigail Waldron Nickerson (.Mrs. Gorham H . ) went to Tufts
one year and then taught until her marriage. She has one daughter,
Priscilla, is interested and active in several clubs and served the
Boston Alumnae Chapter as Treasurer from 1909-11.

Gertrude Locke Symmes Nash (Mrs. Curtis W.) A. B. '05,
taught in primary grades in Winchester after graduation. August
23, 1911 she married Curtis W. Nash. She is a member of the
Winton Club, which works for the Winchester Hospital, of the
Ladies' Friendly of the Unitarian Church, and is also interested in
the Winchester Woman's Club, having served for two years as
Chairman of the Press Committee and is now on the Household
Economics Committee.

Julia Kinne Tarment (Mrs. John) is a home keeper and lives in
Foxboro, Mass.

Before her marriage to Charles H . Woodburry, Grace Wheeler
Woodburry, '05 A. B., taught in the Winthrop High School and is


this year teaching in the 9th grade in Fairhaven, Mass., in which
city Mr. Woodburry is sub-master in the high school. She has been
an efficient treasurer of the Boston Alumnae Chapter of A O I I for
the last year and still holds the office and is interested in the anti-
suffrage movement.

Alice Peabody Paine, A. B. '06, is an educator, teaching at Abing-

ton, Mass.
Dorothy Temple Brown, '06, has travelled abroad and while there

studied music. Last year she was soloist for the California Sym-
phony Orchestra. She is now living in Lancaster, Mass., and is
much interested in farming.

Before her marriage Louise Eames Burrage (Mrs. Alvah) taught
music in the public schools. Her home is in Reading, Mass., where
she is actively interested in local club life. She has two children.

Gertrude Bartlett Wilson (Mrs. Rodney), B. S. '07, taught in the
Boys' High School in Exeter, N . H . , before her marriage.

Beatrice Maud Fraser, '07, specialized in English for the three
years she was in Tufts. Since then she has been private secretary
to Edwin D. Mead, one of the leaders of the peace movement in

Josephine Burbank Folsom (Mrs. Milo G.), A. B., <I> B K '07,
taught school before her marriage. Since then she has been very
busy fulfilling her duties as a clergyman's wife. She has one son.

Marion Rich, A. B., A. M . , $ B K, '07, still teaches in the high
school in Webster, Mass. She has been treasurer of the Boston Alum-
nae Chapter of A O I I and is interested in the Association of Tufts

Ethel Powys Sturtevant, A. B.. '07, * B K, B. S., Simmons '08,
'09, was instructor in secretarial studies at Simmons after receiving
her B. S. degree there and later became private secretary. She was
very active in college life and is interested in every thing pertaining
to college and fraternity.

Before her marriage Frida Ungar Farnsworth (Mrs. Ray D . ) ,
A. B. '07, A. M . '09, was assistant in economics at Tufts College.
Her home is now in Newton Highlands, Mass.

Until last year Gladys Wells, A. B. '07, A. M . Radcliffe '08, was
assistant in the library at Tufts College. Now she is an assistant
in the library at the Boston Art Museum.

Mary Dolbear Sanborn (Mrs. Wm. A . ) , B. S. '08, taught science
in Hosmer Hall, St. Louis, Mo., during 1909-10 and in the Palmer,
Mass., High School 1911-12. In 1912 she married Wm. A. San-
born and their daughter Eleanor, ten months old, takes the greater
part of her time.


Carolyn Genecta Fraser, A. 13. '08, has been engaged in secretarial
work and cataloguing in the Foreign Department of the Library of
the Law School of Harvard University. She is Recording Secretary
of the Boston Alumnae Chapter of A O IT.

Blanche Isabel Jonett, A. B. '08, is teaching in St. Johnsbury, Vt.
From 1908-12 Margaret Tupper, A. B. '08, taught in the high
school. I n the summer of 1911 she was a student in Dr. Sargent's
School of Physical Training at Harvard and since 1912 has been
instructor of physical training in the Hawaiian Islands.

Esther Evelyn Ladd, A. B , $ B K '08, is teacher of English and
Latin at the Medford High School. She is Grand Council member
of A O I I and has just been appointed chapter business manager of

To D R A G M A .

After graduation Ethel M . Remele, A. B. '08, was librarian for
Stone and Webster. She became very much interested in settlement
work and is now assistant head-worker of the Elizabeth Peabody
House, Boston, Mass.

During her college course Gladys A. Graves, A. B. '09, was much
interested in dramatics and music. She taught for three years and
then took up telephone work. .She is now chief operator in the
Hyde Park exchange and besides her work is interested in music
and the Association of Tufts Alumna'.

Genevieve M . Haven, A. B. '09, taught in the high school at
Kingston, Mass., and is now teaching in the Perkins Institute for
the Blind.

Helen Miller Brown (Mrs. Marcus), A. B. '08, is home keeper
for her husband and one son. She is President of the Tuesday
Morning Club of Marlboro where her home is.

Until her marriage last spring Alice M . Rich Wakefield, A. B. '09,
taught in the high school in Wesbter, Mass. A l l Delta chapter,
active and alumna?, was invited to the wedding. She is now living
in Bayonne, N . J.

After her graduation, Dora Thayer Miner (Mrs. Arthur W.) A. B.
'09, took a course at Simmons and then taught in Pittsfield, Mass.,
in the high school. Last spring she married Arthur Miner of Pitts-
field and makes her home there.

Abby Wellman, A. B. '09, was prevented by i l l health from doing
any active work after her graduation. She is entirely recovered
now and was married a year ago to Damon Bryant Stevens.

Emma Rosalie Clough, '09, spent only one year in college but
she has proved to be one of the most loyal and interested girls Delta
ever took into the fraternity. She left college to take up business
in which she is still engaged.


Before her marriage Alice Bucknam Logie (Mrs. E. R . ) , '09,
taught school for several years. Since then she has made her home
in Acton, Ontario, Canada.

Genevieve Louise Fosdick, A. B. Tufts '10, B. S. Simmons '12.
While in college Genevieve took a prominent part in dramatics and
the leading role in the junior play. She represented the women on
the Class Day Committee and the year following commencement took
the private secretarial course for college graduates at Simmons Col-
lege. Since that time she has been employed as private secretary
in the Boston office of the advertising department of the Curtis
Publishing Co. She is corresponding secretary of the Boston Alum-
nae Chapter and chairman of the Social Committee of the Association
of Tufts Alumnae.

For two years during her college course Bernice E. Glidden, A. B.
'10, did work in the biological library and during her senior year
was assistant in the biological laboratory. She sang in the choir, took
part in class dramatics and was especially clever designing dance
orders, place cards and the class day ticket. After graduation she
took up textile designing with a Boston firm.

Jane M . Rextrow, A. B. '10, after her college course took a
course in the telephone school of the N . E. Tel. & Tel. Co. and is
now chief operator in the Brookline exchange. I n college she repre-
sented the women on the Cap and Gown Committee, was chairman of
Pan-Hellenics and Vice-president of student government, and since
graduation has been Grand Council member for Delta chapter.

Although she went to college but one year, Eva Fulton Mellish
(Mrs. Murray H . ) , '10, has always shown great interest in college
and fraternity matters. She is a home keeper and lives with her
husband and child in Maiden, Mass.

Gladys Waite Wood, '10, (Mrs. Theodore) did not complete her
college course but her interest was just as great. She has been abroad
several times and her beautiful home in Medford has been freely-
offered to Delta chapter many times. Her home is in Fairhaven,

Katharine Bickford, A. B., Marion Shorely, A. B., * B K, Mildred
Sawyer, A. B., Adeline Sternberg, A. B., and Zilpah Wilde, A. B.,
<I> B K, all of 1911, took up teaching after graduation. During col-
lege Katharine was Delta's Pan-Hellenic delegate and chairman of
the Rushing Committee. Marion had the only commencement part
among the women, and Mildred and Addie were prominent in the
social life of the college. Last year Zilpah spent abroad and has
not resumed teaching yet.


Marion Brooks, A . B., $ D K , returned f o r part o f the year 1912
to finish her work. She is now travelling i n Europe With a small
c h i l d to whom she gives her undivided attention. A l t h o u g h M a r i o n
may be envied f o r her opportunity to travel, she says it is f a r f r o m
interesting when her charge asks endless questions.

Elinor Collins ( M r s . John W. Dugan), ex-'12. Elinor stayed in
college but two years f o r John called. N o w she has a happy home
is St. Johnsbury, V t . Margaret, almost two years old, is great com-
pany f o r E l i n o r as w e l l as baby Jeanette.

Beatrice L . Davis, A . B . '12. "Baby Bee" won her name the first
day o f college. She was our star performer in all the dramatics
which took place in college. She taught one year in Connecticut but
is now attending the Worcester Domestic Science School.

Helen Hamon, ex-'12, also went to college but two years. Since
then she has studied Domestic Science at home and i n July an-
nounced her engagement to Percy Charnock, T u f t s '12.

Pauline Gardner received her A . B. degree f r o m Smith College
in 1912 but she is an A O n g i r l f o r she was w i t h us d u r i n g her
j u n i o r year. Last year she spent i n Europe and this year is l i v i n g
in Cambridge and taking special courses at Radcliffe.

The second g i r l to receive a Jackson degree was Frances Hunting-
ton, Jackson '12. She entered Jackson i n her j u n i o r year f r o m the
University o f Maine where she was an A O I I g i r l . For two years
she has been teaching in Reeds Ferry, N . D . , where she also plays
t h e ^ r g a n and teaches music.

Alice J. Spear, A . B . '12, won a prize in American history during
her senior year. W h i l e s t i l l i n college, she began social work and
is now assistant superintendent of the Somerville Boys' Club.

The year after graduation Edith Van de Bogart, A . B. '12, presi-
dent of the A l l Around Club during her senior year, spent at home.
T h i s year she is teaching i n Maine.

