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The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader ( PDFDrive )

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Published by anijin9, 2022-11-21 00:48:41

The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader ( PDFDrive )

The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader ( PDFDrive )

190 Key to exercises

as you. An intimate older than you is usually referred to as an ‘older brother/sister’ (䡫
‘older brother (of a man)’, 㡺ザ ‘older brother (of a woman)’, ⑚⋮ ‘older sister (of a man)’,
㠎┞ ‘older sister (of a woman)’). An intimate younger than you is a ‘younger sibling’ (☯㌳).

Answer the following questions about the text in English

1. When it is suggested that the children in the buddy group mix with other friends, they
show no interest.

2. The mothers do not consider the thoughts of their children.
3. Ms Cho does not think the English kindergarten is a waste of money because this is

where her child formed a group of buddies.
4. Many factors are considered when deciding whether to let the children go to the birthday

parties of other kids, but generally they are not allowed to go.
5. The potential problem with the buddy system is that discriminating when making friends

from an early age could prevent the full development of social skills.

Answer the following questions about the text in Korean

1. Gₖ㨂㭖G ῆ㦖G ⰺ㧒G 㡺㩚G `㔲G 㡗㠊G 㥶䂮㤦㠦㍲G 䂲ῂ⯒G Ⱒ⋮ἶG 㡺䤚G ⓼ỢG 䞯㤦㠦㍲G

2. G㰳㰩₆Gᾦ㥷㦖G ㍲㤎G ṫ⋾G㾲ἶ G 㥶䂮㤦㦚G 㭧㕂㦒⪲G ㎇䟟㧛┞┺UG
3. G㡗㠊G 㥶䂮㤦G ❇⪳⁞㦖G XG ⎚㠦G X_WWⰢ㤦㧛┞┺UG ῃⰓ╖䞯㦮G 䘟‶G ❇⪳⁞⽊┺G [⺆

ṖG ⍮㔋┞┺UG
4. 㰳G ∣G⳾㧚㦮G㠊Ⲏ┞✺㦖GX㭒㧒㠦GYS[⻞㝿GⰢ⋿┞┺UGᾦ㥷G㩫⽊⯒Gᾦ䢮䞿┞┺UG㠊ⓦG

㽞❇䞯ᾦ㠦G ⽊⌊⓪G ỢG 㞚㧊⯒G 㥚䟊G 㫡㦖㰖SG ⁎G 䞯ᾦ㠦G 㭒⪲G 㡺⓪G 㞚㧊✺G 㑮㭖㦖G
㠊⟺㰖G ❇㦚G ἶ⹒䞿┞┺UG
5. G⁎G㥶䂮㤦㠦⓪G 㤦㌳㦖G `W㡂ⳛG㧞㔋┞┺UG 㰳∣G ⳾㧚㦖G YW㡂GṲ㠦G 㧊⯛┞┺UG

Chapter 12

Words and meanings

1. The text contains a number of foreign words, mostly of English origin. List these words.

These words include: ㍊䛎 (shampoo), 䏶✲⺇ (tote bag), ⻚㓺 (bus), 䄺䞒 (coffee),
☚⍱ (doughnuts), Ⓤ㣪䄺 (a New Yorker), 䕾⹖ⰂG⩞㓺䏶⧧ (family restaurant, which
in Korea is used only to refer to American chains such as TGI Fridays and Chili’s),
㕎㧊㤪✲ (Cyworld – cyber world – Korean social media site), ❪䃊 (‘di-ca’ – digital
camera), 㞚㧊㑒䞧 (‘eye shopping’ – window shopping) 㠪㫆㧊 (‘enjoy’, although the
more natural English word here would be ‘fun’ or maybe ‘enjoyment’), 䡂㓺㧻 (com-
bination of English ‘health’ and Sino-Korean 㧻 – ‘health club’), ⩂┳Ⲏ㔶 (running
machine), ㎏㓺G㞺G▪G㔲䕆 (‘Sex and the City’), 㓺䌖⻛㓺 (Starbucks), 㧎䎆⎍ (Internet),
䃊䒆 (cartoon), ㏢Ṳ䕛 (combination of ㏢Ṳ ‘introduce’ and 䕛 from ‘meeting’ – being
set up on a date), 䆪⹏䞮┺ (‘be comic’), ぢ⧲✲ (brand), G Ⱎ䅩 (G-market – a top
Korean Internet shopping site), 䎢㧊䋂㞚㤙 (takeaway).

Key to exercises 191

2. Find abbreviations for the following expressions that are used in the text.

㡂㧦G╖䞯ᾦG䞯㌳ student of a women’s university 㡂╖㌳
⋾㧦G䂲ῂ boyfriend ⋾䂲
❪㰖䎎G䃊Ⲫ⧒ digital camera ❪䃊
Ὃ☯ῂⰺ group purchase Ὃῂ

3. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate verb and verb ending.

1. ˄♲㧻⎖˅⧒⓪G Ⱖ㦖G 㓺䌖⻛㓺㠦G㰧㹿䞮⓪G ⹎䢒㡂㎇㦚G ㋁㨰ᷙḩU
2. ♲㧻⎖⯒GⰢ⋲G ⋾㧦✺㦖G Ⱔ㦖G⋲Ṧ䞾ὒG 㠊㧊㠜㦢㦚G៯ᷙḩU
3. ♲㧻⎖✺㦖G 㣎㩲㹾⯒G ◭ᷙG⋾㧦✺㦚G 㫡㞚䞲┺U
4. ♲㧻⎖✺㦖G 㥶ⳛG 㡂⺆㤆ṖGὧἶ䞮⓪G ㍊䛎⪲G ⲎⰂ⯒G᝕ᷙḩU
5. ˄♲㧻˅㦖G䞲ῃ㩗G㩫㍲㢖G ᫽✽㔅G㞠⓪G 㰞⹫䞾㦮G ╖ⳛ㌂㧊┺U

Answer the following questions in English

1. (Answers will vary.)
2. ♲㧻 is associated with the down-to-earth Korean character.
3. The expression ♲㧻⎖ might have come from 㩶㧻⎖ ‘damn woman’.
4. The one activity most associated with the ♲㧻⎖ is drinking expensive Starbucks take-

away coffee. Starbucks seems to be representative of how these women are seen to have
a shallow obsession for expensive, foreign brands.
5. It seems that ♲㧻⋾ is more comic, rather than an attack on a socially recognised

