How’s ‘exceptional’ education
doing? Not clear. P14
Shores land auction
keeps moving forward. P9
Hit-and-run driver who killed
Orchid man sentenced to 15 years. P12
MY VERO IRMC Nurse Christine Scales Vero electric sale
and Michael Pinheiro. suddenly seems
BY RAY MCNULTY a real possibility
Acupuncturist defends BY LISA ZAHNER
$1M billings to county Near-death experience – and a life saved – at Jungle Club Staff Writer
After reading my column BY TOM LLOYD gle Club last Monday, his life And if it weren't for the near- After three years of dor-
last month, when I expressed Staff Writer hung in the balance. instantaneous and seemingly mancy, mostly under a "can't
shock and concern that one perfectly synchronized actions do" Vero Beach City Council, a
local acupuncture practice When Michael Pinheiro tum- At age 40, he had suffered a of a handful of Jungle Club pa- plan for the city to buy its way
was able to collect more than bled backwards and collapsed severe heart attack with com- trons and staff members, Pin- out of a statewide power co-
$1 million in claims from the unconscious on the floor after plete closure of his left anteri- heiro’s wife might very well op's stranglehold is suddenly
self-insured county during completing his workout at Jun- or descending coronary artery very much in play.
the 2016 fiscal year, Jill Jaynes – the classic “widow-maker.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
offered me a free treatment. Florida Municipal Power
Agency told Vero officials it
She wasn’t trying to stick it will cost $108 million to exit
to me – though, as the owner the co-op's contracts so Vero
of Absolute Integrated Medi- electric can be sold to Florida
cine, which apparently enticed Power & Light.
county-insured patients by
waiving co-pays, she wasn’t at FMPA members and staff
all pleased with what I wrote. were set to discuss the exit
cost Thursday during the
She was making a point. group's Orlando board meet-
“Do you really think people ing, but the announcement of
show up three or four times a dollar amount came in the
a week to get fine shafts of midst of a record-breaking
steel intricately stuck in their eight-and-a-half-hour Vero
bodies because they like it?” council meeting last Tuesday,
Jaynes said. “No, they do it be-
cause it works.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
Maybe it does.
Despite the many sports- House Speaker pays a
cash call to our island
Brady Roberts set
to define new era
for Museum of Art
BY MICHELLE GENZ BY LISA ZAHNER House Speaker Ryan and security escort at conclusion of visit.
Staff Writer Staff Writer
The halls of the Vero Beach Republican politicians know our island is
Museum of Art may seem as a lucrative as well as warm place to visit in
serene as ever. But inside the the winter, and House Speaker Paul Ryan did
administrative offices, Brady just that last week to raise money for his PAC.
Roberts is keeping a frenetic
February 16, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 7 Newsstand Price $1.00 From Haiti, stories
of gratitude, hope
News 1-14 Faith 81 Pets 80 TO ADVERTISE CALL and resilience. P24
Arts 39-46 Games 61-63 Real Estate 83-96 772-559-4187
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Brady Roberts – Roberts seems to be drawing from a ism and abstract expressionism; Rob- he was applying: He once gave a lec-
bottomless well of enthusiasm. erts wrote his master’s thesis on Wil- ture here.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lem de Kooning.
Last week, he was wrapping up It was during his tenure at the Dav-
schedule. The museum’s new execu- individual meetings with some 25 Prior to that job, he was curator of enport that he got a call from a young
tive director and CEO is filling in as members of the Board of Trustees – the Evo gallery in Santa Fe that spe- museum in the small town of Vero
curator at the same time as he learns the same board that unanimously cializes in global contemporary art. Beach, Florida inviting him to speak. It
the ropes of his own position. voted to hire him over a dozen other In the late 1990s, he was executive was February in Iowa; he didn’t hesi-
candidates considered in a six-month director of the Dubuque Museum of tate. Still, his hosts gave him the pep
Former curator Jay Williams retired search. Art, and for eight years before that talk: “They told me, listen, this isn’t
almost simultaneously with longtime was curator of collections and exhibi- what you think it is, just a small coastal
executive director Lucinda Gedeon, Handling curatorial duties comes tions at the Davenport Museum, now town. And they were right. I stayed a
leaving a double void. naturally to Roberts: He was chief cu- known as the Figge Art Museum. few days and wherever I went I kept
rator at the Milwaukee Art Museum meeting interesting people,” says Rob-
On the plus side, the twin depar- before coming to Vero, named to that Unlike Gedeon, who before she erts. “This is an intellectually engaged
tures allow Roberts to hire a curator post in 2009. That museum is best came to Vero had never even visited community.”
of his choosing. But in the meantime known for its post-war collection of a southern state, Roberts already had
he is stretched thin. Not that it shows art, specifically German expression- a first-hand impression of just where That engagement continues today
of course, with the museum welcom-
ing close to 80,000 visitors a year as
the flagship of Vero’s cultural and in-
tellectual pursuits. Roberts follows in
the footsteps of a champion of those
pursuits: Gedeon.
The face of the museum for more
than 12 years, she arrived just be-
fore the 2004 hurricanes tore through
town, testing the physical mettle of a
museum she was charged with “bring-
ing to the next level,” the mantra of
then-chairman of the board Rick Mc-
Today Roberts takes over a museum
that not only reached that level, but
did it in a period of time that spanned
a severe economic downturn. In the
last financial report – 2015 – the mu-
seum took in nearly $7 million in rev-
enue. In the five years following the
launch of a capital campaign in 2010,
it raised more than $9 million in dona-
tions. And an endowment campaign
begun in January 2015 now stands at
$26 million.
The museum reaches out not only
with exhibits but also with an exten-
sive art education program, two lec-
ture series, collaborations with other
arts organizations including Ballet
Vero Beach (with a performance there
this Friday), on-going study series
in film and opera, and programs de-
signed for a dozen cohorts from pre-
school children to Alzheimer patients.
Now it is Roberts who is setting the
bar for the institution. “We’re going
to start a strategic planning process
working with staff, board and com-
munity to see what the next level looks
like for the museum,” Roberts says.
At the much larger Milwaukee Art
Museum, there were 30 people just on
the curatorial staff he led. That is one
more than the entire full-time staff of
the Vero museum.
There, his team developed the mas-
ter plan to re-install the museum’s
collection throughout the building as
part of a $34 million capital campaign.