Pearl Longley, A . B . '12, was vice-president of her class d u r i n g
her freshman year and was active in a l l the social l i f e of the college.
She is now teaching i n Grosvenordale, Conn., and has announced her
engagement to M r . Crawford of Webster, Mass.

Pauline A . Lamprey, A . B . '12, was class poet her senior year i n
college and since receiving her degree has been teaching. T h i s year
she is i n Hollister, Mass.

Since receiving her degree Edna C. Woodbury, A . B. '12, has been
assistant i n the Somerville Public Library.

E t t a Marion Phillips, A . B . '13, was prominent and active i n a l l
branches of college life. She took the principal role i n two college


operettas, was a member of the college choir, president of student
government, marshal o f her class and served on Junior Day and
Class Day Committees. She went as delegate f r o m Delta chapter
to the A O I I convention i n Chicago. T h i s year she is teaching i n
the Lowell H i g h School and sings i n church Sundays.

Ruth Penniman, A . B. '13, was president of her class for three
consecutive years, a member of the Junior Day Committee and had
strong class and f r a t e r n i t y spirit. She is teaching this year most
successfully in Walpole, N . H .

Dorothy B a r t l e t t , A . B . '13, entered Jackson as a j u n i o r f r o m
M t . Holyoke. She was president of the Christian G u i l d and a faith-
f u l worker in this recently formed society. She is at present teaching.

Octavia Chapin. A . B. '13, was president of the A l l Around Club
and took a prominent part in dramatics, being in the principal role
i n the operetta, and i n Ibsen's play, "Enemy o f the People." She
was chosen to represent the women on the commencement p l a t f o r m
and this year is teaching in Orleans, Mass.

Helen Scammon, A . B. '13, did especially well in chemistry and
physics. She served on the Class Picture Committee and is teaching.

Edith M . Sanborn, A. B. '13, entered T u f t s f r o m Dean Academy.
She is especially interested in mathematics and is spending this year
at home.

Alma G. Wiley. A . B. '13, took part in operetta and Jackson Day
Festa, served f o r two years on Class Banquet Committee and spe-
cialized in mathematics. A t present is in business.

Isabelle G. Owler, A . B . '13, took great interest i n all college
activities. Was in operettas, Jackson Day Festa, and in the Junior
Day play, "Return of H i Jinks." Somewhat of an athlete, taking
part in two meets and making a few points in 1913's score. Vocation
is private secretary. A t present a student in business college. Only
g i r l o f class to m a j o r i n political science. Vastly interested i n
social problems and vocations for women.


Edith Nora Aiken is teaching mathematics and Latin in M i l l i -
nocket H i g h School.

Helen W i l l a r d A v e r i l l is assistant chemist in the experiment
station at University of Maine, and is interested in Y. W . C. A. work.

E m i l y Mary Bartlett is a teacher of science at Caribou, Maine.
Ida May Bean, Wellesly B. A . , '00, is agent o f the W . M . Bean


Miretta Lydia Bickford is the teacher of L a t i n and history at
Orono High School.

M a r i o n Genevieve Boland is Professor of Modern Languages at
Elizabeth College, Charlotte, N . C. She has received an M . A . and
a Ph. D . f r o m Clark University. She is a member of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, the Worcester Woman's Club, the
Modern Language Association, the Southern Association of College
Women, the A r t Students' Club and a Teachers' Club. Marion is
especially interested i n music and art and studying along these lines.
She is also a member of the Woman's Suffrage Association f o r the
improvement of the laws as regards women.

Helen Steward Bradstreet is a home maker.
E d i t h Tate Brown is a home maker.
Anna Bean Brown is a home maker.
Imogene Martha Bumps is living with her parents and is active
in society.
E d i t h Mae Bussell is principal of the Grammar Schools in O l d -
Frances Webber Burke is a home maker.
Carrie Green Campbell is very actively interested i n church work
which is her husband's profession.
Cleora May Carr is teacher of bookkeeping at Oldtown, Me.
Mary Ellen Chase is history and English instructor in the Starrett
School f o r Girls, Chicago, 111. She has studied i n E n g l a n d and Ger-
many d u r i n g the past summer. A t present she is t a k i n g advanced
work in University of Chicago. " M i n " refuses to disclose the names
of the magazines f o r which she writes and declares that she is only
an "aspiring author," but we readers of T o D R A G M A recognize the
professional i n some of her articles and w i l l f i n d her out yet.

Rebecca Chilcott is l i v i n g w i t h her parents. She is interested in
music and several branches of home economics. She is a member of
the Quidus Club and of the Round Table Club at University of

Celia May Coffin is teaching English in Northampton H i g h School,
Northampton, Mass.

Joanna Carver Colcord is i n organized charity work. She is a
member of the Caroline Country Club f o r Social Workers and is
interested in travelling and English and American minor poetry.

M a u d B r o w n Colcord is a librarian. She is interested especially
in social settlement work and is a member of the Plymouth Woman's
Club, the New Club and the Arts and Crafts Club of Boston, and a
member of the board of trustees of the Plymouth Boys' Club. She
studied welfare work in England for a year.


Irene Richardson Conner is a home maker.
Lennie Phoebe Copeland is instructor of mathematics at Welles-
ley College. She is a Scholar of Mathematics, Wellesley College
with M . A. degree; Fellow of Mathematics, University of Pennsyl-
vania w i t h Ph. D . degree, and is a member of the Scientific Clubs,
Sigma X i , American Mathematical Society. The subject of her
thesis was "The Theory of Invariants of Plane n — lines."

Irene Cousins is teacher of English and History at Bangor H i g h
School, Bangor, Maine.

Frances H i n c k l e y Crow is a home maker.

Frances Cutler, M . A., is instructor i n English at Simmons College.
She has done press work f o r Suffrage League.

M a r y K n i g h t Davis is a home maker.
Clara Weld Durgen is also a home maker.

Marion Corthell Estabrooke is teacher of Domestic Science at
Falmouth, Mass.

Margaret F l i n t is teacher of Science at Mattawamkeag, Me. For
summer work she is interested in summer camps f o r the poor c h i l -
dren of the cities.

Edee Gammon is an educator.
Cecelia Rice Gallagher, M . A . in English, U . of M . , is a home-
Florence Balentine Hanaburgh. M . A . i n Biology, is a home maker
and is interested i n the study of birds and nature.
E m i l y H a m l i n is interested in society.

Alice Josephine H a r v e y is teacher of Domestic Science at Skow-
hegan, Maine.

Florence Evelyn Harvey is a nurse and had her t r a i n i n g i n N e w

Autence Cousens H i n k s is a home maker.
Gertrude May Jones is teacher at Corinne, Maine.
Margaret June Kelley is teacher of German and History at Free-
dom Academy, Freedom, Me.
M a r t h a Grover K n i g h t is teaching at Derby, V t . She spent the
summer of 1 9 1 3 in study abroad.
Edith Jordon Lord is married and is actively interested in musical
Mildred Charlotte Mansfield is an educator.
Hazel Mariner is assistant in the experiment station at U . of M .
She is interested i n music.
Florence Brown Markle and Mabel Powell McGinley are home


Margaret E. McManus is a teacher at Northeast Harbor, Maine.
Frances Mae Pol is Recorder of School of Commerce Accounts
and Finances, N e w Y o r k University. I n 1912-13 she was i n the
Foreign Exchange Department, National City Bank, N . Y . She
is a member of the Biological Society of Smith College and of the
Shakespeare Club, Bangor, Me., and is especially interested i n the
studying and teaching of Spanish.
Marion Wentworth Perkins is a home maker and is a member of
the Webbamet Club which has f o r a purpose the promotion of
systematic reading. She is also a member of the D . A . R.
Estelle Perry is teaching i n Chicago, 111.
Beulah Frances Philbrook is principal of a high school at Islesboro,
Alice Farnsworth Phillips is a home maker.
M i l d r e d Louise Prentiss is a teacher of History and German at
Hampden Academy, Hampden, Me.
M a r i o n Balentine Reed is a home maker.
Ola Perrin Reynolds is a home maker.
Mary E t t a Russell is teaching Domestic Science at Fort Kent,
E d i t h Folsom Sawyer is a home maker.
Christine M y r t l e Shaw is teacher of Mathematics at Woodfords,
Cora Mae Shaw is teaching at Poughkeepsie, N . Y .
Marguerite Pillsbury Schoppe is a home maker. D u r i n g 1911-
1913 "Peggy" was at Orono and she gave her home as a refuge f o r
A O n's. We a l l testify to the fact that she is an ideal housewife,
hostess and mother.
Bernice Rich Smith is a home maker.
Lida Knowles Smith is a home maker.
Luzetta Stearns is interested in domestic science and is active
in society.
Vida Springer Stephens is a home maker.
M a r y Weston Steward is a home maker.
Florence Chase Stover is a home maker.
Pearl Clayton Swain is a home maker.
Sarah Brown Sweetzer is a home maker.
Agnes Burnham Townsend is a home maker.
Bernice E m i l y Watson is a teacher in Gardiner. Maine.
Antoinette Treat Webb has a fellowship in English at the U n i -
versity of Maine and is w o r k i n g f o r an M . A . degree. She is a
member of the University Round Table, Arts & Science Club.


Carrie L u e l l a Woodman is interested i n society.
Annie Gilbert Woods is a home maker.
Helen Charlotte Worster is a teacher of English at Caribou,
Maine. I n 1912-13 instructor in English at University of Maine
where she obtained an M . A . degree. She is interested i n music.


The fraternity chapters at Cornell are rather smaller than the
average chapter, and consequently it takes many years to build up
a large associate membership. Epsilon w i l l be six years old this
spring and yet there are but two dozen of us alumna;. However,
we console ourselves with the reflection that good things come in
small packages and only hope that all small packages contain good

As I began to think of the girls and of their work, I was very
forcibly impressed by the lack of variety in their vocations. Nearly
all are either teachers or home makers. A n d while no one of us
has yet achieved the triumphs we dreamed of i n our undergraduate
days, s t i l l some are well started on the road to fame.