Answer the following questions in your own words

1. ♲㧻⎖⓪G 㞚䂾㠦G 㰧㦚G ⋮㍲₆G 㩚㠦G 㥶ⳛG 㡂⺆㤆ṖG ὧἶ䞮⓪G ㍊䛎⪲G ⲎⰂ⯒G ṦἶG
䢪㧻㦖G 㰚䞮㰖G 㞠ἶG 㧦㡆㓺⩓ỢG 䞮ἶG 㾲㔶G 㥶䟟G 㤦䞒㓺㠦G ⳛ䛞G 䏶✲⺇㦚G ✺ἶG
㩚Ὃ㍲㩗G䞲Gῢ㦚G Ỿ✲⧧㧊㠦G ⋣┞┺U

2. ♲㧻⎖⓪G㩦㕂㦖G 㭒⪲G 䕾⹖ⰂG⩞㓺䏶⧧㠦㍲G ⽋䞯㌳G ㍶⺆㢖G ṯ㧊G ⲏ㔋┞┺U
3. ♲㧻⎖⓪Gἆ䢒G㌗╖⯒G㺔㦚G➢G☞SG㣎⳾SG㰗㠛㦚G㭧㣪䞮ỢG㌳ṗ䞿┞┺UG㰖⁞GⰢ⋮⓪G

˄⋾䂲˅㦖G⁎G㫆Ị㠦G 㞞G ⰴ⓪GộG ṯ㔋┞┺U
4. ˄♲㧻⎖˅⓪G㓺䌖⻛㓺㢖G䕾⹖ⰂG⩞㓺䏶⧧SGⳛ䛞㠦G㰧㹿䞮ἶGⓊ㣪䄺㦮G㌌㦚G㰖䟻䞮ⳆG

⋾㎇㦚G㑮┾㦒⪲G 㡂₆⓪G ⹎䢒㡂㎇㦚G㧒䅁㔋┞┺U
5. ˄㾲ἶ㦮G 䋊ⰃG 㑮⯒G 㠑ἶG 㧞⓪˅G 䃊䒆㦖G ㏢Ṳ䕛㠦㍲G Ⱒ⋲G ⋾㎇㦚G ⴑⰞ➛䟊䞮⓪G

♲㧻⎖ṖG㣎㩲㹾G 㡊㐶ἶⰂ⯒G ⹲ἂ䞮ἺGἽ㧻G 䌲☚⯒G ⹪∎⓪G ⌊㣿㧛┞┺U

192 Key to exercises

Chapter 13

Words and meanings

1. Find words that match the definitions in the main text above.

1. G㧻┮G
2. 䣾G 㕂G
3. 㑮G 㕂G
4. 㧦G 㽞㰖㫛G
5. Gῂ㹾䞮┺G
6. G㣿㢫G
7. 䛣G 䕢G
8. G䐋ἷG

2. Now complete the following sentences by using one of these words in each sentence.

1. G䣾㕂G
2. G㧦㽞㰖㫛G
3. G䛣䕢G
4. G㧻┮G
5. G䐋ἷG
6. G㑮㕂G
7. G㣿㢫G
8. ῂG 㹾䞮┺G

Answer the following questions in English

1. Shim Ch’ang’s father’s name was Shim Hakkyu.
2. Blind Shim slipped as he was passing the stream because he could not walk properly

on the slippery road. A Buddhist monk who happened to be passing by saved Blind Shim.
3. They wanted to perform sacrificial rites to the Dragon King by casting a virgin into the

sea. If they did that they believed their ship would not meet with storms and their trade
would go well.

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. G㕂㼃㧊ṖG䌲㠊⋲G 㰖G 㧒㭒㧒GⰢ㠦G ☢㞚Ṗ㎾㔋┞┺UG
2. G㕂㼃㧊㦮G㞚⻚㰖⓪G 㞴㦚G ⴑ⽊⓪G㌂⧢㧊㠞₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┺UG
3. G㰧㞞㧊GṖ⋲䞮ἶG 㞚⻚㰖ṖG 㧒㦚G䞶G 㑮G㠜㠞₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┺UG
4. G⑞㦚G⦆G㑮G㧞┺⓪G䧂ⰳG➢ⶎ㠦G㟓㏣㦖G䟞㰖ⰢG⍞ⶊGṖ⋲䟊㍲G㕖G㌒⺇G㍳㦚G㌊G㑮G

㠜┺⓪Gộ㦚G㞢ἶG 㧞㠞₆G ➢ⶎ㠦Gệ㩫㦚G 䞮ἶG 㧞㠞㔋┞┺UG
5. G⹪┺㠦㍲Gⶊ㡃䞮⓪G ㍶㤦✺㠦ỢG ⴎ㦚G䕪ἶG ⁎G ⴎṨ㦒⪲G 㕖G ㌒⺇G ㍳㦚G ⹱㞮㔋┞┺UG

Key to exercises 193

6. 㡆G ↙G㏣㠦㍲G㧶㦚G㧦┺ṖG㠊⿖㠦ỢGῂ㫆♮㠊G㧚⁞┮℮G⹪㼦㪢┺UG⁎ⰂἶG㧚⁞┮㦮G
㢫゚ṖG ♮㠞㔋┞┺UG

7. G㕂㼃㧊ṖG㧚⁞┮℮G⿖䌗䞮㡂G㧻┮✺㦚G㥚䞲G㧪䂮⯒G㡊㠞┺UG㧪䂮㠦㍲G⍞ⶊG㡺⧲Ⱒ㠦G
➎㦮G⳿㏢Ⰲ⯒G ✺㦖G 㕂⽟㌂ṖG䋂ỢG ⏖⧒㍲G ⑞㦚G ⥾ỢG ♮㠞㔋┞┺UG

Chapter 14

Words and meanings

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate adverb from the list.

1. ◄G 㠊⏩ἶG
2. 㩞G ╖⪲G
3. G㈪㈪㧊G
4. G㧦䃁G
5. G䞾⿖⪲G
6. G゚⪲㏢G
7. ┺G ⯚㞚┢G
8. ➆G ⪲G

Answer the following questions in English

1. Serving the king loyally and respecting and supporting one’s parents are amongst the
highest virtues in Confucian ethics.

2. Today the object of loyalty should be the people.
3. The possible danger is that it could breed something like Hitler’s Nazism or Japan’s

4. Filial piety was one-sided and unconditional in the sense that children were expected

to take care of their parents even if they were not worthy parents.
5. Both children and the government have to take care of the elderly. In other words,

individual filial piety should be combined with governmental and societal filial piety to
help take care of older people’s everyday needs, and provide a stable support system by
paying them living expenses.