It was one of four major building proj-
ects in his career, including at the
Phoenix Art Museum where he over-
saw construction of a new contempo-
rary wing.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 3
Not that he’s stepping into another education department to the intellec- niches you have to build a collection. curatorial staff,” he says. “Good energy
construction site; the Vero museum tually curious members of our muse- We can’t buy a lot of old masters or brings more good things in.”
is taking a breather after a recent ex- um know why we’re presenting them.” blue-chip contemporary art – it’s too
pansion added a 20,000-square-foot expensive. So we have to be intelligent He will have ample opportunity to
collections and exhibitions wing that As for expanding the museum’s col- about how we collect. Photography is share his own “good energy” when he
stores its 850-piece collection. lection, Roberts hints that his legacy a great field where you can do a lot of takes members of the museum’s Athe-
may be in expanding its works of fine collecting at not extravagant prices.” na Society donor group to Venice in
As Brady familiarizes himself with art photography and video art. “Video September. “Venice is such a fabulous
the works in that collection, he is busy art installations are made for muse- He adds that most works in mu- place and we’ll be there for the Bien-
pulling together exhibitions from oth- ums and institutions, so there are lots seum collections come through do- nale, where you can see for the first
er sources. Among the many shows of opportunities there,” he says. “In to- nations. “The museums that get the time some of the best contemporary
he has organized are “Constructing day’s market you have to look at what most donations have the most active art in the world.”
New Berlin” in 2006 and “Grant Wood:
An American Master Revealed,” both
of which were touring exhibitions. In
2014, he co-organized a major Kan-
dinsky retrospective with the Centre
Pompidou in Paris.
Roberts’ obvious passion for muse-
ums – his face brightens just speaking
on the subject – began in college at the
University of Illinois, Champaign-Ur-
bana. He was struck when the genres
of art he studied in his art history
classes – projected images on an au-
ditorium wall “and all the same size”
suddenly came to life when he visited
museums. He made frequent forays to
Milwaukee to visit the same museum
he would one day help lead.
Later in graduate school at the Uni- Exclusively John’s Island
versity of Wisconsin-Madison, the art
history department was within the Sited on Gem Island, on a quiet cul-de-sac street, is this exceptional 4BR estate.
small art museum on campus. In both Commanding unrivaled Intracoastal Waterway views, this 12,303± GSF retreat
venues, he discovered the compelling offers breathtaking sunsets, 172-feet of river frontage, lap pool, boat dock with lift,
sense of aura that a work of art exudes. and seawall-protected sandy beach. Features include luxurious appointments,
hardwood and marble floors, Zuber wallpaper, striated plaster walls, screened
Initially a literature major, Roberts lanai with fireplace, library with fireplace, and tree-top views from the upper level.
signed up for an art history class his 171 Terrapin Point : $7,750,000
freshman year. “The professor was
brilliant,” he recalls. “He was talking three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
about how renaissance paintings relat- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
ed to history, literature, philosophy – it
was like decoding a special language. 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
It just opened up a new world for me.”
Roberts’ impact as director and that
of his as-yet unknown teammate, the
new hire for the post of curator, could
shape an era at the museum, particu-
larly if they have the kind of longevity
of Gedeon and Williams had.
“I think the best curators are pas-
sionate and full of ideas,” he says.
“Like that art history professor who
was so passionate about art – they
want to share their insights into works
of art and let people from kids in our
4 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero County officials, however, say only maximum annual payout of $1,500. scription medications, tests, prima-
221 of Jaynes’ county-insured pa- Jaynes defended her billing prac- ry-care and specialists visits, surgery
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tients filed claims – and those 221 and the like.”
accounted for more than 8,200 visits, tices.
related aches and injuries I’ve endured which, if you do the math, averages She said the county has made her She also urged commissioners to
through the years, I’ve never been out to nearly 40 treatments per per- “factor in increased productivity in
treated by an acupuncturist – and for son during the year at annual cost of the scapegoat for its failure to prop- the workplace, paid sick-time reduc-
the very reason Jaynes stated: I have almost $5,500 apiece. erly monitor and regulate its health- tion and the potential to reduce ad-
no desire to become a human pin insurance plan, which, until this verse effects and addictions to pre-
cushion. In fact, if you divide the nearly month, allowed patients unlimited scription medications commonly
$1.2 million paid to Jaynes’ practice access to acupuncture treatments. used as the only method for western
I have friends who’ve fully em- for the 8,200-plus visits, the average medical doctors to treat chronic and/
braced the benefits of acupuncture claim exceeds $140 per treatment. Though she would not allow me or severe pain.”
and say their lives are better for it. I to quote her in print, Jaynes said the
have other friends who’ve undergone And, oh, by the way, County Admin- county’s numbers, as they apply to For the record: When Boyll asked
treatments and didn’t get much out istrator Jason Brown sent me docu- her practice, are misleading. the commissioners to discontinue
of it. ments showing that Jaynes’ practice coverage for acupuncture at the Dec.
collected more in claims during the She argued that it is absolutely 20 meeting, several of the county’s
Yet, I must admit, I was tempted by 2016 fiscal year than any other non- not possible that she collected more 1,600 employees attended the meet-
Jaynes’ no-charge offer, especially af- hospital, health-care provider. in claims than Indian River Medical ing and said the treatments they had
ter my pro-acupuncture buddies as- Center. received at Jaynes’ practice had cured
sured me it wouldn’t hurt. But, again, The Indian River Medical Cen- and prevented health problems.
I couldn’t get past the thought of ter billed the county $1.6 million Jaynes, who grew up in Vero Beach
those “fine shafts of steel.” for treating employees during that and founded what has become a That’s why the commissioners opt-
same stretch, while the Sebastian thriving practice in 2002, said the ed to cap the coverage, rather than
Hundreds of county employees River Medical Center was paid only county’s billing numbers for Indian discontinue it.
and their family members, however, $560,000. River Medical Center were for its fast-
had no such fears during the 2016 fis- care clinic, not the overall hospital. Coincidence or not, Jaynes decided
cal year, Jaynes said. It was no surprise, then, that after shortly afterward that, as of Jan. 1,
Suzanne Boyll, the county’s human Brown stood by the numbers in the she would no longer accept Florida
“My office alone provided more resources director, saw the numbers documents provided by Florida Blue, Blue insurance.
than 600 county-insured patients and discovered claims paid to Jaynes’ which manages the county plan.
with treatments, many of them more practice had quadrupled over a four- County employees and their de-
than once a week,” Jaynes wrote in a year period, the commissioners voted “Our total expenses for the year pendents must now pay up front,
Dec. 19 letter to county commission- in December to cap coverage for acu- were $14 million,” Brown said. “That’s then submit their claim to the insur-
ers. puncture treatments, starting Feb. 1. everything – hospitals, doctors’ fees, ance company on their own.
office visits, prescriptions, medical
“This included the insured mem- County-insured patients are now supplies ... That’s every dollar we paid Brown, however, said county offi-
bers and their dependents.” limited to 26 visits per year with a out. cials, along with Florida Blue, are still
reviewing Jaynes’ billing practices.
