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Published by NUR ATIQAH BINTI ABDUL RAHMAN (KKMIRI), 2024-05-21 00:33:48



Keywords: IBIEC

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 42 Rajah 10: Dapatan tinjauan keberkesan KKRaub ePSH Dashboard kepada pengguna Daripada rajah di atas didapati skor purata tertinggi adalah bagi item penggunaan KKRaub ePSH Dashboard amat mudah difahami dengan skor purata 4.875 sementara skor purata terendah adalah bagi item maklumat pelaksanaan kursus pendek dapat diperolehi secara terperinci dan tepat menggunakan KKRaub ePSH Dashboard dengan skor purata 4.375. Melalui tinjauan secara lisan rata-rata penggunakan memberi pendapat agar maklumat terperinci peserta kursus pendek seperti kategori pendapatan dan umur hendaklah dimasukkan kedalam KKRaub ePSH Dashboard bagi memudahkan pengguna mengetahui maklumat pencapaian kursus pendek mengikut kategori tersebut. Namun secara keseluruhan dapatan bagi setiap persoalan bagi setiap item keberkesanan penggunaan KKRaub ePSH Dashboard adalah melebihi skor purata 4.0 dengan skor purata keseluruhan item tersebut adalah 4.714. Kesimpulan Secara keseluruhanya daripada dapatan maklum balas keberkesanan penggunaan KKRaub ePSH Dashboard yang telah diperolehi menunjukan bahawa penggunaan produk inovasi ini

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 43 telah memberi impak yang sangat tinggi dalam pengurusan kpi organisasi dan individu pengguna serta menggalakkan ahli organisasi untuk bekerja secara lebih efektif ke arah mencapai objektif bersama. Antara impak tersebuat adalah pengguna dapat mencapai maklumat pelaksanaan kursus pendek ketika sistem epsh yang dibangunkan JPPKK dalam mode selenggara dengan pantas dan terperinci tanpa melibatkan sebarang kos. Selain itu ia juga dapat meningkatkan motivasi pengguna dalam melaksanakan kursus pendek kepada komuniti sebagai salah satu daripada skop kerja bagi Pegawai Pendidikan Pengajian Tinggi (PPPT) di Kolej Komuniti terutamanya. Penambahbaikan Masa Depan Penggunaan KKRaub ePSH Dashboard dapat menggalakkan semua ahli organisasi untuk sentiasa peka tentang KPI individu dan terus menyumbang ke arah mencapai matlamat yang sama melalui pendekatan lebih inovatif, menggalakkan satu bentuk ownership pencapaian bagi setiap individu dan juga untuk meningkatkan budaya kerja yang lebih cemerlang Walaupun pelaksanan projek ini lancar dan memperlihatkan impak yang sangat tinggi di kalangan pengguna namun terdapat beberapa perkara perlu diberi penambahbaikan bagi meningkatkan lagi keberkesanannya. Antara penambahbaikan yang perlu dilaksanakan adalah dengan memasukkan maklumat bagi kategori umur dan pendapatan peserta kursus pendek. Ini adalah bagi memudahkan pencapaian maklumat perlaksanaan mengikut kumpulan sasaran fokus PSH dan golongan rentan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Jabatan. Selain itu juga penggunaan bagi sistem ini juga perlulah diperluaskan ke kolej komuniti yang lain di Malaysia agar perkongsian ini dapat meningkatkan pengurusan unit PSH yang lebih efektif. Rujukan Google Workspace. (2023, January 3). Sheets. Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti. (2023, Februari 6). Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat. Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti. (2023, Mac 15). Muat Turun Garis Panduan Perlaksanaan Program PSH Kolej Komuniti. Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik & KOlej Komuniti. (2023, Januari 2). PSH Log In. (2023, Februari 15). Apakah itu PSH? Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2023, Januari 3). Google Sheets.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 44 Aplikasi eDeafCom Nurhazawani Yahya1* Shahzan Hafiz Samsudin1 and Jalleh Bin Bokiom1 1 Jabatan Matematik, Sains & Komputer, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia * [email protected] Abstrak Konsep pendidikan untuk semua memberi peluang kepada semua pelajar tanpa mengira umur, jantina, atau bangsa bagi mendapatkan pendidikan yang setara dengan pelajar lain. Namun, terdapat golongan pelajar berkeperluan khas, iaitu bisu pekak yang memerlukan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang sedikit berbeza, iaitu menggunakan bahasa isyarat sebagai medium utama. Oleh itu, eDeafCom adalah sebuah aplikasi mudah alih yang dibangunkan khas untuk pelajar-pelajar ini dalam kursus SBK1021 iaitu Aplikasi Komputer di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Nama eDeafCom ini terdiri daripada beberapa perkataan iaitu "e" merujuk kepada epembelajaran, "Deaf" merujuk kepada pelajar bisu pekak, dan "Comp" merujuk kepada komputer kerana aplikasi ini khusus untuk subjek SBK1021 Aplikasi Komputer. eDeafCom menggunakan konsep visual yang merangkumi video bahasa isyarat, ilustrasi, animasi, nota interaktif, dan kuiz untuk memenuhi keperluan pelajar bekeperluan khas kerana mereka lebih cenderung dengan elemen visual dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Aplikasi ini dibangunkan menggunakan Kondular Apps Inventor yang menghubungkan dengan perisian Google Suite @ G-Suite, PDF serta laman sesawang Youtube dan Quizzes. Rasional inovasi ini dijalankan berdasarkan masalah penurunan hasil pembelajaran kursus CLO 1 dan CLO 3 pada sesi 1 tahun 2021/2022, di mana pelajar-pelajar ini menghadapi kesukaran dalam memahami topik 2 berkaitan dengan lembaran kerja (Microsoft Excel). Pelajar-pelajar berkeperluan khas ini juga menghadapi kesulitan dalam memahami isi kandungan pengajaran dalam waktu yang terhad. Oleh itu, aplikasi eDeafCom dapat membantu mereka dalam dan di luar kelas untuk memahami terminologi komputer dan merangsang kreativiti mereka dalam menyiapkan tugasan. Selain itu, aplikasi eDeafCom ini tidak hanya memberi kemudahan kepada pelajar, akan tetapi juga boleh digunakan oleh pensyarah sebagai medium pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi mereka yang kurang mahir dalam bahasa isyarat. Secara keseluruhannya, respons positif dan impak yang tinggi diterima daripada pelajar berkeperluan khas terhadap aplikasi eDeafCom ini. Keywords: eDeafCom, Pelajar Berkeperluan Khas, Bahasa isyarat, Visual Abstract The concept of inclusive education aims to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity, to receive an education comparable to that of their peers. However, there is a group of students with special needs, specifically those who are deaf and mute, who require a slightly different approach to teaching and learning. These students use sign language as their primary mode of communication. To address the unique needs of these students, a mobile application called eDeafCom was developed specifically for the SBK1021 course, Computer Applications, at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. The name eDeafCom is derived from "e" for e-learning, "Deaf" for deaf-mute students, and "Comp" for computer, indicating its focus on computer applications. eDeafCom utilizes a visual approach, including sign

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 45 language videos, illustrations, animations, interactive notes, and quizzes, to cater to the learning preferences of students with special needs, who often benefit from visual aids. The application was developed using Kondular Apps Inventor and integrates with Google Suite, PDFs, YouTube, and Quizzes websites. This innovation was prompted by a decline in learning outcomes for CLO 1 and CLO 3 courses during the first session of 2021/2022, particularly in understanding topic 2 related to worksheets in Microsoft Excel. Students with special needs also faced challenges in grasping the teaching content within limited time frames. Therefore, eDeafCom aims to assist these students both inside and outside the classroom, helping them understand computer terminology and fostering their creativity in completing assignments. Moreover, eDeafCom is not only beneficial for students but also serves as a teaching and learning tool for lecturers who are less proficient in sign language. Overall, the application has received positive responses and has had a significant impact on students with special needs. Keywords: eDeafCom, Special Needs, Sign Language, Visual Pengenalan Bahasa isyarat merupakan bahasa dan satu cara komunikasi bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah pendengaran (bisu dan pekak) tidak kira peringkat umur. Namun begitu, terdapat juga masyarakat Malaysia yang tidak mahir dalam penggunaan bahasa isyarat (Farah izzati, 2021) malah terdapat guru yang mempunyai kesukaran berkomunikasi dan mengajar kerana kurangnya bahan bantu mengajar di dalam kelas. Selain itu, menurut (Nor shahida baharudin, 2023) kurangnya bahan bantu mengajar menyebabkan guru cenderung menggunakan strategi pengajaran secara konvensional iaitu “chalk and talk”. Dalam perkara ini, kaedah pengajaran guru turut mempengaruhi pemahaman murid dalam memahami mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam dengan mudah. Dalam sesi temubual yang dijalankan, para guru masih cenderung menggunakan strategi pengajaran konvensional dalam PdPc mereka. Banyak kajian turut menunjukkan bahawa terdapat guru-guru Pendidikan Islam yang gemar mengamalkan PdPc secara tradisional, Oleh yang demikian, pelbagai usaha yang perlu dijalankan bagi menjadikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan khas sejajar dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini. Sehubungan dengan itu, dalam kajian ini menggunakan aplikasi mudah alih untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar khas ini serta pensyarah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Permasalahan Kajian Dalam satu kajian yang dijalankan (Halizah Ahmad, 2018) masalah utama dalam kalangan pelajar pekak bisu ini adalah kurangnya tumpuan dan minat terhadap pembelajaran secara konvensional yang mana hanya menggunakan cara menulis dalam buku serta di papan sahaja. Pengajaran secara konvensional ini mampu menyebabkan pelajar mudah bosan dan hilang tumpuan semasa pembelajaran dan pengajaran dalam kelas (Muhammad sofwan, 2021). Tambahan pula, menjadi kesukaran bagi pensyarah yang tidak mampu untuk berbahasa isyarat dengan mereka ini dengan hanya menulis di papan tulis sahaja. Oleh yang demikian, dengan penggunaan teknologi moden sperti tablet dan telefon pintar mampu membantu pelajar-pelajar ini melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan sangat mudah kerana menurut (Norshila roslin, 2021) penggunaan Mobile Learning sebagai bahan bantu pengajaran dalam kelas lebih efektif seterusnya meningkatkan kemahiran guru dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat. Dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran Pendidikan khas ini, teknologi maklumat sangat penting dalam

