the Gym. The committee worked hard for days beforehand pre-
paring a snowstorm for the occasion. Countless bits of cotton strung
on yards of thread and suspended from the ceiling produced an effect
that called forth much favorable comment as the just reward of
Now about college events. The first general social event was the
A l l Around Club reception and dance to the Tufts freshmen. Then
came the baby party with some exceptional freshman babies in the
care of some equally exceptional sophomore nurses. Next was the
Doe dance where some of the Jackson ladies turned into gallant
youths and escorted the remaining Jacksonites to the scene of festivi-
The Christian Guild has grown rapidly and is conducting very
successful bible study, mission study and social service meetings
under the lead of various members.
The athletic association has undergone a complete reorganization.
The constitution after many weeks of work has been completely re-
written and after adoption by the association was approved and com-
mended by the executive board of the college. Earlier in the year, the
tennis championship, held last year by Leslie Hooper, who did not
enter the tournament this fall, was won by Eleanor Bisbee, '15, and
now we are looking forward to the interclass basket ball series as
the next chief event after the freshman-sophomore flag hunt, Janu-
ary 6 and 7.
Tufts—Jackson academic honors were announced Nov. 19 with the
following as Jackson's share:
Margaret Buck, X Q, to represent Jackson on the commencement
Annette MacKnight A O II-A H A, scholarship.
Helen Hearsey X Q - X 0, scholarship.
Hazel Macey A E A-A O n, scholarship. (Given to the girl obtain-
ing highest standing in the prescribed work of the course).
Ruth Seavey, A O I I , the Goddard prize in philosophy.
With this news of Delta's college, and its contributions to the
tale of collegiate activities, we wish all A O TVs a most happy New
Just after Christmas vacation ought to be a happy time to write,
and, although mid-year examinations are only three weeks away,
Gamma girls are happy, for after mid-years, about the first of
February, we shall be pledging our new girls. This year there is the
excitement of the rivalry with our only sister sorority, Phi Mu. Be-
cause of strict Pan-Hellenic rules we cannot do much rushing except
to be just as sisterly and nice as we can to the little freshies. But,
that is what counts most in the end, the making of true friendships
with the new girls.
Each sorority is allowed one big rushing party to which all the
freshman girls may be invited. We chose to give a Hallowe'en
party. On account of other college affairs we held our party a week
before Hallowe'en but we bribed the ghosts and goblins to come
then, and I am sure there w:as not one absent. We kept the girls bob-
bing for apples, biting flour pies, and jumping over candlesticks un-
til they could be taken to the Den of Destiny, where only a few were
taken at a time, and from which few returned in a wholly calm and
cool condition. Our Den was in the cellar, and as we went down-
stairs we felt the cobwebs brush our cheeks. (When we took down
the decorations we found they were simply harmless threads). As
we reached the floor a horrible shrieking and wailing came to our
ears, as a ghost glided toward us and led us to view the remains of
Timothy Titcomb. We felt his shiny eye (a skinned grape), his ear,
his hip-bone, his leg, and his false teeth. Poor Timothy!
In our jolly days, as in our working days, we miss our newly
graduated alumnas. Christmas week Alice and June came back to
visit us, and Helen was here just before we went home. Tony
we have with us always, and we wish she could always stay. Peggy
Flint has brought us a big brother by marrying Lester Jacobs, and
going away off to Pennsylvania.
There have been happy days, but there were sad days, when our
sister Asenath left us. She was sick so short a time we scarcely re-
alized that she had gone, but we realize now as we miss the faithful
face at our chapter table. Girls, we must love each other all we can
now, for we do not know how long we can be together.
Ethel L . Cornell, '14. Anna Pearl Bowman, '15.
Laura C. Fish, '14. Clara A. Graeffe, '15.
Clara W. Keopka, '14. Gertrude G . Mosier, '15.
Merle M. Mosier, '14. Helen Bungart, '16.
Charlotte T . Sherman, '14. Gladys Combs, '16.
Natalie B. Thompson, '14. Viola Dengler, *l6.
