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The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader ( PDFDrive )

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Published by anijin9, 2022-11-21 00:48:41

The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader ( PDFDrive )

The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader ( PDFDrive )

40 HFngbu and the swallows

2. Find the synonymous words in the texts for the words given below:

3G. Find the antonymous (opposite) words in the texts for the words given below:
㡺G ⨁☯㞞G

Answer the following questions in English
1. What are the didactic points of this story?
2. What are the names of the two brothers? Which of them inherited wealth from their father?
3. How do we know Hbngbu was a good-hearted and kind person? Make up some

sentences that describe Hbngbu’s character.
4. What was inside the first gourd halved by Hbngbu and his wife?
5. What was inside the second gourd?

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words
1. G䦻⿖⓪G㠊⟺G㌂⧢㧊㠞㔋┞₢fG
2. G㩲゚⓪G㠊❪㠦G 㰧㦚G 㰖㠞⋮㣪fG
3. G䦻⿖⓪G㌞⋒G㩲゚ṖG┺Ⰲ⯒G ┺㼦G䞒⯒G 䦮Ⰲ⓪G ộ㦚G ⽊ἶG 㠊⠑ỢG 䟞㠊㣪fG
4. G㩲゚✺㦖G㢲G⋾㴓G ⋮⧒⪲G ⋶㞚GṪ㠊㣪fG
5. G㩲゚ṖG䦻⿖⍺G Ṗ㫇✺㠦ỢG Ṗ㪎┺G㭖G ộ㦖G ⶊ㠝㧊㠞㠊㣪fG
6. 䦻G ⿖⓪G㠊⠑ỢG ⿖㧦ṖG ♮㠞㠊㣪fG

More to think about

1. In longer versions of the story, Nolbu (the greedy and cruel older brother) hears
how Hbngbu became a rich man thanks to a swallow. How do you think he might
have reacted? Write the next scene in the story, capturing Nolbu’s reaction.

2. Do you have a similar story in your country? Compare it with Hbngbu and discuss
similarities and differences.


1 Section, page 200
2 Section 6.1.4, page 266
3 Section, page 209

Section 2

This page intentionally left blank

The wife awoken from a coma 43

Chapter 7: The wife awoken from
a coma aged five years old

The reading in this chapter comes from a website reporting celebrity and TV news
(, written by Kim Chin-su (ₖ㰚㑮) and is reproduced with their per-
mission. It reviews a series of documentaries broadcast as part of the KBS program
㧎Ṛ⁏㧻 (literally ‘Human Theatre’). The programme depicts the lives of Korean
people, often families, as they go about their day-to-day life. Sometimes the people
and families depicted are just ordinary folk working hard to get by. At other times
the people are unusual or interesting in some way.

This particular series of documentaries features the extraordinary story of a woman,
Yu Kbm-ok, who spent four years in a vegetative state. The documentary tells the story
from the viewpoint of her husband, Lee Kil-su, who spent each day at her bedside
caring for her and believing that she would wake up.

Questions to consider before reading the whole text:
1. When Yu Kbm-ok finally woke up and saw her husband at her bedside, what do you

think her first words to him were? What do you think her husband said to her?
2. What hardships do you think the husband, Lee Kil-su, went through during the four

year period?

⸢⚁㊽ᝉⱡ ᦭ヹᯡ ᯹ ら᯹㊝ ᯝ㊹ᷙ ḩⱴ ⯹

ộ㧚㦚G⽊㡂㭒⓪G➆⦑䞲G㧊㟒₆ṖG 㧞┺UG

YG 㧒GrizYG˄㧎Ṛ⁏㧻˅㦖G₆㩗㦚G⿖⯎G㌂⧧㦮G㭒㧎Ὃ㦚G⹿㏷㦚G䐋䟊G㏢Ṳ䟞┺UG[G⎚G

⁎G ⓪G⳾⚦ṖG㞞♲┺ἶSG₾㠊⋶G㑮G㠜┺ἶG䞶G➢☚G䧂ⰳ㦚G㧙㰖G㞠㞮┺UG䞲㔲☚G㞚⌊㦮G
἗㦚G ⟶⋮㰖G ⴑ䟞┺UG ⁎ⰂἶG ₆㩗㻮⩒G 㞚⌊G 㥶⁞㡻O[^PG 㝾⓪G ⑞㦚G ⠊┺UG ⼧㌗㠦G ⑚㤊G
㧦㔶㠦ỢG 㑮㠜㧊G 㭧㠒Ệ⪎▮G ⋾䘎㦮G ἶ⺇G ➢ⶎ㧒₢UG 㥶㝾ṖG [G ⎚Ⱒ㠦G 㦮㔳㦚G ♮㺔ἶG

44 The wife awoken from a coma

㺔㞮▮G ộ㧊┺UG

₆G 㩗㦖G 㔲㧧♦㰖ⰢG 㤊ⳛ㦖G 㟚⹟Ợ☚G 㥶㝾⯒G ┺㎅㌊㰲ⰂG ↂⰞ⪲G Ⱒ✺㠞┺UG 㡂⩂G
㹾⪖㦮G␢㑮㑶㦖G⁎☯㞞㦮G ₆㠋㦚G⺇㰖⪲G Ⱒ✺ἶG ⁎⎖㦮G 㰖⓻㦚G 㞭㞚Ṫ┺UG

G⹿㏷㠦G ➆⯊ⳊG 㥶㝾⓪G Ὃ㌂㧻㠦㍲G XW⎚㧊G ⍮☚⪳G ☚㌟㧧㠛㦚G 䞲G ₆㑶㧦㡖┺UG
⋾䘎ὒG 䞾℮G ⿖㰖⩆䧞G 㧒䞮▮G 㠊ⓦG ⋶G ⁎⎖⓪G YW⹎䎆G ⏨㧊㦮G ㌂┺Ⰲ㹾㠦㍲G 㿪⧓䞮⓪G
㌂ἶ⯒G ╏䟞┺UG

G⁎G 㧊䤚⪲G ⳾✶G ỢG ⛺䔖㠊㪢┺UG 㰧㠦㍶G 㠊ⰆG ⋾ⰺṖG ⿖⳾G 㠜⓪G ㌳䢲㦚G 䟊㟒G 䟞ἶSG
⿖⿖⓪G→㰳㠜㧊G⼧㤦㠦㍲G ㌊㞚㟒G䟞┺UG

⁎G ⩂⋮G 䡫⻢G ṯ㦖G 㔲Ṛ✺㦚G 㿪㠋㦒⪲G ♮㌞₎G 㑮G 㧞㦚G Ⱒ䋒G 㧊✺G ⿖⿖⓪G ṫ䟞┺UG
⋾䘎㦖G㞚⌊ṖG┺㔲G Ịṫ㦚G䣢⽋䞶G 㑮G㧞G㊉G ₑᦑ㔅G 㩞╖G 䙂₆䞶㰖G 㞠㦚G 䌲㎎┺UG

G˄㠚ⰞG 㞴㠦㍲G 㰳㰲∣UG ⋾䘎G 㞴㠦㍲G 㰳㰲∣UG 㤆ⰂG 㠚ⰞṖG 㭒ⶊ㔲ἶG 㤆ⰂG ⋾䘎㧊G

⋾G 䘎㧊G ⏎⧮G 䞲⻞G ⿞⩂⽊⧒ἶG 䞮ⳊG 㥶㝾⓪G 㧊⩝ỢG ☯㣪㠦G Ṗ㌂⯒G ⹪∪G ⿖⯎┺UG
㫆⁞☚G ╂⧒㰖㰖G 㞠㞮┺UG

㥶G ⋲䧞G ⁞㔂G 㫡㞮▮G 㧊✺G ⿖⿖㠦ỢG ┻㼦㡾G 㔲⩾㦖G ⳾✶G ộ㦚G 㞭㞚Ṫ㰖ⰢG 㧊✺㦮G
㌂⧧Ⱒ㦖G㠊㲪G㑮G 㠜㠞⋮G⽊┺UG

⹿G ㏷㦖G⋾䘎G㧊㝾ṖG䢪㧻䛞G㣎䕦㤦㦒⪲G⼖㔶SG䔞⋮⓪G╖⪲G䢪㧻䛞㦚G䕪⩂G┺┞ἶG
⁎⓪G゚ᾦ㩗G⁒ⶊ㔲Ṛ㦚G㧦㥶⫃ỢG Ṗ㰞G㑮G 㧞⓪G 㣎䕦㤦㦚G ㍶䌳䟞┺UG

G➢➢⪲G 䞮⋮☚G ⴑ䕪ἶG ゞG ⹲Ỏ㦢㦚G ☢⩺㟒G 䞶G ➢☚G 㧞㰖ⰢG ⼧㤦㠦G ✺㠊㍲⓪G
⁎G ➢Ⱎ┺G 䟃㌗G 㠒ῊG Ṗ✳G ⻞㪎⋮Ṗ⓪G 㥶㝾㦮G ⹳㦖G 䚲㩫UG 䞲G 䙃㦮G ⁎ⰒG ṯ㦖G 㧊G 㧻Ⳋ㦖G
⿖⿖㞶ṖG ⶪ㰖⯒G Ⱖ䟊㭒⓪G ❅䞮┺UG

㧊G ⋶G ⹿㏷㦚G ⽎G 㔲㼃㧦✺G 㭧㠪G 㧊✺G ⿖⿖㦮G ⳾㔋㧊G ⌅㍺㰖G 㞠㦖G ㌂⧢✺㧊G 㧞㦚G
ộ㧊┺UG 㰖⋲G X㤪㠦G tijG ˄㌂ὒ⋮ⶊ˅㠦㍲G 㧊✺G ⿖⿖㦮G 㧊㟒₆ṖG ⹿㏷㦚G G㰉 ㍆㊹ ㋍G┺UG
⁎➢⓪G ➎G ⩞㰖⋮G 㟧㦮G 㧊㟒₆ṖG 㭧㕂㧊㠞┺UG 㔳ⶒ㧎ṚG 㠚Ⱎ⯒G Ṛ䢎䞮ⳆG 䞯㠛㠦☚G
㡊㕂㧎G ⩞㰖⋮G 㟧㦖G ㌂ὒ⋮ⶊG 㧻䞯⁞㦚G ⹱⓪G 㭒㧎Ὃ㦒⪲G ㆧ䡪㠞┺UG Y㧒G ⹿㏷㠦⓪G
╖䞯㌳㧊G♲G⩞㰖⋮G 㟧㦮G⳾㔋㧊G ⋮Gㅱ ㅍ㍚㊹㠊G ㍲G ὖ㕂㦚G ⊞┺UG

G⥾Ệ㤊G Ṗ㫇㞶⯒G ╊㦖G ˄㧎Ṛ⁏㧻˅㦖G 㧊⻞G 㭒G ⳿㣪㧒₢㰖G ⰺ㧒G 㡺䤚G _㔲G \\⿚㠦G


㔳G ⶒ㧎ṚGO萮肵G 蝸笋PG person in a vegetative state (lit. plant-human)
₆G 㩗GO絓衊PG miracle
㭒G 㧎ὋGO褨蝸簰PG hero

The wife awoken from a coma 45

⼧㌗G O膂芪P sickbed
㰖⁏㩫㎇G O覓紞袲荁P devotion
☢⽊┺ look after
₾㠊⋮┺ wake up
䧂ⰳG O跖耟P hope
䞲㔲☚ even for a moment
㑮㠜㧊G O莡TP countless
㭧㠒ỆⰂ┺ mutter, murmur
ἶ⺇G O篶腅P confession
㟚⹟Ợ☚ odiously, in an odious twist
⺇㰖G O腅覐P white/blank sheet of paper
㰖⓻G O覌縑P intelligence, intellect
㞭㞚Ṗ┺ snatch away
Ὃ㌂㧻G O簴艃蟣P construction site, building site
☚㌟㧧㠛G O繬苅蟇蔋P painting work
₆㑶㧦G O絛菵螿P technician, skilled worker
㿪⧓G O諂统P fall, drop, plunge
⛺䔖㠊㰖┺ become twisted, be thrown upside down
→㰳㠜㧊 without moving
䡫⻢G O賈腔P punishment
♮㌞₆┺ ruminate over, review, look back on
䌲㎎G O譯荄P hunker down; assume a posture
㰳㰲∣ children’s handclapping game
㥶⋲䧞 especially, exceptionally
⁞㔂G O紵菻PG 㫡┺ live in marital bliss
┻㼦㡾 impending
㔲⩾G O萤缻P ordeal
㣎䕦㤦G O蘑训蚗P (travelling) salesperson
⼖㔶G O腯葌P transformation
䔞⋮┺ have spare time
㌳ἚG O苇篯P livelihood
㥶㰖G O蛴覀PG 䞮┺ preserve
⹲Ỏ㦢㦚G ☢Ⰲ┺ turn on one’s heels, go away
䤾䤾G 䎎㠊⻚Ⰶ┺ shake (oneself ) free of
䙃 (counter for pictures)
⌅㍺┺ be unfamiliar
ὖ㕂GO籟葖PG㦚G ⊞┺ attract attention

46 The wife awoken from a coma


7.1 T ㊁ ы ₑᦑ㔅 (‘until (the time when)’)

This pattern is a combination of TO㦒PඥG➢, meaning ‘when I do . . .’ or ‘when x happens’
and the particle ₢㰖 ‘until’. Put together, this gives the meaning ‘until (the time when) . . .’.

G⋾䘎㦖G㞚⌊ṖG┺㔲G Ịṫ㦚G䣢⽋䞶G 㑮G㧞㊉G ₑᦑ㔅G 㩞╖G 䙂₆䞶㰖G 㞠㦚G

The husband hunkered down, vowing not to give up until the time when his wife
regained her health.

G㡱⋶㠦⓪G㰚㰲G㑶㦚G 䞲G ⻞GⰞ㔲ⳊG ₆㩞䂥G ₑᦑ㔅G 㑶㦚G Ⱎ㎾┺UG
In the past, whenever I drank, I would drink until I collapsed.

7.2 T ㊁ ц ㍆㊹ ㋍ḩ ㄋḩ (‘ever happened’)

This pattern combines the state/result modifier TO㦒Pච with the word 㩗 (or alternatively
㧒, both meaning ‘event’, ‘act’, ‘experience’) and the existential verb 㧞┺ ‘exist’ or 㠜┺ ‘not
exist’. The pattern can be used to talk about an event which happens to occur, suggesting
coincidence or chance.

G㰖⋲GX㤪㠦GtijG ˄㌂ὒ⋮ⶊ˅㠦㍲G㧊✺G ⿖⿖㦮G 㧊㟒₆ṖG ⹿㏷㦚G㰉G ㍆㊹ ㋍ḩUGG
In January, this couple’s story happened to be broadcast on MBC’s ‘Apple Tree’.

More frequently, the pattern is used to talk about whether you have ‘ever’ had the experience
in question:

G䞲ῃ㠦G ṖG G⠽ ㍆㊹ ㋍ヹ㇙GfG
Have you ever gone/been to Korea?

7.3 T ㊁ ы ㅍ㍚㊹ḩ (‘is due to’)

This pattern employs the prospective modifier followed by the noun 㡞㩫 (‘plan’) and the
copula. It is used to talk about future plans and intentions.

GY㧒G⹿㏷㠦⓪G╖䞯㌳㧊G ♲G⩞㰖⋮G 㟧㦮G⳾㔋㧊G ⋮ㅱG ㅍ㍚㊹G㠊㍲G ὖ㕂㦚G ⊞┺UG
Regina, who has become a university student, is due to appear in the broadcast on the

second (of the month), attracting much attention.

G㔲㤪G╂㠦G╖㌂┮㧊G 㤆ⰂG䞯ᾦ⯒G ⹿ⶎG䂥 ㅍ㍚㋊G┞┺UG
The ambassador is planning to visit our school in October.

In addition to 㡞㩫 ‘plan’, similar constructions can be made with the following nouns: Ἒ䣣
‘plan, intention’, ㌳ṗ ‘thought, idea’, 㧧㩫 ‘decision, intention’, ㎞ ‘calculation, plan’, and
Ⱎ㦢 ‘heart, mind’:

The wife awoken from a coma 47

Words and meanings

1. This passage uses emotive language to express the love and devotion of Lee Kil-su for
his wife. Make a list of ten words or phrases that are connected to the themes of love
and devotion.

2. The word 㔳ⶒ㧎Ṛ has no direct literal translation in English. How does it differ from
(and how is it similar to) the English expression ‘be in a vegetative state’?

3. Find words in the text that match the following English translations.

look after _____________________
wake up _____________________
mutter, murmur _____________________
snatch away _____________________
ruminate over, review, look back on _____________________
be unfamiliar _____________________
attract attention _____________________

4. Now complete the following sentences by using one of these words in each sentence.
You will have to attach an appropriate ending.