For instance, Melita Skillen. '11, and Margaret Graham are teach-
ing in colleges, Melita in the English department of Okanagon Col-
lege i n British Columbia, and Margaret in the Science Department
at Teachers' College in New York City. Josephine Britton has
been i n the Wisconsin N o r m a l School at Milwaukee ever since she
took her Ph. D . degree i n 1910. A n d as usual she is very busy—
her legitimate occupation is teaching English literature but as side
lines she lectures on various subjects, particularly suffrage. W e
who know how persuasive she is marvel at the f a i l u r e of the
suffrage amendment in Wisconsin. Mattie Durrell Bodine, '11, pre-
sides w i t h much dignity over the L a t i n department in the Pennsyl-
vania State N o r m a l School at Indiana. A n d besides instilling into
the minds of the youths of Pennsylvania a due reverence f o r Ben-
nett's L a t i n Grammar, she finds time to be an active member of two
literary clubs and to take charge of one of the dormitories.

Besides these celebrities there are many lesser lights, or just
plain high school teachers. Anna Genung has the English work in
H o r n e l l H i g h School, but this is her last year o f teaching. N o , she
isn't going to be married—she intends to enter Y . W . C. A . work.
Lottie Ketcham finds the l i f e i n Southern Seminary, Buena Vista,
Va., very agreeable. What time she can spare f r o m her French
and German classes she spends on horseback in that Blue Ridge


country. Ethel Davis is teaching at home i n B r a d f o r d and i f
credence can be placed in her own story, she hasn't an interest i n the
w o r l d besides L a t i n . She doesn't even "have to be a suffragette,
because she voted i n Colorado." A n d there is our dear M i l d r e d
Mosier, who is conducting the young people of Peekskill through
the mazes of the English language. By the way, have a l l you girls
heard of the surprise party Mildred gave the chapter this summer?
She presented us w i t h two dozen silver spoons and various other
pieces of silver.

W i t h Mabel de Forest i t is a case of "three times and out". Last
year she devoted herself to business, this year to teaching and the
position she takes next year w i l l no doubt be more permanent. O u r
p r i m and precise Marian Darville is Preceptress of the Wyoming
( N . Y . ) H i g h School where she has inspired the students w i t h a
love of a l l things mathematical. Both of our newest alumna?, E l n a
Merrick and Agnes Dobbins, are teaching history, the one i n Homer
and the other i n Pawling. Last, but by no means least of our
teachers, comes Loraine Sherman, who is instructing i n Chemistry
and Biology at St. Margaret's School in Buffalo. A n d Loraine, by
the way, serves as a good means of transition f r o m the teachers to
the home makers f o r she is i n a stage just between the two.

Mrs. Schmidt is still i n Ithaca, to the great j o y o f the active
chapter, whose f i r m f r i e n d and loyal adviser she is. Elsa Guerdrum
A l l e n , a f t e r a t r i p around the w o r l d , has returned to Ithaca and
finds time to attend a l l chapter meetings and to act as chaperone f o r
the girls. A l t h o u g h A n n a A l l e n W r i g h t , '09, does not instruct i n
the University this year, her zeal in the pursuit of scientific subjects
has by no means flagged. T h i s p o w e r f u l triumvirate is always ready
to assist the active chapter i n its trials and tribulations and to re-
joice with it i n its pleasures and triumphs.

Mrs. Duggar is greatly missed f r o m this Ithaca circle of alumnae,
but we know that she has carried Alpha's name and fame w i t h her to
St. Louis. Mary Turnbull Wanamaker, ex-'13, and Catherine Allen
Sharpe, '10, are both living in Buffalo. Little Ruth Marian Sharpe
is already looked upon as a prospective A l p h a Omicron.

A n d now I have come to the miscellaneous ones, those poor be-
nighted beings who are neither teachers nor home makers. Mary
Fitch may be teaching this year but she hasn't told any of us about
it. B u t we do know that she d i d nothing but rest last year. I t
sounds incredible, but I believe it is true. T h a t devotee of a l l things
Grecian, Isabel Stone, has descended f r o m her pedestal and is
wasting her talents on "mere business." This vexes her classical


m i n d and she longs f o r the spring when she may betake herself to
her beloved Greece to dig up a few more facts about Simonodes.
Marguerite Hallsted, '10, is our one artistic member. She attended
an art school in New York for a time and then did designing. H o w -
ever, she worked too hard and is just now taking a much needed rest.
Epsilon has one medical alumna who w i l l become a full-fledged
doctor i n the spring. W e shall a l l have reason to be proud of
Edvige Dragonnetti some day, I know, f o r she is f u l l of enthusiasm
f o r her work and eager f o r the time when she can use her pro-
fessional skill for the benefit of the unfortunate among her country-
men. A n d as f o r myself, I am w o r k i n g very hard preparing to
inflict my services as a secretary upon some business or professional

We of Epsilon are scattered broadcast over the land and although
all of us are busy w i t h our own cares, at heart I am sure we are just
as loyal to f r a t e r n i t y and chapter, and still,

"To thee, dear Epsilon,
Our voices raise we,
I n sweet reunion
Singing, we praise thee."


For the benefit, or warning, of my various known and unknown
younger sisters, I am requested to tell i n two hundred words or
less what has happened to me since on a w o n d e r f u l June day, I
walked at the head of an alphabetical procession across the Cornell
campus and out into the world.

W e l l , I have lived most gladly i n this best of a l l possible worlds.
I n work hours I have taught the youth of Wisconsin much they
have cheerfully forgotten. Before these sons o f Eve and daughters
of A d a m have I brought the meek noun and the i l l tempered verb,
the elusive pronoun and the friendly adjective and adverb, the du-
bious preposition and the slippery conjunction to be named and
classified. They have been shown

"The glory that was Greece
And the grandeur that was Rome"

in translation; and their u n w i l l i n g feet have been led through the
flowery, i f somewhat damp, fields where browses Pegasus. T h e n
after two years i n this normal terrestial paradise have I driven
them f o r t h , w i t h a pen, mightier than a flaming sword, to earn
their bread.

I n free hours I have given talks on Italian saints, on Spanish


mystics, on modern novels, and on suffrage. On this last I spoke

before audiences w i l l i n g and unwilling, addressed women's clubs

and labor unions, interviewed bishops and brick layers, and argued

with brewers and boiler makers (whole clubs of them). And the

end is not yet.

This is a l l , except that I invented a welsh rabbit in a moment of

accidental inspiration, and put on a couple of plays after hours of

uninspired toil. JOSEPHINE BRITTON.


Carolyn Piper Dorr feels the responsibility of the future wel-
fare of Rho chapter so keenly that she is developing a relief ex-
pedition at home consisting of three l i t t l e daughters. She is also
interested in church work, several clubs and Chicago A O IT alum-

Loverne Dolbeer, one of Rho's most active and capable alumine
is engaged i n educational work and travels f r o m one part of the
United States to another. I f any of you readers are in trouble or
in need of advice write to her and she w i l l help you.

Gladys Kaye is a Rho graduate of whom A O I I w i l l some day be
proud. She is becoming more and more successful i n her j o u r n a l -
istic work in New York City.

E d i t h Baxter lives with and cares f o r her mother, traveling a
great deal of the time.

Merva Dolsen our versatile, capable first chapter president is
busy w i t h her l i t t l e f a m i l y . She finds time, however, f o r A O I I
and other club affairs. She is always doing something f o r someone.

J u l i a N o r t o n w i l l before long be Rho's most interesting alumna.
She expects to m a r r y and to go as a foreign missionary. W e begrudge
her to the heathen yet we know her work w i l l be f u l l of strength
and high purpose as is her l i f e .

Faye Smith is in the r o l l of teachers though we are all aware
that this is very temporary, as Faye w i l l someday be making a home
happy and comfortable.

Edith Moody is teaching and enjoying the work. As always
she is enthusiastic over every duty or pleasure that comes to her.

Avaline K i n d i g is another one of our teachers who we think,
w i l l soon drop her calling f o r the place she is even better fitted f o r —
her o w n home. B u t then " A v y " is sweet anywhere.

May Barlow Yocum has followed the footsteps of other Rho
alumnas and is devoted to the care of a young son. We shall be glad
when she can again come back occasionally to A O IT meetings.


Merle Anderson is teaching i n her home town and interested in
the many affairs found in a small town.

Margaret Wynne is the big sister in a motherless home, popular
and capable, her influence is felt beyond the little circle where most
of her duties lie.

Annie Currie is to be married the last of January. We hear
w i t h surprise that our quiet, undemonstrative " A n n " is enthusias-
tic to the " n t h " degree. We should enjoy seeing her under the spell.

Louise Norton, another Rho alumna busy with a young baby,
lives i n Evanston so she is able to keep i n touch w i t h University
and fraternity affairs.

Marie Vick is Dean Holgate's secretary and is doing her work
with her usual conscientiousness. However, according to the latest
society announcements the Dean w i l l soon be looking f o r a new

Carolyn Powers—I have it on the authority of an old teacher
of E n i d that " C a r r i e " made an unusually fine record last year,
her first i n teaching and under the t r y i n g circumstances of being
where the pupils knew her by her first name.

Elizabeth Hiestand or " B e t t y " has spent the last two years
teaching, having operations and taking care of a very sick mother.
We hope f o r a happier future f o r her.

Virginia Walker Weirich is another one of our girls bringing
up a l i t t l e f a m i l y to swell the ranks of A O IT some years hence.
V i r g i n i a must be a sweet mother and a sensible one i f she is the
same g i r l we knew at Northwestern University.

Edna Betts is successful this, her first year of teaching, and i n
a very difficult school. Dora Johnson is another Rho girl not
destined to stay long i n the professional w o r l d , though she is suc-

Pauline Pearson is undergoing her first year as a high school
teacher. W e are sure of her success f o r she triumphs in everything
she attempts. One of her achievements is the composition of words
and music to the best A O I I song yet written.

