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Kelly's Directory of Wiltshire - 1895

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-07 21:33:09


Kelly's Directory of Wiltshire - 1895


Mayston Herbert E. (assistant master Rawlence Ernes•t Alfred, New:ands T·rowbridge Robert, 1 villa.s,
of Salisbury .school), London road Read George, Westwood, Wilton road LondDn road

Mew Herbt. B. The Elms, St. Ann st Renaud Rev. Canon William M.A. Truckle M'rs. 26 Harcourt terrace

Middlet'on Mrs. The Close Crane cottage, Crane Bridge road Trueman Rev. Henry J., M.A. (curate-

Moore Jas. Glen Lynn, Milford hill Richa·rdson Geo. The Lodge,Manor rd in-cha11·ge of St.. Mark's di.strict),

Moore Wm. Hollyhurst, Milford hill Ridgen Hy. Wm. St. .&rvans, Castle st St. :Mark's lodge, London road

Morrice Rev. John David M.A. (rootor Rigden Franci<S, Belle vue, Endless s•t Tucker Ambrose, Hillcote, Manor road
oi1 St. Edmund), Rectory,E1m grove Rigden ~r.s. Belle vue, Endless street Tucker Arth. Hamil'ton vis. London rd

Morrice George Gavin M.A., M.D. Roach Thomas, 74 St. Ann street Tucker M·rs. 93 Bedwin street

St. Ann's lodge Roherts John M.D. Closegate, High st Tucker ~1118'. Glen Lea, Exeter street

Morris• Alfred Llewellyn, Selden villa, Robinson Mrs. 13 Crustle street Tudor Miss, 72 St. Ann stl·eet

London road Rodway Eusebius. J oseph, London rd Turnbu11 M'r.s. Hareourt villa, Crane

Mountfo.rt Jn. IClarendon ter.Elm gro Roe James Read, 32 Harcourt terrace Bridge road

Mowbray Miss, The Close Roe JohnC.F.St.Gowans,Wyndham rd Turner Rev. John (Wesleyan ~Ietho-

Mullins Henry, 6 Winchester street Rogers Alfred,I Everley vils.Ohurch st dis.t), 44 Harc<mrt terrace

Mullins !Mrs. 89 BTown street Rook Henry, 2 Montague villa.s Tumer !Mrs. I & 2 Grosveno'l' villa.s,
Mullins William, 4I High street
Rowe Mi~S<s, St. Albans, Milford: hill Manor road

Munro John M. H., D.Sc. Riverside, Rowe Mr.s. 91 Milfo.rd hill Tylee Chas. Edwd. 70 St. Ann street

Church fields Rowland Herbt.Melita vl.Wyndham pk Vande1'Dlllller Mr.s. Sunny Lea, St.
Myers Rev. Charles M.A. (rector), St. Rowland William, I9 Rollesrton street ~fark',s road

Martin's rectory, St. Ann street Rumbold John, 16 Rolle.ston stree.t Vincent Ma.jor Jn. Albert, 3 Hughen-

Naigh Joseph, 73 New street Russ Albt. Alexandra vil. Fowlers rd den villas, Wyndham road

Nash Thos. I Highfield ter. Devizes rd Salisbury Lord Bilshop of (Right Rev. Wade :Mi&s, Portland ho. :Manor road William John, 42 Harcourt ter Jn. Wordswo!Tth D.D. ), The Palace; Walker Ml'lS>. I Millbrook, Milfard hill

Neate Thos. Overton, Wyndham road & Athenamm club, London S W Ware Edwd. 2 Somers6ft. vils. Elm gro

Newton Fdk.2Spire vw. Crane Bridge rd Salway Ml'ls. Crane villa, Crane street Waters Edwd. Heathfield, E:m grove

Newton Joel "\Vm. 21 Catherine street Sargent John, I Grosvenor terrace Waters John, Market place

Newton Thomas, 8 Ha.rcourt t.errace Sa·rgent Miss, 6 Haroourt terrace 'Vater.s John, Merton, Swayne's close

Nicholson Henry B. 2 Hughenden ter- Scammell Thomas, York road Webb Hy. Francis Stephen,6 Manor rd

race, Wyndham road Scott Henry, Langtton ho.Church field.s Webb Thomas Jame,s·, Mount Plea,sant,

NDdder Geo. Mano!T house, London rd Self Miss, Church field,s Elm grove

J\"orthy Thos.Jn. Hope cot. London rd Selfe Mr.s. Oakhurst, Fowler'.s road Webb Wm. ThoiS. Holmeside,Manor rd

Norton CharleS! Richard, 42 New st Sheppard, Io Wyndham terrace Weigall .A.:.fred, The Close

Norwood Mrs. Church fields Sheppard· Jas. Albert, 40 Castle stTeet Welch John, 8 Grosrvenor ter·race

Notley Chs.Holmes,Friary ho.St.Ann s.t Sheppard ~frs. IO York ter. Devizes rd Wells Henry Blatch, Stt. Mary~s grange

Nott Gilbert H., B.A. (a.ssistant mQ.s- Shergold, Rev. Charles, Endsleigh, Weston Henry, 98 C~rane street

ter of Salisbury school), London rd St. ~lark's road We,ston Ml'ls. Dunraven, London road

Orchard Edwin John, Shady bower Short Rev. George B. A. (Baptist), 4 Wheeler Wm. Alfred,I6 Elm Grove .ter

Ormsby Geo. Cyp·rus vil.Sthmpton. rd The Cedars, Manor road White Rev. Henry Julian B.A. (vice-

Oshorn Ml'ls.5 Highfield ter.Devizes rd ShGI'Ito Jas. Thurston, 3 Manvr road principal o£ the Theological college

O.ttaway Philip Watson, The Close Sidebotham Rev. Canon Henry M.A. & domestic chQplain to the Bishop
Otton Rev. George Wa~er M.A. (cur- canon of Gibraltar & chaplain of St. of Sal~sbury), The Close

ate), St. Martin's Clergy house John's church, Mentone), The White Mrs. Clif.ton house, Devizes rd

Otty Thomas, Glenmore, London road Simons Regmntl.-Sergt.-Maj. Arthur vVhitefoord Rev. Prebendary Benjamin

Owen Mrs. 56 End1esSI st.reet C. I Park villas, London road ~LA. (principal of the Theological

Packer Mis•s, Lansdowne ho. Manor rd Sinclair Robert, Lond.on road college), The

Paffard Samuel T. 22 Harcourt terrace S1y Thomas, 26 Endles.s stree't Whitehead, Arth.Rougemont,London rd

Painter Wm. Hrigh'tleigh, 3 Manor rd Smee Abraham,Laleham,St. Mark's rd Whitehorn Wm.Beaulieu vil. Wilton l'd

Palmer Ellis, 4 Millbrook, Milford hill Smith Anthony, I7 Elm Grove terrace Whiting Mis's, 86 Exetell' street

Palmer J. H. I Belmont vils.Devizes rd Smith Geo. We.s.tbourne, Wilton ·rvad Wilkes Geo.Buckingham. vil.London rd

Parham Ml'ls. South bank, ~ilford hi:I G,mith ~Irs. I St. Martin's crescent Wilkes Miss, 2 Wyndham road

Parker Lewis· Jacques, 37 Castle street Smil!:h Sidney Buchanan,2 Westbourne, Wilkes William David, 27 New canal

Parry 1-Villiam, 26 Castle st•reet Wilton road William.s Alfred, Church field,s

Patterson John B. 84 Crane street Charles Frederick (Cathedral Wil1iams Alfred Erne.sot, Grove house,

Payne Joseph, 4 Harcourt terrace organist), The Close "\Vilton road

Pearce Frank, 86 Crane street Southby Charle·s, Old· Bank house Williams Mrs. Llangal'll'an, "\Vilton rd

Peck Miss, I8 Harcourt terrace Spinney Absalom George, 13 Canal WilliamlS William Phillpotts (master

Peniston Hy. Deveaux lodge,The Close Sprea.t Saml. Pierce, 30 Ha.roourt ter of the Netton Harriers), Langarran

Penislton :Miss, 5 Deveaux pi. The Close Squire Mrs. Il2 Exeter street Wilson Edwin Richard, Cambria villa,

Penton George, Alma cot. Devize.s rd Stan:ey Robe11t, Church fields London rDad

Pepper Lieut.-Col. George Xichols·on, Staple.s Geo. 2 Stanhope vls. "\Vilton rd Wilson Mrs. Ackworth ho. Castle st

J\Iilford! hill Stephenson Richa·rd John,Blue Boar rd Wilson Rathmell George, Cot.swold.

Perring Philip, Claremont, London rd Stevens Mrs. Grosvenor ho.Ohureh flds London road

Pickfo.rd Mrs. 33 Ca.stle ·street Steward Rev. Edward ~.A. ( Wilson Richd. Arthur M.A.93 Crane st

Pinchard' :Mirs. Santa Clans, London rd of Training College for Schoo:mis- Wilton Milss,Hougoumont,S'hamptn.rd

Pinckney William J.P. :Milford hill tres·ses), St. John street Winson Chrus. Trevelyan,3{iFisherton st

Pittman Mrs. 24 EndlesiS> street Still Mis·s, Cott-age, )Iilford Wintle Walter Paignton, St. Mark'srd
Woodrow Charles John, 3 CaSit:e streei
Pococke Herbert, Washington house, Still Thomas Prewett, ~Iilford

London road S.tokes Robert,jun. The ::\Iount,::\Iilford WoDdrow Frederick, 7 Castle street

Pollard ::\fis,s, 3 Deveaux pi. The Stokes William, 47 New street Woodrow Waiter Frank, 95 Crane st
Poore John 'I"hos, 22 Elm Grove te·r Style ~Irs. Milford cottage Woolley John Turton, Charnwood,

Porter George, rg Wilton road Sutton Mis.s, 54 St. Ann slireet , London road

Powell1-hs. George, I02 Bedwin street Swayne Mrs. 3 Lawn ter.Hartington rd Wordsrworth Right Rev. John D.D.
Tatum Miss, 6 Deveaux pi. The Close (LordBishop of Sal~sbury), ThePalace
Powney J oseph, Swayne's close

Pawning Wm. Cha.rles, 6 St. Ann st Taylor Miss, 137 Castle street & Athenreum club, London S W

Precey Mrs. 18 Endless street Thring Henry, 63 New street Wrigrut Charles A. I23 Castle street

Prince Thos. 20 York ter. Devizes rd Thwaites Rev. Edga,r J\"emhhard(rector Charles,The Briars,Campbell rd

Pritchard Wm. Hill view, l\Iilford hi] of St. Paul's, Fisherton), The Rec- Yelf Jack Robert, 8I Exeter street

Protheroe Mrs. 2 Harcourt terrace tory, Fi.sherton Yelf Miss, I5 Elm Grove terrace

Purton George, 43 St. Ann street Tiffin Wa1t-er Francis, 31 New .street Young Gemge, 34 Harcourt terrace

Purvis :Mrs. The Close Toomer M11s.I Belmont vils.Devizes·rd Young Henry, 32 High street

Pye-<Smith Edward Foulg€r, The Close Towe:I Anthur J. 20 Harcourt terrace Young Herbert Wm. I Manor road

Radcliffe Chas. Henry, 47 st Townsend Mis.s, The Close Young Mr.s. 46 Harcourt tevrace

Ransford,IWestbourne,Wiltn.rd Trethowan William James, Kenwyn, Young Thomas, The Hill, Milford

Rawkins Mrs. 23 Wilton :roa.d St. Mark';; road Young William, 40 Harcourt terrace

Rawlings George Herbert, Rosemont, Trite William, 89 Exeter street

Brown street

COMMERCIAL, l Addenbrooke Mar:ha & Louie (::\Esses), !adies' school,
London road

Abel Matthew Hen;ry, apartments, Elm Grove house Adey Charles, Rai:way P.H. Fisherton

.A.bley Edward, builder, 'Vyndham road Adey Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 4I St. Ann street


.A.dey Robert, verger of the cathedral, The C:.ose Bowes Heber Thomas (manager of 'White Hart Hotel
.Adey William H. su.rveyor, 4I St. Ann street
Alderto:n & Co. boot & shoe makers, Market place Co. Ltd.), .St. John's street
Aldridge WilHam, bl-acksmith, Milford
Alesworth, Young & Co. grocers, 35 High street Bowey ·william Thomas, organist St. Thomas,38 Brown st;
Alexander Edward, boot & shoe ma. 54 Catherine st.reet
Alexander Edward Charles, engineer, 47 Brown street Bowle Edward, corn, hay, seed, cake & manure mer-
.Alexander F:mnk, furniture dealer, Canal
.AJford Eliza~beth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 North street chant, 9 Queen street
Angel Family & Commercial Hotel (Horace Smyth
Bl'aibrook Sophia (Mi•ss), dress maker, West view,
Row, proprietor), Fisherton street
Hartington road
Angell Arthur J. boot maker, 39 Devizes road
Anset Char·.es "Talter, hosier, 33 Blue Boar row Bradbeer William Henry, cutler, 54 Brown street
Anset William Louis, deputy registrar of births & deaths
Bradford Henry J. WiLiam the :Fourth P.H. Milford st
for Salisbury sub-district, Kelvin villa, St. Mark's road
.Ahstey iMary (Miss), art needlework, 42 High street Brant .Sarah Jane (Mrs.), baker, I2 Castle street
.A.rmitage John Varley, millwriglh.t &c. St. Ann's foundry
Arney John & .Son, photographers, 29 CasEe street Brewer Harry, confectioner, II Castle street
Ash George, baker, 62 Winchester street
Assembly & Concert Rooms (.!Jbsalom George Spinney, Briant S. & Co. bakers, 87 Crane street

manager), High street Brickitt's Almshouses, Exeter street
Atklns & Son. pharmaceutical & wholesale chemists,
Bridle Tom Brimbley, hair dresser, 67 Fisherton street
Market place
Brinsmead Thomas, pianoforte & music warehouse, 2
Aubrey Reuhen, bookseller & stationer, I2 Queen street
& 3 Queen street
Ayers "'illiam 'fhomas, hair dress-er & tobacconist, 2
Fish market British & Colonial Meat Co. butchers, Butcher row

Aylvvard & Spinney. pianoforte & general music Brittan & Son, nurserymen, seedsmen, florists & fruit-

warehouse, tuners & repairers, I'3 Canal erers; bouquet & cut flowers, ·waterloo nursery,
Aylward Leila (Miss), R.A.M. prof. music, The Close
Ea.glin Phillip, baker, 65 Mi1ford street Fisherton
Bai:ey Frank, tailor, 6o Park street
Brittan Edward, farmer, Fisherton fa.rm
Baker Frank, cab proprietor, & agent for Sutton's Parcel
Delivery Co. 95 Fisherton street Britten Agnes (Miss), dress mak611", 33 Penny Farthing st

Ball Thomllis, Queen's Arms P.H. Ivy street Britton Sydney John, master of Free schoo: & assistant
Bannell Alfred·, beer reta,i:er, Queen's road
onrseer & collector of poor's rates for St. Martin's
Barber Harry, 53 Fisherton street
Ilarter Samuel, carpenter, I7 Devizes road parish, 7 Park street
Bll!rge Fredk. coffee stall proprietor, I8 Rolleston st.reet
Broadbere Rebecca. (Miss), stationer, St John street
Barnett Edwin Lynch, tailor, 77 Windsor street
Eartlett Edward E~loway, grocer, I2 Catherine street Brooks Henry, artist, 6o High stroeet
Eartlett George, boot & shoe maker, 8 High street
Barton Annie (Miss), dress maker, 62 High street Brothers Amy (Mrs.), dress maker, 79 Bt:dwin street
Bast Waiter Henry, bill poster, College street
Bath Charlotte (Mrs.), teacher of music, I r St. Mark's rd Brown Bros. building materials dealers, York Td.Fishertn Fred F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I. architect & surveyor, Crown Brovvn & eo. publishers, printsellers, new & second-
chambers, Bridge street
hand booksellers, stationers, bookibinders, subscription
Bath Henry, boot repairer, I Palmal cot. DeViizes road
Batt William M. carver & gilder, 41 New street library & news agents, publishers of the Sarum
Beal & Anset, printers, 4 "Winchester street
Diocesan Calendar & the Diocesan Gazette, Canal
J3eave Henretta Kate (:Miss), apartments, 6I New street
Beaven Julia G. (Mrs.), dress maker, 69 St. Ann street Brown Alexander, pianoforte tuner, 75 Exeter street
Beer James, cab pxoprietor, z6 Chipper lane
Bennett Brothers, general, plain & ornamental printers, & Brown Francis T. caterer, 11 St. Ann street

proprietors & pubLishers of the " Salisbury & Winches- Brown John, Crown & Anchor P.H. 108 Exeter street
ter Journal," Canal
Bennett Thomas, .Albion P.H. St. Ann street Brown Peter Biles, pork butcher, 28 Catherine street
Bennett Thomas Bowden, wholesale haberdasher &
general warehouseman, Canal Brovvn Wllliam. foreign stamp dealer & proprietor of

Bentley Wm. Henry, school, Cleveland ho. Elm grove the Philatelic Journal, St. Thomas' churchyard

Bent:llf Phllip. wholesa'.e brush manufacturer, 7 Win- Brown William Henry, cutler, 74 New street

chester street Bryant Charles, fishmonger, 47 Fisherton street

Berry Thomas, pork butcher, I3 Milford street Bryant Kate (Miss), shopkeeper & beer retailer, Alton
"Best Geo.rge James, confectioner, 23 High street
"Best Tom, bird stuffer, 22 Chipper lane terrace, York road
"Bevis Roland, painter, Summerlock terrace
Bidw.ell .John, grocer, 6o & 62 Catherine street, & grocer Bucksey William Edward & Co. grocers & foreign wines

& post office, Harnham :bridge dealers, 47 Silver street
lBingham & Son, milliners, hosiers & fancy drapel"s,
Bull Family & Commercial Hotel; livery & bait
5 High street
·stables (Augustus Louis Southcombe, proprietor), II
'Bird F. & Co. (William Redwood, manager), coal mer-
chants, Fisherton street Fisherton street

"!Bishop 'Maria (MiS>s), dress maker, I Whitchurch tell'- Bungay William Mortimer, ironmonger, 47 Canal
race, 'Milford street
Bungey George, Waggon & Horses P.H. Brown street
'Blackmore Museum (Dr. H. P. Blackmore,hon. director ;
J. R. Yelf, hon. treasurer; George F. He'nbest, hon. Bunsell Lucy (Miss), dress maker, 170 Castle street

sec.), St. Ann st•reet Burch Henry, boot repairer, 13 Wilton road
~lackmore Humphrey Purnell M.D. surgn. 44 St. Ann st
13lake Alice J. (Miss), ladies' school (day), 28 fCastle si Burden Stephen Edward, draper, 56 Fisherton street
1Blake Andrew, tanne'.t" & currier, 87 Castle street
13lake Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 St. Martin's cresoent Burden Wm. church & tul'ret clock ma. IOI Fisherton st
Blanchett Willilliill Henry, hall- dresser, 20 High street
Blechynden's Almshouses, Wi'nchester street Burt & Quintan, wheelwrights I& smiths, 20 Penny
B:inkhorn William Steeper, chemist, 29 Canal
Farthing street
'Blomfield 'Waiter, draper, 37 & 39 Catherine street
Bloom Thomas. silk mercer & draper, Canal & Bush John, boot maker, 21 Penny Farthing street

Catherine streert Butler James, paperhanger, 20 York road
Bothams Alfred Champney A.M.Inst.C.E. assistant
ButJt Albert Thomas, fruiterer, 29 Winchester street
city surveyor, Municipal buildings, Endless street &
Butt Thomas C. boot maker, 94 Fisherton street
architect, 39 Castle street
Bothams John Champney M.Inst.C.E. city surveyor, Buxey Walter Richard, wine & dry cooper, 44 (back of)

Municipal bui~dings, Endless street Winchester street & 2 Jubilee terrace, Milford hill

BDthams Waiter, artist, Devizes road Caldow Isatbella (Mrs.), apartmnts. I Belgrave vil.York rd

Canaway Robert, watch maker, I7 Wlinohester street

Canning Wm. Brown, land agt. see Rlliwlence & Squarey

Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Robt.

!Smith Edmonds, manager), Market p:ace; draw on

head office, 39 Threadneedle street, Londo'n E C

Carey Francis, White Horse hotel, & brewer & wine &

spirit merchant, Castle street

Carey George, inspector of nuisances to the urban sani-

tary authority & of common lodging & slaughter

houses, IB St. Martin Church street

Carter William & tSon, watch makers, jewellers, silver-

smiths & opticians, 3 Minster street

Carter Frank Charles, pianoforte & music wa,rehouse,

Fisherton ·street

Carter Froed, tailor, 83 Fisherton street

Carter John, hvt water fitter, 64 Salt lane

Cash Clothing Company, 86 Fisherton street

Oassey Ha.rry, City Arms P.H. Market place

Castle Jdhn, WiHon Arms P.H. 7 Milton road

Cathedral Choristers' School (Rev. Earle E. Dor1ing M..A.

master), The Close

Chalke Priscilla (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 104 Exeter street

Cha.lke Wm. hearth rug manufacturer, Old Jail ground

Chamberlain A. gun I& rifle maker; shooting & fishing

tackle of all de-scriptions, r8 Queen street

Chamberlain Sarah J. (Miss), dairyman, 7 St. Ann street

Chambers John, tailor, 78 Gigant street

Chaplin & Co. cartage agents to L. & S. W. Railway,

12 Mi:ford street •


Chapman Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 49 Castle street Crouch Mary .Ann (Mrs.), Coach & Horses P.H. 39 Win.

Chapman Wm. cabinet maker, I Fowler's rd. Milford hill chester street

Oharlton James, stationer, 10 High street Crutcher Thomas, horse dea:er, Ivy street

Cheesman Trayton, c:othier 6, & hatter 8, Queen street Crown Hotel; the nea;rest hotel to the Cathedral; quiet

Chick James, cabinet maker, 85 Crone street & comfortable accommodation; C. T. C. tariff t(} mem-

Christian Knowledge Society (William Trite, supt.), bers of cyclist clubs (W. S. Mnrsell, proprietor), win9

Church house, Crane street · & spirit merchant, & agent for Groves' famous Wey-

'Church Extension .Association depDt, outfitters, 25 mouth ales, High street & Crane street

Minster street Curtis .Absalom & James Sherey, p:umbers, 28 Market pi

Churcll. House Reading Room (R. .A. Wilson esq. sec.), Curks Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper, 14 Castle street

Crane street Daniele Charles, apartments, 67 New street

Churchill !Henry W. shopkeepe;r, II9 Castle street Dare Louisa Emma (:Mrs.), servants' reg. offi. 22 New st

City & County Restaurant (est. q86) (Newton & Darke Fitz Roy Philip, surgeon, medical officer to Salis-

CD.), high class restaurant & refreshment room, 21 bury & South Wilts Provident dispensary & consulting

Catherine street surgeon to Sa:isbury in!firmary, 20 Queen street

City Police Station (A1fred Mathews, head cD!nsstable), Davla A• .J, (Miss), antique furniture & cnrio dealer,

Endless street 14 Winchester street

Clarendon Restaurant (Charles Ed. Perkins, pro- Davis ElizU~beth (Mis·s), apartments, 45 High st·reet

prietor), confectionery & refreshments of the best Davis Georgeo Henry, deputy registrar of births &

quality; C. T.C. quarters, 412 Catherine stree•t deaths for .A1derbury sub-district, 4 Wyndham road

C~ark George, coach tbuilder, Salt lane Davis Giles, confectioner, 16 "Winchester str-eet

Clissold .Ado~phns, com. traveller, 8 York ter. Devizes rd Davis Joseph Thomas, shopkeeper, London ;road

Clissold Frank, Eagle P.H. 31 Fisherton street Davis Ra:ph, furniture broker, 23 Winchester •street; &

Clyde J os~ah, assistant overseer & collector of poor's whitesmith, Rolles·ton street

rates for Milford, 8 Wyndham road, !Milford Davis Thomas John, grocer, 88 Castle street, & mineral

Coates & Kingsco·te, surgeons, I7 En&ess street & The water manufacturer, 64 Brown st·reet

Hall, New ·street Dawes F. As1:on, accountant, auctioneer, land agent &

Coates .Alfred, solicitor, I7 Endless street va~uer, & tec'=!iver in bankruptcy for the Salisbury,

Coates Harcourt L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.E. (firm, Yeo:vil, Poole & Do-rchester districts; agent for the

•Coates & Kingscote), surgeon, & .senior honorary sur- Royal Exchange Insurance Co. The Employe•rs' Li-

geon to Salisbury infirmary I& medical officer of health a•bility .Assurance Corporation Limited & Imperial Live

to the borough, I7 Endle·ss street Stock Insurance .Association, City chambers

Coibb & Smith, solicitors, 5 Canal Day Sarah (Mrs.), Devizes Road hotel

Cdbb Henry William (firm, Cobb & .Smith), solicitor & Day'e Southern Drug Co. Lim. chemists, 3 High street

clerk to county magistrates & vestry clerk of St. Deall Samuel, wood turner, 53 Winchester street

Martin's, 5 Canal Dean John 0. Catherine ·whee: P.H. Milford street

Cocket1: & Son, linen & woo~len drapers, carpet ware- Dear Richard, wine & spirit merchant, & agent for

housemen, mourning, mantle & millinery establishment, the Burton Br.ewery Co. Limited & for Raggett's Lon-

I6 & I7 Market place & Minster street don stout, 35 Blue Boar row

Cole George, boot & shoe maker, 22 Cast:e ·street Dear William, butcher, Devizes road

Ooieman John M.R.O.V..S. vet. surgeon, 35 North st Dening & Son, fumiture dealers, 13 Market place & 26

Collegiate School, Head 'Master, Charles H. Not~ey Butcher row

Lond. "Cniv. (Inter . .Arts), .A.C.P. Friary house, St. Dennis E::za (~Irs. ), wardrobe dea:er, 7I Bro•·m street

.Ann ·street Dennis Sam, tobacconist, r5 Minster street

Colley Edward J. tailor, tSidney street, York road Devenish Matthew Henry "\>Vhitty, general manager of

Co:lins Frederick, King's .Arms, 99 Fisherton street Wilts & Dorset Bank & treasurer to the Corporation

Collins Willia.m, coffee tavern, Butcher row & Cana: & .Alderbury nnion & rural dist. council, Blue Boar row

Cook & Co. grocers, 5 I High street Devereux Elizalbeth (Mrs.), ladies' school, The Close

Cook .Alfred, pork but-cher, 37 High street Deverill Isaac, West End hotei, wine & spirit merchant;

Cook Henry, greengrocer, 30 Rollestone street good accommodation for travellers & stabling,Wilton rd

Cook Owen, surveyor of taxes, Inland Revenue office Diaper "\Villiam, Royal Oak P.H. Cu:ver strett

Cookman Edwin, auctioneer's foreman, 79 Castle street D~bben Frank, builder, 17 College street

Coombs Charles, grocer, 37 End:ess street DiDCesan Church House (Mrs. Bur:fitt, caretaker),Crane st

Coombs Emily (Miss), milliner &c. 77 Exeter street Diocesan Deacooesses' Institution (Miss S. E . .Aldred), 91

Coombs John, boot maker, Summecr-lock terraDe ·Orane street

Coryper E:izabeth (Mrs.), costumier, 5 Virginia ter- Diocesan Gazette (Brown & Co. publishers ; pub:ished

race, Devizes road monthly), Canal

Cooper Elizabeth (Mrs.), toy repository, 20 Market place Dixon E. & Son, butchers, 6o Castle street

Cooper Frank, coach 'builder, II Brown street Dlxon Francls & eo. brush makers, I8 High street

Cooper John M. gilder & decorator, 79 Fisherton street Dixon Frank Strudwick, watch maker, 45 "Winchester st

Cooper Loulsa (Mrs.), corset manufacturer, dress & Dixon William, shopkeeper, 73 Brown street

mantle maker, milliner & baby linen warehouse, 45 & Dobson Ma.rtha (Mrs.), Star P.H. Fisherton stree:

46 Blue Boar row, \Market pl3!Ce Dolman Annie (Miss), dress maker, 9 Julbilee terrace

Cope James & Son, plasterers, 31 Devizes road Dolman J ames, greengrocer, 4 Fish market

Cope Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3I Dev.:zes road Dorre:l J ames, tobacconist, 9 "\V:inchester street

Cope .James, 'hopkeeper, Devizes road Doug1as Mary .A. (Miss), head mistress Godo:phin High

Crypman Wieiam, cabinet maker, upholsterer & french school, Milford hill

po~isher, I Fowler's road, Milford hill Dowden .James Kelth, auctioneer, value·r, accountant

Coram Caroline (Mrs.), Goat P.H. 24 Milford street & land agen·t, Crown chambers

Corn Exchange (Edmund George, kpr.), Market place Drewitt Henry, jobmaster, 14 .Summerlock terrace

Corporation Swimming Baths (Wil~iam & Thomas Good- Dyer .Andrew, bacon factor, 92 Fisherton street

ridge, lessees), back of City Flour mills Dyke .Alexander, saddler·& ha.rness maker, 67 St. John st

Council House, Market place Dyke David Thos. reg. of marriages, Market Ho. chambrs

County Court (Richard .A. Wilson, registrar & high Earle .Alfred, cabinet maker, St. Thomas' churchyard

bailiff) ; office, Bridge street Earle Harry, wholesale confectioner, Milford hill

County Hall (J. Ezra Bailey, caretaker), Endless street Eas·tmans Limited, 'butchers, 9 0\-Iinster street

County Hotel, the principal family hotel in Salisbury Edgar Tom, plumber, decorator, gasfitter & engineer, 98

County Polioe Station (John Stephens, superintendent), :Bedwin street ; workshops, Brown street

Devizes road Edmonds Robert Smith, manager, The Capital & Counties

Courtenay Joseph David, boot maker, I5 & I7 High st Bank Limited, Market place

Courtney James, Engineers' .Arms P.H. Fisherton Edmonds Waiter Oha.rles, grocer, 82 & 84 :fark street

Cowmeadow Frederick J. draper, I9 High •street Edwards .Arthur, cycle agent, 48 New street

Oox .Arthur & tSon, saddler & harness ma. 16 & r8 Castle st Edwards John, upholsterer, 68 New S'treet

Creed J ames, boot repairer, 7 Park street Edwards Robert R. stationer, 4 Castle street

Crlpps Wllllarn, grocer, wine & spirit merchant, agent Eldridge & Young, tailors, II Catherine st•reet

for H. R. Williams & Oo.'s wines & spirits, I Eldridge John, carpenter, 57 Brown street

Catherine street Elkins Frank, dairyman, 9 York road
Crockett Edwin, boot repairer, 33 Endless street
Elliott £dward, coal dealer, 39 Devizes road
Crook Brothers, tailors & woollen drapers, I4 High -st Elliott Francis (!Mrs, ), pastry oook, 89 Fisherton street &

Crook .Albert, painter, Basing house, Wilton road 10 Bridge street

Crook Charles, Market inn, But-cher row Elliott Frank George, wheelwright, 19 Gree!ncroft street.

Cro&bie .Alex. travelling drpr. 12 York teil'race, Devizes rd Ellis & Gordon, surgeons, Brown street & 52 Endless st


E:lis Sidney M.R.C.S., L.S ..A. surgeon (fir~, Ellis & GoJdsworthy J". & Co. sewing machine dirs. so High &t

Gordon), medical officer to Salisbury & South Wilts Gollop Jame.s, saddler, 59 "\Yinchester street
dispensary, vaccination officer to 3rd & 5th districts Gooda:l Frederick William, draper, 34 B~ue Boar row

Alderlbury union, Overt.on house, Brown street Gordon James Edward, surgeon, & medical officer to

Else John, Rou'nd of Beef P.H. 19 Milford street S.aiislbury & South Wilts Provident d:spemary (firm,

Emin-ton Edwd. Geo. boot & shoe ma. 77 ·Winchester st Ellis & Gordon), 52 Endless street

Eminton Ma·ry .Ann (Mrs.), bonnet maker, 62 Milford st Gould Wllllam Henry, hatter & tai:or, 14 Queen street

England .Albert-, shopkeeper, 42 Culver street Grant .Austin, fly proptr. Ioa, Church st. St. Edmund's

Englefield Jane (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, II M;nster st Grant Sllvanua George, bui:der I& undertaker, 17

Eynon Frederick Wil1iam, gasfitter, 59 :Fisherton street Brown street
l Gray J. & Sons, watch makers, 4a, Castle
Eyre's .Almshouses, London road ·w. street
l!'anm•r .Alfred, London hotel, close '\V. Gray Edwin H. dairyman, 38 High street
·to G. & S.

stations; good accommodation for trave:Iers & cyclists, Gray Wil:.iam John, fishmonger, 9 Fish market

Fil'herton street Green Charles "\Villiam, bldr. Pembroke vil. Queen's rd

Farebother Aubrey H.B., L.D.S.Eng. surgeon de'ntist, 3 Gregory Henry George, water miller, Fisherton mills

& 5 New street Grierson Ja.mes, draper, A~ton house, York road

Farebrother Horace John Lloyd L.D.S.Eng. surgeon Griffe'n Charles, bricklayer, 18 St. .Ann street

den'ist, 3 & 5 New. street . Griffin Frederlck, eng'i;,h & d'ol"eign timber, slate,

FFaar. rrr~nFtr aCnekc, oRa.c ha bmlder, 8 Wmchester street bark & coa l me rch an t E~ & saw mills ' J:<'isherton street·'
ccountant, house & estate agent, & at Poole, Dor set & lin g, R ants
& ~nsurance _agent, Cro~n chambers valuer

Farrier Fre_d~r10k T. clothier & hatter, Butcher row Griffin George, cooper, North street, Fisherton

IFawcett W~lhall;l & Son, iN-ewers, Endless. street Griggs Alfred, watch maker, 89 Fisherton street
Griggs Wi~liam, London Road inn, London road

Fee·ry Patnck, mland reve'nue officer, Ilndge street Grist Fra'nk, com. traveller, 6 York terrace, Devizes rd

Feltham Ellen (Mrs.), pork butcher & oocon factor, 38 GrbouvtechEerm, a1n8ueBl~tcbhaecronrowdealer' 22 Hicrh street & pork
Winchester street "

Ferrett .Albert .A. carver & gilder, 96 Crane street Gurd Eliza (Mrs.), Barley Mow P.H. Greencroft street

Field William, Five Bells P.H. 74 Salt lane Hacker t.Anna. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 107 Exeter street

Finch "\ Corbin M.D. physician & medical .supt. to Hacker George, fruiterer, 49 Silver s·treet

Fisherton House lunatic asylum, Fisherton Haines Sidney, carriage builder, Brown street

Fisherton Anger & Bemerton \Vater 'Wtlrks Co. (Sidney Hake Frederick, grocer, 25 & 27 Winchester street

Buchanan Smith, sec.), Crown chambers Hale Charles, dairyman, MLJord

Fisherton .Anger Burial Board (George Smith, clerk), Hale Edward, J:milder, 73 •Castle street

Canal; ceme:ery (Edwd. Rose, lodgekeeper),Devizes rd iHale John, dairyman, 78 Salt lane

Fis'herton House Lunatic Asylurq, (William Corbin Finch Hall iRobert Michael, solicitor, I Minster street

M.D. medical supt.; Richd. Tanner Finch M.B. Wm. Hammick William Maxwell, chief secretary to South

· Boddie M.B. & one v.acant, assistant medical officers; Wilts Constitutional .Associatio'n, Market House chmbrs

Bishop of Sa~islbury, chaplain), Wilton road Hampshire Down Sheep Breeders' .Association (James

Foley .Alfred, music & musical instrument seller, 31 Canal Edward Rawlence, sec.), 49 Canal

Foley Arthur Charles, cabinet maker, upholsterer, Hand Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 St. Mark's road

artistic & economic house furnisher & decorator, 41 Hand Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 63 Milford street

Fisherton street Harding Jn.& Son, architects & buildg. survyrs. 51 Canal

Foley Henry, upholsterer, 17 Wilton road Harding Charles Steven, house & estate agent, 39 Canal

Foley William 'S. beer retailer, Ohurchfields Harding Charlotte (Mrs.), berlin wool repos. 45 Silver st

Folliott ·John, brewer, wine & spirit merchant, \Vinches· Harding Ernest Robert, veterinary surge;::m & inspector

ter street & Rollestone street under Contagious Diseases (Animals) .Act & veteri-

Foot Thomas, Pheasa'nt inn, Salt lane nary inspector, 40 Fisherton street

Forder George Daniel, insurance agent, 87 Exeter street Harding George William, attendance & enquiry officer

Foreman Charles, private tutor, 47 Winchester street to school attendance committee & assistant overseer ·

Found Edmnnd, shopkeeper & iboat proprietGr,91 Castle st & collector of poor's rates for Fisherton, 1 Nelson

Fowler & Bailey, dra.pers, 34 & 36 Oa•herine street terrace, Devizes road

Fowler Agnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Beaconsfield terrace Harding John, Anchor & Hope P.H. 57 Winchester st
Fowler George, baker & grocer, 16 York ter. Devizes rd Harding.Jn.d~ocesan surg. forSarum archdeaconry, srCanal

Fowler James, shopkeeper, 36 Devizes road Harding Richard, antique furniture dealer, 33 High st

Fox Henry Elliot, solicitor, notary public & district re- Harding Robert Curtis, brick maker, lime. burner &

gistrar of probate court, The Close whiting manufacturer, Devizes road

Francis John, beer retailer, go Winchester street Harding Susan .A. (Miss), SJChools (preparatory), 4 Petros
Franklin William, cabinet maker, 3 ~t. Ann's terrace villas, Devizes road

F'ree Public Library(Oliver Langmead,librarn.),Endless st Harding Waiter S. saddler & harness maker, 52 Silver st

Freemantle George, sen. verger Salisbury cathedral, Hardy & Son, chemists 3, & confectioners 5, Catherine

The Close street & mineral water manufacturers, 3I Brown st
Frowd's ~o\:mshouses, Bedwin street Harfitt Henry C. tinplate worker, 43 Winchester street

Fry •Stephen Waiter, baker, 8I Bedwin street Harfitt Herbert, upholsterer, 78 Exeter street

Fulker Lewis Thos. carriage builder, Oatherine street Harfitt Waiter, tinplate worker, 45 Salt lane

Fullford Henry Thomas, grocer, 44 Catherine street Harman John, baker, 17 Milford street

Fulton & Pye-Smith, solicitors, Rollesto'ne street Harrington Emily (Miss), dress maker, 62 Bedwin street
Fulton Hamilton (firm, Fuiton I& Pye-Smith), solicit..~~· Harrls IHOW'ard & Son, carriage builders, 20 & 22

commissioner for oaths & clerk to the muniCiprti. ..:ha:·i- \Vinchester street

'ties & c~erk to the Downton burial board, Rollestone st Harris George, clerk to the school board< & ve~try clerk

Gater Caleb William F.S.I. land agen·t & valuer, 28 of St. Edmund's, 6 Endless street

Castle street HarTis Gilbert, builder, Dews road

Gater Ja.mes, jeweller, 9 Canal Harris Joseph, master of school of art, New street

Gear Annie (Miss), dress maker, I2 Park street Harrison Edith & .Alice(Misses),dress mas. I4Rolleston st

George Edmund, keeper of the Market house & age'nt for Harrison J. P. & Son, chemists, 29 Fisherton street

:the West of England Sack Hiring Co. Limited & for Harrison Catherine (Miss), ladies' school, 14 Rolleston st
Richard Westlake, ~ack contractor, Southampton; Harrison Percy. butcher, 99 Park street

Corn exchange Hart ·waiter William, butcher 29, & fishmonger 24,

Gerrish George, draper &c. see Style & Gerrish Butcher row

Gibbons )Villiam A. shopkeeper, Dews road Harwood .Alexander, baker, 22 Trinity street

Glbbs Brldger & Sons, brewers, maltsters & wine & Haskell William Bracher, watch maker, 3I Market place

spirit merchants, .Anchor !brewery, Gigant street; & Haskins Charles, clothier & china & glass dealer, Poul-

farmers at Milford & Ford, Lavers~ock try cross, Silver street

Gilbert George, umbrella. maker, I St. Ann street Hatch Harriett (Mrs.), corn & hay dlr. 30 Catherine st

Oillbert ·wm. A, xegistry office for servants, 16 Brown f;t Hatch Thos. grocer & wine & spirit mer. Poultry cross

Girls' Recreation Rooms (Miss Leaman, sec.), Crane S". Hawkins Alice (l\Iiss), dress maker, 7 South street

Goddard E. & Go-railway carriers & furniture removers, Haynes Joseph, scales maker, 57 Salt lane

35 l\'Iiliord street Haynes William, plumber, 2 Ivy street
Goddard W<, job & pos·ting master, 55 Milford strE)et
Qo~olpl:a,ln High School for Girls C:~ht>s. l\Iary ..L Hayter's .Almshouses, .Fisherton st;reet

Douglas, head mistress). :\Iilford hi:I. See Hayward Lilly {Miss), dress maker, 44 Brown street
Heather T. & F. corn merchants~ 9 Wilton road
advertisement Henbest Geo. Fre~c. accountnt. 2 Everley vl. Fisherton


Henstridge Charles, boot maker, 65 Brown street & Judd Edw¥d, butcher, 40 Catherine street

greengrocer, 49 Brown street Keene Alicia J. (Mrs.), Star P.H. 69 Brown street

Herring Frank, job, posting & riding master, landaus, Keevil James Charles, dairyman, St. Mark's road

victorias, brakes &c. good hacks & hunters, Fisherton Keevill J ames- George, dairyman, Park street

mews. See advertisement Kelland James M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon, &

Merrlng .James, livery stable keeper, licensed to let medical officer No. 5 district, Alderbury union, hon.

horses & carriages, ladies' hacks & hunters, horse physician to the Salisbury infirmary, medical officer

breaker & clipper, Queen street & Brown street of health to Alderbury ruraJ district council, 33 Canal

Hibberd Sarah Elizh. (Mrs.), grocer, 55 St. Ann street Kellow & Smith, builders, Windsor road

Hicks & Son, butchers, 56 Winchester street Kellow Robert William, confectioner, 8 Bridge street

Hicks Jn. chiropodist & schl. board officer, 39 Endless st Keynes, Wllllams & Oo. nurs·erymen, seedsmen &

Highman Edwin G. carpenter, 83 Milford street florists·, Castle street

Hlghman Frank, engraver, designer, illuminator & Kidd~e Ely, engineer, 55 Brown street
lithographic artist, steam litho printer, guide, plan Kimber Albert William, tobacconist, li Queen street
& view publishers ; all orders executed on the pre- Kimber Edward George, corn dealer, I4 Butcher row
mises; professional men for every branch, 44 High st King Henry, grocer, So Park street
Kingscote Ernest M.B., C.M., L.R.C.S.Edin. hon.
Hill George & Co. china & glass dlr. 35 Silver street geon to Salisbury infirmary, The Hall
Hill Frederick William, dairyman, 23 Endless street
Kirby Henry, pianoforte tune·r, 8 Queen street
Hillary Richard, New Inn P.H. St. Ann's
Hillier Frederick George, tailor, outfitter, hosier, hatter Kite Henry James, builder, 5 Wilton road
Kitson Fanny (Mrs.), shopkpr. & dres·s ma. II Wilton rd
& juvenile clothier, qo Fisherton street
Hodding & J ackson, solicitors, Market House chambers Knigh_t Wm. Geo. commsn. agt, City chambrs. High st
Hodding Francis (firm, Hodding & Jackson), solicitor, Lake Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 2I Trinity street
notary public, clerk of the peace for the city, clerk to Lambourne Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 57 St. Ann street
the .Alderbury union & rural district council, school Laming Samuel, fancy draper, 18 & 20 Catherine street
Lampard Jn. jun. rope & twine manufr. 109 Exeter st
attendance & assessment committees & superintendent Lampard Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 West street
registrar of Alderbury union, Market House chambers La.ncaster John Latimer, printer, Canal
Hold C. & Son, chimney ·sweepers, 45 Barnard street Lane Ma.ry (Miss), dress maker, go Exeter street
& I6 East street, Fisherton Lanham George, greengrocer, 57 Fisherton street
Holgate Clifford W. barrister-at-law & private sec. to Lapham Howard- ironmonger, 37 Fisherton street
the Bishop of Salisbury, The Close Lapham 1Villiam, tailor, 28 Endless street
Holton Edwd. Duchess of Albany P.H. Ox row, Market pi Large & Oo. wine, spirit, ale & porter merchants,
Home & Colonial Stores Lim. grocers, I High street
Home of Industry (Miss Emily Beckingsale, supt. ), 46 agents for Bartlett & Co.'s Warminster ale & stout,
St. Ann strellt vVorthington & Co. Burton-on-Trent, F. Jacobs & Co.'s

Hookway Loui;.: A. dyer, 49 Catherine street Pilsener lager beer & Hicks & Co.'s VinoSacro,57Canal
Hooper Saml. & Son, electro plate manufrs·. 16 High st Larkam William, jun. hosier, 31 Catherine street
Hopkins Jn.BlackHorseP.H.&mineral water mfr.Castle st Larkham Henry vVilliam, ladies' & gentlemen's outfitter,
Horder Bros. who. grocers & provision mers. 39 Milford st
so & SI ~Iarket place
Horder Samuel Albert, clerical & general tailor & Latty Robert John, coal merchant, 22 Endless -street

woollen draper, IO Que.en st.reet Leach William & Son, grocers, 41 Castle street
Horlock Jesse, shopkeeper, 91 Gigant street Leaver & Co. basket makers, II2 Fisherton street
Horne Joseph, chemist & druggist, London road, See Lee & Luckham, surgeons & physicians, The Close
Lee & Powning, solicitors, Chipper lane
Howes Charles, boot maker, 47 Salt lane Lee Frederick Fawson M.B., F.R.C.S.Eng., V. D. sur-
geon & physician, physician to Salisbury General In-
Humby Edward Sidney, ba,sket & brush maker, 52 firmary, brigade surgeon to vVestern Counties Vol.
Catherine street
Infantry Brigade, & surgeon to Ist Wilts battalion R.
Humby Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, I9 Castle street
V. C. (firm, Lee & Luckham), The Close
Humby William, shopkeeper, 78 Winchester street
Lewis Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Ivy street
Runt Thomas, herbalist, I York terrace, Devizes road Light H. & Son, boot makers, London road
Hurdle Waiter S. hop & cheese factor, Market place
Lightfoot Alfred, watch maker, 50 Catherine street
Hussey's Almshouses, Castle ·street
Lindsey & Co. grocers, 46 Catherine street
Hutchens Marian(Mrs. ),reg. office for servants,3gHigh st Lloyd George, ironmonger, 19 Canal
Hyde Silas William, watch maker, 46 Silver street
Lodge Charles, boot maker, 44 West street
Inland Revenue Office (Alfred Cook, supervisor; Owen Lodge Frank, tailor, 74 Windsor street
Cook, surveyor of taxes), Bridge street
Lodge ~ia.ry (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 Chipper lane
International Tea Co. 23 Market place
Long Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 38 New street
Ireland Frederick Hill, carpenter, 8 Jubilee terrace
Long John, greengrocer, 3I Wilton road
Ireland Thomas, painter, 42 Brown street
Lord James, draper, 6o Fisherton street
Isa-ac Martha (Mrs.), apartments, Church st. Fisherton Lovlbond .John & Sons, brewers, wine & spirit &
Isworth Edgar, hair dresser, 3I Winchester street
bottled beer mers. St. Ann's brewry. & 45Catherine st
Isworth Maria (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 20 Castle street Lowther Elizabeth(Mrs. ),fancy draper, 35 Winchester st
Isworth William, apartments, 32 Chipper lane
Lowther Louis, bicycle ma.& repairer,35Winche·ster st
Jackson George, draper, 2 York terrace, Devizes road Lucas John, verger & apartments, The Close
Jackson William Herbert (firm, Hodding & Jackson), Lucas William, parish clerk St. Paul's, 14 York ter-
solicitor & deputy supt. registrar & sec. to Alder- race, Devizes road
bury union technical education committee, Market Lucas William, road contractor, 41 Culver street
House chambers
Luckham Levi Stephenson M.R.C.S., L.S.A. surgeon

.Jacobs Thomas, pianoforte tuner, I6 Sidney st.Fishrtn & physician, surgeon to Salisbury Infirmary & medi-

Jarman Sarah Louisa (.Miss), Montague College for cal officer to Britford workhouse (firm, Lee & Luck-

Girls, Wilton road. See advertisement ham), & medical officer No. 4 district, Alderbury

Jay Martha (Mrs.), .engraver & printer, 10 Castle street union, 16 Harcourt tl:'rrace
Lush .James, coal merchant & sack contractor; truck
.refferies Henry, stationer, 8 Castle street

Jeffery Waiter Henry, tobacconist, 49 Winchester street loads to any station; coals of the best quality

.Jeffery William, pork butcher, 34 J\Iilford street always in stock, Crane Bridge road; sacks let on

J enkins Brothers, ironmongers, I Winchester street hire at Amesbury, Downton, Salisbury, Shrewton,

Jenkins Frank, grocer, 66 Milford street Tisbury, Warminster & Wylye

J enkins George Frederick, grocer, 55 Winchester street Luther Hall (Rev. E. N. Thwaites, sec.), Fisherton st

Jenkins John May, plumber, 16 Queen street Luxton Bros. boot mas. 25 & 27, & fruitrs. 29, High st

Jenkins Thos. shopkpr. & branch post office, London rd Lynden House School (Newton Rinxman B.A.

J ennings John, builder, 24 Windsor road principal), St. Ann street

Jennings Walt. T. saddler & harness ma. I5 Catherine st Lywood James & Son, frpiterers, 51 Catherine street

Jerrard Henry, hair dresser, g6 Fisherton street Lywood Albert, butcher, 94 Fisherton st. & London rd

Jerred William, bird stuffer, I84 Castle street Lywood George, greengrocer, 4I Winchester street

Johnson Gertrude (Miss), milliner, 65 New street Lywood Henry, newsagent, 58 Salt lane

Johnson Stephen, draper, 144 Fisherton street Mabbett Chas. watch ma. & stationer, 17 & 19 Catherine st

J ohnson Thomas, optician, 59 Catherine street Macdonald (K.) & Maiden, solicitors & deputy regis·

.Tones James William, station master G. W. R. Trafal- trars of diocese & chapter clerks, The Close

gar villa, London road Macdonald Douglas John Kinneir M.A. (firm, 1\tacdonald

.Tosling George C. Malmesbury Arms P.H. Wilton road K. & Maiden), solicitor, & notary public & rP~strar

Josling Thomas W. Woolpack P.H. Endless street for the archdeaconry of Sarum & Wilts, The Close


Macdonald Fitzherbert,registrar of the diocese, TheClose Naisb. & Son, carriage builders, 5.5 Canal
Macey Henry, plumber & grocer, 41 Gigant street
Macey John, Oddfellows' Arms P.H. Milford street Naish SI. Rt. baker & gro. 15 Church st. St.Edmund'a
Mack Elizabeth (Mrs.), certified nurse, West view,
Naish William J. grocer, 44 & 46 Trinity street
Hartington road
National Provincial Bank of England Limited

(Richard John Stephenson, manager), Blue Boar row;

Mackland Frederick, postmaster, Canal draw on head office, London E C

Macklin .Tames & Son, cutlers, silversmiths, jewellers Neale Harry, plumber, 88 Crane street
Neale William Mitcheson, writer & decorator, 62 New n
& opticians, 7 Catherine street

Macy Edwin, ecclesiastical art repository, 21 High street Neesham Henry & Co. cutlers, 19 Market place

Maddeford Richard, superintendent Prudential Insurance Neesham Henry, bookseller, 40 High street

Co. St. Malo, Swayne's close Ne:son Robert & Co. domestic machinery manufacturer!!,

Maddock John, upholsterer, 69 Milford street 3 Winchester street

Main & Sons, corn, seed, cake & manure merchants, Nelson Temperance Hotel (Mrs. Foley),

Market place Newbery William George, collector to the guardians,

Main Frank, grocer, 102 Fisherton street relieving & vaccination officer, No. 3 district, Alder-

Maiden Arth. Russell B.A. solr. see.Macdonald K. &Maiden bury union, & registrar of births & deaths, Salisbury

Ma'l"Chment William, pork butcher, 36 Brown street sub-district, 39 Brown street
Newman E:iza (Miss), milliner, 56 High street
Margaretts Ann (Miss), boot & shoe dealer, 5 Minster
street & 5 Queen street Newman Joseph, boot & shoe maker, so High street

Market House & Corn Exchange (Charles R. Norton, :Newton & Co. City & County restaurant, 21 Catherine st
~ewton Joel Wm. chemist & druggist, 35 Catherine st
sec.; Edmund George, keeper), Market place

Marsh .Tames, greengrocer, St. John street Newton William J. horse dealer, West End stables,

Marshall Tom, baker. 4 Greencroft street Wilton road

Marshment & Son, bill posters, Milford hill :Nicho~asBrothers, grocers, & post office, 27 Wilton road
Marshment Henry, town crier, l\Iilford hill Noah Sarah A. (Mrs.), upholsterer, 28 New street
Marshment Henry 'V. shopkeeper, 66 St. Ann street :Noble Edwin, Crystal Fountain P.H. Milford street
Martin & Son, soda water & lemonade ma,nufacturers, Nodder & Trethowan, solicitors & agents for the Al-

Ca,stle street liance & Atlas Insurance Cos.. Crown chambers
Martin Char~es Edward, Waverley temperance & com- Nodder George, solicitor & commissioner (firm,Nodder

m':"lrcial hotel, go Fisherton street & Trethowan), Crown chambers
Martin Eliza (Mrs.), furrier, Elm grove Norton Alfred, chimney sweeper, 22 Rollestone street
Martin Henry Davis, grainer & writer, 87 Milford hill Norton Charles Richard, solicitor, 42 New street
Mas.sey Charles, tailor & undertaker, Castle street K orton George, dairyman, I I Guilder lane
Massey Emma Hephzibah (Miss), dress ma. 44 Castle st Notley Char:es Holmes, classical & commercial school
Masters Frederick, surgeon-dentist, 2 Cas.tle street
Matthews Alfred, head constable of city police & in- Friary house, St. Ann's street
Oates Ephraim, refreshment rooms, 43 Castle street
spector of weights & measures, Endless -s.treet Old Three Swans Temperance hotel (Mrs. N. Windsor,
Matthews Alfred J. builder, Church st. St. Edmund's
Meatyard Amelia (Mrs.), butcher, 27 Castle street mana~eress ), Winchester street
Medway H. B. & Son, tailors, 34 & 36 Winchestel" street Oliver George, boot & shoe warehouse, Silver street &
Mew Herbert & Co. brewers, Milford Street brewery
Merchant Frank, King's Arms P.H. St. John's street 7 Queen street
Midland Railway West of England Coal Traffic Agency
Oram Thomas, boot manufacturer, 32 Winchester st
(Henry Tissington, agent), Kingston ho. Wilton road Orchard Edwin John, chemist, see Read & Orchard
Miell James 'Vesley, photographer, St. John's street Osmond William, pastrycook, 65 Fisherton street
Miles Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 1 New street
Miles .Tames, grocer, 18 Milford street Ottaway Philip Watson, solicitor, The Close
Miles Mary (Mrs.), upholsteress, 6o Winchester street
Milford Water Works Co. Limited (Sidney Buchanan Otterway Amelia(Miss), furnished apartments, 4 Elm gro

Smith, sec.), Crown chambers Owen .Tames (Mrs.), portrait painter & photographer,
Millard Edith (Miss), dress maker, 121 Castle street
Millard James, The Lamb P.H. 81 Fisherton s.treet 29 Catherine street
Millard John, Avon Brewery P.H. 75 Castle street
Mills Charles, chimney sweeper, g6 Exeter street Page A. Le, professor O·f languages, 65 New street
Millward & Co. Limited, stone masons & sculptors., Paine Edward, Bell & Crown P.R. Catherine street
Parfitt Frank Herbert, bicycle dealer, 9 Castle street
St. John street Parker Lewis J acques, dental surgeon, 37 Castle street
Mitchell Charles, dairyman, 74 Milford street Parker Mary (Mrs.), Bell inn, Exeter street
Mitchell Emily (Miss), refreshment rooms, South
Parker Sl. tobacconist & stationer, 22 & 24 Catherine st
Western road, Fisherton
Moffat ·william, draper, 18 York terrace, Devizes road Parker Samuel Morris. stationer, 27 Catherine street
Mold John, boot maker, 75 Milford street
Parkhouse Edith M. (Miss), fancy stationer, 6 Bridge st
Mon'ta.gue College for Girls (Miss Sarah Louisa
Parr George M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, 16 Catherine st

Parsons S. H. & Co. leather sellers, 14 & 16 Milford st
Parsons Charles, carpenter, II Devizes road
Parsons Edward A. watch maker, 57 Catherine street
Pal"Sons .Tames, ~asfitter &c. roo Bedwin street
Parsons Mary (Mrs.), ·shopkeeper, 22 Windsor road
Parsons Sarah (Mrs. ),apartments,Fernleigh, Church flds

.Torman), Wilton road. See advertisement Parsons 'Villiam, corn dealer, 64 Winchester street
Montgomery Thomas~ Black Horse P.H. 18 Winchester st Pal"sons William, dairyman, 86 Milford street
Moody C. & Sons, wholesale & retail furniture ware-
Pearce Elizabeth (Mrs.), & Son, plumbers, 62 High st
house, land, house & estate agents, valuations for
administrations, 30 & 32 Fisherton street Pearce 1\Iary Ann (Miss), confectioner, 15 Winchester st
Moore Brothers & Co. Limited, boot & shoe Pearce William C. parish clerk, Church st. St. Martin's
Pearcy .Tames, haulier, 51 Bedwin street
makers & dealers, Silver street & Canal & Crispin ho.
49 Fisherton street; wholesale factory, Guilder works Peck William, accountant, 6 Church 'street,St.Edmund's
Moore W. R. (Mrs.), dress maker, family mourning Pellett Janette L. (Miss), picture frame ma. 6 Castle st
specialite, tailor made gowns, 17 Fisherton street Peniston Henry, architect, Deveaux lodge, The Close
Moore William, boot maker, 49 New street
Morrice George Gavin M.A., M.D.Cantab. M.R.C.P. Penn Jacob F. saddler, 5 Whitchurch ter. Milford st
physician, Oro·;v:l chambers & St. Ann's lodge
Morris Bros. grocers & provision mers. 14 Market pl Penn Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, ro6 Fisherton st
M)ss Jane (Miss,) & Co. hatters, 11 Winchester street Pepperell Robert, plumber &.c. go Brown street
Mould George, dining rooms, 20 & 22 1\Iilford street Perkins Charles Edward, confectioner &c. Clarendon

Mullins Wm. antiqu~ furnitare dealer, 52 & 54 High st restaurant, 42 Catherine street
Murdoch J. G. & Co. Limited, domestic machinery Perkins Tom, provision dealer, 33 Fisherton street
Perry John, Wheatsheaf P.H. Fish market
warehouse, Winchest~r street Ph1late:ic Journal (William Brown, proprietor & pub-

lisher; pub. monthly), St. Thomas' churchyard
Phillips Lydia (Mrs.), grocer, 65 Castle street

Mursell William S. Crown hotel & wine & spirit mer- Pickett Francis, dairyman, London road

chant, High street & Crane street Pickett George, greengrocer, Summerlock terrace

Musgrove Edward Robert, shopkeeper, 7 London road Pickett Saul, greengrocer, 33 Winchester street

Mussell Ma,.ry (Mrs.), laundry, Harnham road Pickett ·waiter, fruiterer, 30 Milford street

Musselwhite George, Ox inn, Market place Pike Frederick Henry, boot maker, 61 Fisherton street

Naleh Edward .Joseph, posting & job master, Pike George, shopkeeper, 36 Church st. St. Edmund's

funeral car & carriage proprietor, landaus, broughams, Pike Henry, tobacconist, 25 Fisherton street

victorias &c.; brakes for picnics; 61 New street Pocock & Carter, tailors, 9 Catherine street



Plnckney oJohn & Wllllam, Salisbury Old Bank, Rogers .Alfred, blacksmith, 27 North street

Market plaee; dra.w on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton & Rogers James, apartments, Spring villa, Church field3

Co. London E C Rogers Mary .Ann (Mrs.), photographer, Devaux place,

Pocock Herbert, rope & twine mfr.Park mills, College st The Close

Pollard Henry Paul, farrier & registered shoeing smith ; Roles William, builder & undertaker, estimates given

smith's work in all its branches, Canal; ·res. 64 for general repairs, 27 Greencroft street

Bedwin street Roper & Co. ladies' & gentlemen's high- class tailors,

Pooss Charles, cycle agent, 4I Catherine street hatters & outfitters, 39 Blue Boar row

Porter & Co. confectioners, 53 St. .Ann street Roper .Alfred, chimney sweeper, 9I Exeter street

Pothecary .Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, 72 Salt lane Row Horace Smyth, .Angel family & commercial hotel,

Potter Mary (Mrs.), dre~s maker, 9 New street Fisherton street

Potto Louisa (Mrs.), Haunch of Venison P.H.IMinster st Rowe Henry, brewers' agent, Market square

Powney Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 36 Si~ver street Rowe John, chemist & druggist, Fisherton street

Pawning William Charles (firm, Lee & Pawning), soli- Rowland Caroline (Mrs.), furnished aprtmnts. Minster st

citor, town clerk, clerk to the urban sanitary autho- Rowland William. engineer, Milford street

rity, clerk to commissioners of taxes for New Sarum, Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry (Prince of Wales'

clerk to city magistrates & sec. to White Hart Hotel Own Regiment) (3rd Yeomanry Brigade), Hon. Col.

