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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-02-16 11:59:01

02/16/2017 ISSUE 07


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 51


Last month, a 15-year-old girl – the Three veiled women are asked to identify themselves in front of the State High Court of Lower Saxony in which the ficials said, with terrorist groups either
daughter of a German convert to Islam 16-year-old ISIS-sympathiser Safia S. is on trial for the attempted murder of a police officer and supporting terrorism. enlisting or inspiring them to attack
and a Moroccan mother – was sen- their homelands. They are employing
tenced to six years in prison for an at- “What is propaganda tailor-made for youths,
tack last February on a German police happening to including several recent graphic vid-
officer in Hanover. She gouged him in our children?” eos showing grammar-school-age chil-
the neck with a kitchen knife, causing dren executing prisoners and a newly
life-threatening injuries after being be- - Neriman Yaman released computer game, inspired by
friended and cajoled by an Islamic State “Grand Theft Auto,” in which users kill
instructor via a text messaging service. Center: Neriman Yaman, is interviewed after attending a court hearing for her son. Bottom: Yusuf’s Koran at his home. enemies under the Islamic State flag.

All told in Germany, at least 10 mi- Islamic State recruiters carefully
nors have been involved in five plots monitor children who visit their pro-
over the past 12 months. In a coun- paganda sites or enter radical chat
try where militants disguised as mi- rooms, meticulously evaluating who
grants have been blamed for a terrorist may be suitable for cultivation.
plague, most of the minors were home-
grown threats born in Germany. Typically, they don’t immediately
attempt to challenge children’s rela-
Worse, authorities said, is that the tionships with their parents but nudge
intelligence community is often blind them toward violence by convincing
to the threat posed by these teens and them that Allah smiles on those who
preteens. defend the faith. They groom children
much the way that pedophiles do –
Officials lack the legal authority deploying flattery and attention while
to track children the same way they pretending to be friends, according to
monitor adults, creating what Ger- people who study the phenomenon.
man authorities describe as one of
their greatest counterterrorism chal- “They’ve built a structured recruit-
lenges. Intelligence agencies here have ment process. They’re online, scan-
identified at least 120 minors who have ning for young adults,” Koehler said.
become dangerously radicalized – and “They have stages of [cultivation]. They
some of them cannot be intensely won’t even mention violence until later
monitored because of domestic laws in their contact, until they’ve built up
protecting children, officials said. trust with these younger recruits.”

German law was amended last year Often, radicalized minors are also
to allow for the collection of data on children at risk, either suffering from
suspects as young as 14. But officials psychological disorders or living in
now argue that is not young enough. broken or violent homes. For instance,
the 12-year-old detained in December
“Our service mainly focuses on after building his own bomb – which
adults,” said Hans-Georg Maassen, head failed to go off only because of a faulty
of Germany’s domestic intelligence fuse – had been visited frequently by
agency. “We are allowed to monitor mi- social workers because his father had
nors and record them in our databases a history of violence, according to Ger-
in exceptional cases only, but they have man officials familiar with the case,
to be aged 14 or over. Normally people who spoke on the condition of ano-
do not expect children to commit terror- nymity to discuss a juvenile. The son
ist attacks. But they can and are.” of Kurdish Iraqi immigrants, the boy
had begun attending a local mosque –
He added: “What is really worrying alone – that had been previously linked
is that people frequently look the other to an Islamist movement.
way. They say it’s just a phase of adoles-
cence and surely they will grow out of In the face of terrorist attacks, free-
it. Often parents don’t really know what dom of religion is being tested in
their children are doing in their rooms.” Germany – with even the progressive
Chancellor Angela Merkel now call-
Since the start of the Syrian civil war, ing for an election year ban on the full
Europe has grappled with the kind of Muslim covering known as the burqa.
radicalization that led thousands of its A German soccer club recently can-
Muslim citizens to travel to the Middle celed the contract of one of its Mus-
East, often to join the Islamic State. lim players – Anis Ben-Hatira – after a
But as Turkey and other nations more media uproar over his involvement in
actively block the path of foreign fight- a legal Islamic charity that promotes a
ers to Syria and Iraq, the journey has conservative brand of the faith.
become harder.
So the targets of radicalized youths
are shifting, European intelligence of-


