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Kelly's Directory of Wiltshire - 1895

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-07 21:33:09


Kelly's Directory of Wiltshire - 1895


Medi(lal Officer of Health, ·Charles Wightwick Pitt, Glou-' Rural District Council.

cester strei:lt .·
Borough Surveyor, Sanitary Inspector & Collector of . Meets at Boaru room, Workhouse, on sat. at u a.m •.

Rates· & 'Sclhool Attendance Officer, Jacob Angell, I Clerk, Montagu Henry Ohub?, Cross iliayes, Malmesbury
Ingra·m street Trea:wrer, S. E. DOISwell, W1lts &_ Dors~t Ba?k
Town·'Crier, · James May, High street
Medical Officer of Health, .Ohas. W1.ghtw1ek P1tt M.R.C.S.
PUBLIO EST~iL1SH1M'EN'!~iS. Eng. Gloucester street

Sanitary Inspector, W. Clark, Filands, Malmesbury

Cemi:ltery, Westport St. Mary, Montagu Henry Chubb, '
The Malmeslbury Highway Distri·ct.
clerk to the Burial Board ·

County Court, His Honor Arthur B. Ellicott, judge; W. Consists of the following 25 parishes: Aldert{)n, Asnley,

S, Jones, registrar & high bailiff. The Court is held I Brinkworth, Brokenborough Without, Charlton, Crud-

dn the Town hall the first monday in each month at well, Dauntsey, Easton Grey, Foxley, Garsdon, Han-
12 noon. The distruct comprises bhe f{)llowing places: kerton, Hullavington, Lea. & Cleverton, Long Newn-
-Ald:erton, .Ashley, Beverstone, Boxwell, Brinkworth, ton~ Luckington, Malmesbury St. Paul \Vithout,

Brokenborough, Char1ton, Ohelworth, ·Cllerington, Cle- Minety, Norton, Oaksey, Sherston Magna, 'Sherston

verton, Cloatley, Corston, Crudwell, Dauntsey, Did- Parva, Somerford Magna, Somerforc1 Parva, Sopworth
marton, Ea.stcourt, Easton Grey, Foxley, Garsdon, & Westport Without

'Grittenh_am, Hankerton, Hullavington, .Las•borough, Day of meeting, alternate sat. at the Union, at 12 noon.

Lea, . Le~ghte;rton, Long Newnton, Luckmgton, Mal- I Clerk, Montagu (Henry Chulbb, Cros:s Hayes

m_esbury, Mmety, Norton, Oaksey, Oldbury-on-the-1 Surveyor, William Clark, Filands
Hil~, Rodbourne, Sherston Magna, Sherston Parva, I Treasurer Henry Hewer Capital & Counties Bank
Sh1pton Moyne, Somerford Magna, 'Somerford Parva, ' '

Sopworth, Tetbury & W.eston Bi·rt . PUBLIC OFFICERS.
For ·bankruptcy purposes• .this court is included in that . ·· · . ·
of Swindon Henry Coggan Tombs Hi·gh street I Ass•Jstant Overseers, W. T . .Clark, for \Vestport; :M:rs.
SWiindon official receiver ' 32
' I ·Fanny Croome, Gloucester .street, [or St. Paul's

Police .Station, Ga.s·tons lane, Westport St. Mary, Thos. : Certifying Factory Surgeon, •Ollarles Wight.wick Pitt,

&· aTlytloegr~th.esrup1t·s· ~pJeorihnntenKdeenntn,ed3y~ersgeeragnetas,ntthere being Gloucester street .

11 constabls I Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxe's, Montagu Henry
. Chubb, Cross Hayes

Yeomanry Cavalry. Clerk to the Burial Board, Montagu HenTy Ohubb,

Royal Wiltshire (Prince of Wales' Own Royal Regiment), Cross Hayes
B Squadron, Hon. Major Lord C. F. Brudenell-Bruce · Clerk to King'·s Heath, W. T. Clark

P.C. commander; Hon. Major Sir H. B. Meux bart. I Collectors· of Taxes, AHred Stephen Jones, High street;
second in command ; T. H. Deacon, quarter master ; & George Pike, High street

J. Holland, sergt.-major; Sergt.-Major F. Carpenter, . Stewards to J\Ialmes<bury Manor, Jones & Forrester,

drill instructor High street ·

·Volunteers. Inspector of Weights & Measures, James \Vard

2nd Volunteer Battalion, Duke of Edinburgh's· (Wilt-. 6u'b-D_istributor of St~mps, Alfred Stephn. Jones_, High_st
shire Regiment), A company, Oapt. S. E. Doswell, com-l' Supermtend~nt of Pohce & Inspector of Co_ntag10us Dls-

mandant; Rev. George W. Tucker, acting chaplain; eases (Ano1mal_s),, Thomas ri'yler, Horse•fau
Charles W. Pitt, hon. surgeon; John McLeod, ser- , Treasurer to Kmg s Heath, George Bowma.n, Westport

geant instruct{)r ; drill hall, nuea.r the Alblbey ·, . 1\ PLA,OES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
""''Ia1m e sb u r y
nwn. .
'Dhe union comprises the following places :-Abbey (Mal- Abbey Church, Rev. G. W. Tucker M. A. vicar; II a.m.

mesbury), Alderwn, Brinkwo11t!h, Brokenborough, I I& 6.30 p.m.; week days, wed. II a.m. & fri. 12 noon

Charlton, Crudwell, Dauntsey, Easton Grey, Foxley,! "Westport St. Mary'·s Church; 10.45 a.m. & 3.15 p.m.;

Gar;;don, Hankerton, Hulla:vington, Lea & Cleverton,! wed. 7.30 p.m

Luckingtou, l\Ialmesbury, Minty (or 1\Iinety), Norton, 1 St. -:lldhelm Catholic, <;Jross Hayes, Rev. F. Decompoix,

.Oaksey, Sher·ston Mao-na, Sherston Parva (or Sher- pnest; hsoelrym{c)onm&mubmenoend,ic7t-i3o0n,&6m.3a0s8~·,D?1-·0.;30daai.lmy .m; adses-,
ston Pinkney), Great"' Somerford, Lit.tle Somerford, votions,
Sopw{)rth & \Yestport St. 'Mary. The population of 7·~5 a.m. ~ thurs·. & ho~y days, bened1cbon, 7·45 a.m.;

the union in 1891 waso 13,165; area, 58,520 acres; fn. deV'otwns, or sta:twns {)f the Cross, 7·45 p.m.;
ho~y days, m~ss 10.30 a.m
rateable value in 1894, £8g,646

Board· day, every alternate saturday, at the Board room PartiCular Baphst, .A!bbey row; 7 & 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 &.
at. II a m 6 p.m. ; mon. & thurs. 7 p.m
. · , · . Congregatioll'al, Horse fair, Rev. Alfred George Bracher;
IClteargku·toHethneryGGuhaUrd!b1ba,nsC&rosAsssHea:ysessm~.enMt aClommemsbiuttreye, Man- 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. & th usrsir.e7e.t3, 0 p.m
Congregational (Ebenezer), S ilver Rev. George

Tr~eiasgu~resrt,reSeyt,dnMeay~eE~.buDroyswell, 1"\llts & Dorset Banik, Lewi•s Jenkins; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. &. thurs.
\ 7.15 p.m
Rehevm~ & V~ccmat1011: Officers k Collectors to the 1\Ioravian, Oxford street, Rev. William Henry Kirkland;
-Guardians, No.. I. d1stnct, Asher ~ewman, Avon 10.30 a.m. & 6 .p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
lodge; No. 2 distnct, John Henry Bailey, Lea Primitive Me'th{)dist, Bristol street, Rev. George Fowler;
Coll~ctor of Poor Rates, ~~bert J~enry May, High. str~eot 10.30 & 6 p.m.; fri. 7 p.m

Medical Offi·cers· & Public Vaccmatnrs, No. I d1str1ct, Wesleyan :Methodist Oxford street· Rev. Henry Oxby •

Charles Wight.wick Pitt, Malmeslbury; No. 2 district. 7.30 & II a.m. & '6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m '

Richard Kinneir L.R.C.P.Edin. Malmesbury; No. 3 Schools.

di:strict, Arthur E. 1Clarke L.!R.C.P.Irel., M.R.C. S.

Eng. .A:bbey row, Malmesbury; No. 4 distriot, William ~ational (boys & infants), Westport St. Mary, erected
Ratc:[ffe. 'l'olerton M.D. Shersot{)n Magna
by the late S. B. Brooke esq. & the late Rev. Charles
Superintendent Registrar, J. A. Clarke, Gloucester road, Kem'ble, of Bath, for 230 children; average attendance,
162 boys & 6o infants; Waiter Tinley, master; Mrs.
Deputy Registrar, J. C. S. Jennings, Malmesbury
Bessie Angell, mistress
Registrars of Births ~ Deaths, Western Malmesbury National (girls &. infants). Cross Hayes, built for 300
sub-district, Asher Newman, Avon lodge, Malmesbury; children; average attendance, 140 girls & 120 infants;
deputy, Ernest G. Bartlett, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury Miss El!en Jessie Garrett, mistress; Miss Lucy Cook,
Registrar of Marriages, Asher Newman, Avon lodge, infants' mistress
Catholic School, Cross Hayes (mixed), built for 100 chil-
The Workhouse, at Brokenborough, will hold 230 in- dren; average attendance, 6g; Sister Angelique et
mates, Rev. Herbert A1fred Gorke, chaplain; Richard Milss Mary Oatherine Reyn{)lds, mi&t.resses ,
K.:inneir L.R.C.P.Edrin. medical officer; Claude Man-
Railway Sta'tiott.
rice Gane,; Mrs. Mary Eliz!llbeth Gane,

matron Thomas Williams Wood, -station mnster

School Attendance Committee. J ames Creswell "\Vall, goods agent

The committee consists of 12 members from the Rural Carriers.

& 3 members fr·om the Urban districts. Meetings

m{)nthly on :saturday at I o'clock Bristol-Henry Fruen, from Sherston, calling at ~Green

Clerk, Montagu Henry Chubb, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury Dragon,' mon. & thurs, returning wed. & sat
Attendance Officers, Asher Newman, Avon lodge; John Cirencester & Kemble Junction-Edward Fry, from
Henry Bailey, Lea
' Three Horse Shoes,' mon. & fri. returning same day


Chippenhain-M'ail cart, eVery evening ~·45 Sutton & Co.; agents, Jones & Son, High street

Lucklington-T. Andrews, from 'White- Lion,' fri The Tetbury omnibus from Tetbury. mon. wed. & sat~

Shers·wn...r....T. Andrews, ~White L{on,' mon. & hi to. meet ·trains

Sbersron-Ralph. Honlding, -every matket day An omnibus from the 'King's Arms" meets every train

• PRIVATliJ RESIDENTS~ Fowler :Rev.George (Prhnitive ~feth.), Ody John, Horsefair

.Alexander John, Abbey row Gloucester road Oxby Rev. Hy.(Wesleyan), Frape's vils

Alexander Waiter, Glouce.ster street Frape George, Frape's villas Panting Mrs. High street

Am3s. Mrs. Milbourn Frape Thomas, Frape's villas Pitt Charles Wightwick M.R.C.S.

Ayde Alfred, Bristol street Freeth Miss, 2 Euclid villas Gloucester street

Bailey Mrs. Gloucester road Green Jame.s~ Silver street Pitt The Misses, Cowbridge lodge

Bartlett John Gee, Richmond villa Hall Col. Spencer, Manor house, Bur- Plummer Mrs. Whiteheath, Burton hl

Bncher Rev. Alfred George (Congre- ton hill Pouting John Edward, High street

gational), St. Mary's' street Haydon Lieut.-Col. William Henry, Pouting William, Horsefair

Charrington Charles Edward N. Bur. Burnham park Poole George, St. George's villa

ton Hill house Hayes Alfred Edward, Oxford street Poole Joseph, Verona house, Glou..

Chubb Alfred William, Burton hill Hayes Edward, Oxford street cester road

Chubb Montag3. Henry, Burton hill Hayes Walter, Oxford street Reed Thomas, Cross Hayes

Chubb Mrs. The Priory, Burton hill Hinwood Thos. L., J.P. Ferndale ter Rich Charles, Grange farm

Clark Walte:rl Trevelyan, Ferndale ter Jefferies Henry, Bristol road Rich Frederick, Burton hill

Clarke Arthur Edward L.R.C.P. Jenkins Rev. George Lewis (Congre- Rich Henry, Abbey row

Abbey row gational), Ingram ;Street Richmond Mrs. Richmond villas

Clarke Joseph Albert, Sunnyside, Jenning.> Joseph Cave Spicer,Abbey ho Riddick Nathan, Gloucester road

Gloucester wad J ones' William S. Milbourn house Salter Mrs. Holloway

Croome Mrs. Gloucester street Jupe Charles1 "'\Yilliam, Abbey row Scott Mrs. Holloway

Decompoix Rev. Francis (Catholic), Ker::1ble Stephen, Cowbridge house Silvest~r Benjamin D. High street

Cross Hayes Kinneir Richard, Tower ho. Oxford st Smith Frederick Ernest, Ferndale ter

Donovan Capt. Thomas, Westport ho Luce Charles RichardJ.P. Halcombe Trafalgar Viscount D.L., J.P. Cole pk

Doswell Sydney Edward, lligh street Luce Miss, Castle house, Abbey row Tucker Rev. George Windsor M.A.

Duck! Esau, Burton hill Luce William Hollis. J.P. The Knoll (vicar & ·surrogate), Vicarage, Bur•

Farrow Edgar Froude, The Abbey brwy Macleod Mr<1. The Light, West hill ton hill

Feilder John Henry, Milbourne Miles Maj.Chas.Napier J.P.IngleburPe Walker William, Gloucester road

Fisher Samuel, Ferndale terrace Newman Asher, Avon lodge Weeks John, Gloucester street

COMMERCIAL. Cemetery (Montague Henry Chubb, clerk to the burial

Adye & Hinwood, bacon curers, Paill road board), Westport St. Mary

Adye Albert, grocer, High street Chappell Edwin, gunsmith & bellhanger, High street

Adye· Ruth (Miss), dress ma,ker, High street Chappell Frederick, baker, Gloucester street

Adye· Simon, tinman & brazier, High street Chew Henry, antique furniture dealer, Cross Hayes

Adye William, tinman & coppersmith, High street Chu'bb & Sons, solicitors, Cross· Hayes

Alexander Waiter, coal, coke, lime, wood & artificial Chubb Alfred William (firm, Dhubb & Sons), solicitor &

manure merchant, Gloucester road; & at Somerford & sec. to Malmes'bury Gas & Ooke Co. Cross Hayes

Tetbury Chubb Montagu Henry (firm, Chubb & Sons), solicitor,

Alien J. R. farmer, Whitchurch farm clerk to board of guardians & assessment & school at·

Andrews Harriett (M'iss), fan~y draper, High street ltendtance commli't·t·ees, of 1fulmesibury union, commis•

Andrews Samael, furniture dealer, Glvucester street sioners of taxes, highway board, urban sanitary au-

Angell Jacob, surveyor & sanitary inspe-ctor, rate col- thDrity, rural district council, Brinkworth school &

lector.-&, schD'Ol attendance officer to the corporation, buri'al boards & deputy high steward, Cross Hayes

Ingram street Clark & Smith, solicitors & comsnrs. for oaths,Market crs

Angell Joseph, furniture broker, High street Clark Bryant, beer retailer, Foxley road

Badmintvn Nathan, grocer & earthenware dealer, High st Clark Henry; miller (water), Abbey mill

Bailey John, tailor, Gloucester rDad Oark Henry, jwn. Jessee of market tolls & public weigh-

BaileY' Thomas & Sons, tailors, West street bridge, Bristol street

Ba'iley Tom, BorDugh .Arms P.H. Oxford street Cla,rk John, beer retailer, S't. Mary's street

Ball Frederick William, baker, High street Clark Slb.adro~h, yeoman, Blanchards green

Barkham Samuel, shoe maker, Gloucester street Clark Thoobald (Mrs.), young ladies' schl.Stainsbridgeho

Barnes Joseph, carpenter, High ·street Clark Waiter Trevelyan (firm, Clark & Smith), solicitor,

Bartlett Brothers, tailors & drapers, High strilet Market cross

Bartlett Ernest George, surveyor & deputy registrar of Clark William, surveyor to l\falmesbury highway board

births & deaths, Cross Hayes &sanitary inspector to the rural district council,Filands

Barton Edwin, watch maker, Ingram street Clarke Arthur E., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. medical officer &i

Baylris Frederick, haulier, Burn'ivale public vaccinator, No. 3 district, Malmesbury union,

Beak George, farmer, Milbourn Abbey row

Bell (The) Private & Family Hotel (Joseph Moore, Clarke Joseph Albert, superintendent registrar of births,

pi"opr:ietm); weU-known for its wines & spirits & home marriages & deaths for Malmesbury union, Cross Hayes

brewed beer; been in the family over 40 years; forage Clarke W:illi'am, greengrocer, Ga-stons lane

contractor to the nobility & gentry, Abbey row Clements Henry ,Charles, butcher & game dealer, High st

Bessant Henry, haulier, Bristol street Compton Frederick, draper, High street

Bick William, shopkeeper, Triangle Cooper John, shoe maker, High street

Bishop AyE:ff, haulier, St. John street Cordy Henry James, cabinet maker, High street

BDnd Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Gloucester road Cottage 'Hi(}spital (.Arthur Edward Clarke, Richard Kin-

BDnd Frede'rick, butcher, Gloucesl!:er road neir & Cha.:rles Wightwick Pitt, medical officers; Mrs.

Bond Thomas, butcher, Glouces'ter road ·Chubb, sec.; Mrs. Ellen Hlolmes, matron), Market crss

Bonner & Shroll, drapers &c. High street Council Chambers (John Neall, keeper), Silver street

Boulter Tom, 1brick maker, Filands Cresswell Edward, shoe maker

Boulton William, beer 'fetailer, Gloucester street Croome Fanny (Mrs.), parish clerk & aS'Sistant overseer
for St. P~aul, Gloucesiter street
Bower Thomas, draper, High street

Bowman George, yeoman, Abbey row Cypher Kate (Mrs.), Volunteer inn, High street

Bowman Henry, shoe maker, Back hill Denney Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, High street

Bowman Joseph, mas~m, Cross Hayes lane Dore, Fielder & Maskelyne, auctioneers & estate agents.

Box Daniel, hnulier, West street Town ha!ll, Cross Hayes-; & at Swind1on.

British & Foreign Bible Society Depot('\Y. Hanks),High st Doswell Sydney Edwd.mngr.Wilts & Dorset Bank,High st

Brooke Tom, grocer, High street Duck & Reed, brewers, maltsters & wine & spirit

Brown Saroh (1\fu-s.), shopkeeper, Horsefair mel"Chan'bs, Cross Hay-es brewery. See advertisement

Brown W'illiam, grocer, Gloucester street Eastmanos Lim. (Henry Nash, manager), High street

Brown William, plumber, Gloucester street Edwards Thomas & Son, coach builders, Holloway

Butt' Louisa (Miss), dress maker, High street Edwards George, basket maker, Gloucester street

Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Henry Elf,Qrd Joseph, shDpkeeper, High street

Hewer, manager), High •street; draw on head office, Emery .Nnn (Mrs.), beer retailer, Market cross

39 Threadneedle street, London E C 'Eme;ry .fosiah, baker, Hig-h street

Carpenter F. sergt.•major Yeomanry Cavalry,The Cottngt> English John, plasterer, Burnivale

Can Thom'e.-s James, fish & ice dealer, High street English Williatn, plasteret,. Kirlg's wall

Carter Richard, farmer, Thvrnhill farm E:t.ton James. haulier, Gastans' lane


Exton John, haulier, Horsefair Malmesbury Coal Co. (Waiter Alexander, proprietor),

Exton Sarah (l\Irs. ), Ca,stle inn, Triangle Gloueester road

Fanant Henry, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. Malmesbury Fire Brigade (J acob .Angell, capt. ),Ingram st

wine & spirit merchants, High street Malmesbury Ga~ & Coke Co. (Alfred William Chubb,

Fink John, lodging house, St. Mary's street sec.; Henry Ball, manager), St. John's street

Fisher Samuel, coal, cake & manure merchant, Rail- Malmesbury Horticultural & Floral Society (J. R. May,
sec.), High street
way station ; & at Great Somerford

Forrester William (firm, Jones & Forrester), solicitor & Malmesbury Water Works Co. Limited (Waiter T. Clark,

commissioner for oaths, High street sec.), Market cross

Fra,ser W. & Sons, nurserymen, Tetbury hill Matthews Charles, wheelwright, Gastons lane

Fry Edward, Three Horse Shoes P.H. & carrier,Oxford st Matthews Henry, boot & shoe maker, High street
Fry Frederick Mark, tai~or, Oxfol"d street
Matthews Henry, carpenter, Gastons lane
Fry William, potato dealer & beer retailer, Horsefair May Albert Henry, rate collector, High ~treat
Fry William, Bull inn, Sherston rO'ad
May George, seedsman, Oxford street
Garlick Henry, butcher, High street
May James, town crier & bill poster, High street
Gladwin William, black,smith, Oxford street
Meek David, haulier, Filands
Gomm John, ba·sket maker, High street
Melsome Sydney, farmer, Backbridge farm
Gore Lilian & Helen (Misse·s), dress makeTs, High street Millard J oseph, farmer, Milbourn
Grant Edwin, tailor, Gloucester street
Miller Charles, furniture dealer, High street
Green John, gardener to C. E. N. Charrington esq. Miller John, baker, Oxford street

Burton hill Moore Joseph, Bell family hotel, & forage contractor to

Grey John, cattle dealer & Duke of York P.H. Holloway the nobility & gentry, Abbey row

Guest Joseph, farmer, Milbourn Morris Harry, cowkeeper, Abbey cottage

Hall Alfred, farmer, Filands Mussell Henry, boot & shoe dealer, High street

Jllanks Benjamin, boot & shoe maker, St. John's bridge Naile John Edward, grocer, Cross Hayes
Hanks Jiames, farmer, ifllor,sefair
Neall Henry Thomas, naturalist, High street

Hanks William, stationer, High street Newman Asher, registrar of births & deaths for Western

Hanks William Kent, saddler, High street Malmesbury subdistrict & registrar of marriages, re-

Harris Salome (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, High st lieving & vaccination officer, & collector to the guardians
Hays Ed'W'ard & Son, coach bui:lder.s, Gloucester road
for No. I district, & school attendance officer, Avon ldg
Bays Alfred Edward, painter, Oxford street
Newman }'rederick, grocer, High street
Hayward John, George family & commercial hotel & Odelands Benjamin, farmer, Bristol street
posting house, High street
Paignton Wallace (Mrs.), apartments, High streefi
Hawkins .Alfred, The Bear inn, High street
Painter Edmund, fancy repository, Gloucester street
Hewer Henry, manager Capital & Counties Bank. trea- Painter John, chemist, High street
surer to the corporation, highway board & Luckington Pearce Frederick, greengrocer, Gloucester street
school board, High street
Peters William, boot & shoe maker, Bristol street

Hill Edwin, boot & shoe maker, HiLth street Phelps Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, High street

Hindle Thomas William Wai'burton M.R.C.V.S.L. veter- Pike Benjamin, shopkeeper, Ingram street
inary surgeon, Abbey row. See advertisement
Pike George, correspondent to the " North Wilts Herald,"
Hinwood Frederick Louis, draper, High street
& collector of taxes, Gloucester road
Hitchin,gs Edward, farmer, Filands
Pike George, cowkeeper, Frapes villas
Hitchings Mary Alice (Mrs.), fancy repos. Gloucester st Pike Isaac, tiler & plasterer, Bristol street
Hobbs James, saddler, Triangle
Pike Oliver, farmer, Triangle
Holborow S.arah (Mrs.), apartments, High street
Pincott Frank George, professor of music, High street
Horsell William, Green Dragon P.H. Market cros·i
Pitt Charles Wightwick M.R.C.S.Lond. surgeon, medical
Hudson John, coal dealer, Gloucester road officer of health to urban sanitary authority & rural

Hughes Frederick, builder, Ingram street district council, & medical officer & public vaccinator

James John, Three Cups P.H. Triangle for No. I district Malmesbury union & certifying fac-

Jefferies Elizabeth (Mrs.), embroidress, Cross Hayes tory surgeon, Gloucester street

Jefferie'S Jac01b, shopkeeper, Bristol street Pitt William, earthenware dealer, High street

Jefferies Jonas, shopkeeper, High street Ponting John Edward, complete house furnisher & agents

Jefferies Tom, shopkeeper, Bristol street for all kinds of agricultural implements, builder~' iron-

Jennings Joseph Cave Spicer, deputy registrar of births monger & oil & color merchant & monumental mason,
& deaths, .Abbey house
High st. ; & brick manufacturer, Garsdon. See advert
Jones & Forrester, solicitors & stewards to Lady North- Pouting William, farmer, Horsefair
wick, High street
Poole George, farmer & diorama proprietor
Jones & Son, hair dressers & mineral wart:er mfrs. High Sit Portch Arthur, pork butcher, High street
Jone1s Alfred Slbephen, agent for Sutt{)n & Oo. & oollector Randell Samuel & Son, painters, plumbers & glaziers &
of taxes, High street
paperhangers, High street
J'oneos Charles, umlbrella maker, Silver street
Ratcliffe Edwin, engineer, Westport
.Jones Edward, goldsmith, High street
Ratcliffe Henry Norman, chemist, High street
Jilne<s Henry, King'·s Arms family & commercial hot~l & Reeves Bessie (Miss), dre~s maker, High street

posting house, wine & spirit merchant; good stablmg, Reeves Thomas, shoe maker, Gloucester road

& inland revenue office, High street Rich Frederick William, farmer, Burton hill

Jones Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Triangle Rich Martha (Mrs.), farmer, Lawn farm, Burton hill

Jones William H. joiner, Bristol street . Riddick Nahor, boot & shoe maker, Gloucester street

Jones Willi<tm Stephen (firm, Jones & Forrester), soli- Riddick Nathan, printer, bookbinder, stationer &c.
citor, clerk to the magistrates, perpetual commissioner High street
& commissioner for oaths, registrar & high bailiff of Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry (Prince of Wales' Own
county court, High street
Royal Regiment) (B Squadron) Hon. Major Lord C. !<'.
Keevil Enoch, farmer, Arches farm
Brudenell-Bruce, commander; Hon. Major Sir H. B.

Kinneir Richard L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, medical officer & Meux hart. second in command
public vaccinator for No. 2 district, Malmesbury union, Russell Bruce, tailor, High street
& medical officer for workhouse & children's home, Russell Charles, tailor, Gloucester street
Tower house, Oxford street
Savine Edward, cattle dealer, Horsefair

Lake Arthur John, Black Horse P.H. Burton hill Savine John, Suffolk Arms P.H. Tetbury hill

Lamb Tom, Coopers' Arms P.H. Milbourn Scarrott Alfred, hawker, Horsefair

Lewis Edward, haulier, Horsefair Sealy Kate (Miss), apartments, High street

Lewis Elizabeth (Miss), beer retailer, Cross Hayes Sealy Marcua, shoeing & general smith, agricultural

Lewis Joseph, farmer, Gastons lane implements made !& repaired & manufacturer of iron

Lockstone W. & E. grocers, Oxford streefi fencing, reasonable terms, Triangle

Lodge Henry, shopkeeper, Horsefair Sealy Otto, sewing machine repairer, High_street

Luce Charles Richard, brewer, Mill & Abbey brewery Sharpe Thomas, boot & shoe dealer, High street

Luffman Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bristol street Skinner Annie (Miss), dress maker, Gloncester road

Lyne John, baker, Cross Hayes Smith Frederick Ernest (firm, Clark & Smith), solicitor,

Lyne John Garlick, butcher, High street Market cross

McLeod John, drill instructor to A Co. of the Duke of Smith William, Railway hotel, Gloucester road

Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment) 2nd Volunteer Batta- Sparrow Frederick, beer l'etailer, Triangle

lion, High street Taylor William Henry, farmer, Hyam Park farm

Malmesbury Brass Band (R. Cattle, bandmstr.), Bristol st Thompson Brothers, boot makers & outfitters, High st

Malmesbury Cricket Club (Arih. Jn. Blank, sec.), High st Thompson James, tanner, Common road


Thompson Rachel (Miss), shopkeeper, High street Whale James William, corn factor & miller (water &
Thompson Robert, blacksmith, St. John's street steam), Winyard mill

Thornbury Mary (Mrs.), Rose & Crown P.H. High street Whiting Samuel B. tailor, Gloucester street
Thrush Charles, glass & china dealer, High street Wilkins Edwin, hair dresser, Abbey row
Town Hall (J. H. Fielder, lessee) Wilkins Henry, mason, High street
Tugwell William, baker, Abbey row "\Vilkins Joseph, chimney sweeper, King's wall
Tyler Thomas, supt. of police & inspector of contagious Wilkins Joseph, general dealer, Holloway
Wills Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bristol street
diseases (animals), Gastons lane Willsdon 'fhomas, confectioner, Market cross
Volunteer Battalion (2nd) (The Duke of Edinburgh's
Wilmot James, plasterer, King's wall
WiltJ~hire Regt.) (A Co.) (Capt. S. E. Doswell, com- Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Sydney
manding; John McLeod, sergt.-instructor) ; drill hall,
Edwd. Doswell, manager), High st.; draw on the !,on-
near the Abbey
Walker Ebenezer, grocer, High street don & Westminster Bank Lim. 41 Lothbury, London EO
Walker .Jamee, watch maker, jeweller, goldsmith, &c. Wiltshire Henry, assistant superintendent Prudential

High street Assurance Co. High street
Wall George Edwin, general dealer, Gloucester street Wiltshire Silk Manufacturing Co. Lim. (The)
Wallace Alfred, White Lion P.H. Gloucester street Wood Thomas Williams, station master
Ward James, inspector of weights & measures Woodman John, builder, Abbey row
·water Works Co. Lim. (Waiter Trevelyan Clark, sec.;
Woodman William, baker, Triangle
William Walker, treasurer; Edwin Ratcliffe, engineer), Woodman Wm. jun. boot & shoe dealer, Bristol street
Holloway Wynn's temperance hotel & refreshment rooms

Weeks Frederick, plumber, High street (proprietor, Charles Henry Wynn), Oxford street & High
Weeks Henry, cabinet maker, Gloucester street
Wellman Martha (Miss), draper, Gloucester street street. See advertisement
Young Albert, seedsman, Market cross
"Whale Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, High street
Whale Odo, beer retailer, Market cross Young Men's Christian Association (Edward Jones, sec.),

Gloucester street

MANNINGFORD ABBOTTS is a small parish since 1857 by the Rev. Edward Everett B.A. of St.
with a few soa.tltered houses, 2 miles south-west from J<>hn's C<>llege, Cambridge. The principal landowners
Pewsey station of the Great Western railway, and 8 are the Governors of St. Thomas' Hospital, the trustees

south from Marlborough, in the :Eastern division of the of Capt. Wyndham, Aubrey William Freeman Wilson

county, hundred of Swanborough, Everleigh and Pewsey esq. of Newark, Ripley, Surrey, and Alexander Grant

petty sessional division, Pewsey union, Marlborough Meek esq. of Devizes, who is lord of the manor. The

Icounty court district, rural deanery of l\farlborough soil is sand and clay; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops

(Pews,ey portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and dioce·se of are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area i.s 919
Salisbury. The church (name unknown) is a s;tone i acres; rateable V':Uue, £I,os6; tJhe population in 1891

building, in the Ea;rly English style, rebuilt in r864, was 121.

consisting of a chancel, nave, south porch and western Parish Clerk, Robert C<>usins.

bell gabl~, :with 2 bells, one of which is ver~ ancie~t: Wall Letter Box, cleared at 1 I.SS a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sun-
the pulpit 1s of Bath stone: on the sout_h sid~ ?f t!he tdaeatlye7,g_r38a0_p4h5a. a.m. Letters through Pewsey S.O. arrive
chancel arc~ stands an oak lectern: there IS a piscma ~m the nearest money order &
t~e south s1de ?f the chanc,el: the church has 8o Slt- m. Pewsey is
tmgs. The register dates from the year office
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charg The . .. .
eI5£3294· 5, net The school f<>r this pansh IS at Mannmgford Bruce

yearly value £216, including 15 acres of glebe and resi- Carrier to Devizes, Mrs. Matilda Roberts, of Manning-

deuce, in the gift of Mrs. S. J. Merrell Whlte, and held ford Bruce, passes through on thurs

Everett Rev. Edward B.A. Rectory ChurCJh Henry, hawker Jeeves Thos. farmer & hay & straw dlr

COMMERCIAL. Butcher George James, miller (water), Muddle Samuel, farmer

Amor William, sweet seller Manningford mills Trimnell Tom Jones,farmr.Lower frm

Hughes Jesse, farmer, Malt house

MANNINGFORD BOHUNE is a parish, 2! miles Wilsford. Here are two Particular Baptist chapels, one

south--east from W'"oodborough station on the Berks and built in IBog am.d seating 70, and the other built in 1842

Rants extension branch of the Great Western railway, 3 with so sittings. There is a factory for the mamufacture

south-west from Pewsey and 9~ ea-st-by--south from of fireworks; here. The trustees of Capt. Wyndham are

Devizes, in the Eastern division of the county, Swan- }ords of the manor and the principal landowners. The
borough hundred, petty sessional division of Everleigh soil is clay and chalky; subsoil, chalk and green sand.

and Pewsey, Pe-wsey union,. Marlborough c<>unty court The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and roots.

district, rural deanery of Potterne (Enford portion), The area is 1,233 acres; rateable value, £I,I95• and the
archd-eaconry of Wilts and d.iocese of Salisbury. The population in 1891 was 240.
church of All Saints is a stone building in the Early Parish Clerk, Daniel Haddrell.

English style, c<>nsis>ting of chancel, nave, south p<>rch Lebters through Pewsey S.O. arrive at 8 a.m. The
and a western bell turret containing one bell : tJhel'e are nearest post office is at Manningf-ord Bruce, & the
three stained windows and 154 sittings. The living is nearest money ordeil' & telegraph office is at Upavvn

a ohapelry annexed to the vicarage of Wilsf<>rd, average The children attend the schools at Manningford Bruce,
tithe rent-charge £Igz, joint gross yearly value £270, Rushall & Woodborough
net £Ig8, including 2 acres of glebe, with residence, in
the gift of the master of St. Nicholas' Hospital, Salis- Police ConSitable, Ftl"ederick Batchelor

bury, and held since 1881 b,y the Rev. William Wrixon Carrier to Devi~es, Mrs. Matilda Roberts, passes through

Kea,ting M.A. of Trinity C<>llege, Dublin, who resides at <>n thurs

(Marked* postal address Woodboro', Hillier Ann Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Peacock Rose (Mrs.), Seven Stars

• Pewsey S.O.) *Oatridge Robert Luke, farmer inn, & brewer

Stratton Frank, Manor house Peacock Alfred James, pyrotechnic Stratton F. & Co. farmers & steam
artist & fireworks manufacturer; plough & thrashing machine owners
COMMERCIAL. pyrotechnist to many of H.M. Jubilee Want Edwin, thatcher

Mortimer Matthew, farm bailiff to celebrations 1887 Wells Henry, farmer, Ivy cottage

Thomas Jenner esq. The Nursery *Strong George, baker & shopkeeper Wise David, carpenter

MANNINGFORD :BRUCE (which derives its name piscina, containing a. handlsome reredos, nave, western

from the old baronial family of Braose) is a small village wooden belfry with 2 bells and south porc<h: the build-

and parish, 2! miles south-west from Pewsey station of ing formerly was covered with pla;Siber, but in r882 the

the Great Western railway, and 10 east-by-south from plaster was stripped off and the ohuroh thoroughly re-
Devizes, in the Ea.sdiern division of the county, Swan- stored, from plans by Mr. J. L. Pearsou A.R.A. at the-

borough hundred, Everleigh and Pewsey petty sessional expense of the lord of the manor: the church was re-
divisi<>n, Pewsey union, Ma.rlborough county court dis- seated with new oak seats, and the roof, which is of oak,
trict, rural deanery of Marlborough (Pewsey portion), wa.s covered with lead: the chancel walls have been
arclhdoo.conry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The decorated: the east wind(lw and one in the chancel are
-church of St. Pe.tell", a building of flint, was probably stained: there is a tablet in the chancel to Mary

built before the Norman conquest (the lofty and narrow Nicholas, who was, with her sister Jnne, instrumental in

doorways and high positi<>n of windows indiooting Anglo- preserving the life of Charles II. after his defeat at
Saxon, or at least, very Early Norman work}, and con- Worcester: there are 84 sittings. The register dates

aists of apsidal chancel, which retains an aumlbry and a from the year 1657· The living is a rectory, average


t.ithe rent-charge [2xg, net income [216, with 8 acres address, Pewsey S.O. Letters arrive at 6.35 a.m. &
of glebe and house, in the gift of the representatives of
2.50 p.m.; sun. 6.35 a.m.; dispatched at. 11.35 a.m. &
A. Grant esq. and held since r892 by the Rev. Edw.ard
'l'anqueray B.A. of Oambridge University. Manrningford 6.45 p.m.; sun. 6.45 p.m. Postal orders. are issued
Bruce Manor House is the residence of Henry Wan.s-
brough esq. and stands in a park of about 12 acres. here, but not paid, Upavon is the nearest money order
The principal landowner is Alexander Grant Meek esq.
who is lord of the mannr. The soil is sand and clay; & telegraph office
subsoil, chalky. The chief crops ai'e wheat, barley and
beans. The area is r,o85 aooes; rateable value, [1,142; Wall LetAier Box, Townsend, cleared 11.45 a.m. & 5.50
the population in 1891 was 250.
p.m.; sun. 8.55 a.m
Parish Clerk, Thomas Powell. NaJtional School (mixed), for the parishes of Manningford

A.bbotts, Manningf.ord Bruce & part of Manningford
Bohune, built in 1841, & enlar~d in 1873• for So chil·
dren; average ahtendance, 69; Mrs. Hannah Jane
Gadsden, mistress

Post Office.-William Head, sub-postmas<t-er. The postal Oarrier to Devizes.-Mrs. Matilda Roherts, thurs

Meek Alexander Grant, The Hall Coles Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker Lott George, farmer

Stratton Joseph Crook Frederick, shoe maker Lott Geo. jun. beer retailer & shopkpr

Tanqueray Rev. Edwd. B.A. (rector) Head David, farmer Pierce Dinah (Mrs.), dress maker

'Yansbrough Henry, Manor house Head! 1Villia.m, potato <lealer & bee Pierce Frederick, thatcher

keeper, Post office Roberts Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper &

COMMERCIAL. Holloway William, fatmer carrier

Brown Job, gamekeeper to A. G. Huntley Henry, farm bailiff to Messrs. Waight John & Son, carpenters,

Meek esq F. Stratton & Co wheelwrights, smiths & saw mills

MARDEN is a parish and village, 2 miles south-wes·t with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter o!

from Woodborough station on the Newbury and Bath Bristol, and held since r893 by the Rev. Henry Thomp-
section of the Great Western railway, and 6~ south-e·ast son Adam M.A. of Corpus Ohristi college, Cambridge,

from Devizes, in the Eastern division of the county, who is also vicar of and resides at Chirton. Here is a

hundred of Swanborough, petty sessional divis•ion, union Bapt-ist chapel. Mrs. Johnstone, who is lady of the

and county court dist.l'iot of Devizes, Pot<terne rural m•anor, William Fulbrook Atherton esq. and John Har·

deanery (Enford portion), Wilts ardhdeaconry and Salis- !'iott Bott esq. are the principal land<Owners. The soil

bury diocese. The churoh of All Saints is a building of and subsoil are greensand, with a little clay. The chief

stone and brick, in the Norman and P•erpendicular styles, crops are wheat, barley and turnips. 'fihe area is 1,278

consisting of chancel and nave, south porch, and an em- aores; rateable value, £r,r88; the population in 1891

battled western tower with turret and pinnacles, and was 188.

con.taillling 5 bells: the south doorway and chancel arch
are fine examples of Norman work, and are ornam·ented Post Office.-William Benger, sub-postmaster. LetAiers

with the beaded cheVTon and other mouldings: the reoeived from Devizes at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 5.40

15th century tower, which had been lowered seven feet p.m.; sundays, reoeived, 9 a.m.; dispatched at 10.30
in 1617, was rebuilt in I88S at a cost and a.m. Postal orders al'e issued here, but not paid.
restored to its original proportions: now The neares.t money order & telegraph office is ab

(1894-5) undergoing a thorouglh res•toration. The Woodborough

register dates from the year r685. The living is a National School (mixed), with residence for mistress,
vicarage, yearly value from the tithe rent-charge [99, built in 1845, for 40 children; average .attend..ance,
gross income [226, net [232, including 1 acre of glebe, 29 ; Miss Coles, mistress

Kingston James Warwick, Manor ho Ball George, shoe maker Chandler Thomas, maltster

COMMERCIAL. Benger William, farmer, Post office Fry General, farmer

Atherton Wm. Thos. Riching, farmer Cook George Limbrick, farmer, Wells Jasper (Mrs.), miller, beer re·

Ball Frank, carpenter Manor farm tailer, brewi!r & grocr. Marde.n mill

MARKET LAVINGTON, see Lavingt.on.


MARLBOROUGH is a municipal borough and union and is an old stone buildfing, in the Perpendicular style, with
market town, on the banks of the river Kennet, in the Norman west door : it has chancel, nave and square
Eastern division of the county, petty sessional division of embattled western tower, with pinnacles, cvntai.ruing a
Marlborough and Hungerford, hundred of Selkley, rural clock and 6 bells: the chancel was built in 1874, at a
deanery of Marlborough (Marlborough portion), arch- cos•t of a,bout £r,ooo: the late G. E. Street esq. R.A.
deaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury; by a branch was the architect: the organ was erected in 1879: the
line from Savernake the town is placed in connection church contains stained windows to t•he Merriman family,
with the Great Western railway system, and the station to Mr. Meyler, a former head master of the Grammar
is about half a mile from the Town Hall; the Midland school, to members of the May family, and to a son of
and South Western Junction railway from Cirencester to Captain Manders, who was drowned at Erihh when
Andover JunctJon on London and South Western railway serving on board the training ship " Wo:rooster:" a
through Marlborough was opened in 1884, and the clock, with illum.inated dials, was e!'ecled in the tower
scheme includes a continuation from Cirencester, to join in r88g, a;t a cost of about £zoo: the church has sitt.ings
the Midland system at Cheltenham: the town is situated for 6oo persons. The regis•ter dates from the year 1602.
on the Bath road, 14 miles north-east from Devizes, II The living is a vica!'lage, average tithe rent-charge £r8,
south from Swindon, 27 north from Salisbury and 75 gross yearly value [232, net £r7o, with glebe (£66),
from London. The Local Government Act, formallv and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and
adopted in 1859, was put into practical operation ii.1 helO. sill!Ce 1887 by the Rev. William Gardiner B.D. of
1866. The municipal borough includes the :parishes of Exete-r College, Oxford, and rural dean of Marlborough.
St. Peter and St. Paul, and St. Mary the Virgm, and has The church of St. Pet·er is a Perpendicular structU're

a oommiSISion of the peace. The bo!'lough formerly re- of SJtone: it has chancel, nave of four ba)"s, aisles, with

turoed two membe11s of Parliament, but by the " Repre- emba;ttled western tower containing 9 bells and dock,
sentation of the People Act, 1867,'' the number wM and a south porch, and was repaired in r863, when the
reduced to one, and by the "Redistribution of Seats exterior was partially restored and the interior com•

Act, xBBs,'' the representation was merged into that of ple•tely refitlted with a new pulpit, stalls and pews, all

the county. There is a common of roo aca-es, on which being of oak, also an oak screen round the baptistery,
the burgesses are entitled to pasture their cows, at a which is situa.ted on the south side of the churclh.: on
oharge of 6d. a head per week. The town, which is the north side of the chancel is a marble monument,
lighted with gas by a company, under a private Act, bearing darte 1607, wit·h an inscription to Sit Nichol•as
consists principally of one fine wide street, chiefly shops ; Hyde knt. Mary his wife, two sons and a; daughter; the
those on the north side 9ire protected by a oGlonnade baptistery corutains a font, supported by four Devonshire
extending over the footpath, which renders it a dry and marble columns; on the sides of the font are four
agreeable promenade. The houses are for the most part figur83 carved in alabasoter, emblems of the Four Evan•

large and well built, though. not uniform. The County gelist's : at the east end of the church are three riohly

QUJarter Ses.sions are -.held here annually at Micha.elmas. stained w.illlduws; over the west entrance is one repre<-

The church C1f St·. Mary the Virgin, founded in n6o, senting the. Four Evangelists, with the Apostl~ Pet~l' in


the midst, and four windows have ooen inserted in the and all the principal periodicals of the day: there is

south aisle, representing fotlr ministries-that of bur · likewise an .extensive library attached, consisting of

Lord, angels. apos·tles and women: there 11re sittings f()r . upwards of 3,ooo well--selected volumes for the use of

soo pers'Ons. ';l'he register dates from the year r6n. the members.

The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £n, The charities for distribution amount to abbut £6o

gross yearly value £234, net £207, with glebe (£2o), yeady, derived from legacies, all now being in the

. and reslidence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and hands of the Chanty Commissioners.

held since r887 by the Rev. Henry Robert \V'hytehead The Savernake Hospital, established in r866, in the

M.A. of Corpus Christi colle~e, Cambridge, and surra- old Training School on Forest Hill, was built by public

gate. subscription, at a cost of £s ,ooo, and opened 6th of

The Congre~a.tional chapel, in The Parade. was built July, 1872, for 21 patients; beds in constant use, over
in r8r7, enlarged r873, and has 2so sittin~. The Wes- 17; it is supported entire~y by voluntary contributions,

leY'an cha.pel, Oxford str-eet, was erected in r867, and and any poor person can be admitted free of charge on

seats 200 pers•ons; the Baptist chapel, St. Martin's, the recommendation of a subscriber: out-patients are

ereC'ted in r868, ha.s 90 seart·s; and uhe PTimitive Metho- charged 2s. 6d. per week; patients are received from

dist chapel, Herd street, erected in 1841, has 200 sittings. 6o surrounding parishes, representing a population of

The Market HDuse is an ancient buildring, over which upwards of 4o,ooo ; the yearly average of in-patients

is the Town Hall. Here are a CDuncil-Toom and Court- is about 220, and of out-patients about so. There were

house, and assembly-rooms, which will hold soo persons. under care in 1893, 230 in-patients and so out-patients.

'l'he market for corn, oheese and cattle is held on Satur- The site was given by the late Marquess of Ailesbury,

day, and is tolerably well attended. the Marchioness of Ailesbury built the two convalescent

Fairs are held on t·he 22nd of August and 23rd of day rooms, and Mrs. Merriman, of Wykeham House,

· November. There are two hiring fairs, one on the the two extra wards, the latter as a memorial to her

Saturd.ay before Old Michaelmas and one after. late husband, T. B. Merriman esq.

The trades carried on are brewing, malting, rope and The principal landowners ::;.re the Marquess of Ailes-

sacking manufacture and tanning. bury and the Corporation of Mar:borough. The soil is

There are cricket, athletic and football clubs con- chalk, with beds of clay irregularly distributed. The

nected with the town, of which Mr. H. Leaf is the chief crops are wheat and barley.

honorary secretary. The area is r86 acres; II6 in St. Mary's parish and

The Marlborough Reading and Mutual Improvement 79 in St. Peter and St. Paul. The rateable values are

Society, which was established in 1844, is well con- -St. Mary's, £4,978; St. Peter and St. Paul, £6,667;

ducted and in a prosperous condition: a comfortable the population in r891 was 3,012; namely, St. Mary's,

reading-room, situated in the High street, was opened r,69S ; and St. Peter's and St.. Paul's, r,317.

in r8S4• and is well supplied with London daily and Parish Clerks: of St. Mary, Thomas Dobson; of St.

weekly papers, provincial papers, books of reference, Peter and St. Paul, Dorson Tavathan Baker.


Founded, 1843· Incorporated by Royal Charter, x84S,

Ma.rlborough College, situated at the western extremity ships," of the value of £3o a year, open to all boys

of the High street, was erected on the site of the under 14 years of age on the rst of January before the

ancient castle, which was afterwards an inn, & forms election; six vacant annually, & tenable at the col-
lege for two years. Two scholarships, of the
a magnificent group of buildings : this institution had

its origin in an association to secure, on economical va::.ue of £2o, tenable for one year are given annually

terms, a liberal education, more especially for the to the modern school, open to all boys under the age

sons of clergymen, preparatory to that of the univer- of 17 & IS respectively. Three ·scholarships (two

sities: in the year r84S the institution was incorpor- founded by the late Dean Ireland, & the third by the

ated by letters patent, under the name of Mar1- late Archdeacon Berens), of the yearly value of £rs,

.borough College, & by the charter of incorporation the tenable as long as the holders remain at college ;

Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being was ap- candidates must be under 15 years of age ; " Ireland"

pointed perpetual visitor, and the Bishop of Salisbury Scholarships being limited to clergymen's sons : two

perpetual president of the Council ; the charter fur- "Author's Scholarships," of the value of £IS each,

ther provides that the duties & doctrines of Christi- are given annually in June; also a Scholarship, worth

anity, as the same are received & taught by the £r6 a year, confined to the sons of clergymen who

United Church of England & Ireland, & also the have served for five y• ears within the limits of the
various branche-s of literature (including the ancient late East India Co.'s charters : there are three " Old

& modern languages) & science, shall be taught in Marlburian Exhibitions," one "The Classical," vacant

the said College, under the superintendence of a mem- every three years, of the value of £so yearly, tenable

ber of one of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge for three years, & two "Modern," one adjudged an-

(who shall be designated Master of Marlborough Col- nually, of the value of £2s a year each, tenable for

lege) ; & such other assistant masters, professors & two years; & also a considerab::.e number of annual

tutors, shall be appointed by the Council as they may pn'zes .

see occasion; by the original charter two-thirds of The chapel, built in 1848, has been taken down, & in

the pupils must be sons of c1ergymen, & the rest its stead the present building was erected & conse-

may be sons of laymen; but by a second charter, crated in r886, at a cost of upwards of £3o,ooo: the

granted in 1853, one half of the pupils may be sons style is Perpendicular Gothic : the walls built of

of laymen. The College is divided into three schools Sarsen stone, with dressings of Bath stone, & the

-the upper, the modern, & the lower school. In the fleche, chancel & porches are entirely of Bath stone :

upper school the education. is chiefly intended as a the western porch has richly moulded shafts &

preparation for the universities, & is therefore mainly arches, with ball flowers at west end of south side

classical. In the modern school the subjects of in- & there is another entrance at east end of south side

struction are Latin, French, German, mathematics, for clergy: the porch for the out-boarders is at the

history, geography & natural science, with special north side of the west end, from which a circular stone

classes for subjects of examination at Woolwich. The staircase in the turret leads to the gallery over the

lower school is preparatory for the upper & modern ante-chapel: there are niches with canopied heads

schools; the Bible & Church Catechism form part of under the apse windows, over the south porch & in

the ll"egular instruction in all the scho()ls. There are the west end; the four niches of the apse have been

twelve Exhibitions to the Universities of Oxford & filled with figures of the Patron Saints of the United

Cambridge; 4 vacant annually, worth from £22 ros. Kingdom (St. George, St. l'atrick, St. Andrew &

to £so each yearly respectively, tenable for three David) presented by tradesmen connected with the

years. Annually in December there is an election to college ; & the angles of the apse are occupied by

r6 "Foundation Scholarships," of the value of £30 a s-hafts carrying figures of St. Michael (in honour of

year each, tenable so long as the holders remain at whom the chapel is named), & the archangels St.

the college, & confined to the sons of clergymen, ]laphael & St. Gabriel: the west end contains a five-

nominated by life governors : there are in all 70 of tight window, & there are 13 two-light windows with

these Foundation. Scholarships; also a. certain number rich tracery, all differing, in the north & south sides

of '' Senior Scholarships,',. of the value of £so a. year of the nave : the chancel is lighted by four two-light

each, open to all boys under IS years of age on the windows with tracery, & four single-light windows in

tst of January before the election: two are open for end, & six. small two-light windows with

competition ~very year1 and tenable during good be- tracery giv~ light to the chancel aisles: all these
haviDur, as long as the holders remain at the school. windows are stained, & the memorial windows, which

There are also a certain number o~ "Junior Scholar- were in the earlier building, have been transferred


to the new : the roof over the chancel is divided into of Lincoln College, Oxford; W. Mansell M.A. late ex-
three bays, and that over the nave into eight bays, hibitioner of University College, Oxford; W. H. Mac-
by massive stone arches springing from moulded donald M. A. St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; W. E. Mul-
shafts with moulded bases & capitals; these bays are lins M.A. late scholar of St. John's College, Cam-
boarded & sub-divided into panels with wood ribs & bridge; Rev. C. E. Thorpe M. A. late scholar of St.
John's College, Cambridge; H. Richardson M.A.
carved bosses for colour decoration : the chancel &
chancel aisles are grained in stone : the roof over the Corpus Christi college, Oxford; H. D. Drury M. A.
ante-chapel, situated under the gallery, is also grained late scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge; H. F.
~tewart M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge; J. M.
in stone: the organ chamber, with vestry underneath, Lupton M.A. late scholar of King's, Cambridge;
will be built on the north si~e, near the chancel : the
floors are laid with Stephens' improved wood-blocks: G. Sharp M. A. Lincoln College, Oxford; L. E. Upcott
the seats, with carved ends, are all of oak; & the M. A. late scholar of Corpus Christi college, Oxford;
M. H. Gould M.A. late ·scholar of Trinity College,
seats for masters & visitors, with canopied heads & Oxford; R. Alford M. A. late exhibitioner of Wadham
panelled backs, are also of oak : the pictures from the College, Oxford; A. C. Champneys M. A. late scholar
old building, the work of Mr. Spencer Stanhope, have
of New College, Oxford; W. H. Madden M.A. late
been removed to the new chapel.
The Adde:rley library, in connection with the College, scholar of Clare College, Cambridge ; Rev. R. C.
Abbott B.A. scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge;
was founded in the year 1848 by F. Alleyne McGeachy
esq. & contains upwards of 8,ooo volumes. A school C. H. T. Wood B.A. late scholar of Christ Church.

magazine " The Marlburian," edited by m·embers of Oxford; R. G. Durrant M.A., F.C.S. late scholar of
Marlborough College, is· issued fortnightly from the Keble College, Oxford; W. H. Chappel M.A. late
scholar of Worcester College, Oxford; F. V. E.
"Marlborough Times " office
Brughera M.A. Balliol, Oxford, late Taylorian

Council. scholar; A. S. Eve M.A. late scholar of Pembroke

Visitor, The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. College, Cambridge; J. Bain M.A. late scholar of
New College, Oxford; Rev. J. P. Cummins B.A. late
President, The Lord Bishop of Salisbury. scholar of Caius College, Cambridge; J. F. Leaf B.A.
late scholar of Peterhouse, Cambridge; J. F. L.
'Ihe Lord Bishop of & The Very Rev. the Dean of Hardy B. A. late scholar of Hertford College, Oxford;
Wells Westminster F. H. Hewitt B.A. late scholar of Jesus College
Cambridge; E. Meyrick B.A., F.Z.S. late scholar of
The Lord Bishop of Peter- The Very Rev. the Hon. the Trinity College, Cambridge ; H. Leaf M.A. late scholar
borough Dean of York of Trinity College, Cambridge; C. E. B. Hewitt M.A.
late scholar of Peterhouse, Cambridge; Rev. .A. J.
TheRev.CanonDuckworthn.n Sir Alex. J.Arbuthnot x.c.s.I Galpin M.A. late scholar of Trinity College, Oxford ;
H. Savery B..A. late scholar of Trinity College, Cam-
The Very Rev. the Dean of The Marquess of Bath bridge; W. G. Etheridge M.A. late scholar of Keble
College, Oxford; J. A. Ensor
Canterbury H.R.H. The Duke of Cam- Extra Master, F. J. I ..eader
'fhe Rev. C. M. Harvey bridge K.G Bursar & Secretary, Rev. J. S. Thomas M.A
The Rev. T. L. Papillon
R. Bosworth-Smith esq Medical Officer, E. Penny M.D.
The Very Rev. the Dean of Librarian, F. V. E. Boughera M.A.
Salisbury C. P. Ilbert esq. c.I.E., c.s.I Art Master, J. P. Lloyd F.R.H.S
Waiter Leaf esq
The Rev. E. S. Talbot D.D S. T. Fisher esq
The Rev. the Master of Tri- C. T. Lucas esq
Lord Tennyson
nity College, Oxford
A. Robinson esq
The Rev. the Master of Uni- W. S. Seton-Karr esq
versity College, Oxford

Master, Rev. George Charles Bell M.A. late fellow & Violin Master, R. Berndt

tutor of Worcester College, Oxford Organist, W. S. Bambridge Mus. Bac. Oxon

Assistant Masters, Rev. J. S. Thomas M.A. Trinity Col- Accountant, James Leader

lege, Cambridge; F. E. Thompson M.A. late scholar Steward, C. Williams


Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Government Insurance & County Magistrates for M:arlborough & Hungerford

Annuity Office, Inland Revenue Stamp & Parcel Post Petty Sessional Division.