Co. Limited, Chipper lane & Endless street George Sotherton-Estcourt, commanding; Surgn.-Lts..

Preece Thos. Gigant Street Brewery P.H. Gigant street G. T. K. Maurice & E. Kingscote M.B. med. officers;

Prewett Charles, town waiter, Butcher row Veterinary-Lieut. 'I'. V. Pettifer F.R.C. V.S. vetr.rinarv

Prince Frank, shopkeeper, 69 Winchester street officer; A.rthur C. Simons, regimental sergeant-major·;
Prince George Frederick, fruiterer, 43 Canal & florist,
C Squadron, Capt. Viscount ·weymouth, comman-

24 :Sew street dler; Capt. G. L. Palmer, second in command;

Pritchard & C:ark, wholesale & retail drapers, ladies' E. Parrott, quartermaster ; Squadron-sergeant John

& children's outfitters & milliners &c. Manchester Mayes Holland, drill instructor); head quarters, 1 Park
vil:as, London road
house, Poultry cross & New canal

Pritchett .Albert, butcher, 5 Fish market Rumbold John, clock & watch maker, 26 Catherine st

Probate Registry Office (Henry Elliot Fox, district regis- St. Elizabeth's Home & Industrial School (Sisters of

trar; Henry Young, clerk), The Close Charity of St. Vincent de Paul), Exeter street

Public Elementary Higher Grade School(ReubenBracher, St. Martin's Mission House (Rev. C. N. Wyld), IIS
Gigant street
master), Exeter street
Public Library (Oliver Langmead, public librarian), End- St. Michael's Home for Friendless Girls (Mis.> !':Hen
Mary .Anderson, matron), Endless street
less street
St. Nicholas Hospital (Rev. Henry Briggs, chaplain),
Pye-Smith Edward Foulger (firm, Fulton & Pye-Smith), The Close
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Rollestone street
St. Paul's Home (..ilmshouses), Fisherton
Quinton .Aithur, whee:wright, see Burt & Quinton Salisbury Burial Board (George Smith, clerk), Canal;
Rabbets Tom, fly proprietor, 9 Chipper lane
Radcliffe Charles Henry, solicitor, chairman of .Alder- cemetery (Edward Rose, lodge keeper), London road
Salisbury Clerical Library (Bishop of Salisbury, pre-
bury union, 6 Endless street
Radstock Coal Co. coal merchants & colliery proprietors sident; Rev. Canon Kingsbury & Rev. T. J. w·oodall,
secretaries), Church house, Crane street
(Henry Rivers, manager), II6 Fisherton street Salisbury Coffee Public House Co. Llm. (George
Raindle John, butcher, 58 Fisherton street
Randell Walter Elliott, assistant supt. Prudential In- Harris, sec.), "The Phrenix," 29 Milford street & "The

surance Co. I Pembroke terrace, Queen's road Three Cups," Fisherton street. See advertisement
Randoll John Self, corn. trav. 4 Pembroke ter. Queen's rd
Rapley William, superintendent of permanent way L. & Salisbury Conservative Working Men's Club (William
Louis .A.nset, sec.), St. .Ann st. ; branches (H. Weston
S. W. R. Surbiton cottage, Wilton road Major, sec.), Fisherton st.; (J. R.. .Adams, sec.),
Rattue Henry, pork butcher, IIO Fisherton street Wyndham park

Ravvlence & Squarey, land agents & surveyors, Salisbury Co-operative Society Lim. (Joseph Dicks,

Rolleston street; & at 22 Great George street West- sec.; Thomas J. Yearsley, man.), I3 Winchester st
' Salisbury Corporation Water Works (John Stanford,
minster, London SW

'Rawlence Ernest .Alfd. land agent, seeRawlence&Squarey engmPer in charge), Wyndham road
Rawlence James, land agent, see Rawlence & Squarey Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance (The Rev. Canon
Rawlt>nce Jas. Edwd. auctnr. &c. see ·waters & Rawlence Warre, H. B. Middleton esq. & the Rev. G. Biscoe
Rawlings Charles, outfitter, so Silver street Oldfield, hon. secs. ; Rev. Richard Milner, hon.

Ravvlings George Herbert, cabinet maker & up- treas.), Church house

holsterer, I3 Catherine str€et Salisbury Dioces1n Deaconesses' Institution (Miss Sarah

Rawlings Jane (Mrs.), plumber & decorator, 24 High st Emma .A.ldred, deaconess), 2r Crane street
Salisbury Diocesan House of Mercy (The Lord Bishop
Rawlings Sidney, greengrocer, 26 High street
of Salisbury, patron; the Earl Nelson, president; the
Read Jas. & Co. oil cake & manure mers. I Brown st
Read & Orchard, chemists & druggists, mineral Earl of Hadnor, the Earl of Pembroke, W. Pinckney
water manfrs. & oil & color merchants,47BlueBoar row esq. & the Dean of Sa.lisbury, vice-presidents; Rev.
.Read & Son, coal factors & retail merchants, 42 the Hon. B. P. Bouverie, hon. sec. & treasurer; Rev.
Fisherton st. & wt Wilton, & Cinderford, Gloucestrs<hire H. W. Carpenter, chaplain), St. Martin's, Church st
Salisbury District Highway Board (George Smith,
· Read John, coffee tavern, 62 Gigant street
olerk), 5 Canal
·Read John Pike, greengrocer, I5I Fisherton street

Read John Pike, jun. greengrocer, 2I Castle street Salisbury Electric Light & Supply Co. Lim. (sec. A. R.

-Read William, collector to the guardians, relieving & Maiden), The Close

vaccination officer, No. I district, .Alderbury union, & Salisbury Gas Light & Coke Co. (Arthur Whitehead,

registrar of births & deaths for the .Alderbury sub- sec.) ; office, 32 Catherine street ; works (Thomas

district, 7I St. .Ann street Hardick, manager), Fisherton

~Reakes Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I Wyndham ter Salisbury Infirmary (John Roberts M.D. consulting phy-

_Reanor Samuel, apartments, 3 Belgrave vil. York road sician; George Robert Tatum F.R.C.S.Eng. & Fitz-
Richardson Brothers, wine & spirit, ale & porter mer- Roy Philip Darke, consulting surgeons; F. Fawson

chants, wholesale agents to Messrs. Bass, Ind Coope, Lee M. B. & J. Kelland M.B., C.M. physicians; Har-

& Worthington, High street court Coates, Levi Stephenson Luckham & Ernest

Ricketts Elizabeth (1\Iiss), furnished apartments, Roma, Kingscote M.B., C.M. surgeons; Herbert L. E. Wilks,

Elm grGve house surgeon; Miss .A. Johnstone, matron; S.

Rlgden & Son (Henry William & Francis), land Buchanan Smith. sec.), Fisherton street

agents & surveyors, 74 Endless street Salisbury Institute for Trained Nurses (Miss Hussey,

Risley George William, confectioner, 48 Fisherton street lady supt. ; the Rev. Canon the Hon. Sidney Meade,

Roach Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 68 Winchester st Bradford-on-.Avon, hon. sec.), Harcourt place

Roberts John :M.D. hon. physician to Salisbury & South Salisbury Liberal .Association (Tom Best, sec.), ~2

Wilts Provident Dispensary & consulting physician Chipper lane

to Salisbury Infirmary (retired), Closegate, High st Salisbury Old Bank (John & Wm. Pinckney), Market

Roe Edward & Co. printers, proprietors & publishers of pi. ; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton & Co.London E 0

the " Wiltshire County Mirror & Express," Canal. Salisbury Railway & Market House Co. Lim. (Charles

See advertisement Richard Norton, sec.), Market hall

Roe Edward John, printer, bookseller, stationer, book- Salisbury School (Rev. John Christopher Alcock

binder & news agent, r Queen st.&corner of Fish mrkt M..A. Oxon), London road

Roe Septimus, pharmaceutical chemist, 41 & 43 Silver st Salisbury, Semley & Gillingham Dairies Lim. Fisherton

ISalisbury & South Wilts Museum {Dr. H. P. Blackmore, Small George, shopkeeper, SI Milford street
hon. director; J. 'R. Yelf, hem. treasurer: George F. Small Marian (Mrs.), beer retailer, IS Fair View tet-

Henbest, hon. sec.), St-. Ann street race, Manor road

Salisbury & South Wilts Provident Dispensary (The Smee Abraham, fancy stationer, 48 Silver street

Ven. Archdeacon Lear, chairman;- John Roberts M. D. Smeed George William, insurance agent, St. Hilda,

hon. physician; Fitz Roy Philip Darke, James Ed- Swavne's close

ward Gordon, Isaac Flower, Charles Robert Straton, Smth W. H. & Son, book stall, Railway station

A. Longman, L. S. Luckham, G. F. Chadwick, P. J. Smith Edward, hair dresser, 44 Silver street

:Barcraft, G. E. F. Hosking, G. G. Morris M.D. E. Smith George (firm, aCl obcobmm<&issSimointeh~' . , solicitor, ·com-
N. Keys-Wells, H. Brown & J. Kelland, medica,} missioner & perpetu for acknow:edg-

o:fficers; C. T. Winson, hon. surgeon-dentist; Charles ments of deeds by married women, commissioner in

Southby, sec.), High street Stanniers' Equity Court for Devon & Cornwall, city

Salisbury Steam La undry L (Salisbur ymanSawgiemremsisn)O~' coroner, clerk to Salisbury & Fisherton burial boards
awrence, & vestry clerk to St. Thomas' parish, 5 Canal
Baths Lim. proprietors ; Miss

Church street, St. Edmunds Smith Henry, boot & shoe maker, 33 Catherine street

Salisbury Swimming Baths Lim. (E. F. Pye·Smith, hon. Smith Joseph, tobacconist, 142 Fisherton street

sec.); baths, Rolleston street, & laundry, Church Smith Joseph James, butcher, 23 & 25 Butcher row

street, St. Edmunds Smith L. E. (Miss), dress maker, 23 Fisherton street

Salisbury Times Co. Lim. proprietors & publishers of Smith Louis a (Mrs.), George & Dragon P.H. 85 Castle

the " Salisbury Times & South Wilts Gazette," 9S street, & shopkeeper, 83 Castle street
Smith Philip Richard, working jeweller, 55 Fisherton st
Fis.herton street

Sali'lbury Times & South Wilts Gazette (Salisbury Smith Sidney Buchanan, solicitpr, sec. to Salisbury In-

'fimes Co. Lim. proprietors & publishers; published firmary, & clerk to the vestry of :Fisherton Anger, &

fridays), 98 Fisherton street. See advertisement deputy-coroner for the city, Crown chambers

Salisbury Turkish Baths (J. M. Jenkins, proprietor), Smith William H. sign writer, 20 New street

Queen street Snelgar Frank, coal merchant, 28 Milford street

• Salisbury Volunteer Fire Brigade (Capt. E. 1Y. Gaw- Snook Wm. Jas. butcher, 11 Butcher row & 63 Silver st

thorne; sec. E. C. Harris; comprising I8 men), En- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (WilliaD,l

gine house, Salt lane Trite, agent), Church house, Crane street

Salisbury & Wilts Subscription Library (Brown Soper Thomas & Son, stone masons, London road

& Co. ), Canal South-Western Farmers• Association Llm. (Robt.

Salisbury & Winchester Journal (Bennett Bros. T. Nightingale, manager), 31 Castle strE:et

proprietors; published saturday), Canal South Wilts Chamber of Agriculture (John T. Woolley,

Salisbury Working Men's Recreation Rooms (Mrs. Sid- hon. sec. & treas.), Castle Auction mart, Castle !'ltreet

ney Lear, proprietress), 62 Gigant street South Wilts Constitutional Association (W. M. Ham-

Balter A.da (Miss), dress maker, 37 Wilton road mick chief sec.), Market House chambers

Salter John, Bird-in-Hand P.H. North street, Fisherton South Wilts Dairy Co. (Tom Perkins, manager), 50

Sanday Geo. Henry, land agent, see RawJ.ence & Squarey Fisherton street

Sanger Nathaniel, book binder, 85 Fisherton street South Wilts Liberal Association (Robert Hall, f'ec.), r

Sansom Jflmes, shoeing smith, 149 Fisherton street Minsfer street
South Wilts Trade Protection Society (James Keith
Sargent Kate (Mrs.), fishmonger, 69 Gigant street
Dowden, st:>c. & man.) ; offices, Crown chambers
Saunders Charles , bath c hair proprieto r , I e4eEt n d le s s st Southcombe Augustus Louis, Bull family & commercial
Saunders Josiah, painte r, Fisherton s
21 tr hotel, livery & bait stables, rr Fisherton street
Sparey Alfred, boot & shoe maker, 19 Queen street
Saunders Louisa (Mrs.), confectioner, 2 1 Fisherton st Sparey Matthew, fly proprietor, 15 Chipper J.ane
Saunders Winiam, shopkeeper, York road Spinney Thomas Edward, prof. of music, 19 Endless st
Squarey Elias Pitts, land agent, see Rawlence & Squarey
Sannders William J. boot maker, 47 Catherine street
Squarey Newell Pitts, land agent, see Rawlence&Squarey
Savings Bank (Pinckney Bros.), Old Bank (hours as Stainer Thomas, confectioner (wholes8ile), 18 Penny

other banks) Farthing street
Sawkins Edwd. E. tailor, South-West~rn rd. Fisherton
Stay Frederick, poulterer, 68 Castle iltreet
Sawki·lS Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 6o Milford street Stay Sidney, boot maker, 63 Winchester street
Stay Stephen, sen. 45 St. Ann street
Say Ernest, cabinet maker, 21 North street Stephens John, supt of county police, Devizes road

Scamell & Son, furniture dealers, IJ Fisherton street

School of Art (Joseph Harris, head mast~)'; 1Yilliam

M3xv ell Hammick, hon. sec.), New street

Scott Henry, corn merchant, Church fields

Searle Frank, fishmonger, poulterer & game dealer, 97 Stevens Ada (Mrs.), tobacco cutter, 38 & 40 Silver st

Fisherton street Stevens Charles, builder, Campbell road

Searle George, china &c. rivetter, 79 Greencroft street Stevens David, draper & outfitter, 55 to 61 Silver street
Servants' Training Institution (Miss Sarah Emma AI- Still J oseph & Son, maltsters & wool merchants, l\Iilford

dred, supt.), 91 Crane street Stokes Robert, tea dealer, coffee roaster & lt!lllian

Seth Ward's (Mrs.) College of Matrons, The Close warehouse, 53 Silver street
Sewell William, pawnbroker, 2r Milford street Stone Albert & Co. grocers, 35 Trinity street
Shepherd Frank, grocer, 6g Fisherton street Stratford Dairy Co. (Frederick ·waiter l\latthews, man-

Sheppard J. & Son, coal merchants, Devizes road ager), Stratford road

Sheppard Ellen (1\Irs.), apartments, 27 Endless street Street Elias, shopkeeper, 79 Brown street

Sheppard Thomas, boat owner, 95 Castle street Strong Geo. engineer & Fisherton brewery, Fisherton st

Sheppard Thomas, hair dresser, 27 Milford street Sturgess ·wm. Jas. bath chair proprietor, I9 New street
Sherlock & Son, job masters, Park street Style & Gerrlsh, undertakers, linen & woollen drapers,

Shermer William, shopkeeper, 6I Milford street carpet warehousemen, tailors &c. Blue Boar row

Shillard Emma (Miss), baker, qr Fisherton street Sutton Frederick, tobacconist II, & confectioner 13,

Short S. A. & Co. tailors, I5 Milford street High street
Sutton William, miller (water), baker, pork butcher,
Short Joseph, boot repairer, 5 Park street
bacon curer & salt merchant, 73 Fisherton street &
Silverthorn & Son, painters, 42 & 44 Winchester street

Silverthorn Clara (Mrs.), toy repository, 43 Canal City Flour Mills

Simmonds Charles & Jas. ironmongers, 23 Catherine st Sutton Wm. Robert, boot & shoe maker,3oWinchester st

Simmonds Frank, cabinet maker, 3S Catherine street Swift Alexander, wardrobe dealer, 67 Winchester street

Simmonds Nathaniel, currier, Castle street Swift's Temperance & Commercial Hotel, near the rail-

Simmonds Nathaniel, jun. book seller (second hand), 25 way stations; well-aired beds (Miss J. Baker, pro-

Catherine street I prietress), 95 Fisherton street

Simons Arthur C. regimental sergt.-major RoyaJ. Wilts Syms Frank, carver & gilder, 25 New street

Yeomanry, I Park street, London road Tabor Edward, monumental mason, 161 Fisherton street

Sims William (Mrs.), stay maker, I9 Fisherton street Talbot Henry, baker, 59 Milford street

Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machine depot, (John Talbot James, wholesale druggist, 58 & 6o 1\Iilford st

Partridge, manager), 49a, Silver street Tapp Anna (Miss), dress maker, 28 Chipper lane

Sistars of Charity (Sister G. Chatelain), St. Elizabeth Targett Edwin John, photographer, 79 Winchester st

school, Exeter street Targett Henry Josiah, tailor, 94 Bedwin street
~Jy Thomas, clod. & watch maker, 52 Blue Boar row
Tasker & Sons, agricultural implement & machine

Small Eliz<tbeth (Mrs.), registry office for servants, makers, Market place

8r Castle street 1Tatum Edward John, so-licitor, Canal

WILTS. 13*


Taylor Henrietta (Mrs.), dress mkr. So Fisherton street Wells M. (Miss), the cheapest house for stationery,

Taylor's .Almshouses, Bedwin street fancy goods, toys &c. 46 Fisherton street

Thatcher Richard, boot & shoe maker, 27 Butcher row West of England Sack Hiring Co. Lim. (Edmund

Theological College (Rev. Prebendary Benjamin White- George, agent), Corn Exchange

foord M.A. principal; Rev. Henry Julian White B.A. West Abel, shopkeeper & carpenter, 106 Castle street;

vice-principal, 'l'he Close West Henry James, builder, 78 Castle street

Thompson Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Carlton house, Western Gazette (branch) office (John Churchill-Cole-

Fisherton man, manager), 63 Fisherton street

Till Mary (Mrs.), saddler & harness maker, I3 Brown st Westlake Richard (Southampton) (Edmund George,

Tipton Louisa (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Market place agent), sack contractor, Corn exchange

Tissington Henry, agent to Midland railway, Kingston Westmorland William Charles, collector of taxes, of

house, Wilton road district rates & assistant overseer for parish of St.

Tizard A. A. (Mrs.), The Chough commercial hotel, Thomas, 83 Crane street

Market place & Castle street Whatley Ada (Miss), dress maker, S5 Milford street

Tovey Alfred, boot & shoe factor & merchant, 34 Whereat Charles James, cabinet maker, 45 Canal

High street Whitchurch William, yeast merchant, 5 Endless street

Town Hall & Council Chamber (George Warren & Henry White Hart Hotel Co. Llm. (Heber Thomas Bowes,

Case, beadles), Market place manager), family hotel & posting house to the Royal

Training College for National School Mistresses (Miss family, the largest & principal hotel in the city of

C. Hill, lady superintendent), The Close Salisbury, St. John street

Trethowan Wm. Jas. (firm, Nodder & Trethowan), soli- White Chas. Wm. cabinet maker, I5 Fisherton street

citor, & agent for Scottish Equitable, Crown chambers White George, taxidermist, II4 Fisherton street

Trinity Hospital, Trinity street White Sarah (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 17 Queen street

Trite William, depot of Christian Knowledge Society, Whitehead Arthur, solicitor, & sec. to the Salisbury

Church house, Crane street Gas Light & Coa-l Co. Catherine street
Trite William Hy. bookseller & stationer, ss High street Whitehorn William, clothier, I3 Minster street
Tryhorn Philip, builder, I Jubilee terrace Whitlock Alfred, boot maker, 15 Wilton road

Tuck George W. boys' school, Dews road Whitlock Benj. shopkeeper & boot maker, 72 Gigant st

Tucker Arthur, corn merchant, London road Whitlock Elizbth. (Mrs.), Railway inn, Southampton rd

Tucker Edwin, umbrella maker, 73 Winchester street Whitlock Uriah, greengrocer, 27 Fisherton street

Tudgay William, coal dealer, 66 Salt lane Wilkes George, ironmonger, & Red Lion & Cathedral

Turner Alexander, grocer, Devizes road hotel, Milford street

Turner Edwin D. inland revenue officer & inspector of Wilkes Wm. David 1\LR.C.S.E. surgeon, 27 New Canal

corn returns, Bridge street Wilkins Edwin Frederick, corn deaier, 4S Castle streel>

Turner Harrlet (Mrs.), greengrocer, corn & licensed Williams Brothers, maltsters, Fisherton street

g-ame rlealer, 6r Winchester street Williams Edward Charles, coffee house, I8 Fisherton st

Turner Henry, Victoria P.H. Church street, Fisheton \Villiams John, furnished apartments, IO Harcourt ter

'futt Henry, shopkeeper, I Devizes road Williams Robert R. builder, 8r Brown street

Tutt Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 67 Bedwin street Wilson & Sons, solicitors, Bridge street

Tylee Charlea Edward, wool, horsehair, metal & Wilson Edwin Richd. accountant, Cambria vil.London rd

skin merchant, 64 Gigant street Wilson George Munkhouse (firm, Wilson & Sons), soli-

'fylee E. (Mrs.), haberdashery stores, 62a, Gigant stree! citor & clerk to the Wilton board of guardians & to
Uphill & Son, shoeing smiths, Rollestone street the commissioners of taxes for Salisbury division,

Uphill Alfred, shopket.per, 12 Gas h.>ne deputy registrar of county court & deputy coroner
Uphill Henry, Rising Sun P.H. Castle street for Wiltshire, & commissioner for oaths & perpetual

Uphill James, jobbing gardener, 6 Jubilee terrace commissioner, Bridge street; & at Wilton

Usher Alfred, plumber, 73a, Castle street Wilson Rathmell George, organizing secretary of Church

Usher Ernest, cabinet maker, Brown street of England Temperance Society for Salisbury Diocese,

Valters W. J. & Co. IS Castle street Cotswold, London road

Vibert Benjamin, grocer & wine, spirit & bottled beer Wi.Json Richard Arthur M.A. (firm, Wilson & Sons),

merchant, Market olace solicitor, registrar & high bailiff of county court,

Vincem. & FoHand, bricklayers, Charles st. York road coroner for Wiltshire, & clerk to Amesbury board of

Vincent Henry George, grocer, 22 St. Ann street guardians, & t.Q the commissioners of taxes for Ames-
Vincent Josiah, tailor, 36 Windsor road bury division & commissioner for oaths, Bridge street

Wade Thomas, Shoulner of Mutton P.H. Bridge street Wilton Brothers, ironmongers, I7 Canal

Waite Alfred, Plume of F.eathers P.H. Fisherton street Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Llm. (head office)

Waite Charles, pork butcher, I57 Fisherton street Matthew Hy. "\Vhitty Devenish, general manager;
·walker John, butcher, 55 Catherine ~treet ~<\.mbrose Tuck-er, assistant general manager), Blue
\Vall J. C. ·~artage agent to Great ·western Railway Co. Boar row; draw on London & Westminster Bank

M1lford street Lim. London E C

Wallbridge Matilda (Mrs.), The Rt,ebuck P.H. Butcher Wiltshire County Mirror & Express (Edward Roe

row & Canal & Co. printers, proprietors & publishers ; published

·waiters George, jobbing gardener, I Wyndham road tuesdav & friday), Canal

Ware Brothers Lim. tanners, curriers, leather mer- Wiltshire Rifle Volunteers (1st) (A Co. Capt. C.

chants & boot upper & machine band manufactu- MacGill; B Oo. Capt. F. Hodding, commanding; Ed-

rers, Endless street ward Glass, sergt.-major); orderly room, Market ho

War~ham Charles, chimney sweeper, gi Fisherton street Wingrove .Albert Frank, shopkeeper, 2I Scotts lane

Warren Emma (Mrs.), professional nurse,2o"\ \Vinson Chas. Trevelyan,surgeon-dentist, 36 Fisherton st

Waters & Rawlence, auctioneers, valuers & estate Winterson Francis (Miss), uress maker, South Western

ag-ents, 49 Canal road, Fisherton

Waters John, land agent, Market place Wise William, Wyndham hotel, London road

Watson & Co. wholesale china, glass & Staffordshire Witcomb & Son, photographers, S & IO Catherine street

warehouse, The "Halle of John Halle," Canal Witt Edward, builder, 165 Fisherton street

Waverley Temperance & Commercial Hotel (Charles Witt William, shoeing smith, 3 St. Ann's street

Edward Martin, proprietor), go Fisherton street Wood William, beer retailer, Bedwin street

Way George, builder, see Wort & Way Woodcock Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 26 New street

Weaver Charles, New Inn P.H. & builder, 43 New st Woodroffe George Arthur, grocer, 30 High street

Weavint?s Eleanor (Mrs.), laundry, 41 Church street, Woodrow & Co. wholesale & furnishing ironmongers,

St. Edmund's 5 Castle street

1Vebb & Co. cabinet makers, upholsterers & under- Woodrow & Son, corn, seed & cake factors & manure

takers ; spring vans for the removal of furniture by & coal merchants, Queen street

road or rail, 49 Blue Boar row; & house painters, Woof Sidney James, grocer, 42 Castle street

decorators, plumbers &c. Endless street, & builders, Woolley .John Turton F.S.I., F.A.I. auctioneer,

Rolleston street valuer & land agent, & hon. sec. & treas. to the

Webb E. Doran F.S.A. architect, City chambers South Wilts Chamber of Agriculture, The Castle-

Weeks Job, furniture dealer, 24 & 26 Winchester street auction mart, Castle street

Wells Brothers, printers, 20 Fisherton street Wort & Way, builders & contractors, Park street

Wells H. B. & Co. groceries, wines & spirits, bottled Wright Charles Albert, poulterer, 3I Butcher row & 3

be(>rs &c. ; agts. for W. ~ A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit Fish rr.arket

merchants, City & County supply stores, 40 13lue I Wright F.dwin, Windsor Castle P.H. Wilton road

Boar row Wright Esther (Mrs.), brush maker, 44 Milford street


Wright Thomas, corn, seed & manure merchant, 39 Young '\Y. J. & C. S. builders, 74 Gigant street N.
Fisherton street
Young Women's Christian Association (Mrs. E.
Wyatt Wm. toy dlr. & confectioner, 37 'Winchester st Thwaites, sec.), Fisherton street

Yatea & Co. Llm. carpet & rug manufacturers, Castle Young Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner, 7 New street
.Street factory; & at the Royal carpet factory, Wil- Young Harry G. hairdresser, 31 Milford street
ton ; & London W Young John Bryant, builder, 67 Milford street
Young Robert, bookbinder, 36 High street
Yeates Edward, hair dresser, 28 Pennyfarthing street Young William, land agent, 38 Harcourt terrace
Yeatman George, working jewel:er, 31 Endless street Zebedee "\Villiam, butcher, Io Butcher row
Yeldon George, district supt. Pearl Life, 77 Salt lane

SAVERNAKE is an ecclesiastical parish formed in The soil is principally clay and green sand ; subsoil,
z854, comprising North and South Savernake, in which
are situated the hamlets of Cadley and Brimslade, and partly chalk and .sand. The chief crops are whe-at, oat.s
parts of the parishes of Burbage and Preshute, 2~ miles and roots of different descriptions. The area of North
south-east from Marlborough terminal station, on a and South Savernake is 3,740 acres; the population
branch of the Great Western railway, in the Eastern in 1891 was-North Savernake, 93; South Savernakt>,
division of the county, hundred of Kinwardstone, 212. The area of the ecclesiastic:aJ parish is 5,63o acres;
Marlborough union and county court district, petty
ttessional diviSlion of Marlborough and Ramsbury, rural rateable value of North Savernake, £971; rateable va:ue
deanery of Marlborough (Ma~lborough portion), arch- of South Savernake (Brinslade and Cadley), £r,s66;
deaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. Christ population in I8gi, 359· The population of the eccle3i-
asticaJ parish in 1891 was 359·
Church, situated at Oadley, is a stone building, in the
Sexton, William Pye.
Eal"'ly English style, and consists of chancel, nave, south Wall Letter Box at Cadley, cleared a,t 10.40 a.m. & 8.5
porch and dwarf western tower containing one bell :
there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the p.m. ; sunday, 8.45 p.m
yeail.' 185r. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- Wall Letter Box at Durley, at 6.30 p.m. & 7

charge £77, gross yearly value £ISO, net £137, with p.m. ; sundays, 7 p.m
Letters through Marlborough arrive at 8 a.m. & 3 p.m.
:residence, in the gift of the Marquess of Ailesbury, and
held since 1890 by the Rev. Archibald Ewart Clark- :M.a.rlborough is the nearest money order & telegraph
Kennedy B.A. of Corpus Christi CoLlege, Cambridge. office
The Marquess of Ailesbury is the principal landowner. National School, Cadley (mixed), built in 1855, with
residence for the master, for 8o children; average

,attendance, 31; John Humphrys, master

Clark-Kennedy Rev. Archibald Ewart\' COMMERCIAL. Neate Edward, farmer, Granham

B..A. (vicar), Cadley Godding Leonore Louisa (Mrs.), far- Redman Fredk.Wm.farmer,High trees

Leader FrederickJ Jas. Furze coppice mer, Brimslade

SAVERNAKE FOREST (St. Katharine's consoli- Nob::.e the Marquess of Ai1esbury, is a noble mansion in
dated chapelry) is an ecclesiastical paris-h, formed in the Corinthian style of architecture, and is surrounded
:r864 out of the parishes of Great and Little Bedwyn and by forests and pla.ntat·ions• of about 4,ooo acres, which
Burbage, 5 miles from Marlborough terminal abound with deer and game; the grand avenue, about

station on a branch of the Great "\Vestern •railway, in 4 miles long, is bounded by magnificent beeches and
the· Eastern division of the county, hundred of Kinward- there are some fine specimens of timber trees in the
.stone, unions of Pewsey, Marlborough and Hungerford, forest, which includes a spot known as the "Eight

petty sessional division of )Iarlborough and Ramsbury, Walks," where .eight roads converge; and the whole is

county court district of Marlborough, rural deanery of considered to be a fine example of a primeval forest
JHarlborough (Ma.rlborough portion), archdeaconry of covered with bracken; the house is now unoccupied.
"Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. St. Katharine's church The Marquess is lord of the manor and sole landowner.

is a handsome stone Gothic structur.e, erected in 1861 The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
at· the cost of Mary Caroline, Dowager Marchioness of wheat, barley and roots of different descriptions. The

Ailesbury, in memory of her mother, Ka.tharine Woron- area is 3,705 acres; rateable value, £1,962; the popu-

zow, the Countess of Pembroke, through whose liber- lation in 1891 was 437·
ality she was enabled to build it: it consists of chancel, Sacristan, H. Ba.rtholomew.
nave of three bays, north aisle, transept, south porch Wall Letter Box at Durley, cleared (Marlborough post
and square western tower, with spire, containing a peal town) at 8.30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; on sundays, 7 p.m
of 5 bells: the who:e of the windows are stained, and Letters from Hungerford arrive at 8.30 a.m. Bedwyn
there is an organ: the architecture of the church is in is the nearest money order office & telegraph office at

ti1e style of Geometrical Decorated: T. H. Wyatt was Burbage, also at Bedwyn & Savernake stations
the architect : there are 312 sittings. The register dates National School (mixed) & school house near the church,

from the year 1861. The living is a vicarage, gross built by the late Marquess of Ailesbury in r867, for

yearly valu~ £300, with residence, in the gift of the 70 children; average attendanc-e, 61; Montrose Stuart,
1\larquess of Ailesbury. and held since 1878 by the Rev. master
Francis William Carn~ LL.B. of Christ's Coliege, Cam- Railway Station, in Burbage parish, I mile from Saver-

'b.ridge. Savernake Forest House, the seat of the l\Iost nake house ; Sidney Malcolm Tame, station master

Aiiesbury The Marquess. of J.P. Leigh Belton Thomas, plumber, lVarren Pocock Thomas, carpenter

hill; & 36 Eaton place & Carlton Cole Thomas, form bailiff to the Mar- Richens Osmond, farmer, Knowle fm

club, London S"\V quess of Ailesbnry Rui"hant A. head garden~:-r to the

Carre Rev. Francis lVilliam LL.B. Evans: '\Villiam, farmer, Chisbury lane Marquess of A.ilesbury

(vicar), St. Katharine's vicarage Green Wm. farmer, Tunbridge frm Savernake Estate Office (Charles

FrJwd James Merriman E. B. estate agt. Durley ho .Albert Baker, clerk)

Ilain Harry R. Savernake Forest hotel Peaty Thomas, farmer Smith Ambrose, carpenter

SEAGRY is a parish and small village, pleasant:y the Rev. John ·william Thomas M..A. of Jesus College,
t>ituated on the banks of the river Avon, r! miles south Oxford. The principal landowners are Earl Oowley and
from Somerford station on the MU:me.:;bury branch of John Searle Bayliffe. The soil is various; subsoil,
the Great Western railway, 5 south from Malmesbury gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
:and 6 north-north-east from Chippenham, in the North beans. The area is 1,o68 acres; rateab~e value, £I,Bos;
'Vestern division of the county, hundred of Malmes- in 1891 the population was 202.
bury. petty sessional division, union and county court
district of Chippenham, rural deanery of Chippenham, Parish Clerk, The Vicar.
archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of GJ.oucester and Post Office.-Charles Teagle, sub-postmaster. Letters

13ristol. The churC'h of St. Mary was rebuilt in 1849; from Chippenham arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at
it is of stone in the Decorated style, having chancel,
nave, south porch and a turret with one bell: there are 7.10 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
120 sittings. The register dates from the year r6oo. paid. The nearest money order office & telegraph
office is at Sutton Benger
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £n9, ·wan Letter Box, Lowt>r Seagry, eleared 6.35 a.m. &i

gross income £137, net £n7, with residence, in the 7.30 p.m.; sunday 6.35 a.m
,gift of the Earl of Carnarvon, and held since 1893 by
National School (mixed), to hold 6o children; average
attendance, 35; James Anstis, master

LOWER SEAGRY. .Tones Miss, Avon villa Convalescent Home (matron, Miss

Ilayliffe Edward Thomas Rev. John Wm. M..A.Yicarage Sophia Godwin), Seagry mill
God/win The Missl£>s
COMMERCIAL. Hayward William, farmer

Godwir: Mary (Mrs.),frmr.Church frm Knight Edward, farmer, Seagry heath


UPPER SE.A.GRY. B~yliffe John Searle,farmer, Manor fm Perrett George, farmer

Hickson Robert, cooper Teagle Charles, Post office

Cotes Maj. ArthUJr J.P. Seagry house Marsh Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper West John, horse breaker

Baker Alfred, market. gardener Minty William, beer ret. & shopkeeper Wright George, far:we\'

SEDGEHILL (or Sedghi:l) is a parish on the Dor- average £r8s, net income £25S. including IIO acres of
glebe, in the gift of Sir Michael R. Shaw-Stewart bart.
setshire border, r! miles north-west from Semley station and held since 1872 by the Rev. George Biscoe Oldfiel<l.
M.A. of Exeter CoJege, Oxford. Sir M. R. Shaw-
on the Salisbury and Yeovil branch of the London and Stewart bart. of Fonthill Abbey. is lord of the manor
and principal landowner. The soil is light clay; sub-
South Western railway, and 3 north from Shaftesbury, soil, sand and marl. The chief crops are beans and
wheat in the west, and in the south, pasturage. The
in the Southern dlivision of the county, county court area is r,r7S acres; rateable value, £1,734; the popu- ·
lation in r89r wa.s 176.
district of Shaftesbury, hundred of Dunworth, Mere
union, Tisbury petty sessri.onal division, Chalke rm·~ Parish Clerk, John Harding.

deanery (Tisbury portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and Post O:ffice.-Edwin Marchant, sub-postmaster. Delivery
daily at 8.2o a.m. & 5 p.m. Box cleared at 4·30 p.m.;
diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Catherine is sunda.ys, 10 a.m. Letters through Shaftesbury, w:hich
'1s the nearest money order office. The nearest tele-
an edifice of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of graph office is at Semley station

chancel, which was added in 1844, nave, with a square National School (mixed), built in 187S, for so children;
average atendance, 33; Miss Margaret Walker, mistress
tower at the west end surmounted by pinnacles, which
was rebui:t. in 1314849,2,.antdh ec ognitfati n os f S bells, two of which
were added in the rector and Mr.

William Lush: there is also a large porch on the

south side: there are ISo sittings. In the churchyard

is a Saxon cross. The register dates from the year

1760. The living is a cha.pelry, incorporated with the

rectory of Berwick St. Leonard, commuted tithes £2so.

Applia Miss, Berry brooke house IOldfield Rev. Geo. Biscoe M.A.(rector) Snook Alfred, farmer

Cavendish lion. Caroline, Berrybrooke COMMERCIAL. Snook Joseph, farmer
house 'Valton John & Co. general ware~

Harenc Mrs. Sedgehill house Hooper Geo. farmer, Berrybrooke fm housemen; & at Mere & Maiden

Noel Capt. Gerard Thomas, East Lush John, farmer, Pitts farm Bradley. See advertisemnt

Hayes; & Junior United Service Maidment Gilbert, farmer, Sweetwell Woodford Jeremiah, farmer, Sedge~

club, London farm hill farm

SEEND is a parish and village, with a station about of £ro Ios. yearly, d€rived from 5 acres of land left in

a mile from the village, on the Berks and Rants E:x!- r6s1, is distributed in greatcoats, those only being_

tension of the Great Western railway, 3~ miles south- e:igible who have not received parish relief during the

east-by-east from Melksham, 4 west from Devizes and year, and Bruge's charity of £2o (half of which goes to

93 from London, in the Western division of the county, MelkEham), derived from money left in 1835, is distri-

union, petty sessivnal division, hundred and county buted annually in b:ankets. Iron ore is found here in

court district of Melksham, rural deanery of Potterne abundance, and until recently was largely worked. There

(Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese are two chalybeate springs in the parish. Deline Awdry

of Salisbury. The village is seat.ed on an eminence esq. who is lord of the manor, the Duke of Somerset.

commanding some fine and extensive views of the sur- William P. Ludlow-Bruges· es~. Sir William Rogel"'

rounding country, and is partly supplied with water Brown, and Wadham Locke esq. of Seend Cleeve House..

from the Trowbridge Water Works. The Kennet and and The Elms, Christchurch, Ha.nts, are the principal

Avon canal passes through. The church of the Holy landowners. The soil is principally heavy clay; sub-

Cross ilil a handome stone structure, in the Perpendicular soil, various. The chief crop is hay. The land is almost

style, consisting of chancel (built in 1876), nave of entirely us.ed for g"razing and dairy farming, and there

four bays, aisles, north and south porches and square is only a very small portion ara.ble. The area is 2,688

western tower, surmounted by battlements and pin- acres; rateable value, £7,684; 1!he population in 189x

nacles, and containing 6 bells and clock: there is a was 929.

brass in good preservation, bearing date 1498, to John Parish Clerk, J oseph Willshire.

Stokys, founder of the north aisle, and many monuments Sexton, George Hillier.

to the Seym.ours, Schombergs, Ludlow-Bruges, Lockes, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity

Awdrys, Dugda:es, and one to Adam. Wragg. and family: & Insurance Office.-Albert Barnes, sub-postmaster.·

the church in I885 was enriched by three handsome Letters t·hrongh Melksham axe received at 7.1s a.m.

stained windows, a reredos of carved stone and marble & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 9.50 a.m. & 6.40 p.m

stone pulpit and carved oak lectern: in 1889 a fine Wall Box, Seend Cleeve, ·cleared at 7 p.m. & that of

organ was placed in the church at a cost of [450: here Seend Green at 6.20 p.m. week days only

are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1612. National School (mixed), was erected at the expense of

The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £ q8, 'fhomas Bruges esq. in 1832. whieh has since been

net yearly value [240, with residence, in the gift of rebuilt & en:a.rged (1863) & again in 1894, by sub-

the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, and held since 1873 scription of the inhabitants, for 220 children; aver-

by the Rev. Arthur Barugh Thynne M.A. of Trinity age attendance, 140; Wi:Iiam John Humphries, mas-

College. Cambridg-e. Then• are places of worship for t!'r; Mrs .C1ara Humphries, mistress

Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists. · Tipper's charity Railway Station, John Hodder, station master

PRIVATE RESJDF.NTS. ')'ucker George Earle Joseph, carpenter

Ander.son Major Jn. Fredk.Ferrum lo Vines Mis,ses, Seend Head house Earle Maurice, carp·~nter

Awdry Rev. Seymour, Manor cottage Voules Misses, Eagle cottage Fear Aaron, farmer

Barnes Miss Wiltshire Georg-e, Burnham cottage Ferris John, farmer, Seend row

Ballantyne John, Brae val Wragg Adam, The RookE-ry Flower Stephen, grocer &c

Barnr~s Mrs. Seend green COMMERCIAL. Greenhill Waiter Hy. farmer, Inmarsh

Bell Wihliam Reward J.P., F.G.S Ac-kerman Frank, painter & glazier Gumm Charles, farmer,Malthouse frm

Daubeney Mrs. Giles Alien John, farmer. Seend Bridge frm Gumm Stephen, Thornham farm

Glass James Amor Jasper, baker, Cleeve Hayward Edward lsaac, stone mason

Hamilton Miss, Manor hou ~e Barns .A.lbert, sub-postmaster k shopkeeper

IJamilton Mrs. Manor house Barns Edwin, mason Hillier George, carpenter

Kinsey Maj. 1Vm. Hy.The White ho Bourne Wm. farmer, Mitchell's farm Hillier J ames, carpenter

Loo 1Vm. Blackstone J.P. Somerset ho Breach Herbert Wm. farmer, Inmarsh Holden George,coal mer. Seend Cleeve

Ludlow-Bruges HenryH•mgerford J.P. Bracher Wm. farmer, Turner·s farm Humphries William John, rate col·

Seend house Brooks Geo.Alex. farmer,SeendCleeve lector, assistant overseer & school-
Ludlow-Bruges Misses, Seend house Butcher Thomas Wicks~ farmer & mastei'

Ludlow-Bruges William Penruddocke, miller (water), Baldham mills J ones John, haulier

Seend house Butler Charles, Bell inn Jones Benjamin, fa.,.,rmmer

Locke Wadham J.P. Cleeve house Butler Edwin, farmer, Broad Lane fm Manley Alfred, farmer

Porter William, Seend row Candy Francis SHiney, Barge inn Marsh Williatn, market gardener

S'chomberg Arthur Cook Edward George, blacksmith Marvell Thomas, mason

Schomberg Edmund Clerke, Seend Cottle Charles, farmer, Pile farm Matthews Janeo (Mrs.), Brewery inn

lodge Cutting Samuel, shoe maker Merrett Thomas, farmer & carpenter.

Schomberg Misses Downing Robert, New inn Berrls farm

Thynne Rev.. Art'hur Barugh M.A. Durham Hannah (Mrs.), grocr.& drpr Moss Henry Herbert, boot maker.

Vicarage Dutton Priscilla (Mi11s), dress maker Seend Cleeve


Munday Robert, metal merchant Porter William, farmer, Seend row Tyler John, farmer, Moiety farm

Newman Geo. farmer, Seend Row frm Rawlings Albert, dealer Watts James (Mrs.), farmer

Noad James & Joseph,millers (steam), Salter George, farmer Willshire Joseph Edwd. parish cle1·k

Seend head Salter w·alter, baker Wiltshire AEred, farmer

Phillips- J ames, brick maker Self Lot, farmer, Seend Park farm Wiltshire Edwin, farmer

l'ocock Henry, farmer, Park farm Self Wm. farmer, 'fhornham farm Wiltshire John, farmer, Egypt farm

(postal address, Semington, Trow- Sims William, shopkeeper Workman's Club (William John Hum-

bridge.) Sumbler John (~t£rs. ), farmer phries, hon. sec)

Pocock J ames, auctioneer &c. (postal Truman Goo. plasterer & farmer Wragg Adam, coal merchant & faetor,

address, Sem!ngton, Trowbridge) Truman Isaac, farmer Seend wharf

Porter Joseph, grocer, draper &c Tucker Martha (Mrs.), grocer & bkr

SEMINGTON is a parochial chapelry, on the road Stephen Murray Chapman M..A. of Keble O:lllege~ Ox-
from Melksham to ·warminster, 2 miles south from ford, has been curate since 1884. The Wesleyans have

Melksham station on the Great Western railway, in the a place of worship here. The workhouse for Melksham
union is situated here, for particulars ~See Melksham.
Western division of the county, hundred of Whorwells- The Duke of Somerset, who is lord of the manor, Walter-
down, Melksham union, petty sessional division and Hume Long esq. M.P. of Rood Ashton House, William
county court district, rural deanery of Potterne (Brad- Bruges esq. and Major Gaisford are the principal land-
ford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of owners. T•he soil is loam and stone brash ; subsoil~
Salisbury. The 'Wilts and Berks canal here joins the

Kennet and .Avon canal. The chapel of St. George is a clay. The land is mostly pasture and a little arable.
stone building in the Early English sty:e, consisting of The area is 1,238 acres (inclnd'ing- Litt:eton tithing);
chancel, nave, north porch and turret at the west end rateable value, £3,480; the population in r8gr was 422~
containing one bell : inside the porch is a curious in- including 157 officers and inmates of the Me1ksham
l!cription in Norman French which is very much worn: Union house.
the church was restored in r86o, and a new cha.ncel
erected, and a vestry added in 1877: there are r6o sit- Parish C:erk & Sexton, William Dallimore. The register dates from the year rs86. The
chapelry is annexed to the vicarage of Steeple .Ashton, Post Offce.-Henry James Stockwell, sub-postmaster....
average tithe rent-charge £625, joint gross yearly value Letters are received through Trowbridge at 7.30 a.m.
& 5· 15 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.20 a. m. & 6.55 p.m.
£82o, net £ 410, including 14 acres of glebe, with resi- 1\'eek days & 9.20 a.m. on sundays. Postal orders are.
issued here, but not paid. The nearest ~oney order-
dence, in the gift of Magdalene College, Cambridge,

and held· since March, 1889, by the Rev. John Bond M ..A. & telegraph ofiice is at 1\Ielbham

late fel'low of that college, and canon and prebendary of National School (mixed), built in 1859, for 6o children;
Lincoln, who resides at Steeple .Ashton; the Rev. average attendance, ~o: 1\Iiss Fra.nces Osman, mist

Bird Mrs Garrett James, brick. ma. Penny plat Maslen Juliru (Mrs.), Littleton

Bruges William Glass ·wm. Jsph. farmer, Church frm Pocock Henry, farmer, Park farm

Qhapman Rev. Stephen Murray M.A. Golledge Frank, beer ret. Outmarsh Pocock James, hay & straw dealer &

(curate) Hancock John, baker & Bell inn auctioneer

Keevil Edward Frowd Hawkins Mercy &. Richard, farmers Seymour John, farmer

Parfitt Mrs. Brooklyn Hawkins William, cattle dealer Stockwell Hy. Jas. Post office & grocer·

CO:YMERCIAL. Hunt William, farmer, Outmarsh frm Trollope Sidney, Somerset Arms P.H.

Jefferys William, farmer, Manor !"arm & brewer

Bailey Step-hen William, farmer & Littleton Tucker John, farmer, Littleton

Baxter Sidney, farmer, Hagghill farm Little John, farmer, Paxcrolt farm Wilshere Ernest Robt.crpntr.& smith

Cottle Albert, farmer, Newtown Noad Joseph & James, millers (water) Wilshere James Edward, builder &

Drew John, farmer, Littleton & farmers, Littleton Wood mill assistant overseer & district surveyor

SEMLEY is a parish, running nearly east and west, about 350 persons. The register dates from the year
and lying in a beautiful valley, with station, 1! miles r657. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge-

from the church, on the Salisbury and Yeovil branch of £374• gross- yearly value £450, net £363, including 98
the London and South ·western railway, 20 miles south- acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Christ-
west from Salisbury, 6 south-east from Mere, 3 north Church, Oxford, and held since r878 by the Rev. Louie·
from Shaftesbury and 101 from London, in the Southern Kercheval Hilton B..A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, and
division of the county, Chalke hundred, Tisbury union, M.A. of Magda:en College, Oxford. Here is a Baptist
Shaftesbury county court district, Tisbury and Mere chapel, which was built in 1823, to seat 250 personiS.
petty sessionaJ division, rural deanery of Chalke (Ti!'bury £2 2s. yearly were l:eft in 17]9 by John Perham for·

portion). archdeaconry of Sarum, and diocese of Sa:is- clothes and the interest on J_,3oo left by Miss Dinah
bury. There is a richly-wooded country in th~ back-
ground on the north, and the Dorsetshire hills- ar.e seen Bracher, for the poor of the parish. Lord .Arundell of
in the distance stretching along its front in the l'outh.
The old church of St. Leonard. an ancient oruciform ·wardour is lord of t·he manor. The principal landowners-
structure~ was pulled down in January, 1874, and the are John Benett-Sta.nford esq. and Sir Michael Robert
Shaw-Stewart hart. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The-
present building erected in 1875, at the expense of the land is principally pasturage, all the arable growing

Dowager :Marchioness of Westminster: it is of Bath, wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2,945 acres; rate-

Ham Hill and local stone. in the Early DecoratPd sty:e, able value, £5,967; the population in r8gr was 643.
and consists of chancel, nav~ of four bays, south aisle Parish Clerk, Henry Thomas Merchant.
and south chancel aisle: there are two entrances viz.
north and west, with a square lofty embattlt>d western Post Office.-.Tohn Rogers, sub-postmaster. Letters ar...
tower with clock and 6 beEs: there is a stained window rive from Shaftesbury at 8.5 a.m. & 6.30 on
in the chancel to the memory of the Rev. Henry Hall week days, 8.5 a.m. sundays; dispatched 12.,15, 4·45
M.A. who built the chancel; one to .Arthur and Lucy & 7 p.m. on week days, 10 a. m. on sundays. Postal
orders are is;:ued here, bnt not paid. The nearest
Fane by their son, the lab' Vere Fane Benett-Stanford money order & telegraph office is at Semley station
esq. ; one to the memory of John Edward Benett, of Pyt
Ilouse, and one given by Mrs. Benett-Stanford; also one Wall Letter Box at Station cleared at 10.30 a.m. 5-IS &
by the late Vere Fane Benett~Stanford esq. to thE> 7.30 p.m.; sundays at 10.30 a.m
memory of seven brother officers killed at the Gate Pa
Fort, in New Zealand, on the 30th .April, 1864; another National School (mixed), fol' So children; a-verage at..
Has been added as a memorial of Mrs. Pike, of Musters; tendance, 44; :Miss Reed, mistress. Infant, for 70

it is the gift of her children: there are sittings for chi1dren; average attendance, so ; Miss Eliza Ann

Rang-er, mistress. A house adjoining the schools i•
provided for th~ mistresses

Railway Station, John Ellen, station master

:Rr.teher Mrs. Broad Oak house Brown Ernest, farmer, Harthill farm Herrington Louisa (Mrs.), farmer.

Hilton Rev. Louis Kercheval M.A. Buckland .Tames, blacksmith Church farm

The Rectory Burden Alfred, shopkeeper Holloway Samuel, farmer

Miles Joseph, Grove house Burden George, blacksmith James Henry, farmer, Oysters &;

Scammell Mrs. The Cottage Burden Rice, baker Curtain farms

St'inley Rev. John (Baptist) Burlingto.1 Fra;,cis J. farmer James William, farmer. East End &I

Burton Mrs. Hannah, farmer, Con~ farms

COMMERCIAL. duit farm Kirby Th<>mas C. Railway commerci:Ll

B'aker Robert, farmer, Marsh farm & Ford William, farmer, Hook farm hotel & posting house, Semley statn

Senior's farm Fowler Alvah, baker &t shopkeeper Lane Arthur, fanner, Hatt's farm

Baker Thos. farmer, Chak-ott's- farm Gray Samuel, farme:r, West wood Maidment John. tihClpkeeper


Merchant Henry Thomas, wheelwright Rogers Ebenezer Wm. grocer &draper Westcott James, coal & manure mer

& parish clerk Salisbury, Semley & Gillingham (The) White Robert, farmer, Billhay & Am-

Pike Frederick, farmer, Muster's, Dairies Lim. (Henry J ohnson,mngr) berleaze farms

Knipe's & Glebe farms Scammell Edward, Benett Arms P.H Worthy James, farmer, Bowmarsh fm

Pike Wm. farmer, Whitebridge farm Snow John & Co. coal & coke mers

SEVENHAMPTON is a hamlet and tithing on the since 1893 by the Rev. Francis Charles Master, who
resides at Highworth. There is a sum of £2,ooo, inve~ted
border of Berks, I! miles south-ea~t from Highworth in 2! per Cent. Consols, bequeathed by Lady Wetherell

station on the Swindon and Highworth branch of the lVarneford, yielding yearly about £ss, which is distri-
Great Western railway, 8 east from Cricklade and 6 buted in coals, blankets and warm clothing amongst the
north-east from Swindon, in the parish of Highworth,
Northern division of the county, Highworth and Swindon poor and labouring classes resident in the tithing. ·warne-
union, county court district and petty sessional division
of Swindon, rural deanery of Cricklade, archdeaconry ford Place, the residence of John Phillips Thomas esq.
of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. The is a fine old mansion, consist~ng of centre, dating from the
church of St. James is a handsome modern building of
stone in the Early English style, erected in 1863, and year 1s66, with wings added in 1734: the house, which
consists of chancel, nave, south porch and square western stands in an extensive park, is immediately surrounded
tower containing 6 bells: the interior of the church is
very handsome, the font, pulpit and window arches having by beautiful gardens about 14 acres in extent, and is
pillars of polishe.d granite: the east window and all the approached by an avenue of elms over a mile in length.
windows in the chancel are stained: in 1894 the church 'fhe Rev. John Henry Warneford M.A. vicar of Salter-
was supplied with stoves for warming and re-decorated
by means of a legacy left by the late Charles Sewell esq.: hel:ible, Halif-ax, is lord of the manor and sole landowner.
there are about 250 sittings. The register dates from The soil is loam and limestone; subsoil, limestone and
1813, previous to which it was included in that of High- clay. The chief crops are grass, with wheat, barley,
worth. Sevenhampton is a chapelry attached to the beans and roots. 'l'he area and population are included
vicarage of Highworth, joint net yearly value £300, in
the gift of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, and he1d with Highworth.

Parish Clerk, Frank Barrett.
Letters through Swindon, via Highworth, arrive at 8 a.m.

