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Published by Constguide, 2018-11-28 10:46:56

3rd issue


Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D08P205IP 5 X 1.5 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C08P205IP 7 X 1.5 re
D08P207IP 10 X 1.5 rm mm kg/mm 12.1 14.6 13 15.5 13.5
C08P207IP 12 X 1.5 re 15 348.2 12.1 14.6
D08P210IP 14 X 1.5 rm 15.4 360.2 12.1 14.6 16 14 12.5
C08P210IP 19 X 1.5 re 15.9 410.9 12.1 14.6
D08P212IP 24 X 1.5 rm 16.3 425 12.1 14.6 14 13 12
C08P212IP 27 X 1.5 re 18.9 539.4 12.1 14.6
D08P214IP 30 X 1.5 rm 19.5 558.6 12.1 14.6 13 12 11
C08P214IP 32 X 1.5 re 19.3 592.7 12.1 14.6
D08P219IP 37 X 1.5 rm 20 613.6 12.1 14.6 12 11 10.5
C08P219IP 48 X 1.5 re 20.1 565 12.1 14.6
D08P224IP 58 X 1.5 rm 20.8 679.1 12.1 14.6 11 10.5 10
C08P224IP re 21.9 803.5 12.1 14.6
D08P227IP Cross Section rm 22.7 831.5 12.1 14.6 10 9.5 9
C08P227IP Area of re 25.3 986.3 12.1 14.6
D08P230IP rm 26.3 1021.1 12.1 14.6 9.5 9 8.5
C08P230IP Conductor re 25.3 1052.8 12.1 14.6
D08P237IP No. x mm2 rm 26.3 1089.3 12.1 14.6 9 8.5 8
C08P237IP re 26.1 1135.7 12.1 14.6
D08P237IP 5X2 rm 27.1 1174.9 12.1 14.6 8.5 8 7.5
C08P237IP 7X2 re 27 1198 12.1 14.6
D08P248IP 10 X 2 rm 27.9 1233.6 12.1 14.6 8 7 6.5
C08P248IP 12 X 2 re 27.8 1321 12.1 14.6
D08P258IP 14 X 2 rm 28.9 1371.4 12.1 14.6 7.5 6.5 6
C08P258IP 19 X 2 31.4 1653.7 12.1 14.6
24 X 2 shape of 33.2 1753.4 12.1 14.6 7 6 5.5
Product-Code 27 X 2 conductor 34.6 1981.6 12.1 14.6
30 X 2 37.3 2388.7
D09P205IP 32 X 2 re
C09P205IP 37 X 2 rm Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
D09P207IP 48 X 2 re
C09P207IP 58 X 2 rm Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
D09P210IP re ground At 35 OC 35 OC
C09P210IP rm Approx 20 OC 70 OC
D09P212IP re mm Approx. Amp Amp Amp
C09P212IP rm 15.5 ohm/km ohm/km
D09P214IP re 16 kg/mm 22 18 15
C09P214IP rm 16.5 386.3 9.15 10.9
D09P219IP re 17.1 401.3 9.15 10.9 19 16 14
C09P219IP rm 19.7 461 9.15 10.9
D09P224IP re 20.5 478.6 9.15 10.9 18 14 13
C09P224IP rm 20.1 609.7 9.15 10.9
D09P227IP re 21 633.8 9.15 10.9 16.5 13 12
C09P227IP rm 21 674.3 9.15 10.9
D09P230IP re 21.9 700.5 9.15 10.9 15 12 11
C09P230IP rm 22.9 747.8 9.15 10.9
D09P232IP re 23.9 776.6 9.15 10.9 14 11 10.5
C09P232IP rm 26.5 923.8 9.15 10.9
D09P237IP re 27.8 958.8 9.15 10.9 13 10 9.5
C09P237IP rm 26.5 1137.6 9.15 10.9
D09P248IP re 27.8 1181.1 9.15 10.9 12 9.5 9
C09P248IP rm 27.4 1219.8 9.15 10.9
D09P258IP re 28.7 1265.4 9.15 10.9 11 9 8.5
C09P258IP rm 28.3 1319.5 9.15 10.9
29.7 1368.5 9.15 10.9 10.5 8.5 7.5
29.2 1393.4 9.15 10.9
30.7 1446.9 9.15 10.9 10 8 7
33.6 1550.3 9.15 10.9
36.5 1614 9.15 10.9 9.5 7.5 6.5
37.7 1985.3 9.15 10.9
39.6 2391.3 9.15 10.9 976
2672 9.15 10.9
2785.6 9.15 10.9

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

Member Pioneer Holding 51


Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D10P205IP 5 X 2.5 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C10P205IP 7 X 2.5 re
D10P207IP 10 X 2.5 rm mm kg/mm 7.41 8.89 24 20.5 18
C10P207IP 12 X 2.5 re 16 424.4 7.41 8.89
D10P210IP 14 X 2.5 rm 16.6 440.1 7.41 8.89 22 18.5 16
C10P210IP 19 X 2.5 re 17.1 511 7.41 8.89
D10P212IP 24 X 2.5 rm 17.7 529.6 7.41 8.89 20 16.5 14.5
C10P212IP 27 X 2.5 re 20.5 680 7.41 8.89
D10P214IP 30 X 2.5 rm 21.3 705.3 7.41 8.89 18 15.5 13.5
C10P214IP 32 X 2.5 re 21 756 7.41 8.89
D10P219IP 37 X 2.5 rm 21.8 783.4 7.41 8.89 16 14 12
C10P219IP 48 X 2.5 re 21.9 841.4 7.41 8.89
D10P224IP 58 X 2.5 rm 22.8 871.6 7.41 8.89 15 13 11
C10P224IP re 23.9 1046.7 7.41 8.89
D10P227IP Cross Section rm 24.9 1083.4 7.41 8.89 14 12 10.5
C10P227IP Area of re 27.8 1292.1 7.41 8.89
D10P230IP rm 29.1 1337.8 7.41 8.89 13 11 9.5
C10P230IP Conductor re 27.8 1390.4 7.41 8.89
D10P232IP No. x mm2 rm 29.1 1438.3 7.41 8.89 12 10.5 9
C10P232IP re 28.7 1507.4 7.41 8.89
D10P237IP 5X3 rm 30.1 1562.5 7.41 8.89 11.5 10 8.5
C10P237IP 7X3 re 29.7 1595 7.41 8.89
D10P248IP 10 X 3 rm 31.2 1656.5 7.41 8.89 11 9.5 8
C10P248IP 12 X 3 re 30.7 1785.2 7.41 8.89
D10P258IP 14 X 3 rm 32.7 1888.8 7.41 8.89 10 9 7.5
C10P258IP 19 X 3 36.5 2613.5 7.41 8.89
24 X 3 38.4 2717.4 7.41 8.89 9.5 8.5 7
Product-Code 27 X 3 39.6 3054 7.41 8.89
30 X 3 41.6 3174.6
D11P205IP 32 X 3
C11P205IP 37 X 3 Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
D11P207IP 48 X 3
C11P207IP 58 X 3 shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
D11P210IP conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
C11P210IP 20 OC 70 OC
D11P212IP re Approx Approx. Amp Amp Amp
C11P212IP rm ohm/km ohm/km
D11P214IP re mm kg/mm 29 24 22
C11P214IP rm 16.6 462.5 6.1 7.41
D11P219IP re 17.2 478.9 6.1 7.41 25.5 22 19
C11P219IP rm 17.7 561.1 6.1 7.41
D11P224IP re 18.3 580.5 6.1 7.41 24 20 18.5
C11P224IP rm 21.3 750.4 6.1 7.41
D11P227IP re 2.1 776.8 6.1 7.41 22 18 17
C11P227IP rm 21.8 837.7 6.1 7.41
D11P230IP re 2.7 866.4 6.1 7.41 20 16 16
C11P230IP rm 22.7 942.4 6.1 7.41
D11P232IP re 23.7 974.1 6.1 7.41 18 15 14.5
C11P232IP rm 24.9 1179.7 6.1 7.41
D11P237IP re 26 1218.2 6.1 7.41 17 14 13.5
C11P237IP rm 29 1459.5 6.1 7.41
D11P248IP re 30.3 1507.3 6.1 7.41 16.5 13 12.5
C11P248IP rm 29 1574.1 6.1 7.41
D11P258IP re 30.4 1631.1 6.1 7.41 16 12 12
C11P258IP rm 30 1714.6 6.1 7.41
re 31.5 1775.9 6.1 7.41 14 11.5 11
rm 31.1 1818.8 6.1 7.41
re 33.1 1920.3 6.1 7.41 13 11 10
rm 32.6 2076.5 6.1 7.41
re 34.3 2149.8 6.1 7.41 12.5 10 9.5
rm 38.3 2960.2 6.1 7.41
40.2 3070 6.1 7.41 11.5 9.5 9
41.5 3468.2 6.1 7.41
43.7 3595.7 6.1 7.41

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

Member Pioneer Holding



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D12P205IP 5X4 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C12P205IP 7X4 re
D12P207IP 10 X 4 rm mm kg/mm 4.61 5.51 31 25.5 24
C11P207IP 12 X 4 re 18.3 568.5 4.61 5.51
D12P210IP 14 X 4 rm 19.1 592.3 4.61 5.51 28 23 21.5
C12P210IP 19 X 4 re 23.9 787.8 4.61 5.51
D12P212IP 24 X 4 rm 20.5 727.4 4.61 5.51 25 21 19.5
C12P212IP 27 X 4 re 23.9 943.5 4.61 5.51
D12P214IP 30 X 4 rm 25.1 982.3 4.61 5.51 23 19.5 18
C12P214IP 32 X 4 re 24.5 1060.5 4.61 5.51
D12P219IP 37 X 4 rm 25.7 1103 4.61 5.51 20.5 17 16
C12P219IP 48 X 4 re 25.6 1199.7 4.61 5.51
D12P224IP 58 X 4 rm 26.9 1246.8 4.61 5.51 20 16.5 15.5
C12P224IP re 28 1510.1 4.61 5.51
D12P227IP rm 29.6 1574.8 4.61 5.51 19 16 15
C12P227IP re 33.6 1938.7 4.61 5.51
D12P230IP rm 36.8 2351.4 4.61 5.51 18 15 14
C12P230IP re 33.6 2096.9 4.61 5.51
D12P232IP rm 36.8 2513.8 4.61 5.51 16 13 12.5
C12P232IP re 36 3134 4.61 5.51
D12P237IP rm 38.1 2722.9 4.61 5.51 14.5 12 11
C12P237IP re 37.3 3286.6 4.61 5.51
D12P248IP rm 39.5 2882.4 4.61 5.51 13.5 11.5 10.5
C12P248IP re 38.7 3600.1 4.61 5.51
D12P258IP rm 41 3207.4 4.61 5.51 13 11 10
C12P258IP 43.5 3798.8 4.61 5.51
16.2 3963.8 4.61 5.51 12 10.5 9.5
47.4 4472.5 4.61 5.51
50.3 4665.1

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

Member Pioneer Holding 53


Stranded Copper Conductors

CONTROL CABLES PStVraCnidnesudlaCteodpp, eCroCpopnedr utacptoersscreened and PVC
CONTROL CABLES sPhVeCatinhseudlattoedIEC, C6o0p50p2er tape screened and PVC
0sh.6e/a1tKhVed to IEC 60502

0.6/1 KV
Stranded Copper Conductors

CONTROL CABLES PVC insulated , Copper tape screened and PVC
sheathed to IEC 60502
Description 0.6/1 KV
Conductor : Plain annealed stranded copper
P1.la5imn amn2nea2l.e5dmsmtra2nded4 mcomp2per
CSizoensd:uctor : 1P.V5Cm(mp2olyv2in.5ylmcmhl2oride4)mm2 By To obtain
SCizoeres :insulation : PBlVaCck(, pcoolnytvininuyol cushlylonridume b) ered
Description CCoorloerincsoudlaintgion: : By To obtain

Conductor : : IOACOACCISSCCnnccssoaoaouunnrrssdldttbbeeeeeeo1PPBPCCeeiillerer.lmmlVVrnneerraaoo5ssnncggCCsssscprihhbbmniihheonnmmeekpllee((syy::dggam,aaeaaaappticn::ttnw::r2rrtthhooonkhhkgtillasneii::yynn::t:tpvvaegg2iniieldnn.e5u::yydhtollmoeCcusgGCCPPBG=CPC=PlmtshihrcleVVVVlGGaayoooolCCl2oaotCCCCncrrppiihnzzreelr--lidaakppeiydu((((dssSS,eeermeappppCCCCettcdt4wwrrpooooobo)aa)tt--miicllllpaassenbbyyyyofCCttooltppvvvvreemllireieeeTTnrpiiiieeddnnnnbmxxdd2upIIyyyyxxinnhhnttolllleooadd--eedcCCcurggPPuulleshhriihhcco33eelssyrllttllooaauoottrr--thhniirrallneerrll22iieeiiyyddudddpssPPrrmeeaaeee==attppoo,,b))))sssppiieszzooffeooeellriirreeemrr,,bbmmccdddbiiaannlaaybbddlleerrceeoorrassuuttbssaannhhlddppeooeerraawtt ssdditssheeeemmssfccillbberriippllryysBttiiccwyooaannhbb,,evvllneeoollnttwwaaeiiggttchheeeffT,,siiommllslleeaoaarrrssbynnwwtuuaffhhaaineeccnnttuunnrriieennccggeeyysseessaaaarrrryy,,mmeetteerr marking
Sizes : marking
Core insulation
Color coding :
Assembly :
Inner sheath :
Screening :
ApplicationOuter sheath :
PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
ApplicationCables markingF:or o=uGtdizaooCr aabnlde iInnddouostrriiensst=a,lslaizetio,cnasbinledsashmoprt adnedscwripetiolonc,vaotilotangs,ec,monanneucfatincgtusringgnayleinagr,amnedtecromnatrorklinugnits in industry,

Coding : FinorraoGiluwCtad-yoSso,Crina- tnCrdaTfxifnxicd- soPigo3nr-ain2lPsst,ainllathtieornms oinpdoawmepr aanndd hwyedtrolopcoawtioenr ss,tactoionnnse. cting signaling and control units in industry,
iTnherayilwaraeylsa, iidn itnraaffiric, insigdnuacltss,,Iinn tthreenrmchoeps,oinwseter aenl sduphypdorrot pborawcekresttsaotirodnisre. ct in ground, when well protected
Application They are laid in air, in ducts,In trenches, in steel support brackets or direct in ground, when well protected