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 46 penyampaian maklumat secara terus serta memberikan impak yang lebih positif kepada perkembangan pelajar-pelajar ini kerana mereka ini mempunyai kognitif yang rendah malah mempunyai perkembangan social yang tidak normal dari segi penguasaan Bahasa lisan dan sebagainya. Masalah ini juga dapat dilihat jadual 1 berikutan daripada penurunan Course learning Outcome bagi Clo 1, Clo 2 dan Clo 3 semasa semester sesi 1: 2021/2022 dan sesi 2: 2021/2022. Pelbagai inisiatif telah dijalankan kepada pelajar-pelajar khas pekak bisu ini akan tetapi status pencapaian masih tidak mempunyai sebarang perubahan. Oleh yang demikian kajian ini adalah untuk membangunkan aplikasi eDeafcom untuk membantu memudahkan pelajar-pelajar khas pekak bisu dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Selain itu juga, aplikasi eDeafCom ini sebagai bahan bantu mengajar kerana ianya dapat membantu pensyarah yang kurang mahir berbahasa isyarat khususnya dalam bidang aplikasi komputer ini. Jadual 1: Perbandingan Pencapaian Course Learning Outcome (CLO) SBK1021: Aplikasi Komputer CLO SESI 1:2021/2022 SESI 2:2021/2022 STATUS 1: Mengenalpasti asas system komputer (C2, PLO1) 74 72 ↓ 2: Menghasilkan dokumen dalam pelbagai bentuk dengan menggunakan perisian aplikasi computer yang berkaitan (P3, PlO2) 97 80 ↓ 3: Menggunakan internet untuk pencapaian maklumat yang lebih berkesan dan menghasilkan akaun e-mail (P1, PLO6) 98 88 ↓ Deskripsi Produk Inovasi Aplikasi eDeafcom adalah satu aplikasi mudah alih yang dibangunkan khas untuk pelajarpelajar bagi kursus SBK1021: Aplikasi Komputer di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Aplikasi ini menggunakan konsep visual yang merangkumi video bahasa isyarat, ilustrasi, animasi, nota interaktif dan kuiz yang memenuhi keperluan pelajar-pelajar semester 1 kerana mereka ini lebih cenderung dengan komponen visual dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Bagi proses reka bentuk dan pembangunan ini, aplikasi ini lebih interaktif yang mana menggabungkan beberapa elemen multimedia iaitu elemen visual, grafik, teks, video dan animasi yang bersesuaian dengan pelajar-pelajar khas pekak bisu kerana mereka ini terdiri daripada pelajar visual. Aplikasi eDeafCom ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakan Kondular Inventor yang menggabungkan Google Suites@ G-suite software, PDFs, youtube dan Quizzes. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah difahami kerana ianya mempunyai video penterjemah bahasa isyarat bagi memudahkan pelajarpelajar memahami semua istilah dalam kursus Sbk 1021 aplikasi komputer ini.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 47 Rajah 1: Antara Muka depan Aplikasi eDeafCom Impak Inovasi Impak aplikasi ini terbahagi kepada beberapa kategori iaitu impak kepada pelajar, impak kepada institusi dan penulisan serta penerbitan akademik seperti berikut: i. Impak kepada pelajar - Aplikasi ini memainkan peranan penting sebagai sumber nota dan alat bantu pengajaran untuk pelajar-pelajar khas. Selain itu juga, dengan adanya aplikasi ini memberikan kemudahkan penggunaan kepada pelajar-pelajar, membolehkan mereka mengakses nota pengajaran dengan mudah walau di mana sahaja mereka berada secara dalam talian ataupun tidak. ii. Impak kepada penulisan serta penerbitan akademik - Dengan penyertaan dalam persidanganpersidangan ilmiah aplikasi ini dapat hebahan yang dapat meningkatkan pengiktirafan, pengetahuan serta menambah nilai tambah kepada penulisan ilmiah. Hasil daripada penyelidikan ini juga memberikan maklumat berharga untuk membangunkan strategi pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang berkualiti tinggi, malah ya memberikan sumbangan positif kepada pembangunan pendidikan dalam bidang komputer khususnya. iii. Impak kepada insitusi - Aplikasi ini tidak hanya memberi manfaat kepada pelajar di institusi sendiri akan tetapi dapat membantu pelajar-pelajar berkeperluan khas (pekak bisu) di insititusi lain yang juga menawarkan kursus aplikasi komputer. Rajah 2: Responden dapat menyelesaikan latihan yang diberikan

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 48 Rajah 2 menunjukkan 70 peratus responden memilih sangat setuju dapat menyelesaikan latihan SBK1021: Aplikasi Komputer yang diberikan oleh pensyarah dengan mudah berbanding 30 peratus memilih setuju. Dengan ini, aplikasi ini mudah bagi membantu pelajar-pelajar dalam menyelesaikan latihan dengan mudah. Rajah 3: Aplikasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi Berdasarkan rajah 3 menunjukkan 70 peratus responden sangat bersetuju aplikasi eDeafCom ini dapat meningkatkan motivasi dalam subjek SBK1021: Aplikasi komputer ini. Selain itu, 30 peratus responden setuju dengan penyataan tersebut. Rajah 4: Aplikasi dapat meningkatkan kefahaman Rajah 4 menunjukkan 70 peratus responden sangat bersetuju aplikasi eDeafCom ini dapat meningkatkan kefahaman dalam subjek SBK1021: Aplikasi komputer ini berbanding setuju 20 peratus dan 10 peratus tahap sederhana. Selain itu, 30 peratus responden bersetuju yang mana aplikasi ini dapat meningkatkan kefahaman mereka. Kesimpulan Justeru, aplikasi eDeafCom ini sebagai satu alternatif dalam mewujudkan pendidikan yang inklusif, memberikan penekanan kepada keperluan pelajar pekak bisu khususnya dalam kursus Aplikasi Komputer di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Ianya juga menangani permasalahan yang

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 49 dihadapi oleh pelajar-pelajar berkeperluan khas bisu pekak dalam memahami topik yang kompleks seperti Microsoft Excel. Aplikasi ini memudahkan pembelajaran mereka secara fleksibel yang mana boleh digunakan dalam kelas mahupun luar kelas. Hal ini menunjukkan aplikasi eDeafCom mempunyai respons positif dan impak yang tinggi daripada pelajar bekeperluan khas dalam keberkesanan serta meningkatkan kefahaman mereka terhadap terminologi komputer. Tambahan pula, ianya juga mendorong merangsang kreativiti dalam menjalankan tugasan sekaligus menyumbang kepada pembangunan kebolehpasaran pelajar pekak bisu dalam bidang teknologi khasnya. Kejayaan aplikasi ini menjadi satu medium dan contoh positif dalam pelaksanaan teknologi dalam memberikan pendidikan yang inklusif. References Farah izzati, M. H. (2021). Pembangunan Aplikasi Mudah Alih "Pocket Lingua Sign" Untuk Pembelajaran. Journal of Engineering, Technology & Applied Science, 82-95. Halizah Ahmad, Z. T. (2018). Kesan penggunaan Aplikasi Mobil terhadap kemahiran literasi bahasa melayu pelajar pendidikan khas bermasalah pembelajaran. Innovation Teaching and Learning Journal, 1-16. Nor shahida baharudin, A. R. (2023). Analisis Keperluan Pembangunan Aplikasi "E-Ibadah" dalam Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam Murid Ketidakupayaan Pendengaran. Jurnal Pendidikan Bitara UPSI, 15-32. Norshila roslin, n. m. (2021). Penggunaan M-learning sebagai bahan bantu pengajaran dalam kelas pendidikan khas. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and HUmanities (MJSSH), 53-63.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 50 MyOSHA Study.AR Izwanizam bin Yahaya1, *, Anwar Bin Abdullah1 and Nurzaima Binti Mahmod1 1 Kolej Komuniti Segamat 2, Johor, Malaysia *Izwanizam bin Yahaya Abstract The ICT world of multimedia technology and borderless education in line with today's digital development has created various methods and forms of interactive educational approaches. MyOSHA Study.AR is a learning kit at Segamat Community College 2 for students taking the SEE20052 Occupational Safety & Health course. This application is designed in the form of an Augmented Reality application using Blippar software. This product is an augmented reality browser in helping students learn systematically and focused. This app product uses the camera on your smartphone or tablet to recognize real-world images and objects and show digital content right on top of them. The design of this mobile application covers the main topics of the SEE20052 Occupational Safety & Health course syllabus at the community college. Virtual note-taking, video learning and quiz question-solving methods are used in this MyOSHA Study.AR smartphone application. Unlimited fun of maximum user-friendly use by students can be applied with this innovation free of charge. This MyOSHA Study.AR can change the pattern of the digital learning world of 4IR technology in lecture rooms and workshops in interactive multimedia reality. Keywords: safety, health, employment, technology, multimedia Introduction According to the Dictionary of the Language and Literature Council, innovation means something newly introduced such as a new method, system, custom, etc., or the description (action, etc.) of establishing, starting, etc. something new. While according to Everett M. Rogers (1983), innovation is an idea, idea, practice or object/thing that is realized and accepted as something new by a person or group to be adapted. Stephen Robbins (1994) also stated innovation as a new idea that is applied to improve a product or process. Based on some of the definitions mentioned above, it can be concluded that innovation is a method of finding a way to produce a better product or service either through modification or improvement. It is the result of creative and innovative ideas in any aspect of work that can improve the quality and productivity of the organization. These ideas can include any changes in the form of systems and procedures, methods and ways of working or the introduction of technology. The innovation product MyOSHA STUDY KIT.AR is a learning kit for students taking the SEE20052 Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA) course at Segamat Community College 2. This kit covers the main topics of the SEE20052 Occupational Safety & Health course syllabus