Office.-William Charles Meade, postmaster. Open Goddard Horatio Nelson esq. M.A., D.L. Clyffe manor,
week days from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m. & on sundays from Wootton Bassett, Swindon, chairman
7.30 till 10 a.m.; telegraph office on snndays from Ailesbury Marquess of, Savernake Forest, Wilts
8 till 10 a.m
Brudenell-Bruce Lord Charles Fredk. "\Volfhall,Marlboro'

Arrival of Mails. Pearce Sir William George hart. M.P. LL.B. M.A.

From London, Swindon, Chippenham, Bath, Bristol, Chilton lodge, Hungerford
Coddington Col. Hamelin Charles, Wye ho. Marlboro~
West of England & all parts, 7 a.m Davidson Col. Alexander Chorley, Stowell ho. Pewsey
From Salisbury, Southampton, Portsmouth & places on Gifford Henry Rycroft esq. Lockridge ho. Marlborougb
Maurice James Blake M.D. Lloran house, Marlborough
the South Western railway, 8 a.m Stnrton Rev.•Tacob M.A. Rectory, Woodboro', Marlbro•
From London forward, Reading, Newbury, Hungerford Woodman Hy. Deacon e~q. Ham manor, nr. Hungerford

& Devizes, 2.40 p.m Clerk to the Magistrates, Wm. Fredk. Woodward,
:From London, Reading, Swindon, Chippenham & West High stree~

of England, 7.30 p.m

Arrival of Parcels.-Fil'st delivery, 7 a.m. ; second, 9·45 Petty Se·ssions are held at the Town Hall, Marlborough,
a.m.; third, 2.10 p.m.; fourth, 7 p.m
on the second & last saturdays, at Hungerford (Charn-

ham Street)on the wed. after the 2nd every month

Dispatch of Mails. at 11 a.m. The following places are included in the

For villages &c. in the Marlborough postal district, petty sessional division :-Aldbourn, Avebury, Baydon.
viz. Pewsey, Upavon, Burbage, Tetworth &c. 4.50 a.m
Bedwyn (Great & Little), Brimslade, Burbage, Broad
For London, London forward, Reading, Devizes, Chip- Hinton, Berwick Bassett, Buttermere, Cadley, Chil-
penham, Swindon & West of England, 12 noon ton Foliatt, Clatford Park, East Kennett, Frox-
field, Fyfield, Grafton, Ham, Hippenscombe, Milden-
For Andover, Salisbury, Southampton & places on the hall, Ogbourn St. Andrew, Ogbonrn St. George,
South Western railway, 4.15 p.m Overton, Overtoo Heath, Preshute, Ramsbury, Saver-
nake (North & South), Shalbourne, Tidcombe with
For London & London forward, 6.25 p.m Fosbury, Winterbourne Bassett & Winterbourne Monkton
For London, Swindon, Chlippenham, Devizes, Bath,

Bristol, West of England & all parts, 8.45 p.m

Parcels.-First dispatch, 9·45 a.m. ; second, 12.45 p.m.; Borough Magistrates.

third, 4 p.m. ; fourth, 6.25 p.m. ; fifth, 8.45 p.m.; The Mayor.

villages &c. in Marlborough Postal district, 9 a.m The Ex-Mayor.
ITown.-The Green, Letter Box, clear·ed g.20 & n.25 Carter James, Kingsbury st Maurice James Blake l'ti.D.
a.m. 1.40, 3.25, 5.50 & 8.25 p.m.; sundays, 8.10 p.m Duck William, High street Lloran house

Wall.-St. Margaret's Box, cleared 9.25 & 11.25 a.m. Harris Georg~ Frederick, Milburn Joseph, Highfield
1.4o, 3.25, 5.50 & 8.25 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m.
College Box, cleared 9·35 & II.35 a.m. & 1.50, 3.25, High street MorrisonJames,Kingsbury st
6.5 & 8.20 p.m. ; sundays, 8.25 p.m. St. Peter's box,
JacksonThomas,Kingsburyst Rnssell James, High street

Clerk, Edward Baverstock Merriman, Silverless street

9.40 & 11.40 a.m. & x.55, 3.40, 6.10 & 8.25 p.m. ; Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every

6undays, 8.30 p.m monday at 10 a.m


Corporatiun. I Marlborough Union.
1894-95· The following is a list of places in the Marlborough Union:
-Avebury, Berwick Bassett, Broad Hinton, Clatford
The Mayor-William Duck Park, Fifield, Kennett (East), Marlborough St. Mary,
Ex-~Iayor-Wil~iam Samuel Bambridge. :Marlborough St. Peter & St. Paul, Mildenhall, North

Aldermen. & South Savernake, Ogbourn St. Andrew, Ogbourn St.

t.fames Sheward Gwillim *James Blake Maurice M.D George, Overton Heath, West Overton, Preshute, Win-
tJames Russell *Joseph Milburn terbourne Bassett & "\Vinterbourne Monkton. The popu~

Councillors. lation of the union in 1891 was 8,so6; area, 4+393;
rateable value in 1894, £40,764
~ William John Hamlen
*William Samuel Bambridge ~ Edward James Hill Board days, alternate saturdays, at the Union Workhouse,
tWilliam Duck
*Thomas Foster P,iark Jeans at u a.m
*Vincent Head tThomas Lavington
*.Jeremiah Paul Lloyd Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Edward
~Thomas Perry Bane tRichard Mundy Llewellyn Gwillim, Silverless street
~ George Drake
Treas. Robt. Wm. Merriman, Capital & Counties Bank
Corporation meets at the Town Hall as occasion demands, Collector to the Guardians, A. Glass, Oxford street
usually the first wed. in the month, at IO a.m. Relieving & Vaccination Officer, 1st & 2nd districts, Albert

Glass, Oxford street

Marked thus* retire in 1895· Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district,

Marked thus ~retire in 1896. Oliver Galley Maurice, High street; No. 2 district,

Marked thus t retire in 1897· Cyrus James, Avebury

Marked thus t retire in 1898. Superintendent Registrar, Edward Llewellyn Gwillim,

Mayor's Auditor, Jeremiah Paul Lloyd, The Green Silverless st. Marlborough; deputy, James Sheward
Elective Auditors, Frederick Head & Hy. Geo. Cane Gwillim, Silverless street, Marlborough
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Albert Glass, Oxford street.
Officers of the Corporation & Urban Sanitary Authority. Marlborough

Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority & Registrar of Marriages, Edwin Walwyn, The Parade,

Borough School Attendance Committee,Edwd.Llewellyn Marlboro'; deputy, Nathaniel Sprawson, Silverless st

Gwillim, Silverless street Workho•Ise, Preshute, half a mile north of the town, is a

Borough Treasurer, John George Crow, High street building of white Bath stone, erected in 1837, & will

Treasurer to Urban Sanitary Authority, T. S. Reddrop, hold 200 inmates, Rev. ·wm. Gustavus Hubbard, chap-

Capital & Counties Bank, High street lain; Oliver Calley Maurice, medical officer; James

Medical Officer of Health, Thomas Horatio Haydon M.B. Taylor, master; Mrs. H. J. Taylor, matron

Cantab., M.R. C.S. High street School Attendance Committee.
Borough Surveyor, Joshua Watts Brooke, The Green

Sanitary Inspector, John Griffin, St. Martin's Meets at the Union about once a fortnight at II a.m. No

Collector of Rates, John George Crow, High street specified day of meeting.

Town Crier, Isaac Waylen, St. Martin's Clerk, Edward Llewellyn Gwillim, Silverless street

Sergeants-at-Mace, John Griffin & John Watts Attendance Officer, Albert Glass, Oxford street

Public Establishments. Rural District Council.
County Rolice Station, Bridewell street, Thomas Pierce,
Meets at the Union alternate saturdays at II a.m.
supt.; James Clarke, inspector & 3 constables
County Court; office, Silverless street. The court sits Clerk, Edward Llewellyn Gwillim, Silverless street
Treasurer, J. Merrick
at the Town Hall, bi-monthly, on tuesday. His Honor Medical Officer of Health, Cyrus James, Avebury
Sanitary Inspector, John Huntley, Overton
Camille Felix Desire Calliard, judge; R. W. Merriman,
registrar & high bailiff; Dennis Ayliffe, assistant regis· Public Officers.
trar & assistant high bailiff. The district comprises
the following places :-Alton Bevis, or Priors, Avebury, Certifying Factory Surgeon, James Blake Maurice l\I.D.
Axford, Beckhampton, Beeches Barn, Berwick Bassett, High street
Burbage, Bottlesford, Broad Hinton, Cadley, Chisen~
bury, Clatford, Collingbourn Kingston, Collingbourn Clerk of the Peace for "\Vilts, to Wilts Lieutenantcy, to
Ducis, Compton, Durley, Easton, Everleigh, Fifield Commissioners of Taxes & to County Council, R. \V.
(near Marlborough), Fifield (near Pewsey), Fifield (near Merriman, Silverless street
Enford), Grafton (West), Glory Ann, Haxon, Hillcot,
Collector of Poor's Rates for St. Mary's Parish, \Yilliam
Honey Street, Huish, Kennett (East), Kennett (West), Benjamin Ackley, London road
Lockeridge, Long Street, Luckey Lane, Lye Hill, Man~
ton, Manningford Abbotts, Manningford Bohune, Man- Superintendent of Police, Thomas Pierce, Police station
ningford Bruce, Milton Lilbourne, Milton Hill, Milden~ Surveyor of Highways, Joshua Watts Brooke, The Green
Collector of Taxes, St. Mary's, Wm. Pearce, The Green;
hall, Oare, Ogbourn Saint Andrew, Ogbourn Saint
George, Overton, Pewsey, Preshute, Puthall, Ram Alley, St. Peter's, Henry George Cane, High street
Rockley, Savernake (North), Savernake (South), Shaw, Superintendent of Fire Brigade, Henry James Brooke
Shercot, Stowell, Temple, Totterdown, Uffcott, West-
cott, Whitefield, Wick, Wilcot, Wolfhall, Wootton Places of Worship, with times of Services.
Rivers, Winterbourne Monkton & Winterbourne Bassett
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of St. Mary's Church, High street, Rev. Wm. Gardiner B.D.
vicar; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7.15 p.m
Swindon, Henry Coggan Tombs, 32 High street, Swin-
don, official receiver St. Peter's Church, High street, Rev. Hy. Robt. Whyte~
Certified Bailiff under the" Law of Distress Amendment head M.A. rector; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. & fri.
Act," Dennis Ayliffe, High street, Marlborough 7·30 p.m
Fire Brigade, Corn Exchange, H. J. Brooke, supt.&q men
Inland Revenue Office, 26 High street, Michael James Baptist, St. Martin's, ministers various; 10.45 a. m. &
O'Loughlin, supervisor; Patrick John Murray, 8 The 6 p.m
Green & Albert Edward William Marsh, 28 Kingsbury
street, officers Congregational, The Parade, Rev. Harry George Fear,
Savernake Hospital, James B. Maurice M.D. & T. H. Hay- II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
don M.B. hon. medical officers; Rev. W. Gardiner,
hon. sec Primitive Methodist, Herd street; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30
p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
Yeomanry Cavalry.
Royal Wiltshire (Prince of Wales's Own Royal Regiment) Wesleyan, Oxford street, Rev. George Makin & Rev.
Albert Perry Gill; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
(B Squadron), Hon. ~Iaj. Lord C. F. Brudenell-Bruce,
commander; Hon. Major Sir H. B. Meux hart. second Schools.
in command; T. H. Deacon, quartermaster; J. Hol-
land, sergeant-major The Royal Grammar School was\ founded & endowed by
Edward VI. in the year I55I, & reorganized under the
Volunteers. scheme of the Charity Commissioners 1879: the school
is divided into two branches, classical & modern;
2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Edinburgh's Own Royal attached to it are the following Duchess of Somerset's
scholarships: two at Brasenose College, Oxford, of £52
"\\ iltshire Regiment (L Co. ), The Green; Capt. H. R. yearly; four of £6o, tenable for five years ; five at St.
John's College, Cambridge, of £so, tenable for three
Giffard, commandant; J. W. Brooke, lieut.; F. Holland, years. The rector of Wootton Rivers, Wilts, is elected
from the Duchess of Somerset's scholars at Brasenose
sergt.-instructor; Cadet Corps, The College, \V. H. College, Oxford, & St. John's College, Cambridge,
Chappell, hon. captain alternately. There are also house scholarships tenable

\HL'IS. 10


by boarders at the school, varying from £Io to £30 a Boxford-Cruse 'Crown & Anchor,' sat. 12.30 p.m

year. The Rev. Hy. Tootelll\l.A. of University College, Burbage-May, ' Green Dragon,' sat. 4 p.m. ; Richard-

Oxford, head master san, 'Crown & Anchor,' sat. 3J.30 p.m. ; Lee, 'Cross

National (boys), High street; built in 1854, with resi- Keys,' sat. 3.30
dence, for 8o children; average attendance, 85; "William Chiseldon-Cripps, 'Jolly Butchers,' sat. 3 p.m
Chisenbury-Chamberlain, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 3 p.m
Waiter Peal, master

National (girls), built in 1854, with residence, for Ioo Collingbourne Ducis & Collingbourne Kingston-May,

children; average attendance, go; Miss Elizabeth Pul- 'Green Dragon,' sat. 4 p.m

len, mistress; (infants), built in 1854, for 8o children; Devizes-Nash, 'Royal Oak,' tues. 3 p.m. ; sat. 3·30 p.m
average· attendance, 78; infants' mistress, Miss Jane Enford-Chamberlain, ' Royal Oak,' sat. 3 p.m
Honeystreet-Mortimer, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 4 p.m
National (boys), Herd street; built in 186o for 130, chil- Hungerford-Buxey, 'Ailesbury Arms,' tues. & sat.

dren; average attendance, 100; Frederick Jas. Lewis, 3·3o p.m
Lambourne-Buxey, to Rungerford through Lambourn&
National (girls & infants), Herd street; built in 1Bso, for Stacy, tues. & sat.; Market place, sat
200 children; average attendance, 76 girls & gB infants ; Liddington-:Fowler, 'King's Arms,' sat. 12.30 p.m
Miss Mary Somidy, mistress; l\Iiss Maria Alice Par- Lockeridge-Mortimer, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 4 p.m
Manningford-Chamberlain, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 3 p.m
sons, infants' mistress
Milton-Head, 'Rose & Crown,' sat. 4 p.m
Kewspaper. Monkton-Nash, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m

Marlborough Times & Wilts & Berks County Paper, High Oare-Martin, 'Ailesbury Arms,' tues. & sat. 4 p.m
street; Charles Perkins, proprietor; published every Ogbournes-Rushen, Market place, tues. wed. thurs. &;

friday & saturday sat. 2.30 p.m

Railway Stations. Pewsey-Martin, 'Ailesbury Arms,' sat.4 p.m. ; Chamber-
lain, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 3 p.m. & (for parcels), mail

Great "\Vestern (branch), Wm. Bartlett, station master cart, daily

Midland & South Western Junction, Samuel Rumbold, Ramsbury-Denton, 'Bear & Castle,' sat. 3 p.m. ; Tal...
mage, Coffee tavern, wed. & sat. 3.30 p.m
station master
Tidcombe-Lee, 'Cross Keys,' sat. 3.30 p.m
Carriers. Upavon, Netheravon-Chamberlain, 'Royal Oak,' sat.

With the places they go to, inns they start from & time 3 p.m
& days of starting. Wanborough-Fowler, Market place, sat. 12.30 p.m

Aldbourne-Stacey, 'Cross Keys,' High street, sat. 3 p.m Winterbourne Monkton-George Nash, 'Royal Oak/

Alton Barnes-:\>Iortimer, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 4 p.m tues. & sat

Avebury-Nash, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m Woodborough-Mortimer, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 4 p.m

Bedwyn (Great)-Beavis, 'Cross Keys,' sat. 3 p.m "\Vootton Bassett-Woodward, Market place, sat. 4 p.m

Bedwyn (Little)-"\Vise, 'Crown & Anchor,' sat. I p.m "\Vootton Rivers-Lovelock, 'Cross Keys,' sat. 3 p.m.;

Bottlesford-Mortimer, 'Royal Oak,' sat. 4 p.m "\Vitts, ' Rose & Crown,' sat. 4 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fear Rev. Harry George (Congrega- May Charles Benjamin, The Green

Ackley \Yilliam Benjamin, Herd street tional), The Manse Merriman Mrs. Wykeham ho. High st

Adey George, 28 The Green Free William, 19 High strj'let Meyrick Edward B.A., F.Z.S. 2 Og-

Ayliffe Dennis, High stree'b Freegard, James, Oxford street bourn road

Bain John M.A. Marlborough college Galpin Rev. Arthu:r J., M.A. Marl- Milburn Jsph. Highfield, Ogbourn rlf

Bambridge William Samuel Mus.Bac. borough ·~vllooge Morrison James, Kingsbury stre£>t

The Waimate, Pewsey road Gardiner Re.v. Wm. B.D. (vicar o.f St. Norris Miss, 61 High street

Bell Rev. Geo. Chas. M.A. The Lodge Mary's & rural dean), Vicarage Penny Edward M.D. The Hermitage

Berndt Robert, 34 Kingsbury street Goddin~ l\Iiss, 49 High street Piper Waiter Edwin, 9 The Green

Brughera Ferruccio Virginio Ernesh) Gould l\Iarins Rrbt.M.A.. Marlboro' col Pumphrey Misses, Kingsbury street

M.A. Marlborough college Gutteridge Arthur, 'rhe Green Reddrop Thomas Scard, High street

Bungey Mrs. St. Martin's Gwillim James Sheward, Rozel, Kings- Saltmarsh George Thomas, High st

Cane Henry George, 35 High !'treet bury street, Savery H., B.A. Marlborough colleg&

Oa;ry Joseph, 6z High street Rammond Miss, 108 High street Scott Hy. Albany cottage, London 1·d

Cary Jsph. Chas.Rose cot.Salisbu.ry rd HardlY John Francis Llewellyn B.A. Sharp Granville M.A. Marlborough col

Champneys Arthur Charlr,s M...LM:nl- Marlborough college Sprawson Nathaniel, Silverless stre~ll

borough college Read Frederick, 57 High street Stone Miss, 41 St. Martins

Chandler George, 31 Kingsbury street Head Vincent, 58 High street Stroud Thos. Leighton ho. London rd!

Coddington Col. Hamelin Charles J.P. Rewitt C. E. Bolton M.A.Marlboro' col Thorpe Rev. Charles Edward M.A-

\Vye house Rewitt F. H., B.A. Marlborough coll Kingsbury street

Cooper Mrs. IIB High sLrect Hickson William Wellsman, 35 Kings- Tillotson Rev. Robert Jn. Cooke (re-

Cooper l\Irs. 5 The Green bury street tired Congregational), St.Margaret's

Copnall Hy. Hampton, 5 'fhe Green Rugill Miss, Mayfield Tootell Rev. Henry M.A. (head master

Cummins Rev. John Pollixfen R.A. Lavington Thomas, 13 Kingsbury st of Grammar school), The Parade

Marlborough college Leaf Rerbert M.A. The Green Waiters Rorace James, 26 High st

Dell Mrs. High street Lloyd J. P., F.R.R.S. 6 The Green Walwyn Edwin, II The Parade

Ditcombe John, 39 London roau . Macdonald Wm. Hy. M.A. The Gret'n White Mrs. 1o The Parade

Drury Henry D., M.A. 56 High street Madden Wm. Ry. M.A. Marlboro' col Whytehead Rev. Henry Robert l\LA.

Durrant Reginald Graham1\LA.,F.C.S. Makin Rev. Geo. (Wes·.), Oxford st (rector of St. Peter's & surrogate)~

Marlborough college Mansell Waldemar M.A. The Priory The Rectory

Eve A. Stewart M.A. Marlbor'l' college Maurice James Blake M.D., J.P. Woodward William Frederick, High st

Fergus Mrs. 40 High street Lloran house Wright Thomas, 37 High street

COMMERCIAL. Baverstock William Edwin, architect & surveyor, High st

Abery William, boot maker, High street Baylis Thomas, White Hart P.R. The Green

Achley "\Villiam Benjamin, collector of poor's rates for St. Belcher Mary Ann (Mrs.), leather cutter &c. High street
Berndt Rerr Robert, professor of music, 34 Kingsbury
Mary's parish, London road

Alexander Thomas, grocer, & agent for "\V. & A. Gilbey Bevis George, farrier, Russell square
Bodman William Henry, baker, Silverless street
Lim. wine & spirit merchants, High street

Archard Sarah (Mrs.), baker, Silverless street Brampton Charles, cricket warehous~, High street

Arthur Will lam Henry, cook, confectioner, fancy bread Brockway John, boot maker, London road

& biscuit baker & refreshment rooms, High street Brooke & Co. brick makers & coal merchants, The Green

Awdry Frederick, bricklayer, Herd street Brooke Henry & Son, plumbers, painters & glaziers,.

Ayliffe Dennis, accountant, Grosvenor house, High street High street

Ayliffe Martha (Miss), shopkeeper, Kingsbury street Brooke Henry James, agent for National Provincial Plate

Bailey George, builder, Cold Harbour lane Glass Insurance Co. High street
Brooke Joshua Watts, coal merchant & road surveyor to-
Bailey James, baker, 86 High street

Baker Dorson Tavathan, stone & marble mason, High st the Marlborough sanitary authority & district highway

Bane Thomas Perry, chemist & stationer, High street board & goods agent for G. W. railway, The Green

Banning Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, The Parade Brown & Plummer, wine & spirit merchants, High street

Barnard Bros. fishmongers & poulterers, High street Brown William, Angel temperance hotel, High street

Baverstock William, jun. ecclesiastical decorator & photo- Bull & Son. chimney sweepers, I I London road

grapher, High street Bullock Charles (Mrs.), boot maker, London road


IBurgess Thomas & Son, nurserymen & seedsmen, Herd Hayward Caroline & l\Iarion (Misses), milliners, Higll st-
street & High street Head Frederick & Vincent, tailors, High street

Cambourn Thomas, baker & mealman, St. Martin's Hide .Arthur, cricketing outfitter, 67 High street

Cane Henry George, collector of taxes for St. Peter's & Hill Fredk. & Edwd. Jas. plumbers & painters, High &t

borough auditor, High street Hillier Albert Henry, stone mason, London road

Capital & Counties Bank Lim. (branch) (Thomas Scard Hillier Benjamin, builder & contractor, High street
Reddrop, manager), High street; draw on head office, Hillier George, builder, St. Margaret's

39 Threadneedle street, London E C Hillier William Henry, cabinet maker, Market place

Casselton Thomas, Duke of York P.H. St. Martin's Halt Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Caswell Henry George, blacksmith, London road Hope John, wood & coal merchant, High street

Caswell Joseph, Cross Keys P.H. The Parade Howse & Milburn, watch makers, goldsmiths, jewellers &

Challen, White & Co. grocers & butchers, High street china & glass warehouse, High street

Chambers Henry James, saddler, 75 High street Hurd Charles (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker & lessee of the

Chambers William Henry, corn merchant, 7 Kingsbury st fair & market tolls, High street

Chandler .Albt. Edwd. saddler & harness ma. High street Hurkett Daniel, butcher, High street

Chandler Frederick, saddler, London road Hutchins Joseph, Borough Arms P.H. The Parade

Chandler Eleanor (Mrs.), boot maker, 2 High street Hyland Thomas, grocer, 79 High street

Chivers J osep~, watch maker & jeweller, I I High street Inland Revenue Office (Michael J ames O'Loughlin, super-

Clack & MeTier, grocers, Kingsbury street visor; Patrick John Murray & Albert Edward William

Coleman William, naturalist, St. Margaret's Marsh, officers), 26 High street

Cook Ann (Mrs.), Lamb inn, The Parade International Tea Company, tea merchants, High street

Cook Benjamin, boot maker, Russell square Jackson Thomas, draper & outfitter, Market place

County Court (R. W. Merriman, registrar); office, Sil- Jarvis Susan (Mrs.), stationer, High street

verless street .Jeans Mark F.S.I. auctioneer, valuer, estate agent &

County Police Station (Thomas Pierce, supt.; James surveyor, High street

Clarke, inspector), Bridewell street J essett Alfred, baker & confectioner, High street

Crook Elizabeth (Mrs.), insurance agent, Kingsbury st Jones Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Martin's

Crow John George, leather dresser & borough treasurer King Jeremiah, cheese factor, 43 Kingsbury street

& collector of rates to the corporation, High street Lanfear Reuben, boot maker, The Green

Crow Lionel Michael, leather dresser, wool rug dresser Lavington Thomas, land agent, valuer, surveyor & auc-

& dyer, stained & white hides, Angel yard tioneer, High street; & at Devizes. See advertisement
Cumner William, grocer &c. I2 & I7 The Parade Lay Albert George, refreshment rooms, Railway station
bale & Co. ironmongers, High street Leader Charles Henry, Sun inn & brewer, High street

Dangerfield Soloman, shopkeeper, 42 Kingsbury street Leader James, accountant & actuary of savings bank &
Davis Peter, coach builder, London road secretary to Marlborough Railway Co

Dell Mary (Mrs.), miller (steam & water), High street Leadley Thomas, plumber & painter, High street

Devis Bessie Lavinia (Mrs.), dress maker, High stree5 Livingstone Archibald, butcher, High street

Devis John Charles, boot maker, 63 High street Lockwood Mary Jane (Mrs.), boarding ho.2&3Silverless st,

Dobson John, tailor, The Green Long Robert, maltster, & wine & spirit merchant,.

Dobson Thomas, boot maker, Barn street The Brewery

Drake George, Ailesbury Arms hotel, & posting house & Lucy Emma (Miss), stationer, bookseller & printer, .

parcels agent to Great Western railway, High street High street '

Drew William, saddler, 77 High street M;:tle Samuel, basket maker, Pisa buildings, High street

Duck John, farrier & vet. surgn. London rd. & .Angel yd Mansell Sarah (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H. & brewer, High st

Duck William, auctioneer & valuer, High street Marlborough College (Rev. George Charles Bell M..A.

Dunford Edward, boot & shoe maker, High street head master; Rev. J. S. 'l.'homas 1\LA. bursar & ,

Dunsby ·william, cabinet maker, The Green sec.), The Lodge

Eggleton Henry, hair dresser & fancy repository, High st Marlborough Gas Light & Coke Co. (Joseph Phelps, sec.

Farley Harry, grocer, The Parade & manager), London road

Farmer Stephen, greengrocer, 9 The Parade Marlborough Railway Co. (Jas. Leader,sec.), St.Margrt's

Fire Brigade (Henry James Brooke, supt.),Corn Exchnge Marlborough Reading & Mutual Improvement Society

Foster Edward, baker & confectioner, Bride-well street (F. H. Titcombe, sec. & librarian), High street

Foster Thomas, tailor & woollen draper, High street Marlborough Royal Grammar School (Rev. Henry Tootell

Free Brothers, upholsterers, High street M..A.. head master), London road
Gale William, printer, High street Marlborough Times & Wilks & Berks County Paper (Chas.

Gantlett Henry, chemist & druggist, 20, II4 & I23 High Perkins, proprietor) (published every fri.&sat.),High st

street; & at Ramsbury Marsh Albert Edward "\Villiam, inland revenue officer,.

Gilbert Mary Jane (Mrs.),saddler&harness mkr.I2High st 28 Kingsbury street
Marshall Thomas, shopkeeper, High street
Gilkes Gilbert John, fruiterer, The Parade Maurice James Blake M.D., J.P. certifying factory -
Glass Albert, relieving officer of Marlborough union &
surgeon, High street
registrar of births & deaths &. vaccination officer for Maurice 01iver Calley 1\LR.C.S., L.R.C.P. medical officer ·

Marlborough district, & collector to the guar<t.ians & No. I district & workhouse, Marlborough union &
school attendance officer, Oxford street public vaccinator, High street
May Charles Benjamin, tanner & currier, The Green &
Glass 1Villiam Morris, tobacconist, I6 High street

Goodfellow George Henry, carpenter, The Parade

Greenslade Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London road St. Margaret's

Gregory vVilliam 1Valker, photographer, High street May George Edward, builder & contractor & under-

Griffin Jn. sanitary inspector for the borough,St. Martins taker, sanitary engineer, estimates given free, dis--

Gwillim Edward Llewellyn (firm, Merrimans & Gwil- tance no object, The Green

lim), solicitor, town clerk & clerk to urban sanitary Meuimans & Gwillim, solicitors, Silverless street

authority & rural dist,rict council & to the guardians & Merriman Edward Baverstock M.A. (firm, Merrimans &,
assessment & school attendance committees & superin- Gwillim), solicitor, & clerk to borough magistrates,

tendent registrar of Marlborough union, Silverless st steward to the Marquess of Ailesbury & the trustees:

Gwillim James Sheward, solicitor, & deputy superin- of Somerset hospital, at Froxfield, Silverless street

tendent registrar (firm, Merrimans & Gwillim), Sil- Merriman Robert William (firm, Merrimans & Gwillim),.

verless street solicitor, clerk of the peace & clerk of lieutenancy, to

Hale William, tailor, The Green Wilts county council & of licensed lunatic asylums fo:r-

Hamlen William John, wat-ch maker & jeweller, High st Wiltshrre, to commissioners of taxes & municipal

Harding Henry, boot maker, The Green charities, registrar of county court, Silverless street

Harraway Frederick James, shopkeeper, High street Milburn Joseph, wholesale ironmonger, patent noiseless
Harris G. F. grocer, High street chimney cowl manufacturer & nail maker, High street

Hart Thomas, baker & confectioner, The Parade Miller Emma (Mrs.), stay maker, London road

Hawkins Catherine (Mrs.), dealer in game & general Mitchell William John, hardware dealer, High street

dealer, High street Moody Alfred, greengrocer, 8 The Parade

Hawkins Ellen (Miss), milliner & draper, High street Morrison James & Son, rope, twine, sacking & wagon

Hawkins Louisa Ann (Miss), hair dresser, perfumer & cloth manufacturer, High street; factory, The Parad3

fancy repository, High street Mundy Richard, boot maker, ladies' & gentlemen's

Haydon Thomas Horatio M.B. surgeon & medical officer boot & shoe & slipper warehouse, High street

of health to the urban sanitary authority, High street Murray Patrick John, inland revenue officer, 8 The Green

Hayes Edward, linen & woollen draper, High street Neate Cornelius, cabinet maker & house agent, High st



Neate Frederick, boot maker, The Green Slade Joseph, sexton of St. Peter's & boot maker, High st

Neate Stephen Hy. cabinet ma. & upholsterer, High st Sloper M. & Co. drapers, Kingsbury street

Norman & Co. dyers & cleaners, High street Sloper Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), Cricketers' inn, Kingsbury st

Noyes Samuel, greengrocer, Silverless street Smart Daniel, watch maker, 124 High street

Palmer Sarah (Miss), 6 St. Martin's Smith Robert, draper & outfitter, Moffat house,

Payne .Arthur Smith, Five .Alls P.H. London road London road

Pe~rce William, whitesmith & collector of taxes for St. Smith Thomas, china & glass dealer, High street

Mary's, 'l'he Green Sprawson Nathaniel, deputy registrar of births, deaths &;

Pearce William Windsor, Green Dragon P.H. High street marriages & auditor to savings bank, High street

Penny Edward M.D. physician, The Hermitage Stagg George, grocer, St. Martin's

Parkins Chas. proprietor of the "Marlborough Times & Steel Joe Sier,Castle & Ball hotel & coal merchnt.High st

Wilts&Berks County Paper,",High ,.t Stiles John, Bear & Castle P.H. High street

Phelps Joseph, secretary to Marlborough Gas & Coke Stride Herbert & Son, carriage builders, London road

Co. London road Strong Thomas James, shopkeeper, 22 St. Martin's

Phillips William George, ironmonger, High street Stroud & Co. butchers, 13 New road

Phipp Harry, tailor & woollen draper, London road Stuckey George, Crown & .Anchor P.H. The Parade

Pierce Thomas supt. of police (county), Police station Swain Thomas, band master, Barn street

Pike George, butcher, London road Tarrant William, grocer. Kingsbury street

Piper ·waiter Edwin, builder, The Parade Thomas John, gardener & seedsman, Herd street

Pond Henry, grocer, London road Trueman John, whitesmith & gunsmith, St. Martin's

Pope .James Alfred, agricultural imp:ement maker &; Turner Ellen (Mrs.), fancy repository, High st. & Bath rd

agent, ironmonger & general smith, High street Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of Edinburgh's Own

Razey Samuel, Bell & Shoulder P.H. Kingsbury street (Royal Wiltshire Regiment) (L Co. Capt. H. R. Gi.ffard,

Reed Brothers, brewers & maltsters, High street commandant; F. Holland, sergeant instructor), The

Rich George Alexander, boot dealer, High screet Green; Cadet Corps, The College, W. H. Chappell,

Roff .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London road hon. capt

Roff Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' school, Kingsbury street "\Valwyn Edwin, registrar of marriages, The Parade

Roff William George, grocer, 30 The Parade Watts John, boot & shoe maker, High street

Boyal Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry (Prince of Wales's Waylen Isaac, bill poster & town crier, St. Martin's

Own Royal Regiment) (B Squadron); Hon. Maj. Lord Wells George, haulier, Salisbury road

C. F. Brudenell-Bruce, commander; Hon. Maj. Sir H. White Arthur, King's Arms P.H. Kingsbury street

B. Meux hart. second in command; T. H. Deacon, ·white George, Rose & Crown P.H. High street

quartermaster Wild Rachel (Miss), shopkeeper, Kingsbury street

'Russell James, draper, High street Williams Agnes (Miss), dress maker, High street
·st. Mary's Church Institute (Rev. William Gardiner Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (C. H.

B. D. hon. sec.), The Parade Charlton, manager), High street; draw on London &

: St. Peter's High school (principal, Miss Emily Shadwell), Westminster Bank Limited, London E C

High street Withers Martha (Mrs.), greengrocer, High street

. -8·alisbury Ed\Nard, professor of music, & music ware- "\Voodward Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 78 High l!t

house, Kingsbury street Woodward William Frederick, solicitor, clerk to the

.' --Ba.vernake Hospital (Edward Penny M.D. consulting sur- magistrates of the Marlborough & Hungerford petty

geon; James B. Maurice M. D., J.P. & Thomas Horatio sessional division, clerk to the governors of the Marl-

Haydon M.B. hon. medical officers; Rev. William borough Grammar school, commissioner to administer

Gardiner, hon. sec.; Frederick James Leaker, treas) oaths in the Supreme court & for taking acknowledg-

; Savings Bank (James Leader, actuary; Dennis Ayliffe & ment of deeds by married women for the counties of

Nathaniel Sprawson, auditors), High street; open on Wilts & Berks, High street

mondays r to 2 & on Saturdays from 12 to r 1Vooldridge Mary Ann (Mrs.), boarding house, High st

· Scrivener Henry Frank, Queen's Head inn, St. Martin's "\Vyatt Joseph, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 46 High street

~ Shefford John, grocer & timber merchant, St. Martin's Yockney Louisa (Mrs.), dress & mantle ma. St. Martin's

·· .MARSTON MAISEY (or Meysey) is a parish near M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. The charities amount

the Thames and Severn canal, on the Gloucestershire !o £10 yearly-, and are distributed to the second poor of

Hrorder, 3 miles north-east from Cricklade station on the the pari!sh. Col. D'avid Archer is lDrd of the manor, and
Midland and South We•stern Junction milway, in th~ the principal landDwners are Col. David Archer, John

::Northern division of the county, hundred of Highworth, Rickards esq. and Ml"s. Bulley. The soil is gravel; sub-

Jpetty session'al division of Cricklade, Cricklade and soil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, baTley and roots

WDotton Bassett union, county court district of Ciren- and pasture 'land. The· area is 1,335 acres; rateable
caster, ruTal deanerY' of Fairford, archdeaconry of Ciren- value, £1,726; the population in 1891 was 188.
. cester and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. The Parish Clerk, John Smith.
church of St. James (consecrated in 1876) is a stone ""~all Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m.; sunday, 10 a.m.
building, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel LetteTs thTough Fairford S.O. (GlDs), which is the

and nave, with small western bell turret containing one nearest telegraph office, arrive at 9.30 a.m. ; the

bell: the east and western windows are stained: there 'll!earest money order office is rut Oa1&tle EaiOOn

:are 120 sittings. The first entry in the register is in National Sch•ool (mixed), built in 1876, fur 40 children;

ttl).e year 1742, the previous register being included in average• attendance, 24; it has a. small endowment

1:hat of Meysey Hampton. The living is a vicarage, gross derived from the rents Df thTee cottages; Miss Con-
:vYeaTly value £7o, arising from 25 a~res of glebe, with stance M. Harding, mistress

.residence, in the gift of the rector of Meysey Hampton, Carl'lier to Cirencester.---Btroud, from KempsfoTd, mon.

and held since 1892 by the Rev. Horatio PO<Wys Sketchley & fri. pa>ssing through Marstlon, returning same day

Bulley Fred-c. PocDok J.P. Marston hl Bowley Jonathan, farmer Smith Fredk. Wm. baker & grocer

~Bulley Mrs. Marston hill Gardner Thomas, Spotted Cow P.H Smith John, shoe maker

Mitchell Mathew, The Villa Hinton Robert, farm bailiff to John Sparrow David,farmer,Marsh Hill frm

•·Pollard The Misses Archer esq Waite Jesse, wheelwright

Sketchley Rev. Horatio Powys M.A. Hope William, farmer Watts Waiter James, upholsterer &;

(vicar) Hawse Hy. farm bailiff to Mrs. Bulley carriage trimmer, late upholsterer-

COMMERCIAL. Radband Rchd. Three Magpies P.H to the G.W.R.; work fetched &
Bainge Robert, farmer & carpenter Rickards John, farmer

SOUTH MARSTON, on the Bt>rkshire border of the ancient structture, partly in the Early English style, with

.county, was made a civil parish in 1894, under trace·s of Norman: the font is a. very perfect specimen

'\:the "Local Government Acts" of 1888 and 1894 of Norman: the arch !lit 'the west end is a very fine
from the parish of Highworth, it having been an Gothic one, >and the west window in the tower is a beau-
ecclesiastical parish from 18go; it is 3 miles west from tiful specimen of Decorated work: it has been perfectly

RhrivPnham station on the Didcot and Swindon section of restored, and consists of chancel, nave, south tran•sept,

) the Great Western railway and 2 east-by-north from south porch and embalttled western tower with pinnacles,

Stratton station on the Swindon and Highworth branch of containing 3 bells and a clock: the work was under the
the same line and 3! north-east from Swindon, in the directi•on of Mr. Belcher, architect, of London, and has

Northern division of the county, hundred of Highworth, cost over £2,ooo: there are sittings for 200 persons. The
tlmion of Hig-hworth and Swindon, Swindon county court register dabes from the year 1539. The living is a
·district and petty sessional division, Oricklade rural vicarage, neot yearly value £120, with residence, in the

deanery, Bristol archdelaconry and Gloucester and Bristol gift of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, and held by
.diocese. The church of St. :Mary ~ragdalene is an the Rev. Angus Macdonald. The vkarage was built and

.JDlUCTOl\Y \YIL~rsHIRE. l'dl!:LKSEU.MI 149

presented by Miss Bell. There is a \Vesleyan chapel. Letters from Swindon arrive at 10.30 a.m. Stratton St.
Miss Bell, of the Manor House, is lady of the manor, Margaret is the nearest money order & telegraph office

and Miss Bell, John .&shiordlby-Trenehard esq. and Oanon Wall Letter Box cleared at 7.15 p.m.; sun. at 7·45 a.m
\Y'anford are the ·principal landowners. The soil is clay;
subsoil,. chalk. The crops are chiefly gras.s. The area is Na:tional School (mixed), with residence for mistress.
1,740; rateable va:ue, £6,175; the population in erected in 1873, at the cost Qf .A. Bell esq. for 8o chil~
dren; avemge a•t.tend'ance, 61 ; & supported partly by
1891 was 371. Miss Bell & private subscription; mistress, Miss M.
Rbwborough, a Roman set1Uement, is half a mile Vidler


Bell Miss, Manor house 8ollins Manassa, farmer, Church frm Ramsey Albt. A.. frmr. Rowboro' fm

Choules Percy, Dryden house Davis Samuel, farmer Sharps Frank, farmer

Macdonald Rev. Angus (vicar) Gilling J oseph, farmer Sharps \Villiam Henry, farmer

COMMERCI.-\L. Head Ephraim, shoe maker Sherwill John, fa:cmer, Manor farm

Banwell Edwin, farmer, Huntscopse Lewis Daniel, grocer Snook A.lbt. assis-t. overse& & fa•rmer

Beasley John, beer retailer Love Henry, farmer Taylor Samuel, farmer

Bridges William, market gardener :\iaisey Alexander, farmer Titcomb Thos. Carriers' Arms P.H

Champion J!lllles Daunton, farmer, Odey Charles, farmer \Yestell John, dairyman

Priory farm Pa•rsons Hv• . frmr. Burton Grove frm '\-Viseman Robert, farmer

MARTIN is a .parish on the }:,orders of Hampshire and 1os. for clothing at Christmas, to 6 poor and deserving
Dorset•shire, 5 miles- north-west 1rom Fordingbridge sta-
tion on the Salisbury and Dorchester section of the persons in the parish, derived from invested funds;

Dondon and South Wes1ern railway, 4 north-ea•st from treasurer, George w-aters. The principal landowners are
Cro.ruborne (Dorset) and 9~ south-west-by-south from
Salisbury, in the SQuthern division of the county, South Eyre Oaote esq. J.P. \Vest Park, R•ockburne, who is lord

Damerham hundreod, Salisbury and Amesbury petty of the manor; the Rev. Edward Peacock M.A. of Rock-
field House, ~unney, near Frome, and Col. Bentinck.
se·ssional division, .Fordingbridge union, county court
diistrictt of '811lisbury, rural deanery of Cha:k (Chalk 1Jor- The soil is chalk and gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chief
ti'On), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury.
crops are wheat, .oats and barley. The area is 4,566
The church of All Saints is an ancient structure of stone,
rubble and brick, in the Early English style, consisting acres; rateable va!ue, £2,8oo; the population in 1891
of chancel, nave, transepts and north aisle under separate
roof, i•ts length intersecting the transept on that side, was 413. .

and square western t'Ower surmounted by heavy octa- Toyd Farm, and A.llcnford, former~y extra-parochial,
gonal spire, c-ontaining 3 be:ls : it was repaired and in-
ternally restored in 1857 and reseated with open benches now form a parish near this place, in the union of Ford-

and has 223 .sittings. The register dates from •the year ingibridge; the area. 1is"\6va4s7 acres; rateable val•Je, £ 300 ;
159o. The is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge the populati Dn n 18g 16.
£6o, gross yearly value £302, net £276, including 3 i
acres of gle·be, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of
South Damerbam, and held! since 1883 by the Rev. Tidpit is a hamlet a quarter of a mile south.
Eardley Wilmot Michell, jun. M.A.. of Corpus Christi
CQllege, Camhcidge. Here are Congregational and Primi- Parish Clerk, Frederick Frampt-on.
tive Methodist chapels. There is a charity here he-
queathed by \Villiam Talk, of Salisbury, between the Post & M. 0. 0. & S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.--

)'ears 1790 and IBoo, of 8s. per w.eek and 59 faggots and John Titt, sub-postmas•ter. Letters arrive from Salis-
bury at 8.:;o a.m.; dispatched at 4 p.m.; sunday,
9·55 a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Cranborne
Natkmal School, built '!lt a cost of £320, of which £123
was contributed by '!he Committee of Council, the re-
moainder by subscriptiDn; it will ho!d 120 children;
average attendance, 6o; .John :\-IcCullam, master
Oarriers to Salisbury.-Thomas Cannings & Charles
Flemington, tues. & sat

Cull Mrs Blandford A.mbrose, farmer, Tidpit Scammell Ellen (Mrs.), grocer & bnlrcr

Michell Rev. Eardley Wilmot, jun. Bright Joseph, farmer Shering :Mark, smith

M.A.. Vicarage Curtis \Valter, farmer Street \Villiam, farmer & landowner

COMMERCIAL. Dibben Thomas, grocer Thompson Fred & Son, farm•~s

Flemington George, general deal~r Thompson James, iarmer

Wbite J osiah Fcrd George, farmer Thompson Jane (Mrs.), Coote·s

Bennett William Henry, farmer, East Ford George, jun. butcher Arms P.H

Martin farm Hibbard Isaac, farmer · Titt Jn. boot manufr. & post office

Besant Charles, farm bailiff to E. Hiscock Thos. bailiff to Col. Bentinck Troke Richard J. farmer

Cootes esq Martin Malachi, landowner & farmer White John, farmer

Bishop Geo. c-.arpenter & wheelwright Poore Geo. thrashing machine owne-r Witt John, blacksmith

l\1 E L I{ S H A M.

1\IELKSH.A.M is a market and union and nc, oaunndt•vpacroisuhr t There are two mineral springs, one saline and the
town, and head of a petty sessi onal divisio , other chalybeate, in the vicinity; and in 1816 a new
saliJle spa was obtained by boring to a depth of 35 r~
with a. station on the Wilts, SDmerset and \Veymouth
f·eet ; it wa.s ant·ici.pated iliat Melkisham would advance
branch of the Great Western railway, 100 miles from into note in ~onsequence of the medicinal qualities these
waters possessed, and every accomm'<ldation for visitors
London, 30 north-west from Salisburv, 6 north-ea·st from was provided, inc:uding a pump-room, hot and cold

Bradford, 5 north-east from Trow:bridge, 7 west from balths, a handsome crescent and an agreeable promenade ;
Devize·s, 9~ from Westbury, 14 from Warminster, 12 east but after a very great outlay, the wells did not prove
attraetive and are now little used.
from Bath, 7 south from Chippenham and 5 south-south-
The church of St. Michael is a spacious structure of
east from Corsham, in the W est.ern division of the free·stone, chiefly of Perpendicul<ar work, dates from the
Norman period, consisting of a Norman chancel, nave of
county, hundred of the ·same name, rural deanery of
five bays, and aisles, north porch, with an embattlt>d
Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and tower surmounted by pinnacles and containing 6 bells:

diocese of Salisbury. it was restored and enlarged in 1840, when the central
tower was removed and the present tower built nt the
During the '\-Vest Saxon era this was a place of ~0!1- west end; and again restored in 1881, when an organ

siderable note; at the period of the Norman survey ar,d was '!ldded: in 1891 the church was reseated with oak
seoatos, a new floor was pnt in, the roof was opened, and
for several subsequent reigns it was he:d in rova~ a handsQme carved oak screen and brass lectern were
given by C.. F. Rumiboll e~q. M. D.: in 1894 the reredos
den1eosne, and gave name to an extoosive forest. The was restored at considerable cost by the trustees of the
late Sir John A.wdry: the sittings, in number 6oo, are
tov;n is on the main road from London through Devizes
all free. The register dateos from the year 1560. The
to Bath, and consists princi:rmlly of one street nearly a living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge commuted at

mile in length; it has beoen governed by a Local Board /010, oaverage {,682, net income £191, with 3 acres of

from 1878, until the "Local Government Act, 1894." glebe and residen~e, in the gift of the De1tn and Chapte-r

established the present Urban District Council, and it is of Salisbury, and he:d since 1890 by the Hev. Edwin

well paved and lighted with gas by a company, and we!l

supplied with W'altoer by the Trowbridge Water Oompany:

the houses are buillt of soft freestone, but irregularly

placed. The river Avon divides the town and is crossed

by a handsome bridge of four arches, with lig-ht and

elegant bal.ustrades. The Wilts and Berks canal passes

~~ the east of the town, and about I~ miles southward

Joms the Kennet and A.vun canal.



George Wyld B.A. of Exeter Oollege, Oxford, and surro- arternate Tuesday in the month for cattle, sheep and pigs.

gate. A fair for cat<tle, sheep and horses is held in the Market

Thell'e is a ha-ndsome chape[ (St. Andlrew's) aoourt I place on the 27th of July.

mile from the town, built in 1he Early English style, at The manufacture of flat and round rope, haircloths,

the sole expense of the late Rev. E. L. Barnwell, of cocoa fibre and sack'ing are carried on here. There is

Melksham House, for the use of the district of Sand- also an india rubber factory carried on by the Avon

ridge and Melksham Forest : it oonsists of chancel, nave India Rubber Co. Limited.

and south porch, and western bell turret containing one A Oottage Hospital was established here in r868, con-

bell: there are 200 sittings: adjoining the chapel there taining 7 beds.

is a bui1ding comprising a Sunday school-room, and Bruges' charity of about £20 yearly, half o£ which goes

house for the use of the sexton, built in the year 188o, to Seend, is dis.tribu'ted in blankets by the vicar and
from plans given by the l~t.e G. E. Streelt esq. R. A. churchwardens a·t Christmas. There are al·so two small

holding 150 children. charities, left by the Rev. Bohun Fox and Mr. Prti.tchard

The Society of Friends' meeting house, King street, re-spectively, for the benefit of the poor, at the discretion

erected in 1734, has 300 sea'ts. of the vicar.

The Baptist chapel, Brough'ton road, founded in r669, The prinoipal landowners are Waiter Hume Long esq.

has 400 sittings. Ebenezer Baptist chlapei, Union street, M.P. of Rood Ashton Ifuuse, who is lord (}f the manor,
erected ~n 1835, will seat rso persons. The Baptist Lord MS~thuen, Ralph Ludlow Lopes esq. of Sandridge

chapel, Forest, erected in 1839, h31s seats for rro persons. Park, and the trustees of the !<ate W. P. Bruges esq.
The Oongrega'tional chapel, Market place, founded in
The area of the civil parish is 8,303 acres; rateable
1773, has 400 IS!ittings. value £24,350; the population in the town in 1891 was
The Primittive Methodist chapel, Forest, will seat 150 2,073, of the civil parish, 4,284, and of the ecclesiastical,
The parish was orig:in~l1y divided into 7 tithings, Shaw
The 1VesrJeyan chapel, Market place, erected in 1872. and ·"'\<Vh'alley, Beanacre, Blachmere, Woolmere, Canhold,
has 450 ~seats. Woodrow, and the town tithing.

The Town Hlall and Cheese Market were erected in

1847 by a company of shareholders at an expen'Se of

£3,350; they form a spacious and weH-arranged edifice Beanacre is a tithing I mile north-west. Here is a

of white freestone, in the Italian style. The New Hall, ~ptist chapel, erected in 1839. Blackmore, I mile

Market place, built by Miss F'Owler, is a building of south-east is also a tithing. A mission chapel was

Blli1fu stone, and is used for lectures and meetings ; it erected in 1887, capabie of hold'ing roo persons. A

will hold 200 persons. The market is held 'On every schoo-l-room adjoin!ing was added in 18go.


Post. M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity Public Establishments.

& Insurance Office, Bank · •street.-Alfred William. County Court, His Honor Camille Felix Desire Caillard,
J olliffe, postmaster judge; Alexander Gough Smith, registrar & acting
'Dispatch of Letters.-Day Mail-London, Bath, Bristol, high bailiff; William James Barton, Lowbourne, as-
North of England, North Wales, Ireland & Scotland, sistant bailiff. The court is held at the Town hall
9.20 & a.m; North of England, 2.25 p.m.; once in two months. The district includes the follow-
local, 5. r5 p.m. ; South Wales, 6 p.m. ; London & all ing places :-Atworth, Beanacre, Blackmore, Bower-
parts of the United Kingdom, 9.15 p.m hill, Broughton Gifford, The Forest, Littleton, Melks-
Delivery of Letters.-London & all parts 7 a.m.; North ham, Red Stocks, Sandrid:ge, Seend, Semington,
. of England, South-west of England, Scoliland & Wales Sha.w, Whaddon, Whitley & Woodrow
9.30 a.m.; London (day mail) 12.30 p.m.; all parts
of the United Kingdom p.m For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
Money Order, Savings Bank & Annuity business trans- of Bath, Edward Gustavus Clarke, Bank chambers,
acted daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. & on saturdays Corn street, Bristol, official receiver
from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m
Wall Letter Boxes at Spa, Devizes road, Forest, Station Certified Ilailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amend-
road & Beanacre ment Act," William James Barton, Lowbourne &
J oseph Collett, Bower hill

Cottage Hospital, Samuel Grose M.D. ; William Ingram

County Magistrates for Melksham Division. Keir F.R.C.S.Edin.; Charles Frederic Rumboll M.D.,
B.S. hon. medical officers; Charles Maggs, hon. sec
Lopes Ralph Ludlow esq. M.A., D.L. Sandridge park, New hall, Market place, William Harris, caretaker
Melksham, chairman Town Hall & Cheese Market, Charles George Moule,
sec. Ma.rket place
Awdry Charles esq. Shaw Hia ho. Shaw, Melksham Volunteer Fire Brigade, Market yard, keys kept at police
1Jell William H. esq. F.G.S. Seend, Melksham station & at Joseph Jones's, Lowbourne; Joseph
Chaloner Capt. Richard Godolphin Walmesley, Melk- J ones, Lowbourne, captain

ham house, Melksham Volunteers.
Lee Wm. Blackstone esq. Somerset ho. Seend,Melksham
Locke Wadham esq. Cleeve house, Seend, Melksham

Ludlow-Bruges Hy.Hungerford esq.M.A.Seend ho.MJlkshm 2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire

Maggs Charles esq. Bower Hill house, Melksham Regiment) (H Company), head quarters, Drill hall,

Stancomb John Fredk. esq. M.A. Shaw ho. Melksham Church street, Capt. Charles Frederic Rumboll, com-

Clerk to the Magistrates, Ernest Dalton Burrough mandant; H. W. Taylor, lieut. ; Color-Sergt. Fredk.
Locke, Bank street J ames Cole, drm instructor

Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall on the first Melksham Union.
thursday in each month, & daily for criminal business
commencing at xx a.m Board day, every other monday at rr a.m. at the union.