FEB. 26, 2016 APRIL 16, 2016 JULY 18, 2016 SEPT. 21, 2016 DEC. 5, 2016

A 15-year-old girl of German-Moroc- Three boys, all aged 16, build a A 17-year-old Afghan asylum seeker Authorities arrest a 16-year-old Syr- A 12-year-old Iraqi-German boy
can origin who was in direct contact homemade bomb and throw it at a who professed his allegiance to the ian asylum seeker in Cologne after who was in contact with ISIS via the
with an ISIS agent stabs a German Sikh temple, wounding three – one Islamic State attacks passengers on they uncover evidence that he has messenger service Telegram leaves
police officer in the neck with a severely – and causing extensive a train traveling through southern been in contact with an Islamic State a homemade bomb that fails to
kitchen knife in Hanover. He survives damage. The leader of the group, is Germany with a knife and ax, injur- representative who was passing on detonate near a shopping mall in
the attack after undergoing surgery. a German-born son of ethnic Turks. ing four people, two seriously. details for how to build a bomb. Ludwigshafen, authorities say.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 61


Jacques Maritain, a French philosopher who died in 1973, said, “A single idea, if it is right, WEST Q 10 8 5 4 EAST
saves us the labor of an infinity of experiences.” QJ985 K7632 10 6 4 3
— 9 K2
That applies to a splinter bid. Partner opens one heart, and you respond four clubs. What Q 10 4 98
does that mean? In the old days, it was pre-emptive, showing many clubs and few points. J8532 SOUTH K Q 10 7 4
It had two big drawbacks: it almost never came up, and it took the auction past three no- K2
trump. AJ9763
The splinter bid was invented independently by two Americans, Dorothy Hayden (who A6
became Dorothy Truscott in 1972) and Dave Leigh Cliff. It shows a big fit for partner’s
last-bid suit, at least game-forcing values and a singleton (or void) in the suit just named Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
— North’s four-club response in today’s deal.
The Bidding:
South, with a strong hand, uses Blackwood before stopping in six hearts when he learns
that a key king is missing. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Hearts Pass 4 Clubs Pass
After West leads the spade queen, how should South play? 4 NT Pass 5 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
5 NT Pass 6 Diamonds Pass Q Spades
Considering the trump suit in isolation, the percentage play for no losers — by about two 6 Hearts Pass Pass Pass
percent — is to cash the ace. But that is the wrong play here. Declarer should take both
of his spade tricks, cash the club ace, and ruff the club six in the dummy. Then he runs
the heart queen (unless East shows out or covers with the king, of course). Here, the
finesse wins and South is playing for an overtrick. But suppose West takes the trick with
a singleton heart king. He is endplayed, forced either to lead into declarer’s jack ace or to
concede a ruff-and-sluff. Whichever he chooses, South loses no diamond trick.

62 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



7 Honest (8) 1 Communicate (8)
8 Canopy (4) 2 Road (6)
9 Leg joint (4) 3 Attempts (7)
10 Cloudy (8) 4 Sadness (5)
11 Copy (7) 5 Problematic (6)
12 Heatresistant glass (5) 6 Employer (4)
15 Animal bedding (5) 13 Outside (8)
17 Calculate (7) 14 Agreement (7)
20 Puddings (8) 16 Help (6)
22 Gain by labour (4) 18 Lovely (6)
23 Eras (4) 19 Float (5)
24 Role (8) 21 Brim (4)