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 51 at the Community College. It is a learning kit designed in the form of an Augmented Reality application using Blippar software. The method used in this kit is reading and taking notes virtually in addition to learning videos and quiz questions that test the mind. Therefore, this My OSHA STUDY KIT learning kit can change the learning pattern of 4IR technology in the lecture room in interactive reality. Problem Statement 1. Students find it difficult and lack understanding of learning theory without a clear picture of a topic to be presented. 2. The learning atmosphere is less cheerful in the class and causes students to get bored quickly. 3. There are no special reference materials in permanent and easily accessible storage for notes that students can use in their spare time. Innovation Objective 1. Generation of innovation in education that is more creative in the medium of delivering lectures to students. 2. Develop PdP innovation applications in the lecture room. 3. Used as a Teaching Aid for the SEE20052 Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA) course. 4. As a medium for delivering notes to students and can be used anywhere. Characteristics of Innovation 1. Environmentally friendly learning materials. 2. Use today's smart phone/tablet technology 3. Access to the available software is available globally and free of charge, which is the BLIPPAR application. Mode of Operation 1. Download the BLIPPAR application in the smartphone 2. Scan the QR code provided 3. MyOSHA STUDY display appears on the screen 4. Choice of Notes by topic 5. Contains Quizzes by topic 6. Comprehension/theory question cards

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 52 Figure 1 shows MyOSHA STUDY KIT.AR operation chart for overall product design. The selection menu contains notes, video and quizzes questions. Figure 1: MyOSHA STUDY KIT.AR operation chart

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 53 Figure 2 shown QR code and trigger image for scanning this project. After scanning, the frontpage of introduction will appear with soft of intro music. The selection menu contains of 6 topics of big chapter in OSHA subject. This views by topic as shown in figure 3 based on MyOSHA STUDY framing. Figure 2: MyOSHA STUDY KIT.AR QR code and trigger image for scanning Figure 3: View of MyOSHA STUDY KIT.AR by topic

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 54 Figure 4, figure 5 and figure 6 shown the applications of this project that contains notes, videos and quizzes by Anyflip application and Youtube channel. These applications are also used in the development of this project and help students in using these applications more effectively and smoothly. Figure 4: View by topic containing notes, videos and quizzes yy Figure 5: Notes prepared using the Anyflip application

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 55 Figure 6: Video provided using Youtube Figure 7 and figure 8 shows the design of the cards that have been designed and used by the students in this innovation. These cards cover all the topics for OSHA learning in college. Figure 7: Examples of quiz cards displayed for each topic

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 56 Figure 8: Students use question cards The Effectiveness of Product Use In order to measure the level of effectiveness of using this innovative product, a study was conducted involving 19 students who have used this OSHA application. Figure 9 shown on the effectiveness of this learning kit. 78.9% of students stated that this kit effectively engages the interest in learning OSHA. The continuation of this kit can increase the motivation level of students to learn. Figure 9: Questionnaire on the effectiveness of this learning kit Figure 10 and figure 11 shown on the how saves time and easy to use. Saving study time with the availability of this learning kit makes reading materials organized in one platform that has been prepared. This application is also easy to use by students with an interesting display along with videos and examples of quiz questions.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 57 Figure 10: Questionnaire saves time Figure 11: Evaluation effectiveness questionnaire Impact of Innovation The production of virtual and technological learning materials as an intermediary medium in conveying information to students. Changing learning patterns through interactive reality and blended learning. Specially designed question cards along with videos for OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (OSHA) learning. Design applications that interest students during learning sessions in the classroom during lecture sessions. Introducing the use of Augmented Reality as a new technique in implementing OSHA learning and teaching in colleges. Conclusion MyOSHA STUDY KIT.AR is an educational innovation project that can help students to learn by using today's technology patterns. The appropriateness of technological materials plays an important role in giving the impact of the effectiveness of an innovative product in the field of

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 58 education. MyOSHA Study is also one of the initiatives that can help students focus and enjoy learning in class. References Chu, H. C. (2014). Potential negative effects of mobile learning on students' learning achievement and cognitive load-a format assessment perspective. Educational Technology & Society, 17(1), 332-344. Chu, H. C., Hwang, G. J., Tsai, C. C., & Tseng, J. C. (2010). A two-tier test approach to developing locationaware mobile learning systems for natural science courses. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1618-1627. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2013). Research methods in education. Routledge. Coolican, H. (2014). Research methods and statistics in psychology. Psychology Press. Dunkl A, Jiménez P., (2017). Using smartphone-based applications (apps) in workplace health promotion: the opinion of German and Austrian leaders. J Health informatics journal.;23(1):44–55. Jensen KA, et al., (2020). Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation System-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials – Final technical report Part B. Calibrate. Horizon 2020 grant no. 686239. Karlsen, I.L., Svendsen, P.A. & Abildgaard, J.S., (2022). A review of smartphone applications designed to improve occupational health, safety, and well-being at workplaces. BMC Public Health 22, 1520. Kumar S, Nilsen WJ, Abernethy A, Atienza A, Patrick K, Pavel M, et al., (2013). Mobile health technology evaluation: the mHealth evidence workshop. Am J Prev Med. 2013;45(2):228–36. Ohberg F, Vänn M, Jonzén K, Edström U, Sundström N., (2021). Comparison between two mobile applications measuring shoulder elevation angle–A validity and feasibility study. Med Eng Phys.; 98:1–7. Salanova M, Llorens S, Cifre E., (2023). The dark side of technologies: Technostress among users of information and communication technologies. Int J Psychol.;48(3):422–36.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 59 ProKAPSS Nurmawati binti Bohari1*, Ting Ee Lee1 and Norliza binti Borhan1 1 Kolej Komuniti Sarikei, Sarawak, Malaysia * Nurmawati binti Bohari Abstract Promotion stands as a key marketing strategy for colleges, serving to introduce their course offerings to the public. At both Sarikei Community College (KKSR) and its Sibu Branch (KKSRCS), responsibility for promotions lies jointly with the Promotion Unit members and all lecturers. Despite this, a significant issue arose as colleges had not developed promotional materials aligned with their promotional campaigns. This gap posed a challenge for lecturers, impeding their ability to effectively carry out promotions due to the lack of necessary materials. In response to this challenge, the innovative ProKAPSS promotion kit application was created. It addresses the issue by preventing information delivery gaps during promotional activities. The concept for ProKAPSS emerged when the Promotion Unit identified the need for a centralized platform to collect and coordinate all promotional materials. Functioning as an application with Google Drive as its database, ProKAPSS is application in Android Package Kit (APK) file that can be accessed via QR code. This technological advancement empowers lecturers by providing easy access to promotional materials, reducing preparation time, and enhancing information delivery during promotions. Simultaneously, it grants the public unrestricted access to college information, overcoming temporal and spatial limitations. The adoption of ProKAPSS has proven to be a transformative innovation, significantly influencing the positive management of promotions within colleges, fostering efficiency, and effectiveness. Keywords: promotion, kit, application Introduction Promotion involves taking action to establish connections between educational institutions and the community (Surapati et al., 2020). This includes the creation and provision of educational services by schools to ensure customer satisfaction through the activities they offer (Rahmawati & Trihantoyo, 2021). In the context of community colleges, effective promotion becomes a pivotal method to acquaint the public with these institutions. Without such promotion, the community might remain unaware of the presence of community colleges in Sarikei and Sibu. Therefore, it is crucial to generate and coordinate precise information about community colleges, specifically focusing on Sarikei Community College (KKSR) and its Sibu branch (KKSRCS), to facilitate the promotional efforts of exhibitors or individuals engaged in promotion. Consequently, ProKAPSS is established to streamline college promotion and alleviate the challenges faced by exhibitors without promotional materials. This app serves as an easily accessible platform for obtaining information related to the promotion materials of KKSR and