The folowing places are included in the petty sessional The Melksham Union comprises the following places,
division :-Me:ksham Within & Melksham Without, viz. :-Hilperton, Melksham, Seend, Semington, Staver·
Shaw & Whitley, also Seend, Semington (with Little- ton & Trowbridge. The area of the union is x6,36o
ton) & Whaddon
acres; rateable value in 1895, £82,099; population
Urban District Council.
in x891 was 18,565
Meetings held at the Council office, Spa road, the third Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Wm.
friday in every month at 10.30 a.m.
John Mann, Trowbridge
Clerk, Alexander Gough Smith, Spa road Treasurer, William Lucke, Capital & Counties Bank,
Treasurer, F. J. Falkner Moule, Capital & Counties Bank
Medical Officer of Hea:th, Wil~iam Ingram Keir L.R.C.P. Trowbridge
Relieving Officers, No. I district, S. '\V. Roman, Trow·
Edin. The Limes
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Edwin Gunstone, High st bridge; No. 2 district, J. E. Heathcote, Town hall,
Collector, Joseph William Salter, Bath road Melksham
Collectors to the Guardians, Melksham district, Frank
Police. Usher Greenhill, King street, Melksham; Trowbridge
district, S. W. Roman, Trowbridge
Vaccination Officers, The Registrars of Births & Deaths
Medical Officers, No. I district, George Christopher

Police Station, Market place, Albert Millard, inspector Tayler M.D. Trowbridge; No. 2 district, Nicholas
Vincent Wise L.R.C.P.Irel. Trowbridg-e; No. 3 dis-
The police force consists of an inspector & 6 constables, trict, Charles Frederic Rnmboll M.D., B.S. Low-

placed as follows :-An inspector & r constable at bourne house, Melbham ; No. 4 & 5 districts, William
Melksham, & a constab~e each at Atworth, Broughton
Gifford, Melksham Forest, Semington & S~nd Ingram Keir L.R.C.P.Edin. Melksham


Pub:~ Vaccinators, Melksham district, 'William Ingram P:aces of lVorship, with times of services.

Kei;r L.R.C.P.Edin. Melksham; Trowbridge district, St. Michael's Church, Church street, Rev. Edwin Geo,

George Christopher Tayler M.D. Trowbridge Wyld B..A. vicar; Rev. George C. Hutchings M. A.

Superintendent Registrar, William John Mann, Trow- curate ; sundays, holy communion, 8 a.m. ; morning

bridge; deputy, E. Burchell Rodway, Trowbridge prayer, 11 a.m.; evening, 6.30 p.m.; daily prayer,

Registrars of Births & Deaths, Melksham sub-district, ro a.m.; evensong (except wednesday), 6 p.m. & wed.
J. E. Heathcote, Town hall, Melkshll.ID; deputy, 7 p.m. ; holy days, holy communion 8 a.m

Joseph W. Salter, Bath road, Melksham; Trowbridge St. .Andrew's Church, Forest, served from St. :Michael's

sub-district, Thomas S. Hill, 2 Westbourne road, church; II a.m. & 6 p.m.

Trowbridge; deputy, Miss Alic.e Hill, Westbourne rd. Friends' Meeting House, King street; registering officer.

Trowbridge William Robert Selman, I I a.m. & 6 p.m

Registrars of Marriages, Frederick Smith, Bank street, Baptist, Broughton road, Rev. William .Augustus Sidney

Me:iksham ; deputy, Frank Usher Greenhill, King st. Smith; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m

Melksham; John Merrett, 14 Hill street, Trowbridge; Baptist, Beanacre; 6 p.m

deputy, J. H. Brown, West street, Trowbridge Baptist, Forest ; 6 p.m

'Yorkhouse, Semington, a building of stone, erected in Particular Baptist (Ebenezer), Union street; 10.30 a.m.

1835, to hold 350 inmates, Rev. Stephen Murray & 6 p.m

Chapman M..A. chaplain; George Mayris Sylvester, Congregational, Market place, Rev. John .Arthur Beard;

medical officer; George Childe, master; Miss Mary n a.m. & 6 n.m.; wed. 7 p.m

Childe, matron; Miss Mary .A. Mould, schoolmistress Primitive Methodist, Forest; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.;

School .Attendance Committee. thurs. 7 p.m
·wesleyan, Market p:ace, Rev. Alfred G. Haughton &
'Meets at the Re:ief office, Trowbridge & a.t the Town
hall, Melksham, monthly. Rev. Philip Hawkes; Rev. William Dawson Barton,

Clerk, W. J. Mann, Trowbridge .supernumerary; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m.
.Attendance Officers, Frank Usher Greenhill, King street,
& wed. 7 p.m
Melksham & R. W. Roman, Trowbridge Schools.

Melksham National, Churchv• ard. The first school was
built in r84o, now used for girls & infants. In 1878

Rural District Council. a building adjoining was utilised as a school for boys

1\{eets at the Board room, Semington, every fourth & will hold 240; average attendance, 130; girls' &
monday at 12.30 p.m. infants' 300 ; average attendance, 1 8o; William Hy.
House, master ; Miss Harriet Godwin, mistress ;
Clerk, William John Mann, Trowbridge Miss Margaret Baines, infants' mistress
Treasurer, William Lucke, Capital & Counties Bank, Sandridge National (mixed), with residence for mistress,
built in 1874, for 100 children; average attendance,
Trowbridge 62 ; Miss .Annie Love, mistress
Medical Officer of Health, William Ingram Keir L.R.C.P. British, Lowbourne (mixed & infants), built in 1829,
for 330 children; average attendance, 222; Thomas
Edin. Melksham George, master; Miss .Annie E. Melior, infants' mist
Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, Frank Usher Greenhill,
Railway. .
King street Great \Vestern, station, Bath road, .Alfred Matthews,
District Surveyor, J. E. Wilshire, Semington
station master; J. C. Wall, goods agent; James Lat-
Public Officers. combe, paroel agent

Certifying Factory Surg~on, Wm. Ingram Keir F.R.C.S. Omnibus to & from the 'Kin(!'s Arms,' to meet the
arrival & departure of the tniins
Edin., L.R.C.P.Edin. The Limes, Melksham
Clerk to Land Tax Commissioners, Charles Geo. Moule, Bath-John Tucker, from the Coffee Tavern, Bath road,

Lowbourne at 8 a.m. every wed. & sat. returning same days
Devizes.-John Tucker, from the Coffee tavern, Bath
Clerk to Commissioners of Property Tax for Melksham
road, 9 a.m. on thurs. returnin!? same day
Division & to Deputy Lieutenants of Sub-Division of
London & all parts (by rail).-Great Western Railway
Melksham & Tinhead, Charles Geo. Moule, Lowbourne Company, station, Bath road

Do:lector of Poor Rates, Frank Usher Gr.eenhill, King st

Inspector of Weights & Measures for Melksham, Brad-

ford & Trowbridge, Superintendent Henry White,

Police station, Trowbridge ·

Inspector of Police. .Albert Millard, Police station

Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Alfred William Jolliffe, \Vater Convevance.

Bank street Bath & Bristol.-Boats leave the wharf, Devizes road,

Town Crier, William James Barton, Lowbourne about twice a week with· goods

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Crisp James, Lowbourne Hutchings Rev.George C.,M..A.(curate

Crook Misses, Rose cottage, Bowt~r hill of St. :VIichael"s), Gower vil.Place rd

A.llwood Gideon, Market place Dixon Robert Henry, Mulberry cct- Hutton Miss, King street

.Andrews Richard, .Avon villa tage, Church street Hutton Mrs. \Voodrow, Forest

J3aily Misses, Thornbank Dodson William Rippon, St. Andre·.v's Jolliffe .Alfred William, Bank street

J3arnes Miss, The School House, villa, Lowbourne Keevil Edward, Forest

Union street Earl Mrs. King street Keevil ~Irs. Coburg place

Barnes Mrs. Bath road Flooks Edward Gane, Linden house, Keir William Ingram, The Limes

:Bartlett Mrs. Coburg place Bank street Kingston Rev. Edward M.A. (rector ot

J3ao:-ton Rev. William Dawson (Wes- Flower Mrs. Coburg place Great Chalfield), The Spa

leyan), Lowbourne Foxwell Mrs. King street Knee Frdk. Hy• . Fern cot.Lowbourne
J3arton Miss, Coburg place Fry Mrs. Coburg place Laine Robert, Church walk

:Beard Rev. John .Arthur, King stree~ George Thomas, Lowbourne place Lee John, Spa road

J3lake Lewis Henry, Bath roat.l Gerrish Mrs. Bath road Lewington Job, Drinkwater house

:Bliss John, King street Glass Mrs. Bank street LockeErnestDaltonB urrough, Beanact'e

Doulter Thoma,s, Union street Godwin Miss, The School ho.Union st Lopes Ralph Ludlow M..A., D.L., J.P.

:Breach James, Bowden viilw Green Mrs. Union street Sandridge park

J3uckland Mrs. King street Green Waiter, Bowden vipw Lowther Edwd. James, Shurnhold ho

l3ulgin Mrs. Rose villa Greenhill Frank Usher, King street ~Laggs Char:es J.P. Bowerhill lodge

l3urges Misses, St. .Andrew's villa, Grose Samuel M.D. Westbourne Manning .Arthur Herbert, High street

Lowbourne Hall Fred, Bath road Manning Frederick \Yebb, Shurnhold

13urton .Alfred, King street Harris Miss, Market place Manning Mrs. Shurnhold

Carpenter William, Canon square Haughton Rev. .ALfred G. (Wesleyan), Margetson Jas. Chas. .Avon Bridge ho

ChaJoner Major Richardi God.olphin The Croft, Benacre road Marley Duncan, Spero lodge, Spa road

Walmesley J.P. Melksham house Ha.wkes Rev. Philip (Wes.), King st Matravers Thomas, Coburg place

Chilcott Mrs. Bath road Hayter Charles, King street Matthews .Alfred, Canon square

Clarke Henry, Canon square Holborow Isaac, 'the Cabin, Market pl Merrett Mrs. Lowbourne place

Colbourne Mrs. Lowbourne House William Henry, Union street 1\Iilward .Alfred, Beechfield

Colbourne Miss, Union street Howard Rev. Stanley Heddon B..A. 1\iissen Justley Burchell, Beanacre

Collett Joseph, Bower hill (curate of St. :Michael's) Moore Moses, Manoria villa

Compton Mrs. The Spa Hurn .Albert, Bath road Moule Charles George, Lowbourne

Coombe Albert, Forest vil.Lowbourne Hurn Mrs. Bath road Moule Fredk. John Falk.ner, Bank hll

Coombe Henry John, Union street Hurn ·waiter, Bath road Muglesworth John, King street

C'ourtis ~Iiss, Coburg place Hutton Geo. Alpine villa, Lowbourne Newman Thomas, Coburg place


Oatley Misses, King street 'Rumboll Charles Frederic 11Lli. Low· Sweet William Edward, Spa roaJ

Overton Alfred, Ruse cot. Lowbou=-ne bourne house Tayler Herbert William, .Agra honse-.

Parker John, Market place Sawtell Charles, Avon housd The Spa

Parker Robert John, Market nla.~e Sawtell Henry, The Chestnuts Tayler John, The Island

Parnell Wm. Avondale ter. Kimber st Sawyer Mrs. Bath road Taylor John, Spa road

Penney Norman, Beth-::Sepher Saxty Charles, Cottingham '·illa Tilke Theodore William, Claremont.

Perry Mrs. King street Schomberg Mrs. Cottingharn ";:la villa, Market place

Phelps Miss, Avonside Selrnan Thomas Robert, Bath road Usher J ames, Spa road

Phene Miss, Avonside Shaul Mrs. Thornbank ·~oUage Vardon Miss, Lowbourne

Philip Wm. Littlejohn, Union street Shepherd Miss, King .,tr•!et Wall John Tyler, Avon villa

Phillips Miss, King street Skinner Eli, Bath road Wallis William, Agra house, The Spa

Pike John, Belmont, The Spa Smith Alex. Gough, Thornleigh Webb Mrs. Market place

Platt Owen, Bath road Smith Rev. William Augustus Sidney White Henry John, High strePt

Pocock Mrs. Rock house, Bath roarl (Baptist), Bath road Whittle Frank, Union street

Pocock Mrs. Rose villa, Lowbourne Smith Waiter, Emlyn vill>t, Bank st Wilkinson Miss, Church strt•et

Pocock Miss, Union street Stewart Mrs. Belmont, The Spa Witts Miss, Spa road

Pocock Mrs. Union street Stratton Alfred, Crav Croft• Woodman Mrs. King street
Wyld Rev. Edwin Geor-ge B.A. (v.ic&r~
Powell Fredericki George, Canon house] Stratton George, Giffords

Pritchard Miss, Semington 1·oa1l Stratton Mrs. Leaze cottage The Vicarage

COMMERCIAL, ' Davis George & Son, masons, Canhold

.Abbott John, rope maker, Bank street Davis Maria (Miss), dress maker, Ivy corttage

Adams Alfred, baker, City Deverall George, oarpent-er &c. Bower hill

Alford Elihu, pork bukher, Lowbourne Dewey & Son, bakers, Union street

Ames Robert, farmer, Forest Dixon Robert Henry, boot & shoe maker, High stre9t

Andrews F:orence (Miss), private school, Martigny ho. Dodson William Rippon, tailor, see Hayter & Dodson

Bank street Dunn Harry FTank, plumber, Bank street

Angel Arthur, sexton, Church street Dyer Henry, ironmonger, High street

Arney Thomas, tailor, Bank street E·arle Joseph, carpenter, King street

Arter Sidney, beer retailer, Semington road Edw8.1fds Christ.iana (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Beanacre

Arthur Charles, house decorator, Church street Escott James, poulterer &c. Bower hill

Arthur Charles P~rkins, painter &c. Market place Fawkes Arthur William, boot maker, Coburg square

Avon India Rubber Co. Limited, The Factory Fennell Albert, baker, grooer & farmer, Sandridge laneo

Awdry Justly William, solicitor &c. High street Ferris Charles, plasterer, Fores·t

Bai:ey Sydney, harness maker, Bank street Finch Henry, basket maker, King street

Barton \Villiam, town crier & bill poster, Lowbourne Fire Engine Station (Jsph. J ones, capt.), Market yard

Beaven & Compton, solicitors, Lowbourne Flooks & Manning, drapers & dealers in wines & spirits,.

Beszant George, builder, Bath road High srtreet ~

Bigwood & Co. builder & contractor, undertaker & cabi- Flooks Richa.rd Gane, baker, see Wrutson & Flooks

net maker; plans prepared & estimates given,Markt. pl Flower John, farmer &c. Holbrook farm

Bigwood Lewin John, ironmonger & tinplate manu- Francis John, jobbing g8.1fdener, King street

facturer. High street Fry John, farmer, Queenfield

Bohvell Edward, coal merchant, Semington road Gale John, pou.tterer, High street

Bolw.ell J ames, confectioner, High street Gas & Coke Co. (William Budd, manag-er), Bath road

Bowyer Albert Edward, boot maker, Bath road Gerrish Albert, grocer & gasfitter, King street

Box John, grocer, Bath road Gerrish James, boot maker, King st>root

Brooke Edwin, farmer, Sandridge Gerrish Kate (Miss), dress maker, King street

Buckland Frederick, house agent &c. Union street Gowen Frank, dra-per &c. High street

Budd William, manager of gas works, Bath road Gray George Edward, wat-ch & clock maker, Higlh street

Burbidge George, commission agent, Glenavon Greenhill Frank U~her, collector of poor rates & collector

Burgess Henry, baker & confectioner, High street t-o the guM"dians, sanitary inspector & surveyor to the-

Bush James Edward, chemist, Market place rural district council, school attendance officer &

Campbell John, boys' school, Semington road deputy registrar of marriages, King street

Canning James. poulterer &c. Woodrow Gregory Jn. frmr. Sandridge; postal add. Ohippenham

Capital & Counties Bank Limited (Frederick John Falk- Grist Thomas Edward, millwright, Bath road

ner Moule, manager), Bank street; draw on head Grose Samuel M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng. (R.N. ret.ired), West-

office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C bourne

Carpenter \Villiam, carpenter &c. Church street GullJS•tone Edwin, surveyor & sanibary inspec-tor to the-

Clwap George, shopkeeper, Lowbourne urban district council, Hig~h street

Chivers Alfred, l:eer retailer, & bicycle stores, King st HanC'ock Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, Bath road

Chivers Henry, miller (water & steam), Challymead Harding Mary (Miss), confectioner, Church s.t.reet

Chivers Samuel, chimney sweeper, Church street Harriss Thomas, butcher, Church street

Chivers William, greengrocer, Bath road Harrold Aaron, baker & grocer, Bath road

Cleverly Henry John, watch & 9lock maker, High street HM"rold Charles, baker & grocer, Forest

Coffee Tavern, Bath road Harrold John, market gardener, Church walk

Colbourne & Sons, p!a.sterers &c. Lowbourne Haskell William, market gardener, Lowbourne

Cole Color-Sergt. Frederick James, drill instructor,Spa rd Hawkins Frederick, farm bailiff to Mr. James Snmmen1,.

Collett Albert Henry, farmer, Beanacre farm Queenfield

CoUett Charles, farmer, Beanacre Hawkins Richa·rd, farmer, Bower hill

Collett Edward, farmer, Bower hill Hayes Walter John, outfitter, Bank street

Collett J oseph, auctioneer &c. Bow~r hill Hayter & Dodson, t-ailors & woollen drapers, High street

Collett William James, butcher, High street Havward William, farmer, Forest

Compton James, solicitor (firm, Beaven & Compton) Heathcote J. E. releiving officer No. 2 district, registrar

Cook William G. George inn, Bank street of births & deaths, Melksham sub-district, Towrr h:tif

Coombe Albert, ginger beer maker &c. The Ark Hedges Arehibald, The Grapes P.H. Bank street

Coombe Henry, jobbing gardener, Union street Hillman William, insurance agent, King street

Cooper Joseph, dairyman, King street Hiskins Edward, coal merchant, Spa ro-ad

Co-operative Stores (Geo. Randall, manager), Church st Holloway William, farmer, Snarlton lane

Cottle Charles Richard, farmer, Woodrow Hosier William, farmer, Snarlton lane

Cott~e Frederick, farmer, Cra.ysmarsh Hnghes Henry (Mrs.), market gaTdener, Sandridge-;-

Cottle William Jamel', house ag~nt, Church wa:k postal address, Ohippenham

Cottle \Villiam Newman, farmer, Conigree farm Hunt William Henry, farmer, Outma-rsh; postal address,

County Court (Alex. Gough Smith, registrar), Spa rd Semington, Trowhrid-ge

Creighton Sidney, farmer, Snarlton Hurn Waiter & Albert, timber merohants, The Ark;

Crew Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, City .saw mills, Me1ksham station

C'rook Charles & Som, ('ontra.ctor8, Shurnhold Hutton Br()s. John & George, butchers, High street, &

Crook RI:en MnriR (~fiss), dress ma. New Broughton rd farmers, Wood•row, Forest

Crook .Toseph & Mark, contractors, New Broughton road Hutt.on Thoma~. market gardener, Union ~treet

Crook \YiDiam, farmer, Beanacre Tarvis Eli:r.a (Mr-.). shopkeeper, King street

Crook \Vorthy, ~;hopkeener, Beanacre Tolliffe Alfred William & Co. printer!l, 9tationers, book-

nancev Thomas. farmer, BeanacrP sellers, fancy repository, lending- library, advertising

Dark William, plasterer, King street contractors, & bill posting, house, Rank st


.Tones Joseph & Son, smiths & wheelwrights, Spa road Ruddle Clare .Tames Gee, Bell inn, Bath road

Jolliffe .Alfred William, postmaster & sub-distributor of St. Swithins' Home for Girls (~Iiss Margaret Morant,

stamps, Bank street lady superintendent), Church walk

Jones James, grocer &c. Forest Salter Alfred, buooher, King street

Jordan Samuel, smith & farrier, Br<>ughton road Salter Alfred John Thomas, baker, Old Broughton road

Keen .Tames Smith, general dealer & beer retailer, City Salter Joseph Willia.m, collector to the urban district

Keevil Edward, farmer, Forest council, assistant overseer & deputy registrar of births

Keir William Ingram L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, medical & deaths to Melksham sub-district, Bath road

officer of health to the urban & rural dis<trict, Sawtell & Sons, who. feather purifiers, Old Broughton rd

& medical officer Nos. 4 & 5 distriots, & public vac- Sawyer William, farmer, Halfway

cinator Moelks'ham district, & oertifying factory sur- Scott Edward, milliner & general draper, ladies' l!lnder--

geon, The Limes clothing, wools, yarns &c. Bath road

Kelson Thomas Alfred, beer retailer & grocer, Ohurrch st Scott Tvm, painter, Union street
King's Arms hotel, family & commercial hotel & posting 1 Self Frederick, farmer, Forest faMrm'l'l

'hvuse ; J ames Larcombe, proprietor Self George, farmer, Blackmore

Knee Ada (Ml's.), dress maker, Bank street Sheate .Tames, farmer, F·orest farm

Knee .Albert John, sign pairuter, Church walk Sheehy Ambrose Francis, inland revenue officer, Low-

Knee Carol!ine (Mrs.), grocer, Old Broughton road bourne bridge

Knee William Charles, watch maker &c. Bank street Simmonds Frederick Alien, beer retailer, Beanacre

Lakeman Stephen, chemist & druggist, Bank street Skillen Samuel, Bear hotel, Bath road

Larcombe .Tames, King's Arms family & commercial Smith Alexander Gough, solicitor, c<>mmissioner for oaths

hotel & posting house & perpetual commissioner, registrar of county court it

Lee Edwin John, grocer &c. Bank street acting high bailiff, clerk to the urban district council,

Legge George, fishmonger, High street & agent to Imperial Fire office, Guardian Fire & Life

Lewington Joshua, coal merchant & ca.rman, King street ASlsurance Co. & Norwich & London Accident Associa-

Lewington William, tailor, High street tion, Spa road

Lewingt.on William, jun. dairyman, High street Smit·h Fred>erick, draper & hatter, & registrar of mar-

Locke Edward & Son, boot maker, King street 1S riages for Melksham district, Bank street
Locke Ernest Dalton Bul'rough, solicitor, clerk to mith Jesse, boot maker, Bath road
tra.tes & commissioner oo administer oaths, Bank st Smith Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, Bath road

Maggs Charles, hempen & cocoa nut fibre works, Spa rd Smith Thomas, chimney sweeper, King- street

Manning Arthur Herbert, dr>aper, see Flooks & Manning Smith Waiter, engineer, see Tilke & Smith

Maslen Jane (Mrs.), shvpkeeper, Church street Spencer & Co. engineers & millwrights, manufacrturen

Matrohews .Alfd. station mstr. Gt. Western rly. Canon sq of steam engines, patent grain & warehousing

Ma·btingly George & Frederick, saddlers, Market place machinery, hydraulic & other liits & general

Melksham Agricultural Society (Thos. Newman, hon.sec) machinery, Melksham foundry

Melksham Cottage Hospital (F. J. F. Moule, treasurer; Spenoer Frederick, ta.ilor, Union street

Cha·rles Maggs, hon. sec.; Miss Elsi Vardon, matron), St.okecS Charles, carpenter, Canhold

Lowbourne Stokes Edward, carpenter, King street

Melksham Dairy Co. (Oharles Ma.ggs, proprietor), New Stokes Mary Jane (Mrs.), furniture wareho. Lowbourne-

Hroughton road Stratton James & Sons, wholesale tea. dealers, grocers

Melksham Liberal Club (Wm. Sweet, hon. sec.), High st &c. High street

Melksham Toohnical School (A. G. Smith, treas. & sec.), Summers .Tames, cattle dealer, Oh::tlymead

Market place Taplin W~alter Henry, hair dresser, Union street

Melksha.m Working Men's Club (Henry Lewis, man.), Tayler John, steam & water miller on the Roller system

King street corn merchant &c. Town mills

Jflilford AndiTeW, farm bailiff to R. L. Lopes esq. D.L., Tayler William, farmer, Townsend farm

J.P. Man{)r farm, Sandrid·ge Taylor & Cray, ooach builders, Spa road

Millard .Albert, inspector of police & coroner's officer, Tay!or Sarah E. (Mrs.), agent to ·west of England Sack

Police station, Market place Hiring Co. Limited, Bath road

J'.lissen .Tames, general dealer, Beanacre Taylor "\Villiam, boot maker, King street

Mortimer Aaron, coal merchant, Ohallymead Temperance Hotel (Henry Finch, propr.), King stree<t

Moule Charles George, clerk to the hig-hway board & to Tilke & Smith, eagineers & iron founders, Bath road

the income & land tax commissioners, Lowbourne Town Hall & Cheese Market (Ch:ules George Moule,

Moule Frederick John Falkner, manager Capital & sec.), Market place

Counties Bank, t·reasurer to the highway board & Tucker John, carrier, Shurnhold

urban district oouncil Vanterpool Ida (l\Iiss), costumier, King street

Mutual Improvement Society (Wm. Taylor, hon. sec.), Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of Edinburgh's Wiltshi1'9

Reading rooms, Bank street R-egiment (H Company, C. F. Rumboll, captain; H.

Nash Martha (Mrs.), ladies' ouWtter, Church street W. Tayler, lieut. ; Color-Sergeant Frederick James

New Hall, Market place; William Harris, caretaker Cole, drill instructor); drill hall, Church street

Newman Elizabet.h (Mrs.), beer retailer, '\Voodrow "\Vaight Edwin, house decorator, King- street

Newman .Tames, butcher, Bank street '\Vaig-ht Edwin (Mrs.), servants' registry office. King st

Newman Thomas, insura:n.ce agent, Coburg place ·wall Jas. C. Gt. West<ern ra.ilway goods agt. Rly. station

Newton Agnes (Mrs.), prep. school, Lowbourne Walker Adlett, colporteur, Union street

Newton Emily (Miss), teach·er of piano, Lowbourne \Valker Amelia (Mrs.), apartments, Bank street

North Robert Henry, Crown inn, Market place \Vard Ernest, shopkeeper, City

Oatley Jane (Miss), dress make.r, King street Wa>rren Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Burbidge Emma C~Iiss).

Oatley William, smith & farmer, King street, dress make<rs, Union street

Pa.isey Julia (Miss), dre"!•s maker, Chapel court '\Vat-son & Flooks, bakers & mealmen, High street

Parker John, man. of Wilts & Dorset Bank. Market place Watson Henry, farmer, Woodrow

Parker Robert .John, auctioneer, valuer & estate Watson Ja.mes, farmer, Blackmore

ag-ent, architect & surveyor, Market place Wa.tson .Tames Mizen, dairyman, Forest

Parry Herbert, saddler & harness maker, Church street Webb Amos, stone mason, builder & grocer, Be-anacre

Perrett William, greengrocer & pork butcher, High st Webb John, farmer & dairyman, West End farm

Pocock Samuel John-son, farmer, Westlands Webb Thomas, farmer, Forest

Ponting William, shopkeeper, Bath road West of England Sack Hiring Co. Limited (Mrs. Sarah

Porter Sydney, photographer, Bank street E. Tayl{)r, agent), Bath road

Pulling George, hair dresser, Ohurch street Westcott & Son, painters, Bank street

Raines Frederick Thomas, builder, West street White George, cheesemonger, Market yard

Reading Rooms (William Taylor, hon. sec.), Bank street White Henry John, outfitter, draper, millinery & mantle

Redman Frederick, farmer, Shurnhold wareh{)useman, tailor, hatter, hosier, hair dresser &c.

Reeves John, china dealer, Bath road juv-enile outfits, High street & Market place

Reeves Frank, plumber, painter &c. Bath road Wicks Florence (Mrs.), dress maker, Snarlton

Richards Charles, farmer, Bower hill Wicks Henry, gene<ral dealer, Westlands lane

Ricbards Fred, iron dealer, Lowbourne bridge Wicks John, farmer, Snarlton

Richards Waiter, carpenter, Blackmore Wilcox Annie Gould (MiS1s), coal merchant, Union street

Ritchens George, shopkeeper, King street Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Limited (branC'h) (John

Rose William, fa.rmer, Spa Parker, mana~er), Market place; draw on London &

Rowlett John Thomas, grocer & draper, Market place Westminster Bank Limited, London

Rumboll Charles Frederic M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S.En~. sur· Wilts Friendly Society (Charles Davis, steward), Coffee

geon & medical officer, No. 3 dist. Lowbourne house tavern, Bath road


Wilt.shire George, farmer, Hack farm Wood George (Mrs.), private school, The Lawn
Winslow .John, grocer, Bank street lVootten James, farmer, Sandridge; postal address,

Winslow Martha (Mrs.), farmer, Berryfield Chippenham
Winslow Willirum, Unicorn inn, Bath road Wootten Sidney, farmer, Sandridge; postal address,
Wood George, insurance agent, The Lawn

MERE is a union town and parish on the borders of Corn wall, to build a oastle on the hill, now known as

three counties-Wrilts, Dors~t and Somerset-which meet Oastle Hill, and afterwards iVo f'Ortify it, of which some

in the vicinity, und is on the mad from Sali•sbury to traces were found during excava,tions in 1887. The

'Taunton Dean, 4 miles north from Gillingham station prinC'ipal landvwnel"s are H.R.H. the Prd.nce of Wales,

on the Salisbury and Yeovil branch of the South Western who is lord of the manor, George Troyte-Chafyn-Grove

ratilway, 23 west-'by-norlh from Salisbury, 7 west from esq. the trustees of the late Meyrick Bankes esq. and
Hindon, 7 east.Jby-north from ·win~anton and 102 from A. R. White esq. The soil is val"ious, clay, chalk and

London, in the Sou'the!'ln division of the county, Mere flint ; subs·oil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are

hundred, TiSbury and Mere petty sessional division, wheat, beans and oats to the norlth; 3/nd on the south of
county court distriot of Shaftesbury, Wylye rural the t~own (which is principally clay) fine grazing land.

d'e•anery (Heytesbury por·toion), archdeaconry of Sarum The .A.shfield water rises from a chalk hili .in the neigh-
and diocese of Sali&bury. The town is lighted with gas bourhood, and after turning several mills joins the river

from works erected in 1866. The church of St. Michael Sotour. The parish cont1aruns 7,310 acres; rateable value,
the .Archangel is a -s•tone building, consistin~ of chancel £10,957; the population in 189I was 749 in the civil and
with chapels, cleres'toried nave of five bays, aisles and 2,279 in the ecclesias1t'idal parish, !including 49 o:fficera
north and south porches, over each of which is a parvise and inmates ci.n the workhiQuse.
and •square western flower 100 feet high, surmountted at Sext·on, .A.rthur Norris.
the angles by four lofty pinna.cle·s a.nd contains 6 musical Chaddenwicke is a tithing, 1~ miles north-east; Wood-
bells, clock and chimes : the chancel is separated from la.nds, a tithing-, 1 mile SIOuth; .Bush J;Iayes, I~ south-
the nave by a beautifully carved oak screen: in a Gothic eas•t ; Manor House, Barrow S'tree.t, I south-east, and
niche over the north porch is the' figure Qf a saint : the Bul"t·on, half a mile oost, are adjacent places.

chantry chapels are the oldest part, which is of the 14th Zea.Jos, a tlilbhing in tills civil parish, has been formed

century; one is used as the vestry and the other for daily into an ecclesiaSiDical parish, and will ·be found under a

pr'a.yer : in the ·south chapel is a very an~ient brass to separate heading. ·

.John Bettes:th•orne, who died in 1398 : .there are traces of Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity
Early English work (albout the year 1220) in the but-
tresses at the ·east end and in the corbels which formerly & Insurance· Office. .John Walton, pvstmaster. Let-
came under the eaves, and are to be seen in the svuth
chancel wall: the present chancel and: the nort.h and south ters via Bath are delivered at 7 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ;

chapels were builit in the 14th century with some por- dispatched at u.25 a.m. & 7.25 p.m.; sunday at
tiOJlS of the church, •but there was apparently a great
remodelling Q{ the church when the tower was built 7·25 p.m Public Officers.
about· the middle of the 15th century: there are 6oo

sittings: in 1883 the churchyoard was levelled and planrted
.Assistan•t Overseer & Collector of Poor Rartes, Daniel Bell
with shrubs and flowers. The registers are in a good
Certifying FacfuTy Surgeon, John McElfatl"ick, The


Clerk to the Ilm'lial Board, Olarence Edwin Rutter

state of preservation, and date :from 1572, and the church- Mere Union.

wardens' books, 'Still preserved, date from 1556. The The Mere Union is in the ooun'ties of Wilts, Somerset

living is a vioorage, average rt:ithe rent-charge £295, net & Dorset. '
yearly value £220, with re•sidence, in rthe gift of the
The follnwing is a list of places in Mere union :-Bourton
Bishop of Salisbury, and he:rd since 1890 by the Rev.
.J~hn .A.ugusJtus Uoyd M..A. of St. .John's College, Ox- (Dorset), Kilmington (Svmerse't), Kingston Deverill,

ford, oflnd surrogate. The mission church of St. Matthew, Eas't Knoyle, We!rt; Kn'Oyle, Ma.iden Bradley, Mere
aihout 1~ miles south of the town, and on the Shaftes-
bury road, 'Opened in 1882, is an edifice of srtone and 'I1own, Monckton Deverill, Upper Pel"twood, Sedghill,
brick, and consi,st•s Qf chancel, apse, nave and north
SiUon (Dorset). S'tourton. 'Dhe populartion in 1891 was
porch, wtith central bell turret conta'ining one bell, and 6,756; area, 34,456 acres; rateable value in !894,
will seat 150 persvns: the cost of ereotion was about
£I,ooo, mised by voluntary subscript-ions, rthe site being £39·746
the gift of Miss Grove; it is served by the clergy of St. Board day, alrternate fri. at the Workhouse at II a.m
Michael the .Arclhangel. Here is a Congregational chapel,
Clerk ro the Guardians & .As-sessment Committee, John
a large Gothic struciture, erected at a cost of over
£s,ooo, at the role ·expense of Charles Jupe esq. built of Thomas Humby, Church street, ::\Iere
local and Hlam Hill stone; also a Primitive Metho- Treasurer, .John ,sawtell, Wilts & Dorset Ilank
dist chapel and; Qne for the Plymouth Brethren. The
Relieving Officer & Vaccination Officer for the Union,
Society of Friends have a meeting house here. The Thomas Hall WOIQdford, Castle street
Cemetery, on the south side of the town, consisting of
about two acres, was 'Opened in 1856: during the exca· Medical Officel"s & Public VaccinatiQrs, No. I distriC't,
vat~ons necessary in :iots form'ation an earthen vessel was
John McFJ!frut,l"ick, Ohanlf:ry, Me:re ; No. 2 distt:rict,
discovered contairuing 400 Roman coins of very ancient Benjamin Pope Bartlett, Ilourton, DQrset

date: two mortuary chapels have been erected; jt is Superintendent Registrar, John Thomas Humby, Church

under the control of a ·burial board of 9 members. The street, :Mere: deputy, Thomas Hall Woodford
market, formerly held on Tuesdlay, has now become ex-
tinct, aJso the annual fairs that were he-ld on the 17th of Reg-istrar of Brirths, Dea:ths & Marriages, Thomas H'clll

1Vioodford, Castle S'treet; deputy, George M. Athoe,

Market place .

W orkhvuse, Castle street, a building of stone, built about

1839. to hold ISO inmates; .Jesse 'White, master; Mrs.
White, matron

May and the 10th of October. In the Market place School .Attendoance Committee. •
was :formerly a murket house of great antiquity, which
be•ing in a dilaplidated state it was found necessary to Meets at the Workh'Ouse every friday, monthly, at I p.m.

take it down, 'and on the 'Site H.R.H. the Prince of Clerk, J{)hn Thomas Humby, Mere -'

Wales, as Duke of Cornwall, .erected in r866 a clocK Attendance & Inquiry Officer, Thomas Hall WQodford,

tower with illuminated di11ls. The Church Institute, in Castle street

the Market place, was establlished in the year r885, anci

is under the management of the vicar as president and Rurol District Oouncil.
Meet-s at the Workhouse, on fri. at I p.m.
a committee of six members ; in connection therewith is

a Tempera>nce h·otel, having reading rooms, togeother

"With a library. The charities amount to £158 yearly: Ol·eork, .John Th'Omas Humby, Church s.tree.t, Mere
Gillingham Florest cb.>arity, arising from inclosure of land Tr~asurer, .J'Ohn Sawtell, ·Wilts & Dorset Bank

at Gillingham Forest, produces £Ioo yearly, and is dis- Medical Officer of Health, Benj. Pope Bartlett, Ilourton

tributed in shares: the '3llotment charity, derived from Sanitary Inspecrt-or, Juseplb. Ilelbin, Clarks end ·

lund in Gillingham parish, yield's £2o annually, and is Pl11Ces of Wvrship, with 'times of services.
dlistributed tl:o the poor. J1o]lin Phillips left by his will
the sum of £8oo, the dnterest of which, after paying for Parish Church of St. M:ichael the .Archangel, Rev. JQhn
the repairs "Of tomb, and partly fur support of Sunday .Augustus Lloyd M..A. vicar; I0.30 a.m. & 6.go p.m.;
school, is distributed by the churchwardens ; there are daily at Io a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; holy communi<»n, rst
sunday of m'Onth, after morrung prayer; all other Sun-
a few minor charities. To the south of the town there days & holy days at B p.m
is an ancient Manor House, now used as a farm house,

and called Woodlands, in which is a.n aneoient chapel. St. MJatJthew's Church, Rev.•John .August-us Lloyd M.A.

Mere con~titutes a pa:vt of the Duchy of Cornwall: in vioar; 2.30 p.m. ; every sunday except 1st sunday '<>f
the yea:r 1253 permis.ion was given to Richard, Earl of mC"'lth at 6 p.m. ; ho~y cOmll'll:l::oD, rst sun, 10 n.m


Society of Friends' Meeting House; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m 1 Oonveyance.-Butler's omnibus, in connection with South

Congregational, Mere, Rev. Danie'l Will!iams; 10.30 a.m. Western railway, leaves Mere daily (except sunda.ys)

& 6 p.m.; mon. 7.30 p.m for Gillingham stat':ion at 8.20 & II-45 a.m. & 2.30 &
Plymouth Brelthren; w.3o a.m. & 3 & 6 p.m. ; mon. wed. 6.30 p.m. relillll"n~ng from Gillingham at 9·45 &
I2.5o, 4.30 & 7.50 p.m. from May Ist to September
& sat. 7.30 p.m
Primitive Methodist ; I0.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; mon. 7 p.m 3dth. Dmlimg winter months the :Ja.S't journey is


Schools. Carriers.

National (mixed & infants), eredted in I84I & enlarged Mrs. Butler, agent for Sut.ton & Co. leaves Mere daily

in I892, for 540 children; average· attendance, 349; for Gillingham &tation
Arthur Davis, ma~ster; Miss Amlie Todd, infMLts' mist Thomas Hooper, from Mere to Wlinoan'bon, on wed.; to

British (mixed), built in I853, fur 400 children; aver· W:arminst!er, on thurs.; to Frome, on mon. ; to Shaf.

age attendance, I8o; Henry Angrave, master rtesbury, on sa~

Church Institute (Rev. Arthur Good· Maidment Edward, wheelwright
man, hon. sec.), Market place Mere & District Co·operative Society

Baker Mrs Ooward Arthur Lloyd, house decora· Limited (Charles Hughes,manager),

Baker Miss, Castle street tor, Market pla.ce Salisbury street
Barnes Mrs. Church street Ourtis James, baker, SaliS~bury street :Mere Gas, Coal & Coke Co. Limited
Baverstock ~fichael, Church street
Curtis William, grocer, Edge bridge (John Farley Rutter, sec)

Borradaile Rev. Ernest J.P. Castle ho Day Mary (Mrs.), milliner, Castle st Mere Liberal Club (C. E. Rutter,sec.),

Bracher Edwin, Townsend Day Sidney, farmer, Woodland farm Salisbury street

Card Mrs. Castle street Dean Edwin, harness maker, Castle st Millard Fdk. Jn. Angel inn,Market pl

Carter Miss, Castle. street Dean John, builder, North street Mills Jacob, haulier, Barrow street

Chell Rev. Wm. B.A. (curate) Dismore Benjamin, whitesmith & tin· Mitchell Arth. frmr. Manor House fm

Collard Miss, ShMtesbury road man, Castle street Mitchell Jn. farmer, Mere Park farm

Coward James, Shaltesbury road Doddington John, coal carrier Mitchell Jn. Thos. farmer,Barrow st

Coward Richard, Salisbury street Down Andw.frmr. & haulr.Malpertn.hl Norris J•ohn, baker

Croome Roger James, Castle street Down James (Mrs.), butcher & corn Norris Matthew, baker, Salisbury st

Down Mrs dealer, Church street Norris Tom J.Talbot commercial hotel

Gilmour Mrs. The Beeches Edmunds Frank, coach builder & posting house, & brewer, wine &

Goodman Rev. Arthur (curate) Edmunds Henry H. chemist, book· spirit merchant; every accommoda·

Hanw<?od Mrs. The Bungalow,Castle st seller, statnr.. & printer, Market pl tion for commercial gentlemen; post

Hartg11l John W. Layfield house Edmunds William T. aerated water & saddle horses let on hire

Hooper John, Castle street manufr. & grocer, Castle street North Frederick, upholsterer,Castle st

Humby John Thomas, Church street Farthing Jas. carpenter, Salisbury st Perrett Alfd. farmer, Bush Hayes frm

Jupe Henry, Salisbury street Finlay Thomas Elder, commercial Perrett Wm. farmer, White Hill frm

Jupe Horace, Church street traveller, Castle street Pickford Sidney, hair dressr. Castle st

Jupe Isaiah Maggs Foot Henry Jas. baker & corn dealer Pond & Son, farmers, Shaftesbury rd

Jupe Robert (Mrs.), Market place Fricker Julius Aug. dairyman, Burton Rutter & Rutter, solicitors, Salisbury

Lloyd Rev. John Augustus M.A. (vicar Gatehouse Edwd. lime burner, Burton st.; & at Shaftesbury & Wincanton

& surrogate), Glover Bessie (Miss), shpkpr.Castle st Rutter Clarenoe E. clerk to the burial

Lawman Waiter William, Castle st Gray Albin, wheelwright, Salisbury st board, Salisbury street

McElfatrick John, The Chantry Gray Frederick, boot maker Sawtell John, manager to Wilts &

Malidment Mrs. Salisbury street Gray Solomon, shopkpr. Sa.lisbury st Do·rset Banking Co. Limited & trea-

Mitchell Miss, Shaftesbury road Green George, baker & shopkeeper surer to the union & rural dis-

Norris Mrs. Salisbury street Hartgill & Humby, wine, spirit & ale trict council

Phillips Henry, Castle street merchants, Castle street Sims Edwin Corp, farmer

Ridout Mrs. Castle street Henwood Fanny (Mrs.),leather cutter, Sims John, dairyman

Rutter John Fartley J.P. Dewes ho Salisbury street _ Sly Edmnd. insur. agent, Church st

Sawtell John, The Bank Herrington Alfred, general dealer, Stier & clock

Standerwick Mrs. Castle street Dean's orchard Stone Geo. harness maker, Castle st
Standerwick Thoon.a.SI, J.P. Castle st Herrin~ton Barna•by, farmer, vVest la Taylor Arth. blacksmith, Church st

Toulson Mrs. Church st.reeb Hicks Rt. Wm. bakr.& g-rocr. Steep st Taylor Edgar Charles, miller (water)

Tunstall William G. Salisbury street Holmes Jas. beer ret. Shaftesbury rd & farmer, Mere mill

Walton John, The Market place Honeybun Frederick William, baker Taylor Henry, fa.rmer & coal haulier

Welch Christopher, Market square & confectioner, Castle street Temperance Hotel (Issachar Collins,

Williams Rev. Daniel (Congregational) Hooper Samuel & Son, watch makers proprietor), Market place

Woodford Mrs. Church street &o. Salisbury street Thompson Jn.leather cuttr.Salisbry. st

COMMERCIAL. Hooper Edmund Dodington, plasterer, Topp Charles, baker

Ca.stle street Tunstall W. G. & Co. bacon curers &

Alford John, blacksmith Hooper John, mason, builder & con· lard refiners, Salisbury street

Andrews William, farmer tractor, Castle street Walton John & Co. family drapers,

Applin Arthur, grocer, Market place HooperThos.carrier & shpkpr.North st tailors, grocers, ironmongers, furni·

Athoe Geo. grocr. & drapr.Market pi Humby John Thomas, supt. registrar ture dealers & removers, carpet

Avery John Tom, mason of births, deaths & marriages, & warehousemen, glass, china. &

Avery Thomas, farmer clerk to the guardians & school at- earthenware dealers, bacon curers &

Baker Thomas Henry & Ernest. tendance & assessment committee;;: cheese factors,&post office ; branches,

farmers, Mere Down farm of Mere union, & clerk to the rural Sedgehill, Maiden Bradley & Zeals;

Bavber John, builder, Castle street district council, Church street & Bourton, Dorset. See advert

Baverstock Saml. tailor, Castle street Jordan Henry, chimney sweeper Walton Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,

Belben Joseph, surveyor of highways Jupe John, farmer, Burton East Swainsford

& sanitary mspe.ctor to the di~ Keates William, farmer, Lye marsh Welch John, boot maker, Salisbury st

trict council, & deputy registrar Lander Edgar, farmer, Barrow street White Arthur R. farmer & landowner,

of ·births, mmrriages & deaths·, Lander Fredk. farmer, Barrow street Charnage

Olarks end Lander EdwinChas.frmr.Shaftesbry.rd Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Limited

Broadway Jas. farmer, Barrow street. Lander Sl.irnmngr. & plmbr.Oastle st (branch of) (John Sawtell, mana·

Brist.ow George, general dealer Lander Thos. cabinet ma. Castle st ger); open from IO till 3; draw

Bristow Solomon, tailor, Salisbury st Long Lot, thatcher on London & Westminster Bank

Burden John, nurseryman, North st McElfatrick John, physician & sur· Limited, London E C

Cemetery (Clarenee Edwin Rutter, geon, & medical officer & public Woodlford Thomas Hall, relieving &:

clerk to the burial board) vaccinator No. I dist'rict, Mere vaccination officer & deputy supt.

Oharlton Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, union, & certifying factory surgeon, & registrar of births & deaths &

Salisbury street The Ohantry marriages for Mere dist.rict &

Coggan Alfred Jn. Ship inn, Castle st Maidment Albt. boot maker, Castle st school attendance officer, Castle st

MILDENHALL is a parish and prebty village, borough union and county C'Ourt diS'trict, rural deanery
watered by the river Kennet, Ii m!iles north-eas•t from
Marlborough terminal station on a branch Q>f the Great of Marlborough (Marlborough portti'On), a.rchdeaoonry of
Western railway, and 9! west from Hungerford, in the
EaSitern diVli•sion of the countty, Selkley hundred, petty Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. John
!essionol divi·siQn of Marlborough 81Ild Ramsbury, Marl· the Baptist is a plain, ancient structure of flint, oon·
si~ting of chaneel, nave of six baY'S with aisles, and

square embattled western tower, C'Ontaining 5 bells: the


interior is ca,sed Wlith fine old polished oak : the reredos P.ouHon hamlet is three-quarters of a mile west.
with the pulpit, sounding..Jboard and gallery, exhibit rare St~tchC'Ombe ha.miet 1! miles east.

specimens of el<a'bo:rate carving, and ·the pews are of ook ;
near the communion toa:ble is a wh'ite marble tablet to Parish Clerk, WiUiam Jones.

the Rev. Charles Francis M.A. rector for 33 years: an Post Office.-,Vmiam .Tones, sub-postmaster. Letten
arrive by foot po&t from Marlborough at 6.40 a.m.;
organ was erected in r8g4, a.t a cost of £r8o, to t•he
diispatched there1to at 7· 15 a.m.; sundays, I2.5 p.m.
memory of the Rev. Charles SQames M.A. rector (r86r·
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Marl-
g4): there are 200 sittings. The regiSJter dates from the boorough

year r56o. The living is a rectoory, tithes commuted at Protesttant Free School, about a quarter of a mile north-
weSJt from the church, on a slight eminence, w~th
£740, average £54g, net inoome £44o, with residence mas·ter's hou:se & garden attoached, built in I824, for
and rso acres of glebe, in the giflt of and held since 1894 no children; average attendance, go; the site was
by the Rev, Gordon Soome<s M..A. of Trinity College, purchased by the Rev. Charles Francis, former rector,
Oambl'lidge. Nea~ Folly F1arm are ·the remaans of a who at his death bequeathed £4,ooo for the building
Roman stawon, Cunetium, near whlich have been found
many coins and other Roman rema'ins. The Marquess of
.Aoilesbury is lord of .the manor and chief landowner.

'l'he soil is chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and 'V& endowment; Henry Head, ma•ster; Miss Elizabeth
turn~ps. The area is 4,025 acres; rateable value,
£2,344; the popwl~a.mon in I8gi wa.s 464. Jane eaver, m~stres·s

Longbourne Jn.Vickerman,TheRectory Barnett Samuel, carpenter, Werg Hutchins Joseph, farmer, FDlly farm

Soomes Rev. GOTdon M.A. (rector) Berryman Geo. farmer, Mere farm Jones Wm. land measurer, Post office

Butler Robert, farme~, Stitchcombe Jones Wm. Henry, jun. basket maker

COMMERCIAL. Caswell John, blacksmith Philpott William, farmer

Adey Charles, miller (steam & water), Orees Arthur Edwd. farmer,Lower fm Smith Martha C~liss), shopkeeper

Dunsford mill Cundell Jsph. Bathe,farmer, Grove fm Tanner John, farmer, Poulton farm

Barnett William, carpenter, wheel- Gowenlock J as.Nelson,frmr. Woodlands Ta.ylor Ma.ry Ann (Miss), shopkeeper

wright & builder & beer retailer Head Hy. tax collector & asst. overseer Viveash Thomas, wood dealer

:MILSTON is a parish and village, on the river Avon, t•he Late C. E. Rendall esq. and held since I863 by th~
7 miles nol"th from Port<m ~ation on the main line of Rev. Freder.ick Ad'Olphus Radcliff·e M.A. of St. John's

the London and South Western railway, 3 miles north- OoHege, OlmbTidge. Addison the statesman, poet and
by-east from. Amesbury and IO north-east from Salis- esosayiist, ~s born here, at the parsonage house, on

bury, in the Southe'l'D division of the county, Amesbury May I·st, I672, his fa•t'her being then rector of the parish.
hundred and union, petty sessional division of Everleigh Francis Shwttleworth Rendal~ .esq. is lord of the mano-r
and Pewsey, Salis•bury county coul'lt district, ru~al · &nd chief la,ndowner. The soil is loam on chalk; sub-
deanery of AmeSibury (Ames'bury portion), a.rchdeaconry soil, clay and gravel. !'he chief crops are wheat, barley

and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary is a and oats. The area IS 2,205 acres of land; rateable

small anc.ientt Gothic structure of stQne and flint, con- value, £g6g; the popula.tion in I8gi was I54·
sisting of chancel, nave, SQuth porch and western turret Brismarton (or Brigmerston) is a hamle·t, half a mile

con•taining one beU: and woas restored about x86o: the nQ:rth-west.

ea·s.t window is Sltainoo: there are go sittings. The re- Parish Clerk, James Hopgood.

gi·s'ter dat-e·s back .to I540; the earlieoslt regiSII:er begins as Wall Letter Box cleared at 10.40 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; !lUll-

follows :- " Baptli,smi in anno regni regis Henricli Octavi day, 3· 30 p.m. Le<t'te11s through Salisbury, via Ames-

tricesimQ primo, anno Domini 1540." The living is a bury, arrive at 7 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. The nearest money

rectory, with Brigmerston annexed, avemge tithe rent- mder & telegraph office is at Amesbury

charge £I30, joint gross value £287, includling 20I acres The childTen of this parish attend the schools at Bulford
of glebe, with residence, in the gi£t of the trustees of & Durrington

Noyes Misses RadcJ.iffe Rev. Fredk. Adolphus M..A. Brown Wm.Hy.frmr. Brigmerston frm

Pinckney Captain Philip (rector), Rectory May Richard, miller (water)

Rendall Fras.Shuttleworth,Brigmerst·n

MILTON LILBORNE is a parish, 2! miles east stayed at this house one night: it is the property of
Charles Penruddocke esq. of Compton Park, Salisbury.
from Pewsey station on the Great Western railway, and who is lord of the manor and with Somerset Hospital,
7 south from Marlborough, in the Eastern division of the Froxfiel<L, Sir Francis E. G. A·stley-Corbett bart_
county, hundred of Kinwardstone, Everleigh and Pewsey London, Edward Somerset esq. Edwin Merriman esq.
petty sessional division, union of Pewsey, Marlborough and Henry Somerset esq. are the principal landowners.
county court district, rural deanery of Marlborough The soil is sand and clay ; subsoil, chalk and gravel.
(Pewsey portion), archdea.conry of Wilts and diocese of The chief crops are corn, roots and pasture land. ThE!'
Salisbury. The church of St. Peter, a very ancient area is 3,502 acres; rateable value, £3,25I; the popula-
stone structure, built at various dates, commencing tion in I8gi was 5gO.
from the Ioth century, chiefly in the Early English
style, consists of chancel, nave of four bays and north Clench is a tithing, 2 miles north ; Fyfield is a tithing.
aisle, south porch, with square embattled western tower I mile west; the hamlet of New Mill is I mile north;
with pinnacles, containing 6 bells : the chancel was re- the hamlet of Little Salisbury, half a mile west.
stored in I864: the whole of the church was restored in
I875 at a cost of £845, from plans by Mr. J. L. Pearson Parish Clerk, Charles Stagg.
A.R.A. when, in the north aisle, which at some earlier
period had formed the nave, there was discovered the Post Office.-Elijah Gilbert, sub-postmaster. Letters
founder's tomb in a splendid state of preservation: through Pewsey S.O. arrive at 7.10 a.m. & 2.55 p.m.;
there is also a rood loft: the church has 300 sittings.
sundays, 7· Io a. m. ; dispatched at I0.55 a. m. & 5·55
The register dates from the year I686. The living 1s
a vicarage, yearly value £ 16g, net £ 130, inc-luding 1 3 p.m.; sundays, II a.m. The nearest money order &.
acres of glebe land and residence, in the gift of Mrs. telegraph office is at Pewsey
Gale, of Weston, Bath, and held since I8g3 by the Rev. Wall Letter Box, Little Ann, cleared at II.I5 a.m. &
Charles Francis Long Sweet M.A. of Keble College,
6.30 p.m.; sundays, II.35 a.m
A School Board of 5 members was formed II April,

I876; Thomas Ellis, clerk to the board & attendance

Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, built about I854, to officer
hold so. The Kennet and Avon canal passes through Board School (mixed), built in I876, for Io6 children;
the northern portion of the parish at New Mill. Near average attendance, 70; John Lane, master

Milton bill is a large tumulus. Fyfield Manor House is Carriers to Ma.rlborough.-Edward Spackman, tues. &>
an ancient mansion in the Elizabethan style: Charles II. sat. & James Head, sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Penruddocke Miss, Fyfield lodge Ferris Simon, miller (water & steam)•

.Annetts Thomas, Vinery Somerset Miss, Eastleigh maltster & farmer, New Mill
Sweet Rev.Obas.Fras.Long~M.A.(vicar) FordHy.Jn.frm.bailiff toGeo.Ferris e~
Burdett Miss, Fyfield

Carpenter William Alfred,HavHing lo Ward Mrs Gilbert Elijah, grocer, baker & draper.