“I don’t understand how one medi- He said the Florida Office of Insur-
cal practice of any sort could bill for ance Regulation is aware of the mat-
more than the Sebastian River Medi- ter, as is the State Attorney’s Office.
cal Center,” he added.
“We’re continuing to look at it,”
“The most we paid to any single Brown said.
cardiologist was about $50,000. So to
pay more than $1.1 million to an acu- Jaynes, a former Florida State Ori-
puncture practice? ental Medical Association board
member who said she has taught
“Does that make sense to anyone?” seminars on insurance billing,
Brown and Boyll said the problem seemed unfazed by the county’s ac-
was that Absolute Integrated Medi- tions.
cine, an out-of-network provider,
billed the insurer but did not require She said she has committed no
patients to cover any of the costs of crime, and no one has put forth any
the treatments. evidence that she has.
In other words: There was no co-
pay. But not everything that’s wrong is
That meant patients could seek illegal.
treatment, free of charge, as much as
they needed or wanted. The county Truth is there’s plenty of blame to
was picking up the check. go around. Some blame Jaynes for
“Some people were going 200 times waiving co-pays; others blame coun-
a year,” Brown said. ty employees for taking advantage of
Jaynes, whose practice offers five free ride. But they didn’t allow this to
acupuncturists and 11 treatments happen.
rooms in the Bridgewater Building
on Indian River Boulevard, said she The county did.
often waived the co-pay for patients Someone wasn’t paying attention
experiencing financial hardship. and it cost the county’s taxpayers
“Acupuncture benefits have been more than a million dollars.
an advantage to your employees,” Jaynes said Absolute Integrated
she wrote to commissioners, “many Medicine remains very successful
of whom have only recently seen an and continues to grow, having added
increase in pay since 2007 and are, in nearly 60 new patients since this sto-
general, paid substantially less than ry first made headlines last month.
other counties and municipalities.” They’re paying $105 for their ini-
In her letter, Jaynes also argued tial intake visit, then either $85 for a
that acupuncture treatments actually private treatment session or $30 for
replace other more expensive health- a community acupuncture session.
care services that often require “pre- And they’re paying up front.
I’m not one of them, though.
I’m sticking with my chiropractor.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 13
was. And then she said she panicked, "We were told by Crimestoppers "The girls seemed excited about loss, has slowly and steadily moved
which completely contradicted what they couldn't offer us any help at all in that," Walsh said, "especially if we can forward.
she had said earlier. identifying the person who provided get something up there named in his
the tip, so I don't see any way we can honor." "The hearing stirred up a lot of those
"She even called her insurance pay out the money," Walsh said. "No- painful feelings, but it also allowed us
company and said her car had been body has claimed the reward, but even Meyer's family has sold the Orchid to put this chapter behind us," Ross
vandalized." if someone comes forward, I don't Island home and Walsh said he misses said. "I wouldn't call it closure, because
know how the person could prove they his longtime neighbors. But he under- we'll never forget what happened, but
When Hymon testified at the hear- were the one who tipped off the police. stands why Meyer's widow doesn't now we go back to our new normal.
ing, Walsh reported, she said: "I'm not want to return.
a monster. I'm not a bad person. I'd do "I'd love to know who it was and pay "We'll always miss him," she added.
anything to go back and reverse what the reward," he added. "That's why we "This whole thing is so sad, so ran- "But the response and support we've
happened that night. I never meant to raised the money. But I'm not going dom," Walsh said. "Peter was such a received from so many of dad's friends
do any harm." to write a check if there's no way I can great guy. They were such a wonderful – people he went to grade school with,
verify we have the right person." couple. Why couldn't he have crossed went to college with, worked with –
Though the incident occurred at the street 20 seconds later?" was very special. It was obvious that
night, Pennington argued the area Walsh said he's exploring the pos- he was consistently, throughout his
was well-lit, Meyer was standing in the sibility of donating the money to West Ross said her father is sorely missed life, the same caring, generous, honest
crosswalk, and there was no evidence Point. and remains in everyone's memories, and fun guy we've always known.
Hymon hit her brakes before the im- but the family, though jarred by the
The prosecutor also refuted Hy-
mon's claim that, after she realized
she had hit something, she turned
right at the next intersection and cir-
cled back to see what it was. Appar-
ently, the trail of debris from her SUV
after the collision continued straight
along Abercorn Street.
It's what Hymon didn't say at the
hearing – or to police, or in any other
court appearance – that haunts Mey-
er's family and friends.
"She didn't say why she didn't stop,"
Ross said, "even after pleading guilty."
In pushing for the stiffest penalty,
Pennington raised the possibility that
Hymon didn't stop because she was
driving under the influence of alcohol
or drugs at the time of the accident.
The woman's attorney immediately
and successfully objected, arguing
that there was no evidence the driver
was impaired.
According to Walsh, the prosecutor
replied: "The reason we don't have
any evidence is because she fled the
After Hymon was arrested, Ross
said she found the woman's Facebook
page, which showed post-accident
photographs of her "smiling and par-
tying," not looking at all worried.
"She had moved on," Ross said.
"She had no intention of turning her-
self in until she got caught, and even
then she told several different stories
to the police."
Before police received the tip, Walsh
had organized a campaign that raised
$117,000 in reward money for infor-
mation leading to the conviction of
the person who killed Meyer.
That money – 13 of the 44 con-
tributors were Meyer's Orchid Island
neighbors or friends in the Vero Beach
area; the others were Merrill Lynch co-
workers and longtime friends – was
not affiliated with the $10,000 reward
Meyer's family offered through the
Crimestoppers program.