Vera Riebel—Enthusiastic, wide-awake Vera, just graduated, has
not yet f o u n d her l i f e interest. She is at home when she isn't having
a good time or helping Rho or Chicago A O I I alumnae chapters.

Irene Henderson as head librarian at O t t a w a University, is able
to keep in touch with all new movements in our civilization.




M a r y Elizabeth Barnett is l i v i n g i n Bridgeport. T h e only clubs
available f o r membership i n Bridgeport are, besides the Shakespeare
Club, embroidery clubs to all of which "Bess" belongs.

Barbara Crow Denison married soon after becoming a Bache-
lor o f Arts. She is interested i n the Brainerd Musical Club, which
belongs to the state federation. She is very actively interested in
tennis and dancing. Barbara has the honor of being the mother
of the first baby i n our chapter, and the baby was w e l l named—
A d a Iota. She has a second baby now, f o u r months o l d .

Florence Shinn Fluharty has one child, O r d i t h Louise, and the
mother's interests are principally in the "Better Babies" movement at

M i l d r e d Harley MacDonald has a special interest in china paint-
ing. She is active i n various social clubs, St. Elizabeth's G u i l d
of St. Martin's Episcopal Church and most of a l l , in the Chicago
alumnae chapter.

Annetta Stephens Shute is interested i n social service work, doing
some w o r k f o r the united charities i n Chicago. She is a member
of the Chicago alumnae chapter.

Margaret Gorham Ebert has now a small "Peggy" who is eight
months old.

Inez Downing Jayne is very active in musical work, doing church
quartette work besides belonging to the Philharmonic Club, and the
Thursday Musical Club, an organization of over a thousand

M a u d Bacon N o l t e is interested i n music and fancy dancing.
Just now she is much occupied w i t h l i t t l e Margaret Alice N o l t e
born January 7.

E l v a Maude Peltigrew has one little son. She is studying music
and china painting, and has taken work i n elocution i n the School
of Expression of the Chicago Musical College.


Ruth Leone Davison is teaching L a t i n and German in the Har-
ter-Stanford T o w n s h i p H i g h School and has charge of the phy-
sical training.

Mary Viola Bruner is the head of the Latin department in the
Urbana H i g h School, where she has organized a very successful
L a t i n Club and is interested i n making an exhibit showing the prac-
tical uses of L a t i n and Greek. Being in the university town, she


is an active member of the Classical Club of the University of
Illinois, and is working on her thesis for her Master's Degree.

Jessie Fay Edmundson is teaching domestic science in the high
school at Farmer City, Illinois.

Nelle Erskine is principal of the Hawarden School i n Saskatch-
ewan. She is organist f o r both the A n g l i c a n and Presbyterian
churches and seems to be a social center i n herself. She is a mem-
ber of two clubs, one philanthropic and one social. She is hoping
to return to Chicago to study in the School of Philanthropy.

Lora Henion is the head of the English department i n the town-
ship high school at Robinson, 111. Her interests, aside from her
teaching, are the direction of the Methodist choir, a glee club and
membership in a musical club. She has w r i t t e n several short lyrics
which have been set to music and some short stories which have been

Louise Minnie Nierstheimer received her training i n the schools
of Pekin and is now teacher of German and history in the same

Helen Woodrow Whitney is teaching English and German in the
high school at Areola, Illinois.

A d a Paisley is interested i n playground and settlement work. She
is at present in Long Beach, California, recuperating f r o m a health

M a r y E t t a W i l l s is teaching in the Watseka schools. She has
charge of dancing and drills the cantatas given by the children, and
has charge of the May Day festivals.

Pearl Ropp is associated with Mrs. John Gray's College of Music
in Bloomington, 111.; doing postgraduate work in piano, teaching
piano, and studying voice production.

Edith A . Shultz is doing graduate work in History at Illinois.
Barbara W i n i f r e d Minard is a pupil nurse at St. Luke's Hospital,
Chicago, with an excellent chance f o r work, later, i n the hospital.
She is interested i n various phases of social settlement work.


Helen McDermott—Educator. Is interested in music.
Myrl Wheeler—Society. Living with parents. Interested in
music and dramatics.
Ruth Paine—Educator. Teaching in Elk River, Minn. Inter-
ested in elocution.
Bertha Marie Brechet—Educator. Teaching in Glyndon. Minn.,
high school. Interested in art.


Carol Brown—Society. Living at home. Interested in art and

Laura Hartman—Educator. Teaching in Waterville, Minn.
Irene Buckley—Homemaker. Interested in music.
Antonia Marquis—Society. Living with parents. Interested in
Beatrice Northey—Educator. Teaching in Hlooming Prairie,
Minn. Interested in music.
Ruth Bulen—Educator.
Steady Swanson—Educator. Interested in music.
Gertrude Swanson—Society. L i v i n g at home. Interested in music.

Rho Iota

I'KARI. Uopi"


I 1.1

l U b l l N G l l S H K I i MFMI5KKS OF IOTA AND RHO





The Association of Collegiate Alumna? offers a fellowship of five hun-
dred dollars for the year 1914-1915, available for study in Europe.

The fellowship is open to any woman holding a degree in Arts, Science
or Literature; in general, preference is given to those candidates who have
completed one or two years of graduate work. The award will be based
on evidence of the character and ability of the candidate and promise of
success in her chosen line of work.

I t is understood that the fellow will devote herself unreservedly to
study and research and that she will send reports of her work from time
to time to the chairman of the committee.

Applications must be made by personal letter from the candidate to the
chairman of the committee, accompanied by:

1. A certificate from the registrar of the college or university which
awarded the degree or degrees previously received.

2. Evidence of sound health.
3. A n account of previous educational training and a definite state-
ment of plans f o r future work and of the reasons for applying for the
4. Testimonials as to ability and character f r o m qualified judges.
5. Evidence of scientific or literary work in the form of theses or
papers or accounts of scientific research.
Applications f o r this fellowship for the year 1914-1915 must be in the
hands of the committee on or before February 1, 1914 and should be ad-
dressed to the chairman of the Committee on Fellowships.


Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N . Y .


This fellowship of five hundred dollars is available for study in Europe
or America.

Candidates f o r this fellowship must hold the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy or must present work which would entitle them to the Ph. D.

Applications for this fellowship for the year 1914-1915 must be in the
hands of the committee on or before February 1, 1914 and should be ad-
dressed to the chairman of the Committee on Fellowships.


Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N . Y .


The Woman's Education Association of Boston offers a fellowship of
five hundred dollars f o r the year 1914-1915, available for study in Europe.
The conditions are the same as those prescribed f o r the A . C. A. European


Applications f o r this fellowship f o r the year 1914-1915 must be in the
hands o f the committee on or before February I , 1914 and should be ad-
dressed to the chairman of the Committee.


West Medford, Mass.



The Baltimore Association for the Promotion of the University Educa-
tion of Women offers a fellowship of five hundred dollars f o r the year
1914-1915, available f o r study at an American or European University. The
conditions are the same as those prescribed f o r the A . C. A . European
Fellowship. The fellowship is, however, available f o r study at an Ameri-
can or European University. In the award preference will be given to
women from Maryland and the South.

Applications f o r this fellowship f o r the year 1914-1915 must be in the
hands of the committee on or before February I , 1914 and should be ad-
dressed to the Committee on Award.


The Arundel, Baltimore, Md.


The Boston Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, aided
by the Radcliffe Alumnae Association, the Boston Alumnae Club of Smith
College, and by Alumnae of Bryn Mawr College, Vassar College, Wellesley
College, and Boston University, offers a graduate fellowship of five hun-
dred dollars, payable in the summer of 1914, for the purpose of stimulating
scholarship among women.

The holder of the fellowship must be a woman who is a graduate of an
approved college, is of good health and excellent character, and has proved
her ability and initiative. The fellowship may, however, at the discretion
of the Committee of Award, be given to an applicant who presents reports
of a small amount only of investigation; provided, this be of exception-
ally high quality and promise. The award will be postponed unless the
conditions are fully met. The fellowship must be used, i n Europe or i n
America, f o r one year o f constructive work, and not f o r purposes of
general culture.

Applications for the fellowship should be made to the chairman of the
Committee on Fellowships of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
Professor ABBY LEACH, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N . Y., not later
than February 1, 1914. They should be accompanied b y :

1. Testimonials of scholarship, o f health, and of character.
2. Theses, papers, and reports of investigation, published or unpub-

3. A statement in f u l l of the plan f o r the pursuit of study and of the

object in view.
Inquiries may be addressed either to Professor LEACH or to the chair-

man of the Boston Branch Committee, Professor M A R Y W H I T O N C A L K I N S ,

Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.




The twelfth National Pan-Hellenic Congress was called to order by the
chairman, Miss Lillian Thompson, Gamma Phi Beta, in the Congress Hotel,
Oct. 16, at 1.30 o'clock. Mrs. James H . Crann, Alpha Chi Omega, acted as

The following delegates presented credentials and were duly enrolled:
Pi Beta Phi— Mrs. J. L . Lardner, 810 Milburn St., Evanston, 111.
Kappa Alpha Theta—Miss Eva R. Hall, 327 Sycamore St., Sycamore, 111.
Kappa Kappa Gamma—Miss Eva Powell, 2703 Dwight Way, Berkeley,

Alpha Phi— Mrs. J. H . McElroy, 5759 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, III.
Delta Gamma—Miss Pauline Hagaman, 929 Granite Bldg., Rochester,
N. Y.

Gamma Phi Beta—Miss Lillian Thompson, 224 W. 61 st Place, Chicago,

Alpha Chi Omega—Mrs. James H . Crann, 610 Colorado St., Davenport,


Delta Delta Delta—Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, 7318 N . Ashland Blvd., Chi-
cago, III.