The Telegraph

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 63


ACROSS 80 Mt. Sinai, in openings Addams The Washington Post
ancient times 11 Remains here? 74 Leaking
1 It probably came 12 Tell tales 75 Disney computer-
first 81 Indy 500 family 13 Loose overcoats
name 14 Soviet-era state animation film
7 Prozac maker, 15 Unaccounted-for 76 In ___ (caught)
___ Lilly 82 Co-star with 78 Doleful
Bolger and Haley GIs
10 Enterprise 16 Major addition? 79 Terrible age
navigator 83 Result of a 17 Scholarship 86 Fights tooth and
14 Indicator consideration nail (with)
18 Hall-of-Famer 84 Dye family 19 “Runaway” singer 88 Ex-Congo
85 Green land
Fingers 87 Popular brand of Shan non premier
19 Politician’s stand? 21 Dentist’s request Lumumba
20 Fossil-hunter’s bathing suit 23 Celeb’s book, 89 Paved the way
90 Tortilla dough? for
find 91 Dubbing problem often 90 Coup for a duffer
22 Tulsa university 27 Mogambo 92 Goose egg
93 Clockmaker 94 Having a growling
24 Clean ___ Thomas and actress’s first stomach
(eat ev ery thing) others name 95 Imogene’s co-star
25 Shade from the 30 Words before 98 Dummies
96 Sheridan of mode or mort 100 Level
sun Kings Row 32 Actress’s cameo 102 Unaccustomed to
26 March exhibitions 97 Hush-hush org. role, sometimes 103 ___ generis
28 Provoked in sport 99 “Think of ___ a 34 Frank admission (unique)
29 Spanish 36 Central Polish 104 Jump for joy
gift” city 105 Ford supporters?
nobleman 101 Utah range 38 Humvee hotbed 106 Lauder of
31 Ex-Twin Tony of 1991 cosmetics
32 Lobster moms 103 Hide 39 1984 Peace 107 Lily of Utah
33 Atticus Finch 107 “___ up!” Nobelist 108 The Nautilus, for
(“Get a move on!”) 40 Section of an example, in
creator 110 Shrubbery imperial dome headlines
34 Old White House 112 Greek letters 41 Yellow vehicle, 109 Zenith
113 Shunning often 110 Single femmes
moniker 115 Best Actor Oscar- 42 Element element 111 Mr. Hyde’s
35 To go, in Togo 43 La Toya’s sister creator
37 WWII partisan winner of 1985 45 ___ glance 114 “Why am ___
117 Type wiper (instantly) blue?”
leader 118 The greatest, 46 Dashing types 116 Cry’s partner
41 ___ California in old slang 48 Masters’ medium
44 Road workers 51 Microorganism I FILL YOUR PAIN By Merl Reagle
47 -odd 119 Grand ___ Dam that can live
49 Cheap toupee 120 Higher, in without oxygen Protection
50 Acting teacher 53 Playlist? you need,
Heidelberg 54 Lunchbreak lgth., service you
Hagen 121 Very positive often deserve.
51 Self starter? 122 Slugger Williams 56 Bread pudding
52 Urges on addition Since 1916, Auto-Owners
55 Furious 123 African menace 58 “___ to be in your has partnered with
57 Meathead, to shoes!” independent agents
DOWN 59 Powers of to provide local service
Archie 1 Pledged fidelity Hollywood and trusted protection.
59 Third-place honor 2 Aristophanes play 60 Practice doing
61 Olympic honor standup
62 In readiness (meaning “The 63 Acts the villain
64 Point systems, in Seasons”) 66 Walls up
3 His horns are 67 Big Sur
math twisted movement
65 Eliot classic 4 Try-square shape 68 Runner’s shoe?
69 Composer 5 Foundation part 72 Space chimp
6 Sleeping car 73 Cartoonist
Khachaturian designer
70 Sea animals that 7 It’s often grasped
in charades
can eat while 8 Less lofty
floating on their 9 Japanese
backs immigrant
71 Start of a DDE 10 Of small
slogan biological
73 Witch-trial figure
77 Similar-sounding