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. G㧚⁞㦚G㎂₆ἶSG⿖⳾⯒GὋ㟧䞮⓪G㿿䣾㌂㌗㦖G☯㟧G㌂䣢㦮G㧻㩦㧊㧦G䔏㰫㧊⧒ἶG䞶G
㑮G 㧞㔋┞┺UG

2. G㞚ⶊⰂG 㫡㦖G ㌂㌗㧊⋮G 㧊⎦☚G 㔲╖㠦G ⰴỢG 㨂䟊㍳♮ἶG 㨂㺓㫆♮㠊㟒ⰢG ㌳ⳛ⩻㦚G
Ṗ㰞G㑮G㧞₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┞┺UG

3. G㿿䣾㌂㌗㠦G㧞㠊㍲G㌗䢎㭒㦮⧖SG˄㩫⿖⓪G㩫⿖┺㤢㟒G䞮ἶGῃ⹒☚Gῃ⹒┺㤢㟒G䞲┺U˅G
˄⿖⳾⓪G⿖⳾┺㤢㟒G䞮ἶG 㧦㔳㦖G㧦㔳┺㤢㟒G 䞲┺U˅⓪G ộ㦚G 㦮⹎䞲┺UG

4. ╖G ┺㑮㦮Gῃ⹒✺㧊G 㭒ῢ㧦㧛┞┺UG

194 Key to exercises

5. G䣾⓪G⿖⳾㠦G╖䞲G⽊㦖㧊⧒⓪G⏨㦖G㥺Ⰲ㩗G䁷Ⳋ㈦G㞚┞⧒G⓯㦖G㟓㧦㠦G╖䞲G⽊䢎SG
⁎ⰂἶG㧎㌳㦮G 䢿䢒₆㠦G 䟟⽋㦚GṖ㪎┺G 㭒⓪G ▫⳿㧊₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┞┺UG

6. GὒỆG⏣ἓ㔲╖G╖Ṗ㫇㭒㦮㠦㍲⓪Gṯ㧊G⏣㌂⯒G㰖㦒Ⳋ㍲G⿖⳾⯒G⳾㔲⓪G㔲╖㡖㰖ⰢSG

7. Gῃ⹒㦚G㿿㦮G╖㌗㦒⪲G㌒㞚G⌊G㧊㤙㦚G㧚⁞㻮⩒G㎂₆ἶSG㩫⿖ṖG㭒㿫㧊G♲G˄㌂䣢㩗G䣾˅G
ṖG㩲╖⪲GṖ☯♮⓪G㌂䣢ṖG 㢂⹪⯎G⹒㭒㭒㦮G ㌂䣢㧛┞┺UG

Chapter 15

Words and meanings

1. What are the Korean pronouns or terms of address by which the following people are
referred to both in the original Korean text and the English translation?

the narrator Korean English
big (eldest) brother ⍞ you
second-eldest brother 䋆㡺ザ Hyong-chal
younger brother 㧧㦖G 㡺ザ second-eldest brother
sister-in-law ⋾☯㌳ younger brother
㢂䅖 sister-in-law

Why does the way the older brother is referred to differ between the original Korean
and the English translation?

Whereas in Korean siblings are referred to using kinship terms, in English they are
customarily referred to by their names.

2. Complete the table below showing how the narrator’s original wording is corrected.

Narrator’s original wording Corrected wording
㠊Ⲏ┞⯒㺔㔋┞┺ 㠊Ⲏ┞⯒㺔㞚㭒㎎㣪㤆Ⰲ㠚Ⱎ⯒㺔㔋┞┺
㌂⪖⯒㎃㎃㰖㞠Ợ䞮Ỷ㔋┞┺ Specific amount, such as ⺇Ⱒ㤦
⺇Ⱒ㤦 㡺⺇Ⱒ㤦
㡺⺇Ⱒ㤦㦮㌂⪖⁞㦚✲ⰂỶ㔋┞┺ ㌂⪖⁞aG 㡺⺇Ⱒ㤦

3. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate verb from the box.

1. G㠚Ⱎ㦮G㌂㰚㦚G 㠊ⓦG ỎG㝆ⓦ⌦⯒G ⚦ἶG 㦮ἂ㧊GᝍG ⋁㎑ḩGUG
2. G⍞⓪G㡺⺇Ⱒ㤦㦮G ㌂⪖⁞㦚G✲ⰂỶ㔋┞┺SG ⧒ἶG 㩗ἶG Ⱎ䂾䚲⯒G㝒G ㄍḩGUG
3. G䋆㡺ザṖG⍢G╖㼊G㧧Ṗ⧒⓪G㌂⧢㧊G⁎⩆GⰦ⹬㠦G㝎G㑮G㠜⌦HG⻚⩃G㏢Ⰲ⯒GG㔍⍅ḩGUG
4. ⌊G 㧒⿖䎆G⳾⚦G 㧒㦚G ⁎Ⱒ⚦ἶG㧊G ☯⍺G 㩖G ☯⍺G ⶊ㫆ỊG䄩G ┩ᠥG ┺┦₢fG
5. ⋮G fG⍞⓪G㧛㦚GḩG ⚁ㄍḩGUG

Key to exercises 195

Answer the following questions about the text in English

1. She was dressed up to the nines in a pale-blue hanbok.
2. The reaction was: ‘Your mother is pretty, and she doesn’t seem like the kind of person

who would get lost.’
3. She went missing at Seoul station.
4. The siblings agree to offer five million won.
5. They argue over many different details regarding how to draw up the poster and how to

find their mother. It seems that they have many underlying tensions which are expressed
here because of the various strong emotions they are experiencing in this crisis.

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. 㠊G Ⲏ┞㦮G㾲⁒G 㹣㦖G ㌂㰚㦖G㞚⻚㰖G 䂶㑲G ➢G 㹣㦖G ộ㧛┞┺UG
2. G˄⍞˅⓪G˄㠊Ⲏ┞⯒G㺔㔋┞┺˅S⧒ἶG㝆┞G㡺ザṖG㠊Ⲏ┞⧒⓪GⰦ㧊G⍞ⶊG㩫㭧䞮┞G㠚Ⱎ⪲G

⹪∪⽊⧒ἶG 䟞┺UG
3. ˄G⍞˅⓪G˄㤆ⰂG㠚Ⱎ⯒G㺔㔋┞┺˅SG ⧒ἶG㝆┞G 㡺ザṖG 㠊Ⰶ㞶㓺⩓┺ἶG 䟞┺UG
4. 㩚G ┾㰖Gⶎ㞞㦚G㧎㐚䞮⓪G㧒㦖G˄⍺˅ṖGⰷ㞮㔋┞┺UG㩚┾㰖Gⶎ㞞㦚G⺆㏷䞮⓪G㧒㦖⋾☯㌳㧊G