1. ⳾G ⚦ṖG㥶⁞㡻G 㝾ṖG††††††††G㑮G㠜┺ἶG 䟞┺UG
2. G㧊⋶G⹿㏷㦚G⽎G㔲㼃㧦✺G㭧㠪G㧊✺G⿖⿖㦮G⳾㔋㧊G††††††††G㞠㦖G㌂⧢✺㧊G㧞㦚G

3. 㡂G ⩂G㹾⪖㦮G␢㑮㑶㦖G⁎☯㞞㦮G₆㠋㦚G⺇㰖⪲GⰢ✺ἶG⁎⎖㦮G㰖⓻㦚G††††††††UG
4. G⁎⩂⋮G 䡫⻢G ṯ㦖G 㔲Ṛ✺㦚G 㿪㠋㦒⪲G ††††††††G 㑮G 㧞㦚G Ⱒ䋒G 㧊✺G ⿖⿖⓪G ṫ

5. G㧊₎㑮G㝾⓪G ⼧㌗㠦G ⑚㤢㧞㠞▮G㞚⌊⯒G 㰖⁏㩫㎇㦒⪲G††††††††UG
6. G㧊₎㑮G㝾⓪G ⼧㌗㠦G ⑚㤊G㞚⌊㠦ỢG 㑮㠜㧊G ㌂⧧㦮G ἶ⺇㦚G ††††††††UG
7. ┺G 㦢G⹿㏷㠦⓪G ╖䞯㌳㧊G ♲G⩞㰖⋮G 㟧㦮G ⳾㔋㧊G ⋮㢂G 㡞㩫㧊㠊㍲G††††††††UG

Answer the following questions about the text in English

1. In what condition was Yu Kbm-ok when she came out of the vegetative state?
2. How did Yu Kbm-ok end up in the vegetative state?
3. Did Lee Kil-su’s love for his wife change while she was in the vegetative state? Did Yu

Kbm-ok lose her love for her husband?
4. What kept Lee Kil-su going while his wife was in the vegetative state? What stopped

him falling into depression?
5. Why might the couple appearing in the documentary be familiar to some viewers?

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. G㥶⁞㡻G㝾⓪G㦮㔳㦚G♮㺔ἶG 㻮㦢G䞲G Ⱖ㦖G ⶦ㡖㔋┞₢fG
2. G㥶⁞㡻G㝾⓪G㠊⠑ỢG˄┺㎅㌊㰲ⰂGↂⰞ˅ṖG ♮㠞㔋┞₢fG
3. G㥶⁞㡻G㝾⓪G㠒Ⱎ☯㞞GὋ㌂㧻㠦㍲G 㧒䟞㠞㔋┞₢fG

48 The wife awoken from a coma

4. 㧊₎㑮G㝾⓪G㌳Ἒ⯒G㥶㰖䞮ἶG⼧㤦゚⯒G╖₆G㥚䟊㍲Gⶊ㓾G㧒㦚G䟞㔋┞₢fG⁎G㧒㦖G
㢲G ㍶䌳䟞㔋┞₢f

5. ˄⩞㰖⋮˅⓪G⑚ῂ㧛┞₢fGⶊ㓾G 㧻䞯⁞㦚G⹱㞮㔋┞₢f

More to think about
(1) Do you think that the exposure of this couple’s story in the Korean media is a

positive or negative development?
(2) Do you know any other stories reported in the media that involve the power of

love? Recount the story/stories in Korean.

South-North Korean vocabulary 49

Chapter 8: South-North Korean

The following article was extracted from the website of the Digital Hangeul Museum
– a digital ‘museum’ dedicated to the Korean script and language, which is operated
by the National Institute of the Korean Language (ῃⰓῃ㠊㤦). It has been modified
slightly by the authors.

The article looks at vocabulary differences between the languages spoken in North
and South Korea. People from the North and South may sometimes encounter problems
understanding the respective varieties of the language that they speak, mostly due to
lexical differences. One of the major reasons for these discrepancies is that the South
has adopted English loanwords as they are, while the North prefers to coin words from
native roots. The North has also purged Sino-Korean vocabulary from the lexicon.

Questions to consider before reading the whole text:
1. How well do you think South Koreans and North Koreans can understand the different

varieties of the language that they speak?
2. Why do you think North Korea prefers to coin native words (rather than using English loan-

words or Sino-Korean words)? Why does South Korea accept English loanwords so readily?

ᯭ⣆䂡㊝ ヹ䉝

✺㠊㍲G ⋾⿗G ᾦ⮮ṖG 㠊ⓦG 㩫☚G 䢲₆⯒G ⦚ἶG 㧞㰖ⰢG ⁎G 㧊㩚㠦⓪G Ệ㦮G 㢚㩚䧞G ┾㩞
ὡ 㞉⪲G G 㰽㰖G 㞠㦖G ㎎㤪㦚G ⽊᯹G ㆙G┺UG ⁎⩂⸖⪲G ⁎G ㎎㤪G ☯㞞G ⋾ὒG ⿗㦮G 㠎㠊ṖG ㍲⪲G
┺⯊ỢG ⼖䢪䞮㡂G 㡺⓮⋶G ㌗╏䞲G 㹾㧊⯒G ⹮㡗䞮ἶG 㧞㦚G ộ㧊⧒⓪G ộ㦖G 㦮㕂㦮G 㡂㰖ṖG
㠊䥮G⿖ⶎ㠦㍲GṖ㧻G ⚦✲⩂㰖ỢG ⋮䌖⋲┺UG

䔏G 䧞G⋾䞲㦖GX`__G⎚G㧊䤚Gⶎᾦ⿖㠦㍲Gἶ㔲䞲G㌞૸䚲㭖㠊G′㩫ὒG䚲㭖G⹲㦢⻫ૹGㄕ
⁵⋁ⱡG ㍲㤎Ⱖ㦚G 㭧㕂㦒⪲G 䞮⓪G ˄䚲㭖㠊˅⯒G ㌂㣿䞮ἶG 㧞Gᷙ ❝▹G ⿗䞲㠦㍲⓪G X`][G ⎚ὒG

50 South-North Korean vocabulary

䞮⓪G ˄ⶎ䢪㠊˅⯒G 䚲㭖㦒⪲G ㌂㣿䞮ἶG 㧞┺UG 㧊⩂䞲G 䚲㭖㠊G 㩫㺛㠦G ➆⧒㍲G ⋾ὒG ⿗㦮G
㠊䥮⓪G▪㤇G┺⯎G ⳾㔋㦒⪲G⼖䞮ỢG ♮㠞┺U

㹾㧊⯒G ⽊㧊⓪G ⋾⿗䞲㦮G 㠊䥮⯒G 䡫䌲㢖G 㦮⹎㦮G 䁷Ⳋ㠦㍲G ㌊䘊⽊ⳊG 䋂ỢG 㦮⹎ṖG
㧊G ⳾✶G ἓ㤆⓪G ⋾ὒG ⿗㦮G ㌂䣢ṖG ㍲⪲G ┺⯎G 㩫䂮SG ㌂䣢SG ⶎ䢪㩗G 䢮ἓ㠦G 㻮䟊G 㧞㦢㦚G
ⰤἶG ⹒㫇㭒㦮㩗㧎G ㎇䟻ὒG 䞾℮G ⹎ῃ⽊┺⓪G ⩂㔲㞚⋮G 㭧ῃG 㴓㦮G 㡗䟻㦚G ⹮㡗䞮⓪G
㠊䥮✺㧊G Ⱔ┺U

⋾⿗䞲㦮G 㠊䥮㦮G 㹾㧊⯒G Ṗ㧻G ╖䚲㩗㦒⪲G ⽊㡂㭒⓪G ἓ㤆ṖG 䡫䌲ṖG ┺⯎G 㠊䥮㦮G
ἓ㤆㧊┺UG㧊Gἓ㤆⓪G㠊䥮G㹾㧊㦮GṖ㧻G⏨㦖G゚㥾㦚G㹾㰖䞮ἶG㧞┺UG㞴㠦㍲G㠎 䞲G╖⪲G
⋾䞲㦖G X`__G ⎚㠦G ⁎ⰂἶG ⿗䞲㦖G X`]]G ⎚㠦G ṗṗ㦮G 䚲㭖䢪♲G 㠎㠊⯒G ′㩫䞮㡖┺UG
䢫㧎䞮⓪G ộ㦚G 㭒㣪G ⳿㩗㦒⪲G 䞮₆G ➢ⶎ㠦G 㧊⩂䞲G 䁷Ⳋ㧊G ⹮㡗♮㠊G ㍲⪲G ┺⯎G 㠊䥮⯒G
㌂㣿䞮ỢG ♮⓪G ộ㦖G ╏㡆䞲G ἓ䟻㧊┺UG 䡫䌲ṖG ┺⯎G 㠊䥮⓪G ἶ㥶㠊⪲G 㠎㠊G 㑲䢪⯒G 䞲G
ἓ㤆SG ⹿㠎㦮G 㡗䟻G ❇㠦G 㦮䟊㍲G 䚲㭖㦒⪲G 㩫䞲G 㠊䥮ṖG ㍲⪲G ┺⯎G ἓ㤆SG 䘟㦢ὒG ἓ㦢㧊G
┺⯊ỢG ⋮䌖⋮⓪G ἓ㤆SG ㌂☯䡫V䞒☯䡫㧊G ┺⯎G ἓ㤆SG 䞲㧦㠊⯒G ┺⯊ỢG ㌂㣿䞮⓪G ἓ㤆SG
⁎ⰂἶG㣎⧮㠊㦮G䚲₆ṖG ┺⯎Gἓ㤆⪲G ⋮⑚㠊㰞G 㑮G 㧞┺UG

⋾䞲㦮G 㠊䥮⓪G 㣎⧮㠊⋮G 䞲㧦㠊㦮G 䡫䌲⯒G ⁎╖⪲G ㌂㣿䞮⓪G ἓ㤆ṖG 䦪䞲G ⹮ⳊG
⿗䞲㠦㍲⓪G 㧊⩂䞲G ┾㠊⯒G ⁎╖⪲G ㌂㣿䞮㰖G 㞠ἶG ἶ㥶㠊㦮G 䡫䌲⪲G ⹪∎㠊G ㌂㣿䞮⓪G
㠎㠊G㑲䢪G㩫㺛㦚G 㔲䟟䞮ἶG㧞┺UG┺㦢㦖G ⁎G㭧G ⳝG 㡞㧊┺U

Loanwords Sino-Korean vocabulary

‚⋾„ ‚⿗„ English gloss ‚⋾„ ‚⿗„ English gloss

⏎䋂 ㏦₆㻯 knock ὖ㩞 ㅞⰞ❪ joint (bone)

⩞䆪✲ ㏢Ⰲ䕦 record ᾦ⳿ 䋺⋮ⶊ tall tree

㓺䝚⩞㧊 ㏪㏪㧊 spray ⓻⩻ 㧒⽎㌞ ability

㔲⩓ ┾ⶒ syrup Ⳏ‶ ‶₷⁎Ⰲ㭓㧊₆ sterilisation

㩺Ⰲ ┾ⶋ jelly ㌊‶ ‶㭓㧊₆ sterilisation

䃊㓺䎪⧒ ㍺₆ὒ㧦 sponge cake 㤪☯ Ỿ㤎⋮㧊 overwintering

䄺䔒 㺓ⶎ⽊ curtain 㧎⩻ ⊢䧮 gravitation

䆪⍞䋻 ⳾㍲Ⰲ㆞ corner kick 㿪㑮 Ṗ㦚ọ㧊 harvest

䤛 ⰴ┾㿪SG ở┾㿪 hook 䢣㑮 䋆ⶒ deluge, flood

South-North Korean vocabulary 51

G㠎㠊G ⼖䢪㠦G Ṗ㧻G ⹒Ṧ䞮ἶG ⼖䢪㦮G 㟧㌗㦚G Ṗ㧻G 㧮G ⽊㡂㭒⓪G 㠊䥮㠦G 㧞㠊㍲G ⋮䌖⋮⓪G
⋾⿗䞲G 㠎㠊G Ṛ㦮G 㹾㧊⓪G 䞲⹒㫇G 㠎㠊㦮G 㧊㰞䢪⯒G 㕂䢪㔲䋺ἶG 㧞┺UG 㔲Ṛ㧊G 䦦⯊G
▹ 䊝⌱ᝍⵝ⎢G 㧊G 㹾㧊⓪G ▪㤇G 䄺㰞G ộ㧊ⳆG 䡚㨂G 㤆Ⰲ⓪G 㰗㩧㩗㦒⪲G ⁎G 㕂ṗ㎇㦚G ⓦ⋚G
㑮G 㧞㦚G ộ㧊┺UG 㕂㰖㠊G ⋾䞲G ⌊㠦㍲☚G ㎎╖G Ṛ㦮G 㠎㠊G 㹾㧊ṖG 㦮㌂㏢䐋㦮G ⶎ㩲⯒G
㧒㦒䋺ἶG 㧞⓪G 䡚㔺㦚G ㌳ṗ䟊⽊ⳊG 㠊䥮G 㹾㧊㦮G ⁏⽋㧊G 㠒Ⱎ⋮G 㠊⪋ἶ☚G 㭧㣪䞲G
ⶎ㩲㧎㰖G 㿿⿚䧞G 㧎㔳䞶G 㑮G 㧞㦚G ộ㧊┺UG ㍲⪲G ┺⯎G 㩫䂮G 㼊㩲㢖G ⶎ䢪SG ⁎ⰂἶG ]WG 㡂G
⁎⩂⸖⪲G 䞲⹮☚㦮G 䐋㧒㔲╖⯒G 㞴╏₆₆G 㥚䟊㍲SG ⁎ⰂἶG ⁎G 䐋㧒㔲╖㠦G ⋾ὒG ⿗㦮G
㤦Ⱒ䞲G 㦮㌂㏢䐋㦚G 㥚䞮㡂G 㧊㢖G ṯ㦖G 㹾㧊⯒G ⿚ⳛ䧞G 㧎㔳䞮ἶG 㧊㠦G ╖㻮䞶G ⹿㞞㦚G
⹎ⰂGⰞ⩾䟊㟒䞮⓪G ộ㦖G㧊G 㔲╖⯒G㌊㞚Ṗ⓪G 㤆Ⰲ✺㦮G 㺛㧚㧊┺UG

Vocabulary Korean peninsula
divide, share
G䞲⹮☚G O豈胭繯PG time, the years
⋮G ⑚┺G flow, run
G㎎㤪G O荅蚰PG exchange, interchange
䦦G ⯊┺G rev up, liven up
ᾦG ⮮GO粂羦PG be cut
G䢲₆⯒G ⦶┺G O赇絥TPG reflect; apply
┾G 㩞♮┺GO縡䳽TPG doubt, suspicion, question
G⹮㡗䞮┺G O胮薂TPG leeway, room, margin
G㦮㕂G O蝀葖PG aspect, appearance, condition
㡂G 㰖GO蔡襽PG field, sector
G㟧㌗G O蓛芴PG remarkable, prominent, noticeable
⿖G ⶎGO臠肱PG show, appear
G⚦✲⩂㰖┺G Ministry of Education
G⋮䌖⋮┺G notify, announce, publish
ⶎG ᾦ⿖GO肫粊臠PG standard language
ἶG 㔲䞮┺GO篶萟TPG rule, regulation, code
G䚲㭖㠊G O谅襛蓳PG rules for pronunciation
G′㩫G O納袓PG invent and put down in writing (from Ⱒ✺┺ ‘create’
G⹲㦢⻫G O脊蜮腟PG
ⰢG ✺㠊G㝆┺G and 㝆┺ ‘write’)
teach, instruct, guide
ᾦG 㔲䞮┺GO粊萟TPG ‘Cultured Language’ (the official language of North
ⶎG 䢪㠊GO肫财蓳PG
Korea, noted for its heavy use of native Korean
vocabulary over Sino-Korean and foreign loanwords)

52 South-North Korean vocabulary

㩫㺛G O袚訷P policy
䡫䌲G O賊譯P form, shape
㦮⹎G O蜻肶P meaning
䁷ⳊG O謃聋P side, aspect
㌊䘊⽊┺ look, see closely
☯㧒䞮┺G O纩螐TP be identical
╂⧒㰖┺ be/become different
ἓ㤆G O箸虴P case, circumstance
⿚⮮䞮┺G O臧羯TP classify, categorise
㻮䞮┺G O証TP face, deal with
㌂䣢㭒㦮G ㎇䟻G O艧赬褨蝂G Socialist tendency, inclination

茴貉P political flavour
㩫䂮㩗G ㌟㺚G O袚謐蠿苅設P dark, thick, deep
㰯㦖 nationalism
⹒㫇㭒㦮G O胐褈褨蝂P influence, effect, impact
㡗䟻G O薀貍P representative
╖䚲㩗G O織谉蠿P show, display
⽊㡂㭒┺ ratio, proportion, percentage
゚㥾G O舔莀P win; take a share (of something)
㹾㰖䞮┺ reference, mention TG 㞴㠦㍲G 㠎 䞲G ╖⪲ ‘as
㠎 䞮┺G O蔀紿TP
mentioned above’
ṗṗG O竫竫P each, respectively
ῃṖG O糑竖P country, nation
㧊⎦G O翓緒P concept, ideology
ῃ⹒G O糑胐P citizen, national
㩫㼊㎇G O袢誎茴P identity
䢫㧎䞮┺G O贳螊TP confirm, check
㭒㣪G O褨蘶P major, main, primary
⳿㩗G O聺蠿P goal, objective, purpose
╏㡆䞮┺G O繐蕇TP be natural, be reasonable
ἶ㥶㠊G O篸蛞蓳P Korean native words (words that are native to Korea

㑲䢪G O菨财P and are not Sino-Korean or loanwords)
⹿㠎G O脙蔀P purification
䘟㦢G O诐蜮P dialect
ἓ㦢G O篊蜮P lax sound
tense sound

㌂☯䡫G O艈纨賊P South-North Korean vocabulary 53
䞒☯䡫G O谙纨賊P
䞲㧦㠊G O豀螳蓳P causative
㣎⧮㠊G O蘑缃蓳P passive
䚲₆G O谉絽P Sino-Korean vocabulary
⋮⑚㠊㰖┺ foreign loanwords
⁎╖⪲ transcription, mark
䦪䞮┺ be divided
⹪∎┺ as it is
㔲䟟䞮┺G O萘貇TP be common
⹒Ṧ䞮┺G O胍笚TP alter, change
䞲⹒㫇G O豈胐褈P implement
㧊㰞䢪G O蝝觐财P be sensitive
㕂䢪㔲䋺┺G O葙财TP the Korean people/race
㰗㩧㩗㦒⪲G O覜袉蠿TP make (conditions/people/things) different
㕂ṗ㎇G O葙竩茴P make something deepen
㕂㰖㠊G O葛覓蓯P directly
㎎╖G O荃織P seriousness
㦮㌂㏢䐋G O蜻艙荟讈P even, what was worse
䡚㔺G O販葒P generation
⁏⽋G O紙膞P communication
㧎㔳䞮┺G O螊萴TP reality
㼊㩲G O誎裃P overcome
⿖㨂G O膻蠇P be aware, perceive, recognise
⓻Ṗ䞮┺G O縎竨TP system, structure
ⳛ㟓ὖ䢪G O聒蓉籝账P absence
㤦Ⱒ䞲G O蚘耊TP surpass, exceed
╖㻮䞮┺G O繘証TP as clear as daylight, obvious, clear
⹿㞞G O脙蒇P amicable, easygoing, sociable
Ⱎ⩾䞮┺ handle, manage, cope with
㺛㧚G O訸螙P way, measure, plan
prepare, arrange
responsibility, duty, obligation

54 South-North Korean vocabulary


[see 11.3] T ㊁ ц 㞉⎡ (‘as it is’, ‘without’)

ỆG 㦮G㢚㩚䧞G┾㩞Gὡ 㞉⪲G G㰽㰖G 㞠㦖G㎎㤪㦚G ⽊⌊G 㢪┺UG
For a long time before then no such communication existed.