Bertha Yerke, '16.
Martha Whitworth, '15. Sally Campbell, '17.
Lucy Hawley, 'i6. Bettina Outterson, '17.
Katherine Lyon, '16. Jeannette Short, '17.
Y. H \ C. A.—President, Laura Fish, A O I I ; Vice-president, Natalie
Thompson, A 0 I I ; Treasurer, Helen Carmalt, K A 9 ; Recording Secretary,
Evelyn Thorpe, K K T ; Chairman Membership Committee, Natalie Thomp-
son, A O I I ; Chairman, Bible Study Committee, Bernice Spencer, A A A ;
Chairman Mission Study Committee, Grace Laing, Non.; Chairman Religious
Meetings Committee, Katherine Roese, Non.; Chairman Social Committee,
Mary Doty, A * ; Chairman Extension Committee, Marion Potts, Non.;
Chairman Information Committee, Jean Holmes, K A G ; Chairman Finance
Committee, Florence Faulhaber, A
Student Government— President, Ruth Bayer, K A 9 ; Vice-president, Bernice
Spencer, A A A ; Senior Member, Ruth Bayer, K A 9 ; Census Taker, Louise
Boutecue, K A 9 ; Junior Members, Ruth Darville, A T; Selma Snyder, A * ;
Lucy Park, K K P. Sophomore Members—Helen Carmalt, K A 9 ; Helen Van
Keuren, Non.
Sports and Pastimes—President, Selma Snyder, A <I>; Vice-president, -Sarah
Barclay, Non.; Treasurer, Lois Chamberlin, A Z ; Secretary, Helen Van Keu-
ren, Non.; Manager Basket ball, Alma Witchelus, Non.; Manager Tennis,
Rose Boochever, Non.; Manager Crew, E l s a Cornell, A * ; Field Hockey,
Helen Weideman, Non. Somerset Y—President, Merle Mosier, A G I I .
Class Presidents—Senior President, E v a Haigh, K K P ; Junior President,
Lucy Park, K K P ; Sophomore President, Margaret McClenahan, K A 9 ;
Freshman President, Mary Larkin, Non.
Merry Christmas! all our sisters! That is certainly the spirit
with which everything is permeated tonight. Our hard week of
examinations is over tomorrow—and our holidays hegin. Indeed,
judging by the number of girls who have already left, and the noise
that the rest of us are making, it might be judged that they had al-
ready begun. The spirit of restraint is gone; the Christmas spirit
Under the new rushing system this year, we had four parties—and
they surely were jolly ones this year. The expense for all of them
was limited by Pan-Hellenic to fifty dollars, and our rushing com-
mittee managed things so well that we had just about ten cents to
spare. We began with a picnic in one of our gorges at night, with
Japanese lanterns and an especially attractive camp fire—since our
old Elsa Guerdrum, now Mrs. Allen, was here to help us build it.
Our next party was a very home-like affair, which we who live in
large dormitories know how to appreciate. We secured the model
apartment of the Home Economics Building, which is model in every
respect, and had a rattling good time, especially when we threw open
the doors between the drawing room and dining room, and re-
vealed a real table, with a real table cloth, and real dishes—deco-
rated with the most adorable, i f somewhat immodest, Kewpies, that
simply could not "make their eyes behave." Our third party was
a theatre party, at the time one of the rare good shows came to
Ithaca. I t was a very good thing that some of us had to give up the
evening to preparing the refreshments, which were served at Mrs.
Schmidt's, because the state of finances was such that we couldn't
have paid for tickets for everybody. The series of parties finished
with a flourish in our Hallowe'en party at the Country Club. I t
was delightfuly spooky even to the extent of a ghost who wandered
in a solitary fashion about the premises. The fortunes were told in
an original way for once, and were purely a matter of chance, yet
it was a subject to remark that all of them were really very consistent,
even to the initials of the men we were going to marry. And as a
result of the rushing season, we initiated on November 18, our six
new girls, of whom we are justly proud. They proved how clever
they were by giving us an entertainment after their first regular
meeting—an exposition of multiple personalities under the effects
of hypnotism in which the subjects took on the characteristics of
their dearest friends, and we saw ourselves " as ithers see us."