5. G˄⍞˅⓪G㠚Ⱎ⯒G 㧙㠊⻚ⰆGộ㦚G ⋮䦮G䤚㠦G 㞢㞮㔋┞┺UG

Chapter 16

Words and meanings

1. Grammatical forms

1. Ⱔ㧊G㤙㠊㟒G 㡺⧮G ㌆┺. You need to laugh a lot to live long.
2. ⹺㦚G㌞㤢GỢ㧚㦚G䞮┺ṖG㞚䂾㠦G⓼㧶㦚G㧦G⻚⪎┺. Staying up all night playing

computer games, I fell asleep in the morning.
3. ゚㍲⓪G 㧦₆ṖG ㌂㧻㧊❅G 㰗㤦✺㠦ỢG ⳛ⪏䟞┺. The secretary was giving orders

like she was running the place.
4. ㍺ⰞG⁎G㢍㦒⪲G⳾㧚㠦G⋮Ṗ⓪GỆ⓪G㞚┦䎢㰖. There’s no way that you’re going

to the gathering in those clothes, right?
5. ⌊ṖG 䞶㑮G 㧞┺ἶG ㌳ṗG ⴑ䟞㠊㣪UG ⁎ỊG 㡺⧮G 㩚G 㟮₆Ệ✶. I didn’t think that I

could do it. That was something that happened a long time ago, you see.
6. 㡂⩂⻞G ⹮⽋䟊㍲G 䛖㠊㟒G ⁎G Ὃ㔳㦖G 㧊䟊ṖG ♲┺. Only by solving problems like

this time and time again can you come to understand the formula.
7. 㡗䧂⓪G ⹒㑮⧧G 䠺㠊㰖ἶG ⋮㍲㟒G ⁎㦮G ㏢㭧䞾㦚G 㞢㞮┺. Young-Hui only under-

stood Min-Soo’s importance after breaking up with him.
8. 㦖㩫㦖G㴨₆❅㧊G㰧㦒⪲G⥆㠊✺㠊G㢪┺. Eun-Jung ran home as fast as she could.
9. 㡺⓮G 㞚䂾G ⁎G 䣢㌂㠦G 㻮㦢㦒⪲G 㭒ⶎ㦚G 䟞Ệ✶. This morning was the first time

I ordered from that firm.

196 Key to exercises

10. 㧎㑮⓪G ㍶㌳┮䞲䎢G ∎㭧㦚G ✹ἶ㍲㟒G 㧦㔶㦮G 㧮ⴑ㦚G 㞢㞮┺. It was only when
the teacher scolded In-Soo that he realised his mistake.

11. 㻶㑮ṖG ⁎⩆G 䟟☯㦚G 㞚ⶊG 㧊㥶㠜㧊G 䞮㰖⓪G 㞠㞮㦚G 䎢㰖. There’s no way that
Cheol-Soo would have behaved like that without a reason.

12. 䞲⻞G⽦㟒G 㞢㰖. You need to try it first in order to understand.

2. Find all the words and phrases in the text which describe Hyan-su’s state of mind.

䢪ṖG 䂮⹖㠞┺U → become angry

㺎㦚G 㑮ṖG 㠜㠞┺U → was unable to endure

⁎⓪G ⁎ṖG 㞚┞㠞┺U → not be oneself

Ⱎ㦢㦚G 㫎㡖┺U → be anxious

㽞㫆䟞┺U → be restless

㞞㝆⩂㤊GⰞ㦢㧊G ✺㠞┺U → feel sorry

⌟㩫䟊㪎㟒G䞲┺ἶG ┺㰦䞮┺U → resolve to keep one’s cool

┺ 䞮┺U → be extremely urgent

☛䞮ỢG Ⱎ㦢G ⲏ┺U → harden one’s heart

⑞ⶒ㧊G ⱐ䡪┺U → shed tears (to be moved)

㩲㩫㔶㦒⪲G ☢㞚㢪┺U → come to one’s senses

3. The text contains a number of words or expressions that are spelled as they sound
(not as they conventionally should be written). Why do you think the author used these

1. 㫆㕂䟊㟒㰖UG ⁎⩂┺G┺䂮ⳊGヹ㖑⍩ᢱU˅‚㠊㲢⩺ἶ„
2. 㠚Ⱎ⓪G ヹḍf˅‚㠊❪G㧞┞f„
3. ⁎⩒G㑮㰚㞚SG㤆ⰂG㞚ザ䞲䎢GṞ₢fGら㍅ぱG㞚ザG䂲ῂ⧖┺UG㤆ⰂG㞚ザ䞲䎢GṖ㍲G

㧎䡫G㌂╂⧒ἶG 䞶₢f˅‚㞚㩖㝾⓪„
4. ⁎⩂ⳊG㧊G ὋG 㰧㠦┺GṬ┺G ⏩ἶGㅱ᨝U˅G ‚㢂Ợ„
5. らᰕSG⁎⌻G Ṗ㪎Ṗ☚G ♒U˅G‚㞚┞㟒„

All of these spellings reflect the way that they are commonly pronounced by many Koreans
in casual speech. By using these spellings, the author is able to make the speech of the
characters feel more natural and authentic.

Answer the following questions in English

1. He needed money immediately, but he was not able to work due to his injured hand.
2. He saw her name written on the ball that she was holding.
3. In order to go outside to call her parents, he told her to stay in the room. She went

outside to go to the chemist’s shop.
4. She went to the chemist’s to buy sticking plasters.
5. When he saw the sticking plasters that Su-jin gave him, he realised that she was wor-

ried about his injured hand, and this made him come to his senses.