8.1 Tら ヹ ㅩḩ (ongoing activity ‘towards’)

This form is applied when talking about a process that has continued over a period of time
‘coming up’ to the present. In translating T㞚V㠊G㡺T with processive verbs such renderings
as ‘has kept on . . .’, ‘has always or continuously . . .’ , ‘has been . . .’ will be useful. In the
case of descriptive verbs, the usual translation will be ‘getting . . .’ or ‘growing -er and -er’:

GỆ㦮G㢚㩚䧞G┾㩞Gὡ 㞉⪲G G㰽㰖G 㞠㦖G㎎㤪㦚G ⽊G᯹ ㆙G┺UG
For a long time before then no such communication existed.

⋾G 䘎ὒG䞾℮GX^G ⎚G ☯㞞G㔳㥷㩦㦚G 㤊㡗䂹G ㆙G㠊㣪UG
She has run a butcher’s shop with her husband for 17 years.

G㩦㕂㔲Ṛ㧊GṖ₢G㈑ ㅩ┞G ₢GゾⰂG ⊳⌛㔲┺UG
Since lunch time is getting closer, let’s finish quickly.

8.2 ❝▹ㄕ (‘while; whereas; on the other hand’)

This pattern combines a modifying form with the Sino-Korean noun ⹮Ⳋ, literally meaning
‘other side’, followed optionally by the particle 㠦. The construction takes on the meaning
‘but on the other hand’ or ‘but at the same time’ and is used to directly juxtapose two con-
trasting states of affairs. The expression is most commonly encountered in writing or formal

G䔏䧞G⋾䞲㦖G㍲㤎G Ⱖ㦚G 㭧㕂㦒⪲G䞮⓪G ˄䚲㭖㠊˅⯒G ㌂㣿䞮ἶG 㧞ᷙG ❝▹G ⿗䞲㠦㍲⓪G
䘟㟧Ⱖ㦚G㭧㕂㦒⪲G䞮⓪G ˄ⶎ䢪㠊˅⯒G䚲㭖㦒⪲G ㌂㣿䞮ἶG 㧞┺UG

The South has been using ‘Standard Korean’ based on the Seoul dialect, while the North is
officially using ‘Cultured Korean’ based on the Pyongyang dialect.

㧊G G㟓㦖G㟓䣾ṖG ザⒽG ❝▹G ⿖㧧㣿㧊G㧞┺UG
While this medicine goes to work fast, it has some side effects.

8.3 Tㄕ ⁵⋁ⱡ (‘in accordance with; in conformity with[to]; according to’)

This pattern combines the particle 㠦 and conjunctive adverb ➆⧒㍲, which is used to refer to
the reason of what is said earlier. The construction takes on the meaning of ‘according to’.

G䔏䧞G⋾䞲㦖G㌞૸䚲㭖㠊G′㩫ὒG 䚲㭖G⹲㦢⻫ૹGㄕ ⁵⋁ⱡG ㍲㤎Ⱖ㦚G 㭧㕂㦒⪲G 䞮⓪G
˄䚲㭖㠊˅⯒G ㌂㣿䞮ἶG 㧞┺UG

The South has been using ‘Standard Korean’, based on the Seoul dialect, according to
Standard Korean Language and Pronunciation.

⁎G ⓪G㧦₆G㭒㦮Gㄕ ⁵⋁ⱡG䟟☯䟞┺UG
He acted according to his principles.

South-North Korean vocabulary 55

8.4 T ㊁ ▹ T ㊁ ыⵝ⎢ (the more . . . , the more . . . )

This pattern is formed by repeating the verb twice in succession. The first occurrence of
the verb is followed by conditional ending TO㦒PⳊ; the second occurrence is followed by
the ending TO㦒Pඥ㑮⪳. The first occurrence of the verb, i.e. the occurrence with TO㦒PⳊS
can usually be dropped.

The pattern is used to express a situation where two things increase or decrease along
the same trajectory in an interconnected manner. This translates into English as ‘the more . . . ,
the more’ or ‘as time goes by’, ‘as you get old’, etc.

G㔲Ṛ㧊G䦦⯊G▹G 䦮⩂ṞGⵝ⎢G㧊G 㹾㧊⓪G▪㤇G 䄺㰞G ộ㧊┺UG
These differences will grow with the passing of time.

G⁎G㧊㟒₆⓪G✺G㊁▹G ✺G㊉ⵝ⎢G㨂⹎㧞㠊㣪UG
The more I hear that story, the more interesting it is.

G⋮㧊⯒GⲏG㊉ⵝ⎢G ⤇⤇䟊㪎㣪UG
The older I get, the fatter I get.

8.5 T ㊁ ▵ (‘while’)

The ending TO㦒PⳆ literally means ‘while’ and can be used similarly to TO㦒PⳊ㍲ (refer
to 17.1) when describing two simultaneous actions.

G㞚䂾G㔳㌂⯒G䞮G▵G 㺛㦚G⽺┺UG
I read a book while I ate breakfast.

In formal writing, TO㦒PⳆ gets used in a broader function. It is used simply like ‘and’ or even
like the appearance of the semicolon in English to list complementary features or actions.

㔲G Ṛ㧊G䦦⯊ⳊG 䦮⩂Ṟ㑮⪳G 㧊G㹾㧊⓪G ▪㤇G 䄺㰞G ộ㧊▵G G 䡚㨂G 㤆Ⰲ⓪G 㰗㩧㩗㦒⪲G
⁎G㕂ṗ㎇㦚G ⓦ⋚G 㑮G㧞㦚G ộ㧊┺UG

These differences will grow with the passing of time; we may already sense the seriousness of
the problem.

ṖG 㦚㦖G㍶㍶䞮G▵G 㡂⯚G㦖G ▻┺UG
It’s cool in autumn and it’s hot in summer.

Words and meaning

1. Match the North Korean vocabulary items with the South Korean words

South North
G㤪☯G ⳾G ㍲Ⰲ㆞G
G㿪㑮G GỾ㤎⋮₆G
G䄺䔒G Gⰴ┾㿪G
䤛G G ṖG 㦚ọ㧊G
䆪G ⍞䋻G 䋆G ⶒG
G䢣㑮G 㺓G ⶎ⽊G

56 South-North Korean vocabulary

2. Find words that match the definitions in the wordsearch grid below. Words in the grid
are written across, down or diagonally, but always run forwards. All the synonyms can
be found in the text above.

1. 䦮⩂Ṗ⓪G㔲ṚSG 㰖⌊⓪G䡫䘎㧊⋮G ㌂㩫G
2. 䢫㔺䧞G㞢G 㑮G 㠜㠊㍲G⹕㰖G ⴑ䞮⓪GⰞ㦢
3. Ṗ㰖ἶG㧞⓪G ㌳ṗ㧊⋮G ⦑㧊G㍲⪲G 䐋䞾
4. ῃṖ⯒Gῂ㎇䞮⓪G㌂⧢UG⡦⓪G ⁎G⋮⧒㦮G ῃ㩗㦚G Ṗ㰚G ㌂⧢
5. 㥶╖⋮G㡆ὖG ὖἚ⯒G ⊠㦢SG 䦦⯚㧊G㡆㏣♮㰖G 㞚┞䞾
6. 䟊╏G㠎㠊㠦G ⽎❪⿖䎆G 㧞▮GⰦ㧊⋮G ⁎ộ㠦G ₆㽞䞮㡂G ㌞⪲G Ⱒ✺㠊㰚G Ⱖ




䐋 ⌻ 㤪 ☯ ㏪ ┾ 㩞G ⶎ 䢪 㠊




㎇ ὒ   㽳 㼊 㩗G ⹒ 㭒 㭒 㦮

3. Find the opposite words.

⋾䞲 㣎⧮㠊
㌂☯䡫 ⹿㠎
䚲㭖㠊 ⿗䞲
ἶ㥶㠊 䞒☯䡫
☯㧒䞮┺ ⋮⑚┺
䐋㧒䞮┺ ┺⯊┺

South-North Korean vocabulary 57

Answer the following questions in English

1. In which aspect do the North and South Korean languages show greatest divergence?
2. Which dialects became the basis of standard language in the South and cultured lan-

guage in the North?
3. When were Standard Korean and Cultured Korean established in the South and North

4. Discuss the main reason for linguistic divergence between the South and North after

the Korean War.
5. How were loanwords adopted in the South and North?
6. Why is it necessary to make an effort ‘now’ in terms of narrowing the gap between

South and North Korean vocabulary?

Answer the following questions about the text in Korean

1. ⋾G 䞲G㌂⧢✺㧊G ⿗䞲G Ⱖ㦚G㧊䟊䞶G ➢G㠊⩺㤊G 㠊䥮✺㠦⓪G 㠊⟺G ộ✺㧊G 㧞㦚₢㣪fG
2. G⿗䞲G㌂⧢✺㧊G ⋾䞲G Ⱖ㦚G㧊䟊䞶G ➢G㠊⩺㤊G 㠊䥮✺㠦⓪G 㠊⟺G ộ✺㧊G 㧞㦚₢㣪fG

More to think about

1. What policies do you think the governments of the two Koreas can formulate to
limit the degree of linguistic divergence between the two countries, and how likely
is it that the respective governments implement such policies?

2. The modern-day Serbian and Croatian languages were, for most of the twentieth
century, classified as a single language, Serbo-Croat, yet today are regarded as
distinct; do you think it possible that North Korean will come to be classified as a
language distinct from South Korean? Why or why not?

Background reading

Chinese Influences on Korean Vocabulary

In terms of vocabulary, the Korean language would not exist as it does without the historical
influence of the Chinese language. Sino-Korean vocabulary started to be used as early as the
second century and since then it has formed a major part of Korean vocabulary. According
to the Standard Korean language dictionary, around 57 per cent of Korean vocabulary consists
of Sino-Korean loanwords. This may also be the case for other countries within the Sinosphere,
also known as the East Asian cultural sphere, i.e. China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

Most conceptual and professional vocabulary in Korean is Sino-Korean, whereas most
basic vocabulary is pure Korean. According to the Standard Korean Language Dictionary
published by the National Institute of Korean Language in 2000, which contains about
440,000 vocabulary items, the proportion of i) Pure-Korean words; ii) Sino-Korean words;
and iii) other foreign loanwords and their combinations is as given in the Table below. As
is shown below, Sino-Korean vocabulary comprises roughly 57 per cent of Korean vocabulary.

58 South-North Korean vocabulary

Ratios of word origins in Korean

Item Total Pure Sino- Foreign Pure/ Foreign/ Sino-/ Sino-/

Korean Korean loanwords Sino- Korean* Foreign* Foreign/

Korean* Korean*

Number of 440,262 111,299 251,478 23,196 36,461 1,331 15,548 751
occurrences 100% 25.28% 57.12% 5.26%
8.28% 0.30% 3.53% 0.17%

Source: Standard Korean Language Dictionary 2000
*Asterisk signifies vocabulary of hybrid origins

The American perspective on Dokdo 59

Chapter 9: The American perspective
on the Dokdo dispute

The article in this chapter discusses how America views the territorial dispute between
Korea and neighbouring Japan over the island known in Korea as Dokdo. The reading
provides a new perspective on this long-running dispute.

The article is an edited version of a report that appeared on Voice of America
(⹎ῃ㦮㏢Ⰲ) on July 16th 2008 (

Questions to consider before reading the whole text:
1. What do you know about the relationship between Korea and Japan? What is the rela-

tionship like these days? What is the history to the relationship? Can you think of any
two other neighbouring countries that have a similar relationship?
2. What do you know about the dispute over Dokdo? What is the historical background
behind this dispute?

ἊἉ ⣉㌆㊉ ⠹ᷙ ✽ᢲ㊝ ⸡ᝆ

G⹎ῃ㦖G 䞲ῃὒG 㧒⽎G Ṛ㠦G ⶎ㩲ṖG ♮ἶG 㧞⓪G ˄☛☚G ⿚㨗˅㠦G ╖䟊G 䞲T㧒G ⚦G ⋮⧒G
㌂㧊㦮G ⶎ㩲⧒ⳆG 㭧Ⱃ㩗㧎G 㧛㧻㦚G 䀾䞮ἶG 㧞㔋┞┺UG ⹎ῃ㦒⪲㍲⓪G 䞲ῃὒG 㧒⽎G ⳾⚦G
㭧㣪䞲G ☯ⱏ㧎G ₢╃㠦G 㠊ⓦG 䞲G 䘎㠦G ㍲₆ṖG Ἲ⧖䞮₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┞┺UG ☛☚G ⿚㨗㦚G ⽊⓪G
⹎ῃ㦮G㔲ṗ㦚G–––G ₆㧦ṖG㩫Ⰲ䟞㔋┞┺UG

⹎G ῃ㦖G 㾲⁒G ☛☚⯒G ⚮⩂㕎ἶG 䞲ῃὒG 㧒⽎G Ṛ㠦G ⡦┺㔲G ₊㧻㧊G ἶ㫆♮⓪G ộ㠦G
ZῃG Ὃ㫆㠦G‶㡊㧊G ㌳₆㰖G㞠㊉G ᦑ ᯹⸱ ㇵ⍩䂝GἶG 㧞㔋┞┺UG

⹎G ῃGῃⶊ⿖㦮G㎮Gⰻ䆪ⰻG╖⼖㧎㦖G☛☚G⿚㨗㠦G╖䟊G˄䞲T㧒G⚦G⋮⧒㦮Gⶎ㩲˅⧒ἶG
㍶㦚G⁎㦒ⳆGṲ㧛䞮㰖G 㞠Ỷ┺⓪G⦑㦚G ⿚ⳛ䧞G 䟞㔋┞┺UG

Gⰻ䆪ⰻG ╖⼖㧎㦖G ☛☚⓪G ₆⽎㩗㦒⪲G 䞲ῃὒG 㧒⽎G Ṛ㦮G ⶎ㩲⧒ⳆSG ⹎ῃ㦖G ⚦G ⋮⧒G
⳾⚦㢖G㫡㦖GὖἚ⯒G 㥶㰖䞮ἶG㧞┺ἶG Ⱖ䟞㔋┞┺UG

60 The American perspective on Dokdo

Ṳ㍶䞮⩺G 䟞㰖ⰢG 㧒⽎㧊G ᾦὒ㍲G 䟊㍺㍲㠦G ☛☚⯒G 㧒⽎G 㡗䏶⪲G ⳛ₆䞮㧦G 㧊⯒G 㣿⋿䞶G
㑮G 㠜┺⓪G 㧛㧻㦚G ⽊㡖┺ἶG ⽊☚䟞㔋┞┺UG ⡦G ˄㤪㓺䔎Ⰲ䔎㩖⍦˅G 㔶ⶎ㦖G ☛☚⓪G 䞲T㧒G
ὖἚ⯒G 䟊䂮⓪G ˄Ṗ㔲˅ṯ㦖G 㫊㨂⧒ⳆSG 䞲ῃ㧊G 䟃㦮G 䚲㔲⪲G 㧒⽎㭒㨂G 䞲ῃ╖㌂⯒G ㏢䢮䞲G
㌂㔺㦚G 㩚䟞㔋┞┺U

㧊㻮⩒G ⹎ῃG 㣎ᾦG ╏ῃὒG 㠎⪶㦖G ☛☚G ⿚㨗㠦G ╖䟊G 㭧Ⱃ㩗㧎G 㧛㧻㦚G 䀾䞮ἶG 㧞㰖
ⰢG⹎ῃG㿲䕦Ἒ㢖G ᾦ㥷ἚSG ⁎ⰂἶG㧎䎆⎍㦮G 䡚㔺㦖G ┺㏢G ┺⯛┞┺U

⹎G ῃⶊ⿖㢖G 㭧㞯㩫⽊ῃOjphPG 㧎䎆⎍G 䢞䗮㧊㰖⓪G ☛☚⧒⓪G 㧊⯚G ╖㔶G ˄Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G
⹪㥚㎂˅㧊⧒⓪G 㭧Ⱃ㩗㧎G ⳛ䃃㦚G ㌂㣿䞮㰖ⰢG ☯䟊⓪G ˄㧒⽎䟊˅⪲G 䚲₆䞮ἶG 㧞㔋┞┺UG ⹎G
㝆ἶG 㧞㔋┞┺U

Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G ⹪㥚㎂㧊⧒⓪G ⳛ䃃㦖G 㰖⋲G X_[`⎚G ☛☚⯒G ⹲ἂ䞲G 䝚⧧㓺G 䙂ἓ㍶㦮G
㧊⯚㠦㍲G 㥶⧮䞲G ộ㧛┞┺UG 㯟SG 䞲ῃ㦖G 㧊G ㎂㦚G ☛☚⧒ἶG 䞮ἶG 㧒⽎㦖G ┺䅖㔲Ⱎ⧒ἶG
☛☚ṖG㏣䟊G㧞⓪G ☯䟊⯒G╖⿖⿚G 㧒⽎䟊⪲G䚲₆䞮ἶG 㧞㔋┞┺U

䞲䘎G 䞲T㧒G Ṛ㠦G ☛☚⯒G ⚮⩂㕒G ⿚㨗㧊G 㧒ἶG 㧞ᷙ ᝅㇹẵG ㎎ἚG 㾲╖G ☚㍲ὖ㧎G ⹎G
⹪∎⓪G⹿㞞㦚GỖ䏶G 㭧㧎G ộ㦒⪲G㞢⩺㪢㔋┞┺U

㌂㣿䞶G 㑮G 㠜㦚G ộ㧊⧒ἶG Ⱖ䟞㔋┞┺U

˄☚㍲G 㩚ⶎṖ㧎G ₖ䞮⋮G 㝾⓪G Ⱒ㧒G 㭒㩲㠊⯒G ☛☚㠦㍲G Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G ⹪㥚㎂㦒⪲G ⹪∖G
ἓ㤆G☛☚㢖Gὖ⩾♲G ⳾✶G ☚㍲㦮G㭒㩲㠊ṖG Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊⪲G ⹪≪G ộ㧊⧒ἶG Ⱖ䟞㔋┞┺U˅

ₖ䞮⋮G 㝾⓪G ▪㤇G 㕂ṗ䞲G ⶎ㩲⓪G ☛☚⽊┺G ☯䟊G 䚲₆⧒ἶG 㰖㩗䟞㔋┞┺UG ⹎G 㦮䣢
⹪∎⩺G 䞮ἶG 㧞┺⓪G ộ㧛┞┺UG Ⱒ㧒G 㧊ṯ㦖G ⼖ἓ㧊G 㧊⭚㰞G ἓ㤆G ☛☚⓪G ⁎G 㧊⯚㦚G
㧙ỢG ♮⓪G ộ㦖G ⶒ⪶G ˄㧒⽎G 㡗䟊㠦G ㏣䞲G ㎂˅㦒⪲G Ṛ㭒♶G ㏢㰖ṖG 㧞┺ἶG ₖ䞮⋮G 㝾⓪G
㧒⽎㠦G㏣䞮ỢG♲┺ἶG Ⱖ䟞㔋┞┺U

⹎G 㦮䣢☚㍲ὖ㦖G ╏㽞G X]㧒G ☚㍲⳿⪳G ὖ⩾G 㭒㩲㠊G 䘎㰧䣢㦮⯒G 㡊㠊G ☛☚⯒G Ⰲ㞯
䈶⯊G⹪㥚㎂㦒⪲G⹪∎⓪Gⶎ㩲⯒GỖ䏶䂥 ㅍ㍚㊹㠞㔋┞┺UG䞮㰖ⰢG㌂㞞㦮G⹒Ṧ㎇㦚GṦ㞞
䟊G㧒㩫㦚G㧒┾G㡆₆䟞┺ἶG☚㍲ὖG ὖἚ㧦ṖG ⹳䡪㔋┞┺U

The American perspective on Dokdo 61


⿚G 㨗GO臧蠖PG dispute, conflict
G㔲ṗG O萣竲PG sight, perspective
G㭧Ⱃ㩗G O襦翰蠿PG neutral
G☯ⱏG O纩耾PG ally
G㩫Ⰲ䞮┺G O袛翓TPG arrange, get into shape, organise
G₊㧻G O綉蟪PG tension
Gἶ㫆♮┺G O簙裬TPG heighten, run high
⋲G Ṧ䟊䞮┺GO綮笘TPG feel helpless/embarrassed
㧦G 䃁G nearly, by any possibility
ὋG 㫆GO簱裝PG mutual cooperation, mutual assistance
G‶㡊G O紗蕤PG crack, fissure
⌊G 㕂GO緉葖PG at heart/bottom, inwardly, secretly
㤆G ⩺䞮┺GO虥缜TPG worry, be anxious
ῃG ⶊ⿖GO糑肏臠PG Department of State
╖G ⼖㧎GO織腱蝸PG spokesperson
ṲG 㧛䞮┺GO筈螤TPG intervene; interfere
㥶G 㰖䞮┺GO蛴覀TPG maintain
G䟊ⶋ㦖G age-old, perennial
G㹾⿚䞮ỢG calmly, in a collected manner
G⽊☚䞮┺G O膊纊TPG report
GṲ㍶䞮┺G O筐苻TPG improve, upgrade
G䟊㍺㍲G O豻茢苗PG manual, guide
Gⳛ₆䞮┺G O聒絽TPG specify; write clearly
G㣿⋿䞮┺G O虈綼TPG condone, approve, accept
G䟊䂮┺G harm, damage, ruin
GṖ㔲G thorn
G㫊㨂G O褌蠇PG existence
G䟃㦮G䚲㔲GO豤蝈G 谉萟PG a sign of protest
G㏢䢮䞮┺G O荌资TPG recall, summon
G㣎ᾦG╏ῃGO蘑粂G 繐糒PG the diplomatic authorities
㠎G ⪶GO蔀罸PG the press, the media
䀾G 䞮┺GO諵TPG adopt/take (a position)
㿲G 䕦ἚGO諨讫篨PG the publishing world
ᾦG 㥷ἚGO粊蜉篨PG the education world
Gⳛ䃃G O聐謳PG name

62 The American perspective on Dokdo

䚲₆䞮┺G O谉絽TP write; emblematise
㡆⹿G㩫⿖GO缷脩G 袚臉P US federal government
㌆䞮G₆ὖGO节谨G 絣籟P affiliated organisation
䙂ἓ㍶G O诩篛茎P whaling ship
㥶⧮䞮┺G O蛯缃TP originate in, stem from
㭒㧻䞮┺G O褨蟪TP assert, claim
⋒┺ be caught, get jammed
㍶䌳䞮┺G O茓譺TP choose, select
㞚㡞 completely, absolutely
㦮䣢G O蝈赬P assembly, parliament
⿚⮮G O臧羯P classification
㭒㩲㠊G O褨裘蓳P keyword
䡚䟟G O販貇P current, present
⹿㞞G O脙蒇P measure, plan
Ỗ䏶G O箇讁P examination, review
㺛㧚㧦G O訸螙螿P person in charge
㩚ⶎṖG O衙肱竖P specialist
㰖㩗䞮┺G O要蠺TP point out, indicate
⼖ἓG O腯篁P change, alteration
㡗䟊G O薡豸P territorial waters
Ṛ㭒♮┺G O笂褫TP be regarded as, be defined as
㏢㰖G O荥襽P reason, cause, grounds
╏㽞 originally, at the start
䘎㰧䣢㦮G O诉觙赬蝈P editorial conference
㌂㞞G O艃蒇P issue, matter
⹒Ṧ㎇G O胍笚茴P sensitivity, susceptibility
Ṧ㞞䞮┺G O笖蒇TP consider; allow for
㧒㩫G O螔袰P schedule, programme
㧒┾ for now; first
㡆₆䞮┺G O蔸絟TP postpone
ὖἚ㧦G O籟篜螿P the person concerned
⹳䧞┺ reveal, disclose

The American perspective on Dokdo 63


9.1 T ㊁ ыᦑ ា㍚䂝ḩ ា㍚㊹ḩ ㇵ⍩䂝ḩ (‘worried in case it might . . .’)
This pattern follows TO㦒Pඥ₢ with the verb ệ㩫䞮TV㤆⩺䞮 ‘worry’. It is used when the
speaker expresses a worry about a possible future negative turn of events.

G⹎ῃ㦖GGUGGUGGUGG䞲T⹎T㧒G ZῃG Ὃ㫆㠦G‶㡊㧊G ㌳₆㰖G 㞠㊉G ᦑ ᯹⸱ ㇵ⍩䂝ἶG G 㧞㔋┞┺UG
America is concerned inwardly that it might cause cracks within the three nation cooperation.

G䢪㣪㧒㠦G⑞㧊G 㢂Gᦑ ា㍚㊹G㠦㣪UG
I’m worried in case it snows on Tuesday.

9.2 Tᷙ ᝅㇹẵ (‘in the middle of ’)
This construction combines the dynamic modifier T⓪ with the noun Ṗ㤊◆ ‘middle, centre’.
It is used in written language when describing an event that occurred (often suddenly or
unexpectedly) in the middle of or amid another longer, ongoing process.

䞲G 䘎G䞲T㧒GṚ㠦G ☛☚⯒G ⚮⩂㕒G⿚㨗㧊G 㧒ἶG 㧞ᷙG ᝅㇹẵG ㎎ἚG 㾲╖G ☚㍲ὖ㧎G ⹎G
㦮䣢☚㍲ὖ㧊G ☛☚㠦G ╖䞲G☚㍲G ⿚⮮G㭒㩲㠊⯒G 䡚䟟G ˄☛☚˅㠦㍲G ˄Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G
⹪㥚㎂˅㦒⪲G⹪∎⓪G⹿㞞㦚G Ỗ䏶G㭧㧎G ộ㦒⪲G 㞢⩺㪢㔋┞┺UG

Meanwhile in the middle of the Japan-Korea dispute surrounding Dokdo, it has emerged that
the world’s largest library, the US Library of Congress, is considering a plan to change the
current prevailing library catalogue keyword classification from Dokdo to the Liancourt

Gἓ₆G䂾㼊㠦G╖䞲G 㤆⩺ṖG䄺㰖Gᷙ ᝅㇹẵG㭒ṖṖG Ἲ⚦⹫㰞㼺┺UG
Stocks dropped sharply amid growing concern about economic stagnation.

[see 7.3] T ㊁ ы ㅍ㍚㊹ḩ (‘is due to’)

⹎G G㦮䣢☚㍲ὖ㦖GGUGGUGGUGG䣢㦮⯒G 㡊㠊G☛☚⯒G Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G ⹪㥚㎂㦒⪲G ⹪∎⓪G ⶎ㩲⯒G
Gៅ㳥䂥 ㅍ㍚㊹G㠞㔋┞┺UG

The US Library of Congress planned to open a meeting reviewing the problem of changing
the library catalogue keyword from Dokdo on the 16th.

Words and meanings

1. What two other designations for the island known in Korea as Dokdo emerge in the
article? Who uses these terms and what are the meanings associated with them?

2. Find words that match the definitions in the main text.

1. G㠊⟺Gⶎ㩲G ➢ⶎ㠦G 㕎㤆Ệ⋮G┺䒂⓪G 㧒G
2. GῃṖGṚ㠦G ㍲⪲G ☫₆⪲G㟓㏣䞲G 㞚㭒G䂲䞲G ㌂㧊G
3. 㔶G ⶎ㧊⋮G⹿㏷㠦㍲G㠊⟺G 㧒㦚G㞢Ⰲ┺G
4. 㠊G ⟺G㧒㧊⋮G ㌗䢿㦚G ▪G㫡ỢG ἶ㼦⋮Ṗ┺G

64 The American perspective on Dokdo

5. 㠊⟺G₆ὖ㧊⋮GṲ㧎㦚G╖㔶䟊㍲G⁎G㦮ἂ㧊⋮G䌲☚G❇㦚G㺛㧚㰖ἶGⰦ䞮⓪G㌂⧢
6. 㩫䟊G⏩㦖G ₆Ṛ㦚G ⛺⪲G⹎⬾┺
7. 㠊⟺G䞲GṖ㰖G ⿚㟒㠦G 㩚ⶎ㩗㧎G㰖㔳㧊⋮G ₆㑶㦚G Ṗ㰚G ㌂⧢

3. Find the synonymous words in the main text.

1. ệ㩫䞮┺
2. 㡺⧮♲
3. 㫆㣿䞮Ợ
4. 㧊⯚
5. ἶ⧮㧷㧊G⺆

Answer the following questions in English

1. Why is it difficult for the USA to take one side in the Dokdo dispute?
2. What is the world’s largest library?
3. What is library specialist Kim Hana’s concern with regard to the US Library of Congress’

plan to change the current library catalogue keyword classification from Dokdo to the
Liancourt Rocks?
4. According to Kim Hana, why is the problem of the naming of the East Sea more serious?
How is this problem related to the Dokdo dispute?

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. 㧒⽎㧊G ᾦὒ㍲G 䟊㍺㍲㠦G ☛☚⯒G 㧒⽎G 㡗䏶⪲G ⳛ₆䞮㧦G 䞲ῃ㦖G 䟃㦮䚲㔲⪲G 㠊⟺G
䟟☯㦚G 䟞㔋┞₢f

2. ⹎Gῃⶊ⿖㢖G㭧㞯㩫⽊ῃOjphPG㧎䎆⎍G䢞䗮㧊㰖⓪G☛☚⧒⓪G㧊⯚G╖㔶G㠊⟺Gⳛ䃃㦚G
㌂㣿䞮ἶG 㧞㔋┞₢f

3. Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G⹪㥚㎂㧊⧒⓪Gⳛ䃃㦖G 㠊❪㠦㍲G 㥶⧮䞲G ộ㧛┞₢f
4. 㧒⽎㠦㍲⓪G☛☚⯒G ⶊ㠝㧊⧒ἶG ⿖⯛┞₢f
5. ⹎G 㦮䣢☚㍲ὖ㧊G ☛☚㠦G ╖䞲G ☚㍲G ⿚⮮G 㭒㩲㠊⯒G 䡚䟟G ˄☛☚˅㠦㍲G ˄Ⰲ㞯䈶⯊G

⹪㥚㎂˅㦒⪲G⹪∎ỢG ♮ⳊG 㠊⟺G㧒㧊G ⻢㠊㰞₢㣪f

More to think about

1. What do you think about the US Department of State and the CIA using the des-
ignation ‘Liancourt Rocks’? Is this really a neutral term? Should they use ‘Dokdo’

2. Do you think that Kim Hana is right to be concerned about the plan to change
the current prevailing library catalogue keyword classification from Dokdo to the
Liancourt Rocks?

3. Do you think that this article provides a balanced view of this sensitive topic?

Hangul in the information technology era 65

Chapter 10: Hangul flourishes in the
information technology era

The reading in this chapter is reproduced with permission from the website of the
Digital Hangeul Museum – a digital ‘museum’ dedicated to the Korean script and
language, which is operated by the National Institute of the Korean Language (ῃⰓ
ῃ㠊㤦). In the extract, Hangul’s unique characteristics as a writing system are dis-
cussed with reference to some of the advantages of using Hangul to input data into
various electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers. Positive comparisons
are given between the efficiency of Hangul compared with both the Roman alphabet
and languages such as Chinese and Japanese which use complicated character systems.
Whilst outlining Hangul’s bright future, the article concedes that there is still work
to be done in certain areas to ensure standardisation and the greater efficiency that
will result from this. In addition, it questions whether using Hangul to transcribe
English words, for example on shop signs, is really a satisfactory state of affairs.

Questions to consider before reading the whole text:
1. What do you know about the characteristics of Hangul that make it distinct from other

writing systems?
2. Can you think of any advantages that Hangul possesses over other writing systems in

terms of information technology?