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 60 KKSRCS, making promotion management more efficient. Users will have access to all necessary promotional materials, and the user-friendly technology allows them to obtain information online or print materials according to their convenience. This integrated approach ensures a smoother and more cohesive process in promoting community colleges. Objectives In an era marked by technological progress, higher learning institutions increasingly rely on digital marketing as a pivotal means to forge connections and interact with prospective students. It is widely acknowledged that digital marketing plays a vital role in attracting students to enroll in academic programmes (Labausa et al., 2023). In light of the prevailing trend in digital marketing, the Promotion unit has taken steps to create ProKAPSS, a mobile application designed to deliver information and connect with potential students to engage them effectively. The creation of ProKAPSS is driven by a set of objectives aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the college's promotional activities. Firstly, ProKAPSS seeks to provide the college with a steady supply of appropriate and up-todate promotional materials. This objective ensures that the promotional endeavors of the college are well-equipped with relevant and timely information, thereby enhancing their impact. Additionally, ProKAPSS is designed to assist lecturers by facilitating the preparation and seamless delivery of information during promotional activities. This objective aims to empower educators, ensuring they have the necessary tools to effectively communicate key details about the college to various audiences. Furthermore, ProKAPSS aims to streamline the coordination and updating of promotional materials through a centralized platform managed by the Promotion Unit. This objective is geared towards overcoming the existing challenges of scattered and limited promotional resources. By consolidating these materials in one accessible location, ProKAPSS ensures consistency and ease of management for the Promotion Unit. Lastly, the creation of ProKAPSS is driven by the objective to provide the public with easy access to college-related information. This user-friendly approach serves to bridge the gap between the college and the community, fostering transparency and accessibility for anyone seeking information about the institution. Problem Statements KKSR and KKSRCS are grappling with a lack of standardized promotional materials, a critical issue that hampers the effective promotion of the institutions. Currently, there are limited and insufficient promotional materials available, exacerbating the challenges faced by promoters in conveying essential information about KKSR and KKSRCS. The absence of standardized materials makes each promotion activity a time-consuming endeavour, as promoters must produce tailored materials, increasing the likelihood of missing important information during these activities. In response to this situation, a crucial step for the Promotion Unit of KKSR would be to address the issue of standardized promotional materials. An innovative solution lies in the introduction of a promotion kit application - ProKAPSS for KKSR and KKSRCS. This application aims to alleviate the challenges faced by promoters by providing a centralized and standardized set of digital materials. Furthermore, the experts' feasibility test suggests that employing a strategy model incorporating digital marketing for promotional efforts during the PPDB at SMK

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 61 Muhammadiyah Lumajang for the academic year 2023-2024 is very likely to be successful. That’s why the Promotion Unit of KKSR has come up with the idea of creating a mobile application for digital marketing (Mayasari et al., 2024). Promoters from both KKSR and KKSRCS can efficiently access the latest details about KKSR and KKSRCS through ProKAPSS, an Android Package Kit (APK) file functioning as an application with Google Drive as its database, enabling seamless file storage, synchronization, and sharing (Ujjainkar, 2022). This approach not only mitigates the time-consuming nature of creating materials for each promotion activity but also reduces the likelihood of missing important information during promotions, ensuring that the conveyed information remains accurate and relevant. Uses and Applications ProKAPSS is a user-friendly Android application, developed using MIT App Inventor 2, that allows individuals to effortlessly explore and access pertinent details about the college. Users can conveniently download the app by scanning a QR code or using an embedded link on their mobile phones, and once installed, they can directly access the information they need. ProKAPSS ensures a seamless experience, making it easy for users to navigate and obtain relevant information about the colleges. Download Application During promotions, the exhibitors will show the public how to download ProKAPSS by displaying the QR code and the embedded link. (Refer Figure 1) Figure 1: Download using QR code or using the embedded link Welcome Screen The welcome screen is the first page of the app that shows pictures and logos of KKSR and KKSRCS. The pictures of the colleges will link to the location of the colleges on Google Map. (Refer Figure 2 and Figure 3)

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 62 Figure 2: Welcome Screen links to the location of Sarikei Community College on Google Map Figure 3: Welcome Screen links to the location of Sibu Branch Sarikei Community College on Google Map Home Screen The "ENTER" button on the welcome screen will link to the home screen of the application. The home screen consists of 8 buttons that links to the E-application form, pictures of student activities, the college video, social media of KKSR and KKSRCS, PowerPoint slides for promotional activities, the banners of three programmes offered at the colleges, brochures, and Contact Us. Figure 4: Home Screen of ProKAPPS

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 63 E-application Form The "E-application form" button will enable users to access the website for admission applications to community colleges in Malaysia via the QR code and the link provided in the file on Google Drive. Figure 5: E-application Form Student Activity Pictures The “Student Activity Pictures” button showcases activities carried out by students from three different programmes: Certificate in Culinary, Certificate in Computer System and Networking, and Certificate in Adventure Tourism. Figure 6: Pictures of student activities

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 64 College Video The "College Video" button allows users to watch videos about KKSR and KKSRCS. There are corporate videos, videos showcasing the three programmes offered at the colleges, and videos highlighting student activities in Vietnam. Figure 7: Videos of student activities Social Media The "Social Media" button enables users to get to know the colleges by accessing the colleges' Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok accounts through the QR code and the link provided in the file on Google Drive. Figure 8: Social Media Colleges

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 65 Promotional Slides The “Promotional Slides” button links to the PowerPoint slides for promotional activities. These slides are useful for exhibitors, especially when they are asked to give talks ad-hoc in front of the public. Figure 9: PowerPoint slides for promotional activities Bunting The “Bunting” button links to the banners of our three programmes on Google Drive. These buntings can be printed out as pull-up banners to display at the booth during promotional activities. Figure 10: Banners of our three programmes

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 66 Brochures The "Brochures" button links to brochures not only about programmes offered in KKSR and KKSRCS colleges but also about programmes offered by other community colleges in Sarawak. Figure 11: Brochures of our three programmes Contact Us The "Contact Us" button will link to a corporate business card that includes the colleges' contact numbers, email addresses, and official websites. Figure 12: Contact Us Card

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 67 Product Impacts Results ProKAPSS, as an application utilizing Google Drive as its platform, has successfully established a unified platform, serving as a centralized hub for standardizing and coordinating all promotional materials. This streamlined approach ensures consistency and coherence across various promotional campaigns and materials. The application's ability to bring together diverse promotional elements onto a single platform enhances the overall branding and messaging strategy, presenting a cohesive image to the audience. Furthermore, ProKAPSS plays a pivotal role in elevating the efficiency of lecturers involved in promotional activities. By providing a user-friendly interface and tools, the application simplifies the process of preparing promotional materials. This increased efficiency not only saves time but also enables lecturers to focus more on the quality and strategic aspects of their promotional efforts. Consequently, the positive impact extends beyond internal processes, contributing to a more effective and impactful engagement with the local communities, thus enhancing the college's visibility and fostering stronger connections with the surrounding areas. A survey was conducted at the education exhibition on the promotion day, involving 40 respondents. The participants comprised 15 citizens, 11 secondary students, 9 KKSR students, and 5 KKSR lecturers. The responses from the questionnaire were grouped into various variables based on the research inquiries. Subsequently, the collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Overall, based on the responses provided by the respondents, the majority reported having a highly satisfying experience using ProKAPPS, with only 5 respondents expressing a simple agreement. They also acknowledged that through ProKAPPS, they gained more information about KKSR and KKSRCS, particularly regarding the programmes offered. Table 1: User of ProKAPPS Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Citizens 15 36.6 37.5 37.5 Secondary students 11 26.8 27.5 65.0 KKSR students 9 22.0 22.5 87.5 KKSR’ lecturers 5 12.2 12.5 100.0 Total 40 97.6 100.0 Missing System 1 2.4 Total 41 100.0 Table 2: Level of satisfaction based on mean score. Mean Score Level 1.00-1.99 Weak 2.00-2.99 Low 3.00-3.99 Moderate 4.00-5.00 High Source: Ngadiman et al. (2019)

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 68 Table 3: User Satisfaction Level on the use of ProKAPPS Research Item Mean Score Satisfaction Level App Function 4.58 High App Design 4.80 High Content 4.85 High Conclusion In conclusion, ProKAPSS stands as a pioneering promotional kit application, marking a significant milestone as the first of its kind created within KKSR and KKSRCS. The journey began with the establishment of a dedicated folder named e-Kit Promotion KKSR and KKSRCS in Google Drive, laying the foundation for compiling promotional materials seamlessly. The evolution of this initiative into the polished and user-friendly application, ProKAPSS, represents a commitment to presenting a more organized and professional image to the public. This transition underscores the colleges' dedication to innovation and efficiency in promotional endeavors, making ProKAPSS an instrumental tool in enhancing engagement, standardizing materials, and fostering connections with both internal and external stakeholders. Future Improvement Aiming for broader accessibility and enhanced user convenience, future improvements for the ProKAPSS application include transitioning it into a downloadable app on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store (Westberg, 2022). This update aims to simplify the installation process, eliminating the need for manual APK file downloads. Additionally, a crucial enhancement involves ensuring cross-platform compatibility, allowing ProKAPSS to be used not only on Android mobile phones but also on iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads. These improvements collectively seek to widen the user base, making ProKAPSS a more versatile and widely accessible tool for promotional activities within the college community. Furthermore, the innovative approach of ProKAPSS can serve as a model for other community colleges, inspiring them to adopt a similar method in creating their own promotional applications to effectively showcase and promote their respective institutions. References Labausa, F. S., Pinca, J. M., & Cruda, N. E. (2023). Investigating Digital Marketing Strategies in Influencing Student Enrollment Decisions in Tertiary Education. Canadian Journal of Business and Information Studies, 5(5), 119–133. Mayasari, E., Susatya, E., & Kuat, T. (2024). Development of a Strategy Model for Promotion of New Student Admissions at Lumajang Muhammadiyah Vocational High School. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 07(01), 483–497. Rahmawati, N. S., & Trihantoyo, S. (2021). Strategi Humas dalam meningkatkan pemasaran sekolah menengah kejuruan dimasa pandemi covid-19 melalui network marketing. Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan, 9(3), 532–550.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 69 Surapati, M. U., Rasyid, A., & Nurjanah. (2020). Strategi Humas Dalam Mempromosikan Sekolah Pekanbaru. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 9, 347–362. Ujjainkar, C. (2022). Comparision Between Google Drive, One Drive and Dropbox. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 10, 49–53. Westberg, M. (2022). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Techniques for Creating Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Techniques for Creating Cross-platform Compatible Software Cross-platform Compatible Software.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 70 Smart Exam: A Cloud-Based Platform for Document Management Hasfazilla Bt Bujang1 , Priscilla Lawrence Avit2 and Mawar Bt Ahmad3 1 Sarikei Community College, Sarawak, Malaysia 2 Santubong Community College, Sarawak, Malaysia 3 Kuching Community College, Sarawak, Malaysia Abstract Smart Exam was developed as a platform to file structured records via cloud-based, improve the effectiveness of accessing information and enhance the collaboration between the end-users of the Examination Unit. Before the Smart Exam platform is developed, the execution of multiple tasks is done through the outmoded method via a hardcopy filling system in which storage is an issue, damage due to unforeseen circumstances, limited collaboration in editing documents, documentation transportation and high cost. Therefore, the objective of the Smart Exam is developed to facilitate the Examination Officers (Sarawak Zone) from various towns or districts towards workload management support, increase productivity, provides data enhancement, reinforce scaling in data and simple integration through the internet. The documents and information contained in the Smart Exam can be accessed at anytime and anywhere using the provided QR Code or URL. Smart Exam will be used as the main reference source that contains all focal information and documents throughout handling the work and activities in the Examination Unit. Apart from that, it can improve the governance practices of Examination Officers approaching the latest management trends of filing documents and collaborations of communicating information. Keywords: Examination unit, management, cloud-based platform Introduction The Community College in Sarawak has seven Community Colleges namely, Kuching Community College, Mas Gading Community College, Miri Community College, Sarikei Community College, Santubong Community College, Betong Community College, and Sibu Branch Community College which offers certificate programmes to provide opportunities for students to pursue their studies in the field of TVET skills. The Examination & Evaluation Unit for the Sarawak Zone plays an important role in planning and managing assessment, evaluation, providing internal guidelines, memos and internal letters, managing, maintaining the question bank or examination data and ensuring the validity, reliability of assessment and assisting in terms of examination data system. Therefore, Smart Exam: A Cloud-Based Platform for Document Management was developed and introduced to facilitate Examination Officers (Sarawak Zone) from various cities or districts towards workload management support, increase productivity, provide data enhancement, strengthen scaling in data and easy integration over the internet. With the availability of Smart Exam: A Cloud-Based Platform for Document