The family's $10,000 was paid to the
anonymous tipster. The Walsh-raised
money remains unclaimed and con-
tinues to sit in an escrow account.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
How’s ‘exceptional’ ed doing? No report from School District
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN als with Disabilities Education Act. orthopedic impairments, and other reported that schools here had 30 per-
Staff Writer They told the board what is expected health impairments such as asthma, cent fewer exceptional student educa-
and required, but not what is actually ADD/ADHD and diabetes. tion teachers, and 40 percent fewer ex-
More than a year into exceptional- happening here. ceptional student teacher assistants,
student-education reform within the When he was hired in 2015, the than “similar” school districts.
Indian River County School District, Students are classified as “excep- school board directed Superintendent
no clear report has been given by staff tional” for a wide range of reasons, Mark Rendell to improve education It also found a yawning gap in aca-
on what is happening. including autism, vision or hearing for these students. Six months later demic achievement between the so-
impairments, emotional disturbance, he hired the Boston-based consulting called ESE students and general edu-
At a recent “workshop” to inform developmental delays, intellectual firm District Management Council for cation students – 34 percent for third
School Board members, staff stuck to disabilities, speech/language disabili- three years at nearly $50,000 a year. graders and 47 percent for seventh
generalities, mostly regurgitating fed- ties, traumatic brain injury, specific graders tested in 2014.
eral requirements under the Individu- learning disabilities such as dyslexia, Six months after they were hired – at
a workshop last May – the company Since then there has been no report
on what changes are occurring.
“Are we consulting with our teach-
ers, because that is not what I am hear-
ing from them,” Board member Laura
Zorc asked at the recent workshop.
Assistant Superintendent of Curric-
ulum and Instruction Pamela Dampi-
er and Director of Exceptional Student
Education Heather Clark – both hired
in July 2016 – said the outside compa-
ny hasn’t consulted with teachers yet,
but will in the future.
Dampier said the state wants school
districts to mainstream more students,
with 82 percent of exceptional students
placed in general education classes for
at least 80 percent of the day. The dis-
trict average is currently 74 percent,
but several schools are exceeding the
goal, which is good only if academic
scores go up or at least stay the same.
The mainstreaming effort has been
blamed for high teacher turnover and
other problems at Gifford Middle School,
where teachers say they have not been
given the help or resources they need to
effectively educate increased numbers
of ESE students placed in their classes.
The number of exceptional educa-
tion students in the district is increas-
ing. This school year, of the 18,071
pre-kindergarten through 12th grade
students, more than 14 percent or
2,640 come under the ESE heading.
That is up from about 2,520 the year
before and 2,350 two years earlier.
Superintendent Mark Rendell said
federal and state funding do not full
cover ESE costs, providing about $4
million of the $6 million a year spent
on exceptional student services.
On a positive note, the district’s ex-
ceptional-student drop-out rate was
very low compared to the state aver-
age, with 4 percent dropping out com-
pared to 19 percent statewide in 2014-
However, students in the ESE pro-
gram were expelled or suspended for
more than 10 days almost four times
more often than other students in
Experts say bad behavior is often an
indicator the ESE student’s needs are
not being met.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bill and Laura Frick with Jayne and Paul Becker. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Dick and Sally Daley with Mary Bunker and Ben Garrett.
Gina Johnson and Trude See. Austin Hunt and Pam Harmon. Libby Thompson and Bill King.
Love (with fire and ice!) conquers all at Valentine Ball
BY MARY SCHENKEL works, and fire and ice creates siz- made me feel it was OK to break Gateway Center which, when com-
Staff Writer zle,” See explained. down that wall that I had built up,” pleted, we believe will have a mate-
she said. “I started to learn a lot rial impact on poverty and unem-
Cupid’s arrow found its mark last From the fire dancers at the entry about me as a person, as a mom. ployment in our community,” said
Saturday at a sizzling Valentine and flashing ice cubes in the eve- Once I got into the STEP classes, I Hunt.
Ball, clearly touching the hearts ning’s signature “fire and ice” drinks, learned about self-awareness and
of guests who raised more than to the gorgeous, frosty ice-gel cen- everything else fell into place. They “Everything about this organiza-
$200,000 to support United Against terpieces topped with red-hued flo- gave me self-confidence and kept tion resonates with us,” said Har-
Poverty and its programs, which ral arrangements by Fé Domenech, my spirit alive. I learned that I can mon. “This model works.”
provide a foundation to empower the evening was the epitome of ele- do anything I want to in life.”
people to transition from poverty to gance. Throughout the event, guests Board Chairwoman Barbara Low-
self-sufficiency. bid on a large selection of silent- and Austin Hunt introduced honor- ry led a hugely fruitful appeal for
live-auction items, dined on a sump- ary event chairs Pam Harmon and donations toward the $1,000-per-
The glamorous crowd at the Oak tuous gourmet dinner, and enjoyed Tim Muris, crediting the couple as person tuition needed to fund 100
Harbor Club quite literally spar- listening and dancing to wonderful having a tremendous impact on the students in the STEP program, not-
kled; both in their elegant gowns music by Pangea. organization, particularly through ing that all of the 100 people who
and dapper tuxedos, and with their their financial support of programs graduated the last three-phase pro-
enthusiasm for the successful orga- But despite the glam, the true fo- and their commitment to help UP gram are currently employed.
nization, founded in 2003 by Ginny cus was on the mission of UP and the expand its operation. Muris has in-
and Austin Hunt. people it inspires, such as Jacqueline troduced them to Washington, D.C. “What makes UP so unique is that
Charles, who shared how her life and policy influencers and to a national rather than treat the symptoms of
“We’re fire and ice; that’s the that of her whole family has been venture philanthropy group, and poverty, we actually have a plan to
theme,” laughed Gina Johnson, transformed. With help from UP and Harmon, a board member, was the lift people out of poverty,” stressed
looking lovely in a glittery white its STEP program (Success Training mastermind behind the Valentine Lowry. “Our goal is to make people
gown as she referenced her event for Employment Program), Charles Ball four years ago. self-sufficient. We provide the lad-
co-chair Trude See, wearing a styl- is now employed full-time and is a der, but our students do the climb-
ish, fiery red gown. “We thought Habitat for Humanity homeowner. “Pam will be co-chairing the ing.”
that sizzle might be a dynamic that building committee of our new
“They were so welcoming; they For more information, visit upirc.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
VALENTINE PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 April and Joe Chiarella with Ginny Hunt. Janie Gould, Susan Kamer and Silvia Cancio.
Carmen Stork and Canda Brown.
Nelson and Gretchen Cover. Barbara Lowry, Aric Attas and Annabel Robertson. Ed Johnson, Susana Rubio and Chris Runge.