㍚⠹䆙 ⸡ṅㄕ ẙ ⦠ᯝᷙ 䂡᥅

G㎎Ἒ⓪G ⽊┺G 䘎Ⰲ䞮ἶG ザ⯎G 㩫⽊䢪G ₆₆⯒G G┑
ヹ ᯹⓪G G ◆G ⛺㰖㰖G 㞠₆G 㥚䟊G
ἓ㨗䞮ἶG 㧞┺UG ⽊┺G 㧧㦖G 䋂₆⪲G ⽊┺G Ⱔ㦖G 㟧㦮G 㩫⽊⯒G ┾G 㔲ṚG ⌊㠦G 㻮Ⰲ䞶G 㑮G 㧞⓪G
₆₆G Ṳ⹲㠦㍲G 䞲ῃ㧊G 㞴㍲ṞG 㑮G 㧞⓪G 㧊㥶G 㭧㦮G 䞮⋮ṖG ˄䞲⁖˅㧚㦚G ⿖㧎䞶G 㑮G 㠜㦚G
ộ㧊┺UGⶒ⪶G⪲Ⱎ㧦㠦G゚䞲ḩG ▹G㞚㰗G㾲㩗㦮G㩫⽊䢪Gⶎ㧦⧒ἶG䞶G㑮⓪G㠜㰖ⰢG㧒⽎㠊⯒G
㭧ῃG 䞲㧦㢖G 㧒⽎G Ṗ⋮㦮G ἓ㤆G 㞢䕢⼉㦒⪲G ⹲㦢㦚G 㧛⩻䞲G ⛺G 䟊╏G ⶎ㧦⪲G ⼖䢮㔲䅲㟒G

66 Hangul in the information technology era

䌚䌚╖⪲Ⱒ㦚G Ỏ㠞▮G ộ㦖G 㞚┞┺UG ⿞ὒG XWG 㡂⎚G 㩚ⰢG 䟊☚G 㧛⩻G ⹿⻫㦚G ⏩ἶG ⏒㨗㦚G
㦢㩞⼚⪲G ⳾㞚㝆⓪G 䞲⁖㠦G ⹪⪲G 㩗㣿♶G 㑮G 㠜㠞㦢㦖G ╏㡆䞲G 㧒㧊㠞┺UG ⁎⩂⋮G ⁎⩂䞲G
⏒㨗㦖G䅊䜾䎆㦮G㎇⓻㧊G 䟻㌗♮Ⳋ㍲GἽG ㌂⧒㪢┺U

䞲⁖㦖G `G Ṳ⋮G XYG Ṳ㦮G 㧦䕦Ⱒ㦒⪲G ⶎ㧦⯒G 㧛⩻䟊㟒G 䞮⓪G 䦊╖㩚䢪㠦㍲G ▪㤇G
ケ㦚G ⹲䞲┺UG 㤆ⰂG ⋮⧒G 䦊╖㩚䢪㦮G ⶎ㧦G 㧛⩻G ⹿㔳✺㦖G 㫆㦢G ⹿⻫ὒG ⶎ㧦G ⳾㟧㠦㍲G
㡆ὖ㎇㧊G 㧞⓪G ⁖㧦⯒G 䞮⋮㦮G 㧦䕦㠦G ⳾㦒ἶG ⳾㦢ὒG 㧦㦢㦚G ῂ⼚䞮⓪G ❇G 䞲⁖G 㺓㩲㦮G
㫆㦢₆ὖὒG 㫆㦢⹿⻫㦚G 㩫䢫䧞G ⹮㡗䞮ἶG 㧞ἶG 䞲⁖G ᾦ㥷㦚G ⹱㦖G ㌂⧢㧊ⳊG ⑚ῂ⋮G ⁎G
㤦Ⰲ⯒G 㧊䟊䞶G 㑮G 㧞₆G ➢ⶎ㠦G Ṗ⓻䞲G ộ㧊┺UG 㞚⧮㢖G ṯ㧊G 㩲㫆㌂ㄕ ⁵⋁G ㍲⪲G ┺⯎G
㧛⩻G⹿㔳㦚G䌳䞮ἶG 㧞㰖ⰢG ⁎⩂䞲G㤦Ⰲ⯒G ⹮㡗䞲G ◆㠦⓪G 㡞㣎ṖG 㠜┺U

1ා 2෹ 3෍ 1ඝ 2ච 3 ර඿ 1 ඝභ 2 ා෍ 3 රල
4 ඝභ 5 චඥ 6 ඣම 4ඥ 5ත 6 ස෈ 4 ඣම 5 චඥ 6 ඿ශ
7 ථඹ 8 නය 9 පබ 7න 8ඳ 9 ා 7 තන 8 ථඹ 9 ස෇
* 0 ඳත # * 䣣㿪Ṗ 0 ෍ # 㕣㧦㦢 * පබ 0 ඳය # ෈෌

㡗㠊⽊┺G Z\LG 㩫☚G ザ⯊┺ἶG 䞲┺UG ⿚㽞⯒G ┺䒂⓪G 㽞ἶ㏣G 㩫⽊䢪G 㔲╖㠦G ㏣☚㠦㍲G
㞴㍲G Ṛ┺⓪G ộ㦖G 䋆G 㦮⹎⯒G Ṗ㰖⓪G ộ㧊┺UG 㧊⹎G ⶎ㧊G 㡊Ⰲ₆G 㔲㧧䞲G 㥶゚䉒䎆㓺G
㔲╖㠦⓪G Ṗ㩚ὒG 䐋㔶SG 䅊䜾䎆SG ⪲⽝G ❇G ╖⿖⿚㦮G 㩫⽊䢪G ₆₆㢖G 㧎ὋG 㰖⓻㧊G 㦢㎇㦚G
㔶䢎⪲G ⹱㞚G 㤖㰗㧒G ộ㧊┺UG Ⱔ㦖G 㧊✺㧊G 䞲⁖㦮G 㧒㧦㧒㦢O螐螳螐蜮PG 㤦䂯㧊G 㧊⩂䞲G
₆㑶G ⹲㩚㠦G 䋆G 㧝㩦㦚G Ṗ㰞G ộ㦒⪲G 㡞㌗䞮ἶG 㧞┺UG 㡗㠊㠦G ゚䟊G 䞲G ⁖㧦㠦G ╖㦧♮⓪G
㦢㦮G㒁㧦ṖG㩗㦖G 䘎㧊㠊㍲G㦢㎇G 㧎㔳⮶㠦㍲G 㞴㍺G 㑮G 㧞┺⓪G ộ㧊┺UG

⹎⧮㦮G 䞲⁖㦚G 㥚䞮㡂

㎎Ἒ㠦㍲G Ṗ㧻G 㤆㑮䞲G 䚲㦢G ⶎ㧦⪲G 㧎㩫⹱ἶSG ㌞⪲㤊G 䕾㎮G 㭒㩲⪲G ⟶㡺⯊₆G
YWW]G ⎚㧊G 䞲⁖G 㺓㩲G \]WG ☢㧊⧒⓪G 㔲₆㩗G ☚㤖╁₆ṖG 㠜㰖G 㞠㞮㊁ᯝG 䞲⁖㦚G 㞚⋒ἶG
㞴㦒⪲G⹲㩚䟊GṞGṖ⓻㎇㧊Gⶊῗⶊ㰚䞾㦚G䢫㧎䞶G㑮G㧞┺UG⁎⩂⋮G㞚㰗G㿿⿚䞮㔅 ☀䂝┺UG
㩫⽊䢪G ㌂䣢㠦㍲G 㞴㍲ṞG 㑮G 㧞⓪G 㫆Ị㦚G Ṭ㿮G 䞲⁖㧊G ▪㤇G ṗὧ㦚G ⹱₆G 㥚䟊㍲⓪G ▪G
Ⱔ㦖G 㧦⬢G 㿫㩗ὒG 㡆ῂṖG ⛺㧊㠊㪎㟒G 䞲┺UG 䞲⁖㧊G ⳾✶G 㩫⽊䢪G ₆₆㠦㍲G 㧛⩻㏣☚㢖G

Hangul in the information technology era 67

㤦Ⰲ⯒G 䐋䟊G 㫆㦢㦮G 㡆ὖ㎇㦚G ⽊㡂G 㭒㰖ⰢG ㌂⧢✺㧊G 䞚₆䞶G ➢G 㡺⮮ṖG Ⱔ㧊G ⋮䌖⋮⓪G
㤦㧎㧊G ♮ἶG ⁎㠦G ➆⧒G 䅊䜾䎆⓪G ⁎ộ㦚G 䟊☛䟊G ⌊₆G 㠊⩺㤢㰖⓪G ộ㧊┺UG ⡦G ⁎☯㞞G
⹿㔳㦚G ἶ㥶㦮G 䔏㰫㦒⪲G ㌒ἶG 㧞⓪G ㌗䢿㧎G Ⱒ䋒G 㓓㰖G 㞠㦖G 㧒㧒G ộ㧊┺UG ⁎⩂⋮G
㎎Ἒ㩗㦒⪲G ⁎G 㼊Ἒ㎇㦚G 㧎㩫⹱⓪G 䞲⁖㦚G 㧛⩻䞮⓪G ⹿㔳㧊G 㧊䏶⪳G ┺㟧䞮┺G ⴑ䟊G
㭧ῂ⋲⹿㔳㧎G ộ㧊G ┺㏢G ⌅G ⿖⊚⩂㤊G ộ㦖G 㩲㼦G ⚦ἶ⧒☚G 䣾㥾㎇G Ⳋ㠦㍲G ⁎㴓㧊G 䤾㞂G
⌁㰖G 㞠G㊉ᦑ ⸻G┺UG

G㧎㌂☯G ỆⰂ㦮G Ṛ䕦㦖G ⳾⚦G 䞲⁖⪲G 㝆㡂G 㧞┺UG 㑲G 㤆ⰂⰦ⪲G 㰖㠊㰚G ㌗㩦G 㧊⯚G ㈦G
㞚┞⧒G 㣎ῃ㠦㍲G ✺㠊㡾G 㠛㼊㦮G 㧊⯚☚G 䞲⁖⪲G 䚲₆♮㠊G 㧞┺UG 䞲ῃ㦮G 㩚䐋㦚G 䕪ἶG
┾㰖G 䞲⁖⪲G 㩗⓪┺ἶG 䟊㍲G ⁎ộ㧊G 㺎♲G 䞲⁖G Ṛ䕦㧊G ♶G 㑮⓪G 㠜₆G ➢ⶎ㧊┺UG ⳾⚦ṖG
㎎Ἒ䢪⯒G 㣎䂮ἶG 㧞⓪G 㔲╖㠦G 㧊⯚☚G ㎎Ἒ䢪䟊㟒G ♲┺⓪G ㌳ṗ㠦㍲㧒㰖G ⳾⯊㰖ⰢG
⽦㟒G 䞶G 㧒㧊┺UG

G㩫⿖⓪G YWW\G ⎚G ῃ㠊₆⽎⻫㦚G 㩲㩫䟊G 䞲ῃ㠊G 㠊ⶎ′⻪㦚G ⹪⪲㧷ἶG ῃ㠊G ㌂㣿G
䢮ἓ㦚GṲ㍶䞮⓪G䞲䘎Gῃ㠊ⶎ䢪㥶㌆㦚G⽊㩚䞮ἶG⋮㞚ṖGῃ㣎㠦G䞲ῃ㠊⯒G⽊ 䞮⓪G◆G
䞚㣪䞲G ἓ㤆G ὚䢎G 㞞㠦G 㡗ⶎ㦚G 䚲₆䟊㟒G 䞲┺UG 㧊⩂䞲G ⳾✶G ⏎⩻㧊G 㕩㧊ⳊG 䞲⁖G
㺓㩲G \^WG ☢㠦⓪G ▪G 㧊㌗G ⹪⧚G ộ㧊G 㠜⓪G ㌗䌲ṖG ♮㠊G 㧞㦚㰖☚G ⳾⯎┺UG ⁎⩂⋮G
⹪⧒Ị╖G 䞲⁖⪲G 㩗⓪G ộ㠦G Ⱒ㫇䞮㰖G ⰦἶG 㰚㩫G 䞲⁖⪲G 㩗₆㠦G ⿖⊚⩓㰖G 㞠㦖G Ⱖ✺㧊G
⍮㼦⌂㊁G ▹ 䂡G┺UG

Vocabulary convenience
䘎G ⰂGO评翈PG devices
G㩫⽊䢪G O袘膊财PG be behind, be backward, be outstripped
₆G ₆GO絎絣PG compete
G⛺㰖┺G process e.g. data
Gἓ㨗䞮┺G O篍蠖TPG development
㻮G Ⰲ䞮┺GO証翓TPG go ahead, be ahead, be advanced
GṲ⹲G O筛脊PG deny
G㞴㍲Ṗ┺G of course
G⿖㧎䞮┺G O臁螊TPG
ⶒG ⪶GO肳罸PG

68 Hangul in the information technology era

⪲Ⱎ㧦G OT螳P Roman letters; the Latin alphabet
゚䞮┺G O舔TP be compared
㾲㩗G O諁衍P the optimum
㞚㔲㞚ῢG OT糫P within Asia, in the Asian sphere
㾲ṫG O諁笶P take the lead, be the best/strongest
▪ῂ⋮ besides, moreover, in addition
⹲㦢G O脊蜮P pronunciation
㧛⩻䞮┺G O螤缩TP type in, input
䟊╏䞮┺G O豼繐TP correspond, be relevant
⼖䢮㔲䋺┺G O腯贼TP exchange, change, convert
㧦䕦G O螳讪P keyboard
䚲㔲♮┺G O谉萟TP be shown, be expressed, be marked
㠛ⶊ⓻⩻G O蔋肏縑缩P job performance/competence
UGGUGGUGG⺆G 㧊㌗G OT脬蝋芟P more than . . . times
䣾ὒG O趀籂P effect, efficacy
䌚䌚╖⪲G O譕譕繗罫P smooth path, broad and level road
⹿⻫G O脙腟P means, method, way
⏒㨗G O緰蠖P debate, dispute, argument
㦢㩞⼚G O蜮衾腳P by syllable
⳾㞚㝆┺ be positioned together
㩗㣿♮┺G O衍虑TP be applied
╏㡆䞮┺G O繐蕇TP be natural, be reasonable, be fair
㎇⓻G O茴縑P performance, efficiency
䟻㌗♮┺G O貉芟TP be improved
㌂⧒㰖┺ disappear
ケ㦚G ⹲䞮┺G OT脊TP (fig.) shine, emit light
㫆㦢⹿⻫G O裿蜮脙腟P method of articulation
㡆ὖ㎇G O蕔籟茴P correlation, interrelationship
⳾㦒┺ accumulate, gather, collect
⳾㦢G O聪蜮P vowels
㧦㦢G O螲蜮P consonants
ῂ⼚G O粢腳P distinction, differentiation
㺓㩲G O訕裃P invention, creation
₆⽎G㤦ⰂGO結膩G 蚖翓P basic principles
⺆㡊G O脲蕝P arrangement, sequence
Ṗ䣣G O竐赸P add additional stroke(s) to characters

(opp. Ṧ䣣 O笠赸P reduce a character’s
number of strokes)

㫆㦢₆ὖG O裿蜮絎籒P Hangul in the information technology era 69
㩲㫆㌂G O裑褂艧P
䌳䞮┺G O譺TP articulator, articulatory organs
㡞㣎ṖG 㠜┺G O薤蘑TP manufacturer
㻶㧦G O詥螳P select, choose, pick
䌖㑮G O謻莡P be without exception
⿚㽞⯒G┺䒂┺G O臧語TP spelling
㽞ἶ㏣G O誦簙荹P typing words per minute
Ṗ㩚G 䐋㔶G O竖衴讈萺P every minute and second counts
㧎ὋG 㰖⓻G O蝸簴覌縑P superfast speed
㦢㎇G O蜮茿P home electronic communication
㔶䢎G O萺贅P artificial intelligence
㧒㧦㧒㦢G O螐螳螐蜮P voice
㤦䂯G O蚖謡P signal
㧊㩦G O翈袈P ‘one-syllable-one-sound’
㡞㌗䞮┺G O薴芭TP principle, rule
㦢㎇G 㧎㔳⮶G O蜮茿螊萴羹P advantage
㤆㑮䞮┺G O虝莮TP anticipate, expect, predict
䚲㦢G O谉蜮P voice recognition capacity
㧎㩫⹱┺G O螊袓TP be superior, be predominant
⟶㡺⯊┺ phonetics
㩲Ὃ䞮┺G O裊簯TP be recognised, be acknowledged
㼊ἚG O誎篬P rise, come up, float
⹎⧮⓪G ⹳┺G O肼缃TP offer, supply, provide
☢ system, organisation
㔲₆㩗G O萚絟蠿P (fig.) the future is bright
☚㤖╁₆ anniversary, first birthday
㞚⋒┺ timely
ῂ䢎G O粣贅P run-up
ῃ㑮㭒㦮G O糑莱褨蝂P preserve, cherish; save, economise
㡂₆┺ slogan, rallying cry
㌗䢿G O芳赖P chauvinistic nationalism
㰚㧒⽊䞮┺G O覿螐膍TP regard, consider, count
⿚ⳛ䞮┺G O臧聒TP situation, condition, circumstance
ⶊῗⶊ㰚䞮┺G O肚糤肚覲TP take a major step forward
㫆Ị㦚GṬ㿪┺G O裨筵TP be clear, be distinct, be sure
ṗὧG O竰籦P be unlimited, be infinite
meet the qualifications
spotlight, limelight

70 Hangul in the information technology era

㧦⬢G 㿫㩗G O蟅羌諠血P data collection/accumulation
㡆ῂG O蕍粽P research, study
⛺㧝┺ follow, succeed
ỎⰒ☢ obstacle, stumbling block
╖䚲㩗㧊┺G O織谉蠿TP be representative, be typical
䞚₆䞮┺G O谣絽TP take notes, write down
㡺⮮G O藕羮P mistakes, errors
䟊☛䞮┺G O豻纘TP decode, decipher
⳾㌟G O聥苄P search, seek, grope for
䚲㭖䢪G O谅襛财P standardisation
㧊⬾㠊㰖┺ be accomplished, be realised, come true
㌳㌆₆㠛G O苇芈絉蔋P manufacturing industry
㧦㼊G O蟀誎P itself
ἶ㥶G O篸蛞P inherent, innate
㭧ῂ⋲⹿G O襨粣綮脪P public rumour, popular opinion (vox populi)
┺㏢G O縘荑P more or less
⌅⿖⊚⩓┺ be ashamed, be disgraceful
㩲㼦G ⚦┺ put aside, set aside, leave to one side
䣾㥾㎇G O趀蜛茴P efficiency
Ṛ䕦G O笂讪P signboard, fascia
㌗㩦G O芣袂P store, shop
㠛㼊G O蔋誎P business enterprise
䚲₆䞮┺G O谉絽TP write, transcribe
㩚䐋G O衑讇P tradition, custom
Ỏⰴ┺ be well-matched, be suited to
✍ⰱ㧊G Ṳ㤊䂮G 㞠┺ something is amiss (lit. the aftertaste is not

┾㰖G O縜襻P relieved)
㺎♲ merely, only, simply
㣎䂮┺ genuine, true
䣢㌂ⳛG O赬艧聐P shout, yell, cry
㌗䛞ⳛG O芣谎聐P company names
㰩┺ brand names
ἓ䟻G O箲貉P make, build
ῃ㠊₆⽎⻫G O糑蓳結膩腟P tendency, trend
㠊ⶎ′⻪G O蓳肫納腝P Guidelines for Korean Usage
Ṳ㍶䞮┺G O筐苻TP language standard, model
ῃ㠊ⶎ䢪㥶㌆G O糑蓳肫财蛿芈P reform, revise, improve
Korean cultural inheritance

G⽊㩚䞮┺G O膈衒TPG Hangul in the information technology era 71
⋮G 㞚Ṗ㍲G
ῃG 㣎GO糑蘑PG preserve, conserve
⽊G  䞮┺GO膌紿TPG furthermore
⏎G ⩻㦚G₆㤎㧊┺G O緘缩TPG overseas
GὋὋ₆ὖG O簰簱絣籟PG disseminate, propagate
ὋG ⶎ㍲GO簰肫苗PG spare no effort, make every effort
G὚䢎G O籣質PG public offices
⹪G ⧒Ị╖G official document
ⰢG 㫇䞮┺GO耊褊TPG parentheses, brackets
㰚G 㩫GO観袢PG hopefully
㩗G ┺G be satisfied, be content
⿖G ⊚⩓┺G truly, really
G⍮㼦⋮┺G write down, note
be ashamed, be embarrassed
overflow, (fig.) be abundant


10.1 Tら ヹ ᯹ḩ (‘do to the end’)

When used as a main verb, ⌊┺ means ‘submit’, ‘present’, ‘despatch’, ‘put forth’, ‘pay out’
or ‘draw out’. When applied as an auxiliary verb in this construction, ⌊┺ retains this
meaning of following a process through to the end and reaching a final conclusion or goal
derived from the action in question. It depicts the act of doing something through to the
end, ‘going all the way’ or simply completing a process properly and thoroughly.