Key to exercises 197

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words
1. G⹿㎎㢖G䘎㺄㦒㔶G 㞚⻚㰖㦮G 㟓Ṩ㦚G㥚䟊G ☞㧊G 䞚㣪䟞㔋┞┺UG
2. G㧦㔶㦮G┺䂲G㏦㦚G ⽊ἶG䢪ṖG ⌂㔋┞┺UG
3. Gἶ䂋G㞚䕢䔎⯒G 㰩┺ṖG ┺㼺㔋┞┺UG
4. G㞚㧊㦮G⿖⳾㠦ỢG 㩚䢪䟊㍲G ☞㦚G㣪ῂ䞮⩺ἶG 䟞㔋┞┺UG

Chapter 17

Words and meanings

1. Complete the following sentences by changing the verb in brackets into the TO㦒PⳊ㍲

1. G[LG㦮G㎇㧻㎎⯒G⠹G ㊹▹ⱡG㰖㏣♶G ộ㦒⪲G 㩚ⰳ♲┺UG
2. G]G Ṳ㤪G ☯㞞G ㏢゚㧦ⶒṖG ㌗㔏⮶㦖G ㍳㥶G ṖỿG ㌗㔏㠦G 㧒⿖G 㡗䟻㦚G G❠㊁▹ⱡG

㭧㞯㦖䟟㦮G 㧎䝢⩞㧊㎮G⳿䚲䂮㧎G ZUW·XLG⯒G 㽞ὒ䟞┺UG
3. G⁒⪲㧻⩺㎎㩲⯒G 䢫╖䞮㡂GゞἺ㦚G㑉G ㊹▹ⱡG ☯㔲㠦G ⁒⪲⯒G 㧻⩺䞲┺UG G
4. ㎎G ἚGἓ㩲ṖG㕂ṗ䞲G䂾㼊⯒G៯G ㊁▹ⱡG䡚㨂㦮GỊ㔺䞲G㨂㩫G㌗䌲⯒Gἶ⩺䞶G➢G䞲

5. G䞲ῃ㦖G ⌄㦖G ㌂䣢⽋㰖G 㰖㿲㦚G 㩫㺛╖㌗㠦G 㽞㩦㦚G 㧮G ⰴ㿪▹G ⱡG ⓮⩺⋮ṞG 䞚㣪


2. Match the sentence beginnings on the right with the most appropriate endings on the left.

XWG㡂G⎚G㧊㌗G Ệ㦮G ⼖☯㧊G㠜㠞▮G [G ⎚G ㌂㧊㠦G ^WLG ⋮G 㯳Ṗ䞲G ộ㧊┺U
㧊G゚㥾㧊G㥚₆⯒G Ệ䂮Ⳋ㍲

⁖⪲⻢G ⁞㦋㥚₆㦮G 䕢ἶṖG 㔺ⶒ㠦☚G ṗ㫛G ⌊㑮ἓ₆㰖䚲㦮G 䞮⧓㎎ṖG
㡗䟻㦚G⹎䂮₆G 㔲㧧䞮Ⳋ㍲G ⣲⪍䞮ἶG 㑮㿲☚G ⚪䢪♶G 㫆㰦㦚G
⽊㧊ἶG 㧞┺U

㧒㧦Ⰲ⯒G㠑₆G 㥚䟊G ₆┺ⰂⳊ㍲ ἓ㩲䢲☯㠦G 㺎㡂䞮㰖G 㞠⓪G
㤦㧎㧊₆☚G 䞮┺U

㰖㤦♮⓪G㥶☯㎇㦖G 䣢㌂㦮G 㧦㌆㦚G ㌗䢮♶G 㡞㩫㧊┺U
ⰺṗ䟊G ṖⳊ㍲G

㥚₆⯒G Ệ䂮Ⳋ㍲G 㭧ῃ㧊G ⹎ῃ㠦G ⻚⁞Ṗ⓪G nYG 㦮G
䞲G 㿫㦒⪲G ⿖㌗䞲G ộ☚G ὚⳿䞶G
Ⱒ䞲G ⼖䢪㧊┺U

198 Key to exercises

3. Match the Korean words (A–R) with their translations (1–22).

A – (1) G – (19) M – (2)
B – (3) H – (9) N – (21)
C – (7) I – (16) O – (18)
D – (4) J – (14) P – (15)
E – (12) K – (8) Q – (22)
F – (5) L – (20) R – (10)

4. Using the words from the box, fill in the gaps in the five sentences and then translate

1. ╖䞯㌳✺㠦G╖䞲G䀾㠛G䤚GⰆ䆝G䞯㧦⁞G╖㿲G䢫╖ṖG䞚㣪䞮┺U The student loan
system, whereby college students can repay the loan after getting a job, should be

2. ⹒ṚG ⳑ⦉G ṖG 㯳Ṗ䞶Gộ㧊┺U Private consumption will increase.

3. ⳑ•G⿞‶䡫㦖GYWW`G⎚₢㰖G㰖㏣㩗㦒⪲G㌗㔏䟞┺UGIncome inequality increased
continually until 2009.

4. 㭒䌳ṖỿG ឵㿍㦚G⹿㰖䟞┺U The housing bubble was prevented.

5. 㭧ῃG᠂㍡㦮G㎇㧻G㰖㏣G❇㦮G㣪㧎㠦G䧮㧛㠊GYWXYG⎚㠦☚G㟓GZU\LG㎇㧻䞶Gộ㦒⪲G

㡞㌗♲┺U It is expected to grow approximately 3.5 per cent in 2012 on the back of
the continuous economic growth of China.

Answer the following questions in English

1. The US Federal Reserve Board lowered the interest rate to one per cent, which increased
housing mortgage loans. Property prices rose, and people started to spend more money.

2. Because the income of businesses did not double, nor were there tremendous changes
to corporate governance.

3. Because prices surged in the stock and housing markets, forming bubbles, and with
the increase of private loans, the household savings rate significantly dropped; phenomena
which look similar to those in the U.S.

4. The banks reduced high-risk business loans and increased low-risk private loans. In the
past, Korea had a reputation for having a high savings rate.

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. ⿖㩫㩗㧛┞┺U
2. ⹎ῃἓ㩲⯒G㥚䡧䞮⓪Gⶎ㩲✺㧊G 䞲ῃ㠦㍲☚G 㕂ṗ䞮₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┞┺U
3. 䐋㩲㞞♮⓪G㔲㧻ἓ㩲SG 㭒㔳㔲㧻ὒG⿖☯㌆㔲㧻㦮G Ệ䛞SG ⶊ⍞㰚G ṖἚ㩖㿫U
4. 䞲ῃ㦮G㭒㔳㔲㧻ὒG㭒䌳㔲㧻㠦GⰤ㦖GỆ䛞㧊G㧒㠞㦒ⳆGṖἚ╖㿲㧊G⓮㠊⋮G㏢゚G⿦㧊G

⿞ἶGṖἚG㩖㿫⮶㧊G⟾㠊㰖⓪G 䡚㌗✺㧊G⹎ῃὒG 䦷㌂䞮₆G ➢ⶎ㧛┞┺U
5. 㧒㔲㩗㧎G ⿖☯㌆G ṖỿG ㌗㔏㦒⪲G ㌳₊G 㡂㥶G 㧦⁞㦚G ⹕ἶG ㌂⧢✺㧊G ㏢゚ⰢG ⓮ⰂἶG