\Vall Letter Box, cleared at 6.25 p.m. Money ordex• &
telegraph office is at Highworth
The children of this place attend the Highworth school

Thomas John Phillips, Warneford PI Crees Henry, farmer Davis Samuel, farmer, Roves farm

Barrett Henry, blacksmith Flaugham Lawrence, head gardener to Whitfield Robert, farmer, Hill farm

Chillingworth Andrew, farmer, Queen J. P. Thomas esq Whitfield Wm. farmer, Billingham frm

Lane~ farm

SHALBOURNE is a parish and village pleasantly Oxenwood was, 2oth October, 1844, annexed to Wilts,

situated in a valley protected on the north, eaSit and south as it was supposed to be entirely isolated from Berks, and

by hills, 4 miles south from Hungerford station on the therefore one of those detached parts of counties contem·

Great Western railway, and ro south-east from 1\Iarl- plated by the Act 7 and S Vict. cap. 61, but was ascer~

borough, partly in Berks and partly in the Eastern divi- tained to be joined to Berks by a narrow neck of land,

sion of the county, hundred of Kinwardstone, petty ses- and therefore is still part of the county of Berks. Shal-

sional division of Marlborough and Hungerford, Hunger- bourne Rivers is half a mile south, and has numerous

ford union and county court district, rural deanery of barrows.

Newbury, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The parish contains s,266 acres of land, viz. in Shal-
The church of St. Michael is an ancient edifice of stone, bourne, Berks, 2,550; Shalbourne, Wilts, I,IIO; Oxen-
1 wood, r,695; rateable value, "Wilts portion, £1,320; Berks
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of portion, £2,485. The population of the civil parish in
four bays, south aisle, south porch and square embattled 189r was 734, of which 201 are in Wilts, chiefly engaged
western tower, with pinnacles, containing s bells; it "as in agricultural pursuits. The population of the eccle-
rebuilt and south aisle added in 1873: in the ohurch there siastical parish in I89I was S98, of which 198 are in Wilts.
is a monument bearing date IS88, supposed to have be-
longed to Sir Francis Cholke: there are 250 sittings.

The register dates from the year 1677. The living I.i a Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £316, net income Alfred Wiggins, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by foot

£232, with 10 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift post from Hungerford at a.m. ; dispatched at 6
of the Dean and Canons of "Windsor, and held since 1888 p.m. week days only. The nearest telegraph office is
at Hungerford
by the Rev. Henry Cotterell Evans M.A. of Keble College,
Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, will seat roo, which

was originally the old parish school. The principal land- Wall Letter Box at Oxenwood, cleared at s p.m.; also
owners are the Marquess of Ailesbury, who is lord of Wall Letter Box at Bagshot, cleared 6.20 p.m
the manor, Miss Michell, Thomas Kingston esq. and
Francis Augustus Bevan esq. The soil is loam on green National School (mixed), erected in 1873, by subscrip-
"and; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley tion, for IOS children; enlarged in 1894 to accommodate
and oats. 140 children; average attendance, 100; John William
Stradling, master
Shalbourne township and the hamlets of Newton are in
Wilts. Shalbourne tithing, Bagshot and Oxenwood are in Carrier.-Tom Levy, to Newbury, mon. & thurs.; to

Berks. Hungerford, wed. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clewett Geo. shopkeeper, Oxenwood Phillips John, shoe maker

Eans Rev. Hy. Cotterell M.A. Vicarage Cook James, Royal Oak P.H Phillips Frank, wheelwright & crpntr

Miohell Miss, Bagshot Guyatt Wm. Hy. farmer, Manor house Reeves' Martha (Mrs.), dairy & farmer

Rhodes Charles Haywnrd Thomas, farmer, Oxenwood Rush Charles, farmer
Humphries Jas. blacksmith,Oxenwood St. Michael's Home far :MotherlesS~

COMMERCIAL. Holt Amos, bricklayer Girls (Miss Emily Dagg, lady supt)

Aldridge Henry, blacksmith Jenning-s Edwin, grocer Sargent Thompson, miller (water),

Ballard James, Plough inn Levy Tom, carrier Bagshot mill

Barns John, farmer, East court Levy Charles, tailor, Newtown Smallbone Ann Isabelle, frmr.Folly fm

Baverstock John, butcher & farmer Levy William Henry, dairy farmer & Strange Daniel, shopkpr. & beer reUr

Briant Charles' William, farmer assistant overseer Waiter Jesse, wood merchant

Briant Hy. Jas. miller (water)& farmr Mathf'w .Tames George, saddler Westmacott George Richard, farmer,

Briant Henry May, farmer, Oxenwood Moss Charles Fredericlr, King's Arms Oxenwcod
Wiggin~ Alfred, blacksmith, Post offic&
Clarke Charles, farmer P.H. Oxenwood

SHAW with WHITLEY were formed into an eccle- was added in 1892: there are sittings for 4SO persons.
•iastical parish in 1838 from the civil parish of Melksham, The register dates from the year 1838. The living is a
and are on the road from Melksham to Bath, 2 miles vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £78, net yearly value
north-west from Melksham station on the Great Western £264, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Melksham,
railway, in the Western division of the county, petty ses- and held since 189s by the Rev. Charles Mackenzie Steed-
sional division and county court district of Melksham, man M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. There is a
union of Melksham, Potterne rural deanery (Bradford Wesleyan chapel at Whitley. The principal landowner•
portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. are Charles Awdry esq. of Shaw Hill House, John Perkins
Christ church is a stone structure, in the Early English Stancomb, the Prospect, Trowbridge, Maj.-Gen. Lord
style, consisting of chancel, nave and west porch with Methuen, G. Brownjohn esq. and G. P. Fuller esq. M.P.
western turret containing one bell: in 1890-92 the church Neston Park, Corsham. The population in 1891 was 646.
was re-seated and a new fl.oor laid down, and a new organ
Parish Clerk & Sexton, John Bryant.


Post Office, Shaw.-William Angel, sub-postmaster. Let- School.
National School, Shaw (mixed), built in x874, with resi-
ters received through :Melksham at 7 a.m. & 4.40 p.m.;
dispatched at 10.40 & 7.30 p.m. Postal orders are dence for master, for x6o children; average attendance,
issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order & xo8 ; Wm. Brookland Dennis, master

telegraph office is at :Melksham

&HI.AW. Keevil Jc.mes, farmer, Shaw farm Shoowell John, Meadow bank
Merrebt. Fredk. Ohas. frmr. Folly lane Webb Mrs. Whitley cottage

Awdry Charles J.P. Sha.w Hill house :Mortimer David, ca.rpenter, Shaw hill W:hite Mros. "\-1lhitlley ihiO'Use

Canning Thoma.s Pearce Jame& l;:aac, horse trainer Buckland Henry, baker & s-hopkeeper
Goodal'l Wi~liam, Shaw hill Pearoe ~Jlrs. dres•s maker, Sha·w hill Dicks Phineas, coal dealer
St~ncomb John Fredk. M.A.,J.P. bar- Rogers A.braiham, groceT, Shaw hL~ GibhSI Henry, grocer & beer retail€'!"

rist.eT-at-law, Shaw !house . Rogers· Levi, groce:l". Shaw hill HaywaTd· "\Yillia•m, grooeT

Steedman Rev. Char1es Mackenzie Rnge·rs Samuel, carpenter, Shaw hill Oram Georoge, farm·er

M.A.. Vicarage. Wabson Jam,es, farme'l" Pooockl Benjamin, farmoo-

COliMERCIAL. Willis Jn. Golden Fleece P.H. Folly la Pooock Edward, pou:lterer

Canning Thomas, brewer & maitJSiter WHITLEY. Pocock JGoehl.lo1ri~sz•eto,n, poulterer
Escott Fredk. genera.! dlr. Folly bne Pocock farmer

Gun.SitOine Mark, thabcoher, Sh·aw hill Ba]. George, ~Iultnm-illl-Parvo R01ge1I"S• Henry, butcher<s Elijah, •shopkeepe•r, Fo~iy lane :\'Iur:ray-Shirreff .Alex. "\Yhitley brow Hicks. Henry, d-ea•leT", "\-Vest-:a•nd's lane

Jeffeu-ys Thomas, fatrme.r,Ohurch farm Oram )'li•S•S White Ge.orge, che-ese factor
Keen Geo. jdbbing gardnr. S'haw hill Rudman ~Iiss

SHERRINGTON is a parish on the river Wylye, half Edmund Douglas Veitch Fane esq. and held since 1873
by the R~:,v. Thomas James Heard M.A. of Worcester Col-
a mile south from Codford station on the Wilts, Somerset lege, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan mission room. The
pumping station of the Boyton waterworks is here. Here
b.nd Weymouth branch of the Great Western railway, is a mound, surrounded by a moat. Edmund Douglas
Veitch I<'ane esq. of Boyton, who is lord of the manor,
7! miles south-east from Warminster ar.d 3 south-east and Alfred Morrison esq. of Fonthill House, Tisbury, are
the principal landowners. The soil is light chalk; sub-
from Heytesbury, in the Western divisiGn of the county, soil, chalk and flint. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
barley. The area is 1,240 acres; rateable value, £x,o66;
hundred of Branch, Warminster union, petty sessional the population in 1891 was I54·

division and county court district, rural deanery oi Wylye Parish Clerk, William Prior.

(Wylye portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Letters through Bath arrive at 8.45 a.m. & 5·45 p.m.
Codford St. Mary is the nearest money order & tele-
Salisbury. The church of St. Michael is a small stone graph office. Wall Letter Box cleared at 5·45 p.m. &

edifice, and has over the porch the date of its restora-

tion in x624: it is partly in the Early English style, con-

:Fisting of chancel, nave and south porch : the east and

west windows, which are Decorated, belonged to the old
church: it was thoroughly repaired and the western

bell turret, containing one bell, added in 1 844 : there are
~ittings for rso persons. The register dates from the

year r651. The living is a rectory, commuted tithe rent- 8 a.m. sunday
charge £259, average £192, gross £222, net £190, in- The children of this place attend school at Codford St.
eluding 21 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Peter

I:lowe.n M':i.;;,s., ThJe Manor place Hev1s' Olive.r, bui.ldeil' Neale Timothy, beer reta.ilr, & haulier
Rugg Thos. Snelgrove, rniJ.:iel!' (wat&)
Reard ReiV. Thomas Jas. M.A.Redory Ca.rte,r Ric:ha.rd, cowkeeper
& farmer
Axfo·rd Henry, sllwpke,eper Imber John, jun. f!hopkeeper

SHERSTON MAGNA (or Great Sherston) is a vil- are charities of about £13 annual value for the benefit of
lage and parish, on the river Avon, 5~ miles west-by-south the poor. R. E. Cresswell esq. is lord of the manor, and
from Malmesbury terminal station on a branC'h of the Capt. George Holford of "\-Veston Birt, Gloucester-
Great "\-Vestern railway and about 5~ south-west from Tet- shire, and Colonel Wyatt William Turnor are the princi-
bury, in the North Western division of the county, Chip- pal landowners. The soil is brashy; subsoil, gravel.
per.ham hundred, :Malmesbury union, petty sessional 'fhe chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area
division and county court district, rural deanery of of the parish is 3,773 acres; rateable value, £5,427; the
l\Ialmesbury, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Glou- population in r8gx was 1,349, including the hamlet of Wil-
cester and Bristol. The church of the Holy Trinity is lesley, 2 miles north.
a fine old structure, in the 13th century Gothic style,
having chancel, nave of six bays and aisles, and a south Parish Clerk, Hobert Purnell.

porch, with square embattled tower in the centre with 5 Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity &

bells and a clock. and contains a few memorials : there Insurance Office.-Harry Dicks, sub-postmaster. Let- 490 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653. ters arrive by mail cart from Malmesbury at 7.30 a. m;
The living is a vicarage, with Sherston Parva, or Pinkney, dispatched at 6.xo p.m. in winter & 6.40 p.m. in summer
annexed, average tithe rent-charge £76, joint gross yearly
value £3oo, net £254, with 6 acres of glebe land, with
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Glou- w.Briti1~h (mixed), built in x84o, for 120 children; average
cester, and held since x884 by the Rev. East I<,rederick attendance, 73 ; J. Selrlon, master

Thomas Ribbans B. A.. of Trinity College, Dublin. There National (mixed), to hold 150 children; average attend-
ance, 135; Ge')rge Dear, master
are one Congregational, two Baptist and one Primitive
Carrier.-Ralph Golding, to Chippenham, mon. & fri, re-
Methodist chapels. There is a reading room with about turns same day; Yate, station, thurs.; Tetbury, wed

so volumes. Here is a. silk ribbon manufactory. There

DaviSI FranciS' .Air.t:hur, Lady's wood Camm Francis, boot· maker Goulding Thomas, beer r"etail611'

Evan·s. Mrs. Cau:ston Edwin, pig dealer Goulding ·waiter, baker

Harry Mrs. Sandpits Ckvrk John, fei:monger Greenman John, saddler

Knapp 1\fus Clark Winiam, fellm-onger Hank& Henry & Son, tailoros

Neta•le Benjamin Thomas Mills Gook .Aiflfoo, shopkeeper Ha-rris "\Villia.m, farmer

Pa~rsonS> Edward D~1rlilllg Darniel .A. & Go. Sli:k & cotton Hia Chalfles, police sergeant

Ribbans Rev. East Frederick Thoma.s manufa.cturel'ls (A.lfd. L~ster, ma.n) Hill Henry, baker

B. A.. (vicar), Dickls & Sons, drapeTs & grocers Post Hill Henry, chimney sweeper

Rice Edmnnd affic~ Hill' Miss Matilda, dresrmaker

Siloox Rev. Goo. P. (Congregational) E1ford James shopk-eeper Hillier Doug:oas, farmer

Thomp!i'On 1\E.Sis Elford· .Toseph, tinplate worker Hillier John Goodenough, farmeT

Tolell"ton Willia.m Raoi1cliffe M.D., M.Oh E1sip Cha.s<. ~rmT. Erus-ton Town farm Jobbins Henry, ma.son

COMMERCIAL. Els.i.p Thomas, bake-r Jobbins J ahn, baker

Andll'ews. Elizabeth (Mi>s"So), rumper Eva.n•s, miller (water) Jobbins William, pig dealer

Beu-ry Ann (Mfls. ), f-a~mer Evans Wil:'iam, £hoe maker JoonetS Thomas, ·S~hopkeeper

Berry Na·thanieJI, shopkeeper Evans Wi~liam, fishmonger King-ton MOIS~es, hU!rd:e make'l"

Be'rry Wi}, fiSihmongell' Eyreo;; William, farmer Liddiard Jolhn, marine store dealer

Ilis'lwp Maurice, fishmonger Ford An~w & Son, tailors Longiord William, ~and measu!l'er

Blackford Richard, fa'l'!l:ll.8l' Fruen Henry, beet' retailer & carrier Ma.ttheWls Riclhard, but.oher
Boulton A:'tiired, plumber & g1azier Good!field Samuel, Swaill Commercial Me~oome RQbert, fa.rmer

Boulton :Mr11., tobaeconili't hl()ltel Me<rohant Edmd.MaJCklsmitlh &beer rtlr

Brain M>ns. Ameliia, farmer, WidlaJ'II A;tfred, cattle dea1er MiE.s Si.meoo, boot maker Corneiius, fail'lilffi" Gou:ding M'fls. Mary, coal dealer Near Edwartd, farmer & butcheil.'

Brook!!- Ben5amin, machinist Goulding Ralph, C!lll'rier & Angel inn Neal Edw:n, .~hoe maker


Nea: Estcourt, ~hoe makelt- Pritchard "\ViUi31In, corn dea:er ShetWriiilg Edwin, carpntr. & wheelwrt

Ne'3.l H.flnry Osborne, cattle deaJer Pu.g!h Henry & Son, plumbers Simpsoon George, grocer
Ratcliffe Geor~-e, 'VIheelwright
Neal Jame•Sl, haulier · Smitoh Charle•s, hair dresser

Ne~l John, shopkeepe'r Reading & Coffee Rooms; Geo. Dear, Smi·tlh Simeon, s'hotpkpr. & b:acktsmit•h

N eal Martin, Ra ttloeobone inn & farmeT ; MII's. E ~en Head, ca•ret:aker Stid,leor A~fred, beer retailer

Nea!e T.& Sons, manu.factuxing,anaJy- Rice Fll'ancis, til-er & pla•sterer Stile·s J oJhn, ,:;hopkeepelf & farmer

tica•l & dispensing chemists & v€teri- Rice• John, hair dtessell' StiUibbins Jalbe~. but-cher

nary .surgeons, Ohemical works Rice Henry, jun. builder T.hompron Martin, beer retailer

Neale• Duncan, ve.terinary surgeon Riddick !Malh.Oil', boo·t m.aker; & at Tlhomtptmn R(lbert, farmer

N.ea1e (}.e{)rge, plumber & fal'III1e<r Malmesbury Thompsotn Thx:>m·a•s, faT'IIl•er

N€11Le Moses, veteri111ary su.rgoon Rive•I'Is Charles, mia-er (water) Tole.rton William Ratcliffe l\I.D.,M.cl1.

Newth Alfred, farmer Sainsbury Alfred, ·s•hopkeeper •S'lll'lgeoo., & medica·~ office·r & pub!::c

Niclhollso & Oo. grocers & drapers Sain>lbu.ry Charle·s, stone ma;son vaccinatOil', 4th di•strict,MalmetSibury

.Palrner William, grooer Sa.ins•bury Edwin, mason unioo, & medical officer of health,

Pitt 1\Irs. Hannah, beer retailell' Sattely Zaetharia,s, watch maker Ma:mesbury rural disttrict

Potter Jame·s•, farnne;r Se,lwoodi Alfred boolh makeil' Weeks 'fihomas. ~opkeoepe:r

PtntJchard Thoma.s, fa·rmeor She'l"borne "\Vi::Jiam, carpenter

SHERSTON PINKNEY is a village and parish, acres, through which the river Avon flows. Richard
4! miles west from Malmesbury terminal station, on a Estcourt-Cre·s·sweU esq. is lord of the ma.n.or and Col.
branch of the Great Western railway a.nd 9 north-west Wyatt "\Villiam Turnor and Capt. George Lindsay Holford
from Chippenham, in the North Western division of C. I.E. are the principal landowners. The soil is bra.shy;

the county, hundred of Chippenham, union, petty lstUbsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
se&sional division and county court district of Malmes- roots. The area of the parish is 949 acres ; rateabre
bury, rural deanery of Malmesbury, archdeaconry of value, £r,o7o; the population in r89r was 126.

Bristol ra.n.d diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. There is Letters arrive froni Malmesbury at 7 a.m. The nearest
no church ; the inhabitants attend those of Sherston money order & telegraph office is at Sherston Magna
Magna and Easton Grey. The living is a chapelry,
annexed to Shers.ton Magna. Pinkney Park is the Wall Letter Box cleared 6.50 p.m. summer; 10.50 a.m,

property and residence of Col. "\Vyatt William Turnor sunday & during winter 6.20 p.m
J.P~; the house stands in a deer park of about 100 Chi:dren of this• parish attend the Sherston Magna. school.

Tnrnoll' CoL Wyatb William J.P. Pink- Fry Bdwin & .Toseph, farme.:r,s Nerwth Stephen (~fr.s.), farme1r

n.ey park Ha.rrits• Georgoe, miller (wa•te•r) & farmr Stanbrooik Wi:liam, The Eagle· P.H. &

cmiMERCIAL. Smale Caleb, fa.rm bai:.i:ff to Col. \V. ~lhopkeepeiT

ElEott Ge{)rge, farnwr, Court farm \V. Tum or

SHORNCOTE, see Somerford Keynes.

SHREWTON is a village and parish, on the road the repairs of the church. In January, 1841, this
from Amesbury to Devizes, 6 miles north from Wishford village suffered severely by the flood which occurred
station on the Great "\Vestern railway, 6 west from here at that time. The trustees of the late Charles
Arnesbury and u north-west from Salisbury, in the Wansbrough esq. is lord of the manor. The. principal
Southern division of the county, hundred of Branch and landowners are Thomas Longman ~Iills esq. H. N. B.
Dole, Amesbury union, Salisbury county court district, Good esq. and -exors. of the· late Char:es Wansbrough
esq. The soil is loam on chalk; subsoil. chalk. The
petty sessional division of Salisbury and Amesbury, chief crops are wheat·, barley, oats, turnips and some
rural deanery of Wylye (Wylye portion) and arch- land in pasture. The area is 2,130 acres; rateable
deaconry and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. value, £1,644; the population in 1891 was 548.
Mary is• a building of flint and stone in the Norman and
Early English styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried Parish Olerk, William Penrith Guyatt.
nave of three bays·, aisles, north porch and western
tower containing 5 bells: it was rebuilt in 1854-5, and Post & 1\I. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery &
has 200 sittings : the chancel and north aisle each has
a canopied piscina : the east and three other- windows Annuity & Insurance Office. (Sub-Office. Letters
are stained. The register dates from the year 1548.
The living is a vicarage, united with Maddington by should have S. 0. Wilt& added. )-Dennis Guyatt, mb-
Order in Council, 1870, average tithe rent-charge £163,
gross yearly value £266, net £2oo, with 30 acres of postmaster. Letters arrive from Chippenham at 6.55
glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held a.m. & 4.25 p.m. & from Salisbury at 9.25 a.m. ; dis-
since 1853 by the Rev. Frederick Bennett M.A. of patched a.t 9.50 a. m. for London & the South Coast;
Wadham College, Oxford, Canon and Prebendary of 3·5 p.m. for Salisbury & the West of England & at
Salisbury, who resides at Maddington. Here are chapels 4.25 p.m. & 7·5 p.m. via Chippenham to all parts
for "\Vesleyans a.nd Bapt:i'sts. In 1704 Ann Estcourt, Police Station, David Penells, sergeant in charge
of Newnt{)n, devised a rent charge, now amounting to National School (mixed), built in 1868, with residence
£55, for apprenticing boys of the paris·hes of Newnton, for master, for 187 children, for the parishes- of Roll-
Rol1stone and Shrewton: at the inclosure of the parish stone, Maddington & Shrewton; average attendance,
143 ; Gideon Morton White, master
ID acres, producing £rs a yelaJ", were appropriated for
Henry Hibberd, to Salisbury, tues. thurs. & sat. ; Em-

I manuel Scott, to Salisbury, tues. & sat

Bart.lett Rev. Richard GrosvenOT l\LA. Ohubb Jn. (Mrs.), saddlr.&harne~!S ma Pennel David, ~·ergeant. of police

(:curate), Ohurch ihome Cox Elizabeth C~Il·s:), fancy repositry Rainoe Samuel, beeor retlr. & shoe makr

Dalvies Rev. Thomas Cynog (Baptis1~) Curti:s Peote.r, millwright & engineer Sains•bury William~ miller (wind),

Good H. Norton Butler J.P. ShTew- Dewey Fredk. builder & wheelwright 'b0ker & grocer

ton lodg-e· FeltJham EliLh. ('M~s•s ),grocer & drapell' Scott Emmmne 1, carorier

Maslen Henry, Laburnum vilJa Griffen N~tthan, watch & c:oock maker Scrme Ed'ward, ca1·penter

M:lls Thos. Lon~an, Shrewton !house C1uyatt Denni~•. Post office Scrusoe John, shopkeeper & builder

Pat'lsoons• ::\-Irs. The ViEa. Hibberd Henry. !be-er retailer & ea rrier S'heppard A:fd. Ca t!ha Wheel family

Wansbrongh Mrs·. ~fa.n{)r home Ingram Goorge, newsagent & agent to & commercial !hotel, good stba.bling

COMMERCU.L. 11he• Prudential Assurance Co & coach house & accou:nmodat::on for
Love1ock Frank, b:acksanith

Bailey '.Chomas, draper & groceor ~'larks Edward farm baiEff to H. N. Smith, Johru, grocet- & ironm0111ge'r

Bundy Ja~.beeT & haiil" dres~er B. Good e-q Wihite Jose'Ph, builder & fly proprietor

Chant Rimmelion Mrs.), draper, M.ilesr "\ViJ.liam, bricklayer & aQ"nculturaa imp:rement agent

grocer & halter :Mills Tlhoma·~ Lon•g'man, faxmer Wi!Hams Ge{)Tge, grCJICer & baker

Ohubb ~o\:fred, 'l'e!rist;ra'l" of mamiage~ ~Iorre:l Willia.m, Ge>OO"ge inn Windsm- Francis, fall'mer

for Amet-•bury district Ora.m George, RQyal Oak P.H Witlhers• Edwin, coal dea~er

SLAUGHTERFORD is a parish and small village, Gloucester and Bristol. 'l'he church of St~ Nicholas is
containing two farmhouses. and twenty cottages, on
the ·wavering- brook, 4~ mi:les north-by-west from a. building of stone in the Early English style, consisting
Corsham station on the Great "\Vestern railway and 5
west from Chippenham, in the North Western division of chancel, nave, south porch and a western embattled
of the county, Chippenham union, county court district, tower with pinnacles contJaining one bell:< the church
petty sessional division and hundred, rural deanery of was rebuilt in 1823 and restored in 1883, and haSt 8o:
Chippenham, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of sittings. The register dates from the year 1702. The
living is a vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Bidde--
stone St, Peter and vicarage of Biddestone St. N:ichO'Ias,


average tithe rent-charge £I48, joint net yearly value subsoil, rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
oa.ts. The area is 473 acres; rateable value, £407;
£r20. with 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of Winchester the population in I8gi was 106.

College, and held since I88I by the Rev. John .Alien 'Vall Letter Box cleared at 7.40 p.m. week days only

Johnson M.A. Trinity College, Dublin, who resides Letters through Chippenham. arrive at 6.45 a.m. The
at Bidde.stone. This was a Roman settlement. Messrs. nearest money order & telegraph office is at Yatton
"\V. J. Dowding & Sons' paper mills situat~d here, Keynell

also the brewery of Messrs. Little and Son. Sir John The children of this place attend the school at Biddestone
Poynder Dickson-Poynde.r hart. M.P. owns the manor
and is the principal landowner. The soil is rocky:

DowdinP" .George. \Blake Albert, farmen-, Manor farm L:ttle & Son, a:e & pmrte<l" brewel's & Ml.'ls Dowding lW. John & Sons-, paope•r mM malbs:ter.s

GREAT SOM:ERFORD is a parish and pleasant vil- rectory, gross yearly value £sw, net £410, including
lage, on the river Avon, with a station on the 29I acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Exeter
Malmesbury branch of the Great Western railway, 7 College, Oxford, and he:d since I888 by the Rev.
miles north from Chippenham, 4 south-east from Mal- Francis Hardwicke Manley M.A. of that college. A free
mesbury and 89 from London, in the North ·western library with reading room was erected here in I872 by
division of the county, Malmesbury union, petty the late Walter Powell esq. but is now used as a
sessional division, county court district and hundred, Primitive Methodist chapel; there is also a Primitive
and in the rural deanery of Malmesbury, archdeaconry Methodist chapel at Starth:Jy. The principal landowners
of Bristol and of Gloucester and Bristol. The are Me•ssrs. J osiah, J oseph and William Hanks and the
church of St. Michael and All Angels is a, handsome trustees of Mrs•. Birtill and J. P. Poole esq. The soil
structure of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting ts loamy ; subsoil, gravel. The land is chiefly in

of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south porch pasture. The a.rea. is I,544 acres ; rateable value,

and square embattled tower and 4 be:ls, and was £2,772; the population in I.89I was 530.
restored with great taste by subscription in I867: the Startley, or Starkeley, is a hamlet, I mile west.
chancel has some wall decorations on the north: the Parish Clerk, Thomas Gibbs. window was presented by the late Miss· Mary Pike;
another, on the north side, by Mr. Stephen Demainbury, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
in memory of his fathe·r, formerly rector of this. parish: & Insurance Oftice.-Lewin Tanner, sub-postmaster.
in the south side of the nave is a window erected by LetterS! through Chippenham arrive at 4.20 a.m. &
W. E. Beak esq. to his parents: the organ chamber was 2.38 p.m.; dispatched at II a.m. & 9.20 p.m
erected in I879: a brass eagle lectern was placed in the
c~urch in I888 as a. memorial to the Rev. Wil:iam Wall Letter Box, Startley, cleared at 7· 10 a.m. & 6.45
.Andrews, late rector: there are 250 sittings. The p.m
register dates from the year 1700. The living is a
G.W.R. Station, St€phen Egbert Emery, station master
National School (mixed), to hold Ioo children; average

attendance, 76; Miss Mary .Ann Carter, mistress

Heall:ih John E. Sunnybank • Cockey L. (Mrs•. ), ladies' school I ~fa.rtin Ge-orge·, carpenteil', Startley

1Ian le~ Rev. F.rancis Hardwicke M.A. Cottle John, farmt>•r, Start1ey :\Ia tthe-ws J·ames, fatrmer, Grove farm

Recto-ry 0I'lew Henll'y, fa1'1IlleiT, S1tartley ~lile.s Simeon, shopke€per

Par,~Qtet iHe.nry Heatlb. 'Jurtis· LoU:e (.Mi.s.s), dres,~ma..Startley Par,;tQ•ns William, shoe maker

Poo.Je M1I"s. The Villa Dete· Charles, Volunteer inn Pearce Henrv, soeedsman

Re.yno:d:s Mrs. Manor house EatweLi :\Iary .Ann (~Irs. ), fail'mer, Poo:e John Pa'l'ls•loe, farmer

Vines Charle1s·, We•st street 0\mrch f,:,rm POTteil' Bend. bubcher & cattle dealer

·wiHDn )lrs FJ:nerv St.e.phe.:J. E. station ma.ste.r Porter Sid.ruey, farmer, Start:ey

COMMERCIAL. Few Jesre., Downfie:d Re.eves 1Vi.llia!tn, fa;rmer, Startley

Fi·s,!le·r Samuel, coal & manure mer. Reyno.:ds ·wi:Iia.m, fa.rmer, Start:tey

.A1e'x.a.nder Wa.U.t_~r, coaJ. & artificial (Dvd. Ba.rnes•, man.), Rai:way statn S.ealy Tlhomas, farmer, Brook fann

manure- merohant(John Day, man.), Gi1bb;;. 'l'homas, butohe•r & ,;hopkeeper Adolphus. William,wheelwright

Railwa.y stat:on Hun.b Frr.ncis, harnes'Si maker Tanner David, mason , Sta rmtleav•.P o s t off
AyUf l\l()rdecai, ·slhopkeeper Knapp Edw:n, fa.rme,r, Startley Tanner Lew:n,boot & s hoe

Ba'l'ne•s- "\Villiam, Ma.sons.' Arms P.H Knight Ed'ward,farnn€'r,NEJW L€aze fm Tanner Robert, corn fador,The Mount

Bail'.ton Benj l11II1in, farmer, S ta.rtley Lewis• Willia:n Sh:pton, black.>mith


These two parishes have been amalgamated and named clay. The chief crops are grass, wheat, barley and

Somerford Keynes by an order of the County Council, roots. The area of the amalgamated parish is 1,958 acres;

dated July Io, I894, under the "Local Government .Act, rateable value, [2,266; the population of Somerford

1894," in the Northern division of the county, hundred Keynes only in I891 wail 269.

and petty sessional division of Cricklade, Cirencester

union an dcounty court district, rural deanery of Crick- SHORNCOTE is a parish on the borders of Glou-

Jade, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester cestershire, I~ miles south-west from Cerney station on

and Bristol. the Midland and South Western Junction railway. All

SOMERFORD KEYNES is a village, 3 miles sout•h-east Saints church, a building of stone, supposed to have

from Kemble junction, and 3~ north-west from Minety been built Boo years, is of Norman architecture: it has
station of the Ureat Western railway, 4~ wuth from Ciren- a nave and small north chapel, south porch, and a

cester. The church of All Saints· is nearly concea.led by a beautiful belfry at the intersection of the nave and

grove of trees, above which peeps its ivy-mantled toweiT ; it chancel, originally containing 2 bells, one of which has

is in the Perpendicular .s-tyle., and has chancel, nave, and long since disappeared: the church was restored in I883

north chapel, south porch, and embattled western tower at a cost of nearly £I,ooo: on the south wall of the

with pinnacles : in making some slight repairs in the nave is a memorial tablet to Richard Kemble (I733):

church, at the beginning of this century, an old paint- there are 8o sittings. The register dates from the year

ing of St. Christopher was found, in good preservation : I8II. The living is a rectory, annexed to Somerford

there are 3 bells; one dated I747• the others considered Keynes. Joseph Mill esq. who died in I857, left £soo,

older: the church was thoroughly restored in I876: the interest of -which is divided among the poor of this

there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the parish at Christmas. The land is freehold.

year 156o. The living is a vicarage, with Shorncote all- Parish Clerk, Thomas Boulton.

nexed in I88I, average tithe rent-charge 9Fa£.7aoFc,ar,ewjsocienotftt
gross yearly value £ 3i4n7, net £ 300, cw.ithJ. Post Office.-Harry Shipton, sub-postmaster. Letters
glebe, and. residence, the gift of through Cricklade, arrive at 8 a. m. ; dispatched at 6

esq. and held since I88I by the Rev. \Villiam Fawcett p.m. summer & 5 p.m. winter; sundays, Io a.m.

M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. Some small Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
nearest money order office is at Ashton Keynes. The
charities, amounting to about £ 12 yearly for the benefit nearest telegraph office is at Kemble

of the poor, are distributed at the discretion of the vicar

and churchwardens. Christopher John Foyle Fawc-ett National School (mixed), with house for mistress, built

esq. 8 King's Bench walk, Temple, London E C, and Sir in 1859, for 6o children; average attendance, 45;

Herbert George Denman Croft hart. of Lugwardine Miss Christine Evans, mistress

Court, are joint lords of the manor and principal land- Carrier to Cirencester.-John Thatcher, from own house

owners. The soil is clay and gravel; subsoil, gravel and on m on. wed. & fri

Fawcett Rev. William l\I.A. Vicarage C!ark William, miller (water) & farmer Kench John, gamekeeper to C. J. F.

COMMERCIAL. Freeth Henry, farmer, Manor farm Fawcett esq. M..A

Boulton Robt. farmer, Lower Mill frm Hawkes Frederick, dairyman Millall'd Mary Ann (::\-Irs. ), farmer~

Bowle Thomas, farmer, Croft farm Jefferies John & Sons, nurserymen Shorncote


Oatrid~e Edwin, farmer & carpenter Shipton Elizabeth (Mrs.), dressmaker, Thatcher John, carrier
Peer 1'Valter. market gardener
Radway Charles, wheelwright & grocer Westmacott Thomas, baker & beer ret

Shipton Harry, farmer, carpenter & White George Joseph, Bakers' Arms

Post office P.H. & butcher

LITTLE SOMERFORD is a parish and small vil- of Mri!. Sarah Brown, and held since 1893 by the Rev.
lage, on the river .Avon and on the road from :Malmes- Richard Garlicke Brown M..A. of Lincoln College, Oxford.
burv to Swindon, three quarters of a mile north from The principal landowners are the representatives of the
late Rev. H. Wightwick, who are lords of the manor, and
•0 Stephen Kemble, Cowbridge Bouse, :Malmesbury. The
soil is sandy ; subsoil, gravel and clay; the land iil
the Somerford statwn on the Malmesbury branch of the chiefly in pasture. The area is 1,333 acres; rateable
Great Western railway and 3 miles south-east from value, £2,509; the population in 1891 was 339·
:Malmesbury, in the North Western division of the
county, hundred, union, petty sessional division and Parish Clerk, Jesse Woodman.
county court district of :Malmesbury, rural deanery of
:Malmesbury, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese l)f Post Office.-Mrs. Louisa Woodman, sub-postmistre11s.
Gloucester and Bristol. The church of St. John the Letters arrive from Chippenham, delivered at 7.15
Baptist is an ancient fabric of stone, in the Early English a.m. & 3.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9·5 p.m. Postal
style, consisting of a chancel, nave, south porch and orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
embattled western square tower with pinnacles and 3 money order & telegraph office is at Great Somerford
bells and a clock, and has several stained windows :
there are 270 sittings. The register dates from the National School (mixed), built in 1868, with residence
latter part of the 17th century. The living is a rectory, for mistress, for roo children ; average attendance,
average tithe rent-charge £196, gross yearly value 66 ; Miss Mary Croome, mistress
£275, net £250, including 31 acres of glebe, in the gift

Brown Rev. Rchd.Garlicke M..A.(rectr) Day John, carpenter Reeves .Alfred, farmer

Tyler Roper, Kingscote Harding Wm. farmer, Maundit Pk.frm Reynolds Robert Charles, farmer

Heel: William, Three Crowns P.H Sealy Sarah (Mrs.), farmer

CO::IIMERCIAL. Hi~gs Henry, farmer Sloper 'Yilliam, assistant· overseer

Higgs Thomas, blacksmith Teagle 'Vm.auctionr.farmr.& cattle dlr

Barnes Daniel, farmer, East end Keene Joseph, maltster & baker Teagle lYilliam Richard, auctioneer,

Barnes Mary (:~Irs. ), farmer Manner 'Villiam .Arthur, horse dea!er farmer & cattle dealer

Bryant Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress Pickforrl Charles Henry, farmer Woodman Charles, baker

Collingbourne Frederick, cowkeeper Preddy John, shopkeeper 'Voodman Frederick, mason

Crees John, farmer, Church farm Preddy William, King's Head P.H Woodman Louisa (Mrs.), Post office

SOPWORTH is a village and parish, on the Glou- Duke of Beaufort K.G. and held since 1894 by the Rev.
cestershire border of the county, 7 miles west from Mal- Lorenzo Hartstonge-Weld M..A. of Trinity College,
mesbury terminal station, and about 6;\ south-west from Dublin. The Duke of. Beaufort K.G. is lord of the
Tetbury terminal station, both branches of the Great manor and the principal landowner. The soil is hrash;
Western railway, and 12 north-west 'from Chippenham, subsoil, rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
in the North 'Ve~tern division of the county, hundred roots. The area is 947 acres; rateable value, £1,137;
of Chippenham, Malmesbury union, petty sessional divi- the population in 1891 was 139.
sion and county court district, rural deanery of Malmes-
bury, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester Deputy Parish Clerk, .<\lfred Neill.
and Bristol. The church of St. Mary is a small struc-
Post Office.-Mrs Mary Milsom, sub-postmistress. Let-
tore of stone, in the I3th century Gothic style, consist- ters through Chippenham, delivered at 8.45 a.m. Box
ing of chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle, south cleared at 6.30 p.m. week days & 9·5 a.m. sundays.
porch and a western tower with 2 bells: the east win- Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Did-
dow is stained : there are 125 sittings. The register marton is the nearest money order & telegraph office
dates from the year 1697. The living is a rectory,
average tithe rent-charge £131, net yearly value £2oo, School (mixed), erected in r86o, with residence for
wit.h 75 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of the mistress, for 6o children; average attendance, 22;
Miss Jane Knight, mistress

Bennett Miss Humphries Edwin, blacksmith ,Neems William, farmer

Hartstonge-Weld: Rev. Lorenzo l\I..A. ~Iilsom Mary (Mrs.)1 shopkeeper & Witche:l Thomas Raglan, farmer
Rt>ctory Post office lVookey Dennis, fal'IDer

:Bell William, carpenter Xea:e Ethelbert, haulier !Young Daniel Richard, George inn

STANDLYNCH (formerly extra-parochial) is a formerly the property of H. Dawkins esq. after which it
parish, 2 miles north from Downton station on the Salis- was named Trafalgar House : it is a large brick mansion,
bury and Dorchester section of the London and South and the park and pleasure grounds, which are well-
Western railway, and 6 south-east-by-south from Salis- wooded, and extend over an area of Bo acres, are watered
bury, in the Southern division of the county, Downton bv the river .Avon: from the higher grounds, on the
hundred, Salisbury and .Amesbury petty sessional divi- eastern side, the prospect is very fine and varied. Upon
sion, .Alderbury union, Salisbury county court district, the death of the first Earl Nelson, in February, 1835, he
rural deanery of Wilton, archdeaconry and diocese of was succeeded in the title and estate, pursuant to the
Salisbury. The church, founded II47• is a very small patent, by his nephew, Thomas Bolton, who assumed the
edifice of stone in the Early English style, consisting of name and arms of Nelson; he, dying in 1835, was sue-
chancel, nave, south porch, and a turret containing one ceeded by his eldest son, Horatio, now Earl Nelson D.L.,
bell: there are 6o sittings: the duty is taken by the J.P. born in 1823, who is lord of the manor and owns all
Rev. Charles Lepage Sanders, vicar of Charlton, and the land. The soil is chalk and gravel; subsoil, chalk.
chaplain to Earl Nelson. The trustees appointed by The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The
Act of Parliament for purchasing an estate to be area is 703 acres of land and 10 of water; rateable
annexed to the title of Earl Nelson (conferred on the value, £784; the population in 1891 was 72.
brother of the illustrious .Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson Letters through Salisbury, arrive at 8 a.m. & 3 p.m.
in r8o5) bought (in 1814) Standlynch House and Park, Downton is the nearest money order & telegraph office

Nelson Right Hon. Earl D.L., J.P. Nelson Countess Taunton Robert Silas, farmer & miller
Trafalgar house; & Carlton club, ~elson Hon. Thoma.S' Horatio

London SW Taunton John William, farmer

STANTON FITZWARREN is a village and parish, and 4 bells: in 1865 it was reseated and otherwise re-
with a station on the Swindon and Highworth branch paired, at a cost of £1,ooo: in the chancel is a beautiful
of the Great Western railway, 5 miles north from Swin- Norman arch, which is much admired for its design and
don, 2 south-west from Highworth, and 77 from Lon- workmanship : there is also a very old font, surrounded
don, in the Northern division of the county, hundred of with figures in bas-re!ief, emblematical of the Christian
Highworth and Swindon, union of Highworth and Swin- virtues trampling on the vicell : the east window is a
don, Swindon county court district and petty sessional memorial to Dr. Trenchard, 1865: the chancel retains a
piscina and credence : in the chancel 1s a brass to Robert
division, rural deanery of Cricklade, archdeaconry of Hippisley, 1691, also brasses to 'fhomas Hippisley, a
lJristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, The former rector, 1706: in 1891" a finely-carved communion
church of St. Leonard, which is surrounded by trees table was erected, and in 1892 the nave was lengthened,
and evergreen shrubs, is a structure of stone in the the church reseated, and a handsome screen added, the
Early English and Decorated styles, consisting of chan- whole costing upwards of £Boo: a new vestry was built;
ce~. nave, with a square embattled tower, with pin- in 1894, at the cost of J . .Ashfordby-Trenchard esq.;
nacles, on the north side of the chancel, having a clock


there are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year Barnet, Herts, is lord of the manor and principal land-

1542. The living is a rectory, gross yearly value about owner. The soil is stone brash; subsoil, stone brash
£290, net £235, including 6o acres of land, with resi- and clay. The crops are chiefly grass, with a few otheN
dence, in the gift of J. A. Trenchard esq. and held of the usual kinds. The area is 1,112 acres of land and
aince 1885 by the Rev. William Caldwall Masters M.A.
of Magdalen College, Oxford. The rect{)ry house was 12 of water; rateable value, £1,331, the population in
1891 was 166.
enlarged and partly rebuilt in 1889, mainly at the
cost of the patron. About half a mile east of Parish Olerk, William Fowler.
the railway station a Roman tesselated pavement was
discovered during the construction of the railway. Letters through Highworth, which is the nearest money
Stanton House, the property of John Ashfordby-Trench- order & telegraph offi'ce, arrive at 7 a.m. Wall
ard esq. and the residence of the Hon. Herbert Welbo:r-<. Letter Box cleared at 7· 10 p.m. Telegrams are re-
Ellis Agar, is a stone mansion standing in a park of ceived & dispatched at the station

50 acres, which contains an ornamental lake II acres in National School (mixed), with residence for mistress, for

extent. John Ashfordby-Trenchard esq. of Northaw, 40 children; average attendance, 32 ; supported partly
by the Trenchard family ; Miss Eli?.abeth Vowles, mist
Railway Station, James RiC1hings, station master

Agar The Hon. Herbert Welbore Ellis, COMMERCIAL. IGant1('tt John, farmer
Stanton house Hall William, farmer

Mast.ers Rev. William Caldwall M.A. Adams John, farmer Jeeves Benjamin, farmer

The Rectory Beczley William, shopkeeper

STANTON ST. :BERNARD is a parish and village, gift of the Earl of Pembroke, and held since 1882 by the

3 miles nortth-we1sit from WoodborDugh station on the Rev. John Fle1cher Dixon-Stewart. Here is a Baptist
Newlbury and Devizes secti{)n of the Great Western rail- chapel. The Earl of Pembroke is lord of the manor and

way, 6! oo•st frDm Devizes and 9 .south-we-st from Marl- s'Ole landowner. The SI(Jil is marl; suh;;oil, chalk. The
borough, in the Elllstern diV'ision of the county, Swan... chief crops are whOO<t and pasture. The area is r,979

borough hundred, Deviz•es petty ses-sional divisi{)n, union acres; value, 1,442; the population in 1891

and oounty court district, Avebury rural deanery (Can- was 273.
nings portion), W!iltbs a~rchdeaC<Jn~y and Sal!is1bury diocese. Se~ton, Thomas .AJld'e•rman.

The Kenne.t and Av<on oanal pwsse.s through this parish. PoSit Office.-Allbert Sltile•s, sub-postmas•ter. Letters
The chuTCh of All Saints, rSJbui1t in 1833, excepting the
urive from Pewsey S.O. a.t a8.r4r5ivea.amt .;8. dispatched at ·
tower, w'hiclh daites from the 13th century, is a small le.f.ters is-•t; .sundlfl.y•s, 4o5rde&r are d is
Golthic structure {)f grey s.t'One, having a chancel With 10 a.m. The neare-st money office
three memcmial·sJta.ined windows, organ, nave and western at A1l Oann~ngs & .telegreph office at Woodborough
e;qnare t'Ower with emlbattled pa:rnpet and ornameuted
with rour pinnBJCle·s and oomtaining 2 bells: there is an Na•t:iOIIlal School (m~xed), with re•s•idence for master, for
ancient ronrt: there are sitltdngs for about 18o persons. so children; av611' wttendance, 44; John "\.Villiam
P~aker, ma·ster
The regi-ster draies from the year 1568. The Living is a

vicarage, average. tithe rent-charge £422, net income Oa.TTier to Dev.izes.-Crook, to 'Three Crown,' thurs. ;

£435, including 39 acres of glebe and re-sidence, in the Swauborough (Aliro.n), tue-s. thurs. & sat

Dixon-Stewart Rev.Jn. F:etcher(vicar) Crook Henry, blacksmith & carrier Stiles Albert Tom, miller (water)

Pinniger Thomas Lewis Crook John, shoe maker Tayler James, farmer
Kington Herbert, grocer Toogood 'Yilliam Adam, dairyman
COMMERCUL, Simpkins Albert (Mrs.), farmer Townsend Hy. The Barge inn, & grocer
Stiles Albert, farmer, Post- office Tucker William A. dairyman
Brown 'William, grocer


THESE places form a parish, near the road from 1 and a good Eaorly fonrt : there are 120 srittings. The re-

Ohippenham to Malmeslbnry, 5 miles SDuth-wes•t from gister daters from the year 1560. The living is a rectory,
Mlalmesbury t·e=inal srt~artti·on on a branch, and 5 north- gross yoorly vaJue from 353 acr-es of glebe £350, net

by-weStt from ·station on the Swindon and £2_12, with re•sidence, in the gift of the Earl of Radnm,
Bath sootion of the Great ·western rallil.way, in the North and held .slince 188o by the Rev. Felix John Buckley M.A.
Westem divlision of the county, ulllion, pe-tty sessional I of Merton College, Oxford, hon. canon of Bristol cathe-

divisiDn and county court district of Chippenham, hun- dral and rural dean of Malmesbury. The Earl of Radnor
dred of :MalmEl'Sbury, ruml doone•ry of Malme-sbury, is lord of the manor and owns all the land, with the
archdeaconry of Bristtol and diocese of Glouce·sderr and exception of the glebe fa•rm and rullotments and Friends~
Bris.t()l. The church o.f St. Giles is an ancient Norman buryiling gl'Ound. The soil is brash; subsoil, clay. The
8tructure, conslirsrting of chancel, nrave, north aisle and a parish, including Stanton St. Quinrton Park, a wood about

cemrel tower conrt:raining one bell: the chancel, which is 200 acres, oorutains 1,744 acres of kmd; rateable value,

in the 15th century style, has been rebui1t and extended £I,:W5; the populati'4.m in 1891 was 255.

ten feet to the origiJllal length, at the expense of the Parish Cle·rk, Charles King.
preserut reotror, and the whole of the edifice renovated Letters vi§. Chippenham arrive at 8.15 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.

and repaired at the s•ame time ; the chancel has a para- The neare<st mDney order & telegraph office is at
pet finely sculptured and highly ornamental pinnacles, Sutrton Benge~

and at the oos.t end is a beautii.ful piece of sculpture Wall Letterr Box cleared at 6.50 p.m. week days only
repre·senting the Crucifixion: a stone pulpit was given 'Vall Le•ti-er Box, Lowerr Stanton, cleared 6.30 p.m

by the Rerv. B. P. Bouverie, rectDr of Pewsey: the north School (mixed), fvr 6o children; average attendance~

window is sta.ined, representing Our Lord teaching little 45 ; supported in part by the Earl of RadiliOr D.L.,.
children; the fabric reil3.ins three fine Norman arches J.P. & the reclm; Miss Ada BaTter, mistress

STANTO~ ST. QUINTIN. Hibbard Chas. Jas. farmer, Manor frm Henley Thomas, shoe maker
Martin Herbert, blacksmith
Buckley Rev. Canon Felix John M.A. Smith William, shopkeeper

(rector & rural dean), Rectory Downing John Pound, farmer Wright- George, farmer, Anvil farm

Anstee George, farmer Garlick Giles, farmer

STAPLEFORD is a parish and village on the river chapel here. The lords of the manor are Lord Ashburton

Wylye, 2 mliles norifu from Wishf.ord stra.tion on the and Miss Seymour, of East Knoyle, who are also the

Salrirsibury 'bra[lch of -the Great Westeil'Il ra.ilway, 7! north- principal landowners. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners

we·st from Sali~bury and 4! nOT'th-we;;.t from Wilton, in are owners of the tithes. The soil is chalk and gravel;

the Southern divis[on of the countv, hundred of Branch, subsoil, chalk. The ohief crops are wheat and barley.

Sralisbury and Amesbmy petty sessional division, 'Vilton The area is 2,072 acres of arable and meadow land and 12"

union, SaJisbu.ry oounlty court dirstrict, Wylye rural of water; rateable value, £1,444; the population in 189:»

deranery (Wylye poTitiO'IJ.), archdeaconry of Sarum and was 250.

diocese of Sallis'bury. The church of St. Mary is an Ove'l' Srtree.ot is a quarte~ of a mile west, on the op-
edifice of flirut and stone, in the Normran style, con~isting posite bank of the river.
of chancel, nave of flour bays, south aisle, south trnnsept,

with SI()Uth pm<fu, a.nd a. square embat~led and pinnacled Uppington is a hamlet I mile n-orth.
towel' on the north side with 5 bells : it was restored in
1862 a.nd has 200 sittings. The register dates fr{)m the Parish Clerk, George WilLiams.

year 1637. The :hiving is a vicarage, avemge tithe rent- Post Office.-Ml'IS. Emrily Grant, sub-postmis-tress. Let-

charge £21, gross yeJarly value £194, net £18o, with tea-s arrive from Salisbury via Wilton at 8 a.m. ; dis-

residence and a'bourt 1! a.ores of glebe, in the gift of the patched at 5-55 p.m. in summel' & 4·45 p.m. in

Dean and Canons of Windsor. The Wesleyans have a small winter; sundays, II.Io a.m. Po.sta.l orders are issued

Ihere, bnt not P.aid. Wishford is the nearest money N'!llti?nal School (mixed), with tna.ster's. rssidencej f<Or :40
order office & Wylye the nea:resot telegraph office cluldren; aveooge attend<a'I1ce, 35; Miss Sargent, mut

Morris Mrs Grant Emily (Mrs.), carpenter,Post off Saph Joseph, maltster

COMMERCIAL. Ho:mes John, blacksmith Upshall Emma (Mts.), baker & grocer

Brown Charles, farmer Miles Henry, New inn Wallis Mark, farmer, Church farm
Coles Thomas, farmer
Mitchell George, farmer Ward Edwin, Pelican inn

Powe:l Alfred, farmer Williams Geo. nursery & seedsman

STAVERTON is a civil parish, formed in 1895 under is a "\Ye.sleY'an chapel, built in 1824, ta hold 100, There

the "Local Government Act, 1894," it having been an is a large mill here for the manufwture <Of woolloo. cloth.
The principal land'owners are Mli$18 Keddile, Beruninster,
ecclesiastical parish from 1839, out of Trowbridge civil "\\laUer Hume Long esq. M.P. of Rood Ashton HoU6\!,
parish; it is 2 miles north from Trowbrdge station on the and William Stanoomlb e·sq. Blourutls Conrt, Potterne.
Great "\Vestern railway, in the ·western division of the The wil is clay ; subsoil, gravel. Tlhe la,nd is chiefly in
county, hundred and unon of Melksham, petty sessional
pasture. The area is 679 acres; rateable value, £2.,622;
division and county court district of Trowbridge, rural the population in 1891 was 347·
deanery of Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of
Parish Clerk, John Purnell.
Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Paul is a Letters are recci.ved througih Trowbridge·, which is the
small pl·ain s•tone building, wi!th chance!., nave, south
porch and a small we~t·ern tower with one bell: theTe nearest money o;rder & telegraph office, arrive ae 1 &
are two st•a,ined windlows: tihoo-e are qo sit.tings. The
II a.m. & 5 p.m. ; sunday, 7 a.m
register da·teos .Jirorn the year 1673. The living is a Wall Letter Box cleared at 10.15 a.m. 1.30 & 7· 15 p.m.

vicarage, gr'O&s yea,r:y value £wo, with residentGe, in week days & 10.15 a.m. sundays
Nati{)nal School (mixed), built in 188o1 for 100 children;
the gift of the reotor of Tvow'bridge, and held since 1888
average attendance, 56; Mis.s Laura Barnes, mistress
by the Hev. Henry Theodore Oa.vell, of St. Bees. Heore

Cavell Hev. Henry Theodore, Vicarage Barnett Albert, stone mason Lewis G. & Co. woollen cloth manfrs

Inman Francis, Staverton house Bazley Thos. M.R.C.V.S.L. vet. surgn Ovens J esse, Old Bear inn, & stone msn

Mullins Mrs. 'Vood villa Blake William, farmer, Staverton farm Taylor Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper

STEEPLE ASHTON is a large village and parish, 4 to the poor of the toithing; in 1815 J'ohn Tugwell left
miles east fvom Trowbridge station on the Great Western
£561 13s. in Oons10ls, the inbereslt to he devoted for
ranlwny, 5 south from Melksham, in the•eTD division educa:t~on; in 1828 the Rev. Samuel Hey. a late vicar,

of the oounty, hundred and pe·tty sess!ional division of gave his library of 1,139 volume·s and some articles of
Whmwe11sdown, Wes'tbury union, oountty court distriot
of Trowbridge, rUJrol doonery of Po'tte'l'Ile (Bradford por- furn.i.ture for the use of his successO!J'IS; in 1852 George
tion), a.rchdeaoonry o,f W'iltt1s and di·ocese of Salisbury.
Tayler left £3,000, the inote•res,t of which: is to buy bread
The church of St. ~fury the Virgin is a n{)ble Gothic
for six poor men and six poor women of t!h,e p<arishes of
st,one s'tructure, in the P.erpend·icu}ar style, with but-
Keevil, Edington and SteepleAshton. WaN:er Hume Long
tresse'S and crockebed pinnacles, and consists of chancel,, a.isleB, north and .sout•h purches and squa~~ em- esq. M.P. of Rood Ashton House, is lord of the manor and
battled we<sJt•ern tower oont&ining 7 beHs and clock: a
principal landowner. The soril is c1ay; subsoil, clay and!
vi{)len;t thunder-.soorm destvoy.ed the tower in 1670: it
wa·s built in the 1a11ter pavt of the 15th century, except stones. The chief crops are wheat and roots, with a large
the chancel, which was erected in 1853: an nrgan was
given in 1876 by the Long family, in memory of R. P. proportion of land in pa:SJ!:ure. The area of Steeple Ashton

Long esq. : the oost window, in memory of Waiter Long is 2,715 acl'es; mte1a1ble value, £5,978; and the popula-
e.sq. is stained, and also the west window, insmted tion in 1891 was 705.
in 1879; the oth•er windows contl!llin some pieceJS of
ancient smiined gla.s's: here is a miUJrlble monument Hint•on is a t1th-ing in thi,s parish, 1! mile•s ruorth.
to the Hon. Thomas Beoach, d,ated: 1774, and Hel001,
Here is a Wes[eJ13in chapel, built about 1864, to hoild
his wife, 1771, to John Smith, dtarted 1775, Anne Oary,
1772, Will~am Long, 17-83; also m<arbloe monument to 100, and a PriDlli·tive chapel, built about 1859,
Henry Long, datoo 1672, Richard Long, 1708, J~h<IL Long,
to hold 6o. The a:roo is 703 acres; rateable value,
1796 i a marble roll, and also a. bras.s, to the Right Ho1:1.
£1,396; the popu!.~ta,on in 1891 was 183.
Archibald Colquhoun, da:t~d 182o; al_:;o brasses to Marm
Carperuter, 1652: Florentilne and Rwharo Long, 1835, "\'\~est Ashton, a tithing of Steeple Ashton and a se-
Thomrus Flower, 1671, WiUiam C1ift, 1799, Peter t?r?Oke,
1633, a~d Rloger Orooke, 1655: there are 400. ~rttu~gs. para.te ecclesiastica.l parish, is givelll under anQlther
The regis.te·r dates from tihe year 1538. The hvmg 1s a
vicarage, including .the ancient chapelry of Semlington,
averal"'e tithe rent-charge £625, gross yearly value £645, Olerk and Sexton, Reuben Grarut.
net 385, with residence and 14 acres of glebe, in the
gift of Magdalene Oollege, Cambridge, and held since Post & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance &
1889 by the R•ev. J10hn Bond M.A. and la,t.e fellow of
Express Office. J~arneJs, sub-postmaster. Let-
that college, oanon and prebendary of Lincoln, and rural
dean of Bradford port[on. Here is a Primimve Metho- ters are received! through Trowbridge a.t 7·45 a. m. & 5·45
p.m.; sund~ay, 7·45 a.m.; dispartched !lit 10.15 a.m. &
disot chapel, built in 1854• to hold 150; also a Bapst<isJt
6. 20 p.m.; sunday, 9.20 a.m
chapel, built in 1861, to h10ld 100; a Sunday school m~>s Wall Letter Box, llin!J:I(:mo, cle-ared 7.20 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.;
added in 1874· There is a m'Urket cross, on which
thel'e is an inscripltrion, erect~d in 1679 and restored sunday 10.25 a.m 7·5
illl 17.11 an~ 1887. F~s·sils have. been .:Found in large
qua.nt'Itres .m the p~~sh at ~nous tJ.mes, an?- also Wall Leiter 4B5oxa~m.AJshton oommon, cleared p.m.;
ancient coms. Chal'Jibies.-In 1594 Roger Mal"bin left sunday 10. .
£10: in 1595 Mavgaret Ro~er left £2 and Annie Martin '.
£2 m 1596, Ant'hony Martm 10s. 1633, Bemer Crook £2; Counlty "\ollagisJtratoeJS for 'Y~o:rweU~down PeHy Sesswnal
in 1643 Samuel Martyno, by will, gave the close caned
Luffenham, to furnish two coats and twOI g.owns of frieze Dimswn.

or other cloth yooJ."ily to two poor men and two poor Wallington Col. J•ohn Wlilliams C.B. Ke-eViil Manor house,

women; Henry Long in 167o, aiild Richard Long in 1730, Trowbrri.d<Te, ohalirman
gaV'e 3! acres of land; John Brown in 1722, gave 4
Batten-Pooll Rbbert Pooll He'llll"y esq. Road Manor, Bath
acres and £2oo, to purchas.e land, the rent.s to be given
Gwatkin Joshua Reynolds Gascoigne esq. M.A. Manor
for life to 4 poor labourers; in 1737 Elizabeth Martyn
gave certain land, the :rents to be employed in buying house PQ1t1terne, Devizes
Lon<Y ,,~aliter Hume esq. M.P., D.L. R'(){)d .Ashton house,
linen cloth for poor women; Johlll Hiclos in 1779, gave
£5 for educating poor children; in 1813 the purchase T;'owbridge

money of a cO'iltage belonging to the s•econd poor of Medlicott Henry Edmondistone esq. M.A. Sandfie,ld, Pot-

Rinton was invested illl Oonsols and the interest devoted tterne Devizes

Palmer' George Llew'61Jl.en e•sq. Springfield, Trowbridge

Srt<ancomb Wm. jun. esq. M.A., S.C.L. Bro'wfort, Devizes
. ..

