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Published by Constguide, 2018-11-28 10:46:56

3rd issue


We Deliver ... Your Power 151


152 We Deliver ... Your Power

Instrumentation Cable


Instrumentation Cable


Instrumentation Cable


• Multi-core cables

• Multi-pair cables

• Multi-triple cables

300V Collective Screen Un-Armored Instrumentation Cables
Instrumentation Cables

• Multi-core cables

• Multi-pair cables

• Multi-triple cables

500InVstCruomlleecntiavteioSncCreaebnleUs n-Armored Instrumentation Cables

• Multi-core cables

• Multi-pair cables

• Multi-triple cables


• Multi-core cables

• Multi-core cables

• Multi-pair cables

• M•uMltiu-pltia-triripcleacbalebsles
• Multi-triple cables
300V Collective Screen Armored Instrumentation Cables

• Multi-core cables Special Cables Catalogue
• Multi-pair cables
• Multi-triple cables

500V Collective Screen Armored Instrumentation Cables

• Multi-core cables Special Cables Catalogue

• Multi-pair cables

• Multi-triple cables
500V Collective Screen Armored Instrumentation Cables

• Multi-core cables
• Multi-pair cables
• Multi-triple cables

Special Cables Catalogu

Instrumentation Cables UN-ARMORED INSTRUMENTATIOiNntCeAlBliLgESent

300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescriptIniostnrumentation Cables UN-ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Alternatives XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Description LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )

ConductoCr olor codPilnagin anneBalalecdk,sctroanntdineudoucsolyppnuemr bered

Core insulWatriaopnpingPVC ( polyAvtinleyal csth1lolraidyer)of plastic tape
AlternativeCsollectiveXLsPcEre(eCnro2s4s lμinmkeAdlupmoliyneutmhy/lePEnTeP)tape over tinned copper drain wire

Outer sheLaSt0hH ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
AlternativPeEs( polyeLthS0yHlen( eLo)w smoke Zero Halogen )
Color coding
Black, conOtiuntueorusshlyeantuhmvbaerireesdas per standard and according to application
WrappingCables mAatrkleinagst:1 l=aGyeizraoCf apblalestiIcndtaupsteries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
Collective screen 24 μm Aluminum/ PETP tape over tinned copper drain wire

Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
AlternaAtivpeps licatioLSn0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Outer sheath varies as per standard and according to application
Cables maItrkwinogrk:s a=sGsiigzanaCl acbalrerieInr dfoursItnrisetsru=m,seiznet,acatiobnlees qshuoiprtmdeenstcsr.iRpeticoonm,vmolteangdee,md atonubfeacutsuerdinign yinedaor,omr eintsetar mllaatiroknin,gon racks,

in conduits, in dry and wet locations.

Nominal Cross
secIttiownoarlkasraeas signal carrieNr ofo. roIfnstrumNoemnintaaltion Minimum Nominal to Abpepdru(ioamsxme.meOdtv)eienr rainll dooWr einAigspthpatro(llaxK.gtni/oeKntm,
eTqhuicipknmeses nts.RecTohimckmneessnodfed on racks,
i(nmcmon2d) uits, in dry and wcoertelsoccaarotriesosans(esm.cmtio)n2al
of insulation outer sheath )

( mm ) ( mm )

2 0.8 4.9 35

ominal Cross 3 Minimum Nominal 0.8 5.2 45
ctional area No4minal Thickness Thickness of
No. of cross sectional 0.9Approx. Overall 5.8 Approx. net 60
( mm2 ) cores area5 (mm)2 o0f.5in0sulation 0.2o6uter sheath diameter 6.3Weight ( Kg/Km ) 70
0.9 ( mm )
2 10 ( mm ) ( mm )
3 1.0 8.6 130
4 20 0.26 0.8 1.0 4.9 10.7 35 225
5 0.75 1.2 5.2 16.0 45 530
10 50 0.8 0.9 5.8 5.6 60 45
20 2 0.9 6.3 5.9 70 60
50 0.9 0.9 8.6 6.3 130 75
2 30.50 0.9 10.7 6.8 225 85
3 0.9 1.0 16.0 9.4 530 160
4 4 1.1 5.6 12.1 45 295
1.0 1.3 5.9 18.0 60 690
5 0.9 6.3 5.9 75 55
0.26 1.0
20 0.9

50 0.9

5 30.75 0.26 0.9 0.9 6.8 6.3 85 70

10 4 1.0 0.9 9.4 6.3 160 90

20 5 1.00 0.26 1.1 0.9 12.1 7.3 295 105

50 10 1.3 1.0 18.0 10.2 690 195
0.9 1.1 5.9 55
2 20 13.0 355
3 50 0.9 1.4 6.3 70
19.7 850
42 0.9 0.9 6.3 6.9 90
5 31.00 0.26 70
0.9 0.9 7.3 7.3 105 95
10 4 1.0 0.9 10.2 7.3 195
0.35 1.1 1.1 13.0 8.3 355
20 5 1.50 1.4 1.1 19.7 850 150
0.9 1.2 6.9 70
50 10 12.2 275
2 20 0.9 15.8 95 510
3 50 0.9 1.5 7.3 120
4 7.3 23.9 1210

5 Notes: 1N.o50t allowed 0fo.3r5direct csuobnjneecctet11id..o11ntotonolorwmaiml,leer.agn. ct12h75ee50. public mains electricity supplies.
10 Values are approximate and

20 Individual unit screen also available u1p.2on request 15.8 510

50 1.5 23.9 1210

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.

Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Individual unit screen also available upon request Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

300V Collective Screen Cables
Instrumentation Cables Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

300V Collective Screen Cables
Description Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Conductor LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Plain annePaEle( dpostlyraenthdyelednceo)pper
CAlotererniantsiuvleWCastoriaolopnrpcinogdXPiVLnPCgE ( poly1vBinlaylcckhalonrdid1eW) hite core, continuously
( CroAsst llienakestd1plaoylyeertohyf lpelnaesti)c tape numbered

CollectiveLSs0cHre(eLnow24smμomkeAlZuemroinHuamlo/ gPeETnP)tape over tinned copper drain wire
Outer shePaEth( polyePthVyCle(nepo)lyvinyl chloride )
Color codAinlgternativ1esBlack anLdS01HW( hLoitewcsmoroek, ecoZnetrionuHoauloslgyennum) bered
Wrapping At least 1 lOauyeterrosfhpelaatshticvataripeseas per standard and according to application

CollectiveCsacbreleesnm2a4rkμimngA:lu=mGinizuamC/ aPbETleP Itnadpuestorieves r=t,isniznee,cdacbolepspsehrodrtradienswcriripetion,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
ApplicatioOnuter sheath varies as per standard and according to application
Cables marking : =Giza Cable Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
It works as signal carrier for Instrumentation equipments.Recommended to be used in indoor installation, on racks,

in conduits, in dry and wet locations.


It works as signal carrier for Instrumentation equipments.Recommended to be used in indoor installation, on racks,

in conduits, in dry and wet locations.

No. of Nominal Minimum Nominal Approx. Overall Approx. net
cross sectional Thickness Thickness of diameter Weight ( Kg/Km )
cores area (mm)2 of insulation outer sheath ( mm )

( mm ) ( mm )

1 Minimum Nominal 0.8 4.9 35
croNsso2smecintaiolnal Thickness Thickness of Approx. Overall
No. of area5(mm)2 of insulation outer sheath 0.9 diameter 7.2 Approx. net 65
cores 0.50 ( mm ) 0.26 ( mm ) 1.1 ( mm ) 9.3 Weight ( Kg/Km ) 125
1 20 0.26 0.8 1.1 12.9 35 225
2 50 1.3 4.9
5 01.50 0.75 0.9 1.6 7.2 16.9 65 420
10 2 1.1
20 5 0.26 1.1 0.9 9.3 25.5 985
50 10 1.00 1.3 5.6 125 45
1 20 0.26 1.6 0.9 12.9 7.9 225 80
2 50 0.26 0.9 16.9 420
5 1 1.50 0.9 1.0 10.2 155
10 02.75 1.0 25.5 985
20 5 0.35 1.2 1.2 14.5 300
50 10 1.3 5.6 45
1 20 1.3 18.7 550
2 50 0.26 1.7 1.7 7.9 80
5 28.6 1305
10 1.00 0.9 0.9 10.2 5.9 155 55
20 2 1.0 14.5 8.7 300 95
50 5 1.0 18.7 550
1 10 1.1 1.1 11.2 195
2 20 1.2 28.6 1305
5 50 1.4 1.2 15.7 360
10 0.35 1.8 1.4 5.9 55
20 1.50 20.5 680
50 0.9 1.8 8.7 95
31.2 1625
1.0 0.9 11.2 6.9 195 70
1.1 15.7 360
1.4 1.0 10.3 130
20.5 680
1.1 13.3 275
31.2 1625
1.4 19.2 530
1.6 6.9 70
25.1 995
10.3 130
2.1 38.4 2395

13.3 275

19.2 530

1.6 25.1 995

Notes: Not allowed for direct conne2c.1tion to low 38.4 source, e.g. 2395 mains electricity supplies.

impedance the public

Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Individual unit screen also available upon request

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

Instrumentation Cables intelligent

300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescriptIniostnrumentation Cables UN-ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Alternatives XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )
ConductoCr olor codPilnagin anne1aBleladcskt,ra1nwdheitdec&o1ppreedr core continuously numbered.
AClotererniantsiuvleWCastoriaollpnepctinivgePXVLsPcCEre((epCnorolyA2sv4stinllμienymakl ecsAtdh1lluoplmraoidyliyneeeur)tmohyf/lpePlEnaTesPti)ctatpaepeover a tinned copper drain wire
Outer sheLaSt0hH ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
AlternativPeEs( polyeLthS0yHlen( eLo)w smoke Zero Halogen )
Color coding 1 Black, 1 Owuhtiteer &sh1earethdvcaorrieescaosnptienrusotuasnlydanurdmabnedreadc. cording to application

WrappingCables mAatrkleinagst:1 l=aGyeizraoCf apblalestiIcndtaupsteries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
Collective screen 24 μm Aluminum/ PETP tape over a tinned copper drain wire

Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
AlternaAtivpeps licatioLSn0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Outer sheath varies as per standard and according to application

Cables maItrkwinogrk:s a=sGsiigzanaCl acbalrerieInr dfoursItnrisetsru=m,seiznet,acatiobnlees qshuoiprtmdeenstcsr.iRpeticoonm,vmolteangdee,md atonubfeacutsuerdinign yinedaor,omr eintsetar mllaatiroknin,g

on racks, in conduits, in dry and wet locations.


oItnwroarcksksa, sinsicgonnadl cuaitNscrr,oioein.rreodfsforyrcIaanrorsneNstsadrousm(ewmmcinemteaiotn)ln2ltoaalctiaotniooefTMnhi(qnsiincm.suiukmminlpauetm)misosnents.ReoTchuNitoc(eokmmrmnsmehminesas)ealotnhfded to bApepurosxe. dOvinerianlldoor installation,

diameter Approx. net )
( mm ) Weight ( Kg/Km

1 IN0200530.8 5.2 45

2 Minimum NominINal0200540.9 Approx. Overall 8.0 80
croNss5osmecintaiolnal Thickness diameter
No. of area10(mm)2 0.o50f insulation 0.2o6Thuitc(ekmrnsmehesIINNs)ao00th22f 0000555611..02 ( mm ) 10.3 Approx. net 165
cores 14.6 Weight ( Kg/Km ) 310
20 ( mm ) 5.2
1 IN0200530.8 IN0200571.3 8.0 18.8 45 570
2 50 0.26 IN0200540.9 10.3 80 1365
5 1 0.75 IN0200551.0 IN0200581.7 14.6 28.8 165 55
10 IN0200561.2 IN0200590.9 18.8 5.9 310 105
20 20.50 0.26 IN00.22600571.3 IN0200601.0 570 215
5 1.00 IN0200611.1 28.8 8.9 1365 415
50 10 IN0200581.7 5.9 11.5 55 765
1 20 0.26 IN0200590.9 IN0200621.3 16.4 105 1835
2 50 1.50 8.9 21.1 215 70
5 IN0200601.0 IN0200631.4 11.5 32.3 415 130
10 1 IN0200611.1 IN0200641.8 16.4 6.3 765 270
20 20.75 21.1 9.6 1835 510
50 5 IN0200621.3 IN0200650.9 32.3 12.4 70 960
1 10 IN00.22600631.4 6.3 17.7 130 2330
2 20 IN0200641.8 IN0200661.1 9.6 23.1 270
5 50 IN0200671.1 12.4 35.5 510 90
10 1 IN0200650.9 IN0200681.3 17.7 7.3 960 190
20 21.00 IN0200691.5 23.1 11.6 2330 390
50 5 IN0200702.0 35.5 15.1
1 10 IN0200661.1 IN0200710.9 7.3 21.5 90 750
2 20 IN0200671.1 IN0200721.1 11.6 28.3 190 1430
5 40 IN0200681.3 38.4 2770
10 IN0.032500691.5 IN0200731.2
20 IN0200702.0
40 IN0200710.9 IN0200741.4
IN0200721.1 IN0200762.1

1.50 0.35 IN0200731.2 15.1 390
IN0200741.4 21.5 750

IN0200751.7 28.3 1430
IN0200762.1 38.4 2770
Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.

Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Individual unit screen also available upon request

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

500V Collective Screen Cables
Instrumentation Cables Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

500V Collective Screen Cables
Description Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Conductor LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Plain annePaEle( dpostlyraenthdyelednceo)pper
CAlotererniantsiuvleCWastoriaolopnrpcinogdXPiVLnPCgE ( polyBvlaincykl ,ccholonrtidineuo) usly numbered
( CroAsst llienakestd1plaoylyeertohyf lpelnaesti)c tape

CollectiveLSs0cHre(eLnow24smμomkeAlZuemroinHuamlo/ gPeETnP)tape over a tinned copper drain wire
Outer shePaEth( polyePthVyCle(nepo)lyvinyl chloride )
Color codAinlgternativBelas ck, conLtSin0uHo(uLsolywnsummobkeereZdero Halogen )
Wrapping At least 1 lOauyeterrosfhpelaatshticvataripeseas per standard and according to application

CollectiveCsacbreleesnm2a4rkμimngA:lu=mGinizuamC/ aPbETleP Itnadpuestorieves r=a,sitzien,nceadbcleospshpoerrtddreasincrwipitreion,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
ApplicatioOnuter sheath varies as per standard and according to application
Cables marking : =Giza Cable Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
It works as signal carrier for Instrumentation equipments. Recommended to be used in indoor installation,

on racks, in conduits, in dry and wet locations.

Iotnwroarcksksa, sinsicgonnadl cuaitsrr,ieinNcr oodfo.rreyrosIfansntdrucwmaroreNessatonsml(etomacicntmtaiiaoo)lnt2niaolenqs.uipofTMmhi(niinecmsiukmnmnlatuest)mi.sosRnecomomThuNeitc(eonkmrmndsmehineesas)dalothtfo be Aupsepdrd(ioamxmi.nmeOitnv)eedr roalol rWineAsigtpahpltlrao( xKt.igon/neK,tm )

2 Minimum Nominal 0.9 5.9 45
Thickness Thickness of
No. of 3 Nominal of insulation outer sheath 0.A9 pprox. Overall W66..e72Aigphptro( ) 55
cores car45oressas(emcmtio)n2 al 0.50 ( mm ) 0.44 ( mm ) 0.9 diameter 70
0.9 ( mm )
7.3 85

2 10 0.9 1.0 5.9 10.0 45 150

3 20 0.9 1.1 6.2 12.9 55 275

4 50 0.9 1.4 6.7 19.4 70 640

5 2 0.50 0.44 0.9 0.9 7.3 6.3 85 55
10 3
1.0 0.9 10.0 6.6 150 70

20 4 1.1 0.9 12.9 7.2 275 85

50 5 0.75 0.44 1.4 0.9 19.4 7.8 640 100
2 10 0.9 1.1 6.3 11.1 55 190

3 20 0.9 1.2 6.6 14.2 70 345

4 50 0.9 1.4 7.2 21.2 85 800

5 2 0.75 0.44 0.9 0.9 7.8 6.6 100 65
10 3
1.1 0.9 11.1 7.0 190 85

20 4 1.00 0.44 1.2 0.9 14.2 7.6 345 105
50 5 1.4 1.0 21.2 8.5 800 130

2 10 0.9 1.1 6.6 11.8 65 225

3 20 0.9 1.2 7.0 15.1 85 415
4 50
0.9 1.5 7.6 22.9 105 980

5 2 1.00 0.44 1.0 0.9 8.5 7.2 130 75

10 3 1.1 0.9 11.8 7.7 225 105

20 4 1.50 0.44 1.2 1.0 15.1 8.6 415 135
50 5 1.5 1.0 22.9 9.3 980 160
2 10 1.1 7.2 13.0 75 295
3 20 1.3 7.7 16.9 105 550
4 50 1.6 8.6 25.6 135 1285
5 2 1.50 8.6 160 105
0.44 1.0 1.0 9.3
9.2 295
10 3 1.1 1.0 13.0 145

20 4 1.3 1.0 16.9 10.0 550 185

50 5 2.50 0.53 1.6 1.1 25.6 11.1 1285 230

2 10 1.0 1.2 8.6 15.6 105 430

3 20 1.0 1.4 9.2 20.3 145 805

4 50 1.0 1.8 10.0 31.0 185 1920

5 2.50 0.53 1.1 11.1 230

10 Notes: Not allowed for direct connection t1o.2low impedance15s.o6 urce, e.g. 430
20 the public mains electricity supplies. Value1s.4are approximat2e0.a3nd subjecte8d05to normal manufacturing tolerance.
50 Individual unit screen also available upon r1e.8quest 31.0 1920

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g.

the public mains electricity supplies. Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.