Maya Peterson, Dennis Hunt and Helen Robertson. Olivia and Matt McManus.
Pat Marquis and Barbara Butts.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 19
BJ and Allan Blair. Kristy Corrigan with Sam and Robyn Hjalmeby. Fire spinner Rhue Klutz.
Marlen and George Higgs. Linda and Don Drinkard. Regina and T.P. Kennedy.
Dr. Gerald Pierone and Dr. Nancy Cho.
Mike and Leslie Swan.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 25
Jonna Chewning and Charlotte Terry. Al and Jean Lumpkin with Arthur and Leslie Tilley.
Shelly Satran and Merline Engle.
Willie and Cathy LaCroix.
Elizabeth and Chad Leonard.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Starfest helps ensure ‘best is yet to come’ for kids
Jessica Massagee, Mitzi Owen, Carol Corr and Katie Guettler PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Susan Pyles, Judy and Bill Munn, and Mary Fuller.
BY MARY SCHENKEL er Allison Massari.
Staff Writer “I think it’s marvelous that Child-
Split over two days, a sellout care Resources is so successful in
crowd of roughly 450 guests attend- garnering community support that
ed the annual Childcare Resources they have to do their fundraiser over
Starfest luncheons last Monday and two days,” said Suzanne Bertman.
Tuesday at the Quail Valley River “I wish we had five or six Childcare
Club, featuring inspirational speak- Resource Centers; we do need more
of them. I would put my grandchil-
Priscilla McCord, Laura Harris, Pam Barefoot, and Marcia Poutiatine.
Dede Gilbert, Linda Lemmon, Kathy Johnston and Heidi Turk Stewart.
dren there in a heartbeat.” Faires related that the mission of
Following a delicious luncheon of Childcare Resources is to elevate
and promote high-quality early
fruited-chicken salad with a lemon childhood development and edu-
meringue tart and chocolate star cation to economically challenged
cookies for dessert, board president children and families. “We serve
Katy Block Faires thanked Judy Munn the families who fall through the
and Karla Spooner for co-chairing yet cracks.”
another great fundraiser.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
There are currently 112 children
in the program, with a wait list of
more than double that amount, 267.
Parents work, attend school or com-
bine the two, and earn between 150
percent and 200 percent of the fed-
eral poverty guidelines.
“We like to say we are in the busi-
ness of building brains, because we
know that high-quality early child-
hood education is critical to the de-
velopment and success of our chil-
A video highlighted one mother’s
appreciation for the school’s ex-
ceptional teachers and nurturing
environment, as well as for the op-
portunity to take parenting classes.
She said that what her daughter is
learning now will enable a smooth
transition into kindergarten.
“If there’s only one thing you
take home with you today, go home
knowing that the parents are so
grateful for your support,” said Ex-
ecutive Director Shannon McGuire
Bowman. “They pay between 15
and 30 percent of the total tuition
for the children, and they know that
you make up the rest. And they are
so grateful.”
Commenting on a little girl’s T-
shirt that read “The best is yet to
come,” Bowman said, “How per-
Bowman said that a gift to Child-
care Resources will last a lifetime,
noting that children with access to a
high-quality early education center
become better students, are more
likely to graduate high school, con-
sider college and hold a steady job,
and they’re 75 percent less likely to
ever commit a violent crime.
“You’re not just impacting the
children and the families; you’re
really impacting the entire commu-
nity,” said Bowman.
Massari shared the moving story
of surviving a horrific car acci-
dent, against all odds. Trapped and
consumed by flames, she said that
worse than the agony of the burns
was the anguish of feeling she
would die alone.
“Sometimes all it takes is one per-
son to change a life; one person can
make a difference,” said Massari, re-
lating how one brave man rushed to
her aid. She has since established the
Roger Pepper Adventure Camps, for
children and teens with severe burn
injuries, in his honor. Reiterating that
everything we do makes a difference
and that every act of kindness counts,
she stressed, “We cannot underesti-
mate what our kindness and care can
bring to someone.”
Later, emphasizing importance of
never giving up, she said, “We are
all capable of overcoming incred-
ible trials.”
28 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
STARFEST PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Sara Labellarte and Katy Block Faires. Marlynn Scully and Emilie Hinman.
Mary Baker and Beth Long.
Cynthia Hultquist, Susan Donovan and Carol Buhl. Judy Munn, Karla Spooner and Shannon McGuire Bowman. Denis Conlan, Maureen Hendricks and John Spooner.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 29
Wivi-Anne Weber and Betty Jacobsen. Stacy Katz and Kristin Dobson. Trudie Rainone and Kathy Marshall.
Don Lake and Dan Kross. Sylvia Cancio, Maya Peterson, Shirley Wertz and Ann Zugelter. Sherry Brown, Sheila Iodice, Lynn Miller and Karol Lynch.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
3-D cheers for ‘Art on the Island’ exhibit winners
Staff Writer
The Vero Beach Art Club once again Ken Otto, Rae Marie Crisel and Julie Otto. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Susan Gancher and Agnes Manganelli
took art to a new dimension at its
third annual Art on the Island 3-Di- classes.
mensional Art Exhibition and Sale Susan Gancher, First Place-winner
last weekend, a judged, members-on-
ly show that featured 138 works of art. in the jewelry division, said she be-
gan making jewelry at age 18 quite
The Marsh Island Clubhouse was by accident. The former NYU Eng-
a hub of activity throughout the lish major would often hang out in a
three-day event, beginning with a friend’s jewelry store and one day he
full-house cocktail reception Friday told her, “I’m putting you to work.” It
evening where attendees mingled
with the artists and were treated to
wonderful music by harpist Gretchen
Cover and classical guitarist Miguel
Members could enter two pieces of
artwork, completed within the last
two years and not previously exhib-
ited at the 2016 Art by the Sea or Art
on the Island show. A percentage of
each sale will support the Vero Beach
Art Club and its educational outreach
programs, including scholarships for
high school seniors and donations
of art supplies to elementary and
middle schools and various local art
Nikki Pfeiffer with Carol and Fred Richardt.
became a labor of love for more than media, pottery, glass, wood or fiber,
50 years. jewelry and 2-D with Pizzazz. The
last category opened up the competi-
“There are moments when you are tion for those members who typically
absolutely with God while creating a work on canvas, with many ventur-
piece,” said Gancher. “It’s an amaz- ing into bas-relief to add another di-
ing thing when you can spend your mension.
life doing what you love.”