Ferris George, Manor house Post office

Fox Alfred, Clench house COMMERCIAL. Gilford James, farmer, Fyfield

Gale Mrs. Sunny lands Carpenter William .Alfred, violinist &. Goodman Jn. beer ret. Lit. Salisbury

Haines Daniel, Havering house artist, Havering lodj!'e Hayward Henry, farmer, Clench

Jeans Mark, Kinghali hou~e Dew Joseph, farmer, Miiton farm Head Jame~. carrier & farmer

La. Terriere Capt. Bulmer de F<~les, Eilis Thomas, clerk to the school Jeans Mark, auctioneer & valuer.

Fyfield Manor house board&attendance officer,Littleworth Kingha.ll house

Lewis Mrs. :Fern villa. FerrisGeo.lanrl & estate agent & valuer Kimber James Duck, blacksmith


Kingstone Wm.Jn.farmr. Broomsgrove Reynolds Shadrach, frmr. land ~ Vaughan Emma (Mrs.), New 1• nn,

Rawlins Ernest, cattle dealer surer, castrator &; tax colleot<>r New Mill

Redman Chas. farmer, The Lawn Skinner George, baker & grocer Webb Thomas, boot maker

Reynolds A. Alfred, farmer, land mea- Spackman Edward, carrier Wells Edwin, farmer, Totridge

surer &; rate collector, Kinghall frm Spackman Henry, carpenter,Littlewrth

MINETY (or Minty) is a parish with station, 2 miles by the Rev. Waiter William Arthur Butt M.A. of Mag-
east of the village, on the Swindon and Cheltenham dalen College, Oxford, J.P.: the rectorial tithe, amount-
ing to about £240 net yearly value, has been made
section of the Great Western railway, as miles from over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to the Dean
and Chapter of Gloucester. The charities amount to
London, 8 north-west from Swindon, 8 south from from £3o to £3S yearly, distributed in money at Christ-
Cirencester and 7 north-east from Malmesbury, in the mas to the second poor of the parish. An interesting
North--Western division of the county, hundred of Crick- fact in connection with this parish is that it was the
lade, Malmesbury petty sessional division, county court birth-place of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania.
district and union, rural deanery of Malmesbury, arch- Henry Whatley-Estridge esq. resides at Minety House:
deaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, Major Reginald Gordon Chambres resides at Bray-
with the exception of a small portion in Wiltshire, it don Hall. John Mullings esq. is lord of the manor. The
was formerly in Gloucestershire, but is now, by the Acts principal landowners are Henry Whatley Estridge esq.
2 & 3 William IV. cap. 64 and 7 &; 8 Vict. cap. 61, Henry Workman esq. and Charles Stevens esq. The
entirely in Wiltshire. The church of St. Leonard is an soil is clay and flint. The land is chiefly in pasture.
ancient structure of stone, in the Early English style, The area is 3,672 acres; rateable value, £8,S81; the
with traces of Tudor work, consisting of chancel, nave
of four bays, north aisle, south porch and embattled population in 1891 was 7S7·

north-western tower, with pinnacles, having a peal of Parish Clerk John Taylor.
5 bells: the pulpit, reading desk and some of the pews
Post Office.-Abraham Hinder, sub-postmaster. Letters
are elaborately carved in oak: the east window is through Malmesbury, arrive at 7.25 a.m.; dispatched
stained: the memorial window south side of chancel is at S·So p.m. summer, 4.50 p.m. winter. Ashton
to the late vicar, Rev. John Edwards, who died x886; Keynes is the nearest money order offilce. Postal
the east window of the north aisle is a memorial to the orders are issued here, but not paid. The telegraph
Perry-Keene family: in the chancel are several ancient office is at the railway station
tablets, the principal being to Charles Pleydell, 1704,
.Toseph Nott, 1705 and Thomas Browne,. 1726: in the Letter Box, at station, cleared at 7·45 p.m.; sun. 6 p.m
north aisle is a brass tablet of great antiquity, to the There ara two National Schools: one, by the church,
Powlett family: the nave was newly roofed in 1884 at
a cost of £4oo: the tower was restored in x8g2, and the built in 186o (mixed), with residence for mistress, for
bells rehung: a stained west window was added in 1893 120 children; average attendance, 42; Miss Emma
by a resident, and the chancel relaid with oak in 1894: Burgoyne, mistress: Silver Street (mixed), built in

there are sittings for 200 persons. The register dates I87S• with residence for mistress, for xoo children;
from the year x663. The living is a vicarage, average average attendance, 70; Miss Jane Stratford, mistress
tithe rent-charge £245, gross yearly value £26S, net Carriers to Cirencester.-Richard Read, Henry Fry,
.£195, including about 14 acres of glebe, with residence, in William Beames & William Tidmarsh, man. & fri

the gift of the Archdeacon of Wilts and held since 1886 Railway Station, John William Phipp, station master

Butt Rev. Waiter William Arthur El1ison Thomas, tailor Packer Jn. farmer & asstnt. overseer

M.A., J.P. Vicarage. Fry Henry, carrier & coal dealer Prior James (exors. of), farmers &

ChambreS' Major Reginaldl Gordon, Garland Abel, shopkeeper millers (steam)

Braydon hall Godwin Jn. Vale of \Vhite Horse inn Pritchard Robert J. shopkeeper

Estridge Henry Whatley-, Minety ho Greenslade William Benjamin, farmer Re:~rl George, cattle dealer

Oliver William, The ManseJls Gwynn EdwinMabbett,OldRedLionP.H Read Richd. coal merchant &; carrier

Haskins Wm. farmer, Flowers farm Read Thomas, farmer

COMMERCIAL. Rattan George, farmer Read William, Butcher & farmer

Baker Frank, fa.rmer Hawkins Henry, farmer Rimes George, saddler

Baker Thomas, farmer Hinder Robert, blaoksmith Scap1ehorn Thomas, farmer & New

Barrett James, farmer Hawse Lewington, farmer Red Lion P.H

Barrett Richard, farmer Howse MaryJ·ane(Mrs.),frmr.Buckswill Sheppard Fred, blacksmith

BeameS' William, coal dealer & carrier Humphries Henry, farmer Slade Lewis, haulier

Brain John, farmer Humphries Jesse, farmer 'l'aylor Ernes-t Edward, printer, &

IJrown AbTahamYoung,frmr,Skew bdg Hunt Edward George, baker & meal- patent medicine dlr.; &; at Purton

Brown Thomas, farmer man & farmer Taylor John, farmer, New house

Burdock John, farmer J,ones Albert, stone maSlOn Telling David, carpenter & shopkeepr

"Butcher Thos. farmer, The Common Jones John, stone mason. Telling Thomas, farmer

Cave William, farmer, Flistridge Jones Thomas, stone mason Thomas Edward, farmer

Chandler John, farmer, The Common Lane Charles, shopkeeper Tidmarsh William, farmer & carrier

C1ark David, farmer Lewis Mark, farmer Timbrell John, butcher

Cole John, farmer Manners Mary (Mrs.), farmer Townsend Wm. frmr. Sandbourn frm

Cole Richard, coal mer.Railway station Manners Henry, farmer Vizer Ann (Mrs.), farmer

CooJe Hannah (Mrs.), farmer Manners Herbert, farmer Vizer Daniel, farmer

Cove William, farmer, Moor farm :;\iatthews James, Old Inn P.H Westmacott Henry & Saml. farmers

Edwards Arthur, pork butcher Miles Havilah William, wheelwright Westmacott Robert, farmer

Edwards Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeepr Miles Maurice Henry, wheelwright Whitting John, farmer

Ellison Dinah (Mrs.), farmer,Home fro Ody John, horse dealer, The Common


MONKTON F ARLEIGH is a parish and village, the Rev. Albert Edward Baynham M.A. of S. Mary Hall,

'On the Somersetshire border, 2! miles south from Box Oxford. There is a small charity left by Mr. Blinman,

station on the Swindon and Bath section of the Great for the supply of fuel to the poor at Christmas. There

Western railway, s! east from Bath and 4 north-by- are celebrated free stone quarries on Farleigh Down.

west from Bradford, in the west-ern division of the Monkton Farleigh derives its prefix from there having
county, in the hundred, petty sessional division, union been formerly here a priory of Cluniac monks of the
and county court district of Bradford, rural deanery of Order of St. Benedict, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene,

Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and and forming a " cell" subordinate to the priory at
diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Peter is a stone Lewes : it was founded by Maud, daughter of Edward of
building in the Norman and Early English styles, and Salisbury, and wife of the second Humphrey, Baron de
consists of a chancel and nave, north porch and ancient Bohun, about the year n25, and by her endowed with

western tower containing 3 bells : there are several an estate, called the Buries, at Bishopstrow, near War-
:Stained windows: the pulpit is of the date of Elizabeth; minster (in later times the property of the Gifford and
.and the tradition in the parish is that Bishop J ewell Brockler families, and now of Sir F. E. G. Astley-
was accustomed to preach in it during his frequent Corbett hart.) : it was campleted and further endowed
visits to the manor, at that time the property of the by her son, the third Humpbrey de Bohun, who married
Eishops of Sarnm : there are sittings for ISO persons. Margaret, daughter of the Earl of Hereford: the re-
The register dates from the year 1570. The living is venues at the Dissolution were £217 os. 4d.: the cellars
a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £138, net yearly under the Manor House are believed to have been part
value £rg8, with x6 acres of glebe and residence, in the of the original priory, but the house itself has undergone
gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1892 by so many changes that it is difficult to recognise anything


thoroughly ecclesiastical. 'l'ho spring which supplied Farleigh Wick is a hamlet one mile south-west. Here
the convent is sheltered by a little stone building, with is a mission room, erected in I894, to hold Bo.

pointed stone roof of the Early English period, called Post Office.-George Godwin, sub-postmaster. Letters

"The Monk's Conduit," standing about a quarter of a from Bradford-on-.Avon arrive at 8 a.m. & 6.4s p.m. ;

mile north-west of the Manor House. Monkton Farleigh sundays, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at g a.m. & p.m. ;

Manor House is now the seat of Sir Charles Parry Hob- sundays, 9 a.m. Postal orders are issued here, but
house bart. J.P. Bishop Jewell died in this house in not paid. Batheaston is the nearest money order &

IS7I. The principal landowners are Sir C. P. Hob- telegraph office
house bart. Henry Spackman esq. and George Palmer Wall Letter Box, Farleigh Wick, cleared at g.2o a.m. &
esq. who is lord of the manor. The .soil is sand, stony
brash and clay; subsoil, clayey. The chief crops are 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 7.50 a.m
wheat, roots, beans and barley. The area is 1,916 acres; National School (mixed), built in 1886, with residence.
rateable value, £3,III; the population· in I89I was 388.
for mistress, for 100 children; average attendance,
Sexton, William Painter.
73 ; Miss Macnee, mistress
Police Constable, Henry May.

MIO:XKTO~ F.ARLEIGH. Carrnon William Frederick, King's Mizen JOts·eph, head gardener· to Sir

Baynha.m Rev..Albt. Edwd.M.A.RecJtry .Ar:ms. P.H. & fatrmer -Charr'leR> Paxrv Hobhouse ha.rt
CoUett William, carpent-er
Swe.etlland Tom, ga.m·ekeeper to Sir
Hobhous-e Sir Charles. Parry hart. J.P. Doel Edwa;rd Henry, farme·r, road Charles. Parry Hobhouse bart
M0nkton Fa.r:(eigh Manor hous'e
con•t.ractor & carter
Forman J. farmer, Church farm
Godwin Geo. baker, grocer, & Post oft Cass Roibert, Cottle!s house

Bath/ Firm.s Limited,, quarry i\ViDiam, b:ack.smith Davie,SJ Mrs. Farley Wick farm

ownel'ISI & bath stone· merchants; Kendmll Cha'r1es, farmer, Rusihmead Sweetlancf John, The Villa

chief office, Corsiha.m KendaU Saml. Geo. fa,rmer & co1leoc.tor Blick Wm. .Al'bt. Fox & Hounds· P.H

Budmeo!l John, fa.rm bai:iff to H. & a\s.sessor of ta.xe:s-, Manor farm Deverell Eliza (Ml"s. ), tailore.s;s

SpaJCkma.n eLSq Lintern Cha.rlotte (Mrs.), laundre•ss WilliamSJ George,gamekeerper to Henry
Co-llett Armie (Mis•s), dressmaker Ladder Rupert, carpenter & whlwrght ·Spatekman esg

NESTON is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in I866, windows in memory of his late wife: there are 260
from the civil parish of Corsham, and cornprises the §jttings. The register dates from the year 1866. The
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £IOo, net £g6,
hamlets of Corsham Side, Moor Green, W estwells, in the gift of G. P. Fuller esq. M.P., J.P. of Neston
Greeri-Hill, and Elley Green. The parish is in the Park, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Frederic
North ·western division of the county, Chippenham hun- Drummond-Hay M..A. of Magdalen College, Oxford.
Neston Park is the seat of George Pargiter Fuller esq.
dred, union, petty sessional division and county court M.P., J.P. The population in 189I was 8s6.
district, and in the rural deanery of Chippenham, arch-
Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.-
deaconry of Bristol and diocese of G:oucester and
Bristol. Corsham Side, the principal hamlet, is about .Alfred Bolton, sub-postmaster. Letters from Corsham
2 miles south-west from Corsham Station on the Swin- R.S.O. arrive at 7·4S a.m. & 7 p.m.; dispatched at zo
a.m. & 7·S p.m.; sundays, dispatched at g.IO a.m.
don and Bath section of the Great Western railway, 6 Atworth is the nearest telegraph office
south-west from Chippenham, and s north-west from
Melksham. The church of SS. Philip and James, built Neston Board School (mixed), Corsham side, under
by subscription, and opened on the rst May, I866, is an Corsham School Board, built in 186r, for ISO children
& enlarged in r88s, for 6o additional children; average
edifice of stone, in the Early English l'tyle, consisting attendance, ISO; George Bateman, master
of chancel and nave and a turret containing one bell:

there is a. fine chancel arch and a stained east window,

presented by A. C. Mitchell esq. and four other stained

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Edwards'wnr.&frmr. Moor frm

Anste:y George, famner, Moor Bart.on Hoope.r Mark, 1shopkeepe.r, We·stwel],

Fuiler Geo. Pa.rgiter M.P., J.P.:Keston Ba1ch Richard, farmer & bailiff of the Knapp Marnrice, farm·er,Westwells frm

park; & 47Rutland gate,London S W manor, & coroner for the Liberty of Lodig-e• Frederick, shopkeeper

Fuller John Michael Fleetwood J.P. Corsham, Lvpiatt farm May Job, chair maker

Nsston park Bolto.n .Alfd. shopkpr. Post off. Neston Perry James., cowkeC~per, vVestweUs

Hay Rev. Frederic Drummond- .M..A. Olarke Daniel, bla~cksmith, Wes.twel1s Pouls·on Oharles, farmer, Ridge side

(vicar), Ja~gard's house Cooke Henry, gardener to· G. P. Fuller Smart William, fmer, Ridge side

HabhoutS>e- Chas. Edward Henry 11LP., e·sq. M.P Swain Sa,rah (Ml'IS·.), beer retailer

.J.P. The Ridge·; & Nrwa·l' & Military Davis Geor>ge, lamp oil dea~e·r Townsend EdwMxt, Plough

club, London SW Duck Enock Crelber, farmer \Ve1st John, fal'lffieT

NETHERAVON is a village and parish on the river Netheravon House is the seat of the Right Hon. Sir
Avon, 8 miles south from Woodborough station on the Michael Edward Hicks-Beach bart. P.C., M.P., D.C.L.,
Newbury and Bath section of the Great Western railway, D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
soil is very light and chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief
5 north from Am esbury and 14 south-east from De- crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is s,r6o
acres; rateable value, £1,888; the population in I891,
vizes, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred of with the tithing of Chisenbury, was sos.
Elstub and Everley, petty sessional division of Everleigh
and Pewsey, Pewsey union, Devizes county court dis- Parish Clerk, James Sheppard.
trict, rural deanery of Potterne (Enford portion), arch-
deaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church Post, M. 0. 0., T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity
of All Saints is an ancient structure, in the Early
English and Norman styles: it has a chancel, clerestoried & Insurance Office.-Miss Maria Sawyer, sub-post-
nave ot four bays and aisles, with a square western mistress. Letters through Salisbury, delivered at 6.40
tower surmounted by pinnacles and containing s bells: a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; Marlborough, delivered at g.zs
the west doorway, which is a fine specimen of Norman a. m. ; dispatched at g.3o a. m.. via Salisbury, 4· IS
architecture, is the principal entrance: the chancel re- p.m. via Marlborough, 6.1s p.m. via Salisbury
tains a piscina and aumbry, and a brass to John Sam- National School (mixed), built in 183s, for 120 children;
well 1669; the chancel window and the east and west average attendance, 87; Miss Prances Northeast, mis-
tress; Miss .Alice Berry & Miss Susan Barlow, assistant

windows of both aisles are stained, the east end of the mistresses

north aisle, which was formerly a chapel, retains a pis- Police Station, .Alfred Bailey, sergeant in charge

cina: there are 260 sittings. The register dates from Carriers.

the year IS82. The living is a vicarage, average tithe James King, to Salisbury, tues. & sat. ; to Devizes, on

rent-charge £274, gross yearly value £240, net £I6S, thurs.; to Woodborough, mon. & fri

with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, Robert Sawyer, to Salisbury, tues. thurs. & sat. ; De-

and held since 1893 by the Rev. William Charles Browne. vizes, thurs

Here are Baptist and Primitive Methodist chapels. I Herbert Toomer, to Salisbury, tues. thurs. & sat

Browne Rev. William Cha;rles (vicar), COMMERCIAL. Dows•e James, •addler & harne,~.s makr

Vicarage Axford Thoma.&, keeper to the Dyke George Trinder,Dog & Gun P.H.

Buckland Mis1s Rt. Hon. 1Sir 'M. E. Hicros-Beach & brerwer

Hicks-Beach Rt. Hon. Sir Michael bart. P.C., M.P Forder Thomas, baker & mea.:man

Ed.ward bart. P.C., M.P., D.C.L., Bailey .Alfred, police sergeant Hussey Thomas Whiting, brewer &

D.L., J.P.Netheravon ho.; & Carlton Carter IsaaJC, grocer & draper maltster

& .Athenreum clubs, London S \V C11!"ter Jllhilip, 'boot maker & grocer Kinlg James, shopkeeper & carrier

Price John Cnrhs George, Fox & Hounds Cam- King Saml. Gl'egory, carpenter,wheel-

Stone MiSis m~rcial ~nn wright & builder


Kyte Edwin, marine •store dlr. & frmr Rea. David, inland re-venue officer She.ppard Joseph, blacim;mith Frank, tailor Ruddle Simeoon, farmer Sheppard William, watch maker
Matthew& Jamoes,proprietor of thrash- Sanger William Cha~rioes, land steward Smith Da.vid, brewer, malhter & frmr

IDg ma.chines ·to 'f:ihet Rt. Hon. Sir M. E. Hicks.- Smitdl J es~e, generaJ dealer
Stidston Ohla.Tl'eSI & John~ farmers
Mortimer John, fa,rmer, Wexland Beach 'ba.rt. P.C., M.P
Pennels James & Son, miller.s (water) Sruwyer Maria (M~SISI),sho.pkpr. P01st off WhitmarS'hJsph.carpntr.& wheelwrght

& bakers Sheppard Jame!if & Ohrus. blateksmiths

NETHERRAMPTON is a parish, I mile south from of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Pembroke J.P. and held

Wilton stations on the Great Western and London and since 1867 by the Rev. Dacres Olivier M.A. of Chris1;
South Western railways and 2~ miles west from Salis- Church, Oxford, canon and prebendary of Salisbury and

bury, in the Southern division of the county, Cawden and rural dean of Wilton, who resides at Wilton. The Earl

Cadworth hundred, Salisbury and Amesbury petty ses- of Pembroke is lord of the manor and owns all the land.

sional division, Wilton union, Salisbury county court The soil is chalk and gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chief

district, Wilton rural deanery, archdeaconry of Sarum crops are wheat, barley, clover and roots. The area is

and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Catherine's 777 acres; rateable value, £843; the population in 1891

is a. plain edifice of flint and stone, consisting of chancel, was x63.

nave, north porch and low square western tower with 3 Parish Clerk, Albert Haydon.

bells: it was, with the exception of the tower, restored in
1x88o77sibtytinsgusb.scrTiphteiorne,giasttear cost of about £x,8oo, and has \Vall Letter Box, cleared at 8 a.m. & 7·5 p.m. week days;
dates from the year 1735. The sundays 8 a.m. Letters through Salisbury, arrive at

living is a chapelry, which, with the vicarage of Ditch- 8 a.m. 'l'he nearest money order' & telegraph office

ampton and the rectory of Bulbridge, is annexed to the is at Wilton

rectory of Wilton, average tithe rent-charge £365, joint Parochial School, with residence, built in 1856, for 40

Igross yearly value £422, net £179, including xo acres children; aver. attendance, 36; Miss Green, mistress
Cox William Robert B. A Andr~ws Henry,Victoria. & .A:bert P.H !Haydoru Albert, carpenter

TauntJon Jonathan Rohert Cox Wm.·y:s'boaTding schl Tutt Francis T. baker & .grocer

NETTLETON is a parish and village, on the road of H. J. Riches esq. and held since 1892 by the Rev.
from Chippenham to Chipping Sodbury, on the Glou- Charles Compton Domvile M.A. of Wadham College,
cestershire border, 8 miles north-west from ChippenJ::tam Oxford. Edward Chaddock Lowndes esq. of Castle
station on the Great ·western railway, and 10 north-east Combe, is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
from Bath, in the North Western division of the county, The soil is stone brash; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
hundred of North Damerham, union, petty sessional are wheat and barley, with pasture land. The area is
and county court district of Chippenham, rural deanery 1,9II acres; rateable value, £2,444; the population in

of Chippenham, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of 1891 was 379· ·
Gloucester and Bristol. Burton hamlet, in which the Parish Clerk, H. J. Riches esq. deputy, Richd. Strange.
church is situated, forms the most important part of
the parish. The church of St. Mary is an ancient edifice Post Office, Burton.-Thomas James, sub-postmaster.
of stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, Letters arrive through Chippenham, delivered at 7 a. m.
nave of five bays, north aisle, north and south porches & 4 p.m. & dispatched 10.5 a.m. & 8.40 p.m.; sunday,
and embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing letters delivered to callers only, dispatched at 8.40
6 bells, and has several stained windows : a reredos in p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid,
terra cotta, representing the Last Supper, has been The nearest money order office is at Acton Turville, &
telegraph office at Badminton

placed over the communion table at the expense of the Wall Letter Box, Nettleton, cleared at 7·45 p.m.; sun-
late rector: there are about 250 sittings. The register day, 8.25 a. m
dates from the year 1570. The living is a rectory, tithe
rent-charge £440, average £334• net yearly value £350, National School (mixed), built in x8so, for 70 children;
including 14 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift average attendance, 70; Miss Gertrude Potter, mistress

Carrier.--Joseph England, to Bath, wed. & sat

An•S'teet il\hs. Lock stone villa, Gib Clark Luanna (M'rs. ), Old Hous•e at Ma,rsh Thomrus, farmer, Priory farm

Domvile. Rev. Char'le1s' Compton :\LA. Home. P.H. Bur>ton Peg!er George, Plume of Feathers

Reoctocy Clwrk John, haulier P.H. Burton •

Ne.ale Oha.rles Cole Jacob, farme:r, Burton Scott & Co. gTO<Cers & drapers, Burton

StTange Mrs. Helen Cook John, fa•rm·e'r Swan Jalbez,

COMMERCIAL. England Jo-seph .Codrington Arms P.H Swan Josoeph, falrmer

BaTt1ett Tho-ma~s., butcher Fry William, maltster, Burton Ward' vVilliam, farmer

Broo-kman: Lot, mason Gunning 'ViDiam, beer retailer vVright Isaac, farmer

Bushell William, bla-cksmith Hulhe,rt William, hurd:e. makelf Wright :Lsaac~ juno, call"penter

Ohatppel Da.niel, milleT (wa,ter) James Enoch, shoe. maker WTight Wm. Simon, grocer &; draper

LONG NEWNTON is a village and parish, divided by the Rev. Edmund Waiter Estcourt JI.I.A. of Balliol
from the parish of Shipton Moyne, in Gloucestershire by a College, Oxford. The charities are of £6x yearly value,
£41 of which is applied to education and apprenticing.
small stream, x! miles from Tetbury terminal station Cottage Hospital built by the late Right Hon. T. H.
Sotheron-Estcourt and is supported by voluntary contri-
on a branch of the Great ·western railway, in the North butions. George Thomas John Sotheron-Estcourt esq.
Western division of the county, hundred, petty sessional
division and county court district of Malmesbury, Tet- D.L., J.P. of Estcourt, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, is lord
of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is various;
bury union, rural deanery of Malmesbury, archdeaconry subsoil, clay and stone. The chief crops are wheat, bar-
of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. The ley and roots. The area is 2,286 acres; rateable value,
church of the Holy Trinity is an Early English building £2,567; t.~e population in 1891 was 323.
of stone, consisting of a chancel, nave of two bays, aisles
and south porch, with a western tower and peal of 6 - _,,d Little Larkhill are I! miles north.
bells: it was restored and partially rebuilt, with the
addition of the north aisle, in 187o, and has a stained Parish Clerk, Joseph Poole.
east window, and memorial windows to the late rector Pest Office.-Edward Griffin Brown, sub-postmaster.

and others: there are sittings for 270 persons. The regis· Letters through Tetbury, arrive at 8.35 a. m. & 3·55
ter dates from the year 1648. The living is a rectory, p.m.; dispatched at xo.xo a.m. & 4·5 & 6.45 p.m.
average tithe rent-charge £278, gross yearly value £365, Tetbury is the nearest money order & telegraph office
net £270, including 15 acres of glebe, with residence, National School (mixed), erected in 1863, for 100 chil-
in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. Edmund Hiley dren; average attendance, 45; Miss Kate Agnes Poole,
Bucknall-Estcourt 1\I.A. (d. 1894), and held since 1884 mistress

Oardwell Tihoma:s Holme, Newnton ho Brown James, coal dealer & smith Garlick Thoma1s, farmer, Slades farm

Es.tcourrt Rev. Edmund Waiter ~LA. BrOIWn Mary (Mrs.), sh()pkeeper G:a.stonbury Oharlets, haulier

(rector), The Rect-ory Brown Saraih (Miss), dre-ssmaker Hodg-es Robert. farmer. Folly farm

Tay:lor CoL William, The Priory ConTQy Valentine Vere, farmer, Mer- Lax 'Villiam, farme~. ChurC'h fal'm

Clhanbs farm ~files William, wheelwright

COMMERCIAL. Cottage Ho•pital (Wm.Wickham,med. Price Alfred, farmer

Brown Edwa.rd Griffin, beer T>etaile;r office~; Mi&s Gert.rude ThOl'old,mat) White Frederick, gardener t() T. H.

& post office Driver Henry, falrmer, Lark hill CaTdwell esq

NORTH NEWNTON (or Newington) is a parish, 2 way, 9 south-east from Devizes and 3~ south-west from
miles south-east from Woodborough station on the Berks Pewsey, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred

and Hants Extension branch of the Great Western rail- of Swanborough, Everleigh and Pewsey petty sessional


division, Pewsey union, Devizes county court district, rateable value, [r,264; the population in I89I was 332
in the civil, and 367 in the ecclesiastical parish.
.A.vebury rural deanery (Cannings portion), archueaconry
of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Hilcott is a hamlet, I mile north-west from the church,
and Bottleford, another hamlet, about I! miles north-
James is a stone building in the Early English style, west. Divine service is held in the old schoolroom at
situate at the southern extremity of the parish; it has Hilcott, which has been licensed.
ehancel, which retains in the south side piscina and
Rainscombe, situated on the Downs, on the Marlborough
sedilia, nave, south porch and a square western tower road, 6 miles north-east, formerly a detached tithing of
containing 4 bells : the east and west windows are stained : this parish, was, in J88S, by a Local Government Order,
attached to Wilcot, and in 1892 was added to the eccle-
there are churchwardens' accounts dating from I576 to siastical parish of Oare.

1646, and from I578, which are in good condition. The Sexton, William Peck.

ehurch was restored in I862, and has I40 sittings. The Post Office, Bottlesford (All letters for Bottlesford should
register dates from the year 1754· The living is a rec~ be addressed, Bottlesford, Pewsey S.O.)-Thomas
Mortimer, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Pew-
tory and vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £353, joint
net yearly value £265, with 2ol acres of glebe, in the gift sey S.O. at 7·31S a.m. & 4 p.m.; sunday, 7·3S a.m.;
dispatched at 7·35 a.m. & 5.2s p.m.; sunday, II.2S a.m.
C!lf the Earl of Pembroke, and held since I894 by the Woodborough is the nearest money order & telegraph
Rev. William Jacob :\LA. of Keble College, Oxford. The effice
The children of this place attend the school at Woodboro'
Earl of JS"ormanton, who is lord of the manor, and Richard
Hayward esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is

greensand and clay; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops
are wheat, barley and oats. The area is I,I05 acres;

KORTH KE\VNTOJS". Prank Alfred George, farmer, H:lcott Hil:ier Bertha. (~Irs), grocer
Hillier Thomaos., butcher
BOfDTI..E S F O R D . Rev. Wm. M.A..(rector),Hilcott Keepence· Bros. brickla.yer.s

Wild Mrs. Hi:.cott ::\irurtin Mrs. Yew cottage Martin Henry Alexander, Sun P.H
Bennett "\Y~tr. Woodbridg·e inn & lumlr
Butcher Geo.rge J ame1s,miller ("'wat·er), Ragge Miss :\iortime·r Thos. ba.ker & shopkeeper,
Viga~r Mrs
N ewn ton mill Post office

Plank Elijah, shopkeeper

Lucrus George, fatrmer COMMERCIAL. R01se William, shopkeeper

Palmer John, farm bailiff to Mes·srs. Bennett John, jobbing gardener Smith Agne·s & Louisa (::\Iis,o;es),

F. tltrattoru & Co. Hilcott Goddard Thomas, SJhoe maker la undresses

Phi:•lips Edmund, land surveyor Haddrell William Frederick, baker Snook Frank, boot repairer

Simper & Sons·, carpenteors, whe·el- Job, Prince of W.ales P .H. & TiUey Harry, tailor

wrighbs. & blaockS'Illiths, HilcoH far:mer ·waiiJt George, t'hatcher

SOUTH NEWTON is a parish and village on the mas Day, also the yearly interest of £so for the poor
widows of the parish, and the sum of £I IOS. yearly to
river Wiley, I~ miles south-east from Wishford station purchase a coat of grey cloth for the clerk. The Wilton
tQn the Salisbury branch of the Great Western railway, Union Workhouse is in this parish, to which a chapel was
added for the use of the inmates in the year 1864: the
r£ north from Wilton and 5 north-west from Salisbury, Rev. J. E. Gordon Bond is the chaplain: particulars are
given under Wilton. The Earl of Pembroke is lord of
in the Southern division of the county, hundred of Branch the manor and principal landowner. The soil is gravel
and Dole, Salisbury and A.mesbury petty sessional divi- and chalk; subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat,
barley and oats. The area is 3·474 acres of land and 28
sion, Wilton union, Salisbury county court district, Wil- of water; rateable value, £3,684; the population in I89I
ton rural deanery, archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese was 546, including go officers and inmates in Wilton Work-
of Salisbury. The church of St. .A.ndrew is an edifice of house.

flint and stone, which was entirely rebuilt in I862, con- Burden's Ball is a hamlet, see Wilton.
Parish Clerk, William Cornwall Blake.
sisting of chancel, nave, vestry, north transept, south
Chilhampton, Stoford, and Ugford are tithings belong-
porch and square western tower having low conical spire ing to this parish, the two former about I mile north,
and containing 4 bells: in rebuilding, the style of archi- and the latter 3 south from it, in the direction of Bur-
tecture (Norman and Early English) was carefully carried combe.
out and the original Norman arches and windows pre-
Little Wishford is I~ miles north-by-west.
served: in I887 the peal of 4 bells was rehung, 2 new
Post Office.-John Plowman, sub-postmaster. Letters
bells and a chiming apparatus being added: there is arrive from Salisbury, via Wilton, at 6.50 & II.30 a.m.;
also an engraved plate in the church recording the fact, dispatched at I2.30 & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, I2 noon.
together with the dates and inscriptions on bells : there The nearest money order office is at Wishford & tele-
graph office at Wilton
are 250 sittings. 'fhe register dates from the year I695·
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £I86, National School, with residence for master & mistress,
net income £143, with residence, in the gift of the Earl for Bo children; average attendance, 50; William
vf Pembroke J.P. and held since I894 by the Rev. John Mason, master
Edward Gordon Bond J.P. Wilts. There are charities

to the amount of £Io ros. yearly, derived from £IO in-
vested in the Savings Bank, bequeathed by one Daniel,
.£soo left by John Harris Flookes of Fugglestone St. Peter,
for bread for the poor of "l'Vilton and South Newton

parishes, to be distributed to them alternately on Christ-

Hunt Charles•,
Brown John, farmer, ·Chillhampton
Bond Rev. John Edwal'd Gordon J.P. Cowa!"d Jame.s•, black!smith Beckett RoJbeii't
Smoker Henrv
Vi.cange Green Pea•ce, Bell P.H

Cobb Henrv Wi:liam Sutton Edwa.rdl, shopkeeper
• Swant.on George, farmer Hopkins "\Villiam Jame•s, Swan hate)
Hen~tridge Craven house

Luca,:;. Henry Waiters Edward, farm•er

NEWTON TONY is a parisih and village, on the hi.s wife : there aTe many mural tablets to the :Malet

Hampshire border, consisting chiefly of one long street, family, and! a. brass to the Benson family, 172I : the
through the middle of which runs one of the winter
streams, 3! mriles west from Grately station on i!he font is Norman: there are I8o osittings. The register
main line of :the London and South "\Vestern railway, 4 dates from the year IS68. Tlhe living .is a rectory, aver-
east from Amesbury, and ro north-east from Salisbury, age tillhe rent-charge £3I5, net !income [260, with 40
it is in the !Southern division of the county, hundred and acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the President
union of Amesbury, petty sessional division of Salisbury and Fellows of Queens' College, Camlbridge, and held
and Ameslbury county oourt district, rural deanery of since I888 by the Rev. George Pihillips M.A. of that
.Ameslbury (Amesbury portion), arohdeaconry of Sarum, college. He["e is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in I877.
-and diocese of Salisbury. The churoh of St. Andrew is
a building of flint and stone in the Decorated style, and IHere is a building, erected in I8S8, llised for lectures and
was consecrated in 1844: it consis!Js of chancel and nave,
south porch, western tower with •small spire and contain· pari~>h meetings. The interest on £so, left by the late

ing 4 bells : a stained! east window and three lancet win- Rev. J. R. Pffill, is distrilbuted on St. Andrew's Day, to
dows, inserted singly, two on the south and! one on the
north side of the chancel, and filled with stained glass, widows aged 6o or upwards. In this parish are Wilbury
have been introduced by the Dowager Lady Malet ; House and Park, the seat of Lieut.-Ool. Sir Henry Chas.
the west window was also filled with stained
Eden Malet lbart. who is lord qf the manor and principal
by the iRev. J. R. Peill, a former rector, in memory of
landowner : the house was buitt in the reign oo J ames I.

by Counsellor Be!llson, and is one of the earliest speci-
mens of the Italian style in England : •tihe east wing was
formerly a chapel: the park extends over an area of 400
acres. The soil is alluvial; subsoil, gravel and chalk.


The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area i:ssued here, but not pa:d. The nearest money order
is 2,326 acres; rateable value, £2,466; the population in office is at .A.mesbury & telegraph office at Cholderton
1891 was 292. Tower Hill is r! miles south-ea:st. National School (mixed), erected in 1857, enlarged in
1894, for 71 ch1ldren; average attendance, 58; Miss
Sexton, Char:es Payne. M. .A. Baiden, mistress
Posh Office. Mrs. Sarah Young, sub-postmistress. Let- Carriers to Salisbury. 1Villiam E:ton, tue~s. & sat.;
George Olden, tues. & sat
ters arrive from Salisbury at 7.20 a.m.; dispatched at
5.30 p.m.; sundays, 10.30 a.m. Postal orders are

MaJet Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry OhaTies Brown George, butcher Gwyer Char:eg, fatr•rner, ::\fanor farm

Eden bart. J.P. Wilbury house Cooke Richd ..slhoe maker & shopkeepe·r Maffey :::\'ichola,<>, farm·er, West farm

Phillips Re.v.Geo.M..A..(rector),Rectry & Prudential aiSsurance agent Olden George, beer retailer & carrier

Diment Josoeph, Malelt .A.I'!ID!s P.H. & ParsonJS William, fa•rmer, Wilbury frm

C0.3£MERCIAL. butcher Payne OhaJ>les, thatl(}'her

.A.rmSitead Fanny t('Mrs.), blacksmith J<:::lt.Qn Caleb Hy. baker, grocer & frmr Sheppard .Alexander, gameke-epe:r t.o

.A.rmstead GeOO"ge, shoe· maker K'ton· William, carrie·r Sir Henry Malet hart

NO MAN'S LAND, formerly extra-parochial, is now have a ohapel here. The place :iiS' composed of seveTal
a parish on the borders of Hampshire, 12 miles south- small freeholds. The area tis 620 acres; rateable va~ue,
£139; the population in 1891 was I55·
east from SaliJs•bury and 7 from Downton sta.tion on the
main line of the Great Western railway, !in the Southern Letters through Bramshaw S.O. whioh is the nearest
division of the county, .A.lderbury union, Salisbury and money order & telegraph office, arrive at 10 a.m.
.A.mesbury petty sessional division. The school was

li·censed .for divine worship by the Bishop of Salisbury.. National School, built in 1865, & enlarged in 1894, with
and s·ervices are conducted by the Rev. .A. H. Gay residence for master; average attendance, 50; John.
M..A.. rector of Plaitf(Jrd. The Primitive Methodists Newey, master

Bailey HeTibert, carpenter Ha;rris Charloe.s, Lannib inn \Henbest Isaac, ,shopkeeper

Dibden Noah, shopkeeper Hatch Peter, faT'IDer Hutchinos w·miam, gTOICer

NORTON is a small village and parish, 4 miles south- noet yearly value £8o,in the gift of Sir .A.lgernon W. Xeeld

west from Malmesbury terminal station on a branch of ba.rt. and held since 1891 by the Rev. Charles Tassell

the Great Western railway, and about 8 north-east from Reed M..A.. who resides at Ea:ston Grey. There is a

Chippenoham, in the North Wes·tern division of the small charity for the education of ·'boys and girls, founded

county, hundred, petty sessional division, union and by ·Miss A!llle Jacob. \The principal landowners are Sir

county court district of Malmes•bury, rural deanery of .A.Jgernon )V. Neeld bart. who is lord of the manor, and

Malmesbury, archdeacomy of Bristol and diocese Olf the representatives of the late Lady Holland. The soil is

Gloucester and Bristol. The church of All Saints is a sandy; the subsoil is clay. The crops are wheat, barley

small stone !building, in the Early English sty:e, and of and roots. The area :i;s 994 acres; rateable value,

considerable antiquity, consisting of a chancel and nave, £88o; the population in 1891 was 99·

with a modern western bell turret containing 1 bell: Parish Clerk, John Kilby.

the church was repewed and a stained window inserted Letters through Malmes·bury lby foot post, aTTive at 7.30

in 1874, chiefly at the expense of the late Vlicar :there a.m. Malmesbury is the nearest money order &

are r8o sittings. The register dates from the year 1663. Easton Grey the nearest telegraph office

The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £76, )Vall Letter Box, Nort.on house, cleared at 11.45 p.m

'Dhompso0n Mrs. Nor'ton Clarke Oharles, farmer, Gor·s~y Leaze Ind Jonathan Wm.farme.r, Manor farm .

Bush John, farmer, Church fa.rm Goodfield John, fa.rme•r, St.arvell Styan 'Dho,s. slhopkpr. & beer rCJtaiier·
But~oer John, carpenter
Hitchtings Frank, fa.rme:r Warner Edward, jun. fa.rmer

NORTON :BAV ANT is a parish, on the river Wylye, ton House is the property oof John M. Benett-Stanford ·
2! miles south-east from Warminster and r! nOTth-west esq. : the greater part of the house is of .the date cf
from HeyteJslbury station on the 'Vilts, Som.erset and
Weymouth 'branch of tihe Great Western railway, in the Queen Anne: it is now occupied by Mrs. rrorrance. John
Western divis.ion of the county, hundred, petty sessional
division, union and county court district o:f Warminster, M. Benett-Stanford esq. orf Pyt House, West Tisbury.
rural deanery of Wylye (HeytesJbury portion), archdea- who is lord of the manor, the Marquess of Bath, Dr.
conry of 'Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. The church Charles .A.lcock and the representatives of the late .Alfred
of .All Saints is an ancient stone structure of mixed Bayly esq. are the principal landowners. The soil i"
styles :it was rebuilt, except the tower, in 1840, and again clay and chalk; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief
restored in 1868 at the cost of the late John Torrance esq: crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2,00.5
it has a chancel and nave, south transept or chapel (the acres; rateaJble value, £1,750; the population in 1891

\Vas 163.
Parish Clerk, Stephen Snelgrove.

$pace beneath which is used as a vault for the Benett Letters through War minster, arrive a t e7l.e4g5r a.m. & 6. 15·
family), nort·h porch and an emibattled western tower, p.m. The nearest money order & t aph office
with one pinnac:e, contain~ng 4 bells: there are two is
~tainedi windows and 150 sittings. The register dates
from the year 16r6. The Iiv~ng is a vicarage, average at Heytesbury
tithe rent-charge £101, gross income £rs8, net £ns,
Wall Letter Box cleared at 9· 10 a. m. & 6.50 p.m. week-
with 40 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the days; & 9· ro a.m. sundays
Lord Chancellor, and held since r8gr by the Rev. .A.rthur
Parochial School (mixed), built in 1878, with house for
Markham M.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Nor- mistres:s, for 45 children; average attendance, 32;.
Mrs. Clara Wilkins, mistress

Mwrkham Rev. .A.rt.hur M..A.. Vicarage Hiscock John, farmer, Soutlh farm Sne1gO'Ve Liond, blacksmith

Torranc·e Mrs. N orton house N orthoost Thomas. gardener to Mrs. Sne:1grove Stephen, shopkee-per &

Cross Thom~s Handy, miller (water) Torranoe parilsoh clerk

&; farmer She,pthero Tom, carpenter & joiner

NUNTON with :BODENHAM forms a parish, 3 ford,. who resides at Downton. Here i:s a place of

miles south-east-by-south from Salisbury, in the South- I worship for Bapti·sts. In i893 reading rooms were buU

ern division of the county, hundTed of Downton, petty at the expense of the Earl of Radnor, for the benefit of

sessional division of Salislbury and Ame:slbury, .A.lderbury the workmen on the estate. New Hall, in this parish, is

union, Salislbury county court district, rural deanery of the seat of .Alfred Buckley esq. D.L., J.P. The Earl of

Woilton, archdeaconry of Sarum, and d.iocese of Salis- Radnor, who is lord of the manor, and .Alfred Buckley

bury. The river Chalk here falls into the Avon. The I esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is gravel and

church (dedicati!Qn unknown) is an edifice of flint and chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, bar:ey

stone, of m·ixed styles, dating from the 12th century: and hay. The area is 1,2n acres; rateable value,

it was almost wholly rebuilt in r855. and consists of £1,198; the population in 1891 was 324.

chancel, nave of four bays, SIQuth aisle and south porch, Parush Clerk, Frank Sm~th.

with low square embattled western tower containing 3 Post Office, Bodenham.-~frs. Elizabeth Hawtin, sub-

bells: there are 150 s.ittings. The register dates from opostmistress. Letters received from SaliSibury at 4.30

the year r62o. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the a. m. ; delivered at 7 a. m. & 4· 10 p.m. from Downton

vicarage of Downton, average t!ithe rent-charge £592, in summer & 7.30 a.m. in winter; & dispatched at
8.25 p.m. Postal orders are issued here but n~t
Inet yearly value f)g6, with 4 acres of glebe, in the gift paid. The neare>t monPy order & telegraph office lS

of Winchester College, and held since r882 by the Rev.
Arthur Du Boulay Hill M..A.. of Magdalen College Ox- at Alderb:ury



Wall Letter Box, Nunton, cleared 7.10 p.m.; sundayst National School, with residence, for 62 childTen; aT;,r-
age attendance, 43; 11'Ess Mary Gray, mistr~ss
a.t a.m

l:luckl~y Alfl'ed D.L., J.P. New hall Read Thom!IJSJ Geoorge Read Ch!llrle€1, faTme:r

Buckley MiSis Swayne Henry J ames, Bodeniham Reading Ro·om

BusheU· COMMERCIAL, Snel11grove George, bricklayer

Edgerwoo..JtJhR,ev.RogeT(curate in chrge) Ha.skell Jo,s·eph, beer Tetailer

OAKSEY is a village and pariib, 3 miles south from Randolph esq. and held since rS9o by the Rev. Wyndham

Kemble junction station on the Swindon and Gloucester James Hamilton Faithfull B.A. of Trinity College, Cam-

section of the Great Western railway, and 6 north-east bridge. The Primitive Methodists have a small chapel.

from Malmesbury and 7 south-west from Cirencester, A small charity of about £3 yearly is divided every
in the North Western division of the county, Malmes- other year among the second poor. Algernon Edwin

bury hundred, petty sessional division, county court Burnaby esq. is lord of the manor and principal land-
district and union, rural deanery of Malmesbury, arch- owner. The soil is clay, grav.el and flint. The land is
deaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bris- chiefly in pasture. The area is r,75S acres; rateable

tol. The church of All Saints is a handsome building value, £3,939; the population in rSgx was 374·

of stone, in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, ·woodlands is 1 mile west-by-north.
consisting of chancel, nave of three bays with cleres- Parish Clerk, James Musty.
tory, south aisle, north porch and embattled western

tower containing a clock a11d 6 bells: the east window Post & Telegraph Office.-Mrs. Ellen West, sub-postmis-

is stained; the south porch has been closed up and is tress. Letters through Malmesbury arrive at S a.m.
now used as a baptistery: there is some stained glass
in the nave: there are 400 sittings. The register dates & are dispatched at 5·55 p.m..summer & 5.25 p.m.

winter. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.

from the year r667. The living is a rectory, average Crudwell is the nearest money order office
tithe rent-charge £3oS, net income £3oo, with residence National School (mixed), built in 1S54, for 70 children;
and 21 acres of glebe, in the gift of Joseph Randolph average attendance, 57; Mrs. Mary Mayo, mistress

Day Frank, Flintham lodge Burgess Thomas, mason Kent John, farmer

Faithful! Rev. Wyndham James Hamil- Cove Charles, farmer Kent Reuben, coal dealer
Lovelock John, shopkeeper
ton B.A. Rectory Cove EbE>nezer, farmer Morse John, farmer, Moor farm Miss Gillett Thomas, farmer

Rich Arthur, Court farm Greenman Thomas, farmer Rich Arthur, farmer, Court farm
Warner Mrs. The Hawthorns
Hanks George, farmer ·warner Robert Charles, farmer
Holtham Mary (Miss), farmer Wedge George, blacksmith
Ayliffe Edwin, carpenter
Boulton Emily (Miss), glover James Samuel, Wheat Sheaf P.H West Ellen {Mrs), shpkpr. Post office
Bown John & William, farmers
Jaques Kinsman, thrashing mach.prop West John, shopkeeper

Kent Albert, Supply Stores & assist- Wicks Benj. shopkeeper & wheelwrght

ant overseer

OARE is a village and ecclesiastical parish, formed Edward Picton Baumgarten, are the principal land-
owners. The soil is clay; subsoil, flint and chalk. The
March r6th, rSg2, principally out of Wilcot parish and chief crops are barley and wheat and there is a large
amount of pasture. The area is 1,280 acres; the popu-
includes Rainscombe, a detached tithing of North :Kew- lation in rSgr was 250.
ton, which was, in rS85, under the "Divided Parishes
Act" attached to Wilcot, 2 miles north from Pewsey

station on the Great Western railway, and 5 sout,h Rainscombe is a tithing half a mile north. Rains-
from Marlborough, in the Eastern division of the county, combe, the residence of Francis Edward Newman Rogers
Swansborough hundred, Everleigh and Pewsey petty esq. B.A., J.P. is a large mansion pleasantly situated in
sessional division, Pewsey union, Marlborough county a park of about 40 acres.
court district, rural deanery of Mar1borough (Pewsey
portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. Sexton, Henry William "'\Veeks.

The church of Holy Trinity, built in r858 and formerly Post Office.-Miss Ellen l\Iary Bailey, sub-postmistress.
a chapel of ease to Wilcot, is a plain red brick building Letters arrive from Marlborough at 6 a.m. & from
in the Modern style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave Pewsey S.O. at 2.45 p.m.; sundays, 6 a.m.; dis-
and south porch, and a small turret containing one patched at 11.45 a.m. & 7.25 p.m. ; sundays, 7.25
bell: there are r6o sittings. The registers of births and p.m. Letters should be addressed Pewsey S.O. Wilts.
deaths date from rS58 and marriages' rSg2. The living Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
is a vicarage, net yearly value £r2S, and residence, nearest money order & telegraph office is at Pewsey
-derived from the whole of the personal estate of the
late Mrs. Goodman, in the gift of the Archdeacon of Post Office, Clench Common.-James Penny, sub-post-
Wilts, and held since 1S92 by the Rev. John Hartley, master
-of St. Bees, and: chaplain of Pewsey union. Here is a
Wesleyan chapel, built in rS4r to hold So. On Mar- National School (mixed), for the united district of Oare
tinsell are the remains of an ancient camp. The & Huish, built in 1874• for roo children; average at-
tendance, 70; Thomas Edward Paice, master
Rev. E. H. Rogers, of Thames Ditton, Surrey and Capt.
Carriers to Marlborough pass through on sat
Police Constable, Joshua Comley

OARE. Heath "'\Villiam, farmer, Hatfield house Waite Thomas, boot maker

Hiscock George, pig killer Weeks Henry William, carpenter

l3aumgarten Capt. Edward Picton, Hiscock :Maurice, farmer RAINS COMBE.
Hiscock Thomas, blacksmith
Oare house Rogers Francis Edward Newman B.A.,
Rartley Rev. John (vicar & chaplain Miles Samuel Edward, carpenter J.P. Rainscombe house
Parfitt Maria (:Mrs.), draper & grocer
of Pewsey Workhouse) Amber Robert, head gardener
Pearce William, shopkeeper

COMMERCIAL. Pye Edward Hedley, farmer Gilling Richard, farmer, Hill farm

Raa.ey Uaroline (Mrs.), dressmaker & (postal address, Clench Common,

.Atkins Robert, land measurer shopkeeper Marlborough)

J3aiden MatthPw, sweet seller Reynolds Alfred Wllllam, White Hancock Edward, gamekeeper

J3ridgeman William, carpenter Hart inn, brewer, Greyhound Hancock R<YbertJ, farm bailiff

Cox Charles, boot maker trainer & castrator Hayward Thos. farmer, Holly lodge

French John Philpott, farmer Tarrant Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress Penny James, farmer, Clench common

ODSTOCK is a parish 2 miles south from Salisbury, the Rev. Charles Grove, former rector: a. fine monu-
in the Southern division of the county, hundred of ment xo feet high to Sir John Webb bart. and an old
Cawdon and Cadworth, Alderbury union, Salisbury stone tomb with a female figure and a Latin inscription,
county court district, Salisbury and Amesbury petty very much obliterated: the pulpit, beaTing the date
sessional division, rural deanery of Chalke (Chalke por- r5So, is of oak magnificently carved and has the in-
tion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. scription "God bless and save our Royal Queen, the
The church of St. Mary is an ancient structure of :flint like on earth was never seen:" in the churchyard is the

and stone, in the Early English style, consisting of tombstone of Joseph Scamp, who was executed here,
chancel, nave and north porch, with massive square western having pleaded guilty to an offence in the stead of his
embattled tower conta.ining 3 bells: the east and west brother in r8o1: there are So sittings. The register
walls of the nave have been painted by Mr. Alfred dates from the year 1541. The living is a rectory,
Weigall, with scenes representing the "Judgment," and gross yearly value £2gS, net 257, arising from 250 acres
the "Birth of Christ :" there is a stained window to of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of


Radnor, and held since 1868 by the Rev. Philip Edward Parish Clerk, Joseph Grant.

Miles B.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. Southward o? Letters through Salisbury, whic~ is the nearest money
the village is Clearbury Ring, a considerable eminence,

supposed to have been a Roman encampment. The Earl order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m. ·wall

of Radnor is lord of the manor and owns the whole of Letter Box cleared at 8 a.m. sundays & 7 p.m. week

the land. The soil is chalk and grav.el ; subsoil, chalk. days

The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. National School, built in 1771, with residence, for 36

The area is 1,291 acres; rateable value, £898; the ch!ildr.en; average attendance, 25 ; Mrs. Martha

population iu 1891 was 177. IJewell, mistressFord William, wheelwright
Harding Thomas, Manor house [Feltham Frank, blacksmith

Miles Rev. Philip Edwd. B.A. Rectory Ford Harry, beer retailer Harding Thomas, farmer

OGBOURNE ST. ANDREW is a village and parish, Ward and Mrs. Tanner and R. P. Tanner esq. The soil

<>n the high road from Mar!borough to Swindon, 2 is loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are oats,

miles north from Marlborough terminal station on a wheat and barley. The area is 5,348 acres; rateable

branch of the Great ·western railway, and 2 south from value, £1,920; the population in 1891 was 386.

{)gbourne St. George station on the Midland and South Rockley is a tithing, 1! miles west; here is a chapel

Western Junction railway, in the Eastern division of of ease, a building of stone, consisting of chancel and

the county, Selkley hundred, petty sessional division of nave and has 100 sittings. l\Iaisey (or Massey), • a

Marlborough and Ramsbury, union and county court tithing, half a mile south; Barbary, a Roman camp, 3

district of Marlborough, rural deanery of Marlborough, miles north-west.

-archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The Parish Clerk, George Johnson.

church of St. Andrew is an Early English stone build- Post Office. Philip Brangwin, sub-postmaster. Letters

ing, consistin.g of chancel, nave,, south porch and arrive by foot post from Marlborough at 6.50 a.m. ;

an embattled western tower with pinnacles and contain- dispatched thereto at 6.35 p.m. in summer & 5·35

ing 5 bells: the chancel has been rebuilt by the Ec- p.m. in winter; sundays, 11.5 a. m. The nearest

-clesiastical Commissioners: there ar.e 220 sittings. The money order & telegraph office is at

register dates from the year 1538. The living is a

-vicarage, tithe commutation £180, net income £2oo, Schools.

with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Canons of National School (mixed), erected, with residence £or

Windsor, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Henry mistress, by voluntary subscriptions in 1873, for 65

Alexander Carwardine M.A. of St. John's College, Cam- children; average attendance, 40; Mrs. Margaret

bridge. The village is situated in a vaUey, surrounded Ann Freeman, mistress

by extensive downs. Robert P. Tanner esq. of Ogbourn Rockley (mixed), built in 1868, for 35 children; average

Maisey, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners attendance, 30; & supported by Mrs. Tanner; Mrs.

are King's College, Cambridge, Colonel Francis Michael Emily J osephine Burton, mistress

(:)arwardineRev.Hy.Alex.M.A.Vicarage Burden John, farrier, Rockley Shefforrt John, Wheatsheaf P.H

Humphreys John Cole Casswell James, blacksmith, Rockley Smith Thos. carpenter & beer retailer

'Tanner Mrs. Rockley house Fox J ames, farm bailiff to John Henry Tanner J ane (~lrs. ), farmer & land-

'Tanner Robert P. Ogbourn Maisey Gale esq owner, Rockley house

Froome William, baker & shopkeeper Tanner Robert P. farmer & landowner,

COMMERCIAL. Gee \Villiam, assistant overseer & car- Ogbourn Maisey

'Brangwin Philip, baker & shopkeeper, penter, Rockley Townsend .Joseph, farm bailiff to Si1

Post office Long George, farmer Henry Meux bart

OGBOURNE ST. GEORGE is a parish, on the Primitive Methodist (built in 1852) and Wesleyan (built

high road from Ma.rlborough to Swindon, with a station in 1864) chapels. The charities are £7 1os. yearly,
on the Midland and South Western Junction railway, 4 from funded property. A priory of Benedictine monks
miles ·north from Marlborough and 72 from London, in was founded here in 1149: in the neighbourhood are
the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Selkley, several barrows: the surrounding downs, belonging to
petty sessional division of Marlborough and Ramsbury, King's College, Cambridge, have been to a great extent
Marlborough union and county court district, rural brought under cultivation. King's College, Cambridge,

deanery of Marlborough, archdeaconry of Wilts and dio- who are lords of the manor, John Henry Gale esq. The

cese of Salisbury. The church of St. George is a stone Park, and Stephen Thomas Banning esq. are the chief

building of the 13th century, consisting of chancel, nave landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil, flint and chalk.
'Of two bays, aisles, south porch and a. handsome western 'l'he chief crops are wheat, barlev and oats. The area

-embattled tower with quaint gurgoyles and containing is 3.585 acres; rateable value, £r,981; the population
5 bells: there are two monumental brasses, one of in 1891 was 461.
which, of the r6th century, is to a member of the Sexton, Daniel Thomas.

Goddard family: there is a small stained window to Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity &

'Thomas Gale esq. and an east window is stained in Insurance Office.-Henry John Hill, sub-postmaster.

memory of William Henry Willes and his wife: the Letters arrive by foot post from Marlborough at 8 a. m. ;
chancel was restored in 1873 by the lay rectors, the
Ecclesiastical Commissioners: ther·e are 350 sittings. dispatched thereto at 6 p.m. summer, 5 p.m. winter;
The register dates from the year 1664. The living is on sundays at 10,30 a.m

a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £ 190, net yearly National School (mixed), built in r862 by subscription,
for roo children; average attendance, 74; Henry
value £186, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and .John Hill, master

Canons of Wjndsor, and held since 1892 by the Rev.

Robert Blythe, of the University of London. Here are Railway Station, George Perryn Pugh, station master

Blythe Rev. Robert (vicar) Farmer William, baker & shopkeeper Skinner Eli7.abeth (1\Irs.), shopkeeper
Gale John Henry, The Park
Gault John Green Hill Henry John, schoolmaster, assist. Spackman Elizabeth (Miss), dress ma
Gilmore James Boyd, Hallam house
Millard John overseer & income tax collector, Stevens Jas.Bradshaw, frmr. Manor ho

COMMERCIAL. Post office Toomer John & Son, coal mers. Station

Brown Lloyd, Crown P.H Mortimer-Cole Edward, farmer Webb Levi Saul, harness maker
Crook Charles, blacksmith
Dixon Thomas, shopkeeper Nicholls Henry, farmer \Vhite Henry, boot maker

Rushen Thomas, beer retailer "'hite Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker

Shepherd William, blacksmith 'Vhite William Henry, New inn

Sisum Thomas, farmer, Bannings fm Willes John, farmer, Whitefield

ORCHESTON ST. GEORGE is a parish and vil- repaired: it consists of chancel, nave and embattled
lage, 7 miles north from Wishford station on the Salis- western tower containing 2 bells, and has a very hand-
bury branch of the Great \Vestern railway, 7 north-west some al'Ch at the entrance in the Early English style:
from Amesbury and 13 north-west from Salisbury, in the east and six other windows are stained : there are
the Southern division of the county, hundred of Heytes- roo sittings. The earliest date in the register is the
bury, petty sessional division of Salisbury and Amesbury, baptism of " George, son of George and Dorothy Harris,
Amesbury union, Salisbury county court district, rural April 4• 1647," an ancestor of the Earls of Malmesbury.
deanery of Wylye (Wylye portion). archdeaconry of The living is a rectory, tithes commuted at £495•
average £376, net income £350, with residence, and 44
Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since r88r by
George, built in the 14th century, of flint and stone, is Rev. John Edwards Prothero 1\I..A. of Jesus College,
in the Early English style, and was in 1832 thoroughly
WILTS. 11 "'J'


Oxford. The principal landowners are Miss Mills, of Post Office.-Mrs. Caroline Ta:bot, sub-postmistress.
Elston House~ who is lady of the manor, and Thomas (Sub-Office. Letters shoulld have S.O. Wiltshire

Heatley esq. The stream which flows down the valley added). Lett·ers arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched ai 7.zo
in winter forms a very broad shallow stream, over a p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
flat meadow 200 yards wide: this is very favourable to The nearest money order & telegraph office is a#
the growth of the celebrated Orcheston grasses, and Shrewton
produces extraordinary crops. The chief crops are

wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 2,I98 The children of thi>s• parish attend Orcheston St. Mary•s.
acres; rateable value, £I,240; the population in I891 schools
was I8I.

Elston, three-quarters of a mile east, is a hamlet, Carrier.-John Hall, to Salisbury, tues. & sat.; t""

the property and residence of Miss Mills. Devizes, thursday

OROHESTON ST. GEORGE. Hall John, beer retailer & carrier Mills Miss, Elston house
Ford George, blacksmith
ProthAro RAV, John Edwards M.A. ELSTON. Fry Thomas, farm bailiff to Miss Mills.,

(rector), Rectory Green Herbert, Elston hill Elston house

ORCHESTON ST. MARY is a parish and village 8 of glebe, in the gift of Clare College, Cambridge, ancf
miles north from Wishford station on the Salisbury held since I888 by the Rev. William Dawson Ridley M..A_
branch of the Great Western railway, 7 miles north-west of that college. Miss Mills, of Elston H-ouse, Orcheston
from Amesbury and I4 north-west from Salisbury, in St. George, is lady of the manor and the principal land-

the Southern division of the county, hundred of Branch owner. The soil is light and flinty; subsoil, chalk.
and Dole, petty sessional division of Salisbury and Ames- The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, man-
bury, Amesbury union, Salisbury count.y court district, golds, rape for spring food for lambs and ·various

rural deanery of Wylye (Wylye portion), archdeaconry of grasses, which are produced here in the same way as in
Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. The Till flows Orcheston St. George. The area is I,846 acres; rate-
through the parish in winter. The church of St. Mary able value, £857; the population in I89I was I45·
is an ancient structure in the Early English style, con- Parish Clerk, George Oram.

sisting of chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle and Post Office.-Mrs. Caroline Talbot, sub-pos-tmistress.
south porch, with square western tower containing a
Leters arrive from Devizes & Chippenham at 7orad.emr . ;.
clock and 3 bells: the chancel was ent·irely rebuilt in
1883 and the church reseated; it has an organ: there tdeilsepgartacphhe d ofaftice7. Iiso p.m. The neare st money &
at Shrewt.on
w.are five stained windows to- the memory of Mrs. Mills,
National School (mixed), built in I854, enlarged in
of Elston House, L. Mills esq. James Gay esq. J. A. r894, for 6o children; average attendance, 45 ; :Miss

Mills esq. and Mrs. Anna Gay, respeotiv·ely: the church

has Ioo sittings. The register dates from the year I688. Louisa Lutton, mistress

The living is a rectory, tithes commuted at £350, aver- Ca.rrier.-John Hall, to Salisbury, tues. & sat.; to De-

age £259, net income £2I8, with residence and I8 acres vizes, thurs

Cox Matthew George, Ivy cottage Gay George, farmer, Orcheston farm Talbot Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper;.

Ridiley Rev. William Dawson M.A. Mills Frederick, farmer, The Rookery Post office

(roctor), Rectory I

WEST OVERTON is a township and village in the The chief crops are wheat, ollits, barley and turnips.

parish of Overton, on the river Kennet, 4 miles west The area is 3,924 acres; rateable value, £z,s68; the
from Marlborough terminal station on a branch of the p-opulation of West Overton in I89I was 6o6.

Great vVestern railway, in the Eastern division of the Lockeridge is a hamlet or tithing, 3 miles west from
county, petty sessional division of Marlborough and Marlb-orough. L-ockeridge H-ouse, an ancient brick man-
Ramsbury, Marlbo-rough union and county court district, sion, occupied by Henry Raycroft Giffard esq. J.P.

Selkley hundred, rural deanery of Avebury (Canning;; and Lockeridge Cottage is t·he residence of Cha'!'les E.
port-ion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. Panting esq. F.S.A.

The church of St. Michael, which was rebuilt in I878 in East Overton is in West Overton township.
the Early Decorat.ed style (the ancient features being Overton Heath, formerly extra-parochial, is now a.
retained), stands on a slight acclivity, and consists of , parish. Here are many large boulders and barrows.

chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, porch and a 1 The rateable value is [38; the population in I891.

square embattled western t-ower, surmounted by four was 34·
pinnacles, containing 6 bells: the east window is I Sexton, William Waite.

stained: the south chancel window is also stained, and Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
is a memorial of the late vicar: there are 350 sittings. I & Insurance Office.-Alfred Edwaa-d Smit.h, sub-post-
The register dates from the year I695· The living is a 1 master. Letters received through Marlborough at B.

vica.rage, with that of Fyfield and the chapelry of Alton I a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at

Priors annexed, joint gross yearly value £470, net [3r::.o, I0.2o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, I0.40 a.m
with residence and 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir Ohnrch of England Schools for Overton & Fyfield wer&

Henry Bruce Meux bart. and held since I875 by the erected in I874 at a cost of £I,zoo, raised by volun-
Rev. Frederick William Welburn, of Jesus College, tary subscriptions, with house for master, for I5a
Cambridge. The principal landown61l's are the Earl of children, viz. 90 boys & girls (mixed) & 6o infants;

Pembroke and Sir Henry Bruce Meux bart. who are I average attendance, 105; William Charles Webb~

lords of the manor. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk. I mas-ter; Miss Clara Annie Woodburn, infants' mistress

Giffard Henry RayCToft J.P. Locke- Fidler Albert Alexander, Bell P.H. & Parsons Edmund, farmer, North farm

ridge house blacksmith Pearce Geo. boot & shoe ma. & beer ret

Panting Ohas.E.,F.S.A. Lockeridge cot Gale Arthur, baker & shopkeeper, Panting Charles E., F.S.A. architect &

Welburn Rev. Frederick Wm. (vicar) Lockeridge diocesan surveyor, Lockeridge

Wilson Arthur Needham A.R.I.B..A. Gale Frederick, bricklayer, Lockeridge Rawlings William, dairyman

The Dene, Lockeridge Gale John, bricklayer, Lockeridge Rebbeck Edmund, shopkeeper, farmer

COMMERCIAL. Gale Sidney, beer retailer, Lockeridge & beer retailer, Lockeridge

Arkwright Ferdinand George, sub-agt. Glass John, farmer Smith Alfred Edward, baker & grocer,

to Sir Henry Bruce Meux bart Huntley John, carpenter Post office •

Coward Jas. Hy. crpntr. & whlwrght Kimmer Wm. boot maker, Lockeridge Spackman William, farmer, Shaw frm

PATNEY (A.S. Paeteneye-peaty island, for the river· nave: the church contains a brass and some tablets to
Avon divides above it and re-unites below it) is a parish members of the Lewis family: it was restored in I877
and village, 2~ miles south-west from Woodborough sta- at a cost of £I,4oo, and has ISO sittings. The register
tion on the Newbury and Bath seclion of the Great dates from the year I592. The living is a rectory, ~Os$
·western railway, and 6 south-east from Devizes, in the yearly value from I40 acres of glebe in lieu of tithes
Eastern division of the county, Elstub hundred, Devizes [186, net value £156, and residence, in the /rift of the
p&tty sessional division, union and county court district, Bishop of Oxford, and held since I 890 by the Rev. Peter
Potterne rural deanery (Enford portion), Wilts arch- Holmes Jackson M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
deaconry and Salisbury diocese. The church of St. The Earl of Radnor is lord of the manor and principal
Swithin is a building of grey stone, in the Early Engli~h landowner. The soil and subsoil are clay, chalk and
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and small green sand, and there is some peat. The crops are
western wooden spire containing 3 bells: in the chancel wheat and barley, but about half is pasture. The area
is a piscina with projerting canopy, and sedilia for two is 830 acres; rateable value, £1,037; the population in

priests: the window is stained, as is one in the I89r was 106.


Parish Clerk, Noah Perrett. Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5.15 p.m.; sunday, 10 a.m

Looters received through Devizes at 9 a. m. Wood- National School (mixed), for 28 children; average at-

borough is the nearest money order & telegraph office tendance, 23 ; ~:liss Bogue, mistress

.Jackson Rev. Peter HolmesM.A. Retryi Butler Daniel, farm bailiff to Mr. Thos.l Perrett Henry, farmer
1 Chandler, & overseer

PERTWOOD is a village on the summit of Pertwood The early registers have all been destroyed; the oldt>st
existing being A.D. 18II, an entry of baptism. The
Down, 6 miles north-west from Tisbury st.ation on the living is a reotory, average tithe rent-charge £54• gross
Salisbury and Yeovil branch of the South Western rail- yearly value £78, net £66, including 10 acres of glebe.
way, and 8 north from Shaftesbury, in the Southern in the gift of the Hon. Percy Scaw.en Wynd.ham, and
division of the county, "\Va.rminstro- hundred, Tisbury held since 1863 by the Rev. William Reece B.A. of
;and Mere petty sessional division, Mere union, Shaftes- Queens' College, Cambridge, who resides at Hindon.
bury county oourt district, rural deanery of ·wylye The Hon. Percy Soawen Wyndham, of Clouds House,
(Heytesbury portion), archdeaoonry and diocese of Salis- East Knoyle, Salisbury, is lord of the manor and sole
bury. By a Local Government Order, dated March 25th, owner of the land. The soil is chalk loam; subsoil,
z885, this parish was for civil purposes amalgama-ted chalk. There is only one farm, of 445 acres of arable
with the parishes of East Knowle and Sutton Verney. and pasture land, which comprises the whole parish.
The church of St. Peter is a small stone building of Letters received through Salisbury, via Hindon, which
Nm'man architecture, wi-th gable roof, south entrance
porch, north aisle (added in 1872), and western turre-t is the nearest money order & telegraph office
<Containing one bell: there are sittings for 8o pe-rsons. 'l'he children of the parish attend the school at Hindon

Scammell Alfred, farmer

PEWSEY (anciently Pevisigge, i.e. little island) is are now 6oo sittings. The parish registers date from

:an ·agricultural town and parish and head of a union the year 1568. The living is a rectory, the tithes are com-

and petty sessional division, on the river Avon, and on muted at £1,204, average £917, net income £sg6, with

the high road from Marlborough to Salisbury, 7 miles 120 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the from the former, 22 north from the Earl of Radnor, and held since 188o by the Rev. the

latter, 12 east from Devizes and 75 from London, in Hon. Bertrand Pleydell-Bouverie M.A. of Trinity College,

the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Kinward- Cambridge, canon and prebendary of Salisbury, rural

:Stone, Marlborough county oourt district, rural deanery dean of Pewsey and J.P. ·wilts. There is a mission

of Marlborough (Pewsey portion), archdeaconry of Wilts room built in 1878 at King's corner. Here are twl)

and diocese of Salisbury. The Kennet and Avon canal chapels for Baptis,ts, one in High street with 100 sittings

passes a short distance from the town, and the Berks and the other in High street with 250; another for

:and Rants extension branch of the Great Western WesleJilltii.S, built in 1873, with 250 sittings and one for

ra.ilway has a station here. The town is lighted with Primitive MethodlistS> in High street, seating Ioo

ga.s by a company, formed in 1862. The suppJ.y of water persons. The Foresters' hall, built in 1886, will hold

is derived from springs The parish church of St. John 300. A buriaa board of 5 members was formed in

the Baptist, standing at the south-west of the town, is 1863. The cemetery on the "\Voodborough road, con-

3ten ancient stone structure in the Early English and Perpen- sisting of acres, was purchased at a cost of £I,Ioo:

dicula.r styles : it consists of a chancel with aisles, nave it contains a mortuary chapel. A feast is held annually

of nine bays with clerestory and aisles, north and south in Sept. on the Mon. and Tues. after the Sunday nearest

porches, an embattled western tower with pinnacles and to Holy Cross. A Cottage flower show is held annually

a clock : the arcades, of the nave are very early Pointed, in August. There is a fire engine kept at the police

the piers massive, recbangulall" and without ornament, station in High street. The inhabitants are chiefly

the arches unmoulded; the clerestory is a later addition, employed in agriculture and there are also a. foundry

dating probably from 1360: the tower which, like that and brick works here. John Edmonds left by will,

of Bath Abbey, is wider from north to south than from dated 1865, the sum of £150, and Richard Chandler

east to west, displays some graining and a west window left by will, dated 1878, the sum of £zoo, both of

in the Perpendicular style: the chancel, with the which invested in GDvernment securities and the

exception of the wall, was rebuilt in 186r, when the interest given to the poor annually at Xmas in beef and

south aisle was added to afford room for school coal. On Pewsey hill are some ancient earthworks.

children: the old windows, which are Ea,rly English, The Governors of St. Thomas' Hospital, who are lords

were all re-inserted: the east window of three lights, of the manor, and the trust~es of the late Admiral

in the Decorated style, and four lancet windows, are Montagu are principal landowners·. The soil is green-

stained, in memory of a former rector, Oanon Bouverie, sand and cla~; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are

and there are six otners : in the south wall are a piscina wheat, barley, oats and some roots. The area is 4,596

:and sedilia,; the latter were discovered under the acres; rateable V'alue, £7,376; the population in 18gr

plaster at the time of the rebuilding, and restored to was 1,781, including 77 officers and inmates in the

use: in 1889-go, at which date the church was restored workhDuse.

:and various alterations made, the vestry and organ East Sharcott is a mile and West Sharcott ~~ miles; SDuthcott is half a mile south; and Milk
chamber were added on the north side, the north aisle House Water I mile north-east.
widened 6 feet and the galleries taken awa~: during
the restoration the following discoveries were made Parish Clerk, William Matthews.
in addition to those previously named : a stone rood
staircaSie on the north side of the chancel arch ; a Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity

hagioscope on the south; a, piscina, much defaced, in & Insurance Office (Sub-Office. Letters should have

the south aisle ; and an aumbry in the west wall: the S.O. added), Market place.-Miss Ellen W. Fisher,

f:!talls, eagle lectern and pulpit are of oak, from the sub-postmistress. Letters from London & all parts

designs of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A.: the font is arrive and are delivered at 6.40 am. & 1.45 p.m. ;

:ancient : there is a peal of 6 bells and a call bell ; the sunday, 6.4oa.m.; dispatched 12.55 & 7.p.m.; sundays,

fourth bell is ancient, and bears an inscription in black 7 p.m. Parcels dispatched 12.45, 4· 15 & 6.50 p.m.

letter S<ancte George Or... : the nave was repaired about Money order, post & telegraph office & savings bank

1:853: a new organ of two manuals, in which some stops business transacted from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m

<Jf the old organ were worked up, wa& presented to the Wall Letter Boxes.-The Wharf, cleared 12.15 a.m. &

church in 1879, in memory of Mrs. Ravenshaw. The 7.10 p.m.; sunday, g.25 a.m. High street, 11.25

communion rail!>', carved by the present rector, are made a.m. & 6.40 p.m.; sunday, 11.45 a.m

of the wood of the Spanish bat-tle ship, " San J osef," of County Magistrates for Everleigh & Pewsey Petty
II2 guns, boarded by Nelson off Cape St. Vincent, Sessional Division.
14th Feb. 1797: the reredos, erected to the Earl and
• Countess of Radnor in 18go, was painted and partly Awdry Rev. William Henry M.A. Rectory, Ludgershall,

carved by their son, the rector, and Mr. Hitch of Andover, chairman
London : there is another reredos in the south chancel P:eydell-Bouverie Rev. Canon Hon. Bertrand M.A.

-aisle : the chancel screen, executed by H. Hems of Rectory, Pewsey S.O

Exeter, was erected in 1893 to the Hon. Christopher Davidson Col. Alex. Chorley, "\Vest Stowell, Alton

P. Bouverie : the timbM"s of the roof of the organ Priors, Pewsey S.O

chamber and vestry formed part of the original roof Fowle William Hugh esq. B.A. Chute lodge, Chute

l()f the refectory of the Mooostery of Ivychurch, near Forest, Andover

'Salisbury, taken down in 1889 and re-erected ht>re in Hicks-Beach Right Hon. Sir Michael Edward bart. P.C.,

l:8go: the walls of the nave have been partly decorated M.P., D.C.L. Netheravon house, Pewsey S.O

with wall paintings by the rector: the pew system wu Hodgson Rev Oanon John Dryden M.A. Rectory, Colling-

by general consent abolished in January, r874, and there bourne Ducis, Marlborough


Russey-Freke Raufe esq. Compton, Enford, Marlborough Superintendent RegiSJtmr, Stephen Brown Dixon, Church
Knowles George esq. M ..A., LL.M. Syrencot house, street, Pewsey; depu<ty, William Deadman, High
.s'tree•t, Pewsey
Rogers Francis Edward Newman esq. B..A. Rainscombe Registrar of Births & Deaths, Collingbourne sub-district,
.Arthur Baker, Colling'bourne, Kingst'()n; Nethemvon
house, Oare, Pewsey S. 0 ·sub-district, John Burfitt, Upavon; deputy, Charles
Edward Neate, Pewsey
Rowden William James esq. Upavon, Pewsey S.O
Waddington Col. William Figheldean house, .Amesbury Registrar of Marriages, Beck, Pewsey ; deputy.
William Gree:naway, Pewsey
Clerk to the Magistrates', Stephen Brown Dixon,
Workhouse, Woodib'()rough road; it is a plain building of
Church street ·Sit<lne, erected in 1836, & will hold 200 inmates: a

Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station, Pewsey, chapel for the iniDJaotes ha>s been erected in front of
on the second friday in the month at II a.m. & at the building; Rev. John Hartley, chaplain; Henry
Everleigh on the last friday in the month at II a.m. Oolman L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; J. J. Prince.
The following places are included in the petty sessional ma~ter; Mrs. Prince, ma,tron; Miss Mary Jefferies.
division :-.Alton Priors, Charlton, Chute, Chute Forest, indus-trial trainer
Collingbourne Ducis, Collingbourne Kingston, Easton
Enford, Everleigh, Figheldean, Fittleton, Huish, School .Attendance Commit>tee.
Ludgerslmll, Manningford .Abbotts, Manningford Bruce,
.M:anningford Bohune, Milstone & Brigmerstone, Milton Clerk, Stepben Br<lwn Dix<ln
Lilbourne, Nethera,von, North Newnton, North 'fid- .At>tendance Officer, Frnncis William Ferris, Woodborougb:
worth, Pewsey, Rushall, Upavon, Wilcot, Wilsford,
Rural District Council.
W oodborough & Wootton Rivers
Meets at Board room, Pewsey, on alternate Mondays,.
Public Establishments. at 1.30 p.m.

County Police Station, George Trimby, inspector, & I Clerk, Stephen Brown Dixon, Church street
constable Treasurer, F. .A. Brooks Hill, Wibts & Dorset Bank,.

Inland Revenue Office, Phrenix hotel, Thomas Abraham Mariborough
Hawes, officer Med~cal Oilicer of Health, Oharl61s Hinds Lawrence-

Pewsey Union. L.R.C.P.Edin. Upavon
S'3n~t>ary Inspector, Francis W>:illiam Ferris, "\Voodborougil.
The following is a list of places in Pewsey Union:- Surveyor, Thomas Martin Jeans, Wilcot
.Alton Prior, Burbage, Charlton, Chute, Chute
Forest, Collingbourne Ducis, Collingbourne Kingston, Public Officers.
Easton, Enford, Everleigh, Fittleton, Huish, Lud-
gersh:a.U, Manningford Abbotts, Manningford Bohune, Clerk to tihe Commissioner of Taxes, Kinwards>tone divi-
~fanningford Bruce, Milton Lilbourne, Nether- S>ion, Stephen Brown Dixon, Ohurcb street
avon, North Newnton, Pewsey, Rushall, North
Tidworth, Upa.von, Wilcot, Wilsford, Woodborough OoUector of Poors Rlaites, Oharle·s Edward NOO!te, High st.
& Wootton Rivers. The population of the union
in I89I was u,7I2; area, 75,219 acres; rateable Inland Revenue Officer, Thoma•s Abraham Hawes, High st
value in I894, £53,395 Inspector of Police, George Trimlby
'Vown Crier, Isaac Delicalt:e, North street
Board day every alternate monday at the Union at
rr a.m. Places of Worship, with times of services.

Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment Committee, St. John the Baptist, The Rev. the H<ln. Bertrandi
iStephen Brown Dixon, Church street, Pewsey Pleydell-B>ouverie M.A. rector; Rev. Edward George-
.AQfred Sut•to<m, cu:ra•te; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m, on sun-
Treasurer, F. A. Brooks-Hill, Wilts & Dorset Bank, clay ; daily prayer>s, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m
BaptUsts' Chapel, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m
:Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Wesleyan, Rev. .A. Perry Glill; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m. ;.
Guafl"dia.n.s, Collingbourne dis.trict, Arthur Baker,
Collingbourne Kingston; Netheravon district, John il:hurs. 7 p.m
Burfitt, Upavon
Pri'Ill:ill:<ive Meltlhoo1ists, Rev. Henry John Pring; 6 p.m
Collectors of Rates, Thomas Garter, Collingbourne
Ducis ; Thomas Edward Paice Oare ; George Henry Board Sch<lols.
Gilbert, Collingbourne B..mgston ; William Thomas
Cumplen, Enford; John May, Durrington; Charles .A. Sc'hool Board of 5 members was furmed December 30,.
Edward N eate, Pewsey; "\Villiam Crouch, Lud-
gershall r887; John Hitchings, North street, clerk to the-
board & atliendance officer
:MieodicaJl Officers & Public Varcinator~, No. I d!!'1 rict,
Henry Colman L.R.C.P.Lond. Pewsey; No. 2 district, Upper (boys & girls), built in I862 & en[arged in 1894,.
Edward William Rayment, Pewsey; No. 3 district, with residence for ma·stter, for 200 children; average-
James Farquha.r M.D., C.M. Burbage; No. 4 district, a>ttenda.nce, ISO; Hugh Jones, ma>Ster
Charles Hinds Lawrence L.R.C.P.Edin. "Cpavon;
No. 5 district, Herbert Holdrick Williamson, Lud- Infant, River stree<t, built in r87o, for roo children;
gershall average a.ttendnnce, 95 ; Miss Mary Hinde, mistress

Railway S'tat>:ion, George Nailor, stati<ln master; Henry
Banruing, goods agent

'Bus from Phrenix hotel., meets all trains
Oarrier. John Martin, to Marlborough, sat.; tOt

Devizes, thurs

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fooks William, Fairfield house Poore Mrs. High street

Gill Rev. .A. Perry (Wesleyan), High st Pring Rev. Henry John (Prim. Meth.),.

Aborn George Lintell, Ball Hammond Mrs. High street High street

Barnes Miss, High street J arvis Mrs. High street Puckridge J onathan, Haybrooke house-

Bullock rWMil1l• isasm, KHneanprpv• , Hill view Kent Mrs. West end Pyke Mrs. High street
Chandle brow Longson Luke, Prospect place Rayment Edward William, Hallgate ho.

Church Miss, High street Neate Charles Edward, High street North street

Colman Henry, High street ='J"oyes .Arthur, North street Robinson Frank, Sharcott manor

Day Wm. Fredk. .Ashton cot. High st Pinnig-er Mrs. High street Salter .Alfred W. S. Southcott lodge

Dixon Charles .Alfred, Southcott ho Pleydell-Bouverie The Rev. The Hon. Strange Vincent Wm. 'l'ravancore ho

Dixon Henry Puckridge, Southcott ho Bertrand M..A., J.P. (rector, rural Sutton Rev. Edward George .Alfred

Dixon Mrs. The Chantry, High street dean & prebendary of Salisbury) & (curate), River street

Dixon Stephen Brown, Church street Lady Constance, Rectory "\Vaylen Robert Wm. Winter, High st

COMMERCIAL. Beaven John, carpenter, High street
Beck JQseph, registt'l"ar of marriages & insurance agent,.

Akerman Thomas Martin, Phrenix family & rom- Southoott road

mercial hotel, posting house & livery soobies; 'bus to Bull William Henry, chimney sweeper, Biigh street

Railway st-aJ!Jion meets all trains, lliver street Bull'OCk WiUiam Henry, family grocer, baker, china. &.

.Ancient Order of F<>restel'ls, Court Pewsey Vale, No. glass warehouse, & agent for W. & .A. Gilbey, Limited.

5,485 (John Arnor, sec.), North stroot wine & spirit merchg,ntJs, High .street

:Banning Eliza & Betsy (Misses), leather sellers,Church st Bunce "\Villiam, h<lrse dealer & farmer, Ball

Banning Fredk., s<te.tioner & news agt. High st OaTJital & Counties Bank Limited (W. H. Bullock, agent).

Banning Henry, boot maker, Church street 1 High street; draw <rn hood office, 39 Th:readneedle

Banning Henry, waggonette owner & goods agent G. W. street, London E C

!Wilway, North street 1 Carter Jane (Miu), day school, River street


Cem~ery (Stephen Brown Dixon, clerk to the board), Lit<tle George & S. J. (late B. Parsons), linen, woollen &

VVoodborough road genera[ drapers, millinel's, cldthiel"s, outfitters, haber·

Chitt;y Wa1t~r, boys' schoo~, North street daiShers, hosiers, hatters, boot warehouse; funerW.s

Oolman Henry L.R.C.P.Lond. surg~on, & medical officer comrpl~tely furnished; agents for Pullar's dye works,
& public V>accina.tor No. I d~strict, Pewsey union & to Perth, N. B. Victoria house, High street
Lovelock Wal<ter, wh~elw1right, Ball
the workhouse, High street

Cooper MarY' (Mrs. )t dress maker, Ball :Maidment Edward, farmer, "\V~stwick

Cox George, plumber & painter, Wilderness row Manns LeV'i, buil'<ler, West end

Cripps Fanny (Miss), day .sdhool, Southcott Marshal! John C. grocer, baker & coal mer. Nol"th street

Cripps William. tea dealer & insurance agent, South<:ot·t Marr-tin John, carrier & wpartments, North street

Crook & King, dres·s makers, Ball Masien Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Libtle Ann

Cnmn~r Sydney, grooer, High street M'Ould John F. nurseryman, seedsman, gar·

Day Henry, plumber & pa~nter, North etreet denBII', liOil'ticultural bllli.ld'Br & florist, North street

Deadman Mary Jane (MT:S. ), fancy draper, High street Moul Sarnh (Mrs.), fMlcy draper, Nol'lth street

Deadman VVil[iam, superintendent regisitrar, High street Munday Charlotte (Miss), laundress, Ball

DEilica·te I!StOOc, ·tiOWn crier & shoe repa.irea-, North street NailQr George, station master, Nortlh p;tJreert

Dixon Sltrephen Brown, solticitor, oomnrlsS'ioner to ad· Neate Oharles Edward & Son, uphQilS!terers, cabinet

minister oaths & perpetual commissiQller, clerk to the m'akers, fUJrniture dealers, undertakeTIS, auctioneers,

burial board, to the magistrates for Everleigh & Pew· valuers & house, ltife, fire & estate agents, H~gh street;

sey petty sessional division & rural district council, & at Devizes

commissioner of taxes for Kinwardstone division & Neate Charles Edward, deputy regiSitrar of births &

clerk to the guardians1 & assessment & school attend· deatths & collector of poor rates, High street

ance committees & superintendent registrar of Pewsey New Francis, baker, High .street

union & agent to the Royal Assurance Corporation, NIQyes & S.on, tailors & drapens, Norrth stroort

Church street Offer Sheba, boot wareho. & jobbing gardener,Market pl

Dunmt Emily Ann (Mrs.), beer reoonle:r, King's corner Page John, laundry, Sw81n
Edwards Saml. RoJ~rul Oak P.H. & tailor, North street Pallant Frederick, Greyhound P.H. NO:rth s.treet
Pewsrey Ootta~e Flower S'bow (Frank Robinson, sec)
Ettwell William, timber merchant & saw mills, Ball
Pewsey Ga.s Oo. Li.m. (VV. T. King, sec. ;E.J.Cu:rttiiS,man)
Euston Charles, fishmonger, VVest end
Fisher EUen VV. (Mis•s), rrt.aJtioner, Post office, Market pl Phren>ix Famtily & commerctial Hotel (Thomas Martin
Akerman, pr'Oprietor), River street
Fisher Joseph, fishmonger, Market place
Pinniger Albert E. commission & brewers' agent, Ball
Flippance Eilljalh, cowkeeper, Miik House Wnte:r
Fook!es WiNiam, coal & manure mercim.n.t & farmer, Plank George, King's Arms P.H. & brewer, High street
Pocock Richard, farmer, Mills farm, Soutfucott
Fairfield & Railway station
Ford Robert Frederick, miller (wa·ter), East Sharcott Pratt Hy. James Duke, pharmaceutlical chemist, River st
F'Ores'ters' lfull (Samuel Edward's, proprietor), North st Rawlins Walter, farmer & cattle dealer, Swan
Rayment Ed<Wall'd VVilliam, surgeon, & medical officer &
Fowle Thomas, coffee tavern, Nur't'h !Street
Fribbance Annie&Bessie(Misses),dress mkrs.Knapp brow public vaccini!rllor No. 2 district, Pewsey union,North st

Fribbins Tsaac, furmer, AnviHs Salter AHred VV. S. teacher of music & organist of

Fricker Henry, brickmaker, Ball parish church, Southcott lodge

Fricker Sydney Austin, plumber & painter, High street Saunder·s BB'bsey & Son, shopkeeperiS, Market place

Giles Josep'h, mlibler (water), Buckloone Saunders .Toohn, farmer, In[a.nd farm, North street

GiUord Alfre"d, farmer & hauliier, Miilk H~mse Water Sel>fe James, ironmonger & ti.nplate worker, North stree.t

&o.dda.rd George, boot & shoe maker, North street Sheppard F'rederick, veterinary surgeon, Ball

Goodman J'Ohn, ooa\ merchant, Swan Shepprurd WiUiam, grocer, baker & dealer in british

G'Oodmon Hy. shopkeeper & marine store dlr.King's cornr wines, Hi!!'h street

Grant John, Plumbers' Arms P.H. High street Simper John, farmer, East Sharcott

Greenaway Wm. deputy registrar of marriages, High st Simrper Joseph, farmer, We!Sit Sharcott

Gilfurd Alfred, farmer & haulier, Milk House WBter Spackman John, farmer, Southcott

Hammond· Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Ball Soonham Oharles, bu!tc'her, River Sltreet & North stroot

Rawe•s Th10mas Abrnham, inland revenue officer, High st StratJton James, carpenter, VVil.derness row

Hawk!ms Thomas, farmer, VVest end Strong Jiohlll, farmer, Man'Or farm

Hayward Charles, Orown inn, W eslt end Suttx:m Jane ~Mrs.), laundre'SS, ~orth stTeet

Head Jesse, t!haltcher & pig killer, Ball Sutton Stephen, b1ll poster & p1g dealer, North stre&t

Hearn Frederick, French Horn inn, The Wharf Tarrant Joseph, t'hat'Cher, Soutbcott

Higgins J'Ohn, chemist, North street Tradesmen's Friendly .Society (Th<>mM King, sec.),

H'itchens John, clerk to the school board & attendance North stree.t
Trimby G~orge, inspector of police, High street
offi~r, North street

Holmes Fred.erick, blacksmitlh, High street Waight Joseph, carpenter & wheelwright, Raffin

Holmes JIQhn, bmoksmlith, Ball VVa1ter St.ephen., shopk~eper, High street

Howse Ge<>Tge, baker & grocer, BJi.ver street & miller Waylen Robertt William VVi.nter, wholesale & retail linen
& wooll~n draper, ha.tter, outfitielr, tailor, ironmonger,
(water), Hig'h street

Howse Martlb.a (1r.lii•ss), shQpkeeper, VVest end· general warehouseman & insurance agent, High street

Hublbaord Edgar, tob'3.1000nlist & toy dealer, North street W~st of England Sack Hiring Oo. Limited (William

Hunlt George, waotch & clock maker & tax collector, Thoma·s King, agentt), Nmth street

Market place Wlhatley & Co. agricultural engineerrs, ironfounders &

Hunt William Goorge, watch maker, High street ironmongers, High street

Huntlly John Simper, farmer, VVe'St Sharcott White Tom, p11inter, Ban

Huntly RldbeT't, farmer, Ea•st Sharoobt Williis Samuel, hair dres.ser & tobacconist, High street

Jeeve•s S>aroh Ann (Mrrs.), farmer & butcher, High street Wilts. & Dorset Banking Co. Limited (sub·branch fr<>m

J'Orda111 Samuel, blacksmith, North stree't Marlborough ; open on tues. & fri. from I to 4 p.m.),

King Henry, carpent~r & farmer, The VVharf River street; draw on London & VVemminste:r Bank

King James Hunt, saddler & harne&s maker, North st Limited, LonO.on

King J·ohn, oooper, Ball Wilts Friendly Society (W. Cripps, sec)

King Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, High stre~ Withers Tom Aaron, drape.r, North street & boot dealer

King Tom, shoe· maker, High street & ourtfitt>er, River street

Jfing William Th'Omas, baker & grocer, North street Yootes Isaae, hay hinder, Dusden's lane

King Young, plumber, Ball Y eates VV>illiam, farmer, Kepnel

Kunkler Francis John, farmer, Buckleaze Young Men's O.ub & Reading Bloom (Wdlliam Greenawny,

Langley Rose (Miss), <Lisltrict nurse, High street sec.), North street
Lovelock George, tail'Or, Market place

PLAITFOBD is a paris.lh and se&ttered village, on the Ea.rly S't)"le, consist[ng of chancel, nave, south
por~h and small western bell turr~ conta.ining ooo
bord.M'S of H~pshire and on the road from Salisbury to
Sou11ha.mpton, 6 miles west from Romsey station on the bell: there i>S a handsome tile reredos IIJld a three·l·ight and Slouthampt<>n branch of the London and
South VVes·tern rruilway, and n SQUth-east from Salis· Etained window : the funt is believed to be Norman :
bury; it :i.s in the Southe;rn division of the county, Alder·
there are 8o sittlings. The registe!" da.tes from tJb.e year
bury hundred, Salisbury and Amesbury petty sessional I7Jo. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent·charge

diviSii.on, Romsey mn<1n and oounty court district, rural £131, gross yearly value £130, net £to-., including 7
acres of glebe, wHh residence, in the giR of the Eart ol
deanery of Ame&bury (.AaderbUJTY porti<1n), and Salisbury
archdeaconry and diocese. The clhurch of St. Peter is a Ilchester P.C. and held since I871 by the Rev. Alfred
very plain ancient &truclure of flint and stone in the Henry Gay M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, who also.

takes charge of the. sma.ll civil parish of N,o Man's Land.


'Ifue Earl of Ilcheslter P.C. is lord of the manor and owns Iromsey, which is the nearest telegraph office, arrive
at 8.30; We·st Weillow is the nearest money order office
noorJy all the land. 'Ifue .soil is sand and gravel. The
Nabion~al School, with residence for miS'tress, built in
cb.ti.Sif crops are wheat and barley. The areJa is 1.213 I84S• for so children; average attendance, 42; Mrs.
Edi,tlh Turner, m'istress
acres; rateable value, £I,oo6; the population in 1891

wa-s 164

Pal'ish Olerk, Lewis Hutdhings. Oalroier.-John S·am90n, to Salis-bury on tues.; to South-

Wall Letter Box cleared at s.30 p.m. Letters through ampt'On, frti.; to Romsey, mon. thurs. & sat

Gay Rev. Alfred Henry M.A. Rectory Bowles William, farmer Hood Harvey, wheelwright

COMMERCIAL. Brook Ernest, shpkpr. baker & farmer Hutchings Lewis, farmer

Hungay Charles, farmer Marriott Lenard, farmer

Barnes William, farmer Curtis George, farmer, Powells farm Peck William, Shoe P.H

Bowles Ernest, head gamekeeper to the Curtis ·waiter, farmer Perman Charles, blacksmith

Earl of Ilchester P.C Green Alfred, farmer Russell James, farmer

POOLE KEYNES is a parish and small village, 2 and held sinoe 1862 by the Rev. Benjamin Mallam :.\LA
miles south-east from Kemble junction on the Swindon of St. John's College, Oxford, Michael Biddulph esq.
and Gl()nce;-,ter seotion of the Great Western ra-ilway and l\LP. of Kemble Manor House, is lord of the manor and
4~ south from Cil'encester, in the Northern division of principal landowner. The soil is clay and gravel; sub-
the oounty, Oricklade hundred, petty sessional division soil, stone and gravel. The land is chiefly in pasture.
of Malmesbury, Cirencester union and county court dis- Trhe area is I,I2·8 acres; rateable value, £I,89o; the
trict, rural deanery of Malmesbury, archdeaconry of population in 189I was 129.

Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. The Oak '\Yell is half a mile south-west.

church of St. Michael, rebuilt on the site of an old Parish Clerk, Goorge Clark.
church, I770, is a Gothic stone building, and has chan-
cel, nave and square embattled western tower containing ·wall Letter Box cleared at 5.1o p.m. in summer & 4.30

one bell, and was repaired in 1845: some of the monu- p.m. winter. Letters through CirenceSII:er, which is

ments built into the walls date from the I 6th century: t,he nearest money order office, arrive about 9 a. m.
the east window and one on each side of the chancel Kemble is the nearest teJegraph office

are sta-ined: there are sittings for 70 persons. The National School (mixed), built in IB47• for 35 childoren,
register dates from the year I632. The living is a
rectory, gross yearly value £I7I (arising prmcipally from wit!h house for mjstress; average attendance, 29;
2I8 acres of glebe), net income £I36, with residence, in Miss Jess:ie l\Iarie Yates, mistress

the gift of t'!le Chancellor of the Duchy of, Carrier.-:\Ieddlicott, to Ciren<:ester, mon. & fri

Mallam Rev. Benjamin M.A. Rectory Hiscock Henry, assistant overseer Large William, farmer, Lower farm

COMMERCIAL. Hiscock William, farmer Meddlicott Elizabeth (Mrs.), shop-
Baker John, farmer
J ennings Frank, farm bailiff to the keeper & carrier

Clark George, wheelwright rector Phipp Henry, farmer

POTTERNE is a parish and village, in a small and a cost of [900; it is under the control of a Burial Board
sheltered valley, 2 miles south from Devizes S~tation on of 9 members. Here are two Wesle}"Rn chapels. Th01re
the Grea.t Western railway, in the Eastern division of is a Temperance Hall erected in 1876, and also a 'Work-
the county, hundred of Potterne and Cannings, pf'.tty ing Men's Social Club and Ins.titute. There are chari-
sessiO<nal division, union and county court distriot of ties of t.he yearly value of about £100. Blounts Court,
Devizes, Pott-erne rural deanery (Potterne portion), arch- the seat of '\'Villiam Stancomb esq. D.L., J.P. is a
deaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The village modern stone castellated building, standing on an emi-
cons•ists chiefly of two streets, t.he principal of which nence commanding a fine view of the surroundring-
runs north and south, on the road from Devizes to Mar- country. Here is an antique timber and plaster house,
ket Lavington and Salisbury. Tbe church of St. ~Iary, denominat·ed the Porch House, formeTly a roadside i'-'ln
an ancient cruciform structure of Bath stone, ereoted in called the "White Hors·e;" from the style and magni-
the 13th century, was carefully restored in I 872, t.he tude of the building, it is supposed that it was origin-
roofs being a.lmost entirely renewed and the interior ally the Church House: it has been restored by the
being reseated and re-arranged throughout, a.t a cost of owner, George Richmond esq. R.A., D.C.L. The Eccle-
£2,ooo; the church, which is a fine specimen of the sia.stioal Commissioners as owners of the Salisbury
Early style, consists of chancel, nave and tran- Bishopric estates are lords of the manor. Simon \Yat-
septs, wit.h a north and south porch: the chancel con- son-Taylor esq. of Erlestoke Park, and 1Villiam Stan-
tains a piscina with two basins, also an aumbry: there comb esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is
is another pis-cina in the east wall of the north transept: green sand; subsoil, chalk, with part clay. The parish
the oak pulpit is hexagonal in shape, and exhibits some oontains 3,055 acres of land, principally devoted tu
handsome and elaborate ISth century carving: the small pagturage; rateable value, £8,310; the population in
doorway in the tower staircase, which admitted to the x89I was r,I85.

rood-loft, still remains, but is filled with masonry: the Worton and Mars,ton are ecclesiaS'tic.a.Uy and civilly a
tower, from the interseotion of the transepts, is separate parish.

embattled, ornamented with pinnacles, and contains 6 Cuckolds Green is 1 mile l south-we st; Five La nes, e -1
mile west; Sleight, I ! mi es east; Whistle y, thre
bells: the parapet of the t·ower and south porches are
ISth century additions: the east wall of the chancel has quarters of a mile north-west ; Furze Hill (common
an aroade of five arches, three of which are pierced and la.nd), I! miles north; Woodbridge, a quarter of a mil~
filled with st.ained glass, as memorials to Joseph and
Dio-nysia Meliora Medlicott, and to the Rev. J oseph east; Wick, half a mile south; Stroud Hill, I mile ea!!t.

Medlicott, for 33 years vicar of this parish: six others Sexton, James \Yells.

in the chancel are st.a.ined, two on the south side being Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
memorials to Lieut.-Col. Henry Stephen Olivier, ob.
r864, and one on the north side t.o Col. Thomas Wilson s& Insurance Office. James Smith, sub-postmas•ter.
Oldfield, ob. rB72: the south window in the south tran-
sept is also stained, and a very successful west window Letters received from Devizes & Chippenham at
was added A.D. I876: an ancient font, datin~ from a. m. & 3· IS p.m. ; dispatched 10.5 a. m. & 9 p.m. ;
Saxon or Norman times, was found buried under the
present font, bearing an inscription, which is a Latin delivery commences at 7 a.m. & 3·2S p.m
version of Ps:J.,lm XLII.: the north t.ran~ept contains
many brasses and tablets to the Hunt-Grnbbe family; National School, built in I831, mainly through the liber-
also a small brass to Hur;h Rook, ob. r686, -with skull ality of the Rev. George Edmondstone, formerly vicar
and cross-bones engraved above t.he inscription; there
is ~:~-lso a handsome mural monument in the nave to John of this parish, who endowed it with about £27
Spearing, ob. r83I: there are 430 sit.tings. The register from the ~rear IS57· The living is a vicarage, for ever; in x865 the schools were rebuilt & cons.ider-

average tithe rent-cha.rge £433· net income, including ably enlarged, & an infants' school has since been

v-alue of 22 acres of glebe, [222, with re.,idt:>nce, in the added; they will now hold 126 boys & girls & 88 m-
gift of the BUlhop of Salisbury, and held 'lince rB9r by oys, 68 ~rls
the Rev. Edward Inman M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, fants; averag eHaurgttheensd,anmoea, s6te3r;b Mrs. Harry & 71 in-
ca.nQn and prebendary of Sali~bury, and rural dean of fants; Harry Hughes,
PottE>rne. A burial ground adjoining the chnrchyard, of
about three-quarters of an acre, was forwed in I872 at
CarriE'rs (passing through Po<ttern.e) : -

Davis, from Lavington to Devizes, ocoasionally; Potter,

from Market Lavingt>On to Devizes, every day except

sun. ; Phillips, from Marston, thurs.; Ferris, from
Shrewton, thurs. ; Lawes, from Tilshead, mon. thurs.
& sat. ; ~Iabbett, from Tilshead, thurs. ; Meaden, from

Imber, thurs


*(~larked thus receive letters direct Berrett Wi1liam, farmer ~iullings Richard Benoni, brick, tile &:;

from Devizes, by the omission of Bollen Chas. mrkt. grdnr. Mt. Pleasant pipe manufctr. Larboro' brickyard

Potterne in address, thus avoiding Bond "\Villiam, shoe maker *Nunn Edwin, prof. of music, Hill side

delay.) Butler James, Organ inn Orchard Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butler Mark, sen. market gardener, Orchard Frank, farmer

Woodbridge house Orchard John, tailor

*Atkinson Mrs. Montecello *Butler Mark, farmer, Marsh farm Pearce Richard, haulier & farmer

Brown William, Church house Cemetery (Mrs. Julia A. Wilshire, Perrett William, farmer

Clutson Rev. Arthur Davis (curate) clerk to the burial board) Philips Alfred, market gardener

J?isher Albt. Bulteel J.P.Court Hill ho Chiffence Lewis,frmr.BlountsCourt fm Poltow Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Sons, dairy

Gwatkin Joshua Reynolds Gascoigne Chivers Aaron, market gardener farmers, Whistley House farm

J.P. Manor house Cooke Daniel, farmer, Sleight farm Pullen William Joseph, miller (water),

Gwatkin Mrs. Manor house *Cox John, farmer, Caen Hill farm Five Lanes

Hampton Mrs. East end Drew James, King's Arms P.H Raddon Hugo, carpenter & wheelwrght

Hix Nehemiah, East end Durnford Susanna (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Bros. grocers, Post office

Hunt-Grubbe Capt. Henry George J.P. Eyers George, farmer, Cadley farm Smith Alfred, tailor, High street

Eastwell Few George, farmer, Larborough farm Smith James, assistant overseer, as-

Hunt-Grubbe Madam, Eastwell Fow1er Timothy Caswell, grocer & bakr sessor of property & income tax &

Inman Rev. Canon Edward l\I.A. The Fry "\Villiam, farmer, ~Iontecello farm postmaster, Post office

Vicarage Gi:es Henry, farmer, Potterne park Smith Jn. Jas. farmer, Stroud Hill frm

Medlicott Henry Edmondstone J.P. Godden l<'rederick, blacksmith Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker

C.C. Sandfield Hale George, farmer, Sugarwell Social Club & Institute (Working

Merrett Mrs. Brownlease house Hale John, farmer l\Ien's) (Arth. Hoddinott, hon. sec)

*Nunn Edwin, Hill side Hancock Thomas, market gardener Taplin William, Bell P.H

Stancomb Wm. D.L.,J.P. Blounts crt Hawkins Henry, farmer Temperance Hall (Thomas Kelly Chap-

Sterna Capt. Robert R.N. (chief con- Hoddinott John, farm bailiff to Capt. man, caretaker)

stable for Wilts), Tristernagh Hunt-Grubbe J.P Turner Henry, farmer, Manor farm

'Yaite Mrs Holloway George, florist Underwood George, butcher

'\Yogan Miss Holloway "\Vm. miller, Potterne mia Ward "\Villiam Alfred,market gardener,

Howell Henry, tailor Cherry Orchard

COMMERCIAL. Kemp Thomas, proprietor of gas wrks 'Vatts George, miller (water), Range-

Adams James, baker & grocer Lifely John, jun. George & Dragon P.H bourne mill

Bailey Jas. Hy. farmr. Potterne Wick Long Albert, farmer WattsWm. (Mrs. ),mrkt.grdnr.& lr:dress

Baish Joseph, grocer &c Long Mary (Mrs.) & Sons, farmers, "\Vells James, sexton

Banks James, farmer, Court Hill farm Wick farm Wells Stephen, carpenter

Basing Emma (Mrs.), dress maker *"Marshment James, farmer, Hartmoor 'Veils 'Yilliam, farmer

Benger John, road surveyor to the Miller lVilliam, mason & builder Wells WiGiam J. tailor

Devizes rural district council Mi:es George, shoe maker Whiteford James, farmer, Five Lanes

POULSHOT (anciently Pauls Holt) is a parish and sittings for 230 persons. The register dates from the
viUage, 2! miles south-west from Devizes station on the year 1627. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charO"e
Great Western railway, and 6 south-eas.t from Melk-
sham, in the Eastern division of the county, pe-tty S8S- 0~
sional division and county court district, M·elksham hun-
dred, Devizes union, rural deanery of Potterne (Pottell"ne commutatwn £38o, average £288, net yearly value £289,
with 8o acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
Bishop of Salisbury, and held sinoe 1891 by the Ven.
Thomas Boughton Buchanan M.A. of Exeter College,

portion), archdeaconry of 'Vilts and diocese of Salis- Oxford, archd·eacon of ·wilts, and canon and prebendary
of Salisbury. Here is a Wesleyan chap-el, built in r836,
bury. The houses composing the village stand in to hold 100 persons. The manor of Poulshot passed by
purchas.e in 1543 to Thomas Long, of Trowbridge, from
irregular detached groups, interspersed with trees, on whom it has descended to 'Valter Hume Long esq. ~I.P.
of Rood Ashton, Trowbridge, who is lord of the manor
the e-dge of an extensive green of an oblong form, with and principal landowner. The soil is rich loam; sub-
t·he high road running through the centre. The church soil, clay and gravel. The land is almost entirely in
of St. Peter, I mile south of the village, dates from the pasture. '.Dhe area is 1,589 acres; rateable Yalue,
£3,481; the population in r8gr was 315.
13th century, and is a Gothic structure, of grey stone,
Parish Cle·rk, George Feltham.
h:wing ohanoel, nave of two bays, very narrow aisles,
:South porch and a western stone tower, capped by a Post Offioe.-George Feltham, sub-postmaster. Lett.ers
i·hrough Devizes at 8 a.m. & 5-50 p.m. & dispatched at
conical roof, built by the Rev. William Fisher, a former

re-ctor, and oontaining 3 bells: the chancel is the
~arliest portion, restored in r889, but the east window
was removed in the 15th century and the present square-
headed one inserted; the rood staircase is open to the

north aisle, but the upper part is block·ed and the screen 9·5 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; sundays at 9·5 a.m. The ne:uest
is gone ; the porch is Perpendicular and retains its money order & telegroph office is at Rowde

original timber roof and the stoup remains: the National School (mixed), with school chapel adioining
and priests' door axe coeval with the walls in which they the village green, was built in 1884 for go children;
occur, and the pulpit is Jacobean and of oak: there are average attendance, r:;7; Hugh Leslie, mast-er

l3uchanan The Ven. Thomas Boughton Bowden William, Raven inn Jones George, farmer

M..A. (archdeacon of Wilts & pre- Butler Susan (Mrs.), frmr. Poulshot lo Long Waiter William, farmer

bendary of Salisbury), Rectory Dix Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Long \Villiam, farmer

Colborne Thomas, The Cottage DPan John, boot maker ~Ioore Jas.(Mrs.),frmr.Bar~ey Hill frm

'Yalling Nathaniel, 'Vest view Giles Robt. & Hy. farmers, Townsend Oram Stephen, carpenter

Giles James M. farmer, Church farm Part Chas. Jsph. baker, Old Turnpike
Phi:~ips - . farmer
COMMERCIAL. Haine Jeremiah, farmer

Anstie Henry, farmer & miller (water) Haine William, farmer, Manor farm Rudman William, blacksmith
Wilkins Enos, florist & grocer
l3artley Thomas, farmer Haines George, farmer \Viltshire William, farmer

l3odman George, shoe maker Hinder Abraham, farmer

PRESHUTE is a parish adjoining Maxlborough on The register dates from the year r6o7. The living is a
the west, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £r32, gross year~y
of Selkley, pet-ty sessional division of Marlborough and value £179, net £86, in the gift of the Bishop of Sali~­
Ramsbury, ~Iarlborough union and county court district, bury, and held since r887 by the Rev. William Gustavus
rural deanery of l'vlarlborough (Marlborough porbi<m), Hubbard. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built
archdeaconry of "\Vilts and diocese of Salisbury. There in r86o, to seat roo. The Marquess of Ailesbury, who
is no village of Preshut-e; it is simply a wide diSitri.ct is lord of the manor, Sir Henry Bruce Meux bart. and
surrounding )la.rlborOUg'h, and consists of the hamlets or James Blake Maurice esq. M.D. Marlborough, are the
divisions of Manton, Clatford, Manton Down, Wick and principal landowners. The soil is clayey loam; subsoil.
Temp-le, Ba.rton, houses on the Bath road, and the chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots of
suburban portion of St. ~argaret's or Elcot. The all kinds. The area is 4·479 acres; rateable value,
church of St. George, which was rebuilt in x8q, is .a £8,org; the population in 1891 was 1,3II, including part
handsome edifice of flint with Bath s-tone, in the Early of Savernake and part ()f Marlborough College, 46

Pointed style, consisting of chancel, nave of thre-e bays, officers and inmates in Marlborough Workhouse and 21
-awl south aisle, south porch, embattled western "qnare in Savernake Hospital.
tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells, and st.ands in a
The population of the ecclesiastical parish in r8gr
field about r mile from the Market plaoe, "1\:Iarlborough:
it contains a black slate font: there are 270 sit-tings. was 853.
Manton village is half a mile south from the church.