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 71 Management this can help the Examination Officers find the best way to coordinate documentation between the institutions and find the best way of virtual document storage that can be accessed by all Examination and Assessment Officers or Community College Examination Coordinators in Sarawak. Objectives Smart Exam: A Cloud-Based Platform for Document Management was developed as a platform for filing structured records through cloud-based, enhancing the effectiveness of accessing information and enhancing cooperation between end users i.e. the Sarawak Zone Examination and Assessment Unit. Before the Smart Exam platform was developed, the implementation of various tasks was carried out through the old method through a hardcopy filling system where storage was an issue, damage due to unforeseen circumstances, limited cooperation in document editing, transportation of documentation and high costs. Therefore, the objective of Smart Exam was developed to facilitate the Examination Officer (Sarawak Zone) from various cities or districts towards support of workload management, increase productivity, provide data enhancement, strengthen scaling in data and easy integration through the internet. The documents and information contained in Smart Exam can be accessed anytime and anywhere using the QR Code or URL provided. Smart Exam will be used as the main reference source containing all information and focused documents during the work and activities in the Examination and Assessment Unit. In addition, it can improve the governance practices of Examination Officers approaching the latest management trends of document filing and information delivery collaboration. Problem Statement In this algorithm epoch of corporate and organizational world, effectively managing papers is a huge undertaking. The changing needs of contemporary businesses or industries are frequently not adequately met by conventional document management systems. These difficulties consist of but are not restricted to information overload. Due to the rapid expansion of digital content, businesses or industries are finding it increasingly difficult to efficiently store, retrieve, and manage enormous volumes of paper records. Thus, fragmented platforms in which many establishments or institutions store their documents on several platforms, causes inefficiencies, effort duplication, and collaboration issues. Documents in conventional systems could not have strong security safeguards, making them open to hacking or illegal access too. In addition, security concerns are crucial to guarantee the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of important documents. When conventional documents are created collaboratively, they frequently end up in many versions and not trace efficiently, which can lead to confusion and probable mistakes. It's possible that the reports or documents in place are inefficient or laborious. Mobility and accessibility of documents by the Examination officers in Sarawak needs to be access easily as Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia. Documents previously was shared through hardcopy, email, or even through communication applications such as Telegram in which lack organisation, storage, inability to handle mobile or remote access features well enough. Meticulous document management procedures are required to comply with auditspecific legislation and compliance requirements. Conventional systems, however, could not provide the functionality needed to guarantee compliance or expedite the auditing procedure. Scalability of document management requirements rise dramatically with the size of students in institutions such as Sarawak Community Colleges. Pen and Paper or Conventional systems could find it difficult to grow effectively, which could result in operational inefficiencies and

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 72 performance bottlenecks. Therefore, Smart Exam: A Cloud-Based Platform for Document Management was developed and design inclusively to ensures regulatory compliance while providing strong functionality, scalability, security, and user-friendly interfaces. With the implementation of Smart Exam, Sarawak Examination Officers and Sarawak Zone Community Colleges would be able to increase collaboration expedite document workflows, storage issues, reduce security threats, and eventually boost operational efficiency. Uses and Applications Users can download the mobile application using the link (figure 1) or QR code (figure 2) below. For more interactive and easier to access, this application can be added to user smartphone or personal computer. Figure 1: URL Link Figure 2: QR Code Figure 3: Interface design of Smart Exam


INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 74 Product Impacts Results Smart Exam as an efficient platform has successfully applied and proven by all the users. It served lots of benefits obviously in term of standardising documentation management. A survey was conducted which involving 8 respondents. The respondents comprised 5 Examination Officer and 3 Examination Coordinators within Community College for Sarawak state. The questionnaire was grouped into two research inquiries which are effectiveness of access and materials in Smart Exam and identify the impact of application on users' knowledge. Feedback questionnaire consists of 15 questions and placed in 2 A and B categories that have 9 and 6 questions, respectively. The data is calculated by each question and mixed categories. In which, finding the average points given to the respondents. Next, the mean score is calculated by taking the sum of each category and divided by the number of questions. Overall, based on the responses provided by the respondents, the majority reported having a highly satisfying experience using Smart Exam. Table 1: User of Smart Exam Qty. Examination Officers 5 Examination Coordinators 3 Total 8 Table 2: Level of satisfaction based on mean score. Source: Ngadiment et al. (2019) Mean score Level 1.00-1.99 Weak 2.00-2.99 Low 3.00-3.99 Moderate 4.00-5.00 Quality Table 3 : User Satisfaction Lever on the use of Smart Exam Category (Research Item) Mean score Level a) Effectiveness of access and materials in Smart Exam 4.64 Quality b) Identify the impact of application on users' knowledge 4.56 Quality Conclusion In conclusion, Smart Exam is a platform to encourage workload management support, increase productivity, provide data enhancement, strengthen scaling in data and easy integration online or offline. The notion of using cloud-based document management was due to dissimilarity and inefficiency in producing documents by Sarawak Community College Examination & Assessment officers. In addition, redundancy, and lack of unity in collaborations of notion when