Individual unit screen also available upon request Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

Instrumentation Cables intelligent

500V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescriptIniostnrumentation Cables UN-ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
500V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Alternatives XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )
ConductoCr olor codPilnagin anne1aBleladcsktraanndde1dWchoitpepceorre, continuously numbered
CAlotererniantsiuvleCWastoriaollpnepctinivgePXVLsPcCEre((epCnorolyA2sv4stinllμienymakl ecsAtdh1lluoplmraoidyliyneeeur)tmohyf/lpePlEnaTesPti)ctatpaepeover tinned copper drain wire

Outer sheLaSt0hH ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
WCCoorallolpercpctiniovgdeCAinslacgtebrerlneeasntmivPA12ea4EtsBrklμl(eaimpnacgoskAtly:a1leunlL=OmtadhSGuy0iyn1etiHlzeuerWanmr(oehsCLf/hoitap)PeewblEaacTlstesPhmotiIcrtnvoeaadtk,paeruciepesoZtseonreiaevtrioesns rup=Hto,eaisnuirlznosseletgy,acdennanucdbm)oaleprbdspesaerhernodddrtraadicencswcorirridpeitniognt,ovoaltpapgleic,amtaionnufacturing year,meter marking

Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
AlternaAtivpeps licatioLSn0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Outer sheath varies as per standard and according to application

Cables maItrkwinogrk:s a=sGsiigzanaCl acbalrerieInr dfoursItnrisetsru=m,seiznet,acatiobnlees qshuoiprtmdeenstcsr.iRpeticoonm,vmolteangdee,md atonubfeacutsuerdinign yinedaor,omr eintsetar mllaatiroknin,gon racks,

in conduits, in dry and wet locations.

ApplicationIt No. of Nominal Minimum Nominal Approx. Overall
carrcieorrefos r cross sectional diameter
Thickness Thickness of Approx. net
Instrauremae(mntma)t2ion used( minmin)door
works as signal eqoufiip(nmsmumleatn)iotns.Recomoumt(eemr nsmhde)eadth to be insWtaeilglahttio( Kng, /oKnm r)acks,

in conduits, in dry and1wet locations. 0.9 5.9 50

2 Minimum Nominal 1.0 8.6 85
cro5Nssosmecintaiolnal 0.5o0fThinicsuknlaetisosn 0.44oThuitcekrnsehessaothf Appdrioaxm. eOtveer rall11.1
No. of a1r0ea (mm)2 1.1 ( mm ) 15.5 Approx. net ) 160
cores ( mm ) ( mm ) 1.2 Weight ( Kg/Km 285
1 50 0.44 0.9 1.4 5.9 20.2 50 515
2 0.75 1.8 8.6 30.8 85 1205
5 1 1.0 0.9 11.1 160 55
10 2 0.50 0.44 1.0 15.5 6.3 285 100
20 5 1.00 1.1 9.3 195
50 10 360
1 20 0.44 1.2 1.1 20.2 12.0 515 660
2 50 1.50 0.44 1.4 1.3 30.8 17.1 1205 1550
5 1.5 22.2 55 65
10 1 0.44 1.8 1.9 6.3 33.9 100 115
20 2 0.75 2.50 9.3 195 230
50 5 0.9 6.6 360 430
1 10 9.9 660 785
2 20 1.0 0.9 12.8 1550 1885
5 50 1.0 18.3 65
10 1.1 1.1 12.0 23.8 115 80
20 1 1.3 17.1 36.6 230 145
50 2 1.00 1.3 1.5 22.2 430 295
1 5 0.44 1.5 2.0 33.9 7.2 785 560
2 10 11.1 1885 1060
5 20 1.9 0.9 6.6 14.3 2050
10 40 1.1 9.9 20.4 105
20 1 0.9 1.2 12.8 26.6 205
40 2 1.50 1.4 18.3 430
1 5 1.0 1.6 23.8 850
10 2.0 36.6 1575
20 1.1 1.0
1.1 7.2
0.44 1.3 1.3 11.1
1.5 1.6 14.3
1.8 20.4
2.0 26.6
0.9 36.2 80
1.1 8.6 145
13.0 295
1.2 17.2 560
24.8 1060
1.4 32.3 2050
0.53 1.6


1.0 105

2 1.1 13.0 205

5 Notes: 2N.5o0t allowed for0d.5ir3ect connectio1n.3to low impedan1c7.e2 source, e.g. the4p3u0blic mains electricity supplies.
10 Values are approximate and subjected1.t6o normal manuf2a4c.8turing tolerance. 850
20 Individual unit screen also available upo1.n8 request
32.3 1575

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

500V Collective Screen Cables
Instrumentation Cables Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

500V Collective Screen Cables
Description Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Description Alternatives
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Conductor LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Plain annealePdE s(trpaonlydeetdhycleonpepe) r
CAlotererniantsiuvleastioWCnoraloprpXPciVLnoPgCdEin((gpCorolysvsinli1AnykltBeclleadhaclopsktr,oid11lyelwea)tyhheiytreleo&nfep1l)aresdticctoarpeecontinuously numbered.
CollecLtSiv0eH s(cLroewensm2o4kμemZeArolumHainlougme/nP)ETP tape over a tinned copper drain wire
CWCOoouralltoleperrcpcstihniovegdeainsthcgrAOCelauetebtnerlner PA2P1ass4EVhttBmievClμl(eaeaampacs(rtokhskpAtli,yno1l1euglylmtwavh: yhiiynneli=OLPetyuSreVGlnmu0ocCe&tiHzf/ehap)(l1rP(olpsECLarrhoiTeodasPewdtlebyiactvcalst)eihmtonpaIyrenvopeladkecoceruhiveoselZtosnrerirtaeriaidonsseutp=Hion,e)asunirlzseoselytdg,acencnanudobm)palebprdseesrarhednoddrra.t aidncewcsciorerridpitniognt,ovoaltpapgleic,amtaionnufacturing year,meter marking
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )

ApplicationOuter sheath varies as per standard and according to application

Cables marking : =Giza Cable Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

It works as signal carrier for Instrumentation equipments.Recommended to be used in indoor installation,

Application on racks, in conduits, in dry and wet locations.

It works as signal carrier dfNcorooyr .rIaenossnftdruwmcareoereNtsnsaoltosma(ecmctiniamtoaiotn)lin2oaenlqs.uipmoefTMhni(niincmtssiukm.mnlRaueet)misoscnommendoThueNitc(edokmrmntsmoehinesas)balotehf usedAipnpdir(nioamdxm.moeOotv)ererirnaslltalWlaetAiiogphnpt,ro( )
on racks, in conduits, in

No. of 1 Minimum Nominal 0.9 6.2 55
Nomi2nal Thickness Thickness of Ap1p.0rox. Overall 105
cores caroressas(emc15mt0io)n2 al 0o.5f 0i(nmsumlat)ion 0.o4u4t(emr smhe)ath A9p.5prox. net 205
1d.1(iammmet)er We1ig2h.3t ( Kg/Km ) 385
1 20 0.44 0.9 1.3 710
2 50 0.75 1.0 1.5 6.2 17.5 1675
5 0.510 1.1 22.855 65
10 2 0.44 1.9 9.5 34.1805 125
20 5 1.00 1.3 6.6 205 255
50 10 1.5 0.9 12.3 10.3385 490
1 0.44 0.44 1.9 1.0 17.5 13.3710
2 20 1.50 19.31675 915
5 50 0.9 1.1 22.8 25.165 2195
10 0.7215 1.0 1.4 34.8 38.5125 75
20 5 1.6 6.6 7.0 255 150
50 10 0.44 1.1 2.1 10.3 11.2490 310
1 20 1.4 0.9 13.3 590
2 40 1.6 1.1 19.3 14.5915 1118
5 1.2 25.1 20.62195 2155
10 1.010 2.1 1.4 38.5 26.975
20 2 36.6150 95
40 5 0.9 1.6 7.0 7.7 310 190
10 1.1 2.0 11.2 12.3590 405
1.2 0.9 14.5 16.01118 790
1.4 1.1 20.6 23.12155
1.2 26.9
0.44 1.6 1.5 36.6

1 20 0.9 1.8 7.7 30.395 1510

21 1.1 1.0 12.3 9.2 190 140

5 1.520 0.44 0.53 1.2 1.2 16.0 14.7405 280
10 5 2.50 1.5 1.4 23.1 19.4790 610
1.8 1.7 30.3 27.91510 1190
20 10 2.0 9.2 36.7140 2275
1 20 1.0
2 1.2 14.7 280
5 2.50 0.53 19.4 610

10 1.7 27.9 1190

20 2.0 36.7 2275

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance.
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

Instrumentation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CiAnBtLeESlligent

300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescriptIniostnrumentation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Alternatives XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Description LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )

ConductoCr olor codPilnagin anneBalalecdk,sctroanntdineudoucsolyppnuemr bered

Core insulWatriaopnpingPVC ( polyAvtinleyal csth1lolraidyer)of plastic tape
AlternativeCsollectiveXLsPcEre(eCnro2s4s lμinmkeAdlupmoliyneutmhy/lePEnTeP)tape over a tinned copper drain wire

Inner sheLaSt0hH ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
AlternativPeEs( polyeLthS0yHlen( eLo)w smoke Zero Halogen )
Color coding
Black, conmtinauteoruiaslyvnaurimesbaesrepder standard and according to application
WrappingArmor At least 1 lGaayelvraonfizpeladsrtoicutnadpseteel wires
CollectiveOsuctreeresnhe2a4thμm AluPmVinCu(mp/oPlyEvTPintyal cpheloorvideer a) tinned copper drain wire
Inner sheaAthlternativPeVsC ( polyLvSi0nHyl(cLholowrisdmeo)ke Zero Halogen )
LS0H ( LowOsumteorksehZeeartohHvalroiegseans)per standard and according to application

Armor Cables mmaraktienrgial v=aGrieizsaaCs apbelrestIandndusatridesa=n,dsizaec,ccaobrdleinsgshtortadpepsliccraipttioionn,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

Galvanized round steel wires
OAluteternr asAhtievpeapsthlicatioPLSVn0CH
( polyvinyl chloride ) )
( Low smoke Zero Halogen
It works aOs usitgenrashl ceaartrhievr aforireIsnastsrupmeer nsttaantidoanrdeqaunipdmaecnctos.rdRiencgotmo mapepnldiceadtioton be used in indoor installation
Cables maarnkdingoutd=oGoirzainsCtaalblaletioInnd, ousntrriaesck=s,,sitzrea,ycsa, binlecsosnhdourtitds,einscdrirpytiaonnd,vowlteatgloec,mataionnusfaacntdurfionrgdyireeacrt,mbeurtiearlsm. arking

ApplicationaIt nwdoorkustadsosoigr ninastlaclalartriioeNncr of,ooo.reronsIfnrsatccraurkormeNsss,aoestm(ernmacitnymtaaiost)l,n2ioiannl ceoqonfTMuhdi(niiinpcmusiukmmimtnlasuee,t)misonisnntsd. rRyeacoTnohudNitmc(eokmwrmmnsmeehineestas)nalloodthfceadtitoonAbspeapdrn(iuoamdxms.emeOfdotv)ereirndraiirnlledcotoWbreuAiinrgpiashpttlarso(.lxKla.gnt/ieKotmn )

2 1.3 9.6 190

3 Minimum Nominal 1.3 9.9 205
No4minal Thickness Thickness of
No. of caroressa5s(emcmtio)n2 al 0o.5f 0insulation 0.2o6uter sheath 1.3Approx. Overall 10.5 Approx. net 230
cores diameter 10W.9eight ( Kg/Km ) 255
10 ( mm ) ( mm ) 1.3 ( mm )
2 20
3 50 0.26 1.3 1.4 13.4 375
4 2 0.75 1.3 1.5 9.6 15.8 190 535
5 30.50 1.3 1.6 9.9 22.0 205 1095
10 4 0.26 1.3 1.3 10.5 10.2 230 210
20 5 1.00 1.4 1.3 10.9 10.5 255 230
50 10 0.26 1.5 1.3 13.4 11.0 375 260
2 20 1.6 1.3 15.8 11.5 535 285
3 50 1.3 1.4 22.0 14.3 1095 425
4 1.3 1.5 10.2 17.1 210 630
5 2 1.3 1.7 10.5 24.1 230 1320
10 30.75 1.3 1.3 11.0 10.6 260 225
20 4 1.4 1.3 11.5 10.9 285 250
50 5 0.26 1.5 1.3 14.3 11.4 425 280
2 10 1.7 1.4 17.1 12.2 630 320
3 20 1.4 24.1 15.0 1320 475
50 1.3 1.5 10.6 18.1 225 715
1.3 1.7 10.9 25.8 250 1535

42 1.3 1.4 11.4 11.7 280 275
5 31.00
0.26 1.4 1.4 12.2 12.1 320 310

10 4 1.4 1.4 15.0 12.8 475 350

20 5 1.50 0.35 1.5 1.4 18.1 13.7 715 400

50 10 1.7 1.5 25.8 17.3 1535 610

2 20 1.4 1.6 11.7 21.7 275 1060

3 50 1.4 1.8 12.1 30.3 310 2050

4 1.4 12.8 350
5 Notes: N1.o50t allowed fo0r.3d5irect connect1io.4n to low impeda13n.7ce source, e.g. 4th0e0 public mains electricity supplies.
10 (Values are approximate and subjecte1d.5 to normal man1u7.f3acturing toleran6c10e).
20 Individual unit screen also available up1.o6n request
21.7 1060

50 1.8 30.3 2050

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
Special Cables Catalogue
(Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance).

Individual unit screen also available upon request 165

Special Cables Catalogue

300V Collective Screen Cables
Instrumentation Cables Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescriptIniostnrumentation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
Description XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )

PE ( polyethylene )
ConductoCr olor codPinlagin anne1aBleladcskt,ra1nwdheitdeccooprepecrontinuously numbered .
CAlotererniantsiuvleWCastoriaollpnepctinivgeXPVLsPcCEre((epCnoroly2Asv4stinllμienymakl ecsAtdh1lluoplmraoidyliyneeeur)tmohyf/lpePlEnaTesPti)ctatpaepeover a tinned copper drain wire
Inner sheaLSth0H ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
Outer shePaEth( polyePthVyCle(nepo)lyvinyl chloride )
Color codAinlgternativ1esBlack, 1 LwSh0Hite( cLoowrescmoonktienuZoeuroslyHanulomgebner)ed .
Wrapping At least 1 lOauyeterrosfhpelaatshticvataripeseas per standard and according to application

CollectiveAsrcmreoer n 24 μm AluGmainlvuamn/izPeEdTProtuanpde soteveerl waitreinsned copper drain wire
Inner sheaCthables mPaVrkCin(gpoly=vGinizyal cChalobrleidIend) ustries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking
Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )

Alternatives LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )

Outer sheath varies as per standard and according to application

Armor ApplicatiGoanlvanized round steel wires

Cables marking =Giza Cable Industries =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

It works as signal carrier for Instrumentation equipments. Recommended to be used in indoor installation

and outdoor installation, on racks, trays, in conduits, in dry and wet locations and for direct burials.