ṖἚG㩖㿫㦖G䞮㰖G 㞠⓪G ㌗䌲⪲G䢎䢿㦚G ⑚⪎▮G ộ㧛┞┺UG
6. 㣎䢮㥚₆G㧊䤚GXWG⎚G☯㞞G㿪ῂ䟊G㡾G䞲ῃGἓ㩲㦮G₆⽎㩗G⹿䟻㦚G⹪∎㠊㟒G䞲┺ἶG

㩲㞞䞮ἶG 㧞㔋┞┺U

Key to exercises 199

Chapter 18

Words and meanings

1. Find the antonymous (opposite) words in the text for the words given below:

₪⊪䞮┺ – ▪⩓┺
⍩┺ – 㫗┺
㞚⯚╋┺ – ⹟┺
㽞⧒䞮┺ – 㤛㧻䞮┺
⋮⑚┺ – ⿯㧊┺

2. Find the synonymous words in the text for the words given below:

㌌ – ㌳㞶
㍲㤎 – ☚㔲
⿖㓺㓺䞮┺ – 㰖㩖⿚䞮┺
⋷┺ – 㡺⧮♮┺
㧦㌗䞮┺ – 䂲㻶䞮┺

3. 㽢㓺⩓┺ – (Answers will vary.)

4. Make a list of the adjectives which the narrator uses to describe aspects of the
new school, and a separate list for those which are used to describe the school in

New School Old School

⼚⪲⽒ộ㠜┺ (undistinguished) ⳛⶎ㧊┺ (prestigious)
⋷㞮┺ (old, aged) 㤛㧻䞮┺ (glossy, lustrous)
㽞⧒䞮┺ (shabby) ⻞✺ỆⰂ┺ (shiny)
㽢㓺⩓┺ (countrified) ₪⊪䞮┺ (neat, well turned-out)
䤚㭚⁎⩞䞮┺ (scruffy) 䢲₆㹾┺ (lively)
ⰻ㠜┺ (listless) 㞚⯚╋┺ (beautiful)
㟒㏣䞮┺ (unkind, disappointing) ㌗⌻䞮┺ (kind-hearted)
⼚⋮┺ (unusual) 㧦㌗䞮┺ (thoughtful, kind)

5. Use the suffixes given in the table to fill in the spaces in the sentences below.

1. G⿖㌗†㠦☚G ⿞ῂ䞮ἶ††††††††G ⁎⓪G Ἒ㏣G 㕎㤶┺UG
2. G⋮⓪G⁎⎖㦮G ἆ㩦†㠦☚G ⿞ῂ䞮ἶ††††††††G ⁎⎖⯒G ㌂⧧䞲┺UG
3. Gᾦ㥷㠦G Ⱔ㦖G ☞㦚G 㰖㿲䞾†㠦☚G ⿞ῂ䞮ἶ††††††††┾㰖G ╖䞯ᾦG 㫎㠛㧦G 㑮㦮G

㩞⹮Ⱒ㧊G 䀾㰗䞲┺UG

200 Key to exercises

4. 㩖⓪G 㫎㠛㦚G 䞮ἶG 䃮Ⰲ䙂┞㞚㠦G ㌞⪲G 㰗㧻㦚G 㠑㠊G Ệ₆⪲G 㧊㌂⯒†ṞG 㭚G 㞢㞮
⓪◆††††††††Ṗ㰖⯒G ⴑ䟞┺U

5. ㌂⧧䞮⓪G ㌂⧢㠦ỢG ⓮G Ṱ㞚㟒G 䞶G グ㧊G 㧞┺ἶG ⓦ⋒⓪G ㌂⧢†㧊㟒Ⱖ⪲††††††††G
㰚㩫䞲G 㡆㧎㧊┺U

6. 㩚ⶎṖ✺㦖SG㡊㩫††††††††㧊㟒Ⱖ⪲††††††††⏎⎚㦮G㰗㧻㧎✺㧊G㿪ῂ䞮⓪Gộ㧊⧒ἶG

7. ╏㔶†㧊㟒Ⱖ⪲††††††††G⁎G㧒㠦G 㾲㩗㧚㧦㧊┺U
8. 㞚㰗₢㰖G 㢚⼓䞮ỢG 㠎㠊G 㧻⼓㦚G 䠞ⶒ㠊G ⻚ⰊG 㑮㭖†₢㰖⓪G ⴑ♒☚††††††††G

㿿⿚䧞G㝎G Ⱒ䞲G 㑮㭖㧊┺U
9. 㩞╖G㧊⩆G ộG 㞞G 䞶G㭚G 㞮㞮⓪◆††††††††G 㧦㡆䧞G 䞮ỢG ♮▪⧒U
10. 䞲ῃ㠦G㔲㰧㡺ⳊG䟟⽋䞶G 㭚G㞢㞮⓪◆††††††††G䟟⽋䞮㰖G 㞠┺U
11. 㥚⪲†⓪G䄺⎫††††††††G ₆⽎G 㩗㧎G㡞㦮㫆㹾G 㞚┞┺U
12. 㻲㞞䞾G ㌂ỊG 㧊䤚G ⹮㎇㧊⋮G ㌂ὒ†⓪G 䄺⎫††††††††G Ἒ㏣㩗㧎G 㥚䡧ὒG ☚⹲G

䟟☯㠦☚G ⿗䞲㧎ῢⶎ㩲⯒G ệ㩫䞮ⳆG 㑮䟊㠦G 㠊⩺㤢䞶G ☯䙂✺㦚G 㰖㤦䞮ἶ㧦G
䞮⓪G㤆Ⰲ㦮G Ⱎ㦢㦚G ⿗䞲㦖G㰚㩫G 㞢ἶ⓪G 㧞⓪㰖G ╋╋䞮₆ⰢG 䞮┺U
13. ⁎⓪G⌊G㧎㌂⯒G ⹱†⓪⚻GⰞ⓪⚻††††††††Gⶊ䚲㩫䞲G 㠒Ὴ⪲G ⋮⯒G ⽊㞮┺U
14. ⌊ṖG㟓㏣㧊G㧞㠊㍲G㧎㌂⯒G䞮†⓪⚻GⰞ⓪⚻††††††††G䞮ἶG㞚㩖㝾G㰧㦚G⋮㢪┺U
15. 㭓㠊Ṗ⓪G㑲Ṛ㦖G⑚ῂ⋮G 㣎⫃₆GⰞ⩾㧊┺††††††††U
16. 㩫䂮☚G☚⹫†ὒG Ⱎ㺂Ṗ㰖┺††††††††U
17. 㔲㧧㧊⧒⓪G ộ㦖G䟃㌗G 䧮✺†₆GⰞ⩾㧊┺††††††††U
18. 䞯㌳㦖G㔲Ṛ㧊G 㠜†₆G Ⱎ⩾㧊┺††††††††U

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. The protagonist had to move to a new school because his father was involved in an
internal departmental row and following his relocation, the whole family had moved to
the countryside.