Alpha Xi Delta—Miss Lena G. Baldwin, 670 Euclid Ave., Elmira, N . Y .
Chi Omega—Mrs. H . M. Collins, 210 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo.
Sigma Kappa—Mrs. Harry Blunt, 1955 Ruckle St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Alpha Omicron Pi— Mrs. W . J. Campbell, 207 Allen Blvd., Kalamazoo,

Zeta Tau Alpha—Miss Mary Galbraith, Galbraith Springs, Tenn.
Alpha Gamma Delta—Miss Elizabeth Corbett, National Home, Wis.
Alpha Delta Pi—Mrs. Dallas Scarborough, Box 446, Abilene, Texas.
Delta Zeta— Mrs. O. H . Hayes, 33rd and Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Phi A/14—Miss Louese Monning, 1001 Polk St., Amarillo, Texas.
Kappa Delta—Miss Jenn W. Coltrane, 84 N . Union St., Concord, N . C.

The reading of the minutes of the Twelfth Congress was dispensed with.
The report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee given informally,
was heard and accepted. The report of the Secretary was heard and


To The National Pan-Hellenic Congress:
Your secretary reports the publication and distribution of the annual

Report, and three Bulletins, making a total of 3340 pamphlets actually
sent out, in addition to extras o f every number held for future demand.


Of the second Bulletin, being a resume of the acts of the Congress,
three thousand copies were printed since the committee felt that the value
of this Bulletin would greatly increase the demand for it.

I n addition to the twenty Bulletins furnished each fraternity by the Con-
gress, extras have been supplied at the rate of $3.00 the hundred. Approxi-
mately 2,000 extras were supplied. This fact is significant; the increased
demand indicating that Pan-Hellenic literature is now reaching practically
every active fraternity woman.

The secretary invites criticism or suggestion f r o m the Congress bearing
on the present plan for supplying extra literature.

Approximately seventy-five letters have been written. A secretary's file
has been purchased and equipped.

The work has been harmonious; increased interest and a growing ten-
dency on the part of local Pan-Hellenic to seek the Executive Board as an
advisory body, rather than for the inflicting of penalties, is commended.

Respectfully submitted,

Lois S M I T H CRANN, Secretary.

The report of the treasurer was heard, and an auditing committee ap-
pointed. Moved that the Congress secure a stenographer to assist the secre-
tary in reporting discussions. Moved that Miss Alexander, Delta Zeta, be
asked to report Congress discussions.

Moved that a Press Committee be appointed by the chair. Committee—
Mrs. Jackson, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Miss Green, Kappa Alpha Theta;
Miss Fitch, Delta Delta Delta.

The reports of the delegates were heard and accepted.
The report of the Eligibility Committee was heard and accepted.
The report of the Committee on U n i f o r m Scholarship Blank heard and
accepted. Moved that the blank recommended by the committee be made
the official scholarship blank of the National Pan-Hellenic Congress but
that its use be optional with Congress fraternities. Moved that M r . Banta
be asked to print scholarship blanks for the whole Congress.
Moved that the scholarship blank be a single sheet, printed on both sides.
The report of the Committee on Recommendations was heard in pre-
liminary reading. Action on the report was deferred to the following day.
The report of the Committee on Sophomore Pledge Day was heard and
Moved that the question of printing the report of sophomore pledge day
be tabled.


The second session was called to order by the chairman Friday morning,
October 17, 1913, at 9:30 o'clock.

Moved that eighteen copies of the report of the Committee on Sopho-
more Pledging be made and supplied to the presidents of Congress frater-


Moved that Congress be resolved into a committee of the whole for the
discussion of sophomore pledge day.

From the discussion which followed a resolution was formulated: Same
to be appended to the copies of the report sent to the presidents.

Moved that Congress return to the proper form f o r the transaction of

Moved that an abridged report of the stenographer's notes of discussions
appear in Bulletin 1, a full report to be sent to the presidents of Congress

Moved that recommendations to the Congress be considered, point by

Moved that the recommendation for the establishment of Pan-Hellenic
headquarters at San Francisco in 1915 be referred to the Executive Com-

Moved that it be recommended to the 1914 Congress that the 1915 Con-
gress convene in Berkeley, about the second week of the sessions of the

Moved that the recommendation for a definite outline of Pan-Hellenic

study be referred to a committee to report at the next Congress. Com-

mittee—Mrs. Crann, ,

Moved that a Committee on Recommendations be appointed—such com-
mittee to furnish copies of all proposed recommendations to delegates, at
least two weeks before the date of the next Congress. Committee—Miss
Hagaman, Delta Gamma.

Moved that every chapter assume its position in local Pan-Hellenic in the
order of its becoming National.

Moved ( A ) that no fraternity represented in the National Pan-Hellenic
Congress shall bid a girl who has been a member of a so-called sorority or
other secret society of similar nature existing in a high school, or other
school of equivalent standing, whether such society exists openly or

( 1 ) This rule shall apply to any person who shall either accept or retain
membership in such society after September 1915.

( B ) That all prominent high schools and schools of equivalent stand-
ing affected by this action, be notified of this resolution of the National
Pan-Hellenic Congress, the notice to include a list of Congress fraternities
which have already made the regulation and the statement that delegates
of the other Congress fraternities will urge its adoption at their next con-



The third session was called to order by the chairman Friday afternoon,
October 17, 1913, at two o'clock.

The report of the Committee on the Work of former Congresses, was
heard and accepted.


The report of the Committee on the Use made of Fraternity Journals by
College Libraries, was heard, accepted, and ordered printed for editors only.

The report of the Committee on the Point System was heard, accepted,
and ordered printed f o r the presidents only.

Moved that the supplementary report be dispensed w i t h ; typewritten

copies of the discussions of the Congress to be substituted.

The report of the Committee on Interfraternity organizations was heard

and accepted.
Moved that the report of the Social Customs Committee, presenting

Model House Rules be accepted, with the following changes in the rules:
( 1 ) Omit rule 6, page 7, of the Bulletin of June 1913-
( 2 ) Freshmen may have no midweek social engagements, and upper-

classmen but one. I t was the will of the committee and of the Congress
that these house rules be sent to communities needing them, with letters
from national officers of fraternities there represented, urging their adop-

Business was here suspended briefly to hear Miss Bennett, manager of
the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations for Women.

Moved that fraternity chaperonage be listed with the Bureau of Occu-

Moved that the report of the Committee on local Pan-Hellenics be

accepted and the committee instructed to confer with local Pan-Hellenics,
making suggestions f o r work which could be carried on by them.

Moved that the clause setting forth the purpose of local Pan-Hellenics
in the "Model Constitution" be changed to read

( 1 ) To work together for the good of the college and all its women

( 2 ) By cooperation to benefit the fraternities of the college and to
unify the interests of the fraternity and non-fraternity women.

Moved that the report of the Committee on Summer Schools be ac-

Moved that a committee be appointed to confer with college presidents,

recommending fellowships, and limiting student activities, offices and social
life. This committee is empowered to carry their work through the en-
suing year, and to report to the 1914 Congress. Committee—Mrs. Collins,
Chi Omega; Miss Powell, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Miss Tukey, Delta
Gamma; Miss Safford, Alpha Omicron P i ; Mrs. McElroy, Alpha Phi;
Miss Kellar, P i Beta Phi.

Moved that the National Pan-Hellenic Congress meet in New York
City, at the National Board Building of the Y . W. C. A., 601 Lexington
Ave., the time of the meeting to be left to the discretion of the Executive

Moved that the National Pan-Hellenic Congress make a g i f t of two hun-
dred dollars to the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, the amount
to be covered by a pro rata assessment among the Congress fraternities.

Moved that there be no high school rushing.



The fourth session was called to order by the chairman, Saturday morn-
ing, October 18, at 9:30 o'clock.

The minutes of previous sessions were read and approved.
Moved that the Congress shall establish a permanent Press Committee
who shall attend to the work of dispensing literature to high schools.
Committee—Mrs. Blunt, Sigma Kappa; Miss Thompson, Gamma Phi Beta;
Mrs. Campbell, Alpha Omicron Pi.

Moved that a committee investigate B class fraternities, with a view to
their relationship to this Congress.

Amended that this work be referred to the Extension Committee.
Moved that the National Pan-Hellenic Congress cooperate to create new
fraternities and chapters.
M r . Austin of the Fraternity Publicity Bureau reviewed briefly for the
Congress, the work of the Bureau to date, introducing the secretary of the
Bureau, who explained the filing and cataloging system in use.
Committees were announced as follows:


Auditing Committee—Miss Baldwin, Alpha X i Delta.
Press Committee—Mrs. Jackson, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Miss Green,
Kappa Alpha Theta; Miss Fitch, Delta Delta Delta.


Committee to Formulate an Outline of Pan-Hellenic Study—Mrs. Crann,
Alpha Chi Omega; Miss Thompson, Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs. Hayes,
Delta Zeta.

Committee on Recommendations—Miss Hagaman, Delta Gamma.
Committee on Conference with College Presidents—Mrs. Collins, Chi
Omega; Miss Tukey, Delta Gamma; Miss Safford, Alpha Omicron P i ;
Mrs. McElroy, Alpha P h i ; Miss Kellar, Pi Beta Phi; Miss Powell, Kappa
Kappa Gamma.


Committee on Eligibility—Mrs. Parmelee, Delta Delta Delta; Mrs. Mc-
Elroy, Alpha Phi; Miss Ayland, Zeta Tau Alpha.

Committee on Extension—Miss Coltrane, Kappa Delta; Miss Hall,
Kappa Alpha Theta; Mrs. Blunt, Sigma Kappa.

Committee on Local Pan-Hellenics—Mrs. Scarborough, Alpha Delta P i ;
Miss Corbett, Alpha Gamma Delta; Miss Monning, Phi Mu.

Committee on Social Customs—Mrs. Lardner, Pi Beta P h i ; Mrs. Parme-
lee, Delta Delta Delta.