We have had many delightful gatherings this term, not least of
which was a quiet though rather thrilling evening at Mrs. Schmidt's,
when Professor Schmidt, who has the reputation of being the most
learned professor at Cornell, regaled us with the most fascinating
and extraordinary ghost stories we had ever heard. Then, in joint
celebration of Founders' Day and Christmas, we had a party in our
chapter room, which was virtually changed into an evergreen bower
for the occasion, through the zeal of our "frosh" who lugged a well-
grown Christmas tree from the woods. We all had presents on the
tree, worth five cents and the efforts of the committee, who attached
nonsense rhymes to each, increasing their value several hundred per
And now, i f I don't stop, I shall miss my homeward-bound train,
and not even the thought of T o D R A G M A is sufficient to keep me
from that. Once more, Merry Christmas, everybody!
Louise Noyes, P. G . Katherine Aldrich, '15.
Arie Kenner, '14. Jean Richardson, '15.
Coila Anderson, '14. Florence Ayers, '16.
Ruby Rapp, '14. Esther Vincent, '16.
Julia Fuller, '14. Ruby Peek, '16.
Geraldine Kindig, '14. Mabel Gastfield, '16.
Edith Meers, '14. Athene Nachtrieb, '16.
Stella Duringer, '15. Gertrude Nizze, '16.
Ruth Bond, '16.
(Officers of Women's Organizations at N . U . same as in November To
We must tell you about the good times our girls have been having
together since our last letter to T o D R A G M A , for we have been very
busy getting better acquainted with our new sisters. First, there
was our annual pledge luncheon at Marshall Field's where we
proudly introduced the new girls to several of the Chicago alumna;
who met with us at the dainty luncheon. Then came our cozy little
dance in honor of our pledges, held at the Evanston Woman's Club.
Weren't we proud of them too, when in the "pledge extra" only the
pledges and their partners were on the floor while the rest of us
admired! Hazel McCoy from Greensburg, Ind., a Theta sister, has
been in Chicago the last few months and we all welcomed her at
the dance. Edna Betts, Betty Hiestand, Vera Riebel, Louise Nor-
ton French, Estelle Martin and Marie Vick were with us, too.
Two weeks later our pledges became really and truly A O n's at
the ceremony held in Mrs. Row's home. Here we initiated Louise
Noyes, our jolly P. G. ( I wish you could hear her sing), Ruby
Peek, Esther Vincent, Katherine Aldrich, Athene Nachtrieb, Ruth
Bond and Gertrude Nizze. Twenty six Alpha O's sat down to the
little round tables decorated with our flower, at the initiation ban-
quet held at the "Red Rowen Inn." Caroline Piper Dorr, Julia Nor-
ton, Avaline Kindig, Marie Vick, Elizabeth Hiestand, Vera Riebel,
Hazel McCoy, Estelle Martin, and Marguerite Symonds, all were
there to join in the songs and be proud of Alpha O. Of course,
the toasts were witty, and the songs the pledges had written, clever!
For every Rho pledge is required to compose the words for an A O I I
song, or words and music, and stand alone to sing it at the initiation.
This ordeal always brings groans when announced to the unmusical
and unpoetical, but no one has ever succumbed.
Just before the girls went home for vacation we had our annual
Christmas party at Marie Vick's. Each of us had drawn a name
and bought some toy, attaching a limerick or joke to the little present.
The gifts were put in a huge tarlatan stocking, and as our names were
called we must step to the center of the expectant circle, and read
the sometimes embarrassing jokes. Later the toys were collected and
sent with food and clothing, to children in the Chicago slums where
the Northwestern settlement is located.
Julia Fuller has been appointed chairman of the social committee
of the senior class in college and will plan all the festivities when the
class of 1914 meets for its last celebrations.
Examinations are approaching and we must pick up all the stray
ends of knowledge necessary, and not be among the number "who
have not let study interfere with their college education."