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 75 it comes to planning and writing letters, memos, or data integrations. In results, backlog of task and sharing of innovations. In retrospective, Smart Exam has enhanced scalability, modular and (or) collaborations among the Examination and Assessment officers within Sarawak. This initiative is to be further improved and adopted by Community College of other zones or states. Future Improvement Data storing in cloud makes it easier to share information. Cloud-based data allow users to introduce communication connection in a meticulous and seamless manner to a system resource (R. K, S. S, S. A. Supriya J and S. M, 2023). Smart Exam: A Cloud-Based Platform for Document Management is used by all Examination Officers (Sarawak Zone) as a reference in implementing all the tasks. However, with cloud offerings like Google Drive, we need to deal with more safety issues such as loss of control of sensitive data (Fadhil, I. S. M., Nizar, N. B. M., & Rostam, R. J., 2023). Therefore, future improvement on the security measures taken by the Examination and Assessment Unit (Sarawak Zone) is to further implement a combination of technical controls, best practices, and policies to protect data from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats. Implementing Strong Authentication Mechanisms or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on every downloaded document and to add an extra layer of security; beyond passwords are methods such as stamps, biometric authentication or even purchased token-based authentication (Baafi, B., 2022). In which, the Examination and Assessment Unit (Sarawak Zone) has the access to publish or download confidential or nonconfidential documents or with permission from. In hindsight, for the future improvement the sign in button will be added to improve the security of Smart Exam platform. Therefore, link and QR Code is accessible or given to the officers. The interface design of Smart Exam will be updated to make it seamless and user-friendly to find documents. In addition to establish control and loss of data, there is a need to partake and design a website which also functions as an application. Furthermore, future enhancements, such as hybrid cloud configurations, enable redundancy and disaster recovery capabilities by duplicating crucial data and applications across several environments (Olaoye, G., & Luz, A., 2024). This is one of the future trends and emerging technologies in cloud security. In the case of an outage or disaster, Sarawak Zone Community Colleges may immediately transition to alternate infrastructure, reducing downtime and maintaining storage continuity. Interoperability and hybrid cloud solutions will enable Examination Unit from the Sarawak Zone Community Colleges to innovate and accelerate digital transformation productivity. Combining legacy systems with novel cloud services. This integration capitalizes on existing platform; Google Drive while implementing new technologies and adoptive innovation in which is a competitive advantage in the future. References Abdulsalam, Y. S. (2021). Security and privacy in cloud computing: technical review. Future Internet, 14(1), 11. Akhtar, N., Kerim, B., Perwej, Y., Tiwari, A., & Praveen, S. (2021). A comprehensive overview of privacy and data security for cloud storage. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology. Alam, T. (2020). Cloud Computing And Its Role In The Information. IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI), 108-115.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 76 Bougoulia, E., & Glykas, M. (2023). Knowledge management maturity assessment frameworks: A proposed holistic approach. Knowledge and Process Management, 30(4), 355-386. Chotrani, A. (2023). INFORMATION GOVERNANCE WITHIN CLOUD. International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), 4(02). Fadhil, I. S. M., Nizar, N. B. M., & Rostam, R. J. (2023). Security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Authorea Preprints. Nagarajan, G and Kumar, K.S. (2019). A Security Risk on Data Storage in Cloud based System –Survey . International Journal on Emerging Technologies 10(2), 195-199. Kwatsha, N. (2010). Factors affecting the implementation of an electronic document and records management system (Doctoral dissertation, Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch). Olaoye, G., & Luz, A. (2024). Future trends and emerging technologies in cloud security. Rajeshwaran, K. S. (2023,une). Data Access Control in Cloud Computing. In 2023 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) , (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 77 Dietmate: Your Partner in Diabetes Management Kamaleshwahrran a/l Naidu1, Mohamad Izzat Anis Bin Eusoff1 , Sandhiya a/p Pichan1 , Sitha a/p Gunasegran1 and Syifak Binti Izhar Hisham1 1 Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Pahang, Malaysia *Kamaleshwahrran a/l Naidu Abstract Ranking 6th among causes of death in Malaysia, accounting for 1.8% of mortality in 2022, diabetes presents a significant health challenge demanding accessible solutions. In response, Dietmate emerges as a crucial intervention, empowering individuals at risk, those diagnosed, and the public. By offering culturally relevant, personalized meal plans, telehealth consultations facilitated by doctors, dieticians, and physiotherapists, along with comprehensive educational resources, Dietmate addresses the multifaceted aspects of diabetes management. Emphasizing cost-effectiveness, empowerment, accessibility, prevention, and early detection, Dietmate aims to enhance individual health outcomes. Through effective blood sugar management, weight control, and the reduction of complications risk, Dietmate not only improves individual wellbeing but also alleviates the burden on healthcare systems. By combatting the escalating diabetes epidemic in Malaysia, Dietmate paves the way for a healthier future for all Malaysians, promoting a society where proactive health management becomes the norm. Keywords: Diabetes management, Telehealth consultations, Personalized meal plans, Health empowerment, Preventive healthcare Introduction Diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, poses a significant public health challenge worldwide, and Malaysia is no exception. As the sixth leading cause of death in the country, diabetes accounted for 1.8% of mortality in 2022, highlighting the urgent need for effective interventions to combat this escalating health crisis. In response to this pressing issue, Dietmate emerges as a pioneering solution, offering a comprehensive approach to diabetes management that empowers individuals, enhances accessibility to care, and promotes preventive measures. At the heart of Dietmate lies a commitment to addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with diabetes management. Recognizing the diverse needs of individuals at risk, those diagnosed, and the wider community, Dietmate adopts a holistic approach that integrates dietary guidance, telehealth consultations, and educational resources to support users on their journey towards improved health outcomes. One of the key features of Dietmate is its provision of culturally relevant and personalized meal plans. Understanding the cultural and dietary preferences of users is essential for promoting adherence to dietary recommendations and facilitating long-term behaviour change. Through a

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 78 user-friendly interface, Dietmate enables individuals to input their dietary preferences, health goals, and medical history, allowing the platform to generate tailored meal plans that are not only nutritious but also aligned with users' cultural backgrounds and lifestyle choices. In addition to dietary guidance, Dietmate offers telehealth consultations with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, dieticians, and physiotherapists. Telehealth consultations provide users with convenient access to expert advice and support, regardless of their geographical location or mobility constraints. Whether seeking guidance on meal planning, medication management, or exercise recommendations, users can engage in real-time consultations with healthcare professionals through Dietmate's secure and user-friendly telehealth platform. Central to Dietmate's mission is its commitment to empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. In line with this objective, the platform provides comprehensive educational resources that empower users with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their health. From articles and videos on diabetes management to interactive modules on healthy eating and physical activity, Dietmate equips users with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of diabetes self-management confidently. Moreover, Dietmate prioritizes cost-effectiveness, accessibility, and scalability to ensure that its benefits are accessible to all segments of the population, including those with limited financial resources or healthcare infrastructure. By leveraging digital technologies and innovative approaches, Dietmate seeks to democratize access to quality diabetes care, ultimately reducing disparities in health outcomes and improving the overall well-being of individuals and communities affected by diabetes. In summary, Dietmate represents a paradigm shift in diabetes management, offering a comprehensive and user-centric approach that integrates dietary guidance, telehealth consultations, and educational resources to empower individuals, enhance accessibility to care, and promote preventive measures. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, Dietmate aims to revolutionize the way diabetes is managed, paving the way for a healthier and more equitable future for all Malaysians.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 79 Figure 1: Statistic of cause of death in Malaysia 2022. Source: (Department of Statistics Malaysia) Customer needs and pain points in Diabetes Management One of the primary customer needs in diabetes management is effective control of blood sugar levels, especially in individuals with comorbidities such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular risks. Managing diabetes alongside these additional health conditions presents a significant challenge for individuals, as fluctuations in blood sugar levels can exacerbate existing health issues and increase the risk of complications. The pain point here lies in the difficulty of achieving optimal blood sugar control while simultaneously addressing other health concerns. This creates a pressing need for comprehensive diabetes management solutions that can effectively address the complex needs of individuals with comorbidities, offering personalized guidance and support to optimize health outcomes. Another critical customer need is access to affordable and accessible healthcare services. Financial constraints and limited access to healthcare facilities pose significant barriers to individuals seeking timely and comprehensive diabetes care. Many individuals may struggle to afford essential medications, regular check-ups, and specialized treatments, leading to suboptimal management of their condition and increased risk of complications. The pain point here lies in the inability to access necessary healthcare services due to financial limitations or geographic constraints. Addressing this need requires innovative solutions that prioritize affordability and accessibility, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status or location, can access the care they need to effectively manage their diabetes.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 80 Furthermore, there is a growing need for knowledge and empowerment among individuals with diabetes to take an active role in self-management. Many individuals face a lack of reliable information and personalized guidance on understanding and managing their diabetes effectively. This lack of knowledge can lead to confusion, frustration, and ultimately, poor health outcomes. The pain point here lies in the absence of accessible resources and support systems to empower individuals with the information and skills they need to make informed decisions about their health. Addressing this need requires educational interventions and support programs that provide tailored information, practical guidance, and ongoing support to individuals with diabetes, empowering them to take control of their health and well-being. In summary, effective diabetes management requires addressing a range of customer needs and pain points, including the need for personalized guidance in managing comorbidities, access to affordable and accessible healthcare services, and knowledge empowerment for selfmanagement. By understanding and addressing these needs, innovative solutions like Dietmate can play a crucial role in empowering individuals with diabetes to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Problem Statement The problem statement underscores the formidable challenges confronting individuals with diabetes in Malaysia. With diabetes ranking as the sixth leading cause of death, urgent attention is required to enhance management approaches and accessibility to care. Compounding this issue, almost half of Malaysia's diabetic population also grapples with high blood pressure, significantly elevating the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Access to healthcare services poses a considerable obstacle, with financial constraints, transportation limitations, and educational gaps impeding individuals' ability to seek necessary medical support. Particularly affecting low and middle-income Malaysians, financial barriers exacerbate healthcare hurdles, hindering effective diabetes management. These challenges collectively emphasize the critical necessity for comprehensive, accessible solutions to alleviate the burden of diabetes and improve health outcomes in Malaysia. Solution The solution being offered encompasses a multifaceted approach to addressing the challenges of diabetes management, tailored specifically to the needs of individuals in Malaysia. Firstly, through the implementation of a personalized meal planning feature within Dietmate, users will benefit from customized meal plans that consider their unique health goals, preferences, and nutritional requirements. This personalized approach aims to facilitate healthier eating habits and support users in achieving their desired health outcomes. Secondly, by integrating appointment booking and scheduling functionality, Dietmate streamlines the process for users to book consultations with healthcare professionals. This feature not only improves accessibility to healthcare services but also ensures timely access to the necessary support and guidance for managing diabetes effectively. Additionally, the inclusion of telehealth services within Dietmate enables users to engage in virtual consultations with healthcare professionals, further enhancing accessibility and convenience. Through telehealth, users can receive expert advice, support, and guidance from the comfort of their own homes, reducing barriers to healthcare access. Lastly, by providing educational resources on Malaysian diabetes management within Dietmate, users are empowered with comprehensive information and