The Telegraph 35I9WN9 IAnTSdDHiUaDnIERnREsiAvuBLerNrLEaDnSrC&ivcTeeEWEGaLArIsOtoLGuLC7pE7I2AAN.2ML3C1.S1Y313


64 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


No joy when mom-in-law treats our boy like a toy

BY CAROLYN HAX you need to be respectful both of your son
Washington Post and of her. Let’s say you witness an instance
of his looking uncomfortable as she’s showing
Dear Carolyn: him off to her friends. In that case, you need to
stand up for your son as you also acknowledge
My mother-in-law treats my son her needs: “I know how proud you are of your
grandson, but that’s enough for now – he’s un-
like a toy that (not who) is there to comfortable.”

amuse her on her terms and show It’s a formula you can apply widely here, to
enforce limits firmly while showing kindness
off to her friends. My husband and toward your mother-in-law. The primary goal,
after all, is not to vilify Grandma. Instead, it’s to
I are trying to raise our child to teach your son to find his limits and articulate
them for himself. Think of these as the inner
respect others and be attuned to others’ feelings, but workings of respect.

how do we do this when Grandma defies all of that, As your son matures, teach him ways to ap-
ply this formula himself. Do this both in the
especially with him? moment – “I know Grandma loves your voice,
Sonny, but you don’t have to sing ‘Heart and
Plus, what are the chances he’ll grow up to resent Soul’ for us if you don’t want to” – and in con-
versations with your son after any awkward en-
her, as she clearly disregards what he wants/needs for counters with your mother-in-law. “You looked
uncomfortable when Grandma asked you to
her own amusement? I had a relative treat me that sing for everyone. Did I read that correctly?” And if yes:
“I don’t think she understands how that puts you on
way when I was a child, and I still resent her even the spot.You can always say no to such a request, from
her or anyone else. We will back you up.” Then do.
though she’s dead.
Another crucial example of respect is to recognize
– Anonymous your son isn’t you. He might not react to his grand-
mother the way you did to your boundary-challenged
Dear ‘Anonymous’: relative. At all. He might bask in the attention, and/ your careful teaching, he might have the emotional in-
Any education includes examples of what to do, or see it as her way of showing love. Thanks in part to telligence to distinguish her expressions of pride from
and what not to. Just because Grandma is a persistent the boundary issues they’re wrapped in.
what-not-to doesn’t mean she will undermine the les-
sons you teach your son. Accordingly, the most respectful example you can
In fact, the very thing you’re concerned about – that set for your boy is to act on his feelings on this issue,
your son will resent being treated as a toy – might not yours. Summon the poise to let these two devel-
prove more enlightening to him than anything you op a relationship of their own. Coach and protect as
and your husband do. Knowing how disrespect feels needed, yes, but with the lightest touch that your duty
can give him the insight and motivation he needs to as a parent permits. 
be respectful of others.
An important piece of that will be the way you and
your husband handle Grandma’s behavior. To start,

Cost cuts fuel new
Medicare rules for
joint replacements

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 73

The 2017 Grammys: Best and Worst Dressed



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74 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Amalfi Grille: Delightful dining saves best for last

BY TINA RONDEAU Veal Pizzaiola.