May the year 1914 be f u l l of happiness and success for all our
sisters in Alpha O.
Tomorrow ends our first semester, and so crowded with events
has it been, that it seems fully six months since Lambda last told
of her doings to To D R A C M A .
On October 1, we celebrated the installation of the new President
of Stanford University, Dr. Branner. The installation services were
held in the morning out of doors in the inner quadrangle and at-
tended by a large assemblage. I n the afternoon a reception was given
in the inner quadrangle for President and Mrs. Branner, at which
several Alpha O's helped receive. And in the evening a torch light
procession accompanied President Branner from his home to the
inner quadrangle, where a concert was held.
Pan-Hellenic bidding day was October 11, and Lambda is proud
of her three freshmen, Edna Brown, Marvel Brydolf, and lone
Titlow, bid and pledged on that day. They were initiated on
October 27, and are now true Alpha O's. We were very glad to
have Gertrude Beeger, '09, one of our alumna;, with us for the
initiation. Since then we have bid and pledged another girl of
whom we are very proud, Geneva Morse. She is half freshman and
half sophomore, and made the sophomore play committee this se-
Those of us interested in football have watched a long and inter-
esting season of Rugby. On October 22 and 25 we were defeated by
scores of 45-0 and 56-0 by the Ail-Star New Zealand team, who are
the world champion "Ruggers." But the game which is the largest
athletic event of the year, and of which we are particularly enthusi-
astic this year, was held here against the University of California on
November 8. The score was 13-8 in our favor. We entertained the
Sigma chapter and their alumna-, and the Lambda alumnae, and many
friends for luncheon that day, about a hundred in all. I t seemed so
good to have the Sigma girls with us again. Many of them stayed
over night and attended the football show, "The Winning of
The semester has been one of many dances, formal and informal.
On October 3, the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, who are our near-
est neighbors, entertained Lambda chapter at an informal dance,
that was too enjoyable to be soon forgotten. We gave a dance for
our new freshmen on November 15, inviting the Phi Delts, and
a few extra men. On November 21 the sophomore cotillion was
held at Encina Hall, Minna Vrang, one of our sophomores was on
the committee, and every one of our fourteen girls who went, pro-
nounced it a wonderful success. Since we are only allowed to have
dances during the week-ends, there is always a great scramble at
the beginning of the year to sign up for dance dates in the Date Book.
We secured January thirtieth for our formal, and since the invitations
went out last week, we are already getting excited about the dance.
One o f our seniors, Eileen Everett, has received several honors
lately. She was elected president of the Campus Lane Clinic Auxil-
iary. I t is a society which co-operates with the Lane Clinic Aux-
iliary, which is connected with the Stanford Medical School, to keep
a social service worker from Stanford in the Lane Hospital in San
Francisco. Eileen was also elected by the local association as dele-
gate to the Christian Student Volunteer Convention to be held at
Kansas City this Christmas. And best of all, Eileen is to be the
Young Women's Christian Association Secretary at Stanford next
Lambda chapter has one wedding and several engagements to
announce. Chettana Nesbitt, '12, was married on November 5 to
Lee Scott Border, a construction engineer in the navy. They are
to be in Shanghai and the Philippines for two years. Alma Eaton
ex-'15, has announced her engagement to Jerome D. Peters, '12.
They are to be married in January. Bertha Knapp, '10, is engaged
to Harrison George, '10. Natalie Ferand, '11, is engaged to Dr.
William Warner of New York, and will be married December 31.
The house birthday and Christmas tree was naturally the last fun
before final examination week. I t proved to be the jolliest and most
Christmasy of anniversaries, and many beautiful gifts were made to
the house.
Lambda extends best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year
to all her sister chapters.
At last we are through with examinations and we have a few
days to rest our minds before second semester begins, Wednesday,
Feb. 11. Most of the girls have gone home for a short vacation. Five
of us are left to take care of the house.
Since our last letter several new girls have joined our ranks. We
initiated Gladys Saffel, '16, and have pledged Leola Goodmann, '14,
Katharine Buenger, '16, Atha Wood, '17, Marie Caldwell, '17, Mate
Giddings, "17, Mabel Dallenbach, '17.