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 81 guidance to effectively self-manage their condition. These resources aim to equip users with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their health and engage in proactive self-care practices. Overall, this integrated approach aims to empower individuals with the tools, resources, and support necessary to effectively manage their diabetes and improve their overall health and well-being. Uses and Applications The uses and applications of Dietmate encompass a comprehensive suite of features designed to support individuals in effectively managing their diabetes. Through personalized meal planning, users can collaborate with registered dieticians to create customized meal plans tailored to their specific dietary preferences, health goals, and nutritional requirements. Additionally, Dietmate facilitates seamless appointment booking and scheduling, enabling users to schedule consultations with healthcare professionals directly within the platform, thus streamlining access to medical support. The integration of telehealth services further enhances accessibility by allowing users to engage in virtual consultations with healthcare professionals, fostering timely and convenient access to expert advice and guidance. Furthermore, Dietmate serves as a valuable educational resource, providing users with access to a wealth of information on diabetes management, diet, exercise, medication adherence, and other relevant topics. Users can track and analyse various health metrics, such as blood sugar levels and diet adherence, within the platform, facilitating personalized recommendations and goal setting. In addition to the comprehensive educational resources provided by Dietmate, users also have access to specialized education on Malaysian diabetes cuisine. This includes information on traditional Malaysian dishes, ingredients, and cooking methods, tailored to align with diabetes management principles. By offering specific education on Malaysian diabetes cuisine, Dietmate ensures that users have the knowledge and skills to make informed food choices that support their diabetes management goals within the context of their cultural preferences and dietary traditions. Product Impacts and Benefits Dietmate offers a comprehensive array of product impacts and benefits that contribute significantly to the landscape of diabetes management. One of the primary impacts of Dietmate lies in its role in preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) associated with diabetes, such as heart disease, kidney issues, and stroke. By promoting healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and medication adherence, Dietmate empowers users to mitigate their risk factors for developing these NCDs, ultimately promoting better overall health and well-being. This impact aligns closely with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) - Good Health and Well-being, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. Dietmate facilitates early detection and diagnosis of health issues related to diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy. Through tools for monitoring health metrics and access to telehealth consultations, individuals can identify potential complications at their earliest stages, enabling timely interventions and treatment, thus improving health outcomes, and enhancing the quality of life for users. This impact also supports SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being, by reducing morbidity and mortality rates associated with chronic diseases through early detection and intervention.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 82 Dietmate stands out for its inclusivity, ensuring that all users, regardless of their location, economic status, or physical ability, can benefit from its services. Leveraging digital technology, Dietmate overcomes geographical barriers to healthcare access, allowing individuals from remote or underserved areas to access vital resources and support for managing their diabetes. This commitment to accessibility promotes inclusivity and equal access to healthcare services, aligning closely with Sustainable Development Goal 10 (SDG 10) - Reduced Inequalities, by reducing healthcare disparities and promoting inclusivity within society. A key advantage of Dietmate is its cost-effectiveness, offering a more affordable alternative to traditional, in-person healthcare methods. Through telehealth services and remote monitoring capabilities, Dietmate minimizes the need for costly clinic visits and medical consultations, reducing financial burdens for users and healthcare systems alike. This cost-effective approach fosters partnerships within the healthcare ecosystem and supports Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG 17) - Partnerships for the Goals, by promoting multi-stakeholder engagement for sustainable development and improving healthcare efficiency and affordability. Each of these impacts’ underscores Dietmate's commitment to driving positive change in healthcare delivery and its alignment with global sustainability goals. By empowering individuals to effectively manage their diabetes and prevent complications, Dietmate plays a crucial role in advancing health outcomes and promoting sustainable development worldwide. Conclusion In summary, Dietmate represents a groundbreaking innovation in diabetes management, as evidenced by its multifaceted impacts. Through personalized meal planning, telehealth services, educational resources, and accessibility measures, Dietmate can improve health outcomes for individuals with diabetes. Notably, the platform's emphasis on prevention, early detection, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness aligns seamlessly with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 10, and 17. These impacts underscore Dietmate's effectiveness in addressing the complex challenges of diabetes care and its potential to transform healthcare delivery on a global scale. Overall, the findings demonstrate Dietmate's efficacy in empowering users, reducing healthcare disparities, and promoting sustainable development, marking a significant milestone in the fight against diabetes. Future Improvement In the realm of diabetes management, continuous innovation is paramount to addressing the dynamic needs of individuals living with this chronic condition. Dietmate, among the array of existing digital platforms, stands as a promising solution offering personalized support and resources to users. Looking ahead, several avenues for future improvement emerge, each poised to elevate Dietmate's efficacy in facilitating diabetes management. Integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies holds promise in revolutionizing user experience through personalized data analysis and real-time support mechanisms. Gamification, another innovative approach, can inject elements of motivation and engagement into the platform, fostering sustained adherence to healthy behaviours. Furthermore, the implementation of an offline reporting feature would cater to users in low-connectivity settings, ensuring accessibility and privacy. Integrating wearable devices, such as smartwatches and glucose monitors, could augment Dietmate's capabilities by providing real-time health data for informed decisionmaking. Embracing these forward-thinking strategies not only signifies Dietmate's commitment

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 83 to user-centric care but also underscores its potential to shape the future landscape of diabetes management, driving positive health outcomes and enhancing quality of life for individuals affected by this condition. References Alian, S., Li, J., & Pandey, V. (2018). A Personalized Recommendation System to Support Diabetes Self-Management for American Indians. IEEE Access, 6, 73041-73051. Casas, L.A., Alarcón, J., Urbano, A. et al. Telemedicine for the management of diabetic patients in a high-complexity Latin American hospital. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 314 (2023). de Kreutzenberg SV. Telemedicine for the Clinical Management of Diabetes; Implications and Considerations After COVID-19 Experience. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2022 Jul;29(4):319-326. doi: 10.1007/s40292-022-00524-7. Epub 2022 May 17. PMID: 35579849; PMCID: PMC9111950. Desveaux L, Shaw J, Saragosa M, Soobiah C, Marani H, Hensel J, Agarwal P, Onabajo N, Bhatia RS, Jeffs L. A Mobile App to Improve Self-Management of Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: Qualitative Realist Evaluation. J Med Internet Res. 2018 Mar 16;20(3):e81. doi: 10.2196/jmir.8712. PMID: 29549070; PMCID: PMC5878364. Dhediya R, Chadha M, Bhattacharya AD, Godbole S, Godbole S. Role of Telemedicine in Diabetes Management. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2023;17(3):775- 781. doi:10.1177/19322968221081133 G, A.D., S, S., Sudhakar, A.J., & K, K. (2023). A Comprehensive Web Application for Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction with Cuisine-Centric Diet Recommendation. 2023 International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems (ICSSAS), 891-896. Ju, Hsiao-Hui DNP, RN, FNP-BC. Using telehealth for diabetes self-management in underserved populations. The Nurse Practitioner 45(11):p 26-33, November 2020. | DOI: 10.1097/01.NPR.0000718492.44183.87 Kesavadev, J., Mohan, V. Reducing the Cost of Diabetes Care with Telemedicine, Smartphone, and Home Monitoring. J Indian Inst Sci 103, 231–242 (2023) Lee, S.W.H., Chan, C.K.Y., Chua, S.S. et al. Comparative effectiveness of telemedicine strategies on type 2 diabetes management: A systematic review and network metaanalysis. Sci Rep 7, 12680 (2017). Lokuge, C., & Ganegoda, G.U. (2021). Implementation of a personalized and healthy meal recommender system in aid to achieve user fitness goals. 2021 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE), 4, 84-93.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 84 Santos, D.S., Batistelli, C.R.S., Lara, M.M.S. et al. The effectiveness of the use of telehealth programs in the care of individuals with hypertension and, or diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetol Metab Syndr 14, 76 (2022) Zadeh, M.S., Li, J., & Alian, S. (2019). Personalized Meal Planning for Diabetic Patients Using a Multi-Criteria Decision- Making Approach. 2019 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), 1-6. Zakariah N, Chandran A. National Diabetes Registry Report 2020. ResearchGate. Putrajaya, Malaysia. Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia; Aug 2021. ort_2020

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 85 IoT-Based Smart Rack Monitoring System Suzi Seroja Sarnin1*, Mohd Rizal Dohad1 , Mohd Nor Md Tan1 and Wan Norsyafizan W Muhamad1 1 School of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia *[email protected] Abstract Real-time monitoring system is essential in inventory management to ensure accurate stock levels and prevent issues like stockouts and misplaced item on the rack. These issues give huge impact on the retailer reputation, lower profitability, and cause consumer unhappiness. The smart rack system is introduced to monitor the stockouts and misplaced item on the racks and identify any discrepancies and notify retailer, allowing them to promptly take immediate actions. Arduino Uno is utilized as a microcontroller, working in conjunction with a weight sensor to measure the weight of items on the rack. The Arduino Uno is responsible for processing the data from the sensor and transmitting it to the Blynk application through NodeMCU microcontroller and displays it to the retailers, allowing them to monitor the inventory status in real-time. This system improves operational efficiency and enhances the customer experience, indirectly contributes to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and a positive brand image. The proposed system has the opportunities to generate additional revenue streams which include offering maintenance and support services, providing data analytics and consulting services, or integrating the system with other retail management solutions. These value-added services can contribute to the overall profitability of the smart rack monitoring system. Keywords: Smart Shelf, Stockout, Misplaced item, Arduino Uno, NodeMCU. Introduction In 2018, there were an estimated 22 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices in use worldwide, according to [17]. According to predictions by Cisco [5] and Texas Instruments [16], the amount is predicted to decrease in 2020 as a result of the economic downturn brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, but it will increase in 2021 and reach 50 billion by 2030. The Internet of Things is forecasted to revolutionise how people live, work, and play with an approximately threefold rise in its growth. IoT is the term used to describe a vast network of gadgets that have embedded technology that enables them to connect and communicate with other gadgets and people remotely and in real time through the internet [19][20]. Although there is not even a single, official definition of the Internet of Things, several standards organisations have offered definitions of the word. "The aim is that IoT would connect items around us (electronic, electrical, non-electrical) to allow seamless communication and contextual services given by them," the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) claimed in [15]. The situation of running out-of-stock or lack-of-stock of goods on the