“The artists increased the 3-di-
Show chair Rae Marie Crisel said mensionality in their pieces this
she joined the art club for the cama- year,” shared Crisel.
raderie among artists after moving to
Vero Beach four years ago. “We have Gregory Ingerson took First Place
a wonderful art community here, but and Best of Show for his mixed media
I was also drawn to the community piece “Pin Point,” using texture and
service aspect of the club, especially patterns to take the level of dimen-
the art education and scholarships sionality in his work to new depths.
for students.”
The next big event for the Vero
Melbourne artist Jini James, an in- Beach Art Club is the 66th annual
dependent judge to ensure impartial- Under the Oaks Fine Arts & Crafts
ity, had the difficult task of selecting Show the weekend of March 10-12 at
winners from among the vastly dif- Riverside Park. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5
ferent pieces of 3-dimensional art, p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 10
which included sculpture, mixed a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 31
Sue Dinenno and Laura Moss. Barry Shapiro and Chrissy Barber. JUDGES’ CHOICES:
Melody Gabriel, Bob Deniger and Judy Elsea. Rae Beth, Bette Jean Gilbert and Lora Connolly.
Best of Show:
Gregory Ingerson
First Place:
Sculpture – Al Gustave
Mixed Media - Gregory Ingerson
Jewelry – Susan Gancher
Pottery – Peggy Thomas
Glass – Eileen Farrell
Wood or Fiber – Ron Miller
2-D with Pizzazz – Agnes Manganelli
People’s Choice Award winners:
Kinetic Sculpture - Ed Uttridge
Bronze Sculpture - George Paxton
Stained Glass - Eileen Farrell
32 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beer (and food) bash whets appetite for Wingfest
BY MARY SCHENKEL Linda Scott and Spring Watson. Steve Kepley, who co-chaired with Strong,” was the People’s Choice win-
Staff Writer Hodge last year, said they expected ner.
architect Paul Dritenbas for laying the VIP event would draw between
Walking Tree Brewery was the the groundwork for the overall event, 250 and 300 guests; some ticketed, Cobalt offered steak and stout pies,
place to be for beer buffs and food- noting “he went to the merchants on and others sponsors and government Hurricane Grill & Wings featured
ies last Friday evening, at the Blood Royal Palm Pointe and they bought officials. coconut shrimp sliders, while Fish
Sweat and Beers third annual VIP into it. Then he brought it to us and Shack featured coconut chicken. The
event hosted by Sunrise Rotary Vero said, ‘What do you think?’ He want- “It’s just such fun to see the res- Vero Beach Country Club cooked up
Beach and co-chaired by Linda Scott ed something to go with the beer and taurants and breweries collaborate,” chili served with southern banana
and Spring Watson. The event was a we came up with wings. It’s grown said Scott. “Everybody has such a bread, Off the Rail had potato skins
kick-off for the main attraction, the every year.” good time.” topped with curried chicken salad
sixth annual Florida Craft Brew and and mango salsa, and Baci Trattoria
Wingfest, this Saturday, Feb. 18, on “I love get-togethers, I love plan- offered Italian hotdogs topped with
Royal Palm Pointe. ning, and I love working elbow to el- peppers and onions with a dessert of
bow with people; this is like a family raspberry tiramisu.
Friday’s affair was a tasty pairing to me,” shared Watson.
of tapas-style dishes from local res- Bonefish Grill featured seared ahi
taurants with a variety of craft beers Walking Tree was the perfect ven- tuna with passionfruit salsa, Tommy
from Florida breweries, including ue, large enough for elbow room as T’s BBQ served up mouthwatering
Cigar City, Florida Brewery, Pareido- attendees moved from one food/beer baby back ribs, Osceola Bistro offered
lia, Sailfish, Tequesta, Walking Tree station to the next, all the while en- marinated grilled chicken sandwich-
and 26° Brewing, plus a wine cast tertained by music from the Jacks es, and the Italian Grill served up
in bourbon barrels from Varietals Band. sausage, peppers and onions in mari-
paired with English cheddar cheese. nara sauce.
Delectable dishes included chipo-
“We added a VIP event to the en- tle pork carnitas in tiny taco shells Sounds of contentment were ev-
tire process three years ago,” said by Italian Cousin; a trio of shrimp erywhere.
Arthur Hodge, Brew and Wingfest & grits, jalapeno poppers and crab
co-chair with Buck Vocelle. bisque from Cajun Cove; and Chel- Funds raised benefit the Sunrise
sea’s brie and strawberry jam-stuffed Rotary Vero Beach Foundation which
Hodge credits Rotary member and beignets which, paired with Sail- supports numerous community proj-
fish’s “Johnny Stumbleseed Belgian ects and scholarships.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 37
Dr. Hugh and Ann Marie McCrystal with John Hardy. Susan Adams, Antoine Jennings and Cathy De Schouwer. Simon and Eleanor Caldecott with Bill Penney.
Joyce and John Donahue. James and Melinda Marley with Diana and Bill Lower. Chuck and Mary Wurmstedt.
Dennis and Ellen Ferro with Karen and Mark Smith. Sur La Mer
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 PEOPLE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 36 Norval and Diane Stephens.
national foundations operates at a 6 Giving a brief program, Kint intro- Richard Canty and Hope Woodhouse.
to 16 percent range. We’re in the right duced Antoine Jennings and Cath-
range.” erine De Schouwer, founders of the
fledgling nonprofit Crossover Mis-
Many of the donors said they ap- sion, noting, “They are a new agency,
preciate the collaborative nature and the United Way doesn’t tend to
of the local member organizations, motivate to programs that are young
which helps them reach a broader and new, but in them we saw a real
audience. potential to reach kids that were fall-
ing through the cracks.”
“The United Way has always been a
great place to share information and “I know what it’s like to be broken,
talk about bigger-picture issues,” ex- lack hope and support,” explained
plained Hope Woodhouse, UW Foun- Jennings, who was raised in Gifford
dation board member, and John’s Is- without a positive male role model
land Community Service League first after his father was incarcerated for
vice president. drug trafficking. Despite his talents
as a basketball player, Jennings was
“They have their finger on the
pulse of the community.”
Paul and Rosie Pickel.
on a similar path until being robbed
at gunpoint. “I was laying there
thinking about my whole life, the
decisions I made, all the people that
told me that I had so much potential
and all the opportunities I missed.”
“When I met Antoine, he was 6-feet-
5, with gold teeth and was wearing a
do-rag. He was scary to me,” said De
De Schouwer, who overcame her
trepidation and unwaveringly pur-
sued Jennings to coach her son.