TFinhoerrayoiluwatradeyolsao, iridnasNietnnorcdama(tfiifoimni2r1inc,4n..d55amiansoli2lgCoda)nrruroeaicFnsalostssst,r,aIidnnllssNNNiCa111712554313211171111512413173feettf24x66x09440x794x7898xx62400024hoorotoecce442211xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiemmo.((r1211.2144.41.222142142.24121ttrn5555eeiio..................rnoomm555555555555555555ii22m11csnnnf44snn....h5555aammtoaainelli22llnCCpsaadso,))orrurrafooTieeNnwhli(massnaaoissc000000000111111110000000000000msestmt........up......................ki000000008888888888888888888888eromnlianaeanetNNaCC)113711541434533711211111131114771151314372237132523211541111311351inslnoa6909469477488x74x96x40x4202x40226006640904207x88074x407x48xx8xx209lsoosoodd224412111424nxxxXxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxun..rr4.2121211122214442.411422.11121224.2124421114.424.21414244..4455555555eepoohd....................................w555555555555555555555555555555555555ssffypesdGohtrrreolot912212121213222811121111111911oaoo111u07129354p7033022627839456bcffTTntCNNorhhhaii((dannoouiiwicc00000000000000000011111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000mmtssncrmmi.....................uu............................................kkro000000000000000000000e88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888gemmknnlliiaannnrneettmaa))tssDiisstoo,tllssRs179711919681112111218119181611uaannc105257644a2408622300octtotietrionndrgninGGaisr(ee.lrrsooA19192212111211222222223111132111211281182121211111111111119911111cc111111uu050517676124533452959o77030330302226622277883399445566t)tnnCC121111111111111i11211211Atn8879997hidd11305000749687836304422nuuigrerrrrgreesirtnngohttDDnuaRR77111711991796911699818111112111111111212111218181199118811661111uuan11517261055121145640447aa22044088662222330000DnccAOldtt(iittaiinPpnn1111111222222232131322m23221122,vmVgpg483948955120640095703776253783ewm..............................rCer763001965203699237000139587312((oaahtAAx),elnel.Crd))n112111111211111111111111111111211112121111111111112AA88887799999977u111133500500000077766483394367833938683334004442222ciiwrrs(toAeWok1112111n11111p244354786665389l965gmNl305062142180et994625355917332050p/p580000010550rei000036953464678046kgoer000007120011ortmhoDDlrxAAtOOu((h.iit)aappe11111111111221112222222222223322113113332222nmm3323222233234421222111vvammpp44833989445898595566042241100000995577003737427776756524873377383ceeismmt.................................................................rreerrs4307466076366819016980t55203230669299293370001701003399558787331221ooaatettxxoi))eellnlld..rrsinpde((AAucWWkk111111221111113111121121212113spp224444453453877866666655338899i965695ggNNf330055006622112111001611488462eet994949656522535399551177333322050005ppy//r55880000000000000001100555500eeii000000y003636935935466464467788004664kkgg.rr00000000000000077112200001111oottmm,hhxxtt..))
VVFoaarlluudeei334fssf078eXxxaa44r4erreenaat ippnppsurroolaxx111tii...imm000onaattaeenaadnnsddhess111uua655bbthjjeeinccgtteemdd111a111ttootennriaoorrlsmmoaa111thll333mmeraatnnhuuaffnaaPcc334Vtt477uu...C468rrii,nnCgguttoostlloee232mrr116aa000e000nnrccheea.. s to specify.

Special Cables Catalogue

For different insulation and sheathing materials other than PVC, Customer has to specify. Special Cables Catalogue
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.


Special Cables Catalogue

CONTROL CABLES intelligent

CONTROL CABLES Stranded Copper Conductors

PVC insulated and PVC sheathed to IEC 60502

0.6/1 KV

Stranded Copper Conductors
Description PVC insulated and PVC sheathed to IEC 60502
0.6/1 KV

Conductor : Plain annealed stranded copper By To obtain
1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2
Sizes : PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Black, continuously numbered
DescriptionCore insulation :

Color coding :

ConductorA: ssemblPyla: in annealCedorsetrsatnwdisetdedcotopgpeetrher to form a round assembly cable with fillers when necessary
Sizes : Inner she1a.5thm:m2 P2V.5Cm(mp2olyv4inmylmC2hloride ) or binder tape By To obtain
Core insulaSticornee: ninPgV:C ( polyviCnyol pcphleorridtaep)e helically applied
Color codinOgu:ter sheBlaatchk:, continPuVoCus(lypnoulymvbineyrlecdhloride )
Assembly :Cables mCaorrkeisntgw:iste=dGtoizgaeCthaebr tleo Ifnodrmusatrireosu=n,dsizaes,sceambblelyscsahbolret dweitshcfriilpletrisown,hveonltanegcee,mssaarnyufacturing year,meter marking
SIncnreeresnhinegat:Ch o: ding PC: VoCpp(eprotlaypvieGnyhCleC-lihcSlaColrliy-dCaepT)xpoxlire-bdPin3d-eUrPtape

PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
ApplicationOuter sheath :
Cables marking : =Giza Cable Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

Coding : GC - SC - CTxx - P3 - UP
For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations, connecting signaling and control units in industry,

ApplicationTinherayilwaraeylsa, iidn traffic signals, in thermo power and hydropower stations. in ground, when well protected
in air, in ducts,In trenches, in steel support brackets or direct

For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations, connecting signaling and control units in industry,

in railways, in traffic signals, in thermo power and hydropower stations.
They are laidsNienocma(tioimirn,namianl2lCda)ruroecsNsaestosc,mI(tniomNiCntnrooamea.rlne2loCcasf)rhroeesaso, fTiNnhi(noiNC75cmssmtuxxkoeom11nlian...ere55tea)oislolssfsnuppoGofTNrrhoit(noiucmbs00mnuCkr..mdn88laiaunecrta)riseoklsnentDtRsuaoctGtrindrgo21ir07(ueAnCcdu)tArirnier ngtDrRou11auc42tntDinAOd(igapm,vmp(ewmreAroahtx)el)el.Ar11ni42r w(AeWkplgNlep/peikgrDortmhAoOx(itap.t11)mvemp12ecm..re57roattex)ell.dr Approx.
200.8 14 14 14 10 11.5 10 210 15.9
5x1.5 100.x81.5 170.8 12 13 12 10 12.7 10 242 16.4 Net

7x1.5 102.x81.5 Weight

10x1.5 104.x81.5 140.8 10 13 10 9 15.9 10 333 17.2 ( kg/km )
12.5x1.5 106.x81.5 130.8 10 12 10 9 16.4 9 382 18.1 242
14x1.5 109.x81.5 130.8 9 11 10 8 17.2 9 434 19.1 382
1.5 16x1.5 204.x81.5 120.8 9 10 9 7 18.1 8 492 22.2 492
19x1.5 300.x81.5 110.8 8 9 9 7 19.1 7 564 23.5 702
24x1.5 4300087...xx88811..55 100.8 79 8 6 22.2 7 702 25.4 1026
30x1.5 50x.28.5 1250
37x1.5 70x.28.5 9 0.8 78 7 6 23.5 6 850 30.0 280
48x1.5 328
5x2.5 9 0.8 6 26 7 18 25.4 20 1026 12.8 456
8 6 6 30.0 1250 528
260.8 18 22 20 16 12.8 17 280 14.1 602
100.x82.5 220.8 16 19 17 13 14.1 14 328 17.7 685
7x2.5 190.8 13 18 14 12 17.7 14 456 18.3 789
102.x82.5 985
10x2.5 1199
180.8 12 17 14 12 18.3 13 528 19.2 1454
212.5x2.5 104.x82.5 1770
2.5 14x2.5 106.x82.5 170.8 12 16 13 11 19.2 12 602 20.2 483
16x2.5 109.x82.5 160.8 11 15 12 10 20.2 12 685 21.3 786
19x2.5 204.x82.5 150.8 10 13 12 9 21.3 10 789 24.9 1028
24x2.5 300.x82.5 130.8 9 12 10 9 24.9 10 985 26.4 1494

30x2.5 307.x82.5 120.8 9 11 10 8 26.4 9 1199 28.5 1835
37x2.5 54001x8...4x8802.5 110.8 8 11 9 8 28.5 9 1454 33.0
48x2.5 71x.40 23194111..00 2315
5x4 110.x04 251.0 8 34 9 24 33.0 26 1770 15.2
7x4 24 29 26 20 15.2 22 412 16.8
10x4 20 22 16.8 483
17 25 19 17 21.3 19 675 21.3
231.0 16 23 18 16 22.1 18 786 22.1
4 142x4 112.x04 221.0 15 22 17 15 23.2 17 901 23.2
211.0 15 21 16 15 24.5 16 1028 24.5
16x4 116.x04

19x4 119.x04 201.0 14 20 15 14 25.9 15 1189 25.9

24x4 214.x04 171.0 12 17 14 12 30.5 14 1494 30.5
30x4 310.x04 161.0 11 16 13 11 32.4 13 1835 32.4
37x4 317.x04 151.0 11 15 12 11 35.2 12 2239 35.2
48X4 418.X04 151.0 11 15 12 11 41.4 12 2315 41.4

VFoarludeifsfearerenatFoipnrpsudroliafxfteiimorenantaetniandnssudhlaesutaibothjneincagtnemddastohteenriaaotrlshmionatghl memratanhtuaefnraiaPclVtsuCori,nthCgeutrosttlohemaranenrPchVea.Cs,tCo uspsteocmifye.r has to specify.
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Special Cables Catalogue
Special Cables Catalogue


intelligent CONTROL CABLES
Stranded Copper Conductors
CONTROL CABLES XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed to IEC 60502-1
0.6/1 KV

Stranded Copper Conductors
Description XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed to IEC 60502-1
0.6/1 KV

Conductor : Plain annealed stranded copper By To obtain
Sizes : 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2
tion Core insulation : XLPE ( Cross linked Polyethylene )
Alternatives : LSOH ( Low smoke zero halogen )
uctor :
Color coding : Black, continuously numbered
nsulation :
atives : PlaAinsasenmnebalyle:d strandeCdocreosptpweisrted together to form a round assembly cable with fillers when necessary
coding : 1.5Omumte2r she2a.t5hm: m2 PV4Cm(mP2olyvinyl chloride )
mbly : XLPAElt(eCrnroastisvleinske: d PolyLeSthOyHle(nLeo)w smoke zero halogen ) By To obtain
sheath :
atives : LSOCHa(bLleoswmsmarokkinegz:ero=hGailzoagCenab) le Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
s marking :
g: BlacCko,dcinognti:nuously numGbCer-eSdC - CTxx - X3 - UP

tion Cores twisted together to form a round assembly cable with fillers when necessary

ALPSpVOCpHl(i(PcLoaolytwvioisnmnylockhelozerirdoeh)alogen )

=GFizoar oCuatbdloeoIrnadnudstrineds o=o,srizien,sctaalblaletios nshsoinrtddaemscpripatniodnw,veotltlaogcea,tmioanns,ucfaocntnuericntginygesaigr,nmaelintegr amnadrkcinogntrol units in industry,

GCin-rSaCilw-aCyT,xixn-trXa3ff-icUsPignals,in thermo power and hydropower stations. They are laid in air, in ducts,In trenches,

in steel support brackets or direct in ground, when well protected

adsuyo,poipnr aotrnratdfbfiircnadcsiogkoenrtasinlsos,ritnadtlilhraeetciromtninos sNigneporcoodm(twuiaominnemnamdrapla,2lCwana)rrdohnesedahsnywdwerNCoetooplllo.rpoecowrsafoettieor csnottsafTeN,hi(tndcoiicmosmouknmnlniansen.ta)isoeTlshncetiyngaGrrseoigulannCdaiudlrirneingntaDaRiuran,ctditinngcdo(unActt)rsAo,iIlrnuntrietsnicnDAOh(iaipnmevmpedsmr,erouatx)sell.trry, Approx.

( kg/km )

5x1.5 0.7 23 16 18 11.0 181

Nominal Cross No. of Nominal 7x1.5 Current Ra0ti.n7g ( A ) 20 Appro1x4. Appro16x. 12.1 206
sectional area Cores Thickness 17 15.1 283
of insulation 10x1.5 0.7 Overa1ll2 Net13 15.6 323
( mm2 ) 16.3 356
( mm ) G1142rxxo11u..55nd Duc00t..77 Air 16 Diamet1e1r Weig1h3t 17.2 413
1.50.7 15 18.1 472
( mm1)0 ( kg/k1m2 ) 21.0 586
5x1.5 0.7 16x213.5 160.7 18 14 11.0 10 18112
7x1.5 0.7 12.1 9 206 11
10x1.5 19x210.5 140.7 16 13 15.1 8 28310

24x117.5 120.7 13 12

12x1.5 0.7 30x116.5 110.7 13 11 15.6 8 323 9 23.2 705
14x1.5 24.0 849
0.7 37x115.5 100.7 12 10 16.3 7 356 9

1.5 16x1.5 0.7 48x114.5 100.7 12 10 17.2 7 413 8 28.2 1050

19x1.5 0.7 5x21.35 9 0.7 11 31 18.1 21 47224 12.2 246

24x1.5 0.7 7x21.25 8 0.7 10 26 21.0 18 58621 13.5 286

30x1.5 0.7 10x121.5 8 0.7 9 22 23.2 15 70518 16.9 396

37x1.5 0.7 12x120.5 7 0.7 9 21 24.0 14 84917 17.5 456
48x1.5 0.7 14x120.5 7 0.7 8 20 28.2 14 105016 18.3 519
5x2.5 2.50.7 12.2 13 19.3 590
7x2.5 16x321.5 210.7 24 19 24615 20.3 678
0.7 13.5 12
19x226.5 180.7 21 18 28614

10x2.5 0.7 24x222.5 150.7 18 15 16.9 11 39613 23.7 846

12x2.5 0.7 30x221.5 140.7 17 15 17.5 10 45612 25.1 1027

2.5 14x2.5 0.7 37x220.5 140.7 16 14 18.3 9 51912 27.1 1234
0.7 48x129.5 130.7 15 13 19.3 9 590 11 31.6 1540

19x2.5 0.7 75xx441158 120.7 14 40 20.3 27 67832 13.6 336
24x2.5 0.7 111402xxx111444453 110.7 13 34 23.7 23 84627 15.0 599
30x2.5 0.7 100.7 12 29 25.1 20 102723 18.9 552
37x2.5 0.7 9 0.7 12 27 27.1 19 123422 19.6 641
48x2.5 4 0.7 9 0.7 11 26 31.6 18 154021 20.6 733

5x4 0.7 16x440 270.7 32 25 13.6 17 33620 21.7 835

7x4 0.7 19x344 230.7 27 23 15.0 16 59919 22.9 965

10x4 0.7 24x249 200.7 23 20 18.9 14 55217 26.8 1207

4 12x4 0.7 30x247 190.7 22 19 19.6 13 64116 28.4 1474

14x4 0.7 37x246 180.7 21 18 20.6 12 73315 30.8 1798

16x4 0.7 48X254 170.7 20 18 21.7 12 83515 36.1 2280

19x4 0.7 23 16 19 22.9 965

24Fxo4 r different0.in7 sulation a2n0d sheath14ing mate1ri7als othe2r 6t.h8an PVC1,2C07ustomer has to specify.

30Vx4alues are a0.p7proximate19and sub1je3cted to 1n6ormal m2a8.n4ufactur1in4g74tolerance.

37x4 0.7 18 12 15 30.8 1798

48X4 0.7 18 12 15 36.1 2280

Special Cables Catalogue

FVoarludeifsfearerenat ipnps5ur8olaxtiimonataenadnsdhesuabthjeincgtemdatotenriaorlsmoathl meratnhuafnaPcVtuCri,nCgutostloemraenrchea. s to specify.