G㎎Ἒ⓪G⽊┺G䘎Ⰲ䞮ἶG ザ⯎G㩫⽊䢪G ₆₆⯒G Ⱒ✺ヹG ᯹G⓪G ◆G ⛺㰖㰖G 㞠₆G 㥚䟊G
ἓ㨗䞮ἶG 㧞┺UG

Every country these days struggles to survive in the competition to make better and faster
information technology devices.

G㠊⩺㤊G㺛㦚G⊳₢㰖G 㧓ヹG ᰍG㠊㣪UG
I read this difficult book right through to the end.

10.2 Tḩ▹ (‘if you say that’)

This construction sees the conditional form TO㦒PⳊ preceded by the quotation ending T┺. It
thus literally means ‘if you say that’, ‘if it is said that’, ‘if it is true that’ or ‘if it is the case that’.

The construction can be used when the speaker quotes a previous statement made by
the interlocutor:

A: 㧎G 䢎ṖG㢂G ộG ṯ㞚UG
I think Minho is coming.

B: 㧎G 䢎ṖG㡾Gḩ▹G 㢲G 㩚䢪☚G㞞G 䟞㠊fG
If (you say) he is coming, why hasn’t he even phoned?

72 Hangul in the information technology era

However, the pattern can also be used with other hypothetical conditionals. The use of the
quotative gives the sense that what is being expressed in the first half of the sentence is
merely being put forward hypothetically, as we see in the example in this chapter:

ⶒ⪶G⪲Ⱎ㧦㠦G゚䞲ḩ▹G㞚㰗G 㾲㩗㦮G㩫⽊䢪G ⶎ㧦⧒ἶG 䞶G 㑮⓪G 㠜┺U
Of course, if we were to compare it with Roman letters, Hangul is not yet the optimal IT script.

[see 8.3] Tㄕ ⁵⋁ ⱡ (‘in accordance with’; ‘in conformity with[to]’; ‘according to’)

㞚⧮㢖Gṯ㧊G㩲㫆㌂ㄕ ⁵⋁G㍲⪲G ┺⯎G㧛⩻G ⹿㔳㦚G 䌳䞮ἶG 㧞㰖ⰢG ⁎⩂䞲G 㤦Ⰲ⯒G
⹮㡗䞲G◆㠦⓪G 㡞㣎ṖG 㠜┺U

The examples below show that the approach is slightly different from company to company,
but the fundamental principles behind the text input methods are the same.

10.3 T᥵ㄕ (‘. . . to . . .’)

This pattern features the nominal form T₆ followed by the particle 㠦 ‘at’, ‘to’. It is used
in constructions such as ‘simple/difficult to use’ or ‘busy at work’:

㧊㢖Gṯ㦖G㧛⩻G ⹿㔳㦖G 㧛⩻䞮᥵ㄕG㓂㤢G 㻶㧦G 䞮⋮⯒G 㧛⩻䞮⓪G ◆G 䞚㣪䞲G
䌖㑮㠦㍲G㡗㠊⽊┺GZ\LG㩫☚G ザ⯊┺ἶG䞲┺U

This kind of texting system makes it much easier to spell words, and it is said that Hangul
users are able to text approximately 35 per cent faster than English users.

㧒䞮᥵ㄕG ⹪㊮┺U
Be busy with work.

[see 8.5] T ㊁ ▵ (‘while’)

㎎Ἒ㠦㍲GṖ㧻G㤆㑮䞲G 䚲㦢Gⶎ㧦⪲G 㧎㩫⹱ἶSG ㌞⪲㤊G 䕾㎮G 㭒㩲⪲G ⟶㡺⯊₆G
㔲㧧䟞㊁▵SG㩫⽊䢪G㔲╖㠦G 㾲㩗㦮G䢮ἓ㦚G 㩲Ὃ䞮⓪G ⶎ㧦G 㼊Ἒ㧎G 䞲⁖㦮GG
⹎⧮⓪G ⹳┺U

Having been recognised as the best phonetic alphabet in the world, and having recently
received the spotlight as a motif for fashion designers, the future of Hangul is very bright,
especially given its advantages in providing for the needs of IT devices.

10.4 T ㊁ ᯝ (‘but’)

The TO㦒P⋮ connective ending simply means ‘but’. It can be thought of as a bookish form
of the more common T㰖Ⱒ and is rarely seen outside of formal writing.

YWW]G⎚㧊G䞲⁖G 㺓㩲G \]WG☢㧊⧒⓪G 㔲₆㩗G ☚㤖╁₆ṖG 㠜㰖G 㞠㞮㊁ᯝG 䞲⁖㦚G
㞚⋒ἶG⹲㩚㔲䋺㧦⓪Gῂ䢎⯒G ῃ㑮㭒㦮㸺㦒⪲G 㡂₆⓪G ㌗䢿㠦㍲G 㰚㧒⽊䞲G ộ㦖G

Although it was very timely that the year 2006 coincided with the 560th anniversary of the
creation of Hangul, there has certainly been a major step forward in perceiving the call for
the preservation and further development of Hangul as more than just a chauvinistic cry.

Ṩ㦖G㫖G゚㕎ᯝG 㦢㔳G ⰱ㦖G 㫡㞚㣪U
It’s a bit expensive, but the taste is good.

Hangul in the information technology era 73

10.5 T㔅 ☀䂝ḩ +descriptive verb (‘not as it should be’)

The reading in this chapter features an unusual use of the long negation pattern T㰖Gⴑ䞮┺.
This pattern is most typically restricted to processive verbs; however, here we see it occur-
ring with a descriptive verb 㿿⿚䞮┺ ‘be sufficient’, ‘be enough’. Constructions such as
this express a strong negative meaning and often hint at the speaker’s dissatisfaction that
certain qualities are missing:

⁎ⰂἶG㞴㦒⪲G ⹲㩚䟊GṞG Ṗ⓻㎇㧊Gⶊῗⶊ㰚䞾㦚G 䢫㧎䞶G 㑮G 㧞┺UG ⁎⩂⋮G 㞚㰗G
㿿⿚䞮㔅 ☀䂝┺U

The possibilities are unlimited for the further development of Hangul. But there is still much
to be done.

ⶒ㧊G ₾⊭䞮㔅 ☀䂹㣪U
The water is not at all clean.

10.6 ㊁ ыᦑ ⸻ḩ (‘I wonder if ’)

This pattern combines the tentative pattern TO㦒Pඥ₢ with the auxiliary verb 㕌┺, which
here communicates conjecture. It is used when the speaker expresses a thought tentatively
and is most common either in writing or formal speech.

⁎⩂⋮G㎎Ἒ㩗㦒⪲G ⁎G 㼊Ἒ㎇㦚G㧎㩫⹱⓪G 䞲⁖㦚G 㧛⩻䞮⓪G ⹿㔳㧊G 㧊䏶⪳G
┺㟧䞮┺Gⴑ䟊G 㭧ῂ⋲⹿㔳㧎G ộ㧊G┺㏢G ⌅G ⿖⊚⩂㤊G ộ㦖G 㩲㼦G ⚦ἶ⧒☚GG
䣾㥾㎇GⳊ㠦㍲G ⁎㴓㧊G 䤾㞂G⌁㰖G 㞠㊉ᦑ ⸻┺U

However, there are too many input methods and they all lack consistency. So, I do
wonder whether [standardisation] might not be better not only because it is a source
of embarrassment but also because it lowers efficiency considering the worldwide
recognition that Hangul has received due to its systematic nature.

⋮⓪G⁎㠦ỢG㧒Ⱖ㦮G 㡂㎇┺㤖G 㯟SG 㧒㫛㦮G⿖✲⩂㤖㧊G 㧞㰖G 㞠㊉ᦑ ⸻┺U
I wonder if there isn’t a streak of femininity in him, a kind of sweetness.

10.7 Tゝ ㄍ㊁▹ 䂝ḩ (‘would be grateful if ’)

This is a formal way of expressing a wish, which is most often used when asking someone
to do or not to do something.

⁎⩂⋮G⹪⧒Ị╖G 䞲⁖⪲G㩗⓪G ộ㠦GⰢ㫇䞮㰖G ⰦἶG 㰚㩫G 䞲⁖⪲G 㩗₆㠦G ⿖⊚⩓㰖G
㞠㦖GⰦ✺㧊G ⍮㼦⌂㊁▹ 䂡┺U

However, rather than being satisfied merely by writing things in Hangul, I would hope that
there would be an abundance of things truly fit to be recorded in Hangul.

⍺ṖG䟃㌗G䅊䜾䎆G Ợ㧚㦚G 䞮㰖G㞠㞮㊁▹ 䂡┺U
I hope you don’t always play computer games.

74 Hangul in the information technology era

Words and meanings

1. Below is a list of words taken from the text.

GṖ㩚䐋㔶G G✍ⰱ㧊Ṳ㤊䂮㞠┺G G㌗㩦G 㦢G ㎇㧎㔳⮶G 㩫G ⽊䢪G 㻮G ⰂG

GṲ⹲G ⳾G 㦢G G㌗䛞ⳛG 㧎G Ὃ㰖⓻G 㩲G 㫆㌂G G㻶㧦G

ỎG ⰴ┺G G⹎⧮⓪⹳┺G ㌳G ㌆₆㠛G 㧒G 㧦㧒㦢G 㩲G 䞲♮┺G G㼊ἚG

Gἓ㨗G G⼖䢮G ㎇G ⓻G G㧝㩦G G㫆㦢₆ὖG G㾲ṫG

ῃG 㑮㭒㦮G G⿖⊚⩓┺G 㠊G ⶎ′⻪G G㧦⬢㿫㩗G G㫆㦢⹿⻫G G㾲㩗G

ῃG 㠊₆⽎⻫G ⿖G 㧎䞮┺G G㠛㼊G G㧦㦢G G㰚㧒⽊䞮┺G G䌚䌚╖⪲G

G₆₆G Gケ㦚⹲䞲┺G 㡺G ⮮G 㧦G 䕦G G㺎♲G 䣢G ㌂ⳛG

Arrange the words from the table into the different groups given below. The first one
is done for you.

Technology Business Negative Positive Language
connotation connotation
ṖG 㩚䐋㔶G G㌗㩦G G✍ⰱ㧊G ỎG ⰴ┺G


Can you further subdivide and arrange the above groups? Looking back at the text, can
you find any other groups of words?

Korean suffixes

1. 䆙 ‫‘ ۄ‬-isation’

Often, in Korean, as in English, to make a new word, we can add a suffix to an existing
root and we see several interesting examples of this in the text. For example, 䢪O财P in
Korean (roughly translated as ‘-isation’ in English), can be added to existing words to derive
new meanings.

Hangul in the information technology era 75

Hence, 㩫⽊ ‘information’ + 䢪 ‘isation’ yields the word 㩫⽊䢪 ‘informatisation’.

Using the above principle, what do you think the following words mean?

a) ㎎Ἒ䢪
b) 䚲㭖䢪
c) ☚㔲䢪
d) ₆Ἒ䢪
e) ⹎ῃ䢪

2. ᣑ ‫‘ ޕ‬realm, sphere’

Another suffix found in the text is ῢO糫P (roughly translated as ‘sphere’ or ‘realm’).
For example, 㡗㠊 ‘English’ + ῢ ‘realm’ forms 㡗㠊ῢ, or ‘the English-speaking world’.

What countries might be included in the following?

a) ⩂㔲㞚㠊ῢ
b) 㓺䗮㧎㠊ῢ
c) 䞲ῃ㠊ῢ

3. ⱶ ৙ ‘-ness’ / ‘-ity’ / ‘-ation’

㎇O茴P is a suffix that functions as a kind of noun ending that adjectives become more like
nouns through the addition of this suffix, and thus roughly translates as, amongst other
options, ‘-ness,’ ‘-ity,’ or ‘-ation,’ depending on the word in question.

For example, 䘎Ⰲ ‘convenient’ + ㎇ ‘-ience’ gives 䘎Ⰲ㎇, or convenience.

What do the words below mean?

a) Ṗ⓻㎇
b) 㡆ὖ㎇
c) 㼊Ἒ㎇

Answer the following questions in English

1. Explain the text input method for Korean.
2. Why does the author say that Hangul will be beneficial compared with English in the

development of voice recognition technology?
3. Is Hangul better than Chinese characters in terms of text input methods? If so, explain


Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. 䞲⁖㧊G㩫⽊䢪G 㔲╖㠦G㧮G 㩗㦧䞶G㑮G 㧞⓪G 㧊㥶⯒G ㍺ⳛ䟊G ⽊㎎㣪U
2. 䞲⁖㦮G㧒㧦㧒㦢G O螐螳螐蜮PG㤦䂯㦖G ⶊ㠝㧒₢㣪fG 㡞⯒G ✺㠊G ⽊㎎㣪U
3. 䞲⁖G㧛⩻G⹿㔳㧊G 㡗㠊G 㧛⩻G⹿㔳ὒG 㠊⟺G Ⳋ㠦㍲G ┺⯎㰖G ㍺ⳛ䟊G ⽊㎎㣪U
4. 䞲⁖G㻶㧦⯒G䞮⋮G 㧛⩻䞮⓪G ◆G䞚㣪䞲G 䌖㑮⓪G 㡗㠊㢖G ゚ᾦ䟊㍲G 㠒Ⱎ⋮G ザ⯎Ṗ㣪f
5. 䞲⁖㧊G㺓㩲♲G 䟊⓪G㠎㩲㧎Ṗ㣪f

76 Hangul in the information technology era

More to think about
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Hangul as a writing system in terms

not just of information technology, but language learning and everyday usage.
2. What do you think of the author’s opinion that there is something amiss in the

use of Hangul in Insa-dong in signs representing imported or foreign brands?
Why do you think the author makes this point? Do you agree with him/her?

Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education 77

Chapter 11: Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’

The reading in this chapter looks at how mothers in the wealthy Seoul district of
Gangnam manage the education of their pre-school children. In order to maximise
their children’s attainment, they limit their children’s friends to a group of four to
five ‘buddies’ from similarly wealthy backgrounds. The ‘buddies’ spend all day together
attending an English-language kindergarten followed by various other private classes.
They are discouraged from forming other friendships and have no say in the selection
of their ‘buddies’.

The article is reproduced with permission from Kukmin Ilbo (ῃ⹒㧒⽊) and was
written by Ch’o Kuk-hyan (㫆ῃ䡚).

Questions to consider before reading the whole text:
1. What do you think could be the advantages and disadvantages of ‘buddy’ education?
2. What do you know about the education system in Korea? Why is education so important

in Korean society?