ApplicationIat nwdoorkustadsosoigr ninastlaclalartNrciioeoonr.ref,oosofrnIcnarrsaorteNscrsauoksmm(esm,cientmtarinoa)ltn2yaastl,ioinncoefTMoqhi(nniinucmsdiukmipmnluauemitt)misosse,nnintsd. rRyeoaTchuNnitoc(eodkmmrmnswmehmineseas)eatlotnhlfodceadtitoonAbspeapdnru(ioadmsxme.mfeOdotv)reienrdraiirnleldcotobruinrWiasetAlaisgp.lhlpatrto(ioxK.gnn/eKtm )

1 1.3 9.6 185

No. of No2minal Minimum Nominal 1.4 Approx. Overall 12.1 270
cores cross s5ectional Thickness Thickness of 1.4 diameter
area1(0mm)2 0.o50f insulation 0.2o6uter sheath 1.5 ( mm ) 14.1 Approx. net 385
18.0 Weight ( Kg/Km ) 580
( mm ) ( mm ) 1.6
1.9 9.6
20 0.26 1.3 1.3 12.1 22.8 185 1010
1 50 0.75 1.4 1.4 14.1 32.8 270
21 1.4 1.4 18.0 10.2 2080
5 0.26 1.5 1.6 22.8 385 210
10 1.00 1.6 1.7 32.8
02.50 1.9 2 10.2 12.8 580 310
5 0.26 1.3 1.3 12.8 1010
20 10 1.50 0.26 1.4 15.1 15.1 440
50 20 0.26 1.4 1.5 19.8 19.8 2080 700
0.35 1.4 1.6 24.9
1 50 1.6 1.8 36.0 24.9 210 1205
1.7 2.1 10.6
21 2 1.4 13.6 36.0 310 2535
1.3 1.4 16.3
5 1.4 1.5 21.7 10.6 440 225
10 1.5 1.7 26.8
02.75 1.6 1.9 38.9 13.6 700 340
5 1.8 2.3 11.7
20 10 2.1 16.3 1205 510
1.4 15.1 2535
50 20 1.4 21.7 915
1 50 26.8 225 1410

21 38.9 340 2990

5 11.7 510 270
12.00 15.1 915 415
20 10 18.4 1410 640

50 20 25.4 2990 1205

1 50 32.3 270 2075

2 47.3 415 4405

5 1.50 0.35 1.5 to low 18.4 source, e.g. 640 mains electricity supplies.
Notes: Not allowed for direct connec1t.i7on impeda2n5.c4e the12p0u5blic
20 (Values are approximate and subjec1t.e9d to normal man3u2f.a3cturing tolerance2)0.75
50 Individual unit screen also available u2.p3on request
47.3 4405

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.
(Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance).
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue


Special Cables Catalogue

Instrumentation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION iCnAtBeLlElSigent

300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescrIinpstirounmentation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
300V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Description LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )

Conductor Color cPoladinganneale1dBslatrcakn,d1ewdhcitoep&pe1rred core continuously numbered.

Core insulatioWnrappiPnVgC ( polyvinAylt clehalostrid1ela)yer of plastic tape
Alternatives CollectXivLePEsc( rCeeronss li2n4keμdmpAolluymetihnyulmen/ePE) TP tape over a tinned copper drain wire

Inner shLeS0aHth( Low smPoVkCe (ZeproolyHvainloylgcehnlo)ride )
AlternaPtiEve(spolyethylLeSn0eH )( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
Color coding 1 Black, 1 whiOteu&te1r srheedacthorveacrieosntainsupoeursslytannudmabrderaendd. according to application

Wrapping Armor At least 1 layeGraolfvapnlaizseticd traopuned steel wires

Collective scrOeuetner s2h4eaμmth AluminPuVmC/ (PpEToPlytvainpyel cohvelorriadetin)ned copper drain wire
Inner sheath AlternaPtiVvCes( polyvinLySl0cHhl(oLroidwe s)moke Zero Halogen )
Alternatives LS0H ( Low smmoaketeZriearlovHaarielosgaesnp)er standard and according to application

CablesOmuaterkr isnhgeath=vGairziaesCaasbpleeIrnsdtaunstdrieasrd=,asizned,caacbcleosrsdhinogrt dtoesacpripltiicoan,tvioonltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

Armor Galvanized round steel wires

OAluteternr ashtieveaAsthpplicaLPtSVi0oCHn(( pLoowlyvsimnyol kcehlZoerridoeH)alogen )
material varies as per standard and according to application
Cables markinItgwork=sGaizsasiCgnaabllecaInrdriuesrtfrioersI=n,sstirzuem,ceanbtleastisohnoretqdueispcmripetniotns.,vRoeltcaogme,mmeanndufeadcttuoribnge yueseard,minetinedr mooarrkininsgtallation

and outdoor installation, on racks, trays, in conduits, in dry and wet locations and for direct burials.

aIt nwdoorkustadsosoigr ninastlaclalartriioenrNcf,oooo.rrenoIsnfrsatccraurkormeNsss,aoestm(ernmacitnymtaaiost)l,n2ioiannl ceoqnoufTMdihip(nuiincmsmiiutkmmsnlea,uetni)minsostnsd. rRyeacnooTdmhuNitc(wemokmrmensemehtinneslas)odaloctehfadtitoonbs eaAnupdspdefr(idoaomxmr.imndeOtiiv)reneerdrcaotllobruinriastlWas.lelAaigpthipotron( )

1 1.3 9.9 200

2 Minimum Nominal 1.4 12.8 310
croNssosmecint5aiolnal Thickness Thickness of 11A..64ppdr(ioamxm.meOtv)eer rall 445
No. of area (mm10)2 of 0in.5su0lation ou0t.2e6r sheath 15.1Approx. net 720
cores 1.7
20 ( mm ) ( mm ) 2 9.9 1W9.e9ight ( Kg/Km ) 1235
1 50 1.3 12.8 2615
2 1 0.26 1.3 1.4 15.1 25.0 200 230
5 0.502 0.75 1.4 1.5 19.9 36.2 360
10 5 1.4 1.6 25.0 310 540
20 10 0.26 1.6 1.8 36.2 10.5 445 990
50 20 1.00 0.261.7 13.8 720 1520
1 50 2 2.1 10.5 16.6 3240
2 0.26 1.3 1.3 13.8 22.3 1235 245
5 1 1.50 1.4 1.4 16.6 2615 395
10 0.752 1.5 1.5 22.3 27.5 230 610
20 39.9 360 1140
50 5 1.6 1.7 27.5 10.9 540 1775
1 10 0.261.8 14.5 990 4165
2 20 1.8 39.9 17.5 1520 305
5 50 2.1 23.9 3240 505
10 1.3 2.2 10.9 29.5 245 920
20 1 1.4 44.1 395 1500
50 1.002 1.5 1.4 14.5 12.1 610 2645
1 1.7 16.7 1140 4765
2 5 0.351.8 1.5 17.5 21.0 1775
5 10 2.2 27.9 4165
10 20 1.4 1.6 23.9 35.8 305
20 40 1.5 47.3 505
40 1.8 29.5
2 44.1
2.3 12.1


1.50 Not 0.35 for direct 1.6 to low 21.0 source, 920 public mains electricity supplies.

Notes: allowed con1.n8ection imp2e7d.9ance e.g1.5t0h0e
(Values are approximate and su2bjected to normal m35a.8nufacturing tolera26n4c5e).
Individual unit screen also availa2b.3le upon request 47.3 4765

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies. Special Cables Catalogue
(Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance).
Individual unit screen also available upon request


Special Cables Catalogue

500V Collective Screen Cables
Instrumentation Cables Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescrInipsttriuomn entation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper 500V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Description LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )

ConductoCr olor codiPnlagin anneBalalecdk,sctroanntdineudoucsolyppnuemr bered

Core insulWatriaopnping PVC ( polyAvtinleyal csth1lolraidyer)of plastic tape
AlternativeCsollectiveXsLcPrEee( nCro2s4s lμinmkeAdlupmoliyneutmhy/lePEnTeP)tape over a tinned copper drain wire

Inner sheaLtSh0H ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
AlternativePsE ( polyeLthS0yHlen( eLo)w smoke Zero Halogen )

Color coding Black, conOtiuntueorusshlyeantuhmvbaerireesdas per standard and according to application

WrappingArmor At least 1 lGaayelvraonfizpeladsrtoicutnadpseteel wires

CollectiveOsuctreeresnhea2t4hμm AluPmVinCu(mp/oPlyEvTPintyal cpheloorvideer a) tinned copper drain wire
Inner sheaAthlternativePsVC ( polyLvSi0nHyl(cLholowrisdmeo)ke Zero Halogen )
LS0H ( LowmsamtoekriealZvearorieHsaalos gpenr s)tandard and according to application

Cables maOrkuitnegr shea=GthizvaaCrieasbalesInpdeur ssttraiensd=a,srizdea,cnadblaecs cshoorrdt idnegstcoripatpiopnl,ivcoaltaiogne,manufacturing year,meter marking

Armor Galvanized round steel wires

OAluteteArnr pashtpievleaiscthation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride ) )
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen
It womrksaatesrisaigl nvaalriceas rarisepr feorrsItnasntrduamrdenatandtioancecqourdipinmgetnotsa. pRpelcicoamtimonended to be used in indoor installation
Cables markingand =oGutizdaoCoraibnlsetaInlldautisotrnie, so=n,sriazec,kcsa, btrlaesyss,hionrtcdoensdcuripitst,ioinn,dvoryltaagned,mwaentulofaccattuiorinngs ayenadr,fmoredteirremcat brkuinrgials.

ApplicationIt as No. of cfaroorerNssaIonsm(esmtcinrmtuaiom)ln2aelntatioofTMnhi(niincmesiukmqmnlaueut)misiopsnments.oTRhuNitec(eokmcrmnsomehinmesas)almothf endeAdpptdor(ioamxbm.meeOtv)ueersreadll Approx. net
works signcaol rceas rrier

and outdoor inst2allation, on racks, trays, in conduits, in dry a1n.3d wet location1s0.a5nd for direct22b0urials.

3 Minimum Nominal 1.3 10.8 240
0.5o0fThinicsuknlaetisosn 0.44oThuitcekrnsehessaothf
No. of 4Nominal 1.A3pprox. Overall 11W12..e41Aigphptro( ) 265
cro5ss sectional ( mm ) ( mm ) 300
cores ar1e0a (mm)2 1.4 diameter
0.44 1.4 ( mm ) 14.9 430
2 0.75
3 20 1.3 1.5 10.5 17.9 220 625
4 0.44 1.3 1.7 10.8 25.6 240 1330
5 50 1.00 1.3 11.4 10.9 265
10 1.3 11.3 240
20 2 0.44 1.4 1.3 12.1 12.1 300 260
50 1.50 1.4 1.4 14.9 12.7 430 295
2 3 0.50 1.5 1.4 17.9 16.1 625 322
3 4 0.44 1.5 19.4 1330 505
4 2.50 1.7 1.6 25.6 27.5 740
5 5 0.44 1.8 10.9 11.3 240 1560
10 0.44 1.3 1.3 11.3 11.9 260 255
20 10 0.44 1.3 1.4 12.1 12.5 295 290
50 20 0.53 1.4 1.4 12.7 322 320
1.4 1.4 16.1 13.4 505 365
2 50 1.5 1.5 19.4 16.8 740 555
3 1.6 1.6 27.5 21.1 1560
4 2 1.8 1.8 11.3 29.3 255 945
5 1.3 1.4 11.9 12.1 290 1785
10 3 0.75 1.4 1.4 12.5 12.5 320
20 4 1.4 1.4 13.4 365 290
50 1.4 1.4 13.4 14.2 555 320
2 5 1.5 1.5 16.8 18.0 375
3 1.6 1.7 21.1 23.1 945 415
4 10 1.8 1.9 29.3 32.9 1785 660
5 1.4 1.4 12.1 13.5
10 20 1.4 1.4 12.5 14.0 290 1145
20 1.4 1.4 13.4 14.9 320 2385
50 50 1.4 1.5 14.2 16.2 375
2 1.5 1.6 18.0 21.5 415 355
3 2 1.7 1.7 23.1 26.5 660 405
1.9 32.9 38.7 455
3 1.00 1.4 2.1 13.5 1145 535
4 1.4 14.0 2385 970
5 355 3265




3 1.50





4 N(InVodativeluisde: usNaao2lr.teu5a0naliltopswpcreroedxeimfnoaar dtlseio0rea.5acn3vtdacislouanbbnjleeeccuttpeiodonntto1111roe....n5467qloouwremsimat lpmeadnaunfca2112ec1466ts....u5259oruinrgceto, ele.rga.ntch4951ee7355)5015p.0ublic mains electricity supplies.

50 2.1 38.7 3265 Special Cables Catalogue

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.

(V1a6lu8es are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance).

Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue

Instrumentation Cables intelligent

500V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7


DescrInipsttriuomn entation Cables 500V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )
DescriptioAnlternatives LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )

Conductor Plain annePaEle( dpostlyraenthdyelednceo)pper
Core insulCatoiolonr codiPnVgC ( poly1vBinlaylcckh&lo1ridweh)ite core continuously numbered.
AlternativeWsrapping XLPE ( CroAsst llienakestd1plaoylyeertohyf lpelnaesti)c tape
CollectiveLsSc0rHee( nLow24smμomkeAlZuemroinHuamlo/ gPeETnP)tape over a tinned copper drain wire
Color codAIinnlngteerrnsahteivaeP1tshEBl(apcokly&eLP1thSVw0yCHlhei(n(teepLooc)wloyrvseimncyool kcnehtilnZoeurriodoueHsl)ay lnougmenbe) red.
At least 1 lOauyeterrosfhpelaatshticvataripeseas per standard and according to application
CollectiveAsrcmreoer n 24 μm AluGmainlvuamn/izPeEdTProtuanpde soteveerl waitreinsned copper drain wire
IAnlnteerrnsahteivaeOAtshluteternr ashtieveaLPstSVh0CH polyPvVinCyl(cphololyrvidiney)l chloride )
( LowLSs0mHo(keLoZwersomHoakleogZeerno)Halogen )
Outer sheamtahtveariariel svaarsiepsearsstpaenrdsatardndaanrdd aacncdoardcicnogrdtoinagptpoliacpaptiolicnation
Armor Cables maGrkailnvganize=dGriozaunCdasbtleeeInl wduirsetrsies =,size,cables short description,voltage,manufacturing year,meter marking

Outer sheath PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
AlteArnpatpivleiscation LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
It womrksaatesrisaigl nvaalriceas rarisepr feorrsItnasntrduamrdenatandtioancecqourdipinmgetnotsa. pRpelcicoamtimonended to be used in indoor installation
Cables markingand =oGutizdaoCoraibnlsetaInlldautisotrnie, so=n,sriazec,kcsa, btrlaesyss,hionrtcdoensdcuripitst,ioinn,dvoryltaagned,mwaentulofaccattuiorinngs ayenadr,fmoredteirremcat brkuinrgials.

ApplicationaIt nwdoorkustadsosoigrNcninooas.rteloacsflalartriicoearnroreNf,sosaoosrm(nemIcninrmtsaaiot)clrn2ukamsl ,etrnatyaosfTMt,hii(noiiincmnsniukmmcnlaeueot)qmisonsundipumitse, ninotTshud.Nitc(reRoykmremnsamcehinnesoas)admlothfwmeetnlodceAadptiptdoor(inoambxsm.meaeOtnvu)edersreafdoll rindiirWnedecAoigtpohbptrruo(inrxKi.asgtn/laseK.ltmla)tion

1 1.3 10.5 215

No. of N2ominal Minimum Nominal 1.4 Approx. Overall 13.5 325
cores carores15sa0s(emcmtio)n2 al Thickness Thickness of 1.5 diameter 16.W1 eAigphptro( ) 465
0.5o0f insulation 0.44outer sheath 1.6 ( mm )
21.4 825
( mm ) ( mm )

1 20 1.3 1.7 10.5 26.4 215 1225

2 50 1.4 2.1 13.5 38.5 325 2545

5 1 0.50 0.44 1.5 1.3 16.1 10.9 465 240
10 2
1.6 1.4 21.4 14.2 825 355

20 5 0.75 1.7 1.5 26.4 17.1 1225 520
50 10
2.1 1.7 38.5 23.2 2545 960

1 20 1.3 1.8 10.9 28.6 240 1440
2 50
1.4 2.1 14.2 41.5 355 3020
5 1 0.75
10 2 1.5 1.3 17.1 11.3 520 255

1.7 1.4 23.2 14.7 960 385

20 5 1.00 0.44 1.8 1.5 28.6 17.9 1440 575
50 10 2.1 1.7 41.5 24.4 3020 1070

1 20 1.3 1.8 11.3 30.2 255 1630
2 50
5 1 1.00 1.4 2.2 14.7 45.2 385 3770
10 2
0.44 1.5 1.4 17.9 575 290

1.7 1.5 24.4 1070 455

20 5 1.50 0.44 1.8 1.6 30.2 19.6 1630 700
50 10 2.2 1.7 45.2 26.6 3770 1275

1 20 1.4 1.9 33.9 290 2195
2 40
1.5 2.2 44.9 455 3920
5 1 1.50
10 2 0.44 1.6 1.4 19.6 13.5 700 350

1.7 1.5 26.6 18.1 1275 558

20 5 2.50 0.53 1.9 1.7 33.9 23.3 2195 1046

40 10 2.2 1.9 44.9 31.3 3920 1725

1 20 1.4 2.1 13.5 39.9 350 2980

2 1.5 18.1 558

5 2.50 0.53 1.7 23.3 1046

10 Notes: Not allowed for direct connection1.t9o low impedance31s.3ource, e.g. the 1p7u2b5 lic mains electricity supplies.