Special Cables Catalogue

CONTROL CABLES intelligent

CONTROL CABLES PVC insulated , Steel wire armored and PVC

CONTROL CABLES sheathed to IEC 60502

Description 0.6/1 KV

PVC insulated , Steel wire armored and PVC
sheathed to IEC 60502
0.6/1 KV

Description Conductor : Plain annealed stranded copper By To obtain
Sizes : 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2
Core insulation : PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )

Color coding : Black, continuously numbered

Conductor : PAlasisneamnbnlyea: led stranCdoeredsctwopispteedr together to form a round assembly cable with fillers when necessary
Sizes : 1I.n5nmermsh2eath2.5 mmP2VC 4( Pmomly2vinyl chloride )
Core insulation : By To obtain
PAVrCmo( rp:olyvinyl chloGridaelv)anized round steel wire

Color coding : BOlauctek,r cshoenatinthuo: usly PnVumCb( eproeldyvinyl chloride )

Assembly : CCoarebsletswmistaerdkintogg:et=hGeriztao CfoarmbleaIrnoduunsdtriaess=e,msizbel,yccaabbleles swhoithrt fdillesrcs rwiphteionn,nveoclteasgsae,rmy anufacturing year,meter marking

Inner sheath PCVoCd(inPgoly: vinyl chloGridCe-)SC - CTxx - P3 - WP

Armor : Galvanized round steel wire
Outer sheath : ApPVpClic( apotilyovninyl chloride )
Cables marking : =Giza Cable Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

Coding : GFCor-oSuCtd-oCoTrxixns-tPa3lla-tWioPn in damp and wet locations, laid direct in the ground, where mechanical damages are

expected to occur. They are normally used in connecting signaling and control units in industry, in railways, in

pplication traffic signals, in thermo power and hydropower stations.

etFroaxprffoeicuctstdeigodnoatrolsin,osinctactlhulaer.trioTmhnoeiynpaodrwaemenrpoarsNanmendocadm(thlilomyiwynnduamearslto2leCalpod)rrooceisnwaas tecioronsNnCtsnao,oe.tlraieoocisdfntinsd.giroesifTgNchi(nonticmsmaiuknmnlliainntetah)isgolsenagnrdoGucrnoodun,nCtdwruorhrleeunrnteDiRtusmacitntiencginh(daAuns)iAtcriyra,l damAapgperosxa. re Approx.
in railwOvaeyras,llin Net

Diameter Weight
( mm ) ( kg/km )

Nominal Cross No. of Nominal 5x1.5 Curren0t.8Rating ( A ) 20 Ap1p5rox. A1p6prox. 15.0 425
sectional area Cores Thickness 7x1.5 0.8 17
O1v3erall 14Net 16.2 478
( mm2 ) of insulation 10x1.5 0.8 14 Dia1m1 eter W12eight 20.3 765
( mm ) 12x1G.5round 0D.8uct A1i3r ( 1k1g/km ) 20.8 826
( m10m )

5x1.5 0.8 14x1.520 0.815 1163 159.0 14125 21.6 900

7x1.5 1.5 0.8 16x1.517 0.813 1142 169.2 14078 22.5 981
19x1.514 0.811
10x1.5 0.8 1121 208.3 7965 24.1 1203

12x1.5 0.8 24x1.513 0.810 1110 207.8 826 27.3 1448

14x1.5 0.8 30x1.513 0.89 119 217.6 9800 28.6 1633

1.5 16x1.5 0.8 37x1.512 0.89 109 226.5 9881 30.6 1872

19x1.5 0.8 48x1.511 0.88 98 246.1 17203 36.0 2500

24x1.5 0.8 5x2.5 10 0.8 7 286 270.3 210448 16.2 517

30x1.5 0.8 7x2.5 9 0.8 7 282 218.6 118633 18.5 714

37x1.5 0.8 10x2.5 9 0.8 6 189 3105.6 115872 22.1 933

48x1.5 0.8 12x2.5 8 0.8 6 178 3164.0 124500 22.6 1017

5x2.5 2.5 0.8 14x2.256 0.820 2107 1164.2 15417 24.2 1240

7x2.5 0.8 16x2.252 0.818 1186 1183.5 17314 25.3 1395

10x2.5 0.8 19x2.159 0.815 1155 2122.1 19233 26.4 1499

12x2.5 0.8 24x2.158 0.814 1143 2121.6 110117 30.1 1827

2.5 14x2.5 0.8 30x2.157 0.814 1142 2140.2 112040 31.6 2085

16x2.5 0.8 37x2.156 0.813 1131 2150.3 113095 33.9 2422

19x2.5 0.8 48x2.155 0.812 1121 269.4 19499 39.9 3180

24x2.5 0.8 5x4 13 11.01 1134 302.18 182287 19.6 822

30x2.5 0.8 7x4 12 11.0 1029 312.64 202845 21.2 937

37x2.5 0.8 10x411 11.0 1025 332.90 242202 26.4 1385

48x2.5 4 0.8 12x411 1.90 923 391.99 311890 27.12 1531
5x4 1.0 14x4 34 1.028
2282 191.96 81292 28.3 1682

7x4 1.0 16x4 29 1.024 2241 21.82 91387 29.7 1851

10x4 1.0 19x4 25 1.020 2200 261.74 13785 31.1 2054

4 12x4 1.0 24x4 23 1.019 1197 271.512 1531 37.1 2789
14x4 1.0 30x4 22 1.019
1196 281.43 16482 39.0 3215

16x4 1.0 37X4 21 1.018 1185 291.37 18351 37.1 4215

19x4 1.0 48x4 20 1.017 1175 311.31 210354 48.7 4890

24x4 1.0 17 15 15 37.1 2789

For3d0xif4ferent insu1l.a0 tion and 1s6heathing1m4 aterials14other tha39n.0PVC, Cu3s2t1o5mer has to specify.

Va3lu7eX4s are app1ro.0ximate an1d5 subjecte13d to norm13al manu37fa.1cturing 4to21le5 rance.

48x4 1.0 15 13 13 48.7 4890

For different insulation and sheathing materials other than PVC, Customer has to specify. Special Cables Catalogue
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Special Cables Catalogue

XLPE insulated, steel wire armored and PVC
sheathed to IEC 60502-1
0.6/1 KV


DescripCtOioNnTROL CABLES XLPE insulated, steel wire armored and PVC
sheathed to IEC 60502-1

Conductor : Plain annealed stranded copper 0.6/1 KV
Sizes : 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2

Core insulation : XLPE ( Cross linked Polyethylene ) By To obtain
Description Alternatives
LSOH ( Low smoke zero halogen )

Color coding : Black, continuously numbered

Conductor : AssemPblalyin: annealeCdosrteras ntwdiestdedcotopgpeetrher to form a round assembly cable with fillers when necessary
Inner s1h.5eamthm2 2P.5VCmm( p2olyv4inmylmch2loride )
Sizes :

Core insulatioAnlt:ernXaLtiPvEes( Cross liLnSkOedH P( oLolywetshmyloekneez)ero halogen ) By To obtain
Alternatives ArmorL:SOH ( Low smGoaklveazneizroedharolougnednst)eel wire
Color codingO: uter Bslhaecakt,hc:ontinuPoVuCsly( pnoulmyvbineyrel cdhloride )
Assembly : AlternCatoivreess twistedLStoOgHe(thLeorwtosmfoormkeazerorounhdalaosgsenm)bly cable with fillers when necessary
Inner sheath CablePsVmCa(rkpinoglyv: in=yGl cizhaloCridaebl)e Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
Alternatives CodinLgSO: H ( Low smGokCe-zSeCro-hCaTlxoxg-eXn3)- WP
Armor :
Galvanized round steel wire
Outer sheaAthp:plicaPtViCon( polyvinyl chloride )
Alternatives LSOH ( Low smoke zero halogen )
Cables markinFogr:ou=tGdoizoar CaandbleindInodoursitnrisetsa=lla,stiizoen,cs ainbdleasmshpoartnddewsceritpltoiocna,tvioonltsa,gceo,nmnaencutifnagctsuigrinnagliynegaar,nmdecteornmtroalrkuinnigts in industry,
Coding : in railwGayCs,-inSCtra- fCficTxsxig-nXa3ls-,WinPthermo power and hydropower stations. They are laid in air, in ducts,In trenches,
in steel support brackets or direct in ground, when well protected.
ApplicationiiFnnorsratoeiluewtladsuyospo,prinaotnrrtdabfifrniacdcsokigoenrtsainolssNrt,eaodicnlmi(ltraiteomihtncnieoamtarnlmi2lnCsa)oirgrnoerpsaodsouawnmdeNCp,roowaa.reonhnsfdednhwyweodetfTNrhloi(lnlooicmppsmcukormnlaoianwettta)iiseooelscnnr tsse,tadcGt.oiornonnusneC.dcTuhrtrieennygtDaRsuiargcettninlaagliid(nAgin)aAanirird,
Approx. Approx.

contOrovleuranllits in inNdeutstry,
in duDciatms,eIntetrrencWheeisg,ht

( mm ) ( kg/km )

5x1.5 0.7 24 17 20 14.5 390

Nominal Cross No. of Nom7ixn1a.5l 0C.7urrent Ratin2g0( A ) 14 Appro1x7. App1ro5.x6. 735
sectional area Cores Thick1n0ex1ss.5 Ne1t9.5 690
of insu1l2axt1io.5n 0.7 17 12 Overa1l4l 745
( mm2 ) Wei1g9h.t9 810
( m1m4x)1.5 Grou00n..77d Duct 16 Air 11 Diame1te4r ( kg/2km0.7)
15 11 ( mm1)3

51x.51.5 01.76x1.5 240.7 17 15 20 10 14.5 12 39021.5 880
7x1.5 01.79x1.5 200.7 14 14 17 10 15.6 12 73522.4 960

10x1.5 02.74x1.5 170.7 12 12 14 8 19.5 10 69026.1 1295

12x1.5 03.70x1.5 160.7 11 11 14 8 19.9 10 74527.3 1450

14x1.5 03.77x1.5 150.7 11 11 13 7 20.7 9 81029.1 1655

1.5 16x1.5 04.78x1.5 150.7 10 10 12 7 21.5 9 88033.9 2040

19x1.5 05.7x2.5 140.7 10 31 12 22 22.4 26 96015.7 475
24x1.5 07.7x2.5 120.7 8 26 10 19 26.1 22 1295 650
30x1.5 01.70x2.5 110.7 8 22 10 16 27.3 19 850
37x1.5 01.72x2.5 110.7 7 21 9 15 29.1 18 145201.3 925
4528x.52x1.5.5 33.9 17 165251.8 1010
7x2.5 01.74x2.5 100.7 7 20 9 14 15.7 16 204202.7 1245
01.76x2.5 310.7 22 19 26 13 47524.4 1355
01.79x2.5 15 65025.4
260.7 19 18 22 12

10x2.5 02.74x2.5 220.7 16 15 19 11 21.3 14 85028.8 1630

12x2.5 03.70x2.5 210.7 15 15 18 10 21.8 13 92530.3 1870

2.5 14x2.5 03.77x2.5 200.7 14 14 17 10 22.7 12 101302.4 2150

16x2.5 04.78x2.5 190.7 13 13 16 9 24.4 12 124358.3 2900

19x2.5 05.7x4 180.7 12 40 15 29 25.4 34 135157.9 710

24x2.5 07.7x4 150.7 11 34 14 25 28.8 29 163109.4 805

30x2.5 01.70x4 150.7 10 29 13 21 30.3 25 187204.0 1190

37x2.5 01.72x4 140.7 10 27 12 19 32.4 24 215204.6 1300
484x2.5 01.74x4 130.7 9 26 12 18 38.3 23 290205.6 1425

5x4 01.76x4 400.7 29 25 34 18 17.9 22 71026.7 1565

7x4 01.79x4 340.7 25 23 29 16 19.4 20 80527.9 1730

10x4 02.74x4 290.7 21 20 25 14 24.0 18 119302.1 2115

4 12x4 03.70x4 270.7 19 19 24 14 24.6 17 130303.8 2440
14x4 03.77x4 260.7 18 18 23 13 25.6 16 142357.4 3120

16x4 04.78X4 250.7 18 18 22 13 26.7 16 156452.6 3785

19x4 0.7 23 16 20 27.9 1730

For differe2n4xt4insulation0.a7nd sheath2i0ng mate1r4ials other1t8han PVC32, .C1 ustome21r 1h5as to specify.
Values ar3e0xa4pproxima0t.7e and subj1e9cted to 1n4ormal m1a7nufactu3ri3n.8g tolera2n4c4e0 .
37x4 0.7 18 13 16 37.4 3120

48X4 0.7 18 13 16 42.6 3785 Special Cables Catalogue

For different insulation and sheathing materials other than PVC, Customer has to specify.
Value6s0are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Special Cables Catalogue

Control Cables

Control Cables

Operating Voltage (Up to 0.6/1kv)Cable Construction

1. Conductor

Copper conductors, solid, stranded or flexible.

2. Insulation

An extruded layer of PVC or XLPE is applied over the conductor.
PVC insulated cables are suitable for maximum conductor operating temperature of 70 oC or 85 oC and 90 oC
for XLPE.

3. Assembly

Insulated Conductor are assembled in successive layers, to form cable cores.

4. Identification

1- Colour for cores according to our standard colours and other colours are available on request.
2- White numbers on black PVC insulation or black numbers on white PVC insulation.

6. Armouring

a. Steel Tape: Double layers of steel tapes are applied helically.
b. Steel Wire: Galvanized steel wires are applied helically.

7. Screen (if required)

Over the bedded cores a layer of copper tape or wires is applied helically to form the screen.

8. Sheath

An extruded layer of PVC is applied as an outer sheath, or according to the client special requirements.


PVC may be flame retardant upon customer request.

Designation Code for Control Cables You can order our product by giving
the following informations

1- cable codes as per the catalogue
2- if your requirements is out of our catalogue product range, you can use the
following map to identify the code

Conductor Material Armoring & Shielding
U Unarmored
C Copper Soft Drawn I Steel Tapes Armored
D Solid Copper H Galavanized Steel Wires Armored
F Flexible Copper Z Galvanized Steel Tapes Armored
L Copper Wires Shield
C.S.A mm2 M Copper Tapes Shield
0078 11.5
1090 22.5 Outer Sheathing Type
1112 34
13 6 P PVC
Insulation Type

Voltage Grade
0 300 / 500 V
1 450/750 V
2 0.6/1 (1.2) KV

No. of Cores
02 2
0034 43
0056 65
up to 58 58


600/1000V Control Cables with PVC insulation and
PVC sheath

PVC Insulation Copper conductor

PVC Sheathing

Description Circular multi cores cables copper conductors, five up to fifty eight cores insulated and
sheathed with PVC according to VDE 0271, IEC 60 502.

1- Conductors Soft annealed copper, stranded or solid conductors

Construction 2- Insulation PVC rated 70OC or 85OC for continuous operation
3- Sheath PVC.