Clerk to the Miagis.tru.tes, C. A. (l}UiDJS, Trowbndge

Special & pe1tty soe·sffions are held on a tuesday in every
month at tl~e. '.Long's A~·IIlls,' Steep[e ~shton, &t II
s.m. The d1VOIS~on compl'lllses the f'OHowmg places:-
Steeple Ashfun, "\\~est Ashton, Hiinlbon, Keevil, Bullcing-

ton, Yarnbl'Ook, Eas.t Ooul~olll, West Coulos'On, Tinhead,

Baylllton & Ed,ington

Natriona.l School (mixed), erected in 1820, for 140 chil-

dren; aV'erage attenda[JICe, 120; William Gray, master

Curiers to Trowbridge.-EdW'ail'd Rowloand Rogers, daily

& Thomas Jordan, tues. t'hurs. & sat

STEEPLE ASHTON. Mundy George ishby Edmund Thomas, grocer, lime

(For other names in this parish, see Timbrell Mrs. Elmsgate burner & assistant overseer

Trowbridge.) Winslow 1\Irs Ashby John, farmer, Spiers Peace frm

Bond Rev. Canon John M..A. (vicar & COMME:RCIAL. Ba,rnett Charles1 farmer

rural dean), Vicarag~ Ashby Charlotte (Mrs.), Long's Arms Berrett Samuel, cowkeeper

Cary William Henry, Manor house P.H. & farlller Berrett Waiter, carpenter & wheelwrt


Berrett William, thatcher Miles John, shoe maker Woods Edward Blanchard, farmer

Brown .A:fred, coal dealer Miles Thomas, shoe maker

Brown Charles, fartner Moore .Albert, smith HIXTOX.

Cary Wm. Hy. farmer, :Manor house Rogers .Ann (Mrs.), farmer COMMERCIAL.

Case Ernest H. & Clare E. (Miss), Rogers Edward Rowland, practical

grocers, bakers & drapers whee~wright, carpenter, smith & Amor George, cowkeeper

Case James Ernest, tax collector- carrier; a:l kinds of vehicles made Baxter Stanley Eyre, farmr. Hagg's hl

Cox Frank, farmer to order; agricultural implements Burbidge "\Villiam, hawker

Gerrish 1-Yilliam, farmer repaired Cooper "\Villiam, farmer

Gleed Job, farmer Rood .Ashton Estate Office (Henry Ed- Drinkwater Thomas, farmer

Grant "\Yilliam, farmer monstone Medlicott, agent to W. H. Griffin Jn. "\Vm. farmr. Parsonage frm

Green Edmund Theodore, dairyman Long esq. M.P) Langley John, New inn, brewer &

Griffin Francis, hay & straw merchant Sainsbury Geo. farmer, Stoney gutter boot maiker

& Sims Emily (Mrs.), farmer Ludlow Samuel, market gardener

Griffin John, farmer Sims Henry, farmer Marks George, baker & grocer

Griffin Wm. Jn. Rose & Crown P.H Smith Sidney, carpenter Matt-hews .Alfd. Jas. farmr. Pye corner

Holland Thomas, farmer, Green lane Thomas Samuel, farmer Milsom .Augusta C. (Mrs.), farmer,

Holloway George, jobbing gardener Tucker Emanuel, farmer,New grounds Hinton farm

Hunt Henry, farmer Tucker Herbert, farmer, Church farm Overton Mary (Mrs.), farmer

Jordan Thomas, carrier Tucker Thomas, dairyman Perrott ·worthy, farmer

Jordan Wiliiam, florist vYareham Ernest, beer retailer Ritchens George, market gardener

March Frank, market gardener Watts Edwd. farmer & road contractor Rogers .Ann (Mrs.), farmer

1\'Iarsh Samuel, farmer, .Ashton lane Wicks Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), dress ma Sims W:illiam, farmer

Marsh Thomas, butcher ·winslow Henry, farmer Twinney .Albert, pig dealer

Mason Thos. {!lumber & painter Winslow Hy. George, baker & grocer Twinney Mary (Mrs.), cowkeeper

Matthews 1Vilham, farmer Woodman I.saac, farmer White William, thatcher

STERT is a tithing, 2! miles south-east from Devizes Windsor, and held since 186o by t-he Rev. Skinner Chart
station on the Great Western railway, in Urchfont Ma8on M ..A. of St. Oatharine's College, Cambridge, who
parish, Eastern division of the county, Swanborough res[des at Urchfont. Here is a chapel for Baptists. The
hundred, Devizes pet.ty sessional division, union and Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxfard (who are
cormty court district, Potterne rul'al deanery (Enford lords of the manor) and Valentine Isaac Berry esq. are
portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. the principal landowners. The soil is clay and green-
The church of St. James, a small s-truc,ture of grey sand; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are pasture and
stone, in the Early English style, was rebuilt in r846, whe-at. The area is 638 acres; rateable value, £r,Io3;
and has a chancel, nave, north aisle, soutlh porch and the population in 1891 was 153.
small western turret containing one bell: the east vrin-
dow and small lancet window are stained: there are Parish Clerk, Robert Burry.
about 200 sittings. T'he register dates from the year Sleight is three-quarters of a mile west.
Letters through Devizes, which is the nearest money
1579, but is defective; those for 1560-1589 and r58r-163o
are entered in the regis-ters of Urchfont. The living is order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m
a chapelry annexed to the vicarage of Urchfont, average Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 7·5 p.m. & on sundays at

tithe rent-charge £294, joint net yearly value £210, with 11.55 p.m
2 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Canons of
National Sohool (mixed), erected for 25 children; aver-
age attendance, 15 ; ::\Iiss Humphry, mistress

Giddings Misses Bevan John, miller (water), Stert Hiscock Charles, beer retailer & wheel-

Hut-chins George Upper mill wright, Lydeway

CO:MliERCIAL. Cox George, farmer, Hatfield farm Humphreys Simon, farmer

Berry Valentine Isaac, farmer & land- Cox Thomas, farmer Sims Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer

owner, Manor farm Godwin Titus, shopkeeper

STOCKTON is a parish and small village on the banks glebe, and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter
of the Wylye, r~ miles west from "\Vylye station on the of Salisbury, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Herbert
Wilts, Somerset and Weymouth branch of the Great Goodenough Rogers M..A. of Trinity College, Oxford,
·western railway, and 4 south-east from Heytesbury, in and surrog-ate. There is an almshouse founded in 1642
the ·western division of the county, Elstub and Everley by John Topp esq. for eight aged men or women, who
hundred, "\Varminster union, petty sessional division and have each a separate dwelli-ng, and the funds, which are
county court district, rural deanery of Wylye (Wylye much reduced, are divided among them. On the downs
portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salis- is the reputed site of a British or Roman town. Stock-
ton House, now occupied by George .Ashley Dodd esq.
bury. The church of St. John the Baptist consists of J.P. is the property of Col. .Arthur Godolphin Yeatman-
chancel (which is divided from the nave by a solid wall, Biggs J.P. lord of the manor and principal landowner,
pierced by a low doorway, and two hagioscopes), clere- and is a fine old stone mansion in the Elizabethan sty. le,
storied nave of three bays, aisles and north porch, wit·h standing in a park: the mansion contains some fine
low embattled western tower, in the Norman, Decorated specimens of oak carving. The soil is light loam; sub-
and Perpendicular styles, containing 5 bells: the chancel soil, chalk and flint. The chief crops are wheat, oats
is Early English: the roof of the north aisle is of finely and barley. The area is 2,ooo acres ; rateable value,
carved cedar wood, which was presented by the Bishop £r,864; the population in r8gr was 251.

of Salisbury : there are six stain.ed windows and in the Sexton, Henry Giles.
north aisle is the tomb of John Topp esq. the founder
of Stockton House, who died r64o, containing effigies of Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5·45 p.m. week days; 9
himself, his wife and six children: at the east end of a.m. on sund'<~yS. Letters through Bath arrive at 8.30
the south aisle is an altar tomb to the Poticary family, a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
at Codford St. Mary
with brasses, dated 1590 and 1596, and also a piscina;
and in a recess at the west end of the south aisle is the National School (mixed), built in 1862, & lately (r89s)
recumbent effigy of a female: the interior was thoroughly em.larged, for J40 children; average attendance, s6 ;
restored and reseated in r88o at a cost of £"r,4oo, raised Miss .Alice Osborne, mistress
by subscription: there are 140 sittings. The register
dates from the year I555· The living is a rectory, Carrier.-Fleming, to "\Varminster, on thurs. & sat. &
Salisbury, on tues. & fri
gross yearly value £300, net £243, with 627 acres of

Dodd Geo. .Ashley J.P. Stockton house Farley Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper Giles Henry Charles, blacksmith

Rogers Rev.Herbert Goodenough M..A. l'1eming George, beer retlr. & carrier Giles Humphrey, smith

(rector & surrogate), Rectory Fleming Geo. jun.crpntr. & wheelwrt Symes Samuel, dairyman

Roxbie Mrs Fleming John, carrier Wilson William, gardener to G..Ashley

:Brenchley Thomas, gamekeeper to G. Gay.Alice Emma(Mrs.),frmr.Manor fm Dodd esq

.Ashley Dodd esq Gay John Thos. farmer, Parsonage frm

STOURTON parish is partly in the county of Somer- S.W.R. 6 miles), 25 miles west from Salisbury, and 12~
set and partly in the Southern divis~on of the county of north-west from Shaftesbury, Tisbury petty sessional

}Yilts, 7 miles north-east from Wincanton station of the division, hundred and union of Mere, county court dis-

Somerseb and Dorset railway, si north-west from trict of Shaftesbury, rural deanery of 1Vylye (Heytes-

Witham Friary statioo on the Weymouth branch o.f the bury portion), archd~conry of Sarum, and diocese of

Great Western railway (bhe st•ation g-enerally used is Salisbury. The hamlets of Bonham and Brook or Gaspar
Gillingbam on the Salisbury and Yeovil branch of the ar~ in Somersetshire. The parish church of St. Peter


is an edifice of stone in mixed styles, consisting of chan- the square base of which is panelled and surTounded
cel, nave of threQ bays, ai;,les, north porch and western with miniature pinnacles, and the apex is finished with
a spreading finial and cross fleury, the total height being
tower oontaining 6 bells, the sixth having been added in so feet : at the time these additions were made, the
r881: in 1878 the chancel was new roofed, fitted with cross was also enriched with colour and gilding, and this
oak stalls and re-floored, a new east window and reredos was renewed in 1697 : in 1733, the cross being then re-
being erected at the same time : the Hoare monuments garded as an obstruction was taken down, but shortly
were also removed to the south aisle and an organ afterwards was set up anew on College Green, and so
chamber and vestry built: there are many memorials remained until 1763, when it was finally removed as
of the Stourton family and several stained windows: already stated: in 1894-s, it was oompletely restored by
the ohurch affords about 250 sittings. The register Sir Henry H. A. Hoare hart. under the superintendence
dates from the year 1s72, and there is a list of reclors of Mr. C. E. Pouting, architect, of Marlborough, the old
from 1316. The living is a rectory, commuted tithe work be,ing most carefully preserved; on the cross there
rent-charge £498, with 84 acres of glebe and residence, is now an inscription the principal incidents in
in the gift of Sir Henry H. A. Hoare hart. and heltl its history. In the ornamental gard,ens of the mansion
sinoe 1888 by the Rev. Herbert Poole King, of Pembroke stands an ancient well, and in the Six-WeUs Valley, about
College, Oxford. There are several benefactions for the a mile higher up and near the source ()£ the river Stour.
poor of the parish, amounting to about £75 yearly. now stand.s a building formerly at the south-west corner
The Spread Eagle Hotel is an excellent family hotel and of St. Peter's street, Brci.stol, and known as " St. Peter's
posting house. 'fhe name of the parish is supposed to Pump," removed and placed here by Mr. Henry Hoare
be derived from the river Stour, which within its in 176s. In the tithing or manor of Bonham stands the
boundaries. The family of Stourton, which is of high ancient Catholic chapel: it is a plain building of stone
antiquity, once possessed this and the surrounding and was, in 1882, re-roof·ed and otherwise repaired by
property: the Stourtons were settled here before the the owner: it is the property of Lord Mowbray ana
Stourton. In this neighbourhood, and on the estate of
Norman accession, but in the year 1720 the est·ates they Sir H. H. A. H()are, though in the parish of South
had held for so many centuries were purchased hy Brewham, Somerset, is Kingsettle Hill; on it was
Henry Hoare esq. of London; Sir Henry Hugh Arthur erected, about 1766, a triangular tower, 1so feet in
Hoare hart. J.P. of Stourhead Park, is the present height, d.edica,ted to Alfred, the illustrious monarch of
possessor of this beautiful and extensive demesne, lord the Wes·t Saxons; there is a statue in stone of this
of the manor and principal landowner. In the par], king, with the following inscription underneath: " Alfred
stands ; the old Bristol High Cross, a be,a.utiful and the Great, A.D. 879, on this summit erected his
highly interesting structure, finally taken down in 1763, Standard against the Danish invaders." The soil is
when its disjointed fragments were deposited in the sandy ; subsoil, gravel, cha.Ik and flint. The chief crop~
cathedral, and there remained until 1768, whe::t they
were presented by Dean Barton to Henry Hoare esq. are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 3,385 acres.
who l'e-erected the cross where it now stands. It was including the hamlet of Brook, otherwise Gaspar ; rate-
originally set up in 1373, on the site of ailJ earlier cross, able value, £,3,774; the population in 1891 410.
at the spot where the fonr principal streets of the city
of Bristol-Corn street, ·wine !'treet, Broad street and Post Office.-Thomas Clements, Let-
High street-int,ers.ect each other, and then appears to ters arrive via Bath, deliv·ered at 7 a.m. ; dispatched
have consisted of two stages with pinnacled buttresses at at 7 p.m. on week days & 10 a.m. sundays. Postal
the angles, the upper portion being canopied and con- orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
taining statues of King John, Hen. Ill. Edw. Ill. and money order & telegraph office is at Bourton
Edw. IV. one of these facing each of the four streets.
In 1633 the cross was repaired and materially increased Wall Letter Box, Gaspar, cleared at 6.4s p.m
both in elegance and height, by the erection of addi- '\Vall Leter Box, Stourton lane, cleared at 6.45 p.m
tional stages, at a cost. of £,207; the first of these con-
tains, under crocketed canopies, seated effigies of Hen. Schools.
VI. Queen Elizabeth, Jas. I. and Chas. I.: in the stage
above, which is similarly treated, are figures of cherubs, National (mixed), built in 1857, for 120 children; aver-
supporting royal shields of arms, encircled with the age attendance, 49; Frank Morgan, master
garter, and the whole termin31tes in a crocketed spirelet,
Catholic, with an average att.endance of IS children, &
supported by Lord Mowbray & Stourton ; l\fiss ~fargt.
Simpson, mistress

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 COMMERCIAL. Northover AndrewHenry,Spread Eagle

Cook George, farmer, Gasperidge frm fami1y & commercial hotel & posting

Bulbeck Rev. Henry (Catho:ic) Balch Charles, miller (water) & farmer, house. See advertisement

Griffiths Mrs. Brook house I Gaspar mill jRichards Stphn. aairyman, Coldcut fm

Hoare Sir Henry Hugh Arthur bart. Emmerson Herbert Jn.frmr.Search fro Shackleton Robert George, agent t<•
1 I
J.P. Stourhead park Sir Henry H. A. Hoare hart. Lake ho
Hiscock George, farmer, Manor farm

King Rev. Herbert Poole, Rectory \Hughes Jas. (:Mrs.), farmr. Heath frm Tucker Wm. farmer, Bonham farm

STRATFORD-SUB-CASTLE is a parish, on the Old Sarum. In the West-Saxon period this city of th&
river Avon, 2 miles north-west from Salisbury, in the west was termed Searobyrig, and was the occasional
Southern division of the county, Underditch hundred, residence of King Egbert: under the Normans it was
Alderbury union, Salisbury county court district, petty three times the seat of a council, in 1086, 1096 and nr6;
"f;essional division of Salisbury and Amesbury, rural and during the reign of William the Conqueror the
deanery of Wilton, archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese episoopal see was transferred here from Wilton, and about
of Salisbury. The church of St. Lawrence. is a small 1220 removed to Salisbury, or New Sarum: on the centre

ancient structure, built of flint and stone, mainly in the of the hill the citadel was placed, guarded by a deep
Early English style: it has a chancel and nave, divided fosse on the outside and a bold rampart within: the in-
by a carved oak screen and lofty Pointed arch, north closed area, about soo feet in diameter, had on its eastern
porch, square western embattled tower with pinnacle~ side the principal entrance, with defensive works: a
and containing clock and 2 bells : in the chancel is a mura] large area surrounded the citadel, which was again -en-
vironed by a bank and ditch: these inclosed the chief
tablet oo Dr. :!\"isbet, whose widow Admiral Lord Nelson part of the old city, and measure 7 furlongs 26 yards in
circumference, containing an area of 27~ acres of ground.
married: there are over 200 sittings. The register dates The borough of Old Sarum returned two members to-
from the year r6s4. The living is a vicarage, averal.!a Parliament in the reign of Edward I. and continued to·
tithe rent-charge £99, net yearly value about £200, with do so till the passing of the "Reform Act, 1832" (2 and
3 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and 3 '\Vm. IV. c. 4S), by which it was disfranchised. A spot
Chapter of Salisbury, and held since r886 by the Rev. under a tree, about a quarter of a mile from the parish
Edwin Curwen Collard. Mawarden Court, now the Vicar- church of Stratford, is pointed out as the place where the-
age, the greater part built in 1673, is an interesting e.nd members of the borough were elected. As much as
historical house: Thomas Pitt esq. who brought to £6o,ooo or £7o,ooo is said to have been paid for a small
Europe the famous Pitt or Regent diamond, lived here : estate containing the sites of the houses within the-
his son Robert and his grandson, the first William Pitt, borough of Old Sarum: the present appearance of Old'
afterwards Lord Chatham, also probably lived here : the Sarum is a large mound, and in parts prettily wooded,
latter represented Old Sarum. rising from a valley on the west, and connected with a·

The ancient borough of Old Sarum, formerly a city, ridge towards the east. It was formerly extra-parocbiai,.
was a fortress of the native Britons : the town was one but is now a parish in the Alderbury union; rateable·
value, £70: it is still extra-parochial as to ecclesiastical
of thirty, in this part of the island, occupied by the Belgre, matters. The Dean and Chapter of Salisbury are lords
who were dispossessed by Vespasian. By the Romans it of the m'lnor and chief landowners. The soil and subsoil
was made a station for troops on the Icknield Street, are chalk and grav~l. The chief crops are wheat, barley
under the title of Sorbiodunum, in connection with other
posts united by military roads. No less than six Roman
road~ are said to have diverged from Sorbiodunum, or


au.d green crops. The area, including the borough of at r p.m. & 8.15 p.m.; sunday, 5.40 p.m. Postal orders
are issued here, but not paid. Salisbury is the nearest
Old Saro1m, is 1,480 acres of land and 21 of water; rate· money order & telegraph office
able value, £2,059; the population in r88r was 321, and of
Old Sarum, 13. Wall Letter Box, adjacent to Dean's farm, cleared at

Parish Clerk, Charles Shepherd. r & 8.5 p.m. ; sundays at 8.5 p.m
Post Office.-Mrs. Sabina Newman, sub-postmistress.
National School (mixed), for so children; average attend-
Letters arrive from Salisbury at 5 a.m.; delivered at ance, 45; Miss .Ann Betteridge, mistress

0.30 a.m. in the summer & 7 a. m. in winter; dispatched


Junior Constitutional club,Lndn.SW Beauchamp Edward, carpenter

Calvert Frederick, '\Vhitehouse Matthews .Alfred James, Laurel cottage Carey Fras. farmer, Parsonage farm

Carey Francis, Parsonage farm Parker John, Old Sarum villas Griffin Chas. Frank, Old Castle inn

Gollarro Rev. Edwin Cm·wen, Vicarage Saunders Mrs. Manor house Marshment Robert, Stratford inn

Dartnall George Edward, Abbotsfield Stevens David Newman Sabina (Mrs.), Post office

Every Rchd. St.Mary's vil.Stratford rd Stocks William F. Avon farm house Titt Charles, blacksmith

Gale James, Avon lodge Webb '\Villiam, Stratford road Waters Charles, farmer, .Avon farm

Gillies James King, The Bungalow '\<Vright Mrs. Ryde cottage Yates Naomi (Mrs.), nurseryman

Hale Edward, Old Sarum road Young ·waiter Chas. farmr. Dean's fm

STRATFORD TONY is a parish, pleasantly situated tory, average tithe rent-charge £183, gross yearly value

on the river Ebele, 4 miles south-west from Salisbury, in £250, net £209, with residence and 91 acres of glebe, in
the Southern divisrion of the county, Cawden and Cad- the gift of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, and held since
worth hundred, Salisbury and Amesbury petty sessional
r877 by the Rev. Matthew "lummer 1\L.A. of Jesus Col-
division, .Alderbury union, Salisbury county court dis-
trict, rural deanery of Chalke (Chalke portion), and Salis- lege, Cambridge. Colonel Jervoise, late oi 3rd Hussars,
bury archdeaconry and diocese. The church of St. Mary
is a plain ancient Gothic structure of flint and stone, con- is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil
sisting of chancel, nave and north porch, with low square
western tower with pinnacles and 3 bells: it has a stained is gravel and chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief' crops are
window, designed by Mr. C. E. Kemp, of London, pre- wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 1,530 acres;
s-ented by Miss· Easton, of Layton Manor, Yorkshire:
rateable value, £513; the population in 1891 was ns.
the church was restored in r882 at a cost of £625, raised Parish Clerk, William Strickland.
by voluntary subscription: there are 84 sittings. The
marriage and burial registers date from the year 1562; Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5 p.m. week days & 11.30
the baptismal registers from r6o4. The living is a rec-
a.m. sundays. Letters through Salisbury, arrive at

7.15 a.m.; the nearest money order & telegraph office

is at Wilton
The children of the parish attend the school at Coombe


Plummer Rev. Matthew M.A. (rector) /Harrington James, farm bailiff to Mr.JBradby .Alfred, farmer
John Taunton

STRATTON ST. .MARGARET is a parish and vil- crops are wheat, beans and' barley. The area is 2,85~

lage, taking its name from the old Roman road run- acres; rateable value, £13,092; the population in r891

ning through it; it has a station on the Swindon and was 3,232, including 180 officers and inmates in Highworth

Highworth branch of the Great Western railway, 2! miles workhouse.

11orth-east from Swindon, 79~ from London and 3~ south Kingsdown is r! miles north; Penhill, 2 miles north•

frr.m Highworth: it was originally divided into three west.

tithings, called The Street (now Lower Stratton), Th& Gorse Hill is a hamlet, joining New Swindon. The names

Green, and Upper Stratton, and includes Upper Stratton, of residents are entered under New Swindon, which see;

with Kingsdown: it is in the Northern division of the it was joined to New Swindon for all purposes by order

wunty, hundred of Highworth, Highworth and Swindon of the Wilts County Council, confirmed by Local Govern-

union, Swindon county court district and petty sessional meut Board Order, dated 24 September r89o.

division, rural deanery of Cricklade, archdeaconry of Bris- Sexton, Alfred Edward Holdman.

tol and diocese of Gl?ucester and. Bristol. The "Wiltshire Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & An-
and Berks canal skirts _the pari~h on the south. The
~hurch of St. Ma.:garet IS an ancient structure of stone, nuity & Insurance Office.-.Alfred Edward Holdman.
sub-postmaster. Letters received throu~h the Swindcn

J:lars,m the Early Enghsh style, supposed to have been erected office at 3.10 a.m. & 1.15 p.m.; dispatched at r.25 &
10 p.m
in the reign of Edward I. : it consists of chancel, nave, Post Office, Upper Stratton.-Frank .Ashe,sub-postmaster.
aisles separated from the nave by arcades of four
south porch, and m_odern ~quare western towe:r; contammg Letters through Swindon arrive at 6.20 a.m. & 12.50
4 bells: the east wmdow Is Dec?r~ted and st~med: there
llr_e monumental ~blets to Wllham and .Al~ce Hedges, p.m.; ocrldeearrsedareatis7s.u3e0d & p.m. week days only.
Postal here, but not paid. The nearest

ahas Lacey de Kmgsdowne, 1645; Catherme Hedges, money order & telegraph office is at Stratton St. Mar-
~649, and Will~am Hedges, 1?93 ; also ~ memorial window garet
l"f! the south aisle to. Mrs. Ehza E. Craig, 188_2 :. the south '\Vall Letter Boxes, at Stratton Green, cleared 8.30 p.m.
msl~ was re-roofed m 1894: there are 35<? ~1ttr?gs. _The daily. .At Kingsdown, cleared 7·45 p.m.; sunday, 1.45

register dates from the year r6o8. The hvmg 1s a viCar- p.m. .At Cross roads, cleared r & 7.40 p.m. week days
age, average tithe _rent-charge £3o, gross yearly_ value
{;2ro, n~t £104, with 1312 acres of glebe and r~s1dence, Highworth & Swindon Union Workhouse, Rev. Alexander

m the gift of Merton College,_ Oxford, and held smce 1895 Nairne Scott M..A. chaplain; David Muir, medical

by the Rev. Alexander Na1rne Scott M..A. of Exeter moafftirceor~· John Frank Kilby master· Mrs. Emily Kilby,
College, Oxford: the rectorial tithe and glebe lands are in ' '

the possession of Merton College. There is an iron mis- Schools.

si?n churc~, _dedicated to St. Phi~ip, at Upp~r Stratton, lA School Board of <; members was formed February 12,
With .230 Slttmg:s.. ~ere are P~rtiCular Bapti_st, General 1876; John Cox, Clovelly house, Stratton St. Margaret,
Baptist an~ Primitive Met~~dist c~apels,_ with Sun~ay clerk to the board; John Jackson, atteudance officer

f!cho?ls attached. The charities are mconsiderable, bemg Board (girls & infants), Upper Stratton, built i n&1g1a230, for
537 children; average attendance, 130 girl s in-
the mterest ?f a ,sui:? of £~oo, bequeath~d. for the sus-
tenanc_e of vicars widows m 1693 by Wilham HedQ"es: fants; :.'\iiss E. J. Giles mistress. Miss c. B. .Anquin
ihere 1s an endowment of £24 a year to the General Bap- B;d:· rrfl~'nn(;thso'av'mvse)irs,atUgreepspsaettreSntdraant'ctoen, ,1bs6ui;ltW'inm1.g903., '
foi 240 chil- •
tist chal?el at Lower Str.atton. J!ere is the .workhouse Hill, mastet
of ~he Highw?rth and Swmdon .umon, for pa:r;ti?ula:r;s, see
SV?ndon. Kmgsdown House, Is a stone b_nildmg m the Board (infant), Lower Stratton, opened June 1895
Elizabethan s-tyle, the !)eat _of ~t.~Col. DaVld Archer J.P.
lord of the manor. The piMnCipal landowners are Merton National (mixed), built in 1869, for 240 children; average
College, Oxford, Lt.-Col. D. .Archer, Thomas Day esq.
and Thomas .Arkell esq. The soil is principally stone attendance, rso boys & girls, & ss infants; c. J. G.
G. 1'lbert ' master
. .. .. .

brash ; subsoil, of a loamy mixture. The chief Railway Statwn, Willmm W1lhams, statiOn master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Colborne Samuel, The Villas Muir David, .Albion cottage

.Archer Lieut.~Col. David J.P. Kings- EvansWm.Boucher M.B.LowerStratton Pound Montague, Clyde villa

down house Frogley .Aaron, Hazelmere Pound William

Arkell Henry, Pen hill Hoddinott Edward, Cross roads Sanders Misses, Lower Stratton

.Arkell Thomas, Kingsdown .Jowitt Thos. (Junior Carlton club) Scott Rev. .Alex. Nairne ~LA. (

Chugg Rev. James (curate) King Edward, Boundary house Smith Capt. Fredk. Gilliat, Stratton ho



COl\IMERCIA.L. Frogley & Deacon, millers (steam) .Muir David, surgeon & medical officer.

George Richard, carpenter & public vaccinator, No. 4 district&;

A'Court Charles, baker, Kingsdown Gillett Thomas 0. farm bailiff to Col. workhouse, Highworth & Swindon

.A.pling Christr. Hy. btchr.Up.Stratton .Archer, Kingsdown union, .Albion cottage

.Arkell Thomas & James, maltsters & Gills William John, farm bailiff to NorthWilts Sanitary Steam LaundryCo

brewers, Kingsdown Henry .Arkell esq · Osborne Henry, grocer

.A.rkell Henry, farmer, Penhill Goddard John, grocer Pearce Henry E. & Co. printers, sta-

.A.she Frank, grocer & beer retailer, Greenaway William, farmer tioners, bill posters & advertising

Post office, Upper Stratton Haines Fras. Wm. frmr. Dockle farm contractors; & at Temple buildings.

Barnes .Albert James, commercial trav Hale George, baker, Kingsdown New Swindon

Barnes Chas. Wm. assistant overseer HarTis Henry, builder, Up. Stratton Perfect Thrift Building Society (Henry

Barnes Richard, shopkeeper Haywa.rd Thomas William, glass & E. Pearce, sec.), Lower Stratton

Burge William. plumber china dealer, Upper Stratton Panting .Alfred Edwaxd, Crown P.H~

Clack Richard, grocer Hill Frank, Jacob's Ladder P.H Lower Stratton

Clark Lemuel, shopkeeper Holdman .Alfred Edward, stationer & Pound William, farmer

Coleborne Thomas, builder post office, Lower Stratton Radway Jethro, shopkeeper

Cola Charles, inspector of nuisances, Hopkins Fredk. farmer, Church farm Russell Geo. farmer, Lower Stratton

Highworth district, Highworth & Hughes James, farmer, Clay's farm Russell Jsph. farmer, Lower Stratton

Swmdon union, Upper Stratton Iles Henry, brick maker & shopkeeper Spering Reuben, carpenter

Cole Edwd. Jas. baker, Up. Stratton Ingram Wm. beer retlr. Up. Stratton Strode Mary (Mrs.), beer retai:er

Coleing JethroKinch,frmr.Up.Stratton Jackson John, school att2ndance officer, Swindon & North Wilts Brewery Lim.

!:oak Henry, baker, Upper Stratton Upper Stratton I brewers

IJowley Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Jarvis Hy. Kingsdown inn, Kingsdown Trotman Daniel, grocer, Lwr. Stratton

Lower Stratton JukesWalter,farmer,Pidgeon House fm Townsend Chas. wheelwrt. Kingsdown

Cowley Chas. shopkeeper, Kingsdown Keene Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Trowbridge James, bricklayer

Cox Stphn. & Sons, frmrs. Wharf farm Upper Stratton Turner Thomas, brick maker

Cox John, clerk to school board, Kembrey Thos. beer retlr. The GrePn Upper Stratton Workmen's Reform

Clovelly house Kilminster Jsph.plasterer, Up.Stratton club (Israel C. Kemble, sec.)

Curtis Jasper, brickmaker,Kingsdown Looker Henry, builder Veal Samuel, carpenter

Eatwell George, blacksmith Love Thomas, baker Warman J sph. beer retlr. Cross roads

Edwards Wm. shopkpr. Up. Stratton Manners Dnl.Leonard,farmr.Nythe fm Wheeler James, beer retailer & coal

Evans William Boucher M.B. surgeon, Manners Hy. farmer, Beech farm merchant, Upper Stratton

Lower Stratton Montague Chas. carpenter, Cross roads Wilson Hugh, beer retailer

Ford Hy. Jas. shopkpr. Up. Stratton ~Iorse Ebenezer, family grocer, Young .John George, commercial

Ford Jacob, beer retailer butcher, bacon curer &c travellPr, Kin,gsdown

BTUDLEY, now included with Trowbridge.

BUTTON BENGER is a parish and village, on the 1862 by the Rev. Richard Dawson M..A. of Brasenose Col-
river .Avon, 4 miles north-north-east from Chippenham lege, Oxford, and chaplain to the Chippenham union.
station on the Great Western railway, and 5 south from Earl Cowley is lord of the manor and the chief landowner.
Malmesbury, in the North Western division of the county, The soil is various ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
hundred of Malmesbury, Chippenham union, petty ses- wheat, barley and oats ; there is also a considerable
sional division and county court district, rural deanery amount of pasture land. The area is 1,270 acres; rate-
of Chippenham, archdeaconry of Bri,stol and diocese of
Gloucester and Bristol. The church of .All Saints is an able value, £2,6IO; the population in r8gr was 354·
ancient edifice of stone, partly in the Early Decorated style,
Parish Clerk, Frederick Bray.
and consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle,
south porch and a Perpendicular tower, with pinnacles Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery-& .Annuity &
and a central bell turret, containing 5 bells and clock : Insurance Office.-Miss Hannah .Arundel, sub-postmis-
there are four memorial windows, two of which were tress. Letters from Chippenham arrive at 3·45 a.m. ;
ereoted to the Rev. George Thomas Marsh M..A. a late delivered at 7 a.m. & 2nd delivery at 3·35 p.m.; sun-
vicar: there are sittings for 258 persons. The register days at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 10 a.m. & 9.30 p.m.;
dates from the year I653· The living is a vicarage, aver- sundays, 9·3P p.m
age tithe rent-charge £205, gross yearly value £260,
net £250, including glebe (£so), with residence, in the National School (mixed), built about 1835 & enlarged in
gift of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, and held since
1875, for 65 children; average attendance, 50; Miss
, Marie Battel, mistress; Miss Nellie Taylor, assistant


Dawson Rev. Richard M..A. Vicarage Bray Robert, blacksmith Gregory Joseph William, wheelwright
Garlike James Percie
!lull Joseph Britton .Alfred, baker Havell Wm. Bilson, draper & undertkr
Hu:I Miss
Hull Ricl1ard Bromsgrove Thomas, shopkeeper Hull Richard & Joseph, wholesale wine
!\fesiter Richard
Eich Charles Fry John, farmer & spirit mers.grocers & bacon curers
Sainsbury Mrs
Garlik~ James Percie L.R.C.P.E. Humphries Tom, butcher
surgeon, registrar of births & deaths Lea John, farmer
Bond J ames, farmer
Bray Frederick Henry, carpenter of sub-district of Christian Malford Messiter .Anne (Mrs.), plumbr. & glazl'

& medical officer & public vacci· Rees Wm. Carey, farmer, Manor farm

nator, Sutton Benger district, Chip- Russ Frederick, shoe maker

penham union Sharp Edward, Wellesley .Arms P.H

Gibson Jacob, gardener to Earl Cowley ·west George, tailor

BUTTON MAN])EVILLE is a parish, about 2! charge £217, gross income £3oo, net £220, with 44 acre•
miles from the Dinton and Tisbury stations on the Salis- of glebe, in the gift of William Wyndham esq. and held
bury and Yeovil branch of the South Western railway, II since 1840 by the Rev. John Wyndham M..A. of Magdalen
miles south-by-west from Salisbury, Io north-east from College, Oxford. There is a small sum yearly, being the
Shaftesbury and 8 east from Wilton, in the Southern divi- interest; of £76 invested in Consols, left in 1854 by the
sion of the county, Cawdon and Cadworth hundred and late Mrs. Mary Bracher (formerly of this parish), for coals
Tisbury petty sessional division, Tisbury union, Shaftes- to be distributed to the needy poor. The greater part of

bury county court district, rural deanery of Chalke (Tis- I the parish is the property of William Wyndham esq. of

ibury portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Dinton House, who is lord of the manor. The soil varies

Salisbury. The church of .All Saints is an ancient struc- very much, being partly chalk and partly greensand loam,
ture of stone in the Norman style: the chancel was re- and in one part stone brash and clay. The chief crops are
paired in 185o, and the church itself was rebuilt with the wheat, beans, oats and barley. The area is 1,259 acres;
exception of the tower in 1862, and it now consists of a rateable value, £2,ogo; the populatibn in 1891 was 204.
chancel, nave and north transept, south porch, with a Wall Letter Box, cleared at 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m.

plain square western tower containing 3 bells: the back Letters through Salisbury to Fovant, arrive at 7-30.
of the old oak pulpit, which has been preserved, has cut The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at
on it the initials of the churchwardens and its date (r63r): Dinton

Ithe church will hold 150 persons: in the churchyard is a National School (mixed), with residence for mistress~

fine yew tree, planted 1765. The register dates from the built in 1875, for 6o children; average attendance, 28;
year 1654· The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- Miss Elizabeth Raper, mistress

Wyndham Rev. John M.A. Rectory jCorbin Henry F. W. farmer j Miles William, farmer & miller (water)
Bracher Tom, carpenter
Goodfellow Hy. Wm. Cribbage Hut in11


SUTTON VENY is a village and pari,h, 2 miles Wesleyan Mission Hall and a Primitive Methodist chapel
at Little Sutton. Greenhill House is the property of
south-west from Heytesbury station, on the ·wilts, Col. J. F. Everett J.P. and occupied by Mrs. Zwilchen-
bart-Erskine. The kennels of the South and West Wilts
Somerset and Weymouth branch of the Great Western Subscription Fox Hounds are here. There are no
railway, and 3 south-east-by-south from Warminster, in manorial rights, but the land is divided among numerous
tlie Western division of the county, hundred, petty freehold.e,rs, the principal of whom are the LY.flarquess of
sessional division, union and county court district of Bath, Lord Heytesbury, Capt. .A.rthur Howard Southey
\Yarminster, rural deanery of Wylye (Heytesbury por- of Eastleigh Court, Bishopstrow, Mr. James Nowlson
tion), archdeaconry of Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. Parham, Col. John Frederick Everett, Mr. John J.
The old church of St. Leonard (now in ruins), originally Estridge, Mr. Waiter Mitchell, Messrs. Francis S. Long,
of Early English architecture, probably dated back to Robert Alfred Long, James Long, Robert Elling, Joseph
A.D. 1300, and consisted of chancel, nave and aisles. Smith, and T. P. Bartholomew,and the trustees of the late
The church of St. John the Evangelist (built in Mr. John D. Randall. The soil is sand and clay; subsoil,
memory of Joseph Everett esq. of Greenhill (d. 1865) chalk and stone. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
at the expense of the late Mrs. Everett, her son, Lieut.- barley. The area is 4,n6 acres; rateable value, £4,072;
Col. Everett, and her family) is a cruciform edifice of the population in 1891 was 723.
Frome and Bath stone, in the Early Decorated or
Geometrical style ~ it consists of chancel, nave, aisles, By a Local Government Order, dated March 25, 1885,
north and south transepts, entrance porch on the south, a portion of Pertwood' parish in Mere union, was for
and vestry on the north, and square central tower, with civil purposes amalgamated· with this parish, the re-
a spire of So feet, containing 6 bells removed from the mainder being attached to East Knoyle.
old church: the aisles are divided from the nave by
three arches resting on circular piers, with Early Little Sutton is a hamlet, half a mile south-east,
where there is a Congregational chapel.
Decorated capitals : the chancel is paved with encaustic
tiles, and contains an organ with two fronts, one Sexton, William B. Barter.
brought into the chancel and the other int() the north
Post Office.-Mrs. Jane Hinton, sub-poSitmiS<tlress. Let-
transept : there are several stained windows, the one ters arrive by messenger from Warininster at 7·55
at the east end being of fiv.e lights, with tracery: the a.m. & 2 p.m; ; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
walls of the chancel are handsomely decorated: on the week days; delivery on sundays, 7·55 a.m. ; dis-
patched 9.30 a.m. Postal orders are issued! here, but
western wall is a brass t() the Rev. George Francis not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office
is at Heytesbury.
Sydenham Powell B.A. rector here for 33 years (d.
1888): at the north-east pier of the nave is placed a vVall Letter Box, Newnham, cleared at 9.40 a.m. &
pulpit of Ca.en stone, and on the opposite side is an 6.40 p.m. week days & 9.40 a.m. on sundays
eagle lectern in carved• oak, supported by a pillar, at
the base of which are three lions•: the church is fitted Schools.
with open benches of oak, and will seat 400 : it was
consecrated and opened on April r6th, 1868. The regis- National (mixed), built in 1872, for roo children; aver-
ter dates from ther year 1653. The living is a r.ectory, attendance, 74; Mr. C. J. Edwards, master;
gross yearly value £420, net £370, arising from 835 Miss .A.. Ridout, mistress
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Majo1
C:ement Walker-Heneage V.C. and held since r888 by Congregational (mixed), built in 1869, for 8o children;,
the Rev. Arthur Wellington Booker M.A. of Christ average attendance, 40; Miss Naish, mistress
Church, Oxford. Here is a. Congregational chapel, 6
Carrier to vVarininster, Isaac Norris, daily

Booker Rev..A.rth.Wellngtn.M.A.Rectry Cooper George, thatcher Long Mary (Miss), shopkeeper

Creaton Mrs. fosters Daniells George, farmer & haulie:r, Mitchell Frederick, farm bailiff to Mr._

Erskine Mrs. Zwilchenbart-, Green- Best's lane J. N. Parham

hill house Draper James (Mrs.), beer retailer Mitchell Waiter, farmer, The Beeches

Estridge· John Julius, Church farm Eacott George, shoe maker Norris Isaac, carrier

:Major Mrs Elling Robert, woolstapler, The Knap Parham James Nowlson, fire loss as- .

Mitchell Rev. Thomas· (curate) Estridge John Julius, farmer & land- sessor & agent, farmer & landowner, .

Parham James Nowlson owner, Church faxm The Glebe

Randall John Stephen, Elm cottage Everley James, gardener to Mrs. Perkins Emma· (Miss), stationer

Randall Misses, Elm cottage Zwilchenbart-Erskine Perrett Joseph, shopkeeper

Rugg George Snelgrove Ford Herbert, blacksmith, Best's lane Pond William, farmer, Little Sutton

COMMERCIAL. Freeman Wm. huntsman to the South Randall Richard James, farmer & land~ .

Andrews James, beer retailer & West Wilts foxhounds,The Kennels owner, Elm cottage

.A.shby George William, Woolpack inn Gifford Henry J. farm bailiff to Capt. Rugg George Snelgrove, farmer,

.Axford Ann (Mrs.), laundress Southey Greenhill farm

Ball John Thomas, baker & grocer Hinton Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr. Post off Sutton Veny Mutual Benefit 8ociety

Barter Bros. 1Vheelwrights & carpentrs Judd Henry, Bell inn (W. Parker, sec)

BarterJohn, blacksmith Lapham Uriah, coal mer. & carrier Snelgrove Edwd.Chas.frmr.Lit.Sutton

Brown William James, carpenter Lines Joseph, baker & jobmaster Townsend Charles, farm bailiff to Mr.

Butcher William, miller (water), Lines Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper J. J. Estridge

Sutton mill; & at Bishopstrow Lon,g Robert Alfred', farmer & land- Whatley William, farmer

Cleverly Henry, shoe maker owner, Little Sutton Wootten Edward, farmer

SWALLOWCLIFT (or Swallowcliffe) is a village were inclosed, when a certain portion thereof, called

and parish r£ miles south-east from Tisbury station on the Poor land, was set apart for the benefit of the poor·
the Salisbury and Yoovil branch of the South Wesltem of the parish for ever, which, with 3 cottages and lands,
railway and 8 north-east from Shaftesbury, in the yields the yearly sum of about £30, which is distributed

Southern division of the county, Tisbury union, Dun- yearly. The principal landowner.!f are the Earl of Pem-

worth hundred, Tisbury petty sessional division, rural broke, who is lord of the manor, and Jamef!l 'Hillier·

deanery of ChaJke (Tisbury portion), archdeaconry of Shorland esq. The soil is sandy; subsoil, sandstone.

Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley ahd some·

Peter is a stone building in the Norman style, erected land pasture. The area is 1,344 acres; rateable value,.

in 1843: it has a chancel, nave of four bays, transept £r,288 ; the population in 189r was :247.

and aisles, a square embattled' tower containing 3 bells, Parish Clerk, Edwin Wright.

through the base of which is the south entrance: here Post Office.-Henry Targett, sub-postmaster. Letters·

is a very fine stained east window, the gift of Lady received from Salisbury at 5.20 a.m. ; dispatched at

Herbert of Lea, in memory of her husband, and one at p7a. 1id5. p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
The nearest money order & telegraph office is:
the west end to G. G. Blandford esq. and in the chancel
two windows erected to the late Rev. J. H. Samler and at Tisbury

his two daughters: the transept contains a large window Wall Letter B_ox, High street, cleared at 6.15 p.m. ;
_also to the Rev. J. H. Samler (vicar for 30 years), sundays, 8.15 a.m
erect~d by the parishioners: there are I70 sittings. The
register dates from the year 1738. The living is a National School (mixed), built in r86r, for 96 children;
vicarage, gross yearly value £2oo, net £18o, with resi- · · all

average attendance, 39; prmcip y supported by the

dence, in the gift of the Bishon of Salisbury, and held Earl of Pembroke & Lord Arundell; Mrs. Hansford,
since r88z by the Rev. Charlers Edward Tudor. Here misrfiress
is a Mission Hall, constructed of iron, open to all de- Carrier to Salisbury.-Fred Roberts, tues. & sat. re-

nominations. In 1862 tb.a common lands of the parish turning same days

WILTS. 14*


PRIVATE RESIDENTS. CO::IIliiERCIAL. Scammell Thomas, blacksmith
Spencer John, carpenter
.Agnew W
Alford Miss Ellen Cox John, Royal Oak P.H Spencer Thomas, grocer & linen drapr
Alford Miss Louisa
Blandford Mrs. Deans house Harrison Edwin .Alexander, farmer, Tanner .Arth. Thos. London Elm P.H
Keevil William Charles, Manor house
Tudor Rev. Charles Ed-ward (vicar) Pole's farm Wright Thomas & Son, wheelwrights

Keevil Wm. Chas. farmer, Manor frm & carpenters

Lever Hy. Jas. miller (water & steam) Wright James, boot maker

Roberts .Ann (Mrs.), farmer Wright Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper


SWINDON is a parish and large town with a first- after May the IIth and the second Monday in December;

class station on the Great Western railway, 77 miles also two statute fairs for hiring ·servants-viz. on the

from London, 29! from Bath, 6 north-east from Wootton first Monday before April the sth, and on the second

Bassett, 16! north-east from Chippenham, 23 north-east Monday after September the IIth. Besides the ordinary

from Melksham, 28! north-east from Trowbridge, 38~ c<Lttle market the commodious sale yard of Messrs.

north-east from Frome, 37 north-east from Warminst-er, Dore and Radwa.y, originally established by the late Mr.

32~ north-east from Westbury, 27 north-east from vViL.iam Dore, provides· for sales• of live stock and is

Bradford, 21 north-east from Devizes and 4S north from att.ended by dealers from all parts of the country. The

Salisbury: it is the head of a county court district and periodical auctions for horses, established by Mr. T.

petty .sessional division, in the Northern division of the Hooper Deac(JIIJ., are held in his ;extensive premise-s op-

county, hundred of Kingsbridge and Highworth and posite the Market square, OR alternate Mondays. New

Swindon union, rural deanery of Cricklade, archdea- Cattle Market, in Marlborough road, holds· 360 cattle,

conry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, 730 sheep, 300 pigs, besides horses; opened in 1887;

standing on a considerable elevation, commanding a W. H. Read esq. M.S.A. architect.

fine view over rich valleys watered by the rivers Cola of oolite, well adapted for building, are

and Ray, with their numerous branches. The town is abundant in the neighbourhood: quantities of fossil and

not incorporated, but the " Local Government Act, other remains have been found, which are highly in-

1858" was adopted for the Old and New Town, and teresting to geologists ; Professor .Smith. one of ~

they were each governed by a Local Board from 1864, earliest geologists of this country, spent much time in

until under the•" Looal Government Act, 1894•" Urban Dis- inspecting these quarries. In 1874 a fossil of an extinct

trict Councils became the local authority. The town is reptile known to .geologists as· of the order Omosaurus

lighted with gas by a company, whose works are in wa.s found. Fresh water marls· and limestones of the

Cricklade street, and supplied with from works Purbeck age are found in the quarries here with bones

at Wroughton Park. of the earlies1J >t'rue frog and fossils of fre>sho wat,er shells,

The parish church (Christ Church) was erected in within ru mile a.ndl a half of tth.e :town, on the Li<lliington.

IBS I, from designs by the late Sir Gilbert Scott R..A. at road, i:. a beautiful lake of 90 acres, the reservoir for

an expense of £8,ooo, raised by voluntary subscriptions : supplying the ·wilts and Berks canal, which passes

the style is the Decorated Early English: it has chancel, through the pa.rish within half a mile of the town : it

nave of three bays, aisles, transepts, western tower and is delightfully situated in a picturesque district, beau-

spire and a peal of 8 bells and clock : the site was given tifully wooded. The railway, quarries and general agri-

by Ambrose Goddard esq.: in 1883 the chancel was much cultural pursuits furnish employment for the working

improved at a cost of about £soo: a new oak screen population.

was added to the western porch in 1889: in 1892 a The K and M Companies of the 2nd Volunteer Batta-

reredos of marble and alabast·er was erected by Mr. lion Duke of Edinburgh's' Wiltshire Regime.nt, have thei.r

Pleydell Goddard and Miss Goddard, and a new altar head quarters at the Corn Exchange.

and altar steps were presented with other gifts, all in There are two newspapers published weekly, the

memory of the late Colonel Goddard, Grenadier Guards : "North Wilts Herald" and the "Swindon Advertiser,"
there are sittings for 900 : the chancel of the old church besides a daily (evening) issue of the "North Wilts

is still standing, and contains several monuments, but Herald."

is disused: it was restored in 1885. The register dates The Swindon Victoria Hospital, in The Sands, opened
from the year I6-J-o. The living is a vicarage, average in 1888, has two principal wards, for males and females
tithe rent-charge £222, gross yea.rly value £300, net respectively, with a. special ward for accident cases,
£288, including 20 acres of glebe, with residence, in the containing 12 beds: the foundation stone was laid on
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1887 by the
Rev. Newton Ebenez·er Howe, of Magdalene College, Jubilee Day, 1887, by the wife of .A. C. Goddard esq.
Cambridge. The Rev. Charles· Frederick Goddard has who· gave the site : the hospital is established on an
been curate-in-charge since 1892. entirely free basis, the medical staff being composed of
medical gentlemen of the town : the cost of the building
The vicarage house, erected in place of the old one
and furnishing was £ I,g6o, raised' by contributions :
in 1887, at a cost including site of over £3,000, is on the architect was W. H. Read esq. M.S ..A. Swindon: a
The Sands, Bath road, and is now vacant.
new wing, pa.rt of the origiood. design, has (1894) been

The Wesleyan chapel, Bath. road, built in 188o, has added at a cost •oif £700.
6oo sittings; the Congregational chapel, Victoria street, The charities amount to £1 ro yearly from land and

built in 1866, Slea:ts 6oo; the Particula.r Baptist choapel, Consols, left by Mrs. Evans, MessTs. Sheppard and

Providence road, built in 1843. will seat 400; the Pri- Rolleston, .Anderson, Gray, Bowly, and others at various

mitive Methodist chapel, Prospect place, in 1870, 300; times.
Brflthren Rocnn, Prospeet place., built in 1869, The principal residence is the Lawn, a. large and
250; and the Salvation .Army have barracks in Market handsome house in the Italian style, the seat of
square, built in 1862.
Ambrose Lethbridge Goddard esq. D.L., J.P. lord of

The Town Hall, built 1852, is so feet by 26 feet, and the manor and principal landowner.

is also occasionally used for meetings and balls : it will The hill on which the Old Town stands is of sand and

hold 6oo persons. The whole of the buildings belong to stone, surrounded by Kimmeridge clay, mostly covered

the Swindon Central Market Company Limited, who by a rich alluvial soil. The adjoining farms are mostly

hold a lease of the land from the lord of the manor. pasture. The area is 4,246 acres ; rateable value,

The Corn Exchange, in the Market square, is a com- £144,049; the population in I8SI (including Swindon

modious building IIO feet by so feet, seating I,Ioo per- New Town) was 4,876; in· x861, 6,856, in 1871, II,72o,

sons, is licensed for theatrical performances, and has. a and in I88I, I9,901, and in 1Bgi was 33,001; the great

clock tower So feet high : the clock strikes the hours increase in the population is principally caused by the

on a 2-cwt. bell, and the quarters on 2 smaller bells and number of men employed at the station and works of

shows the time on two 4-feet illuminated dials. the Great Western Railway Company; the population

The markets are held on Mondays for pitched corn, of the Urban district of Old Swindon in 1891 wa.s 3,545.

and every second and last Monday for fat cattle. Swin- Broome and Walcott are tithings in thia parish.

don sa2es of cattle, shePp and horsps are held every Mon- Parish Clerk, William Dean.

dav in the New Cattle Market by Mr. J. A. Y. Matthews

and Mr. T. Lavington. Four fairs are held in the year, SWINDON NEW TOWN (or New Swindon) ._s for-

two under a. charter granted to the lord of the manor merly a marsh, but since the construction of the Great.

in the reign of Charles I.-viz. on the second Monday Western railway has become a considerable town, and is


united to Old Swindon, and now forms with it practically kind is known in England: there are 250 sittings: the

one rown, in the hundred of Crickl'<tde and rounty court services a;re conducted by the clergy .of St. Mark's.

district of Swindon. Here is a junot.ion station of the St. Paul's, New Swindon, was (in r88r) formed into an

Great Western railway : every train &tops here, as well ecclesiastical parish from New Swindon parisb. The

for changing engines as for refres-hment of pass•engers: church, built in 188r at a cost of nearly £6,ooo, is an

at this station the line from Gloucester, Hereford and ed•ifice of brick, in the Ear-ly English style, and consists

South W-ales joins the main line ; and the Midland and of chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, organ

South Western Junotion Railway Company has con- chamber and vestries, western, north and south porches,

struct-ed a railw.ay from here to Andover junction, and western bell cote containing one bell : there is a

through Marlborongh and Ludgershall and to Chelten- very handsome chancel screen of open woodwork: there

ham, Cricklade and Cirencester, which gives direct are 8oo sittings: land has been rented from Major

communiOllltion between Manchester and the North, and Rolleston, for the erection of a clergy house, working

Southampton. The first section of line from Swindon to men's club and school rooms, at an estimated cost of

Marlborough was opened 29th July, r88r; second sec- £3,ooo: a site has been presented by Major Rolleswn,

tion, M.arlboroug.h to AndJOver, May rst, r882; and the for the erection of a mis·sion church. The register dates

northern portion of the line as far as Cirencester, Dec. from the year r88r. The living is a vicarage, net

:r8th, r883: this line is now complet·ed, and joins the yearly value £225, in the gift of the bishop of Gloucester

Eanbury and Cheltenham railway at .Andoversford Junc- and Bristol, and held since r888 by the Rev. Douglas

tion, the through communication is therefore complete. PQwell Ware M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridg'B.

New Swindon is also the oontre of the Great Western The vicarage house adjoining the church was erected in

Railway works, and the factory for the whole of the line 188s.
with its numerous ramifications. The locomotiv.e and The ecclesiast-ical parish of St. Barnabas, Gorse Hill,

carriage works are on an extensive scale, and an was formed Feb. J4, r8go, from the civil parish of Strat-

area of about 200 acres, and togethe;r with the iron ton St. Margaret. The church, standing on Gorse Hill,

foundry and boiler works employ about g,ooo hands. built at a cost of £3,200 and opened in Feb. r885, consists

The Great ·wes.tern Railway Medical Fund Society's of chancel, nave of six ba.ys, with clerestory : it was

Accident Hospit-al, in Faringdon street, was established designed by J. P. Seddon esq. of Westminster: the

in r87r and contains 12 bec1s. styl•e is Transitional: it has a fine vaulted roof: in r894

The town has been governed by a Local Board under a south aisle was add·ed, also clergy and cho-ir vestries,

the "Public Health .Act, r858," from Feb. r6, r864, until at the cost of £goo: the church is built of Swindon

the "Local Government Act, 1894," esrtablis•hed the stone, with ashlar and fl"eestDne dressings : the interior
is also of stone: the chancel is spa~ious, and is separat€!d
present Urban District Council.