Iota will give an informal dinner and dance Feb. 14. We are
very glad to welcome eight of our alumna? girls and five of our Rho
sisters at that time. I t certainly is fine that we have a sister chapter
so near. Tuesday evening is our post-exam jubilee. Each fraternity
will give a twelve minute stunt. A beautiful silver loving cup will
be given for the best stunt. A little later we girls will be given a
chance to show what we can do. Thursday evening of inter-
scholastic week each sorority will put on a stunt and a prize will be
given for the most clever one.
You will be interested to know that one of Iota's girls, Susan
Hash, ex-'12, was married on New Year's day.
We have heard recently of the birth of Margaret Alice to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Nolte. Mrs. Nolte was formerly Maud Bacon, one
of Iota's faithful workers.
Lillian Glessner, '14. Matie Stoner, '14.
Viola Miner, '14. Edith Goldsworthy, '15.
Zora Robinson, '14. lone Albrecht, '15.
Cassie Spencer, '14. Cecile Moriarty, '15.
Martha Wolff, '14. Mae Middleton, '16.
Tau started the year with nine active members, Leota K i r l i n and
Margaret Scott not returning. Leota and Margaret will be back
next year, however, for which we are very thankful because we have
six seniors. We were sorry to have Betty leave us shortly after school
opened, but the doctors ordered her to a sanitorium where she is
getting along famously, and planning to return to college next year.
We have pledged five girls since the opening of school. They
are: Mae Middleton, Marshall, Minn.; Viola Miner, Minneapolis,
M i n n . ; Edith Mitchell, Desmet. South Dakota; Gladys Armstrong,
Brookings, South Dakota; and June Wimer, Minnesota, Minn. Mae
and Viola have been initiated. We intend to initiate the others on
January 14.
According to the new Pan-Hellenic ruling no freshman may be
pledged until May 16. The bids will then be sent out by a lawyer.
The rules governing freshman rushing are very rigid and strictly en-
The only large party we have had was a dinner and dance for
freshmen, given in Shevlin Hall. After the Chicago-Minnesota
game, November 15, we had our first open house. Considering our
inexperience we were rather nervous, but many friends called, and we
were more than satisfied with our first affair.
Tau does not want to boast, but to show you that we are trying
to do our best, we want you to know that we rank second among
Minnesota sororities in scholarship, according to a report issued from
the registrar's office.
We extend our best wishes for a successful New Year to all the
other A O IPs.
We opened the season of 1913-14 with a meeting at Merva Dolsen
Henning's home in Maywood on Saturday, September 13. Carolyn
Dorr had planned to have us in Berwyn, but received another honor
at an unexpected date which caused a hasty change in plans—namely,
a little daughter. This makes the third future Alpha O in the Don-
To get back to the meeting—we had ritual, initiation (with Vera
Riebel as the candidate) and business consisting mainly of plans for
the present year.
Our October meeting followed the annual Pan-Hellenic luncheon
at Evanston on October 16. This is always an attraction to Alumnae
as well as active fraternity women in and around Chicago, so we
took advantage of it in getting the girls together. I t was bigger
than ever this year and the speakers from the National Pan-Hellenic
Congress were interesting and inspiring.
We decided that our local alumna work should be charity, and
that we would devote part of our meetings to work for hospital
children. Therefore, on the Friday after Thanksgiving, we met at
one of the downtown hotels and made picture books. We had each
been notified to bring cut-out pictures and our indefatigable Vera
made the cambric books and procured the other supplies. I t was
really a lark, for most of us had not pasted pictures since we were
"kiddies" ourselves.
I t was not convenient for us to" observe the date set for Founders'
Day, so we celebrated January second, with a delightful luncheon at
Marie Vick's in Evanston. We were a little disappointed in the at-
tendance, which was rather small owing to the sickness of several of
our members and the bad weather. Chicago is such a big, busy place,
it is difficult to get people together, even when their hearts are "in the
right place."