Committee on the Press—Mrs. Blunt, Sigma Kappa; Miss Thompson,
Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs. Campbell, Alpha Omicron Pi.

Executive Committee, 1013-14—Chairman, Mrs. J. H . Crann, Alpha Chi
Omega; Secretary, Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, Delta Delta Delta; Treasurer,
Miss Lena Baldwin, Alpha X i Delta.

The T w e l f t h Pan-Hellenic Congress was characterized by the alert atti-


tude of the delegates toward our common problems, by the frank dis-
cussions, and by harmonious cooperation and unity of effort.

Lois S M I T H CRANN, Alpha Chi Omega.

A luncheon, open to members of the fraternities of the National Pan-
Hellenic Congress was held in the Patten gymnasium, Evanston, III., Satur-
day October 18, 1913, at one o'clock.

Those present numbered four hundred and sixty-nine, an increase of
seventy over the attendance of last year.

Miss Thompson, chairman, presided as toastmistress and the following
toasts were responded to most pleasingly:

Vocational Possibilities for College Women Miss Lena G. Baldwin, A S A .

Sophomore Pledge Day Miss Louese Monning, * M.

Some Impressions of the Blackstone Meetings Miss Polly Fenton, A S A .

Hostility to Fraternities—Its Cause and Cure. .Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, A A A .

The Possibilities of City Pan-Hellenics Mrs. L. F. Carpenter, K A 8 .

The Outlook in Pan-Hellenism Mrs. Edward R. Loud, A X O .

(Given by Miss Florence Armstrong, A X O )

The absence of Mr. Banta, on account of illness, was noted with regret.

President Harris, another guest of honor was also unable to be present.

The Congress was happy in having as its guest Miss Potter, Dean of

Women of Northwestern University, who spoke in an interesting manner

of the relation of college women and fraternities.

Thirteen editors and three business managers assembled for an informal
conference Thursday morning, October 16, at ten o'clock. Those fra-
ternities whose editors were unable to be present, were represented at this
conference by the council officers. The whole field of fraternity journalism
—purpose and methods—was open for discussion and much profitable inter-
change of ideas resulted. I t is thought that the Editors' Conference will
become a permanent feature, alternating with the Presidents' Conference
organized last year.

Urgent communications to the Executive Board, should be addressed
during the months of November, December, January and February, to the
chairman's deputy, Mrs. Louis Firth Nafis, 912 Elmwood Ave., Evanston.
Delegates are requested to instruct their National Treasurers to remit
the annual dues (ten dollars) to Miss Lena G. Baldwin, 670 Euclid Ave.,
Elmira, N . Y.
The rate for extra Bulletins will continue the same as last year, three
dollars to the hundred.


3n HUmortam

Arettatlj Sjfllnt Huaarll

flirb ©rtabrr 2011), 1913




T\ U R I N G the last year, 1 9 1 3 , the existence o f Greek-letter so-
U cieties has been threatened, concretely by the anti-fraternity
legislative activity in Ohio, Texas, Minnesota, Kansas, Wisconsin
and Mississippi and by the press discussion i n nearly every state
where fraternities exist in state institutions. The criticism, being
made by those who are not i n fraternities, is o f necessity criticism
of the interpretation of fraternity ideals which is made by fraternity
men and women. Those of us who can realize the ideals and aims
of fraternity can uphold the system before our own eyes—but we
must interpret i t to the eyes of the n o n - f r a t e r n i t y w o r l d . I n order
to do this i t is necessary to come into intimate touch w i t h college
l i f e and ideals i n general so that our own lives and activities may
be adapted to the need of the college. There is no variance be-
tween the highest ideals of a college and of a fraternity i n the lines
along which most criticism has been made—the lines of scholarship—
democracy—simplicity and honor. The difference is only in a lax-
ness i n interpretation on the part of individuals. A closer bond and
more co-operation between the fraternity life and the broader college
life would better both institutions.

As a concrete example of what I wish to convey—at a recent chap-
ter meeting the question of simplicity was brought up at the request
of the Associated Women Students and Pan-Hellenic bodies. I t
was discussed especially along the lines of expensive formal enter-
taining. The opinion of the chapter was firm that their manner of
f o r m a l entertaining was as simple as they wished it to be, and that
was the end of i t ! W o u l d that be the question, or w o u l d i t be " I s
our f o r m a l entertaining as simple as the college wishes it to be?"


T N the matter of sophomore pledging, the university faculties seem
to be more alive than the fraternities f o r whose good it is i n -

tended. The faculties of Wisconsin, Missouri, North Carolina, Per-
due, and Iowa Wesleyan have already made regulations prohibiting
the initiation of Freshmen. I n 1 9 1 4 Texas, Ohio, and Vanderbilt
w i l l f o l l o w suit. Is i t not better to choose before the choice is taken
out of our hands?



N I N E T E E N F I F T E E N in San Francisco w i l l be a record
Convention year. I t w i l l bring to one city i n one season the
conventions of nearly a l l of the sororities. This fact w i l l make
your own Convention more important and more interesting. We hope
for a very large attendance and that those who are expecting to at-
tend w i l l n o t i f y Rose Gardner immediately.


T T w i l l be of interest to a l l of the sisters to know that L i l l i a n
-*• Schoedler, the author of the article on "Intercollegiate A t h l e t i c s , "
is one of the "College Women in Business," and works at the Inter-
collegiate Bureau o f Occupations f r o m nine to five daily but has,
entirely out of office hours, organized the movement for intercollegi- .
ate athletics, and is the present chairman.


T H E f i f t h edition of The Sorority Handbook is published, and
its value to fraternity women who have the broader Pan-Hellenic
interest is very great. T h e material is as usual condensed and w e l l
tabulated, and the first f e w chapters are up to date i n f r a t e r n i t y
interest. Your copy should be ordered immediately.




Elsa Becker, '14. Marie Doody, '15.
Julia Bolger, '14. C r a c e F a r r e l l , '15.
Helen Downes, '14. Frieda Fleer, '15.
Lucie Petri, '14. Constance Geraty, '15.
Helen Shipman, '14. Ethel Hunley, '15.
Edwinna Dearden, '15. Anna Jordan. '15.

T h i s year at Barnard is a period of experimentation. W i t h the
faculty decree that fraternities take in no new members f o r three
years, the question of a new f o r m of social organization arose. A t
an early meeting of the undergraduate association it was decided that
f o r this year no new social clubs might be formed, but that frater-
nities be temporarily chartered. O n application A l p h a chapter was
duly chartered f o r two years, so you see A l p h a s t i l l exists as a recog-
nized college organization. Owing to the fact that our college activi-
ties are somewhat restricted however, we have decided to co-operate
w i t h the New York alumna? in their work. So f a r we have been
working for the Manhattanville Day Nursery, and other children's

This is an exceptionally busy time around college for examinations
are coming and many of us have other responsibilities as w e l l . Helen
Shipman is president of the Student Government Association of
Brooks H a l l , our dormitory. The Craigie Club, one of Barnard's
religious organizations, has as its president this year Elsa Becker,
while Lucie Petri is vice-president of that club. Lucie is as usual
taking a prominent part in college athletics.

W i t h all good wishes to you a l l !


Theodora D. Sumner, '14. Angle L . McLees, '14.
Gladys A. Renshaw, '14. Rosalie Duforn, '15.
Rosamond A. H i l l , 'T4. Delie Bancroft, '15.
Georgia B. Gilleau. '14. Clara H a l l , '16.
Lillian Chapman, '14. Jennie Snyder, '16.
Willie W. White, ' I 4 . E r i n O'Niell, '16.

I wonder i f a l l of our sisters are as busy as P i girls are these days.
Mid-year examinations are upon us and consequently our heads are
whirling with dates and formulas.

Before the holidays, Newcomb was very enthusiastic over our dele-


gates to the Student Volunteer Convention in Kansas City. Every-
body took a personal interest and i n two weeks we worked up enough
"financing" to bundle our f u l l quota off to Missouri. One of the
novel ways to raise money was originated and carried out by the
junior class. They gave a real cabaret party and charged for ad-
mission and refreshments. The demonstrations of aesthetic dancing
(a la M r . and Mrs. Vernon Castle) ballet girls, gypsy banjo songs
and castanet dances by the cunning children of our Spanish profes-
sor were most edifying. O f course, the party was f o r ladies only!
Champagne Mowed freely in the guise of " p o p " and everybody smoked
candy cigars.

The girls came back f r o m the convention fairly exuberant. We
were proud to have Margaret go as one of the delegates. She is
more rejoicirig and bubbling over than ever—and that is saying a
good deal i f anybody knows Margaret. She even vouches that she
is enthused enough to start right out f o r B r a z i l .

We celebrated Founders' Day by our annual alumme-patroness
tea. T o us it was most d e l i g h t f u l ! The rooms were very sweet w i t h
narcissus and Blythe's new cluny mats, and the tea kettles bubbled
so merrily that everybody had to be i n a good humor.

N o t long ago we had a lovely surprise in the shape of a visit
f r o m M r . and M r s . W. I . . T e r r y (nee L i n d a Best of K a p p a ) . So
many of us had heard of " L i n d a " before and i t was so good to meet
her and her newly acquired husband. H a p p i l y they showed their
good taste by coming to New Orleans on their wedding trip. M r .
Terry proved himself a hero at luncheon that day. with fourteen
girls to listen to at once.

D i d I ever tell you about our orphan plan? Last year each of us
decided to look up some of the absolutely friendless children i n one
of the city asylums and be " b i g sisters" to them. W e a l l have our
proteges and are very interested i n them. Our attentions are mostly
visits and occasionally a trip to Canal Street. Christmas day we car-
ried them some g i f t s . I wish you a l l could have seen the expression
on Teddy's protege's face when she opened the b e a u t i f u l d o l l "Miss
Teddy" brought her. They are the most appreciative little souls i n
the world.

The dramatic club presented Francis Hodgson Burnett's "Esmer-
alda" on January 9 . I t was quite a success.