The town is regularly built, partly on the land belong- from the nave by a breas•twork of as•hlar : the floor of

ing to the company, amd chiefly occupied by the persons the chancel is laid in mosaic of various colours : the

·employed in the works; there are a number of hand- sedilia, piscina and credence are of freestone with bright

some shops, and the town is improving and increasing blue Pennant pillars: the font is of Pennant and Mans-

very fast; since r8go twenty new streets have been field marble: there is a central turret and one large

made; it is lighted with gas. Grea.t improvement has bell : there are 370 siutings. The register dates from

ta.kJen place with regard ro the dispDsal of the sewage, a the year r885. The living is a vicarage, net vearly

new system of st{)II'm water ha-s been effectually adopted value of £r6s, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop

and an outfall sewer consrtruoted, which empti-es itself of Gloucester and Bristol, and held since r8go by the
on •to the s-ewage farm at Rodbourne ; and afte·r the. Rev. Philip Maddocks B.D. of St. David's College,

sewage has been chemically precipitated in six large Lampeter. A Sunday school has been built from the

tanks, the effluent wa,ter is allowed tD percolate through d-esigns of John J. Smith, architect, Swindon, of a
drained land, and finally discharged into the river Ray, s~m.ilar style of architecture to the church, being built
under the superintendence of He111ry Joseph Ramp esq. of Swindon stone lined with brick, having Bath stone
dressings : the roof is an open one. Special att.ention
town surveyor.
has been paid to the aptitude of the large room for
The Wilts and Berks canal passes in the immediate sound, and for its being used for concerts, &c. The
vicinity, and is crossed by a girder bridge leading from vicarage house, built in r8g2, is of stone, and cost
W•ellington street to C(}llege street, constructed in r885, £2,000.

a.t a cost of about £goo. In r893 the Cambria Bridge St. John the Evangelist's was consecrated 27th Dec.
was erected at :a cost of £r,soo, including the widening r883: it is in the Early English style of architecture
of both approaches. The Whale Bridge, built in r8g3. and a building of red brick, from designs by Mr. F. B.
art a cost of £r,2oo, connect.s Princes street with Oriel Wade, architect, of London, and consists of chancel,
s:treet ; both bridges were constructed under the nave, organ chamber and vestries: there are 400 sit-
tmperintendence of Mr. Henry Jos. Ramp, surveyor to tings, and it is served from St. Mark's. The Mission
the Local Board. In r8gr the canal wa.s transferred to Church, in Rodbourne lane, was erected in r88r, and is
new manag-ement, and nas s~nce undergone extensive s·erved by a curate from Rodlbourne Cheney.
dredging and general repairs ; there are 57 locks with
an average fall of 9 feet, and with & length of 78 feet The Catholic church, dedicated to the Holy Rood, was
and width of 7 feet: the water is supplied by two reser-
V'Oirs made by the Company, one at Coa.te, near Swin- erected in 1875, at a cost of £z,soo, which included the
don, 89 ac·res in ·extent, and the other at Tockenham,
with an area of 20 acres), aJso from the river Marden presb)"tery adjoining t·he church, which consists of a
at Calne, and several springs. Mr. P. Munro, of Bris.tol, chancel, separated the nave by "aJ rood! screen, and:
was engineer for the repairs and dredging. 1..he canal
has lock·SI into the 'fhames, at .Abingdon, and into the a Lady chapel, and has a good organ: the style is
Kennett and Avon, near Melksham, and thus forms a Gothic, and the walls are ado-rned by illustrations of the
continuous waterway between Bristol and the Thomas. stations of the Holy Cross : every window has a design
rormd it in gold and dark brown.; similar ornamentation
is on the walls, and the altar and tabernacle are also
mos.t beautifully decorated: the alta.r is also in the

Gothic style, and has niches for six statues. In r887 a

St. Mark's, New Swindon, was formed into an eccle- vestry was erected: there are 200 sittings: attached to

lliiastical parisih in r846. The church is a handsome the church is a mission of the St. Vincent de Paul

• .stone structure in the Decora;ted style, and consists of Society.
chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch with . . .
western tower and spire containing one bell: the church Th~ Baptist t~bernacle. m ~egent street, erected m
Iwas designed by the late Sir Gilbert Scott R..A. and will 1886 m the C~a-s~1c style, IS bmlt of Bath stone at ~ cost

.seat goo perso-ns. There is an organ, also suitable oak of abDut £6,. 00 • W. H. Read esq. M.S..A. of Swmdon,
choir seats: there are five stained windows, including ~as the architect. There are ~lso large Sunday schools
one w the memory of the late vicar. The register m the rear. The tabernacle will seat goo persons.
dat<es from the year r845. The living is a vicarage, The B:'lptist~ have a chapel at ~rse hiJ!., bui~t ~n
gross yearlY: vaJue. £283, :r:et £280, including l()j[le acre 1883, which Will sea~ 250; and. one m Cambr.m, b~lt ~n
of glebe, w1th res1dence, m the gift of the Bishop of 1 1866, for :rso. ~a:tiCular Baptist, Prospect hill, bmlt m

Gloucester and Bristol, and held since I879 by the Re>. r884, has ISO Sittmgs.

the Hon. Maurice John George P-onsonby M.A. of Christ The Congregational church, Sandio'l"d .street, built in

Church, Oxford, and hon. canon of Bristol and rural dean 1876, and rebuilt in r8g4, at a cost of over £3,000, is of

of Cricklade. red brick with Bath st(lne dressingos, in the Jacobean

St. Saviour's, Ashford road, opened in 18go, is a struc- s-tyle from designs by Mr. T. B. Silcock, architect, of

ture of brick and wood, erected by the voluntary labour Bath, and includes a large tower: it will seat about qoo

of workmen belonging to the Great West<ern Railway pe.rsons: a Sunday schoal was erected in r888 adjoining

Company, and is intendiedl for their use.; and at a oost of £ r ,200.

consists of chancel, nave, vestry, west porch and a turret There are four Wesleyan chapels :-Faringdon street,

containing we beY. Only one previous instance of the built in 1868, has sittings for 1,200; Gorse hill, 1883,


3.50; Princess street, I884, I5o; and William street, The Great Western Medical Fund Society, established

1887, 150. in I847, occupies a block of red brick buildings with

'l'he Primitive Methodist in Regent street, built in stone dressings, erected at a cost of [12,ooo, and opened

I876, at a cost of £2,409, and enlarged in I889, at the in 1892. It contains two swimming baths, the larger of

cost of [7oo, has 750 seats; and that in Olifton street, which, III ft. by 30 ft., has a spacious gallery running

built in I88r, at a cost of £4I4•· will seat I50: another round, and in winter is used for concerts and meetings,

has hem erected in r89o, at a cost of £I,ozo, and will and for this purpose is capable of seating 2,ooo people.

seat 337· The smaller bath, 6o ft. by 25 ft. is used by ladies and

The Evangelistic•sion Hall, Rolleston street, built children, and is kept open all through the winter : at-

in I873• seats 500 persons; and the Salvation Army tached is a washhouse, with patent gas drying appa-

Barracks, Bridge street, wa~ built in r868 for Baptist ratus. There are various ante-rooms and offices, and

school. one large committee room. The Dispensary, which

The Presbyterian Lecture Hall on the south side of adjoins, is well equipped: there are eight consulting

Dixon s•treet was built in I885, and is in the Early rooms and a dental surgery.

English style, the hall being 55 feet long and 28 feet The Accident Hospital, in Faringdon road, was

6 inches wide, with suitable porch, enbrance and lobbie-s, erected in r87I, and consists of accident ward, with 4

lighted with gas, and hot water laid on: the roof is be.ds, convalescent ward, containing 8 beds, and an

ceiled at the collar be·am, leaving expos·ed the principal operating theatre : the number of accidents treated in

timbers, which are stained and v.arnished : the hall can 1893 was 57·
seat 300 persons; Mr. Or1ando Baker M.S.A. of Regent The Isolation Hospital, at Gorse Hill, erected in I892,

street, New Swindon, was t.he arohit.ect. at a cost of £4,500, is a red brick building with Bath

The Oemeotery, on a hill midway between Old and New stone dressings, and is built on the block system: it

Swind•m, is about II acr·es in e:dent, on soil of sand consists of administrative isolation block, containing

and stone, and commands extensive and beautiful views four wards, two male and two female, with attendant

for many miles west and north. There is a chapel in nurses' rooms. The Ward Pavilion consists of two

the Early English s•tyle, with apsidal east end, vestry wards, male and female, also with attendant nurses'

and bell turret; also a separate mortuary chapel and a rooms. Another block contains out-offices, viz., ambu-'s lodge The main entrances are 8!t Clift.on lance, mortuary, disinfectant apparatus, wash-house and

street, Radnor street, Dixon st.reet and Lansdown road : ironing room. Mr. H. J. Ramp was the architect.

the first burial took place 6th August, 188I : the total At Okus is a smallpox hospital for I7 patients.

cost of land, laying out, dminage, building lodge and Masonic Hall.-The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation,
chapels was about £ro,ooo. The cemetery is und~r the No. 355, secretary, E. H. Pritchett, meets. here on the

management of a board, whose meetings are held third Friday nearest the full moon in every month, excepting

Tuesday in February, May, August and November, at May, June, July and August. The Wilts Chapter of

the Local Board room, 42 Oricklade st.reet, Swindon. Royal Arch Masons, No. 35S. Scribe, E. T. A. Hogarth,

Offices, 42 Cricklade street and IO Queen Anne's build- hoids its meetings on the Friday nearest the full JD,oon

ings, Faringdon street. every month, excepting May, June, July, and August.

The Public Offices in Regent circus, erected in I892, at The Swindon Key Stone Lodge of Mark Master Masons,

a cost of [9,ooo, form a hand<Some block of buildings of ~o. 40I, meets on the Wednesday next before full moon,

red brick, with Bath stone dres.sings, in the Renaissance quarterly, February, May, July and October; secretary,

.style, and occupying an area of 6oo superficial yards. E. H. Pritchett.

The weost front has a gvand entranee with balcony above, Swindon Town Club, in Bath road, was erected in
and a large dock tower go feet high. The main entrance I893: it is non-political, and has about 670 members:

opens to a vestibule and spacious staircase hall, orna- Mr. W.. H. Read was architect: the secretary is Mr.

mented with oolumns, pilasters and arches. The build- Booker.
ing includes offices for the clerk to the urban council, The County Ground, in the Drove road, was opened

school board, town surv·eyor, as•sistant ov.erseer, rate May, 1893, and is 29 acres in extent: a bicycle track has

collectors and inspeetor of nuisances, and t·here are been laid down, of 3 laps to the mile, and in addition to

county court offiees, wheve the sittings of this court are the space devoted to football and cricket, there is a

!held. The largest room, 56 by 33 feet, is used for Galloway racecourse (several meetings taking place
public meetings, &c. ; the! board room' is 52 by 28 during the year), and a polo ground: a large ornamental

feet ; in rear of the buildings is a fire engine house ; pavilion has been erected, at a cost of £8so, on the
Mr. Brightwen Binyon, of Ipswich, was t!he architect: opposite side, with dressing rooms for competitors, at a
A drinking fountain, presented by the Swindon United cost of [450 : there is also an entrance Jodge, built at
Temperance Board, was el'ected in I893, in front of the the cost of £250.
Swindon Town Gardens, formerly a portion of the
T•he Marke<t occupies a piece of land at the bottom of Quarries, are 7 acres in extent, and were opened in
Commercial road, and was erected in I892, at the cost I894: the land was purchased from W. A. L. Goddard
of £4,500 ; there are sevent·een shops and a triangular esq. for £7oo, and the whole area is surrounded by a
piece of open ground for the use of country dealers &c. fence, and there is a picturesque lodge, rustio bridges,
The B Squadron of the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry tennis lawns, a band stand, ornamental waters, fountains,
Cavalry (Duke of Edinburgh's Own Royal Regiment) is swings and giant strides for the children, &c. : the total

stationed in the- town, and the F and G Companies of cost amounted to about [3,8oo, including land: Mr. W. H,

the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Duke of Edinburgh's Read M.S.A. was the architect.
(Wtiltshire Regiment) have their Drill Hall and Orderly The area of the urban district is 1,531 acres; rateable
Room at the end rof the park adjoining Park lane.
value, [III,361; the population in I89I was 27,295. The

The Great ·western Railway Mechanics' Institution in population of St. Mark's ecclesiastical parish in 186I was

High stree•t, opposite the entvance to the Great Western 4,167; in 187I, 7,628, and in I88r, II,I04: the population

railway works, established in I 843, and enlarged I 893, is of the ecclesiastical parishes in 189I was :--St. Mark,

a noble building, and has a library containing upwards 15,770; St. Paul, 6,902; St. Barnabas, Gorse Hill, 2,852.

(lf 2o,ooo, including a reference library of 3,ooo Sextons :-St. Mark's, William Collins, 2 Morris street,

volumes; lectures, concerts mnd dram•a.tic performances Rodborne lane, New Swindon; St. Paul's, John Mitchell,

1we frequently given, and there are now (I895) 6,700 Regent place, New Swindon.

members ; the institute, as enlarged, comprises, among Gorse Hill is now included in the New Swindon urbarl

others, billiard room, dressing rooms, smoking and two district, and by an Order of the Wiltshire County

reading rooms, one being for use of ladies only: the Coancil, confirmed by Local Government Board Order,

large hall, whieih seats 1,2oo people, has a st.age 24 feet which came into operation Sept. 29, I8go, it was amalga-

deep and 50 feet wide. A free recreation ground, with mated with the parish of Swindon, and at the same date

permanent pavilion, was opened in I8~2 at a cost of the hamlet of Even Swindon, in the parish of Rodbourne,

£2,86o, and is 30 acres in extent. was also amalgamated with Swindon. •


~ost, M. 0. & T. {)., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Wootton Bassett, 3.I5 p.m. except sunday; London &r

Insurance Office.-Head Office, Bath road, Swindon.- out of London, 6.45 p.m. ; general dispatch, Io p.m
Head postmaster, William Henry Callway. Letters
dispatched to London, 8 & Io. ro a.m. except sunday; Letters can be posted at the Wall Letter Box at the
Bath, Cheltenham, Gloucester & the whole of the West
of England, Io. IO a.m. except sunday; London, Read- Great Western Railway, New Swindon, 8.40 & I0.30
ing, Bristol, ·Chippenham, Cricklade, Highworth &
Purton, p.m. except sunday; London & Oxford, a.m. & I, 3.20, 7·3o, 9 & ro p.m. (for West of
3· 15 p.m. except sunday; Bath, Bristol, Chippenham, England) & I2 midnight (London, Marlborough, New-

bury &c)

Letters are delivered at 7 & g. r5 a.m. & 12. I5 & 5 p.m.

Letters arriving too late {or last delivery can be ob.,


tained between 8 & 9 p.m. ; sundays, one delivery Clerk,

only, at 7 a.m Treasurer, Lytte>:ton Etty, County of Gloucester Bank Lim

'Telegraphic business can be transacted between 7 a.m. & Medical O:ffi.'cer of Health, Friend Edward Streeten

xo p.m. ; sundays, 8 till 10 a.m. & 5 till 6 p.m. ; M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. & L.M., D.P.H. 26 High

sale of stamps, 7 a. m. till xo p.m. ; registering letters, street, Swindon

7 a.m. till 9 p.m. ; money orders & savings bank Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Edwin Morris.

business, from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m I3 Devizes road

New Swindon Town Sub-Post Office, M. 0. & T. 0., Collector, Miss Frances M. Avenell, Stuart ho. Avenue rd

S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Swindon New Town.

Office.-Samuel Smith, sub-postmaster. The office is Members elected I894·

open for telegraph business & sale of stamps from 8 Chairman, Thomas Brain.
Central Ward.
a.m. till xo p.m.; money .order & S. B. 9 a.m. till g

p.m.; letters dispatched 8.30 & 10.20 a.m. 12.40,

3.30, 6.50, 8.45, g. 10 & w p.m. ; closed on sundays *Frederick W. Adams f\Villiam Graham Little
~George JacksonChurchward
Jtegent street M. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance *James John Brown gDouglas Earle Marsh
Office.-Mrs. Phillis Tindle, sub-postmistress. Letters ·tWilliam Batt

dispatched at 8. IS, & 10.10 a.m. 12.30, 3.2o, 6, 8.45 & Eastcott Ward.

9 p.m. ; sundays, 9 p.m. ; post office closes on wed- *Charles Hill tJamcs Smith Protheroe
nesdays at 2 p.m
*John James §Thomas Brain
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance tHenry Charles Cook
Office, Westcott place.-William Haynes, sub-post- 1 ~James Hinton
master. Letters dispatched at 8. IS, & 10.5 a. m. &
12.25, 3, 6.30 & 9 p.m.; no collection on sundays, & Kingshill \Yard.
closed at 2 p.m. on wednesdays
-I'own Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance *Hubert John Deacon tJohn Gregory
Office, Clifton street.-John Wall, sub-postmaster.
Letters dispatched at 8.5 & 9·55 a.m. & 12.15,, *Charles Preston §James Long1and

tWilliam Comley sTimothy Job Mills

*Ed win J ones Queenstown lVa<rd.
t Albert Henry Wheeler

5.30 & 9 p.m.; sundays, g p.m.; closed on wed- *George Kembrey §John Clark

nesdays at 2 p.m · tOliver Fry §Arthur Lynn Pryce

Town Sub-Post, M. 0. & T. 0 .. S. B. & Express De- Westcott 1-Vard.

livery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Rodbourne lane.- *Reuben Georg~ I tEdwin Jones
Jonah Hawkins, sub-postmaster; dispatched at 8.40 *Edmund James Griffiths
a.m. & 1.30 & 7.30 p.m j §\Villiam Hall

tGeorge Hughes J §William Harvey
*li.Wl;rked thus rert:~re in 1896.
COUNTY MAGISTRATES ACTING FOR SWINDON M-arked thus t retire in 1897.

PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. l\f~["ked thus § retire in x8g.8.

Hussey-Freke Ambrose Denis esq. D.L. Hannington hall,

Highworth, chairman Council Room, Public offices, Regent circus, New Swindon

Archer Lt.-Col. David, Kingsdown, Stra.tton St. Margaret Board day, 2nd & 4th tuesday in each month at 10 a.m.
Calley Major Thomas Charles Pleydell, Burderop park, Clerk, Henry Kinneir, Public offices, Regent circus,
New Swindon
Deputy Clerk, Waiter H. Kinneir
Codrington William Wyndham esq
Treasurer, Lyttelton Etty, County of Gloucester Bank
Dean William esq. Newburn, New Swindon
Goddard Ambrose Lethbridge esq, M. A., D.L. The Lawn, Limited
Medical Officer of Health, Friend Edward Streeten
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin., D.P.H. 26 High street.
Goddard Fitzroy Pleydell esq. The Lawn, Swindon
Goddard Horatio Nelson esq. M.A., D.L, Clyffe manor, Swindon
Surveyor, Hy. Joseph Hamp, Public offices, New Swindon
Wootton Bassett

Hanbury Edgar esq. Eastrop grange, Highworth Sanitary Inspector, Maurice Simpson, 73 Clifton street,

Mitchell William Rowland esq. New Swindon

Morse Levi Lapper esq. Granville, Bath road, Swindon Collector, William Jolliffe, Public offices, Kew Swindon

Pavy Capt. Francis, Markham, Wroughton, Swindon Water Analyst, Frank \Villiam Harris, 6 Church place,

Sadler James Henry' esq. Lydiard house, Swindon New Swindon

Skinner Capt. Charles Lancelot Andrews, Down-Ampney PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.

house, Cricklade .A.Jssembtly Rooms, God.idlard Arms hotel, street

Sloper G. 0. esq. Highworth Borong"h Poliice S:ta.mon, Slba.tlion road, Henry Ga.rl'ett,

Story-Maskelyne Mervin Herbert Nevil esq. M.A., F.R.S. · sergeaii!t in charge & 7 oonsta•bles
Basset Down house, Wroughton, Swindon
Ceme•tery, Henry Fox T.ow~~send & Henry Kinnier, joid
Trepplin Ernest C. esq. Vasterne house, Wootton Bassett olerk~ t'O the burial board
Wilson Captain William R.N. Cliffe Pypard, Wootton Chambe;r of Ag"ricultui'e, 6 Illigh street, Wlilliam Chandler
Bassett, Swindon
e•sq. pr.esl.i.deillt; George Montague Butterwol'lth, sec
Wykeham-Martin Cornwallis esq. The Hill, Purton, Oorn Exchange, 1\ilarket sqUJa:r>e, Richard Tarrnnt sec,;
Wil!liam Gardener, hall keepeT

Clerk to the Magistrates, George M. Butterworth; Ooulllty Court, held a,t t·he Public Office-s, Regent circus,
Kew Swindlon, fOT!tnightly, on a wednesday; office,
offices, Police Station, Swindon
Public;s, Regent circus; His Honor Gamine
Petty Sessions are held at the Police Court, Swindon, at F. D. Caillard, judge; Henry Kinneir, registrar &
II a.m. on monday & thursday. The following places
are included in the Petty Sessional Division :-Bishop- high bailiff; W. H. Kinneir, deputy registrar; W. H.
stone, Blunsdon St. Andrew, Castle Eaton, Chisledon,
Hanniugton, Highworth, Inglesham, Liddington, Little Moore, as·slrstalllt. The disltrict oomprises the folilowing
Hinton, Rodborne Cheney, South Marston, Stanton :-ffisihiOpSitone, Blun1sdon, Brnyd~:>n, :Broad Town,
Fitzwarren, Stratton St. Margaret, Swindon, Wan-
borough, Wroughton Cas·He Ea.ton, Ohisled!on, Grack, Oliffe Pypard, Orick-

lade, Chalwo'l'lth, Oalcut, Wia•ter Ea.ton, Draycott Foliatt,
Eisey•'ton, Hayd~:>n, IllighWJOI"t!h, Hinton Parva,
Inglesham Liddiard Millicent, Liddiard Tregoze, Lid-

URBAN DISTRICT COUNCILS. dington, Mlal'lston J\fuisey, Purton, Purton Stoke, Rod-

Swindon Old Town. bourne Cheney, Sevenhampton, S.t'MlJton Fi<tz-Wa<rren,
Offices, 42 Cricklade street, Old Swindon. Stra.bton St. Margave't, Swi'llld'On, SWiind10n New Town,
Tockenham,WIUnborough,'Wioottton :Bassetit & Wroughton
Board day, 3rd thursday in each month at 7 p.m.
This court ha.s also Bank;ruptcy jurisdidtlion, & for bank-

:Members. ruptcy purpose!S includes in addli.tlion the county courts

Elected December 1894· of Oalne, MaJmesbun-y, Marl•borough, Oirencester and
Farringdon ; Henry Coggan 'J.'Iomlbs, High s.treet.
JWilliam Balch *Alfred Plummer official receiver

*Arthur Stote Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of·ress Amendment
~Geo. Montague Butterworth Act "-Chas. Bishop, R!egent cir. Ne.w Swindon; J ames
lJEdwin Robert Ing ~Thomas Hooper Deacon
nJohn James Shawyer Radway 28 st. S'Wlindon; FredeT!ick Hintton, Regent

•James Baker §Edward John Keylock cirrcus, New SW'indon; Thomtals Hooper Deacon, High

*John Green §William Reynolds &treet, Swindon; FraDJCis Armstrong, Wootton Bassetfl

Marked thus 11 retire in x8g5. Oounty Po1ioe Station, Sfultlion road, New Swindon,

Marked thus * retire in x8g6. Henry 0a[l8ftt, superintendent, 1 inspector, 2 sergeants

Marked thus § retire m 1897· & 16 constables


Great Western Ralilway l\Iedica[ Fund Society's Accadent PUBLIC OFFICERS.

Hospital, F1ar!ingdoon st1reet, Ne;w Swindon; Genrge A~•"S'"~l'st.and"'-" 0V'erseer, Richard Tarrant, Public offices, New
:Yioney Swinhoe L.R.0. P.Lond. W~lliam HowseL.R.O.P. Oert~~f1yn.mogn
Lond. & George Rodway Sw,inhoe M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. I Ft S u~roguosoen,, G "I S ·h
medical officers; Frederick Tegg, sec ac o " e'Orge . .c• nney wm oe
rPyar~ :New Swmdon
Inland Revenue Offioe, 5 Brunsw!ick terrace, Bath road, Lond.

Goorge A. Baloombe, supe•rvisor ; Michael Cusack, 15 , Clerk to the Comm1ss[onevs of Land, Ass·essed & Pro-
StpvingfieM l"'Od, officer perty Tax, SJ-eorge ~I'Ontag:u~ .Butterworth
sStamp Office, I8 Wood streelt, A1fll'ed L. Foss, distributor Coroner f?r WJlt.s Dnn.tS'J.·On, W. E .. ~· Browne

Surveyor of Taxes; offioetS, The 1am:ls; Henjamin Ams- esq. Ch1sl~on, deputy, Amos BaTIIs, snhclt<Or, Wood
deh, surveyor •Stree•t, Swmdon . .
Swindon Victoria Hospilta[ The Sands Thos. R•nberts .sec OoHector of. Poor'.s Raltes, ~chard Tarrant, Public Qffic-e.s~
T own H a11, Rn.eha·-n-~' Ta.Til'a' nt, sec ' ' D!'IR~J""-!'"er1·gcetntS circus, Nt oewS wSm·mdnodno r&u
urveyo H1' gh·WOrth Un1·on R ural

Yeomanry Cavalry. District Council, Law Green, Upper Stratton, Swindon

Royal Wiltshire (Prince of Wales' Own Royal Regiment) Chief Inspeotor of Weighbs & Me•asures, James Ward, 5
(3!I'd Yeomanry Brigade) (B Squadron), Hon. Major
Commercial l"Oad, New Swindon
R!ight Hem. Lord C. F. Brudenell-Bruce, commander;
Join:t Clerfus to Burial B'oo.rd, Henry Fox Townsend &
Hon. Major Sir H. B. Meux bart. sec-ond in command;
T. ~. Deacon, qua:ril€r maiSiter; Squadron Sergit.-Major Henry Kinnerrr, Public offic·es, Regent· circus
John Holland, drill insltruc1'0r OfficiaJ Rt>~ceciver in Bankruptcy,Hy. Ooggan Tombs,High st
Superintendent of P-olice & Inspector under the Food &

Drugs & Comlta~ious D!i•seases (Anlimals) Acts, Henry

VI:Aunteer.s. Oollett, oounlty conSitabulary, Ea•S,tcot.t

Surveyor of Taxes, Ben Am•sden, The Sands
~md Volunteer Batltalion, Duke of Edill!burgh'.s (Wiltshire Tlown Crier, Jvhn Hiscock, r Prostpect hill, New Swindon
Regimenrt), Oorn Exclhange, Swindl()n; K 0-o. Capt.

.Amo·s Barns & M Co. Oapt. J . .Arkell, commandants; PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.

a new armoury & drill ground have been made

211d Violurut8'err" Baltltarol()n, Duke of Edinburgh's. (Wiltslhire Chl'li•s·t Church (Bar:ish Ohurch), Old SwindQn, Rev.

Regiment); drill hall & detachment orderly room, The Charles Fre~erick Goddard, curate. in charge; 11 a.m.

Park, New Swindon; F. Co. Capt. D. E. Marsh, com- 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. I2 noon; thurs. 7 p.m

mandant; E. P. Lewis, lieut. ; Surg.-Lieut. G. R. St. ~fark's Church, :New Swindon, the Rev. the Hon.
Swinhoe, medical officer; G Co. Capt. F. W. Carlton,
commandant; W R. Russell, lieut.; Calor-Sergeant Maurice Jlohill George Pons-onby M. A. vicar; Rev.
Albert Osborne, drill instructor Cha.rles Rhooes· Go·t·t B.A. R·ev. the Hon. R·eginald
J-ohn Yarde-Bu.l·Ie·r B.A. Rev. Leonard William V. Un!i·on. Goodenough M.A. Rev. A1ex. George Gordon Ross B.A.

Board day, every 13Hte!l'na:te. woone·sday, a,t the Workhouse, & the Rev. Hyman Jonwthan Wert'heim B.A. curates;
8 & II a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily s'e·rvice, 8.30 a.m.
Stratton St. Margaret, at I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
The unrion comprises the futlowing parishes :-Bis'hop-
St. Saviour's, served from St. Mark's; 7·I5 & II a.m.
~o'I!Je, BlUI!JS'don St. .Andrew, Chsil:~e Ea;ton, Chtisled'On,
Draycott F1oliwtt, Hannington, HighwGvth, Hiillt•on & 6.30 p.m
Parva, Inglesham, Liddington, South Marston, Rod-
b<mrne Cheney, Stanton Fitz-Warren, Stratton St. St. J:ohn the Evange~tist, seTv:ed from St. Mark's; 7.30 &
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m

Margaret, Swindon, Wanborough & Wroughton. The St. Ba.rnabas, Gorse hill, Rev. Pihilip Maddocks B.A.•

population of the union in r8g1 was 47,3I0; area, B.D. vicar; 8 & 11 a. m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m

54,178 acres; rateable value in 1895, £232,140. St. Paul's Church, rd. Rev. Douglas· P. Ware,
OJeork to the Guardlianrs & As•sessment Oommrittee, J.ohn i\I.A. V'icar; Rev. ReginaJd Gordlon Willes Smea.ton
B.A. & Rev. Hugh Smith-Marriot•t B.A. curates; 8 &
Peter Kirby, 42 Oricklade sltl"eelt, Swirudon 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Tre<a1surer, Ly:tJte1ton Etil:y, Oounlty of Glouceslter Bank
Holy Rood (Catholic), Rev. James Lonergan, priest;massp
Limited, S wlind'On 8.30 a.m.; high mass, ri a.m.; rosary, respers, ser-
Relieving Offioe~s & C-ollecl<;>l'S to the Guardians, No. I
mon & benedlioti-on, 6.30 p.m.; mas·s, daily, 7.30 a.m
dlistr<iot, Henry TrenfieM, Hlighw{)II1th; No. 2 district,
Trinity Pre<s1bylter:ian Church of England, Dixon streetr
Paul. Morse, Liddingbon; N'O. 3 district, James Vowles,
Gilbe·rt's hild, Rev. William Michael Smith; II a.m.
ViCibo.r!ia SJtreet TIIO:rth, Swindon
& 6.30 p.m. wed. 7 p.m
Assi>~bant Relieving Officel'IS for V'ag:rontts, Superinten-

dent Rency Collffit, SWfi.rud'On & Se;vgt. Rlichard Evans,

Highworth Baptist Tabel'1llacl•e, Regent street·, Rev. Frederick Pugh;

Vaccrinati'On Officers, Henry Trenfi•eJd, Highworth dis- 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; mon. & wed. 7 p.m
trict; John Belcher, Swindon district
1\Ied:ical Offioers & Public Vaoecina.tlors, No. I dis•tric<t,, Go11se hill; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m .
Ba.pttist, Oamlbria., Rev. F. Puglh; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.;
John Rowwt, Hi·ghworth; No. 2 d~strict, John Oamp-
beN M~cleoan M.B., C.M. Swindl()n; No. 3 district, tue'S. 7 p.m

Charles Jlames Cre·s•sy, "\'Vmugb:ton; No. 4 district, Baptist (PaMticular), Providence rood; Io.3o a.m. & ().
David Muir, Sitro.tton St. Margaret p.m. ; wed. & thurs. 7 p.m

Superiwt•ende'IIIt R!e•gisltrrar, George M. BuMerworth, High Bla;pbiEtt (Pa.rt!icula.r), Rehoboth, Prospect hill; 10.30 a.m.

stre,eJt; depulty, Henry Bizley, 28 North s;i;Teet, Swind!()n & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m

R·egistmrs vf Bim'hs, Dealths & Marriages, Highworth Brethren Meeting Room (Pr{)lspe'Ct); 10.30 a.m. & 0.

.sub-dist.I'Iict, HeDTy Trenfield, Highworth; depUJty, p.m. ; tues. & wed. 7.30 p.m
Congregati-onal, Vic.toria s·tre~t. Rev. Winiam James
J'Ohn Trenfield, Highworith ; Swindon sub-diSJtrict, J1ohn
P. Ki.rby, 42 Cr~ck1ade srt:ree.t, Swindon•; deputy, Jame'S Andrew; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & wed. 7 p.m
Spille~r, Vicft()rtia s1cre·elt, Old SwindQn
W orkhous~e, &tmft,t'On St. ~fu.rgarert:, 2! miles from C-ongregational, Sandford street, Rev. John St>roud
Williams; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Swindon, a buildin'g of brick & stone, ereded in I847,

& will hold 460 inmates; Rev. Alexander N. Scott Primitive Methodist, Regent street, 10.301
1l Rev. John Ed.
M.A. chaplain; David M:uir, medical officer; John a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Primitive Methodist, Clifton street, Io.go Le ut y, Rev.
Frank Eilby, maSiter; Mrs. Emily Kilby, ma•tron 1'-.C h ri stopher
a.m & 6 p.m.; tues. 7.15 p.m
School Abtendance Oom'llllittee. Primitive Methodist, Prospect place, 10.30 I Stockdale & Rev
I Thomas Graha~
Olerk, J. P. Kirby, 42 Cricklade stre~t a. m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
A~tt~mdance Offict>rs, Henry Trenfield, Highwortth & Paul
Primitive Methodist, Gorse hill, 2.30 1
Morse, Liddington
p.m. & 6 p.m )

Salvr.~~tion .Army Barracks, Fl·eett street, New Swindon,

Rural District Council. Oapt. C. Bailey; 7 & II a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.; week

Meets at the Union at Stratton monthly. day1s, 8 p.m

Clerk, John P. Kirby, 42 CrickJade street, Swindon Wesleyan, Bath road, II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.l
Treasurer, Lyttelton Etty, Oounlty of Gloucester Hank ,mon. 8 P·~· ,; tues. 7 p.m
Limited, Swind'On I.Kev. John Hogg,

'"esleyan, Farmgdon s.treet, 10.30 a. m. Rev. John Ward,.

iMedical Officer of Health, Friend Edward Streeten & 6 p.m. ; tues. & fn. 7· p.m I R .Arth A
L.R.C.P.Edin. & L.M., D.P.H. 26 Hi~h street, Swindon "\Vesleyan, Princess st. 11 a. m. & 6 p.m / ev. nr •

District Survey1or, Charle•s Law Green C.E. '\Yroughton Wesleyan, Gorse hill, I0.30 a. m. & 6 p.rn ' SouthernsT& Rev.
Sanitary Inspectors, Charles Oole, Upper Stratton &
Wesleyan, William st. I0.3oa.m. &6. p.m Chas. A. Norman
C. L. Freen, Wroughton Wesleyan, Percy st. I0.30 a.m. & 6 p.m J


Evangelistic Mission Hall, Rollest<m street, Mr. William SwindDn .Advertiser, IO Viororia street, M{)rris Bros.

Brown; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m. printers & proprietors; published satuTday. Soo advert


The Swindon & North Wlilts Technical Schools Com- Locomotive & Carriage Department.
mittee are about to erect a bilock of buildings on a
site presented by Major Rolleston, in the Victoria road, Chief engineer & superintendent for the whole of the
Great Western system, William Dean; principal as-
at a OOSit of £ ro,ooo, of which £3,000 has been V'oted sistant engineer, Thomas Simpson ; chief clerk, &
by the WJ11Js Oity Oouncil, £ r,ooo by the Science & accountant, Henry J. Birch

Art Department, S~:>uth Kensington, & tihe remainder Locomotive Department.
to be raised by the Local Board ; the committee is
comprised of 18 members, six contributed by the New Manager of the works, S. Carlton ; assistant managero.
& two by the Old Swindon urban councils, four by the Douglas Earle Marsh; rolling mill manager, Wm. Ellis
sch{)ol board & six from the Mechanics' Instittutioo
A Sc;hool Board of 9 membell's was fmmed for Swind'on As·Stistan.t Mmrua.gel"ls, Oar & Wagon Depa;rl:iment, L. R.
NoV'ember 10, 1877; Herury Kinne!ir, clerk to the 'I!homarS, G. J. Churohward & T. 0. Hogarth
board ; John Oonduot, 40 Prospect place & Ge{)rge H.
P'()nter, arM·em}ance officerrs ; office·s, Publ.ic buildings, Stores Department. Bonner;
Regent circurs Stores superintendent, W. H. Stainer

The following soho(}ls haV'e been built by the Swindon Traffic Department.
School Board:- Station master & superintendent, '\-'Villiam

goods manager, Charles Ilsley

Board Schools.
Sandford S'treet (boys), bui~rt at a oostt of £6,xso, & MIDLAND & SOUTH WESTERN JUNCTION RAILWAY

<JPened in April, r88I, f& 794 boyrs; average attend- Consulting engineer, James Rew Shopland; station mas-·

ance, Boo ; J (}hn Williams, head IDJaJsltrer ter, John Manning; secretary & general manager~

Queen's Town (infants), built at a cost of £I,89o, opened Samuel Fay ; aceounrtanrt:, Sidney HerbeTt Webtber;

in May, I88o, foil' 275 infanlt:s; average attendance, cashier, Ed'Wiard Thomas Lawrence
283 ; Miss M. K•en.t, head m~stress

Queen's TDwn (girls), adjoins th·e Qureen's Town Infant.s' CONVEYANCE.

School, built at a oost of about £2,300, & opened in Omnibuses to Railway station from Goddard Arms &
February, I885, for 265 girls; ave·rage at,tendance, Great W!llstern hot·els to meet the pmncipoo troins

about 233; Miss D. James, head mislt·ress

Gil:bert's HiR (girls & infaruts), buil.rt at a cost of £2,250, CARRIERS.
& openred in August, I88o, Jior I83 gid·s & 280 infant·s;
Aldbourne-Lambden, 'Mason's Arms,' mon. wed. &.
average amtendance, ab()ut I90 girl:s & 217 infants ;
sat. ; Smith, 'Bell hotel,' mon
Miss C. Bramwell, head misrtre•S'S Ashbury & Bishopstone-Stratford, 'Mason's Arms,!
Westcotrt Sc'hoal (infarutrs), built art a. cost of £2,570, &
mon. & fri
Dpened in April, I88r, ror 286 infunts; average at- Avebury, Broad! Hinton & Wroughton-Jerome & Nas~

tendance, 284; Miss M. Dairie, head mistre•ss
Clift•on Streert, of three depal"tmen:t•s, built at a cost of ' Ma.son's Arms,' mon
a.bout £5,5oo, & opened in JanUJary, I885, for 284 Broad Hinton, Broad Town & '\Vroughton-Nash, 'Mason's
boys, 205 girls & 200 infants; average attendance, 28o Arms,' mon

•boyiS, I8o girls. & 30I infanltos; G. Walt·ers, head Berwick Bassett, Monkton, Beckhampton, Kennett, Over-

master; Mrs. Le Manquais, head mistres•s ton, Lockeridge, Fyfield, Manton & Winterbourne

Letihbridge Rood (m~~ed), bunt in r89I, at a cost of Bassett-Nash, 'Mason's Arms,' mon

£5 ,ooo, f,or 268 chil.dren; avenage a~ttendance, 224 ; Bishopstone-Stratford & Taylor, 'Mason's Arms,' mon..
F. King, m~:~:ster; infanltrs' 342; average attendance, & .fri. ; Mazey, mon. & fri

233; MiS>s S. Ranee, misrtll'e•ss Chisledon-Cripps & Bush, 'Mason's Arms,' mon. wed.

Ooll.rege· Streert:, for 408 girl& & 404 infan1tos; average at- & fri

tendance, abouJt 380 girls & 400 infant'S; Mis·S J. Cliffe Pypard-Thomas Gale, 'Crown,' mon. & fri

Be·van, head mli·stT'ess Fairford, Kempsford, Stanton & Hannington-Stroud,

GoDse llill (boys, girils & infants), under S.t;rat·ton St. 'King's Arms,' wed. & sat

:Margaret, but about to be tran•s·ferred to Swindon Haydlon Wick-Reuben Hiettt, ' Crown,' mon

Sohool Board, built for 340 boys, 340 girls & 480 in- Highworth & Lechlade-Bizley, 'Mason's Arms,' thurs..

fia,nrts; averag·e att•endance, 259 hoyiS, 207 girls & 247 & sat & Reuben Hiett, ' Crown,' mon

infants; J. Sooftiord, ma,ste·rr, Miss A. Evans, girls' Kempsford-Bullock, sat. & Stroud, wed. from 'King's

mistresrs ; Miss E. Jar'Vtis, infants' mlisttress Arms'

Ev•en Swindon, Rod•bourne lane (mixed), builtt for 3IO Liddington-Fowler, 'Bell & Shoulder of Mutton,' tues.
cliildren; enlarged in I894 for 2Io additional scholar~>; & friday
average attendance, 317; John Henry Day, master
Longcott & Shrivenham-Thatcher, 'Crown,' mon
Even Swindon (infants), for 200; to be enlarged to ac- Lyneham-Franklin, 'King's Arms,' thurs. & sat. ; Simp-
commodate 303; average attendance, 204; Miss, Clara kins, fri
Ellison, miSitres•s
1\<fonkton-George Nash, 'Mason's Arms,' mon
Parochial (boys & girls), King William street, built in Purton-Selby, wed. & Turner, thurs. 'Mason's Arms ~
I87I, .for 380 boyrs, 229 gir1s & I82 infan•ts; avera·ge Ramsbury-Fox, jun. 'Bell & Shoulder of Mutton,' fri. ;
e.ttendunoe, 300 boys, 210 girLs & ISO infants; sup-
& Talmage, mon
ported in pant by endowment; Art'hur Stote, mas-ter; Wanborough-Stratford, 'Mason's Arms,' mon. & fri. &

:Miss K!llte Gay, girls' mistress; Misrs ~ile, infanJts' Johnson, mon. wed. & fri.; Fowler, 'Bell & Shoulder
rnri·stre·ss of Mutton,' mon. tues. & fri
Ca.tholic (mjxed), Regent street, buiLt in I86o, & opened Wootton Bassett-Franklin, 'King's Arms,' thurs. &
sat. ; & Simkins, fri
I875, for I6o children; av.erage attendance, I40; Miss 1Vroughton--Jerrome, ~Mason's Arms,' m on. Cook~

J ane Loverick, mistrersrs

NEWSPAPERS. Great Western Railway station, four times daily
Great Western Railway Goods Delivery - R. T. Smith.

North Wilts Herald, Ilatlh road, Henry D. Piper, pro- & Co. agents
prietor & publ!isihe~r; published weekly on friday. Sutton & Co.-Thomas Ann


PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Balcomb George A. 5 Brunswick ter Bizley :Mrs. 48 Belle Vue road

.Adams Frederick Washington, Oxford Banbrook John, I Springfield road Boniface Mrs. Tewin house,Victoria st

house, The Sands Barker Charles, IO South street Bowley Chas.Large,King's hl. TheSands

Adams Wm. Wroxham, Springfield rd Barns Amos, Wood street Bowly Robt. Brewin, 14 High street

.Adye Arthur, Prospect Barns Willia.m Amos, Broom manor Bromley Wm.Edkins,Northgt.TheSnds-

AfHeck Robert, 4I Prospect p~ace Ba.teman Geo.4Gloucester vils.Bath rd Brown Fredk. Jn. Thurlow, Bath road

.Ainsworth Wm. Jn. 2 Brunswick ter Belcher William, I9 Prospect place Byrch Thomas, High street

Amsden Benjamin, I Devonshire villas, Bend Richard, 2I Lansdown road Callway Wm.Hy. I Glo'str vls. Bath rd

The Sands Bendrey Ernest,Myrtle villa,Devizes rd Chandler Frank, 35 Wood street

Andrew Rev.Wm.Jas.(Cong.),12Bth.rd Birch Henry James, 42 Belle Vue road Chandler John Heystrop, I St.rathearne

Andrews Rabert, 23 Belle Vue road Bishop Charles, 4 Brunswick tell'l'aCe villas, Devizes road


Clark Mrs. Yucca villa, The Sands Hogg Rev. Jn.(Wesleyan),39 Bath rd Randell Sl.Cornish,.Arno ho.The Sands

Collett Mrs. 14 Devizes road Hope Jesse, r2 Marlborough road Read William Henry, ro Bath road

Cox James, 14 Bath road Hopkins William, Belle Vue road Reason Waiter F. 34 .Avenue road

Culley Joseph, 41 Prospect place Hunter Wm. Wallace, 3 Lansdown rd Reeves Mrs. 6r Avenue road

Cullingford Fredk. Thomas Mallory, Ing Edwin, Soutih view, The Sands Reynolds Herberb William, 2 Dor·

r8 Victoria street Jones Edwardl Tudor, Brynterion, chester villas, Bath road

Dacres-Peterson Capt. Charles, St. Springfield. road Reynolds Misses, 35 Bath road

O;;yth, The Sands Ing EdwinRobt. Walton ho. The Sands Reynolds Wi11iam, The Square

Dale Benjamin Hague, Victoria street Jones William, Hythe road Riley Mis•s, Devizes road

D'Arcy "\Villiam James, Buchanan,Nor- Keylock Mrs. 4 Lansdown road Rudman Frederick, 20 Prospect place

man house, Springfield road Kinnear Henry Geo. Lethbridge road Sainsbury ~rs. Alma ho.Belle Vue rd

Deacon Arth.2 Alexandra viis. TheSnds Kinneir Henry, Redville Sammes Edward Henry, Wycliffe ho.

Deacon Arthur William, The Sands Kinneir w-aiter Henry, The Hermitage Devizes road

Deacon Mrs. 33 Bath road Kirby John Peter, 41 Belle Vue road Sewell Mrs. 2 Lansdown road

Deacon Thomas Hooper, Newport st Lansdown Thos. Smith, Bath road Shepherd Henry C. Cricklade street

Difford George, r Lansdown road . La.very Chas.MLB.,O.M.Concrete house Sheward David, Hythe road

Dixon Percy,2Devonshire vls. The Snds Liddiard Mrs. John. 16 Devizes road Shopland Jas. rClyde viis. Theo Sands

Docwra Mrs. rDorchstr.vils.Bath road Liddington John, 5 Lansdown road Skurray ·Ernest Clement, Bella Vista,

Dodd Misses, The Sands Limmex Samuel Joseph, Longton ho. The Sands

Drew William, 22 Victoria street. Devizes road Smith Rev. Wm. Michael (Presby-

Dry ~irs. Cotham house, Devizes road Macd'Onald Co:i:n, 71 Hythe road terian), Lindisfarne, The Sands

Eddington William Clarke, Osborne Maclean Jn. Campbell M.B.Swindon ho Smith Enoch, II Easkott road

house, The Sands Marsh ·Edward Cecil, 39 Belle Vue rd Smith Jn. King, St,an1ey ho.Devizes rd

Ellacott James, F. 28 King William st :Martin Commander William Lynd Smith Saml. Summerville, The Sands

Elliott George, Springfield road R.N. Park ho. Marlborough road Smith Wm. Hodges, 22 Lansdown rd

Elsdon James, 35 Prospect place Matthews John Arthur Young, Hay- Snell Samuel, The Sands

Etty Lytelton, High street don house, The Sands Spearing Wm.3 Brunswick ter.Bath rd

Evenden :Y.Iiss, 31 Bath road ~ills Timothy Job, Clarence house, Stanier Wm. Hy. Oakfield ho. TheSnds

Fisher John, 24 Victoria street Devizes road Stockdale Rev. Christopher (Primitive

Foote Mrs. SL Osyth, The Sands Moore John Kerruish, Providence Methodist), 5 King William street

Foreacre Alfred, 20 Lansdown road villa, Devizes road Stote Arthur, The Sands·
Foreman Robert Stannard, 41 Bath t·d ~iorris William Edwin, 13 Devizes rd Sttrange Miss, Springfield villa

Foss Frank, 13 Newport street Morse Levi Lapper J.P. Granville, Streeten Friend Edward, 26 High st

Franklin Mrs. 14 Springfield road' Bath road Sykes Mrs. 26 Victoria street

Furner James Kemp, 2 Wood street ~orse Mark, Belle Vue road Tatnall Thomas, 34 Prospect place
Gardner John, 2 Strathearne villas, New ~rs. 12 Springfield road
Teall Mrs. 22 Prospect place

Devizes road Noble Augustus, Truro cot.Avenue rd Toomer John Geo. Fair view, Bath rd

Gaskell James, 2 Clyde viis. The Sands Oliver Samuel, 39 Avenue road Toomer Mrs. Apsley house, Bath rd

Gilbert Wm. Ingleside, Devizes road Ormond1 Wm. The Limes, Devizes rd Turner Thos. Grove house, Drove rd

Gilmore Miss, 3 Newport street Palmer John, 21 Devizes road Ward Rev. Jn.(Wesleyan),Newport st

Goddardl Rev. Charles Fredk.(curate- Parfitt Edwin, 88 Avenue road Waterson James, II Springfield road

in-charge, Christchurch), The Parsloe Edwin, 45 Belle Vue road Wearing Wm. Brewer, 3 Gloucester

Presbytery, Union street Parson Charles, II Prospect place villas, Bath road

Goddard. Ambrose Lethbridge M.A., Payne Henry B. 87 Avenue road Webb George, Belle Vue road'

D.L., J.P. The Lawn Petty Mrs. 21 Prospect place Webb James Geo. 44 Eelle Vue road!

Goddard' FitzroyPleydell J.P. The Lawn Phillips Edwin, ~aitland cot.Hythe rd Webber Sidney Herbert, 41 Avenue rd

Godwin Jn. Herbt. Fairfield,TheSands Piper Henry D. 19 Bath road Wheeler Mi;;s, 5 Gloucester vls.Bath rd

Godwin Wm.Arth.Claris ho.Devizes rd Piper Mrs. 19 Bath road Wick George, 7 Leth'bridge road

Godwin Mrs. 37 Bath road Plummer AJifd. Sanford ho.Sprngfld.rd Williams Ro·bert, 43 Avenue road

Griggs Wm. Hammond, Providence Pocock Alberr, 33 Avenue road Wiltshire Geoorge, Bath road

villa, Devizes road Pritchett Ellis Herbert, St. Hilaire, Wiltshire Simeon,Sandwn.vl. TheSands

Hall Wm. Longford vil. The Sands The Sands Woodham Henry, 28 King William st

Hartley William, 8 Eastcott road Price Mrs. Providence cot. South st Woodward Waiter, 13 Springfield road

Hilder Waiter Wm. 36 Prospect place Pugh George, 22 Marlborough road

COMMERCIAL. Bizley Henry, deputy supt. registrar, 28 North street

Adams Waiter, shopkeeper, ro North street Bizley Mary Ann (Mrs·. ), beer retailer, 41 Cricklade st

Affleck William, engineer &c. Prospect works Bizley William, wheelwright, 2 Albert street

Ainsworth "\Villiam John, manag-er to the Wilts & Berks Bond Alfred Ernest, jeweller, 3 Wood street

Canal Co. 2 Brunswick terrace Bond John, butcher, 2r Victoria street

Akerma.n William Henry, grocer & agent for W. & A. Bond Sarah (Mrs.), White Hart P.H. 38 Newport street

Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, Market place Bowly R. B. & 0. L. brewers, & wine & spirit mer-

Amsden Benj. surveyor of taxes; office, The Sands chants, 10 & 12 High street

Angel John, bill poster, r6 Springfield road Bradford & Butterworth, soLicitors, 6 High street

Archer Joseph, chimney sweeper, 7 Bellevue road Bristow Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, 28 Devizes road

Assembly Rooms, Goddard Arms hotel, High street Brooks Edda. (Miss), dress maker, 12 Prospect place

Astill Robert, commercial & law prinrter & bookbinder, Brown & Plummer, importers of foreign wines &

Victoria street & r & 2 Bath road spirits, agents for Bass's ale & Guinness's porter,

Avenell Frances Mary (Miss), collector to Old Swindon Market place;· bonded stores, 42 Cricklade street

urban distr.ict council & house agent, Stuart house, Brown William, boot maker, Devizes road

Avenue road Burge Sidney Allan, saddler, 8 Wood street

.Ayliffe Jessieo (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Bath buildings, Bush Frederlck, Mason's Arms hotel; good stabling

Devizes road accommodation; posting in all its branches; tents

Bailey Thomas, baker, 27 Victoria street let on hire; High street

Baker Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Granville ter- Butler Francis Char1es, tea agent, 22 Victoria street &

race, The Quarries 22 Bellevue road

Ea1rt>r James, draper, 1 Cricklade street Butterworth George Montague (firm, Bradford & But-

Balch 1Vil1iam, farmer, Westlecott farm terworth), s-olicitor, commissioner for oaths, & clerk

Balcombe George A. supervisor of inland revenue, 5 t'o the magis.traotes· of Swindon division, superintendent

Brunswick terrace, Bath road registrar, clerk to commissioners of taxes, hon. sec.

Barnes William Arthur, baker, Devizes road Swindon ohamber of agriculture, s'eC. to Highworth &

Barns Amos, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, deputy Sw.indon technical education commission, 6 High st

('Droner for North Wilts & agent for the North British Byrcru Thomas, manager of th~ Capital & Counties Ba:q.k

Mercantile Fire & Life & Employers' Liability, Wood st Limited, High street

Barrett Thomas, builder, II Newport street Cadbury Richard, jun. printer & lithographer, eee

Bays Edward, ironmonger, see Edwa.rds & Bays F--ddington & Cadbury

Beavis Rt. G.eo. basket ma. 3 Bath bldgs. Devizes road Callway William Hy. postmaster, Post office, Bath road

Bennett Henry William, beer retailer, 14 Cricklade street Ca.pital & CountiPs Bank Limited (Thomas Byrch. mana•

Benson Arthur Fairish L.D.S. dentist, r Brunswick ter ger), S High street; draw on head office, 39 Thread·

Betts Alexander Alfred, photographer, 59 Prospect place needle !!trePt, London E C

Eiddis Eliza (Mrs.), pork butcher, 29 High street C'!!.rpPnter Thomas William, boot maker, 63 Hythe road,
Bishop Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 16 Prospect place
I Cemetery (Hy. Fox Townsend & Hy.Kinneir, joint clerks)"


Chamber of Agriculture (William Chandler, esq. pres. ; Garrett WiHiam, blacksmith, Devizes road

George M. Butterworth, sec.), 6 High street Gaskell J ames A.Mus. T. C. L. professor of music, 2

Chandler Bros. linen drapers, 33 & 35 ·wood street Clyde villas, The Sands

C:ack Charles, boot maker, 67 Newport street Gilbert William & Son, cabinet makers, I & 3 Newport st

Clappen Willlam, juvenile outfitter & tailor; ready- Gilling & Wildern, milk sellers, Drove road

made clothing & boot wa-rehouse ; goods marked in Gillings Henry, milk seller, Drove road

plain figures; the lowest price for ready made without Goddard Arms Hotel, posting in all its branches

discount, 14 Wood street & 7 & 8 Cricklade street; & (Miss S. A. Mahew, manageress), High street

nt. Corner Shop, Fleet street & Bridge st. New Swindon Godwin Bros. brewers, Belmont brewery, Devizes road

Cleverley Fanny Jane (Mrs.), grocer, Prospect Godwin & Son, bakers, 6 Wood street

Colbourne Thomas, builder, contractor, timber mer- Godwin Charles David, King's Arms family & commer-

chant, br.ick & tile manufacturer & saw mill proprie- cial hotel & posting house, 20 Wood street

tor, Transfer wo.rks, Drove road Goldsmith John Wm. hair dresser & tobccnst. I Wood st

Co:e John, shopkeper, 66 Newport street Goodman Edward, insurance agent, 62 Victoria street

Coleman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress• maker, 6 Lansdowne rd Goodman Thomas Philip, plumber, I4 Newport street

Collett Henry. superintendent of police & inspector Gosling Jacob, shopkeeper, 9 Albert street

under the Food & Drugs & Contagious Diseases Gough Edward, dairyman, 29 Newport street

(Animals) Acts & assistant relieving officer for vag- Graham Lizzie (Miss•), registry off. for servants,Victoria st

:·ants, County Constabulary, Ea.stcott Greelll John & Co. chemists, I9 & 2I WQood street

Conduct Jahn, school attendance officer, 40 Prospect pl Green J oseph Henry, dyer, 20 Victoria street

Cook Henry, pastry cook & confectioner, I5 ·wood street Greenawa.y "\;Vm & Son, shoe manufrs. 23 & 25 Victoria st

Cooper John, marine· dealer & horse slaughterer, Habgood W.illiam Edward, fancy draper, 28 Wood street

I I Bellevue road Hacker .John, grocer, 3 Marlborough road

Corn Exchange (Richard Tarrant, sec.), Market square Haines Henry John. butcher, V Victoria street

Cottrell Frederjck, butcher, SI Hythe road Hallewell John Edwin, house decorator, 22 Newport st

County Court (Henry Kinneir, registrar & high bailiff); Halliday J oseph, house & esta.te agent, DevizeB' road

Pq.blic offices, Regent circus Harwood Annie (Mrs.), fruiterer, 6 Victoria street

County of Gloucester Bank Limited (branch) Harwood George Henry, wood carver. 6 Victoria street-

(Lyttelton Etty, manager), High street; draw on Hayter Louisa (Miss), day school, Bellevue road
London & ·wes•tminster Bank Lim. Lothbury,London EC Hazel! Robert, blacksmith, II Cricklade street
• Hemmins Henry, photographer, 16 Victoria street

Cowell Helen (Miss), ladies.' sch-ool, The Sands
Crjpps John, shopkeeper, s Albert street Higgins George, shoe maker, 47 Union street

Croad Edwin He.rbert, Railway hotel, Newport street Hiscocks Henry, farmer, Marsh farm

Crook William, shopkeeper, 8 King William street Holland John, drill instructor tO' the Prince of Wales'

Croom Ma.rtha Ann (Mrs.) & Sons, farmers, Walcott Own Royal Regiment of Yeomanry, 6I Prospect place

Cnllingford Frederick Thomas Mallory, surgeon-dentist, Holliday Joseph, tailor, I7 Prospect place

I8 Victoria street Hope William, boot maker, 30 Prospect place

Curtis Henry, shopkeeper, 57 Prospect Hopgood Martha (Mrs.), maker, IS North street

Curtis Jos.eph, shopkeeper, 3 CJricklade street· Horder Albert, linen draper, o High street

Ousack Michael, inland revenue officer, IS SpringfieldJ rd Horn Joseph, shopkeep-er, 47 Victoria street

J)a;e Benjamin Hague M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Eng. surgeon Hugman Anne (Mrs.), milliner, Springfield road

& physician, Victoria street . Humphreys John, hair dresser, 3 High street

Dawes Charles. chimney sweep, 26 Albert road Humphries Thomas, farmer, Okus field farm

Da.we.s Selina (Mrs·. ), wardrobe dealer, 20 Newport street Hunt Edward, commercial traveller, Easkott road

Dawes Thomas, chimney sweeper, 20 Newport street Hunter Thomas & Alexander, drapers, r7 Victoria street

Day Emny (Mrs.) retail-er, 63 Kewport stree<t Hutchings Tom, butcher, 4I Prospect place

Deacon Arthur Wm. corn &· seed mer. Market place Hutt Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 46 Prospect

Deacon Hubert John, watch maker, II & I3 Wood st Ing Edwin Robt. aerated water manufr. Lansdown road

Deacon Thomas Hooper, auctioneer, High street Jackson & Co. linen drapers, 34 High street

Dean William, parish clerk, I8 Springfield road James William D. band instructor. r Avenue road

Dodd A. (Miss), ladies' school, The Sands .Tefferies Henry, stonemason, ?.7 VictO'ria street

Dore & Radway, auctioneers·, 28 High street Jefferies John, auctioneer, 9 Marlborough road
Dare, Fielder & 1\bskelyne, auctioneers, I6 High street Jenner John Bridges, dairyman, so Prospect place

Drew William .M.S.A. architect, surveyor & land agent, Jenner Robert B. dairyman, Prospect hill

22 Victoria street Jones Edward Tudor, solicitor, see Townsend & Jones

Durnford Emma (Mrs.), boob & shoe dl"r. 44 Victoria. st Kent Henry, tinplate worker, gasfi.tter & bellhanger,

East Leaze Dairy (Arthur Balch, proprietor), Cricklade electrician, hot water, telephones & electric bells fixed,

street & Prospect Victoria stree-t

Eatwell Joseph, blacksmith, I2 Newport street Kent James, cabinet maker, 8 & q Cricklade street

Eddlngton &. Cadbury, printers, bookbinders & Kent John, boot maker, 32 Cricklade street

lithogrn.phers-, Victoria. press Kent Thomas, carpenter, 3'5 Union street

Eddington W.illiam Clarke, printer, see· Eddington & Keylock Edward John, butcher, I7 Wood street

Cadbury Kibblewhite Louisa Jane (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker,

Edmonds Jasper, farmer, Russia Platt farm 6o Victoria street

Edwa.rds, Bays & Rye, ironmongers, 22 Wood street King Bros. coach builder~, 30 Wood street

Ellett Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Broom King's Arma Ho'tel, family & commercial (Charles

Elliott -George Orum, hair dresser, 4 Bath road D~tvid Godwin, proprietor), 20 Wood street

Ellison Henry, cab proprietor. 19 Devizes road Kinnear Henry George, carpenter & builder, High street

Etty Lyttelton, manager of County of Gloucester Bank Kinneir & Tombs, soliritors, High street

& treas. to the Swindon O~d & New Urban District Kinneir Henry (firm, Kinneir & Tombs), solicitor, com-

Councils, to the Highworth & Swindon union & rural missioner to administer oaths in Supreme court & for

district council, r& to th.e Hligh.worth school boar~ taking acknowledgments of married women, registrar

High street of countv court, clerk to Swindon srhool board &

Evans Henry Daniel, corn & seed merchant, I6 High st Swindon New Town urban council, High street

Farmers' Meat Supply Association, 3 Victaria street Kinneir Walter Henry, solicitor, deputy clerk Swindon

Fay Samuel, secretary & general manager of Midland & New Town local board, deputv registrar county court,

South Western Junction railway; offices, Town station sec. to the Swindon & North Wi1ts technical education

Few Robert, poulterer, 24 Wood street committee (firm, Kinneir & Tombs), High street

Fieldel' Jn. Hy. auotioneer, -see Dore, Fielder & Mask~lyne Kirby John Peter, clerk to the guardians & school at·

Filtness & Co. ironmongers, 5 & 10 Newport stree11 tendance & assessment committees of Highworth

Fisht>r Wm. pianoforte & orga.n tuner, 31 Lansdown rd union, registrar of births, deaths & marriages Swindon

Foreman. Robert Stannard, solic.itor, 5 Bath road sub-district & clerk to the rural district council, 42.