Identification 1- Colour for cores according to our standard colours and other colours are available on request.
2- White numbers on black PVC insulation or black numbers on white PVC insulation

Applications Control cables are used as a traffic signals for indoor, in ducts and in the open. Also for power
stations, industrial plants and switching stations.
Control cable PVC insulated and PVC sheath Copper conductor (Solid or Stranded)

Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 40 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D07P205UP 5X1 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C07P205UP 7X1 re
D07P207UP 10 X 1 rm mm kg/mm 18.1 22.8 14 12.5 11
C07P207UP 12 X 1 re 11.4 167 18.1 22.8
D07P210UP 14 X 1 rm 11.9 174 18.1 22.8 12 11 10
C07P210UP 19 X 1 re 12.2 207 18.1 22.8
D07P212UP 24 X 1 rm 12.7 216 18.1 22.8 11 10 9
C07P212UP 27 X 1 re 15 281 18.1 22.8
D07P214UP 30 X 1 rm 15.6 293 18.1 22.8 10.5 9 8
C07P214UP 32 X 1 re 15.4 317 18.1 22.8
D07P219UP 37 X 1 rm 16 330 18.1 22.8 10 8 7
C07P219UP 48 X 1 re 16.1 359 18.1 22.8
D07P224UP 58 X 1 rm 16.8 373 18.1 22.8 9 7.5 6.5
C07P224UP re 17.7 455 18.1 22.8
D07P227UP rm 18.5 474 18.1 22.8 876
C07P227UP re 20.8 566 18.1 22.8
D07P230UP rm 21.8 589 18.1 22.8 7 6.5 5.5
C07P230UP re 20.8 616 18.1 22.8
D07P232UP rm 21.8 640 18.1 22.8 665
C07P232UP re 22.6 672 18.1 22.8
D07P237UP rm 22.6 699 18.1 22.8 6.5 5.5 4.5
C07P237UP re 22.3 712 18.1 22.8
D07P248UP rm 23.4 740 18.1 22.8 654
C07P248UP re 23.2 801 18.1 22.8
D07P258UP rm 24.3 833 18.1 22.8 5.5 4.5 3.5
C07P258UP 26.3 1010 18.1 22.8
24 1024 18.1 22.8 543
28.8 1207 18.1 22.8
29.5 1227

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Control cable PVC insulated and PVC sheath Copper conductor (Solid or Stranded)

Cross Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Section Area
of Conductor shape of Overall Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct Laid in Duct Laid in Air At
conductor diameter 20 OC 70 OC in ground At 40 OC
35 OC
C08P205UP No. x mm2 Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
D08P207UP 5 X 1.5
C08P207UP 7 X 1.5 re mm kg/mm 12.1 14.6 18 15.5 13.5
D08P210UP 10 X 1.5 rm 12.2 202 12.1 14.6
C08P210UP 12 X 1.5 re 12.6 209 12.1 14.6 16 14 12.5
D08P212UP 14 X 1.5 rm 13.1 254 12.1 14.6
C08P212UP 19 X 1.5 re 13.5 262 12.1 14.6 14 13 12
D08P214UP 24 X 1.5 rm 16.1 347 12.1 14.6
C08P214UP 27 X 1.5 re 16.7 359 12.1 14.6 13 12 11
D08P219UP 30 X 1.5 rm 16.5 395 12.1 14.6
C08P219UP 32 X 1.5 re 17.2 408 12.1 14.6 12 11 10.5
D08P224UP 37 X 1.5 rm 17.3 449 12.1 14.6
C08P224UP 48 X 1.5 re 18 463 12.1 14.6 11 10.5 10
D08P227UP 58 X 1.5 rm 19.1 575 12.1 14.6
C08P227UP re 19.9 594 12.1 14.6 10 9.5 9
D08P230UP rm 22.5 717 12.1 14.6
C08P230UP re 23.5 740 12.1 14.6 9.5 9 8.5
D07P232UP rm 22.5 784 12.1 14.6
C07P232UP re 23.5 809 12.1 14.6 9 8.5 8
D08P237UP rm 23.3 857 12.1 14.6
C08P237UP re 24.3 884 12.1 14.6 8.5 8 7.5
D08P248UP rm 24.2 909 12.1 14.6
C08P248UP re 25.2 938 12.1 14.6 8 7 6.5
D08P258UP rm 25 1022 12.1 14.6
C08P258UP re 26.2 1060 12.1 14.6 7.5 6.5 6
rm 28.6 1313 12.1 14.6
re 30 1360 12.1 14.6 7 6 5.5
rm 31.4 1571 12.1 14.6
32.9 1627

Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
Product-Code shape of Overall diamet*erR: RNeot uWneigdhtCondudc.tcoArT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor * S: Segmental Cond2u0 cOCtor 70 OC ground At 35 OC 35 OC
D09P205UP No. x mm2
C09P205UP re Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
D09P207UP 5X2 rm mm kg/mm
C09P207UP 7X2 re
D09P210UP 10 X 2 rm 12.7 234 9.15 10.9 22 18 15
C09P210UP 12 X 2 re
D09P212UP 14 X 2 rm 13.2 242 9.15 10.9
C09P212UP 19 X 2 re
D09P214UP 24 X 2 rm 13.7 297 9.15 10.9 19 16 14
C09P214UP 27 X 2 re
D09P219UP 30 X 2 rm 14.3 307 9.15 10.9
C09P219UP 32 X 2 re
D09P224UP 37 X 2 rm 16.9 408 9.15 10.9 18 14 13
C09P224UP 48 X 2 re
D09P227UP 58 X 2 rm 17.7 422 9.15 10.9
C09P227UP re
D09P230UP rm 17.3 467 9.15 10.9 16.5 13 12
C09P230UP re
D09P232UP rm 18.2 483 9.15 10.9
C09P232UP re
D09P237UP rm 18.2 530 9.15 10.9 15 12 11
C09P237UP re
D09P248UP rm 19.1 548 9.15 10.9
C09P248UP re
D09P258UP rm 20.1 684 9.15 10.9 14 11 10.5
C09P258UP re
rm 21.1 707 9.15 10.9
23.7 854 9.15 10.9 13 10 9.5

25 883 9.15 10.9

23.7 936 9.15 10.9 12 9.5 9

25 967 9.15 10.9

24.6 1026 9.15 10.9 11 9 8.5

25.9 1060 9.15 10.9

52.5 1089 9.15 10.9 10.5 8.5 7.5

26.8 1125 9.15 10.9

26.4 1234 9.15 10.9 10 8 7

27.9 1274 9.15 10.9

30.4 1587 9.15 10.9 9.5 7.5 6.5

32.1 1647 9.15 10.9

33.3 1902 9.15 10.9 976

35.2 1973 9.15 10.9

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power


Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D10P205UP 5 X 2.5 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C10P205UP 7 X 2.5 re
D10P207UP 10 X 2.5 rm mm kg/mm 7.41 8.89 24 20.5 18
C10P207UP 12 X 2.5 re 13.2 265 7.41 8.89
D10P210UP 14 X 2.5 rm 13.8 274 7.41 8.89 22 18.5 16
C10P210UP 19 X 2.5 re 14.3 340 7.41 8.89
D10P212UP 24 X 2.5 rm 14.9 351 7.41 8.89 20 16.5 14.5
C10P212UP 27 X 2.5 re 17.7 469 7.41 8.89
D10P214UP 30 X 2.5 rm 18.5 484 7.41 8.89 18 15.5 13.5
C10P214UP 32 X 2.5 re 18.2 538 7.41 8.89
D10P219UP 37 X 2.5 rm 19 556 7.41 8.89 16 14 12
C10P219UP 48 X 2.5 re 19.1 613 7.41 8.89
D10P224UP 58 X 2.5 rm 20 632 7.41 8.89 15 13 11
C10P224UP re 21.1 795 7.41 8.89
D10P227UP Cross Section rm 22.1 819 7.41 8.89 14 12 10.5
C10P227UP Area of re 25 994 7.41 8.89
D10P230UP rm 26.3 1024 7.41 8.89 13 11 9.5
C10P230UP Conductor re 25 1092 7.41 8.89
D10P232UP No. x mm2 rm 26.3 1125 7.41 8.89 12 10.5 9
C10P232UP re 25.8 1196 7.41 8.89
D10P237UP 5X3 rm 27.3 1237 7.41 8.89 11.5 10 8.5
C10P237UP 7X3 re 26.9 1274 7.41 8.89
D10P248UP 10 X 3 rm 28.4 1319 7.41 8.89 11 9.5 8
C10P248UP 12 X 3 re 27.9 1452 7.41 8.89
D10P258UP 14 X 3 rm 29.5 1502 7.41 8.89 10 9 7.5
C10P258UP 19 X 3 32.1 1869 7.41 8.89
24 X 3 34 1933 7.41 8.89 9.5 8.5 7
Product-Code 27 X 3 35.2 2242 7.41 8.89
30 X 3 37.2 2318
D11P205UP 32 X 3
C11P205UP 37 X 3 Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
D11P207UP 48 X 3
C11P207UP 58 X 3 shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
D11P210UP conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
C11P210UP 20 OC 70 OC
D11P212UP re
C11P212UP rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
D11P214UP re
C11P214UP rm mm kg/mm 6.1 7.41 29 24 22
D11P219UP re 13.8 297 6.1 7.41
C11P219UP rm 14.4 306 6.1 7.41 25.5 22 19
D11P224UP re 14.9 383 6.1 7.41
C11P224UP rm 15.5 394 6.1 7.41 24 20 18.5
D11P227UP re 18.5 529 6.1 7.41
C11P227UP rm 19.3 545 6.1 7.41 22 18 17
D11P230UP re 19 610 6.1 7.41
C11P230UP rm 19.9 628 6.1 7.41 20 16 16
D11P232UP re 19.9 704 6.1 7.41
C11P232UP rm 20.9 724 6.1 7.41 18 15 14.5
D11P237UP re 22.1 916 6.1 7.41
C11P237UP rm 23.2 941 6.1 7.41 17 14 13.5
D11P248UP re 26.2 1147 6.1 7.41
C11P248UP rm 27.5 1178 6.1 7.41 16.5 13 12.5
D11P258UP re 26.2 1263 6.1 7.41
C11P258UP rm 27.6 1302 6.1 7.41 16 12 12
re 27.2 1390 6.1 7.41
rm 28.7 1434 6.1 7.41 14 11.5 11
re 28.3 1482 6.1 7.41
rm 29.9 1529 6.1 7.41 13 11 10
re 29.4 1690 6.1 7.41
rm 31.1 1743 6.1 7.41 12.5 10 9.5
33.9 2178 6.1 7.41
35.8 2245 6.1 7.41 11.5 9.5 9
37.1 2614 6.1 7.41
39.3 2695

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



600/1000V Control Cables with Copper conductors,
PVC insulation, Copper Tape shield and PVC sheath

Inner sheathing Copper Conductor
PVC insulation

PVC sheathing Copper Shield

Description Circular multi core cables copper conductors, five up to fifty eight cores insulated and
Construction sheathed with PVC sheathed, acc. to VDE 0271, IEC 60 502.

Identification 1- Conductors Soft annealed copper, stranded or solid conductors
2- Insulation PVC rated 70OC or 85OC for continuous operation

3- Inner sheath Extruded PVC as bedding.

4- Shield copper tape applied helically over the bedding.

3- Sheath PVC.

1- Colour for cores according to our standard colours or other colours are available on request.
2- White numbers on black PVC insulation or black numbers on white PVC insulation

Control cables are used as a traffic signals for indoor, in ducts and in the open. for also power
stations, industrial plants and switching stations.

Control cable PVC insulated with copper tape shield and PVC sheath copper
conductor solid or stranded

Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D07P205MP 5X1 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C07P205MP 7X1 re
D07P207MP 10 X 1 rm mm kg/mm 18.1 22.8 14 12.5 11
C07P207MP 12 X 1 re 13.7 268.6 18.1 22.8
D07P210MP 14 X 1 rm 14.2 279.2 18.1 22.8 12 11 10
C07P210MP 19 X 1 re 14.5 315.9 18.1 22.8
D07P212MP 24 X 1 rm 15 328.5 18.1 22.8 11 10 9
C07P212MP 27 X 1 re 17.3 413.6 18.1 22.8
D07P214MP 30 X 1 rm 17.9 430.9 18.1 22.8 10.5 9 8
C07P214MP 32 X 1 re 17.7 453.5 18.1 22.8
D07P219MP 37 X 1 rm 18.3 472.4 18.1 22.8 10 8 7
C07P219MP 48 X 1 re 18.4 501.2 18.1 22.8
D07P224MP 58 X 1 rm 19.1 522.1 18.1 22.8 9 7.5 6.5
C07P224MP re 20 612.2 18.1 22.8
D07P227MP rm 20.8 637.7 18.1 22.8 876
C07P227MP re 23.1 750.6 18.1 22.8
D07P230MP rm 24.1 782.4 18.1 22.8 7 6.5 5.5
C07P230MP re 23.1 800 18.1 22.8
D07P232MP rm 24.1 833.6 18.1 22.8 665
C07P232MP re 23.9 862.3 18.1 22.8
D07P237MP rm 24.9 898.4 18.1 22.8 6.5 5.5 4.5
C07P237MP re 24.6 909.2 18.1 22.8
D07P248MP rm 25.7 947.3 18.1 22.8 654
C07P248MP re 25.4 1002.1 18.1 22.8
D07P258MP rm 26.6 1048.6 18.1 22.8 5.5 4.5 3.5
C07P258MP 28.7 1253.6 18.1 22.8
30.1 1312.2 18.1 22.8 543
31.2 1472.6 18.1 22.8
32.8 1541.4

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 Approx Approx. 20 OC 70 OC
re mm kg/mm
D08P205MP 5 X 1.5 rm 14.5 309.7 ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C08P205MP 7 X 1.5 re 14.9 320.3
D08P207MP 10 X 1.5 rm 15.4 369.6 12.1 14.6 13 15.5 13.5
C08P207MP 12 X 1.5 re 15.8 382.3 12.1 14.6
D08P210MP 14 X 1.5 rm 18.4 12.1 14.6 16 14 12.5
C08P210MP 19 X 1.5 re 19 489 12.1 14.6
D08P212MP 24 X 1.5 rm 18.8 506.3 12.1 14.6 14 13 12
C08P212MP 27 X 1.5 re 19.5 540.9 12.1 14.6
D08P214MP 30 X 1.5 rm 19.6 559.8 12.1 14.6 13 12 11
C08P214MP 32 X 1.5 re 20.3 601.9 12.1 14.6
D08P219MP 37 X 1.5 rm 21.4 622.8 12.1 14.6 12 11 10.5
C08P219MP 48 X 1.5 re 22.2 744 12.1 14.6
D08P224MP 58 X 1.5 rm 24.8 769.5 12.1 14.6 11 10.5 10
C08P224MP re 25.8 916.4 12.1 14.6
D08P227MP Cross Section rm 24.8 948.1 12.1 14.6 10 9.5 9
C08P227MP Area of re 25.8 982.8 12.1 14.6
D08P230MP rm 25.6 1016.3 12.1 14.6 9.5 9 8.5
C08P230MP Conductor re 26.6 1063.4 12.1 14.6
D08P232MP No. x mm2 rm 26.5 1099.4 12.1 14.6 9 8.5 8
C08P232MP re 27.6 1123 12.1 14.6
D08P237MP 5X2 rm 27.4 1165.9 12.1 14.6 8.5 8 7.5
C08P237MP 7X2 re 28.6 1253.8 12.1 14.6
D08P248MP 10 X 2 rm 31.1 1301.1 12.1 14.6 8 7 6.5
C08P248MP 12 X 2 re 32.9 1577.1 12.1 14.6
D08P258MP 14 X 2 rm 34.3 1674.4 12.1 14.6 7.5 6.5 6
C08P258MP 19 X 2 35.8 1899.3 12.1 14.6
24 X 2 1971 12.1 14.6 7 6 5.5
Product-Code 27 X 2 12.1 14.6
30 X 2
D09P205MP 32 X 2 Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
C09P205MP 37 X 2
D09P207MP 48 X 2 shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
C09P207MP 58 X 2 conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
D09P210MP 20 OC 70 OC
C09P210MP re
D09P212MP rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C09P212MP re mm kg/mm
D09P214MP rm
C09P214MP re 15 346.1 9.15 10.9 22 18 15
D09P219MP rm
C09P219MP re 15.5 359.4 9.15 10.9
D09P224MP rm
C09P224MP re 16 417.9 9.15 10.9 19 16 14
D09P227MP rm
C09P227MP re 16.6 433.7 9.15 10.9
D09P230MP rm
C09P230MP re 19.2 556.9 9.15 10.9 18 14 13
D09P232MP rm
C09P232MP re 20 578.5 9.15 10.9
D09P237MP rm
C09P237MP re 19.6 620.1 9.15 10.9 16.5 13 12
D09P248MP rm
C09P248MP re 20.5 643.7 9.15 10.9
D09P258MP rm
C09P258MP re 20.5 690.9 9.15 10.9 15 12 11
re 21.4 717.1 9.15 10.9
re 22.4 861.3 9.15 10.9 14 11 10.5
23.4 893.2 9.15 10.9