We are anxious to enlist all Alpha O's who are eligible, and believe
it would be an easy matter i f they all understood that it keeps them
in almost as close touch with the fraternity as they were in their
active days.
Won't the active chapters who have alumna; here urge them to
join us without waiting to be specially asked? A royal welcome
into reunion with Alpha O awaits them.
The regular meetings of Boston alumna; have been held as usual
on the last Saturday of the month. Our December meeting followed
a college alumnse luncheon at the Hotel Westminster, which gave
us an opportunity to meet those of our classmates who are of other
Our work, up to the present time, has been along the lines of last
year, and so we are as busy and interested as ever. We have had
an afternoon with the active chapter—on Founders' Day—with in-
itiation afterwards in the evening. We have also gone back to our old
place of meeting, the Delft Tea Room, not from any love of moving
on our part, but because it seemed advisable to make the change.
Lincoln alumna; have had regular meetings, all of which have
been very enjoyable. I n October we gave a luncheon for the active
chapter and their rushees at the home of Miss Helen Fitzgerald. I n
November, Mrs. Reynolds was hostess. Aside from a short business
session, the afternoon was spent socially, "new Christmas ideas" being
the main topic of conversation. Our holiday meeting was with
the "Pipers" and was especially enjoyable, since so many of the
girls, whose teaching takes them out of Lincoln, were present. In
January, Mrs. Fred Hunter entertained the chapter. Now that
the table-linen, which was our Christmas gift to the active girls,
is ready for use, we plan to do some work for the North Side
Settlement House at our next meeting.
Bertha Marie Brechet is teaching in Glyndon, Minnesota.
Mellie Quayle is teaching at the State School in Owatonna, Minne-
Antonia Marquis has gone to Liberty, Arizona for the winter.
Beatrice Northey is teaching at Blooming Prairie, Minnesota.
Our beloved Lulu King Bigelow has recently broken down in
health and has been sent to the Ottawa Tent Colony.
Mrs. Robert H i l l of Schenectady, N . Y., was recently called to
Omaha by her mother's illness. She expects to be in Nebraska several
Mrs. Marion Camp Shotwell has returned to her home in Arizona
after a visit of two months with relatives in Lincoln.
Elsie Piper was at home during the Christmas vacation.
Miss Anabel Good is spending the winter in California.
Miss Jessie Kriedler is at home with her parents this winter.
Mrs. Nellie Kitchen James was a recent Lincoln visitor.
Dorothy Safford spent the Christmas holidays at home. The
New Orleans girls were so glad to see her again.
Rochelle Gachet was in New Orleans for Christmas. She is
charmed with her work in Montevallo. We enjoyed seeing her so
Mrs. S. L . Carries (nee Julia Byrne) left early in January for
Trujillo, Spanish Honduras, where she will make her home.
Innes Morris is still travelling and visiting in Florida and Georgia.
We expect her back soon.
Betsy Dupre is spending the winter season in Washington with
her brother, Senator Garland Dupre, at "The Montana."
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharp (Catherine Allen, E '10) on
March 2, 1912, a little girl, Ruth Marian.
Born to Alice Staples Robbins, a son, named Wynan Robbins.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frances B. Sumner (Margaret Clark), a
daughter, in Dec, 1913.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Elbert Rickley, a son, on Janu-
ary 20.
A son, Edmond Jules to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Le. Breton. (Dagmar
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Fairchild. (Lily Mysing.)
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Whaley. (Edna Reid.)
To Edith Wherry Muckleston 2 '07, a daughter, Eleanor, De-
cember 1, 1913.
To Lillian Lowell Paine, 2 '02, twin sons, Robert and Philip,
August 22, 1913.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hart have announced the engagement of their
daughter, Marion, to Mr. Fred Crites. The wedding will take place
in April at the bride's home in Kansas City.
Mildred Hunter '13, and Leslie Stahl A A «J>, have announced
their engagement. The wedding will probably take place in the
Rose von Schmidt has announced her engagement to George Bell,
Phi Kappa Psi.