From innovative appetizers to the Escargot. New York Prime tiers of orange cake layered with cara-
hands-down best desserts in Vero, no Strip Steak. mel, coconut and fudge cookie mouse,
restaurant does it better than the Amalfi my dish were fork-tender. As for my hus- with pieces of chocolate and bursts of
Grille. band’s steak, it was perfectly prepared Caramel mandarin orange, finished with a choc-
Pittsburgh style, and was accompanied Brownie Cake. olate glaze and shredded coconut. One
You know you are going to be in for by green beans and truffle mashed po- of Dan’s best creations yet.
a great culinary experience when you tatoes. An excellent steak. were anxious to see what Chef Dan, who
make a reservation at this white-table- invents the amazing pastries served at Dinner for two with a couple of glass-
cloth-yet-intimate Italian restaurant on Finally, it came time for dessert. We the Amalfi, was featuring this time. es of wine can run anywhere from $120
Miracle Mile. to $180 before tip. With a great bottle of
While it was simply called caramel wine, it can come to considerably more.
On our most recent visit two weeks brownie cake ($10.50), there was noth-
ago, proprietor Bob Rose ushered us to a ing simple about it. It consisted of three But the Amalfi Grille, currently open
comfortable booth along the west wall, seven nights a week, has put together
and veteran server Dana quickly took that winning combination of great food
our drink order. expertly prepared, fabulous service and
a proprietor who cares.
In addition to some very expensive
(and very good) bottles of wine, Amalfi When the evening starts great, and
has an excellent selection of modestly then just keeps getting better, it is diffi-
priced offerings. On this evening, we cult to wish for more.
decided to start with the Colin Barollet
chardonnay, an elegant little white Bur- I welcome your comments, and en-
gundy. courage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].
For appetizers, we decided to order
two to share. Needless to say, one had to The reviewer dines anonymously at
be our favorite, the calamaretti Amalfi restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
($14) – calamari very lightly fried with 32963. 
cannelloni beans and cherry peppers in
a lemon and white wine sauce. Amalfi Grille

For the second, Rose persuaded us to Hours: Dinner nightly from
try Amalfi’s escargot special ($14). Oh, 5 pm to closing
my! The snails, sautéed in white wine
and garlic, were served with braised Beverages: Beer and wine
buttered leeks in a flaky homemade puff
pastry. The dish was topped by a hol- Address:
landaise sauce, with a lemon white wine 398 21st Street, Vero Beach
sauce around that.
Phone: (772) 564-8218
If you are thinking that this might all
be too much – too many things going on
– you’d be wrong. It not only works, but is
sinfully delicious. French purists might
be pained to hear this, but my husband
said he would take the Amalfi’s version
over escargots in their classic form.

Next, we shared two salads – the
Amalfi’s pear, pecan and gorgonzola
salad ($12), and the evening’s special
spinach salad ($12). The pear salad here
is always excellent, but the spinach sal-
ad was its equal – fresh spinach served
with slices of baby Portobellos, gorgon-
zola cheese and toasted pine nuts with a
warm Applewood smoked bacon dress-

Then for entrées, I had the vitello
pizzaiola ($26), my husband had the
14-ounce prime New York strip steak
($45), and our companion had the ca-
vatelli Bolognese ($22).

Vitello pizzaiola and the cavatelli Bo-
lognese are both relatively simple Ital-
ian dishes, but made as they are at the
Amalfi from the freshest and finest in-
gredients, these dishes are consistently