26 1063.9 9.15 10.9 13 10 9.5

27.3 1103.6 9.15 10.9

26 1146.1 9.15 10.9 12 9.5 9

27.3 1191.6 9.15 10.9

26.9 1243.3 9.15 10.9 11 9 8.5

28.3 1296.3 9.15 10.9

27.9 1320.5 9.15 10.9 10.5 8.5 7.5

29.3 1374.8 9.15 10.9

28.9 1479.3 9.15 10.9 10 8 7

30.4 1539.2 9.15 10.9

33.3 1905.5 9.15 10.9 9.5 7.5 6.5

35 1982.9 9.15 10.9

36.2 2249.8 9.15 10.9 97 6

38.1 2340.7 9.15 10.9

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D10P205MP 5 X 2.5 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C10P205MP 7 X 2.5 re
D10P207MP 10 X 2.5 rm mm kg/mm 7.41 8.89 24 20.5 18
C10P207MP 12 X 2.5 re 15.5 382.6 7.41 8.89
D10P210MP 14 X 2.5 rm 16.1 396.6 7.41 8.89 22 18.5 16
C10P210MP 19 X 2.5 re 16.6 466.1 7.41 8.89
D10P212MP 24 X 2.5 rm 17.2 482.7 7.41 8.89 20 16.5 14.5
C10P212MP 27 X 2.5 re 20 624.8 7.41 8.89
D10P21MP 30 X 2.5 rm 20.8 647.5 7.41 8.89 18 15.5 13.5
C10P214MP 32 X 2.5 re 20.5 699.2 7.41 8.89
D10P219MP 37 X 2.5 rm 21.3 724 7.41 8.89 16 14 12
C10P219MP 48 X 2.5 re 21.4 781.8 7.41 8.89
D10P224MP 58 X 2.5 rm 22.3 809.3 7.41 8.89 15 13 11
C10P224MP Cross Section re 23.4 981.1 7.41 8.89
D10P227MP Area of rm 24.4 1014.6 7.41 8.89 14 12 10.5
C10P227MP Conductor re 27.3 1214.7 7.41 8.89
D10P230MP No. x mm2 rm 28.7 1266.3 7.41 8.89 13 11 9.5
C10P230MP 5X3 re 27.3 1316.6 7.41 8.89
D10P232MP 7X3 rm 28.7 1366.8 7.41 8.89 12 10.5 9
C10P232MP 10 X 3 re 28.3 1435.1 7.41 8.89
D10P237MP 12 X 3 rm 29.7 1489.4 7.41 8.89 11.5 10 8.5
C10P237MP 14 X 3 re 29.3 1522.9 7.41 8.89
D10P248MP 19 X 3 rm 30.8 1580.6 7.41 8.89 11 9.5 8
C10P248MP 24 X 3 re 30.4 1710.4 7.41 8.89
D10P258MP 27 X 3 rm 32.4 1811.1 7.41 8.89 10 9 7.5
C10P258MP 30 X 3 35 2205 7.41 8.89
32 X 3 shape of 36.9 2287.3 7.41 8.89 9.5 8.5 7
Product-Code 37 X 3 conductor 38.1 2609.1 7.41 8.89
48 X 3 40.1 2705.7
D11P205MP 58 X 3 re
C11P205MP rm Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
D11P207MP re
C11P207MP rm Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
D11P210MP re ground At 35 OC 35 OC
C11P210MP rm 20 OC 70 OC
D11P212MP re
C11P212MP rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
D11P214MP re
C11P214MP rm mm kg/mm 6.1 7.41 29 24 22
D11P219MP re 16.1 419 6.1 7.41
C11P219MP rm 16.7 433.7 6.1 7.41 25.5 22 19
D11P224MP re 17.2 514.3 6.1 7.41
C11P224MP rm 17.8 531.8 6.1 7.41 24 20 18.5
D11P227MP re 20.8 692.7 6.1 7.41
C11P227MP rm 21.6 716.5 6.1 7.41 22 18 17
D11P230MP re 21.3 778.4 6.1 7.41
C11P230MP rm 22.2 804.3 6.1 7.41 20 16 16
D11P232MP re 22.2 880.2 6.1 7.41
C11P232MP rm 23.2 908.9 6.1 7.41 18 15 14.5
D11P237MP re 24.4 1111.1 6.1 7.41
C11P237MP rm 25.4 1142 6.1 7.41 17 14 13.5
D11P248MP re 28.6 6.1 7.41
C11P248MP rm 30.1 1387.9 6.1 7.41 16.5 13 12.5
D11P258MP re 28.6 1438.7 6.1 7.41
C11P258MP rm 30.1 1503.8 6.1 7.41 16 12 12
29.6 1557.1 6.1 7.41
31.2 1641.7 6.1 7.41 14 11.5 11
30.8 1699.2 6.1 7.41
32.8 1743.1 6.1 7.41 13 11 10
32.3 1841.7 6.1 7.41
34 1999 6.1 7.41 12.5 10 9.5
36.8 2068.2 6.1 7.41
38.7 2531.1 6.1 7.41 11.5 9.5 9
40 2618.4 6.1 7.41
42.2 3000.5

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D12P205MP 5X4 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C12P205MP 7X4 re
D12P207MP 10 X 4 rm mm kg/mm 4.61 5.51 31 25.5 24
C11P207MP 12 X 4 re 17.8 519.8 4.61 5.51
D12P210MP 14 X 4 rm 18.6 541.1 4.61 5.51 28 23 21.5
C12P210MP 19 X 4 re 23.4 722.2 4.61 5.51
D12P212MP 24 X 4 rm 20 672 4.61 5.51 25 21 19.5
C12P212MP 27 X 4 re 23.4 877.9 4.61 5.51
D12P214MP 30 X 4 rm 24.6 913.9 4.61 5.51 23 19.5 18
C12P214MP 32 X 4 re 24 993.1 4.61 5.51
D12P219MP 37 X 4 rm 25.2 1031.8 4.61 5.51 20.5 17 16
C12P219MP 48 X 4 re 25 1123.3 4.61 5.51
D12P224MP 58 X 4 rm 26.4 1171.8 4.61 5.51 20 16.5 15.5
C12P224MP re 27.7 1442.2 4.61 5.51
D12P227MP rm 29.3 1502.9 4.61 5.51 19 16 15
C12P227MP re 33.3 1858.7 4.61 5.51
D12P230MP rm 35.3 1939.5 4.61 5.51 18 15 14
C12P230MP re 33.3 2016.9 4.61 5.51
D12P232MP rm 35.3 2101.9 4.61 5.51 16 13 12.5
C12P232MP re 34.5 2731.3 4.61 5.51
D12P237MP rm 36.6 2295.9 4.61 5.51 14.5 12 11
C12P237MP re 35.8 2868.5 4.61 5.51
D12P248MP rm 38 2438.9 4.61 5.51 13.5 11.5 10.5
C12P248MP re 37.2 3165.9 4.61 5.51
D12P258MP rm 39.5 2746.7 4.61 5.51 13 11 10
C12P258MP 42 3305 4.61 5.51
44.6 3439 4.61 5.51 12 10.5 9.5
45.9 3932.8 4.61 5.51
48.8 4091.1

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



600/1000V Control Cables with Copper conductors,
PVC insulation, Steel tape armor and PVC sheath

Inner sheathing Copper Conductor
STA (Steel tape Armouring) PVC insulation

PVC Sheathing

Description Circular multi core cables copper conductors, five up to fifty eight cores insulated and
sheathed with PVC sheathed, acc. to VDE 0271, IEC 60 502..

Construction 1- Conductors Soft annealed copper, stranded or solid conductors
2- Insulation PVC rated 70OC or 85OC for continuous operation
3- Inner sheath Extruded PVC as bedding.
4- Armour Double steel tapes applied helically over the bedding and also may be steel wires.
5- Sheath PVC

Identification 1- Colour for cores according to our standard colours or other colours are available on request.
2- White numbers on black PVC insulation or black numbers on white PVC insulation

Applications Control cables are used as a traffic signals for indoor, in ducts and in the open. for also power
stations, industrial plants and switching stations..

Control cable PVC insulated with steel tape armor and PVC
sheath Copper conductor Solid or Stranded

Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D07P205IP 5X1 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C07P205IP 7X1 re
D07P207IP 10 X 1 rm mm kg/mm 18.1 22.8 14 12.5 11
C07P207IP 12 X 1 re 14.2 304.9 18.1 22.8
D07P210IP 14 X 1 rm 14.7 316.9 18.1 22.8 12 11 10
C07P210IP 19 X 1 re 15 354.7 18.1 22.8
D07P212IP 24 X 1 rm 15.5 368.8 18.1 22.8 11 10 9
C07P212IP 27 X 1 re 17.8 460.7 18.1 22.8
D07P214IP 30 X 1 rm 18.4 479.9 18.1 22.8 10.5 9 8
C07P214IP 32 X 1 re 18.2 501.9 18.1 22.8
D07P219IP 37 X 1 rm 18.8 522.8 18.1 22.8 10 8 7
C07P219IP 48 X 1 re 18.9 551.8 18.1 22.8
D07P224IP 58 X 1 rm 19.6 574.8 18.1 22.8 9 7.5 6.5
C07P224IP re 20.5 667.6 18.1 22.8
D07P227IP rm 21.3 695.5 18.1 22.8 87 6
C07P227IP re 23.6 815.6 18.1 22.8
D07P230IP rm 24.6 850.3 18.1 22.8 7 6.5 5.5
C07P230IP re 23.6 865 18.1 22.8
D07P232IP rm 24.6 901.5 18.1 22.8 66 5
C07P232IP re 24.4 929.5 18.1 22.8
D07P237IP rm 25.4 968.6 18.1 22.8 6.5 5.5 4.5
C07P237IP re 25.1 978.7 18.1 22.8
D07P248IP rm 26.2 1020 18.1 22.8 65 4
C07P248IP re 26 1078.2 18.1 22.8
D07P258IP rm 27.1 1123.5 18.1 22.8 5.5 4.5 3.5
C07P258IP 29.1 1324.3 18.1 22.8
30.5 1386.4 18.1 22.8 54 3
31.6 1549.5 18.1 22.8
33.1 1622.2

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D08P205IP 5 X 1.5 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C08P205IP 7 X 1.5 re
D08P207IP 10 X 1.5 rm mm kg/mm 12.1 14.6 13 15.5 13.5
C08P207IP 12 X 1.5 re 15 348.2 12.1 14.6
D08P210IP 14 X 1.5 rm 15.4 360.2 12.1 14.6 16 14 12.5
C08P210IP 19 X 1.5 re 15.9 410.9 12.1 14.6
D08P212IP 24 X 1.5 rm 16.3 425 12.1 14.6 14 13 12
C08P212IP 27 X 1.5 re 18.9 539.4 12.1 14.6
D08P214IP 30 X 1.5 rm 19.5 558.6 12.1 14.6 13 12 11
C08P214IP 32 X 1.5 re 19.3 592.7 12.1 14.6
D08P219IP 37 X 1.5 rm 20 613.6 12.1 14.6 12 11 10.5
C08P219IP 48 X 1.5 re 20.1 565 12.1 14.6
D08P224IP 58 X 1.5 rm 20.8 679.1 12.1 14.6 11 10.5 10
C08P224IP re 21.9 803.5 12.1 14.6
D08P227IP Cross Section rm 22.7 831.5 12.1 14.6 10 9.5 9
C08P227IP Area of re 25.3 986.3 12.1 14.6
D08P230IP rm 26.3 1021.1 12.1 14.6 9.5 9 8.5
C08P230IP Conductor re 25.3 1052.8 12.1 14.6
D08P237IP No. x mm2 rm 26.3 1089.3 12.1 14.6 9 8.5 8
C08P237IP re 26.1 1135.7 12.1 14.6
D08P237IP 5X2 rm 27.1 1174.9 12.1 14.6 8.5 8 7.5
C08P237IP 7X2 re 27 1198 12.1 14.6
D08P248IP 10 X 2 rm 27.9 1233.6 12.1 14.6 8 7 6.5
C08P248IP 12 X 2 re 27.8 1321 12.1 14.6
D08P258IP 14 X 2 rm 28.9 1371.4 12.1 14.6 7.5 6.5 6
C08P258IP 19 X 2 31.4 1653.7 12.1 14.6
24 X 2 shape of 33.2 1753.4 12.1 14.6 7 6 5.5
Product-Code 27 X 2 conductor 34.6 1981.6 12.1 14.6
30 X 2 37.3 2388.7
D09P205IP 32 X 2 re
C09P205IP 37 X 2 rm Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
D09P207IP 48 X 2 re
C09P207IP 58 X 2 rm Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
D09P210IP re ground At 35 OC 35 OC
C09P210IP rm Approx 20 OC 70 OC
D09P212IP re mm Approx. Amp Amp Amp
C09P212IP rm 15.5 ohm/km ohm/km
D09P214IP re 16 kg/mm 22 18 15
C09P214IP rm 16.5 386.3 9.15 10.9
D09P219IP re 17.1 401.3 9.15 10.9 19 16 14
C09P219IP rm 19.7 461 9.15 10.9
D09P224IP re 20.5 478.6 9.15 10.9 18 14 13
C09P224IP rm 20.1 609.7 9.15 10.9
D09P227IP re 21 633.8 9.15 10.9 16.5 13 12
C09P227IP rm 21 674.3 9.15 10.9
D09P230IP re 21.9 700.5 9.15 10.9 15 12 11
C09P230IP rm 22.9 747.8 9.15 10.9
D09P232IP re 23.9 776.6 9.15 10.9 14 11 10.5
C09P232IP rm 26.5 923.8 9.15 10.9
D09P237IP re 27.8 958.8 9.15 10.9 13 10 9.5
C09P237IP rm 26.5 1137.6 9.15 10.9
D09P248IP re 27.8 1181.1 9.15 10.9 12 9.5 9
C09P248IP rm 27.4 1219.8 9.15 10.9
D09P258IP re 28.7 1265.4 9.15 10.9 11 9 8.5
C09P258IP rm 28.3 1319.5 9.15 10.9
29.7 1368.5 9.15 10.9 10.5 8.5 7.5
29.2 1393.4 9.15 10.9
30.7 1446.9 9.15 10.9 10 8 7
33.6 1550.3 9.15 10.9
36.5 1614 9.15 10.9 9.5 7.5 6.5
37.7 1985.3 9.15 10.9
39.6 2391.3 9.15 10.9 976
2672 9.15 10.9
2785.6 9.15 10.9