Jennings and De Schouwer real-
ized a joint passion to help children
discover their self-worth.
“She has given me the opportuni-
ty to go back into the community to
use a tool that I thought was worth
nothing, basketball, to offer kids so
much,” said Jennings.
“The work we do is vital for the
long-term social and economic sta-
bility of our youth. There are over
1,500 children in our community that
are not served by the existing pro-
grams,” added De Schouwer.
Kyle and Debbie Morgan, 2016-17
campaign chairs, closed the recep-
tion, giving their heartfelt outlook on
the work of the United Way that col-
lectively we can “change a life, a fam-
ily, a community and a generation.”
40 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
To dye for: Foosaner’s ‘Red that Colored the World’
BY ELLEN FISCHER most brilliant and permanent dyes in Cochineal red fashions.
Columnist history, is a bug.
The current exhibition at Florida A parasitic scale insect, the tiny co-
Tech’s Foosaner Art Museum is about a chineal infects prickly pear cacti in
color whose absence from the painter’s tropical and subtropical South and
palette – or the dyer’s vat – would make North America, from Chile to Colum-
civilization a lot less fun. bia and from Mexico to Colorado.
Organized by the Museum of Inter- Although a red dye-yielding insect
national Folk Art, “The Red that Col- was also known in Poland, the color
ored the World” is a look at the origin, extracted from those European bugs
cultivation and world-wide depen- paled in comparison to the American
dence on cochineal red. product.
The discovery by Columbus of a Cochineal dye is believed to have
vast New World beyond the crowded originated in Mexico, and the earliest
confines of Europe was a bad thing use of the bright red juice is thought
for America’s first residents, but a very to have been body paint. Because
good thing for the rest of the world. Mexico’s climate is not conducive to
In Europe, people hailed the arrival the preservation of textiles, the earli-
of animals, minerals and vegetables est surviving artifacts to contain co-
whose value soon reached Africa, India chineal red are 1,800-year-old Andean
and China through trade. textiles.
Although potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa, In the Foosaner exhibition the oldest
tobacco and the turkey were among textile on display is a fragment of Peru-
the novelties that explorers brought vian tunic created at least 1,000 years
back to the Old World, it was a six- ago by a people known as the Wari cul-
legged American beast that caught the ture.
attention of European entrepreneurs.
The well-preserved fabric features
That animal, the source of one of the a vertical band of wool patterned with
frets, spirals and stylized faces. In
All donations from our first concert will support the Vero Beach
High School’s invitation to Austria to participate in an
International cultural exchange of music.
Admissions free, but donations accepted.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 41
Navaho Chief Blankets. an’s tunic, and a Zapotec-inspired bodice was inspired by Pueblo pot-
wool floor runner. tery designs and executed in cut glass
ing styles of Europe. and sterling beads, French coil and
In the Foosaner exhibition, ex- Contemporary clothing on display Swarovski crystals.
that makes use of cochineal dye in-
amples of Spanish colonial artworks cludes a filmy lavender dress created A separate educational gallery in the
include a late 17th century Baroque in 2010 by Canary Islands fashion de- exhibition allows old and young to try
painting of St. Augustine attributed to signer Margarita Pérez Pérez for her on examples of clothing that would
the Bolivian-born Melchior Pérez Hol- Marga Mod brand. have historically been dyed with co-
guín. In that picture the saint holds be- chineal, including a British soldier’s
fore him a cochineal-colored flaming The showstopper may very well uniform coat and a royal faux ermine-
heart, symbolic of religious fervor. be the salmon-red strapless evening trimmed mantle.
gown by Navaho designer Orlando
In contrast to that academically pro- Dugi of New Mexico. Created as one The exhibition is on view through
ficient work, a homely retablo, or de- piece of his 2014 “Red Collection,” the April 15. The Foosaner is at 1463 High-
votional picture, “Our Lady of St. John dress is composed of hand-dyed silk land Avenue in Melbourne’s Eau Gallie
of the Lakes,” is in the untutored style satin and organza. Arts District.
of the folk artist. In this 18th century
painting, cochineal can be seen in the The sparking ornamentation on its
red drapery around the saint as well
marked contrast to the predominantly as in the embellishments on her dress.
brown, ocher and white colors in the The artwork was created by a New
design, accents of cochineal-derived Mexican known only as “The Eigh-
pinks and salmon leap to the eye with teenth Century Novice.”
surprising vigor.
Several mid-19th century painted
Near it a loincloth from Peru’s Chan- wood santos (religious statues) by vari-
cay culture is a marvel of sophisticated ous New Mexican carvers are also on
weaving; here deep pink cochineal is a exhibit. The labels for each tell exactly
major element in the textile’s repeating where and when cochineal was used
design of stylized human figures. on the statue.
It is the intricate work of an Incan Among the contemporary retablos
“ceremonial sling” that truly astonish- and santos on display is a small wood
es. The showy red ornament features triptych that depicts the Virgin of Gua-
cylinders of finely woven designs cen- dalupe flanked by archangels. It was
tered on a braided length of crimson created by Arlene Cisneros Sena in the
cord; luxuriously long tassels of the late 1990s.
same color terminate each end. Nobil-
ity and high-ranking military officers An updating of the santos tradi-
wore this badge of distinction. tion by Arthur López, “Hey Zeus” and
“Mary Jane Magdalena,” both from
Long before the Spanish arrived in 2009, envision Jesus as a bell bottom-
Mesoamerica, indigenous people had clad, shades-wearing hippie in a be-
developed an industry around the fringed cochineal red jacket; Mary
cultivation and propagation of cochi- Magdalene is a flower child in a peas-
neal bugs and their cactus hosts. In ant-style blouse and skirt. She and Je-
pre-Columbian times as well as today, sus both are flashing a peace sign.
cochineal farmers infest cacti with
cochineal larvae and, in about three Most of the exhibit is devoted to co-
months’ time, hand-collect the adults, chineal’s use as a textile dye. The world-
which are then processed by drying. wide appeal of the versatile organic
colorant – which can take on hues from
Dried cochineal was shipped back pink to blood red to deep purple – is ex-
to Spain to dye the finest wool and silk emplified by such objects as a length of
cloth (cochineal adheres well only to silk velvet from Uzbekistan; a quilted
animal-based textiles). The color was bedcover from Lynchburg, Va.; and a
also adapted to oil painting, where Sonkket brocade from Bali.