Fortune Richard, plumber, 2.5 Devizes road Cricklade street

Foaa L. &. Son, hatters & gentlemen's outfitters, 18 Kirkpatrick John, baker, I Albert road

Wood street Lan!!down Thos. Smith, architect & surveyor, Bath rd

Foss Samuel Beart, coffee tavern, zb, Newport ~tJreet Large Frederick, reporter, Lethbridg-e road

Frampton Emma. & Ellen (Misses), milliners, 4 Victoria st Lavery Charles M. B.. C.M. ~urgeon, Concrete house

Freeth Alfred George, grocer. I & 3 Bath Toad LawrP.nce Edward M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 24

Furner Jas. Kemp, mgr. of Wilts & Dorset Bank, Wood st Marlboroneh road

f'rllle John James, music teacher, 46 Union stteet Lawrence Edward Thomas, cashier of the Midland &

Game Henry, peer retailer~ Albert road South Western Junction railway; offices, Town station


Lawrence Stephen, shoe maker, 33 Newport street Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry (Prince of Wales'

Lay Edwin John, watch maker, 17 Bath road Own Regiment) (B Squadron); Hon. Major Right Hon.

Lay Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, 27 Wood street Lord C. W. Brudenell-Bruce, commander; Hon. Major

Lay John, builder, 65 Hythe road Sir H. B. Meux bart. second in command; F. J. H.

Limmex Samuel Joseph, ironmonger, 2 High street Deacon, quartermaster; Squadron-Sergeant-Major

Lintern "\\'alter, shopkeeper, 82 Victoria street John Holland, drill instructor)

Maclean John Campbell M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon, Rye .Arthur Joseph, ironmonger, see Edwards, Bays&Rye
medical officer & public vaccinator No. 2 district, Savage Edward, coach builder, 38 Victoria street
Highworth & Swindon union, medical examiner re- Savage Sarah Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 38 Victoria street
cruits, insurance offices & medical officer to post office, Savings Bank (William Lynd Martin R.N. sec. ; open
Swindon house
every mon. from II.3o a.m. to I p.m.), Victoria street

Manning John, station master of Midland & South Sawyer Harry Palmer, joiner, 53 Victoria street
West-ern railway
Selby Wm. Henry builder, 3 Dammas lane, Market place

Maskelyne John, auctioneer, see Dore, Fielder&Maskelyne Selway John, nurseryman, The Sands

Ma~on P. H. & Co. grocers&provision merchnts. I7High st Shaw Thomas, beer retailer, 56 Newport street

Masonic Lodge (Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation No. Shawyer Jn. Jas. chemist, I2 Wood st. & New Swindon

355) (sec. E. H. Pritchett), Masonic hall, Victoria st Shepherd William 'Hy. sec. to Gas Co. 23 Lansdown rd

Matthews Charles, shopkeeper, 2 Devizes road Shopland Jas. Rew, consltng. engnr. to the Midland &

Matthewa John Arthur Young, auctioneer & South Western Junction railway; office, Town station

valuer, surveyor, house & estate agent, 46 Crick- Simmonds Henry, umbrella repairer, Cricklade street

Jade street Simpkins John, jobbing gardener, 34 Bellevue road

Matthews Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Bellevue road Skinner Daniel, wheelwright, I Devizes road

Mehew S. .A. (Miss), manageress to the Goddard .Arms Smart .Arthur William, baker, I3 Prospect place

hotel, I High street Smith Edgar, cabinet maker, 3 Union row

Midland & South Western Junction Railway Company Smith John King, butcher, I Bath road

(Samuel Fay, secretary & manag·er), Town station Smith Robert, The Castle P.H. 2r Prospect place

Millen Chas. blacksmith, 7I .Avenue road & Devizes road Smith William Charles, upholsterer, 5 Union street

Miller Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 North street Sniith William Eastcott, butcher & farmer, 4 High street

Missen Frederick, Bellevue tavern, Bellevue Smith William John, chemist, 22 High street

Monk Edward Pearce, confectioner, 38 High street Snell Samuel, high school for boys, The Willowi,

Moore J oseph, Crown inn, 2 Marlborough road The Sands

M·Jrris Brothers, printers & publishers of " Swindon Speck William, boot maker, I6 Cricklade street

.Advertiser," Victoria street. See advertisement Speering William, land agent & valuer, 13 Brunswick

Morris William & Henry, refreshment rooms,29a,Wood st terr:we, Bath road

Morris Edwin J ames, coal merchant, Devizes road Spiller James, deputy registrar of births, deaths & mar-

Morris William Edwin, surveyor & sanitary inspector to riages, Swindon sub-district, 37 Victoria street

Swindon urban district council, I3 Devizes road Spiller John, cabinet maker, 37 Victoria street

Mortimer Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Newport street Stamp Office (.Alfred L. Foss, distributor), 18 Wood at

Mugford Richard Lear, tailor, IS High street Stephens Henry, painter, r4 Union street

Mundy James John, brewers' agent, IO Eastcott road Strange Thomas, beer retailer, 30 North street

Murdock Stewart, tailor, 6o Prospect Streeten Friend Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. &

Nash Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, IO Wood street L.M., D.P.H., R.C.S.I. physician & surgeon, & medical

Nash Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Victoria street officer of health to Swindon Old Town & New Swindon

Nicholls Henry, farmer, Okus farm urban district councils, Highworth rural district coun-

Nichalson Waiter Lawson, Bell hotel, High street cil & Faringdon rural district council, 26 High street

Norris William Henry, saddler, I8 High street Stroud Timothy Pickett,carriage builder,Marlborough rd

North Wilts Herald (Hy. D. Piper, proprietor & pub- Surveyor of Taxes Offices (Benjamin Amsden, surveyor)p

lisher; published wkly. on fri. ; daily, !d.), Bath road The Sands

Offer Thomas, beer retailer, 26 Devizes road 1 Swindon Advertiser (Morris Brothers, printers & pub-

Ormond William, solicitor, perpetual commissioner & lishers;; published sat.), IO Victoria st. See advert

commissioner for affidavits, The Limes, Devizes road Swindon Bonded Stores & Public Offices (Brown & Plum-

Ousey E. R. bookseller, stationer, newsagent: artists' mer, proprietors), 42 Cricklade street

materials, a large selection of new studies on sale or Swindon Central Market Co, Lim. (Richard Tarrant,

hire, I6 Wood street sec.), Market square

Page Frederick William, hair dresser, 58 Prospect Swindon Gas & Coke ·Co. Lim. (Henry C. Shepherd,

Painter .Amelia (Mrs.), dress ma. 2 Glo'ster viis. Bath rd sec. & manager), Cricklade street
Swindon .High School for boys (head master, Samuel
Pakeman George & Son, tailors, 20 High street

Parker .Anne (Miss), dress maker, 2 South street Snell), The Sands

Parker John, carpenter, 2 South street Swindon Institute & Reading Room (Samuel Snell, hon.

Parson Ellen (Miss), milliner, Prospect place sec. ; W. Gardner, assistant sec.), 8 Victoria street

Passmore Richd. Keylock, house furnisher, 29 Wood st Swindon Key Stone Lodge of Mark Master Masons (sec.

Peacock Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 14 Victoria street E. H. Pritchett), Masonic hall, Victoria street

Pinniger Algernon L. farmer, Church farm Swindon & North Wilts Breweries Lim. (Daniel G. God-

Piper Henry D. proprietor & publisher of "North Wilts win, agent) (branch), I2 Victoria street

Herald," Bath road Swindon Permanent Benefit Building Society (William

Plummer Alfred, importer of foreign wines & spirits Hall, sec.), Longford villa, The Sands

(firm, Brown & Plummer), Market place Swindon Town Club (Eustace Booker, hon. sec.; Mrs.

Pouting Joseph, hay & straw dealer, 25 Prospect place Freeman, stewardess), Bath road

Powell Joseph, Shoulder of Mutton inn, Marlborough rd Swindon Town Working Men's Club (C. Stevens, sec.),

Prideaux, Booker, Frere & Co. chartered accountants, I High street

Victoria street Swindon Victoria Hospital (Thos. Roberts, sec. ; Miss

Priest Harry M. draper, High street Catherine .Ackerley, matron), The Sands

Pruce James, watch maker, 19 Victoria street Swindon Water Works Co. Lim. (William Henry Shep-

Purdue Edward John, shopkeeper, 33 Victoria street hard, sec.), The Sands

Radway James, auctioneer, see Dore & Radway Sykes Mary Hannah (Mrs.), ladies' school, 26 Victoria st

Rattenbury John, painter, Devizes road Tarrant James, saddler, 2 Cricklade street

Raven George, baker, 43 Victoria street north Tarrant Richard James, boot & shoe maker, 9 Wood st

Rawley Hy. Chas. hair drssr. & tobacconist, ra,Victoria st Telling Nehemiah, shopkeeper, Union street

Read Willlam 1Henry, M.S.A. architect & surveyor, Thomas Annie (Mrs.), temperance hotel, Bath road

Corn exchange Thomas James, stationer, 5 Bath road

Redman Fanny (Mrs.), milliner & dress ma.52Victoria st Thorne Henry, farmer, Walcott farm

Reeve Frank, caretaker to the Town gardens Tipper Francis Ernest, baker & beer retailer, 45 Vic-

Reeves William, basket maker, 49 Victoria street toria street north

Reeves William, chimney sweeper, King William street Tombs Henry Coggan, solicitor, commissioner to ad-

Reynolds & Co. boot & shoe & leggings manufacturers, minister oaths in Supreme court & for taking acknow-

Market square ledgments of married women & official receiver in

Reynolds William, currier, Market place bankruptcy (firm, Kinneir & Tombs), High street

Rigby Peter, beer retailer, 8 Union street Toomer John & Sons, coal, coke, straw & salt mer·

Riley Mary (Miss), ladies' school, 4 Strathearne villas, chants, Bath road

Devizes road Town Gardens (Frank Reeve, custodian), Springfield rd

Rosier Henrietta (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Prospect place Townsend & Jones, solicitors, 42 Cricklade atreet


Tran~er Thomas, Fountain inn, Devizes road Whitehead George, music warehouse, 9 Bath street
Trotman Matthew Hy. grngrocr. & poulterer, I8 North st
Tuck Edwin, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 44 Prospect Wight James A. Victoria tavern, 30 Victoria street
Turner Thomas, brick maker, Drove road
Upton James, fishmonger, I High street 'Wilkins John, beer retailer, 6 Albert street
Vale of White Horse Hunt (sec. Henry Fox Townsend), Wilkins Thos. baker, corn dealer & grocer, 28 Victoria st
Williams Joseph, builder, Devizes road
42 Cricklade street Williams Robert, commercial traveller, 43 Avenue road
Vitti Angelo, shopkeeper, 26 Albert road Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Lim. (James Kemp Furner,
Volunteer Battalion (2nd), Duke of Edinburgh's Wiltshire
manager), 6 ·wood street; draw on London & West-
Regiment (K Company, Amos Barnes, captain; E. H. minster Bank Lim. Lothbury, London E C
Pritchett, Iieut.); (M Company, J. Arkell, captain),
Wilts Chapter of Royal Arch Masons (No. 3SS, Scribe, E.
Corn Exchange
Vowles James, relieving officer No. 3 district, Highworth T. 0. Hogarth), Masonic hall

& Swindon unions, 35 Victoria street north Wiltshire County Cricket Club (George M. Butterworth,
'\Vade George, saddler & harness maker, 4 Devizes road sec.), High street
Wakefield Julia (Mrs.), dress maker, IS Prospect place
Waldron Edward, boot maker, 7 Prospect place Wiltshire County Football Association (George M. But-
Waiters lsabelle (Mrs.), stationer, fancy repository terworth, president), High street

& registry office for servants, IS Bath road Wiltshire Sack Hiring Co. Lim. (Edwin J. Morris,
Webb Frank, shopkeeper, 4S Prospect agent), Devizes road
Webber Sidney Herbert, accountant of the Midland &
Wiltshire George, builder & contractor, monumental
South Western Junction railway; offices, Town street
mason, sculptor &c. Bath road
Weston Thomas, shopkeeper, 7 Bath bldngs. Devizes road Woodham Henry, grocer, King 1-Villiam street
Young & Cosser, grocers, tea dealers, wine & spirit

smerchants, & agents for Bass & Co.'s Burton ales &

Guinness's stout in cask & bottle, & 7 Wood street


PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hill Charles, 32 Victoria road Rattray James C., M.B., C.~I.Edin.
Hill Henry, I9 Park lane Concrete house

Apted Frank, 23 Park lane Hillier John, I48 Clifton street Re-nshaw James L. 2 Gloucester ter
Baden Miss, 20 Sheppard street Riley Edwin Cobden, I Churcfi place
Hinton Frederick, s·8 Victoria road

Bailey James, Dixon street Hogarth Thomas, Regent circus Ross Rev. Alex. Geo. Gordon B.A.

Baiker Chas. Henry, 26 Victoria road Holden Elliott, 2I Park lane (curate of ·St. ~Iark's),26

Bays Edward, 44 Victoria. road Holiday Robt.Jas.Ashgrove vl.Dixon st Rymill :Mrs. 24 Wellington street

Beale Thomas, 9r Clifton streeb Hornsby Henry, II London street Sainsbury William Albert, Rose Mont

Belcher John, 3 Prospect hill Howell :Yirs. Cornwall villa, Dixon st villa, Dixon street

Bennett William, I Eastcott hill Howse Wm.L.R.C.P.Lond.8 London st Sewell William, 92 Clifton street

Beswick Robert James, 89 Clifton st Hunt Eli, The Ferns, Dixon street- Simpson Thomas, Clifton house

Bishop Geo.Thos.84 Commercial road Hunter John William, Dixon street Slatter Mrs. Io Sheppard street

Blunt William, I4 Park lane Hurt Charles, I Regent circus Smeaton Rev. Reginald Gordon Willes

Bonner William, Station villa Hyde Septimus, 99 Clifton street B.A. (curate of St. Paul's),St.Paul's

Boodle Alfred William, I Albion build- Ilsley Charles, 28 Victoria road Smith John James, 8 Princes street

ings, Bridge street Jefferies Thos. Bennett, 85 Victoria rd Smith-:Marriott Rev. Hugh B.A. (cur-

Bradley Fredk. Jn. The Ferns,Dixon st Jefford Jn. Fredk.Elm vl.Wellingtn. st ate of St. Paul's), St. Paul's

Brooks George, 22 Park lane Jones Edmund, 2I Wellington street Southerns Rev. Arthur Alfre-d (Wes-

Brown Henry, I2 Clifton street King Alfred Jas. Griffin, Ethandune, leyan), circus

Brunsden Mtrs. Gorse Hill house, Victoria road Southwell Mrs. 3 Station road

Cricklade road King Henry Charles, go Clifton street Spackman Arthur Edwin,3IVictoria rd

Burrows John, 2S Park lane Kinneir Henry Jame.s, 29 Victoria rd Sprittles George, 8 Sheppard street

Campbell Harry, Dixon street Large WiHiam James, I8 Park lane Stainer Henry Alfred, 4 London street

Carlton Samuel, Marlow house Lawson William Henry, I London st Stevenson Jas.FordyceO.E.g London st

Cave William, 25 Sheppard street Leighfield Thomas, I02 Clifton street Stone Samuel, 95 Clifton street

Chandler Thomas, 3 Park terrace Lenty Rev. John E. (Primitive ~Ietho- Swinhoe Geo. ~Ioney L.R.C.P.Lond.

Church William Francis, 3 New road dist), 2 Commercial road Park house

Clarke Wm.Oxford• ho. Victoria road Lonergan Rev. James (Catholic), 2 Swinhoe Geo.Rodway,23 Faringdon sb

Cook Hy. Ohas. 33 Victoria road Regent; circus Symes :Mrs. 7 Princes street

Cottell Arthur Wm. IOO Victoria road Ludgate Wm. Florence vil. Dover st Thompson Mrs. 96 Clifton street

Davis William, IS Park lane Me-Hardy Miss, 24 Sheppard street Thumwood Benj.Nicholls,34 Victoria rd

Day Harry, Ashford road Mackenzie Murdoch, 96 Commercial rd Treherne William, 87 Cllfton street

Dean William J.P. Newburn Maddocks Rev. Philip B.D. (vicar), Turner Mrs. ro4 Victoria road

Dowling James, II Victoria road St. Barnabas vicarage Wall Raymond, The Limes, Dixon st
sDrummond Robt. Athol villa, Dixon st :Marrillia·r Frank, Ioo Clifton street "Valters Arth. Piercefield, London st
~Iatthews Capt. James, 93 Clifton st Ware Rev. Douglas Powell M.A.
Durrant Charles, 27 Victoria road

Dyer Mrs. 28 Sheppard street Moore Alfred, 20 Park lane (vicar), St. Paul's vicarage

Elliott John, 103 Clifton street ~Iurgatroyd Joseph, I2 Sheppard st Watf's Mrs. 98 Olifton street

Ellis Ernest, 4 Church place ~oble Henry King, 48 Cheltenham st Webb Mrs. 46 Victoria road

Ellis William, The Woodlands Noble Mrs. 32 Wellington street Rev. Hyman Jonathan B.A.

Flew Robt. Authony, Ashford road Norman Rev. Charles A. (Wes:eyan), (curate of St. Mark's), College st

Gadd Richard, 2 Church place 28 Faringdon street Westcott John, I49 Clifton street

George Thomas, 24 Park lane Parker Geo. Dines, Sidmouth house Weston Henry, 99 Victoria road

Gerring Waiter Waite, 86 Clifton st Pattison Mrs. 7 Sheppard street Weston William, 33 Wellington street

Gilchrist Gordon Nicholas,6 London ;;t Pattison Richd.Belwood, 9 Sheppard st Weston William Francis, I3 Park lane

Gillingham Henry, 44 Commercial rd Pearce John, 105 Victoria road White Austin George, I ~Iilton street

Goodenough Rev. Leonard William Penstone Mrs. 2 Park terrace Williams Rev. Jolhn Stroud (Congre-

Victor M.A. (curate of St. Marks), Piggott Thomas, 7 Park lane gational), 30 Victoria road

26 Faringdon street Ponsonby The Rev. The Hon. Maurice Williams Arthur, g6 Victoria road

Gott Rev. Chas. Rhodes B.A. (curate John George M.A. (vicar & hon. Williams William Henry, 5 Church pl

of St. Mark's), I2 Park lane canon of Gloucester & rural dean of "Villis Ge-orge, 26 Park lane

Goudge Joseph, 3 Church place Cricklade), St. Mark's vicarage Withy Alfred Ernest, Regent circus

Grey William, 4 Park terrace Prater Mrs. 47 Cheltenham street Witt J ames, I6 Park lane

Griffin Philip Jas. 46 Commercial rd Pressey George, 94 Clifton street Wykeham-:Martin William, 37 Corn-

Ramp Hy. Jsph. Ivy bank,Victoria rd Pugh Rev. Fdk. (Baptist), 97 Clifton st mercial road

.Harris Frank William, 6 Church place Pugh Edwin L. 4 Exmouth terrace, Yarde-Buller Rev. The Hon. Regina:d

Hawksworth William, 6 East street Exmouth street Jn. B.A. (curate of St. Mark's),

.Heal Simeon, 7 London street Read William, 23 Sheppard street 2I Sheppard street

COMMERCIAL. Richard William, Falcon inn, 40 W estcott place
Allway Harry, refreshment house, I8 Fle-et street
Ackling Renry, grocer, 62 Fleet streeJt Msworthy William, oooper, 30 Oriel street Frederick Washingt<>n & Oharles Ambrose, pawn- John, wardrobe dlr. 244 Cricklade rd. Gorse hi
Anglo-Bavarian Brewe-ry Co. Lim. (agent John Hawkins),
brokers, S & 47 Fleet street
Adams Alfred, boot maker, a large & well assorted branch, 30 Regent circus
Ann Thomas William, agent for Sutton's parcel convey-
stock, IO Fleet street; & at Wroughton
Adams 1-Valter, baker, Io Nort.h stree<t ance, 143 Princes street
Aldridge Augusta (Miss), dress ma. 23 Commercial rd


Archer Joseph, fish dealer, 17 Regent street soCannell Frank, greengrocer, Cheltenham street

Archer Sidney, fishmonger, 46a, Fleet street Capital & Counties Bank Limited (sub-branch) (Edwin

Attewell Homer May, grocer, I Park lane Ing, manager), Fleet street; draw on head office, 39

Auction Rooms (proprieto·rs, Bislhop & Pritchett), Regeu! Threadneedle street, London E C
Carlio John, hair dresser, 9a, Westcott place

Ilaghurst Charles, shopkeeper, I78 Rodbourne road Carlton Samuel, manager of Great Western Railway

Bailey Edwin, butcher, I Wedgbury road works, Marlow house

Bailey Jonathan, pork butcher, 22 Haydon ~treet Carpenter Edward, butcher, 43 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

:Baker Charles, general dealer, I3 King street Carriage & Waggon Department, Great Western Railway

Baker Thomas John, joiner, Sandford stveet (L. R. Thomas, G. J. Churchward! & T. 0. Hogarth,

Ball George, provision dealer, Station road assistant managers)

Barker Charles Hall, Golden Lion P.H. 43 Bridge street Catchmie Thomas, beer retailer, 1 Merton street

Barker & Co. mineral water manufactur,ers. College st Cave Thomas, picture frame maker, 4 Commercial road

Barnard John Samson, pawnbroker, l9 Reg·ent street Central Club (George Farr, sec.), Market street

Brurrett William, confectioner, see Tomkins & Earrett Chambers William, builder & contractor, I Ashford road

Earotlett & Saunders, s·tone masons, 84 Victoria road Chandler Brothers, linen drapers (branch), 49 Bridge st

Eateman Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 1 Market street Chandler Henry, bottled be·er stores, 40 Regent street

Eatlt William, clothier, 29 Eridge s·treet Chandler "\.Yilliam, greengrocer, I2 Dover street

Beaconsfield Conservative Club (W. J. Dakin, sec.), Chapman Thomas & William, butchers, 75 Regent street

Princes street Chappell & QQ. bicycle manufacturers, 6 Fleet street

Beard Eliza Matilda (Mrs.), greengro. 66 Commercial rd Ohappell Samuel, boot maker, 26 Bridge street

Beard Geo. Hy. house decorat()r, 66 Commercial road Chatwin Charles, watdh maker, 52 Regent street

Beckett John, shopkeeper, 27 Haydon street Chick William James, chimney sweeper, 23 Canal side

BelcheT Edmund, shopkeepeT, 79 Medgbury road Child William, saddler, I John street

Bell Alfred John, boot maker, 12 Regent circus Childs Joseph Thomas, hair dresse•r, 43 Faringd'On street

Eendy Harry Thomas, oilman, 32 Regent street Chilton William, insurance agent, 71 Clifton street

Bennet.t Henry, grocer, I29 Princ61s· stree•t Church William Fras. commercial trav. 3 Milton road

Bennett Henry William, builder, 72 Eridge street Clack Ashley, s'hopkeeper, 2I Oriel street

Eennffi-t Kate (Miss), shopkeeper, 7 Victoria road Clack Charles, shopkeeper, 94 Bright street, Gorse hill

Bevtish Mayer, jeweller & furniture dealer, 27 Bridge Clappen William, tailor, clothier & general outfitter,

,street & 33 & 34 Regent Sltreet ready-made clothing & boot warehouse, Corner shop,

Ilessant Mark, The Running Horse P.H. Laddsmill F1eet street & Bridge street; & at Swindon

Beswick Robert James, architect & surveyor, Fleet stree<t Clark Agnes (Miss), dress makel'l, 2 Commercial road

Bevan Thirza (Mrs.), dress maker, Exeter street Ciark Ann (MTs. ), shopkeeper, n6 Princess street

Bevan Wm. Hy. greengrocer, 52 Cricklade rd. Gorse hl Clark John, agent for Wilts & Western Benefit Building

Billett Josiah Saml. hatter & hosier, 2I FaringdQn st .Society, 62 Princess street

Billips Percy Charles L.R.C.P.Lond. surgn. 24 London st Clarke R. & Co. wholesale clothiers, depot, Station road

Bindon Harry, ea;ting house, 69 Commercial road Clarke James, china & glass warehouse, 3I Regent circus

Birch Alfred James, librarian of Moohanics' Institute, Clarke William, incorporated accountant & house &;

Daisy villa, Wellington stre·et esta-te agent, Oxford house, Victoria road

Birch Henry James, accountant of the Great Western Claughan Daniel, beer r61tailer, so Ilridge street

Tailway carriage department, Grea;t Western rly. wrks Claughan 'rhomas, beer retailer, 25 Regent street

Bishop & Pritchett F.S.I. auctioneers, archi- Coker William, shopkeeper, 38 Clifton street

tects, surv·eyoiJs, valuers and estate agents; a~ents Cole & Lewis, pork butchers, I8 Bridge street

& surveyors to the Rolleston Estate; & agents for the Cole Samuel Barrett, tailor, clothier, hatter & hosier,

Royal Insurance Oo. Regent circus 5 & 6 Regent street

Bishop John, shopkeepeT, 62 Mill street Colmnan Richard, grocer, 26 Regent street

Bishop Riohard, shopkeeper, 22 Crom.well street Coleman Selina Jane (Mrs.), milliner, 35 Regent street

Blackford William Robert, butcher, 37 Birch Sltreet Collard Frederick, tailor, see Harrison & Collard

Blackstock Williarn, clothier, 54 Fleet s•treet Collier Samuel, watCJh maker, 25 Commercial road

Blake Edwin, chimney sweep & furnitur.e remover, rro Compton John & Son, clothing contractors, Sheppard st

Commercial road Cook Henry Charles, house, sign & ornamental painter.

Blake William Geo. shopkeeper, 100 Commercial road plumber, glazier, paperhngr. &c. I3 & I4 Gloucester st
Blaxland Fred, drapery, millinery & carpet warehouse, Cook Rachel (Mrs.), baker & confectioner, 73 Re-

53 & 54 Bridge s•treet gent street
Bond Alfred Ernest, watch maker, I8 Regent street
Cooper Thomas-, shopkeeper, 46 Prospect hill

Banner W. statn. master & supt. of the Gt. Western rly Cope David, milk seller, King's hill

Boodl.e Alfred William, solicitorr & commissioner to ad- Coipe Joseph, butcher, .Mbion house, Cambria Bridge rd
minis•ter oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature, Cotterell Brot!hers, watch makers, 70 Regent street
secretary to the Swindon & District Licensed Victual- C<mnty of Gloucester Eank Limited (brancfu) (Lyttelton
lers Association, & practitioner in the county & magis- Etty, manag·er), Fleet street; draw on London &

trates' courts·, Albion buildingS', Bridge street Westminster Bank Limited, London

Bosley George, linen di'aper, 55 FlGet street County Police Station (Henry Collett, supt. ; Henry

Bowker Arthur, Duke of Edinburgh P.H. 79 Cric'klade Walter Garrett, resident S·el'geant in charge), Station rd

road, Gorse hill Cove Robert, beer retailer, I6 Harding street

Bradbury Joseph, boot & shoe dealer, 42 Bridge street Oowlishaw Gertrude (Miss), stationer, 22 Wellington st

Brain Albert, insuranoo agent, 99 Commercial road Cox Frederick George, butcher, I42 Rodbourne road

Ilrain Thomas, umbrella manufacturer, IS Regent circus Cox George, news agent, 37 Cricklade road, Gorse hill

Bricknell Sampson King, horse slaughterer, I88 Crick- Cox Henry, dairyman, 30 Crombey street

lade road, Gorse hill Cox John George, tailor, 57 Regent street

Bris-tow Frank, m®rket toll collector, Curtis street Crane James, eating house, 5 High street

Bristow Sophie (Mrs.), news agent & tobacconist, 67 Creese & Oo. drapeiJs, 19 Faringdon street

Commercial road Crook Alice Carlton (Mrs.), beer retailer, I2 Queen st

British Colonial Meat Co. 23 Bridge street Crook Frederick, plumber, 21 Cromwell street

Bromley William Edkins, ironmonger, 40 Bridge street Crook William, mineral water manufacturer, Swindon rd

Brooks Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), dress maker & tailoress, 25 Cullimme William, eating house, 84 Regent street

Oxford terrace Cumley Caleb, shopkeeper, J·ennings street

Brown Alfred, beer retailer, 6 Sheppard street Curthoys Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, IO Queen's rd

Brown James, furniture dealer, 9 & IO Station road Dack Frederick William, Grapes P.H. I Cambria place

Brown Robt. Monteith, trav. draper, Glenlee, Eastcott hl Dairy Butter Co. (The), bronch, 48a, Ilridge street

Brown William, shopkeeper, 17 Fleffi- street Daniel's Drug Stores, 36 Regent street

Brown William, shopkeeper, 143 Rodoourne road Daniel Silas, photographic chemist, 36 Regent. lltreet

Brunsden George (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Stafford street Darby William Charles, butcher, 4 Cambria Bridge road

Bryant William, boot maker, 24 Westcott place Davis Phillis (Mrs.), baker, x8 I Rodbourne road

Buckelder Albert Charles, Okus dairy, I Radnor street Davis Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Westcott place

Budgett Farnham, tea dealer, 14 Fleet street Dawson Wllliam Squire, linen & WQollen draper, 3

Bungay Sophie (Mrs.), milk seller, 2I John street Temple street

Burge Thomas, shopkeeper, 6 Rolleston street Day Job, builder, I North street

Butcher Francis, shopkeeper, 62 Stafford street Deacon J()seph, shopkeeper, ro Albion street

Butler George, beer retailer, 27 Eas.tcott hill Dean William, chief engineer & snpt. of the locomotive

Ilutton James, ooal dealer, 44 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill & carriage depa.rtrnent of the whole of the Great

Cambridge Benjamin, mason, 196 .CrickJ.ade rd. Gorse hl Western railway system


Deavin Walt~r .Tones, insurance agent. Park lane Gray .Tames, beer ret'a.iler & shopkeeper, Oarfax street

Deem Thomas, shopkeeper, 35 Princes street Great Western Coffee Tavern Co. Limited (Thomas

Derby William, tailor, 3 Regent circus Blatchley, manager), I High street

Dibbs George, Red Cow P.H. 67 Princes street Great Western commercial ho1:el & posting house,

Dodge Brothers, boot makers, I3a, Fleet street good stabling accommodation & posting in oll its

Dodson Zepha-niah, photographer & stationer,28 Regent st branches; carriages, horses, hunters & hacks let on

Dowse George, fried fish shop, I Brunei street hire (.Tames Mitchell, proprietor), Station road,

Drewett Mark, insurance agent, 30 Theobald street opposrite G. W.R. junction

Duck Me.ry Jane (Miss), dress maker, I7 Carr street Great Western Railway Co.'s Gas Works (J. Faulkne!',.

Dudbridge F. & Co. drapers, 77 Regent street manager), Rodbourne road

Dunford Richard, accountant, 3 Sheppard street Great Western Railway Meehanics' Institution (Henry .T.

Dunmur Edwin, draper, 55 Bridge street Southwell, sec.; Alfred J. Birch, librarian), High st

Dunn Henry & Son, cab proprs. Cricklade rd. Gorse hi Great Western Rnilway Medical Fund Society's Accident

Dunn Albert, plumber, 53 Cricklade road, Gorse hill Hospital (Ge.orge Money Swinhoe L.R.C.P.Lond.;

Durrant &. Co. tailors &. high class boys' William Howse L.R.C.P.Lond. & George Rodway

clothiers; patterns & price lists on application, 45 Swinhoe M.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P. medical officers; Fredk.

Bridge street Tegg, sec.), I<' aringdon street

Dymond Thomas, painter & decor81t<lr, Market street Green & Marsh, domestic machinery agents & music

Earner Waiter, confectioner, 93 Commercial road stores (Arthur Seaton, manager), 22 Commercial William, boot mak~r, 2I Bridge street road & Regent street

Easter John, engineer & beer ret. 49 Cheltenham street Green Harriett (Mrs.), draper, I76 Rodbourne road

Eastmans Limited, butchers, II Fleet street, 8 Regent Greenaway Alfred, grocer, 43 Oriel street

street & Gorse hill Greenman Thomas, butcher, 26 Prospe.ct hill

Eclipse Cycle Co. (William Wykeham-Martin, man.), Greenwood Waiter dames, Locomotive hotel, 57

Havelock s-treet Fleet street

Eddington & Cadbury, printers & lithographers, Vic- Griffin Frank, beer reiJa.iler, 13 Henry street

toria press Griffin Wm. beer retailer & fishmonger, 43 Westcott pl

Edtwards•, Boy~ & Rye, ironmongers, 40 Fa.ringdon street Groves J. & Sons,wine& spirit mers.; branch,22 Fleet st

Ellis William, rolling mill manager of the carriage Grudge Henry Thomas•, grocer, Milford street

department of the Great Western railway works, The Guggenheim Sigismund, photographer, I4 Regent circus

Woodlands Gwillim Emma (Mrs.), grocer, 77 Gooch street

Emery Charles, beer retailer, 88 Regent street Hacker .Tames, tailor, 3 Rolleston street

Etty Lyttelton, manager of the County & Gloucestet· Hall &. !Hall, tailors & outfitters, trousers a speciality.

Bank Limited, Fleet street 78 Regent street

Evans & Son, tailors, IS Regent s.treet Hall Eliza (Miss), dress maker, I03 Victoria road

Evans Frances (Mrs.), Greyhound inn, 22 Cambria place Hambridge Emma (Mrs.), outfitter, 3 Cromwell street

Ev>ans Henry Daniel, corn dealer, 90 Regent street & Hamp Henry Joseph, surveyor to New Swindon urban

Commercial road ; & at Old Swindon district council, Public offices; residence, Ivy bank,

Fellowes William, shopkeeper, 35 Commercial road Victoria road

Few Charles, butcher, I3 Reg·ent street Hancock Bros. dairymen, Fairfield daliry, Station road

Finn Charlotte Louisa (Mrs.), greengrocer, I6 Regent st Harding J ehu, baker & confectioner, 5 Farnsby street

:Finn Jennie (Miss), tobacconist, 76 Hegent street Harding Thomas, corn dei8Jer, 46a, Regent street

Fletcher William & Robert Lim. butchers, 58b, Bridge Harding William Edwd. boot maker, Io9 Commercial rd

.street, 48 Fleet street & 203 Rodbourne road Ha.rrin Henry, saddler, 48 Bridge street

Flocks Mary Ann (Mrs.), eating house, 39 Regent street Harrin .Tame's Giles, shopkeeper, 24 Havelock street

Flowers .Tames, hair dresser, 13 Regent street Harris Frank William, chemist (analytical) to the Great

Forrest William Henry, draper 34, & hatter 35, Bridge st Wes,tern Railway Company & water analyst to New

Foss L. & S()n, hatters & hosiers, 38 Bridge street Swindon urban district council, 6 Church place

Foss Samuel Heart, ooffee house, 92 Regent street Harris William, hairdresser, 242 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

Fox Charles, Rifleman's Arms inn, Regent s·treet Harrison & Collard, tailors, 25 Victoda rood
Franklin Henry J ames, carpenter, Clifton street
Hall'Vey Edwin, builder, so Exmouth street

Franklin \Villiam Henry, dairyman, 53 Hegent street Harvey Ozias Edwin, Park inn, William street

Freeth & Son, grocers, 52 Fleet street, 57 Bridge street, Haskins Waiter, boot & shoe maker, 7 Fleet street

Cambria Bridge road, Eastcott hill & Gorse hill Hawkins Jonah, baker & post office, I Hodbourne road

:Friar Albe·rt (Mrs.), dresB maker, 95 Commercial road Haynes Albert, grocer & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Ltd.

Fros.t Frank, greengrocer, 5I Cricklade road, Gorse hill wine & spirit merchants, 257 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

Friar Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Commercial road Haynes William, grocer & post office, & agent for W. &

Frost William, fruiterer, 58c, Bridge street A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, Westcott

Frost "\Villiam, fruiterer, 28 Regent street place & 4 Cambria Bridge road

Fry Oliver, shopkeeper, 219 Cricklade road, Gorse hill Hayward ThomaSJ, Dolphin P.H. Rodbourne road

Fulton Victoria Rosina (Mrs.), teacher of music & sing- Heath Isaac, haulier, Wellington street

ing, rr Park terrace Heavens Henry, greengrocer, 32 Rodbourne road

Gadd Richard, accountant for t.he Great Western railway Hellering Joseph, watch maker, 28 Bridge street

locomotive depa:rtment, 2 Church place Hemmings Frederick, carpenter, second hand furniture

Gaites John, butoher, 24 Eastcott hill dealer, I Gloucester terrace

Gale Isaac, farmer,Manningham farm,Wootton Bassett rd Henly Robert, corn & coal merch•ant, 3 College street

Gale \Villia.m, butcher, 72 Commercial road Hepworth & Son, clothiers•, 56 Fleet street

Gant Waiter, insurance agent, I02 Victoria street Herbert Goorge, blacksmith, Hodbourne road

Gard John, tobacconist & hair dresser, 49 Regent street Hibberd Joseph, beer rebailler, I Westcott place

Gardiner Thomas, beer retailer, 3I Bridge street Hicks Emma (Mrs.), fancy draper, 52 Cheltenham street

Garland Thomas, beer retailer, 92 Wedgbury road Higgins John, boot repairer, 36 Chester street

Garrett Henry Waiter, police sergeant in charge, New Higgs George, hairdresser, 20I Rodbourne road

Swindon police station, Station road Hill Ernest, chemist, 69 Regent street

Garrett Richard Henry, carriage builder, I Carfax st Hilton Stephen,boot manufacturer (branch), 56 Bridge st

Gerring William, builder, 45 Cricklade road, Gorse hill Hinton J ames & Sons, auctioneers,, Regent circus

Gilbert William, furniture dealer, 86 Regent street Hinton J ames & Son, brick makers, Gorse hill

Giles John, shopkeeper, 33 Queen street Hinton Frederick, brick m'3ker, King's hill

Gilling & .Tames, grocers, 35 Fleet street Hiscock & Sons, bill posters, Prospect hill

Gillingham Harriet Ellen (Mrs.), ladies' school, 44 C(}m- Hiscock John, town crier, Prospect hill

mercial road Hi.scock Kate (Miss), dress maker, I68 F1au:-ingdon street

Goddard Edwin, wine & spirit merchant, 9 Regent street Hobbs Thoma.SJ, butcher, 14 Lorne street

Godwin Bros. brewers (branch), 3 Milton road Hodges Wm. Smith, butcher & grocer, Wellington st

Gordon Wm. insurance agt. 3 Elmwood ter. Swindon rd Home & Colonial Stores, tea dealers, 58 Regent street

Gorse Hill Brick & Tile Co. (A. G. While, sec.), Gorse hl Hopgood Martha (Mrs.), dres·s maker. IS N 9rth street

Gorse Hill Workmen's Club (Jas. C. Day, sec.), ~rse hl Horner & Co. Limited, tailors, 20 Bridge street
Gosling William Mervin, grocer, i2 Regent street
Horsell .John, Rolleston Arms hotel, Commercial road

Goudge Hen:ry Thomas, grocer, 21 Oheltenham street Howe Cornelius, superintendent of the Prudential

Gould .A.Ilworth, shopkeeper, IS Oriel street Assurance Co. Limited, 45 Victoria road.

Gould Charles William, draper, 18 Regent circus Howse William L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm Swinhoe, Howse &
Swinhoe), surgeon & consulting surgeon t<> the Great
C1-raha.m Harr~t (Miss), apartments, 8 W<ellington at

Grant William, shopkeeper, 32 Read street Western ·Medical Fund Society, 8 London street

Graves Susan (Mr~), shopkeeper, I6 Mill street Hughes Edwin Win. house decorator, II9 Commercial rd


Hughes Henry George, beer retailer, 14 Rodbourne road London Mantle Co. mantle warehouse, Temple buildings,

Hughe!! J ames, printer, 5 I Bridge street Regent street

Rumphries Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, 27 Rolleston street London & West of England Trust Co. 70 Commercial rd

Hunt John, builder, Victoria, road Long George, china. & glass dealer, r5 Wellington street

Hunter William Wallace, furniture dealer, 59 Regent st Longland Jas.grocer,I3& I4 High st. & 64 Commercial rd

Ties Henry, greengrocer, I6 Gloucester street Longman A. & R. drapers, 32 Faringdon street

Iles William, boot & shoe repairer, I6 Commercial road Lott James, ironmonger, so Regent street

Illsley Charles, goods manager to Great Western railway, Loveday John, shopkeeper, 20 Rodbourne road

Victoria road Lovett & Son, solicitors, Oxford house, Victoria road

International Tea Company, tea dealers, I2 Fleet street Lovett Joseph Sadler, solicitor & commissioner for oaths,
Jackson Geo.confectioner, 39 Bridge st.&roRegent circus see Lovett & Son
Lucaque Edward, tobacconist, 24 Faringdon street
J-ames John, tailor, 7 Regent circus
Macdonnell Patrick, wardrobe dealer, 48 Regent street
James Joseph Hilyer, baker, 46 Regent street
James William, boot & shoe maker, 42 Faringdon street Mcllroy Bros. drapers, 65, 66 & 67 Regent street
Jarman John William, beer retailer, 37 Bridge street Malliott Andrew, beer retailer, 9 Prospect hill
Mairsh Douglas Earle C.E. assisbant managing engineer,
Jarvis Jess~e Charles, outfitter, 33 Faringdon street
Je'anes Fredk. Chas. baker & confectioner, 33 Bridge st Great Western railway works•, 22 Sheppard street
Jefferies Clara (Mrs.), baker, I Ca.mbria Bridge road Marsh George, haulier, Gorse hill
Marshall Robert, draper, Io Wellington street
Jefferies Henry, Clifton hotel, Clifton street
Matthews Jesse, news agent & tailor, 108 Commercral rd
Jefferies Thomas, carpenter, 33 Western street
Matthews Thomas, shopkeeper, 158 William street
J enkins Alfred, confectioner, 36 Fleet street
Jenkins Alfred, jun. picture frame maker, 37 Fleet street Mattingly Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 63 Regent street
Jenner Sarah Ann (Miss), bookseller, 29 Commercial rd May George Alfred, shopkeeper & coffee tavern, I95 &
J-ervis Jn. Jsph. sec. & manager to Gas Co. I7 Queen st 207 Rodbourne road
Maybury & Son, general printers, account book makers,
J ohnsey Cornelius, greengrocer, 30 Merton street
Jolliffe William, l'larte collector to New Swindon urban engravers, bookbinders, paper bag makers, stationers
district council, Public offices; residence, I3Victoria st & die srinkers, 76 Ea.stcott hill
Maylott Joseph, beer retailer, 22 Oriel street
J<mes David, insurance agent, 92 Commercial road
Miles John, beer retailer, IS Fleet street
Jones Dennis, insurance agent, 92 Commercial road
Miles Richard, beer retailer, so Fleet street
J.:>nes Edwin, tobac!)Onist, 44 Faringdon street
Jones Elizabeth (Miss), registry office for servants, Miles William, chemist, 49 Fleet street
1\Iiller Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 North street
14 Station road
Milsom & Son, music warehouse, 14 Regent street
J.ones Ernest William, house decorator, 8 Milton road Mitchell James, Great Western commercial hotel &
Jones Jane (Mrs.), draper, 27 Regent srtreet
J·ones Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer, 4 Fleet street posting house, good st•abling accommodation & posting
Jones Thomas, shopkeeper, I53 Rodbourne road in all its branches, carriages, horses·, hunters & hacks
J()nes Tom, boot maker, 52 Rolleston street let on hire, Station road, opposite Great Western
J.oseph Morris, tin plate worker, 45 Fleet street Railway Junction station
Kembrey George, haulier, 26 CricKlade road, Gorse hill Mittins Esther Susan (Miss), dress maker, 57 Wes·tern st
Kempton John, oil & colorman, I7 Bridge street
Kent Charles, baker, Chvrence street Moncrieff George, shopkeeper, 227 Cricklade rd. Gorse h1
Kent Frederick Charles, estate agent to Great Western Monk .Edward Pearce, confectioner, 55 Wellington street
Moore Ellen (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 34a, Fleet street
Railway Co. IO London s.treet Moore Robert, oil dealer, 42 Rolleston street
Kilby James, insurance agen£, 41 Reading street Morgan Alfred Edward, beer retailer, I2 High stree'

Kilby William, butcher, 47 Regent street Morgan Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Regent street .
Kilminster Goorge, plasterer, 62 William street Morgan 'fhos. Chas. tobccnst. 2, & confectr.3, Fleet street
King Alfred James Griffin, confectioner, I9 Regent Morrel Gabriel, shopkeeper, 14 Eastcott hill
Morse Levl Lapper, furniture dealer, draper, outfitter
street & 34 Faringdon street
King Harry C. chief inspector of materials, Great & house furnisher, IO, II & 12 Regent street
Mortimer Frederick, haulier, sr Havelock street
·western Railway, 90 Clifton street Moulder William, grocer, Bo William street

King Robert, shopkeeper, Market street Baker, sec.), Muir James, district superintendent of the Pearl Assur-
Kingshill Co-operative Society (C. H. ance Co. Lim. 6 Temple street

Radnor street Murray James, shopkeeper, I Weymouth street

Kinneir Henry (firm, Kinneir & Tombs), solicitor, com- Nash Charles, shopkeeper, 8 King street
missioner to administer oaths in Supreme court & for Nash Edmd. Wm. confectr. 243 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill
taking acknowledgments of married women, registrar Nash W. confectr. 32 Bridge street & 64 Regent street
of county court, clerk to Swindon school board & Nethercot Henry James, shopkeeper, 30 Davis street
Swindon New Town urban district council, Public New Swindon Co-operative Provident Society Limited
offices, Regent circus
(Henry Green, manager), Henry street
Kinneir Waiter Henry (firm, Kinneir & Toombs), New Swindon Gas & Coke Co. Limited (John Joseph
solicitor & deputy clerk to Swindon New Town local J ervis, sec.), Queen street
board & secretary to the Swindon & North Wilt.s New Swindon Industrial Society Limited (Edmund Bram-
technical education committee, Public offices, Regent well, sec.), East street
New Swindon & Southern Counties Permanent Mutual

Knapp William, beer retailer, 25 Medgbury road Benefit Building Society (Charles Bishop F.S.I. sec. &

Knights Robert, wine & spirit merchant, 39 Fa.ringdon st surveyor) ; offices, Regent circus

Lacey Harry, hair dresser, 65 Commercial road New John, greengrocer, 65 Cheltenham street

Lamb Brewery Co. Limited (Alfred Adams, agent), Newman Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, I6 Dover street

ro Fleet street Niblett & Co. mineral water manufacturers (branch), 20

Lane David, sen. tailor, 3I Regent street Cheltenham street

Lane David A. tailor, Regent circus Nichols Edward, dairyman, 248 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

Large John, tailor, 40 Victoria. road Nichols•)n R. H. & Co. engineers & cycle agents, 33a,

Lavery Charles M.B. & C.M. surgeon & physician, see Regent circus

Rattray & Lavery North Wilts Conservative & Unionist Association (Waiter

Lawrence Edith (Mrs.), confectioner, IS Cromwell street Brewer, sec.), Bridge street
Lawrence Elijah Stephen, ta~lor, 29 Regent street
North Wilts Herald (branch), 29 Faringdon street

Leech Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 70 Clifton street Nunney William, painter & eating house, Eastcott place

Leighfield Albert, greengrocer, I2 King street Ockell Waiter, shopkeeper, 39 Prospect hill

Leighfield Fredk. Geo. haulier, Gilbert ter. Morse st Oliver George, boot & shoe manufacturer, 46 Bridge st

Leighfield Mary Ann (Mrs.), girls' school, I02 Clifton st Orchard Albert Thomas, insurance agent, 44 Western st

LeighfieJ.d Richard James, builder, 83 Clifton street Packer John, grocer, 96 Cricklade road, Gorse hill

Lewis Eliza (Mrs.), The George P.H. 28 Eastcott hill Packer Mary (Mrs.), butcher, 23 Regent circus

Liberal & Radical Association (Alfred Ernest Withy, Page Alfred, fruiterer, 39 Fleet street

sec.), Commercial road Page Alfred, haulier, Princes street

Limmett & Co. ironm<mgers (branch), 23 Fail'ingdon st Pain John Thomas, shopkeeper, r Courtenay street

Little Henry, boot repairer, 14 Vilett street Painter Jn. refreshment rms. 47 Oricklade road, Gorse hl

Little William Graham, draper, 32 Fleet street Paish Daniel, basket maker, 27 Cromwell street

Little Willinm James, beer retailer, I Rolleston street Palmer Wm. Jas. baker, 238 Cricklade road, Gorse hill

Llewellyn Ann (Mrs.), fancy dealer, 9 Regent circus Parker George Dines M.B.Lond., L.R.O.P. surgeon, I3

London Boot Repairing Co. (Alfred Adams, proprietor), Station road
Parkhouse George, dairyman, 3 Commercial road
Iol Fleet street


IPartridge William, carpenter, 9 Dixon street Savage Fre:l, hair dresser, 23 Fleet street

Pattison Richard Belwood, locomotive foreman Great Schmitz Henry, watch maker, 87 Regent street

Western railway works, Sheppard street Sea"\'\ard Thomas, eating house, 37 Faringdon street

Paul James, marine store dealer, Regent close Selwood James, baker, I09 Westcott pl8ce

Paul William, baker, 6o Fleet street Settle Melville James, shopkeeper, IS8 Rodbourne road

Peapell John C. baker, I Cross street Sharman Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, I3I Clifton street

Pearce & Co. bill posters & printers, 45 Regent street Shawyer John J. chemist, Faringdon street

Pearce Edward Mead, clothier, 61 Fleet street Sheppard Chas. shoeing & general smith, 1 Temple street

Penny Wm. Thos. beer retailer, 24I Cricklade rd. Gorse hi Shipton 'Thomas, grocer, 212 Cricklade road, Gorse hill

Percy Street Workmen's Club (Frederick Mann, steward), Shipway Saml. china dlr. & machinist,25 & 41 Prospect hl

Percy street Sicklen Henry, manager Royal hotel & refreshment rooms,

Perry William, hair dresser, II Haydon street Great Western Railway station

Phelps & Son, china dealers, 89 Regent street Simmonds Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Dover street

Pickett William, eating house, I9 Fleet street Simpkins Broom, manager of the Great ·western Medical

Pigott Robert, baker, so Cricklade road, Gorse hill Fund Turkish Baths, Taunton street

Platt Clement, shoe repairer, 28 John street Simpson George, grocer, .Avening street, Gorse hill

Platt Mary Jane (Miss), dress maker, 145 Princes street Simpson Maurice, sanitary inspector to New Town urban

Plaum Clara (Mrs.), dress maker, I8 Sandford road district council, 73 Clifton street

Plevin William James, draper, see Thomas & Plevin Singer Manufacturing Co. (W. B. Nightingale, manager),

Poffiey .Alfred, shopkeeper, 2 Cambria place 74 Regent street

Ponting John, greengrocer, Market street Skane George, shopkeeper, 19 Hythe road

Pooles & Butler, cabinet makers, 8I Regent street Skerton .Ann (Mrs.), carpenter, I Queen street

Porter Ann Maria (Mrs.), grocer, n8 Commercial road Skinner Daniel, baker, 19S Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

Potter John, butcher, 43 Fleet street Skinner Frederick, baker, 226 Cricklade road, Gorse hill

Potter Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 Clifton street Skitterall .Albert, baker, I3 Sandford street

Pounds George, baker, 85 Regent street Skurry F. & Son, corn merchants & millers, Town mills.

Preater Charles, beer retailer, I Cromwell street Gordon road

Preater J ames, boot repairer, 23 Fleet street Smart James, beer retailer, 57 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

Preece Eliza Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' school, S Gloucester tel' Smart Kate (Miss), dress maker, 31 Deacon street
Presbyterian Lecture Hall, Dixon street
Smith R. T. & Co. general carriers & furniture removers,.
Preston & Peacey, stationers, 35 Faringdon street
Great Western railway goods station
Price Fred, beer retailer, 55 Prospect hill
Smith Roger & Co. bacon curers, So Regent street
Price John, hair dresser, 69 Bridge street
Smith .Alfred James, hair dresser, S Bridge street
Pritchett Ellis Herbert F.S.I. auctioneer, see Bish<lp & Smith Edward, farmer, Eastcott farm
Smith Edwin Henry, provision dealer, 6o Regent street.

Protheroe James Smith, photographer, 30 Regent street Smith Ellen (~Iiss), farmer, Westcott Manor farm

Public Benefit Boot Co. 5 Regent circus Smith Harvey Frederick, butcher, 41 Faringdon street

Pugsley & Co. boot makers, 6S Regent street Smith Henry, undertaker, 22 Gordon road

Pullen Henry, cycle agent & manufacturer (branch), 26 Smith Henry Charles, joiner, Edgeware road

Fleet street Smith Jacob, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 23 vVestcott pi:

Queen's Royal Hotel & Refreshment Roon1s (Swindon Smith John, greengrocer, 6S Princes street

Junction Hotel Co. Lim. proprietors; Henry Sicklen, Smith Richard, eating house, 35 Cromwell street

manager), Great Western railway stn. & Station road Smith Samuel, chemist, ss Bridge street

Raggett Henry, grocer, 35 Rolleston street Smith Thomas, shopkeeper, 77 Eastcott hill

Rake William, beer retailer, 23 Princes street Smith Waiter Richard, grocer, IOI Commercial road &:

Ralph George, loan office, IO Commercial road 171 Rodbourne road

Rattray & Laverey, physicians & surgeons, Concrete ho. Smith William, plumber, 24 Bright street, Gorse bill

Regent circus .Solomon Daisy (.Miss), dress maker, 4 Rolleston street

Raven Harry, baker, Io3 Princes street Spackman James, builder, I Clifton street

Rawley Hy. Charles, hair dresser & tobccnst. 22 Bridge st Speck William, chimney sweeper, 73 Eastcott hill

Read William. Edwin, beer retailer, 66 Westcott place Spender Pearce, shopkeeper, 102 Commercial road

Rebbeck Charles Arthur, insurance agent, 26 Stafford st Stafford Elizabeth (Mrs.), boot maker, 172 Rodbourne rd

Reeder Herbert George, baker & confectioner, IS Fleet st Stanier W. Hy. stores supt. Great Western railway work•·

Renshaw James L. see Swindon Steam laundry Steel & Co. fruiterers, 20 Faringdon street

Renwick "\V. & Co. tailors· & drapers, 39 Faringdon street Stephens William, beer retailer, 144 Westcott place

Reynolds Robert, boot & shoe maker, 4 High street Stevens Henry James, greengrocer, Curtis street

Rhodes Fredk. Geo. music warehouse, 55 Regent street Stevens Olivia (Mrs.), milliner, 62 Regent street

Rich John, tea dealer, Clifton street Stevenson James Fordyce, dist. engineer for G. "\V. R. Co.