2. The protagonist was disappointed by the shabbiness of the new school, compared with
his impressive school in Seoul.

3. He was disappointed with the teachers because they were shabby, unlike the clean and
lively teachers back in Seoul.

4. He was disappointed with the pupils because they did not show much interest in what
he expected to be asked about and their questions seemed trivial to him.

5. ‘The mere fact of my having come from a school with 16 classes to a grade made me
look with disdain on this school, which couldn’t manage more than six classes; and
also, having been used to studying in mixed sex classes made having boys and girls
strictly segregated seem incredibly countrified’.

6. ‘I might already have been touched by an intuition about the cruel fate that would last
for a year after that’.

Key to exercises 201

Answer the following questions about the text in your own words

1. ㌞⪲㤊GỊⶒ㧊㡖▮G䞯ᾦ㢖⓪G┺⯊ỢG㌞⪲㤊G䞯ᾦ⓪G⋷㦖G㧒⽎㔳G㔲Ⲯ䔎⪲G♲GỊⶒ⪲G
Ⱔ㧊G 㽞⧒䟞㔋┞┺U

2. 㼁㧎㌗㦖G㫡㰖G 㞠㞮㔋┞┺UG㭒㧎Ὃ㦖G 㔺ⰳ䟞㔋┞┺U
3. 䞲⼧䌲㧛┞┺UG 䞯㌳✺㦖G⼚G ὖ㕂㦚G⽊㧊㰖G 㞠㞮㔋┞┺U
4. ⚦G䞯ᾦ㦮G′⳾㢖GỊⶒSGᾦⶊ㔺SG㍶㌳┮✺㦮G⳾㔋ὒG䌲☚SG䞯㌳✺㦮G䟟☯✺㦚G゚ᾦ䞮ⳆG

⳾✶GⳊ㠦㍲G㍲㤎G 䞯ᾦṖG▪G ⌁┺ἶG㡂₆ἶG 㧞㔋┞┺U
5. 㤆Ⰲ⹮㠦G㩚䞯G㡾G䞲⼧䌲G䞯㌳㦖GὋ⿖☚Gⰺ㤆G㧮䞮ἶG⹎㑶╖䣢㠦㍲G㡂⩂⻞G㧛㌗₢㰖G

䞶G㩫☚⪲G⁎Ⱂ㔺⩻☚G 䤢⯃䞲G䂲ῂ㧛┞┺UG 㞴㦒⪲G ㌂㧊㫡ỢG 㧮G 㰖⌊㎎㣪U

202 Grammatical index

Grammatical index

Grammar Constructions Index (alphabetical order) and cross-referenced with Yeon & Brown

Grammar pattern Location

Ṛ (‘during’) This Volume Yeon & Brown (2011)
ˀỆ✶ (‘it’s because’, ‘you see’)
ˀἶ☚ (‘as well as’) Section Page Section Page
ˀἶG Ⱖ┺ (‘end up’)
ˀἺ (‘after’, ‘upon’) 17.2 135 – –
ὒV㢖G Ⱎ㺂Ṗ㰖┺ (‘be the same as’) 16.10
ˀ₆G ⁎㰖㠜┺ (‘tremendously’) 3.1 127 8.2 364
ˀ₆G Ⱎ⩾㧊┺ ‘be bound to’ 1.7
ˀ₆⓪G 䞮┺ (‘indeed’) 12.6 17 6.2.7 280
ˀ₆☚G 䞮┺ (‘also . . .’) 18.9
ˀ₆☚G 䞮ἶGGUGGUGGUGG₆☚G 䞮┺G (‘both . . . and . . .’) 18.3 7 8.1 363
ˀ₆ⰢG 䞮┺ (‘do nothing but’) 18.10
ˀ₆⪲G 䞮ˀ (‘decide to do’) 6.1 89 – –
ˀ₆㠦 (‘. . . to . . .’) 3.3
ˀ₢㰖⓪G ⴑG ♒☚ (‘even if not . . .’) 13.4 148 117
ˀ⋮G ⽊┺ (‘look like’) 1.4 146 – –
ˀ⍺ (‘and family’) 10.3
ˀ⓪G Ṗ㤊◆ (‘in the middle of’) 18.4 149 58
ˀ⓪£ˀO㦒PචG 䌩 (‘because’, ‘since’)
37 64
ˀ┺OṖP (transition)
ˀ┺Ⳋ (‘if you say that’) 18 66
ˀ┺G ⽊┞O₢P (‘after trying’)
97 66

128 67

6 67

72 – –

147 – –

13.6 98 5.5.1 255
6.2 38 – –
9.2 63 – –
2.1 12 – –

16.5 125 6.3.9 294

10.2 71 6.5.2 313

12.7 89 5.2.1 247

Grammatical index 203

ˀ┺⓪V┾G Ⱖ㧊┺ (‘I mean . . .’) 14.5 107 9.4.6 401
ˀ┺㔲䞒G 䞮T (‘is practically . . .’) 12.4
ˀ┺G 㭒┺ (benefactive) 16.10 88 6.8.2 326
ˀ╋┺ (‘be . . . -like’) 14.4
ˀ▪┞ and – 㞮V㠞▪┞ (past recollections) 6.4 127 5.2.2 247
ˀ☚⪳ (‘so that’) 4.5
ˀ❅O㧊P (‘as if ’) 6.6 106 438