20 (Values are approximate and subjected2t.o1 normal manufa3c9t.u9ring tolerance)2.980

Individual unit screen also available upon request

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity suppliesS.pecial Cables Catalogue

(Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance). 169
Individual unit screen also available upon request

Special Cables Catalogue

500V Collective Screen Cables
Instrumentation Cables Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

DescrInipsttriuomn entation Cables ARMORED INSTRUMENTATION CABLES
Conductor Plain annealed stranded copper 500V Collective Screen Cables
Multi-core cables to BS EN 50288-7

Core insulation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )
XLPE ( Cross linked polyethylene )

Description LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen )
PE ( polyethylene )

ConductoCr olor codiPnlagin anne1aBleladcskt,ra1nwdheitdec&o1prpeedr core continuously numbered.

Core insulWatriaopnping PVC ( polyAvtinleyal csth1lolraidyer)of plastic tape
AlternativeCsollectiveXsLcPrEee( nCro2s4s lμinmkeAdlupmoliyneutmhy/lePEnTeP)tape over a tinned copper drain wire

Inner sheaLtSh0H ( LowPVsmCo(kpeoZleyvroinHylaclohgloerinde) )
AlternativePsE ( polyeLthS0yHlen( eLo)w smoke Zero Halogen )

Color coding 1 Black, 1 Owuhtiteer &sh1eraetdh cvoareiescaosntpineurostuasnlydnaurmd baendreda.ccording to application

WrappingArmor At least 1 lGaayelvraonfizpeladsrtoicutnadpseteel wires

CollectiveOsuctreeresnhea2t4hμm AluPmVinCu(mp/oPlyEvTPintyal cpheloorvideer a) tinned copper drain wire
Inner sheaAthlternativePsVC ( polyLvSi0nHyl(cLholowrisdmeo)ke Zero Halogen )
LS0H ( LowmsamtoekriealZvearorieHsaalos gpenr s)tandard and according to application

Cables maOrkuitnegr shea=GthizvaaCrieasbalesInpdeur ssttraiensd=a,srizde,acnadblaecs cshoorrdt idnegstcoripatpiopnl,ivcoaltaiogne,manufacturing year,meter marking

Armor Galvanized round steel wires

AOluteteArnr pashtpievleaiscthation PVC ( polyvinyl chloride ) )
LS0H ( Low smoke Zero Halogen
It womrksaatesrisaigl nvaalriceas rarisepr feorrsItnasntrduamrdenatandtioancecqourdipinmgetnotsa. pRpelcicoamtimonended to be used in indoor installation
Cables markingand =oGutizdaoCoraibnlsetaInlldautisotrnie, so=n,sriazec,kcsa, btrlaesyss,hionrtcdoensdcuripitst,ioinn,dvoryltaagned,mwaentulofaccattuiorinngs ayenadr,fmoredteirremcat brkuinrgials.


It works as signal carrier for Instrumentation equipments. Recommended to be used in indoor installation

and outdoorNcinoos.rteoasfllaticoarnoreN,ssaoosm(nemcinrmtaaio)cln2kasl , trays, Minincimounmduits, in dry Naonmdinwalet locaAtpiopnrosxa. Onvderfaollr direct burials.

Thickness Thickness of diameter Approx. net )
of insulation outer sheath ( mm ) Weight ( Kg/Km

( mm ) ( mm )

1 1.3 10.83 235

2 Minimum Nominal 1.4 14.4 370
0.50 Thickness 0.44 Thickness of
No. of N5ominal 1.A5pprox. Overall 1273W..73eAigphptro( ) 540
cores cros1s0sectional of insulation outer sheath 1.7 diameter 1000
are2a0 (mm)2 ( mm ) ( mm ) 1.8 ( mm )
29.2 1510

1 50 1.3 2.2 10.83 42.7 235 3195
2 1.4 1.3 14.4 370
5 1 1.5 1.4 17.3 11.3 540 260
10 2 0.44 1.7 1.5 23.7 15.1 1000 405
20 5 0.50 1.8 18.4 1510 620
50 10 0.75 0.44 2.2 1.7 29.2 25.4 3195 1165
20 1.9 42.7 32.4 1995

1 50 1.00 0.44 0.44 1.3 2.3 11.3 47.3 260 4205
2 1 0.44 1.4 1.4 15.1 11.9 405 285
5 2 1.50 0.44 0.53 1.5 1.5 18.4 16.2 620 465
10 5 0.75 2.50 1.7 1.6 19.7 1165 710
20 10 1.9 1.8 25.4 27.0 1995 1320
50 20 0.44 2.3 1.9 32.4 34.2 4205 2255
1 40 1.4 2.2 47.3 45.2 285 4065
2 1 1.5 1.4 11.9 12.5 465 320
5 2 1.6 16.2 17.3 710 530
10 5 1.00 1.8 1.5 19.7 21.9 1320 970
20 10 1.9 1.6 27.0 29.4 2255 1605
40 20 2.2 1.8 34.2 37.8 4065 2810
1 1 1.4 2 45.2 14.0 320 400
2 2 12.5 20.0 530 690
5 5 1.5 1.4 17.3 25.6 970 1300
10 101.50 1.6 1.6 35.4 1605 2400
20 20 1.8 45.3 2810 4190
2 1.7 21.9
2 29.4
2.2 37.8

1 1.4 14.0 400

2 (INnVodativeluisde:2usN.a5ao0lrteuanaliltopswpcreroedxeimfnoaar dtlse0ior.ea5a3cnvtdacislouanbbnjleeeccuttpeiodonnttoroe1122nql...o276ouwremsimat lpmeadnaunfcaec22430555tsu....o3460ruinrgceto, ele.rga.ntchee4612)p9134.0009u000blic mains electricity supplies.

Notes: Not allowed for direct connection to low impedance source, e.g. the public mains electricity supplies.

(Values are approximate and subjected to normal manufacturing tolerance). Special Cables Catalogue

Individual unit screen also available upon request


Special Cables Catalogue

Low Voltage Cables


Low Voltage Cables


Low Voltage Cables


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Single Core Cables with

stranded circular copper Nominal Max. Conductor Current Rating in Air Approx.
Conductors, PVC insulated Cross Laid in Ground Laid in free Air Overall
and PVC Sheathed Resistance Diameter Approx
Sectional Weight
Product Area DC at AC at
mm2 20 OC 70 OC

Ω/km Ω/km A A A A A A mm kg / km

C08P201UP 1.5 12.1 14.5 25 24 20 25 24 18 6.6 49

C10P201UP 2.5 7.41 8.87 33 32 27 33 32 23 7 62

C12P201UP 4 4.6100 5.5100 42 40 32 37 33 29 7.0 86

PVC Installation Copper conductor C13P201UP 6 3.0800 3.6800 52 50 40 48 42 38 7.9 115
PVC Sheathing 165
C14P201UP 10 1.8300 2.1700 70 67 52 66 58 51 8.9 231

C15P201UP 16 1.1500 1.3700 90 85 65 80 75 65 9.9

C16P201UP 25 0.7270 0.8600 115 110 85 105 95 90 11.6 343

Description C17P201UP 35 0.5240 0.6300 135 130 105 130 125 110 12.7 445
C18P201UP 50 0.3870 0.4600 160 155 125 160 150 135 14.6 600
• Soft annealed stranded copper or C19P201UP 70 0.2680 0.3200 200 190 155 200 190 170 16.3 805
Aluminium conductor. Insulated with C20P201UP 95 0.1930 0.2300 235 225 185 250 240 210 18.7 1085
PVC compound rated 70 oC and C21P201UP 120 0.1530 0.1900 270 255 210 285 275 245 20.4 1350
sheathed with PVC compound layer. C22P201UP 150 0.1240 0.1500 300 285 235 330 320 280 22.6 1654
• Cables are produced according to C23P201UP 185 0.0991 0.1200 345 325 270 380 370 320 24.9 2030
IEC 60502. C24P201UP 240 0.0754 0.0920 400 375 310 480 460 385 28.3 2675
C25P201UP 300 0.0601 0.0750 450 420 350 550 530 450 31.1 3280
Application C26P201UP 400 0.0470 0.0590 515 475 390 630 615 520 35.3 4350
• For outdoor and indoor installations C27P201UP 500 0.0366 0.0480 580 525 435 720 700 600 38.8 5355
in damp and wet locations. They are C28P201UP 630 0.0283 0.0390 660 590 495 830 810 680 42.7 6685
normally used for power distribution
in urban networks, industrial plants, C29P201UP 800 0.0221 0.0290 740 650 555 940 920 775 47.2 8600
as well as in thermpower and
hydropower stations. The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

Nominal Max. Conductor Current Rating in Air Approx. 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
Cross Resistance Overall
Diameter Approx Single Core Cables with
Product- Sectional DC at AC at Laid in Laid in free Weight stranded circular Aluminum
Code Area 20 OC 70 OC Ground Air
Conductors, PVC insulated
A15P201UP mm2 Ω/km Ω/km A A AA A A mm
16 1.9100 2.2900 65 63 50 65 60 45 9.9 kg / km

132 and PVC Sheathed

A16P201UP 25 1.2000 1.4400 85 83 65 85 80 65 11.6 185

A17P201UP 35 0.8680 1.0400 105 102 80 105 100 85 12.7 250

A18P201UP 50 0.6410 0.7700 125 120 95 125 120 105 14.6 295

A19P201UP 70 0.4430 0.5330 155 145 120 165 155 125 16.3 375

A20P201UP 95 0.3200 0.3850 185 175 135 205 195 160 18.7 500 Aluminum PVC Installation PVC Sheathing
A21P201UP 120 0.2530 0.3050 210 200 165 235 225 185 20.4 605 conductor
A22P201UP 150 0.2060 0.2480 235 225 180 265 255 210 22.6 725

A23P201UP 185 0.1640 0.1980 265 255 205 310 300 245 24.8 900

A24P201UP 240 0.1250 0.1510 310 295 240 365 355 290 28.3 1150

A25P201UP 300 0.1000 0.1220 355 335 270 420 405 335 31.1 1420

A26P201UP 400 0.0778 0.0954 410 380 310 500 480 390 35.3 1750

A27P201UP 500 0.0605 0.0751 465 430 355 580 560 460 38.8 2220

A28P201UP 630 0.0469 0.0595 535 490 405 680 660 535 42.7 2750 The datma iasnaupfapcrotuxriimngatteolaenrasnucbej.ected to
A29P201UP 47.2 3450
800The data 0is.0a3p6p7roximat0e.a0n47s0ubje6c0te0d t5o3m0 a4n5u0fac7t6u5ring74to5lera6n2c0e.

Member Pioneer Holding 3


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Single Core Cables with stranded

circular copper Conductors, PVC

insulated and PVC Sheathed Copper conductor Binder tape PVC Sheathing

PVC Insulation

Multicore cables of stranded copper conductors are insulated with PVC compound

Description rated 70 oC, assembled together, covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.

Application • For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 Ground A A kg / km
20 OC 70 OC A mm

Ω/km Ω/km

Two Core Cables

C08P202UP 1.5 rm 12.1000 14.600 24 19 20 10.1 120
C10P202UP 2.5 rm 7.4100 8.870 30 25 28 10.9 145
C12P202UP 4 rm 4.6100 5.540 40 32 39 12.9 205
C13P202UP 6 rm 3.0800 3.690 50 40 50 13.9 255
C14P202UP 10 rm 66 15.0 425
C15P202UP 16 rm 1.8300 2.190 65 55 88 17.0 580
C16P202UP 25 rm 1.1500 1.390 85 65 116 20.0 845
C17P202UP 35 rm 0.7270 0.870 110 85 143 22.2 1090
0.5240 0.628 130 105
C08P203UP 18 10.6 145
C10P203UP Three Core Cables 22 11.5 190
C12P203UP 31 13.6 270
C13P203UP 1.5 rm 12.1000 14.600 21 18 39 14.7 340
C14P203UP 2.5 rm 7.4100 8.870 27 23 53 16.4 485
C15P203UP 4 rm 4.6100 5.540 35 30 72 18.6 685
C16P203UP 6 rm 3.0800 3.690 45 36 94 21.8 995
C17P203UP 10 rm 110 24.2 1300
16 rm 1.8300 2.190 60 48
C08P204UP 25 rm 1.1500 1.390 75 60 18 11.4 180
C10P204UP 35 rm 0.7270 0.870 100 80 22 12.4 230
C12P204UP 0.5240 0.628 120 95 31 14.8 335
C13P204UP 39 16.0 425
C14P204UP Four Core Cables 53 17.9 635
C15P204UP 72 20.3 880
C16P204UP 1.5 rm 12.1000 14.6000 21 18 94 23.9 1295
C17P204UP 2.5 rm 7.4100 8.8700 27 23 110 26.6 1700
C18P204UP 4 rm 4.6100 5.5400 35 30 138 29.3 2225
C19P204UP 6 rm 171 32.9 3065
C20P204UP 10 rm 3.0800 3.6900 45 36 209 37.8 4175
C21P204UP 16 rm 1.8300 2.1900 60 48 242 41.2 5205
C22P204UP 25 sm 1.1500 1.3900 75 60 275 45.9 6400
C23P204UP 35 sm 0.7270 0.8700 100 80 314 50.7 7960
C24P204UP 50 sm 0.5240 0.6280 120 95 374 57.0 10330
C25P204UP 70 sm 440 63.3 12915
95 sm 0.3870 0.4640 145 115
C17P2R3UP 120 sm 110 25.0 1505
C18P2R3UP 150 sm The0d.2a6t8a0is approxim0a.3t2e20an subjected to17m5 anufacturing tol1e4r5ance. 138 28.1 2115
C19P2R3UP 185 sm 171 31.4 2725
C20P2R3UP 240 sm 0.1930 0.2320 210 165 209 36.1 3690
C21P2R3UP 300 sm 242 39.5 4675
C22P2R3UP 0.1530 0.1850 240 195 275 43.5 5580
C23P2R3UP 314 48.2 7025
C24P2R3UP 0.1240 0.1510 270 220 374 54.2 9060
C25P2R3UP 440 60.0 11280
0.0991 0.1210 300 245
0.0754 290 rm: round stranded
0.0601 0.0840 345 320 sm: sector stranded

0.0770 390

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 0.6280/1.3900 120 95
50 sm 25 sm
70 sm 35 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4640/0.8700 145 115
95 sm 50 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3220/0.6280 175 145
120 sm 70 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2320/0.4640 210 165
150 sm 70 sm
185 sm 95 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1850/0.3220 240 195
240 sm 120 sm 0.1240/0.2680 0.1510/0.3220 270 220
300 sm 150 sm
0.0991/0.1930 0.1210/0.2320 300 245
0.0754/0.1530 0.0840/0.1850 345 290
0.0601/0.1240 0.0770/0.1510 390 320

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

Member Pioneer Holding 175


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Aluminum Conductors PVC Insulated
and PVC Sheathed

Description Binder tape PVC Sheathing
PVC insulation
Aluminum Conductor

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with PVC compound rated 70 oC,
assembled together, covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.