Richards Ernest Chappell, Wellington temperance & com- Stone George, photographer, 25 Faringdon street

mercial hotel, close to station; commercial, smoking Stone William. James, milk seller, 40 Cheltenham street.

& writing rooms, ladies' coffee room; boots meets all Stone William Richard, beer retailer, 29 Regent street

trains, 13 Gloucester street Stroud .Arthur, greengrocer, 246 Cricklade rd. Gorse hill

River Plate Fresh Meat Co. 52 Bridge street Stroud "\Villiam, shopkeeper, 4S Birch street

Roberts Samson, shopkeeper, I7 Commercial road Swindon Brick & 'file Co. (William Hodges Smith, man.),.

Robins Emma. (Mrs.), baker, 45 Westcott place Canal side

Robinson Louisa (Mrs.), tobacconist, 7 Rodbourne road Swindon &North Wilts Technical Schools Committee (W..

Rodbourne Road Workmen's Club (Charles Butler, sec.), H. Kinneir, sec.); public offices, Regent circus

Rodbourne road Swindon School Board Cookery Centre (Henry Kinneir,.

Rogers Edward, grocer, 31 Faringdon street, & shop- sec.), High street

keeper, IIS Clifton street Swindon Steam Laundry (Robbins & Renshaw, pro--

Rogers Frank, pork butcher, 71 Regent street prietors), Station road

Rogers Mary Elizabeth, stationer, 36 Faringdon street Swindon "\Vorking Men's Club (Robert Carrier, sec.),

Rolleston Arms Hotel (John Horsell, proprietor), Bridge street

Commercial road Swinhoe George Money L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & head'

Rowland Charles, greengrocer, 40 Prospect hill physician & surgeon to the Great Western Railway

Hoyal Society for the. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Medical Fund Society & certifying factory surgeon,

Swindon & district (W. Finch, inspector; R. S. Fore- Park house
Swinhoe George Rodway M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
man, hon. sec.), 20 Hythe road

Rudge Samuel, watch maker, 41 Fleet street surgeon, & lieut.-surgeon to the 2nd Vol Batt. Wiltshir&

Rudman Richard, Queen's Arms P.H. Station road Regiment & to the Great Western Medical Fund As-

Russell Gorge, baker; Regent circus sociation, 23 Faringdon street

Sadler George, greengrocer, 26 Eastcott hill 'fanner Frank Edward, baker, Station road

St. Mark's Mission House (Sister .Agatha, in charge), Tarrant Enos William, boot repairer, IS Clifton street
Tarrant Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 267 Cricklade road,
5 Park lane
St. Paul's Mission House (George Pearce, caretaker), Gorse hill
Tarrant Richard, assist. overseer for Swindon & collector-
58 VVestern street of poor rates, Public offices, Regent circus
Sansom Charles Frederick, baker, Turl street
Tarrant Samuel, coffee house, I Wellington street
Sargent Thomas, coach builder, I Reg-ent street
Saunders Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I3 Lorne street Taylor ,V. & J. butchers, 26 Commercial road
Saunders Henry, tailor, 36 PrinclSS street
Taylor Jn. Chas. beer retailer, 256 Cricklade rd.Gorse hill

WIL'IS. 15


Technical Schools (Henry Hill, sec.), H High street Webb William F. bak>er, ~s Ea.stcot·t hi!.l
Theobald James, butcher, 4 Regent street
Wellington Commercial Hotel (Ernest 0. Richards,

Thomas & Plevin, drapers, 41 Bridge street proprietor), I3 GlouceSit>el" streelt (olose to sta.tioo) :
oommercWcil, smoking & wciting rooms & l~ies' coffee
Thomas Arabella (Mrs.), beer retailer, 6 High street

Thomas George, Union Railway hotel, Sheppard street l'OtOm; boot•s mee1ts aJl trains

Thomas Henry William, beer 'retailer, 7 Regent street '\Yes•t W.clerk to Rodoourne Cheney scJhl.bTd.87 Curtis st

Thomas L. R. assistant manager of Great Western Rail· Westoott Pliaoe (Woxkman's) Club (Wiihliam 'l'ha.tcher,

way wagon works sec.), IS Marlhorough street

Th.ompson Oliam (:M.iss), t'Cibacconist, 2 Regellit street West Swtindon Working Men'•s Club (John Brew·er, sec.),

'fhompson Fredk. bicycle agt. & repairer, 36 Oromwell st Radn.or stveet

Timms Edward, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, We•stmaoott Samuel & Son, bake11s, 30 Bridge· street

Lim. wine & spirit merchants, IS North s·treet Weston Annie (M11s.), shopkeepeor, 4 Orombey t.erra.ce,

Tindle PhiUi<s (Mvs. ), news agerut & poSit office & first- Crombey stroot regis·t·ry office for servan'bs, 37 Regent street Wheeler Albt. Hy•.shpkpr. 260 Crick1ade rd. Gorse hill

Tinker & Cartwright, outfitters, 103 Commercial rOtad Wheeler Annie (:MiiSts), dress maker, 39 Theobald street

Tomkirus & Barret1t, conlecbionel's, 93 Re•gelllt street Wlhee.lell' Jac01b, shopkeeper, 63 Elaydoon s·treet

Tomiyn Arthur Leorua.rd, ironmonger, 33 Regent circus Wheeler Thoma.s, CricketeJ's' Arms P.H. High street

Townsend David, beer retariler, 9 East str•eet White WiUiam Yeate.s, gl"'Oer, 124 S'till.fford street

Tow!llsenO. Elizabetlh (Mis~S), dress maker, 9 Edgeware rd Whitehead Roroce Haydon, Vdulllteer P.H. Bridge street

Trill Thoma.s, refreshment rQOms, 7 StJaltilion road Wlilliams Ar1hur Davis, g:roceT, & agent for W. & A.

Trinder Albert, waltch maker, I8a, Bridge stree;f; Giltbey Lim. Wiine & spiri!t merchants, 47 Bridge street

'Tucker Henry, co:rn deailoer, 239 Oricklade rd. Gorse hill & Quern st<reet

Tucker Levi, butdheT, 4 Re•gelllt circus W~Hilams Charles, builder, Cli:flton sttreet

'Tucker Siamuel, umbrella r•epaire.r, 47 Oambria Bridge rd WtilHams OhM'lets, builder & contraotor, Princes street

'l'unley Albert Edward, beer r!!ltatiler, xS Ville.t street Williams Fredenick, brick maketr, King's hill

Tllll'k W·iHiam, butcher, 37 Facingdon street Wiu.iams Helen (Mrs.),wardr·obe deale•r,u OommerciaLrd

'Turkish Bat'hs (Broom Simpk>ins, manager), Taunton st W•in:iams Thtom:a.s Henry, fancy drape-r, 43 Regent st.reet

'Tydeman Wm. Henry, ea:tJing house,Trantsfe•r ter.Drove rd Willmm.s \Ylli1liam,, 44 Bridge street

Upton J'llme•s, fishmonger, 82 Regent sttre·et Williams·on John, linen draper, 24 Regent street

Vincent Frederick William, ooffoo tavern, 4 Bridge street Willis Charles & Son, wlholesal1e d01tihiers, 2 Bridge s.t•reet

Voake Ellen (Mrs.), mminer, 101 Victoria &treet Willis James Wm. draper, 41 Crickltade ro-ad, Gorse hill

"Vo:unteer Batltat}ion (2nd) Duke of Edinburgh's (W,iltsthire \Vii.1lis Richard, sh!opkeeper, 19 H)"th·e road
Hegimentt) (F Co. Oapt. D. E. Marsh, commandant; Wils•on Frede·rick, prov~s'ion dooler, 83 Regent street

E. P. Lewios, lielllt.; G Co. Capt. F. W. Oarltton, com- Wi1son Jamets, baker, 36 Ea,sJtcot•t hill
mandant; W. R. Ru&sell, lie'l.1t.; Surg.-Lieut. G. R. Wilson John, hair dre.s,se•r, 18 King sttreet
S'Wiinhoe, med!ical officer; Se,rgeallit Arthur Osborne, Wi~toon G(llorge, butcher, 58 Fleet street

drill instructotr) ; drill halil. & ordel'ly room, The Park Wil:ts & Berks Oa'llta.l Co.('flhos.Turner,chrmn.),'ITh.e Grove
WiltJ~ & Dtol'lse.t Bank Limnrtetd (bTanch) (Thomas Kemp
Wa.ite Nll!omi (Miss), miJtliner, 40 Viotoria road
Wakefield W:W.liam, hair dresser, 54 Cmcklade rd.Gorse hl FuTnex, manager), 94 Regent street; drnw on London

V\TRildron Frederick, boot mak•er, 11 Oa.mbria place & W e·srtmin.ster Bank Limited, Londun E C
"\V.aiker Ricihard J~hn, baker & ,post office, 215 Crickl>ade Wilt•s & W e&tern Benefit BuiiJ.ding Society (John Olark,

road, Gol'tse hill agent), 62 Princes sttreet

·wal!l Frank, milk sehler, Cliift<m street WiJJt:tshire Goorge, shopkeepe·r, 95 We•stoobt place

Wall James, permanent way inspector to G. W. R. 5 Wiltshi·re Joseph, ta.ilor, 200 Rbd'bourne road

Welilii.ngt10n stl'ee.t Wilttshire J oseph, woollen reposirt10ry, r4 Cambria place

Wall John, grocer & post offioo, 158 C1i£bon street Win.slow Joseph, pictnre framer & china dlr. 11 Sta.tion rd

-wa11ace Charles, fruiterer, 38 Fl~et st•reoet Wintetr Waltetr W'hlli-am, painte.r, 24 Queen beil'race

1Vialtters WiNt.ia.m JOhn, shopkeeper, 120 Dean stree.t Wit1hy Alfred Ern(llst, solicitoll' & commissli'Oner for oaths,

Ward James, chief inspeotor of weights & measures for Regent oircus

oourJJty o.f WU-lts Nol'lthetrn distTict & inspector of food Woodward Ja:nu~s, boot makell', 55 Crick1ade rd. Gorse hl

& drugs & sale of breat, 5 Commercial road Woo1f.ord Fredk. Ghas. beer ret. & shpkpr. 15 Henry st

- Warren Albert Edrwa.rd, insurance agenlt, 18 Chester st Woolley Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 129 William street

· Warry Hentry Cocilirane, &olimtor, 38 Faringdon street Young William, green.groce.r, 17 We.s.tc01tt place

Wtrutennan G€, gre•engrocer, 1 Byron &treet Young WiUiam Alfred, beer rert1lliler, 34 Fleet- street

Wear Ahsal1om, sewing machine agent, 6 Regent circus Yule Annie (:\fis.s), dres.s makeor, 20 Oxford street

- Alfred, Ship P.H. Wes·tcott place W·ebb Goorge, bu'bdher, 8 Regent circus •

Webb Fan.ny (Miiss), dress maker, 56 Wes:tern .street Webb Goorge, wlheelwright, Station road

Webb John, buil<ler, S ba/t.ion road

TEFFONT EWYAS, or Evlia.s (as 1t is termed in John Hewibt B.A. of TTirui.ty College, Dublin&. The

the medireval Latin of ancient roool'dJs), is a parish and reotory house, o.f, was rebuilt by the la.te Sir G.

-village, 1! mile.s weSit Dinton stabion on the Salis- G. Scott R.A. in 1842. Almshouses for two poor families

bury allld Yoovil brancili o.f the London and South were built and endowed by Mr. and Mrs. Flane-De Sa'lis
Western milway and 9~ no.rtlh-ea.slt from Shaftesbury, in in 1886. Here. is a qu.a~r.ry, fvom which the stone· of

the Southern division of the CQUnty, DunwOT'th hundred, which Salis.bury Cathedral was built wa.s derived: th~

'Tisbury peltty S'essi•ona.I division and union, Shaftesbury
WIOrkings extend for many acres underground,

couruty court disttrict, rura1 deanetry of Ohalke (Chalke extenstiv~ caverns, oft-en visited by touris·1ls : tlhetSe

p'Ol'ltion), arclhdetaconry of Slarum and diocese of Salis- qua:rrie·s were worked in the time of the RomMs, as 11t
bury. The church (not ded~oated) is an edifice of stone l.arge number of Roman ooiws have been. round in tlhe

in the Decorated sty•le, corusislt·ing of cha·ncel, nave of worki'Ibgs: since the opening of the Salisbury and Yeovil

four bays and north aisle, having a lofty wes.tern tower line, these quarrie.s haVle been again. wo;rkoo to a. con-

-'Witth pinnacles and 3 beU.s, surmounted by a beautiful extent : tihey yield a Bort•loand stone of tihe best

·spire, together 125 feet in heigM : a north transept was de•scrip.tion. The. Vlill'llge is very piotu.resque : a beau-

added in 1824: the inttell'ior ha.s several stained windows, tiful brook w~nds it<s couJ.'Ise by the Slide of the road, on

"Painted chiefly by Mrs. De Salcis : the manor chapel is the rig-ht, backed by a. slhrulblby W'<Jiod, with a. oottage

private prope111t'Y, and divided f11om the church by a hMe and on its edge, and on tlhe opp{}$>ite side the

•-caJ."'Ved oak sc11een, being attached on the south side to ground rise.& illlto a steep, wti1th undergrowth.

vhe chancel, and ope• into it by two arches ; it is the Tefftorut Manor is ·aiii: ancient mlansion, of tlhe de.te of

most ancienlt pwrt of the present bu!ildin.g, and ooUJtains Henry VII..tthe sea.t of Wlil1iam Fane-De Sa.l>is esq. M.A.,

t'he tomlbs of some of the Ley famiJy (former lords of J.P. : the houtSe oontains muclh. valualble carved oak fur-

Teffont m6nOT, .one of martried a Mayne), with niture, mth a choice gaHery, comprising original poont-

tihtre·e recumbent figure's of knighlts in axmour : the ings by Jean de :Maubuse, PietrOI P&rugino, Giulio

chapel and aisle htave beoo roofoo in oak and restored b) Romano and otJher art~st.s, with seveool portrruits of the

Mr. De SaHs, who has also had placed over the east win- French Imperial family, by Le, formerly part of

dow a marble mural tarsia, represe'llting a choir of angels the private gallery of Napoleon I. at Fontainebloou. Too

&nging E!allelujnh, .a work of higfu art, executed by the wllrole parish and manor is the property of MT. and Mrs.
late Baron de Triqueti, the sculptor employed by H.M. the Fa~e-De StaJis. The soil is sand lf.lllldl clay; subsoil,

Queen to decorn"be the W!Olsey Ohapel at Windsoc: there stone. The C'hief crops are wlheat, oots. and barley. '.Db.e 100 The register dates from the year 1683. a.rea. is 742 acres, inclusave of 33 aCI'els of glebe and 27

The living is a rectory, average tit'he rent-charge £144, of road, water and waste; roteable value, £1,274; the

g;ross yeaxly value £2o8, net £r3o, includling 30 acres populastion in 1891 wa.s 123.

of glebe, with residence, in t'he gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Fane-De Salis, and held since 1892 by the Rev. James Lev is ha.Y a mile south-west.


Parish Clerk, Mr. Thom.I!M Bugg; deputy, Francis 'l'he children of this parish attend the school at Teffont
Soommell. MiagtJ.a.

Post Oflioe: John Yea.tes, sub-ptostma.ster. Letters Carrier to Salisbury.-Sidney Street, tues. & sat. re"
from Salisbury, a.t s.IO a.m.; driSipll!tclled at 7·25 p.m. turning same days
Postal ordel"!s are :ios~uoo here, but IliO't paid. The

nearest money order & telegmph office is a.t Dinton

Gracher William COMMEnCIAL. Horrell Brothers, millers (water)

Fane-De Salis William, ~L-\., J.P. Bugg. Thomas, shopkeeper, far~er & Lucas Thomas, boot maker

Teffout manor steward to Wm. Fane De Sahs esq Street Charles, carpenter

Hewitt Rev. James John B.A. Rectory Harnett Sidney, farmer, Ley farm St<reet Sidney, carrier & farmer

Keatinge :Maurice, 'l'effont cottage Hdbbs Gideon, Blaek Horse P.H.&brwr Yeats John, 'blacksmith, Post office

TEFFONT MAGNA is a parish and village, imme- resides at Dint-on: the Rev. Charles Henry Cook B.A.
diately adjoining the parish of Teffont Ewyas, or Ev.ias, of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, has been curata
on the road fl'om Salisbury t() Hindon, 2! miles. north- in charge since I8gi. Here is a Primitive Methodist

west from Dinfon sta•Hon on th8! Salisbury and: Yeovil chapel. There is a charity left by the late Mr. John

branch of the. London and} South ·western railway, IO miles Lush (formerly of this parish), the interest of £so
wes·t from S'alisb;ury and II nol"th-eaSit from Shaftets- annually, distributed to the poor in blankets and Edward
bury. in: the Southern divl.sioru of the county, hun- Harris? trust of £roo, bequeathed in I877 for coal. In
dred of Warminster, Tisbury petty sessional division this parish is a rapid stream, which rises at a chalk
and union, Shaftesbury county court district, l'Ural pit called Spring Head: it passes through Teffont

deanery of Chalke (Chalke portion), archdeaconry of Magna and Teffont Ewyas and falls into the river Nadder,
Sa.rum and diocese of Salisbury. The chapel, standing The principal landowners are the Earl of Pembroke,

in the middle of the village, is an ancient stone build- who is lord of the manor, and' William Wyndham esq.
ing, consisting of chancel, nave, tower containing 2 bells, of Dinton House. The soil is• sand, clay and chalk;
has a south porch (Early Eng1ish), and was repaired in subsoil, chalk and flint. The chief crops are wheat,

r843 : the chancel is separated from the nave by an old oats and barley. The area is r,646 acres; rateable
carved! oak screen. There is no burial ground, as the value, £r,og6; the population in r89r was 232.

parishioners have right of burial at Dinton. The regis- Parish Clerk, .Alfred Larkam.
ters. until quite recently were included in the Dinton
registers, which date from the year I558 : the separate Letters through Salisbury, arrive at Teffont Evias at
registers of births and marriages of this parish date
from r852. In connection with the church a clergy a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
house ha.s been erected!. Th~ living is a chape1ry, an- is at Dinton

nexed to the vicarage of Dinton, average tithe rent- Public Elementary School, with furnished rooms for
charge £272, net income £2oo, with sr acres of glebe,
in the gift of the President and Fellows of Magdalen mistress, built in r876 at a cost of £soo by public
College, Oxford, and held since I886 by the Rev. John
Heslop .Audland' M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford, who subscription, for this parish & the parish of Teffont
Ewyas, on a site given by the Earl of Pembroke, for
go children; average attendance, 40; Mrs. Maria
Turner, mistress

Clarke Sydenham Tredway (barrister- Fidler Harry J ukes George, game dealer
Kellow Thomas, grocer
at-l'UW) • COM:MEROIAL. Ponton Aaron, saddler & harness mkr
Smith Samuel. wheelwright
Cook Rev. Charles Henry B.A. (cur- Chubb William, maltster

ate-in-charge) Furnel George, bla{'!ksmith

TIDCOMBE is a parish, 3! miles south-east from fuel and clothing. The principal landowner is Thomas

Grafton st-ation on the Midland and South Western Hayward esq. who is lord of the manor. The soil is

Junction railway, and 4 south from Bedwyn station on very light ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops• are wheat,

the Newbury and Devizes section of the Great Western barley, oats and turnips. The area of T.idcombe is r,ooo

railway and 7 south-west from Hungerford, in the acres; rateable value (of Tidcombe and Fosbury),

Eastern division of the count-v, Kinwardstone hundred, £r,624; the population in I8gr was 8o, wholly em-

ployed in agriculture.
Marlborough petty sessional division, Hungerford union

and county court district, rural deanery of Marlborough Hippenscombe. formerly extra-parochial, is now a.

(Pewsey portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of pa.rish, and was on the r7th May, I879, ecclesiast~cally

Salisbury. The church of St. Michael is a small plain annexed to the parish of Tidcombe. Sir Edward B-ates

structure of flint and stone, built in the I3th century, bart. is the principal landowner. The area is 98o acres,

on the site of an older church and consists of chancel, the rateable value is £zoo; the population an r8gr was 35·

nave, aisles, north porch, with square western tower, Fosbury, a haml81t iru this civil parish, has been formed!

containing 3 bells: during the years I88o, r88r and into an ecclesiastical parish, and will be found under a

1882 the church was thoroughly restored; the font is of separate heading.

Saxon origin : the church has sittings for I25 persons. Parish Clerk, F. Richardson.
The earliest date of register in existence is I639· The
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £Igo, net £r6s, Letters through Marlborough arl'ive at 8.30. Letter

with 2 acreso of glebe, and residence, in the gift of the Box cleared at 4·55 p.m. Great Bedwyn and Burbage

Dean and Canons of ·windsor, and held since r8g3 by are the nearest money order & telegraph offices
the Rev. ·william Reeve-Smith, of St. Aidans. Crooke's Carriers.-F. Richardson & D. Bullock, to Hungerford,
£5and Tanner'g charities, ~ogether
ws. ye.arly, are foc wed. ; to Marlborongh, sat

TIDCOMBE. HIPPEN•SCO:MBE. Cox Reuben, Blagdon farm

Reeve-Smith Rev. Wm. The Vicarage Randall Chas. farm bailiff to Sir E. Steadman Joshua, Scots Poor P.H

Hayward Thomas, Tidcombe manor Bat~s bart. Hippenscombe farm

NORTH TIDWORTH (or Tidworth Zouch), corn- ejected from his fellowship at Magdalen College by the

monly called Tidworth, is a parish and village, on the Committee for the Reformation of the University of

road from Salisbury to Marlborough and on the Hamp- Oxford, r648, and afterwards pecame Dean of Salisbury:
shire border, an!f is on the declivity of a lofty range of in 1882 the church was thoroughly restored, and the

downs, 2 miles south from Ludgershall station on the old high pews made into open seats: there are zoo

Midland and Sourt:h Western Juncton railway, and 9 west~ sittings: in the churchyard are monuments to the
by-north from Andover, in the Eastern division of the families of Maton andl M()mpe!Sson. The regis• dates

county, Amesbury hundred, Everleigh and Pewsey petty from the year t66o. The living is a 'rectory, average
sessional division, Pewsey union, Andover county court tithe rent-charge £233, gross yearly value £253, net

district, rural deanery of Amesbury (Amesbury portion), £r7o, with residence and IS acres of glebe, in the gift

archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. The of the Lord Chancellor, and held since I86g by the Rev.
church of the Holy Trinity is a building of flint and Edward Fraser Vaughan-William& M.A. of Trinity Col~

stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and em- lege, Cambridge. There are almshouses for four per-

battled western tower containing 5 bells: the fabric as sons (male or female), who receive zs. each weekly.
it now stands dates from about 1490: the tower, how- Sir John William Kelk bart. of Tidworth, Rants, is

ever, shows some earlier work, of the date of about lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil

r36o; the font is old, apparently Norman, but the iS" light; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat and

general character of the church is Late Third-Pointed: barley. The area is 3,o8r acres; rateable value, £I,o86;

there is a brass to the Rev. Thomas Pierce, who w;1s the population in r8gr was 241.

WILTS. 15~


Clearington (or Clary-down) Rill is half a mile west; LudgershaJ. & telegraph office at Ludgershall rail-
Sidbury, an ancient British earthwork, afterwards oc- way station

cupied by the Romans, is 2 miles north-west. There National School (mixed), erected in 1856, with resi-
is a group of seven barrows on the south-western side dence, & endowed by the late T. A, Smith esq. of
of Clearington Hill. Tedworth House, for the parishes of North & South

Parish Clerk, William Habberfield. Tidworth, the latter of which is- in Hants: it will
Post Office.-Edwin Eyles, sub-postmaster. Letters ar-
hold 93 children; average attendance, 76; John Beale,
rive by mail from Marlborough at 7·I5 a.m.; dis- master

patched at 6.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, Carrier.-Edwin Eyles, to Salisbury on tues.; to An-
but not paid. The nearest money order office is at dover, wed. & fri

Vaughan-Williams Rev.Edward Fraser Eyles Edwin, grocer, draper & carrier, Lansley Harriet (:Mrs.), blacksmith

M.A. Rectory Post office Humby Thos.Dugdale, frmr,Manor fm

Ashford Edwd.Jas.farmer,Zouch farm Moore George, Ram hotel & posting Wallis Richard, farmer, Down farm

Breadmore Wm. Thos.baiker &shopkpr inn, & brewer

TILSHEAD is a parish and village, on the road from by the Rev. Horace Vincent Thompson, of St. Bees. A
Devizes to Amesbury, 8 miles north-east from Codford Baptist chapel was erected here in 1882 and has about

station on the Salisbury branch of the Great Western 100 sittings. Here are two cottages, built in 1842 from
railway, 8 north-west from .Amesbury and Io .south-by- a fund subscribed to repair the losses sustained by the

east from Devizes, in the Eastern division of the county, poor of this and five neighbouring parishes by a flood in
hundred of Branch and Dole, Devizes petty sessional January, 1841, the rent to be annually distributed' to the
division and county court district, .Amesbury union, poor of those parishes on the anniversary of the

rural deanery of Wylye (Wylye portion), and archdea- occurrence. On the road from West Lavington to Tils-
conry and diocese of Salisbury. The church was re- head is a square block of stone, bearing an inscription.

endowed in 1319, when it received .Adam de Newman, which records that on the 21st Oct. 1839, Mr. Dean, of
the first resident minister: it is in the Norman style, Imber, was attacked and robbed by four highwaymen.

and was repaired and enlarged: ancieney dedicated to one of whom fe:I dead on Chiltern Down, after being
St. James, it was in 1Bso re-dedicated to St. Thomas 1 chased for three hours: the others were captured and

a Becket, .and is at 1e81st Boo yearS! old\. consisting of transported for fifteen years. Here is the embankment

large chancel, clerestoried: nave of three bays, aisles, called Old Ditch and several barrows, among which are
south porch and a square central tower with plain para- Long Ba.rrow, White Barrow, Silver Barrow, and Kill

pet and surmounted by a small incongruous red-tiled Barrow. The principal landowners are Simon Watson-
spire, and containing 3 bells: there are seven stained Taylor esq. of Erlestoke Park, who is lord of the m.anor,

windows in the body of the. church, the work of the Miss Mills, ·waiter Hume Long esq. M.P. of Rood Ash-
late vica.r,the Rev. J. H. Johll\S{)n; the we1s1t window, ton, Trowbridge, and Mr. John Coleman. The soil is
a Perpendicular insertion, being in memory of John m:ixed with flints and beautiful working; subsoil, chalk.
Parham, ob. 1875, of Tilshead Lodge; a brass corn- The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The are&
memorates the Rev. J. H. Johnson M..A. ob. 1884, vicar is 3,765 acres; rateable value, £1,987; in 1891 the

of this parish for 6o years : flints were largely used in population was 393·
the walling of the church: the nave arcade has very Parish Clerk, John Kyte.

massive square piers with heavy abacus, which are Post Office.-Samuel Lawes, sub-postmaster. Letters

probab:y Saxon; the font is Norman: at the eastern-most arrive from Devizes at 6. 15 a.m.; dispatched at p7a.i4d0.
p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
end of the south aisle is a late Decorated piscina, which

seems to indicate the e·xistence of a chantry chapel here: The nearest money order office is at Little Pannell &

an oak chair in the chancel has, on the top of the up- telegraph office at Shrewton
right fbaa~cakde, a well-executed carved representation of the
west of Salisbury cathedral: there are about 200 National School (mixed), enlarged in 1874 at a cost of
£170, for So children; average attendance, 70; Mi~>s
sittings. The register dates from the year 1s6o. The Mary Ann Hitt, mistress
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-c'harge £r, net yearly

value £Ioo, including 259 acres of glebe, with residence, Carrier.-Sa.muel Lawes, to Salisbury on tues.; tG
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1884 Devizes on mon. thurs. & sat

Noad The Misses Chant Henry, grocer & draper Jordan Stephen, boot maker

Thompson Rev.HoraceVincent, Vicarge Ohapman Waiter, pork butcher LaweSI .Arthur, farmer

Cleverley & Sons, fa.rmers,Tilshead ho Lawes Henry, farmer

COMMERCIAL. Coleman Sidney, farmer Lawes Samuel, carrier, & post office

.!Jbbott William, shopkeeper Cooper Edwin, blacksmjth Long Thomas, farmer & shopkeeper

Alexander James, Rose & Crown inn Edwards Frederick, farmer Mabbett Willia.m, shopkeeper
Ashton Edward. boot & shoe maker Ferris Isaac, dealer Mead Thomas, fa.rmer & dealer
Blake Robert, carpenter Ford Waiter, blacksmith
Blake Sidney, farmer Giddings Charles, mason Nash John, Black Horse P.H. 8w frmr
Giddings Frank, builder & farmer
Ohamings John, farmer, Manor farm Parrott John, farmer

Payne Edwin, beer retailer

TISBURY is a large village and head of a petty s·tained east window adorns the chancel: the south aisle

sessional division and a union, and is situated on the has a carved oak ceiling, erected about I65o, restored

sharp declivity of a hill; in the valley below is the in 1688 ; also the north aisle has a oarved oak ceiling:

parish church and the river Nadder, which rises in the "1560 .Anno Domoni, this Hele was erected" is inscribed

par~Sih of Donhead St. Mary and winds its way to Salis- on one of the beams: in 1887 the south transept was

bury; it has a s·tation on the Salisbury and Yeovil restored throughout; a choir vestry, c·lergy vestry and

branch of the London and South Western roilway, 12! organ chamber were built and a new organ was erected;

miles west from Salisbury, 8 north-east from Shaftes- t.he chancel was newly panelled in carved oak, and a

bury and 96! from London; it consists, for civil pur- rel'edos in alabaster and terra cotta was erectoo : there

poses, of three parishes, viz. :-East Tisbury, West are sittings for 500 persons: in the churchyard is an

Tisbury and Wardour, which for ecolesiastioal purposes immen!lle yew tree, measuring 30 feet in circumference,

form only one pariSh; it is in the Southern division of and said by experts to be 1,3oo years of age. The

the county, DunwortJh hundlfed, Shaftesbury county l' dates from the year 1560. The living is a

court district, rural deanery of Ohalke (Tisbury portion), vicarage, gross yearly value from tit-he rent-charge

archdeaconry of ~arum and diocese of Salisbury. The £441, net £28o, with 3 acres of glebe and residence, m

church of St. John the Baptist, the earliest part dating the gift of Mrs. Hutchinson, of Tisbury Vicarage, and
about 1226, is a fine old building, in the Early English, held since 1858 by the Rev. Francis Edmund Hutchin-
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, in the form of a ! $On M.A. of Univ.ersity Colleg-e, Oxford. Here is a
cross, consisting of chanool, nave of four bays with aisles I Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1846, with 100 sittings; and
and trans·ept.s, with north and west po·rohes, very I a Congregational ohapel, ert~ctQd in 1842, to seat 400

ancient, the north having over it a parvise or priests' pers.Qns ; aJso two Primitive Methodist ohapels, one in

chamber, central embattled tower with pinnacle.s, built 'V·est Tisbury parish, built in 1877, to seat 100 persons;

about 1740, and containing clock and 6 bells: there was and one at Hatch, West Tisbury, built in 1872, to seat

formerly a lofty spire, but this was destroyed by light- go. There are charities, amounting t.o about £161

ning in 1762 and again in 1795: in the primte V~ault are yearly, which ail'e administered under a scheme drawn

interred many of the former Lords· .Arundell of Wardour, up by the Charity Commissioners. A Public llall was

and the helmet of the first lord of that name, who took ereoted in 1887, by a company formed for the purpose,

the standard from the Turks at the Battle of Gran, to hold 400 persons. A Polioo Station and Petty Sessions

15~5, stands over his tomb: the ohurch contains m~ny Hall were erected in rBBg, and the petty sessional divi-

obJects of interest: the font is very ancient: a large sion transferred from HindQn to Tisbury; the new build-


ing is admirably appointed in its various offices. A Chapman Rev. Horace Edward M.A. Donhead house,

large pile of buildings here, formerly the residence of Donhead St. .Andrew, Salisbury

the Abbess of Shaftesbury,. has for the last two cen- du Boulay Capt. Ernest de Vismes, Bembridge, Ryde,

turies been occupied as a famt house wit.h out-buildings, Isle of Wight

alitached to which is a large tithe barn of the rsth du Boulay John esq. D.L. Donhead hall, Salisbury

century and said to be the largest in England, its Dunston Frederick Warburton esq. Burltons, Donhead

dimensions being r88 feet 3 inches by 32 feet 3 inches. St. Mary, Salisbury

This is a. fine agricultural district ; and there are some Fane Edmund Douglas Yeitch esq. Boyton house, near

excellent quarries, producing stone for building; the Warminster

expense of carriage very much limited the use of this Fane-De Salis William esq. M..A. Teffont manor, Salisbry

material, but since the construction of the Salisbury Gordon George Henry esq. Wincombe, Donhead St.

and Yeovil railway, pass·ing within a short distance of .:L\Iary, Salisbury

the quarries, it has become an article of greaJt demand. Grove Waiter John esq. 'Berwick St. John, Salisbury

Situated on an eminence, and overlooking the surround- Hoare Sir Henry Hugh Arthur, hart. Stourton, Bath

ing country, is the Oastle of Wardour, built in 1776, the King Waiter Edward esq. Donhead lodge, Donhead St.

S·eat of Lord .Arundell of Wardour D.L., J.P. : it is a .Andrew, Salisbury

splendid edifice, containing numerous suites of apart- Morrison Alfred esq. F.R.G.S., D.L. Fonthill house,

ments; incorporated with the mansion is a beautiful Fonthill Gifford, Salisbury

Catholic chapel, dedicated to All Saints, richly fitted up, Morrison Hugh esq. Fonthill ho. Fonthill Gifford,Salisbry

and containing a series of paintings: the extensive park Butter John Farley esq. Mere, Bath

and pleasure grounds are flanked by plantations, adorned Standerwick Thomas esq. Mere, Bath

with numerous groups of stately forest trees : in the Stewart '\-Valter Richard Shaw- esq. Berwick house, Hin-

vicinity are the ruins of the old castle of Wardour, don, Salisbury

which was built in 1392, and the earthworks that were Troyte-Ohafyn-Grove George esq. Zeales house, Bath

thrown up by the Par>liamentary army when they laid Clerk to the Magistra.te.s, John .Alderson Mayo, Bath
siege to thwt fortress : it was surrendered, after a Deputy Clerk, George Edward Lush, Whitehall,Tilsbry
lengthened siege, by Lady Blanche Arundell, daughter

of the Earl of Worcesier, when Sir Edmund Ludlow was Petty Sessions are held at the Sessions hall every al-
placed in command with a large Parliamentary force, t.ernate thursday at rr a.m. The following places are

hut was ultimately re-taken and destroyed by the included in the petty sessional division :-Alvedaston,

springing of the mine ; Lord .Arundell t:hus sacrificing .Ansty, Berwick St. John, Berwick St. Leonard, Chick-
the casile to the cause: the cemetery is a quarter of a Jade, Ohilmark, Donhead St. .Andrew, Donhead St.
mile from the chapel. Pyt House, the se•at of John Mary, Fonthill Bishop, Fonthill Gifford, Hindon, Kings-
Montague Benett-Stanford esq. J.P. is a fine old man- ton Deverill, East & "\Vest Knoyle, :Mere, Monckton
sion, with heavy porticoes over tihe principal entrances ; De.verill, Lower Pertwood, Upper Pert.wood, Semley,
the family are desc·ended from Col. Benett, who was Sedghin, Stourton, Sutton :Mandeville, SwaJlowclift,
~LP. for Shafte.sbury in the reign of Charles I.: the Teffont Evias, Teffont Magna, East & West Tisbury,
house, standing on high ground, commands some fine Tollard Royal & Wardour

views, among others Kingsettle hill, and is s~tnated Public Establ.ishmen1:s.

amid a beautifully-arranged park of rso acres. Lord County Police Station, Charles Fox, snpt. J sergeant &
Arundell of Wardour is' lord of the manor. The princi- r constable
pal landowners are Lord Arund.ell of Wardour, John M. Sessions Hall, adjoining Police station
Benett-Stanford esq. Alfred Morrison esq. William "\Vynd-
Tisbury Union.
ham esq. and Sir Michael R. Shaw-Stewart hart. The
Board day, thursday fortn1ghtly, at the workhouse, at
soil is vari·ons, s.ome light loam, clay and stone and lighL
2 p.m.
chalk; subsoil, clay and gravel, chalk and flint and The union of Tisbury comprises the following places:-

sandstone. The chief crops are w.heat, oats and barley .Alvediston, .Ansty, Berwick St. J oihn, Berwick St.
Leonard, Bishop's Fonthill, Chicklade, Chilmark, Don-
and some land in pasturage. The area of the three head St. .Andrew, Donhead St. Mary, Fonthill Gifford,
Hindon, S.emley, Snt.ton Mandeville, Swallowclift,
parishes is 7,290 acres. Teffont Evias or Teffont Ewyas, Teffont Magna, East
Tisbury, West T!isbury, Tollard Royal & vVardour.
Rateable Popula- The area of the union is 43,562 acres ; raJteable value

value. tion. in r894, £53,408; the population in 1891 was 8,597

East Tisbury... ... ...........•...... £5,410 869 Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Committee, William

West Tisbury. .....•..............• £5,732 712*

Wardour.. ........................... £5,852 861
* Includes 88 officers and inmates of the workhouse.

By an Order dated March 25, rS85, a detached part of Marsh, Yeovil
Chilmark, known as Chilmark Mill, was amalgamated Treasurer, R. J. Stephenson, National Provincial bank,
with East Tisbury, and at the same date a detached Salisbury
part of Anstey, known as Sang·ers, was ad.ded to Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, No. r
district, James Isaac, Hindon; No. 2 district, George
Parish Clerk, Edwin Osmond.
Henry Ingram, Donhead St. .Andrew

Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity Vaccination Officers, James Isaac, Hindon; George H~mry

& Insurance Office.-Mrs. Ellen Harris.on, sub-post- Ingram, Donhead St. .Andrew & Herbert Osmond,
mi,,;~tress. Lebter·s received from Salisbury, delivered Wardonr, Tisbury

on week days at 6.30 a.m. & 4 p.m. ; & on mondays Medioal Officers & Public YaC'cinators, Donhead district,

also at 8 a.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 9· 35 Harry Fredk. Stokes Blucke M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.

a.m. & 12.30 & 7.30 p.m. ; sunday at 4.30 p.m Lond. Donhead! St. Andrew ; Hindvn district, J oseph

Wa.U Letter Boxes :-Hatch, cleared at 6 p.m. on week Charles Blythe L.R.C.P. Southridge house, Hinton;
d·ays; Newtown, 5.30 p.m. on week days; 8.30 a.m. Tisbnry district, John .Arthur Ensor, Ti::;bury
Superint.endent Regisirar, William Marsh, Yeovil;
on sundays; Railway station, 7 p.m. on week days
deputy, Wm. Lathey, Union Workhouse, West Tisbury
only; Churoh street, 7· 15 p.m. on week days; Chicks- Registrars of Births & Deaths, Donhead sub-district,
grove, at 6 p.m. week days only
George Henry Ingram, DO'llhead St. .Andrew; deputy,
County Magistrates for Tisobury & Mere Petty Sessional William Foote Candy, Donhead St. .Andrew; Hindon
sub-district, James Isaac, Hindon; deputy, John .Jesse

Grove Sir Thomas Fraser hart. D.L. Ferne, Donhead St. Jesty, Fonthill Gifford, Salisbury; Tisbury sub-district,

Mary, Salisbury, chairman Herbert Osmond, Wardour, Tisbury; deputy, William

.A.rund•ell of Wardour Lord D.L. Wardour castle, Tis~ Toms, East Tisbury
bury, Salisbury
Reg-istrars of Marriages, George Henry Ingram, Donhead
1Jrowne John Percival esq. Zeals, Mere, Bath St. Andrew; deputy, William Foote Candy, Donhead
St. Andrew
Wyndham Hon. Percy Soawen, The Clouds. East Knoyle,
Salisbury ·workhouse, West Tisbury, is a huilding- of brick &
stone, built in r868, & will hold 154 inmates, Rev.
St.ewart Sir Michael Robert Shaw- hart. Fonthill abbey, Francis Edmund Hntchins.on M..A. chaplain; John
Salisbury .Arthur Ensor, medical officer; .Alfred Collins, master;
Mrs. Elma Collins, matron
"Beaufoy Mark Hanbury esq. M.P. Coombtl house, Don-

head St. Mary, Salisbury

"Benett-Stanford John Montague esq. Pyt house, Tis- School .Attendance Committee.

bury, Salisbury Meets at the Union Workhouse when business requires.

llesi Lieut.-Col. George, Charlton house, Donhead St. Clerk, William Marsh, Yeovil

Mary, Salisbury Attendance & Inquiry OffiPers, James Isaac, Hindon; &;

:Borradaile Bev. Ernest, Castle house, Mere, Bath George Henry Ingram, Donhead St. Andrew


Rural District Council. Chicksgrove, Church of England (mixed), with residence
for mistress, built in 1872, for 45 children; average
::\Ieets at the Union WorkhO'Ilse every. fourth thurs. attendance, 33 ; Miss Kate Gillingham, mistress; the
immediately after meeting of Guardians. school is used for divine service & has a chapel at..
tached to it, built in 1878
Clerk, William Marsh, Yeovil
Treasurer, R. J. Stephenson, National Provincial Bank, Catholic, \Vardour (mlixed), with residence for master.
built in r86g. for 300 children; average attendance,
Salisbury 140 ; & supported in part by Lord .Arundell; Sisters
Medical Ofticer of Health, Jn. .Arth. Ensor, East Tisbry of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, mistresses
Sanita-ry Inspector, J. J. J esty, Font·hill Gifford
New.spaper.-Weekly Record, James Ridout & Co. Lim.
SchoO'ls. printers & publishers, Wardour; published wedn.esday
National (boys & girls), with residence for master &
Railway Station, William llill, SJtation master. .Agent by
:mistress, built in 1834, for 200 children; average at- appointment to the L. & S. W. railway for the dell-
tendance, go boys & 72 girls ; Fred.erick Henry Hinton, very of goods & parcels, Harry Woods
master; Miss Mary Jane Mabbett, mistress
Infant (mixed), with furnished rooms for mistress, built Carriers to :--
in r86g, for 140 ohildren; average aottendance, Br;
:Mrs. Emily Miles, mistr.ess Salisbury-Charles Hull, tues. thnrs. & sat. ; J. Boyt,
Newtown Endowed, Church of England (mixed), with tues. thurs. & •sat. returning srume da~s
r.esidence for mistress, built in 1846, for roo children;
average attendance, 40 ; & suppol"ted partly by an Shaf·tesbnry-Oharles Hull, sat. returning same day
Wm·:rruinste.r-Dharles Hull, thurs. returning same day
endowment of £45 yearly & by Mrs. Benett-S.tanford;

Miss .A.nnie Bowden, mistress; the school is licensed
for divine service on sunday

E.AST TlSBUlRY. Hlbberd Brothers. linen & woollen Dupuy Rev. Justis S.J. (Catholic)
drapers, costumiers, outfitters, hat- Hibberd Elbenezer

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ters, ironmongers, china, glass,fancy Hibberd Rowland, jun. Selwood
Br~cher James Henryd
Br~stol Ja!D-es, .Ale;x:an r11; road gooos,stationers & house furni&hers, Jukes .Alfred, Whitehall

High street Mounty Henry
IBmstol MI!>S Car~lme. Ehza'beth, The Hibberd Benjamin, temperance hotel Osmond Edwin, Ivy cottage
~cademy! .Alexandra rood & coffee ro()ms Osmond Miss, Laurel cottage
Bnstol Mis·s Mary, The .Academy, Howell & Co. grocrs. & provis~on men Styring Fredk. Hy. Slade, .Albany ho

.Alexandra road Rowell Thomas, thatcher Styring Theodore, .Albany house
Combes O~rus, Prospect house Hutt Thomas, carrier Whitchurch Edwin Ridgway Blatch

Combes NICholas, The Lodge Langdon George, beer retailer \Yhite Miss, Arundell house

Cuff James, .Alexandra hou8e Leaney .Mfrec1 GE·orge, vet. surgeon

Ensor John .Arthur Lever Geo.Hy.Baker frmr.Chicksgrve COMMERCIAL.
Fo~d Henry
Love & Co. cool mers. Railway statn .Abbott Harry hair dresser

GriffitJh Rev. G~ehoarngteryWa iter B ..A. Love Frank, farmer, Hill Street farm .Alford Jarnes' & Co. coal merchants
(cu.rate), The !Martin John, painter &c. Hindon rd & farmers
H~rdmg Mrs. Hmdon road
H~bberd Ebenezer Northover Hy. genl. draper & outfittr Bailey .Alfred, nursery & seeds man

Packer Mrs. Saml. farmer & dairyman Baker William, shopkeeper & butcher
Hxbberd ~owland, Cleveland house Stedman .Alfred, watch maker
Ball Benjamin, ironmonger

Howell Miss, Rose cottage Strong Frank,. chimney sweeper Ball Janies, plasterer
Rowel~ Thomas, .Anchor ~ottage
· Sweatman Tltos. farmer, Ham cross Benett Arms Ho1:el (Frank 0.
Hutchmso~ Rev.. Francis Edmunq Thorn John,. ~oach !milder, carpenter Ford, proprietor), family & com-

.M..A. (viear)! V1carage & wheelwright, High street mercial hotel & posting house

Kings Mrs. Hmdon road Titt Edgar, malt.ster; & at Font- Bugg Charles, .Arundell .Arms hotel

LL~evaenreyMMrsr.s .Alexandra v~.llas hill Gifford Bull Mrs. .Annie, ladies' outfitter

Turner Hy. farmer, \Veaveland farm Burridge Wm. builder & shopkeeper

IMiles Mrs. .Alexandra VIllas Viney \Vm. John, T(h~feis·Cs)o,mpmaislsleinsePr .H& Burt John Henry farmer Bridzor
'Webster Susanna Co:rnbes Daniel, 'miller '& farmer,
Morla.nd Rev. Henry M,.A.

.Alexandra cottage fancy repository Oo. Limited Chicksgrove & Tisbury mill s~
RPaonndtaoln~ GMies.;o,regse,Ital.~an 'Wilkins John, carpenter Cuff Fanny (Miss),dress ma.Ohurch
cot..Alexndra.rd Wilts & Dorset Banking Dewey, family grocer
Shankhn Rev. ~enJ.(Cong.),~heMame (agency of) attend on thursdays at Dutton John, South Western hotel

Turner Mrs. Dmna lodge, Hmdon rd Howell & Co.'s, High street; draw Everett William, Boot inn

COMMERCIAL. on London & Westminster Bank Flexen George, stationer & tobacconst

Baker Samuel, carpenter & wheel- ~im~ted, Lond<;m E C Ford Frank 0. Benett .Arms hotel

wright·, .Alexandra road 1Wiltshue. (1st) Rifle Volunteers (I Co. Foyle Charles, carpenter, BridzOT

Bracher Jas. Hy. farmer, Place farm Lt. 0. S. M. P. Maton, commndr) Fnsby Joseph, boot maker

Bristol Oaro::..ine Elizh.&Mary (Misses), ·winter George, shopkeeper Goddard Francis, chemist & druggist

school for young ladies & boys, The Yates Samuel, blaciDsmith Green William, farmer, Squalls
l WEST TLSBURY. Green William Edward, builder
.Academy, .Alexandra road

Brown Sa.rah (Mrs.), farmer, .Ashley Benett-Stanford John l\Iontague J.P. Gurd James, farmer, Furze lease

Wood farm 1 Pyt house Hollis George, Crown inn
Burt Frederick, rate collector Holloway Samuel, farm bailiff to Lord
IBristol Miss, West End cottage

Burton John, mason Gosling .Arthur Lower Lawn .Arundell, Hazledon farm
Combes Gyrus, hydraulic, drainage & ' Jeffery John,steward to Lord .Arundell

sanitary engineer & land surveyor l COMMERCIAL. of Wardour
Combes Dan~el, farmer, Chicksgrove & .Alford Jo~n, farmer, Lawn Kendall William, watch maker
1Cox Char1es, s~opkeeper King John Frederick, farmer
.Apshill farms .

Oonio .Antonv fishmonger & fruiterer 'Evere tWt ilClioarmne, lmshso,p~faerempeerr, WICk frm Lilly Thomas Parks quarry owner k
Cuff Mary (Mrs.), butcher :Fray stone merchant '
Dominy James Henry, baker, grocer, Furnell H~~ry, hauher
Love Chas. boot maker, I Garfield viis

corn & flour dealer 1Gange Phihp, farmer & valuer, Pyt Meaden Emily (Mrs.) & Son, confctnrs
Ensor John .Arthur, surgeon, medical H~use & West· Wood farms
. Moxham Jsph. Peter,plumber & glazr

officer & public va<X!inator for Tis- .Arthur, estate agent to Str National Provincia.l Bank of England
bury di'strict & workhouse & medical .M1?hae1Shaw-Stewart bart.~~w.Lwn Limited (agency) (attend on th~s­
Iofficer of health to rural district Hlggms .G~o. farmer, Denms s farm
Jukes Will;a~, farmer,Ruddlemore ~m days); draw on LhoenaddonofEficce, Bis-
hopsgate street,
counoil Lathey Wl~ham, deputy supt. regJ.s- Northover Bros. drapers & clothiers

Flam Miss Eliza, dress maker

Ford Frank 0. wine, spirit, mineral' trar, Umon :vorkhouse Oliver Charles, dairyman
water & bott.!ed ale & stout mer- Oborne F~e~enck W. quarry ,owner Osmond Edwn.organist toTisbry.chrch
IPerrett Wilham, farmer~ Polden ,s. frm Osmond Herbert, carpenter & builder,
chant, High street

Ford Henry carpenter 1'SStcra~metmJeallm·ewsm, .sebn1. afcakrmmeu~t,h,EHaasttchhaftrcmh Trellis cottage registrar of births &;
Ford Sidney, grocer Osmond Herbert,

Ford Thomas Edward, cabinet maker White Robt. farmer, Blllhay farm deaths, Tisbury sub-district,Tisbury

Foyle John, boot & shoe maker W.ARDOUR. union & vaccin!ltion officer

Fray Henry, bill poster, .Alexandra rd . PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pearce & Son, pamters

Gray Charles, shopkeeper, Chicks gro .Arundell of Wardour Lord D.L., J.P. Pitcher George, photographer

Harrison Ellen (Mrs.), telegraph & Wardour castle; & .Athenreum club, Ponton Geo. saddler & harness maker

;post office London S W Read Charles, boot maker


Randall Andrew Charles, ironmonger, Street Jas. jun. frmr. Wallmead farm Vincent James, baker

plumber & engineer, shoeing &. Tisbury Gas Oo. (Wm. Toms, sec) Wardour, Chilmark & Tisbury Stone

general smith TiSibury &. Wardour Co-operative So- Quarries (T. P. Li:Iy, proprietor),

Ridout James & Co. Limited, genera! ciety Limited (T.homas Hunt, sec) Gillingham

printers & publishers of the "Weekly Tisbury Stores (The) (R. W. Davery, Wastfield Job, butcher

Reoord" manager), & agents to W. & A. We.ekly Record (James Ridout & Co.

St.Mary's Convent (Sisters of Charity) Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchnts Limited, printers & pubJshers ; pub..

Salisbury, Semley & Gi~lingham Titt Edgar, maltster, Lawn farm l~shed wed)

Dairies Limited Toms Wm. deputy registrar of births White Catherine Mary (Miss), high

Smart Lucy(Mrs. ),dress ma. Church st & deaths for T'isbury sub-district & school for girls, .Arundell house.

Styring Frederick Henry Slade & sec. to the Gas Oo. Garton house See advertisement

Theodore W. brewers & maltsters, Turner Emanuel, boot maker Wilkins Emanuel, baker

W,iltshire brewery Victoria Hall Go

TOCKENHAM is a parish, 3! miles south-west from cellor, and held since 1892 by the Rev. William Henry

Wootton Bassett station on the Swindon and Bath see- Cooper M ..A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and

tion of the Great 'Ves·tern railway, and 11 south-west F.R.G.S. The charities amount to about £r6 yearly,

from Swindon, in the Northern divi&on of the county, a.rising from [5oo invested in Consols by Mrs. Ann

Uricklade and Wootton Bassett 1mion, pe.Uy sessiond Jacob in 1780, and from £2oo similarly invested by Mrs.

division of Wootton Bassett and county court district of Mary Clutterbuck in 1784: the cost of keeping the

Swindon, rural deanery of .Avebury (.Avebury portion), family tombs in repair is deducted, and the remainder,

archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The together with a rent-charge of £3 on the Tockenham

'Yilts and Berllis canal and the Great Western railway estate, is distributed among the poor who are not in

pas·s through the parish. The church of St. John is a receipt of parish relief. The soil is of a sandy nature;
subsoil, rock. The chief crops are wheat and 8'0m6
small a:ncient Gothic stone structure, consisting of chan., pasture land. The area is 759 acres; rateable value,
£r,8oi; the population in 189r was 138.
eel, nave, south porch, western bell-cot with one bell:
it was thoroughly restored in I 876 at the sole cost of a Parish Clerk, Thomas W'hite.
former rector, the Rev. J. J. Stanton: there is a hand-
some m()nument to the Goddard-Smith family, dating

from 1692 : there are 150 sitt.ings. The register da.tes Letters received through ·wootton Bassett, which is the
from the latter part of the I6th century. The living is nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 10

a. rectory, yearly tithe rent-charge £255· average £r9o, a.m. ·wall Letter Box cleared at 6.30 p.m. week days

gross yearly income [265, net £Io6, including 36 acres I<'ree School (mixed), built in r844, for 6o children~

of glebe with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chan- average attendance, 32; Mrs. Cooper, mistress

Cooper Rev. William Henry Hewlett B:~;yant Henry, farmer, Greenway Read David, tobacconist

M..A., F.R.G.S. Rectory Fry Wm. Chas. frmr.Tockenham manr Tuck Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper

Bartlett Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Gough WiHiam, smith Wilkins William J ames, be€r retailer

Bryant Frederick, f'clrmer Hathway Edwin, farmer, Shaw farm

TOLLARD ROYAL is a parish and village on the the deceased formerly sat is a wooden cross, ori-ginally

iDorsetshire border, and close to the bound·s of Cran- I rais.ed by the inhabitants of the .Alpine village near·

borne Chase, ro miles south-east from Semley station on which the sad event happened, and subsequently re-

the Salisbury and Y.eovil branch of the London and moved and a stone cross substituted for it: a brass

South Western railway, r7i south-west from Salisbury tablet on the wall surmounts the cross and records the-

and 8 sout'h-e,ast from ShaHesbury, in the Southern circumstances: there is also in the nave a recumbent

divisi<m of the county, Chalke hundred, Tisbury and monument to Siir William Payne kt. ob. 1388: are·

M·ere pet.ty sessional division, Tisbury union, Shaftes- 150 sitt,ings. The register dates from the year I777·

bury county court dis,triot, rural deanery of Chalke The living is a rect-ory, average tithe rent-charge [434,

(Tisbury portiDn), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of gross yearly va,lue [504, net [380, with So acres ot

Salisbury. The parish is divided into four farms- glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1865

Higher Farm, Lower Farm, Corner Farm and Thorn by the Rev. Geoi·ge Howard Waterfall M..A. of Worces-

Farm; the paris1h is called Royal in consequence of ter College, Oxford. Here is a Primit-ive Methodist

John, Earl of Gloucester, afterwaTds King John, hold- chapel, built in 1879. The principal landowners are Sir
ing a knight's here; King John also held the chase 'rhomas Fvase.r Grove bart. and Lieut.-Gen. .A.. H. L.

of Cranborne and used occasionally tJo reside here; the pjtt-Rivers, of Rushmore, who is lord of the manor.

name of his palace is still attached to a house in thE' i1 The soil is light and flinty ; subsoil, chalk and flint.

neighbourhood. Tollard Royal church and the whole of i The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area

the parish are in this county, but the rector has t.ithes is 2,807 acres of corn and down land; rateable value,

of a district of 1,260 acres of land in the neighbouring 1 [1,368; the population in 1891 was 440, of which 897

county of Dorset, oalled Tollard Farnham, and the cure acres and r93 inhabitants are in Tollard Farnham.
of souls extends to the inhabit,ants of Tollard Farnham .Ashmore Ooilll!Don is I~ miles west.

as well as Tollard Royal. The dhurch of St. Peter ad Parish Clerk, J. Burden.

Vincula, f!r St. Pete.r in Chains, is an edifice of stone in Post & Telegraph O:ffice.-Mrs. Emily ·whitmarsh, sub-
the Go~hic style; It has chancel, nave of three ?a.Ys, postmist.ress. Lettern a·rrive from Salisbury at 6.50
north aisle! sou~h porch and a weS!tern tower contamn~g
5 bell~, with pmn~cles and embqmUed. par~pet, and m,;t{cJhtdeidpspaaaidttc. n.5ea.5rP5eosstpt.amml o.onrwedyeeresokraddreearyissos;fufiecsedunhidsearyaeis,r

1?82 1t was put mto thorough repair; ~t. stands ?n I
higher ground 'than the few houses compri-.;mg the v1l- · Rand~ey

lage : in the chancel there is a memorial IBw6i6n, dwoiwtlht~(n) Nat1.?na~ Scho()l . Wl.t~ ,. for .
Lord and Lady Rivers, who died in .April,
(mixed), residence mistress.'
forty-eight hours of eaoh other, and to one of their blllllt. m 1852, for 8o chil~ren, averag:e atJ:endance. 65:
daughters, the wife of Captain .Arbuthnot, who, while on & chiefly supp~rted by Lieut.-Gen. Pitt.-Rivers F.R.S.'

her wedding tour in Switzerland, was struck dead by Mrs. Cock, mistress .

lightning, June 21st, 1865, eight weeks after her mar- Carrier.-Charles .A. Neale, to Salisbury, tues. ; & to

riage in this church: in the wall nea;r the pew in which Shaftesbury on sat. returning same days

Waterfall Rev. George Roward M.A. Bench Henry, blacksmith Humber Charles, keeper to Lieut.-
Gen. Pitt-Rivers
(rector), Rectory Burden James, grocer & draper

COMMERCIAL. Hancock Charles E. King John's hotel Lawes .Albt. organist of parish church

Hart James, baker Neale Charles .A. farmer

.Antill He:rbert Henry, farm bailiff to Harder George, farm bailiff to Lieut.- Penney Joseph, farmer

Sir Thomas Fraser Grove bart Gen. Pitt-Rivers Targett William & Henry, farmers


1, R 0 W B RID G E.