Betsy Dupre passed through New Orleans on her way to Washing-
ton i n November. She paid us a fifteen minute call, just time to an-
swer a few of our questions about her new wardrobe, etc. I t was hard
to let her go but we know she is e n j o y i n g every minute of her won-
derful time among the celebrities.


Newcomb is p l a n n i n g her first intercollegiate debate w i t h Agnes
Scott f o r some date i n March. The participants haven't been chosen
yet but the other negotiations have been made and we are very excited
over the prospect.

We all enjoyed Maud Colcord's story in the last T o DRAGMA
and hope that others w i l l read it i n our library copy. I t is truly
"great" as M r s . Esterly says and w o r t h y o f A l p h a Omicron's best


Aldana Quimby. Helen Vollmer.
Virginia Mollenhauer. Nora Stark.
Helen Williams. Elizabeth Smart.

Vice-president class of '15, Aldana Quimby.

N u sends her greetings and hearty good wishes to you a l l .
Since our last chapter letter we have been setting our house i n
order, we trust, i n the spiritual as well as the material sense. A t
least the renovated fraternity room, the f r u i t of much presidential
effort, encourages us to feel that fine glow of accomplishment. I
wonder i f you girls w i t h your chapter houses, would care to come
with me through the bare halls of the university up to our little nook
on the roof and see how much our one home-like room means. New
Y o r k University is true to its motto—"Perstando et praestando utili-
tati." I t stands like a b u l w a r k against the ignorance of higher cul-
ture w i t h which i t is too o f t e n the doom of poverty to flood the slowly
rising fabric of democracy, and it holds open to all those—to whom
sex or circumstance might otherwise bar it—the door of opportunity.
Perhaps some time i n the future i t w i l l receive the f u l l meed of
recognition for the noble work which it is doing and f r o m which
other and prouder colleges too often turn. Certainly we girls—barred
out by the traditions and conventions of almost all the other Eastern
law schools—have a great deal for which to thank New York Uni-
versity. But where there are so many eager to take advantage of the
opportunity and so l i t t l e room and time and funds to meet all the
g r o w i n g needs, the cozy browzing-rooms, lounging-rooms, and other
asethetic things of the college l i f e , have had to be l e f t out. So the
one place of our own means a great deal to us.

Perched up on a corner of the roof of the, well, reasonably tall
building—ten stories doesn't count for much in New York any more,
you know—with big studio windows looking out over the city's lights
at night and with a good view of the clock on the Metropolitan
tower, which is quite important i n t i m i n g our conclaves, is the abode


of N u chapter. Inside are cozy wall-seats with pillows f o r every
college represented by our active chapter, an idea of Virginia Mol-
lenhauer's, in a place of honor among them, the fraternity emblem,
and a crimson banner bearing the well-loved letters hangs on the
opposite wall framed in by the chapter photographs. Over our
heaped up pillows is the framed charter to which we owe our ex-
istence. Curtains cover the windows. I n the center of the room
is a round table, capable of being elongated indefinitely f o r frater-
nity dinners. A table-bench, arm chairs in green, a curtained cabinet,
a desk, a china closet, long benches the length of the windows, a
screen, electric stoves behind the screen, and shelves of formidable
looking law books and you have a hasty sketch of our chapter home.
I t means the one touch of college spirit as most of us have know it
elsewhere, the one meeting place for true fellowship, within the
university walls.

We have no dormitory l i f e . T h e classes are scattered and sepa-
rated, part coming only at night or i n the afternoon, others in the
morning, most of them busied with outside affairs, often one division
never even seeing members of the other division, and Alpha makes
the one common meeting place and tie that binds us a l l together,
morning, afternoon and evening divisions, workers and non-workers,
residents of the city and girls away f r o m home.

Here we met on Founders' Day to celebrate with a tea. There
were some fifteen of us, some, new girls. Since then we have been
h o l d i n g a series of teas to get acquainted w i t h the new girls who seem
possible material f o r the chapter. Next time we hope to report some
new members.


Nelle Bondurant. Margaret Conover.
Ellen Converse. Aubry Faulkner.
Elizabeth McCargo Mary Annie Landy.

The f a l l term is over now, and we can rest a little after its busy
rush. The university has been an unusually lively center this year,
and some of our freshman girls have grown so f o n d of the " H i l l , " and
especially of l i f e at our dormitory, Barbara Blount, that they secretly
bemoaned their luck whenever week-end invitations were received,
fearing lest "something would happen while they were gone." A n d
the successful season of our football team, celebrated i n mass meetings,
bon fires, and grotesque parades, has aroused great enthusiasm in the
entire student body, and has added much to the l i f e and spirit on
the " H i l l . "


Other organizations besides the f o o t b a l l team, however, have been
making themselves f e l t — a n d among these are the girls' sororities.
Despite the fact that i n many instances several of us were a f t e r the
same freshmen, ( f o r there were a quite a number whom everybody
wanted) there was on the whole, an unusually friendly spirit between
the different sororities throughout the rushing season. A n d this year,
instead of each sorority giving a separate reception of their own, we
had one big, formal, Pan-Hellenic reception f o r both the o l d and the
new non-fraternity girls, to which were also invited the members of
the faculty and of the men's fraternities, besides the individual
friends of each sorority. I t was given at the University Club, and
very probably, since everything came out successfully, i t w i l l become
an annual affair.

A n d now we just have to say a few words about our own crowd,
for while we do not like to boast, we must let you girls know that
A l p h a Omicron Pi has been very lucky at U . of T . this year. We
have five of the very best "fish" already pledged, while two more
have asked f o r the Christmas holidays to decide, while at home with
their mothers, whether they shall remain non-fraternity girls, or
become A l p h a Omicron Pi's. Our five pledges are Kathryne Wilkey,
of Chattanooga; Pauline Hobson, of Somerville ; Marjorie Newman,
of Knoxville; Wista Braly, of Lewisburg; and Edith Verran, of
Rockwood. A n d so far, a l l are very docile l i t t l e pledges.

One of our K n o x v i l l e alumna?, A i l c y Kyle, has married and left
us, and although we miss her g r e a t l y — f o r she has been one of our
most interested alumna?—we have no fear that her interest in Omi-
cron chapter w i l l ever wane, and we hope that as Mrs. Peet, of
Boston, she w i l l become associated w i t h our alumna? chapter there,
and so remain a part of our A O n w o r l d .


Katharine Gordon, ' 1 4 . Lucy Somerville, '16.

Patty Paxton, ' 1 4 . Margaret Atkinson, '16.
Mollie Minkwitz, '14. Rebecca Lamar, '16.
Shirley McDavitt, '14. Virginia Allen, '16.
Mattie Carskadon, ' 1 4 . Susie Mann, '16.
Lida Belle Brame, '14. Nell Streetman, '16.

Elizabeth Bryan, '15. Courtenay Chatham, '16.
Julia Anna Smith, '15. Carrie Crane, '16.

Kappa is most proud of her eight new sisters. When last I wrote
they were just "goats," but now they are t r u l y of us and we are so
happy to increase our chapter roll at the top of our letter with their
names. The initiation was beautiful and we wished that every A O I I


would have been w i t h us then. I t was held i n our " l i t t l e red room"
which we have b u i l t this f a l l . T h e description of that we must
leave to your imagination, but just think of the most beautiful ritual
room possible—candle light roses—and you have the picture of our
"little red room." We feel very proud that just since September
we have built the ritual room and also furnished our dining room.
We christened this furniture with a dinner party to our old girls who
were w i t h us T h a n k s g i v i n g — N a n A t k i n s o n . Nannie Vaden and
Greyson H o o f n a g l e . They really came to see us, but incidentally
to attend a teachers' meeting in Lynchburg. Seven of our girls went
out f o r basket ball this f a l l and each made her class team. T h i s
kept us very busy up to Thanksgiving when the seniors won the
championship. Patty and Lida Belle played in that game and won
their " R - M ' s . " Patty was captain of our team f o r f o u r years. N e x t
came the play given by the dramatic club of which Shirley is presi-
dent. I t was "The Piper." L i d a Belle was one of the leading charac-
ters and Margaret was splendid in her part. Courtenay instead o f
going home Christmas w i l l spent the holidays i n Memphis, Tenn.
She w i l l be the maid-of-honor of Kappa's next b r i d e — L i n d a Best.
M a r y Craig Crenshaw, ex-'14, w i l l be matron of honor and the bride's
maids are Ruby Toombs, ex-'14, and Ethel Terry, sister of the groom,
M r . W i l l i a m Terry. Our last bride was Margaret B u l l i t who mar-
ried M r . James Lyle Camblos on November 27. Kappa was very
proud that Annie Kate Gilbert was elected president of the Ran-
dolph-Macon Texas alumna? and Olga Shepard Thomas vice-presi-
dent. W e were glad to have some of our old girls w i t h us f o r the
Christmas tree and party given just before the holidays. Kappa
wishes everyone of you much success and happiness.


Gisella Birkner, '14. Ethel Chase, '16.
Melvina Waters, '14. Irma Hauptman, 'l6.
Elsie Fitzgerald, '15. Gladys Lowenberg, '16.
Estella Stevens, '15. Gladys Dominy, '16.
Mabel Myrtey, '15. Veva Young, '16.
Carrie Coman, '16. Hazel King, 'l6.

Edna Froyd, '16.

The officers of the women's associations were given in the last

Estella Stephens A O n , elected as vice-president, juniors. L u l u
May Coe, K A @, vice-president of the sophomore class.

Carrie Coman, A O I I , has been elected as a member of the English
club of the university.


The Mystic Fish initiation took place at the Alpha O house this
year. Hermine Hatfield, of Lincoln, was chosen as our member of
the Mystic Fish.