• For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A A kg / km
A14P202UP Ω/km Ω/km A mm
A16P202UP Two Core Cables
10 rm 3.080 3.300 46 39 46 15.0 295
A15P203UP 16 rm 1.910 2.290 60 46 62 17.0 385
A17P203UP 25 rm 1.200 1.440 77 60 81 20.0 540

A14P204UP 35 rm 0.868 1.040 103 83 114 22.2 670
A16P204UP Three Core Cables
A18P204UP 10 rm 3.080 3.300 42 34 37 16.4 305
A20P204UP 16 rm 1.910 2.290 53 42 50 18.6 400
A22P204UP 25 rm 1.200 1.440 70 56 66 21.8 550
A24P204UP 35 rm 0.868 1.040 95 75 88 24.2 680
Four Core Cables
10 rm 3.0800 3.3000 42 34 37 17.9 395
A18P2R3UP 16 rm 1.9100 2.2900 53 42 50 20.3 495
A20P2R3UP 25 sm 1.2000 1.4400 70 56 66 23.9 700
A22P2R3UP 35 sm 0.8680 1.0400 95 75 88 26.6 870
A24P2R3UP 50 sm 0.6410 0.7710 115 85 105 29.3 1060
70 sm 0.4430 0.5330 135 110 132 32.9 1380

95 sm 0.3200 0.3850 165 130 160 37.8 1865

120 sm 0.2530 0.3050 185 150 187 41.2 2300

150 sm 0.2060 0.2490 210 170 215 45.9 2760

185 sm 0.1640 0.1990 235 195 248 50.7 3400

240 sm 0.1250 0.1510 275 225 292 57.0 4345

300 sm 0.1000 0.1230 310 260 347 63.3 5400

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.0430/2.2900 95 75 88 25.0 720
50 sm 25 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.7710/1.4400 115 85
70 sm 35 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5330/1.0400 135 110 105 28.1 970
95 sm 50 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.3850/0.7710 165 130
120 sm 70 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3050/0.5330 185 150 132 31.4 1240
150 sm 70 sm 0.2060/0.4430 0.2490/0.5330 210 170
185 sm 95 sm 0.1640/0.3200 0.1990/0.3850 235 195 160 36.1 1660
240 sm 120 sm 0.1250/0.2530 0.1510/0.3050 275 225
300 sm 150 sm 0.1000/0.2060 0.1230/0.2490 310 260 187 39.5 2040

215 43.5 2435

248 48.2 3025

292 54.2 3830

347 60.0 4720

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Copper Conductors, XLPE

Insulated, Steel Tape Armored

and PVC Sheathed Copper conductor Inner Sheathing
tape ( Steel
Description XLPE insulation Binder STA PVC Sheathing
tape Armoring

• Multicore cables of stranded copper conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,, assembled together,

armoured with steel tape and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502

• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
C13X202IP A A mm
C14X202IP 6 rm Ω/km Ω/km 405
C15X202IP 10 rm 490
C16X202IP 16 rm Two Core Cables 655
C17X202IP 25 rm 935
35 rm 3.0800 3.9300 62 51 59 15.5 1185
C13X203IP 1.8300 2.3300 81 68 78 15.6
C14X203IP 6 rm 1.1500 1.4700 105 82 103 17.8 465
C15X203IP 10 rm 0.7270 0.9270 138 106 137 20.8 575
C16X203IP 16 rm 0.5240 0.6690 164 132 164 23.0 790
C17X203IP 25 rm 1105
35 rm Three Core Cables 1420
C14X204IP 6 rm 3.0800 3.9300 56 44 49 16.2 555
C15X204IP 10 rm 1.8300 2.3300 74 59 67 17.1 720
C16X204IP 16 rm 1.1500 1.4700 96 74 88 19.3 975
C17X204IP 25 sm 0.7270 0.9270 127 100 120 22.5 1385
C18X204IP 35 sm 0.5240 0.6690 153 119 143 24.9 1775
C19X204IP 50 sm 2415
C20X204IP 70 sm Four Core Cables 3335
C21X204IP 95 sm 4815
C22X204IP 120 sm 3.0800 3.9300 56 44 49 17.4 5910
C23X204IP 150 sm 1.8300 2.3300 74 59 67 18.4 7195
C24X204IP 185 sm 1.1500 1.4700 96 74 88 20.9 8830
C25X204IP 240 sm 0.7270 0.9270 127 100 120 24.5 11285
300 sm 0.5240 0.6690 153 119 143 27.2 13835
0.3870 0.4940 185 145 178 30.1
0.2680 0.3430 220 180 225 34.6
0.1930 0.2480 265 210 268 39.7
0.1530 0.1970 305 245 310 43.8
0.1240 0.1600 335 275 352 48.7
0.0991 0.1290 375 310 404 53.7
0.0754 0.0990 435 365 483 60.0
0.0601 0.0810 490 405 562 65.5

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

C17X2R3IP 35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 06690/1.4700 153 119 143 25.6 1615
C18X2R3IP 50 sm 25 sm
C19X2R3IP 70 sm 35 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4940/0.9270 185 145 178 28.7 2160
C20X2R3IP 95 sm 50 sm
C21X2R3IP 120 sm 70 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3430/0.6690 220 180 225 33.1 2960
C22X2R3IP 150 sm 70 sm
C23X2R3IP 185 sm 95 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2480/0.4940 265 210 268 38.0 4280
C24X2R3IP 240 sm 120 sm
C25X2R3IP 300 sm 150 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1970/0.3430 305 245 310 42.1 5365

0.1240/0.2680 0.1600/0.3430 335 275 352 46.3 6355

0.0991/0.1930 0.1290/0.2480 375 310 404 51.2 7865

0.0754/0.1530 0.0990/0.1970 435 365 483 57.1 10000

0.0601/0.1240 0.0810/0.1600 490 405 562 62.2 12205

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

Member Pioneer Holding 177


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Aluminum Conductors XLPE

Insulated and PVC Sheathed Aluminum conductor Inner Sheathing

Description XLPE insulation tape STA PVC Sheathing
Binder ( Steel tape Armoring

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,, assembled
together, armoured with steel tape and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.


• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A14X202IP A A mm
A15X202IP Ω/km Ω/km
A17X202IP Two Core Cables

A14X203IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 56 47 55 15.8 370
A16X203IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 73 57 72 17.8 460
25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 96 74 96 20.8 630
A15X204IP 35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 129 105 126 23.0 770
A17X204IP Three Core Cables
A19X204IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 41 47 17.1 390
A21X204IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 67 52 62 19.3 495
A23X204IP 25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 89 70 84 22.5 650
A25X204IP 35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 110 24.9 795

Product-Code Four Core Cables

A17X2R3IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 41 47 18.4 475
A19X2R3IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 67 52 62 20.9 585
A21X2R3IP 25 sm 1.2000 1.5400 89 70 84 24.5 780
A23X2R3IP 35 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 110 27.2 940
A25X2R3IP 50 sm 0.6410 0.8220 145 110 136 30.1 1300

70 sm 0.4430 0.5690 175 140 168 34.6 1750

95 sm 0.3200 0.4110 210 165 205 39.7 2540

120 sm 0.2520 0.3250 235 190 236 43.8 3020

150 sm 0.2060 0.2650 265 215 278 48.7 3670

185 sm 0.1640 0.2120 290 240 315 53.7 4380

240 sm 0.1250 0.1630 340 280 378 60.0 4430

300 sm 0.1000 0.1310 390 325 446 65.5 6510

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.1130/2.4500 120 95 110 25.6 890
50 sm 25 sm
70 sm 35 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.8220/1.5400 145 110 136 28.7 1200
95 sm 50 sm
120 sm 70 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5690/1.1130 175 140 168 33.1 1550
150 sm 70 sm
185 sm 95 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.4110/0.8220 210 165 205 38.0 1970
240 sm 120 sm
300 sm 150 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3250/0.5690 235 190 236 42.1 2710

0.2060/0.4430 0.2650/0.5690 265 215 278 46.3 3290

0.1640/0.3200 0.2120/0.4110 290 240 315 51.2 3980

0.1250/0.2530 0.1630/0.3250 340 280 378 57.1 4910

0.1000/0.2060 0.1310/0.2650 390 325 446 62.2 5920

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Aluminum Conductors,PVC

Insulated, Steel Wire Armored Aluminum Conductor Inner Sheathing
and PVC Sheathed
PVC insulation SWA PVC Sheathing
Binder tape ( Steel Wire Armoring)

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminum conductors are insulated with PVC compound rated 70 oC,
assembled together, armoured with steel wires and covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502 or BS 6346.


• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A kg / km
A14P202HP Ω/km Ω/km A A mm
A16P202HP Two Core Cables 39
A17P202HP 46
10 rm 3.0800 3.3000 46 60 46 19.2 695
A14P203HP 16 rm 1.9100 2.2900 60 83 62 21.2 835
A15P203HP 25 rm 1.2000 1.4400 77 81 25.3 1235
A16P203HP 35 rm 0.8680 1.0400 103 34 115 27.5 1370
A17P203HP 42
Three Core Cables 56
A14P204HP 75
A15P204HP 10 rm 3.0800 3.3000 42 37 20.6 740
A16P204HP 16 rm 1.9100 2.2900 53 34 50 22.8 885
A17P204HP 25 rm 1.2000 1.4400 70 42 66 27.1 1315
A18P204HP 35 rm 0.8680 1.0400 95 56 88 29.5 1525
A19P204HP 75
A20P204HP Four Core Cables 85
A21P204HP 110
A22P204HP 10 rm 3.0800 3.3000 42 130 37 22.1 870
A23P204HP 16 rm 1.9100 2.2900 53 150 50 25.6 1205
A24P204HP 25 sm 1.2000 1.4400 70 170 66 29.2 1525
A25P204HP 35 sm 0.8680 1.0430 95 195 94 32.1 1805
50 sm 0.6410 0.7710 115 225 110 37.1 3040
Product-Code 70 sm 0.4430 0.5530 135 260 138 40.7 3750
95 sm 0.3200 0.3850 165 165 46.6 4730
A17P2R3HP 120 sm 0.2530 0.3050 185 193 50.6 5570
A18P2R3HP 150 sm 0.2060 0.2490 210 220 55.1 6430
A19P2R3HP 185 sm 0.1640 0.1990 235 253 60.5 7790
A20P2R3HP 240 sm 0.1250 0.1510 275 297 66.8 9180
A21P2R3HP 300 sm 0.1000 0.1230 310 352 72.9 10590
A23P2R3HP Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
A24P2R3HP Sectional Area Overall Weight
A25P2R3HP DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Diameter
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A A kg / km
Ω/km Ω/km A mm

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.0430/2.2900 95 75 94 28.7 1585
50 sm 25 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.7710/1.4400 115 85 110 35.5 2300
70 sm 35 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5330/1.0400 135 110 138 39.2 2820
95 sm 50 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.3850/0.7710 165 130 165 42.6 3410
120 sm 70 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3050/0.5330 185 150 193 48.9 4370
150 sm 70 sm 0.2060/0.4430 0.2490/0.5330 210 170 220 52.7 5080
185 sm 95 sm 0.1640/0.3200 0.1990/0.3850 235 195 253 57.6 5950
240 sm 120 sm 0.1250/0.2530 0.1510/0.3050 275 225 297 64.0 7230
300 sm 150 sm 0.1000/0.2060 0.1230/0.2490 310 260 352 69.8 8540

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding 179


0.6/1 (1.2) kV Copper Conductor Inner Sheathing
Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Aluminum Conductors,PVC PVC insulation SWA PVC Sheathing
Insulated, Steel Wire Armored
and PVC Sheathed Binder tape ( Steel Wire Armoring)


• Multicore cables of stranded Copper conductors are insulated with PVC compound rated 70 oC, assembled
together, armoured with steel wires and covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502 or BS 6346.


• For outdoor installations in damp and wet locations. where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Overall
Sectional Area Diameter
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 70 OC
C12P202HP Ω/km Ω/km Ground A A mm kg / km
C13P202HP 4 rm
C14P202HP 6 rm 4.6100 5.5400 A 32 39 17.8 645
C15P202HP 10 rm 3.0800 3.6900 Two Core Cables 40 50 18.8 735
C16P202HP 16 rm 1.8300 2.1900 55 66 19.2 815
C17P202HP 25 rm 1.1500 1.3900 40 65 88 21.2 1030
35 rm 0.7270 0.8700 85 116 25.3 1535
C12P203HP 0.5240 0.6280 50 105 143 27.5 1790
C13P203HP 4 rm
C14P203HP 6 rm 4.6100 5.5400 65 30 31 18.5 730
C15P203HP 10 rm 36 835
C16P203HP 16 rm 3.0800 3.6900 85 48 39 19.6 920
C17P203HP 25 rm 60 1175
35 rm 1.8300 2.1900 110 80 53 20.6 1765
C12P204HP 1.1500 1.3900 100 72 22.8 2145
C13P204HP 4 rm 0.7270 0.8700 130 94 27.1
C14P204HP 6 rm Three Core Cables 29 840
C15P204HP 10 rm 0.5240 0.6280 37 110 29.5 965
C16P204HP 16 rm 35 50 1115
C17P204HP 25 sm 4.6100 5.5400 68 29 19.7 1590
C18P204HP 35 sm 3.0800 3.6900 45 89 37 20.9 2125
C19P204HP 50 sm 1.8300 2.1900 95 50 22.1 2635
C20P204HP 70 sm 1.1500 1.3900 60 115 68 25.6 3870
C21P204HP 95 sm 75 145 4900
C22P204HP 120 sm 0.7270 0.8700 100 165 89 29.2 6665
C23P204HP 150 sm 0.5240 0.6280 195 116 32.1 7990
C24P204HP 185 sm 0.3870 0.4640 120 220 143 37.1 9445
C25P204HP 240 sm 0.2680 0.3220 245 176 40.7 11425
300 sm 0.1930 0.2320 Four Core Cables 290 215 46.6 14205
0.1530 0.1850 320 248 50.6 17870
0.1240 0.1510 37 281 55.1
0.0991 0.1210 63 319 60.5
0.0754 0.0840 105 380 66.8
0.0601 0.0770 145 446 72.9




Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A A kg / km
Ω/km Ω/km A mm

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

C17P2R3HP 35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 0.6280/1.3900 120 95 116 28.7 2310
C18P2R3HP 50 sm 25 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4640/0.8700 145 115 143 35.5 3550
C19P2R3HP 70 sm 35 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3220/0.6280 175 145 176 39.2 4480
C20P2R3HP 95 sm 50 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2320/0.4640 210 165 215 42.6 5475
C21P2R3HP 120 sm 70 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1850/0.3220 240 195 248 48.9 7385
C22P2R3HP 150 sm 70 sm 0.1240/0.2680 0.1510/0.3220 270 220 281 52.7 8505
C23P2R3HP 185 sm 95 sm 0.0991/0.1930 0.1210/0.2320 300 245 319 57.6 10260
C24P2R3HP 240 sm 120 sm 0.0754/0.1530 0.0840/0.1850 345 290 380 64.0 12755
C25P2R3HP 300 sm 150 sm 0.0601/0.1240 0.0770/0.1510 390 320 446 69.8 15330

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding



0.6/1 (1.2) kV Nominal Max. Conductor Current Rating Approx.
Cross Resistance Overall
Single Core Cables with Diameter Approx
stranded circular Copper Product- Sectional DC at AC at Laid in Ground Laid in free Weight
Conductors, XLPE insulated Code Area 20 OC 90 OC Air
and PVC Sheathed

mm2 Ω/km Ω/km A A A A A A mm kg / km

a – Copper Conductors

xlpe insulation Copper conductor C08X201UP 1.5 12.1 15.4 31 29 22 27 26 22 6.2 43
PVC sheathing C10X201UP 2.5 7.41 9.45 40 37 29 36 35 29 6.6 57
C12X201UP 4 4.6100 5.8800 55 51 40 53 47 40 6.8 80
Description C13X201UP 6 3.0800 3.9300 68 65 53 65 59 53 7.3 102
C14X201UP 10 1.8300 2.3300 98 86 68 84 79 68 8.3 150
• Soft annealed stranded Copper or C15X201UP 16 1.1500 1.4700 116 111 87 116 110 95 9.3 210
Aluminium conductor, insulated with XLPE C16X201UP 25 0.7270 0.9270 150 142 110 143 137 121 11.0 315
compound covered with a layer of PVC C17X201UP 35 0.5240 0.6690 179 172 137 179 173 152 12.1 410
compound to form the overall jacket. C18X201UP 50 0.3870 0.4940 210 200 163 221 210 184 13.8 555
• Cables are produced according to IEC C19X201UP 70 0.2680 0.3430 263 247 200 278 268 236 15.7 760
60502 or BS 7889. C20X201UP 95 0.1930 0.2480 310 294 242 347 336 289 17.7 1015
C21X201UP 120 0.1530 0.1970 357 336 273 404 394 341 19.6 1280
Application C22X201UP 150 0.1240 0.1600 394 373 310 457 446 389 21.8 1570
For outdoor and indoor installations in damp C23X201UP 185 0.0991 0.1290 452 425 352 530 520 441 23.9 1920
and wet locations. They are normally used C24X201UP 240 0.0754 0.0990 520 488 404 651 641 536 27.1 2530
for power distribution in urban networks, in C25X201UP 300 0.0601 0.0810 588 546 457 824 756 620 29.7 3105
industrial plants, as well as in thermopower C26X201UP 400 0.0470 0.0638 672 620 515 893 872 714 33.9 4135
and hydropower stations. C27X201UP 500 0.0366 0.0517 761 693 572 1008 987 814 37.4 5110
C28X201UP 630 0.0283 0.0425 872 777 651 1155 1134 956 41.9 6455
C29X201UP 800 0.0221 0.0292 957 861 735 1313 1292 1092 46.8 8260

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

Nominal Max. Conductor Current Rating in Air Approx. Single Core Cables with
Cross Resistance Overall stranded circular Aluminum
Product-Code Laid in Ground Laid in free Diameter Approx Conductors, XLPE insulated
Sectional DC at AC at Air Weight and PVC Sheathed
Area 20 OC 90 OC

mm2 Ω/km Ω/km A A A A A A mm kg / km

b – Aluminium Conductors

A15X201UP 16 1.9100 2.4500 89 87 66 89 84 63 9.3 115
A17X201UP 25 1.2000 1.5400 113 110 84 116 110 95 11.0 165 Aluminum conductor xlpe Installation PVC Sheathing
A18X201UP 205
A19X201UP 35 0.8680 1.1130 137 131 105 142 137 121 12.1
A21X201UP 50 0.6410 0.8220 163 155 121 173 168 147 13.8 260
A23X201UP 70 0.4430 0.5690 200 189 152 221 215 179 15.7 340
A25X201UP 95 0.3200 0.4110 236 226 179 284 273 215 17.7 450
A27X201UP 120 0.2530 0.3250 278 263 215 326 315 242 19.6 550
A29X201UP 150 0.2060 0.2650 310 294 236 373 362 299 21.8 670

185 0.1640 0.2120 352 336 267 436 420 336 23.9 830

240 0.1250 0.1630 410 389 315 515 499 399 27.1 1050 The datma iasnaupfapcrotuxriimngatteolaenrasnucbej.ected to
300 0.1000 0.1310 467 436 357 578 567 462 29.7 1300

400 0.0778 0.1000 541 504 410 693 677 541 33.9 1610

500 0.0605 0.0870 609 567 467 809 788 630 37.4 2000

630 0.0469 0.0620 698 646 536 945 924 746 41.9 2520

800 0.0367 0.0560 788 704 599 1071 1050 851 46.8 3150

rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding 181


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Conductors XLPE Insulated and
PVC Sheathed

Description Aluminium conductor Binder tape PVC Sheathing

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE insulation, assembled together

and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.