The hamlet of Clatford is 2 miles west from Marl- Letters through :Marlborough, mhich is the nerurest
borough. Clatford Park, 2~ miles south-by-west from money order & telegmph office, arrive at 6.20 a.m. &
Marlborough, formerly extra-parochial, is now a parish; 2.50 p.m. Wall Letter Box at Manrton, cleared 11.30
rateable value, £189; the popnlation in 1891 was 13. & 7.50 p.m. on week days & 11.50 a.m. on sundays
St. Margaret, a suburb of Marlborough, is also in this
parish, but is under the pastoral charge of the vicar of :Kational School, Manton (boys & girls), built in 1845, &
St. Mary, Marlhorough. enlarged in 1894, with residence for mis.tress, for xoo
children; average attendance, 83 ; Miss Emma Louisa
Parish Clerk, John ScoN;. Thorp, mistress

PRIVATE RESIDE:!\TS. ::\fullins Wm.Edwd.M.A. Preshute ho Hussey Jn.Compton,frmr.Clatford frm
Neate Francis, West lodge, Manton Lyne Robert William, farmer

Alford Robert M.A. Summerfield O'Loughlin Micharl Jas. Trafalgar pl Mew George, gardener to William

Beesly Augustus Henry, The Newlands Perkins Charles, Hillside Edward Mullins esq. M..A

Chappel William Haighton M. A. Tra- Richardson Henry M. A. Littlefield Plumb George, Marquis of Ailesbury'a

falgar place Thomas Rev.Jn.ShearmM.A.Barton hl Arms P.H. Clatford

Corben Charles Manship, Axholme Thompson Fras. Edwd.M.A. Cotton ho Pickard John, bailiff to J. B. Maurice

Dowling Mrs. Deverell house Dpcott Lewis Edwd.M.A., F.S.A.Upcot M.D. Manton

Drew Miss, Manton Ward William Henry~ Woodbine cot Roff Edward Henry, Roebuck P.H

Foster David, Greenland cottage Scott George, shopkeeper, Manton

Gwillim Edwd. Llwllyn. Manton grnge COMMERCIAL. Scott James, farmer

Hubbard Rev. Wm. Gustavus,Vicarage Fidler Alexander, blacksmith,Manton Stratton Joseph, farmer, \Vickdown

Leader J ames, Linden lodge Fay ·waiter, farmer Strong John, farmer

Long Robert Challoner Critchely, Gardiner Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), as- Strong John, jun. Odd Fellows' Arms

Pinehurst sistant overseer & tax coll. TFhoereWs-t ehior P.H. Manton farm bailiff to C.
Merriman Robt. ·wm. Sempringham Hayward Benjamin, farmer, Trueman William,

Montgomery Mrs. Elmhurst Heath John, beer retailer E. Pouting esq. Clatford Park farm

:PURTON is a parish and village, with a station on the of which the Earl of Shaftesbury is lord; Purton Keynes,
Cheltenham branch of the Great Western railway, 81!
miles from London, 4 north-north-east from Wootton of which Mrs. Thorne is lady; and the Little Manor,
Bassett, 6 north-west from Swindon and 4 south from
Cricklade, in the Northern division of the county, High- which includes Purton Common. The principal land-
worth hundred, petty sessional division of Cricklade,
union of Cricklade and ·wootton Bassett, county court owners are the Earl of Shaftesbury and James Sadler
district of Swindon, rural deanery of Cricklade, arch-
deaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. esq. The soil is oolite-brash; subsoil, clay. The chief
The village is pleasantly situated upon a rising ground,
commanding beautiful and extensive views of the sur- crops are wheat on the higher lands and some pasture;
rounding country: the ·wilts and Berks canal passes
through the parish. The church of St. Mary is a large the area is 6,157 acres of land and 13 of water; rate-
and handsome structure of stone in the Perpendicular
style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, able value, £17,136; the population in x891 was 2,432,
south porch, with two embattled towers, the eastern
one rising from the intersection of the nave and chancel, exclusive of Braydon, and including 59 officers and in-

having a lofty spire, and the other in the usual position mates in the Cricklade Workhouse. '
at the west end, with pinnacles, and having a peal of
5 bells: there is only one other church in England · At PURTON STOKE, 2 miles north in this parish, is
having two towers placed as these are, viz. at \Van- a mineral spring, said to possess great medicinal powers,
borough in this county, 5 miles south-east from Swindon: the waters of which are extensively made use of. There
the east window is stained, and there are memorial win- is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1867.
dows to members of the Power family, and the late Rev. Wall Letter Box here, cleared at 5.20 p.m
D. 0. Cotes, a former curate of this parish: it contains
monuments to the families of ~o\shley-Cooper and Sadler BRAYDON, or Bradon, is a hamlet to the west of
and Dr. Maskelyne, astronomer royal, who was buried Purton, and was a forest until the fifth year of the
here in x8II; the church was thoroughly restored in reign of Charles II. when it was disafforested, and in
1872, and has dttings for soo persons. The register lieu of the right of feeding their cattle in the forest and
dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, of picking wood, the rent of 25 acres of land at Purton
average tithe rent-charge £410, gross yearly value £'570, Stoke was given to the poor, the first Thursday after
the 6th of January, the sums varying from 15s. to £4:
with residence, and 5I acres of glebe, in the gift of the the poor, when once admitted, receive the charity for
life. The church (unconsecrated) is a small brick struc-
Earl of Shaftesbury, and held since 1878 by the Rev. ture, with western turret containing one bell, erected
John Veysey, of Trinity College, Dublin. Here are Con- in 1868, and having sittings for xoo persons: the services
gregational, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. are conducted by the vicar of Purton. Here is a Primi-
Fairs are held on the Tuesday before May 6th and the tive Methodist chapel. The area of the hamlet is 1,478
Friday after September 19th. There is a reading room
and library, supported by subscription; the library con- acres; rateable value, £1,435; the population in 1891
was 63.
tains about 240 volumes. A Workmen's Institute and
Coffee Tavern was erected by James Sadler esq. in National School (mixed), built in 1857• with house for
1879· The workhouse for the Cricklade and Wootton mistress; placed under gbvernment in 1876; enlarged
Bassett Union is here (particulars of the union will be
found under Wootton Bassett). A Cottage Hospital was in 1882 to hold 6o children; average attendance, 51;
established in 1877 by Mr. and Mrs. Wykeham-Martin, :Mrs. Harriet Boulton, mistress
containing 8 beds, and since its opening has benefitted
I,ooo patients; but in 1892 was turned into a Con- Wall Letter Box (by school) cleared at 9 a.m
valescent Home for children, and has benefitted 44
children. Nevil Maskelyn esq. who died about 1789, Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B., Express Delivery & An·

left £5 to the poor, and a payment of 10s. to a nuity & Insurance Office, Purton.-Edward H~nry
Francome, sub-postmaster. Letters through Swindon
minister for preaching a sermon on Good Friday ; for at 4 a. m. & 2 p.m. ; sundays, 4 a. m. only; dispatched
the last fifty years it has been distributed to all tht~ at 12.20 & 7.40 p.m. ; sundays, 10 a.m. Money orders
poor who attend church on Good :Friday, in shillings are issued & paid from 9 to 8
and sixpences, when a sermon is preached and the pre-
sent vicar allows his xos. to be distributed with i he Letter Box at railway station, cleared at 7·45 p.m
gift: Francis Gleed left £2oo to be given to the poor Wall Letter Boxes-Church End, cleared at 7 p.m.;
not receiving parochial aid, not less nor more than
xos.: here is also Hiscock's charity, given away on Good sundays, 10 a.m. ; Peavenhill, cleared at 10. IS a.m. &
Friday. At Ringsbury, near the village, is a Roman 6 p.m:; Square, cleared at 9.15 a.m. & 6.20 p.m
camp with a double ditch, the outer one "tery perfect ;
at Red Street, in the parish, a battle was fought between Schools.
the Royalists and Parliamentary forces. The famous
Lord Clarendon once resided at Purton, in what is now National (mixed), built by subscription, in 186o, having
a farmhouse, called the College farm. There are four an endowment of £17 Ios. yearly, chargeable on lands
manors in this parish-the Great Manor, of which Cor- in the occupation of Mrs. Brown, with residence for
master & mistress, for 350 children; average attend-
wallis Wickham-Martin esq. is lord ; Purton Pouchere, ance, 142 boys & 120 girls; James Hudson, master;
Mrs. Margaret Hudson, mistress

Infants', erected 1884, for xoo children; average attend-
ance, 79; Mrs. Ada Woodward, mistress

Union House, Sidney William Maundrell, master; Mrs.
E. R. Maundrell, matron

Railway Station, John D. Lewis, station master

Carriers to :

Cricldade & Cirencester-Leonard Barnes & John Selby,
mon. & fri

Swindon-John Selby, wed.; Leonard Barnes, thurs


PURTON. medical officers; C. Wykeham-1 Smith Geo.Arthur, plasterer & painter

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Martin, treasurer & sec.; Miss Mary Smith Henry, shopkeeper

Bathe Misses, High street Elizabeth Cox, matron) Staley Harris, carpenter, Common
Booker George, High street
Brockmore Miss, Norbury house Coombe Thos. Sandby L.R.C.P.Lond., Sutton Edward, farmer, Pry
Brown Edward C. East view
:M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & medical Sutton Frederick, farmer, Packhorse

officer & public vaccinator, No. 4 Sweeper Joseph, assistant overseer

Brown Mrs district, Cricklade & Wootton Taylor Ernest Edward, printer &

Coole Mrs Bassett union stationer; & at Minety

Coombe Thomas Sandby Cowley John William, beer retailer Telling Ha:anah (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Cotes Mrs Cratchley Charles, Railway hotel Telling William, beer retailer, Square

Hastings Thomas Charles Daniels John, farmer, Moonsleaze farm Theobald Isaac, farmer

Hill Miss, Rose villa Deacon Thos.Hooper.farmr.Manor frm Theobald John, shoe maker

Hulbert Edwin Evill 1"filliam, hairdresser & umbrella Titmarsh Edward, stone mason

Legg-Smith Mrs maker, Square • Turner Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer

Francome Edward Henry, stationer, Wakefield Chas. Algernon, wheelwght
~IartinCornwallisWykeham-J.P. Hill ho Post office, High street
Ylaskelyne Mrs. South lawn Warman Jasper, farmer, Common

::\Iathews Albert Edward Gardner Edward Lance, grocer V\o~arman Robert, farmer, Red street

:::\'ewman ·william, Hyde Gleed Edwin, farmer, Bentham Wells Frederick, farmer

Paginton Mrs Gleed Stephen, farmer '-Vheeler Albert, grocer

Perkins Miss, Holly lodge Gray William, carpenter White Annie & Prances (Misses).

Plummer Charles Richard Greenaway John Templar, corn mchnt drapers, High street

Prower Mrs. Sissells Grimes Richard, corn, cake & manure \Vilkins Ann (Mrs.),frmr.Quarry farm

dealer, Packhor8e 'Vilkins Geo. shopkeeper & carpenter
Radman Thos. Harris, Churchfield lo Harding William, farmer, Pry
Wilkins Geo. Edwd. butcher, High st
Robson Wm. Henry, Purton court Harris Uriah, blacksmith, Packhorse Wilkins William, farmer, Widham
Russell Mrs. Purton house
Hewer William, beer retailer Woolford Joseph, market gardener
Smith John Henry Decimus
Hicks Charles saddler Workmen's Institute & Coffee Tavern
Stainton Miss Hill Thomas, f~rmer, College farm
(Henry Borton, manager)
Tidmarsh Nicholas, Hyde
Iles Charles, farmer, Bentham
Tytherleigh Frederick, Hyde
Iles James, farmer, Hayes knoll PURTO~ STOKE.
Yeysey Rev. John, Vicarage
.James John, plumber & painter .
lraugh Rowland, Longcroft. Kempster Edmund, grocer & provision A,rres John Sutton, wheelwright
dealer, & agent for w. & A. Gilbey C1ar~ Abraham,_ cowkeeper
IYest Henry, Falcon cottage

West Nathan, Hillside Lim. wine & spirit merchants Clark John, cowkeeper

IYhite Miss, High street Kinnett Elijah, shopkeeper Clark Joseph, farmer
Dash Henry, f~r.mer
COMMERCIAL. (::\Iisses), Kinnett Elisha, stone mason,Green hill Greenaway_ vV1~Iam, farmer
Lewis John, farmer
Bailey(Alice) & Heath (Amy)
preparatory schl. for boys,Hillside ho '\Iatthews John, shoe maker Large Ben.1amm, farmer

Barnes Edward, builder & contractor '\Iorse Jane (Miss), laundress, High st Mace John, farmer
'\Iorse vVm. Jas. coal merchant,Station Od_y John, cowkeeper
Barnes Francis, carpenter & under- Xewman Joseph, miller (water) Pam~er George, farll?-er
taker, Station Ockwell William, coach builder P~ntmg Henry, Bellmn P.H
Ody George, farmer RIChen~ Samuel, shopkeeper
Barnes Fras. Jn. schl. attendance offer. ~~mljUmg Jacob, farmer
Cricklade & Wootton Bassett union Ody Noah, farmer 'I~tcomb J}?h:fi, farmer

Barnes ·wm. Frnk. carpenter, "Witts la Ody Waiter, farmer
Baverstock John, chemist
Paginton Charles, farmer l\ heeler "\\ Ilham, cowkeeper
Beaven 'Villiam, draper
Boulter 1Vltr. grocr. & baker, High st Paginton George, seedsman
Boulton'Villiam, marble & stone mason, Painter George, farmer BR.A.YDON.

chimney pieces, monuments, tombs Reading Room & Library (Rev. J. Barton Robert, Red lodge

& head stones ; estimates for all Veysey, president; Thomas Charles Thorne Mrs. The Manor

kinds of Bath stone dressings to the Hasting-s, sec) Cook Benjamin, farmer

trade Richens Thomas, farmer, Brockhurst Daniels Thomas, farmer

Bowden George, sawyer, Pavenhill Scott Mark, farmer, Bentham Drury Charles, farmer

Brush Thomas, insurance agent Selwood Henry, wood dealer Godwin Jasper, farmer

Bunce Charles, beer retailer & shop- Selwood John, farmer, Bentham Habgood Reuben, farmer

keeper, Pavenhill Seymour George, farmer Habgood Robt. Jas.farmer, Battle lake

Burgess• John, baker, High street SheppardWm.& Sl.saddlrs.&hrnss.mas Howse 'Villiam, farmer, Parkgate farm

Clark Charles, brick maker, Green hill Sheppard Tom, Angel inn Pouting Edwin, farmer

Convalescent Home for Children (J. Sheppard Sidney, blacksmith Ponting Ernest, farmer, High farm

Campbell Maclean M.B. & Thomas Shurey Jeremiah, beer retailer Punting .James, beer retailer

Sandby Coombe L.R.C.P.Lond, Simkins Job, farmer, Bentham Walker George, farmer, Bury hill

RA:MSBURY is a parish and vi:lage, formerly a register dates from the year 1678. The living is a
market town, and is pleasantly situated on the banks of vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £97, gross yearly

the river Kennet, 5 miles north-west from Hungerford value £515, net £359· including 66 acres of glebe, with
station on the N ewbury and Devizes section of t.he Great residence, in the gift of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts.
Western railway, and 6 north-east from Marlborough, in and held since 1892 by the Rev. Weston Brocklesby
the Eastern division of the county. hundred of Rams- Davis M.A. of St. John's College; Cambridge. Here
bury, petty sessional division of Marlborough and Rams- are Congregational, W esleyan and Primitive Methodist
bury, union and county court district of Hungerford, chapels, and barracks of the Salvation Army. Tanning.
rnral deanery of Marlborough (Marlborough portion), malting and brewing are carried on here. Cattle fairs
archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The are held here on May qth and October 16th. Rams-
houses are situated principally in one long street. The bury Manor House, the seat of Sir Francis Burdett bart.
church of the Holy Cross is an -Qld stone building in the stands in a park of roo acres, through which the river
Norman and Early English styles, consisting of chancel Kennet flows, expanding into a broad sheet; bounded (.n
with the " Darell" chapel, nave of four bays, and cle- the south-east by extensive fir plantations: the original
restory added, probably about the year 1500, aisles, house was at one time a seat of the Bishops of Salisbury.
south porch, with square tower, embattled western but was exchanged with one of the Earls of Pembroke;
tower, with pinnacles, containing 6 bells: it contains that house was taken down some time before 1672, and

several monuments, including one to Sir 'Villiam J ones, the present building erected from the designs of Webb,
attorney-general temp. Charles II. ; in the chancel in an architect of eminence in his day. Littlecote Park is

front of the communion table is a tomb to William de occupied by Nigel Baring esq. ; the mansion is a fine
St. John, with an inscription in Norman French: in specimen of a Tudor manor house, standing in a park,
the Darell chapel is a tomb of Purbeck marble, which through which the Kennet flows ; it was originally built

formerly oore the effigies of a knight and his lady, with by and was the seat of the Darell family ; there is a fine

the Darell crest, a Saracen's head in profile: this tomb collection of armour and of weapons; there is a figure

is assigned to William Darell, sub-treasurer of England of St. Benedict in the stained window of the ante-

and sheriff of Wilts, temp. Richard II. : another tomb entrance hall. Also Crowood House, the residence of
bore effigi~s of a knight and his two wives, probably Mros. Barton ; The Cedars, the residence of Alfred Ernest
Sir George Darell, of Littlecote, son of the above Oakes esq. and the Rookery, of Mrs. Batson, are in this
William Darell, and a stone slab to William de St. John parish. The chief landowners are Sir Francis Burdett

with the date of 1322 : there are 350 sittings. 'Ihe hart. who is- lord of the manor, Francis William Ley-


borne-Popham esq. Rev. Chades Frederic Seymour M..A. Superintendent Registrar for Hungerford District, Wil-
of Stratford House, West hill, Putney, and Mrs. Batson. liam James Phelps

The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are Schoo1s.
wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 9,742 acres;
rateable value, £9,286; and the population of the entire A School Board of 5 members was established 16 Sept.
parish in 1891 was 2,164. .Axford, 3 miles south-west;
Eastridge, 2 miles north-east; Ramsbury Town; Whit- 1872, who meet at the schoolhouse first tuesday in the
tonditch, I mile north-east, are tithings. .At .Axford month at 7 p.m. the district comprising the entire
there is a chapel of ease, now closed. parish; schools have been built, together with masters'
& mistresses' residences, at a cost of about £4,ooo;
Parish Clerk, J oseph Franklin. William J ames Phelps, clerk to the board ; Edwin
Rosier, attendance officer
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .An-
Board (boys), Ramsbury, built in 1874, for 150 chil-
nuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. .Annie Pinniger, sub- dren; average attendance, 100; Thos. Orchard, master
postmistress. Letters arrive by mail cart from Hun-
gerford, delivered at 7 a.m. ; also at 3.15 p.m. ; box Board (mixed), .Axford, built in 1874, for 75 children;
doses at 10.15 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; letters dispatched at average attendance, 45 ; Miss E. Holbrook, mistress
10.20 a.m. & 6.55 p.m. 'l'elegraph business 8 a.m.
to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m. only. Money order Board (infants), built in 1874, for 120 children; average
business 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wall Letter Box at Witton- attendance, 87; Miss .Annie Woolford, mistress
ditch, cleared at 6 p.m. Letters for Axford through
Marlborough. Wall Letter Box, Stone Lane, .Axford, National (girls), built in 1865, for 120 children; average
cleared at 7 p.m. in summer & 6 p.m. in winter, on attendance, 76; Miss .Annie Edwards, mistress
week days & 8 a.m. on sundays

Public Officers. Day, to Swindon, mon

Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 3rd District, Hun- Denton, to & from Newbury, thurs.; to Marlborough, sat
Chamberlain, to Hungerford railway station, daily
gerford Union, James Wilkie Burman M.D
Assistant Overseer & Collect-or of Taxes, Joseph Franklin Talmage, to Newbury, thurs.; to Marlborough, tues.
Sanitary Inspector to Hungerford Rural District Council, wed. & sat

J oseph Pinniger . Rosier to Newbury, thurs. ; to Marlborough, sat

Chambe·rlain W. R. & .A. .A. farmers, I Phelps William Jas.solicitor & supt.

Park Town farm & Am.brose farm, registrar for Hungerford district &

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. corn & seed merchant·s clerk to t·he school board

Aldridge Robert, "fiitionditch Cook Thomas·, commercial hotel Pike Thoma.s, shopkeeper

.Anthony Rev. Thos. (Omgregational) Couzens .Alfred, beer retaci.ler Pinniger .Annieplrs. ),stationer,Post offi

.Ashley John Couzens Ellen Edith (Miss), stationer Pinniger Joseph, sanitary inspector to

.Ayers William .Alfred Daly John, police sergeant Hungerford rural district council

Earing Nigel, Littlecote park Day Charles, carrier Piper James John, plumber, glazier,

13arton Mrs. Crowood Denton William, carrier painte.r & paperhanger, High street

lla·tson Mrs. The Rookery Dabsoll! James, farm bailiff to T. W. Pope William, blacksmith

Brilger Mrs Waldron esq. Whittonditch Pullen Thomas, grocer

Burdett Sir Francis bart. Ramsbury Ford Eliza (:Mrs.), baker & grocer Pye Waiter Geo. Bleeding Horse P.H
Fox William, fishmonger Ramsbury Building Society (\.Yilliam
Franklin J oseph, coal merchant, far- .Alfred .Ayers, sec)
llurman James WLkie M.D
Davis Rev. Weston Brocklesby ::\L-\. mer & ass·istant overseer Rosier John, shopkeeper

(vicar & surrogate), Vicarage Franklin John William, butcher Rumlbell Ernest, butcher

Giles Mrs Gantlett Henry, chemist & druggist; Sellwood Rebecca (Mr.s. ), fellmonger &

G()odman William & at Marlborough woolstapler

HarrisoDJ .l'vfrs Goslin John, Halfway inn Sheppard Edwin, baker

Lamber Richard .Anderson B..A., :M:.D Hacker John, furniture dealer Smi·th Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Lee John Hacker Joseph, carpenter Smith EdwardJ Johnson, steward to Sir:

Meyrick ::\Irs Harrison Jn. linen draper & outfitter Francis Burdett barli

Meyrick Mrs. Maurice, The Limes Hedlges Joseph, Burdett Arms P.H Smith John, tailor
Hellard John, farmer, Membury farm Talmage Jesse, general dealer
Nicholls Miss, Preston
Hewer Thomas, farmer, Knighton Talmage Tobias, carrier
Oakes .Alfred Ernest, The Cedars
Hill Brothers, grocers Tucker William, Malt Shovel P.H
!'helps William J ames
Holbbs Thos. shoe mkr.&leather cutter Vokins William., baker
iPiper Mrs
.Pugher Rev. Hugh William (curate) Hobbs Thos. Edwin, insurance agent Waldron Frances (Mrs.),frmr. Hilldrop
Hunt Wm. gamekeeper to Mrs. Barton Waldron James, farmer, Marriage bill
:Soundy John
Hurst George, general dealer Waldron Thos.White,farmer,Eastridge
Tomlin l\Irs
Iles John:, town crier & bill poster Ward William Wilkins, baker
Wabts Thomas·, Wittonditch
Jones Sml. & Son, grocers & bakers Wstts William, blacksmith

COMMERCIAL. Jones Jabez, provision dealer Willshire William, wheelwright

Alexander Edwardl, tailor J ones William, boot & shoe maker Wils!m Henry, farmer

.Alexander E1isha, woodman Kimber Francis, .shopkeeper Winchcombe Geo.Crown&.Anchor P.II

Alexander Henry Nelson, builder, con- Kimber George, boot & shoe maker Woolford John, wood dealer

tractor, wheelwright, undertaker, Lambert Rd..AndersonB..A.,M.D.surgn Wren George, sadd[er & ironmonger

.smith &c Lu~e Wm. Llewe]yn Warren,carpenter

Angell John, boot maker Maisey Robert, watercress grower & AXFORD.

.Atherton Herbt. farmer, Whittonditch basket maker

.Atherton Thos.Geo.farmr.Manor farm Martin John, bricklayer Berryman William, farmer

.Ayers William .Alfred!, accountant & Matthews Lucius William, draper Cannings· Thomas·, baker k grocer

insurance agen,t., \Vestfield vil:a Moon Jane (Mrs.), baker, grocer,bacon Conway George, Red Lion P.H

Barrett William, carpenter factor & miller (water) Lewis Mary(Miss),farmer,Coombe frm

llastin .Albert, carpenter, builder, Oakes Chas. blacksmith, Whittonditch Payne Mark, blacksmith

wheelwright & undertaker Orchard/ Fredk. wood dealer, Brick hill Pike Charles, shopkeeper

Brooke Henry, plumber Orchard Martin, thatcher Spackman Edward·, farmer

:Bull Samuel, chimney sweeper Osmond Stephen Thos. engineer, brass Thomas, boot maker

BurmaDJ James Wilkie M.D. sur~eon, & iron !founder & agricultural imple- Watts Henry, carpenter

& med. officer & public vaccinator, ment manufacturer, Newtown Watts John, wood dealer

3rd district, Hungerford union Pike William, farmer & shopkeeper, Wilson Henry, farmer

ChamberlaiDJ Richard', carrier Whittonditch Wootton George, wood dealer

REDLYNCH is a. civil parish, formed in 1895, under edifice of brick in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel,
nave, south porch and small turret containing a clock
the "Local Government Act, 1894.'' having been an and one bell: there are 350 sittings. The register dates
eeclesiastical parish since I841, from Downton parish, and from the year 1837. The living is a vicarage, gross

is 2! miles south-east from Downton station on the Lon- yearly value £3oo, including 2 acres of glebe, with resi-
dence, in the gift of the vicar of Downton, and held
don and South-Western railway, and 8 south-east from since 1872 by the Rev. Nicolo Walke B.A. of Worcester
Salisbury, in the Southern division of the county, Down- College, Oxford. Here are chapels for W esleyans and
ton hundred,Salisbury and .Amesbury petty sessional divi- Primitive Methodists. New House, an old Elizabethan
sion,Alderburyunion,Salishury county court district,rural mansion, is the seat of William Eyre Matcham esq.
de~mery of Wilton, archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of
Salisbury. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an


D.L., J.P. within its own grounds, and approached Salisbury at 6.40 a.m. &i 3· Io p.m. ; sundays 8 a.m. ;
dispatched at 6.25 p.m.; sundays,12.50 p.m. Down-
through an avenue of oaks half a mile in length. The ton is the nearest telegraph office. Pillar Letter
principal landowners are Mrs. Morrison and "William Boxes, Church & Woodfalls, 6 p.m.; sun. 8 a.m
Eyre Matcham esq. Hamptworth is a tithing in this
ecclesiastical parish. The population in 1891 was 1,282. National School, built in 1878, for 130 children; average
attendance, 8o; John Brown, master; Miss .Amelia
Parish Clerk, John Beauchamp. Brown, mistress

Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

Daniel Harris, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from

Card Ectward Austin Bundy James, butcher Olding Sydney, cattle dealer

Fenwick Mrs. Redlynch house Chalk George, blacksmith Plruskett & Co. brick makers

Matcham Wm. Eyre D.L.,J.P.New ho Ford John, boot maker Plaskett J ames, farmer

Morrison Mrs. Ha.mptworth lodge Foster James, farmer Reading Room (Wm.Taunton, managr)

Noake Albert Edlward Giles Thoma.s, coal dealer Reynol<ils Frank, jun. head keeper to

Walke Rev. Nicolo B..A. (vicar) Griffin George, draper & grocer Mrs. Morrison

Waters George, Rollington house Rarrison Daniel, blacksmith Reynolds Frank, sen. boot maker

COMMERCIAL. Herrington Thomas, farmer & carrier Shergold: ~ark, sh()pkeeper

Andrew,s Thomas, farmer Hobbs Rosina E. (~rs.),King"s Hd.P.H Smith Herbert & Sons, engineers &

Batten James, painter Hull George, farmer agricultural implement makers,Kew

Ba<tte-n Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Maton .Alfred, Old Inn P.H Forest ·iron works

Bryant Henry, sen. builder Mitchell .Alfred', grocer Snelgrove Albert, shopkeeper

Bryant Henry, jun. carpenter Newman Charles, farmer '11aunton William, farmer

Bryant Mark, beer retailer Newman J oseph, beer retailer Williams Jas. shopkpr. & beer retailer

Bryant William, dairyman NQble Charles H. enginee·r Wort Samuel, wheelwright

ROADHILL (or Roodhill) is an ecclesiastical parish, £r69, net £139, with residence and one acre of glebe,

formed in I852 out of North Bradley, a-nd i~ on the Somer- in the gift of the vicar of North Bradley, and held since-

setshire border, the river Frome forming the western I8gr by the Rev. Paget Lambart Bayly M ...A.. of Pembrok&

boundary, 4t miles south-west from Trowbridge station College, Cambridge. The principal landowners are 1-V.

on the Great Western railway and IO south from Bath, in H. Laverton esq. of Leighton House, Westbury, and

the Western division of the county, hundred and petty Rohert Pooll Henry Batten-Pooll esq. of n.oad Manor,

sessional division of Whorwellsdown, union of ·westbury Somersetshire. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The

and Whorwellsdown, county court district of 'l'rowbridge, land is chiefly in pasture. The area is 515 acres; the-

rural deanery of Potterne (Bradfordportion),archdeaconry population in I89I was 277.

of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. One-third of the Sexton, James Marshman.

svillage of Road in S.omersetshire, thGe pho"st office, 1 p ost , -M. 0 . "..". T . 0 ., . B., E xpress De11· very & .Annu1"ty &

is within this parish. Christ church 1s a ot 1c stone Insurance Office, Road.-Geo. Wm. Stokes, sub-post-

building, erected in I824, consisting of nave and aisles master. Letters arrive from Bath at 6.30 a.m. & from

and having two towers surmounted by spires, one of Frome at;c.e5s0ushpnod.mualy.d,vb7ieaaaB.mdad.trh;e;sdssiesudpnaRdtaocyhader,doBaaat.tmIhZ-)
which contains a bell, and at the east end two lofty pin- nor.n, via
nacles: there are some monuments to the Daubeny family, (Letters f
a member of which, the Rev. Charles Daubeny D.C.L.
archdeacon of Sarum, was founder of the church, am.d be- Wall Letter Box, Langham place, cleared at II.55 a.m.
queathed about £30 yearly for the purposes of charity: & 7·20 p.m. week days only

the organ, which once belonged to the Duke of York, National School (mixed), built in I834 & enlarged in

was the gift of one of the Daubeny family: the chancel r894-5 for ISO children; average attendance, I30; Miss
was decorated in I894 by the present vicar: there are Mary Elizabeth Charles, mistress
sittings for 700 persons. The register dates from the Carrier to Trowbridge.-Fredk. Blissett, from Road,.
year I824. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value tues. & thurs

(L tt er,s f th"IsRp1adce s,nouI)d b d Chivers William, gig & handle stock Orum Moses, farmer, Dillybrook
e e a- maker & hair dresser Propert1 David, farmer, Chancefield

dressed! oa , Bath. Oray Edward, b u1:c:h er & farmer Prosser Henry Jonathan, pianoforte &

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Goulter Charles Tom, stone mason organ builder

Bayly Rev. Paget Lambart M..A. Gumm .Albert, farmer, Rumsey oak, Stokes George William, draper, fur-

Roadhill vicarage (Postal address, Wingfield,Trwbdge) niture dealer, grocer, provision mer-

Freeman Ad:am Edwin, The Cottage Huntley Thoma,s, gamekeeper to W. chant, outfitter, complete house fur-

Hancock Charles, Langha.m place H. Laverton esq. J.P. Hootool. nisher..& general fa.ctor, dressmaking,.

Langley Mrs. Prospect plaoe (Postal address,Wingfield,Trowbdge) millinery & tailoring, Post office

Maogusty Mrrs. Langham house Kemp James Frederick, smith ToQgood: J oseph, baker

Noad Mrs. .Australia house Martin Hoo.ry, engineer United Counties Reading & News-

N oad Mrs. Eliza.beth M organ J ames, shopkeeper Rooms (Geo. Wm. Stokes, sec)

Stokes Mrs. sen. Fairview villa Noad Thoma.s, Red: Lion P.H. brewer Wells '11homas, cowkeeper, Fritz

COMMERCIAL. & butcher Windell Thos. farmer, Vaag's hill

INoad Virtue Anne (Miss), shopke!:'per Woolley Edward, painter

Oradock J oseph, boot maker Nutt William, boot maker

RODBORNE CHENEY is a village and parish, r Moredon, I mile north-west, Haydon, 2 north-west, and'
mile north from Swindon Junction station, in the Northern Haydon Wick, I! north-west, are hamlets. A :Free Metho-
division of the county, Highworth hundred, petty ses- diSit chapel has been built at Moredon.
sional division and county coul"b district of Swindon,
Highworth and Swindon union, rural deanery of Crick~ Rodborne Lane, formerly Even Swindon, I mile south,
lade, ar-::hdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester is included in Swindon New Town Local Board district,
and Bristol. The North Wilts canal passes through the and by order of the Wilts County Council, confirmed by
parish. The church of St. Mary, which stands on an Local Government Board order, dated September 24,
eminence,is a handsome structure of Sltone in the Decor- r89o, it was amalgamated with the civil parish of Swindon~
ated style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, north
aisle, south porch and western embattled tower, with Parish Clerk, Robel"b Woolford.
pinnacles, containing a clock and 5 bells: in I848 it was
rebuilt by subscription at an expense of between £2,ooo Letters through Swindon arrive at 7-30 a.m. Wall Let-
and £3,000, with the exception of the chancel, the Lady ter Box, cleared at 7 p.m. week days only. The nearest
chapel, the south wall and the porch: the east window money order & telegraph office is at Rodborne road,
is a very beautiful specimen of Early English: there is New Swindon
a double piscina on the south side, and in the Lady chapel
there is also a piscina: there are sittings for about 440 ·wan Letter Boxes, at Moredon, cleared week days only at
persons. The register dates from the year 1663. The 6.45 p.m. & at Haydon Wick, cleared at 6.45 p.m-
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £38, gross week days only
yearly value £zoo, net £Ioo, with residence, in the gift
of W. Justice esq. and held since I89I by the Rev. Ernest Schools.
Robert Knapp. Here is a Congregational chapel. The
land belongs to small proprietors. The soil is stone A School Board of 5 members was formed 8 March, I879;:
brash; subsoil, clay and stone. The crops are chiefly
,V. West, Rodborne, clerk to the board ; Thomas Cox,
grass. The area is 2,349 acres; rateable value, £4,956;
the population in I89I was I,004. Haydon Wick, attendance officer

Board (mixed), Haydon, built in 1876, & new wing added
in I895, for 200 children; average attendance, r6o;
William Cook, master

Board!, Rodborne Cheney, built in 1894, for 200 children;
Mrs. Amy Matthews, mistr~ss


There is also a Sunday school near the church, built & Carriers to :

endowed at the expense of Admiral Sir W. Bowles Highwor-th-R. Hiett, wed

• Swindon-R. Hiett, mon

RODBORNE GHENEY. Swindlon Road Car Co's stables (Henry Waiters Yary Jane (Miss), shopkePper

Campbell Rev. Chas. Thos. B.A. (curate) Gould, manager) HA Y D O N .

Knapp Rev. Ernes·t Robert (vicar), M O REDO~. .A.llen Alfred J ames, farmer
Vicarage Ferris Richard, farmer
Crook J 81sper Cole Francombe .A.lbert, farmer
Richard's R. N. Ashfurlong house
Day Mrs Hiett J oseph, farmer
Warry Henry C. Manor house King J oseph, farmer
Harris Henry
Warwick J ames, Elm villa
Johnston Misses

COMMERCIAL. Spires Mrs' Loder Charles, farmer

Chitty Frederick George, baker & gro- Berriman. John. farmer Sutton Edward·, farmer, Tadpole farm

cer, soie manufacturer of Silverton's Giles George, road contractor BAYDON WIOK.
self-rai.sing flour; wholesale & retail Godwin John, assistant overseer

agents wanted Godwin John, jun. farmr. Moredon ho Cousins '\Yilliam G. beer retailer

Davis Wm. farmer, Southbrook farm Ostborne Isabella (Miss), grocer Cox .A.l·bert, farmer

Lock J ames, farmer Parker Alfred Wm. Francis, builder, Cox 'l'hos. school attendance officer

North Swindon Estate Co. Limited undertaker, carpenber&wheelwright; Francombe Luke, farmer

(Jn. Belcher, manager), brick works estimates given for new work & Freeth George Ferris, farmer

Pike Charles, farmer general repairs Godlwin Thomas, baker & grocer

Pike Chas. Hy. farmer, Hurst farm Reading Room (Wm. Trotman, sec) Riett Reuben, carrier

Rogers Edward, grooer, Telford road Robins Henry, baker Poulton Joseph, shopkeeper & haulier

Sandell William, chimney sweeper Staight Charles Pitman, Red! Lion P.H Workmen's Club (Chas. Godwin, sec)

ROLLSTONE (or Rollestone) is a parish and village, The earliest date of register in existence is 1625. The
Qn the road from Amesbury to Devizes, s~ miles west living is a rectory, gross yearly value £ISO, net £I20,
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1877
from Amesbury and 10 north-west from Salisbury, 6
miles north from Wishford station on the Salisbury branch by the Rev. Henry Westenra Walsh. £10 yearly from

of the Great Western railway, in the Southern division Estcourt's bequest is applied in apprenticing boys. The
Qf the county, hundred of Elstub, petty sessional -soil is of chalky nature ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops
are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 829 acres;
division of Salisbury and Amesbury, .A.mesbury union, rateable value, [331; the population in 1891 was 28.
Salisbury county court district, rural deanery of Wylye
(Wylye portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Parish Clerk, William Liversuch.
Salisbury. The Tidd river flows through the parish in
the winter. The church of St. Andrew, pleasantly situ- Letters receiYed through Devizes, arrive at 8.30 a.m.
ated on a hill, is a small ancient structure of flint and Shrewton is the nearest money order & telegraph office

stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, This parish is connected with Shrewton for school pur-
nave, south porch and western turret with one bell; a.nd poses, & the children attend the National school at

was thoroughly repaired in 1845 : there are 6o sittings. that place

Walsh Rev. Henry Westenra (rector)

ROWDE is a parish and compact and healthy village, Thomas Spencer (ob. 1765) and family: there are about
on the road from Devizes to Chippenham, 2 miles north- 350 sittings. The register dates from the year 1606.

west from Devizes station on the Great Western rail- The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £263,
way, and 6 south-west from Calne, in the Eastern divi- net income £250, with 2 acres of glebe and residence,
sion of the county, hundred of Potterne and Cannings, in the gift of and held since I874 by the Rev. Ellis
Devizes petty sessional division, county court dist,rict Shipley Harris LL.:~L of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
and union, rural deanery of Avebury (Cannings portion), Here is a chapel for 1Yesleyan Methodists. Reading and
archdeaconry of Wilts and diooese of Salisbury. The coffee rooms were erected in 1887, by Mrs. Starkey in
village stands on a plain, a short distance from the base remembrance of her son, the Rev. .A.ndrew Beauchamp
of Roundway Down, which here shows itself with a bold, Starkey, a former vicar, in connection with which is a
precipitous front. The spring-head of a stream, called library. There are charities amounting to £40 yearly
Rowde Forde, rises near the foot of the Down, and, as for distribution. C. E. H. A. Colston esq. M.P. of
it flows onward, forms partly the boundary line between Roundway Park, who is lord of the manor, Lieut.-Gen.
the parishes of Rowde and Bromham. The church of Henry Francis Bythesea, Rear-Admiral John Bythesea
St. Matthew, anciently dedicated to St. Mary, is a C.B., C.I.E., V.C. and Samuel Francis Glossop Bythesea
Perpendicular structure of stone, consisting of chancel, esq. are principal landowners. There are 2,665 acres
derestoried nave of three bays and aisles, north porch, of land, resting principally on r·ed sand and clay; it is
with a rectangular western tower, turreted and embat- well wooded, and mostly devoted to pasturage. Rate-

tied and containing a clock and 6 bells: in the chancel is able value, £6,538 ; the population in I891 was I, I95•
a hagioscope: the church was rebuilt in I833, excepting including 3I8 within the borough of Devizes.
the tower and a portion of the chancel: it was re-seated Caen Hill is a mile south-east; Smithwick, half a
with oak benches in 1871; in I872 five stained windows mile west-by-south; Rowde Croft, 2 miles north-west.
were inserted in the aisles in memory of the Rev. A. B. Bricks and tiles are made here.

Starkey M.A. late vicar: there is also one in the west Parish Clerk, George Perrett.
side of the tower: in 1881 the organ, which stands in Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
a chapel on the north side. of the chancel, was enlarged; in & Insurance O:ffice.~Richard Stook, sub-postmaster.

I886 the stained east window was added in memorv of Letters received from Devizes at 6.45 a.m. & 5· IO
'Of F . .A.. S. Locke esf[. of Rowde Forde: a brass lectern p.m. ; & box closes at 9.40 a.m. & 9.30 p.m
has been presented by C. H. Lowe esq. in memory of National School (mixed), built in I82I & enlarged in
GPneral Gordon: and in 1887 a carved oak screen was 1885, for 100 children; average attendance, 79; John
oerected at the west end by the parishioners: there are Veale, master

tablets in the church to Wadham F. Locke M.P. ob. Infants' School, built for 6o children; average attend-

IBiS, to Wadham F. Locke, ob. I8S4, and to the Rev. ance, 45 i Mrs. Bessy Stiles, mistress

William Higginson M.A. ob. I8I6, vicar of this parish Carriers to Devizes pass through Rowde in the morning
for SI years: the mural monument in the chancel is to & on their return in the afternoon

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pointing Thomas Isaac, Lion lodge Coffee Tavern & R.eadin.g Rooms (John

Chandler Thomas Hi~ks Reynolds Mrs. Prospect rise Clarke, manager)

Chard Capt. Oharles St. George Mrs. Rowde lodge Drewett Miss, dress maker

Cunnington Capt. EdwardJ Benjamin Smith Thomas Fielding Fredk. cowkeeper, Caen hill

Howard, Foxhangers Flower George, builder

Haden George COMMERCIAL. Frank$" Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer

Harris Rev. Ellis Shipley LL.M. rfhe Bartlett George, farmer Giddings Thomas & Charles, farmers,

Rectory Buckland Jesse, market gardener Rowde Hill farm

iEiyatt Mrs Burton Tom Frank, miller (water) Golding Samuel, plumber

Lavington Miss, RCl'wde cottage Butler Danl.Wm.farmer,Rowdefield fro Grist Jacob (Mrs.), fa..,rmrner, Lower

Lowe Oharles Henry Butler Edwin, farmer Foxhangers

McCraith Miss, Foxhangers Butler Fredk. Geo.farmer,~faltho. frm Ha'l'ford John, farmer

!Neumann Chas. Wm. Rowde house Olements Henry, head gardener to Hunt William, farmer, Rowdoe farm

Phipp Mrs. The Poplars Chas. Henry Lowe esq King William, cowkeepe;r


Kin~ Wm. jun. George & Dragon P.H Pinchen Frederick A. coal dealer & 'iVells Henry R. Olive Branch inn P.H.

LeWis John Dark, farmer, Iron Pear Cross Keys P.H Caen hill

Tree farm Pocock Edmund, farmer, Durlet farm uwmhite .Tames, foreman at Kennet &

Maffey Henry, grocer & baker Rossiter Benjarnjn, hawker Avon Canal locks

Mitcbell Harvey .Tn. lfrmr.Rowde croft Stiles Henry, farmer Wiltshire Ernest, farmer, Durlet

:Mulcock George, blacksmith Stiles Robert, thatcher Wiltshire Thos. Frank, farmer, Smith...

Mullings Richard Benoni, brick, tile & S.took Richard, baker, corn,& provision wick farm

pipe manufacturer, Caen hill dJealer; families waited on d&aibl•vaker Workmen's Club (.Toseph Carpenter,
Oatley Jo-b, coal dlr.&market gardJener Strong Thomas, beer retailer secretary; Thomas Strong, caretkr)

Part Charles, baker, Bridge house Wheeler Jn.. farmer, Foxhangers farm Wright Oharles, shoe maker

Perrett Geo. carpenter & wheelwright

R US HALL is a village and parish, on the river Avon, foundation, and held since 1873 by the Rev. Thomas

3~ south-east from Woodborough station on the Dry M.A. of Merton College, Oxford. Here is a small

Berks and Hants extension branch of the Great ·western endowed Baptist chapel to bold So. The Earl of Nor-

railway, 4 south-west from Pewsey, 9 south-east from manton is lord of the manor and principal landowner.

Devizes and ro south-west from Marlborough, in the The soil is clay in the vales and chalk on the bills ; sub-

Eastern division of the county, hundred of Swan- soil, chalk. The area is 2,200 acres; rateable value,

borough, Everleigh and Pewsey {Jetty sessional division, £888; the population in 1891 was 188.

Pewsey union, Mar:borough county court district, rural Parish Clerk, George Spreadbury.

deanery of Potterne (Enford portion), archdeaconry of Letters from Pewsey S.O. delivered at 8 a.m. & 4 p.m.;

'Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. sundays 8 a.m. Upavon is the nearest money order

Matthew, an edifice of stone, is IJartly Norman, and con- & telegraph office

sists· of chancel, 11ave .aenmbda~ntolerdt h wtersatnesrenp tt ocwhearp, e lc,o nstoaui nt h- Wall Letter Box cleared at 11.5 a.m. & 5·45 p.m.; sun-
porch and a Norman day at 12.40 p.m

ing 3 bells: there are sittings for 130 persons. The National School (mixed), with dwelling house for mistress

register dates from the year r65r. The living is a rec- attached, for the united districts of Rushall, Chad-

tory, tithe commuted at £451, average £342, net yearly ton & part of Manningford Bohune, built in 1872, for

value £344• with 12 acres of glebe and residence, in go children; average attendance, 70; Miss Lucy

the .gift of the ·warden of Merton College, Oxford, the Prole, mistress

·warden of New College and the Principal of Brasenose Carrier to Devizes.-Levi Giddens, of Upavon, passes

College, in trust for the Senior Scholar on Jackson's through tues. thurs. & sat

Dry Rev. Thomas M.A. Rectory A.xford Austin, gamekeeper to Messrs. Robert.,. John, farm bailiff to Messrs.
Harris John
Ha.rris Tom John & Tom Harris F. Stratton & Co
Stratton Alfred
.Alexander John, shoe repairer Haye-s George, farm bailiff to Messrs. White John, shoe repairer

F. Stratton & Co. Rushall down Wise Nathaniel, shopkeeper

Lewis Harry John, blacksmith



SALISBURY, or New Sarum, is a city, municipal and parish, part of Milford tithing, and the liberty of the

parliamentary borough, on the old road to Exeter, and close of the Canons of the Cathedral. Under the Muni-

is the head of a diocese, petty sessional division and cipal Act the city is divided into 3 wards, and the

county court district, in the Southern division of the council consists of 24 members, who also act as the

county, union of Alderbury, rural deanery of Wilton, urban sanitary authority. The city has a commission

archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury, 82 of the peace and separate court of quarter sessions and

miles from London, or 83 by railway through Basing- its own police. The parliamentary borough comprises

stoke, 95 through Eastleigh, 93 north-east from Exeter, in addition another portion of Fisherton Anger parish,

29 north-west from Southampton, 37 north from Bourne- added by the "Boundary Act, 1868 :" it returned two

mouth, 23 south from Devizes, 27 from Marlborough, members to Parliament, but by the "Redistribution of

14~ from Romsey and 28~ west from Winchester. Seats Act, 1885,'' the number was reduced to one, and

The city is built in the valley at the junction of four the area extended by including the remainder of Fisher-

rivers-the Avon, Wiley, Nadder and Bourne. The Avon ton Anger parish and a portion of Milford.

formerly sent off small clear streams through most of The South ·western railway from Basingstoke to Exe-

the ·Streets ; but these canals, as they were locally ter passes through Salisbury, and connects it with·

termed, are now filled up and stopped. The extensive London, and their line through Romsey gives communi-

sewa~e and other sanitary improvements of the Board cation with Southampton and Portsmouth ; and there

of Health have effectively drained ev.ery part of the is a line from the city to a junction near Ringwood, on

city; on the south-east side, sewage disposal works the Southampton and Dorsetshire line, which places it

were completed in 1885 at a cost of £ro,ooo. Exten- in connection with Christchurch and Bournemouth. The

sive waterworks were constructed in 1853, on the north- Great ·western has a station here on the Salisbury and

east of the city, at a cost of about £r4,ooo, and the Westbury branch, connecting the city with the coal

water, which, according to analysis, is considered of fields of Somersetshire and with Bath and Bristol.

very pure quality, is raised by an engine from two North of the city is a desolate mound, arising ab-

wells to a height of about Ioo feet into a covered reser- ruptly from the valley on the west, and its eastern side

voir at Bishopsdown Hill, distant about a quarter of a connected with a ridge of the Downs ; its deep fosses and

mile ; additional machinery and a new engine house stupendous earthen ramparts, nearly a mile in circum-

were erected and a new well sunk in r894, at a further ference, mark the site of Old Sarum, now called Old

cost of £5,200: the works are under the mana.gement of Castle, or Castle Hill. The name is said to mean, in

the Urban Sanitary Authority. The works of the Fisher- British, a dry situation. There is reason for believing

ton Anger and Bemerton Water Works Co. on the it to have been a stronghold of the Belgre, who inhabited

Devizes road, supply part of the suburbs of the city. the western counties of Hants, '\Yilts and Somerset;

The Milford Water Works Co. Limited, erected works and that it was a station of the Romans is indicated

to the north-east of the city in 188g. The streets in- by coins of various emperors found within its area,

tersect each other at right angles, forming a series of and by three Roman roads, of which it was the con-

quadrangles, called the Chequers, the houses in each verging point, from '\'Vincbester, Silchester and Dor-

quadrangle facing outwards, and the interior laid out in chester, with other three, partly traceable to Bath,

courts and gardens. The Market place, in the centre Ilchester and a station on the Kennet. Under the West

of the city, is a spacious square of 2! acres, surrounded Saxons, it first became a Christian see. King Stepben

by good shops. · placed a garrison here, which offended the Churchmen,

Salisbury was first incorporated by Henry III. but its who, immured upon a steep and arid hill, had probably

charter was confirmed and extended by Queen Anne. already cast many a longing glance at the fertile and

The municipal borough comprises the following parishes : irrigated meads at its foot. .A. new cathedral was pro-

-St. Edmund (Salisbury), part of St. Martin (Salis- jected; the proud fane of Salisbury arose; and, de-

bury), St. Thomas (Salisbury), part of Fisherton Anger prived of its splendid ecclesiastical establishment, thill


once important and flourishing city gradually decayed shafted turrets finished with spirelets; the tower, ?ising

and finally disappeared; a few fragments of foundations in the centre of the main transept, is of three storeys,

alone remain. The elevation of the inner mound is cal- the two uppermost being lighted by four canopied two-

culated to be 339 feet; within it stood the citadel, with light windows in each face, divided by buttresses and

some streets radiating from and others encircling it. enriched with tra.cery and niches: at E"ach angle riJOes

In the hot summer of 1834, the extreme drought caused an octangular turret, and frolm the midst of fan:r pirr-

the ground between the entrenchments to crack, so as nacles springs the octangular spire, to a height of 400

to discover the entire foundations of the ancient cathe- feet, adorned with three bands of rich quatrefoiled work:

dral, situated, as had been supposed, on the north-west it has canopied dormers to the points of the compass~

.side : a very large and curious double key was found and its angles, decorated with the ball flower ornament,

among its ruins. present a slightly broken out:ine against the sky; the

.A tree near Stratford was the place of nominal election curious timber framing of its interior is at once bold

for the borough of Old Sarum, but almost immediately a!ld ingenious, but it was ascertained by Mr. F. Price,.

alter the Reform Act of 1832, a vio:ent wind blew down architect, about 1740, to be 24~ inches out of the per-

the principal part of the tree. pendicular on the south and 16! inches on the west: it

Edward Ill. assembled a parliament at Salisbury, at was braced with iron by Sir Christopher Wren in 1668,.

which Mortimer Earl of March and his partisans at- and no further settlement has been observed since 1681.

te!lded -with their armed followers. The Earls of Kent, The cathedral was begun in 1220, the foundations

Norfolk and Lancaster, being summoned by Mortimer to having been laid by Bishop Poore on April 28th in that

attend this parliament without an armed force, on dis- year, and the first service was held Sept. 29th, 1225: the

covering Mortimer's position, retreated to assemble work was continued by Bishops Bingham (1229-47) and:

their retainers and return with an army; the quarrel, William of York (1247-56), and on the 29th Sept. 1258,

however, was compromised through the intervention of after an expenditure of 4o,ooo marks, or about £26,666,

the c:ergy. In the reign of Richard Ill. the Duke of the building was consecrated by Bi,hop Bridport in the-

Buckingham was beheaded here, and his headless re- presence of Henry Ill. and was final:y dedicated on

mains were discovered beneath the floor of the kitchen Lady Day in 1260. The cloisters and chapter home

of the " Saracen's Head " inn. were finished in 1263-70, by Bishop Waiter de la Wyle ~

High street lies in a direct line between the old and the tower carried up about 1330 by Bishop Wyville :

new cities, and its continuation is called Castle street, the spire, begun in 1335 by Nicholas de Portland, "Was

as Old Sarum is denominated Castle Hill, The Bath completed in 137.') by Richard de Farleigh, who designed

road turns off ·from High street by a stone bridge over the Abbeys of Bath and Reading: Bishop Beauchamp

the Avon through the suburb of Fisherton Anger. (1450-82) built a chapel, destroyed by Wyatt in 1792,

'fhe diocese was originally seated at Wilton in this on the south side of the Lady chapel, and erected the
county, about the 10th century; subsequently transferred great hall of the palace: Bishop Audley (1502-24) built

to Old Sarum, and ultimately. in 1217, to Salisbury: the chantry on the north side of the choir: and in 1476

the county of Berks, excepting a small portion, was in Lord Hungerford's chapel, also demolished by Wyatt,

1836 transferred to the Oxford diocese, while the was erected on the north side of the Lady chapel ;

county of Dorset was taken from Bristol diocese and Bishop Ward (1667-89) renewed the stall and screen,

added to Salisbury, which now comprises the whole of and laid down the marble floorin!; of the choir; the

the county of Dorset with the greater part of Wilts and work being carried out under the direction of Sir Chris-

a small portion of Berks, and within the archdeaconries topher Wren, who a:so surveyed and braced the spire.

of Dorset, Sarum and Wilts. Cricklade or Malmesbury In 1741, June 21st, the spire was struck by lightning were severed from Salisbury and added to and set on fire, but did not receive any serious damage.
Bishop Hum~ (1766-82) removed Wren's stalls and screen,
Bristol diocese in 1837.