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 Approx Approx. 20 OC 70 OC
re mm kg/mm
D10P205IP 5 X 2.5 rm 16 424.4 ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C10P205IP 7 X 2.5 re 16.6 440.1
D10P207IP 10 X 2.5 rm 17.1 7.41 8.89 24 20.5 18
C10P207IP 12 X 2.5 re 17.7 511 7.41 8.89
D10P210IP 14 X 2.5 rm 20.5 529.6 7.41 8.89 22 18.5 16
C10P210IP 19 X 2.5 re 21.3 680 7.41 8.89
D10P212IP 24 X 2.5 rm 21 705.3 7.41 8.89 20 16.5 14.5
C10P212IP 27 X 2.5 re 21.8 756 7.41 8.89
D10P214IP 30 X 2.5 rm 21.9 783.4 7.41 8.89 18 15.5 13.5
C10P214IP 32 X 2.5 re 22.8 841.4 7.41 8.89
D10P219IP 37 X 2.5 rm 23.9 871.6 7.41 8.89 16 14 12
C10P219IP 48 X 2.5 re 24.9 1046.7 7.41 8.89
D10P224IP 58 X 2.5 rm 27.8 1083.4 7.41 8.89 15 13 11
C10P224IP re 29.1 1292.1 7.41 8.89
D10P227IP Cross Section rm 27.8 1337.8 7.41 8.89 14 12 10.5
C10P227IP Area of re 29.1 1390.4 7.41 8.89
D10P230IP rm 28.7 1438.3 7.41 8.89 13 11 9.5
C10P230IP Conductor re 30.1 1507.4 7.41 8.89
D10P232IP No. x mm2 rm 29.7 1562.5 7.41 8.89 12 10.5 9
C10P232IP re 31.2 1595 7.41 8.89
D10P237IP 5X3 rm 30.7 1656.5 7.41 8.89 11.5 10 8.5
C10P237IP 7X3 re 32.7 1785.2 7.41 8.89
D10P248IP 10 X 3 rm 36.5 1888.8 7.41 8.89 11 9.5 8
C10P248IP 12 X 3 re 38.4 2613.5 7.41 8.89
D10P258IP 14 X 3 rm 39.6 2717.4 7.41 8.89 10 9 7.5
C10P258IP 19 X 3 41.6 3054 7.41 8.89
24 X 3 3174.6 7.41 8.89 9.5 8.5 7
Product-Code 27 X 3 7.41 8.89
30 X 3
D11P205IP 32 X 3 Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
C11P205IP 37 X 3
D11P207IP 48 X 3 shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
C11P207IP 58 X 3 conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
D11P210IP 20 OC 70 OC
C11P210IP re Approx Approx. Amp Amp Amp
D11P212IP rm ohm/km ohm/km
C11P212IP re mm kg/mm 29 24 22
D11P214IP rm 16.6 462.5 6.1 7.41
C11P214IP re 17.2 478.9 6.1 7.41 25.5 22 19
D11P219IP rm 17.7 561.1 6.1 7.41
C11P219IP re 18.3 580.5 6.1 7.41 24 20 18.5
D11P224IP rm 21.3 750.4 6.1 7.41
C11P224IP re 2.1 776.8 6.1 7.41 22 18 17
D11P227IP rm 21.8 837.7 6.1 7.41
C11P227IP re 2.7 866.4 6.1 7.41 20 16 16
D11P230IP rm 22.7 942.4 6.1 7.41
C11P230IP re 23.7 974.1 6.1 7.41 18 15 14.5
D11P232IP rm 24.9 1179.7 6.1 7.41
C11P232IP re 26 1218.2 6.1 7.41 17 14 13.5
D11P237IP rm 29 1459.5 6.1 7.41
C11P237IP re 30.3 1507.3 6.1 7.41 16.5 13 12.5
D11P248IP rm 29 1574.1 6.1 7.41
C11P248IP re 30.4 1631.1 6.1 7.41 16 12 12
D11P258IP rm 30 1714.6 6.1 7.41
C11P258IP re 31.5 1775.9 6.1 7.41 14 11.5 11
rm 31.1 1818.8 6.1 7.41
re 33.1 1920.3 6.1 7.41 13 11 10
rm 32.6 2076.5 6.1 7.41
re 34.3 2149.8 6.1 7.41 12.5 10 9.5
rm 38.3 2960.2 6.1 7.41
40.2 3070 6.1 7.41 11.5 9.5 9
41.5 3468.2 6.1 7.41
43.7 3595.7 6.1 7.41

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power



Cross Section Max. resistance Current carrying capacity
Area of
shape of Overall diameter Net Weight d.c AT A.c AT Laid direct in Laid in Duct Laid in Air At 40
Conductor conductor ground At 35 OC 35 OC
Product-Code No. x mm2 20 OC 70 OC
D12P205IP 5X4 rm Approx Approx. ohm/km ohm/km Amp Amp Amp
C12P205IP 7X4 re
D12P207IP 10 X 4 rm mm kg/mm 4.61 5.51 31 25.5 24
C11P207IP 12 X 4 re 18.3 568.5 4.61 5.51
D12P210IP 14 X 4 rm 19.1 592.3 4.61 5.51 28 23 21.5
C12P210IP 19 X 4 re 23.9 787.8 4.61 5.51
D12P212IP 24 X 4 rm 20.5 727.4 4.61 5.51 25 21 19.5
C12P212IP 27 X 4 re 23.9 943.5 4.61 5.51
D12P214IP 30 X 4 rm 25.1 982.3 4.61 5.51 23 19.5 18
C12P214IP 32 X 4 re 24.5 1060.5 4.61 5.51
D12P219IP 37 X 4 rm 25.7 1103 4.61 5.51 20.5 17 16
C12P219IP 48 X 4 re 25.6 1199.7 4.61 5.51
D12P224IP 58 X 4 rm 26.9 1246.8 4.61 5.51 20 16.5 15.5
C12P224IP re 28 1510.1 4.61 5.51
D12P227IP rm 29.6 1574.8 4.61 5.51 19 16 15
C12P227IP re 33.6 1938.7 4.61 5.51
D12P230IP rm 36.8 2351.4 4.61 5.51 18 15 14
C12P230IP re 33.6 2096.9 4.61 5.51
D12P232IP rm 36.8 2513.8 4.61 5.51 16 13 12.5
C12P232IP re 36 3134 4.61 5.51
D12P237IP rm 38.1 2722.9 4.61 5.51 14.5 12 11
C12P237IP re 37.3 3286.6 4.61 5.51
D12P248IP rm 39.5 2882.4 4.61 5.51 13.5 11.5 10.5
C12P248IP re 38.7 3600.1 4.61 5.51
D12P258IP rm 41 3207.4 4.61 5.51 13 11 10
C12P258IP 43.5 3798.8 4.61 5.51
16.2 3963.8 4.61 5.51 12 10.5 9.5
47.4 4472.5 4.61 5.51
50.3 4665.1

* R: Round Conductor
* S: Segmental Conductor

We own the power


Enameled Wires


Enameled Wires


Enameled Wires

Enameled Wires

System for Conductor Designation for Enameled

Wires code as per the catalouge


0·····0··· 50 0.05
0500 0.5


Grade Type of class

1 Grade 1 B Class B
2 Grade 2 F Class F
3 Grade 3 H Class H
C Class C

Enameled copper wires coated
With polyvinyl acetal

Description Soft annealed copper wires insulated with a composed of a polyvinyl acetal layer. Different
colour upon request.
Thermal class up to 130oC.
resistant to oil transformer.

Construction 1- Conductor: Soft annealed circular copper wires according to IEC Specification.
2- Insulation: The insulation is composed of layers.

Type: a polyvinyl acetal Insulation thickness may be single grade 1 or

double grade 2 and acc to IEC 317- 12

Testing Acc to IEC 3171-0-, IEC 31712- and methods of test IEC 851.

Application: For winding all rotors and coils, which are, used in general purposes and oil


Enameled copper wires coated
With polyvinyl acetal
Single Layer (Grade1)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
05301F mm 1.809
05601F 2.031
06001F 0.500 0.005 0.515 0.544 2.263
06301F 0.530 0.006 0.545 0.576 2.598
06701F 0.560 0.006 0.575 0.606 2.860
07101F 0.600 0.006 0.616 0.649 3.234
07501F 0.630 0.006 0.646 0.679 3.625
08001F 0.670 0.007 0.687 0.722 4.045
08501F 0.710 0.007 0.727 0.762 4.594
09001F 0.750 0.008 0.767 0.805 5.188
09501F 0.800 0.008 0.817 0.855 5.807
10001F 0.850 0.009 0.868 0.909 6.470
10601F 0.900 0.009 0.918 0.959 7.159
11201F 0.950 0.010 0.968 1.012 8.039
11801F 1.000 0.010 1.018 1.062 8.963
12501F 1.060 0.011 1.079 1.124 9.944
13201F 1.120 0.011 1.139 1.184 11.145
14001F 1.180 0.012 1.199 1.246 12.422
15001F 1.250 0.013 1.268 1.316 13.957
16001F 1.320 0.013 1.339 1.388 16.010
17001F 1.400 0.014 1.418 1.468 18.194
18001F 1.500 0.015 1.517 1.570 20.528
19001F 1.600 0.016 1.616 1.670 22.993
20001F 1.700 0.017 1.716 1.772 25.608
21201F 1.800 0.018 1.815 1.872 28.353
22401F 1.900 0.019 1.915 1.974 31.843
23601F 2.000 0.020 2.014 2.074 35.523
25001F 2.120 0.021 2.134 2.196 39.417
26501F 2.240 0.022 2.253 2.316 44.200
28001F 2.360 0.024 2.372 2.438 49.644
30001F 2.500 0.025 2.511 2.578 55.388
31501F 2.650 0.027 2.660 2.730 63.560
33501F 2.800 0.028 2.809 2.880 70.039
35501F 3.000 0.030 3.008 3.083 79.185
37501F 3.150 0.032 3.156 3.233 88.872
40001F 3.350 0.034 3.355 3.435 99.149
42501F 3..550 0.036 3.553 3.635 112.745
45001F 3.750 0.038 3.753 3.838 127.249
47501F 4.000 0.040 4.001 4.088 142.593
50001F 4.250 0.043 4.249 4.341 158.837
4.500 0.045 4.497 4.591 175.930
4.750 0.048 4.745 4.843
5.000 0.050 4.993 5.093

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding



Enameled copper wires coated
With polyvinyl acetal
Double Layer (Grade2)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
05302F mm 1.842
05602F 2.069
06002F 0.500 0.005 0.516 0.566 2.303
06302F 0.530 0.006 0.547 0.600 2.642
06702F 0.560 0.006 0.577 0.630 2.906
07102F 0.600 0.006 0.618 0.674 3.288
07502F 0.630 0.006 0.648 0.704 3.682
08002F 0.670 0.007 0.689 0.749 4.110
08502F 0.710 0.007 0.729 0.789 4.662
09002F 0.750 0.008 0.770 0.834 5.263
09502F 0.800 0.008 0.820 0.884 5.886
10002F 0.850 0.009 0.870 0.939 6.558
10602F 0.900 0.009 0.920 0.989 7.252
11202F 0.950 0.010 0.971 1.044 8.140
11802F 1.000 0.010 1.021 1.094 9.070
12502F 1.060 0.011 1.081 1.157 10.057
13202F 1.120 0.011 1.141 1.217 11.264
14002F 1.180 0.012 1.200 1.279 12.551
15002F 1.250 0.013 1.269 1.349 14.093
16002F 1.320 0.013 1.340 1.422 16.164
17002F 1.400 0.014 1.419 1.502 18.359
18002F 1.500 0.015 1.520 1.606 20.707
19002F 1.600 0.016 1.619 1.706 23.182
20002F 1.700 0.017 1.719 1.809 25.813
21202F 1.800 0.018 1.818 1.909 28.568
22402F 1.900 0.019 1.918 2.012 32.076
23602F 2.000 0.020 2.017 2.112 35.769
25002F 2.120 0.021 2.139 2.235 39.683
26502F 2.240 0.022 2.256 2.355 44.481
28002F 2.360 0.024 2.375 2.478 49.956
30002F 2.500 0.025 2.514 2.618 55.717
31502F 2.650 0.027 2.664 2.772 63.921
33502F 2.800 0.028 2.813 2.922 70.417
35502F 3.000 0.030 3.012 3.126 79.595
37502F 3.150 0.032 3.160 3.276 89.306
40002F 3.350 0.034 3.359 3.479 99.618
42502F 3..550 0.036 3.557 3.679 113.244
45002F 3.750 0.038 3.756 3.883 127.791
47502F 4.000 0.040 4.004 4.133 143.167
50002F 4.250 0.043 4.252 4.387 159.468
4.500 0.045 4.500 4.637 176.593
4.750 0.048 4.749 4.891
5.000 0.050 4.997 5.141

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding 81


Enamelled copper wires coated
With polyurethane

Description Soft annealed copper wires insulated with a composed of a polyurethane layer. Different colour
upon request.
Construction Thermal class up to 155oC.
Testing Self welding (self flux).
1- Conductor: Soft annealed circular copper wires according to IEC Specification.
Application: 2- Insulation: The insulation is composed of layers.
Type: a polyurethane Insulation thickness may be single grade 1 or double
grade 2 and acc to IEC 317 -20.

Acc to IEC 3171-0-, IEC 317- 20 and methods of test IEC 851.