• For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations. They are normally used for power
distribution in urban networks, in industrial plants, as well as in thermopower and hydropower stations.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A14X202UP A A mm
A15X202UP 10 rm Ω/km Ω/km 235
A16X202UP 16 rm 310
A17X202UP 25 rm Two Core Cables 450
35 rm 565
A14X203UP 3.0800 3.9500 57 48 55 13.8
A15X203UP 10 rm 1.9100 2.4500 74 58 73 15.8 250
A16X203UP 16 rm 1.2000 1.5400 97 75 97 18.8 330
A17X203UP 25 rm 0.8680 1.1130 128 106 120 21.0 460
35 rm 580
A14X204UP Three Core Cables
A15X204UP 10 rm 320
A16X204UP 16 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 42 48 15.1 405
A17X204UP 25 sm 1.9100 2.4500 68 52 62 17.3 585
A18X204UP 35 sm 1.2000 1.5400 90 71 84 20.5 745
A19X204UP 50 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 105 22.9 905
A20X204UP 70 sm 1260
A21X204UP 95 sm Four Core Cables 1565
A22X204UP 120 sm 1950
A23X204UP 150 sm 3.0800 3.9500 52 42 48 16.4 2405
A24X204UP 185 sm 1.9100 2.4500 68 52 62 18.9 2930
A25X204UP 240 sm 1.2000 1.5400 90 71 84 22.5 3725
300 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 110 25.2 4625
0.6410 0.8220 145 110 136 26.5
0.4430 0.5690 175 140 168 30.8
0.3200 0.4110 210 165 205 33.5
0.2530 0.3250 235 190 236 37.6
0.2060 0.2650 265 215 278 42.1
0.1640 0.2120 290 240 315 47.1
0.1250 0.1630 340 280 378 52.9
0.1000 0.1310 390 325 446 58.5

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A17X2R3UP A A mm
A18X2R3UP Ω/km Ω/km
A20X2R3UP Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral
A22X2R3UP 35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.1130/2.4500 120 95 110 23.6 670
A23X2R3UP 50 sm 25 sm
A24X2R3UP 70 sm 35 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.8220/1.5400 145 110 136 25.3 830
A25X2R3UP 95 sm 50 sm
120 sm 70 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5690/1.1130 175 140 168 29.1 1120
150 sm 70 sm
185 sm 95 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.4110/0.8220 210 165 205 33.0 1415
240 sm 120 sm
300 sm 150 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3250/0.5690 235 190 236 35.9 1770

0.2060/0.4430 0.2650/0.5690 265 215 278 39.7 2120

0.1640/0.3200 0.2120/0.4110 290 240 315 44.6 2590

0.1250/0.2530 0.1630/0.3250 340 280 378 49.9 3260

0.1000/0.2060 0.1310/0.2650 390 325 446 55.2 4065

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Aluminum Conductors XLPE

Insulated and PVC Sheathed Binder tape

XLPE insulation PVC Sheathing

Description Aluminum Conductor

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE compound, assembled together

and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.

• For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations. They are normally used for power
distribution in urban networks, in industrial plants, as well as in thermopower and hydropower stations.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A A kg / km
Ω/km Ω/km A mm

Two Core Cables

A14X202UP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 57 48 55 13.8 235
A16X202UP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 74 58 73 15.8 310
25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 97 75 97 18.8 450

35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 128 106 120 21.0 565

Three Core Cables

A14X203UP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 42 48 15.1 250
A16X203UP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 68 52 62 17.3 330
25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 90 71 84 20.5 460

35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 105 22.9 580

Four Core Cables

A14X204UP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 42 48 16.4 320
A16X204UP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 68 52 62 18.9 405
A18X204UP 25 sm 1.2000 1.5400 90 71 84 22.5 585
A20X204UP 35 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 110 25.2 745
A22X204UP 50 sm 0.6410 0.8220 145 110 136 26.5 905
A24X204UP 70 sm 0.4430 0.5690 175 140 168 30.8 1260
95 sm 0.3200 0.4110 210 165 205 33.5 1565

120 sm 0.2530 0.3250 235 190 236 37.6 1950

150 sm 0.2060 0.2650 265 215 278 42.1 2405

185 sm 0.1640 0.2120 290 240 315 47.1 2930

240 sm 0.1250 0.1630 340 280 378 52.9 3725

300 sm 0.1000 0.1310 390 325 446 58.5 4625

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A kg / km
A17X2R3UP Ω/km Ω/km A A mm
A19X2R3UP Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral 95
A20X2R3UP 110
A21X2R3UP 35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.1130/2.4500 120 140 110 23.6 670
A22X2R3UP 50 sm 25 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.8220/1.5400 145 165 136 25.3 830
A23X2R3UP 70 sm 35 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5690/1.1130 175 190 168 29.1 1120
A24X2R3UP 95 sm 50 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.4110/0.8220 210 215 205 33.0 1415
A25X2R3UP 120 sm 70 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3250/0.5690 235 240 236 35.9 1770
150 sm 70 sm 0.2060/0.4430 0.2650/0.5690 265 280 278 39.7 2120
185 sm 95 sm 0.1640/0.3200 0.2120/0.4110 290 325 315 44.6 2590
240 sm 120 sm 0.1250/0.2530 0.1630/0.3250 340 378 49.9 3260
300 sm 150 sm 0.1000/0.2060 0.1310/0.2650 390 446 55.2 4065

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding 183


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Aluminum Conductors XLPE

Insulated Steel tap Armered Aluminum conductor Inner Sheathing
and PVC Sheathed tape ( Steel
XLPE insulation Binder STA PVC Sheathing
Description tape Armoring

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,, assembled
together, armoured with steel tape and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.

• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A kg / km
A14X202IP Ω/km Ω/km A A mm
A15X202IP 10 rm
A16X202IP 16 rm Two Core Cables 47
A17X202IP 25 rm 57
35 rm 3.0800 3.9500 56 74 55 15.8 370
A14X203IP 1.9100 2.4500 73 105 72 17.8 460
A15X203IP 10 rm 1.2000 1.5400 96 96 20.8 630
A16X203IP 16 rm 0.8680 1.1130 129 41 126 23.0 770
A17X203IP 25 rm 52
35 rm Three Core Cables 70
A14X204IP 95
A15X204IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 47 17.1 390
A16X204IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 67 41 62 19.3 495
A17X204IP 25 sm 1.2000 1.5400 89 52 84 22.5 650
A18X204IP 35 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 70 110 24.9 795
A19X204IP 50 sm 95
A20X204IP 70 sm Four Core Cables 110
A21X204IP 95 sm 140
A22X204IP 120 sm 3.0800 3.9500 52 165 47 18.4 475
A23X204IP 150 sm 1.9100 2.4500 67 190 62 20.9 585
A24X204IP 185 sm 1.2000 1.5400 89 215 84 24.5 780
A25X204IP 240 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 240 110 27.2 940
300 sm 0.6410 0.8220 145 280 136 30.1 1300
Product-Code 0.4430 0.5690 175 325 168 34.6 1750
0.3200 0.4110 210 205 39.7 2540
A17X2R3IP 0.2520 0.3250 235 236 43.8 3020
A18X2R3IP 0.2060 0.2650 265 278 48.7 3670
A19X2R3IP 0.1640 0.2120 290 315 53.7 4380
A20X2R3IP 0.1250 0.1630 340 378 60.0 4430
A21X2R3IP 0.1000 0.1310 390 446 65.5 6510
A23X2R3IP Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
A24X2R3IP Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
A25X2R3IP DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A A kg / km
Ω/km Ω/km A mm

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.1130/2.4500 120 95 110 25.6 890
50 sm 25 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.8220/1.5400 145 110 136 28.7 1200
70 sm 35 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5690/1.1130 175 140 168 33.1 1550
95 sm 50 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.4110/0.8220 210 165 205 38.0 1970
120 sm 70 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3250/0.5690 235 190 236 42.1 2710
150 sm 70 sm 0.2060/0.4430 0.2650/0.5690 265 215 278 46.3 3290
185 sm 95 sm 0.1640/0.3200 0.2120/0.4110 290 240 315 51.2 3980
240 sm 120 sm 0.1250/0.2530 0.1630/0.3250 340 280 378 57.1 4910
300 sm 150 sm 0.1000/0.2060 0.1310/0.2650 390 325 446 62.2 5920

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Copper Conductors XLPE

Insulated and PVC Sheathed Copper Conductor Inner Sheathing
Steel Wire Armored
XLPE insulation SWA PVC Sheathing
Binder tape ( Steel Wire Armoring)

• Multicore cables of stranded Copper conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,, assembled together,

armoured with steel wires and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502 or BS 5467.


• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Overall
Sectional Area Approx Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free
20 OC 90 OC Ground Air Diameter
Ω/km Ω/km A mm kg / km
mm2 A A
C12X202HP 4.6100 5.8800 Two Core Cables 47 16.6 580
C13X202HP 4 rm 3.0800 3.9300 41
C14X202HP 6 rm 1.8300 2.3300 51 53 61 17.6 660
C15X202HP 10 rm 1.1500 1.4700 64 70
C16X202HP 16 rm 0.7270 0.9270 83 84 80 18.0 730
C17X202HP 25 sm 0.5240 0.6690 107 108
35 sm 140 135 106 20.0 925
Three Core Cables 37 140 24.1 1410
46 46
58 61 168 26.3 1715
76 76
C12X203HP 4 rm 4.6100 5.8800 98 103 42 17.2 650
C13X203HP 6 rm 3.0800 3.9300 130 122
C14X203HP 10 rm 1.8300 2.3300 158 51 18.3 755
C15X203HP 16 rm 1.1500 1.4700 Four Core Cables 37
C16X203HP 25 sm 0.7270 0.9270 46 46 69 19.3 825
C17X203HP 35 sm 0.5240 0.6690 58 61
76 76 90 21.5 1070
98 103
130 122 120 25.8 1620
158 145
185 180 147 28.2 1990
220 210
C12X204HP 4 rm 4.6100 5.8800 265 245 42 18.3 740
C13X204HP 6 rm 3.0800 3.9300 305 275
C14X204HP 10 rm 1.8300 2.3300 335 310 51 19.5 860
C15X204HP 16 rm 1.1500 1.4700 375 365
C16X204HP 25 sm 0.7270 0.9270 435 405 69 20.6 990
C17X204HP 35 sm 0.5240 0.6690 490
C18X204HP 50 sm 0.3870 0.4940 90 24.2 1450
C19X204HP 70 sm 0.2680 0.3430
C20X204HP 95 sm 0.1930 0.2480 122 27.8 1975
C21X204HP 120 sm 0.1530 0.1970
C22X204HP 150 sm 0.1240 0.1600 147 30.7 2465
C23X204HP 185 sm 0.0991 0.1290
C24X204HP 240 sm 0.0754 0.0990 184 33.1 3200
C25X204HP 300 sm 0.0601 0.0810
220 39.2 4645

273 42.9 5870

315 48.4 7555

375 53.1 8985

410 57.9 10760

488 64.1 13480

562 69.7 16215

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
C17X2R3HP A A mm
C18X2R3HP Ω/km Ω/km
C20X2R3HP Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral
C22X2R3HP 35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 0.6690/1.4700 158 122 147 28.9 2210
C23X2R3HP 50 sm 25 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4940/0.9270 185 145
C24X2R3HP 70 sm 35 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3430/0.6690 220 180 184 31.3 2860
C25X2R3HP 95 sm 50 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2480/0.4940 265 210
120 sm 70 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1970/0.3430 305 245 220 37.5 4240
150 sm 70 sm 0.1240/0.2680 0.1600/0.3430 335 275
185 sm 95 sm 0.0991/0.1930 0.1290/0.2480 375 310 273 41.2 5290
240 sm 120 sm 0.0754/0.1530 0.0990/0.1970 435 365
300 sm 150 sm 0.0601/0.1240 0.0810/0.1600 490 405 315 45.3 6475

375 50.5 8055

410 55.4 9735

488 60.3 11780

562 66.4 14435

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding 185


0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Aluminum Conductors XLPE

Insulated and PVC Sheathed

Steel Wire Armored Aluminum Conductor Inner Sheathing

XLPE insulation SWA PVC Sheathing

Description Binder tape ( Steel Wire Armoring)

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE compound, assembled together,

armoured with Steel wire and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502 or BS 5467.

• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A14X202HP A A mm
A15X202HP 10 rm Ω/km Ω/km 610
A16X202HP 16 rm 735
A17X202HP 25 sm Two Core Cables 1110
35 sm 1300
A14X203HP 3.0800 3.9500 56 47 60 18.0
A15X203HP 10 rm 1.9100 2.4500 73 57 79 20.0 645
A16X203HP 16 rm 1.2000 1.5400 96 74 101 24.1 780
A17X203HP 25 sm 0.8680 1.1130 129 105 131 26.3 1170
35 sm 1365
A14X204HP Three Core Cables 52 19.3
A15X204HP 10 rm 67 21.5 750
A16X204HP 16 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 41 89 25.8 1060
A17X204HP 25 sm 1.9100 2.4500 67 52 115 28.2 1370
A18X204HP 35 sm 1.2000 1.5400 89 70 1635
A19X204HP 50 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 2330
A20X204HP 70 sm 2760
A21X204HP 95 sm Four Core Cables 3340
A22X204HP 120 sm 4320
A23X204HP 150 sm 3.0800 3.9500 52 41 52 20.6 5080
A24X204HP 185 sm 1.9100 2.4500 67 52 67 24.2 5990
A25X204HP 240 sm 1.2000 1.5400 89 70 89 27.8 7220
300 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 115 30.7 8440
Product-Code 0.6410 0.8220 145 110 141 33.1
0.4430 0.5690 175 140 173 39.2
A17X2R3HP 0.3200 0.4110 210 165 210 42.9
A18X2R3HP 0.2520 0.3250 235 190 241 48.4
A19X2R3HP 0.2060 0.2650 265 215 283 53.1
A20X2R3HP 0.1640 0.2120 290 240 320 57.9
A21X2R3HP 0.1250 0.1630 340 280 383 64.1
A22X2R3HP 0.1000 0.1310 390 325 451 69.7
A24X2R3HP Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
A25X2R3HP Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.1130/2.4500 120 95 115 28.9 1490
50 sm 25 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.8220/1.5400 145 110
70 sm 35 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5690/1.1130 175 140 141 31.3 1870
95 sm 50 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.4110/0.8220 210 165
120 sm 70 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3250/0.5690 235 190 173 37.5 2600
150 sm 70 sm 0.2060/0.4430 0.2650/0.5690 265 215
185 sm 95 sm 0.1640/0.3200 0.2120/0.4110 290 240 210 41.2 3090
240 sm 120 sm 0.1250/0.2530 0.1630/0.3250 340 280
300 sm 150 sm 0.1000/0.2060 0.1310/0.2650 390 325 241 45.3 3690

283 50.5 4700

320 55.4 5550

383 60.3 6560

451 66.4 7820

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

Member Pioneer Holding




Medium CABLES Multicore Cables, with Stranded, intelligent
Copper Conductors, XLPE Insulated
and PVC Sheathed 189


Multicore cables of stranded Copper conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,

assembled together and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.