The original Cathedral was founded at Old Sarum by and replaced them by others. During the prelacy of
Bishop Osmund (1072-99), to whom a charter of founda- Bishop Shute Barrington (1782-91) the cathedral was
tion was granted by William Rufus, April 5th, 1091, repaired and altered, and at the same time scandalously
and the edifice was dedicated on the same day in the mutilated, by the notorious architect James vVyatt, at
succeeding year, but it was translated to New Sarum a cost of £26,ooo, under whose direction the Beauchamp
I•ll 1220. and Hungerford chapels were demolished, and theil'
ornamental portions used up in the reconstruction of
The existing Cathedral of St. Mary, beautifully situ- the reredos, organ screen and choir stalls ; he also.
ated within a spacious grassy close of half a square removed two porches, the screens inclosing the transeptr
mile in extent, fringed with magnificent trees, is a obliterated with colour the curious paintings on
structure of Chilmark stone, quarried about 15 miles
the vaulting of the choir and eastern transept, and dis-
from the city, in the purest form of Early English, and placing many of the monuments, especially in the Lady
is the only English cathedral completed in one style, chapel, arranged them in two formal rows down the
on a well-arranged and uniform plan: fortunate both nave; simultaneously a detached Early English clochard
or bell-tower, of three decreasing- stages with a spire-,
in its site and seclusion, it possesses advantages equally which stood north-west of the church and contained 8

enjoyed by no other similar edifice in the kingdom, and bells, was wholly destroyed. In 1827 various repairs to

" its beautiful symmetry of outline, its fine dimensions, the spire were carried out by means of an ingenious
consummate unity of effect, incomparable disposition of wicker contrivance suspended from the top : the interior
has since been cleared of whitewash and colouring, thlil'
parts, its exquisite grace and simplicity, the uniformity marble shafting of the piers ;renewed, and the roof paint-
of its architecture, and its unrivalled spire," never fail ings referred to above, repre~enting the hallowing of
to produce on the beholder an indelible impression : the human labour by the Son of 1\Ian and His glorificatioll>,
ground plan is perfect, and consists of a nave of ten together with scenes from the Apocalypse, have be«:>n
carefully disclosed, and, where necessary, repainted: the
bays, with aisles and a north porch, a main transept of 13th century choir stalls and the Bishop's throne have
four bays in each wing, central tower with spire, choir alw been restored by the clergy and laity of the diocese-,
of six bays with aisles, choir transept of three bays in in memory of Bishop Hamilton ( 1854-69). More re-
each wing and alll eastern Lady chapel of four bays cently the porch has been restored and an oak lobby
with aisles : south of the choir transept is an octagonal erected as a memorial of the late Dean Hamilton, by
muniment room, and south of the nave, but detached his widow, the stone screen removed, and a screen of
from it, are the cloisters and chapter house. metal-work erected, adorned with filagree work and sur--
mounted by a cross.
The most striking features of the exterior, an urun-
terrupted view of which can be obtained on every side, From 1873 to 1892, the sums expended on the-
are " the west.ern front with its lateral turrets, the cathedral amounted in a:I to £.49,548 18s.
superb spire, the large and deep north porch, with a
chamber above it, and the two transepts, one at the The piers of the nave consist of four clustered columns~
crossing and the other at the junction of the choir and
presbytery." The western front or screen, a composition
of the highest beauty, consists of a central compartment

or bay, acutely gabled, and embattled wings, flanked with as many shafts of Purbeck marble, supporting
by square turrets, terminating in short spires with small elegant pointed arches; the triforium has two couplets
JOpirelets at the angles: the central bay is lighted by of trefoiled arches in each bay, with a quatrefoil in the
three tall lancets, and be}ow these are three deeply- head : the clerestory displays trip:ets of lancets, and the
recessed pedimented porches, the middle one forming vaulting is plain.

the chief entrance : and two similar porches are placed The main transept has two peculiar adjuncts in the

on either side of the screen, the whole of which, except beautifully designed arches erected between the arches

the principal bay, is covered with five tiers of varied of the crossing soon after the buildin~ of the tower,

arcading, relieved by a broad band of quatrefoil work which had already shown •ig-ns f weakness in the

at about half its height: the lofty north porch is richly north-east transept; against the we•tern wall of the

arcaded within, and has a crocketed gab~e set between north-east transept is placed the ancie:1t rood screen;


the north wing :retains also an Ear:y Perpendicular altar tombs; Edmund Audley, 1524, chantry; John Sal-

lavatory removed from the sacristy, and a double cot or Capon, I555· altar tomb; John Jewell, I57I; John

aambry; in the south wing is a double aumbry and a Davenant, r64r, mural monument; Seth \Vard, 1689,

t>iscina combined with parts of ancient doors. tomb with bust; John Fisher, 1825, altar tomb; and

The choir retains somd Early English stall work, and a Waiter Kerr Hamilton, 1869, tomb with effigy. The slab

few stalls and misericords of the time of Henry VII. and of the tomb of St. Osmund de Seez, founder of the Cathe-

lthe Bishop's throne, of rich canopied work disposed in a dral of Old Sarum, and compiler of the "Sarum Use,''

pyramidal form: the organ, built by Green, in 1792, and was in 1885 fixed in the south aisle of the Lady chapel.
JlTesented by George Ill. has been replaced by a new one, The other principal monuments are :-·William Longespee,

presented, at a cost of £3,500, by Miss Chafyn Grove, of first Earl of Salisbury and son of Fair Rosamund, 1226,
:Z-eals, and inclosed in an oak case, provided in 1883, at a altar tomb with effigy; William Longespee, second earl,

cost of £1,2oo. In the south side, adjoining the south killed near Cairo, 1250, and buried at Acre, effigy; Sir

.end of the choir transept, is an octagenal sacristy and John de Montacute, 1389, altar tomb with effigy; Robert,

muniment room, where is preserved an Early English Lord Hungerford, 1459, altar tomb with effigy; William

ochl!st, a paten and chalice, an episcopal ring, a 15th cen- Wilton, Chancellor of Sarum, r5o6, altar tomb; Sir John
tury cope of grean and gold, and a wooden pastoral staff Cheney, standard bearer of Henry of Richmond at Bos-

of the 13th century. worth, 1509, effigy; Sir T. Gorges, 1635, effigy; Lord

.The Lady chapel, formerly separated from the preshy- Stourton, 1556,altar tomb; Edward Seymour,Earl of Hert-

tery by a screen, removed in 1789-90, is uniquely divided ford, 1621, and Lady Katherine his wife, 1567, effigies;
into three alleys by slender columns of Purbeck marble: Sir Robert Hyde, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, r665,
'the former reredos, composed of fragments of the Beau- mural tablet with bust; Sir Richard Mompesson, 1627,

champ and Hungerford chapels, was destroyed by Wyatt: and wife, effigies; Edward Thomas, Lord Wyndham of

:a new reredos, an exquisite work in the Early English Finglass, Chancellor and Lord Justice of Ireland, 1745,

style, has been presented for the high altar of the choir tomb with marble statue of " Hibernia;" J ames Harris,

tly Earl Beauchamp, in memory of his ancestor Bishop author of "Bermes," IJ80, monument by Bacon; James

13eauchamp ( 1450-82). The shrine of St. Osmund stood Harris, first Earl of Malmesbury, 1820, by Chantrey;
in the first bay of this chapel, and in the presbytery are to Sir Richard Colt Hoare hart. the antiquary, 1838, by

'two chapels at the sides of the altar, above which was Lucas; and to Henry Jacob, r862,; a brass to Henry

the w:lltching loft. Parry Liddon D.D., D.C.L. 1893. The monument of
Bishop :Moherley, designed by Sir Arthur Blomfield, con-
The cloisters, situated at the south of the nave, but de- sists of an arched recess, with gabled and traceried panels,
tached from it, form a beautiful quadrangle, r8r feet r885. The episcopal effigies include a diminutive one in
:square, the most perfect of the kind now remaining, sur- bas relief of the 13th century, found in 168o near the
rounding a fine sward shadowed by cedars ; they are con- pulpit; it ha-s no inscription, but has been conjectured
nected with the cathedral at the south-west angle of the tv represent a "Boy-Bishop " of the choristers, whose
main transept, and again by the consistory court at the offi~e lasted from the festival of St. Nicholas (the patron
west end of the nave. On the east side is a fine octagonal saint of boys), December 6, until that of the Holy Inno-
chapter house, supported by a central shafted pillar and cents, December 28, or till Epiphany; another reputed
lighted by eight large traceried windows, below which memorial of this kind, bearing a pastoral staff in relief,
runs a continuous arcading; in the spandrils are sculp- is preserved in the church of West Wittering, Sussex.
tures of scripture subjects, from the Creation to the
Exodus, restored by Philip ; over the entrance is repre- The churchyard, or lawn of the Close, was a place of
sented in polychrome the Pyschomachia of Prudentius ; burial till the time of Bishop Barrington. A broad
it was restored in r856 by Mr. H. Clutton, and the roof gravelled and shaded mall, which forms the approach to
painted by Hudson, as a1 memorial to Bishop Denison. the great western entrance of the cathedral, and crosses

The library, built by Bishop Jewel, over the eastern the Close from north to south, is the favourite summer
alley, contains MSS. of the Venerable Bede of the 9th evening promenade. The Close has three gates: that on
~Century, and of Geoffrey of Monmouth and St. Augustine the south side communicates with Harnham and the
<Of the 8th and 1oth centuries, a Bible of the 13th century, ccntiguous country; that on the north with High stred
:and a Liturgy, with Saxon version; some of the earlier and the body of the city; and that on the east with St.
books were givep by Bishop Gheast (1571-8): it now con- Ann street and the road to Southampton: adjoining the
tains 187 volumes of MSS. and 4,990 of printed books. north gate is the Matrons' college, founded by Bishop

The cathedral, owing largely to the destructiveness of Ward for ten ladies, widows oJ clergymen of the diocese
Wyatt, who, it is said, " threw it by the cart-load into the of Exeter as originally constituted. The south quarter
eity ditch," contains but little ancient stained glass: of the Close is occupied by the Bishop's palace and gar-
some portions of the Early English glass (124o-8o) re- dens, dividing the city from the more ancient village of
moved from the chapter house are retained in several of Harnham.
the windows, and the western triplet contains Perpen-
dicular and Cinque-Cento glass from Dijon and Exeter, The Palace is an embattled structure of Early Perpen-
but there are no complete windows of an earlier date than dicular date, with a chapel and tower of that period, and a
1782 ; the east window of the choir, designed by S. H. hall dating from 1460 : in the palace is a series of por-
Mortimer, and presented by Jacob, Earl of Radnor, in
traits of bishops from Brian Duppa (r64r-65) to Thomas
Burgess (r825-37).

1782, represents " The Raising of the Brazen Serpent ; " The undercroft, built by Bishop Poore, has been re-

the east window of the Lady chapel, designed by Sir stored .by Bishop Wordsworth r889.
.Joshua Reynolds, and executed by Eginton, represents
the " Resurrection; " there are memorial windows to The Church house for the diocese is a building of two
storeys in the Late Perpendicular style of Domestic
Mary, Countess of Radnor, who died sth April, 1879;
to the wife of the Rev. Canon Swayne, and to the 62nd Gothic. The structure, formerly known as Crane House,
(Duke of Edinburgh's) Regiment, and in July, r884, a was built in the r6th century by a wealthy wool stapler
memorial window was placed in the south transept to whose merchants' mark exists on various parts of the
Sir George Alfred Arney, late Chief Justice of the building; from the family of the builder it passed by
Supreme Court of New Zealand: a memorial window in purchase to the Touchets, Barons Audley: in 1631 it
the south choir aisle is to H.R.H. Duke of Albany K.G.: was forfeited to the Crown, and afterwards granted in
a triple lancet in the north-east transept to the memory perpetuity to the see, and was transferred by one of the
of Mrs. W. K. Hamilton, widow of Bishop Hamilton: a bishops to the Corporation, and has been restored as a
double lancet in east nave aisle to the memory of W. Church house under the direction of Messrs. Crickmay
Martin Coates: a single lancet in north transept to the and Sons, architects, of Weymouth: it consists of two un-
late Mr. Middleton, by his widow. equal blocks placed at right angles to each other, and
partially inclosing a court-yard: the north front faces

The monuments in the cathedral include those of the Crane street, and on the western side is a garden stretch-

following bishops :-Osmund, 1099; Roger, 1139, and ing to the river : the southern portion of the existing
Joscelyne, n84, both with effigies in has relief; Richard structure remains to be dealt with at some future time.

Poore, 1237, altar tomb and effigy of Purbeck marble; The building fund is estimated at from £3,500 to £4,ooo,

Robert Bingham, 1246, canopied arch with cadaver ; Wm. and the freehold has been purchased at a cost of £r,6oo:

of York, 1256, with canopied arch; Giles de Bridport, the library, restored and fitted, at an expense of £5oo, by
1263, tomb with effigy and small chantry, enriched with Miss Chafyn Grove : a depot for the Society for Pro-

biographical sculptures: Waiter De la Wyle, 1274; Roger moting Christian Knowledge and for the National Society

de Mortival, 1329, slab with fioriated cross; Robert Wy- is also complete!f: and the interior also includes a large

ville, 1375, with incised brass of the bishop's champion room for meetmgs of different societies, a C'Ommittee

before Sherborne Castle; Richard Metford, 1407, effigy room, general 1111d ladies' waiting rooms, porter's lodge &a
under canopy; Richard Beauchamp, 1482, altar tomb; Besides the cathedral Salisbury contains three pari~h

Lionel 'Voodville, 1484, and John Blythe, r5oo, both churches.



"St. Martin's was thoroughly restored in 1886 at a cost north-west on the Devizes road, opened in 1856, originally

of £3,000; it ia in the highest part of the town, on its comprised 2t acres, 2 more being added in 1885; it is

south-eastern confines, and considered the most ancient under the control of a burial board of 6 members : each

in the city; it is a stone edifice in the Perpendicular has two mortuary chapels.

ztyle : it has an Early English chancel, nave of 5 bays The Council House, a building of white brlick, with

and aisles, with square tower containing 8 bells, sur- stone portico, erected in the year 1795 at the sole ex-

mounted by a spire ; the entrance is through the base of pense of the then Earl of Rad.nor, is advantageously

the tower : the east window is stained ; there are six placed at the south-easot alllgle o-f the Ma.rket place: it
other stained windows in the chancel, and one in the contaiilis on one spacious floor the tw€> courts, a council.

south aisle: on the north side of the chancel is a room for the Corporation, 75 feet long, and retiring-

handsome monument of the Swayne family,. and a brass rooms !for the judges, officers and Wlitnesses, waiting-

dated 1632: the church was repaired an<i re-seated with rooms for witnesses and other converuient apartments;

open benches in 1850: there are 500 sittings. The regis- in front of the Council House, on a pedestal of granite,

ter dates from 1559, and is written in Latin up to 1620. is a bronze statue by Baron Maroche·tti, of Sidney, son

The living is a rectory, gross yearly value £304, in the of nth Earl of Pembroke, Secretary for War, aad ereate<l

gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1894 by the Lord Herlbert of Lea, who died August 2, ;r86I.

Rev. Oharles Myers M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. The 'County Hall, erected in x88g from designs uf Mr.

Part of the parish of St. Martin's, designated Milford, Fred Bath F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I. architect, of Salisbury,

is in the charge of the Rev. Henry J. Trueman. M..A.. of through the public ·spirit o!f Mr. Councillor \\''hitehead,

Clare College, Cambridge. ror particulars of St. Mark's .is a command•ing building in tthe Queen Anne style, at

church, see Milford. the corner of Endless 'street and Chipper lane, and is a

St. Edmund's church stands on the north-east ex- great ornament to the city: the interior of the hall is

t:remity of the city, in an extensive churchyard planted a·rtistic and elegant, and is we~l fitted up for theatrical

with lime trees, and is a handsome edifice of stone of performanaces (with a stage 46 feet by 30 feet), concerts.

tthe 15th century; it has chancel, nave of five b&ys, ai~le·:~ lectures, public meetings, iballs, assemblies, bazaars and

and two chapels, with square embattled tower, restored exhi'bitions, hav<ing well-arranged entrance:so with ~pecial

in 1889, having pinnacles: at each corner, and containing a exits in case of fire or panic : it has seating aocommoda-

clock and 8 bells: the church was restored from designa tion for 650 persons, with a balcony for 350 additional

by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. at a cost of more persons : the hall has excellent acoustic properties, the

than £7,000: the chancel has been rebuilt, and the aisles sanitary, ventilation, heating and 1ighting appliancE's

lengthened : the east and several other windows are being of the lates.t description, with dressing and cloak

stained: there are 8oo sittings. The register dates from rooms, and ample lavatory accommodation; Mr. Arthur

the year 1538. The living is a rectory, gross yearly Whitehead is proprietor and' manager.

value £309, net £230, with residence, in the gift of the 1The Lent a:sosize in 1\larch has been transferred for

Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1890 by the Rev. greater convenience to Devizes, but the Summer assize

John David Morrice M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge is held here.

The church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, erected as A commodious Corn Exchange, erected ·in 1859• at the
a chapel of ease to the cathedral in 1240, is a building of north-west corner of the !Market place, is connected by
-stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel means of a branch railway with the stations at iFisherton.
with aisles, nave of five bays, aisles and an embattled The .great corn market is on Tuesday, the cattle market
western tower containing a clock with chimes and 8 bells : every other Tuesday, and a cheese market is held on the
the roof is of oak, handsomely carved and panelled : the second Thursday m each monbh
entrance is through the base of the tower: the organ was Fairs are held on .the Monday before the 5th of April
originally presented to the cathedral by George IlL : and on the first Tue~sday after Weyhill fair, which is
the east window is stained : in the south aisle are two held on the 10th of October. A very large sheep fair
monuments, each with two kneeling figures, to Charles is he~d at the Butts on the 15th of July. Formerly a
Eyre esq. founder of an hospital in this city : under the large pleasure fair was held on Whit Monday and Tues- ,
tower entrance is a carving in oak, roughly executed by day, in the square and churchyard oif the cathedral
one Humphrey Beckham, and representing a series of close: 'but the Dean and ·Chapter, who received the tolls
s'llbjects in the lives of the Patriarchs: the chancel was under an old charter, have caused ~t to be discontinued.
restored under the direction of the late G. E. Street esq. The local trade is limited to the necessary supply of
R.A.: the chutch affords 1,200 ~ittings. The register the city and of the numerous villages around, whose
dates from the year 1570. The living is a vicarage, gross inha,bitants frequent the markets: every Tuesday and
yearly value £3oo, net £295, in the gift of the Dean and Saturday. Messrs. Yates & Co. Limited of Wilton estab-
Chapter, and held since 1894 by the Rev. William John lished a !branch factory for carpets and rugs here in
Birkbeck M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford.
1889, and Messrs. 1\foore Brothers & Co. Limited have
The handsome Catholic church, dedicated to St. Os- an extensive 'boot manufactory. !Here are also tanneries,
round, in Exeter street, was built in 1848, from a design breweries and flour mills.
by the late Mr. W elby Pugin, and cor.sists of chancel,
At the junction of Silver street, the Butcher row and
nave and south aisle, with' western tower, containing on& Minster s.treet stands the Poultry Oross, formerly called

bell, through the base of which is the entrance: the the Yarn .Market, which strongly resemfbles in its general
church has 240 sittings : near the church are the schools, design the cross at Malmesbury: it is hexagonal in
conducted by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de plan, and has six open arches on buttressed piers termin-
The Congregational church, in Fisherton street, was ating in crocketed pinnacles rising above a pierced para-
pet : over each arch !is a 'Canopied niche : the roof is mp-
opened June u, 1879, having been erected at a cost of
£n,ooo: it is in the Early Decorated Gothic style, and ported by a central pillar continued through it: flying
consists of nave, aisles and apse (with organ chamber and ogee buttresses from the angles of the structure meet
vestry on either side of the apse), and tower and spire the upper shaft, and the whole is surmounted by an open
rising to a height of 132 feet: the church will seat 5oo canopied tabernacle, finished with a cross. T'his build-
persons: school buildings •have been added at a cost of ing is said to have been erected in .the reign of Richard

£1,100. II. (1377-99) as an act of penance for heterodoxy, some
There is a Baptist chapel in Brown street erected in accounts descrilbing it as the work of Lawrence de St.

186o and having soo sittings. Martin, of Wardour Castle, and others attnbutmg it N
'There are two Primitive Methodist chapels, one in
one of .the Earls of Salislbury.

Fisherton street, erected in 1869, will seat 450 persons, Races are held on two days in May, on the race plain
and another in St. Mark's road, built in 189o, with 180 beyond Harniham hill.
Salisbury is the head quarters of Royal ·wntsh.ire Yeo-
'fhe Wesleyans have two chapels, one in Church street, manry Cavalry (Prince of Wales' Own iRoyal Regiment),
St. Edmunds, erected in I8oo to hold Boo persons, and and of the A and B Companies of Ist Wiltshire Rifle
another in Wilton road, erected in I88o and has 400 Volunteers.

sittings. The Salisbury and South \Vilts Museum, in St. Ann''s

The Christian Brethren have two meeting places in the street, is open to .the public gratis daily, viz.: except

city, one in Guilder l3ine, built of iron and having 250 Friday and Sunday, during the hours of daylight: it con-

seats, and the other in Ohurch fields, erected in I86o and tains local olbjects of art and antiquity, and geological

will hold 400 persons. and other collections : among the local contents is the

There are two cemeteries, that for Salisbury, 16 acres Giant and attendant Hob nob or Hobby horse, which

in extent, is about three-quarters of a mjle north-east of were important features in guild processions in this

the town, on the London road ; 8 acres were opened in city, and are the on:y specimens r01Uainjng in the

1857 and the additional 8 acres in 1888; it is under the country.

control of a burial board of 18 members; and the other The Blackmore Mu;;eum, St. Ann's street, was founded

for Fisherton, 4! acres in extent, about the same distance by the late Mr. William Blackmore in 1864, and on his


decease was vested in the governing body of the Salis- I The 'Fawcett statue was erected in honour of Henl1'

bury and South Wilts Museum to be in their charge so J Fawcert:rt esq. :M.P. who was born in 1833 in Queen street as they can find funds for its support it may be (a ihouse nearly opposite to where the statue stands).

seen on .the 'same days, at the same ihours, and under He was the .second son of Alderman William Fawcett,
the same C()nditions as the other mu:seum : the collec~ who was mayor in 1832, when he presided over a great

tion is ethnological, and contains an important series of dinner of the citizens held in the Market place, to cele-

fiint implements, botih English and foreign; the collection bra.te the passing of the Reform Bill. Henry Fawcet\

of st-one pipes is very curious: the dbject of the founder represented first Brighton and! afterwards Hackilley in

was to make the collootion Hlustrative of tihe different Parliament, !became Postmaster-General in Mr. Glad·

phases of the "stone age" in various countries, "ith ex- stone':S' second administration, and was lf{)r many year!!

amples otf the prim.itive use of copper, bronze and iron. professor of Polit·ical Economy in the University of

The Free Public Lilbrary, in Endlless street, opened in Oallllbridge. He died Nov. 6, 1884, at Cambridge, and

1890, consists of reading and reference libaries, and a was buried! at Trumpington, near Camlbridge. Mr.

lending department: there are a1bout 3,500 volumes. Henry Richard Pinker was commissioned to provide a

The iHalle of John Halle, an old banqueting hall, is a ~bronze statue on a pedestal of grey Cornish granite, to

fine specimen otf lart:e 1•5th century work; the present be erected in the Market plae1e at a cost of about £9oo.

owner ihas recently put .in a new front to the old pre- and it was finished and: unveiled by the Earl of Pem-

mises, from the designs of .Mr. Fred Bath, strictly bar- broke in May, 18•87.

monizing with the style of the old !Hall, which illu:strates The area of the borough is 598! acres; rateable value-,
in wood and sto~e all il:he principal events connected with £60,971.

the Halle and life of the original owner. The ra-teable value {)f St. Edmund's parish is £u,548;

Ther':l ~re three new.s~a_pers published in the city. of St. Marmn's, £6,007; of St. Thoma.s, £12,970; of

A reliwous ihouse~ ad]ommg the church of St. Edmund, the Close, £4,129; of !Fisherton Anger, £18,951; and of

was founded h_ere m the 13th century by Bishop de la Milford tithing, £I8,us.

Wyle, and dedicated to St. Edmund: it was under the The po,pulation of the parliamentary and municipal_

charge otf a provoStt and 12 canons; the church of St. city in 1891 was:-

Edmu.nd was founded· 3:·t the same time,. and fo_rmed t1he Close of the Canons' liberty •••.•.••••••......... 684'
coll~giate chur~h, durmg three centunes, this college St. Edmund's parish ....••........................
havmg been •Seized 'by the Crown, had been devoted: to S M t" d'tto 3,649
secular purposes : in 1·873 it was purchased from the 2,421*
SMtt.:lfThadormTm~sh:·I·················· ·· ··£· ··········································· ···.·.····
•~at.haneuungmhp·obBseosrue osrsnf oearnsDtbi·.qCyu. Let h.meJQ~-pfI·rt0easoreyrnptwu soe acOpc·rtai,.ndct hoe1a1ceRcgoee,vu.t0r Gxfeoorrdg e 1,729
: - - -y·ISIhoerrtIAt Ing, ppaarrtt oof ,
s o n nger, .p.•a.r•i·.s•h......................•.•....... 3.ll9

have been dug u,p in its ground, supposed to be me- Municipal limits ................................. 15,533.

morials of the great 'battle of Old Sarum, fought be- Fisherton Anger, remaining part, parish 1,21~

tween ,the Saxons and Britons in 552. ---

Close to Harnham bridge over the Avon, in a pretty Parliamentary limits •••·••·•·•••••••••• 16,75I

but low situation, 1stands the Hospital of St. Nicholas,

eaid to have been built in 1220, by Countess Ela, wife 'Old .Sarum, or Old Castle, has a population of 13.
of the siXJbh Earl of Salisbury, for six aged men and· as
many women, with a -small chapel att-ached. There was "'Including 94 in St. Elizabeth's Catholic Indu!>trial Girls' School.

also erected in I863, near to Fisherton church, three tincluding 100 in Salisbury Infirmary, and G56 in Fisherton Hou._"-C
dwering-houses (now ~ncrea•sed: to •six), called St. Paul's Lunatic Asylum.

Home, founded and endowed by .the late Francis Attwood The populat~on of th.e wards in 1891 was :-St. Ed·
esq. of the Close, for widow.& or daughters of clergymen m~d, 6,091; St. ~Iartun, 4;·455 ; St. 'l'homa.s, 4,987.
of ,the dioceses of 'Sal.i;fuury and Winchester, with annuity Fishert:on Anger IS a _parish, a_n<}. was a VI~age. much
to each ()If £30, provision being made for payment of, more ancient than the City of Salisbury, ?f wh1ch It ~ow
rates and taxes and for a gardener to keep the llrounds: forms a populous ~uburb, on the west side. of the 1'1ver ·
the structure is handsome and well built. The oitv Avon, a. stone 'bndge. of 2 arches connecting tlle two
contains a great number otf asylums tfor the aged and pla?e:>; part of .iJt is with~n :the municipal boro~gh o1

!infirm, and charita1ble linst:iltutions• for educational pur- Sahs<bury, and the whole Withm the extended parbamen-

poses, and a :siChool for preparing indigent g.irls of the tary borough of Salisbury, and is in the hundred of
respectable classes for superior service : there is in the Branoh and Dole and the union of A~der'bury. In thii

Close a normal training school for female t.eachers. under parish are the stations of the South Western and Great
the management of a commi~tee consisting of the bishop, ~eSil:ern rapways c~ose together, the former_ retaining
clergy and some of the leadmg laymen of the diocese. 1~s old stabon at Milford, on the south-east side of the

The Salisbury Diocesan Home of lj\llercy, .in St. Martin's city, for the goods dt>partment. The old church of St.

Church .street, esta·blished in 1831, is for the reception of Clement has been pulled down and St. Paul's erected in

penitents under the care of the Community of St. John 1852, in <the Early English style, on a site near the rail-

the BaptiSit, whose principal house is at Clewer, near way stations: it is of stone and cwt. flint and has chan-.

'\Vindsor: a new wing consis·ting of a laundry and dor- eel, nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and a square

mitorjes was added in 1892, and in 1894 a memorial tower containing a c:ock a.nd 6 bells, surmounted by a

chapel to the late Hon. P. Ohrlistopher Bouverie was low spire: the north aisle was added in 1876: the regis-

opened: it is of red brick with 'stone facings, in the ter dates from the year 1652. The living is a rectory.

Early English style, consisting of apsidal chance:, nave, aJVerage ti:the rent·C'harge £u2, gross yearly value £300~:

org:m chamber and verstry: the building will seat go. net £245, with residence and glebe (£us), in the gift ru

The house is avaaable for 30 penitents. trustees, and held since I873 by tihe Rev. Edgar Nem'b-

.Aibout £'5oo fr()m various charities is distributed in hard Thwaites. Hayter's charity of £4oo yearly is for

money and kind. 8 poor women, who receive Ios. 6d. each weekly. Here

The Victoria Park, distant a.bout half-a-mite from the is the Fisherton House Lunatic Asylum, the largest pri-

Market place, is the permanent local memorial of the vate asylum in England, capa.ble of holding 672·
jUJbilee of tihe reign of Queen Vjeto:ria: it was purchas•ed patients; Dr. <Wil:~am Cor'bin FinC'h is the proprietor.

by public sulbs-cription at a cost of £I,6oo from the Dean Here is the capacious and admiralbly conducted Infirmary,

and Oh8.1p'ter, who sold the land much below its actual built 1766, by voluntary contributions and incorporated

value for this purpose: it consisbs of 16 acres, and has by Royal 'Charter, 1862; number of in-pattienbs average

'bOOJM laid out, paru as gardens and the remainder as 95 daily, and out-pwtieruts admitted during 1893 amounted

cricket field, tennis courts, football ground and a cycling to 3,900: it has a convalescent home in connection with

track a quarter of a. mile in circumference: an ornamentaJ it at Bournemouth.

band •stand, crioket pavilion, shelter and other buildings The clock tower, in Fisherton street, near the- In-

!have /been erected; many thousands of plants, shrubs firmary, !is of stone supporting an illuminated clock with

and trees have 'been planted, and these with .tihe buildings four dials, and was erected lin 1892, by John Roberts

have wholly been provided by special gifts and by public M.D. of this city, in memory of his wife Arabella.

SUJ?sc.ription~. . The wihole ihas •been la.i~ out and the A Memori~l hall for evangelistic religions serviee')

pnnCipal lbmldmgs erecied frmrt the des1gns and under was erected m 188o from the designs otf Mr. Fred Bath,

the .superintendence of Mr. Fred Bath F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I. to the memory of John 1\faundrel, a Wilhhire yeoman

of Salisbury, /the honorary architect of the trustees, and Protestant marrtyr, who was burnt to death at Salis-

who are publicly elected, the honorary secretary being bury in 1556; the 'building, sewting 6oo persons, is
Mr. George Fullford and the cha.irman Mr. Fred Griffin, prettily designed jnside, and has excellwt acoustic pro.-

who was Julhilee mayor, and to whose energy, Iiberal:bty perties. Earl Nelson D.L,... J.P. is lord of the manor.

and public spirit much of the success 00. the park is due. The area is 340 acres; rateaJble value, £r8,95 1; the

WILTS. 12*



population in I86r was 2,424 ; in r88r, 4,783; and in J. R Reeve, is an edifice of stone in: the Perpendicular

1891 was s,r4g style, consisting rut present only of ohancel, one bay O·f
the nave, transepts, side chapel, organ chamiber, vestries
Milford is a tithing, in the pacish of St. Martin, ad-
joining to and a portion of it forming part of the par:ia- and the ibase of a central tower: there are sittings fQr
mentary borough of 'Sali,slbury on the east, in the hun-
dred of Undel'ditch and union of Aldertbury: the village 400. The Rev. Henry Josep'h rr'rueman M.A. of Clare
or hamlet of :Milford is about ihalf a mile furt·her east. College, Cam'bridge, ha~ been curate~in-charge since
St. Mark's district church, on the London road, built 1894. The B~slwp of Salisbury is lord of the manor.
in I893, rut a total cost of £6,530, from designs of Mr.
The area is 1,350 acres of land and :r3 of water; rate-
a~ble value, £I'8,IIS; the population in I88I was I,573;

and in 189I was 3,989.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

POST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Insurance & Annuity Office, Head office, CanaL-

Postmaster, Frederick Mackland.

ToWN SuB-PosT, M. 0. 0. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices.-Wilton road, Fisherton, R. W. Nicholas, sub-

postmaster; Wyndham park (also Telegraph Office), Thomas Jenkins, sub-postmaster.


Mails Dispatched. Box closes. Extra fee of Letters regis-
halfpenny. tered till

To all Sub-offices ..............................................•............................. a. m. a..m.. . p.m.
IO.O pre-
Bath, Bristol, Bradford, Devizes, J<'rome, Melksham, Trowbridge, Warmin- 3· 0 - v1• ous evem• ng
ster, Westbury & West of England ...................., ..............................
5-30 ... --
Bristol, Wilts (generally) & West of England .......................................
London, Ireland, Scotland, ~orth, Midland, South-Eastern & Great 9·30 IO.I5 a.m.
9· 0
Eastern counties ...... ..................................................................... IO.IO ...
London, & places beyond Bournemouth, Dorchester, Isle of Wight, South- 12.0 noon p.m.
ampton, V\reymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Ireland, Scotland &c ......... p.m. 11.30
Bristol, Plymouth, Yeovil, Devizes, Shaftesbury, Donhead, Hindon, East I2.35 I. IS p.m.
Knoyle & Wishford ......................................................................... ......... I2. 5
Bournemouth & Wimborne ................................................................. 2.10 I2.40
3-40 -
Bristol, Bath, Warminster & West of England; also Tisbury, Dinton & 3·45 1.40
4.IO 4-40 3-20
Gillingham .................................................................................. 4·35
3-· 1 5
London & all places beyond, Ireland, Scotland &c ................................. . 6.o & 6.45
Southampton, Winchester, Sherborne & Trowbridge ............................... 4· IS
Bristol & West of England ................................................................. 9-30 ...6.xo & 6.50 5-30 & 6.15
London & all places beyond, Andover, Romsey, Ireland, Scotland &c....... .. 9·45 7· 0
Bath, Bristol, Bradford, De,"izes, Frome, Marlborough, Melksham, Trow- midnight II. 0 9· 0
10. 0
bridge, Warminster, Chippenham, Cornwall, Devon, North Wilts, -
Oxford, Somerset, South Wales &c ............................................... .. -
Ireland, Scotland, North, Midland & S. E. counties ................................ .
Post Towns in South West of England & Reading ................................ .
London & places beyond, Ireland, Scotland &c..................................... ..

Shaftesbury, Sherborne & Yeovil... ......................................................

Sundays-.A.ll Post Towns, 9.30 p.m. Hulse Sir Edward bart. B.A., D.L. Breamore house,

''Town Sub-Post Offices, cleared at:-- Salisbury

*Wyndham park, 8.20, 9.25 & II.IO a.m. & 2.25, 4, Malet Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry Charles Eden bart. Wilbury
park, Salisbury
S-55. 8.30 & 9-50 p.m.; sun. 8.30 p.m
*Wilton road, 8.20, 9.30 !& II a.m. & r.w, 5.15 & 9 Bond Rev. John Edward Gordon, Vicarage, South New-
ton, Salisbury
p.m. ; sun. 9 p.m
Bradburne Frederick Ashe esq. Lyburn, Lyndhurst
* Money Order & Savtings Bank Offices. Buckley Alfred esq. D.L. New hall, Bodenham, Salisbury

· Letters postEld at Head Office up to 6.45 & 9 a.m. 1.45 Coote Eyre, West park, South Damerham, Salisbury

& 5.30 p.m. fall into the Town deliveries Eyre-Matcham William Eyre esq. D.L. New house,

Hours for issue of Money Orders, receipt of Post Office Downton, Salisbury

Savings Bank deposit.s, & i&sue & payment of Postal Everett Col. John Frederic, The Close, Salisbury

Orders, from 7 IO p.m Fort George Munkhouse esq. Alderbury ha. Salisbury

Hours for payment of Saving Bank withdrawals, Annuity Fowle Fulwar Craven esq. Amesbury, Salisbury

& Insurance !business & payment of Money orders, Good Henry Norton Butler esq. Shrewton lodge, Shrew-

9 a.m. to Io p.m ton S.O

Hours for Parcel Post 'business, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m Hill James Ledger esq. Bulford manor, Amesbury,

Post Office Hours week days, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; Salisbury

sundays, from 7 till 10 a.m. & 5 till 6 p.m Hinxman Edward esq. D.L. Little Durnford ho. Salisbury

'Telegraph Hours week days, from 8 a.m. till g p.m.; Hulse Edward Henry esq. M.P., D.L. Breamore house,

sundays, from 8 full IO a.m. & 5 till 6 p.m Salisbury

Deliveries-Letters, 7 & 9· I5 a.m. & 2 & S-45 p.m. Jacob John Henry esq. The Close, Salisbury

Parcels, 8 & ri a.m. & 6 p.m J ervoise Francis Michael Ellis esq. M.A. Herriard park,


Lawrence William Frederic esq. M.A., M.P. Cowesfield

Edward Henry Hulse esq. D.L., J.P. Breamore house, house, Whiteparish, Salisbury
Matcham Geo. Henry Eyre esq. Bramble Hill, Lyndhurst
Salisbury; & 26 Upper Brook street W & Carlton club, Penruddocke Charles esq. F.R.H.S., D.L. Compton park,

London SW • Salisbury
Penruddocke Charles, jun. esq. Bratton St. Mawr,
Returning Officer, The Mayor


For the Salisbury & Amesbury Petty Sessional Division. Pinckney William esq. Milford hill, Salisbury
Poore Major Robert, Old lodge, Salisbury

Radnor Right Hon. Earl of, P.C. Longford castle, Salis- Powell John Alexander Tyndale esq. Riversfield, Bemer·

bury, chairman ton, Salisbury

Folkestone Viscount M.P. Longford castle, Salisbury Stephens Henry Charles esq. M.P., F.L.S., F.C.S.,

Nelson Earl D.L. Trafalgar house, Salisbury F.G.S. Cholderton, Salisbury

Pembroke Earl of, Wilton house Swayne Jn. Montague esq. The Island, Wilton, Salisbury

Antrobus Sir Edmund bart. M.A., D.L. Amesbury

abbey, Salisbury Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry William Gobb, 5 Canal


Petty Sessions are held at the Council house every tues- Officers of the Council & Urban Sanitary Authority.

day at noon. The following places are included in the Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority,
Petty Sessional division :-Alderbury, Allington, Ames-
bury, Barford St. Martin, Baverstock, Berwick St. William Charles Powning, Municipal offices, Endless st
J ames, Bishopstone, Boscombe, Bower Chalke, Bram-
shaw, Britford, Broad Chalke, Bulford, Burcombe, Treasurer, M. H. ·w. Devenish, Blue Boar row
Cholderton, Clearendon Park, Coombe Bissett, Camp-
ton Chamberlayne, Damerham (South), Dinton, Down- Clerk of the Peace, Francis Hodding, Market House
ton, Durnford, Durrington, East Grimstead, Ebbes-
bourne Wake, Farley, Fifield Bavant, Fisherton Anger, chambers
Fovant, Foyd Farm (with Allenford), Fuggleston St.
Peter, Gravely Wood, Honnington, Idminston, Land- Coroner, George Smith, 5 Canal
ford, Langley Wood, Laverstock, Little Langford,
Maddington, Martin, Melchet Park, Milford, Nether- Deputy Coroner, S. Buchanan Smith, Crown chambers
hampton, Newton Toney, Nomansland, Nunton &
Bodenham, Odstock, Old Sarum, Orcheston St. George, Medical Officer of Health & Police Surgeon, Harcourt
Orcheston St. Mary, Pilton, Plaitford, Rollestone,
Shrewton, South Newton, Standlinch, Stapleford, Coates. Endless street
Steeple Langford, Stratford-sub-Castle, Stratford
Toney, The Caldoms, West Dean, West Grimstead, Public Analyst, F. W. Stoddart F.C.S, Sneyd park,
West Harnham, West 'Yellow, Whiteparish, Whits-
bury, Wilsford & Lake, 'Vilton, Winterbourne Dantsey, Clifton, Bristol
Winterbourne Earls, Winterbourne Gunner, Winter-
City Surveyor, John Champney Bothams M.Inst.C.E.
bourne Stoke, Winterslow, Wishford & Woodford
Municipal offices, Endless street

Assistant Surveyor,Alf.ChampneyBothams A. M.Inst.C.E.

Silver street

Public Librarian, Oliver Langmead

Chief of Police, Inspector of Weights & Measures &

under I•'ood & Drugs, Alfred Mathews, Police station,

Endless street

Inspector of Water \Vaste, William Robert Carter, St.

Mark's road '

Inspector of Common Lodging Houses & Slaughter

Houses & Sanitary Inspector, George Carey, 18 St.

MAGISTRATES FOR THE CITY. Martin's Church street
The Mayor, Ex-Mayor & Recorder. Inspector under Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act &

Vet. Inspector, Ernest Robert Harding M.R.C.V.S.

Atkins Samuel Ralph, The Mount, Elm grove Fisherton street

Brown Henry, 141 Castle street Collector of Rates, ·william Chas. Westmoreland, Crane st

Fullford George, 51 Castle street Lessee of Market Tolls, James Percy, Shepherd's Bush,

Gregory Henry George, West Harnham London )V

Griffin Frederick, 52 Fisherton street Town Crier, Henry Marshment, Milford hill

Hammick William Maxwell, The Close Sergeants at Mace, George Hopkins, Castle street;

Harding Robert Curtis, Devizes road Matthew Sparey, Chipper lane & George Carey, St.

Marlow William, Milford hall, Castle street Martin's Church street

Ottaway Philip Watson, The Close Public Establishments.

Radcliffe Charles Henry, 47 Endless street

Read J ames, Petersfinger Assembly & Concert Rooms, High street, Absalom

Stokes Robert, Borroughs hill, Laverstock George Spinney, manager

Waters Edward, Heathfield, Elm grove Blackmore Museum, St. Ann street, Dr. H. P. Black-

Clerk, William Charles Pawning, Chipper lane more, hon. director; J. R. Yelf, hon. treasurer;
George F. Henbest, hon. sec
City Petty Sessions held at the Council house mon.
11 a.m. City Police Station, Endless street, Alfred Mathews, head
constable. The force consis'ts of the head constable,

COUNCIL OF THE CITY. I inspector, 2 sergeants & 14 constables

1894-95· Corn lteturns Office, Bridge street & Corn Exchange,
Mayor-Councillor Edward Foulger Pye-Smith. Edwin D. Turner, inspector

Deputy-Mayor-Councillor Charles Haskins. County Court & District Bankruptcy Court; office,
Recorder, Charles Willie Mathews esq. 5 Lennox gardens Bridge street, His Honor James John Hooper, judge;
Richard Arthur Wilson M. A. registrar & high bailiff;
S W & 1 Essex court, Temple E C London George Munkhouse \Vilson, deputy registrar. The
court is held at the Council house every month & the

~Joseph William Lovibond ~Charles Richard Norton district comprises the following places :-Alderbury,

•~Samuel Parker llfJames Read Allington, Amesbury, Barford St. Martin, Baverstock,
§George Fullford Bemerton & Quidhampton, Berwick St. James, Bishop-
~Henry Brown stone, Bodenham, Boscombe, Bower Chalk, Britford,
Broad Chalk, Bulford, Burcombe, Burdenshall, Charl-
1 ton, Chilhampton, Cholderton (West), Clarendon Park,

Marked thus § retire in 1895.
~larked thus ~ retire in 1898.

Councillors. Close (The), Coombe Bissett, Compton Chamberlayne,

St. Edmund's Ward. Deptford, Dinton, Ditchampton, Downton, Durnford,
Durrington, Ebbesbourne Wake, Elston, Figheldean,
Alderman appointed to preside at 'Ward e:ections, James Fisherton Anger, Fisherton Delamere, Fovant, Fuggle-
Read. stone St. Peter, Fifield Bavant, Gomolden, Grimstead
(East), Grimstead (West), Hamptworth, Hanging
tJohn A. Folliott *Mark Garrett Horder Langford, Maddington, 1\'lilford, Milston, Netherhamp-
tS. Fawcett t Howard Harris ton, Idmiston, Langford, Laverstock & Ford, Little
*George Nodder tEdward F. Pye-Smith

St. Martin's Ward. Langford, Maddington, Hilford, Milston, Netherhamp-

Alderman appointed to preside at ·ward elections, Henry ton, Newton 'foney, Newton (South), Nunton, Odstock,
Orcheston St. George, Orcheston St. Mary, Pitton &
Brown. Parley, l'orton, Redlynch, Rollestone, Salisbury, Shrew-
ton, Steeple Langford, Standlynch, Stapleford, Stoford,
!Arthur Russell Maiden *Alfred Watson Stratford-sub-Castle, Stratford Toney, Whaddon, Wil-
ton, Wilsford & Lake, Whiteparish, Winterslow, Win-
tWilliam Maxwell Hammick tArthur Whitehead terbourne Dantsey, \Vinterbourne Earls, Winterbourne

*William Marlow tEdward Alexander

St. Thomas' Ward.

Alderman appointed to preside at Ward elections, Charles Gunner, Winterbourne Stoke, Wishford, Woodford &

Richard Norton. Wyle

!Edward Waters *Thomas Scamell This Court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction, and for
!Frederiek Griffin tEdward John Brittan Bankruptcy purposes includes, in addition, the County
*Henry George Gregory tCharles Haskins Courts of Andover & Fordingbridge; F. Aston Dawes,
City chambers, official receiver
Mayor's Auditor, Alderman Henry Brown, High street
Elective Auditors, F. Aston Dawes, City chambers & Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amend-
ment Act," John Turton Woolley, Castle street; Ed-
James Keith Dowden, Crown chambers ward Waters, Canal; Charles James Whereat, Canal

Marked thus ! retire in 1895. & Edwin Richard Wilson, London road

Marked thus * retire in 1896. Cemetery (Salisbury), London road, George Smith, clerk
to the burial board; Silas Gauge, lodge keeper
Marked thus t retire in 1897.

The Corporation meet at the Council house the first Cemetery (Fisherton Anger), Devizes road, Geo. Smith,

thursday in every month at 11 a.m. acting as the clerk to the burial board; Edwd. Rose, lodge keeper

Urban Sanitary Authority; & the first thursday in County Hall, Endless street, Ezra Bailey, caretaker

February, May & August, at 11 a.m. acting in their County Police Station, Devizes road, Fisherton Anger,

municipal capacity John Stephens, superintendent. The force in the Salis-


bury divi!Jion consists pf I inspector, 6 sergeants 4:; 2J Cpllect01:s to the Guardians, Relieving & Vacoin.a.tien

constables; the division comprises 82 parishes Officers, No. I district, William Read, 71 St• .A.nn
Fire Brigade (Volunteer), Edward Wilkes Gawthorne• &treet, Salisbury; 1\o. 2 district, Edward Foakes Nor-
ton, Downton; No. 3 district, William George New-
captain; Herbert Hobbs, resident fireman & station bery, Brown street, Salisbury
keeper; E. 0. Harris, hon. sec. ; engine house, Salt lane Medical Officers, No. I district, E. N. Keys \Yells,
Inland Revenue. Bridge street l Alfred Cook, superv:sor l W~iteparish; No. ~ district, Georgs. William White-
Patrick Feery & Edwin D. Turner, officers; tax lay L.R.C.P.Edin. Downton; Nos. 3 & 6,, Q.istricts,
department, Owen 0ook, surveyor of taxes Sidney Ellis, Brown s-treet, Salisbury; No. 4 district,
Lutlier Hall, Fisherton street, Rev. E. N. Thwaites, sec
Market House & Cern Exchange, Market place, Charles Levi Stephenson Luckham, x6 Harcourt terrace, Salis-
Richard Norton, sec.; Edmund George, keeper
Probate Registry .()ffi{}e, The Close, Henry Elliot Fox, bury; No. 5 district, James Kelland M.B., C.M. 33
district registrar; Henry Young, chief clerk
Public Library, Endless street, Oliver Langmead, public Canal, Salisbury
librarian Public Vaccinators, Nos. I, 2 & 4 districts, same M

Salisbury & South Wilts Museam, St. Ann street, Dr. medical officers; Nos. 3 & 5 districts, Sidney Ellis,

H. P. Blackmore, hon. director; J. R. Yelf, hon. Brown street, Salisbury
treasurer ; George F. Henbest, hon. sec Superintendent Registrar, Francis Horlding, Market
South Wilts Chamber of A.~rriculture, Cattle Auction
mart, Castle street; John T. Woolley, hon. sec. & treas House chambers, Salisbury; deputy, William H~rbert
'town Hall & Council. Chamber, Market place, George Jacroson, The MaJ>tins, Endless sotreet
Warren & Henry Case, beadles ;Registrar of Births & Deaths, Alderbury sub-district,
William Read, 71 St. Ann street, Salisbury; deputy,
HOSPITALS & CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. G·eorge Henry Davis, 4 Wyndbam road, Salisbury;
Downton sub-di:sttriot, Edward F. Norton, Downt.on;
St. Michael's Home for Friendless Girls, Endless. street, deputy, Charles Matthews, Downton; Salisbury sub-
founded February, I882, & supported by voluntary con-,rict, Will~am George Newberry, Brown stret't,
tributions & special payments ; Miss Ellen Mary An- Salisbury; deputy, David Thomas Dyke, Market House
derson, matron chambers, Salisbury
Re~ristra.r of Marriages, Downton district, Edward F.
St. Ni('holas Hospital, The Close; Rev~ Henry Hriggs Norton, Downton; deputy, Chaxles Matthews, Down-
ton; other d:istl'iots, David Thomas Dyke, Market
M.A. chaplain
Salisbury Diocesan House of Mercy, St. Martin's, Church House chambers, Salisbury; deputy, Alfred J. Wright,

street, Rev. the Hon. B. P. Bouverie, hon. sec. & treas M·arket House chambers
Salisbury Infirmary, Fisherton street, John Roberts Workhouse, Britford, a building of brick & slate, erected

M.D. consulting physician; Geurge Robert Tatum in I869, & will hold 340 inmates, Rev. Henry Brig-gs
F.R.C.S.Eng. & Fitz Roy Philip Darke, consulting sur· M. A. chaplain; Levi Stephenson Luckham, medl.eal
geons; F. Fawson Lee M.B. & J. Kelland M.B., C.M. officer; William Rohert Wif'lre·s,; 1\Irs. Emma
physicians; Harcourt Coates L.R.C.P.Lond. Ernest \Vickes, ma.tron; Miss Hannah P. Turner, school-
Kingscote M.B., C.M. & Levi Stephenson Luckham, mistress
surgeons ; Herbert L. E. \Vilks, house surgeon; S.
Buchanan Smith, sec. ; Miss .A. J ohnstone, matron School Attendance Committee.
Salisbury & South Wilts Provident Dispensary, High
street, The Ven. Archdeaoon Lear, chairman ; John Meets at the Bcitford workhouse every 4th fritlay
Roberts M. D. hon. physician; Fitz Roy Philip Darke, alternately, with the rural sanitary authority, at
James Edward Gordon M.D. Isaac Flower, Charles 10.30 a.m
Robert Straton, A. Longman, L. S. Luckham, G. F.
Chadwick, P. J. Barcraft, G. E. F. Hosking, G. G. Clerk, Francis Hodding, Market Hou!l'e chambers, Salsbry
Morris M.D., E. N. Keys-Wells, H. Brown & J. Kel-
land, medical offtcers; C. T. \Yinson, hon. surgeon- Atendance & Inquiry Officer, George \Villiam ltaniing,
dentist; Charles Southby, iec. & manager; there are I "Xelson terrace, Fisherton
8,253 members
Rural District Council. •
Yeomanry Cavalry.
Of 30 members (i.e. all guardians of the rural parishes
Royal Wiltshire (Prince of Wa!es' Own Royal Regi- are members); meets at t·he Britford workhouse every
4th friday, at 1.30 p.m
ment) (3rd Yeomanry Brigade); head quarters, z
ClePk, Francis Hodding, Market House chambers, Salsbry
Park villas, London road; lion. Col. George Sotheron- Treasurer, M. H. W. Devenish, Wilts & Dorset Bank,
Estcourt, commanding; Hon. Lieut.-Col. W. H. Long,
- major; Surg.-Lieut. G. T. K. Maurice & Surg.-Lieut. Medical Officer of Health, J ames Kelland, 33 Oanal,
E. Kingscote 1\-I.B. medical officers; Veterinary-Lieut.
T. V. Pettifer, F.R.C.V.S. veterinary officer; Arthur Salisbury
C. Simons, regime.ntal sergeant-major. C Squadl'on, Sanitary Inspector, David William Morrice, Homington
Capt. Viscount Weymouth l\I.P. commander; Capt. G. Clerk for Highway purposes, George Smith, Tne Canal,
L. Palmer, second in command; E. Parrott, quarter-
master; l',. Bartholomew, sergeant-major Salisbury


Volunteers. Assistant Overseers & Colleotors of Poor's Rates, Fisher-

ISt Wiltshire Rifles, A Co. Capt.. C. MacGill ; B Cp. ton, George William Harding, Fisherton; St. Ed-
Capt. F. Hodding V.D. commanding; Brigade-SurgPon- mund·s, Art.hur Co:x, Cas·tle street, Salisbury; St.
Lieut.-Col. F. F. Lee M.B. medical officer; Orderly
room, Market house; Edward Glass, sergeant-major 'l'homas, William Charles W.estmorland, Crane street,
Salisbury; St. Martin, Sydney John Britton, Park
Alderbury Union.
11treet; ~Iilford, J osia·h Clyde, Wyndhn.m 'rbad, l\Iilford
Board -day, altemate fridays, ai the Workhouse at
11 .a.m. Clerk to the Commis~ioners of Taxes for New Sarum,
William Charles Powning, Chipper !ane
The following is a list of the places in the union:-
Alderbury, Britford, Clarendon, Coombe Bissett, Down- Olerk to t.he Commis·sioners of Taxes for Salisbury Divi-
ton, Earldoms, Fisherton Anger, East Grimstead, "West sion, George Munkhouse \Vilson, Bridge street
Grim-stead, \Vest Harnham. Homington, Landford.
Langley Wood, Lav>~rstock & Ford, Milford, No Man's Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Amesbury
Land, Nunton-with-Hodenbam, OdSitock, Old Sarum or Division, R. Art:.hur Wilson, Bridge street
Old Castle, Pitton & Farley, St. Edmund (Salisbury),
Clerk to Fisherton .Anger & Salisbury Burial Board9,
St. Martin (Salisl;mry), S.t. Thomas' (Salisbury),
George Smith, 5 Canal
Standlinoh, Sti'aMord St. Anthony or Stratford Tony,
Stretford-unde·r~t.he-Oastl.e, the Olose of the Canons of Clerk to the Trustees of Salisbury Charities, Hamilton
the Cathedral Church (Salisb;q.ry), Whiteparish, Win- Fulton, Rolles·t-one street
terslow & West Dean. The population of the union in
I891 was 28,427; area, 58,7I2 acres; rateable value in Clerk to the Ves-try of Fisherton Anger, Sidney Buc-hana.n

1894· £I SW:l.I7 Smith, Crown chambers
Coroner for Wilt~, Richard .A.rthur \Vilson M ..A.. Bridge
Clerk t-o the Gu11-rd.ians & Assessment Committee, Fras.
Hodding, Market House chambers, Salisbury 'street; deputy, George Munkhouse Wilson, Bridg>e st

Treasurer, M. H. W. Devenish, \Vilts & Dorset Bank. Clerk to the Vestry of St. Thomas, Geo. Smith, _,; Canal
Clerk to the Vestry of St. Edmund, G. Harris, 6 End-

less street
Clerk to the V~stry of St. Martin, Hy.Wm. Qobb, 'Canal

Official Receiver in Bankruptcy for the Districts. of Salis-
bury, Dorchester, Poole & Yeovil, F . .A.ston Dawes,
City chambers, High street

Superintendent of County Police, .John S.t,ephens,FisJtert.n


DIOCESE OF ' SALISBURY. t88g, llemiJut~r Prima-, Edward Inman M.A. Pot.terne

xsss. Bishop, Right Rev. John Wordsworth D.D. 1Jf Vicarage, Devizes
Oriel College, Oxford, The Palace, Salisbury 1889. Hurstbourne & Burbage, Henry Everett Ravenhill
Dean, Very Rev. George Da>id Boyle M.A. The M.A. Buckland Newton, Dorchester
Deanery, Salisbury
1890. GiHingham, MajCtr Ernest Edward Dugmore M.L

l'arkstone Vicarage, Dorset

Archdeacons. · 1!!90. Bitton, Edward 1\f'llllet Yom1g M.A. MellSJham

1874. ·wilts, Yen. Thomas Boughton Buchanan M ..!.. 1890. Warminster, Edward ~teward M.A.Training school..
Yicarage, P·oulshot, Devizes
The Close, Sa;isbury
I875· Sarum, Ven. Francis Lear M.A. The Close, Salis- t892. Not-herhaven, The. Hon. Sidney Meade, Christ~
bury, & Rectory, Bishopstone, Salisbury
church, Bradford-on-Avon
1889, Dorset, Yen. Francis Briggs Sowter M.A. Wey- 1893. -Gillingham, Minor Percival Hart Dyke M.A. :Re~
tory, Compton Abbas

1893. Stra.tton, Wm. Gildea M.A., Netherbury

Canons Residentiary. 1894. Winterbourne Earls, John Augustine Beazor Rec-
tory, Port·land
1860. Calne, Hon. Douglas Hamilton-Gordon M.A. Ley-
den hall, The Close, Salisbury 1894. Slape, Robert Ge-org·e Swayne M.A. Woodlands.
Branksome, Bournemouth
t862. }lrickleswol'th, Yen. Archdeaoon Francis Lear M.A.
The Close, Salisbury 189-J. Bedminster & Redcliffe, Ven. Thomas Boughton
Buchanan :\-LA. Poulshot, Devizes
I88g. Edward Russell Berna~d l\I.A. The Clos-e, Salisbry
1894· Yen. Thomfcls Boughton Buchanan 1\-I.A. The Close, 1894. Chesenbury & Ohute; Hon. :Bertrand Plevdell
Bouveri.e ~I.A. Pewsey Rectory, Marlborough
1895. Alton Borealis

1868. Chancellor of the Diocese & Vicar General The 1895. Master of St. Nicholas Hospital
Right Hon. r& Worshipful Sir James Parke.r Deane
D.C.L., Q.C. 16 1Yestbourne terrace, London 'V Mas.ter of the Chori:.--ters' School. Rev. Eaxle E. Dor•

1881. Precentor of the Cathedral, The Dean, The Clos·e ling :\LA. The Clos.e, Salisbury
1:894. Chancellor of the Church, Edward Russell Ber-
Vioars Choral.
nard 1-I.A.
:r:86o. Treasurer, Hon. Douglas Hami.lton-Gordon M.A. A Corporation.