The thin slices of veal scaloppini in

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 75


Like us, wine has the ability to age gracefully ... so let it

BY DAVE MCINTYRE ing crop yields and other techniques, sweet ones, and Sauternes age mag- These are usually “man on the street”
and in the winery by “cold soaking” the nificently over decades (again, if stored surveys showing that consumers on av-
The Washington Post grapes before ensuring a slow fermen- properly). White Bordeaux, typically erage prefer softer and fruitier over big
tation to extract as much color as pos- blends of sauvignon blanc and semil- and tannic. They conclude we’re being
After my recent column describ- sible. Other decisions, such as whether lon aged in barrel, will often age well ripped off by wineries and experts who
ing how vintage charts guide us in de- to ferment the grapes with or without for decades. flip for rare, expensive bottlings.
ciding when to pull those treasured the stems, affect the tannin level in the
collectible bottles from our cellars, a finished wine. Oak barrels add their For most wines, and most wine So why do wines taste different over
reader emailed with a straightforward own tannins as the wines age. drinkers, this question may be moot. time? The best will improve for many
request: Please explain why a 2-year- The vast majority of wine is consumed years, because they have the character-
old wine tastes different from the same Over time, the phenols in the wine within a few days of purchase. And it’s istics that help them mature. Cheaper
wine that’s 7 years old. evolve. They combine until they can no made for that: designed for everyday wines, designed for everyday drinking,
longer remain suspended in the solu- enjoyment rather than collecting or in- will fall apart if we keep them for even
As with many simple questions, there tion; then they fall out as sediment. The vestment. These wines may improve in a few years. If you really get bitten by
is no simple answer. Wine is alive. Its wine becomes lighter in color, from bottle for a few years, or they may fall the wine bug and find yourself amass-
ability to age is what sets it apart from purple to ruby, to garnet and finally apart and turn toward vinegar rather ing a collection (buying wine is almost
all other beverages. Beer goes stale over brown. As the tannins fade, the wine quickly. That’s why I’m suspicious of as fun as drinking it), you might want to
time. Soda goes flat. Liquor might not becomes less astringent and tastes studies claiming to prove that cheap invest in temperature-controlled stor-
spoil, but then again, it doesn’t trans- sweeter. wines are as good as expensive wines. age to protect your investment. 
Many more factors are involved, of 32960
Wine mimics our life cycle: It starts course. An age-worthy wine should be
young, then matures into a more com- low in pH (high acidity), secured from
plete and harmonious drink, maybe oxygen (good cork or other closures
even going through a brooding teenage are important) and, most of all, stored
phase before reaching its peak perfor- properly. That’s why you see wine bot-
mance level. Eventually, it begins to de- tles lying on their sides in racks; keep-
cline and, ultimately, dies. That is one ing the wine against the cork prevents
reason we romanticize wine, why it is the cork from drying out and letting air
expensive, exclusive and intimidating. into the bottle.

This is one of those times I wish I had Temperature is even more impor-
studied any of the many sciences that tant, because heat speeds the aging
winemakers employ on a daily basis; process. So collectors invest in special
in this case, chemistry. I’m not sure I wine refrigerators or expensive cooling
could provide a thorough explanation units designed to keep a wine cellar at
of the process even if I did fully under- about 57 degrees. Extended summer
stand it, and scientists acknowledge power outages are their nemesis.
the process isn’t entirely clear to us yet.
Certain grape varieties have higher
In an oversimplified nutshell: Red levels of phenols: Cabernet sauvignon,
wine grapes have substances called syrah and nebbiolo, for example, are
phenols, especially anthocyanins in considered to be especially age-worthy
and near the skin and tannins in the red wines.
skin, seeds and stems. Anthocyanins
give color, tannins add structure. For white wines, the key components
to allow extended aging are acidity and
Winemakers try to enhance these sugar. That’s why Rieslings, especially
phenols in the vineyard through reduc-

76 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 85


foyer, traditional railings and out-
door living areas with clean lines,
covered porches and windows that
go on for miles.

“We chose the site for the expansive
water views,” recalls Joe Foglia. “It’s a
big house, all concrete construction,
and concrete floor systems. What we
call ‘bulletproof.’ It’s super stout with
impact resistant glass and impact re-
sistant mahogany entry doors.”

Quality was Foglia’s first concern.
“Everything we did was top-of-the-
line: finishes, solid stone materials
and cabinetry. We went heavy on the
millwork with crown molding, door
casings, tall baseboards, even down
to the simulated exposed rafter tails.”

“I just love the classic, elegant, yet
simple lines of this beautiful home,”
says Dale Sorensen Real Estate bro-
ker-owner Matilde Sorensen, who is
offering the home for $4.1 million.

Stepping through the oversize ma-
hogany door one has the sense, al-
most, of stepping into the outdoors.
Walking through the light-filled liv-
ing room to the double French doors
with transoms that open onto the
lounging porch and summer kitchen,
there are wonderful views of the pool
and river.

“Perhaps the most wonderful fea-
ture of this home are the beautiful
views you have from the moment
you enter the front door and from
nearly every room throughout,” says
Sorensen. “This is perfect for anyone
that wants to enjoy a melding of in-
door and outdoor living.”