FfaoonrrdpooHuwytddeorroodpriosatwrnibdeuritnSiodtanotoiionrnuinsCr.sbrotNaassoAlnSlmareencitaniteaoioltnnwasloinrkds,aMinmaD2x0ci.pnCOAcodtanudnsudtcrtiowarleRpetsAl9ailso0ctanOcAncttacs,etiaosnwsLI.naeiGdThlrDloiueraencydstCianurrIrneTeLhnDanteuidRocramtrstminogapInlloFLyraewieudeAsierr dDAOiapvmpereroatxell.r Nominal

Nominal Max. CondMumct2or Resistance/Km Curren/tKRmating AA A Mm Kg/Km
Cross Approx.
Sectional DC at AC at Laid Laid Laid Overall Weight
Area 20 °C 90 °C Direct in in in Diameter
Ground Free Air
mm2 Ducts

1 .5 rm Ω/km Ω/km A A A mm kg/km
2 .5 rm
4 rm Two Core Cables
6 rm
10 rm 12.1000 15.4000 30 25 25 9.6 105
16 rm 7.4100 32 34 10.5 135
25 rm 4.6100 9.4500 37 40 46 11.7 175
35 rm 3.0800 52 60 12.7 225
1.8300 5.8800 50 69 79 13.8 360
1.1500 83 105 15.8 505
0.7270 3.9300 63 107 139 18.8 750
0.5240 134 166 21.0 980
2.3300 82

1.4700 106

0.9270 139

0.6690 166

1 .5 rm 12.1000 Thre1e5.C40o0r0e Cables 26 23 22 10.1 130
2 .5 rm 11.0 165
4 rm 7.4100 9.4500 35 29 32 12.3 225
6 rm 13.4 295
10 rm 4.6100 5.8800 45 36 41 15.1 430
16 rm 17.3 620
25 rm 3.0800 3.9300 57 45 50 20.5 910
35 rm 22.9 1205
1.8300 2.3300 75 60 68
1.1500 1.4700 97 75 89 205
0.7270 0.9270 128 102 120 365
0.5240 0.6690 155 120 145 795
Four Core Cables 1575
1.5 rm 12.1000 15.4000 26 23 22 10.6 2905
2.5 rm 7.4100 29 32 11.9 3910
4 rm 4.6100 9.4500 35 36 41 13.4 4915
6 rm 3.0800 45 50 14.6 6035
10 rm 1.8300 5.8800 45 60 68 16.4 7540
16 rm 1.1500 75 89 18.9 9785
25 rm 0.7270 3.9300 57 102 120 22.5 12190
35 rm 0.5240 120 145 25.2 15540
50 sm 0.3870 2.3300 75 145 179 27.1 20075
70 sm 0.2680 180 225 31.4
95 sm 0.1930 1.4700 97 210 268 35.1 1390
120 sm 0.1530 245 310 39.2 1835
150 sm 0.1240 0.9270 128 275 352 43.7 2540
185 sm 0.0991 310 404 48.7 3435
240 sm 0.0754 0.6690 155 365 483 54.5 4400
300 sm 0.0601 405 562 60.1 5255
400 sm 0.0470 0.4940 185 476 660 66.9 6640
500 sm 0.0366 546 762 74.4 8555
0.3430 220 10640
23.6 14436
0.2480 265 25.9 18291
0.1970 305 33.6
0.1600 335 41.3
0.1290 375 51.5
0.0990 435 62.8
0.0810 490

0.06420 579

0.05190 653

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 rm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 0.6690/1.4700 155 120 142
50 sm 25 rm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4940/0.9270 185 145 179
70 sm 35 rm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3430/0.6690 220 180 215
95 sm 50 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2480/0.4940 265 210 268
120 sm 70 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1970/0.3430 305 245 310
150 sm 70 sm 0.1240/0.2680 0.1600/0.3430 335 275 352
185 sm 95 sm 0.0991/0.1930 0.1290/0.2480 375 310 404
240 sm 120 sm 0.0754/0.1530 0.0990/0.1970 435 365 483
300 sm 150 sm 0.0601/0.1240 0.0810/0.1600 490 405 562
400 sm 185 sm 0.0470/0.0991 0.0642/0.1290 579 476 660
500 sm 240 sm 0.0366/0.0754 0.0519/0.0990 653 546 762

The above data is approximate and subjected to gc3 manufacturing tolerance.

intelligent Medium CABLES Multicore Cables, with Stranded,
Aluminum Conductors, XLPE Insulated
and PVC Sheathed

Medium CABLES Multicore Cables, with Stranded,
Aluminum Conductors, XLPE Insulated
Description and PVC Sheathed

Multicore cables of Stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,

Descriptioanssembled together and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

Multicore cab•leCs oafbSletrsaanrdeepdroAdluumceindiuamcccoonrddinugcttoorsIEaCre6i0n5s0u2la. ted with XLPE compound,
assembled together and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are pAropdpucliecdaatcioconrding to IEC 60502.

For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations. They are normally used

ApplicatioafonnrdpoHwyderrodpiostwribeur tSiotantiionnusr.ban networks, in industrial plants, as well as in Thermopower

For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations. They are normally used

faonrdpoHwyderrodpiostwribeur tSiotanStCNiieonroCocnNumsrtssoiorAo.ibSsnmrneseaaaciannltlaiolnneatlMwaoDxrk.CMsC,aaDo2inxt0cn.CidOAncoutdncudtusotcrrtiRaoerAl RpsCieslatsA9aais0ncttnatOAcsnc,tecaes DwGirLereoaLIlnaculidiGatdnidrCDsnoiuriuenncrdrtTCeDhLnuuaienrtcIrindreRtmLsnDaatoutidRicnpaFtgsotrieLnwaiegniedIAnrFiLrraeiedDAAOiirapvmpeDArOerioaapvtmxpelel.rerroatxell.r AWpWeAppiegrpoighrxoht.xt
20 °C 90 °C

Nominal Mamx.mMC2mon2 ductor ΩRe/ksimst/aKnmce Ω/kmC/Kumrrent RaAtingA A AApproxA. AApprmoxm. Mm kgK/gk/mKm
Cross Weight
DC at AC at Laid Laid Laid Overall 235
Sectional 20 °C 90 °C Direct inTwo Cinore Cabinles 310
Area Ground Ducts Free Air Diameter
10 rm 3.0800
mm2 3.9500 57 48 55 13.8
Ω1/6krmm 1Ω.9/1k0m0
A2.4500 A 74 A 58 mm 73 kg/km15.8

25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 97 75 97 18.8 450
Two Core Cables 128 106 565
35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 120 21.0
3.0800 42 13.8 235 250
10 rm 3.9500 57Three C4o8re Cabl5e5s 52 330
16 rm 1.9100 71 310 460
25 rm 10 rm 2.4500 74 58 73 95 15.8 15.1 580
35 rm 1.2000 3.0800 3.9500 52 97 18.8 48
16 rm 1.5400 97 120 42 21.0 62 450 320
10 rm 0.8680 1.9100 2.4500 75 52 84 17.3 405
16 rm 25 rm 1.1130 128 68 71 585
25 rm 1.2000Three Core1C.54a0b0 les 95 565 745
35 rm 35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 106 110 105 20.5 905
3.0800 90 140 15.1 1260
10 rm 165 22.9 1565
16 rm 1.9100 120 190 250 1950
25 rm 10 rm 215 2405
35 rm 1.2000 3.9500 52 Four Co42re Cable4s8 240 330 2930
50 sm 16 rm 280 16.4 3725
70 sm 0.8680 2.4500 68 52 62 325 17.3 4625
95 sm 25 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 379 20.5 48 460 5975
120 sm 1.5400 90 71 84 441 22.9 62 18.9 7485
150 sm 35 rm 1.9100 2.4500 68 84
185 sm 530.0s8m00 1.1130 120 95 105 580
240 sm 710.9s1m00 1.2000 1.5400 90 22.5
915.2s0m00 0.8680Four Core 1C.1a13b0les
1200.8s6m80 120 110 25.2
1500.6s4m10 16.4 136 32026.5
1805.4s4m30 0.634.915000 05.82220 42 145 48 18.9 168 40530.8
2400.3s2m00 22.5 205 58533.5
3000.2s5m30 0.424.435000 06.58690 52 175 62 25.2 236 74537.6
4000.2s0m60 26.5 278 90542.1
5000.1s6m40 0.312.504000 09.40110 71 210 84 30.8 315 126047.1
0.1250 33.5 378 156552.9
0.215.131030 102.30250 95 235 110 37.6 446 195058.5
42.1 526 240566.9
0.200.862020 104.25650 110 265 136 47.1 615 293074.4
52.9 3725
0.106.546090 107.25120 140 290 168

0.102.451010 201.10630 165 340 205

0.100.302050 203.15310 190 390 236

0.007.276850 206.15025 215 461 278

0.006.201520 209.00809 240 527 315

0.1630 340 280 378

300 sm The abo0v.1e00d0ata is appr0o.1x3im10ate and 3s9u0bjected32to5 gc3 m44a6nufactu5ri8n.5g toleran46c2e5 .
400 sm 0.0778 0.1025 461 379 526 66.9 5975

500 sm 0.0605 0.0809 527 441 615 74.4 7485

The above data is approximate and subjected to gc3 manufacturing tolerance.



Nominal Max.Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Cross Sectional Overall
Dc At Ac At Laid Direct Laid Laid Diameter Approx
Area 20 Oc 90 Oc In Ground In Ducts In Free Air Weight
/Km /Km A A A mm Kg/Km



Nominal Max.Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Cross Sectional Overall
Dc At Ac At Laid Direct Laid Laid Diameter Approx
Area 20 Oc 90 Oc In Ground In Ducts In Free Air Weight
/Km /Km A A A mm Kg/Km



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Single Core Cables with

stranded circular copper Nominal Max. Conductor Current Rating in Air Approx. Approx
Conductors, PVC insulated Cross Resistance Laid in Ground Laid in free Air Overall Weight
and PVC Sheathed Diameter
Product Sectional DC at AC at
Code Area 20 OC 70 OC

mm2 Ω/km Ω/km A A A A A A mm kg / km

C08P201UP 1.5 12.1 14.5 25 24 20 25 24 18 6.6 49

C10P201UP 2.5 7.41 8.87 33 32 27 33 32 23 7 62

C12P201UP 4 4.6100 5.5100 42 40 32 37 33 29 7.0 86

PVC Installation Copper conductor C13P201UP 6 3.0800 3.6800 52 50 40 48 42 38 7.9 115
PVC Sheathing 165
C14P201UP 10 1.8300 2.1700 70 67 52 66 58 51 8.9 231

C15P201UP 16 1.1500 1.3700 90 85 65 80 75 65 9.9

C16P201UP 25 0.7270 0.8600 115 110 85 105 95 90 11.6 343

Description C17P201UP 35 0.5240 0.6300 135 130 105 130 125 110 12.7 445
C18P201UP 50 0.3870 0.4600 160 155 125 160 150 135 14.6 600
• Soft annealed stranded copper or C19P201UP 70 0.2680 0.3200 200 190 155 200 190 170 16.3 805
Aluminium conductor. Insulated with C20P201UP 95 0.1930 0.2300 235 225 185 250 240 210 18.7 1085
PVC compound rated 70 oC and C21P201UP 120 0.1530 0.1900 270 255 210 285 275 245 20.4 1350
sheathed with PVC compound layer. C22P201UP 150 0.1240 0.1500 300 285 235 330 320 280 22.6 1654
• Cables are produced according to C23P201UP 185 0.0991 0.1200 345 325 270 380 370 320 24.9 2030
IEC 60502. C24P201UP 240 0.0754 0.0920 400 375 310 480 460 385 28.3 2675
C25P201UP 300 0.0601 0.0750 450 420 350 550 530 450 31.1 3280
Application C26P201UP 400 0.0470 0.0590 515 475 390 630 615 520 35.3 4350
• For outdoor and indoor installations C27P201UP 500 0.0366 0.0480 580 525 435 720 700 600 38.8 5355
in damp and wet locations. They are C28P201UP 630 0.0283 0.0390 660 590 495 830 810 680 42.7 6685
normally used for power distribution
in urban networks, industrial plants, C29P201UP 800 0.0221 0.0290 740 650 555 940 920 775 47.2 8600
as well as in thermpower and
hydropower stations. The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

Nominal Max. Conductor Current Rating in Air Approx. 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
Cross Resistance Overall
Diameter Approx Single Core Cables with
Product- Sectional DC at AC at Laid in Laid in free Weight stranded circular Aluminum
Code Area 20 OC 70 OC Ground Air
Conductors, PVC insulated
A15P201UP mm2 Ω/km Ω/km A A A A A A mm
16 1.9100 2.2900 65 63 50 65 60 45 9.9 kg / km

132 and PVC Sheathed

A16P201UP 25 1.2000 1.4400 85 83 65 85 80 65 11.6 185

A17P201UP 35 0.8680 1.0400 105 102 80 105 100 85 12.7 250

A18P201UP 50 0.6410 0.7700 125 120 95 125 120 105 14.6 295

A19P201UP 70 0.4430 0.5330 155 145 120 165 155 125 16.3 375

A20P201UP 95 0.3200 0.3850 185 175 135 205 195 160 18.7 500 Aluminum PVC Installation PVC Sheathing
A21P201UP 120 0.2530 0.3050 210 200 165 235 225 185 20.4 605 conductor
A22P201UP 150 0.2060 0.2480 235 225 180 265 255 210 22.6 725

A23P201UP 185 0.1640 0.1980 265 255 205 310 300 245 24.8 900

A24P201UP 240 0.1250 0.1510 310 295 240 365 355 290 28.3 1150

A25P201UP 300 0.1000 0.1220 355 335 270 420 405 335 31.1 1420

A26P201UP 400 0.0778 0.0954 410 380 310 500 480 390 35.3 1750

A27P201UP 500 0.0605 0.0751 465 430 355 580 560 460 38.8 2220

A28P201UP 630 0.0469 0.0595 535 490 405 680 660 535 42.7 2750 The datma iasnaupfapcrotuxriimngatteolaenrasnucbej.ected to
A29P201UP 47.2 3450
800The data 0is.0a3p6p7roximat0e.0an47s0ubje6c0te0d t5o3m0 a4n5u0fac7t6u5ring74to5lera6n2c0e.

We own the power



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Aluminum Conductors PVC

Insulated and PVC Sheathed Copper conductor Binder tape PVC Sheathing

PVC Insulation

Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with PVC compound

Description rated 70 oC, assembled together, covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.

Application • For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 Ground A A kg / km
20 OC 70 OC A mm

Ω/km Ω/km

Two Core Cables

C08P202UP 1.5 rm 12.1000 14.600 24 19 20 10.1 120
C10P202UP 2.5 rm 7.4100 8.870 30 25 28 10.9 145
C12P202UP 4 rm 4.6100 5.540 40 32 39 12.9 205
C13P202UP 6 rm 3.0800 3.690 50 40 50 13.9 255
C14P202UP 10 rm 66 15.0 425
C15P202UP 16 rm 1.8300 2.190 65 55 88 17.0 580
C16P202UP 25 rm 1.1500 1.390 85 65 116 20.0 845
C17P202UP 35 rm 0.7270 0.870 110 85 143 22.2 1090
0.5240 0.628 130 105
C08P203UP 18 10.6 145
C10P203UP Three Core Cables 22 11.5 190
C12P203UP 31 13.6 270
C13P203UP 1.5 rm 12.1000 14.600 21 18 39 14.7 340
C14P203UP 2.5 rm 7.4100 8.870 27 23 53 16.4 485
C15P203UP 4 rm 4.6100 5.540 35 30 72 18.6 685
C16P203UP 6 rm 3.0800 3.690 45 36 94 21.8 995
C17P203UP 10 rm 110 24.2 1300
16 rm 1.8300 2.190 60 48
C08P204UP 25 rm 1.1500 1.390 75 60 18 11.4 180
C10P204UP 35 rm 0.7270 0.870 100 80 22 12.4 230
C12P204UP 0.5240 0.628 120 95 31 14.8 335
C13P204UP 39 16.0 425
C14P204UP Four Core Cables 53 17.9 635
C15P204UP 72 20.3 880
C16P204UP 1.5 rm 12.1000 14.6000 21 18 94 23.9 1295
C17P204UP 2.5 rm 7.4100 8.8700 27 23 110 26.6 1700
C18P204UP 4 rm 4.6100 5.5400 35 30 138 29.3 2225
C19P204UP 6 rm 171 32.9 3065
C20P204UP 10 rm 3.0800 3.6900 45 36 209 37.8 4175
C21P204UP 16 rm 1.8300 2.1900 60 48 242 41.2 5205
C22P204UP 25 sm 1.1500 1.3900 75 60 275 45.9 6400
C23P204UP 35 sm 0.7270 0.8700 100 80 314 50.7 7960
C24P204UP 50 sm 0.5240 0.6280 120 95 374 57.0 10330
C25P204UP 70 sm 440 63.3 12915
95 sm 0.3870 0.4640 145 115
C17P2R3UP 120 sm 110 25.0 1505
C18P2R3UP 150 sm The0d.2a6t8a0is approxim0a.3t2e20an subjected to17m5 anufacturing tol1e4r5ance. 138 28.1 2115
C19P2R3UP 185 sm 171 31.4 2725
C20P2R3UP 240 sm 0.1930 0.2320 210 165 209 36.1 3690
C21P2R3UP 300 sm 242 39.5 4675
C22P2R3UP 0.1530 0.1850 240 195 275 43.5 5580
C23P2R3UP 314 48.2 7025
C24P2R3UP 0.1240 0.1510 270 220 374 54.2 9060
C25P2R3UP 440 60.0 11280
0.0991 0.1210 300 245
0.0754 290
0.0601 0.0840 345 320

0.0770 390

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 0.6280/1.3900 120 95
50 sm 25 sm
70 sm 35 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4640/0.8700 145 115
95 sm 50 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3220/0.6280 175 145
120 sm 70 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2320/0.4640 210 165
150 sm 70 sm
185 sm 95 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1850/0.3220 240 195
240 sm 120 sm 0.1240/0.2680 0.1510/0.3220 270 220
300 sm 150 sm
0.0991/0.1930 0.1210/0.2320 300 245
0.0754/0.1530 0.0840/0.1850 345 290
0.0601/0.1240 0.0770/0.1510 390 320

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

We own the power



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Aluminum Conductors PVC Insulated
and PVC Sheathed

Description Binder tape PVC Sheathing
PVC insulation
Aluminum Conductor

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with PVC compound rated 70 oC,
assembled together, covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.