Leyden hall, The Close, Salisbury . 1856. Storer· Marshall Lakin M.A. The Cros~, Salisbsry

1887. Sub Dean, George Hugh Bourne D.C.L. The Col· (sub-chanter or succentor)
lege, Salisbury
1879. Harry William Carpenter M.A. The Close, Salis~
1879. Succentor, St.orer Marsha.Il Lakin M ..A.. The C:ose,
bury (procurator) ·
1888. Herbert Cromwell Bush B.A. The Close, Salisbury

1890. Edward Earle Dorling M.A. The Close, Salisbury

Eis'hop's Examining Chaplains.

Prebendaries, or Non-Resid.entiary Canons. 1885. Yen. Archdeacon Francis Lear M.A. Tlie Close.

1858. Highworbh, 1Villiam Renaud .M.A. Salisbury . Salisbury; & Rectmy, Eishopstone, Salisbury

t86x., Edward Paroissien Eddrup M.A. Vicar• 1ess. Canon Edward Russell Bernard M.A. The Cloi$e.

age, Bremhill, Calne · Salisbury

1863, Lyme & Halstock, William David Morrice M.A. 1885. "\Yalter Allan Moberly M.A. St. Phillip's, Syd~p.­

Weymouth ha.m SE

t868. Grantham Australis, Sir Talbot Hastings Bendall 1886. Frederic Wallis 1\-I..A.. Caius College, Cambridge
1893· Llewellyn John Bebb M.A. Brasenost)
Baker barot. M.A. Ranston, Blandford

t868. Wilsford & Woodford, Frederick Bennett .M.A. College,. Oxford

Vicarage, Maddington, Devizes Bishop·s Chaplains.
:r:869. Grantham Borealis, Charles• '\V.oodcock M.A. All
l886. Henry Julian White M.A. Theol.ogical College.
Saints Reotory, Chardstock, Axminster Salisbury (domestic)

t87o. Major Pars Altaris, Sir Erasmus Phi:lipps I 886. Charles Myers M.A. Temple house, Lyme Regis
bart. M.A. Vicarage, ·warminster
Pluralities Acts Amendmerut Act Commissioners.
1872. YateSJbury, Eldon Surtees B31llkes M.A. Rectory,

. Corfe Oastle, W'iareham 1892. Very Rev. .The I)ean
1872. Yetminster Prima, Henry Thomas Glyn B.A. Rec· 1892. Robert :Xewman Milford ~LA. Rectory, Bishop

t.ory, Fontfnell, Shaftesbury Knoyle, Salisbury
1874. Ilfracombe, Richard Lowndes M.A. Vicarage, Stur- 1892. Arthur Barugh Thynne M.A. Vicarage, Seend
1894· Alfred Samuel Littiewood ~LA.. Rectory, Winter-
minster Newton, Blandford
borne, St.ickland
1874. Preston, Olivier M.A. Reotory, Wilrton,
Salisbury Assessors .Appointed und!er the Clergy Discipline Act.
1874· Minor Pars .A.Jltaris, Francis Wa·rre M.A. Reotory,
Bemerton, Salisbury

t87S· GrimstHn & Yetminster, Alfred Codd M.A. Sals1bry For Dean & Chapter. .

T875· Uffculme, Thomas Luck Kingsbury M.A. Chaplain Very Rev. George David Boyle M.A. The Deanery.
Salisbury .
to Marquess of .AJ1esbury
Yen. Archdeacon Francis Lear M.A. The Close, Salis-
t875· Ruscombe Southbury, Reginald Southwell Smit·h bury; & Rectory, Bishopstone, Salisbury
~LA. Rectory, Stafford,
Canon Robert Sparke Hutchings M.A. Vicarage, AldEiJ,"~
1876. Bishopstone, Robert Sparke Itutohings M..A. Vioar• bury, Salisbury

age, Alderbury, Salisbury
1876. Chards.tock, John Duncan M. A. Vicarage, Calm~

t8]'8. Stratford, John Dryden Hodgson ·M.A. Rectory, For Archdeaconry of Sarum.

Collingbourne Ducis, ;t\Iarlborough Canon Dacres Olivier M.A. Rectory, Wilton, Salisbury
I88t. Fordington & Writhlington, Charle~ .Adams Hough- Canon Alfred Codd M.A. Montserrat, Salisbury
Robert ~ewman Milford Ivi.A. Reotory, Bishon Knoyfe.
ton M.A. Marlborough
1881: Teinton Regis, J·ames John Jacob l\I.A. Vicarage, Salisbury

Horningsham, Warminster Edwin Curwen Collard, Vicarage, Stratford-sub-Castfe.
1882. Ne-therbury in Ecclesia, John Stephenson M.A. St. Salisbury · ,

John's vicarage, 1Vevmouth

1882. Altan .Aus11ralis, J.ohn Smith l\LA. Salishurv For Archdeaconry of Wilts.

r884. Torleton, William Hector Lyon M..A.. Vicarage, Ven. Archdeac.on Thomas Boughton Buchanan M.A.

Sherborne Vicarage, Poulshot, Devizes .

1885. Pooterne, The Lord Bishop D.D Canon John Bond 1\I..A. Vica:rage, Steeple Aston, Trow•

1886. Coombe & Harnham, Edward Russell Bernard bridg"

M.A. The Close, Salisbury John Hart Burge's D.D. Rectory, Devizes

:r886. Beminster Secunda, Charles Bell M.A. The ArHmr Barugh Thynne M.A. Vicarage, Seend. Melkshatn

Lodge, Marlboroug-h College, Marlboroul!h F A hd fD t
or re eaoonry 0 orse · .
z887. Netherbury 1.n Terra, Robert Rowley Watts M..A.. I Canon Robert Rowley Watts M.A. Vicarage, Stourpaine.

Vicarage, St<mrpaine, Blandford

1887. Shipton, Beniamin Whitefoord M.A. Theologi1:al Blandford ..
.Henry Ev~rett 1\I.A: Tr1mty Rect~~· Dorohester
College, Salisbury

1888. Yetminster Secunda, Edward Slater-Browne M. A. Canon .W1lflam G1ldea. M. A. "\ 1carage. Netherbury.

Cholderton manor, Salisbury Boo.mmster R.S.O


Owen LuttreU Manse! M.A. Rectory, Ohurch Knowle, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.


Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.-8 a.m.

(not choral), ro.3o a.m. & 3 p.m.; week days, 7.30.

:Registrar of the Diocese, Fitzherbert Macdonald esq. The j a.m. (not choral), ro a.m. & 3 p.m. from March

Close . . .. to Novem'ber; other months, 4 p.m.; communion on
1886. Prmc1pal Secretary to ~he B1sh{)p, Clifford W. ,gundays & holy days at 8 a.m. & mid-day
Holgate e~q. The Palace, Salisbury
. St. Edmund'IS· Church, Rev. John David Mlorrice M.A.
Dep~ty Registrars & Chapter Clerks, Douglas John Km-j rector; Rev. S~dney James Buch'<tnan B.A. & Rev.
< }Ia.c~?nald esq. & Arthur Russell Maiden esq. The 1 Wymond Oory Jame•s B.A. curall:etS; James Parsons.,

R~C~ls_tobsea, rSfao1rsbthueryArchdeaconry of Dorset, E. A. Ffooks, I wo Bedwin street, clerk; 7·45 & 10.30 a.m. 3 & 6.30
j p.m. ; daily, 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. (except fri.); fri. 7 p.m

er orne , St. Martin's Church, Rev. Chas. Myers }LA. rector; Rev_

.Acting Registrars for the Archdeaconries. Wiilliam'ard"t Majendie M.A. Rev. PhiHp
Akm Constaible EUis M.A. & Rev. Goorge 'Walker Ot;bon

Sarum & Wilts, Douglas John Kinneir Macdonald esq. ~LA. curate•s; William Charl>es Pearce, clerk; 8 &

The Close, SaJisbury ro.3o a.m.; 6.30 p.m.; dali1y, 8.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m

Dorset, E. A. Ffooks esq. Sherborne S•t. Thom'a·s of Oante~bury Church, Rev. William John

Lib:rorian, Storer Marshall Lakin l\LA.The Cl{)se, Salsbry Birkbeck M.A. vicar; Rev. Harry Alexander Caryl

Vicar of the Close, Rev. Harry William Harry Carpenter M.A. cura/j:e; rr a.m.; 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, ro a.m_

~LA. The Close, Salisbury & 6 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m

1883. Organist, Charles Frederick South esq. The Close ~t. Paul's Church, Fishet'ton, Rev. Edgar Nembh11m
Thwaite.s, rector; Rev, Wallter Brown & Rev. Arthul'

Surveyors of Ecclesiastical Dila.pidations. Edgar Hughes B.A. curattes ; Wllliam Lucas, clerk;

Archdeaoonry of Dorset, C. E. Pouting esq. Lockeridge 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30
cottage, Marlborough St. Mary Magdalene, Gigan<t sltreet; (chapel of ease to St_

Archdeaconry of Sarum,Jn.Harding esq. 51 Canal,Salsbry Marlin's) ; 7.30 & 11 a. m. ; 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m

S't. Mark's, L<:mdlcm road, Rev. Henry J. Trueman M,A_

Arohdeaconry of Wilts, C. E. Pouting esq. Lockeridge curate in charge; rr a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, EO.

cottage, :Marlborough a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m

Archi.tect, Sir Arthur William Blomfield A.R.A., M.A., St. Edmund'IS (Iron) ~fi.ssi•on RO'om, Winchester street,

F.S.A. 6 ).l{)ntagu place, London W clergy of St. Edmund's; rso siittings, all free; 6.30

Clerk of Works, R. Bindley esq. 2 Devaux place, The p.m. ; week day·s, occasi(:mal services

Close, Salisbury ~Iaundre~ Hall, FisilJ.e"rt'On street, clergy of St. Paul's; 3

Six Lay Vicars. & 8 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m
St. Osmund Ca·tholic Church, Exeter mreet, Rev.

Charles Ling, clerlt; John M. Hayden, C. Kelsey, J. E. Dominic Ge•orge Hubert, prie•st; mass, 8 & 10.30 a.m.;
Payne, Roland Tyack, F. H. Koyes cthildren'•s soerY~ce, 3 p.m. ; ve-spers, 6.30 p.m. ; daily

mass ut 8 a.m. ; holy days, ma•ss, 7 & 9 a.m. & bene-

Surroga~tes. 0 diction, 7.30 p.m.; thurs. benedictii.on a.t 7.30 p.m
Baptist, Brown stTeet, Rev. George Short B.A.; 10.30•
Angel-Smith ReginaJd W.a1teiT Angel B.A. Limpley·st{)ke
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 1non. 8.15 p.m.; ·thurs. 7.15 p.m
Baggallay Fredervick M.A. Holy 'I'irin!ity, Weymouth
Bankes Oanon EldiOn Su:rttees M.A. Oorfe castle Congregational, J:<"J.siheT:ton stre•et, Re·v. Bdward lfu·ssau;:
Baynham Oanon Arthur M.A. Btishops Lavington 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thur.s. 7.15 p.m
Bing•ham William Philip Strong M.A. Trent•on, Westbury
Blacketrt; Se!l.wyn, 1-Vareham Primitive Methodis>t, F.ishert'Cm st. R·ev. Riohard Evan£;
10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
Brngge Oha!Tles Albert M.A. Th{)rnoombe
Oodd Canon Alfred M.A. SraHsbury Primi•tive Meth·od•ist, St. l\Iark'·s road; 2.30 & 6 p.m. ;:
thurs. 7 p.m
Oolli.sson Sydney Garbett, Bradiord-on-Avon
Darby Will~am, St. Rumbo1d Ulllited Method!ist, Milford street, Rev. RichaTd Dimond.;
Davies Sidney Edmund M.A. Gillingham 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Davis Weston Brockle•sby M.A. Ramsllmry
Dunaan OanO'Il' John M.A. Calne Wesleyan, Church st. St. Edmund's; Rev. John Archer&;
10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m. Rev.John Turner;:
Eve•reltt Henry M.A. Hioly Trinity, Dorchester
Fynes-Clin'ton Charles Henry M.A. Blandford Forum Wesleyan, Wilton road (erected 186o); Rev. Charles Willis,.
Rad•ow John Lovell Gwatkin :".LA. Melcombe 1\e!.",_L!<.
Henrslowe Edwd. .Jn. Lambe:rrt Barthelemon LL.B.Preston 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 pm. supernumerary
Christian (•open), GuilJJ.der lane; 10.30 a.m. 3 & 6-30

p.m. ; mon. & wed. 8 p.m
Brethren (exclUJS•ive), Church fields; 6.30 p.m

Hodg-son Canon J'Ohn Dryden ::\LA. Collingbourne Ducis SCHOOLS.
Hu~•,<lhe Franois .John :".LA. Wimlbol"'le :M:iinster
A School B{)ard for the municipal bOO"'ugh of Salisbury
Inman Edw31ro M.A. Po·tterne was formed 17 Feb. 1871, oonsisttling of 7 members~
Kiing-s1mry Canon Tlmmas Luck M. A. (cha.P':ilarin to ~Iar- the aocommoda•tion of the existing voluntary school•s
being sufficient, schools have not been erected l·y the
quis of .Ailesbnry) board ; Ge101Tge Hrarris, 6 Endlesrs street, cle·rk to the
•board; John Hicks, 39 st. attendance officeT
Dakin Storer Mar.shrall M.A. The Close, Salisbury
The Theological Oollege, The·, was founded l'>y-
Lawson .John Archibald, Poole BiSihop HamiH<>n : the buildin~s oons!ist of principal's
Lear Venerable Archdea·con Franc'ios M.A. The Clos~.

SaJiSJbury ; & Bish()pstone

Leonard A:rtthur Al1en M.A. BeaminrstteT R.S.O

Lloyd J'Clhn Augustus M.A. Mere hiQuse, 20 set·s of student's' rooms, chapel, library.

Lownde1s Oanon Ri~hard ~LA. S•turm'inster Newton dining hall, fives court & offices; Rev. Prebendary
L)'10n Canon W'illiam Hector M.A. Sherborne Benjam;in W"'h~'tefoord M.A. principal; Rev. Henry

McDowall Rdbert Scdtlt M.A. Ycimlinster Juliian White B. A. V'ice-principal; Rev. L. K. Hilton
Myerrs OruaT'les M.A. Lyme Reg-is
M.A. & Rev. H. L. Go.l1dg-e M.A. tutors

M-orrice Canon \VQlliam David :".LA. 1-Veymouth Cathedlral Dhoris.teTs', The Close; Rerv. Ea.rle E. Dorl!ing-,

Pag-et Goorge Cecil M.A. H~lt M..A. master

Plu1~ps Oanon Sir Jame.s Ernsnms ba::rtt. M.A.\Varminst·er The School of Science & Art occupies premises in New

R1avenhill Henry Everett .M.A. Buckland Newton st.reet, formerly used by the Liternry & Scient!:ific In-

Renaud Canon William M.A. Salisbury srtitution, now exbiuct : n·t the rear of this fQrmerly
stood Hami~ton Hall, which ha.s U{)W been removed, ~
Roe RJobei't Brndley ::".f.A. Melbury Osmond
Rogel"s Herbert Goodenough M.A. St{)ckton on its site an Art Gallery h131s been erected at 11he sole
Ryder AlgBII'Il'Cln Charles Dudley M.A. Rectory,Trowbrdg cost of Dr. Roberts, a resident of this city, & given

Stn~th Oan'On John to the School of Science & Art for the use of their-

SmY't1he Paltnick Murray M.A. West/bury classes ; the arrangements have been carried out under·
Slo··wter Ven. Archde3COll Froncis Briggs M.A. Weymouth the supe~utendence of the m'!IJs'ter of t'he school, Mr.

Stephenson Oanon John M.A. Melcombe Regis Joseph HJarris ; Messrs. Ifurding & Son were t·he
Swayne Oanon Robert GeOlrge l\LA. Close, Salisbury architect·s ; the school is in con.nedlion with the l:>e-
Thurlow Richard, St. James, Shaftesbnry pa.r:tment of Science & Art, Kerusington, & was taken

Thwn•send Charles Hemy M.A. Blisland over by the oorporati'On tin 1894; Joseph Harri.s, hood
master; WiUiam Maxwell Blamm~ck, hon. sec
Warre Canon Francis M'.A. Bennerton
'"'Pldon Le.wen· Bm-ton D.D. Briidpmt A Public Element'aiTy Hig'her Grade Schrool, in which
teclh.IllicruJ. educa:ti{)n W~ll be given to 200 ooys, WGS built
Whytehead Henry Robert M.A. St. Peter's, Marlborough in 1889 a.t the sole expens~ <>f Bishop Wordsworth. m

Windle Henry Edwrard Ph.D. Upavon a site adjoining the Palace ground's, fronting Exete:r
Wy~d Edwin George B.A. l\felrosh'8m


atreet; Reuben Bracher, master; there is a boarding Chapter Elia·s de Derham (No. 586), Masonic hall, OanaiP
G. M. Wilson, solicitor, Wlilwn, Scribe E. third friday
h~u~e atltached, aooommoo31ting 30 boys, built in 1893
in January, Mar:ch, August, September & November
TrMmng College for National Schoolmistre'Sses, The

Cl<ose ; 1\liiSis Hill, lady superintendent RAILWAY STATIONS.

St~n·Sibury School i.s ploo,s'a:rrtly situated on the London Fisherton.

TOOd; Rev. John Christopher .Alcock M.A.Oxon. head Svuth. Western, Edward Knight, staJtion master; Willia:m

masfter; ~ssi·slted by ili1bel"t H. Nott B..A. Balliol Col- DaVIs, agent to goods department, Mi.lford hill

lege, Ox:on, Rev. David R. EV'ans B..A.Oxon & Herbert Grea.t V\'estern, Jame•s William Jones, station ma·ster &
goods agent
E. 1\Jlay•si:on, Londo.n Uruiven;ity

GodiOiphin High School fOT Girls, Mmord hill, was

founded in 1708, to provide educatlion & maintenance

for 8 orphan children of gentlewomen ; but under a CONVEY.ANCE.

n~w scheme framed in 1886 by the Charity Commis- Omnibuse-s to & from 'V\-hite Hart,' 'Angel,' ' Ohough/

•SII.'oner:s. the school 111ow gives a first-class high school & W. Goddarrd's, l\Iilford sheet & Railway st!lltions, io

eduoartwn to over So pupils : .there aa-e six s.chda:rships meet every train

awarded 4x> girls of not leSJS than 12 years of a()'e CARRIERS.

fa;ell!titling the holder to all the benefits of tlhe school
e. yearly payment oi £20; Miss Mary .Alice Dougla·s
W~th the place•s they go to, inns they start from & days
head mistretSIS ' of depaorture.

St: Thomas' (CeniJ:rai) (neaT the chur:ch), erected f':t'Dddard E. & ~o. 35. ~ilf~ S'treet, daily, to London, 7
m r8S8, a new ~y.s' school added in 1891, for
p.m.. per ra1l, m London on the following
190 boy'S & 170 guls & 130 infants; average aMend-
mormmg; from London, daily 5 p.m. arriving in Saliil-
ance, ISO boy•s & 1SS girls & 76 infants; Wmiam
bury the following morruing; London station 46 Little
MGloi!ossrgEemGmaaneR,ulimlhasW~taelrl;tevsM, isi•nsfanRtu•s1' hmaHsutrnet;s mi·Sitress ·
' E C '

St. Edm':md'•s NaJtional (near the church), erected in Groot We•stern Co. J. C. Wall, agt. 22 Miillford st

1?61 w1th s~hool house adjoining, fur 187 boys, 190 South Wesie•rn Railway Oo. Chap1in & Oo. agts.Milford st

~rls & 195 'l.n~nts; average aMendiance, 170 boys, rs8 Suot'ton & Oo. to London, daily; F.rank Baker, Fisherton

g::rls & 158 mfa~tJs; Alfred Witee'ler, ma·ster; ~fiss street, agent for Salisbury

.L1~y. East!ham, mostre,ss; 1\fi&s Edith Fanner, infants' ~Iidland Railway Co. (Coal Traffic Agency), KingstDn

ma.stress AMhoeur'sbeu,ryW, i'l\tVl:o'anddroona,dE; a•H&ten&ryWTe•isstsiGn~aitmosnt, eaagden&t Farley-

St. 1\fark'.s Nation~1.l, Wyndham ro•ad, erected in r88g, for BI"03id, ' Coach & Horse•s,' tueos. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m

120 boys, 120 gurls & r8o infan'ts; average a•ttendance AJ.1ington-Penny, 'Ohougit,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m

roo boys, roo girLs & rso infunt·s; - Wills, master.' .Alvedaston--.'.1\{ullins, 'Goat,' tue•s. & Slat. 3.30 p.m

Miss Griffit·hs, mistress ; Mis·s .Anderson, infants' mist .Amesbury-Eyres, Ch<mgh inn, tues.t'hurs.& sat. 3 p.m

St. Martin'•s Ka.t:ioool (near the church), erected in 1810, Amport-Piper, ' Chough,' tues. 1.30 p.m
for 263 boy1s, 174 girls & 190 infants; average aktend-
.Andove·r-Piper, Chough inn, tues. 1.30 p.m
ance, qo •bo!s, 1so girls & ·140 illlfants; Daniel Sutton,
Bapton-Fleming, 'Wheat,sheaf,' tuoe,s. & sat. 4 p.m
ma-s·ter; M~Sls M. Walden, mis•tress; Miss Curt·is
B'arfO'rd-Whatley, 'Chough,' tues & sat. 3 p.m
infan<bs' misttretss '
Bemerton-TeTrill, 'Choough,' dlaHy, I p.m.; a1so tues.
Fi·sheroon National (now used only for senior girls & in-
thurs. & .saL 6 p.m
fa.ruts), erected in r867. for boY's, girls & infant,s· aver-
Berwick-Mullins, 'Goa:t,' tues. & sat. 3· 30 p.m
age attendance, 110 girls & 240 inf:mts; Miss 'Fanny
Berw,ick St. Jiohn-Keetle, 'Woolpack,' tues. & sat.3 p.m
Clark, mistress ; Miss Lucy King, infants' mistress
Bishopsoton•e-Elil-iottl:, 'Woolpack,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3
The Fli.sherton Ne•w Schools, erected in 1890 from
p.m. ; Dmiper & Judd, 'Wheatsheaf,' tue•s. thurs. &
desigrus of Mor. Fred Baith F.R.I.B..A., F.S.I. ax'chitect,
sat. 4 p.m
are f?r 330 boys & 150 junior girlos: the building, of Boosoorn'be-Old•en, ' Chough,' tue,s. & sa:t. 3 p.m
Bramshoaw-King, 'Goa1,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m
Go~hlC character, .is of red brick with stone dressings, Breamore"-Bishop, 'Round: of Beef,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m
Broad Ohalke· Smlith, 'Woolpack,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m.;
& IS nearly opp'Oos.J.te S't. Paul's church, the reotoQr of
Emm, 'Round of Beef,' tue·s. & sat. 4 p.m. ; Williams.
which (the Rev. Edgar N. ThW1ai:t€1s) being chairman 'Chough,' tues. thur.s. & sat. 3 p.m

of tlh. e school committee·; .A.Tthur, ma•st.eT ·, M:is•s Broughrton-May, 'Coach & Horses,' tues. 3 p.m.; Mm-
Lou1sa Pryor, mistres·s
gan, ' Shoulder of Muttton,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m
Churc h of E&ng1la3n2dg, i:rMtlsi;lfoardve.rsatgreeeta,tteernedcatnedce,in6o18b7o3~sfo&r Bulford-Toomer, 'White Hlo11se,' tues. thurs. & &at. 3
128 boy.s
p.m. ; Rumbold, 'Ohough,' •tues. thurs. & sat. 3.30 p.m
95 gir ls o&odin, fman1.tss-t;reSssydn-ey John Britton, maste•r ·' ·Miss OhilmM·k-Viney, 'Chough,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m
Ma ry Qh.i,U:~erne-Sm>ith. 'Shoulder o.f Mut.ton,' tues. 3 p.m. ;

Ohur:ch of. England (George HerbeTt's), Gigant s·tre·ert,

erected _n• r89o, for 200 inlflanbs; average attendance,

ug; 1\Il&s Le1a Carpenter, mistress J'loolman, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. 3 p.m
CholdeTton-Bundy, 'Chough,' tue·s. & sat. 3 p.m
St. Osmund (Oatholic), Exeter srtreelt erected in 1868
Codiford-Bowden, ' Should-er of Mutton,' tues. 3 p.m. ;
h;for go children; aveTage a•tftendance, '6o; conducted Thring, 'Shoulder of 1\futif:on,' tues. & fri. 4 p.m

the Sis,ter.s of Chwrity of St. Vincent de Paul · Oomp>ton Chambel'la.yne-Rose, 'Shoulder of Mut•ton/

St. Eliz.abeth's Home & Lndus.tria.l School, E xeter st rcehielt~ tue•s. & sUit. 3 p.m
founded in 1871 by Lady Herbert of Le a, for g6 Coombe Bis·seM-Hewlett, 'Woolpack,' tues. thurs. & sat.

d:en, who are. ed'lloo•ted & taught to work by the 4 p.m. ; Lawets, 'Goat,' rtues. & sat. 3 p.m
Oranborn€1 & Rockbourne-Suttoon, 'William IV.' tue:>.
S!I.SJters of CJ:mniy of St. Vincent de Paul

NEWSPAPERS. 3·30 p.m
Damerham-Vincent, 'Woolpach.,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m.;
Saliisbury Times & South Wilts Gazette, 98 Flishel't()ll
.s·t:-eet; Stalli·sbury Times Oo. Lim.iJted ; published every Gray, 'Round of Beef,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m.; Jerred.
fr1day. See advertisement 'Round of Beef,' tues. & sat. 4 p.m
Dean (East & West) & Lockerby-Collins, 'Chough/
Salisbury & "WWinches1er Journal, Canal ; Benneltt Bros. tue.s. & sat. 3 p.m
pr'opTie.t-ors ; publi•shed every saturday Devizes-Smith, ' Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. & soat. 3
p.m.; Lemon, '1-Voolpack,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m
l\--ilt•shire Oou~ty Mirror & Expre•ss, Oanal ; Edward Roe Dinton-Hibberd, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. & sat.

.& Go. ; publ.L~hed tuesday & friday 4 p.m

Di·ocesan Gazetlte, Canal ; Brown & Co. publishers ; pub- Donhead-Ingram, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. 3 p.m
lished monthly
Downton-Poore, 'Woolpack,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3
Phila•telic Journal, St. Thomas' churchy~ard; Willie.m
Brown, propriehJr & publisher ; published monthly

CL'CBS. p.m. ; Herrington, '1-Vheatsheaf,' tues. thurSJ. & sat_

Conservative WIQrk~ng Men's, St. .Ann's street (about 300 4 p.m.; Webb, 'Roebuck,' tues. thurs. & sat. 4 p.m.;
members); '\Villiam Lolllis .Anset, sec.; branches,
Fis~erton stree·~ (about 300 members); H. Weston Hickman, ' Shoulder of l\Iutton,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m
MaJor, sec.; "Wyndham park (about rso members);
James Robert .Adams, sec Durnford-Brock, 'Chough,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m. -

Newman, 'White Horse,' tuPs. & sat. 3 p.m r

Durrington-Rivers, ' Chough,' tues. thurs. & !"at. 3

p.m. ; Toomer, ''\Vhite Horse,' tues. thurs. & sat.

Ebbesbourne~Moxham, 'l\--oolpaclr,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m
Elias de Derham (No. s86), Masonic hall, Can'<'ll, Edward
Enford-Sawyer, 'Chough,' tues. 3 p.m
~ale, Castle ·street, sec. ; seco,nd thu'I"s. Sept. to May Far:ey-Broad, ' Coaeh & Horses,' tues. thurs. & ~t.

Ehas de Derham Mark Ma1sonos Lodge (No. 443), Ma&moic 3 p.m
Figheldean-Eyres, 'Chough,' tues. & mt. 4 p.m
hall, Canal; G. T. E. Blakley, St. Mark's road sec. ;

first -wed. in Feb. June, July & Dec '


Flell).ington Martin, 'Goat? tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m t Stspleford-Grant, 'Shoulder ·of Mutton,' t.ues.· & IJS\. 4

Fonthill-Beckett, ' Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. '! p.m p.m. ; Brown, ' Chough,' tues. &; sat. 3 p.m
Fordingbridge, Ringwood & South~mpton-Jubbs, 'Roe- Stockbridge & Queenwood-Morgan, 'Shoulder l)l

buck,' tue.s. thurs. & sat. 4 p.m Mutton,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m

l!'ovant--Jarvi!s, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. & sat. 3.30 Stockton-Fleming, 'Wheatsheaf,' tU:es. & sat. 4 p.m

p.m. ; Read, 'Chough,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m Stratford & Durnford.........Brock, • Chough,' tues. thnr8.,

Great Durnford-Miller, 'Chough,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m.; & sat. 3 p.m · '

Newman, 'White Horse,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m Swallowcliffe, Suttqn MandeviUet &c..-Roberts. '\Yool·

Grimstead (East & West)-Hopkins, 'William IV.' tues. pack,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m

& sat. 5 p.m Teffont & Chilmark-8treet, 'Chongh,' tnes. & Pt.

Gussoage-Gubbens, 'Woolpack,' tues. 3 p.m 3 p.m
IbiXon-King, '"\VOQlpack,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m. ; Sawyer, Tedworth-Eyles, 'Whit& Hor~,' ·tue9. & sat. I2 noon

'Chough,' tue14. · & sat. 3 p.m Tilshead, Stoford, Berwick & Devizes--Lawes, 'Wool-

Handley-Lucas, 'Goot,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m. ; Card, pack,' tues. :;;r p.m

'Roebuck,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m. ; Day, 'Roebuck,' thurs. Tisbury-Hu:ll, 'Shoulde:tt of Mutton,' tueS>. thurs. &

3 p.m sat. 3 p.m.; Chivers, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues,

Hindon-Beckett, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tue&. 3 p.m thurs. & sat. 4 p.m

Homington-Hewlett, '\Voolpack,' tues. thurs. & sat. Tollard Royal-Neale, 'Catherine Wheel,' tues. 3.30 p.m

4 p.m Tytherley & Doo.n-Hebberd, 'Goat,' tnes. & fri. 3.30

Idmiston-Olden, 'Chough,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m p.m .

·King Somborne-Morga.n, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. &. Wallop Parker, 'Coa,ch & Horses,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m.;

sat. 3 p.m Parsona, 'Woolpack,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m

La.ndford-8ansom, 'William IV.' tues. 3 p.m Wa.rdour & Pyt House Hull, ' Shoulder of Mutton,'

J,angford & Warminster.-Thring, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tueS'. thurs. & ~mt. 3 p.m

tues. & fri. 4 p.m Wellow-8ansom, 'William IV.' tues. 3
'LudgershaUl, Newbury & Reading-Beams, 'White Whitepaxish~Penn, 'Bell & CroWn/ tues. thuu.. & SRt.

Horse,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m 4 pm
Martin-Cannings, 'Wheatsheaf,' tue~. & sat. 4 p.m
Netton-Miller, 'Chough,' tues. & sat. 3.30 p.m Wilton-Terri11, 'Chough,' daily I; also tues.

thurs. & ~at. 6 p.m · ·"

' Netheravon--Sawyer, 'Chough,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m Wilsford & Lake King, 'Chcmgh,' tues. thurs. & sat.

Netheravon, Haxon & Figheldean-King, 'Woolpack, 3.30 p.m
tues. & sat, 3 p.~
Wimborne St. Giles Gubbens, 'Woolpack,' tues. 3 p.m
Newton Tony~Elton & Olden, 'Chough,' tues.' & sat. 3 Winterbourne Yates, 'Coach & Horses,' tues. thurs.

Orcheston, Devi,zes, Shrewton &c.-Hall, 'Shoulder of & sat. 4 p.m ·

Mutton,' tues. & sat. 3 p,m . Winterbourne Stoke-Grant, 'ShouldPr of Mutton,'

Pentridge :Yfartin, 'Goat,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m tues. & sat. 4 p.m

Pitton-Collins, 'William IV.' tues. & sat. 4 p.m. ; Winterbournes (Earls, Dantsey & Gunner)-Stevens,

·white, 'Round of Beef,' t~es. fri. & sat. 3 p.m 'Chough,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m

PJo:Jitford-Sansmn, 'William IV.' tues. 3 p.m Wint-ers1ow-Knight·, 'Woolpack,' tues. & sat. 3;

.Quidhampton-Terrill, ~,' daily ~ o'clock, also Knight, 'Coach & Horses,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m

tues. thurs. & Silt. 6 p.m Wishford-Petty, 'Bull,' tueSJ. & s'Bt. 3. p.m ...

Redlands Boyce, 'Round of Beef,' tues. & sat. 3 p..m Woodford Lake &c.-Brock, 'Chough,' tues. thnrs. &

Redlynch-Herrington, ' Wheftsheaf,' tues. thurs. & sat. !!at. 3 p.m '

4 p.m.; Webb, 'Roebuck,' tues. thurs. & sat, 4 p.m \Voodgreen-Poulton, 'Round of Beef,'· tues. & sat, 3

Rockbourne Sutton, 'Wil}iaiP IV.' tues. & s'Bt. 3 p.m p.m.;. Wort, 'Round of Beef,' tues. 3 p.m

Shrewton-Lemon, '·woolpack,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m.; Woodyates Ma,rtin, 'Goat,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m

Hall, 'Shoulder of Muttop.,' tues. & sat. 3 p.m. ; Wylye Thring, 'Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. & fri. 4

Hibberd, ' Chough,' tues. thurs. & sat._ 3. p.m. ; Scott., p.m. ; Whittle, ' Shoulder of Mutton,' tues. & sat.

'Bull,' tues. thurs. & sat, 3 p.m 4 :p,m

Southampton & Romsey-S11nsom, 'Willia.m IV.' tues.

3 p.m

:fRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beckingale Mrs. rMontague vls.Wltn.rd Brown Edwn.Lewis,

Abel Mr~. 3 Pembroke ter. Qqeen's rd BeU Mrs. The Close Brown George, III" Exeter street

Alchin Chas.Fdk.Woburn,St.:Mark'srd Bennett Fras·.Jas. Bellevue,London rd Brown Henry, I4I Castle street

Alcock Rev. John Christopher M.A. Bennet't Thomas, 87 Brown street Brown Jas. South view, London toad

(head master of Salisbury scpoo:), Bentlif Philip, Rozel, Manor road Brown Miss, River side, Cast:e t~treet

London road Bernard Rev. Canon Edward Russe:I Brown Mrs. Wm. River side, Castle s.b

Alderton Frederick, ::M'inster street M.A. (Chancellor of the Church), Brown Mrs. Wm. Wyndham road

Alexander Frank, Bramb!es,Lon,don rd The Close Brown Samuel William, Ohurch fields

Alexander John, ~li:ford hill Bindley Robt.:a Deveaux pl. The Close Brown Thomas, 143 Cas.Ue s·treet

Allan Mrs. 2 Pembrcke ter. Queen's .rd Birkbeck Rev. William J., M.A. (vicar Brown Thomas, 88 Exeter street.

Alien ~'fis·s, II New street of St. Thomas's), Tower ho.Fi~herton Brown William, Villette, I39 Castle st

Allford Thomas, Church fields Blackmore Humphrey Purnell ~I.D. 44 Brown William Lewi,s,Avondale,Wynd-

Andrews Emnl. Church st. Fi~herton St. Ann's street ham road

Anset William Louis, Kelvin vi:la, Blagrov•e (}eo. Grovemont.,Campbell rd Buchanan Ven. Robert Boughton M.A.

St. :Mark's road B:akely George Thomas. Edward,Dun- The Close

Archer Rev. John (Wesleyan), Ep- ollie, St. Mark's road Buchanan Rev. Sidney James B.A.

worth house, Wyndham road Bi.oom Thomas, Milford hill (curate of S't. Edmund), 4 Elm gro

Ash Hy. Geo. 2 Belmont vil.Devizes rd Boddie William M.B. Fisherton House Budden Mrs. 3 Clarendon tenace

Atkins Saml.Ralph,TheMount, Elmgro lunatic asylum Burden James, 21 Wilton road

Atkins \'filliam Ralph, Me:rose, Wynd- Bolton Mrs. Devaux pl. The Gose Burnet•t Mrs. 2 Hill side

ham road Banner John, II4 Exeter street Burns l\'ITs. 3 Elm grove

Austen Mrs. 2 Grosvenor terrace Bothams AlfredChampney, 39 Castle st Burrows Mrs. 82 St. Ann street

AuS~tin E.~Iontague,Fair.std.Londun rd Bothams Jn. Champny. Church fields Bush Rev. Herbert Gromw~ll M.A.

Axford Fredk.14 St.:Martin's,Church st Bothams Walter, Church fields (minor canon & curate in charge of

Aylward Mrs. Holmeleigh, Milford hill Bourne Rev. George Hug-h D.C.L. Laverstock), The Close

Baker Harry, 2 Nelson ter. Devizes rd (sub-dean of Salisbury Cathedral), Butler Henry, Glenwood, London road

Barber :Mrs.Jn. Daisydale,Sw&yne's else St. Edmund'.s college Butt Frank, 32 Cathe.rine street

Barnett Waiter, 2 Wilton pi. Wilton :td Bowle Edward, Belle vue, London road Canning Wm.Brown,Delapre, Manor rd

Barter Miss, The Close Boyle Very Rev. George David M.A. Carde·r Thomas, 59 Wind•sor street •

Bartlett Edward Elloway,Windermer~, (dean), 'l'he Deanery Carpenter Rev. Harry William M.A,

Campbell road Boyle Edward, Derzymore, Fowlers rd (minor canon & vicar of the Close),

Barton Alfred,2 Penrose viis.London rd Bracher Reuben, 97 Exeter street 'l'he Close

BatchelQr Hy.A.2Lawn ter.Hartngtn.rd Brader Mrs. I Wilton place, Wilton rd Carter George, 1 Elm grove

Batchelor John Edmond, I Petros vils. Bradshaw Mrs. IS Wilton road Carter William, riO Exeter street

Devizes road Briggs Rev. Henry, St. Nicholas Caryl Rev. Hal'!l'y Alexander M.A.

Bates Fdk.Thos.Burroughs, 5 Elm gro hospital, The Close . (curate of St. Thomas's), The Close

Bath Fred. Sandown vi. Church fields Brook,so-Hill Frederick Augustus,Belvi· Ca&sey Thomas, Wyndham road

Beal Geo. Nicholas, I6 Church fie!ds, dere, London road Chamberlain Mrs. Grove villa, FJm gro
Brown Rev. Waiter (curate of St. Chapman Miss, -t York ter. Devizesrd

Beale Frederick, 4 Manor road Paul's), Church fields Cheesman Trayton,2Chestnti.Lndn.rd


Chinnock Sethf 4 Wilfon pl. Wilton rtl George Edmd.The Limes,Wyndham rd Howell Edmund· H. Dun Cymic,

Clements Chllirles, 82 Brown st.reet Gerri~h George, Manor house, ~Iilfr.ra St. Ma.rk7.s road

Ooat~s Alfred, 17 Endles,s, street ~rrish Richard, 42 Blue Boar 'uw Hube.rt Rev. Dominic George (Cath. ),

Coates Harcourt, 17 Endless stree·t Gibbs .Bridger, Arundel house 95 Exeter street

Coates Mrs.Martin,C.raig ho.Bedwin $t Gibbs Henry John, Milford Hughes Rev. .A:rthur Edgar B.A.

Codd Rev. Alfred M.A. (canon of Gibbs Sydney,Old Rectory, St. AJID s.t Church fie1c1s, Fishocton

Salisbury), Monserrat, London road Giffo.r.d Wm.A.. Be1mont vil.Devizes rd Humphrys Nf)rton Hy. The Paragon,

Compton Rev. Thos·. Hoyle, The Close Gilbert Mi&S, 16 Endless street Wilton i'Oad

Coombes Mrs. zLawn ter.Hartingtn. rd Gilbert Thos. A:ma villa, Devizes rd Ilunt ~rs.. 37 Miliord sotreet

Coombs Jatnes, 20 Rolleston street Gillman Charles, 11 Church fields Hurdle Walt·r. Saml. 11 Endles·s st

Cooper Frank, 86a, Salt iane Glas.sman Ernest, 85 Brown street Hus.sey ~iisses, The Olose

Cooper Wtlr.Wm.3Mil!brk. :Mlilford·hill Goddard ~Iiss, 71 :New street Hussey William, The Close

Corfe Miss, Milford hill , Goddard ~Irs. Gilbert, "\Vyndham road Hyde 1\>.lirs. 2 The Cedars, :Manor road

Cotte.r Maj. F.ra.s. Ferndale, Wilton rd Godwin .Mrs. I2 Chua-ch fields Jackson William Herbert, The Mar-

Cox J. Baker, Rownhams, Manor road Golding Wiiliam, 82 Exeter st.reet tins, Endless .st·reet

Cox ~rs. 34 Fisiherton .street Gommer ~Iiss, Ferndale, Exete.r street Jacob John Henry J.P. The Close

Cripps Wm.. Hi:I brow, M:il.f.ord hill Goodall I<'redk. Wm. 20 Endless street Jacoh Mists, Orane lodge

Crook F.rederick, I4 High stree.t Goodridge Mis.s, 43 High street James Rev.Wymond Cory B..A.(curate

Culling Mi<s.s, Rhynwick ho. Wilton rd Gordon James Edwa.rd, 52 Endless st of St. Edmund), 12 Castle street

Curtis James Shirley, 2 Clarendon ~er Gordon :Mrs. 52 Endless st.reet Jameson ).trs.Glad;;tone vil. London rd

Curtis Mr.o;. Evers.ley house, E:m gro Goudge Rev. ll. L., :.\LA. (tutor), Jay Argent Harry, I \:Yyndham villas,

Darke Fitz Roy Philip, 20 Queen -;treet The Theological college, The Glose London TOad

Da.vis .Albt. S. ~Iead'OW vw.Church fld• Gray Wm. J. Ivy dene. Wilton road· Jenkins James, 19 Elm Grove terrace

Davis Arthur Randolph,2 :Melrose Yils. Green .Jas. Lhoaxn.dnes~rc M.'R.C.S., F.R. Jerrram Jamesw Richard The Close
London road )fet.S?G•• .. Palestine J<:x- Johnson George W. 14' Church field·s

Davi;y Nathanie:,Fore;;t ·vw. London rd plorahon Fund, Tmtmhull . Johnson Stphn.2ThePa.ragon,Wilton rd

Dawes Fredk..Aston, The Limes,New st Green:y Rev. John Prosser B..A. (m- Jones Miss, 7 & 8 Millbrook,•:Milfrd. hl

Day :.\Iiss, 6 Gros-venor te.rrace cumbent of Laverstock), Milford Jones Mrs. Rose villa Milford hill

Dear Richard, Milford ho. Castle sb Griffin :Frederick, 52 Fisherton street Keith Waiter Lingard Fell'nleigh,

Dee Mrs. 82 Crane street. Griffin J as Lucerne villa, Wilton road! Wyndham road '

Dell Chas. Norman cot. London nad Gumm~r Henry B. OaJdey, Roslyn Kelland James M..B., C.:M. 33 Canal sfl
Devenish Matihw.Hy. Wh~tty,WeSJtleigh Swayne'·s close
Kent Mrs. 33 New street

Devere1l Miss, Belmont vil. Devizes rd Gummer Miss,DWl Avon, St. Mark's rd King Mrs. 18 Elm Grove terrace
Dickenson Hy. 3 '\-Vilton pl. Wilton rd Hall RobU~Iichael,Haselmere, F:Jm gro Kingsbury William, 27 St. Thomas! sq
Dimond Rev. Richard (United ~etho- Hami:ton :.\fors. H. P. Bishop's wa~k, Kingscot.e Ernest, The Hall

dist), 36 Harcourt. terrace The Close Kingscote Miss, Harcourt villa

Dixon Edwin, G:enavon, Wyndham rd Hamilton-Gm·don Rev. The Hon. Kington George, 6 \'Yyndham road

Dixon Geo. York ho. Wyndham rd Doug:a,~ ~LA. (canon residentiary), Knight Wm. Geo. Ivy ho. Devize.s rd

Darling Rev. Earle E., )-J.A. (maste1 Levden hall, ·The Close Lakin Rev. Starer '!1.-Iarsha!l ~LA.

of Choristers school & minor canon). i-Iammick William Maxwell, The Close (minor canon, librall'ian & succentor

The Close Godo~phin high school, Hammond .A1fd. 4 ~Ielrose vils.Lndn.rd of the cathedral & surrogate), The
Douglas Miss, Hardin"' Frdk. Odes•sa cot. Wilton rd

Milford Hill Harding John, 1\filford· grove Lancaster John Latimer, 64 Endless sh

Dowden J. Keith, Ewenville, Wynd- Harding )lisses, 24 Harcourt terrace Lane Wm. All Hallows, London road
ham road Harding Richd. Harconrt Bridge road Lawton Huntley Charles, Wychelm,

Dow:and Mrs. The Firs, )Ii:ford hill Harris Ernest C. 6 EndleJSs street London road

Dyer Mrs. 84 Brown street Ha.rri81 George, Langside, London road Leach Mirs. 45 Castle street
Dyke David Tho~.~I'arket ho.Chambevs Ha.rris Howard, 20 Elm Grove terrace Leach Thomas, Church st. Fisherton

Edmonds Robt. Smi'lh, ~farket pla~e Harris, ~fanor villa, Manor rd' Venera·b:e .A.Tchdeacon Francis

Elers Edwa.rd Aubrey, St. ::\fa.rk'~ rd Hart :.\Irs. Laurel cottage, Elm grove M ..A. (canon reSii.dentiary,archdeacon

Ellis Rev. Philip .Alan Constable :.\I..A. Ha.,kell ~s. Wyndham road of Sarum, bishop's examining chap-

(curate of St. Martin's) Haslam Fredk. 2 Mil1brook,Milford hill lain & surrogate), The Close
Ellis Si.dney, Ovell'ton ho. Brown s~ Ha.ssan Rev. Edwd. (Congregational), Lear Mrs. Sidney, The Close

EvanSI Rev. David R., B.A. (Msistant Wavertree lodge, Exeter street Leaver Mrs. 3 Plym villas, London rd

maS'ter of Salishury schl. ),London rd Hatch Frank, 23 E~m Grove terrace Lee F. Fawson ~LB., F.R.C.S.Eng.

Evans Harold Scott, Milford hill Hawkings Hen.ry,2Belgrave vil.York rd The Close

Evans Mrs. I2 Elm Grove terrace Hayden John :M. 83 Exeter street Lever Edwin, I4 Elm Grove terrace

Everett Col. Jn. Fdc. J.P. The Olose Hayter William, 14 Harcourt terrace Lewis Mrs. Wylye vil. I3 Church fields

Farebrother AubreyH. B. 3 & 5 New st Headlam M:rs. Go?olphin ho. Elm gro Liddell Cha·s. Landscape vw. Elm gro

Farebrother Horace John Lloyd, 3 & Hellyer Mrs·.I Sqmre vw.Orane Bdge.·rd Line Chas. Nichola;s, 3 Wyndham road

5 New street Henbest Fdk.H.4Lawn ter.Ha.rtng-tn.l"d Ling Chas. Cyprus, Southampton rd

Fawcett Mi·ss, The Close Henbet:<t Geo.Frdc.2 Eve.rley vLs.Fshrtn Lloyd •:Mrs. 5 St. Ann s•treet

Fawcett Sydney, 24 Church 8 t.reet, St. Henley William Frederick, :Milford Long R:obt. Jas. Elmslee,St. ~lark's rd
Edmund's street lodge, Southampton road LOvibond Jsph. Williams, 26 St.Ann st

Few :M:l'ls·. Lindum, )lanor road Hicks ~rs. 83 Brown ~treet Luckham Levi Stephensun ~.R.C.S.,
Finch Richard Tanner M.B. Fisherton Hi~gins :.\lrs. 28 Harcourt terrace
L.S.A. 16 Harcnurt. terrace

House asylum Hill Geo. Pembroke vil. London road Lunn Mrs. Chu:reh fields

Finch William Corbin ~.D. Fisherton Hilt.on Rev. L. K., M.~\. (tutor), The Lu.s.h James, Crane Bridge road

House lunatic asylum & Bemeton Theo:ogical college, The Close Lynwood MTs. 11 Wyndham terrace

lodge; & WexcDmbe, l\f!lir-}borough Hinxman ~Iiss, The. Close M•abbett Edwin, Finch:ey vl. Wilton rd

Fish Sylvester Robt. Southampton rrl Hinxman Newton B ..A. Lynden House ~acdonald Doug:as. John Kinneir ~..A.

Fiske ::\I:rs. 5 :Manor road school, St. Ann stree·t T'he Priory, Brown sotree·t

Fleetwood Mrs. 3 Gros·venor terrace Hiobden Mll'ls. St. ~lark's road Macdonald Fitzherbert, The Close

Flower Mis·s, I7 Rolleston street Hockley Wm.J.j Nelson ter.Devizes rd )!dntosh Mrs. Milford hill

Foley .Arthur C. 5 l\Iillbll'ook,Milford 11 Hodding Francis, The Elm11, Elm gro Mackland Foredk. Exeter ho. Exeter s.t

Folliott John. Tamerton, London road Hodding Mrs. Selwood ho, Barnard's st ~acklin Jame.s, 77 Bedwin stre-et

Ford Mrs. I Dorset villas, Wilton rd Hoga.rth Robt.Geo.Milford ho.Castle st Main George Jopn, 9I Brown street

Foreman Charles, 47 Winchester st Hogbin George :M. 16 Wilton road Geo.Jn.IMasters,Io8 Fisherton st

Foulsham Mrs. Ing:eside, London rd Holgate Clifford W. The Close Main Wm. Malvern ho. Church fielc!B

Foulsham Sml.Rbt.2'Park v:s.Londn.rd Rollick Geo. Spring vil. Church fields Majendie Rev. William Richard Stuart

Fox Hy. El].iot, Jeune ho. Manor road Holman Char:ets S. 37 Brown street M..A. (curate of St. Martin's), Godol-

Fox Miss, The Close Harder Ohas. The Hermitage, G'rane phin house, Elm grove

Fullford1 Charles, 47 Castle street .BricLge road :Ma1den Artlhur Russell B..A. The Close

Fullfo.rd Oeorge, 51 Castle strent; Harder C'has.Jn.Oakhurst, 1\Iilford hill Ma.rlow "\Vm. Milford hall,Ca.s.tle s-treet

Fullford Mrs. Wate.rloo vina, Sou ..h- Horder Frank, ~ilford hill Marman Harry, 7 Wyndham road

ampton road Border J ames, 72 Endless street M'arrion Miss, The Close

Fulton Hamilton, ~Iilford grove Horder Mark Garrett, Rotherwood, Marya·t Capt. George Selwyn,TheClos-e

Fu.ssell Mrs. 5 "\Yyndham road Elm grove Mas:ters Frederick, 2 Castle street

Fussell William Samuel, The 11otiies Horde.r Samuel Albert, The Hawthorn, :!\'Iatthews ~iss, I Hughenden terrace,

Gater Ca:ebWm.Oakley,Southmptn.rd ~ilford hill Wyndham park

Gawtho.rne Edwd. Wilkes, 77 Castle st Howard ~Irs. Wyndham lo.Wyndhm.rd 1:.\Iatthews ::\frs. 56 St. .Ann street-,

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