Macomber’s cites access to nature
via the balconies and verandahs flank-
ing both the front and rear of the house
a favorite feature. “My husband and I
absolutely love watching all the variet-
ies of sea life just outside our door. The
Intracoastal Waterway is brimming
with dolphins, turtles, manatees and
all sorts of birds. Being able to enjoy the
wildlife from the privacy of our pool
deck or our dock has been a wonderful
experience,” says Debbie.

As in most family-oriented homes,
the kitchen is at the heart of this house.
Guests and family can overflow into

86 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


the family room while home-cooked
meals are whipped up in the gourmet
kitchen. Two islands allow for plenty
of space to prep and the Sub-Zero
refrigerator, wine refrigerator, farm-
ers sink, warming drawer, Wolf range
with gas cooktop, stove pot filler fau-
cet and country sink make it easy for
any chef to prepare everything from
PBJ to a gourmet meal.

Also on the first floor are a guest
suite, formal dining, laundry and
media rooms. Each room is special in
its own way, with interesting archi-
tectural details such as variations on
coffered and tray ceilings with beams
and dark wood insets and a stone sur-
round fireplace in the living room.

Custom-built furniture by Maine
Yankee Woodworker Ralph Carter
adds to the ambiance, with nautical-
themed bunk beds, the decadent
game room bar and elegant china
cabinet in dining room.

You can choose the sweeping main
staircase or take a quick trip in the



Neighborhood: The Moorings
Year built: 2008

Joe Foglia Custom Homes
Lot size: 106 feet by 243 feet
Home size: 8,000 square feet

Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 8-full, 1-half
Additional features: security
patrol, security system and
cameras, central vacuum, wine
cellar, fireplace, beach access,
dock with two boat lifts, 4-car
air-conditioned garage, media
room, built-in bar, generator,
propane tank, wine cooler,
elevator, guest suite, gas-heated

pool and spa.
Listing agency: Dale Sorensen

Real Estate
Broker-owner: Matilde
Sorensen, 772-532-0010
Listing price: $4,100,000

88 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


elevator to go upstairs. To cut down bathroom that makes the room versa-
on unnecessary trips up and down, tile. It could be used as a craft room,
the top floor includes a second laun- den, sitting room or bedroom.
dry room.
The master suite is situated for
The second-story is a testament to maximum privacy and includes a sit-
luxury. Overlooking the foyer is the ting area, wet bar, his and her walk-in
game room with a custom-built bar, closets and bathrooms. Dive into the
including everything needed for play- claw-footed spa tub then wrap up in
ing a game of pool or watching sports a towel from the warming rack be-
on TV. With a KitchenAid refrigerator, fore sitting down at the dressing table
icemaker, dishwasher, sink and built- in her bathroom. A bidet and glass,
in tap, everything needed for snacks walk-in shower with rain shower
and drinks is at your fingertips head finish off the bathing suite fit for
a queen.
If you’re looking for a quiet place
to hide away, there is a knitting room An additional guest suite with wet
with a custom closet and private

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90 Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New Listing