⹮ⳊO㠦P (‘on the other hand’) 8.2 38 6.1.9 270

㞚V㠊 (‘so’) 2.3 25 231
ˀ㞚V㠊G Ṗ┺ (ongoing activity ‘away’) 14.3
ˀ㞚V㠊G Ṗ㰖ἶ (causal/sequential) 16.2 39 6.8.1 325
ˀ㞚V㠊G ⌊┺ (‘do to the end’) 10.1
ˀ㞚V㠊G ╂⧒ἶ (quoted benefactives) 1.5 54 7.2.19 350
ˀ㞚V㠊G ⚦┺ (‘do for future reference’) 12.2
ˀ㞚V㠊G ⻚Ⰲ┺ (‘do completely’) 1.6 13 6.1.2 263
ˀ㞚V㠊G 㡺┺ (ongoing activity ‘towards’) 8.1 106 5.1.1 235
ˀ㞚V㠊G 䂮㤆┺ (‘do rashly’) 5.1 124 6.3.4 288
ˀ㞚V㠊㍲G 㞞G ♮┺ (‘must not’) 14.1 71 5.1.3 237
ˀ㞚V㠊㍲㟒 (‘only after’) 16.1 7 9.2.5 389
ˀ㞚V㠊㍲㧎㰖 (‘perhaps it’s because’) 5.3 88 5.1.5 238
ˀ㞚V㠊㟒 (‘only if ’) 15.2 7 5.1.7 240
ˀ㞚V㠊㟒Ⱒ (‘only if ’) 14.2 54 5.1.2 236
ˀ㞚V㠊㟒㰖 (‘you should’) 11.2 31 5.1.13 246
ˀ㞮V㠞㦒ⳊG 䞮┺ (‘would be grateful if ’) 10.7 106 – –
㠦G ὖ䞮┺ (‘concerning’) 12.5 124 6.5.8 318
㠦☚G ⿞ῂ䞮ἶ (‘despite’) 17.4 32 – –
㠦G ➆⧒O㍲P (‘in accordance with’) 8.3 81 6.5.7 316
ˀ㡺V㏢ (semi-formal speech style ending) 6.7 106 – –
ˀ㡺Ⰲ┺ (future tense) 13.5 81 – –
73 311
ˀO㦒PචV㦖G ◆G ゚䟊O㍲P (‘compared with’) 3.2 89 105
ˀ㦖VචG ⛺G (‘after . . .’) 4.4 136 – –
ˀO㦒PචG ⹪⧢㠦 (‘as a result’) 13.7 54 105
ˀO㦒PචVO㦒PඥG ⰂG 㠜┺ (‘no way that’) 16.6 39 4.3.8 186
ˀO㦒PචG 㩗㧊G 㧞┺V㠜┺ (‘ever happened’) 7.2 97 – –
ˀO㦒PචVˀO㦒PඥG 㰖☚G⳾⯊┺ ‘might’ 18.2
ˀO㦒PචG 㺚O⪲P (‘as it is’, ‘without’) 11.3 17 – –
ˀO㦒Pච✺ (‘even though’, ‘even if ’) 15.1 25 7.2.7 342
ˀO㦒P⋮ (‘but’) 10.4 98 7.2.18 349
ˀO㦒Pඥ£ˀ⓪£ˀO㦒PචG⚻ (‘may or may not’) 18.7 126 7.2.14 347
ˀO㦒Pඥ£ˀ⓪£ˀO㦒PචG❅䞮┺ (‘looks like’) 12.1 46 7.2.24 355
146 6.4.4 307
81 7.2.30 359
114 6.2.9 281
72 6.2.2 274
148 7.2.10 345
88 7.2.12 346

204 Grammatical index

ˀO㦒PඥG ➢₢㰖 (‘until (the time when)’) 7.1 46 7.2.13 346
ˀO㦒PඥG ➢☚ (‘even when’, ‘also when’) 11.1
ˀO㦒Pඥ£ˀ⓪£ˀO㦒PචGⰢ䋒 (‘to the extent that’) 2.2 81 7.2.13 346
ˀO㦒PඥG ㈦ (‘only’) 12.3
ˀO㦒PඥG 㑮⹬㠦G 㠜┺ (‘have no choice’) 17.3 13 146
ˀO㦒PඥG 㡞㩫㧊┺ (‘is due to’) 7.3
ˀO㦒PඥG 㩫☚⪲ (‘to the extent that’) 5.2 88 7.2.21 351
ˀO㦒Pඥ£ˀ⓪£TO㦒PචG 㭚G 㞢┺ 18.5
135 7.2.22 352
(‘thought (mistakenly))’ 16.4
ˀO㦒PඥG 㯞㦢 (‘when’) 9. 1 46 7.2.4 341
ˀO㦒Pඥ₢G ệ㩫䞮┺ (‘worried it might . . .’) 16.7
ˀO㦒Pඥ₢G ⽦ (‘worried it might’) 10.6 32 7.2.25 356
ˀO㦒Pඥ₢G 㕌┺ (‘I wonder if ’) 18.8
ˀO㦒Pඥ£ˀ⓪£ˀO㦒Pච㰖G ⳾⯒G 㧒㧊┺ 147 7.2.26 356
(‘not know (whether)’) 16.3 125 – –
ˀO㦒Pඥ㰖⧒☚ (‘even if ’) 1.2 63 5.4.2 253
ˀO㦒Pඥ䎢 (probable future) 16.5 126 5.4.1 252
ˀO㦒PඥG 䎢┞O₢P (intention) 6.5 73 5.4.2 253
ˀO㦒P⩺ῂ(future intention) 4.2 148 – –
ˀO㦒P⩺▮ (‘who had intended to’) 1.1
O㦒P⪲G ⋮䌖⌂┺ (‘has been revealed that’) 3.4 107 6.2.10 282
O㦒P⪲⿖䎆 (‘from’) 17.6
O㦒P⪲㍲ (‘as’) 17.5 124 – –
O㦒P⪲G 㥶ⳛ䞮┺ (‘be famous for’) 16.9
O㦒P⪲G 㧎䟊 (‘as a result of ’) 18.6 6 6.1.5 267
ˀO㦒PⰂ⧒ (‘(think) it will’) 4.6
O㦖V⓪PG 䄺⎫G(‘far from’) 126 6.7.2 323
㦚V⯒G 㥚䞲 (‘for the sake of ’) 8.5
8.4 38 – –
ˀO㦒PⳆ (‘while’) 17.1
ˀO㦒PⳊGGUGGUGGUGGˀO㦒Pඥ㑮⪳ (‘the more . . .’) 13.1 25 – –
ˀO㦒PⳊ㍲ (‘while’, ‘due to’) 18.1
ˀO㦒PⳊ㍲⿖䎆 (‘ever since’) 5 112
O㧊P㟒Ⱖ⪲ (‘indeed’, ‘exactly’) 13.3
1.3 18 115
ˀ㧦 (‘upon, when’) 4.1
ˀ㧦Ⱎ㧦 (‘as soon as’) 6.3 136 – –
㩚䡖 + negative verb (‘absolutely’) 10.5
㫆㹾 (‘even’) 13.2 136 – –
ˀ㰖G ⴑ䞮┺ (‘not as it should be’)
ˀ㰖G 㞠㦒ⳊG 㞞G ♮┺ (‘have to’) 127 – –

148 139

26 – –

55 6.3.7 292
55 6.5.9 319
135 6.3.6 291
96 – –
146 128

97 6.3.8 293

6 6.3.8 293

24 – –

38 138

73 4.2.2 165

97 313

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