THIS ancient manufacturing town is on the line of the Digby Walsh, by the congregation, and two memorial

Great Western railway to Salisbury and Weymouth, on windows to Charles Gane esq. and his wife: also a stone

which it has a station, at the west end of the town, and pulpit: there are r,033 sittings. The register dates

on the bank of the river Mere or Biss, a feeder of the from the year 1839. 'fhe living is a vicarage, gross

Avon; it is 97 miles from London by rail, and 99 by yearly value [323, net [320, with residence, in the gift

road, ro~ south-west from Devizes, 9~ north-west from of the rector of Trowbridge, and held since 1893 by the

Warminster, 10 north-east from Frome, II south-east Rev. Robert Ewing M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford.

from Bath, 5 north-west from Westbury, 3 south-east The area of the ecclesiastical parish is 833 acres; the

from Bradford, 5~ from Melksham, n! from Chippenham population in 1891 was 4,786.

and 32 north from Salisbury: it is in the Western St. Thomas is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in r87o.
division of the county, the head of a county court dis- The church, in the north-east end of the town, was built
trict and petty sessional division, and a parish in the at the cost of Thomas Clark esq. in memory of his
Melksham hundred and union, rural deanery of Potterne father : it is a cruciform stone building in the Early
(Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of English style, consisting of nave of two bays, aisles and
Salisbury, and includes the tithings of Staverton and transepts, south porch, with western bell turret contain-
ing 4 bells, and surmounted by a spire : there are 320
The town was governed by a Local Board of Health of
21 members, under the "Local Government Act, 1858," sittings : the east window is stained, and there are two
others in the chancel, one to the memory of Miss
from June 13, 1864, but under the provisions of the Waldron, d. r87~. and the other given by Jesse Gould-
"Local Government Act, 1894," the Urban District smith, in memory of his brother. The register dates
Council is now the local authority; it is lighted with from the year r87o. The living is a vicarage, gross
gas by a company formed in r824, whose works are in yearly value £r54, net [150, with residence, in the gift
Gooseacre. The Trowbridge ·water Co. was incorporated of five trustees, and held since 188o by the Rev. William
in r873, and the works· were inaugurated on Henry Start.
the 3oth September, 1874, when the water was supplied

to the town by a temporary arrangement, and on this The Catholic chapel, Wingfield road, dedicated to St.
occasion was thrown over the church spire, a height of John the Baptist, is a stone building, in the Gothic style,

159 feet; the water is obtained from the chalk hills, in erected in r875, and has 280 sittings.
the hamlet of Biss, where an adit has been made to The Baptists have chapels in Church street, erected
intercept the springs, forming the principal source of in 1736, having 86o sittings: in Court street, built r8r3,

the river Biss : from this adit the water passes into a with 84o seats: Particular Baptist in Union street, in
main of about 7 miles in length, whence it is delivered r816, for 700 persons.
to Trowbridge. The Compensation works at Semington The Congregational tabernacle, Church street, founded
consist .()f a pump worked by a turbine, by which the in 1771, has sittings for 715 persons.
compensating water is lifted from a stream, called the The Congregational chapel, Silver street, was erected
Semington brook, and conducted partly in an open chan- in 1740, and has 240 seats.
nel and partly through an iron main into the river Biss, The Unitarian chapel, in the Conigre, was erected in
at a point just above that where the cloth mills are 1820, with 400 sittings.
situated, thus giving to the river at a lower point a The Wesleyans have three chapels, one in Manvers
quantity equal to that abstr:1eted at the source. The street, erected in 1826, and having 8oo sittings; another
e11.gineer was the late Henry Tomlinson C.E; of Cam- in Wesley road, erected in r87r, seating 350 persons;
and the third at Islington, erected in 18r4, with 220 seats.
The Kennet and Avon Navigation passes within a mile The Salvation Army have a hall in Castle str.eet.

of the town, and crosses the railway by a viaduct, and A Cemetery of ten acres, at the Down, was formed in

joins the river Avon at Bath, which is navigable thence 1856, at a cost of £s,o45, having two mortuary chapels;

through Bristol to the Severn; the canal brings coal for it is under the control of a burial board of 9 members.

the town and surrounding country. The Town Hall stands on the east side of the Market
The parish church .()f St. James is an ancient stone House, immediately in front of the People's Park, and
was provided by the liberality of Sir William Roger
structure, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave Brown, of Highfield, Hilperton, at a cost of £2o,ooo;
of ten bays, aisles, and north porch, and embattled Mr. A. S. Goodridge, of Bath, architect. The founda-
west square tower, with pinnacles and surmounted by a tion stone was laid by Lady Brown in r887 ; and the
spire 159 feet high, with a fine peal of 8 bells and clock: building opened on June 14, I88g, by H.R.H. the Duchess
the entire building underwent considerable alteration of Albany : the style of architecture is partly of Queen
and repair in r848, durmg the incumbency of the Rev. Anne and the Elizab_!lthan perio-ds, with an adaptation
John David Hastings, and a restoration of much of its to the present Victorian age, having gabled roof with a
original architectural beauty, at an expense of upwards tower over the entrance : the material used is local
of £8,ooo: George Crabbe, the poet,was for eighteen years stone, the face of the wa11s being Atworth in range
rector of this parish, and his remains were deposited in work, with Corsham Down freestone dressings and
a vault in the chancel of the church: here are several cornices ; Boxground stone being used for set-off and
monuments : the baptistery at the west end has been

restored by Alexander Mackay esq. and the floor hand- copings : the fa~ade is richly ornamented with carvings
somely laid with mosaic marble; it has two iron gates: and the royal arms and alsa those of the donor on the
the interior contains ten stained windows, one in memory main gables: the tower, which is ro1 feet 6 inches in
of John Clark, one to William "\Yillis, one to Maria height, has two clock dials, each five feet in diameter:
"\Valdron and one to Sarah Maria Gane, daughter of the quarters are chimed on two bells, and the hour
George Webb: the church has sittings for 666 persons. struck on a third, weighing 14 cwt. : on the lower por-
The register dates from the year 153.8. The living is a tion of the wwer appear panels, representing the staple
rectory, gross yearly value £704, net [3oo, with resi- trade of the town. The main doorway has boldly re-
dence and 67 acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees, and cessed piers and capitals, richly ornamented, supporting
held since r894 by the Rev. Algernon Charles Dudley three concentric arches, delicately cut and of original

Ryder M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, and surro- design. The vestibule is floored with a handsome
mosaic pavement, and has a tinted tiled dado 5 feet in
In Castle street is St. Stephen's chapel .()f ease to the height round the walls. The hall is well lighted and has
mother church, formerly a Baptist chapel: it has a polished columns of Purbeck marble, with moulded
Gothic chancel and handsome window, with a figure of swne caps carrying semi-circular arches supporting the
St. Stephen, its patron saint; it is capable of seating first floor : on the right side and facing the street is a
soo persons.
cloak room for gentlemen and a room for solicitors and

There is an iron mission room in Upper Broad street barristers. The noblest room on the ground floor is the

in connection with St. James' church. Sessions Court, being 37 feet square : due provision is

Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in made for the bench, bar, jury, officials, with a gallery

1839; the church is a handsome stone cruciform edifice, for the public. The grounds at the rear of the building,

erected in r838, at the west end of the town, consists though small, have been tastefully laid out. The gables

of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and western in the rear of the hall are ornamented with the Wiltshire

tower containing one bell and clock: it was thoroughly arms and the arms of the lord lieutenant.

repaired and beautified about 1861, and again in 1884: The Police Station is in Stallard street; Superintendent

it contains four stained windows, one being the east Henry White, resides on the premises.

window, paid for by subscription, one to the Rev. the Hon. The Savings Bank, established in r817, has offices in


Fore street, erected in 1877. The Capital and Counties A Public Soup Kitchen, for the gratuitous distribution

Bank Limited, and the Wilts and Dorset Banking Co. of sonp, has been given to the town by Mrs. Gould-

Limited, have branches here. smith, and is situated in Conigree.

The Conservative Club and the Young Men's Christian The Public Pleasure Grounds, consisting of about 4
Association are in,Fore street, and the Liberal Club, in acres, were opened in I884, and in 1887 were purchased
Conigre. by public subscription, and now vested in the Urban
Council. At the same time the Queen Victoria Jubilee
The market days are Tuesday and Saturday; a. large Widows' Fund was established, the invested capital of
cattle market is held on alternate Tuesdays ; and a which amounts to £r,ooo.
pleasure fair is held annually on the sth, 6th and 7th of
August. There is a public bathing place on the river Biss,
under the control of the Rural District Council.
An horticultural show is held annually in August, and
George Keats, the poet, was born here in 1729, and
a cattle show in December. died in 1797· The site of the old castle, held by the
Empress Matilda. against Stephen, may be recognized by
There is a drinking fountain in Fore street, erected a mound called Court hill, but the castle itself has long
November, 1876, by a native of Frome (Somersetshire).
The chief employment of the inhabitants is the manu-

facture of kerseymere, broad and other woollen cloths,

established here as early as the reign of Henry VIII.

and now the largest in the West of England. There are Trowbridge, in the earliest records called Straburgh,

also extensive breweries, foundries, and engineering and was formerly a, royal manor, which was given by Henry

brick works. A large trade is also done in the curing VIII. to the Somerset family, in whose possession it

of bacon, and the manufacture of beds and mattresses remained until the marriage of Lady Frances Seymour,

and brushes. daughter of .A.lgernon, seventh Duke of Somerset, with

Trowbridge, as far as regards the regular forces, is the Moarquis of Granby, afterwards Duke of Rutland,

attached to the Western military district, the remainder from whose family it was purchased by the late Thomas

of Wiltshire being included in the Southern district. Timbrell esq. and is now held by WilliaJn Stancomb esq.

The artillery barracks, on the Frome road, are capable of Blount Court, Potterne, who purchased the manor

of containing about 1so men, and are now (1895) un- from the Timbrell family.
The Prospect is the seat of John Perkins Stancomb
The Widows' Almshouses, in Roundstone street, have esq.•T.P.; the mansion, pleasantly situ'3·ted, stands in a
an endowment left by Henry, Edward and William park of 20 acres. Bellefield house is the seat of Thomas
Yerbury in 1698, now producing £12o yearly, from lands Clark esq. D.L., J.P.
and money in the Funds, and are for six poor widows;
each inmate is paid £r 8s. monthly. Ea,rl Manvers is lord of the inferior manor of Trow-
bridge Dauntsey.
The Old Men's Almshouses, in Union street, were built
by public subscription in r86r, and are maintained by The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
the income from funded property and by voluntary sub- are grass and wheat. The area is 2,400 acres; rateable
scriptions. There are eight houses and each occupant value 1894, £40,244; the population in 189r was 1I,go1, in-
receives 6s. weekly and usually a supply of fuel. cluding Staverton and Studley and 142 in the barracks ;
and of the Urban District II,7r7. The population of
The New Almshouses, at Islington, were erected in the ecclesia,stical parishes in 1891 was :-St. James,
1893 by George H. Palmer esq. in memory of his 4,763; Holy Trinity, 4,786; St. Thomas, 1,722.
father. There are three houses and each occupant re-

ceives about 8s. weekly. Parish Clerk, St. James, George Sidney Cheverill.

There are charities producing about £n3 yearly, [32 Sextons, Holy Trinity, 1Villiam Mead; St. Thomas,
of which are distributed in bread ; there were left by Gilbert.

William Wallis in 16sz £zo and Edward Wallis £10; in

1661 Ezekiel Wallis £w; in 1692 Henry Wallis £so; in STUDLEY is a. tithing and ecclesiastical parish,

1693 Mrs. Ann Wallis £zo; in 1700 Robert Pinchin formed in r8S8 from the civil parish of Trowbridge,

£roo; in I704 Richard Singer £120; in 1721 Mrs. Ann adjoining Trowbridge on t,he south. The church of St.

Wallis £3o; in 1736 William Temple £zo; in 1773 John is a plain stone building in the Gothic style, con-
\Villiam Temple £zo; in I8oz John Clark so guineas; sisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and western belfry

and also £400 in stock, the interest to be paid to the with one bell : the window is stained and 7 others e

organist of the church. In I692 Richard Bissie left £so, there are 180 sittings. The register dates from the

the profits to apprentice a poor boy; in 1724 James yeall" r8s8. The living is a vicar.age, with residence, gross

Singer left £zoo, the interest to pay for the education yearly value [139, net £r33, in the gift of the rector of
of ten poor boys ; in I73o Richard Shrapnell left £zo, Trowbridge, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Robert

the interest to pay for the education of one poor boy. Runcorn Monteath M.A. of Edinburgh University. The

In 1729 Joseph Halten left £zzo; in 1769 Robert Halten Baptists have a chapel here, built in r85o to hold

left £1oo; in 1781 Eleanor Temple £zoo; in 1809 120. The principal landowners am Messrs. James

Thomas Dundee £so. Huntley, of the Galley, Frome road, Trowbridge and

.A. Cottage Hospital, in the Halve, a new building on John Milsom. The soil is clay; subsoil, loam. The land
the most approved plan, was erected in 1883, and given is principaHy pasture. The area is 397 acres ; the
to the town by the late Jesse Gouldsmith, and was population in 189I was 283.

established in IB7o for diseases and accidents; a piece Parish Clerk, Edward Gale.
of land adjoining was added in 1893, the gift of Mrs.
Gouldsmith, which has been laid out with shrubs, trees Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m,;
&c. ; a small weekly charge is made for sick patients, sundays, 9.30 !ll•• m. Letters through Trowbridge,
but accidents are admitted free. There are four wards which is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
containing ten beds, and in 1894 there were 4I patients. arrive at 7 a.m. & I & 7 p.m. ; sunday, 7 a.m. only

Visiting days, Tuesdays 2 till 4; Fridays, 6 till 8 p.m. National School (mixed), built in 18s5, with house for

The Infectious Diseases Hospital, on the Bradley road, mistress, for IOO children; average attendance, 45 ;

is under the control of the Urban District Council. Miss Mary Crump, mistres·s


Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity Outward Mails.

& Insurance Office, 6 ·wicker hill.-James DonaJdson, Letters, J:a,test hour of posting :
postmaster Daily-Trowbridge Rural Deliveries, 5-45 a.m.; 1st

Hours of attendai].ce For Sale of Stamps, registration Town delivery, 6.45 a.m
of Letters &c. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; sunday, 8 a.m. to Week Days only: London (rst Day), a.m.; znd
10 a.m. Postal Order Business, 7 a..m. to 9 p.m.
Money Order & Savingso Bank, Annuity & Insurance Town delivery, Holt &c. 9·4S a.m.; South West of
business & Issue of Licences, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ; England, IO. IS a. m. ; Reading, Swindon, Melksham,
Wilts, Weybridge &c. a.m.; Bath, Bristol &
saturday to 8 p.m. Telegraph business, 8 a.m. to 8 West of England, 11.15 a.m.; London (znd Day) &
Devizes, 11.40 a.m.; 3rd Town delivery, 12.45 p.m.;
p.m. ; sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m
Bristol, z.s p.m.; London (3rd Day), Reading,
Inward Mails.
Swindon, Chippenham &c. z. I5 p.m. ; Bath, Bristol
Letters, hours of Town delivery: 7 & 10 a. m. ; I & & West of Engl'and, 4.30 p.rn.; Frome, 5.40 p.m.;
4th Town delivery, 6 p.m. ; North of England, Ireland
6.30 p.m
& ScotJ.and, 6.s p.m.; Southampton & South West
Parcels, hours of arrival, week days only: 7·40 & 9.40 of England, 6.40 p.m

a.m.; 12.~5. 3.25 & 6.5 p.m Daily-London (Night) & all parts, 9 & 9.20 p.m


Parcels, l'Btest hour of posting: Infectious Diseases Hospibal (Harry Ferris, caretaker),

Week Da.ys only 2 9· I5, 10.55 & II-5 a. m. ; 2.5. 4·30, Bradley road
Inland Revenue Office, 6 Wicker hill, Alexander Collins,
7.30 & 9 p.m
Telegrams may also be dispatched from the Railway supervisor ; J e.ffrey Richard Smith, division officer ;

station David Curlett, ride officer

Town Sub-Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Hill'SI Hall, Silver street, P. L. Hill, proprietor

Office, 3 Hilperton. road-Mrs. l\Iary Grist, sub-post- Mark-et, Charles William S·beven/S & John. Heaton, ool-

mistress. W.all Letter box cleared, 5·45• 8.55 & ro.5o ledrors of tolLs
Ma['t, J\-Lanvellls S>treet, Fooley, Son & Mundy, proprie;tQil"S
a.m.; 1.45, 4.2o, 5.40 & 8.45 p.m. week days only
Town Sub-Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Public Weighing Machine, Market hall, Silver street,.
Office, 47 Gloucester road-Thomas Hewitt Watson, Charles WliHiam Stevens, weigher
sub-postma.ster. Wall Letter Bo:x, cleared 5.5o, 8.50 St. James' Hall, Unlion street, James Hi·soocks, keeper
& 10.30 a,.m.; 1.45, 5·35 & 8.40 p.m. week days only Town Fire Brigade, Wm. Renry iStanleiY, c.a.ptain, & 7

men; th.e escape & appliances an~ kept at ihe Market

SESSIONAL DIVISION. Town Hall & Sessions Court, David Giboen, keeper

Stancomb John Perkins esq. The Prospect, Trowbridge, Volunteers.

chairman xst Wilts Rifles, Drill hall, Timbrell street; C Co. Capt.

Brown Sir Wm. Roger, Highfield, Hilperton, Trowbridge H. H. "\Yillis & D Co. Capt. James 1\Iackay, comman-
Quillard His Honor CamiHe Feli:x Desire D.L. Wingfield dants; Lt. J. Walker; Surg.-Capt. H. P. Tayler M.B.
house, nflla,r Trowbridge
medical officer; C. H. Smith, quartermaster-sergeant;

Clark Thoma.s esq. D.L. Bellefield house, Trowbridge Color-Sergt. Lewis' Fuller, drill instrctr. ; strength, 228

Clark William Perkins esq. Wyke house, Trowbridge

Palmer George Llewellen esq. Springfield, Trowbridge PUBLIC OFFIOERS.
Walker William esq. Longfield house, Trowbridge

Clerk to the 'Magistrates, Chas. Atkins Oollins,, Fore st Cer1tifying Factory Surgeon & Medli<Jal Office.r & Public

Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall the first Vaccinator, znd District, "\Ves·tbury & Whorwellsdown

wednesday in the month a,t 11 a.m. The following Union & 2nd Distriot, MeJktsham Union., Niclmlas Vin-

places are included in the petty sessional division : - cent Wise L.K.Q.C.P.Ir-el. Lim:lfusfmne, Stallard street

North Bradley, Hilperton, Southwick, Staverton & Coroner for WilJt,shire, Frede·rick Thom!Ws Sylve·s·ter, 6x

Trowbridge Oa.stle stroot; deputy, Edward Moons Carless M. D.

Urban District CounciL I I Long Sitree.t, Devizes
County .A.coountant, Th,omas .1. Dring, County offices,

Members. StaHard street
Inspector of Weights & Mea.s.ures•, Frank B,ea.rcLsley, I1mox,
*James Charles Hanley t J oseph Poynton Haden
*Henry Edwin Harvey tJames John Hibberd Coulllty Surveyor, Charles Sepltlimus .A.dye, County offices,
*George Lansdown tGeorge Snailum
*Thomas William Lyles ~Sir William Roger Brown S1tallard street
*John Perkins Stancomb
*Ephraim Csher §Isaac Chapman Medical Officer & Public Vacclim1itm, Ist District, MeJk-
*Jacob Usher ~William Perkins Clark ·sham Union & 3rd DistriCit, W eost,bury & Whmwellsdon
tHenry lllake §John Ellery Docking Uni'On, George Ohrisl:Jop'her Thyler M.D. Lovemood
tJohn Heritage Blake house, Roundst,one s.txee·t
•J ames Drysdale
tThomas Clark Fred Milsom Garlick Registrar of Marrifiges, John Merrett, r-4 Hill st. Trow-
bridge; deputy, J. H. Brown, West street, Trowbridge
tGeorge Coleman William Walker
Reg-is.trar of Birtlhs & Deatlhs, Tmw'b:ridge Sub-district,
Marked thus * retire in r8g6. Tilwmas S1amuel Hill, We,stlbourne :road ; deputy, Miss 1\I. Hill, Westbourne l"'Od, Trowbridge
Marked thU's, t retire in r8g7.
Marked! thus § retire in r8g8. Sheriff's Offioer :flor the Oounlty o.f W!ilts, Oornelius
Joseph Hinder, 34 Unlion street

Supemnitenden't of Bolice, Hency "\'VIhlite, StaJlard stre.eb

Ordinary monthly meetings of the Council are held at the Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages,
William John. Mann, Uruion SltTee~t; deputy, Ed·ward
Town hall, first monday in each month at 3 o'clock

Meetings of the :Finance & Building Committees will be Burche.Jl Rodway, Union street
held on the tuesday & friday previous to each council Tax OoUector, Georg,e Ernest Snnilum, 5 Church street
meeting at 3 p.m
Town Crier, "\Villiam Turner, Chslee street
Clerk, Thomas Samuel Hill, Town hall, Silver street Relieving & School Attendance Officer, Trowbridge &

Treasurer, Alfred Parry, Wilts & Dorset Bank, Fore st Hilperton District, Samuel "\Villiam Roman, Marsh road

Medical Officer of Health, Riclmird Tippetts Richardson PLACES OF WORSHIP, with time•s .of services.

M.R.C.S.Eng. Ching house, Hilperton road St. James' Church,Rev.Algernon Chas.Dudley Ryder M..A..
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Stanley, rector; Rev. Lawrence Geo.Bamford M.A.& Rev. Fredk.
EdWJard Richa.rd Holies,; I0.3o a.m. & 6.I$
Town hall p.m. ;''s service, rst & last sunday a.t 3 p.m.;

Collector, John Heaton, Newtown

PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. ib:oly communion, rs.t sunrlay, after morming service,
2nd & 4th sunday•s at 7·45 a.m. & 3rd sunday in the

Cemetery, The Down, William John Mann, Union street, month, after evell!ing service ; servrice on saints' days

clerk to the bnriaJ board; Geo. Sidney Cheverill, supt at 8 a. m. & on .wed. & fri. 7· 15 & 4.30 p.m. re•spedivoely

Cottage Hospital, The Halve, Nicholas Vincent Wise St. .Tames' MiSision Room, Upper Bl"''ad st.reeot; 6.15 .

L.K.Q.C.P.Irel.; George Christopher Tayler M.D. p.m. ; thurs 7.30 p.m
George MayriSI Sylvester, Kirwan Francis Sylvester Holy Trinity Church, Rev. Robert Ewing M.A. vicar.;
L.R.C.P.Edin. Henry Payne Ta[Yler M:.B.Camb. & Rev. .A.rthur Webster Houg~hton B..A.. curate; 8 & 11
Richard Tippetts Richardson M.R.C.S.Eng. medical a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; holy oommuni<m, weekly; chil-
officers; F. R. Willis, hon. sec. ; Miss Harriet dren's s-ervice, znd & last sundlay iru the month at 3 p.m
St. Stephen's Chapel of Ease to St. Jama.s', situated in
Perkins, matron Castle SltreM; Rev. Frede.rick E. R. Holies, curate;

County Court; office, 68 Fore street; His Honor Camille I0.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Felix Desire Caillard, judge; Chairles Atkins Collins, St. Thomas' Ohurclh, Rev. Henry Start, vicar;
registrar & high bailiff; John Mugford, sub-bailiff.
The court is holden once a month alternately at !0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m.; holy cDm-
Trowbridge & Bradford-on-Avon, generaHy on a friday, munion, I'st & 3rd sun. & on chief fe,sltivals ; dhildren's
commencing at ro a.m. The following places are in-
cluded in the district :-Bradford, Bradley (North), special service, last sun. at 3 p.m
Chalfield (Great & Little), Cottles, Freshford (Somer- St. John the Baptist (Cllltholic), Wli.ngfield road, the Hon.
set), HilP.erton, Holt, Keevil, Lenton, Limpley Stoke,
:Monkton Farleigh, Road, Southwick, Staverton, & Rev. Eve.rard .A. G. .ArundeH, prieiSt; mass, 11
Steeple Ashton, Stowford, Trowbridge, Westwood, a.m. ; holy communion, 8 a.m. ; coateohism 3 p.m. ;
Wingfield, Winsley & Wraxall (South) & everuing service 6.30 p.m.; mass, week day,s, 8 a.m, Church st.reet, Rev. JiOseph T11T111er; !0,30 a.m.

& 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

Baptist (BeibheJsdia), OouTit street, Rev. Henry Saunders;

For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that I0.3o a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m

of Bath; Edward ·Gustavus Olarke, Bank chambers, Particular Baptist (Zion), Union s:treet; 10.30 a. m. & 6

Corn street, Bristol, official receiver p.m.; tues. & thuxs. 7·I5 p.m ·

County Police Office, Stallard street, Henry White, Oong-regat:ional 'Dabernacle, Church street; 10,30 a.m. &

superintendent; Henry Field, inspector & 5 constables 6 p.m.; tihurs. 7.30 p.m


Congregational, Silver street; I0.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. ca.rving ; Benjamin .Aishenhurst, ma&ter; CoUrt street

7·30 p.m (Text.ile), H. Ledbury, sec. ; 93• Silver street (Art &
Unitarian, Conigre; I0.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan, Manvers street; 10.30 a. m. Science), T. J. Halle~t, master; British row (Cookery),

Miss Bridgman, superintendent

& 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 15 p.m Rev. Richard But· NEWSPAPERS.

Wesleyan, \Vesley road; 10.45 a. m. & terworth & Rev. Wiltsl:llire Times & Trowbl'lidge Advert!iser ; office, n
Silver street; La'll!Sdown (B.) & Sons, publishers &
6 p.m. ; wed. 7· 15 p. m F.Holmes Smith propciffi'Ors ; publ.ils!hed every fl'iday evening for sat

Wesleyan, Islington; thurs. 7·I5 p.m Tro"'ibridge Ohroruicle; office, Narrow Wine sb·eet ;

Salvation Army Hall, OastJ.e street; 10.30 a.m. 3 & 6.30 Trowb:rri.dge & We~st Wi~t·s Prinlting· & Publish-ing Co.

p.m.; daily, 7 p.m

SCHOOLS. Lim. propl'iertJors; John Major Brindley, editor &
m'anager ; pub%shed every fridlay even~ng for sa•turday
High School, Wingiie~d road (Western Counties Wesleyan
Sdhoo1 AssQcia.tion Lim1ted), a new buildling Qof brick, King's l\funltlhly Jomnal ; office, 37 Fore street ; Edgar
was erected in 1890, at a cos•tJ of £3,500, to accommodlate King, publis!her & proprietor; published I5th of each
70 boys, of which 50 are board·ers; Jacob Usher, sec.; month

Thoma,s· Rus·sell Maltlby M.A. head master & Oharles RAILWAY STATION.

W. Heywor<th B.A. assi&tarut mastro- Great Western, Henry A!brnlha.m, station mas•toer; parcels

'fechnical Education Department (Wilt.s County Council), & goods agent, Henry BurdeHj Noms
Charle·S· Henry Corbett F.C.S., F.E.l.S. organizing &
general sec. County office•s, stl'eet•

Na.tional (boys & girls), Ohurch Sltree•t, William James · 'Bus fl'om Goorge & Woolpack hotels tQo Railway statllon

Lis.te'l', master ; Miss J ane S'lade, Dl!ist•ress ; with resi- CARRIERS.

dence fGr master & mistress ; built in 1846 & enlarged

in 1887, for 900 children; average at.tenckmce, 155 David Blai1ey, frQm t Woolpack,' 27 F.are stree.t, mon.

boy•s & 170 gci.rIs wed. fri. & sa.t. 4 p.m. fOT North Brodle)'\ HeywiC)IOd,

National. St. 'l'homas'•s (inilant.s), Timbre.U s.tree-t, MiEIS Westbury and Di1ton Mar.s!h
Alice Maud Whitmarsli, mistress; built in 1872, for 183 Henry Hoomin, from '\Vhite Hart,' 44 Fore street, tues.
children ; average attendance, I25
thurs. & sat. 4 p.m. for North Bradley & Wes'tbury
Holy Trinity, National (girls), Stallard street, M.iss Frede.rick BlliSJsett, from 'Woolpack,' tues. & thurs. 3.30
~L A. Duffill, mis1ress; built in 1836, fQor 190 chil- p.m. fo-r Roo.d

d!Ten ; average!:endanoe, 160 Edward Blo-wland Rogers, from 'White Hart,' daily, wt 12

Haly Trinity N a.tional (boy•S· & infunlts), road, noon, to HilpertiQn & Steeple Ashton

Harry Moore, m31s.t-er; built• in 1873, for 200 child'l'en; Thomas· Jordan, from ' ·white Hart,' tues. thurS'. & sat.

average atltendanc-e, 194; a new infuntiS' school vva.s to Rilperton & Btee'Ple Ashlt(ln
erected in 1892 to hold r86; average ruttellldance, I86 Thoill'a•s Daris, from 'Wh.ilte Hla·rt,' 44 Fore street, sat. Lydia Gj,bSIOn, mistFess
3.36 p.m. for W· Ashton, Edin·gton, Tirill:lood & Wes•t
:British (inofa.n.ts), BT'Oad stl'eet, Mrs. Flora Burneftt, Lavington
mj,st.ress ; for 230 children ; atl!;endance, 140
Frederick Gumm & Thom&s Gilbert, from New inn, 22
St. Stephen's National (infanrbs), Qa,s,U•e str.eet, Miss Silver stree~t, wed. & sa.t. 4 p.m. to Keev~·l

Annie Salmon, mirstresos ; built in 186g, for 100 chil- George· Hancock & David Wheeler, froom 'White Hart,'
dren; av~ra,ge· attendance, roo sat. 3.30 p.m. for Eding'ton & Tinhead

:tlriti·s!h (b-o)ls, girls & in:fams), British row, Joel Edwrurd Frank 'V'ha1tley, fl"()m Market inn, 42 Fore s•treet, sat.
Stinchcombe, master; Miss Eliza,beth A.Sykes,mistress; 3.30 p.m. for West Ashi1xm & Brotton
Mis•s Looh Horn~. infunt1s' mistre~ss; built in 1832, fOT
520 dhildren; a1tJtendance, 220 boy•s & I6o London-

gir1s; a new infl3.nt sochool was e•rected in 1893 by Swtton & Co. Charles Hem:y Smith, agent, 6o Fore st
JiQohn P. Stunoomb iru memmy of his wife; it will G~obe Parcel Expre'Ss Co. Eidgar King, agt. 37 Fore st

hold I6o; average attendance, I30 Midland Railway Cv. (•by can1al) (Walte·r Ohatterti:on,

Technlica.l (Coulllty Oouncil), Duke· street, wood & stone manage·r); goods de'JlOt, InniQx

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bush Hy. Edgell B.A. Ashtoru road Diplock Jn. Clarendon ho. Ashton rd

Butterworth Rev. Richard (Wesleyan), Docking John E. Unity villa, West..

Adey Mrs. 31 Church street St. Audries, Wingfield road bourne gardens

Angel Mrs. 2 Ashton street Candy Thos. C. Navy vil. Victoria rd Dodge Ernest, Rotherstone, Claren-

Applegate Albert, I Roundstone street CaseHervey Stphns.Beechcroft,Studley don gardens

Applegate\Vm.Laurel bnk.Hilperton rd C'hapman Isaac, Westbourne gardens DQo81 Mrs. Poplars, Studley

Armitage John Dickinson, Woodhead, Chettle Ebnzr. Trowle cot. Trowle la Donaldson James, Brighton house,

Green lane Chewings William, 3 Crofton terrace, C:arendon gardens

Arundell Rev. & Hon. Everard A. G. Bradley road Drew Mrs. I Albany ter. Bradley road

(Catholic), 8 Wesley road Chivers Mrs. 9 Wesley road Dring Thos. A. Edgbaston, Trowle la

Avons Frdk. Rose vil. ·westbourne rd Clark Enos, 32 St. George's terrace, Drinkwater William Rawlings, :Fern

Avons Jas. Ferndale vil.Westbourne rd Stallard street bank, St. Stephen's place

Bailes The Misses, Victoria villa, Vie- Clark Thos. D.L., J.P. Bellefield house, Drysdale James, 7 Eastbourne terrace,

t.oria road Hilperton road Eastbourne ;road

Bannister Jn. Alien, 2 Oriel vils.Innox Clark ·william, Pevensey house, West- Dyer The }.Ilsses, Malvern, Claren-

Bannister The Misses, 6 Eastbourne rd bourne road don gardens

Bath George, 7 Eastbourne road Cogswell James, Boyton, Ashton road Elliott Rev. William Allen (Cong.),

:Bath William, 47 Harford -street Coleman Ebenezer, I The Down Westbourne road

Beaven Frederick William, Court st Co1eman Hrbt.. 2 South vw. Wesley rd Evans Mrs. Fern bank, Westbourne rd

Bendall Wm. Hayward, 24 Stallard st Collins Alexander, Pembroke villa Ewing Rev. Robert M.A. Holy Trinity

Bethell Mrs. 15 The Halve \Vestbourne road ' vicarage, Stallard street

Bevan James, 34 Duke street Collins Charles Atkins, St. Bees, Wing- Eyles William, 4 G:oucester road

l3ickard Ephraim, 2 Wesley villas, field road Foley Edward, 5 The Halve

Newtown Coombs Joseph, 2 Belmont villa, Foreman Miss, Lorne cot. Bradley rd

Bird Herbert, Rock villa, Victoria rd Waterworks road Forrest Mrs. 35 Harford street

Blair Andrew, Celandine, Avenue road Cooper John .Alex. 3 Eastbourne ter Forrest William, I Gloucester road

Blair William, IO Castle street Corbett Chas. Hy. Greta vil.Avenue rd Gauntlett J oseph, 3 Timbrea street

Blake Henry, Elmhurst, Hilperton rd Cordingley Isaac, Somerleaze, Vie- Gauntlett Mrs. 45 Union street

Blake John Heritage, Homefield house, toria road Gaj Richard Henry, Albion villa,

Polebarn road Coulson Philip Edward, Fern villa, Victoria road

Bomford Rev. Lawrence George M.A. Westbourne road Gayton Frank, Eastbourne terrace,

(curate of St.James')28 HilpPrton rd Cox Frederick, 6 Innox Eastbourne road

Bowyer Elijah, 3 Stallard street Cox James Alfred, Westbourne gardens Gayton John, sen. IS Union street

Brake Mrs. 6 Avenue ter.Gloucester rd Cray Mrs. Lower Studley Gayton John Henry, 2 The Down

Brice Miss, 4 Hilperton road Croucher George, 6 Clarendon villas, Gayton Mrs. 2 Crofton vils.Bradley rd

:Brickle Mrs. 25 Wingfl.eld road Ashton road Gibson John, Lyndale, Avenue road

Bridgman Mrs. Woodcroft, Adcroft st Davidge James, 9 West street Gibson Jn. Hy. Eaton vil. Ashton rd

Brindley John Major, 2 Alexandria vils. Davidson Cuthbert, Newburn house, Giddings John Sharlton, I Glenfarne

Wingfield road Westbourne road villas; Polebarn road

Brown Mrs. Barrington villa, West- Davis William, 3 The Down Goodwin Mrs. Madeira villa1 West-

bourne road Diplock Thomas, Skurrayfield, Wing- bourne gardens

,!Jurgess Frank Dix, 8 Westbourne rd field road 1Gore John, 72 Fore street


GouldsmithMrs.Rodwell hll.Victoria Td Mackay Alexander J.P. The Grange, Rodway Edward Burchell, Adcroft ho.

Graham Jn.Longrave, 4I Hilperton rd Victoria road Adcroft street

Green James, 23 The Down )lackay James, Cockhill ho. Trowle la Rogers William. 32 Union street

Gregory Arthur, 35 Church street ~Iackay Wm. Polebarn ho.Polebarn rd Rose Geo.Wm.Egerton,Westbourne rd

Gregory Isaac, 42 Hilperton road Maddox Mrs. Belmont villa, West- RyderRev.Algernon Chas.Dudley M.A.

Gregory Mrs. 42 Hilperton road bourne gardens (rector & surrogate), Rectory,

Gregory William, 43 Hilperton road Malings Wm. 7 Crofton ter.Bradley rd Church street

Griffiths Geo. Woodslea, Avenue rd Maltby Thomas Russell M.A. High Ryles Chas. Hy. Woodside, Ashton rd

Gritton The Misses, I Carlton villas, school, Wingfield road Saxty Fras.TheHawthorns,Wingfld rd
~Iann Rev. Thomas, Sunnyside, Hil- Saxt.y Simeon, South view, Bradley rd
Wingfield road

Haden Charles, I7 Yerbury street perton road Saxty Solomon, Rutland ho.Bradley rd

Haden George Nelson, Homefield ho. :VIannWm.Jn.Rodney ho.Roundstone st Slade Mrs. 27 Wingfield road

Polebarn road Marchant Mrs. 45 Ashton street Snailum George, 33 St. George's ter.

Haden Joseph Poynter, Hill view, Martin Samuel Fred(lrick, 2 Glenfarne Stallard street

Hilperton road villas, Polebarn road Snailum George Ernest, Springfield

Hall Mrs. I8 Grosvenor terrace, Mead Wm.8 Grosvenor ter.Glo'ster rd villa, Bradley road

Gloucester road Messiter Ebenezer, 2 Eastbourne ter. Stainer Mrs. 67 Mortimer street

Hanley Jas. Chas. Hill view,Wesley rd Eastbourne road Stancomb Arthur Parkins, Woodlands,

Harding William, 35 ·west street :Vlillard Lewis, 3 Clarendon villas, Hilperton road

Harrington Hy. Pyrmont, Bradley rd Ashton road Stancomb Edwd.Perkins,36Hilpertn.rd

Harris Charles, 2 Innox Millington Hy.AvonView ho.The Down Stancomb John Perkins J.P. The Pros-

Hart. John Foot, Claremont villa, West. Milsom Jn. East View house, Studley pect, Hilperton road

bourne gardens Miuty Wm. 3 Clark's pl. Ashton street Stanley '\Ym. Hy. 32 Hilperton road

Hatheral Solomon, I2 Park street Monteath Rev. Robert Runcorn M.A. Start Rev. William Henry, St.Thomas

Hayward Jn. Edwd. ::19 Hilperton rd Vicarage, Stud1ey vicarage, St. Thomas' road

Hayward Miss, Eastbourne terrace, Moore George, S-elwood ho. Trowle la Steedman '\Villiam, 24 Duke street

Eastbourne road MooreHarry,Elmsleigh,Westbourne rd StevenS' Mrs. 7 Avenue ter.Glo'ster rd

Hayward Mrs. Shirley, Westbourne rd Moore Reuben, Romeo vil. Bradley rd Stowe ;H(lnry, East view, The Down

Heathcote Arth. Edginton, 7I Fore st Morris James, 25 Union street Summers Charles, 29 St•. George's

Hewitt Lovell, Plasnewydd, Avenue rd Mortimer Skreen, 6 The Halve terrace, Stallard street

Hibbert Jas. Jn. Stone ho. Frame- rd Mundy Herbert, 24 Conigree Summers' Edward, Westview terrace,

Hill Philip Lawrence, I Timbrell st Muspratt Frederick, IO Trawls lane Bradley road

Hill Thos.Sl.Roseneath,Westbourne rd Newth Ernes·t, 5 Clarendon villas, Swa•ine Absalom Rlawnsley, I Rock

Hillier Wm. I Crofton ter. Bradley rd Ashton road villas, Frame road

Hiscock Albert Sidney, Brookfield, :Norris Chas. Albt. 6 Stallard street Sylvester Fredk. Thos. 61 Castle st

Wingfield road Norris Frank, Wavertree, \V(lstbrne.rd Sylvester Geo. Mayris, 62 Castle st

Hobbs Mrs. 47 Ashton street Norris Fredk. I Wesley vils. Newtown Kirwan Fras. 13 The Halve

Holderway John, Fern vil. Victoria rd Norris Mrs. I Bellemont villa, Water- Tayler George Christopher M.D. Love·

Holies Rev. Fredk. Edwd. Richard works road mead house, Roundstone street

(curate of St. Stephen's), St. Norris Waiter, 35 Stallard street Tayler Mrs. 14 The Halve

Stephen's lodge, Clarendon gardens Oakes Mrs. Rossegarth, Bradley road Taylor Mrs. 30 Hilperton road

Hought.on Rev. Arthur Webster B.A. Offer Clifford J. Woodleigh, Green la Thomas Mrs. 21 The Down

(curate of Holy Trinity), 8 Crofton Oram Miss, 24 Conigree Tranter Edwin, Inglenook,Wingfield rd

terrace, Bradley road Palmer George Llewellen J.P. Spring- Tucker Manoah, 16 Cross street

Huntley James, Studley field, Hilperton road Tucker Mrs. 27 Hilperton road

Huntley James, The Galley, Frame rd Papps Mrs. Chester villa, Ashton road Turner Rev. Joseph (Baptist), 28 St.

Jackson Robt. Wm. M.A. '\Vingfield rd Parry Alfred, 64 Fore street George's terrace, Stallard street

.Tenkins Miss, Fernside, Frame road Parsons Miles, 6 Eastbourne terrace, Turner Israel, 3 Gloucester road

'Jenkins Miss, 6oa, Castle street Eastbourne road Usher Ephraim, Ethandune,Hilprtn.rd

Kelland Frank, 32 The Halve Parsons :Miss, 22 The Down Usher Jacob, 29 Hilperton road

Kemp John, 31 Hilperton road Payne Thomas, 9 Eastbourne road Usher Lawrie, Ormonds, Victoria rd

Kemp Jn.jun.The Laurels,Victoria rd Pearce Rev. Frederick, 24 Wingfield rd Walke.r J.s;ph.Westfield ho.Wingfield rd

Kemp Joseph, roo Mortimer street Pearce William, Bradley road( Walker Wm. J.P. 136 Mortimer street

Keyworth Charles W., B.A. High schl. Perkins Benj. Rock villa, Ashton road Webb Charles, 35 Hilperton road

Wingfield road Perkins Joshua, 74 Fore street Webb Henry Mellish, Montrose villa,

King .Arthur, Adcroft vil. Prospect pl Phillips John, 3I Ronndst-one street Wingfield road

King John, 4 The Halve Philpott John Robert.s, The Cranbams, Webb Henry Pa.rker, Sarnia villas,

Kington Mrs. 62 Ashton street Clarendon gardens· Wingfield road

Knee Henry, 5 Eastbourne terrace, Pickard George Sidney, Clifton villa, White Frank Henry, Holles:ey, Claren-

Eastbourne road '\Vest'bourne gardens don gardens

Knee Hy.•Tn. Rose bank, Gloucester rd Pickard Mrs. '\Vestbourn(l gardens Wickham Mrs. 2 Stallard street

Lampier James, Park villa, Frome rd Pollard Henry James, 44 Castle street Wilkins Arthur Frederick, ::1 Fore st

Lansdown George, Wingf!.eld road Pollard Mrs. I9 Yerbury street. Wilkins The Misses, \Vestcroft house,

Lansdown Jacob, I7 The Down Poynton Miss, Homefield, Polebarn rd Conigree

Lansdowne James, 3I St. George's ter. Randall Frederick, go St. George's ter. Williams Ernest, 17 Polebarn road

Stallard street Stallard street Willis Frederick Raper, The Cedar!,

Leak Oliver. Swanlow, Green lane Ileeves Mrs. Aldersley, Bradley road Hilperton road

Lewis Chas.H.IAvenue ter.Gloucstr.rd Reeves 'Villiam, 4 Eastbourne terraoe, Wise Nicholas Vincent, Lindisfarne,

Lewis John Rd. Buckholdt, Clarendon Eastbourne road Stallard street

gardens Rich Mrs. 22 Wingfield road Woodfln Cl1arles Harding, 2 Trinity

Linzey Mrs. Prospect villa, Islington Richardson Richard Tippetts, Ching villas, Stallard street

Lister Wm. Jas. Fair lawn, Victoria rd house, Hilperton road Woodman Sl. 6 Crofton ter.Bradley rd

Long Arthur, 23 The Halve Richman Mrs. 20 West street Woodwards Arthnr, I Eastbourne ter.

Long Jsph. Courtfield ho. Polebarn rd Richmond Ebenezer, 79 Ashton street Eastbourne road

Long Mrs. 25 The Halve Ricketts Mrs. 6 Timbrell street Yates Frdk.Wm.Glenthorne,Avenue rd

Lucas Samuel, Avenue road Rison .Jabez, Hazelglen, Victoria road Yerbury Walter Chillian, I Rock road

Lucke William, 62 Fore street Rodway Mrs. r8 The Down

COMMERCIAL. Andrews William & S10n, chimney sweepel'ls, 40 & 41
Union street

Abrnh1am Hy. staJtJ:ion mi3Jster, Lamoorna, Clarendon grdns Andrews Henry, carter, 2 Bowyers yard, The Halve

Adye Charles Septimus, County surveyor, County An!!ell Wlilliam, boot maker,g Grosv6'11m ter.Gloucester rd

offices, Sta.ll~rd street .A.plin John Henry, chemist, 6 Silver street

~\lder FI'ede11ick,, cart, van & waggon builder, Applegate Will~am & Sons, wine, spirit, h-op, ale, Jl{lrter

veterinary farrier & gene,ral smith, StaJlard st'. & Irmox & cider merchants, I Roundsoone skeet & .c: Wiicker hl

Ancient Order of F0Te1ste11s (Court Jolhn of Gaunt; Robt. Applegate Mark, comcl. trvllr. I Pa.rk villas, Frome road

Edward Rutley, S'e<!.), 22 Silver street Ar0hta.rd Edward, pict-ure frame maker, 5 Castle street

.Ancielllt Order of Oddfellows (M-ount Ararat lodge; W. AV'ons & Sons, brush ma.s. 26 Fore st. & Court solreel;

RobbinJs, sec.), 'Down hall, Silver st·reet (Victoria Avons -Charles, plumber, I Hiiperton road

lodge; S. White, sec.), 2 Oastle stTeet Baden J-e<srse, gr·eengroc(lr, 6 Islti.ngton

Ancient Order of Shepherds (Sanotu.ary, John of Gaunt; Bailey Eliza.betih A. (MTs. ), shopkeeper, 3 I Timbrell st

Robert RuHey, scribe), Union stre6II: Bailey John, baker, It Cro~s streeot
Alien So}omon, shopkeeper, 8 Timbrell street
Daily John, farmer & dairyman,HolbrO<Jk frm.H(}lbrook la


BaJnton John, grocer & baker, 39 The Halve Coleman Amy (Miss), dress maker, Ilendleson, Newtown

Barnard ·wm. Hy. wool brkr. Sunny ho. We!Jtb()urne gdns Coleman Artlhur Orlailldo, book•seller, II Church walk

Barnes Thomas B. woollen cloth merclmnrt, Duke &treet Ooleman George, acC'Ounltanlt, 34 F'OTe st·reet

Barra11t George, woollen cloth merchant, 36 Duke &t~reet Coles John, fruiterer, 4a, Fore st. & fiorist, Bradley road

Harrett Benjamin, brick & tile maker, Studley OoUet-t Simeon~ beer retaliler, Court street

Barton &, drnpel'ls, 33 R'Oundstone sitroot Collet•t William, tailor, 6 Hill street

Barton Emily Malliia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Bon street Collier S. & Oo. woollen clo·th merchants, r2 Hill street

Baitlh John Henry, timber dmler, 78 Ashton Slbreet Collier Ada (Mrs.), dres•s maker, ro West street

Brutlt.en J\fary Jane (M.irs.), apartments, 22 Trowle lane Collier Edwin Jsplh. domestci.c machine'l'y agt.43 Ghurch st
Baxter Waiter B. CQmmon lodging house, IO Hill street Ool!iffi' Wlilliam George, 'WOOllen, faotor, I2 Hill ~t1·eet·

Boorosley Frnnk, inspect'OT of weight•s & measures,Inoox Oollins, Mann & Rodway, solicitors & secretaries to the

Beaven Henry, taJlor, 8 Hilpert.on road Wilits & We·s.tern BUJilding Society & agent.s to .Provi-

Be·avoen Samuel, tailor, WeSit Lynne, Traw1e lane dent Life & County Fire Offices, Union street

Beaven WiUiam, tailor & draper, 50 Fore s-treet Collins Alex. supel"Visor of inland revenue, 6 Wicker hill

Beddin•gfie·Id Emily & Anrne (Mi•s·ses), day s~hool, I9 Collins Charles Atkins (firm, Collins, Mann & Rodway).

'l'he Halve solicitor, clerk to justices for petty sessional division of

13ennett Clara (Mrs.), s-hopkeeper, III Frome road 'l'rowbridge & Whorwellsdown; registrar & high bailiff

13enn91t.t Ellen (Ml'ls. ), dye11s' agerut, II Fore street of the county court of Bradford & 'frowbridge & com-

Biffen Fredk. ga;sfitte.r, Martin's buildings, The Halve missioner for taking oaths, 68 Fore street

Billei!Jt Alfred, tailor, 37 IsJington Collins William, stationer, sr Fore street

Bird A. Herbert & Samuel, cool mers. Railway stat.ion Colonial Meat Co. (W. Rudd, manager), 30 Silver street
Bishop \Vm. & Son, watch mas. & jewellers,6 & 7 Fore st Coniam Charlt!s, basket maker, 29 Duke street

Bishop James, eamhemm·re dealer & boot repairer, 9 Cooper George Ambrose, ironmonger & carpenter, 54a•

Narrow Wine street & confectioner, 65 Castle street Castle street

Blackmore- Albert, sloopkeeper, r Ashton street Cooper Lily (Miss), teacher of music,6 Park ter.Bradley rd

Blair Frederick, iillsuranoo agent, Glenroy, Bradley rood Corbett Charles Henry F.C.S., F.E.I.S. organising &

Blak·e John H. & HeTITy, brewers, malbsters & millers gtmeral secretary Technical Educa'Qion department

(steam roUer), Union st.reet "Wilts County Council, Stallard street

B::ake Robent, iillsurailJCe agent, roa, street Cordingley Isaac & Oo. engineers, iron & brass founders

Bloodworth Albert, fruiterer, 40 Sltallard street & millwrights; manufacturers of hydraulic, steam &

Bloodwortih Alfred, shopk•eeper, 8 HiU street. hand lifts, pumping engines, donkey & fire pumps,

Bottomley Henry, reporter, Fe·rnlbank, N ewto•"'wrnn elev&tors & grain warehousing machinery, loam & mor-

Bourne Jane Aim (Mrrs. ), coffee house, 28 Oastle Sltll'eet tar mills, saw benches, rope wheels, shafting & all kinds

Bowyer Philpott & Oo. Limit•ed, baron curers, sau.sage of mill gearing, Innox

manufacture·r's & millers (steam), Innox & pork Cornish George, Carpenters' Arms P.H. & brewer, 26

bntohers, 39 Fore street Roundstone street

Bowyer Thoma.s & Son, grocers & bakers, I Wat-erworks Cottage Hospital (Nicholas Vincent Wise L.K.Q.C.P.Irel.

road & 69 Park st.reet George Christopher Tayler M.D. George Mayris Syl-

Bradshaw Ann (::\<f~ss), apartments, 3r Wa.te'l"loo ter vester & Kirwan Francis Sylvester L.R.C.P.Edin. Rd.

Brai·ser Eleanor (Mrs.), dres·s make-r, 27 Glouoester rd T. Ri.!hardsan M.R.C.S. medical officers; F. R. Willis,

Bray Ann~e (Mis·s), dreS>s maker, 9 Harford street hon. sec.; Miss Harriet Perkins, matron), The Halve

Hray Martha (Mr.s. ), shopkeeper, 43 Union stree•t County Court (Charles Atkins Collins, registrar & high

Briti;;h C'T'3Js Light Co. Limited (Henry Sainsb'ury, man.), bailiff) ; office, 68 Fore street ; court,Town hall, Silver st

Ga.s WorkJS road County Police Office (Henry White, superintendent; Hy.

Brookman Edward, draper, 4 Mor·timer ter. Dursley rd Field, inspector), Stallard street

Brown Frank, draper, 2 Madborougih bldgs.Roundlstone st Cox Charles, watch maker, 45 Castle street

Brown J. H. deputy registrar of marriages, West ::;treet Cox John, coffee rooms, 24 Fore street

Buckpitt Wm. Hunter, Crown iillll & brwr.r2 Timbrell st Cox Samuel, bill poster, I3 Back street

Bull Charles, baker, 3 Broad stree·t . Craddock Louisa (Miss), laundress, Studley

Bull Charles David, draper, r8 Silver street Craddock Martha (Mrs.), laundress, 14 Ashton street

Bull Joseph, farmer, Bellefield, St.. Thomas? road Crook Ebenezer, baker, West view, Bradley road

Burn.ett Jn. Edwd. coach builder & wheelwr:iglh't,Shails la Crouch George, milk seller, 30 The Halve

Bush George & Son, coach buiilde['lS & smiitlhs, S.tudley Croucher & Co. photographers, Silver street

Bush Harry Edgell B..A. solioito'l", 3 Olmrc!h street Cullerne Thomas, shopkeeper, 27 Castle street

Bwsh John Jones, solicitor & commliSISiioneT' for oaths Culverhouse John William, wine & spirit dealer, photo-

& perpetual commi•s-sioner for taking acknowledge- grapher & tobacconist, 7 Wicker hill

ment.s of deeds, Church street Curlett David, inland rev. officer,I Clarendn. vils.Ashtn.rd

Butt William, shopkoope•r, r8 B<road st<ree:t Dallimore Emily (Miss), dress maker, 27 Timbrell street

Caine•s Charles, outfit·ter, 2 Ohurcih s•treet DalJimore Frederick, White Swan P.H. 6 Church street.

Cainoes Henry, pa.iillt'E'r, 24 Ca•stle. st.reeot Dallimore William, shopkeeper, 38 Union street

Candy Thomas Joseph, hay, straw & oorn mer. Mal"sh rd Daly Frank, grocer, 30 Roundstone street

Caprutal & Counlt:.ies Bank Limited (William Lucke, Davey Stephen, chair maker, 33 Prospect place

manager), 62 Fore stree•t; draw on head office, 39 Davidge James & Co. coal merchants, 46 Stallard street

Th<readneedde st•reet, London E C [)avis Fras. Edwin, commsn. agt. Ivy vil. Wingfield rd

Oarr Ja;cob, shopkeeper, 42 Omigree Davis Martha (Mrs.), fishmonger, 6 Church walk

Carter Emily (Mrs.), milliner, 7 H!ilperton rood Davis Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 48 Timbrell street

Case Hervey Stephena, wholeoole baoon curer & navis Samuel, plasterer, 5I Timbrell street

.sawSiage· manufacturer, 32 Mlo:rilimer Sltree.t Dawes Emily (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 5 Conigree

Cave ELizabeth (M1"S. ), laundreSIS, 63 DlLI'ISiey road Deacon Emily (Miss), dress maker, 30 Timbrell street

Oave Jloosiab, woollen clQth dlr. I Mor:timer<ter.Du11Sley rd Deacon Francis Henry, builder, 17 Wingfield road
Cemeltery (W!i.l.liam John Marm, clerk to the burial bQard; Deacon Joseph, commercial travf'ller, 3 Eastbourne road
Goorge Sidney Cheve'l"ill, supe'l"int·endent), The DQwn Denning Joseph, hair dresser, 15 Mortimer street
Dewar Harry George, china, glass & hardware dealer~
OhiamibeTIS George, s1lwpkeeper, 33 Castle street
8 Fore street
Chapmon & Oo. bed & matltil"e!SoS mo.nurfaoturers, Duke st
Ohapm:an Johanna & Olara (Millss.e•s-),Rprtmn'tls.28 Church Stt Dicks James Jones, carpenter, Bradley road

Ohapman Aillllie (:Mis!S), teacher of music, Bmdley road Diplock Thomas, printer, Wingfield road & Conigree

Ohapman Clara (Mrs.), mil:liine'l", 12 MOT'timer street Docking & Co. cloth merchants, Stallard street

Chapman JIQ>hn, glruss & china deale·r, 52 Fore street Dodge Ernest, boot & shoe warehouse, 23 Fore street

Oh~aro & Oo. builders, 46 Union street Doel Arthur, boot repairer, 4 Back street

Che.ttle· EbenezeT, draper, 46 F<J!l'e stfl'leet Doell Joseph, baker, 4 St. Stephen's place

Cheverell George S.idney, superintendent of cemetery, Donaldson James, postmaster, 7 Wicker hill

Cemetery Iooge, The Down Dowding Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 33 The Halve

Cheverell Frank, plumber & painter, 23 Ohu.rch street Drew Frank, coal dealer, 49 Timbrell street

Ohive<rs Herbert William, solicitor, 8 Fore street Drew Thomas, baker, I9a, Stallard street

Ohm·ch George Frederick, butch-er, 25 Slilver s-treet Dring Thomas A. county accountant, County offices~

Ohurc'hm Mary Ann (Miss), dl'€1Ss maker, 13 <Ja,stle st Stallard street.

Clark John Thoma.s, woollen cloth manufacturers, Stud- Drinkwater Edward James, commercial traveller, West-

ley mills, Stallard s.t;ree.t view terrace, Bradley road

Cleveland William, butcher, 67 Ca.stle street Drinkwater Harry, carpenter, I8 Conigree

Coke Alfie:rrt, sadd·ler, 4 Ohuroh street Drinkwater Lydia (Miss), dress maker, x8 Conigree

Coleman Brothers, bacon curers & sausage manufacturers, Duck John, boot & shoe maker, 42 Duke street

7 Church walk; works, Lower Studley Dunlop Alexander, travelling draper, 7I Park street;

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