As a result of the first pledging of the year, we took in six members,
namely: Hermine Hatfield and Helen Eckles of Lincoln; Lucile
Sanders and Mabel Sanders of Superior, Neb.; Nell Nissen of
Keonard, Neb.; and Nell Ryan of Columbus, Nebraska. They are
all strong and promising girls for Alpha Omicron Pi. We have
recently pledged Dora Scraggin of Oak, Nebraska, as it was time
for the mid-semester pledging.

Our formal this year is to be on Saturday evening of March 28.
The banquet date has not yet been definitely decided.

We found that the rushing rules were better this year than last but
we still agree that the old rushing method is the best.

Then we had the rush week before the school with its studies be-
gan. Now there is too much strain on us, and we are apt to do
an injustice to our lessons.

The University Girls' Club has given several teas and parties this
fall, and several of the Alpha O's have taken an active part in com-
mittee work. The last party, given on the night of the Boys' Corn-
husker Banquet was a great success, there being 450 girls present.
This occasion is a great aid to university girls, because it makes them
all feel that they are one body and so they become more democratic.

We Alpha O's had our Christmas party on the eve of Tuesday,
December 16. We had it at the sorority house and several of the
Lincoln alumna? were present. Instead of presenting each other with
gifts, the house girls gave a large library table to the house, while
the town girls presented us with table linen and napkins.


Mary de Witt, '13. Elizabeth Elliott, '16.
Margaret Haseltine, '13. Nora Tower, '16.
Mildred Hunter, '13. Edna Taber, '16.
Phyllis Maguire, '13. Kathleen Mains, '16.
Dorothy Clarke, '14. May Preuss, '16.
Charlott Cowie, '14. Florence Pierce, '16.
Evelyn Homage, '14. Elizabeth Hill, '16.
Hertha Herrmann, '14. Olive Frenler, '16.
Claudia Massie, '14. Kathryn Hubbard, '17.
Savory Ford, '15. Marjory Armstrong, '17.
Alice de Veuve, '15. Margaret Chase, '17.
Madge Weeks, '15. Helen Clowes, '17.
Margaret Stone, '15. Rosalinde Olsese, '17.
Ruth Brownlie, '16. Ethel Mowney, '17.
Ruth Carson, '16. Gladys Schmidt, '17.
Frances Corlett, '16. Elane Young, '17.


A. W. S. O F F I C E R S ASA.

President—Jessie Harris, '14 A A A.
Vice-president—Winifred Bridge, V 4> B.
Second Vice-president—Ethel Murray, "non".
Secretary—Vinnie Robinson, FI B 4>.
Treasurer—Hertha Todd, A T.
President Treble Clef—Claudia Massie, A 0 I I .
President Mandolin and Guitar Club—Elvaida Hanson,
Boating and Swimming—Nita Sheffield, "non".
Basket Ball—Lorena Buck, "non".
Fencing—Elizabeth Ferrier, A 4».
Parliamentary Society—Elizabeth Eames, K A 0 .
Tennis—Frances Jackling, A X i).

There have been many events this semester such as a faculty dinner
or a Hallowe'en dance, but all of them were eclipsed by the Alpha
O fair. November 22 was a lovely day and called forth many people
to attend our fair. A l l our mothers and girl friends were there. Why!
even Sing, the Chinaman cook came, and bought an apron and a
boudoir cap for his wife.

We had seven or eight tables covered with dainty articles. Aprons
on one, sachets on another. One table was for dolls of all varieties,
another for all sorts of bags, and still another for work basket acces-
sories. I t was the best fair ever! Some of the larger and more
expensive things that were turned in were raffled off, and then there
was great excitement when the drawing took place. I n the dining
room the alumni sold candy and tea and little cakes.

The few things that were left over were auctioned off after meet-
ing the next Monday night, and altogether we made a little over
three hundred dollars on our fair, which of course was turned into
the house fund. I n January when the pledges come due, we will
have over a thousand dollars and a house of our own will soon be a

Since our last letter another splendid girl, Margaret Stone, '15,
has been initiated. Hertha Herrmann, '14, has been elected to Pry-
tanean, an honor society for women at U . of C. Several of our alum-
nae have announced their engagements lately, these are Wynne Mere-
dith, Dorothy Richardson, and Rose Gardner.

Mrs. Perry was with us on Founders' day. Many of our alumnae
were back too and I think we were all drawn closer together by
hearing her tell of the beginning of Alpha Omicron Pi.

The last two weeks have been given to examinations, and now the
girls have scattered for the holidays, but we all unite in wishing our
sisters a Merry Christmas.



Goldie Wadsworth, ' i 6 , Connersville, Ind., Pledge.

Semester examinations are on in f u l l sway, and the most frequently
heard remarks are, "what'd you think o f t , " " N o ! I don't think it's
fair to ask for collateral."

The most important thing for Theta just now, is the fact that
today marks the "beginning-to-be" of our hard-wood floors. Yes,
at last, after many years of waiting we have our hearts' desire, at
least, we have it coming to us.

We girls have always thought among ourselves, that the only thing
our house lacked of being perfect, was hardwood floors. Now, when
we return from our semester vacation, our new floors will be here
to greet us.

So far, this year, Theta has had no particular social functions.
Sophomore spike still holds sway and only one big "spike" party is
allowed us this year.

The movement for the new DePauw Gymnasium is now the talk of
the campus. The new plan, decided upon at a meeting of the student
body, has worked wonderfully well.

This plan was for each student to pledge himself to pay some
certain amount toward the Gym, this amount payable i f the grounds
for the building be broken before commencement of 1915.

So far, all but sixteen of the students of the university have
pledged some amount. The object was, not to get money from the
students, but to show to the board of directors that the DePauw
students desire a new gymnasium and want it so badly that they are
willing to sacrifice themselves in some way, however small, to bring
this to pass.



Annette MacKnight, '14. Ruth Burbank, '16.
Emily Eveleth, '14. Marion Hall, '16.
Leslie Hooper, '14. Adeline Huntington, '16.
Kathryn Holden, '14. Madeleine Jeffers, '16.
Eleanor Hisbee, '15. Emilie Osborn, '16.
Marion Davis, '15. Lydia Piper, '16.
Rena Greenwood, '15. Marjorie Dean, '17.
Gertrude Hooper, '15. Marion Jamieson, '17.
Dorothy Houghton, '15. Dorris Morse, '17.
Gladys Keith, '15. Helen Rowe, '17.
Marian Nichols, '15. Mildred Simpson, '17.
Ruth Seavey, '15. Pricilla Young, '17.



All Around Club—President, E m m a Hulen, A 2 A ; Vice-president, Dorothy

Houghton, A 0 I I ; Secretary, Margaret Buck, X fi; Treasurer, Aurilla

Shepard, A S A .

Student Government—President, Emma Hulen, A S A ; Secretary, Emily

Eveleth, A 0 I I ; Proctors: Gertrude Dyer, X fi; Marjorie Roberts, X 0 ;

Emily Eveleth, A 0 I I ; Jeanette Schofield, 2 K .

Class of 1914—President, Margaret Buck, fi X ; Vice-president, Mary Dailey,

2 K ; Secretary, Helen Hearsey, X 0 ; Treasurer, Jeannette Schofield, 2 K ;

Historian, Hazel Macey, A S A ; Marshal, Edith Cochran, X fi.

Class Day Committee—Annette MacKnight, A O I I ; Aurilla Shepard, A S A .

Class of 1915—President Rena Greenwood, A 0 I I ; Vice-president, Esther

Cate, A S A ; Secretary, Mary Cavanaugh, Non.; Treasurer, Ruth Seavey,

A O I I ; Historian, Alice Pulsifer, X fi; Marshal, Dorothy Houghton, A O I I .

Christian Guild—President Isabella Cameron, A S A ; Vice-president,

Eleanor Bisbee, A O I I ; Secretary Lydia Piper, A O I I ; Treasurer, Esther

Cate, A S A .

Athletic Association—President, Leslie Hooper, A 0 I I ; Vice-president,

Eleanor Bisbee, A O I I ; Treasurer, Esther Cate, A S A ; Secretary, Avis

Keir, A S A ; Freshman Member of E x . Bd., Marion Trott, X fi.

Basket Ball Captains—Gertrude Dyer, X ft; 1916, Lydia Piper, A O I I ;

1917, Almena Cogswell, X fi.

Track Captains—1914, Mary Dailey, 2 K ; 1915, Gertrude Hooper, A O I I ;

1916, Lydia Piper, A 0 I I ; 1917, Marion Trott, X fi.

Class of 1916—President, Dorothy Hart, A S A ; Vice-president, Mary

Gardner, X fi; Secretary, Avis Keir, A S A ; Treasurer Mary Dole, A S A ;

Historian, Alice Cotton, A S A ; Marshal, Madeleine Jeffers, A O I I .

Class of 1917—President, Esther Parshley, X fi; Vice-president, Helen Hig

gins, X fi; Secretary, Marion Raymenton, 2 K ; Treasurer, Dorris Morse,

A O I I ; Historian, Geneva Wheet, X fi; Marshal, Mildred Simpson, A O IT.

The first matter of moment for this letter is of course that of our
initiates, December 6, Delta initiated seven pledges. Mildred
Kmerson, '17, was pledged last year, but was obliged to leave col-
lege on account of trouble with her eyes, and this fall she entered
again with the class of 1917. The other initiates are: Kathryn
Holden, '14; Marjorie Dean, Marion Jamieson, Dorris Morse, Helen
Rowe, Mildred Simpson, and Pricilla Young, all of '17. Besides
our pleasure in initiating these new sisters we also think with pleas-
ure of those other friendships it was our privilege to form during the
associations of "rushing season" although we may not number them as
among our pledges. As usual, initiation was held in connection with
our celebration of Founders' Day. A t four o'clock in the afternoon,
alumna', active A O iTs and pledges began to "go up to the Hoop-
er's," and by the time "eats" were served we were all there welcoming
our many alumnae who had been able to come and who had been
telling the always interesting tale of "how A A 2 went A O n."

About two weeks before the initiation we had our small dance in

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