it was used in putting to canvas the
crimson robes of kings and cardinals, There are three centuries of textiles
the passionate bloom of the rose, and on display from Mexico and the south-
the modest blush on a saintly cheek. western U.S., including Navajo Nation
blankets and serapes, New Mexican
Second only to silver in Spanish Rio Grande Blankets Mexican Saltillo
imports, cochineal thus became as- blankets, an Oaxacan huiptil or wom-
sociated with wealth and power. From
Spain, cochineal found its way around
the world. A commodity to be reck-
oned with, cochineal was followed on
the stock exchanges of London and
Meanwhile, in the New World, Span-
ish colonists pressed native artisans,
once the creators of their societies’
kingly regalia, codices and sacred ob-
jects, to produce things the Spanish
valued such as maps, manuscripts
and Catholic icons. At the same time
European painters arrived in the New
World to ply their trade as well to as
teach young artists the current paint-
42 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ballet Vero’s ‘Paddock’ dance is the mane event
BY MICHELLE GENZ ographers who created the Camilo Rodriguez. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
works – all premieres – and
Staff Writer one of three dancers per-
forming them.
From the first toddler who strad-
dled a stick and galloped around a Each of those dances rep-
campfire, man has imitated horse. resents many hours – weeks,
This weekend, the Vero Beach Mu- even – of creative work, to
seum of Art provides some stunning say nothing of rehearsal
examples, not only in its new exhibi- time. For Rodriguez, who
tion of Deborah Butterfield’s horse both choreographed the
sculptures, but in a collaboration piece and dances in it, that
Friday night with Ballet Vero Beach. work began on the Internet,
downloading images of But-
Tasked with creating a work using terfield horses and listen-
Butterfield’s horses as inspiration, ing to lectures she has given
Camilo Rodriguez, the young com- about her art.
pany’s ballet master and star danc-
er, has created one of his most beau- “From early in her career,
tiful ballets to date. At least that was she was interested in the
the opinion of this viewer, who saw mare,” says Rodriguez. “She
a rehearsal last week; Rodriguez saw a sort of serene vulnera-
himself hinted that he may agree. bility in a horse lying down.
As the 10-minute run-through came We always think of horses
to a close, leaving his audience of for battle or work, often as
one awestruck, he placed his hands heroic. She was looking for
to his heart and quietly sighed, “I something different from
cherish it.” that concept. She saw a self-
portrait in the work that she
“An Afternoon in the Paddock,” as was doing. I was looking for
Rodriguez calls his dance set to De- something pensive, a kind of
bussy’s “The Afternoon of a Faun,” is wisdom, a vulnerability.”
another in a series of performances
at the museum featuring choreog- He also gave thought to
raphy inspired by the art on exhibit. the materials she used in
This time, there are six dances – two her sculpture, the “palettes
interpretations for each of three of materials that she start-
exhibits. He is one of seven chore- ed seeing these shapes in.”
His “palette” included the confines
of the stage at the museum’s Leon-
hardt auditorium; the space became
his “paddock,” and he makes his
entrance through a side door like a
horse bolting of the barn.
Not every movement is that literal.
Most of the dance alludes to the emo-
tions and attitudes of the horse, and
the emotions and attitudes humans
attribute to them. “We think they’re
feeling a certain way, but we don’t
know,” says Rodriguez. “We assume
things from the visual.”
In addition to taking in Butter-
field’s own musings, for three days,
almost endlessly, he watched videos
of horses, absorbing the “psycho-
logical and internal energy of the
horse,” much as he perceived But-
terfield does.
“I watched wild horses, domes-
ticated horses, horses running,
jumping, doing dressage and just in
nature. Then I would come to the
studio and subconsciously all that I
had seen would come out.”
Details as telling as how a horse
sleeps – standing, but with its head
lowered to the ground – stayed with
him as he composed his movements.
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The package ordered online arrived at Neriman Yaman holds her phone with a picture of her son, Yusuf, who is charged with setting off a homemade bomb. and propaganda aimed at children has
a second-floor apartment in Essen, Ger- really jumped in recent months,” said
many, on a brisk Saturday morning, a attending a court hearing for her son. the West, who are being asked to stay Daniel Koehler, director of the Ger-
cardboard box packed with magnesium, “What is happening to our children?” in their home countries and strike tar- man Institute on Radicalization and
potassium nitrate and aluminum pow- gets with whatever weapons are avail- Deradicalization Studies. “We haven’t
der for a homemade bomb. The threat presented by the Islamic able, such as knives and crude bombs. seen anything quite like this, not on
State is taking on a new form: child A 16-year-old girl was among four peo- this scale and of this quality. They
Weeks ahead of the attack, police terrorists either directly in contact ple arrested in the south of France on know that in the West, you don’t expect
said, the terrorist cell’s leader – an Is- with or inspired by the militant group. suspicion of planning a terrorist attack, a 10-year-old to be a terror suspect.”
lamist his comrades called the Emir French authorities said last Friday.
– had issued precautionary orders. Even as it suffers setbacks on the Last September, German authorities
“Delete ALL pictures and videos of battlefield in Iraq and Syria, the Islam- “The amount of Islamic State videos arrested a 16-year-old Syrian asylum
the Islamic State,” the Emir warned ic State is cultivating adolescents in seeker after they discovered the young
via WhatsApp. “Delete your chats. Ev- man was in contact with an Islamic
erything that is weapon-like or similar State handler who was teaching him
(also bombs) must be immediately how to build a bomb.
disposed of. . . ”
In December, a 12-year-old Ger-
And then one night last April, officials man Iraqi boy – guided by an Islamic
said, the Emir – a Muslim title for an ex- State contact in the Middle East who
alted leader – led two cell members to a warmly addressed him as “brother”
Sikh house of worship in this German and groomed the boy via the encrypt-
industrial city and hurled the bomb to- ed messaging app Telegram – built and
ward its door. A deafening boom rang tried to detonate a bomb near a shop-
out. Orange flames lit a mosaic of blood ping center in the western German city
and shattered glass. Inside, victims of Ludwigshafen. The device failed to
screamed as the assailants fled. explode.
All three terrorists were 16-year-old The boy had been “headhunted” by
boys, according to German police. the Islamic State, officials said, after
searching radical websites online. A
“Our children!” cried Neriman Ya- 17-year-old accomplice was later ar-
man, 37, mother of the Emir, whose rested in Austria.
first name is Yusuf, in an interview after