SEAGROVE WEST | 220 OSPREY COURT bar, bathroom and private entrance community, The Moorings Yacht &
4 Bedroom | 5.5 Bath | 4,700+/- SF can be used for visitors, as a mother- Country Club offers all the ameni-
in-law suite or for live-in help, and ties residents need to enjoy an ac-
Beautiful river views from almost every room in this impeccably the air-conditioned four-bay garage tive yet tranquil lifestyle. Club ame-
cared for property. Florida living at its finest with 2-story living includes two auto lifts making room nities include Pete Dye’s signature
room, formal dining room, first floor master, gourmet kitchen with for additional cars. golf course, Jim Fazio’s Hawk’s Nest
breakfast nook, large family room with bar, office, library, pool, hot championship course, tennis and
tub, summer kitchen, 3-car garage and dock with lift. $1,725,000 Down at the water is a dock with croquet courts, a fitness center, pool,
two boat lifts that provides easy ac- spa, yacht club and fine and casual
JOHN’S ISLAND cess to the lagoon and Intracoastal dining.
Enjoy sweeping double fairway and lake For those times when you choose to
views of the South Course from this “We really enjoy the community leave the beauty and serenity of The
recently renovated two bedroom, two bath here. The Moorings and Vero Beach’s Moorings, it’s just a short drive to Ve-
golf cottage. Light bright interiors, with barrier island are filled with amaz- ro’s seaside village for shopping and
1,800+/- SF of living space, trayed ceiling ing people, and we’ve been blessed dining, with the Riverside Theatre
living room, dining room, new kitchen, to form friendships that we will enjoy and Vero Museum of Art nearby to of-
enclosed lanai with series of sliding glass for the rest of our lives,” says Debbie. fer world class cultural outings. 
doors, private patio, and a convenient location
to south gate and Club amenities. $749,000 Originally designed as a boating

Contact Meg Norris at (772) 539-1556
or [email protected]

Village Shops • 6160 Hwy A1A
Vero Beach, FL 32963

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 16, 2017 91


Your condo probably has a rule against renting on Airbnb

BY BENNY L. KASS and ‘checkout’ times, ‘cancellation
Washington Post policies,’ ‘security deposits,’ ‘clean-
ing fees,’ instructions on what to do
Increasingly, when people travel, with dirty towels/sheets and it does
they sign up for lodging with Airbnb, not operate on a credit card pay-
and increasing numbers of home- ment.”
owners are offering their homes
or rooms in their homes for rent Although this is a Canadian deci-
through the popular online broker- sion, I suspect that U.S. judges will
age. pick up on the quoted language as
more and more lawsuits involving
If you own a condo, though, be sure Airbnb are brought. 
to check your association bylaws and
rules before signing up to take rent- unit. What can the association do? If
ers. Condo owners must honor and a unit owner is violating the commu-
abide by the bylaws of their associa- nity rules, it can fine the owner. Some
tion and typical language in bylaws associations have implemented rules
reads that no unit shall be rented that require the owner to turn over all
for less than six or 12 months, and of the Airbnb rent received to the as-
“under no circumstances can a unit sociation.
owner permit unit to be used for a ho-
tel or transient purposes.” It must be noted that before a unit
can be fined, the board must hold an
Why is this language found in informal hearing, during which the
condo legal documents all over the unit owner can present a case and try
United States? There are two basic to get the fine abated or reduced.
reasons. First, the Federal Housing
Administration – the predominant If a fine is imposed and not paid
mortgage lender in this country – within a reasonable time, the board
imposes restrictions on the number can file suit against the owner or in
of renters that a condominium can some cases can foreclose on the unit
have. Currently, there can be no more because of the unpaid fine.
than 50 percent of tenants in any one
complex, although based on recent We are a litigious society, and law-
legislation, that number can go down suits involving condo law are no ex-
to 35 percent if the association meets ception. Recently, a case, known in
certain guidelines. Canada as the Airbnb decision, was
handed down from the Ontario Su-
Right or wrong, FHA’s policies in- perior Court of Justice. The court
dicate that it does not believe tenants ruled that an Airbnb short-term lease
are good for condominiums. violated the condo documents, which
restricted the use of units to that of a
A second reason: If you live in a single-family dwelling.
large building in an urban area, you
want to make sure your building is The court’s language is instruc-
safe and secure. If people such as tive: “Single family use cannot be in-
Airbnb customers come and go at terpreted to include one’s operation
will, and if keys are widely distribut- of a hotel-like business with units
ed, there can be problems. being offered to complete strangers
on the Internet on a repeated ba-
Accordingly, many condo boards sis for durations as short as a single
are taking strong steps to ensure that night. Single family use is incompat-
owners will not be renting out their ible with the concepts of ‘check in’

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