For winding all rotors and small coils, which are used in electronic circuits for general

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled copper wires coated intelligent
With polyurethane
Total Weight approx
Double Layer (Grade 1) kg/km

Conductor Overall diameter mm 0.019
tolerance ± 0.024
Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter min max 0.030
mm mm 0.038
00501F 0.060 0.060 0.042
00561F 0.050 0.003 0.067 0.067 0.048
00631F 0.056 0.003 0.076 0.076 0.054
00711F 0.063 0.003 0.074 0.084 0.061
00751F 0.071 0.003 0.079 0.089 0.068
00801F 0.075 0.003 0.084 0.094 0.075
00851F 0.080 0.003 0.089 0.100 0.084
00901F 0.085 0.003 0.094 0.105 0.094
00951F 0.090 0.003 0.100 0.111 0.103
01001F 0.095 0.003 0.106 0.117 0.116
01061F 0.100 0.003 0.111 0.123 0.129
01121F 0.106 0.003 0.118 0.130 0.145
01181F 0.112 0.003 0.123 0.136 0.166
01251F 0.118 0.003 0.131 0.144 0.189
01321F 0.125 0.003 0.138 0.152 0.214
01401F 0.132 0.003 0.146 0.160 0.239
01501F 0.140 0.003 0.156 0.171 0.266
01601F 0.150 0.003 0.167 0.182 0.294
01701F 0.160 0.003 0.178 0.194 0.331
01801F 0.170 0.003 0.188 0.204 0.369
01901F 0.180 0.003 0.199 0.216 0.410
02001F 0.190 0.003 0.209 0.226 0.459
02121F 0.200 0.004 0.222 0.240 0.515
02241F 0.212 0.004 0.234 0.252 0.573
02361F 0.224 0.004 0.246 0.267 0.658
02501F 0.236 0.004 0.260 0.281 0.724
02651F 0.250 0.004 0.275 0.297 0.819
02801F 0.265 0.004 0.290 0.312 0.918
03001F 0.280 0.004 0.311 0.334 1.024
03151F 0.300 0.004 0.326 0.349 1.162
03351F 0.315 0.005 0.348 0.372
03551F 0.335 0.005 0.368 0.392
03751F 0.355 0.388 0.414
04001F 0.375 0.413 0.439

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding 83


Enameled copper wires coated
With polyurethane

Single Layer (Grade 1)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
04501F 0.425 mm 1.311
04751F 0.450 1.467
05001F 0.475 0.005 0.439 0.466 1.635
05301F 0.500 0.005 0.464 0.491 1.809
05601F 0.530 0.005 0.490 0.519 2.031
06001F 0.560 0.005 0.515 0.544 2.263
06301F 0.600 0.006 0.545 0.576 2.598
06701F 0.630 0.006 0.575 0.606 2.860
07101F 0.670 0.006 0.616 0.649 3.234
07501F 0.710 0.006 0.646 0.679 3.625
08001F 0.750 0.007 0.687 0.722 4.045
08501F 0.800 0.007 0.727 0.762 4.594
09001F 0.850 0.008 0.767 0.805 5.188
09501F 0.900 0.008 0.817 0855 5.807
10001F 0.950 0.009 0.868 0.909 6.470
10601F 1.000 0.009 0.918 0.959 7.159
11201F 1.060 0.010 0.968 1.012 8.039
11801F 1.120 0.010 1.018 1.062 8.963
12501F 1.180 0.011 1.079 1.124 9.944
13201F 1.250 0.011 1.139 1.184 11.145
14001F 1.320 0.012 1.199 1.246 12.422
15001F 1.400 0.013 1.268 1.316 13.957
16001F 1.500 0.013 1.339 1.388 16.010
17001F 1.600 0.014 1.418 1.468 18.194
18001F 1.700 0.015 1.517 1.570 20.528
19001F 1.800 0.016 1.616 1.670 22.993
20001F 1.900 0.017 1.716 1.772 25.608
21201F 2.000 0.018 1.815 1.872 28.353
22401F 2.120 0.019 1.915 1.974 31.843
23601F 2.240 0.020 2.014 2.074 35.523
25001F 2.360 0.021 2.134 2.196 39.417
2.500 0.022 2.253 2.316 44.200
0.024 2.372 2.438
0.025 2.511 2.578

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled copper wires coated intelligent
With polyurethane
Total Weight approx
Single Layer (Grade 2) kg/km

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm 0.020
mm tolerance ± min max 0.025
00502F 0.032
00562F mm 0.040
00632F 0.044
00712F 0.050 0.003 0.066 0.066 0.050
00752F 0.056 0.003 0.074 0.074 0.056
00802F 0.063 0.003 0.083 0.083 0.063
00852F 0.071 0.003 0.076 0.091 0.070
00902F 0.075 0.003 0.078 0.095 0.077
00952F 0.080 0.003 0.084 0.101 0.087
01002F 0.085 0.003 0.089 0.107 0.097
01062F 0.090 0.003 0.095 0.113 0.107
01122F 0.095 0.003 0.100 0.119 0.120
01182F 0.100 0.003 0.106 0.125 0.134
01252F 0.106 0.003 0.112 0.132 0.150
01322F 0.112 0.003 0.119 0.139 0.172
01402F 0.118 0.003 0.123 0.145 0.195
01502F 0.125 0.003 0.132 0.154 0.220
01602F 0.132 0.003 0.138 0.162 0.246
01702F 0.140 0.003 0.147 0.171 0.274
01802F 0.150 0.003 0.156 0.182 0.303
01902F 0.160 0.003 0.168 0.194 0.340
02002F 0.170 0.003 0.177 0.205 0.378
02122F 0.180 0.003 0.189 0.217 0.422
02242F 0.190 0.003 0.198 0.228 0.471
02362F 0.200 0.004 0.209 0.239 0.529
02502F 0.212 0.004 0.222 0.254 0.588
02652F 0.224 0.004 0.234 0.266 0.675
02802F 0.236 0.004 0.247 0.283 0.741
03002F 0.250 0.004 0.261 0.297 0.839
03152F 0.265 0.004 0.277 0.314 0.938
03352F 0.280 0.004 0.292 0.329 1.047
03552F 0.300 0.004 0.313 0.352 1.186
03752F 0.315 0.005 0.328 0.367
04002F 0.335 0.005 0.349 0.391
0.355 0.369 0.411
0.375 0.389 0.434
0.400 0.414 0.459

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding 85


Enameled copper wires coated
With polyurethane

Double Layer (Grade 2)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
04502F 0.425 mm 1.340
04752F 0.450 1.497
05002F 0.475 0.005 0.441 0.488 1.667
05302F 0.500 0.005 0.466 0.513 1.842
05602F 0.530 0.005 0.491 0.541 2.069
06002F 0.560 0.005 0.516 0.566 2.303
06302F 0.600 0.006 0.547 0.600 2.642
06702F 0.630 0.006 0.577 0.630 2.906
07102F 0.670 0.006 0.618 0.674 3.288
07502F 0.710 0.006 0.648 0.704 3.682
08002F 0.750 0.007 0.689 0.749 4.110
08502F 0.800 0.007 0.729 0.789 4.662
09002F 0.850 0.008 0.770 0.834 5.263
09502F 0.900 0.008 0.820 0.884 5.886
10002F 0.950 0.009 0.870 0.939 6.558
10602F 1.000 0.009 0.920 0.989 7.252
11202F 1.060 0.010 0.971 1.044 8.140
11802F 1.120 0.010 1.021 1.094 9.070
12502F 1.180 0.011 1.081 1.157 10.057
13202F 1.250 0.011 1.141 1.217 11.264
14002F 1.320 0.012 1.200 1.279 12.551
15002F 1.400 0.013 1.269 1.349 14.093
16002F 1.500 0.013 1.340 1.422 16.164
17002F 1.600 0.014 1.419 1.502 18.359
18002F 1.700 0.015 1.520 1.606 20.707
19002F 1.800 0.016 1.619 1.706 23.182
20002F 1.900 0.017 1.719 1.809 25.813
21202F 2.000 0.018 1.818 1.909 28.568
22402F 2.120 0.019 1.918 2.012 30.076
23602F 2.240 0.020 2.017 2.112 32.769
25002F 2.360 0.021 2.139 2.235 39.683
2.500 0.022 2.256 2.355 44.481
0.024 2.375 2.478
0.025 2.514 2.618

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding



Enameled copper wires coated
With polyester imide

Description Soft annealed copper wires insulated with a composed of a polyester - imide layer. Different
colour request. Thermal class up to 220oC.
Construction 1- Conductor: Soft annealed circular and rectangular copper wires according to IEC Specification
2- Insulation: The insulation is composed of layers.

Type: a polyester - imide Insulation thickness may be single grade 1 or

Testing double grade 2 and acc to IEC 3172-0-317 ,8-317 ,7- and 31730.
Acc to IEC 3171-0-, IEC 317- 30 and methods of test IEC 851.

Application: For winding all rotors and coils, which are, used in motors for general purposes such
as fans, washing, M/CS, fridge….Etc.

Member Pioneer Holding 87


Enameled copper wires coated
With polyester imide

Single Layer (Grade 2)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
00561H mm 0.019
00631H 0.024
00711H 0.050 0.003 0.060 0.060 0.030
00751H 0.056 0.003 0.067 0.067 0.038
00801H 0.063 0.003 0.076 0.076 0.042
00851H 0.071 0.003 0.074 0.084 0.048
00901H 0.075 0.003 0.079 0.089 0.054
00951H 0.080 0.003 0.084 0.094 0.061
01001H 0.085 0.003 0.089 0.100 0.068
01061H 0.090 0.003 0.094 0.105 0.075
01121H 0.095 0.003 0.100 0.111 0.084
01181H 0.100 0.003 0.106 0.117 0.094
01251H 0.106 0.003 0.111 0.123 0.103
01321H 0.112 0.003 0.118 0.130 0.116
01401H 0.118 0.003 0.123 0.136 0.129
01501H 0.125 0.003 0.131 0.144 0.145
01601H 0.132 0.003 0.138 0.152 0.166
01701H 0.140 0.003 0.146 0.160 0.189
01801H 0.150 0.003 0.156 0.171 0.214
01901H 0.160 0.003 0.167 0.182 0.239
02001H 0.170 0.003 0.178 0.194 0.266
02121H 0.180 0.003 0.188 0.204 0.294
02241H 0.190 0.003 0.199 0.216 0.331
02361H 0.200 0.004 0.209 0.226 0.369
02501H 0.212 0.004 0.222 0.240 0.410
02651H 0.224 0.004 0.234 0.252 0.459
02801H 0.236 0.004 0.246 0.267 0.515
03001H 0.250 0.004 0.260 0.281 0.573
03151H 0.265 0.004 0.275 0.297 0.658
03351H 0.280 0.004 0.290 0.312 0.724
03551H 0.300 0.004 0.311 0.334 0.819
03751H 0.315 0.005 0.326 0.349 0.918
04001H 0.335 0.005 0.348 0.372 1.024
04251H 0.355 0.005 0.368 0.392 1.162
04501H 0.375 0.005 0.388 0.414 1.311
04751H 0.400 0.005 0.413 0.439 1.467
05001H 0.425 0.005 0.439 0.466 1.635
05301H 0.450 0.006 0.464 0.491 1.809
0.475 0.490 0.519 2.031
0.500 0.515 0.544
0.530 0.545 0.576

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled copper wires coated intelligent
With polyester imide
Total Weight approx
Single Layer (Grade 1) kg/km

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm 2.263
mm tolerance ± min max 2.598
05601H 2.860
06001H 0.560 mm 3.234
06301H 0.600 3.625
06701H 0.630 0.006 0.575 0.606 4.045
07101H 0.670 0.006 0.616 4.594
07501H 0.710 0.006 0.646 0.649 5.188
08001H 0.750 0.007 0.687 5.807
08501H 0.800 0.007 0.727 0.679 6.470
09001H 0.850 0.008 0.767 7.159
09501H 0.900 0.008 0.817 0.722 8.039
10001H 0.950 0.009 0.868 8.963
10601H 1.000 0.009 0.918 0.762 9.944
11201H 1.060 0.010 0.968 11.145
11801H 1.120 0.010 1.018 0.805 12.422
12501H 1.180 0.011 1.079 13.957
13201H 1.250 0.011 1.139 0855 16.010
14001H 1.320 0.012 1.199 18.194
15001H 1.400 0.013 1.268 0.909 20.528
16001H 1.500 0.013 1.339 0٫959 22.993
17001H 1.600 0.014 1.418 1.012 25.608
18001H 1.700 0.015 1.517 28.353
19001H 1.800 0.016 1.616 1.062 31.843
20001H 1.900 0.017 1.716 35.523
21201H 2.000 0.018 1.815 1.124 39.417
22401H 2.120 0.019 1.915 44.200
23601H 2.240 0.020 2.014 1.184 49.644
25001H 2.360 0.021 2.134 55.388
26501H 2.500 0.022 2.253 1.246 63.560
28001H 2.650 0.024 2.372 70.039
30001H 2.800 0.025 2.511 1.316 79.185
31501H 3.000 0.027 2.660 88.872
33501H 3.150 0.028 2.809 1.388 99.149
35501H 3.350 0.030 3.008 112.745
37501H 3.550 0.032 3.156 1.468 127.249
40001H 3.750 0.034 3.355 158,837
42501H 4.000 0.036 3.553 1.570 175,930
45001H 4.250 0.038 3.753
47501H 4.750 0.040 4.001 1.670
50001H 5.000 0.043 4.249
0.048 4.745 1.772
0.050 4.993







N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding 89


Enameled copper wires coated
With polyester imide

Double Layer (Grade 2)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
00562H mm 0.020
00632H 0.025
00712H 0.050 0.003 0.066 0.066 0.032
00752H 0.056 0.003 0.074 0.074 0.040
00802H 0.063 0.003 0.083 0.083 0.044
00852H 0.071 0.003 0.076 0.091 0.050
00902H 0.075 0.003 0.078 0.095 0.056
00952H 0.080 0.003 0.084 0.101 0.063
01002H 0.085 0.003 0.089 0.107 0.070
01062H 0.090 0.003 0.095 0.113 0.077
01122H 0.095 0.003 0.100 0.119 0.087
01182H 0.100 0.003 0.106 0.125 0.097
01252H 0.106 0.003 0.112 0.132 0.107
01322H 0.112 0.003 0.119 0.139 0.120
01402H 0.118 0.003 0.123 0.145 0.134
01502H 0.125 0.003 0.132 0.154 0.150
01602H 0.132 0.003 0.138 0.162 0.172
01702H 0.140 0.003 0.147 0.171 0.195
01802H 0.150 0.003 0.156 0.182 0.220
01902H 0.160 0.003 0.168 0.194 0.246
02002H 0.170 0.003 0.177 0.205 0.274
02122H 0.180 0.003 0.189 0.217 0.303
02242H 0.190 0.004 0.198 0.228 0.340
02362H 0.200 0.004 0.209 0.239 0.378
02502H 0.212 0.004 0.222 0.254 0.422
02652H 0.224 0.004 0.234 0.266 0.471
02802H 0.236 0.004 0.247 0.283 0.529
03002H 0.250 0.004 0.261 0.297 0.588
03152H 0.265 0.004 0.277 0.314 0.675
03352H 0.280 0.004 0.292 0.329 0.741
03552H 0.300 0.004 0.313 0.352 0.839
03752H 0.315 0.005 0.328 0.367 0.938
04002H 0.335 0.005 0.349 0.391 1.047
04252H 0.355 0.005 0.369 0.411 1.186
04502H 0.375 0.005 0.389 0.434 1.340
04752H 0.400 0.005 0.414 0.459 1.497
05002H 0.425 0.005 0.441 0.488 1.667
05302H 0.450 0.006 0.466 0.513 1.842
0.475 0.491 0.541 2.069
0.500 0.516 0.566
0.530 0.547 0.600

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled copper wires coated intelligent
With polyester imide
Total Weight approx
Double Layer (Grade 2) kg/km

Product-Code Nominal conductor Conductor Overall diameter mm 2.303
diameter tolerance ± min max 2.642
05602H mm 2.906
06002H mm 3.288
06302H 0.560 3.682
06702H 0.600 0.006 0.577 0.630 4.110
07102H 0.630 0.006 0.618 0.674 4.662
07502H 0.670 0.006 0.648 0.704 5.263
08002H 0.710 0.007 0.689 0.749 5.886
08502H 0.750 0.007 0.729 0.789 6.558
09002H 0.800 0.008 0.770 0.834 7.252
09502H 0.850 0.008 0.820 0.884 8.140
10002H 0.900 0.009 0.870 0.939 9.070
10602H 0.950 0.009 0.920 0.989 10.057
11202H 1.000 0.010 0.971 1.044 11.264
11802H 1.060 0.010 1.021 1.094 12.551
12502H 1.120 0.011 1.081 1.157 14.093
13202H 1.180 0.011 1.141 1.217 16.164
14002H 1.250 0.012 1.200 1.279 18.359
15002H 1.320 0.013 1.269 1.349 20.707
16002H 1.400 0.013 1.340 1.422 23.182
17002H 1.500 0.014 1.419 1.502 25.813
18002H 1.600 0.015 1.520 1.606 28.568
19002H 1.700 0.016 1.619 1.706 30.076
20002H 1.800 0.017 1.719 1.809 32.769
21202H 1.900 0.018 1.818 1.909 39.683
22402H 2.000 0.019 1.918 2.012 44.481
23602H 2.120 0.020 2.017 2.112 49.956
25002H 2.240 0.021 2.139 2.235 55.717
26502H 2.360 0.022 2.256 2.355 63.921
28002H 2.500 0.024 2.375 2.478 70.417
30002H 2.650 0.025 2.514 2.618 89.306
31502H 2.800 0.027 2.664 2.772 99.618
35502H 3.000 0.028 2.813 2.922 113.244
37502H 3.150 0.030 3.012 3.126 127.791
40002H 3.550 0.032 3.160 3.276 143.137
42502H 3.750 0.036 3.557 3.679 159.468
45002H 4.000 0.038 3.756 3.883 176.593
47502H 4.250 0.040 4.004 4.133
50002H 4.500 0.043 4.252 4.387
4.750 0.045 4.500 4.637
5.000 0.048 4.749 4.871
0.050 4.997 5.141

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

Member Pioneer Holding 91


Enameled copper wires coated
With base and over coat

Description Soft annealed copper wires insulated with a composed of a polyester imide layer as a base and
Construction a poly amide - imide layer as an over coat.
Different colour request.
Testing Thermal class up to 220oC.
Application: Resistant to gas Freon Self bonding.
1- Conductor: Soft annealed circular and flat copper wires according to IEC Specification.
2- Insulation: (with over coat): The insulation is composed of layers.
Type: base polyester - imide overcoat polyamide - imide.
Insulation thickness may be double grade 2 or triple grade 3 and acc to IEC 317- 13.