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 86 shelves can result in the dissatisfaction of buyers and indirectly affect the reputation of a retailer or supermarket [1][4][5]. Retailer staff frequently contribute to this problem by failing to anticipate when they will run out of stock on the shelves or by being unable to add more stocks. According to Zebra Technologies' 13th annual Global Shopper Survey [2], 75 percent of millennial customers and 53 percent of Gen X shoppers would leave a store without making a purchase due to OOS and instead purchase the item online. Following a survey of over 4800 shoppers and 1500 retail professionals from around the world, Zebra Technologies discovered that both retailers and shoppers are disappointed by OOS situations, with 43 percent of retail associates identifying it as the leading cause of customer frustration, and 39 percent of shoppers leaving the store without making a purchase as a result of the issue. According to [6]-[9], buyers will feel frustrated when the desired items run out of stock especially the highly preferred items and the buyer will leave the store and go to another store. This indirectly, the shopkeeper will lose customers and suffer losses. According to a Panasonic poll, 31% of customers buy from other stores when products go out of stock. According to a 2018 IHL analysis, shoppers encounter OOS on one out of every three shopping journeys, resulting in a $1 trillion loss in revenue for businesses [1]. Additional inventory and in-store labour are both viable choices, but they are both pricey and may not entirely address the issues. Improving the way on-shelf availability is evaluated and controlled in the retail industry is a less expensive approach [10][11]. With OOS as the primary objective, a number of methods have been presented to address the issue. Aside from the out-of-stock problem that most retailers experience, another issue that less responsible customer frequently encounter is taking stuff from one shelf and placing them on another shelf that they eventually decide not to buy. Former supermarket assistant Joanne Archer of Expert Home Tips told Insider that it really irritates staff when customers leave items strewn about the store [3]. Methodology The Smart Shelf Monitoring System is made up of two parts: hardware and software [12]- [14][18]. The hardware refers to the shelf as well as its various components, such as weight sensors, the Arduino Uno board, the liquid crystal display (LCD), light emitting diode (LED), buzzer and the NodeMCU Module. Software, on the other hand, refers to the intelligent system that will visualise, analyse, and act on sensor data. They work together to ensure that the Smart Shelf Monitoring System functions properly and accurately measures the weight of the load as shown in the block diagram in Figure 1.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 87 Figure 1: Block diagram of the Smart Shelf Monitoring System The weight sensor acts as an input which detects the quantity of items on the shelf. The information obtained will be sent to the Arduino Uno board. At this stage, the Arduino Uno that receives the information from the weight sensor will be processed based on the specified and programmed resolution. All information that has been processed will be sent to two parts of the output. At output 1, the number of recent items on the shelf will be displayed on the LCD. WiFi system connection is not required on output 1. For output 2, the NodeMCU Module is required to activate Wi-Fi to send the processed information to the smartphone device. The complete circuit diagram for the Smart Shelf Monitoring System is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Circuit diagram of the Smart Shelf Monitoring System Table 1 lists the names and functions of each component based on Figure 2 used in completing of the Smart Shelf Monitoring System.

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 88 Table 1: Smart Shelf Monitoring System components and their functions Component/ Hardware Name Function (A) 5kg Weight Sensor 5kg weight sensor or load cell - are specifically shaped metal parts that have a strain gauges glue to them. The strain gauges are resistors that change their resistance when they are bent. When the metal part bends, the resistance of the load cell change (the HX711 measures this small change in resistance accurately) (B) XFW-HX711 Amplifier HX711 on breakout board – The microchip is specially made for amplifying the signals from load cells and plug into this board and the board tells the Arduino UNO what the load cells measure. (C) NodeMCU Module NodeMCU Module is required to activate Wi-Fi to send the processed information to the smartphone device. (D) Arduino UNO The Arduino UNO microcontrollers and NodeMCU Modules are the main are the main controller that host the cloud server and perform the necessary actions. (E) LCD The LCD intended to display the current state of the shelf whether the stock is full, depleted or out-of-stock (F) LED The LED is intended to display a signal by flashing when stocks have run out or are out-of-stock (G) Buzzer The buzzer is intended to emit a sound signal when the stock has run out or run out-of-stock Figure 3 presents the complete hardware implementation of the Arduino Uno board, NodeMCU Module, XFW-HX711 Amplifier, LCD, LED and buzzer. The 5kg Weight Sensor is attached to a breadboard via XFW-HX711 Amplifier and the wires are used to connect them from the breadboard to the Arduino Uno board pins. The breadboard allows power (voltage) to flow through from the laptop to the Arduino Uno and to the weight sensor. The weight sensor can detect the object by displaying result at the LCD. Figure 3: Hardware implementation of the Smart Shelf Monitoring System Figure 4 shows a flowchart for the Smart Shelf Monitoring System. This flowchart describes in detail the process flow for both situations, namely managing shortages and running out of stock on the shelf and detecting the presence of other items other than the items specified on the shelf (misplaced items).

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 89 Start Read the output value from Weight Sensor to Arduino Uno Use NodeMCU to send data wirelessly to Internet/ Blynk Cloud; Blynk Device; Smart Phone If Weight ˃ -0.010 && Weight ˂ 0.010 LCD = [Out of Stock Need to Restock!] LED = On BUZZER = On NodeMCU = 0 Else if Weight ˃ -0.297 && Weight ˂ 0.317 LCD = [1 OUT OF 12 Need to Restock!] LED = On BUZZER = On NodeMCU = 1 Else if Weight ˃ -0.594 && Weight ˂ 0.634 LCD = [2 OUT OF 12 Need to Restock!] LED = On BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 2 Else if Weight ˃ -0.891 && Weight ˂ 0.951 LCD = [3 OUT OF 12 Low Stock!] LED = On BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 3 Else if Weight ˃ -1.188 && Weight ˂ 1.268 LCD = [4 OUT OF 12 Low Stock!] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 4 Else if Weight ˃ -1.485 && Weight ˂ 1.585 LCD = [5 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 5 Else if Weight ˃ -1.782 && Weight ˂ 1.902 LCD = [6 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 6 C A B Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Loop Program

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 90 Else if Weight ˃ -2.079 && Weight ˂ 2.219 LCD = [7 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 7 Else if Weight ˃ -2.376 && Weight ˂ 2.536 LCD = [8 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 8 Else if Weight ˃ -2.673 && Weight ˂ 2.853 LCD = [9 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 9 Else if Weight ˃ -2.970 && Weight ˂ 3.170 LCD = [10 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 10 Else if Weight ˃ -3.267 && Weight ˂ 3.487 LCD = [11 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 11 Else if Weight ˃ -3.564 && Weight ˂ 3.804 LCD = [12 OUT OF 12] LED = Off BUZZER = Off NodeMCU = 12 Else Other value than above LCD = [Unknown item detected!] LED = On BUZZER = On NodeMCU = 999 C A B Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Figure 4: Flowchart of the Smart Shelf Monitoring System Table 2 shows the information and notifications that will occur for each different weight on a shelf. It displays the number of cans of Yeo’s brand drinks along with the weight content as well as the margin that has been set when placed on the shelf. The percentage column indicates the current capacity indication of the total number of cans on the shelf expressed in percentage form. LCD display is a device installed to display the actual number of beverage cans that are on the shelf at one time in digital form. LEDs and buzzers are also electronic devices that are installed

INTERNATIONAL BORNEO INNOVATION EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION (IBIEC) 2023 91 to convey information in the form of light and sound. While Smartphone display and Smartphone notify is the information displayed on the smartphone through the Blynk application as shown in Figure 4. All that information will be programmed into the Arduino Uno microprocessor using C++. Table 2. Information and notifications for different weights Numb er of Cans Weight (g) Min. Weigh t (g) Max. Weigh t (g) Availa ble on Shelf (%) LCD Display LED Noti fy Buzze r Notify Smartpho ne Display Smartphon e Notify 12 3684 3564 3804 100 12 out of 12 Off Off 12/12 11 3377 3267 3487 92 11 out of 12 Off Off 11/12 10 3070 2970 3170 83 10 out of 12 Off Off 10/12 9 2763 2673 2853 75 9 out of 12 Off Off 9/12 8 2456 2376 2536 67 8 out of 12 Off Off 8/12 7 2149 2079 2219 58 7 out of 12 Off Off 7/12 6 1842 1782 1902 50 6 out of 12 Off Off 6/12 5 1535 1485 1585 42 5 out of 12 Off Off 5/12 4 1228 1188 1268 33 4 out of 12 Low Stock Off Off 4/12 4 Left Low Stock 3 921 891 951 23 3 out of 12 Need to Restock On Off 3/12 3 Left Low Stock 2 614 594 634 17 2 out of 12 Need to Restock On Off 2/12 2 Left Need to Restock 1 307 297 317 8 1 out of 12 Need to Restock On On 1/12 1 Left Need to Restock 0 0 0 0 0 Out of Stock On On 0/12 Item Out of Stock For example, in this project, it has been set those 12 cans of Yeo’s brand drinks are equivalent to the full quantity for a shelf which is 100 % capacity. The weight of one can of this Yeo’s brand drink is 307 grams. Therefore, the total weight of the number of beverage cans on the shelf can be calculated based on equation (1). So that, the net weight of 12 cans of Yeo’s brand beverage is 3684 grams. ℎ ℎ ℎ = 307 × (1) Where; = ℎ 307 = ℎ Taking into account that there will be a slight difference in weight due to error factors during the manufacturing process on each beverage cans, a margin of ±10 grams is set for each can, then the weight of one can is estimated between 297 grams to 317 grams. This can be expressed based on equation (2). ℎ = (307 ± 10) (2) Where; = ℎ 307 = ℎ 10 = ℎ For situations when stranger items are on the shelf along with beverage cans, we have focused on two important cases. The first case where the weight of the stranger item is not equal to the

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