᝚ᯭ ㄉ┍
 㔢㔘᥵ ᢕ㉦

᠂ ㍡⍪ ㋍ᷙ ら㊹ T ◊の ᤽␾ ⵝㄊɀ⸢⯱ɀⰢ㋁㹑㸵 ‶ ᯁ⓱ᯁ⓱

G㍲㤎G ṫ⋾ῂG 㔶㌂☯㠦G ㌊ἶG 㧞⓪G ₖ㨂㭖OṖⳛ½]Pῆ㦮G 䂲ῂ⓪G Zⳛ㧊┺UG ⰺ㧒G 㡺㩚G
`㔲G 㡗㠊G 㥶䂮㤦㠦㍲G Ⱒ⋮G 㡺䤚G ⓼ỢG 䞯㤦㠦㍲G 䠺㠊㰞G ➢₢㰖G ₖῆ㦚G 䙂䞾䞲G [ⳛ㦖G
䟃㌗G 䞾℮䞲┺UG 㡗㠊G 㑮㠛㦚G 
G ㊉ ₑἉGSG ⹻㦚G ⲏ㦚G ➢☚G Ⱎ㺂Ṗ㰖┺UG ᾦ㌂ṖG ˄┺⯎G
䂲ῂ㢖☚G 㠊㤎⩺G 㰖⌊Gチ㔅˅G⧒ἶG ῢ㥶䟊☚G ₖῆ㦖G ┺⯎G 㞚㧊✺㠦ỢG ㍶⦑G ⑞₎㦚G 㭒㰖G
㞠⓪┺UG[ⳛ㦖Gṗ㧦㦮G 㠊Ⲏ┞ṖG 㩫䟊㭖G˄㰳∣˅㧊┺UG

G㍲㤎Gṫ⋾G㾲ἶ G㥶䂮㤦㠦G┺┞⓪G㞚㧊✺㦮G㠊Ⲏ┞⯒G㭧㕂㦒⪲G㰳㰩₆ṖG㎇䟟㧊┺UG
㰧㞞㦮G ἓ㩲㩗G 㑮㭖㧊⋮G 㞚⻚㰖㦮G ㌂䣢㩗G 㰖㥚ṖG ゚㔍䞲G 㞚㧊G [૫\ⳛ㦚G 㡄㠊G 䞾℮G

78 Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education

㌳䢲䞮☚⪳G 䞲G ộ㧊┺UG 㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖G ˄䘦㐚㩗G ⳾㧚˅㠦㍲G 㧦⧒⋲G 㞚㧊✺㧊G 㾲ἶ㦮G 㧎㨂ṖG
♶Gộ㦚G∞∎ⳆG㩫⽊⯒G ⋮⑚ἶG 䒂㧦⯒G㞚⋒㰖G 㞠⓪┺UG

G㧊G ⳾㧚G 㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖G 㞚㧊㦮G ⰺ┞㩖㢖G ┺⯚㠜┺UG 㰗㠛㦚G Ṭ㰖G 㞠㊅G 㞉G 㞚㧊㠦ỢG
⳾✶G ộ㦚G 㘵㞚⿖㦒ⳆG 䞯㠛㠦㍲G 䂲ῂG ὖἚ₢㰖G 㫢㰖㤆㰖䞲┺UG 㰳∣㦚G 㩫䞶G ➢G 㞚㧊G
㌳ṗ㦖Gἶ⩺㌂䟃㧊G 㞚┞┺UG

㞚G 㧊㦮G 䞮⬾⓪G ⰺ┞㩖㧎G 㠊Ⲏ┞G Ἒ䣣㠦G ➆⧒G 㔲㧧♮ἶG ⊳⋲┺UG 㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖G ṯ㦖G
㰳∣✺ὒG䞾℮G㑮㡗SG Ἶ䝚G 䞯㤦G❇㦒⪲G 㧊☯䞶G 㑮G 㧞ἉG ⎢G 㔲Ṛ䚲⯒G 㰶┺UG

㭒G ⿖G 㫆⳾OZ[P㝾⓪G 㞚✺O\P㦚G 㼃╊☯G 㡗㠊G 㥶䂮㤦㠦G ⽊⌊ἶG 㧞┺UG 䞲G ╂G ❇⪳⁞㦖G
X\WⰢ㤦UG 㥶䂮㤦G ゚㣿㦒⪲ⰢG X⎚㠦G X_WWⰢ㤦㦚G 㝊┺UG 㢂䟊G ῃⰓ╖䞯㦮G ⚦G 䞯₆G 䘟‶G
❇⪳⁞G [X]Ⱒ㤦㦮G [⺆ṖG ⍮㰖ⰢG 㫆㝾⓪G 㞚₳┺ἶG ㌳ṗ䞮㰖G 㞠⓪┺UG ⁎Ὁ㠦㍲G 㞚㧊㦮G
ộ˅㧊⧒ⳆG ˄㞚㧊✺㧊G 㧮G 㧦⧒G ṗ㧦G 㾲ἶ㦮G 㧦Ⰲ㠦㍲G ㍲⪲G ⹖㠊㭒ἶG ⊢㠊㭚G ộ˅㧊⧒ἶG

G㰳∣G ⳾㧚㦮G 㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖G X㭒㧒㠦G YS[⻞㝿G ⳾㡂G 㩫⽊⯒G ᾦ䢮䞲┺UG 㾲╖G ὖ㕂㌂⓪G
㥶ⳛG ㌂ⰓG 㽞❇䞯ᾦG 㰚䞯㧊┺UG 㠊ⓦG 㽞❇䞯ᾦ㠦G ⽊⌊⓪G ỢG 㞚㧊⯒G 㥚䟊G 㫡㦖㰖SG ⁎G
㥶䞯½㠊䞯㡆㑮G㩫⽊☚G Ὃ㥶䞮ⳆG 䞾℮G㤖㰗㧎┺UG

㡂⩂G 㫆Ị㦚G ➆㪎G 㺎㍳G 㡂⿖⯒G ἆ㩫䞲┺UG 㭒⿖G ⹫⳾OZYP㝾⓪G ˄㰳∣G ⳾㧦G ⳾㧚㦚G 㧦㭒G
Ṭ⓪G ỢG ▪G ㌳㌆㩗㧊┺UG ⳾㧚G ῂ㎇㤦㧊G 㞚┢G 㞚㧊㦮G ㌳㧒G 䕢䕆G ❇㠦G 㺎㍳䞮㰖G ⴑ䞮ỢG
䞲┺˅ἶG Ⱖ䟞┺UG

㌂䣢㎇㧊G⹲╂♮㰖G 㞠㞚G ⹮㴓㰲ⰂG㧎㨂ṖG ♶G 㑮☚G 㧞┺˅ἶG 㤆⩺䟞┺UG

Vocabulary pairing, grouping; coupling, mating
have economic power, be wealthy
G㰳㰩₆G etc., and so on
ἓG 㩲⩻GO篏裌缩PG 㧞┺G together, in groups
G❇G pseudonym
⋒G Ⰲ⋒ⰂG ‘Master’; appellation for male child or adolescent
ṖG ⳛGO竎聐PG break up, separate
ῆG GO糗PG privately run educational institution offering
䠺G 㠊㰖┺G
䞯G 㤦GO谷蚭PG supplementary classes – a ‘cram school’

䞾℮䞮┺ Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education 79
ῢ㥶G O糩蛸PG 䞮┺ stay together; share (experiences)
㠊㤎⩺G 㰖⌊┺ be just the same
㍶⦑ suggest, recommend
⑞₎㦚G 㭒┺ mix with (people)
㰳∣ readily, willingly
㩫G O袓PG 䞮┺ look at
ṗ㧦G O竫蟀P buddies, partners, mates
㾲ἶ G O諁簙絃P decide, choose
㎇䟟G O茻貇P each person, each one
㑮㭖G O莤襛P best, finest, highest grade
㡄┺ be prevalent, be popular
䘦㐚㩗G O诜莍蠿P level
㧦⧒⋮┺ tie together
㧎㨂G O蝸蠊P exclusive, closed, cliquey
∞G O㦚PG ∎┺ raised, brought up
䒂㧦G O讒蟅P person of outstanding ability, leader
㞚⋒┺ dream, have a dream
㞚⋒㰖G 㞠┺ investment
┺⯚㠜┺ economise, be frugal
be lavish
㘵㞚G ⿩┺ be no different from; be as good as, be
䞯㠛G O谷蔋P
㫢㰖㤆㰖GO褤襺虠襺PG 䞮┺ practically
ἶ⩺㌂䟃G O簊缜艃豮P pour
㠦G ➆⧒ studies
㧊☯G O蝠纨PG 䞮┺ control
Ἒ䣣㦚G 㰲┺ a (point of/for) consideration
❇⪳⁞G O绋罵紼P according to
゚㣿G O舫虑P move (from one place to another)
㢂䟊 make a plan
ῃⰓG O糑翰P enrolment fee
䘟‶G O诐紒P cost, expense
[⺆G OT脬P this year
㞚₳┺ national, state
㞷㑮G O蒵莡P average
four times
be a waste; be regretful
amount, sum (of money)

80 Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education

⹖┺ push
⊢┺ pull, draw, drive
₆╖G O絟繛PG 䞮┺ expect, anticipate
ᾦ䢮G O粂贼PG 䞮┺ exchange
㾲╖G O諁繗P biggest, largest
ὖ㕂㌂G O籟葖艃P (matter of ) concern, interest
㌂ⰓG㽞❇䞯ᾦGO艪翰G 誏绌谷粋P private primary/elementary/junior school
㰚䞯G O覿谷P entering a school
ἶ⹒G O簍胊PG 䞮┺ worry about, be concerned about, agonise

㥶䞯G O蛰谷P over
㠊䞯㡆㑮G O蓳谷蕍莐P study(ing) abroad
Ὃ㥶G O簱蛞PG 䞮┺ language training overseas
㤖㰗㧊┺ share
⋒┺ move
㏣䞮┺ go/put into (a small gap)
㫆ỊG O裨筵P belong to, be included in
➆㰖┺ condition, factor
㺎㍳G O訊苫P consider, take into account, determine
㡂⿖G O蔛臁P attendance
⳾㧦G O聪螲P whether or not
㌳㌆㩗G O苇芈蠿P mother and child
ῂ㎇㤦G O粱茶蚗P productive
㤦㧻G O蚙蠃½蚭蠃P member (of a group)
director (of an educational/cultural
㤦㌳G O蚭苇P
T㡂G OT蔡P institution, etc.)
㧊⯊┺ pupils/students in a given institution
ṖⰂ┺ around (a certain amount)
㌂‖┺ come to/arrive at (a certain amount)
㌂䣢㎇G O艧赬茴P divide, discriminate
⹲╂G O脊縲PG ♮┺ make friends, get along with people
⹮㴓㰲Ⰲ social nature, social skills
㤆⩺䞮┺G O虥缜TP develop
be concerned

Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education 81


11.1 T ㊁ ы ₑἉ (‘even when’, ‘also when’)

This is a combination of the prospective modifier pattern TO㦒PඥG➢ meaning ‘when’ (refer
to Yeon & Brown 2011)1 and the particle ☚ meaning ‘also’ or ‘even’ (Yeon & Brown 2011)2.
The pattern as a whole translates as ‘even when’ or ‘also when’.

㊉ ₑἉSGG ⹻㦚Gⲏ㦚G ➢☚GⰞ㺂Ṗ㰖┺UG
It’s just the same when they ‘listen to’ the English class and also when they have meals.

G䌳㔲⓪G䤚㰚G䂥 ₑἉG 㣪⁞㧊G 㡺⯒₢㣪fG
Does a taxi’s meter go up even when the taxi reverses?

[see 4.4] TἉ⎢ (‘so that’)

㥶G 䂮㤦G㑮㠛㧊G ⊳⋲G ⛺㠦⓪G 㰳∣✺ὒG䞾℮G 㑮㡗SG Ἶ䝚G 䞯㤦G ❇㦒⪲G 㧊☯䞶G 㑮G
㧞ἉG ⎢G㔲Ṛ䚲⯒G 㰶┺UG

After the kindergarten class finishes, they have a timetable so that the children can move
between educational institutions for swimming, golf and so on.

11.2 Tら ヹチ㔅 (‘you should’)

This is a contracted combination of TO㞚V㠊PG 㟒G 䞮┺ meaning ‘have to’ (refer to Yeon
& Brown 2011)3 and the ending T㰖 (refer to Yeon & Brown 2011)4, which here has
the meaning of ‘(don’t) you know’ or ‘of course’. The literal meaning of the whole construc-
tion is therefore something like ‘you have to do . . . , don’t you know’. This is an informal
way of giving advice and more frequently translates into English simply as ‘you should’:

┺G ⯎G䂲ῂ㢖☚G 㠊㤎⩺G㰖⌊チG 㔅GUG You should mix with other kids.
G㠚ⰞGⰦ㦚G㧮G✺ヹG チ㔅GUG You should listen to what Mum is saying.
㰚G 㧧GⰦ㦚G䟞Gヹチ㔅GUG You should have said something before.

Note that in addition to meaning ‘you should’, the pattern may also refer to the speaker
him/herself and therefore can translate as ‘I should’ or ‘we should’.

11.3 T ㊁ ц 㞉 ⎡ (‘as it is’, ‘without’)

This pattern is a combination of the state/result modifier TO㦒Pච and the bound noun 㺚
‘as it is’, which can be optionally followed by the instrumental particle TO㦒P⪲. The pattern
indicates that the person in question performs the action given in the second part of the
sentence in the state given in the first part. This state is typically incomplete or has not
taken on some kind of change that we would normally expect.

G㰗㠛㦚GṬ㰖G㞠G㊅ 㞉G 㞚㧊㠦ỢG ⳾✶GộG 㦚G 㘵㞚G ⿖㠊㣪UG
Without a job, they pour everything [into their children].

G㢍㦚G⻭㰖G㞠G㊅ 㞉G 㧶G 㧊G✺㠞㠊㣪UG
I fell asleep without undressing.

82 Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education

Words and meanings

1. The text contains a number of words specific to the Korean education system that
are difficult to translate directly into English. Write definitions of these terms using at
least one sentence for each. If you are not sure, ask a Korean friend (or use the Internet)
for help.

㠊G 䞯㡆㑮G
㤦G ㌳G

2. Find words or expressions in the text (and also the vocabulary list) that match the follow-
ing definitions:

be just the same _____________________
look at _____________________
be brought up _____________________
economise _____________________
be a waste _____________________
take into account _____________________
come to (a certain sum or amount) _____________________

3. Now complete the following sentences by using one of these words in each sentence.
You will have to attach an appropriate ending.

1. G⁎G㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖G 㞚㧊✺㠦ỢG 䒂㧦⯒G ††††††††G 㞠⓪┺UG
2. 㫆G G㝾⓪G㥶䂮㤦G❇⪳⁞㠦GX⎚㠦GX_WWⰢ㤦㦚G㝆㰖ⰢG††††††††G㌳ṗ䞮㰖G㞠⓪┺UG
3. 㡗G 㠊G㑮㠛㦚G ✺㦚G ➢☚SG ⹻㦚Gⲏ㦚G ➢☚G††††††††UG
4. ⁎G G䞯㤦㠦G┺┞⓪G䞯㌳✺㦖G⳾⚦G`W㡂ⳛ㧎◆G㰳∣G⳾㧚㦖GYW㡂GṲ㠦G††††††††UG
5. 㠊G Ⲏ┞✺㦖G 㰳∣G⳾㧚㠦㍲G††††††††G 㞚㧊✺㧊G 㾲ἶ㦮G 㧎㨂ṖG ♶G ộ㦚G ∞−┺UG
6. Gₖῆ㦖G┺⯎G 㞚㧊✺㠦ỢG ㍶⦑G ††††††††G 㞠⓪┺G
7. ⳾G 㧚㠦G㏣䞮㰖G㞠㦖G㞚㧊㦮G㌳㧒G䕢䕆⓪G㡂⩂G㫆Ị㦚G††††††††G㺎㍳G㡂⿖⯒Gἆ


4. The word 䂲ῂ appears in the first paragraph in the quoted sentence ‘┺⯎G 䂲ῂ㢖☚G
㠊㤎⩺G 㰖⌊㟒㰖’, which we translated as ‘you should mix with other kids’. Although
the word 䂲ῂ normally translates as ‘friend’, in this sentence the meaning seems to
be different. In what way is this the case? How else does the word 䂲ῂ differ from the
English word ‘friend’?

Answer the following questions about the text in English

1. How do the children in the buddy group react when it is suggested that they mix with
other friends?

Gangnam mothers’ ‘buddy’ education 83

2. What is NOT considered by the mothers when choosing ‘buddies’ for their children?
3. Does Ms. Cho think that the English kindergarten is a waste of money? Why or why

4. Do the mothers let their children go to the birthday parties of other kids?
5. According to the director of one kindergarten in Gangnam, what is the potential problem

of the ‘buddy’ system?

Answer the following questions about the text in Korean
1. Gₖ㨂㭖Gῆ㦖G㠎㩲SG 㠊❪㠦㍲G 䂲ῂ⯒GⰢ⋿┞₢fG 㠎㩲SG 㠊❪㠦㍲G 䠺㠊㪎㣪fG
2. 㰳G 㰩₆Gᾦ㥷㦖G 㠊❪⯒G 㭧㕂㦒⪲G㎇䟟䞿┞₢fG
3. G㡗㠊G 㥶䂮㤦G ❇⪳⁞㦖G XG ⎚㠦G 㠒Ⱎ㧛┞₢fG ῃⰓ╖䞯㦮G 䘟‶G ❇⪳⁞⽊┺G 㠒Ⱎ⋮G

4. G㰳∣G ⳾㧚㦮G 㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖G 㠒Ⱎ⋮G 㧦㭒G Ⱒ⋿┞₢fG ⶊ㓾G 㩫⽊⯒G ᾦ䢮䞿┞₢fG ⶊ㓾G

ệ㩫㦚G 䞿┞₢fG
5. Gṫ⋾㦮G 䞲G 㥶䂮㤦G 㤦㧻㧊G Ⱖ䞲G ⌊㣿㧊G ⋮㢋┞┺UG ⁎G 㥶䂮㤦㠦⓪G 㤦㌳㧊G ⳝG ⳛG

㧞㔋┞₢fG㰳∣G ⳾㧚㦖G ⳝGṲ㠦G 㧊⯛┞₢fG

More to think about
1. Discuss the reasons why the mothers choose this ‘buddy’ system. Do you think it

is good for the education of the children? Do you agree with the director of the
kindergarten that it could have its problems?
2. How do you think this education system favoured by affluent families in Gangnam
compares with that in other areas of Seoul or other areas of Korea?
3. Do you think parents should control whom their children make friends with?
4. How do the behaviour of these mothers and the amounts of money these families
spend on education compare to that in the West (or in other countries you are
familiar with)?


1 Section 7.2.13, page 346
2 Section, page 135
3 Section, page 461
4 Section 8.16, page 379

84 The ‘soybean paste woman’

Chapter 12: A day in the life of
a ‘soybean paste woman’

This article analyses humour and satire appearing on the Internet regarding what
are known as ‘♲㧻⎖’. This term, combing the word for ‘soybean paste’ (♲㧻) and
the Sino-Korean element for ‘woman’ (⎖) is a new term that appeared in Korea in
around 2005. It is used to satirise a certain type of self-centred and shallow young
woman. For some reason, it is particularly associated with women who think it looks
cool to walk around drinking Starbucks takeaway coffee. ♲㧻 ‘soybean paste’ is used
ironically and appears to signal plainness and ‘Korean-ness’. It says: no matter how
sophisticated these women may pretend to be, they are ultimately just plain Korean
girls underneath.