• For outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet locations.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A A kg / km
A14P202UP Ω/km Ω/km A mm
A16P202UP Two Core Cables
10 rm 3.080 3.300 46 39 46 15.0 295
A15P203UP 16 rm 1.910 2.290 60 46 62 17.0 385
A17P203UP 25 rm 1.200 1.440 77 60 81 20.0 540

A14P204UP 35 rm 0.868 1.040 103 83 114 22.2 670
A16P204UP Three Core Cables
A18P204UP 10 rm 3.080 3.300 42 34 37 16.4 305
A20P204UP 16 rm 1.910 2.290 53 42 50 18.6 400
A22P204UP 25 rm 1.200 1.440 70 56 66 21.8 550
A24P204UP 35 rm 0.868 1.040 95 75 88 24.2 680
Four Core Cables
10 rm 3.0800 3.3000 42 34 37 17.9 395
A18P2R3UP 16 rm 1.9100 2.2900 53 42 50 20.3 495
A20P2R3UP 25 sm 1.2000 1.4400 70 56 66 23.9 700
A22P2R3UP 35 sm 0.8680 1.0400 95 75 88 26.6 870
A24P2R3UP 50 sm 0.6410 0.7710 115 85 105 29.3 1060
70 sm 0.4430 0.5330 135 110 132 32.9 1380

95 sm 0.3200 0.3850 165 130 160 37.8 1865

120 sm 0.2530 0.3050 185 150 187 41.2 2300

150 sm 0.2060 0.2490 210 170 215 45.9 2760

185 sm 0.1640 0.1990 235 195 248 50.7 3400

240 sm 0.1250 0.1510 275 225 292 57.0 4345

300 sm 0.1000 0.1230 310 260 347 63.3 5400

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.0430/2.2900 95 75 88 25.0 720
50 sm 25 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.7710/1.4400 115 85
70 sm 35 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5330/1.0400 135 110 105 28.1 970
95 sm 50 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.3850/0.7710 165 130
120 sm 70 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3050/0.5330 185 150 132 31.4 1240
150 sm 70 sm 0.2060/0.4430 0.2490/0.5330 210 170
185 sm 95 sm 0.1640/0.3200 0.1990/0.3850 235 195 160 36.1 1660
240 sm 120 sm 0.1250/0.2530 0.1510/0.3050 275 225
300 sm 150 sm 0.1000/0.2060 0.1230/0.2490 310 260 187 39.5 2040

215 43.5 2435

248 48.2 3025

292 54.2 3830

347 60.0 4720

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

We own the power



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded

Copper Conductors, XLPE

Insulated, Steel Tape Armored

and PVC Sheathed Copper conductor Inner Sheathing
tape ( Steel
Description XLPE insulation Binder STA PVC Sheathing
tape Armoring

• Multicore cables of stranded copper conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,, assembled together,

armoured with steel tape and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.

• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502

• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
C13X202IP A A mm
C14X202IP 6 rm Ω/km Ω/km 405
C15X202IP 10 rm 490
C16X202IP 16 rm Two Core Cables 655
C17X202IP 25 rm 935
35 rm 3.0800 3.9300 62 51 59 15.5 1185
C13X203IP 1.8300 2.3300 81 68 78 15.6
C14X203IP 6 rm 1.1500 1.4700 105 82 103 17.8 465
C15X203IP 10 rm 0.7270 0.9270 138 106 137 20.8 575
C16X203IP 16 rm 0.5240 0.6690 164 132 164 23.0 790
C17X203IP 25 rm 1105
35 rm Three Core Cables 1420
C14X204IP 6 rm 3.0800 3.9300 56 44 49 16.2 555
C15X204IP 10 rm 1.8300 2.3300 74 59 67 17.1 720
C16X204IP 16 rm 1.1500 1.4700 96 74 88 19.3 975
C17X204IP 25 sm 0.7270 0.9270 127 100 120 22.5 1385
C18X204IP 35 sm 0.5240 0.6690 153 119 143 24.9 1775
C19X204IP 50 sm 2415
C20X204IP 70 sm Four Core Cables 3335
C21X204IP 95 sm 4815
C22X204IP 120 sm 3.0800 3.9300 56 44 49 17.4 5910
C23X204IP 150 sm 1.8300 2.3300 74 59 67 18.4 7195
C24X204IP 185 sm 1.1500 1.4700 96 74 88 20.9 8830
C25X204IP 240 sm 0.7270 0.9270 127 100 120 24.5 11285
300 sm 0.5240 0.6690 153 119 143 27.2 13835
0.3870 0.4940 185 145 178 30.1
0.2680 0.3430 220 180 225 34.6
0.1930 0.2480 265 210 268 39.7
0.1530 0.1970 305 245 310 43.8
0.1240 0.1600 335 275 352 48.7
0.0991 0.1290 375 310 404 53.7
0.0754 0.0990 435 365 483 60.0
0.0601 0.0810 490 405 562 65.5

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

C17X2R3IP 35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 06690/1.4700 153 119 143 25.6 1615
C18X2R3IP 50 sm 25 sm
C19X2R3IP 70 sm 35 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4940/0.9270 185 145 178 28.7 2160
C20X2R3IP 95 sm 50 sm
C21X2R3IP 120 sm 70 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3430/0.6690 220 180 225 33.1 2960
C22X2R3IP 150 sm 70 sm
C23X2R3IP 185 sm 95 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2480/0.4940 265 210 268 38.0 4280
C24X2R3IP 240 sm 120 sm
C25X2R3IP 300 sm 150 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1970/0.3430 305 245 310 42.1 5365

0.1240/0.2680 0.1600/0.3430 335 275 352 46.3 6355

0.0991/0.1930 0.1290/0.2480 375 310 404 51.2 7865

0.0754/0.1530 0.0990/0.1970 435 365 483 57.1 10000

0.0601/0.1240 0.0810/0.1600 490 405 562 62.2 12205

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

We own the power



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded
Aluminum Conductors XLPE

Insulated and PVC Sheathed Aluminum conductor Inner Sheathing

Description XLPE insulation tape STA PVC Sheathing
Binder ( Steel tape Armoring

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminium conductors are insulated with XLPE compound,, assembled
together, armoured with steel tape and covered with an overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502.


• For outdoor Installation in damp wet locations where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A14X202IP A A mm
A15X202IP Ω/km Ω/km
A17X202IP Two Core Cables

A14X203IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 56 47 55 15.8 370
A16X203IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 73 57 72 17.8 460
25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 96 74 96 20.8 630
A15X204IP 35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 129 105 126 23.0 770
A17X204IP Three Core Cables
A19X204IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 41 47 17.1 390
A21X204IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 67 52 62 19.3 495
A23X204IP 25 rm 1.2000 1.5400 89 70 84 22.5 650
A25X204IP 35 rm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 110 24.9 795

Product-Code Four Core Cables

A17X2R3IP 10 rm 3.0800 3.9500 52 41 47 18.4 475
A19X2R3IP 16 rm 1.9100 2.4500 67 52 62 20.9 585
A21X2R3IP 25 sm 1.2000 1.5400 89 70 84 24.5 780
A23X2R3IP 35 sm 0.8680 1.1130 120 95 110 27.2 940
A25X2R3IP 50 sm 0.6410 0.8220 145 110 136 30.1 1300

70 sm 0.4430 0.5690 175 140 168 34.6 1750

95 sm 0.3200 0.4110 210 165 205 39.7 2540

120 sm 0.2520 0.3250 235 190 236 43.8 3020

150 sm 0.2060 0.2650 265 215 278 48.7 3670

185 sm 0.1640 0.2120 290 240 315 53.7 4380

240 sm 0.1250 0.1630 340 280 378 60.0 4430

300 sm 0.1000 0.1310 390 325 446 65.5 6510

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Diameter
mm2 20 OC 90 OC Ground A Air kg / km
A A mm
Ω/km Ω/km

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.1130/2.4500 120 95 110 25.6 890
50 sm 25 sm
70 sm 35 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.8220/1.5400 145 110 136 28.7 1200
95 sm 50 sm
120 sm 70 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5690/1.1130 175 140 168 33.1 1550
150 sm 70 sm
185 sm 95 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.4110/0.8220 210 165 205 38.0 1970
240 sm 120 sm
300 sm 150 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3250/0.5690 235 190 236 42.1 2710

0.2060/0.4430 0.2650/0.5690 265 215 278 46.3 3290

0.1640/0.3200 0.2120/0.4110 290 240 315 51.2 3980

0.1250/0.2530 0.1630/0.3250 340 280 378 57.1 4910

0.1000/0.2060 0.1310/0.2650 390 325 446 62.2 5920

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

We own the power



0.6/1 (1.2) kV Aluminum Conductor Inner Sheathing

Multicore Cables, with Stranded SWA
Conductors PVC Insulated and
PVC Sheathed

PVC insulation PVC Sheathing
Binder tape ( Steel Wire Armoring)


• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminum conductors are insulated with PVC compound rated 70 oC, assembled together, armoured
with steel wires and covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502 or BS 6346.


• For outdoor installations in damp and wet locations. where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx.
Sectional Area Overall
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Diameter Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A kg / km
A14P202HP Ω/km Ω/km A A mm
A15P202HP 10 rm
A16P202HP 16 rm Two Core Cables 39
A17P202HP 25 rm 46
35 rm 3.0800 3.3000 46 60 46 19.2 695
A14P203HP 1.9100 2.2900 60 83 62 21.2 835
A15P203HP 10 rm 1.2000 1.4400 77 81 25.3 1235
A16P203HP 16 rm 0.8680 1.0400 103 34 115 27.5 1370
A17P203HP 25 rm 42
35 rm Three Core Cables 56 37 20.6 740
A14P204HP 75 50 22.8 885
A15P204HP 10 rm 3.0800 3.3000 42 66 27.1 1315
A16P204HP 16 rm 1.9100 2.2900 53 34 88 29.5 1525
A17P204HP 25 sm 1.2000 1.4400 70 42
A18P204HP 35 sm 0.8680 1.0400 95 56
A19P204HP 50 sm 75
A20P204HP 70 sm Four Core Cables 85
A21P204HP 95 sm 110
A22P204HP 120 sm 3.0800 3.3000 42 130 37 22.1 870
A23P204HP 150 sm 1.9100 2.2900 53 150 50 25.6 1205
A24P204HP 185 sm 1.2000 1.4400 70 170 66 29.2 1525
A25P204HP 240 sm 0.8680 1.0430 95 195 94 32.1 1805
300 sm 0.6410 0.7710 115 225 110 37.1 3040
0.4430 0.5530 135 260 138 40.7 3750
0.3200 0.3850 165 165 46.6 4730
0.2530 0.3050 185 193 50.6 5570
0.2060 0.2490 210 220 55.1 6430
0.1640 0.1990 235 253 60.5 7790
0.1250 0.1510 275 297 66.8 9180
0.1000 0.1230 310 352 72.9 10590

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Diameter
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A A kg / km
Ω/km Ω/km A mm

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

A17P2R3HP 35 sm 16 rm 0.8680/1.9100 1.0430/2.2900 95 75 94 28.7 1585
A18P2R3HP 50 sm 25 sm 110 35.5 2300
A19P2R3HP 70 sm 35 sm 0.6410/1.2000 0.7710/1.4400 115 85 138 39.2 2820
A20P2R3HP 95 sm 50 sm 165 42.6 3410
A21P2R3HP 120 sm 70 sm 0.4430/0.8680 0.5330/1.0400 135 110 193 48.9 4370
A22P2R3HP 150 sm 70 sm 220 52.7 5080
A23P2R3HP 185 sm 95 sm 0.3200/0.6410 0.3850/0.7710 165 130 253 57.6 5950
A24P2R3HP 240 sm 120 sm 297 64.0 7230
A25P2R3HP 300 sm 150 sm 0.2530/0.4430 0.3050/0.5330 185 150 352 69.8 8540

0.2060/0.4430 0.2490/0.5330 210 170

0.1640/0.3200 0.1990/0.3850 235 195

0.1250/0.2530 0.1510/0.3050 275 225

0.1000/0.2060 0.1230/0.2490 310 260

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance.

We own the power



0.6/1 (1.2) kV

Multicore Cables, with Stranded Aluminum Conductor Inner Sheathing
Aluminum Conductors PVC
Insulated and PVC Sheathed PVC insulation SWA PVC Sheathing

Description Binder tape ( Steel Wire Armoring)

• Multicore cables of stranded Aluminum conductors are insulated with PVC compound rated 70 oC, assembled
together, armoured with steel wires and covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC 60502 or BS 6346.


• For outdoor installations in damp and wet locations. where mechanical damages are expected to occur.

Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Overall
Sectional Area Diameter
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Ducts Laid in Free Air Approx Weight
mm2 20 OC 70 OC
C12P202HP Ω/km Ω/km Ground A A mm kg / km
C13P202HP 4 rm
C14P202HP 6 rm 4.6100 5.5400 A 32 39 17.8 645
C15P202HP 10 rm 3.0800 3.6900 Two Core Cables 40 50 18.8 735
C16P202HP 16 rm 1.8300 2.1900 55 66 19.2 815
C17P202HP 25 rm 1.1500 1.3900 40 65 88 21.2 1030
35 rm 0.7270 0.8700 85 116 25.3 1535
C12P203HP 0.5240 0.6280 50 105 143 27.5 1790
C13P203HP 4 rm
C14P203HP 6 rm 4.6100 5.5400 65 30 31 18.5 730
C15P203HP 10 rm 36 835
C16P203HP 16 rm 3.0800 3.6900 85 48 39 19.6 920
C17P203HP 25 rm 60 1175
35 rm 1.8300 2.1900 110 80 53 20.6 1765
C12P204HP 1.1500 1.3900 100 72 22.8 2145
C13P204HP 4 rm 0.7270 0.8700 130 94 27.1
C14P204HP 6 rm Three Core Cables 29 840
C15P204HP 10 rm 0.5240 0.6280 37 110 29.5 965
C16P204HP 16 rm 35 50 1115
C17P204HP 25 sm 4.6100 5.5400 68 29 19.7 1590
C18P204HP 35 sm 3.0800 3.6900 45 89 37 20.9 2125
C19P204HP 50 sm 1.8300 2.1900 95 50 22.1 2635
C20P204HP 70 sm 1.1500 1.3900 60 115 68 25.6 3870
C21P204HP 95 sm 75 145 4900
C22P204HP 120 sm 0.7270 0.8700 100 165 89 29.2 6665
C23P204HP 150 sm 0.5240 0.6280 195 116 32.1 7990
C24P204HP 185 sm 0.3870 0.4640 120 220 143 37.1 9445
C25P204HP 240 sm 0.2680 0.3220 245 176 40.7 11425
300 sm 0.1930 0.2320 Four Core Cables 290 215 46.6 14205
0.1530 0.1850 320 248 50.6 17870
0.1240 0.1510 37 281 55.1
0.0991 0.1210 63 319 60.5
0.0754 0.0840 105 380 66.8
0.0601 0.0770 145 446 72.9




Nominal Cross Max. Conductor Resistance Current Rating Approx. Approx
Sectional Area Laid in Ducts Overall Weight
Product-Code DC at AC at Laid direct in Laid in Free Air Diameter
mm2 20 OC 70 OC Ground A A kg / km
Ω/km Ω/km A mm

Four Core Cables with Reduced Neutral

C17P2R3HP 35 sm 16 rm 0.5240/1.1500 0.6280/1.3900 120 95 116 28.7 2310
C18P2R3HP 50 sm 25 sm 0.3870/0.7270 0.4640/0.8700 145 115 143 35.5 3550
C19P2R3HP 70 sm 35 sm 0.2680/0.5240 0.3220/0.6280 175 145 176 39.2 4480
C20P2R3HP 95 sm 50 sm 0.1930/0.3870 0.2320/0.4640 210 165 215 42.6 5475
C21P2R3HP 120 sm 70 sm 0.1530/0.2680 0.1850/0.3220 240 195 248 48.9 7385
C22P2R3HP 150 sm 70 sm 0.1240/0.2680 0.1510/0.3220 270 220 281 52.7 8505
C23P2R3HP 185 sm 95 sm 0.0991/0.1930 0.1210/0.2320 300 245 319 57.6 10260
C24P2R3HP 240 sm 120 sm 0.0754/0.1530 0.0840/0.1850 345 290 380 64.0 12755
C25P2R3HP 300 sm 150 sm 0.0601/0.1240 0.0770/0.1510 390 320 446 69.8 15330

The data is approximate an subjected to manufacturing tolerance. rm: round stranded
sm: sector stranded

We own the power


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