Acc to IEC 3171-0-, IEC 317- 13 and methods of test IEC 851.
For winding all rotors and coils, which are, used in motors for general purposes such
as fans, washing, M/CS, fridge….Etc.

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled copper wires coated intelligent
With base and over coat
Total Weight approx
Double Layer (Grade 2) kg/km

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm 0.303
mm tolerance ± 0.340
02002C min max 0.378
02122C 0.200 mm 0.209 0.239 0.422
02242C 0.212 0.222 0.254 0.471
02362C 0.224 0.003 0.234 0.266 0.529
02502C 0.236 0.003 0.247 0.283 0.588
02652C 0.250 0.003 0.261 0.297 0.675
02802C 0.265 0.004 0.277 0.314 0.741
03002C 0.280 0.004 0.292 0.329 0.839
03152C 0.300 0.004 0.313 0.352 0.938
03352C 0.315 0.004 0.328 0.367 1.047
03552C 0.335 0.004 0.349 0.391 1.186
03752C 0.355 0.004 0.369 0.411 1.340
04002C 0.375 0.004 0.389 0.434 1.497
04252C 0.400 0.004 0.414 0.459 1.667
04502C 0.425 0.005 0.441 0.488 1.842
04752C 0.450 0.005 0.466 0.513 2.069
05002C 0.475 0.005 0.491 0.541 2.303
05302C 0.500 0.005 0.516 0.566 2.642
05602C 0.530 0.005 0.547 0.600 2.906
06002C 0.560 0.005 0.577 0.630 3.288
06302C 0.600 0.006 0.618 0.674 3.682
06702C 0.630 0.006 0.648 0.704 4.110
07102C 0.670 0.006 0.689 0.749 4.662
07502C 0.710 0.006 0.729 0.789 5.263
08002C 0.750 0.007 0.770 0.834 5.886
08502C 0.800 0.007 0.820 0.884 6.558
09002C 0.850 0.008 0.870 0.939 7.252
09502C 0.900 0.008 0.920 0.989 8.140
10002C 0.950 0.009 0.971 1.044 9.070
10602C 1.000 0.009 1.021 1.094 10.057
11202C 1.060 0.009 1.081 1.157 11.264
11802C 1.120 0.010 1.141 1.217 12.551
12502C 1.180 0.011 1.200 1.279 14.093
13202C 1.250 0.011 1.269 1.349 16.164
14002C 1.320 0.012 1.340 1.422 18.359
15002C 1.400 0.013 1.419 1.502 20.707
16002C 1.500 0.013 1.520 1.606 23.182
17002C 1.600 0.014 1.619 1.706 25.813
18002C 1.700 0.015 1.719 1.809 28.568
19002C 1.800 0.016 1.818 1.909 32.076
20002C 1.900 0.017 1.918 2.012 35.769
21202C 2.000 0.018 2.017 2.112 39.683
22402C 2.120 0.019 2.139 2.235 44.481
23602C 2.240 0.020 2.256 2.355 49.956
25002C 2.360 0.021 2.375 2.478 55.717
26502C 2.500 0.022 2.514 2.618 63.921
28002C 2.650 0.024 2.664 2.772 70.417
30002C 2.800 0.025 2.813 2.922 79.595
31502C 3.000 0.027 3.012 3.126 89.306
33502C 3.150 0.028 3.160 3.276 99.618
35502C 3.350 0.030 3.359 3.479 113.244
37502C 3.550 0.032 3.557 3.679 127.791
40002C 3.750 0.034 3.756 3.883 143.167
42502C 4.000 0.036 4.004 4.133 159.468
45002C 4.250 0.038 4.252 4.387 176.593
47502C 4.500 0.040 4.500 4.637
50002C 4.750 0.043 4.749 4.891 93
5.000 0.045 4.997 5.141

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled copper wires coated
With base and over coat

Triple Layer (Grade 3)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± kg/km
02003C min max
02123C 0.200 mm 0.210 0.252 2.622
02243C 0.212 0.222 0.268 2.673
02363C 0.224 0.003 0.234 0.280 2.738
02503C 0.236 0.003 0.246 0.298 2.780
02653C 0.250 0.003 0.260 0.312 2.854
02803C 0.265 0.004 0.276 0.330 2.920
03003C 0.280 0.004 0.291 0.345 2.998
03153C 0.300 0.004 0.312 0.369 3.084
03353C 0.315 0.004 0.327 0.384 3.160
03553C 0.335 0.004 0.347 0.408 3.246
03753C 0.355 0.004 0.367 0.428 3.347
04003C 0.375 0.004 0.388 0.453 3.427
04253C 0.400 0.004 0.413 0.478 3.554
04503C 0.425 0.005 0.439 0.508 3.663
04753C 0.450 0.005 0.464 0.533 3.793
05003C 0.475 0.005 0.490 0.562 3.910
05303C 0.500 0.005 0.515 0.587 4.046
05603C 0.530 0.005 0.546 0.623 4.192
06003C 0.560 0.005 0.576 0.653 4.367
06303C 0.600 0.006 0.617 0.698 4.593
06703C 0.630 0.006 0.647 0.728 4.787
07103C 0.670 0.006 0.687 0.774 5.039
07503C 0.710 0.006 0.727 0.814 5.330
08003C 0.750 0.007 0.768 0.861 5.620
08503C 0.800 0.007 0.818 0.911 6.038
09003C 0.850 0.008 0.869 0.968 6.474
09503C 0.900 0.008 0.919 1.018 6.966
10003C 0.950 0.009 0.969 1.074 7.484
10603C 1.000 0.009 8.055
11203C 1.060 0.009 1.019 1.124 8.787
11803C 1.120 1.079 1.188 9.586
12503C 1.180 0.010 1.139 1.248 10.441
13203C 1.250 0.011 1.199 1.311 11.519
14003C 1.320 0.011 1.268 1.381 12.675
15003C 1.400 0.012 1.339 1.455 14.100
16003C 1.500 0.013 1.418 1.535 16.026
17003C 1.600 0.013 1.518 1.640 18.115
18003C 1.700 0.014 1.617 1.740 20.360
19003C 1.800 0.015 1.717 1.844 22.760
20003C 1.900 0.016 1.816 1.944 25.310
21203C 2.000 0.017 1.916 2.048 28.009
22403C 2.120 0.018 2.015 2.148 31.442
23603C 2.240 0.019 2.135 2.272 35.083
25003C 2.360 0.020 2.254 2.392 38.929
26503C 2.500 0.021 2.373 2.516 43.676
28003C 2.650 0.022 2.512 2.656 49.068
30003C 2.800 0.024 2.661 2.811 54.777
31503C 3.000 0.025 2.810 2.961 62.880
33503C 3.150 0.027 3.009 3.166 69.324
35503C 3.350 0.028 3.157 3.316 78.406
37503C 3.550 0.030 3.357 3.521 88.047
40003C 3.750 0.032 3.555 3.721 98.248
42503C 4.000 0.034 3.754 3.926 111.784
45003C 4.250 0.036 4.002 4.176 126.194
47503C 4.500 0.038 4.250 4.431 141.477
50003C 4.750 0.040 4.498 4.681 157.633
5.000 0.043 4.746 4.936 174.663
94 0.045 4.994 5.186

Member Pioneer Holding


Enameled Wires

We own the power


Enameled Wires

System for Conductor Designation for Enameled

Wires code as per the catalouge


0·····0··· 50 0.05
0500 0.5


Grade Type of class

1 Grade 1 B Class B
2 Grade 2 F Class F
3 Grade 3 H Class H
C Class C

Enameled copper wires coated
With polyvinyl acetal

Description Soft annealed copper wires insulated with a composed of a polyvinyl acetal layer. Different
colour upon request.
Thermal class up to 130oC.
resistant to oil transformer.

Construction 1- Conductor: Soft annealed circular copper wires according to IEC Specification.
2- Insulation: The insulation is composed of layers.

Type: a polyvinyl acetal Insulation thickness may be single grade 1 or

double grade 2 and acc to IEC 31712-.

Testing Acc to IEC 3171-0-, IEC 31712- and methods of test IEC 851.

Application: For winding all rotors and coils, which are, used in general purposes and oil


Enameled copper wires coated
With polyvinyl acetal
Single Layer (Grade1)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
05301F mm 1.809
05601F 2.031
06001F 0.500 0.005 0.515 0.544 2.263
06301F 0.530 0.006 0.545 0.576 2.598
06701F 0.560 0.006 0.575 0.606 2.860
07101F 0.600 0.006 0.616 0.649 3.234
07501F 0.630 0.006 0.646 0.679 3.625
08001F 0.670 0.007 0.687 0.722 4.045
08501F 0.710 0.007 0.727 0.762 4.594
09001F 0.750 0.008 0.767 0.805 5.188
09501F 0.800 0.008 0.817 0.855 5.807
10001F 0.850 0.009 0.868 0.909 6.470
10601F 0.900 0.009 0.918 0.959 7.159
11201F 0.950 0.010 0.968 1.012 8.039
11801F 1.000 0.010 1.018 1.062 8.963
12501F 1.060 0.011 1.079 1.124 9.944
13201F 1.120 0.011 1.139 1.184 11.145
14001F 1.180 0.012 1.199 1.246 12.422
15001F 1.250 0.013 1.268 1.316 13.957
16001F 1.320 0.013 1.339 1.388 16.010
17001F 1.400 0.014 1.418 1.468 18.194
18001F 1.500 0.015 1.517 1.570 20.528
19001F 1.600 0.016 1.616 1.670 22.993
20001F 1.700 0.017 1.716 1.772 25.608
21201F 1.800 0.018 1.815 1.872 28.353
22401F 1.900 0.019 1.915 1.974 31.843
23601F 2.000 0.020 2.014 2.074 35.523
25001F 2.120 0.021 2.134 2.196 39.417
26501F 2.240 0.022 2.253 2.316 44.200
28001F 2.360 0.024 2.372 2.438 49.644
30001F 2.500 0.025 2.511 2.578 55.388
31501F 2.650 0.027 2.660 2.730 63.560
33501F 2.800 0.028 2.809 2.880 70.039
35501F 3.000 0.030 3.008 3.083 79.185
37501F 3.150 0.032 3.156 3.233 88.872
40001F 3.350 0.034 3.355 3.435 99.149
42501F 3..550 0.036 3.553 3.635 112.745
45001F 3.750 0.038 3.753 3.838 127.249
47501F 4.000 0.040 4.001 4.088 142.593
50001F 4.250 0.043 4.249 4.341 158.837
4.500 0.045 4.497 4.591 175.930
4.750 0.048 4.745 4.843
5.000 0.050 4.993 5.093

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

We own the power



Enameled copper wires coated
With polyvinyl acetal
Double Layer (Grade2)

Product-Code Nominal conductor diameter Conductor Overall diameter mm Total Weight approx
mm tolerance ± min max kg/km
05302F mm 1.842
05602F 2.069
06002F 0.500 0.005 0.516 0.566 2.303
06302F 0.530 0.006 0.547 0.600 2.642
06702F 0.560 0.006 0.577 0.630 2.906
07102F 0.600 0.006 0.618 0.674 3.288
07502F 0.630 0.006 0.648 0.704 3.682
08002F 0.670 0.007 0.689 0.749 4.110
08502F 0.710 0.007 0.729 0.789 4.662
09002F 0.750 0.008 0.770 0.834 5.263
09502F 0.800 0.008 0.820 0.884 5.886
10002F 0.850 0.009 0.870 0.939 6.558
10602F 0.900 0.009 0.920 0.989 7.252
11202F 0.950 0.010 0.971 1.044 8.140
11802F 1.000 0.010 1.021 1.094 9.070
12502F 1.060 0.011 1.081 1.157 10.057
13202F 1.120 0.011 1.141 1.217 11.264
14002F 1.180 0.012 1.200 1.279 12.551
15002F 1.250 0.013 1.269 1.349 14.093
16002F 1.320 0.013 1.340 1.422 16.164
17002F 1.400 0.014 1.419 1.502 18.359
18002F 1.500 0.015 1.520 1.606 20.707
19002F 1.600 0.016 1.619 1.706 23.182
20002F 1.700 0.017 1.719 1.809 25.813
21202F 1.800 0.018 1.818 1.909 28.568
22402F 1.900 0.019 1.918 2.012 32.076
23602F 2.000 0.020 2.017 2.112 35.769
25002F 2.120 0.021 2.139 2.235 39.683
26502F 2.240 0.022 2.256 2.355 44.481
28002F 2.360 0.024 2.375 2.478 49.956
30002F 2.500 0.025 2.514 2.618 55.717
31502F 2.650 0.027 2.664 2.772 63.921
33502F 2.800 0.028 2.813 2.922 70.417
35502F 3.000 0.030 3.012 3.126 79.595
37502F 3.150 0.032 3.160 3.276 89.306
40002F 3.350 0.034 3.359 3.479 99.618
42502F 3..550 0.036 3.557 3.679 113.244
45002F 3.750 0.038 3.756 3.883 127.791
47502F 4.000 0.040 4.004 4.133 143.167
50002F 4.250 0.043 4.252 4.387 159.468
4.500 0.045 4.500 4.637 176.593
4.750 0.048 4.749 4.891
5.000 0.050 4.997 5.141

N.B.: Intermediate and other sizes are produced upon request

We own the power



Enamelled copper wires coated
With polyurethane

Description Soft annealed copper wires insulated with a composed of a polyurethane layer. Different colour
upon request.
Construction Thermal class up to 155oC.
Testing Self welding (self flux).
1- Conductor: Soft annealed circular copper wires according to IEC Specification.
Application: 2- Insulation: The insulation is composed of layers.
Type: a polyurethane Insulation thickness may be single grade 1 or double
grade 2 and acc to IEC 31720-.

Acc to IEC 3171-0-, IEC 31720- and methods of test IEC 851.

For winding all rotors and small coils, which are used in electronic circuits for general

We own the power


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