The article was written for the Hangyoreh 21 (䞲Ỿ⩞ 21) newspaper, written by
Kim No-gyang (ₖ⏎ἓ). It is reproduced with their permission.

Questions to consider before reading the whole text:
1. Have you ever heard the term ♲㧻⎖? What image or connotations does the term

conjure up?
2. How do you think a self-centered shallow young woman may spend her day? Would

this be any different in Korea than in your home country?

ὡ㋪ᲅ㊝ 䂝␭

㞚G 䂾㠦G㧒㠊⋮G㥶ⳛG㡂⺆㤆ṖGὧἶ䞮⓪G㍊䛎⪲GⲎⰂ⯒GṦ⓪┺UG㡆㡞㧎㧊G♲G₆⿚㧊┺UG
䞲G ῢ㦚G Ỿ✲⧧㧊㠦G ⋒ἶG 㰧㦚G ⋮㍶┺UG 䋆G Ṗ⹿㦖G 㡂╖㌳╋㰖G 㞠┺UG ⻚㓺⯒G ₆┺ⰂⳆG
㧦Ṗ㣿㦚GⴆἶG┺┞▮G 㡱G⋾䂲㦚G ⁎Ⰲ㤢䞲┺UG

䞯G ᾦG㞴㠦㍲G㥶ⳛG㌗䚲㦮G䄺䞒㢖G☚⍱㦚G㌂ⲏ㦒ⳆG㺓⹬㦚G⹪⧒⽎┺UGⰞ䂮GⓊ㣪䄺⧒☚G
Gὡ ‴䂝G┺UG ⽋䞯㌳G ㍶⺆⯒G ↂ㡂G 䕾⹖ⰂG ⩞㓺䏶⧧㠦㍲G 㩦㕂㦚G ⲏ⓪┺UG 䛞㥚G 㥶㰖⯒G

The ‘soybean paste woman’ 85

㥚䟊G 㕎㧊㤪✲㠦G 㢂ⰊG 㦢㔳G ㌂㰚㦚G ❪䃊⪲G G㝒ヹ ᾙG┺UG 㔲Ṛ㧊G ⋾㞚G ⺇䢪㩦G ⳛ䛞ὖ㠦㍲G
䋺G 䋂ἶG 㢍G 㧮G 㧛⓪G 㦮㌂ⳊG 㿿⿚䞮┺UG 㰖⁞G ㌂‖⓪G ⋾䂲㦖G ˄㠪㫆㧊˅㋁G ⬕GUG 䡂㓺㧻㠦㍲G
⩂┳Ⲏ㔶㦚G䞲┺UG c㎏㓺G 㞺G▪G 㔲䕆eG㠦㍲㻮⩒G ⲡ㰖ỢG ⓦ⅊㰚┺UG

G㾲⁒G 䞲㺓G ⥾⓪G 㧊⯎⹪G ˄♲㧻⎖㦮G 䞮⬾˅┺UG 㓺䌖⻛㓺G 䄺䞒Ṩ㦚G ⏩ἶG 㢞Ṗ㢞⿖䞮▮G
㦮G㦮ἂ㦒⪲G⳾㞚㰖Ⳋ㍲G♲㧻⎖⓪G 㥶ⳛ㎎⯒G䌪┺UG

╖ⳛ㌂㧊Gḩ⸡䂁 䃍G⓪◆SG 㾲⁒G 㧎䎆⎍㠦㍲G 㝆㧊⓪G 㧊G Ⱖ㦮G 㦮⹎⓪G 㩚䡖G ➊䕦㧊┺UG
㥚䟊㍲⓪G ˄㠊㤦˅㦚G ㌊䘊⽦㟒G 䞲┺UG 㠊㤦ㄕG ᡅ䂹ⱥG ˄㍺˅㧊G Ⱔ㰖ⰢSG ⁎㭧㠦㍲G ˄㩶㧻⎖G ˧G
◊㧻⎖G ˧G ♲㧻⎖˅ṖG Ṗ㧻G ㍺✳⩻㦚G 㠑ἶG 㧞┺UG 㓺䌖⻛㓺㢖G 䕾⹖ⰂG ⩞㓺䏶⧧SG ⳛ䛞㠦G
㰧㹿䞮ἶG Ⓤ㣪䄺㦮G ㌌㦚G 㰖䟻䞮ⳆG ⋾㎇㦚G 㑮┾㦒⪲G 㡂₆⓪G ⹎䢒㡂㎇㦚G 㧒䅁⓪┺ἶG
⽒G 㑮G 㧞┺UG

G䃊䒆☚G 㧎₆┺UG ╖㼊⪲G ♲㧻⎖⯒G Ⱒ⋲G ⋾㎇㧊G ἀ⓪G ⋲Ṧ䞾ὒG 㠊㧊㠜㦢㦚G ╊ἶG
㧞┺UG ㏢Ṳ䕛㠦㍲G Ⱒ⋲G ⋾㎇㦚G ⴑⰞ➛䟊䞮⓪G ♲㧻⎖ṖG 㣎㩲㹾G 㡊㐶ἶⰂ⯒G ⹲ἂ䞮GᠩG
Ἵ㧻G䌲☚⯒G⹪∎⓪G 䃊䒆㧊G 㾲ἶ㦮G䋊ⰃG 㑮⯒G 㠑ἶG 㧞┺UG

♲G 㧻⎖㠦Gⰴ㍲G˄♲㧻⋾˅☚G❇㧻䟞┺UG♲㧻⎖⯒G㋦➇䞮ỢG⽊⓪G♲㧻⋾㦖G㫖G䆪⹏䞮
┺UG˄㥶ⳛGぢ⧲✲GṖ⹿㦚GⲪἶG㰧㦚G⋮㎆┺UG䞯ᾦG㞴㠦㍲G₎㦚GỊ⍞ḩG ⠹ḍGṯ㦖GṖ⹿㧊G
㎎GṲ⋮G⽊㧎┺UGnG Ⱎ䅩G Ὃῂ┞G㠊㲪G 㑮G㠜┺U˅G

G⑚Ⰲ−✺G ⹮㦧㦖G ♲㧻⎖⯒G 䟻䞲G ゚⋲㧊G ╖⿖⿚㧊┺UG ⹮ⳊG ㌗䛞Ṗ䂮☚G 㧮G ⳾⯊⓪G
㰖ⰢSG ˄♲㧻⎖˅G ⏒⧖㦖G 㧊⯚ὒG ∎⹞㧊G 㔺㨂⯒G ╖㼊䞮⓪G 䡚㔺㠦G ╖䞲G ⑚Ⰲ−┺㤊G ⹮⹲⪲G


㡂G ⺆㤆GO蔑脭虝PG actress
Gὧἶ䞮┺G O籩篶TPG advertise
ṦG ┺G ⲎⰂ⯒G Ṧ┺ wash (one’s) hair
G㾲㔶G O諁萿PG latest; 㾲㔶G㥶䟟 latest fashion
G㤦䞒㓺G a [‘one-piece’] dress
Gⳛ䛞G O聐谎PG designer brand
G㩚Ὃ㍲㩗G O衙簹苗衂PG textbook of your major subject (㩚Ὃ)
ỾG ✲⧧㧊G underarms, armpits
⋒G ┺G insert, put between, put in
㡂G ╖㌳GO蔑繗苇PG student of a women’s university

86 The ‘soybean paste woman’

T╋┺ be like, be similar to, be ; 㡂╖㌳╋┺ be like a student of
a women’s university; ⋾㧦╋┺ be manly, be man-like;
㧦Ṗ㣿G O蟀竖虑P ⍞╋┺ be like you
⋾䂲G O綸謤P private; 㧦Ṗ㣿G㹾 private car
⁎Ⰲ㤢䞮┺ drive; 㹾⯒G ⴆ┺ drive a car
㌗䚲G O芣谅P boyfriend
⹪⧒⽊┺ miss, yearn for
Ⱎ䂮 brand, trademark
T⧒☚ gaze at, stare at
⽋䞯㌳G O膝谷苇P just like, as if
ↂ㧊┺ even
䛞㥚G O谎蚳P ‘repeat student’, student repeating a year at university
㥶㰖G O蛴覀P twist, entangle, ensnarl
㕎㧊㤪✲ dignity, grace
❪䃊 preservation, maintenance, upholding
㞚㧊㑒䞧㦚G 䞮┺ CyWorld (Korean website similar to Facebook)
㌗╖G O芴繘P digital camera
go window shopping, go browsing (around the shops)
㿿⿚䞮┺G O諫臧TP a target, a partner; ἆ䢒G ㌗╖ a suitable partner/target for
ⲡ㰖┺ marriage
䞲㺓 be sufficient, be enough
⥾┺ health club, gym
㧊⯎⹪ stylish, cool
㢞Ṗ㢞⿖䞮┺ the height, the peak
⏒㨗G O緰蠖P rise, go up, float
㰧㹿䞮┺G O觖觰TP so-called
☚ⶊ㰖 argue the pros and cons
⑚Ⰲ− be attached to, cling to, rely on
㦮ἂG O蜻箟P [not] at all; ☚ⶊ㰖G 㧊G 䟊䞶G 㑮G 㠜┺ cannot understand at
㥶ⳛ㎎G O蛞聐荇P
㩫㍲G O袘苞P all; ☚ⶊ㰖G⳾⯊Ỷ┺ cannot know at all
∎⹎┺ Internet user, ‘netizen’
㰞⹫䞮┺ opinion
╖ⳛ㌂G O織聐艵P the price of fame
sentiments, emotions, emotional character
decorate, embellish
simple, plain
pronoun; symbol, metaphor

The ‘soybean paste woman’ 87

⹮╖G O胮繘P (the) opposite
㠊㤦G O蓳蚖P origin (of a word), etymology
㍺ theory, version, view
㩶㧻 damn, darn, etc. (mild obscenity)
㍺✳⩻G O茢织缩P conviction, power to convince
㠑┺ gain
㰖䟻䞮┺G O要貉TP point towards, head for
㡂₆┺ consider, regard
㑮┾G O莝縤P means, measure, device
⹎䢒㡂㎇G O肼贏緎茴P unmarried woman
㧒䅁┺ call, name, designate
╖㼊⪲ generally, typically
ἀ┺ undergo, suffer
⋲Ṧ䞮┺G O綮笘TP be unbearable, be intolerable
㠊㧊㠜┺ be preposterous
╊┺ be full of; incorporate, include
㏢Ṳ䕛 blind date
ⴑⰞ➛䞮┺ unsatisfactory, distasteful
㣎㩲㹾G O蘑裑觬P foreign car
ⰴ㍲┺ oppose, resist; 㠦Gⰴ㍲ in opposition to
❇㧻䞮┺G O绋蟣TP appear
㋦➇䞮┺ be inclined, lean; ㋦➇䞮ỢG ⽊┺ look down on
ὋῂG O簱糆P group purchase (abbreviation of ‘Ὃ☯G ῂⰺ’)
㠊㲪G 㑮G 㠜┺ cannot be helped, be inevitable
⹮㦧G O胮蜴P reaction
䟻䞮┺G O貉TP be aimed at, be headed for
゚⋲G O舭綮P criticism
⹮ⳊG O胮聋P on the other hand/side
㌗䛞Ṗ䂮G O芣谎竏謊P the value/worth (Ṗ䂮) of commodities (㌗䛞)
䞲㕂䞮┺ be pitiful, be lamentable
㧧䛞G O蟇谎P (piece of ) work, product
㔺㨂G O葒蠇P reality, real existence
╖㼊䞮┺G O織誇TP substitute, alternate
゚⫅䞮┺ start with
⹮⹲G O胮脇P response, resistance; (⑚Ⰲ−┺㤊G ⹮⹲ a response you

would expect of ‘netizens’)

88 The ‘soybean paste woman’


12.1 T ㊁ ы_Tᷙ_T ㊁ ц ‴䂝ḩ (‘looks like’)

This pattern is used when the speaker is making a conjecture and commonly translates as
‘it looks/sounds/seems like . . .’. The final 䞮┺ may be replaced with 㕌┺ with no change
in meaning.

ⰞG 䂮GⓊ㣪䄺⧒☚G Gὡ ‴G䞮┺UG
She feels just like a New Yorker.

Gṫ㞚㰖ṖG 㞚G䁍 ‴䂹G㣪UG
It looks like the puppy is ill.

12.2 Tら ヹ ᾕḩ (‘do for future reference’)

In this construction, ⚦┺ ‘put’, ‘place’, ‘deposit’, ‘store away’ or ‘leave aside’ is used as an
auxiliary verb to create a construction meaning to prepare something now for future use or
advantage. T㞚V㠊G ⏩┺ (refer to Yeon & Brown 2011)1 can also be used in a similar way,
although the meaning is not as specific.

G㕎㧊㤪✲㠦G㢂ⰊG 㦢㔳G ㌂㰚㦚G❪䃊⪲G 㹣Gヹ ᾙG┺UG
She takes some photos of the food with her digital camera to put up [later] on her

CyWorld homepage.

㺓G ⶎ㦚G㡊Gヹ ᾕG㠞㠊㣪UG
I left the window open ( for a specific future purpose).

12.3 T ㊁ ы ⬕ (‘only’)

This pattern combines a verb in the prospective (‘future’) modifying form with ㈦ ‘only’.
The sentence may be completed with the copula ‘㈦㧊┺’ ‘it is only’ or otherwise the nega-
tive copula ‘㈦G 㞚┞┺’ ‘it is not only’. In the example in the article for this chapter, the
copula is omitted.

G㰖⁞G㌂‖⓪G⋾䂲㦖G ˄㠪㫆㧊˅G㋁G ⬕GUG
The present boyfriend is just for fun.

G⋮⓪G㡺⪲㰖G☞ⰢG ⹕㊉G ⬕G㧊┺UG
I only believe in money.

ⰱG 㧞G㊉ ⬕ⰢG G㞚┞┺UG
It doesn’t just taste good.

12.4 Tḩ⸡䂁 䂝T (‘is practically . . .’)

This expression is built on the verb ending T┺㔲䞒 meaning ‘(just) as’ (refer to Yeon &
Brown 2011)2. This verb ending is most commonly found in expressions such as 㞢┺㔲䞒
‘as you know’ or ⽊㔲┺㔲䞒 ‘as you (can) see’. When followed by 䞮T, the sentence takes
on the meaning ‘it is practically . . .’ or ‘it is as good as . . .’

The ‘soybean paste woman’ 89

G㰞⹫䞾㦮G╖ⳛ㌂㧊ḩG ⸡䂁 䃍⓪G ◆G It is practically a metaphor (lit. pronoun) for
being down-to-earth.
G⁎G➢GỆ㦮G㭓ḩG ⸡䂁 䃍G㠊㣪UG
㑶G 㰧㠦GG⯹ḩ⸡䂁 䂹G㣪UG At that time, I practically died.

He/She as good as lives in the pub.

12.5 Gㄕ ᡅ䂝ḩ (‘concerning’)

The expression 㠦G ὖ䞮┺ must be completed either with the causative ending T㞚V㠊㍲
(or its abbreviated form T㞚㠊) to form 㠦Gὖ䟊G㍲ (or 㠦Gὖ䞮㡂) or otherwise the modify-
ing ending TO㦒Pච to form 㠦G ὖ䞲. The former is used when the expression is followed
by a verb phrase; the second is when it is followed by a noun phrase.

㠊G 㤦Gㄕ ᡅ䂹ⱥG˄㍺˅㧊G Ⱔ㰖ⰢUG
There are many theories concerning the etymology, but . . .

GṚ䐋㬚G㫊䘦Gㄕ ᡅ䂡G 䏶⪶UG
A debate concerning the future of the adultery laws.

12.6 Tᠩ (‘after’, ‘upon’)

A combination of Tἶ ‘and’ followed by the topic marker 㦖⓪, this simply means ‘after’ or ‘upon’.

G♲㧻⎖ṖG㣎㩲㹾G 㡊㐶ἶⰂ⯒G ⹲ἂ䞮ᠩG GἽ㧻G 䌲☚⯒G ⹪∎⓪G 䃊䒆UG
A cartoon which shows a ‘soybean paste woman’ changing her behaviour upon seeing

that the man has the key fob for a foreign car.

12.7 Tḩ ⠹ḍ ᦑ (‘after trying’)

Combining the auxiliary verb pattern T┺G⽊┺ ‘after trying doing’ and the discovery func-
tion of the T┞O₢P verb ending, this pattern means ‘after trying doing something, I found/
discovered that . . .’.

G₎㦚GỊ⍞Gḩ ⠹ḍG ṯ㦖GṖ⹿㧊G ㎎GṲ⋮G ⽊㧎┺UG
Upon crossing the road, he sees as many as three people with the same bag.

Gⰺ㧒G䞲ῃG䂲ῂ⯒G Ⱒ⋮ḩG ⠹ḍᦑG䞲ῃ㠊⯒G 㧮䞮ỢG ♦㠊㣪UG
After having met my Korean friend every day, I’ve come to speak Korean well.

Words and meanings

1. The text contains a number of foreign words, mostly of English origin. List these words.
Is the meaning the same as in English or do they have different nuances and connotations?

2. Find abbreviations for the following expressions that are used in the text:

㡂㧦G╖䞯ᾦG䞯㌳ student of a woman’s university
⋾㧦G䂲ῂ boyfriend
❪㰖䎎G䃊Ⲫ⧒ digital camera
Ὃ☯ῂⰺ group purchase

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