Rose Gardner has announced her engagement to Ralph Mark.
Ethel Porter has announced her engagement to Mr. Freeman.
The betrothal of Elaine Standish and Dr. Andrew Massie has
recently been announced.
Viola Ahlers announced her engagement to Mr. John Louis
The engagement of Mabel de Forest, E '12, to Mr. Starkweather
Cornell '12 is announced.
Miss Eunice Bauman of West Point, Nebraska, was married in
November to Mr. Otto Steuffer. They are now "at home" at 22 Has-
tings Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Dorothy Richardson and John Conte Parkinson were married on
January 21 at the Episcopal Church in San Rafael. After their
honeymoon they will reside in Sacramento.
At her home in Alameda, on the evening of December 19, Wynne
Meredith was married to George Harlowe. Their new home is in
Irene Birckley was married to Harry Sieben September 30, in
Elsa Guerdrum, E '12, and Arthur Allen, Cornell '07, were mar-
ried in August and are living in Ithaca.
Julia Byrne was married to Mr. S. L . Carries on December 25,
Exchanges please send magazines to:
Miss Dorothy Safford, 1306 Webster St., New Orleans.
Mrs. Carrie Green Campbell, 715 Court St., Port Huron, Mich.
Miss Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
Mrs. Ward Esterly, 244 Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Calif.
We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of the following magazines:
July 1913—Themis, of Zeta Tau Alpha.
September 1913—Bantu's Greek Exchange.
October 1913—The Shield and Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha ;
The Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly; The Key of K K T; The
Shield of Theta Delta Chi; The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma.
November 1913—The Kappa Alpha Theta; The Lyre of Alpha
Chi Omega; The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma; The Phi Chi Quarterly;
The Anchora of Delta Gamma; The Scroll of Phi Delta Theta;
The Rainbow of Delta Tau Delta; The Aglaia of Phi M u ; The
Adelphean of Alpha Delta P i ; The Delta of Sigma N u ; The Eleusis
of Chi Omega; The Trident of A A A.
December 1913—The Record of 2 A E ; The Angelos of K A ;
The Alpha Xi Delta; The Triangle of 2 2 2 ; The Caduceus of
K 2 ; The Cross Keys of K K K ; 2 K Triangle; The Shield of
Theta Delta C h i ; The Shield of Phi Kappa Psi; The Shield and
Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha; The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi; Santa's
Greek Exchange.
January 1914—The Anchora of A T; The Crescent of T <f> B ;
The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Phi Quarterly; The Kappa
Alpha Theta.
Kappa Delta at the Normal of New York.
Pi Kappa Alpha at Pennsylvania State College.
Alpha Delta Pi at Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio.
Delta Tau Delta at University of Oregon.
Delta Delta Delta at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ar-
Delta Delta Delta at Drury College, Springfield, Miss.
3L Newman
Manufacturer of
Special Work in Gold, Silver and Jewels
Established 1852
Fraternity Jewelry
Designs and estimates prepared upon short
notice for emblem pins, rings and fobs;
also class cups, trophies, etc
Note paper with monograms in color; invi-
tations, to commencement and class-day ex-
ercises, menus, dance orders; also dies for
stamping corporate and fraternity seals.
Post St. and Grant Ave. San Francisco
To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
© a b b nf (EonteittB
Directory of Officers
A Creed of Work for Women Laura Drake Gill 235
The Peace Movement Beatrice Maude Fraser 239
Faith Alice Shinn, Lambda 240
The Most Important Problems of the Year in Our Colleges 245
Barnard and the Building Fund 248
Unity and Co-education in New York 251
The Students' Building at Randolph-Macon 253
At the University of Nebraska 257
Social Problems at the University of California 265
Cribbing at the University of Maine 287
The Anti-fraternity Movement at the University of Maine 289
Finances at Cornell 290
Student Council at Northwestern 292
The Point System at Northwestern
The Point System at the University of Minnesota
The Commons Club
Active Chapter Letters
Alumna' Chapter Letters
News of the Alumnae
News of the College and Greek-letter World
Fraternity Expansion